The East Carolinian, April 17, 1990

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?he iEaHt (Eartfltntan
Serving the I'ast Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. M No. 27
Tuesday April 17, 1W0
Creenville, North Carolina
( irculation 12,000
14 Pages
Run-off election
Andrews and Thomas to
battle for office today
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
? II ele lion between
Studenlrovernmenl Association
prcsidi ntial candidates Robin
ndrews and Allen rhomas will
lv held toda with five polling
locations pt'n around campus.
1 rom 9 a.m to 6 p.m voting
polls at the Studenl Store, the
Croatan Mendenhall Student
Center inner Library and the
bottom ol College Hill Drive will
be open for students to cast ballots.
In Mi ? I i. fternoon's S A
met Iin? I hod) passed a
resolution lo cl inge the polling
booth at the Allied Health Building
to le ner 1 ibrarv
1 firing regular elections, ten
ttn? ire open
; and Thomas were
I to run off April 4. but
is disqualified because
the election rules had not been
interpreted correctly by either
Andrews or lones.
Andrews said during the
meeting the she was never told
when the run-off was to he held
and that lones never held a
mandatory meeting. She also said
that her copv of the election rules
said that two weeks must elapse
between the regular election and
the run-off election, which did not
Thomas said that he was not
hitter about the eommittee's
decision. "I can't dwell on a
decision that was not in my
control Thomas said Monday
nighl "Maybe it is best thai it
worked out this way. It's tair.
Nobody can complain, and maybe
this way il willbe final. All I can do
nled to turn in an expense now is keep pushing my positive
report, according lo Elections ideas
? n.i i ?
irman Kelly lones.
hal p tint wasdeclared
w s appealed lones'
Andrews, who was unable to
campaign last week because she
had the flu. saidI'm just glad 1
have the chance to run She said
hat her supporters were upset thai
' when they decided that she had been disqualified
Club offers insight to
international affairs
l' Blair Skinner
suff Writer
I -
Model United Na
h vill 1 ike part in a na
?? n n e atGeorgetown
I. thi i lober.
in y Spalding, assistant
. r ol political science, the
i't idvisor, said the
?m es ire attended by clubs
niversities across the na-
lub members play the role
ifrom ertain countries,
tout I nited atuns proce-
in the same way that actual
ti vould.
? difficult process said
ing "It's tun but fairly
il d
lents act as diplomats,
Ik about how their country
he said 1 irst, members
li legates work to form
: ? then debate on issues,
n on the issues,
idded thai the hard partis
? lejj ites must play
Iheir role realistically, tor example,
students acting as delegates from
Iran . uld have a tough time
rw , ?? iting with students acting
as Ami M. ii delegates Spalding
said thai for students to act their
i i out well, they must prepare
tu researching their assigned
country's political characteristics.
I id the nation's inter
rial I lili , 'heir relations with
Othei imines and their attitude
to th in1' l Nations she said.
I? iug Kasales, the club's sec-
retan and a veteran of 111 Model
l nited Nations conferences, sitd
thai m mbcrs are already getting
ready tor the (Vtoher conference.
"We're working now, because
when we Come back I in the 'all I
it'll be preparation, preparation,
preparation, then go he said.
students participating in the
conferences gain experience that
help them in other areas, Spalding
They learn writing to a spe
cific purpose within set guidelines,
writing and presenting positions
on issues in a persuasive fashion,
c onsistency of thought and behav
ior, public speaking and argumen-
tation, and confidence in (Mies
ability to engage m public a tivi
ties she said.
Spalding added that good
performance bv members .it con
ferences helps ECU'S image
kasales agreed. "We bring
good publicity to the school he
Spalding said Model United
Nations clubs were started bv the
United Nations Association of the
ISA to build support .nd under
standing for the UN and its opera-
tions inside America EC! sorigi
nal club was started m 1981, and
lasted one year , but was reborn in
the Fall semester of 1989, when 1 r.
Spalding offered it as an optional
section of her International(rgani
zatiorts course.
The club attended its hrst
conference in 19K9 at Old Pomm
ion University Members por
traved delegates from Colombia,
the USSR, Brazil and Finland
In addition to the (ieorgetOH n
Conference planned for this (Yto
her, the club will attend the na
tional conference in New York in
the Spnng of 1991. The meetings
will be held at the United Nations.
Groups of area high school students sitting in the parking lots ol Greenville businesses are common
sites on any f riday and Saturday night A Greenville city ordinance makes it illegal to gather in city
owned lots so the students must find alternative spots (Photo by J D Whitmire
ECU Photo I ab
Hart discusses hike in fees
for endowment with SGA
By Samantha Thompson
SUfi Writer
goals and capitalize on opportunities
Hart said the athletic department is currently
searching for a conference that the E tl illteam
could join. 1 hey also want to raise funds I mcel the
base budget of the Nationalolleciate thlctic
Speaking toalownumber of Student iovemment
Association members. Athletic Director Dave Hart
gave the legislators the opportunity to question the Association's criteria when the N A restru tures
increase in student tees to the athletic program. the system. Currently. E( I s base budget is $5 i
rhe body also approved the 1990 Biennial Review million, while other N.C. schools range from$11 to 19
before they dianrussed without having million, Hart said.
a quorum Hart also stressed the need to expand the
Hart said he felt it was important for the SGA to endowment program in order to otter more
know the intentions of each student's $30 increase of scholarships to athletes "We want to fully fund
student tees, which Hart said will help us reach scholarships in all sports Hart said.
? y current amount allotted
from student tees tor the athletic
department is $145 annually per
student. 1 lart said 11 onservative
amount compared to other
universities with small endowment
programs The last student fee raise
to the athletic department was in
pis" with ,n increase oi :
In other business, the ? ?
Biennial Review ol I I 1:( U
constitutions passed by a voice vote
atter the body engaged into debate
concerning whether the
organizationspla ed restrii ti ?nson
prospective members
Speaker ol the I louse Hob
Landry stepped down to debate,
while I egislator Leslie Nicholson
acted as the speaker I andrv said
"We need to think about placing
restrictions on groups that restrict
certain people Are we paying tor
them to recruit members? We
shouldn't fund a membership
drive '
Legislator Randy Royal
pointed (Hit to the legislature that
three ot the 14 groups were not
limited to a certain type of person.
The bill passed after the debate.
During the body's attempt to
approve the 1991 Tentative Annual
Budget tor appropriations to J5
campus organizations, a quorum
count revealed that the body did
ECU Athletic Director Dave Hart addressed the SGA Monday and said not e JSJJIL.w- L;?
ii . t, i ? stepped down as speaker again to
that the $30 per student increase in student lees will serve to build a h Y r
stronger athletic program (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab) See SGA, page 7
for Shad
By Sarah Martin
Staff Writer
The Purple Pigskin 1'igout is
not the onlv event being held this
weekend. The town oi Griffon,
N.C, is gearing up tor its 20th
annual Shad Festival and is plan-
ning over twenty five family fun
Most of the Shad Festiv il
events will be held outside and
will he free of charge A parade
running through downtown
( .ntton will beheld April21, start-
ing il II 30 a.m
.? ? rs and runners will
surely be interested in entering
either the 5 kilometer Okilometi r
or One Mile divisions of the
SpnngShadRun" tobeheld April
22. There will be a 511 registration
fee for each runner
?'vents on Friday will include
the annual Shad Queen Pageantal
8 p.m with the Queen's Ball fol-
lowing at Id pm Rules tor chil-
dren and adults alike will run in
both the afternoon and evening.
Entertainment for the game-board
minded includes shad-O"
? bingo), and will be held from8-l 1
A pancake breakfast from 7-
s:30 am will start oft 'Saturday's
events. Theseevents will mcludea
craft show and flea market, an art
show, a tennis tournament, a golf
tournament, a bake sale and a band
concert at 12:30p m. Also planned
for Saturday are rides, clogging
and bluegrass music, demonstra-
tions of traditional folk art skills,
bingo and a street dance will close
Out the dav from 8 p m. to mid-
Sunday's activities will in-
clude a flea market, rides, an art
show and crafts, a tennis tourna-
ment, a golf tournament Also
scheduled are canoe races which
will start at 1:30 p m.
Grifton is located on N.C
Highway 11 and N.C. Highway
118 in eastern North Carolina,
halfway between kinston and
(.reenville. For more information,
i all "04 4075 or write to Grifton
shad Festival. Box 928, Grifton,
N.C 28530 for a schedule and
application for upcoming events.
Consumers warned of food dangers
By Jennifer Vandcnburg
Special !i fhe I .isl Carolinian
( onsumers t.ii e threats from
possible food poisoning to
pt iticidi ? to lood additives and
other hemicals in almost every
dish served up in America,
act' irding toa health expert.
I n Kathryn Kolasa of the ECU
School ot Medicine said there are
six major food risks we face daily
Md told how we should deal with
themal a it i ent i onference. Food
poisoning, toxicants,
environmental contamination,
pesticides, food additives and the
four food groups are those risks
"Two million Americans face
some sort of mild or major food
poisoning each year, and last vear
nine thousand died from it
Kolasa said. Consumers need to
now where there food comes from
and need to check for sanitation
Toxicants are another danger
ous poison to avoid. Kolasa said
the fat or grease that is saved after
meat is cooked is not safe to reuse
unless it has been refrigerated. She
warns of the carcinogen found in
the tat ami the long-term effects it
will have
I he pax kaging of food is an-
other issue to be concerned about.
Food packaged with a lot of plastic
is hazardous I he plastic produces
environmental contamination
Kolasa suggested to look for food
produced in less packaging. Foods
produced with a lot of plastic are
easy microwavable meals, pack-
ages of meats and the plastic bags
used to store fresh fruit and vege-
tables. It is also suggested to use
brown paper bags instead of the
plastic ones when shopping.
"The real danger of pesticides
is that it's keeping the consumer
from huvmg trcsh vegetables
Kolasa Mid.She recommends that
consumers eat a lot of citrus fruits
and yellow vegetables and to nuke
sure each item is scrubbed before
Food additives we eat effect
everyone differently, but the
decision is up to the consumer.
"People can react to any number
of things, but it can'tbe predicted
she said. Companies spend mil-
lions oi dollars a year taking fat
and certain harmful additives out
of fixul But the substitutes they
replace it with is rust as bad or
Pesticides are found in all fac-
etsot oureveryday life. Thechemi-
cals from pesticides can sink into
See Food, page 3
How can the student
body be interested in the
student government if the
legislators are not inter-
ested themselves?
State and Nation8
Leaking gas cylinder
sparks fire on moving
passenger train; 71 dead,
50 injured
1986 ECU graduate,
Sandra Bullock, auditions
for the new NBC series,
"Working Girl"
Pirates in interna-
tional rankings with
weekend victory

Qttft HzuBt Cartfltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. M No. 27
Tuesday April 17,19
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Run-off election
Andrews and Thomas to
battle for office today
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
A run of! election between
Student Government Association
presidential candidates Robin
Andrews and Allen Thomas will
be held today with five polling
locations open around campus.
From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m voting
polls at the Student Store, the
Croatan, Mendenhall Student
Center jovner 1 ibrary and the
bottom ot College Hill Drive will
be open tor students to cast ballots.
In Monday afternoon's SGA
meeting, the body passed a
resolution to change the polling
boom at the Allied 1 lealth Building
to lovnor Library.
During regular elections, ten
polling locations are open.
Andrews and Thomas were
scheduled to run-oft April 4, but
Andrews was disqualified because
she i.nled to turn in an expense
report, according to Elections
Committee Chairman Kelly Jones,
rhomasatthat point was declared
the new S !A president.
Andrews appealed ones'
dei ision to the HectionCommittee
April 9, when they decided that
the election rules had not been
interpreted correctly by either
Andrews or lones.
Andrews said during the
meeting the she was never told
when the run-off was to be held
and that lones never held a
mandatory meeting. She also said
that her copy of the election rules
said that two weeks must elapse
between the regular election and
the run-off election, which did not
Thomas said that he was not
bitter about the committee's
decision. "I can't dwell on a
decision that was not in my
control Thomas said Monday
mght "Maybe it is best thai it
worked out this wav. It's fair.
Nobody can complain, and maybe
this wav it will be final. All I can do
now is keep pushing mv positive
Andrews, who was unable to
campaign last week because she
had the flu, said.Tm just glad I
have the chance to run She said
that her supporters were upset that
she had been disqualified.
Club offers insight to
international affairs
By Blair Skinner
staff Writer
The ECU Model United Na-
tionslub will take part in a na-
tional conference at Georgetown
I niversity this October.
I )r Nancy Spalding, assistant
professor of political science, the
club s faculty advisor, said the
conferences are attended by clubs
from Universities across the na-
tion c lub members plav the role
ofdeU cat cs from certain countries.
and a t out I nited Nations proce-
dures in the same wav that actual
delegates would.
"It's a difficult process' said
Spalding "It's fun. but fairly
"Students act as diplomats,
and talk about how their country
feels she said. First, members
acting as delegates work to form
an agenda, then debate on issues,
negotiate with other delegates, and
make resolutions on the issues,
Spalding said.
She added that the hard part is
negotiating. Delegates must play
their role realistically, for example,
students acting as delegates from
Iran would have a tough time
negotiating with students acting
as American delegates. Spalding
said that tor students to act their
roles out well, they must prepare
by researching their assigned
country's political characteristics.
Wo study the nation's inter-
nal politics, their relations with
other countries and their attitude
to the 1 Inited Nations she said.
Doug Kasales, the club's sec-
retarv and a veteran of 10 Model
United Nations conferences, said
that members are already getting
ready for the October conference.
"We're working now, because
when we come back in the Falll
it'll be preparation, preparation,
preparation, then go he said.
Students participating in the
conferences gain experience that
help them in other areas, Spalding
"Thev learn writing to a spe
cific purpose within set guidelines,
writing and presenting positions
on issues in a persuasive fashion,
consistency of thought and beha v
lor. public speaking and argumen-
tation, and confidence in one's
ability to engage in public activi-
ties she said.
Spalding added that good
performance bv members at con-
ferences helps ECU's image.
Kasales agreed. "We bring
good publicity to the school he
Spalding said Model United
Nations clubs were started by the
United Nations Association of the
USA to build support and under-
standing for the UN and its opera-
tions inside America. ECU's origi-
nal club was started in 1981, and
lasted one year, but was reborn in
the Fall semester of 1989. when Or.
Spalding offered it as an optional
section of her International Organi-
zations course.
The club attended its first
conference in 1989 at Old Domin-
ion University. Members por-
trayed delegates from Colombia,
the USSR, Brazil and Finland.
In addition to the Georgetown
Conference planned for this Octo-
ber, the club will attend the na-
tional conference in New York in
the Spring of 1991. The meetings
will be held at the United Nations.
Groups of area high school students sitting in the parking lots of Greenville businesses are common
sites on any Friday and Saturday night. A Greenville city ordinance makes it illegal to gather in city
owned lots, so the students must find alternative spots. (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Hart discusses hike in fees
for endowment with SGA
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
goals and capitalize on opportunities
Hart said the athletic department is i urrently
searching for a conference that the ECU football team
Speaking toalownumlvrotStudentGovernment could join. They also want to raise funds to meet the
Association members. Athletic Director Dave Hart base budget of the National Collegiate Athletic
gave the legislators the opportunity to question the Association's criteria when the NCAA restructures
increase in student fees to the athletic program. the system. Currently, ECU's base budget is $53
The rxxlvalso approved the 1990Hiennial Review million, while other .C schools range from $11 to 19 limytMmxa iifirl withouthaving million. Hart said.
a quorum. Hirt l? stressed the need to expand the
Hart said he felt it was important for the SGA to endowment program in order to otter more
know the intentkmsof each student's $30 increase of scholarships to athletes. "We want to fully fund
student fees, which Hart said will help us reach scholarships in all sports Hart said.
The current amount allotted
from student fees for the athletic
department is $145 annually per
student. 1 lart said a conservative
amount compared to other
universities with small endowment
programs. The last student fee raise
to the athletic department was in
1987 with an increase of $30.
In other business, the 1990
Biennial Review ot 14 ECU
constitutions passed by a voice vote
after the body engaged into debate
concerning whether the
organizations placed restrictionson
prospective members.
Speaker of the House Bob
Landrv stepped down to debate,
while legislator Leslie Nicholson
acted as the speaker. I.andry said:
"We need to think about placing
restrictions on groups that restrict
certain people Are we paying for
them to recruit members1 We
shouldn't fund a membership
Legislator Randy Royal
pointed out to the legislature that
three of the 14 groups were not
limited to a certain type of person.
The bill passed after the debate.
During the body's attempt to
approve the 1991 Tentative Annual
Budget for appropriations to 35
campus organizations, a quorum
?count revealed that the body did
?. j j not have quorum. Landrv then
ECU Athletic Director Dave Hart addressed the SGA Monday and sad 1 as f J? fe
that the $30 per student increase in student fees will serve to build a rr '
stronger athletic program (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab) See SGA, page 7
for Shad
By Sarah Martin
Staff Writer
The Purple Pigskin Pigout is
not the onlv event being held this
weekend. The town of Grifton,
N.C is gearing up for its 20th
annual Shad Festival and is plan-
ning over twenty-five family fun
Most of the Shad Festival
events will be held outside and
will be free of charge. A parade
running through downtown
Griffon will be held April 21, start-
ing at 10:30 a.m.
loggers and runners will
surelv be interested in entering
either the 5 kilometer,lflkilomotrr
or One Mile divisions of the
"SprmgShadRun" tobeheld April
22. There will be a 510 registration
fee for each runner.
Events on Friday will include
the annual Shad Queen Pageant at
8 p.m with the Queen's Ball fol-
lowing at 10 p.m. Rides for chil-
dren and adults alike will run in
both the afternoon and evening.
Entertainment for the game-board
minded includes "Shad-O"
(bingo), and will be held from 8-11
A pancake breakfast from 7-
9:30 am will start off Saturday's
events. These events will include a
craft show and flea market, an art
show, a tennis tournament, a golf
tournament, a bake sale and a band
concert at 12:30p.m. Also planned
for Saturday are rides, clogging
and bluegrass music, demonstra-
tions of traditional folk art skills,
bingo and a street dance will close
out the day from 8 p.m. to mid-
Sunday's activities will in-
clude a flea market, rides, an art
show and crafts, a tennis tourna-
ment, a golf tournament. Also
scheduled are canoe races which
will start at 1:30 p.m.
Grifton is located on N.C.
Highway 11 and N.C. Highway
118 in eastern North Carolina,
halfwav between Kinston and
Greenville. For more information,
call 24 4075 or write to Gnfton
Shad Festival. Box 928, Grifton,
N.C. 28530 for a schedule and
application for upcoming events.
Consumers warned of food dangers
By Jennifer Vandenburg
Special to The Fast Carolinian
Consumers face threats from
possible food poisoning to
pesticides to food additives and
other chemicals in almost every
dish served up in America,
according toa health expert.
Or KathrynKolasaoftheECU
School of Medicine said there are
six major food risks we face daily
and told how we should deal with
themat a recent conference. Food
poisoning, toxicants,
environmental contamination,
pesticides, food additives and the
four food groups are these risks.
"Two million Americans face
some sort of mild or major food
poisoning each year, and last year
nine thousand died from it
Kolasa said. Consumers need to
now where there food comes from
and need to check for sanitation
Toxicants are another danger-
ous poison to avoid. Kolasa said
the fat or grease that is saved after
meat is cooked is not safe to reuse
unless it has been refrigerated. She
warns of the carcinogen found in
the fat and the long-term effects it
will have.
The packaging of food is an-
other issue to be concerned about
Pood packaged with a lot of plastic
is hazardous. The plastic produces
environmental contamination.
Kolasa suggested to look for food
produced in less packaging. Foods
produced with a lot of plastic are
easy microwavable meals, pack-
ages of meats and the plastic bags
used to store fresh fruit and vege-
tables. It is also suggested to use
brown paper bags instead oi the
plastic ones when shopping.
"The real danger of pesticides
is that it's keeping the consumer
from buying fresh vegetables
Kolasa said. She recommends that
consumers eat a lot of citrus fruits
and yellow vegetablesand to make
sure each item is scrubbed before
Food additives we eat effect
everyone differently, but the
decision is up to the consumer.
"People can react to any number
of things, but it can't be predicted
she said. Companies spend mil-
lions of dollars a year taking fat
and certain harmful additives out
of food. But the substitutes they
replace it with is just as bad or
Pesticides are found in all fac-
cals from pesticides can sink into
See Food, page 3
How can the student
body be interested in the
student government if the
legislators are not inter-
ested themselves?
State and Nation8
Leaking gas cylinder
sparks fire on moving
passenger train; 71 dead,
50 injured
1986 ECU graduate,
Sandra Bullock, auditions
for the new NBC series,
"Working Girl"
Pirates in interna-
tional rankings with
weekend victory

