The East Carolinian, June 6, 1990

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?fie i?uBt Cantltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 64 No. S3
Wednesday, lune 6,1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 5,000
10 Pages
ARC assists
the mentally
retarded of
Pitt County
By Amy Clayborne
Staff Writer
The Association tor Retarded
Otiensot Pitt County (ARC)does
not stop with the services they pro-
vide to assist mentally retarded
individuals in their daily lives; the
organization also tackles the cru-
cial task oi helping others under-
stand and appreciate the mentally
The ARC is the largest volun-
teer organization devoted solely
to improving the quality oi life for
individuals with mental retarda-
tion. The organization is funded
by the United Way. The Pitt County
branch is affiliated with the state
and national ARC.
'What we do is provide edu-
cational programs or information
about mental retardation Execu-
tive Paula Johnson said. "We are
an agency that advocates the rights
oi these individuals with mental
While some ARC chapters are
responsible for running shelters.
group homes or hospice care. Pitt
County does not provide such
direct services for the mentally re-
tarded ot this area. Pat's ARC
chapter i primarily concerned
with educating and helping re-
tarded indiv iduals with any prob-
lems thev may encounter.
'We assist families and indi-
viduals with mental retardation in
whatever way we're requested to
do so fohnson said. It might be
assisting in locating a dentist or
physician tor the individual. or it
might be helping an elderly parent
with a mentally retarded son or
daughter plan care tor that child
after their death
The ARC" stays abreast on leg-
islative issues that could improve
the quality oi life for the mentally
retarded. It is also concerned with
helping parents find valuable
summer programs tor their men-
tally retarded child and providing
information on ways that mental
retardation can be prevented.
"Approximately 50 percent of
the cases of mental retardation
could have been prevented
Johnson said. "We encourage
expectant mothers to receive early
pre-natal care, toa void alcohol and
drugs and to practice other pre-
ventive measures to lessen the risk
that their child will be born men-
tal ly retarded
See ARC, page 3
This familiar scene of student conversing with co-op advisor may be on its way out if the grants needed to ensure Cooperative Education's survival
do not come through Because of federal education cuts, the department may loose five positions (Photo by Tommy Walters)
Co-op faces possible loss of grant support
By Elizabeth Donaghy
Statt Writer
As a result ot tederal educa-
tion cuts. ECU's Cooperative
Education department faces los-
ing five counseling positions be-
causeoi the loss of external grant
Since 1975, the Co-op depart-
ment has served to enhance the
academic and professional devel-
opment ot the students involved.
Through job placement in a cho-
sen Held, students are given the
opportunity to work with profes-
sionals as well as explore career
options. This program helpsopen
doors to future employment with
the experience offered.
According to Cooperative
Education annual reports, exter-
nal grants have been received to-
taling more than SI 3 million since
1975. rhe ECU Co-op program was
awarded a $643.000grant in 1986.
I he grant ran tor three years and is
currently on extension. The de-
partment has applied for a no cost
extension thru August 31, but
presently the grant is scheduled to
expire lune 30. Without the exten-
sion, the program has very little
time to find new grants.
Because of the budget cuts.
there is no money from state funds
available to pick up where the grant
ends. This will cause a loss ot five
positions in the co-op department
staff if new grants are not found
I hepositionscut will be those that
were created after receiving the
grant in 1986. This will cut the
department employees almost in
"These employees are very
highly trained, excellent people;
very student-oriented, very hard
working and very eager to serve
students said Dr. Betsy H.
Harper, the department's direc-
According to Harper, elimi-
nation of the five positions will
also cut counseling of the students
in half. In an attempt to deal with
thi situation fairly, the depart-
ment will only specialize in either
part-time placement or alternat-
ing semester placement, which
allows the student to work one
semester and go to school the next.
Students reiving on the co-op
program as a means to pay tor
their education will have to adjust
to any changes made.
Harper said the future of
See Co-op, page 2
ECU student wins award for short story
By Margi Morin
Assistant News Editor
ECU student. Gillian Kim
Ashley, 19,ofFayetteviHehaswon
first place in the nationwide Sher-
wood Anderson Foundation
Scholarship Competition for her
short store writing.
Ashley, an English major and
honors student who was selected
for ECU's four-year University
Scholars Awards program as a
high school senior, will receive
52,01)0 tor her entry.
Ashley's short story titled,
"Burgundy-Phim' was written for
an introductory fiction course
taught bv English professor Wil-
liam 1 lallberg, also a novelist.
"Burgundv-Plum" was
Ashley's first short story attempt
under lallberg. Earlier in a litera-
ture course she wrote two excel-
lent papers which were astonish-
ing, Hallberg said.
"1 was just astounded by how
sophisticated and sensitive she had
done it. It was a remarkable torv
under any definition Hallberg
Ash lev is enrolled in the
university's honors program and
is a university scholar. The pro-
gram provides full tuition and fees
tor four years of undergraduate
studv, said Dr. W. Keats Sparrow,
chairman of the ECU English
Hallberg, author of novel,
"Rub of the Green" and editor of a
collection of short stones "Perfect
Lies" was the instructor oi the
course, English 3830, "Introduc-
tion to Fiction Writing" for which
Ashley wrote her short story dur-
ing this past spring semester.
"The Sherwood Anderson
Foundation ScholarshipCompeti-
tion is perhaps the most prestig-
ious undergraduate award tor
creative writing in the country
Sparrow said. "The competition
attracts more than a thousand
entries each year
"I can assure you that 1 speak
for the Foundation's Board of
Trustees when I sav that we hope
the scholarship will help Ashley
continue to write Michael M.
Spear, the foundation chairman
it is our teeling that Ashley
has many of the key ingredients
that bode well for her success. She
has talent, insight, sensitivity, a
feel tor words and that God-given
See Award, page 3
Lasers used on birthmarks
ECU News Bureju
More beautification efforts?
Billy Woodard lays tile at ECU'S fountain. This is just one of the many
campus beautification endeavors (Photo by J.D. Whitmire)
Using a tinv laser beam the
size of a felt-tipped marker, der-
matologists at the ECU School of
Medicine can treat port wine stain
birthmarks similar to the one on
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's
Laser treatments for the birth-
marks and other conditions such
as spider veins became available
this month at the ECU Outpatient
Spider veins are thin, reddish
to purplish dilated capillaries that
appear anywhere on the body but
most often are seen on the face and
legs. Doctors believe their causes
are associated with liver disease,
heredity and hormonal changesin
"Birthmarks are common
said Dr. Michael Smith, ECU der-
matologist and assistant professor
in the Department of Medicine.
"More then 40 percent of babies
born each year have them. Most
fade as the child matures but some
remain, causing medical and so-
cial problems
Smith explained, "With this
laser we can help relieve the self-
consciousness patientsexpenence
and avoid medical problems some-
times associated with birthmarks
like the port wine stain
Port wine stains ? bluish,
reddish or purplish discolorations
of the skin caused by an over-
growth of normal capillaries ?
can appear on any part of the body
bu t are commonly seen on the face,
neck or trunk. They are among a
group of birthmarks called vascu-
lar hemanigomas which include
the nevus flammeus, known to
many people as the stork bite or
angel's kiss.
According to Smith, port wine
stains, unlike other birthmarks in
that category, frequently cause
State games
to be held
in Raleigh
By Amy Clayborne
Staff Writer
For Greenville's 20 partici-
pants in the N.C Special Olym-
pics Games, the trip to Raleigh on
lune 8 for the state games will
seem long. One key "participant"
in these games will travel over
2000 miles through 167 towns and
cities before arriving .it the open-
ing cerem
The "flame of hope" will be
carried bv 300 Special Olympians
and 4000 law enforcement officers
across the state in the Law En-
forcement Torch Run for N C. Spe-
cial Olympics which began May
29 and will end June 8. This Torch
Run raises money for 'CSO
through runner sponsorships, T-
shirts and advertisements placed
in the Torch Run journal.
The Torch Run is really im-
portant tor funding the state
games Keith Fishburne, public
relations director tor the CSO.
said. "Hhasconsistcntlv increased
the amount of money tor Special
Olympics for each consecutive
The run is expected to gener-
ate $100,000 tor NCSO this year.
Ihisprojected sum marksa $55,000
increase over last year s earnings.
Volunteer Director Woody
Haves cm behalf of the N C Chief's
oi Police is responsible tor organ-
izing the large-scale event.
"It's a trickle-down effect
fishburne said. "Woody gets in
touch with local law enforcement
officials and thev organize their
area's part in the run
Greenville's ceremony for the
Torch Run will begin in the down-
town area at 10a.m. on une6after
the torch arrives from New Bern.
The torch will reach Raleigh's
Hillborough Street in time for the
Final Leg Ceremonv on lune S at
3:30 p.m Keynote speaker tor the
ceremony will be State Attorney
General Lacy Thornburg. The torch
will then be earned onto the cam-
pus of North Carolina State Uni-
versity for the NCSO opening
The XCSO state games have
become the largest athletic even!
for people with mental retarda-
tion in North Carolina All partici-
pants in the state games have won
medals in local games. Areas oi
competition include roller-skating
aqua tics, gymnastics, powerht ting,
track and field and volleyball.
problems in later life. With age, early-stages of development. He
they gradually change from a flat
smooth appearance to become
dark and bumpy likecobblestones.
They may also become infected
and bleed after a minor injury.
Dermatologists can treat port
wine stains and other flat vascular
birthmarks with a series of laser
treatments done in an outpatient
setting. The number of treatments
needed to remove the birthmarks
ranges from six to 10, but varies
depending on its size. The treat-
ments tend to last 15 to 20 minutes
each and are done over a period of
six months to a vear. After each
treatment, the birthmark lightens
and gradually disappears.
Smith said patients feel little
or no pain. Most describe only a
slight sensation similar to a rubber
band snap or mild sunburn. Be-
fore treating infants and children,
a local anesthetic is administered.
Medical research has shown
that the laser treatment is most
effective for use with infants and
voung children, said Smith. Be-
cause port wine stains grow and
thicken rapidly, they are more
responsive to treatment in the
noted that though more treatments
may be required for adults, the
procedure is usually successful.
ECU is one of three medical
centers in the state offering the
treatments. Other clinics are lo-
cated at Duke University Medical
Center in Durham and Bowman
Gray School of Medicine in Win-
Politicians need to set
educational priorities
State and Nation5
Numerous tornados
sweep across the Mid-
west, 125 injured in Indi-
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
Pets need extra care
when the weather heats
Ex-Duke star Danny
Ferry becomes the fourth
ACC player on the
Clevland Cavaliers' roster

2 The East Carolinian June 6,1990
ECU Briefs
Ceremony introduces Micro VAX 3400
An informal ceremony to introduce members oi the ECU science
faculty and administrators to the new MtcroVAX3400computerwillbe
held at H) a.m. on Friday, June 1 in the physics wing of the I-CU Science
The computer is being installed in the Accelerator Laboratory and
is currently being used for research with the lab's particle accelerator.
Then fully installed later this summer, it will be networked tor use by
science faculty in other areas of the campus.
The VAX computer is a large and powerful microcomputer. Much
of the software written forit is intended for academic and research pur-
Information contacts are Dr. George Bissingcr, ECU Department of
Physics, 757-6320 or Ernest Marshbum, ECU manager ot Academic
Computing, 757-6401.
