The East Carolinian, April 10, 1990

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?he iEaHt (EaralbiUm
9 . , , ? . . i.vic
Sewing the Tost Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. t4 No. 25
Tuesday April 10, lW
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
12 Pages
Commiittee calls
for run-off election
Candidates face off again
By Samantha Thompson
Matt Writer
1 he Election Committee
vk ided 6 " Mondav e ening thai
the elex lion rules w ere no! clearly
interpreted prior to the run ott
election and set a new date tor ,i
run of! election bt tvveen Student
Go crnment Association
presidential candidates Robin
?pJu w s .md llen rhomas.
tter Andrews officially
voiced sc ol her complaints
lo th? Electommittee, the
nru mbi ? led that a run off
election will be held pril 17
I ike being disquali
on five o i lock Monda was a
violation, ndrews told the
ElectionC ommittee yet I didnot
personalh know since I was never
formally explained the rules also
the fact that .ill these other rules
haw been violated Md no action
is being taki n i - ut these ether
complaints filed
rhomas was declared i
president April 2 b Election
. ommitteeC hairman kelh Jones
when Andrews tailed to submit
her expense report byp m. and
was disqualified from the race.
During the meeting with the
Ele lions - Committee, Ml
Attorney ieneral Brian Stevens,
rhomas' representative Gary
Dudley and others. Andrewscited
specific ekvtion rules which she
said were not followed properly
b the Election Committee.
mong these. Andrews said
she was not notified about thedate
ol the run -ott ekvtion She said she
iead it the day after the election in
asl Carolinian .nd that lones
never held a manditory meeting
as the election rules stated she was
ones argued that it was not
-tated in the rules that she should
have held the meeting and that
Vndrews had si representatives
at the ballot counting who said
they would tell Andrews of the
run ott election.
Andrews also said that in the
election rules it stated that two
w eeks were to elapse between the
regular election and any run-off
elections. She said she never had a
choice on the date of the run-oft
election. et, lones said that it was
a typing mistake in the ekvtion
Although, according to the
author ot the ekvtion rules revision
act. the amendment passed during
a previous SGA meeting with the
two weeks between the elections,
pro vine, that it was not a typing
mistake in the rules.
During the meeting with
See Run off, page 3
These two young ladies enjoy dinner at the ECU Fnends cookout that was held Sunday at R.ver Park North ECU Friends is a campus
organization that pairs special youths m the Pitt CountyGreenville area with ECU students (Photo by J D Whitmire - ECU Photo Lab
Media Board dismisses WZMB staffers
. . . . i i. rv ? , 1 .
By Adam Cornelius
Staff Writer
Two staff members ol WZMB
were fired by the ECU Media Board
Thursday as a result of the March
2 broadcast oi a morning talk
WZMB program director I rev
"Bien" Burley and media
personality John "Chippy
Bonehead" Carter were tired from
the campus radio station b) a
unanimous vote of the Media
Board under the personal conduct
code of the Media Board Policy
According to Media Board Ray
Madden, the most serious charge
that the two faced was failure to
obtain a person's permission prior
to broadcasting their voice over
the air a violation of Federal
Com mum cat nms Commission
regulation. Madden said that such
an action was described in the
Media Board Policy Manual as
"parti ipation in any action that
would inany way seriously disrupt
or disturb the normal operation of
the media '
"It the action was reported to
? - ,e F( C. there is the possibility the
station could lose their license and
n uldn't be able to broadcast
Madden said.
During the morning show,
Burley and Carter broadcast a skit
they named a particular faculty
member in whose class Burley and
Carter said thev would enroll it
that faculty member taught it "in
the nude
The two broadcasters folk) wed
with a live, aired telephone call to
the English Department asking the
secretary whether that instructor
would be teaching the class "in the
nude" for the fall semester
According to Madden, the
board weighed theaction taken by
former WZMB General Manager
Andrew Forbis along with
information from acting chair of
the communications department
Dr. Mane Farr and Media Adviser
(tcc; Brownbefore reaching its
Forbis wrote a letter to the
Media Board dated April 5 living
he had suspended the two
broadcasters from working at
WZMB for the remainder of the
Spring 1990 semester.
The Media Board in turn voted
to dismiss Burley and Carter
The board "had
?v- .
i 'aling with preregistration. In it decision.
information and thev made a
decision. I have to stand behind
that, and I respect that decision
Madden said.
The Constitution ot the ECL
Media Board stipulates that tru-
Board may removea student from
a position tor failing to maintain
standards established in that
See WZMB, -age 3
EastCare celebrates fifth anniversary
Last year's Barefoot on the Mall held a lot ot tun and entertainment
tor everyone This year's Barefoot is planned for April 18
Special Olympics holds
games in Greenville
By Margi Morin
Assistant News 1 ditor
The Pitt Count)hapter ol
the Special Olympics w ill hold its
spring track and field games today
at Charles B Aycock High School.
ECU students who have tea, hed
the Special Olympics athletes this
vear will also ho present at the
"1 have never volunteered tor
Special Olympics before, but I look
foreword to it. I have heard et the
activities that go on and would
eventually like to be a volunteer
coach said ECU student Mike
Martin will boone i it the volunteers
helping with today's events.
Connie Sappenfield,
coordinator of the Greenville
Special Olympics, said thai the
games have had "tremendous
support from ECU faculty and
Manv students begin
volunteering as part of their
practicum for courses. Also, this
year, Health 1000 students may
volunteer for part of their grade
According to Sappenfield, the
coaching volunteers attend an
eight-hour workshop to get
certified. Volunteers may request
which sport they want to coach
and no experience is necessary.
"Today's winners will
compete in the State Olympics in
Raleigh June 8-10 she said.
Winners from the state event will
then go to the International games
which are held every four years.
1 he next international games are
scheduled for 1991
Greenville will be the host of
the 1991 and 1992 State Special
Olympics Competition.
"ECU helped write the bid,
will provide housing facilities, feed
the athletes and provide the
See Special, page 3
By Sarah Martin
Stjff Writer
They are called the "Blue
Angels" and have saved many
lives in their five years oi sen ice.
Thev are EastCare.
EastCare is Pitt County Me
morial Hospital's air ambulance
and on Sunday. April 8, they ele
bra ted their fifth year oi service to
eastern North Carolina.
More than 1,300 former pa-
tients, emergency medical service
(EMS) personnel, family and
fnends were invited to attend the
celebration with the EastCare statt
on the field beside the Brody
Medical Sciences Building.
A ceremony at 2:30 p m. was
held that included a brief history
of EastCare, speeches by former
patientsand F MS personnel thank
ing the EastCare Staff tor their
service and the dedication of the
celebration to the patients that
made the last five years possible.
One termer patient ot Roper.
N C, Sidney W. Spruill called on
EastCare in May of 1986. He had
suffered a heartattack on the job in
Plymouth. The trip that would
normally take J5 to 40 minutes
took roughly seventeen minutes
by way oi the EastC are helicopter.
"It it hadn't been for East-
Care Spruill said, "1 mav not have
made it here today to thank them
These same weirds were shared by
manv on Sunday as patients
thanked those that helped them
when thev too called on EastCare.
In 1984, Pitt County Hospital
and the ECU School of Medicine
saw an increasing need tor rapid
transport lo the hospital. With a
shorter time between the scene of
the accident and the onset of hos-
pital care, the chance of survival is
increased. This is one of the main
purposes of EastC are.
On April 8, 1985, EastCare
received its first call. Since that
first flight, they have served 2100
more. Not all of the past 2100 calls
have been successes. On January
S. 1987, the EastCare helicopter
crashed in ones County killing all
tour people aboard, the pilot, the
two flight nurse's and the young
patient. Ik-cause that accident
killed their management group,
the EastCare program had to re-
build. Three months later, thev
returned to service.
"The program was not much
different, safety was always an
issue savsMollieSwindell, R.N
"We never let that stop us. We tly
because that is what we want to
do, so we go on
EastCare is staffed with ten
flight nurses, two doctors, four
pilots and one mechanic. They
must first go through a land and
water survival training, aviation
physiologv, advanced procedure
labs and must have at least two
years of ICL training.
EastCare receives an average
et4i Vails a month and serves a 120
mile radius ol 36 counties in east-
ern North Carolina.
Patients are truly what
EastCare is dedicated to says
Patty Collins, a flight nurse. "We
share in their happiness and we
share in their sadness. Our reward
is unmeasurable. Our patients
touch us briefly, but stay in our
memories forever
The media board's
deliberations were over
before they began
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted. For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation8
Jury convicts Poin-
dexter of felony conspir-
acy, obstruction of Con-
Eight or Nine Feet
play at the Deli
Irates fail short in
home tournament
"EastCare the Pitt County Hospitals aTr ambulance service, marked its fifth anniversary Sunday with a
ceremony in the park next to the ECU School of Medicine (Photo by J D. Whitmire - ECU Photo Lab)

2 The East Carolinian April 10,1990
ECU Briefs
Scholar discusses variety of topics
Dr. Victor Salvador Desouza, a noted sociologisl from India will
present a series ol lectures at ECU April 11 12 with topics ranging from
the status of women in India toa sociologist's experience in Communist
Desouza is a former president of the Indian Sociological Associa-
tion and a three time Fulbright Scholar
Black culture in America examined
The beliefs and traditions established in America by the Afro
Americans v ho w ere slaves will be discussed Tuesday at a symposium
atECU. I he program Before Jubilee: The Transition of African Amen
can Culture from Slavery to Freedom begins at Id a.m. today in the
Willis (Regional Development Institute) building. Four experts on
African American histor .nd culture will be the guest speakers.
Economics faculty present research
"Some Advances in the Theory and Measurement of the Influence ot
Uncertainty will be the presentation by Dr. Paul Flacco of the Depart-
ment ol Economicsat oonttdav in Room 221 of MendenhallStudent
Center I he presentation is part of the ECU Arts and Sciences Faculty
Research Forum.
European events explored
Political scientist Inn; Sterner, a professor at UNC-Chapel Hill and at
the University ot Berne, Switzerland, will speak Thursday on the topic
"The 1989 Sequence ol Events in Eastern Europe at 3:30 p.m. in Room
2020 ot ECU ? .eneral C lassroom building.
National Campus Clips
SGA pushes for
unified calender
getting out at the same time won't
By Samantha Thompson (hmge thinfiS ?
Suff Writer Thc rcsoKition, which was
? ??? ????-?
Campus volunteers battle hunger
University ol Kentucky students are joining peers.across the coun-
try in the 1990 National Hunger Cleanup campaign, designed to
address the problems ol homclessness and hunger.
Sponsors donate mone) to the cleanup, and volunteers utter com
munit sen ice tor the contributions received. Sen ice proje( ts include
cleaning up local parksand painting homeless shelters. All proceeds go
toward the 1 lunger Cleanup project.
lhe National I lunger Cleanup is the largest student run commu-
nity service program in the nation. It began in 1985 with nine Mu higan
schools,md has grown to include 110 U.S. cities. The program raised
$150,000 last year.
"It shows that everybody cues aboul this international problem
and is willing to work together to solve it. which gives you a great
feeling, said I K student Maria ! 1 Narvaez.
Sticker backs demoted officer
Students .it 1 ouisiana State University are distributing a
bumper sticker in support ol a campus officer demoted for writing
a letter questioning why a drunken driving charge was dropped.
Ihe purple on whitestit ker reads "1 si Police Please Don't Arrest
Me I'm I rom Alood I amilv. A dollar sign is printed at ter the slogan
The sticker refers to Officer Ri k Roubiquc, who was demoted
from fOqniraliAfliiJyrr'tfc' ltHpr " A tiisrirt attorney aA'l $
PVVI charge against a Shreveport youth was dropped.
In August 1988, Roubiquc arrested lames "Sonny" Weeks lr a
dentist'sson on a I )W1 count Alter the East baton Rouge Parish district
attorney's office dismissed the case the officer wrote a letter to then-
District Attorney Bryan bush tor an explanation
Roubiquc sent a copy to Mothers Against Drunk I hiving which
The Student Government previously mandated to just ECU
Association passed by consent a Chancellor Richard Eakin and the
resolution Monday afternoon to NIC. Board of Governors, will be
unify the calender ot all 16 sent to all 16 N.C. university
universities of the North Carolina chancellors and the chairman of
System the ECU Faculty Senate. Helms
legislator Eric Milliard. made the motion to mandate the
author ot the resolution, told the latter academic authorities and a
legislature he proposed the idea unanimous consent of the
because it would make all N.C. amendment followed.
students leave for and return from After a lengthy debate
breaks and holidays at the same whether the ECU underwater
time. This, he said, would allow hockey team should be a SGA
families with children at different funded organization, the
N.C. universities to attend legislature voted 34- 7 to pass the
vacations and add fairness to constitution as a funded group.
acquiring winter and summer jobs. Since the SGA is facing the
Tie resolution had previously approvalofannualappropriations
passed OUt Of the Student Welfare to requesting groups, Legislator
Committee 8-0as non-prejudicial, Barbara Lamb reminded the body
meaning that the committee that it was important to look at
would not decide on it and that which groups they were passing
the resolution should go straight is funded organizations. She said
to the bodv tor discussion and a funding was limited because so
decision. many organizations are requesting
Chairman ol the Student appropriations this year.
Welfare Committee Beth Howard legislator I'npp Hogg agreed
s.nd the committee voted it non- saying thai the SGA must start
prejudic ial bc ,mv. although the prioritizing which groups should
resolution wasa ctxxi idea, it had
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a lot ol problems with it
1 loward said that it all thestudents
got out .it the same time, it would
pose traffic problems throughout
the state
1 he acations were
staggered on purpose 1 loward
said "TheUNC s stem board did
it tor a reason
"It's a fine time for the S( .A to
question and prioritize who gets
funding and who doesn't I lelms
s.ud before the final vote on the
issue was made.
