The East Carolinian, April 24, 1990

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3Ltj? i?uBt (Untalxmnn
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 64 No. 2
Tuesday, April 24,1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
lb I'ages
Six-month investigation
nets nine ECU students
By Shannon Buckley
Statt Writer
One former Id student and
eight current ECU students wore
arrested on charges ol illegal sale
and delivery ol controlled sub-
stances las! rhursday. The arrests
werea result o( a six month under-
cover investigation conducted by
ECU Public Safet) in cooperation
with the State Bureau of Investiga-
Warrants for the suspec ts
arrests were issued earl 1 hursday
morning lor a total ot 40 countsof
sale and deliver) ol controlled
substaru es as dost ribed under the
N C. Controlled Substances Act.
The individuals arrested wore
taken into custod) from univer-
sity residence halls and other
places in in ? n ille between 6a m
and 8 a m
. i ording to lames DePuy,
direv tor ol 1I Public Safet. the
campus police and EC I sadmini-
Stration are addressing the drug
problem head on
' lod.n m rhursday's)arrests
should serve notice to those
relatively few individuals who
behe e theyan financially profit
at the expense of others and the
community DePuy said.
Those arrested were arraigned
by a Pitt County magistrate. Other
arrests are expected as a result of
this investigation witha total of 12
warrants issued.
"We are proud ot our record
of enforcement at Fast Carolina
and our goal of attaining a virtu-
ally drug-free educational environ-
ment for our students Richard
Brown, vice chancellor for busi-
ness At fairs, said.
According to the ECU News
Bureau, those arrested and charged
were Dirk Andrew Nuttie of
Raleigh, charged with two counts
of possession with intent to sell
and deliver marijuana and two
counts oi selling and delivering
marijuana; Michael Anthony
lohnsonol Rockv Mount,charged
v ith t w ocountsof possession v ith
intent to soil and deliver psiloc) bin
(mushrooms), two countsof selling
and delivering mushrooms, one
count o( trafficking by possession
and one count of trafficking by
sellinganddelivery; lames Pitman
Walston ol Emporia, V a charged
with one count of possession ith
the intent to sell and deliver cocaine
and one count ot selling and
delivering cocaine; Kanwarpl
Singh I lothi ofCary,charged with
two counts oi possession with the
intent tosell and deliver marijuana,
two counts of selling and
delivering marijuana and one
count ot conspiracy to sell and
deliver marijuana; Christopher
Bradley Childers of Charlotte,
charged with one count of
possession with the intent to sell
and deliver marijuana and one
count oi selling and delivering
marijuana; anet leather Rankin
of 1 larnsburg. charged with one
count of possession withtheintent
to sell and deliver marijuana and
one count ot soiling and deliver-
ing marijuana; Thomas Edward
Graham ot Wilmington, charged
with two counts of possession with
the intent to sell and deliver mari-
juana and two counts of selling
and delivering marijuana; Roder-
ick V Simmons of Sanford,
charged with two counts of pos-
session with the intent to soil and
deliver marijuana and two counts
oi selling and delivering mari-
juana; David T. Coleman a former
ECU student, of Greenville,
charged with trafficking by pos-
session of LSD and trafficking bv
selling and delivering LSD.
Organizations that painted their crests and symbols on the street
outside ol the students store will have to repaint them this fall
because several buckets ol paint were spilled on the street Photo
by J.D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Budget cuts face
university again
ECU News Bureau
ECO has imposed a blanket
hiring freeze on all non-faculty
positions and is taking addi-
tional "strong measures" tocope
with a worsening budget crisis.
With a goal of savingat least
S! 7 million in the next two
months, the university will al-
low employees to take leaves of
absence without pay but with
benefits intact Dr. Richard R.
Eakin, ECU chancellor, said
there would be no layoffs "or
any action that would sacrifice
academic integrity or the qual-
ity of instruction
"I sincerely regret that these
austerity measures must be
enacted .but there is no choice
Fa kin said.
He called tor "cooperation
oi the entire university commu-
nity in view of the fad that
state allotments to ECU tor the
last six months of the fiscal year
mean that "31 percent of our
remaining operating hinds can-
not be spent
He said the fourth quarter
funding allotment was reduced
by more than $4 million and is
113 percent less than estimated
"The financial problem we
face is severe Eakin said. "It
can onlv be solved by strong ac-
tions He said the additional
cost-saving measures would
help bring the university "into
the best possible financial posi-
tion, albeit probably short of a
full solution to the problem
Eakin said the complete
hiring freeze for all state-funded,
non-faculty positions tempo-
rary, permanent and student
would be in effect at least until
lulv 1. No new employees may
begin employment prior to July
1 but he said all prior commit-
ments will be honored.
Divisional vice chancellors
will review and approve all
purchase orders for operational
supplies and equipment and
Eakin said the university's pur-
chases must be considered "to
determine status and need for
possible cancellation
Hesaid theuniversity is con-
sidering an energy and cost-
saving modified summer work
See Budget, page 2
Allabach removed from office
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
In the Student Government
Association's last meeting of the
year, the SGA secretarv-elect was
officially removed from the body,
disqualifying her from any kind of
SGA interaction for one year. The
legislature also approved the
annual approprations for luc0-
1991 with many complications.
Along with several other SGA
members, SGA Secretarv-elect
Christine Allabach was removed
from the SGA as she missed her
seventh SGA meeting. The SGA
rules state that when a member
fails to attend three meetings
without excuses or six meetings
both excused and unexcused, they
are dismissed from the body.
Furthermore, they cannot
participate in any SGA meetings,
even if they are elected or
appointed to an S( !A office.
Since Allabac h ran unopposed
in the last election, a new SGA
secretary will be elected next fall.
The 1990-1991 Tentative
Annual Budget passed by a voice
vote after it was unfabled from last
week's meeting by Legislator
Barbara Lamb.
The legislature entered the
second round of negative debate
on an amendment which would
cut funds for N.C. Student
Legislator Marty Helms made
the motion to decrease 'CSL's
annual funding from $2,430 to
$1,660 in last week's mooting.
Legislator Beth Howard began
the debate saving that the decrease
would hurt ECU's delagation and
that they needed the funding to
recruit new members since they
She motioned to yield the floor to
the governor oi the NCSL who
said ECU's delegation was in a
rebuilding process. He also said
that the ECU delegation was
enthusiastic and has proven to be
efficient in past MCSL meetings.
The amendment was denied,
and the body then approved
another amendment with two
The annual appropriations
were passed bv a voice vote with a
round of applause from the
Bv a voice vote and after a
lengthy debate, the body approved
the revisions to the SGA judicial
Riles. Of the several revisions, the
ECU public defender will become
a new member of the joint judicial
board along with a member of the
Residence Hall Association.
Chairman oi the I lonor Board
Barrv Nobles was yielded the floor
to discuss the revisions. Nobles
said that adding the public
defender to the joint judicial board,
a "think tank for the judicial
svstem would allow both sides
to be fairly represented on the
The additional Rl IA member
would balance out the vote Nobles
additional appropriations to the said, and since 99 percent oi the
ECU Kite Club and the Rugby people that face the Honor Board
Debatecontinucdasl egislator
Leslie Nicholson moved to strike
the annual appropriation to NCSL
from the annual appropraition
budget. Nicholson argued that she
had resigned as treasurer oi the
state organization because she felt
she was being asked "to do illegal
things She said the problems at
the state level were affecting the
performance at ECU.
are dorm residents, they would
become an official representative
to the board
Speaker ot the House Bob
Landry stepped down as speaker
to propose An amendment that
would drop both representatives
from the revision bill. Landry
argued that since the public
defender is appointed by the Dean
of Students, who is already on the
See SGA, page 3
stolen CDs
By Shannon Buckley
Staff Writer
A Greenville resident was
arrested and charged with feloni-
ous possession of stolen goods on
April 18.
Gary Lozell Koonce, 28, of
Greenville, was arrested by ! t
Rhonda Gurlev of E( L Public
Safety, for felonious possession of
stolon property. According to
Gurlev, the property found in his
possession belonged to WZMB,
ECU's campus radio station i i
his arrest Koonce was taken to Pitt
County jail and was placed under
SI,0(H) secured bond.
According to John Rae,
W.MB's program director, 46
compact discs were discovert I
missing from the radii' station's
c I) collection on April 11. A
WZMBstaff member reported the
property as stolen to ECL Public
Safety that same da v.
Rae said Thomas Ives, ov nor
ot Quiksilver Records & Book
Exchange, contacted VVZMB's
Music Director Beth Ellison and
said that he was holding 46 C I s
with VVZMB's name stamped on
them at his store. Ellison immedi-
ately wont to examine the CDs at
Quiksilver Records & Book Ex-
On her way to the store, Elli-
son was joined bv Rao. The two
then entered Quiksilver Records
& Book Exchange and began to
examine the CDs. According to
Rae, thev both assured the owner
that the CDs had boon st ?len from
"As we l(xkod over the CDs,
the person that brought the discs
into Quiksilver to sell walked in,
he saw us (looking at the CDs
turned around and ran out the
door, 1 (Rae) chased him and
watched him get into his car so !
wrote down his license plate
number Rao said.
Rae then gave the license plate
number to ECL Public Safety.
According to Rae, ECU Public
Safety ran a license plate check
and determined that the vechicle
belonged to Koonce. Koonce was
then arrested by Lt. Gurlev.
According to Gurlev, when she
arrested Koonce she found addi-
tional property that also belonged
to WZMB at his residence.
"1 owe a lot of credit tor the
arrest to the quick reaction ol the
owner of Quiksilver Records &
Book Exchange Gurlev said
ECU sponsors annual
summer science camp
ECU News Bureau
Earth Day
Well, actually the end of Greenville's celebrational and educational event on North Carolina's wildlife and
environment sponsored by the Greenville Recreational and Parks Department. The event was held in the
Town Commons which runs along the Tar River. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
The 12th annual ECU Summer
Science Camp for students in
grades 3-8 will again be held at
CampCaroline in Pamlico County,
near the convergence of the Neuse
River and the Pamlico Sound.
A June 24-29 session is for
students in grades 6-8. Participants
in grades 3-5 may enroll for the
week of July 1-6. Both camp
sessions emphasize high-interest,
"hands-on" science activities,
designed to increase the campers'
awareness and knowledge of the
coastal environment.
All instructional sessions will
be limited to 20 participants and
leaders will be certified teachers
who will work closely with the
children for the duration of the
Camp Caroline consists of a
25-acre site with 10 cabins, an
infirmary, a dining hall and snack
bar, a large classroom building, six
study shelters, a swimming pool,
softball and volleyball fields,
canoesand sailboats. Students will
participate in fishing, swimming,
boating, a quiz bowl and a talent
Camp fee is $250 per child.
Since enrollment is limited, early
application is advised. Further
information and application
materials are available from DY.
Floyd E. Mattheis, director, ECU
Science Camp at Camp Caroline,
East Carolina University,
Greenville, N.C. 27858-4353;
telephone (919) 757-6038.
TEC employees say
goodbye and the newspa-
per looks to the future
Personals. por Sale.
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation8
Lebanese captors
release American hos-
Barefoot on the Mall
once again a huge suc-
ECU faculty to over-
see academic integrity in
the athletic program
ECU Scunner
JOUR 3200 annual

