The East Carolinian, March 29,1990

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ofije iEaat (Earritnian
tewing the 'Last Carolina campus community since 192
Vol. tvl No. 22
Thursday March 2l, 1990
Creenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,(XX)
12 Pages
H t ? t I N
M IKM 1 1
Andrews and Thomas to face in runoff
Bv Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
Student (lovernment Associa-
tion presidential candidates Robin
Andrews and Mien 1'homas will
be the contenders in the April 4
run ott election after the results
from Wednesda 's election were
rhomas won the majority of
the votes, totaling 582 (43.9 per-
cent), while Andrews won 44b
votes 3opercent). Marty 1 lelms
w ,mi ; peri ent ot the votes.
Overw helmingly, Thomas
k thestudent store poll, the most
popular voting location, with 219
votes Andrew scaptured "1 votes,
and 1 lelms won h votes. 1 homas
aKo won at polls in the Allied
Health Building the bottom of
'Ky.e 1 hll Drive, the Croatan,
the General Classroom Building
and !o nor I ibiar
ipturod the maior-
? 4I
won 11
tor ? I '
it the ar is Rcsi-
with 100 votes,
had 41. She also
hall Student Cen-
dical Science l.i-
Colleen McDonald, unop-
posed candidate tor SGA vice
president, will take office, as will
unopposed candidate tor SGA
treasurer Randv Royal. Christine
Allabach, also unopposed, will
become the SGA secretary.
According to Elections . om-
mittee Chairman Kelly lones, 1326
students voted in Wednesday's
election, compared to last year's
number of 1,696 voters.
Christopher lu hael election
committee member said he
thought voter turnout was good.
"It shows me that students are
concerned about student govern-
ment activities and want to see the
right person in office
Thomas said Wednesday
night he plans to con tmue his S.U1U'
process of campaigning through-
out the next week. e have our
same positive ideas that we've
been working on. I homas said.
'We're going to gel in touch
with some ot the groups thai we
talked to before to reinforce their
support and talk to some ot the
other groups we didn't get to talk
to before
Andrews said that she plans
to continue campaigning with the
groups that support her and to
talk with those groups that she
didn't meet with during last
week's campaigning.
1 feel like I've proved some-
thing in this election in that I've
done something Andrews said.
"And 1 will do something she
added it she wins the runoff elec-
Until Monday evening, Royal
had competition in the SGA treas-
urer race. Atter reading Tuesday's
edition ot The '( Carolinian, S( A
treasurer candidate oe Corlev
learned he was no longer in the
race. 1 lehad been disqualified due
to "a small technicality Corlev
According to lones, Corlev
tailed to list campaign employees,
which was due in the S( !A office
by 5 p.m March 26, for all SGA
Corlev said he did list his
employees, "hough he failed to
write each of the workers names,
as specified in the SGA election
rules, he wrote the number of
campaign helpers "3" instead
It she had a problem with it.
she could have called me Corlev
said. "1 was not trying to deceive
anyone, and I didn't think twice
when 1 wrote it
Jones said if the directions
were unclear, she would have let it
pass. "1 le is the only one I've seen
in all the years I've been involved
in elections that has not followed
the directions correctly Jones
said. "They were written out very
Hue to the problems in the
election process in the last elec-
tion, lones said she tried to be fair
and follow all the election rules
exactly. "It you don't follow the
rules lones said about Corlev's
mistake, "then you get kicked out
Corley said he was upset be
cause he learned he was disquall
tied only after reading the news
paper and that ones denied call-
ing the newspaper and informing
The Easl Carolinian of his disquali-
fication when he asked her it she
SGA Election returns for President by poll
Library funds may be slashed



B Allen Thomas
? Robin Andrews
Marty Helms
By Shannon Buckley
Staff Writer
nillion dollars of the 57 million in funds that
been set by the N.C. state legislature tor the
pi inning and beginning construction costs ot the
renovation and addition to ECU'S lovner library
could be cut from the state's budget in May.
v. i course wo realize that the budget picture is
I I iwever we will make our case the best
thai w? can, Pr Marlene Springer, vice chancellor
I - academic affairs said.
Walter Robbs, Callahan& Tierce Architects, the
ai I "? tural firm hired to design the plans tor the
reno i land the addition to Joyner, are currently
phase ot completing their work. The
drawings alone, with the library proposal will be
presented to the N.C. legislature during their short
session in May
more than 10 years since any con-
strue! een done to the library; we are running
outol pace foi ur books The university will have
to b rei tine space to house the books, Springer
The addition to the library would enable the
university to increase the seating capacity of the
library from 700 to 1,400and it will allow tor expan-
sion of media resources so that "ECU can keep up
with technological innovations Springer said.
The original request for the new building and
renovation of the library was ?4 million, this figure
includes the $7 million tor planning and beginning
construction costs
The proposed cutbacks are a result of North
Carolina's $350 million budget shortfall. According
to Hie Associated Press, C.C. Cameron, Cow !im
Martin's budget director, said last week that the state
probably can save$24 6 million by withholding funds
set aside tor the Engineering Graduate (enter at
North t Carolina State I niversity, ECU'S library addi-
tion and renovation, UNC-Asheville's conference
center and UNC-Chapel Hill's School of business
E( U "will have to continue to impress tin- need
ot the building to the legislature, and we will also
express the need to private donors, ' Springer said.
Voting Polls
South Afrikaan visits ECU
By Latoya Hankins
Special to The last Carolinian
Vice council tor the govern-
ment of South Africa, Maree Was-
sels, spoke to ECl' students and
faculty Wednesday on the emerg-
ing image of his country.
Wassels began his discussion
by criticizing the New York-based
news program South Africa
today Me said the program is
"not a fair portrayal ot the situ-
ation in South Africa It is depend-
ent on showing the bad side of
South Atnca. Wassels said that a
solution to the biased program
would be tor South Africa to re-
open press relations with the rest
ot the world, ending the period of
press blackout that has Kvn en-
forced in the past
Wassels asserted that while
there will no! be an absolute trans-
fer of power, the African majority
will be given .i place in governing
the country. This transfer of power
will not ome without some pro-
tective measures passed bv the
Afrikaner minority, according to
S.U. president wants student involvement
Bv Kimlev rider
Stall Writer
Ken Drake
Senior Kenneth Prake is the
new Student Union president tor
1990-1991. He has some very spe-
cific goals tor the Student I Inion,
including more recruitment and
two new concerts m the coming
This is Prake's second year as
Student Union president, and he
said he "feels like there is a whole
lot of potential in the Student
Union that has not been tapped
into yet
Drake said some projects, such
as the Cinematic Series, do well,
but others, such as the Cot foehouse
Series and lllumina Art Competi-
tion, could oo much better. He
said he would like to see much
more student involvement in the
I hrake also said he would like
to see more recruitment in the Stu-
dent Union, including more appli-
cants tor committee chairperson
positions. "Right now we have
maybe one or two people apply
I'd like to see three or tour
There are plans now for a
welcome-back concert on the mall
this fall, Prake said. He said they
plan to have bands and an open
house at the concert.
Another concert is planned for
after the Purple Gold game, and
Drake said that the Temptations
will sing. The Student Union is
still trying to find another band to
plav for that concert
The Student Union places an
emphasis on leadership training
and student development, said
Prake. 1 le said he feels this makes
it an extremely worthwhile organi-
zation Ui be involved in.
He said that a fall leadership
retreat to the beach is planned for
the committee chairpersons. The
retreat will focus on situational
leadership, programming, market-
ing and communication skills, and
will give personality tests to help
w ith management
There will also be a one-day
retreat for everyone in the Student
Union,focusingon topics like time
management and communication
skills, Prake said.
Prake added that he would
like to SCC more interaction be-
tween the different groups on
campus. le said he does not think
there is enough communication
between the different groups,
especially involving things like
Halloween and the noise ordi-
nance. He said they plan to have
another 1 lallowecn concert miiii-
See Prake, page 3
Wassels. "An example of tl
measure would possibly be a i
quiremenl to keep the Afrik
language in dealings of the issu?
that directly relate to that popul i
The discussion then turned I
the issue of the economic sarw
fions taken against the go vernmen I
by the United States The san
tions were "really not effective
Wassels said. "For every company
that pulled out, there was a Sou:
African company or one from
another country to take its place
According to assels, tl
winds of change are blowing ovi i
South Africa. On the d.i- to d.w
level, Africans and Afrikaans an
beginning to learn to live side b
side in a nation known primarih
tor Us dehumanizing treatment i I
its majority. Wassels pointed o
thecommunityof 1 lilIbreck,wh.H h
is totally integrated He also
pointed out that last September
elections were the last ones to t
totally white He predicts thai
Se South Africa, page 2
Author and poet
to read from works
By Doug Morris
Staff Writer
Joyner Library poll tender M J Treppel returns Brian Felton his ID after Felton cast his ballot in
Wednesdays SGA elections Felton was one of 1.326 students (roughly 12 percent) who decided to
exercise their right to vote in the election (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Published authors and re-
spected writers. Cordon Weaver
and Brendan Calvin will speak and
read selections from their works
on April 2.
Weaver is a professor of Eng-
lish and director of the graduate
program in creative writing at
Oklahoma State University in Still-
water, Okla. He has published four
novels, five volumes of short sto-
ries and has another volume of
short stories due out in 1991. In
addition, he has Kvn published in
several literary magazines.
Calvin is I professor of Eng-
lish at Central Connecticut State
University in New Britain, Conn.
This year he won a National En-
dowment for the Arts Fellowship
as well as a Guggenheim Fellow-
ship. "It is unusual for a writer to
receive hHth in the same year'
Makuck said.
Calvin ha recently published
"Creat Blue: New and Selected
Poems his seventh volume o!
poetry. Two of his previous vol-
umesol'poetry, "Atlantic Fly way"
and "Winter Oysters" were nomi-
nated for the Pulitzer Prize.
The event is free and open to
the public. The speakers will Kgin
at 8 p.m. in room 1031 oi the Gen-
end College Building. For more
information, call Makuck at 757-
Budget cuts leaves
need for stronger alumni
State and Nation5
Soviet soldiers seize
23 Lithuanian army
Fleming Dorm to
house honor students
ECU rugby team wins
state championship
Don't forget to check
out the special inserts:
The Entertainer
EC Today (satire)