The body entered debate again
when 1 a mb asked for the approval
of the additional appropriation oi
$1300 to the Panhellenic Council.
Phillip V. Cope
Kelle O'Connor
makes grants
for graduate
forwarded a copy to the Baton Rouge State Hmes. LSU said the officer fpl J fl7i)Qyf 1 1Q
violated department policy by not consulting superiors and releasing J L I IK. tt I I j. C
I egislator Marty Helms Before it was passed by a voice
vote. Speaker ot the legislature
bob Landry stepped down to
debate approving the funding.
Ihi funds will cover costs tor
the publishing of a rush booklet to
attract female students to sorority
rush Lamb said that since last
See SGA, page 7
disagreed, saying that the
resolution, it passed by all the
mandates, would be beneficial to
thestudents. 'Trafficconcernsare
not the concerns ot tins
resolution 1 lelmssaid Students
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the letter without going through the school
Rob Marionncaux, 21, an LSU senior and a student in the criminal
justice program, came up with the idea tor the sticker and said he hopes
to pressure the sehool to restore Roubiquc to corporal.
Marionncaux said he is supporting Roubique's right to tree
speech. 1 think as a citizen, Mr Roubique has every right to write a
letter to the district attorney he said. "I think he was shafted in a big
(Buyer's Quide
Crime Report
Skateboarders terrorize ECU campus
April 2
1113 Officer checked out to Ragsdale Residence Hall reference to
a student being harassed; situation handled by the complainant.
1853 ()ffi ers i he ked on three subjects (students) riding skate
boards on Ficklcn Drive Verbal warning given.
April 3
180b- Officer responded to a tire alarm at (.arrett Residence Hall
Cause found to be cooking on the fourth floor
2? 38- C M fk ers resp? inded to the area ol (ones Residence I lall & Rose
High School in reference to larceny ol bicycles.
April 4
(jV, (Officer responded to an ,n tivated tire alarm at fones Resi-
lience Hall aused by cooking on the second floor.
2147 Officcrs responded to Ireene Residence Hall in reference to
a reported drug violation I Infounded.
April 5
0215 Officer checked out Slay Residence Hall in reference to the
resident advisor smellod something burning.
April h
0928 'the erchei ked out at Slay Residence Hall in reference to the
activation ol the alarmooking was the cause
1741 (ttn er responded to fones Residence I lall cafeteria in refer
ence to an assault with a deadly weapon
2318 tii( er was east ol (,reene Residence I lall in reference to an
alcohol violation Two males issued campus citations for alcohol viola
tions and urinating in public.
April 7
(i.117officer stopped a vehicleon Fifth and Rotary streets Student
was stopp i foi no left turn and was also i harged with I )WI
rlifficer traveled to Carrctt Residence 1 lall due to disturbance
i ,ui ,( ,) by kateboarders lone on arrival
April 8
0454 ttu erhot ked in a parked vehii le at the old Attic parking
lot A student was found passed out in his vehicle.
1118)iik rr investigated larceny ol a vchi le north of (ones Resi-
dence Hall
I s?, Officer responded to Aycock Residence Hall in reference toa
report of damage to a room door and lock
1H44 Officer observed a student ruling a skateboard south ot
( otten Resident e I I.ill. Verbal warning given.
April 9
0118 Officer responded to Slay Residence Hall In reference to a
student re? vis ing harassing phone .ills
By Adam Cornelius
Statt Writer
A Connecticut-based
philanthrope institution has
endowed three ol K U's health
sciencesdepartmentsvvithS 0,00l
towards a $100,01X1 grant tor
graduate fellowships
I he grants w ill be eligible to
graduate studentsby the 1991-92
academic year I hev were given
by the Berbecker Foundation, a
private philanthropic
organization which gives out
annual grants tor post graduate
Study in medical and health
related schools in North Carolina,
New i ork and Connecticut.
"Graduate students with spe
i ial skills are increasingly needed
in today's diversified health care
delivery system Dr. Alastair M
. onnell, vice chancellor tor health
s, said. "I'his gilt will sup
Mirt ECUs commitment to tram
students ol the highest caliber to
meet the needs ot the region and
the nation
Ihetellowshipsol upto $3,000
a year for graduate students in the
Schoolsol Allied Health Silences,
Nursing and Medicine were pre-
sented at a ceremony March 1 at
the Webb Civic Library in More
head City, home ot the
foundation's creator, the late Ms.
I llhe A Webb The endowment
agreement and lundmgeheck was
presented by Berbecker Founda-
tion trustee 1 BrowerMoffit, step-
grandson ol Ms Webb, to Micah
I ball dn torot planned giving
?or I1st tffice ol Institutional
Advant cment.
Mottit isanexet uuvewith the
'l ork
lhe berbecker Foundation
was established upon Ms. Webb's
death. Its original funding, used
lor the Webb Civic Library, was
established by Ms. Webb as a
memorial upon the death ot her
husband. Earl W Webb lr
Arlington Mini Storage756-9933
Host Used Tires830-4579
Brasswood Apts355-6187
Carolina Pregnancy Center355-3473
C hitos757-1666
ECU Homecoming Committee757-4711
Economy Mini Storage757-0373
Fosdick's Seafood756-2011
Jiffy Lube756-2579
New Last Bank821-1085
1'arrott Canvas752-8433
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Student Stores757-6731
Student Union757-4715
Summerfield Apartments355-6187
Travel Connection?719-687-6662
Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930
Two Dogs Pizza746-8020
Williamsburg Manor Apts355-6187

The East Carolinian, April 10, 199U 3
Viruses infect ECU
Macintosh computers
By Kim lev Edei
SUM Writer
Apple Macintosh computers
on ECU's campus have recently
been subject to two new computer
viruses, called WDEF-A and
PI i B I hi- viruses were first
noticed around tin1 beginning ol
February, 1990
ccording to Ray Drake,
microcomputer consultant tor
E( I 's Academic Computing, the
WDEF andWDEl Bvirusesare
mosth nuisance viruses Hesaid
the do not destroy or damage
data or files on mosl Macintosh
computers "he only real problem has been found with these
viruses is that the Macintosh IKi
and the Ma? in tosh portable com
puters crash ' immediately when
.in infected dik is inserted, Drake
aid the al
IH' Other
Macintoshes to 'crash more fre
cjucntlv than usual
Run off
Drake said thai a computer
becomes infected with the WDEF
virus as soon as an infected disk is
inserted into the computer. The
tile attaches itsell to the windows
definitions file in Macintosh desk-
top. The virus then emulates and
overrides this file in the Mac, caus-
ing the computer to run the virus-
infected file instead ol the non-
infei ted one.
The two viruses are almost
identical, Drakesaid 1 lesaid that
the onl differeni e he has noticed
is that when WIT! B infects a disk,
the Macintosh beeps whereas with
WDEF-A it does no! beep.
1 here is a t ure for these vi
rusi's, however Academk com-
putingoffersa iruscheckingserv-
ice in the microcomputer center.
located in 20n Austin Building I hie
computer is dedii a ted to running
.i program called 1 isinfectanl 1.6
1 lisfnfet tant 1 6 i hei ks disks
tor r different viruses, according
to Drake, and corrects any viruses
found on the disks. The Disinfec-
tant program does not harm any
tiles on thedisk. It just corrects the
Drake said he thinks that it
will take about 2-3 months to get
rid of the virus on campus. He
said, 'If people would come in
and use our service, we could get
rid of it pretty quick
Drake said that the last Macin-
tosh virus to at feet FCU was the
nYIR virus, last fall. It took about
two months to eradicate the nVIR
virus, according to Drake.
The viruses are widespread to
some degree throughout the
United States, Drake said. He said
that tins region (Eastern North
Carolina) seems to be one ol the
last to be hit by the viruses.
Drake s.iui that the viruses
originated in Belgium and in a lab
.it Northwestern University.
Continued from page 1
Andrews SGA member Eri up to the legislature. participating.
Hilliard said that thedav Andrews After Andrews and others Andrews, who submitted her
was disqualified from the race, he commented on the situation, the expense report Monday before 5
was going to pass a motion in the committee decided that since the p.m. as she read to do in her copy
SGA to amend that the rule be rules that Andrews received at the of the election rules, said "I think
changed to one week between beginning ol the race stated that thev (the Flection Committee)
elections. He said that since two weeks must pass before the made a tair decision
Andrews wasdisqualified, he was run-off election, a run-off election Thomas was unavailable for
told there was no need to bring it would be held with Andrews comment Monday night.
i ontinued from page l
Media Hoard Manual or iol.itions
ol the Media board Constitution
- Carter said thathesnd Shirley
via-vi'iui issue ot their viismivsui
4 m- ted in the first amendment of
the I S . onstitution and have
ht leeal consultation
with lawyers from the North
? lina t i il 1 iberties I nion.
"Given we were on sate tirst
amendm nt grounds, they had no
ison to fin us (. arter said.
We re students learning to
use the media Carter said,
(.ranted we should have to be
extra responsible, but we should
be allowed to make mistakes
i ontinued from page 1
ition tor the' ga mes
?api nfield c ommented.
? . ith thoc ir Rtx reation
cnl and Pitt (!ounty
ill hi sl till biggest
sp rl . ?. t 111 c ircen ille.
An estimated SI " a day
for thi tour- day event will K'
needed according li i Sappenfield.
mho raises the money,
but lo? il spinsorsarealsoneeded.
In turn the event will generate as
much as two million in the two
years that it will be held in
(reen ille
1 he Spe( ialM mpics
program was founded by its
present chairman ol the board ol
dire ti rs, Eunice Kennedy Shriver
after she started a day camp tor
adults and children with mental
retardation in 1963. After
conducting the camp she
discovered thai mentally
handicapped people were not as
phj sicallyhandM appedasexperts
once thought
Since then, the Special
Olympics program has spread to
"mi states, the District ol Columbia,
all U.S territories, and over 65
countries in the world.
I he organization's purpose is
10 provide year round sports
training and athletic competition
in Olymph type sports for
mentally retarded adults and
c hildren, gi ing tin m i ontinuing
opportunities to develop physical
fitness and fo participate in a
sharing ol gifts, skills and
friendship with their poors,
families and the ommunity
Two D(??;s Pizza
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Drivers with the following
? qualifications are needed:
? IS yrs or older
? Valid driver's license
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? Own transportation
? Outgoing personality
Flexible work schedule as few as
2 nights per week
depending on your needs.
ppl in person al Two Dogs Pizza, Harris
Shoppingenter, Ayden or
( .ill Ruth Ann Smith
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
401 E. 4th St.
AprilS - 15
Schedule of Services
Palm Sunday - Celebration of Holy Eucharist - 7:30am
9:00am - Liturgy of the Palms & Eucharist: begins in
Parish Hall
lmda - Hot) Eucharist 7:00am: 12:10pm
liKsdav - Holy Eucharist 7:00am ; 12:10pm
Wednesday - Holy Eucharist 7:00am; 12:10pm; 5:30pm
Episcopal Student Fellowship supper and program
follow 5:30pm service
Maundy - Thursday - Liturgy
7:30 - Last Supper, Stripping of Altar
Good Friday - 12:10pm Good Friday Liturgy
Easter Day
5.00am - The Great Vigil Hot) Eucharist and Baptism
9:00am - Holy Eucharist
11:00am- Holv Eucharist
(as always)
at 5 p.m.
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David Herring, General Manager
Low Martin, Editor
James F.J. McKff, Director of Advertising
Who is it really protecting?
Joseph L Jenkins Jk News Editor
Margi Mokin, Asst. News Editor
CROUN! CUSCK, Features Editor
fOHN TUCKER, Aa$t. Features Editor
Mien ah Martin, Sports Editor
Thomas H. Barr VI, Asst. Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Entertainment Editor
Scon Maxwell, Satire Editor
Phong Luong, Credit Manager
Stuart Rosner, Business Manager
Pamfi a Cope, Ad Tech Supervisor
Matthew RiCHTER, Circulation Manager
TRAO WEED, Production Manager
Steve Reip, statt illustrator
CHARLES WiLUNGHAM, Darkroom Technician
BETH LUPTON, Secretary
Tie E ast Carolinian has been serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925, with P"niarv emphasis on in-
formation most d.recth affecting ECl I students. It is published weekly, with a circulation of Um The East
C reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age. sex.
c rood or national origin. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view For purposes ol decency
?ul hro us IT East Carolinian reserves the right loed.tanv letter lor publication, letters should be sent to The East
v aroliman Publications Bldg ECU, GreenvtBe, NC, 27834; or call us at (919) 757-6366.
Media Board made a bad move
iucsdavs and ihursdavs from 6 to 8 a.m
you can hoar or, rather, couW hear a WZMB
wake upshow hosted by ChipCarter and fre Burley,
uinder the pseudonyms 'Chippy Bonehead" and
Irev Bien . Hut it the ECU Media Board has its
a a. v on 11 nevef be able to hear that show again
On April 29 the two deejays were talking
jokingly, about faculty members they'd like to see
teaching classes in the nude As part of the joke, they
ailed a department secretary to ask ton the air
whether a particular faculty member would bo teach-
ing nude in the fall semester.
