The East Carolinian, January 9, 1990

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The Decade in Review
January 9,1990
The 1980s: News
Scandal mars U.S. government
r resident Bush speaks to a crowd in Rocky Mount during his
election campaign in Nov 1988. (Photo by Chuck Hoskmson)
ByKimberly Brothers
Staff Writer
Operation ABSCAM was the
first political scandal uncovered
in the 1980s. The exposure of the
ABSCAM operation was the re-
sult ot a two-year investigation by
the FBI in which 31 U.S. officials
were linked to taking bribes from
Arabian businessmen.
In April 1980 the US. mili-
tary attempt ordered by President
limmv Carter to rescue the 52
American hostages tailed.
Ronald Reagan was inaugu-
rated as the40th US. president in
lanuar 1981. Shortly atter his
inauguration, the American hos-
tages were treed from their Ira-
nian captors who had been hold-
ing them hostage in the U.S. em-
bassy in Teheran.
In his urst term. Reagan en-
acted "Reaganomics which in
eluded budget v utsand t.i reduc-
tions that put the U.S. back on its
Reagan also appointed San
dra Day O'Connor in 1981 to be
the first woman Supreme Court
In 1982 the Equal Rights
Amendment missed ratification by
three states.
The U.S. in 1983 invaded
Grenada in order to oust its Marx-
ist government.
In the 1984 election, Reagan
and Vice President George Bush
ran against democratic presiden-
tial candidate Walter Mondale and
vice presidential candidate
aldine Ferraro. The ReaganBush
ticket won bv an historical land-
In 186, President Reagan
decided to use America's "big
stick "when the US. bombed L ybia
in retaliation against terrorist at-
tacks on Americans.
Reports of the Iran-Contra
AIDS becomes a world epidemic;
claims lives of more than 70,000
By Samantha Thompson
si.iil Writer
AIDS the deadh disease ol
the 1980s, was no! even named
until 1982 after it claimed the li es
of six men all homosexuals More
than71 I people, young and old
? ? ,
have died from MDS
Hudson, ndy Warhol and 1 iber-
ace It is estimated that in the
UnitedStatesa roneanda
half million peopl ? ? the dis-
ase v ith i ?? thout symptoms
A'orld ? ide ? i - " are
In theeai part I I idi
it was called the ga cancer.
I lomosexualsin theSa Francisco
ind 1 os Angeles area ??? re dying
Tom unexplainable and mysteri-
?us fatal infec ti n; nd ol
1981. approximately 10
sexuals died, and m? one I
vh . It became "the h I i tual
Lliscasc" and was larg . ?red
n hospitals and - mi ties
By 1982, drug users were i
igfromthe ;trangedisease Its
. ?? ad to anotl ? i i up lead re
an hers to beli ive th it the dis
case was transmitted through
Mood and semen Itwasdesci
he uounv
ed disease ol Ih
nine svstcm thai refl ted a
deficiency in immunity and pre-
disposed affected persons to fre-
quent and overwhelming infec-
It took the death ol actor Rock
1 (udson in uly of 1985 tor people
to realize the disease was as seri-
ous as researchers were saying.
imousai tors and actresses spoke
out with their concerns, including
Elizabeth Taylor. AIDS was be-
ginning to make headlines with
the general public, not onlv those
involved with the disease.
children and heterosexuals
were becoming infected and doc-
tors were still scan iing for a cure
N'BC, ABU and CBS ran stories on
the mounting number of cases,
but they were never high in prior-
People became at raid to get
near AIDS victims, believing that
anv type of contact with an AIDS
patient would infect them too. This
reaction came even after research-
ers found in lq84 that the disease
could only be acquired by sexual
intercourse, blood transfusions or
needle sharing. They isolated a
virus as the causative agent for
The AIDS virus kills lympho-
cytes, cells in the blood stream
i ;u, ial tothebod) 'sability to tight
ofl invadingbacteria, fungi, proto-
zoa and viruses.
Children unfortunate enough
to acquire the disease through
blood transfusions were told not
to come to school and some courts
readily agreed. The public, largely
uneducated about the causes oi
AIDS, had to be taught to avoid
contracting the virus and to ac-
cept those in society who have it.
