The East Carolinian, May 30, 1990

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?te 2:a0t (Earaltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
W i
Wednesday. May 30, lll0
Tuscaro Indian
fort excavated
By William A. Shires
1l os Bureau
Peep in a cornfield, nestled in a bond ol curving Contentrtea Creek
near Snow 1 ill an haeologistsare exi avating tor the first time the site
of an Indian forf where the proud 1 uscaroras made a last stand nearly
three centurn - igo
onth, archaeologists from ECl s summer field school
began peeling thin layers of earth from a series ol shallow trenches and
sifting the: irl 18th century artifacts
pattern ol post holes dark stains in the subsoil emerged and
seems to confirm old stones and local legend that this was the place the
Native Americans called Noo-HeRooKa, where the last battle of the
! uscarora War was fought. Until now. the site had never been verified
officially nor investigated professionally,
W e re almost UX1 percent certain" ol the exact site, within an area
marked off with rows of orange stakes, says Mr David Pheips, director
ot! VI s summer an haeology field program fne evidence is here and
it is relatix el undisturbed
It s fortunate thai we got here when wedid Pheips adds. 1 ocal
tradition lias n that the tort was here, but over the years it was almost
i .
Ph? Ips v. ho reads signs and stains in subsoil like pages in a book
can tell at a I liti rence between a phw blade mark and an old
post Ic 111 . rks with two graduate assistants and about 10 students
i i. in the ret tangular, shallow tren hes
ng the pattern to trace the walls and locate other
fCai i ? he evidence is there. We see patterns emerge where
lurbed at some point in time It s like a 280 year old
Se? I urt. page ?
center established
By kirn lev Eder
stall Writer
; I is establishing a i nmpre
. i entei for International
tdies w hi h w ill be direc tod b
Dr 1 ngene 1 lean ol the
( ;eof Arf nd Sciences effe
tive ulv I
I see this as a great opportu
nitv to unify our efforts in theinter-
national arei a ind to expand in
main directions what we are
doing Rvansaid 'Itisamarvel-
ousopportunitv tor me and for the
uni ersitv, and 1 am very grateful
lo the i han ellor and to I r. Sprin-
g i fi r allow ing me to serve in this
an i f ven pci ial interest. '
1 !h t enU i v ill - oordinate all
ol the elements ol international
studies throughout campus. "I ntil
now we have had different activi
ties ol international studies) scat
tercd around campus said Ryan
" I he idoa ot the center is to bring
allot those t " ?
irdmc to Rvan, a minor
program in international studios
iscurrenth being developed We
hope to have the- program formu-
lated b thefall semester hesaid
It should be a very attr.u tive
minor tor a number of people in
different areas who want to get
more knowledge about interna-
tional studios "
Ryan said that there are ur
rentlv plans to de elop a master's
program in international studios
also 1 ho program w ill be the only
one ot its kind in the state.
In addition, Ryan said that
EC I has the 1 bonus Rivers En-
dowment 'hair in International
Studies. 1 Ic said the university is
looking for a "distinguished pro-
fessor to fill that appointment" and
hopes to have an appointment by
an 1991.
Ryan said that he hopes ECU
will be able to improve and
strengthen its relationships with
universities abroad . urrentlv,
E I has student exchange agrce-
See Center, page 2
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 5,000
12 Pages
New police
chief hired
for campus
By Shannon Buckley-
staff Writer

Or David S Pheips (right) explains findings from the site of an archeological excavation of an Indian ton
??? u Snow Hill, N C to Chancellor Richard 1 akin and Dr Marlene Springer, vice chancellor for aca-
demic affairs (Photo by Tony M. Rumple ? ECU News Bureau)
A tour month search for an
ECU campus police chief has
ended in the hiring ol a M) year-
police veteran.
Ronnie "Ron" Avery, police
chief in Williamston, . will
become police chief of E( I Public
Safety effective une 15. Avery has
been involved in law enforcement
tor nearly Hj yeai .
According to the ECU News
Bureau, Avery became the police
chief of Williamston in lime 1989.
Williamston, is a town with less
than one third of the population of
ECU'scampus, which totalsnearly
20,000students, faculty and staff
In addition to Avery'sexperi-
ence in Williamston he I isscrv I
as a patrolman, shift i omrnander
and services division commander
on the police forces m New Bern.
N.C no during 24 years ol ser
ice in Winter Park, i la
Avery, a Winston-Salem na-
tive who grew up in Pamlico
( ounty,N.C,holdsa BSdegreein
- hminal justice from Rollins i ol-
lege, Winter Park i la and has
attended the FBI National Acad-
emy in Quantico, V i
amesDePuy, director of ECl
Public Safety, announced Averv s
appointment on May 1 Avery will
succeed lohnny Rose who resigned
in February 1990 to pursue private
ECU to raise admission standards for fall
By Tonia Endres
stall Writer
c hanging admission stan-
dards tor incoming freshmen will
put a dent in EC I 's reputation as
the easy university to gain accep-
tance to.
I he admissions standards are
being raised tor incoming fresh-
men for fall 1990and will possibly
be raised again tor the freshmen of
1 r. Ihomas Powell, director
ot admissions, said, "Last August
the Chancellor and 1 met nol
agreed to raise the minimum (SA11
by 50 points. The minimum
admission standards tor SA1
so 'res will be raised to700for next
vear 5ince the admissions office
works a year ahead of the regular
university schedule, he said the
S I requirements may be raised
another 30 points for the freshmen
of 1991
Powell said most of the appli-
cants to ECU are either clearly
admissible or inadmissible, and
only these few in between candi-
dates are the ones that go through
the scrutiny and fine selection
According to Powell, the uni-
versity is most concerned with the
high school class rank of students
because it is the best prediction of
success or failure in college 1 he
difficulty level of classes taken in
high school playsan important role
in acceptance to the university,
whereas SA 1 scores are a less
important factor.
We feel we are able to attract
students who tnav have a greater
potential tor success said Pow-
ell lie said they rotor many stu-
dents to the community colleges
where they can overcome any
deficiencies they may have before
transferring to ECU.
EC U does not want to be a
highly selective school, but is be-
coming more choosy in the com-
ing years. Powell said ECU is ,n
institution ot access and should be
accessible to the people of North
Shannon Copeland, a senior,
journalism major, said: 1 think it's
a good idea. We can't expect to be
competitive with other universi-
ties it we have a bunch of less-
than-mtelligent students making
us look bad t
Victor Putze, a tumor, politi-
cal science major, said I don t
know it it s a good idea or not.
Some of mv friends and I didn t
have real good grades in high
school but had the opportunity to
co to college because of K I s
lower admissions standards i ou
can still have a high standard of
education without taking a way the
opportunity for averagestudents
lournalism professor, William
Gonzenbach,saidEC I has what
1 call the Woody Allen complex: 1
wouldn't want to belong to any
club that would have me as a
Gonzenbach wo students of
his statistics class did a telephone
survey of 501 l-XL students in 1989
and 417 ECU students in 1990. Ihe
results indicate that students are
very happy here. They love their
school, they like their classes and
teachers a lot. but how they see
others outside ECU perceiving
them is rather unfavorable
According to Gonzenbach's
class protect, the image of EC I is
improving, rhirty percent of those
See Standards, page 3
Hospice program provides
valuable services for patients
By Amy Clayborne
Staff Writer
Wait, this can't be right!
Public Safety is in the process of getting a long-awaited paved
parking lot (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Despite scanty funding and
limited statt. the Pastern North
Carolina Home Health Hospice
provides valuable services for ter-
minally ill patients and their fami-
Ihe Eastern North Carolina
Hospice was established m b'Hl
and serves Pitt and Beaufort Coun-
ties. Ihe program was designed
torterrnmallv ill patients who want
to die at home in familiar surround-
ings instead of in a hospital or
nursing home.
"We trv to make this last jour-
ney the patient goes through as
BOOd as it can possibly bo for that
patient and his caregiver" Volun-
teer Coordinator Jean Daily said.
Patients must meet certain
criteria to receive hospice care. A
physician must certify the patient
as having a life expectancy of six
months or less and there must be a
primary caregiver in the patient's
home I he patient also must forego
any active (cure-seeking) treat-
ment tor his illness and receive
onlv palliative care to relieve pain-
ful symptoms.
The hospice program consists
of onlv tive staff members. Direc-
tor Bonnie Ten heads the staff that
consists of a social worker, a li-
censed practical nurse, a volun-
teer coordinator and a home health
When it was hrst established,
the hospice program received
funding trom the United Way and
private donations At the present
time, United Wav funds have been
cut leaving the organization to
depend solely on private dona-
tions. Medicare funds and the
Eastern Carolina Home Health
Service for its funding. When
Medicare funds give out for pa-
tients, hospice still provides the
same patient care even though it
receives no financial reimburse-
"We keep afloat because of
the donations and volunteer
work Daily said.
reaching and opening the lines
of communication between fam-
ily members and their sick loved
ones are key functions of the hos-
pice staff and volunteer workers.
Through the hospice program, the
primary caregiver learns how to
care for the patient's special needs
Through counseling, family
members learn to cope with the
fact that their loved one is dying
Aids help with personal care, such
as bathing and grooming the pa-
tient The hospice Staff may even
send a minister to visit with the
patient and his family to help
provide for the spiritual needs of
the family.
"We promote a holistic ap-
proach that includes the medical,
social,financial and spiritual needs
of the patient Teu said.
The hospice program recog-
nizes that the family's needs do
not cease when their loved one
See Hospice, page 2
Why should we have a
law against desecrating
the flag9
State and Nation5
Bush says Gorbachev
remains strong despite the
widening economic crisis
ot the Soviet Union
Sparrow becomes
acting dean over the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences
Pirates are defeated in
the Atlantic Regionals.

Qftlt Saat Carfllttuatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 64 No.32
Wednesday, May 30,1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 5,000
12 Pages
Tuscaro Indian
fort excavated
By William A. Shires
ECU News Bureau
Deep in a cornfield, nestled in a bend of curving Contentnea Creek
near Snow I fill, archaeologists are excavating for the first time the site
of an Indian fort where the proud Tuscaroras made a last stand nearly
three centuries ago.
Earlier this month, archaeologists from ECU's summer field school
began peeling thin layers of earth from a series of shallow trenches and
sitting the soil for early 18th century artifacts.
A pattern of post holes ? dark stains in the subsoil ? emerged and
seem to confirm old stories and local legend that this was the place the
Native Americans called "Noo-He Roo Ka where the last battle of the
Tuscarora War was fought. Until now, the site had never been verified
officially nor investigated professionally.
"We're almost 100 percent certain of the exact site, within an area
marked off with rows of orange stakes, says Dr. David Phelps, director
of ECU's summer archaeology field program. "The evidence is here and
it is relatively undisturbed.
"It's fortunate that we got here when we did Phelps adds. "Local
tradition has it that the fort was here, but over the years it was almost
plowed awav
Phelps, who reads signs and stains in subsoil like pages in a book,
can tell at a glance the difference between a plow blade mark and an old
post hole lie works with twograduateassistantsand about 10 students,
six hours a dav in the rectangular, shallow trenches.
"We II be following the pattern to trace the walls and locate other
features, ' he said "The evidence is there. We see pat terns emerge where
the soil was disturbed at some point in time. It's like a 280-year-old
See Fort, page S
center established
By Kimley Eder
Staff Writer
ECU is establishing a compre-
hensive Center for International
Studies which will be directed by
Dr. Eugene F Rvan, dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences effec-
tive Inly 1.
"I see this as a great opportu-
nity tounifyoureffortsintheintcr-
national arena and to expand in
many directions what we are
doing Ryan said. "It is a marvcl-
university, and I am very grateful
to the chancellor and to Dr. Sprin-
ger for allowing me to serve in this
area of very special interest
The center will coordinate all
of the elements of international
studies throughout campus. "Until
now we have had different activi-
ties (of international studies) scat-
tered around campus said Ryan.
"The idea of the center is to bring
all Of these together
According to Ryan, a minor
program in international studies
iscurrentlvbeingdeveloped. "We
hope to have the program formu-
lated bv the fall semester he said.
"It should be a very attractive
minor for a number of people in
different areas who want to get
more knowledge about interna-
tional studies
Ryan said that there are cur-
rently plans to develop a master's
program in international studies
also. The program will be the only
one of its kind in the state.
In addition, Ryan said that
ECU has the Thomas Rivers En-
dowment Chair in International
Studies. He said the university is
looking for a "distinguished pro-
fessor to fill that appointment" and
hopes to have an appointment by
Jan 1991.
Ryan said that he hopes ECU
will be able to improve and
strengthen its relationships with
universities abroad. Currently,
ECU has student exchange agree-
See Center, page 2
New police
chief hired
for campus
By Shannon Buckley
Staff Writer
A four month search for an
ECU campus police chief has
ended in the hiring of a 30-year-
police veteran.
Ronnie "Ron" Avery, police
chief in Williamston, N.C will
become police chief of ECU Public
Safety effective June 15. Avery has
been involved in law enforcement
for nearly 30 yeaia.
According to the ECU News
Bureau, Avery became the police
chief of Williamston in June 1989.
Williamston, is a town with less
than one third of the population of
ECU'scampus, which totalsnearly
20,000 students, faculty and staff.
In addition to Avery's experi-
ence in Williamston he has served
as a patrolman, shift commander
and services division commander
on the police forces in New Bern,
N.C and during 24 years of serv-
ice in Winter Park, Fla.
Avery, a Winston-Salem na-
tive who grew up in Pamlico
County, N.CholdsaBSdegree in
criminal justice from Rollins Col-
lege, Winter Park Fla and has
attended the FBI National Acad-
emy in Quantico, Va.
James DcPuy, director of ECU
Public Safety, announced Avery's
appointmentonMay4. Avery will
succeed Johnny Rose who resigned
in February 1990 to pursue private
Dr David S. Phelps (right) explains lindings from the site ot an archeological excavation ot an Indian ton-
near Snow Hill, N.C. to Chancellor Richard Eakin and Dr. Marlene Springer, vice chancellor for aca-
demic affairs. (Photo by Tony M. Rumpte ? ECU News Bureau)
ECU to raise admission standards for fall
? . i . 1 ? JMirrin C cflOilirilC Trtl
By Tonia Endres
Staff Writer
Changing admission stan-
dards for incoming freshmen will
put a dent in ECU's reputation as
the easy university to gain accep-
tance to.
The admissions standards are
being raised for incoming fresh-
men for fall 1990 and will possibly
be raised again for the freshmen of
Dr. Thomas Powell, director
of admissions, said, "Last August
the Chancellor and I met and
agreed to raise the minimum (SAT)
by 50 points The minimum
admission standards for SAT
scores will be raised to 700 for next
year. Since the admissions office
works a year ahead of the regular
university schedule, he said the
SAT requirements may be raised
another 50 points for the freshmen
of 1991.
Powell said most of the appli-
cants to ECU are either clearly
admissible or inadmissible, and
onlv those few in between candi-
dates are the ones that go through
the scrutiny and fine selection
According to Powell, the uni-
versity is most concerned with the
high school class rank of students
because it is the best prediction of
success or failure in college. The
difficulty level of classes taken in
high school playsan important role
in acceptance to the university,
whereas SAT scores are a less
important factor.
"We feel we are able to attract
students who may have a greater
potential for success said Pow-
ell. He said they refer many stu-
dents to the community colleges
where they can overcome any
deficiencies they may have before
transferring to ECU.