Their comments inflamed Dr. Mane Parr.
who heads both ECU's Department of Women's
Studies and the Department of Communications
She charged that the two were guilty of sexual har-
assment and recommended that the ECl Media
Board punish them
Aware that they had offended sensibilities
more than usual. Carter and Burlev wrote letters ot
apology to the parries concerned WZMB General
Managt r -ndv Forbis de ided to punish the duo
not for their comments, but for related violations of
station policy b suspending them for four weeks
I lowev er. the ECl Media Board judged this punish-
ment insufficiently harsh, and met ma closed session
the following rhursday (during which the Board
took testimon) trom Carter Bien, Forbis and Fair) to
discuss the incident. When it reopened the session,
the Board took a extremely unusual action: it fired
both deejays
Specifically, the Board voted to fire Carter
and Burlev pursuant to two supposed violations of
the Media Board's by-laws. These were "guilty of
gross misconduct or conduct unbecoming an East
Carolina I niversity employee" and "participation
in any action that would in any way seriously disrupt
or disturb the normal operation of the media
1 he Board cannot make a reasonable deci-
sion on the first count. I here is ample room to doubt
the Board- c ntention that c arter and Burley con-
ducted themselves unethically or engaged in con-
duct unbecoming a University employee" all the
more so because the Board never heard the offending
broadcast, never asked to hear the deejays' tape of
the broadcast (though they were aware of the tape's
existence), and never asked tor a transcript of the
broadcast. If they had not heard what the deejays
said, then thev could not fairly pass judgement
What remains of the Board's case, then, rests
on the second count Presumably, Carter and Burlev
are guilty under this count hei ause their putting the
English Department se retary on the air without her
consent violates both FCC policy and federal law It
the EC enforced that poKcy which it does only
very rarely then it could refuse to renew WZMB's
broadcasting license. 1 lowever, it would be tar more
likely that the FCC would at worst reprimand the
station. especialU since WZMB is student-run. it
indeed thev chose to act at all. Therefore, Carter and
Bien participated in an action that could seriously
disrupt or disturb the normal operation of the media
but it is not hkelv that the action would do so. The
difference is both obvious and crucial, but it appar-
ently escaped the Media Board.
rhougharter and Bien technically vio-
lated policy firing the duo is unjustifiable. Students
participate in student media knowing that thev will
make mistakes, and hoping that thev will have a
chance to learn trom these mistakes before thev go
out into the real world It the Board was going to
overridel should hav done so in the interest
of instituting more constructive punitive measures
In fact, Carter and Burlev themselves sug-
gested a more reasonable punishment to the Board.
Stating the.r desire to make amends, thev contended
that a more sensible penalt) would have been a
shorter suspension coupled with an obligation to
tape public service announcements dealing with
rape and or sexual harassment
Evidently, the Board disagreed, but it is
difficult to say wh In w hat way is firing the pair a
bettor solution? It doesn't teach thorn anything use-
ful More importantly, it gics them no chance to
make public reparations to anyone thev might have
wronged or ottencied
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
The U.S. Senate has just passed
a sweeping revision of the Clean
Air Act the first real improve-
ment in 20 years. The bill has some
positive points. It puts the first
controls ever on factory and busi-
ness air emissions of toxic chemi-
cals, and specifically mandates a
50 percent cut in 10 years in sulfur
dioxide emissions (gases that
cause1 acid rain and contribute to
the greenhouse effect and ozone
layer deterioration). The bill also
slightly tightens auto emissions
and other urban smog controls
In reality, however, the new
bill must be considered a dismal
compromise between the Amen
can public's need tor cleaner air
and the government's desire to
protect big business The bill "re
moves the mandatory second
round ot tough tailpipe standards
and completely eliminates any
requirements to clean up emis-
sions of carbon dioxide In addi
tion, there is a weakening of a pro
gram tor alternative or clean mo-
tor fuels 1 he i omprouusc hill also
limits theability of citizens to force
the government to clean up by
taking legal action against the fed
eral government. Further, it al
lows polluters to move the people
who live around the polluted site
rather than clean up the site
(Sierra Club, Cypress Croup
News, April. lW)
The new bill, originated by
President Bush, pits the interests
of public health and environ-
mental quahrv against the narrow
self-interest of special interests
Big Oil, Big Auto, Big Coal and Big
Utilities At a time when cleaner
motor vehicles are necessarily the
cornerstone of any serious smog
control plan, the new bill allows
the industry to keep producing
cars whoso fuel consumption
ranks as gluttony even by today's
standards By allowing the auto
mobile and fossil fuel industries
to remain lax on emissions tor
another de? .nv. the new bill is in
effect the government's way of
saying, "1 et them breathe smog "
In 1970, thelean ;r ct
Amendments called tor a 90 per
cent reduction in urban levels ol
various air pollutants, including
To the Editor
ozone, setting a 1977 deadline for
a hieving this goal In 197 the
deadline was moved to 1982; and
in that year i? was delayed once
more to 19H7 Now, with nearly
100 milln .n people breathing p
quality air in urban areas that are
still in non-compliance (11 ol 2"
badly polluted urban areas failed
tederal air standards), the dea I
line is being extended another 10
years! After all these years, the
government is still dragging Ms
feet on the issue of clean air
Should we be surprised hv
such spineless slackness? In re
i ent years, the federal Environ-
mental Protection Ag i
drawn harsh criticism tor soften
ing penalties to corporate pollut
ers Biologist Barryomn ???? i
contendsthal EPA sn .
bigindustry isgrossh in ideq
and has not signifu inth n ?
air pollutant emissions si nee 1981
the year Reagan took of!
i. umentedin In
27. 1988) recent de isions by i
ii (1 ite Siq erf ind provi
and rela v testing ol pestn ? I
test to the agerw y ?; icity I
See ? 'n'ju Air, page 5
fails to
still worse, given that the Media Board is in
the wrong, the firing places the Board in conflict with
itsown c onstiluhonon at least one point. Section - of
its constitution states The Board shall be respon-
sible for maintaining free and responsible student
Whether intentionally or not, firing C arter
and Burlev has the effect ot shaping the editorial
policy of WZMB (and, by extension, the other cam-
pus media) a crude method, but potentially quite
effective in the wrong hands Far from ensuring that
the media will be ' free and respon I le the Board's
sledgehammer censorship makes the media decid-
edly less tree. I heir action creates atmosphere in
which students must tear tor their jobs it they dare
sav anything that might be deemed offensive or
embarrassing to the Board, the administration or the
faculty, or which might somehow be construed as
harassment or dis rimination in the loosest sensesof
those words.
The bottom line is this: the members of the
Media Board who voted to tire Carter and Burlev
never heard the broadcast in question, nor did thev
so much as ask to hear a tape or read a transcript vi
that broadcast. If follows that the Media Board was
negligent and based its findings entirely on hearsay.
It iscommon knowledge among the student
media that several members ot the Media Board,as
well as certain administrators influential with the
Board, find much of arter's published writing (as
"Chippy Bonehead") personally offensive Viewed
in the light ol this knowledge, one wonders whether
the Board waslessconcerned withdomg justicethan
with "getting" Carter- even if Burley got hurt in the
Given the foregoing, it is the considered
opinion of the Editorial Board of The East Carolinian
that ECU's Media Board was less concerned with
carrying out justice than with pursuing a vendetta.
Their actions, unreasonable in the extreme, seem
quite reasonable indeed it it is given that they w-anted
to "get" I arter. That's pettv It 's disgusting. And it's
To the editor
I'm sure that the whole of ECU
loves to read in the spirts section
oi The East Carolinian about Pirate
victories over the Heels 1 also
realize that many readers don't
care about soccer and a large
number don'tcareabout women's
spirts in general However, this
newspaper should verify andor
clarify all of its sports stories Inac-
curate or misleading information
about a team is worse than no
publicity al all.
I was stunned to read in the
case with women's soccer.
I suppose I should be thank-
ful that women's soccer got co
ered at all. I simpl) feel that all
athletes deserve some respect. At
the verv least, writers should make
it clear tor the reader as to what
team thev are referring. 1 don't
mean to diminish the E 1 vk tor)
over the 1 club team I con
gratulate them'
April 1 lardison
MBAandidate .it E I
Few show
up to hear
The East Carolinian
Lady Pirate soccer team beats
c CH, 4-1 1 et me state tor
the record that 1 don't have any
first hand information about the
weekend soccer tournament or
round-robin or whatever it was. 1
was not there and 1 don't, to my
knowledge, ki w any soccer play
ersat ECl orUNC.l lowever. 1 do
know that the regular competi-
tion season for women's collegiate
soccer is in the fall. I also know
that the varsity I NC women's
SOCCeT program is the best pro
gram in the nation. They have won
the national championship for
eight out ot the last nine years
(That ninth year thev came in sec
onddThey dominate every major
collegiate soccer team in the coun-
try. It has been compared to a
dynasty. In short, there is no way
that particular team lost to ECU,
4-1. If thev had lost,that would've
been quite a coup for ECU-and it
would've warranted a much big-
ger to-do.
So apparently, this was a club
team. The third team participat-
ing was identified as a Raleigh
club team (which subsequently
boat ECU 7-0). Why was the UNC
club team not identified as such?
Since it did not clarify the situ-
ation, the story implied that the
UNC team was the team
"Who cares? What's the big
deal?" you might ask. "More sni-
velling and whining from a UNC
fan?" I apologize if this sounds
that way. What if, one October
weekend, some intramural foot-
ball squad from ECU lost to an EM
team from UNC. And on Monday
the Daily Tar Heel proclaimed
(UNC stuns ECU football)
without clarifying somewhere in
the story that the ECU team in
question was not the team, i.e. the
one coached by Coach Bill Lewis.
A few people might be a tad
miffed. Fortunately, most of you
know so much about football that
you wouldn't need any clarifica-
tion. Unfortunately, that is not the
I i the editor.
It we are the future then ??? t
must begin to act with responsi
bilitv to ourselves and to those we
defend. In the past few years it
seem that the entire open
minded' scctorof the population
has taken it upon themselves to
detest the situation i th Af-
rica It is an easily detestable situ-
ation 1 he oppression suffered by majority issui h an injus-
tice and so obviously inhumane
that it is nearlv .is appalling as the
turnout to hear the v ice consulate
on African affairs speak. He was
here at E 1 last Thursday It is
mr responsibility asopen minded
individuals grouped together tor
just causes, such as the abolishing
of Apartheid, to listen to both sides
and be objective. We neglected
our duties and came out looking
1 here were onlv six or seven
students present to hear the repre-
sentative ot the Peklerk govern-
ment; the rest of the audience was
faculty and two local television
stations. It is sad to think that we
so loudly denounce the extremi-
ties to which the South African
government has earned segrega-
tion and racial inequality but we
were too busy to come and listen
or even better, to protest.
This campus is a breeding
ground for free thought and as we
have all witnessed apathy and
indifference are not always the
case, i.e. the protest and petition
over the noise ordinance. We must
involve ourselves further in causes
like South Afncaifweare going to
continue to carry a torch for the
millions whoare being prosecu ted
by one of history's most indiges-
table governments
Incidentally, the vice counsel
was a consummate poRtkan with
a less than realistic view of both
the situation and the solution His
answers 10 questions were seem-
ingly rehearsed and full of fluff
and rhetoric He did acknowledge
changes but was reluctant to say
that the government was losing
control. He also did not comment
on world pressure to dismantle
Apartheid or the continual
lence 1 lis position is indefensible
a, dhi ? .?? ? asily transparent
It is not mv intention toai .
anyone but more to just call atti
tion to pp irtunities like the visit
last week We could hav ? I i
representative of the IV-
know that Amen, asyouthdetest?
the practu e of majority exclusi
and that we are not indiffen
Philip Magjnnes
fishing kills
marine life
in Pamlico
r Editor a IF
1 att? ledSei
ralh u quart ?
17,9 ird i ?
and trawler operators sp? - "?
garding the oyster fishery Itv
uld not pie lea
ovsh md impn
theirexpense; wi ? -??
spend more ta lyers n
reseed the bottom so we will I
. -tors 1 heard w i -
be ab itch whatever w ii
with fev ? : n strii tionsand vil
r needsol
n ' r the nei
otht r oystermen I think
Basnight heard thesesame thir
e ???.hen looking at i hat I
of the Pamlico Sound, th it ti
; j? is permitted on moi I
million acres of bottom in I
Pamli o Sound as well as ?
Pamlico Pui e i indNeuserri i
and in many ol our creeks thai
designated tish nursery areas
Much of this bottom is also -
able 'or oy ster produ I
It is a surveyed fact that over
500,000 acres of bottom werei i
considered suitable tor oyst
production and that this bottom
would not require extensri eoys
ter transplanting to become pro
ductive I will admit that this study
was done before the advent
trawling. I will admit that over
fishing was the initial cause tor
the decline of the oyster and 1 will
admit that over fishing is still the
cause for the decline 1 will not
admit however, that over-fishing
by the oystermen, during the short
period thev are allowed to wort
is the reason for the continuing
decline. Reason tells me that year
round, almost unrestricted trawl
ing, allowed by the members of
the N.C. Marine Fisheries Com-
mission, is the major cause tor the
oyster's inability to restore itselt
Reason also tells me that the
destroying of millions ol pounds
of juvenile tish yearly by travC
operations, in our estuanne SyS
tern, is also over-fishing and the
major cause for fishes habitat
destruction and the decline of our
adult finfish population
Charles G. Clark

The East Carolinian. April 10.1990 5
'Fathers will never be obsolete'
By Dinah Eng
Gannett Newt Service
"I've boon brooding about the
fact that men are becoming obso-
lete in today's society said my
friend Stan "We're not needed to
make babies or business decisions
anymore. Basically, we're just
asked to take out the garbage
It's easy to see how he could
feel that way With sperm banks
and artificial insemination avail-
able, women don't need the act of
sexual intercourse to become preg-
nant As equal employment op-
portunities grow, women are less
likely to be excluded from the
board room
So men are beginning to dis-
cover what women have known
for a long time being seen as
one-dimensional human beings is
Both men and women are
multi-faceted diamonds, and no
matter how long we live, we never
will learn everything there is to
know about one another.