2 The East Carolinian, March 29, 1990
ECU Briefs
Democratic hopeful in U.S. senate
nice to speak in Mendenhall Center
R.F Ro rhomas, a democratic candidate for the I S. Senate, will
speak tix.ia it ; Wlp.m in Room 221 of Mendenhall Student Center.
rhomas is a formei N. state senatoi with nine years experience,
and iv a Hondersonville ? native - .i state senator, rhomas
sponsored legislation aimed it proti ting the en ironment and fight
ing v rime and drugs.
Dream Factory of N.C . Softball game
to benefit seriously ill children
I'he Dream Fuotor o( North.irolina is sponsoring an "April
Fool ? ' ll challi'nge al ' iu Smith Stadium on April S from -1 - 5
p in
I it kit to thi i elebi it soflball game ol Boogcr s ale - But hers
spi lorn Iron's "Disposables are $4 for adults $2 for children, and
free foi those undet six 1 he nu ho pun based .it .ill BB& I bran hes
or at Overtoil's Sports Center and Greenville Athleticlub.
Ml proceeds will go to the Dream Factory ol North Carolina to
benefit seriously ill children For more information on the Dream
Facton call Kyle Brasvvell development associate for hildren's pro
grams at F I s School of Medicine- at 551 223H
Study abroad in Costa Rica with ECU
rwosummei I Indies in Central America will be
;? ? m with the Universidad Nacional in
ii - s hi dull d for Mav s lunr 1?
Society raises money
for ECU scholarships
ECU News Bureau
tional advancement. "It will al
low members to take greater on
More than 50of ECU'smost trol over the operation ol the m
generous patrons gathered in ganization, especially as it relates
Greenville Friday and Saturday lo recruiting volunteers and
for theChancelktr'sSociety Week members to assist hi fund raising
end, .i two-day mix ol business ami image-building programs for
and pleasure. the entire university.
rhe430-memberorganization "These two leaders have
elected officers for the first time in demonstrated by example the
its nine-year history during the importance of volunteer leader
annual meeting Saturday. Barbara ship Lanier added. They have
Foresterof( har!otte,a I959gradu- hosted events m their homes and
ate of EC1 and president ol For- have served .is advocates ol the
ester v Kinney Interiors and university. We look forward to
Lemon I'nv Interiors Ini will working with them as the organi
serve a one year term .is presi- zation grows in influence and its
dcnl ability to strengthen and benefit
Everettel Buddv I )anielo( the university
Lynchburg Va .i !l)l ECU Membership in the Chancel
graduate and exoi utivevu epresi lors Society is open to those indi
viduals who have made commit
ments to give $10,000 or more to
the ECU Foundation, the I I
'Direc tor of Jldi 'c rt is unj
James F.J. McKee
t clSt Advertising fpresen tati i v
Guj .1. Harvej
Sha Sitlinger
Adam I. Blankenship
Phillip . Cope
Kellev ()'( onnoi
dent ol I.inn's S (t & Son In
sura nee was elected vice presi
Wc think this is a significant Medical Foundation or the I I
step forward for the( ham ellor's
So iet said ?imes I I anier lr
F( I vice h.un ollor foi institu
often d i) ' ? ' i I inco
I len dia.C ost.i Ki .1
and lune ! ? lub
og) olog
pendi nl I
bilingual t.n ult i
will I ? iit b la? ult ti
Furthei u and application materials Continued from page 1
are available fro ' International Studies 1002ieneral
i lassroom Buildin
n mi.iv solot 11 ours sin anthropol
? il nal Spanish and undertake inde
in i- u ill taught b .)
? i Ri in university; other courses
: I N Wilmington
Alumni Association. I"heir gifts
pro ide funding for s hi ilarships,
research facult development and
a ademic enri hment on main
campu; and E I 'sMed. School
'J) ISTLStyM n V 'K'JIS IA C j
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'Business 'Hours:
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South Africa
National Campus Clips
NCSU attacked bv computer virus
V comi ki Y appeared in North Carolina
Imarish 1 ra n ei a lab
i lahhadtot loseaday
rus started ?8tf m
id in tin
Freshman applications drop at ASU
rhi hmen applying to Appalachian State I niversity
is dcclii i i j I.that in erjities around the state are
experii VVe ,itv i i i irmed with the decline ol applicants
he? "? )????? ? ?mil- ms Ptteetor Joe Watts
State flu ials explain the d??rcase by the fact that less
li ?- I ilseniorsan . ? iduatingthisvearor they donotapplv to state
collogi sandin titutions Mso,d? mographi factors such as remoteness
ount for this decline in applicants .it W . according to Dr. Itulith
Piillev ite vicei hancellor for academic affairs and university
plant i
W has also raised theadmission requirements for next fall, which
might ho mother reason to account for this decrease, according to
Pulle Watts said clasNes wei l to be smaller for incoming
students .ind full time fa ult memhers would be tca hing them in
stead ol graduate students
USC rewrites stricter drug policy
rhe Office of Student Affairs at th I niversity of South Carolina
rewrote thi university " ;policv to conform to the stricter state and
federal go ei nment i i itions.
We would like for the students to know what the real work) is
like. Dennis i'tuitt, the vice president t studenl affairs, said It
approved, studentsi u II permanently suspended for trafficking, or
suspended and n I fi m campus for p ssession or use of drugs
Sttidents could also risk I m their scholarships.
To Your Health
Wellness Week activities to
explore many health issues
Bv Suzanne Kellerman
student Health Center, 757-4794
Do the lifestyles that you have today .it age 18 to 25 have any effect
on your health status in the future? Of course, and it is more likelj that
you will i ontinue with the same habits in your future.
here irei ertain health concerns that are
ticular cancer. This is the most
within the next four veats, Am
i .in will be granted the right u
I le attributed this sudden
hange in hiscountn s politics to
South Mrican President P W.
deKleck Dekleck's style ol go
i? than Botha
vcrall tol mself.
man ol deKlet k s . abinet
werememlx'i I tha's
? ler I i iron
At tl lusion ol the is
cussion, Wassels made the point
that he was not trying to defend an
imnistsvstem buttoenhancemass
understanding ol the South tn
v an situation; It is an issue that
many people feel strongly about
South African specialist and
ECl history professor Ken
Wylburn said thai he feels Was-
sels is an enlightened Afrikaner
who is serving .is .i public rela-
tions man for the go ernment 1
u i-m lu m giHid I iiv k with his gov-
ernment. However, the pillars ol
apartheid arc till there
1 i '
?? ? m
in mi n 1 tween the ages ol 20 -1"1 years old
exists. But it detected r.irlv
II i i urable am its
Six pen nit oi .ill
il cancers Most cases of invasive cervical
1 regular peh h and pap tests
hreasl i .nn rr. Ihe National
t. ti. it ien h mi to prat tice monthly
Taxes not incuJd Restrictions
apply One ways available
Work Study abroad programs Intl
FREE Student Travel Catalog
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common t
and tn it
i.mi ersin . mien .it
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Anothi r coi
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. ncancei i n for all of us It is the most common type oi
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i Diseaseontrol estimates thai one in every six
people lir sexually transmitted diseases and one in every 400 college
students are infected with HIV, the virus associated with AIDS. It you
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Condi mis
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Want to Irani more about these and other health issues that face us
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The East Carolinian, March 29, 1990 3
Research focuses on Hatter as
11. l i-ws Bureau
1 he easternmost tip ol North
olinaapr1 larteras isonecH
uth Atlantic seaboards most
jnizable places bid was it
i A .l s
bout -MX1 ears ago one o( the
outermost tips ol land along the
barrier islands known b .i
different name and may have been
miles .iw.u from the i ape Mat
is today .u cording to an 1 I
her w ho studies maps and
graphic hanges
Iirk maps ol the 1500s and
learlv ro. eal dramatic
t hanges on theHiter Hanks s.n s
I V Ri hard Stephenson a pro
iph and planning
nsonsavs the changes were
aused b storms that rearranged
itiori of the islands. In one
lands ma ha e moved
iivl the mainland b
u h .is l m rnili s
to fix the altitude
ide positions fornames
N t t harolina,
I i id-on v ith
? ; i ihn hxiano
?blado ape . ami i k,
- - d " idas rhe names
?: land that
( ape 1 latteras
i Ttes
t?j rers sav th
. . rtand
I ? aid
h larger
itureot the
time of
i ttlement was
hut a (
: ! mam ha e
i ailed i. ape Kenrick) to be that of
I latteras
By overlaying old maps onto a
ret ent one and using Roanoke Is
land as an "anchor" or map com-
parisons, Stephenson found
i. ape t latteras is approximately
40 miles south-southwest of me
oldape Kenrick. c !ape Kenrick is
no longer a cape hut has moved
inward about W" miles to form a
narrow strip of land between
c Jregon Inlet and Rodanthebehind
the shallows of Wimble Shoals
"The Cape Hatti-ras area was
a part of the hanks in 1590, but it
was m the location of 'Croatoan
he saul
It wasn t until sometime in
the 17th century thai Cape 1 lat-
teras. ,is we know it, was formed
or named he said
From the middle to the late
17th century a number of storms
frequented the eastern seaboard
Stephenson .iw One storm in
lr93 was so severe that a historian
wrote, It seemed to reverse the
order of nature ' Another histo-
rian reporting on the ston said
?ivers before navigable, were
stopped up and m i thers i ban
nets were opened that were never
before na igable
Roanoke Island has not
i hanged it position so mu. h as it
has hanged its sie and shape
said Stephenson who used the
I md as an anchor in i ompar
? - old 16th i en tun map w ith
i ontemporar versions.
Stephenson said thenorthend
ol thee-land, which is important to
in hae(lgists and historians be
i ause it was the site of the first
. donists has t hang I
dramatic alh
shoreline has n eded
years or about 20 feet a year said
Stephenson Me said the figures
compare favorably with more re-
cent studies of erosion rates
Taking the erosion rates into
account. Stephenson is not sur-
prised that archaeologist hae
begun to look towards the waters
of Roanoke Sound tor the location
ot the Tost Cofcmy" and "Fain
Fort ,i part ot the first English
attempts at establishing settle-
In 1585, alter an initial recon-
naissance in 1584, English colo-
nists attempted to establish a per-
manent settlement on Roanoke
Island. The settlement of 108 men
was abandoned after one yew
w hen the men hitched a rule ha. k
to England on board sir 1 rancis
1 'rake's ship
In 1587, a second colony was
attempted 1 his time there were
also women and children among
the oIon 1sts ohn White, who had
been appointed the governor, re-
turned to England tor more sup-
plies but the war with Spain post-
pone his return until 1 "0.
When bite arrived b.n k at
Roanoke Island the colonists had
vanished Their houses had been
dismantled but the palisade
around the settlemenl was still
standing hi a post at the right
side of entrance someone had
carved the name ROA I'AV
I he disappi arance of the ol
on has remained a mystery to
this dav, and our knowledgeol the
lei ahen of the i oast an the first
t;lish settlement is equally i b
scure, a. cording to Stephenson.
Surviving historical sources
preserves precious little concern-
ing onlv additional fragmented
later approximate!) 1 miles m 400 insight he said
Dinner has world-wide flavor
F.v Val I ouloumbadjian
Staff Writer
International 1 in
e I estival sponsored
' nt Asso
t I on March I m
rt ? ? ? ' ' '?
; m to
ild like to infi rm the
lit ires w ith
in intcrna-
? : will
? ??? : mg a vari-
: from
tl erlands,
: ,erman
I ilcd tot "l 2
; ? .1 b the
ilth and VVellness
? ? . h? v ellness lm
t foi tat i mployees
: H
? ? : - ital Rri
ll ! ilke
if and join
ill lular of
pril 2-Sj AM
ith I
? )? 12:15 on the
' ? .in front of the
, . 'i K i
' ? I , Volleyball
I here will be also a potdish from
Africa and samples of Middle
Eastern, Scandinavian and latin
?merii an f iod
( )n the list Of .ittr.k tionsat the
dinner, native dances will be per-
formed I suallv tfn'v have two
- three dances. f"his year we'll
have five to scien Bamasi said
l! presented ill be
from Costa Rica, Africa and Para-
.mi Entertainment will also m-
i hide Russian. ! uropean and
Arabic folk dam ing Professional
dancers, as well as students and
faculty, will be performing with
some dances requiring audience
parti, ipation.
In addition, booths w ill dis-
play information and brochures
ountriesfrom theme
( ontinued from page 2
ioutnament and Band on Klcr
I lill. benefits will be donated to
Rl Alrisist enter There will be
free food and door prizes, rosign
upall 7" itl v
Wednesday, April 4-
ROl ND l F. Health l air in
Memorial Gym, 11-5:30 p.m We
w ill he i he king bl Kd pressures
and cholesterol levels I here w ill
be free t. o.i and door prizes.
Wednesday, April 4 ( Al
EDYf NJ at the Attic. I he first
tot) people receive tree drink
hilggers 1 or additional inlorma
lion about the activities planned
tor the w eek, please contat I
Suzanne Kellerman at 757-6794.
continents 'We are trying to in-
(rease the. ommunity'sawareness
and encourage participation in
future international events
Bamasi said "We are trying to
she .? '? i ' wh if m being an inter-
nal student is all about,
About 100 to 200 people are
expected to attend the event Stu-
dents tickets are available for $5 at
the. entral ticket office at Menden-
hall centeral! othersare$7 50 1 ot
more information, call 757 4ss
C ontinued from page 1
lar to the one last vear
I Vake said he would also like
to see the Student I nion gel more
publkitv and more coverage on
campus I le said, The Student
I nion president was designed to
bca parallel totheSf ,A president.
bul a lot of people don't know
that f le said that the two offices
are b.isu all) of equal value in dif-
ferent areas
A resident of Greensboro,
NX Drake is majoring in psy-
chology and minoring in busi-
ness He said he wants to get a
master's degree and work in a
health related profession.
Before gettii g involved in
Student Union, Drake was presi-
dent of Scott Residence (Fill and
was involved m the Student Resi
dence Association.
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(Ufa ?a0t darnltntan Lessons from the big spill
Li ? ur,? ?i rontinues to sanction
DAVID 1 ERRING, Central Manager
Low Martin, Editor
TAKES F.J. McKee, Director of Advertising
Joseph 1 Jenkins r News Editor
MARC.l MORINj Asst. News Editor
Caroline Custom Features Editor
John TUCKER, Asst Features Editor
MlCHAR MaKI'IN, Syort EditOt
THOMAS H. Bakry VI, Asst. Sports Editor
CARRIE ARMSTRONG, Entertainment Editor
Scott Maxweli . Satire Editor
Phono. LUONG, Credit Manager
STUART Rosner, Business Manager
PAME1 a Cope, Ad Tech Supervisor
MATTHEW RlCHTER, Circulation Manager
Trao WEED, Production Manager
Steve Reid, Staff Illustrator
CHARLES WlLUNCHAM, Darkroom Technician
BETH LUPTON, Secretary
I he 1 ast Carolinian has been ser ing the Hast Carolina campus community since ll25. with primary emphasis on in-
formation most direct)) affecting ECU students. It is published twice weekly, with a circulation of 12,(XX). The East
t aiolmian reserves the ncht to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age, sex,
x reed or national origin. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ol view. F-or purposes of decency
and bro ilv. The East Carolinian reserves the nght to edit any letter for publication. I otters should bo sent to The East
Carolinian, Publications Hide. ECU,Greenville, NC, 27SU: or call us at (919) 77-o.Vvv
Pace 4, Thursday. hAarch 29, 1990
ECU needs alumni support!
ECU ma bo about to receive an ex-
treme blow from the N.C. 1 egislature as a
result ot the recent budget cuts.
lust as architects have reached the
inishing stages in the design ot a new
addition to the oyner Library, the legisla-
ture has announced that money allocated
for this project may be unavailable A sum
ol $7 million was to go to the design and be-
ginning construction of the library addition
tl would double the capacity lovner will
I tall behind in resources and technology if
the university is unalbe to go ahead with the
So what's the alternative? It's obvi-
ous the state has noway to avoid the budget
back Other universities have and will
- ontinue to suffer like ECU. North Carolina
State. I XX Ashevilleand IXC-Chapel Hill
are facing similar dilemmas in the area ol
construction and expansion.
(. )n t ha t note let's take a Umk a t C "hapel
1 Kill. In recent years the state's second larg-
est university has constructed the massive
Dean Dome and a facility to house the Ram's
Club. But these buildings weren't funded
b the state. Their construction was made
possible primarily through contributions
from alumni.
That's what ECU needs now' Alumni
support is more necessary now than ever, it
oyner is to provide students with thebooks
they need to get a quality education, and
I C L is to continue its mission and responsi-
bilty to provide students- with the chance to
cet that education.
his article
lo the editor
In m previous letter in tins
publication, I wrote about how
religion serves as a function of
authority on what to believe and
what not to believe in this coun-
try. 1 then suggested that perhaps
religious leaders did not corner
the market on truth, therefore we
should question our leaders on
their policies and the relation of
those policies to their professed
retigious convictions. George Bush
serves as an excel It nt example of a
politician who will use religious
issues and then co something
completely anti-Christian, like
invade a relatively defenseless
Banana Republic at Christmas
When I was providing ex-
amples of religiously motivated
military engagements, I used the
example of the entire history of
the Middle 1 ast " I would at this
time apologize tor making such
statements I chose the Middle Fast
because I believe people in Amer
M a v icw this area ol the world as
being completely controlled by
religious zealotry Fho belief sys-
tem i propagated is bigotry be-
To the Editor
cause it is based on incomplete
jn. Perhaps? should have
used the example ol European
historv as a place where religious
zealotry produced tar-reaching
social change. Throughout Euro-
pean historv, far-reaching social
change has coincided with reli-
gious change, and long-standing,
European institutions kept their
power by using religion as sup-
pression Nonetheless, lamdeeply
regretful it 1 haveoffendedanyone
with my remarks concerning the
Middle East.
Steve Semmers
hurts ECU
To thoeelitor:
I am a biologv major at this
fine institution ot higher learning
and 1 freelv admit that at first ECU'S
biology department was not mv
tirst choke. That was before I took
Botany 1070. In Botany a new world
was revealed, and 1 became more
encouraged that. Hey maybe this
was a credible place to get a degree
in biologv. I found out recently,
much to mv extreme disappoint-
ment, that Botany and Zoology will
be canceled after the fall. The en-
tire biology curricula has been re-
worked almost without any
communication between faculty
members and students. I have
heard that botany and zoology
will be combined. This, m mv
opinion, is definitely detrimental
to the students. Botany and Zool-
ogy are both essential to biology
majors, they are the foundation of
biology. Why is thischange going
on now, so suddenly?
The real question is: Should
students have anv influence on
the courses that they think are
pertinent to their field ot studv?
Another question is: Whose deci-
sion was this anyway? I person-
ally had planned to take more
botany having found myself
caught up in the enthusiasm of
mv professor and with a genuine
interest I never knew I had. The
real travesty is that not even
advisors know what is being of-
fered and what's obsolete A lot
of students, I'msure, havealready
signed up for these courses and
during the summer thev will
probably get a little note in the
mail saying that thev wll have to
change their schedules. What a
pain! Students should have input
in the planning process that takes
place, after all it is their education
and future FCU biologv students
be aware of these changes and
prepare tor them.
Keelie Sharp
Biologv Major
By Nathaniel Mead Columnist
Until a year ago last Saturday,
the beaches along Alaska's Prince
William Sound were among the
few places in the United States
w here you could feel Iikevou were
the first person who had ever been
there. Today, the coastline oi that
area reeks of oil, and m.inv oi the
beaches are littered with the oil-
soaked carcasses of otters and
waterfowl. Biologists from the
University of Washington say the
entire habitat has been irrevoca-
bly altered bv what was appar-
ently the worst oil spill in historv.
To be sure, Prince William
Sound looks a lot bettertoday than
it did in the months after the Exxon
Valdez supertanker spilled 11
million gallons ot oil in the water.
The water is blue again, and most
of the beaches are no longer cov-
ered with thick mats of oil. But
appearances can be deceiving. To
begin with, some oi the oil col-
lected in coves and inlets which
were difficult for Exxon's rescue
crews to access. At the Bay oi Isles,
for example, oil has formed a vast
swamp with blackened banks,
bringing relentless death to Otters
andseabirds. In many places shel-
tered from wind and waves
Mother Nature's usual way ot
purging human effluence the
oil has turned to a black crust on
rocks and gravel.
Ironically, Exxon's cleanup
efforts have themselves exacted a
heavy toll on the natural environ-
ment, rhe emergency crews work-
ing tor Exxon left hterallv tons ot
trash from their cleanup endeav-
ors strewn along miles ol shore-
line. In fact there's so much trash
that state officials are now calling
it a second spill 1 ?cxon and state
officials are present!) considering
hundreds ot proposals tor other
commerical cleanup operations,
from chemical detergents to oil-
eating bacteria. But most ot these
options have been jettisoned be-
cause they either inadequate or
potentially more harmful to the
But the problem of cleaning
up oil in a clean way is miniscute
compared totheoily reality which
persists for an estimated I20miles
of Alaskan shoreline. (The origi-
nal area affected was over 330
miles long.) The first due is a dead
giveaway: the unmistakable smell
of oil and gasoline in the air along
much ol the shoreline. The next
clue comes from digging down
into the sand) rov. ky surface, lust
.i tew in hes below thesurface, the
gravel turns black, and a rainbow-
colored oily sheen floats on water
seeping into the hole. Evidently
Exxon's cleanup efforts only
scraped the surface; to have taken
all the oil would have been a gar-
gantuan technological feat one
that would have involved digging
up most ot the coastline around
the sound.
This "underground oil
which has soaked as much as two
feet oi the ground along main
beaches, is now the primary eco-
logical concern. Recent studies
show that the in lsible menace is
slowly bleeding out of at least 300
beaches in and around Prince
William Sound, liven many of the
areas which Exxon claims have
been unaffected by the spill are in
fact seriously tainted one has
only todigupa patch of ground to
find the black slime below. The
situation is analogous to a toxic
landfill that hasboen covered over
w ith dirt and gravel: the menace is
hidden from view, which makes it
all the more dangerous.
Geochemists sav the insidi-
ous bleeding of subsurface oil
could go on for a very time. If
these toxic deposits persist as
predicted, they may eventually
leach into the food chain, putting
not only animals but also humans
at risk. Fish and shellfish exposed
to the spill ? some of which sank
to the bottom of the Sound ? may
carry oil compounds in their or-
gans and flesh If the oil-tainted
fish are harvested from fouled
waters bv native Alaskan fisher-
men, who relv on seafood for 80
percent oi their dietary protein,
these people will be at increased
risk of cancer or various organ
diseases. FDA officials sav the fish
should be okav if it smells, looks
and tastes all right, but no one
knows the true pa ra meters of food-
borne, oil-related toxicity.
"The Big One as some envi-
ronmentalists now call it, spelled
death and suffering to untold
numbers of birds and sea otters.
The death toll for waterfowl is
estimated by some scientists of
the Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDO at upwards of
80,000! The sea otter population,
estimated at between h.tXX) and
10,000 before the spill, was cut by
one-half. Thousands of seals and
doens ot whales may also have
been killed by the spill, though
actual numbers are unknown
because the affected animals sink
to the bottom and the effects may
be more gradual than seen in the
smaller marine mammals
But the hardest hit species
ironically for the United States ?
was the bald eagle. At least 1 30 of
these great birds have already
perished. And because of their
position in the food chain, main
eagles are still succumbing to
toxins in the tish thev scavenge off
the shoreline One scientist at an
Exxon-financed rescue center told
the NRDC that between 1500 and
2300 are expected to die from the
accident. The oil, once ingested,
causes damage to the eagles' kid-
neys and h er Additionalh ,oik e
stained with oil, which fouls their
nests, the adult eagles abandon
their eggs. VS. I ish and Wildlife
patrols say that most cables nest
in the area are now empty. It may
be tust as well: biologists sav there
mav bo a "DDT effect" an oil-
induced softening o( the eggs ?
resulting in death oi the eagle
Cleaning I p Our Act
rhough most of the ecological
focus ot the Exxon Vaidese trag-
edy was on the marine eco-sys-
tem, the spill itselt was only a
symptom ol a larger problem
threatening wildlife on a much
grander stale I ess than a year
before the spill, the federal Fish
and Wildlife Service reported that
hundreds ot acres ol Alaskan
tundra around Prudhoe Bay (the
source of the oil sent bv pipeline to
Port Valdez) had been blackened
by chemical spills and oil seeping
from the pads oi drilling rigs.
Before the oil companies arrived.
Prudhoe Bay was a pristine wil-
derness sanctuary for bear, deer,
caribou,Otters, and more than 1t)
kindsof birds. Now theentire area
has been transformed into an
ecological disaster area, and oil
executives a re already seeking out
more wilderness areas for plun-
der. The oil industry is destroying
Alaska as much bv land as it is bv
Ever since the Nixon era, the
U.S. government has catered
strongly to the wishes of Big Oil.
Thus far President Bush has failed
to press for the conservation
measures and energy taxes that
would ease our dependence on
overseas oil. Instead, the admini-
stration continues to sanction the
exploitation of one of the last
remaining wildernesses on the
North American continent It is a
bad bargain, however; even bv
the most optimistic estimates, th.
area will never produce enough
oil to make it worth the environ
mental risks. At this very moment,
Alaskan wilderness is being irre-
versibly altered by the petroleum
So what are we to do7 Many
people have destroyed their Exxon
credit cards, and some have cho-
sen to not buv gas from Exxon. But
if you bovcott Exxon, why
shouldn't vou bovcott all the
companiesaffhated with Alveska ?
Boycotting the entire consortium
would be quite a tnck for those
who drive regularly Moreover
as one writer for (ireenpeace put
it, a tinv dent in Exxon's massive
profits($88 billion gross revenues
last year!) means nothing if it
doesn't help wean the nation from
its addiction to oil. Savs biologist
Barry Commoner, director ot th
Center for the Biologv of Natural
Systems at Queensollege, V
York, "We don't want to just boy-
cott Exxon, we want to put th n
all out of business (Greenpt .
InkAug. 1989).
But to put the oil industry i ut
of business, we need to stop -
porting it. Hence the real blame
rests with the American poo;
who, including myself, suppi rl
Big Oil primarily by drivii
American cars. The i S burns far
more oil on average than m. si
other industrialized nations We
comprise only percent ol tl
world's population yet usea quar-
ter of the world's tossil fuel n
serves And the effects on tl ?
environment are nothing to
proud ot rheoilaboard th Ex ?
Valdez, had it not been dun
prematurely, would hav
eluded itsuseful lifebefouling! ?
airand eventually the entire plai I
in the form ol acid rain and erf i
house gases
Here, finally, is the biggest
threat to the environment: oil is
among the primary causes ol
. Greenhpii5QEject, wjjfchappi.
to be the basic driving force be-
hind a global climate crisis that
could lead to global famine within
a decade or two. In the final analy-
sis then, the fossil fuel era must
end tor ecological reasons tar in I
extensive than concern coastal
habitat. The message of the E k n
Valdez is that our ongoing reli-
ance on oil is sheer tolh . Bevond
saving Alaska, the real chalk i
will he to wean ourselves from
altogether to prevent the fossil
fuel industry s wreaking havocon
a global scale.
1 hank tul I v , thereare far saner
alternatives v. ithinreach. rhetime
is ripe tor wise, sustainable use of
natural resources for making a
speedy transition to renewable.
environmentally sate energy
sources such as the wind, water,
and solar power. The U.S. govern-
ment should restore funds for
energy conserve non and research
for development of renewable
energy. Fither it's wise use or no
use! Meanwhile, Congress should
immediately prohibit any further
expansion of oil operations in
unprotected wilderness areas and
add remaining areas to the Na-
tional Wilderness System to pre-
vent further pillage. We owe it to
future generations to begin meet
ing thesc challenges without fur-
ther delay. Write to vourcongress
men and senators. Unless the
public outcry is massive and sus-
tained, we will remain a nation
drunk on oil ? and acquiescent to
global suicide
To the Editor
To the editor:
The editorial column by
Nathaniel Mead entitled, "Nuclear
Industry's Darkest Side raised,
within me, feelings of nostalgia. It
reminded me of the sort of state-
ments I grew accustomed to in the
'60s. Unfortunately, then, as now,
truth suffers so that emotions can
reign. It is doubtful that any of the
supposed facts given in this ar-
ticle carry any scientific validity.
There are certainly individuals
that will make such claims; and
some of these may be described as
scientists, but the scientific com-
munity would not endorse these
claims. I would, in particular, point
out that Dr. Steinglass has little, or
no,credibility within the scientific
Further, without question, we
are headed for a power shortage
in the not distant future Those
that complain about nuclear
power, also object to oil (spills)
and coal (environmental eiestruc-
tion. acid rain, etc.). Some will cite
solar energy as our salvation. Asa
member of the International Solar
Energy Society for 15 years, and
one who has actively engaged in
research in this field, let me say
that such a belief is a foolish fancy
Now we have hard choices in front
of us, for me, nuclear power is, by
far, the most benign choice avail-
able. It has its risks, but all choices,
including, incidently, solar, have
at least similar risks. You cannot
genera te la rge sea le energy. by anv
means, without paving a cost,
some of which will be in human
life. Conservation, to a limited
extent, is an exception, but, except
in marginal cases, it will not be
embraced by our society. This is a
senous issue which we arc ignor-
ing. Because he calls attention to
it, I thank Mr. Mead.
Carl G. Adler
Department of Physics

