The East Carolinian, September 6, 1990

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$t iEaat (ftamltntatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No.43
Thursday,September 6 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 15,000
Student reserves wait
in anticipation of call
By LeClair Harper
Staff Writer
Some ECU student s have more
than grades, tests and social lives
to worry about these days.
Students in the arm services
reserves face the possibility of
being called to active duty as the
U S. involvement in the Persian
Cult grows daily. Approximately
40 percent oi American arm serv-
ices are reserves.
Jeffrey Allen Manning, a Na-
tional Guard reservist and I'CL
student, is curious about the pos-
sibilities of being called to Saudi
Arab where there are approxi-
mately 250,000 American military
personnel. He has been asked to
volunteer but has not been ordered
to duty.
Manning stated that he had
only heard conjecture and rumor
about what the ECU policy would
be in handling involuntarily called
Manning stated that the big-
gest problem tor him bv getting
called into active duty would be
missing school. Manning is a full-
time psychology major and works
full-time as a security guard tor
Evereadybatteries. (eagreed that
it is difficult working in school
knowing that he may be called any
"Every time the phone rings
now, I think I'm going to get called
(to active duty) Manning said.
For Manning and other re-
serves, the University oi North
Carolina-system is presently de-
ciding how to deal with students
who are called to service.
A policy statement released
bv CD. Spangler, president oi the
UNC system, states that when a
student is involuntarily recalled to
military service in response to the
President Hush s executive order
and is prevented from receiving
credit tor courses in v hich heshe
is enrolled, the campus is author-
ized to issue a full refund of anv
tuition and required tees.
There is no time limit set on
how long the full refund is avail-
able, and it should be noted that
the policy ippliesonly to involun-
tarily called student reservists.
Student reservists who decide to
leave voluntarily will be bandied
on an indi idual basis through the
regular university policy for re-
Or Ronald Speier, dean of stu-
dents, stated that the policy is al-
readv in action and that he has
withdrawn approximately 20 re-
Dr. Richard Brown, vice-chan-
cellor of business affairs, said that
they are working on arranginghow
refunds will be handled tor meal
plans, dorm rooms and books.
Brown stated, The general posi-
tion we're taking is to be as liberal
and fair as possible to those stu-
dents being called io active duty
Dr. Alfred Matthews, vice-
chancellor for student life, stated
that reservists involuntarily called
for active duty will receive a full
rotund for their dorm rooms
through September. At that time,
thev will re-evaluate the situation
and will probably begin pro-rat-
ing the refunds.
A letter from the general
administration is expected to be
released this week to the faculty
and staff detailing the procedure.
This letter will direct student re-
servists called to active duty to
room 209 in VVhichard for the
withdrawal process.
Fll� Photo�Photo lb
ECU Army ROTC Cadets stand at attention in full combat gear as part of exercises last year Students
faculty and staff who are reserves may be called to service in light of the recent developments in the
American shot in Kuwait
The Associated Press
Thomas unveils 1990-91 agenda
Bv Rob Norman
stjtt Writer
The 1990-1991 Student Gov-
ernment Association (SGA) sea-
son is getting off to a slow start,
but SGA president Allen Thomas
is Kxiking forward to a good year.
Thomas, along with the ex-
ecutive council, plans to address
several issues in the upcoming
legislative session. Before legisla-
tion can be discussed, elections
must be held to fill vacant seats in
the SGA. The first SGA meeting is
tentatively scheduled for Oct 1
after elections for the legislature
are completed.
Thomasoutlined his priorities
for the school year.
"Our relationship with the city
of Greenville is important said
Thomas. "We want to talk and get
the point across that it isn't u
versus them
"We are also going to work
with the city on possible alterna-
tives to the noise ordinance and
the Halloween celebration Tho-
mas said.
Safety is also a priority with
Thomas. "We've gotten a $400,000
grant for lighting on campus
Thomas said, "and have worked
to get more money for Public Safety
to hire more uniformed police tor
the campus
Thomasadded that with these
new safety features he "hopes to
avoid anv bad situations and to
fullv solve those that do
The environment will play a
part in this year's session. "We
need to do our part to save our
environment Thomas said. "We
have alreadv made a good start
with this year's recycling pro-
In thisvear'sCabinet,Thomas
plans to install cabinet members in
environmental, satetv and public
relations positions.
Thomas is also eager to see all
of the various campus committees
fully staffed "We are trying to get
the seats on the different commit-
tees tilled Thomas said. "Stu-
dents need to be represented
"I am looking forward to a
good vear and a brighter image for
the university Thomas said. "If
anyone has any questions or sug-
gestions, mv door is always open
The filing date for this year's
election ends September 12 at 5s00
p.m. Applications can be picked
up at the SGA office in Menden-
hall Student Center. For more
information call 757-4726.
The elections will be held on
September 26, with the first SGA
mooting taking place on Oct oberT
A State Department spokes-
man confinntlearlv Thursday that
an American was shot and
wounded bv Iraqi soldiers while
trying to escape from Kuwait ity
Thespokemanvud it's unclear
how serious the .juries nuy have
been lot, the tame of the Ameri-
can has nSt been related 'To State
Department said thcU.S fcmbassv
in Kuwait is under instructions to
demand acceis to the founded
man. i,
More West rnerJvWthad
been stranded in irq flewfonee-
dom todav id Bafd insisted
it was doubts best U , 'xpttiUethe
departure of others w no remain
there. Britain pledged funds for'
U.Sled effort to help nations suf-
fering from U.N. sanctions on Iraq.
Though hundreds of Western-
ers were allowed to leave Baghdad
Wednesday, Iraqi red tape kept
many others waiting. Despite Iraqi
promises to speed up departures,
British officials said lraqhad inter-
cepted 30 British women and chil-
dren trving to join a convoy leav-
ing Kuwait.
lord.n's King Hussein, trying
to keep diplomacy alive, was to
hold talks with Iraqi President
saddam Hussin today or Thurs-
Saudi Arabia also stepped up
preparations for possible conflict
with Iraq. Thousands of young
men were reported to be enlisting
in the armed forces in response to
a new call for volunteers from King
A decree issued by Fahd also
opened the door to Saudi Arabia's
women to join the military and
expand the nursing service.
Women have traditionally been
'second-class citizens in the strict
Moslem country and the Monday-
night decree could herald further
liberalizing changes.
Secretary of State James A.
Baker 111 is heading back to the
Middle East and then to Europe on
a mission to drum up financial
Shelter helps families
cope with violence
By Michelle Castellow
Staff Writer
The Pitt County Violence Pro-
gram, New Directions, will otter
an advocate training program to
individuals interested in seeking
volunteer or career opportunities
in a shelter program for family
According to Mary O'Hare,
volunteer coordinator of New
mg Program, New Directions, es-
tablished in Greenville in 1984, is
"a strictly non profit organization
providing social services and net-
working with other agenciesin the
It receives one third of its total
budget from the United Way, one
third from federal and state pri-
vate grants and the balance from
contributions. Therefore, New
Directions looks to the commu-
nity for a large portion of the
needed funding.
The goal of New Directions is
to eliminate violence in relation-
ships A variety of services are
offered to victims of domestic
violence including a 24 hour crisis
line, shelter, advocacy, support
groups, information and referrals.
Demand for these services are
great due to the tact that domestic
violenceison the rise Research in
statistics have discovered that
"approximately958 of the victims
of domestic violence are women,
an estimated throe to tour million
American women are battered
each vear bv their husbands or
partners and a woman is battered
every 15 seconds in America
the Advocate Training Pro-
gram, which begins on Tuesday,
September 11 at the United Way
Office, 460 W. lth Street, is di-
rected toward people who want to
leam more about domestic vio-
lence and want to do something to
prevent it.
Professionals in the fields of
domestic violence, law, psychol-
ogy and social work will conduct
the program and speak on various
aspects of domestic violence.
Mary Louis, psychiatric social
worker will introduce the program
and speak on the dynamics of
family violence. Dr. Jean A.
Golden, of East Carolina
University's department of psy-
chology will address issues con-
cerning listening skills, reflective
listening and role plays. Execu-
tive Director of New Directions,
Sallye Hardy, will discuss crisis
counseling skills and options for
See Violence, page 3
JS 3
support for the campaign against
Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
Senior Adminstration officials
now sav the U.S. wants its Allies to
pay the entire cost of its military
buildup in the Persian Gulf. The
officials put the price tag at $6
billion through the end of the year
and an average of SI billion a
month following January.
British Prime Minister Marga-
ret Thatcher promised to contrib-
ute to a U.Sorganized fund to
help nations worst hit by U.N
ordered sanctions on Iraq, British
officials said. A Thatcher spokes-
woman, speaking on condition o(
anonymity, reported the prime
minister "said the United King-
dom would certainly contribute
and would let the United States
have detailed figures as soon as
He and Baker are also seeking
financial commitments to help ease
the burden of maintaining a U.S.
expeditionary force in Saudi Ara-
bia as part oi the international ef-
fort to pressure Saddam into with-
drawing from Kuwait.
Baker said Tuesday that the
Bush administration envisions
maintaining a military presence in
the Persian C iulf even if Iraq leaves
oil-nch Kuwait, which it invaded
Aug. 2.
life .
� H
ril� Pnotc�Phxo Lib
Students from each North Carolina county, from Yancey County to Onslow County, from Boone to Bath,
make the composite of ECU enrollment
ECU has all 100 N.C. counties covered
ECU News Bureau
All of North Carolina's 100
counties are represented in the
record number of students en-
rolled for the fall semester at ECU.
It is the first time in several years
that every county in the state has
been included in ECU's enroll-
ECU has an all-rime high, on-
campus enrollment of 16,506 stu-
dents. The university is the third
largest institution of higher learn-
ing in the state
In-state enrollment totals re-
ported by Registrar J. Gilbert
Moore reached 14,215 with 2,209
out-of-state students registered
from 45 of the 50 states and from 35
foreign nations.
The in-state enrollment by
counties showed the top 10 coun-
ties were Pitt 2,253; Wake 1,367;
Wayne 588; Lenoir 564; Craven
532; Cumberland 492; Beaufort
472; Mecklenburg 469; Guilford
428; Nash 423.
The smallest per county en-
rollments at ECU were Clay (1);
Cherokee, Graham, Avery and
Alleghany (2 each); and McDow-
ell and Yancey (3 each). These
are counties in the extreme west-
em section of the state.
The East Carolinian
examines the athletic
department's policy on
student tickets.
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered.
State and Nation7
U.S. spy satellites
keeping tabs on Saddam
New metal group 'Cry
of Love' merges the
sound of 'Sidewinder'
A look at the upcoming
ECU � Florida State
game in Tallahassee, Fla.
this Saturday at 7 p.m.