2 The East Carolinian, April 17,1990
ECU Briefs
Dartre Theatre to give performance
The Fast Carolina Dance Theatre opens in McCinnis Theatre
Wednesday with a performance at 8:15 p.m. Featuring five original
compositions choreographed by the members of the Dance Faculty of
the Department ot Theatre Arts, the performances are also scheduled
for Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Tickets are $6. Contact the
McGinnis Theatre box office at 757-6368.
Pizza Hut ad director speaks at ECU
The advertising director tor the national Pizza Hut chain, Ginger
Hardee Sherman, will speak to business and marketing students at
ECU Thursday at 3:30 p.m. in Room 1028 oi the General Classroom
Building. 1 ler presentation "Look of the leader will describe how a
businesscan capture a leadership position with advertising and promo-
tional strategy
Organic chemist gives seminar
An organic chemist from the Polish Academy of Sciences will
present a seminar Friday titled Synthesisof Natural Products Utilizing
Hajos' Indandione at 2 p m. in Room 1031 ot the General Classroom
Building. The chemist, Dr. Andrsej Robert Daniewskiof the Academy's
Institute of I Organic t. hemistr) in Warsaw, will make the presentation.
Pigskin Pig Out set for Saturday
The C real Pirate Purple and (rold Pigskin Pig Out opens at ECU
with carnival and midway attra tions and a pig cooking contest at
Ficklen Stadium on Friday evening. 1 he Purple and Gold scrim-
mage, scheduled tor Saturday, will give the public its first look of the
year at the 1990 Pirate tooth,ill team.
Weekend set for alumni celebration
Class reunions, receptions, parries and a concert are some oi the
events associated with Alumni Weekend at ECU. Friday evening
activities include a reception at the home of Chancellor and Mrs
Richard Eakinat5p.m. and a reunion dinner for lasses prior to W40at
7 p.m in Mcndcnhall Studententei
Alumni weekend to include luncheon
Alumni act: itics tor Saturday atE I include tours of the campus,
a reception at the .Alumni Center and an awards luncheon in the C reat
Room of Mcndcnhall Studententer at 12:30 p.m. The luncheon will
include presentations of the 1990 Alumni Association's Distinguished
Service Awards "he awards will go to I )avid 11. EnglertofC Chesapeake,
Va Lyda leer of 1 Hirham and 1 rank M Wooten r. of Greenville
Several departments and schools are hosting special events tor
alumni visiting campus The ECl Commerce Club will have a recep-
tion anil awards ceremony at IO.30 a m. on the Third Moor of the
General Classroom building. The School of Education will conduct a
semmar on New Ideas. New Directions in Education" at the Ramada
Inn at 10 a.m. Geography and Planning will offer an address on
"Planning for Economic Development in Eastern North Carolina by
Dri. Mulu W ubnuh aud Richard Mephenson in D?()9 of the Brewster
Building 1 lome Economics will host an open house at 10a.m. Nursing
will provide a presentation on 'Making Nursing Practice Work for
You" at 10a m. at the Nursing Building and Physical Vherapv will give
a program on "Going Beyond at id am at the Belk Building.
i -mpuJ from I i ii ru Hurtau trpt'rl
National Campus Clips
Pittsburgh students erase racism
The University of Pittsburgh's Students Against Racism (StAR)
organization is attempting to rid the campus of all racial graffiti
The organization re cntlv began a "graffiti erasing" project, where
students armed with paint remover and cleansers removed
written racial slurs from university walls and desks. Graffiti that can't
be erased will be covered with police tape.
"We are trying to increase awareness and affirm our position
against ignorance and prejudiced attitudes on the university campus,
said I.uigi Giovme of StAR. "We did it as a wav of showing that
someone had been there, had disagreed and had done something about
Poet to read from
prize-winning work
Rita Dove
ECU News Bureau
Pulitzer Prize winning poet
Rita Dove will visit E( I tonight
to present a reading from her work
The reading is scheduled for 8p.m.
in the auditorium ot the enkins
Fine Arts Center The reading and
a reception to follow are op n t
the public
I'hoauthorot tour poetn
lections and a i ollection o( hoi
stones. Do t won thi
Prize in lus for her b ?? k
mas and Beulah a poetry collec-
tion which chronicles the lues of
the poet's grandparents before,
during and after the Depression
era. From lKH to 189, Dove was
a Mellon Senior Fellow at the
National Humanities enter m the
Research Triangle. Last summer
she joined the University of Vir-
ginia asan English professor and
fellow in itsenter tor d arw ed
"studiesurrently she iscomplct
ing her tirst novel, "Through the
Ivory Gate to be published b
Putnam later this year
I )ove's visit to ECl is spun
sored by the ECl Poetry I orum,
the Student Union Minority Arts
( ommirtee, the Department of
English and the Women's Studies
Program as part of E ' s Minor
itv Presence Initiative program.
The Minority Presen e pr gram is
bringing a series of black artists
and scholars in various fields to
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Police officers answer to a possible
breaking and entering of Mendenhall
12 April
11 IS- Of fker checked out to the east side of Scot! Residence Hall in
reference to damage to a vehk le.
1321 - Of tic er checked ovit to Irons Building to serve papers to a staf f
member. Conta t w,is made.
1402- Officer checked out -it (Barrett Residence Hall in reference to
flooding of the Second floor laundry room. Plumber was called to
correct situation.
1831-Officer responded to Slay Residence Hall in reference to an
activated fire alarm
13 April
1.101- Officer assisted .) tr.utor-tr.nler in backing up to the ware-
1903- Of fker stopped a vehicle on ninth street and issued a verbal
warning to a non-student for questionable driving.
14 April
0247- Offkers checked to Scott Residence Hall in reference to
damage to real property in the residence hall. Subjects were appre-
hended and taken before the Magistrate.
1130- Officers checked out to Mendenhall Student Center in refer-
ence to a breaking and entering and larceny of a safe
IW27 Officer checked out at Umstead Residence Hall to chirk on
the southeast i urfew door whu h had a kev broken off inside the lock
Lot ksnuth called out.
222f Officers were called out to Tykw Residence 1 lall in reference
to two subjects discharging fife extinguishers. Subjects were gone on
arrival but were identified by residence hall staff.
2349- Officer at the corner of fifth and Keade streets issued a state
citation to a non-student for underage consumption.
15 April
2017- Officer Stopped a vehicle west of Jones Residence Hall for a
one way street violation and issued a campus citation to the student.
2130- Officer Mopped ? vehicle north of Jones Residence Hall for a
stop sign and speeding violation' The student was given a campus
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The East Carolinian, April 17,1990 3
"East Carolina
No, Memorial Gym has named, despite the strange
nomenclature on the new : lymnaswm was dedicated in
1953 as a memorial lo E ??? lead, among them twenty six
alumni and tootba I i Christenbury. (Photo by J.D
Whitmire ECI lo Lai
Continued from page I
the ground. Uv drpth of the soil
above the water table- determines
vt and to what extent the under-
ground water becomes polluted
and the speed o( this process.
Eastern North Carolina is suscep-
tible to tins problem bt ause o( its
sandy soil and the shallow area
between the ground and water
Residue from the pesticides
will aKo be found on foods and
other farm products Food prod
ik tsincludeapples bananas bio.
coli, cabbage, carrots alone, with
tobaCCO, COttOn and others But
with proper know Ivdgeand prepa
ration ot these pnxiucts the con
smner can reduo i A ' ancer
and food poisoning
People are not ever going to be
free of all pesticides and carcino-
gens found in food and the envi-
ronment But it they know how to
i hoOSC food and know that the
government does put restrictions
.n pesticides, than their chances
for better health in reases
'Ilwlicket To Success,
ECU study says 'fish is fish'
K l News Bureau
v. lon't
sumers rding to ?i
?? ?
n istud ?? ? the I i h, it
North v "arolina Searani pi
gram Drs. David Griff it md let
It's like thev re saying Well, der in the same category as fi
fish is fish said Griffith, quoted sticks
inanarticlefortheL'NC-ScaGrant I riffith s.i I nsumers ap
publication CoastwaU h pear to be overwhelmed withsea
In their study Griffith and fotxi because there are so mam
lohnson questioned numerous species.
consumers during a two-vear i bunch of rvallygood
? J s part ot the survev, different seafoods out there and it
photos ot different meats were people stopped lumping them all
shown Consumers most often togethei they d find a lot to choose
separated bee! pork and chicken from said Griffith.
freyjohnson an! l Iswith !u,n, 0iUn other but lumped all I he stud was conducted to
theEC I Instil tefori r?d M. ether learn about consumers' percep-
Mai rv lesoui I thai rheaveragebuver would even lions about seafood, how seafood
consumers tend - diffenntiatechickennuggetsfrom is prepared, and the regional dif-
Dl seafood ry a whole chicken but with seafood ferences that exist between i
fish rs placed fresh floun See Fish, page 7
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(Hire Saat (Earnltman save our seas
DAVID HERRING, General Manager
I.or! MARTIN, Managing Editor
IaMES F.I. McKEE, Director of Advertising
JOSEPH L Ivnkins k News Editor
MaRCI Mown, Asst News Editor
Caroline Cuskk, Features i.iito'
OHN TUCKER, Asst. Features Editor
MiCHAEl Martin, Sport Editor
Thomas H. Barky VI, Asst. Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Entertmnme
Scott Maxwell, Satire Editor
PHONG I i ONG, Credit Manager
STUART Konfr, Business Maruigcr
Pamela Cope, Ad Tech Supervisor
MATTHEW Riam-R, Circulation Manager
TRAO WEED, Production Manager
Steve Ri id, Staff illustrator
CHARLES WiLUNGHAM, Darkroom Technician
BETH LUPTON, Secretary
he East Carolinian has been serving the East Carolina campus community since UMthpnniarv emphasis on in-
formation mostdirecuv affecting ECU students. It is published twice weekly, with a circulation of 12,000.The Hast
I arolirtian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on the basis of ace. sex,
creed or national origin. The mastheavl editorial in each edition ot the newspaper does not necessarily represent the
the tew ? ot one individual, but rather, i a majority opinion of the Editorial Board. The East Carolinian welcomes
letters expressing all points ot iew I etters should he limited 250 words. For purixises of decency and brevity. The
East Carolinian reserves the right to edit am letter tor publication. 1 etters should be sent to The Fast Carolinian,
Publications Bldg ECU,Greenville, NC, "s: orcall us at (919) 757 6366.
Page 4, Tuesday, April 17, 1990
Apathy begins with poor leaders
he second round ot the student gov-
ernment elections take place today. Did you
know that1 Did you know that ECU chose its
studentbod vice president, secretary and treas-
urer three weeks ago and then almost had a run-
ofl elections between 'he two presidential can-
1 didates the following week? You probably didn't
knov Most ECU students don't know and
j don't really care about the Student Government
: Association ! he three officers already elected
I to serve next vear won in a election in which
12 p rcent ol the student body voted.
S ivh the apathy? Perhaps we should
? look into thi S legislature to discover the
. traction of the legislators came
to Monday sSGA meeting, and many of those
who did show up left early, leaving the body
with ut quorum These individuals must not
have realized the importance ol yesterday's
meeting It was the one meeting of the year in
which the SGA votes whether or not to approve
the 1991 Biennial Review (constitutions tor 14
w ireajruzations ajjjhe W9l Tentative Art.
nual Budget (funding for 35 campus organiza-
tions1 Now those are pretty important respon-
sibilities, and the students have elected these
legislators to make thoughtful, careful desi-
I hose legislators, who tailed to attend
or left early from the meeting, are forgetting
that they were elected by the students at ECU to
be leaders By tailing to attend student govern-
ment meetings, these individuals are failing the
students who elected them How can anyone
expect the general populus oi ECU to be inter-
ested in student government if the SGA legisla-
tors themselves are apathetic. It makes you
wonder what prompts these people to beome
involved in SGA in the first place
Us doubtful that a large portion of stu-
dents will cast a vote in today's presidential run
off. But it any oi you do decide to vote, select a
candidate who you believe will honestly repre-
sent you. I here s no more room on this campus
forapathy And the genuine concern mustcome
By Nathaniel Mead
f ditonal Columnist
ns or whales were being
found dead on Fast Coast beaches.
Thedeaths were linked with para-
lytic shellfish poisoning that
probably passed up the food chain
through tainted mackerel. The
mackerel were infused with toxic
residues originating in "red tide
a reddish discoloration of seawa-
ter caused by huge blooms (if red
algae. Meanwhile, thousands of
mullet and an entire population of
scallops died from red tide along
our Carolina coast an algal over-
growth fed by a combination of
fertilizers, human sludge, and
sunny weather. As the red bloom
died and decayed, it sapped
enormous amounts oi oxygen
from the water, killing fish and
other creatures.
In the three years since
then, the world news has brought
us pictures of massive plagues of
dying dolphins, porpoises, seals
and sea lions along our shores as
well as those in Europe. Many of
these cases have been linked to
weakened immunitv which made
the animals prone to infection. In
the case of the dolphin deaths, ac-
cording to Robert Schoelkopf,
director oi New Jersey's Marino
Mammal Stranding Center, pol-
lution was likely to bo "a clear
causal factor
The demise of the great
ocean mammals, inextricably
linked to an environment ravaged
by reckless industrialism, has
sparked a horrifying realization:
the oceans are dying. The cause.
obviously, is that our effluent
society is living beyond its means
Industrial pollution is growing at
an estimated 4 5 percent per vear
three times the rate of population
growth. Most of this waste oil,
detergents, pesticides, PCBs, dyes,
lead, mercury and raw sewage
end sup in our coastalones With
thedevelopod world unconsciona-
bly spewing its effluents into the
very rivers that teed coastal wa-
ters, the future of oceanic life is
rapidlv being eroded
A third ot all U S. estuaries
are closed toshellfishingnowdue
to pollution an $80 million an-
nual toss to commercial fisheries).
The Hudson River-Raritan Estu-
ary and Delaware Estuary, both
ringed by heavy industry and
dense populations, are open cess-
pools Chesapeake Bay,oneof the
world's richest ecosystems, still
provides crabs, oysters, and fish
in abundance but tew fishermen
dareeat what theycatch,so spoiled
are its waters by sewage, phos-
phates, ammonium, pesticides and
other assorted wastes. Unless we
act fast, our very own Albemarle-
Pamhco Estuary, second largest
in the US. after the Chesapeake,
may soon follow suit
The destruction oi ocean
habitat is most serious m coastal
areas where human settlement
encroaches on cornucopian ma-
rine ecosystems. Over one halt of
the U.S. population lives within
0 milesof the ocean shores; w'lthin
a few vears. that figure lsexpected
to be 75 percent But while we re
largely a coastal people, our aware-
ness and understanding ot the
planet's waters is profoundly
myopic. Though its surface is over
70 percent seawater, we call the
planet "Earth" -unconscious tes-
timony to a landlocked chauvin-
ism that views the oceans largely
as a source of recreation and ex-
Ocean abuse takes many
forms: thedumping of nuclear and
toxic wastes; oil spills and indus-
trial effluence; the sea-bed disrur-
bancecaused by deep-sea mineral
mining; and the destruction of
coastal ecosystems from estuaries
to mangroves to coral reefs. The
dimensions of abuse are too com-
plex to cover in a single article, but
we can at least dispel some popu
lar myths.
Myth ?1: The ocean has an
infinite ability to absorb pollut-
ants and regenerate This bottom-
less-pit notion is invoked to jus
tify the dumping wastes far out at
sea. And it is true to an extent.
oceans can dilute man's poison-
ous refuse by dispersing them over
hundreds of square miles via the
motion of waves, currents, tides,
deepsea eddies and "storms
caused by underwater earth-
quakes and volcanoes. But the
very area King closest to human
contatct are those that are biologi
cally most active. And any contact
with the food chain is a risk
Simply put. the Earth is a sphere,
not an endless plain; the sea is
vast, but not infinite
Myth 2: It's good sense
to exploit the ocean's oil and
minerals because they're inex-
haustible Thus spake interna
tional financier Edmund de
Rothschild Of course thev are not.
inexhaustible, nor does anyone
know with certainty at what point
we begin reaching natural thresh-
olds of sustainable loss. Further,
both drilling find -mining upset -
the local ecosystems of undersea
life and ultimately produce ugh
oil slicks which are a perpetual
deadly menace to seabirds and
many other marine creatures.
Mvth 3: If 1 don't throw
my garbage in the o can. I'm not
dirtying the seas. Most us gener-
ate enough garbage to fill our own
house in a year, and much oi it
goes unrecycled. I he "garbage
barge" which spent several
months in lUs7 searching for a
landfill todump 3,100 tons of trash
is a symbol of America's garbage
predicament As land-based dis-
posal sites fill up. more wastes are
being channeled directly into the
manneenvironment Plastic trash
is one of man's most visible in-
sults to the seas, resulting in ines-
timable harm to marine life. An
estimated 30,000 seal pups are
strangled each year from plastic
six-pack holders.
Myth 34 Population ?
sures cause overharvesting ai I
ultimately, empty fish nets rhis
'scarcity mvth assumes that
modem lifestyles have little im
pact on fish survival But pollu
tion wreaks havtt on habital
reduces fish populations irre p?
tive of human demand Th
problem is knowing how fa
ploit manne res,nines in a
tamable manner Fisher U
monitored more carefully to mail
tain fish populations; more re i
tic catch quotas can be set u
moratoria can be imposed bi I
tish stocks crash
Increasingly, many ol
ecological problems can be h
lated into economic and p? it
terms The plight of dolphins n
porpoises provides one exai
In the Pacifk I teean, tensol I
sands of dolphins are ensi
each vear by tuna seine i I
with the rainforests, desti
largely in the name of the Bij
the dolphins are being run-
in the name of Ralston Pur i
Fortunately, Star-Kisl Foods
Humble eS ifood Inc. an
(.amp Seafood Co Ir thi
the largest tuna processing
panics, have just agn ed not
buy tuna caught from sen
drift nets I hisis istepinthi i
direction. Perhaps ?
a tivists have some impa I
beaches of rhird V rid
are increa be! tied
thousandsof I itont
up.Compai i' l
tries, rhtr : '?'? i ? ? - hes n
mere readily exj
!xr b ? it ' ? itena
abundant an i ram ml ind
ontrolled lut i farca ei
commit ???? ith impunity ? ? I I
vervsamemultinationa r
lions in i lved in this bal poi
son trade an tl
have left manv underdev
countries in ruinous debt
so large that overS billion a
is-diverted from tWee si
to pay it ?'ft
To the Editor
To the editor;
rhestudentsv hohavevoi ed
ir objections to the recent tir
ingsof the two WZMB disc jock-
t s obviously have mux h in com-
mon with them All ol them ex-
press interest in newspaper and
broadcast jobs, but each of them
lacks three essential qualities for
'ving a good journalist. 1 irst, the
compassion of a human being
iecond, the intelligence of know-
ing when to speak and when to
iisten. Finally, the understanding
of what is and what is not First
Amendment protection of a free
I know that these students lack
the personal abilities anil profes-
sional skills to succeed in the media
because 1 am both a human being
and a journalist. I am also the
husband of the faculty member
slandered in the WZMB broad-
ist Atti r reading last Tuesday's
editorial and the interviews ol the
two students in The Daily Reflector,
I have come to the conclusion it is
time to speak
As a journalist and broad-
(aster, I refuse to embrace the two
fired students as fellow colleagues.
Their intent was malicious. Their
actions were unethical and illegal.
Their stile defense rests on a juve-
nile attempt to be "funny Thev
are not broadcasters. They are
merely children, nothing more.
As a man, I refuse to accept
these two as competent members
of mv gender. It is their insensitiv-
ltv and disrespect for others that
perpetuate sexism and racism in
our society. Typically oi such
people, they are so quick to offer
an apology for their actions but fail
to understand the insincerity and
hypocrisy for such an apology.
You can apologize for what
you do, but you cannot apologize
for who vou are. Do more than say
you're sorry; change the attitudes
that motivate such offensive be-
havior. A sincere apology is the
product of guilt and shame, not
As for their rights as broad-
casters, the Constitution does pro-
tect our nation's press from unfair
censorship. But "free press" divs
not mean "unrestricted They
crossed the line.
It is unlawful to record or
broadcast a telephone conversa-
tion without the consent of every-
one on the line. It is more than just
a mere violation of an obscure
FCC policy. It's called wiretap-
ping. It is a federal and state of-
The two students admit the
were ust trying to be funny. Their
phone call to the English depart-
ment to inquire whether a faculty
member would teach in the nude
was meant as a practical joke. l-et
us examine whether this is actu-
ally humorous.
If the students had not broad-
cast the telephone conversation,
their call might be considered a
practical joke, a prank ? some-
thing that children do when first
exploring the mysteries and ano-
nymity of the telephone. Callers
who invade the privacy of others
are exactly whv there are laws
against prank, obscene and har-
assing phone calls.
Furthermore, broadcasting
the phone call won't gain them
federal protection under the First
Amendment. There are no pro-
tections for a prank call, as there
are no protections for a bomb
threat that is just a joke.
Their broadcast was not
humorous. It was slanderous. By
inquiring whether the faculty-
member would teach in the nude,
it presupposes it is oi her charac-
ter and nature to do so. Such a
presupposition is in fact an accu-
sation, one that is both false and
injuries to her person and to her
professional reputation. Itiscalled
slander and sexual harassment. It
is exactly for these reasons that
our judicial system provides a
recourse ? civil court.
The two students are not only
accountable, but so is the person
or persons who holds the license
for the radio station, In this case,
Fast Carolina University isthesole
licensee. The university, along
with its representatives on-air (the
students), is responsible for the
programming content.
The Constitution, the FCC,
and state and federal law wisely
make no distinction between
commercial, educational and reli-
gious braodcasting. A student has
no more right to break the law in
the name of education, than does
a TV minister in the name of God.
Jim Bakker used the airwaves to
commit every singlecount of fraud
for which he was charged, tried
and convicted. In the end he was
hiding under a couch in fear of
invisible animals, but never once
did he cloak himself in the First
Amendment, so assured of its
protection against responsibility.
Is it possible that these1 students
are about to graduate and know
so little about the profession they
hope to enter1
And so. should the two stu-
dents have been fired1 What
should employers do with em-
ployees who place them in jeop-
ardy of civil and criminal prose-
Furthermore, what should a
state university do with students
who show such total disregard for
faculty members, disregard for
campus rules, disregard for state
and federal laws, disregard for
campus values, and disregard for
the ethical ard professional codes
that surely were taught in their
broadcasting classes?
There has been no personal
vendetta in punishing these stu-
dents. So far, the university, as an
employer of such individuals, has
done what it should. But these
two remain students as well. They
should be punished asall students
have been when laws are broken.
As a human being, a husband
and a journalist, it is my hope that
these two students are nailed to
the same wall on which they had
hoped to hang ECU diplomas. My
compassion is reserved for the
Doug Evans
when the Save the '?'?
moverrw i in in ean
great ocean mamm i
high on the list of
ronmental concerns rha
the cetaceans unusualinti
or their seemingh gentle nal r
which move us sot i urn!
loss Perhaps too, there sa ;
them that seemsalmost nun
dolphins have larger brai
we do arid are the onl) . i ?
known to come to the aide ol I
tressed humans. rhisprom
question: 1 lave we so regres
our evolution that we havi
come incapable of extending! n
passion to those intelligent tx h
directly dependent on the
tor survival'
Preserving the ? eans
ultimate challenge to humai -
See Ocean, page 5
lab fails
to serve
To the editor
As My incoming freshman
was told how wonderful the com
puter resources on campus wen
including computer terminals in a
tew forms Last semester
Introduction to( omputers Ps
2223 because I wanted to learn
how to use these computers Ke
cently however, I came to the re
alization that taking this class was
a complete waste of time
As I was working on a projet t
in the Computer lab in the Gen
oral Classroom Building an aide
came up and asked me to leave
because 1 was not working on a
project for a business course 1 then
asked the other aide where the
other terminal locations were He
told me that there were two that
he knew of, one at Jovner librarv
and the other at Austin. Well, I
went to the librarv and was then
informed that the ONLY comput-
erson campus which werecapable
of handling the kind of software
See Computer, page 5

