The East Carolinian, March 27, 1990

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tttye ?EaHt danilituan
Sewing the 'East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No. 21
Tuesday March 27, 1WO
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Gtr90 Candidates speak
at the SGA forum

Robin Andrews
Allen Thomas
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
The seven candidates tor Student Government
Association executives offices stated their platform
and answered questions from four FC U mediums
and the audience in Monday afternoon's forum on
the mall.
The three candidates tor SGA president, Robin
Andrews, Marty I lelms and Allen Thomas, were the
mam targets tor questioning by the four member
panel including The Fast Carolinian News Editor
loev fenkins, WZMB News Director Stacey l.ippin-
cott, Buccaneer Editor Tommy Walters and Expres-
sions Advertising and Circulation Manager Derek
Candidates for SGA treasurer, oe Corley and
Randy Royal, and unopposed candidates tor vice
president and secretary, Colleen McDonald and
Christine Aliabach, respectively,also participated in
the forum. Corely was disqualified Monday night
,iu ording to Elections Committeehairperson Kelly
Jones because he failed to submit a (opy of his cam-
paign expenditures by the 5 p.m. deadline.
1 (eating up the forum. Jenkins asked both Tho-
mas and Andrews tor the validity of the rumor that
Thomas and S( ?A President Charlie Tripp" Roakes
offered Andrews the position of public defender it
Andrews step out of the race
Answering first, Thomas said: I havetwowords
for that Not true
et. Andrews, whosaid shewas "happy toelabo-
rate on the issue said. "Yes, they did. In fact, it was
two weeks ago today that they offered me the moon
and the stars by saying, hey, it you drop out ot the
presidential race, we'll give you the publk defenders
position, or we'll give you any position on the boards
on campus that you like
Atter the forum, Andrews told I i:r l ost Carolin-
ian that she had based her statement on what her
campaign manager, im Layton, had told her before
the forum. According to Andrews. 1 avton told her a
different story atter Andrews had made the state-
ment at the forum She said that neither she nor
Thomas were in the room when the supposed otter
was made and that now she even doubts the whether
the offer was ever made.
All three candidate stressed their concerns about
campus safety. Helms said that it was an issue he
would look after throughout his whole presidency,
not ust while campaigning Andrews said she
wanted the SGA to work with the (Ireenville Police
Department in rape prevention in the community.
Thomas said that, it elected, he would like to see
Pirate Ride expanded to apartment complexes and
sorority and fraternih houses.
Throughout the forum, I lelms was asked several
questions pertaining to his behavior as last year's
speaker oi the SGA legislature In one question,
Walters asked whv I lelms stepped down as speaker
15 out of 25 meetings last year.
Helms replied, "If I stepped down and got in-
volved, it was because information needed to be
brought out and new view points that people were
atraid to speak about needed to be brought out
"It there were problems in the SGA, and there
were not people who were following the rules and
guidelines, then that has to be changed and someone
had to speak up for it
Concerning the debatable raise in the C.PA from
2.0 to 23 for the executive offices of president, vice
president and treasurer, I lppincott asked all candi-
dates if they would be able to qualify it the (.PA were
to be raised
Andrews said that the raise would not affect her
because she has a 15 GPA and that "we should
expect more from our leaders on campus. What are
we here for in the first place1 If we can't be students
first and leaders second, then we're in the wrong
Both Helms and Thomas disagreed with An-
See Forum, page 3
The ECU chapter ot Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society following their March 18
induction at St. Pauls Episcopal Church (Photo by JD Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab
Understanding Satanism and
the occult is topic of lecture
By John Tyson
Staff Writer
Norman F. Mitchell.anexpert
on the occult, spoke to a diverse
audience of more than 1,000 Tues-
day night in Wright Auditorium.
The purpose of his lecture was
to help people, especially parents,
become aware of and recognize
occult practices such as Satanism
and Voodoo which he said are vcrv
prevalent in today's society.
"I'm not here to go on a witch
hunt, "said Mitchell, "I'monlyhere
to inform vou on what 1 know-
Mitchell, who is chaplain of
the Cumberland County Sheriff's
Department, began his speech bv
telling the story of Shaun Sellers, a
very "good" boy who became
involved with the occult through
the game Dungeons and Dragons.
As Seller's fascination with
the occult grew deeper, he began
practicing blood sacrificesand ritn-
als using animals Sellers eventu-
ally shot a store clerk and mur-
dered his own parent ? he is now
awaiting execution.
Mitchell showed a videotape
in which other people testified
about occult involvement, includ-
ing Lauren Stratford, author of
Si tan's Underground who once
gave birth to a baby for an occult
group, only to have the child sacri-
ficed on her stomach.
?surprisingly Mitchell said that
it was very easy for children to be-
come involved in the occult, usu-
ally conforming to peer pressure
to try such things as Ouiji boards
or read mystical books.
In several on-camera inter-
Spring commencement
By Joey Jenkins
News Editor
One of the most memorable
days m a college student's life
graduation ? should be shared
with family and friends.
That is the reason chairman ot
the Commencement Committee,
C.C. Rowe, and Senior Class Presi-
dent Fred Stock are emphasizing
the importance of planning ahead
forSpringCommencement, sched-
uled for May 5, 10, in Ficklen
"This year's commencement
is planned to be one of the best yet,
in large part due to the outstand-
ing guest speakers, Charles Kuralt
and Looms McQohon Stecksaid.
The event will begin at 9:15
a.m. with a band concert, with the
actual commencement program
beginning at 10a.m. Incascof rain,
the ceremony will be moved into
Minges Coliseum. Because of the
limited of seating in Minges, the
number of guests per candidate
for a degree has been limited to
six Tickets will only be required
to attend the event if it is held in Faculty members and
graduating students in cap and
gownwill not be rcqired to have
Rowe advises that those at-
tending the commencement moni-
tor local television and radio sta-
tion on May 4 should inclement
weather threaten theoutdoor cere-
There will be no rehearsal for
the commencement. Instructions,
how ever, are provided on the back
oi a memorandum sent to each
graduating student's home ad-
Some important dates to re-
member for Spring Commence-
ment are:
?(April 2-f) Candidates for
degrees may receive up to six tick-
ets bv presenting a complete guest
ticket request card and a student
ID card at the Student Organiza-
tion Booth in the lobby oi Menden-
hall Student Center. Additional
views, parents spoke t day care
centers which were cover-ups for
cults. During the dav, the children
were mentallv and sexually tor-
mented bv the teachers who
were actually Satanists
Parents found out about the
abuse when their childrens' atti-
tudes began to change for the
worse, and when they began to
draw evil scenes such as bloody
children on dinner plates.
"As parents it is our responsi-
bility to send a clear message that
we love our children or they will
trv to (find a) substitute for it
Mitchell said, rrving to explain to
parents how to keep their children
from Satanism.
However, he also made it clear
people of all ages were involved in
theoccultbvquotinga study which
See Satan, page 3
tickets may also be reqested nt tms
?(Apnl-12) Additional tick-
ets will be equally distrubted to
those that requested them.
Those students who have paid
for Commencement, but will not
complete their requirements until
summer sessions, will be unable to
receive guest tickets.
? (April 13) All orders for caps
and gowns should be made bv this
time at the ECU Student Stores.
Diplomas are mailed to candi-
dates for degrees at the end of the
semester in which they complete
their degree requirements.
Attorney gives confession of drug addiction
By Sarah Martin
Staff Writer
Prior to his arrest for cocaine
possession in 1986, Cherry Stokes
was considered bv the Bar Asso-
ciation to be one of the top ten up-
and-coming attorneys m the state
of North Carolina
Stokes spoke last Tuesday
evening in the Mendenhall Social
Room to approximately 200 stu-
dents Tided 'What DrugsCan Do
For You: Consequences of Drug
Abuse Stokes was there to tell of
his life as a drug addict and how it
affected his life and career.
Stokes was the assistant dis-
trict attorney for Pitt County in
I986and he described himself then
as, "aSo'clockdrug addict Stokes
said he knew that he had a prob-
lem, but says, "I knew more about
it than thev did. I wouldn't listen
to them '
Stokes was a criminal lawyer
and "defended everything from
speeding tickets to gas chamber
ButStokes was puton theother
side of the law in lWb. I le was set
up in a deal and arrested. "The
guys that arrested me, 1 knew ev-
ervone of them. They came in, guns
drawn, hammers cocked back
Stokes recalls. 'They saved my life.
No doubt in my mind about that
because I'd be dead by now
Stokes was charged with four
felonies and faced 35 years in
prison. I le was forced to close up
his law practice and went into
treatment. A month later he was
clean and had to face court. Stokes
was then "put in the defendent's
"1 was frightened he said,
"and I pled guilty Stokes was
sentenced to six years in prison,
but it was suspended for five years
Oft probation. Cherry served 90
davs in jail, performed 300 hours
of community service, and paid a
"On December 2bth, I had to
check into the Pitt County Jail
Stokes said. "The was no lonelier
feeling in my life than when they
slammed that bigsteei door, turned
that key and that deputy walked
down that hall and I was sitting in
that cell by myself.
because for 90days I stayed
in that six foot by six foot cell like
any other prisoner Stokes con-
tinued. "I was not on any work
release and I stayed in that cell.
"I had a whole lot of time for
thinking about what 1 did to my-
self, mv friends, my family Stokes
said. "It cost me a family, it cost me
a house, it cost me a whole lot of
"When you get out in this
world, I don't care what your job
is, you're never gonna make a dime
sitting at a bar drinking a beer
Stokes continued. "People who see
you sitting there at the bar arc
going to wonder about you, if you
are their banker, doctor, it does
not matter
"1 realize now of all of the
monev I had thrown away$1000
a week habit for almost a year
Stokes recalled. "My CP.A. told
me this has cost me just in lost
income $500,000 minimum.
"You, right now, are in the
best position that you could be in.
You're in college, doing halfway
decent and you've got the whole
world in front of you Stokes said.
"No matter what field you go into,
if you're good at what you do,
you'll make money and you'll do
"But if you throw it away with
alcohol and drugs, you won't be
See Cherry, page 3
Helms and Royal are
clearly our best leaders
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Rendered
State and Nation8
New York social club
fire kills 87; jealous
boyfriend found guilty
ECU Playhouse gives
last production of "House
of Blue Leaves"
Lady Pirates split with
Eastern Illinois

2 The fcast Carolinian March 27, 1990
ECU Briefs
Elementary education students learn
teaching methods at Health Fair
Students in 1 lealth M a ht alth education methods course for
elementar) education majors will he conducting a health fair tor
invited school age children in Memorial iymon March 28, 1990 from
1? JO to 2 Wp.m Seventeen different boothson a wide arictyol health
tonii ssu h .is swimming pool safeh water pollution, safe microwave
cooking and smoking v ill be presented
Service organization forms at ECU
A new international and coed service I. ad rshiporaganization is
beingoraganinxl on undei thenameof Epsilon Sigma Alpha
Epsilon Sigma lpl lanthropu type oraganization which
believes in persoi i I community service
Phe Charterine null Ceremonv is to be conducted at the
Mendenhall Student Mai ' nyone interested in joining
thcEpsilonSij i ? ' leitherBem
ISA Colleeiati ? ? - : '
Three groups receive
SGA appropriations
priated $700 to hire two sp il
BySamantha rhompson koCometoECl and speak to then
suff Writer organization
Despite a late start and an I 'he legislature passed b
annoying false fire alarm in Men voice vote the$l M)appropriation
denhall Student Center the Stu totheECl DecisionScicno
dent Government ssociation ety Legislator Paula losp
approved appropnahonsforthree the money will r I i
groups in Mondav afternoon's supplies,diskettes,agui l ? ikei
mocting andasocial
rhe National 1 manv ial Man In the periled ol i I
aeement sso i
Director of Advertising
James 1.1. McKee
it6l advertising epresentat
priatedv ! I
eight mi n I
en? e in lu ai
bara I an b i
hasai ; : rl
ai son Local FSA while at I
i the fund
National Campus Clips
Engineers construct supercondom
n was appro announcements Legislator I.e
?1 -? vote tor Nil holson told the li
? ? ? l 1iitcr vou're not .
? Bar 1 omplan 11: ?
? i . Mtion 1 egisiati ?i
: ards ent i u ra ?? I ill
mi ol go out and '?
, ?. r air ils a ked t! il ?
that havei thadl
prial ?n ???, as appi .edl
c; 11 I. Harvc) Sitlinger
d.ini I. Blankenship
Phillip opt
K11 It v. )' onnor
icrek the last two v
ncering students wei
a giant honu n
rhestudents ivl ?
Week wen pn ng .1
with du t tape up tl
officers si? a 111 ? ?
up rhe then is
I ance Manx 1 n
wanted tomaV
acul ram 1 real i
It u ?
it e en foot and a
condt 'in vvas 1
ne rs
Even :
Onlveig tol
thesponta, I 1
breaks th n J
Main en said
ri n th 'ugh ;?
We veboei h? ird
it I niversitvof Missouri Columbia engi
rsitvi ' eas the tried to hoisl
?tuntas parl ol i ngineering
rashl igsheld together
? r the top Poli e
I illc II rbacV
? ? students and n I
said studi nts invoh ed
I pi ? : ?? ? lumn from
iid We had a rn ?: uind
U 1 Pooared th
Mc illei
11 msi lei
tionto ippi
heard dm I I
111 of tlv ' ' ? I
(I I ? ?
,nd : . :
pass, : ?
t . ,
poll! ?????
Mv - ??
I irn .
t Stock 1
sen ' ri id
?ix til kets tor th
aise the condom ??
I, m -? itemenl
meeting, D p.m at The
East Carolinian.
U.S. Postal Sen ice halts mail to
scholarship locators during inquiry
I KMIl 1 ION - I
restraining orders
scholarship for a $6 I
San Diego I
filed acomplainl ag iii
for misn presi nl I
would nol
Schlueter said I
because it gi 1 s a ?'? 1
address isonh 1 n
fhe firm si ulu
scholarshipsd 1
of possible s I
one schi ? ' -
D? C?A :
M K irr 11
aid People! kthei
there vou jusl
: ? ? lents a
-ISchl ? rsaid thepostal servi ?
1 ? ?
. ? . 1 Ho we sa i d t hi 1 111
: the nature 0! the 1
rs I ' 1 govi rnment ag no
retvn id lress 1 li v ever, that
1 . . .actuallv located in sa
? ? . 1 1 ? . ? ? '
??:???: ? .
tudcnl ?'
a feai pect said '?'??: .
? . . a . lirector of finai id
Crime Report
False alarms ring at 'alarming' rate
14 Officer res nded to thi ' R lence Hall in
reference to an intoxi. ited I I nl Subject d irg I with being intoxi-
cated and disrupl
0348-Officer respoi led I ideno Hall in reference to a fire
alarm showing troubl thatwasca -ed by unknown subject(s) remov-
ing the sensor on the lsl I
dom 171.
Residence I fall in reference to a
ilarm inGai rott Residence 1 lall
? ii Ri sidem c 1 lall in n fen r. c to
ited in irretl Ri iidence I lall and
ilai it Avi V Residence 1 lall rhe
1 iilline the pull station on
i t
all to assist in tin
student being sui idal
2326 Officer hi k I 1 I
March 23
0158 (ffi ers n ; 1 I I
harassingphoni il ?
charged with harassn .
i)224- Offii er respon I ed I ifin il urn .1
alarm was triggered b mki
the third floor
2359- Officer ch '?? '? tl tl ? R
resi in- ol an injured subji
March 24
0t 59-Officers res nded to Fleminj ideno Hall looking for a male
in the female bathn mon the firs! floor, rhe subject was gone upon
1537-Officers checked I ml matic teller machine of New East Bank
at Mendenhall Studi nt ei lei dui loan alarm
March 25
0202 Officers respond I to thi 11 1 east of Garrett Residence Hall in
reference to a report of 1 id inl d ited ibjects. Subjects were gone
iiput arrival
0315-Officer respondi II ? irea if Allied Health in reference to a
report of an audibl ilari but could not find the alarm
0335 Officers issued ampusi 1 tatums to two male students tor alcohol
violations and delaying a law enfon emenl offii er west ol Mendenhall
Student Center
0401- Officer responded to reports ol two male subjeds with open
containers of alcohol oast ol lement Residence Hall Subjects were
nonstudents, advised ol 1 amj 1 r. gulations, disposed ol alcohol and
were released
h25 Officer respondi M ncs R iidi rtce Hall to .1 reported con
trolled substance violal 1 tud t referred to Student Life for depo-
1731- Officer respi nd M -
alarm Hh-alarm - msed
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2 The East Carolinian March 27,1990
ECU Briefs
Elementary education students learn
teaching methods at Health Fair
Students in Health 3244, a health education methods course for
elementary education majors, will be conducting a health fair for
invited school age children in Memorial Gym on March 28,1990 from
12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Seventeen different booths on a wide variety of health
topics such as swimming pool safety, water pollution, safe microwave
cooking and smoking will be presented.
Service organization forms at ECU
A new international and coed serviceleadership oraganization is
being oraganized on campus under the name of Epsilon Sigma Alpha.
Epsilon Sigma Alpha is a philanthropic type oraganization which
believes in personal growth and community service.
The Chartering and Tinning Ceremony is to be conducted at the
Mendenhall Student Center on March 29. Anyone interested in joining
the EpsilonSigma Alpha organization may contact either Betty Mullins,
ESA Collegiate Coordinator, 919872-4988, or Jean Carson, Local ESA
member, 752-6371.
National Campus Clips
Three groups receive
SGA appropriations
Engineers construct supercondom
COLUMBIA, Mo. ? Eight University of MissouriColumbia engi-
neering students were caught by university police as they tried to hoist
a giant, homemade condom over a column this month.
The students, who were attempting the stunt as part of Engineering
Week, were pulling a 50-foot condom made of trash bags held together
with duct tape up the column by a rope thrown over the top. Police
officers saw a crowd forming around the column and called for back-
up. They then issued trespass warnings to the students and released
Lance Manyen, organizer of the exhibition, said students involved
wanted to make a statement about safe sex and protect the column from
acid rain created by the university power plant.
"It would have been great' Manyen said. "We had a ring around
it every foot and a half. From a distance, it would have appeared the
condom was ribbed. That was meant for the pleasure of female engi-
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
Despite a late start and an
annoying false fire alarm in Men-
denhall Student Center, the Stu-
dent Government Association
approved appropriations for three
groups in Monday afternoon's
The National Financial Man-
agement Association was appro-
priated $2,274 by a voice vote for
eight members to attend a confer-
ence in Chicago. Legislator Bar-
bara Lamb said the organization
has an opportunity to win awards
while at the conference. Some of
the funds will cover costs for air
fare and registration fees.
After the appropriation was
passed, Legislator Derek
McCullers made a motion to re-
consider the bill since his objec-
tion to approving the bill was not
heard due to the persistent ring-
ing of the fire alarm.
Once the issue was reopened
and discussed, the body again
passed the bill by a voice vote.
McCullers questioned the SGA
policv on air fare.
The 80 members of the
Student's Speech, Language and
Hearing Association were appro-
priated $700 to hire two speakers
to come to ECU and speak to their
The legislature passed by
voice vote the $130 appropriation
to the ECU Decision Science Soci-
ety. Legislator Paula Jospch said
the money will pay for office
supplies,diskettes, a guest speaker
and a social.
In the period of notices and
announcements, Legislator Leslie
Nicholson told the legislature, "If
you're not going to vote, don't
Legislator Michael Had ley
encouraged all SGA members to
go out and vote on March 28. 1 le
also asked that all organizations
that havenot had their constitution
approved by thelegislature within
the last two years to get in touch
with him as soon as possible.
Senior Class President Fred
Steck reminded all graduating
seniors to read The East Carolinian
article concerning the change in
commencement procedures. Steck
said each graduate isallowed only
six tickets for the ceremony.
(Director of Advertising
James F.J. McKee
llt&0t advertising Representatives
Guy J. Harvey
Shay Sitlinger
Adam T. Blankenship
Phillip V. Cope
Kellev O'Connor
Everyone scattered when the police officers showed up, he said.
"Only eight of us stayed to bring the prophylactic down. Condoms ruin
the spontaneity enough times, but having a lot of cops around really
breaks the mood
Manyen said his crew will not attempt to raise the condom again,
even though police did not confiscate it. "We've made our statement.
We've been heard he said.
U.S. Postal Service halts mail to
scholarship locators during inquiry
VERMILLION, S.D. ? The U.S. Postal Service imposed temporary
restraining orders on all mail sent to a firm promising students a
scholarship for a $60 fee.
San Diego Postal Inspector Richard Schlueter said the postal service
filed a complaint against the Academic Council on Financial Assistance
for misrepresentation. AGFA Supervisor Monica Howe said the firm
would not comment on the restraint because of the nature of the
Schlueter said the ACFA appears to be a government agency
because it gives a Washington, DC, return address. However, that
address is only a mail drop, and the company is actually located in San
Diego, Calif.
The firm's mailings make it appear that students are applying for
scholarships directly through the ACFA, but the $60 fee really buys a list
of possible scholarship sources. The ACFA guarantees students at least
one scholarship of $300 or more, or a full refund.
"(The ACFA) is preying a lot on a fear aspect said Marianne
McKeirnan, University of South Dakota associate director of financial
aid. "People think there is no aid money left. There is need-based aid out
there, you just have to apply for it
CCopynght I "JO. tOATOMItAppk Colltgf Informthon Nttuork.
Crime Report
False alarms ring at 'alarming' rate
Ma"1-22 .
0140- Officer responded to the area of Clement Residence Hall in
reference to an intoxicated student. Subject charged with being intoxi-
cated and disruptive.
0348- Officer responded to Jones Residence Hall in reference to a fire
alarm showing trouble that was caused by unknown subject; remov-
ing the sensor on the 1st floor near room 171.
1758- Officers checked out t6 White Residence Hall in reference to a
student being suicidal.
2326- Officer checked on the fire alarm in Garrett Residence Hall.
0138- Officers responded to Green Residence Hall in reference to
harassing phone calls. Caller was located in Garrett Residence Hall and
charged with harassing phone calls.
0224- Officer responded to a fire alarm at Aycock Residence Hall. The
alarm was triggered by unknown person(s) pulling the pull station on
the third floor.
2359- Officer checked out at Garrett Residence Hall to assist in the
rescue of an injured subject.
0159- Officers responded to Fleming Residence Hall looking for a male
in the female bathroom on the first floor. The subject was gone upon
1537- Officers checked the automatic teller machine of New East Bank
at Mendenhall Student Center due to an alarm.
0202- Officers responded to the area east of Garrett Residence Hall in
reference to a report of loud intoxicated subjects. Subjects were gone
upon arrival.
0315- Officer responded to the area of Allied Health in reference to a
report of an audible alarm sounding, but could not find the alarm.
0335- Officers issued campus citations to two male students for alcohol
violations and delaying a law enforcement officer west of Mendenhall
Student Center.
0401- Officer responded to reports of two male subjects with open
containers of alcohol east of Clement Residence Hall. Subjects were
nonstudents, advised of campus regulations, disposed of alcohol and
were released.
1625- Officer responded to Jones Residence Hall to a reported con-
trolled substance violation. Student referred to Student Life for depo-
1731- Officer responded to Slay Residence Hall to an activated fire
alarm. The alarm was caused by cooking in the kitchen on the first floor.
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Carolina Pregnancy Center355-3473
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n 106