Since funding for AIDS re-
search has never been given top
priority, progress tor a cure or for
a vaccination has been slow but
positive. Drugs such as AZT have
prolonged the life of many AIDS
patients, and the recent news of a
possible vaccination in the near
future make many victims hope-
With the growing concern and
number ot AIDScases, homosexu-
als as well as heterosexuals in the
1980S have reevaluated their sex-
ual morals and practices. One
night stands have declined and
condom sales are up. People are
finally concerned with the fate of
themselves as well as the human
Bv 14. experts predict that
over half a million peoplewill have
died from AIDS. More funding
and education is needed to halt or
at least decrease this number that
will steadily grow with each
coming decade until a cure is
Political turmoil strikes worldwide
By April Draughn
Staff Writer
Ih. 1980s proved to be id
( of turmoil and revolution
? r lughout the world.
San Salvador and South Korea
The unrest began on lanuar
2 , 1980 in San Salvador Man h 17
as a i.i,iv of havoc on the campus
? San Salvador when 150 leftist
militants and students took over
the campus A gun battle ensu d
for two and a half hours, killing 50 leader of the Korean CIA, resign.
people. By une JO, troops had Protests started March 19 by stu-
taken over the campus and were dents at Konkuk University after
conducting a search.
In April 1980, laborers and
students protested inSeoul, South
Korea Factory workers wanted
salary increases and elimination
ol union leaders. On Mav 1, sev-
eral thousand students from 13
different colleges began their
protests which lasted until May
1 he students spoke out
against martial law and requested
that General Chon Too Hwan,
martial law wasdedared. On May
18, W0 students were arrested and
17studentswerekiUed in Kwangju
on Mav 21.
Poland and Northern Ireland
As 1981 began, so did the
Polish Solidarity movement. On
Ian. 29, the Polish government
decided to restrict movements
such as the strikes that had erupted
the previous week. Strikes contin-
ued in cities like Bielsko-Biala
despite the oppression of the Pol-
ish government.
The year of 1981 began with
See Revolution, page 22
Affair began to surface in 1986.
Marine l-t. Col. Oliver North, John
Poindexter, Robert McFarlane and
Albert 1 lakim were indicted in the
North was convicted ot lying
to Congress, concealing evidence
from Congress and receiving a
security system for his home
President Reagan and President
elect George Bush were subpoe-
naed in North's trial in 1988, but
were never called to testify.
Gary Hart dropped out f the
race for democratic presidential
nomination on May 4,1987 after a
newspaper reported that he had
spent the night with a young
woman, Donna Rice, in his Wash-
ington, DC home.
In December 1987, President
Reagan and Soviet Union leader
Mikhail Gorbachev signed the INF
Treaty I"hc treaty is an agreement
which calls tor dismantling inter
mediate ranee nuclear missiles
The VVedtech scandal, which
involved the VVedtech Corpora-
tion of New York bribing many
officials and swindling policies in
order to gain government subsi-
dies and Army contracts unrav-
elled in June 1988. The scandal
was even linked to Attorney Gen-
eral Edwin Meese. whose associ-
ates were on the VVedtech payroll.
COP presidential candidate
C.eorge Bush and vice presiden-
tial candidate Dan Quaylc won
the 1988 election against demo-
cratic presidential candidate Mi-
chael Dukakis and vice presiden-
tial Candida teUoyd Bentson.This
presidential election spurred con-
troversy over negative campaign
In ls-84 President Bush ap-
proved a bill that would bail out
the savings and loan industry. The
cost of rescuing the S&Ls totalled
$300 billion, which will be paid
See Politics, page 21
U.S. declares war on drugs
By Jeff Becker
Staff Writer
What was the biggest prob-
lem for the United States in the
1980s? Many believe it was drugs.
The emergence of crack, the
crime it brought with it and the
rise of Colombian cocaine cartels
headlined thedrug problem in the
'80s. It was a problem which af-
fected manv aspects of American
In 1983 smokeable cocaine, or
crack, was discovered. One year
later it was on the streets of everv
major U.S. city. According to the
National Institute on Drug Abuse
the number of casual drug users
in the U.S. dropped from 23 mil-
lion to 14.5 million between 1985
and 1988. However, the addiction
rate continued toclimbdunng this
Poverty stricken ghettos have
become a haven for crack. Addic-
tion, gangs and shootouts are an
evervday threat in the ghetto ar-
Crack is not just a problem for
the poor. Across the nation, drug
counselors report rising number
of professionals with crack prob-
According to Newsweek
magazine.cocaine-related juvenile
arrests have skyrocketed in every
major U.S. city since 1983. Crack
became a new job program for
manv unskilled and poorly edu-
cated youths of the inner cities.
On an international level, the
1980s provided for the rise of
powerful drug organizations.