Professors appointed to committees
Two faculty members in the ECU Department of Sociology and An-
thropology have been appointed to committees in the National Acad-
emy ot Sciences.
Dr. Michael K. Orbach, and anthropologist, was named to the
Committeeon I arge Pelagic Fish Mortality Kr the 1 AS rhecommittee
examines the catch rates ot such ti-h species as tuna.
1 h lohn Maiolo, a sociologist and i hairman ot the 1 )epartment ol
Sociology and Anthropology, has beer appointed as .i technical con-
sultant to the Fishing essel Safet) Committee This committee is
charged with implementing legislation passed in 1988 to govern condi-
tions and equipment aboard commercial fishing vessels.
both scientists have had wide experience with research in maritime
activities. Orbach has served on numerous committees, councils and
commissions including the .C . Marine Fisheries Commission. Mis
research has dealt with management policies on marine fisheries. 1 le
joined the ECU faculty in ll)S4 after ser ing visiting professorships at
Puke and UNC-Chapel Hill.
Maiolo became professor and chairman ol SOCioIog) and anthro-
pology at ITT' in 1975. Much ot his research has focused on both com-
mercial and recreational fishing.
"It is unusual tor two people in the s.nne mm ersity to have simul-
taneous appointments with the National Academy of Sciences, let alone
two in the same department said Maiolo. "1 think this brings a great
deal ot credit to our marine social science (program)
Student receives 1990 Rubloff Award
An ECU graduate student has been cited by a national organization
as an outstanding role model for victims ol cerebral pals)
Richard D. "Rick c ree h, a native of Selma,N.O, recei ed the 1990
Rublofl Award from United Cerebral Palsy at the I CP convention Ma)
IS in San Diego. Theaward isgiven annualh to ret ognizea person with
cerebral palsv who has become an outstanding role model to people
with and without disabilities.
Creth is a graduate student in Speech, 1 anguage and Auditory
Pathology, lie completed his requirements tor a baccalaureate degree
in English at ECU in 1985 and was graduated "magna cum laude
In 1989 he was awarded a scholarship from the .C. Speech,
Hearing and I anguage Ass, h iation He also received the Outstanding
Philosophy Student recognition from Phi Sigma Pi in 1985 and the Phi
Kappa Phi National Fellowship the same year.
Creech is married to the former oianda Brow n ot l. nchburg, a
He is the son ol Mr and Mrs. oseph C recv h of Selma, N.(
Infants needed for student's research
lour- and six-month-old infant subjects are needed tor a graduate
student's research into babies' perception ol emotion. Each infant will
be shown a series of slides of human faces depicting various emotions
and the infant's behavior in reaction to the slides will be observed.
Summer heat can
lead to problems
Crime Report
By Catherine Bush
SHS Health Promotion Assistant
Summer is here, and for many
people that means outdoor rec-
There are several heat related
disorders that should be taken into
consideration when out in sunny,
hot, humid weather. Ovcrexpo-
sure to sun, heat and humidity
can cause serious medical prob-
lems ? among them heat cramps,
heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
These medical problems all relate
to high body temperature result-
ing from heavy muscular work
and prolonged sun exposure.
Heat cramps arc cramps or
spasms. Thev are caused by exces-
sive loss of salt and perspiration
and can be quite painful. Heat
cramps are not considered a
medical emergency, but are warn-
ing signals of potential danger.
First aid for heat cramps includes
gentle massages or stretching of
the area and ice applications.
Heat exhaustion is a condi-
tion caused bv over exertion in a
hot, humid environment. It is more
serious than heat cramps but not
as serious as heat stroke. Heat
exhaustion occurs because of a
diminished blood flow to the
lungs, brain and heart. Symptoms
include pale, cool, clammy skin;
dilated pupils; rapid, weak pulse;
extreme thirst; shallow breathing
and excessive sweating. When
heat exhaustion is recognized the
individual should stop all activi-
ties immediately. The individual
should be moved to a cool, shady
place and the clothing loosened to
aid breathing and heart regula-
tion. Cool, damp clothes should
be placed on the individual, and
the legs should be elevated to
increase blood circulation to the
I leatstroke is not as common
as theother heat-related disorders
but it is the most serums, it is a life
Motorist receives DWI on campus
May 28
0302 - Officerchecked out at Aycock Residence 1 la 11 in reference to
an ill staff member. The stafl member was taken to I'itt Memorial
0600 - Officer served criminal papers on a subject .it Aycock Resi-
dence Hall.
2322 - Officer assisted the Greenville Police Department with
locating a subject in Jarvis Residence 1 iall.
May 29
0136 - Two officers checked out at Cotten Residence Hall in refer-
ence to a dispute. The subjects were referred to Dean Speier, and
warrants may be served.
0939 - Officer checked out .it the police department to write a
larceny report of a wallet.
May 30
1020-Officer checked out at Brewster in reference tea breaking and
entering and a larceny of telephone equipment.
lt-44 - Officer checked on a minor accident at Messick.
May 31
1132 - Officer checked out at the police department in reference to
an accident report.
1540 Officer reported a larceny of money at Brody Public Saftey.
Ifi3'i - Officer checked on traffic accident north of Slav Residence
I iall. Nobody was injured.
2342 Officer checked on possible larceny of bike at arvis 1 Iall.
June 1
1510 - Three officers checked out west campus in reference to
lot aung an assault suspec t. The suspect was not found.
224 - Officer stopped vehicle south of Joyner library. It was the
owner looking for something
June 2
0050 - Two officers responded on a scene to a subject intoxicated
and driving on James Street
0103 - Two officers and Greenville Units responded to the Brody
Building in reference to an attack involving weapons. Investigation
officers were notified.
0326 - Two officers responded to the mall area at Wright Circle in
reference to a vehicle on the mall A non-student was charged with a
June 3
2(V42 Officer assisted a motorist with keys locked in the car at
loyner Library.
June 4
0016 - Officer checked out at larvis Residence 1 Iall in reference to a
disturbance on the second floor. The subject was gone on arrival.
Another officer provided backup.
0712 - Officer checked out at the Cashier's office in reference to the
alarm being activated. It was caused by a staff member.
Tlu l nmi Krfrt ?! tuir- fr? nflutml 1(11 I'vhln S?t? log'
Continued from page 1
FCU's Cooperative Education
program is currently on hold.
Presently, they are applying for
new grants. The grant thev ap-
plied for will cause no change in
staff. They will find out lune 30 if
this particular grant will be
According to annual reports,
ECU's Co-op department is the
12th highest ranking program of
its kind at four year institutions.
Last year alone, 3,683 students
were counseled with 2,040 being
placed in jobs. The total student
earnings have reached $3,272,982.
In addition to this, ECU is the only
school visited by the Department
of Defense to recruit handicapped
Harper recommends the al-
ternating semester work program
tor students interested in the work
study options. Students in this
program accumulate time toward
pav raise and promotion while
back in school and on leave with-
out pav.
"If they've co-oped the alter-
nating route, they've got two years
of experience before thev gradu-
ate Harper said.
Chris Sweet, a senior at ECU
majoring in construction manage-
ment, has worked alternating
semesters in the design depart-
ment of Burroughs Wellcome for
i year and a half. He said his job
there has made it possible for him
to pay for his education. The alter-
nating program hascaused him to
be a year behind, but he said it is
worth it.
"Funding should not be cut
because it (co-op) allows students
the practical experience they need
to get a better job coming out of
college Sweet said.
Continued success in the pro-
gram presently relies on the pro-
posals the department has made
in an effort to maintain its 12 staff
positions. Without this support,
many students will be deprived of
t he job opportu ni ties tha t cou Id be
available to them.
threatening emergency and can
cause serious damage to the brain
and other vital organs. Heatstroke
occurs when the body stops sweat-
ing and overheats. Svmptoms
include red, hot, dry skin; con-
stricted pupils; nausea; dizziness
and full cessation of sweating.
Since heatstroke is extremely
dangerous the temperature of the
individual must be lowered as
rapidly as possible to pre ven t heart
or brain damage. The individual
should be moved to a cool place
and have as much clothing re-
moved as possible. The individ-
ual should then be placed on his
her back with theirhead and shoul-
ders elevated and rubbed with
cloths soaked in alcohol or cold
water, covered with sheets that
have been soaked in cold water or
placed in a draft created by a fan
or air conditioner. Medical assis-
tance should be obtained as soon
as possible
One does not have to exercise
to fall prey to a heat disorder.
Overexposure to the heat and sun
can occur while lying on the beach
orata family picnic Elderly, over-
weight or out-of-shape individu-
als are more prone to heat disor-
ders, although anyone can fall
Jo help prevent heat cramps.
heat exhaustion and heatstroke
one should drink plenty of nonal-
coholic thuds, preferably water.
Activities should be limited and
periodic, and rests should take
place. For more information on
heat-related illness, come bv the
Student Health Center, Room 121
or call 757-6794.
"To Your lealth ' is a weekly
health education and information
column. Please direct any ques-
tions, comments or suggestions to
7; 774.
i Presents
Student Budget Night
Summer Specials
$2.50 Frozen Dacquiris ? $2.50 Ice Teas
$1.00 Imports ? $2.50 Pitchers
The East Carolinian
Buyer's Guide
Coin & Ring Man752
Design of the Times 830
ITG Travel355
New Deli758
Ringold Towers752
Student Union757
Western Steer758
11 ? 1 ? ' 1' 11H m ? ? '
JUNE 11,14,18, 25, 28 AND

The East Carolinian, June 6,1990 3
ECU program nominated for award
ECU News Bureau
ECU's Student Community
Service Program has been nomi-
nated for recognition by President
Bush as a "Daily Point of Light
The "Daily Point of Light"
community service recognition is
"intended as a national tribute of
the highest order to every Ameri-
can who makes a positive differ-
ence by helping another Ameri-
can according to Mark Delegal
of the White House Office of Na-
tional Service, which administers
the program
"Points of Light' are initia-
tives, groups, organizations or
individuals across the country
who share the president's com-
mitment to making community
service central to the life and work
ot everyone in America He said.
In keeping with his Thou-
sand Toints of Light" theme, the
president plans to present 1,000
"Daily Toint of Light" recogni-
tions by Ian. 20, 1993. As of Mav
16,144 a wards had been presented.
ECU's program was nomi-
nated in February bv its director,
health education instructor Judy
Baker, who first learned of the
president's recognition program
from a segment on NBC's 'Today
"I spent the rest of the dav
making phone calls to find out
how to make a nomination she
said. "My letter went out the next
dav, but I didn't hear from them
until last week It Uxk that long
for the nomination to progress
through the different levels
According to Delegal, the
Office of National Service receives
day. "Those nominations that look
promising are researched and
presented before a committee he
said. "The committee decides
which nominations are submitted
to the president, who then con-
firms or denies them for recogni-
The ECU program, Delegal
said, has been researched and is
awaiting consideration by the
committee. "This is an ongoing
process ? never is anybody re-
moved from consideration he
noted. "ECU could hear something
as early as next week or as late as
1993. But their prospects look
good. I wouldn't have called Judy
if it didn't look promising
The situation has created a lot
of excitement in the Department
of Health and Human Perform-
ance with calls from the White
House coming in daily. "Every-
body here is excited that they
would even consider our pro-
gram Baker said. "It's nice that
someone from outside the univer-
sity sees the value of our program,
not only to ECU but also to the
"It's an honor just to have
made it this far she added.
