The East Carolinian, March 1, 1990

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She iEaat (?ar0ltman
? . . . ION'
Sennna the 1 ast c arodna campus community sinct 1925
Vol. M No 16
rttursdav. March I, 1990
Greenville. North Carolina
Circulation 12,WX)
12 Pages
Spring Break
Vacation hot spots
lay down the rules
B) April Draughrt
Staff Wrilei
Where .ire you poing for Spring Break? is thai .ill importanl
question that ?? ? ' I campus this time every yeai Well if you
arc-thinking ibotitgoing toKe West MyrtleBeach Dayton Beachor
am () ?? , ? destinations you better pick up the latest
Jo - .itivi don is ol iv.i li life
ie cities ol: mam of these beaches have sent letters to E I and
s - to distribute information on proper
bchavioi luring ?;????. Break Dais proper behavioi is the same
heha ioi the itiest vpei I t all times but in light ol last yeai sbehavior
at Srnne Bn ,ik lho de? id? d to make students aware ol what the are
lo ,i menu tnm Ki

nanagei RonHerron there were
rah sand '? ??- room
ied th.ll
,?? ? iw Th Ucohol
ibs stores
ind cm v upam v
- ope out tin- an i
tws fireregi tu
and Ctxlo I
in he
x . ; SO chief of police I Stanlev I i
stated that I publicly en in thedhnkii
. ?, ? . ; wine oj am other similai malt or
tcrniennxl be i Vi rd lanceisthatnoonocar pin am
, . ;x p ni to sunrise
.?. the uniformed patrol m Myrtle
tasks is ? ker one
i pe
rv d ' " v ' k. He
i ?? iikI havi ii ' me
pan ' -
A" W( : v, .
? I
: smost
. . ? ? ? ??; acations. Howevei
Spi - v display ot attitudes anu
hoi ? " ; '??
to talk of t ? pi itions and i
kDavtona rdinan ?? ire that no one is to carrv or consume
rtl cirvslrei tsand trespass
ing on motel pi is a guest is an of tense foi
ntSgt Philip Kancaidsiid that
jvas tvv much traffk and tl
? ???????? people? small area
soo Break page -
Hot stuff
??? )t the largest solar flares ever recorded (whrle spot at top tett) ? I ire ????
. ? .? em lights to be seen as far south as Georgia and Texas The picture has f
eykora Iff physics department to show the detail and the ditterent gradations ot temprature on the
? ?
mastim system reveals secrets of the sun
B) Kim be l ! Brothers
. Jit
? ? .?? el
?c evtremeh
I I I With this instru
ment several new structures on
the surface ol th sun are being
irl seen that have been theo-
tu allv predicted but ne or pre
vioush imaged at the photosphcrK
lev el
The structures detected b
Sevkora - instrument are s ?'
llaresand sunspiitson the sun
vlar flares which are large
quantities ot particles and radia
because thev have qu
an earth and its atmosphere, sfnee
tl particles ejected from the flare
can interact with the upper atmos-
phere and produce changes in the
ozone i.ier as well as produce
aurora at the north and -
rhese solar flares occur along
w ith sunspots, which follow an 11
ear a cle This sunspot c ck? has
produces a maximum number ot
sunspots and solar flares, and in
itted out into space and turn emits a large amount of par-
variations on
the sui
differences '
rvi berecorded
I mperatureof
? k kelxin
tion em
occur around sunspot regif
represent the most energetic
storms vn the sun and erupt in a
itter of minutes and last tor
several hours Sevkora said
According to Sevkora solar
flaresareimportant events to study
ti les into the earth's atmosphere
During this cycle, he stated,
the solar flares are active enough
to cause nitrogen oxides in the
upper layers ol the atmosphere to
et in the lower layers and begin
eating up the ozone, which pro-
Center dispels AIDS myths
k lei radiation sai

? 5 ictivitA ii ' is
the incr ased sui . t
the sun s cycle Seykoi

dated with ? cart ?
field whi ? " r pi
chances that car
problems ii I
grid,actual!) caus
and t ompleteK -?
wavxength mn u
? r. st solar I i
recorded (see abo
photographed b) a sp
ogram and was tak? nl
ns with data d
h thedett
i he system ha- been
construction tor ab it
It vwas first built i
? ?
B) Sarah Martin
st.ut Wrilei
Worn re becominj
increo ire of their health
and their rxnlies Mond.n ee-
ngappi niamately 1011 students
gathered in hite Residence 1 tail
answxT the qi S? v n
UD to life oi an Ml Mo death?"
The program was presented by
Suzanne Keller man from the Stu
dent Health Center and Pegg)
i. arawan a peer health educator
Hi- S ' department ot Health
luman Services saySi Many
people feel that only certain 'high
ri-k groups of people are infected
b the VIDS virus llusisuntnie
1 he Allv virus can be spread b
sexual intercouse whether you are
male or female heterosexual, bi-
sexual or homosexual.
This point was brought out
further to the women as thev
watched the true story, "AIDS: A
Decision for Life rhemoviet d
the stor) of a college freshman
who went off to school and ho
came involved with a man and
thev became sexually active She
was not aware that the man was
also gay. Shecontracted the AIDS
1 "he movie pointed out a need
tor men and women to chance their
sexual behaviors
Men and w omen need to knew
See AIDS, page 3
? and thi ? I tor pi
isdei '? '
of years later saidScyi i
now inastage when
as an observation tool f i
inc arious Miar act? U
Fun in the sun may leave lasting skin damage
J , , , iKiKu.h? Sunscreens help prevent Hi
Bv Kimberly Brothers
sutt Writer
Si ? ngBreakandwarm sunny
beaches are tust around the cor-
ner but those going to these places
sh. ujld K a w are of the damage tlie
sun van do to their km
lltr.n u-let radiation from the
sun damages the skm tar beyond
the skin sabilit) to protect us from
its harmful effects, making the
damage irreversible
Most of the damage, accord
ing to Pr Cameron "smith et East
eni Dermatogj occurs before the
age of 2
Continual over exposure or
tust sensible tanning over a life-
time will lead to an increased risk
ot de pine premature aging
and kin ? amer
kin . .nicer is the mst com
mon form ol cancer According to
the AmoncatK aiuerNvietc tlure
are more than 5 H'iXX1 casesof skm
cancer reported even year Se
entj eight percent of the all skin
cancer is caused by sun exposure,
Smith said
Smith added that there is a
large lag period, time between
exposure and detection ot skin
cancer in which most people re-
ceive a large amount ol sun before
they are 20 and are not found to
have skm cancer until the are in
their 60s
1 he most deadl) trm ot skin
cancer is malignant melanoma
which can be birthmarks or moles
usually present at birth or can
appear at any time in a person's
life Hie disease kills 1 peVcenl of
the people who have the disease
In the United States, about one
in every l1 people will develop
malignant melanoma, and by the
yeai 2000 even onein 100people
w ill develop the disease
There are tour step to recog-
nizing malignant melanoma, ex-
plained Smith, the nrst is asyrn-
metr of the mark second is its.
iaeeed boarder third is its vr
and lastly is its depth in the skin
All those fac t. ?rsshould be w atched
to help determine the severity of
the markS link to melanoma
The sun's rays damage
our skin tar beyond its
ability to protect us.
Ihe suf harms the skin by
suppressing its immune system,
thus decreasing the prevention oi
infection and skin cancer, said
According to Dr. E I Seykora,
an EC l physics professor, olar
activity can have an effect on the
ultraviolet hht received by tht
surface ot the earth In ears when
there is increased activity, there
can be a reduction in the ozone
It is the ozone, the bonding ot
three oxygen atoms that protects
us from the ultraviolet radiation
A small reduction in the ozone
layer can ho ? very dangerous
thing he continued.
"Variations in the ozone layer
asa result of solar activity hasboen
of minor importance in compari-
son to the chances caused by vari-
ous chemical pollutants" known
as chlorofluorocarbons (CPCs),
Seykora added.
TheCFCs that are released into
the atmosphere eventuallv break
down, and the individual atoms
transform the ozone into other
Sunscreens help prevent the
damage ot ultrav iolet light on the
skin, which in turn prevents skin
cancer as w ell as premature aging.
today s sunscreens help pre-
vent ultraviolet-B (UV P rays, the
more powerful wavelengths, and
the ultraviolet-A rays, the weaker
wavelengths, from rtarrning the
skin. The UVBs cause most ot the
sun damage, skm cancer and the
sunburning. UVAsadd to the dam-
age caused by the UVB rays
The LA 'Prays are only present
in the middle of the day. while
LA A are present throughout the
People should use the sun-
screen most suitable to their skin
type, and need to apply it at least a
halt an hour before going out into
the sun Abo; it should be re-ap-
Fluffy and Spct s-e
are cute, but they re a lot
of responsibility, too
State and Nation5
Chamorro tells rebel
contras to cease fighting
and lay down their arms
ir.lllSH'Ull lilt- I'tv'i i.i.v ? , . ,u .
molecules, thus causing depletion P? during the time spent m the
ot the ozone layer.
Museum offers
collection of Eastern
North Carolina oddities
Dallas Cowboy's
Too Tall" Jones visits
The Daily Rejector
Special monthly
satire insert

2 I he bast Carolinian, March 1,1990
ECU Briefs
ECU history pofessor to lecture on
Southeast Asia in West Germany
1 listorian Robert I Gowen ol E( l will lecture on the histor) and
culture of Southeast Asia during a teaching workshop tor I S. depend-
ents tins summer in Erding West Germany
v io ? i n a prptossor ot history, i- a specialist in the Far East 1 le and
Pr 1 red Day, formerly ot the ECU history faculty, will be instructors for
two ? eek smnnier workshop under auspices ot the Department ot
! Vh n-r wo oars ago, Gowen and Day conducted a similar work-
shop on . hina and japan.
I he experience was undeniable demanding, hut professionally
nutating as well Gowen said Wearepleased to have the oppor-
tun ?. f representing ECl once again in a program widel) known tor
the high qualit of its participating tea hers and staff
StMiior class donates wheelchair ramp
1 he 1990 senior elass gift will be a handi ap ramp built outside of
Mendenhall Student Center Construction began Wednesday and is
expected to take a month to complete
The Student Government Association appropriated1200 to the
1 he ramp will he 53 teet lone, and 6feet w ideand u ill rise 12 feet and
le el ott before loping another 1" feet At the top, the ramp will run
parallel to a brick sidewalk tor 18 U t betore cur ing around in tr
the Steps.
Eugene Langford, the Renovation and Design technici in
th project, said the ramp will "fit in nice!) with the othei
Betw een the handicap ramp and the bri k sidewalk w ill be an asN 11
ment of plants and shrubbery.
Senior class President (red Steck said it was "something that is
needed He went on to sa) that the project willtulull needs of manvl
handicapped students. "A percentage ol the student body is being ne j
clet ted anvi it is not tair to them
National Campus Clips
Tulane taxes tuition waivers
In a memo released to Tulane University faculty and staff, ('ontrol
ler Ray Menier announced that tuition waivers (for graduate and
professional schools) were no longer tax tree and will be reported as
supplementary income and be reflected on the employees' VV-2 forms
in the year the courses were taken
Bruce Fleury, a T U. librarian said the new policy would affect 75
percent ot the II art-time graduate students. "It is now going to cost
about ST"1 a class he said, adding that most students now have to g
to the University of New Orleans 1 he government estimates that
extending the tuition waiver protection tor one year represents $300
Scientist gather for
AKD sumvosium
By Susan ernigan
Staff Writer
Social scientist from around
the world met in (Ireenville this
past weekend to participate in a
symposium sponsored by chap-
ters of the Alpha Kappa Delta
Sociology ! lonor Society.
I he 18th Annual Research
Symposium was titled "Reaching
Out to the Community: Applying
Social Science to Social Problems
Greenville resident D. D
( .arrett was given the tirst annual
t. ommunity Service Award by the
E( I Department of Sociology and
Anthropology. Names of candi-
dates tor the award are submited
b) students of thedepartment lo a
committee and the are approved
by ta. ult
I he keynote speaker was Pr.
William DAntonio,EO of the
meruan Sociology Associahon
who spoke on the balance of the
demand tor professors to teach
and d. i research.
i .n ult) graduate and under-
graduate students presented in
formation through panel discus-
sions and resean h presentations
ecaru h. a lawyer for (
ers iV
million m lost tax reenue
I brand that did a study of the situation, s.iul "the real cost would be
more like SI 12 million. Proposals to end the ? tax tree tuition war. er
: ? seem premature if not altogether unfounded
LNC-CH implements hiring freeze
i ast ruesday, I n? ipH HiM i.VSMfyflihir'n? trff?itnA rrnrittn-
wi spending state funds, following state appropriations cuts tor
riimi o
Ini sc
I -
. h lirn
nd and third quarters of this year. It will definitely hinder
txik of attractiveness to new faculty members' oseph Flora,
nof the English department said. The freeze concerns full time,
tnd temporarily vacant state-funded jobs. Vacancies can only
be fill d it the job was ottered before leb.lS. The new polic) also
pre ents employees from getting paid overtime, unless their health or
that. ?f students is concerned.
'his situation cannot help us. but it tan hurt u lohn Florin,
urman of the geographv department said. He added that depart
ments coild not call lone, distance and therefore get in touch with
potential employees.
Graduates disappointed by real world
Most graduates spend long years getting nady for the "real world
but according to graduates from the I niversitv ol South Carolina, the
real orlddoesnot pro idethem with what they expected 1 was out
re looking lor a lull-time job It wasn t exacth out there with m
name on it said kathrvn Walsh, honors graduate She is now doing
part time secreterial work through a tcmporar services agency An
Lth( r graduate, Bart Jarmusch lexiked for a job for three months and his
search led to nothing. "Pretty soon. 1 had rent bills, ek trii ity bills and
n i grin cries he said Once or twice a week, hesurvej s pris m inmates
ii d he also works in a bookstore, getting little more than minimum
.?. ag( This job isn't what 1 was thii sing ol during all those college
lasses and exams. 1 expected SO much more he said
Compiled by Valerie Touloumbadjian
Continued from page 1
He also saidthere were problems
with people parking in private
yardsand sleeping there despite
the protests of the residents Ac
cording to Kincaid, the citizens ot
1 a tona petitioned the city to do
away with Spring Break but the
cih formed a Spring break task
force made up of citizens, motel
and hotel managers, retailers. and
c it commissioners
The task torn' made some or
dinancehanges to ensure that
this ear s Spring Break would be
much better and safer tor even
one Among the hanges were io
bands ircl : ' e ? f l ift ? '
pnvs.e.d . In .
tion in the bars must be ompleted
b) 2 a.m
l row said of the upcoming
Spring Break periodWeare look
ing forward to a responsible Spring
Break. We are welcoming our
collegiate guests We ask that they
act in a responsible manner be-
cause not onl) are they represent
ing their m. hools and parents, but
they are abo representing them-
"The symposium is primarily
beneficial tor the students by giv
ing them a chance to meet people
and practice presenting their re-
search said Susan Moran, (Soci-
ologv) Graduate Student and AKD
The research presented at the
symposium contained interna-
tional, national and local topics
such as "Conflicts in Fastern Eu-
rope "Religious Minorities in
India" and "Media Effects on
v hildren
A letter was sent to all the
chapters ol AKD specifying the
topic (if the symposium and invit-
ing members to submit research.
The event was sponsored by
AKD chapters at ECU, UNC-
Greensboro, and Viginia Com
monwealth University Thesiteof
the symposium rotates among the
three schools each year.
According to Wilson, the
conference was developed to at-
tract better students to the dis i-
pline of sociology 1 le added that
anyone studying any aspect of
human behavior or society is in
ited to attend the symposiums
?similar symposiums spon-
sored by AKD are held in differ-
ent areas of the I mted States in
order to accomodate members
? ini ? ;??? nd this - n i
According to Moran, AKD
also sponsors other projects su h
as speakers t i lecture n h. i w s? oal
sciencesarebeingintersected with
Currently the chapter is
sponsoring a speaker with I:( I 's
political science department who
will speak on the subject of activ-
ity in Eastern Germany.
AKD was founded in 1920 by
Pr. Emory Bogardus at the I ni-
versityof Southern C 'alifomia. Hie
Delta chapter of AKD at ECU
began in 1966 The chapter initi-
ates about 6 to s people each ear
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To Your Health
Help is available for eating disorders
By Suzanne KeHerman
Student Health Center, 757-6794
Main Americans believe that thinner is better
Society has us believing that being thin is synony-
mous with N ing successful 'semi' people believe
this so deeply that their weight and dieting su i ess
become the primary measure ol their self-esteem.
They see themselves as a less valuable person it
thr are not as thin as a fashion model oi as
nuisv ular as a huh builder
Personality, culture, and psychological issues
all 11 ?ntribute ti individuals who have eating prob
Inns v.huh may lead to eating disorders. People
with rating disorders are often subject to low sell
esteem, depression and undue stress Food isoften
used .is a source of comfort and eating becomes
unsure ol u hy they are eating and when they really want to eat This
eating disorder is also a learned toping skill used toavoid,rechanneior
forget emotions that may be threatening. These behaviors can be
learned from family or friends.
The most common eating disorders include anorexia or self starva-
tion, bulimia or bingeing and purging. Some believe that excessive
overeating is also an eating disorder. People with eating disorders
spend a lot of time thinking about food, exercise, weight, and their body
image They may weigh themselves several times a day and they may
place themselves on severely restricted diets. They may feel fat even
l hen their weight is normal or abnormally low.
While eating disorders are considered quite serious they can be
controllable. Some people can stop t heir eatingdisorders by themselves
See Eating, page 3
,v; r i
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Parrot Canvas732-8433
Rack Room333-2319
Research Information1-800-331-0222
Ringgold Towers732-286i
School Of Medicine531-2980
Student Union757-4713
Travel Associates756-8240
Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930
University Amoco 758-9976
Zenith Computerland355-6110