iElie lEaat (Earoltnian September 6,1990
ECU Briefs
Business seminar to be held in Sept.
1 low to bo successful in franchising will be explained at an after-
noon program at ECU Sept. 19.
The program, "Franchising in the "90s will bo held 3-5 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center and from 5 to 7:30 p.m in the BB&T
Center for Leadership Development. The program is free to the
general public
1 ive successful franchisers will present stones ot their success
and will participate in a panel discussion on food service and indus-
trial franchising. The businessmen include Mayo Boddie St chair-
man and CEO ot Boddie Nivll Enterprises (Hardee's restaurants);
Hob Beasley, president of ServiceMaster by Beasley; C.ritf Garner,
president ot Microageand iffy Lube franchises;Claude ones,presi-
dent of Down Fast Pizza (Domino's); and Bill Freelove, owner
operator of Yasnv. Inc. (McDonald's).
Sponsors of the program are the ECU School of Business and the
Entrepreneurial Development Council ot eastern North Carolina
Real estate courses to begin this fall
A series ol courses required for North Carolina real estate ap-
praisers will bo taught at ECU this fall.
The three courses Introduction to Real Estate Appraisal, Valu-
ation Principles and Procedures and Applied Residential Property
Valuation will be taught in classes on Fridays and Saturdays begin-
ning Sept. 21
Betty A Wilson, an associate dean tor Professional Programs in
the FC I School of Business, said the courses are being offered to help
real estate appraisers conform to new state laws. After ulv I, 1991,
real estate appraisers in North Carolina will be required to have 90
hours ol classroom studies and must pass an examination to be
licensed and certified.
The courses are provided through the ECU Sch(xl of business
Professional Programsand will K taught by Dr. Stanley K. Stansell
an ECU professor of real estate and finance. Stansell is the Robert
Dillard leer Distinguished Professor of Business at FCT
Introduction to Real Estate Appraisal begins Sept. 21 and will end
Oct. 5. Valuation Principles and Procedures runs Nov. 2-lt- and Ap
plied Residential Property Values runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 14.
Written trom stall reports
Crime Scene
Officers assist semi-conscious
female on College Hill Drive
August 28
1425 An officer checked out reference to improperly parked
bicycles at Croatan. One bicycle was removed.
1710 An officer checked with Aycock RA about possibledrug
violation on fourth floor Unfounded
1722 An officer conducted a report ol a bike larceny at the
�an Same removed earlier from handicapped rampand secured
north ol police department.
1957 Officers becked withlenient RA about students stuck
in ele ator
2105 )ffi ers responded to report ol an assault ith a weapon
R Hh'i FwoubjBtts charged with weapons lola-
K tion � -
2307 All units responded to a panty raid starting on College
August 2s
0038 Officers responded to report of odd subjects shooting
bottle rtH kets from Aycock to Scott Resident Hall. Unable to locate
subjects. Cleared.
044 An officer responded to a report of a student hit bv a
vehicle; same was transported bv rescue squad to Pitt County Memo-
rial 1 losj. ital.
2320 An officer responded to report oi subjects in Scott Resi-
dent 1 lall throwing water balloons at Aycock Resident 1 all. Subjects
located and turned over to dorm st.itt
August 30
0056 An officer responded on scene to an intoxicated student
wesl of the Student Health Center. Verbal warning given to student
tor urinating in public
0132 An officer stopped a vehicle north of lovner Library for
following too close. Verbal warning given to staff member.
1215 Officers Checked at Fletcher Resident I lall to retrieve a set
ol kevs from an elevator shaft.
1753 An officer stopped a car north oi Belk Resident Hall for
speeding, a one-way street violation and careless and reckless driv-
ing. The student was given a verbal warning.
2(158 Officers checked with student manager at Mendenhall
about an unruly crowd at the movie.
2141 An officer checked with resident of Greene Resident Hall
about kidney stones Subject transported to emergency room at Pitt
County Memorial Hospital
August 31
0133 An officer responded to hit-and-run at Third and Reade
0209 An officer went to the magistrate's office following a DWI
arrest at 01 59 hours
0"M5 Offii ers were (Hit with semi-conscious female on College
I fill Drive Student transported to Pitt County Memorial Hospital by
rescue squad.
September 1
(XUH Officers responded to assault on female in progress north
of Ringold Towers Domestic dispute Subject turned over to city
0057 Officers responded to attempted breaking and entering of
vehicles at 5th and Reade streets.
1551 An officer checked with I instead RA about passed out
subject in lobbv. Non-student banned from campus, friends trans-
ported student off campus
September 2
i)?ik )tfn ers responded to a student injured in a bicycle acci-
dent north of Flanagan. Same transported to emergency room at Pitt
( ounty Hospital bv ambulance
0241 All units responded to a fight with a gun involved at the
I ulturet enter No injury. T wo non-students arrested for assault by
pointing weapon
0344 An officer removed swimmers from the fountain at Wright
( ircle.
1836 An officer called to the police department to takedown a
report of a stolon computer.
September 3
0124 All units responded to a sexual assault in progress at
Cotten Residence Hall. Same was not a sexual assault but a domestic
104 An officer served warrants on three male students in Scott
Residence Hall for assault inflicting serious iniiry Subjects trans-
'Good ' cholesterol wages fierce battle
against 'bad' low density lipoproteins
ported and processed.
By Suzanne Kellerman
Health Educator
Cholesterol. Do you know
your number?
It is a known fact that high
blood cholesterol levels contrib-
ute to an increased nsk of health
problems, namely cardiovascular
disease. But what actually is cho-
lesterol and what does your cho-
lesterol number mean?
Cholesterol is a fat-like sub-
stance found in all animals and
humans. The cholesterol level of
your blood is affected bv the cho-
lesterol your bx1v produces and
by the saturated fat and choles-
terol in your diet. Your body pro-
duces all the cholesterol it needs,
and the saturated fat and choles-
terol in your diet serves only to
increase your blood cholesterol
level. Cholesterol functions as a
component of cell membranes and
in the production of hormones.
Vitamin D, and bile acids.
Cholesterol travels through
the blood in packages called lipo-
proteins. I.lpoproteinsare formed
in the liver and carry cholesterol
through the body. There are two
main types of lipoproteins: low
density lipoproteins (LDL) and
high density lipoproteins (HDL).
LDL's carry most oi the cho-
lesterol in the blood and if not
removed from the blood, choles-
terol and fat can build up and
cause blockage of the arteries. This
is why LDL is often called "bad"
1 IDL's carry cholesterol back
to the liver for processing or re-
moval from the body. HDL's,
therefore, help remove cholesterol
from the blood, preventing theac-
Performing Arts
tickets begin
selling rapidly
ECU News Bureau
Season tickets for ECU's 1990-
1 Performing Arts Series are
"selling briskly according to
Rudolph Alexander, director of
University Unions. The series
brings a lineup of nationally and
internationally acclaimed per-
formers from the field of music,
theatre and dance.
However, the recent death of
this season's headliner�vocalist
Pearl Bailev- was a serious dis-
appointment to Performing Arts
Series sponsors and fans, Alexan-
der said. She had been scheduled
to appear at ECU Oct. 26.
"It would be impossible to
replace Pearl Bailey; her talent and
her many accomplishments as a
stage entertainer made her truly
unique Alexander said. "How-
ever, we will try to find another
performer or group of similarly
high calibre to substitute for the
Pearl Bailev concert on the 1990-
91 series
Negotiations are now under-
way between Alexander's staff
and various artists' managements
i n order to secu re a substi tute event
for this season, Alexander said.
Other scheduled events are:
Oct. 15- The Intimate P.D.Q.
Bach (music and comedy)
Nov. 8- The Sofia Philhar-
monic Orchestra
Dec. 7- A music version of
Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"
(an. 31- "Momix" modern
dance troupe
Feb. 9- The New York Gilbert
and Sullivan Players in "The
March 6- Stephen Sondheim's
Broadway musical, "Into the
April 4- Pianist Alexsei Sul-
tanov, a Van Cliburn Gold Medal-
April 13- Pianist Horacio
Guiterriez, appearing with the
combined ECU and North Caro-
lina Symphonies
April 21- The Oakland Ballet
Each event will held in Wright
The Series offers two types of
season tickets: all lOeventsor any
seven events.
cumulation of cholesterol in the
walls of the arteries HDL's are
often referred to as "good" choles-
When a lot of cholesterol is
earned around in your blood, it
builds up on the artery walls, and
theopening in thearterv begins to
narrow. Asthishappensovertime,
the heart does not get enough
blood to stay healthy The arteries
can get so clogged that blood flow-
to the heart may be limited and a
heart attack may occur.
What isconsidered high bUnni
- Less than 200 mgdl desir-
- 200 mgdl to 23 mgdl
- 240 mgdl and above high
blood cholesterol
Anyone can have high blood
cholesterol. Your cholesterol level
is influenced bv factors such as
diet, weight, physical activity,
genetics, sex, age, alcohol and
stress. Results from the National
Cholesterol Education Program
indicate that the average Amen
can has a blood cholesterol level of
213 mgdl. Since there are no
warning signs tor high blood
cholesterol, every one should have
their cholesterol level checked.
All students, staff, and faculty
can have their cholesterol level
checked for a fee at the Student
Health Center. Screenings are held
every Monday through I riday
from 8:00 a.m. 12(H) noon, and
the cost is as follows:
Cholesterol, tnglvceruirs, and
blood sugar;
Students - $4.00
StaffFaculty $7.00
Cholesterol, triglycerides,
Students - $7.00
StaffFaculty $10.00
Make the smart decision to
know your number Haw your
cholesterol he ked today i �
7;7 794 for more informatii i
stopbv the Student Health enter
Resoun e R om
Stop by the c holesterol Edu
I ation Booth .it ones afeter i
September I 3 during lun h hour
or at Mendenhall Dining
on September 11 during i
"To Yi ur It alth" is a v � �
healthedu( ation and int. -
i nl umn. .

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Homecoming plans announced
i i rv : J1 a. A I- mii � r�. C �-titt Qrf-wi 1 a� )
r C I News Bureau
1 loi
Pride Energy for the
the theme of ECU'S 1990
. Weekend, to be held
Weekend events include re-
i parade and a 2
iv football game be-
1 ir ites and the
rtnati Beafcats
mmgoffit tall) begins
ridas evening with meetings �t
f� ssional socie

�! academic
-m hools), i 7:30
kin'for African men-
can alumni and a 9 p.m. - midnight
"1 love Beach Music Party fea-
turing the Embers at the Hilton
The Saturday morning sched-
ule features an alumni coffee hour
and open houseatTaylorSlaugh-
ter Alumni C enter at 4 am the
Homecoming Parade down Fifth
Street at 10 am and the annual
C hancellor's Awards Reception
and Luncheon in Mendenhall
MudentC enter at which (Xitstand-
mg Alumni Awards will be pre-
1 ollowing the football game
in Fuklen Stadium will be an
Alumni Post-Game Social at the
Hilton (5 p.m.), the annual ECTC
and ECC Club dinner and dance at
the Ramada Inn (6 p.m.) and the
African-American Alumni Chap
ter semi-formal dinner and dance
at the Holiday Inn (7:30 p.m.).
Reservation and ticket infor-
mation concerning Homecoming
Weekend events is available from
"Homecoming Festivities' Tay-
lorSlaughter Alumni Center,
ECU. Further information about
African-American alumni events
is available from Sheila Raemore
(919) 737-3128 or Barbara Hines
Library workshops to come to eastern N.C.
Il News Bureau
� ! w rkshops on li-
� d topics will be of feted
'her cistern North
�nsbv the E( I I v
� rafy and Informa
�� ssional librari-
� nti rested persons,
irkshop series In-
� ims m hediiled for
: ner 1 ibrat) and -it
mnitv( ollegc, I lia
late I niversih 1 ay-
. � sit and New
i h Publii I ibrai. i
: s and leaders are
� tor 1 tbrari-
� ship on the
rrsitv of
Community College), Ian. 26
(Elizabeth Otv State), March 23
avetteville State).
Public Relations Through
Newsletters, Displays and Desk-
Top Publishing Diane Kester,
1 CL instructor,Novl7and March
9 (ECU).
"Update: Dewey Decimal
( lassituati(n 20th Edition and
Abridged 12th Edition udith
Donnallcy, ECU ptoUeseot, Dec. 1
(� l . fvb.2 (Favetteville State)
and April 13 (New Hanover
County Library).
Continuing education or
teacher certification renewal credit
is available to workshop partici-
pants. Registration and further
information about the workshops,
schedules and fees are available
from "Library Science Saturday
Series Division of Continuing
Education and Summer School,
iiiise Andrr
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id Man vH,ire will
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ibutions (ther
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� , �, � expected to
ition in the fighl
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ting and train-
i' ire said Volun
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Tasty Pizza
I jpfneWhite
Assorted varieties
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Fried Pies
Monremmable Bottle Caffeine Free Pepsi
Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi
or Pepsi cola
� 6-Pak 12-0
BBB r-�r-�c ci oc
Cans $1.89

SUje iEast dartflttttan
fosETll 1 ENWNsJr. German Manager
Mk mmi G MWTIN; Mana$ini Editor
Tim Hampton f �� r�
r.M'l A GlGEE, Sfrti I �? ' � ' '
Mafi K:k - I iImw f 4ifc�
Deanna Nevgloski -�' I ��' � '� I ���� �
DOUC MORRK, Sports �' iih '
EarleM McAuuy, a fb�iWl
CaRRH ARMSTRONG SjKVialS lions Fdll r
PllON. 11 ONG, (justness Managn
Sn w; RosNER, SysfergsManager
11 n Barb hr, CtrrukHon Manager
MullAEI I � tditoriatProductionManagei
CHR s okmam, Daribwn recninratn
Ifh PARKER Staff Illustrator
I )Et RAH S D win, Secretary
I'Ht EaU( ai inta ha wvcti the I i I ��
affects FC1' m ertv DunngihcFt I
na v ni
It Hj- lift C
n rnumty since 1925, emphasizing information thai direct))
hman publishes twice a week with a circulation of 5.000
7Xf ,i i Iiahiii reserves the nghl tbr�l ise or discern nuean) Ktvertiscmems thai .tiscnmmaieonthe basisot age. scv
c ree.t or national origin I "he mastbe id . ditonal in tu h .amor, does not net essanly represent the view of one
hut rather, ii a majority opinion of the Edit .rial Board Tht Fast Ciroiiti�flcprne4 letter exprewing all points of view
LattcnshcM WW imi ed to 250 words or less For purpose of decency and bfa)y,TheEastCaroiiritaervmlH ngh
i etters shvHjId be addressed to rhe I duot the East (�.liman Publications Bldg . ECU.
to e�lu cis I i .
Green' ille n 2?&.M
Page 1 Thursday. September 6,1990
Chocking student L.Ds at games is wrong
SMiit-t v uxtthdl fans wvn�sh�Kked Saturday
. . ,�� � :� ; �; i thoPirateS season opening
� � . � � � � � ; but were denied admission
r ltuisi " ' ' t idontiht ation can!
ii ixi the athii-iii de
partmont divided t n ik peo ig stitdenu tickets
sh y .i valid l-C'l I i . I i' i � In skip students from
� � . ts Nt tonh is this action by
tlir.ilhli'tu Ji'n"tutent uin.illii lor hut it is wrong
sit t amount ol student fees ts set aside
sole! v I ral etics Wconlingtoanartoctepiblishedinthe
� � x� � � , . Iliklgotcutshithorne
vi � � � - tud nis pay $175in
ofmm last war. Once
, � Lap $1 ' is sot aside ki
cowl � I tickets to ilv hratc Uxtltll and
basketball gai
i I ujui " �� ticket the student
oi theathk tu ck urtment'
H tin athletn vli ns the tu kd then
thev should Kim ihe right to deny anyone admission to
theeames without a student 11) since the ticket is sold by
theathl ti � huentaspnapurtyoftheuniwi ity
V-ui iIk � art i . til � 'i the
. . i ; (dotitdo, . �
. , . h.n
the studi ; �
� � � ; '� � inathk tu
i-v, � , smt use I tukiH then theathk tu
j, j � � � ton ike more money
� i �� I the student sm �ne
tot the ticket it was paid for in the fees
Suppose the student can not or does not to
attend tlw game. Is it wrong for the student to seB, or give
the tu krt away?( V. as.i result of the student not going ti i
theeinie,isluithletii� department e.oiin;tolost'inoix-x ?
i. H i nurse not. the ticket has already been pun based
c iuld this pUn create theyirtunity ft woth r
ageooesassociated with orapartol theumversitv. totr
a similar money, making method?For instance, would it
Kxiks to other students because it bought the books from
the publisher first?Of course not
In theeventof aseJI-outfora nearsdl-outljCkvs
this plan allow the athletn department to sell the same
tu kettwice?! nderi'unentionditions.thi-ioiildbeiiuite
feasible. I he athletn department has already received
money oik e troin tlx- student whodix'vnot use Instn ket
rhen there are more tickets that can be sold to oe general
puHk could be sold again to the
patron .it the gate
rhere is no law that prevents someone from
reselling a tu ket 1 low ever. then is a law that prohibits
votnoonvlronisellinga tk ket at. I price-higher than the t.uo
value (also known as 'scalping1 �. rherefore sotongasa
� tudcnl is selling the tu ket at face value, and nolawsare
. ngbroken, the student should haw every right to sell
ihetn kel
athlctk ik?partment's plan ot telling the
students ot E I how to. and how not to use their tk kets
is wrong 1 lopehjlfy.they will reconsider mis plan before
the next home game, sint e the students are a large per
i, ntaeeol the Pirate t.ins
Do Henry 'the can-man' right, give
B) I im I . I lampton
i i (iltimni t
turn .i:
1 here vn as a hu
iwighbtirhi dSui da
deadend i�l otai In
I lerdsi �
arrived todi
ter succeeding in tht ir n ion
the thirsty on � ! i ke it i .ins
and bottles from � md
nearb refri it.iI
Monday mti ning I av - I
the brutal Sttn and b .an stum
bling tow ard the i n
men I storeto weigh my in
w ith a 150 oun e fountain drink
(in the w n I saw ole I It nr w itli
hisbentshoppingi artand his
day beard. I lenrv had s
Iheothercan people to the pun. h
and was bus collect
smashed aluminum
I Ins isn t a i iii k
but rather a pr.u- �. ft
few whoday in d.e. out leanoui
campus and our neighborl
: .ollr
then trash t ontaminated M
� � I
I need I re
� -
son � �
ii ti ; to mail �
: rand
� � � - icampa
But for tl
n tl � pi
� nvilled
il i lepositories
� � � �
� is m htmses
seven da- i
� i I students need t
th � . � �

New graduate
student thanks
le the cditt i
I la in I
praduateS I
had ijuiikl tbrgol
tape in ol I
. lass s hoduh 'b
taining 1 D cards
My de isi retm I
t iraduateSi h. x 1
the middle of Ai did
have iniii h (a: �
a row. asthe ' �
full time and living
from the ECU� ampusn ade i! even
more difficult to find hat I
to do. and i I I I
I ittlebv littl i b . ' " iin
information b in iking ; I
Every persiin I spoke with was
eager to answer m questitmsandil
the didn't know the answer they
would gladly dire� t me to someone
who did
As the d� .tdline for n gist rii g
hew near. I began to pani because
certain parts ol my application were
notiomplele. S i sent what I had
explaining my situation hopingthat
I would be able to register anyway
Letters to the Etiiter�p�iililril�
Police should
use bicycles