2 The East Carolinian, April 24, 1990
ECU Briefs
Conference examines 'state of child'
Social and economic ills affecting children was the topic for a con-
ference held Monday at the-Greenville I lilton Inn. The conference, "The
State ot the Child in Pit! County provided ,n opportunity for the
public and professionals to openly discuss and seek solutions to the
problems that trouble children Speakers included N C Representative
Walter B ones lr Dr. rhomas G Irons ,i pediatrician, and ohn
Niblock president of the N.Child advocacy institute Exhibitsfrom
various organizations and agem ies were also show n
Luncheon honors health care services
I he E( I sv hool ol Nursing ill host ,i luncheon at the t ireein ill
Country Club to recoenio more than K)health are and human services
in 17 counties that serve as sites for clinical teaching and practice tor
nursing students North . arolina Rep Walter B. (ones lr. ot Farm ille
isamnog the individuals to be honored
Exams are here; graduation planned
Final exams bee,in at E( I and contine through Maj 2 Graduation
is scheduled tor Ma 5 at 10 a.m in Ficklen Stadium. Broadcast
journalist Charles Kuralt and pianist songwriter Looms McGlohon
will be the speakers for the 199(1 Commenccmnel ceremonies.
ECU trustees to hold meeting
I he 1 . I board ol trustees w ill hold its regular quarterly meeting
at ; p m in the Mendenhall Student . enter Max Ray loyner Sr ot
( ,teen ill is the board s . hairman.
Fundamentals ot banking examined
ommercial I ending School lor bank rs will be held Ma) b I 1 at
Sponsored b the ? arolinas irginias hapter o Robert Morns
Asscx lau-s these hool i ill tea h the fundamentalsol sound commercial
lending prat tu es to hank and sa ings and loan lending officers.
For more information contact the Commercial Lending School.
ECU Division ol c ontinuing I diu ation, at 1919) 757-6143 or (800) 767-
Ninth graders gain career insight
Academk alb ableblack ninth graders from eastern North Carolina
schools will partu ipate in a w eek longareer Awareness Exploration
i. amp at E( I lune I 7 25.
Student participating in the camp have scored in the 98th and gth
percentile on the( alitornia Achievement 1 est
Participants vill meet successful minority role models from the
campus and communil, learn more about selected occupations and
develop action plans for their own individual career objectives.
Faculty member honored at retirement
rhePhvsical Education Mak"?rs( luband facult) members honored
Frant is I ouglas last night v, ith a dinner in the Multipurpose room ol
the no Sports Medium Buildii
1 kuiglas has been a member ot the 1. I physical education facult)
?. r . vears and ??? d of the spring semester. She has
tayghtgi titan . i iledu ationandifias been the advisor for
student teat hers in physical education
New educational librarian at HSL
to coordinate information services
The EC L Health Sciences I ibrar) has recruited a specialist to
coordinate all librarv related educational activities for students and
faculty m the health professions at E( I .
Beth Morrison former librarian in the British Columbia Medical
Library Service, has boon named education librarian and will develop
and i. reate programs and . lasses on topk s such as computer informa-
tion storage and retrieval, information sources, and health sciences
literature evaluate ns.
I he roleol the education librarian a newly established post at the
librarv. is to work vv ith fa ultv in the E I 1 ivision ot I lealth Scien es
to find new ways to integrate information skills into curriculum and to
help students.
ECU recreation center
progress report given
By Samantha Thompson
Stjff Writer
A proposed student
recreational center will cost
students a total of $220 in tuition
increases over three years once
the $18.8 million facility is
approved, said Recreational
Services Director Nance Mie to
the Student Government
Association Monday afternoon.
While giving an update to the
SCiA on the progress ol the
recreation center. Mize said the
proposal is waiting approval from
the N.C Legislature during their
short session this May.
The recreation center will
house It racquet courts, six
basketball courts, a pool with a
sun deck, an indoor suspended, a fitness testing lab, three
multi-purposeaerobics areas, a
training and sports care room, a
golfarcherybatting area, a
weight room and a student lounge.
I he proposed site is the
wooded area behind ones
Residence Hall. Parking tor the
center would be the commuter
parking lotat the bottom otollege
I fill Driveandat Rosel lighS hool
Mize added that they do not
antn ipate the need i i additional
In. rd? rt I pal alth
lifestyle, students will be able to
use the ret reation . enter in about
three vears. "If it gets approved
this May, it will be IS months of
planning and 18 months of
construction Vice Chancellor
Albert Matthews said to theSGA.
Several SGA members
stressed their concern that a
recreation center has become a
priority over a parking problem
solution. Mizesaid that ina poll of
college students, one of the three
top reasons they I ame to a certain
college was the quality of a
recreation center and that ECU'S
center would work to help all the
During a slide presentation,
Mize compared the growth ot
today's EC 1 to the that ol 1951,
a ing that the recrea tional
services were lacking. Mize
show ed how facilities were
expanded lor football games and
orientation and graduation
services, but not for recreational
Memorial m, theurrent
center form roatii ?nalser ices,can
only be used from ' p.m. to
midnight sim e it is aK used tor
physical education classes Once
the new facility opens, Memorial
gym will revert to a physical
education ? lassroom Mize s,iui
i i ording to M ize, f rmer
SCiA 1 'resident N ott rh mas
initiated the resolution two vears
ago "I feel like this is finally a
reality Mize added.
The Department of Resident Kducation in
looking for a book keeping assistant tor this
summer and next tall. AccountingBusiness
majors preferred. Begin next fall typing
requistion and record keeping for allocated
Prompt, punctual, and able to work afternoons.
20 - 25 hrs a week. Minimum wage - negotiable
Please contact 757 - 4264
for more information.
'Director of Advertising
.lames IJ.
Advertising 1(epresen tatives
Gui J. Hure
Sh;i Sitlineer
Adam T. Btankenship
Continued from page 1
schedule w hu h i mild be put into
effect as earlv as Ma I 1 I nder
one schedule being proposed, em-
ployees would begin work at 7:30
a.m. Mondav through rhursday
and end the work week at 11:30
a m. on 1 rida s
Eakin said E I has a long
and healthy tradition ol dealing
w ith problems, needs and oppor-
tunities He added, e must
not allow this temporary shortfall
to dim ,Mir vision We are a vital,
em rgel ini rsit tl in ever
clearer sense ol direction and
purpose Sure!) the statetempo
rarv budget pi Mem should not
alter our course
In fanuan the university im-
posed a managed hiring freeze.
placed limitations on travel and
ordered a five percent cut in de-
partmental opera ting budgets. An
energy conservation program is
m etteet and an advisory commit-
tee is considering additional i sl
reduction measures.
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Crime Report
Police serve papers as part of six-
month undercover drug operation
17 April 1990
01 lV- Officers responded to i iarrett Residence 1 Kill in reference to
the discharging ol a firearem into the dwelling
19 April 1490
0344 (fficer assisted aIrecm ille Police Dept. officer in arresting
intoxicated subjects at the Magistrate s office.
0816- Officer sen ed papers on a student in Ty ler Residence i Kill.
The student was transported to the Magistrate's office.
0817 Officer served papers on a student in Garrett Residence 1 Kill
! in student was transported to the Ma istrate's office.
0942 Officer attempted to serve papers on a student in BelK
Resident, e 1 Kill. n ionta- t was made
1215- Officer attempted ti) serve papers on a student in Brewster
building, no .onta t was made
20 April 1990
0027- ()ffi ors investigated an incident involving a controlled sub
stance violation .it the southeast corner ot I letcher Residence 1 Kill.
0049- C Miner responded to harrassing phone all complaint from a
resident ot I instead Residence Hall
0242 Officer issued a campus citation to a resident of Scott Resi-
denee I Kill for public into rication, urinating in public, and obstructing
and delaying a law enforcement officer
0358- Officers responded to a report trom 911 operator who re-
ceived a call stating a male was on the sixth Moor of Tylef Residence
2035- Oitu er stopped a vehicle and issued student a state citation
at corner of 10th and Anderson streets tor transporting spintous liq-
2215 l Mlii ers responded to ill about banned subject located on
fourth floor of Belk ResiderM e I fall Subjei I apprehended.
22 April 1990
0106 Officers responded to a report of suspicious persons in
Jenkins Art Building. Subjects found to be an art student and visitors.
0214 (ttu ers resp mded to the area south ot Slay Residence Hall to
assist Resident Advisor with disorderly student. Campus citation
issued to resident of Umstead Residence Hall.
2317- Officers checked out to area of 1 letcherC.arrett residence
halls in refernce to an assault on a female
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The East Carolinian, April 24, 1990 3
face new
By Marcus Rogers
Special tn I he f asl.irolinian
Young people in North
C aroHna are facing problems th.n
their elders did not have to face,
leenagers o( the future will need
to be more involved with parents,
schools and government in order
to lead a more productive life.
I his was the focus of a group
Of sociologists and public officials
at the 20th annual meeting ol the
V( Sociologists Association in
Greenville on April 5. The
Sociologists were gathered to
diMiiss, "Challenges Facing Young
People in North Carolina
("n the middle school level I
asked these teachers when thev
thought they could first
predk t when a student is going to
be a drop out in our schools said
( hancellorRichard l akin "It was
fascinating to me thai the response
I got from middle school teachers
was that they felt fairly confident
that a student would first dropout
in the seventh grade
likin proposed a plan called
Project East, which would be
funded on the federal, state and
local levels to help t. 's youth
i omhat the problems thai they are
fat ing in tod?i nrld.
Apathetic outh was the mam
concern ol thepanel but they were
also i oncerned ith the fragile
cork ept ol the American family.
Pr Kathryn Kolasa said thai
there is a problem with the youth
of today in nutrition and teen
pregnancy Our project is both
involved in community aw arcness
and community responsibility tor
health care for teenagers shesaid.
Kotasa said health care and
the community should be tied
together in order to stop the spread
lit sexually transmitted diseases
and to lower tei n pi egnancy rates.
The three sociologists at the
symposium saw the problems of
drug abuse, alcohol abuse, teen
pregnancy and apathy among
youth as problems dirci tlv
affecting the educational process.
Just my imagination?
No, the tempting Temptations
were not a figment of your
overworked subconcious if you
were at the Purple and Gold
Pirate Pig Skin Pig-Out held
Saturday at F icklen Stadium. The
group performed many of their
original hits and had beach music
lovers dancing m the stands The
daylong festivities drew about
10,000 spectators, and marked
the debut of the 1990 Pirate
football team under head coach
Bill Lewis, who is now in his
second year
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Continued from page 1
board, the public defender will not
be sincere to to their beliefs and
would not be able to fairly
represent students in a trial
Nobles said thai the joint
judicial board hasnopower they
merely create ideas tor new laws
and actions
1 he amendment was denied
and the re isions to the S! A
judi( ial rules were passed 15 9after
another amendment was made
he amendment
ision stating that a
ii - ii rime and
? ild be tound
student Will
not reporting it
Maria Denoia was approved
K the i onsenl ol the body as the
new 1 it 1 attorney general. SGA
President I'ripp Roakesintroduced
Denoia saying thai shehadalready
been interviewed and approved
by S .A President-elect Allen
rhomas 1 enoia hasservedon the
E U I lonor Board for two years,
and she is currently the assistant
attorney general Denoia is a
political scieiM e major
Legislator Michael Hadley
made the motion to suspend the
rules for the approval of the spring
constitutions consisting of four
ECU groups Constitutions for the
Student Athletic Advisory
Council, the E I Rugby Club, the
Students for the Advancement of
Management and Gamma Sigma
Sigma were passed by a voice vote
ot the body
Senior (lass 'resident Fred
Stock also suspended the rules for
the S'tX1 additional appropriation
to the Senior Council The body
passed by consent the funding mat
will cover additional engraving
costs for the outstanding seniors
The body also voted 16-13 to
approve the constitution of the
ECU Kite Flying Club, as well as
the $1,200 appropriation to the
Fashion Merchandising
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Mt lEaat Carolinian
James F.J.
JOSEPH L Jenkins Jr News Editor
Marc.1 MORIN, As$t. News Editor
Caroline Cusick, Features Editor
JOHN TUCKER, Asst. Features Editor
Michael Martin, Sports Editor
Thomas H. Barry VI, Asst. Sports
Carrie Armstrong, Entertainment
Scott Maxwell, Satire Editor
HERRING, General Manager
MARTIN, Managing Editor
McKee, Director of Advertising
PHONG Luong, Credit Manager
STUART Rosnek, Business Manager
Pamela Cope, Ad Tech Supenisor
MATTHEW Richter, Circulation Manager
TRACY WEED, Production Manager
Editor STEVE Reid, Staff Illustrator
Editor CHARLES Willingham, Darkroom Technician
BETH LuiTON, Secretary
The East Carolinian has been serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925, with primary emphasis on in-
formation most directly affecting ECU students. It is published twice weekly, with a circulation of 12.000. The East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age, sex,
creed or national origin. The masthead editorial in each edition of the newspaper docs not necessarily represent the
the views of one individual, but rather, is a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes
letters expressing all points of view. I otters should he limited to 250 words. For purposes of decency and brevity. The
East Carolinian reserves the right to edit any letter for publication. Letters should be sent to The East Carolinian,
Publications BWg ECU, C.reenville, NC, 27X.V1; or call us at (919) 757-6366.
Page 4, Tuesday, April 24,1990
The East Carolinian looks ahead
As the semester conies to an end, we must
evaluate ourselves. We, as students, are in a time
ot transition in our lives, and it is important to
mark our progress and set new goals for the im-
mediate future. As managing editor oi The East
Carolinian, 1 would like to take this opportunity to
reflect back on the semester here at the newspa-
This year has brought new changes to the
newspaper ? ones that I feel are positive and
appealing to the reader. The editorial staff has
joined together in mi attempt to provide timely
news, features and sports to the campus and
community. Although far from perfect, we are
getting better and better. After attending a na-
tional journalism convention in New Orleans in
November, I realized that ECU'S student newspa-
per is quite competitive with other campus news-
papers. We have one of the few completely stu-
dent-operated publications, which is something
to be proud of.
With that in mind, 1 began my duties as
managing editor in January, and I decided I was
going to push the staff for all they were worth. In
one semester, the editors of 77k East Carolinian
have worked and grown together to acheive a
common goal: to better serve you, the reader.
Since this is my last night as managing
editor, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude
to some of my fellow emplovees.
Caroline Cusick, with her biblical verses
and John Tucker, with his progressive band re-
views have blended together their contrasting
personalities to enhance and broaden the features
section. John finishes up in summer school and
will move on to pursue a career in journalism. He
passes his postion on to Deanna Nevgloski who
has been a staff writer since last fall. With one se-
mester to go at ECU, Caroline plans to stay on as
features editor.
In the sports section, a new assistant edi-
tor will take lorn Barry's place as he goes home to
Miami for the summer. (I'd go home, too!) His
sucessor has not vet been named. Hditor Mike
Martin will take my place as managing editor. The
readers ot flic East Carolinian can expect to see a
terrific newspaper under Mike's leadership. Good
luck to him in all his endeavors in the months to
come. Mike will be replaced as sports editor by
Doug Johnson.
1 must give an extra-special thanks to the
news section and Hditor Joey nkins for keeping
me up every production night waiting for him to
finish his section. As my counselor and mv dinner
buddy, loey has managed to get me through when
all else failed. Joey will serve as general manager
during the summer, as David Herring will join the
staff at USA TODAY as an intern. Joey will return
to his position in the news department in the fall.
In the meantime, Carrie Armstrong, editor of The
Entertainer, will take his place. Margi Morin, our
newest editor, will keep her position as assistant
editor of the news section.
My thanks go also to Scott Maxwell, Steve
Reid, Jimmy McKee, Pam Cope, Stuart Rosner,
Beth Lupton, Jeff Parker, Adam Cornelius and all
the other staff at The Eastt Carolinian.
The East Carolinian has assessed where it is
going. Now for each individual, each graduate,
each student, it's time to look within ourselves
and evaluate where we have been, where we are
i.nd most importantly, where we are going.
with rut pep?
To the Editor
Questioning party reputation
To the editor:
The East Carolinian's edito-
rial last Thursday evoked the
nagging myth that ECU was
picked by Playboy magazine as a
"party school The editorial was
even morespecific in reporting "It
was just four years ago that the
university waslabeled the nation's
No. 1 party school by Playboy
This Playboy party school
story has been around for at least
25 years. Some alumni who were
here in the 1960s have sworn it
really happened, but I've never
seen a clipping or anything else to
prove thisdesignation ever existed.
The Playboy issue, awarding
this title to ECU, would be a wel-
comed addition to ECU's collec-
tion of historic papers and manu-
scripts, if it really exists, and if
anyone cares to track it down.
Otherwise, the taleshould be cred-
ited to where it belongs ? in the
ECU Folklore Archive.
Except for misinformation
about the party school, the opin-
ion expressed in the editorial was
well stated.
George Threewi its
W WATlittle one's
up, THodeH '
Vakkzk. rfS
The greening of Greenville
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
Yesterday millions of Ameri-
cans convened to celebrate Earth
in all its magnificence. For many
here in Greenville, the event rep-
resented a kind of birth-of-the-
earth d a chance to revel in the
beauty of thisorve-and-only green
planet and to consider ways to
keep it beautiful. The gathering at
Greenville's River Park North,
which attracted about 5,000
people, ottered citizens a chance
to explore a new ecological vision
and to ponder the emerging trans-
formation away from the rank
consumerismol the last two dec
ades toward a greener,gentler life-
style in this decade
Even a tew GuppieS (green
yuppies, also called ,n ecoyups)
arrived at River Park North to
tickle their kens with reams of in-
formation on our ailing environ-
ment. One titillating tidbit: the
energy saved by recycling one
aluminum can is enough to keep a
60 watt lightbulb lit tor three hours!
And despite the idiotic utterances
by certain mainstream publica-
tionsoverthe weekend?one I SA
Today editor spoke ot people
impassioned to preserve Nature
as "eco-geeks" there was no
evidence oi what USA today
called "greenoia the tendency to
obsess on the environment.
What moved me most about
Earth Dav was its highly positive
focus. Recurrent themes included
respect and appreciation for the
natural world, love and justice for
all species, and developing a deep
affinity with Nature. The drama
by "Earth Day Players the -
radeot Animals" (in honor ot "All
Species Pav and "Council ot
Creatures were all designed to
promote a more personal sense ot
Nature, to encourage an imagi-
nary but heartfelt dialogue with
other species who have pist as
much a right to exist on this Manet
as we do. Standing at the top of
the tood chain is fine as long as the
motives are derived from need
instead ot greed.
Farth I )ay was also an oppor-
tunity to renew concern and share
responsibility tor an incredible
problem. As learly stated in the
Worldwatch Institute's 1990State
of the World Report (by tar the
most coherent, up to date work
on global ecology, published mail
tin world's major languages), our
natural environment is coming
rapidly unraveled, not just in the
polluted Pamlico River Estuary or
the acidified forests atop Mount
Mitchell, but all over the globe.
Fromour relatively cozy academic
niche here in Greenville, Nature
seems safe, sure, and secure. But
on closer inspection it appears
we're in deep trouble and digging
in deeper every second, because'
oi rainforest devastation, for ex-
ample, about fifteen species be-
come extinct every dav!
The question ot the da not
just Earth Day, but every dav is
whether we care enough for Earth
to save our own sorrv hides by
stopping our abusive ways. We
need to acknowledge, first, the
enormous magnitude oi the mess,
and second, our role in creating it.
To the Editor
We humans are the onl.
that produce things that cue
reabsorbed by the emir i ?
'pollution ?. ,nd all the w
burgeoning population inter;
the process Hut unprn
growth is destined to boml
finite planet We can no li
i ontinueatonga pathof ui I i
industrialism without
worsening the survival pi
forpresentandfuturegi rw i
Recycling alone is not en
we nwd to greatly red ? ?
amount ? t trash and toxu
i .ils we pn 'diii ' ? in tin f; r t
Wc need to mak? reel
our hi mes ,i: I
.ilse w hi le industries
(iovemments I
ing onti the green tram
( ih?bal 11'rum in Mos ?
month. Mikhail!orba I ?
closing address, committi
I SSR t pin the "In
.in international team to 1 n pi
vent and respond to ei
mental disasters, rhemessaj
consistent with Gorb) s
stands in defense ol the i iturd
world: now that we're at pea
superpowers, let's take can ttl
Earth and make it green a; i n Ifis
time to bury the nuclear
deep in the underworld ivhi
came, to plant countless tre
harness the sun. It is time I
hsh a new world order K
truedemocrac and ecolog
best ol human and natural la :??
( Kir gi v eminent could tat
tew lessons from Big (Ireen .orb
When eminent scientists convei
at international conferences .c
See Greening, page 5
Professor defends registration
To the editor
This is in response to Ms. Kelly
Easterling's letter in the April 19
issue regarding the registration
system. Ms. Easterling raises a
number of excellent points, and I
applaud her thoughtful approach
to a major problem.
I have been teaching at ECU
tor seven years and serving as an
academic advisor, in various ca-
pacities, for six. The registration
system has improved dramatically
during that period. (Eew current
students remember the old pre-
compiler system, which pro-
duced lines that started in the
Memorial Gym and ran all the
way around the Brewster Build-
ing.) But Ms. Easterling is right:
the system isn't working well
This state of affairs has sev-
eral causes. One is the failure of
many faculty to take the duties of
advising seriously. There is little
tangible incentive to doa good job
of ad vising, and the sad fact is that
in the absence of tangible incen-
tives some professors, like some
students, won't do their jobs. More
than one of my colleagues think
that advising consists of hanging
an envelope full of signed forms
on one's office door.
The problem is exacerbated
by students who, deliberately or
otherwise, pervert the system.
Students miss appointments,
show up late, and do all sorts of
bizarre end runs around their
advisors. Toooften studentsdon't
bother to acquaint themselves with
the requirements of their pro-
grams, and ignore the simplest
instructions the catalogue and
their advisors give them, I'm not
burned out on advising vet
though, as on can set Pmgetting
singed around the edges But 1
understand why colleagues
who'vebeen here fifteen or twenty
years regard registration week as
an ordeal
Ms. Easterling comments
perceptively on the frustrating
realities ol closed classes. I'm
atraid her solution, a big increase
in the size of the faculty, isn't likely
to be adoptee! in the near future.
But we could alleviate the prob-
lem considerably by controlling
one major aspect oi it: the absurd
frequency with which students
drop courses. In the history de-
partment, which I think is fairly
typical, more than 350 under-
graduates drop courses in the
average semester. That's the
equivalent oi ten sections ? sec-
tions that don't need to be taught.
There are plenty of legitimate
reasons for d ropping a course, bu t
at ECU the practice has become an
addictive habit. No registration
system can work properly under
such circumstances.
All parties can improve the
situation bv doing their best to
make the system work. Advisors:
Keep extended office hours dur-
ing registration week, like vou're
supposed to do. Never sign any
schedule without checking the
student's file to ensure that the
schedule advances the student's
progress, and never sign a blank
form. Computer operators: Fol-
low the rules. Never enroll a stu-
dent in a course the advisor hasn't
approved. Students: Keep your
appointments. Study and under-
stand the catalogue. Think seri-
ously about the courses you want
to take, discuss them with v
d isor, but don't expei t
advisor to do all the thinking I
you. It you have doubts al
taking a course, go see the
professor m advance. Don'l
up tor it and drop it on th l
clav ot class because you'vi
covered it requires readme
and writing papers. When .
signed up tor that course you
probably took a seat awav. fi
somebody like Ms. Easterling
Every student on thiscampus
lsentitled to careful, cons, ientious
academic advising. Give your
our offices open daily from 9:00 to
5:00hkea supermarket. But it veu:
advisor isn't doing his or her job,
scream bloody murder.Complain
to the dean or the advisor's vie
partment chair, and if the situ
ation doesn't improve demand a
new advisor. Remember, though
that getting good advising doesn't
always mean getting to run your
academic career exactly as you d
like. A good advisor may stop) ou
from taking courses you want to
take and dropping courses you
want to drop.
1 am convinced that ECU'S
registration system is fundamen-
tally sound and constantly im-
proving. It will work reasonabb
well if all parties try to make it
work. If they don't the advisors,
administrators, and computer
operators won't be punished
but the student will. Asin so main
other cases, students will get good,
professional service if thev take
the initiative in demanding it
John A. Tilley
Associate Professor
Department of History

The East Carolinian. April 24.1990 5
Taxpayers ban together; demand to 'cut the deck'
'Public choice" economics
uses fancy language to tell a famil-
? message: in our system of
government, thecardsarestacked
against taxpayers.
Public choice economists say
that because recipients of a gov-
ernment spending are numerous
and spread out, recipients have
the upper hand in policy debates.
They have a large amount of
money or government help at
stake, and an incentive to keep up
with legislation as it works it wav
through the labyrinthine halls (if
But taxpayers, who may be
out only a few dollars if a particu-
lar program is enacted, typically
don't follow these policy debates
as closely. While new spending
programs, if added together, can
take quite a bite out of our wallets,
each individual one is hardly no-
ticeable. That's why a public offi-
cial may receive hundreds of calls
or letters supporting a spending
program and none opposing it.
Over the past few years, how-
ever, a new kind of pressure group
has sprung up in North Carolina
and around the country to re-
shuttle thespendingdeck. Known
as taxpayers unions or citizen as-
sociations, these organizations
typically try to oppose wasteful
government Spending and make
sure services are delivered fairly
and efficiently.
In North Carolina, these
groups usually havea specific local
focus. In Folk Countv, a western
county home to many retirees and
to the most lavishly funded schtxl
system in the state. The Polk
County Taxpayers Association has
been working in recent weeks to
combat wasteful school spending.
Continued from page 4
propose lists o( workable solu-
tions, the Bush-league govern-
ment responds with, "Okav guys,
but let'sdomorestudies Inother
words, procrastinate, delay the
solutions, and delude the public
with more risk analyses. This
milquetoast approach, practiced
so artfully by our broccoli-hating,
Texasoilman president, does noth-
ing but put more money in the
coffers oi transnational corpora-
tions, who basically own George
the burning" Bush and his White
louse1 cronies.
Let's face it, if we had a true
democracy, the government
would be acting in the interests oi
the people, not in the interests (i
the fossil fuel and nuclear indus-
tries. If we had true democracy,
our Department of Energy would
have a division for solar and other
renewable energy technologies. If
we had true democracy, there
would be laws against corporate
ownership of wilderness, not to
mention the mass media. Imagine
if all our media began focussing
on and sensationalizing the al-
ready-proven solutions to Earth's
crises?we'd clean up the planet
in no time flat.
To regain our inalienable right
to live on a clean, fertile Earth, we
will have to create a revolution in
our own personal lives, to start
living in ways that preserve and
enhance the beauty of the bio-
sphere. And as we attend to those
seemingly trivial choices we make
in everyday life, we must also
beware of those powerful people
who would like to "develop" our
communities in the name of "in-
dustrial progress These people
are everywhere, and their prime
interest is the mighty dollar. They
tend to couch their arguments in
obtuse, technical jargon and with
bland assurances that the chance
of catastrophe is small. Chances
are, they have no interest in the
health, the integrity, or even the
existence of the place you know as
home?your neighborhood or
community. Be prepared to think
globally and fight locally. The real
work begins here, today.
residents who attend the recently
merged Tryon City-Polk County
school system. In part because of
pressure from the association, the
board of education enacted a $238
per household tuition requirement
in March for South Carolina fami-
lies whose students atten school
But Polk taxpayers are still
unsatisfied, because students al-
ready enrolled are "frandfathered"
and therefore do not have to pay.
Also, the tuition, while apparently
equal to the school system's local
supplement, obviously does not
reimburse the state for its contri-
bution to the education of South
Polk residents are also con-
cerned about other spending is-
sues and tax rates; the taxpayers
association says that the county
has the highest per capita intan-
gibles tax in the state.
Frequently, the underlying
questions these groups are ask-
ing about local spending projects
are: who benefits and who pays?
In Charlotte, a group called Citi-
zens For Effective Government is
questioning the city's plans to
spend up to $43 million on land
and parking for a new football
stadium. At a time when city offi-
cials are proposing tax hikes to
fund basic services, complains
Don Reid, the group's president,
Charlotte is planning to spend
money on a sports stadium that
won't help most taxpayers.
"There is a definite lack of
foresight by our current commis-
sioners says Norris Dearmon, a
member of Concered Citizens for
Cabarrus County. Cost overruns
and unneeded construction has
been the rule more than theexcep-
tion, says Dearmon, who is now
running for a seat on the county
While some taxpayers and
citizens groups do field candidates
and become heavily involved in
political campaigns, others rely on
media attention and grassroots
contacts to call attention to their
issues. A lawsuit was the strategy
chosenby WayneCounty Citizens
for Better Tax Control to oppose
the county's decision to borrow
$6.3 million for renovations of the
courthouse in Goldsboro. The
board did not submit the proposal
to a referendum. The taxpayers
group contends that the North
Carolina constitution prohibits
local governments from incurring
debts without the approval of
In these cases. North Carolina
taxpayers have banded together
to challenge the conventional view
that only the beneficiaries of gov-
ernment largesse care enough to
lobby and publicize their cause.
Their message is that local gov-
ernments can no longer deal with
impunity ? that taxpayers will
demand to cut the deck.
The East
If you plan to live off campus, you can eliminate at least one lone lino In arranging your utility service in advance. By planning ahead, you can save
valuable time - and possibly money. The following options are available to you.
At your parents'request, utility service may be put in their
name. Just complete and send in the "Request for Utility Service"
application below, or pick up an application in room 211 in the (XT-
Campus Housing Office. Whirhard Building or at Greenville I tili-
ties' main office, 200 W. 5th Street.
Have your parents complete the application (which must he
notarized) and mail it to (Jreenville Utilities, P.O. Box 1847, (ireen-
ville, NX. 27835-1847, att:Customer Service.
?Remember to attach a "letter of credit" from your parents'
power company.
If you wish to have the utility service put in your name, a deposit
will be required. Deposits are as follows:
with electricwout electric
or gas spaceor gas space
Electric Onlvsum)$75
Klectrie & Water$110$85
ElectricW ater & Gas$110$85
Electric & (ias$100$75
You can save time by mailing the deposit in advance. Be sure to
include the following:
a. Your name
b. Where service will be required
c. When service is to be cut on
d. A phone number where we may reach you prior to your arrival at
the service address
REMINDER: A cut-on charge wilt be included in your first billing.
; utm a
Request for Utility Service
(Please Print)
Phone Number:
Home address:
.wish to have utility service put in my name at
Kn closed is a credit report of my utility account with
i Dale-1 (Name of utility company)
I understand that I must have a good credit rating (for more that 12 months) with my current utility company before a deposit with (ireenville
Utilities may be waived. The service for which I am applying will be utilized by my (circle one) son or daughter.
t Name i
If a move from one location to another Is necessary in the future. I (circle one) Do or Do Not give my permission for.
to transfer the utility account. Please have the monthly billing mailed to
I agree to be responsible for all utilities in my name. If there are any questions, you may phone me at
or write me at
, A Notary Public of the aforesaid County and State, certify that
personally appeared before me this date and duly acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal on theday of 19
My commission expires:
??REMINDER: This form must be notarized if the
parent does not sign in the presence of a (it (' representative.
Notary Public
For further information, contact Customer Serivce
NOTE: If it's not possible for you to mail your request for utility service, stop by our booth near the Student Book Store August 20, 21 and 22.
A (ireenville Utilities representative will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to take your application if you've never had GUC service in your name
(or your parents' name) before. If you've had GDC service in your name or your parents name in the past, you must apply for service by mail or at
our main office, 200 W. Fifth Street (where we will have access to our computer records).
? e m
mimm i ?

