The East Carolinian, April 5, 1990

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(Iftfz iEaat (ftanrlmian
Serving the TLasi Carofina campus community since 1925
Vol. M No. 24
I hursdav April 5, 1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
ECU researchers discover
cause of Pamlico fish deaths
By Adam Cornelius
SUM Writer
A team ol K I researchers
believe they have pinpointed the
ii.Unroot.i disease w hah has been
diminishing the population ol
menhaden m the Pamlico Sound
area for the post six years. But it is
not the same disease which scien-
tists .it tirst suspected.
Dr. Charles Bland, chairman
Menhaden infected with the red sore disease Inset photo is an
enlargement ol a cross section showing the destroyed muscle and
skin tissue taken from the tell-tale mark of the disease (Photo
courtesy of Dr Charles Bland)
Arrest made in theft
of freshmen vehicles
Bv Shannon Buckley
Staff Writer
ol EC U'sbiotogy department, said
that a common marine bacterium
called erottwn i '? .? hila w as
responsible tor the tish kills At
a presentation in lanuarv at the
I idewa ter section ol the .Amen, an
I isheriesScK iety. Bland suggested
thai the disease be known as red-
soredisease instead ot iheoriginal
diagnosis erf the deaths, ulcerative
According to a release pre-
pared by Bland and biology de-
partment faculty members Char-
les Singhas and Edmund Stell wag,
red-sore disease has symptoms
like ulcerative mycosis and is
known to be caused by Aero
monas hydrophila in a variety ol
aquatic animals" with open sores
including fish, frogs alligators
and humans
The bacterium thrives in riv-
ers and estuaries when the salinity
is low, the temperatures are high
and organic runoff is present.
Bland says that there is a link to
phosphate runoff, such as fertiliz-
ers, citing an increase in dv,d
The tish become stressed due
to the km salinitv and depleted
oxvgon levels Bland attributes this
to heavy summer rainfall and the
m h animal life found in the Tarn
lico Sound area. He went on to
explain that, since the menhaden
travel in schools, abrasions from
the tish rubbing against each other
mav cause open sores which can
lead to infections.
The seasonal deaths of hun-
dreds ot menhaden in the Pamlico
Sound had originally been studied
by a research team from UNC-
c hapel Hill and N.C. State in the
summer ot 1984 At the time, the
disease had been tentatively diag-
nosed as "ulcerative mycosis
caused by the fungus Aphanomy
Bland had originally sus-
pected the cause to he viral rather
than fungal because of an abrupt
border on the sore between the
living and dead tissue, a symptom
he said was uncharacteristic of a
See Menhaden, page 3
North Carolina State I ni
vcrsitv studtit was arrested by
the Greenville Police Department
on March 29 .nd charged with
larceny of an automobile, which
was stolen from an ECU freshman
parking lot. The same subject had
been apprehended two days ear-
lier by the Raleigh Police Depart-
ment for possession of the same
stolen vehicle.
Donald Keith Paterson,20,ol
Raleigh was arrested last ITiurs
dav and charged with larceny oi
an automobile. In addition to the
larceny charge, ECU Public Safety
charged Paterson with breaking
and entering of an automobile,
attempted larceny of an automo-
bileand damage to personal prop-
erty, according to Captain John W.
Burrus of ECU Public Safety.
"This was a joint investigation
between our department and the
Greenville Police Department
Burrussaid " rhearresti a me from
a case that was reported to us on I
March 1 ol a breaking and enter
ing of an automobile at the Fifth
and Reade freshman parking lot
According to I etective rho
mas eelle. three ECU freshman
vehicles were involved in the inci-
dent that occurred on March 1
()ne vehicle was stolen, the second
vehicle was broken into and the
third c ar was damaged.
Ncvelle said Paterson was
apprehended and held by the
Raleigh Police. Nevellc arrested
the suspect on the behalf ol the
Greenville Police. According to
Burrus, Lieutenant Ernest Suggs
arrested Paterson for the campus
Southern cuisine can contribute to illnesses
Jisv ipline
, ECU New;
at the me dit al -c hool
ith diabetic patients in an
educational program aimed at
A meal consisting of tried teaching them how to change their
diets as a part of the management
ol their disease
Showing people how to mod-
ify their diets and cooking style is
just one of the manj lessons taught
through the program, which has
nied for meeting na
meat, vegetables seasoned with
animal tat. a mound of tatoes
smothered in gra i coupli ?l
buttery rolls and a rich desserl is
considered good eating in eastei n
North i arolina.
But such Southern t ire on a
regular basis can contributi '
chronic illnesses such asdiabt '? -
according to Sue Daughtrj . a die-
titian .it the E ' S? hool ol Medi
Daughtr) nd a team ol pro-
fessionals representing several
to propel managi
tes, a disease in wl ch the pan-
creas is unable to c ither produce
enough insulin or to use it prop-
erly. Included among the self-care
areas .ire toot care blood sugar
testing, insulin injection tech-
nique's, and individualized exer-
cis programs
r cram and
hanks to tl
heen rccog
tional standards ol quality by the
Vmerican Diabetes Association.
The program is a component ol
the educational mission ol the
I iabetes( enter at ECl .
Patients are also mstrik ted in
other areas ot self-care important
his own determination. Cornell
Parker, a custodian at the School
ol Medic me and participant in the
ECU diabetes education program,
has lost more than 25 pounds and
stopped taking insulin, lie now
controls his diabetes with diet,
exercise arid a pill to lower his
Students compete
in communication
Bv Kristin Brooks
Special to The I as!
1 he 1 irsl Annual Pastern
Regional High School Communi-
cations Tournament will be held
at ECU on April 7. Students from
20 eastern North Carolina high
schools have been invited to par-
ticipate in the tournament.
I he students will be compet-
ing in tour events: extemporane-
ous speaking, dramatic reading,
news announcing and news writ-
ing. I .i h ?? hiol will Decomposed
oi a team ol tour students, along
with .i faculty or volunteer adult
"The major purpose of the
tournament is to celebrate the new
Department of Communications
said I 'r Beverly Mcrrk k, a coordi-
nator of the tournament. "Wo want
to show people we are here and
keeping up with the changing
trend towards communications
As sponsors ot the program, the
i C L Department ot
Communications is bringing
together speech, journalism and
A winning team will be cho-
sen in each category. The school
with the highest overall team so ire
will receive the 1990 High School
Communications Tournament
"It always excites me when
young people have ways to
broaden their perspective Mer-
rick said about the upcoming
event "It will provide high school
students tin1 opportunity to sec
that college isa good place to be
()ther communication faculty
helping with the tournament are
Kerry Cox, Carlton Benz, lames
Recsand Catherine Wickern, along
with anice Schreiber of the ECU
theatre arts faculty. Several ECU
students have volunteered to es-
cort the high school visitors, assist
the judges and re-enact an auto
accident for the news writing
The idea tor the communica-
tions tournament came from a
student Darek ld ullers He
came up with the idea ofthediffer
ent workshops to prepare th. high
school student tor college I he
students can experiment with dif-
ferent media and become more
familiar with the different pro
grams offered at Il
"The whole community, pro
fessionalsand students, are work-
ing together in this communica-
tive ettort said Mcrrick Local
media representatives will be
appearing at the tournament to
help in the judging, lerry A Ik-
good of The News ami Observer of
Raleigh, Alan I loffmanol WN( T-
TV, Greenville and Tom Morns ot
The Daily Reflector will be present,
along with Chancellor Richard
After arriving on campus, the
students will register and attend
an orientation session. The com
petition begins at 10:30 a.m. and
will last for two hours. Following
the competition will be lunch,
courtesy of Hardee's Inc. An
award ceremony will be held at 2
P m m Room HBI of E I I's (len
oral C lassroom Building to an-
nounce the tournament winners
blood sugar. I le has also learned
toeniov his favorite foods cooked
with less fat and sugar
"Before 1 got involved in the
program, 1 thought life with dia-
betes would be miserable said
Parker, who was diagnosed with
diabetes in 1986 after losing his
vision while driving his car. Dis-
ciplining yourself to control a dis-
ease likediabetes is kind of tough
"A healthy litestvlo is essen-
tial in managing diabetes said
Daughtry. "A person with diabe-
tes can reduce the risk ot develop-
ing complications such as blind-
ness, kidney disease, cardiovascu-
lar disease or amputations bv
changing habits to control his dia-
Daughtry and the diabetes
education team work individually
with patients and their family
members. Thev begin the program
by first assessing each patient's
lifestyle, then outline ways to
improve them.
lor example. Parker enjoyed
vegetables seasoned with animal
fat. Daughtry helped him reduce
the amount of fat in his diet by
suggesting other ways to season
his food. Alternatives include the
use of smoked turkey, broth or
See Homecookin page 2
9 B
These migrants, along with volunteers from Faith and Victory Church, sing songs in Spanish at a smali
home m Simpson, N.C The structure is home to four families who travel the East Coast Stream each year
along with about 40.000 other workers (Photo by Lori Martin ? The East Carolinian)
Migrants return to N.C. fields
Bv I ori Martin
Managing I ilitor
About 40,000 people travel
through Northarolina eat h year
working in the cotton and tobacco
fields of the state. These migrant
workers, who are primarily Mexi-
can, participate in what is called
the hast Coast Stream
The stream begins in the South
in the earlv spring months, as the
workers pick oranges and other
fruits in Florida. In April, the
migrants move up through North
("arolina, where thev stay until
November. They finish the sweep
picking apples in Maine during
the winter.
A lu82 study conducted by
the N.C State Legislature showed
that about 60 percent ol the 10,000
migrant farm workers in North
Carolina are Mexican, 10-15 per
cent are 1 l.utian and the remain
ing 25 30percentareCuban, Pana-
manian or of other Hispanic na-
According to Greg Allison ot
Catholic Social Ministries m
Greenville, few studies have Ken
done to update these-statistics, but
"we do know that the numbers ot
migrants are increasing, not do
creasing he said.
Allison's organization tries to
alleviate problems the Mexicans
mav encounter as a result ot the
language barrier. Since the
summer of 1989, Catholic Social
Ministries hasorganized a 24-hour
Spanish-language hotline for
migrants who have questions or
emergencies. In addition, the
organization has joined forces with
the N.C. Department ot
Transportation to develop a
driver's license test in Spanish.
A current project ot Catholic
Social Ministries is the publication
ol a monthly newsletter in Span
ish to provide the seasonal work-
ers with news about Greenville
and surrounding counties
Members ot ECU'S Spanish cTub
is helping with the project b con-
tributing articles. Allison said that
The "M" Voice newspaper a
minority publication inGreenville,
will publish the newsletter
beginning April 26.
Other organizations have ex-
tended their Support to the mi-
grant workers. St. GabneTsCat ho
Ik Church conducts a Spanish
See Migrants, page 2
If I don't win, I won't
play the spoil sport
Personals. For Sale.
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation8
Bush pressures Con-
gress to enact his aid
request for Panama and
Corrosion of
Conformity to play at the
Attic Friday night
Pirate baseball team
upsets UNC Chapel Hill
2- 1

2 The East Carolinian, April 5,1990
ECU Briefs
EastCare celebrates fifth anniversary
More than 1,500 former patients emergency medical service (EMS)
personnel and friends are invited to attend the fifth anniversary cele-
bration of EastCare April 8 from 2-5 p.m. in the park beside the Brody
Medical Sciences Building.
EastCare, Pitt County Memorial 1 lospital'sair ambulance service,
began operation in April 1985 and has made apporoximately 2,000
A ceremony at 2:30 p.m. will include a brief historv oi the program,
speeches by former patients and a dedication to former patients and
EMS personnel. If available, the FastCare helicopter will be on display.
Biology to hold annual plant sale
I he ECU Biology Department s annual spnng plant sale will be
held April 5-6 in the Science Complex (RoomS-111 from 7:30a.m until
1 p m each daj . Ottered for sale will Iv container-grow n plants propa-
gated from contributed seeds and cuttings Student and faculty bota-
nists will be available to explain the cultural rcquiremenisol each plant.
High school scholars to visit campus
A total of 147 top juniors in North Carolina's public .mil private
' schools have accepted invitations to isit East Carolina I niversit) April
7-9 as participants in ECU'S annual Scholars Weekend
The students were recommended by guidance counselors and
principals on the basis of superior PSAT scores and academic records.
Students who participate in the event become candidates foi one ot
E I s major scholarship programs winch otter up to $12,000 over a
four-year period
1 he weekend's activities include living in campus residence halls,
meeting with professors and students of various academic depart-
ments, visiting classes, and such events as a reception at the home of
ECU Chancellor and Mrs. Richard Fakin, a banquet, a Qu bowl
competition and informal social gatherings
National Campus Clips
Faculty resignations at ASU may be
related to conflict over research
Two faculty members recenth resigned at Appaiachain State
I nncrsitv. Psychology Chairperson Dr. Verne Bachara h and ollegc
of Arts and Sciences Dean Dr. William . Herd's letters ol resignation
may be connected, according to Dr. Harvey Durham, the university
provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs Other faculty mem-
bers from the College oi Arts and St it nces think those resignations may
be caused bv the divergent opinions about the university's main
mission. Dr. Gregory Reck, the gradute school assistant dean and
anthropology professor, said: One of the facets that lies behind the
conflict now is the difference of opinion about where the university
should be going in the future
Chancellor lohn Thomas said SU has three main objectives:
education, research, public service and that education is the top prior-
ity. Dr. Sally Atkins, the faculty senate chairperson said that It s tinis.1
who feel we're not emphasizing research enough against those who feel
in some arenas we've emphasized it too much She said that Bvrd felt
thov did not haveenough facilities t'1 emphasize research in the future
Schools join Operation Earth
Two thirds ot all U.S. schools and colleges will participate in
Operation Earth, a partnership between PBS and five major education
croups to inform the public ol environmental issues plaguing the
world today.
The groups sav the program's purpose is to spend more than just
Earth Day, April 22, exploring environmental problems. Featured will
bo activities such as series and specials, local programming on environ-
mental problems and spots on topics such as recycling and home
energy conservation.
"We intend to give a message ol hope, which is that people can
tackle environmental problems on a grassroots level said TBS presi-
dent Bruce L. Christensen.
Highlights of Operation Earth will include profiles of young envi-
ronmentalists and a special four-part series entitled "leewalk" for use
in schools. "Icewalk" tells the stor) of 22 teenagers' expedition to the
North Pole documenting threats to the planet.
Fraternity names
Miss Black and Gold
To Your Health
Effective time management
can ease end of semester cram
By D.A Highan, Health Promotion Assistant
Student Health Center, 757-6794
Spring fever is here, right in the midst of everyone getting ready for
final exams. There are so many things to do, and if vou don't want to
miss anything vou should start getting readv now and be prepared for
exam time. Good time management is essential for success, and now is
as good a time asever to Start. Think about the following questions: Are
vou always late? Do you daydream while studying7 Do vou put off
doing things until the last minute"1 D i you wish there was an extra hour
in each day?
If vou answered yes to any of these questions, chances are you are
a victim of pcxir time management. Poor time management is a habit
that is learned as a child. People have a difficult time in learning to
manage their time more effectively because it requires a change in their
lifestyle and a great deal of practice.
Before you attempt to improve how you manage your time, iden-
tify your weaknesses Keep a daily journal of everything you do and
how you feel at each particular time. One of the greatest problems in
poor time management is interruptions. You must learn to say no when
faced with interference and stick to vour priorities There are always
going to be interruptions, but main can wait until a later time. Victims
of poor time management are often easily distracted Slowly begin to
say no, soon the feeling of success w ill make the change easier.
Many people have their own strategy ot good time management.
Here are some guidelines to help you create yourown system. Soon you
can be more productive and successful. Good Luck'
-Make a list of things to do and establich priorities. Stick to it!
-Get organized. Much time is wasted trying to figure out what you
need to do.
-Separate study time and play time. Strive to keep the two apart.
-Make breaks just that. Take 5 minute study breaks each hour. This
will help you to stop daydreaming.
-Learn to say no! Avoid unnecessary interruptions.
-Don't try to overdo it!
Aim for improvement, not perfection. Success awaits those who
See Time, page 3
By Val Touloumbadjian
Stjit Writer
I uesday night the EC I chap-
ter ol the Alpha Phi Alpha frater-
nity presented Delia Denene
Richardson as Miss Bla k & (lold
tor 1990 Six contestants partici-
pated in the event, introduced by
the master ot ceremonv and lor
mer Miss Black & Cold Valeria
" It'sa shock, Richardson said
alter the competition. " 1 didn't
expe t to win
According to Lassiter, Miss
Black & i .old acts as a spokesper-
son tor ALA fraternity and repre-
sents it during various events. She
said that being a past Miss Black
and( old "allowed mc to compete
on a state level and it made me
think about what beaut) actually
is. It is not outward It comes from
Yolanda Sidbury won first
runner upandStaciePompili took
second runner-up. The jury in-
cluded Teresa (Gordon, a teacher
from 1 Ivden Elementary School;
Shelia Bunch, an ECU professor
and Mark Cordon, a Pitt County
hospital administrator.
Iimothv Inman an organizer
ol the event said "the purpose ol
i ontinued from page 1
? - ? d(Hsn ! like pin su al
.u ti itiessui has running or swim-
ming but enj s gardening, walk
ing and helping to maintain the
grounds at hist hurch in rural Pitt
County Through the program, he
was able to develop an exercise
program which he enjovs and
which ' elps to control his blood
According to Daughtry, the
program's emphasis on the in-
volvement ot each patient in
managing his own health is the
kev to its sl cess She said that
group sessions, which includi
family members, provide time tor
learning activities and information
"Managing diabetes is a fam-
ily affair Daughtry said. "When
family members and friends
understand more about diabetes,
they can really he helpful
Continued from page 1
Mass on Sundays at 12:30 p.m
anol Faith and Victory Church and
the ECU chapter ot Chi Omega
sorority have donated clothing to
the migrant families.
According to Allison, it is dif-
ficult to determine the percentage
of migrant workers who have le-
gal status. The migrant campsand
houses are well hidden in rural
Pitt County and other areas in
Eastern North Carolina. It is also
hard to tell how main' workers
will follow the East Coast Stream,
or where they will come from.
Nevertheless, the farmers of
Eastern North Carolina are highly
dependent on their labor.
Open at
The East
2nd Floor
the pageant is to represent ATA
en a state level and then possibly
on a regional level, and thin on a
national level Richardson will
next participate in a state conven-
tion in November at Winston-Sa-
lem should she win at this level.
she will go to a regional conven-
tion I hope I can oo it,
Richardson siul 1 m still a little
bit nervous because it is my first
The pageant consisted of five
main phases First, the contestants
modelled in casual wear. Next
came the swimsuit competition.
The participants then displayed
their artistic talents through songs,
monologues or mini-plays. After-
wards, thev presented their eve-
ning gowns. The last phase was a
question-answer session con-
ducted bv Phillip Timmons, an
ALA brother.
The pageant took place in
Room 244 at Mendenhall Student
( enter, from 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m in
front of about 170 people.
'Director of Advertising
James F.J. McKee
Advertising 'Jepresentative:
Gliy J. Harvey
Shay Sitlinger
Adam T. Blankenship
Phillip V. (ope
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Brasswood Apts355-6187
Carolina Pregnancy Center355-3473
David's Automotive830-1779
Delta Airlines404-756-2501
ECU Homecoming Committee757-4711
Economy Ministorage757-0373
Gary Reynold's1-800-447-8560
Geo Imports756-5253
New Deli758-0080
Overton's Supermarket752-5025
Park ? Plaza Buc756-0088
Pizza Hut752-4445
Rack Room355-2519
Raleigh Women's Health832-0535
Research Information1-800-351-0222
Ringgold Towers752-2865
Student Union757-4715
Summerfield Apartments355-6187
Travel Connection719-687-6662
Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930
Two Dogs Pizza746-8020
University Amoco758-9976
Williamsburg Manor Apts355-6187