Mliill ton ' : i was

�: ndavand
: -
' : ' '

t the most gi
� ind
� �. ay to a
I shaa1 this little adventure sim
ply to say 111Wrs 'OU and to
express rm appreciation to all fat
ulty, statt and administration hop
ing that i ach ol i ilizc how
though we might not show it wry
otto n
Melinda Mret I
(Iraduate Student
at went oi
� �
porl ttion.
Over-1 itiesi twm
tain bike squatls ' rding I
let s '�.
i b on in a numb i fan
mi-rale, officer i imditu i
sptmse time am st statistk s
munity relations ai
most important econ
i Webb
Racism in America can end without an identity from Africa
By Darek McC tillers
I itiional i ntumnist
I he people in America who
now call themseh es tii an
Vmerit ait h.e. e a lone, history i I
ppression, abuse and disenfran
cnisement rhese factors have
, aused tin in to be in sean h ol
something with which to identify
(t ten. these oppress, I people ha W
found comfort in identifying with
their SO called brothers' and sis
ters over in Africa
t Ker the span ol history
in America there was what was
called the Nationalist Movement
This was a tune w hen many bl.ii k.
ey;ro, A Irk an A mem an whatever
name oil prefer) loaders wire
i ailing tor a n-ttini 10 Africa I Ins
movement lasted from the end of
Ret onstruition to the 1920s
t low oer some ot its attitudes
continue rhisdot tune is known as
what I would call separatism. Hut
now. we must examine this way of
thinking as well as the merits ot
creating a new definition ol "What
it means to be hl.u k in America
Bishop I lenr S Turner ot the
African Methodist Episcopal
I hun Ii. who was a leading propo-
nentof BlacksemigTatingtol Iberia,
had this to say about being black in
America rhere is no instance
mentioned in history where an en-
slaved people of an alien race rose
o respectability upon the same
territory of their enslavement and
in the presence of their enslavers,
without loosing their identity or
individuality by amalgamation.
Can any result be hoped tor the in the United Mates? I think
not '
I 'timer was somewhat correct
m this analysis of the prospects of
blacks in America. However,hetefl
out one important thing. Beforeoui
Emancipation in 1862, we had no
identity to loose. Since that day. we
have been ft urging a new identity.
Some would like to sav that this
new identity is tied up and inter
twined with Africa which they all
the "motherland
This may bo true in that some of
our tendencies, mannerisms and
or customs come from the days o
uiv! emancipation. 1 lowever, I be-
lieve that the legacv or identity that
we have forged since President
l.iixroln'sdcxiaration on September
22, 1862, is unique to the Negro in
Therefore, I see no need to
phvsicallv or mentally go Kick to
Africa. 1 see no need to wear those
mod all ions a round mv neck toshow
who I am (ironically, many of the
ptxple who do know little about
Africa u ssimply afa hion I Rather,
Ichoosetoconcentrateon i legacy
or identity in m i i a
rhe legacy ol the fret Negro in
America is great one In another
one of his writings Bishop timer
talked about why he felt that the
Negro would, have littlechani e tor
success in America
"Now all I contend is this, that
wemust raisea symbol s. irnewhere
We are bitten, wearepoisoned we
aresickand wearedying Weneed
a remedy. Oh, for some Moses to lift
a braen serpent, some goal tor our
ambition, some object to induce us
to took up And till we have black
men m the seatof pow er. respected.
reverenced, our young men will
never rise tor the reason they will
never kxtk up, I timer slid.
As 1 stand here in the ear 1 lM .
lookingbaek upon the history ot the
freeNt gmin merica I can say that
hishopeisbeingfulfilkxi. I henegro
is progress'ng in every arena. We
seemany Wat k mayors in American
cities, we have black congressmen
all ier the country, .inA we have
recently achieved thedistint tion ol
ha ing a bi.u k go' ernor.
1 here is a national holiday in
honor ot a black man. the Reverend
Doctor Martin I uther king. Ir.
1 urihermore, we haw a new dig-
nity and pride that comes from the
fruits of our labor. All these tilings
have come as a result ot many years
of blood, sweat, and tears on the
partoi the Negro in America. Much
ot these things were accomplished
without the assistance of the Negro
in Atru a
I am not advocating that wedo
not learn about the people nd his-
tory of Africa; it only makes sense
because we share the same skin color
as well as oppressor 1 am oi
s.i ing thai we must reo
while we are related and shai � i
similarities, we are very difto rent
1 am tuixi of sc thi Wat k
peopleof Ann ricai hannel somu
energy into finding an idenl I.
the lontment ol fi i when wi
have a nih his! ry md ht ritag
the countrv ol mm. a
s I look at where my people
have been and where they are lar
proud simply to N1 called Vrw i
can because it may not be .� perfet I
nation, but it has the others out
stret. txi by far
! inally, I submittoyou that the
Ix-st wav to solve our problems is
not searching tor a false sense ol
identity but coming together tisine
the tis'b we have aiivl channeling
our creative energy,
In cither words It s time to

ullje East CgrrifaUmSeptember 6.1990 5
Harris teeter
U.S.D.A. Choice
London Broil
Perdue Grade "A-
- "TBfEjg
Pork & Beans
Mylanta II
Three of every 1,000 college students
unknowingly carry the HIV virus
By Sarah Martin
Staff Writer
The ("enter tor Disease Con-
trol estimates three in 1,000 col-
lege students unknowingly are
carrying the HIV virus.
With ECU'S current enroll
men) topping 16,000, that leaves
4S possible unknown cases ol the
HIV virus on the ECU campus
Could one possibly be von ?
The virus that causes AIDS is
called Human Immunodeficiency
Virus, or HIV. rhe HIV virus is
present in blood, semen and vagi-
nal secretions in those infected.
People infected with HIV may
show no symptoms. There is no
evidence that the virus is transmit-
ted by saliva or tears.
HIV also causes a milder ill-
ness called AIDS-Related Com-
plex, or ARC. Symptoms include
"enlarged lymph nodes, chronic
fatigue, fever, weight loss and
night sweats " Many people with
ARC are Cured without much treat-
ment, but tor many others, ARC
progresses to AIDS.
"People at risk for AIDS and
1 UV are IV drug users, their part-
ners, people with multiple sex
partners and people with a history
otSI Dslikechlamvdia.herpesand
syphilis said Nan Rogers of the
1'itt County Health Department.
"We encourage these people to be
For the most part, people with
HIV show no symptoms, these
people can onlv be identified bv a
blood test The test identifies the
presence of antibodies that cause
AIDS, the HIV virus. Once a per-
son is infix ted with HIV, the body
produces antibodies to fight it,and
this is what is identified in the
"HIV antibody test
A positive result is not a diag-
nosis ot AIDS, but shows that you
are infected with the virus that
causes AIDS, Many people with
positive HIV results never develop
full-blown AIDS.
Anonymous and confidential
testing is available free of charge
at any health department in North
Carolina. You do not have to be a
citizen of the county to be tested.
Your real name does not need to
be given, but the state is required
by law to report all positive re-
Pre- and post-test counseling
is also required bv law and is also
available at the health department,
including Pitt County. This coun-
seling is important to understand
the testing, what the results mean
and what implications it will have.
To reduce your risk of AIDS,
follow simple guidelines: 1) fol-
low sate sex practices bv using
American made, latex condoms
with the spermicide, nonoxvnyl-
9; 2) participate in long-term,
mutual monogamous relation-
ships; J) do not participate in
sharing needles or IV drug use
and 4) not mixing alcohol or other
drugs with sex, which can sup-
press vour immune system as well
as vour judgement.
A simple blood test is all it
takes. If vou think you are at risk,
call the Pitt County Health De-
partment at 72-4141 or anv other
health department.
X-ray transmitted via network
computer network capable ot
transmitting X-rays and other
patient information has received
mixed reviews from North Caro-
lina doctors who have been trying
it out for the past year
The most frequent complaint
was that thesystem, which isbased
at the Bowman Gray Baptist I los-
pital Medical Center, lacked the
human touch doctors need when
they discusscas�s
I estsot the computer network
began last summer as part ot a
partnership between the medical
center in Winston-Salem and
American Telephoned Telegraph
In one use of the network,
doctors at Forsyth Pediatrics in
Winston-Salem received X-raysof
patients under their care via com-
puters on loan to them trom AT& T.
"What was genxi about it is
that we could transmit the image
to the group and perhaps discuss
the results with the physician over
This Week's Entertainment:
Thurs. 6th
Liquid Sound
Fri. 7th
Rollv Gray
& Sun Fire
Sat. 1st
The Veldt
Tuesday 513 Cotanche St.
$5.00 at Door (located across trom UBE)
Each Wed. Night
Open Mic Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
Serving Food until 1:30am Nightly
therebefore the patient gets l
to Forsyth Pediatrics, said John
M Boehme, an assistant professor
ot radiology at the medical center.
Forsyth Pediatrics is still test
ing the system
Another experiment linked up
Fiori, Parsons and Austin, a group
of internal-medicine physicians in
Eden, with Dr. PhillipCompeauin
North WilkcsbofO.
They tested the system's abil-
ity to convert images that are al
readv on paper, such as electrocar-
diograms, into computer images
that can be sent miles away
But the doctors on both ends
found thev missed the traditional
phone call to talk about patient
cases, Boehme said
"I think there are things thev
can read into each other's voices,
and thev missed the human inter
action among colleagues Boehme
The transmission of informa-
tion to the doctors' offices wasalso
somewhat slow, but that should
improve in a few years, Boehme
The Lewis-Gale Clinic in Sa-
lem, Va . which has 100 doctors,
used the network to attend lec-
tures at the medical center Previ-
ously, the Virginia doctors had
simply watched videotapes of lec-
tures that were mailed to them.
Bv dialing a number, the
doctors were able to hear the lec-
turers, see the slides on a video
screen and ask questions. But it
did not allow them to see the speak-
The system had disadvan-
tages, Boehme said. The doctors at
Bowman Grav had to spend time
loading slides before the lecture,
and the doctors in Virginia had to
join them at the time the confer-
ence was held rather than watch a
videotape at their convenience.
Another medical network al-
ready available would allow doc-
tors in different cities to live con-
ferences by simply plugging their
televisions into a phone jack
2 Liter Bottle
gflepsi Cola,
Mountain Dew
Prices Good Through Tuesday, September 11,1990
ry stores
. - . ; t I, lei il !��� d ' in

