The East Carolinian, February 15, 1990

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?hc i?nBt (ftaraltman
Serving the I tt Carolina eampus community since 1925.
Vol. M No. 12
I luirsil.n I cbru.irv 1. ll"0
Greenville. Northarolina
I in illation 12,000
in Pages
Hunt savs certification will aid education
scales so that the "brightest young Chancellor Richard Eakin pre CountySchoo
By Shannon Buckle)
Stafl VN ritei
sen ed a the speaker of the Eighth of Board certified tea hers will be
( 11 i. i) . !??' .i ii . i iinii'lc will look tiHs.ii d teai hmr Miitcd seven IW Outstanding Lewis the i ???????? lames fatten IVtm in great demand Hunt said I 1 " "in iw? ??'? ihh-iuiik
, , , , . , . ' ? i i , i; , i isa career" I dm ator Awards to tea hers and i
guished Idiuator Lecture and According to Hunt, Board certifi ?iii.irii
rhe Board's certification exam faculty from institutions acn
ill test tea hers knowledge ol .i Northarolina
: r
for t hi
tu n
he tollowinr, is ,i list (i the mom ??? ? i
In 13 the National Board ot wards Ceremony .it Wright cation will insure the citizens ol
Professional Peaching Standards uditonumatECl ruesdavnight North Carolina that teachers .ire u
intends to certify its first croup ol Hunt explained that the method of taking responsibility for a product subject, not "how well a teacher
. j i . i .i v . i j' . , ? in teach" Hunt sueeested that award ro ipient i onradMoan. S hool i
teachers rhe first field in which certifying teachers bv the National (students) l1"1 ,UUI nui" 'uHi' uuuiai i
i hi i i ii .i i . . i , mter lew s or simulated perti rm superintendent i itam; I i h hi ie i 'hlr
teachers will h 1 is in the Board will bnng a new level of the new method of certihca mun n w or miiiuiuum rmnn i i ?
, , i .iii n i . .i . .1 . mi es would be used b the Vl Vpendellts S? hools. lo ' ? ? ? ?
,t ,i high school Engl I professionalism fo the tield ol tion will also affect the pav scales ? ' s v' nu' l' uxulJ N
parable to that of of teachers According to Hunt, tional Board to evaluate the actual
the National Board is currently teaching skills of teachei
1 illew ior Hunt s speei h
i hau i thi Natioi
ifession il i ea Standards,
CO i
tors and law ers
i believe that the first group trying to adopt ditfen ntiated pay

Sli mil the i "i 'i linator of South of l ' Regional Educationentei rhe pi
Katherine K ollins, a retired
? hh ator ter Ri k Mount Cit
Schools Carol Harris Cowei .i h I
reading 'math tea hi r f r Rock hi itoi
Mount it) S hools; Nam ; i noted ed
man E ans .i bioli ?? i hei I i
Pittounh Is ai K i
Mew i ?? iatl teacher for C.i ? ? Si
SETA found innocent
in SGA investigation
r Samar.iia I hompson
st.itt ritei
roup Stvi lent
11 I" rea t men I
as f iund mni i I
? think thai pring idy spaing Greenville's weather contii I unseasona
? it th warn it ?, I ?? n ghl stay around a while longei PhotobyJD Whitmire
, warm and h is ed many to
f CU Photo i al
UNC system prepares for major review
'? ill foi ri in the past, we must begin more than 1 3tX tudents doctoral programs in th
if the I N now I pi pan foi At ECI Chancel I i I ird medical science
t I Ni. i ireensboro . han-
the first i
s stem in 14 years is boil ; cm
-m me
to the
olutionistoaskthechan- Eakin suspi ts that a Iditional
nsultation with their doctoral degrees wi i part ol
ll I I I Out
pci imprehensiv e
i ?
. . ??.???
m.ui i ii school's tut ri
. ei pki utlining es the feel We don t asj ri I
are necessarv such as new aca- essentially the tl i Ii
; ? grams legrei to versitA in tl
meet thi demands of their stu lin.i both I v hapel 1
nts in the 21st century. Once N i Stati havi ?? I
in tted. Spai 11 :
? ; n ol ii ai terview pul
cdu itors tvi rui la editioi
? I l ; . ? ? ? ? ? ? - ? ? . h.
? ' hi . tor the In .i limited i we in idd to t
impusi hart a course i lie doctoral programs tl
ivei tn : ??'? e an annual state fered
budget of $15 billion and enroll E I urrentK otters ti
? e
, ellor V illiam 1 Moran also en i
sions more doctoral pn ram- tor
his, ampus
We havi hi en for some time
king at thi both
undergraduate and graduate
See Re iew page 7
tape after a tour week ii
e E CI 11 orne enora
. I iid there was i evidei I leparti
. . fjA had I ? ? tap
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( arolinian that thetap ???. as ? ? ?
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I luring the I v 4 I ?- ? -tu
? Go ernmenl Assi iciati i
? ? ing some s' ! - mi mbi i s
: ? . :?? d thai SE "A had I ? n
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ide and passed that an ir ? ti
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?ttorne (ieneral Since " ?
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estieatu in wi iuld deti t
See si
? k, in
Car wreck darkens parts of city
. , .
idei ho ii I sen
? rsit has il w avs
Riggs to talk
on effects of
man's waste
By Margi Morin
st.itt Writet
r ?l il Ii ? Rig) : ? '?
. olog) a i i will nd 'i
n ? ntation titled Mai ?'? i ?
? d status of the North t in ?hna
stuaries on 1 eb 2t' al ' p m
Riggs will deal with waste
?s? harge of all types into North
arolina s water system and the
? i qui m es i ?f w a .te dis
,?. nl the natural s stem of
eenvironment 1 le will start with
ie Pamhco and Neuse River estu
areas hi has studied
unng the pit two years
In a brief inter iew with Km.
. ed thai the r.imlu o and
, j '? i estuaries show the
i ioquero rs ol years ol dump
B waste Ihes are now at the
i w here the) ha e erv
tressed biological systems I"he
re hardK pridu? ing fish any
m i th, fish that are there
,hsi iscd md hae sores all
? ? thi ir btxlu '
s?u' v .istc page -
Gfeenvilte Utilites Commission workers replace the downed utility
pole- that had been true k by a ar and interrupted service to ab ul
7.000 customers (Photo by JD Whitmire 1 iJpj2P,?ljlbJ
By ohn 1 uckei
Assistant 1 calurcs 1 ditor
? Businesses and residi i I
?1 Oreenville sere surprised 1 ik-
da night when a power outage
caused bv a ear wreck darkened
. i rtain se. tions of the i it
Ai i ording toKerhead 1 me
Engineer lames Sheppard ol
( ireenville L tihties i. ommission
an emergent i all w as y( ed iust
alter 1 1 p.m when a mam elet tn
i ai i iri mt went dow n ommer
cial ,nd residential areas from
i ireenv ille Boulevard to I larns
1 eeter supermarket on 14th Street
and from 1 arryl's to the I lighwa
' itrol Station on 10th street were
ettei ted b the bhn kout.
i ireenville polii c offic er 11
1'lnpps sas at the scene ol the
accident whi htKc urredon( .rit'n
springs Street just behind Villa
Roma restaurant
Phipps said that when he ar
med at the scene, he found an
automobile wrecked into a utility
pole According to Phipps the top
half ol the pole had been severed
,nA was resting horizontally on
thecar stop Phippssaidthedriver
ol the car was walking around the
downed power lines thai were still
attached to the utility pole and
strum; along the road
According to Phipps. the
driver had a ver) strongodorof
aK hohol on his breath and told me
he had drunk three to si Ivors
I Ie s hi( k he didn t get elet tro
uti d i thing (i
pened ppsadded
ECI ident chow
resident of Village Green Apt-
10th street said, Me and m) room
mates were watt hing a mo ie on
PV when boom! the whole place
went Next thing you know
w e saw a bum h i 1 fiashir.
lights, we didn t know whal was
going on N how s apartment is
located less than a quarter of a
mile from the scene of the acci
According to Sheppard, power
was restored in approximately. 4
minutes after citv workers found
the downed powcrline and iso
latil the a ident area
'We were riding thelinetn ing
to find out what the problem was
w hen the police told us there was
.i wreck Sheppard said at the
scene ol the incident
Sheppard complained about
the amount ol time it took tor po
lice to call and said that there were
already police cars at every stop
light when he was driving to the
It the police department
would ol called us as soon as the)
found the wreck we would have
had the power on about 20 mm
utes sooner he said
I hednverot thecar was taken
to Pit! Memorial Hospital where
he was treated tor minor cuts and
lacerations At the hospital, the
driver was given a blood alcohol
content test and charged with a

. . j .
Pow.rv ' ' .
See Blackout page -
Is recyc ng ust a
passing fa
State and Nation8
Mandela discusses
future of apartheid
ECU Gospel Choir
celebrates its seventh
Pirates sign new
football recruits
Satire insert:
The all-hate issue of
ECU People

She izaat (EaralbtUtn
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 64 No. 12
Thursday February 15,1990
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
16 Pages
Hunt savs certification will aid education
By Shannon Buckley
Staff Writer
served as the speaker of the Eighth
Annual James W. Batten Distin-
guished Educator Lecture and
Awards Ceremony at Wright
Auditorium at ECU Tuesday night.
In 1993 the National Board of
Professional Teaching Standards
intends to certify its first group of Hunt explained that the method of taking responsibility for a product
of Board certified teachers will be
in great demand Hunt said.
According to Hunt, Board certifi-
cation will insure the citizens of
North Carolina that teachers
teachers. The first field in which
teachers will be certified is in the
area of high school English.
Former Gov. James B. Hunt
Jr chair of the National Board of
Professional Teaching Standards,
certifying teachers by the National
Board will bring a new level of
professionalism to the field of
teaching comparable to that of
doctors and lawyers.
"I believe that the first group
The new method of certifica-
tion will also affect the pay scales
of teachers. According to Hunt,
the National Board is currently
trying to adopt differentiated pay
scales so that the "brightest young
people will look toward teaching
as a career
The Board's certification exam
will test teachers' knowledge of a
subject, not "how well a teacher
can teach Hunt suggested that
interviews or simulated perform-
ances would be used by the Na-
tional Board to evaluate the actual
teaching skills of teachers.
Following Hunt's speech
Chancellor Richard Eakin pre-
sented seven 1990 Outstanding
Educator Awards to teachers and
faculty from institutions across
North Carolina.
The following is a list of the
award recipients: E. Conrad Sloan,
superintendent of Camp Lejeune
Dependents' Schools; Molly James
Sloan, the coordinator of South-
east Regional Education Center;
Katherine K. Collins, a retired
educator for Rocky Mount City
Schools; Carol Harris Cowen, a
readingmath teacher for Rocky
Mount City Schools; Nancy Free-
man Evans, a biology teacher for
Pitt County Schools; Carolyne B.
Mew, a math teacher for Greene
County Schools; and CarolGaskins
Lewis, the media director for the
N.C. Department of Public Instruc-
Closing remarks for the cere-
mony were given by Dean of the
School of Education Dr. Charles
Coble. A reception followed the
ceremony in the Warm-up room
of Wright Auditorium.
The purpose of the James W.
Batten Distinguished lecture se-
ries is to allow ECU faculty, staff
and students and public school
educators to meet and learn from
noted educational leaders.
The lecture scries is named for
James W. Batten, a professor emeri-
See Hunt, page 3
SETA found innocent
in SGA investigation
This bee seems to think that spring has already sprung. Greenville's weather x
believe (and hope) that the warm, sunny days might stay around a while longer.
UNC system prepares for major review
RALEIGH (AP) ? A call for
the first major review of the UNC
system in 14 years is being em-
braced by campus chancellors,
someof whom view it asan oppor-
tunity to nudge their schools closer
to the big-leagues of academia.
CD. Spangler Jr president of
the 16-campus University of North
Carolina system, unveiled the plan
last week at a meeting of the UNC
Board of Governors.
"North Carolina and our na-
tion are swiftly changing Span-
gler said, "and it is clear that if we
are going to continue to give to
this state the leadership and serv-
ice that the university has always
Riggs to talk
on effects of
man's waste
By Margi Morin
Staff Writer
Dr. Stanley Riggs, professor of
geology at ECU, will conduct a
presentation titled, "Man's Waste
and Status of the North Carolina
Estuaries" on Feb. 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Riggs will deal with waste
discharge of all types into North
Carolina's water system and the
consequences of that waste dis-
charge into the natural systems of
the environment. He will start with
the Pamlico and Neuse River estu-
aries, two areas he has studied
during the past two years.
In a brief interview with Riggs,
he said that "the Pamlico and
Neuse River estuaries show the
consequences of years of dump-
ing waste. They are now at the
point where they have very
stressed biological systems. They
are hardly producing fish any-
more, and the fish that are there
are diseased and have sores all
over their bodies.
See Waste, page 2
given in the past, we must begin
now to prepare for change
His solution is to ask the chan-
cellors, in consultation with their
facu 1 ty, to develop comprehensi ve
plans outlining changes they feel
are necessary ? such as new aca-
demic programs or degrees ? to
meet the demands of their stu-
dents in the 21st century. Once
those plans are submitted, Span-
gler will appoint a commission of
nationally known educators to
help the UNC Board of Gover-
nors, which sets policy for the 16
campuses, chart a course. The
universities have an annual state
budget of $1.5 billion and enroll
more than 135,000 students.
At ECU, Chancellor Richard
Eakin suspects that additional
doctoral degrees will be a part of
that school's future.
"We don't aspire to become
essentially the third research uni-
versity in the state of North Caro-
lina?both UNC-Chapel Hill and
N.C. State have that distinction
and special mission Eakin said
in an interview published in
Observer of Raleigh. "But I think, in
a limited way, we can add to the
doctoral programs that are of-
ECU currently offers five
doctoral programs in the basic
medical sciences.
At UNC-Greensboro, Chan-
cellor William E. Moran also envi-
sions more doctoral programs for
his campus.
"We have been for some time
looking at the sciences ? both
undergraduate and graduate
See Review, page 7
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
The group Students for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals
(SETA) was found innocent of al-
legations linking them to the theft
of an ECU Medical School vide-
otape after a four week investiga-
tion by the ECU Attorney General.
Attorney General Brian Ste-
vens said there was no evidence to
prove that SETA had stolen the
two hour videotape which showed
a tracheotomy being performed
on an anesthetized dog.
The tape was apparently sto-
len in January of 1987, but was
originally intended for use by
medical students only. Dr. Rich-
ard H. Ray, head of the physiology
department at the ECU School of
Medicine, wrote in an Oct. 31,1989
letter to the editor of The East
Carolinian that the tape was stolen
and then "re-edited" for public
During the Dec. 4, 1989 Stu-
dent Government Association
meeting, some SGA members
speculated that SETA had stolen
the videotape and shown it at one
of the meetings. A motion was
made and passed that an investi-
gation be initiated by the ECU
Attorney General. Since the SGA
cannot fund political or social ac-
tion groups, the outcome of the
investigation would determine
whether or not SETA would re-
ceive funds through the SGA.
Since the SGA was unsure
whether the group was a political
or social action organization,
SETA's constitution was also
struck from the Fall Constitutions
Amendment during the Dec. 4
Although Stevens said he did
not contact the Medical School
department from which the vide-
otape was stolen, he said he did
discuss the theft with SETA Presi-
dentCraigSpitzandothers. "I went
by a lot of hearsay Stevens said.
"A lot of my information came
from stories reported in The East
Stevens also said that the vide-
otape was stolen in January ofl987
and SETA has only recently been
formed at ECU.
"Basically, all I was doing was
finding out whether SETA was a
social action group Stevens said.
SGA Legislator Marty Helms,
who made the motion in Decem-
ber for Stevens to investigate
SETA's involvement, said: "There
were no grounds for any of it. It
wasn't meant to accuse them. It
was better to be sure so the SGA
didn't go ahead and fund them.
There's nothing more to it
A Washington, DC. spokes-
person from the national animal
rights group. People for the Ethi-
See SETA, page 3
Car wreck darkens parts of city
Greenville Utilites Commission workers replace the downed utility
pole that had been struck by a car and interrupted service to about
7,000 customers. (Photo by J.P. WNtmfre ? ECU Photo Lab)
By John Tucker
Assistant Features Editor
Businesses and residents of
Greenville were surprised Tues-
day night when a power outage
caused by a car wreck darkened
certain sections of the city.
According to Overhead Line
Engineer James Sheppard of
Greenville Utilities Commission,
an emergency call was placed just
after 11 p.m. when a main electri-
cal circuit went down. Commer-
cial and residential areas from
Greenville Boulevard to Harris
Teeter supermarket on 14th Street
and from Darryl's to the Highway
Patrol Station on 10th street were
effected by the blackout.
Greenville police officer E.L.
Phipps was at the scene of the
accident which occurred on Green-
springs Street just behind Villa
Roma restaurant.
Phipps said that when he ar-
rived at the scene, he found an
automobile wrecked into a utility
pole. According to Phipps the top
half of the pole had been severed
and was resting horizontally on
the car's top. Phipps said the driver
of the car was walking around the
downed power lines that were still
attached to the utility pole and
strung along the road.
According to Phipps, the
driver "had a very strong odor of
alchohol on his breath and told me
he had drunk three to six beers.
He's lucky he didn't get electro-
cuted, anything could have hap-
pened Phipps added.
ECU student Glen Schow, a
resident of Village Green Apts. on
10th street said, "Meand my room-
mates were watching a movie on
TV when boom!?the whole place
went black. Next thing you know
we saw a bunch of flashing blue
lights, we didn't know what was
going on Schow's apartment is
located less than a quarter of a
mile from the scene of the acci-
According to Sheppard, power
was restored in approximately 45
minutes after city workers found
the downed powerline and iso-
lated the accident area.
"We were riding the line tryi ng
to find out what the problem was
when the police told us there was
a wreck Sheppard said at the
scene of the incident.
Sheppard complained about
the amount of time it took for po-
lice to call and said that there were
already police cars at every stop-
light when he was driving to the
"If the police department
would of called us as soon as they
found the wreck we would have
had the power on about 20 min-
utes sooner he said.
Thedriver of the car was taken
to Pitt Memorial Hospital where
he was treated for minor cuts and
lacerations. At the hospital, the
driver was given a blood alcohol
content test and charged with a
According to Sheppard about
7,000 Greenville residents were
affected by the power blackout.
Power was not completely restored
until 2:30 to 3 a.m when workers
See Blackout, page 2
Is recycling just a
passing fad?
State and Nation8
Mandela discusses
future of apartheid
ECU Gospel Choir
celebrates its seventh
Pirates sign new
football recruits
Satire insert:
The all-hate issue of
ECU? People

