The East Carolinian, March 20, 1990

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W$t lEafit (Ear0lintan
SlTVvng the 'East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No. 19
Tuesday March 20, 1940
By April Draught!
Sljff Writer
Speakers from around the
world will examine the "Dilenv
mas ol the New 1 )emocracy in the
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe"
m .i j mposium to be held at ECU
on March 22 23.
I he featured lecture ot the
series is "Perestroikaand the New
Soviet Foreign Policy This lee-
tun- will be given by Dr Sergei
Chetverikov, the minister of the
Embassy ot the USSR, at noon in
the Mendenhall Student Center
Multipurpose Room on March23
( Ket erikov wasCounselor to the
IISSR Embassy in the I ntted States
from 1977 1983and Deputy Direc
tor ol the US and Canada I Vpart
ment.l SSR Foreign Ministry from
Chetverikov will relate how
the political and economic devel-
opments in the Soviet I nion have
created shuts in Soviet foreign
policy and will also discuss the
major trends of these policies
PanielN. Nelson, senior asso-
ciate ot the Carnegie Endowment
tor Peace, will give
the keynote address on March 22
at 7:30p.m in the School ot Nurs-
? Vuditorium.
Nelson'sdiscussion will focus
on the factors influencing the pres-
ent downfall of communist con-
trol m Eastern Europe and how
the Soviet Union isdealing with its
former client states Nelson has
published tour books on Roma-
nian politics and the Warsawpact.
His books include "Democratic
Centralism in Romania
The tirst session ot the sympo-
sium will begin on March 2 I in
lenkins Auditorium at 9 a m and
is titled "Domestic Developments
in the USSR and Eastern Europe
This session is divided into tour
mini-discussions different
countries in Eastern Europe
The tirst discussion will be on
Romania to be presented by Dr.
William Crowther, assistant pro-
fessor of political science at l N(
G. The second discussion involves
Poland and will be conducted b
Dr. David M.Olson a professor ol
political science at UNC-G l he
Soviet Union is the topic oi the
third discussion and is to be led by
Mr. FestusEribo, instructor for the
department of communication at
ECU. Dr. Philip). Adler. a profes-
sof from the department ol history
at ECU, will lead the fourth dis-
cussion on Yugoslavia
The symposium will end with
a last lecture titled "Intra-Hlocand
Inter-Bloc Relations" on March 23
See Perestroika, page 2
City council reinstates
committee on noise
By Samantha Thompson
Statf Writer
The Greenville City Council
passed a motion to reinstate the
Noise Ordinance Committee in
Monday evening's meeting, after
E U Student Government Asso-
ciation President Charlie T.
"Tnpp Roakes presented a reso-
lution asking the Council to rees-
tablish noise permits.
TheCouncil voted 4-2in favor
of reinstating the Committee with
council member Lorainne Shinn
expressingstrong opposition to the
reopening ot the matter. "You
know, it we reopen this, the stu-
dents could have tighter restric-
tions Shinn said to Roakes m the
Council Member Mildred
Council also opposed reinstating
the committee.
During Roakes' presentation
to the Council, Mayor Nancy en
kins interrupted Roakesand asked
the members their "wishes" on
reopening talks
"I wish it would go away
Shmn said in response to lenkins.
Yet, Council Member lorn
lohnson made the motion to rein-
state the committee and mU more
members from community neigh-
Another member supported
reinstating the committee reason-
See Noise, page 3
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Minister examines
emerging Soviet
bloc democracies
A note from home?
Chancellor Richard Eakin attended all of Jenn.fer G.bbs1 Monday classes as part of a event for Ph. Sigma Pi honor fraternity
Money raised from the Buy the Chancellor drawing goes into the fraternity's Special Propels Committee which donates money to
various philanthropic organizations (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Chancellor goes back to school
By Samantha Thompson
St.itI Writer
See Pick run See Pick take
notes. See Dick attend .ill the
Monday classes ol the winner of
the "Buy t he hanceHor" drawing
sponsored by Phi Sigma Pi honor
lunior psychology major Jen-
niterabbs had the day off Mon-
day as 1 i Uhancellor Pr. Rich-
ard Eakin attended all her classes.
Eakin spent the morning taking
notes torabbs m her beginning
Spanish class and psychology of
the personality i lass
Gibbs, who was sick on Mon-
day from food poisoning, was not
the original winner of the contest.
"My roommate actually won it,
but she didn't want to miss her
classes, so she gave it to me Gibbs
said. "It worked out good for me
since I was sick and I didn't have
to go to class
According to ECU Photo Lab
photographer Jeff Whitmire, Eakin
seemed to be enjoying the day out
of the office and in the classroom.
"The chancellor said the classes
were reallv interesting and his
professors were good Whitmire
said. "He said that he didn't know
a whole lot of what was being said
in the Spanish class but it was a lot
of fun
Contest coordinator Wendy-
Watts said that when the Chancel
lor agreed to the contest, he was
eager to help (nit. "When I went to
talk to him (Eakin) about it, he
seemed excited about going todass
and taking notes Wattssaid. "He
was very receptive
Tickets were$l each, and the
profits from the contest will go to
Phi Sigma Pi's Special Projects
"We Jiave an adopted child in
ndonesia Watte said. "We send
a certain amount of money to her
each quarter
The Indonesian child is a six-
vear-old girl named Wastutik,
according to Watts. "We're her
adopted family
We're also trying to help out
the Ronald McDonald House in
Greenville Watts said.
Phi Sigma Pi has roughly 45-
50 members and each member
must have a 3.3 GPA to be admit-
ted, Watts said. The fraternity aims
to promote scholarship, leadership
and fellowship.
Organizations receive SGA appropriations
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
Five appropriations and one
resolution calling for funding for
oyner I ibrary Renovations, were
passed by theStudentt lovemment
Association in Monday afternoon's
After a lengthy debate, the
$236 appropriation to ECU Stu-
dents for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (SEI"A) passed by a voice
vote, legislator Richard Patch ex-
plained the bill, which was ques-
tioned by some members of the
The funds will pay for a film
showing the wrongful treatment
of animals. Advertising and
technician's costs will also be cov-
ered .
Members of the legislature
debated whether the film was
purely informative or that it urged
political action.
Legislator Barbara Lambmade
the motion to suspend the rules
for the approval of a $1,300 appro-
priation to the Students for Unity
Awareness. The body passed the
funding by a voice vote.
The funds will cover the travel
costs for a speaker to be flown in,
first class, from Texas to speak on
rape prevention. The university
paid the $4,200 for the Frederick
Starska to come to ECU on April
16. Starska will discuss "How to
sav no to a rapist and survive
Legislator Renee Cundiff said.
After she was yielded the floor.
Students for Unity Awareness
president Robin Andrews said
Starska's presentation has pre-
vented rape's in the past.
ECU National Student Nurses
Association passed by consent. The
funds will pay for several mem-
bers to attend a national conven-
tion in Nashville on April US.
ECU Tae Kwon Do was ap-
propriated $542 to compete in a
tournament in Charlotte. The
monev will pav for gear, uniforms,
registration and travel.
The SS8 appropriation to the
Overseas Development Network
passed bv consent of the body.
Speaker ot the House Bob
Landrv stepped down as speaker
to discuss a resolution, which
supports the General Assembly
allotting funding tor renovations
in joyner Library. Due to the re-
cent statewide budget cuts, the
See SGA, page 3
ECU loses 'a great friend'
ECU News Bureau
Clifton Goodwin Moore, 1923-1990
Clifton Goodwin (Cliff)
Moore, the former U.S. Marine
Corps officer who served as ECU'S
chief fiscal official for 19 years,
died earlv Monday at the age of 67.
Funeral services will be1 held
at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. James
United Methodist Church.
Moore, whose trademarks
included a cowboy hat and boots
and a neat, uncluttered desk,
became ECU'S vice chancellor for
businessaffairsin 1972 and retired
last June 30. He had been the
university's business manager
from the retirement of vice presi-
dent F.D. Duncan in 1970. His
career at East Carolina spanned 27
In lanuary, Moore wasstricken
with a heart seizure while suffer-
ing from influenza and pneumo-
nia. He had been undergoing treat-
ment for several weeks and death
occurred at Pitt Memorial Hospi-
He is survived by his wife, the
former Erma Ruth Fowler of Or-
ange County, N.C a son and
daughter and several grandchil-
Chancellor Richard R. Eakin
said, "1 join with the entire East
Carolina University family in
expressing profound regret at the
passing of Cliff Moore. His contri-
butions to ECU have made a last-
ing, positive imprint. We have
lost a great friend
The chairman of the ECU
Board of Trustees, Max Ray Joyner
Sr. of Greenville, said, "Cliff Moore
was a great asset to East Carolina
University of more than 25 years.
He ran his office with the utmost
integrity. Cliff loved ECU and
showed it in every respect
At the time of his retirement,
Moore was the university's senior
vice chancellor in point of service.
For many years, Moore served
as faculty chairman of athletics.
Upon his retirement, the
university's athletic practice field
adjacent to Ficklen Stadium,
Mingcs coliseum and the new
Sports Medicine Building was
named in his honor.
A native of Raleigh, Moore
joined the Marine Corps in 1942 at
the age of 19 as a private. He was
commissioned a second lieuten-
ant with the Fourth Marine Divi-
sion in the Pacific Theatre during
World War II and also commanded
a rifle company during the Korean
Conflict in the early 1950s.
Heearned a degreein account-
ing at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and in 1947
became senior auditor with the
gasoline tax division of the N.C.
Department of Revenue. From
1954 until 1962, he served as assis-
tant to the secretary of the N.C.
Local Government Commission.
Continuing into the
1990s, hate groups are
just beating a dead
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Offered
State and Nation8
Lawsuit prompts in-
vestigation of senator's
Darryl's hosts tradi-
tional St. Patrick's Day
ECU Football's
spring practice set to
kick off March 22

Qftft 3Ea0t (Earaltnimi
Vol. M No. 9
Tuesday March 20,1990
Sewing the "Last Carolina campus community since 1925
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Minister examines
emerging Soviet
bloc democracies
By April
Speakers from around the
world will examine the "Dilem-
mas ol the New Democracy in the
So u-t Union and Eastern Europe"
in .i -a mposium to be held at ECl:
on March 22 23
1 he featured lecture of the
series is 'Perestroikaand the New
Soviet Foreign Policy This lec-
ture will be given by IV Sergei
(. hetverikov, the minister of the
Embassy of the USSR, at noon in
the Mendenhall Student Center
Multipurpose Room on March23.
( hetverikov was Counselor to the
I SSR Embassy inthel InitedStates
from 1977 I983and Deputy Direc
tor ot the US and Canada Depart
ment, USSR Foreign Ministry from
Chetverikov will relate how
the political and economic devel-
opments in the Soviet I Inion have
created shifts in Soviet foreign
polic and will also discuss the
m.iK'r trends of these policies
Daniel N. Nelson, senior asso-
ciate ot the Carnegie Endowment
tor International Peace, will give
the keynote address on March 22
at 7 50p.m. in the School oi Nurs
Neison'sdiscussion will focus
on the tactors influencing the pres-
ent downfall of communist con-
trol in Eastern Europe and how
the Soviet Union isdealing with its
former client states Nelson has
published tour books on Roma
nian politics and the Warsaw pact.
His books include "Democratic
Centralism in Romania
The first session of the sympo-
sium will begin on March 23 in
lenkins Auditorium at 9 a m .mil
is titled "Domestic Developments
in the USSR and Eastern Europe
This session is divided mti four
mini-discussions on different
countries in Eastern Europe
The first discussion will be on
Romania to be presented K Pr
William Crowther. assistant pro
fessor of political science at I N(
G. The second discussion in olves
Poland and will be conducted b
Pr. David M.Olson a professor of
political science at UNC-G 1 hi-
Soviet Union is the topic ot the
third discussion and is to be led by
Mr. FestUS Priho. instructor forthe
department ot communication at
ECU. Pr. Philip I Adler, a profes-
sor from the department ot history
at ECU, will lead the tourth dis-
cussion on ugoslavia
The symposium will end with
a last lecture titled "Intra-Blocand
lnter-Bkv Relations" on Mart h 23
See Perestroika, page 2
City council reinstates
committee on noise
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
The Greenville City Council
passed a motion to reinstate the
Noise Ordinance Committee in
Mimd.iv evening's meeting, after
E i Student Government Asso-
ciation President Charlie T.
' I ripp" Roakes presented a reso-
lution asking the Council to reos
tablish noise permits.
l'he( cunt ilvoted4 -2infavor
ot reinstating the Committee with
council member Lorainne Shinn
expressing strong opposition to the
reopening of the matter "You
know, it we reopen this, the stu-
dents could have tighter restric-
tions Shinn said to Roakes in the
Council Member Mildred
Council also opposed reinstating
the committee.
During Roakes' presentation
to the Council. Mayor Nancy fen
kmsinterrupted Roakes and asktxf
the members their "wishes" on
reopening talks.
"I wish it would go away
Shinn said in response to lenkins
Yet. Council Member Tom
lohnson made the motion to rein
state the committee ano add more
members from community neigh-
Another member supported
reinstating the committee reason-
See Noise, page 3
A note from home?
Chancellor Richard Eakin attended all of Jennifer Gibbs' Monday classes as part of a fundraismg event for Phi Sigma Pi honor fraternity
Money raised from the "Buy the Chancellor" drawing goes into the fraternity's Special Projects Committee which donates money to
various philanthropic organizations (Photo by J.D. Whrimire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Chancellor goes back to school
By Samantha Thompson
st.ilt Writer
See Pick run See Pick take
notes. See Pu k attend all the
Monda i lasses ol the winner ot
the "Buy the hancelior" drawing
sponsored by Phi Sigma Pi honor
lunior psycholog) major Jen-
niferabbs had the day off Mon-
day as EClhancelior Dr. Rich-
ard Eakin attended all her classes.
Eakin spent the morning taking
notes torabbs in her beginning
Spanish class and psychology of
the personality lass
Gibbs, who was sick on Mon-
day from food poisoning, was not
the original winner of the contest
"Mv roommate actually won it,
but she didn't want to miss her
classes, so she gave it to me Gibbs
said. "It worked out good for me
since 1 was sick and I didn't have
to go to class
According to ECU Photo Lab
photographer Jeff Whitmire, Eakin
seemed to be enjoying the day out
ot the office and in the classroom.
"The chancellor said the classes
were really interesting and his
professors were good Whitmire
said. "He said that he didn't know
a whole lot of what was King said
in the Spanish class but it was a lot
ot fun
Contest coordinator Wendy
Watts said that when the Chancel-
lor agreed to the contest, he was
eager to help out "When! went to
talk to him (Eakin) about it, he
seemed excited about going toclass
and taking notes Watts said. "He
was very receptive
Tickets were SI each, and the
profits from the contest will go to
Phi Sigma Pi's Special Projects
"We Jtave an adopted child in
Indonesia, Watts said. 'We send
a certain amount ot monev to her
each quarter "
The Indonesian child is a six-
year-old girl named Wastutik,
according to Watts "We're her
adopted family
We re also trying to help out
the Ronald McDonald House in
Greenville Watts said.
Phi Sigma Pi has roughly 45-
50 members and each member
must have a 3JGPA to be admit-
ted. Watts said. The fraternity aims
to promote scholarship, leadership
and fellowship.
Organizations receive SGA appropriations
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writei
Five appropriations and one
resolution calling, for funding tor
loyncT 1 ibrary Renovations, were
passed by fheStudentf iovemmen!
?ss ?ciationin Monday afternoon's
?tte; a lengthy debate, the
$236 appropriation to ECU Stu-
dents tor the Ethical Treatment of
Animals (SE I A) passed by a voice
vote. 1 egislator Richard Patch ex-
plained the bill, which was ques-
tioned by some members of the
The funds v ill pay for a film
showing the wrongful treatment
of animals. Advertising and
technician's costs will also be cov-
ered .
Members of the legislature
debated whether the film was
purely informative or that it urged
political action
Legislator Barbara lamb made
the motion to suspend the rules
for the approval of a $1300 appro-
priation to the Students for Unity
Awareness. The body passed the
funding by a voice vote.
The funds will cover the travel
costs tor a speaker to be flown in,
first class, from Texas to speak on
rape prevention. The university
paid the $4,200 for the Frederick
Starska to come to FCC on April
lb. Starska will discuss "How to
sav no to a rapist and survive
Legislator Renee Cundiff said.
Alter she was yielded the floor,
Students for Unity Awareness
president Robin Andrews said
Starska's presentation has pre-
vented rapes in the past.
The$475appropria tions to the
ECU National Student Nurses
Association passed byconsent. The
funds will pay for several mem-
bers to attend a national conven-
tion in Nashville on April 18.
ECU Tae Kwon Do was ap-
propriated $542 to compete in a
tournament in Charlotte I he
money will pay for gear, uniforms,
registration and travel.
The $88 appropriation to the
Overseas Development Network
passed bv consent of the body.
Speaker of the House Bob
Landry stepped down a speaker
to discuss a resolution, which
supports the General Assembly
allotting funding tor renovations
in lovner Library. Due to the re-
cent statewide budget cuts, the
See SGA, page 3
ECU loses 'a great friend'
ECU News Bureau
Clifton Goodwin Moore, 1923-1990
Clifton Goodwin (Cliff)
Moore, the former U.S. Marine
Corpsofficer who served as ECU'S
chief fiscal official for 19 years,
died early Monday at the age of 67.
Funeral services will be held
at 11 am Wednesday at St. James
United Methodist Church.
Moore, whose trademarks
included a cowboy hat and boots
and a neat, uncluttered desk,
became ECU'S vice chancellor for
business affairs in I972and retired
last une 30. He had been the
university's business manager
from the retirement of vice presi-
dent IP Duncan in 1970. His
career at East Carolina spanned 27
In January, Moore was stricken
with a heart seizure while suffer-
ing from influenza and pneumo-
nia. I le had been undergoing treat-
ment for several weeks and death
occurred at Pitt Memorial Hospi-
He is survived by his wife, the
former Erma Ruth Fowler of Or-
ange County, N.C a son and
daughter and several grandchil-
Chancellor Richard R. Eakin
said, "I join with the entire East
Carolina University family in
expressing profound regret at the
passing of Cliff Moore. Hiscontri-
butions to ECU have made a last-
ing, positive imprint. We have
lost a great friend
The chairman of the ECU
Board of Trustees, Max Ray Joyner
Sr. of Greenville, said, "Cliff Moore
was a great asset to East Carolina
University of more than 25 years.
He ran his office with the utmost
integrity. Cliff loved ECU and
showed it in every respect
At the time of his retirement,
Moore was the university's senior
vice chancellor in point of service.
For many years, Moore served
as faculty chairman of athletics.