Page 5
State and Nation
March 29,1990
Soviet soldiers seize 23
Lithuanian army deserters
11.Ml S. U.S.S.R. (AP)
Soviet soldiers stormed two hos-
pitals Wednesday to seize at least
231 ithuanian arm) dosertersand
lei: behind a trail of blotxl in the
first violent action bv Moscow
since 1 ithuania declared inde-
Ihev beat them with their
lists s.nd ,i duty nurse at a psv
chiatru hospital where windows
and iron beds were broken in the
predawn raid
1 ithuanian President
Vytautas I andshergis said he
feared it v ,ulJ presage a full-scale
rackdown on the Baltic republic,
whose Parliament voted to secede
Manh 11
It is obvious that the Soviet
armed forces have been given
permission to use violence
1 andsbcrgis said
About l 000 opponents of
Lithuania's independence drive
attended a Vilnius rallythat
Landsbergis had warned might
turn violent and serve as Most OW s
? ? nti i vene
Scviet militarv helicopter
dropped leaflets 'n Monday urg-
ing people toattend Wednesday's
rally. 1 he rally lasted less than an
hour and remained peaceful
pn lid not even trespass
on the grass in the middle of the
square near the parliament build
irtg. Inside, parliament officials,
convinced that the crowd might
tr to storm the building, had
rolled out tire hoses to repe! at-
nail, the official Soviet news
agenc) I ss said troops seized 23
deserters in two hospitals.
Rita Dapkus, spokeswoman
? r 'be ! ithuanian bureau of In
formation, said Soviet troops beat
12 Lithuanian deserters "and the
militiamen who came to defend
them at the psvehiatnc hospital
before taking the deserters away.
She said the hospi-
tal escaped
A trail of blood led down the
hospital steps and out the tront
door. There were no reports on
the extent ot injuries. Lithuanians
have fled the Red Armv. complain
ing ot beatings and other abuse
since their republic took moves to
leave the Soviet Union.
Soviet troops also took over
the republic's showcase Commu
nist Party headquarters Wednes-
day, making it thefifth party build-
ing to be seized since Sund tv in
Moscow'sbid to assert sovereignty
in the republic.
Speaking to reporters
Wednesday, 1 andsbergis de-
nounced the open acts of ae,gres-
suin" and accused Soviet authori-
ties of fabricating storiesoi provo-
cation to justify the use of force.
Lithuania's Communists
broke with Moscow in I ember,
but a pro-Soviet minority in the
party has tried to rally against the
pro-independence majority.
Until the weekend, Moscow
had tried to intimidate the I ithu
anians with non-violent tactics.
The Kremlin paraded tanks
through the capital and ordered
1 ithuanians to surrender firearms
and not to attempt a takeover of
Soviet controlled enterprises
The ! ithuanians did not
budge and Soviet troops began
seizingommunist Party build-
ings. In official media, the Krem-
lin portrayed the small peaceful
republic as being in a state ot
anarchv and accused its leaders ot
planning to jail opponents of in-
Moscow had warned that
Lithuanian soldiers not returning
to barracks bv last Saturday would
be arrested. Lithuania contends
the youths were illegally dratted
into an armv ot occupation.
The Soviet Union forcibly
annexed Lithuania in 1940 along
with tin- two other Baltic repub-
lics ol Estonia and Latvia, where
pro independence movements are
also strong but more cautiously
working toward a break with
Teens are big spenders
Teen-agers spent $71 Diliion last year. Females
spent an average $55.50 a week, while males
spent an average $48.80 a week.
Avg. spent per
1 ? 12 year-olds are traditionally included in teen studies
Source:Teenage Research Unlimiteds survey of 2.110 people aged 12-19
Sam Ward. Gannett News Service
Huehes testifies in East case
Navy doctor who was Congress'
top physician in the mid-1980s
repeatedly tailed to conduct the
medical tests that would have
detected Sen ohn East's severe
thvroid problem, a Washington
doctor testified.
The testimony ot the doctor.
ohn Hughes, Monday high
lighted the sixth day of Priscilla
cused on medical matters, The
News .i:J bsen ei ot Raleigh re
ported. The chief question is
whether Navy doctors were un-
reasonably tardy in detecting
Fast's thyroid problem.
Lectors diagnosed his hypo-
thyroidism a condition in which
the thyroid insufficiently regulates
bod v metabolism onlyafterEast
lasts wrongful-death lawsuit entered the hospital in 1985, suf-
against the federal government.
?she contends the delay in diag
nosing her husband's hypothy
roidism lev) to the senator's sui-
cide at theirC .nvnville.N vhome
m 1986
In testimony that was alter
rtatelv tearful and testy, Mrs East
occupied the witness chair tor the
first four day sot thenon-jun tnat
Since then the testimony has to
fering trom delusions and dison
entation. The senator first com-
plained i a fatigue and depression,
two symptoms -t the disease, in
Hughes, a private physician
tor 33 years, testified that doctors
should have discovered the con-
dition niuch sooner.Given hast s
symptoms in April 1983, when he
began seeing Dr FreemanCary
a a doctor who served as
Congress' attending physician ?
a reasonable internist would have
ordered a simple, inexpensive test
tor hypothyroidism, Hughes tes-
Sm h tests, he said, could have
been in hided in routine lab work
done on blood samples. "It's just a
matter of checking it off on your
laboratory list he said
1 iughes,an expert witness tor
Mrs East, repeatedly said that
Cary had violated the "standard
ot care" that reasonably would be
expected ot a doctor in his situ-
ation. 1 le said c. ary had tailed to
conduct a thorough examination
of the senator in I983,and tailed to
conduct follow-up tests to explain
the senator's elevated liver en-
mes, heart-pattern changes and
other symptoms that might have
suggested hypothyroidism.
N.C. train
for first run
state Board of Transportation
needs to approve about SL65
million in funding before The
Carolinian can make its maiden
run from Rocky Mount to Char-
lotte on May 11, C.ov. )im Martin
The passenger train spon-
sored bv the state and Amtrak is
being brought back after a five-
year absence.
Martin, who will be conduc-
toron the first run, announced the
start-up date in a letter to board
members and advised the board
to approve funding tor the train at
its next meeting in Duck on April
6, the Greensboro .Vcu's & Rcci r.i
reported Tuesday.
The first run of The Carolin-
ian would be for state YILs. in-
cluding the governor and local
dignitaries Service for paying
passengers would start the next
dav from Charlotte, the train's
originating point.
From Charlotte, The Carolin-
ian would make stops in oncord,
Kannapotis, Salisbury, High Point,
(.reensboro, Burlington, Durham.
Raleigh, Selma, Wilson and Rocky
Mount The train would connect
each dav in Rocky Mount with
Amtrak s Palmetto passenger
tram, which runs between New
York and Florida. An exact time-
table hasn t been worked out
In addition to the state's cost
oi operating the train. Amtrak
would put up about $80 ? to
run the train through fiscal 1990-
The Caroli n la n represen t s t he
return oi a tram that ran tor IQ
months in l.M and 1985.
We Want You!
The Stampede'
Monday. April 2
1.5 mile Wellness Walk with ECU Celebrities
Begin and end on the campus mall
Meet at 1? 15pm
Refreshments and Prizes
Wear comfortable shoes and clothing
Beach Volleyball Tourney raising funds for
M 8 00PM on College Hill Courts
; :ve music and Refreshments
for team sign-up and details call 757 6387
Recreational Services or stop by 204
Memorial Gymnasium
'Moo-ving Experiences'
Tuesday. April 3
The Round-Up'
Wednesday. April 4
Health Fair
11 00am 5 30pm in Memorial Gymnasium
Health Screenings Cholesterol (S3 50), Glaucoma.
Glucose. Blood Pressure. Heightweight, visual
acuity, fitness testing, educational exhibits,
demonstrations, door prizes and refreshments
w 4 - J?3 1 1
1 j? wl5
iSrtt,15 iSFll
Practice your stress management by
relaxing at the Attic's "Comedy Zone"
with comedians Max Bokelli and Scott
Steehn First 100 people through the
door receive a drink hugger Doors
open at 9 00pm Proceeds go to
University Wellness Projects
The Cow-medy Zone'
Wednesday. April 4
Co sponsored hy The Student Health A Wellness Committee, Wellness Improvement for State
Employees Committee, Student Health Center A ECO R?x-rentnnpl Services
for additional information call Suzanne Kellerman at 757-6794 or Kathy Hill at 757 6387
To Be A Part Of
East Carolina's Pirate Athletic Team of
Tryouts will be held April 2 - 10
From 5:00pm until 7:00pm
Outside in Front of Minges Coliseum,
(Near Kicklen Stadium) For More Information,
Call ECU Cheerleading Coach Peggv Smith at
photo provided by Rod Compton

Page 6
Bhc Saat (flarolintatt
March 29, c'
in Ull KM M Mil IMS siu I
? .? l' . ? .
,? phcri (5 Side
? ,?. pi H ??-
I M OVE1 I I s
Rivet Apt A lil il '?
, rmdition jusl moved in i
rent SW plus $"?) dq
the m reased rent Ini '? ' d
? . , , . -I ?? Minmii i an I fall
bedroom .ip' (own bed
I Mtt.l M l!IPKxM MM .ir l1" month pin-
rntrai ail and deposit 1 ookinc, I i ?
pus 'fun' apts tnr
ik . - rt "?2-8 'I i
i all "? ?) il
needs 1 roin 2hath l?'f moirin! ?
r both summer and ask lot I ctgh nr.
?. 00 pm 7 ?:
HI PHt 'i M
i it r name and nutn
WAN II P lor ,i Iwo bed
room Iwo lull bath hi
iirn i "t Ifh I I- '? ? ? ?
urn and , u ? ? "
1 utilities Need) II
d now! Off ?
? ? i i
i ' i i" i.i metsacc
1,1 PK M 'M M'Mi IMI I
Ira ill
. 111
. ? ?
MM IDK KIM ? ? N droom com
W 1 I P p li f I
I'i'dloi ill ? " '
Located in RinggoU Ncres Renl 51 ?1 Oai
liter i p m
and 1 ; utilities h i .
cated I block? from earni
nisri c i ssii u us
this test.
1 ooking for .i job v.uh groat
pay and commissions?
w nh flexible hours?
Offering valuable training and
business experience?
interested in free use oi a
personal computer?
iv ou a Sophomore of
Full I ime Student?
Computer familiar?
w ith al least a H average?
It all your answers arc yes
you've made the grade! Man-
power needs ou as a
col I i ?( ;i a 11 REP to
promote the sales ol the IBM
Personal Systcm2 on cam-
pus For experience that pays
(.all today
M i! powci Temporary Service
7M J300
A for Michelle
r suniir,
? I I Pi '? I
(10 m
!((( 'MM I I M I PI I
DISP1 AN1 Ass il ns
Eggfi Pregnancj
Ml 8:30 - 4:00 p.m
Sal 10 l p in
Triangle Women's
i Km I tli Center
H K S l I
P1R Ml KIPC Pli II KIPI ' ? ' '
t forget I ? f n -
I ?? I I ? i n ! I- ? ifei ??
? ? I ' m t i-i Dorm I rn n i I ? mal
t )V (. s K is vV. offer f .
?. ? We also -Ml
of I wan ? omi ' i ? ' ' ' ?' '
irantci 11 pn i iper up to 201 it :
; , ? Profi i omj '
. ; v , . , I ?.? beside Cubhu
i 1.1 n ille, S ' ?
I lI M MP Rl ? It'll MS
? . . ? ? V ?
write 1 in.ii" ial id Bo
? ?
Rl si Ml HI I P We II help desi
pose, i orrei t upd itc ind pe y m ri
all i at "? r Carrie al
III ni(. FOR FUROPI nils
SL'MMFR? let thei f
NYC for SIM ???"h A1K111 i1
Tied in I onsui I
?. ? . rdeta ill A
St K 1( I s () I I KI 1 )
I isM i I ss I )S
l s I Nt.l M BR( 'I III R StS 1 I R
N's M SS IH s (s -
? , fr C.i
md bikn ? ?
; . '
???? . ?? ??.?

? ? ' Kee-Na
? NI
Horsei ? - " ' :
PAR I I1MI Hill"
?-? ? ? ' . . n pi
The 'enter For Student
(ppoi'(unites l)i ision of
Health Sciences
1 I ! I III illl.l I III Llsll
Supporting ilic Ptchcahh and
1 k'alih Profc ksion Students
thn I
. S c rv ic cs
Reading 1 earning Skills
In si an lion
leinic 1 ions
Sunn igram F;or
FutUI ! ' ? Ids
i ? i i
M ? Jat queline Haw kit s
( . F Health C treers
(III, N ' v r
I U Mt 'M "i I ROM lit 'Ml
. : ? . I ?' ? ?
i , i I I 1.1 STUDENTS - It t HI Ks
p i s t .1 19-45
vhile on wait
I ree & (lonfidential
Sei v ices &ounseling
Carolina Pregnancyenterj
757 0003 '
III R. St.
i he Lee Building
Green ille. NC
Ml- l) am 5 pm
Now ! ill tvpes of summer
positions Make i lot
spend the entire summer on the
Gra I Stra I M ts o ti best s :
of; i life I ?? omplete li
p ' ? - r. ail ? ? 'nd t h? k oi
M i lol S9 M ? Myrtl B
i i; ? 11 ? (X)3, M) Bon
18813. Grc nsboro. NC .N" I s
. i I i! I 1. t'l At i
? M ! m 2 Bl !?:( m 'Ns ?
2899 E. 5lh Street
? ? I I ?; - ? i
la - r Api
? Located Near I I
? Ntiir Major Shoppinginters
? I-I It us Serv ke
? Onsite I .iunilr
. IT.? I ? . j.
75?7SI5 or 75S "4K.
? AAI EA iKDt ss .
l f S .N'11.1' II I .????? ' -? V ? mu a't
-i ? ? r I ? d M ? ? t.i: ?? r. v - ? .
S t rTK?iffi iMBlllMM
Mi.HI I I II. MI HI VI l V Ap?n. ( .
A 11 t,n1lt? ?! il" ?? 1. I BMKf) l Is
I Wtm I I Vk 1,??. ? ?.
99 Hi - Halls
99 Memberships
F.N. Wolf & Co Inc
Investment Bankers
V. .si .i full service Investment linn expanding and lix.king for entry
i ' v v iMnii l Kccutives.
W? .ii conducting one on one interviews at the;
Kamada Inn
M3 W. Greenville Blvd
Saturday, March 31
lor an interview time please call;
Greg Pipei , . George Hubbard
1800-537-2190 R.S.V.P. 1-804-498-1100
Raleigh, N Virginia Beach . Va
? ? ?
?? 1
Hit M riSM St KTKTYOFNt(Kit t 1 MM??N IK Kits
?. ?

. 't 1 ? ?


?. ? .ll M.L CREEKS: t n - ?
11 i s SI MMI i: ?' Hi " 'lS 1 I?
1 t 1 s Have that? - : ?
for M'
lor part IIII KI (.? . 1
-Id is nil I II I SPRINfi BRI K
I "s ? i I luck al
st MMI l ' s ' :
ir alumi
I'k I i IRM M
I K I I i ? I s
I I I '
In ;spi '? ?!
1 I M ' .
Ml t . K I I K ?
I I M M I H K I I PI Ks l i M I
' s i j. ,d ? '
? ?
i KI I K-
I MKP l Ml MM'I l
sic;m pi
lim 3 Games Get One FREE
I arge Selection ol Bookbags,
I ra ol Bags ? i essories
Si Is. j ;
We Repair
t Ul lsl 1 IM OPENTNtJS
? Kind A lummei '?? is i il S30
per week Steward, Social Directors,
loui Guidei, Gift h. j?hirrs. ? Both
! m I unsktll pe v ? net fed. Ci
(719) lot" ? fMO
We arc growing and expanding and we might be looking
for a person just like you to enter our training program.
3209 Summerplace
New 1 and 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Parker's Barbecue on
Memorial Drive
? available April 1. 1(()
contact Aaron Spain
? i V.iy ft ntprfpjr,Qn n (J 3
t3E 800 351 0222
ECU Hioloj4 Club
Thursday, April 5
Friday, April 6
7:30am-1:00pm al the
Biologj Greenhouse
Room S - 111
Qbjective: Fundraiser
(jnnmitment: Minimal
Money: Raise $1,400
Cost: Zero Investment
Campus organiationss, clubs, frats, sororities call
OCMC: 1(800)932-0528 K800)950-X472,ext 10
"OLDlLS-GLDltSL' PAN?E f1" hKht h"p d "? "h jr f
?? rSEANCwiUbesptmsor- well asa pr for i.u-KM P.Hiplc
IMM C4dl?.GoWl? P.nco.onSoiur- reprn'ingea.hora rKkNlr htn
A M 1990, a. the Greenville "? '??? J"d ? ' (H,uvi b
, . ; a,?, , rv, , m contacting Ptgg) Nobles Main Campus
' 'nlP m k P ?" rTrr, L (?01?. David itakh. School ol Medicine
with j PI featuring the music from vv J
SKI 'NV, jih! '70s Hire will he Jr i . inn .? I' J umiIh ? t mimit- Tuacuy! April m, M F II Avcock Ir High tor .ill volunteers who are Inti ri ii
"?riet liKht hors d'oevres. and i ?sh bar .is lee School in Greenville (rain date, Thursday, hlpmg Free lunches in t shirts wi
he IWOGreenvtlle Pitt County Special
totni, iaviu iwitii, uni'i'i wi MiuHiut-
(551-2471). or anv mcmN-r of the District Olvmpic Spring' ini.s willheheldon
vjlsci.l, l'iii 11 .ii : i ,tv?viv u ii .in nnuiiwcii ?ir uiv mi. n n?tj III
School in Greenville (rain date, Thursday. helping Free lunettes in t shirts will be
April 12V Volunteers are needed to help provided the day ot the games to .ill vol
serve as buddieschaperones for the Special unteers who attended this orientation
OlvmpiansA'olunteersmustbeableto work session For more tntorm.ition contact the
all day from sOOa m -2 (Xi p m Anonenta- Special Olympics office 830-4551 or 830-
tion meeting will K' held 0(1 Wed April 4, in 4M1
Old lovner Library, Room 221 .it S 00 p m
The Finannal Management ?IX tlltltJSI is
giving yen the opportunity to trv tour
rucll at preduting the Dm? lone Indus
trial ver.ige on April 2" Contact mj
See Announcements, page 7

I he hast Carolinian. March 29, 1WQ 7
Continued from page 6
i I C MI I Kl I m Ks
(. wim mi nil
Motut.l ; -r i

i .ill
ind (.ill I m
? ' . i i
? i i
;i . iiih
mum Senioi Recital (March Jl, 1 5 p m ,
? i ii net Ro 11.ill free) o nne
Hull- and Grace Qh, voice Senior
KocitaKMarch 'I 7:00 p.m Flctchoi Re
. iiI I l.iil free) Lawrence Goering organ,
'riiii'i Recital (April l 1.15 pm Iirst
I'rvsbvtenan Church1, Woodwind
hei Mumi Concerl (April 2. 7:00 p.m
Fletcher Recital Hall tt DIAI 757-4370
t i m i i k
vou had a tun and safe spring
(H s (. (. k
I i I S 111 ' l Ol Ml sit
? ?its ou signed .i pledge not to drink
.in drive and won .1 free V shirt, .Ion t
I or get to i me to the office I Substance
"?? vention and Edu ation 303
I l.ill to pick up our shirt I hink
about v tting invi ' l with HAHUS
neet each Tu at 4OOp m in 307
hum I III
I I Ml
ueol adull children of alcoholics is
ming more rei ognized today on col
impuses II ?? out life has been .ii
Ii i ? i?: I i? . ? ? . haingheenraised
i ? ?? ? . nvironmenl where alcohol
11 ? .? notion behaviors were pres
. nl Rig Kids, ma) be the group for you
"he new meeting will be held each
Wednesday .it 8:00 p.m . m 2-12 Menden
itudent Center F r more information
contact Office ol Substance M
vention and Education '03 Frwin 11,ill
757 '?
Ml SK I EM, C Al IO W( )KK
( limcian loan Freiz, ill pr fhe
' omprehensi r lassri ?. m V . ??
gram Sequent ing for Succi
10 M '1 rida) ft 1 p m and Sal n la I t
I' m i This workshop ;? bi ing
by I Kincan Mini l ? ? l luill i I
Schools, and the 1'iedmonl
' haptersof the Ami ricanOrll
V 1 he r k sh ip I
by the of N for i me o thti
renewal . i. .lit 1 ot more infoi ii
contact 94;
Hill, and "82 2453 m Raleigh
ECU i w sot ii n
ECU I aw Society will be ha
April 2 Anyone inti ? iv attend
Important meeting'
PhiSigma Pi Nat ' I lonoi i rati mil
like to ci mgi itulate their i i " ? ?
n t. t i.i I tkew ' ' ?
I layman, k and ce Hernd il
Kauffman Michael James Mean
ke Patbe, Edith Smith ame
Bonnie Ward lood 1 uk'
rsi c hi
Chi mi mbers We need
"in i. tpries For w hat' 1 In- Psi
i hi booth .it Barefoot on si Mall (t
? edM ? ml h 11 isaShcpard (75 14
iilbo in R I "4
I'm Ch April 5at ft p m in Raw!
i ! N iu ing Psy hologv and fun
???? 2 and in ittitude fi t
I turn Nil mi mbers ire em i it n iged
I greek servio eadei
?? . hartt ;? d on
?? at 7 M p mi , Mendenhall Sru
? , ? ? m 21S. Picl
; ? irms from lean ' arson at
' ' n i ,m i ' ?" 6000) r call
i cddie .it ? 1,
e for returning ippli i
. .
it (,i t oi uoii VQT-
? men V oters of Ireen
?. and th Pi tt i
? ioi ?. ? are pre
? ? ? ? i fact filled edui ational forum on
, ? ? lesandfi ?.l safetv 'Pestii ides and
md the Uh ti r: will
da April .it 7 to y m
it ? Will Building, First and Reade
? i ???? ?. lie Three speakers, experts
TAKE AN "? ? ? O
Musi presenl at time f pui ;i is
Nol valid with any othei offei
Famous brand shoes at affordable prices
1st Annual All - Fraternity
Billiards Tournament
1st Prize $75.00
2nd Prize $50.00
3rd Prize $25.00

