The East Carolinian, February 20, 1990

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?ij? lEaat (Earalttttatt
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. fr4 No. 13
Tuesday February 20,1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Police search
for Scott Hall
Subjects steal more than
$7,000 worth of goods
By Shannon Buckley
SUfl Writer
E I Publi Safety i offering
a $r-io reward tir any information
leading to the arrest ot the person
or persons responsible tor .1 break-
ing and entering ol room 211 C in
Scott Residence Hall
rhe incident occurred some
time between 7 p m on Feb. 6and
2 30 a m on Fob 11
According to 1 t Keith Knox,
an ECU Public Safet) crime pre
vention officer, approximate!)
$7,(XXl worth ol property vvassto
len from the occupants of the resi
dence I he burglareis entered the
room thnugh the transom, w hich
is used for ventilation, jusl above
the door ol the residen c
rhe two residents ot room 211
(. are members of the ECl Swim
team and were awa at the Colo-
nial Athletu AssociationChampi
onship swim meet at I NC
Wilmington when the break in
occurred It s unfortunate that
membersol an EC I team were out
representing the university when
they were virtually 'ripped off of
everything they owned, said
Items stolen from thestuden
room included a V( cassettedec
jii '? -or tuner, turntable stereo
. iplifier, two speakers, .1 Sony
compact disc player, a Sony walk
man disc player 97 compact discs,
150 cassette tapes, four mm
cameras, an Epson electric type
writer. .1 Sony 13-inch color televi
sion, a Sears 13 inch color televi-
sion with remote control, a Sharp
dorm-size microwave oven,a tele-
phone, three Boss effect pedals for
an electric guitar and other miscel-
laneous items ot value, according
to Knox
This case has been assigned to
Detective Ernest Suggs, ol ECU
Public Safety, for further investi
gation. Anyone who saw anyone
appearing to be moving any type
ot these items between Feb 6 at 7
p.m. and Feb. 11 at 2:30 a.m. is
asked to call ECU Crime Bustersat
757-6266 or to contact Suggs at
'57-6787alters ha ing an in
formation can remain anonymous
ECU to participate
in federal program
ECU News Bureau
When in Rome
or Greece or Pans, do as they do Rudolph Alexander, an assistant vice chancellor and director of
University Unions visits the Travel Adventure Theme Dinner sponsored by the Student Union Travel
Committee held on Feb 15 (Photo by J D Whit mire ? ECU Photo tab)
SGA urges for dedication of
r parking spaces to infirmary
By Samantha Thompson
Statt Writer
The Student (lovernment Association passed a
resolution during Monda) afternoon's meeting to
create parking spaces in front o( the Student Health
(.enter tor sick or injured patients.
Fhe author ol the resolution, Legislator Angela
Meinders, told the legislature that the seven com-
muter parking spaces located between the library
and the Student 1 lealth Center should be established
tor students who .ire sick or injured.
rhe resolution will be mandated to Parking and
Traffic Committee chairman Dr. Henry Ferrell,
Associate Director ol Student Health Services Ms.
kav VanNortwick and ECU Public Safety Police
Chiet lohnm Rose Once the resolution passes by all
three ot the mandated people, the bill will go before
Chancellor Richard Eakin tor his approval
l he resolution would not require suk or injured
students visiting the infirmary and parking in the
spaces to have their car registered with the univer-
sity Instead, .1 time clock card written out by the
I i? altht enter would have to bedtsplayed in the car.
An amendment to the SGA Constitution raising
the grade point average from 2.0 to 2.2 for those
running for an executive office cm hiding the posi
tion of secretary, was denied approval after a voice
vote of the b(ly.
Legislator Michael Fiadtey made the motion to
suspend the rules for the bill to be discussed. Hadley
said that the bill would set the academic standards
higher for student leaders. Hadley added that since
others schools around the state have the standard,
ECU should also
Jim l.avton, who was yielded the floor by a mv
tion made bv Hadley, said that Appalachian State
University, University of North Carolina at Greens-
boro and Western Carolina had the minimum stan-
dard of a 2.2 GPA, though UNO-Chapel Hill and
Duke University did not.
Layton said that at Duke University, where they
have the minimum requirement of a 2.0 GPA, any
"brain-dead person can run for office
He also said that at ECU, Resident Advisors must
have a 2.2 GPA, while the Student Union President
and editors ol The East Carolinian and Buccaneer
See SGA, page 3
E "U is one of 29 colleges and
universities chosen for a federal
program to help minorities obtain
advanced degrees.
I'he program is the Commu-
nity Development Work Study
Program sponsored bv the U.S.
Department oi Housing and Ur
ban Development (HUD). The
program will enable selected eco-
nomically disadvantages!men and
women to complete two years of
graduate work in community and
economic development, or closely
related disciplines such as public
administration and urban plan-
A grantof $124,780 from HUD
to Janice Faulkner, director of the
ECU Regional Development Insti-
tute, will support the project at
IX I Five students will be selected
as participants.
Faulkner said the students
selected for the work study pro-
gram will be chosen bv ECL Cri-
teria for selection will include fi-
nancial need, interest in and com-
mitment to a career in local com-
munity development, insight into
low-income and minority concerns
in urban areas, academic ability
and professional potential.
In addition to completed
graduate level courses, the stu-
dents will serve an internship with
a state, area-wide, local govern-
ment agency, Indian tnbe, or non-
profitprivate organization using
HUD funds. The work place agen-
cies for the ECU grant are in Bertie,
Fdgecombe and Pitt Counties.
Faulkner said the students
who complete the program will
also be committed to work for a
minimum of two consecutive years
for a state, iixal government, or
non-profit agency which uses
HUD funds for economic or com-
munity development. Students
who do not complete either the
academic or work components will
be required to repay the educa-
tional costs.
The HI ID grant will be used
for tuition, tutoring, books, sti-
pends and an administrative al
lowance. The academic terms
covered will be 1990-1992.
Across the nation HI D has
earmarked $5.9 million to fund the
program at 2 colleges and uni-
versities and 22 regional planning
organizations. A total of 230 stu-
dents will be selected for the train-
"The work study program is
hands-on experience tor future
leaders and problems said HUD
secretary Jack Kemp. "It can make
a significant difference both for
the student and the local commu-
nity Kemp said
For information about apply-
ing for one of the openings at ECU
contact the ECU Regional Devel-
opment Institute
Greenville Chamber
sponsors history book
IFC addresses alcohol
problems with policy
By Joey Jenkins
News Editor
?, up and away!
Captain of this balloon, Doug Stephenson, takes Carla Smith
up for her first ride in a hot air balloon (Photo by J 0. Whitmire
? ECU Photo Lab)
In November ol 1989, the ECU
Interfratemity Council passed an
alcohol policy by a unanimous vote
in an effort to change the "Animal
House" image that has become
associated with various Creek
systems across the nation.
The council became the first
IFC in North Carolina to mandate
an official alcohol policy, and have
received letters from other cam-
puses inquiring about the alcohol
policy, among them UNO?Char-
lotte and I'NC Chapel Hill.
"Fraternities are going to have
to change IFC President Randy
Royal said. "We've got to get away
from this stigma of an 'Animal
I louse' fraternity, because that's
not what we were founded on. No
chapter was founded on it
Royal said the idea for an offi-
cial policy was originally submit-
ted as a letter by IFC advisor Dean
Ronald Speier to address several
problems stemming from alcohol
at fraternitysorority mixers.
"National sorority policies con-
cerning alcohol were being com-
promised by fraternity functions
Speier said, "including uncon-
trolled access to alcohol and ineffi-
By Blair Skinner
Staff Writer
The Pitt Countv Chamber of
Commerce will present a book
detailing the history of Pitt County
from the first settlers in the 1800s
to the early 1980s. The book is
titled "C.reenville: Heart of the
Fast" and will be written bv ECU
history professor Mary Jo Jackson
Bratton. Windsor Publications,
IncotChatsworth,California will
publish the book in the spring oi
The book will chronicle Pitt
County's role in the nation's his-
torv, the birth and growth of ECU
and Greenville's rise to power in
the world of tobacco. The final
chapter of the book will be com-
posed of historical profiles of local
businesses. The profiles will be
written bv William Moore, a west-
ern N.C corporate historian.
Businesses can buy space from
one to tour pages for their profile.
Proceeds from those sales will be
used to fund the publication of the
book. The Chamber will receive
royalties from the book.
Wade Emmett, a Windsor
was a major problem. The whole representative working on the
thing was a juggernaut waiting for project, is enthusiastic about the
a problem to happen, and I was not project. "The businesses are really
willing to participate in the de- behind it, and they like the idea
struction of our system Emmett said. " We are getting a
Speier said that another moti- good response Among the busi-
vatmg factor for the implemcnta- nesses that have already bought
tion of the policy was to create an space in the book are Pitt County
alcohol policy that would govern Medical Hospital, Hendrix and
hired as the book's writer after she
was contacted by a Windsor Pub-
lications representative who was
impressed with her earlier work,
"ECU: The Formative Years She
expects the book will increase
exposure of the area.
Ed Walker, president of the
Greenville Chamber of Com-
merce, said that he is also excited
about the book. "The history of
the Greenville area needs to be
preserved in the best fashion pos-
sible. There's a lot of pride about
this area, and rightfully SO
Thebook is hacked by people
who have built their businesses.
are proud oi their heritage, and
proud of their community and
where they work Emmett said
"They support a literary projec-
See Chamber, page 2
cient ID checking
National sorority policies state
that momberscannot participation
anv socials or mixers where alco-
hol is provided.
Speier said that he and the
Panhellenic (the governing body
for sororities) advisor 1 aura Sweet
were "in concurrence that there
all IFC member fraternities equally.
Ten of the 16 fraternities that com-
prise the IFC are covered by insur-
ance policies from Fraternity In-
surance Purchasing Group (FIPG),
Dail, the Pit t County Development
Commission, the Holiday Inn and
Pitt Community College.
Susan Nobles, Director of
Marketing and Public Relations for
which require the fraternities to Pitt Community College, said the
adhere to strict guidelines concern-
ing alcohol and liability at various
Royal echoed Speier's remarks,
saying that the IFC alcohol policy
is a means of bringing a certain
equality to the IFC "It's not fair to
the other 10 fraternities because
they make up a majority of the IFC
See IFC, page 7
school was delighted to be a part
of the book. The college has pur-
chased one page of the final chap-
ter. She added, "We are excited
about the project, and are pleased
with the (choice ofl author
Bratton described the book as
a narrative history of the Green-
ville area. "1 think it would serve
to let more people know about our
history Bratton said. She was
The threat of nuclear
war remains
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent,
and Services Offered
State and Nation8
Problems and solutions
to public education in
New Orleans
Roily Gray and Sunfire:
ire at the Deli
Pirate baseball keeps
racking up the wins

2 The East Carolinian February 20,1990
ECU Briefs
Speaker discusses prohibiting factors
of heart transplants in Asian countries
The impact of culturally-based perceptions on the prohibition
against heart transplantation in apart was discussed Feb. 19 during a
tree public lecture sponsored by the Department of Medical Humani-
ties at the Fast Carolina University School of Medicine.
! V Margaret Lock, professor and chairman of the Department of
Humanities and Social Studies in Medicine at McGill University in
Montreal, Canada, was the guest speaker. Lock has conducted exten-
sive anthropological research on the cultural traditions in Japan and
other countries in East Asia, and East Africa. She also studies cultural
differences among ethnic groups in North America.
Geologist to discuss waste in estuaries
ECU geologist Stanley Kiggs will be discussing some of the prob-
lems associated with the waste products that have been discharged into
the Pamltco and Neuse Rivers when he speaks today at 7:30 p.m. at the
Willis (Regional Development Institute) Building. In his presentation,
"Man's Waste and Status ot the North Carolina Estuaries Riggs will
describe recent research showing high levels of organic and metal
toxins m the rivers. His address is sponsored bv the Greenville-Pitt
County 1 eague ol Women Voters and the Pamlico-Tar River Eounda-
National Campus Clips
Freshman accidentally shoots
roommate, faces expulsion from ISU
Indiana State will not prosecute lohn Tvler, a freshman who acci-
dentally shot his roommate Dale Hartley on Feb. 3. at Indiana State
l nivcrsitj rhreeday; later Hartley, who had surgeryon his hand was
m 'faircondition" at Union Hospital. Prosecutor Philip Adlersaid "It
is clear and apparent that the shooting is no more than an accident" after
having studied the evidence collected during the investigation. The
university undertook disciplinary action, according to Charles Durant
11 dean ot Student I ife. Tvler faces possible expulsion for possessing
a firearm on campus, a violation of lSU's Student Conduct C ode.
Japanese course to aid business students
UNC-CH forum discusses minorities
During a forum sponsored bv the Black Student Movement, candi
dates tor student body president discussed the problems concerning
recruiting and retention of minorities at UNC Chapel Hill, Half of the
minorities leaves before graduation whereas 75 percent of the white
students stay. "We need someone specifically- in charge of retention so
we can keep the students heresaid Mark Bibbs, one of the candidates.
A minority affairs department would be a solution to recruit and keep
minority undergraduates according to Bibbs. "As far as getting more
minority faculty members here, the whole question comes back to
mone), said Bill 1 lidelbolt, another candidate.
onathan Martin, also a candidate, considered two main steps to
recruit and keep minority faculty members. "Students have to plav a
strong role as tar as seeing what they can do themselveshe said. He
added dealing with (he administration is the second step.
Cancer studies progress at Tulane
I hr. fames Matter director (if experimental pathology at theTulam
University School of Medicine, found cell proteins that causes cells to
grow in an identical pattern to that of cancer. "We hope to be able to
understand the ways cancer occurs. And that's one of the pieces ot
information that I think we will ultimately glean from this kind of
workhe said The researchers produced an RNA molecule in a test
tube that was radioactivelv labelled and used as a probe to tell them if
something inside the cells would interact with it. A protein interacted
with the RNA.
"There is a lot more (of the protein) in cancer cells than in normal
cellsMaiter said. "But if we stimulate normal cells, we watch the
amount i-i protein go up until we get to the point where we arc about
where we see it in cancer cells
Crime Report
Unknown male suspect eludes police
in female showers of Memorial Gym
February 15
18 31- Damage to state property is reported at Jarvis Residence Hall.
18:55- Report of someone walking on a student'scarat White Residence
Hall. Damage to the vehicle is reported.
February 16
01:12- Police stops an intoxicated subject on the north side of Jones
Residence Hall The subject was banned from campus.
01 54- Police finds an unconscious subject at White Residence Hall. The
subject received a citation for public intoxication and underage con-
02:58- A simple assault is reported at Clement Residence Hall.
04:25- A suspicious male is reported at Umstcad Residence Hall. The
subject was gone before the Public Safety officers arrived.
1342- Security reported breaking, entering and larceny at Brewster
00:29- Vandalismto real property at Ninth Street and Lawrence Street
01 22- Lirceny of personal property at Belk Residence Hall is reported
01 51- Burning paper activates alarm at Jarvis Hall.
03:27- A female is assaulted north of Fleming Residence Hall.
06:01- Police find a suspicious subject around the Heming Residence
I fall and Cotter Residence Hall area. The subject was intoxicated and
the police helped him back to his car.
February 17
17:47 A vehicle is damaged in a hit and run accident south of Scott Hall.
203(i Tyler I iall residents report an offensive odor on the ninth floor.
It turns (Hit to be caused by residents cooking on the eighth floor.
23:42- Police issue a campus citation to a student in Fleming Residence
Hall for alcohol violations
02:33- Damage to personal property is reported at Fletcher Residence
03:04- Police stop three non-students males at Umstcad Residence Hall
The trespassers were banned from campus.
14:53- An unknown male is reported in the female locker rooms in
Memorial Gym. The police could not locate the subject.
15:34- Two juvenile trespassers sneaking in and out of rooms in Garrctt
Residence 1 Iall are reported
2011 A car catches fire at Wright Circle. The fire was out by the time
police arrive.
00:04 Tires are stolen from a truck in the parking lot at Fifth and Rcade
streets J
By Jeff Becker
Staff Writer
The fapanese language at ECU
has been strengthened this semes-
ter with a native ot japan teaching
the course.
Kazutaka Ohno, instructor of
the class, has been in the United
States for four years. Born in
Shizuoka, Japan,Ohno has taught
Japanese privately in New York
and Colorado, as well as to high
school students in Georgia. 1 lopes
for a graduate degree in business
have brought him to FCU,and his
past experience has given him the
opportunity to teach Japanese at
the college level.
Ohno believes knowledge
about apan will be increasingly
necessary in the future. "As the
world becomes more of a global
community, (apan and America
will become more interdepend-
ent. The time has come to reach a
mutual understanding
According to Ohno, language
and culture mil plav major roles
in bringing about this mutual
understanding The course is
based on the improvement ot tour
skills: reading, writing, listening
and speaking. Culture is intro-
duced by pictures, brochures and
stories about Japanese people.
"1 teach the class as it would
be taught in Japan Ohno said.
"Students must be on time, greet
me with a bow equivalent to the
American handshake, and every-
one is called by their last name
Of the 18 students enrolled in
theclass, almost half ha ve an inter-
est in business. Dr. Louis Eckstein,
professor of Business Manage-
ment at ECU, is one of Ohno's
students. Eckstein believes that in
today's business world it is an
advantage to know about Japa-
nese people. "I would recommend
the class to anyone in business or
to anyone else with an interest in
Japan Eckstein said.
