The East Carolinian, March 15, 1990

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?he iEaat (ftantltmatt
Sewing the 'East Carolina campus community since lq25
Vol. M No. IS
Thursday March 15, 1990
Creenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Police search for
suspect in attack
B Shannon Buckley
Slat! Writer
A white female and former E( I student m her early 20s was as-
saulted on March 4 bv a black male
According lo 1 t Rhonda t lurley of EC U Public Satetv. the victim
lott a party on Biltmore Street around 5 a m. on March 4 and went to
Overton s Supermarket to buy a sett drink When she returned to
Biltmore Street she was attacked and verbally threatened by a black
When the suspect came in contact with the victim she began
screaming and at that point he struck her in thefacc with a broken beer
bottle and ran I airlev said
Three males saw the incident and chased the attacker on to 1 itth
Street near the Cotten, Fleming and arvis residence halls area Hie
attacker then turned to the males and shiok his list at them making
verbal threats At this point the males backed ott and the suspet I ran
tt i iurle said
"he ' was treated tor racial injuries and released from 1'itt
t, ounr Mi moi il I lospital.
Accord ? I ? the victim was intoxicated at the time of the
attack and was unable to fully describe the perpetrator ! lowever, she
did describe the att.u ker as being ol a eragc build and about 6 6" in
height She added that he was (lean shaven and had loseut hair, t hi
the mornir I the incident, he was vvearing a lone, dark coat and light
colored pants "he v ictim reported that she last saw her attacker by the
hedges north i I irvis Residence Hall.
1-c I Pul Saf t along with the Creenville Police Department
responded I " incident The Greenville Police Dept. is currently
invest! the a aull nvone having information on the incident is
asked ireenvilie Police Dept. at R30 4315
Drug Awareness Week
Activities seek to
educate and entertain
said "We like to go beyond 'lust
v-a No. We want to let (pe :
know the facts about drugs in
? ?? that thev can make respon
Bv Kimberly Brothers
st.nt Writei
ECU is observii third
Natiinal ; Aware
nessWeek Mai ' I 2 by sched
uling lei tun s i p n dis ussions
and spec ial table displa) s on drug
abuse as well as holding a movie
and a COi k out
i his event, alone, with the
Collegiate Alcohol Awareness
Week scheduled each tobcr is
sponsored by an international
coalition ot campus , ? itions
in cooperation with the American
( ouncil on Education and the I s
Department of i ducatii i
A c ampus w ide plann
committee consisting ot the Resi-
dence Hall Association, the Inter-
Fraternity Coui llenic,
Intramural Ser ices, ECI : 'ublii
Safer) Substai ? '? I . reven
tion and 1 I i
( HI S,thcStu
,nd C aroline
rraining plant
David Susina, I ire tor of
Substance Abuse Pn vention and
Education and c oordination chair-
man of Drue, Awareness Week,
? ? liter, d
ut II' iltli enter
kei - mal
i the week's a
rheSubstance Abuse( enter's
philosophy on drug abuse is to
"useeducation as a kev to preven-
ti( n, he added.
We don't want to make it
sound like we're ust preaching,
said Susina. We want people to
learn and to enjoy that learning
I he 1990 Drue, Awareness
Week schedule includes several
panel and groupdiscussionsbeing
held in Mendenhall Studenten
ter Social Room. arious display
tables and information booths will
be located in front of the Student
Store and in Mendenhall student
(enter March 20 and 21 trom 10
a m. until 2 p m
i n Monday, I r fames Mc
i allumoftheE( I Student Health
Ser i c, I r lames Westmoreland
of the K L ()ffice olareer Plan
nun; and Placement, Greenville
physician Dr. George Klein and
Yale Corporation executive 1 arrv
1 lamby will present the topit of
drug testing in "Your t areer and
See Drugs, page 3
Lonise Bias mother of basketball'r- ??? I in fao ne overdor- ke trom a
personal perspective Tuesday night at M tudent Center on the need for young
stand the effects of drug use (Photo by Garrett Killian :U Photo I ab)
Death of son
spurs anti-
drug lecturer
By Mary Anne Ullery
Staff Writer
The public is quite familiar
with the "lust sav no" ads that
feature various celebrities appeal-
ing t( i Amerk a s better judgement.
The ads are professionally done
and blend in with the mainstream
of television's programing. Some
have argued that tor this reason
the message against drugs has been
But one person who has not
lost the messsage and the determi-
nation to spread that message is
1 .onise Bias, mi ttherof basketball's
1 en Bias who died of a cocaine
Mrs Bias lecture on March
I?, at 8 p.m. in Hendrix Theatre
took her audience on a rough
roller oster ride of intense oration
on the dangers of drug and alcohol
abuse Throughout the one hour
A'Ad 15 minute lecture. Mrs Bias
discussed drugs, alcohol ana sex,
but her most powerful message
and her most important one was
that "the world is full of foolish-
ness I ake vourown stand and BF
YOl HRSEI I I hat wayyou'll cam
respei t or rid of others
"he lecture w a -the kick off for
Drug Awareness Week March 19-
sponsored b : I lUSand
the Student I nion in hopes of
spreading drug awan ness to the
E I and (Ireen ille Community
Mrs Bias is a wife and mother
Ol three I he death of her son in
1986 inspired her to bring drug
awareness to people She travels
around the nation to different
universities, churches and public
groups spreading her word "Len
See Bias, page 2
Soviet professor to speak on Perestroika
Bv April Draughn
Staff Writer
' The impact of Perestroika on
the I ifestylcsoftheSoviet People"
is the theme ol a let ture to be held
in Generallassroom Building
Room 1028 at i lflp.m on March
16 I he featured lei turer is 1 'r
ikita Pokrovsky, an associate
professor o( phil ? and soci-
ologyat M"s? ???
rhetoj icoft
tered around the present condi
tionsand lifestvlesof the people of
the Soviet 1 nion and how those
issues play a role in public opin-
ion Tune will be provided after
? iversin,
ti ire is t en
let ture tor the audience to
participate in a discussion about
the rei enl turmoil in the S
Pokrovskv has had main
works on social philosophy pub-
lished 1 lis works deal mostly with
the aspects of humanism, aesthet-
ics ulture, and cultural relati i
mong his books on social phi-
losophy are' rheMazeol 1 oneli-
ness" published in 1989 and " I he
Philosophy of Henrv David
Ihoreau' published in IWs 1
Among Pokrovsky's other
honorsarehisfellowshipsrc eived
in 1989fromtheNational 1 lumani-
ties Center and the Andrew Mel-
lon Foundation He works with
? So ii ?logi( al Association
in Mos, ow jnd the Philosophical
Association of the lsR also in
Dr. Maurice Simon, director
of International Studies which is
sponsoring the lecture said. 1 his
lei ture represents an outstanding
opportunit) tor students to dis-
cuss or hear first-hand trom an
educated So ? en the daily
experiences under Perestroika
students should relish the oppor-
tunitv to ask and discuss current
Soviet affairs with Pokrovskv
Next week there will be a
symposium dealing with the So-
viet Union and Eastern Europe
titled 'Dilemmas of the New
Democracy in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe "
rhe symposium isdivided into
two parts, the tirst being on March
22 in the School Of Nursing Audi-
torium trom 7:30-9-30 p.m. titled
Soviet-East European Relations
in the 1990s' and the second ses-
sion will bo conducted on March
2 ; in lenkins Auditorium trom 9 -
11 a m called Domestic Develop-
ments in the I SSR and Eastern
I here is no admission charge
tor the lecture and the public is
invited to attend.
Conference explores new directions
Elizabeth Koon a (unior in medical record administration, and
others enjoyed a warm and sunny Wednesday (Photo by J D
Whitmire ? ECU Photo I ab)
By April Draughn
Staff Writer
I low to Act I ocallyand Think
( .loballv" is the theme tor .i devel-
opmental contereni e to be held on
March l7from 10 ISa.m 4:15p.m.
in the Mendenhall Student (en-
ter This i onference will provide a
chance tor those interested to look
at global issucsand toexplorehow
to get involved with such issues
on a local level
The onference will begin with
a keynote address at 11 a.m. by
lane Yella who now serves as
president of Jubilee Popular Edu-
cation Center in N.C. Her devel-
opmental experience includes 27
years in Tanzania where she ob-
served Paulo Freire, known for his
book "Pedagogy of the
Oppressed After the keynote
there will bea lunch recess from 12
p m 1 p m
After luni h, there will be two
workshop blot ks the tirst ot vvhu h
will start .it 1 p m and the second
beginning at 2:15 pin Both work
shops will include the same ses-
sions which are entitled "Educat-
ing tin- Community "Myths
about Development '( irassroots
Organizing in Eastern C and
"Development and "i our Work
Educating the Community
will be conducted bv lane Vella
"Myths about Development" will
be led by Ed King who has done
work in Chile and is now director
of the North Carolina office for
C hurch World Services and CROP.
Sarah Fields-Davis,directorol
Community Services at theenter
for Women's Economic Alterna-
tives in Ahoskie, N.C, will direct
"(rassriKits Organizing in East
em N.C
The fourth workshop entitled
"Development and Your Work"
will be presented by Dr Gay
Wilentzand ohnSabella who have
served in the Peace Corps m Af-
rica and I atin America. Presently,
Sabella serves as rural educator,
organic farmer, and doctoral can-
didate forState University.
Wilent now teaches African. Afro-
American and C aribheanliterature
at IX I
Michelle Thompson, president
of ODN at ECU and a student of
psychology and Spanish, said re-
ferring to the conference, "Its sta u-
ment is one of making linkages
domestically as wellasabroad. We
are hoping to serve as a network-
ing umbrella tor grassroot-ori-
ented work be it environmental,
social educational, or develop-
mental It we all work together,
necessary change will take its natu-
ral order
Another member of ODN who
also teaches English at ECU, Mike
Hamer, wants the conference to
open up new directions tor
people" and hopes that it will
generate some new ideas on what
is possible in development. I lamer
was a Vista Volunteer which is the
American counterpart to the Peace
Corps in Pitt Co. from 1974-1975.
When asked what he hopes the
conference will accomplish Hamer
responded, 1 hope people might
get energized about the whole
question of how do we think glob-
ally and act locally I hop' that a lot
ot undergraduates will go to the
conference because I think we will
be talking about matters that could
inspire someone in hisor her choice
of career
The conference will end with
See ODN, page 3
Re-evaluating the
noise ordinance: the city
owes it to the community
State and Nation8
Washington debates
Nicaraguan aid
Local band, in-limbo.
gets its start at the Deli
ECU baseball remains
undefeated after 18
Don't miss this edition of
ECU Today. The East
Carolinian's bi-weekly
satire tabloid!

(Ufa ?nBt Carolinian
Serving tkt 'Last Carolina campus community since 192$
Vol. 64 No. 18
Thursday March 15,1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Police search for
suspect in attack
By Shannon Buckley
Staff Writer
A white female and former ECU student in her early 20s was as-
saulted on March 4 by a black male.
According to Lt. Rhonda Gurley of ECU Public Safety, the victim
left a party on Biltmore Street around 5 a.m. on March 4 and went to
Overton's Supermarket to buy a soft drink. When she returned to
Biltmore Street she was attacked and verbally threatened by a black
"When the suspect came in contact with the victim she began
screaming, and at that point, he struck her in the face with a broken beer
bottle and ran Gurley said.
Three males saw the incident and chased the attacker on to Fifth
Street near the Cottcn, Fleming and Jarvis residence halls area. The
attacker then turned to the males and shook his fist at them making
verbal threats. "At this point the males backed off and the suspect ran
off Gurley said.
The victim was treated for facial injuries and released from Pitt
County Memorial Hospital.
According to Gurley, the victim was intoxicated at the time of the
attack and was unable to fully describe the perpetrator. However, she
did describe the attacker as being of average build and about 66" in
height. She added that he was clean shaven and had close cut hair. On
the morning of the incident, he was wearing a long dark coat and light
colored pants. The victim reported that she last saw her attacker by the
hedges north of larvis Residence Hall.
ECU Public Safety along with the Greenville Police Department
responded to the incident. The Greenville Police Dept. is currently
investigating the assault. Anyone having information on the incident is
asked to call the Greenville Police Dept. at 830-4315.
Drug Awareness Week
Activities seek to
educate and entertain
By Kimberly Brothers
Staff Writer
ECU is observing the third
National Collegiate Drug Aware-
ness Week March 19-23 by sched-
uling lectures, open discussions
and special table displays on drug
abuse as well as holding a movie
and a cook-out.
This event, along with the
Collegiate Alcohol Awareness
Week scheduled each October, is
sponsored by an international
coalition of campus organizations
in cooperation with the American
Council on Education and the U.S.
Department of Education.
A campus-wide planning
committee consisting of the Resi-
dence Hall Association, the Inter-
Fraternity Council, Panhcllenic,
Intramural-Services, ECU Public
Safety, Substance Abuse Preven-
tion and Education Center, BAC-
CHUS, the Student Health Center
and Caroline Tucker of Regional
Training planned the week's ac-
David Susina, Director of
Substance Abuse Prevention and
Education andcoordinationchair-
man of Drug Awareness Week,
said, "We like to go beyond 'just
Say No We want to let (people)
know the facts about drugs in
hopes that they can make respon-
sible decisions
TheSubstance AbuseCenter's
philosophy on drug abuse is to
"use education as a key to preven-
tion he added.
"We don't want to make it
sound like we're just preaching
said Susina. "We want people to
learn and to enjoy that learning
The 1990 Drug Awareness
Week schedule includes several
panel and groupdiscussions being
held in Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter Social Room. Various display
tables and information booths will
be located in front of the Student
Store and in Mendenhall Student
Center March 20 and 21 from 10
a.m. until 2 p.m.
On Monday, Dr. James Mc-
CallumoftheECU Student Health
Service, Dr. James Westmoreland
of the ECU Office of Career Plan-
ning and Placement, Greenville
physician Dr. George Klein and
Yale Corporation executive Larry
Hamby will present the topic of
drug testing in "Your Career and
See Drugs, page 3
Elizabeth Koon, a junior in medical record administration, and
others enjoyed a warm and sunny Wednesday. (Photo by J.D.
Whttmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Lonise Bias, mother of basketballs Len Bias who died in 1986 of a cocaine overdose, spoke from a
personal perspective Tuesday night at Mendenhall Student Center on the need tor young people to under-
stand the effects of drug use. (Photo by Garrett Killian ? ECU Photo Lab)
Death of son
spurs anti-
drug lecturer
By Mary Anne Ullery
Staff Writer
The public is quite familiar
with the "Just say no" ads that
feature various celebrities appeal-
ing to America's better judgement
The ads are professionally done
and blend in with the mainstream
of television's programing. Some
have argued that for this reason
the message against drugs has been
But one person who has not
lost the messsage and the determi-
nation to spread that message is
Lonise Bias, mother of basketball's
Len Bias who died of a cocaine
Mrs. Bias' lecture on March
12, at 8 p.m. in Hendrix Theatre
took her audience on a rough
rollercoster nde of intense oration
on thedangersofdrugand alcohol
abuse. Throughout the one hour
and 15 minute lecture, Mrs. Bias
discussed drugs, alcohol and sex,
but her most powerful message
and her most important one was
that "the world is full of foolish-
ness. Take your own stand and BE
YOURSELF That way you'll gain
respect of yourself and of others
The lecture was the kick off for
Drug Awareness Week (March 19-
23) sponsored by BACCHUS and
the Student Union in hopes of
spreading drug awareness to the
ECU and Greenville Community.
Mrs. Bias is a wife and mother
of three. The death of her son in
1986 inspired her to bring drug
awareness to people. She travels
around the nation to different
universities, churches and public
groups spreading her word. Ten
See Bias, page 2
Soviet professor to speak on Perestroika
By April Draughn
Staff Writer
'The Impact of Perestroika on
the Lifestyles of the Soviet People"
is the theme of a lecture to be held
in General Classroom Building
Room 1028 at 1:30 p.m. on March
16. The featured lecturer is Dr.
Nikita Pokrovsky, an associate
professor of philosophy and soci-
ology at Moscow State University.
The topic of the lecture is cen-
tered around the present condi-
tions and lifestyles of the people of
the Soviet Union and how those
issues play a role in public opin-
ion. Time will be provided after
the lecture for the audience to
participate in a discussion about
the recent turmoil in the Soviet
Pokrovsky has had many
works on social philosophy pub-
lished. His worksdeal mostly with
the aspects of humanism, aesthet-
ics, culture, and cultural relations.
Among his books on social phi-
losophy are 'The Maze of Loneli-
ness" published in 1989 and "The
Philosophy of Henry David
Thoreau" published in 1983.
Among Pokrovsky's other
honorsarehisfcllowships received
in 1989 from the National Humani-
ties Center and the Andrew Mel-
lon Foundation. He works with
the Soviet Sociological Association
in Moscow and the Philosophical
Association of the USSR also in
Dr. Maurice Simon, director
of International Studies which is
viet Union and Eastern Europe
titled "Dilemmas of the New
Democracy in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe
The symposium isdivided into
two parts, the first being on March
22 in the School of Nursing Audi-
sponsoring the lecture said, "This torium from 7:30-930 p.m. titled
lecture represents an outstanding
opportunity for students to dis-
cuss or hear first-hand from an
educated Soviet citizen the daily
experiences under Perestroika.
Students should relish the oppor-
tunity to ask and discuss current
Soviet affairs with Pokrovsky
Next week there will be a
symposium dealing with the So-
"Soviet-East European Relations
in the 1990s" and the second ses-
sion will be conducted on March
23 in Jenkins Auditorium from 9 -
11 a.m. called "DomesticDevelop-
ments in the USSR and Eastern
There is no admission charge
for the lecture and the public is
invited to attend.
Conference explores new directions
By April Draughn
Staff Writer
"How to Act Locally and Think
Globally" is the theme for a devel-
opmental conference to be held on
March 17froml0:l5a.m4:l5p.m.
in the Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter. This conference will provide a
chance for those interested to look
at global issucsand toexplorehow
to get involved with such issues
on a local level.
The conference will begin with
a keynote address at 11 a.m. by
Jane Vella who now serves as
president of Jubilee Popular Edu-
cation Center in N.C. Her devel-
opmental experience includes 27
years in Tanzania where she ob-
served Paulo Freire, known for his
book "Pedagogy of the
Oppressed After the keynote
there will be a lunch recess from 12
p.m1 p.m.
After lunch, there will be two
workshop blocks the first of which
will start at 1 p.m. and the second
beginning at 2:15 p.m. Both work-
shops will include the same ses-
sions which arc entitled "Educat-
ing the Community "Myths
about Development "Grassroots
Organizing in Eastern N.C" and
"Development and Your Work
"Educating the Community "
will be conducted by Jane Vella.
"Myths about Development" will
be led by Ed King who has done
work in Chile and is now director
of the North Carolina office for
Church World Services and CROP.
Sarah Fields-Davis, directorof
Community Services at the Center
for Women's Economic Alterna-
tives in Ahoskie, N.C, will direct
"Grassroots Organizing in East-
ern N.C"
The fourth workshop entitled
"Development and Your Work"
will be presented by Dr. Gay
Wilentz and John Sabel la who have
served in the Peace Corps in Af-
rica and Latin America. Presently,
Sabella serves as rural educator,
organic farmer, and doctoral can-
didate for N.C State University.
Wilentz now teaches African, Afn
American and Caribbean literature
at ECU.
Michelle Thompson, president
of ODN at ECU and a student of
psychology and Spanish, said re-
ferring to theconferenceltsstate-
ment is one of making linkages
domestically aswellasabroad. We
are hoping to serve as a network-
ing umbrella for grassroot-ori-
ented work be it environmental,
social, educational, or develop-
mental. If we all work together,
necessary change will take its natu-
ral order
Another member of ODN who
also teaches English at ECU, Mike
Hamer, wants the conference to
"open up new directions for
people" and hopes that it will
generate some new ideas on what
is possible in development. Hamer
was a Vista Volunteer which is the
American counterpart to the Peace
Corps in Pitt Co. from 1974-1975.
When asked what he hopes the
conference will accomplish Hamer
responded, "1 hope people might
get energized about the whole
question of how do we think glob-
ally and act locally. I hope that a lot
of undergraduates will go to the
conference because I think we will
inspire someone in his or her choice
of career
The conference will end with
See ODN, page 3
Re-evaluating the
noise ordinance: the city
owes it to the community
Classifieds 8
State and Nation8
Washington debates
Nicaraguan aid
Local band, in-iimbo,
gets its start at the Deli
ECU baseball remains
undefeated after 18
Don't miss this edition of
ECU Today, The East
Carolinian's bi-weekly
satire tabloid)