The East Carolinian. April 17.1990 5
Animal research isn't justified
To the editor: mass immunization programs did
All school year, a misleading not speed the descent of the death
poster has been displayed in the rates. In fact, several of the immu-
Biology Building which shows nization programs actually spread
people protesting animal research the diseases they were supposed
and reads "Thanks to animal re- to prevent. The fact is, animal re-
search, they'll be able to protest
20.8 years longer This poster was
made by the Foundation for Bi-
omedical Research (FBR) ? an
organization that represents the
animal research community and
defends animal research. In this
poster, the FBR quotes deceptive,
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services figures that claim
credit for far more than the facts
The increase in the life expec-
tancy of Americans is due mainlv
to the decrease in mortality rates
from infectious diseases. A graph
of such rates were falling precipi-
tously and were already at rela-
tively low levels before animal
research began in earnest. Even
,md raises three basic issues. First,
we will have to stop using the
ocean as an "infinite dumping
ground. This first area is probably
the one where we can each have
the most immediate impact in our
everday lives. For example, recycle
your trash; and if you buy a six-
pack, cut the plastic holder before
throwing it out. Second, we need
to reshape the patterns of indus-
try so that toxic and non-de-
gradable wastes are produced in
smaller volume, and to implement
methods of managing that smaller
volume's full cycle. And third, we
need to impose constraint in what
search has played little, if any, role
in savinghumanity from infectious
The reasoning employed by
the animal researchers and their
apologists in deriving the "fact"
headlining their poster seems to be
that if something good has hap-
pened, and if animal research was
involved in any way, shape, or
in after the fact, then animal re-
search deserves all of the credit.
The fallacy of such logic is mani-
Credit for our increased life
expectancy rightly belongs to nine-
teenth century social reformers in
England, such as the great Jeremy
Bentham, who around 1850 dis-
continued from page 4
we take out of the ocean?we must
learn to respect the marine world's
integrity by practicing sustainable
ocean use.
Our affluent way of life is
stress the ocean's capacity to ab-
sorb pollutants, much less recover
its once pristine and bountiful
waters. Beyond international re-
solve, stringent legislation and
enforcement, we need an informed
and personalized awareness of the
ocean's limits?and of the conse-
quences of exceeding those limits.
? This is the first of a three-
part series in honor of Earth D.
Next: Saving the Rainforests
covered that infectious diseases
occurred in higher concentration
in areas with poor sanitation.
These reformers then embarked
on campaigns to improve sanita-
tion in both England and the U.S.
These campaigns ? not animal
research?brought about the bulk
of the 20.8 years of increased life
In closing, 1 just want to add
one thought. The standard line of
defense offered by vivisectionist
apologists is that the ends justify
the means. Before accepting this
convenient reasoning, ask your-
self if the outrage you feel about
the human research conducted by
the Nazis in the 1940s ? which
was justified with the same ra-
tionale? is applicable to the ani-
mal holocaust of today.
Craig Spitz
Must present coupon at time of purchase.
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Famous brand shoes at affordable prices
Continued from page 4
for the tvpe of IBM that I was
trained on, were in the Computer
Now what am I supposed to
do? I have a huge project due,
part of which is on my computer
disk which I can't use anywhere
on campus.
My advice to those of you,
like me, who have visions of tak-
ing advantage of the "wonder-
ful" computer resources on cam-
Katrina M. Patterson
Junior - Education
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April 17, I'm,
kitchen appliances, central air and heat
Close to campus S'mo apts furnished
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student or professional to share : bdnn -
bath apt Si1 month Balcony, fire place
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Ringgold Towers VvailaMeMay luK J1
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FEMAI t ROOMMAT1 Needed to share
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ot having tun. listening to WZMfl and
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l t PIP: Foratwoston threebedroom
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intersection oi -1th Eastern and lohnston
Ceiling fans hardwood floors washer
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Needed tor this summer and next vear
ACT NOWH'Htor good onlv while supplies
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ASSUME I EASE: May August 2
bedroom, clean, cable provided, pool, near
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APT. TO SUBIFASF: For summer at
Plantation Apts Very luxurious Youdon'i
need furniture tor anything 2bdrm 2 bath
with modern kitchen Pleas- contact Brett
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WANTED NOW 2 people to share 1
bedroom of 2 bedroom apt Wilson Acres
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basketball courts, and cable Only 5blocks
from campus Rent P6 00 and 1 1 ulil
Pre! morf21 Avail tor summer and or
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May to August S125'month and 1 3
utilities House dose to campus with A c
752 B286
ROOMMATE TO SHARf: : bedroom
house 3 blocks trom campus for summer
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utilities 830 1308 ask tor Carla or leave
summer Furnished 2 bedroom with AC,
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Free Pregnancy
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Apply At Either location
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2FEMA1FS: oshare3bi atEastbrook
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ROOMMA TE NI EPEP: 1 st ss and 2nd
ss Graduate student preferred, can
possibly take over lease in ugusl Ask
tor Braxton 9 758 J751 or 830 9317
ONLY WWMOM H: For house on
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deposit, 12 utilities, non smoking, no
pets Available Mav tor summer andor
next vear Call Gretchen 758 9161
Kith summer sessions or 2nd session at
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Own bedroom Call Stacy 93 s .i1 -
a 3 bdrm. Tar River Apt $156.00rent 1
Uitil etc Mart Aug 1stall 830-9004
Kinggold Towers is available tor sub
leasing starting Mav I tor both summei
sessions 2ni a month plus utilities
Apartment is fully furnished Call 758
and possible longer Nice spacious 3
bedroom apt Please contact Paige it 3 - i
onl v 4 bUs. ks trom campus' Bi -th summer
sessions Privateroom only$105.00per
month 1 '2 utilities Call752 "t'll
M i I 2 bdrm twn house 1 I -1 batl s
the summer Will have own bedroom
S155 plus utilities Fairlane Farms Apts
Swimming pool tennis courts i all 3m
Robert Garret! V
5 2(N"
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? I ocated Near Kl
? ar Major Shopping Centers
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756-7815 or 758-7434
? l 1 ! l. VKIX SS ?
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M- 'Hll h H- -Ml Rl s: l . v -n ??? '
(?? ir our "? ? VaBcy I ?. I
Brasswood Ct.
New 1 & 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Lowes on
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? available
May 15st, 1990
Contact Aaron Spain
Do You Have I xpcricncc on the Macintosh?
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ECU student nursing uniform size 56.
Includes 2 dresses, lah coat, measuring tape,
cap. ECU SON patches CHilv worn 4 times.
Keg S100-now only $75 Prices negotiable
Also-nursing shoes size6 Keg S-45 now$30
Good condition AB prices negotiable Call
Sarah 931 -9794
through the C S Government 'Get the tacts
today'Call 1 7(18 742 1142 Exl 5271 A
FOR SALE: Pale blue studio style couch
Folds out into bed $65 00 negotiable Call
752 l-H please leave message!
MOVING SA1 F: Microwave toaster oven
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For sale Excellent condition Only used 2
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SKIS FOR SM F: Brand new' Never used
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FOR SA1 F: Three foot Hall Python with tank
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new floor plates new engine, excellent
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CLARION 6150RAMFM: cassette player,
Alpine 10 max watt replacement speakers,
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reported in Consumer Reports, N i I imes,
& Let's Go') For details, call AIRHITCM
212 864-2000
TFRM PAPFRS TYTF.P 1 etter quality
print Call Gmnv 756-0S20 Pick up and
delivery available Reasonable rates
RESUME HELP: We'll help design,
compose, correct, update and tvpe vour
resume Call Came at 7S2 7M or Si at 752
IOR SAIF: x 12 tree standing lott
with ladder and railing It's going to the
best otter mi call tast Ask tor 1 P at 72
FOftSALL 84BMW318i 51,000mifcs,
-uri r.ot financing considered (.all
3209 Summerplace
New 1 bedrooms
? located across from
Parker's Barbecue on
Memorial Drive
? Available
April I, 1990
Contact Aaron Spain
Concord Drive
New I ?JC; 2 bedrooms
? located behind
Wal - Mart
? available Aug 1st,
Sept 1st. & Oct 1st
Contact Aaron Spain
Apply Today!
"approximatelyi! eeksbegim mgW ?
ATTENTION: Earn money r idu ;l - ?
532,000year income potential
(l)fV12 83S Ext Bli
nd casinos now I I I
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7 davs
I'lK I K1PI ' IMK II RID! ' ??: '? nts
don't forget to use Pirate Ride Sun rhurs 8
mi! 12:15am Phe route now includes Slay
ind L'mstead Dorms For more information
call 1726
WORD l'K('( vssi(. NP
typing and photocopv mg sen ices We also
sell softwares ? computers 24 hours in and
out Guaranteed typing on paper up to 2d
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Computer Services, 106 E Mh St (beside
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SUMMER? )et then inytime from D or
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ADULTS ACE 19-45. Line up summer
work now' When Farlv MavJunetoLate
AugFarly Sept . Where Eastern NC Cos
Lenoir, Craven, PHt, Jones, Onslow. Greene.
Pay Min SS V)hoiirplusmileageexpense,
What: field scouts to monitor crops We
train' Qualif conscientious, good physical
shape, have own vehicle, reliable Send
resume to MCSI. PC Rot 179, C.nfton.
NC 28530
capable person as clerical assistant to
buyingstaff Help planproiecttrack daily
business Strong organizational skills,
paperwork ability and telephone
communication essential Fletible hours
Apply Hrody's the Plaza Mon Wed 1-4
HELP WANTED: Full and part-rimecooks.
dishwashers, bartenders and wait staff
Apply in person at Professor OCools,
Fami(ieshSftoppingCenter8-10a m or 2
BROIiY'S: 1st summer session is iust
around the corner Fill vour free time with
a part-time position With Brody's and
Brody's for Men Applications ire beu
accepted for sales and customer ?? r
Applv Brody's the Plaza Mon Wed I 4
p m
MFMBFRS: Will you have extra hours of
free time this summer7 Would you like
entra spending money1 It you answered
ves we have a solution for your needs
Brody's and Brody's for Men are accepting
applications for sales positions in Irs
iewelrv. Men's and also customer service
Apply Brody's the Plaza Mon Wed 1 4
p m.
time positions available for painting.
general maintenance and grass cutting for
? . ?
. , .
The ride ma ? I
took ali trie cm
wesnuck a little boo
been a little rocky, I
mind, to find isoberj
he surely one -t a kind For mosi
would think the nighl v
course not th ?
up everywhere in I p ' ' '
brew rhe next night w isth. ? ? n
everyonedn edsodapper ??????
danced so wildly to tr
a rapper Asthenightpi ?
did, too, this rim was ver) I)
whatasurpr Iwaswl
was for And: Whei
formal was over, we packed
out and drove home huj
BACC1 H Sbo th itBarcl
April 19, noon 5 p.m. S
Awareness ; ?? md ?
pamphlet- lickersand
cham e it ???u ??.
? ? ?
things wi
best Kim
BETAS:Than! I -
over well id a Was! ?? ? retl
is :? :? ? il in ?" " '
Stock '??
but. hi -
i lope the p
V. ? ? , i '?" . ?
Hti l'S Dreamj
date April 21 feel e? itemei I
fust by some sheer rwisl ffal ?? ???
participal I tl
d.?????? :? it
ADOPTIt N '??: i ' ? ? !? ?

