The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990

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?lje iEaat (Earaltnian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 64 No. 39
Thursday, August 23, 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 15,000
50 Pages
party set for
Organizers plan for
bands, transportation
By Doug Morris
Sports Editor
After a year s absense ot the
annual 1 lalloween party me Ireen-
ille, a celebration featuring tour
live bands will be held at the Pitt
County Fairgrounds this October
rhebrainchildscl thecelebra-
tion, two( Ireenville businessmen,
Darrell and Rand) Hignite, are
hoping their plans will produce a
big bash.
"I imagine, from what we ve
already seen, we're going to soil a
lot ol advanced tickets Darrell
1 lignite said, "because people are
already chumping at tne bit
I"hey re calling everywhere, and
we haven t even started advertis-
ing vet '
The musical entertainment
will include Awareness Art En-
semble, ITie Band of(V, Seabreeze
and Ihe Embers. There will also
be a costume contest: first prize-
$100, second prize-$50, third prize-
"We're going to go basicall)
after the college crowd: L NC-W .
Chapel Hill, State, and here
Darrell Hignite said. "We're bill-
ing this, not just as a concert, but as
an event. 1 lalloween's not just for
kids an more
Ihe event will start at p.m.
on Halloween night and run until
iboul 2 am or until everyone
l aves rickets, with prices Sis m
ad ance and $20 at the event, will
Co on sale at the beginning of
September at I BF.theChooChoo
I hni. and (lold'sgymdowntown.
1 raditionallv held on the
streets of downtown Greenville,
See Parry, page b
The long and winding line
' . i. si Hi-tfmjn 1'hofo I jb
Coinciding with record enrollment for the fall semester, record numbers of students have been waited in
queues This line to pay fees along the side of Whichard Building stretched to the Jenkins F me Arts Building
Budget cuts hit
home: fee hikes,
faculty reduction
Ordinance talk making noise
Bv Matt King
sutt Writer
! Cl representatives and other
concerned citizc ns met to re evalu-
ate (ireem ille s efforts to curb its
growing noise problem last I hurs-
day at town hall.
rhe Toise ' I mce ommit-
tee, which had previously been
dismantled, recon ned to take a
closer kxk at tht.rcenville Citv
i. ouncil's stand i n noise manage
men! and the current noise ordi-
nance which is the most stringent
in the city's hisl r ' ' tii jain
in a st ion 5:3 ght at town
hall, trie committee will continue
work on re-examining the ordi-
nance and the recent rise m noise
I ast year a local citizen tele-
phoned then At, i or Ed Carter and
City Councilwoman Lorraine
Shinn to inform them oi a trater
nitv party which the citizen telt
was too loud. Both Carter and
Shinn came to the part) site to
look into the situation
In the aftermath ot that eve-
ning. Carter introduced a plan to
thecouncil toend theory's policv
ot issuing noise permits to pri-
vate citizens or groups wishing to
hold functions. With Carter cast-
ing the deciding vote, legislation
passed 4-3 in October.
Ihe new measure set a low
ered ceiling on legal noise levels
to 65 maximum decibel: from the
outskirts oi a property line. The
law originated out oi a deluge o(
noise complaints, many ot which
centered in the immediate vicin-
ity ot ECU and in the Tar River
area. Between Ian. 1 and Sept. V.
1989, the( ireenville police had u2
reported noise complaints Almost
a year after the ordinance was
adopted the number ot noise
complaints filed bv area citizens
incre is? d
E( I students felt particularly
violated b this action, rheculmi-
nation of tliest.Mll feelings was dis-
played in November v. hen 1000or
sosh: : tnd residents marched
froml - : lownl ifthStreet
towardit) I lall.
in City Hall was
larg . . .ving ol grievences
? ? ? Iinance, but the citv
held its gi ? ? md no c hanges
were made in the law.
number ol complaints
has d ubled in the last year said
Allen IThomas, council member
and president f ECU'S Student
See Complaints, page 6
By Tim Hampton
News Iditor
K I student fees rose $80 for
the tall semester following the an-
nouncement ot statewide educa-
tional budget cuts earlier this
month Ihe late increase means
approximately 12,000 ECU stu-
"dents will have to tx- rebilled tor
the semester which started Wed-
Faced with a566million reve-
nue shortfall, the state General As-
sembly opted to slash $54.7 mil-
lion from the proposed I INC svs
tern budget which funds 1 state
universities including ECU. While
eliminating several hundred posi-
tions svstemwide. the legislature
also added a "temporary academic
fee" amounting to $4150 annually
for all students
The reasoning behind the tem-
porary fee was to alleviate a fur-
ther one percent axe in the budget
It was a proposed solution to
the budget crunch in lulv Rich-
ard Brown, vice chancellor of
business affairs said of the tempo-
rary fee imposed bv the state law -
During the fall faculty convo-
cation Monday, Chancellor Rich-
ard R. Eakin said EC U lost 25.5
faculty positions and will be re-
quired to enforce austerity meas-
ures to cut another $2 million as a
result Of state funding problems.
But Hakin did say that enrollment
increase will allow the university
to rehire all bu t one of the Aca-
demic Aftairs positions.
Eakin said that large projects
such as the expansion of lovner
Library which had been placed
on hold because of the funding
vows have been restored. While
the legislature allowed $2 million
tor the Library fund, Eakin said
the project will need at least $25
million to begin construction.
Meanwhile, EC I students are
faced with larger class size and the
elimination of some lab course and
ironically -paving this year.
Combined with recent hikes
in EC L general tees, the total tui-
tion increase for in-state ECU stu-
dents will amount to $16050 an-
nual 1 v. or 580.25a semester, Brow n
said. Under the label ol general
tees a new $50 fee for student
computer and technology (see re-
lating story), a $30 increase in the
athletic fund and a 2hrise m debt
services were among the large
non-dormitory related increases.
Although analysis of the fig-
ures point to the fat t that ECU had
the largest increase tor 1990 in the
I C system, brown said such
statements can be misleading
" I"his is srt ot a catch-up year
torus. I really don't think our debt
services was considered in the
proper context Brown said.
Debt services allows the uni-
versity to pay ott existing struc-
tures hke Mendenhall student
c enter and create funds tor future
construction such as the 51" mil-
lion student recreation center,
which is still in the preliminary
planning stages. Brown said the
proposed site for the center would
be on land now owned bv Rose
1 ligh School.
The $30 rise in the athletic fund
See lees, page 7
?? 1 U 0"ce d' P a ng a-c l-s: t'o-a Hwsea
Jo?? Jt? ? s 1-?t tas: Cd'C - a-
and transfers
fuel record
From Staff Reports
Record breaking enrollment
figures are becoming the norm at
ECU. An estimated 16,400 stu-
dents are taking classes this fall
The latest figure is expected
to surpass last fall's enrollment ot
16,029 when student registration
becomes final. The 16,400 total
which would translate into a two
percent increase- over the previ-
ous year is based on projec-
tions made bv the Office of Plan-
ning and Institutional Research
With the possibility ot a large
number of transfer studentsand a
larger than expected freshmen
class, theenrollmentcould exceed
the predictions, according to Sue
1 lodges, director of OP1R.
The potentially high fall en-
rollment numbers follow a rec-
ord-breaking second summer
school session in which 5,000
students attended.
Curriculum receives
Bv Tim Hampton
cvs I Jitor
V ith the advent of a new com-
puter and technology program.
i I L has made a bold step in the
tall semester of 1990 toward be-
coming one of the most "compre-
hensive high tech universities in
the state
After approval from the L (
Board of Governors, E( L added a
$50 to student tees tor the new
program which promises to bring
the most up-dated computer
equipment to students.
"This fee will provideapproxi-
matelv $700,000 annually which
will dramatical!) enhance student
access to state-of-the-art, disci-
nologies Chancellor Richard R.
Eakin said during the faculty con-
vocation Monday, adding I can't
think of a more exciting or promis-
ing academic initiative for the
benefit of the entire ECU student
The plan evolved from a wing
oi the Eakin's Strategic Planning
Committee with the final draft
being formed last September, ac
cording to Richard Brown, vice
chancellor for business affairs.
While Eakin didn't list any specif-
ics on the newly established fund.
Brown said the program's scopes
are endless
from art students to physics
students we want the students
to have the latest technology. This
will go beyond just word process-
ing computers and will include
state-of-art equipment to accom-
plish anything from electronic
musical composure to scientific
experimentation Brown said.
"It may make ECU the com-
prehensive high-tech university in
the state Brown said.
In cither developments an-
nounced during the convocation
speech, F:akin proposed to "desig-
nate the College of Arts and Sci-
ences as a unit, " create a faculty
development center and empha-
sized the new commitment to
academic computing.
Eakin also lauded the
university's efforts to cut back on
A 'Welcome Back'
(or'Welcome'for the first
time) message from the
managing editor
State & Nation9
the downtown scene ?
the New Deli re-opens
with lots of new touches
Head coach Bill Le-
wis looks toward a most
competitive schedule for
the ECU Pirates
Special arts and
? The Entertainer
Welcome Back East Carolina!
The East Carolinian wishes everyone
the best for the fall semester

2 The Easl Carolinian, August 23,1990
ECU Briefs
Drake appointed to second term
Ken Drake oi Greensboro, a senior majonng in psychology at
ECU, has been reappotnted president of the ECU Student Union for
1990-1991. It will be Drake's second term as president of the Student
The Student Union, composed oi 11 university committees re-
sponsible for providing a balanced program of social, cultural and rec-
reational programs, administers an annual budget of more than
$250,000 and coordinates the work of more than 100 volunteers.
The Student Union includes the media board, which oversees the
university's student publications and radio station WZMB. It offers a
unique student development and leadership program in which stu-
dents receive training in marketing, situational leadership, ethical
decision-making, conflict resolution and group processes.
Programs sponsored bv the Student Union include the films
series, major concerts, speakers, comedies, art shows and competi-
tions, trips to New York, 1 (await and the Bahamas and the annual
ECl Springiest, "Barefoot on the Mall
Minority leadership program started
Ion African American students who entered ECU this fall have
been invited to serve as the first interns in a new program to provide
leadership training for minority students.
1 he program is intended to provide first-year African American
students who have demonstrated leadership potential in their com-
munities or high school with an opportunity to enhance their poten-
tial said Dr. Larry Smith, assistant vice chancellor for minority
student affairs.
The students will receive Sl.UX) stipends and become "actively
involved" in the campus community, Smith said. He said they will
participate in a seriesol workshopsand seminarsand hold active lead-
ership roles in the residence hall system, the Student Government As-
sociation (SGA) and the Student Union.
With funding provided bv Chancellor Richard R. Eakin, the
(. hancellor's Minority Leadership Intern Program is an outgrowth of
a proposal by an African American honors student Darek McCullers.
Genetic counselor joins medical school
1 n Smith 1 iammond has joined the medical genetics program at
i (tie ECU School oi Medicine as clinical instructor and genetic coun-
i ? "r-
She will work with couples considering having children but con-
(i nud about genetic risks associated with age and inherited disease
Before her HCL appointment, she was a genetics intern at Char-
lotte Memorial Hospital. Hammond completed her undergraduate
education ai Syracuse University in New York. She holds master's
degrees in library science from ViUanova University and in genetic
counseling from the University of South Carolina School of Medicine.
Her preparation in genetics includes completion of internships at
.n. en wood Genetics Center in Green wood, S.C the Medical College
t (Georgia Human Genetice Institute in Augusta, and the University
t South Carolina School of Medicine.
Veteran dean to become chairperson
Dr. Donald E. Bailee who has served as dean oi the General
? ollege at ECU since 1969 will become acting chair oi the Department
t Science Education next month
Bailev will relinquish hi administrative appointment as associ-
tevice chanct llor tor undergraduate studies and dean of the General
. ollege iis appointment as acting char ot Science Education, effec-
ive August 20, was announced by Dr. Marlcne Springer, vice chancel-
lor lor academk affairs.
"Don will be of tremendous assistance in serving the Department
i Science Education as acting chair Dr. Springer said. "I look
"orward to v rking with him in that new role
Balch appointed to director of unit
Da id C Balch has been named director of the Center for Health
SciencesCommunicaton at ECU,accorking to Dr. Alastair M. Connell,
. n e chancellor for health sciences.
Balch succeeds Wayne Williams, who was director of the center for
- years until his retirement in April. An ECU employee since 1974,
! ilch served as assistant director oi the center since 1981.
ith a staff oi 20, the center supplies the ECU Schools of Medicine,
N'ur iing and Allied 1 lealth Sciences and the Health Sciences Library
ith a range oi communications services, including medical illustra-
tion and photography, graphic art, television media, printing and
a idio isual support. The center also operates the university's two-way
vision and teleconferencing link with the MicroelectronicsCenter of
North Carolina.
Evans becomes new Psychology head
Dr. Rand B. Evans, former dean oi the University of Baltimore's
logo of Liberal Arts, has joined the ECU faculty as professor and
hairman ot tho Department of Psychology.
1 rom 1978 to 163, Evans headed the psychology department at
' exas A&M University, having joined the faculty at that campus in
' 976. Previously he taught at the University of New Hampshire and
t Wright State University.
Ivans received the BA, MA and PhD degrees from the University
t Texas at Austin and has specialized in the history of psychology,
i Hiring his tenure at the University of New Hampshire, he was co-
lir ttor oi the L'NH history oi psychology doctoral program.
In addition to his teaching and administrative duties, Evans has
heen active in professional organizations.
1 le is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and has
- rved on several APA committees. He is currently co-editing the
APA's t entennial History.
Evans is also a fellow of the American Psychological Society, the
Eastern Psychological Association and the Cheiron Society (Interna-
tional Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences).
E ans' publications include more than 50 articles in social science
urnals and reference works. He served six years as editor of the
heiron Newsletter and has held several positions for the American
urnai of Psychology.
Medical faculty receive mini-grants
Four faculty members at the ECU School of Medicine have re-
ceived mini-grants totaling $60,000 through the ECU Diabetes Center's
pilot and feasibility grant program.
Dr. Phillip H. Pekala, ECU associate professor of biochemistry
and chairman of the grant program, said the mini-grants allow
investigators involved in diabetes research to conduct preliminary
studies needed to pursue long-term funding from major public and
private agencies.
The four $15,000 mini-grants went to the following researchers:
Dr. Thomas Buttke, associate professor of microbiology and immu-
nology; Dr. Jacqueline F.McGinry, associate professor of anatomy; Dr.
Sam Pennington, professor of biochemistry; and Dr. Stephen J. Usala,
assistant professor of medicine.
Student Health provides many services
Welcome to East Carolina!
During your stay here at ECU
remember while taking care of
your mind and social life not to
neglect your health and well-
being. Many times our health is
the last thing on our mind, until
we get sick and don't have it any-
more! The Student Health Serv-
ices is here to provide you with
services, information, and educa-
tion to keep you healthy during
your stay here.
The Student 1 lealth Service is
a student oriented health care
clinic located between Joyner Li-
brarv and the Flanagan Building.
Our main concern is to proved
students of ECU with individual-
ized and quality health care, and
to provide information to live a
healthy litest vie. All of our serv-
ic s are confidential; your medi-
cal records are not part of your
school record. The following serv -
ices are available at the Student
Health Center.
Appointments - Appoint-
ments are available for the con-
venience ot students. The appoint-
ment system gives you the option
to schedule a visit with a health
care provider at the time that is
best for vou.
L'rgent CareWalk-in Clinic -
The Urgent CareWalk-in Clinic
area serves as a treatment area for
those students without appoint-
mentsand for thoseseekingemer-
gency care. It is open during Stu-
dent Health Service hours.
Sell-Care Medication Clinic
- This clinic helps vou to learn
more about your illness, its svmp-
Scientist given
grant for heart
disease study
toms, and to decide how to treat
yourself. Over-the -counter medi-
cations such as aspirin, deconges-
tants and antihistaminesare avail-
able at no cost. Contraceptive
methods are available for a small
Allergy Clinic - Allergy vac-
cines are given during the hours
Of 8:00 AM - 12 N and 1:00 I'M -
4:00 PM, Monday through Fndav
by a registered nurse. You must
supply the antigen and an injec-
tion schedule from vim allergist
Health Education - The pro
motion of skills contributing to
health maintenance and wellness
isan important part of the Student
Health Service. Educational
classes, programs and materials
on topics such as Freedom Prom
Smoking, Sexually Transmitted
Diseases, Healthy Fating Habits.
Weight Control, and main more
are offered through the year. Bro-
chures and other information are
also available, including subjects
such as diet and nutrition, cancer
detection techniques, high blood
pressure, sexual dysfunctions,
exercise, depression, and alcohol
and drugs. The I lealth Education
Resource Room which contains
videos, pamphlets and other edu
cational material isopen toall stu
dents Monday through Friday 8:00
AM - 5:00 PM.
Women's Health -Contracep-
tive education and counseling,
breast and pelvic examinations,
Pap smears, lab procedures, and
prescriptions for contraceptive
agents are offered by the Student
Health Service. Pap smears are
scheduled in advance by appoint-
ment. Contraceptive classes are
held twice weekly in the Resource
Room. Tests for pregnancy, and
sexually transmitted disease's and
the evaluation of other women's
health problems are available at
the Student health Service. Call
757-f794 for more information.
Men!s HejllhCjt?C- Educa-
tional programs ottered to male
students cover a variety of men's
health issues including contracep-
tion, testicular self-exam, and
sexually transmitted diseases.
Contraceptive classes are held
twice wecklv in the Resource
Room. Tests for sexually trans-
mitted diseases, and the evalu-
ation of other men's health prob-
lems are available. Condoms are
available at the cost of $2.00 per
doen. Call 757-6794 for more in-
Psychiatric Services- Psychi-
atric services are available by
appointment or by referral Fhe
cost ot this service is included in
the student health fee.
laboratory and Radiology
Student Health Service
Health Education
Services - Many laboratory t
are done at either no
minimal charge to the stud
There is a charge tor rays
ColposcopyAdros c o
Clinic - Professional staff
available three afternoons a ??
for colposcopic examination
women and ad res ? i ? ?
tion of men.
Other Services Physi
Health screenings blood pn -
vision, tuberculosis sickle ?
mia, and (holesterol
Staff The Student
Ser ice includes a director i
ate dim tor tor administrai
asso iate dire tor for clini
medicine,physicians, fan
practitioners, health edu i
pharma ist, registi ? I i
laboratory technologists, ?
technologist, nursing i
and other support st "
Please feel free I lop
?student Health Service!
about programs r thersen
Remember, yi ?u d n t ha i
feeling si k to stop bv.
An ECU scientist studying the
cause's oi heart disease and heart
attacks at the cellular level has
received a five-year extension oi
his funding from the National
Institutes of Health.
The SL14 million grant from
the National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute to Dr. S. Jamal
Mustafa, professor of pharmacol-
ogy in the School oi Medicine,
makes his project the longest con-
tinuouslv funded research effort
at the university. NIH has funded
various phases of the project with-
out interruption since 1976.
Mustafa's research has fo-
cused on the action ot adenosine,
a chemical "messenger" that in-
fluencesthe flow of blood through
arteries of the heart to expand.
The enlarged arteries are thus able
to carrv more oxygen-rich blood
to the heart in periods of increased
In the most recent phase of his
research, Mustafa has put this
process under a microscope, at-
tempting to determine the way in
which adenosine molecules inter-
act with the blood vessel walls to
cause them to expand. In normal,
healthv hearts of pigs and cows,
he has identified "receptors" along
the vessel walls that serve as points
of attachment for the adenosine
molecule. Once attached, the mole-
cules seem to promote chemical
changes in the cells that make up
the vessel walls.
Mustafa will next turn his at-
tention to what happens when the
process goes awry in the individ-
ual with coronary artery disease.
"We do not know how these
mechanisms work in a diseased
heart said Mustafa. "That's what
we're going to find out in the next
five years
Heart attacks occur when an
insufficient volume of blood is
supplied to the heart. The cells of
the heart become starved of oxy-
gen, resulting in damage to the
heart muscle.
Mustafa speculates that the
development of fatty deposits on
the coronary artery walls may
somehow interfere with the work
of adenosine. If this were true,
arteries already physically nar-
rowed might also be unable to
expand with higher heart rates,
increasing the potential for heart
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(Sfte jEaBt Carolinian
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The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 3
Parking fines increase two-fold
U a
fines hope " I -
itoi ?.? ?
' ' IGt VI
Celeste Hoffman ill Photo Lab
dissuade illegally parkers on
?? ? t V I ol the tines for
? kpf;
Scholarship allows non-traditional
students a shot at college degrees
J C L News Bureau
get do ? i ??
j Ro
ne ol
? I ?
led bv a lego n
ns Fa la Ed 1101
? tl ?"? id ? ' .
ndSvl ? ? ' ?
but thi ir hr
vine classes lent
I ? . ? rt th
U tl 11
r His
dents are imrsi
rt iookin? forvN ,srd ti being
? 1 :said.mis Hol-
ille, .i riripient of
? -arships
ind Hi' A . 'rks for .i
j, ws finaid -rie vmII be
itser ice, .i ugh the n - She
with hT da Ugh
arcT ?thersx hoi ireen . ? 1 iss for
?sr She iirsumg
v in .i i?untmg . n not n two
By Michael Martin
Managing Editoi
in m effort to curb illegal
parking and mo ing violations on
the E U campus, the traffic and
Parkingommittee passed in in
i re.lo in parking fines which be-
came effective August 1 Ranging
from increments of s to $35, the
a ross the board iru rease the
second su h hike in lvt years.
Pat i lertz, the assistant diret
tor of public safety and a member
i?i the ommittee, said thede ision
tor the fine increase was not only
to prevent an immediate hike in
parking sinkers but also to trim
dov n the number of parking and
mo ing tolators
"The idea (of the fine increases)
was to let the individuals who ille
galh : trl f ? I fhe brunt of the in
i r ases, rather than fhept rson who
registers their car and abideb th
rul? sand regulations said lertz.
i I, we i r the v ehi le rogistra
tion fee could see n increase .is
earh as 1 ?' 1 Vccoi ling to lames
i epu F.( U's dire tor t public
safeh "? possibility of an increase
m t'ni vehicle registration tees m
1991 js ver likely.
et onh were the fines insti-
tuted to decrease violators, but to
; pa) the r: ing cost of opera
tion .it pubih safi t According to
DePuy, revenue from parking
violations during the 1989 90 year $97,722, and another $5,000
was collet ted from parking meter
"In comparison to other uni
versities, we were verv low on our
tmes said ! ePuombined
w ith an iih rease in labor, salaries
,md the cost of doing business
we h.ul to increase fines to pav our
overhead, pave lots and pav sala-
"Out ol 100 pen enf oi the
people thai parkon campus, proba-
bly 40 pen ent .ire net registered
( .ert estimated
"We are going to hea il i n
force moving violationsert
added "We'vehadsomanv com-
plaints of speed!ne rei kless Jri
ing and going the wrong way
downaonewa street Hopefully
the $3? fine v ill dis? ourage lola-
( ompared t i ther universi
ties in the North Carolina system,
the $50 parking fee at E I is rela-
tively inexpensive Students, t i
ultv and staff at Northarolina
state ! niversitv pav around S12
to park on campus, while the fi ? il
the University of North t arolina
at Chapel Hill reaches $210 for
premium spaces.
I he university recently pur
i hased .i house on
and is looking to pui I
ter additional parl
that the houses ??? tld be ra
and the an a ould I ?
registen d allow inv rej
tered vehi
except f i
New Parking 1 ines
? Disregard of H?? j.1 in parkin;
? Overtime parking ? melei
? Wrong zone
? Buvunregistered
? No p.irking jr-a
? Unregistered vehicle e ired
? Littering (nun-dan)
? Blo king drn ivs iv
? I disregard "t ban i
? llh'jllv parking in j h ?
i apped pa. ? (to ing
? Mm ing iolal urn
? Parked in a I ire
? Illegal us ol j .
(suspension ol parking and
Jri ing pn ileges toi n I
? l Iperating ehU le iicj
after suspension of priileg? - S
? I )angerous lilte
i pIns restitutii in for dan i. ?
? ! damage I
signs, b.ut it ades eti
No parking irej
Intent ionalh mo. . I I r I m
one ehi le to anutl ?

Present an 1(1 ID anilKi i
Adult Cut S9.00
Perm Plus S:4.(
V TT ? ? ?') S
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Hours w oday thr ugh Frida 9am until 'i ' WH
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The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 3
Parking fines increase two-fold
t elcstc Hoffman ? ECU I'hoto Lab
Designers of the recent increase in parking and traffic fines hope the hikb will dissuade illegally parkers on
campus This ECU Campus Safety officer napped a violator last weeh en Ninth Street Most of the fines tor
violations doubled while a few rose by three times the amount of last year's tickets
Scholarship allows non-traditional
students a shot at college degrees
ECU News Bureau
A scholarship tor "non-tradi-
tional" students, given tor the first
time this year at ECU, is helping
some Pitt County adults get de-
"It helps a lot said Roy .
Carawan of Greenville, one ol 10
adult students who received a $500
scholarship from ECU'S Univer-
sity College. The money for the
scholarship was provided bv a
grant from the Perkins Founda-
tion, a philanthropic fund estab-
lished five years ago to help resi-
dents of Pitt County.
Carawan is taking classes
through the University College, a
program offering night classes to
aduit students who are working
towards degrees in their spare
For Carawan the college class-
room is a family affair His wife
1 enacompleted her degreeatEC I
last year and is enrolled this tall in
a graduate degree program ar
I NC-Chapel 1 ill. 1 lissonScotl is
a student at Pitt c ommunity i o
Carawan said the award
couldn't have come atabetter time.
"It is the first time, to my
know ledge, the university hasev er
given scholarships to adult stu-
dents said Marion P. Sykes, co
ordinator tor the University c ol-
lege in the Division of C ontinuing
"We had about 75 applicants,
said Sykes. "Wecould onlye hoose
Hi but they are among our best
students, he said.
Sykes said E( U hoped to re-
new the grant from the Perkins
Foundation Kir next ye u and also
seek funding from otl sources
tor additional scholar hips tor
adults. 1 iesaid theadull student is
a "new breed" on college cam-
puses and more and more older
students are returning to the class-
More than 800 students are
enrolled in the evening courses at
E( P.
"I'm looking forward tcbeing
a student again said fanis Hol-
land ot Greenville, a recipient ot
one of the scholarships.
Holland, who works tor a
weight loss firm, s. 11 she will be
studying community service, a
program ottered through the
School ot Home Economics. She
said at some point she might even
be taking a c'ass with her daugh-
ter, an ECU sophomore.
1 Vnise Co ward" another schol-
arship recipient trom Greenville,
has been attending night class tor
the past two ears. She is pursuing
a degree in accounting. When not
in (.lass Coward holds down two
part-time jobs.
By Michael Martin
Managing Fditor
In an effort to curb illegal
parking and moving violations on
the FCU campus, the Traffic and
Parking Committee passed an in-
crease in parking fines which be-
came effective August 1. Ranging
from increments of $3 to $3S, the
across-the-board increase was the
second such hike in two years.
Pat Certz, the assistant direc-
tor of public safety and a member
of the committee, said the decision
for the fine increase was not onlv
to prevent an immediate hike in
parking stickers, but also to trim
down the number of parking and
moving violators.
"Theidea (of the tine increases)
was to let the individuals who ille-
gally park feel the brunt ot the in-
creases, rather than the person who
registers thei r car and abide by the
rulesand regulations said Certz.
1 lowever, the elude registra-
tion fee could see an increase as
early as W. According to lames
Depuy, PCX's director of public
safety, the p? rssibility of an increase
in the vehicle registration lees in
1991 is very likely.
Not only were the fines insti-
tuted to decrease violators, but to
help pay the rising cost of opera-
(Of equal or lesser value)
i ????? ??JXPJRB8 10.3190
Served until 10:30 a.m. daily,
EXPIRES 103196
tion at public safety. According to
DePuy, revenue from parking
violations during the 1989-90year
was $47,722, and another $5,000
was collected trom parking meter
"In comparison to other uni-
versities, we were very low on our
tines said DePuy, "Combined
with an increase in labor, salaries
and the cost of doing business
we had to increase fines to pay our
overhead, pave lots and pay sala-
"Out of HX) percent of the
people that park on campus, proba-
bly 40 percent are not registered
Certz estimated.
"We are going to heavily en-
force moving violations Cert
added. "We've had SO many com-
plaints of speeding, reckless driv-
ing and going the wrong way
down a one way street. Hopefully
the $35 fine will discourage viola-
Compared to other universi-
ties in the North Carolina system,
the $50 parking fee at ECU is rela-
tively inexpensive. Students, fac-
ultv and staff at North Carolina
State University pay around S12T
ti p.irk on campus, while the
the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill reaches $2It) tor
premium spaces.
The university recently pur-
chased a house on Ninth St reel
and is looking to pun haseanothef
for additional parking (,ert said
that the houses would be razed
and the area would be "university
registered allowing any regis
tered vehicle (except freshmen) to
New Parking Fines
? Disregard ot hcul-in parking $5
? Overtime parking - meter SIO
? Wrong zone SIS
? Bicycle unregistered $s
? No parking area S2s
? Unregistered vehicle (expired
permit) S35
? Littering (non-dangiTuus) Sis
? Blocking driveway S2s
? Disregard of barricade $35
? Illegally parking in a handi-
capped space (towing enforced) $50
? Moving violations $35
? Parked in a lire one $25
? Illegal use of permit,
(suspension of parking and
driving privileges for one year) $50
? Operating vehicle on campus
alter suspension ot privileges $-u
? Dangerous littering
(plus restitution for damages) SSo
? Damage to or removal ot gates,
signs, barricades, fit. $50
? No parking area S2S
Intentionally mov ing ticket from
one vehicle to another sji,
AfFaitastic Sanj's
'?r Original
Present an ECU II) andReceive
Adult Cut $9.00 rcgsi;
Perm Pius S24.S rcgSJi
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j "Sausage & Egg biscuit
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I 'Steak & Egg Biscuit
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?Ham Pj. Egg Biscuit
?Blueberry Biscuit
?Jelly Biscuit
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(Cheese available on biscuits)
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and Desserts
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N D E N H A t L

?be iEaat Carolinian
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Managing Editor
ADAM Bl ankenship, Director of Advertising
Tim Hampton, Nexvs Editor
Paula Gicee, State and Nation Editor
MATT KlNC, Asst. Features Editor
DOUG Morris Sports Editor
EARLE M. McAULEY, Asst. Sports Editor
Scott Maxwell , Satire Editor
Phong LUONG, Credit Manager
STUART RoSNER, Business Manager
Michael Kole, Ad Teeh Supervisor
TOBY BARBOUR, Circulation Manager
Pi BORAH S. DANIEL, Secretary
CllRIS NORMAN, Darkroom Technician
STEVE REID, Staff Illustrator
1 he East ('aroUnian has served the Fast Carolina campus community since 1925, emphasizing information that directly
affects ECU students. During the ECL' school year. The Eastl arohnian publishes twice a week with acirculation of 12,000.
he East Cart 'Union reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age, sex.
(reed or national ongin. The masthead editorial in each edition does not necessarily represent the views of one individual,
l nit, rather, is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view.
I etters should be limited to 250 words or less Lor purposes of decency and brev ity. The EastCarolimianresertts the right
to edit letters for publication. I otters should be addressed to The Editor, lhe Fai Carolinian, Publications Rldg . ECU.
Greenville, NC, 27834; or call i9Wi 757 rf
Page4, Thursday, August 23, 1990
Change breaks the traditional routine
It seems like yesterday that we were in
thesameroutineofthespringsemester- getting
up every morning and going to class, tidying
tor exams and heading downtown or lo worl
Almost I ike clockwork, thesesame tradition ire
starting .ill over again. Almost.
Some things nave changed since the last
time everyone was on campus Probably the first
thing everyone noticed was theuniversity'seftort
?o beautify the campus Many ot the brick u.iik-
ways have been completed, parking lots have
And it the cost of school was not too much of an
increase, theTrafhc and Parking Committee voted
to raise fines for parking and moving violations.
So watch out! You may find those pink tickets on
your car a little more regularly than in the past.
The East Carolinian hasalso gone through
some change. Some new faces have appeared in
the of fice while some old ones have come back for
another tour. Tim Hampton and Chris Norman
should give the editorial staff a bit of experience,
while Mike Lange will give the paper a minor
vn paved, buildings painted and a managerie facelift. Carrie Armstrong will continue her du-
of plants and shrubs have all made the ECU
campus look a lot better
Another tradition ECU is really starting
to enjoy is the record numbers of students enroll-
ing each semester. For the past 3 ears the uni-
versity has steadily attracted more and more
students, up to lo,4(X) for this tail semester
Thecost of coming to school has taken yet
another hike, just as it has over the past tew ears
tiesasSpecial Sections Editor, while Doug Morris
and Earle McAulev will keep you informed on
the latest Pirate athleticevents. Deanna Nevgloski
has taken over as Features Editor and Matt King
comes in as her assistant. Paula Cigee is still
holding the State and Nation position.
1 ook for the difference that this team will
give you in the coming months. The times have
changed, and so have we.
By Tim E. Hampton
Fditorial Columnist
Jesse 1 lelms,Saddam Hussein
and all-you-can-eat buffets (with
the added feature of the dessert
I ar have been on mv mind lately.
1avbe its because oneortheothcr
i r the other is a constant source of
Ants and big brown bugs re-
tentlv executed Mission Kitchen
in mv house. Loads of bombs and
sprav cans have proven the in-
dustrious insects are immune to
v hemical warfare. On the last re-
connaissance to the cupboard, the
armies had invaded the box of
I lonev Comb. That was the last
straw. Now I'm bar-hopping.
Never being much of a rabbit-
food eater, 1 usually skip the salad
bar and head right to the food bar
Two plates later and hating life,
some strange mode seems to take
over. At this point, food-bargoers
start to think, "I'm going to get my
money's worth and eat another
plate " After stumbling for the
breath mints, I feel like an oil ex-
ecutive hoarding a stockpile of
expensive gas.
However, becoming bloated
on empty calories is the least of
my worries.
Since the cable company dis-
onnected that magical umbilical
cord which brought an endless
supply of Cubs baseball and
cheesy late night movies to my
shotgun shack, 1 haven't been the
same. The absence of Harry Carey
and Death Wish Part W1V has
forced the unthinkable: watching
local TV. And there amidst Gerry
K i vers (Cera Ido Rivera) and J udge
Wapner is ole lesse on every
commercial break telling how he
is the prime protector of "North
Carolina Values
What are North Carolina val-
ues anyway? Certainly what this
state deems acceptable can't be
giant velvet artworks of Elvis,
James Earl Ray Day and the al-
lowance for daughters to have
their daddv'sbabies. If the people
in North Carolina decide that Jesse
Helms upholds their beliefs in
November, I'll probably leave my
home state of 2s vears and move
to New lersov
If velvet Hlvises reallv are the
definition ot North Carolina views
on art, then whv can't Mr. Helms
debate his artistic expertise and
other views with his Democratic
opponent Mr. Harvey Gantt?
While speaking to the National
Turkey Federation in Asheville
July 16, Helms dismissed the
proposed debates as a "dog and
pony show It's ironic that now
he has the sole spotlight in the
chicken song and dance.
No matter what your political
persuasion may be, the antics of
the Iraqi maniac must be flipping
?xr, m
Fawk x70
A look at drinking and driving
On the Fringe
Jesse, Saddam and bugs can wreck your life
vour gilder. Saddam has forced
me into a state of bad health. With
the price of gas up a quarter a
gallon ? thanks to the money-
grubbing oil magnates who are
capitalizing on the crisis like ver-
min ? the Caddy remains parked
under the elms in back with the
fuel gauge needle on the big E.
Without the Caddy meant
breaking out the Huffy from the
tool shed, all rusty and flat from a
long term of retirement. The new
inner tubes and cans of WD-40
were easy enough to do, the hard
part was having to relearn how to
peddle. After hitting the curb a
couple of times and nearly nailing
a mail box, I finally got the hang of
it. The only problem then was
sucking enough oxygen into my
freeze-dried Kool lungs to make it
back from the two block journey
Thanks Saddam, for trying to
whip Americans into shape. If this
"Kuwaiti-thing" escalates any
further, maybe thecountry should
consider some mass-transit sys-
tems comparable to the European
network. But for now, I miss my
cruise control and power win-
I need to call Orkin. Since de-
serting my kitchen, I find myself
wandering around a dessert
trough, reading about the possi-
bility or a desert war and listening
to some dry, barren and empty
campaign commercials.
Bv Carrie Armstrong
Special Sections ditoi
From the moment we are bora
we become an "endangered spe
The ways to die are innumer-
able. Most assuredh old age is no
where near the top ot the list any-
more. Werally to save the whales,
to save the seashores and to save
our national parks and historical
land marks but we seem to be
unable to join together to save
ourselves, c. ould it bebe auseour
greatest potential danger comes
trorn cat. h other?
Each time one ol us gets be
hind the w heel ot a car we become
a potential danger to ourselves
as well as others However, riding
in or driving a vehu le is a disre-
garded risk, something done out
of necessity It isasnatural to us as
eating or sleeping.
W hat is frightening about
motor transportation is the
amount ot vehicles driven by in-
toxicated drivers, "he number ot
deaths caused by these drivers is
horrendous. It's senseless It's in-
furiating. But most of all it is the
ultimate slap in the face to lil
liberty and the pursuit ol happi-
Wh.H right does any human
have to endanger or end the lite of
another? None Life is a given.
Death, at the very least, should be
a natural end to that given.
Drinking and driving kills. It
maims families leaving behind
indescribable pain and anger
wounds that never completely
This is easy for me to put into
words because tor me it's real. I
have experienced the' hurt an tm-
rrired driver can so easily bring
at it. I know what it's like to be
caught up in something that is
unfair and seemingly without an-
swers I know how it teels to
wonder when, and it. the pain will
ever end. However, my feelings
alone are not enough because they
are mine and onlv real to me.
Therefore, I'm also ottering facts
and statistics. They are real to
everyone and they speak tor
?According to 1989 National
Highway Iraffie Safety Adminis-
tration i Nil ISA) statis-
tics, an estimated 23,351 persons
died in alcohol-related traffic
crashes in 1988, constituting 49.n
percent oi the 47,093 total traffic
?Of the43,093 estimated traf-
fic fatalities. 18,500 (39.3 percent)
were killed in crashes in whi h
at least one driver or pedestrian
was intoxicated. (NHTSA, 1989)
?Nearly 23 percent ot all driv-
ers involved in fatal crashes were
intoxicated at the time of their
crash. (NHTSA, 1989)
? I n single vehicle fatal crashes
occurring on weekend nights in
188, 77 percent of the fatal Iv
injured drivers 25 vears of age or
older were intoxicated, as com-
pared with 64 percentofdrivers
under the age of 25. (NHTSA, 1989)
? In 1983 there were 1,44
fatally inured in single vehicle
crashes. More than 53 percent
were intoxicated. (NHTSA, 1989)
?About 48 percent ot persons
tailed tor DWI had previous IHV1
convictions. (Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI), 1989)
?The NHTSA estimates that
perhaps as main as a quarter of a
million persons were killed in
alcohol-related crashes over the
last 10 vears. (FBI, 1989)
?For DWI offenders sen-
tenced to jail, the median term
imposed was five months; those
with prior DWI sentences received
sentences that were about tv ice aa
long as first timers. ;FJxI, 19?
?Nearly half of those in jail for
DWI had previously been sen-
tenced to probation, jail or prison
tor DWI, and three-quarters had a
prior sentience for any crime (in-
cluding DWI). (FBI, 1989)
? Prior to their arrest tor DWI.
convicted offenders had con-
sumed a median of six ounces
of pure alcoholequal to the alco-
holic content oi 12 bottles of beet
or eight mixed drinks) in a time
spand of four hours. About 26
percent consumed at least 10
ounces of pure alcohol
(equivalent to 20 beers or 13 mixed
drinks). (FBI, 1W?
?According to 198B statistics
from the Governor's Highway
Safety Program of the state
of North Carolina, 77,085 DWI
arrests were made statewide.
43,499 oi which were made bv
the State Highway Patrol. Six
hundred and thirty-five people
were killed in D W I - r e 1 a t e d
crashes and 19,479 people were
I'm not condemning alcohol
consumption ? that would be
hypocritical. But I firmly believe
that people who take it upon
themselves to drink and drive
should be made to suffer strict
and irrevocable consequences.
In 1988 the Surgeon General's
Workshop On Drunk Driving
made suggestions to Congress to
pass legislation that would
?Encourage states to reduo
the blood alcohol conccntral
? BA i from its present li
level ot 0 10 percent to I -
cent and then toO 04 pel
theyear2000 lhe permi
sible BA level tor drivers und
21 years of age should be e I
lished at 0.00 percent nat
? Make chemical testing I i
BA mandatory foralldrivi ?
pedestrians injured or kill
a trash in which a motor '? I
hide is involved I ii luding I
snowmobtlesand other all '? i -
and off road vehu les)
Also , require med
sound to obtain a tv n ?
and BA for all patients n .
m motor vehicle crashes I r I
purposesof pa tie tit diagi
treatment, diagnosis
abuse and thedcx umi ntai
the epidemiolog) i I
?Eliminate taxd
alcohol advertising ai I ; i
tionsotherthan pri eandpi
?Rcstru t 1 di
funds tor th ? '
not passed an adn
per so driver Ik ens?
?State legisl itui
comprehensive packagi
convicted ol an impair
offense to include I ? ad
tivedriver slio nsesai I
suspends or revokes a hcci i
tomatically it an md
found driv ingwithan il
2) A 'hard' driver s
cation (i.e , ii excej I r?s I
hardships, occupation, tn
or other reasons) tor a minimum
of 90 days tor first offense and
a substantially longer tmo tor re
peat offenses. 3) Sanctions con
sisting of tines atui jail, elimmat
ing pica negotiations or bargair
Ultimately the onlv way
overcome the lax, almos acc ?.
ing position our society has tab
towards driving while impaired
is for com 'unities topull togeth
and take a stand by watching oul
for and protecting each other The
society as a whole has to dei
that it's had enough Only tl i
can positive changes ho made
As individuals we must be
constantly aware and attuned to
the fact that life is a precious con
modify easily altered and eas
llv ended
Drinking is a choice Dri in .
sober is a responsibilit)