2 The East Carolinian, March 15,1990
ECU Briefs
Impact of child abuse discussed
The problems ot child abuse in North Carolina will be the focus for
an address by iohn NiblocW, executive director of the N.C. Child
Advocacy Institute at 6:30 p.m. today in Mendcnhall Student Center
The theme ol child abuse continues on Friday with a conference
dealing with the impact of child abuse on families, schools and the
criminal justice system. Representatives from social work and criminal
justice agencies will attend the conference in the ECU Student Center
which begins at 9 am
Both events are sponsored by the ECU School of Social Work
Club's show to raise money for ECU
The East Carolina University Club, fomerly known as the ECU
Women s Club will hold its annual spring fashion show today at the
1 lilton Inn, beginning at 7 p.m.
Adult and youth apparel from Brody's will be modeled by mem
bers, their spouses and their children during the event. Desserts will be
served, and a cash bar will be available. Alsoi featured will be a rattle
and door prizes.
Tickets to the fashion show .ire $10 each and may be ordered by
telephoning 355 7520, 355 7839 or 75h 77h3. Proceeds from the show
will be donated to E( I 's campus wide boautification project.
International studies offered by ECU
ECU iscxploring the possibility of establishing exchange opportu-
nities for students and faculty with 1 eu ester University in England.
1 he ECU Officeol International Studies said representatives from
Leicester would visit the campus March 14-16 to confer with ECU
officials and to provide information about Leicester The university
offers a wide variety ot programs in the sciences, humanities, social
sciences ,ix well as opportunities in business, music and art.
International Studies officials said students could be exchanged as
eariy as the fall semester (it tins year.
National Campus Clips
Members lobby for better aid
More than liX students from across the nation lobbied members ot
the U.S. Congress, n financial aid and other campus issues as part of the
United States Student Association National Student I obby Day March
A USSA representative said the students lobbied on issues includ-
ing ecomonic access tor all student recruitment of new teachers,
student empowerment and civil rights Students concentrated on the
Higher Education Act. which is due to be reauthorized soon, he said.
Specifically, the lobbyists requested a better balance in the number
of available grants to loans, increased access to higher education for
underrepresented students, more attention to the needs of middle
income students, abolition ot student loan fees, elimination ot extrane-
ous requirements tor student aid and simplified loan and grant appli-
About 1 ,200 people gathered on the west steps (it the Capitol after
the students finished lobbying for a rally.
IFC of Tulane wins SEIFC award
During a convention in Atlanta, Ga the Southeastern Intertrater-
nity Council, which comprises 70 Intertraternitv Councils across the
Southeast, honored the PC oi Tulane University with the SHIF:C Pro-
gramming Award. "This award should serve as a standard for other
IFCs to emulate on their campuses Assistant Vice President of Student
Affairs Louis Stark said. The IFC ot Tulane University won the award
because oi its efforts to cooperate with local residents by creating the
Standing Neighborhood Relations Committee. The committee helped
maintain the area clean where the fraternities are located and also
innovated a procedure throughout which neighbors can register com-
plaints. Hie II C oi Tulane said that those programs have had a major
impact on relations with the neighborhood community.
Indiana favors building of prison
According to Indiana State University criminology professors, ISU
would benefit from the construction of a 54 million state prison 30
miles from Terre Haute "The prison creates jobs for students and
possibilities ot student teaching Shela Van Ness, an assistant enmi-
nologv professor said.
"Whatever community this prison goes to will reap alot of bene-
fits Van Ness said, fobs would open up in diverse fields such as
correction, recreation and would boost community businesses. Intern-
ships would also be available tor all departments, according to Van
Ness. Being close to Vigo County and ISU would benefit the prison
because they could provide it with guards, teachers and psychologists,
according to Mark Hamm, an associate criminology professor.
? .mpiitU r?v VmUru TcmUnmbd)ttui
Tradition continues
at area restaurant
By joey Jenkins
News Fditor
Despite the citv's ban on per-
mits to exceed the noise ordinance,
Durryi's 1907 Restaurant will still
celebrate its annual St Patrick's
Day party Saturday after making
previous arrangements with the
city and local residents.
City of Greenville attorney
Mac McCarlev explained that
there were two types ot noise
permits that the city can issue for
events such as the ParrvTs party.
One is the Permit to Exceed, which
allows the noise at an outdoor
event to exceed the regulated level
of 70 decibels tor a specific length
of time This permit, however, was
eliminated by the city council in
October 184.
The other permit is an Out-
door Amplified Sound Permit and
is required for all events, indoor
or outdoor, that produceelectroni-
cally amplified noise that can be
heardoutsidt. The permit restricts
the decibel range of the noise
generated at an event by time of
day, day (if week and the use ot
the property from which the sound
is coming.
The ParrvTs "Shamrockin'
into the 90s party is being al-
lowed under the l hitdoor Ainpli
fled Sound Permit The noise limit
for the Saturday party, which will
feature two live bands and will
last from noon until 4 p.m. is 70
decibels roughly equivalent lo
the noise of loud traffic
McCarlev said that the
DarrvTs St. Patrick's Day event
should not run into any problems
as long as they stay within the
boundaries (if the permit
Assistant Ceneral Manager for
DarrvTs Bryan Blum said that the
restaurant has taken many pre-
cautions in organizing the event.
Blum said that he has talked and
left letters with a couple of
hundred residents living near the
restaurant in order to explain the
event. He added that he has spo-
ken with the bands and that "thev
are going to do their best to stay
within the guidelines (of the per-
Caroline Post, DarrvTs gen
eral manager, also emphasized the
concern that she said has gone
into the planning oi the event.
"We really want to do this in a
respxmsible fashion that's why
we're putting so many people on
(duty for the party); that's why
we're doing it during the day;
that's why we're limiting the
amount (if time we're doing it for
"We really don't want it to
disrupt the city; we just want the
citv and anyone else who likes
The Amateurs to just have a good
timeonSt.Patnck'sDav she said.
"We want people to enjoy
themselves and not disrupt the
community and just try to stay
with the tradition of St. Patrick's
"Shamrockin' into the '90s" will
feature The Amateurs, a reggae
band, and will be Una ted in
ParrvTs parking lot.
It's your newspaper.
(Director of' Advertxsvu
James FJ. McKee
To Your Health
Myth of recreational drug exposed
Bv Suzanne Kellerman
Student Health Center, 757-6794
On Monday, Mrs. Louise Bias spoke on cam-
pus concerning the wide use of drugs bv college
students. One drug that she spoke on, cocaine, is
widely used on college campuses and to some
considered a recreational drug. Current research
has refuted this myth.
Cocaine is an extract of the leaves of the
ervthroxvon coca plant It is an odorless, colorless
to white substance in a crystalline or powdery con-
sistency. Cocaine acts as a stimulant drug and has
main similar effects o- the brain and body as an
amphetamine, though it is not chemically related.
Manv people think cocaine use is safe since it does not create physical
dependence and withdrawal as does heroin. But these people are
When a person uses cocaine on a regular basis, a dependence for the
brain stimulation they encounter is created. Every individual has
specialized brain circuits that are activated by life's everyday pleasures.
Cocaine seems to overwhelm these circuits and confuse the individual
I as to what is biologically and physiologically important. The person
then becomes self-consumed in their drive for a cocaine "high This is
when psychological dependency to the drug sets in.
Dependence on cocaine can create a long list of medical problems,
steady physical deterioration, and general health failure. Other effects
can be loss of energy, insomnia, sore throats, nosebleeds, sinus prob-
lems, runny nose, lost sex drive or decreased sexual performance. From
the psychiatric perspective, depression, panic, delusions, loss of inter-
See Cocaine, page 3
Suzanne Kellerman
Continued from page 1
Bias died to save you not to enter-
tain you, in death he is your free-
She intently believes that the
young people need to be aware of
the need oi change and that the
biggest problem is supply and
demand. The best solution is to
educate the supply, thus the de-
mand will be eliminated. Bv these
lectures she hopes to "use a choir
to spread the words
The bulk oi Mrs. Bias' speech
wasconcentrated on the "Six Lies"
that people tell themselves, hey
If I buy the right stuff,
people will like me
? If 1 join the nght clique,
people will like me.
It 1 do what the group's
doing, I'll be cool.
-If I disobey authority, 111 be
- If I was only cuter, taller,
thinner etc. I'd be happier.
It won't happen to me.
The theme of these lies is just
to believe m yourself and get to
know yourself. "Do it the way you
believe not the way others belive
When you love yourself, only then
can you love others, and that is the
key to happiness Bias said.
Mrs. Bias ex posed so me fright
ening statistics during her lecture
She staled that alcohol relate acci
dents are the number one killer of
today's youth and suicide is num-
ber two. What was much more
gripping was the projected num-
ber one killer of youth within the
next three years ? AIDS. Even
worse four out of 10 people on
college campuses across the na-
tion have been exposed to the dis-
Mrs. Bias ended on a compel-
ling note ? "find wisdom Walk
in the way of understanding, she
said. "This lecture is a light in the
darkness to show you the foot-
steps At the end of every storm,
there is a new beginning
t;uy J. Harvey
Shay Sitiiner
Adam T. Blankenship
Phillip V. (Ope
Kellev O'Connor
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Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930
University Amoco758-9976

The East Carolinian, March 15,1990 3
Petition calls for higher GPAs for officials
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
More than 400 ECU students
have signed a petition calling for a
raise in the minimum grade point
average from 2.0 to 2.5 for the
executive offices of Student Gov-
ernment Association president,
vice president and treasurer.
For the change to go into ef-
fect, 13 percent of the student body,
totaling 2,404 students, must sign
the petition before it can be placed
on the ballot in the next election.
Twenty percent of the student
body has to vote in that election,
and the bill must then pass by two-
thirds of the votes for it to be writ-
ten into the SGA Constitution.
A similar bill was brought up
tor a vote in the Feb. 20, 1990
meeting of the SGA. Author of the
bill, Scott Residence Hall Repre-
sentative Michael Hadley, argued
during the meeting that the GPA
should be raised to 2.2 in order to
set the academic standards higher
for student leaders. Other SGA
members argued that to be an ef-
fective student leader, character
and dedication are needed.
The legislature denied ap-
proval of the amendment by a voice
Hadley is now using another
route to get his bill passed. If he
does not collect the required
amount of signatures one week
before the election on March 28,
Hadlev said he will aim for the
election in the fall of 1990. "The
sooner the better Hadley said.
"I'm being realistic though
Under the new change, stu-
dents who run for SGA executive
offices would have to have a 2.5
GrA and maintain it throughout
their term in office. Hadley said he
was open to flexibility in deter-
mining the 2.5 minimum. "I'm
open to 2.45, I'm not set in stone
about the 2.5 Hadley said.
Hadley said he believes that
the GPA raise would give the stu-
dent leaders more credibility,
especially when dealing in situ-
ations with the Greenville City
Council. He also said that since the
SGA president is a member of the
ECU Board of Trustees, he should
be taken seriously, and therefore
heshould takehisgrades seriously.
"This is an educational insti-
tution,and if wcdon't have enough
respect to have some academic
excellence in our leaders, then why
should people like the Greenville
City Council want to deal with
them Hadley said.
Yet, SGA President Tripp
Roakes disagrees. "I don't think a
Continued from page 1
leader should be judged com-
pletely by his GPA Roakes said.
"1 can't see the change making a
big difference.
"Being in office is a full time
job. I have had to put in sometimes
10, 20, 30 hours a week. I've put
100 percent dedication to this job.
I've had to miss classes to do so.
I've sacrificed my grades. Going
into the position, someone might
have a 2.5 GPA but a lot has to be
Members of Phi Sigma Phi
honor fraternity and Gamma Beta
Phi are helping Hadley acquire
signatures, and many ECU groups
have already signed the petition.
"Almost all of the women's bas-
ketball team have signed it
Hadley said.
Booths will be set up today in
front of the student store and the
Croatan for the petition.
Well-Being" at 5 p.m and the
members of the ECU BACCHUS
organization will sponsor "Dead-
liest Weapon in America: Drink-
ing and Driving" at 7 p.m.
Tom Savidge, director of the
PittCounty Adolescent Substance
Abuse Program, will hold "Begin-
ning Stages of Addiction: Warn-
ing Signs, Symptomsand Ways to
Help" Tuesday at 5 p.m. "What
Drugs Can Do for You: Conse-
quences of Drug Abuse" will be
presented by Cherry Stokes, an
Continued from page 2
est in friends and non-drug re-
lated activities, memory problems,
compulsive behavior and black-
outs are key indicators of cocaine
, Continued compulsive use in
the face of drug related dangers is
the definition of dependence.
And yes a person can die from
cocaine r e, The lethal dose of
i ocaineissaid tobeapproximatel
H miIligrams,althoughsmaller
ve aused death. Death
. an occur in snorters, injector.
and free-basers It i- rapid in most
cases through convulsions, heart
and lung failure, heart attack,
stroke or cardiac arrhythmia.
i or more information on co-
came and treatment programs tor
dependent individuals contact the
officeof Substance Abuse and Pre-
vention at 757-6793 or call 1-800-
attorney who formerly practiced
in Greenville, at 7 p.m.
On Wednesday, Ken Allen of
the Walter B. Jones Alcoholic
Rehabilitation Center will hold
"Drug Trends and Resources for
Help" at b:30 p.m.
"Addictive Behaviors" will be
sponsored bv Dr. Larry rimes, a
member of the ECU psychology
faculty who works with a private
substance abuse treatment center,
on Thursday at 7 p.m.
On Friday at noon, David
Susina, director of the ECU Office
or Substance Abuse Prevention
and Education, will present
"America Hurts: The Drug Epi-
There will also be a showing
of "Less Than Zero a film about
young people and drugs, on March
21 at 8 p.m. in Hendnx Theatre,
and a pig-picking near Tyler dor-
mitory on March 22, which will be
sponsored bv the ECU dining serv-
ice. WZM B will provide the music
for the pig-picking.
The Drug Awareness t-shirt
will be among the different 'terns
given as door prizes throughout
the week.
For further information about
National Collegiate Drug Aware-
ness Week activities, con tact David
Susina at the office of Substance
Abuse Prevention and Education
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Continued from page 1
a synthesis from 3:45-4:15 p.m.
Registration for the conference
will begin thot morning at 10:15 in
Room 1031 of the General Class-
room Building where bagels and
coffee will be provided. There is a
registration fee or $5 for the gen-
eral public and $3 for ECU stu-
The conference is sponsored
bv ODN and breakfast will be
donated bv Boulevard Bagel and
Butterfield's Ftc. For more infor-
mation (n the conference or to
register m advance, contact Mich-
elle Thompson at 830-6893 or Mike
Hamer at 830-0349.
An individual six months
prior to or 1 year after
graduation qualifies
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( Carolinian vjould use jo rvssen ?"ec'M
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S OTT M-WWFI.l , Satire Editor
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PaMEI a Core, Ad lech Supervisor
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TRAC Y WEED, Production Manager
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CHARLES WiLUNGHAM, Darkroom technician
BETH LlTTON, Secretary
hap evenyiWNG goihg fok hiaa-

(hawe pAys)
I he F.asi Carolinian has been serving the East Carolina campus comm unit) since 1925, with primary emphasis on in-
formation most dircctl) affecting ECU students, h is published twice weekly, with a circulation of 12.(KX). The East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue an) advertisements thai discriminate on the basis of age. sex,
creed or national origin. The I ast Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ol vie I or purposes of decency
and hie n. I"he I ast Carolinian reserves the right to edit art) letter for publication. I ettcrs should he sent to The Hast
I aroiinian, Publications Bldg . ECU, Greenville, NC, 2 ;s W; or i all us at (lb'i '57 6366

