The East Carolinian, January 25, 1990

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?lie SaHt ftar0lmtan
Savoy the 'Last Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol. 64 No. b
Thursday January 23, 1WO
Greenville, North Carolina
Circulation 12,000
14 Pages
Questions raised
about ECU'S
Bv Donna Hayes
Statt Writer
The resignatfin ot" the chair-
man tor the University Task Force
on Recycling has halted the tak
tone s pilot recycling project and
has raised questions about ECU'S
commitment to the recycling pro-
Pr Trenton c! 1? is, acting
dean and professor in the scho ?1 o(
industry and tot hnologj .resigned
as chairman ol the task tone in
December 1989 to work on othei
Ina memo toe inv eltor Ki !?
aid K Eakin Davis recommended
thai the recycling program con
tinue; however since his resigna
lion, the I nix ersity rask 1 one on
Recycling has been inactive
Task force membei Inez Fri
dlev. assistant director ot student
services, said the members of the
University rask Force on Recy
ding had not met since Da is left
his position, and she said that she
is unaware ol any efforts being
made to find a new task force
The task force was formed by
Eakin n 1989 In a memo released
inOctober, Eakinsaid: "Oneol the
most serious rises facing cur na-
tion today is the disposal ol solid
wash material Each of us in our
throwawa society' discards an
average of I pounds of trash
per year, which results in .i -tag-
gerinp burden for local sanitary
landfills. We are literally choking
our land with our garbage.
"The problem is serious in our
own community. East Carolina
University alonccontnbutes
See Recycling, page 3
Project collects
information on
migrant culture
1 he Greek letters on the Sigma Tau Gamma house will soon be changing to Zeta feu Alpha (Photo
bv J P Whitmire ? ECU Photo I ab)
Zctas sign contract to
purchase Sig Tau house
By Shelley Thompson
SUM Writer
The national chapter ot the e.a Tau Alpha
sorority recently signed a contract to buy the house
currently occupied by the Sigma lau Gamma tr.i
rhe buyout has been a sensitive subject with
both the Sig lau S and the 1 A s. Wo don't want
them to teel like we re taking over their house
said lem 1 iedrick, president ot the 1 A s, "but the
owner wanted to sell Someone vvas eventually
going to buy the house anyway, so when our na-
tionals saw the opportunity, they jumped at it
odd Schmidt, president of Sigma Tau Gamma,
said, it s going to be hard tor us to leave We have
a love affair with this house
The house, according to Schmidt, has no heat
or air conditioning, and at the moment only one
shower Nevertheless, it is their home and they
love it s hmidt also said that it would be tough to
find another house in Greenville. People are strut
about renting or leasing homes to fraternities and
According to Schmidt, the Sig lau's had a
verbal agreeim nt with their landlord The agreement
stated that it Lhe fraternity would keep the house in top
condition and continue to oo repairs an refurbish
ments, a it has in the past, then they would receive the
first opportunity to buy the house The ov ner ot the
house would not comment on the agreement
1 lednck said that all ot the 'TVs are very excited
about their new home We have been struggling for
four years to get a house When this opportunity came
along we would have been crazy to pass it up "
c )ne Sigma lau c ,amma brother said. "We were the
last to know. It w asn t tair that v e had to hear about it
from other people before wc got the official tall '
Schmidt called the loss of the house a slap in the
face and a setback Hut he also that the ordeal is
already bringing the brothers i lose' together.
According to Schmidt " i one in the hpuse could
sleopon tho night that the fraternity found out that their
house had been sold We stayed up talking all night
and now we all have a more posith o outlook on what
going on
Although there is some tension in the air. both the
ZTA's and the Sig Tau's aie trying to keep the lines i
communication open lem 1 lednck said, TheSig Tau :
See Zeta, page 3
By Kimberly Brothers
Staff Writer
An IC'U anthropologist is
conducting a studv on migrant
workers from Florida and Puerto
Rico lor the is Department of
The resi irch is part ot a na-
tional study of migi mt labor, and
is being coordinated ' the Hast
Coast by Dr. Iavid Griffith, an
associate scientist with the FCU
Institute for ' !oa -i il an l Marine
?un i s, .n,o inalifomia and
rexas by Micro Methods, a Cali-
fornia consulting firm. A $412,000
grant from the Department ol
i abor is supporting the work
I he goal of the protect is to
collect information on the litest vies
and culture of the migrants 'We
are trying to get a much more
detailed picture ot farm labor in
the United States than has boon
done in the List Id years said
This is one ot the first times
the Department of labor has
funded a nethnogra phi. or anthro-
pological study Griffith added.
Past studies looked primarily at
the economk factors ot migrant
Griffith is interested in the
ethnic and laboi backgrounds of
the migrant lab r force, and is
Studying Hispanic migrants in
Lnunokalee, 1 la and Mayaguez,
Puerto Rico.
These migrants live in the
towns during the winter, and
migrate north in the summer to
help with crop harvests m south-
ern and mid Atlantic states The
Del Marva Peninsula, the area that
includes the eastern parts (if Pela-
ware, Maryland and Virginia will
bo the study's main concentration.
C.nffith describes Immokalee,
Ha as a community in the Ever
glades that resembles a frontier
town. It has a mostly Mexican
male population, drug abuse and
prostitution arecommonsightson
ltsstreetsandthonumborof people
with the AIDS virus is far above
In Mavaguez, the residents
migrate to the U.S. and work in a
number ot states, including New
lersev, where EC! ? isalsnconduct-
ing research.
In the studvrittith is look
ing at the two towns, which he
calls "sending" communities, and
at the areas ot the 1 IS. that are
'receivingcommunities, or where
the migrants work.
Researchers in the "sonding '
towns are collecting ethnographic
and statistical data that focuses on
the working and housing condi
tions and the migrants' interac-
tions with supervisors.
The "receiving" communities
are being studied also to learn
about housing conditions, wages
and supervision of the workers, as
well as to examine the differences
in corporate and independent
farmers. The stud v will also deter
mine why some growers have
labor shortages and others have
Griffith stated that the Depart-
ment of Labor will use the studv
for a report to Congress on the
impactof immigration reform laws
passed in 198h to restrict the use of
illegal aliens in agriculture.
The l.abor Department antici-
pated that the 1986 Immigration
Reform and Control Act would
See Migrant, page 2
ECU'S Faculty Senate reviews sexual harassment policy
By Jay Haverty
Stalf Writer
The Faculty Senate ft East
Carolina University held its fifth
regular meeting for the l"sv'
academic year i'n Iuesda)
university's sexual harassmi I
policy was the mam topi ol dis
CUSSion and ro lew .
Dr. Paul rschetter presented
the revised sexual harassment
pohev to the Senate members, rhe
Faculty Senate is fated with the
responsibility of reviewing and
discussing the proposed policy and
advising Chancellor Eakin during
the decision making process.
The new policy basically de
fines sexual harassment as un
welcome sexual advances, re-
quests tor sexual favors, and Other
verbal or physical conduct ot a
sexual nature when such conduct
is made as a term ot a person's
? t, n u ademn suc ess
. t i -i man. e. or. is usi'd as a
basis for a ademic or employment
decisions about the individual's
work or a. ademic performance;
or has the purpose or effect of
i rearing an intimidating, hostile,
or offensive working or learning
. in ironment
I he policy outlines a tew,
general examples of sexual har
assment as "any type ot unwel-
come physical contact of a sexual
nature; demands for sexual favors
in return for job security or pro-
motion, a high grade, or a favor-
able reference; or. a pattern ot
sexually oriented kidding or abu-
sive remarks
V.ording to the polky, the
v hancelloi will appoint a stand
ing Sexual 1 larassment Grievance
board to hear, complaints brought
againstanyone attending, or work-
ing for the university.
The proposed Sexual Harass-
ment c irievance Board's composi-
tion will include two faculty
members, two staff members, one
administrator and two students.
The Equal Opportunity officer of
the school, Dr. Mary Ann Rose,
would serve in an advisorial ca-
pacity it the board is given life.
The Senate was thrown into a
see saw discussion concerning
unsigned and anonymous com
plaints ot sexual harassment. A
policy I needed to determine the
late ot mi. i complaints, i lie ben
ate was split and arguments were
heard in favor oi destroying and
tiling the unsigned letters
rhe proposed policy docs not
allow for any action to be taken bv
the board it a complainant, tor
various reasons, ictuses to iden-
tify himself or herself.
Presently the policy states that
a student must file charges o! sex-
ual harassment within two years
ot the act Alter that time no action
will betaken A motion was made
to lengthen the time to tour ears,
the length of a student's college
The proposed changes of the
policy are being reviewed before
addressing the Chancellor with the
benate s recommenoanons.
Pr. Marlenc Springer, vice
chancellor tor Academic Affairs,
presented c haiuellor Eakin's re-
port on the budget ot the third
quarter of the year. Hie vice chan-
cellor informed the Senate that the
North Carolina State legislature
.md budget office had projected a
12 percent increase in this year's
revenue, vet the actual increase
was onlv 9 percent.
The decrease in revenue for
the state has filtered its way into
the educational system and has
caused severe cutbacks at some
universities. The drop in projected
revenue has led to faculty layoffs
and classcancellationsatN.C. State
icc strurd quarter allotment
has been reduced bv approxi-
mately $3 million. 1 Iowever, ECC
has not been forced todismiss staff
or faculty.
In order to tighten the Pirate
bolt, ECU has engaged in a "man-
aged hiring freeze according to
Springer. A utility conservation
See Faculty, page 2
Pro-choicers celebrate Roe v. Wade anniversary
By Kimberly Brothers
Staff writer
legalized abortion as an option,
unwanted childronand the women
of today who have to make the
As darkness fell m7nmh7uV choice ot abortion.
Pitt County courthouse on Mon According to I racy Sykes, a
dav an 22, Greenville pro-choice NOW organizer, Jan. 22 is the day
supporters gathered for a vigil to toromemherthew'omenandg.rls
celebrate the 17th anniversary of whodied having illegal abortions.
fhe goal of the vigil was to
Roe v Wade, the 1973 Supreme
Court decision that legalized abor
I he.recnville chapter ot the
National Organization for Women
sponsored the vigil
After.nterv.ewswiththenews creased Importance for the pro
media NOW members and pro choice movement because women
Choke supporters huddled ill a are m danger of losing their repro-
crcle and read excerpts from a dm live rights that were gained ,n
remind the public that abortion
rights is a crucial issue, said Kit
Kimberly, a spokeswoman tor
She added. The re is an in
pamphlet that stated different
churches support for pro-choice.
Afterward, the supporters
prayed for women's roprodiu tive
freedom, the women before the
! 1973 decision who did not have
P7 with Roe V
Although only 30 people at-
tended the vigil, it was successful
because "part of the reason (for the
vigil) is to have the issue brought
See Pro-choice, page 3
ECU supports environ-
ment, or does it?
Personals, For Sale,
Help Wanted, For Rent
and Services Offered
State and Nation 8
conflict grows tense
Ensemble cast blooms in
"Steel Magnolias"
The new adventures of
"Agent G"
Sarah Gray learns the
ins-and-outs of basketball!
Celebraters ot the Hoe v Wade decision hold a banner in support of pro-choice. (Photo by
Pridgen ? ECU Photo Lab)