The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 5
Congress passes bill banning Outer Bank oil drilling
Provision of Oil Pollution Act now rests in President's hands
By Matt King
Staft Writer
led'Tal legislation designed tii
protei t the outer bank coastal
waters ot orth Carolina from oil
drilling now faces its last hurdle
atter passing through both the
louse and Senate.
'Any hill that goes through
the 1 louse b a vole of 360-0 has a
very, ven slight chance oi being
vetoed by the President, said Sue
VValdron, press secretary tor the
1 louse Committee on Merchant
Marine and Fisheries.
11 apptm edb) 1 "resident Bush
rhe Outer Banks Protection Act
a pro isionol theOil Pollution Act
will co into effect October 1,
10. The legislation would place
a one year moratorium on on-
shore dnlling of the Outer Banks
Congressman Walter B. lones, the
chair ot the Committee on Mer-
chant Marine and Fisheries, au-
thored the provision which was
recently passed
Enacting the bill would mean
that Mobil Oil, the company inter-
ested in drilling off the North Caro
Una coast, would not be able to do
anv drilling until late spnng 1992.
The only item that could jeop-
ardize the sanctity of the North
Carolina coast in the next tew years
is the possible escalation ot the
situation in the Middle-Fast
"Ot course, it something
should happen to our petroleum
supplies from abroad we would
be forced to tap into our own re-
serves, " said VValdron, "all we can
do is watch and wait
The Bush Administrate n had
previously sought to exclude The
Outer Banks Protection Act be-
cause of the massive amounts ot
natural gas that are presumed to
be oil the coast ot North Carolina.
Forty-seven miles ott Cape Hat-
teras, Mobil scientist estimate that
their proposed operation would
uncover five trillion cubic feet o4
natural gas
This translates into the big-
gest natural gas find in 22 years
With thismi h natural gasal stake.
Mobil Oilorporation had inten-
tions ol conducting $25 million
wildcat drilling operation.
? It Mobil had been given the
gp ahead with this project chances
are that the gas would be brought
ashore through a pipeline savs
Congressman Jones, a House
representative from first district,
which includesCreenville, simply
did not feel that enough research
had been done to give the project
the green light.
Not onlv does the provision
halt anv plans to drill off the N.C.
coast, it also calls for the Secretary
of the Interior to establish an Envi-
ronmental Sciences Review Panel.
I his panel would exist to obtain
sufficient information about the
possible environmental effects of
offshore oil and gas development
ott North Carolina's coast.
"We have been working on
this Oil Pollution legislation for
roughlv 13 years says Weldon,
"but it wasn't until the Exxon Val-
dez spill and the tideof public opin-
ion that followed that reallv got the
congressional ball rolling
For some time now President
Bush has been planning a 10-year
moratorium of all oil drilling ott
the East and West Coast and the
ceist of Alaska. The onlv regions
that were excluded from this pro-
posal were the the Texas Gulf and
the area off the coast off Cape 1 lat-
These areas were excluded
because of the vast amounts oi oil
or natural gas believed to be there
When the wildcat drilling was first
proposed Chairman lones was in
favor of the protect
"Theexcavationot that mw h
natural gas off our coast could
only have created jobs and
boosted oureconomy said lones
But because 0 the powerful
water currents running north of
Cape Hatteras and the delicate
spawning conditions of the area,
(ones decided that more research
was necessary before an opera-
tion of this magnitude could be
According to Waldron the bill
might as well be considered a la w
Even if President Bush should
veto the bill nd it was returned
to the House anv bill that goes
through Congress without one
opposing vote is likely to get the
two-thirds majority it needs to
override a veto.
ECU Iraqi student employed
in Tarboro work-study program
C L News Bureau
sistant director of the Pit! Count)
Industrial Commission, Green
Students Anita M Douglas l
New Bern and Zebrena N. Blount
of Ahoskie will bo working with
Sheila Strain-Bell, senior planner
tor ;he Gty of Greenville.
Under the agreement with the
! Shibli, an Iraqi
student at F( I . will beemployed
. mbc unt) Devel-
pment( "? "? ' arboro under a
federalh financed work-study
program for graduate students U.S. Department ol Housing and
prepari I i areers in economic Urban Development tHLD the
and community development.
Shibli a graduate of the Uni-
versity of Baghdad, is one of five
graduate students working on a
work-study students receive full
tuition and fees scholarships and
stipends of $10,000 a year for sup-
The students have agreed to
seek positions of at least two years
duration in community develop
ment following graduation The
agreement calls for them to show
positive pursuit of a degree pro
manager of Ayden,N C Dorenda gram in community development
K Bryant of VVintervilk will be closely related to the jobs they will
working with Wanda Yuhas, as- work while in school.
master- degree in public admini-
stration at ECU who are partici-
pating in the new two-year pro-
? im.
Vi tor D Snead of Greenville
will be working with the town
Too hot to move
After c.irrymq cha;rs across the mall on central campus, these two dorm dwellers decided it was time to
in the doq da,s of August last week
Cihili Itoffnua I'hi'tcijh
take a break from the arduous detail
Campuswide energy conservation measures
saves the university $500,000 in six months
ECU News Bureau
1 hrough a t ampuswidecon-
?? ition program EC L cut its
? - costsy more than halt a
million dollars during the past
six months, university officials
said Monday
Since the state revenue short-
imposed budget reductions
? A'int r,E I faculty, staff and
students have cooperated in a
ries of energy conservation
jects ranging from opening
and closing windows, setting
thermostats at B0 degrees and
observir ; i mpressed, lour and
a h .It dav, 40-hour work week.
1 he initiatives produced
savings totaling$549,263 despite
a utility rate increase and higher
costs for gas and oil Officials said
most, if the pr jects hold "signifi-
cant" long term savings poten-
'Energy conservation will
continue to be a major emphasis
f i i tor the foreseeable fu-
ture Vicehancellor-Business
Affairs Richard Brown said in a
report to Dr. Richard Eakin, ECU
chancellor Eakin made the re-
port public Monday at the tall
faculty convex ation.
"Energy conservation is not
usuall) a popular activity on a
college campus hut in this case it
is far less painful than the addi-
tional budget cuts would have
been Brown said.
" )ur actions saved the cam-
pus over a halt a million dollars
during the 1989-90 fiscal year,
money that would have had to
come Cut of our budget else-
where he said.
' Another way ot looking at it
is that these initiatives saved the
jobs ot 22 employees at an aver-
age salary (including benefits) ol
$25,000a year he said.
Most of the cost savings ?
estimated at $274,000 - resulted
from using fuel oil instead of
natural gas to tire the steam plant
boilers. EC 1 was able to avoid
the more expensive natural gas
which "escalated significantly"
in price during a cold December.
"Bv waiting until now to
replace the oil, we avoided spend-
ing $274,000 in fiscal year lw?'
and actually saved theuniversity
$169,400 Brown said.
He said there will be addi-
tional annual ongoing sa ingsof
$300,000 because of the ability to
negotiate for lower natural gas
prices. An estimate savings of
$81,000 occurred by obtaining a
lower natural gas price
The compressed work week
allowed closing of most of the
university's M2 buildings from
noon Fridays until Monday
mornings. Brown said electrical
costs for the larger buildings are
$30 to $40 an hour during the
hottest months of the year.
In ECU'S General Classroom
Building, largest on campus, elec-
trical operating costs are $41 an
hour Shutting the building from
noon I ndayuntil Monday morn-
mg save I S2 560 per weekend
Brown said Over a I; week pe-
riod, weekend cost savings tor
the c ,c B all ?ne w (re $33,280 m
closing the building for one week
resulted in an additional $1 968
m avoided 11 ?sts
He said that in May actual
utility costs were reduced from
the pre.
cent or -
reduction w
W in
square feet th
new buildini
ir b eight per-
I tr lune, the
5 percent or
ling 150,000more
,vear becauseofa
and a library ex-
,1 of Medi-
pansion at the n. 1'
cine. Brown said.
lemperature adjustment in
buildings, including residence
halls, produced avoided costs
totaling $36,38
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6 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
Continued from page 1
Government Association.
"The problem is very simple
says Thomas, "the city is growing,
the university is gTO wing, the noise
is growing
Ron Speier, dean of student
life, and Tripp Roakes, former
president of the SGA, requested
the reinstatement of the commit-
tee during the August 18 meeting.
The first meeting oi the com-
mittee was held to open a forum of
recommendations on the ordi-
nanceand decide how future prob-
lems with noise will be handled
"We don't know if noise per-
mits will begin being issued again
or not, but we do recognize the
problem deserves to be re-exam-
ined said Speier.
Speier said that overall the
meeting was very good and that
Mrs. Shinn, chair of the commit
tee, was very responsive to the
ideas presented.
Greenville PoliceChief Jerome
Tesmond made very clear that the
meeting Thursday was just the be-
"At this point I am not at lib-
erty to say what the outcome mi gh t
be said Tesmond. Thursday's
meeting served the purpose of let-
ting evervone know the problem
still existed.
The SGA'sgoal will beto look
ECU divers explore Lake Superior
JL " contributed toll
a t the problems of the past, tha t are
university oriented, and develop
some possible solutions said
Presently, no private function
is allowed to exceed a decibel level
of 65 from where police take read-
ings on noise meters. Readings
are taken at the property line, ei-
ther the street or a property line on
one side of the house.
Sixty-five decibels is the
equivalent of a conversation in
normal tone. City functions are
allowed to exceed this level.
While Greek organizations
tend to be mentioned in the prob-
lem predominantly, SGA Presi-
dent Thomas says that Greeksonly
account for 30 percent of the com-
plaints. The majority of incidents
stem from non-affiliated students.
"The problem of noise man-
agement is certainly something
that we all should have an interest
in savs Thomas.
There should be a resolution
to the problem by the end of Octo-
The NoiseOrdinaneeCommit-
tee has two more scheduled meet-
ings. The meetings are to be con-
ducted on August 23 and Septem-
ber 6 in the Citv Council meeting
ro m downtown The public is
encouraged to attend.
ECU News Bureau
Underwater researchers from
ECU dived into the cold waters of
Lake Superior and charted 11
underwater sites this summer
during a field school described as
"the most successful ever held
"We had four weeks of great
conditions said Bradley A. Rodg-
ers, ECU underwater archaeolo-
gist and one of three instructors
who accompanied eight students
on the field school expedition to
Wisconsin in July and early Au-
The team surveyed a total of
11 sites in an area of I ake Superior
called the Apostle Islands. The
islands and their surrounding
waters are protected for their his-
torical importance and beauty by
the National Park Service.
Most of the sites studied by
the ECU team were shipwrecks
dating from the mid 1800s to the
beginningofthe20thcentury One
of the sites, however, was a sub-
merged land site that had been a
French settlement and fur trade
post in the 1700s.
The work was done in associ-
ated with the State Historical Soci-
ety of Wisconsin and the National
Park Service. Information gath-
ered bv the archaeologists on the
condition of the sites will be used
in planning for long-term preser-
vation and management of the
One of the more interesting
wrecks, according to Rodgers, was
the steamship R.G. Stewart. The
ship sank in a storm in 1905. One
sailor was lost. The remains of the
vessel had never been touched by
divers until now.
"The engine gauges were still
shiny and bright said Rodgers,
explaining that cold, fresh water
hel ps preserve the wood a nd meta 1
parts of shipwrecks in the Great
Lakes. He said the site was littered
with tools and other objects.
"You seldom come across a
wreck that people haven't already
picked everything off of it he
Another wreck the schooner
Lucerne, a centerboard sailing
vessel?provided some interesting
information. Theshipsankin 1886
with the loss of all of its crew
The Lucerne w as being towed
by a steamship when gale force
winds and high seas caused its
towlineto break. Hoisting canvas,
the crew tried to sail to a protected
part of an island but the winds and
waves were too severe. The ship
sank near a rocky shoreline.
Rodgers said the divers ob
served that the ship's crew had
tried to keep the ship from being
blown to shore by dropping its
anchor. He said a malfunction in
the anchor's winch may have
contributed to the vessel's demise
"When we dived on the ship
we noticed that the anchor winch
was still in place said Rodgers.
"but a part of the capstan used to
stop the anchor chain from play
ing out had snapped off"
He said a sailor, in his last
heroic ac t, jammed a crowbar into
the anchor chain hoping to stop
the ship frombeingblown to shore
Although the crowbar held the
chain it was too late to save the
ship because its stem was already
being bashed by the rocks.
All I0c4 the ship's crew died
in the frigid waters
C nlv the frozen bodiesot three
sailors wire ever recovered.
Continued from page 1.
the Halloween celebration was
banned by city officials in 1988
after a record number of arrests
and acts of violence.
"It's kind of unfair for the kids
to suffer like they have, with being
arrested and all With the prob-
lems downtown where the cops
had to come in, and with the prob-
lems at Tar River last year, its get-
ting to the point where every year
there's problems Randy Hignite
I viid well maybe if we had
something out of the city, then
maybe there wouldn't be 100 or so
people arrested, or problems
downtown when thev weren't
supposed to bepeopie downtown,
this kind of thing he said.
But the Hignite clan is far from
limiting party-goers strictly to
Greenville residents.
"We'll also be selling them in
Wilmington, Goldsboro,
lacksonsville, Kinston, Raleigh,
ust all over the place Rand)
Hignite added.
Randv Hignite explained that
there was more than one reason
for this event "We .ailed all the
people you could possibly imag
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ine,and nothing was going on he
said "We're doing it tor more
than just one reason It'sfineif we
make money. that's what wore all
in business for, but I'm doing it
because I've seen what kind ol
problems we' e had
"We' re trying to do this to bt
so ial event and at the same tin ?
to give the kids the alternative, in-
stead ol sitting around and having
parties at their homes, to givethi
a pla e to go and have good ? ?
tun. md at the same tin e, it they
wan! tog I a little razy, that sfi
too Randy Hignite explaii ? I
' neol the great things ab
is there's no noise' ordinance
mean wruin turn it upasloud as
we want to Darrell Hignite sai I
The fairgrounds is an excellent
location because if sentirel) fei cd
in It has excellent bathroom fai
ties phis we're going to put ii
extra 20 port a-johns
I here will be plenty I I
offered at the fairgrounds "W( n
rig to 1 ave Domino's Pizza I i
sale at tiu- event, we're going I
? tdogs and soft irinks U -
sale, maybe even some otl
things Darrell Hignite said
"We're even talking toaguyab
barbeque sandwiches; ho says he
wants to n'liu' out and soil barbe
quo It you've got an event going
for eight hours, the kids arc going
to get hungry
Randv Hignite talked ab
having beer at the event Right
now. we're not sure, but we think
.e re just going to allow coolers
We thought about s eer and
we'resnllnot 10CW sun thatwe re
not going to, but right now we re
leaning toward just letting people
bring coolers ho said
I think the kids would rather
bringcooters,ratherthanbuy high
priced beer Darrell Hignitesaid
"What we're going to do is when
the coolers come in. we'regoil
check them we have to by aw
just to make sure mat there's noth-
ing other than aluminum cans in
them, we can't allow anybottles i
anygtass. rhafsbasically the only
thini; we ve got to do and it's not
going to be like an airport security
Concerned with people dri
ing drunk, the celebration design
ers have planned for buses to trans-
port patron- to and tromtheevent
We want to encourage all the
college kids to ride our buses, and
it thev re riding in a car. thev need
a designated driver, because
there's no reason tor more college
students to lose their licenses in
this town
? It there's going to be a prob-
lem and thisisgoingtobeahassle,
thev can leave their cars there and
ride tlv buses
"We're going to have plenty
oi security there, in tact we're going
to hire some pro ate security, so it
a problem arrives we 11 bo there to
quelch it, or it someone is drinking
a little too much, if thev get row d v
they're going to leave. We're not
going to be the gestapo he said.
If the Halloween event works
out, there may be another. "We've
thought about doing something
else in May.
"We haven't decided exactly
what we would do, we've got some
inlets on artists, big artists, coming
into the area and we thought about
doing something on a bigger scale,
or doing it out there at the fair-
grounds again in Mav
"What we would do, we
would do it right before school let
out he said.


Average handicap space violator is a young
male drinker who smokes, local study states
The ECU News Bureau
What type of able-bodied
Iriver parks illegally in spaces
eserved for the handicapped?
He susuallyayoungmaleand
s likely to be a heavy drinker
10 v1 rather party than study. In
all likelihood he is also a smoker
I le has a somewhat light-hearted
ittttude toward like and tends to
be careless of his responsibility to
ej rules and respect the rights of
This identification was devel-
ed by Dr. Linda Allred, an
I psychologist, after several
arsof infuriating confrontations
vith handicapped-parking viola-
s and some objective data coi-
tion and studies with ECU col-
? igues.
Dr. Allred herself has ortho-
die problems resulting from a
i Id hood case of polio. Having
. rn an orthopedic brace tor sev
.il years she is now adjusting to
vheelchair and has ordered a
in equipped with a lift.
During graduate studies at
h.ns Hopkins University, Linda
ed became weary of "the long
k trom the back of the parking
lol and began to use parking
ices reserved tor the handi-
pped She was immediately
istrated and infuriated bv the
ugly obstacle of violators: too of-
ten she' d see robu st d rivers emerge
from cars in reserved sections and
job vigorously into nearby build-
"1 was really confrontational
with these people, and some of
them were a lot tougher and big-
ger than I am she recalls. "1 used
to wave my cane and scold them.
Once, inadvertently, 1 chased one
man into a men's restroom. I guess
it got their attention, though
Several months ago, she de-
cided to direct her energies into
research activities to identify typi-
cal handicapped-parking viola-
tors. In the course of observation
and testing of several hundred
individuals, Allred and fellow
faculty and student psychologists
isolated some striking behavior
and personality traits among vio-
Their project began with fairly
simple data gathering ? system-
atic observation of handicapped-
parking areas of Greenville super-
markets. Asanucipated, there was
a high rate (f violation with from
50 to 75 percent of handicapped
parking spaces occupied bv people
with "no visible handicap and no
official striker or placard identify-
ing them as handicapped Dr.
Allred said.
"One thing wedid was to time
the violators, and there did seem
Continued from page 1
- instituted alter Athletic Di-
rDavel lart called for increase
to help us reach goals and capi
ze on opportunities in Apnl
athletic tund. costing students
? annually, is now the fourth
iu-st in the I N syst m
Athletic tees at other UN
Is range from a high of $lg7
'C hariottetoalowof$60at
( c hapel Hill. North Carolina
ite University and UNC CH
litionally have the lowest ath-
fees because of high-revenues
yielded from football and basket-
ball. Football is the sole high-reve-
nue ECU sport.
On campus housing costs
went up bv more than 10 percent
of 1W. A shared room in a non-
air conditioned residence hall rose
from $1120 to 1240, while the air
conditioned variety went up from
$1208 to $1350.
Overall, in-state students tees
rose 7.S percent, almost double that
of out-of-state students' which
were hiked four percent
to be a tendency for them to just
run in and out she explained.
"We also noticed that violation
rates go up when the weather is
bad. But whether or not the rest of
the parking lot was full and appar-
ently an unrelated factor
Most striking about the viola
tors was their youth
"The percentage of young
drivers who were violators was
significantly higher than the viola-
tion rate for older drivers Dr.
Allred said.
Therefore, thev focused the
major phase of their study on a
"sped fie popula tion of you ng driv-
ers" to learn whether particular
personality and behavior char-
acterstics are related to "non
complaint parking behavior
The test subjects were fresh-
man and sophomore students are
ECU. They responded anony-
mously to written questions re-
garding their personal habits and
to questions on the Personality
Research Form, a 352-item test it
personality traits.
Of the 102 subjects complet-
ing the questionnaires, 20 identi-
fied themselves as violators by
responding "yes" to the
questionHave you ever parked
illegally in a parking space desig
nated for handicapped drivers
The violation rate for males was
"almost three times the rate ot
females Allred said
"Also, parking behavior was
significantly related to alcohol
consumption she noted. "The
violation rate was lowest tor sub
i 1
jects reporting the l twestdrinking
frequency, once pvi month or less,
and highest, tor daily alcohol con-
sumers. Subjects who reported
driving and drinking were signifi-
cantly more likely to report handi-
capped parking violation
Allred and hi r l? ami I'served
that violators had a gn ater likeli-
hood of being sm. ?kei s, has com-
piled lower academu grade point
averages, and exhibited certain
significant personality traits: they
scored low on the "nurturance
scale" and high on the "play scale "
"Violators were not more
impulsive, more dominant, more
aggressive and more autonomous
than non-violators Dr. Allred
stressed. They were also not nec-
essarily lower on "measures of
social sensitivity, harm avoidance
or endurance than non-violators
she added.
The young violators "aren't
bad kids Dr. Allred believes.
"It's just an overall behavior
pattern of not paying attention to
the little rulesaround us not pa)
ing attention t other people's
"They tend ti have a happ
go-lucky, devil ma care attitude
toward life
Violatoi s would pi babl
change their behavior it p.eking
rulesarebetterenforced Di Mired
said. "A good d? all i lem
is that violators don'I tear punish-
ment; none of those tested had
ever been ri keted for a handi
capped parking 1 ition
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Headlines of the summer
Two attempted rape suspects
arrested during month of June
By Tim Hampton
News Editor
The following is a news su m ma ry
of events taking place on the rCU
campus during the two summer school
A VAX computer system was
installed in the physk s depart
ment. The VAX system is new
accessible to science departments
as a research and teaching tool.
"When you have a billion
things to analyze, the VAX van do
it almost instantly leorge Bissin
gor, an ECU professor of physk s
Two suspects were arrested
and charged with attempted rape
following separate incidents on
campus. Shon Stk ks. ! 7. i (ireen
ville resident, and Nadiem M
Awar. an ECl student, were
charged with attempted rape,
according to Lieutenant Rhonda I.
(.urlev ot the E I Put Ik Safetv
Stocks allegedh i ommitted
two offenses on two females dur
ing the atterno. 'ii ot une I, wl
Ai-Awar allegedh attempted to
rape a female in her dorm room on
June 7. Both suspects were appro
hended bv Curlev
Dr. E. L. Henderson the old
est former professor and adminis
trator ot lC I . died it ige I 5 a:
PittCountv Memorial 1 lospital on
fune 17. oining the staff of East
Carolina reacher( ollege in 1923
Henderson served as the first chair-
man of the educational admini-
stration and supervision program
Parking fines go i n the rise
The Traffic & Parkingommittee
approved an across the-board
increase in parking and traffii
violation in it last meeting of the
fall semester. I he second hike in
two years saw every fine at least
double in dollar penalties, some
Former L .S. Senator George
McGovem spoke at Cray Art Gal-
lerv. McGovern, keynote speaker
ot a conference (Mi the rab World
and teaching at E( I said the
Middle East conflict is the most
pressing issue facing American
foreign policy today.
"World War 111 could take
place in the Middle Fast if wedon't
tmd some way to resolve this long
festering quarrel McGovern said
during the )une 29 speech, a month
before the present crisis in the
Persian (iulf started
"I'd much rather be in (.reen-
llle with all of you as the loser in
172 then to trade places with the
winner Met iovern said of his un-
successful bid against Richard M
ion in the lgr2 Presidental
elei tions.
Admission standards are
made tougher. 1 or 1990, the mini-
mum high school Crade Point
Average is 2 0, ancl the minimum
N. holasti( .Achievement Test score
is 71X1
I listoric ally, as admissions
standards go up tor a school, the
d mand tor the institutions usu
alh gties up along vith it Dr
rhomas 1 Powell, director of
Second session enrollment
reaches new high. A record ,(XX)
students were enrolled, an increase
officials attribute to lifestyle
changes among students and ex-
panded programs for adults
'We've been pushing pro
grams that accommodate the non-
traditional students fames A
Met iee, director of the ECU sum
mer school, said.
Public Safetv hires new po-
lice chief. With nearly 30yearsof
police work behind him, Ronnie
Avers became the new chief
i his is the ideal environment
that 1 have been looking for. ECU
is a real challenge for me and I
enjo) a challenge A very said.
Recycling program reaps suc-
cess. Since implementation in
March, E U's solid waste man-
agement program began recycling
6,000 pounds of paper per week
(.e ?rge Armistead of EC L 'sOc u-
pation, Safetv and Health said the
program has diverted 30 percent
of the campus solid waste
entering the county landfill
University dining services
plan for future expansion of
facilities. Beginning August I a
five year plan started with th
renovation of theroatan ai I
Wright'student Store I'hei roatan
now has a tast food operation a
chicken franchise and a snack bar
while the Student Store .lAJid a
froen yogurt bar, a deli a
sen ice hot dog area and a . i
LHiring the next two y u
ct nstru ti n i i a n w facilitv
begin on college hill An I
ing will be built whi h will hou
a kitchen and a dining area w itl
main toe us of a food ? 'iirt
Harvey (.antt challenges
Jesse Helms to a di bate in a speech
in (.reenv.lle c iantt, the I demo-
cratic candidate foi
told a c rowd of suppoi !ei ll
debate would i lanfv l
i andidate's stands, n issues
as abortion and da fens pei In
( Iantt said 1 lelm - n
abortiin were too rig i u
extremist and remains convii ? I
the world would be watching tl
race for the Northarolina m r iti
ECU Hoard of Trustees elect
new chairman.Samuel I Worm m
111, a Sanford businessman,
elected to a one-year term and
replaces Max Rav (oyner as the
rrustee head. Wornom, a 1965
EC L graduate, was appointed to
the board by the University of
North v arolina ?? ard ofover
Medical School becomes
reaccredited. national comn I
tee gave1 their seal of ap roval on
the ECl Medical School tor a
seven-year p? nod
"The excellent report which
we have received is testimony to
the good work that goes on now
on the part of all the faculty Stu
dents and supportive staff to en-
surecontinuingexcellence, lames
A Hallock, dean ol the Medical
S. H?.I. said-
mat erials 4 the (?Xx)(?XaXt)jri)vi) In dividual
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August 23,1990
(Shg ffaat (Saroltntatt 1
State and Nation
Page 9
Army wives learn
to cope with their
spouse's job, duty
(?rowing up as an Army brat,
sandy VonKaenel became an
Vrrm wife, and it wasn't long
fore her husband was ott to
Ml that experience helps now
it ho s away again, in Saudi
For those who've been asso-
ued with the Army tor a lengthy
,? it snot so difficult she said,
. rtg time out from a day-and-
ight schedule oi activities, from
working with other wives in
ipport groups todistributingred,
? and blue ribbons.
We knew what our hus-
inds jobs were. It's not a big
irprise said Mrs. VonKaenel,
4 husband joined the Army
vearsago. "For younger wives,
? s more difficult
I went one vearsago, Karen
tValsh was born Rec 'nth when
The anatomy of a hurricane
A hurricane converts heat from warm water
into wind. Energy is converted when growing
winds spiral within the bands of thunderstorms
wrapped around the hurricane's eye (center)
Moisture is condensed in the m
process, bringing heavy rams
husband iust 23 him-
arned he would be among
mds deployed as part of
fore to victor a possible Iraqi
. asion oi Saudi Arabia, she was
n pared.
1 think my whole generation,
ss we re kind of naive. We
I n t remember that war she
aid, referring to Vietnam
We never really thought that
his would happen. 1 know 1 never
a hen he went into the Arm v.
? v hard tii believe it's actuallv
This is not to say that the
young specialist's wife is
erwhelmed as he works long
?urs preparing and she waits for
Kim to ship out at any time.
In both oi the wives' voices is
? orel ol military stoicism. In
both of their laughs is the breath of
Both women, who spoke on
the condition their husbands' first
names not bo used, find some
refuge in routine.
"Birthday parties go on. Soc-
cer camps go on said the 42-
year-old Mrs. VonKaenel, who has
a 13-year-old son and a 5-year-old
daughter. "School starts next
week. Normal routine
At the same time, there's an
out-ot-the-ordmarv routine since
the deployment began. "I have a
family assistance meeting to-
night Mrs. VonKaenel said. "I've
been on the phone all morning
During an interview, she was
interrupted three times by phone
calls Unit by unit, soldiers'
spouse's set up "phone trees and
she volunteered her name and
An earlier call had been from
a wife who has only a learner's
permit and couldn't drive alone
How could she go get groceries?
The tort s family aid office would
send someone to help.
Another call: What if the aid
office didn't come? "If they don't,
I'll come ,nd get you Mrs.
VonKaenel told the woman.
Asked if she has trouble
sleeping these days, Mrs.
VonKaenel said yes, but laughed.
"Not because I can't sleep she
said. "It's because I'm too busy
Mrs Walsh is getting less
sleep, too. Her two children, al-
most 1 yearold and almost 3, wake
her up early, and Ted Koppel
Keeps her up late.
' usually stay up until
'Nightline' goes off she said. "1
keep that little TV in the kitchen
See Wives, page 10
force winds
? 75 mph
? extend up
to 50 miles
from the eye
Gale force
winds ? at
least 35 mph
? extend up
to 200 miles
from the eye
Source Bill Ommer Weattier Services Corp
Hod L:ltle. Gannert News Servico
Protestors of Gulf crisis remain quiet
Sociologist predict students will change as school starts
America's streets and campuses,
which rang with protest in the era
of Vietnam, are quiet .is the Hush
administration challenges Iraq's
Saddam Hussein in the Persian
Gulf. They may or may not stay
that way.
From Washington to San
Francisco, protest demonstrations
havebeen few and pH?rlv attended
since the United States sent troops
to Saudi Arabia in response to
Saddam's Aug. 2 invasion of Ku-
Summer school is winding up
at the nation's colleges and uni-
versities, and most students are
away, but even tor summer the
response has been notably cairn.
One reason is that Americans
view Saddam as a illain, whereas
many thought the United States
overreached in its bombing of
North Vietnam, according to ex-
perts n ho ha ve observed anti-war
movements both from within and
from without.
"I lore is a c ase where there is
an absolute clear aggressor in
people's minds said Neil
Smelser, a professor of sociologv
at the University of California in
Berkeley who studies social
movements ot political protest.
An Associated Press poll
conducted last week showed 64
percent approval tor the use of
US. troops todefendSaudi Arabia
against possible Iraqi attack.
1 his could change, said
Smelser, who was teaching at
bVrkolev during the Vietnam war
w hen thetiTipuirwasthescetTeot
violent demonstrations.
"It's a delicate thing he said.
It there is the slightest move that
could be interpreted by our own
people that we are overstepping
or making an illegitimate move, it
is verv easv to see the possibility
of the kind of protest that has been
seen in Vietnam and Central
America arising
Todd C.itlin, a sociology de-
partment colleague of Smelser
who was a leader of the militant
Students for a Democratic Society
during the Southeast Asian war,
said he would not be surprised it
there w ere protests when students
return next month.
However, Citlin said, "The
only scenario in which 1 could
imagine protest of the Vietnam
magnitude would beone in which
a great deal of damage is done to
-Ameritstn forces and people don't
feel that the intervention is legiti-
"There is not a lot oi love lost
See Protest, page 11
pushes for oil
drilling in 8
sensitive areas
Bush administration wants to use
the Persian Gulf crisis ? and re-
sulting gasoline price increases ?
to push for oil drilling in an
Alaskan wildlife refuge and other
environmentally sensitive areas.
Once Congress gets back, the
(Interior) Department and others
will try to make a strong case for
Congress to act in allowing ex-
ploration of the coastal plain" of
the Arctic National Wildlife Ref-
' uge. The White House also hopes
the Mideast turmoil and increas-
mggaspnees will gal vanizepublic
opinion for exploration and drill-
ing in some offshore areas.
"Now that people are having
to pav higher prices at the gas
pump, there's a heightened
awareness of the issue said
Steven Goldstein, chief spokesman
tor the Interior Department.
However, President Bush will
not alter his June decision to block
new dnllingoff most of California.
Southern Honda, Washingtonand
Oregon, officials said. That deci-
sion barred offshore oil activity in
those areas tor at least a decade.
Energy Secretary James
Watkins said Wednesday the
United States could use stepped-
up oil production and conserva-
tion to replace up to W percent of
the oil supplies lost because of the
Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Half the saving would come if
Americans accept conservation
measures that, for example, would
require them to keep tires properly
inflated and drive within the speed
limit, he said. Increased, oil pro!
duction could require compro-
mises on the environment,
Watkins added.
See Drill, page 10
teei Ol mim.n 31UB.U1 ? ? w
More U.S. troops leave for the Middle East
? ? rroops poured into
ii linaportsand air bases
? r than they could be trans-
m I to ships and planes in the
esl deployment since the
tnam War.
Soldiers from Fort Bragg's
d Airborne Division boarded
nsport planes at Pope Air 1 orce
ibia. They chatted, played cards
- necked their gear while they
? ?d to board the lets.
1 just left home yesterday,
ust out of high school last week,
ne soldier boasted.
Tru soldiers stared back in
mild curiosity or tried to ignore
ftotographers and reporters get-
ng their first chaiue to watch the
Mv mom doesn't need to
Ii n iw I'm here, one quipped as he
ined a request to be photo-
Meanwhile, Marines from
Vamp Lejeune made their way
?board buses to Morehcad City
fordeployment to the Middle Fast
on ships.
"I've got six kids going on
seven, said one 28-year-old ser-
geant. Right now, thev'rehurting,
but my wife understands what
she got into when she got married.
Besides, 1 told her 1 was coming
The state port was glutted with
tanks, weapons and other wares
of war that began am vingSundav.
The I SSC .unston Hall,loaded
Tuesday at Morehead City, left
port Wednesday morning. In its
place sat the USS Trenton and USS
Portland waiting to help cam' an
estimated 20,000 troops from
Camp Lejeune.
Marines on motorcycles rode
rampsinto the belly of theTrenton,
machine guns strapped across
their backs. Others loaded field
rations onto the two transport
ships, which were scheduled to
leave Morehead City today.
Eighteen Marines surveyed
the activity from atop rail cars
alongside the USS Portland, some
of them with binoculars focused
on water-skiers out from the port.
Others dozed in the shade un-
derneath the railcars
In the open hatch ot a tank,
one blond, youthful Marine
whiled away the time with a pa-
perback Afternoon Sundown"
by Randall Boyle. "It's about a
guy trapped in a snowstorm, he
said. "1 may as well enjoy it while
1 can
The troop movement "is big-
ger and a lot more intense than
anything we've done up here
said Cpl. Chris Woodard. part of
the landing support battalion.
"And we don't know noth-
ing. We don't know how many
ships are going and when they're
going out or when they're coming
back. We don't know nothing
But Woodard knows he's not
going because Marine Corps offi-
cials allowed his name to be used.
Officials are withholding the
names and hometownsof soldiers
ieployed to help defend Saudi
Arabia from Iraq.
At Cherry Point Marine Air
Station, the ground trembled as
lots from the 3rd Marine Aircraft
Wing arrived trombl for?, Calif
I uesday.
They'll take off this week
along with members of the 2nd
Marine Aircraft Wing based at
Cherry Point
The pilot of an A-6 Intruder
Bomber said American pilots were
better trained than Iraqi pilots.
A Marine sergeant who works
on jets at the North Carolina base
said he didn't like the idea of
chemical warfare if the Iraqis de-
cided to use nerve gases in a battle
"That's dirty war he said.
That's like the next thing to go-
ing nuclear
At Fort Bragg Wednesday,
two Army chaplain said they were
working long hours to counsel the
families of departing soldiers, but
added the heaviest emotional
See Troops, page 11
Citicorp dominates market
Citicorp has little competition as an issuer of bank credit cards.
Bank of
America Bank
Source: Credit Card News
Maraa Staimer. Gannett Newsservice
College students' textbook
costs increase
As college tuition and dorm costs continue
fo increase, so do the prices of textbooks.
Since 1986, the cost of textbooks and
supplies per semester for an
average college student
has risen by more
than 37 percent.
Source: The College ,?-r
Board. New York. f (j
Minority enrollment at historically
black colleges continues to increase
1986 87, '8788
'88 - '89
'89 - '90
Scott Johnson, Gannett News Service
Whether it's because of better
marketing, lower tuitionsor a less
racially charged atmosphere, a
growing number of black students
arc choosing historically black
colleges, officials say.
From 1985 to 1989, the num-
ber of blacks attending black col-
leges climbed 10 percent to
Association for Equal Opportu-
nity in Higher Education. Black
enrollment at all colleges in-
creased 5 percent from 1984 to
1988, the latest year statistics are
available from the U.S. Education
They feel they're going to be
more comfortable and they're
going to be more likely to excel
without the distraction of being a
minority of 3 or 4 percent on a
predominantly white campus
said Alan Kirschner of the United
Negro College Fund.
Judith Cowan, admissions
director at Johnson C. Smith Uni-
versity in Charlotte, said black
students "realize at an historically
black college they don't have to
deal with some of the racism and
racial incidents that interfere with
the success rate
Such incidents come in many
At Wake Forest University last
year, a black law student was ar-
rested when he refused to show a
security guard his identification
during a pickup basketball game
in a school gym. Wake officials
later agreed the guards had dis-
criminated in assuming blacks
were more likely to be intruders.
James Humphries, who
transferred from Penn State to J.C.
Smith after his freshman year, was
at the predominantly white school
when posters circulated that said,
"Niggers Beware" and "Death to
Race Mixers
But Humphries said there
were more subtle reasons for his
"At Penn State, you'll see a
black student every other hour
he said. "At Penn State, I felt I had
to prove something ? that 1 could
See Enrollment, page 11