And no matter ROW much
technology changes our tradi-
tional roles in society, we always
will need each other.
Last week, my father at-
tempted to adopt a 12-year-old
Clean air
boy, an act that caused immediate
uproar in a family full of women.
My father, 63, has always
wanted a son. What he got was
seven daughters, a fact that he
never quite accepted.
Through the years, he has
occasionally "helped" voungmen
from China, putting them through
school and lavishing the time and
attention on them that he never
gave'his daughters.
It was painful to see, and as the
oldest of the seven girls, 1 probably
am further along in accepting that
this behavior is my father's prob-
lem, and has nothing to do with
me, than any of my sisters are.
Still, when 1 learned that my
dad wanted to formally adopt a
young bov, I felt a stab in the heart
1 hadn't experienced in a long time.
It was the remembered pain of
an adolescent girl who wanted her
father to show love and approval
of her, but never quite found the
kev to make it happen.
After so many vears. I thought
the wish for acceptance was re-
solved. How could my lather see
me for who 1 am, when he kept
looking for himself in young men
he wished were his sons1
This time, my father met a
Chinese woman in her 40s whose
visa will soon expire, and the
woman was willing to give up
parental rights to her son because"
she thought she would be better
marriage material to a U.S. citizen
without a child in tow.
So my father si id he'd take
the bov. without asking my
mother. When my mom, who's
60, learned what had happened,
she asked all the daughters what
she should do.
It she did not sign the adop-
tion papers, she was afraid my
father would simplv lose his tem-
per and disappear. If she signed,
she'd be committed to rearing a
child she'd never met.
We all urged her to say no,
regardless of the outcome
Atter much agonizing, mv
mother did just that. And with-
out dissent, mv father agreed to
drop the adoption proceedings.
The entire family was
shocked Atter vears ot unrelent-
ing resentment against mv
mother, fate, but most of all,
against himself, my father ac-
cepted the fact that he was not
going to have a son.
We are always on our way to
a miracle, and my father's change
of heart was a reminder that
people respond u hen weareilear
Continued from page I
on where we stand.
My mother said "no" with a
conviction that could not be ques-
tioned. After 37 years of marriage
to a man who thought sons were
moredesirable than daughters, my
mother had grown enough to call
that thought what it is ? garbage.
I am relieved for my mother,
and the family, that my father
chose not to press the issue. Most
of all, I am relieved for the boy
whose name I do not even know.
1 cannot judge a stranger's
motivation for giving up her son
I'erhaps she thought he would
have a better life with an estab-
lished family here than in China.
I'erhaps she thought only of her-
Either way, it would not have
been in the best interests of the
child to enter a family where the
father had not grown up enough
to appreciate his own daughters.
As tor this daughter, I've
learned that no matter what prob-
lems my father has in his mind, 1
still see him with love in my heart.
lathers, like mothers, will
never be obsolete.
opyrigltt 1990 USA WMYApple CcOegt
? main n .Nr?i A.
"appeasing industry at theexpensc
of public health
During the Reagan era. the
FTA repeatedly minimized and
even belittled public concerns
about the cancer causing potential
of our modern supply of air, food,
and water Put in the late 1980's,as
Reagan's vainglorious term came
to an end, the EPA began empha-
sizing a novel strategy: blame na-
ture. First they began citing the
problem of "natural carcinogens
in food, telling the public that there
were ust as much nasty things in
potato salad as in Twinkiesor other
iunk foods. Next the agency sought
to incriminate natural carcinogens
in air, namelv radon, the radioac-
tive gas that seeps from the ground
and enters millions of homes na-
How do we account for EPA's
There is a tendency among, EPA
officials and corporate representa
lives to trivialize cancer risks, it
you cater to the view that nature is
not benign, or even worse, that
"everything causes cancer then
you Stop try mg to control environ-
mental cancer hazards altogether.
And that would be sheer folly.
Part ol the problem with air
pollution seems to be a lack ot
resolve on the part of our "envi-
ronmental president Compared
to his predecessor who said trees
were the primary source ot air pol-
lution George Push otters a
breath of fresh air. Put at this junc-
tureour nation needsa strong, fresh
wind. We should be building
smogless cars that run on ethanoi
and electricity. We should also
reorient our industry toward the
ecologically sensible, renewable
? ? ? i resources such as the sun.
Onl when we move in this more
sustainable direction can we re-
ally begin cleaning up the envi-
The total long-term costs of
continually befouling Earth's at-
mosphere ore difficult Accord-
ing to the American lung Asso-
ciation, the major air-polluting in-
dustries represent tangible
sources ot much lung disease.
inflicting about $40 billion in
health care annually. Though
American businesses will have to
pa more tor the new clean air
bill, they will still get off rela-
tively cheaply. The cost of envi-
ronmental damage and the dam-
age to our lungs still exceeds any
cost taken up through the conser-
vation efforts of business and in-
sudden zeal to warn people about
the "C" word which the agency
has generally avoided? One rea-
son mav be that big business's
power over EPA is bigger than
most people realize. Moreover, the
agency stands to benefit by point-
ing to "natural causes" of mortal-
ity rather than to artificial or man-
made causes
Radon is a case in point. This
"soil pollution" is considered the
most deadly carcinogen under
FPA's jurisdiction even dioxin
pales by comparison Yet no de-
finitive evidence has shown that
radon in homes causes lung can-
cer. Of course, "no proof is not by
anv means "no hazard and
whether the gas actually causes
cancer i n homes remains to be seen.
Put EPA has presented radon as it
it were an established health haz-
ard. Laying the blame on radon
for lung cancer caused by tobacco
smoke or industrial pollution
helps take the heat off the real
culprits, including the radioactive
particles routinely released from
nuclear power plantsand continu-
ally contaminating our the food
chain in the form of fallout.
Because radon is a "crime
without blame the issue is es-
sentially a win-win situation for
legislators. No politician, indus-
try or policy decision is at fault.
Thus, as Teresa Opheim writes in
a 1988 issue of litne Reader, legisla-
tors emerge as "environmental
crusaders to their constituents
while favoring; legislation that
won't endanger their businessand
industry The situation is remi-
niscent of the recent hype over
natural carcinogens in food, which
has diverted attention from the
potential haz-ardsof the thousands
of artificial additives in the U.S.
food supply.
Again, it's not that these sub-
stances or gases are harmless; in-
deed, they may be quite harmful,
at least at certain levels of expo-
sure. Problem is, the dispropor-
tionate amount of attention given
by EPA to natural carcinogens
diverts society's attention from
serious hazards of human origin,
such as pesticides and mercury.
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Application forms are available at the Information Desk, Mcndcnhall
Student Center. Please return the application by 5:00 PM, Monday,
April 16, 1990 to the Information Desk. Mcndcnhall Student Center.
For further Information contact J. Marshall at 757-4711.
Thank You
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North Carolina. Virginia, and South Carolina

Page 6
April 10, 1
kiuhen appluncos centra ind heal
Kings Arms V. ?- 752 S?l ?
applic ibons foi fall
J HI DROOM Y I U v all 2
; ?
ROOMM II VS 11 D Vvji al
M ? - '?:??? ; I utilities. Over
ROOMM 1 1 U 1 I 11 ; r l.iio
it tiesCa . . ind
bedrooms al Can
smoker $142.5
Swimming pool t 12 I i Ma
i 756-6023
:bi droom r k i mi i
Ringgo ' . .
Comrleti '? N ? '?
M I P I'KI 1I M ; :
FEMAI 1 ROOMM Ml N ' It ir-
apt 0 Wildwood Villas x' ? h ipabW
oi having I " listening to VVZMP and
ko ping " - v. and kitchen relatn i
nisri wi ssii ii is
clean Pn itc unfui br SKI deposit and I OR SAl I. f 12 free standing loft
rent and I 2 utli It you have these with ladder and raiting It's going to the
credentials call 830-0317 after 5 pm tor best offer so call fast Ask for J.D at 752
more info VI1
SUBLEASI 2 bdrm apt in 1'ar Rivet FOR SALE: 1984 Nissan 200 SX auto
r ul I all S 866 transmission C PS PB PW cruise
AM FM cassette 72,000mi Greatshapi
MOS1 BODACIOUS ROOMMATE Vsking S4393 00 Call Eric 752-666
IIPIP ? ? itwoston three bedroom,
lw ? ise 1 ocated at the ATTENTION GOVERNMEN1
14th Eastern and Johnston SEIZED VEHICLES: ft n $100 Ford
? ? !l.v-r washer Met edes nvetti I ' ?? ? ?;
pacious attk an,I garage Ruvei I i J I ?? S3S ' : x
led.S21 mthh and 1 futilities - -
d for I sumn and noxl ? ai
V't : . vvl ippl es FOUTON COUCH: Foi
? I ill j i 8438 and leave new Great conditioi I nter led
757-1851 Price negoh iWc
ROOMMATI NEEDED Female FOR SALI Dinetl ?? I chau
. ? - : Square Apts lor glass table Brand new 'skingSI ?0
pru " ite bedroom Pool 0851
S165 mo rent and half iti ihes all $55
FORSALI 2 hi fully fun trailei
id. .ii foi stud, ntt
? . . - I ? immei
??? pei FOR SALI fl
??? 14 Pulsa ????
ti insmisston economica HI mil.
ssl Ml I I si Mav August : $4.5 Ca "52-S5? r 752-2474 aftei
rifofot OPYINC SI RVK ES: We otter
tvping and photocopy in) sen ici s We also
s. Ii softwarescomputers 24 hours in and
out Guaranteed typing on papei up I
I md written pages SDF Professional
i . mputet Scrvi ? - I th St (beside
- ? C.reenvill. N 752 I '?
Rl St Ml HI I P VVe'tlhdpdes gn tempo ?
, ???, ? upvlati ind tvp ? ??? I
Siat 752 " - ' rn. at
si MMI R? Jet thei D
NYC for $H ? nth
r Reports. N
? For detail: VIRHITCH;

II KM P MM RS I MM P ? ? . ilit
Kl si Ml HI I P
sil s Kf
r i
FOR SALE: Honda Reb.
n-smokei a large miles $61 rbesl f foi
. in 2 blocks from e? elk nfall '31 P6SS
. ' " " ? FORSALI M BMW
Rl EASE: Foi r al Robert in. ti '
IU 1 rSACI 19-45 I : ips in
? ; ? ATiere eastern NC Cos. Len
Mil hour plus mill

isn na i ioi i w m i ii i pj
VPr.FORRENl itl . nh
sak ? c I student nui u n
STUDIO I'KIMI1 Foi sublease ? 6 Includes 2 dresses lal
a M ird Call measuring tape, cap El I - ,v. .
- ? lj wont 4 times R? c $1 ? ?
$75 Prices negotiable Ms
WANTED NOW ' I share 1 :e ?? Reg $45 now S.1
? ipi Wilson Veres - ndition All prices negot
112 il ? ? i, tennis and irah 31 ?' -1
and ? blocks
nt 136 0 util FOR SALE: One twin bed, oi
ATTENTION: Earn monev i
II II pol
t8-88fl : ?? '? -
Kn t v
Slimmer Jobs
cam s ' S5.(,(,(l
Thomas Nelson
for all niajoi -
? ????? v : &$7,(KN)
l"m itmre iiiionuai pi . -
b booth in from ?' N' lei
S ' ' I I v.
I) Vi II,
9a.m 3p.m.
. r
call Felix 1 prbt -
(. rested cal
PKIMII I 0 SI HI 1 I f Scottish
M RVICI S Oil I Kl n
li K A I i KIPf riKMi. RJDJ
WATCHING I ' $32,1

Apply in person at I rit??-r (1' -
Farmfresh Slopping Center J
5 p m
and Women Gcneralists and .
rwo overnight 8 wee
'i ork's Adironda. k '
openings for tennis wat ?'?
sailing skiing smalli i fl
gymnastics, art
? praph di m
W c re interested in peoj
riter. sted and lo ?
fun with them Mei i
rsten Brant ? ?
St I ido Be ' ? I
' '?
? I
around the corner. I
i par! time I ?'? ' ' :
rody'sfor M
tl ? ?
ves we hav. i I or
for Men area
appli ations for
?. ??
1 I p-r K I - I IMI II K-
- . i : ? .? ' ?
fox! sei ?
for noi ? '
? . luievl
i lew r1
s( , M'
I M'
:rong organisational skills, paperwork
?i?l w-H?iff?nm ion vcatior
PI KsO s
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nisri c i ssii n us
III II v Will
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m jsemeni P I! - N i
i v-r. ? 1 Ki- - a .c - ?
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- ? ii ? S fI ? ?
? : SSAl.KSI Rl ?M Si? &LP
M : si S All Mil I
Will !1 I ! t TER WHITE WA1 I S
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Now Taking 1 cases for i .
1990 Efficiency 1 bedim &
bedim apts Call '5 ! ,y' s
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32(() Summerplace
New 1 and 2 bedrooms
? located across from
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? Available
April I, 1990
( ontaet Aaron Spain
Brasswood Ct.
New I v- 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Lowes on
Greenville Blvd
? available
May 1st, 1990
Contact Aaron Spain
355 -61S7
Concord Drive
New 1 & 2 bedrooms
? located behind
Wal - Mart
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Contact Aaron Spain
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Campus organizationss, clubs, fr;iis. soroi ities call
OCMC: 1(8W) 932-6528 1(800)950-8472, exl 1??