September 6,1990
uUjc tEaist (XLaruliniau
buying any football, basketball,
and baseball cards you have Any
year, any shape, I'll give you a fair
amount. Call Tim, 830-5346.
NEEDED: Immediately toshare 3
bedroom, 2 bath mobile home.
Smallest room $90montll and
! I utilities 355-7207.
Weoffct typingand photocopying
services We also sell computers,
software, and computer
accessories 24 hours in and out
(Guaranteed typing on paper up to
20 hand written pages SD!
Professional Computer Services,
106 I .ist 5th Strcel (beside
Cubbie's) Greenville N.( 752
RAPI: in accordance with Rape
Crisis (enter ,d 1 he East
Carolinian, a female reporter is
willing to meet with you to help
prevent other rapes on campus.
To keep your confidentiality, call
Rape Crisis Center at 758 4357 or
write to the East Carolinian, East
Carolina l Inivcrsity, Publi ations
Bklg. Greenville, NC 27858.
BL'SIM SSS1 RV1CI�: lor all our
typing needs I specialize in
resume compilations and term
papers 24 hour answering service
l,nth Ma 753 4592
tocus on loving ourselves and
others more fully and inner
healing. 7-8:30 p m Monday
September 10. Call Elizabeth
VVootenat 752-6661.
Pipers. Resumes, letter Quality
188 HONDA NX650: Excellent
condition, low mileage Jrcat tor
commuting longshort distances
Ofl capability too all 756
5TUDENTS:Two nursing
uniforms tU ailabte sizes - and 8
In, hides 2 dresses lab coal
with EC! St N pah hcsincludcd
Size 5 pa� kage $75 00 Size 8
pat kageini ludesmii rolabi oat lor
$85.00 sir 5 i 2 nursing shtes
available15 00 Size 7 shoos
$45 DO Ml prices negotiable all
'sir.ih andan rt 830 922 I
FOR SA11: Datsun 982 I'Y 5
speed At VMFMcassette,new
tires $1900 830 6626
K)R SAl I h ii stained and
sturdv $125 OTbest offer Kenmore
refrigerator perfect for dorm room,
used only 9 months $90 or best
offer all 752 4052
FOR SALE: 12 speed woman's
Motobecane bike, $150 Airline
ticket tor female, round trip to
any where US Air flies $350 756
APPl I II GS: Dual disk drives
1.25 meg with printer and WP
programs Excellent condition
$1750.00 allPr Moore 757 4609
YARD SALE: Saturday.
September Hth � am 1 pm
Great deals on TV, urtamsrods,
furniture, frames, books. tap-
recorder, tapes, bicycle
accessories, foreign and
miscellaneous items 201 Hickory
St No early birds please. Raindate
AVAILABLE: in a retail
on ironment. All hums (,iv,ii foi
Criminal lustice Majors Appl)
Brody's, lhel'la i. lnos 1 n 1 I
THE C.R1 I NVI1 1 I Rl C RE-
program will begin in Septembci
and the hours ol work will v an
between 10 p m ' 00 p m
Monday thru 1 rid n w ith omo
Saturday work required p
proximately 1 20hoursp rweek
Program will last until mi l No
vcmber Knowledge of soco rand
the skills to tea h soccer hit
mentals, h ampla and sti ii
to youth, ages 5 l Rate ol pa;
w ill be ix 85 to$4 25 pel hour i
forth i information i all Ben lam
at J80 4543 oi 1550
year income potential Details (1)
Np s ig s,ss t BK 5285 ft a m
11 p.m . 7 days.
POS1 riONS! $17 500 $58,240
Details (11 602 838 B885 Ext. X
Start$1141 hour! 1 orapplii ation
info call (1)602 838 8885, Exl M
5285, 6 a m 10 p m . 7 days
busysurgii alcenter Prefer Allied
Health or Nursing student who
hasacai I lourlj wage& mill ig
Daytime hours M V F Phone758
BABYSITTER: Responsible,
mature lor l month old Refei
cni'es rebuffed Cafl 75A-2849
(hvn transportation
fl LEMARKl 11 RS: Work at
home! 1 p Ui S20 hr!iistomers
call you to order our dire tones
(919)9 -� I -1 -11 hr. message.
I RA M KM l II S, ororities,
campus organizations, highly
motivated individuals Travel free
plus earn up to $3000 selling
SPRINi IBRE K trips un
South Pa Ire Island Orl indi
Daytona Ik u h '191
I K l riMI Mill' WANTED
II I I ol' I H 1ANS: Help
vanted fall and all ol next
Noexj i ien e n �
ivill 11 un j .hi We w ill
I hedule
- . � � � it Green
Opticians il tor's Park
�jii lantonsl urg Rd .
� londax tl�� i ! I rida 9a m to
; p m oi call 75 ! 1018 for more
inforn ition I uelli nl opportu
o for l hi indi idual in a
pnifi s ii i' il atm phere iood
H rOR Ml Ml M foi I I
merit ever held in Eastern North
Carolina, is scheduled to be played
at the Greenville Athhtulubon
September 29, 1990 M proceeds
will go to benefit Ireenville Pitt
County Special Olympics. Each
team consists ol tour players 16
year or older loonier a dani m
the 1990Spci ial Hoops, pick up a
registration form at the (Ireenville
Mh'etx lub I ool I ker, Ath
IctiC World, l's. Peelers.
( Krerton's, Professort Yi Is. 1
1 )aily Reflci tor, or the I inalSi ore,
nil it out and send it along with
your$55 OOcntry fecto SP1 IA1
I u x )PS .� " irecm ille Athlctii
ub, 1 40 ()akmont I ri e,
(ireenville, N 27858 Final R
ist rat ion Deadline September 10
KAPP I M would like to in-
all prospective fraternity men to
rush Set t I 7. For m re infi r
ination call 757 1 119
would like to thanV
great time this weeken I
forward to tailgaitii
Smcen ly, Mpha Dely Pi
would like to su
forth .t. atPrcfTart '
wondi rfil tm e and i
p rec i a I
� pna
M (, FYN'M Bl
lit : I WH V
1 ! 1
���: I Ial
Money in wallet was I
used to cover medical i
penses foi ill famih
l � � �
; ��'��'
JOE BRIGHT: Good luck with
yoursurgery!Wewishyouaqui U r
II c
,t s;o
WANTED to share 2 bedroom
house. Kent $125a month plus 1
? utilities Own room Must be
non-smoker. Across the street
trom campus.ill 7" 8886.
ASAP Own room and bath. V7
D, fireplace, dishwasher, and
more' $133 and 1 3 utilities
Heritage Village. 355 3988. Dena
or Amy
WANTED to share house on
Eastern St Located near campus.
5 BR, 1 III bath. Call tor details
immediately! 757-3434 or 757-
Sept 1-th
merchandise dis ount v hile
working in an exciting, fashion
clothing area. Apply Brody's, I he
Plaza, Tues - Fri, I 4 p.m
BROin S FOR MEN: is looking
tor personable and responsible
part-time asset iates who are fash
ion forward. Flexible hours. Must
enjoy people. Merchandise dis
count Apply Brody's, I he Plaza,
Tues Fri, I A p m
Beautiful Pino w I ivc
� Ml New �
. KnA Read) Fo Renl �
2899 I ih Succt
�1 ikjI'cI Scat 1 'I
�Neat Majoi Shoppingenier)
� v ros ifii HiKhwds Patrol
1 ni:ilH Mt. i $30 �
i lorttad J I "i I own) W
�-(, 'SI5oi ' I1"
Office open pi S. 12 " 0pm
K s - � 'itr .ilrr.ii.iv.ri l� � -m. - ��" -
ajii.wtrltT ' if1 ' I " ' '
tang r.�- MOBfl I Hi'Ml RENT
.rt ling)� ApWtHMM �rui RMbfli boHM 3 ?m
(�u.irin ;ri M��� Vt.r .1 'i Qull
Comad J I w lmim V. illiami
A I II l It ' M I dKl s: Alpha
Sigma Phi 1 ittleSbtor Ru h! Scpl
11-12 fn n, H p m 1 y m om
out and mi t I thei and
Sisti rs ; � i all 757
K16.I n Ii ii nti l� I
Pocu � '� ' ' � in
i on no ling �� it ild within
� , � ' I 18. $15
( all I lizabi thV t n t752 6661
si'iI l HOOPS: II" largest 3
n J outd or 1 asketl .ill touma
Laptsf Librgry olmlcmatton m U S
ui suhiecti
' 1 , A
800 351 0222
HeiMtch lnto�twn
and easy recovery
l mi I he Alpha This
wish you all the best ol huk dur
ing Rl SH this work I lope you
have a great semester I ove AI
pha i Delta.
wel ome b.i. k! I et's get ready lo
dominate again and keep the up
TIKI S:( ktpsyi hedforSal night,
it's going to be a blast
Stop by
The East
� �
� ui$i 00 Coupon i
Men � H�ir Styling Shcppe
Part-Time Help Wanted
Greenville Opticians
� $1000 iii one week
oi � i ampus organization
Plus a chance at
$5000 more!
I his program works
inv stmeni needed
Call 1 80O932O528 Ext. 50
Part-time help wanted to work in lab al (ire i
Opticians. Help wanted through fall ami all ol ru xt
scnool year. No experience necessary.
person at Greenvile Opticians at Doctors Park, I
ing! onStantonsburgRd Mondaythrul rida 9
A.M. to 5:00 P.M. or call 752-401S tor more informa-
tion. Excellent Opportunity tor the right indh
in a professional atmosphere.
SEPT. b. Faculty Recital by Jay A
Pierson, baritone, with John B
O'Brien, piano (8:15p.m Fletcher
Recital Hall, free) SFPT.8: Senior
Recital Scott lane, hornpiano
(3:15 p.m Fletcher Recital Hall,
free) SEPT 10 Faculty Recital by
Brad Folev, saxophone, with John
B.O'Brien, piano (8.15pm ,
Fletcher Recital Hall, free) DIAL
757-4370 FOR THE SCHOOL Of
1(1 law Society will hehavinga
meeting Sept 10, 1990, Monday in
Ragpdalc 2IS at 5 15p.m. Anyone
interested in law or becoming a
lawyer, please attend For more
I he ECU Waterski Club is meet-
ing Tuesday, September 4th in
Mendenhall at 9.00p.m. New
members please attend or contact
Marty at H30-9379 or Jackie at 756-
Lose weight the healthy way and
keep those pounds off! The Stu
dent health Center offers a weight
control program which combines
nutrition education and behavior
modification to assist von in los-
ing extra pounds. Program is free
of charge to all FCL students. The
class is held every Tuesday at
lpm. in the Student Health Cen-
ter. Call 757-6794 to sign up and
for more information'
Eeam about the various methods
of contraception and their effec-
11 veness rates. C lass also diM ussis
Men's and Women's health issues
and the prevention ot sexual
transmitted diseases. Classes �re
held at the Student Health Center
every Monday at 2pm and every
Thursday at 3p.m. Call 757-b794
for more information.
The Air Force Officer Qualifica-
tion Test will be given on 17 Sep-
tember and 15 October 1990 for
those individuals interested in Air
Force Commission Stop by the
3rd Moor Wright Annex to Sign
up. Call 757-6597for future infor-
Attention, there will be a meeting
in Tuesday, September I lth at
5:30p.m. in GeneralCollege, Room
l008.Anyquestions,call931 7799
A men's high school class run; tor
( hristopherToolel98LPrinceton
I ligh School.
I his program is designed for
young adults whose lives havi
born affected past or present by
having been raised in a home or
environment where alcohol or
other dysfunctional behaviors
wore present They meet each
Thursday, starting September 18.
at 445 p.m. at the Counseling
Center in Wright Building, Room
112. Formoreinformationcall 757-
ECU Blood drive, sponsored bv
AFROTC, September 11.
Mendenhall Student Center, 12 - b
P m "Pleasedonate blood, it may
save a life '
cakk.ivi R SJJEEQB1
� support group has been formed
tor people who are caring tor a
srx ruse or other loved orw at home
rhegroupisled by Susan Redding,
R, i reative 1 iving enter md
I redaross, MSW, Easternaro
Una 1 lome I lealth Agency I he
group will meet at St. James United
Methodist Church at 2000 i; 6th
Street, Greenville on rues-
da) . Sept mber 11 trom 7 30 p m.
until p in Respite services ire
available Fo make reservations
tor respite care, call the C reative
I ivingt enter at 757 0303 from 8
a.m to5p.m 24 hours in advance.
Now is the time to be registered
with theareer Planning and
Placement Service in the Haxton
House. Located between
Mendenhall and Greene Resi-
dence Hall, this is a place where
graduating students may put re-
sumes and establish a credentials
hie. Interview su;n upsbegin soon
and you must be registered to sign
up. General Information meetings
will beheld Sept 5at 3pm inGCB
1032, Sept 6 at 3:15 p.m. in GCB
1031 and Sept 7 and 12 at 3pm in
the Bloxton House.
No experience necessary! We want
motivated, Hard-working, run-
seeking students lo become a part
bv our booth at the Student Store
to pick up an application Tues
Wed, and TTiurs Sept 4,5,6 Be a
part of making fun things happen
at ECU
K I Cheerleader and Pirate Mas
cot try-outs! Sept 4-11,1990, Meet
outside in front of Minges Coh
scum at 5 p.m.
The time of ECU Students for the
Ethical Treatment of AnimalsSept
11 meeting has been changed to
5:30 p.m. The place will still be
GCB 2016. New members are al-
wavs welcome
Alpha Epsilon Delta will h
tirst meeting on fuesdax Se,
tember 11 All mlerested studer
are askedto attend An
tion session about AE1) will b�
at 6 p m followed b a pn
tion from the Dean ol Admissn i
of 1 O Medical School .it 7
Refreshments w ill also be s i �
All pre professional students an
encouraged to attend
Welcome back' AMA will I
the first meeting Sept 13a(
GCB 1032. Guest speaker North
western Mutual Life Insurance
c o Op recruitment Facult)
Students invited to attend
ICCwill be having their tirst meet
ing of the tall All campus mini-
tries send your reps (with $1'
duos)' Mendenhall 8C Monda
September 10 at 5 30 sharp. 1 W
ing forward to building unity en
our campus (iod bless.

'r 6,1990
She JEaet (garnlfnian
U.S. spy Satellites keep tabs on Saddam
il OSIA, Cyprus (AP)
trategists look down every
n Iraq and Kuwait from a
ron of satellites that can spot
- '� k ks in the desert, listen in
tqimilitar) commandersand
! 2 bombers pinpoint accu-
I he round the clock data re
lb at least 12 reconnaissance,
ronic intelligence, early
meteoroloch .il and
itii n satellites orbiting high
the Persian (lull could be
it the shooting starts in
it ition v itii Saddam
- the nit r h ans an
to hnologi al ed .�
a ho must find it
to know they re
tched 24 hours a dav like
aid 1 K�n Kerr of 1 ondon's
Institutef rStraU gi
il ist oneelet tronic
mti iir m. satellite, probably a
. ployed Magnum, that
I ii, me and radio
. in Iraq and Ku
n hiding those from
Saddam Hussein's headquarters
11 lus in hi commandersand on
down to inter-unit contacts.
Analvstsestimate that several
smaller White Cloud electronic
intelligence, or FLINT, satellites
put into orbit by Titan missiles,
are being used over Iraq and Ku-
Their signals are relayed
through ground stations to
Britain's top-secret General Com-
munications Headquarters in
Cheltenham, southwest England,
known .is the "Pu!e Palace
which islinked to the U.S. National
Security Agency m Maryland.
I he capabilities .ire enor-
mous Kerr said in a telephone
As well as satellites, the
Americans Kave access to data
garnered by British and Israeli
electronic surveillance operations
in the Middle East.
The British have sophisticated
signals intelligence, or 51GINT,
facilities on Cyprus in the eastern
Mediterranean that intercept ra-
dio and telephone traffic around
the Middle East. They runnel data
back to Cheltenham headquarters
tor relay to the National Security
All this winds up at the VS
military headquarters now estab
hshed in Saudi Arabia to provide
an hour-by-hour intelligence pic-
ture for Gen. Norman
Schwartkopf, commander of the
ever-expanding U.S. military force
confronting Saddam's legions.
Polar-orbiting "Keyhole" KH-
11 high-resolution, optical-imag-
ing reconnaissance satellites gave
the Americans the first evidence
of Iraqi military moves toward
Kuwait in late July, several days
before the Aug. 2 invasion.
Kerr said there is at least one
KH-11 photo satellite orbiting as
low as 180 miles over the northern
Persian Gulf region. It makes sev-
eral passes a day A second satel-
lite, believed to be a more ad-
vanced KH-12, is also reported to
be in operation.
These satellites carry 12-foot-
long cameras with enormous fo-
cal length that Kerr said can take
See Saddam, page 8
' Ills iii i.i i oi ni I i.i i it n i s mm i.ii ���T
Safety group encourages fuel saving alternatives
twn-door cars.
h to put Americans into smaller
, us .is i w,i oi reducingdepen
dcnce on foreign oil could raise
J, th � n the nation's
i s a safety research group

fhe insurance Institute tor
� � iid death rates
in i S made (ars are coming
, r t � those tor lapanese autos
.is now models .ire built loser to
the same size, lapanese cars, on
no getting larger while
n, M ire getting smaller,
I .in institute study con
� fatalities in 1(1 of 11 ct
Motoi models increased it
t lelsofthecarswere
institute, w hi h is n-
I v mt. i insurance ompa-
rties, researches a wide range of
highway safety issues.
Institute President Brian
I Neill said there are ways to save
more fuel without making cars
smaller, including engine changes
that put less importance on power
and speed and measures that re-
lieve urban congestion
Cars get their best mileage
traveling ai 40 miles pet hour the
institute said. A car that achieves
more than 30 miles per gallon on
the highway can slip to below 20
mpg at higher speeds and to less
than 10 mpg crawling through a
tr.ittic jam.
"I'm as good an environmen-
talist as the next guv, but I believe
we have to look at the complete
picture O'Neill said
He said the safety benefits of
larger cars and the need to make
vehicles safer often are ignored in
the debate over fuel conservation.
Concern over U.S. depen-
dence on foreign oil, coupled with
continuing concern for the envi-
ronment, is expected 10 give new
life to legislation that would
toughen fuel economy standards
for the auto industry. One pro-
posal would require automakers
to increase fuel economy 20 per-
cent in passenger cars by 1 WS and
40 percent bv 2001.
Carmakers say that to achieve
such standards, cars will have to
be smaller.
Smaller cars are more prone
to rollovers o damage that can
injureoccu pants, the institute said,
pointing to previous studies by its
engineers anci others.
Among evidence cited in the
institute report are:
�Based on an analysis of
death rates and fuel ratings for 47
four-door cars, on average, for
every one mile-per-gallon im-
provement in fuel economy, there
is a 3.9 percent increase in the
death rate.
�Overall, the death rate in
the smallest cars on the road is
more than double the rate in the
largest cars: 3 deaths per 10,000
registered cars for the smallest cars
and 1.3 for the largest in both
single-and multiple-vehicle
crashes in 1989.
The frequency of damage
claims tor small, two-door cars is
35 percent higher than for large
two-door cars.
�Among the 29 two-and
four-door cars with the highest
frequencv of in)ury claims, 27 arc
small and two are mid-sized
Among the nine cars with the low-
est injurvclaim frequencies, seven
are large and two are mid-sized
The institute said that in the
174 model year, the average
wheelbaseot Toyotas and Nissans
was 15 inches shorter than the
wheelbases of domestic Ford and
GM cars, and the death rate in
Japanese cars was 56 percent
In the ls88 model year, as the
average wheelbasedifference was
reduced to approximately eight
inches, the death rates in the Japa-
nese and US. cars were about the
same, the institute said.
Bennett cites
victories in
drug war
year after President Bush deliv-
ered a nationally televised speech
laying out his drug war strategy,
his chief lieutenant in that war
says some of the battles are being
"We think that overall, in
many ways, progress is being
made said national drug policy
director William 1 Bennett
'Things are significantly better.
bv lots of measures. Rungs arc
certainly not getting worse "
Bush and Bennett were
marking the anniversary of the
drug speech today by releasing a
white paper on the drug war
In an interview Tuesday,
Bennett contrasted the current
drug picture with the situation
wnen ne took omcc IS montns
At the time, he retailed, people
said his job was "undoablc. Mis-
sion Impossible Figurehead
Nothing can happen
Instead, Bennett said, "The
government actually can get some
things done it it is given the right
equipment, me right direction and
the command of the president,and
we made some progress
However, he said, this is no
time to let up and stop pursuing
the drug strategy that stresses
tough enforcement of drug laws
when violated by either traffickers
or users as well as increased
spending on treatment and edu-
There's plenty more to do
Bennett said "There are some
places that are not getting better
The announcement ot the
drug strategy last iept. 5 was
Bush's first prime-time televised
speech. In it. the president said he
wanted "to make our streets and
neighborhoods safe 1 le referred
to people being "mugged on the
way home from work bv crack
gangs" and children dodging
bullets as they went to school.
See Drug war page 8
Baker works toward security alliance
� SHlNGTON W) TheUnitedStatesisworkingtodevelop
, ,on , ,111 ,nc, m stabilize the Middle Fast m much the way
� � used to contain Soviet expansion after Worid War
II Secretan of State James A. Baker HI says.
hearing ruesday before the House Foreign Affairs com
mittee Baker desc ribed the alliance as "a new security structure '
. , region I le told a reporter later that it could be military in
ture or diplomatic and political.
I he l s role remains to be defined, but the new entity would
inclu i, "major Arab participation said Baker, who also was
test,tv ing today befon the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
We've still go! a lot ol work to do Baker said after a three
Iraq's chemical-carrying missile
Iraa is believed to be moving missiles to the Kuwait-Saudi
Anbt.i border Its main missile is the Al Hussein, a modified
version of the Soviet-made Scud B. capable of carrying
chemical weapons. A look at the missile:
AI Hussein
Length: 40.2 feet
Warhead: Chemical weapons or
enough high explosives to flatten
Accuracy: To within one-naif
mite of target
History: Iraq fired 187 against
Iran m their 8 year war.
King KhalW
� )UI
� Jane's Information Group

