The East Carolinian, September 4, 1990

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?lje lEaat (Eamltnian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No.42
Tuesday,September 4 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 15,000
Green movement
sprouting in area
Count it
Tightend Luke Fishet I lute in a 23 yard touchdown pass from
quarterba ? ? " Blake during the firs quark r ot Saturday s contest
John Ru1h?rtofJ? ?i .to Lab
with Louisiana Tech The Pirates claimed the home opene 27-17
before 30.000-plus at Hcklen Stadium See Pirates, page U
Campus recycling plan thrives
Program saves 6,000 pounds of paper a week
By Nathaniel Mead
SmM tn The fast C jrolinijn
What is the purpose ol eco-
nomic growth, that most cherished
ot modern society's goals? How
can we sustain ourselves and our
society it we continually degrade
the air, water, and soil on which
economic production depends?
How can we speak ot "prog
ress" when the primary use ol
technology is to enable a relative
few to hoard vast wealth at the
expense of the people's heal th and
the natural world1 Are we leaving
behind a world that mav someday
become uninhabitable because ot
our present "standard of living"?
These are a few of the big
questions that the burgeoning
Green political movement has put
on the political agenda And here
in Greenville, a group called the
Tar-PamlicoGieenCommittee (or
TPGC, named after the watershed
that nurtures our indigenous hi-
oregjon), has begun addressing
such questions in the context ol
local development and environ-
mental quality. The group has
scheduled a series of public meet-
ings in September and October to
provide an open forum for dis-
cussing kev values and guidelines
for creating a sustainable society.
"Our hope is that these meet
ings will give people in this area a
chance to understand Green val-
ues and look at wavs that such
values can be applied to local
problems in a creative way says
Ray Lee, a spokesperson for the
lar-Pamlico Green Committee
We believe that problems su has
environmental degradation, loss
of jobs, poverty, racial injus-
tice are intimately related and that
i omprehensive solutii rns must tv
and can be found
Though (ireen p tlities is tar
more popular in Europe, says Lee,
it holds the potential for capturing
the support of a large segment ol
the U.S population today, as the
coreissuesoft ireenthought the
News Analysis
health ol our environment and
quality ol our lives-apply to eve-
ryone In addition Green politics
has the potential to Iravs diverse
political support. 1 iberals are at
tracted to (ireen pragmatism and
the deft nse ol civil liberties, while
conservatives tend to espouse at-
tempts to consei ? ??? hat - best ol
the existing natural world.
I he political climate seems
ripe for such a 'greening" trend
After modest investment in renew-
ableencrg technology duringthe
i arter Administration, this path
was wholly abandoned during the
Reagan era For eight years the
Reagan Administration retrained
tackling long-term en ironmental
challenges, slashing research and
funding tor conservation by 7
and research and development ol
renewable energy sourcesby v ;
In so doing u left the price to be
paid bv future generations
See Green, page 3
I n'i f Reports
?a 5ii pounds ot
paper ever) week and has begun
other efforts to cut down on waste
since starting its solid waste man
agemenl program in March.
Recycling isonlya small part
ol solid w aste management, said
George Armistead of El I sOccu-
pahon Sitetv and 1 lealth (OS1I At,
adding but an important one
I he program is try ingto make
reevi ling box s visible and easily
accessible to both students and
faculty on i ampus
ll created the program to
reduce the amount ol wastesenl to
the Pittountv landfill and to
adhere to a state law calling tor a
25 percent CUl Ol solid waste by
1993 If ECl can not meet these
standards, the law gives c itv And
county landfills the authority to
charge a solid waste disposal fee,
i ommonly know nasa tipping fee
Armistead said that through
paper recycling and tree mulch
ing. the Solid Waste Management
program has diverted HI percent
ol its solid waste from entering
the county landfill ITus will result
m saving in tipping tees, which
last year amounted to $300,000
"In order to avoid the tipping
fee, we need to concentrate on
resource conservation and recov-
ery, Armistead said.
The most pressing landfill
problem, tor ECU and the nation,
is the growth ot paper waste An
estimated 41 percent of all solid
waste in landfills throughout the
country is paper. I C I produces a
vast amount ot paper waste'
b,(XX) pounds ol paper a week
Armistead said
The university purchases re-
cycled paper materials at a higher
cost, but the paper companies
provide a tree removal service ol
materials to be recycled.
In other areas ot the
university's reeve ling program:
refurbished instead of purchasing
new bedding
? hanks to the foresight of one
ot the groundskeepers, ECU pur-
i based .i mulcher that will reduce
tree limbs to mule h, thuseliminat-
ing the transportation ol the limbs
to the dump I he process will
translate to a $60 savings for every
2iHt pounds ot vegetative waste
that would have been transported
to the landfill.
? Used petroleum productsare
sent to reeve line plants to be con
vertex! into usable-faints By send-
ing the used petroleum to these
plants, the university eliminates
the need to spend $490 every thr e
months to remove the hazardous
since IC L is the largest
dumper in Pitt C ountv, the
university's cutback in trash is a
welcomed reduction for thecounty
ottu ials. The landfill on Allen
Road, opened in lw4, is expected
to Close in 1W trem lack o space'
"The amount ot trash put in
the- landfill in a six-year period
wasequivalent tothatof ten years
Gary Sutton, solid waste coordi-
nator of the I'itt (ountv Engineer-
ing Department, said.
Faced with closing the current
landfill and the enormous cost of
building a new one to meet stric!
EPA regulations, i'ittountv has
sought a solid waste program to
prolong the life ol the future
landfill Dumping in the landfill
will borctlee ted on taxpayer state-
ments and by tipping lees
"It is all a matter of dollars and
cents, no one, no industry will
receive tax breaks, even it they
recycle. They will have tet pay tor
the use of the land fill'Sutton said.
Sutton believes that people
oversimplify solid waste manage-
At this point, there is no way
to determine which part ot solid
wa.te management is more im-
portant. It's all important button
Citizens can play a maor role
in reducing solid waste and they
need not loek farther than their
own backyard. Sutton said com-
posting vard clippings in one's
backyard would allow for more
space in the landfill and in turn
would save taxpayers$60forevery
2tX) pounds collected.
Recycling is a small part of
solid waste management. But in-
stead oi being voluntary, it could
become mandatory, Sutton said.
"The main reasons why recy-
cling is important are that separat-
ing trash at the dump sites is get-
See Paper, page 3
ECU biotech will travel
to Expo 1990 next month
From Staff Reports
The ECU biotechnology re-
search and training program has
been asked to be a part of the N orth
Carolina Biotechnology Center's
presentation at the International
Biotechnology Expo '90 in the San
Francisco Bay area October 73-75.
Dr. Wendell E. Allen of the
ECU Department of Biology cited
the link between ECU and indus-
try as reason for the ECU program
being chosen to participate.
ECU has the only graduate
degree program in biotechnology
in the state and arranges research
internships for students with bio-
technology companies throughout
School of Medicine
to hold health forum
the U.S.
The NCBC display will join
over 500 others at IBEX '90, the
biggest trade show of biotechnol-
ogy instrumentation equipment,
product, materials and services to
beheld in the I S. The display will
include 165 biotechnology initia-
tives from across the state
Officials stated that over 10,000
participants representing 14 other
natjonsareexpected toattend IBEX
The theme of IBEX '90 is
"Biotechnology in the u0s: (,enes.
Dreams Shemes.and Machines
and the 145 session program will
explore frontier developments
affecting the future of biotechnol-
?-??- C?l??l? Hoffman -Photo Lab
Recycling effort on campus have begun to save room at the Pitt County landfill Regardless of waste
management programs, a new dump is in the works for 1993 to meet the needs of the growing county
By LeClair Harper
Staff Writer
The ECU School of Medicine
will sponsor its 12th annual Health
law Forum September 12 at the
Ramada Inn Key speakers will
include the inspector general of
theUS. Department of Health and
Human Services, the N.C attor-
ney general, and a Missouri law-
yer recently involved in a "right-
to-die" case.
Richard P. Kusserow, inspec-
I tor general of the U S. Department
of Health and Human Services,
i will deliver the keynote address.
1 le is expected to speak on the role
of his office in controlling abuse
and fraud in the federal Medicare
The Health and Human Serv-
; ices Department is the largest fed-
eral government agency, repre-
senting one-third of the federal
budget, and is responsible for
identifying fraud, waste, abuse,
and inefficiency in the health care
N.C. Attorney General Lacy
Thornburg will talk about investi-
gation, enforcement and prosecu-
tion of abuse and fraud in the state
Medicare program.
Missouri lawyer William H.
Colbv will discuss legal aspects of
the controversial "right-to-die"
Colby was lawyer for a Mis-
souri couple who wished to re-
move nutritive support from their
vegetative daughter Nancy
Cruzan. The U.S. Supreme court
recently decided against the par-
Also discussed will be exces-
sive regulation of physicians, le-
gal aspects of the AIDS crisis and
conflicts over accreditation oi
hospital medical staffs.
"The forum will provide in-
sight on a mix of critical legal is
sues that will dominate the health
care agenda throughout the 90s
explained Edward E. Hollowell,
director of the forum and adjunct
professor of jurisprudence at ECU.
"The topics are timely and the
speakers are nationally recog-
See Health, page 2
Bush flippant on
following through with
campaign promises
Personals, For Sale.
Help Wanted. For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation9
Killer leaves mes-
sage for Gainesville
Comic book collect-
ing is not just for kids
ECU wins home
opener against Louisi-
ana Tech, looks to
Florida State Saturday

(Bljc ?aatEarotinian Sepiember 4,1990
ECU Briefs
Nigerian will speak tommorrow on
structure of West African politics
Dr Oyeleye Oycdiran a jxliti.?il scientist from Nigeria, will
arrive today in Greenville for the first Thomas W. Rivers International
Studies Symposium entitled "Structural Adjustment in Niger" at
ECU Wednesday and rhursday,
Oyedtran, a professor at the I ni itv ufLago in the capital city
ot Nigeria, will be accompanied
b) .1 visiting delegation o( 12
Nigerian scholars to speak on
the political arena in western
i h i diran will address "Af-
rica on the Move: The Demo-
cratu I psurge in West Africian
st.iti-s .it ,i luncheon Wednes-
day I he symposium also in-
ludt - an Wednesday evening
speech In Professor Erne Ana,
lormei hairmanol the National
I U. toral c ommission ot Nige-
ria, on "1 i lemmas of Democra-
tization in Nigeria and West Af-
IH .1
Oyediran will become the
first Rivei s 1 Hstinguished Visit
rol International Studies effective an. 10, 1991. He was
ran international, one yeai search for an eminent figure
t tit -Kit Ol studies
Scottish symposium
scheduled this month
ECU News Bureau
Dr. Ielev e On edit an
mg Profesi
sole U d .it
in the tn l?
Noted as a accomplished n h.ik her, i hediran iuis authored and
evlited seven K oks and numerous journal articles on the subje t ot
Nigeri in poll iiv sand a Iministration I iismost recent book, "Essay on
l-ocal Ciovei nment ai i Administration in Nigeria fo uses on the
local level,a section ol a government often neglected in Kth African
and merican resean li inUi problems with democracy.
During hi; teaching t ireer in Nigeria, h held positions at three
of Nigeria's top five universities the I niversity ol Ibadan, the
University of Ife and th I niversity of lagos. In 1989, he was honored
b being named Ihe lecturei foi UCl.A's prestigious African
Studies i iiiiii
is inn , i ,i sin ii purti
ampus Clips
Evans redefines education goals
( ,radu
l U.I
ill i i
v oi ling tl i
i I 1 i an ! an
a sj stem thai is i
during thi IWI
focus on lour ari in
i t ti a lu i s gi i iii i i ii
. 'i nation ol tht sch.xi
Some ot tin ilans I
hnpli inentiiig an
i i ? I. ? 11 graduation
Creating tra
ill, d li .uin i m .
i l si hxils ithtna
and mm i i ilu s
I pgrading n
1 v tending Ihi
inc hide lnum ul i
Expanding earh chi
I he proposals w ould si
suring that studt iits gi
it of
and i.t qualified to
: in Indiana r-chool
a lu insti ? tion, ill pu ?h tor
ra tical, and responsive to local needs
gislal i - sion Evans has 19 proposals thai
I ed student skills continued improvement
il ilit in i miu uium and instruction and ref-
funding foi mula.
.lie. i mtlined in. lude:
ot i v.un that high s? hi.ol students must pass
, : . . , ? i tallow students to design person-
lo match their interests or areer aspirations.
i j i. gi mis 1 i test the i on cpt ol parental choice
Hut i 11 ,m i ndisim is or between high schools
l . . iph) currii ula.
istii ; performance based aw arils program to
aids t. i i utstanding schools.
Jh. , d and lati h ke programs.
iii the state seducational focus towarden-
. iate vith skills to become productive
The second annual Scottish
Heritage Symposium will be held
here Sept. 28-30 and will focus on
Scottish clan history, Scottish rec-
ords of the colonial era and van-
ousculturaltraditionsof the Scots.
Sessions will be held at the
Howard Johnson Hotel and con-
vention center here. Symposium
co-sponsors are the ECU Division
of Continuing Education and the
Museum of the Cape Fear, in co-
operation with the Scottish Stud-
ies Center of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian College and the Institute of
Scottish Studies at Old Dominion
Friday's speakers and topics
2:15 p.m. - "The Clans and the
Royal House of Stewart, 1638-
174b Dr. Allan Machines, pro-
fessor of history at the University
of Glasgow;
3:30 p.m. - "A Report on the
Scottish Records Program Dr.
Alexander Murdoch of Ed-
inburgh, researcher for the N.C.
Colonial Records Project's Scot-
tish Records Program;
h:45 p.m. (banquet address) -
"Scottish Cultural Heritage: The
Ongoing Tradition Dr. Edward
Cowan, professor of history and
chair of Scottish Studies at the
University of Guelph, Ontario.
Saturday events are:
9"30 a.m. - "North Carolina's
N.C. Teachers
would choose
afferent career
'Gaidhealtachd' - An Examination
of the Gaelic-Speaking Commu-
nity William S. Caudill, coordina-
tor of the Scottish Heritage Center at
St. Andrew's College;
10:45 a.m. - "A Heritage Mis-
placed: Celtic Myths and Western
Culture Dr. Charles W. Sullivan
III, professor of English at East Caro-
lina University;
1:45 p.m. - "18th Century Cum-
berland County Tax Records Wil-
liam C. Fields of Favetteville, histo-
rian, genealogist and editor of the
published Cumberland County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
minutes, 1755-1791.
3 p.mpanel discussionwrap-
up session featuring all six speakers.
Concluding the symposium will
be a reception with entertainment at
the Museum of the Cape Eear at 3:30
p.m. and an 11 a.m Sunday, tradi-
tional "Kirkin' o' the Tartans" relig-
ious service at Highland Presbyte-
rian Church.
The Scottish Heritage Sympo-
sium is open to all individuals with V.
a personal or professional interest in e
Scottish history and culture. Teach-
ers who attend may receive certifi-
cate renewal credit through ECU.
The registration fee of $105 in-
cludes all sessions, materials, re-
freshments and specified meals.
Since space is limited, early enroll-
ment is advised.
Further information about the
event is available from the Division
of Continuing Education. ECU
27858-4353; telephone 1-800-767-
9111; fax (919) 757-4350.
? oemor
Nov. 1 will be Senior Day on the ECU campus Tee shirts wil
be on sale in front of the Student Store
g X2
Every Wednesday Night
s ? m 1
lu I i I
PRoqESsivE Dance NiqtHi
on compact disc
? 1 .00 Tall Boys
? $1.00 Kamakazee
? $2.50 Pitchers
(Ladies Free Until 10:30)
m -i .