Triela-t rm ' ?M be held Apni
lenkinsauditori irr M ? p m Office
mcx-t jiviOpm Don't forget your
or mone for the State Pro)ect
11 in
s will
Schooled I lorneEconomics AnrmelSpring
: p m Mond) April 23. Elm
Street iirk Fruxl chicken, oft drinks,
potatoaolad Tickets 5.50 See member of
Phi U or Al IEA for tickets Open to School
of I lome Economics members and guests
Please come and support the School of
The ECU Modd Nations Club will be
having an organization meeting tor the
fall of 1990 on Wednesday, April 11 at
7 30 pm in Brewstcr C-105.
I lardworkmg, dedicated and serious
students are invited to become a part of
FCL"s fastest crowing organizaRon
Discussion of fall trips, rund-raweis, and
other important information will be
addressed Due to theciateofther.corgetown
Conference we will beseeking commitments
by the end of Tl 1!S SEMESTER If vou arc
interested but unable to attend, call Steve
I'res at 756-8699, Doug V P at 931-9062. or
sec Dr Spalding in International Sludtaa
Announcing ? Wednesday night dinner
special' Fun, fellowship and all the I
cooking vou can eat It ; I
Come Bring a friend
1111 cwsHir
Announcements see page

The East Carolinian April 10, 199(1 7
Continued from page 2
yeai was tho tirst time that
son rities had rush before tho t.ill
semester, Panhellenic needed the
money before annual funding
came out in August so tho book
an be paid tor before orientation.
1 andry debated that tho
organization is selective and it
iolatesthe student's rights. Since
Panhellenic requested additional
nding hist year also. Landry
u .tioned why it was happening
s the debate ended, lamb
.aid the Panhellenic was one ot tho
biggest organizations on campus
with more than SIX) members, and
they participated in more
community service projects than
most other ECU clubs.
In other business, the rules
were suspended by 1 amb tor tho
Forensics Association to be
appropriated $1 039 tor tour
members to attend a tournament
in Minnesota April 26-30. Iho
majority of the funds will cover
hotel expenses and transportation
costs. Attor tho president ot tho
speech, debate and interpretative
reading organization, Mary
1 larrisen, was yielded tho floor to
encourage tho SC i A to vote in favor
ot tho appropriation, tho bodv
passed the funding by a voice vote.
Tho legislature passed bv
consent tho motion madeby lelms
disallowing tho use of previous
question until one full round of
debate on an issue is made. "Wo
nood tohearbothsidesofanissue
Holms said. Though tho motion
passed, it will onlv apply to this
year's body.
Continued from page 6
w i s:i 11
Ml PI I 111 .1SI IIKI
;k ii (i(, i : r
I I I s APRI1 ID-lb
(I Sl-TA
I (,l G!
i . 1 I ION
Ml Sl( I I l I I l( )
Scotti) s Tottys Co.
Party Special
Need A Pott hr Your Parly-Just Call Scottv
waittsd: State and Nation Editor
Position to begin second summer session (July 1990).
Deadline for applications is June 11,1990.
Call The East Carolinian at 757-6366 for more information.
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications
for the following positions for the summer sessions:
?Advertising Technical
?Assistant Features Editor
?Assistant Sports Editor
?Copy Editors
? Staff Writers
for all sections
I )e?idlinc for applications is Wednesday, April 11,1990.
Apply in person at The East Carolinian, second floor of
the Publications Building, across from Joyner Library.
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We have a New East 24 ATM and our
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Call us at 757-1188
We're open from 9am until 5pm Monday - Friday
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

(Hire iEaHt Qtarolinfan
Page 8
State and Nation
April 70,7990
Jury convicts Poindexter of felony
conspiracy, obstruction of Congress
1987, fohn Poindexter told the
congressional committee investt
gating the Iran Contra scandal,
Hie buck stops here with mo"
Saturday, a )ury agree! with him,
convicting him of Hv? criminal
i harm's
In his monthlong trial, Poin-
dexter tried loshove responsi-
bility tor the foreign policy affair
into the Oval Office. Hut eight
hours ot testimony from former
President Reagan apparently
tailed to persuade Hirers that
Reagan participated in the con-
spiracy tin over up the embarrass
ing scandal.
As a result, ,i critical facet
jusi what did Reagan know"1
may never be inllv understood
especially since the former presi-
dent offered little illumination on
the subject while on the witness
I'nder those condition said
Washington, D.C , constitutional
scholar Bruce Fein, "it probably
was grossly in error for his lawyer
not to have Poindexter testify and
give ? sense of what he is as a
person to the jury
"These were not crimes of
personal aggrandizement and
enrichment Fein said Toindex-
ter could have been able to tell the
ur , I was doing mv best to help
the president
But I triumphant Dan VVebb,
the former US attorney in Chi
ragowholcd the prosecution, said
after the verdict
"There's no question that,
even N'ing charitable to Admiral
Poindexter, he (tried to cover up
the scandal) because he wanted to
protect the political viability ot
Ronald Reagan And I consider
that to lv a selfish motive
not taking the witness stand
"No second thoughts re
Sponded Linda Poindexter
The federal jury convicted
Poindexter of felony conspiracy
and obstruction of (ongress, find
ing that during thechaotu days in
November 1986 when the scandal
was unraveling, he actively la-
bored to prevent important vie
tails ot the so ret dealings from
becoming known
The urv not only rejected the
retired admiral'si he was
acting under the direction ot his
commander in chief but also Re
agan's assertion that no crimes
were ommitted in the s andal;
With Poindexter eight people
ha ve either pleaded guilty or been
convicted ol crimes arising from
a i hess came played by giants
As Poindexter and his wife, Poindexter however had to
Linda, left the U.S. Courthouse in show that he too was a pawn
a light snow, someone asked it he Instead, his jui y determined that
had any second thoughts about he was one of the giants
Yugoslavia holds multiparty elections
I M Hi I A i tigoslavia
i r Hie liberal republic ol
Slovenia held Yugoslavia's first
free multipart) elections since l'M
and the presidential candidate
w hi ? ia ored a cautious approa h
to secession won the most votes
but formerCommunist Milan
Kucan did not gam an absolute
majority inSunday s balloting and
faces an April 22 nmott vote with
loe Pucnik a former political
prisoner ot the DEMOS opposi
tion coalition, returns showed
Political analysts predicted a
neck and neck race between
Pucnik, who advocates ojjickSlov
em,in independence from Yugo-
slav ia, and Kiu ,m who has i ailed
or a more cautious pohtnal ap
pro.n h
About 75 percent ol eligible
voters i ast ballots choosing
among 17 parties tor a new Slov
enian Parliament and among tour
candidates for president
With 90 percent ol ballots
counted, Kucan led with 44.3 per
cent ot the vote to 26.1 percent tor
Piu mk Independent candidate
ban Kramberger won 18.8 jxt
cent and I tberal Party candidate
Marko Demsar took 10.5 percent.
Ihe tirst round results "sug
gest that Slovenians have opted
lor a peaceful transition Irom a
single party monopoly to a par
liamentary democracy said
Kucan, an engineer ol the
republic's mine toward democ-
Pucnik, who spent seven years
in Slovenian prisons in the 1950s
for his opposition to communism,
said he would win the runoff
"because those who voted tor
Krambergerand 1 )emsarwill now
probably vote tor me
lark returns from Sunday's
balloting indicated the Slovenian
Communists, who recently re-
named themselves the Part) (it
I Jemocratk Renew at,would lv the
largest single party in the
republic's Parliament but would
face a tough DEMOS coalition ot
five conservative parties
Hietormeri. ommunists,who
have also broken with the national
Communist Partv leadership be-
cause it has resisted democratic
reform, wen about -11 percent of
the vote in balloting for the
republic's 240 seat Parliament,
with the five DEMOS parties get-
ting about 35 percent, returns
Exxon pleads innocent to charges
?W HORACE, Alaska (AP) nouncing its intended plea
Exxon announced Monday that Exxon and its subsidiary,
it would plead innocent to a five- Exxon Shipping Co. were sched-
COUnt criminal indictment charg ulevi tor separate arraignments
ing if with negligence and other before a federal magistrate later in
crimes in the nation's worst oil the day.
spill a year ago
Ihe grounding ol the tanker On Feb 27, a federal grand
I won Valdez "was tragic, but it jury handed upafive-countcrimi
v. as ,m accident the company nal indictment against ihe com
s lid in a pn pared statement an p.m stemming from the oil spill,
which occurred after the Exxon
Valdez slammed into a charted
reel on March 24. 1989, in Prince
William Sound
I he spill ol nearly 11 million
gallons it North Slope crude oil
coated hundreds ol milesof coast
line and killed uncounted num-
bers of fish, birds and othi i ma
line lite
The USA's
and loans
had a
record loss
of $19.2
billion last
despite the
Bailout will cost taxpayers
more than estimated
Bush administration conceded that the savings-and loan
bailout will cost taxpayers more
than previously estimated.
rhere's no question that the
i ost isin reasingand wc II have to
take that into account in decidmp
future actions said White I louse
spokesman Martin Fitzwater
His comments were in re
sponse to Friday's report by the
General Accounting Office an
in estigatory arm ol (Congress
that the 10-year cost oi the pro-
gram would be $243 billion in
stead of the $166 billion estimated
by the administration
Furthermore, the ?AO said,
the 30-year cost of the program
could reach $325 billion.
"We don't have an analysis
either to endorse or reject theGAO
numbers, except to say there
clearly is going to be additional
costs Fitwater said. "Those
numers will have to be decided
upon at some point
1 itwater rejected as "total
nonsense" the contention b) C har
lesBowsher.thet .AC comptrol-
ler general, that the administra-
tion had deliberately understated
the cost i the bailout
Bowsher, interviewed on
NBC'S "Meet the Press said the
bush administration had set an
artificallv low cost on the bailout
so the government could appear
to meet deficit-reduction targets
Fitzwater said the Resolution
Trust Co, set up to oversee the
restructuring of the S&L industry,
had so far used about $10 billion
of the $50 billion it was provided
under that original bailout legis-
lation signed by Bush last sum-
"The best thing to do, we be-
lieve, is to work speedily with the
funds and the progress we now
have in place the spokesman
"At this time there is not
enough information to make a
reliable estimate of how much
more may be required Many fac-
tors will determine if we need
more funds including loss ra-
tios interest rates, asset sales, et
cetera litwater said
Asked if the net effect would
be an increase in the federal defi-
cit, Fitzwater said "There is al-
wavs that consequence. If vou have
to increase amounts, you have a
responding impact on the deficit
and budgetary considerations "
Bowsher has said that the extra
ost of trieSott bailout is so sub
stantial that a tax increase will be
Economists have said for some
time that the rescue plan would
cost more than the administration
I Communications Majors:
Positions available for summer employment at
The East Carolinian
Apply at the Publications Building
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Sire lEast (SaroUnian
tyr;7 10,1990
Bulimia disrupts and
dominates victims' lives
By lami I ee Martin
Special to The fast Carolinian
! he victim is usually slim, young, attractive, and
in most cases, female She is successful in her career
and social life Shedocs however haveasecret, self
destroying habit that stems from an emotional ill
Mmosl e en dav she will eat enormous amounts
of high calori food, sometimes as much ,)? ?0,0(X1
valor us in one sitting Almost immediately after
1 to avoid gaining weight, shew ill purge hcrsell
through sell induced omiting and sometimes laxa
tivc abuse rhis dark secret is shared b millions ol
men and is known as bulimia
Pam nervously twists the ring on her finger as
this description is read to her She is thin and meti u
loush ;i omed Her clothes are neal andshehasan
urabout her that suggests confidence. 'Icanidentih
? ith that description, 1 really can Pam said.
Pam is a junior at Fast i. arolina and confesses
penh to being bulimic She said I've never been
'Mail 10 pounds overweight, which is just
ugh tor friends to tease me unmercifully rhe
how conscious 1 am about m weight, fhe
mv senior vear in high school 1 had an
md lost 10 pounds i ver both vvi i I
- : ?? that, 1 ro
? an eatu ? ? '
? . ? ? t. Food is to thei i i ' is I
remembei ta parent
- ? ?. bed and devouring m i I I I d
?? ??? u ind guil t
because I know I an eal all 1 want she said. "Food
is .ill 1 win think about
EvervtimePam feels the craving for food coming
on, she feels guilty because she promised herself
before that shecould quit rheguilt is soon forgotten
w lien she buys large amounts ol sweets to binge on
I sometimes make mysell a few bowls ol cereal
and oat a few bagels smothered in ream v horse, she
said I hen 1 11 eal a gallon ol icecream to satisfy my
sweet tooth
When Pam has eaten everything that she can
possiblv hold she w ill go to the bathroom and pull
her hair back She then turns the shower im so that
her neighbors cannot hear and drinks a glass ol
water Pam forces hersell to vomit until herstoma h
is completely emptv, Sometimes 1 step on the scales
to make sure 1 haven't gained any weigh! and that
m stoma h is reallv emptv
Phis scenario mav sound repulsive, but Pam
goes through it as main as 20 times in one day. 1 ler
compulsive beha ions the result of vearsol hinging
and purging
Psychiatrists are investigating bulimia's rela
tion ? ther addi tions rhev hope to find a
comm n fact r that will help them understand the
; ordei Bulimia victims may lack the ability to
ntro ne, impulses, making it easv for them to
ibuseh : r : thersubstan ? s
in some bulimu
eband eight or nine feet played to a small audience al the New Deli this weekend The show featured
music oft the band's latest LP, Resolution " The band has attained a small following locally and receives
playing time on ECUs radio station. WZMB
EigJit or nine feet play at the Deli
ertectii nism
What ippi u-sti
, ma .u tualK
B) (ft I Parker
Stall W ritei
heard i Iwi I runchmg i e
w In-n tin ?. I '? ? i
1 timing around, thev tound a
; i . ? i
?? ? for perfection and arei onstantly
elves to othi i hev be-
and intense and view lit md
' ?