Ohno used the trade deficit
as an example of the importance
ot knowledge about Japan in
today's business world. Accord-
ing to Ohno, one reason for the
trade imbalance can be attributed
to the lack ot knowledge about
Japan on the part of American
corporations and businessmen.
"Companies such as
McDonald'sand Levi Strauss have
no problems selling their prod-
ucts i n fapan because they havean
understanding of the Japanese
Ohno said. "It is obvious that
knowing about Japan is benefi-
Ohno went on to explain that
American businessmen differ
from their Japanese counterparts
in their degree of aggression. The
Japanese tend to be very patient
and weigh all options before
commiting themselves. Ameri-
cans, on the other hand, tend to be
more aggressive and often hastily
jump into transactions, according
to Ohno. Knowledge such as this
can be beneficial at job interviews,
board meetings, or any other as
pect of business, Ohno said.
As the demand for informa-
tion increases, the fapanese Ian
to expand. The class is currently
listed as ,i"(ieneric Languagi
the EC Ucataloguebul isexp ?
to eventually ram itsuv n
the Foreign Language
According to Dr. M
Schwarz, chairman ot tin I
Language I Apartment, th
will be listed under the head
"Japanese" at some point
future Schwar did not gi .
exact time when the lai
would get its own head
did say he would have to th
proposal through several
The course vill b
again in the tall semester i I
and an advaru ed o n ?
be available to si
completed t
Program allows students
the chance to live and
work in foreign countries
By Leona Mason
Special to The I jst Carolinian
Ittakesa unique type ot people
to give up their secure surround-
ings and to travel across the ocean
to where there is no guaranteed
job or home. But for college stu-
dents looking for a cheap wav to
spend the summer in a foreign
country, working there may be
the best option.
The Council for International
Educational Exchange (CIEE)
offers such an opportunity with
their "Work in Britain" or British
UniversitiesXorth American Club
I BUNAC) program I he program
provides participants with legal
working papers tor a foreign coun-
try which are valid for six months
Participants then don't have to
endure the usual, and difficult,
process of finding a job before
being allowed to enter that coun-
try to work. And because the
program runs on an exchange
basis one British student works
in America tor each one American
student working in Britain
employers do not have to justify
hiring a foreign worker, as they
usually do.
Obviously, the red tape is cut
considerably, but what is it really
Hketoworkabroad? What's it like
to be an American BUNACer?
BUN'ACing begins with ori-
entation. At BUNAC's headquar-
ters in London, daily orientation
sessions teach new arrivals how
to fill out tax forms and how to
find a job and a place to live. Most
BUNACers have neither job or
shelter when they arrive and find
the session helpful. In addition,
the BUNAC office keeps its own
list of job vacancies from employ-
ers who have worked previously
with the program. Using these
listings as a starting point, the
Continued from page 1
tion of their community.
"Also, communitiescompete,
and this gives them something to
brag about Emmett added.
Walker said the Chamber got
involved in the project when it
was contacted by Windsor Publi-
cations. The Chamber then con-
tacted its members by mail and
received a favorable response,
according to Walker.
"We've found the process to
showcase Greenville) we've cho-
sen is most desirable. Windsor
hasdone the same throughout the
country with the success of other
The Chamber will reserve a
number of copies of the book,
mainlv for donating to libraries.
When the book is published it will
cost $27.95, and will bo available
at lex al bookstores.
bUMACers arrange interviews
and present resumes to potential
employers, just like thev would in
Greenville. Persistance and nu-
merous telephone calls must pav
off; it is estimated that the average
BUN ACer f indsa job in threedavs.
What kinds of jobs do thev
findAccording to the CIEE Work
Abroad catalogue, most BUNAC-
ers work as office clerks or secre-
taries. These jobs pay well; a per-
son who tvpes 50 words per min-
ute and has knowledge of word
See BUNAC, page 3
'Director of Adiertisii
James F.J. McKee
Advertising 9(epresi
GllJ llarev
Sha Sitlinger
Adam I. Blankenship
Phillip V.Co
Kellev ()'( oiirior
per column inch
National RateS5.75
Open RateS4.l5
Local Open RateS4.75
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Discounts Available
'Business 'h
Moncia - Friday
10:00 - 5:00 pm
'Buyer's QuicCe
American Cancer Society752-2574
Best Used Tires830-9579
Carolina Pregnancy Center555-347 ;
Carolina Telephone1-800-682-5
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Hair Loft355-5980
Jiffy Lube75b-257
1040 Express800-633-27Sb
Rack Room355-2519
Raleigh Women Health832-0555
Research Information1-800-351-0222
Ringgold Towers752-2865
Student Union757-4715
Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-230


The East Carolinian, January 11,1990 3
Professor wins research award
This new project on I-ifth Street will include eight three-bedroom apartments, a restaurant called
Grandaddv Rossers, a hair salon and a craft shop featuring items only from North Carolina. The
renovation is expected to be completed sometime in March. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire)
than 50 research reports and ar-
ticles in the general area of geo-
morphology, hydrology and envi-
ronment systems analysis. "He is
highly regarded for his research in
these areas both nationally and
internationally Jacobs said.
Phillips completed his mas-
ters in geography at ECU in 1982
and received his doctorate at
Rutgersm 1985. He spent two years
as executive director of the Pam-
lico-Tar River Foundation and two
years as assistant professor of
geography at Arizona State Uni-
versity. He joined the faculty of
the ECU Department of Geogra-
phy and Planning in 1988 and
holds the academic rank of associ-
ate professor.
In 1986 Phillips was awarded
the Eure A ward by the NC. Coastal
Resources Commission for out-
standing contributions to coastal
management, and in 1987, he was
awarded an Environmental Sci-
ence Fellowship by the American
Association for the Advancement
of Science.
Continued from page 1
publications must have at least a
legislator Derek McCullers
argued that to be an effective
leader a student must ha e char
acter and dedication Another
legislator questioned whether rais-
ing the GPA requirement two
tenths of a point would make a
difference in the quality oi leader-
The election requirements as
written in the current SGA docu-
ments book will remain the same
tor the upcoming March 21 elec-
The legislature postponed
indefinitely the resolution support
ing a change in the plan to cut state
funding ot UNC System Schools
Though the resolution was previ-
ously passed early in the meeting.
1 .egislator Marty 1 ielmsasked that
the bill be reconsidered for debate
since the motion to pass the bill
was made before negative debate
was possible.
Helms said the resolution,
written by 1 egislator Alan Tho-
mas and SGA President Tripp
Roakes, needs to take more ot .1
stand and that the problem dis
cussed needs to be addressed more
effectively. Legislator Leslie
Nicholson added that "the sarcas-
tic 'therefore be it resolved' clause
will not get us anywhere
Nicholson also said that the reso-
lution did not have certain ex-
amples and tacts to back up what
it is asking for.
The resolution states in the
therfore be it resolved' clause that
the ECl SGA supports a change
the plan to lower "state funding of
universities in the UNC system at
the expenseof quality education)
Thomas said that he thought
the bill was clear cut and that the
people mandated on the resolu-
tion did not need to be bored with
The resolution can be brought
up in the future with a different
title or form, 1 ielms said.
In Other business, the $400
appropriation tor the National
c ollegiatel )rug Awareness Week,
to be held March 19 23, passed by
a voice vote. After a debate decid-
ing, who was actually going to
sfX'nd theappropnated money, the
body decided to help fund the
week long event. Some members
of the legislature questioned
whether the SGA funded group,
BACCHUS, was the only group
spending the money The funds
will be spent on advertising.
The Spanish Club was appro-
priated $460 to fund a bi-annual
bulletin. The 30 member group has
recently been established at ECU.
The body passed the three
constitutions tor the Graduate
Association ot Social Workers, the
ECU Health Service Peer Educa-
tional Program and the Students
tor Unity and Awareness
Continued from page 2
processors may expect a salary of France, Germany, Costa Rica, Ire- available for the summer and
$10 an hour in London rhose land. New Zealand, and Jamaica, coming semesters. For more in-
who prefer working with the All that's needed is proof of stu- formation, contact Stephanie
public rather than working with dent status and a Sh application Evancho with International Stud-
computers might find jobs in shops fee. None iif the programs have ies in Room 1002 of the General
or restaurants, and if s not uncom- deadlines so opportunities are Classroom Building at 757-6769.
men to see fellow American stu-
dents on the job in Harrod'sorthe
1 lard Rock Cafe in London. And.
of course, there is always pub tobs
which, in spite of their lower
wages, sometimes offer lodging.
With the average BUNACer s
pav being $175 a week and the
average apartment rent being $50
a week, BUNACers can save
enough to travel around Great
Britain and to take advantage oi
what the surrounding cities otter
Obviously, it's not all work and no
plav BUNAC organizes a Fourth
(if July "Booze Cruise and trips
to Paris. Amsterdam, and Dublin.
Such opportunities are what
makes the program unique. Rather
than just vacationing for a tew
weeks, the BUNACers live, work,
and occasionally travel, iis? like
the native folk do. It is the every-
day living in Britain, surviving
transportation strikes and heat-
waves, which make the work
abroad experience worth the $96
work permit fee and the $500
airplane ticket. It is the thrill of
finally giving the clerk the right
amount of money, the frustration
of getting caught in the rain with-
out a "brolly" and the homesick-
ness felt when hearing an Ameri-
can accent which make the experi-
ence invaluable.
Fair warning: the program is
not for people interested only in
touring the foreign country they
visit. BUNACers are forced to deal
with a variety of problems rang-
ing from differences in language
to national strikes, to name a few.
11 lsentirelv possible to spend three
months in London, as was my case,
and never see the crown jewels! So
fair-weathered tounstsareadvised
to seek other programs. But for
those willing to take the challenge,
for those with the unique sense of
adventure, BUNACing could not
be more rewarding.
The C1EE offers opportunities
for college students to work in
Dr. Jonathan Phillips, associ-
ate professor of geography at ECU,
has won the 1989 achievement
award for new scholars of the
Conference of Southern Graduate
Schools (CSGS) in recognition of
distinguished research achieve-
The honor was announced by
Dr. Diane M acobs , Associate
Vice Chancellor for Research and
Dean of the Graduate School at
ECl I CSGS will present theaward,
a plaque and a $500 prize to Phil-
lips at its annual meeting in Tus-
caloosa, Ala , Feb. 19, acobs said.
"The purpose of the award is
to recognize distinguished
achievement in research by a fac-
ulty member of a CSGS institution
who has completed the terminal
degree within the past six years
lacobs said. This year's award was
in the area of the S(xial Sciences.
Phillips has published more
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Bt !EaHt Carolinian
David Herring, General Manager
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JaMFS F.J. McKEE, Director of Advertising
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lot in Tt CKER, -Asst Features Editor
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PllONc; LUONC, Credit Marnier
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TRACY Weep, Production Manager
STEVE ReID, Staff Illustrator
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Beth LUPTON, Secretary
The East Carolinian h;is boon serving the East Carolina campus community since 1(2S. with primary emphasis on in-
formation most directh affecting ECU students. It is published twice weekly, with a c irculation ot 12,(MM). The East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis ol ape, sex,
creed or national origin. The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points ol v iew. For purposes ot decency
and brevity. The East Carolinian reserves the right to edit any letter lor publication. I etiers should he sent to The East
Carolinian, Publications Bldg ECU, Greenville, NC, 27834; or call us at 0b) 75 7-6366.
Page 4, Tuesday February 20, 1990
The Star Wars mess continues
Threat of nuclear destruction
Where does the escalation end?
) .
UCt 101
i, the onlu solution. Ain't
an stop this now
will war with one another. I listory has
woven this, as man since the dawn ol time
It seems that we as Americans have for-
gotten what is hanging over our heads. Eve-
ryday we go to class, watch TV, cat, drive
our cars, sleep and just basically do what
every human being docs, we live life.
And yet, everyday, nuclear weapons are
is a supposed foreign enemy
oised to strike us, to destroy
ir I uildings, our lives, and our
aimed at u
sits idly b
our homes,
It seems these days we have supressed
the idea that cur existence is in such a pre-
carious bal ince Weliveday today, week to
week, oblivious to our peril, putting the
idea ol total nuclear destruction on the back
burner su u speak.
People are wrapped up in issues like the
environment, abortion, world hunger, gov-
ernment bud get cuts, and even animal rights.
These issues would easily come to mean
nothing, with the simple push of a button
Many argue thai an intelligent modern
society will never resort to a nuclear war,
and that it there is a war, only conventional
warfare will be used. Perhaps this is true,
but then again, maybe it is not.
The nature ot man dictates that humans
as tought w ith man. lor behets or personal
gain. What's to stop history trom once again
repeating itseli ?
Then there's deterrence The escalation
that can lead toonly three choices: dis orna-
ment, coexistance through tear ol destruc-
tion, or complete destruction itself.
At the present we are coexisting. Rela-
tions between nuclear powers are at a com-
parative zenith. And Still no weapons have
been deactivated
Disarmament. Now there's a good one.
There have been talks about disassembling
nuclear weapons since detente in the 1950s.
But instead ot a reduction ol arms, we have
continually built nigger and more powerful
And escalation continues, with no im-
mediate end in sight The Strategic Defense
Initiative now gives ps a slight edge, but
how long will this edge last, and more
important, huw long until some randqpn
radical country masters nuclear technology,
develops a bomb, and presses the button?
The threat of a nuclear war is a reality
that is there but is a realit) almost impos
By Nathaniel Mead
I dilorial Columnist
Wove all heard about the
Strategic Defense Initiative (SD1),
that magnificent shield in space
that Reagan said would make
nuclear weapons "impotent and
obsolete We now know that any
talk of effective strategic defense
against nuclear weapons is dan-
gerous and misleading. It also
carries a big pricetag: American
taxpayers paid $16.7 billion tor
SPI during the Reagan years.
Where do we now stand? Are we
still paying for Reagan's flights of
fancy and whimsical strategems
against the "evil empire"?
M first, George Bush said SD1
was "expensive and had techno-
logical problems and he sup-
ported cutting the SPI budget bv
$1 billion However, the recent
launching if two SD1 satellites
indicates that he still blithely sup-
ports Star Wars in principle and is
prepared to tunnel billions more
into it. Hush may not share
Reagan's Hollywood sense of
glitzy science notion the good
guvs zapping the black-hats with
gleaming new space weapons
but he nevertheless shares the old
actor's flare for scientifically bank-
rupt propositions.
When itcomes to nuclear war,
deterrence of any kind seems
obsolete. In a Cornel! University
186 survey of members trom the
National Academy ot Sciences,
most sciennstsconcluded that any
space-based anti-missile system
would have to destroy 99 percent
of incoming nuclear warhead to
adequately protect the United
States in a nuclear war nlj 10
out of 500 scientists surveyed
thought SPI could achieve those
results in the net 25 years it
ever at all. The following year, a
committee of experts privy u SDI
research concluded it would take
at least 10 years of intensive re-
search just to determine it the
system could Junction effectively
The report, issued by the Ameri-
can Physical Society, the natron's
largest organization of physicists,
didn't even analyze computerized
satellite systems, the most prob-
lematic aspect of SDI
Indeed, nuclear deterrence is
a foolish goal when the prohabjl
itv ot mechanical em r an i ? ? .
warning is taken inl
most recent findii ruise mis-
siles fly too low to be tra ?
would thereby eludi theSi
defense system In fa
very beginning M 1 ne ? r ?
addressed low altitude
systems bombers
siles.and "suite ase nu leai
ons Sovietadvan ? inl
anti-satellite '??? capons t
gies ii uld turn i
performarw e
But the aim f SDI
prevent all Soviet missili fi -
hitting targets in the Unit
Proponents a i ep! that
missiles arecertam to get thi
The aim, rather is to n
strike so difficult an Isoi ? that
the Soviets will dei idi
worth it In other w r
system does not a tuallv n
work it is enough for tl
e's to suspect that parts I I ???
function to scuttle th i
( ritks sav. howeer tl
Soviet leaders pen eive Si n ?'? ?
as part ot a 1 S first strike tral
egy, allowing us to laui
Sec 'star Wars, page 5
By setting
sible to grasp. One only hopes we can evade T3 (CkY Ck
its pow
grasp, v 'm
orful grip
strong examples,
be heroes to someone
By Dinah Eng
Gannett News Service
Nelson Mandela is free.
The release ot the South Afri-
can black nationalist leader sig-
nals an inevitable end to apart-
heid, and offers the rest of the
world another new hero.
Mandela, jailed 27 and one-
half years for activities opposing
white minority rule, walked out
of the prison that symbolized his
nation's fears on Feb. 11, five
months short of his 72nd birth-
da v.
Shortly before his release1, he
posed tor pictures with South
African President Frederik VV.
deklerk, the man who freed him.