SN'ff ? ?'
ZSC6 i
Page 4, Thursday, March 15, 1990

ro &?T
Shamrockin' despite the ordinance
t the risk ol sounding redundant, let's address
flu i ih noise ordinal e again.
it sbeen over five months since GreenviHe abol
ished all noise permits allowing groups to have live
bands or (unctions which exceed a 70 decibel noise
It el t the time the decision was made by the citv
council, mam citizens and students agreed that it
was rash and impetuous tor the city to plate such
restrictions on the community and the university
i pon taking office in December, Mayor Nancy
U nkins spoke ol reviewing the ordinance with the
new iiu council members But so far this semester
not a word has been said aboul the issue
St Patrick's Day is Saturday, and it'sa tradition
in Greenville tor DatTyl'9 Restaurant to hold its
annu.i! Shamrock party with live bands Although
the restaurant could not obtain a permit toexceed the
noise limits it will continue the tradition with an
outdooi amplified sound permit, rhe management
at Itarn t s has .u tetl responsibly and sensitively by
hand delivi ringovei 100 flyers explaining the event
t( .iivin ille i itizens w ho resided in the neighbor-
hoods surrounding the restaurant
Now it's time the cit) council take another look
at the ordinance responsibility fallsonourown
itudt nt governments well. We, as students, haven't
always been properly represented at( JreenvilleCity
Count il meetings I a h student can play an active
roleb) attending these mcetingsand by encouraging
our S .A representatives to address the issue again.
Its evident thai there .ue organizations and
institutions out there that arc sensitive to and re-
spectful ol (irecnville itizens Its now time for the
t its. council to realize that they are depriving the
community ol leisure outlets that are an important
part ol life
Weak immunity may precede AIDS
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial t olutnnist
How does a person infected
with the AIDS virus remain symp
torn tree and healthy lor at least
10 years without showing art)
signs ol All 6? Win d some in
let tetl pi ple seem h i sta health)
indefinitely? Am threeindividu
als ma be antibody positive for
IliY (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus, the presumed cause ol
IDS), meaning that they have
been exposed to the virus But this
fact alone savs nothing about
whether the) will actually come
down w ith All S There are mil
lions ot l HV i arriers, but only a
small fra? tion shov s - mj I
ol All S n estimated 20 to Ml
percent ol tin se carriers will show
smptoms within the in A se.i
to IP years
The situatii ith At S 11
reminiscent ol the influenza (flu)
epulemii 5 that periodically strike
modern society Members ol a
community frequently come in
contact with onc or more ol the
airborne flu iruses, et not every
individual contracts the respira
torv infection Among people
exposed to influenza each year,
some show flu symptoms, others
experience mild illness, some are
bedridden tor a w eek and a small
percentage actually die. The mam
difference is that, with AIDS, the
symptoms an tend to be tar more
drasti andth mortality rate much
;her once the disease process is
set in motion rhis means we are
dealing with a particularly lethal
inv but not necessarily a virus
that is impervious to the prote
live mechanisms ot the immune
Perhaps we are missing the
1 :? t for the trees Perhaps there
is another t ommon denominator,
tar more subtle than exposure to
lll a history ol behaviors and
conditions associated with weak-
ened or compromised immunity.
How these tat tors or "cofactors"
inter actand influence the immune
system is a question ol immense
scientific complexity Yet still the
fact remains tor those in the "high
risk categories tor AIDS there
appears to be a rather striking
profile ol depressed immunity
brief d? s? ription of likely pre
fat tois sh?uld sutfKi
to illusttatt the point
? nal intercourse not only
transmits HIV, but also pro-
foundly suppresses the body's
antiviral defense mechanisms.
According to Dr Mk hael (.Turner
oil ondon slnstituteofObstetrics
and Gynecology, this could ex
plain the higher incidence of viral
infections in ol ingnotonly Hl
but also the Epstein-Barr Virus
(responsible ttr the "fatigue syn-
drome' affecting millions of
young Amerii ans)and cytonwga-
lovirusfa microbe commonly seen
in All S), among mali hi ?m
? Hrug abuse ma)
major role in furtfw 1
bility to AIDS. Noted med
statistician Cesar Aaceres
estimatestl it '9pei 1 I I "?
1 ans with All ,s m ly !??
rized .is habitual druj
about halt ot all All ? patu
using some tree differei I
drugs annually. Habitual di
use. as well as heavy dnnkii
may weaken the immune sy st 1
and increase susceptibility t( viral
infection (i4merii in Health No
v ember86)
? I motional stress, includ
depression, anxiety, an I f 1 lings
tt helplessness, can alter the
body's natural protective met ha
nisms and promote greater sus-
ceptibility tO disc ?
ii. v- stress re- '???
from prejudice and d
might explain in part, thi hii;h
frequency of substance abuse
among male homosexuals At
Boston University, reseai I rs
have correlated the sun i
among Alp's patients with the
extentofdt prt sionand repressed
? Nutritional imbalances
have been associated with di
pressed immunity microbial in
lection, cancer and AIDS Or
bnan 1; 1 eibo it of the 1 Ini
sit of c alifomia asserts that tl 1
See AIDS, page 5
To the Editor
SETA seeks
in American
I o the editor
I tiesday . March 20, is the
Great American Meat-Out On this
ila p pie are asked to "kick the
meat habit tor a day and to ex
1.Ion 1 less violent, more whole
son.1 die! l he event is coordi-
nated nationally by the farm
Annual Reform Movement
(FARM) with co-chairs Doris Day,
( asey Casern, Allv Sheedy and
Rivet Phoenix
II 11 SE I A will have an mtor
mation table in front o! the Stu
dent Stores on this a (from
until 4) to provide information on
the environmental destruction that
the meat industry causes, the
health hazards ol meat consump-
tion, and the animal suffering
inherent tn meat production
particularly "factory farming
I lore is a -mall sampling:
Hne acre of trees is spared
each year by etch individual who
switt htl to a pure vegetarian diet.
85 percent of U.S. topsoil loss
is directly associated with live-
stock raising,
?h() million acres of forest
have Ixi'ii cleared to create crop-
land to produceour meatentered
2t)?) million pounds of meat
are imported annually bv the U.S.
rromt entral America Profitsfrom
this are the primary incentive tor
ram torost destruction
55 percent ol p
dues m the
meat. 'l"he risk ofdeathfroml
attack tor the average nu 1
man i" ' 1 pern n ' li ' I'
average American pun v 1 gitai ian
man it is 4 percent
'Vegetarian diets easily pro
vide all the nutrients necessary for
optimum human health
After converting, most vege
tanans reporl ha ing more energy
and greater resistance to colds
lHer 5 billion warm blooded
animals are killed annually in
America tor meat
?Today's"factory farms" treat
animals as meat-producing ma-
chines rather than sentient beings
Consequently, the animals are
densely crowded and kept under
unnatural conditions which frus-
trate many Of their instinctual
To learn more, stop by SETA's
SETA President
Lab assistant
defends DSCl
computer lab
To the editor:
Having been a lab assistant in
the School of Business computer
lab for mv entire graduate scruxil
enrollment, I have seen the tvpos
of problems mentioned by Ms.
Terrell quite often
In most instances, the prob-
lem arises because ot a lack ot
on pa ration by the student. Tins
la. k ol preparation is often the
result ol skipping class, improper
notes or not reading the SUg-
ited materials before coming
into the lab Another cause ol these
problems is the insufficient time
allocated tor the assignment.
I he lab assistants' responsi-
bilities are to make sure that the
lab is fully utilized and to help the
student with the hardware and
control reference materials. Lab
assistantsarenot required to teach
what should have been learned
before coming to the lab. The help
that lab assistants provide beyond
this is up to the discretion of the
lab assistant. When a student is
obviously unprepared or under
an unrealistic time constraint, the
lab assistants are less likely to be
helpful that thev normally would
be because thev will end updoing
most ot the assignment for the
student, which does not help the
student learn and it is depriving
I"he assignments for the DSCI
2223 classes are intended to help
the student learn the simple func-
tions of the various software pack-
ages l"he lab assistants are there
to help the students learn, but this
learning experience is hindered
w hen the assistants are too help-
ful. As 1 said earlier, the help given
by the lab assistants is mostly up
to their discretion. When we think
that our help would be detrimen-
tal to the learning process, we
generally don't give it. Instead
we try to give a small pointer and
let the student figure it out .n
their own
The lab assistants are from
varied backgrounds with even
more varied personalities Often
those personalities are mistaken
as being obnoxious 01 arrogant
1 his is a hasty conclusion to make
considering that the studentsonly
come in contact w ith us in the lab
1 find it hard to believe that Ms
Terrell had bad experien es in the
lab every time that she was in it.
oven if one of the aforementioned
problems did evist
I urge all people coming into
the lab to hoed all instructor's in-
Structionsand be prepared as well
as possible before sitting in front
of the computer. This will not only
help the student get the assign
ment dime taster bu t will also help
alleviate the long that
are prevalent in the lab 1 hope that
these few words will he given
thought and the advice taken sen
J.D. Fletcher
MBA Candidate
validity of
To the editor:
During the festive season of
Jesus Christ's birthday this past
year, the great Christian nation,
the U.S celebrated by sending
warmChristmaschcer to Panama.
Feliz Navidad latino peasants.
1 VsjMte this opening sentence, the
nature ol this letter is not directly
political but rather about the na-
ture ot c hnstianity or better put
mass deceit anil hypocracy.
In every society there are two
kinds ol people, those who follow
the populai my ths of the day and
thoso who are persecuted tor not
following them The nivths that
circulate in America are easily
recognizable by simply looking at
the above isolated incident What
do we know about fesus Chnst?
1 le w anted us to use our capacity
to love not our capacity to hate.
Would he have approved ot the
invasion? Obviously not, but
duped America supported it be-
cause- the great Christian leaders
cultivated a hate inside us for
Again, there are two different
types of people in every society.
esus( hnst wascertainlv a part of
the group that rejected the mvths
ot the dav This is why he was
such a groat man. He refused to
accept the institutionalized reli-
gion because he avognized how it
wasadverseh affecting the people.
C'ne of the reasons we have insti-
tutionalized religion is because
most people have to be given
something to believe in or there
would be a tremendous amount
of individual psychological prob-
lems which would amount to
societal psychosis and chaos.
So, there is this need in the
majority of humans to be lied to
about the bigger questions 1 ike life
after death, God, etc. The reason I
use the word lie is because it is
impossible to know any details
about God for sure. Are we really
to tmst a 2000 year old book that
has been re drafted ,nd re trails
la ted over and over again? Who is
to know tor certain it the writers
were not just great fiction w riters"
Alter all. there aie pieces of fn '
that are comparatively just a
Anyway this need in people
is proved upon b those wrho
control a sotietv I his is true
throughout hastorv Religion has
always been a driving force in
military campaigns and other
oppresive endeavors ihe white
man broke the African slaves by
stripping their religion I 00k at
Hitler and Stalin, the lew sand the
Russian Orthodoxy. In America
look at our own Revolution the
Native American genocide, or the
colonization of the Latin Amen
can Natives. Hell, look at the his
torv of the Middle Fast
Now, 1 want to ask something
of everyone reading this letter
Even though I have, I do not want
anvone to give up their Christian-
ity. 1 just want people to look at
their lives and ask if American
mvths have you duped Simpv
think on why Thomas Jefferson
wanted a separation of church and
state (we don't). And finally, next
time your nation calls on your
support for a foreign invasion, look
and see if it really coincides with
what Christ would have wanted,
or what your own consciousness
really wants. And if it doesn't, for
God's sake let your leaders know!
It is other people's lives we an?
talking about!
Steve Sommers
Phil Pols

The East Carolinian. March 15.19905
Continued from page 4
control of viral expression and the
enhancement of the immune re-
sponse by nutritional means" may
be "the two most important areas
to be studied with regard to AIDS
(Nutrition Update, 1(2): 1. 1986) In
Africa, where AIDS is rampant,
the symptoms of AIDS are indis-
tinguishable from thoseoi"malnu-
trition. A growing bodv of medi-
al research shows that diets high
in saturated tats and refined sug-
ars (i.e typical American diets)
can significantly depress the
immune system.
? latrogenic factors (literally
"doctor-induced") may compro-
mise the immune system. In a
Study of heart patients, Dr. Louis
Fernandez of Dalhousie Univer-
sity observed depressed immune
functions even after a single blood
transfusion, and these effects per
sisted tor at least 60 day following
surgery. Dr. Steven McCombie oi
the Pima County Health Dept in
Tucson. Arizona, found that nine
out of 10 men with PCP had re-
ceived a tonsilloctomy in early life.
Some research indicates that child-
hood tonsillectomies increase the
risk of Hodgkin's lymphoma in
later life lastly antibiotics and
other antimicrobial drugs tend to
upset several kev aspects of the
immune system.
These are among the essential
underpinnings of the so called
multifactorial theory of AIDS. It
would be scientifically irrespon-
sible to dismiss this association as
"coincidental Moreover, there
are simply too many consistencies
among the high-risk groups to
ascribe the problem to mere
chance. By this view, the concept
of "risk" must extend bevond
behaviors which promote trans-
mission of the virus to include all
behaviors which might influence
susceptibility. The fact that anal
intercourse and fVdrugabusemay
greatly diminish one's resistance
to AIDS becomes all the more
poignant when we consider that
male homosexuals and IV drug
users comprise about 90 percent
of all AIDS cases in America It
would seem that these groups are
doubly at risk
In the multifactorial scheme
of things, HIV is an integral part of
AIDS but it is not the sole or
sufficient cause. It is a cofactor
which greatly increases the risk of
AIDS but by itself does not deter-
mine the course of the syndrome.
Lick of harmful cofactors might
explain, tor instance, why some
person can be infected with the
AIDS virus vet symptom -free for
long periods of time U2 years is
the current record), while others
contract the syndrome and die in
four days or less. Case-control
studies by Dr. Robert Cathcart in
San Francisco and by Dr. Elinor
Levy at Boston University sug-
gest that certain immune-enhanc-
ing cofactors such as diet and re-
laxation mav improve the prog-
nosis of AIDS patients.
HIV can reside in the bone
marrow of A i DS patients, suggest-
ing that the virus may be virtually
impossible to purge from the body
(Sdmcft News. May 7, '88). In view
of the virus's uncanny evasiveness,
the extremely high mortality rate
of AIDS, and the absence, thus far,
of a definitive treatment for the
underlying immune defect, any
approach which offers even a
remote possibility of staving off
the syndrome merits serious at-
tention. More attention should be
directed toward boosting the
immune system's capacity to re-
spond to HIV and other AIDS-re-
lated microbes.
This view lends new meaning
to the Surgeon General's credo,
"It's not who you are, it's what you
do" We might add, "It's not only
what you do to yourself; it's also
The East
would like to
help in the
recycling effort
by encouraging
its readers to
what you do for yourself ? take
care of your immune system
The multifactorial approach gives
hope to those millions of people
already infected by HIV. Espe-
cially in the early stages, when
the body's healing potential is
still strong, the most promising
approach may come not from
more powerful drugs, but simplv
from taking better care of our-
Nathaniel Mead co authored a
book on AIDS to be published this
fall. His co author is Martha C.
Cottrcll, M.D AIDS research coor-
dinator and former director of Stu
dent Health at the Fashion lnsitute
of Technology- r'art -? Heterosexual
Must present coupon at time of purchase.
Not valid with any other offer.
Famous brand shoes at affordable prices
Don't forget that
student government elections
will take place on March 28.
In order for the candidates to
demonstrate their platforms
to the student body, an
SGA Elections Forum
will be held on
Monday, March 26 at 3 p.m.
on the Mall.
The event is sponsored by
The East Carolinian, WZMB,
Expressions magazine,
Rebel magazine and the Buccaneer.
What Makes
K&W Cafeteria
ECU's Favorite Cafeteria?
JlJ Great Food ? All our dishes and baken Kr'?ds are made from
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LkJ Pleasant Surroundings - Dining room decor and
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At K&W, we only know how to serve great food, and give honest value
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a cafeteria, and we've never left the basics. Please give us a try across
from North Woods Mall on Rivers Avenue.
P EasLCarplina
A Tragicomedy By John Guare
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Fn Sat 11:00am 8:30pro Sun 11:00am 8:00pro
March 21, 22, 23 & 24 at 8:15 p.m.
McGinnis Theatre
ECU Students ? $3.00 General Public ? $6.00
CALL 757-6829
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Enjoj K&W's in Wilson, Rivk Mount. GoMstxxo, Fayetteviile, .iriil I1 other locations in
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Page 6
(Silt ?afit (flaroltnianh
March 15,1990
hook up, patio, pod, central ha avail-
able in M.iv Twin Oaks, near ECU; Call
evenings 8300231
mation call 77 472h
torred to share two Kir apt lor summer
and next school ear Please call I eighll
class men to share 2 bedroom in Village
C.reen $165 mo 1 2 utilities c all 758
2506 Learvemessage
WANTFI"): Female upper classman or
graduate student to sh.ire 1 I rent utiH
ties Will have own room and share batti
w 1 person Call 756 0R57 after 5 p ;n
Manor this summer Fullv furnished 1
bedroom, air conditioning onl 5 nun
walk from FCC $260 pet month Call
Traccv 031 7543 or BernadeHe 931 '685
COPYING SFRVICFS: We offer tvping
WANTHV. Female roommate to share a 2 ?d phoUvopvmgservices We also sell
bedroom 2 bath apt Rent 20D IX) plus 12 softwares ? computers 24 hours in and
utilities I am a grad student 23 v o Call out. Guaranteed typing on paper up to
20hand written pares sj if- Professional, 106E 5thSt (beside
( ubWe's) Greenville Nil 752 MM
55 HlUS
POR PlPl'ltS: Champion Bloodlines
Wormed and Healthy W50 1-793-9205
Etcellent qualify for both pet and hunting productivity and an increased ability t
Transform you mind into a Ml MORY
Young & i Sbson's HOW TO OF V FI OP
prove mi-morv skills translate into higher
ATTENTION; .overnment homes from
$1 (u repair i Delinquent tax property
Repossessions Call 1 MS 838-8885 Fxt
ATTENTION: Government seized ve
hides from SI 00 Fords, Mercedes Cor
vettes chevys Surplus Buyers Guide 1
HC 838 8885 Exl A 5285
DURHAM, NC: Artists space $l50mo
Darkroom gallery Progressive innova
five atmosphere (5Slides resumel Info
Ferdelance POB 589 Chapel Hill NC
27515 or oio Q2s M29
FOR SAI Set of APex Itogati Perstm
LARGE ONE BEDROOM API Cat monwoods 13,4, and 5 Barely used only
peted, kitchen appliance- Central air and fc months old $275 prue negotiable Call
heat Clo-e to campus Some apts fur
mshed kings Arms Apt- 752 8913
Coftdo Pool Qubhouse rennisandbas
ketball court- Free lawn maintenance
flM.OOpet monfli : i myl "56-14
1 please leave messa .?
house with 2 r?oi ? ?? - e students
minute wall "
street SI 55 month and shan I i -
c all oi- 74fl 4280
Ka at
CANYOI Bl Y If F I's trs 1? I sSeied
in drug raids tor under S100 00?all tor
fads tod) 805 644 9533 I 'opt I 8
FOR RENT: Attractivi and
room, 2 12 bath townhouse t
- i-
don't forget to use Pirat RideSun Ihurs
- pm 12 15 an the route now includes
? lax andUmsteadDorms Formoreinfor
retain informationi.25 includes tax
or $8 40 for both please add S2 tor ship
ping and handling and ORDER
TODAY Lin wood Distributing o
p.O Box 4437 Greenville, Hi 27836
IYPISI' w 'stateoftheartwordprocess
ing equipment and laser printerall
Brenda after 6:00 p. m 756 1837 or leave
Kee Nac tor Boys I anbe for Gii
( ounselor positions for Pi
i ? ts All lean pori
ball. Basketball ? ftball,
Soccer and Volleyball .
, ? , ?, R ? A I Fit
rn's- ,ind Bik ? "
Performing rts, I ?
Photograph) l ? . ? '
skating Rocketr) Ropes and I
( ratt. All Waterfront Vctivities (Swim
ming Skiing Wind rfing
( anoi K.ial ng uin Mai -
Nac (Boys 90Lind . i udgi
,NJ 07028 Dan beelirls), 16Mors
Road,Montvilli N ? i aseCall 1
s ,