I ill 1 U " I I illUlllllilll, I J . i I I ? I , 1 t lJ
Joseph Coroly
y al
Continued from page l
Jtvws saying that students should
not judge leaders bei ause the)
have below a 2.5 GPA I don't feel
we need to raise it from a 2 0 to a
2 ftoshoN competent leadership
Helms said It vr re going to do
it let s make it a 4 0 so ihe i an
show lho are qualified he
cause thev have the grades No i
don t have a 2 5 but I don t think
m leadership qualifications are
based on that number
I homas said In- w anted all
Gandhi offers perspective on religion
By Val rouloumbadjian
Stall Unlit
tul method to fight evil I he key important aspe toft landhi's phi- was to realize ourselves and Cod,
was to try to conquer evil through losophy was that he practiced what Rao explained Cultivating the
love and to shovs no fear in the he preached. His life and experi- material, the physical, could only
speech on 'Gandhi's Reli battle. People have to show a deep ences show his dynamism, his lv done at the expenses of the
gion of Religion Social and Spiri faith in God and the goodness of action His faith in people helped spiritual Life is a matter of bal- spects inaugurated a new human beings "Religion consists him to apply his theory of non- ance between the physical and
violence throughout his life, spiritual worlds Going further,
whethertightingdiscnmmauonin Rao said that to Gandhi, being
Di K I Seshagin Rao.alead rhat'shisreligion'Raosaidaboul South Africa as a lawyer or mak- greedy and accumulating super
Religious Studies Minor Program in loving(iod and serves his rea
at E( I on March 22 tion rhat'stherelicionofrelicion
ing Gandhian scholar delivered Gandhi's concept of love, adding
the lecture and said that Gandhi that the same principle of non
is becoming popular uiii he will violence might lv applied today
Indents from all organizations hi j he more important to the Amen
can sock in the late 20th centur
lv bettei involved in r presenta
n theSt - 1 think it simpot that all organ '
11 d in thi- pro i not just
I homas and V ? ?. I
c would hi I i telex ision
I trtnturt
in a national or international level
Rao unJerlmevi that another
itinued from page 1
and in the 21st centun . Rao said
Rao, who is a professor ol reli
ions studies at the I niversitx ol
inia has published three
- ? and 11 art it les related to
(.and hi among othei w orks
Mohandas K iandhi is the best
mretormerot the 2t)th
nturx ? Calvin Mercer, the
I the new pi ra:n said
? lv i " I fferent
Liandhi's Iiti and
elves to dit
. . . .
I i ii I his deep
: ? ? i i truth and love txx k
philosi iphx I he
irch ot trul - a dist i
: ????. i tind it. vou hax e
il di I t ? ? mdhi the
iltm il ?? itl is - : md p : '
- . - part t trutl
. aid thai i I ?? . I
isgiftot !o e was i
? ? . ' : mdhi. i hi
i ng history by releasing the forces tluous riches meant deprixing
ot democracv in India, which was somebody else trom the bare ne
under the yoke of the British cessity "You can take as mm h as
f'o iandhi, the ultimate truth you need I he surplus belongs to
was spiritual and the ultimate goal sk iety
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David Herring, General Manager
Low Martin, Editor
AMES F.J. McKee, Director o) Advertising
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MARGl Morin, .Ax; Y;c Editor
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PHONG Luong, Credit Manager
Stuart Rosner, Business Manager
PAMEI a COPE, Ad Tech Supervisor
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BETH LUFTON, Secretory
SGA Elections
? ???????????????"A-
Letters of Endorsement
Fhe East Carolinian has been sen mc the East Carolina campus community since 1925, w ith primary emphasis on in-
formation most direct) affecting ECU students. It is published tu. ice weekly, with a circulation of 12,000. The East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis ot age, sex,
creed or national origin. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. For purposes of decency
and brevit) . The Fast Carolinian reserves the right to edit any letter tor publication. Letters should be sent to The East
Carolinian. Publications Bide FCC. Greenville, NC, 27834; or call us at (919) 7S7-6r.
Helms and Royal stand above
For several weeks now the Editorial
Board at The East Carolinian has followed
he platforms ot' the student government
andidates After conducting individual
nterviews with each candidate and attend-
ng Monday's forum on the Mall, where the
candidates stated platforms and answered
questions from the media and the audience,
? evident that the best
tor the office
of president is 1artv 1 lelms.
I lelms is clearly the most experienced
candidate. His involvement with ECU stu-
dent politics dates back to 1986, when he
first became an CiA legislator Since that
time, 1 lelms has served on a number ot
committees within the SGA, was president
of his sophomore class, and served as speaker
of the legislature last year.
1 le lias served the university by writ-
ing legislation tor the benefit of the student
body, hast spring he authored a bill which
called tor the enstallment of a turn signal
light at the bottom of College Hill. By the
end of the summer, kiM light ha?i DtRUttU?
Helms also made possible the street paint-
I ing in front of the Student Store with a piece
of legislation he co-authored. In 1988, he
wrote a resolution proposing an extended
class dd period
In additon to his achievements here on
campus, 1 lelms has vast experience in state
and national student polices. He is cur-
rentlv serving as assistant attorney general
for the .C. Student I egislature. On the na-
tional level, Helms is the attorney general
and a founding member oi the U.S. Inter-
Collegiate 1 egislature. But. because both
terms of office will end during the summer.
his involvement with these legislatures will
not interrupt his performance as student
body president. I lelms said he has no plans
to run for re-election to these positions if
Ideas tor the future' One of Helms'
main concerns is the past lack of representa-
tion of the student body at Greenville City
Council meetings It elected. Helms will
develop a close working relationship with
citv officials to avoid conflicts such as last
semester's noise ordinance. I lelms said he
would eventually like to see an ECU student
elected to the city council.
A book exchange program is another
idea that 1 lelms would like to implement.
This would provide a means tor students to
trade buy and trade textbooks without pav-
ing the full fee at the book stores
I us list of attributes is endless, his ideas
are bright, and his goals are obtainable.
Marty Helms is resourceful, and he is ca-
pable of providing the best leadership ECU
has seen in a long time. All he needs is your
elected presn
Mow some people say that experience
sii't everything. True So what else does
i lelms have to otter1
Campus involvement lelmsisamem-
ber of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and is
currently vice president oi Interfraternity
caroliman gives its endorsement to Randy ?
Royal I ike 1 lelms, Royal is an experienced
Sc IA legislator. I le is presently a member of
the Rules and Judiciary Committee.
In addition to his student government
experience Royal server as president of
Interfraternity Council and has held several
offices in Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, including
the office of treasurer In addition, Royal has
dealt with finances in his job with the Bucca-
neer and the ECU Student Unions.
Royal has some fresh ideas to imple-
ment if elected treasurer of the student body.
I le said he would like to make student loans
available under more flexible conditions.
I le also plans to propose the reallocation ot
student tees so that funds can be used more
So there you have them! The smart
choices for the oft ices of president and treas-
urer. Elections are Wednesday, so don't
forgel to bring your IP. with you. Show
your concern for ECU by choosing the very
best possible representatives: Marty I lelms
and Ranch' Roval.
has unique
To the editor:
Allen Thomas is a unique
individual. I'm glad to see ho is
running for SGA president. 1 feel
ho can do the job. Allen is a giving
person with a warm heart. Being a
brother with myself at Sigma Phi
Epsilon he has contributed a great
deal His experience with Si .A tor
the last three years and his hard
work and dedication will raise his
to a great president. 1 feel sincerity
is an important quality. Allen is a
friend to anyone. 1 le is sincere and
trustworthy. Allen has many goals
and ideas tor 111 believe Allen
has solutions to these ideas. 1 ets
vote him in office on March 28
Bring your I.D.s.
Thomas . Spaulding
Sophomore Class President
Helms has
Io the editor
As the upcoming election
draws near we all must make a
de ision. Who will do the best job
as president of our student body ?
This is a decision that will affect
the lies of students tor decades.
1 he legislation that begins with a
president is going to affe t
of students tor the rest of East
Carolina's history We must elect
a president who is going to repre-
sent us, as students, to the highest
degree I he man that can best
ccevmph-h trus-i Marty Hh
! ?e hn? rho-pvporrervr: drive and'
motivation to be one of the best
sudent body presidents in East
Carolina's illustrious history.
1 have worked with Marty on
a variety of different committees
in a ptethera ot organizations. In
each circumstance he has proven
to be of extreme diligence and to
be composed of a drive uncharac-
teristic tor a student. 1 feel that
Marty 1 lelms would not only bring
ideas into the office, but follow
through with them and insure
action. This is vital if we are to
regain the prominence that we
once en. yed at theexecutivelevel.
1 iislistof accomplishments is
endless He has served on the
Student.o ernment Association
tor the last tour years and in that
time frame has been chairman oi
three committees, speaker ot the
house, a member of the North
(. arolirta Student 1 egislature,and
heis irrenth executive vice presi-
dent of the InterFratemity Coun-
cil While serving on these com-
mittees he has put countless is-
sues on the table and seen them
through to the end. This is the
kind of motivation and leadership
that we need from our student
bodv president. 1 urge all students
to join me on March 28 in voting
tor Marty Helms.
Earle McAuley
President, Beta I'heta Pi
we feel, a problem that requires
immediate attention Ms An-
drews is the only candidate that
has acknowledged this situation,
and as president, will be in a posi-
tion to correct it.
We urge all students to sup-
port and vote for Robin Andrews
for SGA president on March 28
Tina Shaw
Design Associates
is positive,
To the editor:
I encourage every thinking
student on campus to back Robin
Andrews for SGA president to-
Not only is Robin an intelli-
gent and creative woman: her
sincere caring about students and
enthusiasm towards enriching
ECU is untouched by the other
candidates Her vision is not
i touded by hidden personal Agen
das Robin'sposirjveandacommit-
ted personality will prove her to
be an invaluable SGA President
Vk toria Higgins
(Graduate Art
Royal to
To the editor:
Experience is the basis tor a
good leader A person who broad-
ens hisher horizons by involve-
ment in numeTousacHvities;whfle
at thosamehmemakinca positive
impact on his her environment
Involvement within the S ?A,
the InterFratemity Council and
many campus organizations has
made Randy Royal a good leader
He has a drvp desire to improve
our university community, fhe
office of treasurer's duties and
responsibilities go far beyond a
supervisory role of budgets. The
office also requires a person to be
available to hear the concerns of
the students and to act accord-
ingly. Randy exhibits the neces-
sary qualities to perform the
office's "required duties and
those which are not stated in the
job description
Randy Roval isby far the most
qualified candidate for the office
ot treasurer Pake the ettort to-
morrow and vote tor the only
Ray Madden
Political Science
SGA Treasurer
Thomas to
lend himself
to university
To the editor:
The Executive Council of De-
sign Associates is proud to en-
dorse Robin Andrews for SGA
Robin has consistently been
awareof and tried tocorrectmany
problems that exist on ECU
campus, such as the increasing
number of rapes. In the office of
SGA president, we are confident
that she will be able to initiate the
programs that will make our
campus safer for all intended.
Her views on the lack of a Men-
tion that certain departments
within our university receive is,
To the editor:
I am happy to be able to write
this endorsement letter for Allen
Thomas for student government
president. The reason being, that 1
am able to tell others why he is the
most qualified candidate. The
president of the student body-
should not onlv be active in the
life of the school, but he should
also be able to lend himself to all
aspects of the school. Allen has
demonstrated this characteristic
bv the diversity of the legislation
he has authored. When the city of
Greenville demanded a noise
permit ruling, Allen had a piece of
legislation drawn up to oppose
that ruling. The legislation passed
Allen also authored the reso-
lution that opposed the state'splan
tocuteducational funding. He was
instrumental in having funds
transferred for the Minority Stu-
dent Organization, and helped the
Allied Blacks for Leadership and
Equality receive funding. In addi-
tion to his work within the SGA,
Allen also possesses a quality of
sincerity and respect for every-
one, that allows him to be open to
other opinions and ideas Anv
issue, no matter how big or small
it may seem, is important to Allen
He likes people and loves to work
with other people ideas, vi March
28, vote for Allen Thomas for stu
dent government president, and
give him the chance to work with
Fred Stock
Senior Class President
Corley can
ECUrs thirst'
Fo the editor:
Long time ago. ?n a galaxy far
faraway there lived a dying thirst
It was a parched planet The gods
Budweisiest, king ofthe beers, and
Michelobiest, queen of the night
had to save this dying thirst fcx
tore, the BEAST.
loe Corley, messenger of the
gods, was sent to earth to quench
the problem How can he do that"
A thundering ?. i from the
foamy clouds appears and sa ,
"Vote tor loe C orley for student
body treasurer "
But why? 'Because he will
quench your thirst tor hard work
and excellence He comes from a
family of eleven i hildren and as a
result has to pav his own wa
through school He knows what
hard work is. foe Corley knows
the value of a dollar In short oe
Corley can keep you away fn n
the Beast lightning strikes!
I have known foeorley I i
years As student body treasun i
he will do a lot for ECU. He pi n
groups He would like to see the
art school receive the attention it
deserves He plans to bring canv
pus closer together bv helping
groups get the monev they I
? Corley will quench that
thirst for good government Vote
Corley studentbody treasurer
tomorrow' Quench that thirst'
hm 1 ayton
(General Secretary
funior 'History
Helms not
afraid to
speak out
I o the Editor
i n the 28th of March, you
will be asked to vote tor one of
several candidates who are run-
ning tor S .A president. Many ol
you are probable unfamiliar with
the prospective candidates and re-
main undecided on who is the
best candidate, and who would
do the most tor you. It is tor this
reason that 1 would like to convey
to you who 1 believe to be the most
qua 111 ied ca rvdid a te forSG A presi -
dent His name is Marty Helms.
Marty has been extremely
active in all aspects of student
government. All that one needs to
do to recognize this involvement
is to read The East Carolinian 'a
coverage of our SGA. Who is
quoted more than anvone else?
Who has demonstrated fhat he is
not afraid to speak out and be
heard on many important issues1
Obviously, Marty Helms is the
onlv appropriate answer to these
Marty has eagerly shown us
that he is willing to work hard,
that he is willing to speak out on
important often controversial,
issues, and he has the student
government experienceknow-
ledge that will allow him to ac-
complish many important tasks
for all of us. Inorder to ensure that
you are truly represented by the
student government, vote for
Marty Helms for SGA president.
Kenneth W. Ashley
Political Science
See Letters, page 5