2 The East Carolinian February 15,1990
ECU Briefs
Powell named by Gov. Martin to N.C.
board of psychology examiners
Governor im Martin has appointed I Anthony Powell of Green-
ville to the N.C. State Board ot Examiners of Practicing Psychologists.
Powell is a psychological program manager tor the N.C. Division
of Prisons, and works part time as a instructor at ECU and as a counsel-
lor with Pitt County Memorial 1 lospital. Powell also works part time
with the American Correctional Association
He received a bachelor's degree in psychology at Campbell College
and a master's degree in clinical psychology .it ECU. I le is pursing a
doctorate in clinical psychology at Fielding Institute in Santa Barbara.
Powell is also a member ot the lending board to develop HUD housing in Pitt County tor mental health patients.
SLAP to hold annual symposium
The 20th Annual Speech, I anguage and I earing Symposium will
beheld Feb. 15 16,at ECl Speakers will include Dr. WayneSecord of
Ohio State University, Dr Hal J. 1 )anielofECU,and Mr. John 1 Sexton
of Carolina Hearing and Speech Services. Presentations will focus on
language problems in school aged children, bipodalitv, birth and human
communication. ,nd assistive listening devices. Theevent is sponsored
bv the ECU Department of Speech-1 anguage and Auditory Pathology.
Cousteau member to speak on oceans
Naturalist-photographer David O. Brown will speak on "Threats to
the Global Ocean" at ECU on Feb 27. Brown, a member of the lacques
Cousteau underwater exploration team, will address the major threats
to the living sea which occurs w hen the sea meets the shore.
Among the specific threats to the ocean to bo discussed are the
release of wastes into the sea em ironment at a greater rate than can bo
assimilated; the conversion of complex, highh diverse ecosystems into
low-diversity, predominantly human ecosystems; the increasing
demands of too many people on natural resources and damage result
ing from recent oil spills.
InBrown's six years with the C oustoatiSocietv. he has explored
such diverse regions as the Caribbean Alaska, the South Pacific and
Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
The lecture will be held in EC I s 1 lendrix Theatre at 8 p.m.
National Campus Clips
Workers prevent students from
painting tunnel at UNC?Chapel Hill
last Thursday, a group of students at l NC Chapel Hill met with
resistance when they tried to paint political statements on the walls ot
the Free Expression Funnel I C Cll Physical Plant workers kept
whitewashing after the students painted their messages. Brian (. hase,
the Physical Plant director said he decided to have the walls painted
because of the importance of President George Bush's visit to UNC's
campus and the presence of profane messages In past vears, students
have generally kept within the posted limits, but this year ifs been
creeping steadily out Some students noticed that only political state
ments hattbtn eraed. "It'sa shame our free speed! has been denied
at a time when it was really needed, snd lol I indsev. a junior.
Greeks close door on open parties
Greeks at the University ot North Carolina at Charlotte have
decided to put and end to open parties in in effort to lessen the cost ot
liability insurance. By preventing them to participate freely with( .reek
activities, the new policy would incite more people to become Creek
members,according to Brian Murphv. the In tor fraternity Council presi-
dent. Charlotte fraternities are now considering several solutions One
solution would lx-a sticker put on the back of a regular UNO student's
ID identifying a Greek member. Another option would consist of
creating an 1.6 exclusively reserved to Creek members; this IP would
also help identify Creeks of legal drinking age. The Interfraternitv
Council budget and fraternity membership fees would finance the
operation for the IDs.
Graduate students replace professors
in University of S. Carolina classrooms
Overnight shelter begins construction of new home
By Kim Brothers
Staff Writer
Renovations of the Greenville
homeless shelter, located at the
Agnes Fullilove School, began at
noon on Wednesday with a cele-
bration marking the start of the
construction to transform an over-
night shelter into efficiency apart-
ments for the area's homeless.
Presently, the shelter provides
an emergency, overnight haven
and a "modest meal and sleep" to
homeless individuals trom p.m.
until 7 a.m. Dean 1 lelen Grove of
the School of Home Economics,
vice chairman of the Board of
Greenville I ife Center and coor-
dinator of the renovation project,
said the shelter "meets a real need
because a number of people take
advantage of the shelter
However, according to Grove,
theGreenvilleLifeCenter wanted
to do more by of fenng the people
that use the shelter the opportu-
nity to establish a more stable life.
' The purpose of the $300,000
renovation, called Transitional
Housing Project, is to change a
classroom building into efficiency
apartments for homeless people,
and help them make "a successful
transition from being homeless to
being able to live independently
Grove said.
"Some of these people come
to us from the streets, from (men-
tal) institutions, from prisons or
are currently staying at the over-
night shelter. These people may
have no friends, family or place to
go Grove continued.
Continued from page 1
Greenville Life Center will
help the individuals find jobs by
exploring the many servicesavail-
able in Greenville, and offer them
support to help them be success-
ful in what they do.
Others may need individual
or family counseling since "some-
times people are homeless because
their families have turned them
out added Grove.
Theefhciency apartments will
be located on the second floor of
the Agnes Fullilove School. The
residents can live at the center for
18 months and the stay will be at
little or no cost to them. There will
also be one apartment on the first
floor for a handicapped individ-
The success of the shelter is
"largely a result of et torts of inter-
ested people in the community,
said Grove Because ot the
community's interest, (.rove said
the renovation has needed little
government assistance
Grove continued that she ha
found the "commitment from the
private sector, volunteering time
as well as money, to be very im
Grove said that she dens not
thinka project likothe I ran i-
Housing Project could happen m
any community but m( Greenville,
"we've got very committed cib
zens whoare willing to work har 1
to solve a problem themseh es
The renovation is
funded by the US. Housing
Urban Development, the North
Carolina Housing Finance th
See Shelter, page "
At the University of Southaroma, More graduate students art'
expected to teach in lieu of teachers who will devote more time to
research, according to Philosophy Departmenthair Nora Bell I ?
hopes to become a Level One institution, which would result in a gain
of prestige and qualified students, Bell said
However some faculty and students are disturbed by CSC 's
emphasis of research. "The more we emphasize research, the less we are
going to emphasize teaching said Carolyn Matalene, an Fnglish
professor. "When I go into a class where I have a graduate student
teaching, I feel cheated added sophomore Gregg Maynard
To Your Health
Healthy eating tips for ECU students
By Laurie Sodano, Health Promotion Assistant
ECU Student I lealth Center
College students arc- known for their fast food diets, Fast food and
foods available on campus are often high in calories, fat, sodium, and
cholesterol. Many students are concerned about eating a healthy diet
because of its importance in maintaining weight and minimizing
cholesterol levels Fating a healthy diet is easy once you learn how to
make the proper food choices Knowing how to make the proper food
selections is important Many food items have the calorie, fat, sodium,
cholesterol, as well as other nutrient contents listed on the label.
Before reading a label you should know what you are looking for
Many food choices involve making a trade off 1 or example, pretzels
have more sodium than potato chips, but have significantly lower
calories, fat, and cholesterol You need to decide for yourself which of
these you most need to avoid
You should also know about specific ingredients that can clue you
in on things that you may not be aware of in your food. I lydrogenated
oil and palm or coconut oil indicate high saturated fat content Fating
foods that arv high in saturated fat can raise your blood cholesterol
level. Corn syrup, dextrose, fructose and malt sugar indicate the
presence of refined ,ugar Sugar supplies calories but very few nutri
ents. Foods high in sugar are usually high in calories which can lead to
weight gain. Sugar is also a ma)or factor in tooth decay
Sometimes you can improve the nutrient content of fast foods by
making smart choices from the menu For example, if you want a
burger. Big Mac has 518 calories, but a (Quarter Pounder without
See Eating, page 3
"We have been dumping
many toxic materials in me waters
and now, a hundred vears later,
the effects are finally catching up
on us
Riggs will bo talking specifi-
cally about toxic metals that have
accumulated in the sediments in
thc mud that the worms eat. The
worms are then eaten, and so on to
the top ot the food chain.
Riggs pointed out that most of plants and industrial
facilities are producing organic
and metal toxins that are uniden-
tified. There is no regulatory sys-
tem that controls most oi them
Riggs said for example, that paper
mills have been dumping millions
of gallons of organic materials
used in paper production in the
waters The materials in the water
settle into the fine grain mud and
are then chemically trapped.
Even though the presentation
focuses mainly on metals, Riggs
said there are also organic toxins
that may be causing problems
similar to those of the metals.
I heineth tivencssot someot
the discharge s) stems will also be
discussed. Riggs stressed that
regulatory-systems are not effec-
tive. Anyone who wants the Tar
River to d anything othanthan
gjet worst- must make some mas-
sive, major changes in our waste
discharge program in Fastern
North C arolina. We need major
. ha nges in our social structure and
system He said that raw sewage
does not always get treated ade-
quately in the sewage treatment
plants 1 low ever, he stated than it
is not the plants' fault, but the
public's fault tor not providing
enough money to build facilities.
Hie plants in the Tar River
Basin and Tar-Pamhco River Ba-
sin are not working, and Rocky
Mount has a permit to dump raw
sewage, Riggs said, "When yon
hoal and ski down the Tar River
you could be in raw sewage. When
you drink water you are drinking
some of the water that comes out
(4 the Tar River, which comes from
Rock Mount People are not
aware1 of this
Riggs said a very large envi-
ronmental awareness is finally
starting to reach the public. How-
ever, what has gone on in the past
and is going on now is not
verv different
"I think quite a few people
will attend the presentation on
Tuesday A few vears ago, no-
body cared, but now people are
interested and want to listen
Riggs continued.
According to Riggs, people
want unlimited growth and de-
velopment, and with every new-
person and industry comes more
pressure on the sewage treatment
plants. People look at the job
opportunitieson the front end and
tend to ignore the fact that the
other end is equally important and
has to be included as a part of the
cost factor.
"A proposed plan of solution
begins with educating the pub-
lic Riggs said. "Many people
have 'out-of-sight-out-of-mind'
attitudes about waste disposal
problems. A value needs to be put
on waste. Production costs need
to include costs for waste dis-
posal Riggs concluded.
A question and answer pe-
ruxi with a discussion of potential
options to change the current sys-
tem will follow Riggs' presenta-
The League of Women Voters
oi Greenville-Pitt County and the
Pamlico-Tar River Foundation are
co-sponsoring the presentation
located in the Willis Building on
F'rst and Reade Streets.
'Director of advertising
James F.J. McKee
advertising $presentatives
fiuy J. Harvej
Shay Sitlinyer
Adam T. Blankenship
Phillip V. Cope
Keilev O'Connor
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757"6366 10:00-5:00 pm
tuner's Guide
Continued from page 1
were able to replace the pole and
reconnect the power lines, Shep-
pard Mid.
The police report filed by
Phipps estimated the total dam-
age at $4.fXX)$1000 to the utility
pole and $"U)00 worth of damage
done to the car
Sheppard agreed with Phipps
and said, "he was lucky he tore the
pole down and totally knocked
the power out, if not he would
have been dead Sheppard added
that people should stay in their
cars when they are involved in an
?01 ident with utility lines.
"Tires ground the electrical
current, so don't get out he said.
Carolina Pregnancy Center355-3473
Chamber of Comerce752-4101
Christina's Resource75&-5T38
Coastal Fitness756-1592
Council Travel286-4664
David's Automotive830-1779
Geo Imports756-5253
Harris Teeter75S-6S00
Media Board757-6009
Memorial Coin &. Pawn752-7736
New Deli758-0080
1040 Express800-633-2786
Optical Palace756-4204
Rack Room355-2519
Remco East758-6061
Research Information1-800-351-0222
Ringgold Towers752-2865
Student Stores757-6731
Student Union757-4715
T-Shirt Whirl1-261-8301
Triangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930

The East Carolinian, February 15,1990 3
Committee narrows search for new chairperson
By Michelle Hancharick
Special to ITie la?l C jrolinian
Member ot the Commumca
tkms department Search Commit
tee and faculty will soon be MTV
mg under a new permanent chaii
person Since the merger of the
broadcasting and journalism de
pertinents last tall
Hie three candidates are Dr
Robert Simmons, from Boston
University; Dr. Peter Crlik, from
Central Michigan University; and
I Roy Moore, from the Univer
sitv of Kentucky
The Search c ommittee nar
rowed the candidates to three at
ter receiving approximately 30
applk ationsfor the chair position
"There was ,i strong mix ft
journalism and broadcasting rep
resentatives Search Committee
member William Cononbach
s.ud Oneol the criteria wasbased
on published works, because ECU
is working to become a research
The Search Committee is
composed Of Charles Cox and
Cartton Ben? of the broadcasting
department, Brenda Sanchez and
William Gonzenbach of the jour-
nalism department, and Political
Science (hair Dr. Robert Thomas
serving as committee chair.
Since the joining ot the two
departments in August, Pr. Mane
1 arr has served as Acting Associ-
ate I Van ot Communications. As
ot Ian 4, Farr was appointed Act-
ing Chair.
1 arr emphasized the candi-
dates goals tor advancing the
department Some proposals in
eluded the updating of produc-
tion equipment and a computer
lab for the broadcast students.
Right now, we have no re-
pair budget tor hands on experi-
ence for the equipment Farrsaid.
The communications depart-
ment is now split up among four
buildings Mcssick, Ragsdale,
Old oyner,and the General Class-
room Building. Suggestions have
been made for bringing the new
department all under one roof.
Thecandidatesalso wanted to
see a graduate program offered
for journalism. Farr stated that the
faculty is currently working on a
planning report to attain accredi-
tation for journalism. To develop a
master's program, however, the
department would first have to
hire more faculty before applying
to the Accrediting Council on
Educators in Journalism and Mass
Communications (ACEJMC).
"The accreditation makes for
better prestige for the students and
the school Farr said.
Farr also mentioned the pos-
sible development of speech as a
minor, and allowing only commu-
Certitication tor teachers will bring a new level ot professionalism
to educatio. according to former Gov Hunt (Photo by Knstme
Schachmger ? ECU Photo L ab)
Continued from page 1
tus in the School of Education
who chaired the ECl lVpart
mentof Secondary Education tor
19 years and achieved national
recognition tor his role in NASA s
Mercury framing Program tor
the first group ot astronauts.
The lecture and awardscere-
rnony were sponsored bv the
ECU School ot Education, ECU
Phi I Vita Kappa and kappa I Vita
Continued from page 2
mayonnaise has less than 400 calo-
ries, and less tat I ikewise a tur-
kev sub without oil or mayon
naiso has truer calories, less tat
and more protein than a salami
sub all me way Youdon't always
have to go tor a salad" to ensure
low calories and good nutrition.
For example, a fast food baked
potatohasonlyabout lOcalones,
complex carbohydrates and lots
of vitamins, compared to a burger
at around 4(K). Remember to order
vour butter on the side and use
Choosing good alternatives to
junk food is the next step to health-
ier eating. Raw vegetables make
an excellent snack that fulfills vour
desire to crunch Try ice milk,
sherbert, or low fat yogurt instead
of ice cream, and replace chips
and pretzels with unbuttered
popcom and nuts in the shell.
When you have a sweet tooth, try
fresh or dried fruit instead of candy
nications majors into the broad-
casting classes.
Some curriculum changes
have already begun. To declare a
major in broadcasting, an under
graduate must now submit a writ-
ten application. Students wanting
to concentrate in Media Perform-
ance or Broadcast News must
additionally be interviewed.
Dean of the College of Arts
and Sciences Ernest F. Ryan said
that the communication
department's biggest change is
recruiting a permanent chair.
Requests for a new chair are tirst
established by the communica-
tions faculty, then submitted to
the College of Arts and Sciences.
The college then sends its recom-
mendation to the University Cur-
riculum Committee for the final
Ryan said the new chair will
be announced in one week.
A Pair &
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Buy one pair of glasses with our COMPLETE
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ECU Media Board still
looking for managers
Eye exams and contact lens fittings
arranged with an independent doctor
of optometry located NEXT DOOR
By Blair Skinner
Staff Writer
While the lCV Media Board
has hire the general managers for
two departments for the 1990 to
W91 school vear, four positions
have wet to be filled.
1 tie media board sets rulesand
regulations for the student media
and is made up of eight student
representatives from various or-
ganization such as the Student
Union and the Inter-Fraternity
Council. Threeadmimstratorsalso
serve on the bvud, but is chaired
bv a student.
Jeffrey Skillen, a Music and
Business major, was hired to
manage YVZMB, ECU'S student
KM radio station. Skillen is cur-
rently a disc- jockey at the station.
David Herring, an English
graduate student was rchired as
general maHfcge?fTW East Caro-
linian, the student newspaper.
Herring is presently serving his
first term as manager of the news-
Skillen and Herring will begin
their terms at the end of this se-
mester, and hold them for the next
school vear.
Four other departments still
do not have general managers.
They are the Buccaneer, the Photo
Lab, Expressions and the Rebel.
Applicants need to have a 2. 5 IP A
and must be available year-round.
Experience is preferred but not
required. The deadline for appli-
cations is Feb. 20, with interviews
scheduled for Feb. 22 For more
information, call the Media Board
at 757-60W.
and chocolate. Many of these
healthy alternatives are available
at on-campus eating sites and in
different fast food restaurants. It
just takes some nutrition senseand
a little will power to make the
proper choices.
Seven Steps to a Successful Spring Break
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Continued from page 1
cal Treatment ot Animals (PETA)
said thev did have a copy of the
edited tape, and any group or
person could obtain the videotape
for a small fee.
PETA is not affiliated with the
ECU organization of SETA; how-
ever, SETA does receive various
pamphlets and information from
groups like PETA.
11 mi iiiiruoM mi hi mmss ui FJftnNt no
miMPiMiAi Harriott uwaic nr rilBCl m vm ?ntii to go to tins ruiMD vtsmo
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Continued from page 2
County Commissioners and area
churches According to Grove, the
costs ot the project will bo cut due
to volunteer construction labor.
The Bound of Greenville Life
Center is organizing the project
with the help of the firms Hite
Associates and Davis-Miller As-
Call now for your reservation number
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If you plan to purchase your
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Qllye ?a0t ?ar0liniatt
David Herring, General Manager
Lori Martin, Editor
JAMES F.J. McKee, Director of Advertising
Joseph L Jenkins Jr News Editor
ADAM CoRNFLlUS, Asst. News Editor
CAROLINE CUSICK, Features Editor
John Tucker, Asst. Features Editor
Michael Martin, Sports Editor
Thomas H. BarRi VI, Asst. Sports Editor
Carrie Armstrong, Entertainment Editor
Scott Maxwei l, Satire Editor
PlIONC. L.UONG, Credit Marnier
STUART ROSNER, Business Manager
PAMFLA COPE, Ad Tech Sufvroisor
Matthew Richtek, emulation Manager
TRAO WEED, Production Manager
STEVE REID, Staff Illustrator
MICHAEL CARNES, Darkroom Technician
BETH I.UPTON, Secretary
The Fast Carolinian has been serving the Hast Carolina campus community since 1925, with primary emphasis on in-
formation most directly affecting ECU siudenLs. It is published twice weekly, wuh a circulation of 12,(XM). The East
Carolinian reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisements that discriminate on the basis of age, sex.
creed or national origin. The Fast Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. For purposes of decency
and ba'viiy. The Fast Carolinian reserves the nght to edit any letter for publication. I etlers should he sent to The Fast
Carolinian. Publications Bldg FCC. Greenville, NC. 27834. or call us at (919) 7S7-6366.
Page 4, Thursday February 15, 1990
Don't make recycling a fad
Once again, it has become fashionable to
bo environmentally aware. Will it last?
Probably not.
As happens every six months or so, up
front nowhere pops the idea to recycle. This
month it has popped up in our very own
office at The Fast Carolinian.
We, too, have a little box labeled "Recy-
clable Cans Our box is only half full, de-
spite the fact that enough soda cans are
emptied in this office to fill the box at least
once each day.
In addition to the neglected box for soda
cans, our editorial staff decided that we
should recycle paper. It took the editorial
staff about ten minutes to conclude that this
conservation attempt would succeed.
A box has not vet been set out for collec-
tion of the mass quantities oi paper we use
and throw away daily. Thus, the attempt to
conserve has obviously died before it be-
Don't get me wrong. I think it is wonder-
ful that we at The Hast Carolinian are at-
tempting to recycle and conserve our re-
sources. The problem is .i half-hearted
Although we intend to recycle, it is in-
convenient. Sorting rubbish by depositing
aluminum or paper products m special
containers takes up precious seconds oi our
busy lives. Sounds selfish, doesn't i!
Unfortunately, this one feudal attempt
to reduce the destruction ot our environ-
ment will do little ?ood unless attitudes
change. We can rationalize the need. We can
systemize ways to remedy it. But. until we
internalize the desire to want to change our
behavior, until we are consciously aware oi
the resources we waste and are truly repen-
tant, the problem ot waste will continue. All
the half-hearted attempts to recycle and
conserve won't make a bit oi difference.
Recycling should be taken seriously, The
future we are protecting is our own. The
world is oursas'well It is liRVa child Te
need to take care of it and protect it from
abuse. We may even need to protect it from
FfclUM6- t K0T A FA4tf tfN STKBWT I X'S k WAV O IWE ?
Gorby's global leadership
shows a promise for peace
Bv Nathaniel Mead
! ditorial Columnist
The Soviet L'nion. under the
leadership of Mikhail S. Gor-
bachev, is undergoing change on
an awesome scale and magnitude.
The most recent surprise1 is the
Communist Tartv's decision to
give up its 72-vear-old constitu-
tional monopoly on power Fa-
thered bv Lenin in isu7, the
Communist Party has stood asone
the most powerful political forces
of the century. It has also been
among the darkest of forces, turn-
ing the USSR into a prison camp
from which few escaped, and in
which the vast majority of Soviets
were pxir, repressed, and con-
stantly manipulated. Now all of
this is coming to an end. The threat
of gulag, like that of apartheid, is
At the same time, the office of
Soviet president has been granted
new powers, making it more of a
Westem-stvie office. The Soviet
leaders "unanimouslyfavored the
establishment ot democratic presi
dential power in our country
according to the fass (Soviet) news
agency Meantime,Gorbachev has
established a separate legislature
and lias made a poignant plea to
the Communist Party's Central
Committee to "strengthen the
political and economic independ-
ence" of the individual Republics.
1 lere, clearly, is a man borrowing
from the United States in his model
oi democracy. What sets Gorby
apart from other world leaders is
his genuine sense of conviction
and overarching vision ot where
he wants his nation to go.
Corbv's unique charisma also
stems frc mi his honesty asa states-
man: he has never minimized the
nsks of perestwikii and the formi-
dable obstacles it faces Wo has
spoken repeatedly with candor,
admitting the failures and nega-
tive aspects oi communism and
stating in clear terms what has to
be done. 1 le has not only repudi-
ated the policies of his predeces-
sors particularly Brezhnev. who
gave the Soviets stability and
expanded the Communistic range
of conquest at the cost of eighteen
years of economic stagnation.
Gorbv also blamed top leaders and
the Communist Party itself tor the
problomsot the society. That takes
guts, Gorby guts.
Hut Gorby's boldnes
haps best sh .?. n : . tl
interac ts is : ? :
he is shown plunging in i
pumping hands, fielding
lions, and listening patient
the complaints of the pcopli
tu ulate and magnai i
responds with clear explai
of his policies and obje I
unusual a umen puts hin
different lea fi mothersuj ? ?
? leaders, indeed, his
seems light years above our , wi
president's i let alone our i ?
president s sorry, not a fait
comparison). You will never se
(ieorge Bush greet just any crow I
with open arms, let alone answi i
keenly to strong criticisms I
U.S. government.
It is a blessing Gorb) s
people (hundredsof millions
solidly behind him Without their
support, the old gu ird ??
probably not stand still for so muc h
reform, and many Western c n
mentators would already be writ-
ing obituaries oi pei
. isnost. The pro-Gorb) praises
sung bv Americans and Eun :
ans have undoubtedly buoyed the
See Gorby, page 5
Letting the heart make decisions
By Dinah Eng
Ganneft News Service
1 come from the Planet of the
tear! People.
Some laugh when 1 say that.
Journalists, after all, are supposed
to be objective, if not slightly hard-
nosed, head-trippers. We deal
with the news, the most impor-
tant events ot the day.
These days, the front pages
of our papers are filled with sto-
nes about the fall of communism
in Europe and the end of apart-
heid in South Africa.
Yet while we care that these
things are happening, I'd bo will-
ing to bet that there is nothing
more important to each individ-
ual than the state oi his or her own
tate, to me, is not something
we always understand. But even.
experience, and every relation-
ship, exists to teach usaboutLove
This week, we pay homage
to affairs of the heart with flowers,
candy and, I hope, other more
imaginative expressions ot love
But if it were up to me, every dv
would be Valentine's Day.
A hopelesslv romantic, un-
realistic thoughtTo see the world
though eyes of hue. and ro I
tear No more hate, envy orcrime
Scary idea huh?
F.K h da v. we are faced '
an infinite number of chok es
vet the choice is really very si
with each decision, we i h
to a. t out ot love, or we choose '
act out ot tear
! here are main in .
crossroads i;
are no wrong choice
is not soh ed one . a it
ply come back, and we .ire .
the opportunity to trv an. I
path The task is to make countless
See Heart People, page 5
To the Editor
Student questions the true safety of residence halls
To the editor:
Safe: free from danger, dam-
age, etc; securetaking or involv-
ing no nsk (Webster's New World
Safety: a device to prevent
accident (Webster's New World
Being a resident advisor liv-
ing in the dorms, I read these defi-
nitions to safe and safety, and I ask
myself, are these residence halls
safe? Does the University take
safety procedures seriously? It is
very sad to hear mv answers to
both of these questions, because
the answers are "no
Please take a little time and
consider these questions that were
taken from Connie and Howard
Clery, the parents of Jeanne Clery,
who was an on-campus student at
Lehigh University, who was raped
and murdered in her own dorm
room, in April of 1986.
1 Durine. th i I ;??'?? vears.
how many assaults, burglaries,
rapes, and homicides were com-
mitted on school grounds?
2. Are the statistics dissemi-
nated to pa rentsand studentseach
3. Are campus security per-
sonnel trained professionals or
simply semi-trained students?
4. What is the ratio of students
living on school grounds to cam-
pus police and security person-
5. Does the college vigorously
enforce underage drinking laws,
and outlaw illegal drug use?
6. Is a registration log kept of
all visitors and guests?
7. Are security personnel sta-
tioned at the entrance of dormito-
ries on a 24 hour basis?
8. Are single-sex dormitories
available to all students on de-
9. Do police and security per-
sonnel conduct regular foot pa-
trols of the campus7 Of the dormi-
tory hallways?
10. Doail dormitory doors lock
automatically? Are there elec-
tronic alarms to warn the security
force of the doors that have failed
to lock?
As 1 read these questions over
and over again and as 1 live every-
day in my dorm, I see that this
dorm, and everv other dorm, is an
accident waiting to happen, lones
dorm was an accident waiting to
happen, and in April of 1988, the
accident occurred, a student was
raped in her own dorm room, by a
non-student who knocked on a
locked curfew door, and was let in
by a shident.
Let's take some "what if"
questions. What if someone is too
lazy to carry their keys around
with them, so they decide to prop
open a curfew door, to make it
more convenient for them? What
if a student isn't responsible
enough and gives her keys out to
your "hmi'j ' to s me euy? What
if someone knocks on a locked
curfew door and someone goes
and opens the door to that per-
son? Well these aren't "what if"
questions, because each one of
these situations has occurred and
thev are no longer "what if" ques-
tions, but "when" questions.
Since mv freshman year here
at ECU, I have been on a campaign
to make the residence halls safer
for the females, but I'm beating
my head against a wall, because
the systemdoesn' t care. The R. As
in Tyler have been trying to get
the side curfew doors to be either
made non-curfew doors, or emer-
gency doors only, but the univer-
sity claims they don't have the
money. The university may not
have the money to secure the
Residence Halls, but they have the
money to purchase our beautiful
new signs in front of the build-
ings. The university may not have
the money to secure the residence
halls, but thev have the monev to
put up this beautiful new logo in
front of the Student Store. So to the
University, the campus beauhfi-
cation is more important than the
safety and security of the students
living in the residence halls.
I have gone to those above me
to talk to them about how unsafe
these residence halls are, but once
again I am just beating mv head
against the wall. They don't seem
to see the seriousness of the un-
safe environments we live in. At 5
p.m or before, these aget up and
go home to be with their families
and their nice, secure homes. At 5
p.m I am here in this residence
hall and 1 stay here. I live here day-
ln and day-out and I see what goes
on in the residence halls. I find the
rocks sitting by the curfew door,
that have been andor will be used
to prop open the door. 1 find one of
the 24 hour locked curfew doors
unlocked. 1 see the unescorted
males walking around the halls I
see the guvs trying to sneak ir
without an escort
Administrators, how well do
you sleep? You aren't the ones
who have to leave a light on in
your room when you go to sleep
because you are scared in your
own room You aren t the ones
who jump when someone knocks
at your door, because you don t
know who could be on the other
side of that door You're not the
ones who have a hard time falling
asleep because you don't know it
your dorm is sate and secure
You're not the ones who wake up
in the middle ot the night scared
to death because you iust had the
most awful nightmare about
someone getting into vour build
ing and committing the most awful
No,voudon't know what goes
on, but I do- please listen to mv
plea Mv life is important to me, I
lust wish it was to you.