I i
members ot -
I vans did not
lives ould not re
llli l
in awl
etheci i i hi?
u t.i iiw rease.
ige, hut said the initia-
Electronic, distance learning grows
(. i,c ol ti.i i . i -i ndshu liu -i
insti iw lu , using di ?tan . rninj
of modem distai .
media VV Ji.i ma
iii. rded ? ideotai
fen ik mg, computer
munk ations
With this n . ,
handle it I id I i
Education .it the ni
making s hoolsand
Some of the suggt sti n- in lude
Making sure location can supi i i.
iiig a two step site 11 rtifii ati n pro 15
Assigning adi mate coordinators
deiivt red
Setting i vork h j lo 1 frucl
tin- use 1 1 distant. leai ning
1 i time to li 1 in u
Selei ting a sei 1 1 lhal
ui and training is the delivery of
techniques. A major component
?arning is electronicall) based instructional
. lude live one vas or two way video, pre-
mipulei a -asti d 111 -11 iw lion, telephone con-
ased audio graphics and computer telecom-
m- nev questions about how to
I .11 ' 1 ui Professor in the College of
1 Mil rkans is has published a report on
ork areas more adaptable to distance learning
li -lain c learning by conduct-
s to 1 1. h -itt where instruction
11 th lea hers and students on
is ihe 11.1 dia.
sei iiable bv vendors.
Making support materials available.
Government nits elementary education
Ihe federal goi 111 ? dropped its share of the total school
doliai spoilt tor public eli liieiitarv and secondary schools by one-
third, according to .1 report In the National Education Association.
Ihe.M A stud) reveals that the federal government contributed 63
h.ti ent of all monk s spent on elementary and secondary education
compared tol 2 pen end intributcd in 1989, puttingagreaterburden
on state and local communities
rhe study noted that state and lot al governments in 1H4 90 added aO
but about StM) million to the $11 billion growth in school revenues
over 1988-84.
The decrease in governn ent aid comes al a time when school enroll-
menl is on a steady rise and local school districts will be further
pressed to I ome up with more dollars to meet the needs of some 3.5
million additional students bv the end of the decade, said the report.
Overall enrollment, elementary and secondary, during the 1990s is
expected to re h about 44 million, up from the current 40.5 million.
According to the report, unrest over inadequate funding of sclnxils
set off statewide teacher strikes in West Virginia and Oklahoma, as
well as one clay job ai turns in Washington state and Utah
USA TODAY'AppIrt nlU-n InformJlion Nrlwork
RALH1CH (AP) If they
could do it all over again, many
North Carolina teachers say they
would choose a different career,
according to a survey.
The survey conducted by the
Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching and
titled "The Condition of Teach-
ing" found that most teachers are
committed to their work, but are
dissatisfied with working condi-
The foundation surveyed
21,(XX) teachers nationwide, in-
cluding 800 in North Carolina, The
News and Observer of Raleigh
reported Sunday.
Twenty-five percent of the
North Carolina teachers surveyed
said they agreed strongly with the
statement "If I had it to do over
again, 1 would not become a pub-
lic school teacher Another 27
percent agreed to the statement
"with reservations
"That's pretty devastating
said Sarah K. Stewart, president
of the North Carolina Federation
of Teachers. "I think it tells us we
have got to pav more attention to
the details under which teachers
are expected to educate children
Compared to their colleagues
nationwide, the North Carolina
teachers were slightly less satis-
fied with their students, their
administrators and the general
state of the educational system,
according to their responses to
manv of the survey's questions.
North Carolina teachers rated
some factors, such as morale, lower
than their colleagues nationwide.
But in some areas, such as helping
set goals for their schools, they
cited greater improvements.
Sen. J. Richard Conder, D-
Richmond, the chairman of the
state Senate Education Commit-
tee, said he did "not necessarily
agree" with the extent of career
dissatisfaction indicated by the
"A lot of teachers are leaving
the profession, especially those in
math and science he said. "But
with the improved salary situation
in North Carolina, I sense teachers
are happier than ever
ANIMAL HOUSE - 756-7202
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Continued from page 1
nized. We feel we have an out
standing progTam
Physicians, attorneys, hospita
administrators and others from
throughout North Carolina are
expected to attend.
SUtg Saot (Earoliman
Director of Advertising
Adam Blankenship
Advertising Representatives
Ken Earley Julie Roscoe
John Semelsberger Steve Walser
Nellie Van Den Dungen
Advertising Production Manager
Warren Kessler Graphic Artist
National $6.00
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Business Hours
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iEtje gnat (flarolfnlanStprtMBtH4,1990 3
Continued from page 1
President Bush has evinced democratic societv: the tondoncv
scant appreciation for the environ- tor politicians to gratitv the imme-
nvnt other than his fondness tor diate desires that dominate their
golf courses fishing, and national constituents' thinking. Ecological
parks The recently revised Clean realities, however, are beginning
Mr Act was greatly watered down to press big changes on society
K the White House. rheUnionof People in developed democracies
( oncemed Scientists stated last are being forced to give up some
month that the Bush personal gratifications in order to
Administration's staunch refusal repair the planet and ward off
to support measures tocurb green- calamities. Taxes on fossil-fuel-
house gas emissions (many of based energy use are the most
M hu h also promote acid rain and recent example ot this trend,
thmning of the ozone layer) is the AccordingtoGreenmanifesto,
pnmar) reason the world has changes required to heal our natu-
made little progress in solving the ral environment will not necessar-
global?. limate crisis
1'he Reagan Bush era is only
an extreme expression ol a "read-
my-lips" tendency inherent in
Continued from page 1
ling hectic and Senate Bill 111 has
to be met Sutton said.
The bunt ot this whole topic
evolvesaroundthepassageof 111,
enacted in 1989 to improve the
management of solid waste in
counties statewide The law lists
and goals outlines the
state solid aste management plan
eivcs each county the power
llv mean draconian measures or a
lower quality of Hfe. If we commit
to doing more with loss, we can
provide enough for everybody s
need and actually improve the
quality of life by improving health
at the individual and community
levels. To achieve this we need to
Openh challenge both the greed
dominant in our society and the
lainess which past welfare strate-
gies have forced on large parts of
ourpopulation. With proper plan-
ning and education programs, we
can encourage sensible adjust-
ments in lifestyles, industry, tech-
nology, and resource use.
"In our view, green politics
does not automatically mean forc-
ing people to choose between jobs
and the environment savs loo.
What is needed is a reorientation
of the kinds of obs available and a
new vision of political action " Lee
cites the example of global warm-
ing, which requires that we cut
back on oil and start using benign
energy alternatives. Mobil Oil
Corp is now pushing to drill off-
shore for gasand oil, and contends
that their business would create
more jobs But more jobs are to be
had, Lee says, in an economy at-
tempting to phase out fossil fuels,
according to a recent study by the
loint Economic Committee of
The Green movement recog-
nizes that themes like decentrali-
zation often run counter to those
of people whose jobs and profits
aredepondenton wastef ulnessand
degradation of the environment.
But thov say that we can no longer
afford to deny that the consumer
culture and its ethos is one of the
main pistons that drives the envi-
ronment-destroying economy of
perpetual growth. The shift to a
greener, more sustainable culture
? hence a more beautiful and
bountiful environment will call
for public education and political
"If nothing else, the Green
movement has put some serious
questionson the political agenda
says Lee, "We believe that the
upcoming series of public meet
ings will provide people with some
sane and creative ways of ap-
proaching development as well as
sound practical guidelines for
making the transition to a better
life for people in our region and in
the world at large "
The first in a series of three
meetings, focusing on "ecological
wisdom is to be held on Septem-
ber 5. The second meeting, dis-
cussing "community-based eco-
nomics will bo held on Septem-
ber 14. The third meeting, on
"grassroots politics will be held
on October 3. All public meetings
will bo held from 730 p.m. to 930
p.m. at the Willis Building, located
on First Street and Keod St, in
downtown Greenville. For more
information call: 78 49Qbor830
0312 Everyone is invited to par
(Nathaniel Mead is former
editorial cotmnntst for the Ea t
Go Pirates
East Carolina Friends
1990-91 Interest Meetings
September 4,5,&6 6:30pm GCB 1017
lid waste tees
I he law i alls tor.
i he regulation of the most
? micall feasible cost-effec-
ind environmentally safe
ai ler for the storage, collection,
rtiori separation, process-
ing, recyclingand disposal of solid
?, in order to protect the pub-
lic h ilth safet and welfare
Register to
vote today.
It's more than
your right, more
than your duty,
it's your
obligation to
your wav of life.
Zdf paM cdleae
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vw.v ?-??-? ???-????-
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For further information contact
Dr. Linda Mooney or Susan Moian, 7"7 688
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Stye lEaat (Harnltntan
JOSEPH I. fENKINS R General Manager
Michael G- Martin, Managing Editor
Tim HAMrroN, News Editor
Paula Gicfe, State and Nation Editor
Matt King, Feature Editor
Deanna Nevclosm, Asst features Editor
Doug Morris, Sports Editor
Earle M. McAuiey, Assi Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Special Sections Editor
Pi ion ? li h N Business Manager
Stuart Rosner, Systems Manager
TtM BarbouR, Circulation Manager
MlCHAEI I ANG, Editorial Production Manager
CHRIS NoRMAM, Darkroom Technician
JEFF PaRKF.K, Staff Illustrator
Deborah S Daniel, Secretary
Tru East Carolyn has serve, the E?t Carotin. Ctmpui commumr, ?CC 1925. infonna.u, thaiul
2fccttECU students. During the ECU school .l?toC??oliHrti?i??
SS,he ngh, ,orefuse o, discontinue ?, ?h casements -ha, dmnmma.e on ,he haf aPe sex.
Z?o nat,onal ong.n The masthead editon.l c u edition does no, necessanly represent the view, o one , n), u.ual.
huTratner jor opinion of Uk Editorial Board The East CaroUnian Barnes jnt
U?ould he ??. 250 words ? less For purposes ol decency brevity. I He Ea.u C ?? "$
toed.t letters for publication I etters should b. ?klre?ed .o The Editor. The East arokman, PubUc.U?u Bid, . EC .
Greenvdle. N.C . 2734; or call (9191 757 Mr
Page 4 Tuesday, September 4,1990
Bush needs to reconsider campaign vows
During his presidential campaign,
George Bush promised the American public a
"kinder, gentler nation' and a vow oi "no
new taxes But has Bush, along with numer-
ous other candidates, reneged on his cam-
paign promises? Maybe.
The president is currently on the
threshold of breaking his no new taxes prom-
ise. As a federal bailout ot savings and loan
institutions combines with an increasingd ?! i
cit, the country's economic status is m some-
what oi a state Of disarray And wasteful
spendingon programs that havebeen deemed
unnecessary or low on the priority list b)
economist and legislators have not helped the
president's woes in any way
One ot the places that this budget
crunch has hurt is education. Both on the
federal and state level, it seems that education
is one of those low priority issues, because it is
constantly the one area that continues tobt 'hit
when it comes to cutting time
The tunnv thing is that when Bush was
campaigning, he also vowed to be the educa-
tion president 1 las he reneged on this prom-
ise too?
With the current Persian Gulf crisis,
the president has properly destroyed his vow
ot a kinder, gentler nation.The threat of losing
American soldiers in a foreign land over oil is
a show ol force, not kindness or gentleness
A look into the history books will find
former President fohnson trying to stop the
pread ot communism from North Vietnam
to South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. In
tost the same manner, bush is trying to
stop! lussein from gaining a monopoly on the
world's richest oil-producing nations ? Ku-
wait and Saudi Arabia.
It the current administration would
take .1 sent us, educational look at the Vietnam
conflict, maybeour leaders would reconsider
the United States' role in the Middle East.
Then again, education is not a priority.
The misplaced anger must come to an end
By Darek McCullers
lditorial Columnist
Amidst this lime ol rising ra-
cial tensions and hate-based
.rimes, one begins to think about
the many people who have suf-
fered in the most evil system of
oppression ever utilized sla-
very. One's mind may go back to
the atrocities recounted in the
documentary on ane Pittman,
"Roots" or "Mississippi Burning
Such movies serve to remind
White America ol what it did to
blacks and Black America ot the
sufferings it endured I lowever,
it can also stir up .1 great deal ot
hate, anger and resentment in M
One could not explain the
very depth ot emotion that arises
when these issue are brought to
However, in this article I
would like to emphasize the im
portance ot putting these things
in the past and giving proper
place to our anger
Often, blacks in Amerit .1 feel
like the martyred souls in Revela-
tions 6:10 who cried out saying,
"1 low long,I )1 ord.hoK and true,
dost thou nol judge and avenge
our blood on them that dwell on
It is imperative that we un-
derstand that judgement does not
escape anyone. Sometimes we are
punished immediately, such as
thecaseot Ananias and Sapphira
who committed a sin against lod
1 Acts 5:11. Sometimes it is slower
as in the case of Pharoah or
Pontius Pilate, the executer ot
It is my contention that one ot
the keys to overcoming this op
presston will be to let go and let
(iod. We must take the attitude
that it wrongs are committed in
the area ot race, (d will avenge
However, we cannot be re
sponsible tor?. rearing a renewed
atmosphere ot racial violence,
hatred and tension because it we
do, God will udge that also We
must understand that 1
not reate w rum th apj ?
the Tree ol Knowledge d I
1 inally, inorder to ?
this attitude we must und
that we ' annot save the v. ?
Rather, we must compli t
primary assignment which isbi
ing a student We must lei t: ?
past be the past and lei n irt
K' martyrs
1 hisiswhy iod i nmn
to us that we should ho ?
? in essence prohibit ?
All the black n eda
and I r Kii c ; ters 1
world will not 1
I end ra ism; onh I I cai
I he message that I'n
ing is realh simple R ;ard
ot . II ' ' "? '
ot the mam rsbei
. ; All hate musl ?
? througl nst and
spiritual rcgenerati
judgement an
I his is the trul
your race, creed, c 1
C ondition ol servitude
Former airline leader depicts 'greed of the 80s
Bv Richard Prince
( innrtt Nr? J Sen u '
Asian journalist
trying in the spotlight
By Dinah Eng
Gannett New Service
Connie Chung is trying to
have a baby
The Sunday anchor of "CBS
Evening News and star of "Face
to Face with Connie Chung" is the
most recognized Asian face in U.S.
journalism. Last week, she disap-
pointed many at the Asian
American Journalists Association
national convention by cancelling
her appearanceas keynote speaker
for thegroup'sannual scholarship
Many were not surprised.
"She's never identified with
us as an Asian American said
one AAJA member. "So many of
our young people kxik up to her
as a role model, and 1 think that's
a mistake. They should be looking
to people like Sheryl WuDunn
(New York Times correspondent)
or you. People who care about
helping others and making a dif-
ference through their work
Being a role model is not easy,
and 1 am always surprised when-
ever a stranger sees me in that
light My position in the Gannett
Co. is mid-level management, yet
there are SO few Asian Americans
at anv management level in
newsrooms that I am conscious of
being in a spotlight others at mv
level are not.
During four daysof the AAJA
convention in New "lork, I could
not walk five feet without being
stopped bv colleagues who
wanted to network, students who
wanted advice or recruiters who
wanted to offer me a job It was
flattering, tiring and a responsi-
bility I do not take hghtlv.
A recent Study bv the Amen
can Sot lotv of New spa per editors
savs 1.25 percent of minority
journalists are Asian American A
survey commissioned by A A) A
this summer found that more than
I third of the Asian American
journalists polled expect to leave
the industrv within five years be-
cause of difficulties with man-
agement and lack of advancement
opportunities in the newsroom.
I've been in the business 13
years, but I do not stay because
my life is about journalism. My
life is about building bndges be-
tween people, and while 1 am
proud to be an Asian American,
my interest is in promoting
multiculturalism ? equality for
During the convention, I ran a
workshop for students on how to
land a job. 1 wish we had had time
to talk more about tdking care of
ourselves on the job. For getting
into a newsroom, or any job set-
ting, is only the beginning.
Taking care of ourselves on
the job can make the difference
between surviving in the office
and truly doing meaningful work.
And this is what role models can
teach. Such caretaking means be-
ing responsible for ourselves. At
work, we negotiate conflicts, and
we let go of our need to control
what we cannot control.
We do not tolerate abuse, and
we do not abuse or mistreat others.
We work at letting go of fear and
owning our own power. We try to
learn from mistake, but we for-
zive ourselves when we make
We try not to set ourselves up
by taking jobs that can't possibly
work out, or jobs that are not right
for us. We know there will be great
days and not-so-great ones.
So Asian page 5
A longtime flight attendant
with the, harming name ot Happy
LaBoy has just spent an
uncharming l"1 months out of
work She works tor Eastern Air-
lines, the once-proud enterprise
bankrupted under the leadership
of Frank Lorenzo
In one of the summer's most
welcome de elopments, 1 orenzo,
whose Texas Air Corp. was once
the nation's largest airline firm (it
controlled Continental, Eastern,
People Express, New York Air,
Texas Air, Frontier) announced he
was s! roping down as head Of
what was left of the company.
La3oy couldn t be happier.
Lorenzo came to symbolize
what was wrong with corporate
America in the '80s. He was
greedy. 1 Ic was uncaring. He had
little time for doing right things.
The summer ot 1990 will be
remembered tor the crisis in the
Gulf, but for me it had even more
significance. Itrepresented the real
beginningofthe 1990s?or rather,
the time we finallv rid ourselves
of the 1980s.
v Otrections as the stockbrokers
call them, since the greed decade
finally ended.
Lorenzo's was only nv, And
make no mistake, he was Mr.
Creed In order to "save" C conti-
nental, Lorenzo nullified labor
contracts by letting the airline go
bankrupt. Then, with contracts
voided, there were new harsh
work rules and meager salaries.
The result: a long, bitter strike.
Yet while both workers and
the company suffered, Lorenzo
was shoring up his personal tor-
tune Bv the time he bailed out in
August, his internal maneuvering
made it possible for him to walk
away with $27.H million in cash, a
salarv of $75,lKX a month tor the
next three years, and options to
buy Continental stock at bargain
A true man of the 80s.
The day after Lorenzo quit the
airlines, another over zealous
capitalist fell. Thisone, a Canadian
who had gone on a multibillion-
dotlar spending spree for U.S.
department stores, was ousted as
Robert Campeau ended up
bankrupting such well-kr
stores as lordan Mars!
Bloomingdale's, Abraham n
Straus and Bon Marche.
C ampeaus actions were par!
of the greed mentality fostered by
the Keagan administration -
whose namesake also underwent
a "correction
The 'Teflon president wap
scratched after a trip to lapan
where he ottered up the dignity ot
the office for a reported $2 million
in speaking tees
sfor Reagan's polices well,
the summer's surprise K st-seller
was The Politics ot R h nd
Poor in which conservative po
litical analyst Kevin Phillips de
scribed,indevastaringdetail,l ?
during the Ri agan years the ru h
got richer ,nd the poor poorer
Worse, the newly ri h wen n
people who produced or manu
factured things, the people we
used to say "made America great.
Instead, thev w ere the pel ple W h
grate on Americans' money ma
nipulators, lawyers, takeover art
ists. speculators, junk-bond kings
Need 1 cite the rest of the '80s
honor roll? Oliver Norm, Ceorgc
See Greed, page 5
A 'Late Night' look at Greenville
By Draughon Cranford
Editorial Columnist
So, Greenville has it all
Since I've been a student here,
I have seen the lovely neon orange
and black billboards along side
the roads and highways, proudly
proclaiming "Greenville Has It All
The billboards hardly im-
pressed me, instead they
prompted a horrible flash back to
the tacky billboards that clutter
and pollute Interstate 1-95. You
know the ones that keep inform-
ing you how far it is to the cheesi-
est place on earth. 1 must admit 1
didn't believe the billboard any
more than it impressed me, until I
took a optimistic, but cynical look
at the slogan.
Now I'mabelieverGreenville
really does have it all. I imagine
you don't believe me any more
than a tacky billboard, but I'm
going to convince you! I've com-
piled a Top Ten List of what
Greenville has. The list will be
similar to David Lettcrman's, and
much different than the list on the
T-shirt that you paid ten bucks
for, but my list is not sold in stores.
Number 10: Greenville has the
Greenville Police Department,
only the best and the finest for the
Emerald City. No one knows the
exact number of officers, and a
total will not be available until the
census is tallied. But what ever
the number is, you can bet it's a
magical one. Magical number,
meaning it's just enough cops to
be sure no one is having fun or
illegally parking.
Number 9: Greenville has a
small state school full of noisy
trouble makers that put no money
into the economy. TheyjustmaJ
noiseand trouble. 1 think the name
of the school is East Carolina Uni-
versity, it has onlv about 16,001)
students. The good news in the-
area; last vear the Greenville ciri
council passed a noise ordinand-
that will keep the students quiti
but they'll still be making trouble).
Number 8: Greenville hai
numbered streets that intersect, f
your confused about what l'r
talking about, you should go stan
at thecornerof lOthand 5th stree
then you'll be confused.
Number 7: Greenville has
Wal-Mart, (or should I say a
Mart with two more letters.) E
See Greenville, page 5

