The East Carolinian, September 11, 1990

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&Ut iEaat Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No.44
Tuesday,September 11 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Two students to fight noise violation fines in court
By Tim Hampton
News Fditor
Two R L students came taco
to face with Greenville's noise or-
dinance earl) Sunday morning.
Christine Dowd and Robin
Andrews, residents o? 401 South
jarvisSt were given two citations
bv Greenville police officers tor
exceeding noise limits following a
partv at their apartment
The two citations brought the
total number to tv e ordinance fines
issued last weekend. Lastyear.the
police issued a total of eight cita-
Powd and Andrews feel the
noise level readings wore con-
ducted unfairly and inaccurately
and plan to protest the action
We are not going to stand tor
it, and we are taking it to court
Dowd said.
When officers first arrived to
the apartment on the corner ot
Fourth Street and larvis Street, the
"latenight" party amounted to ap-
proximately Ml people. According
to 1 Vw d, the polke issued the first
$50 citation at 2:35 am for regis-
tering 75.8 decibels on the motor
What really sucks is they
didn't give us a warning none
what so over Dowd said
While the police are not obli-
gated to give tenants or home
owners warning of noiso viola-
tions, two city officials said such
warnings are a goxi idea
"The police are not required
to (warn), but giving a warning is
good practice Whon situations
arise in which information can't be
relayed, then the officers proceed
with the readings GreenvilleCity
Attorney Mac McC arlcv said.
"We trv to solicit the coopera-
tion in hopes of getting voluntary
compliance with the law Police
Chief Jerome Tesmond said
After the first citation, the
police allegedly gave Dowd and
Andrews one hour to disperse the
crowd, according to Andrews At
3:1 h a m 41 minutes following the
first ticket, the roommates were
given another $50 violation. The
reading was 71.1 decibels
"The second time, the officer
with the meter kept moving closer
and closer to our house. There was
a crowd ot people walking down
the street yelling and cars were
driving by Andrews said, add-
ing, "so the reading couldn't have
been right
Dowd said that the remaining
people on the house's porch, which
then numbered around 20, re-
mained silent while the second
meter reading was administered.
The people unrelated to the party
created the noise, she said.
The ordinance guidelines call
for officers to stand on the edge of
the property line when gauging
noise levels. Dowd and Andrews
said that in both readings the po-
licemen stood on the sidewalk,
within the property's parameters,
according to the roommates.
Tesmond said he would not
comment on the incident any fur-
The courts will ha ve to handle
it from here Tesmond said.
The two citations added to
three issued on Saturday morning
gave the total o? five during last
weekend. Fach citation carries a
$50 fine.
On Saturday, Beta Theta Pi, on
See Noise, page 3
A noise calibrator used by Greenville police
Crlrslc Hoff mjn - Photo Ijb
All 50 ECU nursing grads pass test
Rob Norman Th?- Il I imlinun
Is this your day?
A sign-totmg Bible-carrying man preached to students in front ot theStudent Store last week before
ECU Public Safety officers escorted the man oft campus
Career Planning and Placement
starts 1990 registration drive
By Amy Edwards
Staff Writer
All 50 ECU nursing graduates
of who took the National I.icen-
sure Examination in July achieved
passing scores, said Dr. Phyllis N.
Horns, dean of the ECU School of
Official results reported by the
North Carolina Board of Nursing
to ECU nursing officials showed
that 11)0 percent of the graduates
ot ECU taking the National Coun-
cil Licensure Examinations- Reg-
istered Nurses (NCLEX-R.N)
In addition, all five of the
graduates who took the exam out
ot state passed, said associate
professor Lona Ratcliffe. Regis-
tered nurse applicants who took
the exam outside of the state either
work in another state or are in the
armed forces, she said. 'The same
exam is given to all RN applicants
in the country said Ratcliffe.
'There is usually no problem in
attaining a nursing license state-
"We at the School of Nursing
are extremely pleased about the
continued high pass rates ot our
graduates said Horns hoattrib-
uted the high passing rates to the
quality staff, faculty and students
at ECU. She added that the pro-
gramof study offered by the School
could also bo attributed
Ratcliffe agreed I am real
proud as a faculty member and as
an alumni ot the School ot Nurs-
ing. This speaks highly ot the ef-
forts the students put in to prepare
for the exam "
Jo become a registered nurse
in North Carolina, nursinc stu-
dents must pass the N( I EX-RN
The licensure exam consists ot a
batterv ot tour separate test which
measure fundamental and requi-
site skills tor the beginning nury
In the University of North
Carolina Svstem. which includes
ECU, 265 of 278 graduates who
took the exam in lulv passed tor a
95 percent pass rate.
The state nursing hoard re-
quires a passing rate of 75 percent
b nursing graduates who take
the exam for the first time The
board issues licenses to those who
pass, reports the national exam
scores and monitors the state's
nursing programs.
Nursing grad" ito-m the state
who do not score at least 75 per-
cent must retake and passtherxam
within three years of graduation.
After the three-year period, thev
must enroll in a board -approved
nursinc program before taking
subsequent exams Until a gradu-
ate pass he or she can perform
limited nursinc duties and will
receive a reduced salary
While awaiting the results of
the exam, IN applicants perform
under the direction of a preceptor,
said Ratcliffe. "The RN applicant
werks one on one with a reis-
terexi nurse who serves as a pre-
ceptor and helps the RN applicant
in various ways For example, a
preceptor must he present when a
RN applicant gives patients medi-
l nce grads pass the examina-
tion, licenses are lvsued, full duties
a? restored and the salary in-
crease's. Licenses must then be
renewed every two years.
Other schools in the UNC
system that scored a 100 percent
rating include North Carolina A &
See Nursing, page 3
From Staff Report
"The time is now for seriors
and graduate students to regis-
ter said lim Westmoreland, as-
sistant director of EClareer
Planning and Placement Center.
As graduation approaches,
seniors. The Career Thinning and
Placement Service is designed to
aid students in the pnxess of lo-
cating )obs. In order to acquaint
students with an improved job
market, the center conducted a
mooting for students last Friday
and will hold another Wednesday
at 3 p m.
"The most frustrating part ot
looking for a job is putting it off
said Furnev lames, director ot the
office "The sooner you get started,
the better off you'll be added
Assistant Director lim Westmore-
Westmoreland said anyone
graduatmgn December or during
the summer of 1991 is encouraged
to come bvtheoftice in the Bloxton
House and pick up a registration
The packet consists of instruc-
tions, basic data cards listing job
and location preferences, three
reference formsand a resume. With
the information on tile, when a call
comes in from a company, a deci-
sion can be made about which
resumes to send.
Registered students will also
receive a )ob guide listing )obs that
can be written for directly, and a
listing of companies conducting
interviews on campus
"Wearea service Westmore-
land sud "We exist 'or those who
wish'take ad vantage of the serv-
"We are also a service to fac-
ulty who rn.iv put references on
He added that the center re-
ceives calls on a daily basis from
companies needing people, if
people don't ever register, then
we can't help them Westmore-
land said.
Three "resource rooms" are
Peers work to improve health
By Sarah Martin
Staff Writer
Resume workshops will be
held on Sept. 12 and 19 at 4 p.m.
in the Bloxton House.
Interview technique work-
shops will be held on Thursday
at 4 p.m. and also on Sept. 17
located in the Bloxton House. In-
formation about companies is
available tii give students a chance
to learn more about the companies
before their interviews. Resume
preparation information and a film
on interviewing skills are also
Companies are contacted by
mail, though many contacts are
See Jobs, page 6
Students helping students.
This is the main objective for the
Teer Health Educators for ECU.
Peer Health tciucators are
made up of thirteen students and
an advisor. They work towards
"improving health, well-beingand
the quality of life for fellow stu-
dents in order to aid in pursuing
academic, career and personal
"We function mainly as a 'iai-
son between the Student Health
Center and the student body to
make students moreawareof their
health in a non-threatening, infor-
mal atmosphere said Peggy Cara-
wan, a Teer Health Educator. "The
one-on-one atmosphere is more
comfortable for students to come
to us
Originated in Fall 1989, the
Teer Health Fducators were re-
centlv recognized by the SG A as a
formal student organization.
Their goal last year was to help
students get better before thev got
sick. The tocus this semester will
be mainly on theconcemsoi AIDS,
STD'sand safer sex
The Teer Health Educators
present programs to students in
dorms and other settings on sexu-
ality, self responsibility, AIDS
education, safe sex, safe sunning
and Women's and Men's Health
The Teer Health Educators
meet weekly for two hours to
decide on programs. They are
trained through theStudent r lealth
Service Health Education Depart-
ment in eight hour training ses-
"A commitment to a wellness
lifestyle, agree to a confidentiality
contract, willing to work towards
a positive image ot the Student
Health Service the ability to work
independently and creatively and
exhibit self-confidence and matur-
ity is the Peer statement.
Snidents from any major are
encouraged to apply for next
semester. The class is also offered
tor 3 hours credit through the
Department of Health Promotion
as an Independent Study course.
Nigeria approaches second attempt at democracy
- . , , , .l: :n?i , r ?'ui?.ui?. fKaf NJicrrij and Africa both ai
By Matt King
Future Fditor
Dr. Erne Awa delivered what
he called an "after dinner speech"
on the state of democracy, past,
present and future in the African
country of Nigeria last Wednes-
day night.
Over the last three decades
Nigeria has experimented with
many forms of government The
people of Nigeria have chosen
some forms of government, while
other forms ha ve been forced upon
"The government of Nigeria
has quite a checkered past said
Dr Festus Enbo, journalism pro-
fessor at ECU.
Until 19r0 Nigeria was a Brit-
ish colony; in that year Nigeria
claimed its independence in a
bloodless revolution.
In 13 Nigeria returned to
the U.K. tvpe oi government and
adopted a government much like
that in Canada. The government
is ruk bv a prime minister and
Countries like Nigeria are
calleu republics and are tied to
Great Britain by an economic
umbilical cord. What happens in
that tvpe of situation is, the mother
country (Great Britain) is allowed
to profit from the natural resources
of its republic.
In 1979 the people of Nigeria
experimented with a presidential
form ot democracy, this is called a
party system. In the United States
we have two parties; Nigeria had
This new democratic govern-
ment lasted for four years. In 1983
there was a coup in Nigeria, and a
military government seized
Before the wake of the coup
could dissipate there was a
counter-coup in 1985. That gov-
ernment still holds power today
under GeneralPresident Babag-
In 1992 General Babagmda has
promised to turn the government
back over to the people. It is to be
a democracy of two parties, two
parties that are being formed now.
Dr. A was speech la st Wednes-
day pointed out some of Nigeria's
problems in their first bout with
democracy and offered his views
on the future of democracy in
With respect to the multi-party
system Dr. Awa did not disagree
with it in principle. The multi-
party system in Nigeria in the late
'70s was not structured enough to
be practical.
There were five political par-
ties that were loyal to many things:
religion, communal values, family
values or any combination of the
three. To get a majority to agree on
any thing was near impossible said
Outsiders have got to realize
that Nigeria and Africa both are
emerging from a state of commu-
nal existence into a national con-
sciousness, he said.
"Nigerians want democracy,
that we know, it is just not certain
what form democracy will take in
Nigeria said Awa.
Awa said that many outsiders
influenced our first attempt at
democracy. That is one reason
why it failed.
"No one else's demoo-acy will
work for Nigeria; wemustdevclop
our own said Awa.
Awa made two guidelines that
any democratic government
should always follow in regard to
its people. No one should live in
See Nigeria, page 3
ECU Nursing School
commended for 100
percent passing rate on
graduate certification.
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation 7
Arabs promise ram-
pant kidnapping, terror-
ism if U.S. humiliates
New children's thea-
ter program to benefit
the Emerald City.
A look at last
weekend's game with
Florida State.

5h,c ?m$t (Earoltntan September 11,1990
ECU Briefs
Bulter to direct ECU Diabetes Center
Dr. Peter C. Butler has been named clinical director of the adult
care and outreach program of the Diabetes Center at the ECU School
of Medicine.
The program provides extensive primary and follow-up care for
diabetics using the skills of physicians, nurses and nutritionists. Be-
sides treatment, adult diabetic patients receive individual instruction
in self care for control of the disease.
The outreach element of the program includes continuing educa-
tion in diabetes for a variety of health care professionals in addition to
community education programs for diabetics and persons interested
in knowing more about the disease.
Before his FCC appointment, Butler was a fellow at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minn where he conducted extensive research on
Type II diabetes. His studies were supported bv the National Insti-
tutes ot I lealth.
Hallock appointed to seat on ACCME
Dr. lames A Hallock, dean of the ECU School of Medicine, has
been appointed to a seat on the Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education (ACCME) for a three-year term beginning in
The appointment was made by Dr. Robert G. Petersdorf, presi
dent of the Association of American Medical Colleges, one of seven
member organi7.1hons comprising ACCME.
ACCME is responsible for the review and accreditation ot con
tinning medical education programs at 480 U.S. health careorgania
lions, including medical schools, teaching hospitals and medical
specialty organizations.
rtltcn Imm statt rvport
Campus Clips
Ministers try new approach to learning
A coalition of Baptist ministers in Illinois is organizing volunteer
tutors in 12 communities to work with black youth in an effort to
combat declining academic achievement
University of Illinois professor Frederick A. Rodgcrs, who serves
as technical adviser to the Central Illinois Coalition for the Academic
Development of Black Youth, says parents, professionals and other
students will work with the youngsters to "expand their intellectual
foundation and develop positive attitudes toward learning
1 Tie group's goal is to promote basic educational skills required
tor post-high school jobs and training, and higher education It sue
cessful, organizers hope to implement the program in communities
and universities around the country.
SAT scores drop for third straight year
More than one million college-bound high school seniors took
the Scholastic Achievement Test last year and the results indicate more
bad news for education.
The College Board reported that SAT scores sank for the third
consecutive year, and verbal averages dropped to their lowest levels
in a decade.
Other findings include:
The higher a student's family income, the higher the average
Women's math scores rose a point to their highest average in
lb years: 455.
American Indians scored the best year-to-year gains of any
ethnic group: a -i-point gain in verbal averages to 388, and a 9-point rise
in math to 437
? Verbal scores among black students rose by one point.
? Math averages among black students fell one point.
Copyright !??, USA TODAYApplc College Information Network
Crime Scene
Officer investigates tip of male
subject in girls' showers in Jarvis
September 7
2104 An officer stopped a vehicle for running a stop sign.
Verbal warning given to staff member.
222s) An officer responded to medical emergency at Tyler
Residence Hall Female transported to Pitt Memorial County Hos-
pital emergency room bv ambulance.
September 8
OOlrv An officer stopped a vehicle after chase east of Jones
Residence Hall. Female student arrested for DVV1.
0111 -An officer responded to assault at Culture Center. Sub-
jects threw bottles at victim, slicing his bicycle tires.
0252 An officer responded to medical emergency in White
Residence Hall Female student refused transport by ambulance.
0319 Officers checked out suspicious subjects north of the
International House. Same were arrested for assault.
0418?An officer observed public display of affection at
Brewster Building One student and one non-student were asked to
move along.
1313 An officer investigated an anonymous tip about a male
in the female showers at Jarvis Residence Hall Report was un-
2004 -An officer investigated a larceny complaint at Greene
Residence Hall.
2150 An officer stopped a vehicle at 10th Street and College
Hill Drive. Student was issued a campus citation for careless and
reckless driving and exceeding a safe speed.
2328?Officers stopped a vehicle south of Memorial Gym and
issued verbal warning to student for improper equipment, stop
sign violation and littering. Litter picked up bv the accused.
September 9
0021 -An officer stopped a vehicle west of Mingcs Coliseum
and issued verbal warning to student for public urination.
0129 An officer issued a campus citation to student for public
urination north of Jenkins Building.
0154?Officers stopped a vehicle at 10th Street and Rock-
spnngs Road and arrested student for DWI.
September 10
0235 Officers responded to complaint of subjects on the roof
at Jones Residence Hall. Same gone upon arrival.
0239?An officer responded to report of unconscious female at
Tyler Residence Hall. Same was intoxicated and conscious upon
arrival. Handled by dorm staff.
0259 ?An officer responded to complaint of sexual assault at
Greene Residence Hall which occurred on Sept. 8.
Crim Sce? is Ukcn from official ECU Public Sfe?y loj(?.
Heroes Are Here Too
Welcome all student and faculty
to a store wide sale
Show your BCD Student ID and receive a 10
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offer (iood until Septemher 22, 1990
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116E 5thStreet jv
Across from Hie Sports Pad
Millard Fuller, founder ol Habitat for Humanity, works on affordable
housing tor poor people
Humanitarians to speak
about housing, poverty
ECU News Bureau
The founders ot habitat for
Humanity International, Millard
and Linda Fuller, will give a pub-
lic presentation Oct. 15 at ECU
about their work in helping to
build homes for the needy.
"Habitat for I lumanitv'sPlan
to Shelter the World" will be the
topic of the Fullers' feature pres-
entation at 7 p.m. in Hendnx
rheatre of Mendenhall Student
("enter The program is fee and
open u the public.
I labital tor I lumanity is a
worldwide organization combin-
ing the resources ot individuals,
industries, churches and govern-
ments to solve problems of hous-
ing and poverty.
The Fullers founded the or-
ganization in 1976 after working
for three years in Africa on a proj-
ect to test the idea of building
houses on a non-profit, non-inter-
est basis, and making the homes
affordable to poor people. The
Atnca proiect. sponsored by a
Christian-based group (Koinonia
Partners) in Amencus, Ga and
bv theChristianChurch (Disciples
of Christ), convinced the couple
that the concept ot non-profit
home building would work all
over the world.
Since its inception Habitat for
Humanity has organized build-
ing projects in many parts of the
United States and in other coun-
tries. In the last decade its house
building efforts have expanded
through the formation of local
chapters and from the support
given by organizations and inter-
national leaders. Former President
limmv Carter is among Habitat
for Humanity's most ardent sup-
A native of Alabama, Fuller is
a 157 graduate of Auburn Uni-
versity and a I960 law school
graduate of the University of
Alabama. Following law school,
he and a college friend became
partners in a law firm and joined
to form their own business?a
marketing agency.
By the time he was 29 years
old the business had made Fuller
a millionaire. But he said his
"health, integrity and marriage
suffered After much "soul
searching Fuller gave up his
business as he searched for a new
focus for his life.
The family moved to Georgia
to work with Koinonia Partners, a
Christian community, and in 1973,
Fuller, his wife and their four chil-
dren moved to Africa and three
years later formed habitat for
Humanity as an independent
I agency. The couple have devoted
their energies to expanding the
Fuller says Habitat's economic
philosophy is Biblically based
upon what he calls the "economic
of Jesus The non-profit compo-
nents of the program come from a
passage of scripture which says
someone lending money should
not act as a creditor and charge
"1 see life as both a gift and a
responsibility'Fullcr says, (the
responsibility is to use what God
has given you to help his people
Former President Jimmy Car-
ter, an active earpei.icr and Habi-
tat supporter, believes that Fuller
is using his gifts and acting in
Carter conducts the annual
limmy Carter Work Project for
Habitat. This year the project was
done in Mexico.
Fuller is the author of four
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5tic gnat (?noixmnSEmBEBjiJ990 3
Continued from page 1
poverty and no one should bo
morally disregarded.
The new democracy of Nige-
ria met many problems, poverty,
corruption ot its leaders and debts
in the billions. These conditions
east a shadow of doubt on the
leaders of the country
Thecountries that loaned large
sums of money to the Nigerian
government were the same coun-
tries that pushed it into a state of
political disorder. Awa claimed
that this was not fair nor wise
because it the government col-
lapsed the creditors would not be
able to collect on their outstanding
Continued from page 1
1' in (.reensboro (7 taking) and
UNC-Wilmington (21 taking).
Schools that did not achieve
perfect scores included UNC-
Chapel Hill, 98 percent; Western
Carolina University, 93 percent;
I fNC-Charlotte, 94 percent; I NC-
Greensboro, 93 percent; North
Carolina Central University, 83
percent and Winston-Salem State,
B5 percent.
Inaddition to the high achieve-
ment rates in the NCLEX-RN, our
nursing administration and fac-
ulty are excited about the increased
enrollment in both the under-
graduate and graduate programs
: lorns said.
Undergraduate nursing ad-
missions were up approximately
52 percent over 1989 figures, ac-
. ording to the school's tall admis-
sion statistics. Graduate enroll-
ment was reported to bo the high-
est in six years. In addition, both
full- and part-time enrollment in
the graduate program rose,accord-
ing to Pr Ihierese 1 awler, associ-
ate dean for academic services and
director it graduate studies in the
EC I nursing sehool.
Horns said she felt that the
increased enrollment figures can
be attributed to a trend toward
r? ognition of the nursing profes-
sion as ,i career ol opportunities,
per; - itisfaction and chal-
All of the UNC systems nine
nursmg programs are expected to
achieve a g0 percent passing rate
on the licensing exam Also, pro-
crams that do not sustain annual
passing rates ot 85 percent tor two
onsecutive vears will be reviewed.
Ot the nine schools, North Caro-
lina Central has received the most
criticism in recent years
The EC LU program is well
ahead in achieving the hoard's
goals, according to Horns. In the
past two time EC L grads took the
exam, high stores were also re-
ported Mulv 1989,95 ; percent and
1 ebruary 1UQC 100 percent
Nursing graduates ot bacca-
laureate, associate and hospital
diploma-based programs take the
same licensure examination tor
registered nurse status.
The new government that is
planned for lW2isgoing to have a
two partv system because
Nigeria's present government is
pouring money into developing
the parties.
"This situation is not good
either, because anytime money is
provided by one source to fund
another, the providing source
expects to exercise1 some influence
over the recipient said Awa.
It the present government pays
tor the two infant political parties
than it will surelv expect to guide
"It is possible that we could
have a one partv democracy, but
that too has problems that must be
met saiel Awa, The leader ot a
one-partv system sometimes turns
out to be a dictator
"We are sure that we work a
democratic government. We are
also sure that we cannot be pushed
into anv other government's type
oi democracy said Awa "We
must develop a democracy of our
RK YC 1 1
5 fl!
I ! !