Two N.C businesses were
among the first 100 "points of
light" to be recognized since
November, when the program was
started. Duke Power Company's
"Power in Education" program,
which offers academic scholar-
ships to high school seniors and
encourages employees to volun-
teer as tutors, teaching assistants,
science fair judges and school
facilities inspectors, was recog-
nized on Dec. 29.
On March 22, Glaxo, Inc of
ognized for its Investment in Vol-
unteer Excellence program that
donates $250 to charity for every
employee who dedicates 30-49
hours to community service in a
year's time.
The ECU Student Community
Service Program was established
in 1988 with a $30,000 ACTION
grant from the Federal Domestic
Volunteer Agency. The purpose
of the program is to encourage
"The objective is to instill in
students the importance of com-
munity service and hope that it
will become a part of their lives
Baker said.
Extra credit is used as bait ?
students enrolled in Health 1000,
"Health in a Modern Society and
Health 3244, "Health in the Ele-
mentary School can have two
points added to their grades at the
end of the semester in return for
five hours of volunteer service at
one of 26 local agencies.
Students do an assortment of
jobs for such organizations as the
American Red Cross, the Council
on the Aging and a program for
terminally ill children called the
Dream Factory.
"Even though they originally
commit themselves to five hours,
the figures show that they do much
more Baker said. "Last fall two
students served at the Boys Club
all semester. That's the kind of
thing we're after
Although thenumbersarestill
being tallied, the program's 1989-
90 goal of 1,000 volunteers and
5,000 service hours has already
been met. "We've exceeded h.000
hours, and we're still counting
Baker said.
gram to take off the wav it has
said Rick Barnes, ECU coordina-
tor for health promotion, which
has oversight of the program.
"Judy Baker has a lot to do with
that. She is verv enthusiastic about
the program and communicates
that enthusiasm really well to
"I'm delighted that we're able
to offer this kind of service to the
students and that we're being
recognized tor our efforts he
added. "We put a lot of time into
making it work well. It's very
exciting for us, tor ECU, the city
and the students who are provid-
ing a service to (he community to
get this kind ot recognition
hundreds of nominations every Research Triangle Park was rec- "Nobody expected the pro-
ECU to host conferences on
poverty and its consequences
By Tonia Endres
Staff Writer
Greenville will be hosting a
summer institute im poverty titled
"The Many Faces of Poverty" in
According to the ECU News
Bureau, Pr. Ellen Voland will be
directing the program. The ses-
sions will run from uly9-20on the
ECU campus.
The first week's activities in-
clude participants forming topic
teams to research and report on
the victims of poverty. They will
examine and learn about the vari-
ous groups that poverty strikes,
such as children and youth,
women, theelderlv and the work-
ing poor. The second week entails
a simulation experience to teach
participants how to activate anti-
povcrrv projects in their homes.
A "drive-in" conference on
lulv 17 will feature sessions on
education, human and health serv-
ices, worker-owner cooperatives
and programs for children and
The institute and conferences
are intended for those with either
a personal or professional interest
in anti-poverty programs.
Susan Hopkins, coordinator
for the institute, said: "We con-
tacted all the universities, colleges
and community colleges in East-
ern North Carolina (regarding the
poverty institute). This is the sec-
ond summer institute held in
"It was very successful last
summer; but there may not be as
big a turn out this year because of
budget cuts
The summer institute is being
sponsored by the ECU schools of
education, medicine and social
work, the Eastern North Carolina
Poverty Committee and the N.C.
Poverty Project. Further informa-
tion is available from the ECU
school of education.
Continued from page 1
But helping others under-
stand and appreciate the mentally
retarded is also important. One of
the most popular educational
purloins sponsored bv the ARC
is the "Kids on the Block" pro-
"This program is a public
presentation that provides accu-
rate educational information about
disabilities and shows the many
things people with disabilities can
do Johnson said. "It helps to
develop positive attitudes toward
those with disabilities
"Kids on the Block" was pri-
marily designed for elementary
schoolchildren The program was
first presented in January 1988.
Sincethattime. 118 programs have
been presented to 13,000 people.
The "Kids on the Block" pro-
gram consists of five short skits
that use six life-size puppets as its
characters. All but two of these
puppets have disabilities.
"The way this program works
is that the puppets that don't have
a disability talk with the puppets
who do have a disability Johnson
said. "They learn about each other
through their conversation
The puppets' disabilities in-
clude blindness, cerebral palsy,
mental retardation and a learning
disability. Children are given an
opportunity to ask questions after
the program.
"The questions children ask
are great Johnson said. "Chil-
dren are just naturally curious
about the differences the puppets
The questions range from how
the characters got their disabili-
ties to how the characters feel when
they are teased about their dis-
"I think that if we can provide
these children at a young age with
accurate educational information
to address their concerns and
answer their questions then we
will help other individuals better
accept thosedifferenccsassociated
with the mentally retarded
Johnson said.
The Pitt County ARC consists
ofa staff of only two people, there-
fore, the organization is extremely
dependent on volunteers to help
with its programs. Volunteers
include ECU students, members
of the community and people who
have family members with dis-
abilities who help broaden the
understanding of mentally retar-
dation and to help the mentally
retarded lead more vital lives.
Continued from page 1
gift, theability to tell a good story
Spear said.
Ashlev, the daughter of a re-
tired career military officer, is a
1989 graduate of Seventy-First
Senior High School in Fayettev-
ille. She was educated earlier in
schools in Suffolk, England.
You can have world-famous coiuminists Michael
Kinsley, Tom Wicker, David Gergen and Mark Shields.
We've got Nathaniel Mead.
Every issue, on the editorial page. Can't miss him.
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Ullte lEaat Carolinian
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Managing Editor
ADAM BLANKENSHIP, Director of Advertising
Carrie Armstrong, News Editor
MaRGI MORIN, Asst. New Editor
CAROLINE CUSICK, Features Editor
DEANNA NEVGLOSKI, Ass. Features Editor
Doug Morris, Sports Editor
Scott Maxwell, Satin Editor
Steve Reid, Staff illustrator
Pi iong LUONG, Credit Manager
Stuart Rosner, Business Manager
Michael Kole, Ad Tech Supervisor
Toivv BaRBOUR, Circulation Manager
TrACV WEED, Production Manager
CHARLES WiLLINGHAM, Darkroom Technician
Deborah S. Daniel, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since ll25. emphasizing information that directly
affects ECU students. During the ECU summer sessions. The East Carolinian publishes once a week with a circulation of
5,000. The East Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of
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points of view. Letters should be limited to 250 words or less. For purposes of decency and brevity. The East Carolinian
reserves the right to edit letters for publication. Letters should be addressed to The Editor. The East Carolinian. Publications
Rldg ECU. Greenville. NC. 27834; or call (SMl) 757-6366.
Page 4, Wednesday, June 6, 1990
Politicians lack education priorities
It seems the new decade has brought noth-
ing but woe to colleges and universities. Politi-
cians cutting budgets at the state level have
forced schools to trim "excess spending while
similar cuts bv federal politicians threaten to
worsen the problem. Where are their priorities?
It seems that every time there's a budget
crunch, the nation's colleges and universities
are dramatically affected. Undergraduate and
graduate programs both suffer; obviously, this
can be persuaded to try it.
At last report, the military's funding of
educational institutions (most of it for "re-
search of course) hadn't suffered from budget
cuts in the slightest. And the money they offer
to pay for college educations ? in return or
military service, naturally ? increased, even as
other federal funding for education dropped
off (One wonders whether this constitutes the
institution of a de facto draft, aimed at the poor.)
diminishes the quality of education and leaves Since peace is bustin' out all over as they say,
students wondering whether they're getting
their money's worth out of education.
Sadly, these budget cuts have had a direct
impact on ECU. The Cooperative Education
department, which had relied on a yearly
$643,000 federal grant for operations, will be
forced to cut five counseling positions if no
alternate external funding is found before June
30. This action will affect over 3000 students
who currently work at jobs the Cooperative
Congress could take that money away from the
military and give it to colleges and students
straight from the government, to be used for
non-research funding if necessary. This
wouldn't take away any military jobs ? or very
few, at any rate; those who oversee the dispen-
sation oi the funds might have to be transferred
or fired ? and it could help save many jobs in
education, like the Co-op positions mentioned
above. Plus, it would enable universities to
Education department helped them find, not to maintain the quality oi education they offer,
rfiefition"students' the CcT-dp" department will and it wouldn't have the effect of forcing the tal-
have to turn down if the program loses so much ented poor into a stint in the military just be-
of its funding. But there's a way to save Co-op's cause they want an education and aren't lucky
counseling positions and other threatened jobs enough to be able to atford it
? if "the education president" and Congress fust a thought.
Smoking, a bad choice from the start
By Richard Prince
Gannett News Service
Sammy Davis Jr. would have
recognized this scene. The bell
rings at the high school. Three
women bound into the teachers'
smoking lounge, located incon-
spicuously behind a macrame-
covered window. The women
can't wait to light up, and they do.
They are lunchroom monitors,
retired community people who
work three hours a day.
Smoking was an issue in the
Rochester, N.Y suburb of Pen-
field this year. Eighty-nine stu-
dents had secured written permis-
sion from their parents to smoke,
and the school district allowed
them to do so outside the build-
ing. The students called the area
their own smoking lounge.
On May 1, the school board
voted to end all smoking ? for the
students. The board couldn't stop
the teachers and staff from smok-
ing in the teachers' lounge, be-
cause that's considered a condi-
tion of employment subject to
contract negotiations.
Nobody, labor or manage-
ment, seems too eager to rock that
When I visited Penfieid High
last month, some students thought
the adult behavior hypocritical. 1
did, too, and so 1 asked the lunch-
room monitors about the double
"We know we're doing
wrong said JeanGorall. "I started
when I was 14, and we knew noth-
ing about (consequences). Now
they know the truth, and that's
enough to scare the pants off
Sammy would understand.
When he died last month, there
was so much to say about the man
that the reason he died got short
The Candy Man conquered
alcohol and cocaine addiction, but
by his own admission could not
kick nicotine. For most of his life
he went through 40 cigarettes a
day. His stage shtick included a
cigarette between his fingers or
stuck in the side of his mouth.
China's Tiananmen Square:
The untold story
The National Education As-
sociation, the nation's largest
teacher union, resolved in 1988 to
"encourage and assist state and
local officials to create a tobacco-
free environment in the public
But the American Federation
of Teachers, the NEA's chief rival,
says smoking is an issue it leaves
to its local affiliates ? during
contract time.
Neil Houghton, president of
Penfield's teacher union, an AFT
affiliate, said, "The vast majority
of teachers are non-smokers, so
we're being better and better role
Cigarettes are props. People
start smoking not because they
like the taste, but because they like
the image.
It's just as Sammy said, we all
need props at some point. The
example of his life completes the
thought: When you pick the wrong
ones, they're not always easy to
get rid of.