2 The East Carolinian januan 2F 1990
National Campus Clips
Navajo grad student writes collection
of poetry in Native American language
PRINCETON, N The Princeton University Collections ot
Western Americana has published the first or what curator Alfred Bush
hopes will be a series of writings in Native American languages
A slim volume with a misty grev cover photo of Monument Valley,
the book is entitled "Ahi NT Nikisheegiizh" "the settling ot tog" m
Navajo. Its contents, modem poems written by University ot Arizona
graduate student Rex Lee Inn, are entirely in NavajO.
lim, a Princeton graduate now working toward a Ph.D. in compu-
tational linguistics, savs he wrote the kok not for ethnographers, but
for his own people.
"1 want it to be a door-opener tor readers of Navajo says lim. I
hope people will read it, and when they find a word they don't know,
they will go to their parents and ask what it means; their parents will tell
them, and so the tradition and the language will be kept alive
Professor to speak at Smithsonian
W.WIINC nON D.C. Mary Frances Berry knows what it means
to tight through hard times and win. She grew up poor, female and black
in Nashville, lenn.
Today, she is a university protessor and prominent figure in the
tight tor civil rights.
An historian and member ot the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,
she will speak at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C, as
part of its black 1 hstorv Month celebration, berrc said that she plans to
talk about the important role ot public institutions in helping the civil
rights movement.
She will also pay tribute to Carter G. Woodson, historian and
founder ot the Association tor the Studv ot At TO- American lite md
History. Woodson was thedriving force behind the organization oi the
first Negro liston Week in 1926.
Bern , m ho is the (Icraldine R. Segal Professor ol American So i i1
Thought at the University ot Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, said civil
rights isan important part of the legal history she tcaches,and shewants
to "disseminate information about the people to the people
ASU seeks minority graduate students
What is graduate school like' Ten minority college students can
find the answer at a six week summer program .it Appalachian State
The June 4 -July 13 program, funded bya$22.570U.S. Department
of Education grant, pairs students with tor a one on-one work with
Appalachian faculty members and and graduate student mentors.
They will develop research and computer skills and gain the confidence
necessary to succeed in graduate school. The program is open to
students in biologv, chemistry, exercise science, geography and plan
ning. math and phvsics and astronomy and technology.
Students who participate will be in a much better position to enter
any graduate school said Pr. Joyce Lawrence, Dean ot Appalachian s
Cratis Williams Graduate School. She described the environment ol the
program as "challenging but non-competitive
Each participant will receive a SI,(XX) stipend, tuition and fees tor
six credit hours, room and board, round-trip transportation, books and
supplies and computer user tees, lobe selected, a student must be a U.S.
citizen or permanent resident, a member of a minority group that is
under-represented in graduate education, have a 2.7 or greater grade
point average or show great promise and provide a written statrement
of interest in the discipline.
Applicants must submit letters of recommendation from two pro-
fessors, acme-page letter stating interest in the discipline motivation tor
further studv and relevant experiences and academic performance.
Send SAT scores and undergraduate grade point averages to Graduate
Studies and Research, bast I lall, Appalachian State University, Boone,
N.C. 28608. The Application deadline is March 1.
Continued from page 1
cause a severe labor shortage,
Griffith added.
He said that because agricul-
ture is dependent on illegal aliens,
the shortages never occurred. llle-
gal migrants found ways to dodge
regulations, such as using false
documentation and farm labor
contractors, which assemble the
migrant working crews.
The study will also have im-
plication on the government's H2
program, which gives temporary-
work permits to foreigners, he
"The use of H2s is based on
the assumption of a shortage ot
workers said Griffith. "We will
define what is a shortage, how it
comes about and what circum-
stances make it necessary to issue
offshore visas
North Carolina may be af-
fected be the implication because
area growers are applying tor H2
visas for agriculture and seat od
processing. The growers are de-
pendent on Mexican migrant
vegetable harvests, and soon for
tobacco harvests
North Carolina is part of a
migrant triangle in which
tes, or men that assemble crew n
workers tor the growers, bring
migrants from Mexico to Ariz
then to North Carolina an
nallv, to Florida.
The study is expected t ?
elude in September, and will
the government some now :
about the behavior and i ultui
migrant workers.
to show people that anthr. ip
cal research has something l
contribute to polk yinformat
concluded Griffith.
Ron Kimble, Greenville's new city manager, speaks at Mayor Nancy
Jenkins inaguration. prior to his appointment. (Photo by J D. Whit-
mire ?FCU Photo Lab)
City Council decides
on new city mr nager
1 Samantha rhompson
Stail Writer
; ? i the
n ,1 ? ?
council ret
cit '
i ireenvillc v ity
c v otetooust
Manager (.n g
d o ember the
dei ided on a new
lanup ? backing
i mbers, Ron
it manager sine
i took offi e Ian.
pre iously the as-
les tora year and a
asfinaiv edircctor
his assis-
To Your Health
First Aid saves lives
What is First Aid? First Aid is immediate can
tor an injur) or illness. During an emergency
minutes, even seconds can mean the difference
between lite and death. First Aid fills a "time gap i
until medical help arrives Knowing and admini?:
storing First Aid can save a life, relieve pain and;
prevent injuries
Emergency situations are unpredictable and'
can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone.
Accidents are the leading cause of death among
thosc aged one to 44. The time factor in many
accidents and sudden illnesses is critical. People
who know First Aid are better able to react calmlyi
and skillfully in emergency situations
Every emergency situation is unique. The First Aid that is admini-
stered will depend on the type and severity of the injury or illness,
where it occurs, how many victims, etc. But. the following rules hold!
true in any emergency situation.
Give urgent care first Urgent care means taking care ot any lifei
threatening situations. A good rule to follow is do not move the victim
ol tlv I
De 16 ???
8 Kimbli ?? i
sistant to Kno
1. . ndservi
for four . ? irs prior
During the)an 6all-day plan-
ning session ol the council, Coun-
cil memo r 1 om ohnson lr. made
the in, ition to hire Kimble and an
unanimous ote followed.
Kimble said he plans to work
with both ECU students and the
utv tor a better working relation-
ship in several aspects. Hallow-
een being one of them.
Asa former member of the '89
Halloween Committee, Kimble
said he assumes the committee
will be revived before next Hal-
loween in order to continue mak-
ing downtown sale tor the event.
' The committee had city repre-
sentatives and student represen-
tatives kimble said. "We want
to hearthe student's voiceon these
types ol issues, that's why we had
three student representatives on
the committee. We need the in-
volvement ol students.
"Several people have .y
preached me about alternative
solutions tor next year s 1 lallow-
een We're going to have to weigh
the pros and cons, then decide.
We want to de-emphasize Green-
ville as a place to go on I lallow
een. '
kimble is also .i member of
the new Town and down C oni-
mittee which will have its tirst
meeting Feb. 16. The committee is
comprised ol six university mem-
bers and six city members who
will discuss improving relations
between the university and the
Kimble said he is also pro-
moting the Mutual Aid Pact, which
was discussed among council
members in the December meet-
ing. The pact intends to pull the
university police and the citv po-
lice together when assistance is
"It's the 'you help us, we help
you' policy kimble said. Yet,
kimble also said there may be
See City Manager, page 3
?fce ?ast Carolinian
'Director of Advertising
James F.J. McKee
advertising 'J(epresen ta t ives
Phillip V. Cope Gay ?'? Harvej
Kelley O'Connor
Patrick Williams
Shay Sitiinger
Adam I. Biankenship
per column inch
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Open Rate$4.95
Local Open Rate$4.75
Bulk & Frequency Contract
Discounts Available
(Business Odours:
Monday - Fridav
10:00 - 5:00 pm
Bv Suzanne
continued tiom page 1
program is also on the planning
table 1 his will invoiv eclecreasing
the amount ol energy used m lac
Harris Teeter
Instant- Replay
ulty and stafl offices for heating
unless it is absolutely necessary. The victim may have a spinal cord, arKj cooling purposes, students
injury and it is best not to move unless the victim will be further. can )ua,p an0Viate the crunch bv
endangered bv the surroundings.
simply turning ott lights and ste
Alter you have determined that you are not in a dangerous situ roos when possible
k 5 percent "across the board"
' cut has been made tor operations
i and supplies in preparation tor
I the fourth quarter.
i In addition th the budget
l report, Dr. Springer displayed the
: January 19-21 issue ot USA Today.
That issue contains an article that
- check victims consciousness
?check breathing and heartbeat
?restore and maintain breathing and heartbeat it necessary
?control heavy bleeding
?treat for poisoning
?treat for shock
?examine the person carefully for other signs of injury
II you are the only person at the scene of an emergency, get hetpj jstecj Rebecca Denson, a 1989
only after giving urgent care. If someone else is on the scene, have that! graduateot ECU, asoneof the top
person call 911 or another emergency number immediately. scholars in the country
It is important to know vour limits as a first aider. Your job is to Denson has recently devel-
maintain the victim's condition until professional help arrives. Do only
what vou are qualified to do.
Learning First Aid and emergency procedures can help save lives.
For more information on classes offered in the community , call your
local American Red Cross office at 72-4222.
"To Your Health" is a weekly health education and information
column Please direct any question, comments or suggestions to 757-
Oped a vat cine for pneumococeal
virus, a form of pneumonia.
The Senate also elected a new
Senator for next year's term to
replace Emily Boyce, a professor
of Library and Information Stud
les Pr (.eorge Batty, an associate
professor will take Boyce's seat
andDr kt n Wilson was re -elected
for another t rm
Bogls 752-4668
Carolina Pregnancy Center757-0003
Cliffs Seafood752-3172
ECU Traffic757-629-6
International Student Exchange757-6-41S
New D?li758-0080
On Campus1-800-932-0528
Optical Palace756-4204
Rack Room355-2519
Research Information1-800351-0222
Student Union757-4715
Summefleld Apartments355-6187
Swiss Colony?756-5650
T. Ventures??830-4043
Triaoale Women's Health?l-800-433-2?30
University Amoco758-W76
Wachovia Bonk757-7311

The Fast Carolinian, January 25,1990 3
Continued from page 1
111KX) pounds of trash a day to the
PiM Count) landfill.
Fortunately, the solid waste
crisis is a manageable problem,
and each ol us can do something
toward its solution. We can help
recycle discarded materials. The
count) engineers tell us that 70
p n enf ol the trash collected from
our campus is recyclable. Recy
makes sense
Eakin's office will only refer
ins about the I nivorsitv
? rce on Recycling to George
lr Vrmistead hazardous waste
manager for the department ol
0( v upational health and safety.
mustead said hewasrecom-
is Davis rcpla? ement on
k I rc? and he said that he
? ved the tiles for the task
ul Armistead has vet to be
named the official i hairman
said thatasa task force
. ? sfu had not been m
nedol rmistead'sassociation
with the recycling program.
u ? lead said that although
. i ed hischarge as
haii man. he is ready to
r the program
: :? plans called tor a
. r.ini to be im
? I i m
i the ' lome
din ;s with a simi
mil ?lemented in
u Students for a
Cleaner 1'arth, a student environ-
mental organization.
Armistead said that the pilot
protect tor the administrative
buildings is currently working as
a 'grassrootsproject" with the fac-
ulty recycling on their own.
At a meeting ol Students tor a
C leaner Earth Monday, one of the
group's co-founders, Annette
i alchrist, said that the Students'
part ot the program had not been
implemented because they had not
had sufficient time to get the recy-
cling containers ready, butshe said
the students plan to be recycling in
ar is 1 lall next week.
Ben Kearns. also a co-founder
of Students tor a Cleaner Harth,
said he was concerned that the
university had refused an otter bv
Pitt County to install a recycling
center on campus.
Both lYidlev and Armistead
confirmed that ECU rejected a plan
to install recycling containers on
campus because the containers are
"homely and officials leel that
the containers would detract from
the current campus beautitication
One faculty member, who
wished to remain unnamed, said
that the decision to rejei t the recy-
cling center wasa contradiction to
the recycling program.
troiii p.hic
tin t norm proo-
? ape, kimblesaid
iw areness and
? ning the recent
n i reenville. "The
n luldbeshocked
iv Kimblesaid
pro-active look
ntion especially
the new city
?, mts to update
Donna Bond assembles a design class project made ot string Her
sculpture is entitled Dew on a Spiderweb (Photo by J D Whitmire
I CU Photo Lab)
SfClAttY ?
f the 1 horough-
?It.O Jf-fUift,
. i, r fllWnV"
a e east to west
reate a southwest
und (. .reenville.
ling to Cit) Attorney
irto Knowles' with
t Knowles' tir
? '$67,200 a vear
" - world I n 1 P 990Vteoson
" K.NOSTOO??J end
01 K,W:( oos??- ?!e ?: . , novel ?v
? -i page l
i , tten as pos-
? went were
inha .in
ident partk i-
? ition to lend
rtn cause
?mpOl " " .Jim 0cVlT'ona " I l,w- Wll' ??
.ertoinfT,e iuiOH, K j n Have' 'ec
ReitolHall s 1 2 P ?
rJlkM Wf9,t
? othi
? iduatestu
mn rice and Wendy
: It shorrifyingthal
me SO about
ntl 1 (heir bodies
? . from 1973
Ided it isnot so much
irtion as it is an
' fre none and tree
an uppose to be( od
in i nville vigil was only
? i ? ri 5 of demonstrations
- plac throughoul the
irV th anniversary of
iroups on both sides
ii ? i ed their position.
( ontinued (nun page 1
the situation well and
Hern in presidentol the
fraternity, said
nt i think the mo e is
ic 1 lesaid that it is a bad
rls, because of the neigh
that it is near 1 le also
1 ? thinks the ZT Vs are
IU h tor the house
(rth it He -niid
We have moved from
University Exxon on
1101 East 5th St. to
University Amoco on
101 East 10th St.
( Across from Famous Pizza)
? All Complete Muffler Shop
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Armistead said the deci-
sion to forego the recycling con-
tainers at this time was "a matter
ol convenience, a matter of
attitude a matter ot education
and eventually getting a recycling
center on campus will take an
attitude adjustment, (but) we will
get the (recycling) box For now,
recycling at ECU will require ev-
eryone to individually "get down
on hands and knees and do it
Armistead added.
Armistead said he did not
know when he would be named
the official chairman tor the Uni-
versity Task Force on Recycling.
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2Hie iEaat Carolinian
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The East Carolinian ha; ken serving the East Carolina campus ammunits since 1925, with primary emphasis on in-
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Page 4, Thursday January 25, 1990
Where's that recycling program?
I ike our national president, our university
icnancellor has stated .111 interest in the environ-
ment, and also like our president, he lias taken
very little action to improve environmental
Chancellor Eakin, m .1 memo written m
October of 1989, expressed his concern about
the need for on efficient recycling program here
ot ECU Eakin presented some Interesting sta-
tistics in his memo I le said every alumi-
num cm is equal to hall a can ot gasoline, and
throwing a way one newspaper is like burning a
light bulb tor 2 hours Our chancellor encour-
aged all students and faculty to "join Hast Caro-
lina University's recycling program now " At
that time, the ECU Recycling Task Force ?
composed ot students and faculty ? had USl
been established.
Then in January, the Chancellor's Forum
focused on the environmental, and there the
chancellor boasted of the task force.
but in reality, since it was formed, that task
force lias done nothing but talk about commit
tees and sub-committees and sub-sub-commit-
tees In December, its chairman resigned, and
one ECU official said she does not think that
action has been taken to replace him
Recently, Pitt County ottered to give the
university enough containers (tor paper and
aluminum cans) in order to set up a recycling
center Hut according to task force members,
that idea wouldn't fit m with the chancellor's
"beautification program Tsk, tsk, those Ugly
At this point, no one on campus seems to
know who should claim the responsibility tor
our local environment The Students tor a
Cleaner Earth have planned to sponsor Earth
Day 1990 in the spring and the group-) has sent
representatives to several hearings across the
state for the Mobil Oil drilling
But from an administrative standpoint,
where's that environmentally aware univer-
sity? As one administrator said, tor now, you'll
just have to get down and Ao it yourself,
War is a reaction to fear
I avoid seeing movies about
war. l don't want to watch people
shoot ea h other, or sir them die
in agony as p.irts of their bodies
are slashed in combat.
There is no glorv in war.
Hut it sou believe in the
triumph ot lose, and want to see
how people (.an overcome the
misery of battle by shining in their
humanity, see the movie
I his is the storv of the rv4th
Regimen! of Massachusetts Vol-
unteer Infantry, the first black
fighting unit raised in the North in
the C ml War, and their voting
white commanding officer, Col
Robert Gould Shaw. It is a story of
camaraderie between black and
white men who challenged racism
in the midst of war.
At its heart, it is a love storv
Wars do not tist happen They
are created for reasons that go
beyond political lines of differ-
ence WarsOCCUr when those who
are in fear choose to risk destroy-
ing their world rather than ac-
knowledging their own terror.
And what are they afraid of?
They're scared that thev won't
have enough enough land,
enough money, enough respect,
enough whatever. So they label it
11 ause and go to war.
Today, in the Soviet Union,
Aerbaijanis and Armenians are
fighting a civil war. The Moslem
Aerbaijanis s?-e the region as their
traditional homeland, and the
Christian Armenians see the
struggle as a svav to retain their
Why can't thev co-exist in
peace? Thev could, if thev stopped
insisting that one side has to win
and another has to lose It's time
we acknowledged that we live in
one world, and we are linked as
human beings. If one person loses,
we all lose something.
The futility of battle is graphi-
cally obvious in "Glory" as we
soldiers march in lock step,
simultaneously line up several feet
apart, and shoot point blank at
every bodv thev can hit before the
bullets run out.
Approximately 700,000
Americans died during the four
years of the Civil War During the
16 years of the Vietnam War. ap-
proximately 58,000 Americans
died. Death is much more personal
bv bayonet than by hand grenade.
But no less fatal.
In our own lives, we daily face
conflicts that put us in opposition
others When that happens, we
havetheopportunity toerect walls,
or build bridges
Whether the situation is a po-
litical hassle at the office, or an
argument svith a friend, the way
we look at the other's position is
really a reflection of how we view
last week, a misunderstand-
ing arose with someone involved
Bush's environmentalism
By Nathaniel Mead
ditonal Columnist
Most of us probably retail
Reagan's outlandish statements
about the environment during his
eight years in the White House.
Perhaps the most absurd was his
charge that SO percent of the
nation's air pollution problems
were causedby chemicals released
from trees. Equally absurd was
his promise to invite the steel and
oil industries to rewrite the EPA
regulations. F lore, i learlv, was an
anti environmentalist
In 1985, Anne M. Gorsuch,
Reagan's first EPA administrator,
said, "The administration has no
commitment to the environment,
anti no environmental polk v She
couldn't have said it better light
yea rsof environmental pillage and
obfuscation characterized the
Reagan era hut it one of the Re-
agan administration's dirty lega-
cies svas a toxin -laden environ-
ment, the Bush administration's
handling of the situation could
prove even dirtier.
Reagan's total lack of ecologi-
cal sense can be traced b.u k to the
belief he shared with President
Calvin Coohdge that "the busi-
ness of government is business
The government's role, deemed
Reagan, was to enable ? onomies
to flourish. By minimizing intru
shns bv the federal government,
the free market c ould better pros
per and the standard of living
would improve. Environmental
laws were considered harriers to
industrial growth, thev were to be
minimized and softened, not
promulgated and strictly enfon ed
Reagan's peculiar brand of
environmentalism was entirely
consistent with his "laissez faire"
ideology. Environmental prob-
lems themselves would be re-
solved through "the dynamism ol
unregulated markets as Re
aganomics demagogue Milton
Friedman called it)tm c the free
market was flourishing, any at-
tempt at stewardship would he
superfluous. Finally, the states
were deemed better suited than
the federal government to man
age the nation's natural resources
and preserve environmental qual-
These concepts account tor
Reagan'sea ii n and
persistent efforts to shrivel the
functions of most nonmilitary
agencies They account tor Anne
Gorsuch'sassumption that EPA s
main mission was not to protect
in a volunteer project I work with.
The person, who felt excluded
from the project, blamed me and
said some very hurtful things.
I was stunned at the verbal
attack, and svent to someone who
has taught me much for advice.
As 1 sat, crying in her office, she
said, "If we talk in physical terms,
someone just took a punch at sou.
But the punch doesn't have to
land. And you don't have to
punch back
I ler words reminded me that
it was I who was taking on some-
one else's hurt. And you can't
resolve conflicts if you're stuck in
the muck yourself. So I chose not
to take the attack personally, but
to See it as a moment of fear in
another's mind that would only
disappear if I did not reinforce it.
1 made a conciliatory gesture,
and haven't received a response
yet. But whatever happens, what's
important to me is not acting out
of fear. For in all things, we either
want the problem, or we want the
solution. And solutions come
when we see others with love.
I recently kidded a new
member of our staff about some-
thing and slid, "But that sal! right.
We love you anyway
He said, "How can you love
me? You don't even know me
Somehow, we must get away
from the idea that love is condi-
tional. We don't have to do any-
thing, or be anyone other than
Sec "Glory page 5
the environment, but to cushion
the impact of "unreasonable ' laws
on the industries it svas her duty to
regulate Thev also account for
Interior Secretary James Watt's
pica dor i sh pronouncements
against environmentalists, his
dissolution of the I and and Con-
servation Fund and his flouting of laws as he
carried out plans to increase drill-
ing, mining, and logging on pub-
lic lands
In addition, the Reagan idei ?1
ogy forsook years of progress in
energy conservation made during
the Carter era, when the Ameri-
can people and industries had
been encouraged to make key
lecisions about energy conserva
lion?decisions geared specifi-
cally toward long-term economic
Stability and resource steward-
ship. When Reagan abolished the
solar energy program in 1981, he
put the U.S. far behind that of
USSR and Japan in the area of
solar technology and ii reased the
likelihood of severe climate
changes projected to occur as a
consequence of the greenhouse
Another ominous part of the
Reagan legacy, closely linked to
our ecological woes, is cur gar
gantuan debt crisis, whk h make it
increasingly difficult for the go
ernment to finance bousing day
i are.ediu ation,businessand, i
environmental program- I hat
the national deficit has already
compromised ens ironmcntal
quality is almost too plain to see
Boston Harbor, for example, re
mains polluted because the fed-
eral grant money under the Clean
Water Act had been virtually nil
since 1981 (In that scar, EPA's
budget for water pollution con-
trol svas cut by 43 percent, and
funds were halved for water treat-
ment plants.)
Reagan's efforts to present
business from being "regulated to
death" have clearly backfired, f r
the government now spends more
money on environmental clean-
up than ever before. After eight
sears of squandering its meaj
funds to treat symptoms of envi
ronmcntal abuse, the EPA isover
whelmed with demands to clean
up polluted wetlands and toxic
waste sites that are seeping into
aquifers and groundwater and
threatening large sectors ot the
population For environmental-
ists, the "dynamism of unregu-
lated markets has prosed itself a
mere pipedream or perhaps.
more appropriately, a nightman
How svill ieorge Bush, a for
mer Texas oilman, c hoose to deal
svith our environmental crises?
I ike his predecessor, Bush's envi-
ronmental record suggests a
strong hias toward produi ?
rather than conservation, indus-
trial "progress" rattier than envi
ronmental quality. Indeed, there
is little m Bush's record which
suggests he has the faintest und -
standing of ecology , let atom
rather oblique term,environmei
()ne of Bush's earliest d?
sums as chairperson of Reagai
Task lone on Regulatory Relief
(TFRF) was his dec ison to sus-
pend EPA standards tor hazard
mis waste fa llitK-s In 1981
lobbied 1 irously tor a ?
lenient p? stk idcapproval system
The consequence hterallv bun
dreds ol ben its in tod i
food supply remain untesh i I I -
health risks
But that's ust the tip i I ??
iceberg Bush also lobbied to 1
the EPA'S phase out I
gasoline, to aid General Mi I ?
itssiucessful effort to kill a n
urcdesigned to limit air p
and to repeal government
dards on noise pollution ii
wiirkplav e Of ? our
slightlv - ft ? ed Ins positi i
the first i of these but the) I
that he made those d
shows His true anti-env i i i
tali t) i olors ? ?'?? k
him I ??? ? cvei
on thetragit i ? on-V aide. :
in Alaska, thi I irgi I
In a statement pr pai : ?
his staff tor 1 Hs i r s
pre election interview ii ?
of 1988 an interview i which
the vice pr ident haractei I
cally d lim I I : irticij H
Bush i iffered some nobl ?
ing rhetori. on the issue I tl
(ireenhouse Effect "We are i
passengers on a h i! that we
damaged not with the It
ol war, but with the slow ne.
i it a vessel we thought ssas im;x;
ui il las!
analysis, we all have a stake ii
maintaining the ecological I
of the planet International
n mmental c i -operation will b
ol my foreign poli y : ri rities
I he "answer it sou i an
it that, was most revealing. On
one hand, it suggests that Bush ?
un will ing to otter concrete, a, -
sive solutions to what hasemi i
See Hush, page 7
Players lack good sportsmanship
To the editor
I have been a member of the
ECU community for some ten
years now and has defended the
Pirates on many occasions to
devoted I leels, Packs and others
who have insisted that our foot-
ball team have a lot to be desired,
on the field and in the classroom.
Yesterday, I attended an intra-
mural pro-season basketball tour-
nament in its final round of play.
Several members of the Fast Caro-
lina football team were playing in
the tournament. 1 understand the
competitive nature of the game of
basketball and that these players
have a burning desire to win. But,
at what cost?
During a semi-final contest,
members of the ECU IRS staff and
student employees were physi-
cally threatened by these players.
IRS staff members are attempting
to administer a recreational pro
gram that skilled as svell as not so
skilled EastCarolhuanscanenjoy.
Student officials, who granted are
not NCAA sanctioned officials, are
learning to call a basketball game
and earn a little extra money in the
process. Should they be afraid to
go out the next day1 Let me para
phrase the words from one of these
so-called PROUDPirates. "You're
in my class, 1 know svhere you
live, and I'll bo there to got you
tomorrow This is only one of
many comments from the Pirate
Peanut Gallery! PROUD 1 am not!
1 very rarely come in contact with
ECU football players except
through Pirate football games and
on occasion playing recreational
sports with the IRS Department.
And although I know those few
renegades are bv no means repre-
sentative of the entire team, I feel
that these players should realize
that it is a privilege to bo a part of
a Pirate intercollegiate team and it
is their responsibility to attempt
to set an example the faculty, staff
and students svould bo proud of.
Come on guvs, it's got to bo
harder to play thegameof football
than simply act like a civil human
being in public! The skills learned
in the game of football are helping
you to bo Proud Pirates now, but
human skills such as civility, re-
spect and decency are lessons that
will stay with you far after your
football teamdays. Why aren't you
learning them?
(1 hope thev don't know where
I live)
ECU staff member