On Mandela's face was a gentle
smile that spoke of enduring faith
in human rights and individual
In mv mind, the lyrics from
part of Handel's "Messiah" rang
out "And with his stripes, we
are healed
In every culture, we took to
people who represent the best ot
who we are and hope- to be. The
world is not a perfect place, and
when we are faced with a wrong
that is somehow made right, a part
of us all is healed in the pro ess
So, as in the case of Nelson
Mandela, when one of us wins a
battle, we all win
We need heroes, people whose
achievements remind us that we,
too, can do great thingsertainly
we make celebrities into heroes
everv day. Yet while it's easy to
admire famous people trom afar,
the most important heroes to us
are those who have personally
touched our lives
For Dione Prince, a junior in a
District of Columbia high school,
the most influential person in his
life is his mother
"Mv mom alwavs tells me
there isn't anything lean tdo h
says "She's aiv. aysbeen the n 1 st
influential person in m
because she believes in me
This is what the best h
do thev not only set exan -
torus to tollow they empowi
with their belief that we can do the
same. How many times have we
come to junctures in ourliveswhen
someone realh madeadiffi '
bv helping us nnd the wa '
With time, Nelson Mand
desire to foster recora
recrimination" in hiscountn ???:
inspire the kind ot .hams
lead to true freedom tor all
In our ow n lives, we ca
courage those around us tod
same In any situation, it is thi
bridge we create with rec r
ation that brings us true free
Every d.t?. we all be he-
roes to someone.
.? :??? fk ?
To the Editor
Concerned student offers ideas for improving campus
To the editor:
This article is mainlv in re-
sponse to the recent article con-
cerning the renovation of resi-
dence halls on the campus of Fast
Carolina University which was
subtitled "Residence I Jails sched-
uled to get $35 million facelift
This article was run in The East
Carolinian on Feb 13, 1W0.
With the rate of living on
campus scheduled to increase an
extra $70 per student per semester
in the coming academic year, and
an alleged decrease in available
school funds, doesn't it seem il-
logical to think of such expendi-
tures? The improvements to be
made on the residence halls in-
clude the installation of energy
efficient lighting, heating and air-
cond 1 tinning systems. This is very
nice indeed, and these improve-
ments should be made. But then
come the improvements to be made
to Scott dorm, which include the
installation of new movable furni-
ture in the rooms. Wow, how ex-
pensive sounding!
I have to think and wonder
where the old furniture is going to
go. Will it be wasted? In other
words, will this retired furniture
be treated like manv other things
on this campus taken for
granted? If people didn't take care
of the old furniture in these nxims,
think of what the new furniture
will look like in a few years. "Oh
well, its only money so the school
officials would probably say. Yeah,
our money!
Is it a fact that thisschool needs
more money in order to operate
effectively? 1 think not. I can sup-
port my stand on this issue easily
in two major ways. First, this sch wl
could have functioned without
wasting all that monev on the
walkway in front of lovnor Li-
brary. Secondly, I can walk
through many classroom build-
ings on this campus and sec a
tremendous waste occurring. On
some halls in the various class-
room buildings on campus, there
will be around 20classrooms with
the lights turned on while maybe
a total of three classrooms are in
actual use. Not only is this prac-
tice wasteful, but its stupid.
Another editorial, which ex-
pressed some of these views, and
which I thought was very well
written was published in Th e East
Carolinian on Feb. 15. The writer
is a resident advisor living at this
university, and takes a stand on
how safe the residence halls are
on campus. The writer brings to
light manv situations vhich
should be weighted more impor-
tant than the beautification of this
place "where teachers teach The
writer is very correct when mak-
ing the point of how glamorous
this place is when you can pack
your bags and leave for home
every afternoon. 1 think that ar-
ticle was tops.
Another problem on this
campus is parking and its availa-
bility. Any whereelsein this world,
if someone tried to sell you a prod-
uct under false pretenses, it would
be considered fraud, but here at
ECU, when the school sells more
parking stickers than it has spaces
available, it is called good busi-
ness sense for Public Safety.
Granted that some people try to
get away with murder when it
comes to parking around campus,
other students have to commute a
long distance every day in order
to attend classes. Some commut-
ers can't catch the bus from Fick-
len in time for their classes, but if
they invent their own parking
spaces on main campus. Public
Safety is hiding in the bushes for
them damn criminals.
One of my friends told me of
the situation in which she was
involved with Public Safety. She
had innocently parked in a dirt
path, of which she didn' t have any
knowledge of it being a dirt path,
near Mendenhall so she could rush
to a class. Needless to say, when
she returned to her car, she had
received a ticket. She went to
Public Safety and told the woman
at the desk what had happened. In
a very uncaring way, the woman
behind the desk replied to my
friend, "They have a new parking
lot at Ficklen now I wonder how
tar this woman has to walk c.cb
ca inordertositbehind her desk
Instead ot "stealing" so much ot
the student's monev by selling
nearly useless parking stickers and
giving out millions ot tickets, why
don't thev build parking decks
around main campus? 1 guess thev
would lose their income
Questions remaining go be
1 Will waste on this campus
ever end ?
2. Will the safety of students
ever be put before the beautifica-
tion of ECU?
3. Will the "stealing" ever end?
4. What is going to happen to
the registration process on
this campus?
Ronald Mercer


The East Carolinian, February 20,1990 5
Victim of racism faces death penalty
By Richard Prince
C.jnnett News Service
Russell Thomas Moore has
lived the kind of life no one would
His mother, an Australian
aborigine, is from the outback of a
nation where for years her people
were little more than fodder for
target practice.
Beverly Moore Whymangave
birth to her oldest son 2b years
ago, at a time when government
policy was to take these black
babies a way and try to make them
'White She was 14.
Russell Moore was adopted
by white Australian missionaries
w hose work took them to Amer-
ica when the bov. renamed James
Hudson Savage, reached age 6.
Today, after 20 years of being
Star Wars
Continued from page 4
preemptive attack and then to
destroy the remnant ot anv sur-
vivingSoviet forces, lnahotcrisis
situation, this may tempt the Sovi-
ets to make a preemptive first strke
against the United States. In this
case, Stars Wars only makes the
situation tar more dangerous than
it already is.
The Pentagon has usually
managed to get all the research
support it needs bv ottering lucra-
tive military contracts to elite
university labs, but when it comes
to SDI, tew scientists are so easily
Kmght out. Over 60 percent of
faculty at the top 20 physics de-
partments in the country in-
cluding MIT. Princeton, 1 larvard,
and Cornell have signed a
pledge not to accept SDI research
money Notably, MIT opponents
outnumber proponents by 10 to 1.
Such expert opposition to SHI has
undermined the Bush
administration's attempts to sell
its Star Wars program to IS. tax-
Not since the Vietnam War
have scientists organized such a
unified dissent against the mili-
tary By actually refusing funds
tor SDI, our physicists are forgo-
ing their traditional "scientific
neutrality" to take a political stand
on an issue that threatens global
survival. Clearly those few "ex-
pert" supporters of SDI are an
unprincipled minority whose fis-
cal interests have blinded them
from scientific reality. Popular
fantasies spawned by Reagan's
jellybean brain and inspired by
Luke Skywalker should never be
allowed to supersede a broad
survey of scientific opinion.
I ndertheReaganadministra-
rton, 70 percent of all government
research and development funds
went toward the military. (Prior
to 1980, it was less than 50 per-
centAnd over 60 percent of our
taxpaver dollars still goes to pay-
ing tor past and present military
expenditures. A large percentage
of this could be used instead to
improve our educational system
and the ever-eroding quality of
life for lower- and middle-class
Americans. CuttingSDI altogether
would be a step toward reducing
our $2.9 trillion deficit and stabi-
lizing our now extremely precari-
ous economy.
Considering the total number
of nuclear warheads in the world
today, nuclear deterrence of any
kind must be considered condu-
cive to Mutually Assured Destruc-
tion (MAD) Bush fails to realize
that SDI, as it now stands is just as
MAD as any other strategy at our
disposal. The real priority ? and
the least expensive ? is persistent
diplomacy seeking multilateral
arms reduction and a phasing out
of nuclear power (hence bomb
we have enough nuclear warheads
to blow up the world at least forty
times over, we can afford to make
massive arms reductions, let's be
clear on this When Bush talks
about a stronger military, he's
reallv talking about a more dan-
gerous world.
an outsider in American society,
Savage is on death row Fourteen
monthsago, he brutally killed and
sexually abused a white woman,
interior designer Barbara Ann
Barber, in Melbourne, Fla.
Now, asif two wrongs makea
right, Florida is about to com-
pound the tragedy.
A jury voted 11 to 1 for life in
prison. Last month a judge made
it the electric chair.
Exotic and bizarre, the case of
lames Savage deserves mention
when we in the United States
consider our attitudes toward the
death penalty, multicultural cur-
ricula, cross-racial adoptions, our
own Native Americans ? and
what constitutes a good family.
"The story is important for
(the United States) tocome to terms
with says anthropologist Angela
Gilliam of Evergreen State Col-
lege in Olympia, Wash who
taught for two years in New
"The whole notion is that in
order to be civilized' you have to
be as close to Euro- American cul-
tureas possible said anthropolo-
gist Angela Gilliam of Evergreen
State University in Olympia,
Wash. "Maybe the idealized U.S.
family is not so perfect. Look at
the suicide rates in middle-class
families. Yet we are very eager to
blame poor people for their fami-
For years, U.S. policy sent
Native American children to
boarding schools where they were
forbidden to speak their native
tongue or participate in any In-
dian activities. That policy has
ended, but lingering suspicions
keep many away from "white"
schools ? and woefully undere-
During Savage's trial, a psy-
chiatrist testified that Savage had
an emotional age of about 12 and
suffered brain damage from drug
and alcohol abuse.
Hisadoptivepa rents, mission-
aries Graeme and Nesta Savage,
said that by age 15 Savage had
begun drinking and exposing
himself to women.
His family nickname was "The
Nigger Savage would tell his
birth mother during the trial.
"He didn't fit in with the
whites because he was black
Beverly Whyman told the St. Pe
tersburg Times, "and he didn't fit
in with blacks because they saw
him as white. He was a man with-
out a country, a man without a
By 18, Savage was on his own,
living the life of a vagrant.
In 1982, he began the first of
many long stays behind bars. He
was guilty of car theft, armed
robbery, burglary and attacks on
prison guards.
Savage was released from
prison in October 1988. Old habits
"The last couple of weeks I
wasout (of prison)I started smok-
ing crack Savage told Florida To-
day. "I started smoking it every
day. 1 was drunk and high at the
time of the crime
The excuses held no weight
with Circuit Judge Lawrence
Johnston. "Drugs and alcohol are
personal choices he said. "Cross-
racial adoptions are not doomed
to failure
Savage, using a public de-
fender, is appealing. A support
group (Friends of Russell Moore,
55 Washington St 9th floor,
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201) is urging a
letter-writing campaign to the
Australian Embassy and to Flor-
ida Gov. Bob Martinez in efforts to
have Savage's sentence reduced.
Beverly Whyman is back in
Australia, seeking support to bring
him back. Her government has
abolished the death penalty, but
on matters of race is still sorting
right from wrong.
Just as in the United States,
some branches of government try
harder than others.
"He paid for his crime
Wyman says of the son she lost 26
years ago. "But who will pay for
the crimes perpetrated against
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Page 6
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operator Organize a group of 20 and
travel free For more information and
reservations contact STS at 1 8(X) 648
Investment. WeareaAAAA 1 Dunn &
Bradstreet. 500 million direct sales
company with a 20 vear sales history
We will be interviewing in Greenville on
February 10 for 3 sales managers, men
and women to recruit tram and motivate
part time and full- time sales people. If
vou expect to earn more than a SKX).(XX)
a vear -in a :unumnuira investment,
call 11 Parker, M. Pellet or C Wood.
Thursday, Friday or Saturday between
2:00-5:00 p m. at 1-395-2727 or Monday
100-5:00pm at355-5000ext 760foran
SUMMER JOBS: Mow $1025 to start
Any 3 nights and ats while in school
1 5 hrs min Can work full time breaks
and summer in your hometown Apply
in person Vector Mktg Corp Mon 219
4:05 Mendenhall 247 Tues 2201 55
Mendenhall 242 Trans required
while vou wait
11 i'Qtst I itirtry ol mlormthon in U 3
ill SI.1?CfJ
Eg. 800 351 022?
Rfsej'C Intonation
Free & Confidential
Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
111 E. 3rd St.
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
M-F 9 am-5 pm
2KW F oth Street
( Ak M ahoul ?ur ?pri M rMM 10 . :u: rt tettet, lad
dijODUPn fn FvbfMf) rrr.uV
? Located Near ECU
? Near Major Shopping Centers
? ECU Bus Ser ice
? Onsile I.aundr
QattMtJ I Wit?nia Toon) WtUiami
756-7815 or 753-743
? K.M EA iAKlr nn -
Cl tM AMt QVST m fwtrnni f jmif ? ejTi: n? (t-
efTkient. frw nr; ??d ?cct option: Mtfbcf tiycn . ? ? f
IZ2 ? rmTi -tuth.1- HM
M mil E NOM1 RENTALS Apniwa are! -noN.r h?ia r
ulri danim rvr Hmi Vaiio t 'aunry ' jt
OalMBJ T W;ti?rm I Tonwr Wdttm
WAKE N" BAKE: In Negnl, Jamaica'
(Vie beatititul week starting at
$460 00" 1 lot days and reggae nights"
This trip will sell out so Call Sun
Splash Tours at 1 800 426-7710
TRY WISEPAK, A variety pack of our
12 best selling name brand condoms
Just $6 79tax Rushed first class
Call I lealthwise to order 1 800 933-
begin March 10th For further
information, contact Melrose Moore,
Minges Coliseum, 757 4632 or 4433
MODELS: It vou would like to model,
Promotions Modeling Agency, a low
tiv agency needs males and (email's of
all ages Abo need dancers for private
parties Call 355 0010 to set up an
Sy?,230yr Now 1 linng. Call (1) 80S
687-6000 Ext R 1166 tor current federal
Kee Nac tor Boy s 1 tenbee tor . .irK
Counselor positions tor Program
Specialists All ream Sports, especially
Baseball, Basketball, Field 1 kxkey,
SoftbaD, Soccer and Volleyball; 2
Tennis openings; also Archery,
Rifflery, WeightsFitness and Biking;
other opening- include Performing
Arts, Fine Arts Newspaper, Photogra
phv, Cooking, Sewing, Roller skating,
Rocketry Rope- and tamp Cratt, All
Waterfront Activities (Swimming ,
knng, Sailing Windsurfing, Canoe
Kayaking) Inquire Mah-Kee Nac
(Bovs), 190 I mden Ave C.len Ridge .
The Suntana
5 Visil Plan SI5
10 Visil Plan$25
15 Visit Plan $30
Wolfe Tanning System
Coupon Good Thru 3-31 -l"
3212 S. Memorial Dr.
NJ 07028 Danbee (Girls), 16 Horseneck
Road, Montvtlle NJ 07045 Please Call 1
Attendants, Travel Agents, Mechanics,
Customer Service Listings Salaries to
$1()5K Entrv level positions Call (1) 80S?
687?6000 Ext A?1166
jobs - vour area Manv immediate
openings without waiting list or test
SI7,840 - $60,485 Call 1?602?838?
8885 EXT R 5285
LENT PAY! Assemble products at home
Details (1)602 838-8885 Ext. W?5285
AT HOME! 32,000yr income potential
Details, (1) 602?8.38?8885.
WAFFLE HOUSE, is expanding and
looking for dependable individuals Now
accepting applications tor full and part
time positions All shifts cook, waitress,
hostess, management No experience
necessary Apply between 7 am. 3pm
for mature, motivated, individuals with an
interest in fashion and the desire to sell
quality clothing Good beginning salary
and store wide desount Apply in person.
Brodv's The Plaa Monddav Wednesday
1 00 4 00 p m
RRODVS: Are you a college student in
need ol extra spending m ?? ?? Brod) s is
accepting applications foi part time sales
associates and customer service represen-
tatives who can work flexible hours Apply
in person Brodv's The Plaa Monday
Wednesday 1 IX) 4 00pm
SALES: National Marketing Firm socks
mature student to manage on campus
promotions for top companies this school
vear Flexible hours with earning potential
to $2,500 per semester Must be organized,
hardworking, and money motivated Call
Micheleor lenny at (800) 592-2121
250 -1000 summer camp positions available. Staff Referral Services
provides a network of camps, now hiring, from the "Keys" to Wise
Minn One application reaches all camps via master computer.
Applications at the Career Planning & Placement Office.
Twolocanoni 1600 N. Green St.
830-W79 1009 S Memontl Dr
"???; ' ?? . i ? ' '????? ,t . irt"
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30-4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
Call for appoint merit Mon thru Sjt
I ow Cttfl lerrrunation to 20 ww'ks of Irrgnnev
? Desks? Chairs
? Files? Safes
? Computer? Storage
HELP WANTED: I'jrt time help from
1 5-20 hours a week working as a part
time sales associate Ask for Don at IV
and Pay 7V WS4 wineOur definite-
lvpre downtown fraternities II
TAUSVVe enjoyed partying with you
guvs Thursday night Let's get together
again in the future1 Love, The Chi-OS
Now I'aking Leases tor Fall
1990. Efficiency1 bedr.i & 2
bedrmapis. Call752 - 2865
vn be the first meeting Wed Feb 21
Room 22 at 5 p m The meeting will be
focusing on the organizing the New
Environmental Design Croup (Hficers
and committees will be appointed at this
HON: The laM 4 months have hern
great' Thanks for everything Alvi, vou
can have a hug anytime Love, B B
FAB 5 AND LIL F: You're the greatest
friends ever' I luv u' Fab 15 Sunshine
TO MY NEW FIANCEE: Thanks for a
wonderful relationship 1 love vou more
and more each day we spend together
! ove a, lavton
I HI BROTH I Ks i PI 1 IK.I s )1
I Ht TA CHI: Woke up las) Thursdav
morning with a wine glass in my hand
VTios wine7 Who's winnne Where the
hell did 1 dine1' It's time to award those
who went beyond Ihe (all oj duty at last
Valentine's dance t S the Iceman
award, Tony W the is the beer here
yet?" award, Paul S the "My date
invented a new dance award. 1 oren F
the 'Totally wide open award, Dave K
the "1 didn't mean to turn you on"
award; Steve S the That's not a mop,
dude that s slut award. I the "Geee, i
wonder where Tommy is award and
e eryone there geN the "no pain, no
pain" award (u r i ieros!