her ch. ; ? ? :
a loving ecurel
I"1 i: i in Sherman
at 818-99 184
ise ca
ibfori i
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Over 50. OOO lurr.mer 'oh opernjs ? RmoMI,
imps. Amjsomcni Pirks. li?cif. NiUnn. P?rkj.
RLHineua. Criuc Lir.en. Ranches A more in ;he
CS Tarada, Australia and 20 other cour:nr.
Complete Iii?cto only S0J5 Iont aa
a;er finais Send to Summer Johs. Drawer 'So:J.
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Every Thursday isDog
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2 Dogs, Chips, & Drink
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Our Specials
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1 (near Hird Ttmet)
5 X 5 - $20month
5X 10-$30month
Nov Taking Lcases for Fall
1990. Efficiencjl bedrm A: 2
bedrm apis. Call'52- 2865
School nt 1 lumo Economics Annual Spring
!Vtu. IJOpm Monday April 23, Him
Street P.irk tried chtckcn, SOU drinks,
potato Ticket $.50 See member of
Phi L' or AHEA fr tukets (ixn to School
of 1 iome EoonomtOi members and guests
Please COOM and support the Sohwl of
Home Economics
Would you like to learn more about health v
lifestyles and help other students to live
healthier' Be a Peer Health Educator!
Informational meeting will be held on
Wednesday, April 18 at 1 30 p m in the
Student Health Services Resource Room
for more information call 757-6794 Ask for
Suzanne Kellerman or Peggy Carawan
Clinician, Joan Gregoryk, will present
"Development of the Child Voice through
Classroom and Choral Singing" on
Saturday. April 21. from 10 am 4pm It
will be held at Saint I like Methodist
Church, W8 East Pine st in C.oldsboro
This workshop is being sponsored bv the
Central Carolina Chapter of the American
Ortf SchuhverkAsBOC .indWavneCountv
Dav School For more information, contact
042 7719 or ?2?-2S4( in Chapel Hill and
782 2453 in Raleigh
Second meeting will be Tues, Apnl 17
from 7 9 p m at Quincv's Search referrals
Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning
the Health of University Students Get
involved with this student organization to
boost awareness on campus We meet every
Tuesday at 4 p.m in 307 Erwin Hall For
more information contact the Office of
Substance Abuse Prevention and
Education. 303 Erwin Hall, 757-6793
We hope vou had a tun and s.ife spring
break' If vou Signed I pledge no! to drink
and drive, and won a tree t shirt, thev
must be picked up by April 18 at the
CXfice of Substance Abuse Prevention
and Education, 303 Erwin Hall Think
about getting involved with
B A C C 1111 S . we meet each Tuesday
at 4 p m in 307 Erwin I fall
The issue of Adult Children ot Alcoholics
is becoming more recognized today on
college campuses If your life has been
affected past or present bv having been
raised in a home or environment where
alcohol or other dysfunctional behaviors
were present. Big Kids may be the group
for vou. They meet each Wednesday at 8
pm in 242 Mendenhall Student Center
For more information contact the Office
of Substance Abuse Prevention and
Education, 303 Erwin Hall, 757-6793
Registration for fall soronty rush will be
held April 9 12 and Apnl 16-19 Places for
registration will be at the Croatan, in front of
the Student Stores and at Barefoot on the
Learn more about East Carolina University
sorority life! Come to convocation on April
17, at 5pm in Wright Hope to see you there!
Announcing a Wednesday night dinner
special! Fun, fellowship and all the home-
cooking you can eat It all starts at 5:30 p.m.
Come Bring a friend.
We invite you to be with us every Wed. night
at 7 pm. in Rm. 212 Mendenhall for prayer
and Bible study Everyone is welcome to be
a part of this growing fellowship For more
info caU 752-7199
Wes2fel is a Christian fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
(ointly by the Presbyterian and Methodist
CampusMinistries. Come to the Methodist
Student Center (501 E. 5th, across from
Garrett dorm) this Wednesday night at 5
pm and every Wednesday night for a
delicious, all-you-can -eat home cooked
meal S2.25) with a short program
afterwards Signed for the hearing
impaired Call 758-2030 for more
Pre-professional Health Alliance (PPHA)
will hold it's final meeting of the academic
year on April 23. It will be held in the
Afros-American Cultural Center at 430
pm A special activity has been planned
for the final meeting, a workshop
concerning financing a health professional
education. Both new and old students are
urged to be present.
ECU SETA's final meeting ot the semesl
will be Tuesday, Apnl 17. at ipm in Cc B
2016 The agenda will include elections ??'?
the president and vice president and
fmahationofplansforBaretoot, thel C
G rallv, and the lune 10 trip to P C
Craftsmen Last will once again this yess
tie-dye any garment t shirt, boner shorts
etc at Barefoot on the Mall Bring S2 00
and anything you have that needs to bf
more colorful' We will have also be selling
hand made silk scarves, bags, hair twists
and t-shirts So don't get "tied" up
anywhere else (om the cranness at our
booth See you there!
All members are invited to attend the
annual awards banquet on Sunday. April
22 at 7 p.m. at Western Steer
CongratulaHons to Krissv Tedder and
Rudy Jones for a great job at State
Leadership Conference