? I ind then ? I I ;
? ? ml
I . ? ? nts begai
? ?? i d large amounts ol
Pam had to si
and purge habit I ft In
i hide from m parei
or Pam, a t pical bi i
e episode begins when she
,i i ra ing for food i
, . just van t wait to get h
it I could eat
tb eal ries so 1
suspicious when
od disappearing
indulge her
lv guiltv because I
it now that I'm at
?? i
Mtl mia is .m eatn
notcentei n in I' ?d Somepeopl
?? in a sens in
simpl - ? ? ' ' enter ai ind l
food as ,i sell r.H'du ation or a
i v
? ? imes their main obsession and a
?? ? ioi as well as comfort Pam can not
substitute lor unful-
filled ne
i. oncentrate on anything except what
See Bulimia, page 10
I -
Men in and 1 id I out ? -
take their shot at bvii
the annual New Musu -
Austin though a hand name
I idi t been dec id I i . I
B the ! ouisuina I?? i '?? i
pen irlv marked highw a signsand
a vague road map had tl
. eral milesofh om seona rarelv
traveled b.u kroad V hile - ro ?
ing an early-style wtxxien bridge,
Ian de ivied to pull over and re-
think their course Atter settling
onanewdirtx non,thedisgruntled
fellows start d forth
largi i nunk
? am-
lortv feel bi
ur mm lei I
ist Bo I a lo
been plai
audii ?
from fate I
measim 11
I Iconoclastic: A. chal-
lenging cherished
iels; B s lid com-
puter Icon; percep-
tion ol forms; D. hard as
a rock
2. Umbra: A. power
surge; B c hicken part;
C umbrella top; D
shadow, dark spot
3. Taiga: A sub in ti
U irest; B healii g pi ml
v ; Atri a; I agi s
ter; 1) protei ti?
; I ii hvcardia: A ih i:u
i isaur; B a dispos-
diaper; rapid
vat; D. emotional
' alus: A. communica
tion mode; B. ankle-
? i me; C dirt in nose. I)
censored satire
6 1 isle: A strong knit-
ted cotton; B type oi
seasonal greenery; C
long and slender; D.
light flow
7 I oess: A yellowish
loam; B. famous scien-
tists; C. hard tooth
buildup; D. to acquiesce
8 loam: A. Loess that is
yellow; B organically
rich soil, C. pro hard-
ened foam, D. drapery,
hung tapestry
( Shunt: A. turn aside;
B leg crutch, C. small
boat, 1). full of juice
ID. Vitiate: A. to con-
taminate, spoil; B to
revitalize; C. to nourish;
D. to titillate
omp.lfd bjr n Tucker
part of
z ixophonist Bobby Watson demonstrates for I ast Carolina Univ
preparing an ithpiece ree I W itson v. jr luctinga
? ? istern North Carolina Jaz2 Festival (Photo by Rk hard Davit
: ? ? bridge missing,
; in the ro k ireek
?low Another eight
mmented guitar-
'and we would have
ng to a whole new
j this strong cue
men adopted that
nt ter the name, and
have been plaving under it since
i kav, so I made that all up
But the real name origin isn't all
that ewitiniand thisbandisgoing
to be prettv famous vine dav. so
they'll need one
Eight or nine feet appeared at
the New Deli Friday night, and
tin, and played to a smaller crowd than
opected, c n ad? ring they've
received good airplay in this area
from WZMB. Audiencesizemade
no difference in the performance
though,and the band played with
tull enthusiasm
A bit of a problem resulted
from tins however because the
equipment was cranked up too
loud I he sound was still crisp
and clear, but this gave mam
heapskates the opportunity to not
pa and listen fromoutside, since
the songs could be heard from
down the street. You reallv can't
blame people for that, so if s some-
thing bands should watch out tor.
Such are the hazards of live music.
Much of the music came from
eight or nine toot's latest release.
Resolution which was pro-
duced by the band itself, and is
sureh one of the better self pro-
duced LP's 'Many a trat party
helped pa for this album ex-
plained drummer Ian Schreier.
1 he album is a gtuxJ example
ol what a band in the South oast
ressive scene van do with
studi nts the
?. ? - I
New- lun
practice and originality One ot
thestrongest nts, 'I augh W ithin
You is probably the best repre-
sentation ot the band s integral
sound At times the vocals and
guitars ol laylor and Esetgroth
evokeaquahty like thatof Camper
Van Beethoven, without the pur-
posely off-tune instrumentation.
Other outstanding cuts like "Re-
volving Door" and "Another
Night have a late '60's musical
feel, and to risk comparison with
another big-time band, not unlike
the Smithereens.
The band credits neither of
these groups as influences, but oo
profess to draw upon the old stan-
dards I The Beatles, hmmv Page,
Stewart Copeland and Pete
Townsend, among others) as in-
Most ot the music is easily
high-geared and full of life, though
some songs take the more mellow
route ol Rescue which, though
an artistic and quality song, proba-
bly should be left out of a live
show. This is especially true in
smaller clubs where a majority of
tans show up to dance to live
music One might expect resis-
tance to this idea from eight or
nine feet, who are a bit put oft by
the trend ot m many bands tump-
ing on the tunk bandwagon
driven bv the success oi groups
like Red Hot Chili Peppers The
band instead inters other avenues
ot dance tunes, such as those of a
country-western nature like "Lake
Perhaps the strongest aspects
of eight or nine feet's music are its
consistency (very tight and uni-
fied )arwj the lyrical content, which
are well de eloped tor a band only
three yeai i gr "P
needs is tohookuj vitequally
see Eight, page ii
Sitting on a Fence
Sporadic ramblings of a crazed road trip warrior
By John Tucker
Assistant Features Editor
Every college student at one
time or another experiences what
is known at first as "the road trip"
but what can often be more appro-
priately termed "the fiasco
Now, a road trip is not some
thing to be taken lightly. If you
have the right attitude when you
get out on the road, no matter how
bad the trip turns out, something
positive can be extracted
After all, misery loves com-
pany, and sometimes it can he fun
to be in the company ot misery.
Recently, the opportunity to
get out of Gunkvilfe and see the
world was thrust upon me bo-
ran4 of mv large amount of good
fortune. Maybe you can relate to
what 1 went through.
The first element of a road trip
are the basic ingredients. These
ingredients are usually, a sturdy
car ia Chevette), a sturdy driver
(or two), sturdy compatriots
(friendsof misery), beer (optional),
and of course.a proposed destina-
tion (unknown).
.t to say these are the inl
things you need, other things, like
money, help. But if vou have these
basics, you're good to go.
Most college road trips start
when you least expect them. Spon-
taneity is a key to a reckless road
trip with top-drawer results.
Usually it's the one idiot that s
good at talking people into some
thing that can set the trip off with
"the plan
The plan is usually developed,
expressed and catalyzed in the
time span of a few brief seconds.
1 et's say Wes is our compatriot
catalyst and the plan is something
to this effect: Hey, let's go to
Raleigh and see this band that my
friend told me was good
Usually that's enough to con-
jure up a motley crew oi slobber-
ing buffoons to enjoy each others
compatriotism. A few beers in the
gut sometimes helps though.
The next step is acquiring a
vehicle for the fateful journey. This
process relies on who has the big-
gest junk car and the credit card
for gas with it.
Lef'ssay frank istheonewho
owns the Chevette and although
he doesn't have a gas credit card
his buddy Dave does. Dave, oi
course is the only one besides
yourself who can drive because
he hasn't gotten a DUl yet.
there is only one last charac-
ter in the crew. His name is Guy
and his trademark is complain-
ing. He's the one that sleeps most
oi the trip and only awakens to
whine when something goes
wrong. It's always great to havea
Guy on the trip because everyone
can heap their frustration on him
when things realty get bad.
The brainchild Wes is the one,
naturally, that has no money at all.
He's the same one that always
comes up with the great ideaslike,
"let's eat or "let's go spend five
bucks to see this band Of course,
the most common thing he says is,
spot me until we get back to
Dave, because he is driving, is
the most stressed out of the crew.
Everyone else iscuttingup, throw-
ing paper or whatever, and Dave
is stuck behind the wheel in an
apprehensive stupor, yelling at
who ever is acting like the biggest
idiot at the time.
Now that we've established
the characters of this melodrama,
lefs come up with some of the
various scenarios that occur.
My favorite one is, after get-
ting lost and ending up in some
backwoods place called Hogtown,
you finally arrive at your destina-
tion to find that the reason why
you made the road trip no longer
This is followed closely by the
realization that you can not locate
the person you were supposed to
stay with, or you're out in the cold
becauseyoudidn't haveanywhere
to stay m the first place.
If you are lucky and you do
have a place to stay, you always
have to contend with the couch,
pillow and blanket fight. Guy
usually vvins this contest because
if he doesn't get a couch, then he
cries all night and nobody sleeps.
Another fight that is always
good for a little action is the fight
tor the coveted front seat. "Shot-
gun" is alwavs called normally,
but on road trips it seems like it is
every man for himself.
Clothes are another item that
almost always become a problem
on the trip. Mostof the time no one
brings enough clothes to last the
whole trip. If you are lucky, and
do happen to prepare, often you
end up wearing the same clothes
all weekend anyway because
everyone else has yours on.
Money seems like a perpetual
problem. There's always those
special expenditures mat pop up
out of nowhere thafnoone likes to
pick up. Flat tires are a good ex-
ample of a problem that not only
makes arrival slightly later than
expected,but also takes a dent out
off the wallet
Overall though, whatever
happens, humor abounds
throughout the trip. The unusual
circumstances you arecontinualJy
forced to cope with make what-
ever happens an always Interest'
See Tripr page 10

10 The last Carolinian April 10, 1990
Continued from page 9
Bits and Pieces
Trump reveals newest venture
Taj Mahal opened with a big bang
Donald Trump's $1 billion Taj Mahal opened its d(ors to the
gambling public Friday night in Atlantic Citv. Trump, with the help ot
a 40 fool interactive a ideo genie, cut the 500-foot ribbon that hangs from
the hotel tower by exploding a 40-foot inflatable bow at its center.
Trump toured the Taj Ihursdav. giving interviews and inspecting his
newest v enture
Celebrity look-alikes compete
for job openings at theme park
Fourteen celebrity look-alikes will be flown to Orlando, Fla next
uesday to audition tor i??bs at the Universal Studios Florida theme
p.irk Winners get the job of walking around the site to have their
pictures taken by visitors. Someot the expected look-alikes: Mr T, Clint
Fastwood, Marilyn Monroe, Pee Wee Herman and lerrv I ewis.
MTV looks for comical people
1 I needs funny tolks tor ' 1 IV's i.iit 1 lour Comedy I lour
I hev .ire looking tor oft amateur films tor the show. Films can be
between Ml seconds and five minutes. Send name, address and phone
to MTV's 1 lalt I lourComedy! lour 1775Broadway, I (Mb Floor,New
vi rk. New York, 10019. Deadline May 1
General Motors tops Fortune 500
rin ?'??; '500 and - I) lists are out. rhis vear, both magii
zincs i - ? ? neral Motors as the nation's largest public company,
based - ies GM's number one sales position is based
revenm - ?! nearU $127 billion Ot companies in the u-y V. Bristol
K eis Siuibb made the biggest jump from 73 to 50; Philip Morns from
in II on Vta ol t )maha from lit h
Short skirts to be trend in the fall
Short skirts and winter shorts are coming on strong tor fall Both
i. ah in Klein and Charlotte eu ille proclaimed short stutf to be "in"
at their uesdav shows in New ork both designers want you to go
mad for colorful plaids and twei ds. olors include bark brow n, ripe
plum, leal green, creamy sand or stone gray.
Office becomes a mating ground
1 he workplace is becoming the new meeting jnd mating ground.
1 or singles, the office may be the safest place to make friends. For dual
career couples, it may be the easiest, but experts caution to beware ol
narrow networks Explore other meeting places as well. Friendships
with thebosscan be seen as manipulative and employeescan simply be
expecting too much from work
Lambada films said to be 'el stinko'
I he an hbishop ol Guatemala wants authorities to ban L.smade
movies ambada and I ambada: The Forbidden Dance Monsignor
Pro poi IVnadosdel Barrio say sthehip-grindingdanceis"in very bad
? ? Mam I S. filmcritics, while not calling tor a ban, agree with the
an hbishop that the mo i? s are el stinko.
Programs help kids resist pressure
Pre1 ?? ? programs in schools help fifth and sixth graders resist
peer pressure to use alcohol In a Michigan survey ot 1,500 kids, about
one in In e admitted sneaking alcohol These voung drinkers partici-
pated in tour sessions teaching how to resist peer pressure. By eighth
gt ide they were drinking halt as much as early-experimenters not in
the program
Government prints STD pamphlet
A pamphlet on the use ol condoms to prevent AIDS and other
sexualtv transmitted diseases is aboul to reach government printing
presses, rhiscomi itwoy irsa!ti i the Food and Drug Administration
requested it. In a f ? ?veck? 0 copies of the pamphlet should be
available through the the Centers for Disease Control's Allt; Informa-
tion c learinghousc and at clinics.
Book helps people identify liars
' ou look great' and "the check's in the mail M i lirsh Goldberg
exposes fomi ;reat fakes in The Book ot 1 ies. Schemes. Scams, lakes
and Frauds "hat Havehanged the Course of 1 listory and Affet tOur
Dailv Lives, (Morrow, $15.95) He says you can easily spot a liar. The
pupils grow larger and the voice gets higher. It you want to lie safely,
w in a seal in Congress
French 'abortion pill' to be tested
A movement to test the I rench "abortion pill" at three San Fran-
cisco hospitals could lead to the drug being available in the nation tor
the firs! time. A proposal before the county Board of Supervisors asks
the state to approve and pay for testing the pill, called RU 486. The study
would involve 200 women. Analysts say the use of RU 486 will open
doors tor its entry into the U.S. market.