The East Carolinian. March 27.1990 5
Continued from page 4
Thomas to
better city
to the editor:
Here at ECU we need more
than ust people with experience
to fill our SGA offices. We need
dedicated candidates who are
capable of working with diverse
groups Jo get the )ob done. We
need a studeni government presi
dent who can represent the stu-
dent interests and not )ust their
own there is no one better quali-
fied to hold this position than Alien
Thomas He his the experience
and the dedication to improve
relations with the citv and to
improve our campus overall. If
vou want to see ECU continue to
be a safe and enjoyable place to
reccr, can education vou will Vote
for Allen Thomas for student
government president
Ciretchen Blankenship
Political Science
SGA Public Defender
and Corley
to the editor.
Normal!) I hate getting ln-
o! rd in things as rain id as poll
tics, but e crv time the S iA elei -
? ris roll around. I find mv ulcers
acting UP and 1 have to take a
stand even on something as
trivial as a university election.
1 or years the .reek orgarti
Nations ha r d iminated the IA.
I have nothingagainst .reeks it
someone has a pathetic need to
pay tor their friends, that s tine
with me Hut it does bother me
thHI motWMtm mv student fee?
goes towards their groups and
their activities, and the reason this
happens is that thev outnumber
unattihated students in the SGA.
1 asl year 1 supported Valeria
Lassiter for president and this year
I'd like to use mv mlamous name
to support Robin Andrews tor
president and loeCorlev tor treas-
urer The fad that they are not
( .reeks isn't the main reason 1
support them, although I'd be a
Kin bonehead it I said it didn't
figure mto it
I've partied with Joe and fre-
quently corresponded with Robin
In boring classes rheyarenotbofti
politicians like SOtTie other candi-
dates tor the office, thev are con-
cerned students concerned
about people rather then their
I hev didn t ask me to i1i this,
and I'm sure when the paper
comes ou I fuesday.the) 11 be most
surprised Even though they have
little or no chance against the
( .reek vi 'ting, bloc, they could win
it VOU and VOU and even vou. the
nerd in the front row of chemistry,
r,ot out and voted Remember
everything affects everything else,
and thisould be vour (ham e to
,u t rather than be acted upon
( .od lu k. kids
Chippy bonehead
Master o? Reality
to unify
To the editor
Tomorrow vou will have the
opportunity to choose vour next
student body president.
This person will need to be
knowledgeable about the chal-
lenges that face all students, be
level headed and be open to all
suggestions This person will also
need to be able to work to bring
students together as one to fight
the challenges that we will face in
the next year This person must
continue to work to improve rela-
tions with the city of Greenville.
There is one candidate that
has all the qualifications needed
to lea us as we face the problems of
Student life at ECU and in Green-
ville. Allen Thomas is the best
suited candidate for the office of
SGA president
I know of no other person that
I can truly trust and depend on
like Allen. Whether it is helping
me with a problem facing East
Carolina or helping me in a per-
sonal emergency, I know that Al-
len will be there toback me up and
provide the help that I need
I know that Allen will show
this same dedication to the post
tion of SGA president.
I urge vou to place your vote
tomorrow for Allen Thomas, a
dedicated leader and friend for
Tripp Roakes
SGA Body President
tive attitude towards our legisla-
tive body and has a limited con-
cept of how student government
In the past, Robin Andrews
has urged vou not to vote in the
SGA elections. Now I urge you to
vote, but not for Robin Andrews.
Beth Howard
Student Welfare Chairman
Royal is
the most
work is
To the editor:
The position of treasurer for
the student government should
not be taken lightly, and Randy
Royal doesn't. In fact when it
comes to finances, Randy isdeadly
serious. I've had the opportunity
to work with Randy in the Rules
and ludiciarv Committee for the
past vear, and everv Constitution
that was looked at, Randy dragged
a fine tooth comb over the finan-
cial sections. Randy is not afraid
to point out, ask questions, or
Verify information when it comes
to the allocation ot money, which
is important when dealing with
thousands ol dollars In addition
to his involvement in SGA, Randy
currentl v serves as the lnterlrater-
mtv Council's president
In this position Randy has not
only had to oversee the politics ot
the organizations, but he also has
had to make sure that all finances
were being handled properly and
efficiently. The job Of treasurer
though is not solev one of finan-
cial reports and semestcrly alloca-
tions. This job also requires that
the person be able to be a laison
between the student body and the
SGA.Given Randy's financial and
leadership experience, one would
be hardpressed to find a more
capable SGA treasurer, but
COUpled with Randv's cordial
personality and his willingness to
work with others, there is no ques-
tion that Randy Royal is the best
choice for SGA treasurer
1 red Stock
Senior Class President
To the editor.
During last war's SC.A elec-
tion, Robin Andrews ran for un-
lor class president as i member of
a political party called the Re-
formist Party. In the elections,
there were discrepancies with the
polls. It was voided and elections
were rescheduled.
Although the ballots were
never counted, the Reformist Party
believed they had won SGA posi-
tions and the new election was a
plot to keep them out of office.
Instead of facing the election
and campaigning again to repre-
sent the students, the Reformist
Party (including Robin Andrews)
withdrew from the election. Where
was the concern for representing
the students then?
After withdrawing from the
elections, the Reformist Party and
Ms. Andrews, herself, urged
people not to vote in the election.
Instead of voting or campaigning
to improve the SGA, they quit.
Since that time, Robin An-
drews has attended almost all of
the SGA meetings, not as a repre-
sentative, but in her own words,
as a "watchdog
Robin Andrews shows a nega-
To the editor:
for several years I have had
the opportunity to work with with
Randy Royal. The Student Gov-
ernment Association, Student
Union, Buccaneer, and the Inter
Fraternity Council have been for-
tunate to have Randy as part of
their organizations As he puts in
tremendous amounts of time,
energy, and dedication into all he
Raitdy is the most qualified
person for the job of SC.A treas-
urer I le has the knowledge and
expertise in working with large
budgets and appropriating funds
for different organizations, as well
as strong ties with the administra
tion ot E( I
In everv thing that Randy does
there is always the dedication of
110 percent leadership.
When vou vote tomorrow
March 28, for SGA treasurer, make
the best choice and vote for Randy
Karen Provost
Panhellenic President
Corley is
To the editor:
Vote JOE CORLEY for student
body treasurer! I have known him
to be someone you can trust He is
a firm believer in the Pirate tradi-
tion He has supported our teams
through thick and thin. He has
attended every sport here from
baseball to swimming He hasbeen
there to support and cheer our
teams to victory JOE CORLEY
alwavs hasbeen there and always
will be It is this love of campus he
will bring to the student govern-
ment. This supportive nature will
Cany us from victorv to victory. I
urge you all to vote for him. JOE
CORLEY is the man vou need for
student bodvTreasurcr.
Danielle DiFiore
Pure Cold Dancers
Thomas is
To the editor:
Allen Thomas is by far the
best candidate for the office of SGA
president. His three years of expe-
rienceon the SGA legislature have
been I positive experience that he
can and will use to become an
excellent SGA president His
proven leadership as Appropria-
tions Committee Chairman and
outspoken legislator have proven
his abilities.
I have known Allen for over
two years and I have been thor-
oughly impressed with his dedi-
cation and hard work ethic. I have
served on the Appropriations
Committee with him this year and
observed him to be fair and hon-
est. Allen Thomas is the best can-
didate for SGA president. Vote
Allen Thomas on March 28.
Tripp Hogg
FinanceReal Estate
Junior Class President
Marty Helms
1990 SGA President
? Improve CityUniversity Relations
? Voter Registration Program
? Expand Student Involvement on Campus
? Computerized Book Exchange
? Improved Student Center Facilities
? Improve Dining Services Food Quality
? Improvement on Past Issues:
Rape AwarenessLightingParking
? Improved SGARHA Relations
A Quality Leader With Student Interests at Heart
i a a t
for President,
Vice President, Treasurer,
and Secretary
March 28th
Ballot Boxes located throughout
campus Bring your I.D.

?!ic East (Earoltnian
Page 6
March 27,1990
ROOMM lls Ml PHI oupic pro
(erred t - hai o two bdi apt foi summei
? : ? ? . i-I- ? ,N .ii iM?;h J'I
; BEDROOM PRlMrNT. ro sublet
? ? Rivci Summer lease available Ma)
gh ugust II $386.00 per month
x) and ask for Stephen Qegg or
k Kesl ' ?all i .ir Kiver office
brkroom gallery Progressive, inno
. it . itm (sphere I - Slides resume)
? ? Ferdelance POfl I5W Chapel Hill,
27515 oi ?l? 929 6629
l Ri.l ONI BEDROOMAPT Carpeted,
kltcl ipj inces central air and heal
impus Some apis furnished
vs v? 752 99)5
Mil I" Graduate student needs rcm
kitchen privileges for both summer
? Mai v after 6 0 pm 752
2 ' I there leave name and number
iHIPKiuni AvailableMa Call 752-
poi issman to share i quiet
kept R apartment Private bed
? - . ???? mce to EC! all Sta
2bath lor more information call 752 165
and ak tor I ete,h Anne or Millie
kitchen facilities, A washer and drvei
m kitchen Call830-8882 between 1 00pm
and ; (H1 p m
WANTED; For a two torv three bed
room, two full bath house I mated on the
comet oi 4th, Eastern and Johnston (eil
ing tans washerdryer cable, spacious
attic and garage -lk1 OQmonthly and l I
utilities Needed lor summei and ill Act
now' I'M tot onl good while supplies last
( all Antsaa v 931 8438 and leave a mes
summei onlv at Cypress Gardens v i;i
haveownroom S167 50per month and 1
2 utilities Call 752 8324
FRFF RIM From mid June to end of )uh
in exchange tor house and pet sitting
I oolong tor mature and responsible stu
dent Call David evenings 7"S Ibtfi
WANTED 2 people M or F to share I
bedroom of a - bedroom apt in Wilson
Acres Kent SI30.00 a month ot-r person
and 1 3 utilities has pool and sji
cated 4 blocks from campus Avail May
for summer andor next year Call kr at
ROOM I OR RIM S145a month nextt.
campus Summei and. oi yeat Fullv :?
nished Call 757 T
hi itei , ints rocks and much more Call
MOBII I HOM1 FORSAL1 read) ???.
up m rm ? par! I nvement to down
town Lot rent S75 pel - th Wu
Oakwood Uvfx1 2bdrm Excellent con
dition Wei ilal ' w itilirj bill
? ? " i. ii y J ail H ivy hi use tv v
hit; ?; villhandle I400sq ft.)Storm
door ii m ? lows smi ke alarms secu
ntv 'hh ks parttalh furnished with regu
lar house type furniture washer and
drvei reft ig ratoi rang wng room
diningi n N edro. m h mil ire lOx
Ilit treated deck 8x 9
n it '??. M iv I - Htm Bv
app u tmenl ' 2 8509 attei ;? m
IMR I t RUM ? 1K 1 I RIPT Students
dor tforgetl us? d in fhurs
Bpn 12:15a tr Tic n it i ??? n
slav and ? ? loreinfor
COPYING SI K H ES Wc offei typing
ai : hotcx opyn sen es We also sell
?. ?? ?? - ? pul ?- 24 h irs ii ind
??? ???.?:
t IN t I l IP Kl1111 Is , , d
MU'l is A(iF 19-45: line up summer
work now! When Early May June to Late
u? Early Sept Where Eastern N Cos
Lenoir (.raven Pitt Jones,Onslow,Greene
Iiv Min 5 50 hour plus mileage expense
What field scouts to monitor crops We
:? iln! Quabf Conscientious v,xxi physt
a. shape have own vehicle, reliable send
Resume to MCSI, P.O Box 179 Grifton,
N 28531
mi U T1SM SOCIETY OF NC: is air
?? rid) r ruiting counselors to work at our
s week residential summer camp tor per
sons vMth Autiam The camp is held at
( amp New Hop' near Chapel I hi! and
c ns V.iv 20 ninnins through iuiv ?s
S idemi credit is available For further
information, please contact Greg iv,k at
C19) s;i 0859
PF NTS: I lave that summer ob lined up
early Brody's and Brodry"s tor Men are
acr epting applications tor part time sales
psi!ions Appiv MrisJv s the Plaa Mon
dav Wednesday 1 4p m
With a new summei wardrobe Earn extra
nioni'v and use your dothing discount while
working in part tame sales Positions avail-
able in Irs jewelry and men's Apply
Brodv's The Plaza Monday Wednesday 1
si MM! R v MP i OI NSF1 ORS: Men
and Womei Generalists ai d sj lalists
rwoovernightSweel imps nNewYork's
? nda k M unta ns ha pemi zsl i
( hap-l I 111! Sld out showreat seats
Offers taken (919)967-9584 anytime
KA: Thanks tor a great social I et - .lo it
again soon Dkl that guv ever get his clothes
back1 AOPI
CHI OMEGA: Congratulations n win
ninp your last two softball games Keep up
the pood work' Love, Your Sisters
Suggests a!i of its lovai reader to vote I I
Kobin AndrewsSGA President
SIC, EP: PcxM Tourr iment at Sports Pad
April 3,4 5 pet read) I awn Partv v. a- a
blast Friday Cot Psyched for Greek Week
Waytorockem SigEp softball and nice
iob on vour forfeit Win C 'earn
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Toyou Happy Btrth
day to you, Happv Birthday dear !vkv
(. arter FVth Beaney, J"i Cathy Savage
Happv Birthdav tovoul I ove OPi
ATTEN:AlphaXiDelta. IriSig ChiO KA
and PKA TheSaint Patrick s fav Tr;
cialwasa Mast rheeal ?? rocked
Beer flying people raging all over the pla e
Wo couldn t pet enough ? . guys were
fun as hell to party Let's do it apain
The Brother and Pledges of Kappa :pma
GREEKScMarch 27th at the Atti it the
place tobelThe30m ANNUAI KU SING
sponsored bv P' Fve
dan ing and songs will ? ?
out and support the AMI R ? Xs. '
pel it 9 v m ??-??.
experiei ? d k id? ihipwitha '
quality? rhere is no ihei I ? ? Mart)
Helms for presjdeni
? s a few weeV i late but than! for th.
surprise s ial ? ?
tionsnewsisters. l.xk U rwardl "
ing again s?on Man '?'
we rea bil I - i '??'? ? ' "
Pledges of Kappa Sigma
AOPI.What an awesome thai i ? rsai
celebration'Thanks to i ? ? md lal
(those -C k i I " ? "
? a. ? ? .?? itfori i ?
1 years ar. rust as su
MARFr MM Ms ForSG re lenl ?
irch 28
: un'tnofoi u ' ? ?
Andrei ? ? re?
: i ?
dent 11 the man that i I
?, in ?? :
SIG IPH! M - :? ill l
M1CHI 1 1 I Mil II K
dj O: r r ? ? ?? ?' ?
ars intilyoucanreaDyu -
Something I I
? i don't look
PI R kl IN I
I I M l I IP H11 I I Nl I PI P
Rt H 'MM 11 VN NI I P p.i. !
: ibhoi isc tennis and has
- tl . ? ? ? Free lawn maintenance
- per rr nth. Call anytime: 756-1453
I i a-1 lea e messagi
MM M'K KIN I o bedroom com
. ? irmshed Located in Ringgi Id
?ers I all S3 i 1724 aftei 3 p m
(U IK II Vs In 2 bedroom lar Kiver
Available pust Excellent eondi
? ? ?? . - all repairs done rent
-??? . ? 530i I pot ? iv iid paving the
isedt nl Ii terestedcaU 9364
I nl I IPKs l ,
i a
? ) nisi ttntsh pt
FORSALI b 12 hreestanding loft with
offt: a ?! ?: sk foi D at 73: ?
is ii ircf YOl UBl JEEPS
544 through the US Government?! ??
the ? i ?- today! Call . 7 8 742 1142 Exi
COl OR TV :0 SI 00 APd j -?
speed bike in ps.i condition V.
foi S45ill and leave a message at '? ?
FORSALI CanonT5035mn im? ?
Speedlite 2 V4T Rash and 30mm lens Was
?i" 15Ti Now-QV 00Createonditton Call
II 1 l 1 ROOM MA IF Nf 1 PIP Foi
summei md fall-available now to share 2
bedroom apt own bedroom) in larRjyor
si"s month pit 12 u!him uii? mjv nyme ???
? ? oRrTp foTTfun m&jm'gW 'T ? " : ? ? "?'
364 if interested ,0 CALlON FISH fANK IOR SALE
mplete with all supplies Powei I ? i
while ou waif
i ree & Confidential
Services & Counseling
( jidlin.i Pregnancy (enter
757 0003
11! !r. 3rd St.
i he Lev Building
Greenville, NT
M-F 9 am-5 pm
r? i ???? ??a??1- ?ru
a "m ? bkscmeni i'r HNa.i'iV
asmesses ? r.?.c . i R j? i?the
1SCanute, AiuurIm tn3.ii ??
.p.rie Oueetor) m ? S1 u? j.
? 1LCIfinali end la Sili a :a0 i Sr; r.rgi, Col Vtdo
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30- 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
j km tppotntrrvni M ?- ihnj sj
p rcrnvAJHan to 2 iwcria rfPrrgnuw
F.N. Wolf & Co Inc
Investment Bankers
We arc .i full - service Investment firm expanding and looking for cnir
level Accouni Executives.
V? e -ii i ? ndiK ting one on one inter. ie'A s at the;
Ramada Inn
203 W. Greenville Blvd
Saturday. March Jl
Foi an interview time please alh
i - Pipei George Hubbard
1 800-537-2190 R.S.V.P. 1-H04-49H-1HK)
Raleigh. NC Virginia Beach . Va
Nf arc- growing and expanding and we might be looking
I for a person just like you to enter our training program.
Ml Ml I I'
hi i r n D
? I ? II K
. i