The East Carolinian, February 15,1990 5
Dulles Airport: the truth behind the name
Bv Richard Prince
(.Jnnett News Service
It ?o1 trig laughs in 1997, ttw
tell the A urn cofnecHari fwffned
ato Burnett was .ih'tit to pl.iv
an important nightclub atid
needed new material she and her
.k v ompanist .Ken Welch.oimcup
with iiist the right number.
1 he subject was iffattottal
passnm ami obsession Fhewalled
the tune I Made a f oA of Mvm-H
Her ohfi f osfef lollies "
Whobetter? wntesi r.ukK
Iarah?'rrelh m his c arol Burnett
biography I aughtftg F il It
Hurts hull, s the Mrrt.irv of
state was ttftowft for his austere.
dignified, and somewhat stuff)
image I he idea of a whaeked out
t.m ha mga rush ati thiseonser
vafive statesman was absurd
Heart people
enough to be funnv
"It was an instant row d
pleaser. Iarahrrelli goes on A
nervous, frantu voung girl is
explaining whv she has been sen
ten ed to.i se en vearprison term
alter ha mgbeenc lassitni a threat
to national seeuntv
sht- became obsessed with
Dulles. Fventuallv. she accosted
him in an airport and. unable to
control her overwhelming pas
sum. she tried to grab onto his
sleeve but act identally got hold of
Jus briefcase ow despite her
protestations, the go ernment is
sure she s a $py
I ean't he sure oi the cotffiei
tion But not lonr, afteruard. in
l2, the goeminent named an
airport after Dullesou! side Wash-
ington, PC
ow softie nasties, like Sen
KotxTt Pole, R Kan , want to take
the "Dulles" out of "Dulles inter
national Airport Something to
do with too manv people saying
"Dulles" and having it heard as
That might mean a lot of
wrong flights, I'll admit, but don't
the airport naming folks have a
sense of humor' A sense of ironv7
If ever there was a symbol of
theold War '50s. right up there
u lfh Khrushchev Kmginghis shoe
at the United Nations was the
unsmiling mug of lohn Foster
I Hilles.seeretarvof state from 1953
to 1959.
The fate (if Pulles, first born
son of a elefgyffiafl from Water
town, could mean only "dour
lohn F Kennedv biographer
Arthur M. S.hlesinger r would
write that during the communist-
hunting days of Sen. (oseph
McCarthy,R Wis , Pulles wasonly
too willing to humiliate andor
dump anv foreign service officer
who dared express independent
Abroad, Dulles threatened to
"roll back the curtain" of Soviet
expansion in Fastern Euterpe.
The sharp words prompted
the Soviets to dig in their heels
there, and Unlay some historians
believe that Pulles' posture,
known as "bnnksmanship might
actually have delayed the onset of
democracy there
Pulles" always was a tun
ous namesake for a sleek, progres
sive looking airport.
But here's added irony F'he
proposal afoot is to rename the
airport after Pulles' boss, Pwight
Continued from page 4
P. Fisenhower who, some say,
was Pulles with an amiable,
grandfatherly face.
The routine was practically
good copbad cop Naming the
airport after either one seems in
appropriate in these days of
glasnost and kinder, gentler
So if not Fisenhower, then
who1 What should we do with
this airport with the confusing,
politically incorrect name7
Naturally Pulles' relatives
flunk the answer should be "noth-
ing just like the irate people who
lived near( ape( anaveral, which
became Cape Kennedv, which
finally reverted back toape
But others say 'secretary of
State C.eorge Marshall, whose
Marshall F'lan so helped I urope
after World War II, might be ??
good candidate. Another might
he F ranklin P Roosevelt, who has
no major memorial to his presi-
dency in the capital
If travel time logged is a crite-
rion and apparently that was
one reason Dulles was chosen for
the airport honor ("Pulles flies
now, we pay later Mort Sahi
joked) Henry Kissinger could
Foolish choice1 Well, perhaps
that'sthepoint. It mightevenbring
a smile to old John Foster, vvher
ever he is
That's because in Washing
ton, we'd be conceding, vou don't
need John F osfer Pulles to make a
fool of yourself
i hoices and e.u h time, as best we
( an to v hoose lo e instead of fear
We all want the safne thing
to be who we are. to he loved for
P are and in so doiru; to
where we are 1 lome.
?? ?? w eemhraieour lives
at a minimal level We go through
? k Jav. eat. sleep and t.irt
-ometimes we re
d about what w e re doing.
? - trv lo build
? vther people
B: ? fully m the pfesenf,
n.Nt 1. . ' ? i past or w otta ing
bard It s inter
' ' ? tten w e hoose the
? ' fti lo escape
???? I ?
? 'he Planet of
; ! otter this
: ? ' ! -trust
? If ii dream . ??!
Whv is it that we ne er doubt
how bad things afi get,et easily
believe some things afe Ion good
to be tftte?
Imagine no lotigef ha nu; a
running dialogue with fogw .doubt
and the unconscious belief that
ou are net worth v to live our
liteasoti w euld if onlv tear would
let VOU. F ear will never let ou
But m e.u h moment. oil . an
onrselt to be. c l.nm ba k
vour hie and noe,nie the vast
flCSS and the passioti of u ho veil
realh are.
It starts m ith know ing w hat
m .ur heart Not our head
Somehow ? , 'ten the
idea that the mind must lea.I
the heart must follow 1 motions.
. e think, a re irrational and hot i Id
not (,u tor into our dev b ?ft-l il
i.i'i.nahh is the demand of
the head that savs, "I wall control
hefe the heart is foolish and
knows nothing
N et the mos honest reactions
eome from the heart It is the mind
that goes around in circles, trvmg
to position ac tions so that we are
least hurt m anything we do
If we listened to our hearts m
the first piate. we wouldn't have-
to i all it hindsight
Remember bac k in grade
sc hool when we maile thoe little
papff holders fot Valentine cards1
(he anticipation ot wondering if
you were going to get a message
from someone vou had a not so
sec ret rush on1
V ell, we re a little older now
( Md enough to love ourselves
non Old eftOUgh to know that
there s nothing as wonderful as
that first tinglv feeling of falling in
( unturned from page 1
Fxcept. perhaps, the glow of
being loved bv someone whose
hands have touched vour hodv
with the fov that connects their
heart to vours
Fhis Valentine's P,iv. forget
the Candy. Say "I love you and
don't be afraid to touch from the
iipytml ?;?? ?. . . ,iie&
ni -ri.e' ? ' ? . i.
?tin the past ! .?.
. hie h have been the
-st m he ifsas the leader
pite th.
n ot i ,111,1111,1. v. fiK h d( in
the Bush
inistfation'swillingmss louse
igainst small nitions,( iorby
maintained the Soviets
? ? ment's overall support.
In Man of (fie
di has indeed launc bed the
sR info in i albeit re
? ? i I he mii ceeds In
? ? rtg thi horrid state ol So
? ' ? ?: 'hen his "new so-
rtl ' 'deiiKH ratic sin lallsm i
will no i ? ' - linked in people's
? ' " ? Hess repression.
exploit e irruption,and met
Ik lenev And it the United Mates
' Ii i 't, its shameful path
Findustrialdi i Icftceand Impe
naliIn am ,? irti I (invadlflgSfTWll
.ntries like I ibva, .renada.
ii . ;ua and Panama), no longer
? timer son lely of the
be perceived d the demo
? en paradise ,n n ss fhe sea 1 he
ttll fling, and l .orb is
' i itimphanl
? ? hile, '? ieorge Bush is
?i i itil his true colors on the
? leol th globe I eminent
i n the i penmg ot the Berlin
dUHoned "that some
iii. .nil remain between East
indVN 'I hi seare invisible walls
of .ii .pu ioii, the walls of doubt,
!? i landing,and miscaku
lati ? ' ? ? an lr
. - - ? i is talking about him
sell ofcoursi i lal lalltl ?
on the I ar Rl ' ' the
I S niilitarv lmtustnal i omplex,
which has long1 thrived on the
image ol the ! SSR as an 'evil
empire Probabh rei i?gnizinghis
own extreme paranoid aiu) tdeo
logic al m opia. Bush veins relu
tcint to sav anything of personal
substance about his Soviet
c eunterpart, the Man ot the I V
Bush has promised us a
kinder, gentler nation. So tar, he
has instead delivered threats and
vetoes to millions if workers
struggling at a pitiful minimum
. i,???. to pr women with un
wanted pregnarn ies,and toa large
middle class that will pav mdi-
for his capital gains giff to
the rich I 'here was also nothing
gentle about his plotting the coup
against (ieneral Noriega and lying
ah ait his rov in the Panama and
Iran ontra affairs No, this presi
dent is a tar cry trom the authentic
leadership (it Mikhail Gorbachev.
"It's not us( his dumb cpiesf for
the 'vision thing ' Ilie man has no
moral i enter write the editors of
Ihr Nation Bush wanted to
be, simultaneously, the education,
environmental, and antidrug
'resident We now see he was
Usf pretending, '
V1EMMA 578
RJO 860
r,ti" no! includ?d McstrKl.os apply Oru
.is availabt? Work, Stucfy Ahfoad
?at i ? ? 91 ton ; EURAIL
FREE Student Travel Catalog!
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Seafood House and Oyster Bar
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Mon thru Thurs Night
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Buyer's Market Memorial Dr.