America is over consuming its
edge in the world marketplace
The East Carolinian April 17, 1990 7
l CT Nous Bureau
? en
Although the United States is
still the most productive and af-
fluent nation in the world, we are
rapidl) losing our edge over other
nations, because we "save too little
ind consume too much sns a
faculty member in the ECU School
ol Business
1 uk ol thntt coupled with a
nd oi overconsumption results
shortage of capital which could
ii i d to (orrect our nation's
unvntl) bleak economic si tuation,
said Dr. I meshGulati,a professor
?i dot lsu'ii sciences at ECU.
1 here is tin little investment
mi lull ist rial plants and equipment,
research and development, and
technical education tor a well-
trained labor force he said
Because oi low saving and
investment rates, output per per-
son in U.S. businesses has re-
tined very low, as compared to
many other nations, especially
West i lermany and fapan. ! his
i ? end portends a dismal economic
future for our children and grand-
Mar! n he added
( ailati explain d that the trend
' v. productivity growth must
reversed soon it the tinted
States is to maintain its economic
and political leadership among the
nations ol the world.
'Government and private
industry have to join hands to
regain America's leadership, he
said Our government must cut
the enormous budget deficit,
stimulate national savings and
encourage investmenl in civilian
research And development. Busi-
nesses must change their manage-
ment styles and do all they can to
increase productivity and eco-
nomic efficiency in (heir opera
For greater productivity, he
recommends that companies de-
velop their "human capital"
through technical training and
skills development programs, in-
stall technologically innovative
equipment and improve their
workplace facilities.
Unlike man economists, Gu-
lati does not view the l S. trade
detuit as the primary cause oi the
nation's economic woes.
"Theextraordinary use in the
U.S. trade deficit since 1981 and
the consequent shift in its position
from the world's largest creditor
to the largest debtor has exagger-
ated the association of America's
lagging competitiveness with the
trade deficit he said. "The U.S
trade deficit is only the symptom
oi America's declining competi
tiveness. What the trade deficit
represents, in essence, is a U.S.
economy thai has been living
beyond its means
nation w luch an v ompele
well in the global marketplace ' is
producing goods and services
'that meet the test ot international
markets while simultaneously
maintaining And expanding the
real incomesol itscitizens C lulati
"Competitiveness matters as
much to a nation as it does to a
firm, ' he pointed out. "I nless the
I nited suites is able to turn its
performance around, the future
seems bleak Already our living
standards ha vebee" ? owing very
slowly as compared to other de-
veloped coun t nes a nd to I he new I v
industrializing countries ol Asia
1 low competitivenessmeas-
Gulati otters tour ways the
economic health of a nation can be
gauged: labor productivity, real
wage growth, real returnson capi-
tal employed in industry, and
position in world trade
"U.S. performance in all these
areas has been dismal, he said.
At the end of World War II. the
U.S. Gross National Product rep
resented over one-third of the
world's GNP; today it represents
only one-fifth
Gulati noted that the United
States is now 'more sensitive to
changes in the international mar
ket place.
"Our dependence upon tor
eign products is far creator toda
than in the past he said. "Also
the United States is no longer the
technological leader ol the world.
In process technology, apan has
overtaken us
? All II
' I ArVS .
Wed. April ISth
pass ,i motion that would charge
ill absent members ,1 tull absence
h motion arned 10 9. "heusual
charge is a halt absence.
I andn said after the meeting
that the charge could effect many
t the absent members who are
lose to being dismissed from the
K due to low attendance. Absent
members have 24 hours to submit
an excuse to I andry before the
hargegets placed on their record
Before the quorum count, the
hod) Strui k the ECU Kite Club
??i'm the list ol groups receiving
funds because their constitution
had not been passed The
institution was to come up in old
-mess during the meeting, but
bodydismissed before entering
?Id business due to the lack of
As the legislature debated to
decrease funds to the North
L ish
Continued from page 1
Carolina Student Legislators, the
motion was made to table the 1991
I entatr. e Annual Budget until next
the next and final SGA meeting.
Legislator Eric Milliard made
a motion to suspended the rules
tor the approval ol $1,015 in
additional appropriations to the
Election Committee. The funds
were to cover the salary ot runoff
election employees and dinner
while they counted ballots.
1 egislator Marty I lelmsmade
the motion to strike the $65 allotted
for dinner from the bill.
Traditionally, the Election
Committee bought pizza with the
money. "That was when it took
three hours to count ballots
1 elms said. "It will take longer to
eat than to count the ballots
The motion passed and the
$65 was stuck from the bill. The
bill did pass bv consent after the
amendment was made
Continued from page 3
timer eating dibits in rural and
rban areas near the coast And
il ind
The most surprising finding,
, irdii t( ? irtffith, is that the
C from the co,ist, had less
? i do with seafood consumption
than whether they lived m a rural
? r urban area
Eating habits for flu- consum-
ers in the rural inland areas
rhanged most often dueto changes
in the family su h as marriage or
the birth ot children. Consumers
in i oast a I rural and urban areas
ind in inland urban areas changed
their eating habits for health rea-
sons or at the advice oi friends or
Cooking styles and seafood
preferences showed some differ-
ences according to race. Among
whites, there was less tendency to
fry foods. Fresh fish fillets, shell-
fish, frozen processed fish and
imitation seafood products were
favored more by whites than nun
The research data, when pub
lished late thisspnng, will be made
available to seafood manufactur-
ers and marketing firms.
April 18, 19, 20 and 21
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Page 8
Slfic last Carolinian
State and Nation
April 17, 1990
Passenger train
fire kills 71; 50
are hospitalized
NEW DEI HI. India (AD -A
leaking gas cylinder sparked a
raging fircona nun ing passenger
train in eastern India Monday,
burning at least 71 people todeath
and leaving 50 injured, officials
News agencies reported
higher death tolls. Tress Trust of
India sud at least 80 people were
killed; Tinted News ol India said
the toll exceeded 100.
The train was passing through
Tatna, 500 miles southeast ol New
Delhi, when the fire broke out at
930 a.m.
The Maze swept through two
cars of the 16 car train before fire-
fighters could extinguish a, said
District Magistrate S K Sharma,
tt p top civil administrator in the
Patna region
He said 71 bodies were found
in the burned cars, and 50 people
were hospitalized with burns.
I he heal w as so intense no
one dared to nter the tram ter at
least a halt hour after the tire.
Sharma said by telephone 1 he
outer shell ol the bogies (cars) was
intact, but the inside was terrible
Mathew ohn, the director of
safety for the Federal Railway
Board in New Delhi, said two
cylinders of inflammable gas
taught tire. Me said one ol the
cylinders was leaking and appar-
ently ignited when someone lit a
Sharma said a cylinder ot
oxyacetylenegas,used in welding
operations, was found in the
burned cars.
Tress Trust lit India said many
bodies were buried under smol-
dering wooden berths ami heaps
of luggage
The news agency said 10,000
jvov'te converged on the site in
Tatna, api tal ol Hi ha r sta te, one of
tho poorest of India's 25 states.
The train, which was travel-
ing from Mokammeh to Arrah. is
widely used in the mornings bv
workers commuting to the state
More than 10 million people
rule Indian trains every day, mA
major disasters are reported every
year. Trains are jammed, with
people often riding on the roots.
Global warming to
be topic of conference
President bush will ask a 17 na
tion conference this week to ex-
amine the economic impact ot
global warming, but the admini-
stration plans toargueit'stooearly
to propose specific measures to
deal with the problem officials
The White House's cautious
approach in developing responses
to global warming is expected to
unleash renewed criticism from
some European countries that the
United States is tailing to provide
leadership in dealing with the so-
called greenhouse" effect.
The Bush administration has
maintained that while there is
widespread agreement that man-
made pollutants are causing the
earth to become warmer, there
remain too many unanswered
questions to warrant pollution
controls that could have wide
spread economic implications.
The president is hosting a
White House conference on the
greenhouse effect on Today, just
davs before nexl Sunday's Earth
Day observance During his T'ss
campaign. Bush said sik h a con-
ference was a lop pnoritv and
would be held in his first year as
Senior advisers on econom-
ics, science and the environment
from 17 nations (Man to attend.
making it the tirst gathering on
the bj?fc??w ithijvenment oifi-
aasneFK'4entrmrrkh- ff brdad
spectrum ot interest.
Senior Bush ad viserssnd they
hoped the conference would for
the first time give equal weight to
economic as well asenvironmental
issues related to global warming.
"We hope it will raise the level
ot debate on the science and
economics of global change said
Michael Boskin, chairman ot the
president's Council of Economic
Advisers, who will ho one of tho
three conference CO chairmen.
Administration officials cau-
tioned in briefings with reporters
that the gathering is not intended
to produce any blueprint for deal-
ing with global warming. Instead,
the officials said the administra-
tion will emphasize the need for
further scientific studies and in-
corporating the economic issues
1 ast week, the president's
chief science adviser, Allen Brom-
ley, criticized those who advocate
"slam-dunk solutions" to global
warming. He said too many scien-
tific and economic uncertainties
remain to map out specific meas-
"We cannot sail blindly into
the future he declared. Bromley
will serve as a conference co-chair-
See Greenhouse, page 9
South environmentally at bottom
The Southern states coine up short when it comes to a healthy
environment, according to a now study. Here are the rankings
according to the states' combined totals in 35 indicators
Nepal's prime
minister resigns
Grade Rank State
Grade Rank State
Soua I
Verm rl
M i ,
Mini ?t ? ' i
Rhode island
Connect cut
t twai
1st .? Hampef n
New York
North I takota
M a ti
South Dakota
14-v. terse
; ? . ? ? ia
Nev Ida
? '
New Mexico
West Virginia
North Caroina
South Carolina
The prime minister resigned
Monday and King Birendra dis
solved ihc national assemhly he
had dominated,satisfying the two
major conditions pro-democracv
protesters had set for joining ,m
interim government.
by state radio, ended a week of
political deadlock in which the two
parties leading the campaign for
democracy refused to join an in-
terim government unless the
Rashtriya Panchayat, or national
assembly, wasdissolved d their
own nominee named prime min-
"In view of the events that
have taken place in certain parts
of the country, the people's aspi-
rations and the ideals of democ-
racy, we have been making politi-
cal changes Birendra said
"There should be a congenial
atmosphere where every citizen
can enjoy democracy and nobody
should be be forced to do any
thing which can run counter to the
expression ol freedom
! he proclamation w as 11 ?
second major victory for pro
democracy forces n April 8,
Birendra caved in to their dem u
to lift a 29-year ld ban on p ihti
cal parties. He also freed several
hundred political prisoners and
permitted se pre i
banned newspapers to r ? -
1 he prime minister . i
signed, Lokendra Bahadur hand
had been named to the post I
April 6 in one of the king's last
moves to try to contain the i
democracy movement
(n that day police unl i I
the bloodiest crackdown ii
Nepal's modern history Wit
nesses said as many as 200 pro
testers were killed, though :??
government put the death toll
Birendra's proclamation fol
lowed the collapse earlier Moi
day ol marathon negotiati
between harxiandi idorsofth
pro-democracy movenv
which hundreds of pn I
fused to let the p liti ians
Civil unrest blocks
collections for poor
Sociologist stucUea
economic strategies
ASHE 11 I E i P) South
eastern mountain and coastal
towns i ? uld i nhaiv e their econo-
mies by developing strategies to
attractretirees, saysaNorth arc
lirta sociologist studying the mi-
gration of older adults
The Southeast is where
people from the Midwest trth-
easl and Middle AtlantU states
vacation and travel, and people
often retire to places the have
visited before, said William! laas,
a sociologist at the I niversit) ot
North Carolina at Asheville.
"This is a ver y,ml method
of economic development said
Haas, who is studying the eco-
nomic impact ot retirement mi-
gration in western North Caro
lina rhroughSoc iaISet urityand
pension paynents, retirees bring
income into the local economy,
.nd they're not competing with
locals ur jobs.
And unlike tourism retirees
impact is i? t season il. It's not
boom or bust he said.
In At economic impact study
funded by a $111,000 grant from
the Appalachian Regional Com-
mission, Haas found that tne av-
erage retiree migrant in western
North Carolina spends $332 a
week on "everyday' purchases
such as food, clothing and trans-
portation. That figure does not
include mortgage payments and
major purchases such as cars and
The study is the first of its
kind in the United States, said
Haas. He will report complete
results May 23 during a UNC-
AsheviDe conference titled "Busi-
ness Opportunities in an Aging
I laas predicts that businesses
will begin customizing their mar-
keting strategies as the nation's
population continues to age.
Marketing strategies based on peer
pressure and emotional appeal ?
hallmarks of youth-oriented mar-
keting do not work with more
mature consumers, he said.
I lealso expectscommunttlies
in the Southeast to begin compet-
ing tor retirement migration as
they discover its economic bone-
Nearly A.iW books, school sup-
plies and health kits, collected
around the state for the poor in
Liberia, have been kept from their
destination because of civil unrest
in the West African nation.
The shipment is Stacked up in
a Methodist church compound in
Monrovia, Liberia, according to
officials of the United Methodist
Volunteers in Mission.
"We are really disappointed
said Annette Bingham, chair-
woman of the organization,based
in Raleigh, in an interview with
the Greensboro News & Record. "We
had big plans but it looks like they
will be postponed due to the situ-
ation over there
Rebel forces infiltrated I ibe-
na in December in hopes of over-
throwing President Samuel K.
Doe, and the ensuing battles have
forced more than 70,000 people to
flee the country.
The Methodist
also was planning to send 1 :
unteers from various i hur h
the conference to Liberi i to rei
vate schools, but the trip has ?
The supply project was ;
of " Operation Liberia,? spvn ?
bv the Methodist organization It
took the effortsof about 400 p
to put together and pa k th
plies sent to Liberia 1 rv
shipped from Washington, N
Methodist officials lean
about the needs ol s hoolchildn i
in Liberia from two of then
Elementary school student
there lack booksand supplies ai I
their school houses are crumb
The only teaching tools in m ii
classrooms are chalk and a h i -
board. Schools are overcrow I
and teachers sometimes go w ?
out pay for months
The group has worked on th
project since November 1989
Solar power industry attracts attention
By John Yatikey
Gannett Ngwj Service
struggling through a dark age for
the past decade the solar power
industry is attracting new atten-
"We're no longer a novelty
technology, "said tohn Goldsmith,
a vice president with Rockville,
Md -based Solarex. "Events are
pushing us into the center of the
energy picture. "
As the I arth Day celebration
coming up April 22 focuses the
nation'sattention on conservation,
solar power ad vocates are touting
breakthroughs, lobbying harder
for research money and scram-
bling to sell the public on their
The kev to the renewed inter-
est in solar power is its plummet-
ing production costs Twenty years
ago a watt of solar power cost
about $500 to produce Today it's
down to about $5 a watt. Standard
utility power costs about halt that.
"We've still got a way to go.
especially with respect to cost.
Goldsmith said. "But the closer
we get to standard power costs,
the more people are starting to
look at us
With the promise of clean and
affordable power, industry execu-
tives and energy experts alike
predict that within a decade or
two, solar plants could make sig-
nificant contributi ns to the
nation's electricity supply.
Hope for solar power springs
from two rapidly evol tech
?Solar thermal power, which
utilizes mirrors to boil w u ior
huge steam-engine-like turbines.
? Photovoltaics, the process
of turning sunlight directly into
Sunlight is made ol photons
and when the photons tnke a
photovoltaic or solar panel, they
knock loose some ol the panel's
electrons creating an electrical
Fifteen years ago, a the
I nited States faced an energy cri-
sis, the federal government began
pouring money into these tech-
nologies, and companies like So-
larex sprouted Many of the com-
panies were experimental
branches of oil companies.
Once the energy crisis ended
and President Reagan took office,
federal research funds dropped
off by more than two thirds, forc-
ing the companies to fend tor
themselves. Both technologies
managed to stay alive, carving out
markets for themselves.
"We were sweating bullets
there for a while said Solarex's
(. hns Pope. But in the long run
having to justify ourselves finan-
cially wasa good lesson. It helped
to focus more on getting solar
pow er out oi the labs and into the
real world
Like a science fiction movie
set in the dunes of California's
Mojave Desert, a computer-run
solar thermal plant owned by Luz
International Ltd. already gener-
ates enough current to meet the
needs of a small city.
"Our technology is evolving
all the time Luz Vice President
Joshua Bar-lev said. "We're drop-
ping costs and increasing effi-
ciency on a consistent basis that
makes us more and more attrac-
Lus has a contract to supply
the Southern California Edison
utility company with auxiliary
power for peak times such as
See solar, page 9
deadly odds
Statisticians have calculated
that those who stroke more
than a pack of cigarettes a
day face a 1 -in-3 chance of
dying from effects of smoking
by the age of 85. Put another
way, a 35-year-old man faces
these risks of death:
Risk to
Auto accidents
All accidents
Light smoking
Heavy smoking
dying by 85
1 in 100
2.4 in 100
21 in 100
36 in 100

The I ast Carolinian April 17, 1990 m
Schools and supplies scarce after invasion
l Keith Goldschmidt
Gannett cinn service
da) hesays, 'so they can go to
work 1 ht'ir supplies and trans
portation are taken care tt Wo
have a hrst aid station a ?4 hour
ambulance service and apsycholo
Since January, about 3300
M ITY, Panama
irningi. 'mh shard I hoi S
left thousands ot
ith no pla c to go to
Some schools have been Chonllo residents have lived miles
: 'd to refugee centers away in a cavernous former air-
?? pped ol desks
? i ver thing.
rom (. !ionl!o. one
s poorest barrios
hard hit Most o!
re blasted b shell
OUt ' . : 1 ; -111!
. lost ,)H their
tew stnu turesleft
? I itima Roman
1 v o 1 u n t (
i and Redross
piano hangar.
School buses arrive at 6 a m.
to take kids to the mam bus tormi
nal downtown .nd from there, to
schools around the citv
To help the . honllo children
fit in with students from less rav-
aged areas, "wehanded out more
than 1,000 school uniforms
Munoz said. Books, writing pads
and pencils have boon donated
and i shoe company is giving
shoes to all the camp's residents.
The refugee camp's 2 to n
year olds have preschool classes
in a comer ol the hangar that N ars
a plaque saying, I abor and nia-
Nicholas Facheco School is
tenals donated b 110 ivil Engi shut tight, its doors and windows
neer Squadron battlerock. barred Inside, fixtures are gone
Miih and even the floors have been
We'n as well supplied as ripped apart bv looters, not
main otht i prcschools in ban artillery
a ma, .as leather Yolanda de The Republic ot Venezuela
Wellington roday, I'mtrvingto School wasarefugeecenter until a
borrow ,i V( R so we ran show few days ago, when the last fami-
them Snow White' and a lorn lies were moved to an emptv
and )err tomorrow If that fails, government warehouse Boxesot
she avs ? in fall back on hand trash, some tull of emptv liquor
Dthei chools are less bottles, still line the halls
tortui iti "We don't have a plate or a
p Mn or .i pot i r pan .1. ;
i ipal I ijia Pinilla de Mora Pii
lie Mora's s hool is one of n
that bears two names om I 1
each shitt Republic ot Venezuela
School becomes al olunjeSi
in the afternoon, with diffi
students and different tea I ? 1
At Republic ot uba S I
Israel Valdes, 10, is looking I 1
ward to beginning the tilth cr
even though he has no blu
and trousers the school's
Gm house
iue ci
1 e h
11 n t s t o r ni
? n pavu .
h. selling solar
? ? Id prod
1 11 a I
? 111 r 1 s ? at the
tth imagination,
, (tul almost
. !??. ? mil i have gone
; I dU ts as
I I ? let ? for Mar
forai 11 ? I ??? ??? prodtM ts
IS ? i here tools
solar ? ri I, street lamps
I I . crhead panels and
ars ,? tl ? t mounted units to
tri al s stems.
30 Savings Day
Art & Graphics Discount Supply
and University Frame Shop
& Gallery offer 30 off in this
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Downstairs at Art & Graphics, you'll save on Letraset, paints,
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Upstairs at University Frame Shop, choose from a great selection
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Deals this good require cash or check only Shop 9 a.m6 p.m. and save!
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The East Carolinian April 17,1990 9
Schools and supplies scarce after invasion
By Keith Goldschmidt
Gannett News Service
The learning comes hard. The U.S.
invasion has left thousands of
children with no place to go to
school. Some schools have been
converted to refugee centers.
Others were stripped of desks,
chairs, floors, virtuallveverything.
Residents from Chorillo, one
oi Panama City's poorest barrios,
were especially hard hit. Most of
their homes were blasted by shell-
tire or burned-out by vengeful
Noriega troops. They lost all their
Among the few structures left
are Our Lady of Fatima Roman
Catholic Church and the Republic
ot el Salvador School, home to 139
(. horillo refugees who are fed once
a day by church volunteers.
School, church and Red Cross
officials are working to put the
building back into shape for
Meanwhile, the school's refu-
gee supervisor, Abel Quiroz, has
persuaded most parents to send
their children lo another school
regardless of clothing or books.
What's in their heads is more
important than what's on their
backs he says.
ButGrizetda BelHdo, .savs
none of her five children is attend-
ing school "because they don't
have uniforms She earned I liv-
ing hawking beer and cigarettes
on the street in Chorillo before the
invasion, but hasn't worked since
In some ways, savs Bernardo
Munoz, director of the Red Cross-
nin camp, refugee life is good for
some students.
"Their parents know they'll
be carefully watched during the
Continued Frtirtl page 8
man along with I iskin and Mi-
chael Delaiul. cl irman of the
president's Coun 1 on Environ-
mental Quality.
But even before many confer-
ence delegates arrived, officials
trom several European countries
complained about the Bush
administration's emphasis on
further research and its refusal CO
discuss specific action plans to deal
with the greenhouse issue.
'Some delegates will advo-
cate more than just research said
an official ft ?n me European
country, asking that he not be
identified further. "We want to
-tress that research should not be
a substitute tor 'i tion
Some of the Europeans plan
"to push the Americans pretty
hard said another European,also
speaking anon) m ?usly.
Continued from page 8
hotsuch as hot summer days.
Companies like Solarex de-
pend heavily on the diffuse con-
sumer market, which has been
growing between 13 and 20 per-
cent a year and accounts for one-
third of the industry's sales.
Solarex h.i been paying its
huge research bills by selling solar
panels for boats, recreation ve-
hicles, remote .ommunications
centers and other household prod-
ucts, such as pocket calculators.
The calculators are selling at the
rate of 1 million a vear.
And with a little imagination,
solar cellscan prove useful almost
Some companies have gone
so far as to sell such products as
solar-powered blenders for Mar-
garitas on the beach
Solarex envisions supplying
cells for an array of new products
such as work sheds where tools
are all solar-p wered, street lamps
fueled by overhead panels and
cars with roof-mounted units to
supply electrical systems.
day he says, "so they can go to
work. Their supplies and trans-
portation are taken care of. We
have a first-aid station, a 24-hour
ambulance service and a psycholo-
Since January, about 3,500
Chorillo residents have lived miles
away in a cavernous former air-
plane hangar.
School buses arrive at 6 a.m.
to take kids to the main bus termi-
nal downtown and, from there, to
schools around the city.
To help the Chorillo children
fit in with students from less rav-
aged areas, "we handed out more
than 1,000 school uniforms
Munoz said. Books, writing pads
and pencils have been donated,
and a shoe company is giving
shoes to all the camp's residents.
The refugee camp's 2-to-5-
year olds have preschool classes
in a comer of the hangar that bears
a plaque saying, "Labor and ma-
terials donated by 110 Civil Engi-
neer Squadron, Battle Creek,
"We're as well-supplied as
many other prcschools in Pan-
ama says teacher Yolanda de
Wellington. "Today, I'm trying to
borrow a VCR so we can show
them 'Snow White' and a Tom
and Jerry' tomorrow If that fails,
she says, she can fall back on hand
puppets. Other schools are less
Nicholas Facheco School is
shut tight, its doors and windows
barred. Inside, fixtures are gone
and even the floors have been
ripped apart ? by looters, not
The Republic of Venezuela
School was a refugeecenter until a
few days ago, when the last fami-
lies were moved to an empty
government warehouse. Boxes of
trash, some full of empty liquor
bottles, still line the halls.
"We don't have a plate or a
spoon or a pot or pan, says pri n-
cipal Lijia Pinilla de Mora. Pinilla
de Mora's school is one of many
that bears two names ? one for
each shift. Republic of Venezuela
School becomes Gil Colunje School
in the afternoon, with different
students and different teachers.
At Republic of Cuba School,
Israel Valdes, 10, is looking for-
ward to beginning the fifth grade,
even though he has no blue shirt
and trousers ? the school's uni-
Art&C ntSifiply
and bimxrsay frame Shop
& Gallery offer 30 off in mis
one-day-only storewvk sale.
Downstairs at Art & Graphics, you'll save on Letraset, paints,
brushes, mat board, canvas products, photo supplies, clay, sketch books
and more (cameras and lenses excluded)?everything for the artist in
any medium.
Upstairs at University Frame Shop, choose from a great selection
of posters, prints, and ready-made frames. Everything's on sale except
original art and handmade crafts.
Deals this good require cash or check only. Shop 9 a.m6 pm. and save!