ECU does not want to be a
highly selective school, but is be-
coming more choosy in the com-
ing years. Powell said ECU is an
institution of access and should be
accessible to the people of North
Shannon Copeland, a senior,
journalism major, said: "I think it's
a good idea. We can't expect to be
competitive with other universi-
ties if we have a bunch of less-
than-intelligent students making
us look bad 0
Victor Putze, a junior, politi-
cal science major, said: "1 don't
know if it's a good idea or not.
Some of my friends and 1 didn't
have real good grades in high
school but had the opportunity to
go to college because of ECU's
lower admissions standards. You
can still have a high standard of
education without taking a way the
opportunity for average students
Journalism professor, William
Gonzenbach, said, "ECU has what
I call the Woody Allen complex: 'I
wouldn't want to belong to any
club that would have me as a
Gonzenbach and students of
his statistics class did a telephone
survey of 501 ECU students in 1989
and 417 ECU studentsin 1990. The
results indicate that students are
very happy here. They love their
school, they like their classes and
teachers a lot, but how they see
others outside ECU perceiving
them is rather unfavorable.
According to Gonzenbach's
class project, the image of ECU is
improving. Thirty percent of those
See Standards, page 3
Hospice program provides
valuable services for patients
Wait, this can't be right!
Public Safety is in the process of getting a long-awaited paved
parking lot. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Pboto Lab)
By Amy Clayborne
Staff Writer
Despite scanty funding and
limited staff, the Eastern North
Carolina Home Health Hospice
provides valuable services for ter-
minally ill patients and their fami-
The Eastern North Carolina
Hospice was established in 1981
and serves Pitt and Beaufort Coun-
ties. The program was designed
for terminally ill patients who want
to die at home in familiar surround-
ings instead of in a hospital or
nursing home.
"We try to make this last jour-
ney the patient goes through as
good as it can possibly be for that
patient and his caregiver Volun-
teer Coordinator Jean Daily said.
Patients must meet certain
criteria to receive hospice care. A
physician must certify the patient
as having a life expectancy of six
months or less and there must be a
primary caregiver in the patient's
home.The pa tientalsomust forego
any active (cure-seeking) treat-
ment for his illness and receive
only palliative care to relieve pain-
ful symptoms.
The hospice program consists
of only five staff members. Direc-
tor Bonnie Teu heads the staff that
consists of a social worker, a li-
censed practical nurse, a volun-
teer coordinator and a home health
When it was first established,
the hospice program received
funding from the United Way and
private donations. At the present
time, United Way funds have been
cut leaving the organization to
depend solely on private dona-
tions, Medicare funds and the
Eastern Carolina Home Health
Service for its funding. When
Medicare funds give out for pa-
tients, hospice still provides the
same patient care even though it
receives no financial reimburse-
"We keep afloat because of
the donations and volunteer
work Daily said.
Teachingand opening the lines
of communication between fam-
ily members and their sick loved
ones are key functions of the hos-
pice staff and volunteer workers.
Through the hospice program, the
primary caregiver learns how to
care for the patient's special needs.
Through counseling, family
members leam to cope with the
fact that their loved one is dying.
Aids help with personal care, such
as bathing and grooming the pa-
tient. The hospice staff may even
send a minister to visit with the
patient and his family to help
provide for the spiritual needs of
the family.
"We promote a holistic ap-
proach that includes the medical,
social, financial and spiritual needs
of the patient Teu said.
The hospice program recog-
nizes that the family's needs do
not cease when their loved one
See Hospice, page 2
Why should we have a
law against desecrating
the flag?
State and Nation5
Bush says Gorbachev
remains strong despite the
widening economic crisis
of the Soviet Union.
Features ?9
Sparrow becomes
acting dean over the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences
Pirates are defeated in
the Atlantic Regionals.

2 The East Carolinian, May 30, 1990
ECU Briefs
Over 3,000 ECU students earn honors
Studentsearamg ademtc honors at IX 11 during the spring repre-
sent 90 ol the stale'scotmties,33 stales and the District of Columbia and
eight foreign countries
A total of 3,251 E U students earned places on the university's
official honors list for the semester, with 364 studenteontheChancellor's
l ist. 1,093 on the Dean's List and 1,794 on me Honor Roll.
Most eliteof the honors, the Chancellor's list, isall As. Those mak-
ing the Dean's I ist have earned a B plus average with no grade below
C The Honor Roll includes students with a B average and no grade
below C.
Chancellor Eakin appointed to COPA
I Hr Ru hard Eakin v haneelli ot ECU, has been appointed to the
Presidents Pblicj Assembt) on Accreditation of the national Council
on POstsccondar) Accreditation (COPA),
I he presidents assembl) is one of three policy deliberating bodies
within COPA and is made up ot he duel executives of seven national
educational organizations Eakin will serve as representative of the
Arnerican Association of StateColleges and Universities (A ASCI Kind
was appointed bj Allan W Oslar, president ol AASCU.
We need to continue strong presidential involvement within
COPA as it facesa number of challenges on behalf ol voluntary accredi
tation in the next ten years i said.
l he next meeting ol the i P K assemblies is scheduled for Oct. 15-
17 .it site to ho announced latei
Allegheny ponders women's major
Mleghem. College hascreated a committee to research and discuss
creating a women's studies major 1 he committee, chaired by psychol
og protcssoi Susan Clayton, is surveying similar-size, four-year lib
eral arts colleges for women's studies majors and the extent of the cur
I he Meadville, Pa college currently offers a women's studies
v layton said thesurve) will help determine it the existing minor
curriculum can be expanded without too much additional cost 1 he
degree ol student interest will also be examined
The total enrollment at Allegheny is about 2,000, said Clayton.
There was a total ot 351 students enrolled in women's studies courses
over the last two terms
Older women grads change lives
new report "Expanding Options: A Profile of Older Graduates
ofWomen'sCollcges issuedb theWomen'sCollegeCoalition(WCC)
describes the effect ol a baccalaureate degree on an older woman s
career and personality
rhereport based on a national survej ofncarl) MOO women ovei
age2.1 showsthattwo lhinisoftlHsesuiTyedtfKikfull-timepositions
at salaries of $20,000 to $4(UW) per year after graduation.
Prior to earning their d fewer than halt the women had
worked full time, and earned less than $20,000 per year.
Mam ol the women surveyed selected their colleges based on
academic programs and scheduling convenience.
Science class aids non-science majors
Americans are increasingly facing decisions that require some
scientific knowledge ot materials
t Diversity of Illinois prot. isoi Carl J Mtstetter has designed a
i lass. Introduction to Materials lei hnotogy, to provide non-science
? majors with an everyday scieno I tckground
does not expect non specialiststo understand the effects
ofn n on tensile properties Rattier, the class will help students
develop a technological basis foi understanding the roleof materials
in tk ir lives and their futures h said.Tne 11 tackle suchquestionsas
i able or i th diapers?
Our objective is to provide I ? bat kground to students not plan
ninj iming scientists or en uvrs '
' 'l '? ' - v ' ? ?? ?. Wet ??
Safe sunning is a must for summer
Avoid having too much fun in the sun
Crime Report
Suspect arrested after second offense
add tire ilarm at White Hall rhe
Ma) 22
184.1 t itti, er . he ked
cause w as unknov n
ul" I fkvr stopped v? hi at 7th and lames I he student was
gh ? n . ampus citation foi dri ing on campus hile he was banned
from dm ing on it
May 23
0650 Office! responded to Scott Dorm in reference ol the tire alarm
system showing trouble It was reset ,
tws Officer checked out north ot lovner 1 ibrary in reference of
suspicious activity h the blue light pttone
1442 Officer checked out on the west side ol Fletcher Hall in
reference to a down electrical line It was reported to the maintenance
departm r?t
M.n :4
n93f?-Offtcet checked out at th General Classroom building in
reference to serve papers on a subjd t c ontact wa? made
1735 c ffk er i hc ked with a.tit rsonnel at Flanagan in referent e
to a leak in a pipe plumbci was i ailed out to fi? it
2351 I wo officers responded to a report of a mechanical problem
at hoik An electrician is called blown fuse was found m a
telephone l"ov
May 2
1830 Officer attempted ?. serve a summons at Cotton Dorm
i. onta. t with the subje I m as not made
2347 i hreeofficers responded t arvis lirm in reference to loud
subjects on the second floor
May 26
Suspicions nvity was reported west ot the Student Health Center
l hree officers responded and issued trespass warnings and released
the subjects to parental CUStod)
014? 1 wo officers were southwest ot Allied I lealth with a suspi-
nous male. I le was a non-student and is banned from campus.
1205- Officer slopped thro juvenile males on College 1 lill Drive in
reference to posaiblc theft of hikes off racks of dorms.
0139- Officer Stopped a suspicious person at 7th and James. The
subject was banned from campus before.
0143- Officer transported the subject from 7th and James to the
magistrates office.
May 28
0302 Officer checked out at Aycock in reference to an ill staff
member. He was escorted to Pitt Memorial Hospital.
0800- Officer served criminal papers on a subject at Aycock.
May 29
0043- Officer checked the pipes behind Darryl's.
0547 Officer delivered reports to the Power Plant
rw t Mtn ntf-i. imktm n.M offKuti rcu INln s.f?? loy.
By Kristi Keiser
Health Promotion Assistant
As summer approaches, main
people are spending more time in
the sun. Unfortunately, the sun
can have negative effects on you if
you don't use good sun sense and
take simple measures to protect
Here are some tips to avoid
the dangerous effects ot harmful
ultraviolet rays.
? When using oils, lotions
and sunscreens be sure to use the
correct SPF (Sun Protection Fac
tor) for your skin type SPF on the
tanning product's label provides
an indication ot how long you can
stav in the sun alter applying it
and not become sunburned. For
example, if you use a tanning
product with an SPF ol 2. that
sunscreen will enable you to stav
in the sun tor twice as long as you
normally would before burning.
Make sure your sunscreen is wa-
terproof it you plan to be in the
? To avoid dehydration,
drink plenty of water or fruit juices
while sun bathing
? Sunning times should be
gradually increased Don't spend
three hours in the sun your tirst
dav. race yourself.
? Avoid midday exposure at
first; the sun is most intense be-
tween 10 am. ,nd 2 p.m.
? Sunburns can occur on
cloudv days, while venire in the
water, on the snow, at high alti-
tudesor while vouareon the sand.
? A number oi drugs may
i ncrease you r sensiri rity t t he su n.
These drugs include antibiotics.
oral contraceptives, anfidepres-
sants. antihistamines and others.
Remember, evidence indi-
cates that overexposure to the sun
can be a real health hazard, cans
ing painful sunburn and serious
long term effects such as wrin-
kling and skm cancer So have fun
in the sun this summer, but n
member to use your sun sense
For more information on si
ning stop by the Student Hea
Service or call 757-6794. "To Youi
Health" is a weekly health ediii a
tion and information columi
Please direct any questions com
ments or suggestions to r- 6791
n- jmi?, wiuiuwiiiuiicsaiiu uinfry moms or suggestions i i , v
ECU professor to teach at BrighamYoung
ECU News Bureau
When writer Peter Makuck
settled into his teaching duties at
ECU in 1976 he set out to discover
the creeks, rivers, sounds and
seashore of the region. Now, 14
years and two boats later, he's off
on a new discovery the deserts,
mountains ,md inland lakes of
Makuck. a professor in the
ECU Department ol English, has
been selected tor a one year term
beginning in Julj as the visiting
writer in residence at Brigham
Young University The 28,000-
studeni campus covers a valle
between scenic mountain ranges
near saltv lakes and and deserts
The great Silt I ake is less than an
hour's drive to the north
1 or Makuck, whose travels
and experiences are told in poems
and short stories the work assign
ment in I tab should provide him
with plenty to write about
I was tirst invited to the
campus tor the spring semester ot
this year said Makuck But I
ments with the Universidad
tMacional de Costa Rica An Ha
University in Canada and the
University ot Ferrarra in Italy.
Ryan said that E T also has some
ery successful summerex hange
programs with the Sorbonne in
Paris .md the I niversidad
Nacional de Costa Rica He said
that ECU hopes to develop pro-
grams with a Japanese university,
as well as universities in China
and England in the future.
Ryan said that he expects to
see an increasing number of inter-
national exchange students on
campus, and that the center will
work dosery with them and the
international students.urrenth on
campus. The center will help ex-
change students to get to know
American students he said
In addition to student ex-
change programs, Ryan said the
center will be in charge of appoint
ing professors tor I ulbnght
Continued from page 1
passes away Hospice provides
bereavement services that art-
available to family members ot
patients up to a year after the
patient's death. Support groups
a lending library of literature
dealing with grief, death and
d) ing. and visits trom staff mem
hers help relatives of the patient
cope with the reality of losing their
loved one.
"We trv to help patients and
their families see dying as a part of
the ongoing process of life Ten
said Dying with dignity is im-
IVt Harrigon oi Greenville
experienced first-hand the bene-
fits of the hospice program
Harrigon's husband received
hospice care before he died oi
cancer last December.
"My husband had a living
will Harrigon said. "He didn't
want all of the force-feeding and
machines keeping him alive. The
hospice program helped us honor
his wishes
Harrigon said the hospice
program wa s ex t remely benef icia 1
to her and her husband during the
difficult times before and after her
husband's death.
had to decline because it was mv
son's last year in high school
But the director ot the writing
program at BYU, an admirer of
Makuck'swriting calledhimwith
an offer to spend the following
year at the school With his son
heading to college and his wife,
Phyllis, willing to take leave from
her position as director of the ECt
Center tor Applied technology
(CAT), Makuck accepted the posi-
It will be a different experi-
ence tor sev oral reasons he said
Oneol the reasons is that BN I is a
church school w here studentsand
faculty are mostlv Mormon.
Makiu k is Roman (. athoiic
Makui k said the v. hairman ol
the English department told him
there would be lots of students in
his classes trying to convert him
but his value to the English de-
partment would be his outsider
vit Ot v ie.
tuld you ail . iurse 11
become converted vou will no
longerbeoianj usetous Makuck
said laughing.quotingthedepart-
ment chairman who is obvi-
c ontinuod from page 1
Awards Fulbright Award recipi-
ents will got,e M U.afh
abroad at a foreign university.
Ryan added that the center
ma be able hi benefit local indus-
tries that have international con-
nections b providing students
with backgrounds in areas such as
international business
Ryan studied at Oxford Uni-
versity and at Pontifical Gregor-
ian I niversity in Rome and said
he found international study to be
a er rewarding experience. He
said he would like to see more
students have an opportunity to
study abroad
ECU may eventually have a
major in international studies but
tor right now the focus is on devel-
oping the minor and graduate
programs, Ryan said
ously hoping to relieve Makuck (if
his concern that his status as an
outsider might not he appreciated.
Another reason is that while
his seminars and advanced po-
etry classes will he similar to those
taught at ECU, he will also be
teaching a class in Introduction
to Creative Writing The class is
required for all students who
major in English. "Iwasasiounded
that all FnghshmatorsatBi I have
to take creative writing he said.
At ECU the course is an elective
1 lesaid it will be interesting to see
how the students respond to the
required course.
Finally, Makuck is looking
torward to exploring the famous
national parks, mining towns v.d
ghost towns that are located in
L tah I le aho plans to do a lot i?!
snow skiine, in mountain ski areas
located less than JO minutes trom
rhese experiences should
make good resource material for
his stories and poems I hey could
even be the makings tor a book
similar to I he Sunkeon Light-
ship, his latest book ol poems to
he released in Mav by Boa I
t ions Ltd .a poetry press in Bi
port. T rhe book is filled with
poems about eastern Morth ar
lina that reflect his interest
water, especially fishing, an I
love tor the coast
Most ot the poems in ludinp
"Tar River Again 'Eastof
1 ear" and 1 he Sunkeon I
ship I ?(( Irving Pan Sh mK hav ?
been published insuchmagazim s
as The Journal. Poetry Mortl
The I aurel Review. Hie Ai
in Scholar, Denver Quart i
ev. England Rex i ??? ind
em I ?. te iew
Maku k is ah. ?