1 !
??"? T? ? ?
gods of the new flge
We Invite you to attend our on going seriesof slide
audio presentations examining the scope and Intent
of the new age movement and rt s proponents.
Apostolic Campus Ministry
Tues. Sept. 11 7:00 pm
Weds. Sept. 12 7:00 pm
Mendenhall Room 248
'Dcut.6:4 Luki 24:47 John 3:5 Acts 2:38
Continued from page 1
501 Fast 11th St was issued cita-
tions tor exceeding the limits and
producing amplified sound out-
side the premises of the dwelling
Also Sigma 1'hi Fpsilon. at the
corner of 1 itth Street and Summit
Street, was ticketed for exceeding
the noise regulations Beta was
tmed $100 and plans to appeal the
citations while Sigma Phi was fined
Currently, the Noise Ordi-
nance Review Committee is
searching for new avenues to help
what is perceived as a growing
noise problem. Last Thursday, the
committee heard a proposal set
forth bv McCarley to hold land-
lords accountable for noise viola-
tionsoccurnngon rental property.
The committee will meet again
on Sept 27 at 5:30 p.m. on the first
floor conference room crfCity Hall.
ECU'S representatives on the
committee are: Dr. Larry T. Smith,
assistant vice chancellor and di-
rector of minontv student affairs,
s(,A 'resident Allen Thomas,
former SCA President Tripp
Roakes and Pr, Ronald Speier,
dean of students
Register to
vote today
Several vears ago Susan Johnson wandered into the Recreational Services office looking
for a job. During her tenure at ECU, the 2b year old Senior from Jacksonville has assumed
a wide variety of roles w ithin the Department. Susan, a double major in Physical Education
and Driver Education, has officiated Softball (2 years), volleyball (6 years) and water polo,
worked as an Intramural Sports Site Manager. Facility Supervisor and 1 .ifeguard. In addition.
she has served on the Advisory Council for three years, including a term as the President, and
has been an Intramural Representative for Tyler Hall.
While Susan has worked in many positions with Recreational Services she has also been an
active participant in Softball, basketball, flag football, volleyball and racquetball. As the
Recreational Services student employee historian. Susan's appreciation for the benefits of RS
programs is firmly established through her long time association. Noted Johnson, "It's a good
opportunity for students to grow within the university, braden their like sports, it teaches you
alot about things other than playing. Intramurals gives you that chance to play. You don't have
to be real skillful Johnson also offers some sage advice for new students: "As an incoming
freshman, intramurals is a good opportunity to get to know the university and meet other
(ECU Club Sports)
The women's soccerclub isholdinc their firstori:ani.alional meeting
on September 5 at 4:00 prn in the general classroom building 1001
Everyone interested in women's soccer is invited 10 attend. The club
is open regardless of skill level, as long as the intent to learn and will to
work is there. The club is antieipaung a practice schedule to include two
or three nights a week from 5:00 pm through 7:00 pm culminating in a 6
game fall season schedule of games.
The Tac Kwon Do Karate Club will hold a feaiunng master Byung
lee from the Hast Carolina Schml of Tae Kwon Do on Wednesday
September 14 at 4:(X)pm in room 112ofChnstenbury Memorial (jvmna-
Other club sports at ECU include rowing, dans, fencing, GojuShonn
Karate, Kaaking, lacrosse.nigby, stxcer. underwater hoeey,waterskiing.
and women's frishce. For more information call 757-6387 or stop by 204
Chnstenburv Gvm.
Rag Football whistle looters have been spending most of the
week training in flag throwing, mechanics, rules and procedures.
An estimated corps of 40 officials are preparing for opening day,
Tuesday, September 11th. Leading the veteran officials will be
CtAl returnees Craig Nestor. Al lee. Kris Waters, Nathan Allen.
U Haywtxxl Dillahunt. Brian IVdd. John Mitchell. Monty Rish.
Locke Monroe, Chris Brame, Mike Noel and Chuck Knowles. A
number of promising rookies are also expected to join these
veterans. Hag Football officials from Hast Carolina I niversitv have been m iteU. once again, to
work the prestigious Georgia Collegiate blag Football Championships and also the National
Invitational Rag Football Championships in New Orleans during Sugar Howl week.
(tfficials will also be used for the 2nd Sand Smash Beach Volleyball Tournament to be held
on September 10. 11 and 12. Leading the officials for this tournament will be volleyball guru
Susan Johnson. Kris Waters and John Mitchell. Should anyone be interested in becoming
involved with the officiating program at East Carolina University, Mease contact David Cask ins
or Jennifer Chapman in 104-A Chnstenburv Gym or call 757-6387
For individuals looking lor a little "w ild life" on the weekend, or want
lo start a new outdoor activity, a full calendar of workshops and trips have
been orcamed through the Outdixr Recreation Program.
Those w ho want to get aw ay tor the weekend or an afternoon adventure
but don't have the equipment to do so are in luck. The R.O.C. has rental
items such as canoes, windsurters, tents backpacks.sleeping bags, stoves,
water jugs, cook kits, arid more, fees uc nominal so won't caube the
p?s.ketrMok anv strain. A complete equipment rental lee and policies list
may be picked up during ROC operational hours or al 204 Chrisienbury
Call the Rec Rap
Hotline at
757-6562 for
Information and
rogram updates
Top Picks
Volley Punks
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Silent Attack
Alpha Sigma Phi
Silent Attack I
Chi Omega A
co REC
Silent Attack I
& Queen of the
Hill Champs
Belk Residence
King of the Hill
Residence Hall
Christenburs Gvm Swimming Pool
Mon. Fn 00am 8:OOam
Mon Thurs3:00pm 8 00pm
Saturday 11:00am-5:00pm
Minges Coliseum Swimming Pool
Sunday1:00pm -5:00pm
Garreu Weight Room
Mon. Thurs2:00pm 8:00pm
Sunday1:00pm 5:0pm
Equipment Check Out
(115 Chnstenburv Gym)
Mon Thursl6:00am 9.00pm
Friday10:00am 7:00pm
Sunday1:00pm 5:00pm
Chnstenbury Gym Weight Room
Mon. Thurs10:00am 9:00pm
Friday10:00am 7:00pm
Saturday1 l:00am-5:00pm
Sunday1:00pm -5:00pm
Minges Coliseum Weight Room
Mon. Thurs2:00pm 8:00pm
Chnstenburv Gymnasium
MonTWed.Fn12 noon-1:00pm
Saturday11:00am 5 00pm
Sundav1:00pm -5:00pm
Top Picks
Sig Ep A
Brothers Gonna Work It
Mutant Surf Docs-
Lambda Chi
Alpha Delta Pi
Belk Babes
Slowly Up The Hill
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Hammer Time