Upon his retirement, the
university's athletic practice field
adjacent to Ficklen Stadium,
Mingcs coliseum and the new-
Sports Medicine Building was
named in his honor.
A native of Raleigh, Moore
joined the Manne Corps in 1942 at
the age of 19 as a private. He was
commissioned a second lieuten-
ant with the Fourth Manne Divi-
sion in the Pacific Theatre dunng
World War 11 and alsocommatided
a riflecompany dunng the Korean
Conflict in the early 1950s.
He earned a degree in account-
ing at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and in 1947
became senior auditor with the
gasoline tax division of the N.C.
Department of Revenue. From
1954 until 1962, he served as assis-
tant to the secretary of the N.C
Local Government Commission.
Continuing into the
1990s, hate groups are
just beating a dead
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Ottered
State and Nation8
Lawsuit prompts in-
vestigation of senator's
Darryl's hosts tradi-
tional St. Patrick's Day
ECU Football's
spring practice set to
kick off March 22

2 The East Carolinian March 20,1990
ECU Briefs
Drug Awareness Week continues
with fun and educational activities
Lectures, tilms. discussions and special displays on drug abuse
SIC scheduled for March 14 23 at ECU during the observance of
National Collegiate Drug Awareness Week. Orug awareness week
activities included a discussion about drug testing on Monday at 5
pan. in Mendenhall Student Center. The discussion, "Your Career
and Well Being was given bv two physicians, a job placement
counselor and a representative form a local industry.
Gov. Jim Martin to speak at ECU
(.ov lames Martin will speak on economic development in
cistern North Carolina at 3 pan. in Mendenhall Student Center His
address Building a Framework tor a New Century is part of the
1990 1 hstinguishcd Betalamma Sigma Lecture in the ECU School of
Business The program is open to the public.
Faculty Senate ponders measure to
increase control over ECU athletics
I In- E I Faculty Senate is scheduled to act on a proposal to give
faculty a stronger voice in overseeing athletics at ECU when it meets
at2:10p.m in Room 244 ol Mendenhall Student Center. Ifap-
proved, the proposal would ask the chancellor to give the University
Athletu c ommittee oversight responsibility in the area of academic
integrity and compliance with NCAA rules and regulations.
National Campus Clips
White freshmen constitute majority
of disciplinary offenders at USC
Statistics released at the University of South Carolina showed that
white freshmen make up the majority of disciplinary offenders on
campus. I he high number of freshmen may bo correlated to the new
freedom they have on campus. "They want to experiment and they are
unaware of their limits' lerrv Crottv, the associate dean of student
development said White students represent 76.8 percent of the offend-
ers and freshmen represent 7tv8 percent of the total incidents on
campus Incidents involving alcohol recurrs most oftenfreshrnen of-
fenders with 23 7 percent and disordely conduct comes second with
! P I percent
Vandalism closes rooms at library
i image m I avisl ibraryat I c Chapel Hill has led to the closing
of several u ping rooms The rooms will be converted to faculty study
!t damage keeps reoa lining, we will reassess whether or not
thercv will be reopened Brad Lamb, administrative assistant of the
library said. Writing on the wall, damaged thermostats and knocked
out ceilings are the most recurrent tokens of vandalism to the library.
According to librarian lames Govan, the vandalism "drains resources
thai might be devoted to other, more useful things Costs in repairs has
equaled several thousands ot dollars over the vears according to James.
UNC- CH forms rape task force
I ISI (. 'hapel 1 fill departments are directing their efforts toward a
consolidation of campus rape response procedures. The Response Plan
ask Force, composed of university representatives from various
departments and student organizations, was put together last fall,
according to Associate Dean of Students Kathleen Benzaquin. The task
fon c is to ensure that all the groups concerned will give consistent in-
formation to the rape victims and that everyone will respect confiden-
tialit) w hile contacting for help. It deals with "issues of confidentiality
in the media, jurisdiction with the campusand city police,and issues ol
academics and housing Benzaquin said.
Researchers find early sign of AIDS
Scientists at the UNC-c hapel Hill Dental Research have found that
theanalysisofgumtissuecouldhelpdiagnoseAIDSmanewand faster
way. "(irai candidiasis, or thrush, is a yeast infection that shows up in
the mouth and often can be the tirst sign of AIDS acob Hanker,
professor of dental research and biomedical engineering said. "We
found elevated levels ol Candida m plaque smears from beneath the
gums of a high percentage of patients who tested positive for the AIDS
symptoms On April 19, the results of the research project will be
presented by 1 the Materials Research Society annual meeting
in San Francisco.
Crime Report
ECU police look for clues in assault
March 16
0825- Officer checked the vehicles in the freshman lot near Minges
Coliseum and found that two vehicles had been broken into.
March 17
0021- Officers dispatched to Fletcher Residence Hall to search for
fingerprints where an assault on a female resident occurred.
0058 Cttuer assisted an intoxicated resident of Belk Residence Hall
into his room who had passed out in the hallway of his suite.
0152 Northwest curfew door of Greene Residence Hall found by an
offii er propped open with a chair
0159 t Jfficer dispatched to White Residence Hall to search for a curfew
0346 ('tin er stopped a vehicle at the Burger King on 10th Street and
found the operator was bordering on intoxication and was warned not
to drive the vehk le
(l-lo Officer issued campus citation to a student found in Greene
Residence 11.ill tor underage consumption and for being unescorted in
female dorm and after hours curfew violation.
0626 Officer unlocked Belk Residence Hall and discovered a breaking
and entering of the basement canteen had occurred. The glass from the
center stairwell wooden door had been broken out.
0740 Officer apprehended an assault suspect west of Clement Resi-
dent- Hall.
March 18
0155 Officer slopped a vehicle at Memorial Gymnasium for having no
license plates. Non-student stated the tags fell off the vehicle.
0226 Officer responded to Tyler lobby reference male subject in the
lobby. Verbal warning given to student.
2232 Officer stopped a vehicle with license plate 2KLEVER north of
I liming Residence 1 lall and issued verbal warning to a non-student for
false vehicle registration.
March 19
0134 Of ficer asked 10 students to leave the Jenkins Art building for not
having green cards.
TVrimt Krport it lain from officiml ECU Pimlit Smftfy lop
Soviet professor talks
on modern lifestyles
By April Draughn
Staff Writer
"Our country is now corning
back to its active political life" Dr.
Nikita Pokrovsky stated in his
lecture titled "The Impact of Per-
estroika on the Lifestyles of the
Soviet People" held March lo at
1:30 p.m. in Room 1028 of the
General Classroom Building. The
lecture was centered around the
life styles and living conditions of
the Soviet people.
Pokrovsky stressed two main
points in his discussion on the
developments in the Soviet Union
since Perestroika was put into ef-
fect. He talked of the intellectual
innovations and movements that
Perestroika has spurred and the
problems o( the economy in terms
of daily life in the Soviet 1 Inion
In reference to the movements
among the Soviet people,
Pokrov sky talked ol Russian iden-
tity and how "We Russian people
want a better material life, a life
st vie comparable to American life "
According to Pokrovsky, the So
viet mentality is focused on values
it family life and devotion to the
family. IIu-m- values are more im
portant to the Soviet people in-
stead ol "a nil c banking account
or apartment
In relation to the spiritual val-
uesoi theSoviet people, Pokrovsky
said that for the hrst time since
1917 the Soviet Union is open up
to religion and church orthodoxy.
1 Eesaid, 1 hepixx ess has positive
as well as negative features
Pokrovsky also stressed that
there can't be a rebirth of religions
in society without separation of
church and state. According to
Pokrovskv, the concession ot sepa-
ration of church and state is writ-
ten in theSoviet constitution "but
in reality, certain problems of
Marxist philosophy in the Soviet
Union have resulted in a religious
vacuum Pokrovsky said that
some parry officials believe that
the vacuum .m k- tilled bv Rus-
sian religion in order to raise the
social consciousnessol the people.
In terms of the Soviet econ-
omy, Pokrovskv said that there
are certain traces that are more
positive than before, but he isn't
completely optimistic about the
present economy. 1 le related some
figures ol the Soviet economy such
as the decline of housing by 20
percent since I960 and the 1J per-
cent inflation rate
Pokrovsky isassociate profes-
sor of Philosophy and Sociology
at Moscow State I 'niversitv and is
has published books on human
ism, aesthetics, culture, and cul
tural relations. I hs books in hide
"The Maze ot Loneliness" and
" The Philosophy ol i lenrv I avid
rhoreau 1 le also received fcl
lowships trom the Andrew Mel
Ion Foundation and the National
1 lumanities (enter in 1989
I he lecture was sponsored by
the International Studies depart-
Continued from page 1
WZMB Wednesday
Dance Night
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in room 10 12 ol the( .eneral C i.iss-
room Building at 1:30 p.m. I his
lecture includes a discussion on
the C lerman question by I r. Ger-
hard Weinberg, a professor of
historv at I(II and a discus-
sion ot the economic dilemmas in
Eastern Europe by Dr. Tibor Pal-
ankai of the Institute for East-West
Security Studies. Chetverikov will
discuss the Soviet view and Pr.
Matinee Simon, a professor of
political science al E( L; will pres-
ent the dilemmas ol change in
Eastern Europe.
Ot the lecture series Simon
said, "Thisgreal decisions sympo-
sium is onT ol the most exciting
educational events we have spon-
sored at E( I All of us will benefit
immensely by sharing in the in-
sights provided by our eminent
list ol speakers
I he symposium is trtv to stu
dents, the faculty and the general
public. TheOfficeof International
Studies arranged the symposium
and Pi Sigma Alpha, Phi Alpha
Theta and Alpha Kappa Delta are
sponsoring the lecture series.
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The East Carolinian, March 20,1990 3
Debate focuses on Affirmative Action and reverse discrimination
By Valeria Lassiter
Special to The I ast Carolinian
I he ECU Committee on the
Bicentennial ol the Constitution
sponsored its last forum on under-
standing the Constitution with a
debate on "Affirmative Action
Reverse Discrimination lust or
I njust?" on March 16.
Jerome M Culp, professor o?
law at Duke University,presented
the reasons for Affirmative Action.
1 lenry I Abraham, professor ol
government and foreign affairs at
the I niversity ol Virginia, pre
sented the reasons against Affirma- negro said Culp. These myths Culp said places and to admit personnel who have painted is a dark one Abraham
tne Action According to Culp, the "myth just as many burdens on whites as the merit and ability. Appropriate also said that coming fromulp
Culp based his argument tor of the white privilege" is aligned it does on blacks. Culp said, "Race incidences of the use of Affirma- he can see how Culp's position is
Affirmative Action on what he with the "myth of the free negro is still at the heart of the problems live Action gives life to opportu- the politically right kind of mes-
called the myth of the free ne- He said the "myth of the white of America nity of equality. sage. He said that he knows what
gro He said there are three parts privilege" is white dominance in Abraham said he supports the Abraham believes Affirmative it means to be discriminated
ol the "myth (1) not all blacks prestige, education, achievement concept ot Affirmative Action just Action is not appropriate when against because his family faced
suffered from slavery, (2) tree and overall power. He argues the as long as it does not turn into you have policies that slant grad religious discrimination,
blacks are obligated to free others, "white privilege" is a myth be- reverse discrimination. Abraham ingandallowforspecialtestscores Culp's rebuttal began with the
and (3) free blacks expect too much cause in the eye of the law there is told the audience appropriate af Hesaid when you set aside quotas question, "Reverse from what.
He argued that the notion ot re not a caste system and our firmative action is whin it is a foradmissionbaseduponracethey reverse trom the nght of white
verse discrimination is a part of constitution is color-blind. Hut a remedy to provide adequate edu- are insults to the beneficiaries. parents to call up and get people
the "myth oi the tree negro" be caste system exists because the cation. Hecited the Upward Bound Abraham said "robbing Peter to admitted when they are not quali-
majority of whites believe blacks' program as an example. Affirma- pay Paul" is wrong and lies at the tied Hesaid it you really want to
failures are blacks'problem, said tive Action is appropriate to set heart ol the matter. Discrimina- get to the problem you have to
Culp. standards of non-discrimination tun is part ol the history and no
fair person can deny that, but the
cause blacks lack substantive
power. 'Reversediscrimination is
a figment ot the "myth ol the tree
Gandhi's teachings to be discussed at lecture
By Ginny Robbins
Suit Writer
ECl s new Religious 'studies
minor program will present a lec-
ture b internationally recognized
Ihi scholar. Dr. K.l Seshagiri
Rao, on the social no) religious
features (landhi s life
The presentation titled
C .andhi's 'Religion of Religions
il and Spiritual Aspects will
K held m theleneral c lassroorn
R tildii gRoom 1032 on campus at
1 in sda)
I r Calvin Mercer, coordina-
tor of the new Religious Studies
minor program, has high expecta-
tions ol the program's first big
event. Mercer said. "SnueC iandhi
is such a fascinating figure in our
"1 encourage students to study
religion in hopes ot understand-
ing people and their culture bet-
ter Mercer said.
According to Mercer, the pro-
world, 1 tool many people will be gram is an interdisciplinary pro-
gram 1 le pointed out that the
minor is a flexible one that is ca-
pable ol meeting the needs and
interests ol a variety ot students,
calling on courses trom the de
partments ol English, anthropol-
ogy sociology, philosophy, his
tory, and psychology.
Mercer said he fe?ls that this
presentation on (.and hi, the I ImJu
interested m this presentation
The presentation is just out'
event being planned b the new
minor program. According to
Mercer, one major event will be
planned per year with perhaps
smaller ones in between
Mercer stressed the new
minor program isn't )uM for those
iv onsider themse
leader, is a proper subject tor the
program's first big event, partly
due to the fact that Gandhi can be
viewed from many different per-
spectives, not solely from a reli-
gious one iandhi is not only re-
nowned tor his contributions in
religion, but also tor his contribu
turns in political and social anas
as well
I o inquire more about the new
Religious Studies program and the
classes it offers, conta 11 r. Mercer
in the ECl Philosophy Depart-
American society is committed to
equalitarian society through the
constitution, said Abraham.
In rebuttal, Abraham said
C nips "message seems to say that
we have not made any progress
I le s.ud that we have made
progress bv citing Douglas
Wilder s election to governor oi
Virginia. 1 le said the picture (ulp
deal with race .
Although the purpose ol Af-
firmative Action deals with ad-
vancing ethnic groups, women,
handicaps, elderly and etc , Abra-
ham and Culp centered their de-
bate around how Affirmative
Action relates to blacks and whites
leaving many with an unclear
analysis ol the pros and cons ol
Affirmative Action Reverse Dis-
Teleconference examines legal issues in communications
Id' News Bureau
When a nationally noted
communications law specialist
h i ruresat I XT tonight, he will be
seen and heard bv an audience
' itretches across the state and
nation fheevent is the hrst satel-
lite-uplinked teleconference ever
originated at ECl
i he featured speaker is attor-
ney David Irwin. head of the tele-
firm, (lolden, Freda, and Schraub,
and former deputy chut ol the
federal Communications( ommis
sion. Irwin's address, beginning
at 8:05 p.m. EST, will be followed
by a question answer session
v hull w ill run until It' p.m.
Irwin will be answering ques-
tions not only trom his audience in
E( I s Brody Medical Sciences
building teleclassroom, but also
trom viewers at various other sites
receiving the telecast Irwin will
speak on the topic, "New Tech-
proaches tor Telecommunications
in the Year 2000 A Future Vi-
C oordinatingthe program is
Pr. lames Cox ot the ECU Popart
. communications law practice
rjshintiiiwO.C.jaw naJogies and Kegulatorv Ap-
Houston State University, Texas;
Eastern Michigan I niversit) ; San
Francisco State University and
other campuses in various regions
ol the United States. San Francisco
ment of Communication. Cox said has been granted permission to
the telecast will be sent nation- tape the teleconference tor
wide via Satellite SBS 5, Trans- re broadcast to cable access chan-
ponder 14, and to North Carolina nel subscribers in the Ray area.
campuses by a microwave interac- - ox said.
tive television network
Comprising the teleconference
audience will l? participants at
Marshall University, W.Va ; Bowl-
;n Orccn University, OhioSam
Continued from page 1
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( leneral Assembly is considering
reallotting funds that have previ-
ouslybecn appropriated to oyner
i ibrary
The solution passed by ac-
climation oi the legislature after
lator Marty Helms made
grammatical amendments to it.
I he resolution will be sent to the
Speaker ol the (leneral Assembly
tor approval bv the body.
Legislator Derek McC ullers
moved to suspend the rules to
? ? ; uy a bill calling tor an ap-
propriation to the Progressive
Alliance ot I niversity- Students
(PAUSE) so thev could attend a
nference. 1 he bod) did not
approve the suspension ot the
rules and the bill was sent to the
Vppropriations Committee to be
discussed in next week s commit-
tee meeting to the city ol Greenville's noise
I he constitution ot the Pre- permit ruling were the finalists ol
professional Health Alliance the nominated pieces. The winner
passed bv consent ot the body. of the two will also be announced
lamb and Helms were the at the annual SC A banquet.
finalists of several nominations bv After Helms made the motion
the body tor the award of Out- to appoint Brenda Geisler as the
standing legislator tor their SGA vice chairperson tor the Elections
work m the past year. The winner Committee, the body unanimously
will be announced at the annual approved the motion.
SGA banquet in late April. Lamb announced that all
Fhe legislature also nominated groups that need funding for 1990-
two puces of legislation for the ll should attend the annual
Outstanding Piece ol Legislation appropriations meeting in the
award. 1 egislator Beth Howard's multipurpose room at Mendenhall
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resolution oncci rung I ho creation
of a task force to improve relations
between ECU students and the
Greenville Police I department and
I egislator Allen rhomas' resolu-
tion stating the S( JA's opposition
Studonti enterfrom4p m.to5p.m.
today and rhursday Campus
organizations that do not attend
one of the meetings will not re-
ceive funds tor next year, Thomas
said after the meeting.
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C ontinued from page 1
ing that spontaneous parties off
i ampus art- adding to noise prob-
lems 1 hese kinds of noise prob-
lems are not going away and thev
are only getting worse with the
arrival ot spring she said.
In his presentation, Roakes
told the members that E I frater-
nities used the controlled ail-cam-
pus parties to raise money, which
thev would in turn contribute to
organizations around.reenville,
such as the Special Olympics. He
also gave members a copy of the
( it)ouncil minutes where Cap-
tain Sta ton of the Greenville Police
Department s.ud the previous
permit system was working "verv
Roakes later told the SGA
during their Monday meeting that
he is looking forward to good in-
teraction vvith the Council on the
matter and that he is going to en-
tourage them to include students
on the c ommittee. "We're headed
on the right track Roakes said.