J!?c ?a?t (larolin'iunstPihHBtH 4J990
The fourth floor
By John Williams
Editorial Columnist
Continued from page 5
People have mentioned the
fourth floor of the Science Complex
tii nw betore, and though I was a
little shocked and curious to see for
my self, 1 never made it up there. I
lust trusted my imagination of it,
and dismissed the task of investi-
gating Finally, the other day, 1 saw
what was up there and learned that
rm imagination had been kind to
1 or those who do not know, lam
I referring to a tall glass display case
i mi taming a variety of preserved,
iht rtcl human ionises. In ignorance,
! had imagined a number of glassjars
:n that cax full ot torn aldahvde and
distorted indehfnite human tissue.
What 1 actuaBy snv made my eyes
water, my chest pound,and my mind
reel w-ith confusion and sadness.
I saw babies Dead babies
curled up in jars. Some of them
i months old some only weeks, they
.ill looked like I it tie, white, wrinkled
; babies in those damned jars The
j twins. even theSpina Bihda fetus.
I began to shiver. Maybe it sounds
extreme, but 1 imagined them cry-
ing in those little jars. 1 wondered
what their names would ha vebeen,
and wether or not they would have
ever ran through a big, open field
clutching tight to a kitestnng on a
day with no wind 1 imagined them
smiling with friendswholeand
Maybe they would never have
been "wholeandalive Mavbethey
would have been bom into poverty
and strife, or with some horrible
disease or diformitv
Where is thecomiort in such an
idea7 Was 1 supposed to have
breathed a sigh of relief for them1
Wipe the sweat from my brow and
tell mvself that it's ust as well? Or
was I nght to sink even lower
knowing that those lives never even
had a chance? And not )ust those,
but all of the lives that ended before
they began.
As my mind whirled, and as
students and faculty shuttled
around me in their scientific frame
of mind, I felt like crying.
ery city with a large population of
police officers should have a Wal-
Number b: Greenville has a
Brody's, that'san understatement
1 believe there are tour or five
Brody's at every shopping mall
It's g(HHl there is a place tor us
trouble makers to shop, if we de-
cide to put money into the
economy. iBy the way Brody's is
Number 5: (.reenville has a
Krispv Creme and two Dunken
Donuts, not many cities can boast
that Then again most cities don't
havea Halloween S W. AT team
and countless policemen to cow
sume 20,000 donuts a
Number 4: Greenville has a
area, especially the downtown
a rea
Number i: ireenville has
many billboards in ihc area that
proclaim "Greenville Has It All'
Number 2: Greenville has.
Hid 1 mention the,reenville Po-
lice 1 Vparttnent'
Number 1 I Ircenvillc has
about eight things .ill together
Now I hope your a believer,
because "GreenvilleHas It All
Do you have an opinion?
Whv not write a letter to the
Submit all letters to:
lhe Fast Carolinian
co letters to the Kditor
Publications Building
GrrenvHle, NC 27851 4353
Continued from page 5
Wearegentleand loving with
people whenever possible, but we
are assertive and firm when nec-
essary We accept our strengths
and build on them We accept our
weaknesses and limitations, in-
cluding the limitations of our
Sometimes, we give ourselves
a good gripe session to let it all
out, to release feelings, but we
strive to avoid malicious gossip
and other self defeating behaviors.
We do not denv negative feelings
about another person, but strive
to maintain good working rela-
tionships wherever possible
When we don't know some-
thing, we siv SO. When we need
help, we ask for it directly. If
something gets crav. or we're
working with someone who is
troublesome, wedonot makeour-
selves crazier by denying the
problem We accept it and trv to
figure out how to take care of the
situation, and ourselves.
We know we do not have to
stav in situations that make us
miserable. We stop thinking of
ourselves as victims, and work at
believing we deserve the best, Em h
day, we can enjoy what is yi,
solve the problems that are ours to
solve and give the gift of ourselves
at work.
I'I.h mg home and family be-
fore work and being a journalist
role model wasthechotcet onnie
( hung made 1 ler replacement at
the A A) A s holarshipbanquel was
NB( News M.irv Ah eWilliams,
anchor of "Sunday loday
Williams, who amew ith four
days notice at i bung's request,
was placed in the awkward posi
t ion of having to defendhung to
the Asian American journalists
who booed and hissed when it
was announced that (hung was
not present.
Wheredoesa role model draw
the linebetwi en i private life and
public moments? Williams says it
c onus when home and tamilv are
the issue I agree. bung's actions
iv it s all right tor women who
have high-profiles to hoose to be
mothers, too
( hung made a video tor the
banquet wishing A Al well, md
offering to appear al r ?t year's
convention. Her sincerity would
have come across better it she'd
included a check tor the A V A
si holarship fund as well
Role models have to d more
than talk
Steinbrenner, Pete Rose, the
S&l barons, Donald Trump. Ivan
Boeskv, corporate golf clubbers
who winked al bias7
Riding high in the '80s; "cor-
rected" in the ,lX)s.
Who will be this decade's he-
roes ?
rhey should be people who
focus not on the Frank Lorenzos,
but on the Happy LaBoys.
Eastern closed its operahons
it the airport near Rochester, N.Y
a here I a Boy lives, during the
strike ! o get to work, La Boy now
drives 73 miles to Buffalo, where
she boards an Eastern plane for
Eastern's hub citv of Atlanta.
Whv doesn't she iust move
there' larniK "I have two brats
who need some attention she
says. She's divorced, and an ex-
tended family lives in
Futurists sav we're moving
toward more people oriented
corporate and public policies
Corporate life, they sav. will in-
clude on-site child care and flexible
working hours. Even parental
Businesses, they say, will have
to provide continuous employee
training as automation and com-
puter revolutions eliminate many
low-literacy fobs
Workers over age 30 will find
themselves more in demand.
The so-called "underclass'
will have to be educated and
Continued from page 5
trained, or else we won't have
enough citizens to staff our busi-
In "Rich and Poor Thillips
finds historical precedent to sug
gest that the 1990s will be a time
for populism.
"Poverty, hunger and
homelessness" ranked ust below
drugs as the nation's most im-
portant problem, voters told a
Republican pollster last October.
Sounds like President Bush
was on to something with his now-
abandoned talk of a kinder,
gentler America "
The '90s are ripe for heroes
who can give that rhetoric wings
For persims w
Shin to applv f. -rmral Manager, s.op h the Vtedhl Bnwd I Mfc? the M xt door .ln ?n the right
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Septi mber 4.1990
Ul)t lEiiit (fiarulinian
NEED c.Kl ENI m ' j am now
buying an) football basketball,
and baseballiards i u ha e Am
year am shap I llgive von i fail
amount . .ill I im s 10 ? U
? . 11v r tpi
in set u is i
ptll 1 - OttW .1
.i Ius 1
c aiarantet ilui
iiti i
i uptt
?fl hand written page ?'? ' I ro
ti" sional i i imputt r Sen i? es 10b
F.i ! 5h ? ? I ; ? d?uhbie si
RAPI. in at 11 rd.i ll Rape
t nsis c entet and Ih I I Curo
iinian a u male reportei is vn illing
to meet with yon to help prevent
othei rapes on u , to ko p
? c? ntidi i ill Rape
( , is Center a I - I ' r wrili
U, 'he Fast Carol Ca
ii ??:
Energy efficient, fireplace,
washer dryer, dishwasher, pn
vale patio, storage. Sheraton Vil-
lage $192mo 13utilities. Call
155 H25or 75?vr8H4iask lor 1 k?n)
WANTED: to share 2 bedroom
house Rent $125a month plus l '
J utilities Own room Musi be
hod smoker Across the street
from ampus. Call 752 Sr
sr Own room and bath V
D, fireplace, dishwashei out
more! $133 and 1 3 Utilities
Heritage Village 355-3988 Dena
or Amy
vs 11 1 : to share house on
Eastern st I oca ted near campus
S BR 2 1 2 bath C all tor details
immediately! 757 3434 or 757
? LID M MAI t R H MM 11 :
'? v. ' ? I I , . I
hi LVi; 1U i!
e to campu i nvmth
split3wav: Forn reinl rmation
sit Rl ; ; I .eson
? , , 11. , -i . '? ivi' own
drver, AC. i ?
Vug .i r iraO
ROOMMAT1 i M )? D to
share bedroom 2 1 2 hath apt
SAI I S POSI I l()s IN l N-
Enio men handisediscounl w hik?
working in an exciting fashion
clothing area Apply Brod) s I he
Plaza, rues Fri, 1 4 p m
BRODY'S lOR MEN: is looking
tor personable and responsible
part time associates who .ire
fashion forward Flexible hours
Must enjoy people. Merchandise
dis ount Apph Brod) 's I he
Plaza I ues Fri, 1-4 p m
AMl ABLE: in a retail i'in iron
men! All hours (ireat tor v rimi
nal Justice Majors Apply Brody s,
The Plaza, I ues Fri I -4 p m
pn cram w ill begin in September
and the hours (t work will v.h
between ; Ml p m and t1 p m
Monday thru I ridaj with some
Saturday work rcquiied Ap
proxinuih h 15-21) hours per wee
Program u ill last until mid No
vembei Knowledg? ofsoccerand
the skills to i' ?? h s.? , ri funda
mentals team play and strategies
to youth ages 5 15 Rate ol pay
will be$3 85 to $4 25pei hour I or
lutthei inform ition i all Ben lames
i 18(1 4543 or 830-4! I
Sl I 1 AN I. Vttt nttonolh ge
Students! Would vou liki to make
an extra fcltX) pel week and have
fun doii ? it? I h 1 hre Sales I h
vision ol mi 1it .is Premiei
Modulai f- mllothing on pan
is seeking i andidati ? t rl I
t .ii ;
relativ es Set out own houi ?
youi ow nboss rhi
ness I am a high s I ichi
and ihi -is in pail ? hu oh
Afti ? ill workisaparl. I a!1919
1044 .ik t. rBn nd iorl ivea
Attendants I i.o el fi I M?
i hat it ? v ustonv i ee. I ,vi
ings s ilarii stoS
positti ms .ill ll) Si hS7-?s(XMl
I t A-l h
(,t) I RNM1 NIBS: $16 112
JS9.932 r Novs Hiring Youi
areaall(l)Si)rf87 wKM), Ext.R
1 livi tor listings
. ,u m. ome potential Details. (I
h02 838 8885 i xt BK-5285,6aarv
11 p.m 7 days
SI 11( r .s! $17,500 $5840 IV
i.nls (1)602-838 8885 Ext 5285
Start $11 41 'hour' I or application
info call (1)602 838 8885, Exl M
285, 6 a m lit p.m 7 days.
t Dl Kit R HI I C I 1 KK: tor
bus surgical center Prefei Allied
Health or Nursing student who Hourly wage & mile
age Daytime hours M W F.Phone
758 1747.
1 OOKING FOR:a fraternity, so
ront v.orstiulont organization that
? , uld like to make $500 SI.OH)
fur .i one wei k on campus mar
ketingpn jeel Must be organized
and hardworkingall enny or
ki in at (800) 592 2121
niht with vou guvs was a blast,
can't wait to partv again' love,
the pledges and sisters ot Alpha
C hi Helta
GOOD SIDE:and promote E I
(live campus tours, travel to eon
ventions, help admissions ofhce
recruit hih sh(Ki! students. oin
E U Ambassadors and make a
difference V isit our membership
booths Sept. 4 - 11 at the Student
Store and Mendenhall.
withH 1 SONpatchesirx lu
Size5 package$75 00. Si
ludes microlal
$Hstx) Size 5 1 2 nur
available $35
$41X1 All pn. i
Sarah and aryn - ? I
speed Ai . AM rFMca i
tires $1901 I ?
sturdy $12 orb I
refrigi rati ? "
used only ?
1 AMHDA C til Al PHA: It
started out with a formal escort by
: , Lan bda C hi's, all
. d nut in their oats and tu's
With roses in one hand and a drink
m the other, we got wild and crazy
kvitheven brother Doorsopened
and "lit i .inn' a s ream' I WO
j ambdahi'sco o l in sha ing
earn We were ill coered in
. n am and pun h Nodoubt those
in bdahi s and Alpha eta
I Vita's ui u a v ild bunch Pre!
II UNITY: would like to invite
everyone to Rl SH on Sepl 4 7.
I or more information or tor rides
call 757 1367.
Sigma Phi Little Sister Rush' Sept
II 12 from 8 p m 10p.m. Come
out mm- meet the Brothers and
Sisters. 472 W. 5th St. Call 757-
3516 it rules are needed
1988 HONDA NXrSSO: Excellent
i ondition, low mileage Ireat tor
commuting long short distances
()ff road capability looall '
FOR: $75.00, large and small air
conditioner, carpet, $25.00 c all
752 2849.
STUDENTS:Two nursing uni
torms available sizes 5 and 8
Includes 2 dresses and lab coal
Largest Library o' infor i '
an soft8 '
800 351 0222
? ??? ? ma!ion
Plus a haru e o
SMMKi more
Call 1 80092 028 I xt 0
?iex:?c ? x je-x' s5Sftx6fi(W8ll
Nil Dl D
v' Ii I- m edod '? i i ig ii ? Dra
ing . Ii m - s io, 1 i and 1
NV uA vi dra' i t I riday.
?i h to( onnic ! alnei "n I" ol 't
ArtOEficeoi rranGordley lenkins
1307 lei 6259 Mon, Wed. In
8 - 1
Al I'M A lilt IMJ (.A
Al I'll A CHI?MI I ' N itional
S n ice! r.itrnnu II Jits first
general meeting tonight at 7in
Mi ndenhall 212 Ml a live, inac-
tive .uni assistant ? : tin is areen-
couraged to atl
ICL GOSPI I I lb ??iv
i ; . EC1 Gi ; Choir will
sis. 11, ,er .i ,i ? n I ues
.Li Se teinbi ll ip.m
K ,i 224 N ?! id? nl
(??' nvi I in
p.t, lii ipati ' lames
i hompson at H - i ! ?
Washington il ? I ;
ion to th? .1 b?
(. ? 111 till '
LC. L v,t S1 ' I sJtOIK
oin the ECU I hoir! H
dk .i. Ilim for joinmj - ptembi i
12th Rehersal ai V i dnes
day il 5al the ter.O m
out and join th fun
A,v I Elight uill t
? , their
Rush s pt 4 " al " p m al Ihe
right Ann. ? ?? ft. For more
it ti rmatii n atut ' light
me iiiciir sh i night
KL WOMI N b it) vLK
P( i omt ? - - or t lub is off
Io another succes fulyeai Allnew
and old playei s are w v i?m Im
p?irtant meeting Sepl 5 at 4 00
pm in ihe General lassniom
building Room 1001! ome join
the learn tor another victorious
s?son Anyquestions, i all lean or 758-0714'
East i arolina Associatii n it
Nursing Students iK ANS) will
have first meeting September 6, at
lit iia m , in room 201. Freshman
are welcome. Come & see what
ECANS is doing this semestei
li WO will be holding its tirst
meeting of the year on Thursday,
August 30th, at 5 p m. In the
basement ot Fleming Hall ? en
tral Campus Meeting Room). The
group is open to all honor students
who are interested in joining in
social and academic activities with
other honor students Pizza and
refreshments will be served. ome
and join us'
I ?n vou wanttoki kthhabit' I hen
sign up tor the Ameru anan er
Society Smoking Cessation Pro
gram to be held al the tudenl
1 lealtM !enter. The program is free
ofchargetoallECl I students, staff,
and faculty. Program starts on
Wed . Sopt 5, and lasts tor tour
i onsecutive weeks Program nine
isJO 430. all757 6794 to sign
up and tor more information
Anybody intending to submit a
proposal tor an Honors Seminar
should submit proposal bv 1 n
day, August H I990,or as soon as
possible. If not able to submit the
proposal m written form, please
call DavidSanders(757-6373)with
your idea lor more information,
see David Sanders in the Honors
Office, 1002 A General Classroom
Sept 4th 7th. 4th Campus wide
mixer, 8 11 in Ledonia Wright
( ultural Center th lee (ream
social, 8-9 Mendenhall Coffee
house Mh 7th Formal Rush
(potential pledges only) Menden
hall Rm 221.8- 10. "How good
and pleasant it is ,? hen
dw ell locethi i inunil
l Itimate (frisbee) practice is i uv
running at 1 Ul C? ttomvt( olleg
I hli i.n ii' -s from Hu wstei I on
I uesda Wednes.lay Ihursdav
and Sunday Pick up N? ??. IRATE
Disc there 1 or into on prat live or
disc call 752 7538! I .o HORZ!
Dv I SS1U ? s, RH S
A scries ol discussions on th
compn hensive philosophies de-
eloped by the preen polity J
parties in Europe will begin nn
Wednesday .September? I he first
discussion will le on the "run
ciples ol Ecological Wisdom
will be led by Drs Prem Seghal
and Amy i lanm n I h? second
disi ission 'CommuniU Hi- l
II onomii s will be the i pit nn
i t, ibet I Ml mtvtings will be
held in (he Willis ti u In i unl ut
and Read Streets and ill I? pin
7 M 1 or moie intoi mat ion call
the lar Pamlico lreen ommitti i
.it 758 u0t
t f, l CREW II M
1 he EC1 ? lew 1 earn is ha ing i
meeting t n all those w ho are in-
terested in joining in fhursday,
sit 6,at7p m rhe meeting will
U- held on tin 2nd floor ol Men
denhall it youi an I make it con
t.ut ohn lu.iitis (931 9191) or
Mike Snip s ' 2 1 v"
Attention ECU Students former
kevlub and c in le K members
,ire nn ilevl lO dinner by Ihe
Greenville KiwanasC lub Please
call i" 01J6
The A P Pacemaker av .rA win
rung Expressions Magazine isnow
accepting poetry short stories,
fiction, non fiction articles,etc tor
review Accepted submissions,
except poetry will be paid75per
column inch Offices are located
in the Publications Bldg. across
trom ioyner I ibrar
SEP1 6: Faculty Recital bv lav A
I lerson, baritone, with ohn B.
o Hneii piano (8 15p.m Fletcher
Recital Hall, free) SEP1 8:Senior
Recital Scotl lane, horn piano
13:15 p m . Fletcher Recital Hall,
freelSEPT. 10: Faculty Recital by
Brad Foley, saxophone, with lohn
B )' Brien piano (8:15p m .
Hetchei Retital Hall, free) DIAL
757-4370 FOR IHl-sc HOOL OF
E I Law Society will be having a
nwetingSept. 10,1990,Mondayin
Ragsdale 218 al ri I5p.m Anyone
interested in law or becoming a
lawywr please attend For more
nfonnatoncallSonyal oveat931
I 91
, , i v l Waterski C lub is meet
ing luesday, September 4th in
Mend, nhall al 9p.m New mem-
bers please attend or contact Marty
at 8 10 9 i79 or lackie at 756-8603.
It your I iPA is J 3 or higher and
vou have between 7 and 96credit
hours please come t the Phi
Sigma Pi Smoker ou I uesdav
"npt 4 at 7 p m in (.CP 1031.
Dress is somi formal ("shirt and
lie") and refreshments will be
served afterwards We're looking
torw aid to meeting vou. Phi Sigma
Pi National Honor Fraternity
Ihe Department ot Speech lan-
guage and Auditory Pathology
(SI AP) will be providing the
Speech and hearing screening for
allstudentsehgible for admission
to the Upper Division of Teacher
Education on Monday, September
It), Tuesday, September 11; and
Wednesday, September 12,1990.
The Department will be testing
from 5 to 6:30p m each day NO
(first come basis). Phe sl.AP De-
partment is located in Belk Annex
on C harles Street Thank you
Pure Gold Dancer Varsity tryouts
will bc held September 17 &18
from 6:30-8:30p.m. in Minges
Seven sxits kir the varsity team
will lx tilled al this rime
The Greenville-Pitt County Spe-
cial Olympics will be conducting
a training schixil Sept. 22 at lavciv
Park tor anyone interested in
volunteering to coach soccer for
special athletes. No experience is
needed We are also looking for
i oaches tor basketball, equestrian,
bowling, powerlifting, gymnastics
and swimming All interested
persons should contact Greg
Epperson at the Special Oiympi
office, 830-4551.
Lose weight the healths wav and
keep those pounds off! The Stn
dent health C enter offers a weigh!
control program which combines
nutrition education and behavior
modification to assist you in losing
extra pounds. Program is free ot
charge to all ECU students The
class is held every Tuesday at
1p.m. in the Student Health Cen
ter. Call 757-674 to sign up and
for more information!
learn about the various methods
of contraception and their effec
Men's and Women's health issues
and the prevention of sexuallv
transmitted diseases. Classes are
held at the Student Health Center
every Mondav at 2p.m. and every
Thursday at 3p.m. Call 757-7vM
for more information.
I he Air Force Othcei
tion lest will Iv givi I
temberannd 15 October 1990 foi
thoseindi iduals inti
forceommissi m
3rd door U
ma ti n
Utenl ?h i
in 1 uesda Septeml i 111
5 M ' inC ,etn rail
1008 nyqucsbi ?
Attention! All 1 arh l hild
and Intermediate Ma)? rs k "
91 officers nl th?
Educatii n ib would -
vitevou too
ol the i ?. and Intel
i luhs have merj
1 he met ting v ill i Spei
J08 Wednesda S pi i
planning for a gn at V i 11 So ii
and bring your friends
A men s high s hoil i lass i
c hristopher roole 1988 Pnnceti
I ligh St hool
IVn t forget the ieneral Mi i
on Wednesda) Septembei -
p in Room 221
l-i L students- Wh nt?t spend
exciting semester oi yeai at ne
over 90 colleges or universities
the US and earn college credit t
wards graduation It vou have
GPA ot 2 5 or better vu , an pa
ECU tuition avoid the re
tape normally associated ivitl
transferring toanotherinstitution
ln't miss thisopportunitv to v-
new places, travel, and take o
new challenges For more infoi
mation contact Stephanie L aiu h.
in GO 1002,757-6769

GU?e gagt (fiaroif nfan September 4,1990 7
Solar flight lands at Kitty Hawk
first solar-powered GMSt-to-coast
flight neared its goal at tho birth
place c4 mechanized flight as its
pilot drew within )5mtlesof Kitty
Weather conditions allowed
Mm Seeker to flv 124 miles Sun-
day before landing in Currituck
about 6:10 p.m said lack White
house a spokesman tor thv Sun
Seeker Project Pilot Eric Raymond
hoped to complete his fournev
He was running out ol lilt
ind landed at Currituck in North
Carolina, about J5 miles north of
I irst I light Airport at kitt
I lawk Whitehouse said
Raymond lefl 1 unenberg
( tunty AirportnearVictoria,Va
shortly before noon Sunday said
a hitehouse.
Raymond, who left Desert
( enter, Calif on ury 16, was to
ho landed around 2 p m Mon
d.u in the same area where Or
ville and Wilbur Wright made
the tirst powered thght m 1CH3.
1 he 33 yearold former na-
tional hang gliding champion
hopes to show the potential of
solar power. 1 he plane takes off
under a solar-powered motor
turning the propeller, then flies
like a glider.
Supporters planned an elabo-
rate rev option tor Raymond.
Members ol the kitty Hawk
t (eights HangGlidingSchool,the
;cst such operation in the
vs oi Id, were to present Raymond
champagne, roses and a gift of a
leather aviator jacket with a pic
tun ol theSunSeekerontheback,
said spokesman Nancy McWil-
that has to do with this kind of
alternative energy that has to with
flight Ms M Williams said Sun-
Astro-carrying Columbia set for liftoff
(AP) ? The countdown began
today for N AS As third attempt to
launch Columbia with the Astro
observatory alter engineers solved
the latest problem to befall the
Liftoff is scheduled tor 1.20
am. EOT Thursday. It will be the
first shuttle launch in more than
tour months - the longest gap
between missions since flights
resumed following the 198nChal-
lenger disaster.
It s been a long, hot summer,
and we're just glad to be getting
back into the flight business said
NASA spokesman Hick Young.
The shuttle fleet had been tempo-
tank grounded after hydrogen
leaks were discovered on two of
the three orhitors, including Co-
ASA decided on a Thursday
launch after re-establishing full
contact with the X-ray telescope
inside Columbia's cargo bay. The
telescope is one of four that consti-
tute the $150 million Astro obser-
Contact between the instru-
ment and launch control comput-
ers was lost Wednesday night af-
ter the cargo bav doors were closed,
and NASA scrubbed Saturday's
launch attempt.
Workers installed a new elec-
tronic component for the telescope
inside the cargo bay and finished
testing it Sunday.
Engineers also had trouble
verifying the telescope's ability to
send signals over a radio link that
would be used during the flight.
The problem was caused by faulty
software and was corrected Sun-
day, Young said.
Columbia's liftoff would have
been delayed until at least Friday
if the problem had not been solved
bv midnight Sunday, Young said.
That's when workers planned to
begin freezing the argon used to
keep the X-ray telescope's instru-
ments cold.
Columbia was supposed to
have gone up May 30, but hydro-
gen leaked during fueling and
NASA called off the launch. At-
lantis was the next shuttle sched-
uled to fly, but its classified Penta-
gon mission wasdelayed from July
to November when it, too, was
found to have hydrogen leaks.
Columbia returned to the
launch pad in August with new
hydrogen lines.
NASA has not sent up a shuttle
since April, when Discovery ear-
ned the flawed Hubble Space Tele-
scope into orbit.
Columbia has a crew of seven
astronauts, the largest since Chal-
Four of the crew members are
astronomers who will work in non-
stop shifts to operate Astros three
ultraviolet telescopes dunng the
nine to 10-day mission. Astro will
return to Earth with the shuttle
and might be used again on a later
Astro is designed to observe
some of the hottest objects in the
universe, including a comet and a
supernova. It will be the first
shuttle mission in five years dedi-
cated entirely to scientific research.
It's a matter of SENIORITY
A Salute to Seniors
September 6, 10 ? 2pm
In front of Student Stores
T-shirts available
Free Cokes & Free Computer Info
Live Remote -ECls Own 11 Zl 91.3
East Carolina I niversirVsNational Avvard-Wmning
literary-Art Magazine
Applications are available, and should he left
with the Media Board Secretary in the Publications
building by Friday, September 7.
It you have questions, call 757-6502 or 758-9680
SINCE 1980
Open 7 Davs a Week
7.S7-127S or 757-0731
1(K)E. 10 Street
Corner of 10 & Evans
We Deliver Items That Others Don't
Hot Oven Subs- Steak & Cheese Pepper Steak
Meatballs- Speghetti- Lasagna- Manicotti
Burgers & Sandwiches
60 oz. Pitcher of Beer only 99tf
The BIG 2
2 10" Piza
2 Toppings (your choice)
2 8" Hot Oven subs (your choice)
2 Cheese Cakes
2 2 liter Cokes
ONLY $22.22
When you step through the doors of the
newly renovated KA House, you'll
understand why KA seeks only men of the
best character. And you'll see why our
chapter at East Carolina has been Chosen
as "The Model Kappa Alpha Chapter of the
Nation" for 1990-91.
Interested men stop by between 8-11
Tuesday - Friday, meet representatives from
each sorority, and enjoy refreshments by
Hickory Ham's.
500 E. 11th St. (near East Coast Music)
7 5 7
0 12 8
?R rides AND