?lie fEast (Earaltntan
JOSEPH L. JENKINS Jr General Manager
MlCHAH G. MARTIN, Managing Editor
Tim I Iampton, New Editor
MicHAEi Albuquerque, Asst News Editor
PaU! a GlGEE, State and Nation Editor
Matt K:n Features Editor
DEANN Ni VGI iM, Asst. Features ditot
Douc Morris, iprfs Editor
F.ARLE M. McAlH.EY, Asst. Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Special Sections Editor
I j Ci air Harper, Copy Editor
An Edwards, Copy Editor
Ml HAEl Lang, Editorial Production Manager Tb Barbour, Crrctftehbn Manager
Jeff Parker, Sfaj( illustrator Stuart Rosnlk, Systems Manager
Chris Norman, DurJfcnwm rarhntcian PlfONC Luong, Business Manager
M K( .if O'Si IEA, Classified Ads Technician DEBORAl I DANIELS, Secretary
I he East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1425. emphasimg infix nation that directly
affects ECU students During the ECU school year, rheEastCarottManpufjUishestwiee week with a circulation of 12.000
The East Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis ot age, sex,
I reed or national origin. Die masthead editorial in each edition chx-s not necessarily represent the views of one individual,
but. rather, is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view.
1 etters should he limited lo 250 words or less For purposes of decency and brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right
to edit letters tor publication Letters should he addressed to Vhe Editor, the East i aroliman, Publications Bldg ECL,
Greenville, N.C . 27834; or call iN) 757 Mon
Page4, Tuesday, September 10, 1990
School of Nursing shines again
The ECU School oi Nursing has mice
again recorded some significant numbers on
graduates passing tne National I.icensure
Examinations-Registered Nurses (NCI EX-
KN) For the second time this year, lOOpercenl
of the ECU graduates have passed the exam.
Not only does this statistic pane that
the School of Nursing at ECU is one of the lop
programs in the state, but it gives a tremen-
dous amount tit credit to the professors in the
ECU was one of three schools that had
100 percent of the graduates passing theexam.
The University of North Carolina at
Wilmington and N.C. Agriculture & Technol-
ogy State I Jniversity were the only other state
supported institutions that received the 100
percent mark (UNC-W had 21, while N.C.
Ihese figures have also been beneficial
to the school's increasing number of SiuCentS.
Recent figures showed that the undergradu-
ate nursing program is up 32 percent com pa red
to the fall of NS Therateforgraduateshidents
has also increased, thus signifying a level of
excellence in the UNC Svstem.
Many other programs on the ECU
campus are also receiving state and national
attention for their continued progress. But the
School of Nursing has consistently improved
- earning them the right to garnish the title as
one oi the best programs in the state.
That should be the goal for every
other school on campus.
Belief from a historical standpoint
so mr tv:u HULK
The Bible may be the answer to racism
By Darek McCullers
Ldilorial (olumnisi
The African-Americans are a
people whoso very lives are ile
fined bv struggle, lor several
hundred years we struggled
against the evils of slavery and
physical brutality Today we
struggle against stereotypes, dis-
parate patterns oi employment,
and perhaps a generally evil will
that seeks to prevail against u
Many oi us react indifferent waj -
to this powerful force.
Some African-Americans look
back to the images of the past;
those w-ho gave their lives for the
struggle. Unfortunately, we can t
be helped bv the dead. Some seek
to affirm their identity through
obtaining knowledge about Africa
or wearing African paraphernalia.
Some even take the extreme of
pining racially radical religions in
their quest tor an answer.
These routes are not the way
to victory over oppression There
isa living, all-knowing, powerful
God who lives in heaven and
whose providence cannot be bro-
ken bv anv man. I will illustrate
thisbv talking about the stories of
I miel and the three I lebrew bovs
Paniel was a man of ni in
the days when Israel was in
bondage i they were not sla i slike
in Egypt; but were subserv n nt t i
various kings from other lands)
1 le would be the equivalent of a
black man today Daniel found
favor in the eyes of the king and
was promoted to a very high po
We have bl.u ks today ??? I
have done mm h the same I
ever, there w asa fa ti n thai ould
not be satisfied or ft el I I bv
hissm i ess Fhev wanted to brn
him down (there are some de
menti d .?? hitep , ? ? ? i 11
keep us down I I hey (ontrived a
s. heme ? ? ? tde
Daniel gel into a bit of trouble; he
was to be thro wn into a lit n iden
When he entered the don. he
. raved to I that it it was his
will to sue him, but it ?
would willingly perish
got his answer; Dann
'Mv (,iv1 hath sent I
hath shut the lions mouths,
they have noi hurt me
We ? hould rerrw mi i I
scripturewh rtwefe loppns ?
fhisstorv is about aspecifii a I I
p tration and oppression. It is
. -hi able because there are timea
when weget intoa situation when
we've been unjustly trapped or
abused It could simply be when
someone exhibited a hurtful and
evil attitude, Hist bet ause you are
bla k
Whatever the case, your lite
will arrive at God S destination,
no matter hat people mav do. It
vou ill yourself a child of (iod
then you should remembet that
dis. nmmation will not prevail
: i nst you
The bo k t Daniel also reveals
n other storv That story is about
is v v ho would
nol Nun down to an evil sys
. ? rpetrated
tthechil Irei I arad hev
rsuaded the king to makeade-
i ree that nob h ? ? worship
n . :t him I reportedto
the king th it Shadra h. Mesh
and Abed-nej -i not I
dow n to his im
in the situation of oppres
hxl i we must nol do as our op-
pressor We must not be hat. I
spiteful, and conniving Ra
we must maintain an allegiai
See Racism, page 5
Campus Spectrum
Iraq should be delt with quickly
By Bryan Creech
tditorial I olumnisi
There isa parable that dest nhes
si blind men of Istanbul that en
counter an elephant They later
convene together to discuss the
nature ot their divovt rvasto what
they perceived it to be. Each man
had his own interpretation of whal
exactly the elephant is like (one
man fell the leg ot the elephant "it
must be like a tree another man
felt of the trunk of the elephantit
must be like a thiik rope and so
m with each man) and each i a me
to a different conclusion.
This parable in relation to ex-
i fence of God seems to present
these conclusions Cod has taken
no effort to communicate and re-
mains silent to men; no possibility
exists for men to perceive and un
derstand the true nature of Cod
and his role in human affairs, and
that mencannot know forsure what
he is like or that any belief in what
he is like is valid.
Many people Unlay are con-
' nt to accept any interpretation or
t laim about Qxi from professors
and other students in con versa tion
(does it matter whether he exists or
not?; if he exists, then what is he
like?; does he have any relation-
ship to my life?) without any in-
vestigation on their own.
In relation to the parable, what
if it were possible that theelephant
spoke to the men? What if the
elephant told them of his nature
and that he did exist in a particular
way; this is the first premise m
Christianity to the belief in the ex-
istence of Cod: that the Cod oi
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob took the
initiative to speak to man. In Psalms
14:1 it states, "The heavens are
telling of the glory of Cod and the
firmament proclaims his handi-
works "
In Christian dot trine, if is held
that Cod has built in man the ca-
pacity to know himself, the exter-
nal world, and his Creator because
(lod actively communicates (natu-
rally and supernaturallv) through
the heart of the believer. The belief
inC.od is, according to philosopher
Alvinl'lantinga, properly basicand
is justified to existence.
In the parable, what if the el-
ephant had the ability to miracu-
lously open the eyes of these blind
men; they would then be able to
clearly see the elephant for them-
selves. The second premise in the
Christian belief of God is the possi-
bility of the miraculous: that God
hassupernaturallyacted in human
God'scalling to Abraham from
Ur, the speaking of Moses in a
burning bush, Jesus walking on
the water, and the resurrection are
examplesof miraclcclaims that can
be historically investigated.
In Hume's "Dialogues Con-
cerning Natural Religion" he pro-
posed that the laws of nature do
not permit miracles to occur. The
question I am addressing is not
philosophically speculating how it
occurred, but historically investi-
gating the miracle claim (did it
actually occur according to theclaim
being made?)
In the parable, what if it wen-
possible not only for the elephant
to communicate to the blind men,
but for the elephant to become like
these men in order to tell them
about themselves?
This is the third premise of the
Chnstian faith in their belief in the
existence of God. The Son of God
(the histoncal Jesus) became a man
so that men might become sons of
This premise, in more detail,
deals with the concept that Jesus
was God in the flesh ? the God
man based on his direct and indi-
rect claims to deity.
The historical Jesus made
claims to be one with the Father.
He claimed to have power to bring
justice to the world and change
man's natuie, he claimed to be the
only way to God. He based all of
these claims to be God in his mi-
raculous incarnation -?life, death,
and resurrection from the dead.
There are only two al tematives
to the claims cf Christ; they are
either true or false.
The Bible makes it clear that
the reasons why people do not
believe is not an intellectual prob-
lem, but a moral problem ?
whether it be ignorance, pride or
just self-sufficiency.
All hell is ah ut to break li ?ose.
As we sit on the brink of the Bibli-
cal Armageddon, US. hoops keep
pouring into Saudi Arabia We
are there supposedly to "protet I
U.S. interests in the area, but it is
increasingly evident that our goal
is ncH going to be strictly defensive
As of right now, most Ameri-
cans are backing up our policy of
trying to push Iraq out of Kuwait
But as the lives of our bovs start to
be lost. President Bush will find
out that we had better do the ji b
quickly and cleanly as possible or
people will start to be afraid that
we will get bogged down with
another Vietnam syndrome.
To use another historical
analogy, what Saddam (pro-
nounced Sodom) 1 lussein isdoing
with all his belligerence Md
ruthless aggression smacks of the
wav Hitler acted in the late 1930s.
This is what caused the world
community to come together in an
unprecedented show of unity
Hussein seems to be a megalo-
maniac with dclusionsof grandeur
who to this day does not seem to after the stated turn- has elapsed.
wartaro capability it and when
Hussein is attai k( d, nol onl)
would he . ins i hemw al
ars, nal n Saudi rabi I i
probablv onl fl ra i
Syria, ind furk .
By now, il is nol a question ol
it we will att.u k Iraq, tut when
i he world community simply will
nol let a ruthless dictator like
Saddam go unpunished for .
ciously takii over a (ountiy and
trv ing to gain hold of . I the
world's prov en rescn eof il, es
peciaily when every Intelligence
information we have indicates thai
Iraq will possess ti nuclear capa
bility within ?ars Ira.) has al
ready drawn up new maps and
charts showing that Kuwait is p
ot lr.iv). so i lussein has no intention
oi pulling out, which is the one
point that Hush says is non ne
gotiahlc Mv theor) is thai once
we get the optima! amount of
troops there to carry out the mis
sion, we will either manufacture
an incident to respond to or else
issue an ultimatum and then strike
realize the forces massed against
him and the futility of his aggres-
sive efforts.
I think that the onlv reason
that we haven't attacked him vet
is because of his massive chemical
or instance. Hush might suv that
we will respond with force it our
hostages aren't released in id.i s
So like 1 said, it's not a questi ?n :
if we will attack Iraq, but w hi n
What we are seeing now is
if wn dumb policiesof the past
ii kfire in our face it wasn t so
long ago that we were supplying
thai jerk with arms and militarv
intelligence in their fight aga
Iran. Why is it that we were -
buddy-buddies with some of the
biggesl dictators in the world from
the Shah of Iran to Samoza t.
Marcos to Hussein? And that -
not to even mention the dozens of
other lesser known ones. And
wasn t that idiot Noriega on our
pavroll tor more than a dec
No wonder that the U S. hassur
a tarnished image among thi
-es in the third world, anC.
especially arming the Arab work
! ook who we choose to aligr
ourselves with, fhosesamearn -
we supplied to Iraq mav be used
against our troops in Saudi Arabia
When will we ever learn-
The wav I see it, there is no
peaceful wav out of this, we a-
lust in too deep 1 don't think w
will be able'to get out of that part
of the world without either dis
mantling Iraq's war machine, de-
posing Hussein, or )ust pla
turning Iraq into a parking K"
E v erv one ol those options would
be very cost!) in terms of lives lost
and since we have ordained OU!
selves as the world's policeme:
See Iraq, page 5

(Uhe JEafit (Rat allnian September 11.1990 5
Letters to the Editor
The U.S.
must have a
role in the
Middle East
To The Editor
After reading the Tues Aug.
2&, edition, l was disturbed bv the
Opinion "column. Inthiscolumn
it states that the US is sending
troops into Saudi Arabia to protect
their oil fields l teel that this
statement is a bit vague.
We a re protecting theoil fields,
but we are protecting more than
that Saudi Arabia asked tor help
from the US. The US. established
an all out embargo with Iraq. In
order for this to he enforced the
I S. and other countries had to
?end troops and ships into the
Persian Gulf. Support of the em-
bargo is coming from many coun-
tries After the tnxps arrived in
the gulf. Hussein got nervous and
retaliated bv taking hostages and
not allowing foreign citizens to
return to their home countries.
One thing we must realize is
that Iraq has a bigger Armv than
many people realize, not to men-
tion the experience they have from
fighting a war that has been going
on for about eight years. After Iraq
took over Kuwait they would be in
position to intimidate the other
smaller, lessexperienced countries.
I raq already controlled 8 percent of
the world'soil resources before they
took Kuwait. Now they control
about 20 percent. After taking
Kuwait, thev would have moved
into Saudi Arabia. If that was suc-
cessful they would control about
50 percent of the world's oil re-
sources. With increasing man-
power and oil resources, Hussein
could try what Hitler tried. What if
he were to be successful? Then we
wouldn't be fighting to protect the
oil field's, but possibly our free-
I fed that there is more sup-
port for Bush's actions than the
press would like to admit. The
problems in the M id East ha vebeen
a part of Bush's administration
since day one. Now something is
being done to solve the problems
for good. Bushhasnointenrionsof
letting soldiers get killed for the
price of some oil fields. Instead of
alwavs trving to find the Kid ac-
tions of Bush, let's show support
for a President that isn't afraid to
"flex our muscles
While listening to a conversa-
tion bet ween a person getting aidv
to go to the Persian Gulf and a
parent, I heard the mother tell the
worried, but ready young man to
just pray and trust in God, and he
will watch over and protect you.
Asa country we should stand
behind those in combat and the
people that we elected to make the
decisions and pray for their safety
and guidance
Dick Van Dorp
pay too
much for
text books
To the Editor:
At the beginning of each se-
mester, thousands of college stu-
dents flood area book stores to
purchase overpriced text books.
Most students spend an average
of $150 to $250 on text books each
semester. And the funny thing is
that these books are only usable
for three to four months at a time.
Then, students are forced to
buv new books because the pub-
lishers update the old ones by
changing the covers, add just a
little more information or add new
pictures ? what they call "a new
edition. " At the same time, they
also takeanother$40of someone's
I haveoften wondered if these
publishers have ever heard the
words "price gouging Why is it
that I can buy a number one best-
seller, hardback, for $16.5, but
have to buy a biology book for
more than $50? It is also kind of
ironic that most of these books
will only be opened once or twice
in there short lifetime. I believe
I've opened my $272 worth of
books a total of three times now
and we've been in class two and
half weeks.
vou can onlv sell them back for a
portion of their original value.
That isa hell of a lot of deprecation.
1 think it is totally ridiculous
thatan in-statecollegestudent can
pay almost as much for books as
he can for tuition. This is a major
part of the reason the cost of going
to college is so high. Someone,
somewhere is making money. And
the college student and their par-
ents are continuing to spend it.
Fred Cranford
The Constitution is
the key to freedom
By R. Matthew Poteat
Special to The East Carolinian
America in recent months has
seen an increasing amount of her
citizeas supporting governmental
controls, censorship, and restric-
tions upon such items as art works,
music albums, and what is prob-
ably the most controversial and
emotional powder keg of the past
year: the American flag. To deter
these assaults upon individual
libertiesopponentsof these controls
incessantly use the First Amend-
ment of the Constitution.
As most know, the first
amendmentstates, "Congress shall
make no la w abridging the free-
dom of speech or of the press
The Amendment is a hot topic of
conversation and seems to be
pulling an immense bandwagon
that everyone is jumping onto. The
political activists,arhsts, musicians
and even the Supreme Court all
seem to base the principles of their
actions, creations and decisions
upon the few but eloquent lines
that compose our First Amend-
ment, a disturbing but factual truth,
lust observe any news channel or
read anv news article and count
Continued from page 4
it's American mothers' sons that
will pay the cost
The experts have been saving
that we will have the amount of
troopsand artillery inSaudi Arabia
within three to tour more weeks to
accomplish the objective of defeat-
ing Iraq militarily, which by the
way is still not a stated objective.
"i on can count on shots being
fired, probably by mid-October (or
before), whether we have to manu-
facture an incident or issue an ulti-
matum. Someone has tolevel Iraq's
nuclear and chemical facilities or
else further down the road we will
have a crisis on our hands that will
make this operation look like our
Grenada invasion, which was
child's play.
All I can ask is for you to join
me in a praver to let everything be
settled with as little loss of life as
possible. Hopefully this will be a
learning experience for those dic-
tators in the future who might have
their greedv little eyes on smaller
neighboring countries.
And the course we take now-
just mav prevent many thousands
of other lives being lost, and pos-
sibly even prevent other major
Mike Highsmith
School of Business
I)o you have an opinion?
Then write a letter to
the Editor.
Send it to:
The Editor
The East Carolinian
Publications Building
Greenville, N.C.
how many references are used to-
wards the Amendment.
All seem to forget another
bedrock principle that underlies
our American heritage: the right of
an individual to own and manage
private property. Private property
rights are intertwined and in-
grained withinourconstitutionand
Declaration of Independence. Our
Declaration clear.y states that, all
men areendowed with certain
inalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuitof Happiness Ourconsh-
hition respects and acknow ledges
an individual's right to own prop-
erty. Examine the Second, Third,
and Fourth Amendmentsand their
obvious reverence of property.
Many Americans today over-
look or fail to apply the concept of
private property rights to many
issues of our day, including flag
burning, art and works of music.
For example, if an individual pur-
chases an American flag the flag
becomes his property, not the
property of the American public
and by right should execute any
action he sees fit to execute, so long
as it damages no one in real terms.
Continued from page 4
a God who loves all of his cre-
ation. We must realize that Jo-
seph, great man of God, wore a
coat of manv colors; he did not
This evil system of oppres-
sion would not bend for three
righteous Hebrew boys. Racism
in America will not bend. How-
ever, we will see that God madeit
The point of this article is
simple. Oppression did not
change for these men of God.
Rather God changed the oppres-
I challenge my counterparts
who are bound in their black
militancy to try the God of all
creation. Jesus stated that we
would have all power and au-
thority over the enemy and that
nothing could harm us; not even
?afirfiAAtfttulfe ? " ?? -
t .
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The East Carolini
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925

(She Cnat (Carolinian September 11.1990
Continued from page 1
made by word-of-mouth, accord-
ing to lames. He said between 70
and 75 percent of students regis-
tering with the service have a job
by the September followinggradu
ation. "We want to help you get a
cb out there, earning vour own
livingandbeinghappyatit lames
said. "Basically it's your responsi
bility, but we try to help vou in
every wav we can
October, November, lanuarv,
February and March are the pri-
mary recruitment months. "The
people we see at the beginning of
the semester are often the ones
that end up with the ohs at the end
of the vear Westmoreland s.iiJ
Companies recruiting on
campus come from locations all
over the country, although many
have offices in North Carolina
According to Westmoreland
on-campus recruitment is not the
only way students registering with
the service get jobs More people
who register get obs with compa-
nies don't even recruit mi
campus Westmoreland said.
"When employers all, they have
a position open and ready to be
filled lames said
"You'll place yourself in a (ob
based W1 the things vou do, but it
on do the basic thing and if vou
come bv our office, you'll find out
a lot of things Westmoreland
"We're always glad to have
you conn- in and talk with us per
sonally lames said.
Resume workshops will be
held on Sept I2and I9at4 p m in
the Hloxton I louse
Interview technique work
shops will be held on Thursday at
4 p.m. and also on Sept. 17 and l1'
,it 1 p m. in the Bloxton 1 louse.
rresnmer. Leadership Opportunities
UNC-Chapel Hill ranked 'a bargain'
two of North Carolina's public
universities were among the 100
best education bargains, but six
Tar Heel private schools made the
list of Monev Guide to America's
Best College Buys
Editors said their list, another
in a growing number Of publica-
tions ranking schools across the
country, are different from th
done bv magazines such .is I S
News (Si World Report.
fhey look at oneaspet t o( the
equation . aroline 1 tonne
assistant managingeditor,told the
(Ireensboro New s & Record Ve
look at dollar value
Money compiled lists ol the
top 200 schools tor the dollar, 100
public and lOOprivate Theresults
were predictable in some waysand
surprising in others
Despite low tuitions and some
strong academic reputations, only
two ot the lb University of North
Carolina campuses made the
public ranking I NC (. hapel
lill(8th)and North Carolina State
I Iniversitv (-Hrd)
Mendenhall Student Center
???n-JflOpm fep?
? ? ?
? Leaded p Thong

Keynoc Dr. Rid
leadership is Progress
The members of Phi Beta I ambda organization arc holding an
open house- for business oriented young adults Come In the
General College Building on Thursday September 13th at 5:00
p ni in Room 1012 to find out hov to gel a step on tomt rrow
Advantages of memlx-rship are:
?Developmenl of leadership skills
? Meeting today's top executives
? Attending business i inferences
?Building yt tut resume
Business schcxl not required
No minimum G.P A
Refreshments A ailal ?le
The national Pan-Hellenic Council
"Meet The Greeks"
Sunday Sept 16, 1990 7:30pm
244 Mendenhall Student Center
This is an opportunity for interested students
to meet the members of:
Alpha Phi Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi
Phi Beta Sigma
Omega Psi Phi
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta
Zeta Phi Beta
Sigma Gamma Rho
Remember this is an informational forum and not a Rush
??Refreshments will be served
Unless you really enjoy reading manuals,
get a Macintosh.
Tim Moses
Computef Sene
Vonderbtlt Untveruty
. ? l'i isinj
?. . ? - ? i iboui icrsa tempting
it tsh. but it's last rui
? ? : ttk strai g but
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V1 mi
? ? ? lu?k likt u
e bin
??s still an It's funtTx I ? kai the Vanderbih computer si
?and I wseen kxs ! pe ?ple
? 1suiu h from other com
?putersto Macintosh, but
WJrljI wnevei seenanvtxxh
4 - diswitch to another
L Wmmputer
j (tone to the Mad est September 20
in the Soda Shop in Wright
Buttling or call Jeff MilLs at 757-
6731 for more information.
Win Jt i x-i pie It we Macint sh'?
sk them
t 'MOAM ?oum "K ?OOW WO0 l"?M??W?r.?ll??l?l?"i"H????Co?C?? ?c