"The Council thought that by
eliminating permits, they would
do away with noise Roakes said
after the meeting with the Coun-
cil. "There is a difference between
the noise ordinance and noise

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?tie ?a0t (fJarolttnan
David HERRING, General Manager
Lon Martin, Editor
JAMES F.J. McKEE, Director) Advertising
Joseph L Jenkins Ik Newt Fditor
Marc.i Morin, Asat. News Editor
Caroline Cusk k, Features Editor
John Tl'fkFR, Asst Features Editor
Michael Martin, Sports Fditor
Thomas H. Mario VI, Ami Sports Fditor
Carrie Armstrong, Entertainment Fditor
Scott Maxwei i , Satirt Fditor
Phonic, LUONG, Credit Manager
STUART RoSNER, Business Manager
Pamela Cope, Ad Tech Supervisor
MATTHEW Rl HTER, Circulation Manager
Trao WEED, Production Manager
STEVE REID, Staff Illustrator
CHARLES WlLLlNGHAM, Darkroom Technician
Be ih LUPTON, Secretary
The East Carolinian has been serving the East Carolina campus s ommunit) since 1925,?ith primary emphasis on in-
formation most directly affecting ECU students. It is published twice wcekl). with a circulation ol 12.000. i ho East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on the basts ol ace. sex,
creed or national origin. The Fast Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ol ie? Lor purposes of decent
and The Fast Carolinian reserves the right to edit any letter for publication 1 etters should be sent to I he Last
Carolinian. Publications Bldg FCC. Greenville, NC :ts J4; or call us at (919) 757-6366
Overcoming fear and hate
Americans are no longer tolerating
hate groups such as the Ku Klu Klan, Skin-
heads and Nazis. Many argue that these
people havethe right to assemble and dem-
onstrate just like other groups and organi-
zations. Although this may be true as guar-
anteed by the U.S. Constitution, it totally
defies all that is morally and ethically right.
This past weekend the KKK marched
through High Point and Thomasville in an
attempt to recruit new members. Instead of
support, the group of bO klansmen received
oppostion from over 600 protesters It's en-
couraging to know that more people are
becoming aware that no room exists m ovir
modern society tor groups motivated solely
bv fear and hate. What's more important
than this awareness is that more people are
beginning to actively speak out against these
What prompts grown men and
women to parade through a city's streets
condemning an entire raceol people simpi)
because of the color of their skmEducated
adults may never know.
A placard at the 1 ligh Point rally
read' "Welcome KKK, Black America needs
you lest we forget Perhaps the only real
function the Klan can effectively carry out is
to be a reminder to the nation of how far our
societyhas come since the early days oi the
civil right's movements . and how much
farther we have to go
Heterosexual AIDS:
A new perspective (part 2)
By Nathaniel Mead
l ditorial Columnist
Sir e 1988, doctors and pub
ic health offk ials have expressed
trong concern that teenagcrsand
oung adults represent a popula
ion in reasingly at risk for All,s
ecause there can be as much as
len years between the time of in
lection and the onset of illness,
mam of the twenty-year-olds
probably were infected as teen-
agers. And in this modern age of
noncommittal sexual relations
of widespread skepticism about
monogamy and ambivalence to-
ward condom use the possibil-
it tor HIV silently spreading
among younger people is most
worrisome. According to a large
1989 study ol students visiting the
infirmaries ol US. college cam-
puses, at least 1 out ol every 500
college students may already be
infec ted.
Unfortunately, the federal
government's ambitious new
AIDS education ettort is unlikely
to change the risky sexual behav-
ior of many young adults. I he
main reason, according to research
coordinated by psychiatrist Ste-
ven Keller at the I niversitv of
Medicine and Dentistry in New-
ark 1 is that most young people
simply refuse to use a condom or
to refrain from the occasional, cas-
ual fling. Sexually abstinent young
people,sa) S Keller. know no more
and no less about All 6 than those
who are sexually active. In short.
despite ail the AIDS information
presented in school and on televi
sum. education about transmis-
sion has been ineffectual.
Interestingly, about one-third
of the 102 people (ages 12-25) in-
terviewed by Keller admitted to
periodic bouts ol severe depres-
sion. Indeed, 2 percent were
depressed when the interview
hxik place' Keller suggests that
depression may interfere with the
willingness to change sexual ac-
tivities. This is also of interest
because depression itself is known
to lower one's immunity to all
kindsofdisease causing microbes
including the AIDS virus.
Will the young heterosexual
population become identified with
the AIDS epidemic7 Isn't AIPS
primarily a risk tor male homo-
sexuals and intravenous drug
addicts? "The overall picture of
young adult heterosexuals sug-
gests striking similarities with
adult homosexuals says Martha
Cottrell,M.D who has just moved
to North Carolina after serving 18
vears as director of Student Health
at New V ork's Fashion Institute of
rechnology. "These similarities
may reflect a tendency or general
trend toward a depression of the
immune systems of young Ameri-
cans: It merits serious attention
Every issue has two sides,
however, and with AIDS the situ-
ation is no different. The fact that
the onset of AIDS is slower among
teenagers ONew York Times, April
3, 1988), indicates that a healthy
immune system what Cottrell
and other physicians call "im-
mune-competence"?plays a key
role in thwarting the AIDS disease
process. The key is knowing how
to keep the immune system young
mk vital. Cottrell advises her
patients to consider not only how
the virus is transmitted, but the
behaviors which protect them
from the disease process itself it
transmission takes place.
Having counseled hundreds
oi people with AIDS, Cottrell
seems certainthat the process of
AIDS may begin long before the
so-called AIDS virus (HIV, or
Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
istransmitted.Thi negative pro
ss, she says, starts in the early
vears with the refined, adulter-
ated, and tattv diet typical of
Americans From day one. our
immune systernsareover-stressed
and malnourished .is well, setting
the stage for sickness in early life
"It is not uncommon to see hie.h
school and college students going
to their daily classes with choco-
late bars,cokes, and doughnuts in
hand says( ottrell "Thisisobvi-
ously not supporting their biologi-
cal needs, and it probably explains
the large prevalence of colds, sore
throats, anemia, and tatigue
among college students
In addition, Cottrell says that
most voung adults were not
breastfed as infants and thus have
been denied the multiple benefits
of this practice tor proper immune
system devetopment An exami-
nation of their medical histories
reveals a high incidence of recur-
rent ear infections, throat infec-
tions, bronchial and sinus mtec
tions, and acne, resulting in re-
peated use of antibiotics, antihis-
tamines, and over-the-counter
drugs. At adolescence, voung
Americans become more socially
and sexuallv active, and there is
usually additional use of recrea-
tional drugs along with recurrent
sexually transmitted diseases. The
latter leads to further use of antibi-
otics, with each episode requiring
stronger dosages and longer du-
ration of treatment. All of this, in
Cottrell's opinion, poses a hefty,
cumulative burden to the immune
Twenty-five vears ago it was
quite unusual to see venereal warts
in the gynecological clinics savs
See AIDS, page 5
To the Editor
chair responds
to criticism of
computer lab
Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to the
letter of Susan Terrell regarding
her experience in the Business
Computer Lab. Please do not
equate the Business Computer I .ab
with the Decision Sciences Depart-
ment. The Decision Sciences De-
partment does not operate nor is it
responsible for the Business Com-
puter Lab Consequently, we were
saddened by her condemnation of
the Decision Sciences Department.
I have no knowledge of her
call to complain about the service
she received. I wish to assure her
and all students in the University
that faculty and administrators are
interested in their concerns and
complaints. 1 have taught at or
was a student at the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Wake Forest University, Temple
University, the University of
Maryland, the University of Wis-
consin, and Southern Illinois. Of
these seven fine universities only
Wake Forest comes close to the
level of commitment to under-
graduate education found at East
Carolina University. Indeed, ECU
was ranked 2nd nationally by
CPEA in alumni giving. It we have
attained this level of support, we
must be satisfying students.
1 encourage all students to
register their complaints and ton
cerns with the appropriate individ
ual if it relates to a course, talk
with your instructor. If that proves
unsatisfactory or undesirable, talk
with the next highest responsible
individual. The Departmental sec-
retary should be able to identify
the next highest responsible indi-
vidual. Please do not complain to
secretaries. They may be able to
schedule an appointment to see
the responsible individual for you,
but they are not responsible for
complaints. Complaints help us
pinpoint problem areas. Please
come prepared with specifics.
As chairman of a department
whose coursework relies on the
Computer Lab, I am well aware of
the frustrations and difficulties
posed when learning and grades
are affected by your experiences in
the lab. Indeed, the Decision Sci-
ences Department has placed two
graduate assistants in the lab to
offer special help to students in
Decision Sciences' courses. These
assistants are assigned to the de-
partment for use by faculty. The
faculty's willingness to forgo this
resource in order to help students
is an indication of their commit-
ment to students.
Finally, it should be recog-
nized that the University records
show no evidence that Susan
Terrell is or has been an ECU
student. The nature and tone of
the letter does not suggest it was
written maliciously. Either the
name was misspelled or the per-
son did not want to be identified.
Please feel free to express your
concerns directly to me or Dr.
Richard Kerns, associate dean for
Computer Services in the School
of Business.
Robert E. Schellenberger
Science major
discusses lab
To the editor:
I would like to reply to Susan
Terrell's editorial about the busi-
ness computer lab. I agree that
there arc definite problems with
the computer lab, but she is incor-
rect in assuming that the Decision
Sciences Department controls the
lab. The business computer lab is
sta f f ed and opera ted by the School
of Business departments. Classes
from all majors in the School of
Business, not just Decision Sci-
ences, have assignments which
have to be completed in the com-
puter lab. So the problems associ-
ated with thelabdo not only affect
Decision Sciences majors but all
business majors.
One problem is the lack of an
appropriate amount of equipment
to service the large number of
students who need to use the lab.
This is due mostly to the lack ot
funds necessary to purchase the
needed resources and cannot be
solved until more funds are made
available. Students can help the
situation by beginning assign-
ments as early as possible and
taking advantage of off-peak lab
Another problem is the staff
in the lab. 1 agree with Ms. Terell
in that some, not all, of the assis-
tants are rude, intimidating to
beginning users and often unwill-
ing to provide help. 1 understand
that the lab assistants cannot be
expected to know the answers to
specific questions associated with
various assignments, but if they at
least knew where to direct the
student to get the answer, this
would be of great help. Often, the
degree of help a student receives
and the type of work they are al-
lowed to do in the lab is directly
dependent on who is working in
the lab at the time. One solution to
this problem would be a protocol
manual made available to all stu-
dents that outlines what type of
work is allowed in the lab, what
resources and manuals are avail-
able, procedures for obtaining
these resources, procedures for
pnntingand the number of printed
copies allowed and the time pe-
riod thestudentisallowed to leave
the computer to ask their instruc-
tor a question before a lab assis-
tant decides that it is okay to pop
their disk out, move their personal
belongings and give the machine
to someone else.
Another way to relieve some
of the staff ingproblcms is to allow
junior and senior business stu-
dents to work in the lab. These
students would have some advan-
tage over the graduate students in
that they are likely to have worked
that students are working on in
the lab and could possibly pro-
vide more direct answers to spe-
cific questions. This would also
take some of the load off instruc-
Maybe if Ms. Terrell would
direct her complaints to the right
source instead of hiding behind a
pen and an alias, then some of the
business computer lab's problems
might be solved and all business
students would benefit.
Kim Kalfell
Decision Sciences
lab assistant
defends DSCI
To the editor:
I am a lab assistant for the
Academic Computing depart-
ment, and we staff several labs on
campus. The School of Business
lab, on the third floor oi the Gen-
eral College building, does not
happen to be one of these. I have
been told, bv manv students sent
to us from the Business lab; how-
ever, I am sure most of the stu-
dents who use the labs staffed by
AC will agree that we have very
friendly, helpful assistants. My
point is I do not appreciate the title
to the letter to the editor in the
Tuesday, March 14'spaper, "Com-
puter labs fail to suffice nor the
last line of this letter where Susan
Terell stated, "If you are a lab
assistant, learn to treat people as
people, not problems The assis-
tants at the business lab may be
"obnoxious" as she says, but we at
Academic Computing are not, just
as Academic Computing's labs do
not "fail to suffice
Athena Wuensch
Lab Assistant
Academic Computing

The East Carolinian, March 20,1990 5
Continued from page 4
C ottrell. "It was also rare to see
herpes zoster among people in
high school and college The dis
ease was known to afflict pninar
ily the elderly, manifesting as a
clinically depressed condition due
to malnutrition, chronic disease,
or various kinds of strong medica-
tions. Whenever herpes was pres
ent, physicians were suspicious of
an underlying subclinical cancer
today the picture is quite differ-
ent In the young adult popula-
tion, herpes, venereal warts, and
various fungal infections are in-
creasingly common among both
young men and young women
I hus an ever-growing per-
centage ot sexually active young
adults are contracting sexually
transmitted diseases, ailments
winch were once quite rare and
obscure Why have they begun to
afflict us at this time in such a
concentrated way? This is still an
unsolved problem Most medical
authorities have attributed these
nsmg trends to increased levels tit
sexual activity, based on both
society s growing acceptance ot
promiscuity and the comparative
ease ot contraception, especially
the pill. This riew, which implies
an inherent risk ot infection tor
am casual sexual encounter, is
concerned only with transmission
ot an infectious agent, and it
completely ignores the issue ot
susceptibilit) orresistance. Atbcst,
resistance is viewed in terms ot
condoms or diaphragms, never in
termsoi blood chomistrv or sound
W hen it conies to substance
abuse (diet and drug-related), it
is not hard to see why the young
heterosexual population may soon
become recognized as a high-
risk group for AIDS consider
the risks they share with male
homosexuals According to
Cottrell, it is quite common tor
gay men to have a history ot
chronic herpes, venereal warts.
gonorrhea, s phihs and recurrent
parasitic and fungal infections on
particular, candidiasis), and re-
peated stresses to the immune
system in the form of multiple
antimicrobial treatments. In fact,
this basic profile is used through-
out the medical literature to desig-
nate the high-risk categories for
Thesame profile accurately ap-
plies to heterosexuals who are
getting AIDS. The combination of
viral infections with the various
taken-for-granted stresses of
modem life formula milk, un-
balanced nutrition, lack of exer-
cise, tonsillectomies, antibiotics
and other medications may ulti-
mately bring about a breakdown
of the immune system, making one
more susceptible not only to the
elusive AIDS virus, but to all vane-
tiesot deadly microorganisms. Hie
healthy person will have a much
greater chance of eliminating the
virus before it begins killing the
cells of the immune system. We
deem this to be true for all people
regardless of sexual preference.
Health (or linmunocompen-
tence) is a byproduct of our past
and present environment and is
determined by threeclosely related
factors: heredity, psychology, and
environment. While our genetic
constitution stays fairly stable over
time, our physiological condition
changes on a daily basis It we
have a strong constitution, it may
take much abuse and may mask
the negative effects ot unbalanced
living. It such abuse continues,
however, we eventually reach a
constitutional limit and are
"struck" by a serious illness. Thus
we can weaken a strong
constitution and strengthen a
weak constitution. While hered-
ity is certainly important, it is
beyond our control. "It is time to
learn about strengthening our
natural disease resistance says
(.ottrell. "Psychological and en-
vironmental factors such as re-
laxation and balanced diet are con-
trollable and will promote strong,
healthy immunity
The specter of AIDS, how
ever horrible, is creating many
positive changes in society. It is
forcing us to re-examine our pos-
sible prejudices toward other
human beings. It forcing us to re-
evaluate our healthcare system
and our personal responsibilities
for own well-being. It is forcing
modem medicine toadopt a more
preventive orientation one that
supports the bod v rather than an-
tagonizes it Thus AIDS afford
the opportunity tor removing
those things which no longer
support our health and well-
being. It is always darkest before
the dawn.
Nathaniel Me d and Martha
Cottrell, M.Dhavecoauthored a
book on AIDS, to be published
this summer. Cottrell has a pri-
vate practice in Manhattan and
has served for three years as clini-
cal coordinator of an AIDS study
with Boston University's School
of Medicine and the Harvard
School of Public Health.
Letters to the editor for the
purpose of endorsing an
SGA candidate
should be dropped by the office on
Tuesday for Thursday's paper and
on Friday for Tuesday's paper.
Please limit each letter to 200 words.
