The East Carolinian, August 30, 1990

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BUt lEaat (Earaltmatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No.41
Thursday,August 30 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 15,000
Trees on campus
are endangered
By LeClail Harper
Staff Writer
Concern has mounted tor a
great number of dead or dying
trees on campus including sweet
gums, pecans, elms pines mag
notiasand, predominantly oaks
Doug Caldwell, grounds
superintendent, ppinted out that
there is no need tor alarm, stating
that disease is not a factor mtlu
encing the death ol the trees I he
major factors affecting the trees
include the mature age of most of
the trees, damage to roots caused
hv the installation of utility lines
compacted soil and unknown
causes.Caldwell .KkU thai these
kinds of problems are not uncom
mon in campus t peenvironments
where there is a lot of traffic and
utility line installation
Urban forester lames Kea
comes to access the state of the
trees on campus annually,
v aid well said About a year ago,
Kea and (aid well began discuss-
ing the fa t that a great many trees
were d ing and would have to be
removed 1 his year, Caldwell felt
thai it was time to inform the public
of the removals which will be
occurring over the next 10 to 20
vears to alleviate the shock that
ma oi v ur as a result of the mass
removal of manv large, shady trees.
Most of the trees will be lost
be ause of old age Caldwell
pointed out that while we have all
heard of trees In ing tor hundreds
and hundreds of years, that is not
the norm Most of the tret's that
will have to be removed are at
least 50 vears old and manv are
See Trees, page 2
ECU, city open
Halloween talks
(. rU-sir Photo Lab
Many trees on campus are dying or in danger of dying Compacted
soil in the Mall area is one cause lor the trees' malady
Public Safety compiles good track record
-1 1 .1??? tK t i.t th
By Michelle Castellow
stjtf Writer
The 1989 90 school v eat
proved to lv a successful one tor
ECL's Department of Rubin
Safety, due to the ta. t thai the
department solved or cleared all
of its major crime v ases
According to Captain 1
Burrus of E U's investig
division, the investigation di
men! worked 2a criminal cases
last vi ir ranging from breaking
am, ontcnne lareoiw and armed
robberies to rape, sexual assault
and drug charges
"Of the 2 Cases worked b)
this department a total of 43 ai
rests were made 27 individual
defendants were sent to admini
stratum to be dealt with b the
University ludiciarv svstem
through I ean Spcier, and M cases
were closed due to the fact that
tho were either solved or found
iW ases, said Burrus
I he majority of theothercases
pre ed lo be minor cases such as
bicvcle theft or breaking .nd en-
tering ol automobilesorsomething
to extent he said.
1 he investigation division has
some of the besl trained and dedi-
? ited officers in the business ,u
i ording to burrus
(hirdepartmenl hasthreefull
in estigators in luding I I
Rhonda Curlev who handles
most rape and sexual assault cases,
I t ! 1 Suggs who handles drug
asesand m self burrus said that
ceny or drug charges. Any crime
that is committed on this campus,
no matter what it is. will bo inves-
tigated and prosecuted by us E( I
is our jurisdiction burrus ex-
plains EC U as a city within itself
and "weare the police department
tor this city
"I am proud ol the people I
work with and the work we are
doing I feel thai this department
is fully competent and weare very
much capable of taking care of any
crime that oc? urs on this campus
with the training and profession-
attstn that th.s department has
burrus said.
"Our main(.oncernsaroi rimes
that are lite threatening burnis
closed due to the fact that the v l
tim did not with to prose ute
Oneof the major cases worked
by the investigation department
included a six month undercover
operation coordinated with other
departments which resulted in the
arrest of 12 people 1 he charges
ranged from possession with in
tent to sell to trafficking and sell
ing and delivering manjuan i
cocaine. I SD, psilo ybin mush
rooms and mescaline burrus
stated that currently the majontv
See Police, page 7
By Amy Edwards
Staff Writer
A Halloween Committee
comprised of ECU students and
university leaders, Greenville city
ettu ialsand law enforcement offi-
cers met yesterday to discuss pos-
sible alternatives to the infamous
gatherings of students and out-of-
town revelers each Oct. 31 in
( .reenville.
Student Government Associa-
tion president Allen Thomas said
that the committee was formed
last year after 144 people were
arrested whilecelebratingHallow-
een at I ar River Estates apartment
complex. Police arrested thegath-
erers alter attempts by the officers
to disperse the crowd failed.
traditionally, students and
f town partiers had congre-
gated in the streets of downtowii
(,reenville on Oct. 31. But after a
record number of arrests, accidents
m violent acts committed by
se oral hundred of the party-goers
inl988, itvotticialsdecided to ban
the celebration in 1989. Instead,
students were forced to celebrate
eK, where. Therefore, many par-
ties were "crashed such as the
one at Tar River Estates. Police
offk ers in the scene described the
,H l uran, e at 1 ar River Estates as a
mob situation
Since the downtown ban did
not deter problems last year, the
i immittee hopes to develop alter-
natives that will prevent many of
the past problems Thomas said
that last years' situation is proof
that instead of saying "no" to all-
campus parties, leaders should
offer direction
"The situation last year . i?uld
have been avoided it alternatives
were given said Thomas. "The
police will be all around, no matter
what decision is made, so it is up to
the students to prove that they are
responsible Thomas added that
the committee does not feel that
the Halloween party planned at
the Pitt County Fair (.rounds bv
two local businessmen will solve
any problems In fact, he said that
the committee feels that there
might beeven more problems wi th
that alternative
Currently the committee is
working with campus organiza-
HonsaOout other alternatives. One
suggestion has been a concert in
Minges Collisium or at Ficklen
Citv Manager Ron kimble,
who was present at Wednesday's
meeting, said, "We came in in a
spirit of cooperation to exchange
information about the past and
reach some decision about what is
needed this year The Tar River
situation was an "unfortunate
series of events he said
"The students are not the is-
sues at all. The issue is how we (an
all cooperate students, the uni-
versity, the city and downtown
owners said kimble
general!) n takes a collaboration said. Last year thedepartment was
ol i a hoi them tOSOlve ases due involved in eight rape and sexual
to the wide variety ot crimes we assaultcases AccordingtoBurrus,
h.n e to deal w ith We conduct our of trieeightoffensesall weresolved
own investigations, be if rape.lar with the suspect being arrested or
Pan-Hellenic differ on policy
By LaToya Hankins
Staff Writer
On Feb. 17,1990, the leaders of
the eight African-American frater
nities and sororities met together
and changed their respective or-
ganization membership intake
process, but some leaders are now
skeptical about the amendments
The leaders ot Alpha Phi AI
pha. Alpha Kappa Alpha Kappa
Alph Psi, Omega Psi Phi, I
Sigma Theta. Phi Beta Sigma, eta
Phi Beta, and Sigma (-amma Rho
metinN 1 ouis, Missouri to put an
end to the image of the physical
and mental abuse that has been
paired with the thoughts ol pledg
ing an African American (.nek
Hazing, which was the rea
soning behind the decision, is
defined as being any action ot
harassment mental andor ph) si
cal taken am place at any time
resulting in abusive behavior
toward potential members. An-
other firm that comes inti) consid-
eration when discussing the
chance in pledging is "under-
ground rhis is the period of time
of unauthorized pledging when
the national organization is not
aware of the person pledging. The
luslitK ation of hazing is to weed
out people w ho are not committed
to the organization
1 hi- decision made in St Louis
on thai das even though the or-
, mization effect undergraduate
rs ot organizations world-
wide as made b the presidents
and the upper echelon of the or-
ganization No undergraduate
chapters, where most of the haz-
ing takes place, were consulted.
fnis leaves mam chapter mem-
bers siuh .is the members ot the
Eta Mil i hapter ot Sigma Gamma
Rho Sorontv Inc confused as to
how to relate the decision to their
own pledges
"The pledge process is not
going to bo anymore. Now it will
be a membership intake process.
We as a chapter have not been told
how to conduct this new type of
activity. Something is going to
change but we do not know what
or when. 1 can sav that as la. as S
(, Rho is concerned physical haz-
ing will becutoutbut not the other
parts such as walking in line and
social probation Cassandra Biz-
zell. vice president ot Sigma
Gamma, said
Social probation is the term
used to describe the period of time
in which the person pledging can
not speak or associate with any-
one who is not involved in that
particular organization Intended
to enhance the image of the OT-
See Greek, page 3
Working the numbers THT.I
Workers put fishing touches on the F icklen Stadium Held ir. preparation tor ECU'S; season opener wjh
Tous.ana Teen on Saturday night The k.ckoff .s set for 7 p.m. between the teams who played to a 29-29
tie last season?
Natural phenomenon
kills Pamlico shellfish
By Michael Martin
Managing 1 ditor
Tnousandsof shellfish near the
mouth of the Pamlico River per
ished over the weekend because
of a strange natural occurrence in
the Pamlico estuary.
Layering salt and fresh water.
which leads to a deprivation of
oxvgen near the bottom of water
was the reason for the kill, said Dr.
Donald Stanley of the EC I Insti
tute of Coastal and Marine Re
The fresh watercould not mix
with the salt water in the estuarv,
Stanley said. The hot, dry weather
we have had recently made the
conditions perfect tor this to hap
The problem arose when the
saltwater from the Pamlico Sound
could not mix w ith the fresh water
of the river because of a lack of
wind or rain When the waters
could no! mix or stir the water and
keep the currents flowing, the
water on thebottom was deprived
of oxygen
hen the oxygen of the top
w ater cannot mix with the heavier
salt water on the bottom, a salt
wedge is formed According to
Stanley, the further you move up
the estuarv (toward the river), the
thinner the wedge becomes.
Dr Mark Bnnson of the ECU
biology department said it takes a
lot of wind to stir up the water
alter this process has started.
Imagine having salt water in the
bottom of a bucket and fresh water
on top it he said. "Then take an
egg beater and start stirring at the
top. You can get a good idea about
how long it takes of the water to
become homogeneous
With the conhnued use of the
oxvgen on the bottom by the fish,
sediments and bacteria, there is
little stratification, Stanley said.
"There was more of a demand on
oxvgen because of the fertilizer
that grows algae and all of the
compost on the bottom. When it
runs out, the clams started to die.
According to Stanley, the
depth of the estuarv also has a lot
See Shellfish, 7
Murders at Florida-
Gainesville should have
students thinking pre-
Personals. For Sale.
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation8
Maniac still on the
rampage, live dead at
Florida campus
Snatches of Pink to
adorn ?'Rockefellers
Analysis ot ECU -
Louisiana Tech Saturday

?he iEaat ?ar0liman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No.41
Thursday,August 30 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 15,000
Trees on campus
are endangered
By LeClair Harper
Staff Writer
Concern has mounted for a
great number of dead or dying
trees on campus, including sweet
gums, pecans, elms, pines, mag
nolias and, predominantly, oaks
Doug Caldvvell. grounds
superintendent, pointed out that
there is no need tor alarm, stating
that disease is not a factor influ-
encing the death of the trees. The
major factors affecting the trees
include the mature age of most of
the trees, damage to roots caused
by the installation of utility lines,
compacted soil and unknown
causes. Caldwell added that these
kinds of problems are not uncom-
where there is a lot oi traffic and
utility line installation.
Urban forester James Kea
comes to access the state of the
trees on campus annually,
Caldwell said. About a vear ago,
Kea and Caldwell began discuss-
ing the fact that a great many trees
wore dying and would have to be
removed. This vear, Caldwell felt
that it was time to inform the public
of the removals which will be
occurring over the next 10 to 20
years to alleviate the shock that
may occur as a result of the mass
removal of many large, shady trees.
Most oi the trees will be lost
because of old age. Caldwell
pointed out that while we have all
heard of trees living tor hundreds
and hundreds of years, that is not
the norm. Most of the trees that
will have to be removed are at
least 50 years old and many are
See Trees, page 2
ECU, city open
Halloween talks
By Amy Edwards
Staff Writer
lelrMr Holtnun l'hi?o I ah
Many trees on campus are dying or in danger of dying Compacted
soil in the Mall area is one cause tor the trees' malady
Public Safety compiles good track record
.1J J4? ?U . I , t lkl iK
By Michelle Castellow
Staff Writer
The 1989-90 school vear
proved to be a successful one tor
ECU'S Department of Public
Safety, due to the tact that the
department solved or cleared all
of its major crime cases.
According to Captain I V
Burrus of ECU'S investigation
division, the investigation depart
ment worked 2r criminal cases
last veir ranging from breaking
ami entering, larceny and armed
robberies to rape, sexual assault
and drug charges.
"Of the 2 cases worked by
this department a total of 43 ar-
rests were made, 27 individual
defendants were sent to ad mini-
stration to be dealt with bv the
University judiciary system
through 1 Van Speier, and 14 cases
were closed due to the fact that
they were either solved or found
not to he actual cases said Burrus.
The majority of theother cases
proved to be minor cases such as
bicycle theft or breaking and en-
tenngot automobilcsorsomething
to that extent, he said.
1 he investigation division has
someol the best trained and dedi-
cated officers in the business, ac-
cording to Burrus.
"Ourdepartment has three full
time investigators, including Lt
Rhonda ). Gurley, who handles
most rape1 and sexual assault cases,
Lt. El Suggs who handles drug
generally it takes a collaboration
of each of them to solve cases "due
to the wide variety of crimes we
have to deal with. We conduct our
own investigations, be it rape, lar-
ceny or drug charges. Any crime
that is committed on this campus,
no matter what it is, will be inves-
tigated and prosecuted by us. ECU
is our jurisdiction Burrus ex-
plains ECU as a citv within itself
and "we are the police department
for this city"
"I am proud of the people I
work with and the work we are
doing. 1 feel that this department
is fully competent and we are very
much capable of taking care of an v
crime that occurs on this campus
with the training and profession-
alism that this department has
Burrus said.
"Our main coneernsarecrimes
that are life threatening Burrus
said. Last vear the department was
involved in eight rape and sexual
assault cases. According to Burrus,
of the eight offensesall were solved
with the suspect being arrested or
closed due to the fact that the vic-
tim did not with to prosecute
One of the major cases worked
bv the investigation department
included a six month undercover
operation coordinated with other
departments, which resulted in the
arrest of 12 people. The charges
ranged from possession with in-
tent to sell to trafficking and sell-
ing and delivering marijuana,
cocaine, LSD, psilocvbin mush-
rooms and mescaline. Burrus
stated that currently the majority
See Police, page 7
A Halloween Committee
comprised of ECU students and
university leaders, Greenville city
officials and law enforcement offi-
cers met yesterday to discuss pos-
sible alternatives to the infamous
gatherings of students and out-of-
town revelers each Oct. 31 in
Student Government Associa-
tion president Allen Thomas said
that the committee was formed
last vear after 149 people were
arrested while celebrating Hallow-
een at Tar River Estates apartment
complex Police arrested the gath-
erers after attempts by the officers
to disperse the crowd failed.
Traditionally, students and
vu; of town partiers had congrc-
gated in the streets of downtowi.
Greenville on Oct. 31. But after a
record number of arrests, accidents
and violent acts committed by
several hundred of the party-goers
the celebration in 1989. Instead,
students were forced to celebrate
elsewhere. Therefore, many par-
ties were "crashed such as the
one at Tar River Estates. Police
officers on the scene described the
occurance at Tar River Estates as a
mob situation
Since the downtown ban did
not deter problems last year, the
committee hopes to develop alter-
natives that will prevent many of
the past problems. Thomas said
that last years' situation is proof
that instead of saying "no" to all-
campus parties, leaders should
offer direction.
"The situation last year could
have been avoided if alternatives
were given said Thomas. "The
police will beall around, no matter
what decision is made, so it is up to
the students to prove that they are
responsible Thomas added that
the committee does not feel that
the Halloween party planned at
the Pitt County Fair Grounds by
two local businessmen will solve
any problems. In fact, he said that
the committee feels that there
might be even more problems with
that alternative.
Currently the committee is
working with campus organiza-
Uontapoutother alternatives. One
suggestion has been a concert in
Minges Collisium or at Ficklen
City Manager Ron Kimble,
who was present at Wednesday's
meeting, said, "We came in in a
spirit of cooperation to exchange
information about the past and
reach some decision about what is
needed this year The Tar River
situation was an "unfortunate
senes of events he said.
"The students are not the is-
sues at all. The issue is how we can
all cooperate ? students, the uni-
versity, the city and downtown
owners said Kimble
Pan-Hellenic differ on policy
By LaToya Hankins
Staff Writer
On Feb. 17,1990. the leadersof
the eight African-American f rater
nities and sororities met together
and changed their respective or-
ganization membership intake
process, but some leaders are now
skeptical about the amendments
The leaders of Alpha Phi Al-
pha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kp
Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Delta
Sigma Theta, Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta
Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho
met in St. Louis, Missouri to put an
end to the image of the physical
and mental abuse that has been
paired with the thoughts of pledg
ing an African-American Creek
Hazing, which was the rea-
soning behind the decision, is
defined as being any action of
harassment mental andor physi
cal taken any place at any time
resulting in abusive behavior
toward potential members. An-
other term that comes into consid-
eration when discussing the
change in pledging is "under-
ground This is the period of time
of unauthorized pledging when
the national organization is not
awareof the person pledging. The
justification of hazing is to weed
(Hit people who are not committed
to the organization.
The division made in St Louis
on that day, even though the or-
ganization effect undergraduate
chapters of organizations world-
wide, as made by the presidents
and the upper echelon of the or-
ganization. No undergraduate
chapters, where most of the haz-
ing takes place, were consulted.
This leaves many chapter mem-
bers such as the members of the
Eta Mu chapter of Sigma Gamma
Rho Sorority inc. confused as to
how to relate the division to their
own pledges.
"The pledge process is not
going to be anymore. Now it will
be a membership intake process.
We as a chapter have not been told
how to conduct this new type of
activity. Something is going to
change but we do not know what
or when. I can say that as far as S
G Rho is concerned physical haz-
ing will be cut out but not theother
parts such as walking in line and
social probation Cassandra Biz-
zell, vice president of Sigma
Gamma, said.
Social probation is the term
used to describe the period of time
in which the person pledging can
not speak or associate with any-
one who is not involved in that
particular organization. Intended
to enhance the image of the or-
See Greek, page 3
Working the numbers VJTJ?
Wo-Kers put me .n;sh,ng touches on Ihe Ficklen MU k; preparation tor ECU'Siseason openerw-h
"asiana Tech on Saturday ntgh, The ktckoH ,s set tor 7 p.m. between ,he .earns who played to a 29-29
tie last season
Natural phenomenon
kills Pamlico shellfish
By Michael Martin
Manaftinp Editor
Thousandsof shellfish near the
mouth of the Pamlico River per-
ished over the weekend because
of a strange natural occurrence in
the Pamlico estuary.
Layering salt and fresh water,
which leads to a deprivation of
oxygen near the bottom of water,
was the reason for the kill, said Dr
Donald Stanley of the ECU Insti-
tute of Coastal and Marine Re
"The fresh water could not mix
with the salt water in the estuary
Stanley said. "The hot, dry weather
we have had recently made the
conditions perfect for this to hap-
The problem arose when the
salt water from the Pamlico Sound
could not mix with the fresh water
of the river because of a lack of
wind or rain. When the waters
could not mix or stir the water and
keep the currents flowing, the
water on the bottom wasdeprivod
of oxygen.
When the oxygen of the top
water cannot mix with the heavier
salt water on the bottom, a salt
wedge is formed. According to
Stanley, the further you move up
the estuary (toward the river), the
thinner the wedge becomes.
Dr. Mark Brinson of the ECU
biology department said it takes a
lot of wind to stir up the water
after this process has started.
"Imagine having salt water in the
bottom of a bucket and fresh water
on top it he said. "Then take an
egg beater and start stirring at the
top. You can get a good idea about
how long it takes of the water to
become homogeneous
With the continued use of the
oxygen on the bottom by the fish,
sediments and bacteria, there is
little stratification, Stanley said.
"There was more of a demand on
oxygen because of the fertilizer
that grows algae and all of the
compost on the bottom. When it
runs out, the clams started to die.
According to Stanley, the
depth of the estuary also has a lot
See Shellfish, 7
Murders at Florida-
Gainesville should have
students thinking pre-
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation8
Maniac sti'l on the
rampage, five dead at
Florida campus
Snatches of Pink to
adorn O'Rockefellers
Analysis ot ECU -
Louisiana Tech Saturday