The Fast Carolinian, March 1, 1990 3
Make your break one to remember with these tips
By Blair Skinner
Staff Writer
lor those ECU students who
don t know or have perhaps tor
gotten, Spring Break starts tomor
row Ur main ol them, Spring,
Broakmeansan escape to the near
i'st beach or ski resort ol their
choice In their ettort to eet as tar
said. "Expect some things not to
go .is you planned
"Call before you leave and
double check your hotel reserva
lions she said, "You don't want
to get there and have ny place to
Harriet (.lark, a travel court-
and to be sure that the next driver
is awake and prepared tor their
shit t "Take along some tools and a
flashlight,check the spare tire and
the maintenance she added
Once vacationers arrive .it
their getaway spot, they should
take care not to damage any hotel
selor with Quixote "ravels m or rental property, Richison said.
C Ireenville, agreed Be sure to take "It leaves a bad name tor college
av a as they can in as little timeas proof ol your citizenship it you're students (when they are involved
possible, some students ran fall
victim to pitfalls along the way.
1 here are w a s to protect yoursell
from most of the hazards that liein
the great beyond across the county
I "r Shirley Richison anassis
tant professor ol leisure systems
studiesat ECU, has some ad vice to
otter Think realistically she
leaving the country she said. She
advised that out ot country bound
students should take a passport or
an acceptable substitute fora pass-
port a certified birth certificate
or a oter registration card and a
driver's license
It students are driving during
their vacation, Richison said it is
best to prepare a driving schedule,
in the damage), will cause an in-
crease in rates tor the next season
and local police can be called in.
One hazard that the vacation-
ing student cannot avoid is the
sun "lake care in the sun, ' said
Richison. "If it's your first timeout
in the sun, stay out one hour at the
most, even with sunscreen. Also
be sure to wear sunscreen and a
hat tiredquitkly.anddrinkinggoosto and it (the students) are arrested
Those students travelling to your head taster Expect to drink they will find themselves in a for-
ski resorts must also take care less in thin air That's really dan- eign jail where their parents can't
against sunburn. "It's brighter at fibrous. Don't drink and ski" help them "
higher altitudes said Richison. According to Richison, beach- Other hazards he in foreign
"There's less atmosphere to block goers will have to watch their ako- lands. "Don't drink the water
the sun Anyone going skiing Over hoi, as well "Swimmers who have said Clark. "But also don't eat an v
break should take a goinj pair of been drinking can lose their sense raw truitsor vegetables, both can
sunglasses, she added. ?' direction under water, and give you dysentery
Students going skiing should Students heading to the
wear layers ot clothing instead of beaches ot the I aribbean should
wearing one heavy coat. "It gets he prepared tor a surprise "The
hot on theslopes, they can takeoff minute they get off the plane, stu-
Vacationers can safeguard
against pickpKkets. "Takemostly
traveller's checks, only a small
amount in cash and maybe one
credit card, just in case said Ric-
a layer if theyeet too warm said cn,s are specially targeted by hison.
Another hazard comes from
drinking at higher altitudes. "In
thin air there is less oxygen, that
means less oxygen in your blood
Richison advises. "You can get
drug dealers said Clark No
matter how tempted they are,
(lark advises students to abstain.
"Don't take them, don't bring them
out, and don't use them while
you're there. They are still illegal,
Richison ottered some final
pieces ot advice "Half-way
through the week you should call
home to tell your folks you're o k .
watch out tor your friends, and
have a good time
National honor society founds ECU chapter
By Margi Morin
Sattt Writer
and Dean (Ronald iSpeier, depart- meetings with faculty members to and Lee I niversitiesin Lexington,
ment chairpersons nominated discuss campus issues, holding Va. by 15 students and faculty
juniors and seniors who achieved leadership conferences tor stu members. I he organization was
rwenty-two new members of ?' 3.0 grade point average or dents and faculty and Honors Day founded on the idea that leader-
Omicronbclta Kappa, the national higher Jeter said. Also, the stu- convocations. Other activities in- ship ?' exceptional quality and
einductedon dents attained special distinction elude student-faculty public fo versatility in college should be
nor s?h lotv win p
March 18 at 2 p.m at St. Pauls
c hurch reception at Chancellor
? II ikm's house will follow
V i ordine to Vndv leter. a
in at least one of the following rums on local, national, and world recoginzed. There are presently 207
categories: scholarship, athletics, issues awards for high scholar- chapters across the nation,
social, service and religious ac ship and leadership, senior book
tivities and campus government, awards. "Student of the Year" For the first60years, the soci
journalism speech and the mass awards, travel scholarships, din et) was limited to men only
membei ot the K I swim team media or creative and performing ner meetings of student organiza However, at the 1974 national
and a senior, the students applied arts. The students held the respon tion presidents and honor society convention in New Orleans,
sibilit) tor at least one-halt year dinner programs. members approved a constitution
before nomination. Omicron Delta Kappa was change that permitted women to
rhesocietv'sactivitiesinclude founded in 1914 at Washington be members also.
tor the chapter in the spring ol
.s .
I inder the direction ot T'akin
Continued from page 1
thefacts Ihet S IVpt ofHealth or with someone you know thai restrict themselves to one partner, You can be infected with the
and Human Services states these has had several sex partners. long-term, not just for three months HIv" virusand not develop AIDS
five 'riskv behaviors -Unprotected sex without a and then move on to the next one Carawan added. "Each person's
You can gel AIDS by sharing condom) with an infected condom Kellerman added, immune system is different
drug needles and syringes If women are going to be lor every person that tests If you feel as though you have
nal sex with or without a sexually active, they need to insist positive for the AIDS virus there engaged in any risky behaviors,
? id that their partners use condoms are 25 more people that don't know you may want to be tested for the
Vaginal ? i oral sex with The condoms should be Ameri- thev are infected, kellerman said
? q id g or 3i Hoi) Ontl 3 ?in
IlKA "B" Team
Cabell Lavvton
Steve Jones
Leslie White ?
Joe Griesbv
Chip Kline
Rick Rutter
Don Shepherd
Darren O'Beirne
Mickey Whaley
Cale S urn re 11
"Way to go Guys
All S virus, rhe Greenville Health
meone who shoots drugs or can made, latex and lubricated "This is because many people do Department will perform the test
gages in anal sex with Nonoxvnol-9 carawan not show symptoms and the virus forfree. It is confidential. Or, call
? n
?meone vou don't
kui ? prostitute)
tated maylieinJthebodyforaslongaslO the AIDS hotline at 1-800 J42
"Men and women need to wars' AID
"The Cup is (Jetting Closer
from the Lambda Pledge (Mass
Continued from page 2
and eat at regular times
vei " ipse. Hut since so
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tttlje iEaat Carnltntan
JOSEPH L. Jl NKINS l , News Editoi
Adam Cornei h s, w News Editoi
CaROI INI Cl SK k. Features I ditot
OHN H Kl R, Assl Features Editot
MlCH U I M R1 IN Sports ?
ThomasH Barri VI, $st SportsEditor
Carrie Armstrong, Entertainment Editoi
SCOTI MAXWEI . '???? liifoi
David Herring, General Manager
1 oki Martin, Editor
I amis McKee, Director of Advertising
PHONG LUONG, Credit Manager
STUART Rosner, Business Manage
Pamela Core, Ad Yah Supervisor
MATTHEW RichTER, Circulation Manager
TkAO WEED, Production Manager
Steve Reid, Staff illustrator
CHARLES WiluNGHAM, Darkroom Technician
Beth Lupton, Secretary
The Easi ('arolinian has been sen ing the Easiarolina campus community since 1925, with primary emphasis on in
formation most direcll) alfec ling I CI students. It is published twice weekly, with a circulation ol 12(HX). The Hast
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse 01 discontinue any advertisements thai discriminate on the basis ol age, sex,
creed or national origin 1 he East Carolinian welcomes tetters expressing all points of view. For purposes ol decency
and bre it). rhe Easi Carolinian reserves ihc right to edit any letter lor publication. I etters should he sent loThe East
Carolinian, Publications Bide .EC! . ireenv die, NC, 27834; or call us at (lH?) 757-6366.
Pave 4, Thursday, March I, 1990
Animal neglect is animal abuse
With all the recent controversy about
using animals for research, main people
haveignored thefact that artimalsiare abused
in other ways on a K il level Right here in
Greenville animals roam the streets and
scavenge through garbage cans in search ol
food rhese aren't just homeless animals;
main ol them have owners and a home but
ar not cared tor properly.
1 laving an animal is a big responsibility.
Living at home with mom and dad made
having a pet easy. It you didn't feel like
feeding it someone v as there to see that it
was done Many people and college stu-
dents are especialh guilty of this love the
ideaoi ha ing a cute little pot.but they often
don't realize the responsibilities involved
until atter they've already committed them-
It's not uncommon to see college stu-
dents (and other apartment dwellers) at-
tempt to keep pets m a place where they are
not allowed In many instances, the animals
are kept hidden form the landlord, and
therefore, are forever confined to the in-
doors. A pet owner must accept the fact that
pets need fresh air and exercise in order to
stay healthy.
Taking time to play with your pets, espe-
cially young ones, is another responsibility
to consider. Animals need as much atten-
tion as humans
Animals area financial reponsibility, too.
I course there's the cost of feeding, but it
doesn't stop there. Caring tor a pet means
being willing to take it to the veternanan
when it's sick and making sure it gets the
shots it needs to stay healthy.
1 ocal animal shelters report that a num-
ber ol students adopt pets every fall when
the semester begins. But by May, maun- ol
the owners have realized the true responsi-
bilities, and the pounds are full again Per-
haps perspective pet owners should keep in
miml that animals are living creatures, not
another accessory tor the apartment.
Firs t Tf4fcR?
anp n dw
Chernobyl lives: secret fallout
B Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
As most of us know, dozens
ol nuclear reactors in the I nited
States are operating only to keep
our nuclear primed tor
action. Hut it s no secret lhal the
I S nuclear weapons complex is
doing serious harm to tin' envi
ronmenl Among Ihc more disas
? rous operations is Washington's
tO square mile 1 lanford Nuc lear
Reservation where plutonium is
processed for nuclear bombs
March 1989 report commissii I
bv ireenpeac c found fai n
groundwater contamii atioi I
the government had admitti ;
percent oi the springs sampled
along the edge of the vastolum
bia River were contaminati I
long lived radioactive wastes An
earlier report by, thesamerosean h
team found that contaminated
ground water (migrated from
Hanford's plutonium processing
plant 10 limes faster than the
I Vpartment ot Energy I i X )E I had
claimed. Svn .ill the salmon in
the river will be glovs ing!
Bui that's just the tip ol the
iceberg of federal shenanigans
( ontamination has been rep rted
at I 7 of the mi. lear weapons pro
duction plants which now oper-
atein 13states. 1 asl year,the I X E
revealed that many "mishaps
have occurred at its Savannah
River plant in South Carolina in
recent decades At the DOE'S
Rocky flats riant in Colorado,
criminal violations ol radioai live
waste management are being in-
vestigated by the FBI. fwo large
1 H E labs used tor processing fuel
rods for plutonium were re. enth
shut down because ol contanuna
tion with radioactive and hazard
mis chemical wastes. As list of
hazards grows longer, the Physi
iansforSocial Responsibility have
called the nuclear weapons com-
plex a "creeping c Chernobyl "
Other research suggests the
possibility of similar consequences
for areas surrounding atomic
To the Editor
Political Science chair corrects mistakes
To the editor
As the c hairperson i t the
search committee tor the ? hair of
the new communication depart
ment, I want to thank you tor
giving attention to the recruitment
process. It is important that stu-
dents and the universitycommu
miv as a whole be informed on
such matters I nfortunatelv your
article of Feb 15 ontributes sub
stantially to a misunderstanding
of what was and will be done Not
onlv does the article use incorrect
names for two ECU individuals
involved in the search process
(Dean Eugene Ryan and myself),
it really messes up the description
of the selection process and, as to
when an announcement can be
made as to who the new chair will
The interviewing of the three
candidates over the past two
weeks was the culmination of a
search process which began in
August. After the candidates were
on campus, the communication fac-
ulty cast an advisory vole which
the search committee conveyed to
Dean Rvan along with its own
assessment of the candidates as-
suming thev are acceptable to him.
After an offer has been verbally
accepted, a rather lengthv process
confirming the offer by contract
and administrative approval here
at ECU, the General Administra-
tion, and the UNC Board of Gover-
nors must take place. Only with
the completion of that process can
an announcement of the name of
the new chair be made. Contrary
to vour article, at no point does the
University Curriculum Commit-
tee have any role in the selection
process and, as nice as it would be,
no announcement will, or can be
made, in a week or even a few
1 hope this corrects the mis-
conceptions and confusion your
article created.
Robert I. Thompson
Chair, Political Science
drawn in
poor taste
To the editor:
I have to object to Elliot's
"Gamda Gamda Hey" Cartoon in
the Feb. 22 edition of The East
Carolinian. Our hero (Rick?) says
about female "Agent 69 "Ididn't
know if I should slap her, or take
her in my arms, and beat the shit
out of her
As a fellow cartoonist and
perpetual abusive of first Amend-
ment Rights, I'll admit to some
pretty low standardsaboul "good"
or "bad" taste. Hut this cartoon
crossed even my line.
V lolence in cartoons is not real.
Everybody knows that. But vio-
lenceagainst women is far too
in our society The most recent
example in this area occurred less
than two weeks ago. when an
abusive husband shot mi killed
his wife in Wilson.
Anv cartoon which encour-
ages Of condones the attitude that
it's OK to hit a woman does a dis-
service to the art form and to us
all. It's not cool. It's not lunnv.
I would advise Mr. Elliot, if
he's going to try to make it using
material like that, belter hold on to
the day job. Bud.
David Barbour
Freelance Editorial Cartoonist
bomb testing sites in the United
Si ites The underground bomb
tests still conducted in Ne adaare
vented frequentlv According to
Sternglass these ventings nor
mallv release ast quantities ol
radioactive gases Nobel prize
w innei 1 r I inus Pauling tore
i asted lhal the testing ol nu lear
weapons " . will ultimately pro
du e about one million seriously
defective children and about two
million embryonic and neonatal
defec Is Indeed, the historj ol
nu. lear bomb testing lend sample
support tor Pauling's dire predi
tii n
Between 1951 and 1962, in an
effort to outrun the Russians in
the race tor nuclear superiority,
the U.S. government detonated a
total ot 124 nuclear devices v ithin
two U.S. Air lone reservations
about 70 miles north : : I as
Vegas Most of these bombs wore
exploded Irom 1.1 ers ? re t- .1
above the desert at Yucca Flats,
and radioactive fallout drifted
offsitein virtually allcases When
the Pentagon and AEC initially
assessed the Nevada sites, they
estimated that some700 people
might be victimized by fallout
from the atmospheric testing
According to Pulitzer Prize-win
ning writer Philip Fradkin in his
bookFallout: n American I'r
edy Air Force officials seemed
surprised when radioactivec l uds
Ol dust and ram enveloped Utah
towns and settled over parts of
Arizona.(Concerned citizens were
repeatedly reassured by govern
ment agents that there was no
hazard, l'hev received neither
warnings nor advice for protect-
ing themselves.
Thus began the tragic tale ot
radioactive poisoning and simul-
taneous deception ot American
citizens by their government.
Fradkin, who st through all of
the local testimonies brought by
the victims against the U.S. gov-
ernment m a federal district court
in I tab. says it was another dec-
ade or so before public health offi-
cials began linking the rising rates
of cancers among men, women,
and children in areas affected bv
the fallout "The government,
however, denied reponsibility tor
all such injuries and deaths he
writes. Public Health Service
Officers altered reports or sup
pressed them upon orders from
superiors During this time, main
government scientists refused to
concede that such fallout was
dangerous to human health. Even
the assistant attorney general was
involved in thecovemp.
In 184, the government was
tmed fbrdamagesto 10of 24 plain-
tiffs who had suffered from the
Nevada fallout But the ruling was
overturned bv the Tenth Circuit
Courtof Appeals in Denveron the
doctrine of sovereign immunity
("the king can do no wrong"). The
Denver appeals court said the
tederal go ernment's:?
conduct the 1
ever: ' ?
iin essary "in ligl 1 1 sei 1 h? , ? ?
tragi ly pi
ample ol
ment 1 i - hi 1
Ami '
nu. leai power. A: : - :
men' ? . ? ? . pint fi
enhower i
mo rac
unsu pectii
neci : i

internatioi i

brib ; ? 1
ine the put 1 it
Stati '
the East ist, was bat
out from th i . i I
States go
t hrea ten i
! h
h i
!( I llIK's
the ii ??
food irradial i I I is exi
to radii
ilt-6 ? esium-1 YJ b I
radii ia I . ? istes that oth t -
requirecosth meth lsofdis
While the technology is aimed al
preserving ook without using
chemic als. it also represents an at
tractive waste disposal option tor
the nuclear industry.
But what s g( ,et : isi
nessisni I neessanly e II rt
people Irradiated t. od ' I
show n to indue e kidney dan
testicular tumors and hromoso
mal abnormalities in lab anima
A study in India found thai w !
malnourished children wen
irradiated wheat they developed
abnormal blood cells though! to
be early signs ol cane er
1 V'spite the series ot shoe king
revelations of mismanagement
and contamination throughout the
nuclear weapons complex the
DOE proposesaplan for construct
ing new facilities and renovating
old ones, and tor cleaning up
hundredsol nu lear wastedumps
at an estimated cosl of $200 bil-
It seems the Hush administra-
tion, in its fatuous drive tor mill
tare superiority, is unwilling to
relinquish nukes tor a saner en
ergy policy. Bush's hiring of ohn
Sununu as his chief oi staff and
fames D. Watkins as energy secre-
tary shows ust how far his pro-
nuclear commitment will go
Sununu has actively favored the
growth of nuclear power in the
state ot New Hampshire, where
he served as governor Watkins
has extensive experience in the
Navy's nuclear reactor program.
Recycle The
East Carolinian