"WhereWel iveabookofp i
and Breaking and r nterii .
collection of his short I i
Current naking final i
sions on a ru .
A nal New I ? :
Conn . Maku k re ? ? -? d I
degree trin St Francis
and a Ph.D trom k : I
versil re coming
I 76, he spent a year a
Fulbright Lecturer on Mo
see Professor, page 3
At 77ic Lat Carolinian, we believe in just one thing:
you, the reader. And journalistic integrity. Okay, two
things: vou, the reader; journalistic integrity; and an
almost fanatical devotion to the J nclish language 1 h
three things: vou, the reader; journalistic integrity; an
almost fanatical devotion to the English language; and
Staying up here arguing about the existence ol Cod
when we really should be working.
Well, then, four things
Oh, the heck with it.
If ou read onl (MM nvuspapt-r
in votir lilt The lust Carolinian
should be the other one.
River Bluff Apartments
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The East Caroiinian,May 30,1990 3
Read Along with Rita Long
Rita gives advice about relationships
Dear Rita:
1 am engaged to be married
after my graduation in May of
WW. However, my fiance and I
want to be married sooner, but my
father will only give his blessings
after my graduation. How can 1
convince mv father that I'm ready
for marriage now? His blessing is
important to us, but I feel he is
being stubborn.
Dear Engaged:
It mav be beyond you to con-
vince your rather against his will.
You can tell him how vou feel and
just hope and pray that he will
understand. If he does not and
you are seeking his approval in
this matter, then Mav, 1991 is not
very far off.
Dear Rita:
1 have been dating the same
guy for about three years. In the
beginning of our relationship,
everything was great, but last year
he had an affair. He finally broke
it off with her, but since then things
have been shaky with us. 1 know
he likes me but he won't make any
commitment. I really like this guy,
but I'm getting tired of waiting.
What should I do?
Dear Tired:
Lifeis full of choicesand many
of the choices that we make leave
others behind. Go with what you
are convinced of. What else can
you do? After you have evaluated
and assessed thisrelationship,and
i f after three years, things are shaky
and there is no commitment, it's
probably best for you to go on
with your life.
Dear Rita:
One of my best friends from
high school, who now lives in
another state and attends another
university, came to visit me dur-
ing spring break. We grew up
together and were always close.
During the visit, we went out to a
bar. Mv fnend met a guv and a
few minutes later she told me she
was going outside fora little while.
It turned out she was going to do
a "bump" of cocaine. As far as I
ca n tell, it seems she's getting more
and more of the stuff. She's a re-
ally good friend and I don't want
to tell her what to do; however, I
don't want her to get in any trouble
either. What should I do?
Dear Friend:
To have a close friend using
cocaine, while you are not, is
dangerous. Whoever has the
stronger influence among the two
of you will influence the other. If
you try to convince your friend to
stop using cocaine and get help
and she does not want that help,
then eventually you may be
tempted to join her because of the
"close" relationship. It would be
wise to stay your distance if she
chooses not to change.
The Rita Longadvicecolumn will
be published in The East Carolinian
for you. If you have a problem and
would likeadi'ice, write to: Rita Long
Advice Column, The East Carolin-
ian, ECU Publications Building,
Greemille, N.C, or bring your let-
ters to The East Carolinian.
All letters are welcome. How
ever, we resenye the right to edit gram-
matical content and inappropriate
subject matter.
Rain, rain go away!
Students celebrated Memorial Day by going to classes in the rain. (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU lab)
Continued from page 1
surveyed in 189 had an unfavor-
able opinion of their peers' aca-
demic standards, as compared to
20 percent in 1990.
Gonzenbach said: "I would
give credit to Chancellor Eakin
and the new administration. They
made it public to improve ECU's
image and I think it's a very good
He also said that students who
come to ECU as their first choice
will have a more positive opinion
of the school. In the same tele-
phone survey, students who chose
ECU as their first choice bv aca-
demic standards had a 14 percent
morefavorableopinion than those
as their second choice.
"The key is to make more
people choose ECU first Gonzen-
bach said. "Raising the academic
standards may help move the
college in that direction
ECU art graduate student receives award for artistic achievement
By Colleen Kirkpatrick
Sjff Writer
ECU art graduate student,
Lisa Brantlev, received a $500 arts
materials award in recognition of
outstanding artistic achievement
this April.
Through the Liquitex Art
Materials Awards program, Bin-
ney and Smith Inc. rewarded 10
art students throughout the United
States and Canada.
Based on recommendations
from the art department supervi-
sor, ECU submitted the work of
one graduate student and two
undergraduate students for con-
sideration. The submissions were
evaluated bv Liquitex Fine Arts
Advisory Council. The judging
was based on quality, use of tech-
nique and media as demonstrated
in the student's work.
Brantlev refers to her paint-
ingsas "Figuresin Environments
The paintings which were entered
in the Liquitex Art Materials
Awards program were paintings
of figures and were set in a land-
scape environments. The paint-
ings are related to one another.
"I started off doing self por-
traits said Brantlev. "When i
started grad school, I started to
experiment with the imagination
rather than directly from life She
said there is a certain excitement
that comes from working with the
imagination because you don't
know what is going to become of
it until it is finished.
Brantlev said that "process is
the most important matter in her
work She said that her paintings
Continued from page 1
detective story
The work is slow and pains-
taking. "We'll go as far as we can
this summer and, we hope, come
back next year he said.
Artifacts in plentiful supply
have been found by local collec-
tors for years and include beads,
peach pits, remains of dried peas
and other food stores, and pieces
of pottery. One such collector,
Larry Pait of Snow Hill, is work-
ing with the ECU crew "lending
his knowledge of the site Phelps
On a recent afternoon, a
digger's trowel turned up a frag-
ment of cannon ball. "Hollow
shot Phelps said. "Probably fired
against the palisade The Tus-
caroras modeled their fort after
English fortifications of that day.
While thev work uncovering
basic knowledge about warfare in
colonial times, massive, modern
warplanes from nearby Seymour
Johnson Air Force Base at
Goldsboro soar into the sky at fre-
quent intervals, a constant re-
minder of present day realities.
On three days in March, 1713,
according to contemporary ac-
counts, 8(X) or more Tuscarora
warriors held out against an as-
sault on "Noo-He Roo Ka" until
they were killed or captured. The
colonists were led by soldiery
commanded bv Col. James Moore,
an Indian fighter from the Ocu-
mulgee region in Georgia.
One of Moore's officers left a
map, strikingly accurate in con-
figuration and topography, which
helped ECU researchers and oth-
ers pinpoint the site on the creek
bend a few miles from this county
seat town. The map that dates from
the rimeof the battle unfortunately
does not state its scale.
The defeat at "Noo-He Roo
Ka" broke the power of the Tus-
carora and ended two years of
warfare against encroaching colo-
nists. The colonial surveyor-gen-
eral, John Lawson, was among
those captured and slain during
the raiding that went on.
The end of the Tuscarora War
opened present-day North Caro-
lina for colonization from the coast
to the Blue Ridge Mountains, ac-
cording to Dr. Henry Ferrell, pro-
fessor of history and director of
ECU's Institute for Historical and
Cultural Research. Phelps is co-
director of the Institute.
Ferrell said the Tuscaroras
who survived the fighting and
even more deadly ravages of dis-
ease were removed from North
Carolina and by 1722 had joined
the Six Nations of the lroquois in
New York and Canada. The site of
the last battle on Contentnea Creek
slipped into obscurity.
In the early 18th century, the
Tuscaroras numbered more than
12,000 and lived in 15 communal
villages in fertile, game-rich lands
watered by numerous streamsand
swamps between the Tar and
Neuse Rivers. Since that time,
researchers learned, Contentnea
Creek cu t another course along its
twisting route to the Neuse and
this made locating the si teof "Noo-
He Roo Ka" even more difficult.
A state highway marker not-
ing the approximate location of
the site is on the nearest paved
road, but the site itself is on farm-
land owned by George and Henry
Mewbom of Greene County.
The ECU archaeological re-
search this year is funded in part
by a grant from the Quadrangle
Medical Foundation, Phelps said.
The team includes Phelps and
graduate assistants John E. Byrd
of Boone and Rex A. McDonald of
Knoxville, Term advanced stu-
dents Carol Jo Evans of Elizabeth
Citv and Michael J. Heckles of
Newport, and students Virginia
Claire Caldwell of Greenville,
William Ward Edwardsof Greens-
boro. Markus Fuchs of Franklin-
ville, Scotty Van Law of Burling-
ton, Amy Patricia McCoy of New
Bern, Stephen Andrew McDonald
of Wilmington, Del Patrick Sid-
ney Stanforth of Greenville and
Christopher Mark Taylor of More-
head City.
Continued from page 2
American Poetry at Universite' de
Savoie in France.
Makuck said his arrival in
eastern North Carolina rekindled
his love for the water. One of the
first things he did was buy a boat.
It was one of the 12-foot rubber-
ized, inflatable, go-any-where craft
with a 16 h.p. engine. On a fishing
trip into the Atlantic Ocean he
hooked the side of the boat which
immediately brought a hiss of
rushing air. A finger in the tear
and a full throttle race back to
shore prevented the accident from
becoming more serious.
He traded the inflatable in on
a larger, more solid fishing boat.
The boat can take him into such
fast action and treacherous places
as the narrows of Bogue Inlet.
He said that while he is in
Utah he will try to assemble an-
other collection of short stories
from the ones that have already
been published in magazines. He
also plans to take a lot of notes on
his experiences in Utah.
"Once I get back to Greenville
I'll have a trove of western mate-
rial that I can start using that will
ultimately start coming out in
stories and poems he said.
But he's unsure if the moun-
tains and deserts of Utah will stir
the same feelings he gets from the
meandering waterways of east-
em North Carolina and the surg-
ing rolls of the Atlantic ocean.
You can have world-famous columnists Michael
Kinsley, Tom Wicker, David Gergen and Mark Shields.
We've got Nathaniel Mead.
Every issue, on the editorial page. Can't miss him.
go through Mages. She begins with
general paintings, then her "de-
structive" quality goes into effect.
Brantlev mav begin to paint one
day and destroy her work the next
day to begin building new sur-
"Color also plays a role
Brantlev said. "Hie more intense
the color, the move emotional
impact the painting has on the
After winning the award,
Brantlev received a catalogue from
which she was able to choose $5()0
worth of art supplies. She ordered
24 paint brushes, paint and paint
Brantlev graduated with her
BFA in painting from Atlantic
Christian College in Wilson, N.C.
in 1985. She began graduate school
at ECU in 1986. In May Brantlev
finished her thesis show, which
consisted Of 13 figurative pieces.
Burroughs Wellcome Knight one
of her oil paintings for $1500.
Brantlev won Best in Show
last year in the Wilson Art Show.
She won third place and $300 in
the Goldsboro show. In 1988 she
won Best inShowand$1000al the
Goldsboro show. She also won
Best in Show at the 1989 Green-
ville Arts Council Show.
Brantlev never took art Irs
sons when she was young. "I had
a teacher in the ninth grade who
encouraged me to paint she said
"When I was growing up, 1 spent
a lot of time out in nature sht
said that was an influence toward
her painting style.
"Mv work is very personal
and I learn a lot about myself b
painting said Brantlev. She never
has a theme before she begins
"I want to continue painting
Brantlev said. "I'm going to trv to
find a ob to support my paint
inc "
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?lie fEaat Carolinian
Joseph L. Jenkins Jr General Manager
Michael G. Martin, Managing Editor
ADAM BLANKENSHIP, Director of Advertising
Carrie Armstrong, News Editor
MaRGI MORIN, Asst. News Editor
CAROLINE CUSICK, Features Editor
DEANNA NEVGLOSKI, Asst. Features Editor
Doug Johnson, Sports Editor
Doug Morris, Asst. Sports Editor
Scott Maxwell, Satire Editor
PHONG LUONG, Credit Manager
STUART ROSNER, Business Manager
Michael Kole, Ad Tech Supervisor
MATTHEW RichtER, Circulation Manager
TRACY WEED, Production Manager
CHARLES WillinGHAM, Darkroom Technician
STEVE REID, Staff Illustrator
Deborah S. Daniel, Secretary
The East Carolinian has served the East Carolina campus community since 1925, pnmarily emphasizing information
most directly affecting ECU students. During the ECU summer sessions. The East Carolinian publishes once a week
with a circulation of 5,000. The East Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that
discriminate on the hasis of age, sex, creed or national origin. The masthead editorial in each edition does not
necessarily represent the views of one individual, but rather, is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. The East
Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Letters should he limited to 250 words or less. For purposes
of decency and brevity, The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit letters for publication. Letters should be
addressed to the Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bliig ECU, Greenville, NC, 27834; or call (919) 757-6366.
Page 4, Wednesday, May 30,1990
Is desecration of The Flag wrong?
It requires no courage to support a ban on
flag "desecration" (as if a flag were some sacred
object that could be profaned) in America. On the
other hand, it requires no pa rticular courage to oppose
one. either. America is the land ot relatively painless
dissent, which is supposed to be the point of the First
But it America is to remain the land of rela-
tively painless dissent, where if you disagree with
the majority you risk unpopularity but not punish-
ment, then there can be no law against desecrating
the flag.
Why should we even want such a law? 1 las
fabric suddenly become a vitallv important item?
Has there been some recent rash of dangerous Sa-
tanic flag-burning rituals?
If so, that's not the reasoning espoused by
supportersoftheban.Theyclaim society has interest
in protecting those things held dear by the majority.
But from what, or from whom, must we
"protect" the flag? It's not as if there were onlv one of
them, a single national relic which, once gone, can
never be replaced. The flag is a concept, an arrange-
ment of certain colors in a rectangular area. As such,
while a particular flag may be burned ? that is, a
pieceofclothdyed incertaincolorsmavbeburned ?
more copies o( the flag can be made quite easily.
And it's not as if the flag were public prop-
erty. Or, more precisely, while the flag ? the concept
? mav be public property, a physical copy of that
flag is not necessarily public property, just as a copy
of the Washington Monument may be privately
owned. And a person may burn anything he himself
owns ? be i t a copy of the Washington Monument or
a copy of the flag.
Of course, anti-flag-desecrationists are not
really concerned with protecting flags, conceptual or
actual. They're concerned with protecting their deli-
cate sensibilities from others who are, usually, delib-
erately offending those sensibilities in order to make
some point. And the anti-flag-desecrationists genu-
inely see no harm in using the power at their com-
mand to ban what they see as flag mutilation
But that's just the problem: they don't see the
harm. To be fair, it's difficult for anyone to see the
harm in a law that bans some activity he doesn't want
to take part in anyway, especially when what's
banned is something he finds offensive.
The harm. then, tor those who need the point
clearly made, is this: a law that bans flag desecration
seriously threatens that treasured quality of America
mentioned at the outset of this editorial ? namely,
that America is the land ot relatively painlessdissent.
In America, unlike China, demonstrating against the
government is not supposed to net you a jail term
Severe limits on the majority's power to curtail the
expression of minority viewpoints have greatly aided
important advances in human rights, most notablv
the rights oi blacks and women. And any measure
that increases the majority's power in this respect is
equally loathsome and equally dangerous ? and is
far more abhorrent than, sav, burning a flag.