3Jlie ?n?t (garulinianAugust 30,1990?
ECU Briefs
Official enrollment: 16,506
ECU has a niw record t nrollment ot 16,506 students for the tall
semester and officials said that because ot higher admissions stan-
dards, the class of incoming freshmen v ill be Utter prepared
The 1?H) fall enrollment figure, announced Tuesday, exceeded
last year's fall total of 16,038 by 168 and also exceeded an earlier
unofficial prediction of 1MIX)
Kail. 1484, marked the lirM time in history that an E I enrollment
had exceeded 16,000. University officials have projected an increase
of two to three percent each yeai tor the foreseeable future.
Admissions office officials said the entering class of approxi-
mateiy 2,650 had higher SAT scores than in the past.They said that the
number of entering freshmen held about steady with (he bulk ol the
increase coming from transfer students and a higher student reten-
tion rate.
Registrar I Gilbert Moore said hisoffice's "headcount" ol stu
dents actually enrolled tor classes which began Aug. 22 included
12,288 full-time undergraduates and 9W full time graduate students.
There were 1,526 part time undergraduates and 1,693 part time
graduate students. Moore said
Students named Brody Scholars
Five students in the entering class at the E I s hootol Medk ine
have been selected to receive scholarships and fellowships through
the Brody Scholars Program.
Established seven yearsagob) the Brody famil) of Kinston and
Greenville, the program annually pro ides scholarships for students
demonstrating exemplary academic performance and leadership
skills. Since the program's inception 15 students have received the
The student chosen as the Brodj Scholar will recc ive the program's
largest stipend, a $7,500 a year scholarship rhe recipient issclec ted
based on high potential and personal interview evaluations
Vincent Paul Wilson, a New Hern native has been named the
Class of 1994 Prod v Scholar. An honors graduate of K U,heistheson
of Bobby S. and Martene D. Wilson, 714 1 rent Circle. New Bern.
Four fellowships, eat. In arryingannualawardsof$2,000overthe
next four years, have been awarded to students with outstanding
academic records.
This year's Brody Fellows are rhomas ohnson Becketl of
Wilmington. Muhele Faith Halb) ol Greenville, Kellj Nannettc
Taylor of Jacksonville and Herv) B Kornegayjr of Calypso
Criminal justice becomes certified justice program in thcSchoolof Sen ialWorkal E I
has been awarded 10 yearcertifi at ion by the state's criminal justice
standards division
The award was voted unanimously b) the division's rtminal
Justice Education and Training Standardsommission al its sum-
mer meeting in Ashevillelast weekend I hedeanoi the ECUSc hool
of Social Work I1! Maria CNeil McMahon accepted a plaque and
certificate of recognition on behalf of E( l chancellor, Di RichardR
"North Carolina is theonl) state in the nation to provide recog
ration of criminal justice degree programs, Dr McMahon said. 'To
obtain this recognition, the School ol Social Work completed and
submitted a self stude report and had ft ?K visit from roprsonta
lives tor the standards commission. ' rhe commission is admini
stored by the N.C Department ol ustice
Dr. McMahon said thai "based on the encouragement of the
Commission and the enthusiasm and ommitmenl ol the faculty
she envisions future development of a do toral program in criminal
justice at ECU.
Cashiers rebill 12,000 students
By Andrew Forbis
Staff Writer
University administrators
plan to spend approximately
$12,(kXl in attempts to collect extra
student tees that were added to
the fall semester billing in early
The fee increase, including a
$20 temporary academic fee, oc-
curred after the North Carolina
legislature cut the UNC-system's
budget by $55.4 million as a result
oi a revenue shortfall.
It it weren't for the fax t that
nearly4,000 students paid the new
fees in the first week of classes, the
cost of the rebilling process may
have been higher. But the ECU
Cashier sOftice still expects to take
about 281) total employees hours
just to collect on rebilling. The
work does not include the over
time the employees have already
accumulated during the first week
of classes
The added fees were antici-
pated bv the university, according
to Richard brown, vice-chancellor
tor business affairs. Brown said
his office postponed the initial
billing as long as possible although
the extra fees were not approved
until August bv the UNC Board ot
(.overnors By the time the legisla
ture finished wrestling with the
budget, it was past the date to
include the needed fees with the
original tall tuition and feesched-
ule, making the cost of rebilling
was inevitable
Rebilling began on August 22
and the last dav to pay without
being delinquent is September 28.
During this time some 12,000stu
dents will be processed
The fees increases include: the
non-resident tuition and registra-
tion fee,specialacademk fees, the
student computingtechnology
fee, dorm rates a health - i
fee andother university fei ? -
students could -v.v as much
$450over last year's tuition
I veil with these in i
university cashier Mm hael Ba 1
said, iMir out ot state tuition
still better than most in state tui
turns Balko estimated that tui
tion and tees in the 1 '
are m the lower halt of all ? tl
US states
Both Brownai IBall I
atthocashk-r arel
looking into ays to simplil
speed up the current
billing and collecting
Know your rights about Health Services
1 mm It I
ewi Ium ju t? U a ?
Campus Clips
Indiana's presidents on mission
INDIANATOl is In an unprecedented joint effort, the presi-
dents of Indiana's seven state assisted collegesand universities will
embark on seven-stop state flv-around Wednesday to ask tor money.
The presidents hope the high profile lobbying will result in more
state aid to higher education. Ihev are pushing a " ommitmont to
Quality campaign, with a goal of securing 3 percent real growth in
higher education funding in each of the next tour years.
Another goal is to raise the educational awareness ot the average
Hoosier, said (be Bennett, ue president of university relations at
"We may be in danger ot missing the boat economical!) " he said
"Business and industry look very closely at the education level of the
state whe deciding where to locate
The tour is planned to start at 9 a m ml ouisville, Kv .and wind up
10 hours later in Gary, with stops in Evansville, ferre Haute, Indian
USA lOO W Apple I eltegt Inlorcrutcm Nil work
Crime Scene
Two arrested in knife fight on
fourth floor of Garrett Hall
August 27
0025? An officer stopped a vchic le west ot Mendcnhall, tor suspi
cious activity at Minges freshman parking lot. I ourcampus
citations issued for controlled substance and akohol violations
0333 Officers responded to (Ireen Dorm in reference to a report
of a missing person. Subject returned as report was King taken.
August 28
1425 Officers checked out at ustin in reference to improperly
parked bicycles;Hficers also I hecked out at"roatan in reference
to same one bicycle was removed
1710 Officers checked with Ay OCk RA in reference to possible
drug violation on 4th floor Unfounded.
1722 Officers conducted a report in reference to bike larceny
which occurred at the (roatan 'same removed earlier from
handicapped ramp and secure north ot PD
2105?Officers responded to.arrett rm in reference to a report
of an assault with a weapon Two subjects charged with weapons
violation and one with assault with a deadly weapon.
2307 All units responded to a parity raid starting on College Hill.
August 29
0038- Officers responded to the area north of Scott Dorm in refer-
ence to a report of subjects shooting bottle rockets from Aycock to
Scott Dorm. Unable to locate subjects. Cleared.
0127- Officers responded to the area north of Fletcher Dorm in
reference to loud subjects Subjects advised to leave the area.
Cleared ,
rromrCUPuhlif Sjlrty loBo?
By Suzanne Kellerman
Health Educator
The staff of the Student 1 lealth
Service (SUS) is pleased to work
with vou to keep vou in good
health We are available to give
you advk e on how to stav healthy
and assistance in getting you well
again if you are ill. We can work
together best it vou understand
what we expect from vou I lore is
a summary of your rights,is i user
ot the Student Service:
i 'ignity - You have a right to
our dignity asan indi idual to be
rc ignized and rcspe ted. i ou
have a right tothesameconsidera
tion and respect as anyone else,
regardless?! race.age beliefs, sex,
or lifestyle.
Confidentiality ou have a
right to confidential treatment ot
all communications and records
relating to you Your permission
must be obtained before we may
give information to anyone not
directly onnet ted ith your care
1 his requirement applies to your
parents and university officials
1 here are limited exceptions re
quired bv law. such as reporting
certain communicable diseases to
the Health Department.
Understanding You will be
expected to be an active partici-
pant in decisions regarding your
Sealth. You have the right to know
and understand:
SI IS procedure
- What tests are being done
and whv
What treatment is recom-
mended and its side effects and
The prospects tor resolution
ol your problem
- The charges, it any, lor your
Service ? You have a right to
service tor your health needs. You
should expect that youi reason-
able requests tor service will bo
met. It SUS cannot meet your re
quests, a referral to a community
agency will be made available. Try
to schedule appointments m ad-
vance, lor an emergency that
needs to be seen immediately the
walk in clinic is open Monday-
Friday 8 a.m. to H p.m. and Satur-
day and sundav 2am to 4 am A
consumer of a health service, you
have responsibilities as well s
rights i ou can help by
being responsible in the following
wa 5
IV honest - You are respon-
sible to be honest and direct about
everything that relates to your
needs for health service. I ell those
w ho are helping vou how you tool
about the things that are happen
ing to vou.
by making sure you under
stand - You are responsible tor the
understanding ot your health
problems or needs to your satis-
faction. It vou do not understand
the treatment plan or the test, ask
the practitioner about it Be sure
you understand Ask questions.
By following the prescribed
plan ? It is your responsibility to
advise the people trmg to help
you whether or not you think you
can and want to follow the pre-
scribed plan.
By reporting . h inges It is
your responsibility to tell the SI Is
about am hanges in your health
in relationship to your treatment
by knowingyoui ?
tossionals Youshc ild try) ?
and remember th?- .
personnel who serve .
way it you have i com
(ompliment it ? ill be di,
toward the right p i
Remembi r '? ir I
shared responsibilit bi I
and us. Let
partners in tin d.
I or
Student I lealth Sen i
" T'oi our IK ! '
health edu ation inform ition
umn. Ptease call hi)i
any questions, comments i i
erst ions.
Buyers Guide
Continued from page 1
between 70 and 120 years old.
Manv trees have been lost
be ause of root damage caused bv
utility lines. In the future, utility
corridors will need to be planned
10 avoid the devastating severing
of roots.
On the campus mall, the soil is
very compacted because of the
great amount ol traffic in that area.
( aid well said that he and Keawere
looking into ways to promote the
growth of grass on the mall and
that the typical methods of plow-
ing and adding six or so inches of
topsoil would destroy the com-
pacted roots of the trees. There-
fore, they will bo using core-type
aerating with high-organic soil as
fill-in to promote the growth of
grass without harming the tree
Caldwellexplained that where
it ispractical, trees will be replaced.
but in areas where conditions are:
not conducive togrowth, trees will
not be replanted. "I don't see the
point in planting trees where they
can't grow said Caldwell He
added that over the past twenty
years the groundsdepartment has
planted between three and four
thousand trees.
While efforts have been made
to save all the trees possible, it is
inevitable that many will be lost,
"generally, when I take one down,
it should have been taken down
the year before1 keep hoping for
a miracle Caldwell stated But as
with humans, the dying processof
trees may be prolonged, but ulti-
mately death cannot be avoided.
i I
Crabby Sam's
East Carolina Bank
First Ctizens
Morgan's Cycle
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The Nail Designer
Director of Advertising
Adam Blankenship
Advertising Representatives
Ken Earley Julie Roscoe
John Semelsberger Steve Walser
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display advertising Business Hours
Monday - Friday
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fffrg nntaiinlanAugust 30J990
Project to improve science teaching
Follow The East Carolinian's Features section as we
bring you the best coverage of bands playing in
ctiwntown &eenville. every Tuesday and Thursday
(l News Bureau
l and the University oi
Noflh C arolirwi at Wilmington
have received a $1 million .lw.ird
to participate jointly in .i rwrtkm-
s ide project lo improve the leach-
ing of science in hich schools and
middle grades
l he National Science Founda
iion (NSF) is funding the project
through Ihe National Science
teachers Association and at five
icational sites frontalifornia
to Puerto Rico
I he project is designed to
improve the scope, sequel r and
coordination ot the science cur-
riculum and will focus on the
spacing and proper sequence of
science com epts and topk s from
? ides six through 12
?. urrtculum development fund-
inginNSl shistory.Dr CharlesR
We, de?in ol the I Cl School o
Education, said.
Coble Slid the middle school
level curriculum pfUJKl would
require three yuan to complete
Additional tunding will be sought
to develop the new high school
curriculum, he said
in addition to ECU and L'NC
W. NSF tunding for the curricu-
lum development protect was
announced tor sites in Puerto Rico,
California, Baylor University-
Houston City in Texas, the I'ni-
versiiy Of Iowa and tor the Na-
tional Science Teachers Associa-
Announcement of the ECU -
UNC W cooperative, jo,nt rT?K
participation was made simulta-
neously at ECU and at L'NC-VV
Wedncsdav Of finals said theN.C.
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion Bobby Fthendgeand the L'NC
General Administration "fully
support" the project
It is highly significant and
will attract national attention to
North Carolina Coble said.
CobleandPr. David Andrews,
associate professor of science
education and associate director
Of the UNC-VV Science and Mathe-
maticsFducation Center, will serve
as co-directors of the ECU - UNC -
VV project
Dr. FlovdMattheis, professor
emeritus of science education and
director of ihe Summer Ventures
science education programat FC U,
will direct the project s implemen-
tation projects. Mattheis, former
chair of Science Education and
former director of ECU'S Science
and Mathcenter,hasreceived more
than a doen NSF grants tor sci-
ence education projects Coble, a
frequent collaborator with Mat-
theis, has received four previous
NSF grants.
Coble said several centers ot
the North Carolina Mathematics
and Science Education Network
would assist in implementing the
curricuhimdevetoped by the proj-
ect faculty Project faculty at FC I
and UNC-VV will workdoselv with
lead teachers, university scientists
and science educators to condui t a
pilot test ot the curriculum. Coble
A curnculuan development
committee will he headed bv Dr
Carolyn Dunn of UNC-W. Or
(. harles Ward of L'NC-VV will serve
as liaison to the NX Mathematics
and Science Education Network.
Pr Roy Forbes, director of the
North Carolina Center for School
Accountability at LNC-Creens-
horo, will organize and direct the
project evaluation process.
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?he Saat (Earoltman
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr (knerd hAamget
Mil i; n G. Martin, Managing Editor
Tim Hampton, News Editot
Pait.a Gicff, State and Nation I lit ?
MATT KlNC, Features Editor
Deanna NEVGLOSKI, Assl Features Edt
Dove. Morris, Sports Editor
Earle M. McAitfv, Asst Sports I lit ?
Carrie Armstrong, Special Set Hons I to ?
PHONG l uong, Business Manage
Stuari Ri ?SNER, Syslerns Manager
roB BARBOUR, Circulation Manager
Mki i mi I i Editorial Production Manager
CHRIS NoRMAM, Darkroom Technician
Jeff Parker, Staff Illustrator
DfBORAH S. Daniel, Secretary
The E0M Carohmam has served the East Carolina campus communilj since 1925, emphasizing information ihai directly
affects ECU students During the ECU school year, he East Carolinian puWishes twice a week with a circulationict 5,000
The EastCorohnianreserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basu oi age. sex,
creed or national orifin The masthead editorial in each edition does not nee essarily represent the v.cws ot one individual,
hut rather is a majority opinion of the Editonal Board. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all pounsol vre?
Letters should be limited to 250 word, or less For purposes of decenc and hre ity, he East (WoUman reserve, thengh.
icedii letters for pubhcat.on I etters should be addressed to The Editor. The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg . ECU,
Greenvule.NO.rSU. orcall(9tl s" t;t
Murders in Florida should make students think
.? lereu
the : pi al
:v its v i re
deca ? ted
es na-
Studentsat the Universit) o( brida
Gainsvillearestillinshock.Thirt) sixhourspi
to the start oi classes on Mondav, fn ? ?" idents
(four women and a man) wt re m
These murders were n
homocide three oi the tiv
mutulated,andoneoi the girls wa
The problem oi crirru i
tionwide is startling From murdt i room-
mates stealing from one another, no college
student is sate. Colleges and universities are
prime targets for criminals solely because oi the
age and the soooeeonomic status oi students.
Don't think that theproblem t i bigcrime
is only at other universities EC I is just as good
a target as Florida, the University ot North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, UCLA or any other
college campus in America. The sad thing is that
students sav "that will never happen to me
How wrong thev are
1 ast year, the ECl' campus was terror-
ized bv a string of rapes that left mam students
i'ti ???? ??-? mmnm ? ??-? ?
Vacations are always fun during a crisis
By Tim Hampton
tditorial Columnist
feeling uncomfortable about walking around
campus or even going to night classes Hut
h hard work by ECU public safety and
ireenville Police 1 )epartment,alloi thecases
: iting to camp is v ere solved
Butarestudei I; really safe? Street lights,
officers on fool patrol and emergency phones
i in , ffered students some protection,
hil no one is safe. Criminals can strike anytime,
any place.
ECU public safety has indicated that
manv students, especially freshmen women,
have been walking around the campus and up
College 1 lill Drive late at night alone. Now the
Emerald City is not known to be a haven for
1 big-time criminals' but do not underestimate
their presence.
Students are encouraged to use precau-
tion when traveling on campus at night And
don'l think matcrirnewill happen tosofueelse,
because vou are just as vulnerable as the next
Watch George fish. Watch
George hook his drive into the
u oods Certainh . this "Iraqi
thing is not hindering the
president's chances in wini
Bill Dam c - Oiitdoorsman ol the
"i ear Award
Everybody nerds a vacation,
even the president, but most
people don'l make a trip lo the
lake when there is a fire in the
kitchen. Isn't it ironic, one film
clipdepicts U S. soldiers slav-
ing in the Arabian desert, sweal
ing profits ly, looking like they
are about to pass out and the
next scenethereis Mr Bush, ki( k
ing back in his fishinghat, casting
his line.
It would be plausible if itwere
pist George, his mother, excuse
me wife Barbara and maybe their
poodle on vacation, but George
had to bring all his beer buddies
with him National Security
Adviser Brunt Scowcroft, C hiei
oi Staff John I 1 Sununu and 1 rea-
surj Secretary Nicholasl Brad)
The result oi this Bush bash a I the
Kike is that most ot this nation's
leadership are no! in Washing-
Ion lea ing us wil ? s ary
question who is running the
i ountry right now ?ould it I
Jesse 1 lelms or 1 )an Quaylc?
'Do vou i?? Mr Presi-
dent Brent wow i rott was over-
heard assayingon the speed boat
" eah, Breni toss me i Bu
1 ite, this Iraqi thing has me full ol
the President might have
Another flip i lip has the
Prcsidi nt p
from his boat named
ing I hing "
i ailed upoi
people to ? ? '
reporter asl
"Alright, 1 cal the
A merit an peoj lei crvc en
i-rg- ? orge said !? rent
yanked the m i sive engi
hill throttle and
ben yell ' ' -vbal 1 call
the press dictatinj
Another pn iblen ' l)s
that hold ? s op
nosed lo"Nori
have this wl I
cation Kenncbunkpori i omi
Why couldn't ho hoose i :
like Atlanta- Beai'h or Atlai I
('ity some American town with
an oceanic ring? At this point
time in the Administration liki
no other, the president doesn t
need to be associated with u
think; that has the word "bunk
.is a part
Bush is trying to emulate I
most laid ba k President oi them
all Ike Eisenhower, the i I
executi ?? ???'?' slept until n
? en day is America pla
? ipanded and built really
i adiilat s It Bush becomes ?
so. then historically speaking
ild be in a state oi pani I -
? ou who vant rei
ber Richard M. Nixon w is '?? s
eep, gh ing the scai
Bush s v ice man. Qua -
This v a ati ib
nebunkj ri I gotten me
prettv riled 1 h I, et I take a
i, ation thi er,butinstead
have w rked in a constant st.uc
oi turmoil Don'tooktormcoV
umn comi iesda be in
Lizzard 1 ick conferring with my
personal advisers Jim and i k
Oil just may be the dictator of our lives
Players, fans start a new era of Pirate football
ECU Pirate football is entering a new-
era ? a time that will most certainly please
fans, players, coaches and athletit offi
Recently, the program was ranked asone ?i
the Top 10 up-and-coming programs oi the
90s by the Sporting News.
Head coach Bill lewis had a great
recruiting year, and with manv promising
players and new coaches, the team looks to
improve their 1989 record Of 5-5-1. And
with the addition of some more big-name
opponents in future schedules and the pos-
sibility of membership to a conference, the
Pirates will definitely be a force to be reck-
oned with in Division 1 football
Saturday night marks the start of the
1990 season ? a long-awaited event tor
many people. Traditionally, Pirate football
games have been full of fun and excitement
for the fans, players and coaches. 13ut some
events that have transpired in the last few
years have left many ECU supporters dis-
There are but a small number of these
events, but each instance, in one way or
another, dealt with Pirate fans (primarily
students). Of course not everyoneistoblame,
but the few troublemakers make all ol the
fans look bad ? especially the students.
Between tights, intoxication and
? ? i v ing i ibjects at opposing players, some
he ECU tans have made enjoying Pirate
football games difficult tor others. The
nonsense needs to stop now.
It was not too long ago that we
gathered as students and marched to city
hall in an effort to "Stop the (city's) Non-
sense So why not get together again and
stop these actions from happening again.
lor a long time, ECU students have
looked to the Greenville community to be
treated as adults, not merely as college stu-
dents. The attitudes and actions of students
plav an important role in finally having the
request answered. If we want to be treated
as adults, then we have to act like adults.
Stop the few people now from mak-
ing those same mistakes, and a level of
respect can certainly be obtained. The Pirate
football program has changed for the good,
so can the student support.
A lot of the Pirates' success depends
on fan support. So get your ticket(s) for
Saturday night's game (when the Pirates
take to the field to play Louisiana Tech at 7
p.m.) and support the "Spirit of the East
let's show everyone that we do know how
to act responsibly
By Steve Tyndall
1 ditonal C oiumnist
Since the Middle East crisis
began, Americans have found
themselves digging deeper in their
pockets at gas stations. 1 utle di
Americans know what situation
we actually face. Not only are we
fadng a 36 percent gas increase,
but we are paving more for Other
basic needs tor living, food and
household items
At the beginning ot the ku
waitiinvasionby Iraq, our economy
has been in somewhat ofa tailspin.
The Dow (ones had dropped from
apporximatery 2,900 to 2,500 points.
The questions being asked are,
why, and tor what reason?
American oil companies only
receive tour to five percent ot their
oil from Kuwait and raqcombined.
But it still leaves futher questions
which are getting the run around
treatment. Two su hquestionsare
II w are pn itet ting the Saudi's
,vaA our oil interests, and we onk
receive a small fra tion oi oil from
occupied Kuwait and Iraq, why
are Americans faced with higher
prices?" And second, Whycan'l
we purchase from another country
or re open the hundred sot oil wells
down in Texas and Alasksa to al
leviate this abnormal crisis at
lo be honest, there ire : '
suitable answers to inform the
public I lowever, I assure you thai
vou will pay higher fuel prices tor
ears and home, and expect to pay
more tor tood and household sup-
plies. The reason being the trans-
portation costs will beaffected, thus
transferring the (ost from the pro-
ducer to the consumer. Even the
cost of meat and dairy products
should increase. And yes
let paper, of all things, will ?
public more
Ittheoilcnsiscontinue - ??'
Americans will hae to coi
more than we have had sir ??
1970s ensis A fnendot minesaid
"It these prices get any higher ?
are going to have to sacrifice like
we use-to in thegood ole' davs. We
might nist have to go back in usinc
the Sears and Roebuck catalog and
the red and white com cobs "
Maybe he's a little extreme
but the point remains the same
We the American people, are de
pendent on oil. We will have to
sutler from the hih prices that are
fa ing us and hxk tor higher prices
in the future.
Crisis or not, oil has been and
will continue to be a dictator to the
American public.
new rushees
On behalf of e Pan?Hellenic
Council, 1 would like to welcome
you to ECL. Asan incoming Fresh-
man, you will experience many ups
and downs while getting adjusted
to college life However, ECU offers
a svstem that could possible provide
some equilibrium during your
and diverse network of support is
known to us here at ECU as simply
the "Creek System
One intricate part of the "Creek
Svstem" is the Pan?Hellenic
Council, which iscomposed of tour
African American fraternities and
four African ?American sororities.
The Pan Hellenic Council parrici-
patesin many activities such as fund
raisers, socials and service projects.
However, the primary focal points
of the council and its members arc
knowledge and achievement. With
these two aspet ts as a foundation,
we believe one i ane build such at
tributesas leadership, motivational
skills, organizational management
and the list goes on. But the bottom
line still remains African Ameri-
can support.
l"he Ban Hellenic Council is
looking forward toa er produc-
tive and successful year. We en-
courageyou to join in the "Meet the
Creeks" program on Sept iMn the
Mendenhall Student Center.
Anticipating vou support,
Anthony 1 Rook
Pan-f Uua.( and I Visdeix.
Student feels
Public Safety
is unfair in
parking policy
To the editor:
1 teel that Pubik Safety is very
unfair when it comes to issuing
parking tickets. 1 have been here
three years and 1 have vet to see a
parking ticket on an illegallv
parked "STAFF" car
August 23,1 went past a grey
Oldsmobile that was parked in
STAFF space Although the car
had an old "STAFF" decal, it did
not have a new one - not even a
temporarv sticker. The car was
there all dav and was never tick-
eted It this situation occured in a
RESIDENT" area and involved a
student s car, it would've been
ticketed (and towed) in a heartbeat
It is completely unfair that
vou. Public Safety people, ignore
the "STAFF" cars that do not obey
the rules- especially considering
that WE, the students, are the ones
who pay vour salary.
Nicole Pratt
. CommunicationsJournalism