400 miles ,
Web Bryant. Gannett News Service
hour hearing in which he addressed for the first publicly how
the United States ultimately might deal with the continuing threat
posed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, whose forces invaded
Kuwait on Aug. 2.
Addressing the expense of the U.S. military operation in the
Persian Gulf, Baker said "leadership sometimes does cost, lt'sgoing
to run us probably around $6 billion for the balance of 199ft"
At the same time, some lawmakers reacted coolly to Tuesday's
announcement by the White House that President Bush wants to
forgive $7 billion in past military loans to Egypt, a reward for
President Hosni Mubarak's leadership in marshaling Arab opinion
against Saddam.
Such a move would require action by Congress. Lawmakers
said thev valued Egypt's action, but they were wary of the high
figure, which is equal to half of next year's total foreign aid budget.
"It's a small price to pay for the level of cooperation we' ve gotten
from Egypt said presidential spokesman Marlin Fitzwater.but the
price looked a lot larger on Capitol Hill.
"It mav be a little premature said House Minority Leader
Robert Michel, R 111 just back from a fouriay trip to the Middle
East during which he and other lawmakers met with Mubarak. "I
would like to hear firsthand from the administration the rationale
Michel added.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt whose Senate Appropriations foreign
aid subcommittee must deal with the request, predicted that other
nations - Israel, Pakistan, Greece and Turkey, for example � will
be lining up for similar favors.
"I know it's going to be necessary to increase some foreign aid
dollars as a result of Operation Desert Shield the military and
economic drive against Iraq, Leahy said in an interview. But he
added, "It looks like some in the administration are saying let's have
a blank check for foreign aid. I want to remind them that my
subcommittee's still got the checkbook
Baker, in his testimony to the House committee, said creation ot
a new multilateral security structure is "likely to be required, even
if there is a pullback from Kuwait
The new structure would involve "some continuing U.S. pres-
ence he said. "Maybe it wouldn't be a ground force presence,
maybe it would be a naval presence
When asked by Rep. Stephen Solarz, D-N.Y whether any
multinational arrangement could prevent Saddam from developing
nuclear weapons, or from using the chemical and biological arsenal
he already has, Baker's answer sounded much like Cold War de-
"It isconceivably possible. to come up with a security structure
that would make it so dearly to the detriment of any subsequent
leader or even the present leader, to use or contemplate using any
of those weapons that there would be very little risk that they would
be used Baker said
Gantt believes attitude
can eliminate poverty
RALEIGH(AP) � Democratic
Senate candidate Harvey Gantt
considers the ability to remain cool
under pressure an important sell-
ing point as the race enters its final
"People die of heart attacks
because they worry too much
Gantt said. "I've always had the
ability to drop off to sleep the
minute my head hits the pillow
Gantt said he is not a com-
pulsive worrier, an attribute for
somebody seeking political office.
He said that same peace of mind
hascarriod over into the campaign.
"1 have seen some people who
didn't run for elective office be-
cause they couldn't handle the
possibility of losing Gantt said.
"If losing devastates you, then you
need to stay out of elective politics.
"If the worst happens, I'll
grieve over it for a couple of
weeks he said. "I think that's
normal for something which has
taken so much timeand effort. But
then I'll have to pick myself up,
dust myself off and find other
mountains to climb.
'The thing for me is to olo the
best 1 can, to give it mv best shot
he said.
Most people might find
Gantt's me from the poverty of a
public housing project to tne
Democratic nomination for the
U.S. Senate an almost impossible
climb, but he says it's just a ques-
tion of attitude.
"It's not where you come
from. It's where you want to go
Gantt said in a recent interview
His family never considered
the public housing project in
Charleston, S.C to be their tinal
destination in life.
"It all has to do with your
outlook he said We just al ways
felt that we were going some-
where, that we were going to have
a home of our own
Gantt, an architect who served
two terms as Charlotte's mayor,
has a new destination in mind this
year � the Senate seat now held
See Gantt, page 8
.WhatTraq imports
The recent blockade threatens
Iraqi food supplies because 80
of its total food is imported. How
much Iraq tmports"
Source UN Food & Agriculture Organize! 1968
Sam Ward GNS

iHIk �nat (garolfntan September 6,1990
Around the State
Hugo storm victims have been
distributed final $lmiIlion
Drug war
continued Iron oage 7
Councilman wants Charlotte to im-
pose strictor control on guns
Cl 1 ARl OTTE Prompted by the shooti ng death of a teen-ager
at a high school football game, citv councilman Richard Vinroot
wan Charlotte to impose stricter control on guns.
Vinroot wrote a memo to his colleagues last week, suggesting
that they look at tougher focal laws, including stiffer penalties for
sellers, buyers and other violators.
On Tuesday, council members attending a workshop on crime,
dnigs and the criminal justice system asked citv attorney Henrv
Underbill to talk to law enforcement authorities about what can be
List month, 15 year old Marcus Grief was shot to death follow-
ing a football game at Myers Park High School. And Charlotte
appears to be on the wa to setting a new homicide record this year.
near Pineville for a new jail
Cl 1AKI Om I lespite protests from a handful of residents,
Mecklenburgounh officials have tentatively picked a site mar
Pineville tor a new ail
County commissioners ruesday agreed to purchase a 115-acre
site tor a permanent jail thai w ill houserjOO inmates. Until 1993, when
the ).iil is finished the ite will the temporary home of 520 inmates
who will be housed in prebuilt modular units.
Also on ruesda. the panel set $122 million as the amount they
will a-k otcrs in NovenilxT i pav for the jail complex.
Fifteen-year-old tried as adult for the
murder of NCCU student
PI RHAM A I? vear-old boy, one of three youths charged
with murder in connection withthcdeathofaNorthCaroUnaCcntral
I Inivcrsitx student last month ill be tried as an adult
The boy, uhoso name has not been released, and two other
outhsare i barged with tirst degree murder in the shooting death of
Kenneth lettlark 19, ot New Rochelle, N.Y. The first-year transfer
student was sh t on. e in the chest with a ?S-caliber bullet as a crowd
of 200 to KX) young people gathered on the university campus two
w iks ago.
Durham Count) Pistnct Attorney Ron Stephens said Monday
me next legal step will be to send the bov's name to a grand nirv tor
possible indk tment Also a Su;xTior Court fudge may decide m the
next tew days w hether nd will be set tor the youth, Stephens said.
I he two other teens charged in the shotting are being held on
$100,000 bond
Greenville, S.C. man drowns while
visiting family at Lake James
MOR IAN IX A bod) pulled from Pike lames Monday
evening was identified as that ot a Greenville, S.C, man visiting
family at the lake tor the Labor Pav holidav, a spokesman for the
Burkeounty Sheriff s Department said Tuesday.
Police ruled the death of 25 vear-old RonnvSuttiesan accidental
drowning. Suttles drowned while swimming in the late, the spokes-
man said.
Mills sentenced to jail time after
pleading guilty to manslaughter
WAYNESX II I I Michael Mills, 28, of Waynesvilte was sentenced
Tuesday to three ears ot active tail time after pleading guilty to
involuntary manslaughter in the death of Stacy Bigwitch, 21, during
a domestic argument last year.
Investigator n'ttrdattlu'timothatthesiuHitimdeathtx-curid
during an argument it a Maggie Valley cottage when a 9mm hand-
gun was picked up from a fireplace mantle inside the cottage and
Bigwitch was shot
Mills was originallj charged with murder, but pleaded to the
lesser charge in front t judge Walter Allen in Hay wood County
Superior Court.
Couple arrested on charges of manu-
facture and sale of non-tax paid liquor
I '11 1 SB( M( AJacksonC ountvcouplewasanvsUxHast week
cm charges of manufacture and sale of non-tax paid liquor after police
found a 4tVgallon copper distillery during a search of the residence,
a spokisman tor Alcohol law Enforcement slid.
Seized at the home ot Doyle 1 lerbert Ward and Mary Klizabeth
Ward were the distillery. 56 gallons of iruxmshine and $432 by ALE
agent PoveeStephens with thehelpof the Smoky Mountain Narcotics
Investigative Team and the lackson County Sheriff's Department,
Al.F District Director Hill Williams said.
Goldsboro man arrested for shooting
at wife, beating her at police station
001 DSW RO A (ioldsboro man was arrested early Tuesdav
after allegedly shootim; into his estranged wife's car, chasing her to
the(h .Idsh ro I ilia Department and beating her in the police lobby,
officials said
lanet Worrell (.rant reporhxl that her husband, Lee Mark Grant
jr confronted her outside the Regency Inn Hast in Goldsboro about
3:15 a.m. Tuesdav ami then jumped onto the hood of her car. Mrs.
(Irani thendro eaway, with her husband gmngchasein another car,
an cording to the police report
Mrs. Grant reported her husband attempted to run her otf the
road and tired two gunshots into her car.
I he report stated Mrs. (Irani then drove to the police station and
was chased into the police department loboy by her husband, who
then staitod beating her I le was stopped by Officer I Vnnis Graham,
the report said
Commissioners call for investiga-
tion on ill Falls Lake swimmers
RAl EM .11 The Wake Board of Commissioners on Tuesday
asked the county health department to investigate a new report of
swimmers at I alls I ake becoming ill.
I eah Devlin, Wake health director, said the health department
expected to receive test results Wednesday on a family that
� Compiled from Associated Press reports
In the days after 1 lurncane Hugo,
millions of dollars in aid from
around the world flooded into
Now, almost a year later, the
last$l million has been distributed
to relief agencies.
But Richard Hendry of the
Trident Community Foundation
says the money is not nearly
enough to meet the lingering needs
of storm victims
"1 wish I could siv yes. But our
pool of money was obviously finite.
We knew we had 51 million but
our requests totaled fargreater than
that said Hendry, the
foundation's project director ot
Hugo relief
The $1 million means the
foundation now has distributed
$3.7 million for storm relief. The
first round ot grants was made in
the weeks after the hurrica ne struck
in September l989;asecond round
came in Man h.
But I lendr said that, wit honk
$1 million available, the foundation
still received requests tor $7.9 mil-
lion in the final round
The latest grants were awarded
to 19 rehet programs by a founda
tion committee ol officials from
local government and volunteer
"We had a numbei ot priority
areasiru ludincdebris removal re
habilitating recreation areas and
sheltering volunteers from out of
the area 1 lendry said.
"The requests we received
only addressed these areas he
added. "We didn't allow applica-
tions for fixing churches or other
houses o� worship or for replant- �
ing efforts. The needs from our
grant totals are not a complete
reflection of what is reeded
The needs are still being un-
covered he said.
The iarger grants approved in
the final round include:
� $200,00(1 to Berkeley
County Interfaith Crisis Ministries
for a variety of projects from
building houses to sinking wells,
making house repairs and human
$100,000 to the city ot
Chariest n to rehabilitate homes;
$100,000 to South Carolina
Conference of the United Meth-
odist Church for building materi-
als, house repairs and household
$75,000 to the Isle of Palms
to help pav tor repair, demolition
and replacement of houses.
Other grant money will be
used tor protects including put-
ting in wells and septic tanks,
housing volunteers, installing in
door bathrooms and providing
shelters tor women, children and
the elderlv
In thepast year, thanksm large
part to Colombia's crackdown on
the cocaine cartels that was
strongly supported bv the I nited
States, the supply of cocaine to
this country has decreased
But instead of making thi
streets of America safer, Bennett
said Tuesday, the cocaine shortage
increased the violence because ot
greater competition among drug
dealers. "There will bo the same
number of dogs fighting over a
smaller number of bones he said
Asked whether the American
people might be wondering )nst
what the drug war is all about it
battles won cause more violet e,
Bennett said "the violence fuels
the national interest and the in
teresl of cmens, but it isn't the
only thing that fuels their � I �
1 think the largest part
( or� em that people have ish
will alto t their children, he said
"This is the not in the lust m i
a fear on the part ot most pai
that their children will get I
o mg warfare on the stn
rather that then Kids will g( i ml
drugs and be harmed b) it
1 tc high le el ol . u �! �
n,t alwa s netted
trade he said I le rioted th it
murder rate has do lined in
ities I e�roit I �a la
f ram ist o and San ! i go � I
ire i '
� i
ies w here '��� i i
� � ' n ss i n thi �� '
�The HaiiCompany
f o) Ljrecurilli i tu.
Z 2408 S. Charles St. Suite 5 (919) 355 450' ft
continued from page 7
by three term Republican fessc
I hat quest has taken him
through the Democratic primary,
where he led the six man held,
and a runott with Southport Pis
trut Attorney MikeEasle), whom
he defeated with 57 percent ol the
Since that runott victory in
lune.Cantt has Stumped the state,
speaking in courthouses, small
town restaurants and meeting
halls anywhere he could raise a
crowd The statewide campaign
� his first has included some
surprises, he said.
"1 have really been surprised
at how civil the people of North
( arolina have been, even the hard-
core jessecrats Gantt said "The
experts had led me to believe I
couldn't talk to people down east.
that thev ust wouldn't listen to
what 1 had to say.
"But thev have listened. I've
had people who were supporters
of Mr I lelms come up and shake
my hand and tell me theyappreci
ated me coming to talk to them
he said. "They may not have
agreed with me, but thev wen-
civil about it
"Deep down, I think we may
have won some of those Jessecrats
over maybe not all of them, but
some oi them
The end less whirl of speeches,
handshaking and travel have
taken more out ot his staff and
family than him, Gantt said.
"I get the lift, the pumping up
of the adrenalin Gantt said. 'That
will help you get from event to
But thj campaign this year
broke a longstanding family tra-
"We had always dropped off
our children at . hool the first dav
of the year, from kindergarten
right up through college' Gantt
said "Of course, in high school
thev didn't want us to take them,
but we did.
"For the tirst day of college,
the family would all load up and
leave one behind he said. "We'd
,11 ride home kind of moist-eved
"My daughter's going oii to
school this year and lean the there
to take her he said. 'I'm going to
miss that "
What little time he gets at
homedunngthecampaign is spent
either on the tennis court or tink
ering in his yard. But if it's Sun
day, he'll be in church
"I know I'm a little old-fash-
ioned about going to church said
( .antt.a baritone in the choir (it his
downtown Baptist chi"chl don t
know thai I'm any more spiritual
than the next guv, but I don't feel
right if I'm not there
Gantt says his faith has not led
him m the direction of some con-
"Some people, when thev
pray, apparently hear the I ord a
lot more clearly than I do Gantt
said. "I hear people that say, I
prayed about tntsand this.s what
the Lord told me we should do. so
we're going to put it into law.
"1 think there's a danger it the
guy who wants to represent you
wants to impose his own moral
positions on vou he said.
"I trv to take the principles I
believe in from a spiritual or
moral base - and apply ihem to
practical matters he said. "It's
like the abortion issue � is it bet-
ter for the government to mandate
someone's position on that or to
let that person decide for them-
selves based on their own beliefs?
Budget Night
Featuring Round 2 of
The Bogies Bikini Classic
To Enter Finals (Sept 20)
Call 752 4668 1st $500
or Come By 2nd - $250
Bogies 3rd - $100
Sunday is Raggae Night
� $1.00 Imports
� Free Admission
continued from page 7
photos "that provide great detail
thev can count tanks, tents and
even people on the ground
There are believed to be at six communications satellites
operating in support of Li S. forces
in the region that give
Schwarzkopf direct links to the
Pentagon and the White House.
"I nits in the field can talk to
Ihe Pentagon if they need to Kerr
noted. "And these links are ex-
tremely difficult to jam
There are Navstar naviga-
tional satellites in 12,400- mile-high
orbits that .ire used bv VS. war-
ships to provide pinpoint posi-
Kcrr noted that, providing
troops have equipment to hook
into these systems, "they're per-
fect for travelling across thedesert,
where navigation is difficult be-
cause of the lack of topographical
The bombers based in the
Indian Ocean , 2100 miles east of
the crisis zone, could be equipped
with Navstar links.
SEPT 4-12
East Carolina University's
Student union Board of Directors
is taking applications for
Day-Student Representatives
for the 1990 91 Term
Selecting the Student I'nion President
Approving Committee Chairpersons
Approving the Student Union Budget
Setting Policy for the Student I nion
l-ullI'inie Student
Resides Off Campus
Deadline To Apply: Friday, September 7, 1990
Applications can be picked up at the
Student Union Office - Room 236 Mendcnhall

