The East Carolinian, February 22, 1990

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?Jfe Cant (Eanrliman
Serving the ! ? Carodna campus community since 1925
Vol. M So t ?
1 hursdav 1 ebruarv 22. IW0
Greenville. North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
1 i Pages
Bomb threat under
investigation by
ECU Public Safety
By eff Beckei
M.ltt nU'l
thoritios at the student centci to
set ofl tin- tiro Alarm and e a uate
the people Officers then waited
bomb threat n Milted in the for the .V minute time period to
evacuation ol approximate 750 elapse before entering the build
people from Mcndonhall Student ?ng
Center Puesdav. evening I he Mter a 45 minute search no
threat came at the start ot an .in trace ol an explosive device was
nual fashion show sponsored K found accordingto aptainStan
Mlied Macks for Leadership and KittrcllofECI PublicSafcty rhe
1 qualitvBI i building was determined safe to
rrac Moselev. an employee re-enter and the regularly sched
at Mend nhall received the call al iiled events were resumed
approximately vr" I answered rhe minority student organi
the phone Mendonhall Student zation ABLE was holding their
Centei Moselev said rhe pei annual fashion show in Hondrix
son on the othei end told me a rheater at the time of the incident
bomb would go oil at such and rhe show, titled Ebon I cplo
such a hall in .V minutes sions Fashion "hat si ouder lhan
According to Moselev tin- a Bomb was the largest event
caller spoke n incleai voice I that took place in Mcndonhall that
couldn't understand exacth what evening
hall the pel son la ?kt d him
to repeat it Me didn't respond and Kittrell decline to comment
hung u Moselev assumed the or a possible motive stating It
caller was referring to Menden ma) compromise the outcome ol
hall and notified Safet the investigation He did sa
immedial . investigators are working on a
rubln Satotv instructed au promising lead
City's task force
will search for
source of drugs
By John Tyson
St.iii Writer
Ihet IreenvilleC ity( ouncil has plans to form a drug task force that
will involve the students and faculty of F.CTJ in helping to reduce the
number'oi drugs in the area
rhe task force headed bv Rufus I biggins, will trv to pinpoint the
problem ol drugs oming mto( ireenvilleand will focuson thecommu-
nitv a a whole, rv t onh on the students of FCU.
?n arti le in The Daily Reflector earlier this week quoted coun-
cilwoman Mildrew t ouncil as avmg the ' students brought in drugs
"That statement was onlv one of many made in a scries ot state-
ments about the overall drug problem. Council said.
Police i. hief (erry resmond agreed that Council was talking about
drugs coming into the area from everyone, including people from
foreign ? unti k s l m ,tl itizens and students.
When asked it then- was a drug problem at the university , Tcsmond
said he did not see an unusually large number ot wrests being made
there for nan i ti
"I don t see anything that would indicate that we have a larger
problem at tl ie university than w ith the community, because we have a
verv largo a immunity, esmond said.
The police chiel mentioned that in a town of about 50,000 people, it
would not be reasonable to segregate any group from the possibility of
involvement in drugs, therefore the task force would look at the
problem objec th el)
The new task force will, according to City Manager Ron Kimble,
"determine what the actual and real problems are, so that the city
council can work on those problems as they are presented
Tesmond is hoping students and faculty of ECU will cooperate
when the lask f r e give suggestions for battling drugs.
"Police t an onlv do so much, we need the assistance from all the
commumtv. he said.
Arthur Rogei n d a ; i ornately 100 other students gathered on the mall Wednesday to sp
I ive a I uesday night bomb thre tl that coincided with the ABl E fashion showPhoto by J D
' it agamsl the r
VVhitmire ? ECU Phot
Rally questions response to bomb
By V al I ouloumbadjian
Staff V nlrr

m (onjun tion w ith ABI 1 and raised the issue of the lack oi
rhe bomb threat occurred training and preparedness "We
while the group, Allied, Blacks tor were told it would take two hours
Leadership and Equality, was to search the whole area ABLE
having its annual fashion show in event organizer Dewanda Marlow
v l ok place on the mall
Wedncsd t at I p m I 'protest the
way EC I Public Safety handled a Mendenhall multi purpose room said But at 9:15 p.m we were
bomb threat durii .? il ishionshow
at Mendenhall Studi nt ? enter
1 uesda night
Stme in attendant c also took
the opport unit to air other grie
an esagainsl the E( I administra-
tion ApproximateU lOOstudents
gathered at the rallx organized by
Pavid lorntt and Arthur Rogers
According to one student at back in the building. Alotofpeople
the show a tire alarm went oft .it were upset about it because the)
about 8:50 p.m . and an ECl Pub didn't see how two offu ers could
lie Safety officer told the students find a bomb in JO minutes
to eva uate the building. Scott also expressed her con
Mam students at the rails cern that not enough officers were
complained about the short pe present "There were four police
nod ot time police officers took in officers,but there was only one of -
searching Mendenhall tor a bomb ficer evacuating usj she said.
lames CePuy, the dire tor i t
Public Safety said that five Public
Safer offkers were disp il ; 11
Mendenhall within minutt
receiving a call tr. m in mpl
that a bombthreat had been made
Addressing the concern that i on
cern that not enough officer-
dispatched to handle the threat,
DePuy said that the officers were
there to organize search efforts by
Mendenhall employees, who were
more familiar with the building.
"There were 500 students at
See Rally, page 2
Videos focus on world animal cruelty
1 ohn Ivson t Writer
In their third meeting of the
semester, the Students tor the
Ethical I re.mient ot Animals pre
sented tie videos focusing
rueltv U
?fSi I
c raigSpitz, president!
said. We're trying to
people to the w hole range ot am
mal issues just how bad that ani
mals have it in resean h, and some
(it the alternatives to animal re-
Spitz aKo mentioned that the
series ol tilms gave the ethical and
ecological arguments against
hunting, and the reasons thai
vegetarianism is becoming so
popular in this country.
rhe first film, titled 'Breaking
Barriers showed the conditions
that primates such as monkeys liv e
in while being tested with human
The v ideo foi tage w hk h w as
shot during an illegal raid in a
university laboratory by an ani
mal .utivist group, showed 1,000
primates isolated in metal cages,
manv insane from expenmenta
tion, and others dving ot infec
tious diseases.
Chimpanzees purposely in-
jected with viral hepititisand left
in isolation until death wereshown
with their handsextended to touch
the onlv other animals they would
come in contact with, the activists
Another short film titled
"What Price Beauty" focused
the farms that breed animals to be
used specifically tor the purpose
ot cosmetics such as lipstick, facial
cream and perfume.
In what the narrator of the
filmcalledan animal Auschw it
animals such as minks and per-
sian lambs were shown being
skinned aliv e for use as turs
Spit warned that mam ol the
videos were graphic, and several
of theaudience members burst into
tears while viewing footage ol
animal slaughter m conditions
See SETA, page 3
ECU Majors Fair offers
help for the undecided
The waiting is the hardest part
These four women spent their Tuesday night in the lobby of Belk Residence Hall in hopes of getting the room
they wanted during the sign up period Wednesday morning (Photo by Garret Killian FCU Photo Lab)
By Gretchen Journigan to The last Carolinian
Are you a third or fourth year
E( I student who has not decided
on that perfect, job-winning ma-
jor? It you tall into this category,
then The Majors fair is an even'
that you will not want to miss
On Feb. 26, from 7 8:30 p.m.
m Tvler Residence Hall Lobby,
faculty and s'udent representa-
tives from 15 ECU academic de-
partments will have first-hand
information available for inter
ested students.
The fair has been organized
by the Career Education Commit-
tee which consists of eight faculty
members from various academic
departments and five ev-ofticios.
"We are hoping that the event
will be informative concerning
students with particular interests
and hopefully direct those students
into a field of study that best suits
them committee chairperson Dr.
Martin Schultz said.
This time of year is a crucial
time when manv students .ire fac-
ing decisions about declaring or
changing their major he said.
Through this event, depart-
mental and unit personnel will be
available tc provide information
about their academic frame-work
and answer questions, Schultz
"There will bo people there
ottering help to students that are
about tobegin their transition from
the university setting into the work
world, he said.
The first tair was held last
semester in Mendenhall Student
Center and approximately 250
students attended, and all feed-
back was positive and influential,
Schultz siid
We are expecting the same
success this semester and even
more since the location has been
changed to a dormitory setting
he said. "We stress that thinking
about a career is important while
deciding upon a major concentra-
tion of study
Pirate fans ? A
dying breed?
Personals. For Sale,
Help Wanted. For Rent,
and Services Offered
State and Nation8
East Germany lifts its
food subsies
ECU student pub-
lishes second poetry
New Logo1
Pirates sting Spiders
in overtime.

2 The East Carolinian February 22,1990
National Campus Clips
Smoking ban divides campus
ST BONAVENTURE N i A limited ban on smoking on the St.
Bonaventure I niversit campus went into effect this month and is
alread ausing conflicts
! he polk v prohibits smoking in all indoor arcasot thecampuswith
the exception ol indoor seating areas having sufficient ventilation,
where 2 I pero ni ol the seating space will be designated for smoking.
In addition smoking may occur in meeting rooms it everyone in
attendant i agrees and in resident hall roomsil both roommates agree
to allow smoking.
The university also banned the sale ol all tobacco products on
campus promptmv. concern about whether the policy is going too tar
i rten president of SBU's Student Government, said the
ECU doctor examines
womens' health care
By Sarah Martin
Stjff Writer
?I tobat coon campus goes above and beyond
move prohibiting the salt
w hat the law requires
Student Government is looking out for the rights of students. We
do not w ish to promote the use ol tobacco, but students have the right
? ? ike tin-it o. n he said
Pi p allineau vice president for student development,
dis.iirees It ma hines s II i igarcttcs), how can wepromotea smoke-
free en ironmenl'
Kent State memorial draws mixed
reactions from slain students' parents
I ru parents hi lour students killed at Kent State
L'niversits ii - have mixed reactions to an invitation to attend the
dedii ' " KSI memorial to the students May 4
unmemoratcs the shooting deaths ol KSI' students
n Krau Sandra Schou ' If Miller and William Schrocderb)
it ? . uard during an anti-war protest on May 4,1970
pi : ? Mj '? ii ' Si hwartz son! letters to the parents of the
lam student the memorial dedication ceremony
? ? ' thi parentsofWilliamSchroeder.FlorenceandLouts
Schroetlerol 1 orain Ohio have accepted the college's invitation
Elaine 1 lolstcinol I ong Island, N.1 , lett Miller's mother, declined
the in itation sa ing she prefers to be bv herself that d.w.
Martin and Sarah Scheuer
re concerned thai a Ma) 4
ould be taking place during
p.m ?
im it.
t Boardman, Ohio, Sandra Scheuer's
luncheon mentioned in the
12 24 p.m the time that the
the lun
I -
sent a letter declining the invitation and condemning
insensitive and inappropriate " They said they will
i i
Ma 4
? k I
as they have in past
RftPN ttlt rk
To Your Health
Spring break do's and
don't's for safe suntanning
By Suzanne Kellerman
Student Health Center, 7F7-6794
With spring break approaching there is
fashi n item that most individuals don't
mt to be wthout a suntan. Society has sold
suntanning to Americans as being "healthy'
and fashionable Contrary to this belief cvi-
Women's health care has
changed tremendous!) over the
past 25 years Dr Elizabeth
Gamble ol th? E( I School ol
Medicine said Tuesday in her
program on women s health
Her talk. Women's Health
Care Today included nutrition
and wellneSSissues, occupational
health hazards, lung cancer in
women and (he women's role m
health care tor their families
Before the 70s, v?omen's
bodies and the health ol those
bodies were fragmented, and
women didn t have a lot to say
about how they were treated it
was like you asan individual were
separated from your body
Gamble said
"Women now art- sa ing, 'we
want control over what happens
hi u wc women want the'
knowledge of what's going on
Women want to know what has
happened in health care to help
them as individuals Gamble
Begmningm lyf? an increas-
ing number of deaths caused bv
lung cancer began, according to
Gamble Other death rates related
to cancer decreased, ex epl those
tor breast cancer, which remained
steady at 2 percent
With the increasing number
of women smokers, lung canter is
Ofl the rise, (,amble said For the
first Hmein history, last year, lung
cancer in women outnumbered
breast cancer
'The woman who has a
mother or sister that had breast
cancer has a huge increase in the
risk ct having it themselves
(?amble said And it von wi n
breast fed and your mother then
develops breast cancer, that adds
to your risk
Somcol those death rates that
decreased were due m part lo
preventive measures. 1 he Pap
smear" f?at1SetreaWfleath ffflHi t
catching cervical ovarian and
uterine cancer by diagnosing it
early and combating the dis isc
in the early stage
V men are sicker over a
tract infections, thyroid disease
and varicose veins With age
women also tend to develop os
Two current women's health
issues are the use ol birth i ontrol
pills and the obsession with looks
Birth control pills are said to
have a negative effect, although
the Pill is now show 11 . i sitive
effect on uterine cancer
" Hie mixture oi estrogen and
progesterone is thought to rv i
protective function (.amble said
Anorexia and bulimia are a I so
causing an uu rcase in health
problems The numbers are n
and tiv v u hms are mnger
Future issues ol i on ern in
dude the increasing number ol
w men in the workplai ? and thi
longer life span of won ?
With more women in tin
workplace safer environments ii
the workplace will be asked I
ad an in rcase in the number o
muscle and joint injuries will hi
m ??? .m?-? i
Step up as an
Air Force nurse.
?n Forccti hi ? ???
? j ? ? you ma have
?. ? ? . ? ? n u ? . ? '?
lepahead u I ?? ?
k!y Vou II dis .?????
iltivati . ir pel
? . , . pmertl 1 ? ? ?
?'? ' '
ireei . ?
n (he Air Force I er tl
S(, )F I K)NKD
Station- lo-Station olhi t
reported a cording toian
rhesc injuries .ire typi s tl it i
usually would not report
Elder!) women outi
men 3 to 1 B the agi ? ? '
most women havebo n I ed
leaving them on their I ?
their chronic health pi I
their health. ir will hav I I
r. viewed
1 oday, women are in I
tan! to the health field I he) I
all) i ontrol the health ol th i
families and their children ? ? .
'1i re dor of Advert is 11 nj
James KJ. McKee
fAdveriisinq $presen tatu
(iu .). tlarve)
Sha Sttlinger
Adam I. Biankenship
Phillip . (ope
Keller ()'( onnnr
. - ? rthem, d
? n tl ? ?
; iambic said
Women an th
?? sp nsible part) in health i in
en I was a child and i
went to the doctor, I never ask
question I oday, womei ii ? n
isk questions, (.ambli
I ?uld sav only women ask n ?
questions Men,by and large an
just not as interested inthcirhi ilth
as wi 'men are
per column inch
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is I I i'1. preventat
parts th it are not a
arms More n nl
i Ins isb i i
the sun s ultra . i il
dence is mounting indicating that sun wor-
shipping may have some serious health ef-
Over 51H IH HI new i ases of skin cancer are
? ported each year. When discovered early, it
is one ol the most curable tvpes (if cancer and
tie Ninety percent of all skin cancers oeCUf on body
. ? redb) clothing such as the face ears hands, and
I) skni cancer has shown up on virtually all body
? ore people are willingly exposing themselves to
?t r.e. s k suntanning and outdoor activities
o? ? iuse of skin cancer Anyone can develop
skin cancer but cancel us effects are to the length and the
legrei fi ei sure. Skin cancer occurs more often in people who have
? in .mplexions with red or blonde hair People with fair complexions
are probabl) more susceptible to skin cancer because their skin lacks
suffit ? tiesof the pigment melanin, which filters out harmful
? he sun Melanin is produced in the skin by specialized pigmeni
tells When the skin is exposed to the sun ultraviolet rays stimulate
Hi. se pigmeni i ells to in rease their produi tion of melanin, thus creat-
ing a in lndi iduals with darker skin will have more melanin than
ii. individuals vith tair skm which explains why fair skinned
individuals burn easier and are more sus eptable to skin cancer
i he best safeguard to protect yourself against skin cancer would be
toavi iid exposure to the sun It this is not realistic use a sunscreen with
sun protection factor when outdoors The sun protection factor (SPF) in
vour sunscreen r presents the multiple of time it takes you to get a
minimal sunburn on y iur skin. I -or example, it vou iw sunscreen with
an5PI ol 4 that sunscreen will enable vou to stay in the sun four times
as long as you would normally be able to before your skm will be
sunburned Remember it vou choose to tan it is best to tan slowly I X
a suns reen!
longer perio
ot time, but the
don't die. when a women gets
sick, they linger
This is reflected in higher usi
Ot medication bv women new
healthcare plans and more monev
spent bv women tor i are At ace
35, women pay S .1 month tor
care, com pared to men. at the s,i me
age, who pay only ?M) a month
This rate is due to the fact that
women have a higher rate of
chronic illnesses such as: arthritis,
anemia depression, diabetes,
'Buyer's Quide
?estt) ca
Istones (related t
higher estrogen levels, upper
respiratory infections, urinary
8 15
t : h SPI Should '1 on Use?
Skin I v pe
?M . ivs bunts, ne er tans
Burns easil) . tans mmim.illv
Burns moderately tans graduall)
Burns minimally, always tans
Kan Iv burns
7 ips for Safe Sunning
- Initial tanning tune should be no more than 15 minutes
(Gradually ini rease sunning time
? Ihe sun is most intense during HI am to 2 p.m. Avoid middav
exp isurc at first
Remember to use w.iterproof sunscreen on your face, like Bull
Frog (18) or Cancer Garde (33).
You may also need to be aware that certain drugs may Increase your
sensitivity to the sun Certain antibiotics, sntihisUmines, aniidepres-
sants, and oralontraceptivea are Included. Be certain to check with
vour health 1 .ire provider for more information.
if youho. se to tan, do so slowly and as safely as possible Be aware
of any 1 hanges in moles or warts on vour skin or sores that won't heal.
I 1 mi iv v ur skin on a monthly basis and look for discolored areas that
were not taiiM-dbv scratches, cuts or bruises, and do not go away in one
month I el vour health tare provider know if you notice any changes
in th' way v "ir skin looks
Continued from page 1
the show Is it hist that our life is
not important to them or is it that
a black event is not an emer-
gency?" Merntt said Student Mi
chael fakir said that only black
students were evacuated from the
building, whereas white students
were still inside playing pool and
DePuv. however, said that to
his knowledge everybody had
been evacuated trom the build-
ing I might have been lied to 1
rely on mv people to tell me the
truth I m assuming and I have
no reason to doubt it that Men
denhalll was evacuated entirely
Rogers said manvol the ABLE
members' initial reaction was that
the bomb threat was a racially
motivated act But Rogers added
that he was more concerned with
the safety of the student BckIv,
and he Mid he believed race had
nothing to do with it "
Merntt stsoadressed the lack
of facilities provided for minority
students. "We need a black cul-
tural center It would benefit the
black students and also the white
students All we have is a cabin
with no air condition, with no
black heritage whatsoever
nside, "sud Merntt
American Cancer Society752-2574
Carolina Pregnancy Center355-3473
Central Book & News75h-71"
Chamber of Commerce732-4101
Charley O's333-3000
Cliff's Seafood752-3172
Coastal Fitness756-1592
Council Travel286-4664
David's Automotive830-1' 79
Discovery Dive1-728-2265
Hair Loft355-5980
Harris Teeter758-6800
New Deli758-0080
Overtoil's Grocery732-3023
Overton's Sports355-7600
Parrot Canvas752-8433
Pic-N-Pay Shoes756-6884
Rack Room355-2519
Research Information1 -800-351-0222
Ringgold Towers752-2865
Student Union757-4715
Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930
T-Shirt Whirl1-261-8301
University Amoco758-9970