The Valentine's dance last Wednesday
was incredible Everyone looked BOOOOO
gixxl It would've been great for it to
have lasted longer, but rime flies when
vou are having tun It anyone "forgot
lust how fun it was. ! m sorry because
that dance was detmatelv one to
DELTA SK;S: Thanks tor the pre-
dowtowTi Lers do it again! Love The
Alpha Phis
students and taoiltv and ?-tiav to
Wc Ruv. Sell. Trade. & Lease
212 N. v.KCii Si
Elegant Nails
located ai
New Image Weight Control Center
323 Clifton St. Suite 7
Greenville. NC 2785X
Special $25. - Reg $40.
Phone 756-9558
February 20,1990
the fraterimties and sororities for helping
us raise money for the 1 leart Fund We
couldn't have done it without you' lxv
The Alpha Phis
CHI OMEGA: Kendra, Tina, Krista
Angela, Kris, Bitsv, Ashley, and Windy
You all did a gTeat job Thank you for all
the advise and encouragement at the
retreat You guys will definitely be a
hard act to follow Love in Chi Omega.
The 199)Exec
A TTN LSS MAJORS: Come by King
'andwi. h tor a pre game meeting on
Wednesday. Feb 21 at 5 'I' loin us for
some Adult Refreshments and get
psyched tor ECU to beat Richmond
PI KAPPS: Congratulations Alex Martin
Brother of the month and Congrahila
tions to Karen on getting lavahered Matt
you need to stick with her Rob
O'Connor quit bugging me to put vou
name in the paper' I'm not going to do it
PI KAPPS It s finally Founder's Day and
time to )am This Saturday, we 11 party
dance, and not give a damn' (except for
damaging the hotel) It vou happen by
mistake, the dinner vou miss well.
Tommy and Fills are surely to be pisso
All vou brothers wati h out for snakes in
the grass, You know who I'm talking
about so don't be a dumb ass So let's
party responsibly, ! know we all can. 111
see vail there' Signed Batman
"02:Kir hearts go out to vou. mav
( upid shixt you down mi vou WOT t
have a I ? ? ? ' ??-? rs
and and y fi eavei ?bo e bul I
707 you II onl) ?' love I lappv
V alentine s I 'av' A week late! Love
PHI BETA SIGMA Formal Smoker
tonight at Mendenhall Room 247 al ' '
p m Everyon ?????
rYR '? - i variet) I tu 12 best
selling name bi ndoms ust$679-t
tax Rushed first lass mail! Call
healthwise to order I 900-933-4300
1 os I . ai ??? '? ? a1 .v ?-
hai ?os She still has a scar on her
stomach from when she was sp?v?si
i ast sea : nda ? ift n i??'? at the i ul k
s,k at the end o! Second st it found
pit ase .1 3 ? ? 328 u d as) I ? I 'avid ??
lean e message
ATTFN TR1-SIG: The pre downtown
was fun as usual, but then again
partying with v u ladies is always fui
Wait! Who is that girl with the or
leg' Aren't vou from Aspen? Thanks
again Love the Brothers and . ??
kappa sinia
PTirBTTX STCTWA FormaT? ??: -a
night at Mendenhall Room 1: a:
pm Everyone welcome
PHI TALS n joyed partying with
vou guvs Thursday night Let - get
together again in the future! I 0V? The
(hi (s
PI. I S RAISE I IP To $1,400 IN
.11 ST 10 DAYS!
Objective- Fundraiser
Conimitment: Minimal
Mont: Raise1.4(H)
Cjst: Zero Investment
Campus organizations, clubs, frats,
sororities call OCMC at I (XOOl
932 - 052S 1 iSOOi 959-M72 et 10
There will be a Biology dub meeting on
Tuesday, Feb 20th at 3 00 in room BN-109
Guest sjxiker. Bill Holman will bespeak-
ing on Politics of the Environment
Everyone interested is welcome to oin us'
Wes2fcl is a Christian fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
(ointly by the Presbyterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries Come to the Method-
is Student Center (301 E 5th across from
Garrett dorm) this Wednesday night at 3
p m and every Wednesday night for a
delicious all-you-can-eat home cooked
meal ($2 25) with a short program after-
wards Signed for the hearing impaired
Call 738-2030 more information
The Decision Sciences Society will have
its meeting on Thursday, Feb 22 at 430
pm SandraManessfrom
Pitt County Memorial Hospital will be
speaking on Information Systems Man-
The La w Society will be holding a meeting
Feb 26,1990 at 5.45 p.m. in Ragsdale 218
Anyone Interested please attend.
Don't forget! The ECU Ambassadors will
be having a meeting on Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 21st at Western Steer on 10th Street.
Come at 4:30 pm for dinner and the
meeting begins at 5.15 p.m. See ya there!
the Financial Management Association will
meet on Wednesday, February 21 at
3:00p.m. in room 3009 GCB. Agenda
items include officer nominations, set-
ting a spring banquet date, getting DMA
Chances, making reservations for Chi-
cago convention Bring vour SO 00 reg
istrarion fee if vou are planning to go to
Loonis McGlohon Tno with ECU Con-
cert Choir (Feb. 20,8 15 pm .Wright Au-
ditorium; tickets $2 for students, S4
general admission, available at door or
in advance from Central Ticket office
757-4788); Emerson String Quartet on
ECUChamberMusicSeries(Feb 25,300
p.m Hendrix Theater, ticket informa-
tion 757-4788). DIAL 757-4370 FOR TI IE
The renowned Loonis McGlohon Tno
performs a concert of popular and )az
music on Tuesday, February 20 at 8:15
pm in Wright Auditorium with the
ECU Concert Choir under the director
Brett Watson Wickets are $2 for stu-
dents, $4 general admission, available at
the door or at the Central Ticket Office.
Mendenhall, 757-4788 McGlohons Trio
based in Charlotte, came to national at
tention in 1979 when they appeared on
National Public Radio for 56 weeks on
the award-winning series "American
Popular Songs Since then, they have
recorded 26 album McGlohon, one of
America's most respected pianists and
composers, has performed with and h ad
his songs recorded by such artists and
composers, has performed with and had
his songs recorded by such greats as
Tony Bennett, Eileen Garrell, Margaret
Whiting, Frank Sinatra, Woodv I lerman,
and Rosemary Chxinev I le and Charles
Kuralt collaborated on the musical pro
duction "North Carolina is My Home"
and together have been selected as speak
ers for this year's ECU Commencement
Learning how to improve your Study
skills for grater success in college The
following mini course and workshops
can help prepare for the added work
load of college or help to increase vour
grade point average All sessions will be
held in 313 Wright Building: Februarv
26, Monday and 27, Tuesday Time
Management - 3-4.30 p.m. You may at
tend all the topic sessions or choose the
ones the ones where you need the most
Dr Hal Daniel, Ph D Dept. of Speech,
Language and Auditory Pathology will
speak about his research interests in
human evolution and biological anthro-
pology. Tuesday, February 27,4:30pm
BD-302. Refreshments will be served.
All Anthropology majorsminors or
an yone that is interested in learning more
are cordially invited to attend
Announcing a Wednesday night dinner
special! Fun, fellowship and all the home-
cooking you can eat It all starts at 5:30
p m Come - Bring a friend
All families and friends of children with
special needs and interested professional are
invited to the annual meeting ot Parents
Supporting ParentsfPSP) It will be held
Thursday, March lstat7 30p m in room 103
of the Belk Building on the ECL1 campus. Dr.
Jeannie Golden, psychologist and assistant
professor in Psychology at ECU, is the fea-
tured speaker and will be speaking on
"Dealing with theStress to Being Everything
to Everybody " Also to be introduced will be
PSIvs 1900-91 new officers Free babysitting
services will be offered during the meeting
for those who call Sand v Steele at 757-4494 or
355-3127 bv February 27.
We invite vou to be with us every Wed night
at 7 pm. in Room 212 Mendenhall for prayer
and Bible study. Everyone is welcome to be
a part of this growing fellowship For more
info call 752-7199
Expressions Ls now accepting fiction and
non-fiction prose, news articles, and poetry
for review for the April issue Deadline for
all submissions is March 2 at 5:00pm. The
office is located in the Publications Bldg
across from Joyner Library.
Five animal rights videos covering a range of
topics including cosmetics testing hunting
fur, alternatives to animal research, factory
farming vegetarianism, and others will be
shown Tuesday, February 20 at 7p.m. in
GCB 1031. The event is sponsored by ECU
SETA and is open to the public.
All members are invited to attend the next
meeting this afternoon at 3 p m The
meeting will be in Speight 201 All inter-
ested persons are welcome to attend' See
va there'
All majors are encouraged to attend a sum-
mer sales internship seminar on a college
agent program to be held Wednesday. Feb-
ruarv 28, at 4 p m in room 1032, General
Classroom Building Learn how vou can
lointheNo 1 sales force in industry?with
the most admired life insurance com pan v
in America
Creative7 Interested in making new
friends' Want to get involved7 If so, the
Student Union Productions Committee
wants vou ' Pick up an application at
Mendenhall Todav'
Andy Culpepper (stockbroker) will be
speaking to the Economics Societv on Feb
21 at 7:00p.m. in Mendenhall RM 221 All
majors are welcome We urge new Eco-
nomics majors to attend Refreshments!
ECU District 97, SEANC. will be sponsor-
ing an "Oldie-Goldies" Dance, on Satur-
day, March 31, 1990, at the Greenville
Country Club, from 8.00 pm - 1:00 a.m
with a DJ featuring the music from the SCs,
60s, and 70s. There will be door prizes,
light hors d'doevres, and cash bar as well
as a prize for the best-dressed couple rep-
resenting each era Tickets for the event
will be $6person and may be obtained by
contacting Peggy Nobles, Main Campus
(6012), David Balch, School of Medicine
(551 24711 or anv member ot the district
07 Executive Board Executive Commit
A support group tor adoptees, birth par
ents, and adoptive parents 1st meeting
will be held on Tues , Feb 20 at Quincv's
from 7-0p m Search referrals available
New meeting time' The Lssue of Adult
Children ot Alcoholics is becoming more
recognied todav on college campuses If
vour life has been affected past or present
bv having been raised in a home or envn
ronment where alcohol or other dvsfunc
tion behaviors were present, Big Kids mav
be the group tor vou The new meetings
will be held each Wednesday at 8 00 in 242
Mendenhall Student Center For more
information contact Office ot Substance
Abuse Prevention and Education 303
Erwin Hall. 737 6703
Boost Alcohol Consciousness Concerning
the Health of University Students Get
involved with this student organization to
plan for "Safe Spring Break and National
Collegiate Drug Awareness Week March
19-23 We meet every Tuesday at 4 p.m in
307 Erwin Hall For more information
contact Office of Substance Abuse Preven-
tion, 303 Erwin Hall, 757-6793
The Hispanic Club will meet Wed Feb.21
at 4pm on the 3rd floor of GCB in the
Language Dept lounge The members
will see a film called Erendira " Everyone
is invited to attend

The East Carolinian February 20, 1990 7
Continued from page 1
Royal added that the policy is
meant lodo more than just control
alcohol at fraternity mixers, but also
to act as a safeguard for the image
Of traternities and sororities. "It
looks out for the entire (Irvek sys
tern Royal said "lfonefraternit)
does something and gets into
trouble on this campus, it doesn't
ut come down on that one frater-
nity; it Ciimes down on the entire
Greek system
The IFC policy effectively
bans from mixers kegs and grain
alcohol served in tubs or large
containers, and requires the check-
ing ot IPs at all mixers It also bans
alcohol from intramural events and
Rush and pledgeassociate mem-
ber education functions. Accord-
ing to the policy, every fraternity is
also expected to participate in an
alcohol awareness program pro-
vided by the university.
"We're not telling them that
you can't have a party, and we're
not telling them to stop socializ-
ing Royal said. "We're just tell-
ing them to do it maturely and
responsibly. Follow state laws,
follow the university laws and have
a mature, safe party
Also affected by the policy is
all campus parties parties that
have traditionally been successful parties because of the liability in-
fundraisers for many fraternities volved.
Rut Speier added that such parties Enforcement of the policy will
were already eliminated because be handled through the IFC, and
"If we do not do what society
is pressuring us to do, we'll
Randy Royal,
ii C president
of the loud noise thev generate fraternities found in violatum ot
conflicting with Greenville's noise the policy face judicial procced-
ordmance. He added that many ingsfrom the IFC. Sororities found
fraternities'nationals prohibit such in violation of the policy face pos-
sible suspension of social activities
kvith IIC member traternities.
Kappa Sigma president Bill
11.ill said that in general the policy
has had an effect on underage
consumption at Maternity func-
tions.oneaimof thepoliey. "I think
it's cut it down, but it hasn't com-
pletely cut it out Hall said. "We
don't have kegsatsKials anymore,
and it's a little bit more under
control now
Royal said that through meth-
ods such as the ak ohol policy, fra-
ternities should be able to re-focus
on their purposes on college cam-
puses "We should be following
our (fraternity) creeds and conduct
and ethic policies that every chap-
ter has and get back to the basics of
why the fraternities were founded
Roval said.
"These policies are probably
going to keep coming down (from
IFC) cm fraternities. And it's not to
tell us we can't do something, but
to look out for us. I "hat's all thest
policies are, to look out tor us, nd
insure the existence of fraternities
in the hiture he added.
Performances focus
on aging population
tCU News Bureau
Concerns associated with an
aging population will be drama-
tized in upcoming literarv per-
formances by the Staged Reading
Project of the ECU School of Medi-
The literary reading group,
comprised of FCC medical stu-
dents, will present in combined
perU ?rman es Management" and
rhe Safe 1 H?posit, two short sto
ries centered around issues ot ag-
ing in America rhe performances
will be Feb 23 and 24 at the
Humber House, 117 W. Fifth Stat
8p m daytime performance will
be held Feb. T"1 at 2 p.m Following
each performance, ECU humani-
ties scholars lead audience discus-
sions. All performances are tree
and open to the public.
i he project, started in 1988
with grants from the North Caro-
lina Humanities Council and the
Puke Endowment, is an attempt
to inform the public of issues in
medicine using an entertainment
medium and to foster communi-
cation between the medical pro
fession and the public
Previous presentations by the
literary group have highlighted
issues related to women in medi-
cine, doctor patient relationships.
delivery of healthcare to the poor,
and stigmas placed on thedisabled
and handicapped.
The Hair Loft
Get a quick Tan Without Burning in Our
Brand New Tanning Bed
(Wolff Bellarium S" Lamps)
$4 per visit $35 tor 10 visits
Wet Cuts - $8.00
Perms S $3.00
Walk Ins Welcome
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evenings b appointment
112 S. Mill St.
WinterviHe.NC 28590 (acrossfrom Dixie Queen)
only 3 miles south of Carolina East Mall 55 5980
of Greenville
Located b Sports Pad on 5th Street
Enter through Alley
Attention News Writers:
Meeting today at 5:00 p.m. at
taje ?ast Carolinian
Bring plenty of story ideas
Call me if vou will be unable to attend
Flying .1 lf-ton !t is not fot
everyone But for those who can
meet the i hallenge it's 1 thrill that
hi 1 other careei an off r
How about you? It you're thinking
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immediately It will launch the leadership skills you'll
need .is an Air Force officer - skills will serve you tr
a lifetime I A-approved Right lessons will get your feet off
th ground Nr th?' first time
?t.irt nowontact
Import Night
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2 For
Sh;irk's is a private club for members and
21 years old guests.