The Last Carolinian Aprii 5, 199U 3
Scholars to discuss
children's literature at
upcoming conference
LCU News Bureau
Tracy Yates teeters precariously on a handrail as she stretches to
recover her shoe from a ledge at Jarvis Residence Hall after a
Tnend" placed it there (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
"Non-Fiction for Children" is
the theme of the 14th annual FCC
Children's Literature Conference,
scheduled for April n in the Willis
The conference is intended tor
librarians, teachers, children's
book authors and parents.
Featured guest at the confer
ence is author Vicki Cobb ot
Mamaroneck, N. Y , whose books
include "Science Experiments You
Can Eat "I low the Doctor Knows
You're Fine" and "Getting
Dressed Ms Cobb's bxxks have
won several awards, including the
Christian Science Book Award, an
ALA Notable Book designation
and the Washington Irving
Children's Book Award. Copiesof
her books will be available for
purchase and autographing at the
Also apprcaring on the pro-
gram are several scholars in the
field of children's literature. Speak-
ers include:
? "The Nature of the Dis-
course About Children's Science
Trade Books Diane L. Barlow,
University of Maryland.
Sex, Lies and Textbooks
Frances Bradburn, ECU.
"Human and Heroic: A
Look at Some Successful Modern
Biographies Sarah V. Clere,
Mount Olive College.
?"Women and C.irls, Men
and Boys, and Science Milton C.
Hathaway, Appalachian State
Cultivating a Child's
Imagination Through C.ardening
Books Dr. LccAnna Lawrence,
The conference is coord mated
by Dr. Charles W. Sullivan III of
the ECU Fnglish faculty.
Further information about the
conference is available from the
FCC Division of Continuing Edu-
cation, ECU,GreenviHe,N.O, tele-
phone 757-6143orkng distance 1-
S0(V7b7-in 11.
Continued from page 1
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Chef Caught In
Middle Of
luicy Fowl Flay.
fungal infection
"Although I have been inter-
ested in it since the disease broke
out, I have always been skeptical
that it was caused bv a fungus.
When 1 read the final report on the
people who had been working on
it, it was till not decisive that a
fungus had caused the disease
The FCC researchers, made
up of members (if the Biology and
Microbiology Departments and
the School of Medicine, began
studying the menhaden in the
summer of 1989. The team iso-
lated bacteria and the fungi from
the diseased fish and examined
the infected tissues
"Hie primary bacterium we
isolatedwasAert monasHydrovhilal
Bland s.iui. "That was isolated
from every legion. Aphanomyces
was never isolated Afterwards,
the researchers exposed healthy
fish todifferent bacterium in order
to isolate the disease.
In the early stages oi the dis-
ease, .i red sore usually develops
on a fish's underside. The spot
grows under the scales, and even-
tually the tissue within the dis-
eased area dies and tails off, leav-
ing a gaping wound near the tail.
The tish almost always die in
the advanced stages, when the
bacterium either eats into the vital
organs or physically stresses the
tish, increasing its vulnerability to
other diseases. Because ol the size
ami configuration ol the wounds,
fishermen netting thediseased fish
had originally believed they had
been attacked by predators.
The young menhaden, or
peanut menhaden" are a source
otbait tor I'amlico river fishermen
and serve as a vital link in the food
chain in the ocean and sounds.
Adult menhaden are used com-
mercially in oils and in the live-
sUik industry.
Fishermen in the I'amlico
Sound and its estuaries have been
calling the area "commercially
dead tor several yeari. Hths
Henries (it Carolina Seafood in
Aurora said that Beaufort county
alone lost $6.5 million in 1984, the
first ear that the tish began wash-
ing up on riverbanks.
The Pamlieo River over the
last five years hasgone from one of
the most productive rivers in the
state to one of the least produc-
tive Henries said.
Edmund assistant
biology professor, is also working
on the makeup of the toxin the
bacterium uses to digest the tis-
sue. Other researchers include
Thomas Charles, a research ana-
lyst, Ms. o Robertsof the school of
medicine and Diane Norrisof the
biology department. Bland said
thata manuscript documenting the
findings is currently in prepara-
tion and will be completed bv the
for the summer
for all sections.
Deadline for
applications is
April 11, 1990.
Apply in person
second floor of
the Publications
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2HE Saat (fJarolitiian
David Herring, i ? ?
Low Martin,
I KMES I' I M KEE, Dii Xto
fosi ii I fi NK1NS Jr News Editor
Margi Mok .
Caroline Ci ?
$1 News Editor
I atures I ditor
? features Edttor
. Sports Editor
rHOMAS H BaRIO VI, f Sports Editor
CARR1I Armstrong, ! nterlainmeni Editor
S OT1 Maxwi I I . Satire I ditor
11 ' I I II t :
Pi ionc I i NC,retlit Marui$ ?
STl VK1 ROSNER, Busin Via. i i
PAMI . ? ?n . Ad Supri rsci
Matthew Rh hter, i n nhti n w
Tra Weed, iv n Vtofwy ?
Steve Reid, Stojjl IWn ifraioi
C ! R ? S VV I INGHAM, I arkt ' m
P! ;m I l T( 1. Secretary
, : ?
11 fmi ;j?;
rhe I ast Carolinian has been serving the East Carolina campus communuj s?ncc J925,wiihprimar emphasis on tn
lormation mosi dira iK affecting ECl I sludems. It is published t? ice wcckl). w nh a circulationol 12,(XX) I he East
Carolinian reserves the right lo refuse or discontinue an advertisen m that discriminate on the basis oi age, sex,
treed or national on gin rite East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view For purposes of decency
and brc it). rhe I asi Carolinian reserves the right to edit am letter foi publk ation. 1 cttcrs shoukl be sent to 1 he last
Carolinian, Publications Rids , 1 CU, Greenville, NC, 27834; or call ?s at (919) r57 6W?
Pate4, Thursday, April 5, 1990
Nuclear power propaganda
Bv Nathaniel Mead Columnist
Sportsmanship is a must
Sportsmanship in college athletics should be a
top priority.
On ruesday, ECU hosted the 13th ranked team
in the nation the rarheels ot the University ot
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After the game, prob
lems arose that caused players on both teams to
become hostile and angry. Although no punches
were thrown, several Pirate and Tarheel players
exchanged words.
rhe problem, according toCarolina'shead coach
Mike Roberts, occurred when "a Ian from Easl Caro-
lina danced around naked out in leftfieki As a
result, the Tarheel players refused to shake hands
u ith the 'irate team, and thecoachcommented that
he would not bring his team back to ECU.
rhe attitudes displayed by the Tarheels and the
Pirates are intolerable The proper action to take
aftoi en competition is to shake your opponents'
hands whether you win or lose. Fliis was not the
c.isc in I uesda) s game.
I Iowcvct, blame should not totally be issued to
irhecl playersand coaches The Pirate fan who
"streaked" in tefttield also deserves to be chastized.
1 lis.inth s wore immature and non exemplary ol thi
majorit) ofE Ufans Notonh didhecastanegativ?
image on the university but he may have endan-
gered the future series between the Pirates and the
rarheels, as well.
An ECl player did attempt to stop the fan, but
the damage had already been done. This was not the
first show ol lack ot sportsmanship between the
Pirates and the larheete. In 1988, the larheeh re-
fused to shake hands after a Pirate i ictory al 1 lar-
rirtgton Field.
Regardless, the rarheels have no right to blame
ECU'S head coach I iary Overton or the Pirate team
And threatening the series between the two schools
isnosolution cither nycootes! is competitive, but
the competitiveness ol a game should never over
look or outweigh the issue ol sportsmanship Per-
haps when the Pirates travel to Chapel Hill next
week, a more mature Tarheel team will play. And
let's I,ope that E streaker will Stay at home
lust before last Christmas
on December I the National
Academ) ol Sciences' National
Resean hbuncil issued a dev as-
tatmg re assessment ol the health
risks posed by the nuclear power
industry. i"he oimcil's ommit-
tee on the Biological I ffet ts of
Ion 11iv Radiation (BE1R), w hich
sets the standards tor radiologii al
health impacts, found that the
cancer risk from exposure ti
levels ol radiation from ntu lear
soun es was three to tour times
deadh as pre ioush thougl
the tilth and most comprehensive
in a series on the biologi al effei ts
ol ionizing radiation, these illed
: 1R i. port was based on new
modi Is for i ancer risk revis I
estimates ot how much radiati ??
thesun ivorsol thenuclean ?;
siens ol ! Iiroshima and Nagas iki
were expensed to. rhe BEIR
committee ot 17 i nent s icn
tists concluded that there is no
sate threshold tor the types ot
radiation associated vith the
nuclear fuel cycle. Thus, all stan
dardsfor "permissible emissions
.it reactor and weapons sitee uu-
completely obsolete, their revision
a potentiall) grave matter for those
people living nearby or ep.
to fallout
i he BEIR V report also
reveals that many nuclear in
lations are leaking radiation with
significant health effects to nearb
communities. Studies reviewed by
the BEIR committee found clus
tors ot childhood leukemia and
various cancers (brain, liver, lung
and lymph node) around numer-
ous nuclear plants in Europe and
the United States Most oi these
studies show an increased risk ol
cancer, and mainly tor younger
people up to 24 years of age.
Moreover, human fetusesexposed
tii low levels ot radiation are at
muM h greater risk ol mental retar
dation than earlier estimates had
Ai d. One study by an Israi li
group found that hildren irradi-
.? d tor therapeutii purposes
set red p orly on aptitude, intelli-
gence, and psychol tgi iltests,and
showed higher rates of psychiat-
ru disorders and mental retarda-
tion ouple these findings with
the high rates ot i ongenital m n
ous s stem defet ts observed near
mil lear . r plants, and an in
, 11 . miruuspictun begins
to erm rg
VV1 ill!
mi. r face in
? imissn n ? : ' did It '
' ' ' ?
? ? ? . ? - , : ic 11 v 11 ? '? i ?
?? ? icl ? :
thi ' . ' :
n ? Ui I '
then ?ult c '
ii ?? was later
linked withepidemii s I i in
I ? Id il and Arizona 11
recent Bl IK report confirms
main previous findings i t hij
ranis n c.iii'r aircfc '?"iit
-? li h ? i a).i?i
among the residents :
from the Ne ad i h ?mb t
sit- sinthel S (Nr id i md i I
Bi tain
1 here h ttle d ?ubt
regarding the sci ilidity
behind ti ? lims Norcanthere
be anv doubt that thousands of
"routirw i I
n i tor releases have occurred
since the mid-sixties. And ai i I
ingtoarecentC ongressional com-
mittee, nuclear bomb makers not
onlv se retly dumped nu
wastes tor decades, but also over
exposed their workers to high
?Isof radiation without telling
them For instance, hundreds ol
workers at the Hanford (Wash-
ington) and i Vtk Ridge I Fennes-
capons plants were dai
oushcontaminated withurai
and other radioactive substanc
As stated by Sen John3enn H
committee's spokesman i
the findings, "The U s ma
ipons program was exp
- ? number- ot wirk( rs t
? ? ? illy dar
? ? did nothing to ???? irnthcmai
,wept the problem under th
I N spit th. ??? ilth . -
i rimmatine. e id thenu
isrrv is loath to adi I I
th ?
r will i' ' ze to the tl
Is o f
, around hi ' '?
planl ted the 1 - report
know to 1 n I -
no mistal il it it: oui
' ' ?
succeed, and it ha
misled tlu publii : ? t
ing the true releasesb ;
Rocky Flat
Savanna River PI ii ' ?
Mile Island s.c ? '
i ntists seen to gi i
.? mmeni s attempts t
?nedeLriuci??r :i.ard? -
A case in point is a i
: - .
? fessoH arl( i.Adlei
of ECU'S departmei I I
whi I v -tons ?
merits ot m tv.
thedangersol nu learj r. It is
disturbing but not suq i ng I
see a professor of phys ? I I nd-
ing the nu lear industn
icand unsubstanti il I ai
m.ents. in light of ti R V re-
port issued bv our nation s m
prestigious scientific instil iti
the National Academy of Sciences,
Adler's position isbot td ited
and indefensible. Adler also I
rates Ernest Sternglass, an emi-
nent professor ol radi
See Propaganda, page 5
thci .htor
' im a foreign student living
? n is and I haven't had an
? well ometodorm life
1 . ii ning ol Ihc fall
. tci m roommate had been
?het boyfriend to sleep
. ? ilatinglement dorm
. urfevi rules, for all the days and
nights ?l the week without asking
my permission
rwo times I woke up in the
mi lilt of the night because of the
lid noises in the other bed the
two were having sex Oneofthose
times my resident advisor heard
the noises, too So 1 had told the
R who, consequently, talked to
my roommate I'or a week, she
stopped having her boyfriend
over But then, site started again. I
?old my K h hO'n ??d she told
the lement coordinator: they let
me know thev were going to take
some actions against mv room
hen, I confronted my room
mate and she told me she did not
. ire at all So, I moved out, had to
) $15, and moved in with some
body else In the meantime, my
former roommate had the room
In hersell and still brought her
' ? ? I vcrni ;1 I ' ????? '? talk
tothet ounsi ling i nterand I ha c
to thank Dr. Deilers for helping me
out I had .m appointmenl with
Yue( haiiiellor Allied Matthews.
pi NE
I iov? can lastarolina I ni
vcrsit) students pretend to gel a
better reputation it R.A.S, dorm
coordinators and students them
selves o not enforce simple rules
like i urtew, partying and drink
I feel like nobody inthesi hool
really tares it mv roommate de-
prived me of that universal right
called "privacy When 1 was
deciding where to applv. I heard
that tl ECU it is common to find
girls like my former roommate 1
did not want to believe it. then
Now I tlo
I also believe strongly that the
good image ol a S( hool is not only
measured by the academic pro
grams and their quality (al E I.
these excel), but also by the kind ol
people that attend it
Unfortunately, MOST (NOT
All) ol E( I s students are like
my former roommate
I hope this letter will be read
and more prevailtions in the future
will be taken.
ECU does nol deserve this?!1
Akssandra Bortolotti
for treasurer
speaks out
To the editor:
1 irst of all, let me explain why
I decided to run for treasurer ot
the Student Governmenl Associa-
tion. It's really quite simple
Number one I believe I can
do as good or better a job as treas
urer than anyone else on campus.
Number two It is my right
to run tor treasurer. I am perfectly
qualified. I'm enrolled on a full-
time basis, I've successfully com-
pleted more than 48 semester
hours, I've been enrolled at ECU
for more than two consecutive
semesters, I'm in good standing
and my grade point average is
above the minimum 2.0.
What has happened since 1
decided to run has left a very sour
U?temmy mouth concerning SGA
politics and the system as a whole
? particularly the performance of
Ms. Kelly loncs as Elections
Committee chairperson
When 1 picked up a copy of
the March 27 edition of The Fast
Carolinian I was shocked to dis-
cover that I was disqualified from
the rue for treasurer Accordim;
to the paper. Ms ones said that 1
had been disqualified because 1
tailed to submit a copy of my
campaign expenditures by the 5
p.m. deadline (Monday, March
I knew this could not be true
because 1 submitted a cop ol my
expenditures at 4:45 p.m Mon-
day knew, or at least hoped, that
there had been a mistake
When I finally reached Ms.
ones Tuesday afternoon around
4:30 p.m she informed me that
what was printed in the paper
was wrong. Instead, 1 was being
disqualified because 1 failed to sub-
mit a "list of campaign workers
I had taken a general meaning
as to what a list of workers was.
Instead of writingdown the names
of all who helped me, 1 simply put
down that I had used three cam-
paign workers. 1 figured that if she
had anv questions as to what I
meant, she would call me and 1
would gladlv give her the names
of mv threecampaign workers. In
Article XII, section 4 of the elec-
tion rules, it states that "The Elec-
tion Committee has the right to
request any candidate to appear
before it to clarify hisher account.
1 mean, let's face it, 1 had about as
much chance of winning the elec-
tion as a normal student has of
getting through the school year
without rcceivingaparkingticket.
i also questioned Ms. Jones as
to why 1 had to find out about my
disqualification from the new spa-
per A cording to what Ms. loncs
told me personally, she did not
inform the newspaper She said
that mv opponent, Mr. Randy
Royal, had told the neu spaper of
mvdisqualification When 1 asked
how he had found out, Ms. (ones
said that she did not have to tell
me that.
All ot this contradicts what
writers from the newspaper told
me. Thev agreed that ves. Ms fones
had in fact told them ol my dis-
The worst part of all this is the
fact that all of this went on with-
out my knowledge I wassittingin
my dorm room studying the whole
night and never received a phone
Regardless, somewhere along
the line someone is lying. 1 just
want a true version of what ex-
actly happened.
All 1 wanted was fair election
and a chance. 1 played bv niv inter-
pretation of the rules, which I now
know are not Ms. lones' interpre-
tation, I performed onlv positive
campaigning Heck, I never even
met Mr. Royal until the day of the
candidates forum.
Fair chance? On this campus?
Keep dreaming!
loseph S. Corlev
Fo the editor:
For weeks now. 1 have been
reading in The East Curolinun
about slam dancing, Us do's and
don't's, and "slam dancing eti-
quette Quite frankly, 1 think
you're flogging a dead horse
At a recent 1 agazi show in
Raleigh Ian MacKaye said (and I
paraphase to make it printable)
that in 1970 people were doing
the Bump. In 1980, people started
doing this "crazy stuff" (slam-
ming). This is 1990, and you're
still doing this "crazy stuff So 1
can't help but wonder, are these
the people who were doing the
Bump in 1980?
Slam dancing is synonymous
with hard-core music, and the
hard-core movement is all but
dead (hopefully rust resting). East
Carolina, welcome to 1990, and
let's think about what is appro-
Brian Toust
Greenville Resident