Annual Funding Planning Sesssions
Are Scheduled for:
March 20 - 4:00 pm Rm 221 Mendenhall
March 22 - 4:00 pm Multipurpose Room
A Representative of Your Organization
Must Be Present At One Session
In Order To Obtain 1990 - 1991 Funding
All Groups With SGA Funded
Status Are Eligible
For Further Information Call
Allen Thomas 757-0157
Barb Lamb 758-6334
If You Are Unsure If You Are Eligible
For Funding - Please Call
Millie Murphy at 757-4726
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Get involved on one of the following committees:
Auditorial Information & Applications available in room 236
Mendenhall. or call 757-4715
Tuesday. March 20
Drug Information Booths and Displays
10:(M)am - 2:00pm
Mendenhall Student Or and Student Store
"Beginning Stages of Addiction:
warning signs, symptoms and
ways to help"
Presented by: Mr. Tom Savidge
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
"What Drugs Can Do For Vou:
Consequences of Drug Abuse"
Presented by: Mr. Cherry Stokes
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Monday March 12
Mrs. Ionise Bias,
"A Message Of Hope"
Hendrix Theatre
Reception to follow
Monday. March l'J
Drug Iesting " Yourareer and
Well Being"
Presented by: Dr. James McCallum,
Dr. George Kline. Dr. James
Westmoreland and Mr l.arr Hamby
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
"Deadliest Weapon In America "
Don't Risk it: Drinking and Driving"
Presented by: BACCHUS Members
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Thursday. March 22
Pig Pickn Music, Prizes (meal card or $5
4:30 - 6:30
Tyler Beach
"Addictive Behaviors"
Presented by: Dr Larry Hines
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Wednesday, March 21
Drug Information Booths and Displays
10:(0am- 2:00pm
Mendenhall Student Ctr and Student Store
"Overview of Drug trends and
Resources For Help"
Presented by: Mr. Kent Allen
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Movie: LBttJJttB ZCEfi
K :00pm
Hendrix Theatre
Friday, March U
"America Hurts: The Drug Kpidemic"
Presented by: Mr. David Susma
12:00 noon
221 Mendenhall Student Ctr

Page 6
(She gaat Olarulinian
March 20, 1990
ferred to share two Kir apt tor summer
and next school yea PteasecaU! eigh931
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class men to share 2 bedroom in Village
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peted kitchen appliances, Central jir and
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rtished Kings Krms pts 752-3915
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WAN TIP: Female roommate to share a 2
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BEDROOM: Available May C .ill 752
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don I forget to use Pirate Ride Sun Ihurs
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COPYING SERVICES: Weoffer typing
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small iTattsi all team spirts, gvmnastics,
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phy, drama, dance, and nurses We're inter
ested in people who are interested and love
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11561 Women reply Sherie Aiden Camp
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lor partv in Irccnville E xceOenl pav send
photo with name and phone number to
DJE, PO lx b7, Greer, SC 252
HI 1 r WAN 11 n The Hilton Inn in Green-
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rently recruiting counselors to work at our 8
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running through lulv 2th AcadonHCct?i?i
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SIG F.P: Thank von Alpha Phi's for
joining us for suds and subs on Thurs
dav We had a great time Get read)
you crav bollard people for the Sig Ep
Pool tournament coming Mon to the
Sports Pad
had a good break Get involved with us
rrop bv room 2b MendenhaU
GUESS WHAT?? Happy Birthdav
Debbie I lerron' 22 this Sunday
ECU BASEBALL: Congratulations on
vour awesome season Keep up the
gixnl work Go Pirates! AOPi
ATTENTION : omehunerv to the
annual ! p Igl etti dinner M
April 2 from 5 7 All you-i ar ?'
spaghetti bre id, tea - ?? the nearest
Delta Zctal r uS3l kcl
rHETA CHI'S rhanl for I
Break Oul i tdel telygotus
psyched for spring break I lope to part)
with va 11 .ljan soon Lose th- I Z
HEY DZ SISTERS: let vour dancin'
shoesread) Dreamgirl formaJ is t
around the corner
KRISTEN: Sorr) about the keys in the
car' Sterns like vour luck vsnth cars
nibbed off on me! Anyway, rivNp
was gTeat and so was the band 1 et s do
it again sometime Get psyched tor the
formal It's going to be a blast' You're
the gjeatest. The giv who locked his
keys :n his car'
KIM WOODS; Welcome to the great
world of OZ! Atter those 15 unique
experiences you've finally made it
Through all Of the good times broken
doors . meetings box of 20 in 2
minutes fire hazards on the 7th floor
and Yoda Uke, you've made us proud'
Happy20thBirthday! Weloveyou JKL
Brod) s and Brodv S tor Men are DELTA ZETA : Sorry it s late but w
really appr iated th great dinner you
had tor us ! et's partv together soon
rhe Brothers ot igma Pi
SIGH'S rhe 3rd annual St Patri ks
,ij social was a blast Thanks for a
terrific tone! 1 ove the Alpha Pfcts
PI KAPI'S As you well know bv now
RosebaD was quite a blast, lark was
dancin on th tables, he was shakin' his
tat butt Alex his dream date was just
not to be stav out in the sun tor a month
and we 11 see Did Tommy ever find a
date1 It remains to be seen, He vv as
looking for a good time "youknowwhal
I mean' ongratulations goes out 11
karn our m w Rose Queen We
couldn't have picked a better girl ?od
work Will, we all had a blast at the
beach Congratulations also to Ri
the "big" brother of the month
DEI TA ETAS: We had a great time at
the "beach ' social! Thanks tor partying
with us Sorry this is so late Th?-taChi
van, 3 cars the long way, the house M I
the pool where Melissa would plav Five
bedrooms, a couch, and plenty fo floor
which we would all need to fit in some
more Stephanie Sylvester had her
camera in hand. Incriminating evidence
sure can be grand Kappa Sig OX'S, a
tew dudes tr. m state Napp) hour at
Rick's kept up real late The chugging
contest and puke in a glass ??
been th a Be f An ?s Catl
r.d Tim w f ipletheyi ?
kissing on th I ' i30thdal
? '?' t a ride I
. ? ? rand I II
? ? . hetoba masterol
w: il ke, Wre all know I

??? '
ters and Sex on I
he.i ? ? '?
thosi a crav .ir: .????:
with Kimm on the bad ti
Shannon and jerem) ?'? '? r' ?
uiv oml rtable tl ai m I nappei
for 6 ai d isti don I i rashingoi
the mopeds made us al heei
contests Iramag fui -
I i.jng ut atSmathei
Wave K ? ? ? ?:?? booze a
more tequila with mix showed us a
good time and gave us our kl ks
to Ke) West and all the - en - - we
saved. Here stor Bsing I
knowing we misbehaved' ?? t
West AOPi s
NtSS: s,Up?iti JLOWiUMOBUh . i
the 1990 Student Governmi I
tor PRtSIDlN I
PHONG: rtutnxs for
spring breaks I ?, e . ? er ha re a
very loving boyfriend and
who at E I knows I L ?
ianme PS you know V
anv time (Na Na!
Manpower Temporary Sen i
ask for Michelle
while you wait
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l-or mlormation concerning the hi! &. run ot
a white 4 door Jitu GL on Mondav after
noon, March 12th between Whichard A
Spilman Call Tim at MM or 756-
641 Smpea ha? a small while ur & is a
female with auN;m hair
United Nations Qub V.
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Erwin 306 (919) 757-4252
We have:
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Large Selection ol Bookbags,
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508 W. i-1th si.
152 8433
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Wants You!
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2nd Floor Publications
ECU District 97, SEANC, will be -ponMir
mg jn Oldk Goldies" Dance, on Satur
dav March M 1990, at the Cnvnville
Country i 3ub, trom I 00 p ni 1 (Kl a m ,
with a D featuring the music trom the Ws,
titTs, and 7(r. There will be door prize-
light hors dToevres, and cash bar as well as
a prize for the best dressed couple repre
senting each era Tickets tor the event will
be Soperson and mav be obtained bv
contacting Peggv Nobles, Main Campus
(6012), David Balch, School of Medicine
(551 2471), or anv member of the District
V7 Executive BoardExecutive Commit
All General College students who intend
to major in Speech Language and Audi-
tory Pathology and have R Muzz.arelli as
their advisor are to meet on Wednesday,
March 21 at ifflpm in Brewster C-101
Advising for earlv registration will take
place at that time Please prepare a tenta
tive class schedule before the meeting
The W0 Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olympics Spring Games will be held on
Tuesday, April 10, at E B Aycock Jr High
School in Greenville (Rain Date, Thursday,
April 12) Volunteers are needed to help
serve as buddieschaperones for the Spe-
cial Olympians Volunteers must be able to
work all day-from 900 a m200 pm An
orientation meeting will be held on Wed
April 4, in Old Joyner Library, Room 221 at
5:00pm for all volunteers who are inter-
ested in helping Free lunches and t-shirts
will be provided the day of the games to all
volunteers who attended this orientations
session. For more information contact the
Special Olympics office: 830-4551 or 830-
The Financial Management Association
isgivin? you the opportunity totrv vour
luck at predicting the I tow (ones Indus
trial Average on April 21 Contact anv
FMA member or go bu the Finance office
to buy your SI 00 luckv chance Last dav
to make vour prediction is April 9. The
closest estimate will win $30.00
It's not too late to applv for the National
Student Exchange' If you are interested
in paying ECU tuition and attending one
of over 87 other universities around the
United States, investigate the many
opportunities available to you through
the NSE program You mav still apply
for fall semester, 1990, or Spring, 1091, or
try the full year exchange Visit Ms
Stephanie Evancho in 1002 General Qaa?
room Building or call 757-676s tor a brcv
chure and application form this week!
Ltxst Alcohol ConsciousnessConcerning the
1 lealth of University Students. Get involved
with this student organization to plan for
National Collegiate Drug Awareness Week
March 19-2.1 We meet every Tuesday at 4
p m , in 307 Erwin Hall. For more informa-
tion contact Office of Substance Abuse Pre-
vention, 308 Erwin Hall, 757-6793.
March 24, 1990. Will do light yardhouse
work S35 full day; $25 half day ECU Army
ROTC Dept. 757-69676974. Rawl Bldg. Rm.
We hope you had a fun and safe spring
break! If you signed a pledge not to drink
and drive, and won a free t-shirt, don't forget
to come to the Office of Substance Abuse
Prevention and Education, 303 Erwin Hall to
pick up vour shirt Think about getting
involved'with BACCHUS, we meet each
Tuesday at 4 p.m. in 307 Erwin 1 lall
African -American students interested in
applying for the Ledonia S Wright Schol
arship may pick up an application from a
member of the ECU Organization of Black
Faculty and Staff of the Office of Minority
Student Affairs (Whichard 204) Complete
applications must be received by Fnday,
March 30 if applicants are tobe considered
for scholarships to be awarded in the 1990-
91 school year.
Residence hall room payments for sum
mer school 1990 will be accepted in the
Cashier's office. Room 105, Spilman Build-
ing, beginning April 4,1990 Room assign-
ments will be made in the Department of
University Housing, 201 Whichard Build-
ing, April 4 and April 5 The rent for a term
of summer school is S2fis (Cotten, Fleming
and Jarvis 1 lalls?S2Q5) for a semi pnv ate
room and S343(Cotten, Hemingand larvis
1 lalls?S385) for a private room Residence
halls to be used for summer school are
Cotten. Fletcher and larvis (co-ed) and
Second Floor of Fleming for men onlv
Are you ready to change the world1 NCSL
is for vou! If you 're interested in debate
and want to make a difference come be 248
MendenhaU on Mondays at 7p.m
Students who received a grade of "1" on
Math 0001 for the Fall Semester, 1989 must
remove the incomplete no later than Fri-
day March 23, 1990 A grade of "1" not
removed by the end of the day, March 23,
Announcements, See page 7

Continued from page fc
1 l u ;
iticalh hanged to .i
David Susina America Hurts rheDrug
Epidemic Lunch timevtdeodiscussion
In 221 Mendenhall Student Center on Fn
Jav March 23 I99( at 1200pm For more
information - all " 7 6793 at the iMtia- ?i
Substance buse Prevention and Educa
LarryHines Addictive Behaviors withj
group discussion .it Mendenhall social
loon mTl u da March22 I990at700
; m fi in n intormationcall 57 6793at
the Office of Substar e buse Prevention
and Education
'??? ? rvler Beach with music and
'? ' ;? ' ? n t. ti ket or bin ticket al
dinner S5 ) on Thursday March 22,1990
at 4:3 b JOpm For more information
j ? "3 .it tho Office of Substance
Kb??? Prevention and Education
. , .1 iss rhar Zero wiUbcshown
t ? ? .? VVednesda March
1 1 "vV at (?? 1 or more information
a - 67"? it the ?Iffii e of Substance
buse r ?ention and Edu atton
1 RI ??'? ?
Drug Awareness displays Information
Booths .it Mendenhall student t 'entei and
tn front of the Student Store on luesdav
March 20 1990 at 10:00 am through 2 00
pm For more information call 757 6793 .it
the Office ol Substance Abuse Prevention
.ind Education
rbm Savidge Beginning Stages of Ad
diction with a group discussion. "Warn
in? signs, S) mptoms, and Ways to 1 lelp
.it Mendenhall Social Room on ruesday,
March 20 ilit -iVpm formoretnfoi
mation call 757 o793 .it theHfui' of Sub
stance Abuse Prevention .itnl Education
hem Stokes drugs Can Do For
You" with a group discussion Concern
ing tho . onseuuences of Drug Abuse" in
the Mendenhall Social K??mon ruesdav.
March20 1990 at 7.00 prn Formoremtor
mation (.ill 757 fl-? .it the i Xtice ol Sub
stance Abuse Prevention and Education
Volunteers are needed to I i : ivitl tl
third annual ECU Healtl I m beheld
on Wednesday April 1 from 11 5 in
Memonal . m l! n: would like to vol
unteer to hi'lp please .uteri.i i mandators
meeting .it the Student Health Center
Resource Room on fuesd r. M ir h 20 it
Drug stu ireei ind '? ?
Beinj ? ? ? am s Met j
ijmi- W estm ? ind, Dr
n d Mi ? - . in .vithapj I
?? , ? i
pm Monda Marcl ? ? ? I ? ?
information ? '3 at the Ofho
Substance Abuse Prevention and Ed
DRUG AWARI 1 ss Wl I k
lead ? '? eapoi Vmei i Don't
Risk It I tru king and Dn . dis
cusskxi in the Mender ill Si Room al
7-OOpm on V i da March 19 1990 . ed
byBA nbei Formoreinfoi
?- at) : all it the : i Sub
r e : .??? Prevent i n I Educa I -
.1 ssl I II I K I I Rl
the len Age ol
NiuirnN .ire ins it
I"here will be .1 meeting .it u pm in '
auditorium on March 2s ' is 1
ted : Iravs inj?
n et at 8:1
ITie last me ting will I April 11 in
a : ? num it : rr Off ei
meet ii ? Don t forget vour cards or
mones lor the State Project
11. I s Student Union i- now accepting
applh abon tor Student Union t ommittec
i hairpersons foi 199091 term Apply tor
one ol the following committees offee
house Films Forum, Major Concerts
Minontv Art productions, PuWk Rela
tions i oncerts, Special Events
travel, or imi.iI Art You can gain valu
able experience and leadership training
while programming exciting events tor
the E 1 ampus (Barefoot on the Mall,
Film Series Bahamas i m et. i Intel
ested7.ill 757 1715 or stop by 236 Men
denhall today We'll till you in on .ill the
details STUDEN1 UNION Making
Dungs 1 I rppen .it ECU!
Wes2fel is .i Christian fellowship uhuh
.s. . i mes all - indents and is sponsored
). intl b the Pn sby ?. i tan and Methodist
i ampus Ministries c ome to the Method
ist Student Center (501 1 th across from
(larrett dorm) this Wednesday night al ?
pm and every Wednesday night for a
cious all vou can eat home cooked m il
(52 25) with .i short program .wterw irds
Signed for the hearing impaired Call ??
Jisi1 foi more ii formation
If vou . 'had t with Republican hvpeand
m ml ' ? m iki .i ditterent i " . ?. ?
i i i r Weds night .it pn n ?
M nd. nhaU
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Continued from page 6
1990 , will bo automatically changed to a
grade of T"
David Susma America Hurts The Drug
Epidemic" Lunch timevideodiscussion
in 221 Mendenhall Student Center on Fri
day, March 23, 19X)j 12 00 pm For more
information call 7S7 6793 at the Office of
Substance Abuse Prevention and Educa-
Larry 1 lines Addictive Behaviors with a
group discussion at Mendenhall svial
Room on Thursday. March 22, 19H)at 7 (X)
pm for more information call 7S7 6791 at
the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention
and Education
Pig Pickin on Tvler Beach with music and
door pnes (use meal ticket or buy ticket at
dinner $5 7 on Thursday, March 22, IffO
at 4 30 to 6 30pm For more information
call 7S7 67V3 at the Office of Substance
Abuse Prevention ,md Education
The movie 1 ess Than Zero' willbeshown
at Hendnx Theatre on Wednetav, March
21, I990at800pm For more information
call 757 6793 at the Office of Substance
Abuse Prevention anci Fducatun
Kent Allen 'Overview of Prug Trends
and Resources For 1 lelp' with a group
discussion at Mendenhall social Room on
Wednesday March21,1990at6:30pm fof
more information call 757 6793 at the .t
fice of Substance buse Prevention and
rrug Testing 'lour Career and Well
Being" with Dr lames McC allum, lr
lames Westmoreland Dr George klein
and Mr Larry Hamby with a panel discus
sion in the Mendenhall Social Room jt 5:00
pm, Mcndav . March ls, 1W() For more
information call 757 6793 at the Office of
Substance Abuse Prevention and Educa-
Deadliest Weapon In America Don't
Risk It Drinking and Driving, group dis
cussion in the Mendenhall Social Room at
700pm on Monday, March 19, 1?0 (Led
bv BACC f II S members) For more infor
mation call 757 6793 at the Office of Sub
stance Abuse Prevention and Education
Drug Awareness displaysInformation
Booths at Mendenhall student Center and
in front of the Student Store on Tuesday,
March 20, 1990 at 10:00 am through 2 (X)
pm For more information call 757-6793 at
the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention
and Education
Tom Savidge Beginning Stages of Ad
diction with a group discussion, "Warn
ing signs, Symptoms, and Ways to Help
at Mendenhall Stxial Room on Tuesday,
March 20, 9?) jt S (X) pm for more infor
mation call 757 6793 at the Office of Sub
stance Abuse Prevention and Education
Cherry Stokes "What drugs Can Do For
You with a group discussion, "Concern
ing the Consequences of Prug Abuse" in
the Mendenhall Social Room on Tuesday,
March 20,1990 at 7:00 pm. For more infor
mation call 757 6793 jt the Office of Sub
stance Abuse Prevention and Education
Volunteers are needed to help with the
third annual ECU I lealth Fair To be held
on Wednesday, April 4 from 11 5 in
Memorial C.vm If vou would like to vol
unteer to help please attend a mandatory
meeting at the Student 1 lealth Center
Resource Rtxrni on Tuesday, March 20 at
2 30 or Thursday, March 22 at 1 pm For
more information contact Suzanne Keller
man at 757 6794
he department -?( Foreign I anguagesand
I iteraturcs will otter Russian Literature of
the 19 century (Russ 2220) first Summer
Session, M h at 9 40 This is a I lumanities
course taught in English, dealing with the
Great Writers of the Oolden Age of Rus
sian Literature Students are invited to
Pre Register
There will be a meeting at 9 pm in lenkins
auditorium on March 2V 'r' ,s is the last
meeting at which ticket money will be
collected The drawing will also be held at
this meeting Mate project money can be-
dimed in through April 24 Officers will
meet at 8 30 pm
The last meeting will be held April 11 in
lenkins auditorium at g pm CHticers will
meet at 8 30 pm Don't forget your cards or
money for the State Project.
ECU's Student Union is now accepting
application for Student Union Committee
Chairpersons for 199091 term Apply for
one of the following committees. Coffee
house, Films Forum, Major Concerts,
Minority Arts, Productions, Public Rela
tions. Special Concerts, Special Events,
Travel, or Visual Arts You can gain valu
able experience and leadership training
while programming exciting events for
the ECU Campus (Barefoot on the Mali,
Film Situs, Bahamas Cruise, etc Inter
ested? Call 757 4715 or stop by 136 Men
denhall today We'll fill you in on all the
details STUDENT UNION Making
rhings I lappen at ECU'
Wes2lel is a Christian fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
jointly bv the Presbyterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries Come to the Methxl
1st Student Center (501 E 5th, across from
Garret! dorm) this Wednesd.iv night at 5
pm and every Wednesday night for a deli
cious, all vim can eat home cooked meal
2 25) with a short program afterwards
Signed tor the hearing impaired Call 758
2090 for more information
If you've had it with Republican hvpeand
want to make a difference, come foin a real
party, every Weds night at 7 pm in 247
We invite you to be with us ever) Wed
nigh) at 7 pm in Km 212 Mendenhall for
prayer and Bible study Everyone is wel
come to be a part of this growing fellow
ship For more info call 7i2 711'
Announcing a Wednesday night dinner
special! Fun, Fellowship and all the home-
cooking vou can eat It all starts at 5 30 pm
come Bring a Friend'
You can be one of the first to learn about
the hot , new dance from Brail ? La
Lamada Seminar on March 24, 199() at
11 30 and 1 00 S20 per person at the door
Lop Hat Ballroom Dance Studio, 2660 R
Vonkers Road, Raleigh, NC 27WH Foi
more information call (99 834 MM
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Same day mail and home delivery available in ?lectcd areas. Mail delivers
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Sllie gafit (flarfllfman
Page S
State and Nation
March 10,1990
East's lawsuit
sheds light on
senator's illness
RALEIGH (AP) - Son. lohn
East's shocking suicide ended his
career the way it began: as the
mystery man of North Carolina
politics But his widow's lawsuit
isgradually shedding tight on East
who. durmg his years in the Sen-
ate, changed from a man known
for his quick wit to one who tried
on six suits each morning before
deciding what to wear.