Entry Fee
April 3 - 5, 1990
at the Sportspad
Sponsored bj Sigma Phi I psilon For Information Call 757-0305
What Makes
K&W Cafeteria
ECU'S Favorite Cafeteria?
V Great Food ill ?ui dishes and bakery goods are made from
itch, nol from shorl cuts and mixes. It's freshly cooked throughout the
?al and "Seasoned just
V Honest Value
tionesi aiue at reasonable prices and plenty
? it At K&W, vah. has be n the bash policy for 35 years and will
. ontinue to be the p er.
y Customer Service Uloui cafeterias are staffed to insure
fast, courteous st n ict n n ;? ??? iting times At K&W, the custom
is always -1
ki Volume Feeding K&W's great food value comes directly
from its customer volume. Even though we have the highest customer
!iln?u per cafetei f any cafeteria company in the 1 'nited States, we
arc committed I th personal tout h to each customer.
i?a ?
v Pleasant Surroundings Dining room decor and
atmosphen ompliments K&W's honest food value to give you a
pleasant, leisurely dining experience.
At K&W, we only know how to serve great food, and give honest value
to the people we serve our customers. Id us this is the basics of being
a cafeteria, and we've never left the basics.
Mod Ihuis ll:OOa.m2:30p.ra. 4:00 p.m8:00 p.m
Carolina East Mall Memorial Drive Ff. S)( ,H) a m .8 30 p.m Sun 11 00 am-800 p.m
1 ni. K&W 's in Wilson, KiKk Mount Ookbboro, havettcville. and 1? other ItKations in
North Carolina. Virginia, jnd South Carolina
m thir fields illbt'l II
H'li bctwn n I i panel of
l.irm. i ? ' . ? : i
.iK. al ti; with ral
publn !)i '? . . III ? ng will boon
t.i' t .h.irinj in ttn- I i ? . I "
pnbli. . ? ?! ? II il ?. 1r more
infi irmatioi ? at 830
ic U i M ROSS!
1 i n ? i ? ?? i rat ? ? ? ? i ? rgi
Washington I : mmg
Sunday, April I at the ; ilth 1 u Id
in front of the ? i he I rst 100
t.ins will r? ? iv ? i " ? ? rati La nsse
pri igram
lr Robin B Ban ? rof
.it t,i uts. ? I i ill ge, ? ? ? i public
!c. turcon 11 i topu ?? - .?
ion in Sixteenth ? ??? try Ceri
I ucsday, April . at 7 y n ral
( ollege i lassroom ! i Idu g (E I Main
Campus), Room 100 tun 11 be
; ? red eta, the
i listoi. ? ? ity. and the Mi Jieval
and Renaissance Studios ?? 1'ro
tsr Baltics, .i r.i : . ??? ' i Iby Col
lege. r. ? ;fd his Ph.D. from the Univei
?. ? ? ?? : author of Prop!
ocv and Gi j
VVake of the Lutheran I tai
ford L'i ?? ? ?? I ?
Greenville, We Cant
Thank You Enough.
Our staff and Board of Directors thank you. You re the reason
for our banks success and we intend to keep up the good work.
Greenville Banks, Jr.
Dr. Diane . Campbell
Mhkiel A Cobmbo
Sffetuer L osby, Jr.
Sud W. Diotu-Directr.
Neic Ltsf Bittti. ol Gntnvilk,
New East Biuuf
Joseph i. tank
Griff Garner
Robert S. Griffin
Dr. Ira M .Hardy 11
Dr. Wiley E. Hmes. Sr.
JohnL Hmoard-Direda
New Eosi Bancorp
Dr. William ?. LaupiK-Diredor,
Sew East t3iitu.irp
Don C. McGiohm Si
jerry Powell-President ami CEi ),
New East Bank of Grrenvu
UtOCkmiuSbmk 756-7J44 l il MtnJenhull StudentLntrr 757-1108
HOURS U?uiayth'Ja, Jjm-rr"i jmlmihf Jam 12 n.nm Lnt though Kfaniait tcfruLn Hftln 6jm.?mkmh$ Ma-Uw"
ECU HOURS MonJrfw tf'idrfu Ju"im 1mbf ftdru. CVposit Iniuraw Crv?Jtu'ti

Page 8
(Bht last (garolittian
March 29,1990
Fleming houses
honor students
Bv Suzan Lawlei
Stall Writer
In an attempt to recognize
academically successful students,
the university has designated
Fleming Residence Hall as the hon-
ors dorm tor the coming school
yeai 1 kmors students, Teaching
Fellows, and University Scholars
will live on the first floor of Flem
ing Residence 1 lall. One wing on
Ihe first floor has boon reserved
tor the men in the programs.
Other students will live on the
second tloor. rhe following year,
however, the entire dorm will be
specifically for the students in the
various programs.
rhe director of the honors
program, Dr. Da id Sanders, has
been petitioning for honors hous-
ing tor 10 years, " I ho purpose is
to have some sense ol community
among like minded people
Mar) Elizabeth Davis, presi
dent o( the East Carolina Honor
Organization, said the honors
housing w ill give the students who
share common interests a chance
to have special programs. She
added that the dorm could help
ihe university in recruiting aca-
demicallv gifted students.
Students and administrators
arcexcited about thehonorsdorm
( onnie Burgess, the coordinatot
ol 1 leming Hall, said. I think it's
? oA to have. It moots a lot oi
lill Tin! needs
1 hecurrent residents of Flem-
ingl lall,however,werenothappy
with the change 1 isa Beavers, a
resident advisor in Fleming said
. ol the girls reacted nega-
tive K I he fefcl like they've been
? 4sed out ' shtrsafd "Some of
the girls moved upstairs, hut the
next vear thev 're going to gel
kicked out again.
Beavers added that one girl
had to move out because her pat
cuts disliked the co-ed arrang
ment The girls also protested
moving because Fleming Hall is
air conditioned and is located on
central campus.
Burgess said. One girl was
upset because she had a room tor
several years But. They weren't
just evicted. Ihev were given pri-
ority tor any other room .n cam
pus "
The issue of honors housing
was discussed m tin- March issue
oi Reverberations, EC 1105 new s
letter There vnis to be different
opinions even between the hon-
ors students
lerrv 1 ight wrote, I teel that
snie t pe ot reward should bo
given to students who achieve
academic excellence but not at the
cxpenseol other students' rights
In another article, Jamie 1 anier
w rote, rhe football team has its
own special h ingarrangement in
Scott 1 fall, win can 11 leming 1 lall
become the 1 lonors dorm?"
1 lonors housing has been
successful at other universities.
Sanders said at some universities,
suchaslllinoisState all thedorms
are segregated by interest groups.
lor example, students interested
in sports could live in one dorm
.uwi students interested in modi
cine could live in another
Sanders said the honors students
have been given sections ol cer-
tain dorms hi the past, but only a
suite here .nJ a tew rooms there
1 leming would allow the students
to live together in an environment
conducive to studying.
Sanders added that the derm
had a meeting room in which
ECHO!d meet and ac-
tivities 'Ever) honors program
benefits b having a dorm.
Coming up
The Hooters
Georgetown Station
War of the Roses
Still Rain
Steel Tracks
Mr. l'otatoe Head
Crystal Coast Cruisers
War of the Roses
Sex Police
Mr. Potatoe Head
Good Friday Spell
War of the Roses
War of the Roses
Easter Seals
By Marjorie McKinstry
suit Writer
rieming Residence Hall located on cent! il campus, has been designated as honors housinq Next lall.
the first tloor will house only honor students I he following year. Fleming will be coed and will house only
honor students. ;Photo by J 0 Whitmire I CD Photo I ab)
Still Rain saturates rock scene
Bv Deanna Nevgloski
St.itt Writer
Coming out ol Fayetteville is a tight, metal a I
going bv the name ol Still Rain. ! he young quintet
(18-22 years old) is made up ol vocalist Donny
Hambe, guitarists Clint Lower) and (rov. McLaw
horn, bassist Corey Lowery and drummer Bevin
( arter
Together for only three months in the present
line up. Still Rain termed after the break up ol two
well-known Fayettevillc-based groups When tl
1 owerv brothers parted ways with Quiet rhui '
thev soon hooked up with ex-Gibraltar numbers
1 lambe. V arter and horn.
I hrough Showtime Agency in Raleigh, I lambe
a vocalist with three umi- behind him cur. I
FayetteviHefromSalisbury.N.C A singer with raspy
but slrom; and versatile vocals, Hambe has n
than a hint ot blues and metal in his pipes
1 hedouble axe assault ot Lowery and M I in-
born add to the sohd but raunchy styleol the band's
polished sound Influences tor both six stringers
include guitar greal Steve Vai, ihe Edge oi 12 and
v ith wars ol playing for each ol t lie axemen.
Lowerv and McLawhom .ork well together, and
the w irk n their original compositions tar out
weighs the covers that th band must do as part ot
their li e show( ases.
1 he older i owef) bo thei. who has been plav
ing bass guitar for five and a half years, offers many
new and exciting ways to play the four stringed
instrument. A player w ho lists Stanlevlark as his
?. t influence owervombines metal and funk v
rhvthms to make for a unique sound His playing
lit is simplv am . ing
And carter is j phenomenal drummer at 1"
who has boon bashing away for six ears I lis influ-
es in, lude Queensrvche's Scott Ro kenfield and
Kiss' Peter riss ? arter's live drum solos are defi-
telv - imething to check out
together. Still Ram is a tough, harmony-laden
pa!ui .??? H offers plenty ot multi-harmonic, catchy
hard rocV n original hand ot hard ro kers, still
so' Rain, page 9
Play accurately represents story
Bv Doug Morris
SUfl Writer
ihe Yellow Wallpapei
play based on the short stor by
charlotte Perkins Gilman, was
performed Tuesday night in
Mendenhall. rhe production was
put on by the East I ynne Com-
pany, a nonprofit organization
who performs historical plays,and
u asco-sp)nsnred by the Women's
studies Alliance and theWomen's
studies Program.
Michele 1 aRue, under the
direction ot Warren KHevver,
placed lane, a woman suffering
from ? "nervous weakness a
common malaise in the lateeight-
een-hundreds. lane is obsessed
with the wallpaper in the room
that her husband has set up for her
i n over from her itlne
I hroughoutthestorv shebecomes
more and more restless ,no child-
like because ol theupsettingeffe t
of the wallpaper. Bytheendol the
store. slu- has been driven insane
In the wallpaper and the treat-
ment that her husband set up for
1 aRue and Kliewer needed to
do a great deal of research, both ol
the time period and ot the author,
to create the performance ol lane,
the only character actually per
tra ed. "We actually have a stack
ot notes that we any around with
us when we give performances,
said Kliewer.
Being originally a short story,
LaRue and Kliewer had a e.reat
deal of room tor interpretation.
Ihev made lane an mh.riiient
man w ho wanted to continue
with hci '? o; k .is ,i w nter We
wanted to make sure that she 'a as
a strong i harat ter, snJ LaK i
"SO that the audience would not
dismiss her from the beginning.
I he haracterization ot lane
wasdetermined by both Oilman's
autobiography and Kliewer's
experience from working in a
mental hospital. "We explored
different physical symptoms he
savs. "Some we used and others
we threw oni.
1 aRue did an excellent job as
lane she reflected thedeterioral
ing mental state oi the character
she was plav ing with the phv sical
symptoms she and Kliewer re-
searched .is well as her physical
ippearance One audience mem
her remarked that she tell drawn
up into the plaj and should have
been helping Jane peel the wallpa-
per from the walls.
Ihe scenery used in the per-
formance was not extremely de-
tailed There was actually no
wallpaper used at all 1 aRue and
Kliewer it that the wallpaper
would detract from the perform
ance We fell that the audience
could imagine a much better wall-
paper than we :oud possibl)
create said kliewer.
1 ickets w . ,e given tor dona-
tions ot 55 to $25 at the door and
shirts were sold ter $14. All pro-
ceeds from the performance et
"The Yellow Wallpaper" go to
"New Directions the PittCounty
Family Violence Center
Easter Seals' Seventh Annual
Volleyball Marathon raised almost
$12,000 Mar. h 24 and 25 rhe
marathon, sponsored bv. Phi Sigma
Pi National Honor Fraternity, was
a two dayeventin w in. h 36 teams
battled it out on th courts in the
name ol harity
Prizes were given, but net tor
thebestteams Instead t amsand
individuals who raised the most
money were given the trophies
However, this did not hinder
spikes and dives were common-
place, as were the laughs at poor
serves and misguided balls
Mare on May, organizer ol
the event tor Phi Sigma Pi, said
tins was heT fourth vear working
tor the marathon She said she
returns to help every year, cm n
though shehasalready graduated
May said: "It's fun, it's my
favorite sport and you can maki I
lot ot money tor Easter Seals I he
teams are not all trom (Irccm il
sovougel to meet different peoj
"Businesses other ? ?
even high s hools ha teat
plav ing in the marathon. '
hr.itl ? ome out to help Al-
though faster Seals recruits the
teams, w e are the refcrt es, the line
judges and the score keepers
The marathon is held ever)
vear m Minges Coliseum Satur-
day and Sunday tour volleyball
nets were set upon the basketball
courts. Each game lasted 30 min-
utes roiardles ot the score.
People ran trom net to net to
check out their competition. Al-
though tempers flared, thev sol-
See Volleyball, page 9
Pickin' the Bows
Bonehead catalogues dangerous snakes
By Chippy Bonehead
Staff Herpetotogisl
My super-
JJR ishmg Wildcr-
y ! ness Man (he
used to be just
"77 Wilderness Man
r until, bke the
j ecology, he began
to disappear from view,discorpo-
rated by the re-appearence of his
ex-girlfriend and budget cuts in
the National Forest Association)
wants to take me and Slack camp-
He assures us it will be fun,
we'll become one with nature and
we won't even have to think about
Cartesian Dualism until wehit the
outskirts of Farmville on the re-
turn trip home.
There's only one thing wrong
with this plan. I had some suspi-
cions about all this back to nature
bs, so I questioned him about this.
Hey 1 questioned. "Whatabout
thesnakedeal? 1 hcarsnakes thrive
in the wilderness
He allowed that, yes, most
temperate climate zones with
moderate to dense vegatation
tended to teem with long slithery
reptiles. "But he answered me,
"the last thing on their tiny under-
developed snaky little minds is a
burni ng thirst for vengeance upon
you for all the human-inflicted
wrongs reptiles have experienced
since the clsoe of the Mesozoic
Right. Like 1 believe that. Like
the minute I unzip my sleeping
bag, thousands of scaly limbless
creatures of the night aren't going
to descend upon me like gnats on
a scab. 1 told him, no thanks, he
and Slack should have a good time
makes? less' I lelms' bathwater. I
wasn't put on this planet to be a
guinea pig for different brands ot
snake repellent.
There are literally thousands
of varieties oi snakes in the Caro-
lina alone. I compiled a list of the
ten most dangerous and unusual
ones. So, clip and save The
Bonehead's Guide to Snakes of
Eastern North Carolina.
1) The Trouser Snake? Ra ng-
ing anywhere from two to 14
inches in length, this flesh-colored
worm attacks mostly females and
sissy guys. It inhabits crowded
urban bars, back seats of cars and
and call me when they get back just about anywhere testoserone
and want to fool around with some is present.
Cartesian Dualism problems
He made one more futile at-
tempt to allay my fears. "1 own
plenty of snake repellent and an ti-
venom kits Hah. If the snake
repellent is so good, why'd he
bother getting an anti-venom kit?
Did they come in a package to-
gether. Obviously, even the snake
Its bite can cause nine months
of uncomfortable bloating and
viral sores on the lips. The only
a lethal assastn.
?)The Fat Snake?Nota large
snake, but one whose venom
causes the cellulite in a human
bod v to multiply at a fantastic rate.
Ever wonder why people on diets
never lose any weight? Chances
are they keep getting bit by a fat
snake, which are extremely com-
mon reptiles and look like Hostess
Twinkles? with eyes.
4) The Relationship Snake
ipaukus abdulius? This snake
lives exclusively within the aorta
of the human heart. Scientists are
puzzled as to how it gets into the
body, but theorize the young are
transmitted by oral contact,
quickly lodging themselves in the
This parasite leeches all
warmth from the host's heart,
safe way to handle this reptile is consequently preventing the host
with steel-belted rubber gloves.
2) The Bed Snake? Usually a
large ponderous snake, the bed
snake inhabits dark rooms with
canopy beds, or beds with space
repellent kit manufacturers had underneath them. They are born
no faith in their product. with the natural instinct to attack
Besides, what do they think its prey while the victim is sleep-
repels snakes? The smell of other ing so it iseasily trained tobecome
from ever having a relationship
deeper than a one-night stand. The
snake is known to prefer frater-
nity and soTority flesh rather than
any other kind.
5) The Knot Snake?Trickiest
of all reptiles. No specimen has
ever been captured. Scientists
See Snakes, page 9
set to open
By Tori Martin
Managing Editor
The ECU Departmentof rhea
ter Arts will present the two act
comedy, "The Art oi Dining" on
Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at
5 p.m.
According to director Cather-
ine Edwards, the play delves into
thepersonalitiesand relationships
oi seven people who dine in a
restaurant on a chilly November
The restaurant owners, Ellen
and. "al, are placed by Kelly( Ireer
and liH'l (.urn. respectively. Re-
maining cast members and their
characters are Erie Cross, Paul,
Shauna Rempher, Hannah; Brin-
lev Yickcrs. Flizaheth; Eugene
Bass, David; Krista Conti, Nessa;
Heidi Lane, Herric; and Holly
Eckman, Tony.
The comedy will be presented
in the studio theater in the Mes-
sick Theater Arts Building and is
free of charge Seating is on a first
come -first serve basis, according
to Gary Faircloth, coordinator of
the workshop program
The theater department is
given permission to perform
workshop productions provided
it does not advertise nor receive a
The workshops often do not
have elaborate set designs and
lighting; however, the acting is as
professional as in mainstage pro-
ductions, according to Faircloth.
Upcoming workshops are "As
Is" set for April 9-10, "The Unde-
feated Rhumba Champion" set for
April 18-19 and 'The Imaginary
Cuckold" to be performed April