The East Carolinian. April 5, 1990 5
Continued from page I
fofm?f head oi the laboratory tor
radiological physics and engineer-
ing at the I tmersitvoi Pittsburgh
School of Medicine. Sternglassalso
did lime ax senior physicist at
Westinghousc Research Labora-
tories an experience which
made him privy to the dark side ot
niu Icarpolitics Anoutspokenand
radw al critic ol the nuclear indus-
try, Sternglass is understandably
despised b tin- industry; none-
theless, his scientific integrity
seems inta t
It v omes as no surprise that
government and industry officials,
along with a few nuclearphilic (sic)
physicists, continue to minimize
the health risks associatedwith
run lear power. For decades, the
nuclear industry uniformly denied
all associations between radon (a
radtoac ti cgas)in uranium mines
and the miners' high rates ol lung
cancer But with strongdissent b
sin h reputableauthoritiesas ohrt
Gofman, Ph.D M.D (doctorates
in medicine and nuclear physi al
chemistry; and former head oi the
1 awrence I ivermore Radiation
I aboratories tor the Atomic l:n
crgy Commission), the AEC was
soon discredited. In the "Vs. the
AFC changed its name to the
Department ol Energy (DOE),
which today is comprised ol two
areas: fossil fuels and nuclear
power tot which the Nuclear
Regulator) Commission, or NRC,
is one branch).
today, the DOE harps
repeatedly on the fact that areas
around nuclear power reactors
tvpicalh measure far lower radio
activity than is found in peoples'
basements For this reason says
the government, we should be
more concerned about the cancer
causing radon in our homes 1 his
is ,i blatant distortion ol scientific
fact 1 irst, no definitive research
supports the link between lung
cancer and residential radon
(though much resean h has shown
that, due to very high radon expo
sure uranium miners are at risk
tor lung cancer) Moreover, the
radioactive output from nuclear
reactors is never measurable from
the ground because it is in the
formol fallout which contaminates
the food supply. Indeed, BEIR V
recent report shows that lung
cancer rates are exceedingly high
tor people living in the vicinity ol
several large nuclear plants In
Gofman's expert opinion, the
DOE's hype over household ra
don is an effort to deflect or dilute
public concerns toward nuclear
Not surprisingly, the En-
vironmental Protection Agency
also pays lipservicc to the nuclear
industry. In their new book.
"Deadly Deceit: how level Radia-
tion and High-level Cover-up"
(Four Walls & Eight Windows,
1990), noted scientists ay Could
(a biostatistician formerly on
EPA's Science Advisory Hoard)
and Benjamin (loldman present a
devastatinganal) sisol thenuclear
industry and its ties to the IS
government They document in
painstaking detail how the EPA
and other federal agencies have
deliberately attempted to mislead
and pacify the public through a
massive disinformation campaign
m which EPA press releases were
presented as scientific reports. It
documents how the EPA not only
misrepresented the effects of dif-
ferent sources of radiation m the
environment, but how they fre-
quently falsified radiation meas-
urements around nuclear power
plants 1 ike the DOE, the IT As
primary concern is to suppress
any information that might
threaten the nuclear weapons
With the recent BEIR V
report, however, nuclear physi-
cistscan no longer hide the deadly
hazards ot nuclear weapons test
ing, radioactive wastedumps, and
other follies of nuclear power.
Openness must replace secrecy.
As Sen (. ilenn savs. "It will do us
little good to protect ourselves
from our adversaries if we poison
our own people in the process
Besides the incalculable human
costs, there are also enormous fis-
cal costs to consider. Though
matters of life and death have
generally been outranked by ivc
nomic considerations in the tor
mation ot nuclear policies viz
the Hush administration's pleas
for developing "safe" nuclear re
actors in the name oi "national
security" the costs are now too
staggering torus to bear. Based on
revised IX )E estimates,Glenn savs
it will cost at least $200billion to
clean upand replace the military's
problematic nuclear production
facilities! And this cost does not
even take into account the more
daunting problem of what to do
with all t he raduvKtive wastes now
accumulating around the United
It is high time the govern
men) began to reframc the issueol
"national security" and toaddrcss
public concerns about the health
risks (it nuclear power. It is also
high time our university physi-
cists got down from their ivory
towers 10 admit the truth about
the nuclear industry. Continued
dependency on nukes constitutes
the ecological crime of the cen-
tury. Professor Adler would do
well to remember the bodies of
those killed at Chernobyl and to
reflect on the po ssi bili t) that thou-
sands ot children living near nu-
clear plants may suiter from ra-
diation-induced birth defects and
mental retardation.
Socially responsible citi-
zens see three moral imperatives
before them: to renew emphasis
on energy conservation, reorient
the DOE toward 'soft" energy
technology (solar, wind, water,
and gasohoi), and abolish the in
sane nuclear industry once and
tor all. Let's get our government
moving in misdirection before it's
too late to move at all.
Nathaniel Mead holds a
bachelor's degree in bioloev from
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Page 6
April 5,1990
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Seized in drug raids tor under $100 00?
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SUMMER? let there anytime from Ik or
NY tor $160 of loss with AlRHiTCH (as
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more mfoi mation i ill ? Vi 26
OPY1NGSI R H 1 W eoffi rtypii
and ' V
s,t!u .ites . ? rs in and
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AIH.i FSAG1 19-4& 1 ineupsunimer work
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rentlv recruiting counselors to ? rl at our 8
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20running through uly28 A. ademu credit
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I11 Ic P ii i (ON: For highly
pablepersi n i ? assistant to buying
staff 11.? ttrack dailj busi
ness ' ? - i'i skills, paper
wori abilil I I : munii a
tion essenti ? ? i Appl
Brody s the 1 iaM n Wed I i p m
HI I PWAN fED.l ull and part hm cooks,
dishwashers bartoi lers and wait st.itt
nph in person ?or CM ools,
? - i m or 2
5 p m
tor mat ' duals with an
? ?? t in fashion and the desire to ?
and ' ?
,7a. Mon-V I
sic.MA PI ongratulahons on ?'?
place win in the All Sing last .? -
job on the part of the V
sic; i r i ongi itul it
most outstand
Softball and soccer rean
ro. k with the 'rents
Williams ind. i
qui, Amy (liBespie, u
lohnson, Alice larmon, V. ? : . ' I
raeAnnentrout,Stephaj ? M
Beason, LeArui
We are going to miss Good
?, a Alj Ka Phi si ter
i HI OMEGA AND III! IK DATES; for our c'pr ' -
April7th ?'? ' forward!
Chi ' s
SIGMA PI: ' ?'
? enberry. Pet
Chris I
1 last rt "isU1j s ?? ?
. i. n guys. 1
BR ili'i s needol trj ?? lent in - ?. S IS ? -? ?(()c. sin? ?
.i . .
FFMAll BARTENDERS NP V ll K! SSI i NfcEDISIGMA PI rhcA-te " ' t keep n
3r 800 351 0222
Etfifi Pregnancy
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Triangle Women's
Health Center
Now Taking I or Fall
I " .v .
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causewi o .
? ? i
m as I
were you Nexl ' n
? ? iway tw ? ?
'? am
sic, EP (.oc, si ?VN '
v M ?? to ?? " -
i!ikin. o
. 5 . .
(711 6S7 6662
I itiyiiiiaaA'i im
as Pres Thanks ? r
Love your Alp i l
liiMI wr
fravel Bags& Accessories.
We Repair
52 i
S . Cj .4 ?n,
Capt. Cook &
the Coconut
Shipwreck Party
99c Hi - Halls
99c Memberships
$2?'? Summerplace
New I and 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Parker's Barbecue on
Memorial Drive
? Available
April 1, 1990
(Ion tad Aaron Spain
New 1 & 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Lowes on
Greenville Blvd
? available
Ma) 1st, 1990
Contact Aaron Spain
(loncord Drive
New I ?S. 2 bedrooms
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Wal - Mart
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Sept 1st. : Oct 1st
Contact Aaron Spain
355 -6187
- - 5thSu
? .1.
? Located Scar I t 1
? Near Major Shopping Centers
? 1I Itus Servk e
? (nsilc 1 .iiindr
756-7X1 i r 758 4.
? ? t - ?
??'? A" . N , ? ,
rjeenville Pitt County Special
i-iv Spring Games will ho held on
' lesday April 10, Jt E B Aycock Ir High
xh?l in t .riHtnilU'irjindato Iburlav.
pril 12) V ohmteers are ntHHiod to help
s?-r- js bm1dl?rhar wnr tt tor theSpe-
l.ilOhmptan V'oluntoersmustbeableto
tvort all day trom 9 00 a m 2 00 p m An
orientation meotinp will be hold on Wod
April 4 ip( ltd nnor I ibrarv. Koom22l at
iflOp m tor all volunteers who are inter
.Mod m helping Free lunches and t shirts
will (.provided the day of the games to all
volunteers who attended this orientation
H-ssicn For more information contact the
Sm ial Olympics ottice 830-4:il or MO-
Phe Finanaal Management Asscxration is
gtvtng vou the opportunity to try your
luck at predicting the Dow Jones Indus-
trial Average on April 23 Contact any
FMA member or go by the finance office to
buy vour SI 00 lucky chance Last day to
make vour prediction is April 9 The clos-
est estimate will win $50 00
The last meeting will be held April 11 in
? nkins auditorium at 9 p m Officers will
nnvt at 8 SO p m Don'l torgol vour cards
or money for the State Project
Attention all Pst c hi members We need
vour ideas about prizes Forwli.it1 thePsi
Chi bo?ith at Barefoot on the Mall Get
involved' Contact UtShepard (757 1437)
or leave ideas in Psi Chi Mailbox in K KM
Si Chi mooting April 5 at p Bt in Kawl
lt6. PtZZa, lTawing Psychology' and tun
Just bring yourself, 52 and an attitude for a
good time All members are encouraged to
The "1990 Eastern North Carolina azz
Festival" on Fndav. April f, features the
acclaimed Blue Note recording artists
Bobby Watson and I lonon Sponsored b v
Phi Mu Alpha fraternity, the festival will
be held from 1pm until o p m in the A I
Fletcher Music Center Admission is free
The Festival includes performances and
clinics by Bobby Watson and 1 lonon, the
ECU Jazz Ensemble and ECU Jaz Band,
and area high school bands Cn Sunda)
April 8, the ECU Jazz Ensemble, directed
by faculty bassist Carroll V Dashiell. Jr,
will feature Bobbv Watson and I lonzon as
spo. ial gui ? t .irtists on Iheii spring vn
cerl s I edi c I foi s l"1 p.m in Wright
Auditni dn ision is free. For more
;? Biology' il ????' b sp nsoi
ing a plant sale on Htursda) April "and
Friday, April 6 from 7 JO am to 1 p.m at
the biology greenhouse Room S-111
School ol Homo Economics Annual
Spring Picnic 1 p m . Monday, April 21,
Elm Street Park Fried chicken, soft
drinks, potato salad Tickets $30 Sv
member of Phi V or AHEA tor tickets
Open to School of Home Economics
members and guests Please come and
support the School ol 1 tome Economics
Phi Upsilon Onucron 111 Honorary
Society vmU meet Monday, April g, at
"i i"i in VanLandingham Room, Home
Economics Building Election of 1990-
19Q1 officers Pia MTVad, MKial tol
The deadline tor having a booth for
Barefoot on the Mall will be Fndav April
6. There will be a S3 fee
entral Ticket Office
Turn monov in to the
I earning how to improve your study skills
tor greater success in college The following
mini course and workshops can help vou
prepare for the added workload of college or
help to increase vour grade point average
All sessions wul be heldin 313 Wright Build
ing April 9, Monday Test Taking i 4 m
p m V OU mav attend all the topic sessions or
hiHis the onet in which v OU need the most
An end ot the year cookout will beheld April
S at River Park North from 1 30 until 4 p m.
rain or shine Come with your little friend
There will be food and games tor everyone!
For directions call Susan Moran at 757-6268
See vou there!
The ECU Model Nations Club will be hav
ing an organization meeting for the fall ot
1990on Wednesday, April 11 at 7 30 p m in
BrewsterC 105 I lardworking, dedicated and
serious students are invited to become a part
of ECU's fastest growing organization Dis
cussion of fall trips, fund-raisers, and ether
important information will be addressed
Due to the date of the Georgetown Confer
ence, we will be seeking commitments bv
t,e end ot THE SEmTsTER it vou are
interested but unable to attend, call Steve
Pres at 756 8699 Doug- P it 931 9062,
.?r see Dr Spalding 'it International Stud
ECU District97, State Employees Associa
lion ol Northarolina (SEANO will be-
s?-lling homemade" Easter lollipops on
Monday Thursday, April9 12, on campus
in the lobb) ol the Student Store and at the
snh.Hil ot Medicine in the corrida leading
to the hospital, Hr.viv Building The lolli
pops will sell tor S 50 to i2S each Pro
ceeds will go towards financing the activi-
ties ot the restrict
Having trouble getting classes? It vou can't
find it at ECU, try going on exchange to
one of over 85 universities in the V S and
take your classes in a different environ
ment Pav ECU tuition and study in an
other part of the country There are still
openings tor next fall and spring semes-
ters Contact Stephanie Evancho in 1002
GCB or call 757-6769 for further informa-
Did vou know that condoms barring ab-
stinence, when propcrh used can help
reduce the risk of spreading the AIDS vi-
rus and other sexual!) transmitted dis
eases If you choose to be activi
and be responsible Protect yourseU
your partner The Student 1 lealtfl Cenl
Pharmacy sells latex i1 ?
at the cost of one doon foi 52 "
Angel Burns and Tim Legoros voice Jun
lor Recital (April 7pm, Retcher Kcvitai
Hall, free); String Chamber Concert I V, i
4, 8:15 pm, Fletcher Recital Hall :ri-?
Chamber Winds Concert 5 7 p m
Fletcher Rcvital 1 iall. free) Thomas s.
van, trombone. Junior K.v.tai i April ; 9
pm Retcher Recital Hall rt ?.i
North Carolina la Fi-stiva) toatiinngchn
io and performances bv "Bobb) Watson
and Horizon ECU azz Ensemble, EX I
Jazz. Band, and area high sh,vilj.v bands
sponsored bv Phi Mu Alpha i April b. 1 h
pm, A J Retcher Music Center free);
Alex Pappas, violin, and Kathy Alexander
piano. Senior Revital (April b, 7 pm,
Retcher Rectial Hall, free); Robin Lee
fiute, and Rodnev Howard, percussion
Senior Recital (April b, 9 00 p m , Retcher
Recital Hall, free); University Chorale
Concert (April 8, 3 15 p m , Wright Audi-
torium, freeVECU Jazz Ensemble Concert
with guest artists "Bobbv Watson and
Horizon" (April S 8:15p.m Wright Audi
tonum, free), PeccuRaaon Fnsemble Con-
cert (April 9, 8:15 pm, Retcher Recital
Hall, free) DIAL 757 4370 FOR THE