10 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
Around the State
The body of an unidentified man is
found at a motel by Kinston police
KINSTON An unidentified man was found dead in a Kinston
motel Wednesday morning, apparently a murder victim, police said.
The manager of the Econo Lodge on US. 70 east of Kinston reported
that he heard gunshots fired at about 4 a.m according to Maj. VV.L.
Ingram of the Kinston Police Department,
The night manager told police the gunshots sounded as though
they came from the second floor of the motel. Ingram said.
When officers arrived at the motel, they checked the second-floor
rooms Md discovered a bodv in one ot the rooms.
Vandals do $10,000 worth of damage
to an Alamance County church
GLEN RAVEN ? Vandals broke down doors, mashed equip-
ment, and scrawled obscene grattiti at an Alamance County church
, uesday afternoon, according to Hie Rev. Bobby Fann.
Someone broke into the sanctuary and fellowship hall ot the Glen
Raven Baptist Church between 1 p.m. and 6 p.m Fann said.
1 opened the door ot the sanctuary and saw that someone had
emptied five chemical fire extinguishers throughout the sanctuary
; ann said. "There were six windows broken, the study was demol-
ished "
1 ann said their were also obscenities written on the wall in take
Hazardous incinerator charges called 'absurd'
1 ederal agents accuse five Winston
Salem men of trying to burn house
WINSTON-SAl EM Federal agents are accusing a Winston-
m lawyer, his insurance agent and three other men of trying to burn
lown a rental house in horsyth Count) in nine in an ettort to collect
-1 ,000 in insurance payments.
Affidavits filed by Douglas Wenner, an agent with the bureau ot
Mcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, say that William Nelson tried to have
1 a house burned for profit
! he affidavits say that Nelson, a partner in the law firm ot Nelson
cs & Niblock, owned the house- and hired three people to burn it.
! rheaffidavitalsoaccusesNelson'sinsuranceagenl Michael Iuttle-
? i onspiring with Nelson in the scheme.
The affidavits, which sought warrants to search Nelson's and
uttle's offices, were filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Greensboro.
ten icwed at his oHkc July IS.
elson could not be reached tor comment. However, 1uttle said
?hat the accusations against him in the affidavits are false. "This agent
doesn't deceive anybody he said. "1 don't have anything to hide. They
n.wo nothing, and 1 have done nothing wrong
Drug statistics in Wake County show
b Licks are arrested 6-to-l to whites
K LEIGH During the first six months of 19), blacks were more
than six times as likely as whites to be arrested cm felony drug charges
in l .ike County, even though law enforcement officials sav both races
illegal drugs at the same rate.
Police told News and ()bserva of Raleigh that more blacks are
arrested because the black drug culture operates in the open, making
n -s easier. White drug users, they sav. are more discreet and harder
An examination oi court records shows that blacks accounted tor
? 5 7 percent oi the 382 people indicted in WakeCounty tor felony drug
. harges in the first six months of 1990. Blacks make up about 22 percent
f the Wake population.
it also shows whites made up 34.3 percent ot the felony drug
d ? ndants while comprising about 7 percent of the population
In raw numbers, 251 blacks and 131 whites werearrested. Using the
??. i.i:e black proportions of the population, which is roughly 3 to 1, the
j rate of arrests is more than six blacks to one white.
' Tm sure there are just as many whites using narcotics as blacks
saidapt. Jimmy Brown of the Wake Sheriff's Department. "But your
trafficker does not participate in the open-air type drug sales.
are very much less visible
Human Resources Secretary plans to
get tough with nursing home violators
RALEIGH - State Human Resources Secretary David Flaherty
Wednesday he wants to get tough with violators of nursing home
Haherty said his staff will review the rules and identify violators.
The state of North Carolina cannot and will not tolerate repeated
itions of policies, rules and regulations aimed at providing a safe,
hv environment for those older adults who must live outside their
?s he said in a prepared statement.
(i i oup says road outside of Albemarle is
too small for hazardous waste hauling
QU ADAl.E - The road used by trucks hauling hazardous waste
e state's largest burner of hazardous waste is too narrow and
.i te, says a group seeking tighter regulation of the Carolina Solite
1 plant.
i he need for a four-lane highway may be central to the debate over
?h Carolina's plans to build a hazardous waste incinerator in
( .ranville or Iredell counties. But the road leading to the Solite plants
.? dn't meet any standards, said foann Almond, president of Stanly
( itiens Opposed to Toxic Chemical Waste.
i he narrow, winding farm road links the plant to the main highway
t Albemarle. To reach that route, up to 30 tanker trucks a week
hauling 5,500-gallon loads of liquid industrial waste defined as toxic,
con sive, reactive or ignitable must negotiate back roads barely 20 feet
"If the governor's incinerator is good enough for a four-lane
highway, then we ought to have one here, too, or they shouldn't be
shipping those wastes in said Almond.
Topsail Beach officials denied permit
WINSTON-SALEM ? The North Carolina Division of Coastal
Management has denied a permit request by the Tender County town
ot 1 opsail Beach to build a small jetty to control oceanfront erosion.
The jetty would violate state rules that ban the building of jetties,
seawalls and other types of "hardened structures" on the beach to
? Compiled from Associated Press wire reports
OXFORD, N.C IAP) - State
officials dismissed as "absurd
claims that they have made up
their minds about where to build
a hazardous waste incinerator.
A tract in C.ranville County
and another along the Rowan-
lredell line are the top two sites
under review by the state Haz-
ardous Waste Management
Residents say the commission
is ignoring proof that three North
Carolina counties are unfit for a
$70 million incinerator, solvent
recycling unit and landfill.
'That's about as absurd as
anything I've heard. The com-
mission has never made a decision
abouta site said Darrell 1 linnant,
the panel's executive director.
"That's a common although ri-
diculous comment
The commission, which must
hold a final round of public hear-
ings before announcing its pre-
ferred site, is to meet Friday with
county officials and hazardous
waste opponents.
"We've told them five times
that (ranville County does not
meet the criteria they laid down
for this incinerator said attorney
limn Pike.
Tike, who is representing the
opposition to a 940 acre site near
Oxford,said the tract tails to meet
at least five selection criteria
"We'll trv to get that through
to them again at the meeting 1 ri-
day or before the public hearing,
he slid in an interview
Pike has frustrated the state's
review process bv enlisting more
than 8,300 people in a plan to buv
up 50 acres oi land at the site.
The piecemeal purchase
would force the state to notify eai h
landowner 30 days before an-
nouncing its intentions to claim
the land.
Pike, who is chairman of the
county Site Review Committee
and a member of every area anti-
incinerator group, said state offi-
cials are turning a deaf ear to ob-
jections from the home front.
'Thev've picked a site Pike
said. "Now thev're ust going to
prove they've picked the right
C.ranville groups sav they
have the state beat on five points
The sml is too sandy.
The water table is too close
to the surface.
Part ot the site can be clas-
sified as a wetland.
The trai t is within 25 miles
of another landfill.
area designated by the commis-
sion as preferable for the complex.
Hmnant said state tests con-
tradict the data.ranville County
officials have submitted
We have other information
that savs thai those contentions
they're making are not valid tor
considering the site Hmnant
saidIbecontention that wedon't
listen tsobviously untrue We are
listening to them. We just don't
always agree
In Iredell and Rowan coun-
ties, residents refuse to submit a
privately funded survey they
claim disqualifies the site near
Statesville, he said.
"Iredell-Rowan has a
Westinghouse report and they
haven't provided it to us. Ihev
refuse to send it to us We have
asked repeatedly to go on the sites
to review the site to determine it
indeed it isn'tappn iporiate tor the
site he said.
Through court-issued re-
straining orders, opponents have
kept state engineers from testing
the land I hat shifts the burden oi
proving the tract is unacceptable
to the counties, 1 linnant said.
"The commission prefers to
get on the site and do (heir own
testing Hinnant said. "The
(county) review committees have
chosen not to allow the commis-
sion on the sites. In other scena nos,
the commission had the burden,
from all available data, of proving
the site was preferable
North Carolina entered into
an agreement with Southaro
lina, Alabama, Tennessee and
Kentucky to have the hazardous
waste complex in operation by
Dec. 31, 1991.
State officials have said if that
deadline isn't met, meother states
will not allow Tar 1 led waste into
their landfills
But last week, the 11th U.S
Circuit C ouil of Appeals over-
ruled an Alabama law that barred
other states from shipping waste
to its landfill, saying it violated
the interstatecommen e claus I
the US. Constitution
'For three months the) ??
held it over our heads that it this
beautiful incinerator wasn't built
by 1992, the other four states i an
close their boundaries to North
Carolina's waste That's a lie It
was just a selling tool said Bar
bara Jones, a member of the
(.ranville Non-Violence Action
Team, a community group op
posed to the incinerator.
Officials break multi-state drug smuggling ring
ficials have announced theseizure
of nearly 51 million in property
and drugs and the indictment of
IS people allegedly involved in a
drug-smuggling ring stretching
from Honda to North Carolina
The indictments Wednesday
brought to43 the number of people
in Columbia and Charlotte, N.C
who have been charged since lune
for their involvement in the al-
leged Charlotte-based ring.
Authorities sav the group.
identified as the Arrendell Purser
Drug Organization, has imported
from Florida 800 kilos of cocaine
worth $20 million into the Char-
lotte and Rock Hill areas since
"We do expect a substantial
rnimber oi additional defendants
to be indicted U.S. Attorney F
Bart Daniel said. "The investiga-
tion is ongoing. 1 think you'll see
we reallv are just in the middle of
the investigation
Herefused tosa exa tlyhow
many other arrests authorities plan
to make.
The 18 indictment included
throe people who were among 20
indicted in Charlotte last week.
light others were indicted in
Charlotte in une.
Most of the people indicted
have been released on bond. Of
the 43, only two remain fugitives,
including John Crawford
Arrendell, 35, from C harlotte, the
alleged co-leader of the ring, and
Orlando Botero, 52, ot Miami, ot
ficials said.
The other alleged co leader ol
the ring, Walter Purser, 59, of
Charlotte, remains in jail in Co
lumbia. 1 ie w asindicted in March
on 21 counts ot cocaine distribu-
tion, and was again indicted in
Charlotte last week
The seizures of cars, boats,
drugs and cash announced
Wednesday were worth morethan
$875,000, Daniel said, adding he
expected to seize another $1 mil-
lion in real estate, property and
cash from the defendants.
Rock Hill Police l.t. C harles
Cabaniss said most of the people
arrested in YorkC ounrj held nor-
mal jobs. I'hev didn't sell drugs
full time
Daniel said many of the Rock
Hill people arrested were well-
thought of in the community.
I hese are some people that
have had jobs and have been
members of the community, rather
than drug renegades who haven't
had jobs and have come in from
South America he said.
rhe investigation, nicknamed
l iperation Aalanchehv Charlotte
officials : gan three years ago as
a joint investigation between Rock
i lill police and the Drug Enforce-
ment -Venrv Paniel said
The 800 kilos of cocaine were
stashed in secret compartments ot
st-ortsi arssuc hasaseized 1 erran,
a Corvette and two Porsches, and
transported from Florida toC har-
lotte, Paniel said.
"They were distributed from
Charlotte into the Rock Hill and
( harlotte areas, Paniel said
Confiscated cars including
( lassie Ford Mustangs, a cherry
red Ferrari and black Mercedes
decked with all the amenities, in-
(hiding wipers tor the headlamps,
till a large police warehouse in
V ork County .
All of the cars, valued from
$1,000 tp $35,000, were seized in
connection with the drug ring
They were used during the com-
mission of drug of tenses or bought
with daig monev, investigators
"Some oi these people took
lengthy stays out of North and
South Carolina and on some ot
these stays, some o( the individu-
als received up to $30 00 to
$50,000 per month tor living ex-
penses from the organization.
Cabaniss said.
The oil industry has pushed
for years to open the northeastern
Alaska refuge's 1.5-million-acre
coastal stretch to drilling, in hopes
that it contains huge deposits oi
oil and gas
Environmentalists see the ref-
uge as a crucial test of Bush's
commitment following his pledge
to be an "environmental presi-
dent They say the refuge is a
national treasure with a complete
spectrum of arctic ecosystems, in-
cluding a home for polar bears,
millions of birds, and a calving
area for the Porcupine Caribou
Bush has long wanted oil ex-
ploration in the Alaska refuge,but
Congress decreed in 1980 that it
must give permission before any
drilling can occur.
Ben Beach of the Wilderness
Society said the Middle East crisis
likely will help the Bush adminis-
tration counter public opposition
to oil development.
"Politically it makes it easier
for them " to push for exploration.
Beach said.
Interior Secretary Manuel
Lujan ? in a meeting with White
House Chief of Staff JohnSununu's
deputy, Andy Card ? got the go-
ahead to start the drumbeat to-
ward opening the Alaska refuge,
said anadministrationofficial who
Continued from page 9
spoke on condition of anonymity.
The administration also is in-
terested in moving ahead with
exploration in other states that
have been protected by congres-
sional moratoriums, said
Goldstein of the Interior Depart-
That could include areas off-
shore in North Carolina, Bristol
Bay, Alaska, South Carolina and
other coastal regions. Goldstein
said the administration wants to
see stepped-up oil production ott
Santa Barbara County. Calif ,
where drilling already is under-
But the administration is not
likely to invoke powers that allow
the federa 1 government to override
local decisions when it is deemed
in the national interest, said
Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska,
announced as Congress left for its
August recess that he will urge
passage of legislation to open the
way for exploring the Alaska
wildlife refuge.
That bill had languished in
the wake of the Exxon Valdez oil
spill last vear in Alaska's Prince
William Sound left the coastline
and wildlife covered with black
Lawmakers return from
summer recess in mid-September.
Continued from pai;e 9
on all day so 1 can hear any-
thing that comes on, any re-
ports. I've always watched a lot
ot news. . . . But now 1 watch
four or five evening newses
As she spoke, her little
daughter blurted, "My daddy's
in the Army
"She sees sometimes, on the
news, the Army daddies and
she asks Mrs. Walsh said. Her
husband could leave at any time
- "he's all packed and ready-
to go she said.
"1 promised myself 1
wouldn't cry if it happened
she said ot the deployment.
"Then, as it got worse, I have
cried. It's not knowing what's
going on that's reallv bad.
Mrs. Walsh and her hus-
band were high school sweet-
hearts. Both went to college
briefly. He joined the service
for the education benefits and
"to give him discipline r
something his wife said "H
felt that he needed that.
"It's not a career. He's bee:
in longer than we planned on
but . . Her voiced trailed off
and she smiled.
He's about a year intC h;s
second hitch. The first was
spent in Colorado, far from both
their families in Charlotte, N.C
Mrs. Walsh said she's happier
at Fort Bragg. "The whole
community's centered around
the Armv she said.
Portable signs in front ot
businesses and churches bear
messages such as, "God bless
America and our soldiers over-
seas A rock music station
plavs the national anthem at
noon, introduced bv a disc
jockey who says, "We're damn
proud to be Americans
to recycle
this newspaper
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications for staff writers. If you are
interested in news, features, sports or entertainment,
stop by and talk to one of the editors. Not only can you
gain great writing experience, but you can become a part
of a tradition that has served the ECU campus community
since 1925.
Experience is preferred, but not a must. If you have
written before, please bring some of your clips when you
Our office is located in the Publications Building (Across
from Joyner Library) on the second floor; or you can call
us at 757-6366.

THp Fast Carolinian, August 23,1990 11
Senator dead months
after re-nomination
s.xain. a colorful, sometimes
, ntro ersial lawmaker, has died
,t t9 atter a battle with cancer.
Swain died Sunday at his
1 he Democrat from Bun-
.muKr ounty won re-nomination
i the Senate in the May 8 Demo-
atk primary election as one of
two members trom the 28th Sen-
istru t made up of Buncombe,
Madison, McDowell and Yancey
Swain was first elected to the
ite in 1977 and had served
ntinuously since then.
We've lost a great champion
r these people up here in these
i untains state Rep. Martin L
Niesbitt, P Buncombe, said.
n h ?d) who knew Swain knew
i loved them bom
Nesbitt, also an Asheville at-
orney, was closely aligned with
?wain trom the beginning ol his
areer in the House.
1 have nothing but the
?reatest respect for him. Hefoughi
? r that little man and took up
154 s that nobody else would
: for Nesbitt said.
Sen 1 lenson Barnes, D-Wayne
i president pro tern of theSen-
? called Swain an outstanding
lat . "A person that stood
is ground when he believed he
is right it made no difference
.it the opposition was Barnes
1 k was a v ell-respected leg-
itor vA he will be sorek missed
it b vl 1 iis passing is like
falling ol a mighty tree in a
r si th t leaves open space that
cannot be filled Bamesadded.
Said Sen. Dennis Winner, a
, rat who was renominated
.war withSwain: 'Bob Swain
U be sorely missed in the Senate
and by the community Winner
said. "He had a lot of guts. And he
contributed a lot
A meeting will be called by
Democratic party officials in the
28th District to pick a successor
for Swain's term and a nominee
for the November election.
Swain had suffered from
1989, doctors operated on his neck
after discovering some "hot spots
that had not developed into tu-
mors. He also was given radiation
"I've just got a temporary lay
up the veteran lawmaker said at
the time. "When 1 get this problem
whipped, I'll be right back in
amongst them
Swain was born on July 25,
1921. He attended Mars Hill Col-
lege in the summer of lu39; Uni-
versity of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill, 1939-40; Biltmore College,
1940 and the University of New
Mexico 1941-42.
Swain served as a first lieu-
tenant in the Army Air Corps,
1943-46. Bv 1945, he had accumu-
lated 300 combat hours.
As a pilot in the South Pacitic-
Asiatic Theater, he won five battle
stars, the Philippine Liberation
Ribbon,the Luzon Invitation Battle
Ribbon, two Oak Leaf Clusters,
the American Theater Ribbon and
the Distinguished Flying Cross.
He returned to UNC-Chapel
Hill in 1946, received a law degree
and passed the North Carolina Bar
in 1949. He was senior member ot
the law firm of Swain. Stevenson
and Moore.
Swain was an unsuccessful
candidate for state Senate in 1974
But in 1976, he again sought a
Senate seat, wasetec ted and sworn
intoofficein 1977.Dunngthe 1988-
See Swain, page 12
harms town'
Enrollment Continued from page 9
ilk properly, that 1 wasn't a dumb
i k 1 tried to prove 1 had the right
to be there
One of Humphries' J.C Smith
assmates, Marlene Desdunesof
Miami, also transferred from a
predominantly white school, Con-
? i i rllegeinSpartanburg,S.C
Ms Desdunes said what she
ind at the private women's col-
? wasn't racism but a lack oi
She recalls a political science
fessor explaining that many of
soldiers first sent to Vietnam
1 lack, because they didn't
i v me opportunities to avoid the
Iraft like wealthier whites who
ould afford college.
1 v eryone said, Oh, well,sure,
,1 as cool Ms. Desdunes re-
o one debated it. I stayed
nversefora whole year, and 1
kidyi u not, it was a struggle
a 1985 study confirmed manv
t the sentiments expressed by
transfers. It indicated black stu-
dentsat predominantly black cam-
puses felt comfortable, while those
at eight white campuses felt "dis-
connected , anena ted, u nder siege
Sociologist Robert Davis at
N.C. A&T State University said
nsing enrollment at black colleges
reflectsa growing disenchantment
with white schools.
"1 think what you're finding
now is students are saving, Hey
Mom, hey Dad, 1 want to go some-
where 1 can be homecoming queen
or editor of the student newspaper
and it won't be a big deal he
That's not to say blacks are
abandoning predominantly white
colleges. Thanks to low tuition and
steady recru iting, North Caroli na' s
public universities have seen a 34
percent increase in black enroll-
ment at those campuses since 1980
twice the rate of white enroll-
ment growth.
Much of this town's population
has shipped out to Saudi Arabia
on a mission to protect oil re-
serves something I S. officials
call the "lifeblood" ol the world's
But their departure has left
this military town economically
"1 don't think anybody is
going to escape feeling the im-
pact of their leaving said City
Manager lerrv Bittner. "Jack-
sonville has traditionally been
able to cushion cyclical troop
I movements, but nothing of tins
"It's going to be hard, but
I'm sure that people will eut back
just as in a recession
Camp Lejeune is normally
the home of some 48,000 U S
Marines. But the Pentagon ha
called on manv ol them to ship
out for Saudi Arabia. Exact
numbers thev have not released.
"Anv time you have a lot of
men moving out merchants are
going to see a drop in business
said manager Aretha
Troublefield of The Tuxedo
Shop, a Jacksonville men's store.
Shops and businesses in the
area have reported buying slow-
downs of at least 50 percent.
What these men leaving
means in the short term, city of-
ficials say, is less crowded stores
and scrimping on the part of
With the anticipated drop in
retail sales, the city's sales tax
income is expected to plummet,
Bittner said.
"We're looking into making
some cuts now ust to make sure
we 11 have enough money later
in the fiscal year he said.
Forthe long-term, executives
expect the city and Onslow
Countv to bounce back.
"Typically atter a period of
time, the ones that are married,
those wives will continue living
and working here and spending
money said Dale Hall, city e
ecutive at NCNB in Jacksonville
"When those Marines get back,
they'll have wads of cash. New
car sales will probably get a
That would be good news to
Doug Hatcher, sales manager at
Lejeune Honda Cars
"People are moving, people
arc leaving. And those that aren t
leaving don't know if they might
be going. You don't make this
kind of money decision in times
like these Hatcher said.
Business was booming all
week at area jewelry stores, with
soon to-be-departed Marines
hurrying to buy engagement
rings, wedding bands and divers
watches impervious to sand.
"During a normal deploy-
ment we'll usually have a surge
in sales of ladies'watches, chains
and bracelets said Reeds Jew-
elers assistant manager Ed
Dodson. "But this time is com-
pletely different. We've sold ev-
orv size diamond, from the
smallest to three-quarter carats
And Jim Maccarone, owner
of International Tours of Jack-
sonville travel agency, said he
had been getting a lot of requests
for airline tickets into and out of
"I'm now expected a three -
to four-week slowdown in busi-
ness, and then things should
See Economy, page 12
Continued from page 9
for Saddam Hussein he added.
I think many people on the left
who are suspicious of American
intervention don't like Saddam
I lussein. They don't like what he
did '
Bu rt m Yale Pines, senior vice
president of the conservative
f lentage Foundation, who was a
foreign correspondent and editor
tor Time magazine during Viet-
nam, said he does not foresee a
wave of protest.
"There is no good guy, ro-
mantic guv, whom we ostensibly
are beating up on, a good roman-
tk Ho Chi Minn said Pines, re-
ferring to the nationalist figure
who led communist North Viet-
nam during the war. Saddam, he
said, "is a guy whom almost the
whole world is against
In Seattle, where throngs
marched in Vietnam protests, a
demonstration in front of the Fed-
eral Building on Monday drew
about 30 peace activists. In Min-
neapolis last week about the same
number turned out for a similar
rail v.
In Washington, a demonstra-
tion outside the Pentagon attracted
only a handful of protesters. In
New York and San Francisco, no
demonstrations of note were re-
$1,50 32 ox. DRAFT
- The ' ,
Continued from page 9
strain may not come for sever'1
more weeks.
"After the families get back to
what thev consider a routine, thaf s
when the stress factor goes up"
said Lt. Col. Franklin Daniels, a
United Methodist chaplin.
A month or six weeks after the
deployment, he said, "they're not
dealing with just the issue of their
mate beinggone. They aredeahng
with finances, parenting, educa-
tion, keeping the house clean.
arking outside the home
"1 think that's the critical
time he said.
Lt. Col. Matthew Quinlan, a
Roman Catholic priest said reli-
gious observance was on the rise.
He said many soldiers are
coming to him for religious ar-
ticles. Amongthem: a pocket sized
New Testament or a metal of St.
Michael the patron saint of air-
borne soldiers

12 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
Researchers from UNC-Wilmington may get $1.7 million grant
Researchers from the University
of North Carolina at Wilmington
could be given access to an un-
dersea research habitat that lets
scientists live underwater for
weeks at a time.
The National Undersea Re-
search Center at UNC-Wilmmgton
has applied for a management
grant from the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
and appears likely to get it. UNC-
Wilmington is the-mily national
undersea research center that has
been asked to submit a grant pro-
posal for Aquarius.
The laboratory with living
quarters, dubbed Aquarius, is the
only undersea habitat in the world
used exclusively for scientific re-
search. The chamber now rests on
the ocean floor near St. Croix, 65
feet below the surface of the Car-
ibbean Sea.
If the school receives the $1.7
million, one-vear grant, half would
be used to refurbish the habitat,
purchase additional research
equipment and assess the limits of
its mobility and depth. The other
half would be used to study where
research is most needed in the
Florida Keys.
Alan Hulbert, director oi
UNC-Wilmington's undersea re-
search center, said the center has
proposed research there because
Aquarius is already close to the
site, and because the Keys present
numerous research opportunities.
Coral reefs in the Keys make
up the largest reef ecosystem in
the continental United States, ac-
cording to UNC-Wilmington's
research proposal. But the Keys
are suffering from a decline in
"environmental health.
But Hulbert said the habitat
may eventually be used in North
Carolina, if UNC-Wilmington is
able to win the grant in successive
Aquarius could be tied to sev-
eral projects, including an exten-
sive study of the Outer Banks that
was recently funded by Congress.
The project involves taking
samples from the ocean floor,
monitoring marine life and chart-
ing currents ? a complete study
of "the Point an area 40 miles
east of the Cape Hatteras light-
Mobil Oil is interested in drill-
ing at the point, but a bill passed
by Congress delays drilling for
one year. President Bush signed
the bill Saturday. Actual work
from the Aquarius would not be-
gin until April or May, Hulbert
The 43-foot-long chamber is
a Jules Vernedream come true for
diving researchers. Living in
Aquarius for two weeks enables
them to gather information about OOMB floor.
sea life that would take months to Inside, the chamber is mtm
accumulate on a deep-sea diving tamed at the same pressure as the
schedule surrounding water, so that
The 80-ton chamber is at- aquanauts do not have to spend
tached to a 115-ton ballast pad time decompressing alter every
that rests on a sandv section of the excursion.
Continued from page 11
bottom out. But the entire com-
munity here is going to be hurt
Maccarone said
The brief economic boom at
some businesses was tempered,
however, by the reasons behind
"I like to see the sales, but I
hate to see the military have to
leave Dodson said.
Businesses particularly
dependant on the Marines la-
ment their departure.
"I have enough civilians that
I can survive while they're gone,
but I'm definitely not going to
make a profit' said Chris
Clemmons, manager of the
Leatherneck Tavern.
Many merchants are looking
to military reservists who may
be brought in as their economic
"If those reservists come in
it will help a little said Belk
department store assistant man-
ager Lee Hedrick. "They won't
be spending money on the same
kind of things as the people who
live here, but it at least be some
Continued from page 11
96 legislative term, he was chair-
man of the Judiciary I Committee,
vicechairmanof thestate Govern-
ment Committee and served on
election laws, local government,
appropriations on education,
small business, veterans affairs
and aging committees.
Swain is survived by four
daughters, Jennifer S Clarke of
Toledo, Ohio, Barbara G. Swam of
Baltimore, Md , Patricia S.
Dufendach of Wilmington, Del
and Katherine AS. Pettingill of
Cordova, Alaska; a son, Robert E.
Swain of Asheville; two sisters,
Dot Lewis of Idyll wild, Calif and
Betty Turbyfill of Asheville; a
brother, Jack Swain of Asheville;
and 11 grandchildren.
Heilig-Mey er s.
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She JEaat (ffarolmtanl
August 23,1990
Page 13
ECU's theater arts department
names Shearin as new chairman
Actor brings experience, goals to stage
Celeste Hotlman ? fcLU Photo Lab
The New ?' as opened its dcors wth a new look after remodeling during the summer months Patrons
will now have more aance space and easier access throughout the downtown restaurant bar
The New Deli re-opens with a
new look, but the same style
By Matt King
sMstant Features Editor
The first time you walk through the doors ol the
sow Deli this semester, you will be in tor a very
pleasant surprise, rhe Deli has changed, tor the
The casual come-as-you-are atmosphere ot the
Deli hasn t chanced but the framework of the res-
taurant bar has The bands that used to he crammed
on a stage that was too small will benefit from the
chances as much as the Deli faithful will.
The 10-minute wait for a drink on crowded
nights will he a thing of the past. And. hungry
patrons will now be able to suppress their appetite
ncht up until two a m
The New Deli has remodeled. The new New
Peh is as close as you can get to a masterpiece .n the
much iverlooked field of remodeling. The "new
Deh is as true to the concept ol form as it is jo
The upstairs which betoreharbored only a pool
table and a tew video games, is now a stage mm
dance floor. The now dance hall in the Peli allows
more space tor the band and the crowd
the room has a higher ceiling that is equipped
with two massive exhaust fans. Fhese two new
improvements will keep a very active crowd coi
The ceiling stands nine or ten feet over the floor
on one end of the room and continues at that height
back until just about where the stage starts t that
point,it begins to slope downw ard o or the head - i :
any band that might be there. It almost appears that
the room issavpmg the band forward to offer to the
Aside from the space offered in the new room
there is another feature that no well- designed bar
could dv without, a bar Pie new coat ot polyure-
thane on the bar reflects the light from throe over-
hanging pool lights.
It is a bar that will be easy to find, even in the
See Deli, pace 2S
Bv Carrie Armstrong
Special Sections Editor
E U s theaterartsdepartment
has recently added a new member
to its tamih
Professional actor, ohn D.
Shearin was hired to till the posi-
tion of department c hairman alter
the retirement of previous chair
! dgar R 1 oessin who held the
position tor the past 28 .? its.
Shearin wash. ?rn in' rl :te.
. and raised in the Raleigh '
c ha pel i 11II area As a hild, he
spent his summers on his grand
parents farm locate between
Pine 1 ops md Rockv Mount w here
he helped put in t I
Shearin gradu it I fn im the
i illege ol V illiam ir I VI irv in
irg ? a and then wei I into the
Master ol 1 me Art- program at
Penn State 1 lealso stud I ictn
privately in New York and t ali-
1 or the past 17 years, Shearin
has h en im Ived in a successful
career as an i I dire tor pro-
ducer in variousareasol tele ision,
-face .nd film i lis '? n ex-
perience includes contract regu-
lar and ? st star appearm ? - n
mam lavtin and prime-time
dramas and mo ies
From W ?. i 1 S1 Shearin
was a regular in recurring roles
on "Bret Maverick" with lames
Gamer, and from 1985 to 1988 he
was a regular on "1 lunter
His guest-starring roles on
prime-time scries include:
Mattock Hardball "Design-
ing Women, Ihel logan Family"
and "1 A 1 aw among many
1 liscontract rolesondav -time
television include: I he D k tors
(1976-78), Loving" (1984) and
"The Young and the Restless"
Shearin has also appeared
onstage on Broadway, off Broad-
way, in Los Angeles and several
regional theaters He's acted in
five feature films and worked as I
stage director in New York, I os
?ngeles, Boston i.J as a guest
artist at the WC. S ho 1 of Arts
In 1984, Shearin helped to
create and expand the institution
of Plavl use West, an acting stu-
dio that has become the premit re
place on the West Coast to study
the Sanford Meisner techniques
of acting the same techniques
taught at E I
Out of theater film and televi-
sion, Shearin said he likes theater
best of all I ho complete experi-
encet theaten is unparalleled
:md unequal to film and televi-
sion he said rhere ssomething
about the immediate communka
tion with the audience you know
immediately it vou accomplished
what vou set out to accomplish
You don't ever get that in film and
unforgiving, the mistakes are
public, however, your reward is
i tediatc
?shearin has onlv been in his
new position as chairman of the
theater arts department since the
end ot uly 1 lesaid he's spent the
las; month 'trying to learn the
ropes and find out whit the job
really 's and it's been even more
fun than I thought it w?is conn; to
See Shearin, page 28
John D. Shearin
Visiting Tryon Palace can
end the weekend routine
Author Stephen King releases the
unabridged version of 'The Stand'
By Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports Iditor
This summer Stephen King
released the unabridged version
ot The Stand This gripping
no v el d ea 1 s d i rec dy with a version
of Armageddon.
King originally came out with
the book in 1978, but over 150,000
W( rds -a ere left out. This is King
at his best This work promises to
both thrill and terrify readers
The Stand" is a classic con-
frontation of good versus evil. In
the work. King has a 108-year-old
woman as the persona oi good
while a non aging devilman
represents the dark side.
The Armageddon begins with
a glitch oi a computer in a defense
lab in California. A plaque is
spread through any contact, kill-
ing in a very painful and sl w
However, it does not affect
everyone. Rot ghly one percent of
the population is immune to ihe
virus, for reasonseven they do not
King takes us into the lives oi
these survivors and lets us live
vicariously with them. We feel
their horror, love, and confusion.
We oven -hare their dreams. These
dreams are a major part of the
mysticism oi the work. The sur-
vivors all share two dreams.
The first dream is a good one
depicting the cabin oi Abigail
Freeman. She is a 108 year old
woman who lives in a cabin in
Nebraska. She is warm, iovtng
and kind. The other dream is a
nightmare of the Dark Wan. he is
a faceless man that makes people
realize their greatest tears.
AH of thesurvivors have these
dreams and it is up to them to
make the decision to follow good
or evil. Predictably, the numbers
are almost equal. Kinc's vivid
descriptionsofallof the workings
of Kith the destruction human
kind, and the minds of the sur i
vors is extraordinary.
Those who decide to read this
extremely long book should find
it very enjoyable as well as fasci-
nating. Although it isoxtrcmclv
difficult to read without asking
some serious questions about the
See King, page 28
By Stuart OHphant
suit Writer
During the horror of summer
school there is little time to plan a
worthwhile and enjoyable week-
p I Usuallv it's the same eld
scenario; go to the closest super-
market md pi k up a - ase ? ! beer,
a bag ot ice, mavbe some suntan
lotion and head tor that "Mecca
m the sun, Atlantk Beach or Em-
erald Me.
Poo- this sound like an ideal
Well, actually it is tor the in-
di ldual who wants to bask in the
ravs sw ig down a cold one and
check out the shapely scenery
However, in the two hours that it
takes to get to thi bo.uh a lot is
lake New born tor instance
While traveling to the beach, New
Bern signals the tirst drastic ?. hange
in scenerv. And to most beach-
goers, New Hern consists i two
h. water at last is a com-
mon description of New Bern.
ha t would ha ppen if instead
ot continuing on a journey to the
beach, a dec ision was made to stay
in New Bern and cho?.k out the
sites? Well, for starters you would
save yourself from the double
? hammy effect ot long term ex-
posure to thesun and alcohol. Secf
ondly, you could explore some
really cool NorthCarolina history.
Bj tar. the bicgest tourist at-
traction that New Bern otters is
1 ryon Palace. The palace is a ma-
terial example ot how people ac-
tual lv lived m middle 18th
Century America Ihe biggest
discovery is the simplicity in which
the Americans lived
Imagine living in a world
where a bathroom meant a pitcher
of water poured into a small basin
or where a toilet consisted ot a
large pot. placed inconspicuously
inside a ' edside table Imagine a
world without the comfort of cen
tra! air-conditioning, or electricity
tor that matter Poos this sound
like a world tilled with torment
and anguish' Well, maybe to a
20th Century visitor butprobabh
not to the original 18th C enturv
inhabitants As seen in the dra-
matic tour of the palace, the origi-
nal inhabi untsseemed togetalong
fine without the aid of modem
1 he dramatic tour of 1 ryon
Palace otters visitors a unique
perspective on lsthentury liv-
ing. The tour begins with a guide
leadinga groupof people through
the main entrance Once inside,
the group is crt-vd bv a man
drossvd in typical 18th C enturv
fashion; a white wig a golden top
coat with matching knickers, and
white stockmes
1 he man then welcomes the
Croup as honored dinner chests
Pondering how the evening will
turn out. the man struts back and
forth, occasionally asking a ques-
tion to an unsuspecting tourist
See Tryon, page 28
The Pixies release an
impressive fourth
album, 'Bossanova'
By Beth Ellison
Staff Writer
The Pixies, lane's Addiction,
Sonic Youth and Lloyd Cole are
sort of the gods of college radio
these days.
It's groups like these who can
practically be number one before
the album, or single, is released.
Thev get all the hvpe They
get to do real artsy videos And
they set the trends in new music.
The Pixies' impressive fourth
album is one indication of why
this idolatry exists The album is
called flos.sdruuu .
Most of the material was writ-
ten by lead singer Black Francis
during his solo ramblings and
while bassist Kim Deal was in-
volved with a side project. The
Black Francis lays a lot on the
line, lyrically, with his devil-
wrcnching rants on songs like "Is
She Weird and "Rock Music
He tranquilizes himself to do
"All Over the World "The Hap-
pening and "Stormy Weather "
Perhaps the most highly
touted song on the album is the
single "Velouna
It's been hailed bv some crit-
ics as better than "Here Comes
Your Man" and "Gigantic
loe Santiago's guitar is (nice
again varied, psychotic and un-
predictable David i.ovenngs's
drumming fits perfectly with
Deal's bass lines
Bossanooa is a more sinister
album than the Pixies' past en-
deavors, but at the sarnie time
It's one of those albums that's
great at a party, but also psfeel to
listen to while lying on the kitchen
floor staring at the fridge.
Bossanova does not disap-
point,and the Pixiesare not a flash
in the pan.
BS&M to play at O'Rockefeller's
David Barton (right). Rick Schaffer (center) and Kyle Mills of BS&M. a Richmond. Va -based rock group,
will play at O'Rockefeller's on Friday BS&M incorporates original songs into their upbeat, acoustic tormat
Together for three years, the group plays regularly throughout the eastern reigon

14 The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990
Music Notes caters to ECU metalheads
I. Sonic Youth
2. Breeders
3. Primus
4 Gene loves ezebel
5. Railway Children
6. World Party'
7. A 12" Stop
S Soup Dragons
9. Aztec Camera
10. Concrete Blonde
II. Iggy Top
12 Stone Roses 12" I Love
13. Sundays
-Compiled by Beth "WZMB" LUison
Feature Briefs
By Deanna Nevgloski
Features Fciitor
Country rustic 'big look' is in for men
rhebig look tor men this tall is country rustic - earthy colors: deep
browns, moss green, mustard, wine, brick, plum. Designer Alexander
Julian is showing what he calls "environmental hues The look comes
with plenty ot texture and layers in denim, suede, corduroy and most
of all uuiltinc
New York City remains USA's largest city
New "i ork City is still the USA's largest city with about 7 million,
ahead ot 1 OS Angeles, with over 3 million, according to preliminary
figures from the 1990 Census headcount. Other Census numbers sh(w
that Petroit has fewer than 1 million residents tor the tirst time since
1920, suggesting more than 200,000people left the Motority in the last
Beaujolais rated the classic red wine
Ihe classic summer red wine has long been Beaujolais, say food
experts. And unlike most red wines. Beaujolais usually is served
chilled Levels t Beaujolais include the most simple wine, called
Reauiolais Next come the fop Ten villages, the lightest ot which are
Chiroubles. Saint-Amour, and Brouilly. Ihe newest Beaujolais village
is Regnie. Favorite Italian red tor summer: Chianti.
Soap opera magazine grabs readers
Episodes magazine is one ot a growing number ot magazines
hatched from television Since March, he bimonthly soap opera
magazine has reached out and crabbed 1.8 million readers, savs mass
mailings. iewersarekeptinterestedandadvertisersgetextravaluefor
their advertising dollars. Die magazine is ordered via a 900 number
from ads run during ABC's soap operas.
Kids leaving improves marriages
Most parents are happier with their marriage once the youngest
child leaves home, according to an eight-vear study funded by the
National Institute ot Aging A I Diversity of Nebraska soeiologist savs
no matter how "good" the kids have been, when the last one leaves,
marriages improve. Some parents may even experience a bnet nnni-
hone moon. Reason: they can spend mo.e time together.
Wilderness camping sparks interest
More toks than ever are pitching tents and building campfires,
according to the National Sporting Goods Association In 1989, there
were 11 4 millions of people w llderness camping, up from 8.7 million
in 1 988 And equipment sales are up too; there were $990 million in viles
in lus. up from $945 million in 1988.
Survey reports victims deserv 2 privacy
More than halt ot the respondents to a Clamour magazine survey
feel that rape victims should not be identified by the press. And over hO
percent say they would be less inclined to report a rape it they knew
their name would be published. Almost three-quarters feel that it a
victim's name were released, her neighborsor co-workers might avoid
Margarine up, butter on downswing
Margarine has been on an upswing for for thirt) years, white butter
hasbeen on a downswing, according to the Department of Agriculture.
198w per capita consumption of margarine was 10.1 pounds: up from
11.2 in 1979; 10.7 in 1969; and 9.2 in 1959. This compares to butter's 4.3
pound per capita consumption inl9: down from 45 in 1979; 5.6 in
19(SM;and 7.9 in 1959.
Anabolic steroid use on the rise
Anab -he steroid use has reached epidemic proportions, savs Bryant
Stamford ot the Health Promotion and WellnessCenterat the University
Of Louisville. In a 1989 survey by the National Institute ot Drug Abuse,
one in 20o( the nearly 17,000 high ? hool mates admitted they had used
steroids to build muscle. And use is growing at the rate of $100 million
a vear in black-market sales.
Sport shirts feature ties this fall
The men's shirt rage for fall is a chambray or brushed sport shirt
with a suit and tie. Also, solid or printed corduroy shirts are hot More
hot trendsin men'sfashion: Paisley and flowers on anything -especially
ties, cardigans - solid, cable or patterned, and classic denim shirt and
denimcorduroy combinations.
Earthy color codes for new season
This season, like every season, the fashion world has come up with
new color codes. Carolina Herrcra pushes apricot, pumpkin, eggplant
and moss Calvin Klein touts putty, stone and sage. Reason: A new
name for an old color can evoke a whole new set of emotions and
sensations And one of the strongest trends this fall are warmed-up
earthy reds, rusts, oranges and yellows.
Street fashion brings back hoods
Hoods are showing up on everything - from fur parkas to designer
And they come in every fabric from fleece to jersey. This street fashion
started with New York bicycle messengers who layered sweat shirts
under waist-length jackets for warmth - was picked up by Giorgio
Armani and Jean-Paul Gaultier.
eCopyngdl 1W USA TODAY AppltCoUtflnhrmmmHttwo'k
Welcome back to ECU! It's a
new semester and a great time to
start reading Music Notes, which
will appear on the second page in
the Features section.
Every Thursday, Music Notes
will bring exclusive information
on the newest and hottest hard
rockheavy metal bands around.
Since the ECU radio station
already caters to an enormous al-
ternativeprogressive audience,
Music Notes was founded mainly
for those who find their tastes in
music to be heavier, louder and
more aggressive.
At the end of each week, Mu
sic Notes allows the rocker
headbanger at E 1 tofindoutthe
latest news on his favorite bands,
specific dates on album releases
and important concert informa
1 lere's a taste ot v. hat you'll
get every rhursday in Music
New York's mosh mongers
Anthrax released their long
awaited LP Persistence oj rime on
Tuesday, rhe first videosingle
"Got the 1 ime" is a cover of the Joe
la, kson c lassii
loe Jackson?! Yeah, that's
right. Anthrax has always been a
band living on the musical edge of
insanity so it makes sense when
you think about it'
Thesedax s, it seems that m tal
bands enjo doing ers fr m
bands not in the metal genre
Stryper's new single is a cover
ot the Earth, Wind and 1 ire tune
ShiningStar You can check out
Stryper's new video on M I V S
Headbanger's Ball,but you'll has e
to wait at least three more weeks
to see the Anthrax vid
Thrash and speed acts Kreator,
Megadeth and Slayer are set to
release their new ettorts in Sep-
tember. Read Music Notes in a
couple weeks to find out the spe-
c ific dates.
On the local homefront, Up
per (.or recently made national
news when their mugs showed
up in the September issue o( Rip
( ireenville's homeboys from
II i an be seen in Rfp'sse tion ol
Buzzz I he mag reports that the
(,ors ha ? re eived se raJ i ?'?? i
from major and largeindi : -
labels. Wa ? tys!
Next week, Musk Notes will
dive into the pit tor the la I
news on local and regional ou
SUCh as sun Ram I a St C hlld
Kurupsure, Strei t i ethal and
And, of o turse we'll l I ?
know w hat's going on w ith tl
national metal bands, t o
one more thing! Don't forj
wneintoWZMB91 e r i i
and Saturday from midn I I
a m. tor f iur hours ol
hi a) mi I il musi
. .????, tun :? ?;
Suspense novel lures readers
By Carrie Armstrong
Special Sections Editoc
While Mv Pretty One
Sleeps Mary Higgins Clark's
newest suspense novel, is a grip-
ping combination of murder and
glamour that draws the reader into
a world glossed with the greed tor
wealth, a lust for power and
I he Associated Press deems this
No. 1 NewYork riwesbest seller to
be, "another thrilling, fast pa d
read Clark weaves s series ol
fast-moving subplots into an ex-
citing and surprising climax
sot against the bright lights i A
New York City, Clark'scharacters
range from famous fashion de-
signers to long time mafia heads.
Through them. Clark gives the
reader a taste ot the lifestyles led
by the super wealthy whose th'rst
tor power has no limits. She also
illustrates the ambition, jealousy
and greed that intertwines their
have reas id she's
When Ethel isdi I
herthroat ul Neeve finds herself
i night up m .in i v tip. ition thai
turns her life into i li ing i
mare She is I I to fat e the
memories ol hi r m ither's i
unsolved murdt i and 1
tangled in a veh ol reed I
ambition thai . ntra I ? n
her life
'While M
challenges the reac: i rfromthe first
charter to the ending pages It is
colorful and well writtt n a
definite must read for suspense
tu tion enthusiasts
b man is now at
ireii ?. rested in becoming a part
from Jovnei ' '? '
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The story begins with the
disappearance of best-selling
writer Ethel Lambston who is fa
mous tor her exposes about New
N ork'srichestand famous citizens.
Neeve Kearnv, owner ot an
exclusive Madison Avenue Sou
tioui where Ethel was a frequent
customer, begins to question ner
sudden disappearance. Ethel'sex-
husband, her free-k lading nephew
and the fashion b eon discol-
ored in her most recent article all
Hossers j'
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The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 15