CCofyrifht 11?. USA TODAWAppk Celltp
lijtnulin VVtmwf
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
Tomorrow wrote the Chi-
nese poet Wen Yiduo, "the city of
Beijing will be full of ghosts That
was in 1926, soon after the Beijing
police shot at demonstrating stu-
dents and civilians. During the
Chinese Revolution (1966-1976),
more than a million Chinese per-
ished, and millions more were
"reformed" in farms and prisons.
In the late '70s, China's people
again began to clamor for demcx -
racy and human rights. By the
mid80s, thestudents, along with
millions ol disgruntled workers
whose livelihoods had been wors-
ened bv post-Mao reform pro-
grams, were again urging politi-
cal change Of the hundreds ol
people who weremowed down in
cold blood near Tiananmen Square
last June, the majority were work-
ers, not students.
The credit for inspiring the
democratic movement and up-
holding nonviolence will always
belong to the students. But wi
must realize that the workers' mass
movement eventuallv superseded
the students' protest. Known as
the Laobaixing"common folk" or
"old hundred names"), these
workers formed a human wall ol
peaceful protesters when 2,000
idealistk students launched a mass
hunger strike in Tiananmen
Square on May 13. Many of them
vowed to die rather than let the
armv into the Square. And die
thev did an estimated one
thousand Laobaixwg may have
been killed on that fateful une
Not much has been said about
the Laobaixing in the U.S proba-
bly because the mass media opin-
ion-keepers prefer to romanticize
thestudents' protest And vet the
Laobaixtng,a bitter underclass that
has lived in poverty for several
decades, has emerged as a major
political force in China. I heir
grievances are a product of the
decade-long reforms, which,
though broadly popular, also cre-
ated a range of social conflicts:
steep income polarization, spiral-
ing commodity prices, acute short-
age of decent housing, and ram
pant corruption, speculation, and
profiteering bv government and
partv officials?something our
own administration can well re-
late to.
In addition, the government
has tightly controlled political
decision-making, restricted free
speech,and poured military funds
into such efforts as supporting the
notorious Pol Pot regime in Kam-
puchea. During the 1980s, Deng
had moved toward compromise
with the intelligentsia, in order to
advance China's modernization
program and facilitate the eco-
nomic opening to the West. This
official stance allowed students
and intellectuals more latitude in
criticizing their government's
behavior and performance. The
Laobaixing, however, had been
given no such latitude.
But since lqS7, Deng's gov-
ernment has sought to stem the
tide ol "corrosive bourgeois lib-
eral ideas from the West. Politi-
cal dissidence is almost uniformly
associated with the West. Last
Thursday, three Chinese dissi
dents stood in open opposition to
the repression Hou Dejian, a
popular folk singer, Zhao Duo, a
scholar; and Cia( Xin, a former
university newspapereditor. Their
plan was to make public a letter
calling tor the release of political
prisoners rhursday. A few days
ago. all three were reported miss-
ing What has happened to them1
Did thev meet the same fates as
those others linked with pro-
democracy protests who were
either jailed or executed last June1
The disappearance of three
dissidents seems ironically timed.
In late lune last year, the govern-
ment publicly perpetrated their
tirst three executions of demon-
strators who had been linked with
the Tiananmen rally. Then, as now,
President George Bus.h said and
did nothing, and Secretary lames
Baker repeatedly defended him
Bush's muteness, albeit prepos-
terous, was entirely consistent
with Iv.s restrained reactions to
the Chinese repression? his only
response being" I deeply deplore"
I the Chinese government's use oi
violence against its peoplel.
"Abhor" would've shown a bit
more backbone: or reviled, re-
pulsed, outraged or infuriated. But
not this time. Not with our milque-
toast wimp of a president.
Bush's main tear, ostensibly,
is that if weisolateChina.its going
to be the Iron Curtain all over
aga i n. Then there will be nc chance
to let China see what fife's like in
the rest oi the world, and it will
take longer for the leaders to real-
ize there has to be a change. The
idea is that the same ripple effect
that has begun to transform east-
ern Europe will also occur in the
Far East if we can "Westernize"
the Chinese. Says Bush, "We must
realize that by maintaining our
involvement with China, we will
continue to promote the reforms
for which the victims of Tian-
anmen gave their lives
Problem is, it was largely
becauseof the failure of these same
reforms that thestudentsand Lao-
baixing were stirred up in the first
place. Economic reform has i
brought about political 1
Why, then, does Bush contii
act as it the reforms are hi ;i
The answer may lie in the mi i ? .
earned by US. businesses fr n
Western hotels and office I
ings, television shows, and ? i
can junk ioi According ?
villeSchell,US. trade witl
skyrocketed from $1 2 bi h
1979 to $14.3 bilbon la ?
Shortly after the massacn
News reported that Pres
leorge Bush's brother had i
? ? . . ? : multimil
lar deal involving the coi ti
tion 't a We; tern st) le ; t ii
goll ourse outside ol Shan
s Schell says, "It was pr
this sort ol economic inter. !
seemed tobe making it sodifl
forthe president to speaki ?utl rt
rightly about what was haj :
ing politically in China
Again we are reminded tl
Bush puts business and pragn
tism before all else, and that he
extremely adept at political cJi
canery. He sills himself ,i- thi
"environmental president, tl
"education president and a fl i
waving patriot, yet in no wa I
he ascribe to ecological and i
cational priorities, or the val
the flag stands for. At th I
summit. Gorbachev made i .
erou.s comment on Bush s busi
nessHke" approach. Bute oi n
interests should never bo al
to supersede the interests I I n
era he progress, or to hamper I S
support forpro-democracy forces
in China. Those who think we
shouldn't condemn China I
"maintaining order" throuj
bloodshed have no democratic
backbone. The atrocities in h
are not so tar away for us to haw
trouble seeing what is politically,
spiritually and morally correct
Though the Godd I
mocracy smiles no longer upon
Tiananmen Square, the Chinese
peoples' efforts have not been in
vain Deng and his maniacal cro-
nies have clearly lost their .n-
date of Heaven Andwhile( hina
remains among the few commu-
nist states that have not seen po-
litical reform, the people wan!
democracy s? badly they're will-
ing to keep on harassing gov em
ment troops one year after the
massacre. The Laobaixing are
still a major revolutionary under-
current. The fact that a sizeable
portion of "the masses seems
ready to fight back, together with
lingering questions of loyalty
within the army, has .ill the mak-
ings for a possible Romanian-style
revolt. Perhaps we are only now
seeing the eye of the storm. Mean-
while, the executions continue
Recycling effort must continue
To the Editor:
As a person who loves and
respects theenvironment, I found
Stuart Oliphant's article, "Earth
Day Leaves Changed Lives
(May 23, 1990) both encouraging
and thoughtful. Stuart and those
like him, do make a difference,
considering "the average Ameri-
can family produces 100 lbs. of
trash every week according to
50 Simple Things You Can Do to
Save the Earth, by The Earth
Works Group.
Bv recycling, rather than start-
ing the whole manufacturing proc-
ess over again, we not only extend
the life of our landfills, but we also
conserve energy. And, therefore,
we reduce the amount of harmful
by-products spewed into our at-
For those motivated to recycle,
I would like to add to Stuart's
suggestions: always remove metal
or plastic collars and caps, and
corks from glass bottles; remove
plastic tape from cardboard; and
don't place your newspapers in a
plastic bag and "chunk it all into
the bin. Seeing plastic in the
plainly marked newspaper con-
tainer makes me wonder iust how
many illiterate people consume
Tracey Gay

?hc iEaat Carolinian
June 6,1990
State and Nation
Page 5
Tornados kill at least seven, injure 125 in Indiana
band of tornados cut through
the nation's mid section Satur-
day, killing at least seven people
and injuring at least 125 in
Indiana and leaving one dead in
Illinois, authorities said.
Gov. :wn Bayh declared a
state of emergency and dispatched
the Indiana National Guard to
Bedford and Petersburg, the two
hardest hit areas.
Elsewhere, storms swept
across Illinois. Kansas, Kentucky,
Michigan, Minnesota and Wiscon-
sin.knockingdown trees, disrupt-
ing utility service and destroying
homes and businesses.
At least four tornadoes
skipped across southern and cen-
tral Indiana, touching down about
50 times, said lerrv Hauer, direc-
tor of the state Department ot
Emergency Management.
" It's incredible. P ve never seen
anything like this. Everything's
fust shut down said Randall I.
I iarris, news director at radio sta-
tion WFPC in Petersburg.
The city, which is about 30
miles north of Fvansville. was in
shambles, he said.
Harris said he was at home
when a tornado hit.
"It was just a very strong roar,
almost like a low-flying jet he
1 iauer said seven people were
confirmed dead in Indiana ?
three in Petersburg, three in
Bedford and one in Putnam
One woman was killed in
Putnam County when her mobile
home overturned, said Hendricks
County sheriff's Lt. Steve Golden.
Many people had been
brought to Hendricks Memorial
Hospital in Danville, said the
hospital's vice president, ohn
Komenda. He didn't know how
many were treated.
"It's ust been pretty hectic
here all night he said.
Bedford Police Chief Dean
Dune an said one person was killed
and several were injured when a
tornado struck the Pnde Fstates
mobile home park southeast of
Hauer had no details on the
other Indiana deaths.
"It could be many hours be-
fore we know the full magnitude
of the damage he said, adding
that the Federal Emergency Man
agemenl Agency was notified tor
I Iauer said the storm was the
worst to hit Indiana since 1974,
when about a dozen tornados
touched down.
In Illinois, tornados de-
stroyed or damaged scores of
homes, killing a woman in the
southeastern town of Browns and
injuring at least eight people in
Findlay and Newton counties,
officials said.
Officials concerned about
leaks shut off electricity and gas
service in Findlay, with a popula-
tion of about 8(H), after 11 homes
were destroyed and 25 others were
Dozens of people were taken
to Dunn Memorial Hospital after
a tornado whipped through that
area shortly after 8 p.m ,
hospital spokeswoman Evelyn
Williams said
A restaurant, service station
and convenience store were de-
stroyed south of Bedford, wit-
nesses said. National Guardsmen
helped with medical aide and
Hauer said many of the in-
jured were in a nursing home in
Petersburg and a restaurant in
Indiana State Police in Lafay-
ette reported extensive damage in
Montgomery County, where a
tornado cut through an area north-
east ofCrawfordsville to the south-
western tip of Clinton County.
Worried shoppers stock up on
food in fear of truckers' strike
When hurricanes hit
VANCOUVER, British Co-
lumbia (AP) A government
mediator began a marathon bar-
gaining session Saturday aimed
at ending a week old strike by
independent truckers in i;t:h
Columbia that has blocked U.S.
border points.
Meanwhile, worried shoppers
were stockpiling food because
they feared the strike, which be-
gan last Sunday, will soon leave
supermarket shelves bare.
Provincial Solicitor General
Russ Fraser on Friday appointed
Brian Williams to mediate the bit
terratedisputebetween the truck-
ers and the hauling industry.
Williams met with the truck-
ing companies, the Western
Owner Operators Association
representing the independents,
and the Teamsters Union, which
speaks for unionized drivers.
The talks were continuing late
Saturday night but there was no
word of any progress
Fraser vowed on Friday that
the border blockades would come
down, but they remained in place
Saturday. Customs officials at
border points said police were
monitoring the situation but not
interfering with the blockade.
The striking independent
truckers have blockaded the U S
Canadian border in British Co-
lumbia with their rigs, persuad-
ing or forcing American truckers
to turn their vehicles around or
park them.