Topping the list of drug organiza-
tions is Colombia's Medellin car-
tel, the main supplier of cocaine in
the U.S.
A recent crackdown on the
drug cartel by the Colombian
government was made possible
bv President Bush's aid package
Millions of dollars ot the drug
cartel's money has been confis-
cated. The cartel's "finance minis-
ter" has been extradited to stand
trial in the U.S. and the number
two man in the Medellin Cartel,
lose Rodriguez Gacha, was shot to
death in December 1989.
These victories do not come
easy- Columbian newspaper El
Espectador has maintained reports
that the cartel killed and wounded
hundreds in response to actions
taken against them. According to
Colombia's Justice Minister Cor-
losLemosEimmonds. "theslaugh-
ter has just begun
President Bush took office
with a drug plan that included a
clear statement to the drug lords:
"We mean business Die expan-
sion of drug fighting aid to Latin
America and the recent ousting of
Panama's Manuel Noriega high-
light the administration's idea of
stopping drugs at the source.
The Bush plan has put the
"street level" approach back to
drug fighting. Increased federal
aid to state and local police and
the revitalization of treatment
programs are kev points of his
Although Bush's battle plan
mav contain some worthwhile
ideas, critics protest that it lacks
the necessary funds to be effec-
tive. Next year, Bush has proposed
to spend $7.8 billion to fight drugs.
Congressional democrats have
estimated this to be only four
percent of the cost of an all-out
war on drugs.
On-the-job drug testing be-
came enforced during the '80s.
Campaigns such as "lust say No"
were common, with angry citi-
zens banding together in attempt
to rid their neighborhoods of
Support for d nig legalization
has increased over the last dec-
Censorship: a contested issue
By Adam Cornelius
Assistant News Editor
Like previous decades, the
1980s was one of changing ideas,
how those ideas are expressed.
And, like previous decades, free
speech and censorship were ma-
jor issues, both locally and glob-
What was different about the
'80s were the places where censor-
ship came from and where the
freedom to express ideas was
being promoted.
In the United States, the rate
of objections to books expressing
controversial viewsabout race,sex
and politics jumped 500 percent
the year after the 1980 election,
according to the American Library
Fundamentalist Christian
groups, including Jerry Falwcll's
Moral Majority, Phyllis Schlafly's
Eagle Forum and Pat Robertson's
National Legal Foundation were
the main lobbying forces promot-
ing the banning of books
Libraries, bookstores and
courts across the country were
pressured to remove books like
Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mocking-
bird J.D. Salinger's "Catcher in
the Rye" and Aldous Huxley's
"Brave New World Buzzwords
of the new right's censorship ef-
forts included "secular human-
ism "values clarification" and
"situation ethics
The groups' mam complaints
were "undermining of traditional
family, atheistic and agnostic
lishment views, negative or pessi-
mistic views and moral relativism
See Censorship, page 22

20 The East Carolinian, January 9,1990
with me
exm en spill
Crime reaches epidemic
proportions in America
By Kimberly Brothers
Staff Writer
urn me
Burner peFtar
Homelessness increases in U.S.
By Susan Jernigan
Staff Writer
During the past decade,
homeless men and women have
become increasingly familiar
sights in the parks, streets and
alleys of America.
Statistics on the homeless are
difficult to pinpoint and analyze,
but it hasbeen estimated that three
million people currentl) make up
the nation's homeless population
In 188 the homeless population
increased 25 percent, according to
one survey.
Homeless men and women
were once though t of as the unem-
ployed and as children who ran
away from home. However, as the
numbers of homeless increased
through the '80s, the demographic
span of the homeless widened.
Today, there are more women
and many more young people
living on the streets. The average
age of the homeless on the streets
of San Fransisco is35,according to
one survey.
Families have also become
more prevalent in the shelters.
Thcv are usually poor people
whose predicaments result from a
personal tragedy, such as being
evicted from their apartment,
driven out by fire or by building
A third or half of the homeless
are mentally ill. During the latter
part of this century, asylums were
almost emptied because of im-
proved drugs and treatment tor
the patients. Many of those re-
leased ended up on the streets,
and many died.
Another growing face in the
homeless population is the drug
addict. The nations social prob-
lem of illegal drug use has spilled
over into the social problem oi
A visible increase in the home-
less population convinced Amen-
See Homeless, page 21
Crime in the '80s proved America to be one of the
most violent nations in the world.