"When he committed suicide,
it came as a big shock, a big sur-
prise. ' said Merle Black, a former
political science protessor at the
University of North Carolina at
Chapel I lill. o one realized how-
precarious his health and his
mental condition wei .
his inner circle ot friends, family
and statt.
East and his statt were able to
hide the senator's illness, and the
ineffectiveness it caused, partially
because last had ne er been very
well known, said Black, who is
now a professor ot politics and
government at Emory I nivcrsitv
in Atlanta
When he ran the first time,
he didn't make main personal
appearances For instance. .1 lot of
people didn t know he was in a
wheelchair He had never been
a politician widely known
throughout the state A lot of
people weren't used to him show-
ing up Black said.
East ran for office under the
wings of the National Congres-
sional Club, the political organi-
ationofSen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C.
defeating Democratic incumbent
Robert Morgan. He ran television
ads, allot which showed him only
from the waist up. Black said.
A federal judge in Baltimore
is now hearing testimonv in a $35
million lawsuit tiled bv East's wife,
Pnscilla. The suit accuses the Navy
of medical malprachceand wrong-
fully causing the death of her
husband. Fast killed himself on
funel9, l?86,bv filling the garage
. i rus( iieenville home with auto-
mobile exhaust fumes. He was 55.
Mrs. Fast wants to know why
several Navy doctors failed to
diagnose the senator's severe thv-
roid condition. The doctors'
negligent failure to diagnose
her lawsuit charges, allowed the
illness to reach "a stage in which
physical, emotional and intellec-
tual injuries to Senator Fast were
severe and apparently permanent.
These injuries directly caused his
In his suicide note. East
blamed Bethesda Naval Hospital
and a Navv doctor for ruining his
See East, page 9
The Ku Klux Klan marched through High Point and Thomasville Sunday in an attempt to recruit new members, but most of the alter Irawi
came from Klan opponents About 60 Klan members and sympathizers, including a few children, marched in High Point, flanked by 1
Point police wearing bulletproof vests and not gear There was no violence and no one was arrested (Photo by Joey Jenkins;
Baker heads to Namibia for negotiations
Sen John East (Photo by Marianne Baines ? ECU
News Bureau Compliments of ECU Archives)
retary of State lames A. Baker 111 is
bound for Africa's newest nation,
Namibia, where he aims to mix
celebration with negotiations to
end apartheid in South Africa and
to achieve a cease-fire in Angola.
In six fast-paced days, Baker
will visit three countries, includ-
ing South Africa - the first secre-
tary of state to go there since 1978.
He will fly to Capo Town on Thurs-
day to show US. appreciation for
the preliminary steps taken by
President FAV. de Klerk and to try
to drive him to go faster.
To underscore U.S. support
for the black movement Baker will
go on Friday to Soweto, the black
township outside Johannesburg,
for talks there with Desmond Tutu,
the black Anglican archbishop,
and other black leaders. Soweto
has been the cradle of the anti-
apartheid movement
Baker's 25-hour flight to
Namibia requires two refueling
stops before his arrival in Wind-
hoek, the capital, where world
leaders are gathering for inde-
pendence ceremonies. The coun
try was pried from South Africa's
control with thehelpof US. diplo-
macy that is now shifting its focus
to Pretoria, where a white minor-
ity government is being urged to
dismantle racial segregation.
Baker will meet in Windhoek
with Nelson Mandela, the deputy
president of the African National
Congress, and then in Cape Town
with de Klerk and Foreign Minis-
ter RF. Botha. 'The purpose ot
our seeing these gentlemen is to
encourage negotiations, to move
as rapidly as possible, and to see
what we can do to contribute to
that a senior U.S. official said.
Baker also will hold talks in
Windhoek with Jose Eduoardodos
Santos, the president of Angola, a
potentially rich African nation
with which the United States has
no diplomatic relations Baker
intends to urge him to negotiate
fora shareof the government with
lonas Savimbi, the USbacked
leader of the UN IT A insurgents in
a 14-year war.
He will see Savimbi in Kin
shasa, Zaire, before frying home
on Saturday.
Baker's aides made clear be-
fore his departure that the Bush
administration would not yield to
Mandela's demands for stiffer
sanctionsagainst South Africa and
would not recognize Angola until
the Luanda government settles
with the rebels.
But Baker also is ready to
assure Mandela that the admini-
stration would keep pressuring
de Klerk, who will hold prelimi-
nary negotiations April 11 witl
black leaders. to free all pohtu .
prisoners and end a 1 2 yeai
state of emergenc)
In Angola,a military standofl
since December m Navinga
Savimbi stronghold, encourag
Baker to promote a ease tire
1 he country, has developed ?
private economy and ships ?
percent ol its oil to the L nitre
States through (. hevron and c or
oco. But the United States, alo
among major Western countries
has withheld re? ognition
Soviet support for An
Cuban troops in thecountry w -
the biggest reasons
About hall of the 30,00X1
bans have left under a complex
agreement that also ended South
African control over Namibia U
rest are supposed to depart by
next year.
Boston museum loses Rembrandt, 11 others in theft
BOSTON (AP) r wo thieves
with a talent tor disguise and a
taste for Rembrandt and IX'gas
st le 11 paintings valued at hun-
drds of millions of dollars in a
daring theft from the Isabella Ste-
wart Gardner Museum. But ex-
perts say the paintings are so price-
less, they're worthless.
"People make pilgrimages to
see these paintings. Scholars and
art lovers know where they be-
long Constance Lowenthal, ex-
ecutive director of the Interna-
tional Foundation for Art Re-
search, said Sunday.
The theft occurred around 1
a.m. Sunday, when two men ap-
parently convinced museum
guards they were police, then
bound them with tape and made
their way to the museum's Dutch
room. It was seven hours before a
The heist was "a professional
job said FBI agent Paul Cava-
nagh. "This is one of those thefts
where people actually spent some
time researching and took specific
things He said the invesHgation
would not belimi ted totheUnited
"It is the biggest Old Master
theft in this country, by far said
Ms. Lowenthal, whose organiza-
tion tracks art thefts.
"The Gardner Museum is a
treasure house she said. "Every-
thing in it is exceedingly valuable
and first-rate and superb.
The value of the missing
works, which included an ancient
Chinese beaker, was in the hun-
dreds of millions of dollars, said
Karen Haas, the museum's cura-
"It's not overstating the case
to sav that these are priceless
works said William Robinson,
curator of drawings for Harvard
University's Fogg Art Museum.
"A loss of any of these works is
But their true value cannot be
determined because they have not
been on the market for nearly a
The works taken were:
? "TheConcert" by fan Verm-
? "A Ladv and A Gentleman
in Black "The Storm on the Sea
of Galilee and a self-portrait by
? "Landscape with an Obe-
lisk by Govaert Flinck, another
17th-century Dutchman.
? "La Sortie du Pesage
"Cortege aux Environs de
Horence "Three Mounted Jock-
eys "Program for an Artistic
Soiree and another, less com-
plete work by the same name, by
Edgar Degas.
? "Chez Tortoni by
Edouard Manet.
? A Chinese bronze beaker
from the Shang Dynasty, 1,200-
1,100 B.C.
The Rembrandt self-portrait
and "The Storm on the Sea oi
Galilee the artist's only seascape,
were especially important, Robin-
son said. He said the theft of the
Vermeer also was a maior loss
because only abou t35of his works
are known to exist.
Experts said the motive for
stealing such well-known paves
could be ransom or acquisitive-
ness bv a selfish, wealthy art lover.
"You hear legends of de-
ranged collectors. But, mostly, 1
think it's the stuff of spy novels
said Peter Sutton, curator of Euro-
pean paintings at the nearby
Museum of Fine Arts.
Gardner Museum spokesman
Corey Cronin refused to sav
whether the works were insured.
rhe( lardner Museum which
sits along the graceful green park
way called the Fenway, hasa State-
of-the-art security system, ani
employs iwo security guards.
Cronin said 1 le said no apparent
damage y asdone tothc museum,
a four-story building with a court-
yard and a skylight.
The museum was built to
house the collection of the woman
whose name it bears, the widow
of lohn Lowell Gardner, the
wealthy son of the last ot Boston's
Fast India merchants
Mrs. Gardner lived on the top
floor of the mansion until her death
in l-24 at age 85. But she opened,
her home nd its collection to the
public long before then, in 1903
Reagan campaigns for 1990 Republican candidates
than a year and a half after pro-
claiming himself "at the end of a
long political journey Ronald
Reagan is back on the campaign
The former Republican presi-
dent is putting his popularity to
work for GOP candidates running
for Congress and state legislatures,
as some ex-presidents have done
before him.
Alreadv. Reagan has helped
with fund raising for state GOP
organizations in Georgia and
Washington, for Sena tecandidates
in Indiana and Iowa and for Sen.
Pete Wilson's gubernatonal bid in
California. And although he nor-
mally commands speaking fees of
$30,000 or more, Reagan accepts
no pay for his party appearances,
spokesman Mark Weinberg said.
Reagan, campaigning on Nov.
5, 1988, for George Bush, told a
national radio audience, "We're
now at the end of a long political
journey that marks for me the end
of my last campaign as an office-
Still, Reagan "intends to be
out there" for fellow Republicans
this year, Weinberg said.
GOP leaders are delighted to
have the ex-president's help.
When the Georgia Republican
Party announced that Reagan
would speak at its annual Presi-
dents' Day lunch in Atlanta on
Feb. 10, "the response was just
phenomenal said Bill Thorn, the
party's executive director. "It was
not a hard sell at all Nearly 2,000
people turned out, bringing in
more than $200,000.
A few weeks later, Reagan
traveled a few blocks from his Los
Angeles office to speak at a pri-
vate fund-raising lunch for Iowa
GOP Senate candidate Rep. Tho-
mas J. Tauke. The lunch attracted
about 45 people who each contrib-
uted $500or, in some cases, $1,000.
Combining politics with a
paycheck, Reagan pulled in about
$40,000 for Washington Republi-
cans in December by making brief
remarks and posing for photo-
graphsata private reception while
he was in Seattle to deliver a paid
speech to business executives.
For Wilson, the former presi-
dent spoke at fund-raisers in the
Los Angeles area and in San Di-
ego. Reagan also lent his signa-
ture to a fund-raising letter for
Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana several
months ago.
"Right now we arc helping
coordinate a political plan which
is geared toward all of the various
things that he can do to be helpful,
particularly in the target races
said Leslie Goodman, spokes-
woman for the Republican Na-
tional Committee.
Former President Richard
Nixon, an increasing presence on
the political scene, "has agreed to
work with us as well Ms.
Goodman said.
Nixon, who resigned in 1974
under threat of impeachment
because of the Watergate scandal,
made a handful of campaign
appearances over the last decade
and has received a number ol
requests for appearances thisyear,
according to his assistant, lohn
Sitting out the 1990 campaign
will be former President and
House GOP Leader Gerald R r I
but not bv choice, said his spokes
man. Bob Barrett. Ford has a knee
operation scheduled for this fall
The onlv surviving Demo
cratic president, Jimmv Carter, is
not expected to take part in the
1990 campaign.
See Reagan, page 9

The East Carolinian, March 20, 1990 H
Least affordable housing
Percentage of pre-tax household income needed to make the
monthly payments on the average 30-year conventional
mortgage in 1989:
Los Angeles
San Diego
I c A
New York City
San Francisco Bay Area 35.4
A Seattle-Tacoma
Source: Lomas Mortgage U.Ss January 1990 U.S. Housing Markets
Marcy E. Mullins, Gannett News Service
Critics argue failure policy
;reensboro(ad Hoid-
itudcnts back one grade
?thing which W),000 North
ins experience ever eai
ure and doesn i help the
rei " w resean Ik oncludcs
mncisuood irtvnsboro
l?t Mil I
: epeat the grad
ii ? grasp the nuten.i But
umber ot kids helped bv re-
n new here near matches the
number ot kids hurt
riticsof retention and their
numbers .ire growing don't
i passing students who i an't
thi work rhey believe schools
? ? be restructured to serve
lents better
Don't just put them in the
next grade or retain them w ithout
? g something about theleam-
problem said arolvn c obb
? consultant with the Depart-
: ot Public Instruction, in an
r ien w itb n ?
? v ? Without some
1 rvention, vou might as
I ? mote the child It's still
? retention
ryy ir 2 million Amen
? idents .1 grade. In
the most recent year state-
? e. ailable 46,760of them
?? m North c arolina
rtharolina's retentii i
rate tor lus v rangi d from .1 low
I en ent for the tnth grade t
? : 9 percent for the ninth
rade The overall average was
?J percent of all students
Nationally retentions are es-
timated tii rest taxpayers $9 bil-
lion each vear about $4,509 per
? t lent j'ut n? i n 1 ai h v 1 n
chides that retentions are harmful
both a. ademicallv and personally
for the students
Mane te.u hers w ill sav Hut I
know it vserks, Ms,ibh said
.vni better at tu st But
thee don't knew what that ihild
would have done it promoted to
the next grade I hey don't see that
child three or four vears down the
read where anv gains that were
made have been washed out
In a study she conducted, Ms
Cobb found that a student who is
held back a grade is 20 to JO per-
. 1 iit rrv ;? likel) te dr?p out ol
school. Dropouts are five times
mere likely to have repeated a
Whv doesn't retention work?
Researchers don't know.
Some speculate that the nega-
tive effects of the failurr hamper
? irare learning Fri i'r,9W s-mdv :
1 hildren ranked rcpeatinga grade
as more stressful thanbeingi aught
stealing, lhee two events that
were mere stressful were going
blind or losing a parent.
Other researchers say that
going through the same material
igain justd esn't get at the root of
he probli m
It a 1 hi Id his a leamingdisor
simply repeating the grade
? 1 n't eliminate the problem. Ms.
i obb said, it the program or the
teacher are ineffective, repeating
the grade won't help
In a few instances, flunking a
student does make a difference.
Ms. Cobb said retention can be
positive w hen:
A, lulu isn't toofarbehind.
I here are no learning dis-
abilitiesorseriousemorional prob-
I he problem isn't chronic
The parents support it.
Ms. obb believes that the
ultimate solution lies in eliminat-
ing grade levels and replacing
them with a program based on
mastering skills. A student's prog-
ress would depend en whether he
i an master the material.
A subcommittee of the Task
Force on Excellence in Secondary
Education a panel appointed to
restructure high schools rec-
ommended that schools move
toward mastery learning
Tliepnn essalsocould include
'lerfReWhg fhv srhool vear to
adjust to an individual child's
progress and needs. For example,
students making normal prog-
ress wi ?uld attend school 180days.
"We ha veto change the mind-
set that a child needs nine months
to absorb the material Guilford
Assistant 'superintendent Mary
Martin said. "Some need more
time, some less. We have to be-
lie vet ha tall children can learn but
at their own pace
Continued from page 8
ilth b failing to diagnose his
1 pothvroidism 1 he disease ih
urs when the th roid . 'els
to produce hormones needed to
regulate the bod) 's metabolism
Whatever the cause, last be-
anie a man who 'spent large
portions of the day in a small room
ir the Senate floor that he( ailed
his hiding place None of his staff
knew where the room was. so he
ild not be bothered there ac-
1 ording to court papers
TheCOUrt papers tiled bv Mrs
last paint a picture of a man un-
able to cope with day-to day
? ?vents
In late April 1985, Fast
became irrational and delusional,
veiling at his wife that he had
suffered a stroke and gone to
heaven He was sent to thepsvchi
atm ward at Bethesda Naval
1 (espial for five days, eventually
lapsing into a coma. It was then
that his hvpothvroidism was di
Hut not long after he re-
gained consciousness. Fast tried
in vain to kill himself bv ramming
1 hair leg down his thrciat His
hvpothvroidism was cured after
iveral weeks on a synthetic
hormone, but he became con-
vinced that his intelligence and
powers of reason had been per
manentlv damaged, Mrs I asps
attorneys sav
Bv mid-summer of 198,
East's "ability to make decisions
was so impaired that frequently
he would try on six suits in the
morning in an attempt to decide
what to wear
a me tune, "asmanv
i in ics a dav he would tele
: I nc home and speak to Mrs.
1 101 his daughters, crying and
telling them that he could not go
Mrs Easfs attorney saj s
the senator became increasingly
dependent on lus wife, 'she was
his therapist, his teacher, his nurse-
maid anil his shield against the
outside world Their relationship
resembled that ot a young child
and his mother more than a hus-
band and wife
Although there were hints that
last was sik, tew North Carolina
voters were aware of his illness,
partially because of the protective
web woven around him bv staff
and other senators, said David
Paletz, a Puke University politi-
cal science professor who special
"1 thmk lus effectiveness re-
ally trailed off he said ' I le had
been a very active freshman sena-
tor, very much involved in com-
mittee work He became lesse
Helms' point person on a lot of
right-wing issues, like abortion
He started off as a verv strong
right-wing presence Then he
trailed off
And some people back home
m orth( arolina, even those who
didn't know Fast well, knew
something was wrong.
East called Gene Pnce, editor
of the Goldsboro News Argus, at
home one night in the vear before
his death to discuss an editorial.
"It just seemed to me that John
was not himself Pnce said. "He
was repetitive in the things he said.
Me seemed to be unnecessarily
concerned!tversomematters. I've
forgotten what they were but it
seemed unusual to me. It did not
seem like the lohn East I had
known earlier
Price was a supporter of Fast,
and he described the editorial as
"mildly critical
In his complaint about this,
he was unusually upset over a
criticism that most politicians tend
to take in stride Price said. And
that was a tar cry from the man
described, even bv those who
disagreed with his politics, as a
person with a sharp mind.
"The students thought very
highly of him said I .arry Hough,
an associate professor of political
science at ECU, where East taught
before being elected to the Senate.