I In- I .ist.imlmi.m, I ebruarv 22, l'wn
Owners put Greenville night club up for sale
IU Margi 1oi in
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i in" 'inm p.i. ? l
I -1 p

? ?? ; ? '
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Seafood House and Oyster Bar
??hington Highway (N C 33 Eit Qr??nviil? North Croltn
Phone 752 3172
-Mon thru Thurs Niqht
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The East Carolinian, February 22,1990 3
Owners put Greenville night club up for sale
By Margi Morin
Staff Writer
After 18 years of ownership,
Tom Hainesand Stewart Campbell
have the Attic night club up for
sale. Since this past Christmas the
owners have been asking $95,000
for Greenville's oldest nightclub,
according to manager, oc Tronto.
Haines, who has moved to
Charlotte and Campbell, who is
now a real estate agent, have had
several offers but no definite sale
has been made.
"The Attic is the only place to
see the best bands. I hope the new-
owners continue to haveComedv
Zone on Wednesday nights also
ECU student, Mike Meador, com-
mented on the 1988 and 1989 Gram-
vttie Titne$ Readers' Poll winner of
"The Best Place to Hear Live
Music" award.
The 18 year-old club has been
the site of various famous bands
ranging from The Greg Allman
Band totheC hairmen of the Board.
The club has also been the host to
many comedians cm Comedy Zone
nights throughout the years.
"In 1982 The Pointer Sisters
performance at the Attic was made
into a live concert video com-
mented Steve Tyson, also a man-
ager at the club.
According to Tyson, the origi-
nal Attic was located where the
present one is now; however, there
was a time when it was moved to
another location. Haines and
Campbell moved the club to a
building where another nightclub
had just closed. The seating capac-
ity rose to SIX), over 1(H) more than
Continued from page 1
ot experimentation.
One film, "A Voice in the
Wilderness" touched on the sport
ot hunting. According to Luke
Donner, the activist narrating the
video, "a sport is defined as fair
and honest. An animal can't shoot
back. Hunting isn't a sport
"Hunters often rationalize
killing animals to control popula-
tions when in fact they create ani-
mal herds and then claim to thin
them out through recreational
When asked if people were
embracing the animal rights move-
ment, Spitz said. "It will probably
take a long time. I nfortunatelv
right now there are so many people
making monev off the exploita-
tion of animals, and they're mobi-
lizing against us
Two of the films in the video
presentation dealt with alterna-
tives to the use ot animals as food
and to their use in research.
In "Healthy, Wealthy, and
Wise vegetarianism was ex-
plained in a medical and religious
perspective The film said that
religions such as Hinduism and
Buddhism were based against the
eating of-meat '
The film showed Christians
like the Seventh-day Adventists
who were against eating meat
because of a verse in Genesis in
which God said "the seed will be
your meat
Christians who advocated
eating meat affirmed their beliefs
thatGod gave man command over
the animals of the earth to use as
nutrition for their bodies.
As medical evidence against
eating animals, the doctors in the
film stated that the stomach, teeth,
and long gut length of human
beings were not fit to digest meats
The result of eating meat is a
buildup of fat which causes heart
attacks and high rates of bowel
and breast cancer.
The film "Progress Without
Pain" said that the invention of
antibiotics and medicine did not
have much effect on alreadv de-
clining death rates at the begin-
ning of the century.
"Humanitarian efforts and
social reform did more to cure
disease man all medical efforts
combined said one scientist.
"Progress Without rain" was
the last film in a series that scien-
tifically tried to disprove theories
of achievement through animal
"Of the thousands of medi-
cines on the market, only 210 can
alleviate problems, and they arc
derived from plants or bacteria
one researcher said
Alternatives to animal re-
search include the use of herbal
medicine and emphasis on mind
over bodv techniques such as faith
healing, hypnotism and medita-
Medical practices which had
been used in the Far East, such as
acupuncture and transcendental
meditation, were also given as
substitutes for animal experimen-
About 40 people attended the
film event which was held in the
General Classroom building Tues-
day night.
According to Spitz, SETA is
planning more films and events in
the future, specifically a movie on
April 3 at Hcndrix Theatre which
Spitz said is "one of the most effec-
tive movies to date concerning
animal rights issues
401 E. 4th St.
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7:(K)am l():(X)am 5:30 pm
Supper lor college student anil program follow 5:30 pm service
7:30 am. 9:(K) am; 11:00 am Holv Eucharist
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
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7(H) pm - Students join parish for program
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law. The city will not grant any
more new beer licenses within 500
feet of another one. Also, the land-
lord did not want to rebuild the
After the fire, the Attic was
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olfje iEaat dartfltman
Da ID I li RRING, General Marm
I OR M i: . Editoi
1 wn I U K I . Diro '? ? ? M : ?'? i
JK . V res ? I' i N I NC, l r, fil y(r
I ? iitoi SWAb !v "? . . Manager
.? I ? P VMI LA Cow ?. ; Jr. h Swperrt'si ?
ii I ? M '? u Ki , i K, i ulation Manager
? ?: ? ? ditot Ik n VVl : "? klm fi n Managi ?
1 ? : spirts I ? i SllA Rl l ? Illu ? il ??
Entertainment Editor Mi 1AI Cakne ?,??: Veehnieian
Itiri I ? Bl I I ' - . n'tti .
Adam Cokni
V VROL1N1 Cl v k
OIIN I I i '?
Mm i i i Mak ?
I ?w v- II Baku
Cakkii Arm:
Scon M w;
I he Kast Carolinian has been serving the I ast Carolina campus community since lu25. with primarv emphasis on m
formation most ilirectlv affev ungECI students. Il is published twice .vcekly. with a circulation ol I2,(XX) 1 he East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse oi discontinue anv advertisements thai discriminate on the basis ol age, sex,
creed oi national ingin rhe East arolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view Foi purposes ol deccnev
and brevity, fhel ast Carolinian reserves the right to edit anv lettet foi publication I ettcrs should be sent to I he East
Carolinian, Puhlu ations BUla , EC! . Greenv ille, Ni 2 's ; ?. oi v.ill us at 1?) i ' fi Ibb
I ' 1
Piwe 4. Thursday I
?-1 ? -i
Lack of support hurts athletics
rhrough thick and thin, Pirate sup- support their team when they win and hope
porters have continuously come out and tor better when thev lose, but thev still come
supported the teams But this vear seemed out
to be a little different tor sonic reason. I ook at the N'BAexpansion team, the
During the football season, tans Charlotte Hornets Kvert though they have
"Filled I it klen" tor the new and improved remained in or closely around the cellar oJ
football team Not onh did the team have a their conference tin- Charlotte Coliseum
;real ;t i . ut new head coach Bill Lew:
brought a lot of ei i
Meetine the recycling challenge
I heai ith ; ? n i mpii
prob il
?, ? ?
is 111too toi eacn nome came rans
ell-out thi coliseum, buvparaphenalia
a procran that was slowh but sun . : and follow thi t im despite their extended
-ni aiui Mipp

: I t
mg netttno ? .
tlu' nation
Sev I times durii
ballseason Pii itela ? ? v i
in an exempl i v v i Ovoi
main times I c I students tnd
I ? I hen will we get the
? t i : - ?sl I )uke and get a series
th some of the other major pro
atiiHi as ttte 11rates enioveu a hie, win grams in the it
o er Virginia rech But tl
stop in Greenville rh t
tin ir aw a wmi s, h
uppoi ? dictn t
id s ipport in ea
; : ion ended and
I his question i an be answered ven
go to the games and support th i
utl tro- team
no were Whei tin stands are full of scream-
ing tans tin ?: itv the floor increases
I i : .i often been resp? nsibl ?
? tball season h lleci around, mam Pi- foi a missi d free throw, a bad shot or even
eir tickets and their a break-awa lavup
rhe revenue generated from a sell-
i;?imi ; like I NC- iml is also ipp tling to these other teams
IVilmingtor and lames Madison come to Students should remember that all tickets
I to be there But what are ilr idvpaidforinvour fees, sowhvnot
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
rhe E I administration's ing attil
recent decision to terminate the fhe m.i?? pi
I niversitv rask Force on !t those vvhu h affect
cling and thereby suspend a full life are mon oftci
fledged recycling program on the level otabsti icl rrhel
campus reflects 'c,ik and back Reeve I im
ward leadership But the response spite Chai r Eakn
of the student bodv has been no ? In ?: i I rl ? - ? i
lesspathetii Indeed while then .it ? ' :? iarv foi i
seem to be some pockets of eco ind Envirimniental Enhai
political consciousness here at I
1 i I dpathv .ind c in. ism still mil
reign supreme Even with the i -
hard-hitting, constructive articles ?tral n pi t us froi
bv C li'? Saunders Eeb b) and out wl ? ? . tl
rhomasVWrner(Feb K), it seems prei tor I tutui
onlv a tinv fraction .m ECU stu : ? ? t I
dents arc actually doing anything i
of lasting importancde to further nitv to tl : i I d
rec) i ling effi rts 'o othei tu I lealisn
dents have vi ttei to the paper to i I ?
express then pn n this is-
? . ? ? implv :
? ? Id -I
? ? ? ? ?' imi

To the Editor
ate tans pass
tow n, evei
tbout the I
isoii, American and
tdvantage ol something that v ou have
( ampbell games? Where are the 3,000 alreadv. paid for?
screaming, cheering fans? Support is beneficial to .uw team,
1 he fact ol the matter is tans support and the more support they receive thebetter
I . ir team v hen eii t tm is winning and the) perform Whether it may be basketball,
slack off when the ire not rhere should football, baseball or lacrosse, ECU athletics
? be a part-time fan 1 ans are people that needs full-time supporters.
SGA criticized for rejecting bill
fa the editor
" anyousav braindead'bovs
and girls?" says Mr Ri gers as he
gazes at a photo of DanQuayleon
the wall. Apparentlj alotoi people
did sa braindead in last
Monday's 5 !A meeting w here a
constitutional change cha 11 enj: i
the minimum academu require
ments to get elected FAILED. An
amendment would change the
minimum requirement forexecu
live office from a 2.0 toa 2.2 (iPA.
rhe president, vice president and
treasurer of the student govern-
ment would be expected to have
at least a 2.2 to be eligible tor of-
tii .?
A 2 0! Anv ?
plant make a 2
. .
one musl
dead leni I
he h ; " requin I
: ? ? fhetal manv a
classesand hi
GPA :? : . ?? I
mum Hi ild get put
demi probation t kind
message ? uld thai end I thei
universities that .
dent bodv president
pr ibatii m'
At I M -Creensb
hometow n . and al ; ; i i
State the exe utiv
have at least a 2.2 ?
tjinr. :
can run thei
changi ?'? ? ii ' , ? - .
education Wi ami to
learn which is vvhv :?
hav? lecentgradi I i -
uv are saving ? ?: ? I
little bit mere here A
e ellen e, high iden
dards and achievement h
those that represent us 1
think that is too mi
' ?
a he
I personally feel fhe minimum
grade requirement tor executive
office should be raised even higher
toa 2.5 PA I am not alone either
The student I nion president must
h.r. e at least a 2 5 i IPA to be con-
sidered tor the office.ommittee
chairs in the Student I men have
to have a minimum 2.2 before they
i an apply either. Head resident
advisers must have at least a -1 5
before thev get interviewed The
general manager ol every ampus
medium trom I he lastarolin-
ian to the WZMB must have at
least a 2 5 (.PA before thev get the
job All you need for the president
of the student government is a
Gorby is no angel student say
? ton
To the Editor
Center extends appreciation
lo the editor
Hi ii k Against Rape w asagreal
success! We want to thank Stu
dents for I nitv anil Awareness
tor oreaniing the whole event;
and Subtle Distinction for play
mg such great music and enter-
taining everyone; the sponsors
Domino's Piz.i and Kinko's.and
money needed to bring in a na-
tionally known speaker for Rape
We,at REAL,are verv appre-
ciative of all the effort made by
everyone in order to support Rape
most of all, all of vou who attended!
the Attic nightclub for donating With everyone's help, $1200 was
the location; rock bands the donated to the REAL Crisis Center Prevention in Pitt County
Amateurs, Bad hecks. Bad Hob and the Students for Unity and Mary I Smith
and thoRockm' Horses. In I imbo Awareness were able to obtain the Executive Director
lo the editor
Recently an article appeared
in The East Carolinian that sang
praise to Gorbachev tor striving
tor peace and criticized America
tor being imperialistic and dece-
dent. This article, which hailed
Gorbachev so highly, was full of
errors and failed to recognize that
he has no choice in the matter
Gorbachev is cutting back on the
military, not because he has to.
America has won the arms
race. The Soviet economy has
ground to a halt. They can no
longer spend 17 percent of their
gross national product on defense
(212 times more than the United
States). No longer can the Soviet
defense industrial ministries ac-
count for 60 percent of the nation's
machine build ingmetal working
bran h of industrv
fhe Soviet cconomii growth
rate has tea. hed an all tim? post
warlovvof 1 percent compared to
over 8 percent in ti i ?
bachev has no i hoicebuttocutthe
military in m effort to keep the
economy from a totalcollapse I he
Soviet Union is more open to in-
vestments from the West not be-
cause thev want to embrace vie
mocracy but. because thev need
western money to help their crum
bling economy.
The article also said that Cor
bachev has the backing of all the
Soviet people This is totally false
Perestroika has produced noth-
ing but coniplaints from the So-
viet people. The lines are longer
and the government can'1 teed its
own people. The Soviet people
: l
rams It is not txu aus
publn support that (Gorbachev is
still in power, but be. ause '
lal I hisp werheid v'
he got into office Anvpersonl
opposed him was systematic,
removed from office until finall)
there was none to oppose him
( krba hev is more popular in the
West than in the sv let Union
In closing; don t paint Gof
bat hev as an angel, everything he s
done in an effort to salvage the
crumbling economy and keep the
Sov let Union trom collapsing into
Patrick R. Campbell
Criminal lustice