?l?e iEaat (Harolmfan
Page 5
State and Nation
Marci 71990
Chamorro tells
Nicaraguan rebels
to lay down arms
MANAG1 A Nicaragua (API
1 ntering tense transition talks,
President eleel Violeta Barrios de
Chamorro called on the Contra
rebels to immediately disband and
the defeated Sandinistas promised
ne er to allow their revolution to
W oi king sessions on transfer-
ring power were to begin Wednes
day but indications were that the
process would be troubled as
passions ran strong about what
Nicaragua's future should hold.
The v ictorious opposition
coalition favors a tree market
economy but the leftist Sandinis-
tas insisted luesday that banks
and industries stav in the handsot
the state and land seized by the
;overomcnt remain in peasant
A i hange ot gov eminent
Ji not t he end (t the revo
lution President Daniel Ortega
told a i heering rowd t thou
sands alter a meeting of Sandin
? i pii kaders
1 espite being trounced at the
pollsSunda) b Mrshamorro's
loose coalition, the Sandinistas
remain the countiy s largest anil
mostcohesn epolitii al force. I'hov
control the military and police and
have the allegiarn e of a large bu
reauc r.K
1 ate 1 ucsday, Mrs.( hamorro
i ailed on the c ontras to lay dot n
their arms Rafael Solis, a high
ranking military commander, said
arlier that the S indinistas would
' ? l( 'Ik e or
Central America's largest army
until the Contras disband.
! he topontr i Ic ?der, Israel
(.ale.ino, said from Tegucigalpa,
Honduras, Tuesda) that the reb-
els would not disband until after
Mrs. Chamorro is inaugurated
April 25 tor .i six year term. Otti
rials in 1 londuras estimate 10,000
rebels and some 42,000 depend
cntsareln ingin makeshift camps
near the Ni araguanborder. Presi-
dent Rafael I eonardo Callejas ot
1 londuras said Tuesday that they
must leave as soon .is possible
Vice President elect Virgilio
(.odov.earlv Wednesday accused
election officials of delaying the
vote count in the National Assem
bl races in order to tiddle with
the results and deprive the oppo
sition of the two thuds majority
required to make
. hanges.
The last tune ele tion results
were announced Monday at
terooon with 82 percent of the vote
reported the I nited National
OppositionO NO)had ?5percenl
of the i. ;?. (? the Sandinistas' 41
The pro government
newspaper ' ur:v DittHo esti-
mated that under the proportional
system I. NO would thus win 52
seats m the 90 seat legisl iture.
shirt of the necessary two thuds
It said the Sandinistas w ould have
s and the Social Christians one
Former President limmyar
tor. a mediator between the two
groups, s.ikI I t) was concerned
because the Sandinista army is
written into the constitution and
the coalition would be several
votesshortofa i ijority needed t(
amend it
See Nicaragua pagt b
I he number of people over 16 out of
work fell fiom 5 5 in 1988 to 5 3 i
1089 Unemployment r
byrace 11-7?ii.4
.????US Depsr&eftt Of LatjOr, Bureau of LnbOf Statistics FA 2.1990
Marry E Muiims. Gannett News &
Soviet newspaper
confirms submarine
mutiny after 15 years
Momnv (AP) The gov-
ernment newspaper Izv&tia con-
firmed luesday that there was
nearly a mutiny on a Soviet naval
shipitl 1975, an event that was the
basis for Tom lancy'sbestselling
thriller I he Hunt tor Red CXto-
! he book, which has been
made into a movie to be released
next month, isaboUi the masterot
a Soviet nuclear sub on a secret
mission who decides to detect to
the We t along with the vessel.
Soviet naval forces chase the sub
and I I.S fori es trv to intervene to
give the vessel site passage to the
United States
Thenewsagi -ncv lassqtaited
Izvesii 9 saying a military
prosecutor's office admitted the
anti-submarine ship Storozhevoi
tned to escape to Sweden m No
vember 1975.
According to the office, the
ship's deputv commanding offi-
cer,apt rd rank Valery SaWin,
led the attempted mutiny, the
newspaper said His plan was to
commandeer the Storozhevoi af-
ter isolating the commanding offi-
The Valdez Principles
Protection of the biosphere
We will minimize and stnve to eliminate the release of
any pollutant that may cause environmental damage
to the air, water or earth or its inhabitants
We will safeguard habitats in rivers, lakes, wetlands,
coastal zones and oceans and will minimize
contributing to the greenhouse effect, depletion of
the oone layer, acid rain or smog
Sustainable use of natural resources
We will make sustainable use of renewable natural
resources, such as water, soils and forests
We will conserve nonrenewable resources through
efficient use and Careful planning. We will protect
wldlffe habitat, open spaces and wilderness, while
pfl serving biodiversity
Reduction and disposal of waste
We will minimize creation of waste, especially
hazardous waste, and wherever possible recycle
" tertete.
We will dispose of all wastes safely and responsibly.
Wise use of energy
We will make every effort to use environmentally safe
andc-jstamabte energy sources.
We will invest in improved energy efficiency and
conservation in our operations.
We will maximize the energy efficiency of products we
produce or sell
Risk reduction
We will minimize environmental, health and safety
ks to employees and communities in which we
operate by employing safe technologies and
operating procedures and by being constantly
prepared tor emergencies
Marketing of safe products and services
We will SBl products or services that minimize
adverse environmental impacts and that are safe as
consumers commonly use them
We will in'orm consumers of the environmental
effects of our products and services
Damage compensation
We will take responsibility tor any harm we cause to
the environment by miking every effort to fully
restore the environment and to compensate persons
who are adversely affected
We will disclose to our employees and to the pubic
incidents relating to our operations that cause
environmental harm or pose health or safety hazards
We will disclose potential environmental health or
safety hazards posed by our operations, and we will
not take any action against employees who report
any condition that creates a danger to the
environment or poses health and safety hazards
Environmental directors and managers
At least one member of the board of directors will be a
person qualified to represent environmental interests.
We will commit management resources to implement
these principles, including the funding of an offce of
vce president for environmental matters or an
equivalent executive position, reporting directly to
the CEO, to monitor and report on implementation
Assessment and annual audit
We will conduct and make pubic an annual
self evaluation of our progress m implementing these
prtndptes and in complying with all applicable iaws
and regulations throughout our worldwide operations
We will work toward trie timely creation of independent
environmental audit procedures which we will
complete annually and make available to the pubic
Exxon fined for oil spill
W MII; .K N (AIM I he
Exxont orp faces criminal charges
and $70(1 million or more m pos-
sible penalties from last year's
tanker spill that left hundreds of
milesi ' Maskashorelinepolluted
with oil
? federal grand jury in Alaska
brought .i five-count indictment
against the giant oil company and
its shipping subsidiary on Tues-
day, charging it violated a num-
ber of federal laws m connection
with the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
" I he indictment represents
cur best shot .it prosecuting this
incident Attorney (icneral Pick
rhornburgrt said in announcing
the indictment
The massive spill occurred
when the huge tanker veered off
course in Prince William Sound
and struck a reef on March 24,
1989,spilling 11 million gallons ot
i.nide It -aas the worst oil catas-
trophe in I S historv and caused
widespread damage to wildlife
and Alaska's ecology.
In New York, I'xxonchairman
I awrence (. Raw! in a statement
called the grounding "a tragic
accident" for which Exxon and its
shipping subsidiary "haveapolo
gized to the American people,
especially the people of Alaska
"Nobody willfully grounded
the ship or caused the spill said
Exxon has spent more than 2
billion in cleanup efforts, but
environmentalists argue that the
job is far from completed and the
total damages to natural resources
may not be known tor years
The indictment included three
felony and two misdemeanor
charges that could lead to a total
$1.6 million in criminal tines In
addition, the government said it
would seek at least $700 million
perhaps substantially more in
penalties under a separate law that
allows recovery of twice the
amount of proven losses.
I'hornburghsaid theeventual
penalties against Exxon could be
substantially higher, depending
on the amount of losses deter
mined at the time of a court ver-
Rawl's statement said: "We
will defend ourselves in court
against these charges. We believe
there is no statutory basis for the
amount of the fines mentioned by
the l.S. attorney general
Thornburgh told a news con-
ference the indictment was pre-
sented to the grand jury after a
proposed plea deal fell through.
Me said the plea talks fell apart
Sec Lxxon, page 6
GNP lags
U S economy grew by 0 4 percent
in the fourth quarter of 1999, faster
than previously estimated but still
the slowest pact ? in mre than three
years, the government said
The Commerce Department
said its revised estimate ot Octo
bcr-December growth means the
gross national product the
nation's total output of goods and
servk es rose percent tor all of
1989 was the slowest yearly
at! va nee si nee.i7 percent gain in
1986 and followed a 4.4 percent
increase in 1988.
The fourth quarter gain was
stronger than the initial report of
0.5 percent growth last rrw nth but
still the lowest since .His plT, nt
ad in e in the third quarter lA
1986 A consensus of economists
had indicated in advance ol the
new report that fourth quarter
growth would be lowered to fl I
rhe improvement should ease
tears the economy had entered a
downturn at year's end, although
there is considerable anxiety over
the months ahead The department
will makeonomorere ision in the
GNP the broadest measure ot
the nation's economic health
alter more solid information is
available next month.
A rei ession usually is defined
as two consecutive quarterly de-
clines in theGNP. The last decline
was a one-quarter drop ot I 8
percent in 1986, after which the
economy resumed growth The
last recession occurred in 1981 B2
Since then, the economic ex-
pansion has continued for 37
months and m November broke
the peacetime growth record It it
continues through October 1991,
it will set a new overall record
An inflation index tied to the
GNP rose at an annual rate ol J 6
percent last year, the report said.
That was revised downward from
a 4.5 percent hike reported ini
See GNP, page (,
Poll shows majority disfavors drug use
cer and a number of other officers
and tlet civing the crew into obey
ing his orders, Izvcstia said.
I he newspaper said Siblm
ignored naval commands to stop
and was able to get the ship across
the Soviet border in the Baltic Sea
21 mill's toward Swedish territo waters I hs plan fell through,
however, when the Storozhevoi
was intercepted and returned to
base, the newspaper said
It was not known whether any
crew members supported the
tztteStia quoted the military
prosecutor's office as saying that
breaking the oath of enlistment.
commandeering a naval ship,
removing it from subordination
to the naval command and refus-
ing to obey orders have always
been grave military crimes and
betrayals of one's homeland
SabHn was tried bv the su
preme court's military wing,
found guilty and sentenced to
death bv firing squad, according
to Itvatkl. The report did not Spec-
ify whether the sentence was ear
ried out
Fewer than 2 percent ol Amen
cans questioned in a new survey
siv thev might trv cocaine it if
were legal but 60 percent m
they think someone else would
I hree fifths of those ques-
tioned in the poll released Wednes-
day by the Drug Policy Founda-
tion said all drug use is immoral
and should be illegal, while 35
percent disagreed And 55 per-
cent said they believe the Hush
administration's war on drugs is
likely to reduce the drug problem,
while 16 percent favored legaliza-
tion ot less serious drugs along
with an increase in drug treatment
and education.
When given the choice be-
tween providing treatment and
(. ounsohng tor drug users or pun-
ishing drug users with fines and-
or imprisonment, 68 percent fa-
vored treatment and 21 percent
favored punishment.
"In rejecting the war on drug
users and in choosing not to use
drugs even if drugs were legal,
Americans are saving, Make
health, not war foundation
President Arnold S. Trebach said
in a Statement released with the
"Americans want to help their
neighbors who abuse drugs; they
do not want to imprison them
I rebach said.
The Drug Policy foundation
advocates treatingdrugabuseasa
health problem, not a criminal
justice issue, and has encouraged
drug decriminalization efforts.
Despite the nl percent who
saiel all drug use is immoral and
should be illegal, foundation Vice
President KevinZeesesaid, "There
is significant support for outright
legalization of drugs Americans
are realizing that more jails, more
arrests and more seizures will
never solve the drug problem
National drug control policy
director William . Bennett has
called legalization advocacy "stu-
pid and morally atrocious A
spokesman for Bennett's office
said he could not i omment on the
survey because he had not seen it.
The poll Of 1,401 adult Ameri-
cans in a random,digital dial tele-
phone sample done fan. 24-Feb. 4
by Targeting Systems Inc ot Ar-
lington, Va has a margin ol error
ol 3 percentage points, said com-
pany President C harles Welsh.
Richard . Dennis of Chicago,
chairman ot the Drug Policy Foun-
dation Advisory Board, paid tor
the survey.
The survey revealed some
mixed messages. While 36 per-
cent said they favored legaliza-
tion of less dangerous drugs
Combined with more treatment
See Poll, page 6
Sister of hostage voices hopes for release
LONDON (AP) Ending ?
humanitarian pilgrimage" to
Europe and the Middle Fast, the
sister of the longest-held Western
hostage in Lebanon says she is
optimistic the United States, Syria
ami Iran are cooperating with the
aim ol releasing the captives.
Peggy Say, sister of Terry
Anderson, chief Middle East cor-
respondent for The Associated
Press, was to meet Wednesday
with Archbishop of Canterbury
Robert Runcie to complete her
two-and a half-week ournev
Kuncie's personal envoy, Terry
Waite, also is among the Western
hostages, who are believeel held
by pro Iranian Shute Moslem ex-
For the first tune since her
brother was kidnapped in Mos-
lem west Beirut on March lb, P'8,
Mrs. Savsavs she believes the three
kev nations are cooperating in
trying to free the 18 Westerners
held in Lebanon.
"It had to be a cooperative
effort and I fee! that it is, given that
nothing happens to interfere with
it she said in an interview Tues-
day night. "We've got all the
components here. Given that eve-
rything stays on track, I feel it will
end, as other people say to me,
sooner rather than later
Mrs. Say's pilgrimage with an
Associated Press delegation coin-
cided with the fifth anniversary of
her brother's abduction. It in-
cluded meetings with Pope John
Paul ll, U.N. Secretary-General
(avier Perez deCuellar, Palestine
Liberation Organization leader
Yasser Arafat and Syria's foreign
and information ministers.
"Fi ve years seems to ha ve trig-
gered something in people said
Mrs. Say, who said she sensed "a
total commitment and a feeling
that enough is enough
"It seems everybody is realiz-
ing that these hostages are becom-
ing a real obstacle that they are
preventing a move forward be-
tween the United States and other
countries, and that obstacle has to
be removed so they can get on to
other things she said.
Before she left the United
States, Mrs. Say said, she was as-
sured by U.S. State Department
officials that President George
Bush was pursuing every avenue
to free the hostages.
"I've never askeel him to tell
meexactiywhafhe'sdoing. 1 have
to admit I was skeptical. But to
hear it reinforced by non-US.
government officials (during this
trip) was very, very reassuring to
me she said
A report Tuesday m al-Hayat,
an Arab newspaper published in
London, that contacts in Geneva
among the United States, Syria
and Iran were making progress
on the hostage issue was one of
"many, many positive signals
she said.
The White House and State
Department on Tuesday denied
reports of secret talks in Geneva
White House press secretary
Marlin Fitzwater did not rule out
that the hostage issue was under
discussion, stressing there were
no face'to ?face negotiations.

?lrc i?uBt (ffaroltman
age 5
State and Nation
March 1,1990
Chamorro tells
Nicaraguan rebels
to lay down arms
MAN GUA Nicaragua(AP)
Entering tense transition talks,
President elect Violcta Barrios de
C hamorro called on the Contra
rebels to immediately disband and
the defeated Sandinistas promised
rtc er t(i allow their revolution to
oi king sessions on transfer
ring power weretobcginV ednes-
day, but indications were that the
process would be troubled as
passions ran strong about what
Nicaragua's future should hold.
The v ictorious opposition
coalition t.iors a tree market
onomy but the leftist Sandinis
tas insisted Tuesday that banks
and industries stay in the hands (it
the state and land seized by the
government remain in peasant
.Pine f go eminent
dl?es n.t mean the end of the re o
lution President Daniel Ortega
told a cheering enwd ol thou
sands after a meeting ol Sandin
ista pait leaders
1 Respite being trounced at the
pollsSunda) b Mishamorro's
loose coalition the Sandinistas
remain the country s largest and
most cohesive pohtu al ton e. I hey
control themilitan and police ind
have the allegianc e ol a large bu
reaiu rac )
Late Tuesday Mrs.( hamorro
alled on the - ontras to lay dow n
their amis R ifai I Solis, a high
ranking military ommandt r said
earlier that the Sandinistas would
i control ol the polk e oi
ei tral Amerk a's largest army
until the Contras disband.
i In topontr i leader, Israel
Galeano. said from Tegucigalpa
Honduras. Tuesda) that the reb-
els would not disband until alter
Mrs. Chamorro is inaugurated
April 25 tor a six year term Otlt
cials in 1 londuras estimate 10,000
rebels and some -P.000 depend
entsareln ingin makeshift (amps
near the u araguan border. I 'resi
dent Rafael 1 eonardo Cattejas ot
I londuras said Tuesday that they
must leave as soon as possible.
Vice President elect Virgilio
c kxiov, early Wednesday a. cused
election officials ot delaying the
votecount in the National Assem
blv races in order to fiddle with
the results and deprive the oppo
sition ot the two thuds majority
required to make constitutional
i hanges.
I he last tune ek tion results
were announced Monday at
ternoon with 82 percent of the vote
reported the United National
Opposition (I NO) had 55 percent
of the v, W . to the Sandinistas' 4i
rhe pro government
newspaper 'I tre Dutrio esti-
mated that under the proportional
system I NO would thus win 52
seats in the 90 seat legislature,
short of thenccessary two thuds
It said the Sandinistas w ould have
iS and the Social Christians one
Former President fimmy ar
ter. a mediator between the two
croups, said UNO wasconcerned
because the Sandinista army is
written into the constitution and
the coalition would be several
otcsshort oli i ijority neededto
amend it
See Nicaragua para 6
1 he number of people over 16 out of
work loll from 5 5 in 1988 to 5 3 in
1080 Unemployment
by raw 11 7 ? 11.4?0
74.7 4 yx Jk

Whites Blacks
U S Department of Labor, Biiieau of Labor Statistics Fsb 2.1990
Marry E Muliins, Gannett News Service
Soviet newspaper
confirms submarine
mutiny after 15 years