(51ic ?aBt(?aroHntan September 4,1990
Jesse Helms campaign portrays
Harvey Gantt as soft on defense
RALEIGH(AP) Usingvideo
footage of Iraqi loader Saddam
Hussein and U.S. troops in Saudi
Arabia, the campaign of Sen fesse
Holms has begun broadcasting a
television ad seeking to portray
his opponent as sott on defense.
The 30-second commercial
seeks to draw a contrast between
the U.S. response to Iraq's military
action and Democrat Harvey
Cantt's position that defense
spending could be cut.
Responding to the commer-
c ial,( .antt s.iui he supported Presi
dent Bush's handling tA the crisis
in the Persian Gulf, and the I Vmo
cratic candidate said he backed
the US. troops stationed there
"This is just another example
of esse Helms trying to make
himself a superpatriot and trying
to demean the integrity of Ins
opponent i iantt told reportersin
Winston-Salem Friday.
The commercial came a
Helms prepared to visit U.S. troops
in the Saudi Arabia Helms is trav-
eling as part of a congressional
The Helms commercial fea-
tures puturesot tanks, of gas masks
and of Hussein.
Iraq Saddam Hussein, a
brutal dictator with one of the
world slargestarmiesarmed with
chemical weapons anannouncer
says in the Helms commercial.
American troops meet the threat
going in harm's way. Should we
cut defense $300 billion? Senator
Helms sjvs No, we can't take that
nsk Harvey Gantt says, 'Yes, cut
defense up to $300 billion
Gantt told The News and
Observer of Raleigh that it 'made
sense" for the nation to cut back in
defense spending "over the long
haul But he said that for Helms
to suggest that means he's soft on
defense1 is untrue.
"1 think the voters understand
very clearly that Harvey Gantt
stands behind the president and
stands behind our troops (.antt
said "They're my brothers and
sisters and neighbors also. And
we want to see them protei ted
Up she goes
An i CU cheerleader is boosted high by thn I her tea
dunnq the ilf of the 1 rta Tech game S ?
If you seek Him. He will be found by you 2 chr 15 2b
September 4-7
4th- MIXER (open invitation to guys & girls)
"Let them praise His name with dancing Ps 1493
8-11 Ledonia Wright Culture Center
5th- jce cream social (open invitation to guys & girls)
"Come all you who are thirsty is.551
8-9 Mendenhall Coffee House
6 & 7th- Formal Rush (potential guy pledges only)
"How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell
together in unity' Ps.133:1
8-10 221 Mendenhall

Su'wtoi) 4.1990
She gaat Cffaroltnian
N.C. airport plans for
hostages arrival
Workers prepare food, phones
Nuclear weapons not ruled out
Percentage of U.S. residents who advocate the use of nuclear
weapons against Iraq in these situations:
i IGH I -P Usually
ro w nrkers prepare tor
ities the) hope w ill never
? then wa
Hut over the weekend state
no workers prepared Ra
I Hirham International Air
in ev? nl the w ish will
about tht release of
ii ,ins from Kuu ait and Iraq.
i airport is one oi three on
ist Co it designated to re-
-stages it thev arc released
;e numl i -
ens oi w oil ers Sunday
' ing phone linos, bank
i? ilities, kitchens, child care
? s airline computers at
t, see this place real
' tit .4 hours said oe
v retan oi crimecon-
ubli satet) as Ke sur-
oncourse in the
linal B ' All Ameri-
thoir tuiit rscn?ssed.
?. man tor the I s
? . ilth and Human
this past week that
eh a ?' harleston
ii mal irport in South
, and a third civilian air-
' i ? ashington likely
? i - arc
: . tliner
, American
n arrived at
? 1 irport in
i. j I he) bad been hos-
nth in the afU rmath
! Kir. ,nt
An estimated 3,000 Americans
and thousands of other foreigners
are believed still hold hostage.
"We were told bv Washington
that it they are released, they're 95
percent sure we will be one oi the
reception points Dean said.
The repatriation center being
set up in Raleigh could handle
about 500arrivalsata time, foseph
Myers, director of the N.C. Divi-
sion oi Emergency Management,
told the Greensboro News &
Myers said 200 state emer-
gency workers, social workers and
volunteers from the Red Cross and
the Salvation Army are on call to
staff the terminal, which has been
vacant tor the past year.
As oi Sunday afternoon, air-
port crews had cleaned out the
terminal and were preparing cus-
toms and luggage areas, testing
phones and ham radios and hook-
ing up computer terminals to help
in travel connections
Albert Thompson, a state so-
cial services administrator, said
workers were trying to foresee any
possible needs, including loans,
psychologic al counseling medical
exams and accommodations tor
relatives from other states
Dean said 'he federal govern-
ment had contacted North (aro
lina because the state already has a
plan in place last tested in 1987
and has experience with several
recent natural disasters, including
Hurricane Hugo md two major
If Iraqis
deliberately kill
U.S. hostages
If Iraqis use If Iraqis invade
chemical weapons another country
against U.S. troops
Source: USA TODAY Poll
Marty Baumann, Gannett News Service
Killer left message in Florida slaijings
With one day to go before classes
resume at the University oi
Honda, police Monday were
studying what thev vaguely de-
scribed as "messages" left by the
killer oi five college students.
Investigators on Sunday also
said they reduced their list of prime
suspects from eight to tour, and
clues left by the killer are helping.
The slayingS have terrorized
the campus, where students are
on a labor Day break until Tues-
"The messages were given to
us from the crime scenes said
police It Sadie Darnell. "The
messages are indirect that we're
interpreting to be messages of
some importance
Hie killer left no notes or other
writings, she said, declining to
provide further details. Sheriffs
Lt. Spencer Mann added that no
"calling cards" were found on the
bodies. "It's not a signature-type
homicide he said.
Autopsies on Tracy Inez
Paules and Manuel Taboada,both
23, showed thev died of stab
wounds similar to those that killed
the other victims, Mann said. Un-
like the first three, the bodies of
Miss Paules and Taboada were
not mutilated.
Mann would not say whether
the same weapon was used in all
five slayings.
Police said an Ohio fugitive,
58-year-old Warren Virgil Tinch,
was dropped from their "prime
suspects" list. Tinch is sought in
Ohio in the stabbing death of a 52-
ycar-old woman and is suspected
of stealing cars in Ocala and
Gainesville a week before the kifl-
Mann would not say whether
18-year-old Edward Lewis
Humphrey is among the top four
suspects and would not Otherwise
disclose who is on the list.
Humphrey, a part-time fresh-
man at the university whom au-
thorities describe as emotionally
troubled, is in jail on SI million
bail tor allegedly assaulting his
79-vear-old grandmother and has
been questioned as a suspect.
Miss Paules and Taboada
were found Tuesday at the apart-
ment thev shared at a complex
where Humphrev lived for a few
weeks this summer. A neighbor
See Slaytnrjs, page 10
? r
Counting costs
An estimated 250 million people will be counted
l the current Census, with significant in
creases in the Southwest. Per capita
cost to conduct the Census:
Pope blames power, profit
for Africa's problems
Source: Census Bureau
Bob Laird, Gannett News Service
SONGEA, Tanzania (AP)
Pope John Paul 11 decried today
the failure of development in Af-
rica, blaming a thirst for power
and profit for plunging the conti-
nent into poverty and injustice.
"How many young people in
Africa are deeply affected by the
lack of hope that overshadows
their future the pope said on the
third day of a 10-day African tour.
John Paul flew from the
country's commercial capital, the
port city of Dar es Salaam, 380
miles to southwestern Songea to
celebrate Mass.
The pope was greeted by tra-
ditional dancers and music, people
singing hymns and ululating.
About 25,000 people attended the
service, which was held in an open
field in the African savannah.
"Certainly it is not easy for
people, especially young people,
to be self-giving and generous
when thev see around them so
much poverty and suffering, so
manv instances of neglect and in-
justice he said in his homily.
John Paul said the hopes of
manv Third World countries have
been dashed by hunger, malnu-
trition, crime and corruption.
1 le compared the situation to
the chaos disenbed in the Book of
Genesis ? the world was a
"formless void and there was
darkness over the deep.
"Manv problems of develop-
ment, no matter how overpower-
ing, can be solved if there is a new
attitude diametrically opposed to
a selfish desire for profit and the
thirst for power
The pope was to fly to north-
western M wanza, on the shores of
Lake Victoria, later in the day to
bless 100 patients at an Episcopal-
run hospital, make a speech and
dine with the archbishop, Monsi-
gnor Anthony Mayala.
Bush plans
for third
(AP) President Bush is return
ing to Washington for a hectic few
davs of preparation before his
third summit meeting with Soviet
President Mikhail Gorbachev.
As aides scrambled to work
out logistics and prepare an
agenda for the hastily called
summit, Bush was concluding a
three-week vacation in Maine
Mondav that he took under the
cloud of the Persian Gulf crisis
He returns to Washington two
days after announcing that he
would meet with the Soviet leader
in Helsinki next Sunday
Bush spent Sunday h isting his
longtime friend, evangelist Billy
Graham, at his seaside vacation
home. The pair went to two
churches for morning services.
"These are rather trying tones
and right now 1 would suggest we
get our strength from being one
nation under Cod bush told the
congregation at the First Congre
gational Church.
Officials said Hush's on day
summit with Gorbachev will .ikely
entail about five hours of talks,
focusing on the Persian Gulf crisis.
They said the two men would also
discuss conventional armsredw -
lion talks between the two n itions
and regional issues, including
Cambodia and Afghanistan
The president said he was
pleased with Soviet cooperation
on a number of global issues
"1 think it is important al this
uncture that we discuss isu. not
just as they relate to Europe and
try to update where we can on
these arms negotiations, but also
to discuss the Middle EatI?e
president said.
On the Persian Gulf, one offi-
cial said of the two superpowers:
'We're comparing notes. We
would be explaining where we
think the situation is, where we
would go
Side meetings between aides
are not planned for this summit,
said the official, who spoke on
condition of anonymity. Such
sessions usually are standard
during summit meetings.
Another official described the
one-dav session as more an "in-
formal meeting" between the two
On the subject of conventional
arms talks, one official said the
twoleadersdiscussion "would iust
be a review" of the continuing
negotiations to reduce Soviet and
U.S. troop strength in Europe
Bush has said he does not ex-
pect the Soviet Union to mediate
between Iraq and the United
States. But the administration
would welcome anv pressure
Gorbachev can bring aga nst Iraq.
See Summit, page 10
Kuwaiti rebels may plan raids on troops
I Arabia (AP)
douins sit under
? uarding a building identi-
I b) a new sign outside as hoas-
offices of the Kuwaiti govem-
ivexik s Ministry of Oil
his is the forward lommand
, the Kuwaiti resistance
ement its day to -i opera-
. in, hide smuggling ammuni-
n tnd communicatkms equip-
enl into Iraqi occupied Kuwait,
Kuwaiti exiles s?)
Ine Saudi -Kuwaitborderir.just
e miles to the north.
All the operations to Kuwait
ne via Khar? said a senior Km-
?n guerrilla leader who spoke
condition of anonymity out of
? .rot Iraqi reprisals.
Ml communications, all or-
ders all border crossings You
iiw tht- trucks, the aerials he said.
1 le said the resistance move-
ment has already recruited thou-
sands of volunteers fmm among
the estimated 70,000 Kuwaiti rtfc-
gees in Saudi Arabia.
A senior Saudi official, speak -
ingon condition of anonymity, said
Sunday that the Kuwaiti resistance
is "growing in strength" and step-
ping up its attacks on the Iraqi oc-
An Associated Press reporter
visited the Kuwaiti resistance head-
quarters last week. Over the week-
end, the Saudi government barred
journalists from traveling to Khafji
without an official escort
The resistance and the Kuwaiti
army, which has offices nearby, re-
main loyal to the government in-
exile headed by Kuwait'semirjaber
al-Ahmed al-Sabah. The govern-
ment is based in Taif, in southwest
Saudi Arabia.
Kuwaiti flag flies outside the
building, which is also the new
headquarters of the Kuwait branch
of the Arabian Oil Co a concern
Kuwaiti exiles say is jointly owned
by the Kuwaitis, Saudis and Japa-
That is somehow appropriate
because Kuwait's oil wealth guar-
antees that the resistance movement
will not lack for funds. Saudi officials
estimate that the Kuwaiti govern-
ment -in-exile has access to assets
worth about $10) billion.
The Kuwaiti guerrilla leader
said moncv is not a problem. "What
we need is weapons he said.
Some arms have been obtained
from Iraqi defectors, he said. Others
came from the arsenal of Kuwait's
National Guard, which Kuwaitis
broke into a day after the Aug. 2
Iraqi invasion.
The guerrilla leader refused to
to the Kuwaiti resistance, except to
say that Americans were involved
in recruiting Kuwaiti refugees for
training in Saudi Arabia.
Last week, several US. televi-
sion networks reported thattheCIA
and Army Special Forces troops
were helping the Kuwaiti resistance
organizehit-and-runattackson Iraqi
No Americans were involved
in the fighting, but Kuwaiti fighters
based near theSaudi-Ku wait border
were reported to be getting intelli-
gence, weapons, radios, advice on
target selection and instruction from
U.S. advisers, the networks said.
President Bush would not con-
firm directly that his administra-
tion is supporting the Kuwaiti re-
sistance. But, he said, "In a broad
way, I support the Kuwaiti under-
ground. 1 support anybody who
can have a hand in restoring legiti-
macy there to Kuwait and to getting
the Iraqis out of Kuwait
The Kuwaiti guerrilla organizer
said the resistance is still in its for-
mative stages. It is headed by three
Kuwaiti sheiks ? two based in
Khafji and one in Hafr Al-Batin to
the west near King Khalid Military
City, a major Saudi military base, he
In addition to coordinating at-
tacks on Iraqi troops inside Kuwait,
the resistance runs a radio and
television station.
U.S. reserves
r-Air Force: 136,331
Marines: 80,128
Navy: 238,061
Coast Guard: 117,211
National Guard
Source: Department of Defense
Marty Baumann, GNS