. i
etrv R ;v and amp i raft il Water
ji:tAiui (Swinuniniz SV ? ? -? '
? ?
? -
: i? ? desi
- in ? ? J ? I
I K li'M i 1 K. 'Nl MONO
111 I V Will'
Yeai ? ? S6fX n ? Ill l : : S - .? 1. ?( h
? . iv 687 ? 6662
. .
. ?
v, .
?? ? ?? crstei rani ike
? ? ? ? ? . . v
11561 Women repl) Sherie I i imj
nt O Pines I tki N I 12815
COV1 KW11 N I JOBS I - ?:
? ? ? ? in ? ? Ii ral bsl
MKl IMs SOW HIKISc; Riit Vtten
?:? rra'elAgents.Mechanics, I n
? ? .?'? .liari
to SI "s Entr
903-687-600 Exi
ps ui N. U
( Hll Rl I DINC
M I Dl D
. . ? ??? this is the sumn i r ;b
? ? . .?? ? . nencenot necessary
il :?? have strong lii;h Schoi I jk.
gr nmd RexiMe scheduling and great paj'
?H fleet for mrvreforfrnition-fWWSRS
IK H A(.lr ; Iravi ICenl ? Kas
!?? immediate ?:? i ngl ? an experienced
: ? u hill ?. r k e location in
y its exp req d BR1
. r ?? n ed S e .) ? r ige salars and hone
: ts Wnteor call !T( rravel " 5075-The
Plaa iP.O Box 1514 G ville N 27835
WANTED Part-hme park attendants al
River Park North Applicah ns filed jtCit
of Greenville, Personnel Dt-pt deadline
'm 13th For more information call
Ii ward au rig t83l 1562
? own transpi rtati m and refer
i srequired call I v
( llh'MI G
ind pi tures ill at ' '?
? Pun I
rat 7.0 "hai - id
tveat I water tamed dresses I n I
. . .
trips '? " 11 : II ?? '
tabs at the bai tu I d
? ?? e and all Pei '?'?
table was flie ven ne ca 1:0
?? to th beach for ?? n fui ?'? p ;r!
and rage and baK in tl
drive a surprise I must ?? tacev was
entertainmentthr igi itti ? .r.
A pack of cigars and a ; tti IM ? ;or.
another cal h to the ly in '??j
Slow down fasl Stal pet a ???
him he wj- ? me fasl ?'? I i-
rived j! the Scuffle Inn witJ . ? I m at
all except it was .i.iri. and rr . hjd j r i
Ih.c hcor anJ thi- he mad: us .i : ir
ti"? - ??- ? ? i ?tav
more I x i -1 i ???.iki a 60s part v I I
h.ni1 V ide us all smile and feel en g) t
thatwecametothebeachl - Steveweai
his socks t, pi ???- ?i aware
of the rocks Gret
,ii shouted ???" ? ? lihadi
used a quinea tee Sham to bricks
with a make-up brush we know .ind .
has white spots on his skin that noM ? ?
n - ??? o Ii end was .) blast toon i
i press m w il s h.i Voks ind a
long week of stress!
SICMABAKE SMI - monxw in front
of me Studi nt St -
Sigm is ??? twhostmgapai ? - ?- fasl
on SundaN pnl kets ale soon'
I HI E U MODE1 I c 1 I B Supp rts
Robin Andrews president te
March 28
111! MS FdR I'RFSinFNI mranl
argeSelectiin oi Bookbags,
rravel BagsSc Accessories.
s18 WWeRepair 752 8433
Now Taking I.e.iseN tor Fall
1990. Efficienc1 bod mi & 2
be dim apts. Call752 - 286S
? l K ,ll ll .11 1 t 1 ? Ni .ii Major Shopping t enters ?1(1 Bus Servke ? mmu 1 .ninilrv
7ytt 7X15 "r 758-7-1 (' ? .t f. GARDENS ? ? i v . .?' ? ?? -? -? t ? - S i . ? . ur
?-?-? t.
We have
?Desks 'Chair
?Files ?Safe?
?Computer 'Storage
Furniture Cabinets
We Buy. Sell. Trade. & Lease
1212 H. Greene St.
3209 Summerplaci?
New 1 and 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Parker's Barbecue on
Memorial Drive
? available Apnl 1. 1990
contact Aaron Spain
i HI i 'Ml (.
? ii '
i ki riMi ro ELECT : ?
nfETACHL- T - ?
expehi: ; ? :
? i nguigbei :? v
. ? ?
iwe all learned a t.S
this tune but vou I rtui
n the furun . . -1
put gar. m ii ?Vomiii?.? t? rrniv aiTimiriil
u - . ?
. ?? - ? ?- ? ?
ivhei ?? ? ? ? ?
the : m Innkei M ?
Quj Enos md rd
si l PIMSrORl sin vndawAre-
NESS:Supportl nAndi
dk ?" ? I le has s? il
s(,i PI: Thanks I t tl -
? ?? ehope
1 Qs
ii;n Hi i MS tl 9 .
making the St i:r: It - Da Soaal
cess Hie k.iri
li - ? ??
GOOD I I i K 1 1 1 rHOMAS WP
MART Mil Ms .
day!21 (Don't worr
rass you m tl re a great
.N-rt and jr .ia. mi? ?
rage! I w Your - t I '?. ?
MICHELLE Lh um What -
name? Please .1 pt this humble
B-Da areehng Weirdo
HelpNeeded: 'oung man for
Jeanup ditties Agofermg Pan
time.wrk contact 1 ou Baiua.
M-F. 756-8500 UM more info.
tti s?ty?cfj
800 351 0222
?f1P?f C"? n.p'aO'
ECU District 97, SEANC, will be sponsor
ing an "Oldies-Coldies" Dance, on Satur-
day, March 51. 190. at the Greenville
Country Gub, from 8 00 p m - 1 00 a m ,
with a D) featuring the music from the 50s,
60s, and 70s There will be door prizes,
light hors d'oevres, and cash bar as well as
a prize for the best-dressed couple repre-
senting each era Tickets for the event will
be S6person and may be obtained bv
contacting Peggv Nobles, Main Campus
(6012), David Balch, School of Medicine
(551-2471), or any member of the Distnct
97 Executive BoardExecutive Commit-
The 1990 Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olympics Spring i ames will be held on
Tuesday, April 10 atE BAvcockJr High
School in Greenville Rain Date, Thurs-
day, Apnl 12) Volunteers are needed to
help serve as buddies chaperones for
the Special Olvmpians Volunteers must
be able to work all day-from 9 00 a m -
2:00 p m An orientation meeting will be
held on Wed Apnl 4, in Old Jovner
Library, Room 221 at 5 00 pm for all
volunteers who are interested in help-
ing Free lunches and t-shirts will be pro-
vided the day of the games to all volunteers
who attended this onentation session For
more information contact the Special Olym-
pics office: 830-4551 or 8304541.
The Finaraal Management Association is
giving you the opportunity to try your luck
at predicting the Dow Jones Industrial Aver-
age on April 23 Contact anv FMA member
or go bv the Finance office to buy your
SI 00 lucky chance Last dav to make your
prediction is Apnl 9 The closest estimate
will win $50.00
Residence all room payments tor sum
mer school l1) will be accepted in the
cashier's office. Room 105. Spilman Build
ing beginning Apnl 4.19PQ Roomassign
ments will be made in the Department ot
Universitv Housing 201 VVhichard Build-
ing April 4 and Apnl 5 The rent tor a term
of summer school is $2(6 (Cotten. Fleming
See Announcements, page 7

The East Carolinian. March 27. 1990 7
Get Your SummerFall Semester Application in NOW
Continued from page h
ana larvis tails - $595) tor a smi private
room and 5345(Cotten, Reining and arvis
1 l.?U $385) tor a private room Residence
halls to bo usod tor summer school are
Gotten, Fletcher and larvis (co-ed) and
Second Floor of Renting tor men onlv
There wiH be a meeting at pm in lenkins
auditorium on March 2S This is the last
meeting at which ticket money will bo
collected The drawing will also bo hold at
this meeting State project money can be
turned in through April 24 Officers wili
meet at 8 30 pro
Models needed tor figure drawing dasses
Mon Wed Fri. lO00-12:00am rp!v to
Connie Folmer School ol rt office
E I Varsity Cheerleader and Pirate Mas
cot rryours will he hold April 2 10th from
5 i0p m until" OOp m , outside m front of
Minges Cohseuro
The last meeting will bo hold April 1! in
lenkins auditorium at 1 p m Ofhcers will
metM al 8 $0p m Don : tor cot your cards
or mone tor the State Project
patty, everv Weds night at
7 pm in 247 CALENDAR OF r VEN f5
Strategies for taking standardized test
How to do well on the GUI Are vou
planning on taking the C.RE, LSAT, MAT.
M EDCAT, or other standardized tests1 This
workshop will cover basic information
about these tests, test taking strategy and
sample items April 2, Monday, Standard-
ized Tests, from 4-5 pm. in 312 Wright
building If vou are planning on taking the
Graduate Record Examination tor admis-
sion tograduateschool, this workshop can
help you prepare types of items. iest tak-
ing strategy, scores and sample items will
be discussed April 3, Tuesday , GRE
Workshop, from 4-5 pm in 312 Wright
Walk tor your Health on Monday. April
2nd at 12:15 A 1 5 mile walk led bv ECU
celebrities" will begin and end on the mall
area in tront of the Student I leaith Center'
Free food, free sun visors, free tun avail
able to students, faculty and staff For in
formation call the Student Health Center
.it 737 f7?4 or the Intramural Recreational
Services at " t44o' Live a healthv lite!
?V U
( ot
( 01
A 1
ouncing a Wednesday night dinner
towship and aS the home
. . .at- eat tall starts at 5 ; p m
(ring a friend
. U ? ? ?????
? ?Rni 212 Mi ?? ' '
me to be a parl t ' ??? ' rt
ship For more
Wes2fel is a Christian I
wekon ? - . "??:? ' "? y '? ? ' J
mint1 bv the Presbvterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries ometothc Metli
tst Student Center 5 II rfc acrossfTon
Gam tt d rm this Wednesda) n c I al i
pm and every Wednesda t r a deli
nous all vou an eal oked m al
S2 25 with a sh r: program afterwards
Signed for the hearing lmj nred I all 758
? ? ini ra anon
U you've had it wii hypeand
wan) lomakeadiff rei ce 1 real
COW Week' What is it" It is a week ol
Creativity (rganied Wellness Activities'
Vpfil 2nd Nh is Wellness Week on ECL'
campus' Come on out , participate and
learn more about healthv lifestyles' For
more information call the 'student ! iealth
C enter at 757-6794 or the Intramural Roc
reational Services at 757-6443! Live a
1111 ? 1 u
; hi Mu Alpha Pledge Recital (March 27
port Fletcher Keatal Hall. tree). Lenten
CHgan Recital. Lawrence Goenng (Match
28 12 IV iarvis I nited Methodist C hurch.
Katherine Jette cello. Senior Recital
Mai ? 28 7 ?pan RetcheRecitalHaB,
free lonathon Sttton, piano Junior Raatal
March 30, 7:00p.m Fletcher Recital Hall.
free); Todd Brewer 1 - I haw Senior
Kocitai (Mvch 31. 3 15 1 1. Fletcher Re
.itai i iaii, tree; joAnne Bradt. flute, and
Grace Oh, voice Senior RecitaliMarch 31,
7:00 pm Fletcher Recital Hail, tree
rwrence Goering, organ. Sensor Recital
April I pm. Pits) Presbvterian
church Woodwind Chamber Music
Concert (April 2 7:00p.? RetcherRecital
Hall free DfAl 757 f370 FOR THE
We hope you had a tun and sjte Spring
Break' It vou signed a pledge not to drmV.
and drive, and won a tree t shirt don I
forget to come to the Office of Substance
Abuse Prevention and Education 303
Erwin Hall to pick up vour shirt Think
about getting involved with RACC HUS
we meet each Tuesday at 4 00 p m in 307
Erwin I lall
The issue of adult children ot alcoholics is
becoming more recognized todav on col
logo campuses It vour life has been al
footed past or present bv having been rais. d
in a home or environment where alcohol
or other dv sfunction behaviors were pros
entBig Kids, may be the group for y u.TI
new meeting will be hold each Wednesda.
at 8 00 p.m in 242 MendenhaU Student
Center For more information contact
Office of Substance Abuse Prevention arid
Education, 303 Erwin 1 iall 75 " 679;
Amnesty International meets Wedi
March 28, at 8p.m at ct PauFs Episcoj il
Church, 401 E 4th St Meetings are ever)
4th Wednesday, students welcome ! ;
more information call David Ames 757
Pirates Landing - offers a new concept in student housing $200.00per
month for 1 year lease. $200 Security Deposit.
cs225.00a month with a 4. 6. or 9 month lease. $225 Security Deposit.
Pre Leasing Available
Complex Common Area m
?Fully carpeted
?Outdoor Grills
Common Area
?2 large bathrooms
?Storage Closet
?Kitchenette & Microwave
? at'
Clinician Joan Comprehensiv??? will ! Class . ipresent 1 i Musi
cram Sequend, 1 .
.i.e. 0J 1 Opn ?? nsored b) 1 tun :ai County Schools and the .Co.Cuill
( ? il v r. t SchulwerV Asa approved bv th tiiication renev Fhe work b State al credit IMA : or nx : 2i '
Convenient & Economical
?Three Blocks for Campus & Downtown
?Utilities Included in Rent
?Energy' Efficient
Laundry Facilities on Site
?Free Maid Service
?Central Heat & Air
REMCO EAST INC P.O. BOX 6026 ? GREENVILLE, NC 27834 919 758 6061
In 10 minutes with no appointment
Here's what the J-Team can do for vou:
The Financial Ma: agemei I Vss it
will meet t nWed ? ??? ? Mai I 2$
pm ill room J00?C B genda
this meeting include tti rel
the Chicago sprirc i . ?? ' md tun
vour PJ1A chaw es
ECULaf??Society wulb havingar
April 2 Anvone inter ted av
Important meebi .
?Change your oil with a major brand!
?Add a new oil filter!
?Lubricate the chassis)
?Check and fill transmission,
differential, brake, power steering
window washer and battery fluids!
?Check air Filter!
?Inflate tires!
?Check wiper blades
?Vaccum the interior
?Wash your windows!
"America's Favorite Oil Change"
$2.00 OFF (with this Ad)
"America's Favorite
Oil Change"
12G Greenville Blvd. Phone: 756-2579 Hours: MonFri. Sam
finm Sat til S
Currently Being
For The
Position Of
Attorney General
available in
SGA office or in
209 Whichard
? Deadline April 6th
Movies Screen at 8 pm in Hendnx Theatre
FRKK Admission wValid ECU ID or Faculty. Staff Film Pass
ungarian Homecoming
Travel Adventure Film
Wednesday. March 28
8 pm in Hendnx Theatre
FHFF Admission wValid FCL' ID or Faculty. Staff Film Pas
Casino Night
Roulette ? Craps ? Blackjack ? Bingo
$1,000 FREE Play Money
FREE Refreshments
Wednesday, March 28 at 7:00pm,
Room 244 MendenhaU
Be a Student Union Committee Chairperson.
Apply in Room 236 MendenhaU, or call 757-4715

Sije East (Earolintan
Page 8
State and Nation
March 27,1990
Social club fire kills 87
bounced from a Bronx social club
tor quarreling with an ex girl
friend returned with a jug of gaso-
line and set a tire that killed s
peopleat the nightspot, whi h had
been ordered closed and con
demnod, police said
Most ol the people suffcx'ated
in thick smoke in the pre dawn
blaze Sunday, authorities said
Some people were trampled to
death; others broke a hole through
a wall to an adjoining hall in a
desperate attempt to li e.
Emergency workers described
bodies felled by smoke soquicklj
that they still had their legs
wrapped around a bar stool
gripped drinks or held hands.
Only three people managed to
reach safety by way of the two tiny
exit doors on the front o) the two-
story Happy Land social club.
"People literally were stacked
on top of each other said An-
thony De Vita, the Fire
Department's command i hief. "It
was a lirotrap '
Authorities early Monday
began raiding, and shutting down
Some of the 173 other illegal social
clubs that Mayor David Pmkms
s,nd were operating in the city.
It was the deadliest fire in the
nint mental 11 nited States since the
1977 blaze at the Beverly Hills
"supperlub in Southgate k
that killed 164 people. A New
Year's Eve 1986 tire .it a hotel in
San luan. Puerto Rico, killed 96.
The tire occurred u years to
the day after a blaze at the In
angle Shirtwaist . o in New i ork
C itv that claimed 145 lues, many
ofthem immigrant garment work-
ers, l'hat blaze led to reforms
around the nation in workplace
ulio Conale, a Cuban
immigrant and former boyfriend
of a Happy lands ticket seller,
was charged with arson and
murder, Police Commissioner Lee
Brown said.
(ionale, 36, was bounced
trom the i.lub attcr a quarrel in
w hu h he tried to ?? oo b.u k tiu
woman police aid Mter warn
mg, I II beba? k he returned i
sprinkled gasoline on the floor,
sud I t lames Mal ey
Gonzalez cried with remorse
under questioning, said It. Ray
mond CDonnell, a police spokes
man "Basically,he'ssavinghedid
it?. 1 tonnell said
1 he impoverished I atino
neighborhtx?d near the Brohx oi
was thick with mourners, who
were asked to identify relatives
See tire, page 9
Blood levels of alcohol
Members ot Molheis Against Drunk Of posed
Thursday that the legal into at ? " limit m Michigan
be lowered trom . 10 blood-alcohol content to .08
Here's approximately how mur'
. ai us be ei i ies a 160-
hour ? re h "? it
IOd all OFlOl ? ?
Note Genei illy, a
: ? . ne " '? ' ?
. ? ? ?
? . ?
12 OZ.
4 oz
Ber Wine Whiskey
Home sweet home
The number of y it w expect to ,
hve in our pr i ? ? ? oefore -
Less than 2 years
I Zr -
5-7 years
Better Homes
and Gardens study of ' 3'
subsrr ,rprs m Octoh ? 1989
El Salvador among trouble spots
WASHINt . r i AI With
? u ani I Panama added t ?
tl demi h ratii i olumn, U.S. pol
ic in ei tral merica is focusing
? 01 thi hottest remaining
troul Ic sp I tiny, war-toi n II
More than
10 years
r o
sha i.
or Ni( n
. i
o I
a ? a ?
s. O 0?T