Page 6
gtlie tEaet Carolinian
peted, kitchen appliances, central air and
heat Close to campus Some apts. tvir
nished Kings Arms Apts 752-8915. Now
accepting applications for fall.
C.rad student or professional to share 2
bdrm2 bath apt $200month. Balconv,
tire place, and pool Call 355-8084
in Ringgotd Towers Available May lulv
31.Completelyfurnished ACTNOWCall
830-4724 atter 3pm S120 a month
APT. TO SUBLEASE: For summer .it
Plantation Aprs Very luxurious You don't
need furniture for anything 2 bdrm, 2
bath with modem kitchen Please contact
Brett or John at 3550431 for further into
ONLY 597.50MONTH: For house on
Holly St , 1 block from campus, 5125.00
deposit, 12 utilities, nonsmoking, no
pets Available Mav for summer indor
next year Call Cretchen 738 161
a 3 bdrm. Tar River Apt ?1 V? 1X1 rent 1 i
util. etc Start Aug 1st Call B3O-9004
and possibly longer Nice spacious 3 bed
room apt Please contact Paige at 355
1 BEDROOM API For rent both sum
met sessions Utilities AC included in
S2TJ0 month rent One Mock from cam
pus Call 330-9195
FOR RFNT: Studio apartment, available
both s nimer sessions, walking distance
to campus and downtown S2t0 month
Call I aura 732 1897
ROOM FOR RE NT:514500a month, lullv
furnished Summer andor fall Air con
ditioned. Call 757-3027.
HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedrooms, I R. DR.
kitchen, central air, garage, off street park-
ing, 5 mm. walk from ECU campus 302
1 ewis St 525 (XI per month plus deposit.
Call 9 19-748-4280
ROOMMATE NEEDED: 1st and 2nd ss
Graduate student preferred, can possibly
take over lease in August S125 (XV month
Ask tor Hraxton O 758 3751 or 830 9317
summer 5155person, 2 bedrooms, fur-
nished, heat and 1120 pd for AC Call
Deanna or Candy 830-9117
2 BEDROOM APT: Foi sublease in
Ringgold Completely furnished on cam
pus Available Mav lulv 31 Call 830 l24
First half of Mav's rent tree' Act now!
lease apt during summer 2 bedrooms,
nonsmoker,$143.50mo Mav Aug 'swim
mingpool Call 756-6023 Leave me ?wage
Pay 1 '2 utilities
APT. TO SUBLEASE: For summer at
Ringgold Towers Furnished 1 bedroom
Will work with rent Call 757 0483
Hanks area 1, 2 fe 3 bedroom units tur
nished and unfurnished Call Seagate
Rcalt) 441 3127
Aug 5117 oo month 1 2 utilities Call
c hnst or! aui i 830 vHvn bedroom
bedroom apt .it Eastbrook foi Ma and
Aug 5160 mo plus 1 2 util Prefer non-
smoker Call 752-3439
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Wc are a full - sen ice Investment firm expanding and looking for cmrs
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FLRNITl.RF FOR SAl F: Bedroom suit.
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table, and love Good condition
Reasonable prices or best otter Call 830
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I OR SALE: Graduating senior looking to
sell an AC, dresser, mirror, bed, 2 lamps,
desk and chair, armchair, sofa, and table
Must sell 5275- negotiable Call Todd at 758-
4702 or 830- 0458
FOR SALE:Double bed. good condition,
owned since fall of mis year Must sell $100
Call Kim 830-9331
4-SALErCarpct Call ASAP ill 759 Ask
for Mary. If not there please leave name and
don't forget to use Pirate Ride Sim- Thurs rt
pm 12 15am The route now includes Slav
and Umstead Dorms For more information
call 757-4726
COPYING SERVICES: We otter typing
and photocopying services We also soil
softwares. omputers 24 hours in and out
Guaranteed typing on paper up to 20 hand
written paps SDF Professional Computer
Services, 106 E 5th st 'beside Cubbie's)
Greenville, NC 752 3694
SUMMER? et there anytime from DC or
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reported in Consumer Reports, N Times
& Let's Go!) For details ail MRHITt H212
?d 2 KX
I'ERM PAPI Us V D I rtter qualit)
print Call i .inn. :56 20 Pick up and
deliver availabli rates
RESUM1 HI I P W II p d sign oir
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Call Carrie at 752 7325 or Si at 752 7095
assorted top quality condoms rust 55.5 ?
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good physical shape, have own vehicle,
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179, Griffon, NC 28530
HELP WANTED: Full and part time
cooks, dishwashers, bartenders and wait
staff. Applv in person at Prod'ssor crCools.
Farm fresh Shoppings' enter H 1.0am or 2-
5 p m
Full-time positions available tor painting,
general maintenance, Mi grass cutting
for approximate!) 12 weeks bginning
Mav 7 Apply with Personnel Department
lxoking For A Roommate To Live
With Me This Summer in London.
Contact: Sarah
758-4265 or 758-1880
3209 Summerplace
New 1 bedrooms
? located across from
Parker's Barbecue on
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April 1, 1990
Contact Aaron Spain
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New 1 & 2 bedrooms
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Contact Aaron Spain
"Per s ? a . I : ??? ? . a - I "
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Must be sa'ety conscious, at
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nave access to an automobile
Apply At Either Location
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Kitty Hawk
or call
99? Hi - Balls
990 Memberships
Darkroom Technician
Apply Today at
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2nd Floor Publications Building 757-6366
ATTENTION I.irrmimi'v re.iding
hooks' $32,00 . ?.ir ?m? potential
Details (1)602 838- - 1t Bk 5285
and casinos now hinng'All positions! TX-
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$11.41hour! Foi ip ition into call (I)
602 338-8885 Exl SA 285 6a.m I'lpm.
7 days
GIRLS'CAMP STAFF: Needed forswim-
ming, canoeing, ba kpacking, hor
nding, and general programs une 10
uly 28 Neai ? i N1 ? ? : ' '? ' " I
128 144 or 80 - ;
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SUMMER ()BS: SI400month salary!
Turn your summer into j rewarding i ; ?
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gram. Call the office nearest you 'a ft
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(803) 747 1285
lirec Selection of Bookbags,
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We 50S w. 14th st.Repair 752 8433
Year round & summer jobs available,S300
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I Ask us ftSoul DM BMCtfJ rafeVJ la - .cajcb ?
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756-7X15 or 75S-74M
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AaaJca Gm6mm dc?j Brook Vaiiey Cctantr Ck
1 ar: 1 T '??- or : .trrr A ajajj
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COACM:Expertence tur I l- S
Swim Team Riefcrences required ? .
PO Bo. 1301 Tarboro N 27881
Sweepnfc. vacuuming,dusting, hatr I
eK S4 p-r hour 7 i8 'l ask for Jj
MAKl BK. MOM Y At home w, ?
mailbox For information send S3wil
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ings without waiting list or test SI
$69,485 I -ill 1 602 838 888 i. Ext. F ?'
hiring'All positions' 517,500-558 24
(1) 602-8 18 5883. Exl
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Young, profession il
free mother to be onsid i
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r.ina in Shei ? forma
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?. ' - Ita
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innon, Joy Lai
odlucl ???
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fraternity n tl

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nmg ?? ' ?
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then Pi Kappa Phi is ??? hat 5 king
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Kappa Ph; '?'?'?

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ifte ? j i Send ? " '
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1990. Efficiencyl bedim & 2
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New 1 & 2 bedrooms
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Helps Move ECU.
Graduation is Near!
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Reserve Now!
2905 E. 10th St.
752 - 4006
HELEjMAKE arecqrd
( Shorgold is l vpn vear old with a
brjin tumor and a short time to live Craig's
vs ish is to have his name added to the list
oi "Record I loldors" in the Guiness Book
ot World Records 1 le would like to enter
the following category 'The Person who
has Received the Most Get Well Cards "
The record now stands at 1,000,263
Please help Craig's wish to come true It
is a small thing to ask, but would mean
so much to a seven-yerr-old Put a smile
on Craig's face by showing your sup-
port and caring by mailing your card
todav! Craig Shergold, CjCo Children's
Wish Foundation, 32 Perimeter Center
E, Atlanta, GA, 30915,
oan Tavlor and Sean Park, piano. Sen
lor Recital (April 17
'pTm , Fletcher Recital
Hall, free), Loretta Moore, voice. Senior
Recital (April 17, 9 pm , Fletcher Recital
Hall, free); Robert Hinson, trumpet, and
Diane Lambeth, saxophone, Senior Recital
(April 19, 7 p.m Fletcher Recital Hall, free).
Michele Clark, trombone, and Cheryle
Naherhaus, horn, Senior Recital (April 19, 9
p m , Fletcher Recital Hall, free). Concert
by University Concert Band, Ken Bod-
itord. Director, and Symphonic Band and
Symphonic Wind Ensemble, William W
Wiedrich. Conductor (April 20, 8.15 pm
Wright Auditorium, free), 1990 Alumni
Concert featuring music by by ECU alum-
nus Ir Claude Baker (April 21. 7 30pm
Fletcher Recital Hall and reception foi
lowing in Room 105, free), ECU Symphony
Orchestra Concert featuring Concerto
Competition winners Christopher 1 lolli
day. percussion, and Trea Tankard, so-
See Announcements, page 7

The East Carolinian.April 21, 1990
11 sn INI 1
i pas
c "ontinued innn PS? -
I pinsteal education motot and physi
cal htnesscompetencvtoM A passing re
on this test tsrcq rod of all students pi
todectaringplu I
I M nntainn ; i ? ' ?
II ?? .i? it m test bat! I ?' '
able in th 1 lumar
lor ? Room " ' !
1 .mr physn ur Irom whu h il
ITG Still Has
Low Airfares
This Winter
rhfu farei subject to change Advam e purchase required. Minimum stay
READ THE required travel from Greenville. NC on I'SArr and or American Putrhaee
Ff??TJ within 24 hours of reservations. Once purchased those tickets are ooo
refundable nonhanfleable These rates for off peak travel; Holiday black
outs applv All travel must be completed by May 1 Call for full details.
The Plaza ? Greenville
Monday thru Friday
9 AM to 5 PM
Saturday &
Faculty md Staff,
The On - Campus
Bank Is for You too!
New Fast Bank of Greenville's Mendenhall Student Center
Offii e (an be your most convenient bank, anytime. Our
offii e hours here are (i - 5 Monday through Friday and our
main office at 2310 Charles Street (near Red Banks Road) is
open from 9am - 6pm Monday through Friday and 9am to
IJnoon on Saturdays. Its drive - through window opens 30
minutes earlier than the main office Monday through Friday
We have a New East 24 ATM and our
own parking spaces at Mendenhall
Student Center!
Co ngra tu I at ions
The East Carolinian
wishes you the best
in the hereafter.
at tb
Mmost e ery service we provide at our main office is also at
ur (ampus office. This means you can open and maintain
personal checking and savings accounts, investment ac-
counts, commercial accounts (including our unique courier
service), loan payments, utility payments, travelers' &
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Convenience for everyone at FCtJ
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Call us at 757-1188
We're open from 9am until 5pm Monday - Friday
Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Undersm ,???,
fl? occult
?' ?" .
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-??? ??"? "Z ?
- " , ? " ?? '?
???? . ? . ?
? . ?
? . -
2? annout
W 3
Session o
$ druj
Don't forget to subscribe to
your alma mater's news
source to keep abreast of
the issuesf events and
people shaping the
East Carolina community.
To subscribe, contact The East Carolinian Circulation
Department at The Publications Building, East Carotin
University, Greenville, N.C. 27858 ?or call (919) 757-6366

? ?, ?-
The East Carolinian.April 24. 1990 7
prano (April 22.3:15 p.m Wright Audito-
rium, free); University Chorale and
Women's Chorus (April 22, 730 p.m
Fletcher Recital Hall, free); Percussion
Players Concert, Harold A Jones, Director
(Apnl 23, 8:13 p.m, Fletcher Recital 1 lall,
free). DIAL 757 4370 FOR THE SCHOOL
Clean out lockers in Jenkins Fine Arts
Center by May 6. Locks will be cut and
contents removed on May 7.
New members of Phi Kappa Phi who were
not able to attend the induction on Tues-
day, April 17, should pick up their certifi-
cates from the Honors Office, 1002 Gen-
eral Classroom Building, as soon as pos-
Amnesty International Group 402 will
meet Wednesday, April 25, at 7:30 at ST.
Pauls Episcopal Church, 401 E. 4th St
There is still time to become an officer in
the Air Force. Learn what an Air Force
career could mean to you and the addi-
tional educational opportunities available
to you. Simply contact your local reprc
sentative at 756-2194 or call MSgt Bill
Eatmon collect (station to station) 919-
Continued from page 6
The physical education motor and physi-
cal fitness competency test A passingscore
on this test is required of all students prior
to declaring physical education as a major.
1. Maintaining an average T-score of 45 on
the six-item test battery 2 Having a T-
scorc of 45 on the aerobics run. Any stu-
dent with a medical condition that would
contraindtcate participating in the testing
should contact Mike McCammon or Dr.
Gay Israel at 757-4688. To be exempted
from any portion of the test, you must
have a physician's excuse. A detailed
summary ol the tctl components is avail-
able in the Human Performance Labora-
tory (Room 371, Sports Medicine Bid).
Your physicians' excuse must specifically
state from which items you arc exempt.
ITG Still Has
Low Airfares
This Winter
These rare subject to chaofe. Advance M
required. Travel from Greenville, NC?il
within 24 hours of reservations. Oace pat
refundable oon-changeabi. These rates for
ou?s apply. All navel amat be completed by Ml
Tin- I'l.i.i
Monday thru Friday
9 AM to r 1?M
Faculty and Staff,
The On - Campus
Bank Is for You too!
New East Bank of Greenville's Mendenhall Student Center
Office can be your most convenient bank, anytime. Our
office hours here are 9 - 5 Monday through Friday and our
main office at 2310 Charles Street (near Red Banks Road) is
open from 9am - 6pm Monday through Friday and 9am to
12noon on Saturdays. Its drive - through window opens 30
minutes earlier than the main office Monday through Friday.
We have a New East 24 ATM and our
own parking spaces at Mendenhall
Student Center!
Almost every service we provide at our main office is also at
our campus office. This means you can open and maintain
personal checking and savings accounts, investment ac-
counts, commercial accounts (including our unique courier
service), loan payments, utility payments, travelers' &
official checks all right here where you work.
Convenience for everyone at ECU
at New East Bank of Greenville
Mendenhall Student Center Office
Call us at 757-1188
We're open from 9am until 5pm Monday - Friday
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Congra tula tions
The East Carolinian
wishes you the best
in the hereafter.
Don't forget to subscribe to
your alma mater's news
source to keep abreast of
the issues, events and
people shaping the
East Carolina community.
To subscribe, contact The East Carolinian Circulation
Department at The Publications Building, East Caroline
University, Greenville, N.C. 27858?or call (919) 757-6366

Stye Sa0t Cargltman
Page S
State and Nation
April 24,1990
Lebanese captors release
American Robert Polhill
FRANKFURT, West Germany
(AP) ? The first American re
leased bv pro-Iranian Lebanese
captors in nearly 3 12 years, a
frail-looking Robert Polhill,
walked slowly off a plane Mon-
day after winning freedom with
the aid of Syria and Iran.
The 55-year-old educator's
release Sunday after 1,182 days oi
captivity was followed bv a re-
ported call bv Iran's foreign min-
ister for a swift reciprocal move
freedom for a Shiite Moslem dene
kidnapped by Israeli troops injury.
President Bush thanked Iran
and Syria ? whose military forces
in Lebanon picked up Polhill in
west Beirut and drove him to the
Syrian capital of Damascus - for
their help in securing the release
But the president said he would
make no deals with the pro-Ira
nian Shiite Moslem militants in
1 ebanon still holding 17 Western
hostages, seven oi them Ameri-
An Iranian newspaper close
to that country s president,
Hashemi Rafsanjam, Monda)
called on the Lebanese kidnap
pers to release another American
hi'stage immediately and without
Rafsanjani is among so-called
pragmatic Iranian leaders seeking
better relations with the West and
the Bush administration has ex-
pressed a willingness to improve
ties if the hostage crisis is settled
Polhill. a New Yorker, looked
extremely frail Monday and was
hunched over as he came down
the steps of the U.S. Air Force C-
141 at Rhein-Main air base in a
cold rain.
He was dressed in a miluar
camouflage jacket and carried a
football given to him as "a touch
of America under one arm dur-
ing the short walk to a military
About two dozen people
nearbv applauded, and the gaunt
Polhill responded with a wave. A
helicopter whisked the freed hos-
tage and his Lebanese wife, Fer-
val, to a U.S. military hospital in
nearbv Wiesbaden.
"Welcome home, pray for the
others read one banner hung
outside the hospital, where Polhill
was to undergo a medical exami-
nation and debriefing bv U.S. in-
telligence agents.
Military spokesman Cmdr.
lohn Woodhouse said Polhill's
stay at the hospital, which has
received other freed U.S. hostages,
could be anywhere from "a couple
of days to a lew weeks
About lOOpeoplecheeredand
clapped as Polhill arrived in Wi-
In Damascus, the business
professor said his unrelenting
anger at his captors kept himalive
and sane during the ordeal. He
also s.nd that his joy at being free
?a as tempered by the knowledge
that others were still held
1 was angrv at what was
bung done to me, being taken
away trom my wife and family
he told a Syrian TV reporter as he
was being driven from Beirut to
Damascus. And so 1 strived to
continue being angry, knowing at
all times that if I began to lose that
anger I'd lust sort of become a
Iran's foreign minister, AH
kbar Velavati, said in New York
atter the release that Iran and the
Shiite factions in Lebanon want
the Israelis to release Sheik Abdul
KanmObeid in return, the official
Syrian?Aram News Ae?v-re?
ported. Obeid was kidnapped in
south Lebanon.
President Bush, on a fishing
trip in Florida, said he would not
make any goodwill gesture just
because one hostage was freed.
"I want all of those hostages
out, we're not going to trade he
said. In a written statement, how-
ever, Bush thanked Iran and Syria.
The Tehran Times, which is
close to Rafsanjani, called in an
editorial Monday for the release
of another American hostage.
It said that as long as Israel
still holds scores of Arab prison-
ers whose release they seek, the
captors "will certainly find it hard
to comply with this request and
their position is quite understand-
Though pale and apparently
fatigued, Polhill managed to joke
with reporters shortly after being
turned over to U.S. Ambassador
Edward Djerejian in Syria.
"The first thing I'd like to say
is that I'm sorry I kept you waiting
so long he told a news confer-
ence at the Syrian Foreign Minis-
try. 'Thirty-nine months is a long
time to stand here
Polhill was abducted along
with two other professors from
Beirut University College on Jan.
24, 1987 by the Islamic Jihad for
the Liberation of Palestine. The
group still holds the other two:
lesse Turner, 42, of Boise, Idaho,
and Alann Steen, a 51-year-old
Boston native.
The last American hostage to
be freed was David Jacobsen, for-
mer director of the American
University Hospital in Beirut. He
was kidnapped in Beirut on Mav
28,1985,and released Nov. 2,1986.
Hehad been held byanotherShiite
faction, Islamic Jihad, or Holy War.
The longest held Western
hostage in Lebanon is Terry A.
Anderson, chief Middle East cor-
respondent for The Associated
Press, who was kidnapped March
16, 1985.
Democrats propose budget
Congressional Democrats are
puttingtogethera 1991 budget that
ignores a flagging economy and
relies in part on dubious savings,
the White House budget director
The budget chief, Richard
Darman, said Friday that Demo-
cratic spending plans under con-
sideration are "not imple-
mentablc" because they fail to take
administration preferences into
account. But also said the attitude
of leading congressional lawmak-
ers toward budget negotiations
with the administration is improv-
"It's highly likely we could
move to negotiations in a matter
of weeks said Darman. who has
been pressing for such talks since
President Bush submitted his 1991
spending plan in January.
Darman's comments, made in
a session with reporters, marked a
continuation of his attempt to
insert the administration into
Democratic efforts to write a
budget for the vear that begins
Oct. 1.
The House Budget Commit-
tee adopted a Democratic-written
$1.24 trillion budgeton Thursday,
7 J '
and the panel's Senate counter-
part plans to begin its own work
next week.
Darman called the House
document "a slide-bv budget"
lacking serious deficit reduction,
the same criticism Democrats have
leveled at the White House's own
What Democrats and
President Bush propose
to spend on defense:
In billions
Keith Carter, Gannett News Service
He said the Democratic plan,
which claims to reduce next year's
deficit by $36 billion, relieson $9.3
billion in savings that Democrats
themselves have called question-
able. These include improved tax
collections, user fees that have
been rejected before and "inter-
esting other gimmicks he said.
Darman said the Bush admini-
stration now believes next year's
deficit will be $8.5 billion to more
than $20 billion worse than the
SI00.5 billion shortfall it projected
in January. He attributed this to
the economy's worse-than-ex-
pected performance in recent
The Gramm-Rudman law sets
a $64 billion shortfall target for
fiscal 1991.
Darman criticized Democrats
for not adjusting their proposal to
account for the poorer economic
figures. The Democratic plan calls
for $36 billion in deficit reduction,
rather than the minimum of $45
billion Darman said is reallv
When President Bush intro-
duced his budget in January,
Capitol Hill Democrats said he
had used unrealistic economic
"They were right Darman
said. But he added that in writing
their own budget package, "They
have decided they will ignore
The better the economy per-
forms, the more taxes the govern-
ment collects and the smaller the
federal deficit.
House Budget Committee
Chairman Leon Panetta, D-Calif
flew back to his district Friday and
could not be reached for comment.
But after his panel approved the
Democratic fiscal package on a
party-line 21-14 vote Thursday,
he said he could defend the plan
"very strongly
Babangida's troops
stop assassination
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) - Mili-
tary ruler Gen. Ibrahim Babangida
appeared fi.mly in control of this
West African nation Monday af-
ter narrowly escaping death in a
coup attempt.
President Babangida said his
troops had crushed a coupattempt
Sunday after fierce fighting with
rebel soldiers, who said they aimed
to end domination oi the govern-
ment bv Moslem northerners.
Traffic jammed the roads of
the sprawling coastal capital
Monday, and the only extraordi-
nary security in sight was around
Bonny Camp on Victoria Island,
whererebelscaptured in the failed
coupattempt were believed held.
Senior commanders and other
members of Babangida's Armed
Forces Ruling Council pledged
their support to the president
Sunday evening.
The mutineers, led bv middle-
ranking officers, attacked before
dawn Sunday in the West African
nation's capital and engaged loy-
alist forces for about 1 hours in
gun and mortar battles.
They captured state-run Ra-
dio Nigeria offices and announced
that the government had been
overthrown. But Babangida's
forceslater retook the station after
what state media described as
"heavy bombardment and spo-
radic shooting
There was no word on how-
many people were killed in the
fighting, but reporters said casu-
alties appeared heavy.
The fighting began at 2 a.m.
Sunday with an attack on Dodan
Barracks, the military headquar
ters where Babangida has his resi-
The president escaped mo-
ments before his residence was
shelled, according to government
Babangida then fled to Bonny
Camp to direct a counterattack by
loval forces. The coup attempt
failed as senior commanders in
other regions of the country went
on the radio to declare their sup-
port for Babangida.
Witnessesalso reported heavy
fighting around State House
Gunfire was reported at several
other military installations in the
city of 6 million on the Atlantic
Babangida said his aide, Lt.
Col. U. K. Bello. was killed in the
gunbattleat the mill tare headquar-
ters, the oUJcul News Agency of
Nigeria reported.
"The unfortunate situation in
Lagos Monday morning has been
brought under control
Babangida told reporters Sunday
night. There were no reports oi
fighting elsewhere in Nigeria.
Babangida said many rebel
soldiers had been arrested and
would soon face trial, but he did
not give any specific figure.
lead series
of attacks
in Sudan
KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) -
A group oi junior army officers
tried to topple the military gov-
ernment Monday with a series of
attacks but loyalist forces crushed
the revolt, Sudanese sources and
news reports said
lt was the second reported
attempt in a month to overthrow
the ruling junta in this Fast Afn
can nation, which is led by Lt.
Gen. Omar Hassan el-Bashir
The Sudanese sources, who
spoke on condition of anonymity,
said the attempted coup began at
midnight and the rebels tried to
take over Khartoum airport and
official government radio but wirr
quickly overpowered.
The number of arrests was not
immediately known, nor was there
word on the extent oi casualties
The sources said st.i1 offi-
cers tried to shoot their way into
the armed for es general
mand in Khartoum, apparently in
search of el-Bashir, but could not
get through the front gate They
said a guard at the general com
mand was wounded in the hand
Khartoum airport was closed
bnetlv and telecommunications
cut tor several hours But bv mid-
morning, Khartoum was peace-
"lt was an attempted coup
around midnight bv a small
number of very low-level officers
said a source whosaid details'
from people at the genera! com
Tanks were seen on vital
bridges and around the general
In a dispatch from Khartoum
Egypt's state-run Middle East
News Agency said the coup at-
tempt involved junior officers but
was masterminded bv some re-
tired officers. It did not identify
Mercury linked to problems
RALEIGH (AP) ? Although
thereisno hard scientific evidence
linking mercury in dental fillings
to health problems, foes of the
substance say there is no proof
that the amalgam fillings are safe
The mercury-curious were
beckoned to a recent international
symposium by pamplets, books
and videotapes costing $3.50 to
$67.30 with titles like "Silver
Dental Fillings ?The Toxic Time
Bomb" and "Infertility and Birth
Defects ? Dental Amalgam a
Hidden Cause?"
"I think what weattempted to
do in this conference was to bring
the best evidence that we had to a
public forum said Michael Hom-
ing, a Durham dentist and mod-
erator of the symposium.
Homing, who described him-
self as one of the more moderate
anti-amalgamists, said there is
evidence of patients withdramatic
recoveries even from multiple
"I have had one very nice
cure he said, adding, "But the
firm diagnosis of MS was never
made in that case
Each nugget of evidence link-
ing mercury with anything from
depression and divorce to cata
racts and constipation drew ap
plause. Each barb aimed at the
American Dental Association
drew knowing chuckles
Such daimsdraw attacks from
the ADA and conventional den
fists, who accuse amalgam toes of
using scare tactics to fatten their
wallets by replacing durable sil-
ver with more expensive materi-
als that would have to be replaced
more often.
"It's just never-ending trouble
for us said Dr. Enid Neidle, di-
rector of scientific affairs for the
ADA. "We believe that it is the
most cost-effective, safest, forgiv-
ing dental restorative material. We
are absolutely persuaded that it's
safe, and yet we are constantly
having to reply to this stra w man
"It's really unfortunate that
somebody with Alzheimer's or
leukemia or multiple sclerosis
would be led to believe that this is
the cause oi the disease or might
amount to a cure said William
Potter, counsel for the North Caro-
lina Dental Society.
He said some mercury foes
charge $1,500 for a consultation
and otter to diagnose problems bv
mail for $300.
Fleming admitted there is
scant evidence to prove mercury
trom fillings causes any disease.
"I think in some sense's the
ADA is correct in that there
seems to bo a scarcity of studies
implicating amalgam itself in anv
health problems said Homing
"But they have no studies proving
it is sate
Ms. Neidle compared sup-
porters to cancer victims who
sought out laetnle as a possible
curedespiteevidenceit would not
"The National Institutes of
Health was forced to do a clinical
trial of laetrile and prove that it
was no good by using it on pa-
tients she said. "Even then,
people went to Mexico to get it
See Mercury, page 9
Vessel search unsuccessful
18-hour search for a vessel re-
ported missing off Cape Hatteras,
N.C turned up no sign of the craft
or the five people on board, the
Coast Guard said.
The Coast Guard searched for
the vessel until about midnight
Sunday, said Lloyd Nelson, chief
petty officer with the Coast
Guard's Fifth District in
Portsmouth. The search resumed
early Monday, an official at the
Cape Hatteras Coast Guard office
Ham radio operators in Bel-
gium and Spain overheard a
Mayday call from the vessel, Nel-
son said Sunday. The Belgian
operator notified the Coast Guard
in his country, which notified the
U.S. Coast Guard at 4:06 a.m.
Sunday, he said.
A Coast Guard cutter, heli-
copter and airplane began search-
ing at 6a.m. Sunday for the craft at
6 a.m. Sunday and an airplane
with radar continued to search
Sunday night.
Nelson said the call said the
vessel was flooding and those on
board were preparing to abandon
ship and get into a small dinghy.
Those on board also said they
would shoot two red rocket flares
before abandoning the vessel. The
flares were not spotted.
Nelson said the word Ocean
may be the partial name of the
craft. He said the Coast Guard
was trying to learn the vessel's full