101 ?b ?qgt (flarollntan September 411990
Around the State
French students plan trip to N.C. city
WAYNESVILLE ? French students in Haywood County schools
will have the opportunity to practice their language skills in October
with a group of ninth-graders from France.
And in the process, they should make some international friends
and gain some first-hand knowledgeabout French culture, according to
Sheila Dale, who originated the idea of the French-American exchange.
Fortv-two ninth-graders from Dijon, France, will am ve in Hay wood
County Oct. 21 and live in American homes until they leave Nov. 1.
They will be accompanied by Ms. Dale and four other adults.
During their stay here, they will go into French classes in the county
schools to teach French songs, game and dances to the American
They have also practiced a musical presentation of French, English,
German, Spanish. Latin and Creole songs that they will perform for
American groups of all ages.
Trenton man arrested for murder of wife
TRENTON ? A Trenton man was charged with murdet Saturday
following the shooting death of his wife.
Samuel Cnffin, 43, allegedly shot his wife Mane Griffin, also 43,
with a pistol during a domestic dispute at about 4 p.m. Saturday,
according to loncs County Sheriff Wesley Mallard.
Gnttin was arrested on an open chargeot murder and awaits a first
appearance in lones County District Court Tuesday in Trenton.
Griffin's two minor childrenare in the custody of relatives, Mallard
Fayetteville drive-in finally closes gates
FAYFTTEV1LLE ? Drive-ins are traditionally associated with
making out and fogging up the windows, but there wasn't much
privacy Sunday night at the Fox Drive-ln Theatre.
It was the drive-in's last hurrah and it was packed.
Glenda and George Bean met at a dnve-in nine years ago and have
been going ever since That night, thev saw James Bond's 'For Your
Eyes Only" at The Fort dnve-in.
Sunday at the Fox, thev planned to see "Total Recall "Q&A
NavySeats Back to the Future Part 111 "The Demon is Loose" and
"Angel Town if thev could stay awake that long.
And thev had their three children in tow so the whole familv could
say apod-bye to Favetteville's last drive-in.
I ox Manager Richard McKinnev said he would give a speaker to
everyone at the last show. And by 10:30 p.m that was about 730 cars.
Gastonia baby-sitter finds infant dead
GASTOMA -Gastonia police are investigating the Sundav after-
noon death of a 7-month-old baby found dead by his baby-sitter
Don Conrad, Gaston County's acting medical examiner, said
Markice Gardiner died between 11.45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. He said there
were no external signs of injury on the child, who was lying on his back
on the floor in an upstairs bed room, wearing only a diaper.
Detective Keith Friday said police are investigating.
Conrad, who said he's ruled out suffocation and trauma, was to
conduct an autopsy Monday.
Neighbors told police that Markice's mother, 21-year-old Angle
Gardiner, came rushing home from her job at Hardee's when she heard
about her son
Two familv friends had been taking care of Markice and Ms
Gardiner's three older children.
Two men arrested for Whiteville murders
FAYETTEVILLE ? Sherman Elwood Skipper, accused of two
murders in Bladen County, was arrested late Saturday after a man
walked into the Columbus County Sheriff's Department and said
Skipper had been holding him captive for a week.
That man, 43-year-old Mark Anthony Smith, also was arrested by
Bladen Countv sheriff's deputies in connection with the murders.
Both men are in the Bladen County Jail in Ehzabethtown without
bail, officials said.
The men, both from the Whiteville area, were charged with two
counts of first-degree murderin the Aug. 25 shoohngdeathsof Skipper's
girlfriend, Aileane Blackwell Pittman, 56, of Bladenboro, and her 18-
year-old grandson. Nelson Fipps, also of Bladenboro.
Smith told deputies that he had been held against his will by
Skipper for a week, said Lt. Jim Hardin of the Columbus County
Sheriff's Department
Skipper, 48, was arrested in the motel near Jacksonville at about 11
p.m. Saturday, said Bladen County Sheriff Earl Storms.
Clerk kills man after attempted robbery
CHERRYVILLE ?A teen-age clerk squelched an attempted armed
robbery at a small Cherry ville grocery store Saturday afternoon when
he allegedly shot and killed the assailant, police said.
According to Cherryville police, ShaneSeagle, 17, a clerk at Southside
Grocery, fired several shots at the would-be robber about 1:15 p.m.
The suspected robber, ChnsHogue, 31, address not a vailable,died
of mu 1 tiple gunshot wounds, said Gaston County Coroner Don Conrad
Police said Hogue entered the store, flashed a gun and demanded
money But Seagle pulled out a revolver and shot Hogue, said Cherryville
police officer DA. Houston.
Authorities said no charges had been filed Saturday evening in
connection with the incident. Police plan to review the case with the
Gaston County district attorney's office on Tuesday.
Former Monroe official charged with
two counts of posession of stolen goods
MONROE ? Former Union County Agricultural Extension Direc-
tor M C. Howell Jr. has been charged with possessing stolen property.
Howell, 47, of Monroe was charged Thursday with two counts of
receiving stolen goods, said Monroe Public Safety Chief Bobby Kilgore.
Kilgore said Howell told officers he did not know the items were
stolen when he purchased them from an individual.
A tool box, tools and an assortment of other items, all believed to be
stolen, were confiscated from Howell's home and are being held as
evidence pending trail, Kilgore said.
According to a la w enforcement officer who asked not to be named,
the tools are valued at about $1,000. Other confiscated stolen goods,
including household items and a mink coat, are said to be valued at
approximately $4,300.
Howell was released pending a Sept. 27 court date.
Howell resigned as Agricultural Extension director in May follow-
ing an investigation into allegations he billed the state and county for
the same travel expenses.
Large grant gives small
businessman a chance
ASHEV1LLE (AP) A recent
$1 million grant to the Self-Help
Credit Union of Western North
Carolina will provide more loans
to individuals and businesses who
fall through the cracks of the tra-
ditional financial world
Since it began two vears ago,
the regional office of the credit
union has made loans to people
with ground breaking ideas but
little capital. Among the credit
union's clients have been a curb-
side recycling service, a food co-
operative, a child-care center and
a gift shop in a rural community.
In addition, the credit union
provides loans for people seeking
affordable housing.
"We are reaching people on
the margin said Tom Byers, spe-
cial assistant to the chancellor at
the University of North Carolina
at Asheville and chairman oi the
credit union's advisory board.
The credit union has made
$500,060 in loans this year and
$1.25 million since the Asheville-
based office serving the region
The grant, from a donor who
wants to remain anonymous, will
boost the credit union's ability to
support budding businesses and
first-time homeowners.
? We can make $5 in loans for
every $1 we have in reserves. That
means we are ready to make up to
$5 million in loans here over the
next few years Byers said.
The credit union provides
loans as small as $1,000 that tradi-
tional financial institutions shy
away from, said oyce Harrison,
the western North Carolina asso-
ciate director
In addition to smaller
amounts, the credit union pro-
vides loans to businesses that do
not havca high profit margin such
aschild-care centers, Ms. Harrison
The Asheville credit union is
one of three offices in North Caro-
lina. The others are in Charlotte
and Durham, the city where the
credit union was founded six years
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Continued from page 9
said Humphrey was romantically
interested in Miss Paules and of-
ten wailed for her by the pool.
Police took prints of
Humphrey's feet in tail, and two
officers in hip wadersSunday used
a metal detector to search a creek
next to hi apartment complex,
Darnell said. Tolice said all they
found was an old street sign.
The victims were students at
either the university or Santa Fe
Community College. Their deaths
terrified classmates, including
about 100 who dropped out or
University President John
Lombardi said campus security
was tight.
We believe this community
to be as safe as any other univer-
sity community in America he
said. "Would 1 send my child back
to the University of Florida? Yes, I
Student body President
Michael Browne said that his
classmates are stall afraid but that
dropping out would be a mistake.
"Above all, we must not be held
hostage to our fears he said.
"Giving up will not solve any-
Also slain v ere Christina
Powell, 17, of Jacksonville; Sonya
Larson, 18, of Deerfield Beach, and
Christa Hoyt, 18, of cwbcrry.
All lived in off-campusavtrrvMiN
and were discovered beginning
Aug. 26.
Continued from page 9
a longtime recipient of Soviet arms.
Bush said he has not spoken
to Gorbachev since Iraq invaded
Kuwait on Aug. 2. He said he has
not telephoned Gorbachev ?
something he has done to many
other world leaders ? "Because I
had anticipated seeing him
Bush proposed the meeting to
Gorbachev a week ago. He held
his proposal so closely that several
top White House staff members
did not know about it when they
were in the Soviet Union last week.
They were there with White
House Chief of Staff John Sununu
at Gorbachev's request to explain
the technical workings of the U.S.
executive branch. Sununu was
informed of the arrangements for
the summit meeting but was not a
key player in setting it up, aides
White House staff members
met Sunday to begin working on
logistical details and plans for
contacting their Soviet counter-
"Everybody's scrambling to
put their pieces together one
official said.
Bush's wife, Barbara, and
Gorbachev's wife, Raisa, also will
travel to Helsinki.
Selecting the Student Union President
Approving Committee Chairpersons
Approving the Student Union Budget
Setting Policy for the Student Union
Full Time Student
Resides Off Campus
DeacUine To Apply: Friday, September 7, 1990
Applications can be picked up at the
Student Union Office - Room 236 Mendenhall
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glhe lEast (Earnlinian
Comics become
solid investment
By Louis Coble
Staff Writer
Do vou remember all those
comic books that vou or your
mother threw out when you were
young? Well, vou can kick your-
self now, because those comics are
probablv worth a lot of money
Comics are one of today'shot-
test trends in the market of
collectable and investments. The
reasons tor comics new found
value vary as greatly as the comics
The most obvious reason for
the value of comicsasa collectable
is their age. Comics first made
their first really noticeable ap-
pearance back in the earlv 1930s.
Any item that old can be con-
sidered an antique, but the fact
that so few comics from that era
survive today make comics truly
collectable. A IX Action Comic
No. 1 printed in 1938 is worth
nearlv $28.ro0 in near-mint condi-
The comic contains the first
appearance of Superman and was
worth .10 cents when it was pub-
lished A complete 575-issue set
in good condition ot Detective
Comics can bring an estimated
SI 18,000 to the collector who can
manage to find a buyer.
The Detective Comics con tain
the first appearance of Batman and
that single comic today is worth
$35,000 in near-mint condition.
V et. age is not the only thing that
makes a comic valuable.
The comic's following or
popularity can greatly influence
the value oi the comic. If a comic-
is not popular then it des not sell
and dealers have little use tor them.
A popular comic creates a
market for itself. A good example
of this is the title X-men, which has
branched off into six different titles
and still sells more than 15 billion
copies a month. An X-men No. 1 is
worth about $1,100, and many ot
its later issues are worth a great
On the other side, a title that
does not start out strong and does
not sell a lot of copies can create a
market for i tself by later becoming
popular. Bv not having produced
very manv first copies, the now
popular comic's first issues are
rare and thus more valuable.
Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles' success as a collectable
can be contributed to low popu-
larity in the beginning. Since the
movie and cartoon show, the
comic Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles has had a dramatic increase
in value. A No. 1 issue is now
worth SI SO.
Often a comic's value is di-
rectfy related to who wroteordrew
the comic. A great manv ot the
readers and collectors follow spe-
cific writers and artists from comic
to comic.
Writers and artists like Alan
Moore (Swamp Thing), Frank
Miller (Batman: The Dark Knight
Returns),Grant Mornstmi Animal
Man and Todd McFarlane
(Spiderman) all have large fol-
lowings. Also, a signed or
autographed copy of a comic can
double or triple a comic's value
An appearance of a particular
character, whether it is a guest
appearance or not, can increase a
comic's value as well. Many read-
ers and collectors will buy a comic
simply because a particular char-
acter makes an appearance.
Perhaps one of the biggest
problems with comic collecting is
getting started. A person can not
See Comics, page 12
'Exorcist III'
saved by cast
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
Harry Taylor ? ECU Photo Lab
Eddie Sutton and Clifton Rouse stand at desk of their comic book exchange, "Heroes are Here Too
Album compiles N.C music
By Beth Ellison
Staff Writer
Raleigh based Mammoth
Records may not have given
record contracts to some ot the
talent to be found here in the label's
home state, but they did manage
to issue a relatively accurate
sampling. Out now is "Fre-
quency a compilation album of
bands either from or based in
North Carolina.
It has its ups and downs, but,
overall, it isa success. I requency '
features some of North Carolina's
more established bands as well as
Mmie new ones.
The album starts out with
some long-awaited material from
The Veldt. This new song from
The Veldt isOK and features some
pretentious linear notes.
Listeners are then ottered a
really good track from Raleigh's
Vanilla Trainwreck (playing in
town soon) and a Dillon Fence
song featured on the band's LP.
Finger, And Siamese Urbain and
recent North Carolina adopters A
Picture Made, have three of the
best songs on the album, no
question. Very rockin
Then, alas, a new song from
Mary On The Dash titled "Salt
Alter a iong bout of turmoil the
band managed togetitself together
and record an excellent new song.
The mood-ridden Blackgirls
otter up "broken leg a swirling,
ethereal, not terribly accessible
song It is a gixd song with lim-
ited appeal. Leap (if Faith, a band
with quite a history, supplies an-
other cool song, "Overcome
'Ineir current line-up has been
together since 1969, but the various
members have played with UV
From, the dBs, the Wygals, Let's
Active and Hedge V collectively.
Even Goldsboro, N.C. gets in on
things with thrash-metal band
I he most disappointingsongs
on the recording come from two of
the area's more popular
bands,Johnnv Quest and The
Both bands supply this other-
wisecool album with tunes they've
been playing live for ages (Lady
Cop and Cornerhouse respec-
tively), and they would've been
better left unrecorded. Their stu-
dio material shows some serious
inabilities, i.e. JQ's lead singer has
a rotten voice and ThePopessound
like they're bored to death.
Nevertheless, thesetwo bands
were included as an obvious must.
Their fans will like it just because
it's them. "Frequency" is a fairly
great representation of what's
going on in N.Cs happening al-
tcmative world.
Mammoth Records is a po-
tentially good independent label
that could get this area, and others
as well, some deserved attention
if it could onlv shake some of its
inabilities and just do it.
If you've been to themoviesat
all this summer, vou know by now
that this has been one tor the se-
quels. Die Hard II "YoungGuns
II "Gremlins II" and "Robocop
11" are just a few that have pre-
miered in the last few months. One
sequel that probablv should have
been trashed before it got to the
theaters is William Peter Blattv's
"The Exorcist HI
Dtrei ted by JamesC Robinson
and Joe Roth, this movie is me-
diocreatbest. Whenfirst watching
the movie, one is caught up in the
bizarre and unexplained happen-
ingsin Georgetown of Washington,
1)But around the middle ot the
movie, the oddity wears off and
becomes boring.
This film goer expected at least
some of same gory detail of the
first movie but wasdisat pointed
to have to wait until the last five
minutes to get it. Though it's nec-
essary to see any of the previous
"Exorcists" tounderstand thisone,
this third installment is one too
rheonly good thing about this
movie is the chemistry between
the main actors.
GeorgeC .Scott, whoplaysthe
police officer that handled the
young priest's death fifteen years
ago, is commanding as always.
Given a role that uses his acting
ability to the fullest, Scott plays off
very well vith Ed Flanders and
Brad Dourfin.
Flandersand Scott pair oft well
as the pnest and the disbelieving
cop, and have manv humorous
moments trying to prove to each
other that they really don't care as
much as thev do. Dourfinaisodoes
an excellent job as the possessed
See Exorcist, page 13
'Clockwork Orange7
portrays dark future
By Rich Ternan
Staff Writer
Anthonv Burgess first pub-
lished "A Clockwork Orange" in
1963. This dark and violent por-
trayal of a not too distant future
revolves around fifteen-year-old
gang-leader and narrator of the
story, Alex.
Later, this novel was made
into a Stanley Kubrick film. Un-
fortunately, like the American
version of this classic, it is missing
the final chapter.
When Burgess was asked if
thisbothered him, he replied, "Yes,
1 hate having two different ver-
sions of the same book. The US.
edition has a chapter short, and
hence the anthmological plan is
messed up.
Also the implied view of juve-
nile violence as something to go
through and grow out of is miss-
ing Fascinating in itself is the
command of linguistics that Bur-
gess used in creating the slang
employed by the characters.
This was a Russian influenced
version ot English used to down
play the raw response expected
from pornography. The story be-
gins with Alex, "your humble
narrator asking his three droogs
(gang-members), "What's it go-
ing to be then, eh?" As they sit in
the Korova Milkbar.
The Milkbar, not having a li-
quor license, sold milk-plus, milk
plus Vcllocet, Synthemesc, or
Drencrom, which "would give you
a nice quiet horrow-show 1? min-
utesadmiringBogand all HisHoly
Angels and Saints in your left shoe
with lights bursting all over your
After a few hours of this, one
would be ready for a few "good
lashings of the ultra-violence or
Dirtv Twenty to one meaning
beating and tormenting citizens
on the night streets, muggings,
rape, gang-war, or anything else
which might catch the mind of our
young hero-narrator.
These" things include the "old
surprise visit" which was tricking
someone into opening their door,
rushing in, smashing and thrash-
ing the residents, and then bru-
tal Iv raping whoever was there
that was worth the effort while
beaten husbands or brothers were
forced to watch.
Eventually Alex is betrayed
bv his droogs, arrested and sen-
tenced to fourteen years for among
other things, "the accidental kill-
ing of a person
In prison Alex is drawn to the
Chaplain or "Pnson Charlie" for
several reasons. It offers him a
chance to I isten to classical record -
ings, in the form of the "holy music
by ). S. Bach and G. F. Handel
which is probablv the most im-
portant thing in young Alex's life.
He even becomes interested
in the Bible, "1 read all about the
scourging and the crowning with
thorns and then the cross veshch
and all that cat, and 1 viddied bet-
ter that there was something in it.
While the stereo played bitsof
lovely Bach I closed my glazzies
and viddied myself helping in and
even taking charge of the
tolchocking and the nailing in ,
being dressed in a like toga that
was the height of Roman fash-
After serving two years, the
state chooses to use Alex as a trial
run for a new technique in re-
forming criminals, promising to
free him in less than a fortnight,
thus gaining his consent.
This new technique in-
volves giving Alex a injection
which causes him to feel "real sick,
like that at any moment 1 might
snuff it and then making him
watch film after turn ot violence,
torture, rape and the like.
All the while Alex's head is
strapped immovable and his eye-
lids held open with wire clips. He
begins to associate the contents of
the films with the almost
unendurable sick feeling caused
bv the serum injected into him.
Unfortunately, Alex is also
conditioned against classical mu-
sic, it being used as the background
score for manv of the films.
Alex is released, unwilling to
defend himself (feeling it better to
be hit than to hit, lest the sickness
should come upon him) he is un-
able to exist in society.
He realizes that he has become
a clockwork orange, which by
Burgess' definition is something
"that has the appearance of an
organism lovely with colour and
juice but is in fact only a clockwork
tov to be wound up by C .od or the
Devil or the state
In other words, Alex has had
conditions imposed on him
appropiate to a mechanical cre-
ation: incapable of free choice.
Alex, realizing all of this, tries
to commit suicide, and while not
succeeding in freeing himself of
life, he does, after "a long black
black gap of it might have been a
million years" wakes up in a hos-
pital free of his conditioning
against both music and violence.
This is where the American
version and the Kubrick film end
See "Clockwork page 13
A scaled model of new museum project to begin this fall
Greenvillle Art Museum
plans $1 million expan-
sion project
By Stuart Oliphant
Staff Writer
In the upcoming weeks the
Greenville Museum of Art will
start a project of expansion that
will increase the museum's floor
space bv 7,000 square feet.
The new edition will give the
museum a major exhibition wing,
a vault, a workshop, a sophisti-
cated shipping and receiving area
According to Nelson Britt,
CM As director, the design of the
new edition, especially the ship-
ping and receiving area, will en-
able the museum to bring in exhi-
bitions normally not seen in east-
em North Carolina. Also, with
the new edition GMA will have
the scope to become a major re-
gional museum.
Expanding on the importance
of the upcoming shipping facility,
Britt said, "you just don't take an
artwork and shove it through the
back door, which is basically what
we've been doing
Bruce Five, a local architect,
designed the new edition to be
compatible with the Victorian style
of the current building. The mu-
seum wanted to avoid a structure
that resembled a flying saucer.
What the museum settled for is a
combination of old Victorian el-
egance with a slightly modern
approach,seen in the new edition's
distinctive roof line.
Next week, GMA will negoti-
ate the building contract for the
expansion project, putting the ac-
tual ground breaking ceremony
about two weeks away. As of
now, the total cost of the pro)CCt
including landscaping, paving,
etc. comes to 730,000 dollars.
For more information, contact
the Greenville Museum of Art, 802
South Evans Street, phone.758-