(She gagt (Harnliman
Arabs threaten
wave of terror
AMMAN Jordan (AD ? In
the cozy arabesque precincts of
the Wahdat Club, a Palestinian
social center.a dapper clerk spoke
matter-ot tactlv ot the terrorism
he expects to run rampant it
America humiliates Saddam
t Iussein
It these colonial troops re-
main in our region, we will use
an means to get them out; kid-
napping, terrorism any means
lanxal Abu Saud said of the US.
forces in Saudi Arabia.
From former Cabinet minis-
ters and millionaires to teen-agers
who sweep up at the outdoor
markets, a majority of lordanians
support the Iraqi leader and his
demandforatie betweenKuwait ?
tate and a homeland tor the Tal-
es tinians
It he tails, a wide range of
Palestinians and other lordanians
agree the United States will face
deep seated anger, radicalized
political and religious teehngsand
possibly violence. Ot lordan's 3
million people. 65 percent are
Ahead) .someArabsin Jordan
reler to the United States as "the
head ot the snake in the way
Iraniansbegancalhngit the "Great
Satan, 'becauseitisseenaslsrael's
Many Palestinians say opinion
crystallizing around Saddam
seems to have unified their com-
munity to a degree rarely seen.
I will explain said lohn
Hanna, a retired banker sipping
coffee under a rack ol Arabiclutes,
called rouds, at the Studio Petra
music shop. His tnend, the shop
owner, nodded gravelv
"As Arabs and Palestinians,
we lost our land Hanna said.
We find this man who will give it
back It he gives usback our rights,
we will worship him. What else he
does we don't care
At his daughter's plush resi-
dence, Palestinian business mogul
lssa Masn parked hisdeluxe BMW
beside his two other cars and took
his guests upstairs. There, a
roomful otintellectualschimed in.
"It's time American presi-
dents undersUxnl that they must
make friends with people, not with
kings and sheiks said Wadid
Masn, an aging activist from
Nablus in the Israeli-occupied
West Hank.
Saddam tought tor eight
years to keep Iran outot Arabia,
said Wahid Salah, a Palestinian
lawyer and former lordanian for-
eign minister. "The streets of Jor-
dan are with Saddam
King! Iusseinof lordanshows
sympathy tor Saddam because his
people demand it, Salah said, just
as Palestinians insist Yasser Arat at
orient the Palestine Liberation
Organization toward Iraq.
Salah stabbed a finger and
added, It Saddam is defeated,
this whole area will be a sow ot
terrorism and anarchy. Every
American in the Arab world will
be in danger
On a less fashionable hill oi
Amman, among the winding al-
levsot the old souk, or market, the
mood is easy to read.
At a butcher's stall, the famil-
iar grinning portrait ot Saddam is
taped up behind a hanging lamb
carcass. Vegetable sellers and
kevmakers display posters oi the
king and Saddam side by side.
"He'snght declared Ahmed
Atthir, IS, leaning on a counter ol
sunglasses and watches. "I'll go
tight it they need me
In httlt? towns the length ot
Jordan, at truLks?tV?? n uw port
city ot Aqaba on "tfeRed Sea, the
word is the same.
Opinion in Jordan is shifting
against the United States. This is
See Terror, page 8
Governmont- s. ?
sponsorod ontorprisosv
$763 billion
Fannie Mae. Frocklio Maa,
??? Mas and Farmer m.ic,
which frwy morlgagHS, HHjH?nt
loans ana farm loans with
money raised from bonds
encourayiny irTV?Hlm?nt wruJ f
funding new loans j&'Si'&s.v
By Steve Tyndall
Staff Writer
t mmn l?? ?'?
?tl r-J?'wv S?i
Palestinian family settle in
N.C. after fleeing Kuwait
Hatim Essa and his family left
Kuwait City on Aug. 17, they saw
an Iraqi soldier being hanged in
the street tor stealing
Iraqi President Saddam
1 (ussein, anxious to put an end to
the widespread looting that had
laid waste the Kuwaiti capital, had
decreed that thieves would be
promptly executed, Hssa said.
That brought the problem
under control, but evidence of the
looting spree remained. Every-
where sat luxury cars stripped of
wheels, even engines. Stores,
robbed of their merchandise, had
Banks had also shut down,
and the tew stores still open were
running out of goods.
Hssa, 27, heard rumors that
ro ingbandsof Kuwaiti resistance
fighters were killing Palestinians.
Essa. born and raised in Kuwait, is
' They consider us exactly like
Iraq is he said Wednesday dur-
ing an interview in Greensboro
where he has settled after fleeing
Kuwait. He graduated from N.C.
A&T State University in 1984 and
has returned several times a year
on business.
The invasion broughttoahead
an already simmering animosity
between Kuwaiti residents of for-
eign descent and native Kuwaitis.
Residents ot foreign descent, even
those born in Kuwait, had always
felt discriminated against because
thev weren't allowed to own
property, couldn't become citizens
and were paid only a fraction of
the wages Kuwaitis earned
So when Kuwaitis watched
Yasir Arafat, leader of the Palestine
Liberation Organization, con-
gratulating Saddam on television
two days after the invasion, they
took it as a sign that Palestinians
living in Kuwait approved ot the
invasion, Essa said.
On walls and buildings
around the tiny country there be-
gan appearing "Death to Pales-
tinians" slogans, and Kuwaitis
warned Palestinians that "terrible
things" would happen to them it
the Kuwaiti government was re-
"I don't know what thev mean
by terrible things Essa said. "But
even now we're hearing about the
Kuwaiti resistance killing Pales-
His family stayed in their
apartment after dark, tearing
armed Kuwaitis who roamed the
"Until 1 left Kuwait, every
night we heard bullets Essa said.
"A lot of people have guns. You
don't guarantee your lifeoutside
Iraqi soldiers treated them
well, though, and even gave them
food and gasoline, he said. Never-
theless, the soldiers presented an
intimidating presence and fed a
mood of hopelessness among
residents of the Persian Gulf port
Essa, his wife,brotherand two
infant sons had remained after the
Aug. 2 Iraqi invasion in hopes that
stability would won return.
r3v mid-August hope had
faded, tnough, so the fivecrowded
into their 1984 Nissan and joined
the endless stream of fleeing refu-
Since the banks were closed,
thev left without money. Essa
scraped together enough tor gaso-
line along the way, and a brother
living in Illinois sent enough tor
airline tickets when they reached
Amman, lordan.
Essa and his family decided
not to risk the desert, turning in-
stead to ward Iraq and on to Jor-
dan. Iraq allowed people ot Arab
descent free passage.
It took the family three days
to reach Amman ? normally a
dav and a halt trip Along the way
thev encountered mile-long lines
at gasoline stationsand a day-long
wait at the Iraqi-Jordanian border.
"Each time I had to get gas it
Uxk five to six hours said Essa,
an air conditioning engineer who
also bought cars at auction in the
United States and shipped them
to Kuwait for sale. He said he had
to stop for gasoline about five
It took 10 days to arrange a
flight out and the family arrived
in Greensboro Aug. 29. But the
struggle isn't over. Essa's visa
doesn't allow him to work. He
hopes he can persuade immigra-
tion officials to change his docu-
mentation so he can support his
"I have to work to survive
he said.
AYDEN ?The rural areas of
eastern North Carolina appear to
many as being laid back. I hey .r
known tohavelittleconcernot the
outside world, and even with the
out of town folks; better known as
To a certain extent, that is
somewhat true. But tor the tine
folks of eastern N.C, thev do an
excellent job of entertaining the
outsiders. Their favorite, and most
known tactic, are festivals The
most recent is the Ayden, N.C .
Collard Festival.
The collard green is a favorite
vegtabies among eastern Carolin-
ians because of its different taste
and cheap price. The plant, which
resembles spinich when cooked,
usually can be found on a plate of
pork chops, mashed potatoes and
The Ayden Collard Festival
started in the spring of 1975 bo-
cause ot a letter written by Mrs.
LoisThuering to the Ayden News-
Leader, suggested in having a
festival in Ayden and letting col-
lards be the main theme. I
was formed, and the people of
Ayden voted unamiously for "The
Collard Festival The committee
was reformed, and Saturday. Vpt.
The Festival has been a maicft
sucess for sixteen years, with ap
proximately six thousand plus
people joining the festivities each
year. Many outsiders wonder
what is the purposeof this festival,
and what does it comprise oi?
"The Collard Festival is great
family entertainment said M.C.
"Bear" Baldree, mayor of Ayden.
"Our community enjoys hosting
the peopleof eastern Carolina, and
it gives a chance for relatives and
friends coming from out of state to
visit. In other words, it gives our
chance to show our hospitality and
share with others
The Avden Collard Festival
starts the week following l.abor
Dav. It comprises of a kick-off
parade, carnival rides, the collard
queen beauty pagent, dancing in
the streets, live bands, a collard
See Collards, page 8
Head start program helps migrant ddldren learn
EAST BEND (AP) ? By 3:30
each afternoon, the kids at the
Migrant Head Start Center are
readv to go home.
For some, that means almost
two hours strapped into car seats,
riding the back roads of Yadkm,
VVilkes and Surry counties to the
farms they call home during the
growing season
On a recent August afternoon,
as one of the center's three air
conditioned vans bumped over
dirt roads, past fields of tobacco
and corn, thechildren played with
squeaky toys to pass the time. One
of three van monitors entertained
thechildren, whoare from b weeks
to o years old.
"Patty cake, patty cake, bake
a little man she said, laughing.
"Roll him up, roll him up. Throw
him in the pan
The children laughed too
all but 2-year-old John. He had
been crying for about 30 minutes.
Lucky for John, his is the sec-
ond stop. His mother, Seleena
Bowersock, 17, comes smiling out
of a white clapboard house, its
porch piled high with old furni-
tureand junkappliances. Shetakes
John and his 4-month-old sister,
Crystal, in her arms, and lohn's
sobs turn to whimpers.
During the winter, Ms.
Bowersock and her children's fa-
ther, 15-vear-old Freddie Aguilar,
work in Orlando, Ha. For the past
two summers, they have worked
tobacco on a farm near Jonesville
in Yadkin County.
Ms. Bowersock said that the
Head Start program has helped
her a lot.
"I'd pull my hair out without
it she said.
Susan Law, the director of
Northwest Child Development
Council Inc which staffs and
manages the center, said that be-
fore the day care center opened 10
years ago, the children of migrant
farm workers were sometimes left
alone during the day or taken to
the fields while their parents
"Our only concern is to keep
them out of the fields she said.
See Program, page 8
The price of fuel
Crude oil and retail unleaded gas prices have fluctuated since
Iraq invaded Kuwait Aug 2 Here is a look at how prices have
Benchmark crude oil
New York Mercantile Exchange
Daily price per barrel
$31 of oil
Woman contracts AIDS during tooth extraction
(AP) ? A woman who apparently
contracted AIDS during a tooth
extraction savs her dentist's death
from the disease will not stop her
plans to file a lawsuit.
Kimberlv Bergahs spoke out
Friday for the first time and
pleaded for tighter controls on the
health care industry
The national Centers for Dis-
ease Control in Atlanta reported
last month that the case marked
the first time a health professional
had passed AIDS to a patient.
'1 had a lot of crazy thoughts
like maybe I was at the beach and
I stepped on a hypodermic
needle Ms. Bengalis said. "You
just go insane with thought
The 22-vear-old woman from
Fort Pierce said she plans to sue
the estate of the dentist, David J.
Acer of Stuart, and her insurance
"If I can protect other people
from what happened to me, then l
have to do it Ms. Bergalis said.
Documents filed in statecourt
in Palm Beach described her as
being in the advanced stages of
acquired immune deficiency syn-
drome. Her wisdom teeth were
pulled by Acer in 1987.
Acer died a week ago Monday,
but his death was not made public
by his family until Friday.
Investigators from the Centers
for DiseaseControl interviewed Ms.
Bergalis three times to determine
where she contracted the disease.
"When I was visited by the
CDC we kept going over certain
things she said. "I said, 'What
about the dentist?' because there
was a rumor at the time that he had
AIDS. They said they were not in-
vestigating that. I never heard from
them again
CDC officials in Atlanta refused
to comment, citing confidentiality
The family of Acer, 40, decided
not to immediately disclose his
dea thso relatives could "privately
grieve said lawyer Deborah
On Tuesday, the state Health
Depa rt men t relea sed a let ter da ted
Aug. 31 that Acer wrote to former
patients urging them to be tested
for AIDS.
Acer said in the letter that he
had followed CDC safety guide-
lines, including consulting his
doctor before continuing his
See AIDS, page 8

GJtie EaiJt (Earollnlan September 1JJ990
Department of Transportation
charged with safety violations
RAl.ElC.HiAP) State rogula
tors hive charged the state Depart-
ment of Transportation with 11
willful viola honsot workplacesatetv
regulations in an accident that led to
the death of an las-lell County man
in luly.
The 11 violations are the most
the state Department of 1 abor ever
hascharged against an employer tor
a single accident.
Despite the charges, however,
the Transportation Department will
not have to pay any fines Although
statelaw aBowsnnesagainst private
employers tor workplace safety vio-
lations, it exempts public agencies
Put the violations could lead to
criminal charges tor neglect state
Labor Commissioner John Brooks
said in a letter Friday to Transporta-
tion Department officials.
He also questioned the
department's safety program And
hesasdthesameviolations ifcharged
against a private compam would
have carried tines totaling $J000
The 11 different willful cita-
tions indicate a very st-nous prob-
lem with the safet) and health pro-
gram in DDT Brooks wrote in the
lerter.addrosscdti'state I ransporta-
bon Secretary Thomas) Harrelson
'A on should bcad ised that a u orker
fa tality which results froma violation
can lead to charges
Robert Pattern, 4 of States tile
was killed in the accident lulv 13
when a 15-foot ditch collapsed
burying him and three other work-
ers beneath dirt and rock. Patton
died from suffocation after remain
ing buried beneath the rubble tor
about 15 minutes.
Patton was the 19th Transporta-
tion Department worker killed in
job-related incidentssince 1985.That
is more than any other Tar Heel
employer in the period. With 6,500
construction employees in its divi-
sion of highways, the Transporta-
tion Department is one of the state's
largest employers of eonstniction
Family membersof Parton could
not be reached for comment Fndav.
Transportation Department of-
ficials said they woa1 surprised by
thenumher of viola honsbutdeclined
to comment on individual charges,
saying thev had not had time to
study them.
"1 don't want to say anything
that eclipses the fact weconsider this
a tragedy said jim Sughrue, assis-
tant transportation secretary for e-
tcnulatfairsEk'ven violations from
this single incident, however I'll be
interested to take a close at this and
compare it to accidents with similar
William Mariey lr state high-
way administrator, acknowledged
Fndav that unsafe conditions may
have led to Patton's death.
"There was bad judgment
shown for sure he said. Then1
were some things that could have
boon done differently
But he and other Transporta-
tion Department officials said that
thev operated a sate program and
that thev did not like Bmoks' sug-
gestion that thev did not.
Transportation Department of-
ficials sav the department's safety
record fares well incomparison with
those of transportation departments
in other states.
In 1988, thedepartnient reported
an injury rateof7.9per 200,000man-
hours. which isoneof the lower rates
There, children can be injured
by farm equipment or get sick from
pesticides. And Mrs l aw has heard
horror stones about parents leav-
ing children alone in cars and
overheated trailers while they
work she said
So the Fast bend tenter was
established in 1980 as part of the
kK Mart program after Yadkan
County farmers asked local offi-
cials to start a day care tenter tor
their workers children, Mrs Law
Every year since then. North-
west Child Development has paid
for the program with grant money
from the Fast C oast Migrant 1 lead
Start Project. This year, the grant
totaled ?bout $100,000.
Head Start is a federally fi-
nanced program designed to give
low-income children a head start
in preparing for school
Although the center accom-
modates 34 children it has always
had a long waiting list. Mrs Law
said Northwest Child Deve? p-
ment plans to enroll another 30
children in Migrant Head Start
when a second center opens in
Yadkinville this month
That center wi" be housed in
the new Catholic 1 nspanic Center
there, where facilities are now be-
ing renovated It also will be
sponsored by East (oast Migrant
Head Start.
At first, establishing the center
was difficult. Mrs I aw said
"Communities view these
people as transients It wasinitially
hard to get health and dental nv
and f(xi stampsAnd there is a
gap culturally, racially, geographi-
cally and religiously
in the nation, according to a survey
by the National Association of
Transportation Safety and Health
One bad trench accident, as
Kid as it mav be, does not mean we
havea Kid program' said Sughrue.
"In fact, we do not have a had pro-
The charges wen1 issued at a
time when The News and OfefltW
was examining a variety of work-
place safety violations and health
chargesagainst Tar 1 led employers,
including the Transportation De-
"1 don't think we're being any
more hard nosed said Michael
Ragland. deputy labor commis-
sioner. I pist think there's been a
shift in hxms I just think we're tak-
ingadoser Uxk perhaps a harder
look at the circumstances "
The Labor Departmentchargo'
that all of the violations were wi i
indicating the employer knowingly
allowed conditions that endangcre-d
workers lives. A violation does not
mean that an accident occurred, but
that conditions wen1 right tor an ac-
Specific violations include
Employees were ridmgin the
bucket of a backhoe to enter or rn
the trench rather than using a ladder
The proper type of excavat-
ing equipment was not used to in-
stall pipe.
Employees were not prop
erlv trained in how to recognize
unsafe work conditions
Some employees were not
wearing hard hats
Vehicles were operating too
dose to the ditch, putting undue
pressure on the walls of the ditch.
Continued from page
Continued from page 7
cooking contest, and theinfamous
"the collard eating contest
The favoriteevent, thecollard
eating contest, anyone can join ?
usually an hour before the actual
contest. Theobjectof the contest is
10 eat as many pounds of collards
aspossiblein a one-hour time limit
And if one has the stomach to
enter this down-home event, de-
feating thechampion,D A.Rogers,
will notbeaneasy task. Rogersate
five and three-quarter pounds to
take the championship.
one has the intestinial fortitute to
out-eat, much less beat his world
record of seven-and-onc half
ust a little bit of eastern Caro-
lina down home hospitatitv can
tempt the heartiest of appetites
And collards are the specialty of
this little town. The residents, as
well as the "feigners can get a
taste of one of eastern Carolina's
favorite vegetable the collard
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Free Refreshments Pro ided
c c
But farmers have been sup-
portive of the program, she snd
' Farmers use the day care cen-
ter as an additional tool to recruit
workers. The children's plight has
Kvndifficult Everybody that can
pick up green beans goes into the
That would increase a
family's income. There have been
accidents with kids in the fields
To qualify for the program,
which is one of six Migrant hu
Start programsin the state, parents
must move their families across
county lines at least once a year.
In the past, almost all the chil-
dren at the East Bend center and
their parents were natives of
Mexico or Central America who
had crossed the border illegally for
their parents to find work.
Sandra Toney, a trainer for
Northwest Child Development,
said that the migrant families who
pass through northwest North
Carolina every year work in to-
nacco. squash, strawberries, cu-
cumbers, green beans and apples
In the fall, most return to Florida,
but some continue north to pick
apples in New York or Maine
Most of the children have ad-
justed well to moving around so
often, Ms. Toney said.
Bettv Villareal, 23, a U.S. citi-
zen from Texas, has done migrant
farm work since she was a child.
This summer, she is working at the
Head Start Center in East Bend,
where two of her three children
stay during the day.
"It's helped me out a lot she
said. "1 used to work tobacco in the
summers, but now I've worked
here for three years "
A dmission is I-
ECU Student Union
Makinryvjhings Happen at ECU
When Ms Villareal works in
the fields, child care is always a
problem, she said We used to not
have anybody We used to taki
them with us to the fields she
sud "It'sdangerous with the stuff
thev put on the tobacco. It's not tcxi
givvl tor them "
But through Head Start, many
migrant children receive clothes,
food and transportation to doctor's
appointments that thev would go
without otherwise, Mrs Villareal
said. "They hetpany way they can
The program staff includes a
social worker who v isits the homes
of migrant workers; an education
coordinator: and a health coordi
nator who monitors medical
records, takes children to doctors
and tells parents how to adminis-
ter medications. "Many children
wouldn't go (to the doctor) if the
weren't in this program, "Mrs. La
Most, but not all the chil-
dren and their parents have be-
come legal residents under ne
immigration laws, Mrs. Law said
"We don't check children's
green cards But if we hire any-
body, you bet we check their gre? n
cards she said
Although deportation is no
longer a great fear for migrant
workers, thev continue to softer
from poverty Head Start tnes to
break that cycle by preparing the
children to enter school and by
meeting their bask needs, Mrs. Law
fi FrrnoN day Wednesday 26, pj
"It'sairconditioned,and the e,
thev are property ted she said.
"Some crv a lot, but a lot of the
homos t hey livein a ren' 11 he n icest
Continued from pagt 7
practice and wearing gloves and a
mask while treating patients
He said he doubted he was
the source of Ms. Bergahs' infec-
"1 am a gentle man, and 1
would never intentionally expose
anyone to this disease he wrote.
The letter did not say how
long Acer practiced after being
diagnosed with AIDS. Ms. Bergahs
learned she was infected with the
Continued from page 7
virus in December 1US4.
Her lawver, Robert Mont-
gomery, said he planned to sue
Acer's estate and C1CNA Dental
Health of Florida on Ms Bergahs'
behalf. He did not say when the
lawsuit would be filed
SEPT 12,1990 5:(K) PM
? $10.00 FILING FEE
ROOM 1026
most evident in the 11 camps when"
Palestinian refugees have waited
since 1948 to go home
The refugee camp of VVahdat
blendsalmost imperceptibly into the
sprawl of downtown Amman, but
i ts 120,(100 residents know every inch
of its boundaries. Many refuse to
leave,even when they earn the means
to move elsewhere, for fear of losing
their Palestinian identity or their right
to demand a homeland.
The Fast Carolinian is now adapting applications for staff writers. If
you are interested, stop by the Publications
BuiUiinx (Second Floor) err call 757-6366 for more information.