That's not to say there would be no good at
all in a law banning flag desecration. There's some
good in nearly anything. At least the two rounds oi
national debate sparked by the Supreme Court's
rulings on such laws have illuminated the two bask
views of patriotism in this country. One view prizes
symbols and forced respect for them, even to the
exclusion oi the freedoms for which the symbols
stand and because oi which thev warrant respect.
The other view recognizes the value of symbols and
respect, and further recognizes that a truly free coun-
try does not punish citizens who destroy or defile
those symbols ? in other words, that a trulv free
country must allow painless dissent.
fflQfo 0
10 t
-? ? ?irim
Scientist now lack objectivity
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
Modern science prides itself
on objectivity, on unbiased or
uncompromised judgment. Based
on this cornerstone oi scientific
values, lavpeople tend to place
greater faith in the pronounce-
ments of scientists than of say,
lawyers, politicians, or salesmen
But these days scientific objectiv-
ity is sometimes invoked more for
appearance than for the substance
of impartial analysis. In such case's
the motive is usually greed-based.
Thus, some scientists are exces-
sively profiteering at heart.
They're paid handsomely to pres-
ent and defend a certain view,
oftentimes ignoring even the most
forcible contradictory evidence.
It's a touchy issue for many scien-
tists, and a rather despicable state
of al i i rs for t hose a w are the prob-
lem who have chosen to steerclear
of corruption.
Many companies are now
recruiting academic scientists
whose opinions thev like, and
whose credibility in the public eye
far exceeds that ot an explicitly
corporate team of scientists. ! he
company hires these scientists as
consultants or sponsors their re-
search. They may use them as
public mouthpieces to sell the
corporate line in public debate and
perpetuate popular myths like
"milk does a body good or
"nuclearpowerischeapand sate "
Whenever profits are threatened
by lawsuits, legislation, or bad
press coverage, the university sci-
entists are sought to bolster the
companies' positions. Often the
financial tie remains hidden, .mJ
scientists whose positions oppose
the company's are never heard
By denying some scientific opin-
ions, the "corporate scientist'
phenomenon has grave repercus-
sions for society at large.
A prime example of "science
for hire" is Harvard's Fred Stare, a
long-time consultant to the sugar,
breakfast cereal and other food
industries. Despite national epi-
demicsof tooth decay, obesity and
heart disease -sugar is a recog-
nized risk factor for all three -this
professor defends a doubling oi
our nation's sugar intake. 1 le has
also extolled the nutritional "vir-
tues" of pizza and other junkfoods.
Another example, closer to home,
is ECU's Kathrvn Kolasa, who
writes nutrition columns tor the
Daily Reflector. This so-called
"authority who also represents
Kellogg, has been known to soft-
pedal the dietary risks of every-
thing from pigs to pesticides.
When speaking at a recent Green-
ville conference on pesticides, for
example, Kolasa said that "the
major concern about pesticides is
that they will stop people from
eating more vegetables Forget
about the 90 percent of these
chemicals that haven't been ade-
quately tested. Forget about all
those still in the food supply
known to induce cancer in lab
animals. Kolasa's opinions on
nutrition are as solid as jello.
In the field of medical science,
until recently, laboratories were
operated bv physicians, people
who had a direct acquaintance
with the care of the sick. Thev
could readiiv bring their findings
to the patient's bedside.
But now research is being
conducted increasingly by Ph.Ds,
who are often far better equipped
than M.Ds in solving the com-
plex problems of molecular biol-
ogy and human biochemistry
Hence patient and hospital now
seem further removed. Another
change is evident as well: most oi
the eminent Ph.D. scientists in the
U.S. now working in medical sci-
ence also have their own corpo-
ra te pa tron. They work i n o ne place
but vovortly or indirectly repre-
sent another. '
Of course, this trend is really
nothing new: examples of corpo-
rate involvement with university
laboratories abound. Indeed, sev-
eral burgeoning biomedical com-
panies, including Genentech and
Biogen, werestarted or sponsored
bv research scientists themselves.
Problem is, such infiltration is on
the increase.
Until the mid-1907's, total
freedom of scientific enterprise
and communication wasin vogue.
But will "ownership" of medical
science by corporations that make
large investments and seek return
bias the performance of these key
medical laboratories? Obviously
such a biascould bea matterof life
or death to those depending on
the proper tests for diagnosis and
treatment of serious illness.
Whether scientists who speak
on behalf of a corporation's goals
deliberately slant their views is
usually hard to say. But this much
seems clear: financial ties to an
industry generally go hand in
hand with endorsements of the
industry's productsand practices.
These endorsements mav involve
nuclear wastes, water pollution.
medical practices, and oth -
realms where public safety
industrial interests collide &
scientists haveargued that si i
as the laboratory remains und -
the control of the investigati -
conflicts of interest that might bias
the research will be unhkeK
this would hardly seem to a :
to corporations seeded b tl
investigators themselves and nov
capitalized in millions of dollar
Moreover, can true scientific ? :
jectivity be retained for a scientist
who, after years of toil inauniver
sitv lab, is offered extensive m
tarv rewards for defending a
porate profiteering cause?
From the scientist's persp
rive, a key issue is the freedom ?
communication. Science
liveand thrive without ideas, fii
ings, questions, and critk i1
are freely exchanged
Such isthedynamic nahin
all true science. But it. forinstar
a corporate-owned lab discovi n
somebioengineering ie hniq
make a bacteria which could pr
duce a valuable hormone th
porationcould opt to refrain rr n
publicizing their finding
cheats not only the public, butalsn
the scientific community
technique could have inherent
dangers oi which other scientists
are co;aniant but vhiwh are
known to the corporate setenft
Anv muzzling oi scientific ex-
change is therefore socialh
counterproductive. Without the
traditional "peerreview" process
the ongoing commercialization ol
science seems most ominous.
Greed, by diluting objectivit)
lead to errors that affect millioi
of lives.
When scientists enter the
commercial world and allow the
business oi science to becomt
business, they're actually pra ti
ing a kind ot non-science
sensemaybe more accurate.) And
in this era of scientific illiteracy
rhesecharia tans can getaway with
murder?literally! Of course
academics need not stop consult
ing for industry, which realh
needs their ad ice in main case-
But the public should always rr
ceive full disclosure of a scientist -
business at filiations before giving
weight to that "expert's" remark-
Whenever scientists speaks out on
public issues, thev should be can-
did about their links to industry if
indeed there are any. Only then
will scientists deserve the public s
trust and maintain the integrit
essential to genuine progress.
Around the World
Failure of Chinese reforms helped cause Tiananmen uprising
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
Few of us will forget the hor-
ror we experienced upon hearing,
on June 4,1989, that thousands of
Chinese students had been shot
down by Chinese troops in
Beijing's Tiananmen Square. As
the troops marched along the main
roads surrounding the square,
they fired submachine guns di-
rectly into crowds of people who
had come to observe the rally.
Some civilians were run over by
armored personnel carriers that
forced their way through barri-
cades erected by local residents.
Any sympathyChinese troops had
previously shown toward the
people suddenly seemed to dis-
solve that day ? they said they
were just "following orders
Soon afterward, Chinese offi-
cials quickly pulled the switch on
the CBS satellite transmission
module, leaving our television
screens flaring with white noise.
At the same time, the mainstream
press, radio, and TV. program-
ming in the U.S. could give us only
a peripheral view of what was
really going on there. For weeks
we heard nothing but the official
government propaganda line
against the "counterrevolutionary
rebellion" allegedly perpetrated
"by a small group" of intellectuals
poisoned by too much "bourgeois
liberalization" and "wholesale
Since the grisly massacre, a
number of student dissidents who
escaped to the U.S. have shared
opinions on how and why China
had been pushed back from an era
of reform to the brink of another
era of revolution. A central reason.
they say, is that the decade of re-
forms had not really alleviated
the various socioeconomic crises
in China but, on the contrary, had
aggravated them. Though the
people had gained greater access
to material things from the West
(T. Vs, fast foods, cars, refrigera-
tors, etc.), this had created a great
deal of ideological confusion in
China. There was an upsurge of
valuesand culture. But at the same
timegovernmentcondemned this
trend as an expression of "spiri-
tual pollution
By the early spring of 1989,
many students had become to-
tally disillusioned with the gov-
ernment, the economy, and the
culture as a whole. They were
dominated by a sense of hope-
lessness over a prevailing moral
deterioration that took its expres-
sion in profiteering speculation
and insatiable consumption?
consumption that was leading to
a growing class of poor people in
the citiesof Beijing, Shanghai, and
Canton. While nonviolence was
widely endorsed, many also be-
lieved that the only way out of the
quagmire was through turbulence
and revolt. Since 1989 was to be
the two hundredth anniversary of
the French Revolution and the
fortieth anniversary of the found-
ing of the People's Republic of
China, some students said they
were determined to make it the
year of democratic change.
At Beijing University, a hot-
bed for political expression, stu-
dent activists embraced the slo-
gan, "Only if we can free our-
selves first can we free society
The main theme of many on-cam-
pus demonstrations was freedom
of expression, yet all throughout
China the government had been
escalating its propaganda cam-
paigns against political dissent.
At the same time, Deng's gov-
ernment had announced seven
different policy adjustments?
each one lasting only a few
months?between 1987 and 1989.
Some believe that this erratic,
short-term policy-making had a
destabilizing effect on Chinese
society and resulted in two phe-
nomena: overconsumption (of
material goods) and the break-
down of the educational system.
The main impetus behind the
democratic movement was a pro-
found conflict between the gov-
ernment and the people. Deng's
one-party monopoly had resulted
in abominable abuses of power
and economic injustices. The Chi-
nese people, though usually re-
served, could not accept this situ-
Perhaps the 1980s' open-door
policy and introduction of somanv
books and ideas from the outside
world had made the people dan-
gerously aware of the trend to-
ward democracy in the world at
large. It was, in part, against such
awareness of the world trend
against colonialism in the sixties
that the student killings at Kent
and Jackson State universities took
place in the spnng of 1970. Then,
as in China last year, the students'
courageous actions were a poign-
ant testimony that the will of the
people cannot be forever denied
This is the first in a two-part edito-
rial on the 1989 Tiananmen Square

?Ije gagt (ffaroUnfan
May 30,1990
State and Nation
Page 5
Bush says he
thinks Gorbachev
remains strong
(AP) President Bush said Mon-
day that he believes Soviet Presi-
dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev is
"pretty darn strong" despite the
widening economic crisis in the
Soviet Union.
Bush, chatting with reporters
before lie teed off for a final round
of golf on his Memorial Day week-
end vacation, said, "He has
enormous problems, but it's not
our business to sort out the
oTher person's economic prob-
lems. We've got some of our own.
"But it is our business to make
clear to him what we can do and
those things we can't do said
Bush, who will welcome Gor-
bachev to the White House for
four days oi summit talks on the
future of Europe, arms control and
other superpower relations.
?sked if he agreed with Sec-
retary of State James A. Baker 111
that Gorbachev is in more danger
now than before of being over-
thrown, the president said, "I don't
think that's my business to sort
that out. 1 deal with the Soviet
lead er that's there in place coming
to the United States todiscuss these
"This man has survived. I've
given him, 1 think, appropriate
credit tor the dramatic changes in
Eastern Europe Bush said
My own personal opinion is
that he's prettv darn strong there
the president added.
Gorbachev went on Soviet
television Sunday night to appeal
to his countrymen for calm in the
face of panic buying triggered by
Moscow's plans to double the
prices of food and other goods.
Bush left his home at 6:45 a.m.
to get in his fourth and final round
of golf, r le planned to speak later
at a Memorial Day parade down
the main street oi the resort.
Bush said he wasn't expecting
any surprises from outside the
First Congregational Church. "1
think everybody, regardless of
their faith and background, as-
pires to see a world oi peace
Certainly that's what this summit
coming up with Gorbachev is
In an interview with Soviet
television released Sunday, Bush
said "we've got big differences"
with the Soviet over German
unity and Lithuania that could
impede the superpower summit.
But Bush voiced hope the
summit would produce progress
on strategic arms and conventional
forces, as well as "a breakthrough
of sorts on chemical weapons
Bush and Gorbachev are to
sign an agreement Friday to de-
stroy chemical weapons and out-
linelimitsoncruise missiles, which
have been an obstacle to agree-
ment on a strategic nuclear weap-
ons pact. US. and Soviet negotia-
tors met in Washington Sunday to
trv to expand the agreement.
When smokers lit up
Here's a breakdown by age group of how many smokers started smoking before age 18 and
how many started smoking before age 21 (In percent).
Age group in 1990
Before 18 overall 36
male 3D
female a
Before 21 overall 66
male 77
female 9D
Cax?yrre MHer. Garrxx Nl-ws Sefvce
Cigarette bans go into effect
Sales to minors cause controversy
By Victoria Benning and
Evelyn D. Tan
Gannett News Service
Fayetteville teens
riot over weekend
To hear Kevin McCowen, 16,
talk, vou wouldn't know selling
cigarettes to minors is banned in
"Cigarettes are easy to get
the Layton, Utah, sophomore says.
"Some of my friends look old
enough to buy, and some of the
stores will sell to you without
asking for identification
To stop the annual sale of Q47
million packs of cigarettes to
minors, lealth and I Uiman Serv-
ices Secretary Louis Sullivan on
Thursday proposed banning
vending machine sales of ciga-
rettes, licensing tobacco retailers
and punishing violators with fines
and license suspensions.
"You can't buy beer from a
vending machine Sullivan told
senators. "Why should you be able
to purchase cigarettes there?"
For months, Sullivan has been
crusading against smoking, spe-
cifically attacking tobacco adver-
tising aimed at minorities and
young women. Thursday, he pro-
posed the federal aw ? which
could be used as a model in states
that want to adopt similar legisla-
tion ? to keep young people from
starting to smoke
Studies by the Office of the
Inspector General released Thurs-
day show that about 3,000 chil-
dren start smoking each day,
which comes to more than one
million annually. The same stud-
ies say the earlier a child starts
smoking, the less likely he or she
is to quit. Sullivan said 90 percent
oi adult smokers picked up the
habit as children or adolescents.
Forty-four states and the Dis-
trict of Columbia prohibit selling
cigarettes to minors. But "these
laws are being blatantly ignored
Sullivan said. Kentucky, Louisi-
ana, Missouri, Montana, New
Mexico and Wyoming do not have
Realizing the possible eco
nomic impact of banning vending
machines, Sullivan suggests that
the ban be phased in by first re-
stricting the location of vending
machines to places where minors
don'tnormailvgo- suchasnight
clubs and bars.
David Stone, director of com-
municationsof the National Auto-
Merchandising Association rep-
resenting more than 2,000 vend-
ing machine companies, says a
vending-machine ban would
hardly dent cigarette sales to
"Of all cigarettes sold, about 3
percent are sold in vending ma-
chines Stone said. "It's a quick
fix to make people feel they are
doing something, but in practice it
won't have much effect
Sullivan maintained that
See Smoking, page 7
Clean air
included in
Clean air, the budget and cam-
paign reform are three issues with
little in common except that one
day last week they all were being
thrashed about in private meet-
ings on Capitol Hill.
Nearly every tough issue be-
fore Congress these days is get-
ting settled away from public scru-
tiny. Lawmakers' public votes
sometimes seem just a re-enact-
ment of something that happened
in a secret rehearsal hours earlier.
Closed-door bargaining is
nothing new. Part of the reason
Congress has a committee system
is so the bugs can be worked out of
legislation before it is brought to
the House or Senate chamber.
But now there seems to be a
genuine reluctance to slug things
out in public.