725lie ?a0tHaraltntan September 4,1990
Features Briefs
Job related diseases kill
People in the USA are more likely to die from a disease
tcquired through their job than from any other preventable cause of
death The non profit National Safe Workplace Institute
estimates that 71,428 people died from an occupational illness in
1QS - 1.5 times mitre than car accident deaths. Occupational illness
can occur from exposure to toxic chemicals, indoor air pollution and
Infant mortality is down
1 he U.S. infant death rate reached a record low, while life
expectancy reached a record high in 1W. The National Center for
Health Statistics reports Q. of every 1,000 babies died before their
first birthdays down from 9.9 in ll?SS. The decline in infant deaths
has slowed recently tor black infants, who are twice as likely to die
as whites.
Health club membership down
Memberships in health clubs are slowing to a crawl, says USA
Ikl P lhis is forcing them to look for innovative programs
designed to hold members Here are the newest wrinkles. More
interest in child fitness programs; and cashingin on the golfing
boom Also some i lubs are turning racquetball and tennis courts into
indoor rolt courses
More men get plastic surgery
In 1988, the most recent year tor which data is available, JO
percent of all plastic surgery clients were male up nearly 10
percent from the previous year, according to the American Academy
oi ("osmotic Surgery and the American Society of Liposuction
Surger) lop three cosmetic procedures for men liposuction to
dimmish love handles, nose surgery and hair transplants
Second-borns tend to rebel
Second horns tend to rebel against the status quo while tirst born
children tend to be preservers of tradition and institutions, s.ns
Septemb r s Redbook magazine. Dr. Benjamin Spock says it is
common tor the second child to feel frustrated by the realization
that he she can never catch up with the tirst and that the older
sibling is believed to be the parents' favorite
More flyers requesting meals
More people are asking tor special meals on airplanes five
- a mam this year as in the past two, says Doug Miller ot
Northwest irlines Reasons hotter awareness oi nutrition and
i ? people are demanding hitter airline cuisine; and an
reasingly diverse flying public Special meals available:
tarian; fruit plates; gluten free and lowarbohydrate.
ATM - it's the comming thing
Adaptations ot cash mat hines are proliferating tast, says I SA
v EEKEND ! he ubiquitious teller Hones hand out everything from
airline tickets to vide rentals At the University oi Iowa, students
can pay tuition via the maHune.aiui lowans can pay utility hills
the same v,i Other uses elsewhere: return iar rentals, buy movie
tickets and concession vouchers.
New gear fits women jocks
Sporting-goods companies are finding a growing market tor
?pecially designed women's items. ust out the Optima Softball
Hove rom Wilson - ,1 velcro wristband and finger iinirgs that start
loser to the palm than in a man's glove Other companies are
offering: proportioned backpacks; lighter, shorter olt clubs; and
at. her bod) protectors with poly reinforced breast plates.
Florientals are hottest scents
Florientals are the hottest scents around, says Septembers
1 ssence magazine. They are so stirring because ol their provocative
juxtaposition of floral and musk. asmine is a popular note tor many
tionentals, including Avons' Undeniable; Glamour by Beverly
lillsCale Hayman; and Christian La
( roi k's tM la vie'
Kitchen Korner
Downtown tandom offers quality
for the tightest of budgets
Po you often get tired ot eating the same thing over and over?
: iir answer is ves, then there is a solution: two restaurants with
ist enough change of pace to satisfy anyone. Chinatown hxpress
ind Alfredo's SJ.Y. Pizza are two restaurants that are extremely
iitterent from each other and offer the change of pace we all need.
Chinatown Express serves great authentic Chinese food at very
reasonable prices Chinatown has great combo specials for only
J I !9 ' he -pet i.ils in hide two entrees, an eggroll, fried rice and a
f? 'i tune ookie Snip with the special is only $0 35.
Athinatown you can eat in, take out, or have it delivered.
vluerv is only available Monday Friday from 4:30-9:30 p.mand
i only offered to students in the dorms or in surrounding areas. It's
nice to see someone stand up and support the students Chinatown
Ixpress, "old work! prices tor new world people
hinatown is located at ?X b 5th St (across from the Stop Shop
I ind Bogie's)
Alfredo's N Y Pizza serves pizza, calzone, strombolis, pizza by
he slue and beer The pizza is excellent and best of all it's only a
lollar a slice, a large slice, can't beat that. Alfredo's also offers
Psubs that are hard to beat in (.reenville
The best deal at Alfredo's may be the extra-large pitcher of cold
Iraught beer for only $2 (X) Whatever you decide to go with
sure to enjoy it. Alfredo's otters delivery also, from Wednesday-
Saturday from 11 a.nv-2 am. Alfredo's NY Pizza, "The place to
e Alfredo's is located at 21 Ha 5th Stacross from the Stop Shop
and Bogie's)
So the next time you and your friends need a change of pace
with out a large price try Chinatown or Alfredo's and enjoy.
?Reviewed by Draughon Cranford
SETA holds Comics
first meeting
Continued from page 11
By Mike Albequerque
Staff Writer
The ECU chapter of SETA
(Students tor the Ethical Treatment
of Animals) held its first meeting
of the semester last Tuesday to
hold elections and discuss a ten-
tative agenda for the 1990-91 aca-
demic vear.
Craig Spit, president oi
SETA, spoke before a group of 24
students, 14 of whom were at-
tending for the first time Because
the ma jontv of ihecrowd was new.
Spit began the meeting with a
brief historv of SETA and its par-
ent organization PET A (People for
the bthical Treatment of Animals)
SHTA was formed on the ECU
campus on February 28, lMHs?,
following a nationally increased
awareness in animal rights which
began with the founding of PET A
in 1980.
According to Spit, the pri-
mary purpose of SETA is to rep
resent students who support ani-
mal liberation and to be a "voice
tor the animals
"We're not looking to be . .
antagonists to researchers here
he said. "Our primary goal istobe
an educational organization
Among the main concerns, t
SETA are discouraging the use ot
animals in medical research, ag
ricultural farms and tor enter
"Personally, I believe agri
cultural farms are a more impor
tant issue Spit said. But re
search is probably more of a con
corn among most ot our mem
According to Spit, the av-
erage member of SETA tends to be
IiKt.iI. open-minded, intelligent
and holds a strong concern tor
environmental issuesaswell. I ast
vear.SH IA had approximately 15-
1 dues-paying members. Mem
horship fees are currently $10 per
vear orper semester
Although SETA is an animal
rights organization, then' are n(i
requirements tor members per
taming to clothing or other prod
UCtSderived tromaninvils Spit
said they prefer to educate new
members and promote voluntary
acceptance oi their ideas rather
than pressure those who are new
to the group
"I'd like to encourage stu
dents who might be interested to
Come in and discuss the issues
they have a problem with he
said. "Perhaps we can both reu h
an understanding ot each other's
One of the events St TA will
be involved with this vear is
"Triangle Animal Awareness
Weekend which will be held
October 5-7 in Raleigh. The event
will bring various SETA groups
from around the state together to
hear noted animal rights speakers.
Among the speakers sched-
uled to be in attendance is N.C.
State professor and philosopher
Tom Regan, whoisalsotheauthor
ot "The Case for Animal Rights
"The weekend is designed to
be1 motivational to our members
Spit said.
Other items that are tenta-
tively scheduled for SHTA's
agenda this year are educational
fur demonstrations, campaigns
against fast food chains and a
studv monitoring the ECU medi-
cal school's experimentation with
"We subscribe to Tom
Regan's philosophy that this is an
extension of evolution and that
animals have feelings, too Spitz
The organization's next
meeting is tonight at 5:00 p.m. in
the central campus meeting room
in the basement of Fleming dorm.
This will be an informal, social
meeting to welcome new mem-
bers, and animal-free refreshments
will be served. Plans will also bo
finalized for a fund-raising car
wash scheduled for this weekend.
just go out and buv a tew comics
and expect to make money.
Comics are like any other in-
vestment: a person has to oo re-
search, spend money and take
their time. One ot the first things
a potential collector should invest
in is a price guide and a tew other
i he Official Overstreel
Comk Book (!uide" is (nv of the
N'tter guides and costs approxi-
mately $13.00. Some other Koks
that might prove useful are "In-
vesting in Comics, the Complete
Investor's Guide to Collectable
Comi Books" by D.W Howard
and "Collecting omi Books by
M.uvi.i I eiter
"he next stop in collecting is
to find a few current titles that are
popular and start receiving the they tome out. It is a good
idea to locate all ot the local deal
ers in one's area and visit their
The next step a new collector
should doisfindone to three titles
to start collecting. It a beginner
does not center on just a few titles,
they'll find their resources
stretched too thin to cover any
title properly.
Another helpful suggestion is
to become friends or a regular with
a specific dealer so that heshe
can inform one of new titles, ?c.ood
deals or valuable information.
1 he followingisa list ot help-
ful hints in collecting comu s.
?Start with titles from the'60s
and '70s These titles are not too
expensiveandarelikely to increase
m value
?ollectcomi thatareineood
or better condition
?Always store your
airtight. a id tret' bag
backings and in an upright
?Be prepared to t.i?
losses along with your gain
?not rush your coll ?
? Po not lot your :
preference in i omi sconti
?Always keep an i .
new i omi s that will bt I
Also featured in this )s i
breakdownentitled V.
! oday on the urrent -1 ?
ket and industry i t I
and collet table b 1 ddi
and lifton Rouse who ow n
operate "1 leroes Are i I
located dow ntow i tl
(ireenv ille, M
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications for General Manager.
Stop by the Media Board office for more information
(Second floor of the Publications Building)
There is a difference
ILStudent Union
Stop by our booth in front of
the Student Stores on Tues, Wed, or Thurs
to be a part of the student union.
What's Happening at ECU?
Call the Program Hotline 757-6004
This Week at Hendrix Theatre
Wed Sept. 5 8pm
Thurs Sept. 6 7 & 9pm
Fri. & Sat Sept 7 & 8 8pm
Sun. Sept. 2 & 8pm
ECU ID or Current Films Pass Is Required for Admission
Applications are now being accepted
for the following positions
Productions Committee Chairperson
Coffeehouse Committee Chairperson
Special Concerts Committee Chairperson
Forum Committee Chairperson
Coffeehouse Committee Presents
Comedian Todd Yohn
Tues. Sept. 1 1th in the Coffeehouse
on the ground floor of Mendenhall

alu Euai y arulinianSi p?i mbeh 4. 990
'Drugstore Cowboy' to
kick off the week's films
What's 1 lot Today
By Chris Gallagher
Matt Writei
ronight s tilm feature at
1 lendrix rheatrc opens a week cA
movies th.u have received high
praises from critics but earned
little mom .it Ihe box office
Drugstoreowbo) t ilory
and The Beat all contain mi
portanl messages to theit .nub
on? es
I'he main message .ill three
les delivei is thai there is
nothing w rone w ith struggling for
t ou inib need out of life
message is even explored
ugh the n esof a young bear
1 )rugstoreowbo) s a
mo ic told w ith a thn .ul of insane
i .s hu b makes it one of the
: absorbing movies to come
around in .i long time The storx
It rs around a group of young
nunals in lgl who general!)
icf intend to be bad but vs hose
esrnn awa from thembe ause
he movie stars Mat! Dillon
as Bob Hughes and Kelh 1 ynchas
s w ito Diane rhe relationship
tween lob and Diane is inter
ting to look .it .livl is reminis
I, t a modern da Bonnie .nA
! lie all gn a! mo ies, Drug
s a fantastic ex
? -a nptw riting and
? rough the explora
ir.u ters, wecan
sth believe that our lives are
,i iv make them out to K
r is an in aluable his
?' rtainmenf that
mid 1 i Ihe best picture
? i il War era film recalls
? ?? ? first all
m ? t 1 nder Ihe
nld "1 Robert
s (Matthew Broderii k
k men eager ti-
ll! lor their adopted countrx
, d to h
treatedas equals b ewujguptheu
continued from page,11
il version thelasf
, ? r v !? our ld friend and
rator w ith three now droogs
in the Milkbar Samesong
nd verse,yel Mex isnolonget
happy with the ultra violence
fact it sbecomequitea bore and
ng soul searching realizes it s "time he had a w ife and a
malenk googoogooing
ilchickiwick to call him
And the final i hapter ends
You have been everywhi
with vour little droog Alex Mit
with him and you have
; i .) some of the most grahzny
it. hnies old Bog ever made all
irolddroog Alex And all
was that 1 was young
But now as I end this story
rs I am no! young, not no
s, ?, Mex like groweth
Buf you,Omy broth
n member sometimes th little
?? ,tt was Amen And all thai
lives alongside white troops
Glory" concentrates on tin
livesof these determined soldiers
rhese brave men know thai thov
may die in battle and it the) do
survive, thov will be returning to
livesof poverty "d oppression
It is the courageous belief of
ictory that drives these nun on
and it makes the final battle se
quence even more tragic Staged
with surprising savagery by di
rector Edward Zwick (co creator
of thirtv something"),theassauh
which defeats these brave heroes
lingers in the mind tor some lime
rhe Bear is the story of a
voung cub orphaned when his
mother is killed by a falling boul
der I ett to tend tor himself, the
young bear eventually meets up
with an adult male brown beai
who is being chased b a pair of
hunters The two bears soon find
themselves relying on ea h other
in order to escape death
I i? .1 KidI 1i ,miiii s t,i inesl in
New Spidit ill.Punishei
Mill! .WolC Mill iuinal Man
' l, il s hit iii a 11 11mi,
i in ; titlei oinii ? ire .? h! ol
nu nli , t iMi 1
ma iniSlld? 1 in IIIt M.i Spidi 1 nun
Halm inHull.
I'eenagiM, 11. i n 1 viii,i1 ? . 1U 111
1 llltll sSh ide tin hai.III
1 in! tl,1 isiv . I'ltles
H I'll1 . 1 1 . , i , 1 1 111 Ml
"Drugstore t owboj w 1
screen tonighf at 8 00 p m in
Hendrix rheatrc Glon will
screen on ITiursday at 7:00 and
i tXip m ,andagainon 1 ridayand
Saturday at 8 W p m The Bear,
second attrachon of the lamiK
t ilm Series, will screen on Sunday
ai00and 8 00 p m
Admission to the Student
t nionFilmsisfree with valid EC l
I P card and current semester a
nvitv sticker or with a cunvnl
semester I ilm PassCard available
tor $10 from the Central Hcket
t Vffice Mendenhall Studenten
lei s mhii 6:00p.TO Mond.o
Friday, r, 4788
With either form of admis
sion ou may bring one guest
! or more information on the film
and other programs sponsored b
theStudenl I nion pleaseca
only $3.95
Served Mon Fri
11 am 3 pm
the taste of old mexico
521 Cotanche St. - Greenville
757 -1666
ECU'S 1 Fraternity
continued from page,11
and lends an air of insanity
md madness to the character thai
few actors could mat h
In a minor note E I gradu
,t, Manley Pope has a minor role
is an angel in the afterlife
All mall 'Ihe Exorcisf 111" is
proof thai sometimes movies are
? . , o without sequels loo
i hemphasison the weird and
ton 110, n plot make this movie
lious and dull to see it you
liked the first or second Exor
then don't ruin it and see this
hopefully l.?t installment
Sigma Phi Epsilon
1989-1990 nterfratemity Councils
"Most Outstanding Fraternity Award"
1987 - '89 Honored as being oneoi the top twenty overall Sig Ep
Chapters in the nation
?1984 - 89 Won overall sports (hampion; hip among all fraternities at
- 2 Houses and a party room.
Located at the corner of 5th and Summit
i Across from (larrett IKtlli
For Information
SfiCLilfa Sfijaib SfiCLiah Smlih Brothers & Bid Ntghl
Of Sigma Sigma of Alpha Xi Rushees hil

;??????? i

Simply the Best
East Carolina University
come by our booth at
the Student Stores
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Sept 4,5, & 6
Applications will be
available for anyone?
interested in becoming
a member in ECU's
premier programing

?bc gqot (!IarnlinfanSEP7CMecff 4.1990
'Drugstore Cowboy' to
kick off the week's films
What's Hot Today
By Chris Gallagher
Staff Writer
Tonight's film feature at
1 lendrix Theatre opens a week of
movies that have received high
praises from critics, but earned
little money at the box office.
"Drugstore Cowboy "Glory"
and "The Bear" all contain im-
portant messages to their audi-
The main message all three
movies deliver is that there is
nothing wrong with struggling for
what you truly need out of life.
This message is even explored
through the eyes of a young bear.
"Drugstore Cowboy" is a
movie told with a thread of insane
logic which makes it one of the
most absorbing movies to come
around in a long time. The story
centers around a group of young
criminals in 1971 who generally
do not intend to be bad, but whose
lives run away from them because
of drugs.
The movie stars Matt Dillon
as Bob Hughes and Kelly Lynch as
his wife Diane The relationship
between Bob and Diane is inter-
esting to look at and is reminis-
cent of a modern day Bonnie and
Like all great movies, "Drug-
store Cowboy" is a fantastic ex-
ample of good scriptwriting and
fine acting. Through the explora-
tion of the ma in characters, we can
honestly believe that our lives are
what we make them out to be.
"Glory" is an invaluable his-
torical piece of entertainment that
should have won the best picture
of 189.
The Civil War-era film recalls
theexporiencesof the first all-black
fighting regiment Under the
charge of 2-vear-old Col. Robert
Gould Shaw (Matthew Broderick),
hundreds of black men, eager to
fipht for their adopted country,
prove their fierce desire to be
treated aseqt?ls by g?W9ftup theu
lives alongside white troops.
"Glory" concentrates on the
livesof these determined soldiers
These brave men know that they
may die in battle, and if they do
survive, they will be returning to
lives of poverty and oppression.
It is the courageous belief of
victory that drives these men on,
and it makes the final battle se-
quence even more tragic. Staged
with surprising savagery by di-
rector Edward Zwick (co-creator
of "thirty-something"), theassault
which defeats these brave heroes
lingers in the mind for some time.
"The Bear" is the story of a
young cub orphaned when his
mother is killed by a falling boul-
der. Left to fend for himself, the
young bear eventually meets up
with an adult male brown bear
who is being chased by a pair of
hunters. The two bears soon find
themselves relying on each other
in order to escape death.
"Drugstore Cowboy" will
screen tonight at 8:00 p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre. "Glory" will
screen on Thursday at 7:00 and
9:00p.m and again on Friday and
Saturday at 8:00 p.m. 'The Bear
second attraction of the Family
Film Series, will screen on Sunday
at 2:00 and 8:00 p.m.
Admission to the Student
Union Films isfree with valid ECU
ID. card and current semester ac-
tivity sticker, or with a current
semester Film PassCard available
for $10 from the Central Ticket
Office, Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter, 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m Monday-
Friday, 757-4788.
With either form of admis-
sion, you may bring one guest.
For more information on the films
and other programs sponsored by
theStudent Union,pleasecall 757-
(?host RiderComics to invest in:
New SpidermanFunisher
Aliens vs. PnvlatorsWolverine
Animal Man
What's ho! in a long run
ning title:Comics that are gcxd col
X-menlee tables:
Ama?ing SpidermanOKI Spiderman
Teenage Mutant NinjaExcalibur
TurtlesShade the C hanging Man
Fantastic lourDisney Titles
MashGreen 1 antern
only $395
Served Mon - Fri
11 an
521 Cotan:
continued from page,11
But in the original version, the last
chaptei has our old friend and
narrator with three new droogs,
sitting in the Milkbar. Same song,
second verse, yet Alex is no longer
happy with the "ultra-violence
in fact it's become quite a bore and
after long soul searching realizes
that it's "time he had a wife and a
malenky googoogooing
malchickiwick to call him
And the final chapter ends
with You have been everywhere
with your little droog Alex, suf-
fering with him, and you have
vidd ied some of the most grahzny
bratchnies old Bog ever made, all
on to your old droog Alex. And all
it was was that l was young.
But now as 1 end this story,
brothers, 1 am not young, not no
longer, oh no. Alex like groweth
up, oh yesBut you, O my broth-
ers, remember sometimes thy little
Alex Mtat was. Amen. And all that
L&fc - - ?
ECUfs 1 Fra
continued from page,11
man and lends an air of insanity
and madness to the character that
few actors could match.
In a minor note, ECU gradu-
ate Manley Pope has a minor role
as an angel in the afterlife.
All in all, The Exorcist III" is
proof that sometimes movies are
better off without sequels. Too
much emphasis on the weird and
too little on plot make this movie
tedious and dull to see If you
liked the first or second "Exor-
cist then don't ruin it and see this
hopefully last installment.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
1989-1990 Interfraternity Councils
ffMost Outstanding Fraternity Award"
?1987 - 89 Honored as being one of the top twenty overall Sig Ep
Chapters in the nation.
-1984 - 89 Won overall sports championship among all fraternities at
- 2 Houses and a party room.
Located at the corner of 5th and Summit
(Across from Garrett Hall)
Meet the ladies Meet the ladies
of Sigma Sigma of Alpha Xi
Sigma. D113
For Information
Brothers & Bid Night rAQ1
RusheesOnly 737-UW

Simply the Best"
East Carolina University
come by our booth at
the Student Stores
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Sept 4, 5, & 6
Applications will be
available for anyone
interested in becoming
a member in ECU's
premier programing

She ?it1 i?ixntWu'mnSt rn mif n 4,1990
14 uhe t?nt vinriinnuiusMf vm h 4, ii - - -
Anne Klein, N.Y. designer, is just a 'regular guy'
M'i He is opi' of Seventh
etme's top destgrtets But von
011 cafcn him Iutm hingal New
Yofk's gJafnouf festaufants
tuna ssttdwk h .it his desk is rrtore
like it
The next door (w ets
his krfhes fe do celebrities whose
tirt names telegraph ins!
gnition Optfah andandu i Yet
' is n.ime is nol as well known .is
R ilph' in 1 .iurt nl tarvin -
IS in Klein
Heisl otiisDell Olio, Ihe de
igttet behind the nnr Klon Ki
hel t 4? he is one of the designers in America,
presiding ovef i fashion empire
hat accotmtsfot some Uf
1 in sales
Besides Ihe l
BC airs new
tall comedy
l(s.H ES M
? Involves 1 lol of i .
ftfleChfisYoungkilled lb I
fweefi hfief stints in frofil of
.imer.i he taughf bin i
In his dfessing fooffi on fhe
? t (?f the new -V'( I omtth
Mafrled People, m whi h he
n s ,i f9 ye&t old hew l Ai
?ofig is stfurnrninj
- iectnc guitar whi. ft, he says, is
:he kind linn Hehdfi Used ki
I sit here ind pl.n fl I d
( s,n s Mn-i
Uttef tor n
ifnefhing fhaf
U re ni't USi
.?? s word -
t-h ( )m n it ?
?iphM .i y at v. ? ? ? ' ? m
1 1 ? ? .
itef mhi in Max rl
p the I I itfu '
Ip He stars in ihe movie
B00V of Lovi !u ? ? bvf
id the ihniit 1 Rtirn stone
ie out later tins year
Married teo if
?iree f.cnrr.itii'H ' ; Who
? v, pi.n s ,1 teen ?
ludi pt w ho mart led his high
hool sm irf
Megan idtlivan ir. '
. 4rmstr
oomel ou It fw ingj n
If the first tune K,i fflfiha and Mofltgomerydrethi nidi 1
tuple, with three jfown 1 hildn ?
? ho own the brow nstom I
ii I 1 Park
Ihe series is ip ,i ? I
itgrowth of 1 ive In 1 oung
id wanted to wofl i i with
. 1 reafors Rob 5t rnin and
mdeftt g 1 ra? 1 1 he shi iw was
'veloped fort BS.btitwasswepf
u win n h ti Sagansk) b
cad of programming and wi nf
tier 1 iv In 1 olumbta
le Islon wanted oung to star
atiothi ' 1 ??? I vsanted lo
rt with Ihe same w riters I
, td Pro h, 1. 1 in iu" up
iih th. . im ept of thi
hlh t. i.i.i, ? ? '?
w,e.something Icould ? in
v- botighl ??? ? ??? ? 1
then dropped Ihe show l' I i
dered 11 episodes
I believe in people more than
ijOi ts N oupe. -iv I ttki
nepe who doe .1 projei t lor
righl ri asons l hal sw h.) i did
Kunestone rhedirei tot v illard
up 'ii w roii' tin reenj
short story he had read jears
i ? in tin- morning aft 1
orking ?n nighi everyi ne w 1 ?
iilipr, his halt bul Ihis gti s gol
, imllc on his fa e 1 Ie s mak ing
the movie he s ,iUv.i s wanted lo
It w,p, ,i lor Hook of
?e ind ihis show 1 e been In
m.itiops when people hati d
what the were doing 1II nevt 1
u t mytelf get into ? sttuatton like tglin I want to work with
people who want to be then
u d bettet have 1 lot of eothu
isrp ind un entive N' au-e on, e
u start it s .ill dow nhill
oungM) ?thebe?t thing he !
, verdone vvasa pilot wilhi .rah.up
i hapnwn, the late membel ot the
Montv Pythoftcowedy troupe "I1
nail that idgy Python humor.
s,iv s It went over the he.nK
ot thi- network ptOpkl
Klein designer spiu-tswear.
Dell'f iio oversees Anne Klein II
and Anne Klein viresses IVll'Olio
sppH'riM-s Anne Klein II with two
, o designers. I aunched in ll?sias
a bridge between designer
sportswear and cafeef-gifl tash-
upis it otters the clean, classic
II i M'o is known tor at
p.? pi . i in girls an affof I
fSCOSl aK'Ut 1300 instead c4
th $6fl to fftfltl Pof one ot his
,ii signer jx ki ts
? 1 so im.iHiphis.mention are
tt new irm Kfetn retail stores.
? (ing iP.I- I one roteervthing I VII I'ho designs. II) stores
are being rell.xi out mrr the next
five 5 earne Opened in Minne-
ApofiSa ??? '? ,r fgO i'd ope has just
ned ip Manhasset,K-
None of this success has gone
toIVll Olio's head He's the most
regular guy you could meet His
work uniform is hardly a fashion
statement chinos, beige hucksand
a white shirt, sleeves rolled up
and buttons straining over an
ample stomach
Backstage at a recent fashion
show, amid some of America's
most gorgeous cover girls in
various stages of undress, the
Brooklyn born Dell'Oliolooksltke
a stagehand who wandered in by
mistake But from the way Linda
1 vangelista and the other models
respond, 1 t'sclear who is in charge
Ihe models love him. So do his
Louis' clothes are stylish
w ithout being too high fashion
says Jennifer Aubrey Jacobs, the
stylist who dresses Oprah W tnfrey
for TV. Winfrey wore Dell'Olio s
Skinny or fat, tall or short
all women look good in his clothes
A masterful tailor, DeH'Olio cuts
to show off assets and hide flaws
"I like clothes that make a
statement but don't scream, " savs
DellOlio "Women don t want to
be unsure of themselves Fven if
they have the best bodiesin the
world Dell'Olio's designs are
"very todav without being 1m
posing I don't want to kill people
with my clothes loan Collins
wears Anne Klein So does
Kathleen Sullivan andher and
Candice Bergen, both as herself
and TV's Murphy Brown
Media Board
is now accepting applications for
General Manager lor the 1990-91
academic year lor the
Please apply at the Media Board Office,
2nd floor Publications Building.
Phone: 757-6009
All Applicants should have a
2.5 made point average.
Deadline for filing: 9790
S.GA MOIONS '90-91
vi 1 i IION DAY WEDNESDAY 19.1990
SEPT 5,1990 5:00 PM
? $10.00 FILING FEE
The organizations listed above are the 01
ones that can be compared to the
Sigma Tau Gamma
INFO: Ride
Sept 4, 5, 6, & 7