The most remembered crime stories begin with
the racial rioting that left 18 people dead and more
than 300 injured in Miami, Fla. from May 17 to 19,
1980. The rioting was the most costly urban disorder
in U.S. history.
In 1981, the residents of Atlanta, Ga. were terri-
fied by a murderer. His reign of terror, which lasted
two years, left 30 young black people dead.
Wayne B. Williams, 23, was indicted in the case,
and found guilty for two of the Atlanta child mur-
ders. Authorities said the number of murders and
missing persons dropped off in Atlanta after Wil-
liams' arrest.
On March 30,1981, John Hinckley Jr. attempted
to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in hopes of
impressing his favorite actress, Jodie Foster. Hinck-
ley was found innocent by reason of insanity and
was put in a security institution.
During September and October of 1982, seven
people were poisoned by cyanide-laced Tylenol
capsules. James Lewis, alias Robert Richardson, was
believed to be the perpetrator since he had threat
cned Tylenol with such a poisoning.
The shooting and wounding of four teenage
boysb) Bernard Goetz in a New YorkCit) subway
station on Dec 22, 1984 started a debate over what
actions citizens should take to protect themselves.
Some thought the incident was racially motivated.
Goetz was found innocent in New York Supreme
Court in June 1987.
The biggest spy ring in U.S. history was uncov-
ered on May 20,1985, with the arrest of retired Navy-
Chief Warrant Officer John A. Walker. For 20 years
Walker traded U.S. top secret information with the
Soviet Union for money, with the help of his son and
two other family members.
On Aug. 31, 1985, the "night stalker who ter-
rorized California with 14 murders and 20 rapes
during 1985 was captured and beaten by East Los
Angeles residents when they saw him trying to steal
a car. The "night stalker Richard Ramirez, was
convicted of 13 Los Angeles murders in September
The New York Times reported in April 1987 that
residents of Detroit, Mich, lived in the city with the
nation's highest homicide rate. However, Washing-
ton, D.C. became known as the "murder capital" of
the U.S. in 1988 and 1989, with more homicides than
days in the year.
Carlos Lender, a Colombian linked to the
Medellin drug cartel, was convicted of conspiracy to
smuggle 3.3 tons of cocaine into the United States in
May 1988.
In February 1989, a gunman killed five children
playing in the schoolyard of Cleveland Elementary
School in Stockton, Calif.
On l.abor Day weekend, 1989, students from
black colleges were at Virginia Beach, Va. to partici-
pate in the annual "Greekfest Bccauseof the previ-
ous year's violence, police strictly enforced city laws,
which caused tensions and led to rioting and looting
bv the students.
In another famous case, former FTL partner and
televangelist Jim Bakker was convicted of fraud,
sentenced to 45 years in prison and fined $5(X),000on
Oct. 25. 1989.
In December 1989, a series of mail bombs killed
Alabama judge Robert Vance and a Savannah law-
yer, Robert Robinson. Bombs were found at an At-
lanta courthouse and N'AACP headquarters in
facksonv ille, Fla.
Environmental issues top earth's list of priorities
By Donna Hayes
Staff Writer
The 1980s may well be remem-
bered as the decade that finally
recognized the significance oi
environmental issues.
Dome Smith, an ocean ecol-
ogy expert and a national cam-
paigner for Greenpeace, the inter-
national environmental organiza-
tion, said more people are aware
of environmental problems now
because of increased media cover-
According to Greenpeace sta-
tistics, three out of every four
Americans consider them selves to
be environmentalists. Americans
also believe that "environmental
standards cannot be too high, no
matter what the cost
Statistics indicate that "84
percent (of Americans) would
accept a lower standard of living if
they could reduce health risks
and the buying practices of 77
percent oi Americans are influ-
enced bv a company's environ-
mental record.
A recent ABC News report
indicated that more than one-third
of the population of Great Britain
considers the environment to be
the most important issue today.
The United States alone gen-
erates more than 160 million tons
of garbage each year?
1.200pounds of garbage per per-
son. The Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (FPA) expects this
number to increase to more than
2,300 pounds of garbage per per-
son within the next 12 years
At least 80 percent of U.S.
garbage is buried in landfills, but
landfills already filled to capacity
and increased groundwater
poll hi tionarecausingcontroversv
After petitioning six states and
three countries for a site to dump
York was forced to bring its gar-
bage home.
Only 10 percent of U.S. gar-
bage is recycled, the preferred
method of waste disposal, but
recycling in the '90s is expected to
increase, possibly cutting U.S.
waste by 80 percent.