Buses and cars were getting
through, and so were trucks car-
rying medical supplies and mail,
but everything else was being
turned back.
Some store owners said wor-
ried customers are buying more
food than usual because of the
"Some people are stockpil-
ing said Ken Fowler, the man-
ager of Thrifty Foods Fairfield
store in Victoria. "Business is up
10 percent
Some items, including ba-
nanas and other imported pro-
duce, were disappearing fast, he
"The big crunch will hit us
next week Fowler said, adding
that 90 percent of deliveries
weren't getting through to his
store. 1 le said his chain is looking
for an alternative delivery system.
Sixty Overwaitea and Save-
On-Foods stores were running tow
on stock, but spokesman Peter
Walton said other delivery ar-
rangements were being made.
Cargo is also piling up at
Vancouver-area docks.
"The impact is ust starting
slid WavneStoilon, vice-president
of Canadian Stevedoring Co. "We
believe it will build up quite fast
The 3,000 independent truck-
ers in British Columbia are hired
bv trucking companies that also
run their own vehicles with union
The hurricane season begins Friday
and runs through November, which
means anyone near the Atlantic or Gull
coasts should stay alert to news of
storms. But the height of the season is
still a couple of months away.
Hurricanes by
Source National Hurricane Center
Rod Little, Gannett News Service
New hiking trail
A scouting team leaves today in search of a new
coast-to-coast hiking trail.
ECU fishery biologist studies
Roanoke River's striped bass
Start: May 31
San Francisco
Today: San Francisco Nov.
June 10: Sacramento Nov.
June 25: Lake TahoeReno Nov.
July 15: Elko. Nev. Dec.
Aug. 30: Salt Lake City Dec.
Sept. 20: Craig, Colo. Jan.
Oct. 10: Denver, Colo. Jan.
Oct. 20: North Platte, Neb. Feb.
Feb. 1
Washington, D.C
10: Omaha. Neb.
20: Des Moines
30: Indianapolis
15: Columbus, Ohio
25: Wheeling, W.Va.
20: Washington. D.C
25: Atlantic Ocean
1: Washington, D.C.
HALIFAX, N.C. (AP) ? The
number of striped bass in the
Roanoke River has dwindled in
the past 20 years, and researchers
from ECU are trving to deter-
mine why.
Pr. Roger Rulifson, a fishery-
biologist with the ECU Institute
for Coasts and Marine Resources,
has been studying a stretch of the
Roanoke River since 1988. But
he is still not sure exactly what
has caused the fish decline.
Sotne possibilities he's identi-
fied include pollution, unnatural
waterflow caused by dams and
Rulifson's research now fo-
cuses on the spawning habits ot
striped bass. He is also concerned
with how the river's conditions
affect the fish, their eggs and the
hatched young.
"Most fish spawn when the
water temperature oi the river is
18 degrees centigrade (64 degrees
Fahrenheit) Rulifson said.
"When the water is three degrees
cooler or warmer, limited spawn-
ing mav occur but survival of the
eggs is poor
The river's water now is on
the warm side, buta snapof cooler
weather and rain mav bring it
down, again.
The water temperature and
quality is also affected by the as-
tern of dams on the Roanoke wa-
tershed. And a plan by the city of
Virginia Beach has some research-
ers concerned.
The city plan? to use Gaston
Reservoir as its municipal water
supply. Rolifson says pumping
water out of the reservoir would
reduce the How of the river and
might hinder spawning.
At one time the striped bass
were so plentiful that they pro-
vided a major fishing industry
But for the first time this year, the
state hasbanned striped bass fish-
ing. Pressure from the Atlantic
States Marine Fisheries Commis-
sion led the state to cancel the
fishing season, officials said.
Julie Stacey. Gannett News Service
Intestinal bypass surgery
helps obese reach ideal weight
Dream maker grants the
wishes of terminal children -Asa
boy of 13 in a Nazi concentration
camp, Henri Landwirth learned
what it's like to wait tearfully for
death at an early age
At 63, he believes he's been
living the past 45 years on bor-
rowed rime
So feeling a need "to give
something back he's now help-
ing make dreams come true for
terminally ill children
The slim, white-haired Land-
wirth, a survivor of the infamous
death camp at Auschwitz, is the
founderof a vacation village called
Give Kids the World, a special
retreat for children whose last wish
is to visit Walt Disney World, Sea
World or one of the many other
tourist attractions in Central Flor-
Because of his efforts ? com-
bined with the generosity of some
major corporations and individu-
als ? hundreds of terminally ill
boys and girls come here every
vear with their families. All it takes
is for the sick child to ask a local
group in his or her hometown.
They spend a week at the
complex, each family in one of the
32 villas at the year-old village.
"Seventy-five percent of the
dyingchildren want to see Mickey
Mouse Landwirth says, citing
statistics compiled from visitors.
"Eighty percent ot the fami-
lies never left their home state and
just as many will never travel again
asa family.So this trip isa lifetime
"Families can do all the
major theme parks or what-
ever they want. Each kid gets a
gift every day. We have a big
party, local restaurants pro-
vide food. The Disney and Sea
World characters visit and
entertain. We have volunteers
working with the kids
The village is located in the
rural countryside less than a mile
from busy U.S. Highway 192 near
Disney World. It hasa playground,
a pool designed for the handi-
capped, a fishing lake, a mock
pirate ship and a large cafeteria-
family center.
"We never turn anyone away,
and we can accommodate a fam-
ily on very short notice because
the greatest enemy of these kids is
time says the soft-spoken Land-
Through hard work after his
escape .Henri became fnends with
astronauts JohnGlenn, AlanShep-
ard, Scott Carpenter and media
personalities such as Walter
Cronkite ? all of whom would
later serve on the advisory board
of Give Kids the World Founda-
? Larry Smith, 43, tipped the
scales at nearly 430 pounds when
he was told he would have to lose
weight if he wanted to live to his
next birthday.
So Smith decided to curb his
eating for a year and underwent
experimental surgery to bypass
his intestine.
Now, mealtime is when he
sleeps, and food is a clear liquid
pumped into his bloodstream
through a tube in his chest.
Dieting is nothing new for
Smith, news director at gospel
radio station WSBV-AM in South
Boston. He's been trying to lose
weight since age lh when he
"bulked up" for football.
"1 got to the point where I was
so large that I couldn't put my
own socks on Smith says. "My
son would put my shoesand socks
on for me because I couldn't bend
Smith says he has tried every-
thing from liquid diets, to pills
and videocassette diet programs,
but whatever nominal weight he
lost returned weeks later.
Since undergoing the opera-
tion Jan. 3 at Duke University
Medical Center, the 6-foot-1 Smith
has shed more than 140 pounds.
He now puts on his own shoes
and socks. He also cut more than a
foot off his belt.
"My wife says it's like getting
a new husband he says. "1 do eat
things occasionally, I guess mainly
just out of habit. I still see things
that every now and then I'd like to
"For example, I really love hot
dogs. I likea good of hot dog with
mustard,chili and slaw And I can
remember before 1 went into the
hospital, 1 could eat three or four
just like that at one time ? no
problem. 1 can hardly eat one now
because it just fills me up
He savs most of the time he'll
sip ice water at the table while his
family has dinner.
Smith is one of five people,
and the only male, to undergo the
experimental surgery performed
by Dr. John P. Grant at Duke
University. The operations come
at a time when Congress is keep-
ing close watch over weight-loss
regimens and clinics.
Grant, in a telephone inter-
view from Durham, N.Cstressed
that the surgery is still experimen-
tal and not available to everyone.
Under the procedure, food
travels the normal digestive tract
through the stomach until it gets
to the first foot or so of the small
intestine. That's where a section of
intestine is bypassed ? the sec-
tion that absorbs most of the body's
food. The food is then deposited
directly into the colon, where it is
"The surgery is really meant
for the 40) 500 -and bOO-poun-
ders Grant says. "We can guar-
antee any weight loss they want.
We have taken patients ? the
women ? down to 140 pounds
Standard weight-loss surgery,
such as stomach stapling, is ade-
quate for those who are moder-
ately obese, he says.
The program calls for an aver-
age weekly loss of four pounds,
though the first 40 pounds ?
mostly water ? could come off
morequickly. Any risks from rapid
weight loss, says Grant, are offset
by the nutrient-rich liquid that is
fed through a catheter into the
vein that leads to the heart.
Once Smith reaches his target
weight of 187, Grant will hook up
his intestines.

Page 6
1 (Hire iEaat Olarolfman
June 6,1990
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June 6,1990
SUti Saat (flarnlfman
Page 7
Pets require more
care in hot months
njoy the sunny weather in the heal of their nose to nose debate on The Mall in front of Joyner Library. Pets contribute greatly to
itmospnere of this institution for higher education However, pet owners must abide by the same leash laws enforced by the city of Greenville
reguire special care and attention during the summer to help them beat the heat. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Narcotics Anonymous helps people
overcome problems of drug addiction
By Jonathan Blake
Sufi w ritei
. nc ? rs of ai
? ? mous des rib i ? himsell
ise lean but craz)
- kg about the loud and
? i ial meets here
- room itte.
? the most detailed
detiniti ?n ol an A.
p, but it ma) b tl most sur
ng V in a fellowship of
and ' om? n u ho meet regu-
? . to helpeat h other lead drug-
lives It is not affiliated with
nv'governmental law entbrce-
ent or religious organizations
members of A are re-
ring drug addicts, but the)
i I interestingandexcitinglives
1 ong standing members develop
ver ilose and open relationships,
which allow for uninhibited di-
. ussions
Of ci urse N.A. is not ust one
is members are trying
?mbat the disease of addiction
i disease that can lead to prison,
insanit) and death Behind the
smilingfat es laughing voices and
light hearted attitudes of these in
jroup lies a message of hope
for the still-suffering addict: It i
possibleto lead Fulfilling life with-
out drues
There are no fees or dues. All
'ne needs to become a member is
a desire to stop using drugs, m-
cluding alcohol. The program
consists of a twelve-step method
of recovery through abstinence. It
w as first put into practice by Alco-
holics Anonymous. As oi 1987,
over one million people have re-
covered through A.A.
Two and a half vears ago.
lerrv. an FCL student, habituallv
used drugs. Hisentire life revolved
around them. And he saidThe
drugs were the only thing that
f-fis interpersonal "relation-
ships were shallow, selfish, and
dishonest. He only used people to
feed his failing ego or his drug
habit His self-esteem was low,
and he was often suicidal. At the
height of his drug problem, he
weighed 1 lOpoundsand suffered
a collapsed lung ? but he contin-
ued to use.
"Iwas standing on a ledge
trving to decide whether or not to
jump, when I saw an ad for N. A
lerry said, "It was that close
Since being involved with
N.A Jerry has been clean for
a I most three years. He has learned
to like himself and has established
several meaningful relationships,
See N.A page 8
By Suzan Lawler
Staff Writer
If you are a pet owner, you
must take extra measures during
the summer to make sure your pet
is comfortable.
The heat of summer can be
deadly for animals who lack
proper care. The supervisor of
Greenville's Animal Control,
Audro Barrett, said pets need
sufficient shelter to avoid sun
strokes. Pets also need plenty of
cool water that should be changed
regularly. Barrett said animals
should not be left in a car, even for
five or ten minutes, because the
temperature inside a car on a hot
day could reach 160 degrees and
kill the animal.