"I lis classes were always full. He
was an entertaining professor. He
was verv quick-witted. He and I
disagreed quite often philosophi-
cally We were both in the field of
political theory, and his conserva-
tism is well-known, and I look at
things a little differently. But I
always found )ohn to be very ar-
But by 1985, when East spoke
to one of I lough's classes, Hough
noticed a difference in his former
"When he spoke to my class,
my observation was that he was
extremely tired, very fatigued
Hough said "But I didn't find any I
of his abilities impaired. But I'm
not a physician, I'm not a psychia-
Mecklenburg area includes
homeless in its 1990 census
Carolina's most populous area
begins its count Monday of a sec-
tor of the population gone largely
unaccounted tor the homeless.
In the Mecklenburg County
area alone, some 141) specially
recruited census takers includ-
ing some homeless people them
selves started training for their
work. Tonight, thev will fan out
across Gaston, Union and Meck-
lenburg counties, counting those
under bridges, in shelters, in flop
houses and busand tram stations.
Theovemight street ,wd shel
ter count and new ways of
adding up data about homeless
people living temporarily with
friends or family will provide
some of the first hard facts about a
little understood social ill Doz
ens of census takers will be wait
ing outside abandoned buildings
at dawn Wednesday to count the
homeless who come out.
"This reflects the politics of
the problem, "said ludv Aulette.a
sociologist at the University of
North Carolina at Charlotte who
has studied the homeless "It
shows it can't be swept under the
the rug. Ft an indication tl it
people are taking this very seri
"Whate er help we get forthe
homeless said Walternrlci .
executive director at the 300-bed
(leorge Shinnenter, "will de-
pend on these figures
I en years ago, the homeless
in shelters actually were counted,
census officials said But their
numbers were added inwithother
groups and thus provided no
measure of homelessness.
I hose on the street tradition-
ally have not been counted. The
whole idea behind the census has
been to count people at their
homes, and the homeless have
Current estimates of the
homeless range wildly, from
HX),(XX) to 3 million for the whole
United States, and in Charlotte
alone from 500 to 2,000.
"What you'vegot nght now is
nothing said Nancy Olsen, a
census bureau librarian in Char
lotte. There is no hard data on the
characteristics of the the home
less. We get calls for it all the time
Census officiate say the results
should be viewed as a slice of in-
formation about the homeless.
"We have never said we will
.o a complete count of the home
less said Ms. Olsen. "We will not
send enumerators onto roof tops.
We don't send them into aban-
doned buildings. We won't send
them into dumpsters. We're sav-
ing that we are counting compo-
nents ot the homeless population
The census will not ask the
homeless whv thev are homeless,
but it will ask many of the home
less some background questions.
such as their level of education
Thus, the results could dispel or
prove urban myths about profes-
sionals among the homeless.
The survey in shelters and
( heap hotels comes first and goes
as late as midnight. The count on
the so t under bri Igcsand out-
side abandoned buildings runs
from2a.m to8a.m Wednesday
Ml interviewed will be asked
questions about age. race sex and
usually home, if anv.
Some will get extra questii ms
about education, citizenship, mili
tary experience and reason for n i
working. For those who are asleep
a census taker will guess the ba
sics age, race and sex.
Bill Buchanan, who oversei
thecensusinGaston, Mecklenburg
and Union counties, said he has
spent at least two vears. ompiling
listsof about lOOsheltersandother
places to look tor the homeli ;
"We're working Kh) percent
of that list said Buchanan "We're
p,omg to every place we've been
told people are known to live,
everywhere we know tin home
less could possibly be I'm very
confident, we will get an ac urate
But some who work with the
homeless say they expo t a signifi-
cant number to elude the survey
ors because thev want to be left
"You've got so main people
who aren't going to go to the shel
ters said (apt. im Arrowood,
who heads the Salvation Army's
emergency shelter onEstonia's
Broad Street. "Some didn't
in come during Hurrian
"There's no ??. ay tl
everywhere the honm ?
said theSah tl i ' i. .
Stesanik in Rock I lill, ?
imagine they'll count i I
Continued from page H
"HisworkishereattheCarter than lord has since he ft ??
( enter and is generally pretty said Anita Dunn,commi
apolitical said Carrie Harmon, a director for the Democrat
spokeswoman for Carter in At- tonal Campaign Committee t
lanta. has done some fund-raising I i
He has certainly played a Democrats, but he has not been a
different role than Reagan has or really prominent campaigi ?
News writers' meeting Tuesday
at 5:00p.m.
Student union
Wed. March 21, 1990
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March 22 - 25 199C
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Slje iEaat Carolinian
Page W
March 20,7 WO
Darryl's party
hosts good music
and great times
St. Patrick's day brings celebration
Bv Adam C
staff w
CnSt Patty's Day, everyone's
Irish even a Greenville reggae
Despite police, noise meters
arid an ck (asional rainfall, 1 irr 1 s
11th.inmi.ilSt Patrick sDa) partv
continued with sunshine into the
rt'ir hours of the evening with
mihu tanning, and even softie
Special appearances were
made by local celebrities, includ
ing Peetie the Pirate WMB
broad ast the event live and gave
awa tapes at the doof OufGfeeri
ville police reported thai Iherrtusi
registered in the upper Ws on the
noise mefets fot the most part,bul
it still came through loud and leaf
Members pi the itidicnce
amused Ihettiselves with
keysticks, hackey sacks and a
hastily abotted limbo contest with
a powef cofd. the opening gtoup,
In 1 imbo, opened the show, but
ail eaflv afternoon shower kepi
thecrott .1 relatively small 1 .iW
a! the most
WMH s IrevBurlev said the
partv had a Quality turnout,
not as main people as last vear
but a crowd that seemed to enjoy
themselves nevertheless It was
probablv the subliminal Irish
enefgy flowing both inside and
outside the parking lot fence
The small turnout also kept
dowtl someot Ihechaos the parts
s,iv last vear
"People handled themselves
well (thisyeaf)' said I s rone Lark
ms. a P,irr I's employee who has
worked the event tor the past tew
1 Fugue: A. musical
Style; IV buildup in
nostril; word fusion;
P. to forget
2 Kvetch: A polish
cabbage; B. to com-
plain; C Japanese
island; D, i do wrong
I Bonhomie: A street
friend; B to proclaim;
C, good nature, genial'
ity; D repeated enigma
1 Pelisse: A. laced
fabric; H C police-
man; C, igneous rm k;
I). cloak or outer robe
5 Sambar: A. Asian
deer; H key West hot
spot, c African insect;
n Salmon sandbar
6 Argonaut: A. Arme-
nian astronaut; B. t
moilusk; c' star cluster;
D. Set of idioms
7 Cymling: A continu-
ing cymbal sound; B.
brother; c circulatory
cell structure; D. Hat,
round squash
8. Bdaphic: A web-
footed, B sur-
prized; C pertaining to
soil; D druken stupor
c Sputum A saliva,
spit, spittle, B. NASA
s,itilliU C. wound varn,
I) ear muffler sound
lo Weka; A a flightless
bird, B a basket; C.
I uptonomaniac; I)
poisonous herb
?Compiled by John
vears (1 ast vear) We had people
climbing up trees, tearing down
torn es It w as terrible '
The tarp cattle off the sound
equipment about an hour and a
halt after the ram stopped and The
Amateurs jumped into Onel eve
I he hand played with their
usual caristhma in the ragged four
tour beat from whuh the nuiMi
v;ets us name William 'Shop
Shepherd lead the band on the
mike and on bongOS Mike I ivis,
the lead guitarist, lapsed easilv
into a slice ol Purple Haze" in the
middle of the m ond set.
the Amateurs have become
I tie ol the more famous bands to
come oul ol Greenville, playing
gigs all along the east coast, from
South Carolina to Princeton, I
In the seven vears in whuh The
Amateurs have been a band, the)
have changed the makeup ot both
their members and their songs,
moving towards a core reggae
sound and adding saxaphonisl
Mike Canale lo give a cool jazz
dimension to, among other songs,
their adaptation ol Bob Marlev's
version ol lohnny B. (roodc
It was excellent said Matt
Bulley, one ol the forefront danc-
ers Ve skanked our butts off
It seemed to me something
was missing from the show,
though. I guess I'm one of those
nostalgic seniors who remember
the group when they were not
quite as famous and there was
more room on the floor to dance
I kind ot miss the COVer tunes
t lev used to plav I Tie Amateurs
were among my first collegeexpe-
nonces. What happened to their
haunting version ol "Black Magic
Woman or Rasta Man a song
the. used to play .it the end ot the
evening? What happened to "hove
Potion ? or the bright, upbeat
"() Wee (h one of my personal
dam Ing favorites'
(Hera ll though, the quality ol
their musit has certainly ini reascd
sime then particularly their
originals "You I lave to be in
I une" and "(ver in Mrica" have
something lo sav to the audience.
I he band's message is getting
i leaier with age
Within an hour alter the band
stopped, the skies opened up with
run tor theeveniniy But tor a short
span on a Saturday afternoon, a
bit ol shamrock sunshine shone in
I irrTs parking lot
Satellite Boyfriend, a Raleigh based progressive band, rocked a small crowd in G Rod el iturday night The band plays mostly original
tunes (Photo courtesy ol I ynn Evans)
Satellite Boyfriend rocks originally
By Jeff Parker
Staff Writer
Even though as man as two
of my fellow music appreciating
statt writers were supposed to o
write this review with me, both ol
them c heesed OUt at the List mm
ute. leaving me to run this show
alone Fine, ust tine I"hev missed
out, and so did anyone in (?reen
ville Saturday night who didn't
go see Satellite Boyfriend at
The crowd was surely not as
big as it could have been, with
mostly the die hard usuals (sans
the frisbee players) present. This
no doubt had much to dc with
everyone going to the Darryl's
party earlier that afternoon, leav
mi; most people too tuckered out
to make it downtown. Those who
were there enjoyed the show,
da no ng t hemsel ves i n to 1111 le t ren -
Most of the music performed
was off Satellite Boyfriend's de-
but album "Yes Ma .nil though
they did a few that will appear on
their next release Among the
many memorable numbers n
She's (.ot Me and 'And
Drives t ma Cuma" featured
some good bass nits throughout
and even the return of the funk)
wah-wah pedal from the -
ties I he biggest crowd plcasei
had to DC Ham Ram bah, whuh
receives good airplay our own
WMB On the album, that tune
and "And 'she Irives" were pro
duced by Mm h Taster
Satellite Boyfriend'
ymd stage presence, and at one
point the lead singer Philolluis
(yeah, I know what you want to
sav but let's not give the guv a
hard tune about it) and lead gui-
tarist Sam I ennisboth went intoa
vibrating, oscillating tit that in
spired us all. Towards the end of
the shews, some guy jumped on
stage and danc ed .ill in their wa,
but the band restrained from dot
tinghiseyes, proving thai they are
a friendly group.
After the show, I grabbed -i
lew fleeting, precious moments ol
the band's tune to discuss their
music Nom
anothei roup I
mold of or is i to)
?;? that makes I
nal band
i nfh i I ud f ?
i peril si Ri HingStoi indt
winsome Mr Ziffcl fi
Ac res i the om
nold the Pig Hi lite Bo fi
origii atesl I alt
UN graduates and half State
rricluates When isked
orlgirt' ???? -
? ndol mir tting
tired of I i string
him along while e ut with
these other guys, and said that he
didn't want to be a satellite b
friend Little iightbulbs went off
in our heads at that ' Doesn 11
anec dote have all the- makings
c lassie origin"sure it d ies.
! fie band was glad to see
eeryone dan ing and it was
observed that a tad ot slammn
occured, just a tail As WZMB's
beth Ellisonobserved, 'peopli n
slamming to bands that d vei
? ? tnei
ht "
? . u r horses, kid
fun! thi Is will be mil
ugh, and r
- ' r's Phis is :
time to remind peopli ' tl ? I ir -
pohc v ol I '? ??? I
inmv la I I ? ? ?? ??? ith lohn
In. ker we kiddedRi i k 5 and
m have sounded ' 1 ?? trfi V were
ming down i ri p ?eipie, bfl rPs
not true It's iust a mild safet)
precaution forever ? benefit
and keeps O1 Rock s from K h
like s ime other places, w here you
can realh gel nailed b a limb
and 1 h
Ast rSati . fnend, tl
had numerous and thouj
theories on this agreeing thai
slamming is "the only socia .
acceptable' way to rub ll
also be so ially acceptable for S
el lite Bo) friend U 'p'uwIreem ille
whattne n.issedhoos se
'id band
Film trend promotes couple dancing
advantage ol the steam)
Hraihan dance sensation sw
I tv elli
The 1 orbkhlen I ano
I OSA( ;ELES(AP) About
the only thing hotter than lam
bada these days is the fever with ing the country
whuh filmmakers are trying to CannonFilmsUmbada:Set ducedb) I turyFilm orp
cash in on the bump and grind the Ni8hl ?n Firc" completed openson 100 I - screens after a
I production only last week and will month in the making It tells the
TWO independent movie (,P ?" 1(H,? XTeera na story ol a bra.ban princess who owned bv rival ecus tionwide Made in six weeks for uses lambada dancing to save her
about $4 million, the tilm is about c ountrv s rain forests
a high school teacher who uses "They're both being rushed
ms are Mt to release quickie films
head-to head on Friday to take
oul said John Kner, president l
Exhibitor Relations Co whicl
tracks mo ie box office perform
a nee.
( annon originally schedu
a May l release and 21st Century
an April t- premiere Most films
takeat least a year, and often tw i e
as long, to make and release.
See Lambada, page 11
Sitting on a Fence:
Times are changing for students at East Carolina
Bv John Tucker
Assistant Features I ditor
Sometimes, 1 just don't un-
derstand why certain things hap-
pen like they do
Since I made the exodus from
the sheltered lifeof homeandcame
to ECU quite I few vears ago (fall
W), a number of changes have
been made that have continually
had in affect on student lifestyle
When one experiences ?i
change, more often than not that
change is a positive transforma-
tion,Some of the changesl've seen
although thev may be positive
ones, tend to, well, to put it plainly,
just bum me out.
When I first came lo ECU
archagesagO, the student popula-
tion had a solid identity that it
could always stand bv We were
studentsenrolledat lU the party
school, where anyone could al-
ways find Wme kind of fun, and
we were proud of it.
These were thedays when vou
could have beer in a dorm room.
Your resident ad visor was the guy
who organized the golf tourna-
ment and bought beer for every-
one before the sexual awareness
film, not the guv who busted you
for having your stereo up too loud.
The drinking age was 18 and
downtown was a nonstop party,
five out of seven da vs in the week.
Cubbie's was a bar and not a
hamburger joint where everyone
would go and get those $1 killers
that would send vou to the moon.
Football games were out of
control. Everybody got rowdy. We
lost most of f he time then too, only
then it was a little different. Our
football team was bad, but every-
one was so happy just to Ik alive
and having fun that losing really
didn't matter that much.
Fraternities had wet rushUhey
served beer) and some of the wild-
est partieseverexperienccd. When
you walked back from downtown
in a stupor, you saw at the most
one policeman(not today's five or
six), who instead of hassling you
because you were a little drunk,
offered you a ride, so you would
make it home safely.
Outdoor concerts and parties
were a regular occurrence that
almost everyone went lo. There
was the Toga party, the Bahama
Mama party, the Spring Ming,
Halloween, the Fnd oi the World
party, and other parties that al-
ways featured live bands and a
crowd that just wouldn't quit. I'm
sure plenty of people can remem-
ber Staggering home from at least
one of these bruisers.
If someone had the urge to
throw oneof vour everyday house
parties or late nights you never
had to worry about a little bit of
noise. This was Greenville the
college town, home of FCU for
God's sake.
If you've been around for at
least a year or too, I think vou can
remember at least a few of the
things I'm talking about. Now
things have definitely changed.
For starters, the drinking age
is 21. That's right, vou can go to
jail, vou can vote, vou can he
drafted, vou can even get mar-
ried, but for stime unknown rea-
son you can't drink that yellow
foamv stuff.
Not that it really stops most
people from consuming alchohol.
Now people just have to take a
chance nd get someone to buy it
for them or resort to using that
take I D. Of course that's breaking
the la w, and about 5 of the people
actually do it get caught. How
many people do you think are not
going to take a risk like that.
And, no more beer in your
dorm rooms now, little students.
Yeah, right, that's a good one. A
college student that doesn't drink
Downtown, be careful on that
one. You can enter a bar under age
and vou get (Kit littleorangebrace-
let that vou have to wear all night
or you get a spanking. I mean I
hardly ever see anyone under age
drinking downtown.
Yes, and the end has hnallv
been put to all those- nasty loud
parties that seemed to have dis-
turbed everyone.
And finally we have a new
image. No one isexactly sure what
it is just yet, but it's there.
Anyway, I'm sorry for going
offthedeependjusta little bit The
point I'm trying to make is that it s
all gone. It's all been taken away
by people who know what's bet
ter for us while we rust sit idly by
and watch them do it. When vou
think about it, there is really noth-
ing we can do to stop them.
I'm not trying to say things
were better then. Maybe thev
I just feel sorry for the stu-
dents just now starting their col-
lege lives. What are they missing?

The Fast Carolinian, March 20, 1990 11
Faculty Profile
Ex-navy captain teaches, and
represents abused children
By joe Horst
Stiff Wrifrr
( .ipt l.nnes Bruner is professor whocombincs what he teaches
is ith Ins personal life.
Bruner received ,m undergraduate decree at the University o!
ousiville, a I D law degree at the University of Kentucky, and then
,n quired a mastersdegreein criminal justice from Nova University, Va.
I nlisting in the Navy after college, Rruner served for thirty years
and retired asa full captain Beginning his teaching career at ECU right
aftci leav ing the Na v. Bruner has been a professor for six years.
Besides teaching three classes Introduction to Criminal lustice. l aw and Criminal Procedure Bnmer also spends much of
his tree time engaging m community service.
1 he first example oi his community service is Bnmer's governor
appointed position to the North Carolina Grievance Resolution Board.
! his board deals with grievances that prisoners tile against the prisons,
w irdens or guards Bruner is also involved with Pamlico Sound Legal
?v: v i. ps whi h gives free legal advice in most eastern North Carolina
awnhes 1 astly, Bruner is also a 'guardian ad litem' tor abused and
neglet ted children 1 le represents these children in court when charges
v.i t or abuse have been tiled against their parents
W hen he has tree tune from his teaching, advising, and community
? . Bruner likes to travel, garden, and plav golf An avid sup-
r of E( U, Bruner shows that one can practice what one preaches
Bits and Pieces
More states initiate tuition plan
Parents can prepay college expenses
'he state s prepaid college tuition plan goes into effect Wednesday
i Alabama Parents of ? yeai Id cm pay $4,767up front or $54 per
month for 12 vears 1 he mone is refunded it the child does not eo to
state i ollegP I he st.ite is the fourth to initiate the tuition program.