bt)t t:nat (?aramatiAuGusT30.1990
The implications of big time media
By Michael Martin
Manain ditor
If w? Oohi- ive Tp6?Tfieje uoe'U pit "T6-e-t-hcr.
A little answer to a big problem
By Darek McCullers
Fditonal I olumnisl
Humanrace relations is a
major source of problems and
conflict in the world today. The
problem of human relations is
bigger and more urgent than
manv other issues that receive
front page billing (i.e. abortion,
me environment, or squabbles
between the baptists' because it
we den t live together, we'll die
together Solutions to this per-
plexing problem have been
sought since the Emancipation
Proclamation in 1862. I nfortu-
natelv, too manv people are oc-
cupied with selfishness, materi-
alism, demonstrating, protesting,
and other things in this world to
see an answer that came a long
time ago
Second Corinthians 5:17-18
reads, "Therefore it anv person is
'ingrafted) in Christ, the Messiah,
he is (a new creature altogether
a nev creation, the old (previous
moral and spiritual condition) has
passed away. Behold, the fresh
and new has come! But all things
are trom God, Who through lesus
Christ reconciled us to Himself
(recieved us into favor, bought
us into harmonv with Himself)
and gave to us the ministry ot
reconcihation-that by word and
deed we might aim to bring oth-
ers into harmonv with Him
For nearlv 400 years, the
blacks have suffered degradation
and humiliation; but the blame
does not he with white people. It
belongs to an evil svstem ot op-
pression. It belongs to those of us
who allowed and continued to
allow (Mir mind, soul and spirit to
he bound by this svstem. No
social critic or expert would dis-
agree that the hey to overcoming
oppression is uplifting, either by
a government, people or external
Too often, we as African-
Americans think in terms ot a
physical liberation as did the
lews) that will never come 1 sub-
mit to you that liberty will come
through a new spirit and mind
that can onlv come from Cod.
With this new spirit, we will not
be stopped when a door is closed
we'll seek another one. With this
spirit, circumstances such as
poverty and single-parent homes
will not lead us into a lite ot mis-
chief because we know that C kd
will be a parent and or provider
In tact, with this spirit we can
umtv Black and White, lew ish and
Arab, Asian and Indian
My purpose and goal at EC L
is to bring some good news 1 hat
new s is that the day of reconcili-
ation and regeneration has ar-
I've come to say that a lite
with the nature, attitude and spirit
of Christ is vours tor the asking
Finally, I've come to challenge
my fellow African- Amen, ans
who are looking tor an answer to
the problems ot race and op-
pression to try lesus c hrist.
What is the role ot the media?
1 asked thisuuestion to a group
ot people the other d,w, and the
consensus ot the group was to
inform the public of information
I agreed,e en after consulting the
APStylebook(a journalist's bible)
and some other books for a techni
cal answer.
But then I started to think
about how things in the media
were done For instance, is it right
tor media to advertise their cover-
age of events or to advertise in
their reporting1
1'his time. 1 asked some ot my
o-workers. Some felt that it is
okay to advertise the coverage ot
events (depending on the situa-
tion), but to advertis while re-
porting (or in commentary) was
unethical Others disagreed and
said that thegroundsot ethics were
crossed when you advertise while
trying to inform.
I have to agnv with the latter
While watching the news during
the beginning of the Persian C ,ult
crisis the announcer made a
boastful statement that his net-
work would have the first live
report from Baghdad (Iraq) soon
the reporter was stepping oft
the plane. That was tine at the time
because it is always better to see
someone on the scene with tirst
hand information than someone
just reading trom a monitor or a
piece ot pap'r
But last week, I was amaed
to see the same network advertise
their coverage on prime time TV
So what, thev were )ust a few min
utes taster than the other three
major networks. In the aforemen-
tioned instance, the reporter did
nothing but tell the "feeling in the
air the weather, the time and
repeat what the anchors had al-
ready said about the situation.
So what does this network
hope to gain trom advertising their
work More viewers? Well, people
are hearing the "most up-to-date
coverage on the Persian Cult cri-
sis" on all tour networks now. So
doesit really matter who wasfirst7
There is no question to the
matter, the network with the best
overall coverage (tacts, features,
etc is "the better network That
network should not contend that
because thev wire the first on the
scene, thev have the best informa-
tion. Sometimes the network (or
reporter) that gets there later actu-
ally has the best coverage because
more information is available
Besides, not everyone in
America was, or is tuned in to
only one broadcast anyway. Ev-
eryone needs to know that these
news services have the same
means ot obtaining information.
When one press release is sen tout,
it givs to all ot the mafor net-
works not just one Mire, there are
times whenone network can scoop
the others, but by the end ot the
crisis, tfe difference should not be
very big, if there is one at all
The debate between the net-
works over who has, or had, the
best i a erage annot he answ ered
now anyway. Until the crisis is
over, thev are all equal. Then the
experts can provide fat ts, and the
winner can boast his idaim.
Until then, the debate needs
to be put on a back burner so they
can concentrate on bringing us the
best and most up-to-date events
as thev happen
The East Carolinian
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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925

August 30,1990
gftg jEagt (Earultman
? ?:?:?: SS ? ?
??:????:??'???:???? ? .
buying any football, basketball,
and baseball cards you have. Anv
car, anv shape, I'll give you a fair
am ?unt Call Tim, 830-5346.
to share 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile
home. $12.00 per month plus 1 f
; nilitii s. $100.00 room available
also Call 758-1044 or 355-5042 tor
d tails
for 2 be 1 room a pa rt men t. Loca ted
close to campus. $350 a month
split Sways. Formoreinformation,
call 752-3539.
SHARE: 13 rent and expenses
on 3 bedroom house. Will have
own bathroom. House has
washerdryer, AC. Great loca
tion. Call Doug or Arthur at 830-
hare 3 bedroom, 2 12 bath apt.
Energy efficient, fireplace,
washer 'dryer, dishwasher, pri
vate patio, storage. Sheraton Vil-
' ig ? h2 'mo13 utilities. Call
12 !or 756-6884 (ask for Don).
Nl I rED: immediately to share 2
bedroom fully furnished apart-
ment. Washer & dryer and low
utilities. Small pets allowed. Rent
$142 yQ x-r month. Call 752-4986.
ith Me Business Service for all
you typing needs. 1 specialize in
esame compilations and term
papers. 24-hour answering ser-
vice Faith May 753-4592.
Papers, Resumes, Letter Quality -
J55 4f4S.
Wo offer typing and photocopying
sen ices We also sell computers,
software, and computer accesso-
ries. 24 hours in and out. Guar-
anteed typing on papers up to 20
hand written pages. SDF Profes-
sional Computer Services, 10b East
5th Street (beside Cubbie's)
Greenville, N.C. 752-3694.
Must have an eye for detail, like
paperwork and have good inter-
personal skills. Apply Brody's,The
i laza,Tues- Fri, 1-4 p.m.
Brady's ha part-time sales posi-
tn is in juniors. Enjoy merchan-
dise discount while working in an
exciting, fashion clothing area.
Apply Brody's, The Plaza, Tues -
Fri, M p.m.
BRODY'S FOR MEN: is looking
for personable and responsible
part time associates who are fash-
ion forward. Flexible hours Must
enjoy people Merchandise dis
count. Apply Brody's, The Plaza,
Tues - Fn, 1-4 p.m.
ABLE: in a retail environmc nt All
hours. Great for c riminal justice
Majors Warehouse position avail
able for person withearly afternoon
availability. Apply Brody's, The
Plaza, lues In. I 4 p in
BELLMAN. Applicants must be
flexible and able to work nights
and weekends Apply in person
Mondav through Friday, 9 a. in to
6 p,m. 207 Southwest Greenville
program will begin in September
and the hours of work will vary
between 3:30 p m and 9 00 p m
Monday thru Friday, with some
Saturday workrequired. Approxi
matelv 13 20 hours per week. 1'ro
gram will last until mid-Novem
Ivr Knowledge of soccer and the
skills to teach soccer rundamen
tals, team plav, and strategies to
youth, ages 5-15. Rate of pay will
be $3.85 to $43 pt r hour, lor
further information, call bVn lames
at 380-4543or 830 4530
Attendants, Travel Agents, Me
chanics. Customer Service 1 ist-
ings. Salaries to10k Fntrv el
positions.( alld 805687-6000 I t
A llfv
GOVERNMEN1 ?ts: $16,412-
$59,932 vr Now Hinng. Your area.
Call (11 805 687 6000, Ext R 1166
for listings
READING BOOKS!$3: 000 year
income potential. Details. 1 602-
838-3885 Ext. BK-5285, 6 a.m. - 11
p.m 7 days
TIONS! $17,500 - $r,240 Details.
(1)602-838-8885 Fxt. X-2)-i5.
Start $11 41 hour! lor application
info call (1)602 838 8885, Fxt M
5285, 6 a m 10 p.m . 7 days
surgical center. Prefer Al'ied 1 lealth
or Nursing studt nt who has a car.
Hourlv wage& mileage.Daytime
hours M-W-F. Phone 758 1747.
NEEDED. Must be able to work
Monday through Thursday 5- 830
p.m and Saturdays9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Salary plus commission Patience
and pleasant voice a must. Apply
at America's Best Carpet Cleaning
Co. on Hwy US Avden next to
Winner Chevrolet.
BABYSITTER: Responsible, ma-
ture for 18 month References re-
quired. Must have own transpor-
tation. Call 756-2849.
C .(HkI pay; flexible hours. No expe-
rience necessary; we train. If vou
are highly sociable, have a 35mm
SI R camera, and transportation,
please call betwivn raxm and 5
p.m M-F,at 1-800-722-7033.
available $35.00. Size 7 shoes
$45.00. All prices negotiable. Call
Sarah and Caryn 830-9224.
FOR SALE: 12 - speed woman's
Motobecane bike, $150.00 Airline
ticket for female, round-trip to
anywhere US Air flies, $350.00.
PPLE II GS: Dual disk drives,
1 25 meg. with printer and pro-
grams. Excellent condition.
$ 1750.00. Call Dr. Moore 757-4609.
FOR SALE: Sofa and loveseat for
$12 Brand new ladies black
leather jacket valued at $300 - will
sell tor $150. Call or leave message
at 830-1886.
K)R SALE: Dorm refrigerator,
$40 00. Beige rug 11 x lb feet with
pads, $30.00. Beige futon couch,
$25.00. Ana Pro left-handed bass
guitar and amp,$27500.756-1758.
FOR SALE: Metal Office Desk
$lh5.(X). Four drawer file cabinet -
$100.00. Computer table - $45.00.
( larinet with music stand
$145.00. All like now. Call 355
v ubic feet. Counterhigh 1 iotpoint.
I'sod 2 months only $14000 cash.
Call 355-3122.
I ()R S Al L: 1 arge derm sio re-
frigerator ($90.00), 10 x 12 blue
carpet ($50.00), toaster oven
t$s 00). 1 burner hot plate ($5.1X1)
Call 752-8758 after 5:00 p.m
FOR SALE: Microwave, vacuum,
Ivanbags. Excellent condition.Call
155 1810 after 6:00 p. m.
speed bike. 20 frame, 24 " wheels.
Perfei tforpetitewoman Excellent
condition. $100. Call 758-8060,
leave message.
1988 HONDA NXb50: Excellent
condition, low mileage. Great for
commuting longshort distances.
(Hi road capability Urn. Call 756-
TOR: $75.00, large and small air
conditioner, carpet, $25.00. Call
STLiDENTS:Two nursing uni-
forms available - sizes 5 and 8.
Includes 2 dresses and lab coat
with ECU -SON patchesi nd uded.
Size 5 package $75.(X). Size8 pack-
age includes microlab coat for
$85.(X). Size 5 12 nursing shoes
ternity Rush starts Tuesday, Sep
tember4th through September 7th
Kappa Sigma is the Fraternity t
join. We look forward to meeting
you with the lovely girls of AOP1
on Tuesday. The beautiful women
of Alpha Delta Pi on Wednesday,
the 5th, and the incredible ladies
of Alpha Xi Delta on Thursday,
the 6th. Remember, Rush is from 8
p. m. to 11 p.m. Kappa Sigma is
located on 7(X) E. 10th St next to
DarryU's Restaurant For rides, call
752-5543 or 757-1005.
like to invite all perspective tra
ternity men to rush September 4
7. For more information or a riuY
during rush, call 757-0127
ALPHA PHI: is proud to welcome
our Beta Phi pledge class: Holly
Atkinson, Jill Averbach, Johanna
Rertsch, Lynn Caldwoll. Danielle
Casale, Sarah Cross, Danette
Dopko, Jov Dzamowski, Elizabeth
Furr, jennice C,lander, Jennifer
Godbold, Leanne Highsmith,
Peyton Highsmith, Melissa lack
son, and Jennifer ones,Wend)
Keck, Michelle Keith, lenniter
Kohut, Muhell Marvin, Michelle
McClanahan, Amanda Morgan,
Angela Patterson. Alicia Potter.
Cynthia Robideau, faqueline
Schurtz, I aura Siva. Becky Smith
AmySnead, SarahSpurgeon, fen
niferSydorii k and Robin Vincent
Love, The sisters of Alpha Phi
torget to take your student IDcards
along with your ticket to the
football games Student 1 ickot
Pick-up: Tuesday i hursda)
TERNITY would like to invite
everyone to Rl SI 1 on September
4 - 7. For more information , or tor
rides, call 7 1 367.
CHI ALPHA would like to thank
the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta for an
awesome Pref Night! We're look-
ing forward to doing it again real
GUYS OF OX: Decorations all in
red and white, We labored into
the night. All dressed in reggae
wea r, W hen i t end ed it didn't seem
fair. Pref night was a blast. Leav-
ing memories that will last. And
new friendships too, Thanks from
the Pledge class Beta Nu.
started out with a formal escort by
those classv lambda C his, all
decked out in their coats and ties,
with roses in one hand and a drink
in theother, we got wild and crazy
with every brother. Doors opened
and out came a scream! Two
Lambda (his covered in shaving
cream. We were all covered in
cream and punch No doubt those
Lambda Chi's and AZDs were a
wild bunch Tret night with vou
guvs was a blast, can't wait to
pa rtv again' I ove, the Pledges and
sisters of Alphahi Delta
an AWESOME bunch of girls We
had a great time Saturday night
That's (tNLYthebeginning. Love
the sisters ot Alpha C hi 1 Vita.
sigma Phi would like to welcome
you back for the fall semester
ECU men, don't forget to rush
PHI TAUS: Would you be mine,
could vou be mine, won't vou be
my neighbor You guvs are ex-
cellent! Party on love. fTieZetas
Whitney Edwards, Mindy
Frankel, April Come, Darcy
1 lilemn,Shannon ordan, I leather
Moore, knsti Nelson, Amy
Patterson,Sherry Price, Paula
Rivenbark,M i rreppel, Ann Troy
Wilkerson, Christy Williams.
fohna Winstead
BETAS: The wild thim;s were out
? iturdav! rhanks for a good pref
1 ove. thesisters & pledgesof Zeta
Iau Alpha
NEW SISTERS: Christy Allen,
Deborah Dixon, Tern Snyder,
ErfkaSmythe eigh AnnStewart
RUSHING should look no further
than IT I 's " ! I ratermtv. SI A1A
I'lll EPSILON. lor more infor-
mation, call 757-3564 or 757-0487.
PI KAP: rhe limos arrived on
Saturday night. Bearing Alpha Phi
pledges who are outta sight In
neckties and duckheads arrived
all the brothers, letting us know
they're not like all the others. A
good time was had by us, one and
all. With vou guys it's known we
always have a ball. Love, the sis
ters and pledges of Alpha Phi
CHI OMEGA:ongratulations
Susan, Kathrynand Fit; ab th! W
knew you all could d it I ove in
C hi Omega, your sisters and
CHI OMI (,A WOuld like to v I
come everyone ba k to E( ;
congratulate all thesororiti ;and
pledges on a or y su ful
RI Ml'
TKE: Ihe.lis, ol rida) nij ht a
blast' You show d oui pl
great time We lex k f
doing more w ith y ' ' hi
on a successful rush')Pi
THETACHI'S: theMo sel odg
we wenf to tMi Frida . r a
reggae party tor all ol our di light
The limbo, the new pledges I
company, the late night i nl ri ?
was the reason n i one slept
Thanks Pheta( hi'sforagn it I
night, let's get togetrw r again lv
cause vou km ??.
At i'i S: Pre! nighf v ? ? ?
Your pledge ;
rable evening! ongratulations
fa kie on winning the limbo i
test Hey f ridel, stay of! the I
; We all krw .? I
nightatShann ??
Hey Buddy, yes, she's single i isa
Spiro, you made the ri
I ooking forward ti
ou again s,(iiv
i he hr th? rs ol lEieta
tut VI II
Plus a chance at
$5000 mo-e1
Call 1 80XT932 0528 Ext. 50
Men's Hair Styling Shoppe
M Fri P XI 6 00
? ? 7S2 33'8
Spccwl $1 0e O
utst '
The East Carolinian -
Your Only Campus Newspaper.