Si ptember 6,1990
(She �aHt (ffaroHuutn
Waterproofing advances
add aesthetic dimensions
(AP) Forget guppies and placed in a wail so that it is visible
raight-sided tanks. The new
. avc in homo aquariums is tanks
n unusual shapes, filled with
rrul saltwater specimens.
rake New Yorker Steven
man. Each tune tie enters his
tment, he toasts Ins eyes on
mad joining rooms. The tricky part
is providing access to the fish tank
tr maintenance.
Yaiullo and McClavcboth say-
that the majority of their designs
are saltwater tanks. Not only have
thev bev ome easier to maintain,
11 tall cylindrical aquarium in his the boom in scuba diving has in-
lover, home to a dozen exotic salt creased interest in them.
saur tish "People go diving in the Car-
Integrating the tish tank into ibbean, Honda or Mexico, see ex
m's decorating scheme is otic species they've never seen
mother trend I en year-old before and want to have them in
onathan Parrella, tor example,
in ells m in underwat renviron
ion! in his bedroom in Wilton,
onn nacre's a fish tank in the
:rner. and the walls and ceiling
5 room are covered with an tanks as decorative focal points in
underwater mural ol tish and coral
their own home says Miller.
Interior designer I.ynne
Prager of Deal, N.J describes
home aquariums as "a form of
living art Shehasused saltwater
family rooms, in a dinette and,
most recently, in a rcxim with a
n the old days, the picture pool. She says they go well wher-
inctow tisti tank was standard over people gather to relax.
The decorator fish tank busi-
ness has become big enough to
support a show re m albeit a
hut that has changed, duo to acrvl-
sand the development ot water
ht adh sb os n Rick Miller,
itublic affairs director ot the New
.v Aquari
tiny one in New York's Decora-
tion & Design Building. That's
lesigns in where aquarium designer Rich-
ublk jquariun as circu ir J Goldberg displays large
inks you can look into bubble and cylinder shapes, as
eshaped well as rectangular tanks, for in-
�anks are hung downsized tor terior designers and their clients.
home aquariums Custom shapes Goldberg preters to work
ind sizes are available through with the unusual, like the bubble-
iquarium specialty dealers from front aquarium, four feet across,
� jbricators around the country. which he installed for Prager'sch-
new look is fish tanks as ent with the indoor pool, bubble
ktail tables, which you look tanks are usually set in the wall so
� and bubble shapes and that only the convex surface is vis-
sa s Kate Ma lave, a ible. making the fish loom larger
than they are
1 or Barney's, the trend v New
York cli -thing sto re, Goldberg tro-
tted a display of fish ami jewelry
mside a long, rectangular
Cry of Love picks up where Sidewinder and I " ' '� '
'Cry of Love' offers experienced, traditional music
c biologist from Staten Is
� hose specialty is designing
I nstalling tanks
ding o aquarium into a
m divid r
By Rich I ernan
Staff Writi r
. .mo
. . .r rd ng to Vsoph .n-juahum The jewelry was en
m i (uarium designer cased in clear glass cylinders,
creating an illusion that it was in
the water.
Goldberg savs he would like
to trv combining birds and fish so
u looks as if the birds are flying
under water.
eilmore, N Y. Sur-
ini try hides me wa
and can store ot'u r iu
m ilia
n more complex in
i dual view tank It i
It heavy metal is your forte and j
last friday night, you missed it.
( ��, Of 1 ove is relatb eh m ��:�
area Having been together ;� foi
have a strong sound that is in no way lackir, in exp i
I wo of the mem
rom �� ndei ;
ucktt. IV. wee,
so played'with P.K M and was v. N rttu
two used to put in rime with '� rttuckt Pei wee, the lead
ming up tor AC . I
wav back when.
Bat k
rhi v ive a blistering yet harmoi vith a bass
p and lets yrou fe I il n re tl ir h� u
sure helps, you don
tonj0y them. I he crowd was not in the best of moods after
� ; to wait forty minutes after the warm up band They still
some enth �� nee for I
, kx-n't hv� an aihum t at yet but w� cc.n
,il ,N the not too distant future.
Even though rot in the big time, thev play almost en-
tirely i riginal material When asked why they said We just
pia v music w like to play
Future nians include Atlanta and Baltin ore, I il they
Bradbury shies away
from modern fast lanes
Alma I etchworth takes time out of her busy agenda to talk to The East Carolinian
Ms. Letch worth provides guidance
By Sheri Lynn Jemigan
Staff Writer
she's still one ot the girls at
the age of 93. Alma 1.etchworth,
the feisty, little, white haired
woman on Tenth Street, has con-
tinuously rented her upstairs
rooms to Greenville college girls
in need of an affordable and pleas-
ant place to live since 195.
She reahzes the scarcity of liv-
ing quarter for college students
and the importance of a good edu-
cation, and therefore, shares her
home with eight girls each semes-
ter nine, counting her 14-ycar-
ld dog, Brownie. The inexpen-
sive rent proves her concern with
providing a home for young girls
seeking an education, rather than
profiting from them.
Ms. Letch worth lovesthe girls
as if they were her own. "I've had
some of the loveliest girls here
that I've ever known she
comments with a warm smile.
"And throughout the years,
they never forget me. 1 receive
doens of cards, pictures and
other nice things from them
Ms Letchworth tries to be
their friend instead of a second
mother, allowing them to use
or borrow anything they please
and acting as a confidante
during those times of female
growing pains. "That helps
them to respect me she
proudly remarks. "And I like
that '
To show their respect, the
girls frequently perform extra-
special tasks, such as running
errands or cleaning the house
for Ms. Letchworth. "Over the
summer, they even painted the
bedroomsand bathrooms she
declares as she sits firm and
erect on an old, kitchen stool
Over the decades, Ms.
Letchworth hasencountc: ed a
few minor problems with her
"angels Occasionally, thev
come home too late, thev sneak
pizza and unusual or illegal
substances upstairs and they
compete to see who can make
the electric bill payments the
However, the largest
problem she's dealt with con-
cerns the telephone�too mam
unpaid long-distance phone
calls. "But nobody's perfect,
and I still think the world of
them she says.
Ms. Letchworth adores her
boys, as well�the fraternity
See Letchworth, page 10
Bradbury has rockt ted men to the
distant stars in his man) novels
and si. rt st ri s buthe doesn't
drive a car
I il ride n � - ir nl) is U ng
as I i in cowi i in the ba k seat
-hi s Hra Ibun anamiable 70 ear
� , r di �. . he. an for aii plain
travel ha ing fii si sel fix t on a
plane only recently
Why the aversion to mod rn
transportation? "I've seen too
main people killed in car acci
dents" he says. "When I was 151
was sitting on a friend's porch and
a car crashed across the street 1
ran over and saw five people d -
ing That turned mo off driving
So it comes as no surprise that
the narrator of Bradbury's latest
novelAGraveyard tori unatics:
Another Tale of Two Cities'
(Knopf), is "not a brave man. I
have never learned to drive. 1 do
notfl) in planes. Ihatehighpla es
Elevators make me nervous
Nor is it surprising that a long-
ago car accident figures promi
nentlvm the novel'scarevning plot,
which most successfullv ninl mi S
mystery with fantasy.
The narrator, an aspiring
Hollywood screenwriter, is ol
course, modeled on Bradbury.
"He's me says Bradbury "Actu-
ally, there's a lot of autobiographi-
cal stuff in the book. 1 don't think
I'll ever wnte my autobiographic
because my life is already in this
book and the one that preceded it,
'Death Is a Lonely Business
" Graveyard' came about
because of a real incident. 1 was
sailing to Europe about five years
ago and I passed a man on the ship
with a horribly destroyed face. It
,1 liven hit with a
hammer and burned. I was so
shocked I began too) I thought,
M (kxi, whatmustitbeliketobe
Mth that face all your life? I saw
th itmanevi r da) foi fourorfive
j,r. , but i never found out who
he was. 1 le was a mysery to me.
Hut Ik 1 luntedme I �rr.moned
all the dark thmgsoutof my mind.
i gan to write my book mk the
plot revolvesarouiid that man
Ihe book also is h- avilv in-
fluenced In Bradbury's lifelong
love affair with the movies "I've
seen everything he says "My
mother was a movie mil �nd she
took me to the movies with her
when I was 2 years old. Even
though 1 was so young. I still re-
member them.
1 ater wh n 1 was 16, 1 saw
as many as IS films a week. Re
member, they had double features
then. 1 didn't hae the money to
pay to get in, sol would neakin.
Bradbury, who lives with his
w nc in C heviot Hills, Calil o i
timiLs to go to movies as often .is
possible as an adult, and he Bk S
to watch his tavontes over and
over. "I've s,eii 1 awrence of
Aiabia at least 20timesand Moby
Pick' about 40 times
Although he has written a
number ot other film scripts.
Bradbury savs he doesn't want to
do tiHi manv "because no one re-
members who wrote a screenplay
and 1 want to be remembered
He writes poetry, essays and
plavs, and has adapted two of his
works as musicals and one as an
"Some people label me a sci-
ence-fiction and fantasy writer
Bradbury says. "I'm not. I'm an
idea writer. I write about anything
that hits me. I call it magic realism

cUlK taut daralintan September 6,1990
WZMB Top 13
lane's Addiction - Ritual De Lo Habitual
2. Sonic Youth - Goo
3. Pixies - Bossanova
4 Mould - Black Sleets of Rain
5. Primus - Frizzle Fry
b. Bob Geldof - Vegetarians o Love
7 Revenge - 12"
s. Breeder - Vod
9. Frequency - NC Compilation
10 Concrete Blonde - Blood Letting
11 Charletors U.K 12"
12. World Party Goo Ibye fumbo
13. Cocteau Twins 12"
� Compiled by Beth Ellison
Campus Voice
How do you feel about the
football ticket LD. policy?
Martin Sledge, Senior
Broadcasting, 2h
It stmks had friends who
couldn t tu i their l.Ds so they
couldn't go It's better to fill the
Zeitlin describes merge
between music and musician
Ms. Letchworth
continued from page 9
Hugh Delaney, junior
Indus. Tech 21
It s ridiculous. It should not b
necessar) In show an IP with a
tu Wk t
Rick I ngland, unior
Accounting, 21
" I hey should get as many
people .is possible to till the
stadium to make more m ise '
Condon Ilderton, I reshman
Undecided, 18
"It's stupid ou have to get
the ticket with your I D It is
your ticket, ou should be able to
give it to a friend it you want
(AP) -DennyZettKncouIdn't
choosebetween twoc ireers.Sohe
pursues them both.
He's a psychiatrist, in Mann
County, Calif and he's also a jazz
pianist I lis latest album is "In the
Momenton WindhamHiil Jazz.
I hs parents, wl j retired from
Chicago to Florida, understood
and encouraged hint "That's
huge psychological gift lo get from
parents he says.
"One of the compromises to
V. p two careers loe is that !
don't go out for months at a time.
Idoextended weekends. Recently,
1 was two weeks at the Freiberg
Festival in Germany. You know
those things tit advance. You have
plent) of time lo let people know
"1 always have i pyschiatrist
who covers for emergencies. I
work with people wl o have real
psychological issues but are able
to function It's not that much
disruption it I'm away tor i week
herefcr there
�' A lot i A central themes repea!
in humans Everyone's manifes-
tation oi it is different. It's inter
esttng to disci iver how people are
interpreting their world and help
them to reinterpret some things
that have been giving them trouble
time when he was a musician (Mil v,
Zeitlin sa s, "From 3 to 6.1 recall
around the second grade, kids
began coming up to me and
wanted to talk about themselves. 1
loved listening. I think I was be-
ginning to practice lay psycho-
therapy back then. I rom that time
on, 1 was committed to both
I le majored in philosophy and
pro mod at the L nivcrsity t Hli
nois. I was er fortunate that
there were lots ot good jazz pla
ers on campus 1 was able to keep
myhighschool momentum going
I would go lu k toOvu t1 to jam
,nd play gigs.
"1 wasat Johns I lopkins from
�) to M.
here were maior
Arnie Cullipher, Senior
I nglish, 24
i have five friends all in the
grav area belwet n I em recent
graduates and respecter alumni
I "hey wanted to i i h to the game
and sit with their friends, and
thc couldn't, rhis will cut down
on the number ol people at the
players in Baltimore 1 could hang
out with There was a grand piano
in the medical residence hall I
placed on that ever) d.w . hesaid
In the M :ment follows
Zeitlin's 1988 'Trio" album 1 he
title refers to improvisationn
one side, he's in a studio with
drummer Peter I Vnald and bass-
ist Joel DiBaitolo,and on the other
side, he plays live with bassist
David Friesen
' Impnu is.itioi ism soiiu way
analogou to a i reative onversa
tion among a group of pooj le, he
says "Ideas are building on eat h
other. There's room for creative
disagreement, a sense of excite
menl and energy A n und table
discussion among equals is
happens on the b ind t�md v i n
things are health) Zeitlin
piano teacher was his mother i
studied lassical piai froi
to high s html, w hen I firsl
jazz George Shearing I was an
instant convert It kno ked mi
the improvisation compo
rhythmic intensity . en lionahU
I said, This is the musi� ! want to
focus m musi� al life � m
ith i lassi al musi(, he sa s,
" Mil e 1 understood how a pii �
those concepts in my (v n work
In 1963, John 1 lammond heard
Zeitlin on the piano in his office
and signed him to . olumbia
Records. ' 1 le was an open, exu
berant guy ho g t ex( ited about
my playing He gave me what
these da) s it would be a laugh to
imagine somebody getting He
said, I sew hoeveryou want, i i
whatever ou want
i le and his ��� fe ' �
Josephine, a lands. y-
like to ride mountain biki s i le
enjoys "the merger� sperience
�: .iv. most en pat � � tsan
analyst 1 tu i mere is a blurrinj I
the boundaries bi tw et n w hat
they're talkmg about and mys It
as a listenei And w len the musi-
cian and the music nrw rg and I
seem to be the vehicle through
which the music is coming, 1 m
hkelv tii bo it m most en itive
bothers who live beside and be neighborhood, visiting rclativ.
Kipdher "Sometimes 1 hav, to baking cakes for a church .
: .I'er them about a thing or
o, ut th� v're nice to n - ai I
always willing to help she �
plain .is sh. prires her lun I1
i hi bo s unr lui tantl � lo
me ol hei � ard w ork, -no
ho' eling ai d I
vou won t h .r am com
from me � unce
ngth :
and ' o s .
M- 1 elchwi � !
� It She k i ; i n
i iting disabl d friends ii
ican't rei
missed hun h ' she says