The East Carolinian, April 24,1990 9
Continued from page 8
A new surge in mercury inter
fjt has been strengthened bv ,n
alliance with environmentalists,
including the lerr.i Club, Ms.
rhis is another thing that we
,r0 quite concerned about she
Niui I think that it's not an in-
formed useol one'senvironmental
society membership
ButSandraDenton, an Alaska
physician spet ializing in environ-
ment related diseases, said as
industrial sources ol mercury have
declined dental offices have be
a major contributor o( pollu-
,i ,ii'st rvescrutiny byenvi-
Ms Denton is among the be-
People tease me. I'hev think
at times I must have a one-track
mind that everything must Ix
ii -id bv mercury she said
In nn own practice, that's
? the first thmg 1 mention
Denton added I ask them
? coffee, sugar use. 1 elirni-
the ob ious tilings.
hev re still having prob
then 1 suggest they look at
? things
rhe motives ol anti-amalga-
iri ?n.iin Ms Neidle said
1 tlvnk there are some den
i i this as a w.i ol
: r pra tices, she
kl ereai sime pe ?ple
? i ? I . auses, unor
- v ho are frus
. th then ow n medical
conditions and have been disap- .
pointed in the kind of medical
attention they have been given
Barbara Roebuck, a 49-year-
old Blacksburg, Va woman, falls
into theJatter category. Mrs. Roe-
btick became "desperately ill" a
year after she had extensive den-
tal work after an automobile acci-
dent, said her husband, Basil
Roebuck, r7. She had abdominal
pain, put on weight, became le-
thargic and sometimes would
become totally breathless just
walking across a room, Roebuck
Mrs. Roebuck suffered mis-
carnages, monthly hemorrhaging
and finally had a hysterectomy in
which surgeons found tumors in
her pelvis. Roebuck said. At one
point her gall bladder was re-
moved and doctors found she had
the kind of liver dysfunction asso-
ciated with heavy drinking, al-
though she never touched alco-
hol. '
Eventually, she had her rner-
cury-amalgam fillings removed
and began to improve, Roebuck
It's incontestable that mer-
cury is a poison Roebuck said.
So why give people their own
particular dump of it?"
Beneath the emotional war is
a scientific battle over the signiti-
i anceof medical ev idence for both
1 Knnng said 8,000 studies
document that mercury leaks from
amalgam fillings, lodges in the
body'sorgans, including the brain,
and can transfer in even greater
concentrations to the developing'
fetus by a pregnant woman.
Fleming said studies suggest
that mercury inhaled from fillings
can exceed the Occupational
Safety and Health
Administration's recommended
levels for the workplace. Others
have indicated up to 20 percent of
dental patients have problems
stemming from mercury in their
fillings, he said
Even the ADA admits a sig-
nificant number of people are al-
lergic to mcrcurv in fillings, Flem-
ing said.
But Ms. Neidle says not re-
ally. The ADA once said no more
than 1 percent of the population
has those alIcrgics, "bu t we hadn' t
done an accurate count she said.
"We did a survey and found less
than 50 people (nationwide). It's
just so rare that you can't put a
percentage figure on it
She repeated the ADA'S
printed policvthatamalgam "does
not pose a health hazard to the
non-allergic patient. To advocate
to a patient or the public the re-
moval of clinically serviceable
dental amalgam restorations
solely to substitute a material that
does not contain mercury is un-
warranted o1 violates the ADA
principles ot ethics and code ol
professional conduct
Ms. Neidle said I billion till-
ings are' placed every year and
amalgams have been in use for
r5p; ear -
J "It is incinceivable to me that
a material that is used in such a
widespread fashion which has a
serious adverse impact attached
to it would not have caused
some discernable change over the
past century in the health of the
people she said.
But Ms Denton said studies
of dentists and dental hvgienists
in Lithuania. England and the
United States show a higher inci-
dence ot miscarriages and birth
defects among women in those
professions than among those in
other medical careers.
Officials with the ADA "just
turn their back on the evidence
and sav it doesn't exist Ms.
Denton said.
Steve- Bayne, section head of
biomaUnals in dentistry at the
University ol North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, said dental work
probably contributes "one-thou-
sandth " ot the amount of mercury
in the body.
"Volcanos have been spew-
ing it out for years and years and
years h saidThe ocean's been
contaminated aiso tor millions ol
years 1 here's a lot of mercury in
people's systems Most people
never think about it Somebody
tells them about il anil the gel
scared I he dent il i ntribution is
In the can
An estimated 65.3 billion cans and bottles ol soft drinks were
sold in.the U.S. last year. By types of packaging:
Plastic bottles
si, jt.j1QLcvt.
Glass bom
Source fd&?rfrlik
Beverage Marketing's, , iM V't" ? "???? . '? ?
annual.??. ? y.j-ZW'???
leverage Packaging Report, March 990 . ;a
Earth Day celebration
included Ralph Nader
Federal law causes plant clean-up
: I VI! I E, S.C (AP) -
: turersofgasturbinesand
k dlution-reducing devices
11 profit from the expected
ol stiffer federal ait pollu-
s w hich will force coal-
? plants to clean up their
- industry officials sav.
ral Electric Co. last week
. plans to spend SUM)
I hire about 200 more
rkei I iring the next three
expand the company's
plant, which makes
.? is turbines. They burn
? r than coal plants.
? pansion is to meet in-
! lemand for gas turbines
in a utilities scrambling tor
? meet the clean air stan-
?. h ? h are expected to be-
t ? ? into effect in lUt'
. il l eavitt, an analyst
mon Brothers in ew
: he expected GE's gas
usiness to remain strong
ral ears.
th i hanges in environ-
requirements, gas does
isl tor the moment, a
Jean alternative he said.
Coal-burning plants spew
sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxides,
the two major chemicals linked to
acul rain.
CRSS Inc a Houston-based
engineering firm with about 1,500
employees in Greenville, said it is
involved with two major .projects.
toJnelp utbtesic.ut Pfih.HiflftlWBM
coal-burning plants.
One project is a joint venture
to develop a method using baking
soda todeanacid rain-causingcoal
Another technology being
developed bv CRSS engineers in
Greenville converts coal to a
burnable gas that is cleaned and
then used to fire a gas turbine.
Fluor Daniel, Inc a Charlotte,
N.Cbased engineering firm with
offices m Greenville, in Septem-
ber formed a joint venture with
Puke Power Co. to build cleaner
burning coal power plants and
refit existing plants to cut their
pollution emissions.
Puke, a Charlotte-based util-
ity, estimated the new legislation
would cost it as much as $400
million a year in new equipment
and higher operating costs after
the vear 2000. The costs could
require a rate increase from 10
percent to the low teens, Duke
spokesman Jim Maher said.
Ron Green, president of the
Daniel, said that during the next
six years, utilities are expected to
spend as much on refitting their
existing plants to meet the law's
requirements as they spend on
new plants.
"It's going to create a market
for new, clean-burning facilities
to replace those that must be re-
tired he said, adding the clean
air legislation will also create a
multi-billion dollar market for coal
stack scrubbers for existing plants.
The new joint venture recently
reached an agreement with South
Carolina Electric and Gas Co of
Columbia to investigate the con-
struction of a 350-megawatt coal
plant which would use the new
methods to burn cleaner than
conventional coal plants. Several
sites in the state are being consid-
ered. (Ireen said
RALEIGH (AP) ?The world
is being consumed by a new form
of violence, says consumer activ-
ist Ralph Nader, and rt's Called
"Within 50 vears, if we don't
change the wav we do things, wo
won't recognizeIfrisEarth Nader
told a crowd of about 1,000 at a
celebration of the 20th anniver-
sarv of Earth Day on Sunday.
"I lappiness is when vou can stand
up and change something that is
hurting you, your neighbors, your
i. ountry and your world
He called for an increased
reliance upon solar rather than
nuclear energy, more efficient
automobiles, protection of plants
and wildlife and business prac-
tices that do not harm the environ-
His outdoor speech from a
balcony overlooking North Caro-
lina State University's brickyard,
came at the opening of Raleigh's
Earth Day activities, which in-
cluded a march to the Capitol and
a festival that grew to about 6,000
Nader's speech, answered bv
a standing ovation, outlined ways
for people to become more in-
volved in consumer and environ-
mental movements?
i ?-
He said many business lead-
ers are beginning to understand
that thecostsof pollutioncan have
direct at tects on their industries as
they pay for water purificatii n and
the costs of corrosion prevention.
"They can't sav controlling
pollution is too expensive Nader
saidCan we afford not to control
and prevent it?"
He said in order to create a
change in the wav the environ-
ment is treated, individuals must
tirst (hange their values. Then, he
said they must become active in
groups that lobby tor anti-pollu-
tion and pro cortsuojur la-vAnUS
to push universitit'sgtjiisfwesdl
and utilities to be environmen-
tally responsible.
Nader hailed N.C. State's
chemistry department for using a
system of conducting laboratory
experiments called "microscale
in which small amounts of chemi-
cals are used. He said only 15
percent of U.S. universities use
the system.
He predicted that many of
those in the audience would be
working one day in solar energy
and with buyers' groups coop
era lives formed through computer
networks to buy products in
wholesale quantities
on exams
while you wait
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SJlie iEaat (Earolfntan
Page 10
April 241990
Barefoot results in
success and fun
Record crowds turn out on the Mall
By John Tucker
Assistant! Features Editor
Thisycar, theStudent Union's
annual event Barefoot on the Mall
was once again a huge success as
si x d i ?ferent acts and various food
and craft stands provided a carni-
val-like atmosphere for the huge
throng of ECU students attend-
The weather acted as if it was
as calculated and as timed as the
day's events, providing students
with a perfect spring stomping
ground for the day's festivities.
And stomp the students did.
Pam Riggs. the faculty advisor to
the Student Union committees in
charge of coordinating the event
commented, "Lots of people told
me the crowd was the biggest
they've ever seen and everyone
seemed to have a good time
The day's events started with
the gospel choir singing a few
h mns really didn't catch much
of this because I was hustling to
get a paper done but from where 1
was working I could catch a faint
glimpse of the melodic sounds as
I looked through an open window
at a slowly building crowd.
The Trinidad Tripoli Steel
Band played next and unfortu-
nately, like many other students, I
was still running around Irving to
finish off the days normal events
and deciding whether to skip that
class at 2 p.m. From what I was
told the band played some decent
Carribean music packed with the
characteristic soul.
. I did manage to catch tohfrnjr
Quest and as always they rocked.
1. Cherte: A. tenderness,
affection; B. a breath
freshener; C. French
appetizer; D. wool
2. Envaye: A. state of
suspense; B. attack; C.
company merger; D. a
3. Forehall: A. to bring
before; B. front hall; C.
to hold off; D. a big
4. Cool: A. a goblin; B.
ditch, channel for water;
C. lubrication for wagon
wheels; D. strong dark
oily liquid
5. Hydatid: A. small
crustacean; B. plant
nymph; C. a watery
vesicle; D. a hidden
6. Impave: A. to inlay in
pavement; B. a make a
path; C. to impound, to
imprison; D. to smash
7. Lavacre: A. bath,
bathtub; B. English card
game; C. table finishing;
D. an acre of lava
8. Mezcal: A. tequilla; B.
a cactus plant; C. the
Mexican elm; D. the god
of drukeness
9. Neyanda: A. country
in South Africa; B.
Ceylon bowstring
hemp; C. sister of Nir-
vanna; D. acronym for
"no you can not do all"
10. Oxbot: A. Oxford
robot; B. Botfly; C. a
Warble fly; D. both B
? Compiled by John
It was different for me, as it was
for most of the Quest followers 1
talked to.
Instead of being in a crowded
bar where everyone is slammin'
and the condensation is dripping
off the wall because of sweaty
bodies, the show was outside in
the heat with everyone slammin'
outside sweating.
"It was hard dancing outside
cause you could n' t get a nv spring
off the ground said student Jeff
Parker, "and dirt was going in
everybody's eyes
If you did get too hot in the
melee of almost druk sla miners (it
was only about 2 p.m.) you could
move to the ou ter fringes a nd ca tch
the cool breeze as you browsed
around various stands.
Puttingagolfball on a crooked
honor fraternity green, making
tie dyes, catching a tree t shirt,
shopping tor handmade and
painted earthenware, or gobbling
down a hot dog provided by
Canteen Food Service were )ust a
few of the opportunites provided
a student looking for a little ac-
And it the entertainment trom
the stands wasn't lively enough
you could throw a frisbee, watch a
sorority girl try to cook over an
open fire, catch a few skateboar-
ding tricks, or watch a campus
policeman make a student pour
out an alcoholic beverage.
But bajttk to the real show.
$ipTc iit exited the stage and
joined the students of ECU in the
day's festivities, they thanked the
people at ECU for inviting them
and played the classic Steppen-
wolf tune "Magic Carpet Ride
The crowd reached its peak
for the day at the very end oi the
Quest show, and people seemed
ready for the next performer.
Ken Weber the hypnotist came
on next, and when he left thecrowd
was in a humorous trance. Weber
picked out 12 ECU students which
he hypnotized and made perform
a multitude of ridiculous antics
for the crowd.
If you were there you saw a
Martian and his interpreter, people
catching fish and cheering for a
horserace, missing bellybuttons,
and naked people everywhere in
the crowd.
Sophmore and Martian Jer-
emy Wallace was one of the stu-
dents hypnotized and stated, 1
knew what was going on but I
couldn't do anything about it
Weber, a hypnotist for four-
teen years, was himself surprised
See Barefoot, page 11
Joe Farmer, the lead singer for the band Johnny Quest, gives ECU students at Barefoot on the Mall his patented move, "the Heisman
was one of the few bands that played for the Student Union-sponsored event (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
BSU presents environmental mime and drama
By Stephanie Folsom
Staff Writer
Sunday was Earth Day and
while some flighty enthusiasts
may already be forgetting the pro-
gramsand events that surrounded
the day oi recognition for Planet
Earth, a small group from the
Baptist student Union is gearing
up to start off another week with
environmental information and
"Hidden Cries a musical
written and directed by members
oi the BSU fellowship group and
choir, will put on its second and
final performance Sunday, April
29 at 6 p.m. at Wahlcoates School
on 3th Street. I he musical com-
bines modern blues, folk, and tra-
ditional song as well as drama
and mime
One t the most memorable
aspects o the musical involved
the mime, rather than song and a
skit that branched out to interac-
tions among people, rather than
with the environment Steve Har-
ding, production manager lor the
program, was the mam character
in the mime skit "In the Image I
Cod, Male and Female- Created
He Them
Instead of using his mime tal-
ents to portrav something directlv
out of Genesis, as the title would
suggest, i lardmgprovideda more
contemporary look al the way
people interact with each other
1 leportrayed both a homeless and
handicapped person, a young
gang member, an elderly man and
an abused child. In the back-
ground, echoed the voice oi the
character he portrayed. There is
only one more song after this skit,
so the voices seem to leave with
) ou.
The musical seeks to illustrate
the relationship humans have in
and with nature. The idea tor
I lidden Cries formed after mem-
bers i f BSU began meeting v eekly
to discuss issues dealing with the
land, plants, animals, and the
Christian responseto those issues
1 he musical was written al
the beginning ot this semester in
an effort to make everyone more
aware of our world and the im-
pad humans have upon it. The
musical addresses such questions
as. What are our responsibilities
to( od to protect the world which
has been given to us"
I heir tirst performance, on
April9, wasquite impressive. I he
information was presented in an
entertaining manner, without
becoming boring or depressing.
1 he music and skits were well-
cratted and presented the prob-
lems of what humans have done
to both the planet and each other
in a realistic manner.
Workshop deals with depression
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
This past weekend, the thea-
ter arts department closed the last
of its workshop productions with
"The Undefeated Rumba Cham-
pion directed by Pans Teet, and
"Sganarelle, or The Imaginary
Cuckold directed by Carol Pen-
"RumbaChampion" portrays
the Story of a man whose loss ot
his leg in a war is seen by him as
the loss oi half his manhood. Matt
McCulloch, as Id c. Willis Archer.
shows admirably, and with great
physical dexterity, a torn man
whose constant attempts at lech-
ery only serve to heighten his
otn ions insecurities.
Kelly Greer, who plays
Archer's nurse, serves as a buffer
against his depression and finally
manages to convince him that
hope is theone thing that can make
life orth living. Together,
McC ulloch and Greer, along with
Beefs directing, give forth a play
about the abstract concept of hope,
but with iist the right touch of
"Sganarelle shows the folly
of jumping to conclusions and the
biarre circumstances that can
arise from such conclusions. What
starts out as a dispute between
father and daughter over a mar-
riage proposal soon blows up into
faulty judgement trom all sides of
the cast. Brav Culpepper. who
plays Sganarelle, is often ineptly
funny as the neighbor who is not
so willing to lay down his life for
an imaginary transgression bv his
wife. Culpepper, along with the
rest oi the cast, presents a lighter
side of life and its many confusing
Thus endeth the workshop
productions by the theater arts
department tor 1989-1990. Peal-
ing with a variety of subject mate-
rial, ranging trom the comical to
the serious, the w orkshops allow
the theater students the chance to
polish their acting talents while
enjoying themselves.
Sitting on a Fence
Open your mind when in college
we expected. We are just fresh-
men with that pu zzled look, over-
whelmed with the size of our new
Coming to college is but astep- school and swamped with the
ing stone in our lives, yet one of decisions that accompany a lack
By John Tucker
Assistant Features Editor
he most useful in the long run.
When most of us leave the
sheltered life of home and come to
college for the first time we depart
from home the direct products of
ur environment. We have been
nolded by our parents' lifestyles
ind have conformed, at least to
of guidance.
We are confused because we
find the world a much larger place
with many more complications. It
becomes harder to discern be-
tween good and bad or right and
wrong, and a simple chore like
talking to a stranger for the first
for the first time, to live and learn
on our own.
How we react to these new
experiences is different for every
individual. Some retreat to their
old world and hide in a past that
offers comfortand stability. Even-
tually they are forced to confronta
new reality.
Others "seize the day" and
make the best of their new habitat
They find interest in the newex-
periences to which they are
when you were growing up. You
didn't like the name or the smell
or how it looked. But when you
tasted ityou found outthat squash
could actually be good.
An open mind listens, sees,
feels, hears, and above all allows a
space for a new idea. With a new
idea or concept often comes a
change, and most of the time
changes are for the better.
Not to say that you should not
have anv beliets or convictions.
some degree, to what our peers time is often a maior undertaking, exposed and vie wevery thing with Convichons are a sign of a strong
ind immediate family have come We are more or less at a loss in our anopenmind. personality,
o accept and expect. new surroundings. An open mind is the key to Only that if you do, possess
Our personalities for the most But what we do gain is an success in college. It Mkpur chance an open mind you can at least
art have allready been shaped by opportunity that many peoplecan to soak everything up like a giant understand why a person that has
he things we have seen and expe- only dream of. We have a chance sponge and attempt to digest it. convictions that conflict with
rienced, and we leave high school to be exposed to many different Much of what you do learn Is not yours feels the way hedoes.
with a strong sense of who and people of our own young age at all from classes, but from what Because, above all there
what we are. complete with the exact same you experience. And after all, we should be no tolerance for intoler
When we arrive at the institu-
:ton of our choice, we find that
things are not as simple and easy as
questions and desires that we are
just beginning to discover.
Basically, we have a chance
are here to learn, aren't we?
An open mind is like that
squash you always hated to eat
Intolerance is the cause erf
See Open Mind, page 11
Light' star
visits ECU
By Beth Hassell
Staff Writer
Ok, OK, 1 know what you're
thinking So he wasn't the 25-
year old blond trom the "Guid-
ing light 1 spent the whole da)
before preparing questions form)
interview with ' I rank Cooper
Well, he was sick and c .1
sent a substitute. 1 had roughl) JO
seconds to adjust.
lay Hammer (also known as
Fletcher Reed) realized my plight
and took pitv upon me. Once we
got started talking, my anxieties
were laid to rest. He was funny
and laid-back. As last, my 30 sec-
onds of sheer panic of looking like
a total dweeb (a feeling onlv a
journalist can appreciate) was all
for nothing.
On "GL Hammer plavs a
journalist. Ironic, right? His char-
acter is known for his ability of
seeking truth in the spirit of a right-
eous journalist out to protect the
underdog and for his trademark
? a straw Indiana Jones-type hat.
A fourth generation Califor-
nian, Hammer was born and
raised in San Fransisco. He is
happily married with three bovs
and another baby on the way.
"In college, 1 became inter
ested in acting Hammer said
He attended the University of
Pacific, in northern California
minoring in drama.
At the urging of his father,
Hammer began taking acting les-
sons. "He told me that acting was
like sales' Hammer said. "No
matter how good your product,
no one will buy it unless they like
Then, at age 23, Hammer
moved to New York and joined
See Guiding, page 11

The East Carolinian, April 24,1990 11
Continued from page 10
Bits and Pieces
Tips from Earth Day for the
environmentally conscious
li you are environmentally conscious, here are some tips for when
sou shop. USA TODAY'S Earth Day coverage reports that buying local
m st.ison fruil and vegetables rather than canned or frozen saves
energy wasted in transportation. Opt for drinks packaged in aluminum
tnd glass over plastic. And try stick or roll-on deodorant rather than
spra) which damages the ozone layer.
Cartoon all-stars battle drugs
rch-enemies CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX all run the same program
.it the same time this week. AsdoesThe Disnev Channel, Nickelodeon,
The Family Channel and the USA Network. It is the anti-drug program
Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue which airs Saturdav at 10:30 a.m.
Eastern and Pacific times. Its all-star lineup includes Bugs Bunny, Daffy
Duck Winnie the Pooh, the Smurfs, Alt'and C.arfield.
MTV turns to a larger audience
1 IV the nearlv decade-old cable music channel, is reiying more
on regular network programming techniques in the e)0s. As a result, its
cutting edge now has a global ou tlook flavor with hip personalities and
tli" humor M 1 "V now has affiliates in 33 countries, including lapan,
and Europe. It all adds up to satisfaction for its 12- to34-year-

old lowers.