Page 6
ghc gaat (garoltnian
ROOMMATE: Own bedroom. 1 4
utilities, washer and dryer $100 month
and deposit Wild wood Villas
Call 758 7727
FOR RFNT: I'hie bedroom in six room
house, shared with two other male
students Rent is $155 00 per month plus
share ol utilities Call f9) 748 4280
bedroom 112 bath Wilson Acres Apts
4 blocks trom campus . all 758 o8fV or
SEIZED VHIIU FS from $100 Fords,
Mercedes Corvettes, Chews surplus
Buyers i mde 1 800 838 888 EX1 A
NIKON ONE TOUCH 35 mm camera
brand new never been used solls tor
$18? (X) Now only 11 5 00 Call Ashlcv
after 5 (X) 931 ?80
FOR SA11 ; Apple lie with monitor.
printer modem, and various software
Gred tor small business students, 01
home $650.00 758 1156
CAN YOl) BIA l I PS, irs I x I s
Seized in drug raids for und i
Call for facts toda 805 644 9533 Depl
.t I IBM and compatible software for
T.i 50 for disk .v,A earn cash with vour
p.c Hundreds of programs available For
FREE catalog, call toll free at l 800 t:s
FOR SAI El 18 Spaed Mountain Hike.
one vear old, good condition, $i 50 00
negotiable; Call Jerry 830-0640
students don't forget to use Pirate Ride
Sun Thurs 8 pm 12 15am The route
now includes Slay and Umstead Dorms
lor more Information call 757 472h
club Interested In earning $1,000.00 tor
a one week on campus marketing
project? You must be well organized and
hard working C all enny or Myra at
(800) 592 2121
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services We also sell
softwares ? computers 24 hours in and
out Guaranteed typing on paper up to
20 hand written pages SDF Professional
Computer Services, 106 E 5th Si (beside
Cubbies) Greenville,N( 752 J6M
TYPIST w, staled the art word
processing equipment and laser printer
Call Brenda after b (X) p m 756 1837 or
leave message
I ooking tor an t pe of housework
including cutting grass raking leaves,
cleaning gutter, washing windows 't.
We do good work and have reasonable
rates Call anytime and leave message
8.10 1007
BANDS Are you playing In the dark or
under whatever lights the clubs have to
otter' Try renting a light show trom C.C
Sound and I ights Production i ompeny
Call lor very reasonable rates (VQ) 756
COMPLETE? Enjoy hot nights cool
drinks, reggae music and sandy beaches
traveling to famaica with amaica'a
oldest and largest collegiate tour
operator Organize a group of 20 and
travel free For more information and
reservations contact SIS at 1 800-648
Investment We are a A A. A I Dunn A
Bradstreet 500 million direct sales
company with a 20 vear sales history
We will be interviewing m (Ireenville on
February lg tor 3 sales managers, men
and women to recruit, train and motivate
part time and lull time sales people It
you expect to earn more than a 5100,000
a year with a S20 minimum investment,
call 11 Parker, M IVllet or C Wood,
rhursday, Friday or Saturday between
2K30-5OOp.rn at l 395-2727 or Monda)
l oo 5 ixi n m at 355 5000 exl 760 tor an
SUMMI R fOBS; Now 510 2 to start
An) 3 nights and Sats while in school
l"hrs mm Can work full rlmebreaks
and summet in our hometown Apply
in person VectorMktg Corp Mon 2 19
1 05 Menck i hall 21 ' rues 201 ? ?
Mendonhall 242 frans required
MODI I s ir you how.) like to mod
Culture on
the Skids
99c Hi - Balls
W? Membership
Promotions Modeling Agency, a low fee
?gency needs males and females of all
ages Also need darners tor private
parties all 155 WJ to set up .y
COVI KM1 NT OBSd16.040
$59,230 r Now Hiring Call (1)805
-?s7 6000 Exl K 1166 for current
federal list
KeC N.u tor Boys1 .mNv tor I .iris
Counselor positions tor Program
Specialists All learn Sports, especially
Baseball, Basketball, field Hockey,
Softball, Soccer and Volleyball; 2" tennis
openings; also Archery, Kittlerv,
WeightsFitness and Biking other
openings include Performing Arts Fine
Arts, Newspaper, Photography,
Cook me. Sewing, Roller skating
Rocketry, Hopes and ampr.itt All
Waterfront Activities (Swimming
Skiing Sailing Windsurfing, Canoe
Kayaking) Inquire Mah Koe Na
(Boys), 190 I inden Ave lien Ridge . N
07028 Danbee (Girls), l6Horsenedi
Road MontviUeN 07045 PleaseC all l
six) 776-0520
AIRI IMS sow H!RINC:Flighl
Attendants, ravd Agents, Mechanics,
? ustomer Service 1 isbngs Salaries to
iK Entry level positions. Call (1)
so, j (i 166
? ? ? vour are.i Manv immediate
openings without waiting list or test
SI 840 ' 1- ? all I 602 83it
sss, ; R ,285
BRODVS Vre you a college student or
M. ulty membei looking i arl time
emplo) ment' Are you cnthusiat ?
depend il le at ???? it d about worl n
in a fasl m nvironmcnl' it you ire
sincere about working and have i
flexible schedule Vpply Brody'? ITu
Plaza Monda) u I I m sda) fi m I I
pm 4:00 p.m
CARDS: on youi campus Flexible
Hours Eam as much as $lQ.00houi
Only ten positions available all I 800
950-8472, exl 1006
BRODVS IOK Ml N is looking lor
conscientious part time asst iates who
are personable responsible and fashion
forward Must enjoy people and be able
to work flexible hours Apply m person
Brod) s he Plaza, Monda) and luesda)
1:00 p.m 4!?)pm
l(, hooks' $32,O0Oyear income
potential Details (1)602 838 8885 I ?t
Bk 5285
Recreation Departmenl is seeking
enthusiastic hardworking individuals I i
summer employment Positions include
pxl managers, lifeguards, camp
counselors,nature,athletk arts andlata
personnel, park maintenance and
therapeutk programs Applications
Deadline March Wontacl 24 I Wade
Avenue,Raleigh,NC27602 Phone831
6640 It'i M 'FH
A I HOME! 12 '? ?? ntia!
Details, (1)602 83H
Summer Employ men!
ai the BEACH! Now hiring
salcsclerks ut Nags Head,
NC Salaryl 50 to
$5 ,m I'n nil
HOI Sl(i ll 1U I
w riie to:
T Shin Whirl
P.O. Box 1285
Nags Head, NC 27959
? oi appl) during Spring Brea
Mil N RON I si WORK, r xc II-
UM PAY! A ??? n b i products at horn
Details (1)602 838 sss; ; , W 1285
n (s k Msi i p ro$1,400ns
.11 si 10 DAYS!
Qbjaciivcj Fundraiser
Commitment: Minimal
Cust: Zero Investment
( anipus organizations, clubs, frats,
sororities call OCM at 1 (800)
?32 ? 052S 1 (800) ')5ti-S4"2 exl 10
while you wait
Free & Confidential
Services & Counseling
Carolina Pregnancy Center
11 IF. 3rd Si.
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
M-F 9 am-5 pin
Nou Taking Leases for Fall
1990 Efficienc) 1 bedr i & 2
bedrm apis. Call 752 - 2865
Lost Female Rottwei ler
8 months old
Please Call 757-3240
Reward Offered
February 15,1990
(ammin we were danong at lad ,
andshaggw Oh my date s in the Ulu
Stranger rm?ei 1990 was definiti ?
DELTA ZETA Would like t? congi
late last year ? Panhellenir i ??? ?
? Bwesome c and we ? ite yom
hard work!
PHITAU&Weareloolungl rwardt
pre downi wn part) ??? ? ? ?' ?? ' ?
- ?
s day;
much mori ?
now! 1-80
MAT1 f'AH : : '
i ni nil ?
tionson th M
.ill behind you Besi of Lucl
Mini's nighl '???
It all began thai dn;
on the porch ol ?'?
oui dates' .1 few inquu ? ?? ??'
i lapp) H ir for a drink the) li
I mall) when all had an
in the bus I ilongdi
tentanea 1 I k?' ? ?'? ?
night Be ready t"
? ea
virtv ' ITte sii r
I 1
( Hi
enn Barnes Holl) Batts. Healhei ?
Beverl) Biggs, Allison Branl ? ?
Unit MelmdaBurgess Amy ?? '
,?,? Ang?Hames, Donna Ham
i ester Shen Maffiore I ??? '? ?. ?
Stei ?,??? Vngie Osbot
, . l.nre Purvis
Stoudemire.PatWl te.W
lofyougu) ?
ters ol C hi . h ? ? 1
VH 11 Happy Belated Birthd
? , , . bratu .? ? ?? -
wanted! lelh ithat)
Z ? ler
o ps M) DATES rhe tin
' ' ? ; ? '
1 bettei
k is when thi
tart I in red and
I Wlli ? ' ?
? ' ' ' ' '
I '
in i ix.i

???. Let I
I ta
mmv Brock, ?
It Hast hnsoi
? ?
illett and Ti Kcej ip I
d work More worl
"EDDY! I lappy Birtl I i) from
Parker and Lori, the only two
people who love you! 'lH,t
I ? - ?
? . . ?

? 1 .Hte.l Nt .11 1 1
? Ni .11 Major Shopping t liters
? 1 I Bus Serk"e
? t tnsite 1 aundn
? , , . .N .
756-7815 -r s "4.
CUEA.N ATVL1in wb- c.
??? 1 .
. 1 ? -? - ?
800 351 0222
B1'? - -? nrjttejfi
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. K) - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
tntMor ?-? sjr
'Co Tern ? ? .
Students enrolled Spnng St-mester IWO
who plan to return to East Carolina Uni
versity Fall Semester l ()0 and wish to be
guaranteed residence hall housing will N-
required to reserve ro?)ms during the week
ofFebruary 19-23 Prior to reservmgaroom.
a student must make an advance rixim
payment of $101 These payments, which
must be accompanied bv housing applica-
tions-contracts, will be accepted in the
Cashier's Office, Room 105,Spilman Build
ing, beginning February IS Students now
living in residence halls should obtain
housing applications from their residence
hall office Students residing off campus
should obtain the applications from the
Department from the Department of Uni-
versity Housing Room 201, Whichard
Building These will be available begin
ning February 13 Assignments for Flem
ing Hall will be made in Jarvis Hall and
those for Umstead will be made in Slay
Hall AU other room reservations should
be made in the respective residence hall
office according to the following
ON: Monday, February 19, 1990-900
AM to 4:00 PM and 8 (X) PM to i 1 00 PM
(Residence Hall Office) STUDENTS WHO
Tuesday, February 20, 1990? 900 AM to
14 00 PM (Residence Hall Office) ALL
S1SON: Wednesday, February 21, 1990?
Thursday 9 (X) AM to 4 PM (Residence
Hall Office) Thursday, February 22,1990?
9 00 AM to 12 00 NOON in the Residence
1 lall Office and 130 PM to 4 00 PM in the
Department of University Housing Fri
dav, February 23, 1990?9:00 AM to 4 00
PM in the Department of University I lous-
ing The number of unassigned rooms in
each building will be posted on the respec-
tive office door bv 800 PM, Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 20, 1990 NOTICE: The residence
hall rental rate has noj been set for the
1990-91 School Year 1 lowever, an increase
in the ren tal rate is antinpated for the 1990
91 School Year
There will be a Biology Club meeting on
Tuesday, Feb 20th at 5 00 in room BN-109
Guest speaker, Bill I lohnan will be speak
ing on "Politics of the Environment
Everyone interested is welcome to )oin us'
lnformattonal Session for full time Resi
dential Staff position for '90-91 at the NC
School of Science and Mathematics Febru
arv 19, 1990, 7.00 p.m , Mendenhall Stu
dent Center. Call 919-286366 for more
A support group for adoptees, birth par
ents, and adoptive parents 1st meeting
will be held on Tues, Feb 20 at Quincy's
from 7-9p.m. Search relenals available
Expressions is now accepting fiction and
non fiction prose, news articles, and pxv
etry for review for the April issue Dead
line for all submissions is March 2 at
500pm The office is located in the Publi
cations Bldg across from Joyner Library
Five animal rights videos covering a range
ot topics including cosmetics testing,
hunting, fur, alternatives to animal re
search, factory farming, vegetarianism, and
others will be shown Tuesday, February
20 at 7p m in GCB 1031 The event is
sponsored bv ECU SETA and isopen to the
ECU Opera Theatre production of three
one act comedies (Feb ltSandl7,8O0p.m ,
Fletcher Recital Hall, for tickets call Cen
tral Ticket Office, 737-4788), Sallv Mose-
ley, pianist. Junior Recital (Feb 19, 7:00
p.m Fletcher Recital Hall, free), Looms
McGlohon Tno with ECU Concert Choir
(Feb 20,8 15 p.m Wright Auditorium, for
tickets call Cen tral Ticket Office, 737 4788)
The ECU Student Stores will begin return-
ing overstock textbook inventory to pub-
lishers beginning February 19th If vou
plan to purchase your ten (books you should
do so as soon as possible
1 earn how we can turn around the declin-
ing quality ot North Carolina's rivers and
sounds "Man s Waste and Status ol the
NC Estuaries " Presentation K I h Stanley
Riggs tor the ECU Faculty Panel discus
sion bv area civic and government leaders
Tuesday. Feb 20.7 ?p m Willis Building,
First and Keade Streets, Greatville Spon
Mired bv the League of Women Voters oi
Greenville, Pitt County and the Pamlico
Tar River Foundation
The Career Planning and Placement Serv-
ice in the Bloxton 1 louse otters these one
hour programs on beginning a resume for
vour )ob search Handouts and samples
will be give out to the tirst 20 people to
come to each session No sign up is re
quired The next sessions will be held in
the Career Planning Room on February I
13, 14, and 19 at 3 pm
The Career Planning and Placement erv
ice in the Bloxton House is ottering th?-se
one hour sessions to aid you in developing
better interviewing skills A film and dis
cussion of how to interview on and off
campus will be sh.ired These yMims are
held in the Career Planning Room on
and 20 .it 3 p rr
Learning how to improve your study s . i
tor greater success in college The foil
ing mini course and workshops car. help
vou prepare ft I the added workload d
college or help to increase i out gndcp
average All sessions will be held in 113
Wnght Building February 1Q Monday arid
20, Tuesday Efficient Reading 3-4 30p Bi
Viu mav attend all the topic session or
choose the ones where ou nevd the most
Attention all members! Our next meeru?f
will be Tuesday, February 20 Themeeting
will be in Speight 201 at 5 p m All inter
estecl pel SUMS are welcome to attend'
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc will hold
?in IVTEREST MEETING tor women who
would like to becomepart of its LittleSister
Organization, the LADIES OF BLACK
ANDGOLDon Thursday, Februarv 15, at
7pm Mendenhall Student Center If you
can t make that date or vou would like
more information, contact Clevevoya
See announcements, page 7

The East Carolinian February 15,1990 7
Speakers discuss African debt
By April Draughn
Staff Writer
Dr. Haider Khan, an econo-
mist from the University of Den-
ver, and Pr. F.l . Osunsade, an
economist with the International
Monetary Fund (a branch of the
World Bank), debated the effec-
tiveness of conditionally pro-
grams in Africa at ECU on Feb. 5.
These conditionally pro
grains, m an attempt to help Afri-
can nations pay their debts back to
the IMF. were put into effect in the
TOsand the programs include cut-
ting government expenditures, lib-
eralizing trade and raising agri-
cultural producer prices.
Dr. Mulu Wubneh, chair of
the African Studies Committee,
raised the issue of the rising debt
in Africa which has rocketed from
h billion in 1970 to $130 billion in
187 He also talked about (In-
consistent economic decline in the
last 10 years and asked the ques-
tion what can bo done to stop this
and help these countries develop
an economic system that would
sustain itself V
Osunsade said that al present
the IMF has 152 member countries
and that once a member of the IMF
a country can borrow ,s M1 percent
of a quarter of what it gives to the
loan fund of the IMF. Osunsade
argued that in order for these
member countries that borrow
money from the fund to pay back
their loan in the specified three to
five year period these countries
must follow some basic rules.
These rules have evolved into the
present conditionally programs
in which governments in the Afri-
can nations have to cut their ex-
penditures and bring down the
value of their currency.
According to Osunsade, the
countries that have been success-
ful under the conditionality pro-
grams include Ghana and Kenya.
When asked what was the overall
goal of the IMF, Osusade re-
sponded, "To make sure the world
financial markets operate in an
orderly and stable way
Khan primarily emphasized
the social dimensionsof the condi-
tionally programs. He said that
the poor have rights, but that they
do not have access to the political
Organization that can provide
them with these rights. According
to Khan the women and children
in these African nations suffer most
from these programs.
Khan said the reasons why the
programs were inefficient were
that the African nations are based
primarily around subsistence level
economiesand that there is no in-
dustrial activity.
Khan suggested the IMF
hadn't really looked at the impact
of their programs in terms of long
developmental factors. According
to Khan, the results of the World
Bank's studieson their adjustment
policies are very mixed.
Khan offered an alternative
program designed by the Eco-
nomic Commission for Africa that
would focus more on structure.
The program, as outlined by the
Economic Commission for Africa,
would call for drastic budgetary
reductions, a promotion of tradi-
tional exports, a credit squeeze and
total import liberalization.
Khan said the major problem
with the present conditionality
programs is that the programs
ignore the incomes of the lower
socio-economic groups. He sug-
gested that more consideration
needed to be given to developing
agncultural resources and to the
creation and strengthening of ru-
ral financial institutions.
The forum was sponsored by
the African Studies Commitee of
Continued from page 1
Harris Teeter
Moran s.iid. The possibility of
advanced work m the sciences at
the doctoral level is going to get a
cry close look
I N ' i currently otters dc
toraldegreesm education, tine and
applied arts, home economiesand
Across town at C A& 1 State
I niversitv, Chancellor Edward B.
1 or! lewsSpangler's plan as "an
extraordinarily positive opportu
"1 have made no secret of the
fact that oneol our major goals for
the future isdoctoral status for this
university Fort said. "So, obvi-
ously this provides our campus
with the opportunity to pursue
A& I is one oi the state's two
land-grant institutions and cur-
rently offers bachelor's and
master's degree's.
At UNC-Asheville, Chancel-
lor David G. Brown said he sus
pec ted his faculty would want to
hone the campus's image as the
state's onlv liberal arts college.
"I look at this as a very posi
tive move
Spangler has asked chancel
lors to submit their plans by the
end of the year. The plans then will
be forwarded to the UNC Board of
Governors' Committee on Educa-
tional Planning, Policies and Pro-
grams for further study.
Continued from page 6
i ,i cii u or I heri rhomas .it
931 8009 ex MY) .KliviMTM-n-N-rotthel adie
ol Black ai I Cold
i reative? Interested in making now
friends? Want to get involved? It so, the
5tud ? 'ii Productions Committee
wants you ' Pick up jn application ji
Mendenhall Today!
H'Pt Union wishes to announce that
th Broadway Dreamgirls tr
Sunday .it 3 p m is sold mil
PM Alpha Thfia - Mi?torv Hone SncMv
Meeting, Monday, Fob lthjt lil'pm in
Todd Room, Brewstei Budding Bring
friends .nut yom good Ideas
Andy Culpepper (stockbroker) will b-
speaking to the F.conormesSociotv on Fob
21 .it 7 00p m in MendenhaJ KM 221 All
majors are welcome We urge new Eco-
nomic majors to attend. Refreshments!
"OUtb-CiClLmtsi D AEACE
FCI! tVtnct V, sEaNC, will nc sponsor-
ing an "Oldie-Goldies" Dance, on Satur-
day, March 31 l?ft, at the Greenville
Country Club, from 8 00 p m 1 00 am
with a D featuring the music from the 50"s.
bO and 70V There will be door pnes,
light hors d'doevres, and cash bar as well
as a prie for the best dressed couple rep-
resenting each era Tickets for the event
will be $6 person and may be obtained by
contacting Peggv Nobles, Main Campus
(h012), David Raich, School at Medicine
(551-2471), or any member of the District
97 Executive BoardExecutive Commit
Think what they II know
about their local community-
whet e to shop and save, where
to look for jobs, where to
A where to be enter-
taine 1 and how to participate in
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Think what they II know
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problems persist, what U.S.
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out President and Congress,
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about the world- a hat foreign
governments are doing, how life
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tion Week and, this year for the
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Teachers, make plans now to
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Week, March 5-9, 1990
The National Association of
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pers in the home. As part ol
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Page 8
State and Nation
February 15, 1990
Mandela begins anti-apartheid talks pav fajs to
. i . ??. ?( irvint' to miell the unrest at Mandelaandhisfamilvstaved g
Africa (AP) Nelson Mandela
consulted with friends and col-
leagues Wednesday on develop-
ing strategies tor dealing with the
white-minority government and
stepping up efforts to seek the
abolition ot apartheid.
Aides said Mandela would
spend a quiet day at his modest
home in Soweto, resting and
meeting with associates to discuss
strategy. The 71-year-oM black
nationalist leader was a little tired
after the enormous reception he
received Tuesday from tens of
thousands of blacks on his return
to Soweto after 27 years in prison,
they said
Police, meanwhile, reported
that a major new outbreak of fight-
ing between rival black factions in
Cape Province had left at least
nine peopledead.Scoresot houses
were burned down in fighting
between anti-apartheid groups
and conservative black forces,
police said.
Police squads using tear gas,
rubber bullets and shotguns were
trying to quell the unrest at
kwanobuhle near Uitenhage.
Major unrest was also reported in
Natal province on the east coast
and the government said troops
would be deployed to halt black
factional fighting.
Mandela has condemned
black-against-black violence, sav-
ing it weakens the fight against
apartheid, the system of institu-
tionalized racism that denies the
country's blacks a say in national
affairs and forces them to live in
segregated districts.
overnight at the modest four-room
house in Soweto that the black
leader has rented for decades. The
area wasquietafterthe wild scenes
of jubilation when he returned to
Soweto following his release trom
prison on Sunday.
He briefly left Wednesday to
visit Elias Motsoaledi, an old
comrade who wasput on trial with
Mandela in 14 on sabotage
charges and is now quite ill. As
Mandela left his friend's house, he
See South Africa, page 9
White House reacts to Colombian kidnappings
White House Wednesday de-
nounced the kidnapping of two
Americans in Colombia to protest
President (.eorge Bush's planned
visit, saving it "cannot allow
threats o! terrorism to influence
its policies or its activities
Presidential spokesman Mar
lin 1 itzwater said Bush shares
thcconcernofall Americansaboul
the kidnapping ot these U.S. citi-
zens" m would cooperate with
Colombian officials to help "in any
way deemed appropriate to help
resolve this situation Fitwater
also sought to minimize reports
that Bush might use the occasion
of the drug summit to propose a
"radar net" off Colombia using
LS warships to help track co-
ca 1 ne-carrying aircraft.
I don't expect him" to bring
it up at the drug conference unless
Colombia or other Latin Ameri-
can countries bring the subject up
tirst, litwater said.
The spokesman's comments
came on the eve of Bush's day-
long attendance at a four-nation
drug summit in Cartagena, a re-
sort city on the northern coast ot
Colombian authorities on
Tuesday reported that leftist guer-
rillas had kidnapped two Ameri-
cans in the drug capital of
Medellin, Colombia, to protest
Bush's visit. They were identified
as David Kent, a teacher from
Indianapolis, and James Donnelly,
employed by a company that
manufactures hydraulic equip-
Although there had been re-
ports that Donnelly had been re-
leased, Fitzwator said Wednesda v.
"We believe those reports are
I Ie said the U.S. embassy had
been in touch with members of
Donnelly's family. Fitwater said
Donnelly was kidnapped Monday
night, but his wife was ordered
not to report the kidnapping until
"The US. government cannot
allow threats of terrorism to influ-
ence its policies or its activities
Fitzwater said.
Fitwater said little was
known about the group, calling
itself the National Liberation
Army which claims responsibil-
ity forthekidnappings, other than
reports that it somehow has links
with Cuba.
keep pace
Washington state's average
teacher salary slipped from
fifth to 21st in state rankings
during the 1980s. How it
compared with the U.S.
Winds delay oil spill cleanup efforts
Calif. (AP) 1 hgh winds and
rough waves blew ashore a gooey
black tide from an oil spiBWednes-
day, halting cleanup efforts as
ottn ials feared shoreline workers
might get swept to sea.
Officials tripled the sie of
i lean up crews to I,120astheworsl
accumulation ot crude oil from
last week's spill swept onto miles
ot beach.
But treacherous seas, with
waves up to seven feet high,
brought a nighttime halt to
cleanup efforts that had been
around the clock since just after
the 400,000-gallon spill from the
tanker American Trader.
Crew s were sent homo Tues-
day as high tide approached and
onshore winds began gusting to
30 mph, said Coast Guard Lt. Rich-
ard Booth. Offshore, 13 of the 16
oil skimming boats also tempo-
ranlv suspended cleanup work
because oi choppy seas, he said.
"The winds were kicking up a
lot ot sand and it was just impos-
sible tor people to work Booth
The patched-up American
Trader moved into long Beach
I iarbor Wednesday morning and
tied upatan Atlantic Richfield Co.
dock to unload the remaining 21
million gallons of crude oil in its
tanks and begin hull puncture
repairs. Waves of grimy crude
fouled six miles of sand along a
12-mile stretch of beach southeast
of downtown Los Angeles - at
Huntington Beach, Newport
Beachand Botea Chica State Beach.
The oil has killed 86 birds and
coated 261 in oil.
"I'm disgusted surfer Bill
Casper said, watching the black
tide roll in at his favorite surf spot
near Huntington Beach Pier. "It's
going to affect the beach for years.
There will be tar on the beach for
The daily price tag for the
beach cleanup is $7?0.tXX1, with
the bill through Tuesday reaching
$4 million, said James H. Ross,
president and chief executive oi
British Petroleum American Inc
which chartered the ship.
The oil leak Feb. 7 came as the
tanker tried to moor at an oil pipe-
linedeliverv point about two miles
offshore. Erie Bush, a 19-year-old
deckhand on the American Trader,
said Tuesday that oil poured from
the hull after he let down the 12-
ton starboard anchor.
Bush said the anchors were
being lowered "just the way we
al wavsdo" when he felt two sharp
jolts a few minutes apart. He first
thought the 811-foot ship had
plowed an undersea mud bank,
but a look overboard proved oth-
"The water was just boiling
with crude Bush said.
British Petroleum is coord
nating most of the cleanup but is
not expected to pav for final costs,
which likely will come out ot the
insurance of the ship's owner,
Co Ross said. Cleanup crews
grew Tuesday to 1,120 workers,
and 300others were being trained
One of the first lawsuits in
connection with the spill has been
filed by an Sb-vear-old former
congressman. The class-action
lawsuit, filed Tuesday by Chet
Holitield in Los Angeles federal
court, seeks compensation for
damage and economic losses
caused by the spill and the alleged
failure to properly clean up the
oil. Among the defendants named
are British Petroleum and Ameri-
can Trading.
Average pay
AWJ year
Source: National Education
Buish shifts position on
alternative Kiel cars
Under pressure from the auto and
petroleum industries, the Bush
administration is backing away
from a proposal that would re
quire millions of alternative fuel
cars to be sold in cities most
plagued by smog.
The phasing in of cars pow-
ered bv fuels such as methanol or
natural gas was a centerpiece oi
President Bush'scteanair proposal
last summer. The White House
envisioned use1 of up to one mil-
lion such vehicles annually by 1997
in an att mpt ti
mobile to the i nvironnv i I
it William Keillv, head of
I n ironmental Protei I
- nowledged Monda
that the administration no 1
considers mandatory produi I
of alternative fuel carsasanessi i
ha! part ol clean air legislat
Instead, the administration is
proposinj i negotiations witl
Senate leaders that "reformulated
gasoline, which also cuts pc
tion, would be welcomed as n
sec Clean Air, page q
Colombians: reduce U.S.
? results show that Colombians believe the USA should
work hardei to reduce the d n u ? '?-?' fjrtigs in the USA and
v rrv , about Colombia supplying drugs;
Survey shows a drop in drug use
Red i