SHie lEaBt (ffarpHnian
Faculty art
f 1U ii.iel ILurison
' i ii. r
Theater department
plans workshop for
children this fall
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
Photo by Celeste Hoffman
Many qood friends meet for good times here at Grandaddy Rossers bar
ifl I K ll
Restaurant specializes in
good food, great atmosphere
By Susan Lawler
Staff Writer
. . f a good restaurant is happy custom-
- and (.randdaddv Kosser's has satisfied manv
rs sir e its April MMh opening.
Manv K I students have not vet discovered
itt rv which is located in the old Belk's build-
up 1 ltth Street, but those students who have
ire spreading the word.
I had the sauteed catfish and it was deli
is said 1(1 senior Amv Singleton. She and
? t friends had appetizer, a main course and
? drinks and said everything was worth the
( .randdaddv Root's prices are competitive
h il restaurants The menu features a
tritti 1n honofsandw hevsaladsand entrees
i : lv Rosser s also has dailv lunch and
met specials that are not on the menu
F( I senior I is,i Brandt and Patricia Stox
eaten there and said they plan to return
. ! "The margarifas were not good but the
i staff was extremely friendly
Brandt Mtd, "The food wasgfwnl and I reallv
kcd the atmosphere Granddaddy Rossers has
a white interim with mauve and teal furnishings
re yrv manv windows and plants and four
ire ceiling tans emulate air around the bright
and spacious interior
Local businessmen Mike 1 eonard and Mk kev
Muns own the restaurant, which is named for
leonard's father. They 00 manage the operation
and Muns, a chef, ureiseej the kitchen
Granddaddy Rossers has a bricked terrace
with tables for people who enjoy eating outdoors
Musicians such as Mark Johnson and lim Swinson
usuallv perform on the patio on weekends
An extra feature of CR's is Hs unique array ot
desserts The waitress w ill unmercifully bring vou
a trav of the da v's select nn Leonard said, "We sell
a ton ot desserts
The staff at GR'S IS a smiling and fnendlv
bunch Leonard said, "We try to offer a good
product with good service to make you happy
when vou leave
"Granddaddy Rosaer's is a comfortable, laidha k
place said bartenderhad Wright.
Waitress I isa Cottrel! said, 'There is no Strict
policv to follow here the management adapts to
what the customers want everything's based on
the customers " I eonard said he and Muns make it
their policy to talk to manv of their customers so
they can get to know them and so they can get
The menu at Granddaddy Kosser's says,
"You'll I.ove Our Attitude and their customers
sav vou'll love thir food
ft ft
Fast Carolina University is an
integral part of the Greenville
community. Manv groups on
campus are greatlv invoked in
the town, with programs designed
to provide seeVties for the people
of Greenville ne of the newest
programs to surface that is de-
signed for just this purpose is the
theater department's children's
ohn Sheann, head ot the
theater arts department, savs that
the program is designed to "give
young children an opportunity
that thev might otherwise have
HHSSed, that is. to be exposed to
the theater Douglas Kay and
Mort Stine, directorcoordinator
and music director respectively,
will head up the programand ECU
students will handle the technical
and design portions of the pet
iormances Sheann also relates
that theactingof each performance
will be handled bv "a combination
of students, faculty, and commu-
nitv members
Occurring around the first
week of April lsM. Sheann plans
to bus in I20O-18OO elementary
school children from surrounding
public schoolsin Pitt( ountv "We
hope to get around 625 children
per dw depending on the extent
of community interest Shearirt
said Held at McGinns Theater
the show will nin tor two matinev
showing, vvith the cost being very
minimal to the srbcxls Sheann
would also like to "see the program
become a vearlv endeavor, with a
possible second production in the
year if resources allow it
The children's theater is
geared to work inconjunotion with
Mendenhall's new pn gram, the
Young Audience's Performing
AftsfrrieslYAFAS) Mr RodWpfi
Alexander, v.ho is m charge of
YAPAS, sard "The reasofi tor this
program is to build am mdience
for the future We also want to
serve cur older, non rr iditional
students and their families "
Sponsored bv the 1 ' part men t of
L'niversitvUnions thePerrocming
Arts Seriesommtttet: came up
with the idea to introduce i hildren,
trom the pres hool age and up. to
the world of mus . theater, an.i
dani e
Alexander sard besides
their push tor the older student,
they are abo to usrngonthepiiblic
schools, pnmanlv grades one to
five Publicity has gone out to all
offhepubbcschoolsiri Pittf ountv
and also to the surrounding towns,
Mich as Bethel and Farmville, pn-
manlv confined m thin a fifty to
sixty miie radius
Held at 2:00 p-m on Satur-
days, the programs willbeoffei
range trom the Qumtessenc
Woodwind Quintet performing
I'eter and the Woh to 'he N
(albert and Sullivan Players put
ting on "The Mikado Staged in
Wright Auditorium, each pert
mancewiIlbedonebA pmtessional
h ting groups that
lected froma
. ? - ? - ? ' ? -? ?rns
have the p ? ' ? ' n
rial part of the .r ? i n
nitv and will giv-
dren the opportunity to exp ri-
ence the performn arts,
more information on i . '?
contact the Mend ??? i-i. ?
TicketOfficeorcal! I 800-EC L-
ARTS For more information
on children's theater contact
the Theater Arts Department
at 757-6390.
Stryper takes new direction on latest LP
J JL ,? . tt-n? .? ,uo this world? - United we will sfc
By Deanna Nevgloski
Suff Writer
? ECU Photo Lab
ppeai ,? nCUCoftoehouseonSept 11
I CU Coffeehouse
sets fall agenda
By Mil Kiel Harrison
iff Wrltti
, . .il mark a
i it , High! of lim and
i offei hou
hosting comedian
l(1Yoi illed "thebt ?'
itional' om
i in ruu ngapp ?red in
. . ,i ill OVl r the
mtr) mi isDangi rfi Idsand
I ? Strip m New iorkitv,
? rmwd) Works in Philadelphia
and i- onuts In I lorida
A Ml television ap
the Showtime om
edyf Nib NetWOrll Me has enter
, ,??? Wake I,
Northarolina State, the Univer-
sity of Honda, the University of
Pittsburgh and manv others. He
is one of the most sought-after
a ts on the college circuit, and he
is to W here it ECU in the Cof-
feehouse beginning at 9 p m
Admission is free. Food and
non jl( ohohc drinks will also be
erved free of charge
Assistant Program Director J.
Ma rshall hopes fora large turnout
for this special event, but is
skeptical The Coffeehouse has
had poor attendance in the past, a
situation caused by a number of
factors, not the least of which is
theoffeehouse's location.
Marshall said that it is in an iso-
See Coffeehouse, page 9
4ain.sf the law is the fifth, full-
length LP from West Coast rockers,
Stryper. The first album to feature
the new Stryper attitude and
sound, Against the law is by far the
best release from vocalist Michael
Sweet, guitanstOz Fox, bassist Tim
Games and drummer Robert
Deciding to drop the overtly
preachy, Cod-filled anthems to go
with a more subtle but still posi-
tive approach in lyrical content,
Strvper has perhaps let down their
large, Christian following. How-
ever, the true Stryper fans (like
moi) have stuck around to praise
the new album and watch the new
soldiers come marching in.
Produced by Tom Werman
(Poison, Motley Cme) at The Mu-
sic Grinder and Devonshire Stu-
dios, Against the Law isan arsenal
of 11 killer songs that is guaranteed
to please listenersof melodic heavy
Opening up the hard and
heavy Enigma release is the title
trark "Against the This
funky, no-nonsense rocker, much
in the vain of Extreme and new
TNT, spawns killer vocals from
Sweet and rhythmic bass stomps
from Gaines.
"Two Time Woman a prob-
able second videosingle, carries
the typical Stryper melodies with a
sing-a-long vibe. "Rock the
People and 'Two Bodies (One
Mind One Soul)" arc jammin' tunes
that explore musician dedication
and personal relationships.
Sweet goes for the throat on
"Two Bodies His vocals stretch
to create a strong, raspy sound for
the chorus, but softens to a har-
monic level throughout the rest of
the song. Also, this song may take
you back to the heavy sounds of
Stypcr's second LP Soldiers Under
Command . the guitar riffs are
espei iallv feminist enl of the ear-
lier albums.
Rounding out side one is a
COOlSOngtitled "Not That Kind of
Guv" that proves these soldiers
under corrunand are still the good
boys thev were on the last four
Sweet sings: "Don't be playin
silly games - Girls like you are all
the same - I would love to take
your hand - But baby, I don't need
no one night stand - When 1 say
no way you ask me why Can't
you see I'm not that kinda guy
Even though the lyrics may-
express a mama's boy image, it is
clear through this album that
Stryper has become a tougher
bunch of dudes.
After years of being put down
by Christian organizations and
zealots, Stryper decided to open
their eyes and take a good look at
things Far trom following in the
footsteps of limmy Swaggart and
hm BakkeT. Sweet and company
put forth an album that will spread
a good, positive message rather
than one that will preach and
possibly turn off many of their
Maybe this is the reason for
the radical change.
Side two offers a variety of
sounds trom the nearly-thrashing
metal anthem "R?ck the Hell Out
of You" 10 the bitter-sweet power
builad "Lady Radio-ready tune
"All For One" is a song that cries
out for all the world's pain and
"Days are goin' by, it's up to
vou to make a start - Before this
Earth of ours turns to dust and falls
apart - Right now I know we can
make a change - All for one and
one for all - Isn't that the way that
it should be - Will we ever change
this world? -1 nited we will stand
up tall - United we will never tall
If it s all for one and one tor all
The first video single, Shin-
ingStar ia metalized version t
the classic Earth, Wind and Fire
tune. The video is now receiving
airplav on MTV 'S Headhanger's
Ball Not a tv pkalStryper v id,the
dip features plenty ot rock and
roll stage antics and of course,
beautiful women Jeff Scott Soto,
former lead singer with ingwie
Mahnsteen, provides additional
background vocals on the LP.
while Randv fadeson does some
bass thumpin on "Shining Star
"Ordinary Man is a solid,
rock-n-roll tune that gives light to
humanity. It wouldn't surprise
me if Strvper wrote this after all
the problems thev had vsith the
media after deciding to become a
plain ol heavy metal band
See Stryper, page 9