& Graphics
; 520 Cotanche Street, Greenville
J 752-0688
Frame Shop
Art Gallery
(919) 752-4620
520 S. Cotanche St.
Greenvlile, NC 27858

ullte ?aat (Carolinian
Pnw 10
Barefoot on the
Mall returns
.' with Inni on id? i' but tons
l' pril Draugh Other plans for the da area
Staff Writei hvpnotit how lobe performed
j :k b K n Weber World Kobotu
U pre exam stress with Boxing a Stai I'rax Recording
n the Mall on pril ? booth fact' paintine. i cai itui
? m i hedin pri ! i and two i arni al . i
i lull one with several fork pin tandtl eteddv
i: htm starand
ties and booths ?evcr.i rgai il have
,ire rnnidad In
?. ic h
ve h
i aants a ??
turotl bai
? fters .1 be i? h m
? I to . onsor hoot I
this v eai r ? . ;
i i Hlla w ho will ell I ? ' .
? i Sigma Phi -?;
ii t ei
to hirl ind t he Ox (
Network nil sell
.it inks and h ki tstoi then bench!
' ? ? ? ? ? non
? . ?. ii ? ? ?
See Barefoot, page 11
Riverpark offers
summer recreation
Bv Meve Bakci
IjsI (
loll : ?
?' ??? ?e a
' I U ? M
April 17, 1990
i King novel
plays mind
B .m ie Sni ith
?r.ittr ,i.
ECU graduate stars on NBC
l Suan I aw
cuvs; I")
,ul sV I
L'es: (
7 I Hirum i hard
? i ?' I ? ' ' :
.( ! ?'? ' ? ?' g
? ? A I lovvh I C I
I ? . ? , B
fin : ' ? : (
mi t a ke D
ul made by sm
I M mition: A war
? B a warning;
I ?. I gutteral
noral A wind-
? icket; B suban
tic sheep; esl imo
sloop; P hearl ondi
Compiled b (ohn
vn to lb' publ
See Park, page 11
An Ideal View:
. i i i 11 11 i
What on Earth are you going to do?
Bv Caroline C usick
Features I Uitor
this v
of the
, m final "Ideal
? 'mester I'm look
ing forward to summer
ti seems thai all n mester I've
promised mvsell "when the se-
mester ends I'll do this and that.
! II go here and there, I'll write my
friends, i 11 visit my parents
Well, the summer is (loser
now and mv conception of time is
more realistic. I'm beginning to
grasp the fact that Ihe days be
tween spring exams and summer
school classes are few. In those
precious few davs, there is much
to do, and balaw ing time is not
easy. Vet I know there is an ap-
pointed time tor everything and
for every event under heaven.
I am certain the time will pass
quickly and some of the items on
my list
? ; Vfter all, there are pri
i iritie
Some things in lit. in u ;cnl
Immediate . i ! eping,eatn
and bn ithingan up H the kp
the li? i ! hani I ?? d hr al
involuntary or I'd forgot to do il I
forge! the other iwi mitei ften
But 1 have promise d myself,
when the summer get" b. re it it
gets here, i will breathe regularly
steepeight hoursa week and eat at
least two meals a month
Aside from the v ital life tun
tinns, I have goals for school N s.
I will be here in the mighty Vmcr-
akl City all summer long. I'mglad
1 like it hen or summer school
would be too mu h to bear
I'vepromised m) self III study
mote, go to dassi s (all of them)
and work on assignments when
thev are given and not the night
: Lin met plans m
i iv m1 lite ol beach trips,
? itsi?. ii Is and family and
. ??, m.i . ing picnics in the
: ark and l ainging v'n the beach.
With all those things on my
list ol things to o, I still have
;? .u t,d the most important part
ot n: summer.IhavetoaskmyseM
a question im rm tit asks me every
tune we talk. "What on Earth arc
von doing, tor Heaven's sake?"
i akingall sarcasm out of that
question, 1 ask again. "Caroline,
m hat are you going to do this
summer, on Earth, in Greenville,
that will matter in the long run
and change eternity "
So as we all ponder tWseter-
nailystgnifa ant question, we need
to consider tin words of the man
who holds the answer.
tesus s.ud "Therefore do not
be anxious tot tor r
tomorro ?
Jj, has enough trouble ol its
ow n ? Matthew o -
So where we invest our time,
that's w here we II find our pnori-
ties. And w here we devote our
com ern det rmines whether
we'll find anxiety or peace. It's
easy to gel uptight over a lack of
time or over tasks to be done that
never seems to end.
1 low ever, lesus said: "Look at
the birds ol the air that they do
not snv neither do they reap, not
gather into barns, .md yet your
heavenly lather feeds them. Are
you not worth much more than
they ' Which ot you by being anx-
ious can .idd a single cubit to his
life's span' (Matthew 6:26-27).
For ideal advice Trust the One
who holds the answers, don t be
anxious and have a nice summer
l Pong Morris
sun Writer
ram otl s a
to stud abroad in botl tl
ev w ant I
: ; ? ? i and .A
lid i '

I tab taugl
instnii tors
and ispi
popular ountr. then V ? i
?peii thev have the la i .
said Stephanie E an h
tratn e assistant ol the ii I
il studies program T"h ,
gram can also send students I
other sl hools within the
Staying within the Unite
States is a good idea tor studi
w ho are planning to go to gradu
ate school somewhere other than
M t the student can spend a
si rm ster or more stud) ing ar tl
See StinH page 11

She gaHt (garolfman
Page 10
Barefoot on the
Mall returns
By April Draugh
Staff Writer
It's time once again to work
OUt thai pro-exam stress with
Barefoot on the Mall on April W,
from noon K)6p.m. The day prom
im's to be a full one with several
bands, a soapopera star and many
more activities and booths.
1 he musical guests scheduled
for Barefoot are Trinidad Tripoli
Steel Ba nd, a premier reggae band,
lohnny Quest, a progressive band,
The Defiant Giants, a new rap
band, and the featured band of the
day The Drifters, a beach music
(rank DiCOpOUlus, who pla s
Frank Cooper in Guiding Light, is
the soap opera star who will ap-
pear at this year's Barefoot. Dico-
poulus' fans can get their pictures
made with him on video buttons
also. Other plans for the day are a
hypnotic show to be performed
by Ken Weber, World Robotic-
Boxing, a Star Trax Recording
Booth, face painting, a cancatur
ist, and two carnival games, the
cork-gun shoot and the teddy bear
Several organizations have
registered to sponsor booths at
this year's Barefoot such as Alpha
i Delta who will sell hot dogs.
Delta Sigma Phi sponsoring a pig-
picking type activity, the New-
man Catholic Center who will sell
tee-shirtsand the Overseas Devel-
opment Network who will sell
drinks and tickets tor their benefit
Other booths will he spon-
sored by such organizations as
See Barefoot, page 11
Riverpark offers
summer recreation
By Steve Baker
Special to The I ast Carolinian
Spring will soon be here,
making it time for the outdoors-
men to shake away those winter-
time blues. Behind a chain link
fence and nestled between a sep-
rk service and bingo parlor on
Mumford Road is one ot
Greenville's most unknown treas-
ures. Hidden here is359 acre River
Park North offering physical and
educational activity jpr mthwsi-w
asK of all ages.
1 he prime attraction of the
park is the abundant fishing in the
1. Fichu: A. Chinese
vegetable; B. slender
needle-like i'ish; C.
triangular scarf; D. to
2. Hunker: A. to move
slowly; B. squat,
crouch; C. herd of
good-looking guys; D.
to lust for
3. Papula: A. a pimple;
B. Indian carrying
device; C. dead skin; D.
baby panda bear
4. Paregoric A. simply
funny; B. hysterical; C.
diarrhea relieving
medicine; D. twisted
5. Varlet: A. a rascal; B.
horde of jujubees;C.
famous entertainer; D.
6. Venal: A. the rear,
back; B. open to brib-
ery; C. to beat repeat-
edly; D. outerspace
7. Durum: A. a hard
wheat; B. during, in
between; C. city in
N.C D. scorpion sting
8. Kerf: A. a lowly ECU
student employee; B.
fired worker; C.
talkshow mistake; D.
cut made by saw
9. Monition: A. war
materials; B. a warning;
C. preview; D. gutteral
10. Anorak: A. wind-
proof jacket; B. subarc-
tic sheep; C. eskimo
sloop; D. heart condi-
? Compiled by John
four lakes and 1 2 miles oi Tar
River frontage. Bass, bream, crap-
pieand catfish offer excellent sport
for the fishing fanatic. Ion-boats
are available tor uso in the front
pond and pedal boats are also
available for the public to enjoy.
Willow Branch Nature Trail
provides environmental knowl-
edge with self-explanatory trails
and abundant wildlife along its
scenic route to the river. Magnifi-
cent trees and colorful birds sur-
. seuad Several picnic areas and a
shelter is available tor group s
Another attraction of the park
is the Science and Nature Center.
First opened in 1982 as an infor-
mation center, it has since grown
to a 6,000 square foot learning
facility. It offers many live exhib-
its of animalssuch as snakes, fishes
and lizards and also has a turtle
touch tank. Many intriguing ar-
rowheads and animal bones as
well as an exquisite collection of
sea shells from around the world
are also on display. A wide vari-
ety of stuffed animal mounts from
various parts oi the world includ-
ing a grizzly bear and a lion are
also on display here.
The center also hosts ECU
Medical School's "Adventures in
1 lealth Designed forelementary
studentsasa teaching aid to health
and fitness, this program makes
learning casv and fun with selt-
interpretative exhibits and games.
It also otters workshops nd
classes for all ages taught by area
health professionals.
The park is open to the gen-
eral pubheand group trips maybe
arranged. There is a 51 fishing fee
and a $2 boat launch fee or a sea-
son pass for $20 can be purchased.
See Park, page 11
April 17,1990
i st ' ? t 111 11 Of 111 "I i ? i ?
ECU graduate. Sandra Bullock, stars as Tess McGill in Working Girl The situation comedy is based
on the film by the same name and runs every Monday on NBC This series is directed by Matthew
Diamond and produced by Robin Schitt. the Emmy-Award winning producer of Alt
ECU graduate stars on NBC
By Suzan Lawiei
Staff Writer
An Mast Carolina graduate has secured the
leading role in the new NBC sitcom "Working
Girl Sandra Bullock, an '86 graduate of the theatre
arts department, plays the part ot less, Melanie
Griffith's role in the movie.
"WorkingC.irl" premiered Monday at 8'30 EST.
The television show, like the movie, features Bul-
kxkasa secretary trying to make it up the corporate
The entertainment critic of Peopie Weekly maga-
zine, David Hiltbrand, said the sitcom resembled
the original movie 'toi about 12 minutes into the
initial episode. So much for the original premise
He also said, "Bullock is too preppy for
someone who. like PobieC li His, grew up above the
family grocery store. Even before Bullock's promo-
tion, she looks and sounds like she ust stepped oft
the 7:IS from Scarsdale He gave the premiere
episode i grade ot "B
Edgar Loessin, chairman of ECU'S theatre arts
department, said Bullock would do well in the
show. "She has tremendous energy and definitely
has talent. She's one of those people that the camera
While at ECU, Bullock acted in several campus
productions including "Peter Tan" and "Stage Door
After graduation, Bullock moved to New York and
launched her career.
Bullock has worked in many television movies
including "The Bionic Showdown The Pteppie
Murder 'TatakangoFerminal Bliss" and
"Making Time She has acted in the films "Hang-
men "Who Shot Takango?" and "Religion, Inc
Bullock performed in the off-Broadway produc-
tion of "No Time Rat ohn Simon, of Hew York
Magazine, gave her an excellent review for her work
m the production.
Bullock isoriginallv from Washington, D.C. and
grew up surrounded by talented people 1 far mother
is an operal singer and her father is a vocal coach.
Bullock's success is the result of her own talent
and determination, but it is also a testimonial to
F.CU's Theater Department. Bullock's career is on
the rise and "WorkingGirl" should be popular show
among her fellow Pirates.
King novel
plays mind
By Janie Smith
Special to The Fast Carolinian
Once again, Stephen King has
brought forth the mysteries of the
mind in his new book The Dark
Half He goes new meaning to
the phrase everyone in the world
has a twin. "The Dark Half" is a
strange tale of a man and his sub-
The main character, Thad
Beaumont, is a writer and a pro
lessor. He leads a quiet life inCastle
Rock, Maine, vMth his wife and
infant twins.
Asa writer, Thad is failing S
he begins writing books under the
pseudonvm of George Stark. 1 le
even makes upa slightly evil biog-
raphy on Stark, giving himahome
and a past The "hero" oi Stark-
books is a man named Machine
Heiscruel and haunting, but read-
ers loves him. Writing as Stark
I had's books are successful.
When Thad is writing a Stark
novel, he changesdrasticallyfn
a mild, quiet man to a cyni il
almost inhuman creature, as it he
is possessed by another soul.
After a while, Thad becomes
tired oi writing as George Stark
and wants to begin writing under
his own name again. When he tells
the public that he is Stark, trouble
Thad begins to hear birds in
his head, as he did when he was
young. These birds have not re
turned since he had brain surgery
almost 20 years before.
Thad begins hearing the bud
alter he announces he is Stark and
there will be no moreStark novels
The birds cause Thad to forget
things, and the phrase The spar-
rows are fiving again" hasThad in
a situation he cannot understand
or control.
Brutal murders are being
committed and Sheriff Alan
Pangborn's only evidence are the
fingerprints he has found at the
scene of each murder. However.
the fingerprintsarea perfect match
to Triad's. Thad knows he is not
guilty and finally convinces Sher-
iff Panghorn of his innocence. An
investigation begins toclear Thad,
but what the investigation uncov-
ers will change the lives of the
people involved forever.
Stephen King's, "The Dark
1 lalf is a chilling novel about the
powers of the mind. The evil twin
theory dominates, and King uses
it creatively and originally.
An Ideal View:
What on Earth are you going to do?
By Caroline Cusick
Features Editor
As this is my final "Ideal
View" of the semester, I'm look-
ing forward to summer.
it seems that all semester I've
promised myself "when the se-
mester ends I'll do this and that,
I'll go here and there, I'll write my
friends, I'll visit my parents
Well, the summer is closer
now and my conception of time is
more realistic. I'm beginning to
grasp the fact that the days be-
tween spring exams and summer
school classes are few. In those
precious few days, there is much
to do, and balancing time i not
easy! Yet I know there is an ap-
pointed time for everything and
for every event under heaven.
I am certain the time will pass
quickly and some of the items on
my list of things to do will be
neglected. After all, there are pri-
Some things in life are urgent.
Immediate. Vital. Sleeping,eating
and breathing are up at the top of
the list. Thank Cod breathing is
involuntary or I'd forget to do it. I
forget the other two quite often.
But I have promised myself,
when the summer gets here, if it
gets here, 1 will breathe regularly,
sleepeight hours a week and eat at
least two meals a month.
Aside from the vital life func-
tions, I have goals for school. Yes,
I will be here in the mighty Emer-
ald City all summer long. I'm glad
I like it here or summer school
would be too much to bear.
I'vepromised myself I'll study
more, go, to classes (all of them)
and work on assignments when
they are given and not the night
before they are due.
My great summer plans in-
clude a social life of beach trips,
visiting friends and family and
family-to-be, having picnics in the
park and lounging on the beach.
With all those things on my
list of things to do, I still have
neglected the most important part
of my summer. I have toaskmyself
a question my mom asks me every
time we talk. "What on Earth are
you doing, for Heaven's sake?"
Taking all sarcasm out of that
question, 1 ask again. "Caroline,
what are you going to do this
summer, on Earth, in Greenville,
that will matter in the long run
and change eternity
So as we all ponder thiseter-
nally significant question, weneed
to consider the words of the man
who holds the answer,
Jesus said: 'Therefore do not
By Doug Morris
Staff Writer
be anxious for tomorrow; for
tomorrow will care for itself. Each
day has enough trouble of its
own (Matthew 6:34).
So where we invest our time,
that's where we'll find our priori-
ties. And where we devote our
concerns determines whether
we'll find anxiety or peace. Its
easy to get uptight over a lack of
time or over tasks to be done that
never seems to end.
However, Jesus said: "Look at
the birds of the air, that they do
not sow, neither do they reap, nor
gather into barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are
you not worth much more than
theyWhich of you by being an
ious can add a single cubit to his
life's span?" (Matthew 6:26-27).
For ideal advice Trust the One
who holds the answers, don't be
anxious and havea nicesurniher.
The International Studies
program offers students a chance
to study abroad, inboth the United
States and other countries.
The program can send stu-
dents almost anywhere in the
world they want to go, including
Europe, Asia, Africa and Austra
lia. For the summer there are
programs in England, Costa Rica
France and Italy taught by ECU
"England is probably the most
popular country, then Western
Europe if they have the language
said Stephanie Evancho, adminis-
trative assistant of the interna
tional studies program. The pro-
gram can also send students to
other schools within the United
Staying within the United
States is a good idea for students
who are planning to go to gradu-
ate school somewhere other than
ECU. The student can spend a
semester or more studying at the
See Study, page 11