Reduce Both equally
supply important
no a the USA and Colombi
new survey shows fewer high
school students and young adults
are using illicit drugs, but federal
health and drug officials say the
numbers are still too high.
"One out of two (high school)
students still uses an illegal drug
before he graduates; one out of 10
uses cocaine said national drug
policv director William Bennett.
"Those numbers are unaccepta-
bly high
The survey released Monday
is an annual effort by the Univer-
sity of Michigan and is funded by
the National Institute on Drug
Abuse to track the use of drugs by
high school seniors, college stu-
dents and other young adults. It
shows a decrease in overall illegal
drug use over the past decade and
in 1989 bv all three groups.
High school seniors and col-
lege students today are halt as
likely to try m illegal drug as they
were in 1980, according to the
Despite the good news, said
Health and Human Services Sec-
retary Louis Sullivan, "We must
not allow our efforts to slacken
The decline in alcohol use has
been more modest, and cigarette
smoking is about as widespread
today among seniors as it was a
decade ago. Nearly 19 percent of
seniors are daily smokers and b0
percent have used alcohol within
the past 30 days.
Rep. Charles Rangcl, D-N.Y
chairman of the House Select
Committee on Narcotics Abuse
and Control, said the survey
"understates the drug problem
because it omits dropouts whoare
an enormous core oi the drug cri-
sis He said the survey is of "ex-
tremely limited value
Survey officials acknowledge
the limitation, but said the data
suggest drug use among dropouts
mav also be declining. They said
the survey showsthedrop in drug
use among high school seniors
who are truant and have bad
grades is as great as the drop
among seniors who are not truant
and have good grades.
Among drugs:
?Marijuana: Casual use
within the last 30 davs ? among
seni rs i- down from a peak of
percent in 1979 to 17 j re
? ? lece studei I
has dropped from M per, i
? ? : ? n ent last vear
G line: 2.8 percent of s
iors are casual (ocaine users d
trom a peak of 6 7 percent in 198 -
.ind among college students '
drop is larger, but tor the smok
able form of the drug known as
crack, casual and daily use has
staved ah Hit the same tor seniors
since 1987 when it was first in-
cluded in the sur e
-Steroids: About 3 percent
of high school senior said the
had used anabolic steroids, which
are a controlled substance used to
build muscles.
Shevardnadze seeks to expand 'open skies' surveillance
?iiffi?,mnnt kr r?inh-ip; hcinc snrveved would disarmament talks and tor
OTTAWA (AP) Soviet
Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard-
nadze urged the United States to
expand its proposal on military
surveillance flights to include sea
and space, but the Bush admini-
stration rejected the idea.
Shevardnadze pushed the
proposal Monday at the outset of
a meeting of the 23 members of
NATO and the Warsaw Pact on
allowing the alliances to make
unarmed reconnaissance flights
over member countries.
In their opening remarks,
Shevardnadze and Secretary of
State James A. Baker III also broke
with the recent trend of soft-spo-
ken reconciliation. They leveled
criticism at each other's stances on
arms control.
skies" surveillance to the seas and
space, Shevardnadze said sea-
launched nuclear missiles are the
"darkest corner of arms control
efforts. There can never be too
much verification he said. U.S.
officials dismissed the idea, tell-
ing reporters in a separate brief-
ing that Washington was not inter-
ested in a naval armscontrol agree-
ment and that surveillance flights
already are allowed over oceans
and in space.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis-
ter Victor Karpov later reiterated
the Soviet position and also said
that the six Warsaw Pact countries
would like to share information
and planes in a common "open
skies" fleet.
The "open skies" plan, part of
an idea first proposed in the 1950s,
was revived by President George
Bush in May. The plan has been
promoted as a confidence-build-
ing measure and both alliances
have agreed to it in principle.
Foreign Minister Hans-Diet-
rich Genscher of West Germany
told reporters Monday that he did
not consider differing positions
obstacles to a pact, and that both
sides hope for final agreement by
The Open Skies plan is not
linked to any other treaty negotia-
tions. But the gathering in Ottawa
has provided the first forum for
face-to-face meetings since U.S.
and Soviet leaders proposed
deeper troop cuts in Europe. Both
sides expressed hope that coun-
tries outside NATO and the War-
saw Pact eventually would be-
come part of an Open Skies pact.
NATO has said each alliance
should make its surveillance
flights separately and share data
only within their blocs, although
countries being surveyed would
be allowed to inspect aircraft be-
fore flights.
Karpov said Monday that the
Warsaw Pact countries were
aligned behind the Soviet posi-
tion of shared data and shared
flights, but he held out the possi-
bility of compromise. The com-
mon fleet idea was not contained
in the Warsaw Pact's working
proposal for the conference, he
In pushing for greater moni-
toring of weapons at sea and po-
tential weapons in space, Shevard-
nadze criticized the United States
for excluding naval forces from
disarmament talks and tor seek-
ing through development oi Star
Wars to put nuclear weapons in
space that would block a missile
attack. Baker, meanwhile, said
positions taken bv Moscow on
troops and aircraft still stand in
the way ot completing a treaty this
vear to limit non-nuclear forces.
He criticized Soviet leader
Mikhail S. Gorbachev tor rejecting
a proposal bv Bush that would
permit the United States to keep a
total of 30,000 troops in Britain,
Italy and Spain while both sides
maintain 195,000 troops in Cen-
tral Europe.

The East Carolinian, February 15,1990 9
Arabian countries lean toward representative government
Small but potentially significant
moves toward more representa-
tive government are touching
much oi the Arab world, where
monarchs, emirs, presidents or
ruling parties have long held
overwhelming power.
rhe overall balance has hardly
shitted toward popular rule.
however. Parliamentary democ-
racy as it is known in the West.
with government answerable to
an elected legislature, has never
taken firm root in the Arab world
despite a number of experiments.
While some nations now are
experimenting with secular par-
liaments and national assemblies,
it is possible that new regimes in
some countries could ultimately
be shaped as much by Islamic
traditions as bv Western demo-
cratic principles. And develop-
ments in Eastern Europe, where
centralized political and economic
systems are being painfully re-
built, could also have their effect,
liberalizations have been
touching individual Arab nations
for at least a year, with rulers in
manvcasesbeingcareful to strictly
limit the new openings.
Some Arab commentators,
however, sav leaders need to move
taster with concessions to popular
representation before increasingly
educated citizens, disgruntled by
economic problems and strict
political control, launch revolu-
tionsof their own. The fall of East-
ern Europe's dictators, like
Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu,
touched off additional comment
in the Arab world.
"There's an Arab saying:
When your neighbor shaves, you
should wet vourbeard publisher
Ahmed Jarallah wrote in Kuwait's
Ai-Seyassah daily.
"After what happened in
Romania, many should prepare
their beards for shaving as the
people will not forgive them. There
are regimes in the Middle East
vs hichdestroyed their pooplesand
their economic resources
But while there are compari-
sons between some Arab nations
and Eastern Europe ? powerful
elites, pervasive security networks
and burgeoning economic prob-
lems ? there also are significant
differences. The Arab drive to-
ward reform, pre-dating the up-
heaval in Eastern Europe,
stemmed in large part from the
spread of Islamic fundamentalism
that is anathema to all Arab gov-
The demand for political sys-
tems based on Islamic principles
hasconsiderable support, particu-
larly in countries like Egypt, Jor-
dan and Tunisia. Arab leaders
have largely tolerated thisbut have
sought to defuse it with limited
Some analysts believe the
most dramatic changes could
occur in two of the most repres-
sive regimes in the Arab world,
Syria and Iraq, which are ruled by
minority elites. Both have been
heavily dependent on the Soviets,
and reforms in Eastern Europe
will, many believe, force them to
change their policies.
One nation to experiment with
substantial liberalization hasbeen
Jordan. Bloody price riots last
April highlighted widespread
popular frustration and prodded
King Hussein into restonng Par-
liament and overseeing the first
elections since 17. They were
among the freest in the region in
years. Hussein's government also
announced it would lift martial
law, free political prisoners, legal-
ize political parties, denationalize
the press and fight corruption.
Yet as in other countries, the
reforms do not go all the way
toward putting power in the
people's hands. Hussein still can
invoke emergency powers and
dissolve Parliament. Other Arab
leaders, such as Egyptian Presi
dent Hosni Mubarak and Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein, also
retain sweeping powers and are
not elected by popular vote.
East Gemany rejects
agreement with West
BONN, West Germany (AP)
Fast Germany's premier Tues-
day rejected West Germany's
posal to move quickly to a
m n currency and said talks
? th hancellor Helmut kohl
failed to move the two (iermanys
an i loser toward unity.
Communist Premier Hans
Modrow said before Ins discus
a ith the V est (lerman leader
?: his coalition go eminent did
: authorize him to approve
measures aimed at monetary un
ion during his two-day visit.
East C ierman political leaders
rejected Bonn's call tor quickly
making the powerful West
man mark the official currency in
their troubled nation, tearing that
West Germany is pushing the
reunification process too quickly.
West C ierman leaders consider
a common currency the only
means of giving Fast Germans
immediate confidence in their
future. In the last (ierman city of
1 eipzig on Monday night, dem-
onstrators demanded an immedi-
ate currency union or siul they
would leave for West iermany
pining an estimated 2,000 dail)
who have left tor the West.
Modrow wasao ompanied by
17 Cabinet members and at least
10 other experts and advisers tor
the talks aimed at determining
how the two nations should even-
tually be reunified, and how East
Germany can be kept financially
atloat in the meantime. I'heCCom-
munist premier instead pressed
tor West German financial aid of
$s billion to tide over the ailing
East German economy until the
country's first free elections March
He told reporters upon arri-
val at Cologne-Bonn airport that
he was handcuffed un the cur-
rency issue bv opposition within
his government, a caretaker coali
tion piningpro-demot racy forces
with established political parties.
Atter Modrow emerged from
his hour-long closed door talk
with kohl, he told reporters that
the discussion was ' businesslike
and covered a number of propos-
als for joint proje ts. But he said no
agreements were reached, nor
were any concrete plans tor pur-
suing unity decided on. The cur-
rency issue was later taken up bv
Kith sides at a broader meeting of
the two government delegations.
Eddie Hatcher pleads guilty
Eddie ! latcher the Indian activist
who held hostages in the
newsroom oi I he R be man in
I 88, agreed to a guilty plea
Wednesday in exchange for an 18-
v ear prison sentence.
Hatcher pleaded guilty to 14
mts of second degree kidnap-
ping. The maximum sentence for
the charges would have been 420
?.ears in prison.
Wearing a floral print shirt
adorned with yellow ribbons and
his hair tied back with rubber
bands. Hatcher showed no emo-
tion as he signed the plea agree-
ment. His mother, Thelma Clark,
watched with tears running down
her face I latcher only answered
questions from Superior Cotlft
udgeCoy Brewer fr.and madeno
Timothy Jacobs, who helped
I latv her in the takeover, pleaded
guilty last summer to 14 charges
of second degree kidnapping and
South Africa
was given a six-year sentence as
part of a plea bargain.
Hatcher and Jacobs held up to
20 people hostage for 10 hours on
Feb. 1, 1988. The two ! uscarora
Indians entered The Robesonkm
newspaper with sawed-off shot-
guns and chained the exterior
doors shut, telling hostages the
doors were booby-trapped with
hand grenades. The two men said
thev decided to storm the news-
paper to draw attention to their
charges of drug trafficking and
corruption inccuintv government.
Roth men were charged with
federal hostage-taking and fire-
arms violations, but a urv in
Raleigh acquitted them in Octo-
ber 1988. Hatcher represented
himself in the federal trial after
I .S PistnctC ourt fudgeTerrence
Boyle refused to continue it SO he
could be represented bv New York
civil rights lawyer William Kun-
A special Robeson County
grand jury in December 1988 re-
turned 14 kidnapping indictments
agamst each man
Jacobs fled immediately tothe
Onandaga Indian Reservation in
New York, but Hatcher was ar-
rested in Pembroke and ordered
held on $25,000 bond. The bond
was posted bv the National Coun-
cil of Churches, but forfeited atter
I latcher, tern, fled to the New York
Indian reservation.
Jacobs was arrested after a
high-speed chase when he left the
reservation, but was allowed to
remain on Indian land while fight-
ing hisextradition from New York.
A New York judge, after hearing
evidence of the alleged corrup-
tion, ordered lacobs returned to
Robeson County and lacobs last
summer dropped his appeal of
that order.
Hatcher, meanwhile, left the
New York reservation and trav-
eled to Idaho, where he claimed
sanctuary on another reservation.
Continued from page 8
talked to some young children,
urging them to go school to gam
education and help tight apart-
African National Congress
officials, who declined to be
named, said plans were being
made for Mandela to visit Zambia
to consult with the militant anti-
apartheid organization's exiled
leadership. Mandela was also
meeting with internal ANC lead-
More than 120,000 people
crammed shoulder-to-shoulder
into the country's largest stadium
Clean Air
Tuesday to greet the man revered
by most South African blacks as
their leader. Many in the crowd
were getting their first glimpse of
"Today, my return to Soweto
fills mv heart with oy Mandela
said. "At the same time, I have
returned with a deep sense of
sadness that vou arc still suffering
under an unjust system
He said the ANC would
"continue the armed struggle as
long as the violence of apartheid
In (ape Town, the govern-
ment issued its first formal re-
sponse Wednesday to Mandela's
statements since his release.
Constitutional Development
Minister (.errit Viljoen said the
government agreed with Mandela
that apartheid must be eliminated
and voting rights extended to
blacks. But hecnticized Mandela's
support tor continued guerrilla
violence and economic sanctions.
"The government is not pre-
pared to accede to the handing
over of power Viljoen said. "If
that is the goal of the armed
struggle, then there is no mean-
ingful wav ahead
Continued from page 8
East Carolina University's
Student Union Board of Directors
is taking applications for
For the 1990 - 1991 Term
Any full - time student can apply
Applications available at Mendenhall Student Center's
Information Desk and Room 236 - Student Union.
Deadline has been extended to Friday, February 23
The University Media Board
seeks editors and general managers
The Media Board wishes to increase the number of
applicants interested in serving in the following posts
for the 1990-1991 academic year:
j Editor Expressions minority students magazine
j Editor - The Rebel fine arts magazine
J Editor Buccaneer yearbook
j General Manager Photo Lab
All applicants should have a 2.5 grade point average
Contact: University Media Board
2nd Floor, Publications Building
Telephone 757-6009
i Deadline for Applications: 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20
alternative to the alternative fuel
The Atlantic Richfield Co. is
already starting to put reformu-
lated gasoline into pumps in
Southern California in an attempt
to reduce smog-causingemissions.
Unlike alternative fuel cars, ve-
hicles using reformulated gaso-
line do not require any additional
equipment or modifications.
"There is no change in the
goals or the performance objec-
tives that we want to achieve, but
we have tried to indicate more
flexibility about methods of get-
ting there Reilly told a group of
For example, he said, a city
that has been unable to meet air
quality requirements still would
have to achieve certain annual
reductions in smog-causing pol-
lution. But that might be achieved
by having all cars use reformu-
lated gasoline, instead of having
30 percent of the cars powered on
alternative fuclsaswasenvisioned
under the original proposal.
Reilly conceded the proposal
requiring automakers to build a
specific number of alternative fuel
cars "has caused us considerable
opposition" and kept some sena-
tors from supporting the
administration's clean air pro-
"We have been willing for
some months to redraft some lan-
guage on the alternative fuels to
try to reassure people that we
do not prefer one fuel over an-
other said Reilly.
(2nd Annual Show)
The New Greenville Warehouse, Greenville, North Carolina
Thursday and Friday, March 1 & 2
12:00 noon until 9:00 pm
Saturday, March 3
10:00 am until 9:00 pm
Sunday, March 4
1:00 pm until 6:00 pm
Sponsored by Pitt-Greenville
Chamber of Commerce
302 South Greene Street
Greenville, North Carolina 27834
(919) 752-4101