Kleganl Nails
Wanda Mum) Special $25. - Reg $40.
Phone 756 ()55X
III F Cl.l Rtv Needed for local professional
offue Hours B 30a 111 l oopm Monday Fri-
day Please call office tor interview $55
0300 Ask tor Carla
Low fee agency 1902 S Charles St Across
from Pirates Chest Office hours MonFri
lpm 3pm 355-0919
WET I-SHIRI CONTEST: $250 1st prize.
c all Promotions Modeling Agency tor inter
view 355 0919
ING TV! S32.000.yeaf income potential
Details (1)602 838 888 - Ext TV 32ms
ATTENTION HIKING! ruise ship, ca
sino. hotel jobs! Free travel benefits! i vt.nls
(1)602 838 8885 1 t Y 28
WAFFI F FIOCSE: is expanding and look-
ing for dependable individual- Now at
cepting applications tor full and part time
positions all -hifts cook waitress, hostess,
management No expenem e necessary
pplv between 7t m 3 p m
dantS, 1 ravel Agent- Me. hanics, Cu-tomer
Service Listings Salaries to $105K Entry
i ?! positionsall 3 i 68 ' 6O0OExt A
A I UN riON-HIRING: Government ga
youi area Many immediate openings with
out waiting list or test Sl7,840-$69,485 Call
1-602-838-8885 Ext. R-5285
ilai oi ? i ? ? nd S2 0 and a
? Idressi ? peto WFV
20 R ,n ttst.Hgl Md. 20747
TTENTION Eas) ? ? nl pay!
i . . . .
Exl ?? 285
ATTENTION ? reading books!
$32,000yeai potential. 1 vtail- (1)
602-838-88 tl ? - -
matun motival
est m fasl . i it I ?? ? lesire I sell quality
clothing Good beginning salar) and -tore
wide discount Apply in person Brody'sThe
i M ii r. Wedne '? ' p m
BRODVS: Are vou a college student in
need of extra spending money1 Brady's is
accepting applications for part time sale-
ass, xnates and customer Service repre-en
tatives who can work flexible hours Ap-
ply in perstm Btody's The Plaza Monday
Wednesday I 0000 p m
able Learn howoucanioin the No 1 sales
force in Sal and Marketing Magazine
Send resume to 217 Commerce Si I .rivn
ville. NC 27S34
and Women (eneralists and spalisfs
Two overnight 8 week camps m New
York's Adirondack Mountains have open
ings for tennis, waterfront iWM, ALS, satl
ing, skiing, small CTafts) all team sports,
gymnastics, artscrafts, pioneering, mu
sic, photography, drama, dance, and
nurses We're interested in people
interested and love children and in having
tun with them Men reply Prof Robert S
Gersten Brant Lake Camp B4 Learning! i
St, Lido Beach, N V 11561; Women reply
Shene Aider Camp Point CRnes, Brant
Lake, NY 12915
bachelor part in I .reenville Excellent
pay, soncl photo with name and phone
number to DIE, VO Bo 1967, Greer, C
be an all campus Billiards Foui tin
Mendenhall Student Center on March
22 Registration Wed
nesda) Mai ' ? Billiards R
Collie Shepard mix It interest! I i
Mamie 752 1351
the thinnest made! Available onl) h
Heal! m expert
san pl? md ?- hur? al BOO 03 I ?
PHI r.AUWAllRPol ' ngratul
Andy Elgin Mike Battaglin '?' ?
i' 1 loppe B b Dorda n ? ' larw t
?an lilesci in ill ampus chan .
PHI Hi S Find i date and brace yotn ? I
tor tlvL-t ' ash
Prepare for vi turv
Andrew- 00 fal student government
president Prepare tor vuforv
rell. Rana Harrias, Amv Cartedge, Tracy
Boyer.i eeAnnThamngto?,andMr Paris
Thank vou tor your dedication on a sue
cessrui year! Best wishes, Renee Cunditt
OF1 TA SK.S: All U-lta Sips and dates
You better get you sleep because this
weekend ts it! We'll take all and ?
none e? opt tor the security guard trom
hell' last Sailors Ball was a blast but too
bad it couldn't last But this vears we will
put it to the test and make it the best! Sieve
sond a pos ard tot hapel Hill
TAS: Welcome back' H. fie everyone
hail a great I!rne f ready for the Crush
partv th weekend' ly st Patrick s
TO l- 5tgmas KA's,KappaS?and
Pikes We win t wait 'til we all Ret together
, m St Patrick - Day! Be ready to pare The
( hi (rs
about SGA Annual Budget Meeting
Tue?. March2C 4 Op.m m221Menden
hall and Thurs March 22 4:00 pm in
Mendenhall Multi purpose room
this test.
I ooking for a job v uh grcal
pa) .mil commissions'
With flexible hours'
Offering valuable training and
business experience'
Interested in free use ol a
personal computer'
Arc you a Sophomore or
Full Time Student?
Computer familiar?
With al Icasi a B average '
It all your answers arc "yea .
you've made the grade! Man
power needs ou as a
promote the sales ol the IMM
Persona System2 on cam
pus. For experience thai pays
call today.
fen .ill types ol iimunet
Make a lot ol mone)
? ?
I So m I Have
? isl ol
M 11 ol $9 95 :? Myrtle Be i h fob
ottunites, Depl 003. P.O Box
18813, Greensboro, NC 21 ;s
lot c ORI l
treasurer We
ir stud ' ment
eome to '??? m this
Ihr: ' ' lumn ? "
?mpt, An ? ???"? ????- ? ? ? ' P"?.
BusincMc. Cnaic Lute R? '? rc
U.S Cuada, Auitn ? 'riJ 20
i i ?? rj onl) $19 M Don't ? ?
?fWfin?lj ScndutSuBimarJobt.Diiwa I
ndoSpnngs.t ?.? ? ? ? ?
KI1 WEST:Head - n
foralittjefuninthesui Ontl
knew for a fad ???
? rrrd in the ' -vn
read) to find the ; ,wn
for a place i
? tail Z1 I
I be th ?.????
. n with si
. ? ???.? ? I m I
i ? : ?
Hi U'l ? t then
how ' tNACHOS?
? . here the hell is the sour ream? N
ftebeachM ley I forgeo is I towej
I ? te ELLEN Craz f' was a
I i
would never la I MVWIIH Pi I
i m m a fight with m room Don't
take my ; turelSTl PH: this is n ?
If . ' '
FREI I'll Ml B rhc mop I
mv hair what the hell am I gonna ? U
thisinenmma- gl ? ? ?v1' '
wrecked our room FINA I t rams on
? pi iN Don't

Adhere th I I'ALLISt IN
? K KI S - ? ? k! Avoi
home : :? ' I
I , ? KI I I I
GWhi' happci ? ? ? ?'? ' '
West Yeah.sure IHMI'i I ft m
the ram that is) I feel bke a h rtdog in tl
? I I. We re gonna hit the ii N ?? i
? fes we ire Ham' Trash? -
A HiM riFUl l'l CE
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7. ? BM '? ? BMBB ir??e
m nii i n? ?mk hi vr m mmmma ?i ???hnme? ??
a? I mum mu Bna VtOtft ?n?r 11
aBaU 1 BMH or niinf V? Ttrm
cRi ise Cine openings
HiKiNti sow:
Year round A summer job avaiUbfc.S ; ?'
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rout Guide Gift h cashier civ Both
skillcJ ami unskilled people needed Call
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Large Selection ol Bookbags,
Travel Bags& Accessorws.
We Repair
508 W 1-lthM
P.S It you hadi ' ? ' '
have hit KI VM ST-SAND SI Kl
I. J'J?o L jry c' tormit'on n U j
i ?'eefs
800 351 0222
a?il 'n'ofi'to"
9ty Hi - Halls
99fJ Membership
Pre - Patty's Day Bash at The Attic
Left Win racists!
Wear Green and Receive A Discount at the door
Green Drink Specials
Give A Ways CD's, cassettes and albums
while you wait
Tree & Confidential

Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
111 E. 3rd St
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
M-F ') am-5 pin
No? Taking Leases for Fall
1990 Efficiency 1 bedim & 2
bedrm apts Call 752 - 2865
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
Cieneral College Students should contact
their advisers the week of March 19 21 to
make arrangements for academic advising
for summer terms and fall semester, 1W0.
Early Registration will begin March 26 and
end March 30
Learning how to improve vour study skills
in mini COUTM and Workshop can help
viu prrparr for the added workload of
college or help to increase your grade point
average All sessions will be held in 313
VVnghf Building March 19, Monday and
20, Tuesday Test Taking 1 4 X p m You
may attend all the topu -ssionsor choose
the ones where you need the most im-
Guest Recital by Paul Stewart, pianist
(March l&ftlS p m , Fletcher Recital I (all,
free), "Scholarship Showcae Recital" of
Friends of School of Music, featuring sfu
dent- Brad l-anghans and Fran I'arrish,
trumpet, Claudia Chalmers, piano;SUMD
Durham, soprano, Chris Hollidav, per
cussion, oel Mauger, guitar, and DUfM
lambeth, saxophone (March 14, 7 00
p m , Fletcher Rental 1 lall, free). Faculty
REatal by SelmaGokcen,cello, and Paul
Tardif, piano (March 15, 8:15 p.m
Fletcher Recital Hall, free), Bridgette
Cooper, voice, Senior Red fal (March 17,
8 00 pm, Fletcher Recital Hall, free).
Student Composers Concert (March 1
8 15 p.m Fletcher Reatal Hall, free)
All (leneral C"ollege students who intend to
major in Speech language and Auditory
I'athologv and have R Muzrarelli as their
advisor are to meet on Wednesday, March 21
at 5 00pm in Brewster C 101 Advising for
early registration wnll take place at that time
Please prepare a tentative class schedule
before the meeting
Applications are now being accepted for the
David B and Willa H Stevens Scholarship
for undereraduatesenrolled in theSchoolof
Social Work, and the Herman C and
Marian S Moeller Fellowship tor M S W
students Two Stevens Scholarships will
be awarded for the fall semester of IWO
($500 00 for Social Work and $500 00 tor
Criminal Justice) The recipients will be
selected on the basis of academic excel
lence, financial need, good citizenship, and
dedication to the Social Work andor
Criminal Justice professions Moeller Fel-
lowship for $250 00 will be be awarded at
the end of spring semester 990 The re-
cipient will be selected on the basis of
academic excellence, leadership activities,
qualities of good citizenship and dedica-
tion to the Social Work and Criminal Jus-
??,o t-?rofo??jion? Arr!i??inn? -ir avail-
able from and should be returned to Ms
Nancy Corbett, School of Social Work,
Room 206 Ragsdale Hall DEADLINE
March 19, 1090 For more information call
The 1990 Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olympics Spring Games will be held on
Tuesday, April 10, at E.B Aycock Jr High
School in Greenville (Rain Date. Thurs-
day, April 12) Volunteers are needed to
help serve as buddieschaperones for the
Announcements, See page 7

The Fast Carolinian. March 15,123L-Z
Continued from page 6
'?i'tviJl Olympians Vnlunt.v
?We to work .ill if.n from 9-X t m 2 ?
pm An orientation meeting will be h.Ki
in Wed April 4, m Old loynei Library
RHini 221 jt 5:00 pm lor all volunteers
who are Interested in helping I reelunches
and t shirts will he provided thi da.
games to aB volunteers who attended this
orientations Mwioft I or more inform
tion contact the Special CMvi
130455 or 830 1 4
bu your 1 00 lucky cha
day to make your redh boi ? n
rhe closest estimate will wti S
Registration advising fo sun
tall semester will be held
Mar. h 20th ami Wednes lav.
from7 9p,m in ll
room (Allied ! loalth Bell R
pre physical therapy studi I
one ot these advising ?
have registration forms
signed by a ph icalthcrap i
excised absences will
Phi U meeting and install iti i
members Mondat M ? h
.ml andingham K m - . rtai
members attend!
I .im Carotin I
possibility ol e
? ident and fa
Itseum 10 am Friday, March 16,
k,i' rhe passing score on this test is
required ol all students prior to declaring
physical education as ,i maor U Main
taming an average T score ot I on the six
item test battery and Having a 1 score ot
l ? on the aerobics run Am student with
,1 condition that would contrain-
ite ; articipation in the testing should
ntacl Mike McCanunon or Dr tuiv ls-
.? r57-4688 robe exempted from my
? t ?f the test you must have a physi
ins n i -?? letailed summary of the
? tponents isavaitable m the I luman
rmance Laboratory (Room 113,
- I ottseum) Your physicians' ex-
ust specifically state from which
i are en mpt
,i sh club along with the
? itional Language Organization will
? ? the 2nd innual liet,i on Friday,
16 I he fiesta will be held at St
n 4th street It will begin at
?? Ul pm and tickets can be purchased in
embei it thi ISpantsh club
O rho .m for the fiesta is 55.00
kets vi ill not N sold .it the door
ill .tit stc d students ! he i I orce
? ? v. : ; Test FOQT) wilt be
. v ??.?? i , ? pm it
VVngl i Room ?(i
? ? im 508 lor ,inv ques
. irForceROTCOfl
?.it nn-
In at . ? ' ' the National
? . i are interested in
paying ECU tuition and attending one Of
over 87 other universities around the
UnitedStatea, Investigate the manyoppor
tunities available to you through the NSK
program You may still apply tor fall
semester, 1 ), or Spring , 1991, Of try the
full year exchange Visit Ms Stephanie
Evanchoin 1002 General Classroom Huild
ing or call 757-6769 tor a brochure and
application torm this week'
March 24, I1") Will do light vardhouse
work S35fullday;$25halfday ECU Army
ROTC Dept 757-69676974 Raw! Hide.
Rm 44
aNut getting Involved with BACCHUS,
we meet each Tuesday at 4 p m in ?T7
Erwin Hall
African American students interested in
apply mg tor the Ledonia S Wright Schol
arship may pick up an application trom ?
member ot the ECU Organization ol Black
Faculty and stall ot the Office of Minority
student Attairs (Whkhard 2(4) Complete
applications must he received by Friday.
March 30if applicants are tobeconsidered
tor holarships to be awarded in the I'WO
-?M school year
Eps'lon Sigma Alpha, an International
Sevice 1 eadership Organization, is form
ing i chapter on campus It is coed and
non Panhellenic Be a chapter member
Ihere will be an organizational meetingon
Thursday March 1 5th at 530 pm In
Mendenhall221 For more information call
757 M 2 during the day or 752 6371 after
6:00 pm
s?ntati es Iroi
is m arc h 14
and to provide inf mnatit ra
on then campus We would like I
change students as early -is fall semester
so it you might be interested in spending a
semester ot yeai
tuition please attend
mation sessions which
A ednesday Mar 14 at 4 00 j
I 88 andThurs M ir I5at I
; 128 rherepresentat ? es i
answer any questions you mat have f
are unable to attend a! cither oft
Please contact Ms Stephanu
? ?? s to arrange a specifi
his is a wonderfi il opp rti
miss our chance toleai ib
in England!
Deadlines far Classifieds
and Announcements are
Friday at 4:00 pm for
Tuesdpjo paper and Monday
at 4:QO pm for Thursdays
(ie1 Your Summer Fa'l Semester Application in NOW
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@t?e gagt Carnlfnlan
Page 8
State and Nation
March 15, 2990
Nicaraguan aid bill meets
resistance in Washington
Lawmakers of both parties are
lining up behind President Hush's
request for a quick infusion ot $300
million for Nicaragua, but prob-
lems are arising that could slow
the package's progress through
Bush asked Congress n Tues-
day to provide the money by April
5 to help incoming President Vi-
olcta Chamorro rebuild the Cen-
tral American country's war
weakened economy 1 le added
another request: that law makers
approve a stalled $500 million in
aid for Panama, which the presi-
dent proposed after the United
States overthrew Gen Manuel
Antonio Noriega.
The $iS00 million in immedi-
ate aid for Nicaragua and Panama
would be diverted from the cur-
rent military budget, perhaps the
first real "peace dividend" from
the receding Cold War.
Speaking at a news confer-
ence. Bush announced the lifting
of the 5-vear-old trade embargo
against Nicaragua, which the
United States had used in its ef-
forts to diskxige the leftist Sand in-
ista government of President
Daniel Ortega. And he said he
would seek an additional $200
million tor Nicaragua next year.
"These nations need our help
to heal deep wounds inflicted by
years of strife and oppression,
years of loss and deprivation'
Bush said. "And we must act and
act soon
On Capitol Hill, words of
support for Bush's request soon
followed. House Speaker Thomas
S. Foley, D-Wash , said lawmak-
ers would need moredetailsabout
where the money would come
from and how it would be spent,
but said, "We want to work with
them and do it as soon as pos-
"The people of Nicaragua and
Panama have courageously opted
for freedom and democracysaid
Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole,
R-Kan. "We can't let them down
"We express our support for
both" the aid package and the end
of sanctions, the Nicaraguan
embassy said in a statement. It
See Aid, page 9
A for after school
Hawaii has the nation's first statewide, taxpayer-supported,
after-school program. The program is so popular, parents of
private-school students are fighting to get their children admitted
rvf Operingday:Feb 5.1990
'sf Enrollment: more than 14.500
iVf Partiapating schools 170
Ivf Hours 2-530 pm.
'S Staff: One adult for every 20 children
iST Late charge $5 for every 15 minutes after 5 45
fyf Cost to state: $5.6 mHon
iVf Monthly costs per chid:
Parents: $23
State: $80 i
rsf CMd elgtote it:
Enrolled in pubic school and
both parents work or single
parent works
Offspring of A Plus staffer
Source CVvIS ntrmni-
Gvoyme Miar Ganrxi Naws Service
U.S. to propose changes in arms reduction accord
United States, yielding to the
concerns of Western Furopean
allies, will propose a plan this week
to reduce troops and non nuclear
weapons in Europe with a key
monitoring provision deleted, a
senior Bush administration offi-
cial says.
The abandoned provision
called tor stationing monitors at
European ports and weapons fac-
tories to guard against violations
oi the 23-nation treaty nearing
completion in Vienna But the
official, whoouttined the erifka-
tion package on condition ot ano-
nymity, said virtual! all the allies
objected strenUOush to Soviet
monitors at their plants and ports
The revised Western proposal
will be presented in Vienna as
negotiators for the North Atlantic
I'reatv Organization and the
Warsaw Pact hold their sixth
round ot talks on a treaty designed
lor signing this year. Whether the
goal is achieved could depend on
how the Soviets respond to the
Western proposal. "The ball is in
their court the L S. official said.
The emerging accord calls tor
sharp reductions in Soviet tanks
and artillery in Eastern and Cen-
tral Europeandaceilingof 195,000
Soviet troops in the region. There
would be much smaller cutbacks
in IS. tanks and troops.
The United States could keep
195,(X)0 soldiers and airmen in
West Germany, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Denmark and Lux-
embourg, and an additional 30,000
in other NATO countries. Presi-
dent Bush and Soviet President
Mikhail S. Gorbachev want the
treaty to be ready tor signing by
the 16 NA III allies and the seven
Warsaw Pact countries at a 35-
nation summit meeting before the
end of the vear.
But several issues remain
unresolved. Most important
among them is a procedure to
guard against cheating.
The task involves policing the
vast expanse of Europe from
the Ural Mountains in the Soviet
Union to the Atlantic Ocean to
make sure the limits on tanks and
armored personnel earners, anti-
aircraft artillery, airplanes, heli-
copters and troops are honored
the offici il said a "web" of
safeguards would be offered by
NATO negotiators in Vienna, in-
cluding on-siteinspection of U.S.
and Soviet troops and tank de-
ployments. Information on non-
nuclear armories would be ex-
changed bv the two alliances and
then its accuracy checked bv
monitors who would go to the
military installations.
The monitoringsvstom would
K' supplemented by aerial sur-
veillance under President Bush's
"Open Skies" proposal as well as
a second system of overflights to
check on suspicious develop-
And the two sides would have
the right to demand to cheek out
suspicious movements of troops
and equipment under a svstem ot
"challenge inspections
Agreement within NATO on
these measures, and on a plan for
destroying excess tanks which also
will be presented in Vienna this
week, would improve prospects
for concluding the treaty. But, the
official said, virtually all the N AI ()
allies objected to having "the KGB
standing there" as Soviet or other
Warsaw Pact inspectors were sta-
tioned at weapons plants or
checked 'u ntry or shipment of
amis from European ports
1 hat, he said, would reveal to
the Soviets information about the
manufacture and delivery of
Western arms that the allies
wanted to keep secret The United
Statrs accepted a similar arrange-
ment at American plantsand ports
to police a 1US treaty with the
Soviet Union to ban intermediate-
range nuclear missiles.
to elect
Parliament Wednesday narrowly
agreed to conduct its own emer-
gency ek tion for the new. pow-
erful presidency, after a respected
scholar warned that a nationwide
popular campaign would lead to
civil war.
Mikhail S t kwrbachev is ex
peeled to easily win election in
balloting that appeared likely to
take place in the Kremlin's Palace
of Congresses tonight .The vote to
hold the emergency election was
the closest Gorbachev has faced
from the more than 2,000 mem-
bers of the Congress of People's
He needed 1 497 votes, or two
thirdsot allot theCongress' 2,246
deputies Hie final votewas 1 ,542
$68 with 76deputiesabstaining It
came shortly after an appeal from
Leningrad historian Dmitri
Likhachev, considered by m i
the dean ol Soviet culture, who
warned that the country was fac
ing civil warifithadtogothrougl
its tirst nationwide presidential
election now
"I remember the revolution of
February I lu17) very well, and 1
know where emotions can lead
likhachev, 84, told the deputies
"Understand our conditions,
he added. ' Direct election of the
president will lead to civil war
Likhachev also warned that a
proposal to force Gorbachev to
resign his chairmanship oi the
Communist Partv if elected presi-
dent would pit the party auaiast
the state. He said that also could
lead to civil war.
Religion in the public schools?
A recent survey asked a nationwide cross section of 1,492 likely
voters if religion should be taught in the public schools. The results:
Nationwide Blacks
State insanity bill faces delays
Not sure
Not sure
Not sure
Source ARC, News Harris Survey pou
Caroiynne MiHec Gannett News Service
Report shows a need for
increased aid for child care
National Research Council panel
called Wednesday tor pillions
more in government spending on
child care, mandatory one vear
leaves for parents of newbornsand
a program to establish strict na-
tional standards tor day care cen-
A report by the committee said
child care is "an essential aspect of
domestic lite and the economic
strticture of the country and that
by the vear 2000 about three of
every four U.S. children will have
mothers in the work force
The report called "Who Cares
for America's Children7" said
there is a serious need to assure
quality child care for all economic
levels to protect and nurture vir-
tually an entire generation of U.S.
"In 1988, more than 103 mil-
lion children under age 6 had
mothers in the labor force the
report said. Another 1H million
between the ages b and 13 had
working mothers
Within five years, the study
said, about two-thirds of all new
workers will be women and 80
percent of them are expected to
have children at some point dur-
ing their careers.
Forecasts "suggest that by
2000 approximately 80 percent of
school-age children and 70 per-
cent of preschool children will
have mothers who are working or
looking for work outside their
homes it said.
The report said that by 1995
the amount spent annually for
child care in the United States will
reach $48 billion. But to provide
"adequate care" for all children
under age 13, it said total costs for
parentsand the govern mentcould
rise eventually to about $126 bil-
Child careexpensesabsorban
average of 23 percent of the in-
come of poor families, the report
said. It noted, however, that one
study shows that for families earn-
ing under $5,000 a year, the child
care expense can represent up to
50 percent of the income. Higher
income families pay about 9 per-
cent of their income for child care
The quality of child care fa-
cilities varies from state to state,
community to community, and is
affected by the parents' income
level, the panel said. Enforcement
of day care quality ranges from
none in some states that lack li-
cense requirements or state inspec-
tions, to other states with manda-
tory standards that are strictly
enforced, it said. Child care center
employees are almost universally
poorlv paid and worker turnover
is very high, it said.
The expert panel said studies
show there is an important need
for parents to establish strong re-
lationships with their children in
the early months of life. As a re-
sult, it said, the federal govern-
ment "should mandate unpaid,
job-protected leave for employed
parentsof infantsup toone year of
Among large companies.
See Child Care, page 9
RALEIGH (AP) The up-
coming legislative session likely
will not feature a bill that would
create a new verdict of guilty but
mentally ill, said state lawmakers
studying the change.
"I'm beginning to get the sense
that this committee is not going to
be able to get its work done and
report to the General Assembly
said Sen. T.L. Odom, D-Charlotte,
who is vice chairman of a legisla-
tive committee studying the
change since September 1989.
The delay is a setback to ad vo
cates of the change, who say the
verdict as it now stands allows
killers to walk free.
"1 don't want this dropped
said Linda Cantrell. "Something,
somehow, somewhere has got to
be done
Cantrell's daughter Suzanne
was one of four people killed in
1988 when Michael Hayes shot
nine passersby along a road in
Forsvth County. A jury found
Hayes not guilty by reason of in-
Committed toastatc hospital,
Hayes is eligible for release if his
doctors and attorneys convince a
District Court judge that he is not
a threat to himself or others.
c antrell, a member oi the
committee, implored legislators
not to abandon rewriting the in
sanity verdict, even if it means
waiting until the long session in
"It will be tough to push
through a brand-new verdict, but
involuntary commitment proce-
dures could maybe be done said
the panel's chairman, Rep. Roy
Cooper, D-Rocky Mount, in a
report published in Wednesday s
Winston-Salem journal.
The group also is studying
ways to toughen the laws govern-
ing how people are released from
state mental-health institutions
after being found not guilty ot a
crime bv reason of insanity. Com
petencv hearings are now closed
to the public, including victims
and their families. And there can
be little supervision oi a commit-
ted persononceheisreleased from
a mental-health facility.
"We have inadequate control
of that person" once he is dis-
charged, said Bob Rollins, theclini-
cal director of pretrial evaluation
servicesat Dorothea Dix Hospital.
Although his case was the
most publicized in North Caro-
lina in recent years, Haves is onlv
one ot 14 alleged killers commit
ted to state hospitals between May
1, 1988, and April 30, lMSs? bv rea-
son of insamtv.
R.B. Nicholson, whose son
Thomas died in the I layes shoot-
ing spree, said that he didn't ex
pect a quick solution to the com
ple issues bared by the case.
"It it was simple, someone
would have thought ot it a while
ago he said.
In a letter to the legislative
committee. Nicholson asked that
the records ol the Department ol
Mental 1 lealth on the criminally
insane be open to the public.
'The Statutes intended to
protect the privacy and dignity ol
a person suspected ol mental ill
nessand committed for evaluation
are being used to deny the public
information as to the whereabouts
and disposition oi the dangerous
criminal Nicholson wrote.
But state deputy director of
mental health, WAV Stelle, said
that while he supported more
stringent guidelines tor discharg-
ing the criminally insane from state
hospitals, publicity might jeopard-
ize the safety of these people.
"There were against an mdi-
See Insanity, page 9
Fighting erupts near hostage site
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AD ?
Shiite Moslem militia alliesof Syria
and Iran fought each other in the
streets of south Beirut Wednes-
day a few blocks away from where
most of the Western hostages are
believed held captive.
Police Wednesday also re-
ported intermittent gunfire be-
tween rival Christian militias in
east Beirut. Clashcsbrokcout early
in the day between the pro-Ira-
nian Hezbollah and the Syrian-
backed Amal militia in the slums
of south Beirut, said a police
spokesman, who cannot be named
in line with regulations.
Police said three people were
killed and 10 wounded before
Svrian soldiers intervened and
disengaged the combatants
around 1 p.m. That brought the
overall toll to seven killed and 34
wounded since the Amal-Hezbol-
lah clashes broke out Tuesday
Fighters of the two warring
Moslem factions fired automatic
rifles and rocket-propelled gre-
nades across the narrow streets
separating their positions, the
spokesman said. The fighting was
reported in the Shiyah, Ouzai and
Bir Hassan districts, a few blocks
west of Hezbollah's Hajjaj and Hay
Madi barracks, where most of the
18 Western hostages are believed
Eight of the hostages are
American. The longest held is
Terry Anderson, chief Middle East
correspondent for The Associated
Press, who was abducted March
Staccato bursts of machine-
gun fire accompanied bv grenade
explosions echoed across Moslem
west Beirut as bearded Amal and
Hezbollah fighters traded fire.
Motorists honked horns hys-
terically and sped away in all di-
rections to escape the confronta-
tions. Hundreds of worried par
ents, fearing the possible spread
of fighting, rushed to schools tos
take their children home.