?tit in
S 8-10 years
v ' - ?
costs U.S. Indians
millions in funds
study of the 1980 census has .p
parently revealed that the U.S.
Census Bureau miscounted the
number of American Indians by
up to 480 percent, missing as many
as 3.3 million people.
The report was released b a
member ot the National Advisory
Council on Indian Education The
last census reported only 1.4 mil-
lion American Indians in the I s
and cost Indian organizations
millions of dollars in go emment
assistance in the last de ade, said
Ron Andrade, a Ronald Reagan
appointee to the federal Indian
Andrade'sstudv identifk d 6 7
million Americans ol Indian an-
cestry nationwide In Northaro-
lina, he found mure than 174,000
state residents claiming Indian
ancestry, but the census reported
onlv 64,600 Indians within the
The 1980 censi is said luil ford
County had 1,350 Indians. II,??
count should have been at least
twice that, according to Lonnie
Revels, chairman ot the N (
Commission of Indian Affairs
Millions ot dollars a re at stake
? up to Sib1 million a decade in
North Carolina because federal
agencies use census figures to
make crucial funding decisions for
social, housing, education and
other programs
The Guilford Native Ameri-
can Association, the area advo-
cacy group for Indians, was among
groups losing federal funds be
cause of the W) count Revels
said. "The minimum would be
$35,000 a year and it's probably
more he told theGreensfeororVews
& Record
Some Indian leaders tear his-
tory may repeal itself in the w)
census, despite increased efforts
this vcar bv the Census Bureau to
reach Indians and other minori-
Census forms went out late
last week to millions of Amen
cans and are to be mailed back bj
April 1. Those not returning com-
pleted terms will be visited by
census takers who gather the in-
formation in person.
ndrade said his findings boil
down to a matter of ethnic (.lout.
"With 1.4 million Indians a
society can say, Whv do we have
all these special programs for these
people They're insignificant
said Andrade. a member ot the La
folia tribe.
It's a whole other ball game
when you realize nearly five times
that number claim Indian ances-
try. You're talking about 3.6 per-
cent oi the population c ensus
officials dispute that an error oc-
curred The 1 4-million figure
comes trom a census question
asking people specifically to iden-
tify their race.
Andrade'S larger number
stems from another question ask-
ing them to list ancestry, which
can include those who have onry a
small percentage ot Indian bfood,
according to census otticials.
"1 think there's a different
concept between race and ances-
try said Fdna I'aisano, a Nez
Perce Indian who heads the
bureau's racial statistics bureau.
"In ancestry, it mav be some-
one who has one Indian grand-
parent or great-grand pa rent she
Andrade said he doesn'tknow
how manv of the 5 3 million people
OOtlld qualify as legitimate tnbal
members, but believes a signifi-
cant number could.
leaders of many Indian or-
ganizations believe their popula-
tion traditionally has been under-
counted. They express outrage at
the ironv of the first Americans
being among the last to get counted
"It's a nightmare of history
See Miscount, page 9
portei si f thi urrcnt go einii
??. ho i; gu? tor ni re tune to n
? '? ? ? the onntr - dts ade old
. i il war, and opponei I
want toimmedi itel cut or attat h
strings to I s militan aid.
he issue has been taken to
the streets .is well as the halls ot
govrrnment TN ?rt I O!1l0WpeoJW(
calling tor a halt to military aid
marched in front ot the White
House on Saturday and 5,000
participated in a similar demon
stration in San Francisco Police
arrested 8 Jprotestersat the Wash-
ington march tor demonstrating
without a permit and blocking
t rat tic
The clash over aid is occui
ring at a particularly delicate time
in II Salvador The two warring
sidesha eagreed to( ometogetht r
tor peace talks under l nited Na-
tions auspices, and asa v heduled
trial approaches tor the military
officers accused of murdering six
lesuit priests.
In addition, the leftist ; ' ' '
Is are under pr in i
i??? tote to make i m essii ns I he
, ? . , i, month f tl
Sandinista government in n
K irnu; N i aragua is ? ei ? ? : I
. . " ieir m. s1 reh e
tan ? ?? : v line
I honestlvi el" ?. I I
I ive i't er bet ii i" tter ii tl
rv ot thi mflict than tl
right ?.?. Ben ird ?
assist mt se r t in ol tal for in
? ? '? ? crican affaii
k I think weca i I l
thisyear "But ronsma?1ded
it be, omes politicizi d
on e again s r it up
I ib ) ipitoll ;
broad support tor in ? tl rl
impose strut new conditions i'ii
U.S. aid to El Sah idor ? hich is
among the largest pei i ipita i
cipients ol American largessi
Military economic, developnrv
and food aid total x -J million
this vearto the nation of 5 milli
and President Hush has asked : u
about $ million next year
Opponents contend that
nearly $4 billion in aid o
past decade has not boug it
to the war that has claimed some
70,000 iives. arid that the Salva
doran military remains beyond the
control of the civilian government
iM.i prone to human rights abuses
: i tl it.
ns are drafl
;uaj that would wit
? ? to thi i
Ii iranmilitai ?
? n inexp ? IS
. ? ?? ind
Poll shows
N.C. voters'
rai en .ii r Mi tr
( arolina voters favor the availa
bility ot legal abortii rts but i I
ne essarily under all cii
? ii ii in ling ' ? ' ? I
poll re ised M
In the i an .
Senate, m umbent "
esse N I lelms ha- ? ' ?'? ? ? s
long held opposition to legal
abortion His Demcx r iti
nents ha e g nera ' " ? ?'?
themselvc i pi ice in I
they would favor reta ibor
?i n as a legal option tor ? imen
Fewol the64 ; voterssurvi
in a poll o immissiom d by
.??; " ? ? ii Rale
the '?'?? ? " - ted
abortion as a maj r pi fa
ing the state and rial
ng national i sues,
vi - : Icrimi
list foil ved at somed ta
?; . ?? leral defii it ?'??' ' tati
I j
tion placed first

But when asl 11
ted to j

ret itv of viev
t rod ? X '? ?'
itebv Sen. Christ?
i i 1 a t a ci- : i
. , .??M) '

? . iM the j ' ? . ? ?
ill , I : ? - ?
ti m ? - million supplerm
appn ipriations bill tl
? king t ' ' I
ra ies in Panama and
? ittheni ? ? ? Presi
? n i in Pan
.inn and President ele t v ioleta
i, hamorro in Ni aragu i ould
falter unless the are able to
ii - tral tangible
tits of demiH racv to their
people fheaid would go to revi-
? ilizeP mama spro .iti's, toi and
to plant spring crops and create
jobs in Nicaragua's devastated
to the 1 : :?
; bv FCi aChap irket
ing firm h ised I
question in survi
? nts
? I ? vol
House officials determine $33
billion spent on weight loss
ing weight is a groN ing business
.ui the s ; billion Americans
spent to shed pounds last year
usually brought poor and some
times life threatening results, a
House1 subcommittee chairman
and statt charged Monday.
Rep. Ron Wyden, 1 M )re s tid
federal i'yv ies have tailed to
provide adequate consume i pro
tectionorguarantee medi al s.iu ty
in the unregulated diet business
? including popular liquid diets
"The result has been a tidal
wave of false and misleading
advertising in a field already
awash in gross over-promotion
he said.
VVyden was opening a hear
ing Monday on the issue by his
HouseSmaU Business subcommit-
tee on regulation. The panel was
hearing testimony from alleged
victims of liquid diets They in
elude former dieters who suffered
gall bladder damage as a result of
the diet, and the wife of one man
whose brain damage was attrib-
uted to diet-induced heart failure,
subcommittee staff director Steve
lenning said.
Also testifying were officials
of the American Dietetic Associa-
tion and the American Board of
Nutrition. Janet Steiger, chair-
woman of the Federal Trade
c ommission, planned to appear
as well. Officials of major com
mercial weight-loss programs
declined to testify, the panel saul
A subcommittee statt report
s.nd Americans spent $33 billion
on weight loss in 1989, one-third
oi it for diet clinics alone It i ited a
warning by the American Medi-
cal Association that some diet
formulas could lead tocomplica-
t ion sand fatalities among dieters.
" The worrisome trend isawa)
trom exercise and toward liquid
protein diets, virtually all oi them
sponsored by physicians and
hospitals, and so-called last diets,
which ignore nutritional sitetv
the repot t said.
Much of the growth in the
industry has been due to heaw
advertising, which the FTC has
largely ignored, the report said.
The Food and Drug Administra
tion has authority to regulate the
diet products.
"But in reality, few if any of
these diet gadgets, drugs or ioJ
have been tested for safety and
effectiveness before patients and
consumers become unsuspecting
guinea pigs the staff report said.
It contended that many so-
called diet experts, including
physicians, have little knowledge
about how to treat obesity. The
products are often sold by people
ild be ? gal u l ?
certain ci rcumstani - ven
pressed for more ?j ? ws
98 percent lid th I fa
theprocedun ifawoi hysi
cal health were I and
? ? ? ? iid t iuld sup
port it isesof ra
?? ? ises brought less p
proval trom those who said the
favor legal abortion ui i rtain
circumstances. Asked whether
abortion should be legal in the
caseofa pregnancy likely to result
'?.v.V'i or rel rd hi Id
I percent said yes 21 ' pei
no In the case of an unmar
ried teen ager whose future might
be seriously affected b a i
naiuv J4 percent said yes and 51
percent said no
Asked whether tate ta
mone should be spent to fund
v hosepi incipal trainingisinsales, abortions, 31 percent saidves 6
not nutrition or medi inc, it s.nd
I lie report iited industry re
. ii estimating the nation has
65 million dieters, including halt
of all u omen It said 60 percent oi
all women are usually dieting in
some form, and 18 percent ol all
adults are constantly dieting; 25
percent ol American adults are
obese and 1 1 percent are severely
ovoru eiht
percent said no and the remain lc
were unsure When asked " tl
state should require a pan
permission for an abortion nu ases
in whu h the mother is a mi
80 7 pen ent said yes, 14 8 percent
said no
I he poll for the newspapers
conducted by Independent R
Sean h & Communications Im. of
Wrightsville Beach also sought to
See Poll, page s
On the battlefield
World Wai I Wot d War II
1 Of
J every 40
1 of
every 40
' n had t -
lowest ratio of fatalities
among military personnel.
H . ? ng .rf!e
Burto' Kim
I erg ad rerry
Reim, -085
Marc a Sta mer. Ganger: News Se'v o

The East Carolinian, March 27,1990 9
Satellite schools eliminate tardiness, absenteeism
MIAMI (AIM A three-year-
old program under which young-
sters go to school where mom or
dad works is going strong in
Miami, helping employers attract
and keep working parents.
I think the way society is
going right now, it's almost a
necessity in very many situations'
said Joseph Reynolds, a Pan Am
worker who each day drives his
Brian home from first grade at
the satellite learning center at
Miami International Airport His
wife Linda, another Pan Am
employee, takes Brian to school in
the morning
,dc County operates the
satellite schools, which are built
b major employers tor employ-
s children at the airport, a sub-
urban insurance company and a
community college.
Threeother Flondacitieshave
schools in place or in the works,
and inquiries have come from as
far as japan and Australia. New
York Citv schools Chancellor Joe
Fernandez, the former supennten-
dent of Hade Countv schools,
earlier this month proposed set-
ting up satellite schools in Man-
hattan office buildings.
The Miami program, designed
for kindergarten to second grade,
has gotten some rave reviews.
The three satellite schools,
with 1K1 children enrolled in six
classes, help the district with over-
crowding, capital outlays and
transportation costs because par-
ents are responsible for driving
their children, say school officials.
Employers say turnover, absen-
teeism and tardiness are down,
while productivity and moraleare
"It changes the attitudes of
the workers. Tl .rattentionatthe
job site changes because they don't
have to worry about where their
children are said Dade County
School Board Chairman William
About the only drawback,
some say, is that the mini-school
students are not exposed to the
"big school" assemblies, big librar-
ies and other benefits that come
with size. There is only one class
per grade at each satellite school.
At Amencan Bankers Insur-
ance Group, absenteeism is 25
om snapshots ol the bodies
? d on the wall ol a high school.
: were61 men and 26 women,
si o( them Honduran and
ink an immigrants.
Most ol the bodies were in
mce clothes Emergency Medi-
Si n ices specialist Christopher
Iirthvsaid "They were out to
, Romero a I londuran
rani st six relatives, in
: : . ichter, both brothers
and a sister, lerome Ford lost five
relatives The local Honduran
soccer club lost several players.
I iappy 1 .and was ordered shut
in November 1988 and again a
year later because of inadequate
exits sprinkler systems, emer-
gence lighting and signs, Pinkins
said. It had no liquor or cabaret
Despite their name, the social
clubs admit anvone I lappv I and
( ontinucd from page 8
? ' imes Hardin, executive di-
? r of the I limbec Regional
i pment Association in Robe
? son has the largest con-
n of Indians east of the
issippi River, and most be-
? e ? the Lumbees, the state's
ttribe But the Lumbees are
men! a
d bv the federal
a factor
ost them millions ol
t il funds that other
officials think the
. missedatleast 10,000
and possible more ?
? fixed Robeson's Indian
n at about 35,500. Har-
I il umbee Association jobs
ram h id its federal funding
per year in the earlv
"? s because of the low count by
: t (ensus.
ndrade believes manvlegiti-
iti mdians did not understand
? race question in 1980andfilled
ut incorrectly, especially if they
re products of a mixed mar-
in which onlv the father or
. r w i dian.
( ontinucd from page 8
: North Carolinians' opinions
'her national issues
The survey found a solid,
ugh not overwhelming, major-
? voters willing to recognizea
taxation of tensions between the
i States and the Soviet L'n-
a result ol chang s in East-
I irope
( utting U.S military spend-
iivas favored by a 62-30 mar-
n reducing U S. troop levels in
? ipe was favored 56-32 and
? pandingfinancial aid to Fastern
Europe was favored 55-34. By a
' 1? margin. N.C voters ap-
charged a $5 admission price at
thcdoor;itsillcgally served dnnks
cost about $3 each.
"I will tell vou it will not be an
endless battle the mayor said
inannouncing the crackdown on
illegal clubs. "Anybody that had
an opportunity to view those 87
bodies knows that we're not going
to tolerate this
Mayor Ed Koch, Dinkins'
predecessor,madea similar prom-
percent less for employees with
children in thecompany'sday care
and satellite school, said Philip j.
Sharkey, senior vice president of
human resources. Companywidc
turnover was 14.5 percent last year
but onlv 5 percent for parents with
children in the programs. Recruit-
ment is easy.
"Tardiness among those
employees has almost become
non-existent he said. "That all
translates to better productivity
within the organization
Under the program in Miami,
the 280,000-student district pro-
vides the staff and teaching mate-
rials. The employer can spend up
to $350,000on the school building
and is responsible for maintenance
and utilities.
Continued from page 8
lse after a 1988 Bronx social club
fire killed seven people. The clubs
are popular among poor immi-
Two rickety staircases lead to
the second-story dance floor
where most of the bodies were
found. Disc jockey Ruben Valla-
dares, who spun reggae, salsa and
calypso records, ran through the
flames and was hospitalized
withsevere burns.
The next satellite schools are
expected to open in September at
a suburban hospital and a down-
town government office tower.
" Any where vou have a skilled
female work force, you've got to
have it said joe Tekerman, ex-
ecutive assistant to the superin-
tendent in Dade schools. He sees
hospitals as a natural site, saying.
"In years tocome, that'll be a perk.
Thev won't be able to get nurses if
thev don't have child care or a
satellite learning center
The question of student per-
formance is still an unknown
Second-graders take the first for-
mal standarized tests used for
comparison, and the inaugural
second grade class at Amencan
Bankers will be tested this spring
But satellite schoolteachers
boast that their parent-teacher
meetings often draw perfect at-
tendance, compared to a teacher's
estimate of 30 percent at her previ
ous suburban school.
"Academically, they will have
achieved more than most elemen-
tary school kindergartners have
achieved, and 1 attribute that to
parental involvement said Tho-
masine Morris, kindergarten
teacher and administrator at the
airport school.
April 1
AP Style Meeting
All editors, assistant
editors and staff
,ed of the reunification of
The responded indicated a
" 'tig measure of satisfaction with
the economy. Forty-seven percent
said thev were better off now than
two years ago, while 21 percent
said thev were worse off.
Worry about prospects
seemed to run deep in the survey.
Asked to judge how their children
might fare 10 years from now, a
huge segment of the statewide
sample thought things would
? ? ome more difficult.
The poll'sfindings were based
on telephone interviews with 643
registered voters statewide con-
ducted between March 18-21. The
overall margin of error is 4 per-
cent with a 95 percent confidence
199 ?
An AT&T Card helps vou communicate better, because you can use it t call fix m all kinds t t places.
Like a friends, or a pay phone, or out on the road. You d( wt even need t) have a phi ne in x kit name u get
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To apply for the AF&GanH call us at 1800 525-7955, Ext. 63a ? SS ? ?
Now, if'onh- it were that easy to improve your grade "
point average.
The right choice.