1 he 'ew man Catholic Shident Cen-
ter in vites vou to worship with them.
Sundav Masses: 11 :Va.m. (I .edonia
Wnght Cultural Building) and 8:30
p.m. (Newman Center, 953 E. 10th
St. two houses from Fletcher Music
Building) Weekdays 8 am and
Wednesdays 5:30 p.m. at the
Newman Center.
Did you know that, other than absti-
nence, condoms are the next best
method to prevent the transmission
of sexually transmitted diseases! Be
smart, lx responsible, protect your-
self and your partner. The Student
Health Center Pharmacy sells latex,
lubricated condoms tor the cost of
one dozen for $2.00!all 77 7
tor mon information!
ECU Pep Rallv is scheduled lor
August 30th at 7 p m in Ficklen
Stadium. Over $2,000 00 worth of
prizes to be given away, includ
ing 2 CD Players, a trip for two to
the Outer Banks, 2 tickets to see
PhilCollinsand a tailgatingparty
for the group who has the most
attendance. Don't miss thisexcit
ing event!
Exist Carolina Fnends will hold in-
terest meetings for prospective
members September 4, 5, and 6 in
C ,CB 1017, at 6:30 p.m Anyone inter-
ested in joining East Carolina Friends
should attend one of the three
meetings. ECF pairs college volun-
teers with child ren5-13 whoexhibit
a special need for a positive adult
mle model. Membership is limited;
1 nshmen are welcome. ECF is open
to all students, alumni, staff, and
faculty. All volunteers commit to
one academic year. Returning
members must reapply. For more
information, contact Susan Moran
or Dr. Linda Mooney in the Depart-
ment of Sociology, 757-6883.
AttenbonBackpackers, nature types
and lovers of the outdoors. The first
organizational meeting of the ECU
Backpackers Alliance will meet this
1 nursday, August 30th at 5 p.m on
the mall. Come pin others who low
beauty and brief vacatKXstnnoveriv
civilized world around us. For more
information, call 830-5183.
Campus Crusade for Christ presents
'TVimetime Thursday rughtsat 7:30in
BrewsterC-103. Everyone is welcome!
All Physical Education majors and
intended majors an1 invited to our
first meeting of this year. Election of
officers will be held. Minges Coli-
seum classroom area, Thursday.
August 30 at 8 p.m.
The Student Union is looking for
applicants for the positions of Cof-
feehouse and Productions Commit-
tee Chairperson, Forum Committee
Chairperson, and Special Concerts
Committee Chairperson. Enjoy the
rewards of a campus leadership po
sition on the program board and
gain valuable experience in theStu
dent Union LeadershipStudent
Development IVgram. Experience
is helpful, but not required Enthusi-
astic and dedicated persons should
call the Student UnionCHhceat 757-
4715 or stopbv 236 Mendenhall tor
more information
Models needed for Figure Drawing
classes 8 - 10, 10 - 12, and 1 - 3
Monday Wednesday and Friday.
continued on page 7

CHhc East QJuvalinianAuausT 30,1990
SAT scores rise five-points Statewide Announcements
Continued from page 6
KAI EIGH (AP) Stateoffi
ctals took redtt l?r North
( arolina s tie point gain on S I
s,in's, although many students
took the test before measures to
improve results were put into
I In was a i oi significant
improvement said Go Inn
, . . . . , hut the drop to last place spurred
Martm And it 5 not because of inn UK V l ?
educators to try to reform public
' North Carolina rose from last school method
C.T "We promised progress and
lo ncxt-io-last in averageSAT j ?
scores th.s year surpassing South we stah(H)1Suponn.
Carolina, according to figures re
leased Monday
The state had ranked next to
last in three of the last five years,
of progress' state school Superin-
tendent Hobby Ffhendge said
luesdav "But it is not enough,
and I am acutely aware of that
Continued from page 1
of these cases are still in I he ourt
s stem
Another case involved a two
month investigation which led to
the arrest and prose ution of one
ndrev S Lowell foi the larceny
of a North Carolina Real Estate
eam booklet from the Speight
building valued at approximately
$10,000 Lowell received a three
i ar suspended jail sentenceanda
$10,600 fine foi larceny and pos-
session of stolen property.
Outstanding work conducted
bv It. E.L Suggs together with
Bumis and Curies led to the ar
rests of two ECU students,
Wilfredo Mercado and Christo-
pher lohn Stecle tor the breaking
and entering of Scott dorm rooms
and the larceny of $4,730 worth of
property. Mercado pleaded guilty
to the charges while the Stivle case
is currently pending in Pitt County
"Alter a relatively quiet sum
mer and a much needed break,
E I slYpartmcntotPubhcSatetv
Now that you're back, you can choose
where to 30 for all your hair care needs!
You aren't chained to "Mom's old Beauty
Parlor4' or "Dad's old Barbershop" anymore.
We offer the best in Men's &Women's
cuts, styling, perms, nail care services,
and tanning facilities.
And now thru Sept. 30th, receive $2.00
off any hair or nail service,
(nc coupon needed)
103 Eastbrook Drive
On front of Eastbrook Apts)
'ECU Bus Service every half hour'
f .?mn1 RUe-i?lcle 0-?tci Kar
752 0090
Acrov Greene Street B.tUcje
Catering Specialist
Closed Monday
is ready for another year of crime
fighting. I'vebeenhere for lOyeara
and each year it seems that crime is
on the nse Burnis said But that
may be due in part to the growing
population of ECU.
Currently ECU has a total of
approximately 16,000studentsand
4,000 staff members, but none the
less, Burrus feels that the talent
and dedication of ECU'S Depart-
ment of Public Safety should en-
sure a safe successful vear for the
Fast Carolina community-
Sunday Buffet
1 1:00am to 3:00pm
?Turkey n
Dressing. Chicken
Pastry. BBQ Pork.
Shrimp. Trout,
and more
?Desert and
Beverage Included
Continued from page 1
to do with the seventy of the situ-
ation The Pamlko has an average
depth of about 20 feet.
But the time frameon the solu
turn is hard to estimate Problems
the estuaries the sie of the
Pamlko "last a lew days, or at the
most a few weeks Stanley said.
'But when you start talking about
estuaries like the Chesapeake, a
lot larger and deeper, it takes a
little longer
Stanley said that the fish and
other mobile marine life escaped
the "dead water" by simply swim-
ming away.
According to an Associated
Press report, "the shellfish kill was
the seventh of the season m the
Understanding theprocesthal
causes phenomena shuch as the
Pamhco shellfish kills is part of the
everyday reasearch conducted by
the FCC biology department.
Applv toConnie Fataer,Sdwol of
1307. Tel. 757-625 Mon, Wed. firi
Ai.PHl (HI OMEGA National
Service Fraternity will hold its first
general meeting tonight at 7:00 in
Mendenhall 212. All active, inac-
tive and assistant brothers are en-
couraged lo attend.
The ECU Gospel Choir will spon-
sor a Variety Show on Tuesday,
September II th at 7.10 p.m Room
224, Mendenhall Student Center.
Anyone interested in participat-
ing can contact James Thompson
at 830-5391 or Wane Washington
at757-0964. Admission to the show
will be . 99 cents. Come join the
)oin the FCU Gospel Choir! The
deadline for joining is September
12th. Rehersal are every Wednes-
day at 5 at the Culture Center.
Come ovit and join the fun.
Angel Right will be hosting their
Rush Sept. 4-7 at 7 p.m. at the
Wright Annex Rm. 308. For more
information about Angel Flight
come to our stnnal Tues. night.
1 i l Women's Soccer Club is off
to another successful year. AB new
and old players are welcome. Im-
portant meeting Sept 5 at 4:00
p.m in the General Classroom
building Room 1001! Come join
the team for another victorious
season Anv questions, call Jcanor
Fast Carolina Association of Nurs-
ing Students (ECANS) will have
first meeting September 6, at 10:30
a. m in room 201. Freshman are
welcome Come & see wha t ECANS
is doing this semester
ECHO will beholding its first meet-
ing of the year on Thursday, Au-
gust 30th, at 5:00 p.m. in the base-
ment of Fleming Hall (Central
Campus Meeting Room). The
group is open to all honor students
who are interestred in joining in
social and academic activities with
ohter honor students Piz?a and
refreshments will be served. Come
and join us!
Doyou want to kick the habit?Then
sign up for the Amencan Cancer
Society Smoking Cessation Pro-
gram to be held at the Student
Health Center. The program is free
of charge to all ECU students, staff
and faculty. Programstartson Wed
Sept. 5, and lasts for four consecu-
tive weeks. Program time is 330 -
430. Call 757-674 to sign up and
for more information.
Anybody intending to submit a
proposal for an Honors Seminar
should submit a proposal by Fri-
day, August 31, or as sxn as pos-
sible. If not able to submit the pro-
posal in written form, please call
Da vid Sanders(757-6373) with your
idea For more information, see
David Sanders in the 1 lonors Of-
fice, 1002 A General Classroom
Cl 0 ALPHA OMEGA. Sept 4th
7th. 4th: Campus-wide mixer, 8 -
11 in Ledonia Wnght Cultural
Center. 5th: Ice cream social, 8-9 - 7th
Formal Rush (potential pledges
only) Mendenhall Km. 221,8 -10.
"How good and pleasant it i when
brothers dwell together in unity"
PS 133:1.
Ultimate (frisbee) practice is now
running at 4:30, bottom of College
Hill (across from Brewster) on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Sunday Pick up New IRATE
Disc there. For info on practice or
disc call 752-7538 Get 1KW
A HTicof discussions on the com-
prehensive philosophies devel-
oped by the green political parties
in Europe will begin on Wednes-
day, September 5. The first discus-
sion will be on the "Pnnoiples of
Ecological Wisdom It will be led
by Drs. Prem and Amv
Hannon. The second discussion,
"Community - Based Economics
will be the topic on October 3. All
meetings will be held in the Willis
Building on First and Read Sheets
and will begin at 730. For more
information, call the Tar I'amlico
Green Comm Hee at 7584906.
The ECU Cre.v Team is having a
meeting ti r all th( use wht i are inter-
ested in kxrangonThursday.Sept.
6, at 7.00 p. m. The meeting will be
held on the 2nd floor of
Mendenhall It you can't make it,
contact lohn Juzaitis (931-9191) or
Mike Snipes)

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August 30,1990
glhc gagt (Unroltnian

?.v - ? ?:
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U.S. Air Force jet crashes
with supplies tor the Gulf
RAMSTEIN, West Germany
(AP) ? A giant Air Force cargo
jet loaded with supplies for U.S.
forces in the Persian Gulf crashed
and burned shortly after takeoff
todav Officials said 13 people
on board were killed
Air Force spokesman lug
Moore said the Lockheed C-5A
had 17 military personnel
aboard, most of them reservists
who had volunteered for the
round-the clock deployment
aimed at discouraging further
Iraqi aggression
rhe plane, which can lift
about .i quarter million pounds,
crashed in a field a quarter mile
from the Kamstein Air Base run
way at 12:30 a.m said Capt Ed
Worlev, another Air Force
1 le -aid the jet was headed
forFrankfurl sRhem-Mainbase.
about ?0 miles l the northeast,
and then on to the Persian (lull
Cath) Cox, an Air Force
spokeswoman, said thedeath toll
climbed to 11 after the recovery
ot the bodies of ts o people who
had been unaccounted for in the
fiery crash The bodies of Moth-
ers were recovered earlier, and
one person died of injuries in the
Ms Cox said the tour others
who had been on the plane were
in stable condition at the U.S.
Army's nearby Landstuhl hos-
No civilian casualties were
Journalists were not imme-
diately allowed to see the crash
site, w here search teamscombed
through charred wreckage.
Col. Brian R. Fullerton, an
Air Force spokesman, said the
plane was carrying no hazard-
ous cargo
The plane's cargo included
food, medical supplies and air-
craft maintenance equipment,
according to Moore. The cause
ot the crash was under mvesti-
Ramstein, the largest U S. Air
Force base in Europe, has been a
stopover point for the steady
stream of IS. planes headed to
and from the Middle East.
Worlev said the C-5A be-
longed to the 60th Airlift Wing
at Travis Air Force Base in Cali-
fornia He said it was flown by a
crew from Kelly Air Force Base
in Texas.
At Kelly,base spokeswoman
Maj. Donna Pastor said 10 re-
servists with the base's 433rd
Military Airlift Wing were
aboard the plane ? eight crew
members and two maintenance
personnel. She said the other
seven on the plane were from
other Air Force bases in the
United States.
The 433rd had not been
called to active duty, but some
reservists with the wing were
voluntarily participating in Op-
eration Desert Shield after ar-
ranging time off from their civil-
ian jobs.
The C-5A and C-5B are the
largest transport planes in the
Air Force fleet and each costs
about $148 million.
Broadcasts suffer 'bubbles'
Voico of Anionc.i and BBC broadcasts into I r?q and Kuwait
are being nnimed ky art Iraqi installation near Baghdad.
OA .md BBC
transmissions .ue
boamed from England,
Wur,t Qermany and tho
i iook island of Rhodes
Signal strength is
. ' O.OOO w
Wiion transmitter attempts
to broadcast. Iraqis sond
oiit stronger signal or same
f r equency.
1 6 Iraqi transmitters
have 500.000 watt
When successful, the Iraqi
jamming creates a noise
hKe hubbies in a pool over
trie broadcast.
boi m:i
USA 1 OOAY research
Koitri Carter, Gannett Mows Service
Eight U.S. senators visit troops
US. senators paid a visit today to
American troops in Saudi Arabia
and said support for their de-
ployment remains strong back
"You're not here alone, this is
an international effort Senate
Armed Services Committee
Chairman Sam Nunn told a
handtul of Marines "This is the
world against Saddam Hussein
Later, Nunn toSd reporters that
a briefing the senators received
from American and Saudi military
commanders had convinced him
a sufficient force was in place to
deter an Iraqi attack on Saudi
"An Iraqi attack on Saudi
Arabia would bo national suicide
said Nunn, D-Ga.
Senate Republican leader Bob
Dole, asked if he came away from
the briefings convinced a sufficient
military force was in place to de-
feat Iraqi troops to the north, said:
I think so. It not, it's getting real
i lose
From Saudi Arabia, the sena-
tors were headed to Alexandria,
Egypt, for meetings with Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak.
Nunn said the senators would
discuss the need for a bigger,
multinational force in Saudi
Arabia with Arabs on the front
lines but did not answer directly
when asked whether he thought
Egypt should send more troops.
Of an bigger Arab role on the
front line, Nunn said: "1 think
that's important militarily but also,
more importantly, politically and
Illinois tornados flatten
homes, kill 26 people
tional Guardsmen were called in
to stop looting today after torna-
does flattened scores of homes,
tossing bodies 400 feet into a
cornfield. Up to 26 people were
reported dead, and the toll was
expected to rise.
At least 293 people were
treated at hospitals after the clus-
ter of tornadoes touched down in
four spots Tuesday afternoon,
cutting an eight-mile trail of de-
struction leading to the northern
Illinois dry of Joliet.
"Cars were flying all over the
place said Tony Aloisio, who
was driving by and stopped to
help. "It happened so fast that all
I could do was sit there and watch.
Then 15 minutes laterthe skies got
blue like it had never even hap-
Preliminary tallies made in the
dark suggested more than 100
houses were destroyed, as were
an apartment complex and a high
school. The storms blacked out
17,000 homes and businesses,
tossed cars and trucks like toys
and flattened crops.
Firefighters and volunteers
gave up searching Tuesday night
for six people missing from the
apartment complex, saying it was
too risky to dig in the dark. The
death toll was expected to rise
when the search resumed at first
In the dark, 180 National
Guardsmen were sent to protect
property left intact. At least four
people were arrested for looting,
and five others were taken into

Gu,tof V75FL'A Ocean
Mexico K aMS-i
Gloria Abood, Gannett News Service
University of Florida students start
classes despite serial murders
Scores of police took up the hunt
in this terrified ollege town today
forthe"mania ontheloose" who
killed and mutilated fivestudents
Students armed themselvesorfled
to their parents
"We slepl with steak knives
last night said a tearful Stacie
Green, a !9 year old junior trom
Jacksonville. "I had to call m
mom. Ibis is unreal
The vn rims tour women
and a man were discovered in
off-campus apartments Sundaj
Mondav and Tuesday Police
would notdisclose how they were
killed but said three were muti
lated A newspaper said one was
Authorities have refused to
ay hew the killer get into the
apartments I ittle sign of tuned
entry was found in the tirst case,
police said No details about the
other slayings have been released
"It's clear this part ot the
country has some maniac on the
loose said Universit) ol Honda
President lohn I ombardi. It re-
minds us of a natural catastrophe
The killer is selecting victims by
criteria that are not clear to us
Police Chief Wavland Clifton
said the slayings probably were
linked, based on the killer s
methods, but he would not
elaborate. Sheriff's Lt Spencer
Mann said he was less certain of a
link fie said onlv that there were
Cov. Bob Martinez ordered in
dozens of statetroop Tsand other
law enforcement agents. Out-of-
state experts on serial killers were
called in and local police tripled
their patrols
' onight you'll see more po
Ike coverage than you've ever seen
in any city you've ever lived in.
C lifton said Tuesday.
The buildup was scant c n
tort the thousands of students
living ot campus in the town I
90,000, where the slayings have
Stirred memories of svrial killer
1 ed Bundy. 1 le died in the electric
chair last vear after murdering two
Florida State I niversity sorority
sisters in rallahassee in a :UH
All ot the women killed here
See Florida, page 10
World leaders glued to TV as
crisis unfolds on cable network
President Turgut Oal oi Turkey
tells of glancing at the television
screen just in time to see and hear
President Bush saving he was
about to call him up.
The Turkish president walked
into his office and picked up the
ringing telephone It was Bush.
That's the way it often is in the
Persian Gulf confrontation, c able
News Network's constant, live
broadcasts from scenes of crisis
and diplomacy lets leadersa world
apart look over one another's
shoulders as events unfold.
In another era, information on
crisis situations moved to diplo
mats and warriors over secret,
coded, back channels Ihe world
knew onlv what these movers and
shakers wanted known
The Cult crisis is broadcast
around the world in color, otten
live, 24 hovirs a day on CNN.
Among the most avid watchers
are the world leaders who make
the news, including Britain's
Margaret rhatcher, France's
Francois Mitterrand, Libya's
Moammar Gadhafi and King
Fahd of Saudi Arabia
CNN staffers in Washington
are reminded ot this bv a photo-
graph tacked to their bulletin
board, lt shims President Bush
and his top advisers watching an
Iraqi newscast, the CNN logo
prominent in one corner.
ABC's Ted Koppel, broad-
casting from Baghdad, paid a ri-
val the ultimate compliment bv
saving that the Iraqi foreign
ministry was folio wing events by
watching CNN
And Turkey's Ozal, a key
player, savs he has kept his tele-
vision tuned to CNN since Iraq
troops crossed into Kuwait Aug.
Each morning. Iraqi television
sends CNN's Atlanta headquar-
ters two or three messages advis-
ing what stories it plans to carry.
Such a message might advise that
"at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time, Iraqi
TV willbecarryinga nx ssagetrom
President Saddam Hussein to
President Bush
Television has become a
weapon in this war of nerves, just
as it was when the Ayatollah
Khomeini allowed U.S. camera
crews to film frenzied mobs of
Iranians denouncing The Great
Satan" America during the 1979-
1984) hostage crisis.
And it's getting on President
Bush's nerves. Bush complained
to reporters this week that they
were asking harder questions of
See CNN, page 10
custody for interfering with res-
cuers, authorities said.
"1 saw everything out there
said Will County Executive
Charles Adelman. "Refrigerators,
TV sets, washing machines, cars
stacked three high
The twisters ? experts were
unsure exactly how many ? hit
Joliet, 40 miles southwest of Chi-
cago, neighboring Crest Hill, and
Plainfield to the northwest.
Crest Hill Mayor Don Randich
was among the first firefighters to
arrive at the apartment complex,
where at least eight people died.
'There were people wander-
ing around, dazed he said.
" Automobile horns were Wo wing,
but there was no one in the cars. It
was total confusion
INIarty Oaumann, GIMS