' l?- I as!arolinian pi il 5 1990
International Language
Organization sponsors series
Harris teeter
t . I News Burea
I Ivsses intohmesc He has University of Berne Switzerland
lectured arui worked at s ale I ni will speak on the topu rhelW
versitv and Ml Souls ollege Sequence it Events in Eastern
? two noted schol Oxford I niversitv and other Europe
t;iven at EC! during campuses At present he is a visit Steiner's lecture will be held
.?? , ihe F. I Interna ing fellow at the I niversitv ol in Room 21120 ot the CeneraK lass
iaei Organization's Virginia's Centei loi Ulvanced room Building beginning a I I '
nes Studies p.m
a hinesewntei trans m's translations include Eng Both programs are fro and
it will speak on lish storiesbv Aldous Huxley and open to the public
J I topian in rransla Somerset Maugham and various
. lx - . it.TWp.m RussiannovelsintoChiiuseaswell Further information about the
t i-ci General as translations of htnesowritings lectures is available from I i ?1
into English Frederic Fladcnmuller of the E 1
irded as a lead 1n rhursda April 12, jurg Cepartment of Foreign Languages
n the Sterner professor of political sci and Literatures, phone (M4
mes lovce's once at LN( Chapel Hill and the r343.
HT Hamburger
Panhellenlc award adds
to ECU scholarship fund
I I i'U S luitlUI
1 .111Alphasoront
vepresenting 1( I at there
??ren ev.i-d aura Sweet
rsity's ol the 1Idi isiont studenllife
i con stafl'?llenicad isir andtwo
ujpters Panllelleni i n l a 11?studentleaders K. : a inhell 1 i ? : ?iren ? tl
?tion n?
?! itiechai tin 1 at 1 1
' 1 monp it, ?. . ? ?P'the
? iintzati. bpotVMring
.idershn. tin sorun
1Irom iimpusesinV ?aro
i. ontinue.1 from page 2
The East
would like to
help in the
recycling effort
by encouraging
its readers to
time management ing Center at 757-6661
' ' J st,ll I se ii ro Your Health" is a weekh
: ' wasU il health education and information
m on Time Man- column. Please direct any ques
all the Student Health tions, comments, or suggestions
4orthe( to757 6794
More Than 70 Lean
Pepsi Cola,
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1400 Charles Boulevard - University Center Shopping Center April 5, 1490 7
International Language
Organization sponsors series
ECU News Bureau
Lectures bv two noted schol-
ars will bo given at ECU during
April as part of the ECU Interna-
tional Language Organization's
spring lecture series.
Pi Iin, a Chinese writer, trans-
later and scholar, will speak on
"The Good Utopian in Transla-
tion' Monday, April 9, at 3:30 p.m.
in Room 1032 at ECU's General
(lassroom building.
Prof, fin, regarded as a lead-
ing authority on translation the-
er is translating lames Joyce's
"Ulysses" into Chinese He has
lectured and worked at Yale Uni-
versity and All Souls College,
Oxford University, and other
campuses. At present he is a visit-
ing fellow at the University of
Virginia's Center for Advanced
Jin's translations include Eng-
lish stories by Aldous Hu xley and
Somerset Maugham and various
Russian novels into Chinese as well
as translationsof Chinese writings
into English.
On Thursday, April 12, Jurg
Steiner, professor of political sci-
ence at UNC-Chapel Hill and the
University of Berne, Switzerland,
will speak on the topic, "The IW
Sequence of Events in Eastern
Sterner's lecture will be held
in Room 2020 of the General Class-
room Building beginning at 3:30
Both programs are free and
open to the public.
Further information about the
lectures is available from Prof.
Frederic Fladcnmuller of the ECU
Department of Foreign Languages
and Literatures, phone (919) 737-
Panhellenic award adds
to ECU scholarship fund
ECU News Bureau
East Carolina University's
Panhelleni Association a con-
sortium of social sororitv chapters
hasbeen judged most outstand-
ing in tho southeastern region.
("he selection w as made .it the
recent Southeastern Panhellenk
i onference .it the University of
renncssce As winner of the re-
nal award. 1 ?'( I received a
contribution ot $1,000 tor its gen-
eral scholarship fund. The award
was given to ECU Chancellor Rich-
ard Eakin by the Crown I )e elop-
meni Trust Fund Inc. of Indian-
apolis, Ind a foundation ot eta
Tau Alpha sorority.
Representing ECU at the re-
gional conference was Laura Sweet
of the ECU division of student life
staff, Panhellenic advisor, and two
Panhellenic student leaders: Karen
Prevost ot Alexandria. Va and
Sonia Turner ot Sea ford, Va.
Purpose of the Panhellenic
organization i to promote the
(ampus (reek system and to pro-
vide opportunities for cooperation
and interaction among the various
sororities chartered at ECU.
Among its recent projects, the
organization has been sponsoring
a leadership workshop for sorori-
ties t rom campuses in North Caro-
lina and Virginia.
Continued from page
have good time management.
Time will not stand still. Use your
time wisely, don't waste it! For
more information on Time Man-
agement call the Student Health
("enter at 757-6794 or the Counsel-
ing Center at 757-6661.
"To Your Health" is a weekly
health education and information
column. Please direct any ques-
tions, comments, or suggestions
to 757-6794.
The East
would like to
help in the
recycling effort
by encouraging
its readers to
Delta has
Im mediate
Immediate openings for Flight Attendamts. Special persons who
enjoy air travel and conmmunicate easily with people.
Minimum qualifications include:
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Successful applicants will be based in one of the following cities: Atlanta,
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Chinese, Thai, Korean, French, Spanish or German would be an asset.
For immediate consideration, please pick up an application at the Delta
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Bring completed application to our
April 18
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Harris teeter
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Prices In This Ad Effective Through Tuesday, April 10 V?JnCJ!ttmmSm Onry
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities None Sold To Dealers We Gladly Accept Federal Food Stamps
1400 Charles Boulevard - University Center Shopping Center