Poll backs right of expression
Most et the 1 -t1 people in a Research and Forecasts Inc. poll say to
leave the artwork alone at controversial art exhibits. More than 90
percent say even it art is offensive to some, "others have the right to
v ii'u it ? percent say the "arts are an important part ol my life and
93 percent say "freedom of expression is essential to artists and the
Home Videos" spurns spinoffs
; s America's Funniest lome Videos the smash that hasal
reach spav ned i lones tor national 1A next fall, now has local stations
doing their own spinoffs. In Denver, a TV station offers $5,000 for the
best v ideo in its Colorado's Funniest Home Videos" special. In Wash-
ington D.C and in New York City, home videos are sneaking into
newscasts and blooper segments.
SATs measure skills inaccurately
Students can score well on the reading section of the Scholastic
Aptitude Test without having the passages, reports a University of
I Borgia study. Students given test questions with no reading passages
tied about 46 percent correct answers; those with reading pas-
sages scored about 69 percent. The study says it proves the SAT
measures certain skills rather than reading comprehension.
More smokers turn to marijuana
I een-agers who smoke cigarettes are more likely to use cocaine and
Imarijuana than kids who drink alcohol theorizes a Columbia Univer-
s ry (JrHgexperf, who blames "a chemical trigger m the brain Overall,
27 percent ol senior high students who smoke use marijuana at least
I weekly compared to six percent who drink. The study will be released
? i ? wei k
Dick Tracy movie opens in June
Dick Tracy" could be the next "Batman Walt Disnev Studios
brii gs the comic enme-fighter to the screen June 15. Already T-shirts,
mugs and boxer shorts are out. Next month brings four styles of Dick
ra i itches, rracy key chains, toy cars and crime-stopper kits. To
i maintain a comic book look, Tracy merchandise will appearin hist four
primary colors, plus black and white.
DCapyrigM 10, L'SA TODAY Appl CollrRe Infornulion Network.
at the results from the students
hypnotism. "What I did today on
stage, if you read any hypnotist
book, you'll find that they would
say it is impossible
According to Weber, the
power to make the students do
what he said lay in the student's
mind and not in him. "Almost
anyone of normal intelligence can
be hypnotized to a certain level.
The power of hypnotism lays in
the mind of the person being
hypnotized and my abilities of
After the highly popular
hypnotist show the group Defiant
Giants from Washington, D.C.
came on to perform. Can't really
say much for them except they
were extremelv overpriced(and I
do mean extremely) and played
rap music.
They had no musical instru-
ments, onlv a soundboard, and
they did the typical talking bull in
the microphone. The group
seemed to be relatively inexperi-
enced, and lacked any stage pres-
ence or originality.
(nr member of the group did
impress me, however, when he
explained why the group played
and what their message was. or IP.S. (Teaching
People Science) said. Our mes-
sage is, let the black race rise and
Open Mind
be an asset to the collective
The next group to play was an I
opening act for The Drifters known I
as Mixed Company. I caught some!
of their Motown based act as theyl
played a mix of oldies and new
pop. "Pink Cadillac" was one on
the few songs I remember thcml
At this point, I have to say that
1 was pretty much barefooted out.
I did get a chance to talk to Billj
Pickney, the only real "original
Drifter and he mentioned his newl
album coming out entitled "I'ml
Gonna Move Across the River
I also missed the Rocky Hor-
ror Picture Show, but heard thatl
you could actually hear the sound
this year.
At any rate, Barefoot on the
Mall wasa smashing success. The
Student Union did an excellent)
job in organizing the affair, and
events went off with clockwork!
In light of the recent noise
ordinance and the drop in all-
campus parties, it provided the!
students with the chance, to put it I
plainly, to just enjoy themselves.
"You couldn't have asked for'
a better day. The weather was
great, the bands were great, and
theatmospherecouldn't have been
any better said student Bruce
Continued from page 10
manv problems in our world to-
day. People are intolerant of other
beliefs. Look at the turmoil striken
Middle East. At home racial ten-
sions continue to Hair because of
I ntolerance breeds hat red and
misunderstanding. As the saying
goes "we mock what we do not
And this is the point. You are
here to open your mind, to ex-
pand your knowledge, to learn
and to experience different events
in vour life. Bounce and gel with
vour environment and take what
it gives you.
Do not limit yourself, and do
not ridicule someone else for pos-
sessing a different viewpoint, you
could one day find yourself sit-
ting on their side of the fence.
And above all enjoy yourself
and understand as much as you
can, because you do onlv live once.
Continued from page 10
The Lighter Side
Movie filmed in Rocky Mount
00 MOUNT,N.C.(AP) ?"It's like stepping back in time an
ized Elton Gillikin of Roanoke Rapids said. He had just arrived in
- Mount on business and was shocked when he rounded the
n rol Main Street to discover he had stepped through a time warp
?? : Pallas. Texas.
iround Gillikin moved women in pillbox hats. A-linedresses
iffant hairdos. Even men wore hats old fedoras andsome
had their hair slicked back with Brylcreem.
hides from the '50s and '60s, including cars, buses and police
iers, traveled up and down the street as if everything were normal.
' .illikin, it goes without saying, was more than a little baffled.
?A hat's going on?" he asked excitedly.
( ut: Print that
ith those words, the illusion dissolved and the director scurried
??? K happy he had achieved the took he wanted for a scene in his new
motion picture, "Love Field now filming in the area.
ove Field" became a lighting rod for interest and controversy
? ? re filming began early this month. In March, about 4,000 people
turned out for an open casting call in Wilson to vie for roles as extras.
In Rocky Mount, tensions festered among some residents when the
film company requested permission tocutdown Main Street's 150 holly
rhe trees were chopped, but the movie makers promised to
replace them with pear trees.
The greatest response, it seems, is the public's insatiable curiosr
a h. n the c rew goeson location to shoot outdoor scenes. People say?" ey
arc intrigued by the hub-bub and gasp at the accomplishme- d of
Hollywood magic.
tter more than three weeks of work, the fronts ot most anld.ngs
?nno block of Main Street look as they might have 27 years goon Nov.
22, l3 the dav of the assassination.
"They don't miss much according to Ted Gl- an, a mechanic
hired to care for the old cars and who has worked on r ner film projects.
"I'm retired, and it gives me something to do h. pointed out.
I'm here mainly because it's an opportunity how many times
ar, they going to come shoot a movie?" said Barbara Tant of Rocky
Mount. "I'm not getting to California any time soon
1 tell va, they had some ugly clothes back then remarked an
Not surprisingly" the prime target for gawking was Ms. Pfeif fcr, the
Academv Award-nominated actress of "The Fabulous Baker Boys.
Most aw thev wouldn't be satisfied until they laid their eyes on her
sculpted features and porcelain-smooth face.
She s a cute little thing, so down to earth, said Val StovaU,
manager of Carol-Ann Dresses, a Main Street establishment that closed
for the filming. -??
the Neighborhood Playhouse
Theater. "That's when 1 knew I
wanted to be an actor he said.
Hammer has been acting for 21
He said acting is a challenge.
"I had to overcome the fears that
go along with acting and it took 16
or 18 vears he said. "I've come
into my own just in the past three
or four years
Hammer's career got started
in 1969, in New York Citv, with a
television commercial. His career
then moved to the stage. His off-
Broadway debut was in "Passing
Through From Fxotic Places
I Eammerhashad roteson "Kojak
"Adam Twelve" and "Emer-
gency I le spent a year on " The
fferson's" as Allan Willis.
1 lammer entered the soap
sceneon 'Texas In 1983,he joined
the writing staff of "GL After a
year of writing, he came on the
show as "Fletcher Reed "Fletcher
came from an emergency situation
with the departure of a leading
character, on the show he said.
I lis character was only to be on
the show 30 or 40 days. "I was
onlv to be a five month day
plaver he said. "I signed a two
year contract and have been on
the show for the past six years
Hammer talks about
"Fletcher" in the third person.
"What I like most about my "GL"
character is his anger he said.
"His drive is his anger, but it's not
always evident
"I'm not an overnight suc-
cess Hammer said. "I'm not
bothered by my popularity be-
cause it's always enjoyable
Hammer describes his popularity
as a pleasurable luxury.
In between acting jobs, I lam-
mer drove a taxi, sold books,
chopped firewood and tended bar.
After his stint in the Neigh-
borhood Playhouseitgrew harder
and harder to find work in New
York and Los Angeles. "Rejection
is so consistent and brutal he
said. "I still feel insecure. I'm afraid
it could happen again
It's hard to imagine an actor
with so manv credits under his
belt would still be insecure. Per-
haps insecurity is an in-bred trait
of actors and actresses. Rejection
can be humbling, but hats off to
"Fletcher Reed.
I m??
CA1 I 115
mtnii ('loth i ?f, I
.hirihy, Culli rtihlis. j
A ?iyi,r s. ?'imutuvi j
It s a step into the past'
Start off your tyw year
?Right 'By Visiting lis!
'Buy ? Sid ? Tradt
417 Evans SL Mall
There's plenty of FREE
parking at our rear
t entrance off of
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Located by Sports Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alley
Import Night
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Sharky's is a private club for members and
21 years old guests.
"We Free Pour All Our Drinks"
With TliusJourjpn
Scatty s $@tttjs Co
Party Special
Need A Potty For Your Party-lust Call Scotty

Barefoot on the Mall
The Student Union sponsored event Barefoot on
the Mall was once again a huge success. The
weather was almost perfect and one of the largest
crowds ever enjoyed a host of lively entertain-
ment as well as various other activities. Barefoot
has become an annual rite of spring tor students
at E I At loll an I SS student charges a low tare
to squal down and quack like a duck and to the
right 111 students enjoy some beverages as the
band ohnny Quest rocks funk style. The days
festivities finally came to a close with the show-
ing of I he Rocky 1 lorror Picture Show. All in all
it was a day tull ol enjoyment.
(Photos by I l Whitmire ECU
Photo I ab, compiled by ohn Tucker) R
Bill Pickney,(above,far left) the
i Mil v real original Drifter, leads
the rest of the band in the final
act of the day's events. The
band played a number of
oldies and entertained one of
the largest ECU CTOwds(left)
at Barefoot on the Mall ever.
The various craft and food
stands were also a main attrac-
tion for the many students that
milled about after skipping a
tew classes.
The students
pictured here
(right)are yell-
ing to increase
the effect of
the hypnotist
Ken Weber on
student vol-
unteers who
were hypno-
tized and
made to per-
form various
acts of idiocy.
OnAPEML 2$s D, We Will Donate
PiKl PfKKt I D)ForEachAlbum,CassetteorC.D.
GQwl uUflulSold To The MAS HZZW.l 2
1109 Charles KvdThere Will Be A March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation WalkAmerica Check Point on Our Lawn.
1109 Charles Blvd
Green vitte 758-4251PIease Come And Show Your Support!
DonationsWi1 Aid The Fight Against Binh Del ts & Mon
Race to me Fmsh
To everything
there is a season,
and a time for
every matter
under heaven:
A time to be born
and a time to die,
A time to plant
and a time to reap
the hearvest,
A time to kill and
a time to heal,
A time to weep
and a time to
A time to mourn
and a time to
da nee,
A time to work
and a time to play,
A time to study
and a time to take
A time to attend
class and a time to
enjoy the summer,
And there is a
time to celebrate.
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To enter, just race over to the campus contact
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one of our featured desktop PCs It just might he
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Barefoot on the Mall
The Student Union sponsored event Barefoot on
the Mall was once again a huge success. The
weather was almost perfect and one of the largest
crowds ever enjoyed a host of lively entertain-
ment as well as various other activities. Barefoot
has become an annual rite of spring for students
at ECU. At left an I SS student charges a low fare
to sqiuU down and quack like a duck and to the
right ECU students enjoy some beverages as the
band Fohnnv Quest rocks funk style. The days
festivities finally came to a close with the show-
ing oi The Rocky Horror Picture Show. All in all
it was a day full ol enjoyment.
(Photos by J.O. Whitmire?ECU
Photo I .ab, compiled by John Tucker) F
The little girl abov
proves vou don't have to !v an K U studei
to enjoy the day's festivities
Bill Pickney,(above,farleft) the
only real original Drifter, leads
the ret oi the band in the final
act oi the day's events. The
band played a number of
oldies and entertained one of
the largest ECU crowds(left)
at Barefoot on the Mall ever.
The various craft and food
stands were also a main attrac-
tion for the many students that
milled about after skipping a
few classes.
The students
pictured here
ing to increase
the effect of
the hypnotist
Ken Weber on
student vol-
unteers who
were hypno-
tized and
made to per-
form various
acts of idiocy.
1109 Charles Blvd.
U2KD, We Will Donate
$l.MRvEach Album, Cassette cm-CD.
Sold To The maecm : if 'MM ? :
There Will Be A March of Dimes Birth
Defects Foundation Walk America Check
Point on Our Lawn.
I109 Charles Blvd
Donations Will Aid The Fi?ht Against Birth Defects vV Enfant Mortality
Please Come And Show Your Support!
To everything
there is a season,
and a time for
every matter
under heaven:
A time to be born
and a time to die,
A time to plant
and a time to reap
the hear vest,
A time to kill and
a time to heal,
A time to weep
and a time to
A time to mourn
and a time to
A time to work
and a time to play,
A time to study
and a time to take
A time to attend
class and a time to
enjoy the summer,
And there is a
time to celebrate.
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@tie JEaat (flarfllfman
Pave 13
April 24,1990
Pirates clinch
title with win
over Tribe
B) I rank Roves
suit Writei
( 1 Pirate baseball team
11). regular seasoncham
b) holding ott William
6Sunday afternoon in
Pirates, who arc now J8
ill and li 2 in the Colonial
ss(X iation. scored two
i i ond inning 1 Turd
n m hn .ast started the
rail) with a one out
lowid with a stolen
his !2nd o( the season,
irbon 'ugh then reached
i i ibc error. William
I Mai ' irting pit her (xaig
then unlc tshed a wild
it Berrj Narron
d d out, scoi ing Yar-
th two outs, Daid
nded the inning with a
:i Mtei two innings
lliamand Mar
runs in the
;Ml hot I t
? ,i i' up a
i un to outfielder
i r ibc was not
? ? I latti I KM 22
Vdkins(.224, 17
ingles Inn
. onded with
? ? I ril double, Pirate
: ! n pulled
hman 1 low-
tfii Id
m emed
? (ver-
? erj effec-
' hing the
i fifth inning,
the tie in sixth.
See fribe, page 15
Faculty to change
athletic commission
ECU News Bureau
I no CCU baseball team captured the Colonial Athletic Association regular season championship Sundav
with a 7 6 win over the College of William and Mary at Harrington Field. The Pirates, who are now 38-5 overall
and 11-2 in conference action, will hold the no. 1 seed in the CAA tournament. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ?
ECU Photo Lab)
Moreau, tennis teams finish
high in CAA Championships
By Kris Caughron
Special lo Tin- East Carolinian
Andre Moreau won the men's
third place singles title and teamed
up with lohn 1 ludson to win sec-
ond place in the doubles title this
weekend at the 1W0 men's Colo-
nial Athletic Association Tennis
Championships in Richmond, Va.
These victories were a first tor the
ECU players al trie CAA Champi-
Moreau, seeded third, de-
feated George Mason's lohn
McClendon 7-5, 6-2, and beat
number one seed Marc Brix ot
lames Madison, 6-2, 6-4. 1 le then
conquered Kelly Hunter ot Wil-
liam and Mary, 4-6,6-2,6-2 for the
In the doubles competition,
Moreau and Hudson, who were
unseeded, won against Matte loete
and DaveSwartZ, the number one
seed from James Madison. 6-4, 7-
5. They went on to beat Matt
Schwartz and Miles Nelson, the
fourth seed from American Uni-
versity 6-2, 5-7, -2.
Moreau and Hudson held
their ground against William and
Mary's number two seed team
with a 7-6 (3), 7-6 (3) score in the
tmals. William md Maty took the
first place title for the second time
in three years with 34 points. In
second place JMU had 33 points.
ECU placed third with 22 points.
Richmond followed closely be-
hind with 20 points. George Ma-
son held 10points. American had
4.5 points leaving UNC-Wilming-
ton at the bottom with four points.
I enwick of ECU won over Patri-
cia Rodriguez of Richmond,6-0,6-
0. The l.adv Pirates' Kim Harvey
beat April Springs ot Richmond.
6-0, 6-4 and teammate Wendy
Perna defeated Pam Eriekson of
MU, l. 4-6, 6 0 1 iarvey and
Perna teamed up in doubles com-
petition to take out Jennifer Brandt
and Amy Wilder of MU. They
went on to claim third place when
they defeated April Springs and
Pam Eriekson ot Richmond.
William and Mary won the
team standings tor the fifth year in
a row with 48.5 total points. JMU
finished second with 34.5 points,
Richmond placed third with 23.5
points, while ECU finished fourth
with 8 points. George Mason and
American tied for fifth with six
points, while UN'C-W finished last
with no points.
Coach of the year was given
to Maria Malerba of JMU, and
player of the year went to Danielle
Durak of William and Mary.
ECU'S faculty has asserted its
intention to place responsibility
for overseeing academic integrity
in ECU's athletic program in fac-
ulty hands.
The Faculty Senate voted
Tuesday to send the chancellor a
resolution recommending
changes in the charge and make-
up of the University Athletic Com-
mittee. These include wording that
would make oversight of academic
integrity, compliance with NCAA
rules and regulations and the
overall development of student
athletes primary functions of the
It also would expand mem-
bership on the athletic committee
to include eight members of the
faculty, ftveof who are tobeelected
by the Faculty Senate, and pro-
vide for election of the chair from
the faculty members.
The t.u ulty thus would have
eight votes among the 13 voting
members on the committee, and
the chair. In addition to voting
members, there are five e-officio
members without vote including
the student government president
and a student athlete appointed
bv the student government presi-
Faculty chair James M. Joyce,
a professor of physics, said the
chancellor. Dr. Richard Eakin,
already had indicated hisapproval
of the membership provisions.
Eakin will review and consider
other portions of the resolution
later, Joyce said.
In floor actions on second
reading of the athletic committee
resolution, former faculty chair
Ken Wilson of the sociology de-
partment won approval of estab-
lishing an all-faculty academic
review subcommittee "to review
the academic quality of the ath-
letic program
"This is the academic over-
sight that you are looking for
Wilson said. He said the subcom-
mittee would report itsevaluation
of the academic integrity of ath-
letic programs to the chancellor
and the Faculty Senate and make
Mathematics professor Robert
Woodside, also a former faculty
chair, won approval of a motion to
add the student government presi-
dent and a student athlete as ex-
officio, non-voting members of the
Ernest Schwarz of the health
and physical education faculty
who has chaired the University
Athletic Committee as the faculty
athletic chair, said the faculty's
Committee on Committees was
instructed "to change the charge
of the Athletic Committee, not to
restructure the committee
Schwarz said he telt it would be
difficult to obtain a quorum with
the enlarged membership and
added. "It will be an administra-
tive committee, not a faculty
The resolution as submitted
to the Faculty Senate specified that
five faculty members, including
three from the elected faculty
members, would constitute a
The resolution's key wording
is that "Primary functions of the
committee are oversight respon-
sibility in the area of academic
integrity, compliance with NCAA
rules and regulations and the
overall development of student
athletes It said "general issued"
such as budget, conference mat-
ters, fund raising and public rela-
tions are inclusive in the charge
See Athletics, page 15
Lady Pirate softball team wraps
up season 'without any breaks'
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Staff Writer
The Lady Pirate softball team
wrapped up their season last
weekend in Chattanooga, Tennes-
see tor the frost Cutlery Invita-
tional. They finished the tourna-
ment 1-2 and had their Sunday-
games rained out.
The team lost to Nicholls State
6-5, tor the third time this season,
and to Honda State 7-2.
"We played well against Flor-
ida State, we nist couldn't get any
breaks head coach Sue Manahan
said. "We played the two tough-
est games in one day, and you're
looking at top notch teams and
programs with a lot more money
than we have
ECU'S onlv win came against
the University of Virginia, 4-1.
Freshman Jenny Parsons pitched
a complete game giving up four
hits and ending the season with a
12-3 record.
Parsons also led the team
behind the plate going 1-2 and one
RBI in the game.
Against Nicholls State, the
team fell behind early but man
aged to tie the game in the seventh
inning oii a home-run by Tracv
Kee. Nicholls State came right
back and scored the winning run
in the next inning.
Tracye Larkin was on the
mound for the Lady Pirates and
moved her season record to 7-4.
Laura Crowder went 3-4 at hat
including a double.
Chris Bvrne paced E I
against Florida State going 2- in
See Manahan, page 14
? team defeated the Gold team 10 0 Saturday in the 7th Annual Pirate PurpleGold Pigskin Pig
ng g he action packed weekend also included a carnival, two concerts and a golf tournament.
f J.D Whitmire - ECU Photo Lab)
Purple team downs Gold,
H)-0 in annual spring game
Langdon pitches his way
past opponents, team goals
-r - l:i-? C7 k.v-l ?-V? lr?ifir A r H o r Ci" rt His
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
By isa Spiridopoulos
staff Writei
Indent and.reein ille
alike turned out for a
I filled w ith rides, food
Iball during tr 7th An-
,i, Purple ld Pigskin
? iti vines began on Ihurs-
nrinued throughSatur
? !? ? ii I'irate siipport-
? treated to the Purple
ng football s rimmage
. rt by I he temptations
I he game.
iiurdav'sscrimmage, the
? mi, under the direction
Rk hard Brown, defeated
Id team, coached by Dr.
i Matthews, rice chancel
tool Madeline affairs. MM).
( U head tootball coach Bill
lewis observed the game from
'hf press box ,d said. "It helps to
the l
sit back and watch a game from
upstairs every so often. From the
press box, you get to see the game
from a different perspective. I had
a lot of fun because I had a chance
to second guess several calls
The game was dominated by
both teams' defenses. Donald
Porch and Ernie Logan led the
Purple team with five tackleseach,
and on theGold team Ken Burnette
paced the defense with 11 tackles.
"As thespring progressed, the
defense became sounder funda-
mentally. It's hard to sustain an
offensive drive with divided
squads. Our offense needed to be
more consistent said Lewis.
The Purple team tried four
different people at quarterback
with junior transfer Sean McCon-
nell throwing for 104 yards and
completing nine of 18 passes.
Senior Chad Grier completed
five of nine attempts for 46 yards.
while freshman Todd Humble
went one for one and sophomore
Erik Booker threw one pass for the
team's only touchdown.
The score came with :20 re-
maining in the first half. Booker
completed an 18-yard pass to
senior wide receiver Charlie Ty-
son for the touchdown, and sopho-
more Phillip Brenner added the
extra point to put the Purple team
up 7-0 at half-time.
Tyson had eight catches on
the day for 99 yards. Senior Al
Whiting had five, on theGold team
for 69 yards.
The second half was much like
the first in that neither offense was
able to manuever their team down
the field for a score. The only
score in the second half came with
4.45 remaining in the game.
McConnell completed three
passes to Tyson to get his team to
See Purple, page 14
Pirate pitcher Tim Langdon
has been a key player in ECU's
winning season this year by hurl-
ing fastballs and curveballs past
opposing batters.
Langdon has an 8-1 pitching
record with a 1.61 earned run
average which helped the Pirates
obtain a national ranking. This
Hill thanks to the recruitment of
ECU's head coach Gary Overton.
"I have no regrets coming to
ECU Langdon said. "I knew ECU
had a great baseball program . . .
probably the best in the state
During Langdon's sophomore
year, he saw limited action. Pitch-
former pitcherfromClayton High ing only in 12 games, Langdon
School has only allowed 46 hits in had a record of 1 -0 in 17 innings.
During his junior year,
Langdon's work increased signifi-
cantly to 53 innings. Despite a 4.75
ERA, Langdon played in the
71 innings, while fanning 57. head coach Kevin Anderson his
Langdon chose the Pirate the pitching consistency and con-
baseball program over the Uni- trol. As a result, Langdon has de-
versity of North Carolina at Chapel veloped four pitches: fastball, cur-
veball, slider and a split-finger fast-
ball. Langdon's fastball has been
clocked at 87 mph.
Team goals are extremely
important to Langdon, such as
winning the Colonial Athletic
Association Championship.
"Winning the CAA crown is
the team goal this year Langdon
said. "Beating Richmond in the
championship was the greatest
feeling ever
Langdon has been
NCAA Championship Tourna- pleased with the fan support this
mentin SagainstVillanovaand
Honda. Against Honda, Langdon
fanned four batters in only two
Th i s yea r, La ngdon has bea ten
top collegiate baseball teams:
UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina
State, University of Virginia and
James Madison. Langdon's only
year at Harrington Field. More
than 2,750 Pirate spectators
watched Langdon beat the Tar
Heels in Apn; at Harrington Field.
"I really appreciate the fan
support this year Langdon said.
"I feels good knowing that the
ECU fans are pulling for you
Langdon is also a finance
Tim Langdon
loss came against the highly- major and hopes to manage his
touted Auburn Tigers in March. own business. But Langdon will
Langdon credits assistant try to make baseball a career.