QJJje feast (Untvimmtx
David Herring, General Manager
Low Makiin, ditor
AMES F.J. McKEE, Director o) Advertising
Adam Corni i It S, Asst N?tw Editor
CAROLINE O v-k K, Features Editor
JOHN TUCKER, 4ss Features Editor
,Ah haei Martin, Sports Editor
Thomas 11 Barii VI, Assi Sports Editor
CARRIE ARMSTRONG, Entertainment Editor
Scott Maxwi i i , Satire Editor
Phong I.row Credit Manager
STUART Rosni R, Business Manager
Www l a Core, Ad Tech Supervisor
M n I ir Rj 11 rER, Circulation Manager
IVIM ED, Production Manager
Si! E Rl ID, Staff Illustrator
MlCHAEI CARNES, Darkroom Technician
Bl I 1.1 PTON, Secretary
the East Carolinian has been sen ing the 1 ast Carolina campus communit) since 1925, with primary emphasis on in-
formation most dircctl) affecting EC! students, h is published twice weekly, w ith a circulation of 12.1XX). The Hast
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue am advertisements thai discriminate on tho hasis of age, sex,
creed or national origin I Ik- East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ol view. For purposes ot decency
aiul bre itv. Hie East Carolinian reserves the right Co edit an) letter lot publication. Letters should be sent to The Hast
Carolinian. Publications Bldfi . ECU. Greenville, NC, 27834; or call us at (919) 757 666
Pave4, Thursday February 22, 1990
Lack of support hurts athletics
Through thick and thin, Pirate sup-
porters have continuously come out and
supported the teams Hut this year seemed
to be a little different tor some reason.
During the football season, tans
"hilled licklen" tor the new and improved
football team Not only did the team have a
great season, but new head coach Bill Lewis
brought a lot of enthusiasm and support to
a program that was slowly, but surely, fall-
ing behind the other Division 1 programs in
the nation
Several times during the 1989 foot-
ball season Pirate fans showed their support
in an exemplary wa) .)ver 55,000 people
watched as the Pirates enjoyed a big win
over Virginia Tech But the- support didn't
stop in (.reenville. The team had support m
their away games, too, like in South Caro-
lina when the II followers, at times, were
louder than the (lamecocks tans.
But when football season ended and
basketball season foiled around, many Pi-
rate tans passed up their tickets?and their
Sure, when big games, like UNC-
Wilmington and lames Madison come to
town, everybody had to be there. But what
tbout the George Mason, .American and
Campbell games.1 Where are the 5,000
screaming, cheering fans?
The tact ot the matter is fans support
their team w hen their team is winning and
slack ott when they are not. There should
not be a part-time fan. Fans are people that
support their team when they win and hope
for better when they lose, but thev still come
1 ook at the BA expansion team, the
Charlotte Hornets. Even though thev have
remained in or closely around the cellar of
their conference, the Charlotte Coliseum
remains tilled lor each home game, bans
still soil-out the coliseum, buy paraphenalia
and follow the team despite their extended
losing streaks
So main- times ECU students and
tans have asked: "When will we get the
opportunity to host Duke and get a series
started with, some of the either major pro-
grams iii the state?"
This question can be answered very
easily ?go to the games and support the
When, the stands are full of scream-
ing tans, the intensity on the floor increases
greatly. Fans have often been responsible
tor it missed free throw, a bad shot or even
a break-away layup.
The revenue generated from a sell-
out is also appealing to these other teams.
Students should remember that all tickets
are already paid tor in your tees, so why not
take advantage oi something that you have
already paid for?
Support is beneficial to any team,
and the more support thev receive thebetter
thev perform. Whether it may be basketball,
football, baseball or lacrosse, ECU athletics
needs full-time supporters.
To the Editor
Center extends appreciation
To the editor:
Rock Against Rape vvasagreat
success! Wo want to thank Stu-
dents for Unity and Awareness
for organizing the whole event;
the Attic nightclub for donating
the location; rock bands ? the
Amateurs, Bad C hecks. Bad Bob
and the Rockin' Horses, In I imbo
and Subtle Distinction ? for play-
ing such great music and enter-
taining everyone; the sponsors ?
Domino's Pizza and Kinko's; and
most of all,al! of you whoattended!
With everyone's help, $1200 was
donated to the REALCrisisCenter
and the Students for Unity and
Awareness were able to obtain the
money needed to bring in a na-
tionally known speaker for Rape
We, at RE AL,are very appre-
ciative of all the effort made by
everyone in order to support Rape
Prevention in Pitt County.
Mary L. Smith
Executive Director
Meeting the recycling
By Nathaniel Mead
Editorial Columnist
The ECU administration's
recent decision to terminate the
University Task Force on Recy-
cling and thereby suspend a full-
fledged recycling program on
campus reflects weak and back-
ward leadership But die response
ot the student body has been no
less pathetic Indeed, while there
seem to be some pockets of eco-
political consciousness here at
ECU, apathy and cynicism still
reign supreme Even with the
hard-hitting, constructive articles
by Chee Sounders (Feb 6) and
"ThomasWoerner(Feb. xMtseems
oniv a tinv fraction ot ECU stu
dents are actually doing anything
of tasting importancde to further
recycling efforts. No other stu-
dents have written feo the paper to
express their opinions on this is-
The apathy here one ampusis
probably representativeol prevail-
ing attitudes in "the real world
The major problems of today,
those- which affect our quality of
life, are more (iften dealt with on
the level ot abstrat tion or rhetoric
Recycling is a case in point De
spitehan ellor Eakin - i I
sounding praise for the 1 ask i on ?
at the lanuary forum, "Economi
,nd Environmental Enhai
The I vh, ate Balance, his
mitment seems confined I
nc But should a weak admini-
stration prevent us from carrying
out what is clearly the ecoloj
prerogative for the future'
problem it seems to me. has be
come a challenge to the commu-
nity, to the power and dedi a
of grass roots idealism
prompts the question
Why aren't all these concerned
To the Editor
students simply recj ii ? ? ?
thei It would bt ?
ust pop our would i '
paper m our i n bags
knapsacks or pocketbo k
re? v( le them oursi lv itanv
ofthethreeoff ampush
Kroger's(Wednesday vert i
Market ? arv is St a
the main recyclii ntei
Monday throe
I's Fork. For rJ t us .
of! - ampus who a!r ads i
our trash it vt . : mplv 1
matti r i i taking some I
mnol .
ttxi strongl) i he I
disposal practi I n h
ible oi
inds, is now a

ent opl ? nlv l
sec i hallenee, page 5
SGA criticized for rejecting bill
To the editor:
"Canyon sav braindead' b rys
and girls js Mr. Rogers as he
gazes at a photo oi Dan Qua vie on
thevvall. Apparentlva lot of people
did say "braindead" in last
Monday's SGA meeting where a
constitutional change challenged
the minimum academic require-
ments to get elected FAILED. An
amendment wuld change the
minimum requirement for execu-
tive office from a 2.0 to a 2.2 GPA.
The president, vice president and
treasurer of the student govern-
ment would be expected to have
at least a 2.2 to be eligible for of-
I personally feel the minimum
grade requirement for executive
office should be raised even higher
to a 25GPA. lam not alone either
The Student Union president must
have at least a 2.5 GPA to be con-
sidered for the office. Committee
chairs in the Student Union have-
to have a minimum 2.2 before they
can apply either. Head resident
advisors must have at least a 25
before thev get interviewed. The
general manager of every campus
medium from The East Carolin-
ian to the WZMB must have at
least a 2.5 GPA before thev get the
ob. All you need for the president
of the Student government is a
meager - 0
A 2.0! Any braindead tomato
plant can make a 2.0! lb gel a
cepted into most majors al 11
one must have at least a 25 n
siderthi- What if Bn tt the Brain
dead gets elected president and
he has the required 2.0. Wl
happens it he takes too many at
counting or industrial hygiene
classes and his grades trip up ' i hs
GPA drops below the bare mini
mum. He could get put on aca
denruc probation. What kind or
message would that send toother
universities that we have a stu
dent body president on academic
At UNC-Greensboro (im
hometown), and at Appalachian
State the executive officers must
have at least a 2 2 GPA t i Hike
and Chapel Hill there is no n
quirement Practicalh anvbod)
can run there I say it should
change- We came to collegi I ran
education We came to college to
learn which is why we are here. It
we sav we expect our officers to
have decent grades then I believe
we are saying we expect just a
little bit more here. We expect
excellence, high academic stan-
dards, and achievement from
those that represent us I don't
think that is too much to ask tor
Someone ma I I
? itwi should not jud ;
: . tandard I I r ui
sides 1 don t think w? ai
!r. ing up to our full potent
' si ignant" ab
for our dreams, w ired
ui failun s
n'ther legislator
? necessaril) mak iders H
l right as he is ???' ng 1 " '
m ho has a perfectgradi s
work with people Butat the -
time we don'l want i i
lousy grades who can t find the
sides of ,i square. Do ou
apathetic attitude in school rk
applied to the student govern-
ment? 1 don't think raising
-tandard would leave out man
peopleeither As it is now n -
majors require a 25 GPA to g
anyhow. In order to even gel
Easl Carolina an average ?
school senior must have a
minimum ot a5and an v SAl
A 2 0 is all you need to be
student body president 1 er
age each student to1 IAN .1
so that not iust any braindead
tomato plant can get elected
lim Layton
Gorby is no angel, student says
To the editor:
Recently an article appeared
in The East Carolinian that sang
praise to Gorbachev for striving
for peace and criticized America
for being imperialistic and dece-
dent. This article, which hailed
Gorbachev so highly, was full of
errors and failed to recognize that
he has no choice in the matter.
Gorbachev is cutting back on the
military, not because he has to.
America has won the arms
race. The Soviet economy has
ground to a halt. They can no
longer spend 17 percent of their
gross national product on defense
(212 times more than the United
States). No longer can the Soviet
defense industrial ministries ac-
count for 60 percent of the nation's
machine buildingmetal working
branch of industry
The Soviet economic growth
rate has reached an all time post
war low of 1 percent compared to
over 8 percent in the Ms. Gor-
bachev hasnochoke but to cut the
military in an effort to keep the
economy from a total collapse. The
Soviet Union is more open to in-
vestments from the West not be-
cause they want to embrace de-
mocracy, but, because thev need
western money to help their crum-
bling economy.
The article also said that Gor-
bachev has the backing of all the
Soviet people. This is totally false.
Perestroika has produced noth-
ing but complaints from the So-
viet people. The lines are longer
and the government can't feed its
own people. The Soviet people
havecnticied Gorbachev and his
programs. It is not because oi
public support that Gorbachev is
still in power, but because he
i onsolidated htspowerhold whi n
he got into office. Any person that
opposed him was systematically
removed from office until finallv
there was none to oppose him
Gorbachev is more popular in the
West than in the Soviet Union
In closing, don't paint Gor-
bachev asan angel, every thing he's
done in an effort to salvage the
crumbling economy and keep the
Soviet Union from collapsing into
Patrick R. Campbell
Criminal Justice

The East Carolinian, February 22, 1990 5
Continued from page 4
cling has consistently demon-
strated strong grass rootssupport.
Biologist Barry Commoner of New
York s Center for ihe Biolog) of
Natural Systems .ns a national
recycling policy could .n least
halve the 200 million tons ot solid
waste generated by the I 'nited
States this year A state recycling
program would reduce New York
? it s trash output b 80 to 90
pen cut
But it s tar easier to rcfHx t on
the benefits ol ret v? ling than to
at tualU engage in the a ti it
1 lumans find it ven pamhil to
attempt to tuiu tion without prat
tieal guidance Am time one is not
sure what to do next, one iseasilv
o ot whelmed and inertia sets in
I aced with such a situation people
ill avoid attempting to begin an
activitx regardless ol their atti
tildes or opinions. 1 on it tho
thinknx y( lingisa ginxl idea the
u ill tend to do nothing about it
until the whole process is made
i lear to them.
W ell seasoned ret i lers tlike
tn soli w ill toll you there s noth
ing i omplit ated about ret v i ling
people simph have to start doing
it But again it s the try that s
the hard, part Without concrete
guidance we simph continue to
flounder in out own unbalanced
idealism Ihe information must
go bo ond the bask s such as how
much space to allocate and how
much time to allot tor thea tivit
It must include suggestions tor
o ercoming perceived difficulties,
such .is the apparent nuisance ot
keeping e en thing separated for
reevi ling or knowing exacth what
othei options are ecologicalh
u i ptable 1 ho satisfaction de
rived from frugalit should be
extended to repairing things rather
than throw mo. them awav tmd
in a s to reuse things and
saving things one might need
someda (fabric wood boxes,
i I
I Itimatelv the question ot
whether we recvele or don I n
is ,i matter ol attitude and
intention A 1989 study published
in the journalo) Enwronmental Sys
tents focused on the role of infor-
mation in influencing recycling
behaviors among 200 Michigan
households Four croups wore
studied (1) recyclers with posi
tivc attitudes, i? recyclers with
negative attitudes, (3) non rec
i lers with positive attitudes, and
(4) non-rccyclers with negative
attitudes fhose non recyclers
w ith a more positiv o attitude
tended to move tow aid re v lino.
behaviors once prat tit a! informa
tion was provided 1 ho wereulso
driven more b intrinsii motiva
tion (e.g feelings ol sell worth
and an altruistic desire to promote
the quality ol life for generations
to come).
B contrast, the ncgativeh
oriented non i e? clers w ei e
geared mainh b extrinsi moti
vation (the need tor monetan
in( enti es oi p.u ment I and
v lowed recvclineasmoreofa tri
uil undertaking The researchers
deemed this group least likely to
adopt recycling behaviors. Inter
estingly, the group wascomposed
mainly of men (71 percent
opposed to 41 percent menintrv
other groups. 11 his group may be
considered the hard nuts to crack,
the eco-bigots, the quintessential
pessimists ol environmental re
What does this study tell us '
Firsl we need more genuine
commitment and political back
hone Second, we max need more
women m the administration
rhird, environmental groups need
to spoil out more pr.u tical guide
lines I he throw aw ,n culture is s
deeplx ingrained in Western so i
ety that alternatives to it i an seem
lar oul and threatening 1 he i hal
lenge now is to start taking indi
v'idual responsibility for recycling
while the administration slowly
wakes up to the realities ol 'ur
dirty present and the possibilities
ot a i. leaner future
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Page 6
uHie gagt Carolinian
February 22,1990
ROOMMATE: Own bedroom 1 4
utilities, washer and dryer $100 month
and deposit Wtldwood Villas
Call 758 7727
FOR RFNT One bedroom in stv room
house shared with two other male
students Kent is SI 5 'H1 per month plus
share ot utilities Call tH) 748 4280
SEX"i SW1MWI K: 1 on s Intimate
Apparel Carolina Fa-t Centre 15 off
with this ad!
FOR VM I Kii ? - II ? '?: m ittr ss box
spring frame and no : w ad board Sul
Phone no 55 ?;
CAN YOU 1U JEEPS, Cars 4x4's
seized in drug raids for under SlOi I
Call for tacts t.vl.n 81 -644 33 Depl
Students don'l forget to use Pirate Ride
sun Thurs S pm 12 1 am The route
now includes sla and Umstead Dorms
Fot more information call 757 472h
O SERVICE: Plan your next social
cocktail, or formal event now with the
hottest in Dance, Progressive Risk and
Beach music available Plus all your
favorite requested selections, guaran
teed' No one else otters that Chris
Gregory D 1 Service 757 1561
club interested in earning SI 000 00 tor
a one week or) campus marketing
project? You mit be well organized and
hard working C all enn or Myra at
- 2 2121
( OPY1NG SI RVK ES: We otter typing
and photocopying sen ices We also sell
softwares ? computers 21 hour- in ai d
out Guaranteed n ping on paper up to
20 hand written pages SDF Professional
Computer Services, 106 E 5th St (beside
Cubbies) Greenville N 752 J694
rYPISl ???. '?? ? th iri ???? rd
( all Krenda atter MX' p m
leave message
56 Is 17 or
white you wait
Free & Confidential
Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
111 E. 3rd St
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
M-F c am-5 pm
WAKE N" BAKI InNegril lamaica'
One beautiful week starting at
S46S1 00" Hot days and reggae nights"
This tnp will soil out so Call Sun
Splash Tours at 1 800 426-7710
TRY WISFPAK, A variety pad! of our
12 best selling name brand condoms
lust $6 79tax Rushed first class
Call Healthwise to order 1 800 933-
begin March P'th For further
information, contact Melrose Moore,
Minges Coliseum 757 4r'2 or 4633
MODEl s. It you would like to model
Promotions Modeling Agenc) a tow
fee agency needs males and females ot
all ages Also need dancers tor private
parties Call J55 wlu to set up an
CAMPS - M SS U 111 SI ETS: Mah
Kee V.i, for Bo Danbee for Girls
??? i ccer .md Volleyball
ennis openings; also Archery
Ritflerv. Weights Fitness and Biking, other
openings include Performing Arts, Fine
Arts, Newspaper, Photography, Cooking,
Sowing, Roller skating. Rocketry, Ropes
and Camp Craft, All Waterfront Activities
(Swimming , Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing,
CanoeKayaking) Inquire Mah Kee Nac
(Boys), 1 Linden Ave C.len Ridge , NJ
07028 Danboe (Girls), lb Horseneck Road,
Montville N 0704. Please Call 1 800-776-
obs ? vour area Manv immediate
openings without waiting list or test
$17,840? $69,485 Call 1?602 830 -
888 FT R 5285
LENT PAY! Assemble products at home
Details (1)602-838-8885 Fot W-285
A T HOME! 12.000 vt income potential
Details, (1) 602?838?8885
WAFFLE HOUSE: is expanding and
lo?iking for dependable individuals Now
accepting applications for full and part
time positions All shifts sxk. waitress,
hostess, management No experience
necessary Apply between 7 a.m
for mature, motivated, individuals with an
interest in fashion and the desire to sell
quality clothing Good beginning salary
and store wide discount Apply in person
Brod) s The Plaza Monday Wednesday
100 pm
BROD1 S Vr ??- . Ueee student in
need I e?tra spending money ' Brody s is
.km pang applications tor part time sales
associates and customer service represen
tahves who can work flexible hours Apply
LOST: Female grey and white cat with
hael eves She still has a scar on her
stomach from when she was sp-ived
Last seen Friday afternoon at the cul do
sac at the end of Second St If found
please call 830-3828 and ask for David, or
leave message
ALPHA PHlrCongrarulations on the
New Officers President Ellen Jovner. V
President Amv Spencer, Fraternity
Educator Tracev tawarz. Rush Director
Julie Trepal, Treasurer Gretchen Helms,
Chapter Promotions Rhonda Dale.
Scholarship-Kara Gutter, Panhollemc
Delegate Leigh During, Administrative
Assistant Lisa Crawford. Recording
Secretary-Veronica Potter, Correspond
ing Secretary Oaudine Nicholson,
1 louse Manager Jeanotte Voorhies, Social
Chairman Enca Levdic, Activities Sarah
Kennedy, and Philanthropy Rozzie
Bloom Good Luck' We love you! I ove
The Alpha Phis
ELLEN OYNER:Congratulations r
Pres ' We know you'll ,i great' ! ove
The Alpha Phis
ENTS: of awards at Helta Zeta pr ?
weekend Lisa Webber (Golden Crest),
Karen PrevostOutstanding Couegjan
Melinda Alker (Outstanding Junior
Susanne Drown Chitstad:r Ki. : ?
Secretary), Kellv Wells (First Place
Historic Scrapbook) and Zeta I ambda
Outstanding Philanrhn py
SUSAN HOOP! R: That DZ spirit, that
DZgow dunks r i.w i. ? "??
snow' Love your sisters
Par.h.i ji'im- most outMjr ing pledge
w ird ' am very pro I I ? md I
love you Matt
( ONCRAT1 1 ATIONS lo the i ? -
sisters ot Delta Zeta K'r ? laM unt,
Kimi Barba, !an M Donald
Korula, Victoria Wal ice. Mane 1 pei
Erin Pinnow, Robin Franklin, Sarah
. . . . ?? tna Marsl
Ann West Beck) Lewis I
AmieBranhan essi i Norris, Mitzi
Stump! '??? ? ? aura Petty, and
Jennifer Vlns l
I LA'S I???? ' ? '? ?
looking forwai Itoj with youi
tonight Love, the!
()MR Mn ? ' I Alpha PI
Delta Alpha hapter I ?' '
ei '? : id ' ? : '
mini' K ara Chi
ADl'l & ei puptl
: . ??
i pid sure did a - : I "
hoj .????. ii ing ?
S1G EP: Get ready I
Hiltoi : ? ? ?
??? fs ? ? ?? ? ? ?
Vrvv Pregnancy
!?' K:30 4:00 p.m.
Sal 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
I lealth Center
n i erson
fhe Plaza Monday
RA: Look ing : rwa
tonight Can't ??? ui
??. i ? i
. ? ? food
? 1 ot ated N? ar KtT
u Major Sh??ppin? . nters
? 111 lills S IMu
?ItisiU 1 .Hindi
"s(, -i s i s 743i
HEI P WANTED: Part time help from IS
20 hours a week working as a part-time
sales associate Ask for Don at Pic and Pav
b 756 tvs4
i 1 H N)R Hit . st Kl I N I v
II si to I' i S!
Objective: Fundraiser
Committtn tit: Minimal
Motu: vl.4iHi
tost: ?to investment
t ampus urganizations, i tubs, Irats,
sororities call ? Mi .it 1 (80S)
"H2-?528 I HOO) 950-X472 ext 10
1'KKOriarge Selecti rravel Baps We ? s 14th MAN VAN CO. ? mi ot Bookbags, & Accessories. Repair 752 84 15
rinc;gold towers
Nov. raking Leases for Fall
1990. Efficiency 1 bcdmi t: 1
pis Call
BETAS.AVe ve waited al ng timel i
this sKial and we are read to party S? ?
you guvs tonight Love. The CTii
CHIOMEGAS:Hopeyou'n ready! i
the r:g destination unknown on
Saturday Get ready to raise some
It'll be Groovey love The Pikes!
PIKA HAPP. HOUR: This Thurs it
the classic Fu' It's gonna be a ragr
Come out and Party with the Pikes
1VS: get psyched for the social
Saturday night because it's going to rag
Theta Chi
ELLEN JOINER: i m v proud oi you!
We are goir to have a great year! I lo e
n. Khorxla
ELIZABETH: Congratulations or
bivommg a sister and winnm rh(
! ' . ? ? ' peroi ility a
? ? ? :
??' i ?