Page 10
(She iEagt (EaroHman
February 15,1990
Gospel choir stresses unity
By Marjorie L. McKinstry
Staff Writer
A musical celebration is about to happen on
campus The ECU Gospel Choir will perform a sev-
enth anni ersary concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 8, in
The choir will feature a tribute to black gospel
musk with a theme of Freedom They plan to honor
black composers sueh as Edwin Hawkins.
1 he choir will also bo using some up to date,
contemporary gospel music. Admission to the con-
cert is tree Not only is this the choir's seventh anni-
versary, it is their 11 th year together as an ensemble
rogethcrness is what the cho:r is all about ac-
cording to Kiplan S Clemmons, president of the
choir. Clcmmonssaid the choir is a student function.
"It's all about lo ingand unity. YOU can share expe-
riences and identity with people on campus. Being a
part of the gospel choir makes the college years much
more enjoyable
No auditions an- held tor the gospel choir. Inter-
ested students should stop by during practice, which
is held every Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. in the
1 edonia s Wright Cultural Center. Clemmons said
that some students who are shv or say they cannot
Sing turn out to be seme of the best smgers we
ha e
fhe E l iospel Choir does more than perform
anniversary concerts. This month they are travelling
to six elementary schools in the area to celebrate
black history. The chor also has a concert every
Sunday in February.
For spring break, the choir is going to tour parts
of the country. They will cast their spell of musical
enchantment in Atlanta, Toledo, Philadelphia and
New York.
After spring break, the choir plans to record a
second album. All the songs on the album will be
composed by Gregory Horton, the choir's director.
1 It also composed the songs for the last album, en-
titled "Land Called Glory Clemmonssaid the mam
point of the first album and the second will be to
"reach out and touch someone. We want to relay a
message to lend a helping hand. That's what love is
Future aspirations for the choir include a pos-
sible workshop at ECU that would include gospel
choirs from all over N.C. and perhaps choirs from
Va. and S.C The workshop would have seminars in
singing, playing and developing unity. The choir
also wants to show off ECU and Greenville as an
excellent place to live and to study.
In the past, the choir has had as many as 120
members. Currently there are 60. Kiplan says it is
difficult to tour with 120 members, but the choir's
Size will not matter as long as the members love
music and believe in togetherness.
ROTC offers flight
opportunities to cadets
?? the actual flight.
By Val Touloumbadjian
Staff Writer
Tony Nichols and Val Madden work on their photography class pi
by making a pin hole cameras (PhotobyJD Whitmire I
Passers by may have been
intrigued at the sight of an art
gallery at 211 West 14th St. down-
town, Greenville. A colorful dis-
play of original paintings and
sculptures incite people to visit
Encore Gallery opened its
doors last November. Its owner,
o-Linda Sanders, who is also the
treasurer oi the Greenville Ever
uvnKevitaliJticn Program, said
about theKnation "I'm real happv
m this place Downtown is still a
very e,ind place to be. It's gonna
be even better
The gallery is actuall) tw
stories high, the tust floor being
I if art rk and the sect nd floor t i
custom framing, art classes, shows
and retreats rheclearwallsof the
rectangular exhibition room pleas
antlysetoff the warm colors ol the
paintings that include portraits
and landscapes.
rhe galler) also disj
See Gallerv, page 12
By im Rogers
Special to The js? Carolinian
I wo ECU students flew in Air
1 orce fighter jets that are based on
Seymour lohnson Air Force Base
in (ioldsboro on Ian. 12
Pamela Patten ot Jacksonville
and stuart Rohrbaugh ol
Ashcville. both cadets m ECU S
u Force ROTC program, re
tived theseincentive rides as paty
it a recruiting competifkm be
tween AFROTC cadets
Both ol these cadets flew with
active dutv Air force officers in
two seat, supersonic, 1-4 Phan-
tom fighters The (lights began
with a close formation takeoff
during which Patten and
Rohrbaugh said they felt like they
could reach out and touch each
other even though they were in
different planes
Ihe flights were routine,high
speed, training missions that ac-
tive dutv officers do on a regular
basis to practice tor actual combat
Patten and Rohrbaugh spent
two davs at the base. Dunng the
tirst day. they completed egress
training that prepared them for
any in-flight emergency which
would require them to eject from
the aircraft and flight simulator
training that prepared them tor
the actual flight.
During their flights they were
each allowed some "stick time"
when thev had control of the air-
Roth Patten and Rohrbaugh,
who are aspiring to be Air Force
officers, said that the flights were
an incredible experience How-
ever, thev agreed that the true
reward was to meet and talk with
active duty of f icerson an informal
basis because it helped them learn
what the Air Force is really about.
Comic operas begin Friday
ECU News Bureau
Broadway musical to
play at ECU Sunday
Three contemporary one-act
operas will be performed by the
East Carolina University Opera
Theatre Friday and Saturday in
the Fletcher Music Center Recital
1 lall beginning at H p.m.
Operas tobeptrsented as part
of the "Three for One Comedy"
evening are Philip Hagemann's
"The King Who Saved Himself
from Being Saved Milton
FCU News Bureau
Coming up
In Limbo
Souincrn culture
on the Skids
Sea of Love
Bad Bob and the
Rocking Horses
Clee Lyles
Sea of Love
Roily Gray and
The Farm
Sea of Love
Sea of Love
"Dreamgirls the Tony
Award-winning Broadway musi-
cal bv Michael Bennett ("A Cho-
rus Line") will be performed by a
tour company in East Carolina
University's Wright Auditorium
Sunday, at 3 p.m.
TVe show, set in the years
! MM-1970, tells the story of Deena,
I orrell and F.ttie, the spirited black
smgers w. c turbulent careers
recall the lives of the Supremes.
"Dreamgirls" captures all the
glory and sadness as these three
friends from the Chicago housing
projects are transformed into the
singing supers tars known as "The
Incredible Dreams
The late'60s mood iscaptured
by high-tech light towersand strik-
ing scenes in this production. The
music score recalls the various
trends in a decade of black musi-
cal expression -mellow falsetto
ballads, rocking rhythm and blues
and the hypnotic beat of disco.
The New York Times critic
said "Dreamgirls" is a "beautiful
and heart-breaking musical in
which Broadway history ismade
One of the most popular
musicals of the decade,
"Ieamgirls" swept the 1982Tony
Awards and went on to a record-
breaking four-vear New "i ork run.
After a successful stint overseas,
the show returned to Broadway in
1987, again to sold-out houses.
Produced by Daedalus Pro-
ductions of New York as part of a
1990 national tour, the ECU en-
gagement of "Dreamgirls" is part
of thecampus 1989-90 Performing
Arts Series. Admission is by Per-
See Dreamgirls, page 11
(;ranger's The Proposal and a
satirk opera assembled from the
music of Jacques Offenbach rhe
Darlings ol & iet)
bv Dr. Clyde I liss, faculty mem
ber of the EC School of Musk
and director of the E U Opera
Theatre, CompruuP the cast of.
the throe operas are 22 advard
voice students in the ECl School
ot Music.
Orchestra personnel include
pianists Alisa Wetherington and
lames Gilliam, flutist Sam Combs,
?boist Keith lall,clarinetist Mich-
elle Hairston, bassoonist ody
Buck, trumpeter (llenn Buck and
percussionist C lark 1 larrell.
( ostumes are bv Patricia
Hawkins Hiss Assisting with
other facets of the production are
student members of the Opera
Tickets to the comic opera
e en i ngs a re a ai lable a 11 he E I
Central Ticket Office in Menden
hall Student Center.
Pickin the Bones:
Part two of Bonehead's quest to pay taxes
? i:j rtuMMMPiwrnn 80 minutes to fevvcupshadanodd tasteti
Several student smgers appearing in the East Carolina Un.vers.ty Oper a Theatre pr eduction pos e n t he
costumes they will wear in Fridays and Saturday's performances I eft to nght are Susan Duram o
Jacksonville. James Sheek of Yadkinv.lle, Michael Johnson ol Rocky Mount ind I or Mclelland of
By Chippy Bonehead
Staff Tax Payer
sion, and since is my evil opposite,
he is a frat boy-business major-
completely uncool type of person.
Thus, 1 assumed he would under-
stand things like "increased
earned income credit" and "ex-
My bust. Upon arriving in our
"Sorry, old twin, " he said.
"I'm just enjoying your predica-
ment. But, as I seem to be unable to
avoid helping you, since we are so
closely bonded in some pseudo-
scientifical, bad-plot-device sort of
way, lef s get it over with "
Tentatively, we opened the
Hello, boys and girls. Last week,
we discussed how to find our tax
forms and get really aggravated at the
same time. This week in Part Two of
Uncle Bonehead's Adventures in r . . ,
Taxation we're going to learn how dimension, he took one look at my first page. The authors ot tne
its impossible to beat the system, 1040EZ Instruction Form Booklet pamphlet told us, in the most
(which, of course, does not con- smug, superior, we-know-how-
tain anything resembling a tax to-do-our-taxes-correctly?in-
form, and for that matter anything fact we-get-ours-done-for-free"
even vaguely resembling EZ-2- sort of words possible, that if we
Read instructions, and burst into but followed their divine instruc-
spontaneous laughter. tions to the letter, we would be
"Bwah-ha-ha he laughed able to file my return in the least
spontaneously. I told him if he legally offensive manner possible,
wanted to burst spontaneously and the IRS would consider ignor-
intoanything, somethingcombus- ing me for another year.
The first page of the booklet
contained some intriguing facts. It
unless yow have a really good lawyer
Yes, even better than Arnieon "LA
Since I didn't have the first
clue about how to do my taxes, 1
did the only thing I could do I
called for help Since none of the
business majors I know will ac-
knowledge me, and certainly
won't condescend to assist me, 1
called upon my evil twin, Bippy tible (say a large vat of gasoline)
Conehead would be preferable to his mock-
Bip lives in a parallel dimen- ing laughter.
estimated that it would only take
the average person HO minutes to
completely collate the necessary
records, learn about the new tax
laws, prepare the form, copy, as-
semble and send the form to the
IRS. It also estimated 1 would re-
ceive a refund (if in fact, 1 was due
one, a matter the IRS obviously
thinks is not debatable) in six to
eight weeks.
Three hours and seven cups
of coffee later, Bip and I were
nowhere close to prepanng the
form. Each flip of the page un-
veiled new horrors. "Bone, here's
an interesting fact he said.
"More interesting than the fact
children under 14 don't have to
file if the only income they re-
ceived came from interest and
dividends and said income was
less than $5,000?" I asked as I in-
spected my coffee maker. The last
fevvcupshadanodd taste to them,
and 1 feared the machine was
grinding up any number of the
available roaches in my apartment
and substituting their mutilated
bodies for coffee grounds.
'Tons. Says here that you can
be penalized $500 for a frivolous
return, one that does not contain
correct information, or takes a
frivolous position and desires to
delay or interfere with the tax laws.
This includes any alteration or
striking out of the preprinted lan-
guage above the space provided
for your signature
I considered this. "1 suppose
filing this return under the name
of Jaques Strapp is out, then
"Out like a big dog. And I
hope they don't take all the scrib-
bling you did around the margins
See Taxes, page 11


The East Carolinian, February 15,1990 11
Continued from page 10
Campus Voice
How aware are you about campus activities
and the student government?
Mike Ay cock, 20
Sophomore, Criminal Justice
"I'm pretty aware because I'm involved
in RHA. Most people aren't. We need
to make it where the SGA is more ac-
cessible to the students
Amar Singh, 22
Senior, AnthropologyHistory
I'm very aware Mostly from word of
mouth. Things are going well, the only
wav to improve would be tor more
people to be active in student govern-
Angela Mercer, 22
Senior, Information Processing
"I don't know. I'm not on campus much-
Most things are posted in Brewster or
in the dorms. They need to post an-
nouncements in GCB or the Student
Store so commuters can know what is
going on
Susan Taylor, 20
Junior, journalism
1 m aware of what I read in the paper
like Purple Monday. 1 am involved. The
pus medias keep me aware
David Brown, 19
Sophomore, Broadcasting
"I don't think we're told enough. We
need more student involvement. We
need to make people more aware
as taking a frivolous position.
Found the problem with that cot-
fee yet?" he replied.
Scraping the last of the dried
roach off mv three-day-old filter, 1
responded, "Oh, 1 wasn't being
frivolous about the one that says.
The IRS area bunch oi anal-reten-
tive buttwipes from the third circle
of Hell who don't know how to
communicate some simple direc-
tions in plain English, and they
should alibi1 strung up and beaten
repeatedly I'm completely seri-
ous about that. Oh, and there was
a slight contamination problem
with the filter. I'm working on it
Finally, it seemed the light at
the end of the tunnel was drawing
closer. Rip hit the total key on his
calculator. Fully expecting a re-
fund of substantial dollarge, 1 was
stunned when he told me I owed
the government $263.38.
"What sort of thing is this that
has escaped your lips' barrier?" I
asked him, reverting to a sort of
modernized Homeric prose 1 re-
vert to whenever I'm under an
inordinate amount oi stress.
"What are you telling me? I'm a
student. 1 don't have anything. I
can'towemoney on things 1 don't
Chuckling evilly, he informed
ie that the new tax laws didn't
automatically exempt students
anymore, and perhaps I should
consider selling mv comic bixiks.
As 1 clutched at my comics dra-
matically, he teleported back to
his own dimension, laughing cru-
The clock struck twelve mid-
night, and a hideous thought
snuck in behind me, and struck
me upside the head with a blunt
object. As 1 slumped to the floor,
terror ran, not walked but ran,
through my body. It had just be-
come Valentine's Day.
It was V-Day, and I had no
casual sex partner lined up for the
evening, I owed the government
money that 1 was apparently ex-
pected to pull out of thin air and
the last two cups of coffee were
still 7535 vital roach juices. I did
the only thing I could do.
I reached for my last Schlitz
Malt Liquor Master Cylinder and
the phone. I pressed the seven
digits more worn than any other
on my phone. The phone rang, I
chugged a little Hull and a sleepy
voice answered the phone. "Pop
I said, "Looks like I'm gonna need
a little more cash this month
nil next time, may the hang
overs begen tic. the buzzes intense,
and do those tax forms early.
Continued from page 10
presen is
Every Thursday Night
$1.00 Imports
$1.00 Cans
$1.50 Highballs
$2.50 Teas
$2.50 Pitchers
rv our
ece Ieas
R & N inc.

Ash lev Humphrey, 19
sophomore, Nursing
Not at all. The SGA does not make an
effort to inform the campus. They rely on
? he paper, which can't always do the job.
v e need a particular bulletin board that
would list announcements "
Compiled by Marjorie I. McKinstry
Trends Briefs
U.S. slips in science dominance
Students test poorly internationally
l S. dominance in science and technology is slipping, according to
e National Science Board. Problem signs: 48 percent oi patents in 1988
?. ere issued to foreign inventors; U.S. students test poorly in math and
? nee in international competitions; the United States spends lesson
research and development than Japan and West Germany.
New magazines search for readeis
New magazines are vying tor readers' attention, reports USA Week
? Ibis year, companies will introduce 255 new publications, the
magazine says. Examples: Entertainment Weekly, which will grade new
ok? movies, videos, recordings and television shows; ntrepreneurial
man, which will feature women who own or start companies;
tnique, articles aimed at IS- to 34-year-oWs.
Swimwear made more functional
fun tional, repc
? ut not arount
nning on the bea b. says a spokeswoman tor a swimwear company.
Mher trends pleated skirts uo more unusual shades, such as khaki
forming Arts season ticket or bv
single ticket, available tor $15 tor
the general public, $12 tor E U
faculty and staff and $8 for stu-
dents and youth.
rickets are available at the
Central Ticket Office in Menden-
hall Student Center, telephone 77-
Phone orders may be charged to
major credit cards
An after-theatre champagne
buffet at the Greenville Hilton's
Rio! is planned bv the Performing
Arts Pacesetters, a community
support group. I he menu features
smoked salmon, scallops and
snow peas in bacon, seafood-
Stuffed mushrooms, chicken
breast cornets, baron of beet, pas-
tries and champagne. The
"Dreamgirls "cast will mingle with
the guests, and the Dance Arts
Theatre will provide entertain-
ment. Cost for attending the post-
matinee buffet is 52 per person.
A cash bar w ill be available.
Buffet reservations should be
made bv phoning 77 4 11 week-
days by Feb. 10.
Fri. Feb 16
Bad Bob & The
Rock in' Morses
Hours of Operation
Mon 11 am - X pm
Tues 1 lam-lam
Wed 11 am - 1 am
Thurs 1 1 am - 9 pm
Fri 11 am - 1 am
Sat 12 noon - 1 am
It' Band Night -
close at 1 am
513 Cotanche St.
(located across from I'BE)
Kach Tues. & Wed. Night
Open Mic Night
Sign up
starts at 3pm
llara (Finemez
r Slmw v Sl.iilmi! I I
: (zlnama 3 J
Showi Starting i n.i.n c????
Mad House (PG 13)
N'ighdj 7 00 & 4 (X)
S.i! Sun Matinees 2 00& 4:00
Stella (PG 13)
Nightl) OOA9:t5
S.u Sun Matinees 2:00 & 4.15
Horn on the 4th of July R
Nightly 8 00onl