3ije gaat Carolinian
Pnc 8
State and Nation
April 5,1990
Baker seeks plan for Lithuanian settlement
retary of State fames A Baker ill is
? eking a Soviet plan foi .1 peace
ul settlement in I ithuania and .
date tor (he next supcrpowei
summit during three da) -ot t.ilks
u ith Foreign Ministei Eduard
She ardnadze
1 'V. 1 also hopes I rl out
imits to be placed on nuclear
ped 1uise mis: ill ? in .1 treat)
icsignated foi signing .it the
tunurut l President Bush and
ioviei President Mikhail S G01
?? hi U.S otth uls iiii ! us
Also on the ag? nda is the war
in ni, l.i l t. 1 ? lh ii the Soviet
rm I o it nmenl and 1 S
.thlil rebels Baket istn ing foi a
ea? ?? fire but insi itson a 1 ommit
men I ft tint the I la ? em
moot thai it w ill .han po? et w ith
tin '? N : 1 Agut dt lor
fore the o ot
Ivginning latt V1 Ini -i.e. aftei
not n. US. ofiiu, h id no ord
: hit
br ?t a repl
t. r h s letter la I w eel lerat
ing I ? S, hop
i'n ? ,t in . it
tut the offii ials ok
r 1 ci ndition ol inon nut said
th ? hoped Got ba he a nd
c ii irdnad; i? ? uld spell it
i- (hi Soviets j e to
ips ith the seci
men! in the Baltk republic.
Shevardnadze told Baker last
month at a meeting in Namibia.
the newly independent African
country, that the Soviets would
not use force against theLithuani
ans Without challenging that
pledge, 1: S officials said no clear
in lure hasemerged from Moscow
on (lOrbachev 's long range plan
lhe Soviets have demanded
thai the I ithuaniansannula March
11 declaration oi independence,
w hichthesecessionistsareunwill
ing fo do.
Still, US. officials hope tor a
settlement to pave the way tor
l ithuanian sell determination, a
right some Soviet officials have
at knowledgod
Arriving here Tuesday,
Shc H'lnade likened events in
I ithuania to an earthquake, but
he also pledged to engage in
1 n t(H. inde
leiH't MO (MlH-nt
While the foreign minister's
miiks h.hl ,1 conciliatory ring,
, ? 1 mpha: ied the impor
11. the Kremlin atta hes t 1 the
ii 1onstitution and Son iel
,i, must understand the
? lam e ol th if question lor
the Soviet I nion and the Soviet
people, Shevardnadze said.
Bush and Baker have no m
tcntion ol Si rapping plans tor the
sir or 1 ilhu.itua. officials
said. Thesele lionofaprecisedate
in lune depends on the Soviets
scheduling a People's Congress in
Moscow the same month.
bush and Gorbachev hope
during the summit to sign an ac-
cord to limit their long-range
nuclear missiles, bombers and
submarines 1 lowever, claims that
the overall cutback would amount
to 50 percent came under chal-
lenge on Tuesday.
A senior administration offi-
cial, declining to bo identified, told
The Associated Press the United
States would wind up with only
slightly fewer deployed warheads
than in the current arsenals. When
warheads kept in storage are taken
into account, ho sud, the U.S. total
actually would exceed the current
The official said that from the
U.S. standpoint the principal vir-
tue of the treaty would be to force
a reduction in long-range Soviet
SS-18 missiles.
Meanwhile,State Department
spokeswoman Margaret D. Tut-
wilersaid the treaty would cut the
i'T?"WIIW ? ?????IW l'?l???l?W
w nmnTtTW'
Valdez cleanup
Cost to the government of the Valdez oil spill1
SS-18 force in half and also reduce
the total of deployed Soviet mis-
silos bv about half.
"The treaty is based on equal-
ity shesaid, reading from a state-
ment. "Since Soviet force levels
exceed our own in the most dan-
gerous and destabilizing systems,
their reductions will be somewhat
N.Y. court
calls for
1 -Through Sept. 30, 1989
2-Through Nov 15, 1989
Bush pressures Congress to enact aid request
S! 11 , ; V
'? i dent Bush is ! uming up pn s
? ur n ongri to quMv 6PSlM
.? d retjui st ? i Panama ud ,
i. iragua is th?? I lehiSe "if1"
pr '? ed mi asun lacesdela) in the
' hel l use voted Wi' W rues-
da) fora$J I billion spending bill
that pro idesV ' millii n foi tl
. i o pntral n rican .1-
m h 1 1 ies i"h 111 isun includes
ne trlj $1 7 billu 1
ing mo: t ol it I lo iet tii pi 1'
trams such as disaster relief food
stamps and Forest Service fire
"he ill is partlj funded b) a
1 8 billion 1 ut from the Pentagon
budget that amounts to the tirst
:se ot a 'peace dividend" from
essened East West militan ten
Bu h c 1II1 d 1 1. ; a! .1 la
like request to Help Panama
and Nicaragua and State Depart
nyiU spokeswoman Margaret
ityjk?laid failure to pass the
fQl Ke?)iiirVI would threaten
the fledgling dcmcx racies and be
like pl tying with dynamite
But while the Senate prepares
to consider a companion bill au
i izing aid programs for the two
countries, it seems in no rush to
tak up the money bill itself.
We have a problem lighting
,1 fire under the Senate to move the
bill said a senior administration
official, speaking on condition ot
anonymit) rhereisan alarming
lack 't enthusiasm to get this
through the Senate
An aide to Sen. Robert C .Byrd,
D W.Va chairman of the Senate
Appropriations Committee. said
the senator believes the admini-
stration is sending too much
money to Panama and Ni aragua
,nd not enough to emerging
democracies in Eastern Europe
I hat Bush's Thursday
dead line for passage of themoney
bill apparently will not be met,
and that the measure will bo be
tore the Senate when Congress
returns from its 12-day Easter
rci ess later this month.
The administration sent its
ambassador to Panama, Deane
I linton, before the Senate Foreign
R? lations 1 ommittce on Tuesday
to argue tor the urgency ot aid.
"That money is desperately
needed, and needed now Hin-
ton said. He said Panama's gov-
ernment is bankrupt and dealing
with M) percent unemployment
and that the publk has high ex-
pectations following December's
IS. invasion that ousted dictator
Manuel Antonio Noriega.
Investors lack confidence
until they see what the United
States is going to do Hinton said,
In Nicaragua, President-elect
VioletB Chamorro will take (f fuv
April 23 faced bv a litany ot imme-
diate problems, Ms. Tutwiler said.
"She will inherit an economy
that is bankrupt and a country
that will run out ot oil as early as
lulv. Hundreds of thousands oi
Nicaraguans will be returning to
their country ? former Contras
and their families, demobilized
soldiersand refugees trom lOycars
oi war the State Department
spokeswoman said.
"Congress must decide
whether these Nicaraguans will
return as an armv of the unem-
ployed, unable to feed or support
their families, or as citizens of a
democracy in which jobs and
Opportunities are available she
In the 1 louse, the supplemen-
tal money bill tor the balance of
fiscal 1990 easily survived at-
tvnrpt 9 to strikeout or trim foreign
aid sections. But the attemptsdrew
derision from the bill's support-
"1 am amazed at the number
of flat-headed members in this
House who are all too happy to
spend whatever it takes" to sup-
port wars "but wouldn't spend a
pennv to prevent the necessity to
fight those wars in the first place
said Rep. David Obey, D-Wis.
The House-bill includes Bush's
full S3lX?million request for Nica-
ragua. But it trims$80million from
the $500 million he sought for
Panama, diverting $30 million oi
that to aid African countries, 520
million to Caribbean nations and
$0 million to refugee programs.
ALBANY. N.Y. (AP) ? The
state must give welfare recipients
enough monev to afford housing,
Now York's highest court ruled in
a decision hailed as a victory for
the homeless.
"A schedule establishing as-
sistant e levels so low that it forces
large numbers of families with
dependent children into homeless-
rtess does not meet the statutory
standard the Court of Appeals
declared Tuesday
The court ordered a trial to
determine whether New York
State's welfare shelter allowance
is inadequate.
The case was brought bv Bar-
bara liggettes, a New York City
woman who complained her shel-
ter allowance forced her to choose
between housing and food for her
State Social Services Commis-
sioner Cesar Rerales, in a state-
ment, said the ruling established a
requirement for a reasonable
housing allowance but did not
conclude the state's welfare grants
wore inadequate.
But lawyers for hggett said
they believed the Court of Ap-
peals' strong language would
make it hard for a lower court not
to order increased welfare rates.
"It's a groat decision and it's
very important for the welfare
population of Now York said
Allan Cropper of the state Bar
Association's Project for the
Homeless of the City.
hggetts, a single mother of
three, sued Now York City social
See Welfare, page 9
Least expensive phone calls
The average ;v lo ? ? ?-?:
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Study discourages coastal development
I?direct da
daytime. 25 m 0
calling range.
ini tate
K '? arter. Gannett News Service
Although I'uke Universitj
geology professor Onrin Pilkev
wouldn't advocate anyone living
on a harrier island, he and his
colleagues hope a study of the
picturesque islands will help save
lives and money.
Working with I odd Miller,
director of the N.C. Coastal Fed-
eration, 1'ilkev ranked the islands
based on their natural features,
government policies and danger
to people and property should a
severe storm slam the coast.
Sunset Beach ranked host,
with 12 of lr points. North Top-
sail Beach ranked worst, with one
"We hope that this classifica-
tion will result in a lot of thinking
and talking on the part of citi-
zens who are living on these is-
lands Pilkev said.
Capitalizing on the lingering
damage from Hurricane Hugo,
Pilkev is using the three-day media
tour of the North and South Caro-
lina coasts to lambaste developers
for crowding too many buildings
on the fragile, migrating slips of
sand that fringe the two states.
Pilkey said he hopes to teach
people about the dangers of build-
ing high rise hotels and other
large-scale developments on bar-
rier islands. If people understand
the dangers, he said, they may be
able to influence their town gov-
ernments to prohibit it.
"We're starting to see that is-
lands are Ivginning to be con-
trolled more bv people instead of
developers, and that's good
Pilkev told the Wilmington Morn-
ing Star.
But the throat of overdevelop-
ment still looms, even in places
like Sunset Beach. Residents there
are fighting plans for a high-rise
bridge to replace the one-lane
swing bridge that has tunneled a
trickle of cars onto the island for
It they build it, we're going
to lose one of the best areas in the
entire Atlantic Coast said resi-
dent Warren "Bud" knapp.
Sunset Beach is an attractive
spot for development. Pilkey said,
because of its natural features. It is
one oi few East Coast islands
whore the beach is growing wider
rather than losing sand to erosion.
"From a geological stand-
point, we can't explain why this
island isbuildingseaward Pilkey
See Study, page 9
Helms joins dissenters in opposition to bill
W AS1IIM . I 'v ? ' ; S
?he ' S. Senate ovei ;ngb'
approved sv ecj trols on
air pollution. North arolina
Republican essc I lehn; hm ted 11
dissenters, saying the bill threat
(.?ns jobs and 1 too expensive tor
small busim
1 c innot in g od 1 k nee
support this bill n 1 ngnizing that
it is no! fair t the v orking peo le
of Amem a who ? ill unque -t n.i
W lose their jobs is a result of this
legislate n I lelmssaid ina speech
01 ,l ' rtate floor before the vote
it is not fail to the taxpayers
because a bill (osting far less than
this one could achieve iust about
the same benefits for the environ-
ment he said. "And it is not fair
to the small business men and
women of our country who will
be driven into bankruptcy by the
enormously expensive and unnec-
essary costs of compliance with
this bill if it should become law
lhe new controls, which ii
tect automobile, factory and power
plant emissions and are estimated
to cost the economy $21 billion a
year when they go fully into ef-
fect, wore approved by a vote of
President Bush, speaking in
I nd ianapolis in ad va nee of Senate
a lion, called if "an historic vote"
that would "affect generations to
corneas we work to build a cleaner,
safer America
Before voting against the bill.
Helms and his staff worked be-
hind the scenes to reduce its im-
pact on North Carolina.
His staff helped organize an
informal Southern coalition that
lobbied for better treatment of
Southern power companies which
it received, and industries, which
won limited concessions, accord-
ing to published reports in the
Winston-SaU m journal Wednes-
Son. Terry Sanford, D-N.C,
and his staff joined Helmsonsome
issues related toacid rain and toxic
air omissions, but they came at the
bill from different directions.
While Helms considered the
bill potentially ruinous to indus-
try, Sanford thought that it could
be made workable without dimin-
ishing its protection for the envi-
ronment, aides said.
"You've got to remember that
the textile industry is made up of
very responsible people. And very
responsible people realize that
some cost is going to be necessary
to protect the environment not
only for ourselves, but as pollu-
tion grows unrestrained, for our
children and grandchildren
Sanford said in voting for the bill.
An early version of the bill
reached the Senate floor in late
January but was pulled off the
calendar to avoid a filibuster.
Loaders of the Senate and the
Senate Environment Committee
went behind closed doors with
administrationofficialsand a shift-
ing collection of senators to nego-
tiate an end to the impasse.
One of Helms' aides started
calling the staffs of other Southern
senators in mid-January, urging
them to join forces informally on
the acid-rain issue. The Midwest,
West and Northeast already had
coalitions, leaving the South in
danger of being frozen out of any
compromise, the aide told the
The problem with the acid-
rain section, aides to Helms and
Sanford said, was that Southern
Utilities would not have been able
to expand their comparatively
clean power plants without pay-
ing a heavy price. Duke Power
Co for example, estimated that
its rates would go up 10 percent to
12 percent because of the low cap
on its sulfur-dioxide emissions.
The solution negotiated by the
Southern senators raised North
Carolina's cap by almost 40 per-
cent without violating the national
goal. According to Helms, Duke
Power estimates that the new
version will raise its rates 5 per-
cent to 7 percent.
See Helms, page 9

The East Carolinian April 5, 1990 9
Continued from page 8
1 he Southern senators also
lobbied against the bill's "residual
risk" provisions on toxic emis-
sions, which wore weakened but
not eliminated Ihe bill would
require industries to cut their toxic
emissionsby about 90 percent and
then cut them again until the
residual risk" ol cancer is less
than one additional ease per lO.lHXl
people exposed.
Helms and other Southern
senators, including Sanford, also
sought with limited success
to exempt power companies from
the limitson toxic emissions. They
. re able, however, to modify the
treatment required for nitrogen-
oxide emissions.
Sanford obtained several
changes in the WB through amend-
ments and behind-the-scenes
negotiations. His most significant
amendment encourages industries
to reduce their toxic emissions
early and gives them more credit
tor the improvements they make
w ithoul pressure from the federal
The clean air bills before
Congress represent the first at-
tempt to strengthen federal air
pollution laws in 13 years, despite
widespread agreement among
environmentalists and federal
regulators that the 1970Clean Air
Act has failed to nd cities of dirty
air. The law was last amended in
Among its key provisions are:
?Tighter automobile tailpipe
emission controls, requiring new
cars run cleaner and reduce smog-
causing pollutants. Cleaner fuels
would be required tor fleets and
automobiles toward theendoi the
decade in the most polluted cities.
?A reduction in sulfur-diox-
ide emissions from coal-burning
utility plants by 10 million tons a
year, curbing acid rain.
? Reductions through the
installation of the best available
control technology of toxic chemi-
cal releases by industry, including
controls on about 2(X) chemicals
linked to cancer, nervous disor-
ders and birth detects.
The bill would require states
to implement Specific pollution
control plans to Jean vp urban
smog and establish incremental
requirements to cut pollution by 3
percent to 4 percent a year until
federal air quality standards are
. ontinued from page 8
. rvice offk uils in 1987 when she
is being evicted from her apart
ient. She's since found housing,
il her families joined the law-
iil and the state became the de
ndant, said Matthew Dillcr a
r tor the e York legal
York state has more than
welfare recipients, two-
rds in New i ork City.
v hristopher Lamb, another
id Sot iety lavvx er said the
v ance for . fa mil v of
ii m New i ork Cits is $312 a
th 1 lie Department oi 1 lous
and Urban Development re
? ? iverage market rate fora
tx droom apartment tor poor
n ew "i ork CitV is -
408 W. Arlington Blvd
w (across from Cable TV)
For Summer
FREE Moving for 6 months leases
Most Convenient & Electronically
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( ontinued from page 8
nd we antu ipate that it is
ran Her time like other
ds, we think it will bo erod
Though he dislikes the idea ot
ling anything on barrier is-
Tilkev had a few words of
use tor development .it Sunset
1 each. Because houses sit behind
althy rows ol dunes, the beach
irVned I hirrnane I lugo rrfSep
teitligfunsCatMed, ftffslrtd
Seventy-six miles north ol
Sunset Beach, however, there are
severelyeroded sectionsoi North
ipsail Beach.
is now taking applications for summer
employment for the following positions:
Assistant Sports Editor
Assistant Features Editor
Copy Editors
Staff Writers
Submit applications to Lori Martin at The
East Carolinian by 5 p.m. April 11,1990

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That's What Our New East ATM Machines Mean To You
So you torget to cash a check and now it's hall
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You can take money out, put money in, find
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Any Time Money because it's ready to help
you, any time. It even savs "Thanks
olh? . ,? -?
See Helms, page 9