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Get your hands on a Macintosh
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I k n iew rk has a nasty way f pil
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Our advice: Get in front of a
True, it may not turn a lifelong pro
crastmator into an overachiever. But it
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N't nly will a Macmtt sh change
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sors think y u bribed a friend in art
And as for all those
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Ivpcrt .ard" an amazing new pr igram
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Bef ire m ur homework slips com
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The p Aver to be your best"
lor more information contact:
Student Stores
Wright Building
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t,4.s-???' i i,fir mpulfr to,

Slje iEaat (Earnlfnfan
Pnc S
State and Nation
February 20,1990
1990 Census promises more accurate head count
By William Dunn
(??innrii New Scrvicr
A missive a rim. nearly
5tXMXio strong, is mobilizing in
side the I Inited States borders tor
an assault by loot. In cars and on
This isn t war It s the llM,0
Census and the i iv Hian troops
arc about to participate in the
biggest, most computerized and
costly count since the exercise
began in 1790
1 ho i ensus Bureau's oo
temporary district offices are now
all open, and cardboard desks
assembled Computers arc being
fired upand tested Recruitment s
shifting into high gear, with tost
ing already under way
Census reminders ,ire just
starting to pop up, on shopping
bags and In February's bank cus
tomer statements 1 mk lor com
mg bargains at several national
chain Stores that have agreed to
run $19.90 Census Sales
A slick ad campaign, designed
bv five agencies and targeting
different ethnic and racial groups,
was jus! unveiled in Washington,
D.C Hie ,u Hit, aimed at alias-
ing tears and suspicions o( how
the data will be used, will build
steadily, peaking in April, when
the census official!) gets under
It s a (ensus ol lirsls the first
count ol stepchildren, ot gay part
tiers and the homeless And it's a
census ot reaching out to illegal
immigrants and minorities who
have been missed before The
bureau sent football Stars to tackle
inner city census apathy and
wrote a sermon for ministers to
urge bun h goers to mail mi pies
I he ounl at a i ost ol $2.5
billion, will set i hi" nation's course
into the novt century. 'Power and
money move with thiscount says
i ensus director Barbara Bryant.
I lore's how results are used:
lo reapportion and redis-
tru t4 15congressional seats I Ipto
New Orleans school board
proposes changes to system
By Pal Ordovensk)
Gannett News S?r i c
(Mi the comer ol l ouisa and Edna
streets two miles from the I ren K
Quartcr,aboutado2cn voting men
,irc hanging out
Allarem thou teens Ol
are leaning against cars or store
fronts All appear to be doing
nothing but talking s the problem, sa, s
William rhomas associate super
intendenl ol st hools gesturing at
the corner as he drives b
Three blocks awa) al Moton
Elementary School, tust grade
teacher c arol Baile) hopes she's
part ot a history making solution.
Moton and nearby l ockett
Elementary, scr ing students trom
two drug-mfested, cnmc-rulden
housing project rc brHeved to
be the first schools in the nation to
Switch to a real vear round
schedule. Their 1500 students go
to school from Ink to lune, off
only on weekends holidays and
two weeks in the summer.
"The three month summer
vacation has no place in an urban
school system says Dwight
McKonna. the New i Weans school
board member who sold the idea
to his board colleagues and s hool
administrators It s nol a luxun
anymore it s an absolute c ii
K Kenna s idea keep kids
from poverty stricken areas in
school all year and they ill
Retainall the) ha elearned
without the need for refresher
lessons each fall
I lave a harw c to "cat h
up" academically with kids who
get an educational head Mart at
IV less hkeh to tall k tun
to the drugs and crime that per
adc the area.
"I ook at the inner cit)hild,
Mckenna says l iving in p'
eity. One parent who has no job
( rune Statistics are way up m the
summer I hev're behind by third
"We'vegot to witi the battle in
the eMMNta ry sehoe I. Th battle
is won or lost by age nine
Mi kenna. a surgeon who
publishes a newspaper tor the
New tVleans black community,
persuaded the school board to
spend $750,000 to p teachers at
the two schools for working all
summer. It comes from a federal
grant to help disadvantage stu
Mi ton and 1 ockett also are
among the first schools to go vear
round lor purely educational rea
t ?ns I he dei i?
i need b spa. e
.i 11 ? . reasoi
othei ichtw ?? .
imi wa; nt it it it i
?1 fin in ial pre
i mon than mH
r .s the nation
1- nol expei 1
1 '11 menl but
eitour or five
have gone to i modified year
round pnigramin which vacations
are ?pread throughout the year.
rh , ienl started last
luU It tirst measuring stick ar
rives in April when students take
achievement tests to determine
how trtm h th' i e l ai nod in a
I homas s.
ing dram ii
gradual gains
t Moton teat her Bailey sa s
she'sbeen waiting25years to make
history In 1964, she was disap
pointed when tour ot her class-
mates were picked as the first
blacks to integrate New Orleans
Schools and she was left out
ow I have my satisfaction
she sas I'm involved in some-
thing ol historical significance.
I his is going to revolutionize
The kids need this extended
year Regardless ol how the test
scores go, this is the answer
leachers at the two schools
were given the I hot e ot working
vear round with additional pav
See I ducation, page l
Conservationists lobby for
development tax to aid parks
DURHAMI P) In the wake
of controversy ovet a proposal to
sell most ol I instead Mate Park, a
conservation group is proposing
that legislators consider a tax on
land developments to help pay
for the state parks sv stem
Gov, hm Martin announced
last week that he would drop
consideration ol a proposal to sell
about4,000acresoi I msteadState
Park, located inst outside Raleigh
Officials with the state had pro
posed the idea as a means estab-
lish a fund to support the state's
other parks ,nd to acquire new
In dropping the Umstead
proposal, Martin criticized legis-
lators tor not adequately funding
state parks.
1'hursdav, a Durham based
conservation group is proposing
that the state consider adopting a
special land tj to fund the parks
system Hie proposal is contained
in a letter to legislators trom
1 Vnald V (. ox, president ol
Durham's Eno River Association,
w lui h has raised money fora park
on the Eno River in Durham
( ounty tor about 25 years
As this spring s short legisla
live session approaches, Cox
wrote, "we ask you to consider
methods such as a state transfer
tax which would bring in reliable
annual funding tor the orderly
completion and care of North
Carolina's state parks
We share your frustration
and the frustration of your state
park officials and pledge to assist
you in any way we can to draw
attention to the critical funding
needs of North Carolina's state
parks, ' the ii Her said.
Ms. Sharp, a board member ol
the Conservation Council of North
Carolina said she understood the
tax to be a percentage of the
amount paid when land is bought
and sold "
She hara teri?ed the tax pro-
posal as "a trial balloon" and said
support tor it is 'my personal
position and that ol some others
on the board, but it is not a unani-
mous position ol the Conserva-
tion Council
One concern about such a tax
is that it would impoverish land
owners who are selling property
to support themselves in their later
years or would penalize land
ow ners who wished to pass along
their holdings to their descen-
dants, Ms Sharp said.She added,
See Parks, page 9
Hospital fights nursing shortage
Southeastern General Hospital is
tackling a nationwide nursing
shortage with a program that pays
nurses to come, to stay and to
become better nurses
Southeastern, like all hospi
tals, is wrestling with a nurse
shortage that Vice President and
Nursing Administrator Betty
Edens called critical She and oth
ers at the hospital came up with a
program they call STAR, for
Southeastern's Top Achievement
The four-month old program
is financed by a S47,ixmi grant from
the Board of Governors of the
University of North Carolina. The
board administers the nursing
program established last vear by
the General Assembly.
Recognizing the acute short
age oi nurses, the legislature p
propriated $ri million to recruit
and keep nurses in the profession.
Ms. Edens said the program is the
only one of its kind in the state.
Under the program a nurse
can get her tuition paid to earn
certification in her specialty and
have fees paid for participating in
professionalorganiationsand for
community involvement. She can
also earn additional money for
getting high marks on her profes-
sional evaluation, tor good atten-
dance at work and for the courte-
ous treatment ot patients and
In addition, a graduating high
school student can get money to
pay tuition to nursing si hool, buv
her textbooks and uniforms. A
licensed practical nurse who wants
to become I registered nurse can
get tuition money under the pro-
IS seats will shift from one state to
another. Likely winners. Califor-
nia, up 7seats; Florida, up4; Texas,
up 3. likely losers: New York,
down 3 seats, Illinois, Michigan,
Ohio and Pennsylvania, down 2
To distribute $40 billion in
federal money and $40 billion in
state and local money. For every
person not counted, the bureau
estimates a community loses $150.
To decide where to put
schools, hospitals, highwavs.clin-
ics, new malls, restaurants, and,
ultimately, jobs.
"If you are not counted vou
are hurting yourself and your
community says Henry Childs,
a former All-Pro New Orleans
Saints' tight end and now a cen-
sus community specialist in Kan
sas City, Mo.
Census forms arrive in mail-
boxes March 23. So that nobody
mistakes it for junk mail, the bu-
reau is using an oversized, green-
and-white envelope, marked
"Official 1990 U.S. Census Form
Insideisa short form which
five of six households get or a
long form, which goes to the rest.
The short form asks 14 questions
and takes IS minutes.
The long form has 59 ques-
tions asking for detailed demo-
graphic and socio-economic infor-
mation. It t.ikes 4S minutes.
What kids say are the
biggest problems at school
Student discipline
WakJenbooks survey ot 5.(XX - I
Water bottlers urge
tighter standards
The recall last week of of 160 mil-
lion bottles of Terrier worldwide
has strengthened the resolve of
some members of the bottled-
water industry to persuade the
federal government to adopt
stricter standards for their prod-
"There are not many indus-
tries that are trying to be more
strictly regulated.But weare said
I arry Phillips, president of Midas
Spring Water Inc which has sold
bottled water from its north Meck-
lenburg County spring since 1871.
Phillips' company is a mem-
ber of the International Bottled
Water Association, a trade group
whose member companies volun-
tarily submit their water for test-
ing. The group's standards are
more stringent than the federal
government's or those imposed
by Mtv state on water bottlers.
The group has lobbied the
federal government for years to
adopt its voluntary standards as
"The perception is there and
it should be. that bottled water is a
better quality than tap water
Phillips said.
But U.S. Food and Drug
Administration regulations for
bottled water aren't as strict as
those tor municipal drinking
water, The Charlotte Observer re-
ported in Friday's editions. State
regulations for bottled water are
the s?ime in North Carolina and
South Carolina.
"It's a misconception that
because the water is bottled, that
it's regulated to a higher standard.
but it is not said foe Rucker,
director of South Carolina's Wa
ter Supply Construction Division.
"It's the same standards whether
they bottle it and sell it or it's a
municipal water supply
Even with existing standards,
there's no guarantee contamina-
tion will be detected in bottled
water. Analysis of bottled water is
infrequent at state and federal
The presence oi benzene in
bottled water violates state' arid
federal standards, but company
officials say the tainted Perner
might have been on shelves for si x
months before it was discovered
See Perrier, page 9
If vou don't send your form
bav k, a census counter called an
enumerator will visit your
home. Most counters travel by i ai
or on foot Alaskan enumerators
will use dogsleds and snowmo
biles In the mountainous South
west, head-counters arrive by
horse or mule.
What the census vull find
About 250 million people, in 106
million households
What it will miss Several
million people, especially urban
minorities. One widely accepted
estimate is that the 1980 census
overlooked 3.2 million people, or
1 4 percent of the population
See Census, page 9
By John Carlson
Gannett News service
,KI Wll 1 Iowa cam;
artists .it i'u lusive - irinnell
lege have a unique opportunity
compete in a ondom st uli I
contest for Natii mal ond
Wehavenoidca what p?
are going to come up with. But i
assume they will bo fairly ab-
stract said len Cleghorn, a 22-
year-old senior from Sioux City
The contest is being organ
ied bv the 1 lumanGay Resoun e
Center Advisory Committee it
Crinncll. Cleghorn. student dire-
tor of the center. Said rtfepoSSfHrn
ties are unlimited
"We io not want people to
sculpt things that look like
doms she said "We want then
to make sculptures using condoms
in their design
Each entry must include one
or more condoms oi any size or
color and at least two items from a
list that includes part of a (Irinnell
student newspaper, a Health
Cemer pamphlet, the college logo
and a Hardee's cup.
"The general theme is to
demonstrate why a person would
or would not use a condom,
Cleghorn said. "You might won-
der why we included a Hardee's
cup on our list ot materials. Well
when students have keggers, they
use Hardee's cups ter their beer
Sometimes students who are
drunk might not use condoms So
they might want to use the cup in
(lohn Carlson writes for the
Des Moines Register. I
?A :
-Tf - v ? ?-ni With
Barry indicted on drug charges
Mayor Marion Barry vows "I will
be exonerated" of new drug-re-
lated charges, but a city official is
calling for his resignation and a
top adviser wonders whether the
mayor has any political future.
Barry, 53, was indicted Thurs-
day on five misdemeanor counts
of cocaine possession and three
felony counts of lying to a grand
jury questioning him on drug use.
Meanwhile, close advisers to
Barrv said Thursday that the
mayor will leave a Florida drug
treatment clinic by the end of the
month to continue treatment else-
where. Barry entered the Hanley-
llazelden Clinic in West Palm
Beach four days after his Jan. 18
arrest on a cocaine possession
charge in what authorities said
was a videotaped hotel sting.
The new clinic has not been
chosen, but an adviser speaking
on condition of anonymity said a
top priority will be to ensure that
Barry is isolated from the media.
Barry, in a defiant statement
issued through his office, said the
indictment was "a continuation ot
the political lynching and excesses
of the Justice Department in this
multi-vear, multimillion-dollar
effort to investigate me
"Now that we will bo moving
into the courtroom ? which is
where this case should be tried,
not in the press 1 am relieved
Barrv said. "I know that when a
trial is held, I will be exonerated
Barry has steadfastly denied
ever using drugs, and his state-
ment said he was undergoing
treatment for "the disease of alco-
The mayor said he is giving
no thought to resigning. But one
aide, who asked not to be identi-
fied, said the indictment dealt "a
crippling blow, an absolutely
devastating assault" to Barry's re-
election chances if he seeks a fourth
four-year term in November's
Asked if Barry should resign.
City Councilwoman Betty Ann
Kane said, "It might be in his best
interests and the city's best inter-
ests. As a person who cares about
the city, I would make that recom
mendation, now that it's gotten to
this point
Under city law, Barry would
be forced to resign it convicted of
a felony, and Citv Council Ch ur
man David Clarke would become
acting mayor Each oi the three
perjury charges, stemming trom
Barry's association with convicted
drug dealer Charles Lewis, carries
a five-year maximum prison term
and a maximum fine erf $250 (XV
Each cocaine possession
charge ? four stemming trom
Barry's visits to Lewis hotel room
in December 1968 and one from
an FBI stingoperation that resulted
in his January arrest carries a
maximum sentence oi one vear in
a jail and a fine ot $100,000.
Only one ot the possession
chargesstems from the videotaped
hotel room encounter between
Barry and Rasheeda Moore, a one
time Barry girlfriend who is coop-
erating with investigators. Barry-
told aides privately on the week-
end following his arrest that he
See Indictment, page 9

The East Carolinian, February 20, 1990 9
Foreigicorrespondent describes first European experience
By Ken Fuson
Cannttt News Service
Thev warned me not to drink
the water I didn't.
They warned me not to ex
change money on the black mar
ket 1 didn't
They warned me not to over-
dose on German beer I didn't
But nobodv mentioned Hun-
garian paprika.
So there I was, shortly before
my first interview as world-wise
foreign correspondent and unable
to get the taste of Hungarian pa-
prika out of my mouth or the
burning sensation out of mv stom-
At breakfast, 1 had reaches
tor the pepper and grabbed the
paprika by mistake. Well, this will
be interesting, I thought, liberally
sprinkling some of the reddish-
brown powder over scrambled
eggs. Twenty sweaty minutes later
I was wondering how interesting
it would be to find a Budapest
emergency room.
My first glimpse of Eastern
Europe came when I boarded a
plane from Malev, the 1 lunganan
airline that would take us to
Budapest. Thebest way to describe
this airplane is to direct you to
visit the Smithsonian's Air and
Space Museum in Washington
They have a replica of a I950s-era
commercial plane.
In Poland, the interpreter and
I found ourselves in an open
market, surrounded bv about
three-dozen elderly people who
were shouting as thev explained
what thev thought of the coun-
try's grim economic situation.
"That was great I told her
"Great?" she said, perplexed.
"I was scared to death. 1 thought
they were going to not
As the interpreter and I were
leaving Fast Berlin, a stone-faced
East German guard inspected our
passports at Checkpoint Charlie.
1 letold me to advance. He told the
interpreter to stay put.
The interpreter, a college stu-
dent in West Berlin, was supposed
to use a different checkpoint. She
didn't have any problem getting
through Checkpoint Charlieon the
way in, but that was a different
guard It was clear that he wasn't
going to let her enter. "Nlein.nein,
nein the guard said.
After giving the interpreter
enough money for a taxi, I walked
through Checkpoint Charlie. In-
side, I entered a cubicle, handed
the guard mv visa and headed
toward West IVrlin.
I h oh I had absolutely no
Continued from page 8
idea where to go next. It looked
like a labyrinth, with about eight
different directions and instruc-
tions written in German. I walked
around, then opened the door to
another cubicle.
Inside, the guard asked for
my visa. I explained to him that
somebody else had just taken it.
"No he said, "you should have
another visa
I searched through soaked
pockets, pullingout hotel receipts,
gum wrappers, unused forints,
everything but a visa. After about
a half hour of shrugs and attempts
tocommunicatc - -he understood
Fnglish only a little better than I
understood German he issued
me a temporary visa.
I opened the door and took
one step out when it hit me: I'm
back in East Berlin. It felt like a
Twilight Zone episode.
Finally, a kind-hearted
woman who apparently recog-
nized pure fear when she saw it
led me to another cubicle, where a
different guard wanted to know
why I was leaving so soon.
Finally, the door buzzed open
and I was back in West Berlin I
wanted to sing God Bless Amer-
(Ken Fuson writes for the Des
Moines Register.)