The East Carolinian, January 25,1990 5
They fought,
although they were suppressed
1 ho nou spapers des i ibed
Shieldsinvii 'asabout K),impu
dent , man vt boldh careless
bearing who would hold a gun to
a captive's head .inl gruffly or
dor, "shut up!
An escaped sia o from i har
leston, S C . iircen made his way
to Rochester N. just before the
Civil War
"The Emperor, as he was
known, was one ot a handlul ot
black Amoru ans u join abolition-
ist ohn Brown in I s i? during
Brown's dramatic but unsuccess
tnl raid on the federal arsenal at
I larper's Ferrj a
Green risked capture and a
return to sla en to help free more
than ltXi slavt - on nearby planta-
For their roles, Brow n and
Green were hanged, rheir raid
helped spark the Civil War.
A looa! historian calls I Ireen
my town's tirst black mart) r" I
had ne or heard ot him
That snot surprising Neither
have most people heard ot the
accomplishmentsportra ?d in tin-
now mo io.i.t the ston ot a
valiant black Civil regiment
from Massachusetts. ?w ? our
l haruo to i ah h up
At last a 1 lollywood film ret
ognizes that blacks ol the period
were tar from the passiveonlook
ersot (loneWith rheWind who
hko Butterfl) McQueen s Prissy,
know nothin Knit hiithm' no
About 186,107 Alru an Annn
tans fought in the ivil W ar, and
J7300 ot them died fighting tor
tho I nion.
rhey demonstrated to Civil
War Ann .?.a that people ot Atn
can descent could match anyone
in valor even under oppressive
That shouldn't bo now s But it
Said director Edward Zwkrk,
a oroator of television's "thirty
something " lory (set in 1863)
isa remarkable story that redresses
a number of cultural and histori-
cal misconceptions.
1 did not know, tor example,
that black mon fought for their
own freedom I. like everyone else,
presumed it to be, m some pater
nahstic way, given to thom
What an indictment ot tho
SChOOlS wick, and millions of
other Americans,attended and
still attend.
But how understandable,
when so many see African Amen
cans as takers, not givers; know
more about Butterfly McQueen
than Shields Green.
T.are is the monument, tho
school or the public display dedi-
cated to the African American sol
ider. Yet many of them from your
own area served valiantly.
Some of them might have been
part ot the Massachusetts' 54th
Regiment. Its memberscame from
North and South
I ho great abolitionist Freder-
ick Douglass recruited tirelessly
tor the
regiment, believing that blacks
could use the war to prove they
deserved tull citizenship. In 1863,
w hen Douglass was a vigorous 45
(not 70, as he's portrayed In the
movie), only Massachusetts had
formed a black regiment primarily
of tree men.
Among the first to sign up were
Douglass' two sons, lewis and
i harles, both printers who helped
publish Douglass newspapers in
Lewis, the "4th s original ser-
geant major, was among those
whose bravery distinguished the
climactic lulv 18, 1863, attack on
Fort Wagner. S.C depicted in the
There were other heroes, and
their absence trom the film is its
maor shortcoming:
Sgt. William 1 l.Cameyol New
Bedford, Mass was awarded the
Medal Ol I lonor the nation s high-
est military award Under tierce
tire at Fort Wagner, he suffered
"two grievous wounds as he
struggled tii bring back the regi-
mental flag.
Sgt. Robert . Simmons, 2b, of
Bermuda, was wounded and cap-
tured at Fort Wagner. He died a
prisoner. His bearing impressed
even his captors wrote his col-
league, Capt. Luis F. Emilio, in his
lSs4 history of the regiment.
Pvt George Wilson, 32, of
1 ludson, A was also wounded.
Shot through both shoulders, he
refused to turn back until he had
his captain's permission
These three and Cpl Henry F.
Teal, 25, a shoemaker from Ober-
hn. Ohio, were cited on the spot for
bravery. Peal was fatally wounded
while carrying the colors during
the regiment's other key battle Feb.
20,1864,atOlustee, Fla.
Subsequent generations have
done precious little to pass the
word about what these men did
and why.
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Continued from page 4
ourselves, to be worthy of love
and acceptance. And we don't
have to know someone for a long
time before seeing them with eyes
of love.
In "Glory one of mv favorite
characters is the slave Tnp, played
by Denel Washington. Trip is a
man who is a racist because of the
racism governing his life. He is
eager to fight in the Civil War, to
kill whites, as much as to free
blacks. He is a loner whose pain
has set him apart from his own
race ?? until he finds the 54th
Regiment, which becomes his
As Trip learns that not all
whites are racist, and that there is
no shame in being born black, he
no longer sees the world through
eyes of hate.
For him, and for us all, the
glory of life is found in love.
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ond 5225
GOLFC11 ?'? i year aid sot of
raylor Made Irons l pw, newly
regripped in ex ellent i ondihon, S250
Negotiable all Ray at 757 3982 after
A TR1T (.1)1 l sr FOR CALLING:
Plus raise up to SI in only 10 days
Student groups trats ,md sororities
needed tor marketing project on campus
Foi details plus votti Free i .itt. Croup
officerscall 1 WW - M72 Exl
Is your fraternity Sorority or dub
interested in earning si.(KH)tor a one-
weed, on campus marketing project?
You must be well organized and hard
working I Jenny or Mvra at (BOO)
592 :
COPYING STRVIf I s vv. offer typing
and photocopying services We also sell
softwares ? computers 24 hours in and
out Guaranteed typing on paper up to
2(1 hand written pages PF Professional
Computer Services I06E th St (beside
( ubbie's) Greenville, NC 752-3604
l 11 PI wh not hire the be- r!
I ? ; ? ? ' '
wo : It ' USiy
. : ? ? ngin
Ian ? md beach
Mark Roberts
? p ?; Monday thru
Fndav and 0am to 6 pm Saturday
Appl. at the Youth Shop Boutique,
Arlingti n Villagi i reem He
MODI I S ' Hike Ion del,
Promoti M ? low fee
, nee Is n I n i of all
ages ,1m) p- ? fi - nvate
parties Call ?? ? ? . ? up an
intrrv iew
WORKERS: Flexible hours Apply in
person Carpet ni ?9
Dickinson av. ? V. No
; ? ne calls
Hll P WANTED P ???: hme position
available awswfrwg telephone c all
weekdays bvtwevn i pin & L.3i; pm.
I largest LiOrary of intormihon in U S -
3ii suhects
800 351 0222
? Research Intotmation
? kn ?? J0B7?
STUDENT? If so. The Pirate Club needs
vou Must enioy working with the
public and have a pleasant phone voice
I'hone 757-4540 for interview, ask for
(59,230yr. Now Hiring Call (1) 80S
687 oOOO Ext Rllho for current federal
SALES National Marketing Firm seeks
mature student to manage on campus
promotions for top companies this
sch(Xl year Flexible hours with
earnings potential to $2,500 per semester
Must be organized, hardworking, and
monev motivated Call Michele or Jennv
at (800) 592 2121
Attendants, Travel Agents, Mechanics,
Customer Service Listings Salaries to
S105K Entry level positions Call (1)
805 687-6000 Ext A 1166
income potential Details (1)602 838-
8885 Ext Bk 5285.
BRODY'S is accepting applications for
part-time sales associates for the spring
semester We want bright, enthusiastic
and energetic people who can gjve
friendly courtesy service Flexible
schedules available Apply Brady's The
Plaa Mondav Tucsda) If'ill 4 00
Part time sale associates EnthusiastH
individuals whociifoy fashion and have
,i flexible school schedule .hould appU
atBrody's The Plaza Monday Tuesday
Oam 100 pm
TANT position available to ireativ
hardworking individual experienced in
graphic arts and displav background
desirable Portfolio is required with
interview Apptv Brody's The Plaza
Mondav Tuesday 1O00 am 4 00 pm
HTTP WANTED: Fashion Merchan
diing Majors Want a great way to gain
valuable experience Hrodv sis
accepting applications for a clerical
assistant to Buying Staff Apply
Brodv's The Plaa Mondav and Tuesday
10 am - 4 pm
HTTP WAN TIP: Part time fIemarkt
mg representatives 5 9 30 pm Monday
through Thursday, and 9 1 pm Saturday
Must have a pleasant phone voice
Phone 75B-1112 lor an interview, ask for
WANTED: rasMon consultant Premier
Modular Car?x-r clothing company s?ks
qualified person to direct and market
Perfect for college girls, work vour own
hours to earn extra Bioney ave $f0hr
Call 757 1044 for more details after 5 00
p m
2KsN 1 uh Street
s? tj gtmnlow r- id t?tr? to change lea-act and
dauinuiiU fi? January rcntaii)
? Located Near ECU
? Near Major Shopping (enters
? K I Hun Seriee
? Onsite Laundr
( rim J T Wilhann T.?mrnv Williama
756-7X15 ?r 75X-7-U6
( 1 UN AMDQtVET one laRRaRI fuemahad n?-rjv
r H tim -?u wuStca .a?iai ma d-m cahar TV
R2B ? .? ?? "? month rar
M? ?? t WM HI NT I I Apannwrm and n?oe?le ootnra
Aak(-a?law nurHnul Valley rourar ? Tu??
( oraau I 1 Wdharm at Tcirwny WiXiam
3209 Summerplace
1 and 2 bedrooms
? located across from
Parker's Barbecue
on Memorial Drive
? available Feb.l
contact Aaron Spain
lingerie m otdsbofo needs tnoda
Fashion show on f'ebruarv g Pleatc
apply m pcraon before Tehmaruv at
Cobblestone Place, Span ? vei
Cotdsboro, N or call 77H hlTH
Ask for Fred or Todd
CHI OMEGA fXM President
foseph, Vice President Robyn I
Treasurer Madge Duttv '? ? retari
McCarv er. Pledge I ram. r fennifer K
Trsonel Tracey c-iska. Rush Kris A
Panhelhnu 1 aura Ward, 1 ewe The S
tersand PkdgesofChi O
Nt' Hang in ihn' it s almost rurw
Love, ' Sisters
TO Al L FRA TS hi fcnega wishes y
afi a very successruJ spring rush Lovi
listers and Pledges 'thi Or
Thank vou for the Awesnmesociai' ?? ?
aB.ast' Love the sisters of AlphaXil
RU k RPs I
()TI ? ?
end '?"? ?: r a
make it tl
.? ?
initiated mernba Ma
Vth Wielr V. I om - frhood
PIKA Hi ml ?fora gi il
rj i. :v,ght. Kings! m pla
panv M ? out of gl ??'???
only the semesters
together and do it agaii
giving aw.r. jp B month
female cat - FREE! Pli l
Al PHA PHI We in
throwing down with ?
from UNCW this weekend
blGLi'b.ji : at .v
tveV,v t" r'fi to
The Sigmas
1 uck this vj.t' V. ? ill behind
i it s s?v it we an win " eel in
again' Love. The "sjrnas
The Sigmas
MARTIN: Congratulations' V ?
happy for N-th of you! Love . i 1
AIL FRATTRM Ill's I luck v
rush this week The Sigi
great to see you again' We miss I
Love v.i. The Sigmas
LOST: Orange stripj
cat 1 ast s.
in Village(.r.s n A I
old Pleaw ??'??
will he a rW ?
s i! Wc h id a great
vou for all i . ;?????? lersl
mg It real means al. ? "?? ildn'td
without v.?u 1 ove, Al 'l'i pledges
The East Carolinian will be changing its
policy concerning announcements start
mg in January, announcements will now
be free for only the 1st week of publication,
after that week there will be a charge t
1st 2f words for student organizations
52 (X) and for non- student organizations
S3 00 any additional words will be S 03
The Section of Infectious Diseases ECL'
School of Medicine in coniunction with the
Student Health Center is conducting a
study on the sexual spread of herpes vi
ruses We are looking for men and women
18 years and older who have never had
genital herpes. If you are interested in
obtaining more information call lean
Askew, R N. at 531 237H
Interested in Martial Arts and Self f)e-
fense' The East Carolina Tae Kown Do
Club meets in Memorial on Tuesdays and
Thursdays 9 10 pm in the gvmnasti.s
room. Come by or call Rob B30 5183 tor
more information.
There will bean important EC 1 lOmeetmg
on Thursday, 23 January 1990, at .(M) m
1004C.CH Wewillbefinalizingdetailstor
our participation in ECU'sQuiZ Howl All
members are always welcome Contact
Mary Elizabeth at 931 8303 for more infor-
The I lelios arc Uxiking for new girls If
vou like having fun and playing frisbee,
meet us at the bottom of the hill. Sun ,
lues, Wed. and Thurs aHim
If you are interested in competition water
ski on the collegiate level, please contact
Brian Smith at 9 B702 for more informa-
I'hi Eta Sigma will hold its monthly meet-
inaonan.30from5 6p.m mr.xim 1022ot
the General C lassroom Building
TheK erseas I V-velopment Network will
be having another meeting on Thursday,
Ian 2 Mh at S 30 p m in GCB 1023 This
meeting wnll be to tie up loose ends
Anyone interested in third world coun-
tries is invited to attend
El Lj District 97, SEANC, will be selling
'homemade peanut brittle and "home
made Yalentinelollipopson Tuesday and
Wednesday, February 13 and 14, on cam
pus, m the lobby of the "student Supply
Store and in the main corridor leading to
the hospital, at the School of Medicine.
Brady Building, from 12 00 nxm until
2-00pm The peanut brittle will beS2bag
and the lollipops will soil tor S 30 and S 7i
each. Proceeds will go towards financing
the activities of the District for the upcom-
ing year.
ECU District 97, SEANC, will be sponsor
ing an "Oldie-C .oldies" Dance, on Satur
day, March 31, 1990 at the Greenville
Country Club, from 8 (X) pm - 1:00 AM.
with a DJ featuring music from the 5C9,
WTs and 70"s There will be dixir prizes,
light hors d'oeuvres, and cash bar as well
as a pnze to the best dressed couple repre
senting each era Tickets tor the event will
be StSperson and may be obtained by
contacting Peggy Nobles, Main Campus
(6012), David Balch. School of Medicine
(351 -2471) or an v member of the District 97
Executive Board Executive Committtsv
Models needed for Hgure drawing classes
Contact Connie Follmer 757-6563, 757-
fion5 or Tran Ckirddley 7577 6259 or the
School of Art office, Jenkins 2000.
In order to receive vour Nursing Pin in
April Orders must be placed in the Stu-
dent Store, Wright Building, no later than
February 2,1990 Orders should be placed
at the Service Desk Orders must be paid
in full when placed.
Announcing a Wednesday night dinner
special' Fun, tellowshipand all the home-
cooking you can eat It all starts at 5 .30 pm
Come Bring a friend
Surf Club Meeting Thursday at 7:00 pm.
at Omars For further information call
Ted Gartman at Marsh's Surf Shop 355-
Chi Alphahtnega will hold Rush on Jan
29th and Ian 10th in room 8 D, E, F Men-
denhall and Ian 3st in room221 Menden-
hail Contact Ion at 931-9604 or Reggie at
7s2 0545 it vou are interested
The Fast Carolina University Gospel Choir
is now accepting members for the 1990
semester until Ian 31st Please come out
and join us on Wednesday at 5:00 at the
Ledonia J Wright Cultural Center For
more information contact President Kip
plan Clemmons at 8.3(V5391 or any mem-
ber of the choir
The East Carolina I'niversityCkwpel Choir
wnll sponsor a Variety Show on Tuesday
night at 7 30 pm Jan 30th at Hendrix
Theater Please come out and(oin us as we
present Showtime at Mendenhall 2 A
fun time is guaranteed1 Admission is $1.
WZMB is looking for a Grants Manager
The Grants Manager responsible for get-
tingbusinesses todonatcmonev to WZM B
The position pays a salary plus commis-
sion. Earn as much as you want to apply
at the WZMB studios second floor. Old
Joyner Library or call 757-6656. Inquiries
should be made to Andy For bis.
Go Tubing! Im-Rec Services will hold
registration for Spring 1990 Inner Tube
Water Polo Competition Men's and
women's teams as well as individuals are
encouraged to attend registration January
30th at 5 pm in Bio 103. For additional
information call 757-6387 or stop by 204
Memorial Gymnasium
Every Wednesday from 2:00 - 3 00 in the
Student Health Center Resource Room a
class on 1 lealthy Eating Habits and Eating
to Lower Your Cholesterol will be con
ducted For more information call 757
East Carolina Friends will be attending the
ECU - Maryland basketball game on
Monday, January 29th, courtesy of Coach
Mike Steck. Members who need ticket
information should call Kirk Michic at 738-
Do you enjoy talking on the phone? If so.
we have the )ob 'or you IVIemarkc-
ptsitions open tor spring semester strung
immediately Work for f Cl and gel pa d
while vou gam valuable telemarketing
skills I itXirs are 7 9pn daily, earn extra
spending money without cutting into studv
time' Call Cindy or Robbie at 4215 M
757-6072 for an appointment
Practical tips for taking action, wildhte
and scenic phot.graphs in natural settings
will highlight this meeting to bo hald Wed
Fob 7 in BD101 Registration is required
pnor to the workshop Cost is S2student
and S3faculty staff For additional infor
mation call 7i7 6387 or 757 6911
ECUF will be accepting new membership
applicabons through January 31, 1990
Anyone interested in being a Big friend to
an area elementary child should contact
Came Armstrong at 752 7325orDr Linda
Mooney, Dept of sociology, BA 409, 757
6137, You nust havecmplctod 12 semester
hours and have a 2 2 GPA
Attention to all those interested in becoai
ing air force of ficers The Air Force Officer
Qualifying test (AFOQT) will be admiai
stered in room 308 in the Wright Annex
Come sign up at room .308 or vou can just
show upon Wed for any questions call
Jessica Mitchell at 757128
See Announcements, page 7