Arlington BJvd
wimwear is using more material and becoming more
orts USA Weekend The new suits are cut high on the legs
the bottom Women will not lose their swimsuits
ind brown.
r )M rP Coiifgt ln'irmatit
Steel Magnolias (PG
NihtK 7 (XI A 9 15
S.ii S'in Matinee
2 00 & 4 1
Driving Miss Daisy (PG)
Night!) 7 IX) & 9 (X)
Look Who's Talking (PG 13)
Weekdays 7:00 & W?
Sat - Sun 2:00 & 4:00
OVER $2,000
Departs Rio every Friday at
2:30 am for Winter Place
Music Notes
The snickers New Music Search finals were aired Monday night on
A ZMBand rheSex Police look like they haveagreatchanceof winning
the grand prize. In case you're clueless, the New Music Search is
iponsored by Snickers and Thirsty Ear Communications every year.
Radio stations air tapes of local bandsand Listcnerscall in votes of their
? ivorites. The stations send in listener favorites and 16 best are chosen,
put on an album and sent back for airplay. The nationwide winner gets
i recording contract with F.MI records.
This year, the Sex Police were the overwhelming favorites among
MB listeners They won by a huge, decadent margin and their intcr-
. lew segment on the album was not at all disappointing (if you're a fan,
you'll know what 1 mean). It had something to do with licking cheese
rf i f restaurants. Anyway, wish them luck. Results will be announced
in mid- March.
Speaking of local bands, if you're looking for some action down-
n the Now Deli has a good variety of music to offer this weekend.
IheMegmondsaGreenvillebasedgroupthatplaysclassic rock'n'roll,
bad Bob and the Rocking Horses, a rhythm and blues band and Roily
r,rav and Sunfire, a reggae band, will all be performing at the under-
ground bar
Look for new albums by Midnight Oil, House of Love and Oingo
Bomgo sometime soon. We have singles by Midnight Oil and House of
i ?ve now so if you have an urge, request them.
Otherwise, life in radio land is pretty groovy. The station is its
usual mess thedf S are still talking to themselves and we are anticipat-
ing nothing short of a massacre this Saturday when WZMB bowls
against the East Carolinian. We can't play football. We suck at volley-
ball But the athletic demands that go with bowling are perfect for us.
WZMB eats the worm and gives away condoms (one day you'll all
understand this).
?Compiled by Beth Ellison, WZMB
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12 The East Carolinian February 15, 1990
? ?
seek fun
over fame
By Jill Conti
Staff Writer
And Wiu)iy Erotk m-
In the Rock Against Rape chanty benefit concert, five bands played to a packed Attic crowd Here
Subtle Distinction is perlorming Other bands included In Limbo. The Bad Checks, Bad Bob and the
Rocking Horses and The Amatueurs (Photo by Billy Walker ? ECU Photo Lab)
Continued from page 10
prints, sculptures and original aft.
Sanders said she also wauls to
include pottery. "We're looking
tor unique uitt items, Sanders
When Sanders commented
about her market shesaid lhavc
allkindsoi peoplccomingin. Phcy
havedifferent needs. 1 hegallery
provides the customer with inex-
pensive artwork, such as prints,
and with pieces for collectors
I here is something for everybod)
here, Sanderssaid 'Idon'tsellas
main originals because o( eco
nomic reasons
She presently represents
about 10 artists who come from
mainly ethnic minorities. Sanders
said the reason she chooses to
represent a variety of ethnic back-
groundsisbecauseshefeels 'that s
an area that's not been touched
but "we don't exclude any other
Sanders got into the trade two
years ago because the prints she
was selling through her real estate
business were piling up. Aiiother
reason that accounts for her open-
ing the gallery, Sanders said, is
the tat t that it is rare to see bla k
people depicted in a way" she i an
Sanders also said there is a imagery, alluding to the
recent trend in the art world to
collect pieces done by blai k art-
ists. However, she said she wants
'people to see a flower and not
think about thecolorol thcartist '
Sanders has pres nted a show
m collaboration with EC! "It
seems like the art and graphic
department is very good she
said. "That's what 1 am looking
She will also display works by
high-school juniors and seniors
atter they return from the National
Scholastic Art competition later
tins spring. 1 he community
needs to set the young potential
When thinking about the tu
lure, Sanders said, "We're going
to do shows Now that Eastern
1 u rope has opened up, it might be
interesting lor those countries to
see life style deputed by
black people She views the gal-
lerv as a i ultura! and total experi-
ence with things going on that the
"community could plug into
Encore Gallery is opened on
weekdays from li am to 6 p.m
and from 2 p.m to 6 p.m on Sun-
When The Good Friday Spell
took the stage Feb. 8 at the Attic,
no one seemed to notice that these
four young men had just gradu-
ated from high school a vear ago.
Formerly known as Mr.
Toad's Bad Dream, the group has
played clubs in and around Atlan-
tic Beach, as well as in eastern
North Carolina for four years.
Thev have been using the name
Good Friday Spell for the past two.
The band consists of Jonathan
Wertheim, lead vocalsand rhythm
guitar; Brwks Butler, lead guitar,
Scott Denmon, percussion; and
Todd 1 himphrevs, bass guitar.
Although three of the mem-
bers attended college last semes-
ter, (Wily Butler is still enrolled at
Western Carolina University
"We're more interested in the
music than school right now
Wertheim said "We might as well
plav while we're still young in-
stead o( when we're older
Once described as a '60s and
'70s classic rock band, Wertheim
describes their style today as psy-
chedelic blues and funk. "We set
OUt to ust play songs that we lis-
tened to Wertheim said. "But a
definite style has evolved. We
don't plav the same song the same
way twice
The music is more important
to the grovip than any tame or
fortune. "We don't want to be
famous or rock stars that would
be pretentious Wertheim said.
R sat r:n
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SHic gaat (ffarfllfman
Page 14
February 15,1990
Senior Gus Hill has overcome many obstacles during his tour years
as a Pirate hoopster Recently, he scored his 1000th career point
(Photo by Garrett Killian ? ECU Photo Lab)
Rollercoaster career
nears end for senior
By Lisa Spiridopoulos
Staff Writer
Gus Hill knows whatitmeans
to be down. Down, but certainly
never out.
Hill, a 6'3" 225 pound for-
ward for thfl Pirates, has been
now is forced to wear a brace
over his left knee.
"Havingbeen out I waseager
to prove myself said Hill. "I
hadn't had the opportunity to
lla IV'I llll. I IIOll, HOC WVH I ? M? ?.
ndingHsetfvlfl ronercoaster play basketball at the level I kite w
since the tall of 1985. And now 1 could play
his rule is about to end as he is
plaving in his last season with
ECU. '
"I've certainly had my ups
and downs said Hill. "Overall 1
teel like I'm a much better person
because of them
One oi those up moments
came on Saturday night against
American University. Hill, and
teammate Reed Lose, both
reached the 1,000 point plateau
bv scoring nine and 12 points,
respective! v.
"It felt reallv great Hill said,
"1 can look back 20 years from
now and know that I really ac-
complished something
His down came when he ar-
rived at ECU and went to play
basketball his first day on cam-
pus. He went up for a rebound
and when he landed, his knee
gave out tearing ligaments.
The injury put Hill out for
over a year and a half. And dur
ing that time, he went through a
rehabilitation program without
plaving any ball. "Doctors told
me that it was one of the worst
cases thev had ever seen ex-
plained Hill.
Because oi the injury, he had
to miss a season of playing and
Asa sophomore, in the fall oi
1987, HOI put on a Pirate uni-
form, readv for action. The in-
jury proved not to be a setback,
as he led the team in scoring with
19.3 ppg. (44.8 percent from the
That year he made first team
All-Conference, was named team
Most Valuable Player and was
chosen as the Colonial Athletic
Association Rookie of the Year.
He was also awarded the Out-
standing Free Throw Award (123
out of 163). and named MVP by
The Daily Reflector.
Hill now stands second in
highest number of points in one
game in the Pirate record books,
with a career high 43 points
against Navy. I le also shot 75.5
percent from the foul line and
averaged 55 reboundsper game
that year.
"1 ended up having a great
vear and it was very gratifying
considering how hard I'd
worked he said.
Hill came from a basketball-
oriented high school, Flint Hill,
in Fairfax, Va. Wherein his four
vears of playing varsity ball, the
team was ranked in the top-10 in
See Hill, page 15
Lewis inks new football recruits
By Michael Martin
Sports Editor
Nineteen new recruits signed
to play with the ECU on the na-
tional signing day, as head foot-
ball coach Bill lewis and his staff
take yet another big step in build-
ing the ECU football program
Lewis has expectations of
signing another four, but had not
bv late Wednesday evening.
"There were no surprises
Lewis said reguardingthesignees
to a local radio station. "Every-
thing went as scheduled
lewis signed nine linemen,
four on offense and five on de-
fense, three quarterbacks, two
wide receivers, two linebackers,
one running back and one defen-
sive back
"Thev didn't do as well in-
state as they wanted to said
Sports Information DiroctorChar-
les Bloom. "But they all have the
capabilities of helping out in the
Sean McConnell, a 6-3, 200-
pound quarterback transfer from
Cerntos unior College in
Downey, Ca enlisted at ECU at
the beginning of the spring semes-
ter. While at Cerritos, he passed
tor over 2(XX) yards and was first
in single-season completions.
McConnell has two years of eligi-
bility remaining.
Michael "Satellite" Anderson,
a b-4, 205-pounder from Crim
1 figh School in Atlanta, Ga also
signed as a quarterback. In his
senior season with the Eagles, he
threw for 2,520 yards (sixth best in
state history) and completed 25
touchdowns passes. The right-
hander runs the 40 in 5.0 seconds.
Orlando WhHaker, a 6-1,175-
pound quarterback from Battle-
boro, N.C rounds out the list tor
quarterback recruits Whitaker,an
honor student, completed 41 (if
160 passes his senior season for
1,545 yards and 23 touchdowns at
North Edgecome High School. I lis
W7 career touchdown passes is a
N.C. state record, and chose the
Pirates over Alabama and West
Virginia. Hisbrother, Jeffrey, plays
basketball tor ECU.
Dion ohnson, a 5-9, 170-
pound wide receiver from C of
feyville (KS) Community College
caught 4h passes tor 428 yards and
12 touchdowns last season. In high
school, Johnson returned four
punts and six kickoffs back for
fbnv Worthan, a 6-4, 255-
pound transfer from Northeast
em Oklahoma A&M signed as t
defensive lineman The Atlanta.
Ga native also entered at th.
beginning ot the spring semester
and has two vears ot eligibihtv
Derrick I eaphan, a 6-4, 295-
pound center from Southwest
Decalb High School, chose ECl
over South Carolina, Duke and
Wisconsin. He was named one of
the Top 25 prep players by the
Atlanta journal Constitution in
Brandon (ash, a 6-1, 200
pound wide receiver from Semi
note I iigh School in Sanford, Fla
caught 44 passes for 838 yards and
13 touchdowns his senior season
HechoseEC 11 over Florida, Hous-
ton, Pittsburgh and Minnesota
See Recruits, page 16
Brown, Jenkins lead sluggers into new season
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
When the sprinklers begin to
wet down Harrington -lA. th
meansonly one thing; ECU base-
ball is iist around the corner.
The Pirates head into the 1990
season with six returning starters
from last year's squad The team
will look to senior tirst baseman
Calvin Brown (.340, 11 HRs, 44
RBI last season) for the main source
of power. Brown batted 4h8 with
men in scoring position last year
and was named to the 1989 All
Colonial Athletic Association
Team. He is now currently third
on the FCC all-time RBI list with
125. "My personal goal this year is
to go out and play well every
day Brown said.
Brownwaduubokd-pLvvi rn
defense. He is ranked fourth in
career putouts at ECU with 704.
Although Brown says he like to
keep improving on hisdefense, he
has another goal in mind: finish
the season with no errors .it tirst
Sophomore lommy Eason
I 25,9 ! IRs, 12 RBI) will return as
the starting catcher. Eason made
the 1989 All CAATeamasa fresh-
man. I le also lead the team in hits
last vear with 55.
Senior ohn Adams (346, 5
HRs) will be the left-fielder.
Adams ranks third in career bat-
ting at ECU with a .335 batting
average. 1 le also was named to the
1989 All -CA A learn.
"My goal is to have a good
year and hopefully hit the way I
have been Adams said. "I think
this vear will be our best club.
John Cast, a sophomore who
transferred from Auburn Univer-
sity, will play at third base. Al-
though Cocit baited only .JAt last
year, he was third on the team in
stolen bases with 11.
The Pirate pitching staff will
tx- lead bv 6-8 senior lonathon
lenkins, who boasted a 2.04 ERA
last year Besides winning 12
games, he striM k out 89 batte; s in
84 innings
"I really don't have any goals
tor my statistics this year cn-
kinssaid. "We ust want to win as
ma nv games as possible as a team
Opposing teams hit only 1 ,v
against lenkinsduring the regular
season 1 le was also named to the
1989 All C A A learn
lunior lohn White (8-1, 1.89
IRA) will join lenkins in the start-
ing rotation White, who was used
as a relief pitcher in 11 of 12 games
last vear, did not give up an earned
run in his iirst seven appearances
Senior Brien Berckman will
be another quality pitcher for tho
Pirate Staff. Berckman, who was
Most Valuable Player of the 14X4
CA A Tournament threw a nevhit
game against St. Bonaventure in
1987. Although Berckman thinks
this year's team is better, he wants
his last season to bo special.
Gary Overton
"It's my last year and I want to
go out on a high note Berckman
said. I have very high expecta-
tions of myself this year
Senior left hander Tim 1 and
don will also see many games in
the pitching department Despite
a high 4.7 FRA, l.angdon struck
See Overton, page 15
Brideers shatters records at CAA meet
Meredith Bridgers
By Frank Reyes
Staff Writer
The ECU men's and women's
swim team wrapped up the Fifth
Annual Colonial Athletic Associa-
tion Swimming Championshipby
setting four new records in
Wilmington over the weekend.
The men placed second over
all with 691 total points,losing to
American University which had
2 points. Coach Rick Kobe, who
is 11444 (.699) in five seasons at
ECU, was very impressed.
"Our guvs swam an excellent
meet Kobe said. "We just got
touched out bv American. 1 was
real pleased
The women's team finished
fifth with a total of 333 points.
"We were a little disappointed in
theirUhe women) standing Kobe
Four CA A meet records fell to
Pirate swimmers. Two oi those
records went to junior Meredith
Bridgers. As a tri-captain of the
women's team, Bridgers rewrote
the books for the 100-yard
breaststroke with a time of 1:03.37.
The old record was 1:05.59 set by
Bridgers in 1989.
The win earned her a berth in
the field of the NCAA Champion-
ships March 15-17 in Austin, TX.
Her winning time shattered the
CAA, ECU varsity and I INC -W
Pool records. Bridges was also
crowned CAA champion in the
"I was surprised how fast mv
100 was going she said. "1 was
really shocked and amazed
Kobe was extremely pleased
with her performance as well. "She
smashed records at Wilmington
that will probably never be bro-
ken he said. "She is a very tal-
ented (rounglady and workshard
at eventhing. Her time puts her
among the top five in the country
and we are very excited tor her.
She worked very hard to get to
this point "
The third record set bv the
Pirates belonged to the men. Ray-
mond Kennedy, J.D. Lewis, Andy
Jeter, and lohn Earrell combined
talents to win the 800-yard free
relay with a record time of
unior Mark O'Brien broke the
CAA meet record for ECU in the
200-yard backstroke with a time
oi 153.98. "1 wanted to win the
conference. But this is mv greatest
accomplished goal
ECl senior Andy leter placed
third in the 200-yard freestyle 1 lis
time was 1:43.29. This co-captain
admits he was a little disap-
pointed. "1 wanted to win an indi-
vidual medal. and for the team
In his second swimming event,
leter placed fifth in the 500 frees-
tyle with a time ot 4:40.89.
Pirate sophomore Jennifer
Muench placed eighth in the
women's 100-yard butterfly.
Muench says she was not happy
with her performance. "Person-
ally, I wasn't as readv as I was last
vear she said "I've had some
problems with my back and it's
been throwing me off Despite
the back problems. Muench does
expect to swim next vear
first place in the men's 200-
vard butterfly event belonged to
See Bridgers, page 15
Lady Pirates split key CAA
games over the weekend
Where's the ball?
These young men get the best seat in the house when it comes to Pirate home basketball games Actually,
they are responsible for keeping the floor dry (Photo by J.D Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
By David Reichelt
Staff Writer
Head coach Pat Pierson and
her Lady Pirate basketball team
broke a three-game road losing
streak by defeating James Madi-
son University 77-64 in Wil-
hamsburg, Va. Monday night.
The Lady Pirates got a career
performance from junior forward
Kennya Wilson as she scored 21
points on 8-of-15 shooting from
the floor on the evening.
"Our girls played like they
had something to prove. If we
could tell them (the team) we're
playing James Madison every
night, we'd be ready to play
Pierson said.
ECU's shooting improved in
this game, as they shot 53 percent
for the game (63 percent in the
second half). Junior forward Sarah
Gray (18 points) and sophomore
forward Tonya Hargrove (13
points) were also key figures in
the win.
The Lady Pirates defense
played well as they held the lady
Dukes to just 44 percent shooting
from the floor,and held JMU's top
shooter, Vicki Harris, to just six
"ECU played good pressure
defense JMU's coach Shelia
Moorman said. "They are a good
defensive team
The Lady Pirates tell behind
early when MU went on a 6-2
run. The lady Dukes were led bv
guard VmiU Schuler (1 points)
and center Randy C nithird with
15 points.
ECU came back as they went
on a 10-1 run to take the lead, 12-
7, with 14:14 to go in the first half.
The Lady Dukes scored six
straight points to take a one point
lead, but the lady Pirates recap-
tured the lead on a 16-7 run. The
spurt gave them an eight-point
lead, 28-20, with nine minutes in
the halt.
The two teams closed out the
half tradmg baskets and the Lady
See Lady Pirates, page 16