?lie gaHt (tnxoUmanAugust30,1990
Around The State
City officials and Hardee's reach
agreement over contaminated property
RCX K MOUNT (AP) ? City officials reached an agreement
with ardee's Monday over cleanup of contaminated property, but
officials said the issue might still end up in court.
- ity Council members voted unanimously to support a settle-
ment of nearly $350,000 that would pay half the cost of cleaning up
land the city sold the company six years ago. Under the agreement,
the city may still be asked to fund half of additional cleanups on the
104-acre former site ot the municipal airport
An aircraft company suspected of releasing pesticides and
herbicides into the soil could be forced to pay $700,000 in cleanup
costs offi, ials said. Both the city and Hardee's have until Oct. 30 to
decide w hither to pursue claims against Air Care Inc.
'Investigations revealed that some herbicides and pesticides
had been spilled at the old airport and possibly that is what caused
tin- problems i itv Manager Bill Batchelor said. "The suspicion is
that probably it (contamination) came from the operator (Air Care)
Air Care officials were not available for comment todav.
? J
Marine fisheries and Wildlife begin
collecting fish for dioxin sampling
GREENVILLE (AP) State environmental officials have
planned a fishing trip along the coastal rivers and sounds for next
week, but not tor port.
The Division ot Environmental Management, along with the
Divisionol Marine Fisheriesand the Wildlife ResourcesCommission,
will begin collecting iish from coastal waters for dioxin sampling.
! he results of testing on the fish could lead to the posting of more
state waters tor health hazards.
"The attempt is going to be to trv to get a representative sample
of the sound ud its tributaries said Lynn Muchmore, assistant
secretar) tor the Department of Environment, Health and Natural
While the state will focus its efforts on the Alborrwrle Sound
because ol the discharges from paper mills on the Roanoke and
( howan rivers parts ot the Pamlico River and Sound and rivers in
the Piedmont also will bo tested. The state agencies, along with
paper mills in the state, will collect enough fish for approximately
260 tests
rests conducted last year by the paper companies and the state
resulted in a posting on Welch Creek warning residents not to eat
fish from the Roanoke River tributary.
North Carolina has lost 5.4 million
acres of its original wetlands so far
RAI EIGH(AP) orth Carolina has lost .4 million acres of its
original wetlands ranking it ninth among the 50 states in total losses,
according to i new federal studs.
Phe I s Fish Si ildlife Service, in a study for Congress com-
pleted this month, found that 117 million acres of the nation's
wetlands were destroyed between the 1780s and the 1960s.
v vii a pt i todot ck wars, thv lower 46 slates lo&t an estimated
53 percent oi their original wetlands the service concluded in the
report scxecutive summary. "On average, this means that the lower
4 s states have lost over 60 acres ol wetlands for every hour between
the 1780s and the 1980s.
Jonesvillc farmer sentenced to five
years probation, $25,000 for neglect
N ADK1NV11 LE(AP) Roger Carl Adams, the lonesville farmer
who blamed his cocaine habit for costing him four busincssesand 29
horses, was fined $ 000 and placed on five years of supervised
probation in the neglect of his farm animals.
fudge lames Booker oi Yadkin County Superior Court on Tues-
day alsoordered Adams to hand over the horses, which at one point
were severely malnourished, toa guardian as part of hispunishment.
The horses will later be sold al a public auction.
Adams had been charged with more than 20 counts of animal
(rueltv ? and of a llowmgl i vest(ck to run free, and could have received
a prison term
s part ot i plea agreement, Adams, 40, pleaded guilty to 10
counts ol animal cruelty and allowing livestock to run free.
In addition to the animal-cruelty charges, Adams also pleaded
guilty to possession ot ocaineand was ordered by Booker to pay a
$1,000 fine tor the drug conviction.
Wilmington man sentenced to 18 years
in prison for stabbing wife 19 times
Wll MINK TON I AP) - man who stabbed his wife 19 times
and left her Iving in a pool of blood pleaded guilty to trying to kill
her and ret eived an 18 year prison sentence.
1 .arrv VVh ks, 4 J, had a history of assaulting his wife before the
May 2ri incident that nearly took her life. Wicks stabbed his wife in
t he knee, stomach, arm. waist, elbow, back and four times in the back
i if the head, all while she begged him to stop, police said.
VVh ks told fudge I lerber O. Thillips in New Hanover County
Superior Court on Tuesday that he has given up alcohol, has been
stud ying the Bible and hasdispetted the rage that led to the incident,
which he says he doesn't remember.
With his wife crying softly a few feet away, Wicks told Phillips
that she had bevn unfaithful to him, a charge she denied.
Phil lips told Wicks the stabbing might be the most violent he has
ruled on I he 18-year sentence is two years short of the maximum
term tor assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflicting
serious injury.
Denton residents opt to keep the sale
of wine and beer out of the city
DENTON (AP) Opponents of beer and wine sales cheered in
victory as town residents voted down a measure to allow sales of
alcoholic beverages
Unofficial tallies trom Tuesday showed 288 votes against the
referendum on beer sales, 189 votes for. On the sale of wine, the vote
was 286-190 in favor of restricting wine sales.
Sixtv-eight percent of the registered voters in Denton turned out
to vote.
? Compiled from wire reports
Helms searches for a way to make the
the U.S. an energy independent nation
lease Helms, R-N.C, said after
meeting with President Bush that
U.S. reliance on foreign oil is the
direct product of regulatory con-
trols on oil producers.
"I want to encourage Con-
gress, and the president agreed,
that we would go as fast as we
could indevelopinga policv which
would once more have the United
States be energy independent,
because if we were now energy
independent we wouldn't be in
the mess we're in the North
Carolina Republican said after
meeting behind closed doors with
President Bush and lawmakers.
Helms said in an interview
with l"he News and Observer of
Raleigh that the United States ex-
ported oil in the earlv 1970s.
"Now since that time he
said, "the situation has deterio-
rated because oi action by the
Congress that put small indepen-
dent producers out of business.
And here we are today importing
just about 50 percent of our oil "
U.S. policv erred, "when we
brought down the very success
hit, very productive, very pros
perous industry. Congress be
ingthe'we' imposed all sorts of
controls that didn't work he said.
That caused "the independent
drillers to pull down their rigs "
Hehnsadded, "We could have
been so tar down theline in tertiary
oil, for example. Now we've iist
given up. It's SO easy tor the big oil
companies to import this crude
and refine it in this country that it
became a way of life We've got to
undo that way of lite "
Tertiary oil is a term for hard
to get oil that is extracted from the
earth with technologies that are
considered prohibitively expen-
sive under most circumstances.
Helms was among the hand-
ful of congressional leaders who
met with Bush in the White House
Tuesday. He then joined about 130
other lawmakers in a larger gath-
ering with the president in theOld
Executive Office Building.
At least three House mem-
bers from North Carolina attended
the larger session with Bush:
Democratic Reps. Martin
Lancaster, Stephen Neal and Bill
Neal said that the United
States needs to recommit itself to
energy independence through a
combination of greater conserva-
tion, new oil production and new
energy sources.
"Frankly, it's very irritating
that we'resodependenton foreign
oil he said.
Security Council okays
Cambodia peace plan
The United Statesand the four other
permanent members of the Secu-
rity Council want the United Na-
tions to run Cambodia until a new
government is elected, but the
warnng parties have vet to agree.
The proposals adopted Tues-
day bv the five nations call for the
world bodv to "supervise and con-
trol necessary'five kev Cambo-
dian ministries - defense, foreign
affairs, finance, public security and
It would be an "unprec-
edented" L operation to solve a
regional conflict, one U.S. diplomat
Slid costing the United Nations
up tobillion over one or two
years and involving as manv as
10,000 peacekeeping troops and
10,000 civilian personnel.
"We have gone as far as we can
as the five permanent members
said a US.diplomat involved in the
talks, which also included Britain,
France, China and the Soviet Union.
"Now it is up to the four Cam-
bodian parties said the diplomat,
who spoke on condition of ano-
nymity. The question is, can the
four Cambodian factions agree?"
The diplomat was referring to
the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge,
its two U.Ssupported non-com-
munist guerrilla allies led by Prince
Norodom Sihanouk and former
prime minister Son Sann, and the
Vietnam-installed government in
Cambodia that gets funding from
"It really comes down to how-
much influence the Perm Five
members can have on the (Cambo-
dian) factions Suvit Yodmani, a
spokesman for Thai Prime Minister
Chatichai Choonhavan, said in
Bangkok todav.
Chatichai has been active in
recent mediation efforts.
The Cambodian factions are to
meet in Jakarta, Indonesia next
A Sihanouk spokesman in
Bangkok today welcomed the U.N.
peace plan but said the rebels and
government are still far apart
I "he spokesman, EkSemy wath,
said thev are deadlocked over the
makeup and role of a transitional
government that would exist bo-
fore an election.
U.S. officials will meet with
Vietnamese diplomats on Friday at
the United Nations to try to per-
suade Hanoi to join in the five-power
consensus and bring Cambodian
Premier Hun Sen into the coalition.
A Western ambassador close to
were better than even.
On Aug. 22, he said, the three
resistance factions issued a com-
workof the fivepermanent Security
Council members and willingness
to accept military and administra-
tive arrangements, which were
worked out earlier.
The key issues now, the U.S.
diplomat said, are organizing a
cease-fire and elections so that a
new government can be established
that is not dominated by the Khmer
Rouge or the current pro-Vietnam
Vietnam invaded Cambodia in
IXvembor 1978 to oust the Khmer
Rouge, which had tried ; trans-
form gunp tin! proa
radical agrarian commune Deri ng
its nearly four-year rule, the Khmer
Rouge presided over the deaths of
up toa million Cambodians
Fbradecade, America followed
the position taken by the United
Nations and most ot the world of
recognizing die three-party guerrilla
alliance, including the Khmer
Rouge, as Cambodia's legitimate
After Hanoi announced last
year that all its troops hail been
withdrawn, and the Khmer Rouge
began scorirtg impressive battlefield
gains, Washington policymakers
fretted more about a possible return
to power by the Khmer Rouge than
about Vietnam's invasion.
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IQ bc ihantainroltntan August30,1990
Environmentalist question role of Governor's waste panel
RALEIGH(AP) nbcsofe landfill complex, the tmttmtntm e4
Governor's Waste Management the l member panel has come into
Board say the par ! har
power it e ei v. k'ldi I i
sense fdirectioi
ttn' cease to i xist
As the state pre in
preferred site foi a $
i hemu al wash
llll II1! I ill
: .im
? i.tllH l
of .iini
, luestM n bv some groups, including
the t. onservation Council of North
( .nohna and the state chapter ot the
Sierra Club.
In a recent tetter to legislative
leaders, the environmental group
said the board serves mon as an
on Sale Now!
agent ot pn paganda and lacks cred-
"The board now lacks dimction
and is drifting wrote 1 avon Page,
the council's president. "Instead ot
assisting citizens and local govern
ments the board appears to be or
ganiingand tnghtemnggenerators
of hazardous waste and radioactive
waste "
Pay's complaint was triggered
bv a three-page memosent b 1 inda
! ittle.theh?ard'soxeciihvedinitor.
10 hazardous-waste generators m
I"he Winston Salem journal re-
ported Sunday that the memo de
tended the state's plans tor an inein
erator. landhll and treatment plant
to handle up to 7,(110 tons ot chemi-
cal waste a vear from five South
eastern states.
Ms 1 ittle said her memo was, in
part, dinxtlv in keeping with a re-
quest bv the Sierra Oubthat the state
involve waste generators in oon-
vincing their employees and the
public ot the need to reduce hazard
ous wastes
"Some ot what he savs in that
fetter is ndiculous Ms. Little said
'l"he duties and hinctions ot the
hvird have changed over the years
as the state's ntnxis have changed
The board meets about haltasotten
as it used to, five times as vear, but it
is still serving a need
The board was formed when
former (,ov im Hunt faced the de-
cision fit torcing a hazardous-waste
landfill on an unwilling community.
1 (r the mc st part the be ard a nd
its five-member statt are an ad vns?-r.
panel and clearinghouse on solid
and hazardous waste and low level
radioactive waste Itsduties in kade
presenting an annual award to the
industrv that best demonstrate (a
inBence m hazardous waste man
But the( vern r's Waste Man
ayjwntBuanlnUinw raw1 inyortant
dut that, ?oseont of Hunt's not din
W7H to find a site to bury siil ton
laminated bv polvchlonnatod h
phenvlsiK Bs?aknown. amruen
Continued from page 8
him than ot Saddam Hussein in
Ed Turner. CNN'S exei utive
vice president tor news gathering,
said the network tapes most Iraqi
r offerings and screens them
before they arc put on the net
But on I hursdav. when
Hussein appeared on television
tor 50 minutes with a roomful ot
Fnglish-speakini; hostages.( NN
Stayed with Iraqi TV the entire
time I'he other American net
works showed excerpts of the hi
zarre, profoundly disturbing
Turner, no relation to CNN
founder led I urner, shrugs oft
any suggestion that the network
is being used tor propaganda bv
the Iraqis.
"The technology that pet units
all this is not going to be
disinvented he said. When we
worrv about being used or ma-
nipulated, or becoming a part of
this storv as opposed t brine,
chroniclers, it seems to me that
since the technology exists, it's a
question of using it responstblv
( NN'sbroadcasts an? seen in
9s countries, including 2 in Eu-
rope, 3 in the Middle Fast and 10
in Africa.
Listen to This I ale of Football Tailgating.
Mart onr HI Football Excitement 11 Attending I be
Tailfgatirnj! I'ariv K-?p??iall K?r Freshmen.
l! iiii ha ve ,i 111 ad validated at
the Taylor Slaughter lumni Center prior to Friday,
I. ??"ptii. II Mm (l not have a ticket, v?m ma) receive iirif
at tin- luinm Center at tin- corner t "th and Biltmorr
Sigma Pi
'Movies at Mendenhail'
? Sponsored bv Student Union Filmsommittee
Admission: Free with valid EC I' student ID or film pass
A Symbol Of Progress"
Rush Week September 4 - 7
Scheduled Events
Tues 4lhMeet Brothers
Wed 5thMeet Sisters of AZ
Thur 6thMeet Sisters of XQ
lit 7thBid Night
At Tar River Estates Club House
For Information on Rides: 830-3603
Roger Eoert
Tom Jacobs
Rated R
Thursday, Aug 30 7&9pm
Friday, Aug 31 8pm
This Week's Entertainment:
Tliurs. 30th
8 or 9 Feet
l;ri. 3lst
Had Bob & The
Rockin1 Horses
$5.00 at Door
Sat. 1st
The Moot!
(located across from UBE)
Each Wed. Night
Open Mic Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
Serving Food until 1:30am Nightly
Continued trom page 8
were petite brunettes a stnl
similarity to Bandy s ho ?
u tun
Students bolted their doors
fled to emergency shelters ??? ? i
home to their parents or angri ?
demanded detailson theslav i
and how to protect themselves
Many armed themselves with
newly purchased pistols stun
mms and Ma c
M. tatherboughtn
said a junior rrom rallahasse ?
refused togivehername "I'llsi
? r i while, but I'm thinking I
hr ppmg it I ' ? - '
Said one Miami I
to iaines i to pick
his ter Sfw I
bat k v ith M : krw wii .
to shoot a gun
Stuck : ' Mark Andrei
he and a i
v hen i
turned up ??:? tedly Tui da
mn had I
.ibat We'i :??
this ndreozzi sa

tor students atraid to return to
impus apartments Fral n I
and sororitv h
mmunity gi
mi'mN-f. alst fter It put ?ti.
dents up
bix ? i tfi lals offered - i
chose not t -? i.
Parents and fr
thephonelinos with ar ?
and students angnh nfr nl
the police chiet with qui
about h the killer got in
"At liMst toll us that so ?? ?
know what we should di
Karyn lames, one ot more than
1,2("H) students who lammed I
student union to hoar the cf
school president and others
plain what happened and what
precautions tc take
"1 lore we are bu ingail kinds
ot locks and deadhvlts, and we
don't even know whether we
1 wo txvlies wore round Min-
day, one wasdist overed Monda
and two on I"uesday. The
Gainesville Sun, citing unidenti-
fied investigators, reported om
the women was decapitated, hut
authorities would not confirm
Slain were "racy Inez Pauies
2 and a 23 ear-old roommate
ManuelR. faboada. raboadahad
beer) a student at nearby Santa Fe
Community College and was
plannmi; to study architecture at
the I niversity ol Honda Ms
Fault's was a senior at the univer-
AIm slain were University ot
Florida freshmen Christina
Powell. 17. of lacksonville. and
Sona Larson 18, of Oeerfield
Beach, and 18-year-old Christa
Hovt, a Santa Fe Community
College student and records clerk
at the sheriff's office.
East Carolinian
Ls now accepting applications
for Assistant News Editor.
It you have
experience and are looking to
become a part of the student's
VOkx of ECU, stop by the office
and fill out an application
The deadline for
applications is 12 p.m. Thurs-
day, Aug. 30. Our office is
located in the
Publications Building, second
floor ? across from Joyner