The Valdez Principles
Protection of the biosphere
We will minimize and strive to eliminate the release of
any pollutant that may cause environmental damage
to the air. water or earth or its inhabitants
We will safeguard habitats m rivers, lakes, wetlands.
coastal zones and oceans and will minimize
contributing to the greenhouse effect, depletion ot
the ozone layer, aad ram or smog
Sustainable use of natural resources
We will make sustainable use of renewable natural
resources, such as water, soils and forests
We will conserve nonrenewable resources through
etvier! LB e and careful planning. We Will protect
wild'rfe habitat open spaces and wilderness, while
preserving biodiversity
Reduction and disposal of waste
We will minimize creation ot waste, especially
haz I'dous waste, and wherever possible recycle
We will d.spose of all wastes safely and responsibly.
Wise use of energy
We will mike every effort to use environmentally Si tfe
and sjstatnable energy sources.
We will invest in inprovea energy efficiency and
i onservation in our operations.
We will maximize the energy efficiency of products we
produce oi sel.
Risk reduction
We will minimize en'ironmuntal. health ana safety
ri k. to employees aixj communities in which we
operate by employing sate technologies and
operating procedures and by being constantly
prepared tor emergencies.
Marketing of safe products and services
We will set pioduds or services that minimize
. otw ? i i?nm.vFtesoonsteEcoroT?es
adverse environmental impacts and that are sate as
consumers commonly use them
We will inform consumers of the environmental
effects of our products and services
Damage compensation
We will take responsibility for any harm we cause to
the environment by making every effort to fully
restore the environment and to compensate persons
who are adversely affected
We will disclose to our enptoyees and to the pubic
incidents relating to our operations that cause
environmental harm or pose health or safety hazards
We will disclose potential environmental, health or
safety hazards posed by our operations, and we will
not toko any action against employees who report
any condition that creates a danger to the
environment or poses health and safety hazards
Environmental directors and managers
At least one member of the board of directors will be a
person qualified to represent envjonmental interests.
We will commit rainagement resources to implement
these principles, including the tunding of an oftce of
vce president for environmental matters or an
equivalent executive position, reporting directly to
the CEO, to monitor and report on implementation
Assessment and annual audit
We will conduct and make pubic an annual
sell evaluation of our progress in implementing these
principles and in complying with all applicable laws
and regulations throughout our worldwide operations
We will work toward the timely creation ot independent
environmental audit procedures wnch we will
complete annually and make available to the pubic
RamPonnpB GanretNewa
Exxon fined for oil spill
W v-llli ;T IN (AP) The
i xxon( orp t.u cscriminal charges
?ik1 iH) million or more in pos
sible penalties from last year's
tanker spill left hundreds oi
milesof Maska shoreline polluted
w ith oil
? federal grand ur in Alaska
brought .1 five-count indictment
against the giant oil company and
its shipping subsidiary on Tues-
day, charging it violated a num-
ber ol federal laws in connection
with the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
I he indictment. represents
cur K'st shot at prosecuting this
incident, Attomev (General Dick
rhomburgh said in announcing
the indictment
1 he massive spill occurred
when the huge tanker veered oft
course in Prince William Sound
and struck a reef on March 2A.
1989,spilling 11 million gallons ot
crude It 'aas the worst oil catas-
trophe in l S. history and caused
widespread damage to wildlife
And Alaska's ecology.
In New York. Exxonchairman
I awn. neeRawl in a statement
i ailed the grounding "a tragic
accident" tor which Exxon and its
shipping subsidiary "have apolo-
gized to the American people,
especially the people of Alaska.
"Nobody willfully grounded
the ship or caused the spill said
Exxon has spent more than $2
billion in cleanup efforts, but
environmentalists argue that the
job is tar from completed and the
total damages to natural resources
may not be known tor years
The indictment included three
felony and two misdemeanor
charges that could lead to a total
$1.6 million in criminal tines. In
addition, the government said it
would seek at least $700 million
perhaps substantially more in
penalties under a separate law that
allows recovery of twice the
amount of proven losses.
rhornburgh said the eventual
penalties against Exxon could be
substantially higher, depending
on the amount of losses deter-
mined at the time of a court ver-
Rawl's statement said. "We
will defend ourselves in court
against these charges. We believe
there is no statutory basis for the
amount of the fines mentioned by
the U.S. attorney general
Thomburgh told a news con-
ference the indictment was pre-
sented to the grand jury after a
proposed plea deal fell through.
He said the plea talks fell apart
See Exxon, page 6
GNP lags
U S economy grew by 0.9 percent
in the fourth quarter of 1989, faster
than previously estimated but still
the slowest pace in more than three
years, the government said
1 he Commerce Department
said its revised estimate ot Octo-
ber-December growth means the
gross national product the
nation's total output of goods and
services rose J percent tor all of
ll)su That was the slowest yearly
advance since a 2.7 percent gain in
10Sh and followed a -l 4 percent
increase in 1988.
The fourth-quarter gain was
stronger than the initial report ot
0 percent growth last month but
still the lowest sim ea0.8 percent
advance in the third quarter ot
1986. A consensus ol economists
had indicated in advance ol the
new report thai fourth quarter
growth would be lowered to (1 I
rhe improvement should ease
tears the economy had entered a
downturn al ear send, although
there is considerable anxiety over
me monthsahead. The department
will make one more revision in the
GNP the broadest measure of
the nation's economic health
alter more solid information is
available next month.
A recession usually isdefincd
as two consecutive quarterly de-
clines in the GNP. The last decline
was a one-quarter drop ot 1 8
percent in 1986, after which the
economy resumed growth. The
last recession occurred in 1981 82.
Since then, the economic ex-
pansion has continued tor s
months and in November broke
the peacetime growth record It it
continues through October b'H
it will set a new overall record
An inflation index tied to the
GNP rose at an annual rate ol6
percent last year, the report said.
Chat was revised downward from
a 4.3 percent hike reported ini
See GNP, page t,
Poll shows majority disfavors drug use
MOSX OW (AP) I he gov-
ernment newspaper Izvestia con-
firmed ruesday that there was
nearly a mutiny on a Soviet naval
ship in 1975, an event that was the
basis for rbm lancy'sbestselling
thriller I he Hunt tor Red Octo-
ber "
The book, which has been
made into a mm u to be released
next month, is about the master of
a Soviet nuclear sub on a secret
mission who decides to detect to
the West along with the vessel.
Soviet naval forces chase the sub
ami US tones trv to intervene to
give the vessel safe passage to the
i Fnited States
The news agency Tass quoted
livesti as saying I military
prosecutor s ollice admitted the
anti submarine ship Storozhevoi
mod to escape to Sweden m No-
vember 1975.
According to the office, the
ship's deputy commanding offi-
cer, C apt 3rd rank Valery Sablin,
led the attempted mutiny, the
newspaper said. His plan was to
commandeer the Storozhevoi af
tor isolating the comma ndmgoffi-
cer and a number of other officers
and der ei mg thecrew into obey-
ing his orders, tzvestia said
I he newspaper said Sablin
ignored naval commands to stop
and was able to get the ship across
the Soviet border in the Baltic Sea
21 miles toward Swedish territo-
rial waters. I lis plan fell through,
however, when the Storozhevoi
was intercepted and returned to
base, the newspaper said
It was not known whether any
crew members supported the
zvesHn quoted the military
prosecutor's office as saying that
breaking the oath of enlistment,
commandeering a naval ship,
removing it from subordination
to the naval command and refus-
ing to obey orders have always
been grave military crimes and
betrayals of one's homeland.
Sablin was tried bv the su-
preme court's military wing,
found guilty and sentenced to
death bv firing squad, according
tofsMSfat. The report did not spec-
ify whether the sentence was car-
ried out.
Fewer than 2 percent ot Amen
cans questioned in a new survey
sav they might trv cocaine it it
were legal but 60 percent sa
they think someone else would
1 hree fifths oi those ques-
tioned in the poll released Wednes
dA by the Drug Policy Founda-
tion said all drug use is unmoral
And should be illegal, while 35
percent disagreed. And 33 per
cent said they believe the Bush
administration's war on drugs is
likely to reduce the drug problem,
while 36 percent favored legaliza-
tion ol less serious drugs along
with An increase in drug treatment
and education.
When given the choice be
tween providing treatment and
counseling for drug users or pun-
ishing drug users with tines and-
or imprisonment, 68 percent ta-
vored treatment and 21 percent
favored punishment.
"In rejecting the war on drug
users and in chinking not to use
drugs even if drugs were legal,
Americans are saying, Make
health, not war foundation
President Arnold S. Trebach said
in a statement released with the
"Americans want to help their
neighbors who abuse drugs; they
do not want to imprison them
frebach said.
The Drug Policy Foundation
advocates treating drug abuse asa
health problem, not a criminal
justice issue, And has encouraged
drug decriminaiization efforts
Despite the nl percent who
said all drug use is immoral and
should be illegal, foundation Vice
President Kevin Zeese said, There
is significant support for outright
legalization of drugs. Americans
are realizing that more )ails. more
arrests and more seizures will
never solve the drug problem
National drug control policy
director William . Bennett has
called legalization advocacy "stu-
pid and morally atrocious A
spokesman for Bennett's office
said he could not comment on the
survey because he had not seen it
rhe poll of 1,401 adult Ameri-
cans in a random, digital dial tele-
phone sample done an. 24-Feb. 4
by Targeting Systems Inc ot Ar-
lington, Va has a margin ot error
of 3 percentage points, said com-
pany President c. harles Welsh.
Richard I Dennis of Chicago,
chairman of the Drug Policy Foun-
dation Advisory Board paid tor
the survey.
The survey revealed some
mixed messages. While 36 per-
cent said they favored legaliza-
tion of less dangerous drugs
combined with more treatment
See Poll, page 6
Sister of hostage voices hopes for release
LONDON (AP) Ending a
"humanitarian pilgrimage" to
Europe and the Middle Hast, the
sister of the longest-held Western
hostage in Lebanon savs she is
optimistic the United States, Syria
anil Iran are cooperating with the
ami of releasing the captives.
Peggy Say, sister of Terry
Anderson, chief Middle Past cor-
respondent tor The Associated
Press, was to meet Wednesday
with Archbishop of Canterbury
Robert Rtmcie to complete her
two-and-a-half-week journey.
Runcie's personal envoy, Terry
Waite. also is among the Western
hostages, who are believed held
by pro Iranian Shute Moslem ex-
For the first tune since her
brother was kidnapped in Mos
lem west Beirut on March lb, 1985,
M rs. Say says she believes the t hree
key nations are cooperating in
trving to free the 18 Westerners
held in Lebanon.
"It haci to be a cooperative
effort and I feel that it is, given that
nothing happens to interfere with
it she said in an interview Tues-
day night. "We've got all the
components here. Given that eve-
rything stays on track, 1 feel it will
end, as other people say to me,
sooner rather than later
Mrs. Sav's pilgrimage with an
Associated Press delegation coin-
cided with the fifth anniversary of
her brother's abduction. It in-
cluded meetings with Pope John
Paul II, U.N. Secretary General
Javier Perez de Cuellar, Palestine
Liberation Organization leader
Yasser Arafat and Syria's foreign
and information ministers.
"Five years seems to have trig-
gered something in people said
Mrs. Say, who said she sensed "a
total commitment and a feeling
that enough is enough
"It seems everybody is realiz-
ing that these hostages are becom-
ing a real obstacle that they are
preventing a move forward be-
tween the United States and other
countries, and that obstacle has to
be removed so they can get on to
other things she said.
Before she left the United
States, Mrs. Say said, she was as-
sured by US. State Department
officials that President George
Bush was pursuing every avenue
to free the hostages.
"I've never asked him to tell
meexactly what he'sdoing. I have
to admit I was skeptical. But to
hear it reinforced by non-US.
government officials (during this
trip) was very, very reassuring to
me she said.
A report Tuesday in al-Hayat,
an Arab newspaper published in
London, that contacts in Geneva
among the United States, Syria
and Iran were making progress
on the hostage issue was one of
"many, many positive signals
she said.
The White House and State
Department on Tuesday denied
reports of secret talks in Geneva
White House press secretary
Marlin Fitzwaterdid not rule out
that the hostage issue was under
discussion, stressing there wilt
no face-to-face negotiations.

Supreme Court
relaxes search
Supreme Court Wednesday gave
police broad new power to con-
duct sweeping searches atter
making arrests in private homes.
Bv a 7-2 vote, the justices said
the police may use evidence seized
when they arrested a Maryland
man. lerome Buie, accused ot
armed robbery. The ruling rein
stated Buie's conviction and 35-
year prison sentence.
fustice Byron R While, writ-
ing for the court, said police ma)
search throughout a house when
they have a reasonable suspicion
there is a hidden danger to the
arresting officers even it the
authorities lack a March warrant
and probablecause to believe there
is a danger.
White said the Constitution
permits a properly limited pro
tective sweep in conjunction with
an in-home arrest w hen thescarch-
mg officer esses .1 reasonable
belief based on specific and ar-
ticulable tacts that the area to be
swept harbors an indi idual pos
mg a danger to those on the arrest
Prince George's Count) yo
lice investigating the Feb 1986,
armed robber) ot a restaurant
obtained arrest warrants tor Buie
and 1 loyd Mien
A halt dozen police officers
went to Buie's home in Riverdale
two davs atter the robbery to ar-
rest him. After entering the home,
they looked for him on the hrst
and second floors.
One officer went to the base-
ment stairs and veiled for anyone
who might be down there to come
out. Buie eventually emerged and
climbed the basement stairs to be
searched,handcuffed and arrested
by the officers.
At that point, another officer
descended the stairs to the base-
ment where he saw a red running
suit, similar to one a victim of the
robbery said was worn by one of
the holdup men. 1 he suit was in-
troduced as evidence that helped
convict Buie.
The Maryland Court ot Ap-
peals, the state's highest, ordered
a new trial tor Buie. By a 4-3 vote,
the state court said buie s rights
protected by the Fourth Amend-
ment to the Constitution were
violated because police lacked a
search warrant and probable cause
to search the basement
Before Wednesday, police
making arrests generally were
allowed to conduct such protec-
tive searches only ot the area
within a suspect's reach Justices
William I. Brennanand Thurgood
Marshall dissented Wednesda)
Brennan, writing tor both, said the
ruling gives police too much dis
cretion to search "the special sanc-
tity ot a private residence
Continued from page 5
because ot the unwillingness of
Exxon to meet the government's
terms, in addition, state officials
objected to part ol the proposed
The indictment charged that
Exxon employees aboard the
tanker acted inappropriately and
that the corporation "willfully and
knowingly ' allowed individuals
who either lacked the required
license or were known to be
physically or mentally incapable
to operate the vessel. The charges
stemmed from reports that Exxon
officials were aware that Valdez
captain Joseph Hazelwood had a
historv ot drunken driving con-
victions in New 1 ork state, but
was allowed to remain in com-
mand of the huge tanker
Hazelwood ison trial in a state
court in Alaska on charges includ-
ing reckless end a ngerment, crimi-
nal mischief and operating a ves-
sel while intoxicated. He has de-
n forma tion Session
'Undecidedami'Pre - 'Business Students
'Tuesday, ifarcfi 13
3:30 - 5:00 pm
general Classroom 'Budding
'Joom 1031
Sponsored Ini General College
The East Carolinian, March 1, 1990 6
Continued from page 5
and education over the Bush
administration plan, 75 percent
said thev wanted more federal law-
enforcement efforts
Seventy percent said they
wanted more federal drug treat-
ment and education, and 71 per-
cent said it was more important to
take "any step necessary" to stop
drug use than to protect civil rights
and civil liberties.
Of those polled, 11 percent
said thev had tried cocaine hydro-
chloride cocaine powder
while 89 percent said thev had
not. Asked the likelihood of their
trying cocaine it that drug were
legalized, 1.7 percent said they
were verv hkelv or somewhat
likely to do so, while 96.9 percei ?
said thev were unlikely to trv it
However, rt percent said rtv .
behevecocaineuse would ira reasi
if it were no longer a crime b ?
percent said cocaine use would
decrease while 27 percent said I
would Stay the same
Of those who had never tr ?
cocaine, 0.9 percent said tl
might trv it it it were legaliz :
while 9 percent ol those who 1 . I
used it before said thev wen If
least somewhat hkelv tn tr)
Continued from page 5
Despite the improvement in
fourth-quarter growth several
lolts from recenteconomi indica
tors have prompted someanalv sts
to question whether the nation's
manufacturing economy will be
able to avoid further deterioration
this year and whether it will spread
to Other areas
"Thereisjust not an) e idei
that the manufacturing se tor has
any strength said Paul (.rim.m
an economist with Regional li
nancial Asscx iati
si v h
ester. Pa 1 hequestionis whethei
this weakness m manufacturing
economy tor added ferryjasinowski.presi-
rhc latest jolt to the- current dent of the National Association
quarter's growth was the Com- of Manufacturers "You've got
mcrce Department's report on pocketsof recession in sectorssuch
ruesday that orders to U.S. facto- as automobiles surrounded by an
ries for durable goods plummeted absence of activity in the economy
jh r. enl last month in their in general
1 ess than two weeks ago, the
Commerce Department reported
that industrial production in lanu
aryfeil 1 2 percent, its largest drop
since tailing 1.3 percent tour years
The economic weakness has
prompted the Bush administra
lien and manv in onomists to urge
steepest fall in 32 yearsof govern-
? ? ? id keeping,
i he report signifies an ongo
ing recession tor a chunk of the
U.S manufacturing sector said
Mli n Sinai, chief economist tor
the Boston o
Hie sharp vk line is another
we'll sec s irtuallv no real
terest rates to fall further and I
stimulate the economy "he
tral bank has kept a tight reu
credit tor a year in .in atten
drive down inflation
but the government re
last week that consumer ; I
rose a hefty 11 percentlastn
the largest advance since
percent gain I
Chairman Alan (a-eenspai
cated in ongressional testii
that the central bank isunltl
loosen its grip soon
lhe led s tight-men.
is blamed tor e
slowingfrom ipen cnt
will spread to other sect i ?? momic growth in the first quar the Federal Reserve to permit in third quarter of 1989
Pennsylvania death penalty laws upheld
, . v .I i ? nnovonirinn in th,? sin. r 1962. limits defined b our cases, i
nied being drunk at the time ot the
The charges against Exxon
under the indictment were
Violation ot the Tort and
Waterways Safety Act. a felony.
Violation of the Dangerous
x argo Act, also a felony.
?Violation oi the Clean Wa-
ter Act by illegally discharging
pollutants into Prince William
Sound, a misdemeanor.
Unlawfully di sch argin g
refuse, theoil, also a misdemeanor.
Violating the Migratory
Bird Treaty Act, stemming from
the deaths of more than 3MXX1
birds as a result of oil pollution,
also a misdemeanor.
Each of the felony charges
carries a maximum fine of
$500,000, while each misdemeanor
counts carries a maximum pen-
alty of $200,000, the fustice offi-
cials said.
Supreme t. ourl upheld
Pennsylvania'sdeathpenart) law s
by a 5-4 vote Wednesda)
The justices rul d " it the
state's laws oo no! limil improp-
erly the discretion ol sentcn ing
juries and are not impermi?
The division remo esa thrt at
that existed tor similar death
penalty laws in i t other states
Arizona,alifomia, i onnecticut, noexecution in the state sir
Idaho Illinois, Maryland, Mon-
tana. New ersey, Ohio, Oregon
rennessee rexas and Washing
ton. Most states have death pen
aitv law s but main ol them do not
resemble the Pennsylvania
si hei
More lhan :i death row
inmates are awaiting execution in
Pennsv Ivania, but there has been
( hiet ustice William 11
Rehnquist, writing for the court,
said states enjoy wide latitude m
drawing capital-punishment law s
"The fact that other states have
enacted different forms of death
penalty statutes which also satisf)
'Within the constitutional
Continued from page 5
Control ol militar) ,ntd police
forces is considered the most
cate issue in the negotiations. They
are closely identified with the
Sandinista party, and the army is
known as the Sandinista Pe?ple's
Armv. not the i. araguan arm)
UNO has promised to elimi-
nate the draft and reduce the size
of the armed tones But the fra(
tious amalgam of 14 parties ami
an Indian organization its mem
bers spanning the political spe?
trum from tar right to tar left, will
need considerable mus leto stand
up to the 'sandmistas or su h is
A sandinista statement Tues
la Itl iandinistas, who have
ruled alone since overthrow ing
President Anastasio Somoza in
1979, would defend the integrity
ai I ? (fessionalism ol the army
and tl eforces I heSandin-
istas said they still have "the re-
sponsibility to watch over and
guarantee the continuity of the
re i luti ?nary process
In the statement, they said
their party would oppose anv
( hange in its agrarian reform and
nationalization of banks and
demanded the jobs of all public
workers be guaranteed.
Soils, the military commander.
.aid "if 1 NO decides to privatize
the banking system it oouMbc .in
irresponsible act that starts a war
Privatization is a fundamen-
tal part of UNO's economic pro-
cram. It hopes to reduce the pub-
lic sector and return inefficient
state-owned industries to the pri-
vate sector to halt tour-digit infla-
Carter, who held an initial
meeting with representatives of
both sides Tuesday night, said he-
was trying to help the parties de-
fine the issues and find a common
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limits defined by our cases,
states enjoy, their traditional
tude to prescribe the metho I
which those whoommit mui I
shall be punished
Rehnquist was pined by i
rices Byron R. White, Sandra I
constitutional requirements casts O'Connor Antonin Scalia and
no doubt on Pennsylvania's Anthony M Kennedy his
choice Rehnquist said. William! Brennan U
Marshall, Harry A Blackmui
lohn Paul Stevens dissented
Writing tor the four Brent- n
aid( today I ? " efirsl tirro
court upholds a statute contain
ing a mandatory provision
five's the legislature ratl i
the fury the ultimate
whether the death penalty is ap
propriate in a particular set
In a series of pas! ruling
high court has struck dow n
making death mandator) thei i
penalty, for people convicted
certain crimes such as the k
of a police officer.
Pennsylvania law says
verdict must he a sentence of di
it the jurv unanimously finds a
least one aggravating cir
stance and no mitigating