The East Carolinian, March 29,1990 9
Continued from page 8
Campus Voice
What do you think the SGA officers
should focus on next year ?
Hamilton Hollowav, 22
Senior, Journalism
They should focus on admissions
standards to upgrade the image oi
this institution
Angela Silence, 21
Junior, Accounting
"We need a voting voice in Green-
ville. We could vote, and that would
stop the legislation that puts us
down without us having a say in
the matter
Robert Mayo, 43
Graduate Student, Elementary
They need to generate a student
body more conducive to minori-
ties, especially blacks.
Cassandra Roe, 21
Junior, Early Childhood Education
"Parking is driving me crazv. There
; is too much stafi parking, and not
enough tor commuters. Also, the
price for parking stickers is too
Denise Pope, 21
Junior, Elementary Education
"Beautification, what they are doing
now is good, but it still lacks. We
also need more lighting on west
campus, especially near c ireene
Mickey Gurcanus, 22
Junior, History
"Thev need to focus on parking.
They could take the field at the
bottom ot the hill and make a lot
I out of it. rhey also need to raise
admissions standards
?Compiled bv Marjorie McKinstry
(Photos bv Angela Pridgen?ECU Photo Lab)
theorize this is due to its question-
able existence and its even more
questionable behavior. It is ru-
moured to look like a giant pretzel
with extra mustard on it, but it
might just be some acid-tripping
hippie's plav on words.
6) The Flatulating Bulgarian
Army Worm - Not really harm-
ful or deadly, but just plain aggra-
vating. The "tart snake" as it is
commonly called, exists solely to
create strife among humans in
crowded elevatorsor small rooms
After exhaling its noxious venom,
it's bodily cell structure deterio-
rates rapidly, so nO one can ever
find it and blame it tor causing a
7) I he Midgard Serpent
ccording to Nordic legends, this
mammoth snake encircles the
1 arthand willoneda) battle Ihor,
the god of thunder, to the death.
No one believed thi- tripe ol
course, until the space shuttle
Atlantis took pictures ol an
enormous, blue-scaled creature
wrapped around the planet.
Scientists now realize the
answer to the age-old question,
W hy is the sky blue1" is "IV-
v ause that's the (olor oi the
Midgard Serpent's scales and
hope iu have samples by early
Fanced Tain Intlutor
? The one snake you really have
to worrv about. Able to move in
and out of striking range faster
than you can say, "Help, get the
Helms' bathwater, I see a banged
Pain lnflictor
These' little buggers don't eat
human flesh, thev )ust enjoy the
sensation of sinking their retract-
able three-inch barbed fangs into
it.They enjoy it so much, they take
night classes in human anatomy
lust to find out where our most
fleshy parts are.
9) The Queen Snake First
discovered by 1 ft Linus Van Pelt,
the queen snake hides behind
bushes and as you walk by, hurls
rocks and small stones .it your
knees. These snakes are fairly
dangerous, but are easily startled
by blue flannel blankets
But the most terrifying snake
ol all is IO)TheSymboli Snake. It
lues m your mind. It slithers
through the rotting floorboardsof
your subconscious, around the
peeling tile of your dreams and
reminds you oi the original sm.
1 ill next time, may the hang-
o ersbe gentle, the buzzes intense
and watch out those snakes
are e erywhere
PS: Congratulations to "The
I ittle Mermaid" tor winning two
, i ademy Am ards
Continued from page8
.Seafood House aid Oyster Bar
Y Washington Highway N C 33 Ext) Gf??nv.ii North Carolina
Phona 752 3172
Mon. thru Thurs. Night
Plate tpo.D
Every Thursday Night
Rain proves that talent and down-
to earth attitudes is the name ol
the game in the often tricky and
frustrating rock-n-roll world.
I owery and I owery are the
new generation ot songwriters
whose collaborations make them
candidates for future success in
the music business Although the
band's live shows are tilled with
covers from Led Zep, K.i and Iron
Maiden, Still Ram thrives on great
bassist Lowerv takes lead
vix alsonmostol the I owery origi
nals which include "Slow Down,
Save Me )ne More Night a tune
about getting off drugs, and the
power ballad "By Ni our "side
Other originals include 'New
Generation a band effort, and
hist Right a track written by
Mc Law horn
An opening act for such up-
and-coming bands as The Front
and 1'nutt nutt. Mill Rain is the
band to see live "We yj C the
audience what they want bassist f '
Lowerv said "We have fun on
stage and that's what wo want to
get across You can catch plenty
ol fun, high energy and good rock-
n-roll when this band plays live.
Still Ram has tourt d i ten
Mel the c arolinas, Virginia,
I londaaiuK Georgia I hoyhopeto
add the northern states t Michi-
gan and New ork to the list.
It you're in i ireem ille this
weekend. Still Ram will be bring-
ing their excellent live showcase
lotheAtti tomorrow, rhiswillbe
their first stop in the area so the
night is sure ? lude plenty ol
highly intense, rock n roll music
in pure 'Mill Ram st le
Plaid (Zlnemc 3 ?
f .Shows Starling 1-nda) .E
$1.00 Imports
$1.00 Cans
$1.50 Highballs
Try our "Squeeze Teas
Bits and Pieces
Daytona cracks down on breakers
l S college students are back in Daytona Bea h Fla forSpring
Break. But this year is different fewer student , tl i falling-
down drunk because of ai ol crackdown Barsn vcloseanhour
earlier and drinkingon hotel pool decks has been r ? ?? I Wristband
I.D.sare required t. ?r legal ige drinkers in bars. And polio have more
traffic patrols.
Stress affects teen-age girls more
I he stress ,t competitive tests affects bright teen ag girl - more
than boys. I fniversityoi c olorado res an hers used questionnaires and
hormone tests to Study a group ot 162 terns bet ore final exams. A week
before finals, girls had .igl ' intly more tress than 1 s. Researchers
say (ompetition is much more a way of life for boys than it is for girls.
nhiMIWt. US.OIIDA1 pplr C rrt Informmt n Sftv ??
continued from page 8
dom got out ol control. Referee
Rob Miller had to remind one
team, 1 ley guvs, this is tor char-
! he spirit was never lost tor
lone. Most teams left tooling out
ol breath. Sweat poured oft fore-
heads, but .is the 1 lackney team
put it. it was worth it They
ended up raising Jose to $1100.
Another team, the Palpitators,
raised $1171, jusl by playing vol-
The Lord ol the Flics (R)
Nighd) ' OA90I
s,i Sun Maunci 2 & I
The Hunt tor Red October (R)
Nightly 7 (Hi A ') JO
S.n Sun Maiineci I 0 .v 00
rccnagc Mutant Ninja Turtles tK
Nightl 5 JO, 5A ? ?
. ft O 756-3307
S UUCCCneet J Arlington Blvd
House Party (R?
Nightl) ' 004 l IS
si s in M ii nees 2 00 I IS
Pretty Women (R?
si s m VUuncea : on 4:20
The features
'Department is now
applications (or staff
writers for both
summer sessions
Opportunity Knocks (PG)
N ? . ?. ? ?
y remptati
Weekdays 7:00 A. 90
Sal Sun 2;(H1.4;U0.7:IHi, & 9j00pmV
Odd Answers
1. Abscond: B. to hide, conceal 2. Blellum: A. a talka-
tiveidler 3. Favaginus: B. honeycomb form 4.1 ief:A.
dear, beloved 5. Snudge a sneaking fellow 6.
Vagery: A. to roam, stray 7. I abefy: l. to weaken,
impair 8. Idler: D. a lazy person (. Maker: B.
kettledrum 10. Twazzy: B. peevish
Music Notes
What do vou think about a (Ireenville compilation albumI here
area lot of bands in this area that deserve some ex posureand something
is being done about it It you're a band and willing to spend a little
money send a tape (originals onlv) and a biography with contact
namesnumberstoWZMB.We II take any thing but mel il, boring hard
rock, to 40 stutt and lounge music.
New and happening at WMB arc loon Redbone, 1 loyd cole,
Ri ?byn Hitchcock ton't Moan Maybe and lack head. Snatches ol I'mk
have a live album recorded atB( Ws coming out next work 1 he Sex
Police won the Snicker New Musi, Search but they'll probably take
thi nonov rather than do a record on 1 Ml.Whatever thev doc id othev'll
be really big one day. Check their stufi (ut Man. h 31, at O' Rockefellers.
The Spring 1990 WMH Program Guide to Now Musk is upon us!
It's hore, it's free and vou can get it at the station and from various
Greenville businesses. Editor Kate 'Scabpicker' McClelland should be
commended for a job well done Thanks to all contributors espei ially
( raig Heffley who penned some awe-inspiring cover art Read and
Watch for details about Barefoot on the Mall, April 19. In the mean-
time, do all the things your mom told you not to because she's not here
Stay up late, eat lots of sugar, leave lights on, run with scissors, ross
your eyes, etc
?Compiled by Beth "Cutter Child" Ellison, WZMB
1990 Panama Jack
199 2For349
Adult T's s5.25
Youth Ts s4.25 Youth Shirts $5.25
Cotton Tops $5.99
Shorts, Skirts, Tops and Dresses s6.50
7 Can't Believe It
Tom Togs
Factory Outlet
830 0174 355 3785
OPEN MONSAT. 10-6. SUN. 1-5 v -
S2.50 leas
S2.50 Pitchers
Barmaids Wanted,
Apply in Person
R & N inc
Upcoming April Entertainment:
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Mr. Potatoe Head
Hours of Operation
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Tues 1 lam-lam
Wed 11 am - 1 am
Thurs 11 am - 9 pm
Fri 11 am - 1 am
Sat 12 noon - 1 am
? If Band Night -
close at 1 am
513 Cotanche St.
(located across from L'BE
Kach Tues. & Wed. Ni?ht
Open Mic Nijjht
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starts at 3pm
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Official NC Inspection Station
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? Any Kind of Repair Service
101 East 10th St.
Greenville, NC 27858
(919) 758-9976

10 The East Carolinian. March 29. 1990
By Kemple and Parkei
Whiskers'n' Chubs
??if y -U- flMNM I vN. ai; mt it
WAi" IVU' v? ??? V ?, ? ' . ?"?
a?, k ?? r a vtiff
VkI. i . ' . ? ? "f
. 41 ? ??' K-Rav
M ? 4" ?? finKil ?:
?, 6WA W Qj iCK
By Sluill and Rich
V0C- (??
' "0

r-jj r?'
? . ?? ?

1 he Head King
u'li ?f stccfcc v :??jaiu
ftffe gggl
fA .Of "
SM &2
Rich's Nuthouse
CCMIMG ' .a 'J
W.iA '
&?'HQ4gb! WJSSfJ

5.1 i sum 5 ? tw i r'
v '? - ?t y?? - Wfr,
B Robinson
??1 k?HSi?a !
ilk . 5
? ?.A? W?
By Rich and Shull
. V

Apt, tasC. L Ot
?? cmv ???? '
tAr . I
I ntitled
B I'avd
Cambda Gambda Hey!
F Elliott
(gw t i luY QC'V I'M C&.hCiTC'j-
ueu-fUH YESste you cstTAiL wz.
?.BUT r ??2 YOO. vAMt i?ICAV
Lg?4,?M? ail HNt otm urnsi
' - :
v -rv i
Kt I he Wonder Pig
B Mason
? , v ? i rVHIK
. . ?? ??L
. w'
, i.k ? m ???
? v. ? ?
Y . .(
Trixie Peavev Variety Show
One Shot
Bv Parnell


rs '?
By Chucky D.
The Morrigan
By Angela R.

?lie ?afit (Earolinfan
Pave 11
i 3
March 29,1990
Lady Pirate
netters slam
Elon, 9-0
By Chip Rutan
Sljtt Writer
ttcr dropping two matches
. n the road, the ECU women's
? Mis team came home Tuesday
nd defeated Elon College u-0.
Coach Rowan Davis corn-
ed on the Pirates' much
ded v in.
I was very pleased with our
in he said. "Especially how
? Is w orked through the ta-
ot all the travelling we've
? i lately
In the singles, the Pirates
pt all six matches ECU'S
her one seed Nicole Catalano
? nued her six game winning
- b defeating Colleen Kirk
Number two seed tor the I adv
? nifer Fcnton, dropped a
iet6 7, bill battled back,
the next 1n o sets 6-2, 6 2
? - ? isten i ireene. After the
ton made some neces-
is told me to be
ive and come to the
she said. "When 1 did.
ECU baseballers get big
road win over Duke, 5-2
By Frank Reyes
Sports Writer
ihof CUbase
leai ?
started making more at Harrington : ? I
??? ? i. in Durham l he
??- nd as they ho ;1 Ri hmond
? ? -U Photo I al
1 he ECU baseball team
slammed the door on the Duke
Blue Devils with a 5-2 road victory
Wednesday afternoon at Durham,
It was a very satisfying win
for our team and our baseball
program said Gary Overton,
head coach for the Pirates. "It was
a win that can be a catalyst tor our
conference (Colonial Athletic
Association) games "
Moth offenses were silent
through three innings until
cleanup-hitter Calvin Brown (.321
2 RBI this season) hit his eighth
dinger of the season in the fourth
inning. ECU lead 1-0 after the six
Because oi the snowed-out
games this weekend with George
Mason, Overton used tour pitch-
ers from his starting rotation
against Duke.
"If sheen a week since they've
seen some action Overton said.
I hey needed the work
Pirate starter Tim Langdon (4-
1. 2.(b ERA) pitched two innings,
giving up two hits ,ni one walk.
John White (4-0, 3.60 FKA) also
pitched two innings, allowing one
hit and one walk. White was cred-
ited with the victory, which brings
his career win total at ECU to 15
Senior Brien Berckman (3-1,
635 ERA) saw action, hurling two
scoreless innings. Facing only
eight Blue Devil batters, he al-
lowed one hit and a walk, while
striking out one.
Ace-pitcher fonathan enkins
(5-0, 2.45 ERA) threw three in-
nings, giving up two runs on two
hits while tanning tour Duke bat-
The Pirates extended their
lead 3 I1 in the seventh inning
thanks to key hits bv Corey Short
(325,15 RBI) and Tommy Yarbor-
ough (.337, 13 stolen bases). But
the Blue Devils closed the gap 3-2
in the seventh withCass 1 lopkins'
Duke's starting pitcher Lenny
Nieves dropped hisseason record
to 2-1 with the loss. He allowed
three runs on eight hits. He also
gave up a walk while striking out
two Pirates. Duke's head coach
Steve Taylor, who is now 46-71
during his three seasons as a Blue
Devil,brought inTim Rumer(4-1)
to pitch the last two innings. The
Pirates nailed him for two runs in
the last inning, making the final
score 5-2.
With the Pirate victory, this
season's four-man starting rota-
tion (Langdon, Jenkins, White,and
Berckman) is now 16-2 overall.
"Langdon is a consistent per-
former Overton said. "He'sdefi-
nitely one of our top pitchers this
lenkins, who has struck out 24
batters in 36 innings, remains
unbeaten in six games. Last year,
he went 12-3 and posted a 2.04
earned run average.
have a good year as he did last
season Overtoil insisted. "He's
picking p where he left off from
last year
The win brings ECU a 23-3
season record while Duke drops
to 16-13 overall. The team returns
home Saturday to play Richmond.
? kie 1 enwii k defeated
Ann Richardson 6-3, 6 ;
I ad) Pirates' team cap-
Kim 1 lar i oasted to a 6-1,
win over Kathy Myers. ECl s
? led Kelly Buckalso won
? light sets beating lane i'rve
Wendy Perna won her sixth
hina row and improed her
; ? -enal record to 7-3 on the year
? ? Elon'sJajetNew7-5,
1 decided 10 be patient and
hit the ball Perna said. "Consis-
? was the kev to my success
In the doubles the Pirates won
isilv as they swepl the Fighting
Mans J-0. The team of Cata-
: i m it k defeated kirk
irdson 6-3,6-1 while Fenton,
ick beat FryeGreene 6-2, 6-4
! I irvey Perna defeated
? - Mvi rs New 6-3, 6-1.
I he ! adv Pirates will look to
? ve their 7-5 record when
. trav i i to Ireensboro Satur-
? r a maU h against non-con
efoeUNt (ireensboro. The
. ill then travel toN.C.State
Valvano asked to
resign by trustees
Pirate rugby team captures
first state championship
RAl EI .11. N v North
Carolina State University trust ?
are calling tor the resignation of
men'sco.n h lira Val m?, who I
the Woitp.u k to btaskttt&fl lime
light and one NCAA champion
ship during his 10 year reign.
rheboard voted 9- iiinacloscd
session to ask their attorney to
begin the negotiations to termi-
nate Valvano'scontract,The( ? v
I repot ted.
1 he move i ame after
State interim Chancellor I arry
Montcith painted an abysmal
portrait of the academic perform
ame of al ano's basketball
players, i he Ncu ?
Raleigh reported.
Valvano has born tinder pres-
sure to resign follow me, disclo
siires last monlh thai former !i ?
ketball playerCharlesShav kleford
accepted $60 (XXI in loans w hile a
student, a violation ol M
? soun c said in the h irlotle
paper that trustoes have directed
Monteith to send Valvano's attor-
ney a letter, informing him the
school will not automatically re-
new his t ontract.
"1 think Jim Valvano is gone
said the source, who wasnol iden-
tified. " I he negotiations will not
be to honor the contract, but to
tov us on flaws m it
I he source wouldn't el.ibo
rate on what, it anv, flaws existed
in the coa h's fiv year contracl
It Valvano refuses to step
down, he may have lo go to court
to ? 'fk compensation U ?r the 4 I
2 vears remaining on his contract
as head basketball coach, the
See Vah ano, page I 2
By Bob Tobin
SUM Writer
The Pirate rugby team trav-
eled to Fa vettevi lie this past week-
end to participate in the N'orth
Carolina Rugbv Union State tour-
nament. Twelve college teamsand
eight mens teams competed for
the state title. The teams were
divided into mens and college
The Pirate ruggers started play
Saturday, paired against Duke
University and Davidson College
in a Round Robin competition.
ECU faced Puke University first.
The Blue Devils were outpaced by
the power and speed of the ECU
squad. Pirate Ruggers (?uy Trav-
erse, Brian Dodd, Prank Cutler,
I homas Almond and Mark Grant
each had a trv against the Blue
Devils. This, combined with a
stingy Pirate defense, gave ECU a
29-0 victory.
In the next game, ECU faced a
young Davidson College squad.
To give some kev starters a rest,
FCU substituted in a few voung
rookies. The rookies performed
well, and ECU left with a 25-0 vic-
Sunday was a different storv
as the competition heated up. In
their first game, the Pirates faced a
tough UNC-Chapel Hill squad.
UNC-Cl 1 was stacked with almost
all English transfer students. The
game was played with vicious
hitting and hard running on both
ECU'S Brian Dodd had a
penalty kick early in the first half,
to give FCU a 3-0 lead. These were
the only points scored with the
Pirates coming away with the
tough victory.
This set the stage for the finals
which pitted FCU against arch
rivals NT. State. State beat FCU
in the final of last vears state tour-
nament. But this year things were
different. All the Ruggers were
fired up with the battle cry being;
"High Speed, Low Drug. I don't
care if I do die
The. Wolf pack jurrvpeji, to an
early 13-3 lead. But this iftewhen
the heart of FCU's team really
showed. With some fine penalty
kicking and great runs bv Thomas
Almond, ECU lead at the half 18-
These wereall the points ECU
would let the Wolfpack have. FCU
rookie standout Jason Webb put
the nails in thecoffinwith two sec-
ond half tries. That gave ECU a 25-
16 victory and their first ever State
Championship. However, this was
not the only award given to the Pi-
The ECU ruggers also re-
ceived an a ward for being the fair-
est and best club in the state by the
Referees' Society. FCU is the first
ever college to win this award.
Graduation rate low for two conferences Graduation rates w
Big Ten
By I om Witosky
(Hinett News Service
? Big I en and Big Eight
? ? ? athletes, male basketball
? are leas! likely to obtain a
ree within five years ol enter-
I a cording lo reports
nf rence s In k1s, and a
? ighted story by the D?
( Graduation rates among
ketball players are about to
me a ery embarrassing sub-
i tor main' universities to deal
with saidharles Farrell, spe-
cial projects director for North-
eastern 1 nivcrsitv'sCenterforthe
Study i ?! Sports in Society.
"With graduation rates be-
coming public, that embarrass-
ment is hkelv to be widespread
lour years of graduation rate
rep rts submitted bv Big Fight and
Big Ten schools to the NC AA
indicate much of the embarrass-
ment will center on the academic
performance of male athletes
generally and,specifically,of those
parti ipating in the revenue-gen-
erating sports of football and
men's basketball.
Reports filed by the IS Mid-
western public and private insti-
tutions the last four vears show,
on average, relatively little aca-
demic success among members of
the men's basketball teams and
only slightly better performance
among football plavers during the
players' period of athletic eligibil-
The study . o ered athletes in
the four classes entering in IS i
81 through lux 5 81
In the Big Eight, onl) J6ol I 8
men's basketball players obtained
degrees within five years of enter
ing school ? about 23 percent. In
the Big len,45ol 119malebasket-
ball players obtained degrees
18 percent.
Similarly, 3 $6 ol I ,1 126 Big
Eight football players v, ho entered
school during the period obtained
degrees within five years $3
percent. And 381 ol 845ol Big fen
football plavers received degrees
within five vears 45 percent.
Analysis of the pasl fouryears'
reports from all the Big Ten and
Big Eight schools discloses sev-
eral trends:
? Graduation rates tor male
athletes generally are lower than
the graduation rate tor the overall
student bodv at each institution.
Onlv Iowa, Northwestern and
Ohio State reported a graduation
rate for male athletes higher than
or eiual to that of the student bod v.
? En contrast, the graduation
rate among female athletes is
higher than the overall student
bodv rate at 15 of the 18 schools in
the conferences.
Ironically, Northwestern was
one of the schools to report a lower
graduation rate for women ath-
letes than for the general student
bodv. According to the school's
information, H4 percent of the
female athletes graduated, com-
pared with 85 percent of the over
all student bod.
Men S basketball showed
little overall success or improve-
ment over a four-) car period.
Using a four-year average, the
school with the best graduation
rate among the Iwo conferences
was Northwester! winch re-
ported a KX1 pen ent rate. 1 hat
i ontrasted sharply with a 15 per-
cent graduation rate at the Uni-
versity ol Missouri, where only
two of 15 players recruited to play
tor the Hgers received their de-
grees within five yearsol entering
(iraduation rates of male
athletes in the so i ailed non-reve-
nue sports in both conferences
generally are higher than for foot-
bail and men's basketball players.
The onlv exceptions appear to be
among Big Fight baseball players
and wrestlers, withaveragegradu-
ation rates of 28 percent and 23
percent respectively.
Football players in the two
conferences graduate at a higher
rate than men's basketball play-
ers. But onlv twooi the 18 schools,
Iowa and Oklahoma, reported a
higher graduation rate tor foot-
ball players than tor the overall
student body.
At Iowa, 55 percent ot tour
i lasses of football players gradu-
ated within five vears, compared
to an overall student body rate of
52 percent. At Oklahoma, 36 per-
cent of football plavers graduated
during the same period compared
to a 35 percent rate for the entire
student body.
Academic advisers at several
tt the schools said the five-year
period may not be the best stan-
dard to use, but thev also sug-
gested it was a valid one.
"1 don't think five years is
enough tor most athletes, given
the demands that are placed on
them said Elaine Donohue,head
of academic advising at the Uni-
versityof Minnesota. "At the same
time, something like eight years is
too long
I red Minis, assistant athletic
director and head of academic
advising at Iowa, said he consid-
ers graduation rates based on five
vears of academic work a "valid
"1 would like to think five
years is enough for most athletes,
but sometimes circumstances get
in the wav for some athletes he
said. "You sometimes have to
watch athletes who are doing well
academically leave school after
their final year of eligibility be-
cause they want to cam some
money by barnstorming with an
all-star team or want to try to get
into the pros
While Iowa's reports for the
past three years show only 4 of 13
basketball players received de-
grees within a five-year period,
Mims said, three additional play-
ers received degrees after that
Similarly, Chris Sinatra-
Ostlund, director of the Univer-
See Grades, page 12
Football 45BasketballOverallWomenMen
Michigan State50NA577144
Ohio State5545638063
Big Eight
Iowa State2420565133
Kansas State3627395335
Oklahoma State 2616385723
? Four year average ol graduatcn rates reported by schools tor treshman entering r academic years
1980-81. through 1983-84.
A Overall student body
Three year average for footbai and men s basketball
The recruits' SCOreS (4 year averages)
Big Ten
Big Eight
Indiana2.618868Iowa State2617792
Iowa Michigan Michigan State28 2.6 2619 19 18822 832 827Kansas Kansas State2 7 2.719 19794 800
Minnesota2.717822Mis soun2518758
Purdue Ohio State Wisconsin2.6 26 NA16 17 NA815 880 NAOklahoma Oklahoma State2.7 2.815 16702 NR
Entering treshman m football and men's basketball 4 year average of overall high school gradt point,
American College Testing score and Schootastic Aptitude Tesl score (Mmwnum of 15 AC T and 700 SAT)
required by NCAA to be eligtole lor competition as a treshman
? One year ot reports NR ? None reported NA ? None avaiabte
Source NCAA reports Hod by schools
Gjnnefl Ntwt Stnrioi