The East Carolinan, March 15,1990 9
Budget cuts put a hold on future state employees
state department heads said they
plan no layoffs after state budget
officials said cutbacks mav be
needed to deal with an expected
J2 13 million revenue shortfall.
However, a spot check of
i1 tmertt heads showed that the
?:t,ill means a shortage of of-
fice supplies and positions left
i ml
New computers for agricul-
ture programs probably won't be
;ht, the hiring olrprisonguards
?? m be delayed tor a while and
troublesome typewriters will
remain in use when they should
replaced, officials said. The
s climbing prison population
means the budget crunch comes
at a bad time, said Correction
Secretary Aaron ). lohnson.
We've been delaying hiring
certain staff members all across
the board and will continue doing
that said lohnson, whose
agency's $400 million annual
budget is being reduced between
2 percent and 3 percent. "Some-
times we delay the hiring of a
correction officer for 30 days,
sometimes for 60 davs
The Department oi Environ-
ment, Health and Natural Re-
sources faces a $10 3 million tnm,
with unfilled jobs and non-per-
sonnel expenses taking the big-
gest clip.
"There will be no R1F (reduc-
tion in force) in our department,
we've simply decided we won't
do that said Ann Q. Duncan, the
department's budget director.
"We are not overstaffed, if any-
thing we are short-staffed
In the state Department of
Agriculture, job vacancies remain
unfilled while many equipment
purchases expected this year will
likely be postponed, said Maurice
A. Weaver, the department's
budget director. The department
had absorbed a $(X),(XX1 cut in its
$39 million annual budget earlier
this year, when a $170 million
revenue shortfall had been pro-
tected. The larger, $203 million
shortfall now indicates a further
$3.2 million reduction.
"We made adjustments to
compensate for theearlier amount,
and now we've got to turn the
thumbscrews even tighter he
Postponed purchases proba-
bly will include $250,(XX) for com-
puters, he said, and may jeopard-
ize the department's $100,000
budget this spring for aerial pesti-
cide spraving for gypsy moths.
In the Department of 1 luman
Resources, the budget-cut target
has been revised from $17 million
to $20.2 million, said Secretary
David T. Haherty.
"There isn't any area in this
department that isn't feeling the
pinch,but Idon'tbelieveany serv-
ices are being sacrificed he said.
In the Department of Public
lnstruction,Superintendent Bobby
K. h'theridge expressed concern
about the squeeze on next year's
budget. The General Assembly
may be forced to make another
$130 million in cuts when it meets
in May to adjust the 1990-91
"If education is the number-
one priority of this state, we need
to find a way to meet our needs
Ethendge said by telephone.
Especially vulnerable is a
program to improve student
achievement under plans de-
signed by local school units, he
said. As yet unfunded, it could
cost up to $44 million if all of the
state's 134 school systems took
"The General Assembly last
year said they wanted this plan to
go into effect Etheridgesaid. "We
can't be caught in a position of
trading off one educational pro-
gram to save another.
Greyhound talks with union continue
Seafood House and Oyster Bar
f Washington Highway (N.C. 33 Eit 3r??nvill? North Carolina
Phono 752-3172
DAI I AS(AP) Greyhound
ines Inc. agreed to resume talks
the union representing its
Irivers tor the first time since
v iolence-marred walkout
began nearly two weeks ago.
The Dallas based company
ud I uesday it had agreed tobegin
? ilks Saturday in Phoenix at
rcqui St ol Bernard Del ury,
f thel ederal Mediationand
? iliation Service I he
? panv s announcement
itch union officials otl
It this is true, we welcome
pportunity to talk to the
pan I his is what we have
been seeking all along said lames
I a Sala, international president of
the Amalgamated Transit Union.
At least seven shooting inci-
dents have been reported since
the strike began March 2. includ-
ing one in Florida where eight
people were injured. A picketing
driver was crushed to death by a
buson the second da ol the strike
i Vn ucsdav,asnipershotata
moving Greyhound bus m i In
cago In I resno, . aht a i Ire)
hound owned "railways bus
parked in a storage yard was set
on tire Monday night, police said
No one was injured in either epi
Greyhound had refused to
resume negotiations unless the
union offered new proposals.
Spokesman George Gravley had
said Tuesday he did not know if
the union had changed its otter
"There's no point in our specu-
lating what may happen Gravley
said. "We are going back to the
bargaining table and thai speaks
tor itself
c ireyhound, the only nation
wide bus company, has been
operating on a reduced schedule
to the 9,600 communities it serves,
using permanent replacements
and union members willing to
Continued from page 8
united I s t perts to inspect
Nicaragua s economic situation
Complications arose as well,
however Sen Robert Byrd, D-
. a chairman of the Senate
ropriations Committee, said
he would withhold action on
Bush s request tor aid tor the
American countries until
idmimstration proposes spe-
ffic savings to pav tor it.
In a letter to Secretary ol State
lames A Baker 111, Byrd referred
to a conflict between himself and
the president that has been brew
ing since last month.
In February, Hush proposed
withholding $2.2 billion indefense
spending planned for this year,
much ol it slated tor arms projects
that are popular in Congress. I he
administration wants to spend
some ol that money tor different
weapons and use other parts oi it
tor the Central American aid.
But the president's proposal
angered Byrd and the appropria-
tions panel's ranking Republican,
Sen. Mark Hattield of Oregon.
IThey argued that Hush's plan to
stop the spending was illegal, and
called on him to reverse his deci-
sion The dispute remains unre-
I he aid measure could also be
slowed by unrelated amendments
that lawmakers might attach to it.
cross the picket line. Greyhound
has said it cannot afford more than
the $r3 million, three-year pact it
The company valued the
union's last offer at $207 million,
although the union said it would
cost much less. The differences
apparently stem from questions
over the cost ol measures such .is
benefits,safety pa) incentivesand
productivity raises.
In the shooting al 1:15 a m .
two bullets hit the front end ol the
bus, one hit the door and one wenl
through a window and "just
missed a fellow's head by a couple
inches said Master Sgt. ohn
Meduga ol the Illinois state Po-
"Everybody started to
scream Meduga said
(iravley said he had no evi
dence to connect the latest shoot-
ing to the strike, but added. We
don't have buses shot at when
we're not negotiating a contract "
Union officials have con-
demned the violence, which has
included three shootings in l hi-
cago and shootings in Ohio, Ari-
zona, Florida and t !onnecticut.
Mon. thru Thurs. Night
Plate wO
Child Care
Continued from page S
about 4" percent provide some
? rm ol paid maternity leave, but
?nl 10 percent ol the companies
with fewer than 100 employees
had such a policy, the report said.
Five states California,
. lii New lersev. New York
: Rhode Island and Puerto
in lude wage and position
? tection in pregnancy disability
ivi programs. In New lersev.
' ? example, workers are entitled
? '? weeks'leave and up to $200
veel in compensation.
i he 19-member Panel on
( hildare Policy was chaired by
lohn I Palmer of the Maxwell
School of Citizenship and Public
ffairs al Syracuse I niversity.
Most other members also are on
university faculties.
The National Research Coun-
is an organization of the Na-
tional Academy of Sciences, a
private society of scholars char-
ts red by Congress with a mandate
ad ise the federal government
on scientific and technical mat-
The Greenville Recreation and Parks Depart-
ment is now accepting applications for Life-
guards and Instructors at its City Outdoor
Pool. Applicants should have current WS1 or
AdvanceLifesavingCertificate. Applications
may be picked up at the City Personnel Office,
located on the corner o( 5th and Washington
Streets. For more information, contact Char-
les Williams, 830-4555
Continued from page 8
vidual who shall remain nameless
some death threats from the com-
munity, and there was consider-
able concern on the part of hospi-
tal administrators as to whether
they could protect that individual
from some individual who might
infiltrate the hospital and in fact
kill that unnamed individual' he
said. "So, before one addresses
the statutory changes, we need to
think of both sides
The East Carolinian
Mexican Restaurant
Fajita Burriio 6.95
A soft flour tortilla filled with sizzling beef
fajita strips, topped with hot melted cheese
and pico de gallo. Served with rice and beans.
Polio Borraeho 7.95
Delicious strips of chicken sauteed with bell
peppers, onions, black olives, and a blend of
herbs finished with a splash of wine. Served
over a bed of rice.
it's A Whole New Ball Game!
AMF Hillcrest Lanes
2718 Memorial Dr.
r56 "))2(
Tuesday. March 20
Drug Information Booths and Displays
10:00am - 2:00pm
MendenhaJl Student Ctr and Student Store
"Beginning Stages of Addiction:
warning signs, symptoms and
ways to help"
Presented by: Mr. Tom Savidge
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
"What Drugs Can Do For You:
Consequences of Drug Abuse"
Presented by: Mr. Cherry Stokes
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Monday. March 12
Mrs. Lonise Bias,
"A Message Of Hope"
Hendrix Theatre
Reception to follow
Monday. March 19
Drug Testing "Your Career and
Well Being"
Presented by: Dr. James McCallum,
Dr. George Kline, Dr. James
Westmoreland and Mr. Larry Hamby
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
"Deadliest Weapon In America "
Don't Risk it: Drinking and Driving"
Presented by: BACCHUS Members
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Thursday. March 22
Pig Picks Music, Prizes (meal card or $5.
4:30 - 6:30
Tyler Beach
"Addictive Behaviors"
Presented by: Mr Larry Hines
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Weekday. March 21
Drug Information Booths and Displays
10:00am - 2:00pm
Mendenhall Student Ctr and Student Store
"Overview of Drug trends and
Resources For Help"
Presented by: Mr. Kent Allen
Mendenhall Student Ctr Social Room
Movie: Less Than Zero
Hendrix Theatre
Friday. March 23
"America Hurts: The Drug Epidemic"
Presented by: Mr. David Susina
12:00 noon
221 Mendenhall Student Ctr