her t I i � imple
I � girlssa that living if

- � �
gods of the new flge
We Invite you to attend our on going senesot slide
audio presentations examining the scope and Intent
of the now age movement and its proponents.
Apostolic Campus Ministry
Tues. Sept. 11 7:00 pm
Weds. Sept. 12 7:00 pm
Mendenhall Room 248
it. 6:4 I -r John 3:5 Acts 2:38
Well, first the bad news (don'l worry, the rest of the news is
killer!). Steve Vai will not be doing a solo tour for his current LP,
Passion and Warfare. But v'u can catch Vai on MTV in his new
cideo I Would l ove lo' -I know, it's not the same!).
I nuff Z'Nuff, Bang Tango, TN Y, Wrathchild America, Ozzy
Osbourne and Badlands are working on new albums TNT has
finally found a new drummer. Replacing Ken Odun is Johnnv Mac,
a hard-hitting basher from Long Island, N.Y. Along with the
change, TNT has also switched record labels. The
AmericanNorwegian quartet is now on Atlantic, homes of
Wrathchild America, Skid Row, D'Molls, Rush and badlands.
Cinderella is currentk in the studio working on their third
effort. The LP is titled Heartbreak Station and is slated for
l tober release
I he third annual c on. rite Foundations Forum will be held in
I os Angeles at the Sheraton LaRcina Hotel from Sept. 13-15.
Perhaps the biggest heavy metal convention in the States, the
forum will feature performances be fudas Priest (Cheers to .P. or
being found not guil y; it's about time metal music wasn't the
scapegoat tor every little thing that goes wrong m society
Vixen, Extreme, Pantera, Every Mother's Nightmare, Nevada
Beach, Exodus, Spread Eagle and Alice in Chains.
I A s Jaiihouse, which features former members oi Rough
Cutt is about to ink a re ord label deal You can see them via the
third video, "Stand I p from their Alive in a Mad World IV.
Ihe Bullet Hoys will be releasing their second LP soon
However, the effort is temporarily on hold due to th same old
recording problems
Warrant's Cherry Pie LP is due out on Sept. 20. Tlv Dovn
Boys will be treking across America with Poison beginning Sep.
Guns-n-Roses drummer Steven Adler has been replaced b
Matt Sorum, formerly ol the Cult. (i-n-R is long over due for a new
album, but w hen it w show up in stores only AvI and gang know
The new single, "Civil War has been getting plenty of air play
im the radio along with then version ot "knockuV on Heaven'?
Ratl has just released their sivth album Detonator. The firs:
video single "Lovin You's a Dirty lob" is sure to put the rock
rodents back into the metal market and on the charts.
The MTV Music Awards will air tonight with performances by
hard rockmetal acts Aerosmith, Motley Crue and Faith No More
Slaughter, nominated for their smash video "Cp All Night will
attend the ceremonies.
Until next week, keep rockin
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The East
issi CAROLINA 'tRsIl
Tuesday, September 11,1990
1031 General Classroom Building
"Back to LifeBack to Reality"

By Swain
By Mason
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IIH l A ,�ts ft J.
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Whiskers 'rV Chubs. Dentally Unstable
. i �11�s� a yO nm"
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By Harris and Kemple

The Morrigan
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Ci. , � me � � ' 4r "W
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The Dead King Returns!
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Fred's Corner
By Robinson
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: Tory's,

September 6t1990
(BItc i�a&t (jTarolinian
Pirate soccer team stands
2-1 after two game road trip
Spending time in College
CflinstB Hoffman - ECU Photo Lb
These students take some time between classes to enjoy a video game in Mendenhall Student Center
By Christine Wilson
M.itt Writer
( oming oft a w in against Ml
(Hive at home, the East arolina
men's soccer team advanced their
record to two wins av.J one loss
against Pembroki
C itadel this weekend
1 he Pirates suffered their : i I
loss of 4-0 against Tie itadel
Bulldogs on Mondav rhe Bull
dogs shut, uit the Pirates with two
goals scored in the first half
two .v als in thr set �
rhe Bulldogs � In
lo b i h, asisti I b Ma k
nett,scored their first goal at 21 24
into thr halt.
� � �� , ulldogs � �� �'�
ime at 27 11
( ran; Stephens scored the
third goal of the game offanas ist � �
in thi I hall
Hov bai k ind Paul Han
� � assisted left 1 ayssou
rhe itadel Bulldogs tin i
the mat h
rhe Pirates twk seven shots
.it the goal with five i orn� r � -
and av
rhe ' rates then I led to
Pembroke N. ,r1ird
ie ot the s i
rhe Pirates . m - I "
ond victory K defeating Pem-
broke State 2-1 hi. s.
1 he Pirates s ore I tv in
Six minutes later Bennett th nrst halt :�� !Yn 'rroko s . �

ECU's women shine in
cross country competition
By Anne Paul
Staff Write
mtrv ti ams
: � � ed their � � in aigns at
Methodist n 1 a ett ille
last �� cek nd
"he competition consisted I
ECU, i � W inthrop
Methodist .ind Francis Marion
Fhe EC I men s team held on to
fourth pi ice w i running the
tough, hill) course
Kyle Sullivan and Ricky
Ihann placed the highest for ECl
"with a seventh place finish of
1:10:57 Assistant coach Charles
tice strt ssed '�'�
looking for consistei � "
ill we were ver

1 he omen s tea I k id
vantagi ' nd fast
i r se I
ish. 1
ndividuall �
Welch and freshman rheresa
Marini took the hrsl place post
tion with an ovei i It i I �
Their win made it the third
secutive year that i 1 women
finished first and second with one
being a freshman
1 he coat hing stall rem irked
that thev were pleased will trw
perl rn ii i lIrel
I larle ' oisai
� : �' � . i ' i
; � � '
. in and her gutsy ra e I i
finisl I with 1:51:57,1 �� I b
.�� �
nd FayetvilU �tati who
had in complete results
E( I s men's and women s
ross counti ' ns travi
broke next tor the Pembroke
rtal rhe Methodist
lege relay s pro ided an opportu-
nity toseew here the various teams
stood fhe Pembroke Invitational j
should provide a chance to set
w ho remains standing
Striking a pose
Sophomore Duarv "
runs tor the ECU track 1 pring
Groups bid on location of new football team Players pay S193j(
in fines at U.S. Open
Nl V r' IK W � At least
1 s groups from 10 ities in lud-
ingharlotte anted up
- � � � ; (t in thegamefor the
National U igue's next two ex-
pansu �n trains
rhree groups each from Mi-
ami and Si Petersburg, Ra , and
two each from Denver, Phoenix
and Washington submitted bids
before rucsday's deadline The
winning groups must p,w $95
million rath tor a team, which will
not begin play until 1993
( itu-s with one bid each in-
cluded Buffalo, N.Yharlotte;
Nashville, Tenn Orlando, Ha .
and Sacramento, Calif. Another
bid was a unique proposal tor a
franchise that would play in tour
i ities.
1 spokeswoman Kat)
Feenev said the league would not
confirm which bids had been
submitted until later in thr v.
so it is possible other groups made
bids without making their inten-
tions public
The league will sele t a short
list of finalist cities by I Vc 31 and
will pick the two ih'w clubs b
Sept. 30, It will be the first
expansion by the Nl since 1UM
and the tirst in the major leagues
since 1977.
'To a kid from Brooklyn, to
sav he is a part owner of a baseball
team would be one kuk in the
head said talk show host Larry
kim one ot the proposed part
owners oi a Bufl i �� m.
Buffalo sbid wasdelivered to
the National 1 eague's I 'ark Ave-
nue offices by its team mascot,
hustor 1 Bison.
ancouver, British( olumbia,
whu h has a domed stadium, did
not submit a bid, according to
(. anadian Senator Kav Perreault
(Ie said funding tor a groupcould
not be completed. New Orleans
also did not submit a plan, Will
Pennegu) ol the Superdome said
Several prominent people a
few former major leaguers and
some major corporations were
among those identified as major-
ity or minority owners ot some
Ken 1 larrelson headed one St.
Petersburg group and said that
former Dodgers ; tchet
Drysdale would be his general
manageT Mike Schmidt was in
one ot Miami s groups and Ernie
Banks and Doug DeC inces were
part ol one I Viner bid
boxer Sugar Ray 1 eonard,
Democratic Nationalommittee
chairman Ronald H. brown and
acting Republican Nationalom
mittee chairman l harlcs R.
were among the part owners I a
Washington group headed by
developer ohn Akndge.
A rival Washington group,
headed by developer and lawyer
Mark rracz, includes former ten-
nis star Arthur Ashe. 1 he Nash-
See Team, page 13
Florida State facts:
Home: Tallahassee. I la
Nickname: Semmoles
Mascot: Seminole indian
Enrollment: 28,000
Colorsamet and.old
Stadium: Doakampbell
19H9 Record: 7 2
Headoaih: Bobby Bowdert
115th year)
I si Record: 122 40 3
Carreei Record: 195 71-3
NCAA Affilliation: Division
Returning I ettermen: 50
Retaining Starters: 8
Series: 1 VI leads 6
I ast Meeting: 1M 45 E 1 21
An inside look
ECU vs Florida State
By Doug Morris
Sports Editor
19W Schedule;
Georgia SouthernSept .15
TulaneSept ?:
Virginia TechSept. 29
Auburn1 M 20
Louisiana StateOct. 27
South arolinaov 1
CincinnatiNov. 10
Memphis StateNov 17
FloridaDec. 1
Poug's Pick: FSl42-ECU 21
EC U will trv to end a losing
streak against Honda State that
spans six games this Saturday in
Tallahassee Florida
The Pirates have never de-
feated FSU. The closest they have
ever come was the 1983 season
opener that ended with FSl tri
umphmg 47 4fi
This game will be the season
opener tor the Seminoles 1 or the
last two years FSl has been de
feated in theiropeninggames, last
year bv Southern Mississippi and
bv Miami in 1988 Mill. EC I head
coa h bill 1 ewis said that he does
not believe that it will be a factor.
"It would be foolish to assume
that Honda State is going to come
out anything other than ready. To
d w ell on something that Southern
Missdid last year would bea waste
of time
The Pirates will bo going to
the game with a tew injurys Only
wide receiver Hunter Galiimore
will not be playing due to a ham-
string injury. However. Derek
Fields, Eddie Grogden, Shane
Hubble and Darren Bynum will
be playing injured.
FSl lost 14 starters last year,
but Lewis does not think the loss
will play an important role in the
game "C h er the last se oral years
they have graduated key players
ott of every oneol their teams As
you goba k into the eigities, every
year they have lost key players,
but when it came time to line up in
the next season,they had replaced
them w ith nev players
FSI is known tor having an
offense balanced bet ween running
and passing Tie Pirates will have
to be able to deal with thatoffense
"When 1 think of Florida
State said Lews. I think ol bal-
anced offense. 1 hey can beat vou
with the running game. It you
dropa lot ol people into coverage
they are going to line up in the "I"
formation and thev will win the
football game running It vou
decide to play an eight man front
and crowd the line of scrimage,
then as thev did last year, they'll
throw tor over 3X) yards, they'll
heat vou in a heartbeat
I he Pirate defense will have
to keep an eve on junior Edgar
Bennett at fullback and Sophmore
Amp Lee at tailback Lee rushed
tor 290 yards and Bennett for277a
year ago
Also, the last of The Fab Four,
All-American candidate Lawrence
Pa wsov.the leading reoevertrom
See Inside , page 13
NEVVY RK (AP sifam
explanation reallv seems neces
is the latt st rea;
New York hasbeen m
Europe with traffic
An outbreak of mti
behavior bv men wielding rack-
ets Men spitting swearing abus-
ing balls, ra. kets equipment at
s Even wearing paU hes I irj i
than 2 square ini
i ou can ha
v ith your temper anv where s.ud
Hie Nastase, a native of Romania
and tennis original bad boy but
somethii ut Nev i ork tl
rhvthm, the crowds, th s
� � it out of you
Sure, the players b ll
everywhere. But nowhere as �
ten, as open or as wildly entertain-
ing as the do it here lhat is
another reason why the- i r
New York, New i ork needs
two names.
In three previous .rand Slam
events this year the ustralian
Open in Melbourne, the French
Open in Paris and Wimbledon
just outside London there were
31 violations punishable bv tines
totaling $19350. Of that amount
$6,500 was paid by lohn McEnroe
of (where else?) New 1 ork
1 hrough Tuesday, after just
eight days of the I S Open, there
were 30 such violations and tines
totaling $16300.
But isNew York really at fault?
Who knows?" repeated ken
Farrar, chief of supervisors tor the
Grand Slam tournaments
"We speculate about that all
the time, but the best we've conn-
up with is a lot of m.n bes Maybe
it seems so wild here because it s
so quiet everywhere else Maybe
because it's the last major ot the
season and the players are tired
and cranky. And maybe because
New York he added, "is a tough
place to play
Trv telling that to Andres
Gomez, wearing his favorite shirt
� I I