The East Carolinian, January 25,1990 7
Continued from page 4
as the most ominous throat to
global security. On the other hand,
this and the rest of Bush's remarks
utterly (tiled to recognise the deep
nft between unprincipled devel-
opment and ecological sensibil-
ity. For instance, he strongly sup-
ports oil exploration in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S.
oil industry can be further devel-
oped, he says, by deregulating
natural gas, and using more wil-
derness areas, along with theouter
Continental Shelf, for oil drilling.
All of this reflects Bush's ongoing
allegiance to the Rockefeller oil
Bush's rationale for these
measures that they're necessary
because "a strong domestic oil
industry is vital to the national
security of this country Forgiv-
ing that bankrupt bit of jargon,
"national security Bushhasonce
again missed the boat. Oil is now
essentially a problem of gloM
environmental proportions. Un-
less we quicklv phase out fossil
fuels in favor of renewable re-
sources, thogreonhouseeffect will
escalate, and drought and food
shortages could well become
commonplace in the IWs, Oil
spills like the Exxon Valdez will
despoil more of our coastal areas,
and tensions with countries in the
Middle East will only continue to
Bush is also a steadfast sup-
porter of nuclear power, as re-
flected in his hiring of John
Sununu, one of the biggest nu-
clear buffs of the century, as his
chief oi staff. But anyone who
believes nuclear power is "abso-
lutely essential and endorses
"low liability limits for nuclear
accidents as Bush's ghostwriter
wrote to Discover, is certainly out
of touch with the concerns of global
ecology. On the relentless scourge
of nuclear and toxic waste dumps
Bush suggests adhering to "the
highest safety standards" and
more judicious regulatory meas-
ures?efforts "to reduce the regu-
latory barriers to new and innova-
tivecleanup technologies Safety?
Cleanup? These words don't be-
long in the vocabulary of nuclear
In short, the business of pre-
serving the environment seems
light yearsaway from Bush's ken.
I wonder whether it was he who
told Reagan that "trees are the
number one source of air pollu-
If businessmen and corporate
execs cannot disengage them-
selves from their profiteering
motives, government must step in
to establish and enforce appropri-
ate environmental policy. Gov-
ernment, afterall, functions pre-
sumably as the "central nervous
system" oi society, the source of
organization and regulation for
the body politic. Any government
which fails to see that economic
growth and ecological concerns
are inseparable must assume re-
sponsibility for deteriorating en-
vironmentalconditionsand for the
declining quality of life resulting
fudging bv Bush's past per-
formance on the environment, it
would be unwise to wait for him
to clean things up. The ultimate
responsibility is up to us as global
citizens. My main complaint about
Bush is that he sells himself as an
environmentalist while making so
many political decisions that are
blatantly anti-environmental.
Then again, as with his obvious
role in the Iran-Contra arms scan-
dal, Bush has never been one to
match his word with his deed.
If Bush is to redeem himself as
a leader in the Ecological Age, his
mandate for the '90s will be to
recognize long-range ecological
sensibility of "soft" technologies.
Rather than obtain energy from
fossil fuels, we should look to the
sun, wind, water, and earth.
Rather than erode soil fertility and
contaminate our food supply, we
should farm without chemicals
and renew soil fertility. The prob-
lem is not human industry per c,
but industrialism bereft of eco-
logical morality, a selfish kind of
"growth for growth's sake" men-
The foresight necessary to
confront our global ecological cri-
sis dictates that every environ-
mental gain enhances the econ-
omy in the long run; that without
careful, sensitive protection of our
natural resources, we can't have
sustainable economic develop-
ment. This should be the new
ethic for today's businessman if
we are to prevent further deterio-
ration of the natural resource base
from which our prosperity?in-
deed our very survival as a spe-
cies? is ultimately derived.
Beginning February 1, 1990, students, stall, and faculty will
have the right to appeal, in writing, a campus citation issued for
violations of the liCU Parking and Traffic Regulations. Appro-
priate forms and information regarding the Appeals System
will be furnished to the appellant by Traffic Services. The form
must be completed and returned to Traffic Services within ten
(10) business days oi' the citation date.
Further information regarding the Appeals System is available
at the Traffic Service Office located at 609 East 10th Street or
by telephoning 757-6294
Continued from page b
Enjoy a massage on us Un 30 lgg0 5 30
0 V)pm SI lOmin in advacc an J S2 at tho
door 1st ROOT Allied Health Hide, (Bold
BldgJ K Physical Therapy ' lub Portion
will e,o to charity!
lcthlran student
L5A will be going horseback riding on Sat,
Ian 27th We will meet at (.Xir Redeemer
Lutheran Church at 12 "W pm All those
indents interested in going must make
reservations before Friday PTcasecaU 35S
V to confirm a spct ?indtornvoredetail
Read The East
Carolinian. Every
Tues. and Thurs.
Gospel Singers and Musicians to Join A
Recording Group:
? Two Singers
? One Bass Players
? One Keyboard or Piano Player
Auditions to be held Sat. January 27th at 1:00 pm Sharp
For More Information Contact -
? Alfreda Fields -355-1909
? Marcic Blount - 756-7435
Super Bowl Party Headquarters
Store Hours:
Open Sundays 1 pm - 6 pm
Monday - Saturday 8 am - 8 pm
Quantity Rights Reserved
Corner of Third & Jarvis
Price Effective:
Wednesday, January 24
through Saturday January 27, 1990
Fresh Fryer
Leg Quarters
10 lb bag
lb 290
(In 10 lb
packages only)
White Cloud
4 roll pkg
Heavy Western
Whole Rib Eyes
lb .2.90
Plenty of Ice Cold
Keg Beer
Make us Your
Super Bowl Head-
quarters - Call us
For Your Deli
Party Trays
24 hours in
Fresh Never Frozen
Meaty Pork Spare Ribs
lb 390
Pick Up Your FREE Bud Bowl Souvenir
Program and Score Card at Overton's!
Bud and Bud Light
ctn of 24 -12 oz can