PNM i in HI M H.F1 tRIDA
rive package-S
notoi ? i
plusS25 tduc
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sic, f rs NP lORMM DATl S
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Ml suitecis
?3? 800 3610222
99 Hi - Balls
99c Membership
on the beach
?tmrM ivMra video io? on sai e as ttj ox cable t v
7 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Crown Cruise Line
AUDITIONS: SINGERS who DANCE for revue ihowi 4n iraci
: Bl( e ? '? '
bei ea : 0 pn 5 pn Sigi . u i -? S iccmait
Host or Hostess, Aerobic Instructors, & indTechmcia ?
dealing with public necessarj
BENEFITS: Salaried positions lu g Room & Board
CROWN FLEET: Travel oa 14 r Day Cruises t
Can m Mexici & ? ? ai toca
Interview Date: I chruary 2s. 1990
Time A Locatioa Sign up n the Careei Pbuuiu gA ? s
Listen To
nthrBf?rtiatSSAdam BMtFt Lintiiilili FL? m'tBHtn
,j- ; ? k i UTTH ? AS EASBtVnOWAM
The College Music FM
Wes2fcl is a CTinstun fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
jointly bv the Presbyterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries Come to the Method
ist Student Center (01 E Mh across trom
Garret! dorm) this Wednesday night at 5
p m and everv Wednesday night for a
delicious alLyou can eat home cooked
meal ($2 2S) with a short program after
wards Signed for the hearing impaired
Call 758-2030 more information
The La w Society will be holding a meeting
Feb 26, 1990 at 5 45pm in ftagsdaie 218
Anyone interested please attend
Looms McGlohon Trio with ECU Con-
cert Choir (Feb 20, 8:15 p.m. Wright
Auditorium, tickets S2 for students S4
general admission, available at door or
in advance from Central Ticket office
757-4788); Emerson String Quartet on
ECU Chamber Music Series (Feb 25,3 00
pm , Mendrix Theater, ticket informa
tion 757 4788) DIAL 757-4370 FOR THE
The renowned 1 xnis McC.lohon Trio
performs a concert of popular and )a
music on Tuesday, February 20 at 8:15
pm in Wright Auditorium with the
ECU Concert Choir under the director
Brett Watson Wickets are S2 for stu-
dents, S4 general admission, available at
the door or at the Central Ticket Office,
Mendenhall, 77 4788 McOohons Trio,
based in Charlotte, came to national at
tention in 1979 when they appeared on
National Public Radio for 56 weeks on
the award-winning series "American
Popular Songs " Since then, thev have
recorded 26 album McC.lohon. one of
America's most respected pianists and
composers, has performed with and had
his songs recorded by such artists and
composers, has performed with and had his
songs recorded by such greats as Tony Ben
nett, Eileen GarreU. Margaret Whiting Frank
Sinatra, Woody Herman, and Rosemary
Clooney. He and Charles Kuralt collabo-
rated on the musical production "North
Carolina is My Home" and together have
been selected as speakers for this year's ECU
Commencement program.
Learning how to improve your study skills
for grater success in college The following
mini course and workshops can help pre-
pare for the added workload of college or
help to increase your grade point average
Al! sessions will be held in M 3 Wright
Building February 26, Monday and 27,
Tuesday: Time Management - 4 30 p m
You may attend all the topic sessions or
choose the ones the ones whore vou need
the most improvement.
Dr. Hal Daniel, Ph.D. Dept of Spooch
Language and Auditory Pathology will
speak about his research interests in hu
man evolution and biological anthropol-
ogy Tuesday, February 27, 4 30 p m BD
302 Refreshments will be served All
Anthropology majorsminors or anyone
that is interested in learning more are cor-
dially invited to attend.
All families and friends of children with
special noods and interested professional
are invited to the annual meeting ot Par
ents supporting Parents! ISP' It will be
held Thursday. March 1st at 730 pm ir
room 10" ol the BVik Building on the ECL
campus Dt JoannieGolden psvchologis
and assistant protessor in Psychology at
ECU, is the featured speaker and will b
speaking on Dealing with the stress ti
Being Everything to FveryNxiv Also ti
See page 7, Announcements