Slje iEaBt Qtarnlfman
Page 10
Coming up
In Limbo
Left Exit
Lethal Weapon II
In Limbo
The Amateurs
The Popes
Left Wing Fascists
Crystal Sky
Clee Lyles
Lethal Weapon II
Satilite Boyfriend
Lexx Luthor
Lethal Weapon II
Lethal Weapon II
March 15,1990
BOSTON (AD ? The case in
federal bankruptcy court was
strictly small potatoes, but it meant
a lot to mechanic Norman Darish
? he won it all himself.
After months of stolen hours
at the library, lunch breaks spent
cramming on legalese and late-
night rehearsals in front of a mir-
ror, Parish represented himself in
a case concerning several hundred
dollars in unpaid bills at his
family's garage.
And he won.
Even the attorneys were im-
pressed .
"Check this out one lawyer
told another after the case was
closed. "This kid represented
himself and he did all right. He
did real good
Darish made his 10-minute
argument with all the panache of
Terry Mason. His suit, however,
was no! pinstripes but workbcnits
and a navy blue uniform with
"Leo's Auto Repair embroidered
over the breast pocket.
Parish hadn't even removed
the Phillips screwdriver, air pres-
sure gauge and magnetic pickup
tool from his hip pocket before
hopping on the subway to make
his lunchtime appearance.
"1 didn't want to be pompous
or a showboat he recalled, still
frying high a week after winning
his case early this month. "I jus
wanted to look like myself - an
average person
The defendant, a Boston so-
ciable, claimed protection from
creditors under a federal bank-
ruptcy filingHut Dansn found
out he had been under federal
bankruptcy protection almost
perpetually between 1982 and
"And meanwhile the little
guvs he owed money to were
stuck said Parish, who appealed
to the federal bankruptcy judge.
The judge agreed to dismiss the
Chapter 13 filing.
Police arrest coat
thief in station
The members of in limbo (from left to right) are Dave Wright. Eric Davis, Dave Mason. Max Acker and Dave
Schehr They will play tonight at O'Rockefellers and on Saturday at Darryl's St. Patricks Day Celebration
Styles merge to create music
and unite members of in-limbo
The investigation into the theft of
a coat and hat was only a day old
when the prime suspect, wearing
his booty, waltzed into police
headquarters and the arms of the
Randolph Ferland, 53,
stopped Wednesday at the police
station in this west-central Con-
necticut town to use the bathnxim,
but was arrested atter an alert
policecaptain realized Ferland and
his outfit matched witnesses' de-
The crime drama began Tues-
day night when someone sneaked
into the Lutheran Church ot
Cheshire, and stole a winter coat
and knit hat from a closet A tew
i hurch members got a glimpse ot
the man, and described him to
Tohce Capt Gary Walberg
said he was reading a rep.rt on
the thett Wednesday when he
happened to peer out ot hisoffa e
and saw the man described in the
report ? jacket, hat and all.
"1 le matched the description
to a T Walberg said.
The only thing missing was
the victim to identity the coat
Ferland was wearing as the one
that had been taken
As that thought crossed
Walberg's mind, the victim
walked into the police station to
see if the coat had been found It
Alter spending most ot the
day in jail, Ferland pleaded guilty
in Menden SupenorCourt to si th-
degree larceny by possession. A
judge released him tor time al-
ready served.
Bv Dcanna Nevgloski
Staff Writer
When most people try to think of a meaning tor
the word "in-limbo many will say it is a place
between heaven and hell or maybe even Earth or
better vet, a progressively stylish Greenville-based
band made up of Pave Mason on vocals, Pave
Schehr and Eric Davis on guitars, Dave Wright on
bass and Max Acker on drums.
Formed in August ot 1489, in-limbo isn't a typi-
cal band that is floating around while looking for a
town to invade. So there we sat, in thcdimly-lit New
PHi oneafternoon: me, my tape recorder and vocal-
istspokesman Mason. Over a cup ot tea, we talked
about the birth of in-limbo and the many positive
career opportunities headed their way.
The band got its first experience while playing
every Wednesday at the Peli's open-nuke night.
With 10 covers learned and tour to five originals
written within one week, this band was well on its
way to becoming a serious act.
Mason, who works at East Coast Music and
Video and is an English literature student here at
ECU, stressed that in-limbo does not want to be a
cover band. One of their many goals is to write more
originals so that thev won't be deemed another
college cover band.
Musically, Mason said that each band member
has his own influences, and that it is hard to catego-
rize the style of music that they play. With influences
ranging trom XTC to lane's Addiction to Robin
Hitchcock, ln-hmboisa band that incorporates these
different styles into their music to make tor a com-
pletely unique sound.
In April, in-limbo will release a nine-song tape.
Mason said that the tape will be sent to ma for record
companies and small independent labels Some of
the songs that will appear on the new tape include:
See in-limbo, page 11
Prison gives opportunity
for earning college degree
Cosbv continues to win awards
Gallup poll reports television favorites
Cosbv and "The Cosby Show"
dominated the Feople's Choice
A wards with three trophies, while
Roseanne Barr and "Batman"
picked up two awards each.
MervlStreep, Tom Cruise and
Pustin ioffman captured the top
a wards Sunday in the movie cate-
gories, while musical honors went
to Paula Abdul, Bobby Brown,
Kennv Rogers and Randy Travis
Arsenio Hall Uxk the first-
time categorv as favorite late-night
talk show host for his syndicated
show, beating out Johnny Carson
and Pavid Letterman.
Cosbv won his sixth straight
trophv for favorite male TV per-
The awards, determined by a
nationwide Gallup Organization
poll, were announced during a
two-hour broadcast on CBS. The
22 categories spanned the enter-
tainment world from television,
film and music.
1 lere are the winners:
All-around female enter
tainer: Roseanne Barr.
All-around male entertainer:
Bill Cosby.
Female TV' performer: Rose-
anne Barr.
Male TV performer: Bill
Young TV performer: Fred
Savage ("The Wonder Years .
Male performer in a new IV
series: Neil Patrick Harris
("Doogie Howser, M.D).
See Choice, page 11
Gannett News Service
Pwight Allen is a persistent
telon and honors student
But whether Allen will gradu-
ate from the University of Ken
tuckv is in doubt because- prison
officials can no longer afford to
drive the political science major to
campus and back ? 10 miles each
way - every day.
Allen, 38, filed a grievance to
fight the decision. He has served
10 years of a 31-year sentence tor
checking and credit card scams
Mtd will be eligible for parole next
Attending college "is the
greatest thing that ever happened
to me in my whole life says Al-
len, who is 40 credit hours away
from graduation. "There has been
no one in mv family that has ever
graduated trom college
Warden Ralph Evitts savs
Allen is an "ideal inmate but he
is the onlv participant in a pro-
gram that hasbeen canceled. Evitts
said Allen and other inmates can
work on degrees bv taking corre-
spondence and individual study
courses from two other Kentucky-
Allen savs neither school of-
fers the honors program or upper-
level classes he is taking at Ken-
tuckv. He could finish his degree
at Kentucky after he is paroled,
but he savs he doesn't want to
wait that long.
Now, Allen arrives on cam-
pus between 6:30 and 8 a n
tends classes, studies in the hon-
ors lounge and returns to prison at
5 pam He is treated like any other
student; no professors check I
make sure he attends lassos And
with his wardrobe- of sweatsuit
baseball cap and duffle bag, Allen
fits in on campus
Allen, who dropped out of
school, earned an equivalent high
school diploma and juniorcoll
degree while in a state reforma-
tory. He then transferred to the
minimum security prison where
he now is held so he could attend
classes at the University of Ken-
He suicl he intends to go to
law school at Kentucky. If he has
his degree when he conies up for will be easier to
find a job and attend law school
he said.
Allen said earning his degree
while in prison can send a mes-
sage to young people that it is
possible to rise above their situ-
He said he would like to fin-
ish law school and "go back into
the community. I want to help in-
dividuals that fell through the
cracks. 1 want to gt back into the
community and work with the
youth because kids can bo sal-
CfopvnyilC I?0 (BATUMI AlTJ I ?
Gray gallery shows
European art work
Pickin' the Bones:
Germs attack the Bonehead
ECU News Bureau
Two exhibits which feature
eastern European art, "Berlin
Modern Architecture" and "Tho-
mas Florschuetz ? Photographs
are on display in the Wellington B.
Grav Gallery at ECU through
March 23.
"These German exhibits pro
vide an opportunity to examine
artwork from an area of the world
that has recently received a politi-
cal and humanitarian spotlight
with the destruction of the Berlin
Wall said Karen Churchill, gal-
lery director.
Through the use of photo-
graphs, maps, models, and video
tapes, "Berlin Modern Architec-
ture" focuses on the rebuilding of
Berlin after World War II
"Grand projects were com-
petitively placed as close to the
boundary of the Soviet sector as
possible to display the superiority
of the Western Allies Churchill
said. "During this period, there
was a lack of interest in preserving
the existing architecture and his-
tory- The desire was to forget the
past and create a modern city.
Widespread demolition mania led
to the destruction of more build-
ings than all of the air raids com-
Three lectures will be held in
conjunction with the Berlin exhibit.
New York critic Martin Filler will
present "Berlin: Architecture af-
ter the Apocalypse" on March 1.
John Reuer, a design historian
from N.C. State University, will
lectureon March 19. Thomas Stahl,
a Berlin architect and major coor-
dinator of the exhibition, will lec-
ture on March 22.
All lectures begin at 7:30 p.m.
in Jenkins Aud itorium and are free
and open to the public. Recep-
tions for the speakers will be held
following each lecture in Gray
Thomas Florschuetz arranges
his photographs in rows, blocks
and crosses. The German artist
bases his works on the traditional
portrait, primarily using himself
as the subject matter.
By Chippy Bonehead
Staff Sneezer
I hate getting sick.
Who doesn't? But for me, the
hypochondriac of the world, even
minor colds blow all out of pro-
portion. So when I caught the
current bug, 1 headed straight for
bed, hoping it would blow over
It's been two weeks. My
mucous membranes are still work-
ing overtime to produce a truly
f righteni ng amount of snot hourly.
The ridges of my nose look like
raw hamburger because I've used
so many tissues, paper towels, old
newspapers and clothes to blow
my nose.
1 can't determine which part
of a cold is the absolute worst. Is it
the inability to breathe? Lying
awake at 4 a.m. gasping breaths
through my mouth, it seemed like
that was the worst part.
I know if s worse to breathe
through my mouth, I told myself
sternly. There's nothing to filter
out those dam minute dust par-
ticles, it doesn't adjust the tem-
perature of the air to your lung
temperature, and it makes your
breath stinky.
But, I retaliated sarcastically,
my nose isn't working, and if I
don'tget some oxygen in mybody
somehow, I'll drop dead. I con-
ceded that was true and pulled the
covers over my head in a futile
attempt to screen out those dam
minute dust particles.
The next day, the aches
started. My head hurt. My skin
was sensitive. Everything I
touched felt like sandpaper. Even
my leg hairs throbbed with pain.
That of course, was the day an
old roommate told me about his
trip to the dentist and his recent
bout with periodentitis. Well, just
hearing about that made my teeth
hurt, and 1 was convinced I had
contracted it too.
Slack, a friend, told me I was
being ridiculous. Thus assured, I
went to bed and woke up the next
morning with The Sore Throat.
Every swallow was an exercise in
muscle-constricting agony.
I tried sprays, cough drops,
Sucrets? For Individuals Who Are
InSerious Pain, and tenother kinds
of lozenges. Nothing dulled the
pain for very long and all that
sugary candy made my teeth start
aching again.
Miserable, panicky and read)
to slit my wrists and get it over
with, I went to the infirmary. It's
not like they're not real doctors, I
reasoned to myself, but they
should at least be able to handle
this cold.
Wrong After taking my blood
pressure, my temperature and
looking at my ears and throat with
that little flashlight thing, their
brilliant diagnoses was, "You have
the cold that lasts for a month. Go
home, take over-the-counter drugs
and get some rest
I told them that, no, this just
wouldn't doat all, I explained that
it was hard to get any senous rest
when you couldn't breatheor your
throat hurt and blankets felt like
sandpaper and weren't there any
stronger medicines they could give
me, something on the order of
morphine mixed with pot?
They said no, handed me a
tamper-resistant sheet of Tylenol?
and were about to send me on my
See Sick Bones, page 11

The East Carolinian, March 15,1990 11
Campus Voice
What do you think of ECU's
Party School" reputation?

Uyetl Nguyen, 20
Biology, Sophomore
ECU's not nationally known, but
it is known throughout the state.
The reputatution is easing up
Chris Waters, 19
Accounting, Sophomore
"It's out of hand. Every school
parties, but ECU gets the reputa-
I uon because our academic stan-
i jl dards arc easier, but not the
Donald Morris, 30
Occupational Theraphy, Sopho-
It'1- an academic institution. A
school should be known for its
academics, not for partying. I want
to be proud of my school
Leslea Snyder, 18
Journalism, Freshman
"The reputation has slowed
down since the noise ordinance
was put in effect. I'm from Long
Island and we heard about ECU
Frank Miles, 26
Business, junior
1 came from Florida and 1 didn't
know they had one. It wasn't pro
jected until I got here. People use it
as a crutch to get away from rea
life ?3
David Miller, 20
Xndecided, Freshman
'The reputation as a party school
is misleading. People think of
ECU as a party; it has so much
else to offer
-Compiled by Marjorie McKinstry
(Photos by Angela Pridgen?ECU Photo Lab)
Bits and Pieces
Census Bureau gives home facts
More than halt of I: S. homos do not have central air conditioning.
it halt do not have dishwashers. And water leakage is the most
n household problem .Those are findings in theCensus Bureau's
8 American (lousmg in ev (Hhers - the average numbered rooms
in an owned-housc is six. I here are about seven million mobile homes.
' i stoves heat about five million houses. We like cur homes and we
like where we live. Seven in 10 Americans give high marks to their
mes and neighborhood On a one-to-10 scale, about 70 percent rate
meseight or higher And one third give perfect tens Minority tacts
Wat ksand 1 lispanics grade homes and neighbors eight or better. And
" ? are more likely to be renters and live in older housing.
. MfttM iw. IKA rtXMI (fpirCaMrjpfa muittaaKttmmfk
Rhonda Lamm leads Todd Cochran around campus as he learns
what it is like to be blind. The experiment is conducted by their
special education class (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo

Lethal Weapon
Playing March 15 - 18, 1990
Sponsored by Student I nton lilnr. Committee
Continued from page 11)
"Turn It Awav "Kangaroos a
southern-influenced song, "It's All
Right Now" and "Coming Back
A video has been made for the
song "Turn It Awav Produced,
directed and edited by Dr. Moon,
an artist from Chapel Hill, the
video will combine conceptual
performances and live footage.
In February, in-limbo joined
many other progressive acts to
'Rock Against Rape" at the Attic.
All donations were made to the
Sick Bones
Continued from page 10
way. As 1 slid off the examining
table, the pseudo-doctor said, "Oh,
by the wav. as I looked in vour
mouth, 1 noticed you're having
some gum and tooth trouble. You
might want to go to the dentist
before you develop periodentiris
In lieu of flowers, the Ponehead
family asks that all contributions be
sent to the Ponehead Foundation for
Stronger Drug for fyjxvhondriacs.
Till the afterlife, may the hangoxrrs
be gentle, the buzzes intense and be
sure to brush and floss daily.
Real Crisis Center, and the band
appeared on the channel 7 new s.
Tonight, however, you can
catch in-limbo jamming it up at
O'Rockefellers. This Saturday, the
band will be the opening act for
The Amateurs at Darryl's St.
Patrick's Dav celebration.
For more information about
in-limbo and the band's up-and-
coming performances, call Dave
Mason at 732-3086.
Upcoming March Entertainment:
Fri. 16th
Crystal Sky
Hours of Operation
Mon 11 am - 8 pm
Tues 1 lam-lam
Wed 11 am - 1 am
Thurs 11 am - 9 pm
Fri 11 am - 1 am
Sat 12 noon - 1 am
If Band Night -
close at 1 am
Sat. 17th
Celebrate St. Patrick's
Day with Bad Bob &
The Rockin' Horses
$1.15 longnecks
all nite
513 Cotanchc St.
(located across from L'BE)
Each Tues. & Wed. Night
Open Mic Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
Odd Answers
I Edacious D gluttonous; 2 Range A edge, protrud-
ing rim; 3 Cam A herd of whales 4 Gambrel: B.
horsehock; Gleg: A. Alert, quick response; 6. Ivied:
C overgrown with ivy; 7. Jacal: A thatch hut; 8. Licit:
B legal; 9 Ligature: A. binding, constricticting; 10
Xeric: D dry habitat
Music Notes
Here's what's new Sineod O'Connor, Social Distortion, Midnight
( il,Laval ove BenVaugrtrvBtocfcCrowes,Tt?HavaHr?s?TheAdven-
tures, Freedy lohnston, Denim TV and About a million others. It's all
now and ZMB is playing all of it. look out for Stormy Weather from
Blue Clocks Green. They havo the greatest promotional items to sup-
port their equally great single, "Stormy Weather They sent us broken
i locks and drink umbrellas Informally us that the latter was "not a
condom, do not use it on a penis
1 heSXSW (South bv Southwest) convention is this week in Austin
I indWZMHis thereas von vereading this(notuemvpowersof fore-
sightIt's a great opportunity to meet other radio people, record CO.
poopleand band people Hopefully we will come back with music from
the best of the unknowns, lots of information on how to start a record
company and maybe a few possible prospects about a record contract
for In limbo watch for their CD and cassette soon. It 11 be way cool,
tar cheap and too hip for any and all Elbo groupies
This is going to be a great weekend for bands and if you are here
this is where you should go; Thursday, O'Rockefeller s for In Limbo
(fabulous babes); Friday The Attic for Left Wing Facists and another
awe-inspiring WZMB live remote; Saturday afternoon, Darryl's for In
Limbo and The Amatcu Saturday night. Satellite Boyfriend at
O'Rockefeller's. Of course, there are other good bands playing at
O'Rocksand The New Deli all weekend. Enjov yourselves twice for me.
??Compiled by Beth "Gutter Child" Ellison, WZMB
Continued from page 10
Female performer in a new-
TV series: lamie Lee Curtis
("Anything Put Love").
New TV comedy series:
"Doogte Howser, M.D
New TV dramatic series:
"Rescue 911
Lite-night talk show host:
Arsenio Hall.
Motion picture: "Batman
Dramatic motion picture:
"Batman" and "Steel Magnolias
Motion picture actor: Tom
Motion picture actress: Meryl
Male musical performer:
Bobbv Brown.
Female musical performer:
Paula Abdul.
ftla-ia Cinema 3 ?j?
East Carolina University's
Student Union
is taking applications for
Student Union Committee Chairpersons
for the 1990 - 91 Term
Get involved on one of the following committees
Additonal Information & Applications available in room 236
Mendenhall. or call 757-4715
The Lord of the Flics (PG 13)
NightJy 7 00 & 9:00
Sat Sun Maunees 2:00 & 4 00
The Hunt for Red October (PG)
Nightly 7 00 & 930
Sal Sun Matinees I 30 & 4 00
Joe Versus The Volcano (PG)
Nightly 7 00 & 9 00
Sat Sun Matinees 2 00 A 4 00
CO 3 7S6-3307
. iSuccancex J 6rytcnbid
House Party (R)
Nightly 7:00 A 9:15
Sat Sun Matinees 2:00 & 4:15
Driving Miss Daisy (PG)
Nightly 7:00 A 9:00
Sat Sun Maunces 2:00 4 00
Bad Influences (R)
Nightly 7:00&9:10
Sat Sun Matinees 2:00 & 410
fieri Thect?
War of the Roses (R)
Weekdays 7:00 &. 9:15
Sat Sun 2:00 & 4:15

12 The last Carolinian. March LLJ33Q
Faux Pas
AN ?&?vrL sruoy postrc s on? in
TH? roes.
One Shot !
B Par noil
' X J . : )