&z ffast (garolfnian
Page W
COC to play for Attic crowd
By Deanna Nevgloski
Staff Wntrr
Friday, the Attic will bo bringing back Raleigh-
based quintet Corrosion of Conformity for their tirst
show in Greenville in over throe years.
A band whose name is audacious and attention
getting, COC traces its roots back seven years to
when core members Woodv Weatherman and Reed
Mul)ifl formed the band with Mike IVan and Eric
The original line up released "No Core a 15-
song compilation cassette in 1982, "Whv Are We
Here a three song compilation FT in 1983 and
finally, their first full length LP Fve tor An Eye
which was released in 184 on No Core Records and
included 20 songs.
In 1985, COC released their second 1 P titled
Animosity an album that broke new ground bv
fusing hardcore with heavy metal. The LP, which
featured the work ot Metallica artist Pushead, found
its debut on DeathMetal BladeEnigma Records
here in the States, and proved to be the release that
created a large, devoted following tor the hardcore,
metal stompors
The line-up changed when Eycke parted ways
with the band. leaving Dean and Mullm to takeover
the vocals.
rechnocraey a five-song, 2 inch 1 P was re
leased in 1987and featured new vocalist Simon Bob
Sinister (from the Ugly Americans). Dean soon left
the band due to musical differences" and was re
placed bv Phil Swisher.
Not long after, Sinister left the band to reform his
old band and the rest of COC decided to go on
hiatusbreak up Two vears later, COC is back in
action with a new line up, new music and new
The current thrashin' line up is comprised ot
guitarists Weatherman and Pepper Keenan (a New
Orleans native), drummer Mullm. bassist Swisher
and vocalistNow i orker Karl Agell.
Now that all theCXX'history hasbeen explained,
let s get to the reason whv-this current line upisbv far
the "most cohesive and furious line up to date
Ae.ell. who used to sing for New York's School of
Violence, describes C (X "s music as being a fusion of
'70s hard rock (Deep Purple,Sabbath) with hardcore
(Had Brains, Black Flag) and metal (Judas Priest) to
create the perfei t, but raw and crunchv COC sound
COC is a strong unit combines Metallica
like ntts with traditional British Steel bluster Spraved
and glazed with a thick mist of post-thrash radiance,
the new COC dome is proof that this band can lav
down some Of the heaviest and crunchiest tunes.
1 he tour song demo includes songs like
"Damned tor AH Time a song dealing with people
ot power who are motivated bv profit and greed,
"Danceof The Dead "Daysof Rage" and "Future
Now, ' an old NK 1 Song
Lvricall) CXX s songs tend to trace social po
litical consciousness and awareness, similar to thrash
bands like 1 estamenl and Nih lear Assault.
See Corrosion, page 11
Writers speak to students
Bv Doug Morris
Maff Writer
Published authors and re-
spected writers, Brendan Calvin
and Gordon Weaver, spoke about
and read their work Monday
Calvin is a professor of Fng-
lish at Central Connetieut State
University in New Britain, Conn
In addition to six previous vol
nmes of poetry, Calvin has re
cchtly published "Croat Blue. New
arid Selected Poems He was
recently honored at Boston Col-
lege as a distinguished alumnus
Calvin spoke first, explaining
she inspiration and other events
related to many ol his poems from
'Croat Blue New and Selected
Poems" nd then reading them
He talked about his homo in I uro,
Mass , his family from Ireland, his
dog and several poems about
Weaver is a professor ol Fng-
hsh and director of the graduate
program m creative writing at
Oklahoma StateUniversity inStill-
water, Okla. He has written six
volumes ot short stories and four
novels, one ot which, "Count a
Lonely Cadeance is being turned
into a movie.
Weaver read his short story,
"Liafomia about a child who lies
constantly. 1 le said, The inspira
hon actually came from a story
my older brother told me
There was a reception in the
faculty lounge ot the English
department immediately follow-
ing the presentation where people
were allowed to speak to the au-
thors and ask questions.
The English department here
at ECU brings in many famous
writers each semester to speak;
however, the turn out at most of
these e ents is not great enough to
continue supporting this practice.
It more people, both faculty and
students, do not start attending
these functions, it could mean that
less speakers will be coming to
Coming Up
The Usuals
Captain Cook
the Coconuts
The Channel Cats
Turner and Hooch
Bad Checks
Corrosion of Confor-
8 or 9 Feet
Bobby Watson
Turner and Hooch
Day for Night
Mike Hammer
the Rhinocerous
Turner and Hooch
l he Hooters played to an enthralled Attic crowd last week In the
past the band played back up for Cyndi Lauper Here, guitarist John
Lilley holds his instrument vertical as he hammers out a solo
Corrosion ot Conformity will return to Greenville tor their first show in over three years i ne tnrasnmg metal
band will be playing at the Attic Friday as part of a tour of Virginia and North Carolina The band will be
heading to Dublin. Ireland in April to kick of a six week European tour
Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles' disappoints audience
By Chip Carter
Stjff Writer
"Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles" is technically (lawless. It
sutters only from one thing
terminal hipness
Translating the lean, green
fighting machines from the pages
ot their comic books to television
didn't require half the effort that
the live-action film did. Rimed in
Wilmington, N.C the cinematog-
raphy is especially dazzling.
Segues, dizzying pan shins
and effective lighting (one ot the
most damaging aspects ot the
"Batman" movie) make "TMNT"
easily watchaWe. It's the storyline,
dialogueand soundtrack that drag
this film down to the level of "Mac
and Me
The Ninja Turtles started out
asa parody of certain mainstream
comic books who,at the time, were
overloading their stories with
ninjas, radioactively-induced
mutations and. ol course, teenag
K'in Eastman and Peter
Laird, the turtle creators, wove
thes. elements into a great in toke
parody of the comic b(Mk indus-
try Between then and now the
i( ke has worn thin, as thev and the
Turtles begin to take themselves
seriously as the barometer of cool
in this country.
Since the movie is based rather
faithfully on the satirical origin"
story of the Turtles. I'd hoped it
would contain some of thespice of
the original parody But, like the
Saturday morning cartoon, it sac-
rifices satire for commercialism.
Understandable, though The
producers no doubt had to assnm?
that 90 percent of the audience
was not conversant with thecomic
books being parodied, and there-
fore had to present the jokes as
straightforward plot devices It
hurt the irtooi ? ? ?
the tilm as well.
There is no heart fl i
? ? despite the filmn - i
overwrought (and mark
moerotic, it theTurtles an h
to be sexualh classified ?
gender who knows pei
Donatelioisunki ??? i I
attempts to show then for
erne another and th?-ir mentor
Especially nauseating is the
scene where, after telepathic
communication with Splinter the
all break down and cry h. ?ld hands
and comfort one another irei n
rubber hands and Visine running
down green, rubbery masks in-
spires no svmpathy in me.
Kemomber 'Bill and fed S
Excellent Adventure " neline
(a syncopated I ig! tl ? ? man
aged to convey love, embarrass-
ment and humor. Polyurethene
See Ninja, page 11
Versatile Hooters entice fans
By Terri A very
Staff Writer
Vibrant and versatile, the
Hooters' performance impressed
Attic goers last Thursday night
The five-man group immediately
drew the crowd's attention with
"You Never Know Who Your
Friends Are off their newly re-
leased album, "Zig Zag
Eric Bazilian, vocalist and
guitarist, teased the crowd by of-
fering a sample of the group's
incredible versatility when he
played the harmonica and the
flute. Later, fans saw Bazilian play
the saxophone, Rob Hyman
played the recorder, accordion,
and the band's trademark,
hooter The use of these instru-
ments along with guitars and
drums formed an interesting blend
of rock and folk sounds for which
the band is known.
The Hooters were formerly
Cyndi Lauper'sband, but being a
back-up band has not hurt their
ability to perform in the forefront.
Bazilian and Hyman quickly set
the tone of the show with their
energetic antics. As Bazilian
plaved guitar solos, he made pro-
vocative facial gestures to the
crowd standing at the edge ot the
After doing a few songs and
working up a sweat, Bazilian
grabbed a towel, and after drying
his face and hair, he tossed the
towel into the crowd, who
scrambled tor the souvenir
Hyman plaved the keyboard with
an enthusiasm that spread into
the audience
Many people who saw the
show were not familiar with the
group beforehand, and most were
surprised at their outstanding
performance. Bazilian and 1 ivman
were truly the stars of the show,
but bassist Andy King, guitarist
John Lillevm, and drummer David
L'osikkinen provided obvious
foundational support for the
Bailian's strong and some-
times raspy voice blended with
the softer voice of Hyman on sev-
eral songs. Their voices were es-
pecially effective in ballads such
as "Where Do Hhet hildrenk?"
and Heaven Laughs
As popular as me ballads
were, thev did no! come cl I
reaching the level of commotion
caused b) hits like And We
I m ed" and "Johnny Bioode
When the Hooters plaved 'Tu
Bv D.i the crowd had stacks of
speakers shaking so hard the
were threatening I fall any sec-
rhegroupclosed with another
crowd-pleaser titled Mr Big
Baboon Returning for an encore,
the band played "500 Miles, a
song so moving that it will almost
surely bea future hit for the group.
After holding the crowd's
attention for nearly two hours with
a string of songs from their two
previous albums, "One Way
1 tome" and " Nervous Night and
great new songs trom their cur
rent album, "7ig Zag the Hoot-
ers had gained at least one new
fan in Creenville.
Pickin'the Bones
Bonehead notes the finer points of local police forces
By Chippy Bonehead
Staff Speed Trap Victim
Ever feel like
your car has the
license plate
"PULL ME" on it?
Whether ifs the
kampus kops or
the overfed
Greenville PD,
students ha veit rough in this town.
Why? Obviously, we're easy
targets We either drive pieces of
shit, or we have new Preludes?.
Don't think they don't teach cops
this in Pulling and Ticketing 1000.
And we stay out later than
permanent citizens of Greenville.
Name one of your neighbors who
isn't a student that you've seen
pull in the driveway at 1:15 in the
Cops know we think we can
drive after drinking, and that if we
just park here for five minutes, we
won't get a ticket. I think they
envy that sense of invulnerability
we posess, and that irks them.
So they lie in wait for us. They
carry extra chalk to mark our cars,
and grab an extra handful of
bubble gunvcolored tickets when
they go out on patrol. Whatever
paper company is supplying these
people, is making a fortune.
But the one inexcusable trait
that the law enforcement officers
in the Emerald City have in com-
mon is rudeness. They don't care.
They can say whatever they want
to us-We don't matter.
Don't believe me? Then you
haven't been stopped i n this town.
And you stayed at home on Hal-
loween (and you didn't live in Tar
I've been pulled many times.
One night, turning into the park-
ing lot of a bank that I thought
contained a 24-hour teller, 1 got
pulled. What did he think I was
doing, casing the place?
In a rude tone, he asked me
what I was doing. I told him I was
trying to find a teller machine, but
he took my license and registra-
tion and checked mem anyway. I
asked him did he think I would
really rob a bank in an orange
pick-up, but he didn't smile as he
said, "I don't know what you
might really do.
We accidenuny set off the
silent alarm at our video store last
week. Thirty minutes later, a rude
woman called andaskedmvname.
When I said, "Chip she snarled,
"Your real ramd'anddemanded
I have identification ready when
an officer showed up fifteen min-
utes later.
Had it been a hostage situ-
ation we'd have been long dead.
1 wonder if they get some
of neurotic mental orgasm ft
busting a student, a buss
don't get from ticketing a
wife in a stat onwagon. A hou;
wife can go 5 down Fifth
but try going 26 in a resident
area and see if you don't get
by three state troopers and aSWj
team, with "Save Our Pi
Children From Speeding Dead
the Hands of Irresponsible
lege Students" stickers pl
across their helmets.
I'm sure the crack dealers
See Police, page 11

Campus Voice
What do you like or dislike
about The East Carolinian?
Eric Spruill, 20,
Industrial Tech Soph.
The coverage of intramural
sports is lacking
Wendell Alsbrook, 22,
Industrial Tech Senior
'There should be more classified
ads for jobs tor students. Also,
there is a lack of ads in general
Saveena Singh, 21,
Physical Therapy, junior
I would like the paper to print
more student opinions
Charles Simmons, 20,
Computer Science, Soph.
I hev need a section for movies
with previews,ratings,stars,etc
Lisa Moore, 21,
i inance, junior
1 he announcements never seem
t i come out m time
Nancy Crab tree, 21,
Accounting, Junior
"I like the paper because it is all
student run. It gives students the
opportunity to work in a profes-
sional environment
?Compiled by Marjorie McKinstry
(Photos by Angela Pridgen?ECU Photo Lab)
Bits and Pieces
Strange laws rule many states
Patrons at nude-dancing establishments in Salem, Ore cannot bo
.vithintwo feet ol the dancer. It is illegal to take someone sbear without
: ?. rmission in New I lampshire. And in i ouisiana, it is against the law
? gargle in public, rhose are a tew strange laws on the books. Also
i led is .i i lalifornia law say ing it is illegal to let a phone ring more
in h1 times.
Company shareholders in U.S.
adopt enviromental attitudes
run lei ii . ? - ' ward a green revolution at
- companies this spring f"he re investors ted up with oil
i id rain and polluted beaches and they've turned the environ-
? ? into the hottest topic at annual meetings this) ear. Proposals range
? ? it Exxon redesign its tanker fleet to requiring companies to
r. r en ironmentalists on their boards.
nfMtf fM USATGDA ppU Coibgt Information Network
Odd Answers
Cakette: D. a little cake 2 Caitiff:C a captive, prisoner
( ilangay: A. a white cockatoo 4. Carrie A to cackle,
gabble 5 Celure: C. canopy or hanging 6. Chippy: C loose
women who frequents streets 7.Chuckhole: A.mudhole 8.
ClautrA to tear, scratch 9. Crustific: D. forming a crust 10.
ick: A to throw
Music Notes
The end of the semester is nigh and there's m we than enough going
mto keep even i ?nc bus) Barefoot on the Mall is April ll?th and should
be a pretty standard good time, ("here's going to be rap. reggae, white
funk, a possible Hart SimpsonAJ Bundy look alike contest and the
tea red V MB dunking booth. Si tunds like something from a B-movie,
doesn t it
Even though the WZMB jinks keep calling it Naked City, that's
H tually fohn Zorn, and he, along with Lava Love, the Kanamits, Bad
( hei W and the best compilation album ever. And tor all of vou
persistent king Missile tans, wefound thealbun finally and you'll be
hearing it until you don't want to anymore
This 1 riday is staggering with its possibilities. Bad Cheeks
with rhe Outside at O" Rockefellers, Corrosion ot Conformity at the
ttie Bor9 Feet at the New Deli and grammy winning Bobby Watson
ind The 1 lorizon at the Fizz. WZMB is gi ing away 8or 9 Feet albums
'his week so go dial now ust in ease the dise jockey is doing a contest
and vou didn't hear about it
Yes, the end of the semester is quite busy. WZMB, for example, has
been bus) being bad, getting caught and plotting our next subversive
m -ve The SGA is our next target. A more deserving stooge is not to be
found WZMB we eal the worm and get veiled at for doing it.
?Compiled bv Beth "The Instigator" Ellison
The East Carolinian, April 5, 1990 11
Turtles hugging eaeh other just
made me embarrassed.
Throughout the film, the dia-
logue was strained. Each Turtle
attempted to OUtcool the other,
with witticisms and one-liners,
only to be (supposedly) outcooled
bv Splinter at the tilm's finale.
Maybe skate rats (and skate
turtles?) still sav things like "radi-
cal "awesome" and "excellent
but those words were old bv the
time "Bill and Ted' hit the video
Occasionally,a few funny bits
would shp by the cutting room
floor. Casey ones, sports fanatic
vigilantecomplete sexist, when
accused of being claustrophobic,
retorts, "No way! I've never even
looked .it another guy
Seems like humor that'sa little
too subtle for kids (though 1
wouldn't bet money on that) and
humor of a kind that would defi-
nitely be more appreciated bv
parents forced into the theater. So
why wasn't there more of it?
Whenever you have a dra-
matic villain, directors tend torelv
on ominous background music
swelling up whenever the villain
enters the room. This is why the
Shredder looks ridiculous stand-
ing in a warehouse for A5 seconds,
jerking his head left and right at
Continued from page 10
Currently, COC is shopping
the demo and would like to cut .?
deal with a major or large inde-
pendent label that accepts the
band's "artistic integrities" and.
as their name implies, not having
lo conform to the idea ot censor-
ship or anything else.
Three labels are now being
considered. "hey include
Megaforce (Mctallica), Caroline
and In Effect.
( has toured 'played w ith
headlining acts sui h as Anthra
Slayer, Metal Church and Suicidal
1 endent ies. I he tour aeenda tor
the next couple (t weeks includes
shows m North Carolina and Vir-
After the Raleigh show on
April 13, COC will be starting a
European tour with Pirv Rotten
1 mbecilest PR1). The si week tour
will kkk off in Dublin, Ireland
It vou'rea fan oftheold (DC,
don't be surprised if vou hear a
v hange with their new material.
COC has definite!) N )T mel
lowed out, but has naturally pro
gressed to a point that has put
forth better attitudes, better songs
and better musicians.
Continued from page 10
rapists in this town love it though.
Thcv don't have a thing to wony
about here in (.reem llle. Want to
commit a rape? ust do it at 1:15
a.m. in Greenville Every copon
the force is downtown waiting tor
potential DWls, or at Krispe
Want to deal crack"1 lust do it
ott campus. Illegal parkers and
speedersare much more of a threat
to society, and at any hour.
To be fair, that's about all the
cops and campus security can
really handle. The majority of both
forces are made up of overweight,
out-of-shape, older individuals
Does all this sound scary? 't
is. Remember, they never caught
that rapisl from last semester.
Between the GPD and Campus
Security, in a town of less than
50,000 the) never found a serial
May the hango ers be gentle,
the buzzes intense and I'd lock
my doors and windows if I were
76 Cinema 3 f
Sho?4 Starting lnd?y,j (.
Cry Baby (R)
Nightl) 7 004 9 (Ki
S.ii Sun Matinees 2:004 4:00
The Hunt for Red October (R)
Nightl) 7:004 9 i()
s.u Sun Matineei I JO 4 ?? 00
eenagc Mutant Ninja Turtles (PCo
ii;h!l 5 10,7 15 4 9:00
? auccaneet 3
Arlington Blvd
Ernest Goes To Jail (PG)
Sight) ' ml A 9 (X)
rSai Sun Matineei 2 004 4 00
Prcll) Women ik)
Njghtl) r.004 9 20
i Sai Sun .VUunoes 2:00-4:20
Opportunity Knocks iK'il
N (htl) 1IX) A 9 (X)
i x) i 4 (x i
? Pexkfheatte
Def By Temptation (R)
Weekdays 7:00 & s:(M)
Sun 2:00.4:00.7:00, & 9:00pmi
Playing Wednesday, April 5 - S, 1990
8:00pm Hendrix Theatre
FREE v student I.I),
sponsored b) the Student Union Rims Committee
Thurs. 5th
Channel Cats
Sat. 7th
Fri. 6th
S or 9 Feet
Mike Hamer &
The Rhinocerus
Hours of Operation
Mon 11 am - 8 pm
Tues 1 lam-lam
Wed 11 am - 1 am
Thurs 11 am L) pm
Fri 11 am - 1 am
Sat 12 noon - 1 am
If Band Night -
close at 1 am
(located across from UBE)
Each Tues. & Wed. Night
Open Mic Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
dramatic intervals.
It I was a super villain, I doubt
I'm gome, to have time to stand
and pose for my soundtrack, while
all my lackeys are looking up at
me, wondering it I'm choregra-
phing the latest Kate Hush video.
There aren't a whole lot ot
good things to sav about the act-
ing either. Pauses get stepped on,
hvstena raises its uglv head and
deep brooding looks from the
token troubled teen are the special
of the dav.
(ranted, it must be hard toad
with any seriousness against a
blubbering green polvurethene
suit shaped like a turtle, but look
Continued from page 10
how manv films overcome that
kind of difficulty "Star Wars
"E.T "Return to ()
Overall, "Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles" inspired only tear
in my being. The same kind of tear
"Batman" left me with a dread
of more merchandising.
It the filmmakers had stopped
to look at something really cool,
something that realizes trends
aren't tup, and rupnesscorrtes from
within ("The Simpsons "Heath-
ers and theB-52scometo mind),
and not worried about beating the
revenues ott the Hatdude, we
might have seen a Turtles 'closer
to their original conception fun.
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
W??hmgton Highway (N C 33 ExtGreenville North Caroline
Phone 752 3172
In business fur 30 years' !
Mon. thru Thurs Night
Plate $3.75
Hours: 4 M) 9:00pm Mem Sal
" ike On is welcome
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
401 E. 4th St.
AprilS- 15
Schedule of Services
Palm Sunday - Celebration of Hoh Eucharist - 7:30am
9:00am - Liturg) of the Palms & Eucharist: begins in
Parish Hall
louda - Hol Eucharist 7:00am: 12:10pm
Tuesday - Hot) Eucharist 7:00am ; 12:10pm
Wednesday - Ho!) Eucharist 7:00am; 12:10pm; 5:30pm
Episcopal Student Fellowship supper and program
follow 5:30pm service
Maimd - Thursday - Liturgy
7:30 - Last Supper, Stripping of Altar
Good Friday - 12:10pm Good Fridaj Liturgy
Easter Dav
5:00am - The Great Viil Hoh Eucharist and Baptism
9:00am- Holy Eucharist
11:00am - Hoh Eucharist
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101 East 10th St.
Greenville, NC 27858
(919) 758-9976