10 (She izaat (tfarultntan September 11.1990
Features Briefs
Loan problems grow in the East
Real estate loan problems at banks are growing much farter
oast ol the Mississippi RiveT than in the western halt of the
country, according to FDK data Second quarter data on bank
earnings indicate that the USA s commercial real estate markets
in New t ngland and the Mid Atlantic states in a tailspin;
California and most ol the West having above average asset
growth and earnings.
Rich staying out of real estate
I lu- rich arc not quite as conspicuous in the real estate
market these days t just would net lock right, says June Scott ol
June Scott ami Associates brokei to the rich and famous m
Beverly Hills, ?. alii I tun' is just a general pans s.ns Scott
"It's probably because of tins whole Arab hms It lias nothing to
do with the money She evpet ts things to pi k up soon
This Week in Film
rhero arc secrets thai exist under our normal lives, dark
secrets that hold incriminating evidence thai can upset the
doud visions ot our all too perfect world "hose shadows
sometime find thou wtj to the surface and begin to complicate
out lives Sound like the introduction to a horror storAlmost
I his week three movies will be shown in Hendrix "heater that
uncovei the dark secrets ol reality and force the characters to
woik around them
Crimes & Misdemeanors Woody Mien's most recent
picture is simp!) a movie about the meaning ol life The movie
has plenty ol laughs but its not a movie about laughs lor the
first time Woody Mien makes a serious effort to answer a few
questions about our existeni e
Crimes & Misdemeanors is actually nru.kc up of two st ries.
Roth stories run parallel throughout the movie, linked only by
the character f a rabbi who i; slowly losing his sight
I ho more serious ol the two stories is about the rabbis eye
doctor, ludah Rosenthal (Mattin landau) udah is .1 successful
happily married opthamologisl who is trying to end a rocky
iffair w ith a neurotu vounp flight attendant I ngeli( a 1 louston)
Feeling trapped and tnreatened ludah arranges to have th ?
woman killed Mter the woman is killed ludah finds himsell
dealing with crushing guilt and the fact that God may be
v at hing him
lnj t, ? 1 . . tl tl rabbi's bn thei in lawlift
Steri ?'? ?dy Mien) a director ot lit.le-seen documentary Minis
I'he rabbi's brother a successful IV producer 'Alan lda . takes
pit on1 tt and hires him to make a documentary on his life
filming . hit meets and falls in love with an
ambiti as producer (Mia Fan n I I ? ins to question his
v rimes and Misdemeanors can honestly be called Allen's
!nsurpio?.v. It contains the wonderful ability to dramatize
Reality in a literate st,? lim
fremors is 198's homage to the B movie I he film stars
Kevin Bat on and Fred Ward as two handymen who go from town
? ? ivn in search of odd jobs Our heroes find themselves stuck in a
small di rt I ivn where they uncover a number of weird murders
I'he town eventually finds it elf cut off from the outside
.j whei ml do? ide to isit 1 es, 1 did say
worms giant stinking earthworms Outside communication is
impossible, sm- 1 :uU arc blocked by the surrounding
mountains "he town ;? pie find that the cannot escape and our
heroes disco vcr that anv hero stuff will have to be left uy to
"remors is a well-n ide 1 lion movie from the producers of
? Miens I'he movie may n a little campy but that's the
wholt reason tor going to see this film. "Tremors" is just like a
fasti ? oaster ride on a warm summer afternoon blindfolded
Should there be anv mod for an explanation o "Blue
Velvet?' 1 ho movie was filmed entirely on location in
Wilmington N and earned David 1 ynch an Oscar nomination
tor host director I ho most respected critics in the United States
have it on their top 20 movie list of all time, and its dark
overtones and eccentric atmosphere paved the wax tor the
history making television series 'Twin Peaks Poos there have
to be an explanation tor this movie? It you haven't seen "Blue
Velvet" by now. what in the world are you waiting for?
' rimes & Misdemeanors" will be shown tomorrow night at 8
P m Tremors' will be shown rhursday at 7 & 9 p.m. and or.
Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. "Blue Velvet" will screen on
Sunday at 8 p.m. Admission is free when a valid ECU 1 D. card
(with current semester activity attached) or a current semester
i Um Passard 1- presented I he I ilm Passards are available
tor $10 from the entral i icket Office, Mondavi riday 8:30 a.m.
- c p rr ill 757 4788 for more information.
1 he F. I Student I nion 1 ilms (lommittee would like to thank
East boast Musk and Video fo" the use of videotapes in the
rey ievs of these films
( (implied by hristophei Gallagher
Continued from page 8
lated section of the Mendenhall
Student Center. I lowever, lagging
participation is not confined to the
Coffeehouse alone
The last open house that had
been held ("Open house' is an
event which people who are in
terested in the Student I Inion an
attend to leant more about the
organization) had a fair atten
dance, but it was not as much as
Marshall had hoped.
Motivation of the Student
Union staff and its members is a
prime factor that is required tor
the success ol all committees,
Marshall felt. Unique events are
needed, as well.
Once a hot air balloon was
used, and talk in the Student 1 Inion
is now circulation about using an
airplane with a trailing banner (hat
will advertise future events The
problem with that latter SUggCS
tion. however, is expenses "It
cost $200 MX) to have thai plane
fly o er the campus tor tist a few
minutes. Marshall said
The difficulty of finding
people who .ire truly committed
to their work is another t.u tor that
inhibits the success ot some Stu
dent I nion a tivities. I our of the
Student Union's 11 committees
were recently without chairper
sons Within the last sey oral day s,
however, three of those availal
positions have been filled
Some people are definitely
Continued from page 8
"Caught in the Middle" isa pretty intense song
that keeps the basic Styper rhythms and harmonies
togctht r
Stryper has indeed made a 1 hange, buf tor the
better Aeainst the law should get them the atten
tion they deserve (although, 1 think they should
have gotten iist as niiu h attention w ith the raw-
sounding Yellowand Bid I tta I P!).
And as Stryper sings in Against the 1 aw,
they've still got the tire burning in their soul, but
they're just rockin' harder to make their music roll
( ontinued from page H
Ihese pubh' receptions are hold annually,
and this exhibit, which opened on Sept l will
continue throughSq I ?? rhegallery 1
10 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday and
until 8 p m on I hursdays
( .all. rv Direi tori harlesl ovell, whose works
were also rej 1 t d,said that he had. ?: ? I I
this ear s reception to be successful since all past
exhibits were successes Ml artwork pre
had many ntei I ualittes and coloi
intricate design played a major role in most of the
Mazatlan, a little slice of Tijuana
Maatlan. a new restaurant has opened in Greenville and
is definitely one to try Its cuisine is Mexican with an authentic
I he service at Maatlan is hard to surpass. Complimentary
( hips and salsa are immediately brought to the table as you are
welcomed A few moments are given to look over the wide
selection of entrees on the menu
Maatlan has over thirty combinations lor under $5.50. Most
combinations are priced at $4.75. They also have main
vegetarian entrees as well as some higher priced entrees.
The menu is completed by a large glossary of Mexican foods to
familiarize those who have not had authentic Mexican food. All
items on the menu are available for eat in or take- out. Maatlan
also serves beer, wines, and mixed drinks, including excellent
Overall Maatlan is a great Mexican restaurant. Just bring
your American Express and your own atmosphere. Maatlan is
open for lunch and dinner and is located on Creenville Blvd. near
the intersection ot Greenville Blvd. and Memorial Or.
-Compiled hv Oraughon Crjnford
I nion President ken I rakeisone
such person. "He's more profes
sional than many of the people
work with full time Marshal
Marshall hopes that the Stu
denl Union will now beorganized
enough to have a continuous string
(t student activities, but a large
turnover of the student staff and
its members makes organization
difficult.Someof thestudentswl
have turned in applications at the
beginning of this semester will not
get a response until nearly the end
of September. Tour weeks is ux
long tor students to wait tor a
response. Marshall telt Never-
theless, despite whatever confu-
sion that exists, the Coffeehouse
committee has a number tit ac-
tivities planned
In addition to Ibdd Yohn's
performance on Sept 11 .theunion
has other shows already booked
On Sept Is Bruce Frye will per
term a variety musical ad An
activity called "knack knight is
planned on Oct. 2. In November,
musician Brian Huskey and co
median Mark Dishera are sched-
uled to appear. All acts are slated
for Tuesday nights and will begin
at M pm.
Although another activity is
scheduled tor December 4,
Marshall is unsure whether or not
it will take place. 1 he Coffeehouse
budget will likely beexhausted by
that time.
Marshall called the Coffee
house an "alternative to down
town without competing with
downtown He said that down
town business "program" tor
Wednesday through Saturday
nights. "Weprogramfor "ucsday
nights he added. In fat t at least
two local nightclub owners and
managers have helped arrange
performing acts tor the Student
The Coffeehouse seats 70-75
people, and with further adver-
tising and word-ot-mouth,
Marshall feels that those spaces
could be easily taken. Alter all, he
pointed out that over lb,0M stu-
dents attend Fast Carolina
Since the atmosphere of the
Coffeehouse is small and intimate,
socialization is ,m integral part of
the setting. This fact comes as a
blessing to many students who
tind fraternity and sorority parties
lOO high strung, competitive,
and nerve?racking for their
For further details about Stu-
dent Union activities, listen to
WZMB (91.3 FM), look for adver-
tisements in The East Carolinian
and on billboardsaround campus,
or call the student program hotline
at 757-4702.
T( day! Tuesday, September 11 th tr m 5-7 p.m
Skats is celebrating the intn rductk n f our new
a 'i lb. cheesebiurger
with ketchup, mustard, and pickles
. .
Helping us intn rfuce the fc jgi Quarterskat
are the ECU Cheerleaders and the ECl I Pirate.
Cv; The festivities will include a
huge twx )-f t (Quarterskat.
Quarterskat samples, cheers and

lots of fun
A portion of the sales during
this celebratif n will be d mated ti) the
ECU Cheerleaders traveling fund.
Come on by tor food and fun and try our new.

Quarterskat cheeseburger.
Don't Forget to
register to vote by
ww oct i. mi

Celebration at Skats on Hwy 11 across from Pitt Greenville Airport

September 11,1990
She iEagt (Enrglinian
huving any football, basketball.
and baseball cards you have Any
, ir any shape, 111 give you a fair
amount. Call Tim, 83(1 34tv
, coffer typing and photocopying
es We also sell computers,
ttware, and computer
. ssories T4 hours m and out.
aranteed typing on paper up to
handwritten pages SDF Tro
? ssional Computer Services, HV
isl 5th Street (beside Cubbie'sl
nvttle, N.C. 752-3694
r n: m accordance with Real
risis Center and The bast
? 'iman. a female reporter is
dling to meet with you to help
nt other rapes on campus.
keep your confidentiality, call
pe risis c cuter at 758 4 $57 or
in to the Fast Carolinian.
: arolina University,
TARTY: We pla dance and
rogressiv e i ou can't touch this,
-bust a move'Call 752-9820.
rdsmith for professional typing
d word processing services.
Assistance in i rearing and editing
it available Speedy turnaround.
? l?24 .
; K I EASE: Spacious2bedroorn
j ? Nocks from campus Rent
1 - i i-ntral neat, air
? rung, hot water, sewer.
? isk cable. Call 74641G9.
Mt RENT? Homes tor $1.1X1,
pos (ioVt give away programs!
For information 504 -0670 Ext.
NEEDED: to share 2 bedroom, 1
bam apt. Furnished & very roomy
Will have own room. Need
bedroom furniture. $120month
& 1 futilities, lmilefromcampus.
Call 830-3650.
WANTED: to share nice 1 bed-
room furnished apartment on
campus. $187.50 per month plus
12 electric Call 757-1238 for
TRAVEL FREE Quality Vaca-
tions to exotic destinations! The
most affordable spring break
packages to IAMAICA ami
CANCUN. Fastest way to free
travel and $$$. 1-860-426-7710.
FOR SALE: Datsun 982 CTX, 5
Speed, AC, AM FM cassette, new
tires $1900. 830-6626
FOR SALE: loft stained and
sturdv $125 or best offer Kenmore
refrigerator perfect fordorm room,
used onlv 9 months. $00 or best
otter. C all 752 4052.
BEAR: Call for most huggable at
unbelievable price' 756-0173 or
1975 I25cc street and trail bike
Street legal, runs great. Title and
helmet $350. Call before 9 am
and after 10 p.m. Phone: 931-7493.
FOR SALE: Mada GLC '82.beige.
4-door, 5 speed, new tires, in great
shape, asking $1300neg. Call 72-
6823 and ask for Debbie
capacity weight bench and 1201b.
weight svt $200 or best offer. 78-
Residency Status and Tuition, the
practical pamphlet written by an
attorney on the in-state residency
application process Now avail-
able. Student Stores, Wright
program will begin in September
and the hours of work will van.
between 3J0 p.m. and 9t00 p m
Monday thru Friday, with some
Saturday work required Ap-
proximately 15-20 hours ptr week
Program will last until mid-No-
vember Knowledge of soccer and
the skills to teach soccer runda
mentals, team play,and strategies
to youth, ages 5-15 Rate of pay
will be $3.85 to $4.25 per hour For Ben lames
at 380-4543 or 830-4550.
home! Up to $20hr! Customers
call vou to order our directories.
(919)931-2932. 24 hr. message.
FRATERNITIES, sororities,
campus organizations, highly
motivated individuals-Travel free
plus earn up to $3000 selling
SPRING BRF AK trips to Cancun-
South Padre Island Orlando
Davtona Beach: 1-800-250-9191.
LOOKING FOR: fraternity,
sorority, or student organization
that would like to make $500 -
$1,000 for a one wreck on campus
marketing protect. Must he orga-
nized and hardworking. Call lerry
or Kevin at (800)52-2121.
Occasional stable help in exchange
for free riding English and west-
ern tack available Experienced
riders onlv Call 756-6635 after 6
HELP WANTED: Female bar
tenders wanted. Must be 21. Ap-
ply in person at Bogies. 752-4668.
New company has two openings
for representatives to sell curb self-
detense protection. Fantastic
product sells on sight. Everyone a
potential customer. Noexpenence
necessary. Call. 752-3969 for de-
STUDENT? If so, the Pirate Club
needs vou (ieneral office experi-
ence, including typing desired.
Call (won at 7" 440 for inter-
old 2:15 5:15, four afternoons.
( ail 757 6533 (days) or 76-
WANTED: Responsible, energetic
student for housecleaning 8-10
hours per week. Flexible sched
ule. Call 757-3838.
LADIES:let ahead, start on your
new fall wardrobe with a part
time sales position that offers a
clothing discount Apply Bnxiy's
The Plaa. Mom Wed 1 - 4 p.m.
SECURITY: positions available
No experience necessary No late
hours Apply Brodv's The Plaza,
Mon Wed 1 4 p.m.
BRODY'S FOR MEN: has limited
part- time sales positions available.
We otter good pay, clothing dis-
counts and flexible schedules
Apply Brady's The Plaza, Mon -
Wed 1 4 pm.
home. Upto$500a week possible
Amazing recorded message re-
?ealsdetaiIs Call24ho 1(202)310-
3336 DEFT-3NCET.
Sigma Phi Little Sister Rush! Sept.
11-12 from 8 p.m. - lOp.m Come
out and meet the Brothers and
Sisters. 422 W. 5th St. Call 757-
"16 if rides are Heeded
Focus on discovering and
connecting with the child within
Tuesdays Sept 11 and 18. $15.00
Call Elizabeth Wootenat 72 vl
Phi Kappa Tau Sweetheart Rush
is being held Wednesday Mi
Thursday night ot this week 11 -r
more information call 757-1 319.
TAU GAMMA: would like to
thank Alpha Delta Ti for their help
during RUSH Hope we can get
together again in the near future
DELTA ZETAS: Thanks tor
coming to help with RUSH
Wednesday night Let's get to-
gether for a "real" social stxin. The
brothers of Sigma Pi
CHI - O'S: Thanks so much tor
helping with RUSH Thursday
night. The rushees were
impressed .The Sigma Pis
L Harris in the TaylorSlaughter
Alumni Center on vour recent
marriage. Who's the "lucky girU
ECU Ambassadors. Meet key
people in the community, get a
headstart in public relations and
become a major campus leader
Visit us in front of the student
store today and tomorrow. Don't
miss this chance!
go to the game, she locked her
kevs in the trunk, Hey man, that
was lame! She's really not stupid,
she's a really cool chick, and that's
how she earned the nickname
SLICK - Froggy!
LUKE USHER: Congratulations
on an awesome game at Honda
State. I'hetahi s
new pledges ot Thetahi Pat
C arroll Miguel Estarellas, Wes
H.nd, C hns IVvo. Kevin I urr.
Michael Ceamillo, Nathan
Jennings, Tyler Gemmelt, Matt
Reeves, Al Acosta, Bryan
Alexander, Ray Mc oy, Carl
Thorell and im Faulkra r I lood
luck guvs' RolK hi!
I OST WALLETon Mendav night
between and 10 p m. in the
parking lot of Ireen Hall or
Kinitv Money m wallet was to
be used to cover medical expense1
for ill family member. Please call
collect (919) 39&- 4253 Reward
Largest Library ot information m U S ?
all subjects
800 351 0222
H85?jrch lntorm?tion
? $1000 n? eek
tor nil i ampus -iranidinon
Plus a chance at
SSOOO more!
1 his program orL s
investment needed
Call 1 800-9320528 Ext. 50
The East Carolinian -
Your Only
Campus Newspaper.
ure .old Dancer Varsity tryouts
?.HI be held September 17 &18
from h 30-8:30p.m. in Minges.
n spots for the varsity team
ill be filled at this time
?ion, there will be a meeting
icsday, September llth at
I m in( neral College. Room
? - Anyquestions,call93I-7799.
R 1 Blood drive, sponsored bv
? i! . September 1 1,
' denhall Studententer, 12-b
; m "Pleas- donate blood, it mav
a life "
support group hasbeen formed
? r people who are caring for a
p hi si- ir other loved one at home
rhe group is led bv Susan Redding,
N restive Living Center and
reda Cross, MSW, Eastern
arolina Home Health Agency
The group will meet at St. James
ntted Methodist Church at 2000
E Mh Street, Creenville, NC on
I uesdsy, September 11 from 7:30
. m until 9 pm. Respite services
.re available To make
reservations for respite care, call
the Creative laving Center at 757-
0303 from 8 am to 5 p.m 24
hours m advance.
Now is the time to be registered
with the Career Planning and
l'la ement Service in the Blaxton
House Located between
Mendenhall and Greene
Residence Hall, this is a place
where graduating students may
put resumes and establish a
credentials file. Interview sign-ups
begin soon and you must be
registered to sign up. General
Information meetings will beheld
Sept 5 at 3 p.m. in GCB1032, Sept
h, at 3:15 p.m. in GCB 1031 and
Vpt 7 and 12 at 3 p.m. in the
Bloxton House.
The time of ECU Students for the
I thical Treatment of AnimalsSept
II meeting has been changed to
5:30 pm The place will still be
GCB 201b New members are
always welcome.
Welcome back! AM A will have
the first meeting Sept 13 at 3:30 in
GCB 1032. Guest speaker:
Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance - Co-Op recruitment,
faculty and students invited to
Alpha Epsilon Delta will hold its
first meeting on Tuesday,
September 11. All interested
students are asked to attend An
information session about AED
will begin at 6 p.m followed by a
presentation from the Dean of
Admissions of ECU Medical
School at 7 pm Refreshments will
also be served All pre-professional
studentsarcencouraged toattend
Don't forget to take your student
ID cards along with your ticket to
the football games. Student ticket
pick-up Tuesday- Thursday.
If you want to excel in the field of
Psychology, prepare for graduate
school, attend guest speakers,
CSfWf preparation, get to know
your faculty and gain valuable
experience then check out PsiChi,
the National Honor Society ot
Psychology. Applications
available in Rawl 104 Deadline is
September 14 th
ODK meeting September II, at 5
p.m. in 312 Wnght Building All
members are asked to attend
Come pin the fastest growingclub
on campus - the ECU Model
United Nations Club. An
organizational meeting will be
held Wednesday, September 12 at
3:30p.m. in BC104 (seminar room).
We're planning for our
Georgetown University
Conference on 17 - 21 October, so
now's the time to join. Any major,
any interest may join. For more
information, call Charles at 7S2-
3068 or 355-6600.
The Episcopal Student Fellowship
welcomes all to Wednesday night
Holy Communion and discussion.
The service startsat 5:30 p.m. with
a light meal and a topic discussion
afterwards. St. Paul's Episcopal
Church is on 4th Street one block
over from Garrett dorm. Call Allen
Manning at 758-7437 for more
I N V 0
V F.