House Republicans and
Democrats decided weeks ago
they couldn't resolve their differ-
ences over how to overhaul the
campaign finance laws. But rather
than take the issue to the House
floor and slug it out. Speaker
Thomas Fley agreed to put the
issue off in hopes the Senate could
point the way toward compro-
The Senate recently spent an
entire day debating campaign
spending issues. But at Senate
Majority Leader George Mitchell's
urging its members agreed in
advance not to hold any votes,
onlv a sort of mock debate, be-
cause the closed-door talks were
going on simultaneously-
Private House negotiations on
the clean air bill, by contrast, pro-
duced results. Aftera compromise
was struck on details of auto emis-
sions rules, the package sailed
See Congress, page 7
fight involving about 70 young
people armed with baseball bats,
iron pipes, sticks and other weap-
ons erupted into a near riot in a
Cumberland County subdivison
early Monday, authorities said.
it was the second brawl in-
volving county teen-agers during
the Memorial Day holiday week-
Cumberland County deputies
reported that about 200 people,
including some Fort Bragg sol-
diers, got out of control at a
Hardee's restaurant early Satur-
day. Some attempted to fight offi-
cersand four people we re a nested.
One unidentified youth suf-
fered head injuries during
Monday's fight and was taken toa
hospital for emergency treatment.
Ten people ranging in age
from lb to 14 were arrested after
the 1 a.m. incident. They were
released under unsecured bonds
after their parents were notified,
authorities said.
A number of squad cars sped
into the area after someone called
the sheriff's department at 12:40
am. and told a dispatcher gangs
were fighting in streets and yards.
The crowd scattered as the
deputies arrived, but fights broke
out again about a block away,
police said.
A number of weapons were
confiscated from one vehicle, in-
cluding baseball bats,an iron pipe
and a set of brass knuckles, au-
thorities said.
Officers said a large number
of those involved were underage
and were consuming beer. No
drugs were found.
Students from at least three
different schools ? South View in
Hope Hills, Western Harnett in
Lillington and Pine Forest in Fay-
etteville were involved.
Bonds ranged from $3(X1 to
$750 unsecured. All were released
pending district court trials.
Bloodiest election in Colombian
history ends with Gaviria s victory
? . . . . ? ? -w4f? f'nrmor tmprrii
BOGOTA. Colombia (AP) ?
The bloodiest election campaign
in Colombian historv ended with
a resounding victory' for the gov-
erning party's Cesar Gaviria, who
took the hardest line against drug
traffickers of any major presiden-
tial candidate.
Gaviria, 43, told supporters in
a nationally televised speech
Sunday night that his victory rep-
resents a triumph for democracy
in this violence-wracked country.
"To all those who have sought
to threaten our democracy, listen
closelv. The people have spoken
with courage and clarity, and we
will triumph he said before a
cheering crowd at a Bogota hotel.
Gaviria praised Colombians
for casting ballots in defiance of
threats of terrorism from hired
guns of the powerful cocaine car-
Millions of Colombians
turned out to vote Sunday under
the watchful eye of army sharp-
shooters, and chose from among
12 presidential candidates who
survived a campaign in which
three candidates were assassi-
The Caracol radio network
estimated that rust 45.5 percent of
the 13 million eligible voters went
to the polls. About 6 million votes
were cast, compared with nearly 8
million in the 1986 presidential
election. didate, former guerrilla Antonio
Many people were apparently Navarro, made an unexpectedly
afraid to leave their homes be- strong showing, with 674,829
cause of the pre-election violence, votes, or 13 percent. The Conser-
In the two weeks preceding the vative Party candidate, Rodrigo
election, police reported nine Lloreda was in fourth place with
bomb attacks that killed 37 people 636,209 votes, or 12 percent.
and wounded about 350.
With 85 percent of the 7,100
precincts reporting, Gaviria of the
Liberal Party had captured
2,488,687 votes, or 47 percent of
the total, according to the national
election office. His closest chal-
lenger. Alvaro Gomez of the inde-
pendent National Salvation Move-
ment, had 1,285,260 votes, or 24
The country's only leftist can-
Gaviria had taken the hardest
line against the drug traffickers of
anv of the four major candidates,
opposing negotiations with them
and supporting tne continued
extradition of accused drug lords
to stand trial in the United States.
In his victory speech, Gavma
reiterated his campaign pledge to
continue the war on the cocaine
See Colombia, page 7
Remains of five American
servicemen returned Monday
? The remains of five American
servicemen killed in the Korean
War were returned to their coun-
trymen Monday in plain brown
caskets to be flown home for a
hero's welcome.
The caskets and five small
boxes bearing personal effects
such as identification tags, but-
tons and boots were presented to
eight U.S. Congressmen by Com-
munist North Korea.
"This is an emotional mo-
ment said Dr. Norman Jones of
Cambria, Calif assistant director
of the Korean War Veterans Asso-
ciation. Tears streaming down his
face, he gazed toward the caskets
draped in blue United Nations
"I cannot talk he said.
It was the first return of U.S.
Korean War dead from North
Korea since 1954. More than 8,000
Americans still are unaccounted
for after the war.
Pallbearers in suits and ties,
wearing white gloves and lapel
pins of North Korean leader Kim
11 Sung, handed the caskets over
to the congressional delegation at
the truce village of Panmunjom
inside the Demilitarized Zone
separating the two Koreas.
The return of the remains is
widely seen as a gesture by Norih
Korea to improve relations with
the United States, The two coun-
tries do not have diplomatic ties.
The transfer came after Rep.
G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery, a
Mississippi Democrat and chair-
man of the House Veterans Af-
fairs Committee, signed a docu-
ment confirming he received the
remains. Lee Sang Ho, a member
of the Supreme People's Assem-
bly, signed for North Korea.
"This is a historic occasion .
to get proper recognition for
Americans who fought in Korea,
recognition that has not come for
40 years Montgomery said. He
said the five dead would return to
a hero's welcome in the United
US. military officials said the
remains first would be flown to
Hawaii for identification, a proc-
ess that could take several months.
The American-led United
Nations Command in Seoul said
more than 9,000 U.N. Command
military personnel were unac-
counted for after the war ended,
including 8,177 Americans and
soldiers from Canada, Australia
and England.
Official figures show 33,629
U.S. soldiers were killed in the
war and 103,284 wounded.
"I feel happiness, sadness,
bitterness said Lt. Col. Don Byers,
See Korea, page 7
Women entrepreneurs
Marcy E. Mullins, Gannett News Service

?Ije ?ast (flarolmfan
Page 6
May 30,1990
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Look for today's edi-
tion where the First Lady
Barbara Bush tackles the
nation's newest scare,
the continental drift.
Also, quotes from
M.C. Hammer, David
Letterman and George
Bush. And for the first
time, see the bacteria
that killed muppet crea-
tor Jim Henson.
Remember, it's only
a joke, so please don't
write or call.
for the
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The East Carolinian?
is not just
it's a serious
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ensuring our
Remember to
The East
Carolinian 1
Craigergoldisa wvm year old with
brain tumor and ashortttmetolive C raig's
wish is to have his name added18 the list
of "Record Holders" in the (nines Book
o( World Record He would like to enter
the following category The Person who
ha Received the Moat Of Well Card
Th? record now stands al 1,000,265 IVase
help Craig's wish locometrue Itisasmall
thing to ask, but would mean so much to a
wen year old Put a smilron Craig's face
by showing your support and caring by
mailing your card today1 C ralg Shergold,
co Children's Wish Foundation, 32
Perimeter Center E, Atlanta, Ga, W4
IXj you want to kick the habit1 The
Student Health Services offers the
American Cancer Society "Fresh Start"
Smoking Cessation program free of
charge to ECU students The program
begins Tuesday. June 5 at 200 pm and
last three consecutive Tuesdays. Call
757-6794 to sign up or for more
The Student Health Center will be open 8
am 12 noon, 1 p.m. - 5pm. on weekdays
during summer session I and II There will
be no weekend hours during summer
sessions For more information call 757-6841.
The Pre-Professional Health Alliance
will have a meeting on June 6, at 4:30 p.m.
in Erww 304. All members and intended
health-science majors are urged to attend.
The projects for the summer an d upcoming
1990-1991 school year will be discussed.
Your attendance will be greatly
The Counseling Center is offering Stud
Skills Workshops both first and second
sessions of summer school The programs
will be offered every Monday and
Wednesday at 2 pm For further
information, call the Counseling Center at
757-6661 or stop by room 316 Wnght


The East Carolinian, May 30,1990 7
Polish rail workers persuaded to
suspend week-old strike Monday
w UtSAV Poland (AP)
Solidarity chairman I ech Walesa
persuaded rail workers to suspend
i crippling week old strike early
Monda) easing .i nsis that had
overshadowed Poland s first fully
free elections since W orld War II.
the laboi strike that Walesa
d bring toa halt had? rippled
reight and passengei service
?northwestern Poland, hal
ging the resolve of the pro Soli-
? ii it government that in anu-
m imposed a painful austerity
. - am Aimed at the sw itt crea-
I i mai kel I1 wvi e? onom .
l he rail w oi kers had de-
fied increases the gov-
u nt reje ted tor feai ol un
cashing .i torrent ol wage de-
In s,i!ui.i s elei lions Poles
ht to oust holdovei I oromu-
-t officials from Ksal councils,
but many voters stayed home.
The filial turnout was just 42
percent nationwide. By contrast,
62 percent voted in partially free
parliamentary elections last lune.
Unofficial resultsof the52,000
individual races were expected
Monday, but official results were
not expected until Monday.
Solidarity Citizen's Commit-
teesare expected to dominate local
governments, ousting the Com-
munists from one of their last
bastions ot power. The vote will
also be a test of strength of Poland's
budding independent political
ITie vast majority of society
although angry at the bad
(economic) situation under-
stands that we must stick together
because there is no other choice
Walesa said after voting in his
hometown, the Baltic port of
"We must take over power
from the bottom and build the
foundations of democracy
Walesa met for three hours
earlvSunday with representatives
of the thousands of striking rail
workers but the talks brought no
accord and aides to the Solidarity
chairman said strikers asked him
to return Sunday night to their
headquarters in Slupsk, about 80
miles west of Gdansk.
The agreement they reached,
signed at about 1:30 a.m asks the
government to review the strik-
ers' demands for raises and the
dismissal of holdover directors
named by theousted Communists.
Walesa is to meet again with
the strike committee on lune 13 to
gauge progress, according to re-
ports bv the PAP news agency
and state radio.
The strike committee issued a
communique that called on the
government to reshape and clar-
ify its economic reform program
so "the burden of the (economic)
crisis is spread over the whole
"This is a fulfillment of what
the government expected. The
government has always said it
would not talk under the gun of a
strike said government spokes-
man Zbigniew Augustvnowicz.
The state-run railroad said 80
percent of passenger service to the
strike-bound Pomerania region
would resume Monday with
freight traffic taking 1 1 2 days to
restore, PAP said.
The rail workers had threat
ened a 90-minute nationwide
warning stnke for Monday, de-
manding that government nego-
tiators come from Warsaw.
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U.S. favors investigation of territories
V v llNGTON ? P Sec-
ol State lames Bker III
i sthel nited States still i orsa
d Nations in estiva I on into
treatment ol Palestinians in
. . i ten itories
I he I -nited Statessupportsan
. onducted in the
,i.) .it the behest
the UN secretarv general,
? said Sunday on CIS fV's
Nation prograav
edn v .i distiiK Son be-
mission dispatched b
neral and a mis-
sion sent bv the LN. Security
1 hope that the Arab leader-
ship and I hope that the govern-
ment of Israel will both support
the idea ot sending an investiga-
tive mission from the secretary-
general to the territories and re-
port back he said.
" that is something the United
States will support and 1 hope
th.u we can see the parties come
together on that Baker said.
Baker's comments came the
dav atter the I nited States blocked
an attempt by the Security Coun-
cil to send a mission to the occu-
pied tern tones.
Arab leaders were angered by
the US. move at the Security
Council meeting in Geneva, Swit-
zerland, and claimed Baker had
reneged on a promise.
The United States objected to
the investigative mission after
Israel refused to accept any team
sent bv the Security Council.
Bilker said Arabs "must have
misunderstood" what they
thought was his earlier backing ot
a Security Council investigative
Arab countries this week
called tor UN. protection of Pal-
estinians living in the occupied
territories At least 15 Palestinians
have been killed in clashes with
Israeli defense forces in the past
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Min-
ister Yitzhak Shamir reiterated his
opposition to any UN. peace-
keeping forces or other obser ers
in the occupied territories.
Continued from page 5
the I louse w ith less than
: ? r. makers oting
is !ne v ompromjse Ivt
the i temalives
. I negotiation in lie
i owing a pubic
the last active dutj servicemen
stationed in Korea who fought in
the 195(1 i; Korean war 1 want
to know where the res! are Why
" hy not 500'
fi e dead retui ned Mon-
confrontation, the House robbed over the budget.
the public of a chance to make that Any serums attack on the
judgment, and the chance to judge federal deficit is going to require
itselected rcprescntarivesby their politically nasty decision-making,
votes such as tax increases.
Thebi-iy.cs'd lonycst-run- J'be real rsop (or a budget
nlngiuv.otiatuniiMiCapiti Hill is Summit is not to find answers tcf
Continued from page 5
Korea's capital ot Pyongyang.
The U S. Defense Department
has identified two oi the dead as
Army 1st Lt. lack I. Saunders, 27,
ot Ogden, Utah and Cpl. Arthur
Leo Seaton, 20, of Chester, Pa.
Continued from page 5
the deficit dilemma. The options
are well known. The purpose ot a
summit is to produce what one
member negotiator called a "seam-
less whole"
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da) were unearthed in I987and
include two from the Air Force
and three from the Army. All five
were believed to have been pris-
oners of war and died in Hwang-
haePukto province south of Norm
But he said Colombia cannot
fight ? Ii ? ii alone, calling
in the I nited States and other
de eloped countries to take steps
to reduce demand foi cocaine He
. ailed on the United States to
drop trade bai riers against legiti-
(,a iria anet onomist,?ill be
the youngest president in
Colombia's hist ry Hebecamethe
. iberal Part) nominee atter the
I art - stai dardbearer Luisar-
Calan, v.s assassinated on
ur, 18 In drug traffickers.
,alan sla) ing prompted
resident irgilio Ban o todeclare
u ar on the drug cartels and extra-
dite some accused traffickers to
the United States.
In a nationally televised
speech Sunday night, Barco said
the election had struck a blow
against the drug terrorists.
"The vote is a triumph of
democracy over violence said
Barco, who was constitutionally
prohibited from seeking a second
consecutive four-year term.
Navarro, a leader of the April
19 Movement guerrilla group
which disbanded earlier this year
to form a leftist political party.
also took a tough stand against the
drug traffickers.
Gomez and L.loreda backed
trying to reach some sort oi ac-
commodation with the traffickers
and indicated they would halt
extraditions to the United States.
In Sunday sballoting,Colom-
bians also voted by a nearly 10-to-
1 margin in favor of convening a
national constituent assembly to
reform the country's 104-year-old
Despite a pre-election wave
of violence, the balloting pro-
ceeded peacefully, the govern-
ment placed soldiers and police
on alert to safeguard the election.
Continued from page 5
When STUDENTS want to
SELL they go to
"The ANYTHING Store"
It's a Tradition. mflk
ling machines account tor 16
nt ?l the cigarettes sold to
Sullivan's pmposal drew tire
thetohao oindustrj Walker
Merryman, spokesman tor the
rob.v suite, called it a "po-
ll il I i ap shot
I ? t know ol am other
industr) m America that has taken
such voluntary action over the
years to steer it products away
from young people Merryman
I h I homast lodar past presi-
dent ol the American I ung Asso-
ciation praised Sullivan's efforts
but ivciHernedaK'it an outright
"The official position of the
association is not to ban all vend-
ing machines Godar said.