August 30,1990
31e iEntit (fiarulininn
'Young Guns IF
attempts to fire
both barrels
Lewis Coble
Stjff Writer
Snatches oj Pink to bring blast
to OfRockefeller's Tliursday
By Beth I llison
st.iit Writer
' . i. l . .
, ? . . Feneeand i i ours the air h
I '?? ????: I iv I'm??'?? r'(U would nderstand
t OKivkefolliT's thisThur da
er30.1 orsucha . ? nd the coi I i lothings
n their i areer
this( hapel Hill ey wore band
? moo ing thx ? ? i ?
eebeo ' ?
? "vlBhasa caption that istnt restingtutcan t rvpnntod.
iw il appears the) may be in trouble w ith their record compan)
?? ings their wa) and that s all there is to it
tdvsofnnkareaheav) a tedh ? arshow
?. beoneoi th ???-? got thissemestei
eyre nu pep, they're not - pyre not folk, they're not i ?
. not a cover band. In other words, they're not the kind I
ilwavs plays in the 1 merald( it)
hands m
itchesof Pink arelo nkTOLalittk?southem,kindiJ lifferent
dverycool Leadsingn t Michad Rank, bassist Andy McMillan
anddnOTmerSaraRomwebertsistertol irtertifthcRatDuoetsandex-Let's
V rjvememba tare? ? of anew wave in alternative music.
rhebreak nedKpop punkpost RamonesstTundsnokytga all the rage
Neitha is thejai poj tR.E-M patented
Some of the new bonds seem to eps : Roses-typed
A Uind Chart ixyrvAaiis the new, bt( k to the bans, guitar nx kits b Snafches
ot lvnk
llx-v n a :u k band for the 90s rattier tlvit a trwowback to the (0s
vailabrefoi w?uonaret!iiimvoaIbunisSondintheClowi'ts a;xi
Dead Men
rhe alsohavea live, radiotih II' Ask tor it at WZMB sometime.
Sp ? :?? .i- .? i m' a s Acol ? I ntobu)
em beer is ??? ? . ? ?-
"Young Guns II is a current
release from Onon Pictures and the
sequel to the smash hit "Young
(inns " The movie was written and
directed by Geoff Murphy Emilio
Estevez, Lou Diamond Phillips,
kiefer Sutherland and a short ap-
pearance by singerjon Ron ovi make
tip the all-star cast of this picture
The soundtrack was also writ-
ten by on Bon Jovi. nd is currently
hitting the tops of the music charts
Young Guns 11" is an actionad-
venture western centering around
the demise of Billy the Kid and his
111 m . .i begins t v showing
an aged cowboy sitting patiently
.vaiting by the roadside tor a law
ver I he cowboy explains that he is
the infamous Rillv the kid and
wishes to receive the pardon he was
previously promised bv the gover-
? ? of N( w Mexico
1 he law ver. of course does not
believe him, explaining that Billy
was killed by Sheriff Pal Garret But
on the chance that this cowboy re-
ally is Billy the kid, the .aw ver asks
thecowboy il h : rool of his
identity Thus begins the story ol
Billy the kid's last ride
Thestor) centers around Billy's
lasl days "J his attempt to escape
the long arm of the law Billy (Emilio
Estevez) is tricked into turning him-
self in to tesitify against some out-
laws and in turn he would receive a
full pardon for his crimes
Instead of a full pardon, Billy
discovers the state of New Mexico
plans to hang him In the process ot
escaping Billy ends up saving two
of his former gang members, Chavez
(Lou Diamond Phillips a Mexican
Indian, and Doc (KeiferSutherland),
a former school teacher Together
the) escape a lynch mob and meet up
with Garret and Buckshot George
Garret leaves the gang to settle
down and later becomes the srw
that would supposedly kill RilU I
kid However, the new gang bej
their deadly game of hide and &
from the law as thev I ry to make tl
way to Mexico Garret leadsthe
hunt, and the final segment of tr.
film isRlly'sconfrontation with him
Throughout the entirety of thi
movie, the acting skills of the at tors
prove invaluable to the success of thi
film All of the actors play their roles
well bv instilling a sense
: i vablity into their charai t i
However, unliketheoriginal
Guns the sequel c? nU rs mainl
around Billy and not the total f
It not tor Estes t z s role,thismov
would have lacked anything wortl
seeing The life and sadistic humo
Billy adds to the mo ie keeps thi
interesting an lentertaii Yet I
also presents the one major robli n
in this Rick, and that is will
there would have b& n no movie
VII of the cl ' ? ?
wentintotl eoi ?? ?
C.uns II" could have been nai i
"Young Gun" or, better yet The I I
and Death of Billy the Kid
Another problem with the n
was that if the viewer had not set ? I
original, then thev lost a lot ot me n
ing and understanding Still, th
movie was good Most sequc
movies are found lacking, con
pared to the original, but "Young
Guns II" held its own.
The movie had very good
action scenes and one liners
And for the music lovers, there
was (on Bon lovi's brief scene
where he gets blown away. I h.
movie is worth seeing once, bti'
not twice
Poison demonstrates musical maturity on latest album
By Dcanna Nevgloski
Assistant Feature! Editor
tter mining the platinum
? Is 1 ook What the at
. d In" and Open I p and
.ih in I988andl989 Poison
, k with their third and most
? inent 1 P to date, Flesh and
Produced by Bruce Fairbaim
recorded at Little Mountain
d Studios m Vancouver, B (
n takes a new. and perhaps
impn ? ed approat h on then
new ettort
Although the album cap
tures the esserw e of the last two
Poison albums l lesh n
Blood . learh indicates that thi
tour one tune glamsters of
heav) metal have grown up
personal!) and professionally
Shedding the makeup to go
with a more street wise image
Poison takes the listener through
a tour ol heart-fell blues, emo
tional power ballads and hard
tutting anthems
I lesh and Blood kicks. If
with a unique instrumental titled
Strange Days of Uncle lack a
piece dedicated to drummer
Kikki Imkkett'secentik relative
oices on an answering machine
mixed w ith bizarre guitar sounds
add to the creativity of thesong
alley of l ost Souls" and
"(1 leshandBloodiSuntke deal
with more sensitive, true to lite
issues, as most of thealbumdoes
'Valley" is actually a persona
account of charismatk and flashy
vocalist Bret Michaels' rebellious
teen-age years, recalling the time
he ran away from home with a
And (1 lesh and Blood)Sacri-
fice" reveals the sacrifices that . ome
along with the institution of mar-
riage. This Poison ditty will most
likely be Poison's second video
"Swampjuice (Soul-O) a
strange, but classy guitar instru-
mental from C IVYille, stains
the album with traditional, bluesy
playing. "Swampjuice" leads into
the first hit videosingle
"L'nskinny Bop a catchy and
funky rocker that shines in pure
Poison finesse.
Melodic metal still predomi-
nates on the album with potential
hits like "let it Play "Ball and
Chain "Pont Give Up An Inch"
and the sentimental ballad "Life
C.oes On
The heavy anthem. "Come
Hell or High Water tells about
heavy metal bands, had loendun
on their climb to the top of thi
metal music industry.
"Something to Believe In" is ?
radio-ready ballad that takebd tow;
through the suffering lives ot
Vietnam vets, the homeless and
greedy television evangelists.
something is probablv the
tuneon thealbum with which Po
son took a serious chance
See Poison,page 12
comic book appeal
By Stuart Oliphant
Stall Writer
l niversal Picture's latest re
? ase. "Parkman. tells the StOl v of
t Peyton W? .tlake, played b)
, jam NeesOfl, transformation into
i hideously disfigured Dirkman,
i hero that thrives on rage and can
?eel mi physical pain.
Darkman is not your averagi
uper hero A victim of circum
stance, being In the wrong place at
the wrong time, Darkman must
i ome to grips with his new physical
ippearance and cope with his loss
t nerve endings 'Parkman'does
vs ell in letting the Mewing audience
see the transformation from brilliant
scientist, Dr Peyton Westlake. to
gruesome hero, Darkman
According to I I niversal
Studio's press release CO -writer
director Sam Raimi said, With
'Darkman I wanted to make a
movie in which the central charac-
ter was fully explored, in which we
could see his sympathetic and ter
nfying sides- hopetully even share
some of his feelings I think
'Darkman does that In some
ways, it's a high tech don
packed'Phantom of the Op ra
By exploring I tarkman's
character, Raimi is able to iden
ntv Darkman's motives rhis
helps the audience to full) un
derstand l tarkman storment Bx
understanding Parkman, the
audience is able to predict his
response to a bad situation
1 or example, in one s one
Darkman, disguised as his
former sell, goes to a carnival
with his girlfriend, ulie
Hastings, played b) I ranees
McDormand He stops at a
"SllCker-game' and attempts to
win Julie a prize 1 Ie succeeds in
knocking over the milk bottles.
but the "came) ' refuses to give
him tin prize "The pink el
ephant,now i arkman shouts
Still, the "carnev" chooses to ig
nore Darkman's wishes know-
ing that I Xirkman thn veson rage,
the audieiue can easily predict
Darkman's response 1 le is go
1,7m Neeson stars as a scientist whose disfiguring accident torces him into hiding as ?Darkman
mg to inflict excruciating pain
"Parkman borrows con
siderabl v from other contempo-
rary stones o the fantastic, but
does so in a kind of spoofy way.
When Darkman enters his manic
or rage state, a very definite
similarity is seen to the "Int. red
ible Hulk Darkman doesn't
turn green or anything like that,
but Raima, with the aid of some
very clever spec nil effects, is able
to show a definite psychological
"Darkman" also has a very
Gothic look at times. Like the phan-
tom in "Phantom of the Opera
Darkman wears a long flowing
black cape (must be a trademark
for the horribly disfigured). But,
instead ot a mask Parkman opts for
bandages I hat's good, because
I Xirkman makes the phantom look
like Ken, of Barbie and Ken fame.
What makes Darkman unique
trom the phantom, however, is his
ability as a scientist. Where as the
phantom is trapped by his disfig-
urement, Darkman is able to dis-
guise himself as his enemies and
even his former self. Thisaspect of
Darkman's character makes him
able to at least function in the
outside world, while making his
enemies lives a living hell
As far as enemies go, Larry
Drake, who plays the sadistic
See Darkman page 14
Coming up
Movie: Mystery Train
Left Exit
8 or 9 Feet
Movie: House Party
Cry of Love
Bad Bob &
The Rockin' Horses
Mark Johnson
Movie: House Party
The Mood
Snakes & Angels

12 ?Ije ?not (garoltntan4tGLS7-9,1990
1 Sonic Youth
2. Brooders
3 Primus
4 Pixies
5. Railway Children
6.World Tarty
7. A 12" Stop
S. Soup Dragons
9. Atoe Camera
10. Concrete Blonde
11 Iggy Top
2. Stone Roses 12" I Love
13. t .ono 1 ovos Gezebel
t ?mpilii H Klh I llivm
Campus Voice
Spike Tee's new film leaves
audier :e wanting more
By Matt King
Features Fditor
What has affected you the most
about the situation in the Middle
Kevin Madden, 28
Student, Geography
So many people and sen icemen are
endangered rhcre isa rik ihey
m?iv all got killed
Pal Brien, 29
l rcshman, Nursing
1 hat idiot (Saddam 1 lussein) might
use chemical weapons against our
people. In recent vears we have not
been exposed to chemical weapons.
Theresa Men Madden, 2
Grad. Student, Middle Grades 1 d.
Saddam is craz) to begin with I'm
afraid he is going to single out Amen
can hostages
Spike lee is a film director
who, at the age of 33, has already
left his mark on the film industry.
"Do The Right Thing" was a film
that was nominated tor an Acad-
emy Award for Best Original
Screenplay and Best Picture
Award from the Los Angeles ilm
Critics Association in 184.
Lee also received a nomina
tion for Best Director in the wake
of the film. "Do The Right Thing"
was a brilliant film that showed
how the normal events of a single
day, coupled with the hottest da
of the year can lead to a violent
"Do The Right Thing" by
anyone's standards isa hard act to
Lee's new film "Mo' Better
Blues mav have boon under t
much pressure from the begin
Roy Eldndge, a groat trum-
peter of the swing era once said ot
his earl) sty ?, "I was a young cat,
and I w s v? fast, but 1 wasn't
telling n. kind of stor
"Mo Better Blues is the tilm
Lee offers in what must have been
the same period in his career.
The hero of the film is fu tional
)i77 trumpeter named Bleek Wil
hams (Denel Washington), who
leadsa quintet which pla) snightly
at a swank Manhattan club called
Beneath the Underdog (after the
title ol Charles Mingus's autobi-
ography) Block claims to be a
devote apostle ot his music w hen
he proclaims, "I know what I w ant
Mv music' Evervthine else is
This places him in the age-old
situation of the gifted artist who
swears allegance to his craft and
then must deal with the choices
lite presents.
Lee's vript does a good job
framing Week's choices, but Lee
doesn't convey what's at stake
when and if any of the choices are
made. Bleok's main dilemma is
his hue lite
He has two girlfriends that
never completely develop as
characters in the movie; in fact,
they come across as one generic
I lalt ot the movie passes and
a very important piece of infor-
mation is left OUt. Block's girl-
friends are also old acquaintan-
ces, w it hout this tact it's impossible
to understand Mime of the be-
havior ot the characters, especially
the women.
Fhroughout the movie there
is a running argument between
Bleek and his ambitious saxo-
phone player Shadow (Wesley
Snipes) Shadow wants to play
m?reainternprarvabut Bleek
continually re)octs the idea.
Bleek is a devout classicist and
intends to stay that way. He feels
it's the audience's fault that they've
strayed away from traditional azz.
1 ee's main character is espe-
cially critical of the black public,
which he claims has turned its
b,K k on its i'w n music
After the first hour, the movie
picks up some momentum as it
builds toward a climactic scene.
iukka Tnninen, 28
Grad Student, Phys. id.
I don t want oil business transporta-
tion to stop Everything stops if oil
Julie Hawks, 18
Freshman, Accounting
I'm afraid ol war and losing all ot our
people. The whole thing is kind of

GHr r-?
Rodney Minger, 20
Sophomore, Biology
The fact that I have to go. I'm in
the reserves
Music Notes
There's plenty ol new metal about to be released in the weeks
ahead, metal tans' On Sept Stryper will release their fifth full-
length album. Against the i aw on Enigma records. A few months ago,
rumor had it that if thesc hristian boys didn't produce some heavier
metal on their next I P, the company would bo forced to drop the
soldiers under command No problem' Stryper has not only changed
their sound and appearance, but their message will be sung to a
different tune. Check itout.
Megadeth is waiting in the wings to put out their long-awaited
fourth album Ex Cacophony guitarist Marty Friedman will make his
musical debut on the effort, which is slated for Sept. 10 release. Other
molten metal appearing in stores soon are Celtic Frosf sVaniryrVTW
sis on Sept. 11. Slayer's Seasons in the Abyss and King's X on Sept. 25
and Motorhead on Sepl s
Don Dokken is back with a new album and video. Mirror Mirror
is the new videosingle from Up From me Asms. If you caught the
world premiereot the video this past weekend on MTV'sl leadbanger's
Ball, vou probabl) noticed Dokken s guitarist lohn bjprum. Norum
played tor Swedish outfit Lurope before he made a clean exit.
If you like your thrash on video, then Strand VC1 Entertainment
is the company tor you! V 11 ntertainment captures some of the most
heaviest and fenu ions thrash acts live on video. The tapes are set at
a reasonable price and feature concertsby Nuclear Assault and Celtic
Frost. Compilation sets are also available featuring D.A.M
Candlemass and Dark Angel live at the Hammersmith Odeon in
London, England. Doomsday New sis a video of today's best thrash,
speed and death metalommg attractions include: Venom, live at
the Marquee, and Sabbat and Coroner, live in East Berlin.
? I oinpilcd by "Vitiy" Dc?nnj NcvrIosWi
Spike Lee on the set of his latest opus. "Mo Better Blues "
Bleok's face gets smashed in while
trying to keep his sidekick Giant
(Spike Loo) from getting killed bv
two thugs.
Lee has an excellent talent for
creating powerful scenes and this
one is no exception. Unfortu-
nately, there are not enough of
them in the film.
In the b '?' - leek take his
lips are mutilated so badly that he
can't play his trumpet, so he is
forced to reevaluate his life's
mission. Bleek marries one of his
girlfriends and plunges into a
forced life of domestic existence
The rest of the movie is a
montage of scenes plaved before
lohn Coltrane's "A Love Su-
preme" on the soundtrack. The
montage gives Lee a chance to
show off his talent forthecut room
This eight minute ending to
the film effectively presents!
in his domestic lifestyle It's
to tell whether he is happ) with
the his new life or w hetherhe is in
a spiritual coma that has left
forever stoic.
I he scenery of the fill
glossy and clever, the actoi
convincing in thi ir i
film itself doesn't have tl
dramatic content w hli I
Lee establish his trademark
continued from pageil
Michaels sings beautifully
with the perfect touch ol the
acoustic guitar strumming in the
Hesingssoftl). l wenty two
years ol mental tears (. rics a
suicidal Vietnam ct V hofought
a losing war on a foreign shore
To find his country didn t want
him back . W cries forgive me
for what I've done there i orgive
me for the things I did nd give
me something to believe in. I
have to admit the song brought
tears to mv eves when I tirst heard
The flavor ol the song is
reminiscent to their first number
one song, "Every Rose Has its
Thorn Like "Every Rose there
is a heavy country influence in
the power ballad, but rock-n-roll
roots clearly remain
"Ride the Wind" is about a
motorcycle ride th.a took place in
California this year. Michaels
participated in the trek with hun-
dreds of Other bikers and
spawned a killer, sing-along
"Hearts of fire - Streets ot
stone - Modern warriors - Saddle
iron horses of chrome - Taste the
wind - Lick the wind Rebels
bom without a care - And the day
he listens - Only to tlv whore
eagles dare - And the nights she
whispers - Ride the wind never
coming back - Until I touch the
midnight sun "
'Life Loves A Tragedy" rings
with excellent melodies and lyr-
ics that hit close to the heart
Michaels goes for the throat on
the "Flesh and Blood" finale "Poor
Bov Blues where ho plays an
awesome harmonica piece
For most of the vear, M ichaels
has been taken voice lessons to
strengthen his vocal chords tor
this new LP. Last year, he under-
went a throat operation because
of complications in his diabetic
condition. Since the operation.
Michaels has developed a more
raspier sound to his already-
unique voice.
On Sept. 1 Poison will be
starting a world tour that will
take them to Europe, apan,
Austrailia, Canada, the United
States, of course, and anywhere
else these fun-time rockers may-
want to go
Back with a new album and
gearing up for a world tour. Poi-
son is still having nothing but a
good time!
Read the East Carolinian
Dear Rushee,
As you are contemplating rushing a fraternit)
this spring, a number of doors will be opened to
you. Here at Kappa Alpha, we offer the door like
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As a rushee, you must choose the organization
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We believe that you will agree that, in tact.
Kappa Alpha is the most unique and traditional of
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Won't you come by and sample a bit of South-
ern Tradition?
Good Luck Rushees!
7- 11
The Brothers of Gamma Rho Chapter
of Kappa Alpha Order
RUSH Sept 4 - 7
Representatives from each sorority will be presents
For Rides & Info: Call 757-0128