?? jpynjitt !9H USA I ?! I
bv chance in a Mecklenburg
County Environmental Protection
Department lab
The inspectors can only do
SO much said FDA spokesman
Fmil Corwin. "Thev take random
samplings of imported products,
hut thev can't check every bottle
State regulations onlv apply
to water bottled in state. Less strin-
gent federal FDA regulations
apply to imported water like Per-
rier or any water that is sold across
state lines.
Perrier officials said Thursday
that the benzene entered the wa-
ter in trace amounts when work-
ers tailed to change a pipe filter at
Perrier's natural spring at Vergeze
in southern France. The recall was
ordered after a Charlotte chemist
discovered the contamination.
The FDA regulates about lb
contaminants, from arsenic to zinc,
in bottled water, requiring it to be
tree ot certain substances and set-
ting limits on others. It also sets
limits on other qualities of the
water, including microbiological
quality, turbidity, color and odor
22checks mall.
By comparison, the federal
Environmental Protection
Agency's regulations tor munici
pal water supplies include about
JO checks. The
Bottled Water Association regula-
tions go well beyond both, with
nearly 50 checks on water quality.
Millie Buchanan ot the Clean
Water Fund of North Carolina said
she believes bottled water should
at least be covered by the IT As
Sate Drinking Water Act.
"First of all. obviously you
don't pay a dollar or $2 a bottle to
get something that comes out oi
the tap Buchanan said. "Also.
Dottled water snouta oe an alter-
Buchanan s,ui that lead and
other contaminants often go un-
detected m public water supplies
"People call us and say,
Should we go to bottled water?'
We tell people that if they're
switching to bottled water to get
in writing from the company a list
i l the contaminants thev test for
Corwin said the FDA is con-
sidering stricter regulations of
bottled water.
" ! here's no question that
more bottled water is being used
Corwin said. "I lived in California
K?l iie ni.iis iiim unit -? an
drank. But some ot that tap water
is actually pretty good. The states
generally keepa pretty close watch
on the municipal water supplies
COntituied from page 8
While onlv 0.7 percent of whites
were missed, about 5.9 percent ot
blacks and Hispanics didn't get
A lot of people view us as big
brother, nosing into their busi-
ness Childssaid. "But we are not
.ibout that We arc about getting a
profile of the country's needs
National census ads target
Asians, Hispanics, blacks and
whites, with subtly different mes-
sages. N. ou'll also see public serv-
ice announcements by President
Bush, N A ACTs Benjamin 1 looks,
Los Angeles Dodger Fernando
Valenzuela, Detroit Piston lohn
Sallow I os Angeles laker fames
Worthy and comedian Bob 1 lope
Census reminders will nudge
you from the Goodyear blimp,
milk cartons, shopping bags, and
in I.C. Penneys' monthly bills.
Information rnxtths will spring up
at 7-Eleven convenience stores.
teachers will assign census home-
work designed by the bureau:
there's even a census rap song
being aired in Baltimore.
In addition, the census is
trying some novel methods to
reduce the undercount: using
homeless people to count other
homeless people
"Having lived on the streets
tor a year, I have no qualms about
approaching street people says
Continued from page 8
Michael Martin, who lives in a
rallahassee, 11a shelter.
And 1 know where a lot of
the camps m the woods are and
places like abandoned houses
where people hang out
ensus officials insist they can
iiit the undercount. Critics con
tend that's not enough. New York
C itv and the Mexican American
legal Defense and Education.
Fund savs the Census bureau
should adjust the final count
upward to compensate for the
people inevitably missed.
Ru regains
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at their regular rate, or switching
to another school. Three switched
All who staved have signed on for
a second vear
Parents got the same choice
10 ot 760 took their kids out oi
Moton, 18 of 738 moved out oi
Lockett Principal Wilbert
Dunn savs he called a parents'
meeting last summer to explain
the change. "Ninety percent fa-
vored it and the other 10 percent
quickly fell in line
How manv teachers are doing
it for the extra money? Bailey is
irked bv the question: "If we
wanted monev we wouldn't be in
f ontinued from page 8
however, that the tax could be
structured SO that it would be paid
by those who would benefit from
levelopment of land rather than
the sellers. Ms. Sharp said she
would recommend that the tax bo
paid "bvthebuver, not the seller
Mv understandingisthat we
do not" have such a tax in North
Carolina now, she said, "and of
course it will be strongly opposed
by developers, who don't want to
pay anv more than they have to
for their land
But she said supporters of the
tax felt that those who bench t from
land transfers should be willing to
assist in the preservation of state
parks, "which are the necessary
accompaniment todevelopmcnt
Third-grade teacher Dwight
Brown, who grew up in the area,
calls it "the most squalid ghetto in
the city He savs most of his
friends from his vouth are dead or
in jail.
The kids "see the drug dealers
in their big cars and their jew-
elry he says. "We're in competi-
tion with them. But I think we're
In Brown's classroom, the 23
third-graders are evenly split on
the plan's merits: 9 yes, 4 no, 5 no
"You learn more over the
summer instead of forgetting what
you've learned says Louis
Burton. "If vou don't go to school,
you inst hang outside with noth-
ing to do
But Cindymiab Raymond
says older kids "make tun of xou
because you have to go to school
National education leaders
cautiously cheer the experiment.
"They' re takingarisk by not going
in lockstep with everybody else
s.ivs Thomas Shannon, executive
director of the National School
Boards Association. "Weapplaud
that. It's the kind of initiative that
gives real meaning to local control
oi schools
Samuel Sava, head of the
e.dtxoal Association oi Elemen-
tary School Principals, says the
concept is good but it won't work
unless the teaching process also is
changed to moot the pupils' needs.
It the purpose is to have chil-
dren master basic skills he siv,
then vou must spond more time
on those basic skills more time
for reading, more time for math
National Education Associa-
tion President Keith Geiger says
"there are a couple of things we
want to watch If it has a dramatic
effect on their ability, 1 suspect
you're going to see more ot it
The New Orleans school
board has pledged to pay tor the
Motonlockett experiment at
least five years. McKennasays "six
or seven other schools" will go
year-round if he can inui the
"We must change the image
in the black community about
who's the big man he savs. "The
big man is not the man who can
dunk the basketball. We've tist
got to get the emphasis off athlet-
ics and back to academics. If we
don't we've cheated our children
and thev damn well ought to be1
mad with us
WtTpynjta 1990,USA )IMY
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On October 2nd, at 6:45 a.m.
mass murderer Horace Pinker
was put to death.
Now, he's realy mad.
B ???.
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Movies Screen at 8 pm in Hendnx Theatre
FREE Admission wValid ECU ID or Faculty. Staff Film Pass
Continued from page 8
would abandon plans for a fourth
term, but he has not yet made any
public statement to that effect.
Stuart J. Long, Barry's finan-
cial co-chairman, said the mayor
would face an uphill battle if he
decided to run again. "He's got
the trial, probably a one-week
thing, up or down Long said.
"After that, well, who knows?"
Four candidates, including
Clarke, already have announced
their candidacies; Jesse L. Jackson
has refused to rule out a campaign
if Barry is not in the race.
(!ty 'JW Carolinian is
ncft taking application
for mfos favilmM you
can nefo uxifr, ttnm by
our office across from
'Joyna library.
Art Competition
Mendenhall Gallery
The Cousteau Society
"Threats to the Global Ocean
Feb. 27, Hendrix Theatre. 8 pm
Get Involved!
Apply to a Student Union Committee
Come to Room 234 Mendenhall

Page 10
SHg jEaat (Earnlmfan
February 20,1990
Deli crowd jams
to reggae band
Group combines rhythm and soul
By The Rasla Reporter
Special to The I jst Carolinian
?s I skipped into the New
IVh Saturday night there was ,t
diffcrcnl sound oi rhythm and soul
in the nr
AsI student 1 I Prisltd
pul it tin- upbeal t alypso sound
oi Roily (Iray and Sunfire had
everyone in the Ked I Vli crowd
in high spirits
s ,i throng pi EC l students
slowly filed in, the band cranked
up playing unique blend oi
reggae cover tunes and some of
their own inspiring originals.
The Kind sown version (if the
hit Dockof the Bay madepopu
lat by Otis Redding was one of
the firsl songs thai really got the
. rowd mo ins
i over tunes
? ? rowd were l B40 s
Red Red Wine" and King
Yellowman's fast paced "Wanna
K i ss Y o u
Students Kevin Rhodes and
Maria I ong were just .i few in the
crowd dancing to the soulful
sound of the band We re jam
mm to the one-step Rhodes
commented as they moved in
Itnison bv the band.
During the band's short break
i got a chance to talk to lead singer
and militarist Rollv Gray, who
Introduced me to the rest of the
band consisting of bassist Mike
Williams, keyboardist King David
Woodward and drummer Wayne
All Of the band members
expressed their satisfaction with
the crowd's support. Drummer
Sneed summed up the feelings of
the band when he said, "we give
much praises and thanks tor the
wonderful night of musicand ah
The band, that claims to be
from I inidad in the West Indies,
also mentioned their new release
ot "I ive tor Your love on cas
As the band broke into an
other set ot reggae tunes, student
Karen I lamcnto commented,
That ska beat just keeps mv body
See Reggae, page 11
By Joe Horst
Staff Writer
,v ? ?
A balloon captained by Doug Stephenson sets down in the Wal-Mart parking lot (Photo by J D Whitmire
? ECU Photo Lab)
Former ECU football player
discusses sex and love on campus
By Suzan Lawler
Staff Writer
About twenty students gathered in Garrett lobby
I uesday night to hear about sex lelt IHton, a for-
mer ECU football plaver, talked to students about
sex and asked, "Is sex the secret ot loving?"
When Patton attended ECU, he Spent his davs
going to class, playing football, and partying. 1 le
said that he met many girls and found himself
looking tor love in all the wrong places.
One night at the Elbo he realized there had to be
more to life than partying. He eventually changed
his life and now speaks to college students about
what he has learned from his experiences
Patton made it clear he was, coming from a
definite biblical perspective He did not, however.
deliver a bible-thumping, dogmatic speech. He was
informal and kept the audience laughing.
Patton said, "In college, when we think of love,
we also think o( sex He said the two did not
necessarily go hand in hand
Patton said people engage in premarital sex
partly because it feels good. Buthebelievesthemain
motivation is for acceptance, adding, " girls, you
want to be loved
Patton said, "Making love is only in the context
ot marriage " He explained that God forbids pre
marital sex 'to protect you and to provide for you'
Premarital sex can lead to sexually transmitted
diseases. Pattonquoteda USA roAry article that said
one out of 300 college students are infected with the
AIDS virus He added that 55,000 people a d.w
contract STDs.
He also questioned the notion ot "safe sex He
said Consumer Report tested 150,000 condoms and
found that one out of seven were unsafe, lie com
pared that ratio to a gun with seven chambers and
one bullet. "That doesn't sound very safe to me
Patton said premarital sex could lead to a
"comparison performance syndrome 1 le said that
occurs when partners remember past lovers
I'atton also sud that waiting for sex builds trust.
He s.ud sex before marriage ruins your trust and
"prepares you for an affair-ridden marriage
He snd, "College students thinkkxJ is anti sex
but 1 le's not a cosmic killjoy Patton extolled the
virtues of marital sex and told the students thatiod
created sex lor three reasons.
"God created sex to be tun he said. Besides the
pleasure. Pattern said sex physical,
and spiritual unity between the partners. 1 le said we
leave a part of ourselves with our partner during sex
He mentioned that the number one cause oi prosb
tute death is suicide. "They've Ken with so many
men they've left all ot themselves and there's
nothing left The third reasonforsex was reproduc-
Pattern said the best sex manual was written 3(X)
vears ago bv a man named Moses. 1 le said the Bible
is the best source tor any questions about sex.
Patton and his wife live in South Carolina. He-
works at Clemson University with Athletes in Ac-
After hisdiscussion, an K I swim team member
addresses the Students 1 le snd his success in athlet-
ics didn't fully satisfy him and that God tilled the
See Patton, page 11
It was Sunday afternoon at
Wright Auditorium. The seats
tilled. The lights dimmed. The
crowd tell silent Without further
I.U, Daedalus Productions' mati
nee performance of "DreamGirls"
began to the delight of the stand
ing room only crowd.
From the very beginning, the
musical was delightful and a pleas
lire to watch The basis of the stop,
being the rise- of a trio ot singers t
tame and their realization that
success was not an easy achieve
ment. All performers involved
made the production a great sia
I he singing ability of the per
formers wasof the highest calibre
seen on this campus Anticipation
grew steadily for each melody
keeping the members of the audi
enceontheedgeof their seats The
i horeography of the dance scenes
was breath-taking, and the clever
costumec hanges,whk htookmere
seconds to achieve, lent a smooth
rhythm to the running ot the pro-
duction. Lastly, the acting of the
major characters served as that
extra flair to put this musical abo e
all others
One (t the most loved charac-
ters of the production was Effie
Melody White, played bv Capa-
thia lenkins enkins, making her
national tour debut in
"DreamGirls had the audience
yearning for another tune. As time
passed, even the appearance of
jenkinsengendered applause. 1 ler
magnificent voice, coupled with
an equally impressive acting abil
itv had listeners near tears in
sympathy tor her character len-
kins solos surpassed all others
and were one ot the many high
points of the afternoon.
The character that the audi-
ence loved to hate was Curtis
Taylor jr played by Daron Davis
Dams, who has performed mother
musicals like Guvs and Dolls"
and West Side Story was su-
perb playing a man who raised
See Musical, page 11
Nat I .n it works on a project for his design class in the trees in front
of Jenkins Fine Arts Center (Photo by J D Whitmire ? ECU Photo
ABLE sponsors tonight's fashion show
For the week ot z 14 1990
1 Vade A to leave; B turt.
peat; ?. vagrant; D rolling
2 i lestant: clogged; B.
dormant i pregnant. D a
high altitude
3. Educe A tennis point B
to draw forth to persuade;
D face or form
4 Indii i,i Indian plant; B.
state oi i ontusion C. mark-
ings D a decree
5 jurat person under
oath. B I fruit. C a seat. D.
worn rope
6. Mine local. B small
scale: C. Overcoat of straw; D.
religious priest
7 ichil A. cold B a brief
passage;C confusion; D
8. Benumbed V stupified; B
severed, C a lenkinhead; D to
9. Promchaos: a irus. H a
champion; C extreme evil; C
i qrouse-like animal
10 Mapach; A to hv H a
temple, C to plant. D a
Compiled bv John Tucker
"Ebony Explosions: Fashion
Chat's louder Than A bomb" is
the theme for a fashion show being
sponsored by Allied Blacks tor
Leadership and Equality on Feb.
20 at s p.m. in 1 iendrix Theatre.
According to Tanya Scott,
president of ABLE and director of
the show, then- will be a variety of
fashions. Scott s.ud the show will
include "everything from bathing
suits to evening wear
Fashions are being provided
Pamela Chavous, a disc jockey
from 104 I'M
Professional models and
members of the ECU track team
used as.i fund raiser for an EAster
hunt to be held in March tor
children in Greenville.
Pickets available in front ot
will be joined by ABLE members the Student Store are 51 in ad-
by I.C. Penny, Casual Corner, in the display ot the costumes vance or $2 with student activity
BoulevardC.arbandSharpes.The provided by local proprietors. cards and S3 for the general public
master of ceremonies will be The fashion show is being at the door.
Dinner theater
hosts comedies
ECU News Bureau
The Alpha-Omega Flavors, a
touring drama group, will return
to ECU to present Triple Play
three comic episodes bv Michael
Fra n and Robert Anderson for
dinner theater audiences Feb. 24
at 6:30 p.m.
The performance will follow
a dinner served in the Mendenhall
Student Center Great R(Xm. The
menu will consist oi beef bur-
gundy, chicken breast with mush-
room sauce, green beans al-
mandme, rice pilaf and tossed
salad, with apple pie for dessert.
"Triple Play" is a bill of three
one-act comedies ? all offering
peeks into the private lives of three
happily married couples.
Couple Number One are on
their second honeymoon ? same
setting, same romantic plans ?
except that now they are accom-
panied by their colicky baby.
Couple Number Two perform a
fast-paced cover-up when, be-
cause oi communication prob-
lems, all the wrong guests are
invited to their dinner party. And
the third pair are a charmingly
Confused elderly couple who try
to sort out who did what with
whom as thev reminisce previous
The performers are members
of the Repertory Theatre of Amer-
icaAlpha Omega Players, a na-
tionally acclaimed touring com-
pany who has brought other
comedies to ECU dinner theater
audiences in previous seasons. In
its 22-year history, the company
has traveled more than three mil-
lion miles, presenting some 10,000
performances across the U.S. and
Tickets to 'Triple Play" are
$20 each for the general public
and ECU faculty and staff and $15
for students and youth. Tickets
are on sale at the Central Ticket
Office, telephone 757-4788 or toll-
free 1-800-ECU-ARTS. Phone
orders mav be charged to major
credit cards.
An ideal view:
ECU improvements miss the mark
By Caroline Cusick
Features Editor
As most students are aware,
ECU is going through a process
called campusbeautification. This
project to make the home of the
Pirates look a little more like an
ivy league school seems to be a
priority to our administration.