?lje ?a?t fflarolfnum
March I, 1990
Helping autistic children opens career doors
By oeHorst
st.ilt Wtth-r
! 1"? ?i immiT job? mewbete where ??I w hilf i'ii it
i hoillt'iir i ommunih '
hen i11Im.l - 1 teatment serviie 27 counties id North internships tor the 1990-1991
( arolma IF lAiHisa State wide sehool vear. and positions super
program, running in conjunction vising young autistk (hildren
with the School of Medicine and "Thecampisdesignediogivi
iwweekataiimc.Rothrocksaid greatly on Kis 01 her ipe I child during a short period ol
Anothei opportunity thai the cialty is, either assessment inter time m hile theenter talks with
PEACCH enter presents is the viewing, or other skills the child's parents.
iffering ol internships lo El U Lastly, the Center otters stu
? ,iut .iti t utistic and
?el.iti i i '? ition handi
M h Ireni enh t is iiist the
? ? (ini
1 tided n I h Dl I rit
? K. u h
? '? i'itiie t
Department of Psychiatry at ECU the parents a break, and also, for graduate students "We try to dents the chance to baby-sit auti rhe TEACCH Center is look-
rheir main aim being to help the autistic adolescentsand adults design the internships to meet the K children on Wednesdays or ing for people that are interested
the autistic person cope and sur have ?? normalized camping needs of the particular student' Fridays. Doughert) said thai "it in learning aboul autism and
vive in their home environment, experience, Dr. Maxim? Rothrock Dr fohn Dougherty said. Dough exposes the student to autistic possiblewaysofheirMngindividu-
PEAC1 H is interested in allowing s-ml Running from late May to city also added thai the interns people We would tike people thai als that have this illness. All stu-
students that have related majors, 1r ,lllv- u' camp m'r' r,ul would bedoingthekindsof things are interested in this area to come dents are welcome to apply for
stichasspecialeducation,psychol- positions as camp counselors lo lhal Ihe therapists do, being in in for additional information, bul an) of the three positions above
, , ; . ,? dtne assessment ol allarewelcomeThe students are and can call Dr. John Dougherty al
ogy, or sociology, the opportunity interested students. Staying al Ih
lo further their education with camp for six days ouloff he week, autistic ktdsor involved withsome
hands-on experience Ihe counselors general!) do not direct hands-on work with autts
Some ways thai IF Acll leave the area except for one week li kids, trying lo leach them
generally responsible for an autis 756 3488 for more information.
i new gives students this chance are a m Ihe middle Ol the session
summer tamp sponsored In the
oca ted in the hapel Hill area,
With this Autism Society of North Carolina, tlH' counselors would deal with He explained thai the duties
centers ln in cooperation with TEACt H. one to two autistic individuals foi that an intern might do depend
Museum features odd collections
By niienl 1 ipher
st.itl W ntrr

111! ? I '?
n ads, Museum
For lack ol a better word is where the tour begins button
museum w ill suffice, but on the thousands o! them twinkling 111
lh( i side ol the dot 'i ,m i m met 11 -tat s ,iei in- l tin ? liatv-p in ni ;
c ate feeling ol sanctit) envelopes li that preserves them 1 ? futtin
the tittle landing and pronounces generations ol visitors Button!
that this is not youi inn ol the with faces buttons (if bow bui
nitlldisptayofdinosaurbonos.tnd tons ol antkuuty and hutl ?? i
irrowheads blat k nn) whiti even knou n militar uniform
picture ol the smiling siinl like map oi the I nited Stat
Eva I besivle a tetter from the posed entire!) ol buttons r
en belh,e. enitvCouncil offering an beside a map til North! irolina
ur explanation for the things at the with counties of buttons ewn t
top of the stairs, the tetter says, muslin with motherly u
Eva i ouldti t throw anything 'k nu are probabb I
. i aw ,i ing i' w hat. I v e t t pi ; a I
Ihe shrine like atmosphere buttons mvsetl M.
1 I '(? i ' I lo,
sun pouring through the but in all probability you I rv I
h,r. e a pair ol i , ised fleas me
tit nit mi -K dn ed i bt It ,i: !
gii'iuii .inil encased in gla
I hese fleas were gh en to I'1 b
ypsies passing througl
in t w null w s 111 in pi i 'ti i
? ttll almost, tor stand'
it the lop "I the staits (s a
? 'It a simple flowered
glasses, white hair and a about nOyoarsago saidthegui I
ni? - r i i , hershouldei glimp ? s
t.s apvlruii'tbe.slnlcs,iml t.tldis
but before exploring these ha
t began with buttons so that Revolutionary, the ivil and both
ol ihe World Wars are displayed.
rnai hine gun ? . mei i
ran helmets md even (erman
int.mtrx L rati i ' Ii ? im
.laic bai K from then glas - i a ,i
and whispei storii of battles won
in.I lost i he highlight ol this
i is Ihe bool ol a I't ii ?sian
soldier, shot and killed by I a s
ii in World War II
l rett) tame, v i u think' Noth
ii i. ith ?'? orth Ihe trip? VVroiig!
11 11 ? " it a, I 11 ? . i ui
ine nly warm you up
f( : lite It lib g ? 'd Sttlfl Blj , ill
things thai used to be alive glare
do . n from their sheb 1 luman
nous st,ii s si re the
spotlight w itheighl pound tun i
ill i two headed i .its I lowever,
lhi cyclops pig u tagi all i l the
othei in a thai part of the tour
rrenders to the other side ol the
ii m
lotontinue iistim; the vari-
ous anil odtl members "t this i ol
he tout mati
'11 to till
tl halls abounding with nexl avenue ol display, the war lection would be an injustice to
R gerKammerer.alocal elebril irl ? putsthefmishmgstrokeson
a water color paint ; a a . painted murals tor the
StLrdent Stor' and tor Cubbie's (Photo by J D Whitmire ?ECU'
Photo l ab)
ninet) two years of collecting, the room Ml ol the major wai ire
guest register must be signed represent! there I niformsofthe
Daytona Beach expects
400,000 spring breakers
Poll shows people
ie ii.iii -? i t ?
avoid healthy diets
I.Eva J
Suzanne Sm itH
( mcnlion and VUilnm Bureau
i I la
i, i,
? :
. I i I, ?? ,i Marl
Coming up
I I K h H I I I I I K
ISO I'tool
I I ,(, VN'S
I lie I ist
l I K
.inn.iiv Rose
I riday
l IK
Sti ks
1 asl i arolina
Spring Break
,i n
( enteilolit
? "ipi'tatr Nmerit a will dominate the Voyagci Beach Motel March
the evenl schedule this year. Iir 21 27, Peace Break 'W, a multi
example, Miller Brewing Com sport competition feature in vol
panv. jeepEagle and Hawaiian leyball, soccer and a tug-ol
fropic will sponsor welcome cen peace' will be held March 12
? : throughout the area lecp is April 2 the beat h in front ol
ilso bringing along a simulator Surfside Regenc) la l'l,r. i B? I
I n nts 11 vmouthMotor! o Western, Howard Johnson Hotel
headquartered al the Howard Oceanfront and the Voyager Beach
Johnson Hotel, Wilt host A number Motels
"I pi on lot ions i rotn Man h I until I oi runner a 'K Run foi I it
piil it Budwciser will sponsor erai y, sponstired In olusia I it
i oncert in the Bandshelt March eracyCouncil March 2.1 and the
I and I law .nun I ropu will hold annual Eastei Beach Run pril
its International Beauty Pageant I4,areplanned Even airferswill
in the Bandshelt Man h 11 gel into the ai tion at the v ational
Visiting collegians will find a ollegiatcSurfing! hampionship
uniuue combination ol exhibits, in Ponce Inlet March M ' Em
demonstrations, contests and bry Riddle eronautical 1 nivei
1 tet bit s ottered In ina 1 n differ stty in Daytona Beach w ill host a
tut t oinpaniesat I po Aineru a at baseball .i mboreeat la. kie Robin
the (Lean (enter Man h 12-24 son Ball Park on l itv Island March
noilnt expo, "SpringFesI '90' l( 14 and March 16
will run from March 16-23 in front Wrestling will also i m to the
if Holiday Inn Boardwalk Rolling dean enter March I
? ' '?ic magazine returns to Day Mush lovers will have the
? ii i Beat h as well, with an oul hance to hcai up in I ? m ing
tioi't expo in Iceanfronl bark bands al apitol Kp i ?rd P i
Mat. Ii 14 21 (.eneration Besl I nsigned Band
n alcohol awareness pro Competition at Peabody Audtto
gram called Party Smart will have rium April B lhc Marine! "ips
information tents on the beach band will also perform al the
March 10-17and April 8-15stick Bandshell April I Kokomos :u
it btot hures, buttons and other outdoor club and restaurant, w ill
giveaways Party Smart will also provide entertainment from the
hold a sand si ulpting i ontest, the steps oi the Bandshell Man h lo
Part) Smart Sand 1 lassie, on the April lrr And those who are into
bt.n h Matt h 13 14 Iheorania Stereo sound will want to chock
tion is ottering cash prizes and outSoundcraftCTS car stereo show,
. hoi. u .hips to winners March 24 25 at the Ocean I entei
Sports enthusiasts will have Many hotel pool decks fea
plenty of activities lo choose from ture entertainment and contests
.Inline, Spring Break '90 "I'nor during the day, and some ion
ganized volleyball" will run March tinueon into the nighl Marlboro,
i through April 14 al both the Playboy, Euro Ki?k and other
l toward (ohnson I Intel and Day companies have also armoum ed
tons Inn LotUS Marketing will pool deck promotions
hold amateur CO ed tournaments Additional nighttime entei
at several area hotels Mareh 12 10, tamment includes laser
and the Eastern Volleyball Asso Whitehall Inn and Howard
, i.ition will hold a tournament al See Daytona, page 8
the Bel haven Memorial Museum
and if the mcmoi y ol Mrs Eva
Way I a liked to h.e. e ci ?mpany
so she op' ned her home to the
pubht and lor httv ears one had
to v all up ai Mrs l; a to se
I imod t ollei tion I rom the
1900s until her death in 196
proudly displayed her accumu NFV YORK (AP) Most Ninety-five percent of those
l,itttb'btt tsot interestantl It ti the Americans know a balanced diel polled said balance, variety and
tour- herselt isthehealthiestone,butthevdon t moderation are the keys to healthy
I his incredible ladv ol the eat tint way, according to a na eating, and 83 percent said they
south w as not simply anei centrii tional poll. were fairly or very concerned that
collector of foreign chewing gum Moderation seems to be a what they eat might affect their
andtwo headed cats Shcwasand t ugh prescription to follow. health.
still isan institution to the people "Americans are surprising!) Sixty-four percent said they
ot Belhaven Eva also lent her knowledgeable about nutrition were eating more fiber, and nearly
energies as a daughtei ol the and health, but when it comes to half said the) had increased their
American Revolution iRed! ross translating factsintofotxl choices, intake of calcium
fund-raiser a beai trapper who most still opt for quick fixes and Nearl) three quarters said
canned the meat herselt and a the latest health fads Nancy they were trimming fat from their
fierce rattle snake hunter And ii Wellman, president of the Ameri- diets and rough!) two-thirds re-
that is not enough, she was also a can Dietetii Association, the ported cutting out saturated fats,
published poet nation's largest group of food and cholesterol ,nA tried foods. But
fhe Belhaven Memorial Mu nutrition professionals, said last only 8 percent said they wereeat-
,imi is open even day ol the week at a news conference to ing more vegetables, while 5
week from 1 p.m to5p.m Admis announce results of a Gallup sur percent" id th ? ' ' ?dded fish oil
I hese broadcasting students learn camera techniques in their television production class Smile for
the camera' (Photo by J 0 Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)

8 The East t arolinian, March I, 19?M)
Campus Voice
What is your dream vacation for
Spring Break?
Natalie Young, 20
Senior, Biology
"Fun in the sun I want to camp in
Florida, be with my friends and enjoy r
the warm weathei 1 want to party a little
and explore a little
fiin I avion, 20
lunior, t listory
I w anl to go to Vermont to ski. It would
be nit etosit by .i fireon a snowy evening
with someone 1 care about
Chris Wright, is
Freshman, Marketing
"I'd like to to spend the week on the
beaches of St I homas I want to lay on
the beach and go island hopping
ini Newman, 41
Senior, Industrial lech.
"I'd like to go on a cruise to the Carib-
bean jusl to get the hell away from here.
I w anl to drink a lot and watch the young
iv mien
Angie Camp, 21
junior, journalism
"I want to cruise to the Virgin Islands
and plane hop i 1 spend the whole day
on the beach, the afternoons in the shops
and the evenings in the bars "
. Valentino Odom, 20
unior, Ps chology
I'd like to go to New lersev and visit
with friends who transferred to other
i olleges. We'd goout and party however
we could
? Compiled by Marjprie I. Mckinstrv
Bits and pieces
Kids feel they can try drugs
Scholastn m.i ;
one fourth fell thi
drue, aim : he I
ine conducted a 15 question poll of the nation's
hi ugh 12 druguse. Of the 180,000 responses,
uld experiment with drugs without becoming
ure rises as the student gets older
Survey shows that many
Americans favor abortion
hi.i national surve conducted by Parents Magazine 1.004 Ameri
cansI or older revealed the majority favored a women's right to an
abortion hc surprise ?? as that more men are pro-choice, 55 percent vs.
52 percent Also revealed: no significant difference between Catholics
and Protestants ? ' pen ent ot i atholics and 52 percent ot Protestants
appro ed a womi n s right to abortion.
Measles cases reach high
ThoNationa riahonoK hildren'sHospitalsandRelatedInsti
tutionsissu Ian isli ilert last month Measles cases reached a high
of 17,000 in I : " ml ?0() in 1983, reports The Centers for Disease
Control Atlantamlv 17 pen ent ot all preschoolers have had measles
vaccinations today, compared with 64 pen enl in 1980.
Juries punish crimes harshly
People convk fed by juries arc more severely punished than those
who plead guiltv or are convicted by judges, the ustice Department
savs, based on a study ot 1986 felony convictions in KH) counties in 37
states. Felons con vie ted by a jury got an average of 159 months in prison,
compared w ith 103 months when convicted bv a judge and 72 months
for those w hi' pleaded guilty
M I ' ' M prlt Colktgt Information etuork
Music Notes
Presently the biggest things happening at VVZMB include the new-
Toad the Wei 5pr? ket and Beautiful South albums. Toad is just cool
and the Beautiful South houses the lead singer from the Housemartins.
We also have live music from 1 lesh for Lulu and Eleventh Dream Da v.
New albums from Sinead i Y onner, The Church and Midnight Oil are
still being impatient!) waited for.
Upcoming bands in,reenvi1le include 8 of 9 Feet, In Limbo, The
Popes, (Georgetown Station, The Sex Police, The Madd Hatters, Satellite
Boyfriend, and Rat Duo Jets, all during the month of March. Wish mega
luck upon In I imboin their attempt to get into the North Carolina
Showcase for unsigned bands coming up later in the spring. It's a great
chance for bands to be st'en at some of the triangle areas best known
clubs bv major label representatives.
"Violence and mayhem are breaking Uxse" sayeth Chris Yearley,
our newly legal -aged metal direi tor Tensions are running high around
ZMB right now Disc lockeysare riming through the offices screaming
obscenities at the walls, bashing their heads into one another, hurling
albums into the ceiling and no one is really sure why. It's either mid-
terms or the fact that we've all been eating a lot of Chinese food lately
and the MSG's are making US weird. WZMB we eat the worm and
well, you know the rest
?Compiled hv Beth Ellison, WZMB
Police struggle to maintain order
mno! News Service
As March approaches, col
lege students thoughts turn from
philosophy, chemist r and i alcu
lus to the beach, beer and bikinis
When students head to fa
vorite spring break hot spots, thev
carry along a desire to party. But
thev also may bring along some
unwanted baggage the poten
tial tor violence and crowd con
trol problems.
Daytona Beach. I la the
spring break capitol of the world
will be inundated with students
from around March 12 April 21
this year, according to Daytona
police Sgt ohn Power
Lower says about 00 000
people are expe ted to visil the
four-mile stretch ot beach, each
staying tor five or si davs
AK ohol i auses the most
problems when the students at
rive, he says " rhedrinkingprob
lemincreases 1,000times Wecan'l
arresteven violator, but we make
arrests tor the most flagrant ones
Palm Springs, Calif faces
similar problems during its spring
break downtown "block party
It Lee Weigel of the Palm
Springs Police Department savs
alcohol problems are intense dur-
ing the three week period, .mil
police "enforce all laws very
strictly during that time
Steamboat Springs, a Colo-
rado ski town, sees a major influx
of college students during the first
week of the year, and then again
during spring break, according to
police Capt .D. 1 lays
I Ic s,o s alcohol and college
rivalries ombme to enhance prob-
lem situations
"All events start out quiet, but can i hangeafter people have
beer, drinking and the end of the
evening comes around says
I lays It can start out with play-
ful pushing five or six guvs
getting into it with another five or
si guys And get worse from
Ml sa their departments re-
ceive help from local county sher-
iffs' offices and state highway
Spring into a new vacation hot spot
South Padre Island. Texas
OnG ' f Me : wthern tip of Texas.
Accon ? : ? 5,000 rooms, mostly
cond One week :er person about $200
Travel: t , " .? est, American, or
Con nei' i Greyho ind buses On island:
Ftee trolleys, private buses. Bonus Cheap
Restaurants- Fast I od to gcimet. Also the
who eei ? ida I Me in food.
Clubs: Live i k'n're country, outdoor discos
Drinking age: 21 Men 0, 18
Attractions: Inexpens . o shopping in Mexico
Essentials: Suntan lotion, swimsuit & shades
ICre is ? i .
iir.i .
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
?,500 acres on Mount Wf-? i NW
Accommodations' 15.500 p .? ?? ??
condos.townhouses: $50 $60 ln h1
Travel: Fly American Greyl ndl
Skiing cost: Skis, boots a ? ?
Instruction: Group. $2 7 P ate
Restaurants: Fast food t. ; irmel
up the mountain.
Clubs: Try The Tugt it and I rt Ocg
Drinking age 21
Attractions: Champa ;
Steamboat essentials pe tempi it
jOhns, T-shirt and short!
??'? ' '? in :c.i: S- A ? i
jf Col
-? ? i flay
i gondola ride
. P irk hot springs
' in I long
f beautiful beach