? BpjrriaM l'?0. I s TOI Apple Coll?n? Information Network.
eat next I his is common for bu-
limics Food is a drug that they are
addicyted to.
Severely ill bulimics may even monev tc finance their habit,
bulimics have been caught steal-
ing from department stores, tak-
ing items they o not need just to
sell to get monev tor food.
"I feel like a drug addict be-
cause 1 am so dependent on food
Pam said. "People just don't be-
lieve that someone can be addicted
to food and that makes it hard to
get help
bulimics, like anorexics, are
trapped in an unending cvcle.
bulimics begin their hinging and
purging to avoid gaming weight,
but some where along the way their
concern with weight becomes ir-
relevant At this point the bulimic
is hooked on the tranquilizing
effects of purging. Most eventu-
ally learn to vomit bv reflex ac-
tion, as though it were natural.
VV h() beci mes bulimic? Some-
where between SO percent and 95
percent ol bulimics are women,
although there are men with the
disorder. Women can be affected
at any age, from the teens well mto
middle age White, middle-class
women and adolescents with a
strong orientation toward aca
demic a hievement and who lead lifestyles are the most
?? ulnei ible to bulimia
Mi ?st are ver intelligent and
altrai tive N el traditionally the
!i.r, v low sell t Mcm. a desire for
perfection a sense ol loneliness
and isolation and an obsession
with food as it relates to body
weigh! Pam said, 1 feel iike I'm
split into two different people, the
one w ho is competent in the out
side world and the one who only
wants to satisfy her urge to binge
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia
are similar in some way s. Beth ol
their i timsare in the self-starva-
tion syndrome, both lack self-es-
teem, both ha e a paralyzing sense
ot ineffectiveness,both havea dis
totted body image, and both have
an obsession with food. Anorex-
ics and bulimics are likely to have
been brought up in middle-class,
upwardly mobile families when'
their mothers are over-involved
in their lives. I heir fathers seem to
be preoccupied with work out-
side ot the home. Usually both
anorexics and bulimics were
known as good children eager
to please those around them and
to gam approval
1 here are. however, signifi-
cant differences between the two
disorders. 1 he apathy and irnta-
bility that contribute to the ano-
rexics tirm stance in therapy is not
Continued from page 9
, reativc producer and they'll go
all sorts ol places, I lopefully, they
i'ii! bei ome so big that they
forsake their first love, cross dress
present in bulimw s Anorexics are
generally younger than bulimics,
tar less sot ially i ompetent, mm h
more isolated, and much more
dependent on family
While tx 'tli are obsessed with
foeJ, tor anorexics eating binges
are infrequent occuranccs The
anorexic is near starvation most of
the time. In moments ol stress
bulimics turn to food instead ot
away from it as anorexics do. A
bulimic's life may bo affected by
her disorder, but her lite is not
necessarily in danger, as i often
the case with anorexic s.
"I finally admitted my prob
lem ti mv parents and they have
arranged tor me to sec a psy hia
trist Pam said "I'm seared, but I
know 1 need help because 1 can't
beat this thing, alone
Pam has taken the Step she
needed to reach recovery M
though some people do nol take
an addiction to food seriously,
professionals are realizing thai
eating disorders are becoming
more common in young women,
especially ol college age
It is s,ul to think that so iet
has placed such emphasis on
weight and appearam e thai
women, can n t K' happy just hi ing
themsel es Pam nt e w ,i a
dancer and dreamed ol pursuing
a dan ing i areer
"Now, 1 can't fhinI il
of Greenville
located b Sports Pad on 5th Strict
Enter through Alk
Import Night
The Lighter Side
Pigeon droppings save church
HARM ORD, Conn. (API Trinity Episcopal Church is hawking
"Sign of the Pove" fertilizer the legacv of pigeons that have lived in
the church bell tower for 80 years ? to help pay for fixing its organ.
Aboul the time they got hit with a $110,000 repair bill last fall,
church officials discovered 1,200 pounds of bird droppings when they
went to clean the 90 toot boll lower.
The Rev. William J Eakins, the church rector,saw the droppings as
a sort of manna from heaven
When state agricultural tests confirmed the droppings were rich in
organic matter and nitrogen, Eakins suggested selling them in 3-pound
bags for $3 each to help raise the $35,000 m repair costs not covered bv
The assistant rector, the Rev 1 tope H. Adams, is handling market
mg She named the product "Sign of the Dove" and gave it a plug in
Sunday's church bulletin.
"Our house brand fertilizer has been produced over the years by
the pigeons who have called the tower home she wrote.
Adams says about 82 bags have been sold since the fertilizer was
offered tor sale a few weeks ago
" I he I ord uorks m mysterious ways
The East
would like to
help in the
recycling efforts
by encouraging
its readers to
recycle this
1 lies.
2 For
am said it
mvenerg i it ml l lai h
obsession v ith it. Shi
the window intently at some
imaginan iibjei t "I in t evei
i ? mi 'mber the last time I lai ? I
Shark 's is a private club tor members and
21 years old guests.
"We Free Pour All Our Drinks"
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And they're both repre-
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means you re part of a healthcare
system in which educational
career advancement .ire the i lit
n. ir tho prum Ihe gold bar - -
on the right means you command respect as an Arm officer
earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O Box
Clifton, N 07015
ii v u re
i i i
continued from page l
ing event.
It things go well, it's some-
thing new and exciting. It things
go badly, it's something new and
exciting, and you feel that much
better when you do finally get to
"home sweat home
With Easter coming up quite
a few of us will be road-tripping
this weekend. No matter how bad
it goes, try to enjoy it. Things could
be worse you know, you could be
ITG saves you money this spring with these low priced roundtrip airfares
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ATLANTA . . $184
BOSTON .$242
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ST. LOUIS . . s178
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These lares are subject to change Many are vald only thru June 27 These rates tor eft peak travel
weekends, peak ones and holidays are higher Advance purchase of 7-u days required Seats are
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Monday thru Friday
9 AM To 5 P.M.
The Plaza ?Greenville
Saturday &

uJiye i?agt (garolftuan
Vae U
April 10,1990
Irates fall short in Ultimax
By John Tucker
Assistant Features I dilor
This past weekend the ECU
frisbee club hosted, nine mens
teams and four womens teams in
I lhmax XVI, a tournament spon-
sored each semester by the club
! tie men S team, the Irates.
came away from play on Sunday
disappointed witha loss suffered
m the semifinal game at tin' hands
ol he Raleigh based club team
ot 1 ire.
1 eryone knows we have the
talent to win a tournament but
?vi- again, we came up shirt
?.iid teamaptam C ?irv I hirlov
he match lasted almost two
rs before the Irate team lost
ere 19-18 and was elinu
? i from play in the finals after
undefeated Saturday
indeasih winning their first game
igainsl William and Marv 1 3-hon
? i.n
! he game was really excit-
? I know it was close, rheguys
aved well and 1 thought
leserved to w in, said i
rudenl Samantha rhompson.
Irates lumped out to an
irh lead bv capatilizingon some
errors and establishing a 5-2 lead
The lead changed quickly as the
Raleigh team scored five unan-
swered points and eventually took
the halt at l 7.
I he points directly alter the
halt saw another surge bv the Ring
ot 1 ue team as the team increased
their lead before the Irate team
could make a comeback and tie
the game at 1.
We made a strong comeback
from a 15-11 deficit against Ring,
but itcamedown toone point, and
we just couldn't put it together
said veteran player Dave Kelly.
1 he two teams went point tor
point and eventually the score was
tied at Is In a gutsy defensive
play Irate rookie Chuch Pant
for? ed a turnover in the endone
on the final point and gave the
Irates a chance to march the tns-
bee up the field and score to win
the game
On the tirst pass ot the drive
however, the team turned the fris-
bee over Ring ol lire players
quickh capatilized on the mistake
and ended the game allow me, the
team to advance to the finals.
Although the team did lose
the close game players emerged
with a positive outlook, "every
time we lose it just makes us
hungrier for a tournament win,
we've got plenty of tournament
play vet to see on the college cir-
cuit, and evervtime we play we
make a stronger showing Hurley
The championship game saw
Ring of Fire matched up against
UNC-Wilmington. The game
ended up being no contest, as the
tired Ring of Fire team had only
two substitutes and could not
match the rested playofaWilming
ton team that advanced easily to
the finals due to team depth.
I he game final game of the
tournament ended with UNC-W
easily clinching the match and the
tournament with a decisive!7-4
The womens team, the He-
lios, also faired well in their last
tournament ol this season. The
team placed second out of four
trams and also managed to win
the coveted "party trophy
The Irates will be traveling to
ilmingtonthis omingweekend
to play intheNinth Annual Faster
Estravaganga that will play host
to as many as 2 teams
. - , ? - -w- ?
The frisbee club sponsored Ultimax XVI this past weekend with 13 teams competing t
region Above. Irate Lee Walstongoes ?horizontal in an ettort to prevent a turnover a
Melvin looks on from the sideline (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
rom the At
s team me
antic Coast
mber David
IRS to sponsor golf classic
Langdon pitches ECU past UNC-W
By Frank Roves
Stjtt Writer
I he ECl baseball team im-
proved Us overall record to - ?
bj defeating the UNC-Wilming-
t n Seahawks 5-2 Sunda night at
ECU'S starting pitcher ! im
Langdon (6-1, 1.85 IRA this sea-
- n baffled Wilmington with a
raft eight-hit complete ;ame.
? ;don pitched nine innings
d two runs on six hits. He
and staff, l H erton said
The Pirates came out with the
earlv lead when ohn Adamsl .360,
23 RBI) and Iommv Eason (.376,
11 HR) scored in the tirst inning.
E I scored again in the sixth
inning when shortstop Corey
Short i J30,21 RBI) smashed a solo
homerun. Short's dinger was his
fourth ot the season. Alter six
i U led the came 4-0.
'alsoianned Tour while walkii
? ur Langdon'scompletegameis
his third of the season
1 lead coach iaryOverton was
pleased with the victor) lo
win two out ol three games on the
: was very pleasing to our team
V ilmington s starting hurler,
David Morrison was shelled tor
five hits and three runs He also
gave iy three walks while tan-
ning three. With the loss Morn-
son dropped his pitching record
to 1 ; on the season
I he Seahawks brought in ler-
ome 1 hint to finish the last three
innings. 1 hint gave up one run on
one hit. He also walked a batter
while fanning one.
The Pirate offense was led bv
Kevin Riggs, Fason and Short with
two hits each in the contest.
Wilmington had six different bat-
ters to get a hit as well.
UNC-Wilmington scored its
two runs in the last inning when
two batters reached home on
fielder choices. The Seahawks
could not score again, making the
final score 5-2 in favor of ECU.
The Pirate win put them in
first place in the Colonial Athletic"
Association with a 4-1 record. The
Seahawk loss gave them a 17-15
overall record, 2-3 in the CAA.
The next game for ECU will
be on the road against N.C. State
in Raleigh this afternoon at 3 p.m.
By Jannette Roth
The spring intramural 'ports
schedule rounds out its registra-
tion dead lines today with signups
available for the golf classic, fris-
bee golf competition and a beach
volleyball tournament.
The golf classic will be held at
the Indian Trails Country Club
April 17 and 18. Divisions are
designed for all faculty, staff and
students with green tees set a t$6.00
for the dav. Frisbee discers are
encouraged to register for the
annual disc golf tournament to be
held April 11 and 12, 3 p.muntil.
The spxrt offers experienced as
well as inexperienced discers the
opportunity to challenge them-
selves, enjoy1 the outdoors and
practice their tossing skills on one
of the only frisbee disc courses on
the east coast. ECU'S course is
located adjacent to the Lady Pi-
rate Softball diamond and offers
some very challenging holes of
play throughout the wooded area.
Pick up a disc with your ECU
identification in the Recreational
Services Equipment Room located
in 115 Memorial Gym. Registra-
tion begins at 5:30 p.m. in Biology
The newest activity on the IRS
schedule involves the sun and
sand of summer as Recreational
Services plays h st t an end of the
ycarbeach volleyball tournament.
Action takes place April 17, IS and
19onthe olli fe Hill courts. Men's
and women sdi isions have been
developed tor four-person teams
interested in tast paced volleyball
action and fast tanning. Registra-
tion tor the beach tourney takes
See IRS, page 12
Track team splits, finishes high in meets
Bv Chip Kline
Staff Writer
1 he ECU men's and women's
"i.k teams ran away with some
in ; rcssive finishes over the week-
? ? i Phe women's team traveled
I N Wilmington, while the
n i n's team split up one group
iveling to lempe. A tor the
Vngal I rack Classic and the
- to the Colonial Relays at the
i ge of William and Mary in
A llliamsburg, 'a
Vanessa Smith led the 1
tracksters as she took first in the
meter with a time of 10.9 sec-
onds. I he 4X100 relay team of
Smith, Cheryl 1 lopkins, Chandra
ooper and Danita Roseboro
captured tirst place with a time ol
47.5seconds. rhe4X100"B" team
of 1 iane lacobs, Sherry 1 lawkins,
lhaha Persons and lev Dorsey
1 ii soi end w itha tmieot 50 06
soi onds.
In the Sun Vngel 1 rack Clas-
sic, the 4X400 meter relay teamot
Brian Irving, William Davis, Fred
Owens andi y Brooks raced to
a fifth place finish with a time of
3:09.30, the team's fastest time ot
the outdoor season.