Page 8
1 She JEaat (ffarolmtan
State and Nation
January 25,1990
Azerbaiian-Armenian civil
unrest grows 'very, very tense'
troops trying to put down a na-
tionalist uprising m Azerbaijan
raided the offices of unofficial
groups in the republic's capital ot
Baku, arresting 4. people and seiz-
ing copying machines, local radio
said Wednesday
Demonstrations and strikes
were banned in the city and activ-
ists were warned they face 30days
in jail if they try to organize pro-
tests, the official news agency Tass
Despite the ban. a general
strike called to demand the with-
drawal of Soviet troops paralyzed
factories and transport in the city
and activists said secessionist
sentiment was on the rise
The city has seen mass dem-
onstrationsalmostdailv tor weeks.
Oil tankers blockaded the oil pro
(Hieing Caspian Sea port, their
captains threatened to blow up
the ships if the military tried to
break theblockadean activist said.
Troopskilled doensof people
Saturday in storming Baku to end
bloody ethnic clashes in the re-
gion that exploded Jan. 13 with
anti-Armenian rioting in Baku
The official death toll in 11 days of
violence stood at 170.
Authorities have blamed
unofficial Azerbaijani organiza-
tions for inciting the anti-Arme-
nian noting and later clashes be-
tween armed bands (if Armenians
and Azerbaijani in the neighbor
ing republics.
Soviet TV said gunfire contin-
ued Tuesday night in parts of
Baku, though activists and news
reports said the city was quiet this
morning. Soviet troops have been
ambushed by militants and, in
response to increasing threats,
hundreds ot military dependents
have been evacuated
On Monday night, militants
killed two reserve soldiers and a
woman bvstander, according to
British Broadcasting Corp. moni-
lass iid Wednesdav that
more than 500 wives and children
of navy personnel had been air
lifted out oi the region and that
"militant groups continue to pro-
voke clashes with troops ,mi to
seize weapons" in Baku.
"In several instances, terror
ists dressed in military uniform
Ux'k part in outrages the news
agency said. It did net sa) when
the incidents occurred.
The Azerbaijani new s agency
See Uprising, page 9
Percent infected
tff bfeexuality:

IV drug use:
23,722 21?
1.047 0.9
3.727 3.3
5.457 4.8
Transfusion: 2.768 2.4
1 01133.211 AIDS cases lo date
Source U S Centers for Disease Control
Male homsexuality
or IV drug use:
7,923 7
Gannett News Service
Fifteen of
PANAMA 1 1 'V. Panama
(AD Fourteen military of ficers
under ousted dictator Manuel
Antonio Noriega have been
charged with crimes and a top
civilian supporter is undi t arrest
tor investigation ot homicide, ot
ficials said Monday
Attorneys tor the detained
men tried to tile writs to obtain
their release. Relatives ol the de
tamees, waiting outside the Mod-
eloPnsnn to isit,complained that
the new government was a tin
like the Noriega regime that was
- ina
School leaders argue against funding system
lid uan
ver who
? prisi -
? ? ?
? ?'
State formulas fordi iding money
among school systemsare not tair
to rural schools and should be
changed, representatives from
some ot those rural s stems sav
Superintendents mJ school
board chairmen from 15 rural
school systems told Bobby K
Etheridge, state superintendent ol
public instruction, that distribut-
ing state money based on the
number of students per system
leaves small rural systems with-
out enough funds to provide the
Etheridge listened svmpatheti
callv Monday but offered no prom-
ises or solutions.
The group eight school
svstems from the western part of
the state and seven from the east
? discussed strategies for bring
ing the issue to the legislature
during the N.C. School Boards
Association's winter conference.
The Public Schixil Forum, a pn-
vate non profit organization, also
will study the issue ol funding lor
rural schools and expects to re-
lease recommendationsby the end
of this year.
Formulas based on student
population do not provide enough
teaching positions and money to
give rural students an education
equal to their urban counterparts,
said Frederick I. Denning, super-
intendent of Camden County
schools and chairman of the small
rural schools consortium.
The formula may provideonlv
enough money to hire a teacher
for six or seven months, and
schools can't find teachers willing
to work only part of the year, he
said Small counties that have few-
industries also lack the tax base
that would allow the county to
make up the difference and hire
the teacher for a year.
The school svstems are con-
sidering a lawsuit if the legisla-
ture does not act, although they
would prefer not to sin ' nning
told The News and Oi ? ?? ? ol
Similar suits have been filed
in other states In Kentuck) last
year, a court ruled that the state
had an obligation to provide an
equal education in poor districts
The Kentucky legislaturecurrently
is trying to divide how to meet
that obligation.
Statemonev also is inadequate
to help financially strapped rural
svstems maintain and replace
buildings, Penning said Under
the stale formula, Camden Cou nty
would get only $570,000 tor con-
struction over a 10-year period.
Bv comparison, an eU mentary
school designed to house 600stu-
dents in Wake County costs about
$6 million for constru tion alone.
"We are tired of sitti ng by and
seeing our students have to settle
tor minimal subsistence he said
"You should be asking 'What ?
thev need?
Rural sc hools) stemsalsohave
not reahed the benefits they
expected from the Basic Educa-
tion Plan, several superintendents
m the group said. The eight-year,
$800 million program which be-
gan in 1985 was designed to en-
sure that all North Carolina
schools would meet certain mini-
mum standards in the courses they
otter. The program provides
money to hire additional teachers
to meet those' standards.
But some school systems have
had to use the program money to
maintain the status quo instead of
to expand their programs because
thev are losing local funds, said
Vemon B. Chapman r Yancey
Countv superintendent. He said
he had used BIT money to pay the
salaries of teachers already on the
staff instead of hiring new teach-
Small systems also are unable
to take full advantage of the flexi-
bility of the School Improvement
and Accountability Act.That law.
passed last ear, allow s st hools to
get waivers from state regulations
if they can demonstrate improved
student achievement.
For example, a large system
could use money earmarked for a
teacher's salary, and instead bin
computers or hire a librarian. But
in small schools, one teacher may
represent .in entire department
and the school can t trade that
position when it would mean the
loss of a program.
tor of Pubhe Schr.l Foram, said
that local ability to finance schools
also is affected by local govern
merits' other roles. For example,
in order to receive state and fed-
eral welfare money, counties must
supply matching funds. That taps
monev that could go to schools
and often places the heaviest bur-
den on counties least able to spare
the monev.
ousted bv th
"It is an outragi
Maternn azquez, a la
is defending some i t t
ers I heir human ai I ivil r
have been . i ' itcd b th
ment, which first detains tl
thru invites charge
plaint igairi ' ll
1 he ??? ill ha i ill tl
guaranteed b law
woman at the attome) .
office said
I ornu-r ruling part) '?
and close Noriega ???
Rigobcrto Pan des led th
prisoners brought fi
Army base at I or: (
Panama's Modelo jail at
The attorney (.?
said Parcdes, a torn
for Noriega s I terncx rati Revolu
tionarv Party, was under arrest
and authorities were studying
py.sjbJcshargc ftl ?:
abuse of authority, pi rs
jury and theft.
A source at the atlorne)
general's office said the char
were based on complaints filed by
Panamanian citizens and authori-
The highest of the military
officers was Col. Alberto Purcell
See Panama, page 9
Bush's savings plan gets criticism from local economists
DURHAM API President
Bush is pushing a plan that he
says would boost the country's
low savings rate, but se eral North
Carolina economists aren't con
vinced the proposal will work as
Bush plans to ask Congress to
create a new "family savings ac-
count" that would allow people to
earn tax-tree interest and divi-
dends on monev squirreled away
for a specified number oi years.
Unlike individual retirement
accounts, taxpayers would not be
able to deduct their annual contri-
butions from their taxable income.
The interest and dividends, how-
ever, would accumulate tax-free.
At the end of the required
holding period, the accumulated
savings could be withdrawn and
spent without any tax bite from
Uncle Sam.
The Bush administration is
pushing the proposal as a key to
bolstering the country's lagging
international economic fortunes,
hoping it would increase the pinil
of money available for investment
and thus lowering the costs Ameri-
can businesses must pay to ex-
pand and modernize.
Many private economists,
however, remain skeptical about
the plan. They sav the proposal
would be a popular tax break for
middle-income people, but would
do little to boost overall savings.
"My overall reading is that
Bush's plan is no guarantee that
savings will increase Dr. Stanley
Black, professor of economics at
the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, said in an inter-
view published in Monday's edi-
tion of The Durham Sun.
Black said individuals own
circumstances rather than a
proposal such as Push's have
more impact im how much thev
Me also said the plan is an
administration effort to counter a
proposal bv Sen. Lloyd Bentsen,
D-Texas, who has proposed rein-
troducing the IRA with tax incen-
tives that would appeal to a wider
group of people. Black said laws
cm IRAs were changed with the
1986 Tax Reform Act and that IRA
tax incentives are more limited
The persona savings rate in
the United States tell from about 7
percent in the early 1980s to about
53 percent last year. Black said.
"So we do need to increase
our savings he said. "Bush's plan
might have a positive effect, but
it's hard to guarantee
I le slid that even with the
former IRA tax incentives in place,
the personal savings rate in this
country still fell between I980and
"I don't know why it did he
said. "The stock market went up
and maybe people felt wealthier
and didn't need tosaveasmuch
Robert A. Fisenbeis, associate
dean for research and Wachovia
professor of banking at the UNC
business school, said Bush's pro-
posal cannot have as b;g an im-
pact on savings as did IRAs be-
cause thecontnbutions are not tax-
deductible. Bush's plan, he said,
will provide some incentive to
sue, but not much.
The Bush plan also would
create accounting headaches tor
financial institutions and will
make it costlv tor them to otter the
accounts, he said. The reason, he
said, is because such institutions
will need to keep a record forever
of how much monev the taxpayer
contributed and how much of it
was from interest.
But Prudence Frederick, de-
posit product manager for Dur-
ham-based Central Carolina Bank
& Trust Co said the plan is a
positiveprogramand will encour-
age savings, especially tor people
interested in long-term goals like
buying a home or providing for
their children's education
"I hope it goes I'm excited
about it she said
Because the plan has limited
tax incentives, however, it is not
hkelv to be a way to boo:
country's low savings rat I
increase savings, Eisenbeis said
the tederal government should
reinstate tax incentives tor IRAs
that would appeal to a wider vari-
ety of incomes.
"Doing away with the (for-
mer incentives oi the) IRA was a
big mistake he said. It was an
important step toward privatiza-
tion of the retirement system
Congress begins session with diverse agenda
As Congress embarks on a new
congressional session, North
Carolina's legislators plan a vari-
ety of initiatives ranging from trim-
ming federal spending to reform-
ing the nation's health care sys-
Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C, said
his top three priorities were to
"cut federal spending, cut federal
spending, cut federal spending
Once those three goals are met, he
told the Winston-Salem journal,
"the other 200 i terns on my agenda
will just fall into place
Sen. Terry Sanford, D-N.C,
said that he may introduce a bill to
make the Head Start and remedial
education programs available to
every eligible child by 1992, the
Winston Salem Jouma reported.
He said he also plans to introduce
legislation to control corporate
buyouts that emphasize sound
fiscal management over profi leer-
Other efforts that he will con-
tinue from last year include bills
to expose the federal deficit, which
is currently hidden by a variety of
accounting techniques, and im-
prove rural housing.
Rep. Stephen Neal, a demo-
crat from the5th District, said that
he would lean his political weight
on setting up a national goal of
eliminating inflation within five
years and obtaining a second grant
for the proposed nutrition center
at Bowman Gray School of Medi-
cine. Both efforts began last year,
with the $58 million nutrition
center receiving $2.9 million for
architectural work.
Neal said that he may make
three new proposals that have yet
to be drafted: limiting the Soviet
and American nuclear arsenals to
equal but much smaller levels,
based on mutual verification; cre-
ating a voluntary Medicare pro-
gram to insure against catastrophic
illnesses, open to all age groups;
and setting up a commission to
find solutions to the fundamental
flaws in the health-care system
Rep. Howard Coble, a repub-
lican from the 6th District, is look-
ins for a constitutional alternative
to the "exclusionary rule which
forbids improperly obtained evi-
dence from being used at a trial.
Coble also will continue his ef-
forts to repeal the Social Security
earnings test, which cuts retire-
ment benefits to elderly people
who earn more than $6,500 to
$8,9(Kla year.
Rep W.G. "Bill" Hefner, a
democrat from the 8th District,
will help draft another spending
bill for military construction ?
his annual task as the chairman of
an appropriations subcommittee.
As the state's only representative
on the Appropriations Commit-
tee, he also will lobby for projects
in other North Carolina districts,
such as the Bowman Gray project,
said Irene Schecter, his legislative
Hefner may seek federal
monev to buy some of the pri-
vately owned land within the
Uwharne National Forest in
Montgomery and Randolph coun-
ties, she said. And he is still work-
ing on a bill he introduced last
year to eliminate the Social Secu-
rity "notch a seeming discrep-
ancy in retirement benefits.
Rep. Cass Ballenger, a repub-
lican from the 10th District, said
that he will try to join forces with
a few lead ing democrats to restore
some critical tax breaks for em-
ployee stock-ownership plans.
Otherwise, Ballenger said, the
changes made by last year's defi-
cit-cutting bill will make it impos-
sible for small businesses to create
He also plans to continue
pushing the bill he introduced last
year to create a fund from tariff
revenues to help American textile
machinery manufacturers, he said
Rep. J. Alex McMillan, a re-
publican from tho?th District, will
be North Carolina's most active
representative on the proposed
Clean Air Act, because he is the
state's only representative on the
powerful House Energy and
Commerce Committee.
McMillan m.iv offer a wide-
ranging proposal to reform the
nation's medical system, aimed at
controlling the rapidly increasing
cost of treatment and insurance,
said David Snepp, the
congressman's press aide. I le also
plans to continue working on a
bill he introduced last year to in-
crease House members' terms to
four years, coinciding with the

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An Advertisement
That Appeared en P.6 ON
12390 Entitled
"$2,500 Credit Line
Guaranteed "
Had The Wrong
Phone Number
lie Number was printed
BUT Should have Read
Western Sunkist
Navel Oranges
Special Seafood
Banquet Supreme
Pot Pies
16 Oz
12' Single Topping
Southern Style
Potato Salad
Snow Crab
Imitation Crab
Blend u
Small Cooked (? QQ
Shrimp i?I7J
Ruth's Cole
Jimmy Dean
Ruths Potato
1400 Charles Boulevard - University Center Shopping Center - Greenville, NC