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16 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
Carowinds offers more than thrill rides
Carowinds newest family thrill ride. The Gauntlet, offers riders of all
ages the spectacular 360-degree loops, a breath-taking view from 70
?eet above the park and controlled free falls at 33 feet per second.
Carowinds is located off 1-77. (Exit 90) 10 miles south of Charlotte.
NC and 12 miles north of Rock Hill. S.C
By Michael G. Martin
Managing Editor
When the summer heat has
drained vour family, and a vaca-
tion which won't put you into tre-
mendous debt is well over due,
Carowinds theme park just may
end vour search.
Located off Interstate-70, on
the western North Carolina-South
Carolina border, just minutes from
Charlotte, Carowinds has it all.
From intimidating rides to live
concerts bv vour favorite artists,
the S3-acre theme park entertains
over 1.4 million visitors each year.
Whether the vacation is forone
day or for a weekend, Carowinds
has ten different themes that will
satisfy almost anyone.
Some oi the most popular at-
tractions of the theme park are the
various roller coasters. Some twist
and turn, loop de loop, turn you
upside down, or combine them all
tor the experience of a lifetime.
Some of the roller coasters
travel at speeds over SO m.p.h
while other go as slow as 20 m.p.h.
Thunder Road, the oldest and
most popular roller coaster at
Carowinds, sends its riders at
speeds over 60 m.p.h. around a
125-mile wooden track chock full
oi steep inclines and decents.
The roller coaster can keep the
family entertained all day, but the
sweltering MecklenburgYork
Countv heat will certainly tempt Games are spread thr h
the fam,lv to put on the bathing the park that test W? or
suitsandhitthesix-acrewatcrpark, coordination, Pnys'c ,
RipTideReef. just plain luck. ??
The wave pool can give ad- stuffed animals are awarded
venturers the feeling of the txean, winners at each game,
while the rope swings will please The only catch is ha t e
the jungle lovers. W . tor slides and games cost one doHar kt w
pools are also available
If the RipTide Reef becomes
too much tor the family, or the kids
just want to ride more rides, sev-
eral other water rides are available
inside the main park. Raft ndes
and rushing flumes can keep one
wet for the entire day.
For the really young kids.
Ha nna Ba rbera Land, Smu rfl si and
and Waterworks have boon de-
signed to offer rides and games tor
the little ones. Cartoon characters
from the themed areas roam
throughout the park that can keep
smiles on the faces of the entire
For the older visitors,
Carowinds offers air-conditioned,
scenic rides like the Monorail,
Skvtower m. Carolina
Stem wheeler.
The Monorail takes visitors
around the park, while the
Skvtower and Carolina
Sternwheeler overlook the mag-
nificent landscape of the Caroli-
However, it is important to
note that rides are not the only
amusement at . arowinds.
and ,f caution is not used, one can
easily spend a lot of monev
Carolina east mall and
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Guys, we know it's the middle cf summer
and it's tough to think about going. . .
So Belk has the answer for an easy "A" in
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Original Red Tab, 100 pre-shrunk
cotton. Relaxed fit, tapered leg. Light
Another integral part ol tin
a S 200-seat concert amptheatre.
offers some of the most popular
groups today.
Various other musical and
dancing productions are per
formed daily at other stages
throughout the park
Carowinds also prides itseil
on diverse eating establishments.
From comdogs to pizza, several
booths have been set up to feed the
hungry vacationer An airondt-
tioneddel. serves wonderful sand-
wichesandntreshinp iced tea Soft
drinks, slushies and lemonade are
also sold at the booths and bv
vendors in the park. Ihe prices .ire
a little high, but are worth it.
Another interest trig
Carowinds otters is the ,1
stores in the park Several sou
rur shops provide the va ,? ?
with all sorts olparaphen i , -
eluding ?ts- Bames " :
The ost ? l-ntlT he ;
$lg.95 tor ages seven to -
general admission for I ?- ?
four-to-six and senior it
19 50 v hildren three and
are admitted free All ride- then
areas, shows auo ath i? ? ?
included in the price
extTa charge tor concerts
arowinds is open ?? i
March to earl) October
10p m Ihe park isalw i
on Fridays. In une, ul ?. I
eust, the park remains ;?
rest of the week, while
maining months, ar
onhopen on weekends, i ?
i abor Day
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Same as the great original, made of 100
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Reg. 36.99
?V?TISIN?s 0N ?E
By Lisa !
Special t
this weeken
music' H
be alive nol
(it luhe An
cnxnin ol
Jchn W,
Baby" and
animated m
ernatic ente
this week, a
end the sun
The t'A.
spotlight th
Kintek sur
installed in
the finest n
ence availa
Raleigh, rru
off the sere
Bv Anne
these term?
in con temp
seek infon
and in mo)
ever before
and use m
vantage ov
source oi ii
the compl(
mahon sv
main hbrai
com pi exit;
viouslv re:
maticm tec
number (
tools Are
Ray !Un Rj

- r
9 I
- I
x Sui
Kj Ban

lb The East Carolinian, August 23,19V0
Carowinds offers more than thrill rides
Carowinds newest family thrill ride. The Gauntlet otters riders ot all
.iges the spectacular 360-degree loops, a breath-taking view from 70
feet above the park and controlled free falls at 33 feet per second.
Carowinds is located off 1-77. (Exit 90) 10 miles south of Charlotte.
N C . and 12 miles north of Rock Hill. S C
By Michael G. Martin
Managing Editor
When the summer heat has
drained your family, and a vaca-
tion which won't put you into tre-
mendous debt is well over due,
Carowinds theme park just may
end your search.
Located off Interstate-70, on
the western North Carolina-South
( 'arolina border, just minutes from
Charlotte, Carowinds has it all.
From intimidating rides to live
concerts by your favorite artists,
the 83-acre theme park entertains
over 1.4 million visitors each year.
Whether the vacation is for one
day or for a weekend, Carowinds
has ten different themes that will
satisfy almost anyone.
Some of the most popular at-
tractions of the theme park are the
various roller coasters. Some twist
and turn, loop de loop, turn you
upside down, or combine them all
for the experience of a lifetime.
Some of the roller coasters
travel at speeds over SO m.p.h
while other go as slow as 20 m.p.h
Thunder Road, the oldest and
most popular roller coaster at
Carowinds, sends its riders at
speeds over 60 m.p.h. around a
1.25-mile wooden track chock full
ot steep inclines and decents.
The roller coaster can keep the
family entertained all day, but the
sweltering MecklenburgYork
County heat will certainly tempt
the family to put on the bathing
suitsand hit the six-acre water park,
RipTide Reef.
The wave pool can give ad-
venturers the feeling of the ocean,
while the rope swings will please
the jungle lovers. Water slides and
pools are also available.
If the RipTide Reef becomes
too much for the family, or the kids
just want to ride more rides, sev-
eral other water rides are available
inside the main park. Raft rides
and rushing flumes can keep one
wet for the entire day.
For the really young kids,
lanna BarberaLand.Smurf Island
and WaterWorks have been de-
signed to offer ndes and games for
the little ones. C artoon characters
from the themed areas roam
throughout the park that can keep
smiles on the faces of the entire
For the older visitors,
Carowinds offers air conditioned,
scenic rides like the Monorail,
Skytower and arolina
The Monorail takes visitors
around the park, while the
Skytower and Carolina
Sternwheeler overlook the mag-
nificent landscape ol the Caroli-
? However, it is important to
note that rides .ire not the onlv
amusrmont .itarowinds.
Games are spread throughout
the park that test everything from
coordination, physical strength or
just plain luck. Different sized
stuffed animals are a warded to the
winners at each game.
The only catch is that these
games cost one dollar for each try,
and if caution is not used, one can
easily spend a lot of money.
Another integral part of the
theme park ismusic. Thel'aladium,
a 8,200-seat concert ampitheatre,
offers some of the most popular
groups today.
Various other musical and
dancing productions are per-
formed daily at other stages
throughout the park.
Carowinds also prides itselt
on diverse eating establishments.
From comdogs to pizza, several
booths have been sot up to toed the
hungry vacationer. An air-condi-
tioned deli serves wonderful sand-
wiches and refreshing iced tea. Soft
drinks, slushies and lemonade are
also sold at the booths and bv
vendors in the park. The prices are
a little high, but are worth it.
Another interesting feature
Carowinds otters is the diver
stores in the park. Several souve
nir shops provide the vacation ?
with all sortsot paraphernalia in
eluding: crafts, games and tee
The cost to enter the park is
$18.95 for ages seven to-59. rhe
general admission tor children
four-to-six and senior citizens is
$950. Children three and m I
are admitted tree All ndes, tl
areas, shows and attractions an
included in the price "here is ai
extra charge tor concerts in the
Carowinds is open from Kit.
March to early O tober, lOa.n I
10 p.m. The park is always
on Fridays. In lime, lulv and .
gust, the park remains
rest ot the week, while in
maining months,an wii I
only open on weekends,
labor I ay
For more information
make a group reserv ati i
800 822 4428, or write P. )
410289,( h.irlotte, 28241
Carolina east mall and
the plaza greenville
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The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 17
Hendrix opens
By Lisa Marie Journigan
Special to The East Carolinian
The fall WO film season opens
this weekend with the sound of
music' Hendrix Theatre in
Mendenhall Student Center will
be alive not with the insipid sound
of lulie Andrews, but with the
choreographed '50s revival of re-
bellious teens and the mellifluous
crooning oi sundry oceanic crea-
lohn Waters' latest film "Cry
Baby" and Wall Disnev Studios
animated masterpiece "The Little
Mermaid" are the featured cin-
ematic entertainment on campus
this week, and what better wav to
end the summer.
The two musical movies will
spotlight the new eighteen speaker
kintek surround-sound system
installed in iendrix Theatre over
the summer rhe System will offer
the finest movie viewing experi-
ence available anywhere east of
Raleigh, making the images jump
off the screen and move through
the theatre.
Music will be played in Dolbv
stereo with perfect clarity. With
the installation of the new system,
Hendrix Theatre is deemed as the
best college theatre in North Caro-
lina and one of the best in the
"Crv Babv" is lohn Waters
follow up to 1988's all-talking, all-
dancing, big-budget civil rights
comedv "Hairsprav His unique
formula of combining an odd cast,
anit-establishment pranks, fe-
tishistic'humor and music, music,
music, has made Waters a cult
figure and arguably Baltimore's
most famous citizen
"Crv Babv starring lohnnv
Depp, is a 1950's teenage musical
with prim adults who can t abide
the bad kids, square kids who
would have been laughed off the
set of 'Happy Days' for their
nerditv, bad girls with lavne
Mansfield figures, and feral hill-
billies living on the outskirts of
The picture is a send-up sat-
ire, a B-movie mockery set to be-
bopping '50s rock. The musical
production numbers are stirring,
fetching and funny, and are per-
formed bv oneof the weirdest casts
Waters has ever assembled.
lohnnv Depp plays Cry Baby
Walker, the bad boy who sings
SOOOO good, and is joined by
former porn star Traci Lords,
former hostage Path" Hearst, Troy
Donahue, oe Dallesandro, Iggy
Top, (oey Heathertaon, Willem
Defoe and Kim McCuire as
1 latchet Face
The revival of Walt Disney's
animation arm is almost more than
any movie fan could have asked
tor. Although the quality of ani-
mation was always strong, the
feature-length cartoon movies
from Disney in the late '60s and
70s were built around weak sto-
nes lacking in the essential ele-
ments t humor and song.
But these wrongs have been
righted under the shrewd direc-
tion of Michael Eisner and lettrev
Katzenberg, the new big cheese at
Disney With "The Little Mer-
maid the Disney magic has been
restored toitsfullest. Thisissimply
one fantastic movie.
The dullest part of Disney's
animated features hasal ways been
human beings, which poses a bit
of a problem for "The Little Mer-
maid" because human is exactly
what the mermaid, Ariel, aspires
to be.
Fortunately though, she
spends most of her time under
water, where the delights are
plentiful. Here two cohorts.
Flounder and Sebastian, are ter-
rifically funny. The dazzling col-
ors and fluid movements of the
underworld and itsinhabitantsare
overwhelming in their artistry.
The music is lively and es-
sential in the conveying of the
"The Little Mermaid" has a
distinctly modern quality to it.
which makes it appealing to older
audiences. Ariel and her desire to
break away from the confines ot
See Films, page 19
m 756-9434 S
ibraiy helps students' college careers
Bv Anne Marie Timmerman
Special to I he Hast Carolinian
! n t o r m a t i o n
liter a c y Informatio n
ageInformation societvAll of
these terms represent key concepts
in contemporary education.
Today, people produce and
seek information on more topics
and in more diverse formats than
e er before. Those who can locate
and use information have an ad-
vantage over those who cannot.
Libraries represent a major
source of information and embody
the complexities of today's infor-
mation si ciery lovner Library,the
mam library at ECU, reflects these
complexities with a greater use of
technology and its manv special
The Reference Department ob-
uiously re fleets the trends lniru'or-
mation technology with a growing
number of computer reference
tools reference collection serves
a a gateway to both the library's
holdings and an array of informa-
Reference tools provide brief
factual information, introduction to
subjects, and access to sources of
informatio i. CD-ROM computer
indexes including Psycl it, ERIC
(an education index) and InfoTrac
provide an alternate search method
from their printed index counter-
Reference librarians will also
perform anon-hnecomputer search
on request for the cost of the search.
An on-line computer search enables
a researcher to scan thousands of
citations to journal articles and
printed materials in virtually any
subject area. The result, in most
cases, will be a printed bibliogra-
phy tailored to the researcher's
specific requirements.
There are both advantages and
disadvantages' in computer
searches as opposed to printed re-
sources. The Reference librarians
Ra Ban Ra B? Ra Ban Ray Ban Ray Ban Ray Ban Ray Bat) Ras H.
know the limitations as well as the
strengths ol both computer sources
and printed sources. Consulting a
Reference librarian before begin-
ning a research project can be the
best research tactic.
Citations obtained from com-
puter and printed indexes usually
lead to books or journal articles.
Finding books in lovner Library
again reflects the trend technology
1I '?' !
Many academic libraries are
making a chance from a card cata-
log to a computer catalog, lovner
Library, no exception otters l.S
2 0, a computer catalog, as its
major public catalog. A pamphlet,
Welcome to 1 52000, contains m-
5tru tions and search strategies on
thecomputer catalog system. These
pamphlets are loi ated next to each
LS 2000 U -? n Reference Li-
brarians also oiler individual m-
stru tion loan) one who request it.
lovner 1 ibrary subscribes to
appi?? match J4I 0 j urnals,
Rn R H h ?' a B u Ra Ban K.i Ban
magazines, and newspaper. Titles
range from Sports Illustrated to
Chemical and Engineering News
Current issues of journals and
newspapers are shei ved alphabet -
callv by title in the Periodicals
Room. Older issues may be found
on microform or in thebook stacks.
To locate a specific issue of a
joumaL refer tome Serials Catalog.
The Serials Catalog lists all of the
joumalsavailableinjoyner Library,
the Music Library and the Health
Sciences Library and gives the lo-
cation of each journal, lor in-
struction on using the Serials
Catalog, ask for assistance at the
periodicals desk.
If the specific journal article or
txok is not available in Jovner Li-
brary , Interhbrarv loan wil lrequest
from other libraries the item
Interhbrarv loan allows un-
dergraduates, with the approval of
a faculty member, to obtain needed
See Jovner, page 30
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Media Board
is now accepting applications for
General Manager for the 1990-91
academic year for the
Please apply at the Media Board Office,
2nd floor Publications Building.
Phone: 757-6009
All Applicants should have a
2 5 grade point average.
Deadline for filing: 9790
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18 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
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Home Opener PepRally!
Prizes: WRQR Weekend for two to the
Outer Banks1
Hot 104 - Compact Disc Player
Z-103- Compact Disc Player
WDLX - Two Phil Collins Tickets
WZCI & Hickory Hams will be giving a
tailgating party to the ECU group with
the largest attendence1
M.C. - Jeff Charles
On Hand: Cheerleaders. Marching
Pirates, Pure Gold Dancers.Coach
Lewis and the Pirates1!
Also T-shirts and frisbees will be given
away compliments of Budweiser!
Come Worship With
Bob Hope dedicates his latest
book to American servicemer
NEW YORK (AP) - If s hard
to say how many times Bob Hope
has introduced some notable as "a
person who needs no introduction
But it ever there were someone
who needed no introduction, it is
Hope himself.
Hope wasinNew York recently
to promote his latest book, "Don't
j Shixit, It'sOnly Me" (Putnam),on a
busy day that would include a book-
autographing session and guest
spots on television and radio.
1 lo looked fit and dapper in a
crisp, creaan-cotored suit, and coot,
despite the "Midsummer heat and
the fad that, for the past two nights,
he hadn't gotten to sleep "until 5 in
the morning. 1 mstillonCoasthmo
he explained.
"Don't Shoot, It's Only Me"
concentrates on the many years ot
Hope's career in which he led ?
troupe of entertainers on C Christmas
visits to American servicemen
ITiesetoursspanned three warsand
took r lope and his party to some of
the world's hot spots.
"They took good care ot us,
HopcsaklothismilitaiA hosts, but
we ran into a couple ot spots
Oneot those spots was Saigon,
and Hope details in his book how
an unexpected, lO-minute delay
kept rum and his ensemble from
being right at the scene ot a hotel
exptosionsetbytheViett ong "Two
were kilted and 99 injured said
Hope, who heard the blasts as his
convoy wasapproa hing
rhe visits to military bases be
gan innocently in 1941, when 1 lop
and thecastot hisPepsodent radio
show were asked to perform at a
nearb) ahfomia aii base 1 he en
tertainers were astounded and
gratified by the trer.wndously ap
preciativemilitary audience Soon
alter, when the l rated States be
came involved in World Wat II
regul H tours to entertain the fight
ing men and women seemed to
follow naturally
And they followed for more
than 40 years.
1 or mam hnstmas s while
I fa pe vn as entertaining his military
"family overs, the tour Hope
holiday without mew father
When the toursbegan the chil-
cjren were young, says l lope "But
they got tounderstand after awhile
ih.n I started taking them on trips
with me Mter they got to know
more about it, they appre iated it
Hope was hard pressed 10
business career with whom he
would have liked to have worked
but didn't "MaybeGretat iarbo
I tsaid after awhile, adding, with ?
twinkle "She wanted to be alone
t 87 years of age, and with a
phenomenal six decade career be
hind him in which he seems to have
done it all, been everywhere
known everyone there is to know
I lope the entertainer entertains no
thought of "retiring and going
Wh ?
? Because, fish don I applaud
he s.i s
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The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 19
Heavy-metal genre creates musical styles
By Deanna Nevgloski
Features tditor
Since the late '60s, the heavv
?i! genre has paved way for
im bands who find their stvle
music to be loud, heavy, ag-
essive or out of the ordinary.
(leavy metal music has lasted
more than 20 years and as each
a band explodes onto the mu-
scene, a new stvle of metal is
produced to the public.
Tie metal genrehascultivated
musical styles as glitter rock,
ish and speed metal, funky
psychedelic metal, solid
techno metal, blues metal,
metal and commercial or
cam metal.
n the early '70s, the glitter-
scene gave way to a whole
movement that would take
?? into the'80s and'90s This
men! was the first wave of
. metal music that found its
n the mother country
Performers like Rex, David
and Gary Glitter became
British exports, while American
shores washed up such glittery-
acts as Kiss, Aerosmith and Alice
Cooper. These vivid performers
wore plenty of stage makeup,
hairspray and colorful costumes
that gave birth to a new genre in
The music played in the genre
consisted of heart-felt blues
blended with screechin' guitar
licks and soulful cries. The wild
stageantksalsoblended well with
theon-boat sound to put on a show
in pure glitter-glam radiance.
As the '70s reached a climax,
the '80s produced many different
heavy metal genres. All of these
genres are an example of how the
glitter-glam era shaped and
e olved in lOyears. The new wave
of bands were greatly influenced
by their predecessors.
I lowever, while some carried
on the traditional glam influences,
others developed the street-wise
image that would reflect itself well
in the music of the '80s.
Solid metal led the '80s with
tough, street-wise outfits such as
Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.
Music that praises heavy guitars
and raw screams, solid metal is a
form of metal that will be in
existance for years to come.
Queensryche, a late-breaking '80s
band, planted their Seattle roots in
solid metal before the '90s took
hold of the flame. This type of
metal is based on true rock-n-roll
style, no hype to fill spaces for no
Thrash and speed metal mu-
sic turned heads and opened eyes
when this brand of fast, crunchy
metal cal led a tten tion to such fierce
acts as Metallica, Death Angel,
Mcgadeth and Sanctuary.
These bands decided to sing
about issues such as child abuse,
environmental abuse, abortion,
dirtv politics and the ravages of
war. The music moved toward
social consciousness rather than
the old adage of sex, drugs and
Thrash bands like Metallica
and Testament broke the genre's
barriers with chainsaw-like guitar
solos and harsh vocals. Megadeth,
a quartet of speed demons, toned
down the harsh guitar sound to go
with a smoother, but faster ap-
proach in guitar technique.
The new glam-rock breed was
not too far behind in the mid80s
when Finnish quartet Hanoi Rocks
dug up the old makeup bags,
hairspray and glitter-glam garb to
stay true to their rock-n-roll roots.
Bands like Poison, Pretty Boy
Floyd, Faster Pussycat and Britny
Fox allowed for a more melodic,
upbeat style of music as they
turned the metal blues into infec-
tious, pop-metal tunes, and
proved that the glitter-glam scene
would survive in the years ahead.
Commerieal or mainstream
metal is a fairly new genre that
developed in the late '80s and
moved on into the '90s. This style
of metal hasallowed bands to gain
notoriety from their music and to
break those sometimes unbreak-
able barriers.
Def Leppard, Skid Row, Bon
Jovi and Warrant have cony ered
the genre, but have been highly
See Metal, page 31
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M ? udents are qomg to UBE downtown to buy their books for the fall semester Some will have to pull
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Continued from page 17
parental rule can be appreciated
by any student in the audience.
As usual, the Disney
braintrust has tailored this movie
to work with all movie-goers,
young and old alike.
"Cry Baby" will be shown to-
night at 7 and 9 p.m and on Fri-
day and Saturday at 8 p.m. "The
Little Mermaid" will be shown on
Sunday at 2 and 8 p.m. Admission
is free with valid ECL student l.D.
and a current semester activity
sticker; or a current semester Film
Pass Card available for $10 from
the Central Ticket Office,
Mendenhall Student Center, 8:30
a.m6:00 p.m Monday - Friday,
With either form of admis-
sion, you are permitted to bring
one guest.
Specializing In Custom Scrmmn
Prlntmd Sportammr Sine 1988
Serving food
until 2am
Open mic night
every Tuesday &
Sign-ups are first come
first serve on that day.
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11am-8 pm
Tuesday to
Friday -
11am 2am
Saturday -
noon to 2am.

20 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
ECU Photo Lab
is now accepting applications for photographers for
the 1990-91 school year. If you have photography
and darkroom experience, apply immediately at the
Media Board Office
Publications Building
Second Floor
Across from Joyner Library
Korea: an unexpected treasure in the Orient
By Deanna Nevlogski
Features Kditor
Follow The East Carokrian's Features section as we
bring you the best coverage of bands playing in
downtown Greenvilb. every Tuesday and Thursday.
(sem site? naasm &asp GEtftffasfe?
At dawn, 18 hours out of Now
York, half a world away, you can
witness the breath-taking beauty
of the smokey-blue mountains
against a peaceful, pink morning
Korea, nestled between China
and Japan, isa peninsula that gives
way to green valleys, rocky hills
and tinv farm villages. The
splendor of the scenery captures
your attention as your plane lands
toward Seoul's kimpo Interna-
tional Airport.
In Korea, expect the unex
pected. From picturesque moun-
tain ranges to lavish garden
streams, Korea's beautiful land-
scapes are treasures in the hearts
of those willing to travel to the
I and of the Morning Calm.
Seoul is the capital of South
Korea. Located in the northwest
region of the country, Seoul wel-
comes thousands of visitors each
year to participate in the per
tacular sight seeing of Korean
temples, skyscrapers, shrines.
parks, beaches, gardens and other
architectural treasures
According to yearl) weathei
conditions, fall is probably the besl
time to visit Korea. This season
bringsa patchwork of bronze, red,
orange and purple colors to its
foreign lands. Spring offers pink
and white cherry blossoms thai
are nurtured by the war. and
windy air.
In the summer, Korea staj shol
and humid with an abundant
amount of ram throughout the
week. Beautiful pink East
lotus spring up in late lulv to en-
hance the seasonal time Forthose
who enjoy cold weather, winter-
time in Korea sheds snow and
extremely low temperatures,
much like the weather in boston
Most ot Korea's architectural
history comes from the enormous
temples and shrines that Stand
above the country's terrain.
Temples are the architet core
ot Korea's roots in the Buddhist
Tripitaka is a Buddhist temple
that used to hold sa red riptures
on wooden blocks. Now, the
st riptures are preserved in the
Scripture Hall and be n be
viewed while touring the
i ountry's popular landmarks
I laeinsa temple is located in
themountains. Thisawe inspiring
temple is present amor ; the pine
forests .ud cascading waterfalls
ot Korea. I he Punhwangsa Pa
goda in Kyongju, built of stones
that resemble br? ks, stands over
the traditional Korean houses thai
look like tiny museum striK lures
de orated w ith antique tiles.
I wo other popular sites to visit
during youi sta) in K m a are the
I lea enl) 1 lorse tomb and the
Star lower, rhe Heavenl) Horse
lomb is a slru? ture thai held "th
centurj tri asures 11 ?v evei the
treasures now find their homes in
the Kyongju Nation il Museum
rhe 7th ci nttiix !rtd .? er is
Korea's oldest and most i 1 ? i v ed
stone obsei v ator) ol Korean his
!oi lln apital'sskys rap rsare
.i!so ,i ? '
'he Hvani ; ? ?? Pavilion
bloss'ins a ith pink k!us in I ?
small and peaceful pavilion con-
ne ted 10 the shore bv a graceful,
wooden bridge. You can explore
the KyongbokkungPalace in Seoul
and discover two historic Korean
buildings at the same time
I hepala e itself is surrounded
In walls and can be entered bv
oneoftwogates I ne gate leads to
the palace grounds and the other
into the garden of the National
Museum. Surrounding the mu-
seum is the Seoul lower, . five-
tiered, pagodalike sucture that remind youol a stone lantern
It you want to experience the
natural beauts of a mountain
in am, thru Pomun I ake, below
I laeinsa Temple, will fulfill your
faro y I he( harmol Piwon.orthe
Secret! iarden, is also a pleasure to
I his large leafy walled in area
ins v Kerry and dogvs i'od
blossomsin thespring Inautumn,
the li avi s turn gold, orange and
i, ,i i'i n a ith its festival ol
is is among the str
pondsand pa ilions that de
Korea beauhfully.
See Korea, pare M)
The Plaza, Greenville
A 'What's What' of film covers American
producing and releasing compailies
10 off any regular-priced
fashions with current college ID!
NEW YORK! P) Mention
The Wizard ot Oz" and people
immediately think of the now
classic him released in 1939 that
starred, among others. ud Gar
But there was a "Wizard"
before that
In 1925,hadwick Pictures
Corp an independent producer
of feature tilms that was active
from 1 24 to 1 2S released i ts The
Wizard of Oz starring Larry
Semon, Dorothv Ow an and Oliver
This and other obscure but
fascinatingfactsarefound in "The
American Film Industr) A His
torical Dictionary" (Limelight
Editions) by Anthon) Slide
In a pret.u e. Slide sa) s ol the
"There have been man)
'Who's Who'of the Ameru an film
industry, but this is the firs!
What's What a di tionary ol
American producing and releas
ing companies, technological in
novations, film series industrx
terms, studios genres and
"Iru hided more than
600entriesoneverythingfrom the
Academv of Motion Picture Arts
and "x ten es to I ml ens
from Astoria Stud
I he Ai.iden . f M n Pi
lure Arts and Sen nces was otti
ciall) formedan I I 1927 it was
formed tofei ,ainst
the industry, to promote enity
among the s arious groups t
w rkers within
advanct the pow
? the motion ' '
make irds ol
oom len lu
illusion ol movement
i mhnuousi hangesinthe
li il length ol the l? i i than
u tual mo emenl ot ? ?
Astoria Studios is located in
.toria section ol the Qui ?
borough of New v: ?rk and opened
1920, ' as the new
I oast production (.enter tor Fa
mous Pta ers Lasky I better
a n as Paramount i
Zoetrope was the nameol di
? ? produ er 1 rant is 1 ord
pola s independent produ
don pany. I ntortunateU
financial problems forced Co p i
to curtail his operations and, in
?8-l the Zoetrope Studios were
sold at a bankruptcy auction
For 4 Consecutive Thursdays
The Bogies
Bikini Classic
Round 1 - August 30
$50.00 Weekly 1st Place Prize
(1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place Contestants Qualify for Finals)
(September 20)
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3rd Place $100.00
Every Thursday
Student Budget Night
? $1.00 IMPORTS
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(Ladies Free Every Thursday)
To Enter Call or Come By Bogies
of year again!
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I Parties
T;r O It's that time
Get every you need
from the arty
professionals at STOP SHOP!
STOP SHOP features one of
Greenville's widest variety and larg-
est supplies of ice-cold kegs, and
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ice, cups, and
multeities too!
ECU'S party
people connect
Comer of 5th and Reade Sts in Downtown Greenville

August 23,1990
SHig iEaBt darolfnfan
Page 11
? emale, 10 minutes to school.
Must be non-smoker. $131.00 and
-utilities Call 752-02S9.
w Will): to share 3 bedroom
ise W D Rent $125.1X1 plus
utilities 1 Vposit $75.00. Call
e Home; 752-2599; Work:
miles, good condition.
firm Call 355 0459.
.11 FOR SALE: Schwinn
our 1 uxe. 21" frame, 27"
sking $100.00. Call 757-
v t i FOR SALE:
iu racing bicycle with
frame. Suntour Accushift.
0 Call 757-3356.
80CM 400T. Excellent
skint; $600.00. Call
? s? II ASAP! Call ason 757-
; It not there, please leave
? and number.
Ksll: Microwave, vacuum,
?ags Excellent condition.
5810 after 6:00 p.m.
PPl E 11 GS: Dual disk drives,
S meg. with printer and pro-
Excellent condition.
( allDr Moore 7574fr09.
( AMARO, -6, Auto, AM-FM,
v lean (iood Condition,
i and) Apple Red with Black In-
u rior. Ask ui Debbie at 74r-2327
after 6 p m.
JOIN ME: for an exciting part-
time job in the fashion and beauty
industry. Earn unlimited income.
Call Ms. Taylor at 355-2522 for an
Good telephone voice and ability
to collect past due bills from 5-7
p.m. Monday - Thursday and
Saturday 8 a.m. -12 p.m. Contact
Tern Mahr at the Credit Bureau
of Greenville. 758-0616.
per week in our home. Must love
children and have own transpor-
tation. $25.00 per day. 752-6434.
company dance classes. Ballet,
modem and jazz. Call 757-6390 or
AVAILABLE: Must have an eye
for detail, like paperwork and
have good interpersonal skills.
Apply Brody's, The Plaza, Mon-
Wed 1-4 p. m.
Brody's has part-time sales posi-
tions in Juniors. Enjoy merchan-
dise discount while working in
an exciting, fashion clothing area.
Applv Brodv's, The Plaza, Mem-
Wed 1-4 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday from 2:15
to 4:15. Must have own transpor-
tation and references. Call 756-
resses and waiters Lunch and
evening shifts. Apply Greenville
Country Club. 756-1237.
BRODY'S FOR MEN: is looking
for personable and responsible
part-time associates who are fash-
ion forward. Flexible hours. Must
enjoy people. Merchandise dis-
count. Apply Brody's, The Plaza,
Mon-Wed 1-4 p.m.
AVAILABLE: in a retail environ-
ment. All hours. Great for Crimi-
nal Justice Majors. Warehouse
position available for person with
early afternoon availability. Ap-
ply Brody's, The Plaza, Mon-Wed,
1-4 p.m.
BELLMAN. Applicants must be
flexible and able to work nights
and weekends. Apply in person
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to
b p.m. 207 Southwest Greenville
program will begin in September
and the hours of work will vary
between 3:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m
Monday thru Friday, with some
Saturday work required. Ap-
proximately 15-20 hours per week.
Program will last until mid-No-
vember, knowledge of soccer and
the skills to teach soccer funda-
mentals, team play, and strategies
to vouth, ages 5-15. Rate of pay
will be $3.85 to $4.25 per hour. For
further information, call Ben James
at 380-4543 or 830-4550.
POSITIONS! $17,500 - $58,240.
Call 11) 602-838-8885, Ext. X-5285.
Help wanted through fall and all
of next school year. No experience
necessary. We will train you. We
will work around student's
schedule. Apply in person at
Greenville Opticians at Doctors
Park, Building 1 on Stantonsburg
Rd Monday thru Friday 9:00a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. or call 752-4018 for
more information. Excellent op-
portunity for the right individual
in a professional atmosphere.
Good working conditions.
SULTANT: Attention College
Students! Would you like to make
an extra $100 per week and have
fun doing it? The Direct Sales Di-
vision of Americas Premier
Modular Knit Clothing Company
is seeking candidates to work the
ECU area. Sell fashion garments,
earn commissionsbonus. Sell to
sororities, professors, staff, friends,
relatives. Set your own hours, be
vour own boss. This is your busi-
ness. 1 am a high school teacher
and this is my part-time fun job.
After all - work is a party. Call 919-
757-1044, ask for Brcnda or leave a
Attendants, Travel Agents, Me-
chanics, Customer Service. List-
ings. Salaries to $105K. Entry level
positions. Call (1) 805-687-6000,
Ext. A-1166.
$59,932yr. Now Hiring. Your
area. Call (1) 805 687-6000, Ext, R-
1166 for listings.
focus on loving ourselves and
others more fully and inner heal-
ing. 7-8:30, Monday, August 27.
Call Elizabeth Wootenat 752-6661.
you are in need of a responsible,
experienced and mature adult to
pick up your child from school,
feed him-her healthy snacks, and
offer lotsof fun activities to fill up
their time until you pick them up,
call Karen at 752-6998 for more
information. Located near ECU.
cialize in resume compilations
and term papers. 24 hour an-
swering service. Faith May 753-
by O.Vundu
SadC to WLc"tuJ.uil Jifuiaf
Mooovc it.
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1 Plus the opportuntii) 10 recieve
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Elaine Taylor

Tlie East Carolinian
The East Carolinian is now accept-
ing applications for staff writers. If
you have the desire to become a
better writer, and earn some extra
money at the same time, apply at the
Publications Building, Second Floor.
208 East 5th Street
Now accepting
applications for
Sandwich makers
and delivery drivers
Call today.

N2E tL.
roc c )MPLrrcNOP U OK?
? 1 York.
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bo flatter and vour
tfei Styirwte??.??x men
7 5 6-1 9 45
resumes - formal custom
brochures Flyers
logos letterhead
computer graphics
desktop publishing
self-service macintosh
computer consultant

call and leave a message
7 5 2 0 5 r? r
5 r j p h 1 i
S H f P II E R D
il i ? s 1 B 11 ?? r
11 win Catholic Student
ter invites you to worship with
inday Masses: 11:30 a.m.
a Wright Cultural Build-
11 g ind 8:30 p.m. (Newman Cen-
t 53E.10thSt,twohousesfrom
Fletcher Music Building). Week-
3a m and Wednesdays5:30
p.m at the Newman Center.
I rvouts for the Men's and
Women'stennis teams will be held
during the week of the 27th. There
will he an organizational meeting
for interested individuals on Sun-
day the 26th at 8:00 p.m Scales
Fieldhouse, Rm 145.
The office of Academic Counsel-
ing, Department of Athletics pro-
vides tutorial services for student-
athletes throughout the academic
year. Tutors are currently needed
in all subject areas offered by East
Carolina's curriculum. Minimum
standards for prospective tutors
include sophomore standing and
a 2.5 grade average. Interested ap-
plicants should attend an intro-
ductory meeting on August 24,
1990 at 3:00 p.m. in Room 244 in
the Sports Medicine Building.
Please contact Lisa Edwardsat757-
4673 for further information.
Employment opportunities' are
available to students who are in-
terested in becoming PERSONAL
in wheefchaSrs, READERS, and
TUTORS. Past experience is de-
sired but not required. Applica-
tions will be taken for employ-
ment during the Fall Semester
1991. If interested contact: Office
of Handicapped Student Services,
11 lor 21 lWhichard Building East
Carolina University, Greenville,
NC 27858-4353. Phone: 919-757-
6799 or 919-757-6881.
Registration for Recreational Ser-
vices. First session of fitnessclasses
is August 27-31, from 9 a.m. - 4
p.m. in Room 204 Christenbury
Gym. The cost is $10.00 for stu-
dents and $20.00 for faculty and
staff (you must ha ve a current uni-
versity I.D. to register). JOIN IN
begin September 4th. Call 757-6387
for more information.
SH1PRECS - Students Helping In-
crease Participation in Recre-
ational Services will hold a gen-
eral meeting for all persons inter-
ested in these NEW positions.
Students from around campus are
eligible to apply and get paid for
promoting and marketing Recre-
ational Services. The meeting will
be held August 27th at 4:30 p.m. in
General Classroom Building 1031
A great student leadership oppor-
tunity. Call Jeannette Roth at 757-
6387 for details.
2tfre iEafit Carolinian
"the East Carolina
i community as the
ts'voice since 1925
Apply today at your college newspaper!
(second floor of the Publications Bldg. across from Joyner Library)

22 The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990
Comic books company joins in the Nintendo craze
NEW YORK (AP) Voyager
Communications Inc. has released
the first issues of its comic books
based on the popular Nintendo
. ideo games.
Made possible through a h-
ensingagreement with Nintendo
of America, the btks are the tirst
in the official comic book line tor
Nintendo. They are published
exclush e!v under the Valiant im-
print, and are available at news-
stands, at tov and comic book
stores, md bv subscription.
The Nintendo Comics System
($9.95), published everv other
month, features a sampling of
stones, including Captain N: ITie
Came Master, The Legend of
elda, Punch-Out and Super
Mark) Bros. (Subscription cost:
S4U?3 for six issues).
Individual comic books based
on the Nintendo characters, pub-
lished everv month, include ITie
Legend oi elda. Super Mario
Bros Captain N: The Came Mas-
ter and Game Bov ($1.95 each).
(Subscription cost for each title.
$21.95 for 12 issues).
The publisher savs the comic
books, printed on heavy white
stock, feature a new animation-
style illustration technique so that
the characters virtually "jump off
the page
"Comic books in America
have mass appeal unlike any other
books says lim Shooter, presi-
dent and editor-in-chief of Voy-
ager Communications. "With the
Nintendo name and characters,
we can reach a wide variety of
readers who are current and po-
tential Nintendo plavers
Through an agreement with
Western Publishing Group, Voy-
ager will soon publish comic books
reviving the adventures of
Magnus Robot Fighter;Solar, Man
of the Atom; Turok, Son of Stone;
Lost in Space; and Brothers of the
Also of interest to voung
readers: Nickelodeon Magazine,
designed for children 8 to 14 years
of age, contains celebrity inter-
views, games, puzzles, original
comics and fiction. The magazine
also includes book reviews, movie
reviews and jokes. It is published
by MTV Networksand isavailable
by subscription only ($9.95).
textbook department. We've expanded to serve you better.
hours for your convenience. Everyday.
service because we've set up more checkout lines than ever.
used books than anyone. Period. That means vour total book cost is much less.
low prices for art student supplies at Art & Graphics.
University Book Exchange is the bigger, better, longer, taster, special place for
books, school supplies, sportswear, art supplies, prints, posters, framing, and
lots and lots more. UBE: we don't have just more for you, we have it all tor you.
Book Rush Hours:
Aug. 19, 1:00 RM-5:0Q I'M.
Aug. 21. : A.MK:0n lM.
Open this Sunday 1:00 RM5:00 RM.
Aug. 2(. 1:0(1 l'M.o:(() PM
Regular Hours:
MonThurs. 9:00 A.M8:00 P.M.
Fn. 9:00 A.M5:30 P.M.
Sat. 10 A.M5:00 P.M.
Home Football
Saturdays: 9:00 A.M6:00 P.M.
$L& Allforyou
516 South Cotanche Street ? Greenville, NC 27834
?(For subscription informa-
tion on the Nintendo Comics Sys-
tem, Super Mano Bros The Leg-
end of Zelda, Captain : The Came
Master and Game Boy comic
books, write to. Vovager Com-
munications, 65 Commerce Road,
Stamford, CT 06902-4346.)
? (For subscription informa-
tion on Nickelodeon Magazine,
write to: Nickelodeon Club, Box
N'ick-1, Indianapolis, IN 4h2wi
'Uncle Buck'
spinoff causes
be easy being eff Sagansky these
Six. months on the ob. in
charge of entertainment for the
bottom-rated TV network, nd
everyone looking to you tor a
failsafe way to rocket out of last
So there he stood before the
nation's TV critics at their annual
press tour this past weekend.
proudly hyping CBS' new fall
I he reporters wanted to talk
about sex.
And morality. And question
abie dialogue uttered by children
during peak, prime-time family
viewing hours.
Specifically, the reporters
wanted to know why a 6 year-old
i;irl will be delivering lines such as
"you suck atSp m.onMondays
The show in question is
Uncle Buck a fall TV spinoff of
the lohn Candy film In the pilot,
the blond, cherubic child star also
explains the crankiness (t a female
tamilv member bv saying "she's
Some of the reporters at the
Century Plaza Hotel news con-
ference Sunday appeared righ-
teously indignant
How can you sav Mr
Saganskv, that the networks are
more sensitive now when you do
have programs like Uncle Buck
coming on the air?" demanded
one en tic.
Looking a bit uneasy,
Saganskv replied. "I'll tell you
something, believe it or not, kids
sav that in homes all over America.
And 1 don't think we can go and
put on shows which have no re-
lationship to reality
Besides. Sagansk) added, the
child is immediately reprimanded
for such talk. .nd future episodes
do not consistently contain that
kind oi dialogue
The reporters were
unappeased and the ; year-old,
1 larvard-educated programming
executive spent much of the 45-
minute press conference defend-
ing his network's standards
Or lack thereof, as some crit-
ics grumbled.
Although a lot of time was
spent dissecting the social value
of "Uncle Buck many questions
also concerned Saganskv's strat
egy for boosting ratings
Saganskv admitted his work
is cut out for him Part of his game
plan for enhancing CBS schedule
has focused on wooing top writers
and producers.
That included giving carte
blanche to Linda Bloodworth-
Thomason and Harry Thomason,
creatorsof the network s hit "De-
signing Women
What the Thomasons came up
with was "Evening Shade, a
comedv about life in a small Ar-
kansas town that debuts with a
one-hour pilot on Sept. 21.
Starring Burt Reynolds,
"Evening Shade" wasoneof three
shows that Sagansky touted as
having the fall schedule's "most
unique voice"
The others were "WlOU a
drama about a TV news operation
in Chicago, and "Lenny a blue-
collar situation comedv starring
stand-up comic Lenny Clarke, a
former Boston janitor.
Saganskv also was asked
about the wisdom of putting' The
Flash" ? a new fantasy action
thnller about a man who moves so
fast his feet nearly catch fire ? on
Thursdays at 8 p.m.