Sire Sast (tooltman
Paw ;o
March 27,19
gives last
By Adam Cornelius
suit Writer
Saturdav ended three nights
ol skewed realitv boarderhne
rdit and broken dreams as
; I Plavhouse gave its final
I . nn I u ire s I he
? - i aves
tarl the
iwl e moved i ?thl
? i ork in i??' it takes
thi eve and dav ot rope
first visit I the I nited
a histon i
. ?;
? ? is l
See I e.n es, page 1 -
id A
). to
I : (
b Vagerv A to ro tm
" B e es si v e
igueness; a store f
vagabonds; D kindle
8 Id ei :r igrant
? ???? B superior
i ier; ? i ar part, P a
I v person
iker A to be naked
ex essively B kettle-
rr polynesian
fruit, I) a streaking
10 rwazzy: A curl v. B
peevish; C. not under-
ible; I) dazed and
( ompiled by ohn
Funk comes to Greenville
Johnny Quest gives
crowd 'The Heisman'
By Parker and Skeeter
stall rhrashi-rs
; I '
i ii - nd. 11
i up of tea V ith I
pi.i. . keyboa
didn't have mu h tage pi
( nce igam . : ?? nt in ther
dual rep rter rci'ieu i the undt t
? i ? ?? ; . rid ' ? .????: li
?? U ? : 1 ' ?? . ; .
;?? rtant and it td ? : pit
: thinl ? it ii is il ust lam -??? c
fun to d ?? " ???? call 1 ten Hk? .keetTrui
movi iroui
Skeet I Ins ? 1. .1 iupreme admit th . ; ? ?
wcekei II r live bands It started show ind at least 11 '? :
back on Wednesday at the New to them When I I
Deli for me caught a few songs up to you it the Deli
when this killer new band il I I really
: p ;? . an ind '?:? TD ?
?'??:??' trial I -
I ? pen rruc nite i hi v
ju t started but I think I
around for a ??? hik
rarki r: N
1 rigina
tow ards tl em, I ? 1
time I sa ? en ii
didn t sound I hot I thmi
Parker:Yessiree-bob Irushed justhadai?
down to O'Rocket 1 ?' rea rocked 1
: ? ten I Mattel
and vou 11 ' - tarted
? review
- . ? 1. . 1 ? ? ?
befoi But eft
? ?
? I
rhesi ? ?'
. ' " f I
. ngweathei
t stores, provid
it re ? ? '???? ' rhesha?? ????
lingl jr laughter and sn I ? ?'? '
Music expresses culture
B V al 1 ouloumbadjian
M.itt liter
? ? ei 1 '??
Indents 1 :
enl Labbi i 1 ?
. . ? 1 1 , ? mam formulason - id
. . rtapshoes rhePsallen lei nil yr.
and t . i Hersl rl a i ? ? ?- ?- its ongina I
trasts with the pi I in I ?'? rs ??? '? ?'??? - lll
that hav beei listributed ? "? ? '?
1 pus ? rm : t bon and I main n tru
. . . - ir of lassu artistry wl I i i hand4
? lain tperfet tl her bring to life a 1 gs
ens tl mu f mv throat : ? ?' : haractensl
: . , ? , 1 . ofthedu .parti ularstyle When
I Lai rts beating the rhythi
her partner, I on with her hands hi rfeetd I
Hml ? . ? mi iblu hirl ind a plain wooden I u I rhi itn
light brown pant ? ran his fingers phere warms up easily totheli
1 ? hisclassn il . ? ' ?' He was ?? ' ' :?' : n Pani
II ming up for tlv 1 1 lal .vork- men! sivesthcl II ngs that the
p Tl Psall ? ? conducted at duo p rl m ind tl 1 mdience
the international ' tascmated, to the du
last t n?
in a
truitar tl
. ; , tl 11 mu:
? . I :
' issical Ian
mderlii that 1 1 :
I ? nl ? I : in the
: in f Fri
idiai ? nl
:????: ? tain
trong linl their ancest rs
? ? ? f their songs are
Irawn !
I ? k 1 ore. How
I ? it 1 ? ? ? ? ' irdly
an - ?. en Quebec and
thai . h
ten perl 101 tw 1
s in Qui I
Assim itn b-th French-
idian and American cultures
m easy task. I abbe
; m publu
olsand pracl iil 1 ? ? with
? ? . ? ? meets with
rent h-speaking pi
lunnj ?' 11 I tlv success
klev acha I trengthen then
ties with I ture of their foi
1 ?
1 didn't 1
igh about n
1 1
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and ?.
ikeet: Oi ' ? ?
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admit there
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md tl ' ' ??
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Skeet: ' ? pei
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. - ?
Sec VNeekend page 1-
Soviet speaker
addresses students
Bv Kimley Edei
stall Writer
? na 1 ppi ich, 1
He said that
and a
until the bee ninj I pril i h?
1, con duo's success not onh celebrates
? - (. the talents ol its individual per-
I 1 ; il ?? ; ii 1 irl ithepres-
1 abl
. ;
ites both cul
nd rreni
tjur b
heir mu
. 1 g en e ot 1
?; ieces ture in tlu
r in Both
rlu'thm Some are slow and n
11 idian cul-
-? ites today
rs are from
. n ri? an born
turesw ? ta ? n ie nsp
of a 1 rent h-American culture I
. ?, ?? ? erican shesa s But
i feel ven mf rtable with I I
1 ulturesbi nisei have the chance
to expn ss mvself thanks to mv
work It would be mere difficult
See Psaltery, page 11
Man Frelich, Mark Bridgers and Pat Faison cruise the streets and dodge the traffic around the Mall on
central campus (Photo by JD Whit mire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Pr Sergei Chetvi nko v i
ister Counselor of the Embassv I
the I i spoke on the topi ol
?restroika and the 'i ?? v' ? '
Foreign Policy in the ( i I i
hallStu lent enter Multipurpose
Ri . m al neon on i r;dA
The discussion was part or a
da and i ill lore SN n : im
titled "Dilemmas of the New
Democracy in the Soviet Union
and Eastern : ui ;?? Itwasspon-
sored b th?n it I '? cisions lw
program a nal ' :e i'ttort to
inform citizens about significant
international developm i I
Chetverikov said that Per-
estroika has become an issue ot
global significance He said that
wheneverthel s and the I' S.K
meet Perestroika is being dis-
Perestroika is a profound
transformation ot Soviet society,
economic and political structure
and much has already been done
Chetverikov said "If it succeeds,
the U.S.S.R as we know it will he
I le said that Perestroika does
not mean that communism is a
failure that the current changes
indicated only the failure oi a
particular communist module
What Gorbachev is trving to
dii now is create socialism with a
human face Chetverikov said
Chetverikov talked about the
impact of Perestroika on Soviet
foreign policv, the Soviet econ-
omv and the Soviet people
Chetverikov said that Per-
estroika has influenced Soviet
foreign policv profoundly. Soviet
foreign policy is now based on a
a Ii ?
? .
ip trans -
havi ??
: ? ? .
; ? -
the Jo
ad e '
nv. nl -
He sa ? ? ii ttei
ers do not know I ?
e en rrun rde
are used tc being I Id a hat I
and mam
thevgo to vote in elet lions I his is
mostly because the U.S.S.R has
no history ot tree elections ai d
people are ha ing a diffu ult time
adjusting, Chetverikov said
said that some people feel it was
better in the old times
c hetverikov also talked about
a proposed legislation before the
Soviet parliment that would
low unrestricted immigral
from the U SK 1 le said that it
the legislation is passed an esti
mated h-S million people would
leave the Soviet Union "Many will
travel to see what the West is like
or ust for the tun ol it
Chetverikov said. Hesaid that the
proposal would allow people to
travel for about 3 5 years
Chetverikov graduated from
Moscow State Institute of Foreign
Relations in 1QS4 and is a Doctor
of Law. He has been Minister-
Counselor of the U S.S.R. Fmbassv
in Washington, DC. since No vem-
ber, 1987, and has written several
books on the U.S. political system

Page W
1. Abscond: A. to pan-
der; B. to hide, conceal;
C. to play hookie; D. to
2. Blellum: A. a talkative
idler; B. head bone; C.
excess brake fluid; D.
throat discharge
3. Favaginus: A. made of
tar; B. honeycomb form;
C. soft and scented; D.
4. Lief: A. dear, beloved;
B. cell of dead hair; C.
booklet, pamphlet; D. to
5. Snudge: A. a soft
nudge; B. young peanut;
C. a sneaking fellow; D.
fingernail dirt
6. Vagerv. A. to roam,
strav; B. excessive
vagueness; C. a store for
vagabonds; D. kindle
7. Labefy: A. to label
excessively; B. to
weaken, impair; C. to
make lazy; D. mounted
ear lobes
8. Idler: A. fragrant
flower; B. superior
cavier; C. car part; D. a
lazy person
9. Naker: A. to be naked
excessively; B. kettle-
drum; C. polynesian
fruit; D. a streaking
10. Twazzy: A. curly; B.
peevish; C not under-
standable; D. dazed and
? Compiled by John
Btte iEaot (garoliniati
March 27,19
gives last
By Adam Cornelius
Staff Writer
Saturday ended three nights
of skewed reality, boarderhne
absurdity and broken dreams as
the ECU Playhouse gave its final
production of John Guare's 'The
House of Blue Leaves
Despite a sluggish start, the
plav as a whole moved smoothly.
Set in New York in 15, it takes
place on the eve and day of Pope
lohn's first visit to the United
The show deals with the life of
Artie Shaughnessy (Greg Wat-
kins). Artie, a not-so-young piano
player and amateur songwriter, is
married to Bananas (Ann Bean), a
woman who at certain times barks
like a dog and has a history of
wandering around ew York in
bare feet and a nightgown
At the same time, he is dating
his downstairs neighbor. Bunny
Flingas (Kate Erwmv Bunny is a
native New Yorker with a moth
?.ring attitude. Bunny's character
is Artie's motivator demands tre-
mendous amounts oi energy oi
the actress playing her. Although
the energy of the show as a whole
seemed to be down Saturdav
night. Hrwm provided enough to
keep her character up. Her accent
was an effective reflection of
Bunny's personality -not annoy-
ing, but it could have been if she
stepped tin far.
Bananas' character is by far
themostdifhcult.and Bean played
her similark to the way Swoozie
Kurt, did when she performed
the role on Broadway in 1987. She
presented Bananas with a quiet
insanity, an approach that left a
hint of ambiguity as to how crazy
See Leaves, page 12
Funk comps to Greenville
Johnny Quest gives
crowd 'The HeismarV
By Parker and Skeeter
Staff Thrashers
Once again we present another competent band, and they have
dual-reporter review on the under- a clear sound. It's just not my oi
ground music world of Greenville, cup of tea. With the lead singer
This is because progressive music is playing keyboards, the band ust
These students enjoy the spring weather as they take a break between classes. The shade in front of Rawl
across from the student stores, provides a perfect setting for laughter and smiles. (Photo by J D Whitmire)
Music expresses culture
By Val Touloumbadjian
Staff Writer
Lilianne Labbe unlaced her
black shoes, put on her tap shoes
and stood up. Her short hair con-
trasts with the picture on the fliers
that have been distributed on
campus. "Do you have some hot
water she asked. Her blue ear-
rings matched almost perfectly her
crystal blue eyes. "Lemon tight-
ens the muscles oi my throat.
Honev would coat it she contin-
Meanwhile, her partner, Don
Hinkley, wearing a blue shirt and
light brown pants, ran his fingers
across his classical guitar. He was
warming up for the casual work-
shop The Psaltery conducted at
the International House at ECU
last Fridav as a preview for their
concert in the General Classroom
Building on Saturday.
In addition to the classical
guitar, the duo uses a 12-string
and a steel guitar for their con-
certs. They plav a variety of musi-
cal pieces, that range from French
and French Canadian folk songs
to Ca)un,b!uegTassandaz pieces.
Their musical pieces also vary in
rhvthm. Some are slow and nos-
talgic; others are quick and lively.
"We want to expose Ameri-
can students to something differ-
ent Labbe says. "There are too
many formulas on radios
the Psaltery definitely reaches
its goal; its originality is undeni-
able. Getting closer to her audi-
ence, Labbe displays her spoons,
bones, and the main instruments
of classic artistry which her hands
bnng to life as she sings.
"The foot accompaniment' as
Labbe calls it, is also characteristic
of the duo's particular style. When
Labbe starts beating the rhythm
with her hands, her feet do too, on
a plain wooden board. The atmos-
phere warms up easily to the lively
impulse this special accompani-
ment gives the folk songs that the
duo performs, and the audience
listens, fascinated, to the duo's
This time. The Psaltery has
been on tour in the south since the
Jan. 4. They will be on the road
until the beginning of April. The
duo's success not onlv celebrates
the talents of its individual per-
sonalities, but also marks the pres-
ence of the French-Canadian cul-
ture in the United States today.
Both members are from
Maine. They are American born
but of French-Canadian descent.
Labbe underlines that nearly 40
percent oi people in the New
England states are of French-
Canadian descent.
The Psaltery tries to maintain
strong links with their ancestors'
culture. Most of their songs are
drawn from French or French-
Canadian folklore. However,
Labbe said that there are hardly
anv links between Quebec and
New England and that The Psal-
tery performed only two or three
times in Quebec.
Assimilating both French-
Canadian and American cultures
may not be an easy task. Labbe
learned French in public high
schools and practised it only with
her mother Now she meets with
more French-speaking people
during her tours and the success
oi their careers give her and Hin-
klev a chance to strengthen their
ties with the culture of their fore-
Labbe assimilates both cul-
tures with facility, and even speaks
of a French-American culture: "I
am very American she says, "But
1 feel verv comfortable with both
cultures because 1 havethechance
to express mvself thanks to my
work. It would be more difficult
See Psaltery, page 11
so important and it takes two people
to think about it. Plus it's just plain
fun to do an off the wall review like
Skeet: This was a supreme
weekend for live bands. It started
back on Wednesday at the New
Deli for me. I caught a few songs
when this killer new band called
Stop the Hyman and the STD's
(Smoking Terrestrial Dinosaurs)
played at open mic nite. They've
just started but I think they'll be
around for a while.
Parker: Yessiree-bob. I rushed
down to O'Rockefeller's Thurs-
day to listen to The Had Matters,
and you weren't there, so 1 started
to review it all bv myself?
Skeet: You're crazy, I was there
before you were bom. But I left. 1
talked to the band and saw the
plav list. I pretty much felt like
you did. I knew it wasn't going to
be my scene
Parker: Well as you may have
found out, you didn't miss any-
thing. 1 sat through about five
songs which were nothing but
covers covers. COVERS! Which
isn't necessarily so bad, but it was
all . . .
Skeet: Classic rock n' roll.
Parker: Yeah! Fossil rock.
Three Dog Night, Stones, Floyd,
That damn "Sweet Jane" song, all
standard RDU stuff (you know,
that station that recently discov-
ered" Sinead O' Conner and Peter
Murphv). The crowd, and 1 use
that term loosely, was just milling
around and chatting amongst
themselves. I got so bored, I left
and went to see Hat Duo Jets.
Skeet: Ouch! C'mon, they
weren't that bad. You have to
admit there is a following tor
classic rock n' roll in Greenville,
and the band played it well.
P srker O.K mev're t vetv
didn't have much stage pres-
Skeet: True, I like for bands to
move around more but 1 have to
admit the crowd was diggin' the
show and at least the band played
to them. When 1 did finally catch
up to you at the Deli, I found the
crowd really pumped.
Parker: Now that was a good
show. I was originally biased
towards them, because the last
time I saw them in Greenville they
didn't sound too hot. 1 think they
just had an off night, because they
reallv rocked The Deli Thursdav
After a while they were playing b i
a packed house, and there was
lots of dancing?
Skeet: Yeah the place was
definitely lamming rockabilly
Style. I staved for about an hour
but I reallv didn't think the band
sounded up to the "they re good
because they )ust got write ups in
Rolling Stone and Spin" rep e
ervone was pushing.
Parker: I've seen worse get
written up in Spin They played
for a long time without ever losing
anv steam. The band was defi-
nitely worth the S3 we had to pay
to get in.
Skeet: Well, let them read
about it in your Duo jets review,
singular hot dog.
Parker 'Kay.
Skeet: Let's talk about Friday
night, and the master show
Both: Quest!
Parker: You had to love that
show. The Titanics, the band that
was supposed to open that night
got lost, so Johnny Quest kept
coming out and playing a bit at a
Skeet: Yeah they opened for
themselves. That was pretty hip.
Parker: It confused the crowd
See Weekend, page 12
Soviet speaker
addresses students
By Kimley Eder
Staff Writer
Alan Frelich. Mark Bridgers and Pat Faison cruise the streets and dodge the traffic around the Mall on
central campus. (Photo by J.D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)(
Dr. Sergei Chetverikov, Min-
ister Counselor of the Embassy of
the USSR, spoke on the topic of
"Perestroika and the New Soviet
Foreign Policy in the Menden-
hall Student Center Multipurpose
Room at noon on Friday.
The discussion was part of a
day-and-a-half long symposium
titled "Dilemmas of the New
Democracy in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe It was spon-
sored by the Great Decisions 1990
program, a nationwide effort to
inform citizens about significant
international developments.
Chetverikov said that Per-
estroika has become an issue of
global significance. He said that
whenever the U.S. and theU.S.S.R.
meet, Perestroika is being dis-
"Perestroika is a profound
transformation of Soviet society,
economic and political structure
and much has alread y been done
Chetverikov said, "if it succeeds,
the USSR, as we know it will be
He said that Perestroika does
not mean that communism is a
failure ? that the current changes
indicated only the failure of a
particular communist module.
"What Gorbachev is trying to
do now is create socialism with a
human face Chetverikov said.
Chetverikov talked about the
non-ideological, non-confronta-
tional approach, he said.
He said that the Soviet gov-
ernment would like to see the their
country become integrated into
the world economy, but they still
have many obstacles to overcome
Manv of the Soviet people do
not fullv understand Perestroika,
Chetverikov said. He said that
thev do not want to give up the
advantages of a socialist govern-
ment, such as cheap transporta-
tion and housing.
He said that often local lead-
ers do not know how to make
even minor decisions because they
are used to being told what to do,
and many people are lost when
they go to vote in elections. This is
mostly because the U.S.S.R. has
no history of free elections, and
people are having a difficult time
adjusting, Chetverikov said. He
said that some people feel it was
better in the old times.
Chetverikov also talked about
a proposed legislation before the
Soviet parhment that would al-
low unrestricted immigration
from the U.S.S.R. He said that if
the legislation is passed, an esti-
mated 6-8 million people would
leave the Soviet Union. "Many will
travel to see what the West is like,
or just for the fun of it
Chetverikov said. He said that the
proposal would allow people to
travel for about 3-5 years.
Chetverikov graduated from
impact of Perestroika on Soviet Moscow State Institute of Foreign
foreign policy, the Soviet econ- Relations in 1954 and is a Doctor
omy and the Soviet people. of Law. He has been Minister-
Chetverikov said that Per- Counselor of the USS.R. Embassy
estroika has influenced Soviet in Washington, D.C since Novem-
foreign policy profoundly. Soviet ber, 1987, and has written several
foreign policy is now based on a books on the U.S. political system.