14 The East Carolinian, April 24,1990
Sports Briefs
Illini's George picked first in draft
The NFL draft started Sunday and ended Monday. Five of the first
seven picks wore juniors who forfeited eligibility to turn pro. No. 1 pick
was left" George, who was traded by Falcons to the Colts. The Jets picked
Blair Thomas No. 2. No. 3 was Cortez Kennedy (Seattle), No. 4, Keith
McCants (Tampa Bay), No. 5, lunior Sean (San Diego), No. 6, Mark
Carrier (Chicago), No. 7, Andre Ware (Detroit).
Unser wins third Toyota Grand Prix
Al I'nser r. won his record third consecutive Toyota Grand Frixof
Long Beach, Calif Sunday. Unser, who led for ail but four laps, held off
Emerson Fittipaldi to win bv 1.7 seconds. Fittipaldi closed to within a
car length with 10 laps to go, but could not overtake Unser, who
averaged 84.227 mph through the streets oi Long Beach.
USA gets first hockey victory Sunday
1 he ISA gen its first victory Sunday and Sweden handed the Soviet
Union it tirst defeat in five years in the World Hockey Championships
at Bern, Switzerland. The USA took a 5-0 lead and held off a late rally
to beat West Germany 6-3 for its first victory after four consecutive
Spain's Aguilera wins Philips Open
uan Aguilera of Spam took advantage of a ram delay after a poor
start and rebounded to a 2-6,6-3,6-4 victory Sunday against Guv Forget
ol 1 ranee to win the S2oO,iXH) Philips Open at Nice, France. In the
doubles finals, Alberto Mancini ot Argentina and Yannick Noah of
France defeated 1 lorst Skoff ot Austria and Marcelo I ihppini of Uru-
guay 6-4, 7-6 (7-3).
Travel to pose problem for Penn State
Penn State football coach loe Paterno savs he believes the Nittanv
Lions will be going to the Big Ten despite grumblings by some confer-
enceathleticdirectorsand coachesabout travel problems (Minnesota is
more than 1,0lX) miles from Penn State). A specific timetable for Penn's
pining the conference has vet to be worked out.
Nebraska wins NCAA gymnastics title
The Nebraska men's gvmnastics team edged host Minnesota bv
one-tenth ot a point to win the NCAA title during the weekend. The
team title is theComhuskers' seventh, all since 1979. Ohio State's Mike
Racaneili won the all-around individual title. In Corvallis, Ore Utah
won the women's NCAA team title.
Seles beats Maleeva in Eckerd Open
lop seed Monica Seles, 16, ot Yugoslavia needed only 34 minutes
to beat Katerina Maleeva ot Bulgaria 6-1,6-OSunday and win the Eckerd
Open tennis tournament at Largo, Ila.
Gathers' file multimillion-dollar suit
1 oyola Marvmount basketball coach Paul Westhead will be among
14 defendants named Friday in a multimillion-dollar lawsuit by the
farhi!y ol I lank Gathers, the late Lions star. Gathers collapsed and died
from heart arrhythmia March 4 during a game. Wrongful death and
emotional distress are among the six causes oi action attorney Bruce
Fagel is listing in the suit.
Duke involved in mail interception
A Puke University advisory panel intercepted and opened about
211 percent of the mail addressed to Duke athletes in an attempt to keep
track ol sports agents, school President Keith Brodie confirmed Thurs-
day. Brodte. who found out about the "unacceptable" practice Wednes-
day, has discontinued it.
North Stars' sale agreement expected
Minnesota North Stars general manager lack Ferreira savs he
expects owners (leorge and Cordon Gund to reach an agreement to sell
the club in time for the NHL Board oi Governors to approve it at their
meeting early next month. Two potential buyers: former Hartford
Whalers minority owner Howard Baldwin and Compuware Corp.
executive Peter Karmanos.
Clements takes lead in PGA tourney
I.ennie Clements, seeking his firt PGA victory in nineyearson the
lour, avoided the "killer rough" and shot 3-under-par 69Thursday to
take a one-shot lead over eight other golfers in the Kmart Greater
Greensboro (N.C.) Open.
Joyner-Kersee leads track competition
lackie toyner-Kersee took a first-day lead in the heptathlon compe-
tition in the California InvitauonalMt. SAC Relays at Azusa Pacific
University Thursday toyner-Kersee set stadium and meet records in
the 100-meter hurdles (12.81 seconds) and the 200 meters (23.08). Inthe
first four events ot the two-day competition, she has 4,057 points. Her
world record is 7,291.
? ' "?"??? ? USA I . ? i Iflph CaOtM fniiiiral? Nhtil
In the Locker
Playing hard ball
The new Reduced injury Factor (RIF) baseball is far different than
the typical hardball. The old hardball has a cork center wrapped in
hundreds of yards of yarn. The RIF ball has a solid polyurethane
core and no yarn covering. That makes it compress better, reducing
the impact if someone is hit. Here is a comparison:
RIF ball
Standard ball
Wool yarn
Continued from page 13
the 23 yard line, but on third and
four, seniorGeorge Koonce sacked
McConnell for a loss of four. On
their next down Brenner kick a 38-
yard field goal to put the Purple
team up tor good 10-0.
lunior eff Blake quarter-
backed for the Gold team and
completed 10 out of 26 passes for
137 yards and two interceptions.
Lewis said, "What concerns
me the most is the development of
the offensive line. We graduated
five of our top 10 linemen and
three of those were fifth-year sen-
iors. We'll miss their leadership
as well as their talents
At half-time oi the game, the
first ever Outstanding Female
Male Scholar Athletic Award was
presented to two FCU athletes by
Texas Gulf for their achievements
both academically and athletically.
ECU Softball plaver,Tracy Kee
received the outstanding female
scholar athlete award. Kee has
been a four year starter and letter
winner tor the Lady Pirates.
She has a .151 CP A and has
been on the Dean's List four times
as well as being on the Honor Roll
three times. Kee has been a volun-
teer and coach for the Special
Olympics and has also helped out
with gvmnastics at Rose High.
Pirate football plaver, Walter
Wilson received the outstanding
male scholar athlete award.
Wilson, a wide receiver for ECU
racked up 91 career catches for
1,670 and 16 touchdowns.
Last year Wilson had 43
catchesand nine touchdowns. He
was an Honorable Mention All-
American by The Sporting Neivs.
Wilson was taken in the third
round of Sunday's NFL draft by
the San Oiego Chargers.
Wilson has maintained a 3.0
GPA and has been a member of
the Honor Roll four times and on
the Dean's List once. He too has
helped out with Special Olympics
and has also done work with the
Minority Student Organization.
Also at half-time, ECU fans
were able to see the rising football
stars who competed in The Daily
Reflector Punt, Pass and Kick
competition. In the 8-9 year old
bracket, Ross Moore won first
place. Brian Crumpler won the
10-11 age bracket, while Russ
Scales took first in the 12-13 year
After the game, fans danced
in the stands to the music of the
world renowned Temptations.
Other activities included a carni-
val all weekend, a performance by
The Breeze Band on Friday night,
followed by a fireworks display.
Continued from page 13
the game. Renee Myers picked up
the 7 2 toss, and made her record
3-3 for the year.
This vear's record of 27-13 was
the second most wins since the
Lady Pirates started fast pitch six
years ago.
"I am extremely pleased with
our record, it was a good year.
The rain hurt us. we would have
liked to reach our goal of 30 wins
but our win loss percentage was
good and as the season progressed
we only got better said Manahan.
ECU will be losing eight sen-
iors next year including three
pitchers. Parkin ends her four year
career with a 30-19 overall record.
Myers comes in with a 22-18 rec-
ord, and Jennifer Sagl ended up
with a 30-22 career record.
Crowdersaid, "Wehad a verv
balanced team with eight seniors
and starting three freshman. We're
losing a lot of people, but I think
we'll still be strong
Although they are losing the
three senior leaderson the mound,
thev will still have Parsons who
led the team in winsand ERA with
1.26. "Jenny had a great year, she
really says a lot for our future
said Manahan.
Another freshman of influ-
ence this year was centerfielder
Cindy Ritter. She set a new ECU
single season record with 20 sto-
len bases. Crowder added 14 sto-
len bases and moved herself into
second place.
Crowder's .391 batting aver-
age led the team. "I had a slow
start but I came in and really
started hitting in the second half
of the season she said.
Byrne also added her name
Continued from page 13
but not restricted to those cited.
Wilson's amendment estab-
lishing an academic review sub-
committee made up of the faculty
members of the committee would
have the subcommittee report to
the chancellor and the Faculty
Senate on the academic quality of
ECU athletic programs.
It also added provision that
the committee make recommen-
dationsconcerning academic poli-
cies and procedures that impact
the academic quality of the ath-
letic program.
The East Carolinian
would like to wish all
of the graduating
seniors the best of
luck. Have a safe
summer and study
for those finals!
Go Pirates
into the Lady Pirate record books
with 37 RBl's. She ended up with
HI career RBI's.
offensively, "commented
Other graduating seniors in-
clude first baseman Kim Corwin
who Manahan said "gives every-
thing she's got every time she
walks out onto that field
Also Kee, who was the back-
bone of the Lady Pirates defense
and a team leader. Leslie Cramer
who had several key hits in key
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The East Carolinian, April 24, 1990 15
Pirate baseballers split with George Mason, 4-5,10-3
By Frank Reyes
SaM Write!
ITie Pirates split a double
ader 4-5 and 10 3 against the
ge Mason Patriots Friday
moon at Harrington Field.
I he game was scoreless until
fourth inning when ECU ral-
fof thrcv mnv With no outs.
Vdams began the inning with
c Catcher tommy Eason
.Ml with a double, scoring
ims 1 he baseman Calvin
:i walked With lohn Cast
a sacrifice fly, Eason and
n moved into scoring posi-
v rre Short hit another sac-
lodin and arron walked
iniN in the inning, l.eisten
id v ttli a flyout. With run-
lancing on Ruyak's wild
Kevin Riggs I 268, 6 1IR)
led w ith a walk. With the
loaded tull ot Pirates. lohn
- W 27 RBI) followed
rur st oring single. After
nth inning ECU led the
? r the Pirates scored three
eighth, the Pirates held
rtable lead 7-3. But the
kvered back. With Whit
? I ?? onl his seventh
rtfice Ry sconngEason. Then Steve
God in hit a run-scoring single.
The Patriots quickly replaced
sta. ting pitcher Frank Laviano O-
2,3.34 ERAV La vianogaveup three
runs on seven hits, while fanning
three. Patriot head coach Billy
Brown brought in Brian Nelson to
hurl the last innings. Nelson, who
was clocked up to 88 mph on the
radar gun. only gave up one run
on one hit.
The Pa tnots made a comeback
by scoring four runs in the fifth
inning, taking the lead 4-3. Ken
Muno hit a grand-slam homerun
off Pirate pitcher John White. The
grand-slam was the first off Pirate
Continued from page 13
game of the season, Gary Truhan
smashed his first-season homer,
slicing the lead 7-6. Overton then
brought in lamie Bell (2.08 ERA in
tour games) to earn his first save
ot the year.
But despite Whitfield's three
earned runs. Overton was pleased
with his pitching performance.
"Whitfield pitched an outstand-
ing game today Overton said.
We knew he could pitch well
against Ruvak (Tnbe pitcher)
William and Man's loss put
rhem8-27overaIl, 1 -lOintheCAA.
pitching this season.
With the game tied at four
runs each, the Patriots came up
with a run in the last inning oft
Pirate relief-pitcher Mike Whitten
to win the game 5-4. The Patriots'
win boosted the team's overall
record to IS-17 on the season and
3-3 record in the Colonial Athletic
The Pirates avenged the tirst-
game loss by pounding the Patri-
ots 10-3 in the second game of the
Pirates ace-hurler Jonathan
lenkins pitched a crafty seven hit
game, giving up only three runs,
lenkins, who improved his pitch-
And it's outta here!
David Reichelt of WZMB, ECU'S student radio station, looks on as he
announces another Pirate baseball game Reichelt and the 91 3 FM
statt also cover Lady Pirate basketball games in the winter (PhotbyJ.D.
Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
ECU lacrosse team looks to 1991
B) 1 isa Spiridopoulos
Sun Writer
1 he ECU men's lacrosse team
trapped up their season with
rd ol 5-5.
Phe team defeated Ekm,UNC-
mington, the Lniversitv ot
imi, Furman and won the
palachian State tournament.
I he Pirates lost a lot oi close
t s because ot slow starts, and
K hmd early. The defense
up almost six goals a game.
We played well when we
were down said Tri-captam
Kelly 1 loyt We came out slow a
lot and had trouble winning the
close games?we were definitely
a second half team
Goalie lames Young received
the team's most outstanding sen-
ior award and senior lohn
McAulay was awarded the most
outstanding defenseman.
Senior tn-captain Ken McK-
enna received the most outstand-
ing ot tensive player award. He
led the offense with 16 goals and
12 asist McKenna also racked
up tour hat tricks o or the season.
Hoyt was named the team's
MVP. Hoyt handled tace otfstor
the Pirates and had a winning
percentage of over 71 percent. He
was the other punch in the of-
fense, scoring 15 goals and 12
ECU's offense scored 63 goals
in their 10 games played and
McKenna said, "A lot of times we
were sporadic on offense and
didn't rise to the occasion
Although the team is gradu-
ing record to 9-0 on the season,
struck out 13 batters. The com-
plete game by lenkins is his fifth of
the year.
While the Patriots retreated
with no offense, the Pirates pun-
ished Mark Sawyer and Jamie
Campbell for ten runs. Sawyer
gave up two runs on six hits while
Campbell was shelled for eight
The Pirate offense was led bv
?short with a two-run dinner and
three-run tnple in four trips to the
plate. Adams went 2-tor 4 with a
pair of singles. Eason also sparked
the Pirate offense with a two
homerun. Codin went also 2 tor 1
with a double and a single Nar-
ron went l-for-3 with a single.
The Pirates did the most
damage in the fifth inning when
ECU scored four runs Adams had
lead-off single. With Eason flying
out. Brown followed with a walk.
Gast then reached first base on a
Patriot error.
a ting several kev seniors NKK
enna notes that "thev have a lot ot
returning talent.
Next year's mid-field will
have three experienced rising
sophomores in Craig Nurmi,
Kevin Hunt and Chris Chase who
all saw a significant amount of
playing time this year.
Chase said, "The team's got
great talent and we all seem to
work really well together, next
year we'll definitely have a good
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Volume 1, No. 1
Emergency 911
service expands
early next year
In case of an emergency, it
would be nice lo pick up any phone,
dial 911 and have your location
known as soon as someone answers
the phone.
This is possible by an Enhanced
911 service, E911, which will soon
be offered by Carolina Telephone.
The new system offers three en-
hancements not on the basic emer-
gency 911 service.
Selective Routing is a feature
that routes your call from a central
office to a public safety answering
point based upon the calling party's
telephone number.
Automatic Number Identifica-
tion allows your telephone number
to be forw arded to the 11911 control
office and to the public safety unit.
Also, an Automatic Location
Identification feature is offered that
allows the address associated with
your telephone number to be dis-
played at the public safely unit.
Enhanced 911 will provide an
immediate response that assures as-
sistance even if you can do no more
than dial the number.
When someone answers and you
respond fire, rape or even hang up,
your location is automatically traced
and assistance will be sent to the
address of the phone from which you
dialed. This system could be helpful
with all the rapes and attacks being
According to Jeff Holme, prod-
uct manager for enhanced 911 of
Carolina Telephone, this system
will not be available until early
1991. Preparations for the new sys-
tem are currently being made.
A JOUR 3200-02 lab production Tuesday, April 24, 1990
out to
By Lynnette M. Rlddlck
Though dorm socials may
ignite excitement and many courses
provide challenges, what may seem
lo be minor problems can often
cause "minor warfare" in a dorm?
especially Greene Residence Hall.
Greene Hall residents complain
that the change machine does not
work as it should, the elevators keep
gelting stuck about every other
week, the ice machine makes the ice
and then it melts it, and the mail
carrier delivers at different times and
to the wTong addresses.
Because of this, the House
Council of Green Hall has been
meeting weekly to discuss the
problems in the dorm. As a result.
House Council made petitions for
the ice machine and the mail
Kay Godwin, Greene Hall
coordinator of resident education.
residents speak
resolve problems
serves as a mediator between
students and the Student Life office.
She said: "Chancellor Eakin and
Vice Chancellor Malhcws really care
about the students. They want the
students' input
Dawn Newell, president of
Greene Hall House Council, said
that when Darlcnc Barnes, resident
adviser of the second floor,
suggested that they make a petition,
she thought that it was a great idea.
Newell said, "Students need lo know
that they have a voice and the people
have to listen to us
By the end of the week that the
residents petitioned, a new ice
machine was delivered. In addition,
the new mail carrier delivers the
mail promptly and to the correct
One of the problems that
remain is the "ever-breaking" change
machine. If you use this machine,
you may not get enough change, or
the machine may not take any bills,
or it may keep a bill without giving
any change.
Kathie Brooks, resident adviser
of the sixth floor, said: "When I put
a dollar in that machine, my little
dollar just got sucked up in there. I
know I got a lot of change coming
back to me that I've lost because
this isn't the first time this
happened to me
The elevators arc another
problem. They get caught between
floors so much that many Greene
Hall residents are getting used to
climbing the stairs. One resident
said: "Those elevators are always
breaking down. Even when they are
working, they start sounding weird
Godwin said that the
maintenance workers arc waiting for
an order to come in so that the
elevators can be fixed.
A dorm resident fights with a vending machine.
Residents have also had problems with broken
elevators and mail delivery. (Photo by Suzann Tyndall)
Tenure of non-Ph.D.s: a controversial topic at ECU
? . hichlv Qualified facultv. tn he in the fni-Mon lanonaoc Hnnrlmini mmW. ?- n iI . ? i. .li- - .
By Valerie Touloumbadjlan
Several teachers will not be able
to teach in the semesters to come,
and this is raising questions about
ECU's policy in regard to hiring
faculty members.
ECU's self-impoi regulation
specifically establishes a six-year
limit on fixed-term appointments for
faculty members who do not hold a
doctoral degree. According to some
faculty members, if they do not
complete a Ph.D. by the end of six
years, they have to stop teaching at
ECU, regardless of their qualities
and experience.
Some people do not consider
this policy, aimed at promotion of a
highly qualified faculty, to be in the
best interest of the teachers and,
consequently, of the students. The
regulation affects teachers in various
ECU departments and raises a
controversy that takes root in
divergent conceptions of education.
Some faculty members wonder if
research?and fame?are to be the
ultimate goal even at the expense of
efficient teaching.
On the one hand, Elizabeth
Dupree, lecturer in the math
department, said that people were
informed of this policy when they
were first hired. They have six years
to complete their degrees, which
seems long enough, according to Dr.
Martin Schwarz, chairman of the
foreign languages department.
Schwarz added: "There arc many
qualified people with terminal
degrees looking for a job. Those
people should be given preference
over people who do not have
terminal degrees He also said that
if ECU is to get more graduate pro-
grams, more qualified teachers will
be required.
However, teachers affected by
this resolution can be devoted to
their jobs. Sociology teacher Delcne
Rhea said, "I enjoy leaching; I enjoy
the students
Chairman of the sociology
department, Dr. John Maiolo, said
of Rhea: "She is an excellent
Career Planning, Placement
opens doors to the future
By Brent Sanders
Assistant Director James Westmoreland helps a student dur-
ing a workshop. Bloxton House offers students a boost In Job
hunting .(Photo by Suzann Tyndall)
May and summer graduation
will soon be upon us, and the ECU
Career Planning and Placement
Service is available to help students
find a job.
The Career Planning and Place-
ment Service, located in Bloxton
House, encourages graduating stu-
dents to come by and fill out an infor-
mation packet Once returned, this
packet contains all the information a
prospective employer might need,
from resumes to references from past
professors and employers.
Director Furney James or As-
sistant Director Jim Westmoreland
of Career Planning & Placement are
available to answer questions or offer
"We offer a starting point from
which students can get a foot in the
door of possible employers James
Students registered with the
Placement Center receive a monthly
job guide that includes jobs repotted
to the center as well as upcoming
campus interviews. Students may
write to the companies of their choice
and sign up for interviews in one of
the three resource rooms located in
Bloxton House.
Information about companies is
available to students to give them a
chance to learn about companies
before an interview. This enables
students to go to an interview feeling
more confident of their own posi-
The center conducts monthly
workshops in resume writing and
interviewing skills. Students can also
get free handouts that offer tips on
developing resumes and answering
the typical questions interviewers
might ask.
According to Placement Center
records, between 70 and 75 percent of
students who register with the service
have a job by September following
their graduation. But, students have
to take the initiative to register with
the center and make an effort to sell
teacher. We will lose"a valuable
resource. I have fought very hard to
retain her
Dr. Keats Sparrow, the
chairman of the English department.
will lose two staff members this
spring to the policy. Sparrow said:
"They're both excellent people.
We're not going to be able to
rcappoint them He added that
women are usually more affected by
the resolution because of social
factors such as family care, which
delays them in completing their
Some teachers say that research
and teaching may also pr e to be
hard to reconcile. Karine parrow-
Start early
hunting for
By Samantha Thompson
If you are looking for a house
or an apartment to rent with a few
friends beginning next fall, be wary.
April is the best month to start the
search, says Homelocators agent
Steve Crawlcy.
Through the Homelocators
service, students, and others, can pay
S50 for a compiled list of homes and
apartments available for rent in
Greenville and the surrounding areas.
Once the money is paid, the
agency asks each group of potential
renters the specifics on what they are
looking for, including information
on number of bedrooms desired,
pets, range near campus and the
amount of money they want to
spend monthly.
The agent then gives potential
renters a number to call about twice
a week to check for the type of place
they have specifically requested.
Crawlcy said that the relocators
Ginter, now working on her Ph.D
said, "You have lo give up spending
lime with the students
Sparrow mentioned lhat some
people cannot afford to work toward
a Ph.D especially when they have
to go to another university. It is
"unpractical for people he said.
According to various sources, as
ihc rule stands, it appears that
valuable members of the faculty
staff are unable to pursue their
careers because of ECU's six-year
This policy could be reversed
through a recommendation by the
Faculty Senate and approval b
Chancellor Richard Hakin.
a house
receive new listings daily and that
the residences are often rented out as
soon as the listings come in.
The Homelocators service
guarantees customers that they will
find a place within four months.
Yet, for students, they extend the
lime limit to six months.
Crawlcy said the most popular
area that students rent runs from
Fifth Street to the Tar River and the
downtown Greenville area.
Greenville has a law that does
not allow more than three unrelated
people to live together in the same
home or apartment. Some area
landlords overlook the number of
residents per dwelling, and some do
not. The Homelocators service
advises students in matters
concerning this law.
The Homelocators relocation
service is located at 219 Cotanche
St. For more information about the
service call 752-1375.
Temporary services, library
help summer job-hunters
By Julie Manning
Eakin walks for the March of Dimes
By Kimley Eder
WalkAmcrica 1990 for
Greenville will be held on April 28
from 9 a.m. until about 2 p.m. The
annual five-mile walk, sponsored by
the March of Dimes Birth Defects
Foundation, will begin and end at
the Elm Street Gym.
The Greenville Jaycces, co-
sponsoring the Greenville walk, ex-
pect 250 people to participate in this
year's walk.
Walkers may participate indi-
vidually or in teams.
This year, Chancellor Richard
Fakin is the honorary chairman for
the Greenville walk. Drew Steele,
the 5-ycar-old son of Mike and
Sandy Steele, is the child ambas-
sador. The two will start off the
According lo Lynn Rhoadcs of
the March of Dimes, Gov. Martin is
the honorary chairman for the
Eastern Carolina Chapter
WaJkAmcnca this year.
Crusty's Pizza and Coca-Cola
will provide refreshments for the
walkers when they finish, and there
will be two checkpoints stationed
along the walk. The March of
Dimes also plans to post along the
walk route "Burma-Shave" signs
lhat give health facts in a question-
and-answer format.
Promotional prizes will be
given by local sponsors for out-
standing walkers, such as the walker
who raises the most money or the
team that raises the most per capita.
Regional sponsors for
WalkAmcrica include WDLX-FM,
WITN-TV, Kibun seafood products,
Slim-Fast and K mart. The regional
sponsors give financial support and
promotional backing to the event in
all the towns that are served by the
Coastal Plains Chapter of the March
of Dimes. The office for the Coastal
Plains Chapter is located in
Last year, the March of Dimes
raised about $7000 from
WalkAmcrica. This year's goal is
$10,000, Rhoades said.
Ninety percent of the proceeds
from the walk go directly to the
community, according to Sybil
Huggins of the March of Dimes.
Drew Stec'e, son of Mike and Sandy Steele, is the child
ambassador for Walk America. The walk is to promote knowledge
about birth defects. (Photo by Suzann Tyndall)
Much of the money is spent educat-
ing people about promoting healthy
births and preventing birth defects
and infant mortality, the main goal
of the March of Dimes.
North Carolina has the most
infant deaths in the United States,
with a statewide death rate of more
than 12 percent in 1988. In Pitt
County, the infant death rate was 19
percent in 1988. That is a higher
infant death rate than any other in-
dustrialized country, and it is higher
than many Third World countries.
Students interested in finding a
summer job should look further than
the want ads. Finding a summer job
is not an easy task, but one helpful
place that few people think about is
temporary services.
Manpower Temporary Services,
located at 118 Rcade St has oppor-
tunities for people interested in in-
dustrial, clerical and general office
The service recommends that
people wanting a summer job call a
week in advance. The procedure for
the program includes:
? going through an orientation
? testing for dexterity, details
and typing, and
? learning word processing
skills required for general
office jobs.
Once testing is completed, jobs
can be found to suit the person's
skills. "It sometimes takes a day or
two to find a job, but no more than
a week said B.J. Watson, service
representative for Manpower.
Pay rates may vary depending
on the job. According to Watson,
industrial jobs pay S3.95-S4.25 an
hour. Clerical jobs pay S4-S5 an
Besides Manpower, Greenville
offers Anne's Temporaries Inc
which is located at 1410 S. Evans
St and Kelly Temporary Services,
located at 204 E. Arlington Blvd.
If temporary work is not what
you are looking for, try applying at
local restaurants, grocery stores,
movie theaters or the public library.
A Look
Smoking loses its
glamorous image
Pack a picnic
with pizazz
Moore emphasizes
the fun of the game