Advance planning required for
travel in eastern bloc countries
Major East Bloc cities have, at best, one-fifth the number of hotel
ioms thc need Book your room and pay tor it well in advance. All
?untries still require visas for entry. Apply for visas at least
. eeks in advarx e with the nation's embassy.
Real estate becomes big business
Specialty institutions attract investors
multi-billion dollar trend called specialty real estate is rapidly ex-
IpaMivng in IS. financial investment centers. Thomas K. Crawford,
president o( FFCA Institutional Advisors Inc said specialtyreal estate
me a mature industry in the 1990s as a buffer against wildly
iting real estate valuesrawford spoke to industry leaders at a
onference last week Specialty real estate raw land, small retail
pments, mobile home parks, timhorland, light industrial parks
? sell storage properties by financial institutions, will beoneof the
minani investment avenues of the decade. Industry leaders say
laity real estate's most attractive feature to major investors will be
distributable cash
Hotline lists students' homework
Phelps Middle School of Ishpeming, Mich starts a hotline this
k listing homework assignments. Student Council President left
; lanninen, 14, says it will help pupils who forget and make pupils think
twice before lying to parents.
Home loans made easier by phone
I he newest trend in home mortgages: toll-free numbers where ap-
plicants from anywhere in the nation can call and be connected to a loan
unseloT Instead of a month's wait or longer to close the loan, the
process is completed in no more than 15 days. The Principal Financial
I roup. one of four groups offering a nationwide lending service,
Continued from page 10
ncrated $
billion in homes loans last year.
Consumer credit continues to rise
Consumer installment credit has grown 43 percent over the past
lecade, mirroring a growth in disposable income of 32 percent over the
same period of time, reports Hank Reading Review. Automobile loan
i nntractS have increased in maturity making larger outstanding bal-
ances more affordable Credit cards have contributed to greater total
installment debt as have home equity lines of credit.
Michael and Jessica top baby names
Michael and essica were the number one names in New Jersey in
88, said the IVpt of 1 lealth There were 1,478 newborn girls named
lessica; 2,807 babies named Michael.
Public school enrollment down
Drugs and violence affect attendence
Falling enrollment in Washington, DC, is due to drugs and vio-
lence, savs Parents United whose children attend two-thiids of the
city's 17 public schools. Drug-ridden areas east of the Anacostia River
and in the citv center are most affected, the group says.
? ,tv'i?i MMl USA tOOAVAffk I olUft Infnrmmtton Nttwork
The Lighter Side
This little piggy went to market
VENTURA, Calif. (AP) No green-tinted swine will lead Paddy's
parade, because of objections that pig lovers made.
Plans were all set for St. Patrick's big deal until animal activists
started to squeal.
A full-blooded Irishman a sight to be seen! ? planned to carry,
dear Colleen, a pig dyed bright green.
But Grand Marshal James Monahan, who will lead the parade, got
grief for the ham-handed plans he had laid.
The humane society had 30 complaints: Dyed pigs are no tribute to
dead Imh saints.
The porker might suffer emotional shock if paraded by Monahan
block after block.
FC) Students Charma Harness ind Wendy Corey . II ? briel
sunshine and green beer at the St Patrick's day celebration at :
Darryl s 1 he Amateurs and in limbo played to a small but boisterous ,
crowd Photo courtesy of Keith Abluton)
Nude sunbathers
fight for a beach
(AP) The only frolicking the
federal government want- on a
nude beach in Rhode Island is b
a small groupot buds whoseexis
tence is considered threatened
The U.S 1 ish and Wildlife
Service has decided that the se
eluded ,nd popular Moonstone
Reach will be oft limits tor nude
sunbathers thi summer to pro
tect the tiny piping plover
Moonstone has been the only
spot on the420-mile Rhode Island
coast and one ol few along the
New England shore where
nudists can sun m the bun
Rut federal officials and envi
ronmental groups s.iv that when
humans enter, the piping plover
exits. The bird is listed on the
federal endangered species list as
threatened, a step awa) from the
designation ol endangered.
"Thehumanat tn it sen esas
a distraction to the plovers said
lames Kurth. manager of the I rus
torn Pond National Wildlife Rel
uge. which includes Moonstone
Beach. "They're constantly moved
away from their breeding
grounds Heciteda I niversit) ol
Massachusetts study more than a
decade ago that showed plovers
will leave an area where humans
Nudists see the battle over the
bird as ,i subterfuge to the under
lying issue: Ihev claim the go
eminent wants Northeastern
shores tree of nude sunbathers.
Ihev also sav they can coexist
with the little bird and. in fa t
have for vears
"It doesn't have anything to
do with the animal unless the
people are bothering them said
Ron l.aPorte of Glastonbury,
Conn as he lounged on a blanket
on the sun-drenched beach.
"Birds are important, but the
Dance instructors hope the
films will fuel the already heated
interest in lambada, ust as "Satur-
day Night Live Dirty Dancing
and "Flashdanee" revitalized club
"lambada's going to bring
people back into the studios, get
them back into couple dancing
said Los Angeles instructor Mi
chael Davis, who has taught the
dance about three months.
"The last dance crae was the
hustle some seven yearsago. Since
then it's just been freestyle danc-
ing. Now it's time for a return to
couple dancing
Thecrazearrived in the United
?states late last year from I ranee,
where lambada fever reached a
treny last summer and autumn
The group, Kaoma, produced
the album "World Beat" and a
single, "lambada which topped
the charts in 15 European coun-
Late last year, the dance ar-
med in New York, where it has its
largest U.S. following. It picked
up steam in Los Angeles and is
now hitting Washington and
public is important, too said
! )ave( iillisofWarrensville.Conn
also sunning himself on the beach.
Wepaidforthisbeach Hiev've
gol to consider the people
The controversy over Moon-
stone has been simmering tor
.ears Hut when the Fish and
W ildlifeServiceexpanded its hold-
ings in 1982, nudists and clothed
hea oh goers began to feel a little
more unwelcome
In 1982, the federal govern-
ment obtained land from the
Audubon Society and took con-
trol of about a mile of the coast.
Kurth said. Ihe following sum-
mer.about three-quartorsof a mile
was closed. A fence erected last
vear left a thin strip along the
water's edge for sunbathers.
This year, when the plovers
i ome back around the last week of
March, that fence will go to the
high tide mark along the entire
length of beach to keep sunbath-
ers clothed and naked ?out.
"We're applauding them very
loudly said Alfred Hawkes,
executivedirectorof the Audubon
Society. Hawkes said his group
had objected to the nude sunbath-
ers but had been unable to keep
them out
In the earlv 1970s, piping
plovers and least terns were nest-
ing there regular!v. 1 lawkes said.
"It got pretty much out o( hand in
the late 70s. Once the word got
around among nudists the crowd
grew very quickly
Nudists said they are being
branded unfairly asanti bird.
" ! here seems to be ome bias
functioning here, although it's
denied by officials said lee
Haxandall of CKhKosh.Wis presi-
dent of the nationwide Naturist
Society. "There is no federal law
against nudity
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Page 12
March 20,1990
team set
to practice
(SID) ECU football coach
Bill Lewis will send his Pirate
squad through spring practice be-
ginning March 22. Spring drills
will conclude on April 21 with
1 he th Annual Croat Pirate
Purple (ioldPigskinPigoutParty
and the spring game at I icklen
Lewis will welcome approxi-
mately 110 student-athletes at the
beginning of spring drills mm. nn
entirely different look on the
coaching staff
Spring practice will bo im-
portant because or all the changes
we have had on our coaching
staff, said lewis. "It is important
that the staff mesh together 1 am
confident ot that because all of the
philosophies are compatible.
We're all on the same page and
know how important teaching will
be this spring
cw faces on the practice
fields will include defensive coor-
dinator secondary coach Mike
Cassitv. defensive lime coach Cary
Godette, inside linebacker coach
Dave Huxtabk, outside linebacker
coach Bob Slowik and running-
backs coach Greg Nord.
1 he Pirates will be looking tor
several things from the offensive
unit, including a starting quarter-
back to replace record-holder
Travis Hunter, who finished his
eligibility after a stellar 1989 sea-
son ECU will have two offensive
coordinators this year Steve
Logan and Stove Shankweiler.
lunior eft Clake looks to have the
lead at the signal?caller's spot.
Ue will continue cuir exact
direction with the offense with
See Pig Skin, page 13

ECU spears
Howard, 18-0
Colvin sets first season win
By Frank Reyes
St.itt VSnlt-r

ECU'S TommyEasonmakeslhecatchagainstHowardSundav , Photo by J D Whitmire -ECU Photo Lab)
Pirates fall to Bulldogs 5-2, 7-2
Barn tt threw
By Frank Reyes
Matt Writer
. I r ke
On March 15, the Pirates sul
terod their second defeat ot the
season to the University ol North
Carolina-Asheville Bulldogs 5-2 a!
I iarrington Field.
Freshman Howard Whitficld
(1-1,1 47ERA this season) was the
starting pitcher tor the Pirates (c
held the Bulldogs scoreless in five
But UNC-Asheville scored in
the sixth when Wayne Faircloth
sacrificed in a run ECU scored in
the third when Berry Narron
scored on a single The game was
tied at one in six complete innings.
Bulldogs' starting pitcher
Ronnie Honevcutt. threw six in-
nings, giving up only six hits 1 K
was also credited with seven
walks. With the win tor I N
Asheville, Honevcutt improved
it in
in the !
; lour in
.itid M
in kc runs
? i
his record to 1 -4
The Bulldogs
,iu,n the game
iiinm b
runs ! odd Bess ii
Danit 1 both knocked
tor the Bulldogs
W ith the lead 5 I in favor of
visiting team, II salvagedarun
when John Adams singled in
ommv Yarborough, cutting I
lead 5 2 With the Pirates threat-
ening again Honevcutt was re-
placed b relief pit her Mai
Rosenbaum. Rosenbaum retired
eight o! the ten batters he faced to
earn the save
ECU's ore short had an
excellent offensive game. In four
at bats, he collected two singles
and a walk I lead coach C ,ar
Overtoil used lauue Bell, Rm
Langdon and Rodney Colvin
during the game.
On March 16 1 Asheville
the Pirates 7 . for their
onset uti e 1 ?ss ot
: . ? ??
dete.U. d
I he Bulldi I mi
n the first ii i i
thev ???; kevii
i law Kins rx Ited a two rui
cum off of starting huiIor I
Ben kman I; I ti-
the Bulldogs th i irly ad
rckmai ? i w hasa b
wasaniv. d tor seven runs
on 10 hit H I fivi
one thuds inning w hiU
one Ben kman was also credit I
w ith a strike ut
the set ond ini ing ? I
ohn is' andSteve( lodinso n I
E I only managed nine hits
during the game.
! i, l sBell replaced Ben kman
alter the Bulldogs si ofed t
more runs m thetitth inning V ith
See Bulldogs, page 14
rhe ECU baseball team boosted their overall rei rdl bysku
ning the Howard Bison is OSunday afternoon at Harrington !
lil scored three runs m the first inning when Howard s starl
pitcher Darrell Moody (0 2) hit lohn i .ast with bases loa I
CoreyShort rea hingfirst on a Bisonerror, thebas s were i
again. Steve Godin then walked, giving EC1 thclead3
u-d seven batters during the game
1 he score in reased to R f) in the - nd innii vhei
d molished Bison relief pit her Anthony Barrett. He ;
two thirds innings while giving up l4runson 15 hit
wild pit h, a balk, hit a batter nd gave up two homerui I
I ommy arborough
E I s starting pitcher fim Langdon (4-1 this season) pitched I
scoreless innings. He wascredited with four strikeouts and one v ?
Relief pitcher Rodney Colvin, who pit I I ?nly three inninj
to the game, threw five masterful innings.
i olvin gave up onlv five hits and one wall I
ol the season
? ? ? : ? :V out ? r in said
ome to piti h more in my junior and senior y n
hile I.ancd.mi and Colvin were bafl
Piraiesra. k. d up four more ransin the third inning '?
and John Adams on first and stxrond. Tommy J ' ?? '?'
s. ?nng tw o runs
rwo additional runs came across when Short sn I wil
in the inning I he lead foi nci ised to 12
Several Pirates hit well in the game Rcddick
tsthisycar.i ectedl and. a triplein fourtnj
d ims had threes I at bats Sti lii land wall
two times. Eason di I nglcd, and drew a walk n
rhe Pirates massacn 1 the Bison for six runs ii t!
kvhen Cast smashed his homerun, giving Ei
1 he Bucs are now I ; and remain in first pla e in tl (
?XthletK Association. The Howard Bison drop t
rhe Pirates now lead the series 4-f overall
Bison lost a doubleheader last year to ECl - I u I
iU will play their next game today on the road w henf
( ampbeTI I niversitv Camels at Jp.m rhe team ???
play on March 24 when they travel to Fairfax, Va t . i
at 1 p m
N.C. State,
ECU vie for
rugby title
Twenty-three rugby teams
from across the state, including
ECU, will vie tor the champion-
ship of the annual North Carolina
Rugby Union State Tournament
on Saturday and Sunday, March
24 and 25, at Fort Bragg's Hedrick
iwetve teams are scheduled
to compete in the Club Division,
spanning a region from Asheville
to Myrtle Beach The 1989 Union
champion, Raleigh, has the top
seed, but strong challenges are
expected trom Charlotte, Triad,
host Fayetteville, and 1989 na-
tional military champion Camp
Top-seeded North Carolina
State University, currently ranked
10th among colleges m ISA
RugbyEast, and second-seeded
EastC arolina are expected to moot
in the finals of the College Divi-
sion The two met in last year's
final, with State coming out on top
18-0. UNC-Chapel Hill, off to a
strong 3-0 start this season, is also
expected to be in the hunt for the
championship cup.
The tournament structure
breaks both the Club Division and
College Division into several
brackets Each bracket plays a
round robin on Saturday. The top
teams from each bracket play in a
single elimination format on
Sunday for each Division's Plate
Championship, while the final
group of teams play for the Bowl
Championship This guarantees a
team more matches than under a
standard single or double elimi-
nation format. It also allows the
weakest teams to compete with
the strongest, fitting for a sport
that places as much emphasis of
camaradenc as on competition.
On-field competition is not the
only rugby activity scheduled for
the weekend. The Union is host-
ing a kick-off reception Friday
evening and will hold its annual
See Rugby, page 13
Softball team splits
Monday's games
Teams exhibit great hitting
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Stjff Writer
ECU and Ohio University put on a
hitting exhibition, as thev split games
in a double-header Monday in C.reen-
ville ECU won the tirst game8-2,but
lost 4-2 in the second
1 lead coach Sue Manahan said, In
the first game ve hit it hard and made
them play defense and noted that in
the second game, "We were back on
our heels, thev applied the pressure
and we didn't respond
In their first game. ECU went
through its complete rotation in the
first inning, with six people hitting
singles and Jennifer Sagl nailing a
They got eight players on base and
scored six runs bv the end ol the in-
We got on top real last ' said
freshman pitcher Jenny Parsons whose
record now stands at 6 0. "Getting an
early lead like that really helps
Parsons allowed only one earned
runtobes? ored off seven Ol hits.and
E I committed no errors
1 he i ad Pirati had sex oral
chances to dd to their score bul a
tougherO.l defense held them until
the fifth inning In the third, ECl had.
the bases loaded, w ithindy Ritter (2-
4) on first. Kathy Schrage on second
and Stephanie Hobson (2-3 .nd 2
RBI's) on third.
ECt had only one out but was
held scoreless as the O.U. pitcher
chalked up two consecutive outs
1 he I ad Piratesadded two more
See Split, page 14
Irates fare
well over
Freshman pitcher Jenny Parsons beats the throw to first
base and becomes the fifth Lady Pirate to reach base in the
first inning ot the first game (Photo by Garretl Killian ? ECU
Photo Lab)
Ohio U. wins Lady Pirates' tourney
ECU falls, 4-1
to champions
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Statt Writer
ECU catcher Tracy Kee'shows everyone the ball after an Ohio University slides into home The player
was called out as the Ladv Pirates split a doubleheader (Photo by Garrett Killian - ECU Photo Lab)
The Ladv Pirate softball team
wont 3-1 over the weekend in the
Ladv Pirate I loliday Inn Classic.
"We beat some good teams
said head coach Sue Manahan,
whoso team is now 14-4. "We just
kept going after people and ended
upon top three times. If wo made an
error it didn't matter, we would pull
together and play intense for all of
the innings
In their first game, a 5-1 win
over Monmouth College, pitcher
Renee Meyers allowed just two hits.
Chns Byme went 2-2 and had three
Monmouth scored their only run
See Tourney, page 13
By John Fucker
Assistant 1 eatures I d
this past weekend the E
mens frisbee club I
lumbia, S. w a
other teams in the annua
Patricks Day tournament sp i
sored by the I ni ersity f S
Carolina atolumbia
? I ! I
ailv billed had an overall l
? ! i but had tohange their
name to COX, as only a i nil
membersol the t im could n
the trip to Columbia. 1 he team
had to pick up three players,
scammers, as they are reffered to
at tournaments, and decided it was
not proper to USC the Irate name
We vehad a hard time v. I -
mg out problems with the s f?
concerning traveling Plus some
team members felt they needed a
break after the two tough tourna
ments over spring break, team
captain Carv Hurley stated con-
cerning the small number of play-
Although the whole team was
not present, the team played well
winning their pool and remaining
undefeated after the first day s
play. The team defeated first the
Columbia. S.C club team in a 16
14 comeback victory, then hand
Uv boat the University ot Virginia
and archrival University of Penn-
sylvania, by scores of 15-5,and 15-
4. respectively.
The following days play
matched the team up with the
University ot Vermont,a team the
Irates had defeated the year be-
fore to advance to the finals of the
same tournament
This year however, the team
was defeated 15-11 bv the Ver-
mont squad as two Irate starters
Kevin Rhodesand Ken Farlv could
not play because of iniines.
Rhodes was out with a groin pull
and Early suffered a slight head
injury in Saturday's play.

The East Carolinian, March 20,1990 13
Sports Briefs
Owners, players reach agreement
Major League Baseball owners and players reached agreement late
Sunday night on a four-year contract that ended a 32-day lockout and
was expected to preserve the 162-game schedule. A source close to the
negotiations said an agreement in principle had been reached, with
only minor details remaining. It is not vet known when the season will
LMU, Xavier make surprising upsets'
1 he NCAA men's basketball tournament is down to lb teams. In
second round action: No.19 Loyola Marymount 149, No. 12 Michigan
15 No.22 Alabama 77, No.15 Arizona 55; Xavier (Ohio) 4. No.9
: (;oorgetovvn71;Texas73,No.ll Purdue72;No. 13Duke76,St.Johns72;
i and UCLA 71, No. 5 Kansas 70
Vanderbilt women knock off Iowa
Weekend upsets highlighted second round plav in the NCAA
ivision I tournament Among the upset winners were: Vanderbilt
itingNo 10 Iowa 61-56 and Mississippi knocking of! No.5 Nevada
as cgas66 62. A third host team was eliminated when No.21 Arkan-
beat No.6 Georgia SI -70
Cash races to win at Santa Anita
Real Cash raced to a 5 12-length victory Sunday in the $170,100
lipe 1 landicap tor 3-year-olds at Santa Anita race track in Ar-
: i alii RcalCash went the 1116 mile distance in 1:42. The three
Pleasant lap. Silver Ending and Tsu's Pawning were
ninth and 10th.