The Fast Carolinian, March 27, 14 11
Faculty Profile
Published professor writes in
French and serves community
Flat Duo Jets entertain Deli crowd
By Jeff Parker
Staff Writer
By Suzan I awler
Stall Writer
P t
I earning a foreign language can be a tough but rewarding expe-
good tea her makes the experience easier and more meaning
tudentsof Or Nicole ronson appreciate her special contribution
ir 1 ren h edu ation
' i ronson hastaughfat East Carolina for 20yearsand currently
s i rench literature i rench civilization and the French language
son enjoys her students and said, It's tun to teach people who
int to learn
Vronson received her PhD in Trench literature from City I niver
(New York Shehasa 1 i encees 1 ettresin history and geography
II as the Baci alaureal Philosophic and Baccalaureat classique.
Aronson has also taught at Marymount College in New York, the
? Institute in the I nited States, Alliance Francaiseot N. .and the
? ?? us of Milan
ronson is an accomplished author. Her publications include 1 es
? ?'? ??? ' ? ? ?'? finedeScudery MademoiselledeScud ?
? ?' ?? ?? ?'? I ndrt Wadame de Ramb uillel ulamagi ienne
? ?' ' ' ? and currently in print, Madeleine Bt .?: French
1 the 17th century is a prevalent theme tor this author.
Aronson said there is a renewed interest for foreign languages
ii suit the department has applied for a graduate program in
ii J Spanish She said she is lp king forward to its installment
ronson is involved with several organizations such as t riendsof
ils the Fitt County Humane Society, and MADD. she has been
ian since age 15 when it wasn't fashionable She said she
ites the emerging activism by students for animal rights and
il .mi. erns.
? kronson is original!) from Bordeaux and has a pianist son
arts When asked about her future, she said she is looking
? : ? m reb - and i re trips t Tans ;
his hip musk review was
original!) to be done bv that
human bridge who bonds the Fast
( arolinian and W.WP, Chippy
Bonehead. But when 1 ran into
him Thursday night at the ew
Deli, our devil may-care reporter
had once again proven himself
? ?rth ofhisnameb getting too
ml h kered t. n ?. iew an thing, or
even remember it So look out
SPIN, here's the real milestone in
the career of a band IheEasK ari
liman rc iew
1 admit that 1 went into this
sh w pretty skeptical rhe last time
1 had heard Flat Duo lets play,
someone was on tot tune, and there
seemed to be mixing board prob-
lems The cuts off their latest al
bum were recorded in iist two
tracks, so that didn't impress, ei
ther l "n top of all this, Bonehead
used up the free press pass to get
in, so 1 had to p.w. All that now
means nothing, because the Duo
lets sold me on their sound once I
went in
Rockabilly was alive and well
in the Deli. 1 he band was sweat
in and hammering out licks and
beats with intensity driven by per-
sonal demons. No cheesing
around with theaudienc eor shar
in their philosophies on politics
and ethics, the came to play and
play hard. The crowd, which
didn't seem sure of how to dance
to it all at first, soon discovered
Continued from page 10
Bits and Pieces
Japanese firm makes bid to buy
Seven-Eleven convenience stores
with another job " When !
talks, Hinkli . listens attentively,
his arms restiri ;onhisguitar now
and then whispering a soft Slow
Speaking about ulture leads
her to evoke the problems the
French anadian emigrants, who
moved uthvvard tofind workin
the Mew : ind nulls in the
? ???:?;?
vas considered as being I
ward. 'Americans are suspi
t oth ?
ns t. ? bt
c parti ?
mkb ?nd bold
- ? Seven-Elevei nvenicnce ston s is set to sell
yi FTiatisif the cash-strapped
agrei to a debt-restructuring plan ? ?
?; Seven-Flevei apan Company and parent II
pjnv v iv 75 percent of S uthland ci itmg th
? ? in
Movies top the video rental chart
ii : tspretl itthetopot this week ird
? ntalcharl Parenthood issecond, followed by Indianajom
. t( rusade, run ?ch and Uncle Buck Round-
up Al n Harry MetSallv rhePackage Dothe
Weeki ? d al '?'? ri ? - ind field of Dreams
Saudi's buy sand from Scottish
irmer savs he is selling sand to Saudi Arabia ? vi n
ii : mtrv is mostly desert lohn Keddie says the Saudis
? ? ? ? ?:? .?. ? ? shape Saudis want tons of
nd to use ir n systems for water supplies and
mi . ; However the Saudis sand is round and thev need
1CH)() Census report to be mailed
? ' Cei is ? n lili I to 88-million mailboxes Friday.
reel i I ??? ira ryanl aysitis a way to be a recorded part
: ?. Results will set the nation's course into the 21st
? not have a form b pfil 2 call 1-801 W-1990. You
call the number from 9 am to ' p.m daily with Census
? ns.
IRS hotline evades tax problems
The Internal Revi nu Set ice s hotlines have taken one step up but
tw i st? ps b M The !RS . ? ? rr-i t answers to more than three of
? ir taxi iver mesl I I illers ire having a tough turn get!
"? ugh Fhe eneral ' inting Office said onlv about one-third ol
ire getting through to staffers lhat is down from almost two
? 1- last year
Perrier purchases ads to reassure
Perri r (Iroup ol America is flooding the marketplace with more
tl in planned about its United States recall It is using mi ?re direct
r Is about the problem in a $2?-million PR blitz, ("he company wants
? r issure consumers after last month's recall because ol benzene con-
? in ination A newspaper ,k! savs, "The problem has been fixed,
"ut di s ribing the problem
Drug helps prevent heart attacks
? blood pressure drug, Verapamil, can prevent heart attai ks
ecurring Heart attack victims are at high risk for about a year for
i se ond and often fatal atta k. The Study Of 2,000 people presented .it
the Amern anollege of C ardiology m Slew (Weans also savs n is the
first time a calcium channel blinker has been shown to prevent heart
i" ii ks
j. rv?i.r ' W0 USA r' ?f M rr ' ? informmtton rtt ??
. . ? hmes h3ve el i I
that i ? ? : ? : ' I i i h-Cana
Jiai : entii Ni( Ei mdhavi
theii ?. paper distributed
Stopping ti sme, again, she
explains the main theme of her
song to put the audience at ease
Now and then, her slight 1 rench-
(. anadian accent comes out, ac-
centuating the old-fashioned
charm of the folk song she is per-
forming now, t;iv ing it a new lite
Hinkley goes faster, en. banting
the listeners. Vi d?ubt about it:
members ot fhe Psaltery en-
. performing and their audi-
i nces enjoy their performances.
Ihe Psaltery's workshop on
March 23 was sponsored bv the
? ? rnational Language Asscx ia-
? ? ind International Studies.The
rl' ok placeduring the joint
?j ling meeting on March 24 and
was sp nsored by the American
i itn n ol feachersof French
moves that were more common-
pl.ii e in the early sixties.
looking at the pompadours
and chops of singerguitarist
Dexter Romweber and bassist
Ferny (or Ton), one could have
easily forgotten what vear it was
It might take a quick notice ot
(row (these guvs are too hip for
full names) the long-haired drum-
mer to bring things back into per-
The band has been together
for five years, and lately have been
putting in their dues on the road
We've been playing in anv spot
we (.an find from New iork to
Austin related Dexter, that's
how Karen (SPIN music editor)
started following us and decided
to write the big article "
The band gives muchred it to
the management ot M-80: ' We've
got a really good manager adds
I" 'tiv he's al w ays l x iking out tor
us " FVxtermamtamsthat thetwo-
trak recording on the last all
v as done to "kei p thai gai
Forinfluenoesandii piral
1 V'xter looks up to El is and I ink
Ray. Tony listens to Junior Husky
and Louis Jordan, and (. row
reminesces over C . ne Ki
Keith Moon,and Bennyt loodman
Adding to that last note, ill of the
group are fans ot the Big Hand
sound, mixing in even mi iremusi
cal avenues to insure that their
stutt won't ever sound mam
Iheterm rockabilh doesn't
even do a tair jobof describing the
Du( fets sound, which 1
gressive K'nt to it It ust sounds
good, and even better live so see
for yourself f"he fellows plan to
comeback to( ,n etime
siHn, and are fixing t. go on the
road with The Cramp? s rony
assured, We'll be ba. k
1990 Panama Jack
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Youth T's 4.25 Youth Shirts 5.25
Cotton Tops 5.99
Shorts. Skirts, Tops and Dresses 6.50
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Factory Outlet
830 0174
355 3785
OPEN MON. SAT. 10-6. SUN. 1-5
The Lighter Side
President Bush hates broccoli
Mil.W AL KI h (AP) President bush's highly publicized distaste
for broeeoh will only Increase consumption of the vitamin-rich vege-
table, one proponent sivs
"It's wonderful stutt We sell tons of it said William Quinn,
produce manager for the Outpost Natural foods supermarket.
Asked it Bush's move to ban the vegetable from Air Force One's
larder might affect sales ot broccoli, Quinn said: "Yes, among our
customers, I think it will increase them "
"The man can't enjoy one e-t the best fruits ot the earth piped in
Harriet Behar, whose Sweet Earth Farm nearC.avs Mills in southwest-
ern Wisconsin markets about 15,000 broccoli plants annually
Bush's thumbs-down for broccoli made headlines when he told
questioning reporters on Thursday, "1 do not like broccoli and I haven't
liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it and I'm
president of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more
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12 The Hast Carolinian, March 27, 1990
Continued from page 10
she really was One gets the sense
that she may be using it to be close
to the things that are dear to her.
even though she is given pills so
she won't feel anything. I don't
mind not feeling anything Ba-
nanas sa s but 1 want to stay in
a place where I can remember
rhe happily ever after scenes
are jarred by .1 series ol events
w hu h seem logical in the context
ot the play but boarder on the
absurd when looked at from a
distance RonnietPaull ombardi)
the son oi Artie and Bananas goes
AWOI with a hand grenade in
tent on killing the pope 1 lebreaks
into Artie S apartment and acd
dentally blows up Billy's girl
friend (. orrinaStrollert laraRidg
! ? With Corrina dead Bunny
leaves Artie and Billy.
Arties character acts .is a
foundation tor the other charac-
ters launi lies into then own per
sonal successes leaving him
scarred Everyone who exits the
plav either diesor betters their lite
except for Arnie I le is "tooold
to be a young talent "
The I louse of blue Leaves" is
a collection of tangential relation-
ships which, like its intricate plot,
are just slightly ofl center Ronnie
wears an alter boy's robe over his
Army uniform. Bunny doesn't
mind sleeping with Artie, but
won't cook tor him until they're
married I'orrma, who is deaf,
pro ides an element ot absurdity
w Inn she comes into the middle
ot the soap opera maelstrom,
unable to understand a word
anyone says.
fn the end, Bananas is left alone
with Amieand hisbroken dreams.
And Arnie, finally facing reality,
pro ides the last fantastic gesture
ot killing her while the stage glows
in a ghostly blue the close of a
carefully balanced tragicomedy.
1 he i losing scene Saturday
was charced with emotion Wat-
kins put all his his energy into it,
but he built up too much too fast,
and the audience took it as one of
the plav' has been
said that, when doing an emo-
tional scene, an actor should shoot
for a 95 percent energy level. That
way the audience can experience
the remaining 5 percent them
selves. It wasn't until Bananas was
already dead that the audience
really understood of what had
Nevertheless, Watkins' inten-
tions tor the character were clear
to the audience, and his frustra-
tions as well as the realization oi
his failures came across more
clearly in the last scene Saturday
night than it did in the Broadway
version. Throughout the plav,
Watkins and bean work well to-
gether. They have been a team tor
a number of years in several dif-
ferent productions,and theirbond
shows evidence of having
strengthened in this show.
Continued from page 11
a little and the crowd confused
me on know no matter what
kind of band iseoming to the Attic,
a few rodnci ks always show up
hoping its a southern ro k band
1 lev ain t that ohnn 1 ecQuest,
them bovs thai open up for Side
w inder?'
Skeet 1 iu kih the net ks
staved off the dance flo i because
there was some live slammin'
going on When the band went
into The 1 leisman that place
started Ihumpin
Parker ITie did everything
off their tape, and a lew different
things, I think the did a Mo
torhead tune rhe like Van Halen,
so 1 knew they'd do D.O but
one ol m fa ontes was 1 ady
C op 1 ven thing was ver) skank
able but a few times it got a little
lie.n y. You won i ight in the w ai
tone the w hole time, dcs? ribe it
Skeel Pure ma hem Staj
div ing 1 lea y slamming I . en
some girls were mixing it up like
pros (, ireen ille digs Quest.
Parker. Maybe its time we
gave our official rules on slam
1 Keep elbows below head ilu
?: I ire legal
2 Pu ?: ?? ? J ? J ?: tshove
; i Wumpit ? stay " the floor.
4 V igs darn il
i Help up fallen lam victims.
6 Slamming is fun bounce
??: , reate uout own moves, but
; n't try to hui I anyone
Skeel Bui getting back to the
band you had a chance to talk
with some ot those Quest fellows.
What did the) have to M)
Parker Imosth talked to front
man loe Farmer and bassist lack
v ampbell, who were glad to be
hi, k in( !reen ille Now that funk
i- catching on in a big way, the
band is getting a lot more plav
dates, they 've played v B (IB's in
New i ork and opened up for the
Rod 1 lot i hih Peppers not too
long ago. Ihev started out playing
more hard-core stuff, and ended
up playing funk because they
enjoyed it. Quest is going back
into the studio this month to ret
ord some more demo material,
and currently they're looking tor
.i record label to pick them up
Skeet; I hey deserve it
they re a real crowd-pleaser. Ihev
left everyone good and tuckered
out with their long-playing close
of Irresponsibility It should be
a blast when they come back tor
Barefoot on the Mall.
Parker jSi! but the tun isn't
over, because this weekend Sex
Police returns to O'Rocks, and
we'll trv to get a real interview
with em this time
Skeel rhen we'll have to do it
before the show Its bound to he
total chaos Saturday, don't miss it.
both. Downtowners Come
find us at the Sex Police show and
we'll partv Do something really
bizarre and we might write about
vou. tOO.
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(She ffaflt (garoltman
Page 13
March 17,1990
Baseball games with
GMU snowed out
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
I he ECU baseball team had a
three gamo series wi th confcrcnoc
foe George Mason snowed out
over the weekend, bvit improved
their season record to 22-3 with a
ad victory over the Campbell
i. ameis on March 21
Ills starting hurler Davy
Willis won his second victory of
the seasmi when he threw seven
implete innings, allowing two
? unson four hits Willis also struck
six batters while walking one
il laylor Field in Pines Creek
Brian Semmens, starting
her for Campbell University,
gave up tour earned runs on six
hits 1 le walked eight batters while
inking out two Tiratcs in seven
rungs 1 hs loss lowered him to a
I 4 record on the season
Pirate catcher Tommv Eason
ed the offense with his ninth
merun of the season. His solo
i ame ill the first inning gave
i 1 0 lead
With the Pirates leading 4 2
the sixth inning, head coach
,ar Overton used Owen Davis
and ohn White to pitch the rest of
ime Da vis pitched only one-
third of an inning, allowing a walk
to i; 0, 3 iv. ERA this season)
hurled one and two thirds innings
of scoreless relief. With his pitch-
ing performance, White earned his
first save of the season.
Campbell only collected six
hits in the game. Randy Hood and
Jon Lucas both had two hits each
in the losing cause. The Camel
offense struck out 11 times. Ed
Stanley, Keith Vickery, and Jack
Rodgers each wiffed twice.
The Pirates were also led by
Kevin Riggs (.357 career at ECU)
and Calvin Brown, both with
triples. Designated hitter Steve
Godin had two hits in four at bats.
Riggs had one hit, a walk, and two
runs batted in.
While the Camels offense
sputtered, the defense did too. .C.
Hendnx, Sean Clcason, and Tom
Mcdraw were credited with er-
ECU now posts a 22-3 overall
record and remains in first place
in the Colonial Athletic Associa-
tion. Campbell, a team from the
Big South Conference, now holds
a 5-12 season record
No make-up date has been set
vet for the ECU-George Mason
The Tirates will, however,
challenge their winning record
against the Duke Blue Devils this
afternoon at 3 p m. in Durham
Softball team
splits with East
Illinois, 2-5, 3-2
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Staff Writer
? . ? -iSM
Tracy Kee. a senior third baseman on the Lady Pirates 19-6 Softball
team, ducks away from an inside pitch Kee and the Lady Pirates travel
to the University of Virginia this weekend to play m the Cavalier
Invitational (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Lewis brings in new players, coaches
Bv Ted Christensen
special to The last Carolinian
Head football coach Bill Le-
is began sending the Tirate foot-
ball team through spring training
Thursdav Approximately TT0
? . Ii ni athleteshavebegundrills
and i ev is' newly appointed staff
. .n learning names and faces.
T he defensive coaching staff
for the lUvt season is competely
different trom last vear Mike
( assidy, who served as defensive
rdinator for Northeast
I ousiana University last season,
resume that position at ECU
and will also become the new
; J.irv coach. Defensive line
hary Godette, inside line-
hack er coach Pave Huxtable, and
outside linebacker coach Bob
51owick will also join the Pirates
defensive coaching staff.
The offensive staff welcomes
newcomer Greg Nord as the run
ningback coach, while the offen
sive coordinator position will be
shared bv Steve Logan and Steve
Shankweiler Logan will alsocoach
the offensive line.
Lewis intends to develop a
more fundamentally sound and
aggrcsive defense for the upcom-
ing year. "If vou are more sound
fundamentally than your oppo-
nent, it gives you an edge on the
field and that is the main purpose
of practice Lewis said. He went
on the say that the players will
have to leam technique through
patient teaching, and he feels that
this is the ideal coaching staff tor
The offensive unit will be
searching for several things dur-
ing spring traing, particularly a
new starting quarterback to re-
place Travis Hunter, who ran out
of eligibility this past season. A
probable candidate for that posi-
tion is junior left Blake
The Pirates will be losing ten
more offensive lettermen. includ-
ing Walter Wilson. Willie Lewin,
and Dwell Harper, three veteran"
starters on the offensive line in
1989. Lewis said that the changes
being made will add to the impor-
tance of spring practice this vear.
"This will be the most crucial
time to judge our players. This is
when most of the personnel
changes will be made Lewissaid.
"We have to come out of spring
practice as close as possible to
where we want to be in the tall
funior Robinson will be
missed by the kickof f return squad.
which average 23.5 yards per re-
turn and finished in the top 10 in
the nation last vear junior college
transfer Dion lohnson will get
some action returning kicks this
Robert ones, who led ECU in
tackles last season, will definately
be one to watch and should be an
All-America candidate this sea-
son. Other defensive members m
backers Ken Burnette and Marc
Washington, and defensive tackle
Ernie Logan George Koonce will
be staring at inside linebacker
while rhomas Coleman will be
moved from defense to offensive
tackle for the spring.
While most of the drills will
he geared towards fundamentals
and execution, the Pirates will also
spend a lot of time with special
teams. Phillip Brenner, who per-
formed exceptionally well to-
wards the end of the 1989 season,
will have placekicking honors
again during spring training.
Coach Lewis said he teels
See Lewis, page 14
The Lady Pirate softball team spent an interesting time in Virginia
for the Patriot Invitational last weekend. On Friday everything went
ECU'S way as they defeated George Mason University 3-0, Mercer Col-
lege 9-1 and Ohio University 2-0.
On Saturday they were hit with over four inches of snow and were
forced to come home.
Head coach Sue Manahan said, "It was nice to be undefeated but
vou always want be able to finish a tournament
Wednesdav. ECU split a double-header with the visiting Eastern Il-
linois Panthers' Freshman Jenny Parsons(S-l) tallied her tirstlossof the
season as the Lady Pirates fell 5-2.
Parsons explained, "They hit the ball well and they had a big right
handed clean up hitter that hurt us
E( U went into the sixth inning with a 2-1 lead but a powerful four-
run inning bv the Lady Panthers gave them a three-run lead " There
v. as a (lose play at the plate winch got them I Fa-tern Illnu is) tired up,
and from there they started hitting the ball and hitting it hard.
Leslie Cramer said, "1 hey really started hitting, and we didn't hit
with them. We just couldn't come back with the hits when we needed
The Lady Pirates got there revenge in the second game bv downing
the Lady Panthers 3-2.
I he game was tied until the bottom of the titth when EC U'S Kim
Corwin got on base on a pitching error. Cindy Ritter's sacrifice bunt
advanced Corwin to second and Laura Crowder then singled, moving
Corwin to third.
ECU's next batter. Donna Weller, laid a bunt down the third base
line and forced the Lady Panther thirdbaseman to make a decision. She
tried to get Weller out at first but as she threw it, Corwin scored the
winning run giving pitcher Tracye Larkin the win.
The Lady Panthers tried to rallv late in the seventh. They led off the
inning with a quick triple but ECU's defense held them from scoring.
Cramer said. "Our defense kept us in it and we got the hits when we
needed them
In the Lady Pirates first game on Friday, they faced GMU with
Parsons, who pitched a two hitter, walking away with the win. Crow-
der went M at the plate, which included a triple and two RBl's.
(en Sagl racked up a win in ECU's second game of the day against
MerTPrT ftni'gP Site prrrtTKr forrr hitter. aMowfng fust one run.
The Lady Pirates had an impressive seven inning with five runs
coming in. Cramer led ECU win four RBI'sand a triple, "We all were
really up and together for all the games said Cramer "We puts some
hits together and we iiist had a good feeling about playing
In the third game ECU wanted to get even with Ohio University
after losing to them the previous week and knocking them out of the
Lady Pirate 1 lolidav Inn Classic. Again it was Parsons on the mound,
she pitched her first collegiate no hitter, 2-0.
Chris Byrne led ECU at the plate hitting a home run. and an RBI in
the first and second innings. Byrne now has 22 RBLs and a 386 batting
average to lead the Lady Pirates.
"It felt really good said Byrne. "Against O.U. we were all so
intense and we attacked the ball
The Lady Pirates are now 19-6 going into this weekend's tourna-
ment at the University of Virginia.
Manahan saidThis will be a good tournament for us to play well
in. There will be some really good teams there and hopefully wecan put
some good things together
Irates, Helios place second in
Eastern Regional competition
By John Tucker
Assistant Features Editor
The ECU men's and women's
t n sbee teams traveled to Wilmmg
ton. N.C . this weekend to com-
pote- with 20 other mens and eight
other womens teams in the First
Annual Collegiate Eastern Ulti-
mate Tournament.
Phis was a great tournament
to c ompete in mainly becauseonly
liege teams were allowed to
enter It proves just how compeh-
said Irate men's captain Gary
1 lurlev
The first three games of the
tournament were described as
warm up" play as the Irates first
heat both Carnegie-Melon Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania and Colum-
bia University of New York by a
score of 14 4 The Irates then
played the Brown University team
trom Rhode Island and beat them
by a score of 14-3.
The final game of the day
matched the Irates with the Uni-
versity of Vermont, a team the
Irates lost to the previous week-
end The Vermont team jumped
out to an early lead but faltered
allowing the Irates to win thegame
with a 14-11 score.
The womens team also won
all three of their games in the first
day's competition The team beat
Columbia University of New York
by a score of 12-3, State University
of New York at Albany by a score
of 12-1, and Brown University of
Rhode Island by a score of 12-3.
"It was great to be winning
instead of losing said Helios team
captain DeeOrndorff, "So far this
season we' ve mostly been playing
good club teams. We knew all
along we were good
On Sunday, the Helios meet
the Tufts University team from
Boston, Massachussetts. The team
proved to be no match for the
Helios, as they staunchly beat Tufts
by a score of 14-4.
This victory allowedthe Heli-
osto advance to the finals, where
they meet the nval University of
North Carolina at Wilmington
Weed team. The team however
lost momentum and lost to the
Weed team by a score of 12-6.
"We've beat Wilmington be-
fore but we didn't have the depth
that they did because we were
missing two key players and only
had two substitutes Helios
player Kathy Dey said.
The men's team saw tougher
competihonas the first game of
the day matched the Irates with
the men's team from the State Uni-
versity of New York at Albany.
The SUNY team jumped out to an
early lead and lead at the half but
the Irate team capatilized on turn-
overs in the second half and fi-
nally won the game, 14-11.
The second game of the day
was also a battle as the Irates meet
an undefeated Cornell University
team also from New York. The
game was close but the Irates
maintained a steady lead and
eventually took the game by a
score o( 16-12.
This victory allowed the team
to advance to the men's champi-
onship match undefeated, where
thev meet the Tufts University
team from Massachussetts, also
The Irates jumped out to an
early lead of 5-2 before Tufts re-
gained composure and took the
half at 9-7, outsconng the Irates 7
to 2. The Tufts team continued to
dominate increasing the lead to
12-7 before the Irates could back
into the game. The Irates made a
last ditch effort at a comeback but
came up empty. The final score
was 15-18, with Tufts winning the
prize of 100 Discraft frisbee's.
"Playing two tough games
against Albany and Cornell took
it out of us, we hung well with
Tufts but we forced a lot of errors
mentally and physically Irate
veteran Dave Kelly said.
The teams will be hosting
Ultimax XIV, the home tourna-
ment held each semester on April
7 and 8.
ft. Jm
NCAA fever
C &
After a weekend of NCAA basketball, these students used some of the moves they learned from
television on the courts of College Hill. (Photo by ECU Photo Lab)
Buchan takes post at Kansas
(SID) ? Dean Buchan has re-
signed as Associate Sports Infor-
mation Director after three and
one-half years to take the same
position at the University of Kan-
sas, both schools' officials an-
nounced Wednesday.
Carolyn ustice-Hinson, a
student assistant in the ECU Sports
Information Office for four years,
has been promoted to Assistant
SID, effective April 1. She will
assume all of Buchan's duties in
her new position.
Buchan had served as Associ-
ate SID at ECU for eight months
after serving as Assistant SID for
two years. Before reaching full-
time status, Buchan worked as an
intern in the ECU Sports Informa-
tion Office for one year.
Buchan, 25, isa 1987graduate
of UNC-Wilmington. He served
in the UNC-VV Sports Information
Office for four years.
At ECU, Buchan has edited
football and basketball game pro-
grams, the Purple Report, ECU
Educational Foundation's
monthly newsletter, and has
worked closely with all of the In-
tercollegiate sports. For the past
two years, Buchan has also served
as an assistant on the information
staff at the Orange Bowl.
Jushce-Hinson, 23, graduated
from ECU in December of 1989
with a B.A. degree in Communi-
cations and has worked with ev-
ery phase of the Pirates Sports
Information Office. This past year,
she handled all publicity dealing
with the Lady Pirate basketbell