ui ?tt Caat (Earoltntan Septembeb 4.1990
(AP) He is one of Seventh
Avenue's top designers. But you
won't catch him lunching at New
York's glamour restaurants. A
tuna sandwich at his desk is more
like it.
The woman next door covets
his clothes. So do celebri t ies whose
first names telegraph instant rec-
ognition: Oprah and Candice efl
his name is not as well known as
Ralph's (as in Lauren) or Calvin s
(as in Klein)
.He is Louis Dell'Olio, the de-
signer behind the Anne Klein la-
bel. At 42 he is one of the most
influential designers in America,
presiding over a fashion empire
that accounts for some $rtXl mi 11 ion
I vear in retail sales.
Besides the high-end Anne
ABC airs new
fall comedy
ing involves a lot of waiting nd
whileChris Young killed the hours
between brief stints in front ot the
camera he taught himsolt to play
the guitar.
In his dressing room on the
set of the new ABC comedy sonos
"Married Teople in which he
plays a 19-year-old newlywed.
Young is strumming a white
electric guitar which, he savs, is
the kind limi Hendrix and Id
"I sit here and plav more
guitar than 1 do work on the set
he says. "Music gives me another
outlet for mv creative energv It's
something that's your own and
vou're not just saving somebody
rise's words
Young, who graduated trom
high Khod in suburban Phila-
delphia a year ago. is starring in
bis third series. He was the com-
puter whiz in "Max Headroom"
ind the love-struck teenager in
"Live-In He stars in the movie
Book of Love due m October,
and the thriller "Runestone also
due out later this year.
"Married People" looks at
three generations of couples who
live in a New York brownstone
"loung plays a teen-age college
student who married his high
school sweetheart, played by
Megan Gallivan. Jay Thomas and
Bess Armstrong play a babv-
boomer couple facing parenthood
tor the first time. Ray Aranha and
Barbara Montgomery are the older
couple, with three grown children,
who own the brownstone house
near Central Park.
The series is in a sense an
outgrowth of "Live-In Young
had wanted to work again with
the creators, Rob Sternin and
Prudence Fraser. The show was
developed for CBS, but was swept
out when Jeff Sagansky became
head of programming and went
to ABC.
After "Live-In Columbia
Television wanted Young to star
in another series. "I wanted to
work with the same writers, Rob
and Pru he says. "They came up
with the concept of three couples
of different ages in the same house.
It was something I could be a part
CBS bought seven episodes,
then dropped the show. ABC has
ordered 13 episodes
"I believe in people more than
projects Young says. "1 like
someone who does a project for
the right reasons. That's why 1 did
Runestone Thedirector, Willard
( arToll,wrotethescreenplayfrom
a short story he had read years
ago. At 7 in the morning, after
working all night, everyone was
pulling his hair, but this guy's got
a smile on his face. He's making
the movie he's always wanted to
'It was that way for 'Book of
Love' and this show. I've been in
situations where people hated
what they were doing. I'll never
let myself get into a situation like
that again. I want to work with
people who want to be there.
You'd better have a lot of enthu-
siasm and incentive because once
you start it's all downhill
Young says the best thing he's
ever done wasa pilot with Graham
Chapman, the late member of the
Monty Python comedy troupe. "I
had that edgy Python humor he
says. 'It went right over the heads
of the network people
Klein designer sportswear,
Dell'Olio oversees Anne Klein II
and Anne Klein dresses. Dell'Olio
supervises Anne Klein 11 with two
co-designers. Launched in 1983 as
a bridge between designer
sportswear and career-girl fash-
ions, it offers the clean, classic
shapes Dell'Olio is known for at
prices working girls can afford.
Jackets am about $300 instead of
the 0O to $800 for one of his
designer jackets.
Abo grabbing hisattentionare
the new Anne Klein retail stores.
Selling under one rooi everything
that Dell'Olio designs, 10 stores
are being rolled out over the next
five years. One opened in Minne-
apolis a vear ago, and one has just
opened in Mirihamt, N.Y.
None of this success has gone
to Dell'Olio's head. He's the most
regular guy you could meet. His
work uniform is hardly a fashion
statement: chinos, beige bucks and
a white shirt, sleeves rolled up
and buttons straining over an
ample stomach.
Backstage at a recent fashion
show, amid some of America's
most gorgeous cover girls in
various stages of undress, the
Brooklyn-bom Dell'Olio looks like
a stagehand who wandered in by
mistake. But from the way Linda
Evangelista and the other models
respond, it' sclear who is in charge.
The models love him. So do his
"Louis' clothes are stylish
without being too high fashion
says Jennifer Aubrey Jacobs, the
stylist who dressesOprah Winfrey
for TV. Winfrey wore Dell'Olio's
Skinny or fat, tall or short ?
all women look good in hisclothes.
A masterful tailor, Dell'Olio cuts
to show off assets and hide flaws.
"I like clothes that make a
statement but don't scream says
Dell'Olio. "Women don't want to
be unsure of themselves. Even if
they have the best bodiesin the
world.Dell'Olio's designs are
"very today without being im-
posing. I don't want to kill people
with my clothes. Joan Collins
wears Anne Klein. So does
Kathleen Sullivan and Cher and
Candice Bergen, both as herself
and TV's Murphy Brown.
Media Board
is now accepting applications for
General Manager for the 1990-91
academic year for the
Please apply at the Media Board Office,
2nd floor Publicatioi
Phone: 757-4
All Applicants sho
2.5 grade point
Deadline for filin
SEFT 5,1990 5:00 FM
The organizations listed above are the 01
ones that can be compared to the
Sigma Tau Gamma
INFO: Ride
Sept 4. 5. 6. & 7

(Ufa ?a0t (Earnlinian
Pirates appear polished in first game of season
Team beats Louisiana
Tech Bulldogs, 27-17
By Tim Hampton
News dilor
When ECU and 1 ouisiana
a h last met, one vear ago, the
ittledtoa29-29tie. It was a game
that the Pirates did not play par
utarly well. Saturday night they
Made up for their past mistakes
,? uh an impressively smooth 27
1 ictorv over the Bulldogs in the
ison opener for both teams
Inonlv his second career start
.larterback left Mlake rushed tor
two touchdowns and passed tr
'other score Blake, who started
tins! Miami last season faced
is first start as ECU'S primary
larterback last night I he h 2,
5 junior passed tor 14 yards
; completions in 23 attempts
UthoughECl compiledor .
- yards total offense compared
: ech's 422, the Pirate del
i er?fed Bulldog quarterbat k
? ohnson three times leading
ree ECU scores.
Phis is a big big win f i
ram, ECU's second yi i
: coach Bill 1 ewis sa I
?mght we were wi ; i
i in all aspe ts ol the game
r the Bulldog's I
i c innected on a 30-yard held
ECU marched 71 yards
as Blake scored on a I
vard keeper with 4 4" reman
the first quarter
s point after gave 11
? ice. a lead the pirates
would not relinquish
1 ewi - ud ECU's first di
.parked, b)
gan swrap-upot Bulldog
back Michael Riehar I
for a five yard loss, set the tone for
the game. Afterbeingon the one-
.ud line, the Bulldogs settled for
a field goal
1 oi tunateh . we had some
d things happen around our
il line that allowed us to give
them three rather than seven
1 r w is said
W ith Blakeand tightend Luke
R 1 isher providing the offensive
pun h, thel rat( defense held the
buii gs scon for 27 minutes
until tl 11 mark in the third
quartet Fisher, the E( I often
sue captain caught to?.r passes
. ards in hiding a 23ard
Blake with 1 27 left in
the fust
E I s second score, an Im
perato Jl yard field goal, was et
ip b) defensive back Danen
in num s interception of .i (ene
41. With
tin utng to
rter, I knald
? . EC! econdary
? , ass and aA
p irch
? ? U h
pec i ' ilso
. ? md quarter
ting bulldogs in
Starting al
nd 16,1 ouisi
. , d ? to ad ance
. ball a? ross midfield until the
end ol rd quarter 1 ew is
sa ' g game Aid an
imp '? 'rv
.? had some good things
I ? ? isintl ki kinggai
i en, ught punt? i - iooti did a
See Pirates, page 16
John Ruth?rtord ? Photo Lab
Sophomore runmngback Cedric Van Buren breaks through the Louisiana Tech line for a 5 yard gam Van Buren was instrumental ,n the
second quarter surge by the pirates in which they scored 10 points
Blake leads ECU's offense to first win
By Earlc McAuley
Assistant Sports t dilor
Junior left Blake led the EC I
Pirates to a 27 17 ictory over the
I ouisiana lech Bulldogs in his
debut as the starting quarterback
for the Pirates
Blake siu some action last
?n pla ing behind I ra is
"I think left Hlake is to bo
commended for his performance
r"( U head coach Mill lewis said
"1 thought left was really nervous
at the beginning of the ball game
but he settled down after making
a couple of poor throws earl v Ik-
had a couple of Kills with nothing
on them
"He reallv settled down, got
Hunter, even starting in the Mi-
ami game, but this is his first sea- his fee on the ground. I thought
sen as full-time head ol the Pirate that he played well enough that
we an going to have a chance to
be reallv solid at the quarterback
position lewis continued.
Mlake was named player of
the game bv the members of the
media in attendance at Saturday's
game. He threw 23 passes with 1 5
receptions for 149 yards, includ-
ing one touchdown. He also ran
tor two more touchdowns and did
not throw any interceptions.
"I was real nervous, I didn't
settle down until the third quar-
ter' Mlakelaughed "Allofushad
those butterflies, but after a few
hits everybody started to settle
down, that is except me
Defensively the Pirates were
led bv Robert lones. erry Dillon.
Ernie 1 ogan and Ed Mrogdon. The
defensive corps were able to keep
the Bulldogs from scoring in the
first halt after allow inga field goal
on Tech's opening drive
That drive was very impor-
See Blake, page 16
ACC officials considers
induction of Florida State
lohn Rulherford Photo Lab
Sailinq through the air
Our roving photographer faught this student f lying through the air to catch a fr.sbee As the air cools
2 Sy be able to enjoy their tovonte outdoor without crazy from the heat
Honda tate might like to become
a member of the Atlantic Coast
( onference, but first the ACC has
to decide whether it wants to
Commissioner GeneCorrigan
said Sunday that Honda State is
the only school currently being
considered bv the ACC. But he
(autioned that the eight members
aren't sure it they want to A No
"It (would) bring us into the
state ol Florida and 1 think that's
the key Corrigan said at a news
conference following a visit by 11
AC C officials. "That's the key more
than anything else
Corngan said the ACC dele-
gates were impressed with Flor-
ida State's facilities and what he
described as "the character of the
"We were tremendously
impressed with the way Florida
State goes about its business
Corrigan said, adding that the
ACC officials were aware of Flor-
ida State's Sept. 30 deadline for
making a division.
Florida State officials have
been noncommittal about their
future, but university President
Bernard Sliger said last month that
the odds favor joining an all-sports
conference, most likely the ACC
or Southeastern Conference.
The Seminoles presently are
an independent in football but
compete in the Metro Conference
in all other sports.
Six of the ACC's eight mem-
bers must approve Flonda State
for an invitation to be extended.
ACC members now include Geor-
gia Tech, Clemson, Wake Forest,
Duke, North Carolina, North
Carolina State, Virginia and Mary-
land. Only Clemson and North
Carolina State did not have repre-
sentatives at the meeting.
'We ve gone trom no interest
10 high interest Corngan said.
"Honda State has provided a great
focus for us
See ACC, Page 16
N.C. State shuts out Western
Carolina, 67-0 in season opener
u kson and Aubrey Shaw led a
. mishing ground attack and
North Carolina State'3 d fense
held Western Carolina without a
first down to tie a national record
as the Wolfpack rolled to a 67-0
season-opening victorv Saturday
The Wolfpack offense gained
'? 00 yards on the ground to fall
.ards short of a school record Hi
defense, Western Carolina never
rrossed midfield and didn't ret-
old a first down
The NCAA record book
doesn't list losing teams with no
first downs in a game
N.C. State also broke a school
record for fewest total yards al
lowed Western Carolina managed
17 yards, breaking the Wolfpack
school mark of 34 allowed against
Duke in 1946.
Jackson and Shaw each scored
two tow hdownsas the Wolfpa k
i t tensive front opened huge hi lies
st the smaller Catamounts
ai kson, replai ing injured
starter Anthony Barbourwho'sout
tor the season with a knee injury,
s ored on runs of 1 and 7 yards in
the first halt as the Wolfpack
opened up a 3(M) cushion against
the Division I A A Catamounts
The Wolfpack outgained the
Catamounts 340 4 in the opening
halt. 170 ot which came on the
ground Western arolina, play-
ing under its third coach in less
than a vear, never approaching
midheld in the period, its deepest
penetration to itsown 32-yard line.
Jackson's opening Si orecame
on the Woltpack's first possession
and after the game's first bigbreak.
On the second play of the
series, a bad pitch by Wolfpack
quarterback Charles Davenport
Kansas devastated at home
by Virginia in a 59-10 romp
was recovered by the Catamounts
near midfield. Mut an offsides
penalty nullified the play and
Jackson scored on a 1-yard run
five plays later.
Davenport, a junior who re-
dshirted last season to learn from
record-setting quarterback Shane
Montgomery, hit his first four
passes, including a 42-yard scor-
ing strike to Bobby lurgens mid-
way through the first quarter.
The Wolfpack defense re-
corded two safeties in the half
before Shaw scored on a 2-yard
mn with 10:43 left before inter-
Jackson's second score gave
the Wolfpack a 32-0 lead late in the
Shaw broke loose on a 50-yard
burst up the middle on the open-
ing possession of the second half
to push the lead to 46-0.
won't bo the scenery the Virginia
Cavaliers remember about their
tnp to Kansas. And it probably
won't be the way their opponent
took advantage of every opportu-
nity to make the game close.
I he predominant memory of
everv member of the Virginia trav-
eling partv will no doubt be the
heat, which reached 130 degrees
on the artificial turf, according to
Kansas officials, in the third quar-
ter Saturday of Virginia's 59-10
Accustomed to cool Atlantic
breezes, the young men from the
Eastern Seaboard hardly knew
what to think of the Midwestern
"I'm ready to go back. This
was terrible' said Virginia quar-
terbackShawn Moore, who passed
for three touchdowns and ran for
a fourth. "It's a different kind of
Despite the heat, Moore and
his teammates had fun celebrat-
ing their first-ever season opener
as a ranked team. Moore passed
and ran for touchdowns 16 sec-
onds apart at the end of the first
ha If, giving the 15th-ranked Cava-
liers a 31-0 lead. Kansas did not
score a touchdown until Roger
Robben went over on a 1-yard
plunge late in the fourth period.
"You have to train in the des-
ert to play here Virginia Coach
George Welsh said. "I think we
played well. 1 think we held up
pretty well. We didn't have any
guys run out of gas
The Jayhawks might have
made a game of it if they had held
on to just half the bad passes that
Moore threw in the first half. At
least four potential interceptions
were dropped.
"I'm doing a good job oi hid-
ing mv feelings said Kansas
Coach Glen Mason. "I'm very
o nbarrassed by the score. Maybe
humiliated is a better word
"If they didn't make the mis-
takes and they would catch the
balls, it would have been 20-14 at
the half Welsh said.
It was the most points Kansas
has surrendered in an opener since
Navy Preflight went on a 61-0
binge in 1942.
"We just didn't expect them
to be that good said Kansas de-
fensive tackle Dana Stubblefield.
The Cavaliers' 564 yards of
total offense more than doubled
the Kansasoutput. Moorehit 16of
27 passes for 254 yards and three
I leiiit five of six passes in an
See Virginia, Page 16