The 4X200-meter relay team
of Damon DeSue, Davis, Owens
and Brooks finished in third place
with a time of 1:22.62.The4X100-
meter relay team ol lames Parker,
Irv in. Ike Robinson and Davis
finished fourth with a time of 40.29
At the Colonial Relays, the
Pirates' 4X200-meter relay team
of Johnson, Yemen, McC.ill and
fackson finished third with a time
of 1:27.22. The 4400-meter relay
team of McGill. Wright, Jeff Shu-
makeand Udon Cheek finished in
fifth place with a time of 3:1?.12.
Brian Williams finished fifth in
the 110-meter hurdles.
The men's team will travel to
1 larrisonburg, Va next weekend
to compete in the Colonial Ath-
letic Association Championship
ECU splits doubleheader
with Seahawks, 3-7,12-3
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
Darn, missed again!
Grace Oh watches as the horseshoe she just threw falls short Oh and
others were participants in a Sigma Alpha Iota sponsored event
(Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Phofo Fab)
Phe ECU baseball team split a
doubleheader with the UNC-W
Seahawks in a Colonial Athletic
Association contest Saturday af-
The Seahawks took the first
game 7-3, thanks to dingers by
Wilmington's Joe Catalino and
Trent Mongero.
The Pirates scored first in the
third inning when John Riggs
clobbered his sixth homerun of
the season, giving ECU the early
lead 1-0.
"Riggs has really developed
this year said head coach Gary
Overton. "He has learned to hit
with power
But the Seahawks scored a run
when Catalino smashed a solo
homer in the bottom of the third.
Catahno's dinger was only his
third of the season.
The Pirates' starting hurler
John White, who dropped his
record to 5-1, pitched five and one-
thirds innings. He gave up four
runs on four hits. White also
tanned two, while walking four.
Hut Overton wasn't disappointed
in White's pitching performance.
"(White) did an exceptional
job Overton said. "UNC-
Wilmington just had some timely
The Seahawks scored six runs
in the last inning, giving Wilming-
ton the victory 7-3. ECU'S Bnen
Berckman was tagged for three
runs on three hits in only one-
thirdsofan innings pitched. Over-
ton also used Howard Whitfield
and Owen Davis to pitch the last
Wilmington's Keith Jarman
increased his record to 4-3 on the
season with a complete game.
Jarman pitched seven innings,
allowing three runs on six hits. He
was also credited with five strike-
outs and four walks.
The second game featured
four Pirate homeruns as ECU
punished the Seahawks 12-3.
ECU'S Corey Short, Steve
Godin, John Adams and Tommy
Eason all belted homeruns in the
contest. Eason's dinger was his
11th of the season. The Pirates'
starting hurler Jonathan Jenkins
improved his record to 7-0 with a
seven-hit pitching gem. He gave
See Jenkins, page 12
Freshman pitcher Jenny Parsons sparked tne Lady Pirates sottball
team to a 2-0 victory of the Lady Tarheels this weekend Parsons'
picked up her 10th win of the season. (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU
Phofo Lab)
Softball team upsets
Lady Tarheels, 2-0
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Staff Writer
The Lady Pirate sottball team traveled to UNC-CH last weekend
and vent5-0tocapturethechampionshipof the UNC Tournament, and
increase its record to 24-7.
The team defeated the seventh-ranked in the southeast region Lady
Tarheels, 2-0 to come away with the final win.
"We had the attitude of suceees said head coach Sue Manahan.
'In different games, different people came through for us, especially
offensively. We have just been playing as a team and that's really the
That team effort was shown in ECU'S final game of the tournament
against UNC-CH. Freshman pitcher fenny Parsons racket up her 10th
win of the season and held the Lady Tarheeb scoreless.
"Jenny threw a very smart ball game, she u,b very solid for seven
innings" said Manahan.
Senior catcher Tracy kee anchored the Lady Pirates and noted,
"UNC can be very intimidating, but fenny iust played unreal
Both teams were held scoreless until the top of the sixth inning
when ECU brought in two runs. Cindy Kilter singled and stole second.
Chris Byrne was then walked, and Parsons banged in a double, bring-
ing in both Ritter and Byrne.
"It was truly a spectators game, with both team's making spectacu-
lar plays
Senior outfielder Kathy Schrage held a UNC-CH surge by making
two diving catches tor ECU.
Senior pitcher Jennifer Sagl said, We wanted to win really bad, and
See Lady Pirates, page 12

12 The East Carolinian, April 10, 1990
Sports Briefs
Faldo captures second victory in golf
1 iistory repeated itsolt Sunday in The Masters golf tournament, as
Nick Faldo won for the second year in a row. He is the first repeat
champion since lack Nicklaus won in 1966. Faldo trailed by lour shots
with six holes to play Sunday, made three birdies, then paired the
second play hole, alter Raymond Floyd hit his approach shot into a
Baseball season begins after long delay
The cry of "Play Bail" was heard tor the first time this season in
Boston's Fenway Park, Monday. Major I eague Baseball kicked off its
delayed season in boston as tlc Rod Sox hosted the Detroit Tigers.
There were 11 games plavcd Monday the latest opening day since l11.
Monaghan victorious in LPGA tourney
Kris Monaghan, whose best finish was fourth in six years on the
1 P .A tour, fired 4 under par 67 Sunday for a two shot ictory in the
Lady Pirates
Continued from page 11
we were confident we could do
Ritter's stolen base in the first
inning, broke the ECU stolen base
record! 16). Of her 17 attempts,
Ritter has only been thrown out
ECU'S first game on Saturday
with UNC-VV was rained out, so
the team faced Limestone College
in the semi-finals Senior pitcher
Renee Myers started out the game
once. Byrnealsowasaddedtothe and held 1C. scoreless until the
$300,000 Rod Robin Kyocera
earned $45,000 lor the victory.
Inamori Classic at Poway, Calif. She
Search begins for an N.C. State coach
North Carolina State University has begun its search tor a men's
basketball coach to replace im Valvano. Mentioned as a possible
sin i essor: East fennessee State coach I es Robinson, who played for the
Raiders' tickets sell fast in Oakland
1 he Raiders h.n etwo years lolt on their lease with the I os Angeles
Coliseum but tans in Oakland are already reserving tickets tor Un-
learn s planned return 1 he Oakland Raiders, .is ol Saturday, have
received cash reservations for27333 season tickets, with$3.7 million in
cash deposits on hand
U.S. soccer team defeats Iceland, 4-1
With Eric W nalda scoring two goals the I .S. national soccer team
turned in its best offensive performanc c since 1988, defeating Iceland 4-
1 Sunday at Teuton. Mo. The United States is 4-5 in its 15-game series
leading to this sumrru i s World 'p in Italy.
Comiskey Park enters final season
The Chicago White Sox opened their season Monday in Comiskey
Park by hosting the Milwaukee brew ers It was the 80th and final season
tor Comiskej bark before a w re king ball takes the final swings. Next
season the White Sox will play in a now park built across the street
Comiskey is theonlj park left whereCy Young pitched and babe Ruth
hit a home run
Oakland's activities focus on rings
Oakland Athletics players received their 1989 World Series rings
Monday. They were handed out in the Oakland Coliseum before the
team played the Minnesota I wins. Also, Rickey Henderson and Dave
Stewart received their postseason MVP trophies and there was a
moment of silence and video tribute to Billy Martin, former A's man-
ager who was killed in an auto accident in December.
Dawson sets eyes on Mays' record
As the1990seasor
Cubs has stolen 284 b.
record books with her 29th RBI of
the season. Byrne is now batting
.382 after the weekend.
On the first day of tourna-
ment games the l.ady Pirates
scored 22 runs in three games and
allowed just three to come in.
Senior pitcher Tracve larkin
earned her seventh win in ECU'S
7-2 victory over UNC-Charlotte.
Byrne led ECU at bat with 3 RBIS
and a triple.
In the team's second game of
the day, Ritter went 3-3 and scored
threeof the eight Lady Pirate runs.
Sagl increased her record on the
mound to 4-2.
"11 felt good for me, "said Sagl.
"1 hadn't been doing as well as 1
should have been and I felt like
things were back again
In the third game the team the Lady Patriots of George
Mason University and again
chalked upa win. Parsons Struck-
out six batters and Byrne smashed
"We did everything well
said Kee. "Never before has the
whole team hit like this, usually
it's just a few individuals, but in
the tournament everyone was hit-
third inning when it tied the score
at four.
Larkin then came in the fourth
inning to get her first save of the
season. ECU scored three runs in
the fourth to insure the victory.
Laura Crowder led with a
triple and Ritter then hit in Crow-
der with a single. Bvrne then
stepped up and hit her second
home-run of the season. The I ad v
Pirates added one more run in the
fifth to make the final score 8-4
and put them in the champion-
ship against the lady Tarheels.
"Our offense was a lot
stronger than the teams weplaved,
and we were able to score quite a
few runs said Manahan.
The Lady Pirates game sched-
uled withUNC-W today has been
canceled because the Lady
Seahawks have only eight healthy
players. The team's next game
will be on Thursday at home
against Nicholls State at 2 p.m.
The Lady Pirates will face
I IN' Cl lagainon Friday at home
at 5 p.m. in a douWeheader
"We've got a busy week, we'll
t have tii see how werea t at tor
a bic win
aid Manahan
Continued from page 11
egins, outfielder Andre Dawson of the Chicago
?s in his career. I le is 16 short of becoming the
second player in major league history to have 300 home runs and 3(Mi
steaK in a career. 1 lall ol 1 amer Willie Mays was the first.
place today in Room N-102 in the
Biology building at 6 p.m.
Now all participants have the
chance to challenge their arch-
rivals during this week of chal-
lenge events. Challenge Week is
open to all faculty, staff and stu-
dents and gives you the chance to
take on that individual or team
you want to plav the most.
Recreational Services pro-
ages persons with interest in the
action-packed water sport to come
out. The clinic takes place at 7-30
p.m. Please register today. An
additional windsurfing clinic will
be held April 19 beginning at 3
p.m. Register prior to the clinic in
113 Memorial Gym.
The ROC can equip you tor
your next outdoor adventure with
an array ol outdoor supplies tor
Sooners reinstate women's basketball
University of Oklahoma officials, reacting to a public outcry and
facing imminent legal action. I hursday reinstated the women's basket-
ball program. The announcement by President Richard Van 1 lorn and
athletic director Donnie Duncan came a day alter players' attorneys
threatened to sue over the school's decision to drop the program
Buck to announce CBS baseball
lack Buck, longtime voice ol the St. Louis Cardinals was named the
replacement for brent Musburger as the top baseball play-by-play
announcer tor CBS Sports.
Interim coach signs with Hornets
Gene Littles, who took over as interim coach of the Charlotte
1 lornets at midseason, was signed to a multiyear contract to continue
coaching the team Littles, previously the team's director oi player
vides you with the playing site, camping, canoeing, kayaking,
the equipment and the officials. beach enjoying, and more.
Interested personsteams must Experienced attendants can
complete challenge week forms in help plan your next trip with e-
UU-AMemonalC.vninasium.Anv tensive resources from outdoor
sport can qualify for the weeks ac- areas across the state and the re-
Hvittes. gion. Browse through adventure
Interested adventurers have magazines to heighten your inter-
the opportunity to learn windsurf- est and let the RiX do the rest,
ing skills or enhance previously
learned skills through the ROC
(Recreational Outdoor Center)
windsurfing clinic held today in
MG 113. The ROC has all the
equipment required and encour-
personnel and a coaching
Pick 1 lartcr was tired Ian
assistant, was named interim coach when
Umpire files sex discrimination suit
1 ormer umpire Pam Postema filed a sex discrimination suit Thurs-
day against Major 1 eague baseball with the U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, saying she was denied a job as a major
league umpire because she is a woman. Major League Baseball hat! no
comment Postema,36,umpired in the minor leagues beginning in 1477
and was dismissed alter last season
In the Locker
up only two runs and two walks.
"1 think (fenkins) is one of the best
that has been here (ECU) Over-
ton said. With the score tied at two
in the third inning, the Pirates
bombed Wilmington's starting
pitcher Bryant Balentine tor seven
runs. Threeof those runs were un-
ECU'S Godin started the bar-
rage with his third homer oi the
year. Berry Narron followed with
a single. Tommy Yarborough re-
sponded with a double, scoring
Narron. Kevin Riggs reached sec-
ond base, thanks to a Seahawk
error. John Adams continued the
The Recreational Outdoor
Center is open Monday and l'n-
day 11:30 a.m1:30 p.m. and 3
p.m6p.m.and Tuesday through
Thursday 3 p.m.
Continued from page 11
Why not come by the REAL Crisis Intervention Center: 312 E.
10th Street; or call 758-HELP, For Free Confidential Counseling or
Our Volunteers and Staff are on duty 24 hrs. a day. year around,
in order to assist you in virtually any problem area you might have
Our longstanding goal has always been to preserve and enhance the
quality of life for you and our community.
Licensed And Accredited By The State of North Carolina
inning with his first home-run of
the season, giving ECU tholoadS-
The Pirates added tour runs
in the fourth inning, which ex-
tended the Pirate lead 12-2. Eight
oi the nine Pirate starters had at
least one hit ea h.
ECU also bombed Seahawks'
Pan 1 lerring for four runs, none ol
those were earned. 1 lerring gave
up three hits and three walks
Wilmington was led by Perry
Currin with three hits and two
runs batted in. Mike Siopes col-
lected two hits in the game.
Read The East Carolinian
Base stealing in the majors
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The East Carolinian, April 10, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 10, 1990
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