The East Carolinian, April 17,1990 11

Student Profile
Student starts own business
Dance theater prepares for final production
By Mary I illie Wallace
Statl Writer
At 23, I odd Ramsey has his own Real Estate business. Ramsey, a
full lime student of I frban and Regional Planning at ECU, is a partner
in the Ramsey Smith i iroup, a real estate company .
Ramsey transferred to ECU from the University of South Carolina
where he was on a full golt scholarship I Ie played tor the ECU golf
team tor a w hile, but grew tired of the sport. "Ciolt is very frustrating,
ind it became work, not fun To till up the extra hours that uv to be
?d w ith pra tit e Ramsey decided to get a job.
1 wanted to work during school, but I wanted to make my own
hours and I didn't want to wait tables said Ramsey. Roger Perry, a
essful developer in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area got him
interested in 1 and
Ramsey took classes at Pitt Community College during his So
phmore year to attain his Salesman license, which he received in
February of 1988 I lo worked tor University Realty the following
summer, and by February of the next year, Ramsey was a broker.
Ramse was not happy soiling real estate in the conventional
manner He decided to go into business with Don Smith, another
hi ?kor and friend he met white working at I niverstiy Realty.
We wanted to do something different, something that we believed
. is the future for the real estate business said Ramsey. So they
ime tssociatesand set up the Ramsey Smith Croup which began in
September of 1989 ' hetwobrokers workout of their respective homes.
Ramsey's business departs trom the normal real estate company in
mam ways. Ramsey Smith (iroup otters ,m exclusive agency contract
w hich allows the owner to try and sell his own property while it is listed
with Ramsey Smith c Iroup. Ibis means that the prospectiv e buyer was
attained with out any efforts by Ramsey Smith (Iroup or anv other real
t state tirm.
Another feature of the tirm is that it charges flat rates most ot the
time instead of the ommision that most other firms charge. An excep-
tion to this rule is the ' comission that the Ramsey Smith Group has
arge it another firm brings a buvei for property which Ramsey
SmithIroup has listed.
mst who graduates in Mav, tools hiscompanv is the wa eof
uture in real estate. His next step is to become sole owner ot the
is Smith does not ee this venture as a long time one 'Don sees
? rt term but I'm in it tor the lone, haul
ntac t the Ramsev snnthiroup call 752 6656 or 758- $995.
tilled with dance and music will
mark the end of the 1989-1990 sea-
son tor the Hast Carolina Play-
Opening night for the Fast
Carolina Dance Theatre will be
Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. in the
McGinnis Theatre on the ECU
campus. Additional performances
are set for Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. A favorite with students,
subscribers and the general pub-
lic, dance theatre will feature five
original compositions choreo-
graphed bv the members of the
dance faculty.
"Shos 1, 2, 3 the evening's
first composition, is choreo-
graphed by Joseph Carow. Hav-
ing danced with such companies
as the American Ballet Theatre in
New York City, Carow was also
the associate director of the New
Jersey Ballet Company for 18 years.
Patricia Pertalion's choreog-
raphy, "Acjuaverse follows and
reflects the textures and rhythms
of an underwater universe. "Aq-
uaverse" is carefully divided into
four sections depicting seaweed,
aquatic life, a storm, and the calm
after the storm.
Abstract and dramatic chore-
ography by Patricia Weeks are
seen in her piece titled, "Choice
Removed The piece builds on
images of regression, entrapment
and loss of control
"Gift choreographed by
Alan Amett, featured next, is a
flowing and open dance inspired
bv the human capacity to comfort
others in need.
The final presentation of the
evening, also choreographed by
Arnett, 'Too Sexy features the
music of pop stars Prince, Sheila
E. and Annabella.
Single tickets are on sale and
are pnced at $6 for the general
public, $4 for groups of ten or
more, and $3 for FCU students
For further information, call
Continued from page 10
SETA(StudentS for the Ethical W.MB will have a dunking
Treatment of Animals) and booth and will broadcast live from
ABLE! Allied Blacks for Leader- Barefoot A shoot-photo booth will
ship and Equality) who will also besponsored by the Buccaneer, and
sell tee shirts. Also, there will be a Expressions will have a booth on
self-defense demonstration on the cultural awareness.
karate method Tae Kwon Do. The finale of Barefoot will be
Bits and Pieces
Earth Day reveals a rebirth in
the environmental movement
s Earth Day appn i u h
Awareness savs peopli in
than thev have been tor 20y
turers has released I
Progn ;sSin e Earth Da
the hi
pril 22, the U S. i buncil tor Energy
. more interested in the environment
rhe National Association of Manufac-
Growth and Pollution Reduction -
, k how the environment has fared
? : poll shows tour in five want a clean
I i rs, bottles or cans. And eight in 10
Hi fhe poll has a margin of error of
Universities ban Grateful Dead
I he times reallv ire a changin 1 ho I niversity ofalifornia at
Berkeley, birthplai eof the 1 ree Speech Movement, has banned concerts
b the Grateful IX'ad So has Stanford I niversity.( ampus cops say the
r ason is too mut h drug use by the 1 )ead's fans.
People worry about enviroment
The nation is willing to recycle, pay higher taxes and even tell
trangcrs n ?t to litter. Reason most people are worried about the
? nmenl
rtl hrceol four uw i
? . k on heat or air condil
.mo! -a halt percent.
Shortage of math-skills expected
I he nation is in danger of a serious shortage of math skilled
rkers in the year 2000 National Research Council report says
students particularly women and minorities should be enticed to
studv advant ?? I math The report says although college math enroll-
rtts have doubled in the pa I ' years, two thirds have been in
I - iplines fulfilling graduation requirements.
Company recovers stolen cars
i k orp has installed 33,000 car tracking units in
: husetts and South Florida ind boastsof more than 900 stolen car
In a quarter of the cases arrests are made Ihis year, Lojack
mbitu is plans to expand into New Jerse Michigan, Illinois and
i lesounty, areas that have high auto theft rates. Massachu-
? ?? ' i in indateslargedis ountsinautoinsurarw e ifautoownersuse
i k unit or similar device coupled with an alarm system. Ihree
have similar laws and othersareo msidering such discounts. 1 he
igrow tli potential helped the stock gain 17.8 percent in the past 12
vnht I9SO, I SA T('IA pflc r(r l-t'ir'ininrtwink.
The Lighter Side
the Rocky Horror Picture Show to
be shown at 8:00 p.m. on the mall.
Barefoot is sponsored by the
Student Union in collaboration
with the special events commit-
tee. Of this year's Barefoot, Pam
Riggs,advisor to thespecial events
committee saidThe committee is
really excited. I think it's going to
be one of the better one because
there are a variety of things much
more interesting to students. It
gives people more exposure to
Continued from page 10
school and can develop contacts
that mav help in admission to the
university as a graduate student.
Students automatically get
both number and grade credit tor
the classes thev take bv tilling out
forms that request permission to
take classes at other schools li
here are anv questions about
ransferring the class, the depart
nentsendsoff forasv llabus which
is reviewed here at ECU.
The International Student
Exchange program is the most
popular because students can go
to another school and pay ECU
tuition. Many schools teach classes
in English, even if they are not in
an English speaking country. In
addition, students get to see the
country and learn about its cul-
Continued from page 10
1 he picnic shelter can be re-
served for $5 and jon boats may
be rented tor halt a day tor $3or a
lull day for $5. The pedal boats
operite n the weekends from 1
p.m. until7p.m.and may be rented
in 30 minute periods tor $1.50.
Currently the park is open
trom 7 .i m. to 7 p.m . Tuesday
through Sunday and, beginning
Mav 1. from h a.m. to 8 p.m. The
park is closed on Mondays. The
Science and NatureCentensopen
year-round 1 p.m. through 6 p.m.
Additional information may
be obtained bv contacting How-
ard Vainwright, park supervisor,
at 830-4560.
"You reallv mature because
vou have to get yourself to fit in to
a new environment said Evan-
cho, "and it reallv helps vou to
develop character because when
you are in another country, vou
are reallv on your own
Even though students can pay
regular ECU tuition, studying
abroad mav cost a little more. "It
is probably going to be more ex-
pensive than living in Greenville
said Evancho. "But it depends on
the country that vou go to. You do
have to take into account that you
will be buying souvenirsand trav-
eling as well as going to school
To help out with these ex-
penses, the program offers the
Thomas Rivers scholarship to help
students who wish to studv
abroad. In addition, many of the
programs have their own scholar-
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New couple doing just 'ducky'
LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. (AP) Hie new couple at the condomin-
ium complex are doing just dm kv. thanks.
Bui the neighbors aren't too happy
Ever since two small mallards showed up, u7 residents ot the
lurelmont complex have been trying to figure how to make them
? ive The male paddles around the swimming pool's deep end. fhe
female sits on her eggs in the bushes behind a chaise lounge.
Now,4 Grangeountv health offk ials are threatening to shut down
the pool just as the weather is 1.eating up because the I hlorme level is
unbalaTK ed
But the ducks are untouchable.
State and federal law says no one can tamper, bother, harass, move
or kill anv migratory birds, their babies or nests said Linda Evans,
executive dire 'or of an organization called Pacific Wildlife Project.
Violation of the law could bring a one-year prison term or a $10,000
"It's mushrooming into quite a problem said Lisle Starbuck, vice
president of Assured Property Management, the complex manager.
"I have homeowners who want to use the pool (who aren't happy)
swimming around in duck doo and others with guns who want to
protect the ducks
The next step is for a warden from the state Department of Fish and
(lame to come out and make a decision
of Greenville
Located by Sports Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alley
Import Ni
2 For
Sharky's is a private club for members and
21 years old guests.
"We Free Pour AH Our Drinks"
With This Coupon
ships that the students can applv
for. There are also other scholar-
ships available through local or-
ganizations such as the rotarv.
Housing is prearranged. In
some programs vou stav in an
apartment, in others a dorm. In
some countries vou actually hv -
with a family trom that country
To become part ot the intei na
tional studies program student
need to till out an application
Bring an index card with your
name, address a nd phone number
on it so that you can check out one
of the catalogs and find a school
where vou would like to studv.
Anyone interested in this
program should contact Stepha
nie Evancho at757-6769 or sti p hv
the office of the international stud
ies program in Room 1M2 of th'
General Classroom Building
Wheet in Jy ? if V I'? j when you re on the go!
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(Always made with 100? USD A Fresh
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us celebrate our 1 st birthday
in North Carolina.
(Offer good for limited time only.)
711 S. Memorial Drive
(across from the Holiday Inn)
Net weight before