Water! I seal I the most
I ? k'n'roH clubs
?.r boats,
tlip-1 ips.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
No longer 'Where the Boys ?
Accommodations 30,000 i
Travel: 21 airlines. Amti - :
Restaurants: Fast tood I
Nightspots: dining, corned)
Drinking age: 21
Attractions: Ocean World B
largest swap shop in the S
Fort Lauderdale essentials:
Soce Great r F tlauoorcai . ?
Daytona Beach, Florida
Daytona is synonymous with spring break
Accommodations: 16.000 rooms I ti :ondos,
townhouses and beachhouses $40 I ip
Travel: Hometown-booked tour b. i Five ajor airlines.
Greyhound bus. Amtrak to De Land In town: Jolly Trolley.
Restaurants: Fast food to five star Special: Ponce Inlet
seafood, inexpensive hotel buffets.
Nightspots: Walk Route A1A cr Seabreeze Boulevard. Also, Dixie
Queen Riverboat.
Drinking age: 21. 18-year-oids allowed in some bars.
Attractions: MTV, concerts, deep-sea fishing, jet-ski rentals,
speedboat rides, jai aim
Daytona essentials: Sun screen, swimsuit and shades
Source Destination Daytona
patrols to beet up security and
maintain law and order during
the break periods. I low-ever, the
additional security might not
alwavs be enough
An example ot the worst that
could happen took place during
last year's Labor Day weekend
celebration of Greektest at Virginia
Beach, Va.
Power says evening events
at Daytona Beach arc centered ma
five-block area. Popular rock con-
certs mav draw up to 40,000 col-
lege students and area citizens.
The Daytona police force
will increase from 100 to nearly
400 with the helpof state beverage
agents and other state and county
officers those weeks rhese offi-
cers will use several methods to
control crowds
? Large concerts will be
held in the middle of the week,
instead ot the weekends, to keep
the crowds smaller and discour
age spring, break groupies from
1 livtona police will be
reminded to use common sense in
handling problems It you arrest
one person in a rowd ot 100 or
400, the rest ot the people in the
crowd usually get the messagi
Powt r says
"W'e trv to be as leniei I
possible on the minor stuff, but
we don't overlook an) thing sen
oiis Hopefully, we have of!
working who are low key
can get in and talk to j and
tell them then pl tusu
ally calms thei id ays
All three offi i rs say people
in the community t seem I
worry about ?
I i bod) that li
knows it's oming, so the) jusl
read' t r it ind ' ill '? "
Daytona's Power
I-t.r students who ?? ii
stay out of troubli
fun 5pringbi ik, 1 ? '
"Don't lea ' i
the state line H I I i
but don't get i razy
fun i ? ? ? v
Continued from page
ohnson Hotel "he Parry Ship is Detailed infon
also back fne Dixie Queen River and ictivti
boat cruises the scenk Halifax most hotel and
River by night and features lighl p! ' pnl
shows and musi( fi m p.m to
midnight Transportation is pro I i hnationDaytona
vided to and from the boat from onvention and isitor's Bureau
many of the major beachfront for the Daytona Beach Resort Area
moteK off rs ind
Many other events will take calendci f i CallT- - ?
place during March and April ; , r l ; ' ;
Seafood House and Oyster Bai
f Washington Highway in C 33 E?t Srwttvtlta North CaroMiM
Pon? 752 3172
Mon. thru Thurs. Night -
Plate w-75
All Transactions Strictly Confidential
?SL !? I
655 Memorial Dr.
to their diets
"Despite their awareness of
basic nutrition principles, many
consumers seem to view food as
medicine said Margo A. Denke,
a nutrition research scientist at the
University ot Fexas. "They think
adding or eliminating a particular
food or ingredient will automah
callv prevent or i ure illness Siu h
an approach is not onl unrealis-
tic, it can also prove harmful
Part of the trouble is a percep
tion that there are "forbidden
foods which seems lo make
people crave the foods thev trv to
do without and then feel all the
guiltier when they splurge on
"Prohibition of food creates
guilt Wellman said "And guilt
destroys good intentions and can
lead people to actually overeat i w
binge on those forbidden foods
Thirty-five percent of those
surveyed said high fat foods can
not be part of a healths diet.
Brei i Grant at Ganneti New S n.
Continued from page 7
I he thing surprised me
is that people .ire still going to
extremes not in their best interest,
particularly women whoareelimi-
natingdair f ods when there are
pood, tash low and even non-fat
ii. ds in that category Wellman
? aid in a telephone interview.
She also cited a "continuing
misconception that red meat can-
not be part ot a healthy diet
The ad mi e most moms gave
out about a moderate, balanced
diet remains' useful and durable
V oilman anl
"One of niv favorite special-
o i asion treats is a hot fudge sun-
dae she s,?id "I realize I can t
have one for dessert every night,
yet it would be oft base to think 1
could never eat one
The Gallup Organization
conducted the telephone survey
! Amem an adults Dec. 11-28
for th ADA anil the non-profit,
food industry funded Interna-
tional 1 ood information Council.
The Hair Loft
Get a quick Tan Witho ; ; I .
Brand New Fanning I
(Wolff Bellarium S 1
S4 per visit
Wet Cuts - $8.00
Perms $33.00
Waft Ins Welcome
112S. Mill St
Winterville. NC 28590
Vs for ' isits
Mtii in ii i.iin r-ipm
Sat 9am Ipm
cu ngs h appointment
iaiio i from Dixie Queen)
only 3 miles south of Carolina East Mall 355-5980
Is Now Open In (Jrvtimlle!
We sell import and domestic parts and
accessories at wholesale prices We also have
a complete sen ice center
Make Us Your One Stop!
F;or Parts, Lor Service Remembei
We Have It AH!
DAVIDS AUTOMOTIVE .? - .? ? ur' ,F
FW8.?o-?p. W'e Specialize m German Cars. t8r4;v
?neon t m ??'tSo?i??r po ? ft, imt .
Have a Safe & Fun Spring Break
drive carefull)
510 N. Cuvcric Si Cireonvillc, NC 830- 770

She gafit (fiarolfnian
Pave 9
March 1,1990
i N YOl m t mi's I .i I x Is Olie beautiful week starting at
i . r . , ;? under 5100.00? $460.00!? Hot days and reggae nights"
I i
I 1H
l, Is ti .las
11 K Kl I: (!? bedroom in six room
. shared with two rathei male
nts Rent is$155 ,
? .1 utilities.ill ? - '48428
rred to ??( ire two bdi apt tor
"? ? ? : ? i! Please i .ill
. ? ' J I ;
si RVK I S Ol FER1 D
room in
I OK sl I
Ion't forget to usi Pirate Ride
? ? it pm I ? .mi rheroute
i. ii id mstead Dorms
ihon call 757 1 lb
i Oft ING SI K l I 5 We offer typing
and ph pvu ? ? ' We also sell
ofwares ?? i tei 'I horns m and
? mteedtv I ; ipei up to
md written Prol sional
Grew N? '52 1
1 YP1S1 m ? ??? ? " . irt word
iuipi enl and laser printer
Brenda after fvOO p.m "5tvl837ot
Ii i e message
Kl BAKI Ii Nca imaica!
11ns trip will sell out 90 I all Sun
Splash i WO 426-7710
l? si RVK 1 Plan your nest social,
cocktail, or formal event now with tht
hottest in Dance, Progressive Rock,
and Beach music available Plus all
your favorite requested selections,
guaranteed! No one else offers that
ChrisGre??or I1! Service757-1561

5I'lic :iiil (vtiptvui
fFor all you (!rc? n i!i tx mtul i N.i-ak
it can still gel thai wonderful tropical tai5 .1 i sSIMl " s mii,
Kec N.u ior Bovs Danbee tor (.irK
l ounseloi positions tor program
Specialists Ml learn Sports, especially
ill Basketball, Field Hockey,
Softball, Soccer and Volleyball; 25
tennis openings; also Archery,
Rifflery, Weights I imess and Biking
other openings in lude Performing
Arts. Rne Arts, Newspaper, Photogra
phy, c (Hiking, Sewing Roller ?.i iting
Rocketry, Ropes and Camp Craft; Ml
Waterfront Activities (Swimming,
Skiing Sailing Windsurfing Canoe
Kayaking) Inquire Man Kee Nac
"111 Contact I'M Wade Avenue Raleigh,
NC27602 Phonc831 6640 EOEMFH
tor mature motivated individuals with an
interest in fashion and the desire to sell
quality clotl ng Good beginning salary
and store wide discount Apply in pel on
Brod s "h, Plaa M i day Wednesday
1 ihi l:Q0p m
HKi iDY'S: rc you a college student m
need ol extra pending money ' Brody's is
ao epting a pin atn nsfoi part time ??ales
associates and i ustonv t ?? rvicc represen
tatis es who i an work flexible hours Apply
in person Brody ?The Plaza Monday
Wednesday 1 10 I 00 p.m
Low fee agency 1902 S harlcsSt N ross
from Pirates Chest Office hours Mon Fro
i pm tpm ? '
nil I SHIR rcONTESI tprie
alt Promotions Modeling gcn v tor
inten iew I i 1"
IKI ll s ov HIRING! light
Attendants n myothci : I ns! 51 '
5 ; ;? all 1)602 i - - - ? Exl 238
INGTV!$32 ?? ? potential
i '?. )?:?;? ' '? ' .
Ill I l I I UK
ii , ?
i aria
lifeguards amp i ? ? ?? ?
ithletv irts md il personm p u
maintcnan i and therap I
grams Appli anon I leadline March
1 OS
'? ?
ll gras
i i
1'IK s
and par bed thru the night (Xir president
managed to fall on her head Paula, you
don't hreakdanee to the Grateful Dead
Madge and 1 ec looked a little erav And
lorn got Sick eating Danielle's daisy
Pikes once, Pikes twice, we all know the
rest Thanks tot a great time' love, the
( hi s
( HI OMEGA: Wishes everyone a safe
and tun Spring Break'
SIC IP: HotTubbin in Hilton I lead was
the best, whether you lumped in. or got
thrown in I let ready tor more fun in the
sun Spring Break style, remember to be
safe, though Keep your motors runmn'
only 7 weeks left
he Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity celebrates
their on hundred twenty second year of
Brotherhood From the Founders to the
newest initiate 1 lappv Founders Day
( III ()MI (.A: A combination couldn't
be beat. We were a decade in repeat
I rom I.k kie Kennedy to the Woodstock
ast; Camp Contentnea was a Wast' Pike
is it!
PI KAPPA AI.PHA:One hundred and
twenty years and Stronger than ever'
Fhe .amet and Gold will never grow
old 1 lappv Founders Day Pikes'
fcOPI S: South of the Border last
Ihursday was great, well, except tor the
:? ruble hangovers we all had on Friday
Lei , doit i airi ??? nv tin i ig1 au's
) s I ? ?? id . I m i killer time
rhe lpha Sigs
LOS1 Bi wn and Black alicoi at
is hves ?? treet in Tar
. ? H ? . ; is .ins information
if ' - , r"i( and ask
SiGM NU'S: let reads for the ndeot
, . , Bring sour bottle blanket uid
warn caving at 8 30 Don't miss
?.A1 M Wants to wish everyone a
? v
I s
?fry f)f .rlprmttion M V
? fHKtl
800 351 02Z2
tJ ffj?
99 Hi - Balls
99 Membership
1 fcTr
I m m
IJtHlfttl 'nl0'l'0n
while you wait
Free & Confidential
Services lV Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Centei
111 l 3rd Si.
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
M-F 9 am-5 pm
argeSefcction 6 Bocikbag
1 ra.?1 ns & A v essorics.
-18 s?o Repair r52 B433
UlN(,(i()l I) rOWERS
Now I akin I cases lor Fall
li)"ii Efficienc) 1 bedrm & 2
bedrm apis Call X'
rSlarKcstauraiu is
?f offering an
opportunity to cam
money for your service
group. Use our parking
lot for your carwash.
happv and safe Spring Break Brothers
bo readv for Mondav the 12th
members ai Alpha Xi Delta Teddi
EspOSltO, (jrmen Miller, Liz TVinaghy,
Marcs Fcnetti, Kimberlv Owens, jean
McAleese. Kelho Woodburv. Shanna
Baker, Allvsin Nagv, Kristin May. Cathy
1 till, Bonnie Sawyer, Christy Coggina,
Beverly Ball. Michelle Bach, Dana
McQueen, Michelleabbs, Leslie Black.
Millie McCOll We are vers proud of all
of you, 1 ove, AZD
Panhellenic for Best ranhellcmc Award'
Love, AZD
LAMBDA CHI Al PHA: We started the
night wearing our flannels and jeans
( ,lad those reptiles didn't get us 'cause
thev sure did look mean The attire we
wore was definitely right Especially for
those wild ones in the crazy has fights
The camera was rolling from the verv
start We all hated to lease hut we had to
part The party was great, we had
bunches of fun I et's pet together soon
and have another one
GOOD LUCK: Angelica, Tirnisha.
Renec, Crystal. Amie, Crystal, Mclise,
Deanna, Laurie, and )uhe We know you
guys can do it, we're behind you all the
wav, Love AZD sisters
KAREN PREVOST We don't care what
everyone says, sou don I look that old'
Happy 22nd V ? W( ?? . ?' The
I ,ir!s
III! STUDENT UNION wishes you a
run and sate Spring Break Check usout
when sou get back
Sl(. I Ml: "hanks to: ,i great social
rhursday night Let's get together and
do it again' At MM
EVERYONE: Have a great Spring Break
I get a i burntlAOPl
LRl sk.s rhursday nighl wasa
blast I et 9 do it again soon! Alpha "ig
?? ? mart tor being elected 'Best Hedge
by Panhelfcnk ' We are verv proud of
sou Love, Your sisters of AOPi
CONC.R A I L LA DONS: To all Alpha
, lelta Pi ne sisters Andrea Bowen,
Rachael Bn wn Turcs Bumgordener,
i rystalO ss LisaDenoia Brooke
i)r;sfeU. DebbieOardener Michelle
1 larmon, Kathy HoBennan, Amy Jordan
Oina ludkins, Tammv Kivela, Morla
Lynch, Brands- Sheehan, Wendy
Simpson, Ellen Smith, Angle Sutton,
Kell) WWtacre, and Ashlyn White iou
guvs did a great job! We love sou and
again congratulations'
(ill to
Listen To The College Music FM
"Have a Sale & Fun Spring Break!
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
? n to improve your stud) skills
? ? , ??? m. ollege rhefollowing
? . . ?. rl ? psi an hi Ip pre
ire (or ?? i i Ide I ??? irkload "t .ollegeor
toim re,is your grade point average
?ions will be held m J1 Wrighl
Febt -if. 26 Monday and 2 '
in ! i) ' im v tnagemenl 3 4 M) P ,n
, ,1 the topi sessions or
? the ones where sou need
?ions is now i. eepting fiction and
n-nctioi prose nevs articles, and po
? ? r, . i tor the April Issue Dead
? ? all submissions is March 2 at
m rhe office is located In the Publi
ii ? i Bldg. across from Joyner Library
? . ?. scntatives of the Wall 1 Hsney World
pi igram will be on campus re
rmtingstudentsto??k in Orlando Spring
iemester A required presenttition will be
held on March I 5 at 7 30 p m in (ieneral
bssroom Building Room 1031 and inter
. lews Will be W heduled on March lb For
more information and application maten
ontactooperative Education 20M
leneral lassroom Huiklmg
stn, t 47. SF.ANC. will N- sponsor
. . , . : i . dies Dance,on Satur
d.n March 1990 at the Greenville
Countrylub from 3 OOp m l 01 a m
. ,?? n Ii i' iring the musu from the
n ? ? rhere will be door
prize htl ' .1 do, vii unleash bar
,is well as i prize for the best dressed
tple representingea? h era I icketsfor
the event will beS6 persor and mas be
obtained by contacting Peggy Nobles,
Main I ampus (6012) I 'is id Balch,
School 't Ve.ii. in 51-2471), or any
member ol the District I ?ectitive
Board ! ?e utive( omm Iti i
Sign a pledge tohavea safe Spring Break
Don t drink and drive, and oi don't gel
ma. .u with anyone whohas been drink
,ng i in Wednesday, February 28, 10
am 2p.m m front of the Student Store
take the pledge and register to win a 1991
Plymouth 1 aser Ks turbo Each H'th
pledget Will r- eive a Site Spring Break
Button while supplies last Sponsored
bs BA HUSand the Division ol Stu
dent I ite I inmg SeriVCes
The E l Mfice of International studies
announces the opportunity to spend a
iemester In China' The program is
administered bs Wake Forest Univer
sits and the deadline for application is
Mai! hi" 1 If you are interested in
learning thehinese language and cul
ture first hand, consider spending the
tall semester at Beijing Foreign 1 an
guages Normal' ollege in china lasses
will be taught in English with a select
group ol American students the current
group of students (tall 1989) found the
( hinese faculty even more hospitable
than in the past and reported verv good
experiences during their stas The stu
dents did not encounter anv safety prob
lems and were able to move around the
i its and country freely Rivers Scholar
ships mas be available tor accepted
participants. ECU would like to norm
nate one or two students for this special
program Please stop bv KX)2 General
Classroom Building for further informa
tion and application materials or call Ms
Stephanie Evancho at 757-6769
Anv student interested in serving as a
University Marshal for the 1990 11
school sear may obtain application from
211 Whichard Student must be classi
Bed as a Junior by the end of Spring
semester IO and have a 3 0 academic
average to be eligible Return completed
application to 211 Whichard by March
Young Artist Competition Finals (Feb
28,7:00 p.m, Fletcher Recital I tail, tree).
lie b ! kinictti
rtormed bs
I Km I asquaie
National Ope; a i with ECU ss m
hon (March l 8:00 p.m Fletcher Recital
, free '? fl A ilU'n , trombone unior
Recital Hall (March 12 900 p.m Fletcher
Recital Hall tree) HIAI 75 ' I370FOR THE
All East arolina reaching Fellows will meet
on February 26 at 5p.m inSpeightl29 Mrs
Sally McGahey will address the subjed of
the teacher
General College students should contact
their advisers the week of Marsh 23 to
make arrangements for academic advising
tor summer terms and fall semester. lV
Early Registration Will begin March 2t and
end Match M)
he'89 Buccaneer is a ailable! i ou mas pick
up a copy outside the Buccaneer of lice. Kv
cited n the second tltxu of Publications
Building across from Joyner Library
The Pitt Cohapter American Red Cross is
ottering 1 llcguard 1 raining, Standard First
Aid Community CPR March ,V8 from fjm
to 6pm each dav Cost per course is $20.00
For more into or to enroll please call 752-
Flic Cveiseas Development Network is
ioing to have a meeting Thurs March 1 in
( ICB1025at5:30p.m All people interested
m Tlurd World Nations are welcome to at
A I tome Run Derby will be held on
the lady Pirate Softball Diamond March
In Men's md women's divisions have
been developed Consistent hitting may
win thecontest Register March Oat 5p m.
in Bk) 103 For additional information call
Men sand women'ssoftball teamsareen-
couraged to attend a registration meeting
held March 13 at 5 00 pm. in Bio 103. For
additional information call 757-6387. Spon-
sored by Intramural-Recreational Serv-
Pairs interested in playing tennis doubles
arc asked to attend a registration meeting
at 5:30pm March 13 in Bio 103 Men sand
women's pairs welcome! For additional
informaiion call 757-6387. Sponsored by
1M-REC Services
Experience the creativity of outdoor cook-
ing March UatiXIpm in Memorial Gym
room 113 (Home of ROC Recreational
Chndixsr Center) Dutch Oven Cooking
Frail lunches and More will be demon-
strated For additional information call 757-
6387 Sponsored bv Intramural -Recrea-
tional Services
Intramural-Recreational Services Fitness
Class Registration will be held February
27-March 13 in Room 204 Memorial Gym-
nasium Cost is S10 for students and S20.00
for Faculty Staff for a 12 class session Get
your class schedule in mom 204
Memorial Gvmnasium Call 757-6387
for more information.
A canoekayaking workshop for beginner
and advanced oarsman will be held March
17 at 9 a m for a day trip along the Tar
River Registration must be made through
March 16 in 113 Memorial Gym Take to
the Tar for a river of fun and adventure!
Call the Recreational Outdoor Center at
757-6387 for additional information.
A pre season softball tournament spon-
sored by Intramural-Recreational Services
will be held March 16 and 17. Registration
will be held March 13 at 5:00 p.m. in Bio
103. For additional information call 757-

10 1 ho EasJ Carolinian, March lx 1990
Adventures oi Kemple !n
rr mvrtr one wt
Tbut-t-P Mt-
?o, vexat r ???. uAuii
out w?(o t rut. fesr k kichcp
rt- ocr or
u itfysp

By Rich
l ttll H'U M Lift Iti- ?"
1TP f ??'?Tf'l '??' pajsr
?' i
f C? r
Whiskers 'n' Chubs
. . ??
? htowtitejc
fhe Dead King
By Robinson
-a? ????
By ohn Shull
?? Thc S t f: ? a . ? ? . ?? i
?'??? N)Jl4f L f" I
'?- ?? ??? pa t vljrinl A L ?
- f f , iS
1 h-t, l
1 C???'
frixie Peavey Variety Show
"MOfl ok.
trfS . i !M? .
7A?rt.? -
? ? X . JJf ft

P I hree Mongolian Sheep
OtJlSt UC ir
-li.?. ?. sti ACCMC
A?fs r you'
ft COM i ok :jst:mi
of ???'?r ?.e
MftN,f secern,nc "
Common. ! 8 N
SOMf? MO Nitl.
?r "?" ? ? -? ?' ? ' -?-
- ? ? ? -r
1 ?? J

As? - v wc D
?, E t ? N C R ?i
?? Twt SOC i'
MmS -? A
vas tm ? Pa ST
N IOL Ace ? -
iM NOT StooP
???t M Of SOC:?
B Stephanie Smith
. N A
? -Yow

; r - c -

B Angela R.
Rex, The Wonder Tig
Bv Mason
Faux Pas
Mf rAY N?
fr frcSrZM0tl
T Apply in person, come by
for more information on
the positions of cartoonist
and editorial cartoonist.
I arn BIG BUCKS and be
the talk of the town with
your own work published
12,000 times a week.
I i m i t ed n u m ber of
liable so don't
- . "j '???"
M ? ii
m 7 Z V wl c.r-

f s??UlH ? . V
Wbwr 0taf N i an
N if.i .At ?.?.???-
Bv Paul
AM ?? - ?? ?- '
? . . .