The East Carolinian, February 22, 1990 7
Continued from page 6
IvmltoJul will Be IM"s WffW ,u-w
officers Free babysitting services will be
offered during the meeting tor those who
i all Sand) Sleek at 757 4W or J55 1127
by February 27
Expressions is now accepting fiction and
non fiction prose, news articles and po
etrv for review tor the April issue Head
line tor all submissions is March 2 at
5 (Xp m rheoffice is located in the Publi
cations Bldg across from ovnet 1 ibrary
All majors are encouraged to attend a
summer sales internship seminar on a
college agent program to be held Wednes
day February 28, at 4 p m in room IGS2,
General Classroom Building learn how
OUan loin the No 1 sales force in indus
try with the most admired life insurance
company in America
Attention all members' T"he most highly
publicized meeting of the semester will be
held on Wed , Fcb 28 at p m. in Jenkins
Auditorium. Even if you've missed the
tirst two meetings, make sure you're at this
one There are still plenty of opportunities
to earn points Ticket sales, state project,
and the national convention will be dis-
cussed Inductions are coming up soon'
CjAMMA b eta p h I
There will bo an organizational meeting at
s p m on February 28 in lenkins Audits
num Officers will meet at 8 30 p m
8 days, and 7 nights of beach and pool side
parties, live bands, contests, and special
events DriVC-$l39, Bus S229, and S23
damage deposit Full payment due Thur
Feb 22 Beach front resort check-in times
Sat March 3 at 4 (X)p m and out bv Sat.
March 10 at 8 00 p m For more informa
tion call Renee or Nancy at 757-3575.
David Brown from the Cousteau Society
will present a slide and lecture series on
Tue, Feb 28 at 8:00 p m in Hendrix The
atre Free admission
Amnesty Chapter 4(T2 of Greenville will
bo having its monthly meeting on Feb 28 at
8 (X) p m at St. Paul's Episcopal Church on
4th St All are welcome to attend and help
us write for our political prisoner in Yugo-
Every Friday Night
9 - 1 am
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Page 8
1 oHie iEaat Carolinian I
State and Nation
East Germany lifts
subsidies; officials
fear food hoarding
German Premier Hans Modrow
Tuesda appealed to his country-
men no I to hoard food, following
an announcement that authorities
plan to hit food subsidies
Meanwhile a joint commis
sion led b Cabinet ministers ol
the two Germanys met ruesdav
tor the first time tor talks on
monetary and economic union
between the two states, a maior
step I'n tho road io reunification
Modrovs told Parliament that he
had hoard last Germans were
making runs on stores to stock up
(Mi cheap lood before tho subsi-
des arc lifted and tho prices go
I ask every citizen to show
restraint and not to buy beyond
normal needs lie said
On 1onda representatives
ot 16 organizations including the
Communist led government the
pro detTun ia parties md lal
unions i ? ? ! to abolish state
UhkI subsidies before tin VI i h
I s tree elet tions
I he Ml billion East (ierman
marks $5.billion freed from
the state budget is to be spent on
inontlm payments ol 15(1 marks,
about $2, to each East (Ierman
citizen to compensate tor higher
food prices and improve living
The subsidies are being htted
ill part !o stop a run by West .or
mans on i heaper food at ross the
border and to put prices in line
with the cost of production
Modrow did not specify which
areas of East Germany wero Mil
feting from panic food-buying,
and no unusual crowding was
noticed at last Berlin storos
The Communist premier
appealed to East (.ermans to stay
home, saying that the elections
will lay the foundations for a his-
toric step - German unity
Modrow also urged East Germans
to keep their money in the hanks
East Germans, worried about their
savings becoming worthless un
dor a monetary union with West
Germany, have been withdraw
ing their funds from banks
1 le repeated his rejection of a
monetary union before the dec
tion and again urged tho West
(ierman government to approve
massive immediate aid tor the
struggling East German economy
In Bonn. West (Iermanban
i ellor Helmut Kohl met nth in
dustnal leaders to discuss Gei
man economic cooperation Hi
said there would be no bailout
unless East Germany adopts w ide
reforms to encourage private in
estment, including accepting the
WestIerman mark as the official
i urrency.
A monetary union would
replace the non-convertible East
German mark with the mights
West German mark, whuh lead
ers in both states hope will stem
the daily exodus ot 2,000 East
See Germany, page 9
UNC-CH begins
proposed cats
( HAPELH1L1 (AP) North
Carolina's flagship public univer
sitv has told department heads to
freeze hiring and spending in the
midst (?i ,1 worsening budget
The measures are necessary
after tho I Iniversityol NorthCaro-
lina has been faced with $3.4 mil-
lion in budget cuts over the last
two quarters ol the financial year.
I niversity administrators
told deans, department heads and
directors about the latest budget
actions at a spt ial meeting rues-
day. Layoffs are a possibility it
fourth quarter allo ations are loss
than expei ted, said Bon ! luchi,
i INC-Chapcl I till vicei hanccllor
tor business and finaw ?
c ha e enacti I tl i nora
torium because th spei ling on
trols we impc?sed in lanuarv have
not yielded the results we need
luchi said. We ve new used .ill
the nou hes we've got in our belt
I ast month st.itc tficials
announced cuts un ash allotments
to all state agencies for tin- third
quarter, which began Ian I. be-
cause of 1 lumcane I lugo i leanup
costs and a general revenue short
tall Tho latest actions, officials
said, will have a serious impact on
tho v hool.but to what extent, they
t outdn t sav
"I think everybody's morale
will be hurt, s.utl I Dennis
O'Connor, vice chancellor tor
academic attairs
"When ou fake a hit like this.
we're going to try to maintain the
instructional mission ol the insti-
tution by whatever moans are
necessary I hope that wearegoing
to be able to do that until gradu-
ation on Mav 13
O'Connor said the budget cuts
tor the second and third quarters
have surpassed the $32 million
reduction in the fourth quarter last
year At that time, university offi-
cials worried that they might have
to resort to some severe measures
things like closing tho library.
writing exams on blackboards
because there wasno paper tocopy
them on or scaling back on gradu-
Asked it such stops wore pos-
sible this year, O'Connor told the
Greensboro News ?? Record. "1 can I
imagine there not being a gradu-
ation. But then again. I can't imag-
ine the kind of distress we are in
Last vear, the UNA system
got off relatively lightly because a
majority of the budget cuts were
rescinded. This year, the situation
is much worse for UNC-Chapel
Hill and North Carolina State
University particularly At the
latter school, some classes have
been canceled,others enlarged and
several part-time instructors laid
off. Travel expenses have become
a thing of the past
The money crunch led to a
freeze on non-essential equipment
purchases, reduced laboratory
hours, fewer class handouts and
See Cuts, page 9
Senators' characteristics
The number of
women and blacks in
the Senate:
0 0
Source Vital Statistics on American
Politics. Harold W. Stanley and
Richard G Niemi, Congressional
Quarterly Press, 1989
Julie Stacey, Gannett News Service
European Community meets
itnon i uesdav. failed topei suade
the I uropeanommunitv to ease
sanctionsagainst South Urn a and
inn.Minced it would g ? il ? id and
htt an embargo i new inesl
mint It said it had I.import
foi such an ai tion
e need to give support ti'
South African President de
Klerk who has taken hi; political
life in his hands. British i oreign
Secretary I )ouglas I lurd de lared
afteraday longmei tmgi : foreign
ministers of the wealthy 12 na
tion trade bloc ended indeadlox k
It is not enough to it ba? k
and s?v. That'seneouraging let's
see what vmi do next, he u.1
I lurd sakl President - ? ?
Bush wrote British Pnn i Vlmistet
Margaret That, her on I ui sday
analyzing the legal ? ituation
imposed by Congress Bush is
prevented byongn ???? In ?m lift
ing sanctions until South tn a
fulfills stru t conditions
I le I Bush) i in on to s,n the
steps we are taking are positive
and added that he feels very
strongh that when omeom .Iocs
v. hat . mi are asking him, vu
should tt. . ignize that la. t. 1 lurd
I he foreign ministers rejected
a British t ompromisc to dela
a tion it all 12 nations pledged to
s. rap the 1986 investment em-
bargo when 5outh Africa lifts the
state ol emcrgew v ind to end all
embargoes w hen bla k and u hite
leaders start negotiations
Ihci ommunit ud in a state
men! that the white dominated
government's political reforms
"while welcome . do not vet go
tar enough "
The nivnster.det ided to send
i three-nation, fact findtng mis
sion to South Africa The coun
tries France, Ireland and Italy
are the past, present and next
holders of the community 's rotat-
ing presidency.
I lurd said while Britain did
not oppose the mission, "It did not
meet the case It would be inter-
preted as a signal by the 1? delay-
ing rather than encouraging
Irish Foreign Minister Gerry
Collins said unilateral a. tii n
would damage credibility of
European political o topcratii n
1 his would be a dangerous
precedent and I would appeal
ti1 everyone here n it to embark n
such stub a i nurse
( ollins said the community
did agree to lift ultural ,ud scien
ttfiC restrictions on the under
standing "that our objective in
doing this is to contribute to the
ending of apartheid
Mrs Thatchei ended these
restrictions this month when Presi-
dent Klerk announced tar
reaching reforms, including legal
izing the African National Con
gross .d then releasing black
leader Nelson Mandela She ar
guesthat unless de Klerk can show
some positive international re
Sponsc to his actions, he could be
toppled in a white backlash
Only Portugal like Britama
former colonial power in Africa
gave llurd some support before
finally going with the majority.
Hurd said Britain's long and
See Talks, page 9
Nicaraguan violence eases
with approaching elections
MANA ,1 A Nicaragua(AP)
The Sandinista government
says nine people were killed in
.lashes with i ontra rebels over
the past week but international
obscn ers an notu ; a lull in po
litical violence as general elections
I he foreigners s,iv they ex
peel Sunday's potentially pivotal
balloting to be p etui, tree and
"Over the 'ast two weeks we
had been rather worried about
possible violence Iqbal Kia ot
Pakistan, lot. al head of the United
Nations mission to observ ? the
elections, said Monday
"Over the last lew days the
tone has been lowered he said,
"and wi are noticing a willing
ness bv each parts to avoid vio-
Tension had shot up over the
past two weeks as the leftist
Sandinistas and their mam chal-
lenger, the I S hat ked I mted
National Opposition coalition,
exchanged threats of violence.
President Paniel Ortega, seek
ing .mother six-year term, threat
ened to close the newspaper pub
Iished bv coalition presidential
candidate Yiolcta Barrios de
Chamorro and confiscate her
house it the Sandinistas win. He
also threatened to seize the home
of its vice presidential candidate.
Virgilio Godoy.
Codoy had threatened to
"make the Sandinistas pay the bill"
- -an ominous Nicaraguan expres-
sion that can imply anything, in-
cluding death. Both threats came
in campaign speeches, but both
sides have since toned down their
As Riza was speaking at a
news conference at the foreign
correspondents'club in Managua,
the Defense Ministry issued a
communique on the clashes with
the US backed Contras
The one-page statement said
Sandinista troops fought Contras
in Chon tales pro vinccin the south
on Wednesday and Friday and in
Nueva Segovia province in the
north on Sunday It said five reb-
els died in the clashes It did not
report any army casualties.
The Defense Ministry also
accused the Contras of ambush
ing and killing tour peasants in
the northern province ot hnotcga
on week ago and of kidnapping a
civilian in the South Atlantic An
tonomous Region on Sunday. It
said one of the peasants killed in
Imotcga was a Sandinista Front
The four Jinotega victims were
buried Monday in the town of
The Sandinistas have repeat-
edly accused the Contras of in-
timidating and killing Sandinista
supporters in the countryside. The
Contras have dented it
State school boards criticized for Channel One ban
RAI EIGH(AP) Some local
school officials criticized the State
Board of Education after it de
Cided to sue OVef the use of a
Commercial television program
and to expand its ban on the prod-
The board voted Monday to
take the Thomasville Otv school
system to court because of its re-
fusal to abide by the state board's
ban on the use of Channel One, a
12-minute commercial television
program The board also decided
to sue the program's producer,
Whittle Communications, of
Knoxville, Tenn.
The state board had voted to
ban Channel One con tracts signed
after Feb. 1, but Monday declared
that all con tracts for the news show
were void, even if they had been
signed before the board outlawed
it State officials said about 90 lo-
cal schools had agreed to show the
Some local school officials
criticized the moves, saying they
infringed on the prerogatives of
local boards
The Thomasville school board
set up Monday's confrontation on
Feb. 8 by signing a contract tor the
program, saving the state board
had exceeded its authority bv
banning the show
Thomasville school Superin-
tendent Ron Singlctary said it's
impossible to separate Channel
One from the larger issue of local
control. "This is symptomatic of
the kind of confusion that has
plagued local boards for the past
20 years ? confusion about the
role of the state board in relation
to local boards.
"And this issue doesn't clear
it up at all he added.
Channel One offers a dailv 12-
minutc news program, which
includes two minutes of advertis-
ing. The contract with Whittle
Communications requires schools
to show the program to all stu-
dents each day. In exchange, the
schools are loaned $50,000 worth
of video equipment for the length
of the contract.
The suit also charges that the
See Lawsuit, page 9
February 22. 1990
Poles fear
a unified
survey says
PARIS (AIM poll taken in
eight (astern and Western Euro
pcancountriesindi it. ?thatonlv
Poles tear reunifica
tion ol.ermanv
When asked it thev favored or
opposed to the reunification (t the
two( icrmanys, M percent ot Poles
surveyed said thev were either
somewhat opposed or verv op
posed, in the results published in
several newspapers Monday
Twenty-six percent said thev were
rather fa vorableoi very favorable
By contrast.o the seven other
countries polled, opposition was
only 17 percent in West.ermanv .
6 percent in Spain, 23 percent in
France, 27 percent in Britain, I $
percent in Italy, ?2 pen ent in
Hungary mo1 i1 percent in thi
Soviet Union
Postwar II " 1 ind im lu I
s territoi
w hilt? ii h i t its (iu n I.n
to th So let i
West C. rman I reign Mine
ter Hans-Dietrich Gcnscher has
promised thai i unifu d.ermanv
would not t ' iv claim to the lost
tcrritiir but hi and ith r Cer
man leaders oppose Poland's re
quest it be granted a role w ith
the four World War li Mlicsin the
p ninth ation pro. ess
The survey was coordinated
by France's I SA Institute polling
organization and involved a nt
tional sampling of people 18 years
old or more in all of the countries
except the Sovief Union, where
the poll was i arricd bat only m the
Mos, vv region In France, 1,024
people w en question! d
Asked it thev thought the
evolution in (-astern Europe
would guarantee a period of pea. e
not really lessen the risks or pos-
sibly provoke a new world con-
flict; the Poles w ere the most wary
with 56 percent sav ing risks were
not really lessened and 19 percent
saving a new conflict was pos
The second most cautious
were the French. 50 percent of
whom said the risks remained the
same and 13 percent that conflict
was possible
Altogether, eight or-
ganizations took part in the Mir-
vey The published poll provided
no further details on how it was
conducted or the margin for error
eral Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan said Tuesday the econ-
omy has likely passed the danger
point for an imminent recession
and he predicted continued, al
though modest, economic growth
for the rest of this vear.
Greenspan said the central
bank expects the economy-to grow
far more sluggishly this vear than
the bush administration predicts
That scenario could dash the
administration's hopes of making
significant progress on reducing
the federal budget deficit
Greenspan commented in an
annual appearance before Con-
gress to reveal the bank's all-im-
portant monetary and economic
growth targets for the new year
The testimony bolstered the belief
among many pnvate economists
that the Federal Reserve Board is
not likely to move soon to push
interest rates lower.
Greenspan emphasized a be-
lief that the economy appears to
be rebounding from an extremely
See Economy, page 9

The East Carolinian, February 22,1990 9
? .
Continued from page 8
rhomasviltc board exceeded its
authority by signing the contract,
allowed students to bo exploited
r v ommercial purposes, surren-
dered its control ot classroom
materials to Whittle and violated
state laws that guarantee the pri-
v,k of students
Ihe rhomasvilteCity Board
l! du ation has In- its contract or
agreement with Whittle bartered
thetimeol itsstudentsin payment
for the use of electronic equip
men! and imposed costs on them
tor their education in violation of
the tree public school' clause of
the North Carolina Constitution
the suit hied bv the state board
The suit asks the court to bar
rhomasvilie and any other local
school system from contracting or
implementing a contract with
W hittlec 'ommunications Educa-
tion board Chairman Howard
Haworth said school groups thai
COntinuod trom page 8
had complained the state action
violates a new state law promis-
ing more local school control were
misrepresenting what that law
"The state board has been on
record for threeyearsaggressively
supporting more local flexibility
with adequate accountability
Haworth said. The issue seems
to revolve around flexibility, not
accountability. The second pillar
ol (the new law) is accountabil-
reduced indent hiring, accord
toN.C State officials
i New here in the system, otti
,ils sa thev have been able to
ibsorb the losses without resort
the drastic actions taken in
( hapel 1 iill and Raleigh
Bui that doesn't mean that
ils like the University oi
rth Carolina .it Greensboro,
S.( A&T State University and
S( hool ol the Arts in Winston-
m'iih haven't fell the pinch. At
imtinued from page 8
? ? .his tn their t u h neighboi
nmediate agreement is un
V alter Romberg the minister
thoul portfolio heading East
ermanv s side in the talk said
inel would attempt to define
tai tK what a monetary and eco
n i union is and what is needed
ftieve it. Romberg said East
ormany w ill demand safeguards
0 protect his country's pension
rs unemployed and the savings
? its citizens against losses m the
?.cut ol monetary union
1 lorst koehler, the state secre
r. in the Bonn finance Ministry
rag the West German ddca
? pressed willingness to
? ki pei '? progress Buthesaid
? ?? ? date tor con hiding th
?tiations had been set
While talks (n reunification
oned another piece ol the c old
ir headed into oblivion as East
crman herder guards started
1 smantlmg the Berlin Wall be
the Reichstag building and
? heckpoint Charlie border
? ssine Over the next month, the
ill will be removed until the
tire 1 2-milestret hbetween the
? iament building, or Reichstag,
Aheckpoint Charlie is gone
theS hool ol the Arts, forexample,
Students have been asked to pitch
in m clean up the campus The
guest artist program has been
eliminated, and library purchases
have been put on hold
rhe crisis began inearly Janu-
ary whenstateofficialsannounced
cuts in cash allotments to all state
agencies tor the third quarter,
which began fan 1 These were
necessary because ot Hurricane
1 lugo cleanup costs and a general
revenue shorttall
Slimmer Employment
at the BEACH! Now hiring
salesclerks at Nags Head,
NC Salary $4.50 to
$5. an hour
write to.
T Shirt Whirl
P.O. Box 1285
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or apply during Spring Break
( ontinued trom page 8
I O tobcr De emtv i pe
j rule at the same time infla
irv pressures remain itui
I ? ible levels I he Fed i hairman
itod a string ol recent cconomi
ports showing a rebound in
nomic activity in January rang
? fn m rising auto sales to a big
nimp in housing construe lion
From these and similar data,
iie ran inter the beginnings ol a
n 'di si firming in economic ac
? t Greenspan told a House
Banking subcommittee.
While we cannot be ertain
that we are as yet out of the reces-
sionary woods, such evidence
warrants at least guarded opti-
mism he said. Available
indicators of near-term economic
performance suggest that the
weakest point may have passed
(Ireenspan's testimony served
to reaffirm statements he made
three weeks ago m another con
gressional appearance
Continued from page 8
often lone policy of opposing
sanctions had paid off in persuad-
ing white South Africans, through
encouragement, to move away
from apartheid. He said Britain
will end the investment ban with
an announcement in Parliament
by the Trade Department, adding:
"j see no reason for delay
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School superintendents have
complained the state board
exceeded its authority by order-
ing local systems not to contract
tor Channel One.
"The iceling of the superin-
tendents is the state board has gone
too tar in a reactionary stance
said Robert Nelson, superinten-
dent ot the Hoke County School
System and a member of t he super
intendents' group that criticized
the state board's actions Friday.
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So join us February 14th through
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For The Offices Of:
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Filing Dates
February 23 -
March 2, 1990
For Information Call SGA Office:
Mendenhall Student Center