12 I he last Carolinian, April 5, 1490

31ic lEast (Earnlmtan
Page 13
April 5,1990
Pirates upset
Tarheels, 2-1
By Frank Reyes
StaH Writei
game, rhey deserved to win.They
were the bettor team "
E 11 scored the first run in the
hl" U1 baseball tram third inning when Steve Godin
toppled national!) ranked UN (.4 w 11 RBI) doubled to Mart the
M l'ucsda nightinCrcen rail) Later, Godin moved to third
when Bern Natron I 287, 7 RBI)
1'he Tarheels whoareranked sacrificed Kevin Riggs I 277, 21
NMtonbyi Base RBI) knocked in the Gtdin with a
P?'? could only sal run scoring single.
ge five hits against E( I shurler North Carolina scored itsonly
,on run in the sixth inning when short-
v- " tnan ! ' mswatched stop Ron Maurer (.346, 27 RBI)
;iveuponl) one run in belted a solo homerun. Maurcr's
? I lis w m boosts Ins dingcr was his fourth on tin- sea-
rdto? i I angdon also fanned son
ir Heels while walking five rhe Pirates scored again in
us was our biggest non the fourth inning when Calvin
I .nv.vions.iKi I Brown singled. JohnGast (.365,24
'lb tell ?d out there RBI) followed with an run-scor-
win also increased ingdoublc After leading2-1, the
1 record to 2b Coverall. Piratesnevergaveupanothermn.
: ? ?' h foi thn atened the
edwith lead in the ninth inning. With men
on second and thud with one out,
n outstanding the Pirates went to the bullpen
berts said. Pirate head coach Gan Overton
I real baseball See Overton page 11
? ???? ne of 12 ECU Cure Gold Dancers, practices a tew ot her
? : itkei 11 ' many other students will try out for the 1991 team
? in Memorial Gym (Photo by J I) Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Exercise, family
inspire dancer
Walker credits cheerleading
By Frank Reyes
Staff W ritci
tune Walker said "And since
you know when practice is, you
have to work your studies around
Walker made the team her
freshman year. I ynette lohnson,
Junior Ann Walker puts her
dan. 1111; talon t to good use at ECU:
she is a Purelold I 'aiu or.
Hw native from Greensboro, presently the supervisor of the
( , has been dancing since the Pure Gold Dance team, said
age of seven, thanks to theencour-
agemenl from her parents and
Walker is an asset to the squad.
'(Walker) is very energetic
M parents wanted me and has a lotol leadership on the
(dancing lessons) Walker squad lohnson said "She is
said And when I went, I really alwaysloaded with ideas to help
liked it "
Walker is one ol 12 varsity
daiu t rs 1 ? the Pure I old I )ance
the team
According to Walker, danc-
ing with the team has main- ,A-
squad Earlier this year, over 120 vantages.
dancers ti I ut for the varsity "You get a lot of exercise and
team Be' to meet s? many people
w,k . ,vhoch(M Uover Walker said. "The team members
UN( Wilmington, credits her are very close and we're all good
cheerli iding .kills from Apex friends. We're like sisters a great
I ligh & hool to her success in be- big family
coming a member ol the team. rhe mam goal tor the Pure
rhis dancing program enters Gold Dance team is to promote
its sixth ieason at ECI During ECU spirit. Walker says that get-
the basketball season, daneers ting the crowd involved during
usually pra tice on ruesday and basketball games is very satisfy-
Thursday nights tor approxi- trig.
mat. I) two hours Butthisdoesn'l Walker also thinks that darte-
m to bother Walker mg with the team should be con
'You have to organize yourSec Walker, page 14
CU's Tommy Yarborough touts the ball in Pirate baseball action The team travels to UNC-Wilmington
Saturday tor a pair ot games against the Seahawks (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo I ab )
Maginnes leads golfers at Yunnan
Paul (iarcia
st.itt Writes
1 he EC I goll team had a very
disappointing twelfth place finish
in the 22 team field at the Furman
Inten illegiate in (Irecnville,s .
Man h April I.
I he 1 urman Intercollegiate
is one ot the best tournaments in
the 1 ountrv and has a very com
petitive Held, said head coach
1 lal Morrison. 'We felt that we
were playing well this spring and
could go to Furman and prove
ourseh es to everyone else
1 he first das provided poor we are capable of today, but lik
said its hard to make up a lot ot
ihots on teams like this said
all shot three undei pai ? ? lies
1. nip v as tollow ed b) tu 1 pla
eis tied at 70
For the Pirates, junior ohn
Maginnes lead the way shooting a
two over par 74, just five shots out
ol the lead Next for the Pirates
was rod shirt freshman Mn heal
1 eaguc and senior Paul 1iarcia
both w, ith us
1 he sec ond dav brought bet
ter weather and lower scores. I he
Piratesshota296ontheda) whi I
allowed them to move into a tu-
tor 1 th place
We played much more like
:? usl .mi ai rage
Pirates rhe team
th( m a 908 total
hom m 12th place
weather conditions tor the tield as
the course was wet and the -w
was cold and overcast. The Pirates
ended up in the hole by shooting
512 the first d,t. which gave the
team lth place, twenty shots out
of the lead.
You cannoYshoot those tvpe
numbersand expect to make those
sliots up against teams like
The low round for the day
u asshot by Virginia as they posted
a seven under par 281, which
olted them into tirstplai ? with a
two day total of u
Virginia was followed by
Georgia at 585, East Tennessee
Clemson and Georgia lech said State at 586 andlemson and
After the first d, Clemson
shot a tour over par 2q2 giving
them a three shot lead over both
(Jeorgia lech and East Tennessee
state In a tie for fourth was I NC-
Charlotte and Puke both at 296
Indtviduallv there wasa three
(Georgia Tech at 587.
1 red Widi us of irginia shot
a seven under par 65 lifting him
into the lead with a I 59 total tor
the two days. Widicus was fol-
lowed by White who was uist one
shot back at 140.
Leading the wa again tor the
way tie tor the lead. Defending Pirates was Maginnes who fired a
champion Tod White of Furman, 73 that was equalled by junior
Bobb) Gage ot East Tennessee Francis Vaughn.
State, and Bill Bierman of Virginia The final day provided the
shot a ?
and Seavinj
" I his was our 1 hanceto prove
ourselves and we didn't take
ad antage ol that 1 ban. e We will
ha e to rebound and play well the
restol the year tostill havea hancc
to attend the regional tournament
in May, said Morrison.
Georgia rech managed to
come from eight shots back by
tiring a 10 under par 278 the
final round giving them an
total and edging second-round
leader Virginia by six shots tor the
title. In third was Fast Tennessee
Mate .it 877 and in fourth was
Georgia at ss
Individually White was able
to defend his title by shooting a
tour under par 68 the last day
giving him an eight urfcle? par tdfh I
ot 2iK and a three-shot victory
over David Duryal ot Georgia
Freshman Ryan Pema shot an
even par 7?. to pace the Pirates on
the last dcv. He was followed by
Vaughn, league and Garcia all
with 76s.
The Pirates will take the week
ott in preparation to recapture the
to Richmond last year. The team
will travel to Hot Springs, Va
.April 13-15 to accomplish this goal.
Nelson Scott takes aim for his next shot as Rex Parker looks on I uesday in the Sigma Phi Epsiion Dimaras
tournament Parker is the leader going into today's final round (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
enjoys role
on team
By Chip Rutan
Staff Writer
Webster's dictionary defines
transition as "a change from one
pMace or state to another ECU
women's tennis player Nicole
Catalano has made her transition
from Louisville, Ohio to Green-
ville, N.C and for this freshman
standout, the 6(X)-mile trek was
well perceived.
'Ever since I was little, I
wanted to play in the south
Catalano said. "When I came on
my recruiting trip here, I really
liked the school
Growing up in a family of
tennis players, Catalano began to
plav at a young age. At about 11-
years-old, she real I v became inter-
ested in the sport and began to
develop her game
Catalano played tennis at
Louisville High School and won
her team MVP three times and
County Player of the Year twice.
1 ler high school coach. Greg Pcr-
nsh, especially had m influence.
"My high school coach was
like my second dad Catalano
said " le really put a lot into the
program and 1 benefited from his
Beside tennis, Catalano par-
ticipated in other sports such as
basketball But for her, tennis had
a unique aspect.
"1 really like the idea of an
individual sport that gives a point
or helps out a team" she said.
"Plus, tennis is a sport I can play
for the rest of my life
While playing at ECU, Cata-
Lino has worked her way to the
number He seed on the young
and talented team. Being the
number one seed is sometimes
difficult for her.
"Evervtime we go to play a
team, even it they may not be very
good, 1 know in my head they
probabl v ha ve a good or very good
number one (player) she said.
Since the start of the 1990
season, Catalano has already
improved some aspects of her
game. "Mv consistency and serve
have improved she said. "Also,
because we exercise more, I'm in
better shape for the matches
Using herquicknessand solid
ground strokes, Catalano has a
current six-game winning streak
and an overall record of 7-3. As a
left handed player, Catalano feels
that she has an advantage over
right handed opponents.
"First of all, my spin is back-
wards (on the ball) and I hit to the
1 'ppositesidea right bander wants
to be hit to she said.
In preparing for a big match,
Catalano has an interesting ap-
proach. "Sometimes the night
before, 1 think about the upcom-
ing match the next day she said.
"Right before I play the match, I
try and concentrate and I get kind
ot quiet
For Catalano, playing tennis
has contributed more than just
phvsical conditioning and pleas-
ure, "it has helped academically
"It helps me be more disci-
plined and budget my time bet-
ter Catalano added.
Unlike some athletes, Cata-
See Catalano, page 14
Lady Pirate soccer team beats UNC-CH, 4-1
By Kristen Halberg
Staff Writer
The ECU women's soccer
tea m. i nan outstanding effort over
the weekend, extended their rec-
ord to 2-2-1 when they split in
games against the UNC-CH Tar-
heels and the Raleigh Club Team.
ECU coach oe Atkins, despite
Sunday's eventual loss to the
Raleigh Club Team, was pleased
with the efforts of the Lady Pi-
rates "Overall, in both games,
ECU peaked right towards theend
of the season Atkinssaki. That's
a good time to peak
The action began Saturday
when ECU traveled to Tarheel
country in Chapel I lill, N.C. On
UNC's home turf, the Lady Pi-
rates were able to dominate both
offensively and defensively, to
overcome the Lady Tarheels 4-1.
Despite the extreme field
rain, the Lady Pirates played one
of their best games of the season.
"The field was a sandpit with
water in it ECU'S Ann Totaro
said of the tield conditions. "It had
been saturated from the ram all
Center halfback Cari (.nttith
oi ECU opened the scoring for the
Pirates in the first halt:of play. But
UNC wasquick to answer as Chris
Dinsrnore put the Tarheels back
into the game with a goal towards
the end of the first half.
"Our strategy was to keep
slow control on the wings and we
executed that on the maximum
level Atkins said. "We also had
great communication
The Lady Pirates continued
their strategy while also execut-
ing different runs and exercising
super ball control. And by theend
of the second half, they had not
only shut down the Tarheel de-
fense, but added ECU goals to
secure the Pirate victory. Center
forward Jeanie Managhan added
the third goal to the score while
fullback Christine Menning
wrapped it up for the Lady Pirates
on a long goal.
"It was the first time they
played socccron Division I level
Atkins said, "and (they) had fun
at the same time
Sunday proved to be more of
a struggle for the Lady Pirates as
the fatigue from the previousgame
became a major factor in the out-
come against the Raleigh Club
See Soccer, page 14