"We've taken the tact of educat-
ing children in the schools
Children start smoking be-
cause of peer pressure, curiosity
and the bad examples set by par-
ents and siblings, Godar said.
leff Nesmith, 15,a sophomore
at T.C Williams High School in
Alexandria, Va says peer pres-
sure got him started. "I didn't
reallv start doing it regularly until
I was 13 he says. "Everyone else
was doing it
It was the same with
McCowen in Utah, a state the
Inspector General says has one of
the most effective enforcement
programs in the country.
"It just seemed like something
to do he says. "One of my friends
started just because his older
brother smoked and gave him
some cigarettes
Nesmith doesn't think the ban
would make any difference. "That
wouldn't stop anyone he says.
"I don't buy from machines all the
What would make Nesmith
stop smoking?
"I'd have to get really really
?Copyright 1990, USA TODAY
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Mini 30,1990
gitiE lEant (garoltman
Page 9
By Hope Cuter
Staff Writer
The 1990 ECU Summer ihe
i tre promises to make July amonth
? - remember by presenting tour
? iimi; productions.
I he season kicks in July7
vttb Gypsy a musical which
reveals how (iypsy Rose 11 e, Ihe
itoriOUS strip tease artist, was
ished into tame bv her mother.
! no Daily, known for her role in
nrv and 1 acev plavs
' mma Rose m the Broadway
? duct ion ot "Gypsy " Musical
s oreslike'1 et Me Entertain You
Everything's Coming up Roses
and on rotta Gel a (iimmick"
make (iypsy" a show to remem-
Che Cocktail Hour a corn-
ed) drama which recently closed
tf broad way, is scheduled tor
liilv" 14. This A R (aimevlr plav
takes place during a km ktail hour
and tells hew Ichn. a young plav
'it returns home to his snob-
bish parents to a-sk it he w pro-
duce his new plav, which hap-
pens to be based on his life ami
Alfred I hrv's Pulitzer Prize-
rung dramaDriving Miss
Daisy" will run fuly 16 - 21. The
plav traces the 25-year relation-
ship between a wealths- widow
I her hauffcur I hr. 's grand
toother pn ided .i model tor the
character of Miss Daisy Ronnie
?. lair Edwards . who appeared in
I he Wal tonsis (era I'ethC lood-
ley tor eighl years, then in epi-
sodes ot "Dallas" and "Falcon
' rest Will play MissMisv
( omedienne Patarroll will
play Mother Superior in the'sum
mer fheatre's musical comedy,
See Theater, page 10
Sparrow becomes
acting dean over
arts and sciences
Another study session
David Jones and Mary Beth Desjardms are seniors majoring in marketing who study for a project in Joyner
Library The library s summer hours are from 8 a.m. to 11 p m Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p m.
Fnday, 9am to 6 p.m. Saturday and noon to11 p m Sunday (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Trend promotes business
The Sock Market promises stable investment
. ? trl A: l-l- r- ? I 1.1 lI iL
By Dale Kasler
Gannett News Service
I lore's what's bigin socks this
year: reenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles anil anything in neon.
Coming soon: I ick Tracy and
the Simpsons Old news Batman
Always in style: Mickey
Maybe the hottest item of all,
though, is located in Des Moines,
headquarters for Die Sock Mar
ket,a 20-storechain that sellsnoth-
ing else.
I he (ham locates its stores in
trendy locations, where they rub
toes with exclusive department
stores like Sak's Fifth Avenue,
Nordstrom'sand Marshall 11eld's
Ouj. miinTllM l 'I are upscale,
fashion-oriented, upper income
said Scott Kahler, the company's
With Americans developing
a fondness for jazzier-looking
hosiery that isn't carried by tradi-
tional department stores, sock
stores are America's "hottest re-
tail sensation' according to En
trepreneur magazine. The Sock
Market expects sales to hit $5
million this year ? and it's just
getting its feet wet.
Already the largest U.S. sock
chain, Sock Market will open four
new stores this fall, Kahler said.
I he eight-person corporate staff
has 10 additional locations on the
drawing board All stores are
owned by the company. Kahler
has 31 in vestorsand may sell stock
to the public.
The Sock Market carries 1,500
stvles ot socks ? dress socks,
"sports SOCks, I asual socks, funky-
colored socks and special occa-
sion socks (Valentine's Day,
'aster, Hanukkah and others
Prices range from $20 tor a single
pair to $7 for three pair.
"We literally carry sivks tor
everyone Kahler said.
Men, who make up 20 percent
(if The S(xk Market's customers,
are beginning to buv fashionable
secks to go with brightly colored
ties. Children account tor 20 per-
cent of the chain's customers and
women h0 percent.
Kahler, who began the com-
pany barely three years ago with
two stores, was never content to
build his chain one foot at a time
Twenty stores within three years
was all part of the blueprint
Kahler, 38, spent 13 years as a
merchandise buyer for the Des
Moines-based Younkers Inc. de-
partment store chain. On a trip to
London in 1984 he stumbled upon
See Socks, page 10
By Siuart Oliphant
Staff Writer
As luly begins, Dr. W. Keats
Sparrow will become the acting
dean of the College of Arts and
Sciences. Although Sparrow does
not yet hold the title,he hasbegun
working on the department's
budget with Dr. Marlene Sprin-
The College of Arts and Sci-
ences "is the centerpiece academic
unit of the university according
to Sparrow. The arts and sciences
college is the only college on
campus. It is comprised of 21 aca-
demic departments.
Sparrow's colleagues warned
him about accepting his new posi-
tion. With the recent budget crises
a lot will hang on his decisions
concerning student admission and
the allocation of school funds.
One problem he must handle
in his position is the freeze on all
faculty positions established by
Governor Jim Martin. This freeze
will affect students and profes-
sors alike. The result will be a
higher student to teacher ratio,
which could affect Fall and Spring
enrollment The freeze will also
affect current faculty positions,
and college funding.
"I'm going to be known as
Dean No says Sparrow. But no
will not be the only answer that
students and faculty w-ill hear.
Sparrow's goal is to try to
manage with the least possible
damage to the students and fac-
ultv. His solution to the budget
crises is to "continue with what
we have, and to tough it out until
the situation improves
Sparrow is a native of Kin-
ston. He received his undergradu-
ate and master degrees from ECU.
ECU has been Sparrow's environ-
ment of growth. "ECU represents
my adult life and my career
Sparrow said. "I would not want
it any other way he added.
While attending ECU,
Sparrow's teachers taught him to
take writing seriously. His teach-
ers included: Ovid Pierce, who at
the time was receiving national
attention; Herb Paschel, a noted
NI.C historian; and Frank Adams,
who taught at Yale before coming
to ECU. After receiving his
master's degree, Sparrow was
offered a faculty position at ECU.
This he accepted, and taught a
year before seeking his doctorate
at the University of Kentucky.
After completing his doctor-
ate requirements, Sparrow re-
turned to ECU and joined the fac-
ulty as an assistant professor.
Gradually, he worked his way up
to his current academic standing.
Spare time is something that
Sparrow is short of these days, but
when he is not at work he is busy
writing. "Work is my hobby
Sparrow said.
Sparrow has published five
books and is now working on his
sixth. Hiscurrent project involves
North Carolina's only Civil War
novelist, WD. Herrington. Her-
rington served in the third N.O
calvary. During the first year oi
the war, Union troops had taken
the city of New Bern. Hernngton
and company, which comprised
of roughly 2000 men, had the job
of keeping the north from advanc-
ing closer to Wilmington, a city-
most valuable to the shipment qt
Confederate supplies. Sparrow
hopes to publish a facsimile edi-
See Sparrow, page 10
Stevens to retire in December
ECU News Bureau
Dr Charles E. Stevens, dean
ill the E I School of Music since
84, has announced his plans to
retireattheend of December 1990.
Stevens, who joined the Eastaro-
lina music faculty 30 years ago,
previously served as associate
lean ot music and i haired the
keyboard department.
Before coming to ECU, Ste-
vens t.night general music and
ral music in the Washington,
. public schools. Hehasmain-
tained his role in pre-college music
ducation bv serving as adjudica-
tor for piano competitions and
Choral festivals throughout North
Carolina and Virginia.
Stevens is a specialist in the
music of the early Moravian com-
posers. I lisresearch in the Library
of York Minster, England, and in
Moravian archives in Winston-
Salem and Bethlehem, Pc has
been reported to various organi-
zations, including the Moravian
Music Foundation and the South-
cast Chapter of the American
Mush ological Societv. Stevens
also edited a collection of piano-
forte sonatas by Christian Igna-
tius Latrobe for Boosey and
I lawkes music publishers.
During his career at ECU,
1. Shoat: A. congruent;
B. ideal; C a young hog;
D. a long skirt
2. Percale: A. insensitive;
B. fine woven cotten;
C humor;?, to flutter
3. Quibble: A. talkative;
B. to pretend; C. to argue;
D. to flutter
4. Skittish: A coarse; B.
to wallow; Cold; D. rest-
5. Imbrue: A. to soak;
B. to conjure; C to
violate; D. prevailing
f?. Burly: A. young; B.
diseased; C. husky; D.
7. Spry: A. pompous;
B. miserable; C.
lively; D. sluggish
8. Muse: A. fresh; B.
putrid; C tuneful, D.
9. Pandemonium: A.
petty; B. silence; C
terror; D. uproar
10. Malleable: A. firm;
B. sweet-smelling; C.
direct; D. yielding
-Compiled by
Deanna Nevgloski
Stevens has been piano accompa-
nist tor various faculty perform-
ers in recital throughout the U.S.
and apan. He is serving a three-
year term as vice president for
membership on the board of the
N.C. Association of Music Schools.
During Stevens' six-year ten-
ure as dean, the ECU School of
Music has increased its faculty and
course offerings in the areas of
guitar, low brass, jazz studies and
percussion. Other curriculum
expansion has occurred in the
fields of music theatre, music
business, music therapy, accom-
panying and piano pedagogy.
Also increased under Stevens'
leadership were performance
groups and service courses for
non-music majors and extension
courses in music available through
the Division of Continuing Edu-
See Retire, page 10
Packing for progression
WZMB staff members Beth Ellison and Jeff Skillen prepare for the stations move to the
Mendenhall Student Center this summer (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
basement of
An Ideal View
Students waste time studying excessively
By Caroline Cusick
Features Editor
Oh, how I love to study. Noth-
ing brings me more pleasure than
opening a textbook on media law,
foreign language, physics, trigo-
nometry, early Egyptian literature
or biochemistry and leisurely
scanning the pages, absorbing
every letter and syllable into my
long-term, instant-recall memory.
After years of education, the
recesses of my mind are full of
useless information. Why? I'm not
quite sure yet. When I finish this
text book, I may have the answer.
As textbooks are the final author-
ity on information, there must be
a textbook, tucked away on some
shelf, holding the key to this mind
boggling dilemma.
Why must we learn the mo-
lecular structure of atoms. We
can't see them. How do we really
know they exist.
Someone, somewhere has
proof. However, I've never seen
one. I just have to "Take their word
for if that atoms do indeed exist.
As long as these teachers are not
the same adu'ts who tell children
that Santa Clause and the Easter
Bunny do indeed exist, I'm OK.
us out of trouble, helps us make
important decisions and gives a
slight advantage when playing
Trivial Pursuit.
Because Studying is so much
fun, I have compiled a nifty list of
fun ways to study and pack the
information of thousand sof books
into our heads.
My favorite way to study is
by osmosis. The American Heri-
tage Dictionary (which, inciden-
tally, I am attempting to com-
pletely memorize and compress
into my mind) say s that osmosis is
"a gradual, often unconscious
process of assimilation or absorp-
tion Over the years, I have con-
cluded that placing textbooks
under my pillow before retiring
for the evening results in the ef-
fortless absorption of information
overnight. By morning, the book's
information is absorbed by my
brain and I have become more
informed and enlightened on the
ways of the world.
HINT: Small books work bet-
ter, as large books may cause dis-
comfort and impede sleep.
Another great way to study,
completely distinct from osmosis,
is placing an open textbook on
your lap while watching televi-
sion. The light waves from the
television screen reflect off of the
pages of the book and are subcon-
sciously absorbed by the eyes.
The only trick to this study
method is remembering to turn
the page every 10 to 15 minutes to
ensure complete exposure to the
chapter or book you are reading.
A great advantage to this method
is that such a sparce amount of
time is wasted that you'll feel like
you never studied at all.
A last resort study technique
is reading. When supplemented
by note taking, reading has proved
to be an effective way to obtain
and retain information.
Although theresultsof study-
ing by reading far exceed those of
the other study methods, reading
has many drawbacks. It is time
consuming, boreing, tends to
make the mind sleepy and the
eyes tired, it can not be done while
the rest of your body is doing
something requiring attention and
it requires great effort.
Although it is heavily en-
dorsed by teachers, professors and
other professionals, I strongly
suggest avoidance of this tortur-
ous method of studying.
Reading is no more vital than
breathing, eating or sleeping. And
as one can complete college with-
out them, it is also possible for a
student to complete four years of
college without reading.

10 The East Carolinian May 30,1990
Campus Voice
How many years will it take
you to graduate?
left Havics, 20
"1 should graduate next May, ii 1 don't
screw up. That will be four years. My
advisor helped me a lot to plan out my
Renee Fulton, 25
Physical Education
"Hopefully, I'll graduate in Decent'
ber. It has taken five and a half years.
I sat out for two and a half years. I
decided to come back to school when I
found out 1 could make more money
with a degree
Continued from page 9
Kirstin Eakes, 21
"Four. I've gone to two summer ses-
sions so 1 could gel a Technical Writing
Certificate along with my degree'
Marcy McGregor, 19
"Four. 1 knew what 1 wanted to do and
I had a few credits by advanced place-
Chad Harris, 21
"Forever. 1 changed my major and
transferred from Atlantic Christian
College. Since I've been back from my
accident, I've taken a lighter load
Hoppy Hopkinsoi 25
lour mmA a halt. I'm a varsity athlete
on the ECU swim team, so I'm taking
less of a load to get better grades and to
continue swimming
?Compiled by Suzan Lawler
(Photos by J.D.Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Bits and Pieces
Pop bands use prerecorded tracks
in concert to enhance performances
More and more dance-oriented pop acts arc relying on prerecorded
vocal and music tracks to enhance their shows. Reason: The backup
tapes recreate a fuller Studio sound and allow X'rlormers to channel
energy to the physical demands of dancing. On current concert tours
by fanet Jackson, Madonna, New Kids on the Block and others, music
itself is secondary to choreography, sets and lights.
Checker, Oreo team up in a twist-off
Singer Chubby Checker is teaming with Nabisco in a new Oreo
cookie campaign featuring 34 regional twist contests throughout the
nation The last twist-off is July 15 in Philadelphia. Winners will
compete in a national twist-ott December 10 in Los Angeles.
Female artists hold top spots on charts
female artists occupy the top five spots on Billboard's Hot l(X)pop
ingles for the first time in 11 years. They include. Madonna, "Vogue
Heart, "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You Sinead O'Connor,
"Nothing Compares To You Wilson Phillips, "Hold On" and Janet
Jackson, "Alright Fxperts say the diversity of acts reflects wider
acceptance of female artists by radio programmers.
Abdul promotes L.A. Gear footwear
On Thursday, Reebok lost a pitchstar to rival LA. Gear Inc. Singer
dancer Paula Abdul, asexpected, is joining the LA. Gear celebrity table
that includes Michael Jackson and joe Montana. Abdul will promote
her own footwear line
'Rocky Horror' groupies wait for video
"Rocky I lorror" fans will have to wait for the cult classic to come to
video CBS Fox Video is negotiating for video rights on the science
fiction musical But USA WF.EKFND reports paper work is piling up,
so do not expect the movie in your local video store any time soon. The
flick is still shown at some movie theaters nearly every weekend to
appease "Rocky Horror" groupies.