I he I .isiarolinian, August 23, 1991
Vixen 'mvsitup'on
their second album
he sones screech mil ducer Rand Nicklaus IVtrucci
, ?? ? , ?,? the musi crodits the preparation time and
I j heav icklaus for removing the pres
? it recording a svcnd album
, . . ? We had a great time making
I ?, , ? . ?i this album Of course there is al
. ? ivavs a little nervousness making
,rtod waters a record, because you may have to
? .?, cs savs live with it forever. But the tun tar
ho bai Is drum outweighed any nervousness
. . i itton ? ?? Rand was great He treated us
? ??? with respect as musicians and
didn t have a on re OK lorgirls
Ml attitude
AS th( : ? ? "he band has run up against
, that attitude time and time again
fhoirseeminglv overnight success
. ? was backed b 10 years ol devel
el onto I Cashbox opm? Ihi i und 1 von after the
.? ? ito success ol their first album I
were skepti
. ? . ? ? a tter ?????? rd.alotol
A i
English town profits from playwrigh
STRATI ORP-LPON Vi?"(.hoed Terr la 1 i
1 ilandl V) it sa hot sumnn iwrotihroctorot tin
weekend and ivti.1 lovers mqti pea n lid
pouring mtoStratli u up
1 o1111 ' ' ' '
h the busl ?ad lo lun? 'have! pi ? . - ?
I tb s Restaurant,
Shakespeare( offoemuj: " e I'll i att h a staging olhim .alive
Iecord ' iigh.n
1 ear
! he Shakesp in n hi tr. . . ; . ? ;
in tuH sv ing in the birth1 ? ' '
the world s most dis us lI n
marketable and m I enduru? ? ?' : ' i
nla w right 1
Iih-s at l
It is worth the eo,ui all
SW million a eai to the littl l k al National I heateraei
in i 1 ngland in hen'? ?? '
tradesman s son was born inrid tour latei "
Rutol imiuii hmon ' ?
,i matter of moi
Han 1 - ? ?
hmark ol '?'? fen
? his ben ling 1
nternatu ?' ?
nee thev realized
hortlv h '
mtheirbands Phroughmam
tints i. : in md I ? ?' " ?
Madame X c iardner sent a
? . . ? Vtru vl ked what
? ,
s,v ixen, page 51
and BUCliS
, . ry young mai s .aru-
rotx since World ar II
V no! sure who can take
? ? ? ? : ? putting the
? gether, bul the love
affau for these two timeless
pieces of i thing continues
.? ti ,n and ofl campus
This fall 'offman s eon
ies to offer you some
greal values to help you
build vour fall wardrobe
I ai M
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iik'HiaiitN khak
ain fronl 2 pair for 69.50
eated 2 pair for 75.(X)
ui ) ii ('oflrnan's
Din Bucks
I )owntown C ireenv ille
I ynndale Shoppcs
S0S Red Banks Rd.
Welcome Back ECU! Go Pirates!
The Official Sponsor of the Grc
Piralc Purple Gold Pigskin Pi: Parl
Great Taste Less Filling
StodenBnrk o Cgmpve SxcA
Trree Coftim ben poucn
$10.00 value
urthilv piuvlvASc
L OiViltf

c e I,
u W M
'b !e lb
afoe co
4ul selection
cOOSC VCH w MVl M Ci i
I c c
OCl u w
sl about f4ee ke lire c oiy
I n y f C u' rC

The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 23
n revs it up 071
second album
English town profits from playwright
I AD The songs screech out
of the amps. On stage, the musi-
cians have the Wxik of a heavy-
metal band except tor one slight
difference They're all female
That's right. Vixen doesn't
have one dude among them.
We're in uncharted waters
as tar as heavy metal goes says
Roxy Fetrucci, the band's drum-
mer. "We're proving that females
can plav just as hard as the guys
Vixen has released its second
album, "Rev It Up on EMI
Records. It follows the successful
debut album, Vixen
The first single from the new
album is "How Much love?"
which lumped onto the Cashbox
magazine best-selling chart at No.
73 on Aug. 11
"Rev It Up" breaks new
ground for the band, since all the
songs were written by the group.
"We've been thinking of
writing for some time says
Petrucci ' All of us had a lot to say
about quite a tew subjects. Ongi-
rtally, we wanted all four of us to
write together, but there were too
many ideas. ITien we broke up
into tcim of two
1 he songs cover emotions, as
well as topical subjects such as
teen gangs. "I was watching 'A
Current Affair, " says Petrucci,
"and the show was all about the
teen-age gangs in Los Angeles. So
that's where Fallen Hero' came
'When 1 write, I go into my
room, shut off the TV and the
telephone and wait tor an idea to
come. Sometimes it comes easily;
other times you have to really
Vixen came off a world tour
and took three months to write for
the album. Another throe months
was spent recording with pro-
ducer Randy Nicklaus. Petrucci
credits the preparation time and
Nicklaus for removing the pres-
sure of recording a second album.
"We had a great time making
this album. Of course, there is al-
ways a little nervousness making
a record, because you may have to
live with it forever. But the fun far
outweighed any nervousness.
Randv was great. He treated us
with respect as musicians and
didn't have a 'You're OK, for girls'
The band has run up against
that attitude time and time again.
Their seemingly overnight success
was backed by 10 years of devel-
oping their sound. Even after the
success of their first album, there
were skeptics.
"After our first record, a lot of
the people who came to our
showcases thought we were
playing to a pre-recorded track
says Petrucci. "Once they realized
it was really us playing, they
quickly changed their minds
The current lineup of Vixen
was put together shortly before
the band received its recording
contract with EMI. lanet Gardner,
the lead vocalist,put a female band
together 10 years ago, after local
Minneapolis lads wouldn't letter
plav in their bands. Through man v
lineup changes, the band has re-
mained all women.
retrucci joined the band after
stints playing around the country
with Madame X. Gardner sent a
tape to Petrucci, who liked what
she heard,despite her reservations
about female bands.
"1 had been in a few before
Vixen. 1 was reluctant to join be-
cause girls never seemed to stick it
out for the long haul. But I really
like their .sound, SO 1 joined
See Vixen, page 31
England (AP) ? It'sa hot summer
weekend, and Bard lovers are
by the busload to lunch at Sir
Toby's Restaurant, buy
Shakespeare coffee mugs, perhaps
even catch a staging of "King
The Shakespeare industry is
in full swing in the birthplace of
the world's most discussed, most
marketable and most enduring
It is worth the equivalent ot
$90miUion a year to the little town
in central England where the
tradesman's son was born in 154
But of course, it is much more than
a matter of money.
William Shakespeare is a
benchmark of Western civiliza-
tion, his benign, balding portrait
an international icon, his language
a part of our daily lives He died
374 years ago, yet he is, in the
words of Shakespeare director
Terrv Hands, "still our greatest
living writer
In London. leading
Snakespeare actors rally to defend
the remains of the Rose Theater
where Shakespeare once acted,
and in Hollywood, the latest film
ot "1 lenryV" is an Oscar nominee.
And beyond the age-old con
troversv about whether the
Sttattord man 1 imsetl actually
wrote his 36 o. 37 plays, larger
questions loom, ? a"h as whether
the public is getting too much
"It is time we stopped giving
him such an unfair share ot stage
space writes Ronald 1 layman in
The Independent newspaper
'What about all the other great
plays we never see?"
Then there are those who ob-
ject to updating Shakespeare
"Romeoand uliet" featuringflick
knives and roller skates, "Troilus
and Cressida" sit in the Crimean
War in the 1850s, "The Merry
Wivesoi Windsor" shitted to 1959
withFalstaff jauntily sporting plus
"These absurd and baseless
fantasies can never compete tor
audience attention with a good
modem comedy that is coherent
and closely observed in its lan-
guage and social landscape
wrote Barnard Richards in Hie
limes ot 1 ondon.
Hut A 1. Row so. a retired Ox-
lord I niversity professor and
leading Shakespeare scholar, says
the Bard is "so much (English
histor 's I most famous and
popular dramatist" that he is ir
ruallyimmunetocriticism. "There
aren't main people who've ever
?? iii
ho i.
Echoed Terrv Hands, artistic
director of the Royal Shakespeare
Companv, "Shakespeare didn't
leave his work to critics and ac.i
demies, he lett it to us (the public).
The public have kept Shakespeare
alive . . "
According to the Birmingham
Shakespeare library. 117 profes-
sional productions of the Bard
were mounted in Britain in WHS,
up from 108 in 1487. The United
States is second worldwide, aver-
aging 70 productions annually.
The RSC does at least eight
Shakespeare plays a year. I he
Royal National Theater across the
River Thames launches a rare
world tour later next month with
? Richard 111" and King Lear
The year 1988 saw five major
stagings ot "The Tempest" in
London. "King Lear" is on three
British stages this summer.
Some Penguin editions ot
Shakespeare's works soil as mam
as 40,000 copies a year.
At the revered Coinedie
Francaise in Pans, "Comme II
Vous Plaira" ("As You Like It")
last season played alongside
French masterworks by Racine
and Moliere. RussiandirectorYuri
Lyubimov was so taken with
staging Hamlet" in the Soviet
Union thai herestaged it last year
with British a tors.
Romanian actor Ion
Caramitru, who brine.
Bucharest's Bulandra Theater
"1 Lunlet" to London's Royal Na
t.onal Theater m September, said
the title character speaks passion
atelv to his people.
lamlef hassomethingvery
special in common with our na-
tional tragedy. His dilemma is to
discover himself, the truth of his
detinv Caramitru said in an
interview. "That's been our ques-
tion from childhood to now
Shakespeare's plays continue
to inspire all manner ot popular
"West Side Story" was a mu-
sical updating ot "Romeo and
Juliet "Return to the 1 orbidden
Planet this year's award-win-
ning London musical,drawsn a
1956 scieiK e-tu tion mov ie rooted
in Shakespeare's " The 1 empest
i he plav also inspired Paul
Mazursky's 1982 movie, lem-
pest "with Gena Rowlands and
Susan Sarandon.
Anything with ungrateful
parents or difficult daughters
Woody Allen's "Interiors say
is linked to "King I ear whereas
the jealousy animating the plot of
the Rk hard C lere mov ie Internal
Affairs" has prompted compari-
sons with "(Hhello
See Playwright, page Jl
and Bucks
Khakis and Dirty Bucks
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We're not sure who can take
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This fall Coffman's con-
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2t I he East Carolinian, August 23, 1490
Sexual responsibility remains a large part of campus life
By Stacey Johnson
(.jnmtt Son s Ser we
University ol Missouri i. o
lunibia engineering students are
caughtby uni ersit police as they
attempt to pull a 50 foot condom
made ot trash bags o er a v ement
column nn their campus
University oi Arkansas stu
v!v ,t editors insist on including
condoms in a spa ial edition ot the
campus paper devoted to AIDS
resulting in theresignationof theii
adviser who labels the action
stunt journalism
1 he student new spapt t at tht
I i.iersit of Southernahfomia
whose school mascot is a Yojan
soldier, publishes this ,kj Make
love with a Frojan. Because its
t some schools, the a tion-
are interpreted as immature in
appropriate stunt t others the
arts an- seen as a ommitment to
education and responsibility about
sexual issues.
I Kscussii ?n and &d i a v ot
birth control and sexual responsi-
bility hasbeconru in many cases a
large part of campus lite
S? In 'is are n sponsible for
ki ping their; tud? ntsfun boning
and healths and when we're
talking about common maladies
of college students, sexually
transmitted diseases and tin
wanted pregnancies are right up
there, saj S 1 vnn Mountain of the
health education office at the
University ofSouthemC ahfomia
health center hoe er is ad
ministt i ing o i r the ht alth needs
of college students has a definite
responsil iht in this area
Mountain said that US ha
s? veral outrt at h prograi i limed
at educating students about sexual
nsks and responsibility.
One such program, dubbed
'Safer Sex 101" is a weekly in-
house program designed to keep
students sexually healthy.
"We deal with subjects like
sexual communicauon, decision-
making, venereal disease preven-
tionand birthcontrol Any specific
questions students have, we try to
deal with them Mountain said.
Mountain stressed that the
purpose ot such programs is not
toencouragestudents to havesex.
"Abstinence is always going
to be the best policy to prevent
pregnancy and disease, but it's
often ust not a realistic option tor
our students she says The vast
majority are having intercourse
already, and my ob is to make
sure they are sate and respon
L.on Winchell, director of the
student health center at the Uni-
versity of Nevada at Las Vegas,
teels that campus birth-control
programs should be tailored to
the needs of each student
"It's our philosophy to ac-
commodate the students' needs
according to their belief systems
and to provide informed, factual
information Winchell says.
To that end, UNLV's health
center offers a "family planning
exam Students interested in ob
taming birth control meet with a
registered nurse and are given
information about various aspects
of contraception and sexual ac-
tivity. The students receive a
physical exa n, then are given their
choice ot birth control method.
"I think it's Iim) percent im-
portant, especially with wide
spread sexually transmitted dis-
Catholic Student Center
Would Like To
Welcome New and Returning Students
Invite Yon To Join. Us In Worship
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1 or information about these and other programs sponsored by the Newman Center,
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eases, to provide birth control on
campus says Winchell "And
through programs like this, we
can educate students about other
aspects ot sexual activity, like
having sate sex, and AIDS
Winchell says the UNLV
health center also provides
"condom kits" treeot charge Iru
kits are brown paper bags con-
taining three condoms, AIDS in
formation and a pamphlet about
sate sex practices. ! he kits are left
out in the health center's waiting
area tor students to take
"We pass out condoms with
the intent 01 toacl in
prat tues W mi hell
not saying, Havi
exist whether w hoos I
knovs ledg it oi
it's important to be honest
realistic and to pro ideall typ
health care to all t pes i I
at i arding to the i
It students an I
health care pro id? i I i
information about - ?
they talk to'
? ? ? -
ji fJ
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The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 25
Bv I uisa Calderon Haves
i ?? v
w- r l t-
sthccN crall number ot tradi
tional I S college ace students
Je? lines tuition continues to rise
d the competition for financial
aid -
I uitionsand othercoilegecosis
have risen en the average ol a
I per year says Arthur
luptman author of the two ear
v ollege Tuition Spi-
-? tuition costsare almost
the 4 8 percent annual rate
it n a reported m the Feb-
Economic Report from
l8-to-24- ear
a studi nts has been de-
coi sultantscite
ilation growth and
? I ? ??? gradual ng from
'?r the dt reast in
? ;e students
!e vied out
? .e5 the did a k1 ber ot tradi-? : nts has
? ? . steaciv
? ??ten ? rnal stu-
?l nited States
been about 85 percent While the
primary source ot money tor in
temahonal students comes trom
their tamihesand source.
nearly 20 percent ot the tuition pud
comes trom U.S. sources
Individual universities deter
mine whether to admit foreign stu-
dents and provide scholarships,
said Fd Battle. HE director ot
Foreign and exhange students
ean be and are recipients of some
U.S. funding, he said. Foreign
the university makes it available to
According to Battle the
Fulbnght program and I SAlParo
federal funds specifically targeted
to international students I he
former requires an application b a
foreign student wishing to study
in the United Mate oral S citizen
wishing to studv abroad.
Phrough USAID, foreign sru
dents are trained in specific tech-
nological skills that the will then
us?. to implement projects in their
While competition tor finan-
cial aid is stiff, funding is stillavail-
able to qualified students trom a
numbered s wm es.beginninp with
the college or university in which
the student is enrolled
Some possibilities are listed
?The state ot Muhigan has
instrtuteda tuition prepay ment plan
tor pre-college-age students Ine
plan allows tuition to he paid to the
state in a lump sum prior to enroll-
ment and guarantees that a pro-
spective student's tuition will K'
paid at a Mu higan public college or
It the student dot ides not to
attend college, the investment can
be w11hdrawn withs ?me interest !t
a private or out -of-state shiH'lis
chosen Michigan will pay set
amount toward that tuition
? "he Ve. ih !oar Propul-
sion Officer c andidate Program is
open to college sophomore and
junior math, physics, chemistry and
engineering m.iers with a high
grade-poml average. Financial aid,
which includes a bonus ot $3j000
and 51 ,UX) per month until gradua-
tion, is pud in return tor bevoming
tor a spoeitied time
?The Pell (.rant Program is
based solev on student need, as
determined hv a standard formula.
!n order to apple, you will need a
copy of vour current hied tax forms
Apply early its a neiessarv stop
to other forms ot financial aid,even
it you don't quality tor Pell
? Business seri:o clubs Ro-
tary, Knights of Columbus, Amen
can Legion, 1 lonsC rub. Women in
?Corporations lord Motor
Co .UW1, Whirlpool.W'estinghous
Nine corporations limit scholar-
ships to employees i hildren I
?"scholarships: arv i hei'k
with your high school or college
financial aid office.
Jilt. cbdLi

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Many college'kids' return home
for financial, emotional stability
It ? itist in
I Educal
said thai according to
led b the National
duration Statistics
?? college stu-
? ? fa ? 88 Of that 2 B
? resident alien
? s 4 percent v ere
? students
data com I by the
mationall ducatjon
is " th numl
stud ' '
V ? ?
? ? "
i 2 9 percent
ber ' ? reign
I States, the
easo since the
n student
st six ears has
Bv Dayna Dunteman
From the dorm to their par
ents' doorstep, thousands of col-
lege students are migrating back
home adult ideMs in their heads
bulging bags of dirtv laundry in
their hands.
They are grown-ups, but kids,
too. So after a whole year of test
ing their wings, it's no wonder
many have problems fitting back
into the nest.
More and more college stu-
dents find themselves moving
back home in the summer simply
because they can't afford a place
ol their own
Fifty-three percent ot all 18-
to-24-year-olds live with their
? ' ; nd
cially ??? ng ii
? : ? 13 percent in
U savs Money magazine
ideally, this benefits both
students and their parents
It's a nice opportunity tor
kids in that it gi es them a i hance
to gradually case th i s into
adulthood while remaining
somewhat financially and emo-
tionally dependent on thoir par-
ents, said leffStumbras, therapist
at the Green Ba VVellness and
Behavioral t IcalthClinic in irecn
Bay, Wis
l'ru y g? t to tr their wings
tor a w hile. experiei ? ' I ? w rki
and then

tuarvot home 1 hi
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values the had before and make
jmentsabout the kind of adult
ihey want to be, he said
Most patents, on the otner
hand, look forward to the home-
coming. At this point parent-
adolescent conflicts usually have
been resolved, so parentsand their
children enjoy better communica-
tion and deeper affection
Beware this might he the
hone moon perk ?d,says 1 lamilton
McCubbin, dean of the University
ot Wisconsin at Madison School
ot Family Resources and Con-
sumerSciom esand a family-stress
Atter about one week, the
honeymoon gives ??? ay to issues 1
control, he says. Parents and col-
See Home, page 31
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26 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
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The ideal computer for college needs certain things. I ikr a
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The IBM Persona System21 has all thi at a special
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you'll receive a TWA iertihcate entitling you to a round-
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The PS2 i perfect for college because ?u told u-
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26 fhe Fast Carolinian, August 23 1990
You asked for
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I he ideal i .?iin? ' :?? neeu ? eriam i nmi.u
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26 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
ou asked for
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We heard you.
The ideal computer for college needs certain things. Like a
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trademark ol Prodigy Services Company, a partnership of BM and Sears
MBM Corporation 1990

The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 27
Private school is no longer the 'old school'
B) Veronica Helmbreak
Gannett en?, Service
When people once talked
? ' the Old School it was
i u understood to be a private
W ith their networks ol class-
ics iii high places and alumni
? ith guaranteed social pedigrees,
independent" schools
vv retheproviiKesof those whose
I ran blue and whose bank
balani s ran high.
IA si udents trom rich.
I tamilies still attend
dependent schools,
not so rich, not-so-
? : students now till the
these institutions.
? id nt the "first-gen-
ate st hool student.
; the profile of schools
? red elite and off-
ion folk "
Mai v ;i o the National
I Independent
- , v- savs at ross the
t vel the (inde-
1 population has a
I . ilation ot first-gen-
here the majority
11 pulation consists
ot tradii l( ' ts, the first-
neral ?tudt i ts are gaining
Most ol the independent
scl n ached out says
Piane Dunning Trunzo, admis-
sionsdire tor at St gnesSchool
in Alexandria a 1 he applicant
pool has not changed in terms ol
quality of student, but in socio-
economic background
Selby I lolmberg of the NAIS
savs the trend is fueled by private
schools' need to survive. It used
to be that the traditional private
school family was a tour-children
family. Today, those families are
two-children tamilies. There just
aren't the numbers there to sup-
port the independent school she
savs. so the schools have become
more receptive to newcomers.
Admissions directors say the
primary motivation is more lofty
Private schools strive to create
social, cultural and economic di-
versity in their student bodies.
Trunzo says.
According to one college re-
cruiter the attempts at cultural
diversity are aimed at pleasing
prospective college admissions
1 he recruiter said her 1
I eague school shies away from
independent-school students
"because they don'l gel a broad
range ot social experience A lot
ot these kids really aren't pre-
pared tor the real world
"1 think all independent
schools are dealing v ith that per
ception savs Alex Schuhl, di-
rector of admissionsat rower Hill
School in Wilmington. Del. Or
they should be dealing with it. I
think that 20 years ago. the college
admissions people would have
had a legitimate concern because
20 years ago the students had not
had a variety ol experiences.
"But that does not need to be
an issue today, and that's pre-
cisely why we've worked to en-
rich the texture ot the school.
We're trying to provide an envi-
ronment and programs that get
them (students) into the real
world in ways
Iruno savs the tact that St.
Agnes participates in community
projects, and that seniors hold in-
ternships with local businesses
and research facilities, puts them
in touch with the "real" world.
1 lowevcr, she savs, the more
sheltered nature ol private
schools over public schools is of-
ten just the thing parents want for
their children "Parentsare look-
ing tor an em ironment that's or-
derly and disciplined, where
academk sand achievement area
high priorit she savs.
Independent s hools a ross
the country are trcing to attract
in,re minorit) students. A 1988
study condu ted b the National
Association ol Independent
Schools shows growth in the
number of students of color" at-
tending its 75f s hools, although
the numbers are inching up
1 he number ot Hispanic stu-
dents at independent si hools has
risen tor the first time in almost a
decade. According to the study, 2
percent ol enrollment at these
schools is Hispanic, compared
with 1 s percent in 1US1.
black students made up 5
percent of the association's mem-
ber-school population m 198889,
compared with 4.2 percent in
198182. Asian students, how-
ever, have made the greatest im-
pact? they comprised 5.1 percent
oi the independent-schools' en-
rollment in 198889, up from 3.1
percent in l98182.
Paying for the private-school
experience often is the biggest
stumbling block for most families.
With tuition around $8,000 a year
for the 12th grade, the cost dis-
courages many families.
While most schools don'tgive
scholarships, many do offer fi-
nancial aid. This is cited as one
factor in the increase in the new
breed of independent-school stu-
"The financial aid budget has
increased very dramatically
says Trunzo, who savs that many
independent schools have made
this a part ol their general oper-
ating budgets.
The increase in two-income
families also has contributed to
the changing makeup ol inde-
pendent schools. More parents
can afford such schools, and with
both parents in the workplace,
there is an increased awareness
ot the option
Iruno believes that inde-
pendent schools are going to con-
tinue reaching out to students ol
all backgrounds, but "we'll have
to try not to price ourselves out of
the competition she says.
COpynfh IWOrtJSA TODAY nltlT
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications for
Staff Illustrator and cartoonistj
Don't hesitate, become a part of
ECU'S student voice today.
Second floor of
the Publications
(Across from
oyner library)
Stamps to be released in recognition of crime prevention
k ase
The I nited Nations
I ti ttion plans to re-
? ? tampsandasouve-
? itionol theU-Ns
nl ; ? rani Hienew
isedSept 16, at toe
fthe! hthlLN Con-
? , revention ol Crime
? . ? ?? 'Menders hi Id
? imofcnmepre-
nd t nmin.l1 justice aims to
. ? ? ughout the world
.nj ? nternationalstandards
? ? ? . ? justice
ram .vasestaNishedin
. do a forum for the pre-
. Ihies.indostimulate
? ? ? Congresses meet
?.ears Each stamp repre-
? f six topics on the agenda
of the 1990CrimeCongress. Stamps
bearing US. denominations ot 25
cents and 36 cents depict crimes ol
young offenders, organized crime
and criminal activities.
The souvenir card features the
complete sot of six stamps and car-
ries a message from avier Perez de
Cuellar, UN. secretary general. It
reads: Trans-national crime pre
sontsa growing threat to individuals
and societies all over the world it
must he combatted through a con-
certed drive b the whole intema-
tional community
For information on acquiring
these issues, write to: IV Postal
Administration, United Nations,
New York,NY 10017.
Indian r leaddresses Booklet
Five spectacular Indian head-
. v ill be featured on a new set
i. 25-cent commemorative
ol I
stamps, the first in the popular I oik
Art Series to be issued in booklet
rhe horizontal stamps depict
headdresses from the ssiniboine,
. "he enne.O man he. 1 latheadand
Shoshone tribes. The designs were
based on a privately owned
Comanche bonnet, and tour head-
dressesin the Flainslndian Museum
at the buffalo Bill 1 listorical Center
inody, Wyo.
1 leaddresses, sometimes called
war bonnets, were worn by the In-
dian men as badges of honor and
prestige Usually, theheaddresswas
created by the individual who wore
a In most instances, his headpiece
was buried with him.
Collectors may buv the stamps
at a local post office, affix them to
their own self-addressed coversand
send them to: Customer-Affixed
Envelopes, Indian Headdresses
sumps. Postmaster, 1301 Stampede
Ave. Cody, WY 82414-9991. The
Postal Service gives this type of re-
quest preferential service.
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28 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
Some college students juggle
school, housework and marriage
By Billy Berkenbile
Gannett News Service
Ask anv married college stu-
dent what his or her most precious
commodity is, and undoubtedly
the answer will be "time"
Of the more than three million
married US. college students,
many will agree the most difficult
aspect of being a student spouse is
juggling homework, housework
and husband or wife.
"The biggest challenge is time
management says Victoria
Smith, a sophomore at Ohio Uni-
versity. "You have to concentrate
on prioritizing things. It's tough
trying to decide which time to
spend studying and which time to
do the dishes
And with full-time responsi-
bilities to both grades and mates,
sometimes something in the stu-
dents' schedule has to give. Most
married students say their spouse
is always first priority that is,
until the day before a big project
or exam.
"UsuaHy school takes the back
seat says Tim Rosenkranz, a 22-
year-old senior at St. Marv's Col-
lege in Moraga, C alifomia. "I can
manage mv everyday schoolwork
pretty well. But last week. 1 had a
big business project that took 50
hours of research, and I worked
on it five straight nights. In that
instance, school has to take a pre-
Mary Mangles, a 42-year-old
freshman at Amarillo College in
Amanllo, Texas, whose husband
is a truck repair foreman, says
school demands even more at-
tention than her family ? which
includes three sons.
"It's harder to go to school
than to raise children she says
"If you don't have good study
habits, you're going to be in
All of the students inter-
viewed say their spouses are
supportiveof their academic lives.
But Mangles gets support else-
where ? from her sons, one of
whom is also a freshman at Ama-
nllo College.
"1 get a lot ot encouragement
from them she said. "But if 1 get
bad grades, thev let me know Thev
tell me I'm grounded
Mangles' sons may jokingly
treat her like a kid, but Smith, 20,
says she gets the opposite treat-
ment from students and faculty.
She savsbeing married ht. Ipcd get
her a job as a philosophy teaching
assistant at Ohio University.
"it showed 1 could handle re-
sponsibility Smith says. "People
automatically view you as more
Smith also says being married
means friends view you as less
available for socializing. She says
her friends understand she doesn't
have the time for them she once
did, so they're less apt todrop by
or call to go out on a Friday night.
However, she protests, "We're
still voung. lust because we're
married doesn't make us any
older. We don't act like like old
Rosenkranz. however, likes
being left alone for a change.
"It's nice not to have all of the
social pressures that come with
being single ? like going out ind
partying. That's not my style anv-
wavhesavs. "When you're mar-
ried, you have a good excuse tor
doing your own thing
Thev all sav it's good they have
their own activities, because none
of their schools offer anv social or
support programs tor married
The lack of school-run pro-
grams, understanding fnendsand
time doesn't take the pleasure of
being married awav trom them,
though Without her husband.
nuth said, the hassles ot school
wouldn't be as easy to tolerate.
copy1" mOfilSA rODAl rri I'Mr
IniprTBlwn Set wi
I can't move anywhere!
Many ECU students were forced to leave the comfort ot home and return to the dorn
Paul Vanderhoeven and Thomas Tebo take time to unpack th?r th.nqs .n Jams HuskL
Continued from page 13
defense department and the plau-
sibility of such an event ocurnng.
Those of you who have read
"The Stand" will find the terror
involving and suspenseful. This
book is also gift for king tans who
read the first version and wanted
more. It adds nearly W pages
and the details are staggering.
For those who are readingthe book
tor the first time, you should enjoy
Stephen King at his best.
Continued from page 13
should be.
Sheann said he is lending tor-
ward to working with the students.
"Being able to be a part of a young
person's future, to help them get
started in the right way, gives me
more pleasure than anything he
said. "I've been involved in this
business for 20 years and I'm very
well acquainted with what works
and what doesn't work, what's
necessarv and what isn't and
what's the real thing.
"The are a lot of pit-falls and a
lot of humiliations that onedoesn't
have to suffer if one is prepared in
the right wavhecontinued. "And
that's what 1 think this program is
doing a good nib oi here - pre-
paring kids to go out there with
the right attitudes and the right
set of expectations for the busi-
ness of theater, film and televi-
One of the thi ngs Sheann said
he wants to ensure in his new
position is that the department
and the playhouse itself are and
remain "vital organs in the com-
munity "
Sheann said this sort of posi-
tion in a university setting is
something he's always wanted to
do. After his leng career in the
acting business he said he feels
prepared and ready to devote
himself to working with students
and the university.
He has already become active
in trying to reinstitute the pro-
duction of children's theater for
the countv schools. He said he
hopes the theater arts department
will be able to offer a children's
production in the spring.
"We want to do this every
year he said. "It's a vital service
in the education of the kids
themselves and a vital service to
ourselves as weil because in order
for the theater to have audiences,
people have to be brought up with
the expectation oi theater
He said he wants the theater
department to correspond with
other campus departments, such
as the school of music, in order to
offer more aspects to the commu-
nity at large. He said he's also
looking into the possibility of ex-
tending thesummer theater season
bv lengthening the run of each
show in order tor more people to
be able to attend the productions.
Sheann said he wants to en-
courage more students to became
a part of the theater arts program.
"If there is anybody out there that
feelslonelv. uninvolved and w ants
to become involved wants a
place where thev will feel like thev
area part of a family -theyshould
come to us he said. "This is a
great place tor people to become
involved; and historically the
theater attracts, welcomes and
accommodates those people who
don't necessarily fit m anywhere
Sheann said that because EC1
is a liberal arts school, it has much
to offer aspiring actors. 1 believe
the theater belongs in a liberal arts
settingbecausetheactor is exposed
to and is required to participate in
a broad spectniW' he said. "He
doesn't just learn to act but he
learns art, music, history and sci-
ence as well. And even through he
doesn't know it when he's at the
age of the people studying here,
all of it feeds the actor's life and
career because the more full you
are as a human being, the better
actor you are
Sheann also enjovs working
with the community, something
he couldn't do much of in Cali-
fornia because of the lack ot in-
terchange between me people and
their community
"One of the things I tmiv love
about being here is already I'm
involved in the community in
ways that I found very difficult to
do in Los Angeles because 1 didn't
have a sense of my community
1 didn't know what it was he
On October 13, Sheann will
be narrating the musical story
"Peter and the Wolf sponsored
by the Young Audiences Perform-
ing Arts Series of ECU. He will
also be helping with the telethon
for the children's hospital.
Other than acting, Sheann said
he enjoys having his own veg-
etable garden, horseback riding,
wnting (he's written several plays
and some poetry), baseball and
spending time with his wife and
three children (Daniel, age 5,
Kathleen, age 3 and Sarah, age 1).
Continued from page 13
most confusing stupors. Because of its size, it promises to shorten the
wait for vour favorite refreshment.
The new room has a dark, magnetic appeal that simplv will be hard
to match in Greenville. It is reminiscent of the old Cat's Cradle.
The great thing about the furnishings of the new addition is that
there will be none. Everyone will be on the same terms, standing up,
holding their beer, compelled to become a part of the entertainment.
Donnie Wade, proprietor, promises that furniture will never become
a part of the newlv remodeled upstairs.
"I can't put any more tables in the restaurant, our kitchen can barely
keep up with the tables we have Wade said.
"We added the new room for obvious reasons, for more room
Wade explained. "But 1 also wanted to able to offer food at night as well
as at lunchtime
With the vast majority of the dancing crowd upstairs, Wade hopes
that he will be able to attract a good dinner following.
As of now, the grand unveiling of the new room will definitely
happen on Thursdav, when the Stegmonds invite one-and-all to come
out and christen the new dance floor. Wade said he may or may not
conduct this week's Open Mic Night m the new room, he's not sure.
In the future, Open Mic Night will be held upstairs.
hair designers
Continued from page 13
Trying hard to fit in with the
unfamiliar customs and sur-
roundings of 18th century life, the
tourist g.vesa typical 20thCentury
reply, "sounds cool to me dude
with just a small hint of an English
accent. The man wearing the wig
then gives the tourists a puzzled
After the encounter with the
palace courtier, the group then
encounters: Betsy, the promiscu-
ous palace maid; John Hawks, the
somewhat arrogant and pompous
palace architect; Mrs. Hatch, the
epitome of the perfect head
housekeeper, who wornes con-
stantly over Betsy's sanity; and
finally Governor Tryon and his
wife Margaret
Back in its prime, Tryon Pal-
ace was built to be self sufficient.
The tour reinforces this by show-
ing how the original inhabitants
lived day by day. There is a black-
smith shop, a weaver, and a fully
operational kitchen. The tour of
the palace also gives visitors the
chance to check out the gardens
and other neighboring 18th Cen-
tury houses.
Tryon Palace is open all year,
Monday through Saturday, 9.30
am. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, 1:3fl to
4 p.m. The palace is closed on
Thanksgiving Day, December 24-
26, and January 1. For more infor-
mation call (919) 638-1560or write
Tryon Palace, Box 1007, New Bern,
N.C, 28560.
The Plaza
Stanton Square
. 757-0076
Twin Rivers Mall
Washington Square
$2.00 OFF
All Haircuts
Not good with any other specials
Expires: 9-15-90
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications for
Assistant Ncu s I dil ?
Submit resume and clips to the managing
Publications Building
Second Floor
itt-r tin '? r I ? ?'? ? I
h m vk ithi ml waitin I
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t an i
Force nui
()urint votii s ui i yvm you mu
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Uoii F , 1 8 30
Sat 9 00 1 00
107 TRADE STREET 756-2291
Apply now for position oi
Day Student Representative
on the ECU Media Board.
Help set the policies for operation oi
WZMB, The Rebel, Buccaneer, The
East Carolinian, Expressions &The
Photo Lab.
Apply in the media Board Office 757-?9
2nd Floor Publications Building
Deadline for filing: Sept. 7, 1990

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first order of 50 checks tree
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The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 29
for a flat $3 monthly service charge.
Member FWCwd your community
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10 I he East Carolinian, August 23, 1990
( ontinued from page V,
(ournal articles or books. It avail-
able requested itemsusually arrive
within two weeks.
rhreetypesol library holdings
contain an incredible amount ol
information but often go unused
because library users do not realize
what information is available to
them I"he three are government
publications special collectiosn and
microform sets It is especially
important to ask tor help when
using thesematerials for frequently
the best access to these collections
,s through the experience ot I i-
Government Documents Col-
? designated depository tor
I rtited States Goverranent Docu-
ts oyner I ibrary contains
ternation, federal and state
nents I S i o ernmenl ma
isu ilh pro ide up to-date,
fi trmation on virtually
I"he range variety and depth
ot coverage ot these materials is
amazing. It is impossible to speak
systematically ol the range of these
materails, a simple menu ot titk-s
will reveal possibilites available:
?Pioneering theSpace frontier
?Environmental Trends
? Basic Electricity
? How to Vll to Government
?Drug Paraphernalia
Government Documents, not
cataloged m LS2000, can be re-
trieved through Marcive, a com
puter index (Marcive replaces I e
Pac, the previous Government
Document index that retruning
students may remember form last
Archives and Manuscripts De-
The Archives and Manuscripts
Department houses a variety ot
collections: the ECl Archives , the
Hoover C ollection the Fast l aro-
hna Manuscript Collection, and
the Rare Bxk Collection.
Media and Teaching Re-
sources Center
The Media Resources C enter
(MRC) maintains a collection ot
college-level audiovisual materials
tor individual or classroom use.
Audiovisual materials may be pre
viewed in the MRC or checked out
tor 48 hours. Any audiovisual
materials checked out must be re-
turned to the MRC, not tothecircu-
lation desk. Overdue materials
accumulate a tine of a S1.00 per
The Teaching Resources Cen-
ter (TRC) houses a variety of cur-
riculum materials tor preschool
through twelfth grade curricula
supporting the Education
Department's undergraduate and
graduate programs.
Someot the curriculum mate-
rials theTRCoffersinclude the 1989
Kraus Curriculum Guides n mi
crofiche; textbooks adopted
. State Department of P
Instruction and the s? tern e
guage arts and foreign
textbooksadoptedb theN c State
Department of Public lnstru
The Media and reaching Re
sources C enter extended its hours
this year until midnight Sunday
through rhursday, S a.m. to s p.m.
on Friday and i p m to 6 p.n n
Saturday througho it thes m tei
Microforms store large
amounts ot printed information on
a single roll or strip ot film. Mi-
croform materials anbeused ???
special equipmenl or b) pi
copying the mat? ri ils
Tie Microforms staff wil
tocopy materials for t n to ????.
cents per pag A lin ted imount
Ol phOtOl Op '? ? '? '
m advance m picked uj
usually within . ? ?
materials with their current B 1
El card. Mo I ?
be renewed at the
1( ,k Patrons are
rate foi
? -
tron the I 1st price
pn ?? ? ? ? ?? ?
. ? ???
the library is
e items v
lo -
Roon ement of
lovnei i I en 10 irs pel
W 1.Vr- ,
that a
opportunity to review n
during th semeste rhe engtl I
( he kout isdetern rtedby th
fessor ar I ? " ?
Room sf
o ner I ibrai) - pei
hours ea veek
have I i I? ?
some time be n
the : '?
? ?
? '
theii ' ' ' ?
i ? I ?? - I of
? ?
he long coastlines of Korea
va to (laeundae Beach, the
? developed beach resort area.
undae is east of Seoul and, at
in e, creates a pea etui
u il image w it h its magnificent
nice Koreans are lovers ot the
parks are spread across
t Sognisan National
?nd nv. ongju National Park
pore, the mam parks in
- 'wn hillsides, which are
inded by rice fields, ma
- a chord in vou heart when
e the apple and peach or-
:? ? , ? grown on the
i-d SOll
ruli ng thescenic view
i there are nun hotels.
md inns that you may
? m atter a da ot touring
the i n im minded tour-
rean inns, or vogwans, are
t The voewan is run bv a
Korean family and consists of one
small bedroom. The bedroom has
sliding doors covered with rice
paper and hard paper floors.
matresses that come with a hard
piliow .nd quilt This, of course,
is verv traditional in Korea. !Tie
cost is am where fromSlf) to$15a
i he more expensive and lavish
hotels are the deluxe and first class
hotels located in the heart of Seoul.
These hotels usually have souve-
nir shops, beauty shops, saunas,
swimmining pools, boutiquesand
barbershops located within its
The cost is usually from $40 to
$60a night. 1 he Seoul Royal 1 lotel
and the Mammoth 1 lotel are fine,
first class hotels 1 he Astoria 1 lo-
tel and Pacific Hotel are deluxe
hotels located in the oriental (itv
Since hospitality is a key word
in Korean alues, no matter what
tvpe of hotel or inn you choose to
Continued from page f4
stay at tor your isit, you will tv
greeted with kindness, friendli-
ness and sensitivity Koreans be
lie e in warm welcomes, courtesy
and efficient sen ice.
However, since Koreans hold
these beliefs so dear, it is an insult
to tip a Korean during his job at
the hotel of your choice.
Korean food is another trea-
sure that vou will experience on
your trip. The condiment Kimchi
is perhaps the most popular food
in Korea. Kim chi, which is a
pungent relish, is served with .ill
Korean dishes. It is made with
cabbage, cucumber, white rad-
ishes and red peppers. It is a tra-
ditional Korean food that you will
have to trv several times
Whether you are looking tor
peaceful mountain streams, beau
tiful gardens with cherry blossoms
or breath-taking temples, shrines
and pavilions, Korea is an oriental
treasure that offers the tourist a
unique ,nd unexpei ted vacation.
How about a cheesesteak?
Cubbie s ati lontrt rnerofl
students to eat The restaui -
Check it out1
Keep i
iformed of
events and
le affecting ti
campus and

uUie lEast (Uaroltman
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Svrinii the East Carolina campus community since 1925