If you werea Girl Scout and would
like to continue or if you have
never been one but would like
more information please call 752-
here will be a reception for
anyone interested in becoming
involved with the Student Union
Tuesday, Sept 11th at 7:30 p.m.
(TONIGHT) m the Mendenhall
Social Room. Dress is coat and tie
for men, skirt proper attire for
women. Refreshments will be
served I he Student Union wants
vou to become a part of the action.
Be a part of planning the movies,
concerts, and speakers that come
to Fast Carolina University
The Student Health Center
Resource Room offers a variety of
information on health related
topicssuchasstress, AIDS, men's
and women's health issues,
smoking, safety, and much much
more. The Resource Room isopen
Monday through Friday from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 757-6794 for
more information.
We need your experience! Your
achievements in everyday
situations can be useful to others.
Earn that feeling of
accomplishment Real Life Crisis
Centensrccruiting volunteer ensis
counselors for our telephone hot-
line and walk-in center. We will
be offering training classes in this
enriching field beginning
September 17th. Call 758-HELP or
come by 312 East 10th Street.
Teens! Dial-A Teen is interested in
your valuable time. We are loosing
for special teens, between the ages
of 15 and 18, who would like to
volunteer their invaluable
listening skills to help others in
crisis. We are offering training
classes for our teen hotline
beginningSeptemher 17. Call 758-
HELP or come by 312 East 10th
Internships available with the
Federal Government throughout
the U.S. Two rotations required
usually. To be considered
individual must receive or be
schedule to receive an eligible
graduate degree during current
academic year. GS Rating. Intern
salary $20,000 or above. Contact:
Cooperative Education, 2028
General Classroom Bldg 757-
On Tuesday, September llth at
5:30 p.m. the Pitt County AIDS
Task Force will present an
informational session concerning
people of color and the HIV
epidemic. This presentation will
be followed by a discussion
concerning intervention ideas. The
meeting will be held at the County
Commissioners Office. Please call
Kimberly Scott at 830-9308.
Anyone interested is encouraged
to attend.
The Women Studies Program will
host a reception for new women
faculty Thursday September 13.
at 3:30 p.m. in the Van
Landingham Room. Home Ec
DecisionSciencesSociet) ishaving
a meeting on Wednesday,
September 12 at 4:30 p.m in GCB
Room 3007. Anyone interested in
becoming a member or in finding
out more about l)e. ision Sciences
is encouraged to attend. Election
will be held and n rreshments will
be served lor more information,
call 7" 6893.
The first organizational meeting
of Students for the Mother Earth
will be held Thursday, September
13 at p m in the Mendenhall
Student Center. Refreshments will
be served and everyone is
welcome Students - this is your
chance to stand up and make a
difference. Join us as we address
many of the environmental issues
prevalent in our community and
world today Together, we can put
forth enough effort to help save
the environment Come see what
we're about.
The Student Union Coffeehouse
Committee will sponsor the
comedian Todd Yohn on Tuesday,
September 11 from 9-11 p.m. in
the Coffeehouse at Mendenhall
Student Center Refreshments will
be provided and admission is free.
To be a part of the Student Union
call 757-4715 or come by 236
Mendenhall to get an application.

CDlic lEnat (garultnian
SiPftMiu h 11,1990
?&?S i
ECU football team loses to Florida State, 45-24
By Chip Kline
st.ilt VVrttrr
E( I entered Doakampbell
Stadium Saturday night with vi
sions ol upsetting the Assot iated
Press third ranked 1 londa State
University Seminoles rwo years
,?y the Pirates wen- tied late in
the second quarter before the
Seminole offense got on track and
reeled ot I two quit k scores to break
the pa me w ide open
It was deja vu again foi the
Pirates as theSeminoles turned
r it 1 mist ?ks into 14
point sand a 18 17lead in the rd
quartei into a 45 24 victor)
Pirate head coach Mill 1 ewis
Added, 1 think we showed up to
play and 1 m proud of that 1 think
w e have the heart toha e tin' type
ot football team we want to be
E I sho ked the opening
night crowd ot bl 83 (the sixth
largest crowd in FSl histon I on
the third plav from scrimmage
when senior comerback Darren
Bvnum stripped Seminole fullback
Edgar Bennett ol the ball. So
phmore safetv. 1 ei i k 1 ields
scooped up the fumble and ran it
back l yards to the FSl 24
junior fullback Mike Rhett
powered the Pirates dov n inside
the twenty A 12 yard left Blake toedric Van Buren tor a
touchdown capped off the 24 yard
drive. Robb Imperato aMi the
extra point and EC I led7 Owith
12 id left in the first quarter
I si retaliated with tailba k
Amp 1 ee scampering 28 yards
down to the EC 1 5, breakingsev
oral tackles along the way Quar
terback Brad lohnson, a native of
Bla? k Mountain, hit Ml
Americancandidate wide ret eiver
1 aw rence 1 aw sev in the orncrof
the end zone to tie the game 7
A Dion lohnson fumble on
thePiratc'snextposossion, the first
ot tour Pirate miscues on the eve
mng,setupa Richie Andrews held
oaland a 10 7 FSl lead
1 he Pirates unleashed their
two tight ends, one bat k ball i on
trol offense on their next posses
sion and drove to the FSl 1" be
fore settling on an Imperato M
yard Held goal to tie it upat 10
FSl then exploded tor two
quick scores to open up the s i
ond quarter Johnson hit Bennett
with a 4 sard tout hdown
and hrroll Buckley elet ti I
crowd when he took a ohi
punt and slit ed has way thn
Pirate coverage i n his ty I
vard IP to boost the S mn
lead to . i
rhePiratesdidnotl i - I
from the Seminoles taV i l
73vardsforatout hdowna -
off with lohnson ??? ai . ?
from J yards out to cut the
nole lead to 24 17 at the hair
Semmole head coat h I
Bowden was impressed with the
Pirate offense ii thi hrst halt
" rhev just wouldn't tui
ball over in the fi t hall
wt re really hit ky l ' ?
d of shapt
While the I ii iti ff '
half, the second halt was i
ot blow n opportunities
? runole defei
up its plav ' '
Pirate ' ' ' '
turnovers in the

I i ?. ?
. ,
i u
Cross country team
excels away
Sports Information
FCl av ?
fell to
past I
45 2 4 in
Photo rourt?sy ot C'iM Holin
Lady Pirates destroy Pembroke State
? 1- . 1. ;mn.irlll'? in
itat na! baturda
. ' ? ' ' ' ' '?
ish tor the men
"Ann Marie Wei
minute and thn
By ail Rumley
statt VV nttr
rhe EC I 1 ady Pirate
levball team downed Pembroke
State in straight sots of 15 0, 15 6
and 15 s to start theseason with a
vi tors
rhe match began at 2p.m Sat
urday ,in MingesC oliseumwitha
serve from Pembroke State
Immediately succumbing to the
perfe tly executed bump sot
spike routine by ECU, Pembroke
lost the serve setting the pace tor
the first game
Withahealthy lead.thel ady
Pirates ontinued to dominate
Pembroke with a formidable of-
fense and a well coordinated
defense Phe competition proved
unable to withstand the EC I at
ta ks as the matt h ad a need into
the second game I having won
the first 15 0.
rhe second game progressed
much as the first with the I ady
Pirates gaining a substantial early
load A frenzy ofcomebac ka rion
from Pembroke served torn rease
defensive activity in the home
In retaliation to an ace serve
by 1 Vmbnke's Kari Ragland EC!
setter, Shannon Mckay admini
stered a short set to hitter C hristine
Belgado. I his quick a rion re
suited in possesion of the serve.
1 he third game proved to be
more trying as Pembroke pulled
hitterMelaniet .rooms Pembroke
did not hold the icad for long,
however, as the 1 ads Pirates re
covered their earlier winning mo
A partit ularly long volley
ended by anattackby number six,
lenniter Parsons, and blo k by
sophomore 1 cigh Wilcox sealed
ECU'S fate as u tors of their first
vollevball match
I he EC I setup proved effec-
tive in both offense and defense
rhe front line center and left posi-
tions were assigned the task of
killing or spiking, thi? ball, with
the setter coming from the right
Phe covering tor the rest of the
court, whit h entailed most ot the
defense, was obtained from the
three ha k row players
rhe 1 ady 1'irate's defen e,
consisted of good passes and re-
coveries. Setter Shannon Mckay
had the lead in digs, or passes
Virginia defeats Oernson,
ends 29 game losing streak
.t .1.4 ,or ,ii. 1 m ol.l.t WO WOn I
whu h are imperative in h
grade volleyball for offense,
Wend Shult2 carried the most
points for her attacksand V
I he record of EC1 -
women s volleyball has ?
pretty sketchy for the past dot ade
1 he reason can be attributed- to a
continuous prot ession of various
coaches in the preceding years
! low ever, this season's coach,
Martha McCaskill, who last
coached at WU Conley High
School, plans to remain as EC I
; h, hoping to build a solid
foundation in women's volleyball
tor coming oars
- itisfied w ith the Lady
irate s game as a whok. M(
( askiii v laimed that the team
worked well together and put in
an extremely good effort to
triumph over Pembroke Stati
; ady Pirate volleyball team hopes
to maintain their winning status.
having i onfirmed their physical
abilitv with a 1 0 roeord
give the Pira
resentation in t! ?
Soccer team suiters two shut
outs on weekend road trip
sports Information
The Pirate SOO i I
fered consecutive Cutouts as tl t .
dropped two games this wet k
end.bniv. ngthel
2 )
In the first gai
( ieorge Mason Univt i
Pirate offense struggled
tempting one sh i
rhe Patriot's Adrian Rey i
scored the first two goal I
game in the second half, with
i oung scoring the final I the
came to deteat the Piratt s ;
Brian Deweese J?.i
Aspden shared goal time tor t

( HAR1 OTT1 SVILU Va (AP) ForVirginia's
( avaliers the final hurdle has been cleared
George Welsh needed just eight years to become
the winningest coa( hof a football program that had
been a perennial loser
1 ,ist vear s avaliers won Id games tor the first
time in the st hool s 101 year football history, won a
share ot its first Atlantic oast onferencechampi-
onship and went to its first New Year's bowl game
But even then, there was one big barrier, and
Welsh said how his team handled it would deter-
mine whether the program would falter or continue
to gr "a
Virginia had played c lemson 29 times and lost
all 2s? It was the longest active string tt futility in
major- ollege football
"1 might iist take all my marbles and go home
a gigglingWelsh said Saturday after No 14 Virginia's
20-7 victory over the ninth ranked Tigers
Terry Kirby ran tor a third quarter score and
Jason Wallace set up another touchdown with a 79-
vard punt return
streak 'What streak" "Welsh said.Tmono and
eight now against them
1 PrognostM aters had been saying for months this
might finally be the vear Virginia beatOernson,and
Welsh said all the attention served asa major distrac-
t s over, and I'm glad we won, he
said. "It's been a long buildup Ihis has been going
tin all summer "
ken Hatfield faced the unenviable task of be-
coming the first C lemson coach to lose to Virginia.
1 veryone is entitled to an opinion, and 1 am
sure mere will be some criticism from the fans said
Hatfield, whose arrival thisseasonwasgreeted coolly
bv a numbeT ot Oernson faithful
Hatfield replaced Danny lord in the wake of
t A A sanctions against the program
Some people will have things to say 1 latfield
said "But we made a commitment tor the entire
season. 1 his is just one game We are going to review
what happened and better, go from here
Nine of Virginia's losses to C lemson had been by
seven points or less, and Saturday's game, the ACC
opener for both schools, appeared as it it would be
another nail biter
But Virginia, which trailed 7 6 at halftime,broke
it open with a pair of touchdowns early in the third
The C avaliers (2-0) took the second-halt luckofl
and marched HO yards in 12 plays, with kirbv's 4-
vard run off of the lett tackle, giving them the lead to
stav at 13-7.
Alter Clemson (1 -1) was held to just tour yards
See Virginia, Page 14
CuttinQ it OUt John Buth.rtord - ECU Pholo L.
These students take part ,n a class ottered by Recreational Services in Chnstenbury Memorial
Gymnasium Th,s class .s just one ot the many ottered by Recreational Services