Your pet should visit the vet-
erinarian regularly. Pets are vul-
nerable to illnesses from ticks,
fleas, mosquitoes, and internal
parasites during the summertime.
In warmer weather, students
often bring their pets on campus.
Public Safety worker Patricia Hair
said the city leash law applies to
the campus as well. Hair said it is
not a good idea to tie your dog up
while you run into the library or
bookstore. If the dog is barking or
trying to bite passers-by, an offi-
cer will take some sort of action.
Dogs have been known totour
classroom buildings. Hair said an
officer once had to go to the book-
store to get a dog because some
students were afraid to come out
of the building.
An animal should always
wear identifying tags in case it
gets lost.
If students leave Greenville
and cannot take their pets, they
should find a new owner or take it
toa shelter. Barrett said there have
been instances where pcopleleave
their pets behind, thinking the
animals can take care of them-
selves. The Animal Shelter once
rescued a dog who was tied up to
a trailer and abandoned. The dog
was hungry, dehydrated and had
resorted to eating grass.
Barrett said a person can be
prosecuted for mistreatment of
animals. Information concerning
suspects who may be mistreating
an animal should be reported to
the police or an animal shelter.
If you would like to buy a pet,
you can go to the Greenville Ani-
mal Shelter or the Pitt County
Humane Society. For a small adop-
tion fee, you can give an animal a
Pets require considerable
time, money and love, so do not
make an impulsive decision. A
loved pet will be a devoted com-
panion. As George Elliot said in
Scenes of Clerical Life, "Animals
make such agreeable friends ?
they ask no questions, they pass
no criticisms
Lip-synching disguises
talent deficiencies
News quiz tests knowledge of current events
P) I low mu h do i :
mber about the stories that
been in the news recentlyIt
; score fewer than five correct
answ ers ou ha e been spending
nuch time on the crossword
: ??! eight or more right, you
i I i Si . let government said
? planned to hold a ountr w ide
rendumon (a)a new package
?nomic changes;(b) whether
tattic and other Su let repub-
- should be granted full inde-
lence (c)a re ised bill of civil
2 measure that would ban
? 'Tee years the manufai I
I saleof nine types oi semiauto
marie assault weapons was: (a)
rejected by the House: (b) ap-
proved bv the I louse;(('approved
the Senate.
; ! he Administration told
?ress that more than HXX)
sa ings and loan associations, 40
percent ot the industry, might
eventually have to bo seized by
the government an estimate
which is. (a) slightly above the
number it had initially projected;
(b) twice the number originally
projected; (c) tar below the origi-
nal estimate.
4. I he Supreme C 'urt. (a)
upheld a tederal law reuqiring
people convicted of federal crimes
to pay a special assessment into a
fund tor crime victims; (b) struck
down the law on the assessment
required tor the victims' fund; (c)
upheld a ruling that convicted
criminals may be ordered to pay
restitution to victims for all their
crimes, not onlv the crime for
which the defendant was con-
3. The National Park Service
said that reintroducing the gray
wolf to Yellowstone National Park
atter a more than 50-vear absence
would: (a) have minimal effect on
other park wildlife or on livestock
on surrounding ranches; (b) be
detrimental to other animals both
in and near the park; (c adversely
affect many small species in the
6. The National Transporta-
tion Safety Board recommended
that during airplane flights all
babies should: (a) be assigned toa
special section; (b) sit in safety
seats; (c) wear fastened seat belts.
7. The pro-Western north
merged with the socialist south to
form the single nation of: (a) Ko-
rea; (b) Yemen; (c) Cambodia.
8. Help Mr. Wizard was in the
bird in the TV series, "TwinPeaks
(b) a new children's video game
and cartoon; (c) the winner of the
1990 Frog lumping Jubilee in
Angels Camp, Calif.
See Quiz, page 8
By Edna Gundersen
Gannett News Service
Read their lips: What you see
may not be what you hear. "Is it
live or is it Memorex?" is a valid
question as pop stars increasingly
use lip-synching and pre-recorded
tapes to enhance shows.
Is live pop dying?
Hardly, but as concerts are
more lavishly staged musical
fudging is mounting. The phe-
nomenon is proliferating in dance-
oriented pop, where videos, not
stages, are the launching pad and
proving ground.
The most obvious example is
Madonna's current tour, a visu-
ally preoccupied and heavily
choreographed spectacle. Ma-
donna lip-synchs the duet "Now changed, and thaf s the driving
I'm Following You while a Dick force here says Thorn Duffy,
Tracy character mouths Warren Billboard talent editor. "They
Beattv's recorded vocals. On other expect a concert as perfect as what
songs, background singers plump they see on MTV
up her voice, strained by the exer- See Voice It, page 8
tion of non-stop dancing.
Few would declare this a
No attempt is made to dis-
guise the lip-synching sequence,
and the show's high entertainment
quotient compensates for vocal
"Nine times out of 10, they
aren't going to tell you says Carl
Freed, head of the North Ameri-
can Concert Promoters Associa-
tion. "If they're good at it, nine
times out ot 10, you can't tell
Billboard recently reported
that up to 50 percent of the sound
in shows by teen idols Milli Va-
nilli and New Kids on the Block
are pre-taped, including vocal
"The expectations o f f ans ha ve
Coming up
Comedy Zone
In Limbo with
rhe Earth Murchants
Crystal Skv
Child's Play
Liquid Sound
Mouse of Mirth
An Ideal View
A wife's primary job is not at the office
Bv Caroline 'Manning'
Slaff wife-to-be
School keeps us very busy.
i ou people will dispute that fact.
We are responsible for
attending classes, caring for
ourselves, working late-night jobs
and juggling personal lives.
It's hard to establish
friendships or romances between
the requirements of college life.
But I am proof that it is possible.
I'm holding the best of it all.
and I'm the first to admit it is not of
my own strength. In all humility,
and tor nothing I have earned or
deserved, I have been blessed.
Almost everyone who knows
me understands what I mean. Let
me inform those oi you who onlv
know my name. As my "By Line"
,i-s. 1 am planning to get married.
1 have already learned a lot in
preparation for that event about
living with other peoplcby sharing
an apartment with two of the nicest
girls I know. However, there's
more to marriage than being a
good roommate or friend.
Marriage isa relationship that
is exclusive and exhaustive. From
my point of view, marriage means
total submission toa man I trust to
care for me above himself and
more than I could care for myself.
The Bible says, "The wifedoes
not have authority over her own
body, but the husband does;
Out oi context, that could be read
to mean wives must be slaves and
allow themselves to be abused.
The rest of that verse says
and likewisealso the husband does
not have authority over his own
body, but the wife does (1
Connthians7:4). Ina situation like
that, it is impossible for husband
or wife to be abused or mistreated.
Women today are told over
.i rtd over that they are just as good
as men. At some things, that's true.
But not at everything. We women
were made to be under men and to
be lead by them, not to lead them.
It's taught by our society that
women are entitled to careers as
well as families. We are not taught
how to be wives. We are told our
families will not survive without
our incomes. The truth is that our
families will not survive without
our love, presence and support.
Families need wives and
mothers more than they need a
second income. There are four-
year-old girls in this country
wanting to wear high-heeled shoes
like Barbie and spandex clothes
like the girls in "Married With
I was told today that only
seven percent of all the families in
this country have mothers who
stay home and raise their children.
Only seven percent of the wives in
American families are submitting
toGod's plan for family structure.
I would like to be an asset to
my h usba nd. Assets a re not a I ways
financial. 1 would like to be his
support from beside and beneath
him, but never from above.
Ultimately, I would like to be
an "excellent wife The Word of
God says that an excellent wife's
"worth is far above jewels. The
heart of her husband trusts in her,
and he will have no lack of gain
(Proverbs 31:10-11).
Whatamlgettingat? My point
will not make me popular with
most women. I don't expect it to.
More women, more wives,
need to reverently fear God and
obey what he says. Wives need to
value their husbandsabovecareers
and raise children on healthy
spiritual food as well as good
physical food. Wives and mothers
need to teach love, charity,
selflessness, meekness, gentleness,
kindness and temperance.
The Bible says women were
made for men. That's hard to
swallow because we have been
raised on pride and independence.
We need to put aside the
teachingsof ourcultureand cleave
to the truth of Jesus. Culture and
tradition changes but God stays
the same. His law isa timeless and
unchanging standard we need to
measure ourselves against.
If we measure ourselves
against the world's standard, we
will believe charm, beauty and
pride are our strongest attributes.
But God says, "Charm is
deceitful and beauty is vain, but a
woman who fears the Lord, she
shall be praised (Prov. 31:30).
It's hard to receive council to
be submissive. If s hard to place
others above ourselves. Yet thaf s
what we are told to do.
The sacrifice involved in
getting married is great. Yet the
reward is even greater. The
greatest commitment a wife can
give her husband is one like Ruth
gave to her mother-in-law after
her husband had died.
She could have returned to
her father's home but she begged
to stay with the family of her
husband. "But Ruth said, 'Do not
urge me to leave you or turn back
from following you; for where you
go, I will go, and where you lodge,
I will lodge. Your people shall be
my people, and your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die,
and there I will be buried. Thus
may the Lord do to me, and worse,
if anything but death parts you
and meRuth 1:16-17).
Total love and commitment,
commitment to death, is what it
takes to be a good wife. If more
women realized this, there would
be fewer divorces, fewer unhappy
husbands and fewer four-year-old
girls with television and toys as
role models.

8 The East Carolinian, June 6, 1W0
Campus Voice
What would you recommend for a
budget cut and what is your opinion
on the current cuts?
Sheila Kittrell, 19
Sophomore, Nursing
"1 like the air-conditioning being cut
back because they stop classes at 12:00
on Fridays. They should cut back on
Continued from page 7

Martin Blue, 20
Junior, Biology
"Some oi the construction could be
put on hold The cuts have not affected
me personally, but I've talked to custo-
dians who enjoy the shorter work
Monica Hunter, 19
junior, Physical Therapy
"I'm a Physical Therapy major and
they don't have enough cadavers tor
every group to have one. To save
money, they should regulate the tem-
perature in the dorms
within .nut outside the group In
i vmlvr, he will walk dow n the
aisle to get his diploma. le gi es
all the credit to N A. It taught me
to live instead oi ust exist
1 he croup therapy concept oi
the 1 ellow ship seems to be the key
toit'ssuccess Oneot themottosoi
the program is I he value ot one
addict helping another is without
parallel ' One problem with other
treatment programs is that thev
make the patients feel like they are
on uneven terms with those who
are treating them.
In . A no one preaches. 1 he
are people who share a common
problem and otter each other
support. Meetings are held at
9.lna findinghailedasamajoT
step in understanding a crippling
nerve disease, scientists said only
a narrow range ot white blood
cells may be invoked in trigger-
ing: (a) cystic hbrosis; ib muscu-
lar dystrophy; (c) multiple sclero-
Voice It
Richard Holley, 25
Senior, Communications
"The mam thing that affects me is that
they made it mandatory to eat on
campus. They only serve on Monday
through Friday. The cafeteria should
be open on Saturday and Sunday a
Sonya Cranford, 23
Graduate Student, English
1 low can w e keep upour standards it
we can't expand our library and get
more books? I've been to Chapel 1 hll
roe times this semester to get books
James Simms, 24
Senior, Sociology
"I'd recommend cutting out Barefoot
on the Mall, movies and other activi-
ties, except intramurals. Increase
spending on academics and cut back
on social activities
?Compiled by Suan Lawler
(Photos by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
"Artists arc trying to repro
duce the record as fully as pos
sible Freedsays Vigorousdant
ers m'ay feel an audience will be
turned ott it they hear them breath
ing hard
Concertgoers raised on M :
mav not care.