The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 31
lege age children might argue
about everything from money to
privacy to freedom.
This happens because both
parents and their children have
v hanged
SaysStumbras, "When you go
to school, you're exposed to new
ideas and values. You are not the
same person when vou return as
when you left
Furthermore, being over 18
loes not make children adults in
their pan-nts' eves, especially if they
ire financially dependent
Some frustrations result, not
w ause the student has changed,
but because the parents have. Es-
pecially after the youngest child
leaves for college, parents again
become husband and wife. They
I adopt a different lifestyle,
redecorate or even move to a
iller home, says McCubbin.
hen a college student moves
ome, thincs he or she might have
t n for granted at school ? pri-
vacy and the freedom to come and
go?can conflict with house rules.
What todo? Experts say that as
long as students are living with
their parents, thev should respect
their parents'wishes or at least
Dawn Geras o( Northbrook,
111 says the expected conflict be-
tween herand her son, 19-year-old
Todd Hardy, a sophomore archi
tecture major at the University ot
Illinois, has given way to mutual
respect due to such compromise.
"1 thought that he would be so
used to having his freedom, that he
would resent coming home and
being treated like a child, "she savs
"But he's now more like an adult
and therefore, he'sbeing treated as
an adult. He's been even more re
sponsible than in the past
Geras, while still expecting
Tixid to do the same chores and
such as in the past, believes the
due to having a lack of additional
nternal Affairs" has prompted
irisons with Othello
Why Shakespeare above all
reason is his output,
was so much greater than
- contemporaries. Another is
universality of his subject
natter the tragic love ot Komeo
uliet, the murderous ambi-
I Macbeth or Richard III,
political drama of lulius
aesar, the tormented soul of
let, the hilarity of Falstaff
d Nick Bottom.
Another reason, the lan-
i L.t the verse style
ikt speare developed and his
ot words in an English
in his time was still evolv-
from its s,ixon and Trench
. i ncc
When I read
wrote D.H.
iwn rue,
I am struck with wonder
That such trivial people
should muse and thunder
"In such lovely language
Hands says Shakespeare can
be done over and over "because
the audience constantly changes
As the public keeps changing, m
the play changes
Director Peter Hall, a lorn
nominee tnis vear tor i nc Me,
chant of Venice" on Broadway,
said, "1 don't like a year to go b
without doing Shakespeare
You really need a fix whenever
you can get it
"One gets the credibility it
one plays the Shakespeares,
savs Jeremy Irons, who inter
rupted a burgeoning movie ca-
reer in 1986 to play Leontes in
"The Winter's Tale" and the title
role in "Richard 11" with the
Roval Shakespeare Company
Taul Scofield, 68, recalls that
his world tour as Lear "affex ted
everything I did afterwards
Continued from page 19
nd ? fluenced by the
ttcr-j im s ene This type of
ises on melody-laden
? ? tvot vocal harmo-
: risp clean guitar solos,
ming metal genres
hedelic metal (Bang
ectri Boys), funky metal
: utreme, Mordred), metalcore
irrosionof Conformity, Red Hot
I pers), techno metal
ndgarden, Voivod), blues
lands, Cold Sweat) and
metal I Faith No More, Scatter-
svchedelic metal involves
. riffs with soulful vocalsand
melodic choruses. Funky metal is
imbination of funkv bass lines
1 drums beats while metalcore
ises hardcore and the metal
1 echno metal is one of the
i test growinggenresinthemetel
irkettoday. This style of music
blendseerie synthesizer tones with
hard edged metal riffs to create a
slow and bizarre metal sound.
HI ues metal has survived well
in the new decade and is an im-
p rtant musical style that is influ-
enced bv traditional blues players
Continued from page 25
restrictions when rodd comes
home from s hi ol.
"I don't place r tn tions on
him shi .i I Ht I do have
higher expectations I expect him
tobeaconsiderat adult I'm send-
ing a i hild a ,i and he's i oming
back home an adult
Experts agree hildren in col-
lege should lolli w household rules
and maintain household responsi-
Sa .McCubbin I 'arent: need
to emphasize the need tor rules,
but not the need for control. Young
adults must be given latitude to
make choices and mistakes It's no
longer the parents' responsibility
to make sure e t r) thine, goes per-
Stun ! rasad it A rhey'renot
living in a hotel thev re living in
a famih dt serves respect and
partk ip.ihon
(ilamoui ai i Money maga
zines otter more guidelines tor
makinu it i i k
(. untin lei! fro n page 21
For students:
?Sjx'll out what chores you'll
do. Of course, you'll be in charge of
your room, bathroomand personal
laundry, but also bo clear on how
much cooking and housodeaning
you'll be expected to do.
?Fstablish guidelines for en-
tertaining. I low often do you hope
to have friends over, and how can
vou minimize the inconvenience
to your parents?
?Express your expectations
that you'll be treated as an adult.
You shouldn't be told what to wear,
what to eat and what friends and
dates to y,o out with.
For parents:
?Try to cut the apron strings.
For example, resist reminding vou r
child to wear a jacket or bring an
?Communicate about behav-
ior vou can and cannot accept, and
sot limits.
rrl ($
??iti ji?
would like
all of the
faculty and
staff back
to school.

i it via vho rattled the
academit world in 1985 by
v laiming I ha lisco ered tn
uiikiu'u n Shak poi m,
argues that the Bard ma indeed
bea -hut w t ha e no
reason to i onsider him uniquely
iki ?; i an
published vear lav lor main
tains that it ist ti s w ho, over
the centuries raised Shakesp
toun inence abet
ted b historical flukes and
i. hangn . ' ? ods
In v a mix ot
H11IMUU1 1 J;5
"The Newest Wave
In Town"
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Walk, ins
from the 'Os and '60s. The blues
metal sound combines ballsy and
bluesy guitar ntfs. strong vocals
and a solid drum beat.
Newcomers like Badlands and
Cold Sweat define and update the
popular metal style. Rap metal is
perhaps the newest form of metal
to be adopted into the genre. This
style finds its roots in the wave of
popular rap music and solid, high-
energy metal
Faith No More is a band that
spits out rap metal at its finest
This San Francisco-based outfit
fuses rap and metal to create a
unique and tasty sound.
Even though heavy-metal
music has received a lot of criti-
cism in the past 20 years, it is still
one of the most popular genres in
the recording industry today. The
metal genre grows stronger each
year, as bands from all over the
world put forth music that Lm
only be grouped in the metal
A genre that always accepts
new trendsand combination styles
for itscreative musical endeavors,
heavv-metal music is a style that
gives birth to bands every month
Heavy metal first gripped
Perrucci when her older brother
brought home records by Black
Sabbath and Led Zeppelin.
Petrucci, a member of a musical
? . milv, gave up clarinet and took
up drums.
"My sister played guitar, so
we formed an all-girl band. Some
i t the cheerleading types thought
it was unfeminine to play the
drums. But once we came in sec-
ond in a talent show, and that
ended that she laughs.
"My brother was very sup-
porti ve and brought home a record
by a band called Fanny. That was
great because it was all girls and I
knew then that it could be done "
Surprisingly, the biggest ob-
stacle the band has is proving thai
they actually play their own mu-
sic "People think all we do is
worry about our hair and
makeup she laughs.
The band now attracts a fairly
mixed audience. Initially,Perrucci
says, women stayed away because
Continued from page 23
they thought it was a sexy show
"Once they realized that we rocked
just as hard as the guys, they came
to see us
Their audience in Japan has
always been about 70 percent fe
Does the band have male
Petrucci laughs. "Well, 1 don't
think about them that way. They
think it'sgTeat that we're out there
kicking it every night. Although
we did have a guy who drove his
car into our limo to meet us
The band doesn't worry that
they may be role models for some
girls in their audience. "You can't
let people's attitudes get to you
Petrucci says. " got into music to
have a good time. We've toured
with Ozzy Osboume, the Scorpi-
ons and others. We do the same
thing they do: sound check, inter-
views and the show.
"You.just have to go out on
stage every night and prove you
can do it
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32 The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990
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uJlje Saat (Earultnfan
innist23, 1990
Pirates look forward to a tough football season
Lewis forecasts team's
hardest season yet
K Doug Morris
sp.itt- 1 Ji tor
.iiui pla ihoir positii
1 low ever, the i
somoextremeh " players tl
to work hard vear Robert lones, the jui rhne
. ; H,n kei from Bla? kstone a
- ? ? tball souad tlinebackei
in ' f the top I
? i ? s, lones -
cod ? "
. ? i
en the Pira
h seen l i is said t ' "
? ? ?
? ? t 17 passes tor 2.
rried vard
issi ? ?- r will 1
mgi r '? '?
- I bv I : '
n son lor 2-1 ' I one I
? ? ? rt tu is punter I ivi
? 10.2 vards per kicl
: I I ' ' ' ?' '? ' ?
V - ' ?
mi I ? ? ?' ' ' '

" ?
?. - ? ?
? ?
Board of Governors mandate drug testing
B I arle McAulc)
ssistjnl Spints 1 ditoi
lard M
. . ?? ibletodoboth
See I ootball, page 1 I
tit led I
ne l!?n Irons
them ither
See I i u .
Date set for commitment on
Metro 'super-conference' idea
B 1 oug Morri
. , . , ln1,
? ???
. 1

? ? , ? . ?
. , . 1
divisions Oi ? ' ' ' '
. :
: in the talks v
lie in ba- - tl
ittra tionol theevpanded? ?
Meti is that it 1? ?
lermarketsh thei ntei ' daSeeMetro pa ;e W
P?olo Cy
I 11 ? ??:??: ???? ndBacki I - tadiumonthe
?i Cl . to promote the N tl rolina
Richardson Sports attempts to br'nn,
professional football to the Carolina.
New strength training coach
begins to work with athletes
Morris calls his move to ECU a 'stop up'
l' 1 arle McAulev
-sivtant Sports I ditoi
- n be in the (. arolinas to stay. It
tween the Washington
.ilcns inhapel 1 lill was an I i
? r,N ??? ' aroliniansan n I foril
L second r ol the battl lasl ? u
Id in Rah igh itarterl ink?) ! I
? - ? ? ipported b :
hel ? ' onfc irealsi ,vnei
in man an i ' "
nei - ? team isa means oi
? . en the RedsV ii ind
I delighted the ci I
i . hn h had e en asp ctof ai i
l'? Sharon Anderson
ngl ? - ited inCl h tt An
r foi ii tt irea '?'? l
. mmunit is not only a few more jobs
r im hiri s an abundance of pe? 'pie t
? ther similar occupatioi
?:?:?. major sportii
thn ihcme game
x , md hall featured i
n season gan ir i ;
? ? i who will be the better team
; is because th I re 11 ngl
.? ind cardinal i ? for I
I . ? ? ? ? ? i) iwavfrnml ialit
mpetil playei i " ;
? ?? ? i thusth
ng theii hearts nut St n f the i
in the pn - i ?? n
effect that ha n i
landal -? ' rtharolina will h I wi ver l"he
kend,l ? imwilli great deal tor the state, but as with
? ? ? kctball program, fans should n
ho hasa common then typicalh pert I :?? : wl victon ii ' year
thcr rhis is not always the case, a; il they will I have a
t ? ? in ,i riol causi d by a i h im
fissional team oi their
. h.
? . ? ' tate
? i I
. is an under
? n physi
? into
I ! V ,1s knui i 't
md i
? I and I
dlif lothe
? ; ? hletics
n the football t am in
ing and
u tucin
, ittended u
? ?. n the
'oi ris i ime to E:( I Kh an i
.is he states, c on tihrt r, h'
was here, is a friend i I mine
from Auburn. 1 was at a division
IAA school and this (ECU) is di
ision 1 A. so its .i sti p up finan
i ullv and career wi: e I he IAA
? ? I
basis foi : pn
"silliats hat '?'?
school Norris was at was Nicholls
s Is
.1 , .
I :h the
State, in rhibodeaux, 1 ouisiai
Norris has a ven simple pro
gram, alternating b tween high
rep tition lifts and running I Ii
said, 1 he first two or three weeks
,iro a lot ot tca hing te hniqueson
how to do lifts properly
usually doa lot ol high repetitions
ti ibuild upthcir (theplayers)siz
rhen we get into strength work
later What wetn todoisworkon
strength .ot people from point A
to point H taster work on agilit)
rho three main lifts that oa h
Norris uses in his program are
squats, Olympu hits and Bench
See oiMs pace ,s
Brian Norns

(Bhc lEaet (Eargitmanj
August 23,1990
Page 33
Pirates look forward to a tough football season
Lewis forecasts team's
hardest season yet
By Doug Morris
Sports 1 dotoi
v I will ha e to work hard
ike up for the loss of 22 sen-
trom the 1989 football squad.
iveai steam is young and will
;?? e little time to gain experience.
n inexperienced offensive
? i new quarterback: that's
? , m said head coat h Pill
s 1 le continued saying that
pi season practice was geared
it these players in as many
kesituationsaspossible to
? ? ad for the season.
Pirates will have to place
i great leal of responsibility on
? sophomores and redshirt
reshi ' '? ferent el ew is said
? ? rts Information Depart-
; his definitely not nor-
rhe load is normally carried
I . the junior and senior classes.
Becauseof the amount of younger
I lavers the will have to be asked
eff Blake, the back-up quar-
terba k from last year will be lead-
ing the Pirates this year as starting
quarterback. Blake started once
last ear against Miami, complet-
? of 71 passes tor 488 yards
including two touchdowns and
two inti r i ptions.
11 r Bl ike to perform, the of-
fensive line will have to learn
quickh. AfterlosingsixtotheirlO
nsive lineman, the new
inger i avi rs w ill ha e to con-
tributi diately.
Players like the sophomore
? ejj EomScottand Nick Wilson
is well as junior guard Mike
M a 'alopw ill have to learn quickly
and play their positions well.
1 lowever, the team dins have
some extremely strong players this
year. Robert ones, the junior line-
backer from Blackstone a is one
of the best linebackers in the game.
Named one of the top ten line
backers in college football by Th
Sporting News, (ones will be call-
ing the defense tor the Pirates this
Returning senior Ernie 1 ogan
has ,i chance to be one i if the best
defensive linemen the Pirates have
een lewis said to the Sports
Information Department, Ernie
has .ill the tools. We'll ask him to
do a lot, but 1 m confident he 11 do
(. harlie 1 vsonat w idereceiver
is also an experienced player 1 ast
year he caught 17 passes for 27?
yards and tour touchdowns. Also
1 uke I isher will be coming ba k
in the tight end position. Called
bv Lewis a 'solid performer
lisher caught lu passes last sea-
son tor 242 yards and one tout h-
In the special teams, on lett is
returning as punter, having aver-
aged 40.2 yards per kick last sim-
son 2of which were inside the
opponents' 20yard line, in addi-
tion, lett kicked 36 punts of 40
vards or longer of w hit h nine w ere
over 50 yards.
lewis stns that he does not
think that the youth in the offen-
sive line will change the wa the
Pirates play. 1 le said Kir Phi-
losophy is to balance the passing
and the running game. To be ef-
fective we must be able to do both.
See Football, page 44
Celeste Hottmjn ECU Photo ?o
ECU'S junior
along with th
? linebacker Robert Jone 44 ha been . -? Iby The Sporting News to be one of the Top Ten linebackers in the country Jot ?
itofthel990i ug.t0. preparing for the season opener against Louisiana 1 pMmFickei
Board of Governors mandate drug testing
By Earle McAulev
Assistant Sports 1 ditoi
E( I continues to be a I
runner in the fight against di
rheNorth( arolina Board oi
ernors approved a mandatory
drug testing program lor all
schools in the system on ul 1 V
E( I has been practi
mandatory drug testing program
since lus7. EC U and Appalachian
State I niversitv were the first
? : ? state t(? requireath-
iki i Iru test. 1 hedet i-
sion b1 " ird merely added
I hetesl ndut ted b the
-p. rts medicine personnel. I hey
are used todetei ' in athlete
hasl u ? . egal drugs
ii ? in ludes
tana and
heroine to annabolic steroids
1 he safeguards that were
added by the Hoard of C lovemors
essentially gavetheECL program
the legal means lot arrv on as they
id been for the last three years
"Each athlete will receive
before the decision by the Board
of io ? rnors but tl re not as
elaboratt i tai now
1 he Univei ' ? ' ' ?
written notice prior to each tost, i, arolina ? ? ?
and before an athlete is subjected lentl) opposed I ? the ts.
u more serious sanctions such as 1 hex felt that! '? ? n
a lengthy suspension or a loss of students, and til a
eligibility they will be entitled to a were required to ha
hearing said University Attor- athletes shoul lnnl -
nev Bon Irons. them either
There were seme safeguards See Drugs, page
Date set for commitment on
Metro 'super-conference' idea
By Doug Morris
Sports 1 ditOI
know b October 1
? rornot they willbejoining
n ferent e for football,
expand t r roster of teams
and ? l I the teams
. - om "It's a sixteen team
led Meti ' onferent e
irl the Athletic J Erector
here ou have the
currei I ' the MetroConfer-
ence and then eight additional
teams would make up an ex-
panded Metro
1 lartlikesth
conference "It
?ideaof themt tro
. a concept that I
think is an excellent one he said.
I have now attended three meet-
ings as the summer s pr(grossed
three tormal meetings, in which,
each time, all sixteen teams were
The conference will be com
posed of sixteen teams in football,
with tour teams in each of tour
divisions. Only twelve of those
teams would be in basketball and
the other sports, EC I and the
three other Big East schools who
are involved in the talks would
not participate in basketball.
rhe attraction of theexpanded
Metro conference is that it would
deliver a higher market share than
an other conference today. "It
certainly would deliver a m irket
share thai er been
proat hed before in sports, whether
:t s college sports or professional
sports ssumir
teams wt n at to
this concept it w liver
roughh ? ? ' nt of all the
televisions in the I nited
i lart says that, although ev?
ryoneinvi 1 i d seems to favor the
idea it is not net essanh a sure
thingyet ()b iou
er interested. I den t thii kyou
i ould get that kind of rcprest nta-
tion at three meetings in three
diffi rent states w ithin a five week
time frame if everyone was not
See Metro, page "W
Photo by Tim Mamp'on
? ? Washington Redskins attempt to rally against a surging Atlanta Falcons defense in a game played on
ug. 11 The two teams played in the second Backyard Battle held m Keenan Stadium on the University ot
. rth Carolina-Chapel Hill campus, to promote the NFL in the Carolinas
New strength training coach
Richardson Sports attempts to bring j begins to work with athletes
professional football to the Carolinas
By Earle McAuley
Assistant Sports Editor
Football may soon bo m the Carolinas to stay. If
the Backyard Battle II between the Washington
dskins and Atlanta Falcons in Chapel Hill was an
i . urate indicator, North Carolinians are ready for it.
Ibis is the second yea of the battle, last years
test was held in Raleigh, at Carter Rnley Stadium.
e expansion team is King supported bv errv and
?' :rk Ku hardson. Thefatherstmtearnarealsoowners
? ihe harlotte Hornets
The team is going to lxv located in Charlotte. An
? ? pansion fVx tball team is possibly going to be a great
? nue builder for the (harlotte area. What that
? ins tr the community is not only a few more jobs
i ? otball program hires an abundance of people to
rk the concessions and other similar occupations
: that are present at any major sporting event and also
manv industries thrive on a ho me game weekend, but
a SOUR e of pride.
? group who has a common theme typically
n together. This is not always the case, as one
may observe in a riot caused by a championship
Norris calls his move to ECU a 'step up'
victory as they b ive in manv areas of the world. But
generally speaking the team isameansof cohesion for
a community.
rhe game between the Redskins and Falcons both
thrilled and delighted the crowd. Ibev were treated
to a game which had every aspect of an at tion u ked
game. The second halt featured a come from behind
win by the Falcons.
The pre-season games are generally not a good
indication of who will be the better team on opening
d,n This is because the coaches are trying to make
final cuts and coordinate a plan tor the season.
rhisdocnot,however,takeawav fromthcquality
of the competition, the players are trying to earn a
permanent place in the organization and thus they are
playing their hearts out. Some ot the most physical
games are in the pre-season.
This game is secondary to the effect that having a
franchise in North Carolina will bo, however. Hie
team will mean a great deal tor the state, but as with
the Hornet basketball program, fans should not ex-
pa t to set- a Super Bowl victory in the first few years,
but they will still have a professional team ot their
Bv Sharon Anderson
stjit Writer
Briai Norris is East Carolina's
new strength training coach.
Norris, formerly of NichollsState
on ulv 16th. lie was an under-
graduate double major in physi-
cal education and he has a masters
degree in exercise physiology.
When asked why he got into
lifting, Norris said, "I was kind of
undersized in high school and 1
wanted to play football and I
started lifting. It helped me do the
things I wanted todo in athletu
Norris wason the football team in
high school,did some boxing and
says he has "alwaysbeenactivein
sports When he attended Au-
burn University, he was on the
lifting team and helped with the
strength program.
Norris came to ECU because,
as he states. "Coach Oner, who
was here, was a friend of mine
from Auburn. I was at a division
1 AA school and this (ECU) is di-
vision 1A, so its a step up finan-
cially and career-wise" The 1 AA
school Norris was at was icholls
State, in ITiibodeaux, Louisianna.
orris has a very simple pro-
gram, alternating between high-
repetition lifts, and running. He
said, "The first two or three weeks
are a lot of teaching techniques on
how to dt lifts property. We
usually do a lot ot high repetitions
to build up their (the plavers) sie.
I hen we get into strength work
later What we trv to do is workon
strength. Get people from point A
to poiilt B taster, work on agility
The three main hftsthatCoach
Norris uses in his program are
squats, Olympic lifts and Bench
Presses I
tated Probably the
basis tor most programs is
"squats" what we (ail the largest
muscle mass, because your using
your hips and vour legs. You also
use some Olympic lifts I hex are
very quick litts. 1 hot is to build
hip expulsion and speed. Bench
See Norris, page 38
Brian Norris

34 The last Carolinian, August 23, 1990
Sports Briefs
Baseball team ended best season eor
Martin chosen to play in post-season
I i I senior offensive guard Chad Martin has been selected to play
in the H America Football Classic, to be held January 20, 1990atDoak
ampell Stadium in I alahassie, Florida.
Martin a native ol Palm (oast, 1 torida started nine games j a
junior at left offensive guard. I lehasbeena valuable contributor to the
it tense foi the past three seasons.
rhei ? ?st season game is being coordinated bv 1 "ro Am TV Sp ?rtsof
Washington D.( fhe players were chosen In. Player Personnel direc
toi Dave re rhomas and former Pittsburg Steefcr and founder Dave
smith I he game pitsa team ol Division I ail starsagainst top players
from I H isions II and III
Daniels named a possibility for Award
(unior running back 1 avid 1 Janiels has been selected as one of only
itesforthel oak Walker Awaid, "TheNatkmal Runing Ba k
Ihe honorec will be named tor Ins outstanding athletk
? kcademic accomplishment and citizenship.
i( re nville native, majors in criminal justice. Las! season,
. at tullback and tailback, Daniels rushed for 205 yards on 56
it 17 passes for 131 yards His bench press is 500
pounds 1 inalists for this award w ill be selected on November 23. Fhe
? t the award v. ill be named on 1 December 4th-
Kickoff changed for Va. Tech game
i l football game against fhe University of South
tadcasl on television Due to syndication and
? oblems ECl s September 15 game will not be aired, i ho
ror that conu si hasbcen switched from 12:08 p m to 7 p m
: ; the E U -South Carolina contest has been set for
ECU predicted to finish fourth in CAA
reason poll of Colonial Athletk ssociatkm men's basket-
predicted to finish fourth in the iv- K3 91 s a
tit of r4 p ints.
, M lison finished first b2 points and seven tirst plao
Mason was so nd with 54 points, Richmond third th
fourth ? '? . - ' and American tied for fifth with
avv seventh v ith 17 points and I NC W ilmington eighth
teele's squad returns 1 lettermen from last years
i id five starters senic i foi ?? ?rd Hm Brown, sophomore
? ? . , peland senioi forward Stan I) Love, sophomore guard
rossand s ioi iiuard leff VVhitaker.
Fielder named player of the week
K : . Cecil Fielder of the Detroit Tij rsv isi
. player of the week for the second time this season
???. ind ot the Philadelphia Phillies was named Na-
, . ague pla or. t the week.
? hit foui home runs last week to raise ins mator league
? ? ,i W ; i. kms 10-for-l71ast week with eight RBIs and
ByWillam . Shugart
Staff Writer
En the next round ECl faced ing his Masters in Physical Edu
theSouthem( onterence champi lion After eight years as an ass
ons, the Citadel Bulldogs, rhe tant, he hUed the vacano
rhel990ECU baseball season score was tied al five until the cuachinl984
, I
ended during meNCAA Regional ninth inning when Citadel scored Mter six seais as ea
tournament but was the best sea- three runs to win th? game - urn has a record o
onPiratefenshadeverseen. rhe Dropping into the losers wins and 7b k sses in Divts.
easonwascappedoffbya KA bracket the Pirates fao I i famil pla ? n ikes htm tru
ason was ?.? lppoa on nv a oiai mi h? .h.mi? ?? . t
onference championship and iar face, the N. State W fpacl nmj .chin ECU 1
umerable post season awards. Although E I had .su th, has also kxl the Pirates to I
i hampionships
I his past s? ason Overt
also : I b bt ii
( (, oa h ot the 'i i u
fhe 1990 season closed with Wolf pack the seas n
art 8-1 loss to the N. State N. Stab devastated ECl d-1
Wolfpack in Coral Cables Flor- Dae Wolfpack victor; put E I
id i Fhis was ECU'S second loss in out of the tournai I tnd ECl
the double elimination tourna ended the season with in. verall honor, however, was
Im.nt record of 47-9 Ihe past season n an post season
In the first round, the Pirates -vas ?ir) k rton s .ixth season rates received
got their onh win against South isheadu khofthel l:ive team membt
Florida the sun Belt Conference tonsl - with the I I h.
ions Ihis win was caused ball team here i a
tion from tl e Ml Vn
I he honoi s rded I
b Corey Short's eighth inning latesixties
lnl975, hi
as an assist; i l
home run winch pushed the Pi-
it h(
rates to a 4 2 ictorv
ECU Athletic Hall of runic inducts new mem
Sports Information
grow th ot th
program I
a tion and
tourth s a P. is b
,vomen L-n
Ronnie Barnes, Pr Raj Medicii
Minges and Rosalyn 'Rosie" Mil
rhompson have been named as mental role ?
the 1990 inductees ot the East ol the I :U
arolinal niversitv thlcticHall
ol 1 ante announced the I lall ol i c i
1 ame selection committee toda rate Chi
We arc very pleased with dation that
the inductee tor 1990 " said 1 I raised $
Wayne Peterson, chairman of the million i
Hall of Fame selection committee
We feel they have represented froml9b4 ?
E 1 in a v arietv ol areas in ath- life time n
lotus that have been essential in
the growth ol our entire athletic ond tern
program ecutm ?
Barnes a 1975EC I ilumnus and
wasthe Pirate's first certified ath lu
Ictic trainer to graduate from the
E I sports medicine program
fter graduation, Barnes w orked
is a graduate assistant tor K I
before being named as assistant di
athletic trainer in 1975 Heearned ai
a Master sdegreefrom Michigan pr
State I no ersity and became a fo
trainer and assistant professor of e
health there in 1977 Barneswas h
later inducted intothe MSL Ath
etic I lall ot Fame.
ho no i
iv tirst mi
s it;
'K'l tS
?i?- -T
. it( hed the eighth m h tterol th si as nlasl iVednes
Sl San I rant isco It wasthefirstno-hitterbya Phillies
Philadelphia siiKe Red Doitahuedid it against Boston in
I igh schooler to play for Blue Jays
EAPOI.IS V ChrisWeinkeofSt.Paul,consideredone
M s best high st hool tootball and t asebail plaj ers, signed
ronl Blue Javs, just days after beginning football practice
turned 1- on uly 31, received a $375,000 signing
m the Blue lays, according t his agent, Ron Simon of
. lis
Fod i) Bam - ?
in K? i Mount V
i ; .
idt vi first baseman on the L .S. lumor i Mympi team,
itted 178 with nine home runs and 40 RBIs.
Raiders will not return to Oakland
I OS '? i ES i M ? A Los Angeles Raiders official said there
ng to substantiated broadcast report that the team might move
I I lakland in timefoi the start of the National Football Lcagui
ESPN - iting unidentified sources, n ported that Raiders owner A
- ,as s rambling to work out final details ol a move to Oakland
a buyout ol the team s lease at the Los Angeles C oliscum.
: i Ni also reported that the NFL has been prepared for months for
atedfromFikeSeniorH.S.inWil- began h?
son, NC, serves as the head ath- can
letic trainer of the New YorkGi - i ? ?
ants a position he has held since tl
198 I. In 1983, Barnes was named rel
National Professional rrainerot sch
the Year by the National Athletk simand
rrainers Association of America, wellasl I sthe
He was a co-winner of this same a hrow sho
award again in l1 E I hist
Since leaving ECl hehasre- number'10 wa
mained very involved in the ts
Steinbrenner forced to resign
from Yankee organization
I Ik I ightning 608 is Vmt
ii-liue skate. omc to Morg.t s I
1 itness and see ii in line ?
Vmei i. is fastest
urowing spoil!
ZL Holler blade
11 t
a k to l 'akland.
In the Locker
Racing through the golf course
? &.
?:?? ?:?.
li Donl oe embarrassed
to pick up your bail on a
cuiarly bad hole and just
eve on to the next tee.
Wi Don't mark your scorecard while
you're standing on the green. Wait until you
get to the next tee.
it It you're playmg slow, have the courtesy
to let the group behind you play through.
?kwi : Ji:JUfr?? emjummui?? t
Here are some golf tips
on how to play a faster
? Don't wait until your
playing partner hits
before preparing for
your own shot. Be ready
to swing shortly after
your partner hits.
? Pair up with other
golfers to make a
foursome. It will
speed up play.
qy PV:N CADE Va'rt pws ntsh
NEW YORK (AP) At his
farewell news conference, ieorge
Steinbrenner wanted ever) one to
know ho was a winner.
"1 guoss I'll have to stand on
the record. Steinbrenner said.
We had l4winningseasons,three
losing, two World Serieschampi-
Steinbrenner signed his resig-
nation letter Monday, ending his
17 12-year reign as ruler ot the
ev i ork Yankees.
1 he final hour was spent in i
dank, hot auxilarv clubhouse
c rowded bj reporter .and Yankee
front office officials.
It's not the way I wanted to
go out Steinbrenner said before
the news conference. "But 1 have
an agreement with the comi US
Hetore leaving, Steinbrenner
made one final decision. He
brought back long-time all v (.one
Michael for another stint as gen-
eral manager.
"Gene has been an organiza-
tion man for many years Stein-
brenner said He hasbcen a scout
a coach, a minor league and major
league manager and was instru-
mental in helping the Yankees to
the ISl division championship"
A last-ditch effort by two
limited partners to keep the Boss
in charge failed when a federal
judge in Cleveland turned down a
request for a temporary restrain-
ing order.
"Deputy commissioner Steve
Greenberg has been assured by
Mr. Steinbrenner's lawyers that
the resignation will be on his desk
ot his ?? "
on lui I
best ii
the tirst thii I ?
?.aid Ri h Le
commis n
ver, may n i?r.
n attorney foi
itod pan ? ? '
appeal U.S. District
M.Bat held. iontothebth
I S Circuit ot ppeals in
nati. But Patrick Mc( ai i I
Vincent sattom s, said a jud
i ision on a temporan n tram
?? j rder cannot bt tp ed
in ent " ppedSU inbn
gt neral partner
urns against the
has? ball Stein
brenner can till make dot isions
r? gardn rta finan( ial mat-
ters, iii we or
"l'v? alwa
i i te e;ugl
duet m ati i
said "Pel hap:
Under the agreement, stem
1 'i nner had to resign as the n-
kees'general partner, although he
, an remain as the team's principal
We obviously are pleased
and gratified that the decision of
the court in Cleveland is consis-
tent with our position Vincent
said in a statement.
Batchelder s ruling (lea rev) the
way tor Steinbrenner's resigna-
tion, and he said he would go
"I've gotten all of mv work
done Steinbrenner said shortly
before leaving the Stadium at 7 20
See Steinbrenner, page 36
irs is
, v irporate
Jteinl rent i
. tune tor a
"Best Pt.jce Foi
"Best PLic For
Dinner Under
J $10"
"Best Restaurant
Wait Staff"
"Best Looking
Wait Staff
"Best All- Around
"Best Bartender'
t) Steve Pierce
? (Big Hair)
Thanks Greenville!

The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 35
Innovative skate gains popularity
By Chip Kline
SlMt Writer
What started as a vvav tor ice
ska tors and hockey players to Stay
in shape during the summer
months has turned into one of the
most noticeable roller-skating
trends in years.
A re-invention ot the roller
skate with the wheels aligned in a
single line. Kollerblades or
blades are taster, smoother, and
more manem erable than conven-
tional skates with side-bv-side
In the evolution of the roller
skate, it the metal clip-on key jobs
that a lot ot us usod as kids were
the horse and buggy ot skates,
then the blades' are a turbo-
charged Porsche
Instead of a leather boot, there
is a plastic shell. Unlike conven
tional skates that have a big rub-
ber stopper on the tront, blades
have a spur-like friction device on
the back of the boot.
There are 4 stvles tor Blades:
Hladerunners: which are good tor
beginners, Zetras. these' are more
durable and better tor street
hockev, lightning: which give a
smooth ride at high speed, and the
Macroblades: which have velcro
strips instead of shoelaces to pro-
vide a better tit.
The In-Lines also roll right
over the bumps, cracks, and rocks
that confound conventional
The primary benefit ottered
bv in-line skating is that its easier
on the lower extremities than
The in-line skating phenome-
non is as much a product of the
1980'scross training boom as it is
a result of a better roller skate.
"Blades' were originally devel-
oped as a drv land alternative tor
hockev players who wanted a way
to to continue skating in the off-
These skates look cool but
aren't cheap (prices range from
$90 to $330), and a complete line of
Rollerblade accossorv wear is due
out m spring ot 1991. This is a
sport tor everyone with the users
ages ranging from IS to 65. So, if
you thought that roller-skating
was along with disco, then
try again, blades willberolling
i n to a si ro near vou soon, so check
them out
Racy sport
The traditional clunky, four on-the-floor type rollerskates may become
an endangered species. The new threat is an in line skate, similar to
ice skates The design provides better mobility and speed than the
traditional model. The in-line skate was originally designed as an
off season training aid for hockey players. This is a Rollerblade model
Hinged upper
cuff allows for
better range of
motion for the
brake pad on
the rear rather
than round pa
on front as on
Foam-padded liner
Speed lace
fastening system
Boot has a molded
polyurethane shell
Frames are made of aluminum
or glass-reinforced nylon
depending on the model.
Wheels are polyurethane
composition designed for
speed, longevity and
Dave Mather, Gannett News Servu ?
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36 The East Carolinian, January 11,1990
Broncos faUinfinalseaords, 27-24
DENVER (AP) ? Thanks to
what ohn El way called "one of the
mostbizarreplavs! haveeverseen
his Denver Broncos found a new
way to lose to the San Francisco
The Broncos, seeking a mea-
sure of revenge for their55-10btow-
out loss to the 49ers in last January's
Super Bowl, won the battle of the
tirst-tcamers in Monday night's
exhibition game. Elwav threw two
touchdown passes and ran tor an-
other to stake Denver to a 24-7 lead
early in the third quarter.
But the 49ers ? and backup
quarterback Steve Young in par-
ticular ? were dearly the superior
subs Young fired two second-halt
TD passes and 2cHVpound rookie
defensive lineman Dennis Brown
had a kev interception that set up
the winning field goal to rally the
49ers to a 27-24 victory.
Brown plucked off a hobbled
pass and rumbled 23 yards to the
Denver 4, and Mike Cofer kicked
the winning field goal, a 22-yarder
with 14 seconds left, to account for
the winning margin.
The 4ers, under second-year
coach George Seifort, now have
beaten Denver three straight times,
counting the Super Bowl and exhi-
bition games last year and this,
lronicallv, tor all his supposed ge-
nius. Bill Walsh, Seitert's predeces-
sor, never beat Denver in nine tries.
San Francisco squared its pre-
season record at 1-1 while Denver
fell to 2-1 as Young completed ltot
27 passes for 203 yards.
He threw a 46-yard TD pass to
rookie Ronald I ewe when defender
Elliott Smith misjudged an apparent
interception, cutting Denver's lead
to 24-17 late in the third quarter.
With less than two minutes to
play, I Vxter Carter returned a punt
2 yards and Nt oung scrambled tor
25 more to set up Young's 4-yard
flip to tight end amie Williams tor
the tying score with 40 seconds left.
Two plays later, Brown played
Denver's backup quarterback,
Gary Kubiak, threw a screen pass to
fullback Melvin Bratton, who
juggled the ball and then appar-
entlvhititwithhisknee ?popping
it into the air and directly into the
hands ot Brown. Only Kubiak's
tackle prevented a touchdown, but
Cofer converted on the next play
"1 thought I had it, but it hit mv
leg or knee or something' Bratton
Brown, a second-round draft
choke from Washington who was
coveted bv the Broncos in the draft
but was taken by the 49ers one pick
ahead oi Denver, called it his "first
interception ever
' Iwasover the nose )ust watch
ing the quarterback for a pass or a
screen Brown said. "I saw the
screen. 1 went out, saw the ball and
eot it
Philadelphia head coach
can not find star tight end
Eagles coach Buddv Ryan says he
wants to talk to holdout tight end
Keith lackson but he doesn t
know how to contact him.
Ryan told The Philadelphia In
,jir(-rthat he tried to reach lackson
at likely places in Arkansas. New
fersey and Dallas, to no avail.
Somebody told me he was in
Oklahoma Rvan said "When I
get that number, I'm going to call
What will Rvan, who calls the
Eagles tight end situation "des-
perate say to lackson, who is
holding out despite having two
years remaining on his contract?
"I'll tell him I lovehim Ryan
said "Comeback
The Eagles did get one vet-
eran in vamp Sunday, signing
third-year cornerback and former
North (. arolina state star lel
Jenkins toa two year contract.
Ryan said lenkins vmII move
back into the starting lineup at left
cornerback it he's in shape.
In that case. No. 1 draft pick
Ben Smith, who started at left
cornerback in Saturday's 23 14
exhibition victory over Miami, will
moe back to free safety, bumping
veteran Wes Hopkins out oi the
"If Izel's ready to play, we re
going to get our team ready to
start the season Ryan said
'That's the idea. It's time to get
ready to play theGiamts (Sept .9)
In another development Sun-
day, Rvan said wide receiver Mike
Quick, another former North
Carolina State star, who is reha-
bilitating from double knee sur
gery , will begin full-contact work-
outs today.
Quick, a Hamlet native, will
practice once a day this week, Rvan
said. Barring complications. Quick
will start the Eagles' exhibition
game in Indianapolis Aug. 27,
Rvan said.
The coach also said he isn't
concerned about the in)ury suf-
fered Saturday night by reserve
quarterback iim McMahon, who
torea tendon on the middle finger
of his left hand.
He's tough Ryan said.
"He'll probably play two quarters
this week
We Want You
To Be A Part Of :
East Carolina's Pirate Athletic Team of
Tryouts will begin Wednesday Sept. 29th
From 5:00pm until 7:00pm
Outside in Front of Minges Coliseum,
(Near Ficklen Stadium) For More Information,
Call ECU Cheerleading Coach Peggy Smith at
Photo provided by Doug Gaylord
Top ranks of college football
College football teams most often
ranked No. 1 in the Associated Press
Top 20 preseason poll since 1950:
Times picked
Source: USA TODAY research
Marcy E. Mullins. Gannett News Se.
Continuedfrom;e 35
Steinbrenner made sureot that
earlier in the day, changinggeneraJ
managers tor the 11th time and
giving the job to Michael for the
second time. Michael, also a two-
time manager of the ankees, was
GM in 1980.
It was Steinbrenner s second
major move in his final .V hours.
On Sundav. he extended the con-
tract of manager Stump Merrill
through the 1992 season.
Steinbrenner lett his final im-
print on the Yankees by rewarding
two of his most loval employees
Merrill, the dedicated minor-
league man and Michael, who
started as a shortstop and worked
his wav up.
Michael began this season as
a stout, became the "eye-in-the-
skv" and was working as an ad
vance scout when he was ap
pointed general manager.
Michael replaced Pete
Peterson, who will remain with
the team as a special adviser to the
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general manager Vice pn
? rge Bradlev vvillals l. ?
serve as the head of mtm -
"I think we II ??? rk ftn l
gether, Michael said I m ii
to handle the major leaj rt
In t be happn r I'vi I ?
with this rgai zati n I r
Michael, a former :
coach tor the ankees cot a three-
year a mtra I
Golfer looks
for first U.S.
PGA Tour win
ManaHazabal is bid ngl
The 24-year-old Sp u
recognized as the brighl
star on the European ' :
and among the most pi n
the world
A nationally cir I I
American golf mag izii -
gested he will be thep! ?
? s
A protegeoi 5e e B i teros
Olazabal has won nine
mentsaround the world buti i
m the United States
Not vet
"I'm not surprised ! ha
won here, and I'm not at a!
appointed, Oiazabal said I
a practice round tor the V i
Series olklf.
"The competition here is
strong, stronger than in Eui
The average player on tl
American tour is much strong
than in Europe. In a Europ
tournament, onlv lit or 12players
canbeexpected to win Here tb
are manv more, he said
A restricted schedule also
works against him, Olazabal said
"I onlv plav seven or eight
times a year in this country 1 like
it this wav It I plav more here. I d
have to be aw iv from home six or
seven weeks at a time I don't want
to do that, he said.
"I want to continue to plav
around the world; plav here Mime
but not all the time, he said
Olazabal. who qualified tor
the World Scries of Colt with vic-
tories in an English tournament
and the Irish Open, hilly expects
to wm in this country but is not
putting htmselt under extra pres-
Winning a major tourna-
ment, winning in the States both
are goals he said
I've plaved well here. I just
haven't won But I will
"I'll get one"
He'll have the opportunity in
the winners-onlv field of 47 plav-
ers who will begin play todav at
the Firestone Country Club.