Tennis rookie advances after default
Rookie pro Jennifer Capriati, playing in her second tournament.
n by default Sunday to move into the fourth round ol the 1 ipton
nternational Players c hampionships at Key Biscayne, Hi. Capriati
uled 2 4 in the first set when Patty Fcndick injured her right knee after
ng a backhand approach shot and could not continue plaj ing.
Racer recovers after severe crash
Scott Pruet t, co-rookie of the vear in the 1989 ndy 500 auto race, was
i in good condition Sunday .it Indianapolis' Methodist Hospital
ll r surgery tor multiple fractures to his back. Pruett, 29, ot Roseville,
ilif was injured when he crashed into a concrete barrier during
ting at West balm beach. Fla. Saturday. 1 lehad surger tor multiple
? ires to both legs.
Dent tops SI million with senior win
im Pent shot a 6-under-par 66 tor a three-stroke victory Sunday in
antage at The Dominion Senior PGA Tour tournament at San
tonio. Pent tmished with a three-round total of 11-under-par205.1 le
? S45,000 and is the 36th player to top $1 million in Senior Tour
i nings.
Walker hangs on for surprising win
t olleen Walker held on, despite a double-bogey and twobogeyson
k suK- to shoot par-72 tor a five-stroke victory Sunday in the
' " ? "1 PGA Tucson, Ari7. Open. Walker, who earned her third
? . tory in nine years, had a 12-under 27o tour-round total. She
? 100. bat Bradley, Betsy King, Kate Rogerson and Heather
tied tor second at 281.
Harding set to fight Lalonde in June
World Boxing Council light heavyweight champion left 1 larding
.4 kksi ot Australia retained his title Sunday by stopping
gentine Nestor Giovannini (28-3-2) in the 11th round ot a 12-
round tight in Atlantic City. Afterward, promoter Bob Arum said
I larding will next defend against Donny Lalonde, June 2 in Mel-
irne, Australia.
Lion's standout died of heart disease
1 oyola Marymounl basketball star Hank Gathers died oi heart
disease, according to autopsy results. Still unclear: whether he was
taking the medication prescribed for an irregular heartbeat before he
died March 4. lexicological tests revealed no medications were found,
but results of tests tor lnderal will not be available until Monday,
according to the Los Angeles coroner's office.
Officials uninvite coach to banquet
Colorado state officials withdrew an invitation to North Carolina
State coach im Valvano to speak in Denver at an April 1 Final Four
basketball tournament banquet. Valvano was invited three months ago
to speak tor a S.iXH) tee, but since then, his program has come under a
point-shaving investigation.
Fetter sets new swimming record
Leigh Ann Fetter of Texas became the first woman to break 22
seconds in the women's 50-yard freestyle, setting an NCAA and U.S.
record of 21.2 in the first round of the MCA A Swimming and Diving
(. hampionships at Austin, Texas.
O. .fynfht w (;s4 iM Apple t ottege InbrmMuyn WlinTrk
Lady Pirate tennis team beats UNC-W, ODU
By Chip Rutan
Staff Writer
The Lady Pirates' tennis team
won three straight home matches
defeating UNC-VVilmington, Old
Dominion University and How-
ard University. The young team is
gaming experience said coach
Rowan Davis, and with everv
match, is improving by leaps and
"Our team is becoming more
aggressive and gaining confi-
dence said Davis "C Hi r team play-
is only getting better
In the first match, the Pirates'
deteated CAA opponent UNC-
VVilmington 8-1.
The Pirates' stunned the Lady
Seahawks in doubles sweeping
them all three matches in straight
Continued from page 12
sets. "We're a real strong doubles
team Davis said. "When we beat
them, they were shocked
The momentum carried the
Lady Pirates into the six singles
matches tor a S-l win.
The number one seed Nicole
Catalano struggled early, but
two seeds Lacy Kinney wa?
crushed 6-0,6-0 by ECU's Jenifei
Fen ton. Number three seed Cackit
Fenwick lost a close match 7-6,6-3
to Sally Williford while the Pirates
fourth, fifth,and sixth seedseasily
coasted to straight set victories.
The most exciting match of
in the first inning, and from there
the Lady Pirates went on to score
a run in the second, and two both
in the titth and seventh innings
Tracye I firkin led ECU in their
second win over George Mason
University, 4-1. Again the I ady
Pirates tell behind but scored three
runs in the fifthinning to seal their
In the third game. ECl at
tacked tirst. Cindy Ritter scored
off a double by Leslie Cramer (2 V
1 RBI) giving them a quick I run
lead over Coastal Carolina.
Earlier in the seasonoastal
Carolina defeated ECl in a
double-header in South Carolina,
5-3 and 6-2.
The Pirates didn't score
again until the fourth inning.
Cramer, with a single and stealing
to second, was brought in after
Stephanie 1 lobson hit a deep pop
fly into left field, gi ing them a 2
IX L earned one more run in
the fifth inningafterKathySchrage
was walked and Byrne hit her
In the top ot the seventh in
ning. Coastal c arolina was threat-
ening to storc with a runner on
third. ECU pitcher, leiiiu Par-
sons, stifled their attack nd ended
Pig Skin
the game unscathed. Parsons al-
lowed no runs off two hits and
increased her record to 5-0.
"We played well said Par-
sons. "Our defense worked well
and on offense we were able to
mine our runners around
With three wins under their
K-lts. the Lady Pirates went into
the second day of the tournament
undefeated and confident 1 low
ever, m their first gamettlio
I Iniversirvstunned ECl with a 4
1 win
We weren't mentally pre-
pared, and our intensity
down We were iist sort of going
through the motions said race)
i in Saturday we were moti-
vated and intense, everybody
knew we could win Our confi
dence was sky high and every
thing w ent our way she added.
ECU found themselves in a
hole the first few innings, trying
two different pitchers before Par-
sons came in and settled things
downMuo had a three run lead
by the tilth inning and tVfanahan
said "We came out flat and we
made enough mistakes to allow
runners to get on and score.
Ohio went on to defeat .Ml
3-2, and UNC-Charlotte 3-1 tor
the Championship.
Continued from page 12
fought back to beat Witmmetons i,? i,?m? j
. , ? h 'he home stand came Thursday
Karen John 7-5,6-1. rirs. n ? ?
against Old Dominion University.
"I stopped playing tenatively The Pirates won a nail-biter 5-4
and started playing my own beating the lady Monarchs for the
game Catalano said. first time ever.
In the battle of the number See Lady Pirates, page 14
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Coach Logan and Coach Shank-
weiler said Lewis. "We re going
to take things we did last year and
make them better. In the normal
progression oi the offense, we'll
want to .dd some things
In addition to finding a start-
ing quarterback, ECU will have to
replace Walter Wilson, and look
for two tailbacks in the l-forma-
tion. after Willie Lewis and Pencil
1 larper finished their playing ca-
On defense, Lewis wants to
see more fundamentals and ag-
gressiveness. "We'll take our ba-
sic defensive package (fronts and
coverages), and come out as the
best tackling team wecanbe. We'll
not spend much time on maneu-
versand blitzing. Our players will
have to learn technique and that's
done with patient teaching and I
feel we have the ideal coaching
staff tor that said lewis.
Spring drills will give junior
inside linebacker Robert ones a
chance to shine. rhe6 J,230poun
der led ECU in tackles last season
(117) and has worked hard in the
off-season strength and i ondition-
mg program. The Blackstone, Va.
native, should be an All Ameri-
can candidate tor the I990season.
1 he Pirates will spend a lot ot
time working on special teams
Phillip Brenner came on towards
the end of the l989seasonand will
have a head start at reclaiming
placekicker duties, iohn ett also
returns as the Pi rate punter and he
should have a chance tor post
season honors.
The return units will feel the
lossof Junior Robinson. I ast year,
the kickoff return squad finished
in the top 10 in the nation, averag-
ing 233 yards per return. Junior
college transfer Dion Johnson will
get some work returning kicks
during the spring.
Spring practice will go 20
sessions with Pirates working in
full pads 15 times. Lewis will put
his squad through workouts each
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Monday and Tuesday until Easter
Preak. '
I he last week of drills will see
the Pirates going Monday.
V ednesday, 1 hursday and Satur-
day, which is the annual spring
game. Weekday practices begin
approximately 3:30 p.m. while
Saturday scrimmages get started
at 1 p.m.
March 21, 1990
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In the Locker
ECU announces the 20th annual
Sports Medicine Conference
The 20th Annual ECU Sports Medicine Conference will be held
April 6-7 at the Sports Medincine building on the ECU campus.
The conference is sponsored by the Sports Medicine Division,
Athletic Department, Department of Health, Physical Education, Rec-
reation and Safety and Division of Continuing Education ot ECU
We're very excited about putting on our 20th Annual ECU Sports
Medicine Conference said Rod Compton, ECU's Director of Sports
Medicine. "It's the first conference in the new Sports Medicine Building.
We're excited to have an opportunity to present many of the educa-
tional and clinical facilities in this new state-of-the-art facility
Among the topics to be covered are care and rehabilitation of knee
injuries, biomechanics, head and neck injuries and the legal aspects of
sports medicine.
Speakers for this year's conference include Compton, Ronnie Bar-
nes, head trainer for the NFL's New York Giants, James McCallum,
ECU'S Director of Student Health Services and Team Physician, Lau-
rence (.raham, ECU Sports Medicine Legal Consultant and Clint Th-
ompson, head trainer for Northeast Missouri State University.
- Compiled by Sports Information
Continued from page 12
awards banquet, including the
"Spoon Croon" singing competi-
tion Saturdav night.
The North Carolina Rugby
Union, established in 1975, is one
of eleven local area rugby unions,
covering twenty East Coast and
Deep South states, that make up
USA Rugby East.
USARE, in turn, is one of
four territorial organizations that
make up the United States of
America Rugbv Union. At the time
of its founding, the 'CRU in-
cluded six colleges and six city
club teams.
It has grown steadily sinceand
today includes twenty-five teams
and nearly 1,000 players. Nation-
wide, there are over 1,300 clubs
with 50,000 players.
Tournament play begins at
8:00 a.m. on both Saturday and
Sunday at the Randolph Street
fieldsat Fort Bragg. Sunday cham-
pionship finals will be played at
Eort Bragg's Hedrick Stadium.
Admission to the public for
both preliminary and champion-
ship matches is free.
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14 The East Carolinian, March 20,1990
Irving finishes high at NCAA's
Sports Information
Davis, for a fifth place finish in the
4X400 meter relay.
"This Ail-American 4X400
The Men's track team com team had a fantastic time, but an
pcted in the NCAA Indoor Track important thing to remember is
Championships and came aw av these guvs are all young, none ot
with two top five finishes in the
400-meter and 4X400-meter relay
The top eight finishers in all
events earned All-American rec-
ognition with the top five receiv-
ing awards.
ECU's Brian Irvin came in
fourth in the 400-meter in 4631.
Irvin. a sophomore, had one ot
ECU's best performances ever at
the NCAA Indoor meet.
"Irvin's time would have set
ouroutdoor record. Brian is better
that anyone realizes said men's
track coach Bill Carson
Irvin then teamed up with
freshmen Corey Brooks, Fred
Owens and William "Junior"
them have reached their peak yet,
and their all good students, also
said Carson.
"I can project that we will be
in the top eight in the country in
the4(X)-meterand the lbOO-meter
relay. I'm also looking forward to
the possibility of making it to
Nationals this year
ECU's men's and women's
track teamscame away with many
key wins in the Seahawk Invita-
tional March lOat UNI -Wilming-
Vanessa Smith lead the way
for the women's team with four
wins. Smith Uxk first place in the
100, 200 and 400-meter and was a
member of the winning 4X100-
meter relay team along with Den-
eta Roseboro, Cheryl 1 lopkins and
Chandra Cooper.
Other winners for the women
were Ann Mane Welch, who won
the 5(XXVmetenn this season'sbest
time of 17.49. Janie Row took first
place in the discus and second in
the shot put while Susan Shram
rounded out the ECU field events
with a first place finish in the shot
In the men's competition,
Dwane McC.ill, Jeff Shoemake,
Udon Cheek and Cray Wright took
first place in the 4X400-meter re-
lay with a time of 3:14.16. Wright
also finished first in the 400-meter
dash with a time of 48.89 while
McC.ill finished second.
Cheeks took second in the 400-
meter hurdles in 57.17, and Brian
Williams took second in the 110-
meter hurdles in 14.50.
The 1990 Lady Pirate Softball team has a 15-5 record on the season aftersplitting a doubleheader with Ohio
University Monday atternoon (Photo courtesy of Sports Information)
runs in the fifth to finish their
scoring. Chanel Hooker, who ran
for Hobson, was advanced on a
Schrage bunt and and base hit by
Rittcr then scored after Laura
Crowder got a base hit and Chn
Bvme hit a sacrifice fly, giving
ECU a 8-1 lead
In the sixth inning, the first
two OL' batters got on base and
Tarsons then walked the next.
With the bases loaded Parsons
then knocked off two batters.
On the next batter, a Parsons
pitch got away from catcher Tracy
Kee and O.U. scored. After the
one run scoring, Parsons pitched
ousted the next batter to end the
"Our defense just never gave
up, and we didn't give them any-
thing said Hobson.
The second game was not
what the Lady Pirates had ex-
pected, 013 scored five runs in the
first inning off ECU pitcher Tra-
cye Lirkin
"In the first inning they (OL)
started hitting and they just kept
Continued from page 12
on hitting said Manahan
The Lady Pirates scored one
run in the first by Ritter, and one
run in the sixth off an RBI by Chns
Bvrne. Bvrne now leads the team
with 20 RBI's.
Sagl replaced Larkin in the
second inning and downed her
first three batters. Sagl pitched six
innings and allowed five hits and
three runs, and struck-out three
The loss dropped the Lady
Piratesto IS-on the season. Thev
travel to Fairfax, Virginia this
weekend for the Patriot Invitation.
Lady Pirates
Continued from page 13
The team played tough in the
doubles and beat ODD 2-1.ata
lanoFenwick for ECU won in
three sets 7-6, 1-6, 6-2, while Fen-
tonBuck dropped their match by
the same score to ODU'S Strlic
Peterson. The third team for ECU
of HarveyPerna defeated
RiehmMorns 6-2, 6-3.
The singles matches were
closer as the teams split the
matches 3-3. The Pirates got ?i
break early as OI )L s number one
seed D. Karlen forfeited the singles
due to heat exhaustion.
ECU'S Jenifer Fenton and
Cackie Fenwick lost in straight sets
while fourth seed Kell Buck took
the Monarchs' P. Peterson three
sets onlv to lose a close one 641, 3-
Hie Pirates sixth seed Wend v
Perna has been playing well latelv
and continued her succesby beat-
ing L. Morris easily 6-1,6-1.
"I had a kU of good vollevs
and put aways at the net Perna
said. I was plaving really consis-
With ECU needing the last
match to win, captain Kim Flar-
vev came through brilliantly beat-
ing I. Reihm in three sets 4-6, 6-1,
7-3. After dropping the first sot.
Harvey made some necessary
"Thesecond set I started play-
ing mv game and came to the net
mote said 1 larvev. "Her(Reihm)
kev weakness was her backhand;
I kept nailing it there and she gave
Against Howard University.
the Tirates' coasted to an 8-1 vic-
The onlv loss came as ECU's
Cackie Fenwick lost 6-1, 7-6 to
Stephanie Johnson. All the other
matches, including the doubles,
were won in straight sets by the
Ixidv Pirates.
ECU's second seeded Fenton
had a simple, but effective strat-
egy in beating Howards ikki
lhorton 6-3,6-2.
"1 knew I had to keep the ball
in plav and she would make the
mistakes Fenton si id.
The Pirates will now take their
6-3 record on the road to take on
Peace College Wedensdav and
American University Saturday
Continued from page 12
UNC-Asheville leading 7-2, Bell
pitched three scoreless innings,
giving up only three hits and two
walks. Pirate head coach Overton
had no excuses for the ECU loss.
"We simply didn't play well
enough to win Overton said.
"We played a team (UNC-
Asheville) that was ready to play.
You really have to give them a lot
of credit
The Bulldog starting pitcher,
Mike Moore, gained his first vic-
tory of the season by throwing
seven innings. He allowed two
runs on eight hits. Moore also
fanned three Pirates and walked
four. UNC-Asheville brought in
relief pitcher Phillip Mullinax to
throw the last inning. He struck
out two batters in one inning
The second consecutive de-
feat gave the Pirates an overall
record of 19-3, while the Bulldogs
improved its record to 5-10.
The Pirates ended the two-
game losing streak by roasting the
Howard Bison 13-4 on March 17 at
Harrington Field.
The Bison struck first when
thev scored three runs in the first
junior Howard House
doubled with oneout. AfterCluey
Hargrove struck out, Lee Jones
kept the inning alive when he
singled in House. Ira Holland
responded with a two-run hom-
erun, giving the Bison an early 3-
The Pirates then tied up the
game when Adams reached first
on an error. Tommy Eason fol-
lowed with a single. Clean-up
hitter Calvin Brown flied out with
men in scoring position.
With two outs in the first in-
ning, John Cast doubled in Adams
to keep the inning alive. Short
followed with a double, scoring
Gast and Eason. The game was
tied at three after one inning.
Pirate ace-pitcher Jonathan
Jenkins, who is now 5-0 on the
season, gave up only one more
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run in the fifth inning. Jenkins
fanned seven batters in his com-
plete game.
The Bucs increased the lead 8-
3 in the third when Eason and
Brown hit homeruns. Godin
doubled in Gast to score another
run. Eason had two hits in four
trips to the plate.
The Pirate barrage continued
as ECU scored three more runs in
the fourth inning. With Riggs on
third, Adams doubled in the run.
Thanks to a Bison wild pitch, the
Pirates got another run.
While the Bison offense sput-
tered, ECU kept scoring runs. With
the lead 11-4 after five innings,
Yarborough doubled in two more
runs. Bison pitcher Robert
Gorham threw to 16 batters. He
gave up five walks and three hits.
The Pirate win increased the
overall record to 20-3 while the
Howard Bison fall to 0-9. The sec-
ond game of the doubleheader was
rained out.
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The East Carolinian, March 20, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 20, 1990
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