12 The East Carolinian March 29,1990
Sports Briefs
Umpires plan to end boycott Friday
The Major league baseball umpires' union and league presidents
agreed to resolve their differences via arbitration. The umpires will end
their boycott of spring training Friday while their dispute goes to
binding arbitration.
Lemieux hopes to play in NHL playoffs
Pittsburgh Penguins center Mario 1 emicux, who has been out with
an injury since Feb. 14,says he feels better and hopes to bo ready for the
NHL playoffs. The only problem is his team might not make the
playoffs, rhe Penguins are 5-11-3 since Lemieux left, and lead Philadel-
phia and the New "i ork Islanders by two points in the race for the final
playoff spot
Boycott called for Goodwill Games
A spokesman tor the I ithuanian community in the United States
has iuggested a boycott of this summer'sC Joodwill (lames in Seattle, a
major competition including I s and Soviet athletes. Reason: Lithuania's
struggle tor independence from the So icl Union. About 10 1 ithuani-
ans wcreexpeded tocompetein the games which start in ulyin Seattle
It they do, it must be under the Soviet flag.
Stars inducted into new Hall of Fame
1 tome run hitters! lank Aaron Babe Ruth and lapan sSadaharuOh
were among 2 former stars from eight countries named tin- tirst
members of the new World Baseball 1 kill of 1 ame and Museum Tues-
day in New York Also selected Roberto( lemente Ferguson Jenkins,
lu,in Marichal, and lktor Starffin of the So iet I nion, who played in
Houston Baptist banned from NCAA
1 louslon Baptist's men s g mnastu s tram has been banned from
preseason and postseason competition and from giving any new schol-
arships b the NCAA. Reason It housed non student athletes. The
si hool s.u s u will appeal the decision
Chang to play in Volvo International
Michael (hang n inner of the Frerw h i )pen, w ill pl.n in the Volvo
International at Yale University Aug. 13 19. I le joins Kan 1 endl and
Mats V ilander, who will also ompete in the $1 million tournament at
New 1 lawn. Conn.
1BF champion leaves training camp
Michael Nunn the IBF middleweight champion scheduled to
defend his title April 14 against WB champion Marlon Starling at the
Mirage in 1 as Vegas, left training camp because of a dispute with his
man,?.Ts Mirage officials released a statement late I uesday that said
Nunn began training at the resort Frida) , a week early.
Smith sets record in benefit tourney
Michael Smith ot Washington (D.C I Dunbar scored a tournament-
record 33 points .is the c apital Al)-Starsbeat the U.S. All Stars 116-103
rucsday night in the McDonald'sCapital . lassie high school basketball
all star game at Landover Md
Tickets available for 1991 Final Four
Information on how to obtain order torms tor tickets to college
basketball's 1991 Final Fourin ndianapolisisavailablebycallingl-900-
646-1991. The deadline is April 30 A computer drawing in Mav will
determine ticket recipients
Top college basketball player named
I a Salle forward Lionel Simmons ruesday was named winner of
the Eastman Award as college basketball's top player. Simmons earlier
won Ihe Naismith Award 1 le's also a finalist tor the other two major
prizes, the Rupp and Wooden Awards, to bo given out next month.
New players make impressional mark
ri.n i-rs acquired during the inter made quit k impressions on the
first day ot Major League Baseball exhibition games. Among the fast
start rs (ary Carter had a game-vs inning single forSan Francisco. Don
Slaught had a home run in his first ,t bat tor Pittsburgh. Dennis "Oil
Can Bo) d threw three shutout innings tor Montreal. 1 lubie brooks'
had a home run and double tor I os Angeles
Pistons' guard out with fractured hand
The Detroit Pistons said that guard oe Dumarswillbeout possible
for the remainder of the regular sN'ii because ot a fractured bone m
his lett hand. Dumars fractured the third metacarpel Saturday night
ag.unsf San Antonio, the same hand that he injured last season Doctors
placed Dumars' hand ma cast and ate hopeful he will be able to return
for the playoffs.
In the Locker
ECU Tae Kwon-Do club brings home
four silver medals from tournament
fhe EC l lack won Do club participated in an open tournament
Man h ?4. inharlotte, N C In all, the ECU team brought home four
silver medals
Rob I hompson. president, received second place in sparring and
forms 1 anya 1 ee, vi c president, re cived se ond place in sparring, as
did 1 'avid ohnson. A fourth member ot the team, Will I'htt, did not
place in an v otthe events, but according to club members, he performed
Except for Thompson, all the members are yellow belts. Thompson
is high blue belt, and is winking towards a black belt.
I he tournament is a I mted States Tae Kwon-Do Union sanctioned
event, so all the" winners arc eligible to participate in the national
competition in May.
Continued from page 11
The East Carolinian
is now accepting applications for the following
summer positions:
- copy editors and staff writers
Raleigh newspaper said.
Contacted Wednesday, Jay
Goldberg, an assistant to
Valvano's lawyer. Art Kaminsky,
said he had received no word from
the school.
Valvano was out of town and
unavailable for comment, his sec-
retary said.
Under Valvano'scontract, the
university would be required to
pav thccoach$4(Y),000ifheleaves,
unless another agreement is
reached. The source said the
money would likelv come from
the N.C. State Athletic
Department's emergency fund.
The news comes one day after
Valvano told a VVolfpack booster
club in Sanford, N.C, about 45
miles southwest of Raleigh, that
he wanted to continue to coach
the team, which he led to the
NCAA championship in 1983.
Speaking Tuesday night to 175
people, Valvano received a stand-
ing ovation when he said he
wanted to stav as head coach, said
Robbv Turcell, the club's assistant
Petitionscirculatingin Raleigh
demanding that university admin
istrators keep Valvano have gar-
nered 16,000 signatures.
But the university's campus
newspaper, The Technician, and
some members of the University
of North Carolina system Board
of Governors ? which oversees
the state university system ? have
called tor his ouster.
Valvano was the subject of a
ls89 book, "Personal Fouls
which alleged misdeeds iu N.C.
State's basketball program. The
book led to an NCAA investiga-
tion that found some team mem-
bers had violated rules bv selling
school-issued athletic shoes and
complimentary game tickets.
The NCAA barred the team
from postseason play this year and
put it on two years' probation.
The findings prompted broad
reforms in sports programs
throughout the university system.
Last month, the State Bureau
of Investigation confirmed it is
probing allegations that Shackle-
ford and former teammates
shaved points during the 187-88
season. Shackleford and others
deny any point-shaving.
Valvano said he had no knowl-
edge of the earlier NCAA viola-
tions, of anv point-shaving or of
loans to Shackleford, now playing
with the NBA's New Jersey Nets.
During the emergency meet-
ing of the 13-member Board of
Trustees on March 20, Monteith
ticked off a litanv of statisticsabout
academic problems of players on
Valvano's teams.
"He really laid it all out about
the academic performance of the
team The News and Observer
quoted one unidentified person
as saying. "It's miserable'
The review included previ-
ously unreleased information
from the campus public safety
office, which documented a pat-
tern of basketball players being in
trouble with campus authorities.
It also included data about the
academic performance of football
players, whose grade-point aver-
ages have increased more than half
a letter grade since coach Dick
Sheridan arrived in 1986.
"You can only say Tie's a good
guv' and 'he wasn't hired to 'each,
but tocoachso often the Raleigh
newspaper quoted another per-
son as saving of Valvano.
I toward Manning, the Raleigh
lawyer who is representing the
board in its negotiations with the
coach's agent, asked trustees for a
week to secure Valvano's resigna-
Manning told board members
that he planned to present the
information about serious aca-
demic problems to Kaminsky,
Valvano's agent.
Trustees agreed not to release
the negative information about
academics, but indicated they
would do so it Valvano refused to
step down.
"That's the leverage they
have one person told the Raleigh
At least two trustees lar-
ence Lightner of Raleigh and
Daniel (Junter of (lastonia said
during the meeting that then-
thought Vah ano should have had
a chance to speak to the board
before a decision was made. But
atter hearing from Monteith and
Manning, they agreed that Man-
ning should be authorized to
negotiate a settlement.
University officials refused to
comment publicly on what tran-
spired at the meeting, referring all
inquiries to Manning, who could
not Iv rea hed for comment.
Continued from page 11
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si tv of Missouri sathleticacademic
advising program, said there has
been a higher rate of academic
success within the Missouri bas-
ketball program than the reports
She sud that since 17 there
actually have been 11 athletes
receiving degrees out of a total of
28, and only three of the 28 left
school not in good standing after
their collegeathletic eligibility was
She said the majontv of ath-
letes received their degrees after
six or seven years of academic
work. "Five years is the ideal, but
it is ,i very difficult one to attain
when you are an athlete and have
substantial demands on your
time she said.
But Farrell suggested such
claims don't address the real is-
"Clearly, the demands placed
on these athletes hurt their ability
to compete in the classroom he
said The real question is what
will be done about it
BCopyrifaj IJ90 s A R 'M Arr Collfji
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1990 Barefoot on the Mai
features bands, hypnotist
and soap opera stars.
World's most renowned violinist to play at ECU
Students learn Shakespeare through Globeworks

Barefoot on the Mall3
Gray Art Gallery3
April Calendar of Events4&5
'Barefoot' 7
Art museum7
IfU ?nttTtaintT
Editor: Carrie Armstrong
Art Director: Steve Reid
Advertising Director: James F.j. McKee
Darkroom Technician: Charles Willingham
Contributing Writers: Hamilton Hollovvay,
Mary Anne Ullery, Stacey Lippincott, Beth
Hassell and David Herring
The Entertainer is an arts and entertain-
ment supplement to The East Carolinian pub-
lished the last week of the month. The Enter-
tainer welcomes all comments and story ideas.
Address correspondence to Entertainment
Editor, The East Carolinian, Publications Bldg
East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C.
27834, or call us at 757-6366.
Famed violinist to play
in Wright Auditorium
By David Herring
General Mjnjger
Leafing through the biographical
information more like a tanned
synopsis - on Itzhak Perlman, I re-
ceived my first impressions of the man
many music critics hail as the greatest
violinist of our age. As I read the re-
views of his concerts in some of the
greatest concert halls in the world, mv
first impression of Perlman gradually
became one of awe
Born in Israel, Perlman could sing
opera arias when he was two and at
three , after hearing virtuoso jascha
Heitetz plav on the radio he asked to
be given a violin. He began playing the
violin when he was five years old and
bv the age of 10 he was playing with an
orchestra in Tel Aviv and giving his
first sok. recitals.
However, hearing the violin for
the first time was onlv one of two
events that were to have an impact on
Perlman's childhood and shape his
destiny. Whenhewasfour,about with
polio left him paralyzed in both legs. It
was upon returning from his convalescence in
the hospital that he was given his first violin
"In retrospect, while I was practicing, it
(polio) never had an effect on me Perlman said.
"I knew that how well you handle yourself af-
fects how people around you perceive you. My
parents were instinctive and did things by feel.
They were very supportive and treated me as if
1 were ? I almost hate to use the word ?
When he was 13, Perlman appearedon the
Ed Sullivan Show and in 158 he toured the U.S.
with the Ed Sullivan Caravan of Stars a troupe
of performers consisting of musicians, dancers,
jugglers and shadowdancers. It was while tour-
ing in the United States that Perlman decided he-
wanted to live here and become an American
citizen. He wasaccepted into the Juilliard School
of Music in New York and studied under
Dorothy Delay and Ivan C.alamian, the best
violin teachers at Juilliard and considered by
many to be the greatest teachers of the age.
In 9tA, at the age of 18, Perlman made his
Carnegie Hall debut and won the prestigious
Leventritt Competition - judged by such
musical luminaries as William Steinberg and
Isaac Stern.
Perlman plays a 1714 Stradivanus (named
after its maker ? Antonio Stradivari) which
was once owned by Yehudi Menuhin, another
virtuoso of great renown. There are only ap-
proximately 550 Stradivanus violins in exis-
tence, each of which were named by their maker.
Perlman's was christened "Soil" (pronounced
"Swol"), yet he affectionately refers to it as "my
In a 180 interview with Newsweek
Peariman said. "There are so many factors m
volved in playing the violin. You have to worry
about whether to move the bow slowly or
quickly. Is the bow absolutely straight How
hard do you want to press the bow against the
strings? All of this just involves the right hand.
Then there is the left hand. lust to get a decent
sound can take years. And only then do you start
thinking of the music and developing vour dis-
tinctive style.
"1 trv not to emulate anyone because that's
dangerous he stated, indicating the impor-
tance of remaining an individual Perlman also
avoids focusing Ux much on music in any single
classical genre. "I play everyone he said with-
out a hint of braggadocio, )ust statement of tac t
To imitate another artist or to limit his repertoire
to the music of a number of masters would be
constraining for him. I quickly realized that to
even think in terms of imitation or limits would
be alien to Perlman his is a talent and a will
that knows no bounds.
If media attention is any indication, Perlman
hit supcrstardom around 1980 with a number
media appearances including television ap-
pearances, making the cover of Newsweek, and
being named "Musician of the Year" by Music al
America. 1 lebecame oneol the highest paid clas
sical artists, earning five figures per concert, and
still played more than 100 concerts a year in tin-
United States, Europe and the Ear East
Perlman resides in New York with his wife
Toby and their five children- three of which are
also interested in music.
Perlman will be playing at 8 p.m April
Wnght Auditorium, lor ticket information, call
the Central Ticket Office at 757-4788.
The Entertainer April 1990

Barefoot on the Mall set for April 19
By Beth Hassell
suff Writer
It's that time of the year again, when co-eds
htJ shoes and so ks to tip-toe through spring,
and there is no better time to Start than or April
19, m honor of Barefoot on the Mall.
Let's face it, feel aren't the festival's center of
anatomical attention, but their naked appear-
ance has become an accepted (even expected)
part of this annual celebration
Barefoot on the Mall is sponsored by EC I 's
student Union I nder the leadership ot Student
I mon President Ken Drake, the 11 committees
have been hard at work making sure 199C5
Barefoot will be bigger and better than ever
"Barefoot on the Mall started in 1979, said
Ken Hammond, associate director of I niversity
Unions "It has always been sponsored by the
Student Union "
This year's schedule is packed, including
such bands as Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band, play-
ing from 12 noon to 1 p.m Johnny Quest, play-
ing from 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m Defiant Giants,
playing from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m and the
Drifters, playing from 1:30 pm to 6 p.m. Special
guest, Ken Weber, a well-known hypnotist, will
also be on hand to "entrance"
the audience from 2:15 pm
until 3:15 p.m.
E Is own Gospel Choir '
will kick off the day at 11:45
a til and the Ri ckv 1 iorror
Picture Show will beshown i i
the mall at 8 p.m. to close out
the events. There will be a
Search Recording booth, a jug-
? World Robotic Boxing
and carnival games to partici-
pate in.
Any student or student
iruzation wishing to set up
a booth tor Barefoot should
stop by the Student Union of-
fice, Room 236 In Mendenhait
to fill out an application. The
cost of renting a space is $5 and
the deadline is April lb.
In the case of rain, as much of the festival as
possible will be moved into Mendenhall Student
Be prepared f an action-packed day of fun
festivities and, it you get a chance, stop by the
Student Union booth to sav, "Thanks
Student enjoys face-pamtmg at last year's Barefoot (Photo by J.D. Whitmire)
Johnny Quest, along with three other bands will appear at this year's Barefoot on the Mall
Gray Art Gallery
Upcoming Events
?Compiled by
Mary Anne Ullery
The Undergraduate Art Exhibition, be-
ginning April 1 and ending April 12, will fea-
ture 150-180 pieces from all art areas: art edu-
cation, ceramics Communication art, drawing
and painting, environmental design, metal
design, print making, sculpture, textile, wood,
video and loundation art. All of these pieces
have been worked on by undergraduates
throughout the academic year. These pieces
were then chosen by the coordinators of each
artistic are to display at the exhibition.
From April 22 to May 5, the Graduate
Thesis Exhibition will be available for the
public to browse through. This exhibition is
required for graduation and contains some
accomplished art work. These pieces are by
mature artists in their final weeks of graduate
GrayGallery'shoursareMonSat, 10a.m.
to 5 p.m. and Thurs. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more
information, call 757-o366. They'd be more
than happy to talk to you ? and even more
thrilled to see your shining face at the exhibi-
An individual six months
prior to or 1 year after
graduation qualifies
See Full Details At
GEfl Imports
205 K. Greenville Blvd
Greenville, NC
The Entertainer April 1990 3