Oddities Answers
1. Shoat: C. a young hog 2. Percale: B. fine woven cotten
3. Quibble: B. pretend 4. Skittish: D. restless 5. Imbrue:
A. to soak 6. Burly: C. husky 7. Spry: C. lively 8. Muse:
D. reflect 9. Pandemonium: D. uproar 10. Malleable: D.
a sock shop.
In 1986, Kahler quit Younkers
and spent a year researching the
idea and shopping it to bankers.
He hired away some merchandis-
ers from Younkers, including his
wife, and the first two stores
opened in April 1987.
The Sock Market has discov-
ered the kinds of locations that
work best: regional malls anchored
by department store chains like
Saks and Nieman-Marcus.
Although The Sock Market
depends more on foot traffic in the
malls than advertising, the com-
pany is developing its own iden-
tity. A manufacturer has created a
line of socks exclusively for the
chain. And the company is about
to Introduce a mascot called
"Sockrates" for in-store promo-
Every store makes money,
although the company overall is
just creeping into the black be-
cause of corporate expenses. The
company's balance sheet is as
conservative as a pair of black
stretch socks: Debt isoutweigned
by shareholders' equity by a 5-to-
1 ratio.
The Sock Market owns all its
stores. Kahler said he might lose
control over the stores if he sold
"If v have a franchisee that
does not pay their bills, that's a
reflection on our company' he
Mall managers prefer dealing
with company-owned stores as
well, he said. And the current
structure provides "a much more
attractive package for investors
and for taking the company pub-
lic he said.
The downside of company-
owned stores is that expansion is
For instance, the Minneapo-
lis-based Sox Appeal chain de-
pends totally on franchising be-
cause "we want to go to a lot of
different places said founder
Gibson Carothers. Sox Appeal has
17 stores and is growing.
Kahler acknowledged that he
would like to expand The Sock
Market faster.
Time is important when
you're dealing with a hot idea.
There are at least four more re-
gional sock chains in America,
including Sox Appeal, and there's
a limited supplv of good locations;
a shopping mall won't make room
for more than one sock store, he
"This is a race Kahler said.
"Every dime that we make. . goes
into opening new stores
Itcosts The Sock Marketabout
$85,000 to open the tvpical 500- to
700-square foot store, he said.
What helps The Sock Market
is the ex-Younkers employees'
expertise in merchandise, he said.
So in Chicago, with its heavv
Jewish population, the three Sock
Continued from page 9
Market stores stock up on special
Hanukkah socks that feature small
menorahs ? the ceremonial can-
delabras. Out in California, where
the trends happen first, "neon is
incredibly hot Kahler said.
And everywhere in the coun-
try, the Ninja Turtle socksare sell
ing as quickly as The Sock Market
can buv them.
"It's reallv kind of scary
Kahler said.
dopy m USA10nAYlAppk(UplmlmmM
Inn .Mrfw
Budget Night
Summer Specials
? $2.50 Frozen Dacquins
? $1.(X) Imports
? $2.50 Ice Teas
? $2.50 Pitchers
"Nunsense which will run July
23-28. The play tells of five nuns
who must put on a fund-raiser to
pay for the burial of five other
nuns who die from botulism after
eating sister Julia's cooked stew.
"I'd like to sell everv show out
to the wall so 1 have to turn people
away said Gary Faircloth, ECU's
Playhouse and Summer Theatre
general manager for the past three
Faircloth received a B.A. de-
gree in art and Fnglish from Meth-
odist College in Fayettville, NJC
After teaching junior high in Fay-
etteville for seven years, Faircloth
attended ECU and received a
master's degree in Fnglish. "I fell
in love with the theater
again Faircloth said. He contin-
ued at ECU and received a B.A. in
theater Faircloth now teaches
theater classes at ECU.
Season tickets arc currently
on sale in Room 108 of the Messick
Theatre Arts Center from 10 a.m.
until 4:30 p m each day. A season
ticket, which allows one ticket per
show, costs $38 for a Monday
night, Wednesday matinee or
Saturday ma tinee show, or $45 for
the Tuesday through Saturday
night shows
Continued from page 9
tion of Herrington's works.
According to Sparrow:
"Teaching and advising are just
one aspect of a professors duties.
Publishing plus service activities
should plav a vital role as well
In addition to publishing,
Sparrow enjoys collecting primi-
tive southern antique furniture
dating at or before the time of the
Civil War.
Sparrow was hesitant at first
to accept the position of chairman
of the English department because
he did not want a job that would
interfere with his publishing.
Sparrow found that after accept-
ing the position of chairman he
has experience the best times of
his academic career.
Sparrow saidYour success
or failure will derive from which
tube you look in to, the boob tube
or the (computer screen) Spar-
row related the satisfaction asso-
ciated with publishing a book and
his wish for the students to expe-
rience that feeling of accomplish-
"Mastery is rarely achieved in
this field he said. "It is important
to have a sense of humility in striv-
ing for that mastery
Sparrow seemsoptimisric that
the budget crisis can be dealt with,
leaving as little as possible dam-
age to students and faculty. His
career commitment to ECU evi-
dences his concern for helping the
school despite governmental cut-
Wed. 30th
Open Mic Night
$1.10 Long Neck
Fri. 1 st & Sat. 2nd
The Amateurs
513 Cotanche.St.
Fverv Fridav (locatedacrossfrom l'BE)
? ? J Each Wed. Night
Hie Extremely Large Hour "
Open Mic Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
4 pin till close
$2.00 Pitchers
$1.10 Longnccks
$1.25 Imports
Continued from page 9
cation. Other accomplishments
were establishment of the ECU
ate fellowships, appointment of a
music school grants coordinator
and organizing of music alumni
into a professional society.
"It has been a pleasure work-
ing with col leagues since 1960 who
comprise one of the strongest
music school faculties in the south-
east' Stevens said of his three
decades at East Carolina. "It is
also gratifying to have had such
talented students to work with,
both musically and academically
Dr. Stevens is an alumnus of
UNC-Chapel Hill, with graduate
degrees from East Carolina and
UNC-Chapel Hill.
Ice Cream Bingo Parties
May 30 (TODAY)
June 6
Multi-Purpose Room
Concert on the Mall
will perform
Monday June 4 8 pm
(rain site: Mendenhall Social Room)
For more information about what's up at ECU,
call the Student Union Program Hotline 757-6004


(LUt Safit (fiaroltman
May 30,1990
Page 11
recalls old
By Doug Morris
st.itt Wnlor
to Barnes remebers i iarv
ii as manager of the Pirate
I i lub instead oi its head
? . s who pitched tor the
from 1961 65, said that a
tings like Overton's job
n hasc hanged sincehis
r it ECU, ,nA said thai
has hanged over the
ink that the mam differ
: vtw een the plaj ersot today
ose who played when 1 did
? size he said. 'Players
ire much stronger and big
: I le aKo mentioned that alu
bats and designated hit
rs have altered the wa the game
tlaved i don't think that the
game has i hanged
he said
w tea hes at 1 enoir
?. liege and hasbeen
? ? ?? athletic depart-
I .is their phys
n Jcpai tment since ' -r!
i u hi's the 1 enoiionv
Baseballteam The
n 'heir di ision champi
this ear and went on to
rd in their region.
? til the 1 enoir c pm-
team often omes
rimage igainst the
tad We tr to send a
rs up there I ECl said
t )ne example is Berry
short step tor the Pirates
la ui tor Barnes for one year
ire coming to ECU.
ftCLrafexLiiormaJh, 'cradu-
Pirates lose to
Wolfpack, 8-1
End best season ever at 47-9
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
' T
The Pirates came up a tew strides short in their attempt for a national championship Monday when they
recorded their second loss in the Atlantic Regionals The Pirates finished with a 47-9 overall record
Clemson's wait nearly over
"$8& Barnes, page 12
wait is nearly over for . lemson.
Nearly ti e months alter offi
eially hearing from the NCAA,
the Atlantic Coast Conference
si hool is expected to find .nil this
week it it's probation time again
in football.
1 he 1 igers figure to get some
sort ol sanctions, although the
severity is an one's guess and
there's plenty of that going on
around the state among both
c lemson tans and foes
on re a!wa s interested in
know ing w hat the final outcome s
going to be, B I Skelton, the
si hool s NCAA faculty represen-
tative, said rhursday during an
interview at the C( S annual
spring meetings. "But I think that
even bod is onducting business
as usual. j
This is a football ii? fhd '
said 'We have a new stall I am
sure thev are realh having to work
hard to tmd out. as a in staff would,
how we operate. But I'm sure in
the back ol everybody's mind
the d like to know- w hat's going
to happen
Skelton seemed confident that
the C A A would deliv er itsdeci-
sion this week I he N( is
closed Monday for Memorial Day,
so the earliestlemson isexpe ted
to learn its fate is I uesdaj
Skelton said he suspected the
NCAA either lias arrived at its
dei ision or is in the final ol
the process
"In order to give us something
they've got to be working on it
he said. "They can't gi c us some-
thing it thev haven't don am
?CJctttSon, the' V C's iM rnfei
football power, was nofir'"T
Douglass regains touch to
capture Senior Tour victory
ERN, Pa. (AP)
ass regained his putting
' in tune to win his tirst
nior i our event in more
vi ars
? it a little lucky.
Hher guys out there are
themselves in the head
-? thev had opportunities to
but thev couldn't do it
lass said Sunday alter de-
c (.arc Player on the second
le to . apture the Bell
tilassie at the 6,406 yard,
( heater Valley .olt Club
ue a ? who last wonat the
ast Classic in Tampa in
- - entered Sunda) s
ind one stroke ahead t
ale Placer. Player pulled even when
Douglass bogeyed the Nth hole
and each matched par until the
second playoff hole the 16th
when Placer hit a poor tee shot
into the trees.
"(.arc told me that he caught
a limb on his backswing and al-
most whiffed (attempting to get
out of the rough) said Douglass,
who made par to take home the
$75,000 first pne.
Player, who rushed to cat( h a
plane after the tournament, sank a
5-foot putt tor his only birdie of
the day on No. 2 and finished with
a 1-under 69.
Meanwhile, Douglass was
sinking putts of 12.20. and 20 feet
to offset three bogeys during his
round of even-par
him tied at4-under 206 v? ith Player
alter 54 holes.
"I always putt pretty well he
explained. "But two weeks ago, I
was lipping my putts out and last
week I was three and tour-put-
Bob Charles and Charles
Coody, who tied tor third at 207,
had excellent chances to catch
Charles, the Senior lours
leading money-winner for the last
two years, started Sunday's final
round four shots back. I le shot a
67and made spectacular chipshots
of 55 and 50 feel tor two of Ins five
resigns at
IS 1 AWAY, N.J. (AP)
i, one of five men to
I h vision I lacrosse
pions, resigned ashead coach
' rth arolina Saturday after
irl ieelslost21-10toSvracuse
A A semifinals
Si roggs said he was stepping
to devote full time to his
luties as an assistant athletic di-
rt tor at North C arolina.
roggs, 43, is taking in ex-
led duties within the depart
I with the recent departure of
Paul Hoolahan, an assistant ath-
' director who left to become
etic director at Yanderbilt.
I regret that 1 am leaving
i hingbul this isa good oppor-
tunity tor me as far as my long-
range goals for a career in athletic
administration said Scroggs, in
a statement prepared before the
Syracuse game and released after-
Scroggs will be in charge of
See Lacrosse, Page 12

Hello, Ma
that the NCAA was conducting
an ottii ial inquiry.
1'heV originallvcharged
the school v ith II rule violations
between 198 .nA 1988. 1 he
charges included coaches and
boosters paving placers to illegal
recruiting i onta ts later, one of
the charges wasdropped and two
others were amended, the school
1 ess than two weeks atter the
School learned ol the NCAA in-
vestigation, Coach Danm lord
resigned, lie took the job in De-
cember 1978 whenharley Pell
left the school
It Clemson is placed on pro-
bation, it would be the second time
in less than a decade I he Tiger
football pn (gram was hit with two
years' probation in s? one
vear'after winning the national
See Clem son, page 12
The ECU baseball team ended Us 1990 season with a loss to the
North Carolina State Wolfpack 8-1 in the National Collegiate Athletic
Regional Tournament Monday afternoon in Coral Gables, Florida.
I'he Pirates, who boasted a 46-7 overall record heading into the
double elimination tournament, lost to the Citadel Bulldogs 8-5 Sun-
day night, -ending them to fight their way up through the loser's
rheonly win for E U came in the first round against South Florida,
the Sun Belt Conference champions. The Pirates came back to win 4-2
thanks to Corey Short's homemn in the eighth inning.
The Pirate offense sputtered throughout the entire regionals. FCU
lead-off hitter Kevin Riggs went cold in the tournament, going four-for-
1 v Third baseman ohn Cast was also quiet, going one-for-12 with four
strikeouts. Tommy Eason had only two hits in 10 trips to the plate. Steve
Godin collected only two hits in 12 at bats, while tanning three times.
ohn Adams and Short led ECU'S hitters in the tournament. Adams
had four singles and a double in 11 tries while Short went four-for -12
with a homerun.
In the game against N State, the Pirates trailed 2-0 after three
innings, thanks to a sai rifice fly by lett Pierce State extended the lead
to 4 0 when outfielder Steve Shingledecker started a run with a lead-off
single against Pirate pit. her lohn White Senior Bobby Russell followed
with a triple, knocking in Shingledecker With Robbie Bark popping out
and Gary Crampton walking, the Wolfpack scored again when short-
stop Scott Snead reached first base on a Pirate errfr
fterSnead reached first, Pirate head coach Gary Overton replaced
White with relief pitcher Owen Davis (4 0 S.73 ERA). In the sixth
inning State scored two additional runs Russell, who went three-for-
four in the game, led off with a base-hit single Bark responded with a
walk Crampton followed with a sacrifice fly, mo ingrunners to second
and third.Snead hitsa Davis fastball fora two-run double, giving N.C.
State a 6-0 lead
ECU did come back to score a run in the seventh inning when
shortstop Berry Narron (.304, 23 RHP walked with one out. After
Yarborough fliedout, lead-off hitter Riggs doubled in Narron. Adams,
who captured theColonial Athletic Association batting champion with
a 411 average, kept the inning alive with two outs But thePiratescame
up empty when Eason grounded out to end the inning.
E l also wasted a iok opportunity to re :n the eighth inning.
Uean-uphUtUTCah-inBrciwm J35. IMilO started the Pirate rally with
See Tournament, page 12
Sink or swim
Donna DiMaqgio teaches a student to swim in her PE 1000 class Tuesday at Mmges The class is ort
of many PE classes ottered by the university (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Pressure putt pays $10,000
to Stephenson in Skins Game
Charles Bloom, ECU Sports Intormation director, worked to inform
the media. (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
FRISCO, Texas (AP) - Eve-
ryone who has placed golf has
made that putt, made it almost
It was probably less than two
feet, mere than 1 12. Call it 20
That's the most nervous I've
ever been' an Stephenson said.
"Mv knees were actually
shaking.It's stupid, but 1 was
standing there thinking, 'That's
about $10,000 an inch
Stephenson rolled it in on the
17th hole at the Stonebriar Coun-
try Club, a par-saving putt that
provided her with $200300 and a
victory in the I.PGA's first Skins
Stephenson admitted the
money was important. She had an
off-year last season then incurred
hugeand continuing medical bills
in the wake of a mugging in Janu-
"It doesn't get me out of a
hole, but it helps' she said.