uUje iEaat (Earoltman
Page 10
February 22,19
Student publishes book
of poetry and art work
By Caroline Cusick
Features Editot
it wasn i tor csus l lc gave mc my firs! reasons to
write Following in those footsteps,
Rishel's perms express in words the fear, doubt and
expectation thai most people counter every day of
What kind of person does it take to be self
publishedIt takes a person willing to put in hoursol their lues
hard work willing to trust. ,md wilting to share his 1 he book is filled with feelings that mosl people
or her thoughts with the world can relate to Bui Rishcl acknowledged thai the per
Wall Rishel a history major at ECU, published a sonal nature ol the book mighl make it diffii ull lor
book of his poetry in lusU and is working on his some people to grasp 'Al the time I wrote some ol
second which should be complete by uly Rishel's the poems 1 thought you had to complicate things to
first book "Ascending I labilities is currently avail be intelligent But I ve realized thai lifedoesn t have
able in both the Student Stores and al University to be complicated at all.
Book Exchange. I Jespite this understanding, publishing hisbook
While trying to publish his book. Rishel s.iul he began as i simple proje t and grew more complex,
learned how to deal with people It's the firs! expc When he first de? ided to publish his work, theproj-
riencel veever had in trying to sell my life Rishel eel was jusl an experimeni Bui as time went on,
explained that his poetry relays his feelings and Rishel said, the book "became an obsession
struggles through parts of his life. Rishel hose to publish the book on hisownafter
1 here's a lot in the first book about death and dealing w itharlton Tress in New ork ity tter
a lot about problems that I sometimes reated for sending thorn a copy ol his work and ideas for the
mvself. People over-dramatize their lues 1 think in bwk niton Press sent him a contra I tor publi a
this book there s a little bit ol over dramatization, tion
and a little bit of it is right on ITtevworegoii lit Lie In ui i ilhei
Poems in the book blend reality and imagination and othei pevnis he best It
maw.n that shows the author's perspective on ? to take it over fhoy veregon I end ill
things without forcing the reader to remain in a
mental box I lie poems guide the readers minds
while allowing room tor readme, between the lines.
Rishel writes o that his readerscan relate what they
ire reading to their own experiences
Ascending I labilities is . reflet tion and result
ot its author in much the same w ay Rishel sav s he is
a reflection ol his parents Rishel dedicated the book
to "Mom ,v I )ad & esus. I le said, "It's their book,
w ritten b their son. 1 needed something in there to be happy w ith it
acknowledge the fact that I wouldn t have this talenl I . onl pi
By foe Horst
sutl Writer
to do th ?. ' ? ? " ' '
fhe w1 ri n ' ? ? ' I ut am illustrations in il
Mil weren t going to do it the wa I wanttxl itdonc
hu h kind ol bothered be bet ause I wanted m first
book to be something I did So it this was the onl
one a! least I uld -siv that I dii
Walt Rishel, a history maior al ECU, self published a book ol poetry
and art His book. 'Ascending 1 labilities is available in both the
Student Stores and University Book Exchange
Prize winning play
succeeds as a movie
? ittle Shop Ol Horrors
I i.mton s I V.ith and ome
Ba k to the! iveand I Hme, immy
Dean, imm Dean "hreedown
one to go rhe question arises Is
there anv connection in the essen
tial themes ol the mainstage pro
du tions thai the El I Drama
Department does and it so. is it
intentu nal ?
fhe answer to the latter ques
tion, i i irding to I dgar i oessin,
retiring hairoi
no I he main c riteria that is
looked .e a hen i hoosing the pro
ductioi m th ivail ibiltty i (
:? in h as money and the
? ? ? ?? pi tilt to w ? V '?'?
By Debra Blake
st.itf Writer
She is a 72 v old lewish
m wa And it widow who takes an unexpected
it wi
e then 11 mild look ba k and say
I thi m and i did it 1 ithor wa I d
?inn 1 -i e ???. ith scending 1 labili
ties other than the art work not necessinly going
w ith moot the poems be ause a lot of it was thrown
? .tlni is that it's over such a wide period of time
that it doesn t ha e a basit theme w hu h the next one
as dire tor 1 he story takes pi n ,
in southernieorgia during the
?It's and unes us into th i n
I an vkn ?vd deserves praise
drive into the neighbors' garden inhisroleasBoolieWerthan, Miss
s a result she acquires Hoke, an Daisy'sson Boolii tries to please
illiterate, black widower, hired as his mother ii ? .en in while she
a chauffeur by her son After her exhibits a mn I I hei
4s Pa kard ends up in the garden, ykroydsupplu sa now imageby
Hoke begins 'Driving Miss showing a new side to his acting
I )ais ith a (ieorgiai iccenl y kro d
cssica lands gives a com- develops a character outside his
it it weren't tor them A lot ot the photographs are
personal, and thev may not belong there, but 1 felt I
had to have something in there about them Even
thme that 1 am, they made me. esus,ol course, made
us all. and 1 owe everything to Him' will have I think the second one a lot of people will mendable performance as Miss normal comic roles
Rishel admitted that he didn't give jesus as be ible to associate with ' Daisy Hoke, played by Morgan On mam occasions Mis;
much recognition in this book as he would have Rishel's second book will feature 70 poems and Freeman, deserves a great deal of Daisy remembers her younger
hked rhere are a few things in there that might not 10 full-page illustrations bv Mian bowl and left admiration together they capture days and claims to Know how
te appealing to Jesus if I had the opportunity to give Parker who did the pen drawings in Ascending anoxuberamethat is undeniably poverty tools She is too proud to
il to Him. But I decided no. to compromise mv I sparkling admit that she is financially well
thoughts and just lease them as 1 had original Thiscolleotionofartandliteratureisanexcellcnl PlWrigljt Atfed Uhry con, off and resente, Hoke for flaunting
wnttenthem Some things might be a little harsh but displav of talenl rhe poems are well written an the ? verts his Pulitzer Prize winning herfortune He onth, ntherhand
I meant everything at some point in time art work encourages though! lor poetrv lovers, pla into a touching film, while sees nothing wrong with herpos,
Rishel said he began writing poetn because il Ascending 1 .abilities ?rth readm, Bruce Beresford shows his talent tionand insist
helped him as he struggled with
doubts through his high school
years. Writing poetry washis way
ol expressing pleas and praise to
I n. according to Rishel I don't
think I would have ever written it
Coming up
Mr Potato Head
The Back Door?
Dillon Fence
Crystal Coast
Liquid Sound
Mark Johnson
and Friends
The Naugahyde
House of Mirth
Sloppy Joe
These naked youths are the Naugahyde Chihuahuas and they will be playing at the New Deli Saturday
night The Chihuahuas is a progressive band with a number ot original songs In the past, they have done
covers including music of T he Cjre Wire, Pit and E cho and the Bunnymen Opening tor the Naugahyde
Chihuahuas is House ot Mirth
at the front door ol the i nun n so
everyone will notu c
During his first week ol work.
Hoke is scorned for loan me light
bulbs, ordorod out ol her flower
garden and resented by Miss 1 )aisy
tor his presence in her home Al-
though Miss Daisy blusters about
never being prejudiced she does
not retrain from telling Hoohethat
1 loke "takes things jusl as she
assumes all blacks do He took
and atconeol ninecansoi salmon
and to her surprise, replat ed it the
next morning
1 throughout the film wc see
Mis Daisy soften and actuallv
experience a little guilt After
Boolie turns down an invitation to
attend a Martin Luther King trib-
ute, head ises her to take I loke as
an escort
She waits until the night ol the
tribute to ask him to go mik ,iy
proachesthe situation in an offen-
sive manner She ends up going
alone and spends the entire eve
ning concentrating on the empty
i hair, while Moke waits m the car
and listens to the tribute on the
"Dri ingMissDaisy" isastory
See Driving, page 11
E von tl ? ' ?? nnection wa
not formal!) intended i ? I ?
. ? ? ? ? plays that wei
i ? ? beprodui ed inthe I 89
ison -1I four play s, ea h
? wav.d
vi irning tor a bettor life and the
disillusionment that an n
??? ? ? ? Irean
. imc n ality I he merging ol
fantasv and realitv imposes the
oftendiffu ult truth thai it is 5 rrv
times nei essary tor a dre in I
1mam jusl that, a dream, in order
for one to functi
I ittle Shop of Horn - I
retted by Pans Peel gives forth
the character ol Seymour, who
dreams that (none) and tame w ill
mtom.i illy make Audrey love
I im fter relinquishing hi? per
sonal morals id alues in or I
to acquire this money and fam
Sevmour discovers that Audi
has come to love him for tl
same values -tter sacrificing
udrev herself in order to furl I 1
his personal gain, Seymour f mall)
realizes his mistake in allowing
the dream to become realitv
in' Danton s Death, directed
bv Edgar 1 oessin theprotagoi
I anton sdream isthathecane? I
without having to deal with re-
sponsibility I le yearns to be a
to live as a pure Epii ur an who
makes his lecisions I
whether or not the outcome is
: leasurable to himself His real
itv along w ith his dream, is s! o
? red w hen he dis overs thai I
ictionsdohav 1 ? quences
that those actions must be paid
In ' ome Back to the Five and
Dime, immy Dean, imm
Dean! . directed bv Don Biehn,
the entire plav is based on the
characters' yearning tor a return
to the child like innocence of the
1950s irtually all of the individu-
als come to the realization that
their dream has no viable place in
the world that thev live in now
Mon.o specifically comes to the
See Drama, page 11
Pickiri the Bones:
BoneheacTs super powers bridle the savage beast
By Chippy Bonehead
Sum Rodeo King
Initially, I didn't want to.
It snot that I don't want tobe
open to new experiences Hut this
is a thirteen-vear-old girlv tv pe ot
thing 1 explained. "Thev re v erv
large. Larger than that speed limit
sign I gestured. "Hundreds ol
people die every year doing this
I staticiticiod
Stress Lass pist nodded.
"Drive she said We have to
stopat the teller machine and pu k
up lack of Noticeable Super
Powers C arl before we get there
Unsympathetic to my plight, she
gaed (iit the window and used
her super power to tret about a
paper due in her technical writing
1 here was no way out ol it 1
was roped into going horseback
riding, and apparently, and not
even mv mighty bi inepowers were
going to get my out ol it I'd never
been before, but mv formidable
Avoiding Dangerous AndOr
Humiliating Situations Sense told
me that this was something I didn't
need to be wasting mv Saturday
morning doing.
We picked upLackCy Powers
( arl and sped to the stables m the
( upied with worry over her
roommate's love life, she totally
missed the stable, even though we
cm led the place three times, and
Bonanza Bov and his girlfriend
Aerobics Woman were tumping
up Md down in the parking lot
waving each time we rode bv.
When wegotout and met with
our companions Stress, Lack and I
stood around the muddy parking
lot impotcntiv, waiting for some-
one to tell us what horse to climb
up on. Finally, thev did.
Stress got a kindly old nag
named "Squaw Aerobics got a
petite pony named "Peanut I ack
got one with no name. Bonanza
got one ironically called "Chip
per As the stable guv handed the
reins to me, he Informed me that
Shithead, here, "killed my granma
last week " I aughing evilly, he let
go of the reins and Shithead gal-
loped off like a possessed skate
To leave the stable, vou had to
trot down .1 slippery, muddy in-
cline. Shithead neighed madly and
slid down on two feet Ve were
off and running down the gravel
After the initial slunk of rid-
ing a moving vehicle that has no
seat belts, brakes or stereo, 1 actu-
ally began to enjoy myself. It was
a beautiful d.iv. Die birds were
singing, the grasses were swaying
poetically in the breeze.
I pretended to be a cowboy.
"Look, vail, the teterphone crop's
COmin' in right good this ear. as
we passed a field whose only dis-
cernable crop did seem to be tele-
phone poles. Everyone laughed,
and, my confidence bolstered bv
the fact my Bonehumor powers
will still working. I attempted to
iteer mv horse
Bad move. Shithead had h:s
own ideas about where he would
go. And thev all involved his get
ting back to the stables as fast as
possible and getting this punv
human thing off his back, 90 he
could indulge in some good graz-
This began a mighty struggle
between us. A battle of wills, man
vs. beast It was an epic conflict,
one that brought out the long
dormant and untapped survival
skills in mv blood. The fire ot my
ancestors flowed through me as 1
struggled with this creature
The blood and fire of my an-
cestors wont out fi ve minutes later
when 1 had to ask Bonanza Bov to
See Horsies, page 11

Page 10
(She Sagt (Karpltman
February 22,1990
Student publishes book
of poetry and art work
By Caroline Cusick
Features Fditor
it wasn't tor lesus. He gave me my first reasons to
write Following in those foundational footsteps,
Rishel's poems express in words the tear, doubt and
What kind of person does it take to bo self- expectation that most people counter every d.w of
published? It takes a person willing to put in hours of their lives
hard work, willing to trust, and willing to share his
or her thoughts with the world
Walt Rishel, a history major at ECU, published a
book of his poetry in 1989 and is working on his
second which should be complete bv fury. Rishel's
first book, "Ascending Liabilities" is currently avail-
able in both the Student Stores and at University
Book Exchange.
While trying to publish his book, Rishel said he
learned how to deal with people 'It's the first expe-
rience I've ever had in trying to sell my lite Rishel
explained that his poetrv relays his feelings and
struggles through parts ot his life
There's a lot in the first book about death and
a kit about problems that 1 sometimes created tor
myself. People over-dramatize their lues. I think in
this book there's a little bit ot over-dramatiation.
and a little bit ot it is right on
Poems m the book blend reality and imagination
m a way that shows the author's perspective on
things without forcing the reader to remain in a
mental box, 1 he poems guide the readers minds
while allowing room for reading between the lines.
Rishel writes SO that his readers can relate what they
.ire reading to their own experiences
"Ascending I labilities' is ,i reflection and result
of its author in much the same way Rishel says he is
a reflection of his parents. Rishel dedicated the book
to "Mom & Pad & lesus He said, "It's their book,
written bv their son. I needed something in there to
acknowledge the tact that 1 wouldn't have this talent
it it weren't for them. A lot of the photographs are
personal, and they may not belong there, but 1 felt I
had to have something in there about them. Every-
thing that I am. they made me. fesus, of course, made
us all, and 1 owe everything to Him
Rishel admitted that he didn't give lesus as
much recognition in this book as he would have
liked. "There are a tew things in there that might not
be appealing to lesus if 1 had the opportunity to give
it to Him. But I decided not to compromise my
thoughts and just lease them as 1 had originally
written them. Some things might ho a little harsh but
I meant every thing at some point in time
Rishel said he began writing poetry because it
helped him as he struggled with
doubts through his high school
years. Wrttingpoetry washisway
of expressing pleas and praise to
God, according to Rishel. "1 don't
think I would have ever written it
The book is filled with feelings that most people
can relate to. But Rishel acknowledged that the per-
sonal nature of the book might make it difficult for
some people to grasp. "At the time 1 wrote some of
the poems 1 thought ou had to complicate things to
be intelligent. But I've realized that life doesn't have
to be complicated .it all
Despite this understanding, publishing hi shook
began as a simple project and grew more complex.
When he firs! decided to publish his work, the proj-
ect was just an experiment. But as time went on,
Rishel said, the book "became an obsession
Rishel hose to publish the book on his own after
dealing with Carlton Press in New York City. After
sending them a copy of his work and ideas tor the
book Carlton Press sent him a contract tor publica-
lhe were going to call it Lie In Your I eather'
and other poems l he best I could tell they were
going to take it over f"he were going to send it to he
W. ? '?? and to Los Angeles I he -were going
to do the whole thine,
rhev weren't going to put any illustrations m it
1 he weren't going todo it the way 1 wanted it done.
Whk hkindol bothered be because I wanted my first
book to be something I did So it this was the only
one. at least 1 could say that 1 did it nn iv,n And it
it were the first one. then I could look back and sav
1 his is u hat started them and 1 did it Either way I'd
be happv with it.
" Iheonlv problem 1 see with 'AscendingLiabili-
ties other than the art work not necessarily going
with someoi thepoemsbecausealotofit was thrown
together is that it sever such a wide period ot time
that it doesn't have a basic theme which the next one
will have I think the second one a lot ot people will
be able to associate with. "
Rishel's second book will feature 70 pcoms and
40 full-page illustrations by Shan Boyd and left
Parker, who did the pen drawings in "Ascending
I labilities
This collection of art and literature isan excellent
display ot talent Hie poems are well written an the
art work entourages thought lor poetry lovers,
Ascending 1 labilities is worth reading
By Joe Horst
Stjff Writer
Walt Rishel. a history maior at ECU. self-published a book of poetry
and art His book, "Ascending Liabilities' is available m both the
Student Stores and University Book Exchange
Prize winning play
succeeds as a movie
By Debra Blake
stjft Writer
he is a 72-year-old Jewish
widow who takes an unexpected
drive into the neighbors' garden.
As a result she acquires I loke. ,n
illiterate, black w idower, hired as
a chauffeur by her son. After her
'48 Packard ends up in the garden,
Hoke begins "Driving Miss
lessua randy gives a com-
mendable performance as Miss
Daisy. Hoke, played by Morgan
Freeman, deserves a great deal of
admiration. Together they capture
an exuberance that is undeniably
Plavwngty AJted L'hry onnr
Verts'his' Pulitzer Tnze winning
play into a touching film, while
Bruce Berestord shows his talent
Coming up
Mr Potato Head
The Back Doors
Dillon Fence
Crystal Coast
Liquid Sound
Mark Johnson
and Friends
The Naugahyde
House of Mirth
Sloppy Joe
These naked youths are the Naugahyde Chihuahuas, and they will be playing at the New Deli Saturday
night. The Chihuahuas is a progressive band with a number of original songs In the past, they have done
covers including music of The Gjjre. Wire. PiL and Echo and the Bunnymen Opening forthe Naugahyde
Chihuahuas is House of Mirth
as director. The story takes place
in southern (Georgia during the
40s and carries us into the early
Dan Aykroyd deserves praise
in his role as BoolieWerthan, Miss
Daisy's son Boohe tries to please
his mother in every way while she
exhibits a mind ot her own.
Aykroyd suppliesa new image by
showing a new side to his acting.
With a Georgian accent, Aykro) d
develops a character outside his
normal comic roles.
On many occasions Miss
Daisv remembers her younger
davs and claims to know hew
poverty feels. She is too proud to
admit that she is financially well
off and resents Hpke for flaunting
her fortune. He. on the other hand,
sees nothing wrong with her posi-
tion and insists on parking the car
at the front door of the church m
everyone will notice.
During his first week of work.
I loke is scorned tor cleaning light
bulbs, ordered out of her flower
garden and resented by Miss Daisy
for his presence in her home. Al-
though Miss Daisy blusters about
never being prejudiced she does
not retrain from telling Boolie that
Hoke "takes things ust as she
assumes all blacks do. He took
and ate oneof nine cans of salmon,
and to her surprise, replaced it the
next morning.
Throughout the film we see
Miss Daisy soften and actually
experience a little guilt. After
Boolie turns down an invitation to
attend a Martin Luther King trib-
ute, he advises her to take loke as
an escort.
She waits until the night ot the
tribute to ask him to go and ap-
proaches the situation in an offen-
sive manner She ends up going
alone and spends the entire eve-
ning concentrating on the empty
chair, while Hoke waits in the car
and listens to the tribute on the
"Driving Miss Daisy" isastory
See Driving, page 11
'Little Shop ol Horrors
"Danon's Death and 'Come
Ba k to the Five and Dime, jimmy
Dean, hmmv Dean Threedown.
one to go. The question arises Is
there any connection in the essen-
tial themes of the mainsfage pro-
ductions that the ECU Drama
Department does and it SO, is it
The answer to the latter ques
tion. according to Edgar Loessin,
retiring chair of the department, is
no ' The main criteria that is
looked at when choosing the pro-
ductions are the availability of
resources such as money and the is present to work with. '
s,n s I oessin. "The designers, di-
rectors ind technical people all
collaborate, generally choosing
three plav s and one musical
Even though a connection was
not formally intended, one does
exist within the plays that were
chosen to be produced in the 1989-
1990 season All tour plavs. each
in their own way,deal with man's
yearning tor a better life and the
disillusionment that can occur
when the dream and ambitions
become reality. The merging of
fantasy and reality imposes the
often difficult truth that it is some-
times necessary tor a dream to
remain just that, a dream, in order
tor one to function
"Little hop ot Horrors di-
rected by Paris Feet, gives forth
the character of Seymour, who
dreams that money and tame will
automatically make Audrey love
him After relinquishing his per
sonal morals and values in order
to acquire this monev and tame.
Seymour discovers that Audrey
has come to love him tor these
same values. After sacrificing
Audrey herself in order to further
his personal gain, Seymour finally
realizes his mistake in allowing
the dream to become reality
In "Danton's Death directed
by Edgar Loessin. the protagonist
Danton'sdream is that hecan exist
without having to deal with re-
sponsibility 1 le yearns to be able
to live as a pure Epicurean, who
makes his life decisions based on
whether or not the outcome is
pleasurable to himself His real-
ity, along with his dream, is shat-
tered when he discovers that his
actions do have consequences and
that those actions must be paid
In "Come Back to the Five and
Dime, hmmv Dean, hmmv
Dean' . directed bv Don Biehn,
the entire plav is based on the
characters' yearning for a return
to the child-like innocence of the
1950s. VirtuaUyaO of the individu-
als come to the realization that
their dream has no viable place in
the world that thev live in now.
Mona, specifically, comes to the
See Drama, page 11
Pickin' the Bones:
Bonehead's super powers bridle the savage beast
By Chippy Bonehead
Staff Rodeo King
Initially, 1 didn't want to.
"It's not that I don't want to be
open to new experiences. But this
isa thirteen-year-old girly type of
thing 1 explained. "They're very
large. Larger than that speed limit
sign 1 gestured. "Hundreds of
people die every year doing this
I staticiticized.
Stress Lass just nodded.
"Drive she said. "We have to
stop at the teller machine and pick
up Lack of Noticeable Super
Powers Girl before we get there
Unsympathetic to my plight, she
gazed out the window and used
her super-power to fret about a
paper due in her technical writing
There was no wav out of it. I
was roped into going horseback
riding, and apparently, and not
even my mighty honepowers were
going to get my out of it. I'd never
been before, but mv formidable
up and down in the parking lot trot down a slippery, muddy in-
waving each time we rode by.
When we got out and met with
ourcompanionsStress, Lack and I
stood around the muddy parking
lot impotently, waiting for some-
one to tell us what horse to climb
Avoiding Dangerous AndOr up on. Finally, they did.
Humiliating Situations Sense told Stress got a kindly old nag
me that this wassomethingl didn't named "Squaw Aerobics got a
need to be wasting my Saturday petite pony named "Peanut Lack
morning doing.
We picked up Lack O' Powers
Girl and sped to the stables in the
Occupied with worry over her
roommate's love life, she totally
missed the stable, even though we
circled the place three times, and
Bonanza Boy and his girlfriend
Aerobics Woman were jumping
got one with no name. Bonanza
got one ironically called "Chip-
per As the stable guy handed the
reins to me, he informed me that
Shithead, here, "killed my granma
last weel Laughing evilly, he let
go of the reins and Shithead gal-
loped off like a possessed skate
To leave the stable, vou had to
cline. Shithead neighed madly and
slid down on two feet. We were
off and running down the gravel
After the initial shock of rid-
ing a moving vehicle that has no
seat belts, brakes or stereo, I actu-
ally began to enjoy myself. It was
a beautiful day. The birds were
singing, the grasses were swaying
poetically in the breeze.
steer my horse.
Bad move. Shithead had his
own ideas about where he would
go. And they all involved his get-
ting back to the stables as fast as
possible and getting this puny
human thing off his back, so he
could indulge in some good graz-
This began a mighty struggle
between us. A battle of wills, man
vs. beast. It was an epic conflict,
I pretended to be a cowboy, one that brought out the long
"Look, y'all, the telerphone crop's dormant and untapped survival
comin' in right good this year as skills in my blood. The fire of my
we passed a field whose only dis- ancestors flowed through me as I
cernable crop did seem to be tele- struggled with this creature,
phone poles. Everyone laughed. The blood and fire of my an-
and, my confidence bolstered by cestors went out five minutes later
the fact my Bonehumor powers when 1 had to ask Bonanza Boy to
will still working, I attempted to See Horsies, page 11