Recreational Services
to Join The R.E.A.L. Team
(Recreation Education Activity Leaders)
Paid positions arc available for 1990-91
(Student! Helping Increase Participation)
h( p market t and publicize Recreational
Serv ces on campus
ew people a I si e as a student organization
, , . . , ;? , lefits of i paid position apply with
. ? i. p V ii ; app cation n 204 Chnstenbury
U rest '? rhe R E A L Tram.
Representatives ar- needed tor:
Profile of a Student Leader:
M my of oui oarticipants will recognize the lace when they see him even of
they do not immediately recognize his name Jordan Wrenn has been with the
del irtment 'or a relatively short time period as compared to may of the student
. ?. oyees, however. Jordan has accomplished quite a lot Jordan has proved
.?? it ?, -avmg been hired initially as a lifeguard, but eventually working
as a gyrrti i urn attendant, weight room attendant and over the summer
ting n some facelifting for Chnstenbury Gymnasium as a utility worker,
painting, moving furniture, building shelving units, etc
? in generally provides participants with a grin and a warm greeting as they
enterthe gym or pools which reflects his enjoyment of East Carolina University
H s eve of the University may have been inherited as his father. Jack Wrenn
g, . j . ? ? im the Un:versay in 1977 with a Masters Degree m Physical
i d - ii n Jordan's family lives in Roanoke. N.C. His major is commercial
recreation and his expected graduation date is May of 1991 If anyone is
?. , tej ? : in s currently evaluating placement sites for his internship
he I ;? ? perl rm during the upcoming summer.
? , ? ,? i"bout
ind ethim know ue's a real celebrity.
. . ? is ? Fratem ty Sorority
: ? M d i .i S hi m ?
tor more information callJcannette Roth in
jo iibiirx ? ninuMum al "S" 6387.
An information meeting for prospective
S.H.LP.RECs and former Rec Reps will be
held August 27 at 4:30pm In CCB 1031.
ted. exert j and will
itmg . d oe
ethe pportunrt
i by q ilitied t rotes;
efoi Iran ports
I 4-sport retun J 01 i s
? B
s Bucdha'l ihunt
ke rhe Po '
J.Monty "The
. . e re
.? e, ruli books,
opf irtunrty
? re i1 onal
. ? . ? ? ? n various
i als to f
a - ? ible "cs
tran i ports
The World According to Ima Rec
? ? fyou o havefo owed tHe predictions of Ima for many years
M be ? . ??: even n th het tremendously increased work load, she
i taken time ?u1 to comment on :he future of some of Recreational Services"
indon Brown w lind some time - his ousy schedule to study.
8yw be rited by the Greenville Crty Council for her fine sportsman-
,h o osptayed in mtramurai competition.
Shane We-s will turn down an offer from Nike to star in their line of "Just Do
It" com mere als in order to compete in the RS Tennis Singles tournament.
a ? ind Steve Kukendall of Our Prerogative" fame will leave their
restricted free agents and sign with Lambda Chi Alpha for the
Lipcomingflagfootball season K ikenda woe making a bid to make n through
? s . rsJ irn ra season v. thoul getting hurt1
irbB " I mdE zir Black of Alpha Delta Pi will assist long time nemes'S
- sty Harris of Sigma Sigma n her moving and leaving ECU after Her
DeceDe- gradu at on
Looking on campus for Recreational
Services programs and services but
don't want to shuffle
through XZ thou-
sands I JP of flyers
from 1 Pi A every
other J SH I
JPi W andor
depart- ment?
Shorten your
search. Look for the
following Recreational Services identifi-
cation graphic and get to the heart of
fitness and fun11
'Holly Eckn
i the Fall I
liver of
ie Chance
? . tmenl
combine forces to take on all comers
g Championship.
nner, Pi Kappa Alpha wiH seek
h m to uncontrollably count fratern ty
hours of
Christenbury Gymnasium?
? ry (Mi Gymna-
? : ECTC
: . ? np y Rece-
ible through the
naracti ni ? ?:? II ' ??
? ? ??. be oreakmg
? ? : through tne N N
? )94
tei bury iymna urn is
- : lutifu very
?. . tei ' e nuiy
? . tei (kei c" ?'??
M invade Recreational Services
i .?. irm wi smeto new I retu East Carolinians,
ning mmittee d the 1 190-91 year.
inf. ?? . a Sncs
ew a orama i ??? B ' ? ? - ? "
Murray tate, Kentucky w teralry imp
. Magfootba trvities ?nd handling official ng
? ite and will enjoy dual duties
?? : n ii i pors If you take awa h
iee m the great outdoors as
it :? of Outdoor Re real
je and lovi i ? ? tun
tmg evera pi ; : ? ' ?
? ? ? ?? new responsibilities as
.? ports. Paulette Evans joins the program-
?de East Carolmiai with continued fitness and
le N wee Mize, Director; Pat Cox. Club Sports;
. : , Programs; David 3 i - fis, Intramural Sports.
,nd Facilities Jeannette Roth, Marketing Director;
ffice Mana iei Peggy Saieed, Secretary
The Pipeline Pumphouse opens
. . . tse-opens ifs doors this fall in the basement of Garretl
renovated fixed and free weight facility offers East
. . . ? ; . ifully percale fitness center housing
inde igh apparatus to improve strength,
? - ilar endui ince
' . lundsysti have either been installed or are on their way
? f the cardiovascular equipment located in Christenbury
3-s c i tor the pi
the East V. ng I tl
pel litat e for aerobic dance.
emenl I with a super sound system
. . ? i of G trretl ??? I -se a full
: : ? . ? ? suitaDle for i re dene hall
d ? m Our thaKS go out for the
, , - - . i and "? - i comnenl to providing
. eration of the nousii g uep i r- ??
?, pporl . ' ? toward ??? ? ess
? ? ? p - The Recreational Outdoor Center which has
? ? ??? tenbury Gymnasium (go down the stairs located
N ?? ? . dmg next to Brewsteri TheROC wiilbethe
?? o'sure to wilderness adventure tr os. outdoor skills acqui-
. pment rental and personal adventure planning through
"p fpc,nurcQ c5n0i'
itoo bv 'or the GRAND OPENING of the R.O C dur ng the Outdoor Smorgas-
Dordblnq held Wednesday. September5 from 3pm to6pm Checkout what
?KgflOC has to offer you as well as get some nDDies from the Outdoor
net" ird register for weekend trip giveaways and equipment rental
? . :
? "
? ? ?
? ?
S ? fcw BK '0?
Tuesday. Seplomber 4
"Flag Foolball Officuls mlg
7.00 pm BIO N-102
"a ??.?
5 00 pm f
'Tei : ? registra!
Thursday. September 6
"Flag Foolball
Rules Strategy Clinic
(115 Christenbury)
Mon -Thurs
10.00-9 00
10 00-7:00
11 00-5:00
1 00-5.00
Weight Rooms
Mon -Thurs 1000-9:00
Friday 10 00-7:00
Saturday 11 00-5:00
Sunday 100-5:00
Mon-Thurs 2 00-8 00
Friday 2 00-5:00
Garett Residence Hall
MonThurs 2.00-8 00
Friday 2 00-6 00
Sunday 100-5:00
Swimming Pools
Mon -Fri
Mon -Thurs.
Mon .Wed . Fri
Tues . Thurs.
7 00-8 00 am
11 30-1:30
3 00-8 00
11 00-5:00
1 00-5:00
7 30-9:00
1:00-5 00
August 29 from 4 00 6:00pm on College Hill
Crownina the Kinq Queen of the Hill MU
?King of the H,i- is a one day drop in event in which students partiopate with their residence hall team ,n up to 2 d - A
activities rang ng from traditional compet,t,ve sports such as basketball and beach volleyball to several crazy and u tun a.tu es
such as Hood thl Human Human Twister and Fnsbee Disc Target Shoot "King of the Hill"? designed as a means to expose ?nce
haH stoden?sPto RS pTograms provide opportunities to meet new people and promote camaraderie m attempting, to attain, a cornmon
goal -e King or Queln of the Hill crown Students sign ,n at a resdenoe hall table and then may choose to ??P ??fa
of the available activities Once they participate in any activity, their team benefits The highest percentage of participants rrorri eacn
?ednce nal wtemme the K,ng and Queen of theHill During the competition, students points Jor ?9ntopabon
ana o. Z nn tnl vanous activities These point sheets are returned totally boxes and totalled After the hna. .
are counted and the too two men s and women's point getters earn the right to compete in the Tug o War event hnaie tor T shirt awards
3 on 3 Basketoail Beach Volleyball Volley Volleyball. Human Twister, Hole,n One Hoop the Human. Mini Basketball shoot Fnsbee
Disc SShoot Knots Tuq o War Budweiser Football throw, and Ga-Ga Ball Th,s year's event has had several new actov? S
ed and pfom ses to be b,gge? and better than ever before' So catch the action at the College Hill Recreation Area on VWanday
Auaust 29th from 4 00 6 00 pm An information meeting tor all interested individuals w,H be held on Tuesday August .8th a 500 pm
!nLotogy 103 "King of the H,ir will provide a ma,est,c beginning to your year at East Carolina University and to your participation
Recreational Services Activities
We want to PUMP YOU UP through part.cipation in the Weight Room Orientations and Weight Training WorKshops I he
orientations are a basic introduction to proper utilization of each of the weight rooms on campus Interested individuals
may register for the FREE orientations at 204 Christenbury Gymnasium.
Christenbury Weight Room August 27 8:00 p.m.
Minges Weight Room August 28 8:00 p.m.
Garret! Weight Room August 29 8 00 p.m.
The Weiqht Training Workshop is for individuals interested in beginning a weht training program This workshop wl
be held in Chnstenbury Weight Room on September 11 & 13 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm each night. Register in 204
Chnstenbury Gym between September 4-11 with cost at $3.00students, $Fjaculty:?
Monday & Friday 11 30 am-1 30 pm:
3 00 pm-6 00 pm
Tuesday-Thursday 3 00 pm-6 00 pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Phone 757-6911
Need a quick fix on the up-
coming facility schedules,
intramural sport registration
deadlines, ram-out informa-
tion andhours of operation7
Call the
Hotline at

38 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990
Wake Forest looks to improve record
With his Wake Forest football team
already bringing up the rear in
preseason polls. Bill Dooley can
look forward with confidence to
some degree of success.
"I'm looking forward to this
for the Demon Deacons.
"No one's predicting us to do
anything said the 6-foot-2, 218-
pound senior. "So there's no
pressure on us. We can come in
totally relaxed and play our game.
"It's a real challenge to us
year he told sportswriters who Barnhill said. "The people on this
visited the school Tuesday on the team know how good we can be "
Atlantic Coast Conference football
tour. "I know we were picked
eighth (last). But we're going to
fight, scratch and claw. I'm not
conceding anything
It's going to be an uphill battle
for Dooley's Demon Deacons, who
finished 1-6 in the ACC and 2-8-1
overall in 1989. That's the worst
record for a Dooley-coached team
since his first North Carolina team
went 2-8 back in 17.
"Overall, 1 think if wecan stay
relatively healthy, we can be bet-
ter But we can't have what hap
poned last year Dooley said.
Injunescut into us. And we must
play intelligently We're not
blessed with enough talent to
overcome mistakes
Last year. Wake Forest com-
mitted 13 turnovers in its first four
games, which included dose losses
to Appalachian State and Army
and a tie with Rice.
"We need to cut down on our
interceptions and tumbles said
returning quarterback Phil
Barnhill, who passed for 2,454
yards and 17 touchdowns in 18
This vear, Barnhill won't be
able to look for standout wide re-
ceiver Rickv Proehl, who went to
the NFL's Phoenix Cardinalsafter
catching 188 passes for nearly 3,000
yards in his collegiate career.
Barnhill, a lefty, will now have
to look more often to senior split
end Steve Brown, who was second
in receptions last year with 32 for
531 vards.
"I'm not saving Steve Brown
will make so many catches for so
many vards or TDs he said
"Whatever it takes for us to win,
I'll take.
"What hurt us (last year) was
too many mistakes and turn-
overs he said, reiterating a
common criticism It we go out
mere and do what we'resupposed
to do, we'll have a better record
Doolev'schiet concern isalack
of game experience among many
of his starterson the offensive and
defensive lines. His secondary
features three starters vsho were
freshmen last vear
"Offensively, 1 think we'vegi t
some good football players he
said. "Some are green on the of-
fensive line, but all thev need is
some work. My big concern on
offense is depth
Dooley didn't mince words
when he assessed last year's de-
fense, which was last or next-to-
last in every category in the league.
The Deacons allowed an average
435 yards and 29 points a game in
"Our defense was very porous
ands not very good he said.
The bright spots include free
safety Lament Scales, who led the
team in tackles, and noseguard
Mike Smith.
Dooley confirmed Tuesday
that b-foot-fc, 295-pound defensive
tackle Marvin Mitchell will rriss
the opener against Rice because of
a knee injury
"He's very doubtful tor the
first ball game, but the doctors are
confident he could be back for our
second game he vud Right
now, things don't took good
Dooley said if the Deacons are
to improve, it will depend largely
on the suceessot the running game
Wake Forest used three different
players at tailback last vear
"I've always said to win you
need a strong running game and a
strong passing game Dooley
said. The teams that do both
consistently are the ones who win
fhe ACCs leading rusher head
list of injured Wolfpack players
RALEICH(AP) - Withalmost
two weeks before their first game
of the season, the Wolfpack of
North Carolina State is already
reeling from fosses that of key
On Saturday, head coach Dick
Sheridan announced thai last year's
leading rusher, Anthony Barbour,
would be redshirted due to an in-
Barbour was only the latest in
a succession ofplayers to drop from
the Wolfpack squad, due mainly to
"I've never had this many (in-
juries), and this many really key
people said Sheridan And you
add to that the outstanding seniors
we lost, that's where we're really
feeling it
"I'm not fussing or trying
about it Sheridan said I'm )ust
saving that's thecircumstancesand
our responsibility to deal with it "
Sheridan had to pull a slip of
paper from his pocket when asked
to name the players he has lost. 1 le
named lb
Barbour, a junior who led N C
State with 412 vards in rushing last
vear, pulled a hamstring in practice
last week. The injury came atop
two knee operations in the past
two seasons.
"We knew it was going to be
two or three weeks before he was
ready Sheridan said. "We both
felt like it would be in his best
interest, both physically and aca-
demically, to go ahead and make a
decision at this time to declare this
a redshirt year
The loss of Harbour follows
that of fellow tailback Chris Wil-
liams toaninjury.atong with other
key players
The Wolfpack hasalso tost Dan
Hayden, who Sheridan had con
siderod the heirapparent ' torthe
starting slot at fullback He's out
due to an intestinal disorder C th
ers who will not be able to pla
include starters offensive tackle
Scott Adell, due to a shoulder in
jury. Wide receivershris orders
and Shad Santee have been
dropped from the team reportedly
tor disciplinary reasons
'It's a new world record for
us Sheridan said. "Every coach
and every team experiences prob-
lems in this area and we have too
Bui never to the extent that we
have tnow)
fhe losses frustrate Sheridan,
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who for the first time has gone four
years in his head coaching career
without winning a conference
c hampionship rhis is the first time
in A( C history that N C State has
gone 10 seasons without winning a
conference tootball title
Sheridan is 17-10-1 in AC
play, and each vear the Wolfpack
has been a contender But in pre-
season polling, sportswriters
puked N. z State to finish fifth
this year shendan said Saturday
he would expect prognoshcators
ot roster losses
iesaid he was happy with tf
progress of quarterbacksharles
Davenport and rerry Jordan But
he probably would not name i
starter until ust before the season
opener Sept 1 against We I
c arolinatnt artcr I inley Stadium
I want these guys to ompete
with e.u h other right dow n to the
wire Shendan said
Meanwhile strongsafety ? -
( ampbell announced he hopes '
enter the NFL draft next war 1 le
said it he finishes the season i
one ot the top players in thecoun
trv. he would declare himself eli
gible for the draft
Continued from page
press is one of our big lifts, (hose r
tbethrecdifterent lifts thatarethcbasis
Norrissays theplaverswork it
with free weights more than ma
chinesbccausc; You vegottobalai
free weights We fed tlvit transfers
better over intoathletk s, bei ause 11
. runes are locked into a plane wh rt
aOyouhavetodoislift But when)
an- on the held, you have to ha
balance We use our machines for
supplemental type work and injun
The schedule that the football
players k 'How depends n die time 11
vear ccording to Norris, Ifwearein
season we do a rnaintenance pro
.?ram where we try to maintain
strength We work basically two days
a week Inthcoff season wegointofive
da a week lifting program Hut is
when they get a tot ot their heavy
lining We run two days a wei k
sometimes three, depending on hi
dose we aregetting ti f iothall seasi ?n
You d n t want to work them so ha
(during the season) that they can't
perform out thereon the field
'The players an- no w in the rw ?
a-day season. Norrisexplains, TXir
ing thesummer leading up to tlv first
game the NCAA allows so many
practices within a certain amount of
time So, instead of prai tjdngom
daw like thev would during the u - I
Kill his 'ti, they prac bcetwicea da
Iunng 'two-a-day"practicesthe
phversonlvstvi oachomstorah n:t
15 10 20 minutes after each prat in ?
oms said, "We re just doing a I?.??'
quick circuit work-out. ITv thing on
have to take into consideration when
thev are in 'twoa-days is the can t
do a lot because tht an' going to U-
tinxi ItsalmostOTpossWeforthemto
getenoughrest Of course they wiDh
tranxxiloi .geroixv wegetontot' tw o
Weight training can help a pla i i
who has the ability to play and make
him belter Norris states, "Everyone
hasa different starting point and they
haw a different rate thev an' going ti
pn igress at I ? ant us to get stn mgi
I w ant to w. rkon the speed deveh p
ment program too. You tie in your
lifting wifJivourninning, certain tvp-
of dnlls develop speed and form I
don't think thereisan eitheror1, it m
tie in together Alternately it you arc
going 10 increase speed you haw to
tocrease strength
FCL plavs its first game (n Sept
1 against 1 iHiisianaToch Norrisdairns
Ixight now all our training is going
towaid our first game Youdon'ttonk
down the road to vour tenth game
1 ou do all your planning toward tlie
first one
Coach Norns likes strength tram
ing because there is just something
about helping other people, helping
athletes to perform better People who
can throw can throw, people who can
ra tch can ca toh, rwt of trat ls just a gift
You seethemaimeinastTCshmanaixi
then improve

The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 39
teams will vie for Big Sky crown
i ?
News Service
t a de ade, picking
innei ol the bigskx c outer
aboul as difficult as
the league s most
ho led Idaho to
a n n kiew ith
( harg i s
i itana w ithsenior( Irad)
rback hasbe-
i hoi? etoend Idaho's
i ada also
199(1 Big
id a h.b
? I itlin,
in the
s have expe-
t Montana.
? is Montana,
rgia Southern
mitinals I'he
ke pla ers
on defense and valuable running
back oday Framer.
'Montana has to be the favor
ite because ot Bennett, ead.i
coach Chris Ault said No ques
tion he's the top quarterback be
(ause of the experience fa lor. I le
took his team to the playoffs last
year. That means an awful lot
As a junior, he averaged
nearly 40 passes per game, threw
ing for a school-record 5,091 yards
Mid 20 touchdowns.
"Friesz was unbelievable
throwing for 10,000 yards in three
seasons Bennett said "I don't
worry about lohn Friesz Aid w hat
he did I don t even worry about
m statistics. It 1 get bitter er
week and help Montana win then
1 II be happj
1 le has three returning stai t
ers at wide receiver, led b) Matt
Clark and Mike Irevathan, who
combined tor 106 catches for 1,218
I he defense will be without
All-BigSkyperformers liml lau( k
and Mike Rankin but will have
seven other starters back.
ult hopes the return of se-
nior All America cornorback Ber-
nard Ellison will bolster Nevada's
pass defense 1 le received an extra
year of eligibility from the NCAA
after rupturing mi Achilles ten-
don last August Five other play-
ers who started games return in
the secondary.
Wolf Tack also has an
ive quarterback. Catlin
passed tor more than 2,500 yards
.uter starting the final eight games
ol his frt shman season. Also back
are All Big Sky wide receiver
1 reamelle la)lor(64catches, 1,033
yards) and running back Ray
halen l738 ards).
? ada finished 1989 by
w inning its final three games I'he
offense a eraged 4? points in the
three U torus that raised the team
to 7 A
Boise States quarterbacks
Mike irden and Duane I lallidav
split time last year.
irden is clearly the starter
11.ill said "He's clearly a
big pi.u kind ot guy. Having a
vear under his belt should help
him cut down on his intercept tons.
I hat's a real key for us
Boise State threw a league-
high 30 interceptions last year.
Their defense, though, has
been strong enough toovercomea
lot of offensive mistakes. Erik
Helgeson is an All-American at
end. Kenny Kuehl and Scott
Russell are both standouts at line
Friesz is gone at Idaho, but no
one appears to be counting out the
Vandals. Doug Nussmeier, a
redshirt freshman, won the quar-
terback job in spring practice by
completing 65 percent of his passes
in major scrimmages.
Florida State searches
for a stable backfield
Bill Vilona
Gannett News Service
filled with too many faces, now
doesn't have enough. Sophomore
Amp Lee is the top returnee,
rushing for 290 yards and three
touchdowns as a true freshman.
He scored two of the first three
times he touched the ball.
Behind Lee at tailback is senior
Chns Parker, whose troubled ca-
reer has been filled with suspen-
sions and academic problems. His
eligibility status is still uncertain.
Behind Parker isa covcrted defen-
sive back, Felix Hams, and fresh-
Fullback is more stable with
senior Edgar Bennett (77 carnes,
277yards, 4 TDs.) and junior Paul
The Seminoles lost three
startersontheoffensivehnc. Junior
Mike Mornsrcturnsat guard after
missing most of last season with a
broken foot. At the other guard is
senior All-American candidate
Hay ward Haynes. The main issue
in drills will be finding a center.
See FSU, page 42
The Vandals return nine play-
ers en offense who started at least
half ol last year's games. Eight
starters are back on defense. Wide
receiver kasev Dunn leads the re-
turners. His73 receptions for 1,101
yards was fifth best in the nation.
Montana State, with the Big
Skv'sonlv option-oriented offense,
will be attempting to rebound from
five straight losing seasons.
?Copyright 1990 USA TODAYApple
0 liege Inl'orxMiun Network
Continued from page 33
w hv
to t.?ke
Pri: ' l
t mental or
used in o ?n

M . tes
? ? ??
m competi-
giateathh t? s
ublit ized role
?. and am
Inn smav
Kal drugs by an athlete may-
damage the reputation ol thi ii
stirution as a whole.
1 heprocedures ton
ingare that first the athlete ro
written notification, and then i
Md the persons administennj
test to meet. l'he briel theathletes
on how thetestistobeadministered
and the specimen iscollet tedundei
visual observation because ol thi
possibility the specimen max be
tampered with said Irons
It drugs are found in the urine
spec nron et the athlete on the first
tKcasion a confidential meeting ill
be s t in ord? r to i ' il late the na
and extent of drui
ment i he amount of counciling
and rehabilitation will be deter-
mined bytheoutcomeofthisinter-
iew The least am ?unt ot penalty
that in athlete ma receive is en-
menl into drug rehabilitation
r gram.
llu student mac then be sub-
? cttoweekh testing tor as loin; as
: appropriate by the team
nh sician 1 ven a first time of-
fendei ? I Irueusema) besubject
to a suspension of athletic partici-
pation for a stah d interval of time,
or have his or ht r eli ;ibility can-
oiled b the institution.
( hi the so end offense the the
i t will b ponded from
itionfora minimumofone
year and his or her eligibility may
be cancelled. If it is decided that
eligibility should be terminated
then the athlete will not be privi-
leged with any scholarship re-
The third offense means an
automatic cancellation of eligibil-
ity. However, as part of the new
safeguards the athlete may appeal
the decision of the vice chancellor
of student life to the chancellor
within five calendar days. This
may be done on any of the three
levelsof offense, not just on cancel-
lation of eligibility.
The athletes began the testing
when they returned from the
summer break.
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The changing face of college conferences
, t to ere r.? a g
Projected memoe-
N rtl a
A aDama
? WaSTngton
? Vasti ngtofl :s:a.p
re on State
? Stanford
Florida State
Arizona J
Texas A&M-j.
Texas Cr
? rl V!lVe
1 (ichigai State
Penn State
lOnio State
? iska
? Cc-oraao State
?Air Force
? .v Mexico
Iowa State
Kmsas State
? a
Oh anoma
( ahomai
O North Texas
smi ?Bayloi
? Houston
Boston College o
Cim mn.iti ? Virginia
l outsviHaa ?Vkginia Tech
East Carolina O
? Memphis State
OTeyas Tech
? Southern Miss.
? Tulane
Louisiana Tech
(, , Ba . ? ' 'a' "??" N?s San a
Continued from page 33
i I hat does
ne will
i i I ither
p them from
? , ? f public -
,i : lorida
: they arc key
- been obvious
l he SBC is an
both ol them that
miming, and there will
it has been rumored thai
I lorida State may have been ap-
proached by the ACC If this is
rue they are looking at more
options than most. "There will
be a lot of political ramifications
for them Hart said, There will
be a lot ol tug of war going on as
they trv to make their de ision
It some of the teams decide
not to join the new Metro confer-
ence, it could still happen, but it
would depend on a lot ol vari-
"I think it can still th Mart
said. 1 thmk once sou start to
getd fectors,thendependingon
who they are, and how many
there are then it's verv hard to
predict what's going to happen
because it's hard to predict what
the market share will be You
really need those answ ers before
you can come up with what
happens to the group
However, Hart said there is
no reason why anyone should
not i hoose to join the new Metro
conference. 1 don't see how
anyone could put something
better on the table, either from
an exposure or a potential rev-
enue standpoint
Since the Metro conference
has expansion has been made
public, many people have been
speculating that this may be the
future of college athletics.
"It began when Penn State
lumped up from independent
status said Hart. "When the
Metro idea was made public a lot
of conferences went back to see
it they were where they wanted
to be
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of Fall Semester,
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The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 41
Former Notre Dame player tests eligibility ruling in court
From wire reports
A bad knee derailed Rraxston
Banks football career, but it hasn't
kept him from standing on prin-
ciple. He is finishing a fight he can
no longer win in the hope that no
one who follows him will fight it
Former Virginia
coach still loves
to teach
Bv Pete Williams
Gannett ovs Service
Holland can't give up basketball
cold turkiA
Hi- prolonged withdrawal
from the sport continues at
Davidson College, 270 miles south
ol the I niversity ol Virginia,
where he guided the Cavaliers for
lr seasons Now, he has returned
to his alma mater to become ath-
U :ic director
I've learned a tot in a short
period ol time, he said 1 think
I 11 like it but there's nothing
like being there on the sidelines.
There's no doubt I'll miss that
Holland announced last
summer that he would leave Vir-
ginia, where he had led the
(. a alk rs v 326 winsand a pairot
Final Four appearances, and was
a - nonmous with the school as
founder Thomas letferson. He
hung around for the final season
ol a five-year contract, leading a
patchwork assemblage oi players
to a 20-win season and an NCAA
tournament berth.
1 le left Virginia to head an
athletic department in a tumultu-
ous state Davidson's basketball
team won just tour last
season The football team has won
only four in 'he last five years.
9ol Holland. 4H, dors have a
new $17 million arena as the
backbone of his department, an
ironic twist to his career consid-
ering that he lobbied unsuccess-
fully tor years at Virginia to have
the AC C smallest arena replaced,
a frustration colleagues at the
school m was at least partially
responsible tor his departure
What's more, he still has
ample opportunity to satistv his
basketball fix. His annual basket-
ball camp at Graves Mountain
Lodge in Syria, Va just northwest
ot CharlottesviUe, wrapped up its
l"th summer last month. Several
people there didn't even realize
he had left Virginia
"When some parents came to
leave their kids ott they asked
how the team is gome to be this
year Holland said 'Some of
them caught themselves in mid-
sentence, but when 1 reminded
others (if mv move, they looked at
me kind ot puzzled
"He's always going to have
his hand on basketball in some
wa said former Virginia center
(eff Daniel. "The big thing for him
is to keep busy while at the same
time enjoying basketball from a
different perspective
But new perspectives will
come not inst from camps and
clinics Davidson has given Hol-
land permission to moonlight as a
television color commentator, and
Ravcom Sports will audition him
tor a psition next season. Ihe
network televises much of the
A(s schedule, and it's even
possible Holland could end up
back at Virginia next season as
a i ommentator
"Ihe biggest problem I have
is gn ing up the intense emotional
irvolvemeni ot basketball Hol-
land said "1 don't want to give
that up cold turkev, and the tele-
vision and the camp helps keep
me in that end of it
"Fverv coach wants to be an
announcer said Lefty DrieseH,
M ho did a brief Mint as a Ravcom
commentator before becoming
.a. h at lames Madison two years
ago Hut its not as easv as ev-
ervbodv thinks it is "
Holland's ties to Pnesell go
bark to his plavmg days at
Davidson, where he was team
. apUtfl and the nation's leader in
field goal shooting under f )nesoll
Timing is supposed to be ev-
en thing in life, and Banks, a tew
months shv ot his 23rd birthdav. is
guilty at the very least ot bad
timing. That is one reason why
today, instead ot being more than
a month into his NFL career or
officially opening fall practice at
Notre Dame, he is motoring
westward toward his home in
last winter, after much delib-
eration and three unimpressive
seasons at Notre Dame, Banks
loined 37 other collegians in sur-
rendering a final year of NCAA
eligibility to make himself avail-
able for the NFL draft.
Tro teams am Id n't wait tosink
their teeth into a few choice mem-
bers of that group ? ett( .eorgeot
Illinois. JuniorSeau ot LSC, Keith
McCants of Alabama - but not a
single NFL. team bit Banks.
I nhke the' 1 Mothers who went
undrafted, however. Banks turned
around and bit the NCAA He
asked a court to restore his eligi-
bility, and in the bargain, dec lare
two ot the organization's rules in
violation of antitrust laws. Round
One was awarded Fndav to the
I think in lite we all take
chances Banks said. A ou never
know the outcome is going
to be. You never know it you're
going to be a success or a failure if
you don't take that chance
And it Banks had succeeded
in getting a preliminary injunc-
tion and he may yet prevail if
the ca goes to trial the rulers
ot both college and pro football
would have awakened Saturday
morning certain someone had
turned their worlds upside down
Under current NCAA rules, a
baseball or hockey prospect with
See Ruling, page 42
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42 l he East Carolinian, August 23, 1990
Scnioi I ,iu ron e 1 )av scy .
once ihe youngster among the
I ab i .Mir iiiei ing .orps, is
r?ov ihc only eteran I le
i merg? .1 I ist ear to bo ome the
tram s leading receiver (38
catches 688 yards 4 rDs.) Join-
ing him will be sophomore
Shannon Rakei .n.1 three others
who w ere redshirted last season
Dtn ing spring drills londa
to struggled to find an able
bod tv? pla noseguard It illus
trated the uncertainties .n the
deh hni e line
1 ? m breathers! lenryand loe
OMast ivski figure prominently
int. plans Fhe junior duo has
seen .u thn the past t o seasons.
. - ng corps is the
? vensivestrength, led b
i.iu. i Kik .unithers, who is
Kin pr.I ? ? the Butkus
? ard (irrutherstb-2 212had
1 1; I.H kllsi i-t season 45more
? i tht? m s se ond best ?
i speed and
? d b s phomore
1! 1u Is ;t . ho is beine
Hi ion Sand
Continued from page 39
ers I ike Sanders he is flash and
brash He also was the nation's
ninth beM punt returner with a
14 2 average.
lorida state won in spite oi
its kicking game the past two
years Ihe Seminoles hope oft-
injured punter ohn WimKtlv
can step forward along with
placekicker Richie Andrews,
whose inconsistency frustrated
Hew den 1 rue freshman Pan
Mow er Florida' S top prep
kicker last year, ma get a quick
chant e
I he Seminoles have only
nine seniors listed on their two-
deep depth chart Sophomores
and redshirt freshmen dominate
the roster. In their favor, how
e or is a -i dule thai doesn't
get tough untilH tober Miami.
Auburn. I SI ?
We are a team of potential;
that means vou ve never done
it Bowden said I lie schedule
gives us a chance so that when
?a c rt dow n to the killer part
we'll have experience Bui we'll
ha e to bo i king i ?n all cylin-
ders bv tin "
Expansion fees soar out of
the park
Major League Baseball. wuli 26 teams now. will add two clubs to the (
League beginning in 1993. But it's not a cheap buy-in: New owners will pay a 3.j
million franchise fee ? 45 times more than a team cost 2D years ago
s, ?
Source M.?or League Baseball
c ontinued from page 41
? ? lining w hoisdrafted
lot s not have to tip his
? tin luur ol dei id
? isselection meets his
, ' self-worth (read
I i ther he wants to
? ?. s asonti 'r hisschool
; in or like banks or a
1 pla er doesnot;hemust
ilir t.r the pro
it it ts
"? n M n
k - raU hing
thol I and the
x ration
place to keep kids in school and
this is not the first time something
illogk al or h po? ritual turned up
intheN'CAA tiles Nor will itbe the
last But vn hat makes this interest-
ing bevond the issues, though is
banks invoh em? nt
For one thing, he already has
his degree'in English), hav ing met
the requirements for graduation
after the summer session iust
: ? rai t; ? i Banksdid not
looking to file a lawsuit;
Morrison, an attorney with the
Washington, IH based Public
ited the rule was put in Citizens 1 itigation Group (an off-
shoot of Ralph Nader's Raiders),
was looking tor a test case and
found him
lor a third, he received medi-
cal clearance to play in 1989 on a
surgically repaired knee leelected
not to plav last season presumably
in antic ipation of this one
! era fourth, no matter w tut hor
he eventually wins in court are.
Morrison said Sunday he w ill fil
an amended complaint and see the
(ase through the legal system it
will come too late tor Hanks to re
sume playing at Notre Dame
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The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990 43
Duke coach Barry Wilson faces a tough quarterback decsion
DURHAM (AD 1 ike a
baseball manager in spring train-
ing, Duke football coach Barry
Wilson must soon decide who will
be his starter and rebel man at
quarterbai k
1 he decision to start fifth year
senior Billy Ray or junior Dave
Brown won t be easy, but Wilson
said he s in no hurrv to make it.
It would be foolish to have a
capable cm in the wings, Ami it
i ?ne guy is not getting it done, not
use hmv Wilson said Sunday at
Duke S annual media d, It will
not rule (the other guy) out or put
him in the doghouse.
1 ou might look at it like
baseball pitchers. Sometimes it's
just a matter of tactfully rotating
our lineup to accommodate both
the skills and the fat t that one guy
v an be hot and the other not, he
Ray passed tor 2,035 yards and
1 " touchdowns last season but
missed three games with a shoul
der injury. Brown filled in,
throwing 11 touchdowns and a
school record 4 yards in the
recuiar season (male against
orth Carolina.
"Because both guys are verj
experienced in game situations
I won't teel any pressure to name
a starting quarterback before at
least mid-week o? the South
Carolina game Wilson said
"The starter is going to know
that he will have the team tor a
sufficient time to get something
going Wilson said but b the
same token, I'm not going to wait
until the tourth quarter to make a
switch it we've not moving the
I"he AtlanticCoast C onfereiw e
co-champion blue Devils, 8-4 last
season with an appearance in the
All American Bowl, open the 1990
season Sept. 1 at South Carolina
in addition to the Gamecocks,
Virginia and Clemson also dot the
Puke si hedule in September
Ray, who transferred to I hike
from Alabama several vearsago,
and Brown, who completed v. lose
to 64 percent ol his passes after
bursting upon the scene late last
season, were outspoken when
asked about thequarterback battle
The two are good friends, but
both want to start
Ray, 6-foot-3, 205 pounds,
could have graduated last year,
but chose to return lor a final
Tm not a big platoon guy. I
don t think you win football games
by doing that Ray responded
when asked about splitting time
with Brown, "i ou have to t hoose
one guy.
This is it tor me, ' Kav said.
I came back because I want to
play, 1 didn't come bat k to ride the
Brown, 6-5, 200, said he
doesn't taor a quarterback pla-
toon system either
I think there should be one
guv and someone on the side and
it the first guy gets in trouble make
a change), Brown said. "In the
?Ml American Bowl last vear, it
was back and forth, and I was
staring at the lock tr ing to figure
out when I was going in. ou an't
reallv cio that
We just want to win and
whoever the) think is better tor
the u ?b to go out there and di it
Brow n added.
Continued from page 11
Wilson admitted that it the
battle came to a draw, Ray, on
experience, would K- the starter
"Billy, being a senior, would
add a certain bit ot creditabihtv,
ilson said.
1 Hike's ground atta k w ill be
incapable hands with all Aand
l.OtX) yard tailba k Randy
C uthbert returning.
But question marks remain at
wide receiver and on an inexperi-
enced offensive line. Clarkston
I lines,oneot themost proliln. w ide
rei en ersin college football histi ?rv
is gone, and Walter ones, who
was suspended tor disciplinary
reasons, won't be back until the
sixth game
' 1 lopetulk we w ill ha ve
enough pieces to tit into the
puzzle Ray said. I osing
C larkston is not the end t the
Pukes defense is improved
and ma V ha ve one ol the
i onference'sbest secondaries with
junior corners Wvatt Ninth and
Quinton NK. racken the anchors
I he Blue De ils, who gave up
2Sn points last season will bht
k'ss under Wilson. down and tor a change let the
"We'll bo more ot a safe de- defense win some football games
fense said linebacker Mark Allen, and take the pressure oft the ol
"We plan to shut some people tense Allen said
?64 I pon graduation, he was
' ' I ??? mean ic? ountant, w hen
? ilk? d him into becoming
luate assistant coach.
1 lolland succeeded Driesell as
u'h in 19 and coached
the team to tour Southern center
ence titles in five years before
lea ing tor Virginia.
Davidson has struggled since
land's departure, compiling a
16-vear string of losing seasons
broken only by a three-year run of
ess whi( h included an CAA
tournament appearance in l0s.
Tie W ildcats went -21 two ye irs
before bringing in new head
h B b McKillop last season.
He fared even worse: ITie team
finished 4-24. i et the team still
shines in comparison to the foot-
ball team, which after a vvmless
season in 1988 began a three year
downgrading from Di ision 1 AA
to Division III.
The school signed on w ith the
Big SouthConference last month,
a move necessitated by Da ids, n s
departure after 52 years from the
Southern Conference in 1988
School officials hope that the move,
coupled with the new athletk fa
cihtv and Holland's name recog
nition, will help reverse the
department's dow nward spiral
"He's been a shot in the arm
bv his presence alone McKillop
said. 'He's in a position to put us
in a direction ot excellence and
that should onlv spiral into more
slK i ? "SS
But the athletic department
can onlv grow so mu h at
Davidson, a 1,4(10 student liberal
arts college that boasts freshman
i lassos with average SA1 scores
of over 1,200 and ism many wa s
a smaller version ot irginia.
I told the people at Da idson
that I didn't know much about
being an athletic director, but 1 m
willing tii learn Holland said
"Mv job is to find 1 i idson's niche
in the athletk world, but 1 don't
pretend that I know where that
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44 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990

Vacation brings top recruit to
Brigham Young University
Jeff Welsh
Gannette News Service
PROVO, Utah ? It was the
summer of 1986 and Ty Detmer,
one of the most coveted high
school quarterback prospects in
the land, was sitting in La
VellEdwards' office, telling the
Brigham Young coach that Provo
was the place for him.
And Edwards hadn't even
asked him.
Detmer and his family simply
had decided to spend the summer
vacation after his junior year
driving from their San Antonio,
Texas, home to his top colleges,
starting with an unannounced visit
to BYU. "We were just messin'
around' he said.
ow that he had seen the
place, he told the coach, there no
longer was a need to see UCLA,
Arizona State, Miami, Michigan
r Texas A&M.
Edwards, who rarelv signs
blue-chip non-Mormons because
of the school's religion and strict
(.odes, nearly fell out of his leather
" l he tirst thing 1 thought was
something has to be wrong, be-
cause it just doesn't work this
way the 19th-year BYU coach
id. "1 tried to get John Elway
and left George,and they wouldn't
even visit. All of a sudden 1 get this
guv who comes up on a family
vacation telling me he wants to
ome. It was the most unusual
recruiting experience I've ever
He grinned impishly.
"And then to have him turn
out so good
So good that last season he set
11 NCAA records and tied two
others while becoming the first
BYU quarterback to start every
game as a sophomore.
So good that Edwards said
Detmer will be the best ever when
he rolls off BYU's renowned
quarterback assembly line in two
So good, in fact, that Detmer
is being touted as a co-favorite to
win the Heisman Trophy this fall
despite plaving in that vast No
Man's Land of college football
called the Intermountain West.
"He's the best quarterback in
the country Edwards said. "1
know that is a lot to say, but I
firmlv believe it
He'll get no argument from
Penn State. After Detmer sliced
and diced the ittanv Lions' stout
defense for 576 yards on 42-of-59
passing in a 30-39 loss in the
Holiday Bowl last season.anawed
oe Paterno said nobody had ever
done that his team.
"He had me running around
like a chicken with my head cut
oi( said Andre Collins, Penn
State's Ail-American linebacker.
Detmer wound up with 4,560
yards pa sing ? an NCAA record
for a sophomore ? and 32 TDs in
leading a thin BYU team to a 10-3
With the huge numbers came
the inevitable comparisons to the
shiniest products of the BYU
quarterback factory: Gifford
Nielsen, Marc Wilson, Steve
Young, Robbie Bosco and, of
course, Jim McMahon, who last
year said of Detmer: "He's in-
"I've never really compared
Edwards said, "but he does have
some traits of Bosco and
McMahon. His demeanor and
understanding of the game are
low-key like Bosco, but he's got
that flair that McMahon had. He's
not combative like McMahon, but
he's everv bit as testy and every
bit as competitive
Said Bosco, now an assistant
coach: "And he's working so hard
he's only going to get better
All of which is heady stuff for
a fair-haired 22-year-old who
looks and seems far too ordinary
to be a candidate for the Heisman,
which he could win or lose Sept. 8
in a TV' showdown against Miami.
Off the field, Detmer is un-
failingly polite, responding "yes,
sir" and "no, sir" to questions.
He sheepishlv admitted he's
too shy to ask tor dates, instead
preferring to camp, fish or hunt.
He doesn't drink or smoke, but he
does pull bovish pranks on his
"I'm just a country boy said
Detmer, who said he chose BYU
for its clean-cut image and access
to outdoor recreation.
His down-home personality
See Vacation, page 45
OcMs on bddities
The Minnesota Twins made history Tuesday, turning two
triple plays inW game. The odds on that happening again
are 10 million totye. (Your oafis of getting struck by
lightning are only 600,000 to oi

Odds on o
aseball feats:
Unassisted triple pla
Jose Canseco or Bo
hitting four home runs i
Perfect game (27 up, 27 dowr?
Source: Sonny Reizner, director of
at Rio Suite Hotel and Casino.
2.5 million to 1
10,000 to 1
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Sam Ward, Gannett News Service
New York Jets player
dedicates season in
honor of friend
By Jim Corbett
Gannett News Service
or in this case death, last week
intervened on the dream training
camp of New York Jets rookie re-
ceiver Terance Mathis.
His close friend and former
University of New Mexico team-
mate, Chris Cooper, died Thurs-
day ? two days after passing out
during a training run and twodays
short of his 22nd birthday.
The 6-foot-l, 270-pound se-
nior defensive lineman's heart quit
due to complications from
rhabdomyolysis, a rare disease in
which muscles secrete toxins into
the blood stream. He leaves behind
a wife, Monica, who is eight
months pregnant.
Mathis has dedicated his sea-
son toCooper, his wifeand unbom
"He wanted to play profes-
sional football he said. "It was a
dream of his and a dream of mine.
It's still a dream for me, and I'm
out here to fulfill his dream. His
and mine
During Saturday night's ex-
things he said to me and the vva
we used to act together he said
"I just feel bad for his wifeand his
unborn baby. It's going to be a
hard time for them. I can't be there
for them but I can give them sup-
port any way I can.
"My biggest support for them
nght now is me making this team
If I can, I'll give whatever l can to
help his wife out and his babv
It unfair to call Mathis the
surprise of Jets training camp,
since he broke the NCAA career
reception mark at New Mexico
Understandably, however, on a
team that drafted two taller, big-
name, big-plav receivers in Rob
Moore and Reggie Rembert, a 5-
foot-10, 170-pound sixth-rounder
got overlooked early
Not anv more.
Mathis has caught nearly ev-
ery ball thrown his way.Hecaught
2t3 passes in four seasons at New
"He's as advertised Coach
Bruce Coslet said. "That's why he
caught all those passes. He finds
the holes. He can feel the open
areas, and that's reallv what our
offense is all about
"He's a ball-catching too!
hibitior. opener, the Jets coaching
staff got to see Mathis handle a quarterback Tony Eason said
pressure situation as impressively
as he has nearly every ball thrown
his way.
He caught two passes for 34
yards and came within inches of
making a diving, touchdown catch
of an overthrown Tony Eason pass
in the 17-6 win over Philadelphia.
That he was able to concen-
trate is a credit to the rookie's fo-
Mathis was stunned by
Cooper's death.
"The day he died I laid in my
bed and thought of some of the
Heevencaught three time Pro
Bowl receiver Al Toon's eve
"He must have glue on his
hands or something or maybe he's
using that illegal stickum Toon
kidded. "He's done verv well It's
obvious that he can concentrate
when he needs to. You can t let
other things affect how you pl?y
on the field"
Easier said than done. But
Mathis has so far made a career of
making the difficult look easy.
He became academically in-
See Player, page 45
Continued from page 41
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I don't see us preparing in only
one way; we devote our practice
to balance between these two
Lewis also commented that
he feels that this season will be
extremely hard. "I think it's the
most difficult schedule that an
ECU team has ever had to face
said Bill Lewis in an interview
with the Sports Information De-
partment. "We face a tremendous
schedule in the month of Septem-
ber. We play five games in Sep-
tember, all excellent calibre We'll
be through half our schedule by
the end of the first month
The season begins with a night
game at home Sept. 1 against
Louisiana Tech, a team that ECU
battled to a tie last year. That
game is followed by the always
tough Florida State the following
Saturday. The Pirates will be
playing a game every Saturday
until they have completed their
eleven game season.