Perhaps of greater value was
the fact that the putt and the vic-
tory revived her injury-threatened
career. It proved she could play
again. A few months ae,o there
wasconsiderabledoubt she would
be back.
"The doctors told me this
might be a convenient time to ease
out of my career she said.
The advice came after the ring
finger on her left hand was shat-
tered when a mugger attempted
to np off her wedding ring.
"I've heard them saving, 'Oh,
she'll never play again. She's
done Stephenson said of the
injurv. "Well, it's not very pretty,
but 1 can grip a club
The finger remains broken,
she said, the result of vibration
caused bv hitting a golf ball. It's
held in place by two tiny screws.
It's swollen and curled back to-
ward her palm. She cannot
straighten it, perhaps never will.
Stephenson had been shut out
by JoAnnc Carner, Nancy Lopez
and Betsy King for 16 holes of the
two-day, 18-hole, made-for-tcle-
vision event and had missed a 18-
foot birdie putt on the 15th hole.
Under the format that calls for
the prize money on each hole to be
earned forward until there is a
clear winner, the pot had grown to
$200,000 when the foursome went
to the tee on the 140-yard, par-3
When Carner, Lopez and King
all hit into bunkers, the door was
opened for Stephenson. She
stroked a 5-iron shot that nestled
in 12 feet below the flag.
King and Lopez had plugged
lies and had no chance of saving
par. Carner came out to about 10
feet, and Stephenson, facing a 12-
footer to win outright, left it 20
inches short.
"I could see JoAnne making
the putt Stephenson said. But
she didn't. Carner, too, left her
putt short. That gave Stephenson
the opportunity to win it with the
little putt.
And she made the most of it.
Camer wona total of $110,000,
while Lopez won $95,000 and
King $45,000.

J2 The Fast Carolinian, May 30,1990
Sports Briefs
Syracuse wins NCAA lacrosse title
Syracuse won its third consecutive NCAA Division I men's lacrosse
championship Monday, with a 21-9 victory over Loyola (Md.). Greg
?ums and Gary Gait scored five goals each to lead the Orangemen.
Syracuse's three consecutive championships ties the record set by Johns
Hopkins from 1978 to 1980, and the margin of victory was the largest in
a championship game.
Georgia, Mississippi State advance
Southeastern Conference teams Georgia and Mississippi State are
the first to advance to the College World Series, scheduled to begin
Friday at Omaha. Georgia, seeded No. 2, beat Rutgers 20-9 for the
Northeast Regional title, and takes a 48-18 record into the CWS. Missis-
sippi State improved to 49-19 with its 4-3 victory against No. 1 seed
Etorida State for the South 11 Regional title.
Yonder earns start in Belmont Stakes
onder, the son of Seattle Slew, earned a start in the une9 Belmont
Stakes at Flmont, N. with a victory in the (ersev Derby Monday at
Cherry Hill, N.). Yonder held oft a late rush bv Video Ranger to win the
$5(X),tXX) race at Garden State Park. The win, Vonder's first of the year,
was worth (300,000 for owner Frank Stronach.
Bugno retains Italian Cycling Tour lead
Italy's Gianni Bugno retains the lead after the 11th stage oi the
Italian Cycling Tour. Adrano Baffi won the stage. World champion
Greg LeMortd, showing signs of a comeback, raced with the leaders. I le
remains one hour and 25 minutes behind, though.
Mota wins Bolder Boulder marathon
Portugal's Rosa Mota, running on just two days' rest, won a record
fifth consecutive Bolder Boulder (Colo.) 10k road race Monday. Mota,
who finished fourth Saturday in the I'eggs Mini Marathon in New
York, led from start to finish in winning the6 2-mile race with a time oi
33 minutes and 14 seconds. Mexico's Martin Pitavo was the men's
winner in 28:48.
UCLA takes third consecutive title
LCI.A won its iurd consecutive NCAA women's College World
Series championship in a row Monday at Oklahoma City, defeating
Fresno State 2-0. The LCI. A Bruins, o2-n. have won six of the last eight
world series.
Edmonton wins NHL championship
The Edmonton Oilers won the NHL Stanley Cup championship
Thursday for the fifth time in the last seven years, with a 4-1 win over
the Boston Bruins. Edmonton goalie Bill Ranford stopped 29 shots and
was named the playoff MVP. Ranford held Boston to eight goals tor a
series goals-against average of 1.35 as the Oilers won the best-ot-seven
series four games to one.
Earnhardt can remain unbeaten in May
Dale Farnhardt can finish the month of May unbeaten bv winning
the Coca-Cola MX) Sunday at the Charlotte, N.C Motor Speedway. He
started the month by winning the Winston 5(X) May t in Talladega, Ala.
Last Sunday he won The Winston, an all-star race held at Charlotte.
Earnhardt leads the Winston Cup standings with 1,460 points to Mor-
gan Shepherd's 1.370.
Football league to use helmet radios
The World League of American Football will use radios in quarter-
backs' helmets when it begins play in March, enabling coaches to talk
to quarterbacks during games tor hurry-up offenses. League president
Lex Schramm had hoped to get the innovation into the NFL when he
was president of the Dallas Cowboys.
Clippers to announce hiring of coach
The NBA's Los Angeles Clippers scheduled a news conference for
Friday to announce the hiring of a new coach. Speculation centered on
Golden State assistant Mike Schuler and former Atlanta coach Mike
Harris signs with British Columbia
West Virginia quarterback Major Harris signed with the British
Columbia Lions of the Canadian Football League. The former I leisman
Trophy candidate was unhappy at being selected in the 12th round of
the NFL draft by the Los Angeles Raiders.
Jaite defeats Edberg in ATP World Cup
Argentina's Martin Jaite defeated Stefan Edberg of Sweden 6-3, 2-
6, 6-4 as Argentina blanked Sweden 3-0 Thursday in the $1.3 million
ATP World Team Cup tournament at Dusseldorf, West Germany.
" ?TVJ
irrrf1 i.4itge liiurmdtum Ntfanrft
In the Locker
Recreational boating
The number of registered boats has grown to 10.8 million,
but fatalities from recreational boating accidents have
fallen 36 percent in the last 10 years.
I Boating fatalities
Many athletes involved in incidences
? Marshall University'sproblcms
with athletes getting in troubleare
not new, but may not be entirely
the athletes' fault, according to
university officials and former
"Whether it's jealousy of the
athletes or the athletes thinking
they're hot stuff, people resent it
both ways Marshall head foot-
ball coach Jim Donnan said. "It
starts with words, then maybe an
assault and before you know it,
you have a major case
In the past five years, there
have been 33 cases of former and
current Marshall athletes being
charged with misdemeanors and
felonies, including assault, de-
struction of property, sexual as-
sault, shoplifting and armed rob-
bery, the Herald-Dispatch in
Huntington reported Sunday.
Oi V7 arrests made in the last
two years by Marshall's Office of
Public Safety, 10 percent have
involved athletes, who make up
2.5 percent of the student body,
the newspaper reported.
The cases include 20 charges
against football players, eight
Continued from page 11
against basketball players, and five
against members of the baseball
Three Marshall basketball
players recently were suspended
from school for a year because of
"disruptive behavior university-
officials said.
Many of the athletes' troubles
off the field start in bars, officials
In April, basketball player
Maurice Sanders was arrested
after allegedly assaulting a female
student at Robby's, a downtown
pitcher Don Robinson. The woman
later dropped the charges.
Lasl summer, two other bas-
ketball players, JohnTaft and John
Humphrey, were arrested after
two female students told police
thev were assaulted by the two
menoutside Robby's. Both women
later withdrew their complaints
Athletic director Lee Moon
said he is considering making
some nightspots off-limits to ath-
Moon said former basketball
coach Dana Altman tried to con
trol his players' nightlife by hav-
a single. Cast also followed with a
single. With no outs, Short hit into
a double play. Godin then struck
out to end the inning, scoring no
With the Wolfpack leading 6-
1 after eight innings. State contin-
ued to feast on ECU pitching,
scoring two more runs in the last
inning. Brian Bark led off with a
walk, and Chns Wood fin moved
Bark to second base on a sacrifice.
With one out. third baseman Vin-
nie Hughes smashed a two-run
homer, giving the Wolfpack the
final 8-1 victory.
The inability to score runs for
ECU was a result of Wolfpack
pitcherC raigRapp. Rapppitched
eight strong innings, giving up
only nine hits and one run. State's
limmy I loUand (4-1,3.211 pitched
the last inning, giving up no hits
while fanning two Pirates batters.
ECU'S assistant coach Kevin
Anderson said lack of intensity
may have been the reason lor the
"Physically, we were tired
uifter the Citadel loss)" Ander-
son said in an interview with left
Charles, the voice oi the Pirates.
"We left too many runnerson base.
You have to tip your hat to N.C.
The Pirates ended its season
with a 47- overall record. ECU
now posts a 6-24 record in the
NCAA baseball tournament.
In the second game of the
baseball regionals, ECU dropped
to the Citadel Bulldogs 8-5 Sun-
day night.
The Bulldogs, who were the
Southern Conference champions
this year, boasted a 42-12 overall
mark heading into the tourna-
ment. TheCitadel had been ranked
as high as 25th earlier this year,
according to Baseball America.
The Pirates jumped to a 2-0
lead in the first inning when Riggs
singled. Adams responded with a
walk. With no outs, Brown
knocked in Adams with a ground
out. Cast also grounded out and
Short died out to end the inning.
But the Bulldogs answered
with three runs in their bottom
half of the inning. Shortstop Phil-
lip Tobin walked and later stole
second base. Mike Brannum (.243,
22 RBI) followed with a single.
scoring Tobin. Anthony Jenkins,
who crushed Pirate pitchers with
four hits in five trips to the plate,
hita two-rundinger against ECU'S
Tim Langdon. TheCitadel led the
contest 3-2 after the first inning.
Langdon, who lost onlv one
game during the regular season,
had control problems throughout
his performance. Langdon threw
33 pitches in the first inning alone.
ECU scored a run in the third
inning when Eason belted a solo
Continued from page 11
championship ? for a variety oi
recruiting violations under Pell
and Lord.
Clemson met with the NCAA
Committeeon Infractionson April
20 to discuss the latest charges.
Afterward, Clemson president
Max Lennon said he expected
penalties to be levied against the
program. But Lennon was non-
commitaj Thursday when asked
about the NCAA's pending deci-
"We'll just simply have to wait
until we hear from them Lennon
said. "We expect them not to say
anything until they're ready to let
us know what the release time is
Lennon said he had "no idea"
when or how the NCAA will
contact Clemson. But other
Clemson officials said the NCAA
will notify the school and tell it the
report will be faxed to the univer-
sity within 48 hours.
As usual, an NCAA official
was at the ACC meetings in North
Mvrtle Beach last week. Lennon
sai? . c did not talk with the offi-
cial and didn't think Athletic Di-
rector Bobbv Robinson had, ei-
"1 can't speak for Bobbv,obvi-
ously Lennon said. "But 1 would
assume he would tell me
Lennon refused to comment
on the trend of late by the NCAA
to place particularly harsh sanc-
tions on schools for penalities that
on the surface seem relatively
"Any response 1 might make
would require a lot of specula-
tion Lennon said. "So 1 think
that would be inappropriate. Let's
just wait and see what thev do
Continued from page 11
'79 '81 '83 '85
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation
Suzy Parker, Gannett News Service
the school's outdoor facilities and
operations next year.
"I feel like I am leaving the
program in good shape he said.
"We've had a marvelous 12-year
run and 1 feel like each and every
year we've been consistent and
we've been competitive to win the
ACC and NCAA championships.
"I always said that each year I
just wanted us to be the best pos-
sible team we could be and I think
in that regard we'veaccomplished
what we wanted to accomplish
John Swofford, North Caro-
lina athletic director, said a search
for a new coach would begin
Scroggs came to North Caro-
lina in 1978 after serving six years
as an assistant at Johns Hopkins.
In 12 years, he compiled a 120-37
mark and won NCAA titles in
1981, 1?82 and 1986. His teams
made the NCAA tournament in
each of the past 11 seasons and
had six appearances in the Final
Four in addition to the three titles.
The Tar Heels have finished
in the Top 11 of the final U.S. Inter-
collegiate Lacrosse Association
poll in each of his 12 seasons.
Scroggs was named national
coach of the vear in 1981 and 1982.
He has served on the NCAA's
Men's Lacrosse Committee from
1982-88,and waschairmanin 1987.
Continued from page 11
ate 95 of their baseball players.
Barnes commented on the Pirates'
academic record. "I think it's
fantastic he said. "I'm glad the
emphasis is on education, that's
what they're there for
Barnes is a member of the
Pirate club and comes to all of the
football games, but because he is
usually busy coaching during the
baseball season, he has difficulty
coming to see ECU play. How-
ever, he said that he still tries to
keep up with the team's progress.
"I think that this is probably the
best team that ECU has ever had
he said. "They have some excel-
lent pitchers and they've been
scoring well
Barnes has more reasons than
just loyalty to his alma mater for
keeping in touch with events at
ECU. Ashley Barnes, one of his
three daughters, attends ECU and
will begin her second year in the
fall. Judy, his wife, teaches at
ECU'S school of nursing.
homer. The Pirates scored another
run in the fourth inning when
Short and Godin reached base on
singles. With one out, Yarborough
grounded out, scoring Short.
With the score tied at five in
the seventh inning, the Bulldogs
broke the ice in the last inning
with three runs. FCU's Langdon
was replaced in the last inning
when he loaded the bases with
one out. Pirate head coach Gary
Overton replaced Langdon with
Tom Move (3-0, 0.79 ERA). The
switch oi pitchers worked in the
Citadel's favor as Tobin lashed a
two-run single, scoring two Bull-
dogs. Citadel added another run,
thanks right fielder Brannum,
giving the Bulldogs the 8-5.
FCU's onlv victory of the
tournament came in the first round
against South Florida, theSun Belt
Conference champions.
"It wascertainlva tough win
coach Overton said in an inter-
view with the Daily Reflector.
"There's a feeling of relief when a
game like that is over. We knew
we had to play well to win, and 1
felt we played one of our better
After a two-hour rain delay,
the South Florida Bulls started the
first-round tournament with a run
in the first inning. Second-place
hitter Mark Hubbard belted a solo
homer off starting pitcher Jon-
athan Jenkins, giving the Bulls the
early 1-0 lead.
ECU did not score until the
seventh inning when Godin hit a
single with one out. With Narron
striking out, Yarborough blasted
a run-scoring double, notching the
score at one each.
But the Bulls came stamped-
ing with a run in the eighth in-
ning. Doug Joseph (.225, 18 RBI)
started a rally with a lead-off triple.
After shortstop Paul Roberts went
down on strikes, Ricky Ware (.273,
10 RBI) sacrificed Joseph home,
giving South Florida a 2-1 lead.
In the bottom half of the
eighth, Adams sparked a Pirate
rally with a single. Eason then
mined Adams to second with a
sacrifice. Clean-up hitter Brown
then responded with a single,
scoring Adams. With two outs in
the eighth, Short blasted a two-
run homer over the left field fence
against Winston Wheeler. Wheeler
never gave up a home run in his
career at South Florida until that
inning. Short's Mast gave ECU th-
permanent lead 4-2.
For the Pirates, lenkins was
effective throughout the baseball
came and earned the complete-
game victory. In nine innings
lenkins gave up two runs on five
hits while fanning three, lenkins
also allowed tour walks.
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The East Carolinian, May 30, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 30, 1990
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