page two
ECU Scanner
Tuesday, April 24, 1990
Students are priority at ECU
A recent visit 10 one of ECU's
air-conditioned dorms proved, once
again, not only the apathy of ECU
students, but the selfishness of
As a result of the unseasonably
warm weather, several "concerned"
residents wanted the air-conditioning
turned on right then and there or else
they would demand a refund of the
extra $80 they paid for living in the
cool air. They just could not
understand why "some stupid idiot
wouldn't turn on the air
Had they read their local and
campus newspapers, they would
understand that the lack of air-
conditioning is Chancellor Richard
Eakin's rcpsonse to the 8 percent
budget cuts made statewide for
Chancellor Eakin's plan not
only included regulating thermostats
throughout the campus, but also
cutting non-personnel operating
Headline creates
costs by 5 percent and imposing a
"managed" hiring freeze on non-
faculty positions.
Many people around ECU feel
they are being inconvenienced by the
measures. What they do not know is
that it could be worse. Eakin's
response is fair compared to North
Carolina State University and
The chancellor at NCSU took
an extremely different response to
the cuts, which have affected mainly
the students. Sections of classes
have been canceled. Labs are closed.
Library hours have decreased. And
teacher assistantships have been
denied for graduate students. Some
classes that normally have 30
students per class have risen to 45
per class. These are just a few of the
inconveniences NCSU students
must endure untill the end of the
quarter on June 30, if not longer.
One considerably smaller North
Carolina university may have to
eliminate summer school sessions
altogether, perhaps prolonging some
students' expected dates for
And ECU students still
complain that they are hot and
When Eakin proposed his
budget cuts, he had the student in
mind. He didn't shorten our library
hours, or close off sections of our
classes, he turned down the air,
which wasn't even a part of ECU
until recently. He did not fire
anyone; he merely did not replace
positions previously left open.
ECU students, don't be so
selfish. The next time you're at the
library, finishing up a last-minute
project. think about the NCSU
student who doesn't have that option
of late-night studying at die library.
negative im
Ticketing complaint
By Janie Smith
Even with all the negative
r porting, ECU has more supporters
than realized.
On Feb. 27, in the Greensboro
News & Record, an article was
published that was headlined "Ex-
ECU coach named in Shacklcford
probe In response to the article, an
ECU supporter wrote a letter to the
editor blasting the News &. Record
for its biased reporting.
Despite the headline, the only
involvement ECU had with the
Shackleford point shaving incident
at NCSU was an cx-baskctball
coach. Larry Gillman, the ex-coach,
coached at ECU for two seasons,
almost 12 years ago. This was years
before Shackleford even attended
If Gillman had been a coach at
any other North Carolina University
and involved in such a scandal, it
would have been hidden somewhere
in the article, if reported at all.
However, the News & Record
placed this information in the
headline for everyone to see.
Whatever happened to the
headline-writing rules all good
journalists learn? The headline is
supposed to highlight the contents
of the story.
With the school fighting to win
the respect of the state, the headline
provides another obstacle to over-
come before acceptance as a
competing university can be
established. Battling with a medium
who prefers the color blue can be an
endless effort.
For all intended purposes, the
headline was not false. However,
when one thinks about all the
people who get their news while
skimming the headlines, one begins
to wonder what kind of opinions
people are forming about the
Pirates, especially when they read a
headline such as this.
As it stands now, it is obvious
which schools are preferred in the
Tarheel State. Though, maybe one
day it will not be so obvious.
By Suzann Tyndall
It is a shame that you pay
tuition and rent to live on campus
and you cannot park in front of your
dorm for about 15 minutes to load
or unload your car.
I parked in front of Clement
Residence Hall to unload my car,
and I got a ticket. I admit, I was not
in a parking space. But where are
you supposed to park if all the
spaces are taken and no one moves'
I guess dorm residents should park
two miles away and make several
trips back and forth to their cars to
get luggage.
I cannot believe campus police
have nothing to do but write
citations to students or anyone who
is taking care of short-term
1 also received a ticket for
parking at the library without a
sticker. 1 was parked long enough to
return a bwk to the front checkout
desk, five minutes at the most.
What is this university coming to?
Why are students not given a
break for taking care of their short-
term business' Maybe it is because
the police gel commission for the
number of tickets issued.
A parking deck at the bottom of
college hill and at Mendenhall would
help. Also, we should be allowed to
park for a short lime if we leave our
hazard lights on. This will let the
police know we will only be parked
there a few minutes.
Something needs to be done!
Officials should realize how
important we arc to this university.
I Can't Stand The 5mell Myself
dur I ENjcn It loo Much Jo Quit'
Public smoking grows unpopular
By Janie Smith
You arc in a bar with friends
when the best-looking person you
have ever seen walks by you. You
immediately follow the vision of
perfection. You watch every move
and gesture. Then, it happens, a ciga-
rette is lit.
More and more the sight of a
cigarette is causing heads to turn?
the other way. Cigarette smoking, at
least in public, is becoming a thing of
the past.
Guidelines for
hiring minorities
By Valeria Lasslter
In the past year, I have noticed a
positive change in the recruiting of
minority faculty at ECU. By no
means is the job complete. Last
year, where the university gained six
new minority faculty, it also lost
six minority faculty.
Curious as to what was behind
the active search for more minority
faculty, I spoke with Equil
Opportunities Employment Officer
(EOE) Dr. Mary Ann Rhodes.
Rhodes says, "One of the reasons for
the increase is that the
administration believes a university
which reflects diversity is the
essence of a university
ECU is an Equal Opportunity
Employer and Affirmative Action
institution. Many see Affirmative
Action as a negative, but Rhodes
says no one at ECU is hired who is
not qualified.
The university has different
ways of recruiting minority faculty.
For example, advertising positions
and interviews justified and approved
by the EOE Officer help attract
minority faculty. Positions arc also
sent to predominantly black
colleges. Ads arc placed in minority
publications. The university
allocates money so that departments
can bring in possible employees for
One of the most creative
programs that the university uses to
deal with the small number of
minority faculty is the Minority
Initiative Program. The program
brings in minority visiting
professors so that students can have
exposure to minority faculty, while
the university builds its minority
Rhodes says, "ECU for the
future hopes to continue to sensitize
people to diverse culture The
university's persistence in seeking
more minority facculty is
representative of a university trying
to meet the needs of students.
Every opportunity
could be your last
By Valeria Lasslter
Wake up black students! We
complain about the university not
providing a positive environment for
us to develop. But in the past monih
the university has had The Black
Octave, an Affirmative Action
Debate, a South Afrikanner speaker
and an African Art exhibit. My
question is, where were you black
Another area where we as black
students have definitely not been
seen is in the extensive use of the
minority affairs office. African-
American students-many of the
black students before us did not have
the oppportunities that we have
today. We should see every
opportunity as our last one.
While attending those programs
mentioned earlier, I was embarassed
when I saw that I could count, the
number of black people at these
functions on my hand. And I do not
exaggerate. Wc cannot blame the
university if it cuts out or cuts back
on programs geared toward black
students because we do not support
the ones that are already here. If
nothing else, we should attend to
show respect to the visiting
scholars or artists.
EditorSamantha Thompson
Layout EditorLane Dunn
Photo EditorSuzann Tyndall
News EditorKimley Eder
Lifestyles EditorMary Beth Hughes
Attitudes Editorjanie Smith
Recreation EditorBrent Sanders
Copy EditorsVal Touloumbadjian
Michelle Walker
Valeria Lassiter
David McCreary
Layout DesignersMichelle Hancharick
Steve Baker
Lynnette Riddick
Mindy Mclnnis
Project AssistantsJulie Manning
Joan Taylor
Faculty AdviserBrenda Sanchez
Graduate AssistantSteve Harding
ECU SCANNER is a laboratory publication for Journalism
3200, Copy Editing and Makeup. The editorials are 'he
views and opinions of the individual student writers of
section 002. They do not reflect the views of U.e
Communication Department or East Carolina University.
Setting goals for success
By Valeria Lassiter
"Unless wc are moving forward
toward an objective, we will fall?
and fail A goal is an objective.
Goals provide individuals with a
direction and focus, hopefully, on
something constructive. Often you
hear of people becoming frustrated
but yet are unable to come to a
conclusion why. A lack of focus
could be the key to the chaos that
might exist.
The people who have goals
achieve far more than those who do
not, and those who have written
goals achieve the most of all.
Forrest Patton. a motivational
speaker, conducted a study of alumni
10 years out of Harvard to find out
how many were achieving their
goals. The study found that 83
percent had no goals at all. Fourteen
percent had specific goals, but they
were not written down. Their
average earnings were three times
what those in the 83 percent group
were earning. However, the 3
percent who had written goals were
earning 10 times that of the 83
percent group.
Writing goals is no easy task.
A narrowing of focus is the first
step toward getting what you want.
We can all come up with many
things that we want to do or
become, but to obtain these things,
we must choose one piece of it and
decide that is the one to go for first.
Throughout the goal setting, you
may have to modify, discard or
replace your goals.
Goal setting is a three-step
process, says Dr. Michael LeBouf,
author of Working Smart. First,
there should be a lifetime goal,
which sums up the results you most
want to accomplish over the course
of your life. Second, establish your
immediate goals-what you wish to
accomplish in less than a year. The
last step is to list your daily goals?
what do you want to do today?
For some, this may be an
overwhelming process when
confronted with detailing lifelong
But lifetime goals function as
the keystone to the rest of the goals
Some theorists argue that it is best
to start small and gain experience in
accomplishing something.
Achieving goals is work.
Strategies should be developed,
asking yourself. What is your target
date? When will you achieve the
goal? Then, write it and the goal
itself down. Most people think
about their goals but fail to commit
to them. Writing them down is a
commitment to the goal.
Fewer people arc smoking in
public if for no other reason than they
are not sure where ihey can smoke
Even if they do know where they are
allowed to smoke, ihey are made to
feel guilty In the people around them
if they light up.
Non-smokers are becoming
more selective about whetherlh
out with someone who smokes. Non-
smokers say it ihey see an attractive
person smoking, it is an instant turn-
What is worse than the non-
smoker is in, reformed smoker. Al-
though ihey use to smoke and once
liked it. they now run it sort:
pulls out a cigarette E xprcssing their
feelings about c igarcttes is no prob
Manj people still smoki
ihey just win to be hiding it 1
nowadays. Smoking is becoming
unpopular in today's soc icty. It is
harmful to your health and suppos
cdl) those around you
It may not be that smoking is
becoming unpopular after all.
Maybe smokers are learning to re
spa t the feelings oi non smokers
Enter the real world
By Janie Smith
It has been a four (may he even
five or six) year struggle of classes.
parties and nagging parents, now the
struggle is almost over.
Graduation?the day all seniors
wait for with anticipation. They ask
themselves questions about what
their lives will be like. What am 1
going to do when I graduate' Will I
get a good job? Where w ill I Ih e '
These questions help to make
the expectant graduates ver
nervous. The begin to think of
ways to put off graduation until the
next semester. A college career
begins to look better and better.
Eventually, seniors must leave
protective surroundings and start
living in the real world. Reality
begins to set in during the senior
year, with resumes to write,
interviews to go to and
responsibilities to consider.
This is when parents start their
nagging routines. "Make good
grades so you'll get a good job
they say. "You have to work hard,
send out resumes, we're not going
to support you forever they sas
"No one's going to knock on your
door and just give you a job they
And whj not? Maybe some! ?
oul there has heard about ou and
has a job all set up Reality b
to slip awaj again.
Then it's Christmastime, and it
can only gel worse. Friends wont u
know about sour plans Relatives
are so proud but wonder why, after
lour years, you siill do not know
what you are going to do once you
However, the best one is when
you find oul that the father who told
you to finish college in tour years or
pa) lor it course spent five years
in college and never did get a degree.
Something or someone is
always around who can bring down
your spirits All ou can do is
ignore diem, .nd maybe they will
go anyway. However, this is ver)
Graduation the happiest day ol
a parent's life: No more college to
pay for. Parents also hope that
within a week or two oi that, the)
will not have to pay for you
Where will you be? How much
money will sou make In the end.
the only thing that matters is thai
your parents are happy.
1990 Graduates!