Stye ?ast (ttaroltman
Page 12
April 17,1990
Pirates edge by
JMU, get ranked
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
The Pirate sluggers completed
the three game sweep against
conference-rival lames Madison
with a 6-5 victory Sunday alter
noon, and broke into the national
rankings on the same d.
After road wins over the rta
tionally ranked UNC-C11 Tarheels
and the Woltpack of N.C. State
earlier in the week, the Pirates
climbed into the rankings at the
28th position by Collegiate Base-
ballESPN" polls, and 23rd by
"Baseball America
ECU'S starting pitcher Davy
Willis who was clocked at SI
m p.h. by radar gun. had a rough
outing in the early innings. Davis
hit Pukes load ott hitter Sam Rose
to start the game. Rob Mammau
followed with a single With Pat
Kelley reaching base on a single,
the bases were loaded with one
out Mike Hubbard ended the
inning when he hit into a double
play, lames Madison left three men
on base in the tirst inning
Put the Pukes scored in the
second inning when Kurt Johnson
(.188, 7 RBI) belted his second
homerun of the year ott Willis
lames Madison led 1-0.
Willis did not pitch excep-
tionally well today said Pirate
head coach(iarv Overton. But he
did gi e us the innings ; three1 we
tter lames Madison scored
again in the fourth inning, Willis
was replaced by Brien Berckman.
In the fourth, the Pirate offense
came alive when ECU rallied tor
three runs. Third baseman iohn
C last smashed a two-run homer.
Corey Short then followed with a
solo dinger. Cast's homer was his
sixth on the season. Short's horn
erun was his fifth of the year.
With TCP leading 3-2, the
Dukes tied the game in the sixth
inning when pitcher 1 arrv Mitch-
ell hit his first -career homerun.
The game was tied at three alter
the homer.
In the ninth inning with two
outs, the Pirates led the game 5-4.
Needing one more out to win the
game. PCL"s Mike W'hitten gave
up a solo homer to Dwighl Rowe.
This dinger tied the game again at
In the tenth inning. Pirate
Berry Narron (273, 12 RBI) started
the rally with a lead-off single.
Tommv N arborough (.340, 13 sto-
len bases) sacrificed Narron to
second base. Pukes Mitchell then
threw a wild pitch, advancing
Narron to third. Kevin Kiggs then
responded with run-scoring th-
orn, scoring Narron to win the
game The Pirates won thecontest
6-5 in extra innings.
The Pirates now post a 33-4
overall record and 7-1 mark in the
Colonial Athletic Association. The
lames Madison Pukes drop ti i 18-
15 overall and post a 3-5 record in
ECU will host the N.C State
Wolfpack W'ednesdav at 7 p m.
Lady Pirates split
with UNC-CH
Team finishes home season
Spoils Information
John Tucker makes a defensive stand against a member ot club team
Irom Raleigh in one of the many tournaments the fnsbee club partici-
pated in preparing for the Collegiate Nationals in Phoenix An (Photo
by J D. Whitmire I CU Photo Lab)
Irates prepare for
sectional tourney
1 he ECU women's sottball
team w rapped up its home season
tor 1990 with a split,t a twi-night
doubleheader with the Lady Tar-
heels ot North Carolina, winning
the lirst game 5 1 in 10 innings
,nd losing the nightcap 9-1. Both
games were played at( reen ille's
aycee Park.
In the first game, E I had a
$-2 lead going into the bottom ot
theseventhand when thetirst two
batters wen (down in order, things
looked prettv soviire hr Sue
Manahan s ballclub. 1 hat's vn hen
a women's last pitch Softball rar-
ltv occurred, back to back home
Tracy Narwid hit a shot over
the lett fielder Kathy Schragi
. i and sped an and the baso
paths to tie the -s ore 1 Ik- next
? r. Mk helle Rupp, hit a full
count pitch thai slu(-d down the
Nicholls State shells
Lady Pirates, 4-1, 2-0
By John Tucker
Assistant 1 eatures 1 ditoi
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
The 1 ady Pirate sottball team
dropped a doubleheader 4-1 and
2-0 to the nationally-ranked
N'ichollsState Lady Turtles Ihurs-
day afternoon.
Nicholls State, which is ranked
sixth in the south region of the
National Collegiate Athletic As-
sociation by the NCAA Regional
Selection Committee, stopped the
I ady Pirates in the first game 4-1.
"1 think they (Lady Turtles)
came out and took charge of the
games said ECU'S head coach
sue Manahan. "Nicholls State is
oneol the best teams we haveseen
this soar.
I he Lady Turtles scored in
the second inning when Ann Wil-
liams started the winning rally
with a walk. Freshman Tonia Stur-
geon sacrificed, advancing Wil-
liams to second. Jackie Cantrell
then flied out with no outs in the
inning. But Marlene Benjamin kept
the inning alive when she singled,
advancing Williams to third base.
ITie Turtles followed with a double
steal, scoring Williams.
Nicholls State scored another
run in the third inning when Shelly
Simpson stole second base. Phyl-
lis Guedry responded with a run-
scoring double. The Lady Turtles
led ECU 2-0 after the third inning.
The Lady Pirates finally
scored in the fourth inning, cut-
ting the Turtle lead to 2-1. ECU'S
Leslie Cramer (308, 15 RBI I had a
lead-off single to start the Pirate
rally. Senior Tracy Kee smashed a
run-scoring double, scoring Cra-
mer. Kee'sdouble was her sixth of
the season.
See Lady Turtles, page 13
The ECL nun s frisbee c lub
will be traveling to I Hirham, N.C,
this weekend to compete against
other college teams from the mid-
eastern seaboard region in the
Collegia to Sectionals Tournament
sponsored by Duke niversity
This is the tirst step '? oUv
giate Nationals in Phoeni I
goal that we have boon rkii
tor since the tirst tournament in
Charlotte at the beginning ol last
fall, said Irate team captain lar
Some ot the partii ipants in
this year's tournament include
N.C state. I N at Wilmington.
William and Mary, St. Mar s ol
Maryland, the University ol V ir-
ginia, Virginia Pol technical In-
stitute. Wake Forest University
and the host ol the tournament
Puke University.
"Past year, after ha ing an
average spring tournament sea-
son we made a strong showing
and beat Wilmington in the finals
to win the tournament. I lopefully,
we can do it again, said Irate
veteran Lee Walston.
This year the top tour finish-
ers in the sectional tournament
will travel to Princeton I niversity
in Princeton. N.J to compete in
Collegiate Regionals.
According to I lurley this tour-
nament is where the competition
really gets touch. 1 as; ear only
three teams out o( 12 made it to
Collegiate Nationals,and we luck-
ilv placed second in Regionals.
This vear onl two teams out ol
our region will make it because
we don tget thew ild card spot we
had last year
The team is traveling to 1 Kike
alter making a poor sh iwingatai
urnam nt :
Wilmington this past weekend.
Only eight players were able to
make it to the tournament and the
team came aw ay from the tourna-
ment with only one win in tour
games played.
? It s tough getting pi oplc to
travel every weekend, wepractice
as much and play in tournaments
almost as much as a normal col-
lege sport We have the normal
school workload but play ultimate
because we're ac,ro and. love the
sport, said 1 risbee Club Presi-
dent Ken Early.
According to Early the re-
gional tournament in Princeton,
N.J. will be held on April 28 and 29
right in the middle ol final exams,
making the trip coupled with the
added stress ol finals exception-
ally tough.
"We've made it as a team to
Collegiate Nationals lor the past
tour years now wo vo cot the tal-
do it
eain tm-
ar, I just
hope all the positive tours are
working tor us and we . an pull it
off. Earlv added.
Just 10 more minutes!
Shannon Fowler, Cathy Savage and Julie Grauso peddle their way to
iPhoto by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
left I
Id line u
With c arolma ; iding
4 v Eastan ilina was looking for
production from the top ol the
batting ordt i ??. hi was due up
in the inning
i hev got it immediately, as
! aura Crowder stroked a sinj
the gap between ??: rtstop and
third. Cindv Ritter sacrificed
Crowder down to second, and
then RBI leaderhris Byrne did
her job by blasting a triple in the
lett field power alley. The Lady
Pirates were unable to pick Byrne
up from third, so the teams battled
tor the extra three innings
In the bottom ol the tent!
EC U led ott with I eslieran r
reaching base on an error by c an
Una shortstop lulie O'Shields
Stephanie I lobson, trying to bun:
Cramer down, wound up doing
the )ob and reaching tirst as wi
when nobody covered the bag
After a wild pitch, the Lady Pi
rates were in position tor the ????
with no outs and runners on SC
ondand third, rhafswhen senii r
Jennifer Sagl hit a -harp groundc -
that bourn edoverl KShieldsgli ? i
scoring Cramer for the win
I reshman pitchingsensatii i
Jennifer Parsons tossed all 10 in
nings, giving up seven hits, walk
ing four and strikingout three and
improving her record to 11-3.
In the -? ond game,ii wa i
v ai i isthel adv Pirate p' I
: ? o; ? : trouble holding I
I adv Tarheels. I N scon d
times in the tirst three innings
four ol the runs ommg in tl
. i I managed to plate one
run. Laurarowder scoringoi
( hris Byrne triple, her second I
the day. 'i vette Davis picked ij
the win tor the Tarheels ? ?
lennifer Sagl getting the loss.
ECU is now 26-11 on the year
with the 1 ,d larheels running
their record to JO-15 The 1 ad
Pirates play again April 21 22 i
the Frost Cutlery Invitational in
c hattanooea I enn.
Track teams fare well
in conference meet
By Chip Kline
stall Writer
1 helA U men sand women S
tra k team combined tor five first
place finishes at the Colonial
Athletic Associations Track and
Field Championships held Satur-
dayat 1 larrisonburg, Va. I his was
thefirsteverCAA 1 rack and Field
Ihe Lady Pirates garnered
tour tirst place finishesand ended
up in fourth place in the team
standings with a total ol 93 points.
Ann Marie Welch won the 10,000-
meter run with a time ol 37:32
-ok onds. I he 400 meter relay
(Danita Roseboro, anessaSmith,
handra (!ooper, oy Dorsey)
blaed to first ?? ith i timeol 47.11
seconds. Chandra ooper hopped,
skipped, and jumped her way to a
win in the triple jump with a jump
ol J6 feet, seven and three-quarter
inches. Kim Dupree and Thalia
Person also placed fourth and fifth
intheevent, respectively. V anessa
Smith was the fourth Lady Pirate
gold medalist. Smith won the 200
meters in a time ol 24 39 seconds.
Other notable performances
included Susan S hram and lame
Rowe placing second and third in
the shot put. Roseboro racing to
second in the 100-meters with a
time ol 11.73 seconds.
The men had a fair showing
finishing fifth m the team stand-
ings with a total of 47 points. Brian
Williams was the lone shining star
as he won the 400-meter interme-
diate hurdles in a time ol 53-14
seconds, while Udon Cheek was
third in a time ol r4 74 seconds
Brian Irwin ran to a third place
finish in the 100 meters with a time
oi 48.14 seconds.
Overton earns 200th
win; ECU beats JMU
better fitness by riding exercise bikes in the weight room of Memorial Gym
By Frank Reyes
StJtl Writer
Pirate head coach Gary Over-
ton earned his 200th win at ECU
with a 6-0 victory in the second
game of the doubleheader against
the lames Madison Dukes Satur-
day in Greenville.
Overton, who now postsa 200-
70 record at ECU, was praised Is-
thel rate Athletic Administration.
The tirst word used to de-
scribe Overton is class said ECU
Athletic Director Dave Hart "He's
an excellent baseball coach and
his great accomplishments makes
our alumni very proud
Overton used ace hurler Jon-
athan fenkins (8-0, 2.23 ERA)
against the Pukes in the second
game, lenkms threw seven com-
plete innings, giving up only five
hits while wit ting five. I legaveup
no walks and no runs. Jenkins'
complete game was his fourth on
the season
While the Dukesoffense sput-
tered, ECU scored three runs in
the first inning. John Adams (376,
23 RBI) collected three hits and
scored twice. Calvin Brown (331,
10 HR)also had three hits.
Dukes' starting hurler Hugh
Broomall was shelled for six runs
on nine hits. Broomall also fanned
two Pirates while walking one.
Broomall's loss dropped his rec-
ord to 3-1 on the vear
In the tirst game, ECU took a
2-1 victory over the Dukes, thanks
to Pirate pitcher Tim langdon.
Langdon, who improved his
record to7-lon the season, dazzled
JMU with a masterful five-hit
game. Langdon set down nine
straight batters in the contest. He
allowed one run, while fanning
five. Langdon's complete game
was his second of the season
IMU's Mark Jones evened his
pitching record to 2-2 with the
loss. In his six innings, he gave up
two runs on six hits.
ECU scored a run in the first
inning when Kevin Riggst 282,23
RBI) started a Pirate rally with a
See JMU, page 13

The East Carolinian, April 17,1990 13
Sports Briefs
Lady Turtles
Continued from page 12
Edberg defeats Krickstein for title
Stefan Edberg defeated Aaron Krickstein 6-4, 7-5, Sunday to win
the lapan l )pen tennis tournament at Tokyo for the third time in four
years. Edberg, the No 2 seed from Sweden, fell behind 4-2 in both sets
but capitalized on solid srr ice return to again capture the $1 million
tournament Krickstein had defeated No. 1 seed (vanLend to advance
to the finals.
College seniors impress NBA scouts
1 he West twit the Midwest 110 -W in the first round of the Orlando
Ml Stai c Kissu 1 hursday. Hut two players from the losing team were
the most impressive in this showcase of college basketball seniors for
H scouts Minnesota's Willie Burton had 23 points and added eight
rebounds, and 1 )uane Causewell, who flunked out of Temple, had 25
points and 10 rebounds.
U.S. senator backed away from report
Sen Hm Wirth, Polo head of a congressional panel studying
baseball expansion bat ked away "hursday from a report that he had
n assured Denver and lampa-St. Petersburg, Fla would receive
major league teams by the end of the year. In a statement Wirth said he
tional wisdom" that those areas were top
But the Lady Turtles increased
the lead 4-1 in the fifth inning.
ECU's Jennifer Parsons, who is
now 8-3 this season, gave up a
bases-loaded single. In the game.
Parsons pitched three complete
innings, allowing four ninson six
hits. She also walked four batters
while striking out one.
The Lady Pirate offense was
led by I .aura Crowder (.343, 12
stolen bases) with three lead-off
singles. Stephanie Hobson (.222,
16 RBI) collected two singles in
three trips to the plate. Cindy Rit-
ter (.333,17 stolen bases) also had
two singles in four at bats.
Game two featured a five-hit
shutout pitching performance by
Nicholls State's Vicki Chesnutt,
giving the Lady Turtles a 2-0 win.
"It really felt good to take the
sweep (against ECU) Chesnutt
said. "We were very pleased with
the win
The game was scoreless until
the fifth inning when the Lady
Turtles scored two runs. Both
Continued from page 12
Benjamin and Sturgeon scored on
a Nicholls Statedoubie. State could
only salvage three hits off ECU's
Tracy Larkin.
Larkin, who dropped her
pitching record to 7-3, hurled six
innings. Larkin walked two bat
ters while striking out one.
Nicholls State starting hurler
Chesnutt pitched seven innings
for the complete game. Chesnutt,
who considers her best pitch the
high-rise ball, improved her rec-
ord to 10-7 on the year.
Coach Manahan brought in
relief pitcher Rcnee Myers (3-2,
0.99 ERA) to throw the last in
nings of the game. Myers pitched
one and one-thirds of an inning,
giving up only one walk.
, ed it
i andidates tor National 1 eaguc teams.
Ex-boxing champion suffers stroke
Former woi Id middleweight champion Rocky C iraiano remained
: mi at New York Hospital Cornell Medical ('enter
Thu ' lavs after suffering a stroke He also suffered a heart
attack t Febi year pro career, Graziano knocked out 52
NCAA defers Maryland's request
NCAA's Administrative Committee defered Maryland's re-
quest ter an early appeal of NCAA sanctions against its basketball
sa ing the Division 1 steering committee will have to decide
1 whether to grant a special May hearing or wait until August.
L'NLV players to dine with governor
1 he NCAA champion Nevada-1 as Vegas men's basketball team
v-adaGov. Bob Miller Wednesday. They will dine on
rab from North Carolina, beef ribs and chicken
m rkansas and (ieorgia I 1 ech) peach ice cream. The fare resulted
icreement" involving governors of the states with
mis in the 1 inal 1 our.
Tennis player makes big comeback
v issett Seguso, a former top 10 player who retired after
having a bab two vears ago, beat 12th seed 1 inda Ferrando 6-4, 6-2
Fhursda) I reach the quarterfinals ol the $350,000 Bausch & l.omb
tennis cl rtships at Amelia Island, 11a. Also. No. 2 seed and
n Gabriela Sabatini came from 1 J down to defeat
i athv ? L e?-U
Stewart wins playoff on birdie putt
Payne Stewart Sunday became the first goiter to win the Heritage
in consecutive vears and ended his playoff losing streak at five by
beating Larry Mize on the second hole of sudden death. Stewart, who
started the dav two strokes ahead, made back-to-back birdies in the
playoff, beating Mize v ith an 18-foot birdie putt on the par-4,4S4-yard
18th hole at the Harbour Town Golf Links.
Bordin to compete in Boston Marathon
(,e!mdo Bordin ol Italy will try to become the first Olympic mara-
n champion to w in the Boston Marathon in Monday's94th running
t the world s oldest 26 -1 mile race Among the record 9,400 runners in
? lii 8H I imp Ibrahim Hussein of Kenya and'88 and'89
runnel lii uma 11 incaa ot lanania.
walk. Adams then followed with
a single, advancing Riggs to sec-
ond base.
With no outs in the inning,
Fason hit a sacrifice, advancing
Riggs to third Brown then re-
sponded with a run-scoring single,
scoring Riggs. ECU led 1-0 after
the first inning
But lames Madison came back
with a run in the fourth inning.
With Sam Rose (.336, 15 stolen
bases) reaching first base on a
Pirate error, Rob Mummau (.264,
22 RBI) followed with a single.
Dwight Rowe (316,3 HR) ad-
vanced Rose to third base with a
sacrifice. Pat Kelley (.298,15 RBI)
then hit a run-scoring ground out,
making the score 1-1.
The Pirates then rallied with a
run in the fourth inning. Third
baseman lohn Cast (.339, 5 HR)
started with a walk.
Shortstop Corey Short (.310,
25 RBI) reached first on a James
Madison error. Steve Godin (.344,
4 HR) knocked in Cast with a
ground out. Godin's RBI was the
game winner.
Attention ECU students:
The baseball game with N.C. State Wednesday night
is expected to have a capacity crowd. The gates will
open at 5:30 p.m so come early! Once the stands are
full, no more spectators will be allowed.
Game time is 7 p.m.
Abortions from 13 to 18 weeks at additional cost. Pregnancy
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Capitals, Canadiens clinch NHL series
1 he Washington Capitals and Montreal Canadiens, clinched NHL
irst round plavofl series Sunday night. Washington edged the New
. Devils ; 2 to win the best of-seven Patrick Division semifinal 4-
( anadiens beat the Buffalo Sabres 5-2 to win their Adams
i vision semifinal 4-2. In the other Mil playoff game Monday: Hart-
ford 7 Boston 2, OT, series tied 3-3.
N.C. State talks to Jayhawks' coach
North Carolina State officials have talked to Kansas coach Roy
Williams about the Wolfpacks' vacant coaching job, Kansas athletic
director Bob Frederick said. fimValvano resigned April 7 after 10 years
as state coach.
Soviet delegation to compete in Seattle
Seattle can expe t a Soviet delegation of about 600 people to attend
uh 20 Aug.5 loodwillGames,saidAleksandrKozlovsky,deputy
h.urn vi not the Soviet State ommittee on Sports and Physical Culture,
iodcs thai delegation will include athletes from Lithuania
In the Locker
Winninq seasons in the 1980s
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Trinidad Tripoli
Steel Band
12 Noon - 1pm
Johnny Quest
1:15 - 2:15pm
Ken Weber,
2:15 - 3:15pm
Bill Pinkney &
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4:30 - 6:00pm
Rocky Horror
Picture Show
Other Events Include:
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World Robotic Boxing Juggler
Carnival Games Star Tra Recording Booth
ECU Gospel Choir 11:45 - 12noon
Special Guest: Frank Cooper from
Guiding Light
April 19

The East Carolinian, April 17, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 17, 1990
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