The East Carolinian, February 22, P)lu l l
Campus Voice
Do you think the dorms
are safe?
famey Tisdale, 20
Biology, Sophomore
Tar River
No, I lived in Fletcher last year.
People prop open doors, don't re-
port things, don't look out for them-
selves and don't think. People need
to educate themselves
L ?
Nora Headley, 20
Knglish, funior
Tar River
"No, anybody can get in. I used to
live in Jones. People do what they
fason Fornes, 19
Biology, Freshman
From what I know thr dorms are
safe. But, the dorms should be
locked .ill dav
Wendy Watts, 21
Marketing Major, junior
Cotton, RA
'Yes, my dorm is sate. The doors are
locked and the girls are kept aware
1 vangela Mercer, 20
business Administration, junior
I guess they arc We need more
public safety officers everywhere,
not jusl patroling the dorms
. barren Rowley, 19
Decision Science, Sophomore
Be Ik
No, so main of the people are com-
ing in and out of suites, it's hard to
keep track of where people a re going.
It's not up to the RAs, it is up to the
individual to keep the rooms
Compiled bv Marjorie McKinstry
Feature Briefs
Black fraternitities ban hazing
( ollege fraternities and sororities, oncerned about possible inju-
ri - ire taking steps to eliminate hazing. I atest move: I leads of eight
national black fraternities and sororities have agreed to do away with
hazing by banning the process ol pledging The agreement will be
presented at the organizations' summer conventions.
Colleges educate students on sex
Survey shows menial use of condoms
C ollegesarc stepping up their efforts to educatestudentsabout safe
sex Recent national surveys show that as few as 10 percent of all
sexually active ollege students usecondomsregularly. lowa'sCrinnell
; tor example, lias created an advisory committee that will
, present human awareness programs on campus throughout the year.
Companies develop high-tech phones
! he telecommunications industry is developing desk phones that
pie can take anywhere. Latest example: AT&T has introduced a
cordless phone that can be tied to a person's belt. The user can put
callers on hold and transfer calls. Four years from now, executives will
be able to take their cordless phones out of the office into the public
h lephone network, one analyst predicts.
I , pynffcj I99Q UM UiU prlr l oltryt Information Sttu ork
Music Notes
Okay, so Danny Flfman of Oingo Boingo has been doing sound-
tracks so long that his touch with the band has, shall we say, matured.
! he nen Oingo Boingo album "Dark At the laid of the Tunnel" is much
less hke their old stuff. Listen and vou'll see what 1 mean. The album is
here at WZMB so call if you want to hear it.
The Cramps and Caterwaul have new albums out and my predic-
tions for new greatness include Cheebov and Nasa, two great new
Kinds It oure hip enough to appreciate good blues, there is also an
album from bluesguv Phillip VValder going into our regular playlist. I
predict that people will one day realize the true greatness of the first
Crowded House album But maybe this is ust one of my many pipe
Upcoming live stuff to see or die include The Cult, Feb. 20 in
Greensboro, The Feelies at the Cafs Cradle Feb. 25, lesus and Mary
Chain with Nine Inch Nails also the 25th al 13-13 in Charlotte and Kevn
Kinney with Peter Buck at the Cradle Feb 16.
Congratulations to all lucky sexually active college students who
won condoms from us I'm not going to make and lewd remark I just
hope to run into a winner so we can discuss the plauses of safe sex
See? Music is fun, isn't it? If you believe WZMB is the only entity
salvaging good, new music then give us gifts, money, food, small
appliances?anything. And listen for a chance to be the WZMB road
trip warrior. Freegas,gruband entertainment canbeyoursand it won't
cost you nothing. Because you're all so swell and we love each and
every oneof you. WZMBcats corn flakes with beer for breakfast, gargles
with Tequilla, cats the worm and loves it all. Join us, won't you?
c on tin tied from page 10
realization that her dream and
fantasy of being singled out by
lames Dean to have his son is iist
that, a fantasy. With that realiza-
tion, her life is devastated and she
is left with irtuallv no purpose at
1 astly, 1 he i louse ot Blue
1 caves dire, ted b DonnYoung
strom and winch will show on
March 2! 24, produces the main
character ol Artie whose dream
ol making it as , (lollywood
song-writer must remain cntirelv
Continued from page 10
of devotion and admiration that
pulls the audience into the hearts
ot Miss Daisy and I loke. Wit and
sarcasm sway us in one direction,
while understanding and affec-
tion take us in another. The initial
impression ot racism dwindles
and we capture exactly what the
two share love
This film shows a friendship
blossom .Hid flourish. Though the
relationship between Miss Daisy
and Hoke is eccentric, they genu-
inely begin a ommunk ation that
is inspirational rheir friendship
shows emotion openly and Miss
Daisv eventually seesHokcasher
best friend.
As an audience we see two
people from separate li es nit
not so separate worlds form a
matchless bond "Driving Miss
1 )aisv will put a tear in your eye
and a spark ol love in your heart
Continued from page 10
use his Saddle Straightening
Powers on me. as I had lost the
struggle and somehow ended up
dangling from Shithead's stom-
Finally, vvc headed back to
the stables Lack O Powers Girl
said. I think I've discovered my
super power
"Oh? And what's that?" I
sneered nastily, as only a physi-
cal!) battered Bonehead can
"I can buy beer for people
who've been abused by horses
I et'sgo toChico's BeerBuyGirl
1 ill next time, may the hang-
overs be gentle but the buzzes
ns i-1?
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If you are from Wilmington, Rocky
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GCB 1002 for a visit.
separate from reality in ordei loi
rtio to survive W hen his dream
and reality become intertwined,
Artie realizes thai he is destined to
always be ordinarv and this reali
.Hum shattersanychance he ma
ha e had oi re overine.
In .ill tour ol the plays, the
n thai the realization isachieved
separates the piays into two ol
drama's three essential forms
t raged) and tragicomed
'DantonS Death ' falls into the
tragcd realm due to Dan ton's
realization coming too late to save
him from his death "Little Shop
? ? : ? jimmy Dean
' he 1 louse ol Blue 1
i an be ? onsidcrcd tragu i
K .in oi their dual abilit
,u lueve both laughter and
trin tin audience.
i hough perhaps not m-
honall) .ill nl the mainstage pi
duct ions irr variations ot a cen theme. 1 hey .ill deal with th
bitter truth that sometimes it
hitter to liu c a dream alone ai
h.r. r it .is an unattainable r.
than to at hieve it only todiscovti
thai the fantasvdoesnotliveupl
?? il"?? 'xpe? tations
Playing Feb. 22 - 25, 1990
Sinmstin l h Student I'nion FitasCwMriMtt
R )1 ISSI Rll UK kl V
"onc1! rHux One Get One"
! Free Cluck en
?nr I
I i Kree Rotisserie
Ihicken sandvv ich '
I on a kaisei mil.
i 1 ireem il
Upcoming February Entertainment:
Thurs. Feb 22
Mr. Potato Head
Fri. Feb 23
Liquid Sound
Hours ot Operation
Mon 11 am - pm
'lues 1 lam- lam
W'cd i 1 am - 1 am
Thurs 11 am - 9 pm
Fri 11 am - 1 am
Sat 12 noon - 1 am
- It'Band Night -
close at 1 am
Sat. Feb 24
Chihuahua's &
House of Mirth
(located across from UBE)
Each lues, ft Wed. Nighl
Open Mic Niht
Sin up
starts at 3pm
?Compiled by Beth Ellison, WZMB
f SIA l .tt ill. 1 rl iv .7.
Mad House (PG 13)
Nightly 7:00 & 9:00
Sat - Sun Matinees 2 00 A 400
Stella (PG 13)
NighUy 7:00 & 9.15
Sal Sun Maunees 2.00 & 415
Bom on the 4th of July (R)
Nightly 8:00 only
Sat - Sun Matinees 2:00 & 5:00 j
C7 O 76-3307
. Isucccneet j a. nijKnbud
Steel Magnolias (PG 13)
NighUy 7:00 A 9:15
Sat -Sun Matinees 2:00 4 4:15
Driving Miss Daisy (PG)
Nightly 7:00 4 9:00
Sat Sun Matinees 2:00-4 00
Field of Dreams (PG)
Nightly 7 00 fc 9 10
Sat - Sun Maunees 2 00 & 4 10
P&ti "The&txe
Look Who's Talking (PG 1!
Weekdays 7:00 & 9:00
Sat - Sun 2:00 &. 4:00
OVER $2,000
Departs Rio every I rida at
2:30 am for Winter Place

12 The Fast Carolinian, February 22, 1990
Adventures of kemple Hoy
r tfi
By Kemple
Whiskers 'n' Chubs
Bv ohn Shul
ry -
V wois? ? uJHCJVvOu fCLL INT y nu u vc
?A S Mv ? .r T?- 1 r-
'rj Q'QlGMT
if jl Uiry'T GCt K
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Gambda Gambda Hev
Bv 1 lliott
'V V- l i
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fiC ft
ME ?
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.?. .
H -vs" -
Rich's Nuthouse
Bv Rich

The Head King
B Robinson
MAr ?Wv'
Rev, I he Wonder Biv;
Bv Mason

Trixie Peavev Variety Show
By Bachelors ot Fine I oast
The Morrigan
By Angela R.
Faux Iis
Bv C huckv D.
Soa? twmg, Aiotr r?
Apply in person, come by
for more information on
the positions of cartoonist
and editorial cartoonist.
Farn BIG BUCKS and be
the talk of the town with
your own work published
12,000 times a week.
Fimited number of
positions available so don't
- v
V. ??? - ? . ; ?
Bv Paul
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1 - . ?: MAMi
v KiM '? -? ??
?r it

12 The East Carolinian, February 22,1990
SOMfjoDYlT uorrA do
soMnm6 Asovrrm
amount of rm? IN-
agrvMtN OAvr mound
Apply in person, come by
for more information on
the positions of cartoonist
and editorial cartoonist.
Earn BIG BUCKS and be
the talk of the town with
your own work published
12,000 times a week.
Limited number of
positions available so don't
isn't if
GlNS onw'
?DM 'ROUND -TUe ClDCK ffctftf
to iut Mas America ftetAcrr
pLJs RoA.Sowe,ANP RafWT
issues offtAN0cfS RNesr.
-m is eom i5t
fe eeAtw?.
MAN, can"v xj Josrr :
Pes we miss June