The growing practi. l1
prompted New jersqp assembh
men Neil M. Cohen and loseph
Mecca to introduce a bill requir-
ing lip-synchers to fess up It
passed, the law would require
concert promoters to warn ticket
buversthatan artist intends to use
recordings in pine .t live lead
"It's not censorship, Col
sav s. "An artist still can prerecord
lead vocals All (the bill) does is
nform the public
ermine the bill an "impos-
many different times throughout
the week, and each ol the mem-
bers is only a phone vail away
from the others rhey will talk
through a problem almost any
time ot day or night
Within the group there is a
feeling ot belonging and a strong
system ot friendship and caring.
! his tills the void that many of il s
members had previously tilled
with drugs. One recovering ad-
diet said. "What 1 was looking tt r
in the bag or the bottle i found in
(In order to preserve the an-
nymity ot those involved with
N.A all the names have been
Continued from page 7
Id. Former world boxii
champion Rocky Graziano, who
died ot cardiopulmonary failure
at theageoi 71, foughl profession-
ally as a: (a) heavyweight; (b)
middleweight; (c) lightweight.
NSWERS: la 2 cb 1 a v.i
6.b 7 b 8. 9.c lO.b.
I ontinued trom page 7
sible legislative position Dave
t lart I the Nederlanderh-gani-
zation r. S, I hi- awciieiii e is as
?lie ??, ugh t i kiii ?w w hether
the) re being taken. It they see a
show is over-lip-vnched, they
wont buy tickets the next time
around. A lot ot then. don t care. '
1 lart deft nds Milli anilli as
i dance a t; dancing is as impor-
tant .is singing in that situation
It what the St C live is more
a production than a performance,
I don't ted they II be disap-
linted ' Billboard's Duffy says
?? ? riti( Tom
Moon wrote that programmed
shows overlook what makes live
performance great mood.
teamwork, improvisation, the
sound of someone confronting his
or her musical limitations
Bits and Pieces
'Rock and Read' video teaches kids
An all-star team wants to reach two-to-four-year-olds
and teach them to read. "Rock and Read" is a new video
showcasing pop versions ot kids' songs. Singers trom the
Bangles and rap group De I.a Soul will contribute songs.
Musical kids write songs for contest
Musical kids can help other kids by writing a song of hope
to hospitalized children across the United States. The
1 vereadv Super Song contest winner receives $3,000, and
a trip to I )isneyland. For more information: 8Q0-776-SONG.
? Jfynihl . ??
Music Notes
Florida's own Savatage will be playing a tew dates in
. this summer in support of their latest Lp, "Gutter
Ballet The earliest date is June 7 at The Flaming Mug in
Fayetteville. Cold Sweat, a Los Angeles-based, heavy
metal foursome formed by ex-Keel guitarist Marc Ferrari,
will be making their live debut on the hast Coast. Lead
vocalist Rory Cathey is a native of N.C who played for the
one-time, popular hard rock band Gibraltar.
Fayetteville's Last Child will be the opening act tor both
bands. Speaking ot Last Child, guitarist Tom Pardue has
parted ways with the band. Mark Hall trom Rochester,
N A has replaced Pardue. A smooth and melodic guitar
player, 1 tail's musical approach to the guitar adds a nice
touch to the hard and heavy Last Child sound.
While we're on the subject of Fayetteville bands, there's a
new melodic metal outfit that is in the works. Bassist
lyricist Bernie Mangiboyat, who co-founded Last Child
with drummer Robbie Flail before he made an exit, has
been working with area musicians to form a tight, hard-
drivin and melody-laden outfit. Mangiboyat played with
area favorite Extasy before the act disbanded. Read Music
Notes in the weeks ahead for more info on this band and
other musical tid bits. Until then, turn the music up and
keep rockin
?Compiled by Deanna Nevgloski
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June 6,1990
Cavs sign
Ferry for
big contract
Puke standout Dannv Ferry, the
newest member of the Cleveland
Cavaliers, has no regrets about
-pending his first professional
season in Italy.
"I'm verv happy about my
decision to play in Italy Ferrv
said Friday night after he signed a
long-term deal with the Cavaliers
thought to be worth at least $2.5
million a year. "1 think personally
I grew up a lot. I don't think it hurt
Cvnte the contrary.
Ferrv and his attorney, David
Falk, used his $2 million-a-vear
contract with II Messaggero Roma
as a starting point in their negotia-
-s with the Cavaliers, who
acquired Ferrv's rights last No-
ember by trading Ron Harper to
the 1 os Angeles Clippers.
"Danny was not prepared to
? ike a pay cut to leave Italy f-alk
s,ud 'Clearly, his position was
unique. Die money was signifi-
, ant
ei t her Ik nor the Ca va 1 iers
would disclose the length or
amount of the contract. The BA
Mr v spent much of Friday scruti-
izing the deal to determine its
i vkt annual worth, a necessary
i ercise because oi the league's
salary cap.
1 had a lot of leverage in the
position I was in Ferrv said. "I
didn't want to use that too much.
1 have an understanding of the
v ap. I didn't want to take too much
advantage of that, because I want
ti bo on a good team
"You don't want to have the
ne Ranger on a team with 11
pickup guys Falk said.
At 6-foot-10, Ferrv is projected
as a shooting forward, and the
avaliers want him to add some
bulk to improve hisenduranceand
rebounding. Flo averaged about
22 points and six rebounds in the
Italian league this season, and 22.6
points and 7.4 rebounds in his
senior year at Duke.
The Clippers took Ferry with
the second pick overall in last
summer's draft, but he chose to
play in Italy instead. The Cava-
liers traded Harper and three draft
picks ? first-rounders in 1990and
92 and a second-rounder in 1991
for Ferrv and Reggie Williams,
who was later released.
"1 think the Cavaliers have a
-mart team and I feel I'm a smart
player Ferry said. "I can play a
few different positions. I can give
See Ferry, page 10
(Bht JEaat (ffarqluuan
Page 9
Pistons stop
Bulls, 93-74
Students took advantage of the warm Emerald City weather Tuesday by going out and getting some
exercise. Football, lor some, seemed appropriate (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Holyfield looks to Douglas
Evander Holyfield's road to a
heavyweight championship fight
overcame a small bump and now
heads toward a possible pot ot
SeamusMcDonagh wasn't the
dangerous puncher he was ad ver-
tised to be and wasknocked down
twice in the first round Friday
night before being stopped in the
fourth round.
Holyheld now must await the
rosultsof a purse bid on une 10 to
see who will promote champion
Buster Douglas' mandatory title
defense against 1 lolvtiold.
TheWBA will conduct purse
bids for the Douglas-Holyfield
fight Sunday, une 10 lames
Hinns, lawver tor the orld box-
ing Association, said at the post-
fight news conference.
Douglas is fighting a complex
legal battle to break a promotional
contract with Don King. The fight
with McDonagh was much sim-
"If I'm going to be the heavy-
weight champion, then 1 have to
take on all comers said Holv-
field, who improved to 24-0 with
20 knockouts.
McDonagh proved to be little
competition, powerless to stop
I lolyfield's left jab and stumbling
to keep up.
"The whole thing seemed to
happen in 10 seconds said
McDonagh, a native of Ireland
now majoring in English litera-
ture in Mew York at St. John's
McDonagh, who fell to 19-2-1
with 14 knockouts, was knocked
down for the third and final time
at 44 seconds of the fourth round
of a scheduled 12-rounder.
The two fighters were ex-
changing blows when McDonagh
threw a right but wasbeaten to the
punch bv a left hook that crashed
against his jaw. 1 le went down in
a heap and struggled up at the
count of nine. Referee loo Cortez
stopped the mismatch.
In the third round, Holyfield
ripped open a cut over
McDonagh's left eve. In that
round, McDonagh got home per-
haps his best punch of the fight, a
right to the head, but it did him no
? While the Detroit Pistons are
dreaming of another NBA title,
the Chicago Bulls are back to
mainly daydreaming.
The Pistons, getting 21 points
from Isiah Thomas and 33 points
from their bench, defeated the
Bulls 93-74 Sunday in the seventh
and deciding game of the Eastern
Conference championships.
Bidding to become only the
third franchise in league history
torcpeataschampion, Detroit will
open the NBA Finals at home
Tuesday night against the Port-
land Trail Blazers.
"It was just another game in
the playoffs for us Thomas said.
"Maybe their youth and inexperi-
ence showed. We felt confident
coming into the game
Michael Jordan, proving that
a one-man team isn't enough in
the NBA, scored 31 points for the
Bulls. But the only other Chicago
plaver in double figures was
Horace Grant with 10.
"Some players didn't play as
well as they're capable o, but you
have to take your lumps and move
on said Jordan, whose chair-
kicking temper tantrum wascred-
ited with helping the Bulls stave
off a sweep after they dropped the
first two games.
"Maybe the pressure got to
us Jordan said. "There was some
nervousness. Nobody besides
(Bill) Cartwnght has been in this
"You could see their killer
instinct. They had us back on our
heels. They overwhelmed us
The Bulls, who shot only 31.1
percent, actually led 19-17 after
one quarter. But the Pistons, as
they always do, went to their
With Mark Aguirre scoring
10 of his 15 points, the Pistons
broke the game open in the sec-
ond quarter, building a 48-33
halftime lead. The Pistons' bench
outscored the Bulls' bench 33-17
in the game and 213-131 during
the series.
"Before the game, we were
relaxed, open and real loose said
lohn Sallev, who chipped in with
14 points and five blocked shots
See Pistons, page 10
Valvano teams up with ABC,
Musburger for three years
NEW YORK (AP) im Val-
vano, forced out two months ago
as North Carolina State basketball
coach, has agreed to a three-sear
deal with ABC for a reported
Valvano agreed toa buyout of
his contract on April 7 after un-
substantiated allegations, made,
ironically by ABC News, that State
players had been involved in fixed
Valvano had also been criti-
cized about a lack of academic
progress in the program, which
wasplaced on probation tor viola-
tions involving complimentary
tickets and sneakers. He finally
agreed to have his liftime contract
bought out for $600,000.
Dennis Swanson, the presi-
dent of ABC Sports, said Valvano
will be teamed on basketball tele-
casts with Brent Musburger, who
recently signed with the network
after being let go by CBS the day
before he broadcast the NCAA
final for that network. Keith
Jackson and Dick Vitale will be
the other team for ABC, which
will carrv college basketball on 11
weekends next season.
Swanson said hedoesn't think
Valvano will present image prob-
lems for the network.
"We think the keys are a
knowledge of basketball and the
abilitv to communicate he said.