ulhg JEaat (ffargHnian
September 11.199Q
ECU football team loses to Florida State, 45-24
By Chip Kline
Staff Writer
ECU entered Doak Campbell
Stadium Saturday night with vi-
sions of upsetting the Associated
Press' third-ranked Florida State
University Seminoles. Two years
ago the Pirates were tied late in
the second quarter before the
Seminole offense got on-track and
reeled off two quick scores to break
the game wide open.
It was dcja vu again for the
Pirates as theSeminoles turned
covomI FCU mistakes into 14
point,s and a 38-17 lead in the 3rd
quarter into a 45-24 victory.
Pirate head coach Bill Lewis
added, "1 think we showed up to
play and I'm proud of that. 1 think
we have the heart to have the type
of football team we want to be
ECU shocked the opening
night crowd of 61,983 (the sixth
largest crowd in FSU history) on
the third play from scrimmage
when senior cornerback Darren
Bynum stripped Seminole fullback
Edgar Bennett of the ball. So-
phmore safety Derick Fields
scooped up the fumble and ran it
back 11 yards to the FSU 24.
Junior fullback Mike Rhett
powered the Pirates down inside
the twenty. A 12 yard Jeff Blake
pass to Cedric Van Buren for a
touchdown capped off the 24-yard
drive. Robb lmperato added the
extra point, and ECU led 7-0 with
12:1)4 left in the first quarter.
FSU retaliated with tailback
Amp Lee scampering 28 yards
down to the ECU 5, breaking sev-
eral tackles along the way. Quar-
terback Brad Johnson, a native of
Black Mountain, N.C. hit All-
American candidate wide receiver
Lawrence Dawsey in the corner of
the end zone to tie the game 7-7.
A Dion Johnson fumble on
the Pirate'snext posession, the first
of four Pirate miscues on the eve-
ning, set upa Richie Andrews field
goal and a 10-7 FSU lead.
The Pirates unleashed their
two tight ends, one-back ball con-
trol offense on their next posses-
sion and drove to the FSU 16 be-
fore settling on an lmperato 34-
yard field goal to tie it upat 10-10.
FSU then exploded for two
quick scores to open up the sec-
ond quarter. Johnson hit Bennett
with a 4-yard touchdown pass,
and Terrell Buckley electrified the
crowd when he took a John Jett
punt and sliced his way through
Pirate coverage on his way to a 63-
yard TD to boost the Seminoles
lead to 24-10.
from the Seminoles taking the ball
73 yards for a touchdown. Capped
off with Johnson scampering in
from 3 yards out to cut the Semi-
nole lead to 24-17 at the half.
Seminole head coach Bobby
Bowden was impressed with the
Pirate offense in the first half.
"Thev just wouldn't turn the
ball over in the fist half. 1 think that
we were really lucky to be in as
good of shape as we were said
While the Pirate offense was
the model of consistency inthe first
half, the second half was a myriad
of blown opportunities.
The Seminole defense turned
up its play a notch, causing the
Pirates to commit three very costly
turnovers in the second half.
Quarterbacks Blake and Chad
Crier threw interceptions deep it
Seminole terntorv, and Blake
fumbled away the ball at the ECU
38 when sacked by Howard Dink-
ms and Carl Simpson.
Another factor in the demise
of the Pirates was the loss of cor-
nerbacks Darren Bynum and Chris
Hall. Bvnum suffered a knee in-
jury and may be out for the sea-
son. Hall iniured his ankle but
should be back for next week's
game against Virginia Tech.
The lone bright spot for the
Pirates in the second half occurred
with seven minutes to play in the
third quarter when Blake con-
nected with tight end Luke Fisher
on a 91 -yard TD pass to bnng the
Pirates within 38-24. That play set
a new school record tor the long-
est pass completion, breaking the
old record, an 84-yard throw from
Charlie Libretto to Reggie McKin-
Johnson and Lee powered the
Seminole attack. Johnson hit on 20
of 28 passes for 187 yards and
three I'D's, while Lee rushed for
102 yards on 17 carries
"We had too many good play-
See Football, fage 14
Cross country team
excels away
Sports Information
Photo courtly of Clitt Holli?
Lady Pirates destroy Pembroke State
than we expected. We are very
pleased at this point in the sea-
son said Justice.
C onceming tkx men's tinish,
Justice said. "We were pretty
pleased with everyone's effort
Weare where we should be at this
point in the season.
Kyle Sullivan placed 22nd in
28:20, Tonv Chad wick 28th in 28:44
and Ricky Chann 39th in 29.20.
By Vail Rumley
Staff Writer
The ECU Lady Pirate Vol-
levball team downed Pembroke
State in straight sets of 15-0,15-6
and 15-8 to start the season with a
The match began at 2p.m. Sat-
urday, in MingesColiseum with a
serve from Pembroke State.
tacks as the match advanced into
the second game, ECU having won
the first 15-0.
The second game progressed
much as the first with the Lady
covered their earlier winning mo-
A particularly long volley
ended by an attack by number six,
Jennifer Parsons, and block by
huh" as iik. in ???? ? - - . ,
Pirates gaining a substantial earlv sophomore Leigh Wilcox sealed
lead. A frenzy of comeback action ECU'S fate as victors of their first
from Pembroke served to increase volleyball match,
defensive activity in the home The ECU setup proved effec-
tcam tive in both offense and defense.
In retaliation to an ace serve The front line center and left posi-
serve from 'emoroKC aiaie. ?? ?"ib ?? , . . . f
perfectly executed bump-set-
spike routine by ECU, Pembroke
lost the serve, setting the pace for
the first game.
With a healthy lead, the Lady
Pirates continued to dominate
Pembroke with a formidable of-
fense and a well-coordinated
defense. The competition proved
unable to withstand the ECU at-
setter, Shannon Mckay admini-
stered a short set to hitter Christine
Belgado. This quick action re-
sulted in possesion of the serve.
The third game proved to be
more trying as Pembroke pulled
ahead, using the strength of power
hitter MelanieGrooms. Pembroke
did not hold the lead for long,
however, as the Lady Pirates re-
killing, or spiking, thV.ball, with
the setter coming from the right.
The covering for the rest of the
court, which entailed most of the
defense, was obtained from the
three back row players.
The Lady Pirate's defense,
consisted of good passes and re-
coveries. Setter Shannon Mckay
had the lead in digs, or passes,
Virginia defeats Clemson,
ends 29 game losing streak
?n?? nA u'c nxror and I'm plad we won
which are imperative in high-
grade volleyball. As for offense,
Wendy Shultz carried the most
points for her attacks and kills.
The record of ECU's
women's volleyball has been
pretty sketchy for the past decade.
The reason can be attributed to a
continuous procession of various
coaches in the preceding years.
However, this season's coach,
Martha McCaskill, who last
coached at D.H. Conley High
School, plans to remain as ECU
coach, hoping to build a solid
foundation in women's volleyball
for coming years.
Satisfied with the Lady
Pirate's game as a whole, Mc
Caskill claimed that the team
worked well together and put in
an extremely good effort to
triumph over Pembroke State. The
Lady Pirate volleyball team hopes
to maintain their winning status,
having confirmed their physical
ability with a 1-0 record.
ECU's cross country team
returned home from the Pembroke
State Invitational Saturday with
an overall finish of first place for
the women and seventh place fin-
ish for the men.
"Ann Mane Welch dominated
the field. She beat the field by one
minute and thirtv seconds said
assistant coach, Charles Justice The ECU coaches were also
Theresa Manni placed 4th in pleased with T,m Cams s -0th
19-37- Susan Hu, 6th in 20:19 and place performance in 2954.
Gretc'hen Harley, 9th in 2fc26 to The ECU cross countryteam
g,ve the Pirate women good rep- visits C?m
resentation in the top 10. day. Sept. 15 for the Seahawk
'The women are better off Invitational.
Soccer team suffers two shut
outs on weekend road trip
Pirate's, together gathering six
saves off 19 shots.
In the second game, Sunday
against JamesMadison University,
the Pirates' offense again lagged
Sports Information
The Pirate soccer team suf-
fered consecutive shutouts as they
dropped two games this week- only attemptting one shot at the
end, bringing the team's record to goal
In the first game against
George Mason University, the
Pirate offense struggled, only at-
tempting one shot in the game.
The Patriot's Adrian Reynolds
scored the first two goals of the
game in the second half, with lrad
Young scoring the final goal of the
game to defeat the Pirates 3-0.
Brian Dcweese and Todd
Aspden shared goal time for the
Rickv F.ngelfned scored two
points for the Dukes with K. P.
Wawrzyniak and Jeff Srroud each
adding one, ending the game 4-0.
Deweese and Aspden again
split time in the goal with Aspden
making four saves and Deweese
The Pirates will face Barton
College (formerly Atlantic Chris-
tian College) Wednesday at 4 p.m.
in a non-conference match.
CHARLOTTESVlLLE,Va.(AP)?For Virginia's
Cavaliers, the final hurdle has been cleared.
George Welsh needed just eight years to become
the winningest coach of a football program that had
been a perennial loser.
Last year's Cavaliers won 10 games for the first
time in the school's 101-year football history, won a
share of its first Atlantic Coast Conference champi-
onship and went to its first New Year's bowl game.
But even then, there was one big barrier, and
Welsh said how his team handled it would deter-
mine whether the program would falter or continue
to grow.
Virginia had played Clemson 29 times and lost
all 29. It was the longest active string of futility in
major-college football.
"I might just take all my marbles and go home
a giggling Welsh said Saturday after No. 14 Virginia's
20-7 victory over the ninth-ranked Tigers.
Terry Kirby ran for a third-quarter score and
Jason Wallace set up another touchdown with a 79-
yard punt return.
"Streak? What streak?" Welsh said. Tmoneand
eight now against them
Prognosticates had been saying for months this
Welsh said all the attention served as a major distrac
"I'm glad it's over, and I'm glad we won he
said. "It's been a long buildup. This has been going
on all summer
Ken Hatficld faced the unenviable task of be-
coming the first Clemson coach to lose to Virginia.
"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and 1 am
sure there will be some criticism from the fans said
Ha tfield, whose arrival this season was greeted coolly
by a number of Clemson faithful.
Hatficld replaced Danny Ford in the wake of
NCAA sanctions against the program.
"Some people will have things to say Hatfield
said. "But we made a commitment for the entire
season. This is just one game. We are going to review
what happened and do better, go from here
Nine of Virginia's losses to Clemson had been by
seven points or less, and Saturday's game, the ACC
opener for both schools, appeared as if it would be
another nail-biter
But Virginia, which trailed 7-6 at half time, broke
it open with a pair of touchdowns early in the third
The Cavaliers (2-0) took the second-half kickoff
and marched 80 yards in 12 plays, with Kirbs 4-
yard run off of the left tackle, giving them the lead to
After Clemson (1-1) was held to just four yards
See Virginia, Page 14
Gutting it out j ??ecu ?k,u.
These students take part in a toning class offered by Recreational Services in Christenbury Memorial
Gymnasium. This class is just one of the many activities ottered by Recreational Services.

QJIjc ?ast (Earoltnian September 11,1990 13
Sports Briefs
Terrapins upset Mountaineers
Sampras victorious in the U.S. Open
Pete Sampras used a 120 mph serve to rout No 4 Andre Aggasi 6
4.6-3, 6-2 for the U.S. .prn men's title Sunda Sampras, 19, earned the
$350,000 top price with 13 aces to become the youngest men'schampion
in the history of the 110-year-old tournament It was the first all U.S
men's final since 17
Dallas, Atlanta KC win in openers
Dallas, 1-15 last season, was among the surprise winners during
week one of theNFI season, defeated San Diego 17 !4ort I 'rov ikman s
1 yard touchdown run with 1 581cfl Atlanta I31astveai unveiled
new coach lorn Clanvilie and now black uniforms and trounced
I louston 47-27. Kansas c 11v came from behind to defeat 1989 playoff
team Minnesota 24-21.
Sheehan makes 20 footer for victory
Patty Shechan made a 20 loot birdie putt on the ISth holcfoi a
stroke victory Sunday in the 1 PGA Ping-Cellular One Golf hampion
ship at Portland,Ore. Sheehan shot a final round h7 to finish at 8-undei
par 208.
Senna led every lap of race for victory
Brazil's Ayrton Senna led all i laps t i w in Sunda 's Italian (.ram)
Prix in his Mil aren 1 ionda France s lain Prost finished second in his
Ferrari, 6.054 secondsbehind Phc victory was the sixth ol the season tor
Senna and the 26th of his career, hut his first in this ra e Senna now has
72 points in the World Championship standings 16 points ahead ol
Earnhardt wins race by one 12 second
Halo Earnhardt beat Mark Martin by one hall set ond in the Miller
Genuine Pratt 4lKi Sunday at Richmond, Va and tightened the AS
TAR Winston Cup driving championship by l'1 points Earnhardt's
eighth victory of the year pulled him u ithin 16 points of Martin w ith
seven races remaining.
Sindelar wins first tourney since 1988
oey Sindelar, winlcss since the 1988 International, beat Willie
Wood with a par on the first playoff hole ol the $1 million Hardce s
classic in Coal Valley, 111 Both players missed the green, but Sindelar
chipped within a foot. Sindelar shot a final round 66 while W ood the
tl ivd-i uind co-leader with Bob I was had 6
Smith wins wrestling title in Tokoyo
ohn Smith,gold medal winner in the 1988 Oh mpi s, won the 1 V
pound World Freestyle Championship Sunday in . - defeating
Bulgaria's Rossen Vasilev, 10-fl Chris Cam - pounds) and
Bruce Baumgartmer (286 pounds) won silver medals In t? am ompc
(AP) A hold-ng penalty broke
West Virginia's grip on the lead
and Maryland s Scott Zolak took
i are of the rest
Zolak throw a 59-yard touch-
down pass to lene Thomas with
2 27 left Saturda and Maryland
beat o 25 lisi irginia 14- lOon
Saturday I he scoring pass came
on third-and 10 as olak hit Iho-
mas streaking across the middle.
I homas ran untou hod down the
middle ol the field tor the score.
Maryland's winning drive
was sustained v hcnV est irginia
(1-1) was (ailed tor a holding
penalty on a third and 10 play on
whichZolak w assa ked by Moun-
taineers' t.u Klo imiray.
I'lua werebringingpressure.
rhey had a tough defense " said
Zolak said, v ho wv as hit hard sev
oral times
I ator in the drive, 'olak hit
iirr Johnson tor nine yards on
third and 8 to koop the Terrapins
on the move.
1 think the nice thing about it
is,we're2 Onow Marylandcoach
!oe km ak said We II play it one
cameat itime we're playing hard
and if we just continue to do that,
then we'll see what happens when
the season's over
Zolak, who completed 23 of
42 passes for 313 yards and two
touchdowns, overshadowed the
performance of West Virginia
backup quarterback Darren
Studstill, who led two late scoring
drives after starter Greg Jones
suffered a concussion.
Studstill, a redshirt freshman,
replaced Jones at the beginning of
the second half.
I le started slowly but led West
Virginia to its first score at the
beginning of the fourth quarter.
The Mountaineers pulled within
7-3 on a Brad Carroll field goal
with 13:16 left.
1 ater in the quarter, he led the
Mountaineers on a 13-play, 80-
yard scoring drive culminating
with a 2-vard pass to running back
Urn Jones to make it 10-7.
The only score in the first half
came on a Maryland drive that
started with about two minutes
remaining. Zolak hit Johnson on a
deep pass down the right sideline
that earned to West Virginia's 9-
vard line.
Soviet I nion had 80 points; the I
nd with
Witherspoon overtakes Lewis to win
Mark Witherspoon posted a surprising vi tory against ()) mpian
( arl lewis andkxxiwill lames champion Len Bunvll in the 1 ?
meter dash Sunday, and U.S. Olympians Jackie Joyner-Kersee and
Roger kingdom lost at the Ricti (Italy) International track and field
meet. Witherspoon finished in 10:13.
Tar Heel's streak continues, win 100th
Mia Hamm scored all three North Carolina goals as the top ranked
Tar Heels' women's soccer team stretched its unbeaten streak to 100
games, beating rival North Carolina State 3 1 at Raleigh.
Colorado beats Stanford in thriller
No. 7 Colorado downed Stanford 21 17 in i football Thurs
dav. In Boulder. Eric Bienicmy scored three t u hdowns forColorado,
including the winning score with 12 seconds remaining in the game.
Moe is no longer coach of Nuggets
Doug Moe, one of the most suc essful i a hes in the National
Basketball Association, is out as coach of the Denver Nuggets. I he
Nuggetsand Moe announced they had "mutually agreed to end their
relationship" But, after a Thursday news conference, Moe said. I was
fired, basically leading candidates for the job: Mike 1 ratcllo, l.ovola
Marymount'sPaul Westhead and John MacLeod.
Cavaliers match offer for Williams
The Cleveland Cavaliers matched the Miami 1 leafs seven-year,
$26.5 million offer to John 1 lot Rod" Williams "I'm glad that this issue
is behind us said Cavaliers general manager Wayne Embry. "Now we
can continue .?.King to assemble our team as we pursue our goal of
winning an NBA championship
Cx .yjyngki
? - ? - ' ? "j ?
In the Locker
September surges
Major league baseball division winners farthest behind in
the standings at the beginning of September.
Baltimore Orioles
N.Y. Mets
N.Y. Mets
Cincinnati Reds
Division won, year
AL East, 1978
AL East. 1974
NL East, 1973
NL East. 1969
NL West, 1973
Games behind
Sept. 1
Since 1969. when team's were split into divisions
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Source Elias Sports Bureau
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The Hast
would like to
help in the
recycling effort
bv encouraging
its readers to
R this
E n news"
Tuesday, September 11,1990
1031 General Classroom Building
"Back to LifeBack to Reality"

Do you have
About your faith?
Are you looking fur a
in which to express your faith?
Continued from page 12
fazs fall
Fellowship supper, Program ft Community Prayer
EVERY WEDNESDAY at 5 p.m. at the
501 E Fifth SI (across from Gam-It Dorm
THIS WEEK: "Building Self-Esteem" wMrfaumcMtet nm i-nmi.ii
For more information contact: Christine Presley 757-1 7;
Rev. Dan Earnhardt 758-2030; Rev. Michelle "mike" Burcher 752-7240
Sponsored by Presbyterian & Methodist Campus Ministries A
on its next possession, Wallace
took Chns Cardocki's punt and
raced unmolested down the left
sideline. He was hauled down
from behind bv Norm Brown at
theQemson 7-yard line.
Two plays later, quarterback
Shawn Moore lofted a 12-yard
scoring pass to 6-foot-5 Herman
Moore, a former ACC indoor high
lump champion who easily
outjumpedClemson'sST 1 lerome
I lenderson.
That made it 20-7 with 8:25
left in the third quarter and forced
Clemson, normally a run-reliant
team, to go to the air. But quarter-
back DoChanof ameron, . i uad
completed just two of five passes
to that point, continued to have
The East Carolinian
Wed Sept. 12 8pm
The) sa there -
nothing new
under the
Bui undo the ?? I
Thurs Sept 13 7 & 9pm
Fri Sat Sept. 14,15 8pm
Sun Sept 1 6 8pm
ECU ID or Current Films Pass Is Required for Admission
The Student Union Coffeehouse Committee
trouble getting the ball to receiv-
ing with an 80-yard march that
ended when Cameron sprinted
around left end for a 25-yard
touchdown run with 13:15 left in
the first half.
Mclnernev made it 7-3 with a
39-yard field goal later in the
The game, which was marked
by the usual shoving matches and
personal fouls between the rivals,
drew 46,800, a new record at
42,000-seat Scott Stadium.
It was the ninth consecutive
conferencegame Virginia has won
at home, the longest such streak
inthe league. The last time Vir-
ginia lost at Scott Stadium was a
10-7 decision to Clemson in 1988.
Continued from page 12
ers and that's why we won We
had better material than thev did
said Bowden.
ECU turnovers and blown
defensive assignments prevented
the Pirates from overcoming the 7
point half-time deficit.
"We were not as sound fun-
damentally as we needed to be. I
didn't think we were a good tack-
ling team tonight said Lewis
The Pirates return to action
Saturday nigh against the r-
giniaTech Hokieswuna record .t
needs to
wing it
Doug Mochne's job as caddy is
safe, even if his wife is doing great
without him.
Dome Mochrie, playing for
the first time this year with, .t her
husband along to carry her clubs,
held a one-stroke lead after
Fndav's first round of the $330,000
Ping-Cellular One Golf Champi-
Mochrie shot a 4-under-par
68 over the par-72, 6,261-yard
Columbia-Edgewater Country-
Club course. She said she usually
has her husband, a dub profes-
sional, read her putts for her But
he's in New York playing in a
tournament this weekend.
"It was kind of strange she
said. "I've kind of relied on him to
read most of my putts. Today I
only asked my caddy two or three
times. Maybe we've found some-
thing here. 1 need to wing it on my
own once in awhile
Asked if her husband might
not have his caddy job back if she
wins this weekend, Mochrie
she said.
Sherri Turner, Betsy King and
Nancv Brown were tied for sec-
ond at 69 in a round that featured
two holes in one. Turner had the
first one. A half hour later, Laura
Hurlbut had another.
For Turner, it was the second
hole in one in six davs.
You are cordially invited to
attend the reception of the
East Carolina University
It will be held Tuesday Septem-
ber 11, 1990 at 7:30 pm in the
Social Room of Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center. Dress is coat and tie
for men, Skirt proper attire for
Call the Student Union Office
with any questions.

The East Carolinian, September 11, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 11, 1990
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