14 The East Carolinian, April 5,1990
Sports Briefs
Baseball clubs cut, trade players
Several moves were made by Major League baseball teams Tues-
day Pitcher Greg Booker was cut by the Chicago Cubs but signed later
by the San Francisco Giants, who have lost players to injuries. The
Montreal Expos cut pitcher Joaquin Andujar,and the Pittsburgh Pirates
traded outtielder Billy Hatcher to Cincinnati for pitcher Mike Roesler
and intielder Jeff Richardson.
Navratilova wins in second round
Top-seed Martina Navratilova, looking for her first tournament
victory on clav in nearly two years, defeated Halle Cioffi 2, 6-1
ruesday in the second round of the $500,(XX) Family Circle Magazine
Cup .it I lilton 1 lead, S.C.
Oklahoma Senate adopts resolution
I he Oklahoma Senate adopted a resolution Tuesday deploring the
dropping of the women's basketball program at the University of
Oklahoma, with some senators calling the action sexist and embarrass-
ing I he resolution, by Sen. Darryl Roberts, P-Ardmore,tfa!lod lor re-
instatement of the program.
Italian basketball team wants Kimble
Mcssaggero Roma, the Italian basketball club that lured former
Duke tar Danny Ferrv away from the NBA, is bidding for Loyola
Marymount forward Bo kimble. Team officials say Kimble would be a
replacement tor Brian Shaw, who decided to rejoin the Boston Celtics
after one season in Italy.
Mattingly wants five-season contract
New i ork Yankees first baseman Don Mattingly, who has said he
will not negotiate once the season starts, is in the final season of a three-
year, $6 million contract. He is seeking a five-year deal on the order of
$15 million. Team owner George Stembrenner will handle negotiations
and has met with Mattingly. Talks are expected to begin soon.
Dickerson wants to retire from NFL
Eric Dickerson, the Indianapolis Colts' unhappv running back,
reiterated Tuesday his plans to retire from the NFL and said no trade of
salary increase will make him change his mind.
Chavez to defend title against Taylor
Julio Cesar Chavez, the 1BF junior welterweight champ, must
defend his title against No. 1 contender Meldrick Taylor within six
months. Taylor lost his title to Chavez in a disputed March 17 fight,
when referee Richard Steele stopped the 12-round fight with two
seconds left after Chavez knocked down Taylor, who was ahead on two
score cards.
Colorado ski member killed in crash
A Colorado ski team member was killed Tuesday when she lost a
-ki and c rashed into a tree at the Eldofa ski area near Nederland, Colo.
Laura Rood, 19, of Ketchum, Idaho, died instantly, police said.
Horse gets prep for Kentucky Derby
Summer Squall, impressive winner of Saturday's Jim Beam Stakes
(his sixth win in seven starts in 1W)-90), will get his final Kentucky
I erbv prep in the April 14 Blue Crass Stakes at Keeneland in Lexington,
Dolphins' Marino asked to be traded
The Miami Dolphins want to negotiate an extension for unhappy
quarterback Dan Marino's contract, possiblv this year, club president
Tim Robbie said. Marino, who has asked to be traded for the second
yea r in a row, has two seasons remaining on a contract that will pay him
$1.5 million this season and $1.6 million in 1991.
CBS to co-sponsor All-Star balloting
USA T( DAV and CBS have agreed to a trade-out promotion of
Major League Baseball's All-Star game balloting. CBS, which this year
begins broadcasting Major League Baseball, replaces Anheuser-Busch
as the promotion's co-sponsor. CBS and USA TODAY will also co-
sponsor an All-Star sweepstakes.
Investment group interested in Padres
An investment group headed by Hollywood producer Tom Werner
signed a letter of intent Monday to purchase baseball's San Diego
Padres, owner loan Kroc said. Sales terms were not released, but the
asking price was reported to be $75 million. The sale must now be
approved by the owners of the other major league clubs.
Hornets interim coach to decide on job
NBA Charlotte Hornets interim coach Gene Littles expects to
decide within a eek whether he will return as coach next season or as
director of player personnel. Hornets owner George Shinn said Littles
can pick his job. Littles, popular with his players, took over after coach
I )k k iarter was fired in January.
In the Locker
Umpires with most, fewest
years of major league service
ECU crew team competes in Augusta
The ECU crewrowing team
began its season this past week-
end with a second place finish at
the Augusta Invitational Regatta
in Augusta. Georgia. FCU com-
peted in the men'snovice-4 against
Florida Institute of Technology,
Agusta College and Georgia Tech
Continued from page 13
lano docs not sec herself domi-
nant at number one, but is excited
about the potential of the team.
"Our team has good depth and
we're a well balanced team she
With thishumbleattitude, she
will continue to better her game
and see Ihe team continue to
improve with ever)- rtvtch. As for
the future, she is not sure yet.
"I might go into communica-
tions, but I'll wait and see she
Continued from page 13
The team met various crew
teams from different universities
along coast in addition to
the Russian, Bulgarian and I rench
national teams
The crew team has been pr.u
ticing hard for this season I he
remainder of the season consists
of races against l (II Old
Dominion, Puke and UNC-
The ECU crew team is i .u hed
bvTom Allen, an active rower and
all-around sports enthusiast I he
men's 4 tram consists of (bow to
stroke) Mike Snipes, ohn fuzaitis,
Kellv Skinner, lett Owens and
Stephanie !reasj. coxswain.
I he crewrowing club is
sponsored bv the Intramural Rci
national Services and the SGA
Questions and inquiries can be
dim ted to Mike Snipsat 752-1596
Follow ECU sports with The Cast Carolinian
sidered a sport.
"We put in just as much time
practicing as anv other sport
Walker insisted. "We provide
entertainment for the fans and we
promote school spirit. We also get
ECU recognition "
When basketball season is
over, dancing competitions begin.
This year, ECU placed lth over-
all out of 350 collegiate teams in
the Dance Team Championships
in Memphis, Term.
Although Walker loves danc-
ing, she could not consider it a
lifetime career. As a marketing
major and broadcasting minor, she
considers the sport an extracur-
ricular activity
"I think marketing is mv fu-
tiirecaroer Walkersaid. "I would
like to prove to people and mvself
that I could make it into the busi-
ness world
For any students interested in
joining the team, tryouts will be
held at the Memorial Gym Gym-
nastics Room on April 9, from 730-
9-30 p.m. and April 11, from 8-10
Continued from page 13
Sports Lounge
tV "Billiard - N - Games'
Team. Despite the eventual 7-0
loss ECU suffered against Raleigh
Club, Atkins said the entire EC U
team played with much effort
'ECU came out taking shots
on the Raleigh Club goalkeeper,
but fatigue set in and eventually,
they fell flat Atkmssaid. "Raleigh
then dominated the rest ot the
ECU wafl four goals down by
the end of the first half, but that
did not seem to discourage the
Lady Pirates. "The second half,
we were fired upagain, and again,
fatigue sot in and we got trus
trated from not coming up with
the immediate goal Atkins said.
"Raleigh once again dominated
the game
ECU will host the Seahawks
ot UN( Wilmington Sunday
when they plav their final game of
the season. The game will be
played at 2 p m at the Allied
Health field.
Continued from page 13
brought in Jonathan Jenkins (6-0,
251 ERA) to pitch the last inning.
Lacing only three batters, lenkins
slammed the door on the Tar Heels
to earn his second save of the
North Carolina's starting
pitcher, Jim Dougherty (7-1, 1.70
ERA), threw eight innings He
gave up two runs on SIX hits
Every Thursday Night
$1.00 Imports
$1.00 Cans
$1.50 Highballs
Try our "Squeeze Teas
$2.50 leas
$2.50 Pitchers
Barmaids Wanted,
Apply in Person
R & N inc
Source 1990 Red and Green Books
Two Dogs Pizza
of Ayden is now delivering
in the AydenWinterville area.
Drivers with the following
qualifications are needed:
? 18 yrs or older
? Valid driver's license
? Good driving record
? Own transportation
? Outgoing personality
Flexible work schedule as few as
2 nights per week
depending on your needs.
Apply in person at Two Dogs Pizza, Harris
Shopping Center, Ayden or
Call Ruth Ann Smith
Dougherty also struck out five
Pirates while walking three.
The Pirates post a 26-3 overall
record whilethe lar 1 leelsclropto
26-6on the season.
The next game tor the Pirates
will be on the mad against the
Seahawks of UNC-Wilmington at
6 p.m Saturday.
DJ playing
variety music
Located on Hwy 264 A West
Open Tues - Sat 7pm - until
Sun 1 - I'ntil
Wheel in
when you 're on the go!
Join Our Birthday
Celebration With
1 41b Hamburgers
(Always made with 10095 USDA Fresh
Ground Beef and fixed just the way you want it.)
Wheel into RALLY'S and help
us celebrate our 1st birthday
in North Carolina.
(Otter good for limited time only.)
711 S. Memorial Drive
(across from the Holid.n Inn)
Net weiehi before
An individual six months
prior to or 1 year after
graduation qualifies
See Full Details At
GEO Imports
205 K. Greenville Blvcl
Greenville, NC

14 The East Carolinian, April 5,1990
Sports Briefs
Baseball clubs cut, trade players
Several moves were made by Major League baseball teams Tues-
day Pitcher Greg Booker was cut by the Chicago Cubs but signed later
by the San Francisco Giants, who have lost players to injuries. The
Montreal Expos cut pitcher JoaquinAndujar, and the Pittsburgh Pirates
traded outfielder Billy Hatcher to Cincinnati for pitcher Mike Roesler
and infielder Jeff Richardson.
Navratilova wins in second round
Top-seed Martina Navratilova, looking for her first tournament
victory on day in nearly two years, defeated Halle Cioffi b-2, 6-1
hiesday in the second round of the $5(X),IXX) Family Circle Magazine
rup.u 1 lilton Head, S.C.
Oklahoma Senate adopts resolution
I he Oklahoma Senate adopted a resolution Tuesday deploring the
dropping ot the women's basketball program at the University of
Oklahoma, with some senators calling the action sexist and emlwrass-
ing 1 he resolution, by Sen. Darryl Roberts, D-Ardmore,callcd for re-
instatement ot the program.
Italian basketball team wants Kimble
Messaggero Roma, the Italian basketball club that lured former
Duke Mar Danny Ferry away from the NBA, is bidding for l.ovola
Marymount forward Bo Kimble I earn officials sav Kimble would bea
replacement tor Brian Shaw, who decided to rejoin the Boston Celtics
after one season in Italy.
Mattingly wants five-season contract
New N (rk Yankees first baseman Don Mattingly, who has said he
will not negotiate once the season starts, is in the final season of a three-
sear. $6 7million contract He is seeking a five-vcar deal on the order of
$ IS million. Team owner CieorgeStombrenner will handle negotiations
and ha met with Mattingly. Talks are expected to begin soon.
Dickerson wants to retire from NFL
Eric Dickerson, the Indianapolis Colts' unhappv running back,
reiterated Tuesday his plans to retire from the NFL and said no trade or
salary increase will make him change his mind.
Chavez to defend title against Taylor
Julio Cesar Chavez, the 1BF junior welterweight champ, must
defend his title against No. 1 contender Meldrick Taylor within six
months. Taylor lost his title to Chavez in a disputed March 17 fight,
when referee Richard Steete stopped the 12-round fight with two
sccondslefl alter Chavez knocked down Taylor, who was ahead on two
score cards.
Colorado ski member killed in crash
A Colorado ski team member was killed Tuesday when she lost a
ski andrashed intoa tree at the Eldora ski area near Nederland, Colo.
Laura Hood, 14, of Ketchum, Idaho, died instantly, police said.
Horse gets prep for Kentucky Derby
Summer Squall, impressive winner of Saturday's Jim BeamSta'kes
(his sixth win in seven starts in 1909-90), will get his final Kentucky
I VrK prep in the April 14 Blue Grass Stakesat Keenelandin Lexington,
Dolphins' Marino asked to be traded
1 he Miami Dolphins want to negotiate an extension for unhappy
quarterback Pan Marino's contract, possibly this year, club president
rim Robbie said. Marino, who has asked to be traded for the second
year in a row, has two seasons remaining on a contract that will pay him
SI .5 million this season and $1 h million in 1991.
CBS to co-sponsor All-Star balloting
USA rODA and CBS have agreed to a trade-out promotion of
Major League Baseball's All-Star game balloting. CBS, which this year
begins broadcasting Major League Baseball, replaces Anheuser-Busch
as the promotion's co-sponsor. CBS and USA TODAY will also co-
sponsor an All-Star sweepstakes.
Investment group interested in Padres
An investment group headed by Hollywood producer Tom Werner
signed a letter of intent Monday to purchase baseball's San Diego
Padres, owner )oan Kroc said. Sales terms were not released, but the
asking price was reported to be $75 million. The sale must now be
approved by the owners of the other major league clubs.
Hornets interim coach to decide on job
NBA Charlotte Hornets interim coach Gene Littles expects to
deeide within a week whether he will return as coach next season or as
director of player personnel. 1 lornets owner George Shinn said Littles
can pick his job. Littles, popular with his players, took over after coach
Dick 1 iarter was fired in January.
Ctrynjitf jjo USA TOfAYIAppltColletr InprmMum Nelvork
In the Locker
Umpires with most, fewest
years of major leajgue service
pN (ihrou1989)
Doug mmfW I
Jim JoycAty ij
Hohn (NL) jy Fewes)
Je(ryLayne(NL) ft
ECU crew team competes in Augusta
The ECU crewrowing team
began its season this past week-
end with a second place finish at
the Augusta Invitational Regatta
in Augusta, Georgia. ECU com-
peted in the men's novice-4 against
Honda Institute of Technology,
Agusta College and Georgia Tech.
Continued from page 13
lano does not see herself domi-
nant at number one, but is excited
about the potential of the team
'Our team has good depth and
we're a well balanced team' she
With thishumbleattitude, she
will continue to better her game
and see the team continue to
improve with ever)- rtvtch. As for
the future, she is not sure yet.
"I might go into communica-
tions, but I'll wait and see she
Continued from page 13
sidered a sport.
"We put in just as much time
practicing as any other sport
Walker insisted. "We provide
entertainment for the fans and we
promote school spirit. We also get
ECU recognition
When basketball season is
over, dancing competitions begin.
This year, ECU placed lsth over-
all out of 330 collegiate teams in
the Dance Team Championships
in Memphis, Term
Although Walker loves danc-
ing, she could not consider it a
lifetime career. As a marketing
major and broadcasting minor,she
considers the sport an extracur-
ricular activity.
"I think marketing is mv fu-
turecareer Walkersaid. "I would
like to prove to people and myself
that I could make it into the busi-
ness world
For any students interested in
joining the team, tryouts will be
held at the Memorial Gym Gym-
nastics Roomon April 9, from 7:30
9:30 p.m. and April 11, from 8-10
Continued from page 13
Team. Despite the eventual 7-0
loss LCI' suffered against Raleigh
Club, Atkins said the entire LC I'
team played with much effort.
"ECU came out taking shots
on the Raleigh Club goalkeeper,
but fatigue set in and eventually,
they fell flat Atkinssaid. Raleigh
then dominated the rest ot the
ECU was four goals down bv
the end of the first half, but that
did not seem to discourage the
Lady Pirates "The second half,
we were fired up again, and again,
fatigue set in and we got trus
(rated from not coming up with
the immediate goal Atkins said.
"Raleigh once again dominated
the game
ECU will heist the Seahawks
ot UNC-Wilmington Sunday
when they play their final game of
the season. The game will be
played at 2 p.m. at the Allied
Health field.
Continued from page 13
brought in Jonathan lenkins (6-0,
251 ERA) to pitch the last inning.
Facing only three batters, lenkins
slammed thedoor on the Tar Heels
to earn his second save of the
North Carolina's starting
pitcher, Jim Dougherty (7-1, 1.70
ERA), threw eight innings He
gave up two runs on si hits
Dougherty also struck out five
Pirates while walking three.
The Pirates post a 26-3 overall
record while the Tar I leelsdrop to
26-6 on the season.
The next game for the Pirates
will be on the road against the
Seahawks of L'XC-Wilmington at
6 p.m. Saturday.
Every Thursday Night
$1.00 Imports
$1.00 Cans
$1.50 Highballs
Try our "Squeeze Teas
$2.50 Teas
$2.50 Pitchers
Barmaids Wanted,
Apply in Person
R & N inc
Source 1990 Red and Green Books
Bob Laird, Gannett News Service
Two Dogs Pizza
of Ayden is now delivering
in the AydenWinterville area.
Drivers with the following
qualifications are needed:
? 18 yrs or older
? Valid driver's license
? Good driving record
? Own transportation
? Outgoing personality
Flexible work schedule as few as
2 nights per week
depending on your needs.
Apply in person at Two Dogs Pizza, Harris
Shopping Center, Ayden or
Call Ruth Ann Smith
The team met various crew
teams from different universities
along the cast coast in addition to
the Russian, Bulgarian and French
national teams.
Thecrew team has been pra
ticing hard for tins season "he
remainder of the season consists
of races against UN CH, (Hd
Dominion, Duke and UNC
The ECU crew team iscoached
by Tom Allen, an active rower and
all-around sports enthusiast rhe
men's 4-team consists ot 'bow to
stroke) Mike Snipes, ohn fuzaitts,
Kelly Skinner, lett Owens and
Stephanie Creasy, coxswain
(he crewrowing club is
sponsored by the Intramural Rc
reational Services and the SGA
Questions and inquiries can be
directed to MikeSnipsat752-1596
Follow ECU sports with The East Carolinian
V sPorts lounge
' "Billiard-N-Games"
DJ playing
variety music
Located on Hwv 264 A West
Open lues - Sat 7pm - until
Sun 1 -Until

Wheel in
when you're on the go!
Join Our Birthday
Celebration With
1 41b Hamburgers
(Always made with 100 USDA Fresh
Ground Beef and fixed jusl the way you want it.)
Wheel into RALLY'S and help
us celebrate our 1st birthday
in North Carolina.
(Offer good tor limned lime only.)
711 S. Memorial Drive
(across from the Holiday Inn)
Net weight before
An individual six months
prior to or 1 year after
graduation qualifies
See Full Details At
GEQ Imports
205 E. Greenville Blvd
Greenville, NC

The East Carolinian, April 5, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 05, 1990
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