The East Carolinian is now accept-
ing applications for Feature wirters.
If you would like to become a part
of the ECU student media, and a
member of a 65-year tradition, ap-
ply today!
The East Carolinian
Publications Building
Second Floor
Water becomes an interior design element
. i Vih A,r't ttavo in mvt di A
(AP) -Water running continu-
ously, or spurting, or lying in a
pooi. It's enough to send a
homeowner scurrying to find a
plumber. But along comes
Marshall Watson, who lendsa new
Watson, a decorator in New
York, uses both moving and still
water as a decorative element in
living rooms, garden rooms, foy-
ers and bathrooms.
"People aren't used to having
moving water indoors, but it'sakin
to a dose of fresh, clean, pure air in
conveying a refreshing and calm
f "1 1 f ' conveying a refreshing and calm
? Wm7 O ing sense of nature he says.
V y I 1X1 1 V kJ Watson has made use of w a
7 ter quite simply ? by pouring i
The Club With Class
Located by Sports Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alle
Import Nig
ter quite simply ? by pouring it
into a large, shallow bowl and
putting a sculpture or plant on a
pedestal in the middle. He has
also orchestrated complicated in-
In a long, wide foyer, for ex-
ample, he designed a watercourse
made of two shallow, 6-inch- wide
troughs recessed in a marble floor.
A recirculating pump and under-
floor pipes created the illusion of
water flowing down one side,
stopping and flowing back on the
other side
The watercourse cost $20,0(X),
excluding the marble. Watson
hopes some dav to find a wealthy
client willing to underwrite his
idea for a clear glass wall or floor
which, at the flick of a switch,
becomes opaque with a sheet of
bubbly water.
It requires air lets, a pump
and a leakproof glass installation.
Similar installations have been
done commercially, albeit at great
For those ot more modest
means who favor water in their
decor, there are ready-made
recirculating fountains.
Fountains are traditional in
manv cultures, according to
Watson. Mediterranean homes
were designed around a central
atrium with a fountain. Roman
baths used water as decoration in
many ways.
In Morocco, a shallow pool
made of glazed tiles is common
inside the home, and the Japanese
use flat, still pools or table-top
arrangements in the home.
Recirculating decorative wall
fountains require no plumbing
and take only a few gallons of
water. "You just hang them up
and plug them in says Skip
(Graham) Brown, president of
Florentine Craftsmen, Inc. erf New
York. Prices for his company's
designs range from about $1,(XX)
to $1,600.
Brown says a number of
i ompanies make fountains in ce-
ramic tile, plastic, aluminum or
lead. In metal fountains, lead is
more durable and more expen-
sive, but aluminum is lighter.
You don't have to install a
fountain to get decorative benefits
from water, says Watson. For .1
party, he suggests thiscenterpiece
on a white tablecloth: Several small
fishbowls from the five-and-ten
filled with pale blue tinted water
and a gardenia afloat in each IV
tween the bowls, place votive
Water and the bath are, of
course, inextricably linked. You
can enhance the )oy oi bathing by
installing halogen lighting over
the bathtub
"I place a pale turquoise gel in
front of the beam and it gives the
water special sparkle says
sinks and tubs that deliver water
in novel ways. The Kohler Co for
example, has introduced faucets
that deliver water in shirts rather
See Water on page U
Teeshirts achieve fashion status
Sharky's is a private club for members and
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NEW YORK (AP) - When
Warren Beattv showed up time
and again for "Dick Tracy" press
interviews wearing a gray double-
breasted nit and black T-shirt,
Style watchers took note
T-shirts have become bona
tide men's tashion
Sure, they started in the street
as walking advertisements, vaca-
tion souvenirs, personal state
merits. One of the hottest right
now is a bootleg Bart Simpson tee
- with a black Bart. But we're
talking upscale, as in Warren
Beattv chic.
T-shirts represent a S2.h bil-
lion annual market in America,
and the average retail consumer
buys b.b per year, according to a
recent survey by the ike shoe
people. Thev should know. They
do the "Bo Don't Know" shirts.
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"Beattv wasn't the tirst one to
wear the look says Larry Hot,
"but he certainly might be the
catalvst to inducea lot more people
to pick upon it " Hot, a spokes
man tor the Men's Fashion Asso-
ciation in New York, says the trend
started in big cities like Los An-
geles and New York where fash
ion non-conformity is more
I i alcnl Bui there are differing
?pinionsoi iu-t how it started
Robert Brvan. fashion editor
of M Inc magazine, says that
While nobody likes t. think it
came from 'Miami Vk e the sb
certainly did popularize it "he
difference, he says, is that now
men are wearing softer colors ir
the same range, rather than con
trasting colors.
Kimberly Cthlar, fashion
editor of Daily News Record, a
trade newspaper covering men's
tashion, says part of the credit has
to go to The Gap.
"The Gap showed us that you
11 mid take an ordinary Hanes-type
l -shirt, combine it with a
sportcoat,and vou' re pretty much
dressed saysCihlar. "You could
almost wear it to the office. Gome
to think ot it, people who have
some leeway on the job do it
ith all the variations on the
l -4nrt theme, there's much more
than I lanes and The Cap out there,
i shirts .ire coming from the
di iwing boards of well-estab-
lished designers.
F-or thov who wk a quick,
inexpensive style update, Cotler
a I -hirt at about $11 with
? embroidered crest in olive,
mustard, burgundy and gray.
Rough Hewn, pricier at about $48,
offersa washed pique with a ya hi
club insignia in hunter, teal, dark
red and purple.
For upper end customers,
there's Giorgio Armani, who
counts T-shirts as a major part oi
has cotton, cotton-linen and silk
linen blends, ranging from$100 to
$ v 11 ne' re ideal with an Armani
sldUCil SUIt.
Likewise,you can keep warm
with a dark wool polo shirt from
Studio 000.1 bv Ferre, $270. An-
other cold-weather option comes
from designer Tommy Hilfiger,
who otters a long sleeve crew iv. i k
T-shirt in heavy cotton jersey
Martin A. Weening, president
of Axis, s.ivs the tees can be w m
equally well with jeans, jacket or
See Teeshirts on pzge 14
KiFrrroN day Wednesday 19,1990
SEPT 5,1990 5:00 PM
? $10.00 FILING FEE

ulljc fEaat (JatoimianAuGusT30, 1990
Vintage wines of f89 promise to be century's best
FRANCE(Ar) It's said allot
Bordeaux is one vasl vineyard
I he world's largest fine wine re
gion, it measures rough!) .V miles
a ule bv tt miles long
Weather is uncertain Summei
storms, with hail tin- size of golt
alls 5 vineyards in minutes It
nature is kind the rewards are
great; it not, considerable losses
lu e to lv absorbed.
With ad an es in
winemaking sparked by Emile
Peynaud the noted Bordeaux
oenologisl who influenced great
changes in the Bordeaux wine
itne and elsewhere producers
have surged ahead in then
struggle to bring out top-notch
w ines ev en in difficult ears
Much ot the profits from the
past decade of excellent even
great vintages have been
plowed back into new equipment,
research into vineyard manage
inent. wood and bottle aging, and
n liar modernization
I he( onseil Interprotessionel
Jii V'ins de Bordeaux, a profes-
sional association that represents
producers n the wine trade, re-
cently hosted a tour ot the Bor-
deaux regions I "here were on site
evaluations ot barrel-sample
w ines from the 1989 mA 1988
nit ices
The daily schedule took in at
least five tastings of representative
wines from six major "family"
districts. There are four districts
for red wines, each with several
appellations; one for drv white
wines; one for sweet and
sornisweet wines. These cover the
classed growthsand the categories
)iist below them in the Medoc,
including Margaux, Pauillac, St
lulien and St. Fstephe; Graves; St
Emilion; Sauternes-Barsac; ana
wines of Pomerol, which have
never been classified.
The 1989 vintage has its
champions and itsenrics. Unusual
weather wasapparently more of a

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Drinks and Snacks Provided
For Rides and Information
422 W. 5th St.
plus for those wines wit ha greater
percentage of cabernet sauvignon
in the blond than for those based
largelvonmerlot;thisentered into
the reasonings ol critics Many
wines simply don't have enough
acid for very long aging
In fact. 1969isbeingcompared
with 1982, originally hailed as the
vintage ot the century, and is now
showing signs of earlier maturity
than at first evaluation
Peter A Sichel, president ol
Union des (.rands Cms, savs in
the current DECANTER, " in
relation to quality: it is possible
that some have produced excep-
tional wines. It is alreadv clear
that not ever) body has done so
Those that have fully fulfilled
the potential ot a year of such un-
usual conditions will have pro
duced bottles that vmII become
historic, and they should have no
difficulty in justifying whatever
opening price they are likel) ti
It the 1989 is ready tor drink-
ing earlier than first estimated, it
will not bo a cause tor agonizing
reappraisal by most wine-lovers
Itismoreof an immediate problem
tor investors and producers tor
whom sales on futures bring in
mvded income sooner than the
release date, years later
East Carolina Friends
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September 4,5,&6 6:30pm GCB 1017
Sd faiM cdUqe
In a potitiue odedt toie
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continued from page 13
than in the usual circular stream
The idea is to duplicate the
feeling ol looking at a waterfall
savs Gary Felsinger, Kohler's
product manager for faucets
The most dramatic prodiM t
is the open channel or flu me spout
which isopen at the top Instcadof
coming out of the end ofa losed
pip the water Hows through ai
open flat area
The flow rate is controlled
the water is dispersed equally
along both sides he says "he
cost is about $600, twice that for a faucet ot omparable
Water appeals to all ol the
senses, and Kohler is investigat
ing bath products take ad
vantage of this fa t,saysl elsinger
Among uleas being explored bv
the company is delivering water
to the middle ol the tub. perhaj
fountain-like the i ompanv
i .ills "soft water" would ij pi il l
the sense of tOU h i iu'd d
i ith air s.ivs lil- inger
I he principle is the same i
w hirlpool bath jets, whi h mix
water and ,nr to reate bul I
I he therapy comes when the
bubbles break as the) hit thesl
continued trom page 11
Robert I hirant is truh men
a ing Drake also stars on h?
TV's l I aw where he pla ?
the mentally retarded office clerk,
"Durant is 'elegant slime
I mghsl hrake ' ledoesrealh t. r
nble things but he does them so
smoothly that you can't help I
want to watch It s a pleasure I
'revel in villainy and play a role
sodifferent trom the one I pla
rv, Drake adds Robert I Kirant
enjoys what he does and hisgnsly
collection is proof of it
Turkman" is not v ithout its
tlaws Supposedly, Darkman feels
no pain I he h,tract, i w
ing the hospital, doesn't discov er
this until much later Now come
on it you left the hospital w ith no
ner. e endings ou would .it least
say something like, 'Hey, l feel
kind ol funky
"Darkman" is not tor cer.
one It you want to go to a mo ie
that has the element of definite
logic, this is not the mo ie for you
But, it you enjoy .i mo ie v. itl
comic book appeal, you will truh
enjoy "Darkman
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continued from page 13
sack suit. "That's our generation's
alternative to structured clothing
he sa s
Designers are also coming up
with I-shirts retlectingconcern tor
the environment an important
theme this season
The FalkeGrouohas th
r. Designed bv graphic artist
Eileen Toohey, the all cotton tees
in bright colors will be available
Sept.22atabout$25. In one Albert
Einstein standsatop the world and
s.n s. You don t ha e to be a v
nius to figure it out pollution
oe Boxer, an American
mensweai designer, has a cotton
T-shirt with the slogan, It this T
shirt was a rainforest, its gonna be
a tank top in no time About $18
For spring s?l Boxer will otter
whimsical T-shirts, around $18
some with laundry soap box
messages such as Makes dull
people run
Manicures ? Pedicures ? Nail
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By Swain
ex. The Wonder Pig
- ? "i?
, ? i . i I ? - ?
t ?lk ft ? . l IC
H. i ? ??
? ?? ? ' ' "
Whiskers 'n' Chubs: Dentally Unstable
By Shull
El Epectro
By Harris and Kemple

? fife Hi ?j
iW5 r??H
? EJCtK ? ' MUST GO' jK,My&ATE'


PCVT rK( wt It
The King and I
By Racine

. 7 L0fjFj?
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R?AC "? "
af Ssror hut
? - '?VTcj
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The Morrigan
By Raper
n HORlf AT Kit P'VO tit ?
sr.v ywe -xvr ma vt Ao vtz, D
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ArJ OW &utty
THUi 8C6'MS iHt ?aP T?
rcx-i-ov?i ay o?
fifTSJl ahoth?R
Rich's Nuthouse
By Haselrlg
aavm T?lLvPMAr
9 "
. .t r -M? SACK f x
-t PfAL AC THW &0twr
wc mc camp, recw a&fo
MCHvrrvrofxe m? NLrtf TJVP

takes King
of the Hill
once again
By Vail S. Rumley
Staff Writer Holtman ? Photo Lab
The ECU Soccer team defeated Mt Olive 4-2 yesterday in their season opener Th.s game could be a sign
of things to come for the Pirates
Carr leading scorer in Soccer
team's defeat ofMt. Olive
By Stephen VV. Baxley
Staff Writer
ECL opened upits 19) soccer season bydefeat-
ine Mt. Olive 4-2 on a scorching Wednesday after-
rheoutstanding player was ronyCarr. rhe6'3,
190 pound sophomore, scored all tour goals tor the
ihe first coal came after Austin Batse stole the
ball and passed ahead to Thanh Vo. o quickly
advanced a pass to joeHerrman who drilled a shot
rhe shot was deflected oft the opposition into the air
and Carr came crashing in to head the shot into the
Mount Olive tied the score again as lohn King
came back with a goal of his own. The score would
not Stay trod tor long, however.
JoeHerrman stole a pass and gave feed to Carr
who drihrWvd it the rest oi the way dowrWiold. After
being fouledarr drilled a shot past the goalie tor a
2-1 Pirate lead rhe Pirates made it 3-1 minuteslater
when v'ran; 1 umbull fed a pas- to t arr who carried
it in yet again.
Later, after Batse stole the ball. Vo raced past
threedefendersbeforeC an-finishedoffforhisfourth
goal ot tin- game.
1 was just lucky said arr oe Hen-man was
gi ing me a great ball and 1 was fortunate enough to
finish it
1 he final goal ol the game came aslint Ankroh
scored on a penalty kick fo? Mount Olive, which
provided the4-2 margin
Pirate coach Bob Lust thought the win was a
good sign tor his young club we are a long way
from being as good as possible Right now we are a
lot further than we were at this tune last vear
lhe Pirates will trv to continue their winning
ways this coming Monday as they trawl to Char-
leston South Carolina to plav the Citadel.
Continuing their dominance
over the College Hill men,( .arrett
Residence Hall captured the
presitigious King ot the Hill title
for the second vear in row. while
the women ot BclK reigned as
The rd annual King ot the
Hill compx-tition was held at the
College Hill Recreation Area I he
event began yesterday at 4 PM
kickingottthe 1990-91 recreational
programs tor ECU. Attended by
over 8lX), in comparison to last
year's 600, the events wen- com-
prised of bask competitive games
and a few more creative acti ities
in which members ot any resi-
dence hall could participate.
Some oi the more interesting
events students took part in in-
cluded Hoop The Human,la.a
ball, and Human Twister, all ot
which were relatively ease ways
to add points to the individual
residence hall score cards
1 loop- I'he-1 iuman involved
tour persons; one ol whom stood
in a circle while two blindfolded
teammemhors threw hula iu
hoping to encircle the human t ?
The tourth retrieved the missed
hula hoops
Despite it's rather strange
name,Ga-Ca Ball was introduced
simply as a more complicated
versionot the game dodgeball and
Human Twister, the once popular
board game, was revived tor the
Kingot the Hill competition.
However, the most popular
John Ruthartord ? Pholo Lab
? ? ? . d volleyball m the sand for: o to 6C points m the
petition yesterday The team with the greatest
t the end of the day, won T-shirts
eames of I lav were the highly
comp ' games
and a game called Knots, in which
a hand-h( Idtng group of people
tried to extm ate themselves from
a sell made human knot.
In the course oi the competi-
tion points were accumulated by
the v innersot theseperateevents.
1 best' pt tints w ere tallied upat the
end ot day to produce the top two
residence halls (male and female)
who then fa edoff in Tug Ot-V ar
In the outcome the nun of.arrett
deteated the Aycock team while
the women of C ?reen Reside? e
Hall overthrew those in White
The winners ot each of these were
aw aided KingOf The Hill I -shirts
The King and Queen of trn
Hill titles, hasod on the percent-
age of participation from the sep-
erate residence halls, were be-
stowed upon the Halls ot Garrett
and Belk, each having won the
See King, page 17
Louisiana Tech facts:
Home: Ruston, La.
Nickname: Bulldogs
Mascot:hamp lev I)
Enrollment: 10,000
Colors: blue and Red
Stadium: !oe Alliet (30,600)
Ism Record: 5-4-1
ieaii Coach: loe R. Peace
(3rd Year)
LT Record: 4-11-1
Carreer Record: 9-11-1
NCAA Affilliation: Division 1-A
Returning Lettermen:
Returning Starters: 14
Series: rech leads 2-1-1
Last Meeting: ECU 29-Tech 29
Sept. 30, 1989, Greenville, N.C.
An inside look
ECU vs Louisiana Tech
By Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports f ditor
192Q Schedule:
ecu r-t-1
McNeese State Sep-8
Western Mischigan Sept. 15
Arkansas State
SW Louisanna
Stephen F. Austin
1 Louisiana
Colorado State
Sept. 22
Sept. 29
Oct. 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 27
Nov. 3
Nov. 10
Nov. 17
larle's Pick: I CL 21-Tech 17
The Louisiana lech bulldogs
come into Ficklin Stadium this
Saturday to face the ECU Pirates.
The two teams met last vear in a
very exciting game that resulted
in a 2-29 tie.
The Bulldogs are 41-40-5 in
season openers and 1-1 in first
games under head coach oe Ray-
mond Peace. FCC is 28-25-1 in
season openers and have won
three in a row. The Pirates are 1 -0
under second year head coach Bill
Tech and the Pirates have
squared of! tour times previously
with the bulldogs owning a 2-1-1
advantage. However, the Bull-
dogs have not defeated ECU since
winning24-6in 1QrW. The Pirates
deteated lech 35-13 in the 1978 In-
dependent e Bowl.
Last years' game was one in
which both teams had numerous
chances to win. The game fea-
tured a wild tourth quarter which
ended when Tech's Matt Stover
booted a 39-yard field goal to tie
thegamewith lb seconds left. "We
were very fortunate to tie that
football game. It van look at the
game statistically, Louisiana Tech
dominated said Lewis.
Peace begins his third -wear atj
the helm ot the Tech tootball team
He is entering this season with a "?
11-1 record. Peacejoined the
staff in 1983 as ,n assistantoa h
arterservingon the staff ol North-
western State. He was named head
coach in Decemberl987
"Coach Peace is a gentleman
who lssott spoken, but hard no sod
and his tootball team reflects his
personality. 1 Its teams are going
to plav you tough and play you
tough for N) minutes. ITiev won
four of their last five games last
vear. Thev were one ot the two
teams that beat Northern Illinois
The longer the game goes, the
harder the Louisiana Tech foot-
ball team will plav you said
The Louisiana Tech offense
features a very potent passim,
'Thev are going to spread you
sideline to sideline to make you
defend every inch of the football
field. Thev have their number one
and two quarterbacks coming
back. Gene Johnson hascompteted
b0 percent of his passes in the pre-
season. They are going to deploy
three, sometimes tour, and with
their tailback being a former slot
back, who is a receiver (second
See Inside look, page 17
Rugby team looks to repeat
state championship this year
By Scott F. Palmisano
sutt Writei
The Rugbv dub coming off
an impressive 1989-90 season, is
back and bidding tor its second
consecutive state rugby champi-
With the graduation of im-
portant senior starters, the team
looks to a new crop oi players to
fill the shoes of their departed
leadership ason Webb I r. tokieoi
the year), (luy rravers (winger ol
the year), and lohn Greenburg
(scrummer of the year) are all
going to have to plav an impor-
tant role it the team is to have the
same success as last year.
Cither major contributors will
hoblair Byrd, Mark Grant, David
bowman. Brian Dodd, Mike
Shunk Bob Tobin, Frank Cutler
and Doug Schrade, all of whom
were invited to participate in the
All-Star tournament last year.
Last year ason made some
big plays to help us pull out the
victors said team captain, Byrd
"we all pulled together real well
and everyone contributed.
Last vear the team finished its
regular fall schedule with tour
wins and two losses, including
blowouts of previously unde-
feated Duke (43-3) and Appala-
chian State Universit) (46-7). The
victory against ASl gave the pi-
rate megers a wildcard birth in
the Hast Coast Regional tourna-
ment where thev were eventually
deteated bv the L mversitv of
Ma rv land.
the tall schedule was a differ-
ent story as the ruggers compiled
a 4 and 1 record in the regular
season and gained a birth as the
second seed in the North Carolina
Conference tournament. The team
finished the playoffs with consecu-
tive triumphs over Davidson,
Duke, North Carolina, N.C State
and a state championship
"This years squad is one of the
best ever and with the talent we
possess, our chances of winning
the state championship again are
really good said Mark Grant, a
plaver and team treasurer weare
See Rugby, page 19
Capriati does well at U.S. Open
sweet it is for lennifer Capriati
And how Swede it was for the
legion of players f rom that Scandi-
navian country.
( apnah. the 14-year-old sen-
sation from Wesley Chapel, Fla
made her first trip to Stadium
Court at the U.S. Open. She was
impressed and impressive, and
she became the youngest winner
ever at the National Tennis Cen-
"1 think that'sgreatthatl could
do that she said after her hard-
fought 7-5, 7-5 victory over West
Germany's Anke Huber. "I feel
reallv good about it
And as far as the 20,000-seat
Louis Armstrong Stadium is con-
cerned, she said, "It's so big"
Before Capriati made her U.S.
Open debut in the cavernous sta-
dium, Stefan Edbergmadea quick
Four vears ago. five plavers
from Sweden were seeded at the
U.S. Open, the top lb plavers in
the world. This vear, Mats Wilan-
der was the defending champion
and Edberg was the No. 1 seed,
coming oft his second Wimble-
don title in three vears.
Todav, onlv tour Swedes are
left in the men's draw. Wilander
and Edberg are not among them.
Ivan Lendl, seeking a record
ninth consecutive trip to the final
and his fourth title, played his
second match in two days today
when he faced West Germany's
Michael Stich.
In other kev matches today,
fifth-seeded Gabnela Sabattnt
played lsabelle Demongeot and
Martina Navratilova, the No. 2
seed going for her second con-
See Capriati, page 19
o4wf? HOfftitAn ? Pnoto Lflv
A birdseye view
The stadium ,s empty now, but Saturday night, there will be 35.000 fans cheering on the ECU tootball team Pirates are expecting a tog turnout
be sure to up your tickets at Minges or Mendenhall Student Center today