(Bhc iEaHt (Carnlfntan I
Page 11
March 1,1990
Brown hits two homers
as Pirates crush Falcons
By Frank Roves
Staff Write!
rhe ECl baseball team kept
, ? undefeated season alive by
m the st Augustine's Fal-
?? 11 1 and 8 2 in a double-
ider Wednesday night at liar
? ,n Field
'irates w ho arc now 8 0
ason clobbered Ihree dil
I : .ili on pitchers for 1 runs
chits in the first game Senior
iseman ah in brown had a
? in w ttli two hits, two runs
,i md two runs batted in
hil b Brown was a fwo run
! lead coach (Ian i )verton was
? with brow n s offensive
? : mance (( ah in) is batting
it fourth spot because he's a
( tverton said 1 le's
? i time he omes to the
( ore) Shorl also
?p. pili hing 1 lehad
f two runs and
i le also had
tirst ? run of the season
i t o run shot against the
ECU'S starting pitcher Brien
Berckman baffled St. Augustine's
offense by pitching five strong
innings, while giving up only four
hits and one run.
Although Overtoil said he
wanted Berckman to get the com-
plete game, he was very pleased
with his pitching. "He I Berckman)
just pitched an outstanding game
i )veton s.nd
St. Augustine's used three
different pitchers. Falcon relief
pitcher Norwood Fennell pitched
only two thirds ot an inning and nailed for seven runs.
The second game of the
double header featured a Pirate
batting clinic as ECU smashed St.
Augustine's 8-2.
Pirate catcher Tommy Eason
i 550, 2 HR) gave ECU the early
lead in the tirst inning by knock-
ing in Kevin RiggS. With the Pi-
rates ahead I 0 through three
innings designated hitter Torn
Move shut out the Falcons in two
innings for this first start aspitcher
this year
Whilethe Falcon soffensewas
quiet, the Pirates warmed up.
In the tourth inning. Brown
smashed his second homerun of
the day, giving ECU the lead 3-0
thru four innings. With the hom-
eruns, Brown is currently ranked
third on ECU all-time list with 27
The Pirates scored again in
the fifth inning when outfielder
Tommy Yarborough (.444, 3 RBI)
sacrificed in a run, extending the
lead 44).
St. Augustine's starting
pitcher Gregory Bobbitt was the
losing pitcher for the Falcons,
despite pitching a complete game.
Bobbitt threw two wild pitches
and was credited with a balk
With ECU leading by four
runs. Overtoil used three addi-
tional pitchers: Owen Davis.
David Willis, and Howard Whit-
tield. I'he Falcons scored their
two runs against Willis Facing
eight batters. Willis struck out
three batters and up two hits
The Pirates scored four more
runs in sixth inning when Yarbor
OUgh belted a three-run homerun
which sealed the EC U victory.
I'he Pirates will challenge their
8-0 record on the road Friday
against the Auburn Tigers.
NFL great
visits ECU,
By Kristen Halberg
Staff Writer
Senior first baseman Calvin Brown hit a homerun in each of the
Pirates two games against St Augustine s Wednesday (Photo by
Angela Pridgen - ECU Photo Lab)
Golf team looks to competitive spring schedule
P Paul Garcia
st.ut w ritei
an eighth in their tour tourna-
ments The Pirates play in the tall
enabled them to accumulate 15
goll team has spent points, qualifying for the regional
onths preparing tor tournament under the contusing
X? will be the teams Pomt system.
1 ifteen points put the Pirates
in a tie tor tenth in their halt ot the
district, while onU the toj?v?gb-
teams advance to the regional
We played well to start the
fall with a third mu a first in our
first two tournaments said coach
1 lal Morrison. "But because of
Hurricane Hugo, we had one
tournament canceled and one
ever I he I irates aim
'( regional
m M-v ??v,y h -Atii
hanct to travi I to the
ils in lune fneir play
nne will determine their
iin heads into their
si ason alter coming off a
i ti e tall season in w hk h
id a first, a third a tilth and
moved back until after final ex-
ams making for a long season.
Our season is normally over
the last week in October and the
guvs take some time off to Study
tor finals he added "But going
all the way to December really
made the season drag en. and took
Ms H4f-f?irmf guv '
Hie team begins their spring
season with two tournamentsover
spring break The Pirates will
travel to Charleston, SO March 5-
6 tii compete in the Shadowmoss
Invitational. The team finished
tourth last year and is looking to
improve on that this year.
The Pirates will then travel to
Fripp Island. SO March 1-11 to
defend their title in the Fripp Is-
land Intercollegiate.
"We have had great weather
tor practice and I think we are
ready to play in some tourna-
ments said Morrison.
The team has also attended a
sports psychology class on Sun-
day nights under ECU Sports
Psychologist Dr. Bill Moore
"In my opinion, the i lass has
been very beneficial tor those at
tending said senior co-captain
Paul Garcia. "As Dr. Moore says
once voi reach a certain level of
competition the difference be
tween these individuals is then
mental abihtv
"Dr. Moore is great and can
relate what he says to you so that
you can easily understand it"
added (larcia.
The Pirates had four different
people lead the team individually
in their tall tournaments. At the
Hargrove B. Davis Invitational,
junior (Ireg Powell tied for medal
ist honors, while junior ohn
Maginnes lead the Pirates in their
second tournament with a tie tor
third individually.
In their third tournament.
freshman Ryan Perna lead the
way, while in their final tourna-
ment ot the fall, junior let! Craig
lead the Pirates
"last year we had seven dit
it tent players in the top ten indi-
idually proving we have a lot of
depth on this team said Morn-
son. "We only lost one of those
plavers, but picked up a tew new
guys that will be able to contrib-
Follow uig their spring break
trip, the Pirates will travel to San-
tee, S .March 16-18 to compete in
the Palmetto Intercollegiate before
coming home to host the Green-
brier Country lub Tournament
in New Bern, N( .
On March 30-April 1, the Pi-
rates will travel to Greenville, SC,
to play in the Furman Intercolle-
giate before finally getting a week
off to prepare for the conference
i hampionship April 13-15.
1 he team will then travel to
Statesboro, GA, April 20-22 for
I i tigiou Chris Schenkel
tournament before finishing out
the season with, the Sheraton
Cavalier Invitational in Charkrt-
fesvilte, VA Mav 11-13.
Dallas Cowboy football star
Ed 'Too Tall" Jones was in Green-
ville Monday and visited the ECU
campus and its sports facilities.
Jones spent one night in town
with his press agent and long time
friend Tom Cook primarily to visit
Cook's son, ECU swimmer Mart
"Marc's father and 1 go way
back Jones said. We're the best
of friends. I promised Marc that I
would come and visit before he
finished up (school). So we de-
cided to come here together, check
out the campus and see how he
was doing
During their stay, Marc gave
Jones and Mr Cook a tour of the
campus and of the sports facilities
at ECU. Marc showed them the
Mmges Aquatic Center, intro-
duced them to ECU swim coach
Rick Kobe and some ot the swim
mers and showed them some of
the latest sports facilities in the
new sports complex building.
"He reallv liked the weight
complex Marc said. "He said it
was as good, if not better than
most NFL teams
In the evening, lones, Mr.
Cook and Marc, along with six
other ECU swimmers, went to
Chico's for dinner and the Final
Score for continued conversation.
"He was a good sport about
photographs and autographs
Marc said. "All in all, he's just a
friendly person
Jones' appearance was not
formally publicized except ftfr
posters around Scott Dorm and
bv word of mouth.
Jones was a number one draft
pick in the first round for the
Cowbovs in 1974 and has been
with the team 15 years. He ini-
tially retired after five years to try
boxing, bu t after one year, he went
back to Dallas.
The NFL veteran has played
in three pro bowls and three super
bowls. He has played in 200 con-
secutive games in the regular sea-
son, and did not even begin play-
ing football until he was a senior
in high school. He has also held
numerous post-season honors.
But with all of Jones' post-
See 'Too Tall page 10
Crowds play a big role in Minges
By Lane Dunn
Special to The I jsi Carolinian
Keep up the good work
ad baseball coach Gary Overton seems to have things going his
. -i. Pirates are undefeated on the 1990 season with a mark
8 0 (Photo by J D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
College basketball games on
the road can be a grind. Add m a
hostile crowd and winning can be
next to impossible.
Basketball games at Minges
Coliseum do not quite resemble
those at Cameron, Reynolds or
the Dean Dome, but they are get-
ting there.
Head coach Mike Steele said
the fans play an integral role in
each game. "The student support
since I've been here has been out-
standing Steele said. "It's one of
the reasons we've been able to
beat teams like Richmond, Navy
and American at home"
Steele said he thinks his voung
Pirates' work ethic appeals to the
They appreciate how hard
we play he said rhey appret i
ate that we play some young kid
"hey appreciate that the kids will
play with enthusiasm
'steele said ECU compares
favorably with other basketball
The plavers really appreci
ate how good our student support
is when they have a chance to see
some of the other people Steele
He said lames Madison has
the most vocal opposing group.
"Compared to mv freshman
year when nobody came to the
games, student support has really
picked up said Reed I ose, a
senior forward. "A fan can be a
reallv big part of the game
l.ose said Minges ranks high
with the other places he has
played. "It can get pretty loud
he said. "It can get as noisy as
Madison Mingescan rock
One student leader, though,
s.ud the tans need to pick up the
intensity. "(Student support) was
marginal at best said Cabell
1 awton, president of the Student
PirateChlb. Mike steele has got-
ten the program turned around
and it needs help from the sixth
The Student Pirate Club has
tried to get the tans more involved
this season. One tactic is to pick
out an opposing player and vo-
cally badger him every time he
touches the ball
It was something the stu-
dents at least rallied behind even
m games where there wasn't much
attendance Lawton said.
1 awton said the club is trying
to build some rivalries for the
Pirates, especially with Colonial
Athletic Association foes. He said
the University of North Carolina-
Wilmington is the most likely
choice for a heated rivalry
"This is basketball country
Lawton said. "I don't understand
whv more people don't come out
for the games
Ken Bodiford, director of the
ECU Pep Band, said he saw an
improvement in the attitude of
the fans. He said the ECU fight
song seems to get the students
going, and the band was working
on new ideas to make Minges even
"We need to have the fans on
every night if the team is doing
good or bad he said.
Steele agreed, "Our fans are
really good when we make a run
or have a lead he said. "They
need to continue to be as vocal as
possible. But sometimes that's
tough to do
Lady Pirate soccer club wins first home match of season
By Kristen Halberg
Staff Writer
The ECU women's club soc-
cer team overcame last week's
stunmng6-0 loss against Fayettev-
ille to win their first home game 3-
1 "sundav againsl Unidas.
"Wedefinitely played better
Stuart Frank, one of two ECU
coaches, said. "We corrected
things that we didn't do last week,
like going to the ball and being
more aggressive. We just realized
what we had to do and did it
Unidas, a club team from
Jacksonville, could never pull their
Pirates dominated both offen-
sively and defensively. ECU coach
Joe Atkins agreed with Frank that
overall finesse and aggressiveness
were what set the positive wheels
in motion.
"In the first half, it was defen-
sive soccer for Unidas Atkins
said. "Our ball control and shoot-
ing were our greatest assets
The Lady Pirates never let the
pressure up on Unidas as they
continuously threatened their
defense with shots. Sophomore
Heather McKinssock finally net-
ted one in for the Lady Pirates on
an assist from freshman Jean
Five minutes later, it was
Managhan again bringing the ball
into Unidas territory only to pass
it off to sophomore Susan Vanore
who scored off of an open shot
The Lady Pirates had held Unidas
scoreless in the first half, 2-0.
In the second half, Unidas
tried to adjust their defense to try
and catch the ECU offense off
guard. They tried to beef up their
defense for an off sides trap
Atkins said. "But we still slipped
in one last goal
But. before ECU'S third goal,
Unidas managed to net one in past
the ECU defense. The Lady Pi-
rates did not let Unidas sway the
momentum their way- Instead,
senior Ann Totaro scored off of a
Susan Lewis assist to lock in the
ECU victory. "I heard my team
shouting 'shoot the ball Totaro
reflected, "so 1 took my shot and
fortunately, it went in
ECU'S next game will be
against the Wolfpack of North
Carolina State University to be
played at home, March 25 at the
Allied Health Field.