(5ie tafit (flarflKnf an September 4,1990
Sports Briefs
Mitchell to sign $15 million contract
Kevin Mitchell will sign a contract Friday that will make him one
of the four highest-paid players in baseball. Mitchell, 28, has agreed to
a guaranteed, four-year, $1. million contract with the San Francisco
Giants. Hisdeal matches thatofteammateWillClark and trailsOakland's
Jose Canseco (5 years, $23.5 million) and the New York Yankees' Don
Mattingly (5 years, $19.3 million).
Bears, Buccaneers win in preseason
The Chicago Bears and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won NFL
preseason games Thursday. Donald Igwcbuike kicked two field goals,
Steve Christie added a third and Rodney Rice returned a pass intercep
tion 37 yards for a touchdown as Tampa Bay beat the New York Jets 23-
14. Rookie running back Johnny Bailey scored two fourth-quarter
touchdowns as Chicago beat the Buffalo Bills 35-7 in Columbia, S.C.
Several deals occur in National League
There were several deals Thursday involving National league East
teams. The Montreal Expos acquired Orlando Mcrcado on waivers
from the New York Mets and the Mets acquired Fat Tabler from the
Kansas City Rovals for minor league pitcher Archie Corbin. The Phila-
delphia rhillics traded Carmelo Martinez to the Pittsburgh Pirates for
Wcs Chamberlain, Julio Pcguero and a player to be named.
Lemond looks for world championship
The USA's Greg LeMond Sunday will begin his attempt to become
the first cyclist in history to win both the Tour de France and World
Championships in consecutive years. LeMond will be assisted by a U.S.
team that includes Andy Hampsten, Gary Mulder, David Farmer and
Ron Kiefel, all of Boulder, Colo and U.S. pro champion Kurt Stockton
of Santa Barbara, Calif.
Olympic committee, Baltic republics talk
Sports officials from the Baltic republics met with the head of the
InternationalOlympicCommitteein Lausanne,Switzerland,Thursday
to talk about athletic independence from the Soviet Union. They were
told that a political solution was the key, but both sides were urged to
place the good of their athletes first. The IOC said it would set up a
special panel to study the matter.
Bubka loses for first time in seven years
World pole vault rccordholder Sergei Bubka of the Soviet Union
lost his first major event in seven years Thu rsday, failing to clear 19 feet,
1 4 inches in the European Track and Field Championships.
Womens volleyball team beat Japan
The USA's women's volleyball team beat Japan (1S-13,15-5, 11-15,
15-13) Thursday in Beijing to qualify for semifinals in the World
Volleyball Championship China faces the USA and the Soviet Union
meets Cuba in Friday's semifinals.
Trent disqualified in South Carolina
Glenn Trent III, 13, found himself m the deep rough this week.
Monday, Trent shot the lowest score in the history of the Du Pont World
Amateur Handicap Championship golf tournament - an 88, which was
adjusted to a 52 because of his 36 handicap Thursday, Trent and six
other golfers - all with similarly high handicaps - were disqualified
from the Myrtle Beach, S.C, tournament.
tant for Tech as the Bulldogs pro-
gressed all the way inside the ECU
10 yard line, but did not yield a
touchdown. ECUwasaidedbyan
illegal procedure penalty against
the Bulldogs, and then Dillon
threw Tech's running back Mi-
chael Richardson for a 5 yard loss.
On the day Tech quarterback
Gene Johnson threw 44 times with
21 completions and three inter-
Tech did amass more total
yards than the Pirates, but with
theinterceptionsand two fumbles,
both of which were recovered by
the Pirates they couid not get coord mated Lewis said, refer
.i a l ? ? i , lli L.WMlVl.lH
many points on the boai
Many of 1 ch's yard U20)
i one in tl'i final two m ites f
the game, long after the outcome
hadbeendetermined V. played
well at tunes, and then if ? were
times when we didn't h ? e it all
nng to the secondary
The defense has a very ditti
cult tk ahead of them next week
as the Pirates head into Tallahas
see to play Florida State Univer-
sity. The Seminoles are ranked
preseason top five in every majoi
good job in backing them up
Lewis said.
In the third quarter, the pi-
rates came up with another big
defensive play with free safety Ed
Brogdon intercepting Johnson at
the 50. Nine plays later, Blake du-
plicated his first-quarter feat with
a four-yard scamper to the right
corner of the end zone, propelling
the Pirates to their largest lead at
24-3 with 2:25 left in the third.
ECU, who finished 5-5-1 last
season, will take on Florida State
in their first road game of the year
next Saturday.
Recycle this newspaper.
The ACC, best-known athleti-
cally for its basketball programs
and well-regarded academically,
has sought to upgrade its caliber
of football since Corrigan became
Corrigan said he attended
Florida State's 24-21 victory over
Clemson in 1988, a win that was
set up by a last-minute fake punt
deep in FSU territory. Corrigan
said it was the "gutsiest" coaching
decision he'd seen.
Earlier thisyear, ACCofficials
decided against expansion, but
that decision was rescinded at a
July meeting when it became
apparent that several major foot-
ball powers were realigning
"We're pretty comfortable the
way we are said Corrigan, not-
ing the advantages of havingeight
schools for scheduling and tour-
nament play.
Penn State, a long-time indc
pendent, moved to the Big Ten;
Arkansas bolted the Southwest
Conference after 76 years to join
theSECanJ Notre Dame insured
its independent status with a h
crative television contract with
80-yard drive late in the second
quarter to set up his own 2-yard
touchdown run. Then two plays
later, Kansas quarterback Chip
Hilleary fumbled while being
sacked. The Cavaliers took pos-
session on the 13 and Moore
immediately found Brian Satola
Hill wins
GTE with
for a 31-0 halftime lead.
"I think we were all too
pumped up and we just went out
there and got embarrassed said
Hilleary, who wasmaking his first
start. "We were flying high going
into the game
Maryland looks for athletic director
(AP) A search committee will begin next week to interview at least
five finalists for the University of Maryland's vacant post of athletic di-
rector, The Washington Post reported Friday.
Among the finalists was former Maryland basketball star Len
El more, who is an attorney and CBS Sports commentator. Others on the
list include four current athletic directors ? Cory Johnson of Long
Beach State, Dave Hart of East Carolina, Charles 1 larrisof Arizona State
and Oval Jaynes of Colorado State.
Sources told The Post that interviews could begin as early as
Tuesday, and the university hopes to select a successor to Lew Perkins
within three weeks after that.
William E Thomas, chairman of the search committee, had said
previously that the panel would recommend three names to campus
president William E. Kirwan, who will make the final decision.
Elmore told the newspaper that while he's flattered to be included
among the finalists, he hasn't applied for the job and wasn't sure he
would accept it if offered.
Graf, Agassi move into fourth round
(AP) Top-seeded Steffi Graf, seeking her first Grand Slam title
since January, struggled Sunday before defeating Elna Rcinach &4,3-
6,6-1 to move into the fourth round of the U.S. Open.
It was the first time the defending women's champion had lost a set
at the National Tennis Center since last year's title match.
It t(H)k 1 hour, 45 minutes, about an hour longer than she usually
stays on court.
Two other women's seeds also were winners in early matches
Sunday. Sixth seeded Arantxa Sanchez Vicario defeated Patty Fendick
6-2,6-1 and No. 7 Katenna Maleeva beat Raffaella Reggi 64, 6-0.
In men's singles, fourth-seeded Andre Agassi had little problem
with Franco Davin, moving into the fourth round.
Griffey's make major league history
(AP) The Gnffeys ? 20 year-old Ken Jr. and his dad, Ken, 40 ?
made major league history and magic moments Friday night, leading
the Seattle Mariners over the Kansas City Royals 5-2.
The Griffeys were the first father and son to play together in the big
leagues, and they didn't disappoint With one out in the first inning,
Griffey Sr. singled and Griffey Jr. followed with another single, and
both wound up scoring
Then, in the sixth inning, the elder Griffey threw out Bo Jackson
trying to stretch a single into a double. He cleanly fielded the ball off the
bullpen wall in left field and threw a strike to second baseman Harold
The Mariners, who signed Griffey on Wednesday after he cleared
waivers when he was released by Cincinnati, scored their three runs in
the opening inning off Storm Davis (7-10) on four singles.
Bruce Crampton did al! the work.
Mike Hill got the victory.
Crampton made up a three-
shot deficit with five straight bird-
ies only to lose to Hill in a playoff
Sunday at the GTE North Seniors
"Six birdies and no bogeys.
What can 1 say? It's a good, solid
round of golf" said Crampton,
whose 6-under 66 made him a
runner-up for the second straight
In sudden death, Hill used a
sand wedge to hit a 98-yard sec-
ond shot to within three inches of
the cup. He tapped in for birdie to
win his first-ever playoff and his
second PGA Senior tournament
of the year. He earned $67,500.
Hill closed with a 4-under 68
for a 54-hole total of 201,15-under
on the 6,695-yard Broadmoor
Country Club layout.
Playing in the final group,
Crampton, Hill and Douglass
traded the lead among themselves
for 18 holes.
"When somebody in the
group is really playing good, even
though you may be even-par, it
makes you feel like you're shoot-
ing 80 Hill said. "I hung in there.
Once I got in the playoff, I felt
really confident
Trailing by a stroke, Hill bird-
ied the 482-yard 17th hole to tie
Crampton nearly won on the
18th, but his birdie attempt from
the fringe rolled to a stop at the
edge of the cup.
In the playoff, Crampton's
approach landed beyond the green
and he sent his third shot skidding
past the cup. That left him a long
putt for par.
Douglass, the leader through
the first two rounds, was third at
203. Harold Henning shot a 69 for
a 205, while Rocky Thompson and
George Archer shot 67s to finish at
Sept 4-7
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h Carolina hoUK Duke lo 177 yards tor 21-10 victory
Take another look
hoi si:
fti and
in men I
low l s
? w
-4 a.
() M S A
i J WAY I'M): Peer Partners and Tutors
Office of.Minority Studenl Vffairs (OMSA) is
students who have College Work Suid
to work with its Peer Partners and Peer
Program. omplete job description and
,tions are available in 10 W hi hard.
w ? Y
J04 i hard Building I U-nsion 64l5
ORG 1 VHOWI MI I 1 r a.
uesday, September i I lllH)
1031 General Classroom Building
"Back to I ifeBack to Reality"

ghg gagt (Earoltntan September 4J99017
South Carolina holds Duke to 177 yards for 21-10 victory
Bobby Fuller helped push aside
some of the memories from the
"odd Kllis era at South Carolina.
Fuller, the quarterback who
ransferred from Appalachian
State two vears to join Coach
Sparky Woods, shone in his debut
lor the Gamecocks.
He passed for 177 yards and
two touchdowns Saturday as
uith Carolina opened its season
oth a 21-10 victory over Duke.
1 was proud of Bobby Fuller
l might Woods said. "We put a
t oi pressureonhim and Duke
a lot oi people in his face
lllis, who set 29 school ree-
ds while at South Carolina, was
, (. lamecocks' starting quarter-
ly k the past four vears.
Not only do the Gamecocks
tve .i new quarterback, but
? ey ve got a new defense that ?
he first ti me in recent years ?
, its on a pass rush that matters.
"1 in proud of our defensive
. ime Woods said. They played
cal and put a lot of pressure
n the quarterback
South Carolina's defense,
hich was led bv eight tackles by
Keith McDonald, was changed to
a four-man front this season.
"I'm glad we went to a four-
man front said Woods, whose
defensive unit held Duke to just
177 yards total offense and 41
yardsrushing. "It wasa real plus
Last season, Duke averaged
323 yards per game in the passing
category alone.
Blue Devil coach Barry
Wilson,meanwhile.attributed the
loss to playing "too sloppy" al-
though he said he was pleased
with the Duke defense.
"We've got to tighten up a lot
of things on offense said Wilson,
who was making his debut. "1 was
afraid that our offensive line might
have some trouble with their de-
fensive line
Fuller, a junior who had to sit
out last season after transferring,
had touchdown passes of 9 and 11
yardsin the first half of the schools'
Fuller's first TD pass, a 9-
yarder to running back Albert
Haynes, came with 5:28 left in the
first quarter and made it 7-0.
Duke's only first-half scoring
came on a 36-yard field goal by
Randy Gardner late in the first
Mike Dingle, who had 113
yards on 22 carries, scored the
Gamecocks' second touchdown in
the second quarter. He bulled his
way over right tackle from 1 yard
Fuller's second TD pass went
11 yards to wide receiver Robert
Brooks to end the first-half scor-
ing and give South Carolina a 21-
3 lead.
South Carolina had 262 yards
total offense, 177 from Fuller, who
completed 16 of 23.
Both teams turned conserva-
tive in the second half. Duke got
its final points on a third-quarter
touchdown drive that ended with
a 1 -yard plunge by tailback Randy
Cuthbert, who gained S3 yards on
18 carries.
Duke's fate was sealed with
3:09 left when quarterback Billy
Ray was intercepted by linebacker
Patrick Hinton, who ran the ball
were unable to score in the closing
Last year, South Carolina also
opened at home against Duke and
won 27-21. The Gamecocks were
6-4-1 in 1989. Duke finished 8-4
and tied Virginia for the ACC title.
This week. South Carolina will
play host to North Carolina. Duke
next plays Sept. 15 at Northwest-
Take another look
NFL officials reviewed fewepraylast year than in 1988,
but reversed them more often N A u fl
S3 ,?.i 11A' lAi
Source: National Football League
Bob Laird, Gannett News Service
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hiring students who have College Work Study
awards to work with its Peer Partners and Peer
Tutor Program. Complete job description and
applications are available in 204 Whichard.
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"Back to Lif eBack to Reality"

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Dear Fraternity Rushee:
Welcome to East Carolina University! lam
glad that you chose this University and I hope
you have a deep interest in our fraternity system.
There is a wide variety of groups to choose
from. Each one offers something unique to its
members. Fraternities allow an individual to get
involved in intramurals, scholarship programs,
other organizations and, of course, social 1 will be around during the entire week to
activiues. Whatever you want, some fraternity answer any of your questions about overall rush
will offer it. and IFC. Your decision to join our fraternity
It is important to ask many questions, if not system could be the best one yet!
more than the fraternity will ask. Ask them about
financial responsibilities, scholarships and study Sincerely,
sessions, pledge requirements, as well as where Randy J. Royal
they were founded. IFC President
RUSH VOCABULARY fall 1990 rush schedule
Fraternity - The name that applies to all Greek letter organization that are
characterized by ritual, a pin, and a strong time of friendship
Chapter - The local group of the larger national organization
Greek - A mcmberof a fraternity, so called because the organization bcarGrcek
Active - A fraternity man who has formally been initiated by his chapter
Legacy - A prospective member whose fatheror brother is an alumnus or active
member of a certain fraternity
Recommendation - A statement to die fraternity concerning the qualifications
of a prospective teacher.
Big Brother - An older brother within the fraternity who acts in helping you in
many ways dunng and after your plcdgcship.
Rushing - The process of fraternity membership selection consisting of care-
fully planned and scheduled parties so that rushecs and fraternities can become
better acquainted.
Formal Rush - A series of parties given by each fraternity during a specified
period which is scheduled and governed by Intcrfraicrnity Council.
Informal Rush -That penod in which any group that is eligible may rush and
pledge a man without scheduled biding and parties.
Rush Chairman - An active mcmberof a fraternity who plans and executes rush
functions for his house.
Bid - A formal invitation to pledge a fraternity.
Pledge - One who has been accepted as a probationary member of a group.
Pledgeship - A period of training in the history, ideals, and traditions of the
Initiation - The formal ceremony dunng which a man takes his final vows lor
full membership into his fraternity.
Illegal Rushing - Rushing out of designated periods in a manner which docs not
comply with IFC regulations
Alumnus - An initiated member who is no longer in college.
Monday, September 4thChapter Parties
8:00 P.Ml 1:00 P.M.
Tuesday, September 5th
8:00 P.Ml 1:00 P.M.
Chapter Parties
Wednesday, September 6th . Chapter Parties
8:00 P.Ml 1:00 P.M.
Friday, September 7thChapter Bid Night
6:00 PM8:00 P.M.
East Carolina University fraternities do not discriminate on the
basis of race, color or creed Membership selection is a subjective
one and a number of factors are taken into consideration in
issuing invitations to join
1 BF. CONFIDENT OF YOURSELF. A fraternity will be affected
by your body and verbal language. A firm handshake is vital to a good first
2. LOOK YOUR BEST AT ALL TIMES You probably will not get
a bid from a fraternity because of" the way you dress and look, but your
appearance can KEEP you from getting a bid.
3. NEVER BE ARROGANT! Try' not tl) acl as if y?u wcrc alrcadv
a pledge or brother of the house. If a house plans on inviting you back.
they will.
are introduced to someone, repeat his or her name. However, with all the
people that you will meet, do not led like you have to remember
everyone's name.
5. ASK QUESTIONS if there is anything that you want to know about
the fraternity: finances, sports, grades, activities, etc.
6. Just because a lot of guys from your IIOMETOWN are in a certain
fraternity, or just because you think one or more of your FRIENDS are
going to pledge acertain fraternity, this DOES NOT necessarily mean that
the fraternity is right for YOU Pledge the fraternity that can do the most
for you and where you feel most comfortable.
7. Attend the parties of AS MANY different fraternities as you can.
especially if you are not sure about which fraternities you are interested
in. In other words, SHOP AROUND. Besides, it's a great chance to get
to know more about the Greek system which you are about to join
8. If you have any questions about rush or need advice in a particular
situation, come by the IFC office in Mendenhall Student Center or call
757-4706. We are here to help'

rhc Alpha Sigma Pttl fraternity a?natu null ?
I mversitv Alpha Sig has been askmg gi ? haptcr on the campus ot L
manv years I'hev give annual; to Lhc Amenin I ung C. latiofi am ?? i-
active ntmnural academic and social life If youarc interested in rushing a
go hv and vimi Alpha Sigma Phi
Beta rhetaPi BOM ol the oldest fraternities in the rutu ?; founded on August X
From a small town in (hio has stemmed one ot the- greatest fraternities even Here on
this campus we strive to combine all aspects oi tratcrnitv life social academic
athletic as well as rnans other activities which show the das to d life of a very tight
Youfcolk'gc yeafs&caprunc opportunity to challenge vourscll Itu mean il
most i'I tiie classes, people anil situalu ms vou encountci hrai
this I'tn I au is comprised ol a solid brotherhoodinvolved in i
Lam pus activities We are also very strong on a national level tth ? ihaptci
across the counlrv and aboiii ssimkki m acadi rrih 4-holaj hi awai ! d annu.illv
through our hcadquartcis llw advantages ol fraternity rTiemrxi : , lonotendupori
graduation Hi i kappa Fau graduates have to opportunity to get tog Lheralth) hi
every yeafaalunxru events, sue haft Kornecorutng So go ahead and halleng ,oui
jfCl involved with a fraternity
and ,
I loUl
Delta S gma I hi was charteredat East Carolina i ?
to better it i -
? . ? ; ??, ' u ' ' ?? ?
r witi ?
Since then trived to
? lieu on I'd ?? ?
pot fi r ii r between ?? w
listance fi 1 he
brotherhood an 1 through thaihi thcrhoodvke wiHconi
nto the future
Lambda Chi Alpha is a fraternity, ol honest friendship Vse have ovci - l!? frai
chapters nationally Being a Lambda Chi means becoming apart oi a brothcrhtxxl ol
men whose friendship will last a lifetime Being a Lambda (hi means knowing thai
there will always be someone who cares about you. someone who will be anxious 10
help you over those rough spots inlile he Lambda Chi j invite you to become apart
of their association Come bv and look us over, we think you w ill be glad von did'
Phi Kappa Psi is the newest fraternity on the ECU campus still in lolony status
Nationally founded in February of IH52at Jefferson College. Phi Psi has been on the
ECU campus for 2 years and is fast becoming a working part ol theainpus (ircck
systsm. During rush, if you arc interested in rushing a fraternity. try Phi Kappa I'si
We might be just what you're looking for in Our college lite
PORe 2

I HKha 1.
i ? in 'I .nil ux 'ii
m .il iln r
ll II lOUfS4.ll
, , a '??'? '? ??? ? ? ? don Man ti i ! -?'? .ii ilii Em ? ;in.i
' ii il i ? .1 ii. ha I Lai at pi idc in th u mvolvi im m
?lllll he community hi i ??? i r . bartered .ii I I ix oj .i, and ha
nourished u he oiu ol the gi al upportci ol the (ireck . .i. n II you'ri ihinkmj
"I g ? '?' ? Ji check out Pi Kappa Alpha n nu. n oik i?I the Ix i
le . ; . lie
11 K1
- , .i ('In a.i harti red al Pa . M ? mng have
. i be a . ii .i ung nu ii Uiserv .i.r can
ler a vai r ?l activitit to excel in ra . a slri mg . i im to
niunity erviu .iiid .n n lor th upped '?s known to have a
Irotig ?octal program and hold many majoi ? ul through tout lh ? jf Wi havi i
. r, .trong alurnm a oc talion thai hcl in . rtdcavor ' m eholarship program
: ; ur brothers as situlent So remember when you'i in a rush to th
only av Ci) r'l KAPP!
At f .i,iarolina Sigma Nu is a combination ol rich Lradiln n an.I t? tin mhi rhi
Pirsi chartered in I'w. ihi. l.ia lie La chapter i l Sigma Nu is among the oldest ol all
hraLnemiues ji I c I Fraternity lile a Sigma Nu oilers man) things lr ail it.
members an active ocial hie, strong supn lor atiilelies, community ervite, and
academics Nationally. Sigma Nu is among the best in all categories VS iih over 2 kJ
i Iwipters and I () diou and brothers, it is die third largest fraternity internationally Its
comprehensive Educational Foundation (L E A D.J provides many scholarships and
offers many great leadership development programs We encourage vou to Mush
Sigma Nu and above all i( kl IK'
' '
? thai a I as pi tiding iuii i . pfioi i
. . i
i j I proud ing men the
, ; d brotherhood. Will ?
? i th ia damma ? v, v nied ruin mall ? and ha u
?'? i ' . M ' (ui nati orl a ui haptei
? al East Carolina w I I ir bonds ii near liter and the community
1 im hati .i? Sigma TauCJamina fraternity the most unicuc and diversified
on campus Sigma lau Cam ma taking tradition to tomorrow
lau KappaEpsdon, lounded in 189?, has become u?e largest internalional fraternity
with around 365 chapters in the I S and Canada KEcalliitscIf "the fraternity fcu
life" and over I OD.UX) members worldwide arc proving it through their interest in the
Iralerinty that continues long after graduation I Kl parUcipales in activities ranging
from sports and scholastics to community projec Ls If you like what vou hear, come
on down to Lhe bottom ol the hill to the IKE house and find our if TKE is (or you.
Alter being oil campus lor 15 years The la (hi ds reinstalled al ECl m the fall of
l?HK Iheia (hi is based on diversity anil unit) among the brothers The high
standards and goals thai wc arc continually setting lor this frjicrnttv make Then Chi
a unique and successful organization v? ilh the increasing number ol pledges each
semester. Theta Chi can only become stronger
page 3

Hooker Road
Evans street
Charles Street
od ot t
College Hill Drive
Summit street
Fraternities W ithout
Housing At This Time
page 4

The East Carolinian, September 4, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 04, 1990
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