APRIL 1990
nixc Calendar of Events
mpndenhall student center
mfmc o?j' 'ohm ??.
Performing Arts
Itzhak Perlman
Wright Auditorium
Turner & Hooch
Hendrix Theatre
University Chorale
Concert. 3 15
Wright Auditorium
Jazz Ensemble Concert.
Wright Auditorium
I.D. cards
2:30 - 3:30pm
String Orchestra
Concert, 8:15
Travel Adventure Film:
Cemeteries Are Fun
8:00 pm
Hendrix Theatre
Theme Dinner - 6:30pm
Percussion Ensemble
Concert, 8:15
Hendrix Theatre 8:00pm
ECU Symphony Orchestra
Concert. 3:15
teaturing concerto winners:
Chris Holliday. percussion.
Treva Tankard, voice,
Wright Auditorium
Claudia Chalmers, piano
Senior Recital, 7:00
Dennis Klophaus,
Scott Pagona, trumpet
Junior Recital
Susan Durham, voice
Senior Recital 7:00
Jazz Band Concert, 815
Wright Auditorium
Lani Wils, voice
Graduate Recital
.D. cards made,
2:30 - 3:30pm
Turner & Hooch
Hendrix Theatre
Chamber Winds
Concert. 7:00
Turner & Hooch
Hendrix Theatre
Percussion PLayers
Concert, 8:15
Joan Taylor, piano
Sean Park, piano
Senior Recital, 9:00
Chamber Music Series
Atlanta Symphony Brass
Hendrix Theatre
I.D. cards
2:30 - 3:30pm
8:00 pm
Trombone Ensemble
Concert, 8:15
Eastern North Carolina Jazz
Festival, All Day Sponsored
by Phi Mu Alpha Smfoma
Alex Pappas, violin
Kathy Alexander, piano
Senior Recital. 7:00
Robin Lee. flute
Rodney Howard, percussion
Senior Recital, 9 00
Turner & Hooch
Hendrix Theatre
No Classes
North Carolina Symphony
Concert teaturing Ruth
Laredo, pianist, 8:00
Wright Auditorium
ticket into - 757-4788
Hendrix Theatre 8:00pm
Hendrix Theatre 8:00pm
Robert Hinson, trumpet
Diane Lambeth, saxophone
Senior Recital, 7.00
Michele Clark, trombone
Cheryle Naberhaus, horn
Senior Recital, 9.00
Hendrix Theatre 8:00pm
Wind Ensemble
Wright Auditorium
ticket into: 757-4788
Michael Hart, saxophone
Graduate Recital, 7:30
Hendrix Theatre 8:00pm
Alumni Concert teaturing
music by School of music
Alumnus Claude Baker.
Reception following in
room 105
8:00 pm
Hendrix Theatre
8:00 pm
Hendrix Theatre
8:00 pm
Hendrix Theatre

The grave of Sir Richard Burton, the famous African explorer who searched for the source of
the Nile, is one of the many grave sites featured in the up-coming film, "Cemeteries Are Fun "
N.C. Shakespeare Festival
teaches through Giobeworks
By Carrie Armstrong
Entertainment Editor
For over 400 years people around the world
have felt the impact of Shakespeare. His work
continues to amaze and entertain despite the
sometimes strange and often confusing Elizabe-
than English.
Teaching Shakespeare in the classrooms has
always been a challenge. Students often find the
language difficult and bothersome. However,
the North Carolina Shakespeare Festival is trying
to change that perception, through the art of
How does the festival contribute? Through
Giobeworks, a 45-minute production of scenes,
monologues, songs and poems from
Shakespeare's most famous works. Giobeworks
iscurrently engaged in a 15-week tour that began
Jan. 29 and will end May 9. The tour is funded by
the N.C. Legislature and performs for high
school students across the Carolinas, in Virginia
and Maryland.
Tour director, Mary Anne Bolick, said
Giobeworks is strictly educational and not for the
general public. The tour performs mainly for
high school juniors and seniors. However, they
also make occasional appearances in different
According to a recent release from NCSF, the
Giobeworks script consists of passages from
Shakespeare's most often studied works, com-
bined with contemporary narration from the
The two-actor cast stay in the same tradi-
tional costumes through out the entire produc-
tion. Afterwards the actors often participate in
classroom visitations where they conduct ques-
tion and answer opportunities related directly to
the material, live theater and professional acting.
Giobeworks provides many students with their
first experience with professional theater and
what it involves.
Giobeworks featured actors are Elizabeth
Slaby and Michael Kamtman. They both have
worked in professional theater around the coun-
try and extensively for the NCSF the past two
seasons. Kamtman toured with Giobeworks last
year and serves as choreographer and fight
captain for a stage combat scene performed bv
the two actors.
Slaby and Kamtman portray many of
Shakespeare's most famous romantic couples
including Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Ladv
Macbeth, Kate and Petruchio and Hamlet and
Ophelia Other characters that are portrayed
include Portia and Shylock, Brutis and Mark
Antony and Valentine and Speed. The prevail-
ing theme of Giobeworks productions is "love"
love of country, duty, honor, personal free-
dom and, of course, the ever popular romantic-
Giobeworks is compiled, edited and di-
rected by the festival's artistic director, Louis
Rackoff. It is the winterspring aspect of the
North Carolina Shakespeare Festival's "Out-
reach Tours" program.
This program has visited scores of high
schools, colleges, universities and community
centers in virtually every N.C. county and in
more than 10 states within the last seven years.
This fall, from October to mid-November, NCSF
will tour a new production of The Comedy of
Errors in five states.
N.C. communities visited by Giobeworks
this spring include Henderson, Winston-Salem,
Kernersville, Lexington, Clemmons, Lau-
nnburg, Gibsonville, High Point, Rocky Mount,
Kenansville, Lumberton, Elizabeth City, Fay
etteville, Hillsborough, Cherryville and
Wadesboro. Giobeworks will also be touring to
partsof South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland.
Further information on The Festival's
"Outreach Tours" program can be obtained by
contacting The North Carolina Shakespeare
Festival at (919) 841-6273.
Travel series to
show unusual,
fun cemeteries
By Hamilton Holloway
Special to The I aM Carolinian
Where can you see a 17-foot, full-size granite Mercedes tomb-
stone that took sculptors 14 months to carve right down to the
tire treads1 What famous explorer is buried in a marble tent7
Where do you tmd Farewell Street that ends a! four cemeteries?
To answer these and other fascinating questions about
people's "permanent addresses the EC U Student Union Travel-
Adventure Film Series will present "Cemeteries Are Fun" nar-
rated bv William Stockdale on April 4 at 8 pni in Hendrix
I heatre.
The tull-length motion picture covers the world in search of
mysterious, historical and humorous cemeteries.
Unusual sites include Clara Batten's RedrOSS gravestone,
a cemetery where women are not allowed ? even to visit and a
strange epitaph in Leorrunster, Mass.
The Moravians, the Amana colonies, the Shakers and the
Indians of the Northwest Territories of Canada had strange
burial traditions that are explored in "Cemeteries Are Fun Fa-
mous and historical bunal sites include the Pyramids, the Taj
Mahal, the Kremlin and the Great Wall of China.
If you would rather know about famous people, "Cemeteries
Are Fun" visits the resting places of Ben Franklin, Mother Goose,
Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis among many others.
Stockdale is one of America's foremost travelers and lectur-
ers, devoting all of his time to writing and lecturing. His travel
See Cemeteries, page 7
Upcoming April Entertainment:
Thurs. 5th
Channel Cats
Iri. 6th
8 or 9 Feet
Sat. 7th
The Lemon Sisters &
the Rutabaga Brothers
Thurs. 20th
Sat. 21st
Hob Bob & the
Kockin' Horses
Mon. 23 rd
Mr. Potatoe Head
Tues 24
(reading day)
Roily Gray &
Hours of Qgmtka
Mon I 1 .iin K pm
Tues 1 lam-lam
Wed 11 am - 1 am
Iliurs 11 am - 9 pm
Fn 11 am - 1 am
Sal 12 luxm - 1 am
? II Band Night
close at 1 am
(located across from UBE)
Km h Tues. & Wed. Night
Open Mn Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
The Entertainer Aprjl 1990

Barefoot' has interesting history
By Stacey Lippincott
Staff Writer
For many ECU students, Barefoot
on the Mall means outdoor bands, food
and a chance to relax before exams.
However, the history behind the festi-
val is much deeper.
Barefoot on the Mall was proposed
in 1979 bv a Rose High School senior,
Laura Lauffer. Lauffer had been chosen
A proposal for a spring festival was part
of her internship.
According to Ken Hammond, ass
ciate director at the Department of
University Unions, Lauffer wanted her
experience to come from ECU. "I asked
Laura to think of something that was
not being done then, and (told her) that
monev was no object
l.auffer's initial proposal was for a
festival that would run from 10 a.m. to
10 p.m featuring four bands, refresh-
ments, crafts and booths from different
student organizations.
According to Hammond, Lauffer
came up with the name "Barefoot on the
Mall" because she wanted the festival to
be something that students could come
to barefoot and relaxed. The first Bare-
foot drew over 2,000 people.
Barefoot's sponsor, the Student
Union, has tried to keep the same gen-
eral format of using main stage per-
formances since the first festival. The
only real change was setting the time of
the festival for noon to 6 p.m.
The Student Union has brought
musical headliners such as Chairman of
the Board, The Wailersand theConnells
to Barefcx)t on the Mall. The year Chair-
man of the Board played, Barefoot had
its largest attendance with more than
6,000. This year, there will again be four
bands, including a rap band, a reggae
band and a progressive band.
The Trinadad Tripoli Steel Band
played the first four years of Barefoot
and will be returning again this year.
"We will also have two soap opera stars
return again this year, since last year it
was a big success Hammond said.
Movies have also been a part of the
tradition of Barefoot. In the past, movies
such as "Animal House" and "Movie
Orgy" were shown. This year the
"Rockv Horror Picture Show" will start
at 8 p.m. and close out the festival,
making its fourth appearance at Bare-
"This is a perfect time for students
to blow off steam at the end of the
semester Student Union President
Ken Drake said. "The festival has
worked so well that UNC-Chapel Hill
World Robotic Boxing, as well as. many other carnival games will be found at
this year's Barefoot on the Mall (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
has plans in the future to use our same
idea of a spring festival
Each year, Barefoot on the Mall
serves as a reminder to the members of
the Student Union of Lauffer. Shortly
after the proposal, Lauffer was severely
injured when her car was struck by a
drunk driver. Paralyzed, Lauffer was
unable to attend college.
"Laura came to Barefoot on the
Mall the year following the accident
Hammond said. "It was a very emo-
tional time, because we could see that
Laura had made the connection that this
was her festival, and that brought a
spark to her eyes
Through her creative idea, Laura
Lauffer made Barefoot on the Mall a
reality that is looked forward to every
year with much excitement and antici-
Greenville art museum offers new exhibits
By Mary Anne Ullery
Staff Writer
Have you ever been sitting
around on a dreary afternoon
wondering, "What can I do that
is relatively cheap-), fun, cul-
tural, new, exciting, educa-
tional and most definitely has
nothing todo with textbooks or
homework?" Ah, yes, ECU
post-spring break blues
and the Greenville Museum
of Art at 802 S. Evans St. has just
the cure for them. The month of
April is a booming one with
four new exhibits to entertain
the Emerald City area ? two
photography exhibits by Linda
Nisselsonand ByoungOkMin
Jerry Raynor's photo
hibit begins April 3 and ends
May 13. As an artist, Raynor
has won prizes for painting
and photos in France and New
Mexico while he was stationed
there in the Army. His photo-
graphs are both color and black
and white and have been dis-
played in military stations in
various sites in Eastern North
Tonv Rumple, also exhibit-
ing his photographs from April
3 to May 13, is an information
specialist and assistant director
for Photographic Services at
the ECU Officeof Communica-
tion and Information Services.
He has received awards for his
acclaimed photos in variousar-
eas around North Carolina
such as the Rocky Mt. Arts
Council Show, the Beaufort
County Arts Council, The
CASE National Competition
and the N.C Press Association.
Lindy Nisselson, whose
abstract paintings can be found
in the Upstairs Gallery from
April 2 to May 13 are based on
her observations of nature and
landscapes. Arts Magazine
describes her work, "Her bold
and fluid style reflects a deep
love of nature and a profound
sensitivity to materials and
Byoung Ok Min, a gradu-
ate of the Seoul National Uni-
versity and the Graduate
School of Pratt Institute in
Brooklyn, N.Y will be exhibit-
Continued from page 6
ing in the South Gallery from
April 3 to April 29. Her public
collections containing her art
are Mobile Oil Co. in Va Pru-
dential Insurance Co. in N.J.
and The Grand Hyatt Corp. in
On April 3 from 5:30 to 730
p.m. there will be a reception
for all four of these artists free
of charge and open to the pub-
On April 8 at 2 p.m the
Greenville Youth Orchestra
will be performing as a part of
the Chamber Music Series. On
April 12, Karen L. Churchill,
director of Wellington B. Gray
Gallery will be lecturing at
10:30 a.m. on "William Merrit
Chase and Pastel Painting" in
19th Century America.
So when the April show-
ers bring the blues, hop in your
car and bee-line to the Green-
ville Museum of Art.
articles have appeared in the New York Times, Room. Tickets for the dinner are $8.95 and must
andh.sphotographsandf.lmshaveappeared.n be purchased two business days prior to the
prominent national magazines and on televi- dinner. For more information call 757-4788
J-on Tickets for the film are $4 for the public and ECU
A theme dinner will begin at 6:30 pm in the facultystaff. ECU students can pick upone free
Mendenhall Student Center Multi-Purpose ticket with l.D.
Heroes Are Here Too
Eastern Carolina Best
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Show your ECU student l.D. and receive a
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The Entertainer April1990

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ClWAfJple Computer In, Apple, the Apple logo, and Mactnto share nyi tm-U trademarks and FDHD and Sutrl nie an-
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It's only a (oke; please don't write or phone. Ihank you. . tC GUIDF ? March 29. 1990 ?
Hurtin's a hot item in showbiz!

March 29-April 11
Free ? subsidized entirely by the
networks But we wouldn't allow
that to at. ;ct what we write. Hon-
On second thought, let's jack the
price up to?oh, say, 75c. We like
nice, tat profits.
Morris the Cat's
Norris to star in
new CBS soap
Nine Lives to
page 21
offer to star in a major ABC mini-
scries. iAisty G Spot Man (based
on the best-selling -Judith
Krampz novel of the same name).
And what's next?
"I really don't know says
the chancellor, his eyes showing
an elfin gleam that belies his
words. "Maybe a show where I
play a guy who can turn into a
What awaitsviewers of Chan-
cellor Hurtin's big NBC special.
The Opening of the New Logo's
Vault? .
Well. Hurtin himself wouldn t
tell us allthc secrets. "Don't want
to spoil the fun he (buckled.
But he did give us a special EC
Gun? sneak peek at one of the
surprises the show will reveal.
Since The National Inquisi
tor. Time. Newsweek. ECUToday
and other newsmagazines re-
vealed that the death of ECU'S
new logo may have been faked
ECU Chancellor Bach
Hurtin leads a star-
studded investigation
into the circumstances
surrounding the new
logo's (possibly) faked
page 2
With the huge success of NBC's
The Phantom of the Opera mini-
series, the whole world is
getting "Phanto-Mania
page 18
couple of different animals. Or
maybe a wacky sitcom where I'm
this guy who lives in an apart-
ment with two women, and we
have to tell the landlord I'm gay
so hell let me live there There's
so much stuff like that that just
hasn't been done In television
before, so many vast resources
left untapped
the authorities dug up the logo's
grave ? in broad daylight! They
were even so audacious as to
replace the tombstone. Hurtin
cites this activity as "clear evi-
dence of a massive cover-up by
certain individuals. Or possibly
uncertain individuals. It's so hard
to tell
Apart from assuring us that
he had nothing to do with the
gravesite actions. Hurtin would
not comment ? except to prom
ise that still great er surprises are
in store for viewers tonight!
The new logos grave was tarnpc
East Carolina Univorty f dition
red with: proof of a cover-up
Hurtin's taking the
TV world by storm
Maybe it's his roguish smile.
Or maybe it's his boyish good
But whatever the reason,
ECU'S mild-mannered Chancel-
lor Bach Hurtin is the hottest
item in television today
It all started when the chan-
cellor agreed to host a star-stud-
ded investigation into the death
(?) of the university's beloved new
logo. (The show. The Opening of
The New Logo's Vault, airs to-
night on NFC pre-empting the
network's highly- rated LJK. Law.)
It's mushroomed into count-
less ofTers for series and news-
reading jobs at all three major
Or should we say all four?
The Fox network is the latest
contender for a piece of Hurtin
pie; it's offered him a series which
the network would air following
its popular real-life crime show
America's Most Wanted. The
Hurtin show would track down
anyone who performs the latest
dance craze, a dance called "the
lambada and force upon each
captured soul a brain operation
that would pennanently remove
one's desire to do the dance. The
show, named after the opera-
tion, would be called Lambad
But the chancellor himself
has other plans.
"If tonight's showdoes as well
as we think ?.t will ? and. why
not. even the advertisements for
it got great ratings ? I'll have my
pick of shows Hurtin reflects.
"My top choice is a show called
ChaiK-ellor Hurtin Mysteries. I'll
play a chancellor who roams from
town to town, solving crimes and
occasionally delivering babies in
stalled elevators. And sometimes
I'll have to contend with my evil
twin brother Dick
Hurtin has other projects in
the works, too. His next is an
investigative special similar in
format to Tlie Opening of the New
Logo's Vault. Hurtin and other
academic luminaries will lead a
star-studded investigation into
the mystery surrounding a
cloaked figure who purportedly
haunts the annual Academy
Award shows ? the legendary
"Phantom of the Oscars
Hurtin has also accepted an
East Carolina University Edition
Totally Untounded Rumors That Wreck Careers
Star Rises
Now that the writing is finally up
to snuff. Star Trek: Tlie Next Gen
erat ion has spawned its first spin-
off series. The spin-off will be a
half-hour sitcom that follows the
wacky adventures of Acting
Ensign Wesley Crusher (played
by actor Wil Wheaton) as he ad-
justs to life at Starfleet Academy.
The show is to be entitled It's a
Different I'lanet.
What a Drag
We hear that movie tough guy
Clint Eastwood may soon be mak-
ing the move to the small screen.
His destination? A half-hour ABC
sitcom in which the lanky actor
will don a dress and play a bad-
tempered female hotel maid The
series is st ill under development,
but its working title is GoAlvead,
Pwxk Make My Bed.
Gaffer Tribute:
CBS will kick off the month of
May with a star-studded tribute
to the network's gaffers and key
grips, behind the-scenes work-
ers whom CBS spokesman C.
Zun calls "every bit as important
as the second assistant hair-
dressers Zun denied that the
network had Just pretty much
run out of people and organiza-
tions to honor with star-studded
tributes, claiming instead that
the network has a long list of
tributes still to make: to their
junior accountants, to left-
handed people, and to the bums
who live near the CBS studios.
Head Lines
Word has it that an upcoming
episode of Roseanne will deal
with oral sex. Miss it.
East Carolina University Edition