Sports Briefs
Fehr talks to locked-out players
Players' union chief Don Fehr briefed 100 locked-out ballplayers
Tuesday, and Major League Baseball announced that no games will be
played until players have trained for 10 days, but the two sides are no
closer to reaching an agreement. Fehr said the next move in negotiations
is up to the owners, and feels that commissioner Fay Vincent has clearly
taken over as their spokesman.
NFL announces new season change
Vhe NFL announced that the ltvgame season will now take 17
weeks due to a one week layoff for each team in the middleot the season.
A resultoi the switch will be that the Super Bowl will now be played one
week after the conference title games, rather than two weeks after as has
been the case.
Baseball committee fails to elect leader
The veterans committee of the Baseball 1 all of lame was unable to
elect someone to the shrine Tuesday after five hours ot balloting.
Because tour of the IS committee members were absent. 11 votes were
required tor election. Former manager and player Leo Durocher, a
leading candidate, thinks the absence of Stan Musial, Birdie Tebbetts,
Roy Campanella and Red Barber hurt his chances.
Rust named to top spot for Patriots
The New England Patriots named Rod Rust as head coach,succeed-
ing Raymond Bern who was tired Monday. Rust has been an NF1
dcfensi e coordinator tor the last 12 years, with the Pittsburgh Steeleis
List season.
Sooners dump Jayhawks, 100-78
1 he Oklahoma Sooners basketball team defeated top ranked iviiv in college basketball uesday night 100-78. The Sooners beat then-
No l Missouri 107-90 on Sunday. The win was their 45th consecutive al
I loyd Noble 'enter, their home court
Navratilova continues to dominate
Martina Navratilova continued her dominance in Virginia slims
tennis tournaments beating Nicole Provis 6-2, 6-0 in the second round
o the irginia Slims ot Indian Wells, Calif. Navratilova is coming oil
back-to back wins in the Virginia Slims ot Chicago and Washington
Lend! set to play for the U.S. in 1992
No 1 ranked Kan 1 endl will play Olympic and Davis Cup tennis
tor the United states after he becomes a U.S. citizen in April 1992, he
said. 1 endl. isiting his native Cze hoslovakia, said he will not playfor
that country at the March V Davis Cup match with the I nited States
U.S. track and field gets $2.2 million
1 he A thleticscongress announced recently that U.S. track and field
athletes will be eligible tor more than $2.2 million in cash and benefits
this season under eight separate payment programs. The largest pro-
gram totaling $720,000, involves monthly stipends ranging from $2H0
to $830 tor top athletes.
Officials meet to discuss Olympics
lop officials ot international amateur sports meet Wednesday in
Rome to discuss the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. Spam lobe
disc usscd: the likelihood oi a unified (erman team competing in '92;
conditions that would allow South Africa to rejoin the Olympic move-
ment and common standards for drug testing and punishment.
More than 100 attend player's funeral
More than 100 family and friends, including former teammates
1 uis Hani and Rico Petrocelh. turned out m Revert Mass tor Tony
liaro's funeral. Conigliaro, who played tor the Boston Red Sox,
diedol kidney failure Saturday at age 45. Conigliaro, whohad lOOhome
runs before he was 22, was hit in the head by a pitch in 1967.1 hs career
was never the same afterward
Llliot sets new indoor track record
tor Elliot ot Britain set a world indoor track record lor 1,500
meters with a timed 3:34.21 in the PlacidoViagas Memorial track meet
at Seville, Spain. The previous record of 335.6 was held by Marcus
O Sullivan ot Ireland
in the Locker
Better with age
The Detroit Pistons are the defending
NBA champions and also the league's
most experienced team:
Most experienced; Detroit
7.2 years
per player
9) 1.5 years
per player
Source USA TODAY research
fi xl luck to
the women's
and men's
teams in the
Spring Break
Go Pirates
Lady Pirate
By Wade Liles
Staff Writer
The ECU women's softball
team opened their season by win-
ning both games ot a double
header against Campbell Monday.
"I feel likeCampbeil is good
said head coach Sue Manahan.
"Thev are young and talented, so
anytime you can win against a
good team you've done well
I n the first game, senior pitcher
Jennifer Sagle (8-6 last season
threw a no-hitter for five innings
Senior pitcher Tracve Larkin (6 -
last season) came in and allowed
one hit and the Lady Pirates won
the first game 9-0. Freshman
Stephanie Hodson led the Lady
Piratesbv going 2-for-4 at the plate.
In the second contest, fresh-
man pitcher Jennifer Parson
pitched a four-hitter to lead the
Lady Pirates tea 3-2 win.
The Lady Pirates broke a 2-2
tie in the top of the seventh when
senior I eslie Cramer singled. was
sacrificed down to second, reached
third on a passed ball and scored
on single by sophomore C hns
By rne. Seniors KathySchargeand
Sagle lead the Lady Pirates in hit
ting, both going 2-for-3 on the
I he Lad) Pirates play again
on March 3, in the Georgia State
Tournament in Atlanta, Ga.
"We're not playinganyone we
can't beat said Manhan. "So I'm
hoping to be in every game and
come out on the winning side ot
"We have a lot ot upperclass-
men this year, eight seniors, rhis
should by one of the best teams
ECU'S ever had she added.
'Too Tall'
Continued from page 11
season honors, the feelingofbeing
a participant in a Super Bowl sur
passes any ot his recognitions
"The feeling is great ones
s,iid. "It's something that I wish
every NFL player can experience.
It's the ultimate feeling I think in
all ot sports
ones described his first Super
Howl as his most memorable
when, in the championship game
against the Los Angeles Rams, the
Cowboys were 21-point under-
dogs, but beat the odds and came
back to upset Los Angeles 35-7.
" ITiat was my second year in
the league and we go in there and
win that game 33-7 ones re-
flected. "That would have to be
my most memorable game
but with all the success Dallas
has had in the past, the IMS-sh)
Cowbov team had a rough season
under then first year head coach
hmmv lohnson. Johnson, the for-
mer coach of the Miami Hurri-
canes, replaced longtime coach
lorn Landry who has coached
(ones his entire career with the
"He'sagreat man )onessaid
of Landry. "He's one of the few
people that 1 can honestly say that
when his name comes to mind, 1
can't think of one negative thing
about him. Not only do I miss him,
but all of football misses him
)ones may hold the ut-most
respect for Landry, but he feels
confident that lohnson will be able
to turn the struggling Cowboy
team around.
"When you're rebuilding, it's
going to take time so Cowboy tans
will have to be a little patient
ones said "Based on his track
record, he's been successful at
where he's been and he'll turn
Dallas around in another two or
three years
ones said he has been fortu-
nate and thankful tor his success
in a game he loves and respects
tremendously but soon, he said,
retirement may not be far off. For
the last four years, Jones has been
told Coach Johnson that he would
let him know if he will be back
next month
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Local NewsAlAccentA6
(pinionA3ObituariesA 7
Stale NewsA 5CrosswordA 2
Bombs Abound at ECU
Bands Abound at ECU
Greenville, N.C
Thursda Morning, March 1. iwo
Dangerously overpriced
Stain Says Students Getting Bombed
By (hippy Bonehvad
"he IreenvilleTownCouncilwas
rocked by councilwoman Mildew
Stain'sexplosiveannount ement I ues-
daythat "studentsare bringing bombs
into town
Stain, the head of the council's
Committee For Finding Scapegoats
For the fawn's Bomb Problem, ti
nally found the ideal group to place
the blame on: those darn irrespon
sible students. "Even it they aren't
bringing bombs into our otherwise
problem free community, they're
doing something wrong. I can feel it
Stain i ommented.
rhe ommittee sreport found that
bomb usage in Greenville has in
creased by over zero percent. "Just
because no bombs have gone oft in
our tair town, doesn't moan those
,u tul students aren't thinking about
bombs and that oneday,oneoi them.
pushed past the brink of sanit) b our
outdated inflexible redneck Bible
thumping attitudes toward life and
moralitv, might not actualize their
inherent violent tendem ies and blow
us all to Kingdomome, Stain read
from the incredibh lone, in trod u tit n
to the committee's report.
1 her. port whii h in identally,
cost the Greenville taxpa) ers scads ol
tax monc) in research, lunches with
bomb experts, expensive spiral bind-
ing work and other essential report-
related expenses also stated that
students were "dealing" bombs as
well as using them
' fo make some ?jui k cash, or just
to support their own bomb habits
main students are turning to bomb
dealing. l"he II turn their friends on
to firecrackers and hand grenades and
then work them up to the harder stuf I
. missile launchers and nukular
weapons, Stain said
Stain's report also studied the
ettei ts ot bombs on students Aside
from the b iousimmediateand force-
ful dissolution ol the ovalent and
ioni bonds in the human bod bombs
ECU Cops Interrupt
Show Due To Threat
By Hippy Vhonehiad
im.1 iiii i i on nun rut oaii i rf.if.ctor
A marijuana threat caused po-
lk e to evacuate nearly 900 students
from Mendenhall 'student (enter
last Tuesday. The evacuation tern
porarily postponed an annual fash-
ion show sponsored by Really, We're
Mot lust the Minority student Or
gamzation I ndera Different Name
rracing Mostly, a Mendenhall
emplovee, received the call at 'r:52
p m nist a few minutes before the
fashion show entitled "Mary lane
1 iesigns A Potpourri otfashion"
was supposed to start
"The person on the other end
said there was a omt hidden some-
w herein Mendenhall said Mostly.
Maturally, I called I'ublu Safety
and informed them of the threat
With characteristic efficiency,
ECU cops were on the scene within
two hours By that time.
R,WNJMSOUDN officers had al-
ready evacuated the building.
searched Mendenhall from top to
bottom, and concluded that the
threat was a hoax perpetrated by
some tool who thought he was being
funny, I'hev had also begun letting
indiv iduals back into the building
I he EO COpS, however, re
evacuated Mendenhall Otticer
Standup Kitwell defended this ac-
tion, pointing out that "you just can't
be too safe when drugs are involved.
Besides, don't you think everyone
would feel a lot safer know ing we've
9car hed the place?" (tfficer kitwell
tripped over an enormous cache of
automatic weapons,then onhnued
blithely on his wa
also have main other harmful side
effects Bombscan cause hearing loss,
bad burns, sustained loss of limbs,
propertvdamage, in reased insurance
rates, and manv other serious prob
lems, she said
ro combat the bomb problem,
Stain also had her i immittee la? keys
research solutions to the drug, prob
lem. I he report suggests death or
mutilation tor any bomb users not
already destroyed or maimed by their
This penalty may seem severe.
but this is a severe problem Wehave
to send a message to these people we want our children tobe able to
li e in a bomb tree America and have
the same chani e as we had to become
religiousl intolerant ignoramuses
1 his is our message . we are nist
saving'No to bombs Andthisisonly
the beginning of our war on bombs.
Stain ranted.
Stain also revealed several tips
for pan nts and t? achers who suspect
students ol being bomb users ' 1 call
tlu little hints the stain Signs ol
Shell Abuse
1 Is the student hanging around
with new friends?Ifso Stamsuggests
that this may bean indication that the
student ison bombs "Bombabuse is
theonly reason any normal freshman
student would make new friends
2. Is the student no longer inter-
ested in school? Main contends that
loss ot interest in schoolwork is
always an indication of shell abuse. It
students didn't want to study, they
wouldn't have coerced their parents
into spending all their hard earned
s.i ines on a ollege education.
v Is the student missing large
portions ot his or her anatomy? "This
is usualh the giveaway. A serious
hard core bomb abuser is usualh
missing at least a limb or two
Anyone with information on
bomb abuse, bomb dealers or the
reason editors hate the great Disney
film he I ittle vli rmtod, should call the
BombAbusel loriineandleaveathreat
uh. I mean a message.
Public Safety's Response
To Drue Threat Questioned
By Slippy Moanhead
A rally took place on the mall
Wednesday afternoon to protest
IU Public safety's handling of the
preceding night's drug threat
Organized by Roger Merit and
Arthur Davidson, both top officials
of Really, We're ot lust the Minor-
ity Student Organization Under a
Different Name, the rallv attracted
almost 12 students.
"We're angrv that Public Safety
reacted too hastilv shouted Merit.
"l'h, no, we're not corrected
Davidson. "We're mainIv upset that
they took so long to show up in the
tirst place, causing many students
to wait outside in the freezing cold
tor hours
Noah Merit enthusuisticalh
confirmed. And we're mad that
thev took so long to search the build-
ing, too
"No, notreallv I ividsonsaid.
"We're upset that thev performed
only a cursory search, which obvi-
ouslv shows that thev don't care
about our lives the least little eensy-
weensv bit
1 Aactlv yetted Merit. "And
another thing that darn racist
Public Safety evacuated us but not
some white students who were in
Mendenhall at the same time. That
shows that thev don't can? about us,
"L'h, actuallv if I could just m-
terject here tor a moment Davidson
interjected tor a moment, "what
we re actuallv complaining about is
that Public Satetv was too incompe-
tent to even notice that the other
(Ste IHRKVI A-41

2 ? March 1, 1990 ? The Daily Rejector ? It's only a joke, please don't write or phone. Thank you.
In The Area
Rape occurs
23:38 ? Female reports being sexu-
ally assaulted by a male Caucasian
behind Fleming Residence Hall
23:47 ? Police courteously escort
home a male Caucasian found zip-
ping up his pants behind Fleming
Residence Hall
Mugging occurs
20:07 ? Male reports mugging taking
place in first floor of Austin Building
Police chalk it up to fate.
Battery occurs
16:41 ? Female reports battery on the
mall. Police say they're ultimately
powerless to significantly affect the
injustices of the world.
Murder occurs
18:22 ? Female reports witnessing a
murder in ioyner Library's lobby.
Police respond that, in the end, all
Man's actions are absurd and futile;
over the long run, no actions are truly
important or meaningful; and there-
fore they're not going to bother.
19:31 ?Police issue 1-millionth park-
ing ticket of the week.
Mass homicide occurs
09:20 ? Male reports mass homicide
in front of Mendenhall Student Cen-
ter. In a bored voice, police simply
refer the caller to the works of Sartre
and Camus, then hang up.
18:14 ? Police issue 2-millionth park-
ing ticket of the week.
Doughnut theft doesn t
20)1 ? Police respond en masse to a
vague, unsubstantiated, anonymous
hint that there might possibly be some
trouble at Krispee Krcme. There turns
out to be no trouble, but police arrest
and beat several patrons, just in case.
21:12 ?Police issue 3-millionth park-
ing ticket of the week.
Student wants meeting
12:14 ?Male student politely requests
a meeting with Dr. Alfred DeButler.
Police wrestle the suspect to the
15:12 ? Po!iceissue4-millionth park-
ing ticket of the week.
Embezzlement alleged
10:34? Policeare alerted to an appar-
ent embezzlement of university funds,
but decide not to pursue the matter
when it turns out to be Assistant Vice
Chancellor in Charge of Stripping
Studentsof Every Possible Legal Right
and Official Administration Liason
with the Repressive Media Board
Trudy Alexandra again.
20:11 ? A car catches fire at Wright
Circle, but the fire is out by the time
police arrive. Frustrated, police set
fire to several other cars in the area.
21:34 ? Tvler Hall residents report an
offensive odor on the ninth floor. The
source of the odof turns out to be a
campus policeman, who promptly
arrests the students who filed the
22:24 ? PoliceissueS-miliionth park-
ing ticket of the week
Student wields guns
16:08 - Wide-eyed, drooling male
student observed wandering campus
with several hand grenades and an
AK-47 assault rifle. Police issue a mild
warning, then loan the student some
16:57 ? Underage male student ob-
served dnnkingalcohol near Slay Hall.
Police burn student at the stake.
23:11 ? Police issue 6-millionth park-
ing ticket of the week.
Students enjoy selves
12:20 ? Police respond to emergency
call from a street worker at Minges
Coliseum; some studentsare reported
to be "having something of a good
time and not looking completely
bored However, this ts Greenville,
so of course the report turns out to be
22:02 ? Police issue 7-millionth park-
ing ticket of the week, thereby making
their quota. And there is much rejoic-
Be sure to try new
Oatles of Noodles Soup!
It's oat bran and chicken noodle soup
in one tasty package!
Bv U. Gene Stuffy
1. A small, tour-footed pet
that savs "meow! meow
it has long whiskers and
likes to eat fish. (Hint: It's
not a dog.)
Solution to yesterday's puzzle
1. A winged like mam-
mal that thes around in
the dark and says
"? queak! squeak I Hint
Blind as a I
Solution time: 2 hours
You thrilled to (Passionate Lust
ybu were tantalized by Lusty'Fassion
fBut you '11 have a 6uj, powerful orgasm when ijou
read'Danielle Steeeiee s latest blockbuster hit novel:
Lustw (Passionate Women in the Amis
of Big Strong Handsome 9den Who
'Discover the Terrible 'Hidden Secret
of 'Their Lusty, 'Passionate Women
'But Ultimately forgive cIhem
So There s a Happy 'Ending
Soon to be a major NBC mini-series!
(Available wherever fine books once were sold)

It's only a joke, please don't write or phone. Thank you ? The Daily Rejector ? March 1, 1990 ? 3
Antidisestablished 1990
!uli. Davidson VVhu h.iwjv. Bored of the Chairman
lilies ! ' Vhichawjv II, r.ditor In-Chief
ividsun VVhuhavvav III, Miningi'hu Editor
D VVhi.hjvvav IV, IditingManager
"li-wi'ls" D VVhichawav V, Copy Pditor
Fute Tiv, ' Whahawav VI, janitor m Chkr)
Mrs, Jules D Whicrur.vjv II. Huhy-i
Mrs I Davidson Whichaway III. Sinecure
Mrs J D Whichawjv IV, om;nul Position
Mrs "Jiwols" D Whichawav V, Cook
Mrs. Jules "Daw" Which.lwav VI, Typesetter
Death in Preference to Running a Staff-Written Story'
We're controversial sometimes ? aren't we?
Now, ue know people make fun of us a lot because we don't
take controversial positions in these editorials. There are those
who say we're afraid of speaking our minds, or even that it would
never occur to us to take anv position that we didn't honestly
believe was already held by a solid majority oi our readers.
Now, we really don't see how they can say this. 1 It-re are just a
few oi the manv, main- controversial positions we've taken re-
We've been:
? For good fire protection in Greenville.
? For stability in fapan.
? Neither for nor against a bad tobacco crop Not so you could
tell from the editorial, anyway.
? Against racial prejudice
Now, those are controversial positions.
There may still be a few readers who are unconvinced. We
mean to prove those people wrong. (Unless it'll offend them. Come
to think of it, maybe this isn't such a good idea. But hey ? it's
Okay, we're going to be controversial now.
Uh we're tor pornography. All kinds. Even child porn. We
support the ivorv trade, even if it means driving the elephants to
extinction. We support Dan Quayle for president in '92.
See? We can be controversial ? can't we?
More Stuff
A quickly written, not-very-well-thought-out
editorial that fills the remaining space
Recently, some individual made a bomb threat at ECU. We
think this behavior is wicked, evil, sintul, immoral, wrong, cor-
rupt, base, foul, gross, profane, naughty, degenerate, decadent,
depraved, heartless, degraded, debauched, indecent, mean, scan-
dalous, nasty, vicious, fiendish, devilish, criminal, murderous,
sinister, monstrous, dangerous, rotten, dirty, crooked, and a whole
bunch of other things that Koget's Thesaurus lists next to "bad
Public Forum
Speling not gud Something bad
To the editor
I waz apalled to sa that mi last
letr to the editr had evidentalllv not
been checkd for speling. Win I take
the tymeout of mi bizzie skedjool as
a hi skul pnnsipl to write an angn,
frothin-at-the-mowth letr tu the
editr, eye okspekt you to korect it. If
this behayvur on your part con-
tiyooz, ! mae be forsd to bye a
Rojay S. Thesaris
Apathy not gud
To the editor:
I think it's terrible that people
t hese da vs don't ha ve the cotirage to
stand up for what they say or write.
No return address given
To the editor
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to voice my opinion on a
subject that has been troubling me
for a longtime. It's been on my mind
so long now that I felt I just had to
speak my mind and get it over with.
This is an issue that affects us
all, and 1 cannot imagine that any
right-thinking person is not lying
awake nights, trying to solve this
massive problem. It's really a bad,
bad problem
Thank you for allowing me to
get that off my chest.
N. Trovert
Newspaper bad
To the editor
I think The Daily Rejector is the
worst newspaper in the world. Why,
I've even seen you cut a letter off in

A ? March I 1 WO ? Ihe Daily RejectOf ? It's only a iokc; please don't write or phone, thank you
Threat Inspires Rally
t( ontiniuri trom -l I
students were in the building much
lesscva uatethem And it thev were
that incompetent, how the het. k did
the) exp? t to find the joint'
"Ifan) thing I a idson ontin
led uncomfortably, evidently real-
izing that thisintcrjet tion had lasted
for more than , moment and Merit
,1 beginning to gel prett) .mts.
'you could argue that the officers
demonsti ited .1 sort ol reverse ra
cism ince thc evacuated black
students from the building lit not
vhite students. Uh thai i- whal
,ve re upset about imi t it '
i a idson turned for support to
Ins fellow R,WNJMSOt DN mem
bers, mostol whom simply shrugged
and looked ba k at him blankh
"Well, we're upset about some
thing, even it wedon t know what it
is Mont screamed, the meager
crowd roaring its approval And
we expect something to be dotn?
about u immediately even it it s
unrealistic to expe t theadministra
tion to take action when we can I
even learlv define the problem
1 he i rowd, ob iousl) im
pressed by Merit sdazzling tumsot
phrase, suddenly came to its collci
live senses and went home
Greenville Gets Bands
By (hippy Bonehead
? riVl i N ' UN'DFH VN
VI ;i VBl 1 1 IR MS VM ? , WITH
No longer do you have to sit in
?. Mine when son eal atClonar's I v
pose now you can listen to a live
hand, slam dance on the tables and
hump into a lot ol hoi sweat) drunk
people lust like in a nightt lub!
hat prompti d lonar s !v ner
I 1 lone, to start signing bands o
pla at his restaurant' ! usl fell like
all the other bars that showcase bands
ere getting all the business 1 fig
ired, even though my place is small
,nd the only possible pla. e 1 band
uKl play ison topol the. ash regis
?? r th . tuld start atti ictinj more
, ivii ig ? ustomers
i ? ? ivs In got the idea w hen
?.? hi nt tn 1 show at the ew elu
Arhichhasrecentlyrevt rtedtoitsorigi
rial polic) o( serving nothing but
obscure, lightl) carbonated drinks
I hey just moved some tables out ot
the way and had a stage 1 figured,
hey. 11 an move the tip jar out ol the
way and I've got a stage he said
It is 70 likely that there was rain last
night (Wednesday), with variable
1 loudiness the rest ot the da) It was
mostly windy, with highs in the low
20s There was fog around morning.
Looking Backwards
Partly cloudy Fuesdayand Monday,
with no clouds at all Sunday. There
were some clouds over our offices
Saturda) but they went awa) to find
something less ugl) to rain on Highs
probabl) averaged somewhere
around 24 or SO
Clone's move has prompted other
local businesses to take similar steps
oe Shoppee, owner ol the Stoppee
Shoppee,says that he will begin btH'k
ing bands for hisconvenierx e store as
eariv as next week I think Clone's
onto a hot idea Shoppee said.
Right now Ithmkwe'veonl) got
room for a folk singer .n a small
ukelele in our store, but it we move a
ideo game or tw 0 we might can gel
a three member baud in, Shoppee
Not to be outdone, Starvee's and
Ma Blandee's are considering install
ing in their restaurants .wen
Nowhere, an assistant manager at
Starvee s savs that her distrii t man
agcr likes the idea ol a last food nan
i hise which showcases up and om
ing rock groups and that Starvee's
restaurants in other college towns may
b 'gin di ing the same
hat about the bars that made
their reputation on live music, dan
ing . a smoky, alcohol charged
atmosphere' What about I he Base
ment, New Nehi.Oh! Kennedy's, 1 he
Trickle and other downtown nighl
i lubs?
Well, lules Whichaway, owner ot
almost every building downtown as
well as this august publication, has
kindly decided to buy out all the Kirs,
tire all the current employees and
replace them with members ot The
Daily Rejector's statt, who may not
know anything about running .1 bar,
but we're sure ready to learn
lhs Majesty Whichaway savs.
"Everything shall bras it was before.
No changes shall be made in the
atmospheres and ambienees of these
bars, save that they shall conform to
m,odhke isionol how a bar should
be run And I saw that thev were run
by my iron list and I saw that it was
Legal problems?
Murder? Arson? I ibel?
If you're a crook and
you want to go free, call:
We're defending this man!
Shaft, Shaft
and Finagler
Wed defend Hitler
? for a buck.
Previous clients include: Ferdinand Marcos. John
Gotti. Ronald Reagan, and Richard Nixon!

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The East Carolinian, March 1, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 01, 1990
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