The campus beautification
project is a quaint idea. It is a noble
attempt. But therearealot of needs
on campus that are getting raked
up and tossed out with the piles of
ECU needs maintenance
work. But this is a school. To truly
beautify and enhance ECU, we
need more professors who are
interested in being teachers.
The teaching deficiency at
ECU isdeceiving to innocent fresh-
men who takefor granted thatthis
institute of higher learning will
provide them with knowledge-
able, experienced leadership. That
makes sense. If you go to
McDonald's you expect to find
people who can make good, or at
least average, hamburgers. If you
go to a university you expect to
find professors who teach well, or
at least adequately. Too often,
ECU's professors stop at the ade-
quate mark.
I realize, there are a handful of
excellent professors at this school.
They work hard, come to class on
time, don't mind repeating them-
selves, show interest in their
students's learning and smile
occasionally. That's just good
I suppose I could be a little
closed minded. It might not hurt
to have professors who can write
books too philosophical for the
average mind to understand. Af-
ter all, they know what it says. To
bring those intellectual giants
down to the levels of average stu-
dents would be demeaning.
This campus would also be a
more beautiful place to live if it
were a bit safer for the female
gender. Girls don't enjoy looking
over their shoulders when they
leave home after dark. They don't
enjoy fearing strangers
Although the number of re-
ported rapes on campus is toler-
able, the number of rapes that are
never reported is staggering.
This campus is far from safe I
may be alone, but 1 think safety is
more important than bnck side-
Of course, I have to mention
the parking problem. When there
are twice as many cars as parking
spaces, the administration should
expect complaints. In reply to the
complaints, we are told that there
might be a parking deck in our
future. For those who are fresh-
men, we've been hearing that for
years. Don't hold your breath.
Still, what do I see hours of
time and energy invested into?
Planting of grass, raking of leaves,
laying down of bricks all that's
nice but that typeof beauty isonly
so deep. The true beauty of ECU
comes from the students who work
hard, do their best and live here.
Those students deserve more than
brick sidewalks. They need ad-
ministrators who are more inter-
ested in impressing students al-
ready attending this university
and less concerned with impress-
ing outsiders.

The East Carolinian, February 20, 1990 11
Student Profile
SGA President Tripp' Roakes
speaks about job responsibilities
Israeli dancers display cultural heritage
Ft'L' News Bureau
By John Tucker
Assistant Features Fditor
Student Government Association President
Charlie Thomas Roakes 111 savs that his illustri-
ous political career at ECU has "given me a com
plete understanding ot the whole university
For Roakes. the road to upstanding political
standing on campus has not always been an
easy one.
Roakes' first semester on campus was spent
pledging Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, immediately following this.
Roakes made the decision to transfer to Appalachian State University.
According to Roakes, after two days I knew 1 had to come back to
ECU and return he did. the following semester.
From this point. Roakes pursued an active college life I le became
involved in the Inter-fraternity council and eventually was elected
administrative vice president of the organization.
The SGA has always been a source of great interest to Roakes win
said that instantly "I saw that I wanted to go further
In his first vear as an SCA representative Roakes served on the
Student Welfare Committee.
In his second vear of involvement in the S( .A Roakes was elected
treasurer. During this stint in office he also served as chairman of the
Fine Arts Board and as a member ot the Media board.
Currently Roakes serves as President of the SGA, the highest office
possible for a student to hold in the administration at E l.
Roakes explained that this job requires him 'tobe there asa student
representative when the students' voice needs to be heard" as well as
serve as a member of the Board of Trustees, the "governing body of the
whole university
Roakes is optimistic about his job and stated, it has gh en me the
oppurtunity to work with all types of students and been a fantastic
learning experience
Shalom '0 Tel Aviv an
Israeli folk-dancing troupe, will
appear on the stage of KCU's
Wright Auditorium Thursday at 8
The performance by the 45-
member company of dancers,
singers and musicians is part of
ECU'S 1989-90 Performing Arts
Series. The company's director,
choreographer and conductor is
Gavri 1 evi, recognized interna-
tionally as a producer of dance
A typical Shalom dance pro-
gram includes traditional folk
dances oi Israel and the many
nations and cultures represented
among the Jewish people. The
dancers, wearing colorful cos-
tumes appropriate to the dances
they perform, are all former
members of the Israel army, re-
cruited by Levi from all parts of
Israel. Dancersand thedances they
perform are rotated annually.
The 1990 program features an
arrangement of Israeli folk dances
based on songs from the Bible,
dancesof the Mediterranean lands,
dances from the Broadway musi-
cal, "Fiddler on the Roof and a
medley of Polish folk dances Also
featured will be solo singers Voel
Sharr ("The Israeli Danny Rave")
and Sassi Kesshet.
Pounded by Gavri Levi in
17r, the Shalom dancers have
received top honors in London
Belgium, South Africa. Holland
and the U.S as well as Israel
Following their current American
tour, the troupe will appear at the
Royal Alb rt Hall in 1 ond
" - ?
irs hae ap Cit
Music 1 iall in Nt w N rk and mi a
Perrv Como Christmas TV sp
cial.t HherTV programs featurin
the dancers have been product d
and broadcast in Belgium
Admission to the Shalom
performance b) P? rf r nir .
Series seasoi by singl
ti ket, ava i at the ECUen
tral Ticket Offiw e
Trends Briefs
Teens using fewer drugs
Survey shows decline in abuse
Drug use bv teens continues to drop, a survey tor the Nationa
Institute on Drug Abuse indicates. Ot 17,142 high school seniors polled
1 o 7 percent said they used an illicit drug at least once the previous
month. In a similar survey in lgSS. 213 percent of the seniors polled
reported drug use.
Groups question oil disposal
Environmentalists are raising concerns about
of motor oil. About frO percent of the people who change their motor oil
pour it on the ground, bury it in the backyard, pour it down a storm
drain ot put it in the trash, reports the An tomotive Information Council.
As a result, about 240 milllion gallons of used oil is dumped into the
environment each year.
Budweiser changes ad slogan
For the first rime in more than a decade, Anheuser-Busch will use a
new slogan in its advertising for Budweiser. The company plans to
replace This Bud's tor you" with "Nothing beats a Bud The new
slogan will make the product the hero oi the ads. company officials say.
Anheuser-Busch spends $150 million a vear to advertise Budweiser.
Manufacturers adapt old toys
Manufacturers are adding new options to old tovs. Examples from
the American International Toy Fair: Cabbage Patch Kids wear party
dresses and blow out birthday candles. G.I oe (.eneral has a war one
with sound-and-hght effects, Barbie moves from stewardess to pilot;
Monopoly is scaled down for players ages 5S.
Metropolitan areas grow in Fla.
Metropolitan areas in Florida are booming, according to the '?
Census Bureau. Eight of the 10 fastest-growing areas in the country
between 1980-88 are in Florida, census officials say. Naples ontheGuH
Coast, grew by nl percent. Ocala grew by 3 percent. 11. Pierce b) 53
percent and Ft. Myers by 51 percent.
Movement hopes to limit number
of Congressional terms served
A movement is under way to limit the number of terms members oi
the Houseand Senate may serve A newly formed group, Americans To
Limit Congressional Terms, has announced it will press tor a constitu-
tional amendment to bring about the limitations. About 41,000 citizens
and 14,000 financial contributors ha veexpressed support for thegroup's
Park animals killed for goods
Park animals are becoming crime victims, reports the National Parks
and Conservation Association. International traffickers, using helicop-
ters four-wheel-drive vehicles and night-vision devices, are killing
deer, elk and mountain sheep, whose body parts are sold for jewelry,
trophies or folk medicines.
Consumers urged to complain
Public interest groups are encouraging consumers to complain
about unrecycleable products and packages. They recommend the use
of Plagued by Packaging: A Consumer Guide to Excess Packaging and
Disposable Waste Problems. The publication lists toll-free numbers of
companies using polystrene foam, single-serving containers and pack-
ages made of materials that can't be recycled.
Advertising increases on TV
Automobile, airline and local advertising is increasing in television
markets according to the Horizon Media Spot TV Index. Those catego-
ries showed strong gains in January over the same period in 1989, the
study indicates. However, generally, national advertising is fiat, show-
ing only small gains, researchers say.
CCaffHfkl 11M. USA TODAY'Affk Colltft InformmUon Hitwork
Continued from page 10
the trio to stardom, only to have
them discover thai it was tor his
own gain. 61s,0 having an exqui-
site voice mi great acting ability.
Davis joined lenkins in stealing
the show.
1 he only flaw in the perform-
ance was the technical work. Too
often, spotlight cues were missed
or lights came on that were quickly
turned off. There were also times
when the audience could not hear
the dialogue due to static or faulty
microphones. Other than these
minor mishaps that served as
gnii ral annoyances, the show
went oft without a hitch.
"hough .1 bit lengthy, cos-
tumes choreography, and excel-
lent singing contributed to make
I ream ?iris the smash hit of the
weekend I he performance was
outstanding and a pleasure to
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Continued from page 10
moving as she grooved to the
tr 'V)i a! sounds.
The band closed their per
forma nee with an extended melo-
dious reggae mix of various songs
including Marvin Cave's "Wanna
Talk to You
but before the band could
leave th stage the loudly applaud-
ing crowd lured the group to play
two more encores.
Student Arnie Cullipher,
when asked how he thought the
band performed, relayed the feel-
ing of most of the crowd when he
exclaimed outsideof theNew Deli
after the show "they were ine
Didn't YouGet
The Mess
Continued from page 10
void in his life.
I'atton's talk was sponsored
by theCampusCrusade for Christ.
The organization meets every
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in GCB1026.
Remember to
recycle this
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@hc jEaat (Earulmfan
Page 12
February 20,2990
ECU'S Bobby Hodes gets checked after a Pirate score in Saturday's 14-3 win over Elon College The lacrosse team looks to improve from
last year's 6-2 record with an experienced group of returning seniors (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Lacrosse team downs Fighting Christians 14-3
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Staff Writer
The ECU men's lacrosse team
opened their season on Saturday
with a big win over Elon College,
"Everything went better than
expected said senior defensemen
John McAulay, "We just controlled
ecry aspect of the game
The' team had an impressive
attack with seven players scoring
on 25 shots. Jay Black led the
offense with five goals, followed
by Kelly Hoyt, Craig Nurmi and
Lake Slacum who each had two.
Chns Chase, Bud Noel and
Bobby Hodes finished the scoring
by each adding one goal.
BraninThorncdirected ECU'S
attack in midfield and enabled
them to control the ball of fensivelv.
The defense, led bv McAulay,
Jeb Souder and left Gauland con-
trolled the ground balls and al-
lowed Elon toscorejust threegoals
on goalie James Young.
After finishing 6-2 last year
and getting to the quarterfinals of
the North Carolina Tournament,
the Pirates feel they have a well
experienced team and will have
another good season this year.
First year head coach Tom
Banks said, "We have a very
competitive schedule and we're
playing some really great teams
Along with Eton the team will
play such teams as NC State, Old
Dominion, George Washington,
William & Mary, George Ma-
sonand UNC-Willmington.
The Pirates will travel to llor-
ida over spring break to face
Floida, Florida State and Miami.
With five goals already, the
offensive attack looks to be led bv
Black. Last vear he led the team
with 18 goals and 10 assists fol-
lowed bv Hoyt who added 1 Ogoals
and six assists.
On the defensive end. it will
be Young and McAulay, who lead
the defense in takeawaw
The Pirates will have a lot of
depth at mid-field with it's tn-
captains Hoyt, Ken McKenna and
Thorn. As they did last year, they
will took to control theballandset
the pace oi the games.
"This is probably the best team
we've had in a few years said
Hoyt. "We've got some seasoned
veterans and some really good
freshmen that will help this year.
Hopefully the Elon game will be
an indicator of how we will play
the rest of the season he added.
The team travels to Duke
tonight to tcv the Blue Devil's at
7:30 p.m.
Tribe stuns Pirates 74-71 for first CAA win
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Staff Writer
Led by seniors Gus Hill and
Reed Lose, ECU battled back from
a 21-point deficit only to lose bv
three, 74-71, Saturday to the Col-
legeofWilliam&Marv. The Tribe
had not won a game in the Colo-
nial Athletic Association until
defeating the Pirates.
"We struggled handling the
ball said head coach MikeSteele,
"And unfortunately it was a team
That "team effort" had the
Pirates committing 20 turnovers
and 26 fouls. Hill led the Pirates'
sconngattack with 20 points, while
Lose added 15.
ECU only led in the game for
one brief moment, when Lose
scored off a short jumper in the
lane after the tip off. From there
on, the Pirates found themselves
in an uphill battle, trailing for the
entire game.
Steele said, "We lost the game
in the first 10 or 15 minutes In
those minvites the Tribe scored 25
points and gained a 10 point lead.
Every time ECU had a chance
to cut the lead, William & Mary
would hit again. With :14 left in
the first half the Pirates were look-
ing at a 16-point Tribe lead. Hill
wasableto hit a last second jumper
from Paul Childress to cut their
lead to 14 at the half.
Tim Brown, who had six
points and eight rebounds said, "1
don't think we were mentally
ready to play. We went into the
game thinking, hey- it's just Wil-
liam & Mary. It waslikewedidn't
even give them any respect
After the Tnbe came out and
increased their lead to 20 with 9:37
to play in the game the Pirates
began respecting them a little
more. ECU then went on a 14-1
spurt to cut the lead to seven with
3:42 to play.
Assistant coach Griff Mills
said, "We didn't plav with the
same intensity as we have been
playing with, and in the last 10
minutes we found ourselves down
20 and then we started to pick up
our intensity"
With :37 left. Lose hit a 20 toot
jumper from the top of the key-
bringing the Pirates to within six.
ECU quickly fouled Curtis Pride,
who hit both of his foul shots.
And again, Lose stepped up and
banked in a 20 footer cutting Wil-
liam & Mary's lead to five with :18
left in the game.
This time when the Pirates
fouled Pride, he missed the front
end of his one and one and ECU
brought the ball up the court look-
ing for a quick bucket. They had
several chances to score, but could
Pirate sluggers
extend streak
only hit a lav-up with just :02
remaining on the clock and they
found themselves with a loss.
On Valentine's Day, the Pi-
rates faced the sixth-ranked Duke
Blue Devils only to lose for the
18th time.
Duke, 21-4, handed ECU its
45th consecutive loss against an
ACC team. Steele said, "It was a
typkal Duke team, they play great
defense, cause turnovers and are
very unselfish with the ball.
"We turned it over on our own
some, but thev forced most of
them he added.
A very aggressive Blue Devil
defense forced 16 turnovers in the
first half aloneand 30 for the game.
"They're good, there is no doubt
about it said Lose, "But, I thought
we came right at them
The Pirates led the first half
for the first five minutes off buck-
See Blue Devils, page 14
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
The ECU baseball team in-
creased its consecutive season-
open wins to 19 games by defeat-
ing the Atlantic Christian Bulldogs
4-1 Saturday night.
Over 950 spectators watched
senior pitcher Jonathan Jenkins
(12-3, 2.04 ERA last season) spin a
masterful four hit game in seven
innings. His only run allowed
came when Bulldogs' Skip Francis
doubled in a run in the seventh
inning. Jenkins was very pleased
with his pitching performance.
"We came out and did what
we had to do Jenkins said. "I was
very surprised how far I went
(seven innings)
Head coach Gary Overtoil
agreed. He said Jenkins was
"outstanding despite his tiring
in the late innings.
The Pirate offense was held
scoreless until the fourth inning
when first baseman Calvin Brown
smashed a solo homerun over the
320 foot fence in right field. Along
with the dinger, Brown also
doubled in a run
ECU threatened to score again
in the fifth inning when the Pi-
rates had runners on second and
third base. Then John Adams (346,
5 HRs) lined a double to right held,
scoring two more runs. ECU lead
Atlantic Christian 3-0 after five
The Bulldogs' starting pitcher,
Jeff Bock, allowed only one run in
four innings. Bock also threw to
wild pitches in the dirt. However,
he was not discouraged at his
"1 think 1 did a pretty g(xxi job
today except for the homerun
he (Brown) hit Bock said. 'The
curveball was too outside
The Pirates threatened again
in the sixth inning but wasted a
golden opportunity to score. With
twooutsand bases loaded, ECU'S
Kevin Riggs lined out to end the
inning, scoring no runs. Overton
said theoniy needed improvement
tor today's game was to get runs
across the plate.
The fourth run tor ECU came
when Atlantic Christian put in
Greg Castle (0-2, 9.60 ERA last
season) to face Calvin Brown
Brown responded with a double,
whu h made the score 4-0 in favor
of the Pirates.
Facing onlv five ha tters,( astie
hit and walked a batter, and al-
lowed a double and a single
The Bulldogs were held score-
less until the seventh inning when
left-fielder Skip Francis doubled
in the run, spoiling the shutout for
Pirate relief pitcher Davy
Willis (4.11 ERA in seven games
came in the late innings to pre-
serve the win. Willis retired four
of the fivi batters he faced. Bv
doing so, Willis earned his first
I was pleased with mv con-
trol he said. "When Jenkins got
tired. I was surprised when I got
the call
ECU junior Berry Narron had
an excellent game. Narron had a
See Jenkins, page 13
Junior short stop Berry Narron connects with the ball for a double in
the Pirates' 19th straight season-opening win Saturday against Atlan-
tic Christian. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Ruggers fight past Marines,
ODU for impressive start
By Bob Tobin
Staff Writer
The ECU rugby team battled a team from the Marine Corps Saturday and came away with a 7-0 win. The
team will play again Saturday at the Allied Hearth field. (Photo by J.D.Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
The ECU rugby team opened
their springseason Feb. 10 against
Old Dominion University. The
Pirates had beaten ODU in last
year's game, and ODU was hop-
ing to avenge that loss this year.