The East Carolinian, January 25, 1990 9
Continued from page 8
Kme president s
Azerinform said the Azerbaijani
People's Front, the grass-roots
group that has led the republic's
pro independence movement,
was not a target of the overnight
sweep in Baku. Tass, however,said
the front's National Defense
Committee, a militant arm of the
group, had been specifically
Tass quoted the military
commander of the Baku area, Lt.
i ,cn. Vladimir Pubinvak, as sav-
ing the Azerbaijani capital was
calm Tuesday night with no new
, asualties.
"Forty-three people were ar-
speaks out
RALEIGH (AP) - It is not
time to give up the fight against
illegal drug use, state Attorney
i icneral Lacy Thornburg said in a
speech in which he attacked the
idea of legalizing drugs.
1 egalization will not prevent
the black market sileotdrugsand
will continue Thornburg
told .i conference of law enforce-
;it officials luesdav. "Most
drug addicts would continue to
support their habit through illegal
activity. Drug abuse would still
i ise addicts to steal and kill for
ine) to buy drugs
I hornburg said supporters of
.ihing drugs have not an-
svvered a number of questions
al nit ho wdmg sales would work,
hiding which drugs to legalize,
ivho would be allowed to buy
them and in what quantities.
Are you going to have to be
an approved drug addict to get
drugs, or if vou just want a kick,
should you be able to get them
across the counter?" Thornburg
asked officers at the Law Enforce-
ment Coordinating Council.
I egalized drugs, he said,
would not put an end to drug-
related crimes.
I question that assump-
tion thai drug related crimes are
committed ust because drugs are
illegal, ' he said. "Legalization
would make society believe that
drugs are acceptable, but drugs
are not acceptable. They are de-
structive to much of our world
and our society
rested when the headquarters ot
illegally functioning informal
organizations were neutralized
Tass said. "Many copying ma-
chines and propaganda facilities
w ere con f i sea t ed
On Tuesday, Radio Moscow
described the situation in the re
gion as "very, very tense" and
said there was little progress in
talks between leaders of the two
republics on how to stop the con-
Fighting between the mainly
. Moslem Azerbaijanis and largely
Christian Armenians has been
centered around Nagorno-Kara-
bakh, a disputed Armenian en-
clave in western Azerbaijan.
Also Wednesday, Niayaz
Ciajivev, an Azerbaijani on a self-
appointed investigative commis-
sion, said Russian residents were
following the example of the mili-
tary families and fleeing Baku. He
insisted there was no real danger,
although he said anti-Russian
sentiment is rising due to outrage
over the troops' activities.
Radio Moscow said anti-army
and anti-Russian sentiments were
being whipped up by "irrespon-
sible people" sending threatening
unsigned letters and making an-
onymous phone calls. It did not
Oil tankers and barges were
still blockading, and threatening
to blow up their ships if military
vessels attempt to break through,
said Arif Yunosov of the inde-
pendent Social DemocraucGroup.
Elsewhere in Azerbaijan, there
were reports Tuesday of individ-
ual skirmishes but also claims of
greater order.
Armenian Communist Party
leader Suren Arutyunyan said
militants on both sides in the
Shaumyan and Khanlar regions
of Azerbaijan, located just north
of Nagorno-Karabakh, had ex-
changed hostages. He made the
statement on Yerevan Radio,
monitored by the BBC.
lass said 10 freight trains
made it through the Azerbaijani
blockade to Yerevan for the first
time in days. Armenia has nearly
run out of fuel.
An Advertisement
That Appeared on P.6 ON
12390 Entitled
?'$2,500 Credit Line
Guaranteed "
Had The Wrong
Phone Number
"he Number was printed a;
BUT Should have Read
(Ontinued from page 8
third in command of Noriega's
i fense Forces. He was charged
ith i rimes against the state, the
irney's office said.
Ihree lieu tenant colonels, five
ma jorsand four captains were held
n barges that included abuse of
riti, ritv, crimes against the state
and public administration, theft,
damage to public property and
torture, officials said.
All had turned themselves in
or been arrested by U.S. troops
following the Dec. 20 invasion to
overthrow Noriega. They had
been held at Fort Clayton at the
request of the Panamanian gov-
ernment pending investigation.
Some other high-ranking offi-
cers are among 55 prisoners still
held by the Americans.
The second in command of
(he Defense Forces, Col. Marcos
lustine, and officerslikeCapt. Luis
Quiel who, according to reliable
sources, "was the (U.S.) Drug
Lnforcement Administration's
man in Noriega's Defense Forces
were among those at Clayton.
Several other topofficers have
sought asylum in foreign embas-
mcs They include Gonzalo
Gonzalez, commander of
Noriega's headquarters security
company, Eliezer Gaytan, a cap-
tain m charge of Noriega's per-
sonal security; and Noriega's
public relations director. Still at
large was Lt. Col. Luis (Papo)
Cordova, who critics say tortured
Noriega's foes.
Harris teeter
16 Oz.
w 1X Refrigerated
PiCKieS 24-32 Oz
Single Topping Aft
jza!n.TDe 2 For??5JSJ
Kraft Sharp
Cheddar ??oz
Southern Style QQ
Potato Salad t5r7
?Tff? In The Dell-Bakery
Rolls ect
Snow Crab
Imitation Crab
Small Cooked ? QQ Wise
Shrimp Lh9?99 Krunchers
Ruth's Cole ft? A Ruth's Potato
QQ Jimmy Dean
16 Oz
7 0z
Miller 12Pk.54Q
Beer120 cw
Bod Light Or
Cracker Barrel
Light n' Lively
1400 Charles
Slaw12 oz fiF Salad12 oz
Prices in This An t.iecitve Vhiougi Tuesday. January 30. 1990 In The Oxnville Store Only
We Reserve The Rfcht To Limit Quantities None Sold To Dealers We Gladly Accept Federal Food Siamps
Boulevard - University Center Shopping Center ? Greenville, NC
oz ?99

Page W
H ?hc JEaet (ffaroltnfan)
January 25,1990
First Amendment
protects pornography
Americans face a moral dilemma
By Suzan Lawler
Staff Writer
"Sure. I've rented porno
flicks I don't think there's any
thing wrong with them com
mented a female ECU junk
Her attitude seems to be a
common one since millions of
people buv pornographic mate
rial. According to the 1978 Target
Group Index, more men read Play-
boy and Penthouse than Time and
Newsweek combined,and in 1980,
pornography was estimated to bo
a $4 billion industry
Pornography hasbeen widely
hailed as an instructional aide for
loversanddsv functional patients
People also claim that pornogra-
phy is stimulating, relaxing m.
However, pornography is
surrounded by controversy As
actress Colleen Pevvhurst put it.
one man's obscenity is another
man's delight
The National Coalition
Against Censorship iWAO is one
of manv organizations that work
to keep pornography available to
the public In 1986, members ol
NCAC addressed the issue in a
public brie ting
One of their arguments was
the First Amendment. Harriet,said 'It's
easv toembrac e freedom of speech
for ideas we accept. The essence
of freedom of Speech and the press
is that we must protect the ideas
we hate "
Donald Mosher,a psychology
professor at the University of
Connecticut, joined NCAC in their
protest on censorship He snd
"Pornography is neither hate
propaganda against women nor
the addictive progenitor of sex
dimes. Unfortunately, somepor-
Coming up
Georgetown Station
The Mood
The Point
Cry of Love
Subtle Distinction
Paul Tardif
Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade
"8th Anniversary
In Limbo U
The Popes St
Flat Duo Jets
Icewater Mansion
Shrieking Sheiks
Mark Johnson
Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and
the Last Crusade
nographv is sexist. More unfortu-
nately, it is no more sexist that
prime-time TV
1 isa Duggan of the Feminist
Anti-Censorship Taskforce echoed
this idea. She said, "let's slop
sexism, not sex
Otherpoopledisagnv Author
Susan Rnuvnmiller says that
"pornography is the undiluted
essence of anti-female propa
ganda Betty I nedan, founder of
NOW, said, some pornography
certainly doesdegrade women It
also degrades men and it degrades
Currently, pornographi
magazines such as Hustler and
Screw have the common themes
of bondage S&M and rape Writer
I oreenc Clark said, it i the pk
tares)frequentl) dcpi tsthemfthe
women) willingly, even avidly
suffering and in iting su h treat
Atter doing research, Neil
Malamuth reported that men
exposed to aggressive pomogra
phv became "sexually aroused,
more accepting of rape myths and
interpersonal violence against
women, and reported i greater
likelihood ol committing a rape
Researchers Zillman and Bryan
similarb reported that "long-term
exposure increased sex calloused
attitudes on the part ol males as
well as a trivialiation ol r,pc
In 1982, Malamuth and Ed
ward Ponnerstein reported that
particular kinds of pornography
can st i mu late aggression and a nti
female- attitudes I indings like
these prompt many people to
protest against what they call
"coercive" pornography.
Manv crimes can be traced to
aggressive pornography. One
highly publicized example is the
case of Ted Rundv, the murderer
of numerous young women lie
admitted in interviews that he
often looked at pornography be-
fore committing his crimes. It has
been speculated that the pornog-
raphy was the catalyst for some ol
his crimes
However, Mosher said that
the I know a sex offender who
read pornography' claim is not
scientific evidence of causal con
nection "
I he N and other groups
haveeven suggested that pomog
raphv may discourage sex offend
ers. They often cite the example of
Denmark. In 1967, anyone over 15
in Denmark could buv porno-
graphic material (including child
pornography). For six years, the
rate ol child sexual assault
dropped 67' '?
Richard Green, a UCLA psy
l hiatrist, speculated that the por-
nography "provided m outlet for
antisocial sexual impulses
However, Danish pornography
rarely shows bondage and S&M.
See Pornography, page 11
Voice of
reaches out
By Caroline Cusick
Features Fditor
Dolly Parton as Truvy Jones and Olympia Dukakis as Clairee Belcher trade observations about their friend's
wedding in "Steel Magnolias " Also starring in the movie are Sally Field. Shirley Madame. Daryl Hanna and
Julia Roberts The all-star lineup gives a pertormance to meet the audiences expectations
' Steel Magnolias ' entertains
with true-to-life characters
By Michelle Walker
Staff Writer
It you enjoy having your heart ripped in half,
you don't mindrving in front of people, and you
are not currentk being treated tor severe depres-
sion, then In-Star Pictures "Steel Magnolias" is
the must sec movie tor con
Sally held. Dolly Parton, Shirley MacLaine,
Daryl Hannah, Olympia Dukakis and Julia Roberts
star in this film about six southern women, in the
small town of Chinquapin, La whose friendship
and loyalty sustains them through cycles ol life,
love, marriage, birth and death Excellently cist
and perfectly believable, they all portray this group
of diverse personalities whose close camaraderie
bridges boundaries ol age and social status.
The Story centers around MI vnn. Sally Field,
and her constant battle to suppress her protective
instinctsashcrdanghterSholbv. lulia Roberts, grows
into a beautiful miA independent woman Shelby
suffersfrom severediabetesand despitehcrdoctor s
warnings, is determined to have .) child She said
that she would "rather have30 minutes of wonder
tul than a lifetime ot nothing spe ial
Dolly Parton plays the compassionate and intui-
tive rruvy fones, the town beautician, who says that
she operates with the philosophy that "there is no
such thing as natural beauty Fruvy hires the- myste-
rious town newcomer, Annelle Dupuy 1 esoto, Daryl
Hannah, as her assisstant, while she and her own
family work through communication
problems of their own.
Shirley MacLaine deserves much applause tor
her portrayal of the town curmudgeon, (hiiser Hou
dreaux. Her quick-witted commentsand sharp tongue,
in addition to her kind ot Liurel and-Hardv friend-
ship with the elegant widow, C lairee Belcher, Olvm-
pia Dukakis, provides some much needed comic
relief tor the Story.
C hiiser enjoys a contemptuous relationship with
M' Lynn's husband. Drum "You are a boil on the butt
of humanity she tells him. She also, speaking to
MI vnn at ahnst mas part v.delicateiv asks. What s
the matter with you? You got i reindeer up your
butt?" She defends her honor to her friends by
c aiming, "I'm not crazy. I've iust been in a very bad
See Magnolias, page 11
Diner opens hosting '50s theme
By Mary I.illie Wallace
Staff Writer
Next month, Greenville wii
be hit with a blast from the past
Sha-bop's,billedasa50s Diner
will open in early I ebruary in the
I niversity Center on Charles
Sha-bop's is co-owned b
three local business men Bobby
I ion. k'ffSwartzand I K-rbC orev.
Swartz, formerly a managerol the
local Darryl's, will manage Sha
bop's i ireenville lo ation. I ixon,
who originated the idea, opened a
Sha-Bop's in Snced's I erry, N.( .
in lulv, 1989 thai is now managed
by his daughter, Sharon.
'ixon.anR I graduate with
taurant are origii
no reproductions said Dixon.
This includes the sign and mar-
quee salvaged from the old Pitt
Movie Theater of downtown
11 (ireenville that was destroyed by
a tire A picture of this marquee
was featured in the 137 bucca-
A jukebox with only golden
oldies will supply tunes tor those
who want to boogie their bobbic-
socks ott on the gym-like dance
floor. A soda fountain will serve
classic delights such as vanilla
C ekes and chocolate malts, lor
mua top tables with boomerang
designs in turquoise and pink
complete the perfect '50s atmos-
The menu will be served up
by waitstaff in poodle skirts and
penny loafers. It will include
breakfast, lunch and dinner items
named after '30s personalities,
such as the Elizabeth Taylor, "a
gorgeous breast of chicken sand-
wich. The General McArthur, a
cheese steak sandwich, guaran-
tees "you shall return for thisone
and the 1 Love Lucy is described
as a "nuttv delight pecan pie
Sha-bop's will serve beer "from
the keg" and wine, but Swart
stresses that Sha-bop's "is not a
bar " It will also feature weekly
specials on menu items.
Dixon is confident that the
idea ct a '50s diner will do well in
Greenville. I le feels the restaurant
w ill attrac I the aging baby-boom-
ers who grev up in the '50s Lo-
cated near the university, Sha-
bop's will also attract baby-boom-
lets, curious to see what it was like
in Mom and 1 ad's .i
I here are plans toexpand Sha-
Bop's to different locations
throughout eastern orth Caro-
lina. Rocky Mount and Wilson are
two possible sites.
Sha-bop's will be open from
6:30 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Monday-
through Saturday and 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. on Sundays.
For more information, con-
tact left Swart at Sha-bop's. The
telephone number is 752-1955.
One oi the most technologi-
cally advanced, and least dis-
cussed businesses in (ireenville is
the Voice ot America
Although, as a business, it is
virtually silent, the V A has been
contributing to the community by
linking it with the rest of me world
since the second World War
"The Voice of America went
on air 79 davs after the attack on
Pearl Harbor Rick Willtord of
VGA's Greenville bast said. The
first line that came on the voice of
America stated We're going to
giveyouthenewsofthewar (lood
or bad it's going to be the truth
From that inundation, the Voice
of America has developed and
enhanced itself
I he V OA is .1 gov mment
agency currently run through the
United States Information Agency
According to the- V ()A s charter
the' agency 5 g ?. is to promote
American ideals, American cul-
tures, people and the general fe
ingot America, Willfi rd sai I
T'he charter alsi d fines the
technical method of the broad-
cast 'Our basic format is the
news. ' Willtord said. 'Ours is not
much different than the CNN tor
mat. Most of our broadcast format
is news on the hour It's a twenty
minute segment of news, a very
short editorial to provide personal
insight, and a small segment I
The basicfuncuonol theVOA
is trving to get the news around
the world Willfordsaid "Wetake
pride in our ability to report the
news and take all bias out
Throughout the world we are
going to transmit the news, un-
tainted and unbiased
"Of course- that sounds ideal-
istic, but we don't get involved in
the political aspects 'i countries
That'snot in our charter, that' snot
our goal, and that's not our aim "
Willtord said the VOA was
founded by Edward R. Murrow
Because Murrow spent extensive
time in England, he patterned the
VOA's policies after The British
Broadcasting Corporation's style
of news presentation without bias,
Willtord added.
he VOA broadcasts informa-
tion promoting the American way
ol lite, and informing the world
with unbiased news in 44 differ
ent languages
VOA's broadcasts are almost
always live Willford said: There
are people in Washington D.C
right now broadcasting the inlor
mation life. There is very little on
tape or prerecorded. In case we
have equipment failures or ma-
chine failures, we do have tape"
machines we can roll
The broadcasting studios
where the different languages are
spoken are located in Washington
D.C. The transmissions are made
See Vioce, page 11
Pickin' the Bones:
Bonehead plans ahead for graduation kind of
Chippy Bonehead
Staff Graduate
There's an air ot pathos sur-
rounding the graduating senior al
this point in the semester. Two
weeks into classes,and heorsheis
well over the initial rush of being
back, and from now till May 5
(which is, incidentally, a mere UK)
days away), classes, papers and
qucstionsabout what you're going
to do on May 6 are nothing but a
gradual buzz kill.
Even I, the infamous Bone-
head, am not immune from the
constant nagging of parents,
friends and casual acquaintances
concerning plans for the rest of
my life, which, incidentally, be-
gins 101 days from now. My fa-
ther seems convinced that by
waving my magic degree around
and clicking my heels throe times,
on Monday May 7, I'll have a
$30.000dollara yearjob. Switch to
decaffeinated, Pop.
Seems like every day this
semester, I've seen someone I
haven't talked to in months, and
they're all extremely interested in
what careeT l'vechoscn, what steps
I'm taking to further my career
choice, what sort of china pattern
my fiancee has registered (appar-
ently I'm scheduled to be married
May 9), what I'll be naming my
kids and where to send the flow-
ers for my funeral.
Maybe all this is just friendly
conversation, but the effect it has
on me is devastating. I start think-
ing so much about my future, I
don't have time to live my previ-
ously carefree lifeasa student. It's
Perhaps even more stressful,
these sort of assumptions that my
life is so sitcom-oriented cause me
to reflect painfully on the fact that
I still haven't got anyone to spend
Valentine's Day (which is, inci-
dentally, a mere 20 days away)
with for the third year (an inciden-
tal 1095 days long) in a row.
So I've started giving out pat-
ented Bonehead replies to such
queries. Answers designed to shut
the questioner up and offend him
or her so subtly, they won't ever
be tempted to ask somebody per-
sonal questions like thisanymore.
I tell them "I'm going to be a
pervert, I've been researching
deviant sex practices in my spare
time, we have a nice pearl white
pattern at K-Mart and I think
Bolkdon and Beaulah Bonehead
bo th have a real nicering to them
At this point, people usually
look at their watch and realize
they have chapters and chapters
of Industrial Hygiene to read be-
fore two cf clock and they'll catch
me later.
Perhaps the most useful thing
anyone has said to me about
graduation stress has been, "Ex-
pect to flounder for a few years
(an incidental approximation of
730 days) Once I heard that, I
began to stop stressing.
So what if my only options
involve staying in Greenville, dis-
pensing the latest videos to the
terminal couch potatoes of this
town, or spending a few useless
cynical years in the ECU graduate
studies program?
Itcould be worse. Idon'tknow
how, but I'm sure it could.