The East Carolinian, August 23,1990 45
Syracuse looks to a versatile Kinnon to
replace a lost superstar from 1989
By John Moriello
I iannert m-s Service
Si RACUSE, N.Y. ? Duane
Kinnon is a man of many moves,
and they haven't been limited to
Saturday afternoonsat the Carrier
Home Since arriving at Syracuse
in 1986, he's been juggled more
than a sot ot bowling pins in a
carnival sideshow. He has gone
from fullback to wide receiver to
fullback, not to mention an ex-
tremel) brief stint last spring at
Bui i stayed at fullback he
said I he Stuff about tailback was
just talk
In a season in which the
Syracuse football team must re-
place 1 000-) ard rusher Michael
Owens and settle a likelv quar-
terback battle between Mark
M Donald and Marvin Craves, he
actually will represent stability in
the backfield.
1 le figures to be very impor-
tant to the Orangemen when the
season opens Aug. 31 with the
Kickoff Classic at East Rutherford,
I against Southern California.
Kinnon carried 2 times for
132 aids last fall and set a school
running backs record by catching
W passes tor another 407 yards.
He was one of the stars oi the
Peach Bowl, accounting for 111
vards in rushes and receptions as
Syracuse edged Georgia, 19-18.
Ten weeks later, he was con-
templating replacing Owens at
tailback as spring practice began
It was big news to some at the
time, but nothing new at all for
" After my freshman year, the
coaches knew 1 was a good athlete
and 1 could play a lot of different
places he said. "The pi oblem was
we had guvs with more experience
in front oi me, so 1 was always
moving around to different posi-
tions looking for a nice place to
wind up at
Kinnon actually began his
nomadic ways at Dewey High,
which was an academics-only
school in Brooklvn. He attended
for less than two years before tir-
ing of the hour train ride each
"Mv gvm teacher mw me play
and was like, 'You've got to
transfer So 1 listened to him and
transferred to mv zone school,
which was Thomas Jefferson
Up until that point, he had
never plaved organized football,
and he didn't really intend to be-
gin in 11th grade.
"1 was just going to play
baseball, but the football coach
came out and dragged me out of
class. He got me down to practice
because the team didn't have very
many guvs. When he heard I was
coming in, he was excited about
The coach, Moe Finkelstein,
certainly knew what he was doing.
During the next two years, he
used Kinnon everywhere.
He played tight end, wide
receiver and linebacker as a junior
and quarterback and tree safety as
a senior. 1 le earned all-New York
City honors as a senior and did
likewise in baseball in the spring
as an outfielder.
He began his Syracuse career
asa fullback, spelled DevaK .lover
at wide receiver as a sophomore
and started all 12 games last tall as
a fullback.
Theo-foot-1.230-pounder said
fullback is where he wants to be.
"At first 1 was really scared
about changing to fullbac k be a use
I had a lot ot things to learn, he
said. "But now 1 think I've been
doing a good job and learning mv
assignments. So I'm a lot more
comfortable with it than I was
before last season
Kinnon led the way to a
number oi Michael Owens' 1,018
yards as Syracuse went 8 4. 1 arly
in the season, he wasn'l doing
much carrying of his own, and
tumbles against Army (in a goal-
line situation) and Pittsburgh (to
sot up the Panthers' winning score)
didn't help.
"I didn't get down he said.
It was just something that hap-
pens in tootball 1 wasn't down.
I just wanted to get that out of my
head and continue on with the
1 le rallied by carrying for 85
vards against Rutgers and con-
tinuing to catch the ball and block
tor Owens.
He was handed a captain's
'(" before the spring game in
April, perhaps as a reward for
what he'd done as a junior and
also as incentive for what he'll be
doing this tall. 1 le is rooming with
freshman Terry Richardson, the
tailback from Fort L auderdale
who's wearing the No. 44 that
previously belonged to All-
Americans im Brown, Ernie Davis
and Floyd Little.
"Duane's a good guy
Richardson said. "He says things
to give you confidence. 1 le doesn't
rag on you
Said Kinnon: 1 wish Terry
luck in handling the pressure oi
wearing that number, but I think
he's going to be all right
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CALL 758-5393
VPRK I I'll VI V 11 fe i tiMPIll WITH TIIF. DORMS!
Fans should be chastized for booing Bedrosian
Bv Dave Albee
News Servio
San Francisco ? Hey you!
One ot the many imbeciles who
booed Sieve Bedrosian at
c andlestick Park the other night.
lake a hike If you want a
ticket to ride someone, I'm sure
there s a box seat behind the third-
base dugout on the Iraqi border.
enl your spleen there.
i kivp hearing how Giants fans
are so much better than As tans
1 !o. l aantsLin are so brave and
devoted to come to Candlestick
and endure the wind and cold.
How Giants tans are so knowl-
Bui 'a hat I heard Friday night
? as inex usable
Well, what's your excuse for
: Bedrosianwhenheentered
Iheg ime in the eighth inning with
a ; . ? ad to protect? So what if the
former Cy Young Award winner
hadn'tsaved a game since May 30.
Nevermind that his earned-run
average was a team-worst 5.28.
Forget that his wild pitch in the
13th inning on Tuesday in Phila-
delphia cost the Giants a game.
The man'sbeengoing through
pure hell thisseason and you damn
well know it. It's been well publi-
cized. His three-year-old son,
Cody, has leukemia and Bedrosian
and his family have Ixvn doing
everything thev can to keep him
from dieing.
I would have thought that you
would have know n better than to
boo Bedrosian ? yet you did.
Would you have booed Dave
Dravecky had he come into the
game and blown a save opportu-
nity? Would you have booed
someone with half his legs or half
his arms?
It'sa given that Bedrosian isn't
taking all his heart and mind to
the mound. You wouldn't have
booed Bedrosian if he had divided
to take the year off to be with his
son around-the-clock. You would
have understood. But you booed
Continued from page 44
Friday night.
Bedrosian didn't deserve that
kind of response. 1 le didn't need
it either. He could have chosen to
stav home where he's really
wanted and needed.
"But that's quitting and we're
not quitters Bedrosian said.
"Cody's in a situation where he
needs medical attention and I have
to somehow come out here and
trv to forget about it. but that's not
humanlv possible
It is, however, humanly pos-
sible to sympathize with
Bedrosian's ordeal. Yet when he
began warming up in the bullpen
Friday night, you started berating
him. He said he heard some fans
veiling "No, no! Don't put him
in when manager Roger Craig
went to the pitcher's mound in the
If the others in the city and in
the stands could see him
Bedrosian) the way we have, there
wouldn't be any disparaging re-
markslike that, "said catcher Terry
See Fans, page 46
216 E. 10TH STREET
Move 10 years ahead of the class.
? He in 1988 and had to go to
work to pay for his education.
"1 wasn't going to becomeone
ol those players that had all the
potential in the world to play
professional football, but now is
working in a gas station or 7-11
somewhere he said. "That's not
The lets are loaded with tal-
ented receivers.
But Mathishasan added edge
in that he returned kickoffs for
New Mexico. Problem is, the Jets
used himon punt returnsSaturday
night ? and he muffed one punt
and fumbled, then quickly recov-
ered, another. He also called for a
fair catch when he probablv
shouldn't have.
He is committed to keep
working on it, along with this
dream ? his and Chris Cooper's
? of making the National Foot-
ball League.
CCjpyngM WOCSA rODAY7AppC ollfge
informmor Nrtwork
Continued from page 44
has enamored him with Cougar
h h isters, so much so that they have
forsaken their time-honored tra-
dition oi booing the starting
quarterback and cheering the
backup This is no small feat,
considering that Detmer is only
the second non-Mormon -
McMahon is the other - to rule
BYL's quarterback roost.
Ot comparisons to McMahon
awjo , he said, "It'shard for me
to comprehend. I still look up to
Small wonder. On the field,
Detmer can look more like a stu-
dent trainer than McMahon or
, 6-feet and a relatively
muscle-free 177 pounds, he is re-
markably unimposing. He has
average Speed and many of his
passes are so wobbly they would
embarrass a wounded duck.
"Yeah, my receivers tease me
about it in practice Detmer said.
Yet appearances deceive.
On Saturday afternoons, he
becomes a cussing, feisty sort who
reads defenses uncannily, finds
his receivers and rarely makes
costly mistakes.
"He has an innate feel for the
game Edwards said, passing
along much of the credit to
Detmer's father, Sonny, his coach
at San Antonio's Southwest 1 ligh
Said tight end Chris Smith:
"He's in charge out there"
Detmer will be in charge of a
strong offensive line, deep
backfield and his favorite receiv-
ers this fall, giving him the op-
portunity to improve on his
He'll probably have to if he
hopes to win the Heisman.
The school has yet to have a
quarterback win the award
Young finished second in 1983 ?
despite the gaudy statistics.
"Yeah, I do think about it
Detmer said. "But if 1 have a great
season and don't win it, 1 can still
look back and say I had a great
eCof?"?' 9ai USA TODAYA7-1 ColUgt
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46 The last Carolinian, August 23, 1990
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46 The East Carolinian, August 23,1990

The East Carolinian
would like to wish the 1990 ECU football team
the best of luck
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reggae, and ethnic music, percussion instruments, sculpture, bodes,
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Continued from page 45
I feel like 1 deserved to be
ed and thai was part ot the
n a large! of you boo birds.
? in Bedrosian's situation, you
t understand what he's going
igh. And these people -up-
titlv don't 1 just thought it
e booing) was ridiculous
Mind you, Bedrosian is not
ting for sympathy. Only un-
? Hiding.
Ml ou evidently understand
itistics. When Bedrosian's
was announced over the
address system, your boos
d a crescendo.
. when Bedrosian shut
the MetS in the eighth then
: th m in orderin the ninth.
? rod wildly. How incred-
ightfulofyou. Thank you
ur undieing support.
:? sian dressed and went
here his sen is trying to
. 'tt a cold.Cody recently had
another spinal tap. Monday, he'll
have another blood count taken.
Soon, he'll have to undergo an-
other bone marrow test.
His dad said his son is in "a
maintenance stage
Meanwhile, Bedrosian will
continue to come to the ballpark
and try to work under these trving
It's worse now Kennedy
said. He s got to be bringing it
(Cod) s problems) to the park with
him It would be on my mind SO
much that 1 couldn't think of
anvthingelse. He'sreachingdown
and finding things inside of him-
self that he never knew was there
Bedrosian is living a delicate
existence right now. His pitching
woes bother him, but not nearly as
much as his son's sniffles.
And you, you imbecile, had
the audacity to boo him.
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Performing Arts Series2
Movie Line-up.
Chamber Music6
Mendenhall Movies8
MANAGING Editor: Michael Martin
Editor: Carrie Armstrong
Editorial Prodi rrios Manager: Michael Lang
Advertising Director: Adam lilankenship
Advertising Production Manager: tt'arren Kessler
The Entertainer is an arts and entertainment supple-
ment to The East Carolinian published the last week
of the month. The Entertainer welcomes all com-
ments and story ideas. Address correspondence to
Special Sections Editor, The East Carolinian, Publi-
cations Bldg East Carolina University, Greenville,
N.C. 27834, or call us at 757-6366.
Performing Arts Series
offers interesting variety
The opening event of the 1990-91 ECU
Performing Arts Series, The Intimate P.D.Q.
Bach, will be presented on October 15 at 8
p.m. in Wright Auditorium.
Presented by classical music humorist
Peter Schickele, P.D.Q. Bach is the imagi-
nary, youngest and not very talented son of
J.S. Bach. Part Monty Python, pan Dr.
Demento, Shickele combines musical gags,
satire, informative lectures, one-liners and
original musical instninientssuch as P.D.Qs
favorite, the tromboon ? a combination of
t he bassoon and trombone, for an evening of
musical madness.
The Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra will
appear in concert on November 8. Founded
in 1928 by violinist and conductor Sasha
Popov, the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra is
its country's longest-standing symphonic
ensemble. For us great achievements in the
field oj modern Bulgarian musical culture,
the orchestra has been awarded the "Georgi
Dimitrov" Order, Bulgaria's highest cultural
honor. As a result of its innumerable foreign
tours, this orchestra is recognized worldwide
as Bulgaria's "symphonic ambassador" and
as one of eastern Europe's major orchestras.
The national touring production of "A
Christmas Carol" will be presented on De-
cember 7. Charles Dickens' endearing story
is splendidly retold in this stage adaptation,
produced for the enjoyment of the entire
family. The familiar cast of characters will be
joined by an exuberant ensemble of singers
and dancers. Spectacular costumes, sets and
special effects have thrilled audiences
throughout the country.
()njanuary 31, the modern dance troupe,
Momix, will be performing. Combining props
with bodies to transform themselves into
extraordinary images, Momix dance is an
experience unto itself. The show is fast-paced
cinemagraphic performances created to recharge
the batteries of the 20th century audience.
The New York Gilbert & Sullivan Players
will present "Alikado" on February 9. This per-
formance will feature favorite (i&S characters,
Yum-Yum, Nanki-Poo and Ko-Ko. Gilbert's lyr-
ics and Sullivan's melodies have delighted more
than 100 years of operetta lovers.
Discover what happens to Cinderella, Little
Red Riding Hood and Jack-and-the-Beanstalk
after "happily ever after" in the wonderfuj musical
"Into the Woods" which will be presented March
6. This musical won three Tony Awards in 1988
and was named the Best Musical by the .Y.
Drama Critics Circle. It is ;i si) look at three or
lour nursery tales with a really Ugly witch and
some silly camp.
(Capturing the coveted (rold Metal .it age 19,
A.slexei Sultanov was the youngest of 38 pianists
representing 19 countries who participated in the
Eighth Van Cliburn International Piano Compe-
tition. The ECU Performing Arts Series will
present the gold medalist in concert on April 4.
()n April 13 the Fast (larolina I Iniversity and
the North Carolina Symphonies will be joined by
guest pianist HoradoGuittrriez in a concert. The
first collaboration of the rwo symphonies was on
the 1986-1987 ECU Performing Arts Series. It
became a yearly tradition, taking a break during
the past season.
The Oakland Ballet, a California dance com
pany for the rest of the world, will conclude the
1990-1991 ECU Performing Arts Series with a
matinee performance at 3 p.m. on April 20. The
mixed repertoire program will include the lyrical
masterpiece of " Sylphules" and the lush spec-
tacle oPCarmina Burana
For ticket information, contact the Central
Ticket Office, Mendenhall Student Center, at
757-4788 or toll-free at 1-800-FCU-ARTS.
Coffeehouse to feature comedian
The Student Union Coffeehouse ground floor of Mendenhall and admission is
Committee's, Fool's Paradise, will be free.
featuring comedian Todd Yohn on Sep-
tember 11, from 9 p.m. until 10:45 p.m.
Yohn has made appearances at The
Comedy Zone and other clubs across the
nation. The event will take place in the
On September 18, musician Bnice Krye
will be featured in the Coffeehouse's Rag's
Time. The event will take place from 9 p.m.
until 10:45 p.m. in the ground floor of
Mendenhall and admission is free.
???XvX-KW ??
The Entertainer September 1990

P.D.Q. Bach, the openingevent for the Performing Arts Series, will he
presented on October15 at S p.m. The group combines musical gags, satire,
one-liners and original instruments within their show.
Playhouse announces season
The ECU Playhouse encourages ev-
eryone to take advantage of the opportu-
nity to see theater at is best with the 1990-
91 season.
The season begins in October with
"The Threepenny Opera a musical by
Kurt Wall and Bertolt Brecht that features
hi-jinb amidst the low-life of Soho ?
"Mack the Knife Tiratejenny" and other
thieves, cut-throats and prostitutes. This
production will run October 17-20 and
October 22. Audition dates for "The
Threepenny ()pera" are August 24 and 30
at 7 p.m. in Messick, room 206.
In 1 )ecember the ECU Playhouse v. ill
feature "The Rainmaker a romantic corn-
ed) b) V Richard Nash about a roguish
? who stays one step ahead of the law
and claims he i bring rain. What he
ii gs, lowever ? h tos, confusion, won
:rmentand love. Husproduction willrun
November 10 and December 1, J,and4.
"The Wake olJamey Foster by Beth
Henley, will run February 15, 16, 18 and
19. The prize-winning author ol "Crimes
of the Heart" presents us with a richly
comic look at a small-town Mississippi fam-
ily drawn together by (what was supposed to
be) grief.
March 22,23,2 5 and 26 are the dates of
"The (ilass Menagerie" by Tennessee Wil-
liams. The most deeply-felt, touching and
poignant of all this great playwright's work
? "The Glass Menagerie" is about a
memory ofyouth, heart's desire and eman-
In April, The Fast Carolina Dance
Theatre will bring an evening of excite-
ment, beauty and artful athleticism embod-
ied in the human form as it hurtles am! slices
through space and light. The dance theatre
will run April 24-2
ECU Playhouse productions are su-
pervised b) faculty as snj ? build
he sets and props; work with lighting and
costums; and participate in the actual pro-
duction of trie t)i lys. Anyone can audition
tor parts, and those interested are encour-
aged to do so.
"A V! Absolutely brilliant satire, a remarkable film
&jr FrjniCin.KABC
KiUak 5247 u a regutcied
rrademark ot the Eutmari
Kixiak Company
Slides d
from the
same roll
Kodak MP film Eastman Kodak's professional
motion picture (MP) film now adapted for still use in
35mm cameras by Seattle FilmWorks. Its micro-fine
grain and rich color saturation meet the exacting
standards of the movie industry. With wide exposure
latitude, you don't have to be a pro to get great
everyday shots or capture special effects. Shoot in low
or bright light from 200 ASA up to 1200 ASA. Get
prints or slides, or both, from the same roll. Enjoy the
latest in photographic technology at substantial savings.
"there has long been the dream of one film
that could produce everything Such a
film is here now in the form of 52 47
? Rush me two 20-exposure rolls ot your leading KODAK
MP film-Kodak 5247 (200 ASA). Enclosed is$2.00. I'd
like to be able to get color prints or slides (or both) from the
same roll and experience the remarkable versatility ot this
professional quality film. umtit?tMa
Mail to: Seattle FilmWorks
500 Third Avenue West, P.O. Box C- &4056
Seattle, WA 96124 2447
The Entertainer September l(wo 3

wotv ? ?
ECU vs Louisiana Tec-
7-m - Fcjn Stadium
Nc Classes
ID Cast; A.aas.e
2:30-3 30 Mendcnmau
DauesioM Cc?sc-
8pv Hendwx Thiahi
7 & 9-m Henm ? T-t4T?.
gs.M HbW T-EA'at
8?m Henm ? Tmiw
Mc. e
The Bear
2 & 8pm He-
. Theatre
Foot's Pahadbi Preset
Comhman Tc:r Yohn
9-10 45
MSC CcE-cjsi
ID Cards Avaiari
Cr-mes and Misdemeanors
8pm Hendrx T-eare
7 & 9?M HtNDRx T-ea-ve
id cards a.a.a5.e
230-3 30pm Mpinhau
8pm HencwxTnea're
ECU vs Vrg.nlaTec-
12 noon - FCKUW S'axw
8?m Hendr x. Tmea've
Blue Velvet
Rag s Time Presets
Mjsktlan Bruce Fbe
9-10 45pm MSC
2.30-3:30pm MSNOENHAt
Movie: DcBvE Feare
Heav Petng &
Tme Atomc Cafe
8pm Hendr.xTmeatbe
? ??????
Ros? Hashanah 1st Da
The Hjnt por Red Occer
7 & 9pm Hendrix Tmeatk
The Hunt KM Red October
8pm Hendrx Thears
ECU vs Amercan Untverstn
1pm - ECU Soccer Felt
The Hum por Red Ocober
8?m HendrixTmea're
1pm- ECUSoccaFias
Wm Wonha ANO
2 4 6m Hasex T-tATt
8pm Hssd?.x T-la'K
ECU vs Lenoir Rhne
3.30pm - ECU Soccer Ftir
lr. .IV1H t. ? ? VSV-W-W
ID Cards
2:30-3:30pm Mendenkau.
My Left Foot
8pm Hend-rixTheatre
I Love You to Death
7 4 9pm Hendrix Theatre
I Love You to Death
8pm Hendrix Theatre

YcifrCua 1 3am Mtre?A
I Love You to Death
8pm HendrlxTheatrs

Mendenhall Student Center Chamber Music Series
announces movie line-up
The F( IV Student Union
Committee has one oi the
greatest movie line-ups this
tall semester that has ever been
offered. More variety, more
screenings and more titles
await you, along with the new
and improved "surround-
sound" projection system m-
stalledm I lendnx Theatre this
Three different movies a
week will now he offered. In
response to the needs ol non-
traditional students and fac
ultvstatt with families, the
Films Committee has insti-
tuted a Famil) Film Series.
These movies will screen on
Sundays .it 2 and 8 p.m. The
Family Film Series will fea-
ture the following movies:
"The Little Mermaid "The
Bear "Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory "Teen-
age Mutant Ninja Turtles
"Honey I Shrunk the Kids
"Ernest (kes to Jail" and "A
Christmas Story
Nothing compares to see-
ing the special effects and ani-
mation of a Disney film or the
up-close look at wildlife that is
afforded the viewer when the
movie is seen the way it was
meant to be seen on a big
screen. It's also a fantastic way
to spend some family time.
The Family Film Series
will alternate Sundays with
movies the film industry calls
"sleeper" films ? high-qual-
ity movies that don't receive
the media hype associated with
a big-release film. The Film
Committee has selected the
following movies to screen on
Sundays at 8 p.m. when there
is not a family film scheduled:
"Blue Velvet "I leathers
"We're Nn Angel " " I he
Handmaid's I ale" and "Dead
The blockbuster-type
movies will screen on 1 hurs-
davs, Fridays and S. rurdays,
with two screenings on
Thursday at 7 and 9 p.m. The
Friday-Saturday screenings
will take place at 8 p.m.These
movies include: "Cry Baby
"House Party "Glory
"Tremors "The Hunt for
Red October "I Love You to
Death "DrivingMiss Daisy
"Tales from the Darbide
"The Adventures of Ford
Fairlane "Bad Influence" and
"Dick Tracy 1 wo other re
cent releases will be scheduled
to till the To Be Announced
spots planned by the 1-ilins
The Wednesday night
films will still feature the for-
eign, avant-garde and special-
ity movies as is the tradition.
The movies scheduled to he
shown on Wednesday nights
at 8 p.m. are: "Mystery Train
"Drugstore (lowboy
"Crimes and Misdemeanors
"1 leavy Petting" and "Atonut
( jfe" (double feature), "Mv
I ett Foot "Roger & M
"Frankenstein" ami " ou
Frankenstein" (double tea
ture), "I he Second Anima
lion Celebration
"Chocolat a surrealistic
movie night with "In Chien
Andalou "Santa Sangre
"Liquid Sky" and "Cinema
Admission to the Student
Union Films is by ECU stu-
dent I.D. and a current se-
mester activity sticker. Fac-
ulty and staff may purchase a
fall Film Pass Card for $10
from the Central Ticket Of-
I n Z ???' uZ m VH I, Wl ?mi (0. MM If en mm m ??
StA ??? ,t II
? . ? ? ? ??
' ??
?d S
? ? . ?
slated to begin in October
The 1990 91 1(1
(lhamber Musk Scries will
begin its series on ()ctober
3,at 8 p.m. in I lendrixThe
atre with The Chestnut
Brass Company.
The Chestnut Brass
Company has earned inter
national acclaim as the onh
brass quintet in the world
which regularly performs on
both historical and modem
instruments. A complete
collection ol cornetti,
sackbuts, keyed bugles and
i saxhoi iis prov ides the
i semble with this unique op
portunit to present Re
i naissance and 19th centurv
j brass music authentically
Their varietv. ol musii
ranges Horn Elizabethan to
rag and many places in be
()n November 1, the 1 .OS
Aneeles Guitar Quartet will
perform in concert. Pi ?.e
winners in the 1986 Con
t en : lists (iuild (loinpe
tin on in New York, the
Los Angeles ( Quai
tet is recognized as one oi
the world's leading guitar
ensembles. They have been
acclaimed throughout Eu-
rope and North America
tor their meticulous preci
sion, expressive musicality
and dynamic stage pres
ence, earning the accolades
otthegencral musicpubli
and the classical guitar
world alike
Fhe Vluir Strinj
Quai lei will pel torn oi
Februarv 2 I ins quai i
has taken its plat e as i me 11!
the world's premier stnn
quai lets sine e w inning the
L981 N.nimi)iiig( Ihambei
Music Award and the First
Prize at the 1980 Evian
International String
Quartet Competition.
This dynamic group brings
to us interpretations a pres
Sec Series, puse 8
Madrigal Dinners set
for early December
It is not too early to plan Christi as season. From
to attend the 1990 ECU the sounding of the herald
Madrigal Dinners. trumpeters to the singing
This perennial favorite ot carols that conclude the
sellsoutearlv eachvear.This evening, a 'jreat time is to
year's Elizabethan feast will be had b ill
take place on Dec. 6,7 and 8 Premium seating for
at 7 p.m. in the Mendenhall the dinners sell tor S-1s
Student Center Great each. Other tickets sell foi
Room. $- ' - stud t ti kets seli
In addition to a fine fes for SI v fhispric e m I ides
tival teas participants are s n reserved seat,
entertained by Higglers, sc unptious aid I the
singers, lancei s and a vari . ? nng's fine eni ertan
etyofmusiciai . min :sa I meni
manv other pertorme Plan i have
Hosted b the Lorde ai I yoursell i inern liti
Laydeof the Manor, Madri Christmas hs starting ii i
gal Dinners are the perfect with the E( I Madngai
w.iv to prepare for the Dinners.
Tin I

Student Union offers exciting trips to the Bahamas, Hawaii
Gel together with ECU
students, faculty, staff, alumni
and their fa mi lies on one of the
exciting trips being sponsored
b) the ECU Student Union,
in conjunction with the Alumni
Association, during the 1990-
91 school year.
You can get all you Christ
mas shopping done and enjoy
the sights and sounds only
found in the Big Apple with
the "Thanksgiving in New
York" trip planned for No-
vember 2 1-25. Experience the
Macv's Thanksgiving Day
parade up close, see a Broad
w a show and enjoy the lus-
. : estaui ants the cit has
???: SI . ? lid tht i
aysol ? iks,
it's in
n Rot, keteller ntei
voui uuairination
wild in the aisle of h.A.O. while you load up on the great
Schwartz. Prices start at Si 19 deals at the incredible Inter
and include round trip bus fare national Bazaar where you
and hotel. will find English imports.
If a pre holiday trip is not straw work, jewelry and native
on your agenda, how about a artwork. Relax in a deck chair
warm, relaxing week (Decem- with something cool and re-
ber 27-January 4) in Hawaii
after the holiday hustle and
bustle. You will fly from Ka-
leigh-Durham airport to the
lovely island of Oahu, where
you will stay at the Outrigger
last I Iotel, located just one
block from the beach. Side trips
to such sites as a pineapple
plantation. Pearl I arbor and
Diamond I lead are available.
? ices start at Si.l and in
i' ide airfare and hotel.
s; : ? . ? ? ? ak,March 9-1 ,
ild find vou aboard a c mist
p headed for thi Bahamas
. issau and I reepi'it' (let a
? ad M.u't on that summer tan
freshing and luxuriate in the
warm glow of the sun, away
from all the worries and woes
back home. Prices start at $429
and include five-days, four-
nights (meals and on-ship ac-
tivities included) aboard the
Canaveral, and round-trip bus
fare from Greenville to Port
All the trips are self-di-
rected, so you decide what you
want to do and where you want
See Trips, page S
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Thk Entertainer Septfjvibfr1990 7

Mendenhall goes to the movies
? ? ?
"Cry Baby"
ugust 23, shows .it 7 p.m. and
9 p.m.
August 24 .nd 25, shows at s
Rati'd PG-13, 85 nun
Teen-hunkjohnny Depp makes
his big screen debut in this quirky
musical written and directed byjohn
Waters ("llairspray "Pink Fla-
mingos"). This fun-filled salute to
juvenile delinquent films it the
1050's also features Party Hearst.
one-time porno star Trad Lords and
kitsch classics stars, Troy Donahue
and Joe) I leatherton.
"The Little vlern
August 26, shows .it ' p.m. n
s p.m.
Rated ( HOmin,
Based on a story bj Hans
Christian Anderson, this Disnev
animated version is a parable about
youthful curiosity and the perils ol
being led too faraway from home In
inquisitiveness. This marks Disney's
28th animated production and
promises entertainment tor all ages.
"Mystery Train"
August 29, shows at X p.m.
Not rated. 11 0 nun.
Jim lartiiusch ("Stranger Than
Paradise" and "Down by Law") re-
turns with Mime ol his richest char-
acters to date. The story finds three
setsofforiegnen making a laudable
effort to understand American lite.
Though the characters never meet,
they all wind up spending the night
at the same decaying hotel in Mem-
phis, Tenn. where tern tying portraits
o i vis Presley hang in every room.
This movie features Joe Strummer,
Scrcamin' Jay 1 lawkins and Cinque
Lee (Spike's brother).
"House Party"
August 30, shows at 7 p.m. and
9 p.m.
August 31, shows at 8 p.m.
Rated R, 105 mm.
Three teenagers, Chilli Groove
and Hilal, have the house all to
themselves when their parents go
away for the weekend, so it only
follows that they would throw a root-
shaking house party. This critically
acclaimed musical-comedy featuring
the music of Kid Play and Full
Force, was written and directed b)
Spike Lee associate. Reggie I lud ii
"Drugstore (lowbo)
Septembei 5, shows at S p m
and p.m.
Rated R, 100 mm.
"1 )rugstore (lowboy" is a mm
dant, blistering blac k corned) about
those heady "Just sa) 'Wh) Not?'
days of the early "(is. Set m Pun
land, Oregon, thestor) is about two
couples who Ine togethei and travel
around the Iiulii Northwest rob
bing hospitals and pharmacies. s
the gang's 26 veat old leader, Mail
Dillon brings to the rule a light, self-
mocker) that sets the
nonjudgemental tone ol the film.
Themovie also features Kelly Lynch
and a cameo appeararu e by William
September 6, shows at 7 p.m.
i p.m
Septembei 7 and 8, shows at 8
Rated R. 122 min.
I he Civil War's first all-black
regiment is celebrated in this factual
drama directed by I Inny-somcthing
creator, Ed Zwick. Matthew
Brodcrick stars as a young officer put
in command of the black troops.
'The film also features Morgan Free-
man and Denel Washington, win
nerofthe 1989 Academy Award for
Best Supporting Actor tor his per-
formance in the film.
" The Bear"
September 9, shows at 2 p.m.
and 8 p.m.
Rated d, 93 min,
A big, solitary bear and an or-
phan cub are pursued by two hunters
in the forest. The story of their
treacherous struggle tor survival is
told from the animals' point of view.
Based on wilderness writer James
Oliver Curwood's 1916 novel, this
poignant and remarkably beautiful
adventure movie has captured the
heartsof audiences all over the world.
"Crimes and Misdemeanors"
September 12, shows at 8 p.m.
Rated PG-13, 105 mm.
Written and directed by Woody
Allen, this film is a sad, censuring
look at an eminent ophthalmologist
(Martin Landau)andothercrooksin
high places who have convinced
themselves that they can do any-
thing because they don't believe God
is watching. Alan Alda. Sam
Waterston, Anjelica Huston, Mia
Farrow and Daryl Hannah are also
featured in tins film.
" I remors
Sept cm
ler ! 1, shows at 7 p.m.
tnd y ;
i ptctnlx t 1 1, shows it 8 p.m.
Rat I PC I J, 96 n i
Kevin I' u on stars in this com-
thriller about giant earthworms
that Ittack a small southwestern
town. You'll be on the edge ol your
scat.t heeringon the townspeople as
they battle it out against the de.idk
beasts. I his highly entertaining film
also features Fred Ward, Michael
(ross .tnd Reba McTntyre.
"Blue Velvet"
September 16, H p.m.
Rated R, 120 i tin,
filmed in Wilmington, N.C
D.i id Lynch's (I win Peaks,
1 ? iserhead) masterpiece is a dark
sensuous mysterj involving the in-
tertwining lives ol four very different
individuals 3 niave college student
with a pent hant tor mysteries, a
haunting cabaret singer with a dark
secret, the detective's innocent
daughter and a psychotic killer fueled
by his sexual fantasies. Shocking,
poetic and consciously humorous.
the story begins when Jettery tinds
an ear
I Jouble feature
"I Icavy Petting"
Rated R, "4 mm.
"Atomic t-ite
Not Rated, 88 min.
September 19, shows at 8 p.m.
Artfully culled form newsreel
footage, government archives, mo-
tion pictures and television programs,
these two movies are cult hits from
the film genre best described as
"Heavy Petting" examines the
techniques used to instruct adoles-
cents about sex and social conduct
during the post World War II pre-
sexual revolution time frame. Inter-
spersed with actual footage are con-
fessions anil testimonies about their
teenage years trom such luminaries
as Sandra Bern hard, David Byrne
and the late Abbie I loffman.
"1 he Atomic Cafe" is a mind-
toggling compendium of misinfor-
mation aimed at selling nuclear war
to the American public as it it were a
new brand of laundry detergent.
Highlights of the film include
atomic-themed pop-cultural artifacts
that mushroomed m the shadow ot
the bomb.
" I he I lunt tor Re lOctob
September 20, shows n 7 p.n
and 9 p.m
Septembei I and 22, shows at
h p.m.
Rated PC, KM) min
I he Cold War resurfaces in the
film adaptation ol I omHani v s
best selling submarine saga. I he
film, which received the Navy's seal
ol approval for authenticity, stars
Alec Baldwin and Seanamnerv, and
is directed byJohnMc I iemanfDie
"Will) Wonka and the( Ihoco
late Factory"
September 23, shows at -1 p
and 8 p.m.
Septembei 21 ind 22, shows .it
8 p.m.
Rated PC, 100mm
(,ene Wilder is the mysterious
owner ol a fabulous cand) fat tor,
who offers a tour and a lifetime suppl)
of chocolate to the lucky finders ot
five golden tic kets hidden in: I
Wonka Chocolate Bars. Featuring
green-haired midgets called )ompa
Loompas, this is probably the best
film of its genre since " 1 he U iard
"My Lett Toot"
September 26, H p.m.
Rated R, 103 min.
L felt foot is the storv ol
I Hibliner Christy Brown, a victim ol
cerebral palsy who became a paintei
and a w uter utilizing his sole mobile
limb, his left foot. The film is clas-
sifiable as an inspirational biography
but is tar too tnskv and rapturous to
be thought ot in such terms It's
aboutTristy's spiritual ornenness,
his unquenchable avidity tor the
to do it. Applications are now
being accepted for all three trips,
To receive the applications
form(s), or tor more infonna-
erice and a vitality that arc as
rare as thcyare exciting.
()n April 10, the Triple
Treat Jazz Trio will he fea-
tured Their repertoire runs
the gamut from he-hop to
Latin to progressive. Jazz
audiences have revelled to
the sounds ot Ray Brown
( ailed "the father ot mod
eiti Lass pla)cts"). mm.nisi
I lerb Ellis and pianist Monte
sensual imccs of lite. Daniel Da)
! a is' performan e as Christ)
brown earned him last vear'sl scar
for Best ctor Brenda Frit ker, .is
Christv's mother, won Best Sup
porting Actress.
"I (Jve Nou to Death"
September 21, shows at 7 p.m.
and 9 p.m.
September 28 and 2?, shows at
8 p m.
Rated R, 96 min.
When oev (Kevin Klmei, the
n.iruss'stu piena owner, v.alks
iwn the street, his little rump is
ilert I mtvthing I hat's what gi ts
him into trouble. I le's surrounded
ipportunities tor seduction and
. i prat need master ot the ait.
IA ? ?! oe) s wife (I rat v I "llman i
disovers his infidelity, she arranges
to have him killed by flunky hitmen
Ke inu Peeves and William I lurt.
Based on a tnie storv!
"I leathers"
September 10, X p m.
Rated R, MM mm.
Westerburgh High's three rich
beauties who make lite hell tor those
less gilded are all named Heather.
1 heir reluctant assot iate, Vcronit a,
confidesin her diary that she dreams
of "a world without I leathei " A
psyc hot u ally tearless juvenile delin-
quent, J.D materializes and goads
her to become his accomplice in
making her dreams come true.
Winona Ryder anil Christian Slater
star in this malicious, subversive
Continued from page!
Don, please contact the Central
Ticket Office, Mendenhall
Student Center, 11 a.m. to 6
p.m Monday through Friday
at 757-4788.
Continued from page 6
Alexander. Broun is a mem-
ber of "The Tonight Show"
orchestra. He and I'lhs are
former members ot the ()s
car Peterson Trio.
For ticket information on
these events, contact the
Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall Student Center
.it "S7 47hS, or toll lice at
l son KCU ARTS.

'I'm- Entf.rtajner Sim i mi k 1990

The East Carolinian, August 23, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 23, 1990
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