� -

but hed In't get
' -
his bU ks
l II
inhissecond i
didn t like' a in
rected a tour i
umpire Waym Mel
the umpire missed
then spit at M K� w en �
1 he- price 'or tl
pique? How about -
il gassisaid
defense "and obvioush s
it hit him
c iR sothegm is m
logist But he still holds tl i i
in tines tir the week '�
he is still in the tournam
(though I arrar Jr
sheepishly that had he seen
videotape before instead I
ruling on the incident gassi
would need a ticket to .vt back
onto the grounds the next day
KenFlachwasn t so luck) On
Sunday, a ball Nn hit him in the
mouth with an errant toss "hen
several questionable calls on the
See �lnes, page 13

ellje East Carolinian September 6,1990 jj
Sports Briefs
Continued from page 12
Fighting remains a big problem in NL
National League president Bill White and the umpires peacefully
settled their dispute with help from Commissioner Fay Vincent, agree-
ing to set a policy for breaking up fights that will not single out umpire
oe West
White, Vincent and umpires'union chief Richie Phillips met in New
York. White had threatened to n-sign unless Vincent backed his author-
and the NL president left the meeting still in power.
The trouble began last month when West and the Philadelphia
Phillies ran into problems. West had physically thrown Phillies pitcher
Dennis Cook to the ground during a recent fight involving the New
. rW Mets and later ejected Von Haves during a game against Los
ngeles T63I11S
White said he told West that he alone should not touch plavers ltu�
v hile stopping tights, and that West did not handle the Hayes' ejection
1989 will be joined by sophmore
Matt Fner at split end and seniors
Reggie Johnson and Dave Roberts
at tight end.
The Pirate offense will need
more strength in their running
game than they showed last Satur-
day against Louisiana Tech.
"The production in the run-
ning game was significantly be-
low our standards' Lewis said.
"Wehavetocreate better balance
The Seminole defense looks
strong with Butkus award candi-
date Kirk Carruthers, who led the
team in tackles last year. He and
sophmore sterling palmer take the
inside linebacker position with
Howard Dinkins and Anthony
Moss outside.
Henrey Ostaszewski and
brother Joe Ostaszewski Jr will be
filling the tackle and n.wgu.ird
positions left open by Eric Hayes
and Odell Haggins sophmore
Carl Simpson will take the other
tackle position.
In the secondary, I si has lost
All-American cornerback 1 erov
Butler, but has Irrol McGorvey
and strong satter Hill Raggins re-
turning. Sophmore I rrrrll Buck-
lev will play a corner and either
Leon Fowler or John Davis will be
at free saflev-
in addition, FSU has one of
the best special teams in the na-
tion. TheSeminoles will have Bill
Mason and Richie Andrews trad-
ing off placekicking duties and
John Wimbley punting.
The Pirates will have to play a
spotless performance to defeat
1SL this Saturday
Continued from page 12
S teib, Burks named players of the week
Toronto's Dave Sticb, who pitched the season's ninth no-hitter, and
tuthelder Ellis Burks of Boston were named American League Co
Players oi the Week
tlanta s Charlie l.eibrandt. who gave up no runs in winning two
mes from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, took the National League award. He
liked none and struck out three in 16 innings, pitching one shutout.
Stieb who three times came within oneout ofa no-hitter, finally got
one Sunday, stopping Cleveland 3-0. 1 le struck out nine and walked
tur Burks hit 536 with five homers and 14 RBIs.
49ers fined $500,000 for violations
The San Francisco 4ers were fined $500,000 tor violating the NPL's
corporate ownership policy, but were spared even harsher penalties
that could have included the loss ol draft choices.
Commissioner Paul Tagliabue ruled that the violations occurred
when 4Qers owner Edward PeBartolo Jr made the four-time Super
Bowl champions a subs.diarv of the DeBartolo Corp , in December
986 without notifying other owners and getting league permission.
It also made the 4ers part ot the same corporation that owns the
Nl !L Pittsburgh Penguins, a violation of the rule against an NFL team
having an interest in another professional sport.
However, Tagliabue said he didn't believe the 49ett had purchased
their Super Bowls, a charge levied by other owners.
Blue released as LPGA commissioner
William A. Blue was released as commissioner of the LPGAbv what
�he women's golf association is calling "mutual consent"
Blue 49 served less than two years as commissioner. Lnder his
leadership, total purse money on the tour increased by about $2 million
this year, when eight new events were added.
limWebb, the vice president ot operations for the association, will
become acting interim executive director white a search is conducted
for a new commissioner.
Also leaving the LPGA were Gregg Shimanski, vice pres.dent ot
business affairs, and Hollv Geoghegan, director of communications.
Both jobs will be eliminated on the restructured staff.
Americans do well in 1AAF track meet
Calvin 'smith easily won the 100 meters and fellow American Nat
Pace won the 4'XVmeter hurdles at a rainy IAAF track meet.
Smith clocked 10.28 seconds to beat Emanuel Tuffour of Ghana.
,ho finished in 1042. Page won the 400 hurdles in 445
American Llewellvn Starks won the long jump at 2 Hect 6 inches.
last Germany's Heike Drechster won the women s 100 i llM sec-
onds Kenva's John NgUgi won the 10,000 ,n 27 minutes, 19.15 seconds.
AP top twenty changes after week one
Pom CKbome was pleased with Nebraska's 13-0 victoryo�
�SEE!te opening victory Saturday, Nebraska fell three spots to
No. 10 in The Associate Tress college football poll.
The Comhuskers received one first-place vote in this week s na
� �f hO snorts writers and broadcasters. Defending
tionwide survey Ol �J sports vwmi a ,
champ�Muirthad2?Brt-pUccvoks.ndrem�nedNo. 1 .444
foJ, NoOT Damo-laycd ,n MCOOd with 21) f,rsrlacc votoand 1,421
"Tubumand HondaStaU-tuxl for .hard wl, UM pomls, al.houRh
,ho tmmoles led 7-1 in nrsolaoi- votes. Michigan and Colorado
J,uh� ptces. with the Buffaloes falling to No. 6 af.e, tying Tonnes-
�S�!oX�-5�i " Na 7 after tx-afng Syracuse M4.
,u J -Wl Classic TennesscH- received one firsl-place vote and
mCNo'8 a chNnnB Pacific 55-7�I O rose one
n h"m Ytl ru.sbu Sh. Oh,o S.a,e, UCLA and Washington
Houston and West Virginia.
ville group has former Tennessee
governor Lamar Alexander and
Richard Sterban of the Oak Ridge
Boys as part owners.
The most unusual plan was
submitted by Malcolm 1. Glazer,
president and chief executive offi-
cer of First Allied Corporation.
His proposal calls for his club to
play at least 19 games in each of
four cities, picked from among
Buffalo, Denver, Miami, St. Pe-
tersburg and Washington. The bid
assumes one of those cities will
get a team of its own and not be
part of his plan.
"If you think about it for a
while, it makes good sense to a lot
of people said Glazer, who owns
television station KGNSin Laredo,
St. Petersburg already has
built the 42306-seat Florida Sun-
coast Dome and Huizenga pro-
poses to play in Joe Robbie Sta-
dium, which will undergo $6 mil-
lion in renovations next year to
make it suitable for baseball.
Frank Morsani, who heads
one of the Tampa groups, has re-
tained former Player Relations
Committee head Barry Rona as a
Richard M DeVos, a Grand
Rapids, Mich , businessman, re-
placed Orlando real estate devel-
oper William duPont 111 on 1 ues-
dav as the head ol that i ity's bid.
DuPont, who owns the Orlando
Magicof the N BA,said he dnpped
out because of the price.
Carv Teraji, a Denver busi-
nessman, made a bid after learn-
ing that the leaders of the first
Denver group were from out of
� .�� u
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Sponsored by Studenl Union Films Commitlee
Admission: Free with valid ECU student ID or film pass
lines went against him. Then he
got a penalty point for hitting a
ball out of the court � "1 think it
was headed for the nacho stand
said playing partner Patty Fendtek
Continued from page 12
- and then he just deserted
Flach'sbad news will be wait-
ing in the mail by the time he gets
home: default from mixed doubles
and men'sdoubles. The bill : $2,700.





Thur Sepl f 7&9pm
Fri & Sal Sepl 7 & 8 8pm
Montreal Canadiens ji
Sun, Sept l)
2 & 8 pen
trade two players
Gallagher wins 1st golf tournament
, r ,n �hr rolled in an (of par 00 the first playoff hole
Son and t� te C�er M.lwau Open when Ed DooSher,y
-3�2S�53! Ktourvtctory. was theontyoneof the ,r,o
�, reach the govn on the p.f-3 17. He then J-putted for par and what
turned out to be a $162,000 fir pri
Douchorty and Mavfair each missed eight-foot par pom.
Sof,rushed tied 17 under 271 Mayfau had a f.nal-round 68
and Gallagher and Dougherty Mt
Hill wins seniors open in sudden death
M,kc H.U birdied the fus. hole of sudden death Sunday to beat
Hill s second sm oned in f�r the birdie in his first-ever playoff
third shot skidded past the cup.
Compi Ui frrnti A moatti Pntsbrirft
add Claude Lemieux and Craig
Ludwig to the list of castaways as
the trade-happy Montreal Canadi-
ens continue to clean house.
The Canadiens, long known
as a team that builds from within,
continued to remake their team
from without this year with a pair
of trades Tuesday. This time, they
dealt veterans Lemieux and
Lemieux, the pesky nght wing
who has feuded with Coach Pat
Bums, was sent to the New Jersey
Devils in a deal for high-scoring
but oft-injured left wing Sylvain
Later in the day, the Canadi-
ens sent Ludwig to the New York
Islanders for Gerald Diduck in an
exchange of big, defensive-
minded defensemen.
The double-barreled deals
continued an off-season trend for
the normally conservative Canadi-
ens, who have already dealt off
such local favorites as Chris Chc-
hosand Bobbv Smith
The burly Lud wig spent Tues-
day afternoon anxiously waiting
at the Montreal Forum while the
deal was held up until the Island-
ers could sign Diduck to a con-
"It's different said Ludwig,
29, who watched his teammates
board a bus for the airport to begin
a trip for five exhibition games in
Sweden and the Soviet Union. He
did not consider it shabby treat-
ment even though the eight-year
veteran is considered among the
best purely defensive defenseman
in the NHL.
"I didn't expect it this way
Ludwig said. "But if you're going
to get traded, you're going to get
Ludwig said it was better to
hear itbeforegoingoff to the Soviet
Union, a trip the Canadiens were
approaching as an adventure
rather than as proper preparation
for the Oct. 4 start of the season
There were 2 players on the trip,
while another 49 will take part in
the regular camp beginning this
Ludwig said he expected to
be traded after demanding that
his contract be renegotiated this
summer. He made abou t $300,000
last season and wanted a raise to
$450,000. Barnng that, he wanted
a trade to a US-based team where
he would pay less tax and and
gain bv being paid in American
Diduck, 25, a 6-foot-2, 207-
pounder, had three goals and 17
assists in 76 games for the Island-
ers last season. Ludwig had 26
goals in 597 games for Montreal.
Lemieux said his parting with
Montreal after seven seasons was
"1 made the to go be-
cause I felt that for myself and my
familv it was the best thing he
said. "(General manager) Serge
Savard said he knew it didn' t work
out in Montreal and that 1 wanted
to go, and so he did it
Savard said last spring he
would trade the stocky 25-year-
old before training camp. Because
Savard appeared desperate to get
rid of Lemieux, few expected he
would get a player of Turgeon's
caliber in return.
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Turgeon, 25, scored 40 goals
in his rookie season in 1983-84
after the Hartford Whalers had
made him the second overall pick
in the Entry Draft. He had a ca-
reer-high 45 goals in 1985-86. He
was traded to the Devils on June
17,1989 for center Pat Verbcek.
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14 �ht �aat (Carolfnjan September 6,1990
Fearless Football Forecast
ECU at Florida State
Clemson at Virginia
Brigham Young at Miami
Bowling Green at Virginia Tech
Illinois at Arizona
Appalachian State at Wake Forrest
Hawaii at Air Force
Texas at I'enn State
Western Michigan .it Eastern Michigan
Texas Tech at Ohio State
Managing tditor
last Week: (10-0)
To Date: (1(H))
Florida Stale
Virginia Tech
Appalachian State
IVnn State
Western Michigan
Ohio State
WNCT-TV Sports Director
Last Week: (8-2)
To Date: (8-2)
Florida State
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest
Air force
IVnn State
Eastern Michigan
Ohio State
Sports Editor
Last Week: (9-1)
To Date: M)
Virginia Tech
Appalachian State
Air Force
Tenn State
Eastern Michigan
Ohio State
ECU Chancellor
Last Week: (8-2)
To Date: (8-2)
Virginia Tech
Appalachian State
Air Force
Penn State
Eastern Michigan
Ohio State
Assistant Sports Editor
Last Week: (8-2)
To Date: (8-2)
Virginia 'lech
Appalachian state
I'enn State
EasternK' higar
Ohio State
Director Sports Info.
I ast Week: (1(H))
To Date: (10-0)
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest
Air Force
IVnn State
Western Michigan
Ohio State
News Lditor
Last Week: (9-1)
To Date: (9-1)
Florida state
Virginia Tech
Wake I orest
Air I orce
I'enn State
Western Michigan
Ohio State
Professional football teams decide on final cuts for the season
�r So main holes, so little
Sure, NFL teams have all
summer to find their 47 best play-
ers. And they have all Winds ol
h its on which to place the halt and
Still, when it comes down to
the real thing as in the week lead
inguptoopeningday all 28 teams
are s. rambling
Veterans are waived with the
hope they won't be claimed and
can be brought back Promising
rookies in need of seasoning de-
velop mysterious injuries. Stars
who have held OUt decide,
with training camp out of the way,
thi i ontrai t otters,uen't so chintzv
alter all
(in fuesday, all ol that went
on. And probably some more,
since not every team had an-
nounced its final, definite, conclu-
sive 47-man roster.
Among the most familiar
names involved in deals were
quarterback Don Majkowski, who
agreed to terms with Green Bav,
ending a six-week holdout,
Emmitl Smith, the Cowboys' No.
1 draft pick who signed with Dal-
las Freeman McNeil, the nine-yew
veteran running back who slipped
through waivers and was recalled
by the lets; and lions star nose
tackle Jerry Ball.
Ball did not sign anything. He
just couldn't stand being a hold-
out any longer
"There was no contrai (signed,
no extension or no bonus rhat's
the wav it is said Ball, who lost
$70,500 in tines during the hold-
out "We got together and came to
a medium. Right now, I'm iist
looking forward to being here and
helping the team win the champi-
onship I really came back tor the
team, to trv and help the lions
win a championship
"I'm here to Stay "
Ball plans to play Sunday
against Tampa Bav
"I'm 100 percent healthy, but
I don't know it I'm UK) percent
Jerry Ball he said With these
next two days of practice, I should
be able to get mv timingdown and
reaction toward the ball "
Majkowski, who engineered
comeback after comeback last year
tor Oreen Bav, which improved
from 4-12 to 10, isn'texpected to
see action. Anthony Dilweg has
been named the starting quarter-
back for the game with the Rams
"It was unfortunate it took s
long That's the business part oi
it said Majik Man, who agreed to
a one-year pact worth $1.5 mil-
The lets don't feel like they
put one over on the rest ol the
league simply because everybody
does what they did, as (.M Dick
Steinberg explained
"Experience in the league has
taught most people who deal in
personnel that there .ire very tew
players claimed at the final cut
because people have a difficult
time cutting down themselves
Steinberg said in explaining why
he had waived McNeil, the team's
all time leading ground gainer
"It was a calculated risk, but
we figured the odds were well in
our favor Steinberg said.
I he oddsalsoa pparently were
in favor ol Minnesota, which got a
placekicker in Donald Igwebuike,
a five-year veteran with fampa
Bay who was cut, surprisingly, on
Monday, rhe Vikings also picked
up former Eagles receiver C ns
Carter to replace veteran Leo
" Asa defensiveback, you can't
relax on him Vikings C B C arl
Lee said "I don't think anybody
in the Central Division well onus
(ns Carter to our team
Another well-known player
changing teams was Pave Duer-
SOn, the former All-Pro safety cut
last week byhicago He wound
up with the New York Giants.
rhe Eagles agreed to terms
with tight end Mickey Shuter, who
was the lets No. 2 all-time re-
ceiver but was cut on Saturday.
The Raiders brought bai k
veteran quarterback V nice Evans
and defensive back Elvis Patter
son after they cleared waivers
New England recalled four play-
ers, including Lin Dawson, its
longtime tight end, and claimed
three players.
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The East Carolinian, September 6, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 06, 1990
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