January 25, 1990 The East Carolinian 11
Campus Voice
It you could change one thing at
ECU, what would it be?
Shauna Rempfer, 22
junior?Theater Arts
"1 would like to be able to repute
over the phone the wav other uni-
versities k.o "
Michelle Rickards, 20
lunior Criminal justice
h Jon t they cut out some ol the
stall parking and give it to commut- '
William Daniel, r41
Senior ?Electronics
" 1 he administration needs to know
the real neeoN ot the students Who
cares about the new logo, there are
other more important concerns "
Feuding neighbors Ouiser Boudreaux (Shirley Mad ame) and Drum
f aterton (Tom SKorritt) delight in tormenting each other in Steel
Magnolias "

The Hair Loft
Gel a quick Tan Without Burning m Our
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$4 per visit 5 tor 10 visits
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Wintcrville, NC 28590
Mod In 10am 6pm 9am t put
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(across I nun Dixie Queen)
nliiiik-s south ot Carolina East Mall 355-5980
Continued from page 10
Shai en ii?gins 20
luniei I ndet ided
c sti;vj, ? more
MV s( p
moix! hr the past twenty vo.irs
Classy Clairee ottrrs Shelby
seme cynical advice en her wed
ding day Clairee said: 'Men are
the most horrible ?rearurcs; they
will rum your life. Mark my
words However, her words ol
wisdom sotten in the end when
she attempts to i omtort Ml nn
That which does not kill us,
makes us stronger she said
'Steel Magnolias" is tilled
with excellent acting and great
one liners I tie film was adapted
from Robert Harling's fictional
stage ? ?med which is based on
the rt iii lite Mi ntues ot his sister
Susui and his mother Margaret in
hi? home town of Natchitoches,
Meg Mclnerney, 21
"1 inanciai aid checks should hi- sent
to the students who have already
paid their tuition
Ann McShea, 22
Sophomore Accounting,
"The) need to build a parking deck
That wav everyone would he able U
park ?
Compiled by Marjorie Mckinstry WL
Feature Briefs
Alcohol consumption drops
i ealth Department reports decline in use
i onsumption ot alt ohol in the United States is dropping, accord-
to a report in the 1 S I Vpartment ot I lealth and 1 luman Services
i nsumption per apita is at its lowest level sin e 1970, governmenta
officials s,i t the same time, alcohol remains the most used drug
topping cigarette tobac o
College fraternities are growing
merican ci II .?. ind universities are denvinding fraternities an
? iritics met! ? .tandards Examples: Vermont's Middlebury
11 ? ? ? nie mbei t he L; n i versi t v (l
idepl ' . '?? ' ? tor alcohol ns and 1 exas 1 ci h
: kets I ? ?' ;oers to track alcohol consump-j
? : - itiona ? rfraternitv . (inference in Indian
?? iten ities is growing Membership ha:
ears. The miiiibr ol

Violence continues in movies
ikei ii ntinuing to show a large amount of violence, sa)
the National i tionon 1 Violence. According to the organization
i n h, the most violent movies of 1989 were 'Bloodfist" with 183 acts
lencean hiur I angoand (, ash with II14 a tset iolenceanhour
ii : I ridav the 13th Part VIII" with 42 acts of violence an hour
WZMB Top 13
For the week I2290
1 Blake Babies?Earwig
2 Peter Murphy?Deep
3 UMO-Labour of Love II
4 John knth-C.reasy kid Stuff
5 Biackgirls?Procedure
6 Satellite Boyfriend?Yes Ma'am
Jones Very?Words and Days
8 Dramarama?Stuck In Wonderamaland
9 Pots and Pans-Shut Up & Listen to Pots and
io We re Going to Eat You?Everywhere
! I The farmers-Flames of Love
I 2 Big Drill Car-Album Type Thing
Lexicon Mushrooming
Answers from Tuesday
I He( k B mite
2. CJuirk whimsev
J Qued A. evil
4 B to beat
5 Quader: A. conform
6. Quadriga: A chariot
7. Shuttlecock: D. to bandy
8. Spenoid: A wedge-shaped
9. Stob: C to pierce
10. Farina: B. potato starch
C ontinued from page id
by communications networks to
individual rela stations like the
one in c irecn ille. From the relay
stations, the signals are rebroad
cast around the work!
I here are l foreign stations
staffed b) foreign nationals who
are hired to perform technical
fun tions Ml foreign VOA sta-
tions have mericans in supervi-
sory positions
I ,reen ille hosts one ot tin-
three domestic stations Willford
said ' Ireenville is the largest
transmitting station in the world
Our little transmitters are around
250 thousand watts which is equal
to seven radio stations "
l .reeiu ille s role has changed I
sun i' the invention ot satellite
communications, and it eontnines,
to change as technology develops.
Willford said: 'The VOA has
purchased in its modernization
era. which we are in now. its own
satellite system. Eventually, pro-
gramming will ail come back toi
Greenville like it used to. and
(. ireenville will become the major!
hub tor the satellite network
Currently, Greenville serves)
as a relay station that transmits
mostly to South America.
Also, we provide backup
services where we transmit our
programs to a Liberia station
Willford said. I iberia will receive
the signal and then will rebroad-
(ast it into the transmit area
I he head ol the (Chinese
branch ol VOA, David W Hess, is
. oming to (ireenville to speak .it
the local Rotary meeting Monday
night. Hess will address issues
concerning VOA operations and
the political status of China.
Bruce Hunter, also ot the
(ireenville VOA base, said: "We're
bringing him here because were
waiting for the ether shoe to drop
in (. hina. We know that the coun-
try is not in a stable state riht now
and it can't remain indefinitely as
it is
Continued from page 10
That point has to be considered
before making any conclusions.
People with opinions about
pornography should take a stand
and join organizations for or
against its availibilitv Seme
people take the middle stand. They
advocate pornography with mu-
tually consented sex between
adults, thev are against pornogra-
phy that shews children and "acts
of unjustified physical coercion
There are considerably more
arguments tor and against por-
nography Writer H.J Fysenck
summed up the dilemma by say-
ing, "It is up to society to take the
facts seriously and to debate how
best to deal with them
The movie, however, ishardly
a comedv When the funny parts
come you are too busy feeling
horrible and crying to acknowl-
edge its comic potential It has a
wonderful theme, stressing the
importance ol friendship bonds
and family devotion.
It won't kill you to see it, and
itdoesin a way make you stronger
stronger in your appreciation
ol life. I his is not .i movie to be
leweel on a rainv dav
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Adventures ot Kemple Boy
By Kemple Rich's Nuthouse
Bv Kich
' ' r ? ? if
-it trit tu "
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K?$?$?? & ' tir
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iW? U( ,4 tf .SICK7' AMCH1 IK W?.Mrt
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4f f
"oc ry-j ntrN rut
KittfG nor run con
i'i r rt u,( ru tjo i
U-il r nfutfi Bf)&?S
Rex, 1 he Wonder Pig
By Mason
SO OML W rwfc.
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J wfe
0UU u HT -VS
Scn kc ? LOSl
I he I Kui Kin-
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Bv ohn Shull
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rhe Mori igan
I ntitled
By Angela R.

j i
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litxie Peavev Variety Show
B rhe Iron I

Gambda Gambda Hey!
By EHiotl
5 AMi T t&nPiihir SI
? "1 :HF-du?t thc uiAwei . Arrry
AU , I ' ???S NATIONAL V 'fWi .
svJT Zf
7A TUklP.
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OR Oi i k Of
F OK ? - - ?
?what rwo PLACES haw rut MMt
vcj again tytN noftE SuBTitu
fhe Day I he rests Came Back
By A. Professor
?. v
Faux Pas
in ?. huck