ailje ?aat (EarolimanAugust30.1990 17
ECU Briefs
Inside look
Continued from page 16
Pirate Pro-Am scheduled for Oct. 29
Brook Valley Country Club will be the host tor the 1 WO Pirate Pro-
Am on Monday, (Vt. 29. The tournament will provide area golf
enthusiasts with a chance to see Professional (ioH fcsso? uitions (PGA)
standout players
The 18-hole tournament will benefit the ECU golf program
Already scheduled tor the Pro Am is Bobb Wadkins, who played
under present ECU head golf coach Hal Morrison at East Tennessee
Wad kins, a 1973 ETSU graduate, tied lor third last vearm the Chat
tanooga (Tenn.)Oassk His career earnings are more than l J million
Other PGA players who have played in past Pro Ams are Mike
bert, Joey Sindlarand Pat Met iowan.
? Pro Am committee has been established to organize the Pirate
m now m its fourth year Members of the committee include
n White, Sr. Don White. r IV Wallace Wooles, Reynolds May,
rtmte 1 lttle and billlark
Anyone interested in playing in the Pirate Pro Am should contact
ee Workman or Hal Morrison at the E I athletk department or art)
her of the Pro Am committo
Volleyball team to begin preseason
U s Volleyball team continues to pi I ; the l?90seasonas
ipetes in its first scrimmage ol fl - i m today it Atlantic
istian College
Coached this season b) Martha Mc askill, trw Lady Pirates wiH
scrimmage at North Carolina Stat I fori opening the
? ison at home against Pembroke State on Sept B
Hall of Fame members await induction
ill of Fame weekend is t ist approaching .it 1 I as the Pirates
pare to honor its 1990 indue ts Athletic Ha ne Ronnie
- Pr Ray Minges and Rosie rhompsori will be honored at the
? Fame Banquet on Eridaj night and also at half fimeof Saturday
pener against I ouisiana I a h 1 or mi. irmation and ti kets to
iys banquet call the fI athletic department at 757 4514
Pep rally commences today at 7 p.m.
The 10th Annual Budweiscr kick oft pep rally will be at 7 p ffi on
. i.u in Fkrklen Stadium i oachBill 1 ewis and the Firates will join
? eerteaders, pure g M dancers, I I ? i more in
. . ? season A tailgal . f Hh kory
. will he up tor grabs tor the largest student organization in
e fo be accounted for group members must h wearing
their organization's T-shirt
Cross country season begins Saturday
fix n s and wt men s cross - teams will open the
c Methodist Relays in FayetlcviHe.
ta - !?? Pirates. j. With the .op individual
is,is Tern 1 vn hand ? turning runner 1 en?se
Thi Lad) Pirates return Wehrenburg, a sophomore,
ih SOphomofg vis.m t hi. m mor i.nhi v.i h uui Ailonter
nnef, uniot Ann Marie Welch
men's team looks io have its strongest season evei r turning,
more Kyle Sullivan, a qualifier foi thcNJt A District HI meet last
Also looking to be among EC1 s top performers is sophomore
i had wick, juniors Matt Morris - eith Phillips and seniors
? Chann, Pele Higgins and David Li
I C L player bad surgery Wednesday
? hall player oc Bright was have a brain
ream doctors diagnosed ll - Bright was
? ho Pitt County Memorial Hospital (P( MH)onTuesday Alter
tauon between Brights famil) i ' idedtohavc
- irgery Ihe surgery was perforn I da) at P. Mil
has been difficult for the football team t li i with, and the team
?-? n very mature m their handling i I ? Our thoughts, our
? are certainly with foe and with his family said ECU football
? Bill lewis
leading receiver last year), some-
times live recievers
beading the receiving corps is
Bobby Slaughter, a preseason All
America pick bv I ewis "1 le is .is
fine a receiver as thi re is in the
game in terms of knowing how to
play his position. Heiscomple
mented on the other side of the
field bv Eddie Brown who is their
deep, downtown, threat 1 leisthe
fastest plaveron their team 1 le is
going to be the guy that the) tr to
stretch you with said l ewis
is a real problem when consider
ing whether or not anv et them
can be double covered said i i
"(Vie of the keys and itmij
sound irreversitive, but you
to stop their running game first,
said lewis it the running game
can be controlled then H I may
be able to beftef handle the explo-
sive passing attat k.
t )n the defensive side of the
ball, lech s Hit should be a re-
vealing test tor E Is vounget
fense, saidoach 1 ewis
1 ast year the Pirates had a lot of
trouble controlling the blitz against
loch tor the duration ot the game
1 hev can onlv expect more ot the
same with a new quarterback and
three new offensive linemen
I don t think that thev will
wait until thi' second quarter (like
last year). I'hev ma U it (blitz)
the first thing out of the tunnel.
said ! ewis ftlso ac "r
Continued from page 16
lewis "Louisiana Tech does a
great ob disguising blitzes and
thev make it hard to audible If
vou can handle the blitz, vou can
moe the ball against them
A third aspect of the football
tame that 1 .ewis is anxious to leam
a few answers to is the kicking
came ECU onlv converted on
seven ot 1 field goals last vear
Senior Rob lmperato will get the
starting ob against Tech. "Both
(lmperato and sophomore An-
thonv Brenner) have kicked 0-
vard field goals in game situations
in practice But we still have not
kicked with anv consistent
Lewis said.
iniunes plav a major part in the
schema of a football game ECU is
missing only one starter, junior
wide receiver Hunter Gallimore,
who will be replaced by sopho-
more Clayton Driver. Tech is
currently healthy at this time, and
all of their squad will be in Ficklin
on Saturday night.
This game promises to be a very
exciting opener. ECU has a big
challenge in front of them and it
should prove to be a dogfight
throughouttheentiregame. "One
thing that we have on ou r side that
thev definitely do not, is the fans.
They do not have the home field
advantage. Hopefully fans will
fill Ficklin and support the team
said Lewis.
previous year s competil
(,arr I hidlev. pTOgl ?
Garreft, took King ot the Hill seri-
ously; going so tar as to rent a bus
to transport the members ol ?
Garret! team from ntral
pus to the recreation .rv. His
diligence pavt a of I
Garrett upset the Hil
second time
Behind the scerw
ette Roth. Mark. tin.
the Department ot Intrai
Recreational Sen id
team of Brian Miller and I I
(.askins. the coordinator
basic idea men, working
to produce an even more success
ful out i me than pn
1 heir purpose wa I
dents to par' and o .
them to pi
? ? fa . ? i I ' -
b Brian Miller onsid
red th. ir pui
- -
r university
- ? ? ? ct year Kin
the Hill . tition he re;
t )fcourse 1 lldetinil


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Sports Briefs
NL umpires will no longer stop fights
National League umpires will no longer hreaV up fights, umpire
? st Mid he was toW bv leaguePrcsidcnl Bill v hite luesday West
,v,is Instructed Io try toprevcnl fights but to let them run their
? m once they begin. White was in Philadelphia Tuesday to hear Los
,rlrs i )odgers i -it, her Ru k I tempseaappeal?? his suspension and
00 fine for fighting
Two vie for D.C. baseball franchise
Washington, D.C developer John Akridge said ruesday he had lined
? estimated $1(M) million needed lor a National I eapie expansion
?ran, HiSC giving the Washington area two groups prepared to bid for
i new team Akndge told the District oloh.mb.a Baseballommts
MOn he had enough commitments from investors to meet the IcagU
nvon fee and other start upcosts
Griffeys may soon play together
lather and KW mav SOOn be plavin; on the same major league
i tfball team Ken (.r.ftev r might o.n his son as a member ot the
cattle Mariners Provided he clean waivers Wednesday, Manners
wner leff Smulvan Mid his team will begin talking to Iriffey aboul a
,ntr( ? Mtoon as possible It he signs would U the tirst t.mea father
,nd son have Kvn on the same team
NFL teams cut several familiar faces
i here were some familiar names lea IngNl I teams i uesday, as the
rosters had to bf eu. from 80 plvers to60 I vie Alado and I lantord
m re le. ago Seattle's Rusty Hilgei Miami's ItffStoudl NewOricana
Dave Wilson
Mears and Unser are tied in standings
Al 1 lMtT r moved Into tie for Mrs. place in the Marlboro hallenge
Sunday 1 he v torv. PnM-r lr sthird m a rtmedhimapo nttotte
h,mw?hR,ekMears(s,M.un.s? Muhael Andre(vepun.s)dropd
,h,n1 ccoer9 ??"? u "? c? ln,n,mn M"wo

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Brown, UNC wonder
North Carolina football coach
Mack Brown, Division I-A A Mt-
mi, Ohio, is one big question
The Redskins, who play the
Tar Heels at Kenan Stadium on
Saturday afternoon, have a new
coaching staff so Brown said he
isn't sure what to expect
"We know absolutely noth-
ing about Miami, as far as their
schemes" Brown said Tuesday at
his weeklv news conference
"What will they run on defense?
What will they put in for our ball
game? We've got no film on this
staff playing in a ball game be-
cause it's their first game. We don't
know what they'll do offensively.
"So we're taking 53 freshmen
and sophomores into a ball game
where we have to look at every
possible combination of what the v
could do. We will basicalK have
to develop a game plan with this
young team during the first quar-
ter on Saturday after we see what
the Miami team will be doing on
both sides of the hill. So we'll
have to go in an. l-i our way
because we have absolutely no
idea of what's going on
The new Redskin head coach
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Me" ? ? ?
is Randv Walker, a former irth
Carolina assistant coach under
Dick Crum. This is Walker's first
job as a head coach and his firs!
game back in Kenan Stadium
Because of that and Mian ; -
tradition ot upsetting its h i
favored opponents, Brown sa
he expects his team to get a t I
"It'll be an exciting time I i
Randy to come back Brown a
"When von come back to a j
where you built relationships I i
10 years you want to look ,? - I
"And 1 really respect the ? i ?
that when Miami has taken tl -
team on the road befon
crowds, Miami has upset p
One of those games was in
Kenan Stadium in 1978, when tl i
RedskinsdefeatedNorthC ai
Brown has some injur) :
lems to concern him as w
,or tailback Randy ordai
uled to split time with Eric I
is doubtful tor the game beca -
ot a bruised shoulder he su
on the first dav of practice in ;
"1 hat's a crushii .
Brown said.
Also injured are h tt Fa
freshman starter at of f nsivi
who has a sprained ki
Thigpen, sophomoi
who has a strained groin mus
Randall FeltOi -
receiver with a pulled ha- -
and sophomore defensive c
Bracey Walker and freshman tail
back Natrone Means I
whom missed practice Mond
with a mis
Nevertheless Browi aid his
team is further along thisyear than
his twoprev iousseasonsat N'ortl
Carolina,whentheTarHei Iswent
'We've hit more at this stage
than anytime since we're been
here he said "We re much bet-
ter now
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?VS( n
! ouisanna rech H 1
I hike at 5outh ? an ima
Virginia ? hal
I'emple at Wyon
Eastern Illinois at onherrIllir.
Southwestern Louisanna-
irginia at Kansas
Miami of t hio at I N
Wake 1 orrest at Hi. e
Texas A&M if
scutive Grand Slam title la
ritain's Clare Wood In night
?hatches, Monica Seles, the! n
. women's champion, f
os Fairbank-Nideffer and im
r seeded 14th in the rw
i takes on South African
lberg on I uesd i
? rst top seed to ???
ngroundofthel S.Op
ars falling to Vlexai
. of theSovi? I n6-3,7
idnothingl - Edberj
i t Volkov
Edberg, on the othi -
se,butnotth ?? i
1 ranking Despite the I i
j defeat, the right-hander
in the No. I spot e
2 Boris Becker or Lend! tl ?
; plaver, wins the I S" ?? i
This is something I ne d I
lownandthinkabout, Edbi rg
I just have to think :f
rid try to not let it happen again
Dickerson may
play this year
(AP) Vhile most teams cut
down, the Indianapolis Colts are
happv that Eric Dickerson will
show up.
At least to take another ph si
Dickerson, who tailed an ex
animation atter arriving late for
training camp, will have his in
jured left hamstring looked at
again today, according to his
'We have talked to Colts
general manager hm Irsay and ti
him that Eric will be there and is
coming back to pass his physical
and to fulfill his contract obliga-
tion I eigh Steinberg said rues
day. "Eric attempted to report
earlier and was ready to start
preparing tor the 10 season
when the club determined that he
had a non-football injury
Should Dickerson pass, he an
begin working out with the team
it the Colts don't decide to unload
the often-unhappy running back
Dickerson criticized his offensive
line tor not protecting him and
threatened to retire rather than
plav for Indianapolis again
Steinberg said he had no in-
formation ot a deal involving his
client, who is scheduled to earn
$1.43 million in the tinal year ot
his contract
"1 believe it a trade w as in the
air, I would know about it Stein
berg said.
either Irsav nor Coach Ron
Meyer would comment on
Dickerson's situation
However, it was a disappoint-
ing situation tor Lvle Alzado and
Han ford Dixon. Both were forced
to retire on Tuesday, as NFL teams
trimmed rosters to Ml plavers.
Alzado, 41, had attempted to
return to the Los Angeles Raiders
after five seasons out of football.
Thedefensive end, who played 13
seasons with Denver, Cleveland
See Dickerson, page 19
Continued from page 16
. oking forward toth N C
game because the) have
iven us a lot of trouble the last
of years and we want to
ke we did at the end of the
iffs in the spr
long with the N v 5tate game
team also plavs host to Duke
Sept. 22 and then they face a
Ough road game against I niver-
ity of North Carolina at Wilming-
p. on Oct 13. An one interested
i trving out, a team meeting will
?. held on Sept 4 in the General
lassroom Building For more in-
timation call Blair Byrd at 758
B93 or Tat Cox of Recreational
ervices at 757-5893
ntinued from page 18
e Raiders, retired after a
r rier of injuries
Dixon was a Plan B signee
?? San Francisco atter an All-
areer in Cleeland He was
peting for a reserve spotinthe
h ndary with Eric Wright alsoa
er All-Pro and a favorite of
ach George Seifert
The East
would like to
help in the
recycling effort
Iby encouraging
its readers to
C news-
- paper

aljc ?a0f (Carolinian a a ?0 99
Fearless Football Forecast
i I I Sp
i .
il ,
1 i KI loiOl (, MORRIS spurts ditoi 1 1 Ith .ir. i Marv land( HARI Is KI.OI M 1 ire tor spurts Information : ? ? , Mai la1 K ?? s I s t 1t MAS i
IllinoisV v minf Northern Illinois I ul.lllr irginia ' ' imi ol hioNorthern llhm 1 u l,i i n Virj ?
levas A MR ii?'
?mued from page 16
th eeded
. ?? is vv ho
? r.
I ma.arrison,
?. i Sanchez
i l' ?. ? i i
ii i 'ovotna
i indNo i
II the tirst
eight p 'Hits i if t ri
to a 4- ad
She vs .is n? . - . . ?
I apnati sai I hdn't n
aliv win She pavi
I hen she si
and 1 started pi.n mg ? i
ttcr I luber w on five Mi
games, .ipn.m went on a
game streak closinj
set and grabbing i ? id
roui '
i ffort
A : , to

This semester, take some decuves
in communications.
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?lie ?ot (Carolinian August 30,1990 19
Fearless Football Forecast
' .Miisanna Tech at ECU
hike at South Carolina
Virginia Tech at Maryland
Temple at Wyoming
Fastern Illinois at Northern Illinois
Southwestern louisanna at Tulane
Virginia at Kansas
Miami of Ohio at UNC
Wake Forrest at Rice
lYxas A&M at Hawaii
WNCT-TV SportsManaging EditorECL ChancellorSports EditorDirector SportsAssistant Sports Editor
South CarolinaSouth Carolinasouth CarolinaSouth CarolinaSouth CarolinaSouth Carolina
Virginia Tech Wyoming Northern IllinoisMarylandMarylandMarylandMarylandVirginia Tech
Northern IllinoisNorthern IllinoisNorthern IllinoisNorthern IllinoisNorthern Illinois
Southwest L.ouisannaTulaneTulaneTulaneTulaneSouthwest l.ouisanrva
Virginia UNCVirginiaKansasVirginiaVirginiaVirginia
RiceRiceWake ForrestRiceRiceRice
TexasA&Mfexas A&MTexas A&MTexas A&MTexas A&MTexas A&M
Continued from page 16
( rand Slam title, faced
-lare Wood. In night
PS Menu a Seles, the French
a omen's champion, plays
j ; i;rbank Nideffer and Jim
Mtwdtd 14th in the men's
takes on South African
rg on Tuesday became
rst top seed to lose in the
fig found W the L.S Open in
tfs falling to Alexander
H the Soviet lnion-3, 7-
I n relaxed out there
'thing to lose Fdberg
. lkov
rg, on the other hand,
. v. but not the world's
? inking Despite the first-
it. thenght handerwill
n the No 1 spot even if
rts Becker or 1 end the
iver. wins the I S. Open
- is something I need to
Irtd think about Fdberg
I i just have to think it over
to not let it happen again "
Wilander, who rose to No. 1
in the world after winning the U.S.
Open in 1988, has fallen to 59th on
the computer. Unseeded thisyear,
he was ousted by eighth-seeded
Brad Gilbert on Monday
Besides Edberg, other Swedes
falling on Tuesday were Mikael
Pernfors, the French Open finalist
in 1986, Thomas Hogstedtand I .ars
Jonsson. Remaining in the hunt
Continued from page 16
? . ? r ward to theN.C.
IUSC they have
lot of trouble the last
Ifs ?nd we want to
ltd at the end of the
? spring.
? the N C State game
llso plays host to Duke
? ? 22 arid then they face a
I ame against Univer-
rtl.( arolmaatWilming-
I i ! Anyone interested
Hit, I team meeting will
in Sept 4 in the General
niBuilding. For more in-
. all Blair Byrd at 7S8-
l i itox of Recreational
. t 757-5993
Continued from page 18
? Raider), retired after a
?I muries
n was i Plan B tignce
ii rancteco after an All-
n pi in 4 leveUnd. He was
I r a reserve spot in the
ithl ru Wnght,alsoa
il Pro and a favorite of
-eorge Seifert.
The East
would like to
help in the
recycling effort
by encouraging
its readers to
R this
? news-
J r paper
for the title arv Johanarlsson,
Anders larrvd. Peter I uiulren.
David F.ngel and (onasSveiisson.
Fdberg has one other distin -
tion: He is the only seeded plaver
to lose thus far in the t KMT Irnent
Tuesday's winners in, hided
lendl. No. 4 Andre Agassi. I
Fmiho Sanchez, No l Aaron
Krickstein, No. IC Andreh
esnokov, No 11 Muhaelhang
and No 13 Jay Berger.
Besides the 13th-seeded Ca-
priati, other women's seeds who
were victorious on Tuesday were
Navratilova, No. 4 Zina Garrison,
Sabatmi. No. 6 Arantxa Sanchez
V u ano. No. 9 Manuela Maleeva-
Fragnier, No. 12 Jana Novotna,
No 14 Natalia Zvereva and No. 15
ludith Wiesner.
Capriati npped off the first
eight points of the match en route
to a 4-0 lead
"She was making a lot of er-
rors Capriati said. "I didn't re-
ally win. She gave me free points
Then she started playing better
and I started playing loose
After Huber won five straight
games, Capriati went on a six-
game streak, closing out the first
set and grabbing a i-0 lead in the
second. And again Huber, a 15-
vear-oId West German, came back,
knotting the set 5-5 before Capn
ah took the final two games and
the victory.
John McFnroe, a four-time
U.S. Open champion who is un
seeded this year, won his first
round match, edging Spain's
Javier Sanchez7-6(10-8),7-6(7-U
This semester, take some electiws
in communications
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The East Carolinian, August 30, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 30, 1990
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