"We think Jim has both
Valvano said the problems at
N.C. Statemightallow him to bring
to broadcasting an insight into
college athletics that others don't
"I understand more than most
analysts what is going on in col-
lege basketball today ho said. "I
feel very comfortable in not just
talking about a pick and roll and
making a comical comment
Detroit vs. Portland?
As the NBA season winds down to the championship series, these
students put their basketball skills to work on College Hill in hopes
of making it last a little longer (Photo by Garrett Killian ? ECU
Photo Lab)
Clemson officials pleased with NCAA
results, team aviods 'death penalty"
Catch me!
Pools have finally opened for the
swimmer enjoys the slide at the
Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
summer months in Greenville. This
Wilson Acres pool (Photo by J.D.
Moments before the NCAA sen-
tence against Clemson was re-
vealed, Frank Howard put into
words what many school officials
and Tiger faithful feared was forth-
"This must be a funeral
Howard said, looking at the grim
faces of those seated at the front of
the room.
But the former Tiger coach was
wrong. There was no funeral in
the president's box at Death Val-
ley. TheClemson football program
is very much alive.
The sentence was light: one
year's probation with no other
sanctions that would prevent the
Tigers from (a) being on televi-
sion, (b) going to a bowl or (c)
competing for the Atlantic Coast
Conference and national titles.
To many, it appeared the
Tigers got off easy. Clemson offi-
cials disputed that, but first-year
Coach Ken Hatfield said the deci-
sion was "what we've been hop-
ing for.
"It's not like a first win, but it
does give this team an opportu-
nity to win this year he said.
"Now we'll have the same goals
as our opponents. The toughest
thing about probation is the atten-
tion it draws to you
Having feared the worst,
Clemson was slapped with less
than the minimum sentence for
two major violations and six sec-
ondary violations. There is still
the threat of the so-called death
penalty that could seetheClemson
football program disbanded for
up to two years if another major
violation occurs within the next
five years.
Hatfield said he plans to help
make sure that doesn't happen.
"It's going to take a serious
education program to be sure that
nothing takes place in that time to
hinder some future student-ath-
letes from having the sameoppor-
tunities the members on this team
have now Hatfield said. "We're
operating under a different sce-
nario for the next five years. You
can't even stub your toe. I don't
foresee any problem
Hatfield said the NCAA deci-
sion not restricting the Tigers from
television or a bow! should make
his first year at the helm of the
premier football program in the
Atlantic Coast Conference easier.
"I don't think there's any
doubt about it he said. "It could
havea tremendouseffect. I haven't
ever had a team on probation, and
I know it's a tougher motivating
job when you can't play for a
conference championship or go to
a bowl
Hatfield arrived at Clemson
within days of Danny Ford's res-
ignation and the NCAA's revela-
tion of the charges against the
football program. But the con-
troversty didn't stop Hatfield from
leaving Arkansas ? his alma
mater ? to come to a school he'd
never been to before.
"When 1 got here, there were a
lot of allegations he said. "But
there's a lot of difference between
allegations and the truth
Indeed. Clemson was origi-
nally charged with 14 rule viola-
tions. One of those was later
dropped and twoothersamended.
The final report by the NCAA
Committee on Infractions cited
eight rule violations by Clemson,
six of which were minor.
The two major violations in-
volved one player receiving small
cash sums from a booster and an
unidentified source. One of the
major original charges ? 13 alle-
gations of illegal recruiting con-
tacts ? was dropped.
Ford was not named in any of
the original allegations, according
to the committee. And only one
assistant was cited in the final
report ? for providing impermis-
sible transportation to a recruit.
At a news conference Friday
in Greenville, Ford said he was
notatall worried when theNCAA
came calling on Clemson in Au-
gust ? or when the NCAA an-
nounced in January it was con-
ducting an official inquiry.
"I think the program was as
clean as anybody he said. "When
they said they were coming, I said
thank goodness. Come on in,
NCAA. Show everybody we're
running a good shop
Ford said that was just what
the infraction committee's final
report showed. He emphasized
that the report cleared himand his
coaches. He also said four of the
secondary violations involved one
See Clemson, page 10

10 The East Carolinian, June 6,1990
Sports Briefs
Sheehan not allowed in tournament
Patty Sheehan received quite a shock when she arrived in I lershey,
Pa to play in the $3X),(KX) I adv Keystone Open Sheehan was told she
never signed the LPGA commitment book and will not be allowed to
play in the 54-hole tournament, which begins Friday. Tournament
officials would gladly permit Sheehan, third on the money list, to play,
bu the LPGA says no
Johnson may be new Yankee manager
Speculation grew Thursday that former Mets manager Davie
lohnson would soon moveacross town to manage the Yankees. Johnson
s.nd he would be interested in the )ob, and with the Yankees having the
next -to-worst record in baseball, rumors are rampant that George
Steinbrenner will make a move to replace Huckv Pent with lohnson.
Bergeron fired after only one season
Quebec Norduiues coach Michel Bergeron, whose team had the
NiHIs worst record last season, was fired Thursday, general manager
Pierre Page said A replacement has not been named. Bergeron's second
term as coach of the team lasted only one season - six fewer than his
previous stint in Quebec from 1980-87.
Morgan wins Kemper Open by a shot
Gill Morgan rallied to win the 51 million Kemper Open Sunday bv
a shot against Ian Baker-ruuS. Baker-finch tired a final-round 3-under-
par 66 and had the lead even after bogeving the last hole from a deep
bunker Morgan started three shots behind third-round leader Steve
jottes 79, then birdied the 13th and 15th holes for a 6 to finish 10-
under-par 274
Unser wins as Andretti runs out of gas
Al Unser r passed Michael Andretti, who ran out of fuel, with one
lap to go, to win Sunday's Miller C .enuine Draft 200 at the Wisconsin
State Fair Park With just over one lap to go. Unset was well behind
Andretti who finished fifth after a quick pit stop Inzer's winning speed
(133.670 mph) and elapsed time (one hour, 2 minutes and 46.393
seconds) were new event records
Sunday Silence wins in field of three
Sunday Silence, racing for the first time in seven months, won
Sunday's Grade I Califomtan Handicap at Hollywood Park - with
jockey Patrick Yalenuela aboard Sunday Silence, the 1989 Kentuck)
Derby and Preakness winner and Horse of the Year, was making his
lirst start as a 4-vear-old. 1 le won the 1 1 H-mile (. alitornian bv three
quarters (if a length in 1:48 in a held of three.
U.S. women's basketball team named
I ive former U.S. Olympians and two players from NCAA cham-
pion Stanford are among the finalists for the 1990 U.S. women's
basketball team Among the Olympians is I.ynette Woodard of the H4
gold medal team and the HO team that missed the Games because of the
boycott The team will play in the I ISA World Ghampionship July 11 -
22 at Malaysia and the Goodwill Games uly 31-Aug. 5 at Seattle
LaFontaine named player of the year
ew York Islanders center Pat LaFontaine was named NH1
I odge Performer of the Year Monday in New York. He was the NHL
player Of the week twice during the season and runner-up for player of
the month twice. (From the USA TODAY Sports section.)
Nissan team wins another in Ohio
(,eoff Brabham of Australia teamed with Irishman Derek Dalv to
win the Nissan Grand Prix (it IMSA GT prototype sports ran'
Sunday at Lexington, Ohio. The victory was Brabham's third COntCCV
tive at the Mid-Ohio Sports Gar Course. Nissan has won 24 of the last
33 IMSA Gamel GT races, dating to 1988,
College Football Association makes
changes to increase graduation rates
DALLAS (AP) College Football Association coaches, under
pressure from school presidents to improve graduation rates, called on
the NFL to reschedule minicamps and scouting combines (o keep
players from missing class tune Jo that end, theC 1 A on Sunday said
Nil scouts are no longer welcome in film rooms and facilities of the
more than 60 CFA member schools until the league becomes more
sensitive to the problem. The resolution came in the final day of the
three day 14th annual CIA meeting. For the first time thisyear, the NFL
unconditionally drafted underclassmen who still had eligibility re
maining if they declared for the draft.
In the Locker
Where the men who
play organized rugby
Number of clubs
Amateur clubs
Post-graduate (after college)
trade schools 413
Military 86
College clubs 392
Masters (age 35 and over) 129
for Detroit. "lake (( oach Chuck
(Daly) said, this team has 12 com-
panies and each company sat
down at the round table and de
cided to go for one objective FEve-
rybody was here today
The Bulls, who never have
been to the NBA Finals, have lost
their last eight games in Detroit,
dating back to the first game of
last year's conference finals The
Bulls won all three games in C hi-
felt confident to win in Detroit
But when it came t. me to do it,
they never came close- Chicago
never shot 50 percent against
plaver. Another of the secondary
violations occurred because a stu
dent host bought a recruit a$6hat
not knowing he wrasdoing wrong
"He should have been toW
everv rule in that (NCAA ruin
book. He should have known it by
heart Ford said with mod -eri
ousneSA. "He shouldn't have been
studying, trying to get a degree
Ford downplayed the serious-
ness of the charges in the final
NCAA report, although he did
acknowledge having a plaver re-
ceive money was wrong.
1 think you can go anywhere
in the country and find this right
here anywhere in the country,
period, Ford said. "If no one else
. ,in find it, let me go and it won't
take me five minutes. I'll know
where to look
The fact remains, however
that (. lemson is on probation for
the sect ?nd time in eight years rhc
program was put on two years'
Continued from page 9
Detroit and never scored 100
points in any of the four games at
the Palace of Auburn Hills
"They proved today that
they're better on paper and better
on the court Jordan said.
"They're the best defensive team
in the league In the playoffs, not
too many people are going to get
layupsor dunks
The Bulls staged a mild rally
to narrow the score to 64-9 after
three quarters But with Aguirre
and Vinnie Johnson each sconnga
basket, Detroit started the fourth
quarter with an 8-2 burst and the
Bulls never recovered.
Continued from page 9
probation bv the NCAA and
the ACC added a third in
1982 for a host of violations under
Charley F'ell and Irord.
This time, all the violations
occurred under I rd
But Athletic Director Bobby
Robinson s,iu) and Ford and
NCAA officials concurred the
school learned something about
how lOkeep a watch on its foi ?tball
program from its 1982 run-in with
the NCAA something was
"institutional control which tl e
infractionscorrenittee ited i
erf the reasons it didn't
levy the minimum sanctions for
the violations it cited
I Jnder NCAA polii ies,
( lemson COuld have been put o:i
two vears' probation and banned
from television and a bowl for one
. ? u he I igers i ould also have
been slapped with recruiting n
strii tions and s? holarship r d
Continued from page 9
them some flexibility
Ferry played against thn
the Cavaliers Mark Price, Brad
Daughertyandhuckv Bn ?? r
in the Atlantic (oastonteren. c
Ferry helped Duke get I t!
Final Four in three of his tour
seasons, but never won the cham-
"He passes the ball well and
shoots it well Cleveland coach
I enny Wilkens said. "He has an
impact on the game because he
i an do a lot ol things i le has said
he wants to get stronger, and I
think that's a good idea I in not
going todrool about anything until
the season starts"
Ferry had the option i t rc-
turning to Italy next season He
said he had one regret about leav-
ing behind the pampered lite he
led in Italy
"It was real hard to s,iv goo-
dbye to my maid- ih.e's when 1
i ricd he said
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The East Carolinian, June 6, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 06, 1990
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