She iEafit (Carolinian
Paw 13
February 22,1990
Pirates upset Spiders in OT, 81-78
By 1 isa Spiridopoulos
suit Writer
Senior Reed I ose made six
ii ts in overtime, and senior
is 1 hll plaved an outstanding
? as E U defeated the
rid Spiders S1 s in o er-
i i a great w in tor .Mir
Is ? lid Head coach Mike
: il isn t often that
i t to v in their final home
? ovei time
? itesbattledba k from
? leficit to come v itlun
th just II se? onds re
? ? gul ition W ith just
vii gontheclock
? ii d in a thiii'
pointei to tie the game at 71, and and never gained an advantage in
send it into .1 five minute over over-time after leading for most
time. "1 knew the clock was run of thegame.
nun; down and somebod) had to " 1 bis was our third game to
take it he said, Ihe basket was his lose on a three pointer at the
iirst three point bucket ever buzzer said RU head coach Dick
In the over time the Pirates arrant. "I'm disappointed but
were able to shut down Ken tkin
son who had hit six three pointers
and scored 26 points Atkinson
said f"he) played box and one on
me m over tune and I li.ui touch
I'm not discouraged. 1 he kids are
heartbroken but it snot that dam-
aging to us
After committing 50 turnovers
in their last two games, the Pirates
shots Not onlv were the) playing committed just nine "heyshotan
me man to man but the wereforc impressive 65 percent from the
ing me into the one and 1 just field in the first half and shot 55
couln't get off a clean shot percent for the game. "Wehaven't
I oseand Ike Copeland sealed had mam breaks lately, and to-
tliewm torl U by hitting five foul nighi our kids got the breaks
shots and a bucket a piece Fhe noted Stcele.
Spidersquiekly fell behind by seven
led the Pirates with 22
points, followed by Copeland and
Jeffrey Whitaker with 14. Love
added 13 and Hill scored 10.
To start the game, the Spiders
came out firing, hitting five
straight shots and taking a 10-6
lead. The Pirates came back and
tied the game at 13 off a reverse
lay-up bv Tim Brown RU again
regained the lead off the three-
point shooting bv Atkinson He
hit three in a row and gave the
Spiders a two point lead with 7:12
to plav in the first half.
Love said, "Jeff (Whitaker)
and I did all we could to stop him
from shooting the three, but he'd
just shoot right over us
"We couldn't stop Atkinson
See Overtime, page 14
Local couple opens
new gymnastics club
By I 01 i Martin
Managing Editor
ane Dorney performs a split on the balance beam
? er location in Memorial Gymnasium (Photo by
Lady Pirates learn
lesson as they fall
to Richmond 60-56
i lymnasticsisawayol lite tor
.1 couple who recently opened a
training centeT in c Irecnville
Rose slymnastics I raining
t. enter (RGT( , owned and oper-
ated by onathan and Darlene
Rose, opened in September 1989
1 lie gym where more than 500
gymnasts ages 18 months to Is
vears workout, is located on 10th
Street According to Mr Rose the
new facility is a giant improve-
ment from the program's former
lo ationinEC U'sMemoriaK ivm
' It's purely gymnastics Mrs
Rosesaid. "Everything in the new
g m is state of the art
1 he 7000- square-foot room
???1? 4in Piiyifal tuba-io ware-
house an ordin to Mr Rose
Novs owned by i Ireenville den-
tist Pr lames Williamson, the
building was remodeled and
designed especially to accomo-
datethe Roses' program A "toot
drop pit, w as itu hided in the
(onstru( tion of the new facility
It Ithepitl isa holein the ground
filled with foam (ubes Mr. Rose
W ith the cushion of the pit,
the athletes .ire able to practice
skills on the vault, bars and bal-
ain e beam without the threat ol
injury "It has taken away the tear
of fallingot landing incorrectly
Mrs Rose said. "Once you take
the fear away, kids are throwing
things they could never have done
in the other facility
The Roses' competitive team,
the Rosettes, is made up of 3
girls who compete on United
States Gymnastic Federation
(USGF) levels levels 1-4 are tor
pre team gymnasts, and in levels
5 10, the girls travel and compete
According to Mrs Rose, the
top gymnast at RGTC is Diane
Dorney who competes on Level
10. Dorney, a sophomore at 1 H
Rose I lighSchool, said she hopes
to go to college on a gymnastw s
A boy's competitive team and
beginning and intermediate gvm
fla JJJJlttJUk'btv along, w ith
the Rosottos. Children in the be
ginning levels (if gymnastics can
startat IKmonthsold ina parent
toddler program. From there, they
progress to classes of increasing
difficulty and finally to a pre- team
level. The Rosettes are selected
from the pre-team.
naddition to his involvement
w ith RGTC, Mr. Rose is employed
by ECU as the varsity diving
coach Prior to the opening of the
new gvm, Mrs. Rose worked for
ECU'S physical education depart-
ment as well.
ECU'S Stanley I -? how R ihmonds tl lapiV
Minges crowd just what a p wermove
AMitmire ?
ECU Photo I ab)
Lacrosse team falls
to Blue Devils, 7-12
Bv Lisa Spiridopoulos
Stjtt Writer
The ECU Men's Lacrosse
Team traveled to Duke University
to face the Blue Devrl's on lues
day night and came avvfty wTrh a
12 7 loss
"We played an intense game
but what it came- dow n t? was w e
were ot classed, the) were a
stronger and a more experienced
team said defenseman ohn
The Pirates were led offen-
sively by attackman Bobby 1 lodes
who had two goals Kelly I loyt
LakeSlacum,( raigNurmi, Drew
Bourque and Ken McKenna each
had one goal.
Defensively the Pirates were
again led by goalie lames Young
who allowed 12 goals to be scored
on 5 shots, and b) senior de-
fensemen McAulay who had tour
takeawa) s.
Thev wontnilks.imo?kall ?,f
Ttrrn5.round (Ml!saif(JL,mUflH3'r
stick control said Young. Ae
didn't play as tight as defense as
we should have
I he Blue Devils defense also
p.i extremely well in holding
the Pirates leading scorer, attack-
man lav Black scoreless, and al-
lowed the Pirates to take on!) 15
shots on goal
Late in the second quarter,
midfielder Hoyt cut towards the
goal, caught a pass from Branin
I home, dodged a Blue Devil de-
See Duke, page 14
By David Reichelt
St.ilt Vritcr
?? mpts can make or break a team in a game situation
? learned that lesson Monday night as they lost to
? 160-56 in Coliseum.
, was the I d Pirates first home conference defeat of the
h, gam can be attributed to the lady Spiders !5-oM9
ng from the charity stripe (78 percent), while IX U made only
i five on the night M0 percent).
I wecould have gone to line a few more times, maybe we could
tiled this oneoul
Tennis team welcomes international player
Bv Wade Liles
Stjff Writer
lead coach Pal Piersonsaid. "Il wasa tough
? by two points with eight seconds left in the game, ECU had
fiance to He. Sophomore guard Tonya Hargrove was on the line
ting a one and one, but she missed the front end. On the re-
I jnd attempt, senior center Sarah Cray was called for a toul ending
tl team s i nance for an overtime period
It w e 'could have) hit those free throwsdown thestret:h Pierson
.said, "we COUW have sent the game into overtime
1 he Lady Pirates started the game out mixing up shots from the
insideandoutside. Kim Dupree.KcvnyaVVilsonand Irish Hamiltonled
therhargeas the team took an 8-5 lead with just over thnr minutes gone
n thegame.
But (he 1 adv Spiders led by guard ulie Jones (12 points) and
forward Ginny Norton, took charge with a pair of jump shots mat gave
Kii hmond a 9-8 lead that they would never relinquish.
I he I ady Pirates trailed by as many as seven seven points m the
t half hut cut the Richmond lead to three with a Gray jumper and a
layup from t largrove.
Norton hit a jumper at the buzzer to end the half with the lady
Spiders ahead 34-2.
"Turnovers hurt us during the whole game Pierson said of her
team's 23 turnovers compared to Richmond's 15. "It kept us from ever
getting the lead t u
lln I adv Pirates trailed by seven early in the second half, but
climbed back into the game with shots from Grav, Hamilton, and
( ivnor J Donnell that tied the score at 45 with 13:13 remaining.
The teams traded baskets through the next eight minutes, but the
Lidv Spiders never gave up the lead.
With the scofe bed at 56 with 2:2 left in the game, Richmond s
, enter Amy Mallonh.ta umper that gave the Lady Sp.dersa two-point
I he ladv Pirates failed to connect in the final minutes and lost the
See I adv Pirates, page 14
I he lennis team has taken on
a new 1 10k international to be
luan Alvarez,aunior,entered
ECU this semester to plav tennis
and has already defeated some of
the better plavers in the nation. He
has beaten the top players at both
Bostonollege and Duke, the lat-
terof which was ranked twentieth
in the NationaK ollegiate Athletic
Alvarez did not ust bloom
into a great tennis player, he has
worked toward it all of his life.
When he was a junior player in the
Dominican Republic, he was
ranked number one in the coun-
try, and reached a ranking of 70 in
the world in singles play, and 40
as a doubles player
At 17, Alvarez became the
number one men's tennis player
in the i ominican Republic. He
then went to the Central Ameri-
can Junior Championships.
"1 beat several good players,
including Nicholas Pereira, who
is now ranked in the top 100 in the
world before losing in the finals
said Alvarez He then avenged his
singles loss bv capturing the
doubles title.
Alvarez qualified to play in
the Central American Games in
which he won a bronze metal. He
also played in the Pan American
games, and is currently a member
of the Dominican Republic's Davis
Cup team
Alvarez then went to Nick
Bollettien, a coach of many of the
world s top tennis players, to train
for a year He worked out with
Andre Agassi and Jim Courier,
both of whom are now among the
top twenty in the world. While
attending Bollcttien's, he also
played in some satellite tourna
mentsand achieved a world rank-
ing of 717.
Alvarez then went to North
Greenville Junior College in South
Carolina In both 1987 and 1988,
his team captured the Junior Col-
lege National Championships.
"I won the National Junior
College championships in singles
and doubles explained Alvarez.
"I ended up with a 50-2 record
after two years He was also
named an All-Amencan for those
two vears
Alvarez then went to Kinston
for a vear "I did not play any
tennis except with a guy named
Greg Hill who is also a Bollettien
student Alvarez said. "Greg is
one of the top players in the nation
in his age bracket
Alvarez was then approached
by ECU'S coach Bill Moore. "Dr.
Moore said that he was building a
strong tennis program (at ECU)
he said. "He has helped me out,
and at Duke, 1 used a lot of his
Sports Psychology techniques
Alvarez's strong points are his
serve and volley, which helps him
when he plays doubles. "My part-
ner Sammy Tounsi and 1 had a
real good win against Maryland
said Alvarez.
Being an economics major,
Alvarez is experiencing his share
of pressure on and off the court.
"I'm currently taking eight-
een hours with four economics player Alvarez wants to be the
classes Plus we are spending a lot same as everyone else "1 go out
of time on the road whuh leaves with friendsormy girlfriend and
even less time to stud) he said stud) he said "But tennis has
"I feel like I don't want to let dow n been a very xod experience, and
my friends I've enjoyed traveling to different
Besides being a great tennis countries

? ?

Juan Alvarez, a transfer from Greenville Junior College and a
member of the Dominican Republic s Davis Cup team has already
defealed some of Ihe nations best collegiate players (Photo by J D
Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)

14 I he I .ist i, lebruary 22, 1990
Sports Briefs
Swim hums pass on weekend meet
Phc fit 1 rnen's and women's sw'immtng teams will b) pass this
weekend s independent Nationals Meet .it t olumbui Si w hilc I .?iK
I'm,tic inihim Meredith Hndgerscontinues to train for the March 15 17
i VA Championships m ustin l
Bridgers qualified toi the '( A's with a 100 metci breastrokc
time ot 1:0? 17 at the recent olonial Mhletu Association Swimming
and Diving hampionships in Wilmington N. Hei time puts her
among the top five swimmers in the nation in the 100 breastrokc
. decided not to swim in the independent Nationals this yeai
becausi wotrainalKoasontopoakatthct As li U head coach Rick
Kobe said It s haul to p ak igain usl two weeks la let
Bridgers who shattered the I olonial Mhletu Association 1 1
Varsity and i N( w Pool ii.mMs with hei time will be competing in
Austin foi an V ?? iti u il title
Lady Pirate tracksters claim wins
urdav in tl ? ' ? I
I istan ? '
Hi, I ul
the shot put
t tok 111 tp
rd. VVi I
In tht '
Iggltl IV .1 ' j
Iii tlv
? elch I - lourth
track team claimed four first-place finishes Sit
revent of the vear theUN Wilmington
? n foul events and finished second in five
? ?'? , wavtorfiCl bv capturing first place in both
I md the discus (113 s ' Ann Marie Welch
meters with a time of 17:53.4 a new s( hool
li i s, hool ro imJ by 25 set onds
i ervl Hopkins finished second (26.4) Lashel
? ? md o I Mrscy was fourth (27 4)
rs Pawn Tilson was set ond in 12 04 while Bobbi
I vn
Softball team to scrimmage Saturday
will host Puke Saturday iftemoon in a scrimmage game at
Ul field as thi I rati propan fo a !5-game regular season
si heduli
11 ?
? Sue Manahan w ill begin the
I'ampbctl in a double headei
. nioi trio ol pit- hers Pracye I arkin
Ronoe Mevei I nnitei Sagi give fit I great pitching depth and
evperiei I thestatt wi'ha 1.27-1 ?rned rm ivrragr last season
u ? ? ? h rtstop laura Crowdei who also
plavs tor I ketball team led F I in Kittling last
Tennis team set to play UNC, NCSU
? ? p tennis teamson the Atlantic Coast th
'? i ? 11 luloonlvgotsmorodifficult this week
rth Carolina Saturday and at N State
es have come to the hands of two
v I ?uke and Marvland on the road
ne match until Man h 2 w ill have five
? ? ?? ? ik March 10
Football practice starts in late March
i ond season as East arolina s head
Pirates through spring drills en
Continued from page 13
in regulation' said steolc "We
ran ditterent people on him a
triangle and two. a hox and one
he rust hit them (shots)
I he Pirates after buckets hv
Parrell OvCTton and 1 ove. twk a
live point lead with under two
minutes remaining The Spiders
itt ,i 10 foot nimper hv Atkinson,
threatened totakoahalf time lead,
but 1 eve had a slam dunk to boost
R l back up to a three point halt
1Is lead quickly dwindled
in the Second half, and thev found
themselves down 10, n.
outscorcd is 7 within the first nine
minutes I ose wasabks to hit two
tree throws to break a four mmu ?e
sheeting drought
Whitaker then hit onv ot hi
three three pointers to pull the
Pirates within five Whitaker had
two assists and tust one turnover
in 45 minutes of plav
t Verton then Ion ed two turn
overs by the Spiders and brought
Il to Within three with 2 ?4 to
plav IIR then began running their
delay game and with 10 seconds
on the shot i Uh k Atkinson buried
a l"1 foot jumper to boost there
lead to five with 1 29 to go
1 ose tut a Jru mg lav up and
I fill then stole the in hounds pass
and look it in tor a lav up to nar
row the score to one with 26 left
i R s im Shield yanked down an
offensn e rebound and put it ba k
mi again giving them a three point
I hen I ove, with iist 01 on
the clock nd surrounded by Spi
ders hit the game tieing basket
and sent it into overtime
We worked so hard this past
week we had to gain Some re
spect alter losing to William &
Man s,ud l ose They ve
i Kk hmond) have kicked our butts
every time they've played us But
tonight we just went our there and
! he Pirates will face UNC W
on Saturday tor their last regular
season game and Hill noted. 'We
USt need the same tvpe of ettort
from everyone hko we did to-
? - i 1 last
?ihnue through pri1 and nlminate
d spring game at Ficklen Stadium I he
m il .teat Pirate Purpli rld Pigskin
Baseballers to host Virginia Saturday
:s offensive muscles last weekend to
1 rei straight wins, hosts Virginia out of the
ki nd at 1 larrington field
iliers " will play a Saturdav double
? game on Sunday at -1 00p m
n Saturday with a 4 l win over Atlantic
utive vear that the Pirates have won
ble-header) 2:00p.m Harrington Field
p m t larrington Field
tine S (double header 2 00 p ni I iar
In the Locker
CAA commissioner plays a big
role in league and community
I om N eagei w as named to
Colonial Athletk Association's
first i. ommissioner in September
198? Working with the
conference'sathleticdirei torsand
l jA their statt he has Kvn instru
i ?? mental in th'c s tremendous
?-ts?f1W growth in organization and stat
ure in its tour years ol existence
i eager i ame to the ? olonial
tnm the i A where he WAS
dirci tvr ot legislate escrv. i es I le
joined the N A A in 1976 as an
investigator in the enforcement
department In 1981 he was pro
rectoi flegislativeservicesandinl984todirector
sasvio pn sidentofthel Iniversityommission
? coordinate the efforts o( 27 Division I
?? ? tttvtive lobbying force within the N( AA
f Springfield College in Springfield Mass.)
helor's degree in physical education (1972) and
i nvistei atton (1975) As an undergraduate student he
compel ? gymnastics team as a graduate student, he was an
? first ipnngtield degree he worked at the Allen
? Ml He then returned to Springfield as a
physical education faculty fcfter receiving his
mastei mained at Springfield as the assistant director ol
j, toi tl s hool yeai
In the Ri? hmond area Yeager serves on the local V MCA hoard of
Directors and is I with various commuiuty projects through
Rotary International
' '? fti sa mltcn
Read The Cast Carolinian
lOntmued from pagr H
fender and buried the shot which
i ut the lead to throe
ith only 15 seconds remain
mg in the tirst halt. Mc Aulav then
started another attack with the
ball deep in his defensive one
1 le dodged tvs o Puke players and
tut McKcnna with a 40-yard pass
whu h McKenna put in the upper
nght corner with five seconds
remaining m the halt cutting the
s. ere to two
1 ho Pir ites came out tired up
tor the second halt but were si
lenced early when Puke stored
three goals m five nunutes The
Pirates battled ba k though with
goals fnm 1 lode and Bourque to
bring the S? ore to a 10-7 Puke
Despite their best ctforts in
thefouith quarter, the Pirates were
still unable to control the hall
especially on face-offs leading to
two more goals bv Puke, ending
the game in a 12-7 blue Devil
1 think that plaving on astro
turt really attt.ted us said Hoy t.
Alter having only played on
natural grass, we ust weren't used
to it
1 he Pirates will travel to UNC
w ruesday to face the Seahawks
at 7 00,
Lady Pirates
Continued from page 13
game 60-56.
MaUon led all scoters with 17
points,whileNortonadded ISand
Jones 12
Cray was the l.adv Pirates
high scorer as she made 16points,
while teammate Hamilton added
U Hargrove was held to iust five
points on the night
I he Lady Pirates plav their
final CAA game ot the season
Saturday night in Minges Coli-
seum as the host intra-state rival
UNC-Wilmington. ECU lost to the
Seahawks earlier in the season,
and look to rebound as they head
into the CAA tournament
WZMB will broadcast the
game live, which starts at 7 p m
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1400 Charles Boulevard - University Center Shopping Center

The East Carolinian, February 22, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 22, 1990
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