?ij? ?a0t (toultntan
Pane 13
January 25, 199(
Gray offers Lady Pirates
inside, perimeter game
By Stove Allen
m.iii Write!
Rebounding inside shots
de shots and sk hooks are
itru ate part ol ever) basket
layer s goals I or ECU I ad)
? ite forward Sarah (, ,r,i these
? are part ol her game.
v lrav a minor from ashing
? NJorthC arolina, ame into the
?eason as the Ladv Pirates way around
up on the inside. I've really al- star! playing, and realize it's not
ways wanted to play outside, so I gonna be an easy task, Gra)
worked hard at it added. "I ust get to m sell before
Not only has she developed thegame,tr) toconcentrateonthe
a outside shot, but a hook shot game, and put all other thoughts
much like that ol former Lakers out ol my mind,
superstar Kareem Abdul jabbar. According to (Iray, not onl)
It wasn't much of a skv has the team enjoyed success
hook she said jokingly "Oneol during this season, but they have
the reasons it was a book is be- accomplished goals thai weresel
cause 1 was too lazy to turn all the by head coach Pat Pierson at the
beginning of the season.
? oror and rebounder
though she hasbeen saddled
h a knee injurv since her fresh-
ti .nA wears a knee brace,
? 'oii the court outweigh
I he hard workC .rav put m on "(Pierson) lei us set our own
her outside shooting recently paid goals, and then she took ihe top
oil as she made a 12 foot jump five from that I .rav explained
shot at the buzzer to give the Lady "She wanted us to beat I t
Pirates a 72-70 overtime victory Wilmington, Richmond, lames
over Pel a ware State on Jan. 18. Madison, and wanted us to shoot'
When the Lady Pirates play lV' from the free throw line as a
conference teams like fames team
14.4 points per game Madison. UNC Wilmington or Another goal Gray contin
-he was pleased with Richmond, the) know what to ned. was she wanted us to pav
expect However, with a team good defense and plav together as
that is not well known such as a team
shinM from Delaware State, it is eas to run During tight games, like the
i said I'veprai into a letdown. game against DelawareState,Gra)
1 think what it comes down saidshegetstense.butfindsawav
; her sophomore sea
in led the team in scoring
nant e s mo i h i
i lor the net min'H
rom the outside
beat to is when we get out there and
See.rav. page 14
Pirates, Seahawks battle on HTS
B) Michael Martin
Sports 1 ditor
Pirates and Seahawks ha edevel present during the festivities
a strong rivalrv due the A "5-6-7-8 Hoop Contest" will
proximity of both schools. also be offered for those E( I stu
i I Pirate men's bas pep rally has been sched- dents wishing to try their hand at
in takes to the court in uVy for i TUAy an 26, in front ol basketball. Prizes will be awarded
liseum this Saturday the Student Store tor the game, for participants that make five,
?d HOT-104FM will be broadcasting six, seven or eight baskets in a
live all day and will be distribut- row A one-year membership to
ing tee-shirts along with Mojo theSpa will be given away, as well
the Seahawks came on Sportswear of Greenville asa trip for two to the Holiday Inn
hen former Pirate m Atlantic Beach
' Harrison's Student Goverment Associa- Head coach Mike Steele and
uadwon7&-Ainfrontoi.ihome tmn l'resident Tripp Roakes will the 1989-90 ECU Pirates basket-
emcee the pep rally, which will ball team will also make an ap-
t will also mark the begin ten mmutes before each pearance at the rally. Steele and
hour, starting at 11am and last his players are scheduled to arrive
ing until 3 p.m The Pure Gold al 10:45 a.m and stay until 11:15
ng streak to I V
ton. 1 he Pirates List ic
. ?? le ised homegame
?? : lomc I earn Sports
g the game which Dancers, ECU cheerleaders. In- a
JuntorSarah Stretcri iray has become one of the Lady Pirates most poterrl Ifet eweapons Rang-
ing from her inside power to her perimeter finess, Gray leads the team in scoring with16 9 points per
game and 7 5 rebounds (Photo courtesy of Sports Information)
Robinson shines as track team
fares well in season opener
A ii t at p m
-tart ol the Colonial
, iation m !Us . the
ter-Fraternity Council, Student Fhe game is expected to be a
Pirate Club, Panhellenic Council, sell-out. so .ill students are urged
and the ECU Pep Band will all be to get their tk kets earl)
Swim teams dunk Duke
P (Catherine Anderson
Staff Writer
Rick Kobe
m 1 swimming and div-
ims finished the 1989 90dual
Saturday with a pair ol
ies over Puke t niversity
t mi defeated the
145 u. while the men
won 133-110
With the wins, the men im-
proved their overall record to 9-3,
while the women upped their
re ord to 8-4.
Ihe team really swam an
outstanding meet. Coach Rick
Kobe said. And it was nice to
boat an A( C team
Senior co-captain Raymond
Kennedy paced the men's team
with a pair ol victories. I le cap-
tured the 200-yard individual
medley w ith a timeol 1 s 77, and
the 200-yard breastroke in 2 12 28
The tirst plaee finishers in
Saturday's meet tor the men were
400-yard medley rcla)
nderson, Roy, Anderson. I.inl-
ine Duke, 3:34.34.
1000-yard freestyle - lett
Anton, Duke, 9:46.76.
200-yard freestyle - Andy
leter, ECU, 1:46.11.
50-yard freestyle - Chad
1 uning. Puke, 21.41
One meter diving - I ed
Roese, Puke, 253.95 points
200-yard butterfly Brent
Anderson, Puke l 56 04
100-yard freestyle Chad
Luning, Puke, :48 19
200 yard backstroke Mark
O'Brien, ECU, 1:58.36.
'0 yard freest) le . hris
St. hinder. EC I . 1 46 6 1
I hree meter di ing 1 ed
Roese, PI 294.97 points.
400 yard freest) le relay -
Parton. Hausi hild. Hohman
Anton. I Hike, : 15 64.
Sophomore Page I loll and
junior Carol vn( ireen led the 1 adv
Pirate attack with two individual
victories, tnd both swam legs in
the victorious 400 yard freestyle
1 loll raptured the 200-yard
freestyle with a time of 1:58.07,
and won the 100-yard freestyle in
:4.fy (Ireen, also a freestvle spe-
See Swim, page 14
By Joev Jenkins
Assistant sports ! ditor
1 Kad tra k coat h Bill Carson
is loot ing to put the right man in
the right spot. I le believes this
(.(mid be the key his relay teams
need in order to make themamong
the fastest in ECl historv
"We're working the team hard
m the quarter mile u-d the 200
(meter), trying to get them ready
lor the outdoor meets, Carson
said. But he added the team has
other problems, problems
have plagued past E I teams.
" letting the baton out ol the
33-meter zt ?ne is a problem w e re
facing i arson s.iui refering to
the area that the baton is ex-
changed between runners in a
Ihe team opened its season
on lanuarv 1m Fairfax, the
! ather I )iamond ln itational
E I s Ike Robinson highlighted
some strong individual perform-
ances bv the Pirates, posting a 6.19
to capture his heat in the 55-meter
The Pirate's A-relay team fell
in one heat ol the 4 400-meter
relay literallv when ECU'S
William Davis fell to thetrackafter
getting tangled up with a North
Carolina sprinter In another heat,
a St. Augustine's runner dropped
his baton and the Pirate's b team
ended up claiming the win.
(. Hher standouts included the
following: lames Parker who fin-
ished third in one heat ol the 55-
meter dash (6.52) and third in a
heat of the 200-meters, Brian Wil
lianis placed third in a heat of the
55-meter hurdles (7.68) Fred
Owens took third place in his heat
ofthe400-meter(51.02)and Robert
( iregory took third in his heat in
the 400 (55 111.
i hi an 20, the team traveled
to Blacksburg, Va. to run in the
Santoe-Marriott Invitational
1 he Pirates placed runners in
tour different eents Sophomore
Brian lr in finished second in the
I meters with a 48.79 second
time Freshman William Davis
aKo pla I in the 100 meters, fin-
ishing sixth with a time of 4.44.
In the500meters, juniorUdon
Check took second with a time of
1:05.08 Damon Desue, a fresh-
man, took fourth in the200meters
with a time of 22.21.
The team w ill compete this
? rdav in the Kodak Invitational
in Johnson City, I'enn. WTBSwill
broad ast the meet trom 9:50a.m
a m Following the Kodak
Invitational the team will return
to i airfax, Va. to run in the Mobil
?"?'I Invitational. ESPN will broad-
i 1st the 1 eh i event live
49ers look for fourth Super Bowl win
in I rant is o 49ers' offense
I roll Or the 1 Vnvor Broncos'
?? ? ? will Stifle Ihat swhat the
irt monc) and the stats
I 'erhaps. Ihe players involved
t so t ertain
? ure San Frant i ? o had the
.ii s most potent offense this
? a .on with 442 points Nes, the
I n 'in . ?. defense w as the league s
.tingiest, allow ing 22b.
Still, sih h informed people as
lohn El way, Ronnie Pott. Bobby
Humphre) and Michael Walter
in '? paring for a somewhat dif-
rent i enario
I thmk we might be play ing
? ? t? im we'veeverplayed in
i bo.1. Elwav, the Den
ver quarterback, said of the 4ers.
"That goes for their offense and
their defense.
"These guvs can stop people.
Look al what they did to the Vi-
kings, the Rams. Those are two
pretty good teams and the 4lers
lust shut them down
"We know how good their
defense is, it brought them a long
way added Humphrey, whose
rookie legs put a running threat
back into Denver's attack This is
not just the foe Montana Show
Their defense is excellent, it plavs
together, and it wins
A victory OH Sunday would
be San Francisco's record-tying
fourth m ? Super Bowl, matching
Pittsburgh's mark of the 1470s.
f hat the offense gets so much of
the credit tor that and tor the
4l'ers' stature as a heavy favorite
against Denver doesn'tseemto
bother the guys who man the other
side tor San Francisco.
"The defense since I've been
here has been ranked high said
Walter, a seventh-year linebacker.
"But when you look at what we
haveonoffense oe,Jerry(Rice)(
Roger (Craig), lohn Taylor, rom
Rathman it's not hard to under-
stand why they get the attention.
"I thmk we're happy with the
credit the defense gets. 1 know I'm
happy with the two Super Bowl
rings I have
"Our defense plavs well as a
group Maybe we don't have the
individual stars, but when you
watt h us on film and see how well
we cio as .? unit that's what
makes you a champion
Ihe Broncos figure they'll
have to move consistently on that
defense to have any shot at their
first NFL championship.
It we don't get it going, we
could be in tor a long day
Humphrey said. Ihe tirst thing
is we definitely must concentrate
and keep focused We have to be
alert at all times. Ever) body has to
play a key part, not just myself or
lohn or Vance (Johnson). It has to
be 11 guys who come and get it. all
11 busting their butts.
Our defense is a great one,
but we want to keep the ball so
they don't have to work so hard
Humphrey hasn't worked
See I9ers page 1 t
Pirate Fever
Crystal Clark, a member of the Pure Gold Dancers, entertains the
crowd during halftime of the George Mason game Clark and the
Pure Gold Dancers will perform al the pep rally Friday afternoon
(Photo by J D Whitmire - FXU Photo I ab

14 The East Carolinian January 25, 1990
Sports Briefs
Continued from page 13
Perles named athletic director
Michigan State football coach George Perles was named athletic
director of the university by a 53 vote from the school's board of
trustees Tuesday.The vote brought hisses from some of the 3iH) people
who attended the meeting. Perles, who turned down an offer to coach
the Ml L's New York lets, will take over the job )uly 1.
Uof Michigan could face probation
The baseball program at the University of Michigan could be
headed for probation and sanctions because of alleged illegal payments
to former players, according to published reports. The probation would
be the first of any kind on any team in the university's history. Former
coach Hud Middaugh is suspected of paying up to $70,(XX) over a period
of years to players.
Soviet and U.S. set to play basketball
A US team of collegiate basketball players and a Soviet Union
team will play each other over the net two vears, according to USA
Basketball.The teams will compete in a senesof 24 games, officials said.
Cheff named decade's top coach
Idaho's Lewis-Clark State College baseball coach Ed Cheff was
named the National Athletic Intercollegiate Association Coach of the
decade by Collegiate Baseball magazine Chelf's Lewis-Clark teams
won theNAlA World Series five times, finished second three times and
third once.
Hearns to fight Olajide
Thomas "the Hit Man" Hearns will fight Michael Olajide in a
planned boxing triple header at Caesar's Palace in Lis Vegas April 2b.
Also on the bill is comeback heavyweight George Foreman who will
box either lose Ribalta of Trevor Berbick. Doug DeWitt will defend his
World Boving Organization Middleweight title against either Nigel
Bonn ot England or former champ Donald Curry.
State tough on drinking Vikings
Minnesota Vikings' general manager Mike Lynn said the number of
Vikings' players arrested for drunken driving is a credit to the state's
intolerance oi such violations rather than the football team's approach
to alcohol abuse. In recent years, 12 Vikings have been arrested on
drunken driving charges, including tackle Keith Millard, who was
arrested Monday.
Cash skips Davis Cup team
Former Wimbledon tennis champion Pat Cash, still recuperating
froman Achilles' tendon injury, will notbeon the Australian DavisCup
team. But Cash will play against France next month in Perth, Australia.
In other I )avis Cup news, Boris Becker and Carl-Uwe Steeb head West
(iermany's defense of the Davis Cup next month against the Nether-
Everett signs with L.A. Rams
Quarterback im Everett who led the NFL in touchdown passes this
season signed a six-year contract with the Los Angeles Kams. They
reportedly will pay the 27-year-old more than $2 million a season.
Everetl threw 2? touchdown passes and a club-record 4,310 yards. Only
quarterbacks loe Montana of the San Francisco 4uers and Randall
( unnmgham oi the Philadelphia Eagles are paid more.
Racer spins into ravine at Monte Carlo
?r,u rear driver was killed and his co-driver injured when their R5
? I lurbo spun out of control and slid into a 650-foot ravine during the
second da) ot the Monte Carlo automobile rally Francis Malaussene
dud and lean-Claude Bertaudiere was injured in the crash Frenchman
1 'idler Auriol holds a narrow lead in the race.
Florida anxious over spring training
Florida could lose up to $300 million in revenues if baseball stops
spring training, according to estimates from the state's Commerce
Department. Each spring IS baseball teams hold training camps in the
state. The training lockout could hurt the state'seconoroy saysGov. Bob
Marline, who repeated his criticism of base-ball became no maor
league team calls Florida home.
NBA players may be in Olympics
National Basketball Association players an closer to participating
in the lq-i Summer Olvmpic Games in Barcelona, Spain, after the
International Olympic Committee relaxed qualifying rules. The new-
ruling moves the deadline for Olympic rosters to three weeks before the
start of competition. The previous deadline had been 60 davs
Board fines jockey $1,000
The New York Racing and Wagering Board fined jockey Jorge
( have $1 ,CM) for misjudging the distanceof the sixth race at Aqueduct
Sunday. Chavez was in the lead riding High Policy in the $50,000,2 1
4-mile handicap for 4-year-olds, when he pulled up his horse as he
crossed the finish line for the second time. The board fined him because
he had to cross the finish line three times.
COpyngli 1990, USA TOTM1 lAfylt Colltp lnu!un Selwork
In the Locker
Sports, not school, to blame
varsity sports. The study, in which the sub-
jects periodically answered M questions,
measured tension, anger, depression, fa-
tigue, confusion and vigor.
hard since cracking two ribs in the
AFC title game. He won't do any
contact work until Wednesday
and will wear a specially designed
nb protector similar to a flak jacket.
"I'll be there he said em-
phatically. "I'm not worried at all.
This is the biggest ballgame of my
"Your goal is to get to the top.
Now I've got a chance and I'm not
going to miss it
He'd better not. Denver's of-
fense can't afford to be without its
1,000-yard rusher. It also can't
afford El way ha vinganything less
than a sensational game
I le said he's ready for just such
a performance.
" As a quarterback, 1 think I' ve
gotten better he said.
Lott knows exactly what
Elway means.
"The more times you've seen
a situation or been in it, the easier
it is to react to it the 44ers All-Pro
safety said. "It shoulei beeasier for
them that this is their third (Super
Bowl in four years).
"From what we've seen, their
offensecan break games open, can
dominate people.
"But I ottadded with a smite,
"so can ours
The offense or the defense,
Continued from page 13
cialist, won the 1000-yard event
with a time of 11:01.89, and the
500-yard free in 524.71.
Outstanding performers for
the women included:
? 400-yard medley relay -
YVilhelm, Bndgers, Wicks, Duke,
ECU, 4:04.63.
? 50-yard rreestyte-Tia Par-
due, ECU, ?5.86.
200-yard individual med-
ley Susan Higgs, Duke, 2:13.00.
One-meter diving Kate
McElhone, Duke, 256.65 points.
200-yard butterfly Robin
Wicks, ECU, 2:12.15.
200-vard backstroke -
Christine Cannavo, Duke, 2:15.20
? 500-yard freestyle - Carolyn
Green, ECU, 5:24.71.
? Three-meter diving - Kate
McElhone, Duke, 265.80
? 200-yard breastroke
Meredith Bridgers, ECU, 2:20.47.
? 400-yard freestyle relay
Green, Wilson, Pardue, Holt, ECU.
Both the men's and women's
teams have had a good dual mcel
season,and will send 36members
to the CAA Championships,
which will bo held Feb. 8-10 in
Wilmington, .C.
Continued from page 13
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to calm down "1 take a deep
breath and tell myself to relax
Cray also added Pierson is
not calm when it comes to game
"When we played lames
Madison (Jan. 15), she was so
hvper,l don't think she knew what
to say Gray said. "She kept tell-
ing us Tou can do it, you can do
it and she wasshakingand jump-
ing around
Pierson has reason to jump
around, as her team continues to
break the hearts of opponents with
last minute comebacks.
Off the court, Gray is concen-
trating on being a special educa-
tion major. Her future is planned,
but it might involve some travel-
"I want to teach in Charlotte
(.C.) she said. "I don't want to
live there, 1 just want to teach
However, basketball for Gray
has been somewhat of an adjust-
ment She admits that prior to five
vears ago, the sport was silly to
"I thought it was the dumbest
game 1 ever seen in my life she
said. "A bunch of grown men and
women running around in short
pants As her interest picked up.
she began to blossom into an out-
standing player.
Gray led the Washington I Hgh
School Pam Pack to a sectional
championship in 1966, and earned
two letters in basketball and three
in track. Other honors she picked
up during high school include:
Converse honorable mention All-
America, Washington Daily New
Player of the year in NHh, All
Conference and All-Area two
straight seasons, and she was also
a member of the All-Regional
After leaving high school.
Gray established a reputation for
being a great player as she earned
a spot on the Colonial Athletic
Association All-Rookie team. This
team consists of the top five fresh-
man or first-year junior college
transfer athletes in the conference.
There a couple of goals Gray
wants to accomplish before this
season concludes.
"I would like for more people
to come to our games Gray ex-
plained. "I think the more people
that come, the better we play.
"Mv main goal is to win the
CAA she added. That's some-
thing we could do for Irish
For Gray, success hasn' t come
easy, but it has come often. IX-
spite being hampered by an m-
urv. she continues to dazzle op-
ponents with her lnsideoutside
touch. a technique that could help
cany the I ad v Pirates through the
CAA playoffs.
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? Research
is lending credence to some college
athletes have long suspected?athletics.
not academics, sap their enthusiasm and
vigor for continued sports training.
Coaches have long known that an
athlete's interest in sports can wane as a
school term progresses. They didn't know
whether to blame it on physical training or
the stress of term papers and exams.
Now, Kathleen Ellickson, an assis-
tant professor of psychiatry at Ohio State
University, says field work, not book work,
is the culprit Ellickson reached that con-
clusion after a study of students at the
University of Wisconsin.
"Athletesstart the semester with more
energy and in better mental health than
other students she said, "but by the end
of the term, they're actually worse off
Ellickson and researchers at Wiscon-
sin and Indiana University compared mood
changes ova a semester among 44 Wis-
consin swimmers and 86 students with no
Ellickson said that at the start of the
semester athletes fared 8 percent better
than the other students As the semester
progressed, she said athletes lost vigor and
showed steady increases in negative emo-
tions while non athletic students stayed
about the same
During the study, the swimmers
steadily increased the length of their daily
swims from 3,000 yards to about 9,500
By the fifth week, athletes no longer
had an edge on other students in terms of
mood By the end of the semester, the
athletes' scores on the mood test averaged
19 percent worse than the other students
Dhckson conducted the study with
William Morgan of Wisconsin and John
Raglin of Indiana.
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The East Carolinian, January 25, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 25, 1990
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