Sports Briefs
Ware still ponders move to NFL
I leisman frophy winner Andre Ware said he may divide as early
a. next week it he will give up his senior year at the University of
I louston toenter the Fl draft Ware, in Fort Worth toaccept theDavey
0 Brien Award -is college's lop quarterback, said he has not vet made
up his mind about joining the i I this war.
New York bank seeks Kuhn on debt
Former Commissioner Bowie Kuhn denied he is is hiding from
I creditors. A New Vrk Kink s,ivs his former law firm owes it $3.1
j million Kuhn recently moved to Honda, a state where a home cannot
'? be confis ated tor other debts.
Vikings hire ex-Steeler coordinator
1 'ho Minnesota Vikings have hired offensive coordinator Tom
Moore ol the Pittsburgh Steelers to be assistant head coach of offense.
ikingscoa h lem Bums said Moore is an addition to the staff and not
.1 replacement tor offensive coordinator Bob Schnelker. who drew Kil 1
public criticism last season Moore has been the Steelers offensive
i oordm.itor since 1983.
MSU students start petition for coach
n Ingham t. ounty Mich elections board approved a petition to
rei ill three membersof the Michigan State University board of trustees.
"he move clears the way for a disgruntled group of students to begin
collecting 570,000 signatures needed to oust the three. They were
?ng the trustees who voted to name football coach George Perles
letic director, .i move that angered many students and faculty be-
ise the board did not tollow normal hiring guidelines.
Fans do not care about Raider move
ps v Y i ;?? ????. poll found Southern California sports fans do
not realh care it the Nl I 's Raiders leave town as threatened. Eighty-
three pen ent ol the people polled did not care much when asked if thev
ivould be upset it the team left.
rhon gets award tor big comeback
Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Dickie ITton. who last season capped
: four veai comeback from seric?us injury, received the Most Coura-
geous Vthlete ward fnm the Philadelphia Sports Writers Associa-
tion rhon suffered physical and psychological damage when he
a .is strut k in the head b) a pitch in 1984.
49ers may play Raiders in Germany
1 he two time defendingSuper Bowl champion San Francisco 49ers
ht pl.n a preseason came this summer in West Germany against the
os Angeles Raiders the l I is considering three possible sites:
nkfurt Munich and West Berlin. Plans are expected to be finalized
at the Ml meetings March 11 in Orlando.
Williams' attorneys question protest
Attome) s tor (. arl 1 he I ruth" Williams sent letters to boxing's
three world govi ming bodies asking why Mike Ivson's protest of his
. s to lames Bustei Douglas got such prompt attention when Wil-
liams' protest against fyson has languished tor six months. Williams
nistijst found .kjYuckou! lo?tP I v'n in ul was the result of
a head butt, and tin- fight was stopped too soon.
Former Georgia player files law suit
Former I niversih of orgia basketball player Melvm Howard
i a $150,000damage suit against Dominique Wilkinsot theNBA's
iwks and efl Bryant ol the NFL's Seattle Seahawks, saving he was
injured at an out ol control party atWilkins' home in 1988. Howard
I he suffered a pum tured lung when Bryant dropped him h feet to
th ground.
Vikings deny Doleman free agency
Minnesota ikings defensive end i hns Doleman's bid to become
.i tree agent was denied b a judge- He was denied a temporary
straining order to allow him to talk with other teams without the
ikings interfere! c
??, tint wii.1 rtvi
ECU junior Tom Holston. His time
was 1:53.44.
ECU freshman Julie Wilheim
placed seventh in the 100-yard
backstroke event with a time of
1:02.68. "I was more disappointed
in place than time. My goal for
next year is to place in the top
five she said.
Other first place finishers in-
? 500 freestyle - Walter
Eggers, American University,
CAA meet record, 4:33.58.
? 200 individual medley -
Sergio Lopez, American, CAA
meet record, 1:51.23.
? 100-yard backstroke - Tom
The Fast Carolinian, February 15,1990 15
Continued from page 14
Lucca, Richmond University,
CAA meet record 51 44.
? One-meter diving - Guy'
Sandin, James Madison, 4.58.10
? 400-yard individual mod-
Icy- Chris Hauth, American,
? 50 freestyle-Neill Williams,
American, 20.91.
Three-meter dive- Guy
Sandin, James Madison, 4:99.60.
? 100-yard butterfly- Sergio
Lopez, American, 50.33.
? 200-yard freestyle- Walter
Eggers, American, 1:41.80.
? 100-yard freestyle- John
McDonough, Richmond, CAA
meet record, 45.79.
Continued from page 14
the country.
He played with such people
asGeorgia Tech star, DennisScott,
Derrick Simms, who played for
the University of Virginia and
former George Mason great, Car-
los Yates, who was killed last year.
"It was a very good experi-
ence for me noted Hill. "Their
(Hint 1 hll) program really speaks
for itself. Nowadays most every-
one who plavs there gets a Divi-
sion I scholarship
As a senior he averaged 22
points and eight rebounds per
game. He was the team MVP,
named to the All Metro Washing-
ton, DC. team by The Washington
Post and All-Metro by WDVM-
Hill also earned All-Amcri-
can notice in Street fie Smith's and
he was chosen to play in the
McDonald'sCapitol Classic before
coming to ECU. His brother,
Brvan, had success in high school
and now is in his first year plaving
at Chowan Junior College.
Last year his season wasn't
nearly as productive as his rookie
year. He was, however, second
on the team in scoring with 10.7
ppg "I wasn't nearly as produc-
tive, mainlv because I went in to
the year overweight and not ready
to plav he said.
This year the team is 5-5 in the
CAA and 12-13 overall and Hill
has started nine games. Against
UNC-Wilmington. he scored a
season high 2T points and was
named Plaverof the Game. Right
now he is averaging 7.8 points
and 3.1 rebounds per game and is
shooting 85.5 percent from the foul
He has made 229 free throws
in his career and needs only eight
more to move into fifth place in
the record books.
Hill has accepted his role this
year and said, "I'm trying to do
whatever it takes-hitting the
boards, playing defense, scoring-
anvthing to help the team win
Hill will be graduating next
fall as a leisure system studies
major and has plans to go into
sports promotion or work for a
tourism bureau.
Although he has had his good
and bad moments, one person has
alwavs been there for him, his
mother. "She was the person who
showed me to never give up and
keep working he said.
Because he did keep working
and fought back from his injury,
Hill has now engraved his name
in the Pirate record books and is
ending a great career with ECU.
We have moved from
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University Amoco on
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In the Locker
ECU karate club sweeps up
competition in tournament
I he E competition karate team comprised of members of the
i GoiuShorinKaritei luh traveled to Wilso on Feb. 3-4 to compete
n the North Carolina Mate( k?U Shorm Karate Championship Tourna-
ment I he E I i lub i aptured over 80 percent of all possible wins in
both fiehtina and forms, virtually dominating the tournament.
?This is a young team with a lot of talent said the ECU head
instructor and one the faculty advisors, "We are going to be tested
when we compete in the South I astern Open Style Tournament later
S Winners in the tournament went .reg White, Jason Juliano, Randy
Bail ird leff Carson, Wayne Staffing T.m Cams, Chris DeClemente,
Kathrvn Pr ies ?? McNeiL Dorothty Drayeski, Anthony Moore, Lon
Rheubottom Naw y Wiffiamsow and club President Dale Land. John
Ormsbv co-advisor tor the club, traveled with the team.
.m one interested m the E V !oju Shonn Karate Club can contact
mi1 imi it 355 0711 or lohn Ormsbv at 752-512. Interested persons
are ?w?ed to Stop by .he practice room, 108 Memorial Gym.each
Mond.iv and Wednesday from B-M pm or Thursdays from 7:30-9
pm (Photocourtesyof IRS)
Continued from page 14
out 39 batters in 53 innings.
Head coach Gary Overton,
who has a 168-66 overall record at
ECU in five seasons, said the pitch-
ing staff this vear is solid. "With
Berckman and l.angdon back, we
should have a strong nucleus
Overton said.
However, ECU will lose four
starting playersdue tograduation.
Pitcher lake Jacobs and shortstop
David Ritchie, are now playing
professional baseball with the
Kansas City Royals' farm system.
The Pirate schedule this year
will consist of eight games with
the AtlanticCoastConference. The
teams include N.C State, Virginia,
Duke, and UNC-Chapel Hill. ECU
posts a 74-88 mark against that
conference overall. But Overton
does not consider the ACC games
"The ACC games are quality,
non-conference games Overton
said. "But our most important
games are those in our confer-
Wilmington and Richmond
are always tough conference
games for ECU.The Piratesare 26-
31 overall against the Seahawks.
Although ECU leads the
Richmond scriesoverall 31-19, the
Spiders have beaten the Pirates
threeout of four gamesin theCA A
Tournaments The Pirates are also
42-12 against William & Mary and
16-9 against lames Madison over-
Convenient & Economical
?Three Blocks for Campus St Downtown
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Laundry Facilities on Site
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REMCO EAST INC ? P.O. BOX 6026 - GREENVILLE, NC 27834 ? 919 758-60611
ECU qualified for the NCAA
playoffs last year for the fifth time
in nine years. However, they suf-
fered consecutive defeats from
Florida and Villanova, which
dropped them in their hunt to the
College World Series. ECU is 5-22
overall in the NCAA Playoffs.
The Pirates will open their
season Saturday when they host
Atlantic Christian at 2 p.m.

16 The East Carolinian, February 1 r, 1990
Lady Pirates
Pirates lead 37-3ft
The I adv Bucsabo had ? good
performance off the bench with
Sandra Grace putting in seven
points and Methelle ones and
KimDupreeeach adding six points
Our bench gave great sup-
port Pierson said. "Anytime vour
bench ores like that, (it) really
picks the team up
The I ady Pirates jumped out
to a 14 point lead as Gray and
Hargrove were gettinggood shots
on the inside
"It was a good team effort
Pierson added "It goes down to
being reads to pla
rhe Lady Dukes pulled within
seven off of a couple of outside
jumpers However, the Lady Pi
rates mixed up their inside, out-
side shooting and regained the
lead up to the final 13 point mar
"We're very pleased to get the
win and need to get home and
prepare tor Saturday Pierson
Continued from page 14
The Ladv Pirates suffered a
big road lossSaturday night as the
fell to American University, 60-
55, in Washington, D.C.
"We are really disappointed
with the loss. We feel when we
make up our minds to play, we
can plav with anvone in the con-
ference Pierson said. "We just
didn't plav like we wanted to win
The Lady Pirates struggled
from the field shooting only 31
percent. However, the defense
played well holding the Lady
Eagles to just 42 percent shooting
from the field.
Pierson's squad was led by
Gray's 14 points and seven re-
bounds, and Hargrove's 10 points
and five rebounds.
The ladv Eagles were led bv
Kathy Walker's 18 points and 10
rebounds and Alici Morgan's 11
The Lady Pirates never led in
the first half as American started
the game on a 10-3 run that lasted
during the first three minutes.
ECU closed the lead to one
point midway through the half,
but were unable to capture the
lead. American ran off four points
to close the half with American
leading 32-28.
ECU started the second half
tying the score at 32 off Kennya
Wilson's jumper and a Gray layup.
The Lady Eagles, in return,
ran off eight straight points to go
up 40-32. However, the Lady Pi-
rates worked at the lead and cap-
tured it with six minutes remain-
ing to be played.
The two teams traded baskets
for the next five minutes, and ECU
led by one with 1:22 to play. But
American ran off six points in the
final minute to give them a 60-55
The Lady Pirates will face
William and Mary on Saturday
night in Minges Coliseum and
league leading Richmond on
Monday- Both games start at 7
Continued from page 14
Dealton Cotton, a 6-1, 250-
pound noseguard from Granby
High School in Norfolk, Va.( re-
corded 87 tackles his senior year,
including 10 quarterback sacks.
The honor student also recorded
four tumble recoveries.
Chad Hannon a 6-2, 265-
pound offensive lineman from
Greer 1 ligh School in Greer, S.C
wasnamed ll-Stateb) TheGreen
ville News and the Associated Press.
Hannon runs the 40 in 5.0 sec-
lerry Northcutt, a 6-6, 250-
pound lineman trom Mcsquite, I x.
Northcutt, an Eagle Scout, was a
member of the Dallas Times Herald
Merto P' lop 10C and played
for Mesquite 1 ligh & hool.
Alex Henderson, a 6-3, 260-
pound defensive lineman played
at Heath wood Hall High School
in Columbia,s C He participated
m track and wrestling, and runs
the 40 in 4.u seconds.
Rueben fonts, a 6-3, 225-
pound linebacker from Columbia
High School in Decatur, Ga re-
corded 115 tackles his senior sea-
son - six of which were sacks, lones,
a member of the National Honor
Society, runs the 40 in 4.9 seconds.
Damon Wilson, a 6-0, 205-
pound runningback from Ribault
1 hgh School in Jacksonville, Fla
rushed tor over 800 yards his
senior season. Wilson runs the 40
in 455 seconds.
Gene Smith, a h-4, 240-pound
tight end from Gaffney High
School in Gaffney, S.C runs the
40 in 4.8 seconds. Smith consid-
ered Clemson and South Carolina
before signing with the Pirates.
Vince Latham, a 6-4, 250-
pound lineman from Milton High
School in Alpharetta, Ga was
named the team's Outstanding
Of tensive Lineman hissenior year.
He runs the 40 in 4.9 seconds.
Leonard Graham, a 6-2, 185
pound linebacker from Miami,
Fla recorded 55 unassisted tack-
les during his senior season. The
honor roll student was named
Outstanding Defensive Player for
three vears at Miami High School.
Kenneth Carroll, a ( 285-
pound offensive lineman from
Bishop Egan HighSchool in Levit-
town, Va earned two letters in
football and basketball. 1 le was
named All-Catholic League in
both sports.
Fred Walker, a 6-1,185-pound
defensive back from Aiken high
School in Aiken, S.C was team
MVP after intercepting 12 passes
his senior year. He runs the 40 in
4.6 seconds and played in the
South Carolina North-South All-
Star Game.
Among thoscexpected to sign
are Scott Williams,a 6-3,255 pound
lineman from Palmetto. Ga and
Jerry Keller from Jacksonville, C.
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Doogie: we hate him

Fl HKlIARY 15, I'M)
i K

of ECU?
(Artist's conception)
Annual all-hate issue!
The 1990
marked by
horror and

Boogie: we hate him
(Artist's conception)
Annual all-hate issue!
The 1990
Valentine's 1

marked by
horror and

February 15 1990 ? Peoole of ICU ? ? it's only a joke; plea i lon'1 write or phone, thank ?.
: :
A friendly game of catch goes sour, as Ralph
Macchio and Pat Morita duke it out over
royalty rights to The Karate Kid Part XII. 78
Steve Guttenberg ? s the man with the
world's biggest ego (after Bryant Gumbel)
falling out of love with himself? 40
Psycho Anthony Perkins and rabbit-lover
Kathleen Turner argue over the true meaning
of the word "fahrvergnugen 77
Sonny ano Cher Johnny
Carson ana his three previous
wives whc " ? ?'?? lont
now do they still hat
each oi ? n ich a
PecDe 01 I found
m ad rr vc
What's in this month's People of ECU
ess Deon; ii n
tral ? I ? ? "
our f r r stafi
a cen.i n broad ? '??? rt toesrvi
rondel we lake poti ol it a dun
a aboul - ? on
contents , agi dun n
Okay, so we lied last time when
we said People of E CU 8 would be
published tnat one time and no !
other times Wcmemt it when we .
said it but hey foces happen?
Besides what s satire for. if not to'
provide a voice for all you loneiy
souls who were sc recently driven
into depression by your friends
who unlike you. have a Signifi-
cant Other on whom to shower af-
fection, presents, and sweet stuff
that s gonna help rot the teeth of
that Significant Other right out of
his her head, thereby destroying
that charming smile that attracted
him her to your friend in the first
place? Heck. It'll serve em right,
those lucky bastards.
Tube, page 6 Roseanne Barr
tends tc sue cn-screen hubby
John Goodman ? nta
ed ;ay. " i
ediei '?'
an s ability get row
ays. whili ?
k Shi . .
Takes Two To Tangc. .
hit mov eoft
. itury ran joanGCasl ui If i
eir belt! Sylvester Stallone
? cKurt Russell have d di
lie the knoi nuch to 1 i
mbarra ment c' forn er Si
ont ; Brigitte Nielsen
Not Our Problem. agi
: I ? Billy Joel a
. a -i Christy Brinkley
ire the i , - I
appy n itioi Hoa
Here We Go Again.
mmed ate y aftei torn
?oiease from a South A1 cai
pnson. anti-apartheid activist
Nelson Mandela is booked into
a North Carolina jail, on charges
stemming from 27-year-old
unpaid ECU parking tickets.
Hangin' Tough, page 12 New
Kids on the Block may be sent
to an Alabama gallows 'or "Ac-
jravating ic
i ? f Mi
Wh: Is That Masned Man?.
3: The whole wi ? .??
a vhi ? ??? i -
Coiumn-Yank Lao ?
ate i ' ? ?
? cessivi . . ? ? -
rtun oi co umns ; People )1
ecu . so a: (. exciui i
ntef ? ? ?? a " Ci ?" '
Lad san enemy Chippy von
There They Go Again, page
Ex-presidi nl Ronald Re-
agan :
Nancy nay fcx he roai
div( rce, pi
the f rmer f ? i
Coup e - ty 01 hav t
everything th y eve a d iboul
trad I oi fan y value Gasj
Fahrvergnugen pagi
What exactly is fahrvergnugen.
anc why does it make
Vokswagens so special7
People of ECU I tells all.
No Stings Attached, page 21:
Researchers at California New
Age University want tc he p kil-
ler tees ccoe with their anger
? ? g to ? ' ? t into
no re prod
It Air, t Oprah Til The Fat Lady
Sines, pagi
. Oprah Winfrey i)
e wants 1
? ed talk show quit
can narry c g-tii
Stead - settle dowi and
rais i family rhe proc ?
; ? pre lu e to find
in ement for hei tnd no
e A?ai the ot ? cept
sch ckm tef Geraldo
Anything For A Buck, pa
Steven Hawk-
ing Carl Sagan md Stephen
Jay Gould ?
fractal matht Benoit
Mandelbrot ? a ABC
site on f sChs
: : ' I
a gooa idi a at tl e time
Toxic Schlock Syndrome.
page 39: Recent studies indi-
cate that the B S spewed out
by schlocky talk shows like Ger-
aldo may build up in viewers'
bloodstreams, causing horrible,
painful deaths.

you. ? r :
larv i:
QO() . 3
Who's hatin' and who's datin'
'auic and Arsenio;
? . ? ? ? ? '
DOI IS il ?? 11
ratisl fal
itesl elebritv jossip
? i i1 c i r t dmg
grocery ouaget9
Well, People of EC UG has
?aken pity on you. We hereby
present the firsl annual C e
lebrity Dating Guide. We'll tell
you who's hot and heavy,
who's cold and distant end
Kurt and Goldie
? . '
ng arv
' ? p
. i
? Kuri
:? ?? i1
lerSK Stal
? i
ioilywood's golden coup ? ?
(See Sly and Brigitte below )
Jim and Tammy: Now that
the king of indiscretionstu-
pidity is swabbing the decks
in prison, everyone wants to
Madonna and Sandra
ii ?? ? : 11 ii ?
Tom and Mimi
h Stallone and Brigitte Nielsen en the way to see Nielsen s
jivorce lawvers last month.
: .
. ' I
t II
: : nna
. I not
ii jnas
? ' ? '
: , ? ? ?' ?
ib r the relal
: ii ; ic ' . ' I friend
? ,?? ? pbrasive comedi
: iettol rnhardtwitl
: ? i ?? " I iOI 11 1
rej rtedly broken-hi :rted
iftei h ii ng Madonn i
public aeciaration that if she
were a lesbian, she hoped
she could get someone pret
tier than Bemhardt
Bruce and Demi: Can a
former Brat Packer and a
: ? k ean ? i ???
ammi egs in k kt ?
Pushin u r! i laisit
Nada Zilch
11hi ? on C c nt i
Don ana Melcnie- I
Hell even wi ne ?
scorecard for thii i
Farrah and Ryan
evei g I married in v ? firsl
place9 And he had some
kids to begin with, didn't he9
Burt and Loni: After re
peatedly denying rumors of
AIDS. Burt finally gave in. "I
still don't have it. but you
naei I pr ; ml "
? ? : t at
Marriage9 N I k ly. Ihe
former cheerleader is ex-
pected to abort the fetus
However. Arsemo's aggra-
vating personality shows no
sign of aborts; any lime
Sly and Brigitte: From the
n 1 ' ? topped
reamina "Kurt! Kurt nbed
Charles and D
Nancy ana Sluggo:
, ? j. j
; for and let it go at thai
zeryone - ? as girls
itun n ere rapidly r,cr,
: QQ
eaving Nai 's p ayhouse
Ait) ? i l? ? eks than
Cher and Fred Savage.
:? . ?? id iple
. p jovv
ivagi ? ? '? i at
? ? ? bul her rep rtedlv
ed Man ivag
mxietii ??? " : free pa I
?? . : : n ? : erfume and
an iu1 iphed photo of
Mayor Sonny Bono.
Rob Lowe and Melissa
Gilbert: She loves me, she
loves me not. She loves me.
she loves me not. She loves
me, she? hey! Hey don't
show her that videotape!

A ? February lb, 1990 ? People of I CU ?? ? Its only a joke; please don't write or phone. I hank you.
I Y-
? i
V .
Oplc of icOl
T'E ?J?S
MADONNA: So what if you re a
bigger star than ever0 At least I
didn't go gay with an ugly
comedian ? Sean
TRACEY U Go home already1
? Your Audience and 50 Million
Other Americans Who are Sick of
Shrill British People
ROMEO: You dumbass You
always were too impatient ? Ju-
BUSTER: You sure are cute1 Any
chance we could get together
soon7 I'd like you to meet my mom
? Robin G
DAVID L: I really am sick of the
way you treat me on your show
Cher. Shirley and I have formed a
new club called the Bitches of Hol-
lywood, and we've got a few Stu-
pid Voodoo Tricks to show you ?
CHASTITY: ? rea sorry your
mom found out Are we Still on for
next Friday? ? Martina
favorite d te s the '??' n1 Ovei
: . . jueol. Just tru mghtyi . I
ke to know ? Greg Louganis s
Bitter Ex-Coach
OPRAH: doi I irehowskinny
you get. I refuse to marry a woman
who does the same thing Geraldo
does for a living, and enjoys it ?
Her Elusive Fiance, Steadman
helmets ? Billy Idol
still hate
HUMANS: I really appreciate
the chioroflourocarbons Keep
spraying away1 Hell, who wants to
live forever9 ? The Ozone Layer
are those cute pants with the
pockets down the legs9 You sure
do look sexy in them jeans. boy ?
Spitefully, The Bonehead
NANCY R I was going to invite
you to our latest state function, but
then I said. "Whoops11 forgot1 She's
not the First Lady any more " So
sorry.dear Babs sends her regards
? Back in he USSR, Raisa
DONALD: $25 million and a
mansion9 Pysehe on that See you
m court, buddy ? Ivana
DONNA, ETC I guess I showed
everyone who can really dance
? Paula
PAULA: I guess we showed ev
eryone who can really sing ?Tina,
Whitney, Janet, Madonna, Etc.
BERT: Get the broomstick out
of your ass and lighten up We're
ail about sick of your attitude I ite
isn't that bad ? Your roomie, Ernie
JOE: We're not afraid of your
Pepsi challenge Wejust don't care
to drink from the same can as you
We've heard some pretty scary
rumors lately ? Those Manly Coke
gel medan I re jninvestment
: : kin the untry t 'on't think wo
don I kn wtxre you live. : I
that you a ed tutu . sterday at
p m
F W.
? eeds ail those dan i birds, uni
maisandpeop't i rawling all over
me anyway ? All the coastlines,
JESSE: We didn't really want to
keep re-electing you. but those
huge goons with submachine guns
posted inside the voting booths
year after year sure made the
choice a lot easier ? North Caro-
lina voters every last one of them
Give us one more parking ticket
Make our day ? 18.000 pissed-
off, caffeine-addicted, Greenville-
hatin Halloween-starved students
we put you m the rest home run by
the Nazis ? The kids of today,
who'll be running the country
Trek 5 was a great idea So was
Jaws 3 m 3 D ? Leonard Nimoy
and the rest of the cast and crew
r- ? -
- . ?

The East Carolinian, February 15, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 15, 1990
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