14 The East Carolinian, March 27, 1990
Sports Briefs
ECU tracksters run to a second place finish
Baseball exhibitions get a late start
The Major Leftgue Baseball exhibition season began Monday 2
days late. There wore nine games in Florida and tour in Anona. as 2h
teams began attempts to evaluate and shape up talent Opening day,
delayed a week because ot the lockout, is April 9.
Bradley's earnings hit $3 million mark
Pat Bradley became tho 1 PGA's BrsI $3 million player Sunday by
winning tho Standard Register Turquoise Classic Bradley's career
earnings reached 139,768 with Sunday's first prise ot $75,(XX). She
shot a "1. tor a 12-under par 2S0 in the final round to boat lapan s
Avako OkamotO by one shot
Agassi, Seles set record in tourney win
Andre Agassi and Monica Seles became the youngest pros to win
1 ipton International Players Championship titles Seles l6,ol i ugosla-
ta w on her second career title bv defeating Austria's Judith Wicsner 6-
1, r?-2 in Saturday s final Agassi. 19, ot Kis Vegas defeated Sweden's
Stefan Edberg 6-1, 6-4 0 6, 6-2 Sunday.
Prost wins Grand Prix with ease
Reigning world champion Alain Prost rolled to an easy victory
Sunday at the Brazilian Grand Pnv It's a fantastic day tor me, Prost
said Hedrove his Ferrari VI2 toa comfortable victory against Austria s
Gerhard Berger, whose McLaren-Honda was 13.564 seconds behind.
Gamez wins tourney with eagle
Robert Gamez who was trailing by a stroke eagled the lsth hole
with a 176yard shotSundaj. to defeat Greg Norman and Larry Mizeby
a shot in The Nestle Invitational at Orlando Gamez, a PGA lour rookie
who won $162 iv for his second victory this season, called the shot, A
perfect hit "
Musher finally finishes Iditarod race
Pen days behind winner Susan butcher Norman Vaughan, s4
completed Alaska's 1.158-mile Iditarod Sled Peg Race from nchorage
to Nome in 21 days, 10 hours. 26 minutes and si seconds 1 feel a little
stiff Vaughan said Sunday attor his Saturday night finish aughan
was the oldest musher in the race.
Negotiations begin to terminate coach
North Carolina State trustees voted 9-3 in closed session to begin
negotiations to terminate the contract of embattled basketball coach Jim
alvano, the Charlotte (N C I Obsemet reported. Theschool would have
to pay Yah ano $500,000 it he's dismissed without just cause
Baseball season extended by three days
Baseball's regular season will be extended throe days beyond its
By Wade Liles
Staff Writer
The IiCU men sand women's
track teams traveled to Wilming-
ton, N.C Saturday to compete in
the Wilmington Invitational Track
Sophomore Brian Irvin led all
runners in the 400-meter for ECU
with a tirst place finishing time oi
4630 I ie thon teamed up with
freshmen Corey Brooks, Fred
Owens and William "Junior"
Davis to take second place in the
-1X400 relay with a time ot v 13.45.
Also finishing forth in the MV-
meter was Duane McGill.
"Our4X400-teamdid not run
very' well said head coach Bill
Carson "Corey Brooks has been
sick tor a while, we think it'sbron-
"We're having the doctor
chock him out to see how long we
are going to have to wait Carson
ECU'S 4X100- meter relay "A"
team finished second with 40.19.
1 was roal pleased with their
performance Carson said. We
usually do not break 40.70 before
April, but they're coming in with
li1 19. Our B team did very well
coming in at 41.06
In the 200-meter, Da men
Desue came in second wi t h a 21 r
mark Davis came in right behind
him with 21 fv and Owens tin
ished sivth with a 22.06 run Ike
Robinson came in torth in the 100-
meter with 10.70
Ike ran real well 1 think Ike
ran taster than was recorded, the
timer messed up with recording
the time said Carson. "Overall,
it was a very good day. I don
C hook and Brian Williams ran roal
Vanessa Smith led the way tor
the women's team with winnings
in the 100 and 4X400-meter relay
Smith also came in second in the
smith ran the 100-meter in
11,98. She was followed bv toanv
mate Pamta Roseboro with a time
ot 12j03
Smith and Roseboro then
teamed up with Cheryl Hopkins
and oy Dorsey tor the 4X401
meter relay which they won with
a time of 4- 58.
Smith finished second in the
200-meter with 24.50, lust two
tenths ot a second behind tl
winner Roseboro came in third
with 24 68
Susan Schram won the shot
put with a tossof 13 2 2 meters .md
lame Rol'o came in torth with a
12 23 motor toss
Pirate netters fair well despite weather
By Wade Liles
Stall Writer
Despite ram and snow the
1;CT" men's tennis team was able
to complete three ot five sched-
uled matches in a four-day road
tnp that ended Sunday at t.eoge
Saturday, the tennis team lost
to William and Mary 5-3.
" We were tied at throe all at tor
the singles (matches) said junior
Marc Drons. Then we lost two
doubles matches.
"But Ion McLamb had the
goodaboutECl s football organi-
zation this vear Because ot the
success ot the off-season condi-
tioning it will allow us to have a
better spring than a year ago,
I on is said
Practices start at ; ; p m on
toughest match. He had a match
point in the third sot and hit a
beautiful approach shot to the
guv s backhand, and the guv hit a
shot that hit the net and Hew over
Ion's head Drons explained.
"Then later Ion fought off three
match points in a row to take the
match into a tie-breaker which he
lost attor having another match
Friday the tennis team visited
the University of Richmond, and
cam away with a 6-3 loss
Winning single matches were
Sammy Tounsi and Andre
Continued from page 13
Mondays Tuesdays, Thursdays,
and Fnda) s and at 1 p m. on Sat-
urdaysat theCliti Moore Football
Practice Facility The spring game
in Ficklin Stadium and the Great
Pirate Pigskin Pigout Party will
take place on Saturday April 21
Moreau. luan Al varex lost a tough
three set match to Richmond's
number one player. In double's
plav ohn Hudson and Moreau
had a h-2, h-2 victory at number
two doubles
"Andre and I played a lot more
aggressive then we have all year,
especially on our return ot sen. es
and our volleys said Hudson
On Thursdav, the men's ten-
nis team played a tough UNC-
Wilmington team and won 5-4.
Attor losing all ot the doubles
matches, the ECU netters had to
pull out five singles to win the
Mark' Drons) won the match
tor us It came down to his match
at number five, said Hudson
1 rons w iv won his match 6-
I -r4. normally plays number
six but because ot the absence t
Hudson had to move up a spot
1 don't think 1 could haw
pulled it out with out the support
from the team. Attor every point
they were clapping and cheering
tor me. it was like a dream, ex-
plained Drons "Doubleshave got
to improve for us to win matches
"Because of our tough nod-
ule at the beginning ot the vear
with all the non-conference teams
wo have gamed a lot ot confi-
dence said 1 ludson
rheteam travels to Richmond
a to pla Virginia Common-
? it. nl hursav it .
p.m then heads to Greensboro
N tora 1 p m. matchup against
the Spartai - nl tl i I niversiry oi
North ?. arolina at (ireensboro
scheduled Sept. 30 conclusion, according to an
agreement b Major
1 eague Baseball and CBS-TV Die World Series will begin Tuesday
Oct 16 instead of Saturday, Oct. 13 making it the first weeknight
beginning of the Series since 1984
Women's coaches honored for work
kav i ow of North Carolina State was named Women's basketball
Coaches Association 'Converse Division 1 college coach ol theyear.C al
Poly Pomona's Darlene May is the Division II winner and Hope
College's first-year coach Sue Wise, whose toam won the national title
last week is the Pi vision 111 winner.
Evert, Navratilova to meet next month
Retired tennis star Chris Ever! along with Martina a ratilo a the
world's No. 2-ranked player, will plav tour exhibitions next month.
Pates and sites: April 1 Pos Monies. Iowa; April u. Louisville. Kv :
April 20. Petroit: April 21 Minneapolis.
Champions win swimming events
Defending champions repeated in all four individual events Thurs-
day al the NCAA swimming and diving championships at Indianapo-
lis. ArturWoida, Iowa, a 1988 Olympic bronze medalist for Poland won
the 500-yard freestyle; Southern Cal's Dave Wharton, Olympic silver
medalist in 400-medley; Michigan's brent Lang, the 50 freestyle and
Indiana diver Mark Lenzi.
Two share lead in LPGA tournament
Cindy Figg-Curner and Vicki Fergon shared the lead entering
Friday'second-round of the LPGA'sStandard Register Turquoise Clas-
sic in Phoenix, Ariz. Betsey King, the LPGA player of the year, and five
others were one shot off the lead.
In the Locker
Baseball players to
receive record pay
NEW YORK (AP) With a
boost from the tree spending this
w inter, the most expensive lineup
in baseball now costs a record
$21,388,036, up almost 52 million
trom last year.
A record 153 players will make
51 million or more this season,
according to contract details ob-
tained from player and manage-
ment sources A record 2 players
will make $2 million, topped by
Milwaukee's Robin Yount at 53 2
Eight of the nine starters have
changed on the lop-money toam in
the last year, a reflection of the big
salary push in the offseason.
Cone trom last vear s list are
Orel Hershiser. Cal Ripken and
Andre Dawson. In are Roger Cle-
mens, Kirby Puckett and Rickey
The increase on the best team
in baseball was even sharper. The
nine players on the 1989 Associ-
ated Press All-Star team made
$11,916,667. The AP All-Stars will
cost $15391333 this vear. a 2
percent rise
Puckett. who will get $2.7
million this season trom Minne-
sota is the only player to make
both the AP All-Star team and the
all-money team.
Clemens of Boston ($2.6 mil-
lion) will be the top-paid pitcher
in baseball this year while Bret
Saberhagen of Kansas City (514
million) is the 1989 AP All-Star.
1 ance Parrish ol California is the
highest paid catcher ($1,916,000)
while Baltimore catcher Mickey
Tettleton is the lowest-paid player
on the AP All-Stars at $750,000
Eddie Murray of 1 os Angeles
($22513,703) is the highest-paid
tirst baseman, iust ahead ot AP
All-Star Will Clark, who will get
52.2? million trom the San Fran-
cisco Giants.
Lou Whitaker ot Petroit is the
highest-paid second baseman
($1.8 million), while Ryne Sand-
berg of the Chicago Cubs ($1255
million) is the AP All-Star. Ozzie
Smith ot St. Louis (51 q million)
replaced AP All-Star Ripken of
Baltimore ($1366,667) as the high-
est-paid shortstop.
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How Connecticut scored
last-second winning shot
The University of Connecticut defeated Clemson
71 -70 Thursday on a desperation shot by guard
Tate George as the cbek
Arlington Village
Behind C. Heber Forbes
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With one
second left on the clock.
Connecticut, down by a point, has
the ball unoer the Clemson basket. Scott Burrell, a pitcher
who was the No. 1 pick by the Seattle Manners last year,
throws a pass about 80 feet downcourt; George leaps.
catches it, turns and fires a 12-to 15 foot shot that drops
through without touching the rim. Clock shows one-tenth
of a second left when the shot leaves his hands
Keith Carter. Gannett News Service
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The East Carolinian, March 27, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 27, 1990
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