Bu t ECU crushed their hopes when
they walked away with an im-
pressive 29-0 victory.
The Pirates controlled the
game from beginning to end.
Thomas "Flash" Almond scored
within five minutes of the open-
ing kick off when he grabbed a
muffed ODU kick and dove in for
the first score. Within 10 minutes,
ECU came up with two more
scores. One off a spectacular as-
sist from Mike Shank to rookie
sensation Guy Travers. Brian
Dodd converted two kicks to give
ECU a 16-0 half time lead.
The second half was much of
the same for ECU. A strong Pirate
defense kept Old Dominion from
scoring a single pointand gave the
team a 29-0 win.
The club had its second game
of the season Saturday against the
Marines from Camp Lejune. The
match was a very close hard hit-
ting game. The first half was a sea-
saw battle with both teams having
great goal line stands.
The onlv score of the half
occured when the Pirates came
away with three points on a pen-
alty kick by Brian Dodd.
The second half action was
much of the same, with both teams
having missed scoring opportu-
nities. But with time running out
in the game. Pirate rugger Rod
Howell ran down a kick to place
the ball down for the games only
try (score).
The Pirate B-Side Team played
hard but lost a tough match 10-4.
ECU's Dave Wright was the only
Rugger to score for the Pirate B's.
This Saturday, the A-side will
be playi ng Seymore Johnson while
the B-Side will be playing St.
Andrews College at home.

Sports Briefs
Raiders may return to Oakland
! he Los Angeles Raiders may soon be back in Oakland. Alameda
County officials said the Raiders have compromised on several key
points, and have given the Raiders their "final" proposal to move back
lo Jakland. In the proposal, the Raiders would agree to a 15-year lease
at the Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum.
South Africa may be in 1992 Olympics
Hun Antonio Samaranch, president of the International Olympic
( ommittee, says an Olympic committee will meet Monday in Kuwait
to discuss the possibility of South Africa participating in the 192
i Olympics I ie warned it is too early to say if they will be allowed to
' participate Nuith Africa was expelled from the Olympics in lOdue
to racial discrimination.
Streeter, Waymer sign with teams
Safties t ieorge Streeter of the Chicago Rears and Pave Waymer of
the New Orleans Saints are the first Plan B free-agent players to switch
? teams Streeter signed Thursday with the Los Angeles Raiders and
aj mer with the Sin Francisco 49ers.
Jaworski asks for advice from Kemp
ngrcss from the state of New jersey, sought political advice Thurs-
? oml Housing and Urban Development secretary Jack Kemp.
mp a quarterback for the Buffalo Hills before entering politics.
College enthusiasm gets out of control
i he University o Connecticut will have organized rallies and
ntircs after games Saturday and Monday in an effort to control
' - enthusiasm over their nationally ranked basketball team
: Following the team's recent victory over St. John s, one student
- thrown out oi a dormitory and nine others face disciplinary
Ruddock goes to court to fight Tyson
movan "Razor" Ruddock is going to court to tight Mike ryson.
idock s 1 awyers will tile suit Friday in New ork federal court to
I Mike ryson from fighting anyone before Ruddock. Fnetwohada
ntract to fight in (Canada last November, but Tyson canceled when he
became ill ryson then fought lames "Buster' Douglas and lost.
Schintzius will wait for NBA draft
rmer I niversity of Rorida 7-2 center Dwayne Schintzius, who
the team Ian. 23, has chosen not to play in Europe before the
upcoming National Basketball Association draft, his attorney said
irsday Schintzius is expected to bo a lottery pick in the dratt.
Steelers talk to Walton about vacancy
The NFL's Pittsburgh Steelers have talked to recently tired New
? ork lets coach foe Walton about their vacant offensive coordinator's
i b lom Moore left the Steelers this week to become an assistant at
GapLsnatches win at Day tona 500
Derrike Cope, driving a Chevrolet I.umina, won the Daytona 500
and $188,150 Sunday by one and 1 2 car lengths. Dale Earnhardt was
in first place with a half tap to go, but ran over some debris, shredding
a tire, allowing Cope to win. Terry Labonte finished second, while
Earnhardt came in fifth. In the first r races of his career. Cope had one
top-five finish and $310350 in earnings.
Douglas set to fight Holyfield in fall
Hea yweight champion lames "Buster" Douglas plans to fight
inder Holyfield in September, according to hismanagerlohn Johnson.
ite, date or purse figures havebeen agreed upon. Johnson wants the
inSeptemberso Pouglascan cash in on endorsements. Holyfield's
?? r 1 )an Duva, prefers June.
The East Carolinian, February 20,1990 13
Pirates sweep pair from Mount Olive
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
Scoring 37 runs in two base-
ball games may seem impossible.
But the ECU Pirates did just that
against the Mount Olive Trojans
in a double-header Sunday night.
In the first game, ECU demol-
ished the Trojans 22-14. Over 600
fans watched five Mount Olive
pitchers give up 12 walks in only
six innings. Brian Morris, starting
pitcher for the Trojans, pitched
only 1 1-3 innings, giving up five
walks, a double, and two-run
The Pirates scored eight runs
in the second inning, which lasted
approximately40minutes. ECU's
shortstop Corey Short started the
barrage with a lead-off double.
Tommy Yarborough, Kevin Riggs,
and John Adams walked to load
the bases. With one swing of the
bat, clean-up hitter Calvin Brown
belted a grand slam, giving the
Pirates the lead 6-0.
ECU continued to rip the
Trojan pitching staff for two more
runs. Relief pitcher Doug Baxley
faced only six batters, allowing
three hits, two walks, and two wild
pitches. After two innings, the
Pirates were ahead 8-0.
But the Mount Olive Trojans
came back with four runs, slicing
theleadto8-4. Pirate pitcher Brien
Berckman struggled in the early
innings. With runnerson first and
second, Trojan's Steve Mintz
hammered a three-run homerun
over the right field fence. They
scored later in the inningon double
With the Pirates ahead, the
ECU hitters continued to wreck
the Trojan pitching staff with seven
more runs in the third inning.
Outfielder Tommy Yarborough
(.250, 10 stolen bases last season)
started the inning with a single.
Adams and Brown followed with
consecutive singles. With bases
loaded, John Gast stroked a
double, scoring two runs. The
ECU team batted around. Yarbor-
ough came up again and re-
sponded with another single.
Yarborough had an excellent
first game. In four trips to the
plate, he had four hits? all singles.
He was also credited with two
stolen bases.
"Because I'm batting in the
bottom of the order, I consider
myself another lead-off hitter
See Trojans, page 14
Grace leads Lady Pirates
to comeback CAA win
By David Reichelt
Staff Writer
A 17-point scoring perform-
ance from junior center Sandra
Grace led the Lady Pirates to a h0-
55 win over the Tribeof William it
Mary Saturday night in Minges
The Lady Pirates trailed by as
many as 13 points in the second
half, but Grace came oii the bench
to score all 17 of her points in the
second half, as well as 12 rebounds.
"We were struggling with our
shooting Grace said referring to
the team's 29 percent shoe ting o.i
the evening. "I was just trying to
give us a lift
ECU trailed the whole first
half and most of the second, gain-
ing the lead late in the second half.
The game was tied at four with
four minutes gone bv when the
Lady Pirates went without a field
goal for eight and a half minutes.
In that time period ECU was
outscored 14-4.
The Lady Pirates trailed bv as
many as 11 with 3:22, but ECU
went on a 4 to 4 run toclose out the
half. Thev trailed the Lady Tribe
21-27 at the half.
"They played real tough de-
fense against us all night Head
coach Pat Pierson said. "They
mixed up between zone and man
toman coverages. They're real
physical, and that gave us lots of
However, the Lady Pirates
were kept in the game with Sarah
Gray's 11 first half points (22 for
the game).
"We really struggled in the
first half and we tried to come out
and force a faster second halt
pace Pierson said.
I he Lady ! ribe came out fir
ing and went on an 10-3 run to
lead by I3at the 14:47mark. But at
this point, Grace started to come
alive as she scored nine straight
points over a four minute stretch
to ignite the entire team.
Grace's good play started to
nib off as teammates Gray and
freshman Gaynor O'Donnell
started to hit their shots. Between
Grace, Gray and O'Donnell, the
team went on an 18 to 6 run to take
a one point lead with 4:1)6 to play.
The Lady Pirates closed out
thegamewithan 11 to5runto win
the game 60-35.
"We needed this win because
of our game with Richmond
Pierson said. "They have the best
defense in the league and we'll
have to shoot better to win
Continued from page 12
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tt -rvnKi !?r,
I ppk
double, single, walk, and a stolen team. In three trips to the plate,
base Yarborough had a single, two
"For the first day, the game walks, and a stolen base,
wasn't too bad Narron said. "If
everyone plays to their potential, The Pirates are now 43-4 over-
we should have an excellent team all against the Atlantic Christian
this year Bulldogs. Since 1980, ECU now
Pirate ccntcrfielder Tommy marks a 225-55 home record at
Yarborough also produced for the Harrington Field.
Seven Steps to a Successful Spring Break
In the Locker
ECU football player takes
first in Slam Dunk Contest
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Seroor tight end Charles Freeman won the Slam Dunk Contest
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mire - ECU Photo Lab)
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14 The East Carolinian, February 20,1990
Lady Pirate netters fall to
UNC-Charlotte, beat ACC
By Chip Rutan
Staff Writer
The Lady Pirate tennis team
dropped a close one on the road
against UNC-Charlotte Sunday-
Battling the cold, the wind and
the rain, the Pirates came up short
losing 6-3.
In the singles, left handed
freshman Nicole Catalano was
defeated bv Cayle Miller (v-4, 6-1.
"A leftv playing a lefty is in
itselfvervdifficult, "Catalanosaid.
"You take awav each others good
Number two seed Jenifer
Fenton also lost in straight sets to
Cane Peterson 6-4,6-3. Fenton said
she was better, but made some
mistakes that she'll leam from.
"1 was trving to put the ball
awav too soon and it wasn't work-
ing, " she said.
The Lady Pirates went on to
win two out (if the next four singles
matches. Number three seed
Cackie Fenwick defeated Kim
Summer in straight sets 6-4, 6-3.
Number five seed Kellv Bu k
battled back after dropping the
first set 2-6, t beat Knstv Boggs in
the next two 6-3, 7-6. Both Kim
Harvey and Wendy Pert!
dropped their singles matches in
straight sots.
Going into the doubles match,
the I ady Pirates found themselves
down, but not out However, after
the team of Catalano-Fenwick
defeated Miller-Schladweiler in
straight sots 6-4, 6-4, the Pirates
ended up losing the next tow
doubles matches in straight sots.
Although they lost, Coach Davis
expressed contindence on his
teams doubles plav, "We should
have won two out of the three to
win it all, bu we lost because the
girls were tenative
The Pirates went sithout so-
phomore captain Kim Harveydue
to illness She did, however, battle
the elements to come out and give
the team some moral support.
In the six singles matches ECU
came awav with a decisive 5-1
margin Number one seed Nicole
Catalano was upset bv Atlantic
Nicole Catalano. the Lady Pirates' number one seeded player, tell to
UNC-Charlotle's Gayle Miller 6-4, 6-1 Sunday in the teams 6-3 loss
(Photo by Garrett Killian ? ECU Photo Lab)
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ChnstiansSheila Milna on straight
sets 6-2,7-3. She gave Milna credit
asa good plaver, but felt she wasn't
plaving as well as she was ca-
pable, "Mv first serve was hurting
meand Ireallvdidn't keeptheball
in play like 1 should have
After lenifer Fenton dropped
the first set 2-6 to lasmina Srna,
she knew what she needed to win,
"In order to beat her, I would have
to hit with her and be real pa-
tient That strategy worked as
she took the next two sets con-
vincingly, 6-2,6-1
For the third, forth and fifth
seeded plavers, ECU won, but
Atlantic Christian took at least one
set out of three making it a tough
match. Finally, number six seed
Anne Jennings won in straight sets
After dominating the singles,
the Pirates lost 2-1 in the doubles.
"We won the match going into the
doubles Davis said. That takes
awav a little of our intensity
After the first two matchesand
a 1-1 second, the Lady Pirates
know what thev need to work on.
intense said captain Dim Har-
vev. "We will especially be work-
ing on vollving and putting the
kev points awav
The will be facing Christopher
Newport at home Sunday, Fob
25. The match starts at 2:30 p.m.
Continued from page 13
February is
American Heart Month!
Yarborough said. "People have
always said that 1 had the poten-
tial to do well
Head coach Gary Overton
agreed Overton said, "Tommy is
a good hitter with excellent bat
After three complete innings,
the Pirates led 15-4. But the Tro-
jans throated the lead, scoring eight
runs in two innings Pirate Owen
Davis (1350 FRA in three games
last year)gave up four hits in only
two-thirds of an inning pitched.
With the score 15-12, ECU
batters smashed the Trojan pitch-
ing once again. In the fifth inning,
the Pirates scored six runs due to
two errors bv Mount Olive's field-
ing. With thebases full of Pirates,
Tommy Yarborough singled off
Trojan relief pitcher Brian Tuten.
Blue Devils
Riggs then doubled in two more
runs as the lead increased 21-12.
Both teams later scored, making
the final football score 22-14.
Despite Pirate pitchers allow-
ing 14 runs, Overton was pleased
with the first game.
"1 was real proud of our play-
ers Overton said. "Whenever
thev (MountOlive)answered,our
team answered back "
The Trojans used five differ-
ent pitchers against ECU in the
first game.
"The pitchers for Mount Ol-
ive threw hard,but they were very
erratic Eason said.
In the second game, the Pi-
rates bombed the Trojans once
again 15-0,asTim Langdon, Mike
Whitten, and Howard Whitfield
combined to pitch a crafty shut-
Langdon (3-3, 4.75 FRA last
season) pitched five strong in-
nings, allowing only two hits. He
also struck out nine Trojan bat-
ters. Overton said that Langdon
was extremely sharp. He wit ted
Mount Olive's Todd Miller and
David Castleborrv twice.
In the first inning the Pirates
jumped out to a 2-0 lead when Ea-
son hit a two-run homerun against
pitcher Jeff Welcheck.
With ECU extending its lead
to 6-0, Pirate Mike Whitten (1-0,
1.50 ERA) pitched in relief. Facing
onlv three batters, Whitten retired
the side, getting Steve Hudson to
pop out.
The Pirates next game will bo
Saturday as they host Virginia at 2
p.m. on Harrington Field.
Continued from page 12
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Classic I
ets bv Stanley Love (10
points),Brown and Lose (14
points). Duke coach Mike
Krzyzewski quickly called a rime-
out to settle his players down and
got them into their offense.
After the time-out, freshman
guard Billy McCaffrey hit his first
of 21 points and got Duke on the
board. Christian Laettner (15
pointHhen laved in a jumper and
started Duke on a seven point
The Pirates came back and tied
the game at 12 of f a reverse lay-up
by Ike Copeland. This was the
closest ECU would stay with the
Blue Devilsasthey quickly gained
a nine point advantage.
Lose kept Duke from pulling
away by hitting seven points of
his own. He shot six for seven
from the field to score 13 first half
points "Reed had a great first
half Steele said. "He got a little
tired in the second half and they
started putting more pressure on
him defensively"
Laettner bumped the Blue
Devil lead to 16 by hitting on a
five-footer just .05beforehalftime.
Freshman point guard Bobby
Hurley said, "We were just look-
ing to come out as well as we
could. I thought we played great
defense and our offense played
well also
The second half was not as
good for the Pirates; they could
shoot only 26 percent from the
field, as compared to Duke who
shot over 50 percent. "Overall, 1
thought it was our team defense.
They brought in a good offense,
they have a number of kids who
can handle the ball said "Coach
K 'They(ECU) are very aggres-
sive, they play hard and they do a
really nice job
Duke came out firing away
and quickly showed ECU just why
they are the sixth-ranked team in
the country. Within 10 minutes
they had gained a 27 point advan-
tage and left the Pirates trailing
and in foul trouble
Duke's biggest lead of 40,
cameat the five minute mark when
McCaffrey hit a 10 foot baseline
jumper. Steve Richardson (8
points) hit his second three-pointer
with :07 left in the game making
the final score 84-51.
Steele said, "I didn't think our
guts were intimidated tonight. The
score may not have been indica-
tive but I think this is the best team
we've brought in here in awhile
The Pirates with a 5-7 record
in the CAA have just two regular
season games left before the tour-
nament. Their last home game is
Wednesday against Richmond.
"If s the last home game for Reed
Lose and Gus Hill and it's a very
emotional time for our guys
noted Steele.
Brown said, "We need to pull
together as a team and concen-
trate on beating Richmond and
UNC-W so we can go into the
tournament on a high note
Jurkey Breast
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The East Carolinian, February 20, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 20, 1990
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