Sire East (Ear0llnfan
Page 13
March 15,1990
Eason, Pirates slide past UNC-Asheville, 4-3
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
1 he Pirate sluggers remained
MMten at home in eighteen
ames with a close 4-3 victory
nsl the University of North
arelina Asheville Bulldogs
. edncsday afternoon.
Starting pitcher David Wilhs
id ti'ur strong innings tor
rates 1 le gave up three runs
ighl hits while walking only
itter The Bulldogs scored
two runs ott Willis in the fourth
unc, when Todd IVss led with a
single With Mike McPaniel reach
irst on a Pirate error, Wayne
; aircloth hit a run scoring sacri-
e fl) After efl Fox kept the
:ung alive with a hunt single.
Derek Helton singled in .mother
N Asheville led the game
ifter tour innings
Bui the Pirates came back to
?; tht game With men on second
md third, the Bulldogs commit
? i a (hiding error that cost them
? mis
In the fifth inning, head coach
in (verton pulled Willis in
? ' ? ? pit herOwenDavis.
Willis) was a little shaky today
n said 1 le gave main- hits
pared to his other outings.
I )avis piU bed tour and two-
rtnings, gi ing up only two
its and fanning five Bulldogs. He
?. .liked two batters. Overtoil
said Davispitcheda superb game.
W hile i a is was battling
shi ?. ille with his curve-
Pirate 1 ommy Eason fooled
? . ne bv stealing homeplate
? the winning score 4 1 Eason
I two -mgles in tour trips to the
V shovilles head coach
Pope was very disappointed
ti am ??? i iffense
i had the inability to drive
I run with men in s nring posi-
tion Pope said. "It cost us the
Ijx was also upset with his
starting pitcher, amor I teal. Peal
pitched tour innings, giving up
three runs on five hits. He also
walked seven Pirates.
"He (Peal) struggled Pope
said. "1 le pitched behind the bat-
ters all U"
As a team, ECU stole seven
bases 1 he Pirates also got pk ked
oil three times. During the game,
the Hues committed three errors,
seven in the last two games
In Tuesday's action, the ECU
baseball team dodged a bullet as
they dete.ited the Virginia Com-
monwealth Rams 4-3 .it Harring-
ton Field.
The Pirates took the early 1 0
lead when Steve (iodin singled in
Corey Short in the second inning
Short collected two hits and two
stolen bases in the game.
But the Rams surged ahead
bv scoring a single run in the third
and fourth inning.
With the Ram -? simi lead,
Pirate starting pitcher. 1 mi 1 ang
don. (4 1 on the season) kept the
E( I in Ihegameb) pitchingseven
strong, innings.
1 legave uponly three runson
fourhits. I angdon also fanned six
batters while walking two
"1 angdon pitched a fine base-
ball game today said Overtoil
1 he Hues finallv broke away
in the tilth by scoring three runs,
which gave EC I a 4 2 lead Right
fielder Tommy xi arborough
started the winning rally with a
lead-off single followed by a Kevin
Riggs double that stored arbor-
lohn Adams followed with
another single, keeping theinning
alive With the bases loaded with
Pirates, starting'hurler RTcTv
Morris tor Virginia Common
wealth was replaced by Danny
Flanagan. Short hit a sacrifice flv
(ill Flanagan to give the Pirates
the two-run lead.
The lead for ECU was threat-
ened in the eighth inning when
the Rams stored another run cut-
ting the score 4-3.
Overtoil played the game of
strategy when he put in Pirate
ace-pitcher Jonathan fenkins to
throw the last inning.
"1 .angdon got a little tired in
the end Overtoil said. "That's
why we put in Jenkins
Yarborough said he's not sur-
prised at the good start for the
Pirates. "1 knew we were going to
be strong team ust judging bv the
scrimmages he said. "Every
batter, one through nine, could
bat anywhere
ECU takes to the held again
this afternoon when thev host
UNC-A at I p.m and again En-
ol.) at 3 p.m. The team will then
entertain 1 toward University over
the weekend.
ECU'S Fommy Yarborough singled in the second inning, walked three times and stole two bases as the
P;rates extended their home winning streak to 18 games by defeating UNC-Asheville 4-3 Wednesday
afternoon (Photo by JD Whitmire ? ECU Photo Labi
Golfers place first and second in tourneys
By Paul Garcia
staff Writer
rheEC I golf team competed
in two tournaments over spring
break ,u returned with trophies
from both I lie Pirates took the
team honors in the Shadowmoss
Intercollegiate and a second place
in the Fripp Island Intercollegiate
I he trip had its ups and
dow ns, but was a success tor the
Pirates Before leaving, the team
learned that head coach Morrison
would not be able to go with the
team because his wife had to have
emcrgencj surgery, "he team was
coached bj former player and
Academic All-American, Chris
First stop for the Pirates was
Charleston, S.C March 5-6 for the
Shadowmoss Intercollegiate and
they came out hot. Alter a tirst
round total of 24 the Pirates had
a 13 shot lead over Campbell
University who was in second at
Individually, the Pirates had
the top five spots in the tourna-
ment, leading the way was red-
shirt freshman Michael "The
Worm" Teague with a 71 followed
by juniors Francis Vaughn and
John Maginnes and senior Paul
(.arciaall with 74s, and playing is
an individual, junior Simon Moye
had a 7 to round out the top five
" I he whole team played great.
this is the type ot team effort you
need to win tournaments interim
(.each Riley said.
Overall the second round
wasn't as good for the Pirates, but
they still managed to hangon and
win with a two day total of 597. In
second wasampbell University
at hi 14 and in third was the host
school c ollegeof (narleston with
a total ot 615.
"We didn't play that well
today. 1 thmk some of our guys
where trying too hard to play
well Riley said. "The team really
wanted to win this tournament
for Mrs. Morrison who is always
their supporting them and they
wanted to return the favor.
Individually aughn finished
in a fie for first bureventtiallv lost
in a playoff with Dwayne Bauck
ot Campbell University. Fresh-
man, R) an Perna,of ECU shot a 73
the second day and tcxik third.
Maginnes.( ,arcia and Teague took
eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth
respectively tor the Pirates.
"I played really well, but
1 Hvayne played iust a little better
and he won said Vaughn.
"Dwayne made some putts that I
didn't and that made the differ-
ent e
Next, the Pirates traveled to
Pnpp Island. S.C to defend their
title in the 24 team held at the
Fripp Island Intercollegiate Colt
rournament. The team got oil to
another quick start and had a 12
shot lead alter the tirst round over
rival Old Dominion I nivfrsftv
and 16 shot lead over third place
See Riley, page 14
Freshman third baseman Stephanie Hobson connecis lor another Lady Pirate hit as the team stopped
Campbell 9-3 and 3-0 Wednesday afternoon (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Softball team sweeps Camels
for fourth straight victory
Lady Pirate netters fall to
MTSU, Flagler College
By Chip Rutan
Staff Writer
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Stjff Writer
The Lady Pirate Softball team
defeated the Lady Camels of
( ampbell University yesterday 9-
and 3-0, increasing their record
I to 11-3, and giving them a four
game winning streak.
ECU opened up the season
with a double-header against C.U.
winning that outing 9-0 and 3-2.
The Lady Pirates scored three
runs in the second, third and fourth
innings to put them up for good.
We hit the bail hard at them
and made them make the mis-
takes said head coach Sue
Manahan. "We had a difficult
time with their pitching, but we
got our timing as the game pro-
Although the lady Camels
scored first the l.adv Pirates
quickly evened up the score with
a verv productive second inning
Senior Kim C'orwin (211) opened
up the inning with a base hit and
then was advanced off a sacrifice
bunt bv senior Kathy Schrage
(.385). '
Laura Crowder stepped up
and got a base hit down the middle
to bring in Corwin and tie the
game at one. Cindy Ritter (.300
and two-for-twoin the game) then
placed a bunt, barely beating the
throw to first and advancing
Crowder to third
Chris Byrne's I J811 line drive
down tirst was ust hard enough
to bring in both Crowder and Rit-
ter to give the Lady Pirates a 3-1
In the third inning ECU came
out unscathed, giving up no runs
under the pitching of Senior Tra-
cye l.arkin. Larkin pitched five
inningsallowing three runson two
"We consistently drove the
ball throughout the game said
larkin. "It really felt good toplav
home after being on the road so
The I adyPiratesearned three
more runs in the bottom of the
third Senior Leslie Cramer was
walked and Donna Weller then
stepped up and nailed a ball deep
into left held tor a triple, scoring
Stephanie Hobson then
landed on first off a single and
Corwin sacrificed a bunt driving
in Weller. Hobson then scored off
a pop-up bv Schrage making the
score 6-1
The fourth inning saw ECU
scoring furiously and allowing
one run by the lady Camels to be
scored. Ritter was once again
asked to bunt and again she out-
ran the throw to first. On the next
pitch she stole her first of three
bases and was then hit home on a
hard drive by Mechelle (ones.
I lobson.the lady Pirates next
hatter, whacked a line drive
double between the legs of C.U.
See Sweep, page 14
The Lady Pirates' tennis team
traveled to Florida over spring
break for three straight matches
and finished the road trip with a 1 -
2 record. The team defeated
Winona State, but lost to Flagler
College and Middle Tennessee
In the Middle Tennessee State
match, the teams battled shot for
shot. Even though the Pirates
dropped all nine matches, it was
closer than the final score indi-
The number one seed for ECU,
Nicole Catalano, stunned
LorindaWeiss6-1 in the first set. "I
just didn't make a mistake in the
first set, she was totally battled
said Catalano.
In the next two sets, Catalano
was upended 4-6, 3-6 by Weiss.
"She started to pick up her
own game and 1 started getting a
little bit frustrated and was not
concentrating as well said Cata-
In the only other three set
match, sixth seed Wendy Perna
was nipped bv Mates Katrina
Beuchlar 6-2,4-n. h-4.
The Pirates'number two seed,
Jennifer Fenton, wasedged out by
KellyWilliamson 6-3, 7-5. Cackie
Fenwicklost6-0,6 5 toMates' Yael
Soresman. Fourth seed tor ECL ,
Kelly Buck, lost in straight sets 6
3,6-3 to Lynn Dillard,and captain
kim I larvey was defeated 1, 6-2
by Angie Leake.
The doubles were not as close
as the Pirates were swept in all
three matches in straight sets.
The Lady Pirates swept
Winona State 3-0 in Jacksonville,
Playing with confidence, the
team swept all three doubles
matches against this division two
The team oi Catalano
Fenwick for ECU ousted Kane
Evanson 6-0, 6-2. The second
match was closer, but the Pirates'
FentonBuck won in straight sets
6-2,6-3. Finally, the team of Perna
Jennings came on strong the sec-
ond set to beat Winona's Pockat
(ireiner 7-5, n-0.
Playing their toughest match
against nationally ranked Flagler
College, the Lady Pirates lost 9-0,
but were competitive.
ECU coach Rowan Pa vis said,
"We all played excellent tennis,
but thev just had a better tennis
kim Harvey of ECU was de-
feated r-4 in the tirst set by Kristen
Longmire, only to battle back to
win the second 6-2. With the match
tied, I larvey dropped the final set
o-2 but wasn't disappointed.
"I plaved my best match; I
was with her point for point she
Number six seed Wendy
Perna also went three sots in her
match against Kelly Serzeden,
winning the first 6-1, but drop-
See Tennis, page 14
Techincals end Intramural reign
By Jeannette Roth
Only one name could be syn-
onymous with men's intramural
basketball for at least the past four
years at ECU. But, not anymore.
In an upset befitting the
"Cinderellas" of the NCAA, "I'd
Rather Be Ballin bounced over
"The Fellows" to make their claim
on the gold divisional basketball
championship. The championship
roundballers from Scott residence
hall go on to face Omega Psi Phi,
fraternity gold champions for the
all-campus title.
Led by Brian Lee, "I'd Rather
Be Ballin used a lightening of-
fense scoring on several outstand-
ing fast break attempts. At the half
"I'd Rather Be Ballin" was up by
seven, but soon into the second
half, found themselves in a tie with
the unrelenting perennial favor-
ites. The depth ot the "I'd Rather
Be Ballin" bench outlasted the six
members oi "The Fellows" who
were forced to compete against
the tireless fast break oi their
In the last minutes of the con-
test, "I'd Rather Be Ballin" pulled
a way leaving only one alternative
for "The Fellows" ? to change
their nanv- to "The Foulows
With 41 seconds left in regula-
tion plav, the third and most dev-
astating technical foul fell on last
year's champions, knocking them
out of the all-campus highlight
and perhapsending an era in intra-
mural basketball.
? "The Alley Cats" have been
hanging around the Mendenhall
Bowling Center and have walked
away with the 1990 co-rec bowl-
ing trophy. In the finals of the
latest pintoppling action, "Silent
Attack 1" with bowlers Cindy
Faust, Bryan Kennedy, Cheryl
French, Traci Brown and Scott
Smith rolled a 599 first game
combination. Faust was the high
bowler with a 182 game followed
bv teammate Bryan Kennedy.
Though ahead early in the
second gameand perhapson their
way to a comeback victory, "Si-
lent Attack" faltered in the ninth
Ira me with open marks from each
member. "The Alley Cats" were
able to counterattack with several
strikes in the tenth frame to clinch
the second game and an overall
campus victory.

14 The East Carolinian, March 15, 1990
Sports Briefs
Decision on baseball set for Friday
Commissioner Fay Vincent will wail until Friday to announce a
decision on baseball's scheduled opening day April 2. Spokesman
Richard Levin said Tuesday night that the commissioner met with
American 1 eague President Dr Bobby brown and l President bill
White during the day and the stall people are looking into how we go
about it No new negotiations in the lo kout are planned
Superbowl XXVII goes to Arizona
NFL Commissioner Paul ragliabue surprised main cities lues
day when he announced that the 1993 Super bowl WYII will be
played in lenipe, Ariz . at Sun Dc il Stadium The stadium is on the
ram pus of Ani Mia State Universit) u here beer s.iK-s are not permit
ted (. )ther cites that were in the running 1 os Angeles and San I )iego.
LPGA event worth $1 million
I lea weight champion lames Bustei I Jouglas said he u ill not
Ins title before Septembci whethei the i ourts allow him to fight top
ranked on tender Evander Holyfield or force a rematch with formei
champion Mike Tyson l have a lot ol things that I have to do,
Douglas said in Washington D.C
L.A. Marathon lips prize money
In an effort to attra t a more elite field I he I os Angeles Marathon
is increasing its prize ntonev Prize mone is being icrcased by B1
percent for the Man h 2 llii. race u ith the first three pla es ing
$50,000, $25 000 and $20,tXXl rotal prize mone) is$3f?,250.
Women's basketball out draws men's
The University ot Washington Women s basketball team has be
come the t ust NCAA Pi ision I teamtooutdraw the men steam on the
samecampus rhisscason tin averaged ! 476 fans per game 483 more
than the men s team drew
Jordan scores big to defeat Knicks
Michael lordan scored M points five on free throws in the last 23
seconds as the Chicago Bulls defeated the New York Knicks 111 108,
ruesdav night In other NBA games Cavaliers 119 76ers 102; Spurs
103, Pacers 102;Celtics 112 Hawks 111 I Nuggets 117, Rockets 1 14 Suns
114 azz 106 Kings 121, Heat 87 rrailblazcrs 142 Magii 117
Davis wants Raiders back in Oakland
Continued from p.iRe 13
ball State.
Maginnes, looking to defend
his individual title trom last year,
and Moye both fired 72s for the
Pirates and were tied tor the indi-
vidual lead
Also playing well tor the Pi-
rates were Perna and Teaque who
both shot 74 and were in pack ot
players )ust two shots back.
The Pirates suffered again in
the second round firing a team
total of 382 and falling 12 shots
behind Old Dominion but still
maintaining a six-shot lead over
ball State tor second place
Old Dominion fired a 3M the
second day to overcome the six-
shot lead the Pirates had on them
"OOP' played very well the
second dav and we didn't said
Rtley. " ITirv had three players at
par or better and anytime a team
can do that they stand a good
chance of posting a good score
Individually, Maginnes tired
a two under par 70 to take a two-
shot lead over Ion Hurst of ODU
going into the final round
The Pirates put together a
strong final round but were un-
able to make up any ground on
(i H I hevdid manage to hold on
to second place with a three dav
totalot I I 14,ustoneshotahoadot
ball State who shot the
tournament's low round of 359
the last day
Maginnes and Hurst dueled
until the last hole where Magin-
nes made a live toot birdie putt to
beat Hurst bv one shot and suc-
cessfully defend his individual title
of a year ago. Also playing well
the last Aav was Perna who shot
the tournaments lowest round a
tour under par hM.
"I think the team wanted to
win both tournaments, but a tirst
and a second is good and they did
a lot to improve their i hances on
advancing to the N A A regional
tournament in May said Riley
"I'm pleased with the entire
team's plav. but the test will come
when we plav the Wake's and
C lemons' later said Morrison
The Pirates will fa ? thi se
teams when they travel to Santee,
SO, this weekend to compete in
the Palmetto Inten ollegiatebefore
they return home to host their own
tournament, thef Ireenbncr Inter
collegiate, March 23 25
Al Davis, managing general irti
said that he wants the team to r el
officials approve the 15 year deal
play in a refurbished crsion ol their i
?r of the I os Angeles Raiders
? i Oakland l! i itv and i ounty
' million, the Raider u ill
.1 stadium no later than W2
pitcher I isaWescott. Christy Kee
then scored upping their lead to
"We really played together
said Corwin, It was a total team
In the top ot the sixth. Larkin
walked the first two C.U. batters
and Renee Meyers was asked to
come in and relieve. One run was
scored in the inning, but not
enough damage was done to get
the 1 adyamels back into the
game In two innings Meyers
struck ('ut lour of the six batters
she laced
In the later game freshman
lennv Parsons pitched a shut out,
0, tor her fourth win ol the sea
son All ol the Lady Pirates runs
were scored in the first inning
i rowder (two-for-three) scored
Continued from page 11
first off a hit bv Weller.
We're really young and
make a lot of physical and mental
errors. We need more experience
to know exactly what to do said
C.U. coach luhe Brzeinski.
When we plav the ECU'S and
the i ha pel Hill's, it's experience. I
don't think the team really comes
in here expecting to win, ust be-
cause they are ECU it's just the
experience we need she added
ECU is hosting the Lady IV
rate! loliday Inn Classic this week-
end, their first game with be
against Monmouth College at 9:30
a m and will play (.( orge Mason
at I I a m
It feels good to have a lour
game winning streak going into
the tournament, said Manahan
Continued from page 13
ing the next two 6-3, 7-5.
Instant replay to remain in NIL
Rookie c Commissioner Paul Ragliabue led thecharge, astheow ners
voted to continue the use of instant replays for .mother year. The
owners barely made the necessan thn e quarters, voting 21 7 to keep
the rule Two changes were made Replay officials no longer have
access to network commentary and they will ha eonly tw o minutes to
overrule a field call
Gathers buried in Philadelphia, Pa. ithers was buried Mend i afti r an emot onal three hour
funeral service Morethan5 p iple jammed the Emmanuel Institu
tionalBaptistChurch in Philadelphia Hundredsmoreoutsidelistened
to loudspeakers installed tor the ovi rflow rowd oi mourners tor the
23 vear-old I ovola Marymount stai 11 nti r who died alter collapsing
on the court nine days ago
Delay expected in baseball opener
Baseball's April 2 opener and ; robabh the first weekol the season
are expected to be canceled ommissioner Fay Vincent, National
league President Bill White and Amoruan league President Bobb)
Brown met in New York, where the) wore expected to make the
announcement No negotiations were held Monday, and none are
Marshall slapped with probation
The N( A A placed Marshall Universit) s men s basketball pro
eram on two years' probation and barred it trom postseason play next
year, but said the school avoided sutler penalties because it turned
itself in. The universit) repotted 10 violations to the NCAA a year ago
including gilts to recruits, tree housing and other benefits alter an
in-house investigation
Senator introduces new gambling bill
A bill to allow sports gambling in Ne Jersey casinos and race
tracks was introduced by state senator 1 ouis Bassano. The bill calls
for a voter referendum on whether New (ersey should adopt sports
gambling. Proceeds would help defray property tax bills tor some
KJO low income senior i itizens, he says
In the Locker
A look at NCAA tourney attendance
The othef matches had the
Pirates being swept by Flagler in
straight sets including the three
doubles matches The experience
gained trom playing a team like
Flagler was much needed This
match showed us we have a lot of
room for improvement said
Davis but with work, we can
attain the level ot excellence ot a
team like Flagler "
The team looks toward to
three straight home matches to
improve their 3-3 record on the
1'he team will pla Old Do-
minion, Howard and High Point
College in a series Of matches that
will carry the Lady Pirates through
the weekend.
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Men's attendance
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The ail-time Division I
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Average attendance
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tf&PI 15,158