Tuesday, April 24, 1990
Pack a basket
with picnic pizazz
By Mary Beth Hughes
As warm weather days become
more frequent, al fresco dining be-
comes more appealing. Take the
picnic beyond fried chicken and
colesla and make the occasion a
Pack a beautiful old quilt for
groundcover; dine on real china with
silverware; and serve beautiful fixxls
word here is creativity. Pay al-
tention to details and make
? (?thing extra special.
Important to the success of your
picnk is choosing a location. Pick a
ic spoi with a view. In
ille. River Park North and the
town commons are perfect places for
,i picnic The beach is but an hour
hail away and there are plenty
a historic little towns within a short
from Put County.
Here are a few menu suggestions
to help get your imagination
roll nit:
Seafood Luncheon
;k ho
a S.i with
Assorted Cheeses
i rusty French Bread
tc Zinfandel
v ripe tomatoes
sweel red pepper
rdium size yellow onion
l umber
1up red wine vinegar
I ? . up (line oil
- up tomato imce
dash ci cayenne pepper
d pepper to taste
I Coarse!) chop tomatoes, cucum-
bers and imionv Seed and coarsely
chop red pepper. Place all in large
bowl of a food processor.
2 Add vinegar, olive oil, tomato
juice and spices to vegetable mixture
in processor. Pulse process with
steel blade until all large chunks
Gapacho should be crunchy as op-
posed to pureed.
3. Chill until serving time. Store in
a thermos or cooler for picnics.
Juna Salad with Annln Mi
1 can Albacorc Tuna
1 green apple cored and chopped to
12 inch dice
2 teaspoons green peppercorns
14 cup mayonnaise
Mix all ingredients and chill
An Outdoor Italian Feast
Cold I anguine with Tomato Basil
Italian Bread
Fresh fruit with cream
fumaiu lull
5 large ripe Italian Plum Tomatoes.
14 cup fresh basil leaves, cut in 14
inch strips
2 large cloves of garlic, finely
14 cup freshly grated Parmesan
12 cup green olive oil
Mix all ingredients m a medium
mixing bowl. When ready to serve.
toss lightly with cooked linguine.
This dish may be served at room
temperature or served sliebt 1
chilled .
Get ready for summer,
drop those extra pounds
By Julie Manning
With the summer sun and warm
ft'eather just around it is corner the
HOW ti think about squeezing that
?s inter bod) back into a teeny-tiny
Once mmi sec yourself in the
mirror, you begin to notice the few
pounds and bulges that have
accumulated over the winter
lays You feel obese, saying to
If, I've got to go on a diet
First you try starving yourself: then
you try everything from three-day
- 'ash dieting, where you supposedly
1" pounds in three days, lo
Shmfas! where you substitute milk
? :s lor meals
Most of these diets can be
c it you arc careful, but if
'use your body, your system
become inbalanced from the
drastic changes in eating habits. You
could go too far by making yourself
Sick, or by losing loo much weight.
Another route for dieting is
under medical supervision
professional weight loss clinics,
ugh costs arc higher than other
clinics have their advantages.
in Greenville, the many
professional weight loss clinics
specialize in different treatments.
Diet Center. 102 Oakmont Drive,
has a four-stage program that
includes condition, reduction,
stabilization and maintenance. The
only products used are vitamin and
calcium supplements. The cost for
this program is $300 plus a S50
restoration fee.
Physicians Weight loss Center.
300 E. Arlington Blvd Bases its
program on the guidelines of the
American Heart Association. The
amount of weight lost depends on
the individual's original weight.
This program includes predict
testing to determine how much
weight needs to be lost. Because of
its guidelines, no additional products
arc needed. Cost is based on the
analysis of the prc-dict testing.
Medical Weight Loss Systems
is similar to the program at
Physicians Weight Loss Center. The
program is based on the amount of
weight needed to lose and only uxs
supplemental food products. Similar
to Physicians Weight Loss Center,
program costs vary depending on the
amount of original weight lost. The
clinic is located at 610 E. Arlington
Blvd. in Arlington Village.
S ECU Scanner
page three
Windsor, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, seems to think spring's warm and sunny weather is the perfect excuse for a picnic. He is
waiting patiently , but licking his chops in anticipation of an afternoon feast. The picnic photographed here is laid out on an
antique quilt. It consists of seedless green grapes with a miniature wheel of brie, linguine with tomato basil and cold roast
lemon chicken, ft is a doggie dream come true. (Photo by Mary Beth Hue, tes)
The dating game
By Michelle Walker
To dale, not to date, where to
date, where not to date and can you
afford to date at all These are the
Someone asks you, "How about
going out with me Friday nighC"
You enthusiastically repiv: "Sure,
thal'd be great. Where do ou want
to go?" The inquirer's brow furrows,
he bites his bottom lip and. trying
to convince you that his answer
comes from the bottom of his most
gentlemanly soul, he says to you:
"Til let you make that decision. You
tell me where you want to go and
we're there "
Broadway, an amusement
park, the beach1 The neat little pub
on Fifth Street?1 Wrong. Tf isn't
quite that eas) or exciting in this
town. The fact is Greenville, N.C
is not the pinnacle of social activity.
However, if yon look hard, you will
be able to scrape up enough different
activities to keep your relationship
exc King for a while. If you are not
a creative, out-going person, you are
What do you tell your dates'
You dnt'l want them to think you
are boring or incapable of making
decisions. So. after asking all our
friends where they think you should
go, you come to the depressing
conclusion that they don't know aio
more about where to go than you
do. You have to do the thinking for
The first dale will be no
problem; dinner is always a safe
solution If the person is into
sports, you can suggest Final Score,
or If you think they would enjoy a
bubbly '50s atmosphere, you can
lake him to Shabops. If your dale is
loaded, then tell him you want to go
10 King and Queen, or Sweet
Caroline's; if you know he's poor
ihen there is always Burger King or
McDonalds Mere are plenty of
places lo eat al, bolh near and away
from campus. A movie is always
the convenient and easy after-first-
dale thing to do.
What next, you say' What
about second and subsequent dates, if
any should arise You can't just
keep going out to dinner and a
movie; you'll both end up broke and
obese, whichever comes first.
Spring and summer are good
seasons to date in. If the weather is
nice, you can go putt-putting,
picnicking or bike riding. You can
go to River Park North, visit the
nature museum or go bird watching.
There are multitudes of outdoor
activities to choose from: frisbee
golf, horseback riding, tennis,
canoeing; the list goes on and on.
If you are an indoorsy type
person, ECU offers cultural relief
from time to lime, through various
plays and visiting musicians. There
is also the Gray Gallery and the
Greenville Museum of Art lo look
into. Aside from these, indoor
activities are limited, but you can
always fall back on the reliable old
If yoa want your
relationships to remain fun and
exciting, then you have to be
creative. If you are brain-dead from
bad relationships or you just don't
are about diversity, then you can do
the downtown thing. Then you don't
have to worry. The crowds in the
bars down there will take care of
everything for you; you'll either be
thrust together or ripped apart. No
time to think or worry about it.
If you cannot decide what to
do, then the best bet is to call your
perspective date and say you are sick
and cannot go out at all.
on how I should
Waiting Patiently
handle this
Dear Rita,
Two months ago, my boy friend
and I agreed not to go out without
each other. Now, he is going out of
town this weekend to a business
meet ing and insisLs on going to a bar
r lounge wilh his friends. I said I
would not go along with mat. I
reminded him about our agreement,
and he still insists on going out. I
will bo in Greenville all weekend
studying and keeping my part of the
agreement. He says he thinks I'm
being unfair and should change my
mind and agree with his "bar
hoppiag He says 1 do not trust him
il I don't let him go. Rita, it's not
trust that I lack 1 just do not want to
go back on my word, and he
shouldn't cither. Should I give in lo
him or stick to our agreement'
What should I do?
Dear Whal,
If your boyfriend is not
committed to you in his heart, then this
agreement will noi make the
difference. "He who is convinced
againsi his own will is of the same
opinion still I would suggest to let
him go to the bar and re-evaluate the
relationship later. Love springs from a
commitment, nol from a feeling, and
trust is an offspring of love.
Dear Rita,
I'm involved in a long-distance
relationship. Circumstances have
made it impossible for my girlfriend
and me lo be together for at least
another two years. We're both fairly
patient and trust each other implicitly.
but I'm concerned that she will
eventually get tired of wailing and
start dating other people. Any advice
Dear Patient,
If you bolh were committal to
each other in your hearts before these
circumstances, then the time and
distance will nol separate you. In the
process of waiting, you may find out if
this is really what you bolh want.
Dear Rita,
I recently met the girl of my
dreams. My feelings for her run deep,
but I don't know if she feels the same.
Four months ago, when we first met,
we had several phone conversations
before going out From these calls, I
learned two things: 1) She has
currently broken off a four-year
from her. Our first dales were
excellent, and I thought this was the
one I wanted to marry, but lately she
doesn't return my phone calls, but will
talk lo her ex for hours and acls as if
she's doing me a favor when she
comes over. She insists thai I am not
mere just lor convenience and that she
and her ex arc just friends. Do you
think she is jusi using me in case things
with the old flame don't work out?
Dazed and Confused
Dear Dazed,
It's almost impossible to end a
relationship and safely get into
another one without a lapse of lime
(maybe six months or more) and for
some, more or less time than others.
Your friend probably has security
on her mind when she tells you that
you're nol for convenience and
she's just friends with her ex. The
talking that they arc doing may
cause things to smooth out between
them. Cool it! Give her some space.
Dear Rita,
I normally avoid blind dates,
but I recently allowed some friends
to"sct me up Now that I have gone
out with this person a few times, the
people who set us up are really
bugging me about the stale of our
relationship. I know they are just
concerned but I hate that kind of
pressure. What should I do?
Dear Pressured,
Your friends probably feel
responsible for whal is going on
with this relationship because they
initiated it in the first place. You can
just tell them everything is coming
along okay and don't get into your
intimate business.
College professor imparts
academics with laughter
By Joan Taylor
During one of th ' n I
tiring second summer sessions. Dr.
Leo Zonn, chairman of the geogra-
phy and planning department at
ECU, entered the classroom saing
"welcoie to Human Geography
His warm and witty personality
immediately made this class
interesting and alive. His lectures,
slides and questions kept the stu-
dents seeking the knowledge he
wanted to impart.
Recently he traveled through
Southeast Asia and has lived in
Australia twice, but he said he still
was ready for something different.
Zonn said: "Comma ? theSuutfc
was like foreigyjIUirl find as; fasci-
nating to a Westerner as traveling to
Zonn has been chairman ot the
department of geography and plan-
ning since 1986. He remains
enthusiastic with the community
and says it Ls easier going, friendlier
and the traffic moves slower than in
Los Angeles.
Zonn is a member of a theatri-
cal family. His brother works on
stage in Los Angeles; an aunt wrote
for and starred in "The Edge of
Night" soap opera for 11 years; and
his grandfather starred in hundreds of
B-Westem movies during the 1940s.
Ironically, the family regards him as
a failure because he is not an actor.
His credentials are Drool ihat
as ??il as exciung. lite. i?c ox.i
a bachelor's degree in history and a
master's degree in geography at
California State University,
Northndge. He got his doctorate in
geography at the University ot Wis-
consin, Milwaukee
Zonn is especiatt) fond oi eth-
nic food and expresses hi desire to
see more ethnic restaurant- in
Greenville. He takes his visiting
friends to B's Barbecue on Hwj 4 ;
for southern asking.
He has an "open door" pohc to
all students, evca ones who ma) not
be studying geography. When stu-
dents uomc to talk wuh Zonn. be
gives that student tfndlvfriea
attention. Zonn said. It's
important to listen to what the
students have to vi because it helps
me stay abreast ? ah the heartbeat of
Some of Zonn's professional
interests include black urban factors
influencing the elderly population
and the geographic perception of
Australia in Cinema.
He says that laughter and hi
are the best releasers of tension.
"Humor is something I can share
with everyone, and alter talking with
anyone for 10 minutes. I can usuali)
brine humor out ot him
Students get quality education In geography as Zonn
seriously shares Information with a sense of humor.
(Photo by Suzann Tyndall)

ECU Scanrur
Tuesday, April 24, 1990
ECU tennis coach: man of ideals
ly David McCreary
The bespectacled man sitting at
his desk said: "I never washed cars or
mowed grass when I was growing
up The only way I ever made any
money was by stringing tennis
rackets or teaching tennis lessons
In many respects, he is a model
example of a man who is committed
to the game of tennis.
The man. Bill Moore, not only
?serves as the tennis director at East
Carolina University, but holds a
doctorate from the University of
Virginia in sport psychology and
teaches an undergraduate motor
learning course
"A lot of people dont realize
that it's quite a unique opportunity
lo teach and coach at a Division 1
school Moore said. "I work 70
hours a week, minimum, but I'm
able to do it because I'm interested
in developing athletes
Moore, a 31-year-old Edcnton,
N.C native, founded a sport
psychology consulting agency in
1987 called Performance
Fundamentals. According to Moore,
the primary focus of Performance
Fundamentals is to "assist
competitive athletes in the
acquisition of psychological skills
which are fundamental to elite per-
Skills such as confidence,
concentration and composure arc
developed through individualized
psychological training programs,
where athletes strive for excellence.
"Mental skills are just as
important as physical skills Moore
said. "Both are very similar in
terms of learning them and teaching
them. Physical skills such as
technique of the forehand and
backhand are worked on in practice.
But the mental skills arc more
applied to match play situations.
"For instance, we have a saying
on our team: 'Don't let your play
affect your attitude ; let your attitude
affect your play Players need to
realize that they can be mentally
tough and still be a nice person
When time permits, Moore
enjoys lecturing and conducting
workshops throughout the nation for
parents, coaches and athletes.
"I've especially enjoyed
working with parents Moore said.
"I can go to a tournament and meet
with a group of parents and throw
out issues that they are dealing with
regarding their children
Moore encourages parents to
help their children pursue non-tennis
interests and also to emphasize the
importance of having a good time.
"One of the most challenging
aspects of tennis is to make it fun
Moore said. "There's no doubt in
my mind that when people have fun,
they play a whole lot better
Moore's advice to parents
regarding a child's performance
includes not pressuring the child
about winning and losing, not
forcing a child to practice and not
interfering with a child's coach.
"Negative reinforcement, criticism
and pressure can often cause a child
to give up and quit playing tennis
Moore said.
In regards to working with other
people in his sport psychologist
role. Moore shared an interesting
fact about his consultation with
other college teams and coaches.
"I had a real good business with
college teams, but as soon as I
became a Division 1 coach, they
(team coaches) didn't ask mc to
come back Moore said. "It's an
ego thing. These coaches don't want
another coach at their level coming
to work with their players
Moore played competitively as
the top seed at Pfeiffcr College for
Don't walk, take a hike!
Safety tips for discovering the trails of the U.S.
By David McCreary
If you are like me. the extent of
outdoor spring or summertime
activity includes tossing a worn-out
frisbee or basking on the fervid sand
of Atlantic Beach. But after several
weeks of the same old routine,
maybe it's time for a change. Time
for something different. Something
really adventurous.
Well, how about hiking?
Sounds kinda interesting doesn't it?
Of course the type of hiking I'm
talking about is not your everyday
tnek from College Hill to the
General Classroom Building, but a
full-scale backpack-and-boots
Now you may be asking, "What
benefits does hiking have to offer?"
Perhaps the aesthetic beauty of the
wilderness is enough to lure you to
inis activity. Hundreds of trails are
laid out throughout the United
States presenting hikers with a first-
hand view of nature that can't quite
be captured by watching "National
Geographic Explorer Hiking gives
you a chance to entirely escape civi-
lisation and to likely see a beauti-
ful .tumbling mountain stream or a
while-tailed deer.
How about "it's just great exer-
cise"? Walking over relatively long
distances for recreational purposes
seems immensely popular within
the established wilderness. Hiking
could very well be the healthiest
sport in which to engage oneself. It
exercises almost every muscle in the
body, including the heart, and helps
the body's vital organs function
more efficiently.
Hiking can also be a chance to
encounter peacefulness and serenity.
"Hiking is an invigorating physical
and spiritual experience said hiker
Carl Fisher, 31. of Greenville. "It
gives me a chance to get in touch
with nature and to enjoy a sense of
peacefulness not found anywhere
So, now that you've been given
the benefits, you're probably moti-
vated enough to give this hiking
thing a try. All you need now is
some bask information about proper
garb, gear and safety precautions.
1. Nothing is more important
to a hiker's comfort than the right
kind of clothing and hiking gear.
Because the hiker travels by foot, a
wise choice in footwear is a must.
Tennis shoes may be suitable for an
afternoon outing, but for longer
treks, the hiker should have shoes
with sturdy soles and ankle-support-
ing leather tops.
2. In addition to food and cloth-
ing, the following provisions should
suffice: mummy-type sleeping bag,
canteen, all-purpose pocketknife,
first-aid kit, flashlight, 25- or 50-
foot length rope, toilet articles, wa-
terproofed matches, insect repellant.
poncho, compass and trail maps.
Most of these items can be carried
comfortably in a backpack.
3. Where there arc trails, there
arc bound to be several hazards.
Some basic rules of "good trailcraft"
include knowing physical limita-
tions, being wary of the heat and
watching out for wildlife. Veteran
hikers certainly know the wisdom of
resting about 10 minutes after each
hour on the trail. The body should
be replenished with plenty of liquid,
and the hiker should consider a good
sunscreen lotion.
Since most trails lead through
the domain of wild creatures, en-
countering a few snakes is possible.
Except for being biting or slinging
nuisances to hikers, insects are gen-
erally harmless, and snakes can be
avoided by watching where you step.
If you are interested in a hiking
trip, contact the department of in-
tramural-recreational services at 757-
6387 for an upcoming venture.
Low rates enable students to explore
N.Cs vast 'Graveyard of the Atlantic'
ly Stave Baktr
Discover a suspenseful and
captivating one-of-a-kind sport:
discover scuba diving. Th?
unusually close proximity of the
Gulf Stream and shallow shoals
have created an exclusive treasure to
North Carolina's coast known as the
"Graveyard of the Atlantic
More than 2,000 ships have
fallen victim to unpredictable waters
and fog in the past 300 years and
now rest (one to 40 miles offshore)
in 30 to 300 feet of water, some
?till awaiting exploration.
Each sunken ship is home to
entire marine communities on
intricate shapes and entrancing
colors. Many are tropical oases due
to the Gulf Stream's warm, year-
round water temperatures.
Venturing into this undersea
world can be dangerous. However,
giant strides in safety and
convenience have been made since
the days of Jacques Cousteau. To
legally dive, one must be certified
through a professional organization
such as National Association of
Underwater Instructors (NAUI).
ECU offers certification in
many levels that includes up to
seven course credit hours and can
save more than $1,000 in expenses.
Basic Scuba Diving carries three
credit hours and costs $150
compared to $275 for a non-student.
Two sections of the diving class
will be offered next fall to teach the
knowledge and skills required for
certification. Included in the price is
the rental of all necessary equipment
and six dives off the North Carolina
coast. Students must pass a swim
test and buy the text before taking
the course.
Upon completion, numerous
dive boats leave from Wilmington
and Nags Head, which can be
chartered to various sites where
wrecks occurred
For additional information
about this e citing sport, contact
Ray Scharf at the Rum Runner Dive
Shop on Fifth Street, at 758-1444.
four years, and in the professional
ranks, mainly as a country club
teaching pro. When asked why he
did not become a touring pro, he
answered: "I didn't really like the
lifestyle because you're always
concerned about yourself. It's a
pretty selfish lifestyle, and 1 really
wanted to teach instead
Not surprisingly, Moore's
coaching philosophy is similar to
that of Performance Fundamentals.
"One of my main objectives is lo
keep things personable, but at the
same time I want to be tough
Moore said.
"It's called tough love. Easy
love is letting a person do whatever
the hell they want to do. Tough love
is kicking a person in the butt for
their own benefit. My role as a
coach is to give these people tough
"I think we have to continue to
walk the fine line between fun and
performance. I try not to be too
resuit oriented. I just attempt to ge'
into the process of executing and
doing things right. If we are doing
things right and we still lose, I can
live with that
Dr. Bill Moore, ECU'S tennl
afternoon practice aastlon
(Photo by Suzann Tyndall)
s coach, enjoys
working with his
Kinston Indians and IRS keep
summer cool for ECU students
By Lane Dunn
Greenville may not be the
sports capital of the world, but
sports enthusiasts who plan to hang
around this summer will find plenty
to do. The Kinston Indians, the
only professional baseball team in
Eastern North Carolina, are just
more than a half-hour drive away.
The Indians, a Class A minor league
team, regularly competed for the
Carolina League title with the now-
famous Durham Bulls.
Beth Smith, regional marketing
director for the Indians, said general
admission tickets for students are
$1.75, $1 cheaper than regular
Professor O'Cools runs a bus
from the restaurant to games, and
Smith said the Indians are trying to
get other bars and restaurants to do
the same.
Students who enjoy a cold one
on sweltering days should find
Grainger Stadium a good pbec to
quench their thirst. Tuesday home
dates will be Super Tuesdays with
two 12-ounce beverages ?
including beer ? selling for 90
Thursday home dates will offer
Z 103 Thursdays with 12-ounce
drinks going for 50 cents each. Wild
Wednesdays, sponsored by Hot 104.
will be a theme night.
Smith said a picnic area at the
stadium can be reserved by student
The Indians are trying to work a
deal where tickets would be sold at
the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhan, but that is still in the
works, Smith said.
If you would rather participate
than watch from the sidelines, the
Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department has the normal array of
city league programs from summer
basketball to softball for men and
The department is always
looking for volunteers for its youth
programs. You can got involved
with sports such as Little League
baseball, softball and Special
ECU Intramural Recreation
S rviccs will offer its normal range
of programs and facilities - such as
weight room, swimming pool.
racquetball and aerobics - plus
special summer events. IRS a ill
hold an outdoor recreation series
which will include trips canoeing,
white water rafting, backpacking and
"We basically offer the same
things we do all year, they are just
scaled down somewhat said
Jeanettc Roth, assistant director oi
IRS. She said hours for the pools at
Memorial Gym and Minges
Coliseum will be cut. as will
weight room hours.
Roth said a campus beach
volleyball tournament that the
department sponsors is normalh a
big draw w, ith the students.
IRS offers fitness and fun
By Brant Sandera
taet year's Colonial Athletic Association champion, the Pirate baseball team Is having another to
year. Despite the Pirates' excellent baseball season so far, the bleachers at Harrington Field still
almost desolate. These fans have plenty of room to enjoy the game. (Photo by
in Tyndall)
Whether you live for sports or
just enjoy meeting new people and
staying in shape. Intramural-Rec-
reational Services offers something
for everyone.
Nancy J. Mizc, director of In-
tramural-Recreational Services,
has created a total sports and fitness
center for students and faculty, no
matter the level of skill. "Every-
body is good enough to play Mizc
Outdoor recreation, club sports
and intramural sports are three dif-
ferent areas of IRS. which pit teams
and individuals against nature or
others in a friendly atmosphere.
Mize said that although the spirit of
competition is a big part of athletics.
IRS concentrates on participation
rather than competition.
The outdoor recreation pro-
gram is designed to provide stu-
dents with the opportunity to enjoy
nature through the use of equipment
and information provided by the
IRS department.
Camping gear and other equip-
ment may be rented out on a daily,
weekend or extended basis, and
rates arc determined accordingly.
Adventure trips, such as kayaking,
hang gliding and windsurfing are a
few of the activities planned each
semester by IRS.
If your interest runs more to-
ward organized sports, men what
does underwater hockey and arch-
ery or darts, and surfing have in
common? Well, they arc some of
the many club sports developed and
run by students under the guidance
of IRS.
"If there is a desire, we will
start any club that is not a vanity
sport Mize said. If there is sufficient
interest in starting a new club, pro-
spective membcrscan consult with the
club sports director about publicizing
the club's formation and preparing a
club constitution detailing the club's
Financing of a club sport is left
mainly to the members, but limited
funding is available through the IRS
department in several areas.
East Carolina offers one of the
finest intramural sports programs
around, and students can participate in
several divisions. Independent, Fra-
tcmitySorority and Co-Rcc divisions
arc designed so mat no matter your
sex, skill or organization affiliation,
you arc eligible lo participate in the
activity of your choice.
Current official sport rules, with a
few modifications for intramurals,
govern each event. This allows win-
ning teams to participate against other
schools in extramural play.
Flag football, basketball, volley-
ball and tennis arc some of the many
events offered by IRS. Last fall 6,97
students participated in IRS events
with almost 40 percent of the male
students playing and nearly 20 percent
of the females.
Even i f you do not want to play on
a team or participate in a planned
event, you can still keep fit by making
use of the many IRS facilities. IRS
offers different levels of aerobics
classes, jogging and exercise trails.
Basketball courts, a swimming
pool and a weight and exercise room
arc located in Memorial Gym while
Minges Coliseum houses a gymna-
sium, natalorium with separate diving
tank and handbaliracquctball courts.
A total of 10 tennis courts arc located
next to Minges Coliseum and on Col-
lege Hill.
Due to the increasing number
of students and faculty who partici-
pate in and use the IRS facilities.
Mizc and her staff are trying to gain
support for a new Student Recrea-
tion Center. Mie said she believes
that a new student recreation center
will entice more students to partici-
pate in IRS activities as well as lure
prospective freshman.
The present recreation center,
which is housed in Memorial Gym,
was built in the early 1950s and
space has become limited. The
proposed SIS.1) million center
would have 165,fXK) square feet and
contain six basketball courts, 14
racquetball courts and a cardiovas-
cular and weight center.
Three multipurpose rooms are
planned for aerobics or dance
classes, and the building will con-
tain a large pool w ith a sun deck. A
balling, golf and archery range is
The center, if approved in May
by the Legislature, would be funded
by student fees. However, one of the
main problems is finding a space to
locate ihc building w ithoul interfer-
ing with the ever- present parking
If you are wondering where
you can find out when a particular
eveni is g nng to be held or w here to
check out equipment, IRS publishes
a yearly handbook and activity cal-
endar that gives information on all
events and activities. On a monthly
basis, IRS puts out a newsletter
tilled "A Break In The Action" that
highlights upcoming activities as
well as fitness topics.
The East Carolinian offers de-
tailed coverage of events going on
in IRS and you can also call the
Intra-Action Hoilinc at 757-6562.

The East Carolinian, April 24, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 24, 1990
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