2 ? March 29, 1990 ? EC Guide ? It's only a joke, please don't write or phone. Thank you.
By Chippy Bonehead
The Phantom of the Popera
He prowls the rafters of the Los
Angeles Palladium by day. an insig
niflcant lighUngtechnician. At night,
he fights injustice, helps little kids,
woos a beautiful TV anchorwoman
and furthers his rock career. A great
life, right? Wrong. For Gregg Starr,
played by veteran televison heart
throb Rick Springfield, life isn't that
great. Why? Years ago. Starr was a
teen idol. But a deranged fan threw
acid in his face, scarring him horn
bly. After being told by doctors thai
no amount of plastic surgery could
restore his pretty-boy face, he lets
his Starr persona "die Now. ten
years later, he is taking the music-
world by storm as the mysterious
Somehow, this cheesy idea
seems to hit too close to the bone for
comfort. Springfield's own musical
career could have used a PR boost
like death Nonetheless, the produc-
ers of this show (the same people re-
sponsible for Greg Evigan's failed
70s series about a rocker who made
a deal with the devil. A Year at the
Top), are allowing Springfield to write
and sing his own material, which
should (1 hope) spell an early demise
for this tripe.
Catherine Bach, best known as
Daisy Duke from "The Dukes of
Hazzard plays the love interest.
Catherine Chong. Bach's Oriental
East Carolina University Edition
make up looks simply wretched. If
you want Connie Chung lor a part.
why not Just ask her? Surely her
Saturday Night with Connie Chung
proves there are practically no levels
she won't sink to.
The pilot episode starts oil show
ing Starr in concert as The Phantom.
It cuts to Chong's news broadcast.
where she is interrupted by thugs
with Russian accents. The terrorists
(who turn out to be a sort of anti
glasnost splinter group of the Com
munist party) kidnap Chong. When
she fails to show up at Starr's sub
terreanean home after his concert.
he goes after her and within an hour
and fifteen minutes has rescued her.
been tortured, been in two tar chases,
taken his shirt off three times and
helped deliver a baby in a stalled
elevator all without removing his
It's a stretch, but his stint with
the reality warping "General Hospi
tal" shows this is the kind of part
Springfield is perfect in: one that re
quires no depth or talent.
The show itself is visually stun
ning. with its labyrinthian tunnels
and baroque concert settings and
music videos. But the sets look
familiar, and so do the plots Per
haps when "Beauty and the Beast"
got cancelled, this is where the sets
(and the scripts) went.
Channels Listed in the East Carolina University Edition
(Voc can I -noa?y get any a that chaonat. unaas you tov? catHe. la wneh case you can get one or two)
Broadcast Stations
Cable Pay-TV
CUD Cheesy Rlpott of PBS
CjEQ All RaP Shows Network
(TNNi More News Than You
Can Take Network
(HSDThlnly-Velled Right-
wing Religious Propaganda
fim All obGYN updates
(MAX) Pretty Much The Same
Movies as HBO Network
fffBO") Pretty Much The Same
Movies as Cinemax Network
(N.jX) ah Cheaply Bought
Reruns Of Awful 1950s Shows
(TBS)5-Mlnutes-Late Network
The following channels are available to those of you who have a $130,000
satellite dish. All broadcast 24 hours daily, except some of them don't. The All-
Bryant-Gumbel Channel covers the life of Bryant Gumbel. John Madden,
Bob Costas and others comment on the action Highlights and outtakes are
shown while the beloved TV personality sleeps The Plng-Pong Channel.
Need we say more The Weighty Deliberations of the Greenville City
Council Channel has some of the finest comedy available anywhere The
English Channel is a strip of water between England and France The All-
Growlng-Pains Channel caters to the masturbatory fantasies of young
teenaged females The Optometrists' Club Channel offers a fun and exciting
introduction to the world of optometry Learn how to grind glass, measure
eyeballs, and much, much more! The AH-RevCo-Ads Channel offers a non
stop series of commercials exhorting you to buy Ginsu Knives, 8 Track
Cassettes of Zamtir Meets the Osmonds, and Tomato SlicerPotalo Peelers
East Carolina Urwr.tty EditionEQQUIPE
To Ted Turner, for
publicly declaring
himself as pro-choice
on abortion. Come
on. Ted Turner. Don't
kill those babies in
the womb. Let those
babies be born into a
life of poverty, sell
drugs as the only
possible way to make
a living given that
their only alternative
is to take a crappy
minimum-wage job,
kill somebody, and
end up in the electric
chair. Truvi kill them.
To all three networks,
and even to most of
the cable TV chan-
nels, for keeping tele-
vision bland, tame
and dull. There was
some worry in these
offices, back when
? n? Jtttl
cable television was
new. that a prolifera-
tion of channels would
breed avant-garde, in
tellectually oriented
programming that
challenged the
viewer's mind. We're
breathing a sigh of
To Cher, lor turning
down an offer from
A3C to star m a new
half-hour sitcom
about a self-inflated,
over-the-hill ex
singer. The show was
to be called A New
Half Hour Sitcom
About a Self-inflated.
Over the hill Ex
singer. A spokesman
for Cher said the
felt the role would be
"too much of a
East Carolina University Edition
To Citi.ens for Excel-
lence in Television, the
Coahtioi l Against Tele-
vision Violence. Rev
fiend Don Wildmon
and others who have
clone so much to keep
television insipid,
trite, and boxing To
all of you vhose let
lets ol out age and
angry phone calls
have driven practically
every last vestige of
creativity oil the small
screen, you have- our
undying thanks
Last ol all. toECGl tOB.
Whenever thought -
provoking programs
rear their ugly heads.
we're here to squash
them like the butfs
they arc Congratula-
tions to us for .i fob
well done
TV Programs
8 PM CLSMJ MOVIE ? Drama; 2
"War, Blood and Guts (Made for
Cable; 1990) Incredibly well-done
movie about John Wayne shooting
everyone in the world who isn't Cau-
casian. Good plot; lotsa action.
10 PM COEB3 MOVIE ? Docu-
mentary; 2 hrs.??
An objective and revealing look at
how the liberal mass media glorify
? Comedy
In this hilarious episode, mer fi
nally gets sent to Viet Na like all
the other marines where I suffers
a complete nervous break -own as
; the result of a prolonged mortar at-
tack But it turns out to be just Ser-
geant Carter's dream, and a good
time is had by all
East Carolina University Edition
6 AM I I ? O O 4f O
O ?? A CED (' I ?&
?E ?D CO i ; & farm
REPORT; 2 hrs.
OT ? ?& Cny ?? hog
TALK; 2 hrs.
? Comedy
Colonel Klmk finally has enough of
Hogan's gang's hijinks, so he and
some SS officers stomp the crew to
death Fun abounds
10:30 AM f E CD LIT
PHANTOMS ? Cartoon; 30 min.
All-new animated hijinks with the
Phantom of the Opera's children and
their pals The disfigured Phantom
twins, Phanny and Tom, chase
spooks with their human friends and


two lovable and goofy pups
8 hrs
Highlights ot today S program include
title bouts between I he Phantoms
and the Alternate I itestyhsts, end
less interviews with wrestlers who
work themselves into a frothing
treny as they rip their clothes off
and incessant plugs for a wrestling
magazine sold only at finer Kroger
30 mm.
Discussion; 60 mm.
"The Phantom of the Casting
Couch' An todays struggling
young actors haunted by the fear of
being deemed unable to play he
Phantom in any of its unending
ence Fiction; 2 hrs. -
The Phantom ut the Arcturan Op-
era "(Pan 72 of 118) The Phantom
asl Carolii i Ui iversity fcdiiion
Fiction: 60 min.
Commander Hiker finds that even
pushing out his manly chest isn t
enough to impress Counselor Troi.
now that she's fallen tor the disfig
ured'Phantomof the Engine Room,
who steals and wears LaForge's
banana comb I fie Phantom Wil-
liam Shatner
EOS ? Music
Taylor Dayne and Axl Rose host a
special tribute to the Academy
Award winning soundtrack to An-
drew Lloyd Weber's version of The
Phantom of the Opera.
Science Fiction; 60 min.
Captain Crusher (Wil Wheaton) and
the crew of the Enterprise encounter
a new alien race called the
Phann tummz Phann tummLeader
Leonard Nimoy
8 AM Li
Comedy; 30 min.
finally resolves to tell Kris 99 that
he's actually a highly advanced but
flawed android in this Lucas-
Spielberg version of the classic love
9 PM 4BI MOVIE ? Drama; 1 hr,
45 min.
KISS Meets the Phantom. (1978)
Made tor IV movie pits drag rock-
ers KISS against a demented amuse
merit park inventor Gene Simmons
9 PM
Part 1 ot
Drama; 2 hrs. '
The Phantomess of the
Opera See the Close up on page
13 Concludes tomorrow at this
time I
9 PM Waft NOVA Documen-
tary; 60 min.
" I fie Phantom of the Universe " As-
tronomers Carl Sagan and Stephen
Hawkmgs debate the existence of
God and whether or not he created
the universe to impress a tarted-up
pop smger
Bobby s son Bob Jr gets the lead in
the school play but he's the Phan-
tom of the Opera to his sister's
Serial; 60 min.
Ditch's evil twin comes back to
r uguevale and deceives Cloister into
believing he is really her husband,
and Cache uncovers a secret pas-
sageway in the Fuguevale Opera
Science Fiction; 25 min.
The Doctor and his companions
travel back in time to 19th-century
Pans, where the natives mistake the
space helmeted Doctor tor the ma-
niac stalking the Pans Opera The-
atre Doctor John Tesh
DINOSAUR ? Cartoon; 30 min.
No joke this is a real show. Even we
were stunned by the Freudian impli-
cations of this one. folks, and we're
pretty darn perverse.
East Carolina University Edition
8 PM
The stor y ot the blockbuster commercial
hit that they don't want you to see
The Reeboks commercial that first aired
during last Sunday's broadcast of the hit Fox
show The Simpsons sparked a wave of con-
troversy that resulted in the commercial's
being pulled "tor review' by the shoe manu-
facturers advertising department
Now. the story ot thai commercial is a
major NBC mini-series, starring Robert
Mitchum (who somehow found the time lor
this project during a break from his new show
which is called A Family For A Man Named Joe
or something like that) Mitchum will play the
left shoe, and humor columnist Lewis Grizzard
will play the right.
Some higher-ups a! NBC have criticized
this casting decision, saying that Mitchum and
Gnzzard don't have the right physique to play
shoes But Director Foola Round defended his
choice, saying "They have years ot experi-
ence. They wanted to do the parts They work
well together. They look alike But most of all,
they were cheap and they were available "
incck movie (CO
The making of the story oi the block-
buster commercial hit that they don t want you
to see
The Story ot That Reeboks Commercial,
hich aired just an hour before this program,
was one of the most intense and compelling
docudramas ever aired The viewer response
! was so overwhelming, so phenomenal, so
indicative of good ratings that NBC just hado
release this compilation ol never-betore-seen
The Making ot The Story ot That flee-
East Carolina University Edition
doks Commercial includes rare backstage
interviews with the cast (stars Robert Mitchum
and Lewis Gnzzard) and crew (including writer
di'edor'producer,cameram ankey grpjanitor
Foola Round) It has been called "the docu-
drama that had to be made" by several people
on the payroll of NBC
Afterwards top NBC anchorman Tom
Brokaw hosts a round-table discussion of the
commercial, which will pretend to give equal
time to those opposed to the views expressed
m the docu-drama
MOVIE (CC) No stars
8 PM fTNT)
A delmite thumbs-down to mis confus-
ing, dull film by Swedish director Ingmar
First cf all who ever heard ol a Swedish
film7 Swedish food, maybe, but a Mm7
Second, this film is in Swedish, with
English subtitles Subtitles' It I wanted to
read I d buy a book Let em make the darn
films in English, or at least have the decency
to dub them so we civilized folks could under-
Anyway the film is basically about this
knight who wanders around Sweden during
the Crusades, asking everybody and hisbrother
if there's meaning in life or some junk like that
And he piays this game of chess (that cost
them the one star I was going to give them, I
prefer checkers) with Death Himself No joke
Worst thing, though, is that it's in black
and white Ted Turner obviously hasn't gotten
off his debt- ridden butt long enough to colorize
this film which would at least entirely destroy
its aesthetic value and make it "audience ac-
cessible" to rude know-nothing jerks like me
8 30 PM
One ol only two programs PBS is airing
during its 40-week long "Pledge Break this is
a live pertormance of some obscure piay by
William Shakespeare
The various parts will be played by
members of PBS's volunteer phone staff ?
the tolks who would be taking your pledges if
you were the sort ol person who could bear to
part with a buCK or two for a good cause I saw
a dress rehearsal and, boy, did they suck But
then, what do you expect from PBS7 I tell ya.
Jor my money they sttfhaven't aired anylhmg
halt as good as an average episode ol Mag-
num, PI. or The NewBradys.
Now, I know what you'rethinkmg You're
thinking. "Hey How come he gives tour stars
to this piece of junk7" The answer to that is
just wait until you see the chick who plays
Miranda Hot' The word was invented lor her
(Really I looked it up Not in my dictionary, of
course, I don't own one I borrowed one from
my neighbor But I looked up "hot" (with my
neighbor s help) and, no tooling, there was her
picture Made a believer out ot me.) J
East Carolina University Edition

March 29. 1990 ? EC Guide ? It's only a joke; please don't write or phone ham you
A would-be opera star is shown a
j mpse of her future by her dying
sister We coped this straight out of
last week s TV Gum Frightening
how synchrorticity works, isn't it7
Depressing: 60 mm
Robtn Leech explores the palatial
resorts of Rob Biowe Imelda War-
cos and Donald Trump?rich people
who use their existent.altsi views to
lustrfy thetrmorally shoddy lifestyles
60 min.
Jud goes tishm with Oprah Winfrey,
shows her how to gut and scale red
snappers, and discusses the seit-
contradictory nature of an omniben
volent. omnipotent being
? Documentary; 60 min.
Host Leonard Nimoy tries to un-
cover clues concerning the fate of
such supposedly living celebrities
such as Elvis. Hitler. Jim Morrison
and Steve Guttenberg (not actually
dead yet but we're still hoping)
East Carolina University Edition
TV Sports Highlights
NCAA Basketball Tournament Pre-Pre-
Game Show 5 30 A M (ESN)
NCAA Basketball Tournament Pre-Game
Show 7 30 A M (ESN)
Local Coach's Show Where Coaches Try
To Guess The Other Team's Strategies
Are. Without Revealing Their Own Strat-
egy, 'Cause The Other Coaches Might Be
Watching If Their Local Show Isn't On At
The Same Time, And They Don't Own
VCRs9 30AM (ESN)
Vaiitana Show
Yipe That
one. too
The Mike Krzyzewski Show No! cancelled
yet. but we're waiting
Golf 10 AM (HTS)
The Yugo Open
Drag Queen Racing 11AM (SIS)
Live from the Pink Pirate Lounge
Wide World of Sports (CC) 4 30 P M
(3.8, 11, 15)
Are there really a tinito number ot "thrill ot vic-
tory and agony ot de feet" jokes in the uni
College Basketball 7 30 P M
If we can find any loams not currently sus-
pended or in legal trouble
NBA Basketball Fashions 9 00 P M
The Charlotte Hornets Fall Designs are un-
60 min.
Ctosed-captione I everyom can
understand Andy Rooney s ra I
and ho mop ho Die remarks dearly and
? Religion: 90 min.
Just how much longer are people
going to keep sending these loons
True-We dramas you can participate
sn just a crime!
8 PM 2 GROCERS; 60 min.
A new series focusing on the aston-
ishing true Me adventures of super
market baggers check out clerks.
stockboys and managers across the
nation Next week GROCERS" IN
RPMlW MOVIE ? Drama; 2 hrs.
Frost ot the Heart" A troubled teen
comes to grips with his parents di-
.? ? ?
Kickboxing 7 35 A M
Jean Claude Van Damme vs Don Edwards
lot tm wahorwc Msj i
Boxing 10 PM
From 1980 Duron I uran ?s Eurythm.cs
NBA Basketball Fashions 9 00 P M
The Hornets unveil then new linger? line
Bowling 11 00 P M FOX,
Marge and Homer Simpson vs Ted and Peg
Frisbee All Day
This am ton TV justiook out your window
you sedentary too!
Aerobics 11 00 A M ESN;
With rrat weird Hawaiian dude
Army Aerobics 11 30 A M (ESN)
With the weird Hawaiian dude s weird sister
Light Weightlifting for Girls and Sissies 12
noon (ESN)
With someone not even remotely related to
the weird Hawaiian people but it s still broad
cast from ttwro
Monday Night Football 9 00 P M (ABC)
During spring7 Dream on
Nothing AH Day
Well what do you suggest they broadcast on
a Tuesday' Hacky Sack?
Nothing All Day
See above
East Carolina University Edition
vorce his sisters pregnancy by a
rapist and his own budding homo
exuaaty and AIDS phobia m this
Gripping 1987 IV movie
9 PM
Comedy; 30 mm.
Remember all the subtly racist r,
ciaiiy explosive shows ot the 70s7
II they re back m all their stuB I)
rig ignorance
Poor Comedy; 30 min.
rhe Phantom o ire Opie Aunt
Bee and Barney s secret affair is e ?
posed ?hetn Opie accidentally finds
used o. i ' ' to Aunt Bees bed
side fable
10 PM DONAHUE Discus-
sion; 60 mm.
Today s topic The Phantom of the
Oprah - Keeping tr ?? I rt Woman iff
You Out of You '
TUNE ? Game; 30 min
Vanna sups breaks two vertebrae
and rips her btouse totally exposing
her huge melons iff this award win-
ning repeat from last year
PM 4S ?3 iL. -LL
. . a ;a? a" "
?. - bve ' ??? ? : lhatj Qjprat ?'?' )
asttttbbaM con . PMS gl hartOHMSS
who lurks around the deserted Col E G
Ranagan . . ' fhaatoi arc trios :o seduce
t'3! bays io lay out tner- - med t ? I re . Hi
locatoJftCwMwii MC tasinducaonatso
stars Gloria Sterne ? i " e ? ' ' eafted es-
our psychoana'ysr wic v ps'V Phartomess
? - tech a" V 'eenngs and tha NH
OOrpse otSy e? r i -? ' ??'a?'
East Carol na Ur wai I d I
Fvlar. 29-Apr. 12
toPta ? m . ? .??? ? pis dato
q prod - ' -ecforsfa- ?'? '???? " ' "
? jIUm ? name i - I ??? -
showlho unconscious bruto I " l ' aw
by the mass reda rs ?owoownj typiaoa"?"
?ear i . ?- ?- dm ol radioi i s
Eso- .i . '?? ' " c - "c.e'sai
scene in ?Ndt the PhWlOIMM CWlnlM an
. ? ?? ?'? ?, ncase and hangs thai blood)
nwrnbais be i 11 arjnaj
Additional Cast
?????. Prasidi ? ?? cc
By Notta Bitta
iuse we know : ?? icino 01 id ol who be eves whai he reads "
E Q ? Ar probably the same k ndd id rj who believes - astrology.
Sagittarius Nowamotr 23-Dacambar 21) For
ani-na m ? ?: m : " nius, the MM ? I b "3 an
BKcaing MUdA : ' rhough Jin and Ma
have iorg Dtvn romar&cal) ?riKed J I ' M .
Cancer (June22-Jufy 23 Home ; penny- I a- Atnd romance lor you
a Te3 Tumai announces a btod&usiei -
day of kVafcwisepisodessponso'edb) ThoHome
Sh-oopingChannel You ' ??? 1hdelight'
Leo July 24 August 23) TalKative. show-steal-
? . ao, you will take a trip to Radio Shack this
eek and discover the video phone Now. lor a
mere $19 95. you can annoy your friends from
halfway around the world1
Virgo (August 24-September 23) Vugo. the
pessimist critic, it's rocky seas ahead m romance
land1 You nu Optt.h on the Nielsen lorms and
have the wrath ot an infuriated romantic partner
to deal with Remedy rift with double helpings ot
Donahue reruns'
Libra .September 24-November 22) For Libia,
the se? sign, it s a bad, bad week On a journey
you discover Mothers Agamst Rock established
new censorship regulations prohibiting any male
female child plant animal-inanimate obec! con
tact on TV between the hours ot 12 a m and
11 59 p m Time to leave the TV and take a trip
back to the newsstand1
Scorpio iOctober 24-November 22) Inquisitive
Scorpio, you see the NC State bell tower on the
Jim Valvanocnme update and are encouraged to
take up your search lor the ECU bell tower once
more You wonder, did a major athletic company
give the ECU bell tower to the State team? Not to
worry ? on an upcoming journey, a State player
will offer to sell it back1
East Carolina University Edition
decides to brea up ? ?' '??'? ml. send-
ing Marlin into the bush to rang!e with the wild
two-headed Amazon anaconda Best ol at you
find love during the episode s premiere'
Capricorn Dscornboi22-January 20? Mouated.
self-improvement mmded Capricorn wi.i be de-
lighted when on a trp you hear ot a way to capture
that legendary invisible Greenville monster that
has been chasing people at aH hours of the day
To help the victims usually referred to m hushed
tones as "joggers"), you decide io catch the beast
and end then torture thus humbling the local
ponce department and skyrocketing yourself to
Aquarius January 21 -February 19) Aquarius.
the sign of brilliance and bad financial luck, you
come full circle this week by answering the ques-
tions that stump Alex Trebeck on Jaopdrd) and
winning the100 0O0 Tournament ot Champions
prure You also lind love with the postman ho
delivers your ta refund1
Pisces .February 20-March 20? Charming Pi-
sces, you lak a ,??? son from 7 V P.hi.nfom ol the
Oivu when on a journey you find the secret to
love Soon you'H choose seclusion m a mystic
underground tunnel over the penis ot a woild
population seeking advice from someone who is
completely mc.ip.Tble ot reading the stars'

The East Carolinian, March 29,1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 29, 1990
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