1939 49 1960-69 1980 89
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paid attendance 1970 89
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for lack of
to Bush
page 5
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page 6
Bus drivers' strike causes utter chaos
I in ? w uin r
SGA i r.uMt 5 five bus d) i e-rs
went on strike earl) this morning,
abandoning thetrbuseson the law n in
front t Spetght Building and else
w here
rho walkout over wages began
after contract talks held for some
unfathomable reason in a plumber s
basemen! in Helena, Montana be
twivn SGA transit and the ssoci
ated( nuncilofSGA transit Workers
failed to roach an agreement b the
2 ill a m deadline Nodatehasbeen
set for now negotiations
o c w ent on strikebet ausethose
mone sucking scum refuse to pa) us
decent wages said union spokes
woman Hippa Krittc lounging
around in herl ondon townhouseand
showing ott the now mink stole she
bought with union dues It I duln t
have a job where I could embezzle
funds paid b) m honest, hard work
inji follow union members wh I
iust don t know w hat l d vio'
In addition t the five drivers, the
compan s two maintenances orkers
aro striking fhc two joined the five
drivers in front ol Mendenhall stu
dent( enter where the) allranaround
in a tight in le ?hanted anti s.I
I ransit slogans and fell do n a lot
I feel ver dizz) I think l m
gonnabesick viuiv hiefSGA Iran
sit Fixer pper Han D Mann who
wore a placard that reads "Fahr
ergnugen it s what makes a v .?r a
olkswagert It wasnotclearw nether
Mann was referring to hisemplovers.
S ?A I ransit arried almost " l
passengers last ar an average ot
over two x-r da) Some customers
paralv Kd at station stops omplained
that m , I ransit hadn t w arned them
of. the impending strike before the
bought their tu kets
rhe viivin t warn us ot the un
pending strike before we bought our
tickets complained Stan Dinga
iouik! an SGA transit customer
meaningless statistics that shape our campus
Were Firing More Commentators!
50 -
1984 t98? ???
ECU Today conducted a scientific poll ot its readers to assess their
feelings about the SGA Transit Workers' strike Here are the results.
Do you support the SGA Transit Workers' strike?
.?. ? ? . ?
Respondents (percentage)
stranded at a station stop
I ho union told its drivers to halt
theirbusesimmediately after the strike
deadline passed which left buses in
awkward positions all over town
Strangely, however, near!) all the
buses seemed to have entered the
parking lot ot a downtown bar iust
before the deadline was reached 1 ho
company said it couldn't be sure how
mam passengers were stranded by
the move but estimated the number
at three.
SGA Transit said it would begin
running a lirrated schedule later in the
da u?ng drooling idiot drivers se
looted at random from the Media
Board and given an intensive tour
minute training course
But that news brings little com
tort to the students whose lives have
beendtsruptcd by the strike. One such
student i Emma Mobile, who was
one ot the passengers stranded near
the lenkins I ine Arts Building when
the deadline passed
I depend on the bus system to
get me from here to my house down
the road there No, not j: house the
whitt one. said Mobile pointing
What am I supposed to do w alk ?
st,A Transit is also reportedly
offering cash bribes to union mem-
bers to "scab or cross picket lines
but spokesman Fuller Muck vehe-
mently domed this was a move to
break the strike or harm the union
e have nothing but the highest
regard tor that bunch of greed) mo
rons and their sleazy union Miuk
said during an interview recorded tor
this evening s Mcknecl I aver News
Hour And we wouldn t even dream
ot trying to break them even it doing
so vtmM hugely increase our profit
margin. CUI we re good folks and we
appreciate the struggle of the little
people against big soulless corpora-
tions. Honest
Asked wh the company had
refused to give m to the union's
demands tor higher pay. Muck went
into a table pounding frenzy, saying
in part, f iavevon re their demands?
Oneof them is. they want to male over
mtNtHMM w$gd Can you Mkw that"
Why should ihnj be able to afford ?
decent standard of living, when 1 can t
even afford to get my son that second
Porsche? Oops, it seems l e broken
m Rolex Well never mind 1 11 get

for lack of
to Bush
page 5
for opposing
page 6
Bus drivers' strike causes utter chaos
tnk ?
?- . ? - her -
? : v tana
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: ? ????' P,ng
mink stole she
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? . ? ? ? . ? ?
meaningless statistics that shape our campus
We re Firing More Commentators!
ECU Towo conducted a scientitic poll ot its readers to assess their
feelings about the SGA Transit Workers strike Here are the results
Do you support the SGA Transit Workers strike0
Respondents v percentage
Ma "
1 he ui n told its drivers to I
nmodiately attei ?tnk
dead - d v hich left bu?
awkward positions all over :
? ii however, nearly all I
buses seemed to have entered the
parkmc lot ol a downtown bar u-t
before the deadline reached 1 he
ompam said itcouldn t be sure how
mam passengers were stranded b
the move but estimated th number
at three
SH, i ransit said it won :??
running a limited schedule latei in the
da using drooling idiot drivers se
lected at random trm the Media
Board and given an intensive I
minute training i ourse
But that news brings little com
fort to the students whose lives have
been disrupted by thestrike Onesuch
student is Emma Mobile who was
one ol the passengers stranded near
the lenkins i ine Arts Building when
the deadline passed
1 depend on the bus system to
gel me from here to tm house, down
the road there No, not that house the
one s.iui Mobile, pointing
W hat am i supposed to do walk?
SGA Ti ?.?? .
? ? ? hes to r? men
hers 1 Hab r cro i
? ? - .
n nth denied this was a
r harm the union
We have nothing but tht
regard tor that bunch ot greed) mo
rons and their sleaz umoi v i
said dunngan interview recorded tor
vcnii s M? Knee' Ljwr News
nd we wouldn't even dream
ot trving to break them even if d i
so hugeh increase our profit
margin, cuzwe re good folks and we
apprei late the strugg
pe? pie against big soulless corpora
tions Honest
sked wh the company had
ised to give in to the union s
demands tor higher pay Miu k went
into a table pounding frenzy saying
in part, Havevoui aJthcirdemands?
Oneofthemis they want to make ovei
minimum an ou ! that"
Why should they be able to afford a
decent standard ot li ing, when 1 can t
even attord to get my son that second
Porsche? Oops, it seems I ve broken
my Role Well never mind, 1 11 get

2 ? March 15, 1990 ? ECU TODAY ? It's only a joke; please don't write or phone. Thank you.
New evidence reveals stunning secret
ECU'S 'new
logo' may have
faked own death
The Amalgamated Press
As anyone who follows the news
knows, ECU'S new logo died a myste-
rious and untimely death several
months ago (see ECU Today, Novem-
ber 2,1989). Or did it?
Recently, a number of reports
from around the country have
prompted speculation that the ECU
logo may have faked its own death.
Current and former ECU students
alike have reported sighting the dis-
tinctive double-arched form in sev-
eral places?a supermarket in south-
ern Wyoming, working as a garage
mechanic in Michigan, and even
waitressing in a topless bar!
Chinese transfer student Mai-Fut,
one of the logo's few confidantes in
the weeks before its death, describes
his encounter with the logo this way:
"You'regoing to report this in the
paper, right? I mean, everyone's going
to know I was great pals with the logo,
right? Okay, then, here's the story.
"I woke up the other night and it
was just sitting there on the foot of my
bed, looking kinda sad. it looked up
and me and said, 'Mai-Fut, old pal,
bring me a peanut-butter-andnana
"I was tired. I wasn't thinking. I
made him a sandwich, but i put it on
rye bread, not wheat bread like he
likes. When I gave him the sandwich,
he just gave me this exasperated look
and shook his head. I blinked and he
was gone. But I really saw him, I swear
"That logo's music brought a
message of love and peace to a gen-
eration sobbed art major Art Ma-
jors, president of ECU's two-member
New Logo Fan Club. "When it died,
an age died with it
Majors' room is drenched in logo
memorabilia, including an original
movie poster from the logo's movie
lue Honolulu" and a studio master
tape of the logo singing "Blue Suede
Shins" and "Dormhouse Rock His
study of the logo's traumatic life is
complete ? and, he's convinced, the
logo's death is a hoax.
"It was always saying it wanted
to get back to its roots, to hang around
with the little people again, get in
touch with itself Majors declared.
"I, for one, am convinced it faked its
death. And I really don't care if it
might be happier if I let it remain
anonymous in its new life, because
I'm a greedy, selfish pig who can't
imagine that the logo doesn't owe me
Investigative research by Majors
and several logo-sighters has un-
earthed evidence which, though in-
conclusive, strongly indicates that the
logo's death was indeed phony.
"It was indeed phony. No ques-
tion in my mind logo death re-
searcher Holly Farms stated flatly.
Citing discrepancies between the
dental records and cranial size of the
"real" logo and the one that was in-
terred near Rawl Building, Farms
insists that "there can be no question
that there was a massive cover-up by
the authorities on this one
"No cover-up was the terse re-
sponse of Pitt County Coroner Dr.
Dale Lee Bread, who signed the logo's
death certificate. "And no further
Still, many doubt Bread, among
them Zeno Nosy, a writer for The
National Inquisition. Nosy's article in
last week's Inquisition broke the news
of the possible fakery. Since then, the
story has also made the covers of Time
and Newsweek, and several tell-all
books by former lovers (among them
Apple Computers' apple logo) are
racing to the bookstands.
"There's all kinds of evidence to
suggest the logo's alive and well
Nosy maintains. "Why, just the other
day, a talking toaster in Jamaica told
me so.
"And even if my toaster source is
wrong he continued, "so what? If
we play this thing right, stories about
the logo's ghost ? which we're call-
ing 'loghost' ? will be bigger than
Bigfoot. Uh ? this is off the record,
isn't it?"
Nosy has recently opened up a
highly successful business on the side,
painting portraits of the beloved ECU
logo on velvet. "If s the perfect thing
to cover that nasty hole in your trailer's
wall he says proudly. "And so taste-
ful. The logo would have wanted it
this way"
Have you been turned down
for credit cards before?
Do you really need plastic so you can
overextend yourself, but those mean
old banks won't take a chance on you?
Well, we will.
No, we're not complete idiots.
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With an American Zinc? card,
you can do practically anything a
Visa? or Mastercard? holder can.
If you can find someone who takes our card, that is.
Just call, and you'll be approved!II
?No credit check
?Substantial finance charge
?Absolutely no large thugs with
clubs waiting outside your mailbox
American Zinc?
"If you have a child, you have collateral
A division of PlastiScam, Inc.
In the new tradition ofexploitive biographical television
Before the legend, there were
two talentless punks from Europe
Before the two talentless Euro-punks, there
were two trendy teen-age poseurs
This is their story.
From the creators of the hit TV series "Elvis"
Milli Vanilli
A tale of two sissies. Only on
Mondays at 9.
Creative Consultant: Boy George

It's only a joke; please don't write or phone. Thank you. ? ECU TODAY . March 15. 1990. 3
New Kids on the
Block issue dolls
By Chippy Bonehead
ECU Today
Rock godsNew KidsOnThe Block
unveiled the first items in a new line
ofcommtr ialmerchandise,anatomi-
cally correct dolls, at a press confer-
ence TWday. The dolls, checked
against tht real Kids with exacting
scrutiny, will sell for S19.98 each, and
each one comes with a small can of
real ozone-depleting hairspray.
Each K .d doll's hair can be styled
in a numK r of ways, to keep up with
the band members' constantly shift-
ing hairstyles. Each year of their col-
lective puberty, a new set of Kid dolls
(called, appropriately enough, 'The
New New Kids on the Block Collec-
tion") will be released. In each set, the
Kids' respective amounts of newly
grown body hair will be updated.
The Kids themselves are excited
about the money thesedolls will bring
them. "We were running low on cash,
since all the thirteen-year-old girls in
America had already bought copies
of our life-size door posters, so we
had to come up with some new mer-
chandise the cute one said.
Plans for the future include such
products as New Kids on the Block
"Ouchless" band-aids, New Kids on
the Block "No Tears" shampoo and
New Kids rectal thermometers.
"Hey the goofy New Yorker-
looking one said. "Kiss had dolls.
Michael Jackson had dolls. If those
paragons of masculinity had dolls
made of them, then we must be doing
something right
Jackson issues dolls
By Chippus Boneheadius
ECU Today
Talking Janet Jackson dolls will
be manufactured and on the market
by August to coincide with Jackson's
first tour. Retailing for $19.98, the doll
will come with different tapes with
such snazzy catch phrases as "Miss
Jackson if you're nasty "Is that the
end?" and "No, my brother's the one
who's never been laid
ECU Today has learned that the
Janet dolls are actually retooled ver-
sions of the Michael Jackson dolls
released in the early eighties. "It was
easier than making a new mold said
Earnest Crat ty, dollmaker to the stars.
"We just bought all the old Mi-
chael dolls from the $1.99 bin at Big
Lots, slapped some more hair on the
head, took off the ridiculous sun-
glasses and glove and glued some
breastson Rumors that the Janet nee
Michael dolls needed to have their
noses redone as well went uncon-
meaningless statistics that shape our campus
We're Issuing More Dolls!
00 -
8000 -
6000 -
V 4000
2000 -
'984 1986 1988 1990 992
Mega-stars release surprise announcement
Milli & Vanilli issue dolls
By Chippy Bonehead
ECU Today
Not to be outdone, Milli Vanilli,
Fad magazine's Trend of the Year,
are going to be marketing dolls of
themselves. For the low, low price
of $19.98, you can purchase either
By Chippy Bonehead
ECU Today
Stevie Nicks announced her plans
to jump on the doll bandwagon at a
press conference yesterday. For a mere
$19.98, the Nicks doll will come com-
plete with chemically correct grams
of cocaine, an assortment of taffeta
and lace dresses, and two staircases
for her to dance up and down.
Dejah Vue, Nicks' personal man-
ager, indicated that the singer's coke
habit was inflating and she needed
some quick cash. "This doll trend
seemed to be like a gift from God
issue dolls
By Chippy Bonehead
ECU Today
Following trends set by super-
group New Kids on the Block, party
rockers the B-52's are releasing dolls
of themselves. Complete with inter-
changeable bouffant wigs, each doll
will retail for just $19.98.
During the marketing sessions,
some controversy erupted over
whether or not to include a doll of
deceased band member Ricky Wilson.
"We thought a nice corpse replica or a
coffin might bring in a few bucks, but
the band nixed the idea. They said
something about 'tastelessness
whatever that is said retailer Maduv
The 52's are excited about the
dolls. "Our goal has always been to
attain the kind of status New Kids on
the Block receive. They're our heros
said band leader Fred Schneider. "No,
really. I'm serious he repeated, just
to emphasize his point to the legion of
disbelieving hipper-than-thou fans.
Milli or Vanilli, plus hair weaves to
go with each doll at $4.95 for a set of
Also included will be samples
of every Top 40 hit of the last twenty
years, so Milli and Vanilli will have
something to dub over their tinny
little voices.
By Chippy Bonehead
ECU Today
A Debbie Gibson doll will be
available in stores before Christmas.
The regular version retails for $19.98
and comes with hymen intact. The
deluxe fantasy model retails for $49.98,
is fully inflatable and has two service-
able orifices.
Dead issue
By Chippy Bonehead
ECU Today
In the last article we're going to
run about these stupid dolls, sixties
superstarstheGrateful Deadaregoing
to be releasing dolls of themselves.
Each member retails for ? oh, you
guessed it, didn't you? Yes, thafs right,
it's a super-low $19.98, and each doll
comes with an enlarged rectal open-
ing to hide drugs in (yours or theirs).
tywfrom the frankfin
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
'Loch month, you 'U receive two
fine new pewter dotis, lovingly
handcrafted By the artists at
The Jrank?in Mint.
you may cancel at any time.
Best of ail, these fine works of
art are just $19.98 apiece!
'This offer not avaxiabit m starts.

4 . March 15. 1990 ? ECU TODAY . It's only a joke; please don't write or phone. Thank you.
President's food plan
swallowed whole by most
Tin: Amai camateo Press
With oat bran suddenly debunked
as a miracle food, and with Terrier?
temporarily gone from the shelves,
America's food industry has been
casting about for a new tad food that
will bring in big bucks. But until yes-
terday, they had met with little suc-
During a speech to breakfast ce-
real manufacturers in Texas yester-
day, President Bush announced "the
food for the nineties: other human
Whenyou makes
a lot of sense said White House Chief
of Staff John Sununu, himself a plump,
tasty-looking morsel, who, with a
panel of Republican congressional
leaders, defended the president's
proposal before a group of reporters
this morning. "Our research shows
that a human body contains the rec-
ommended daily allowance of put-
near everything. Plus, it tastes just
like chicken! And if we do this prop-
erly, we project that we'll be able to
eat all the intelligent people in the
country by 1994, making Dan Quavle
a sure thing for the presidency in
"Best of all, this plan will enable
us to solve the overpopulation prob-
lem without annoying our Christian
supporters by altering our stance on
abortion and birth control
Here Republican Whip Newt
Gingrich dissented, pointing out that
"our Christian supporters might not
think too highly of cannibalism, ei-
ther ? especially Catholics like my-
"Oh, yeah?" Sununu countered.
"Then tell 'em to stop taking the Sac-
Other objections were raised by
representatives from the American
Civil Liberties Union, who were
promptly set upon and devoured by
the assembled politicos.
"Mmmm, that tasted good said
Senator Alan Simpson, whoasked not
to be identified by name. "I've been
wanting to eat those boys for a long
The Democrats didn't waste any
time responding to the President's
plan, however, and by mid-afternoon
it was reported that gangs of Demo-
crats all over the country had already
begun trapping Republicans and
roasting them for dinner.
"They're actually quite easy to
catch explained camouflage-clad
Democrat E. Temupp, po pping a o nee-
Republican tidbit into hismouth. "You
just hide behind a bush or something
and yell 'Photo opportunity When
they come running, club 'em like a
seal Other Democrats have adopted
similar tactics, such as luring Repub-
licans into spike-fl wred rooms labeled
"Tax Shelter
Republicans were quick to
counterattack, though, and several
prominent Democrats were had for
midnight snacks. Being generally
more stupid, the Republicans have
had a harder time coming up with
traps, but (me method that enjoys some
popularity at press timeisa variant of
a Democratic plan. The Republicans
hide, yell "HUD scandal and club
the Democrat who comes investigat-
It is not clear at the time of this
writing which side will win, though
the few as yet uneaten political ana-
lysts agree that Democrats have a
slight edge, being generally less
wealthy and therefore hungrier than
Republicans. But at least one thing is
sure: it's a better time than ever to be
a declared Independent.
Hey, kids!
Wouldn't you like a cereal that's
really fun and different?
Of course you would!
So be a good little consumer:
ask your parents for new
Cracklin' Knuckles Bran?!
The only cereal with lumps of meat
in every delicious bite!
It's part of the President's new
food plan for the '90s ?
and it's plenty tasty!
Also try new & improved Nuts in Honey!
Announcing a new seven-volume series
so incredible, it could only have come from
LifeTime? Books:
i f, 14 ? r c at ? a x t e r r
N j r t k Caf41iiti
You will discover the fascinating world of arachnids
that exists right above your windowsill, and that
sometimes drops into your mouth while you're asleep.
You'll be able to tell the deadly Black Widow
from the relatively harmless but ugly
and large Ayden Wolf Spider.
Find out if Tarantulas
really are native to North Carolina
like your roommate said.
You'll also be able to amaze your friends and
impress chicks with your thorough knowledge
of web patterns.
The first volume, "COMMON DORM
ROOM SPIDERS is yours to examine for ten
days. Discover how ordinary spiders can
breach an otherwise secure girl's dormitory.
If you decide to purchase it, we'll send
you the next volume, "WELTS AND SCARS
with check-bouncing rapidity.
Compare your own spider-induced blemishes with the
full-color, actual-size photographs, and see how long
you have to live.
Even if you decide not to buy these books,
we'll charge you anyway, just for looking
at this ad. So get ready.
You're about to enter a world
of hairy, creepy, eight-legged wonder.
Enjoy the new series:
iidzci at ? a ? t e r r
NarU Car Hit a
Or we'll destroy your credit rating.
Don't test us on this one, folks.

The East Carolinian, March 15, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 15, 1990
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