Communities and businesses
began initiating voluntary recy-
cling programs in the late 1960s;
however, recycling is becoming
a barge filled with garbage, New " mandatory in some areas, includ-
ing Pitt County.
In August, the North Caro-
lina General Assembly passed the
"Act to Improve the Management
of Solid Waste which provides
all state agencies to begin manda-
tory recycling by Jan. 1, 1992.
ECU students have also be-
come concerned with the use of
animal pelts in the fashion indus-
try. The "chic" fur coatsof the '80s
are the targets of environmental-
See Environment, page 22
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Standard of living improves
Innovations benefit consumers
B Sam ant ha 1 hompson
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rhe East Carolinian, January 9,1990 21
Airline tragedies caused by human error
tn 'in Svra
l Stace I ippin otl
Staff riu-i
When the I nited Vtrht
? 2 12 took on ul . ? ' ? ?
, ? . ? md r did i '
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? iku ipai " '
ivei ? ? '? in fatal a i idents onco
. ? . 2 million flights In 1989
it, not I thean I I msed b airline act idents
: ? re aboard largo pa through Jul total d 12 rhi ??
: ; . , Seven pi pie won I cures were comj ired to one
: ? Mlontown IVni di ith in 186 on carrier flights
i ,v hen two light plan md passengoi fligl I '?? itl " :
: irleddebri nahigl thai seats a i hi .? to the
I shopping centoi National 1 ransportation Safety
is cm i Board
? ? ? ;? ? ? ? . ? : Overall, tl isn t planes thai
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"jF The right choice.

The East Carolinian, January 9,1990 21
Standard of living improves
Innovations benefit consumers
By Samantha Thompson
Staff Writer
Who would have guessed at
the beginning ot the decade that a
piece of the Berlin Wall could be
purchased at Brendles tor $4.sS in
the 1990s?
A piece of the Berlin Wall is
lust one of many products that we
were able to buv in the 1980s. New
products ranged from Nutra
Sweet to USA Today, and both
simple and complicated tasks
became easier with new products.
Dieters were able to eat sweets
with just a few calories thanks to
viewers could purchase, at a
monthly rate, cable television with
some locales receiving up to 60
channels. MTV, CNN and TBS
were just a few of the channels
presented in the '80s.
If the 70s had Atari, the '80s
had Nintendo. More expensive
than Atari, yet more technologi-
cally advanced, Nintendo has
extended into the u0s with more
electronic games tor players oi all
The development of mousse
has allowed both men and women
to bring their hair to new heights
Available in different colors and
media form.
Post Its, the banana-yellow 2x2
note pads, helped us get messages
in the lSOs. The 3M Company,
while testing for a new type of
glue, accidently made the less
adhesive glue on the back of the
note pads.
? Her machine allowed consum-
ers to get "fast cash" any time of
the day or night. This new bank
ins convenience enabled people
to purchase all of the new prod-
ucts of the 1980b whenever they
MAP? BV 900
I Meters wereable to eat sweets to bring their hair to new neignis.
ith rust a few calories thanks to Available in different colors and m ? j ? J ' J L . 1 mjjmm mju -ly-vix
,?uo.isw.v, Hngsheae? Airline tt'azeaies caused by human error
er. Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi and passionate purple, mousse has XAHa-a-fS' vv -j
let Dr. Pepper were among the added new dimensions to hair wheri yg Air Flight 5C60 skidded students from Syracuse Univer- volved in fatal accide
first diet sodas. Today, most even
soft drink is made with a diet
counterpart, making dieting an
easier task. Chewing gum, hot
chocolate and ice cream were just
a few novelties made with Nutra
Pre-prepared froen meals
made dining simpler for both
working mothers and lav college
students. 1 landy microwaveable
I dishes could bo bought that were
either low in calories or in heart)
. men sizes. ith a .inetv it loods
to choose from the meals remain
relatively cheaper than dtningout.
Television took on a different
meaning during the decade. In-
stead of three to five channels
Trivial Pursuit made us more
aware of trivial facts both past and
present. The board game swept
the nation by challenging our
minds, sparking a quest for more
knowledge. Rubik'sCubeheld the
country's fascination with twists
and turns in search of the nght
combination of colors. Finally,
books were written to solve the
USA 1 oday.the new spaperof
the 1980s, with its colorful pic-
tures and short, concise articles
made reading the newspaper not
onlv entertaining but easier. The
newspaper steadily grew into one
of the nation's most popular prii
By Stacey Lippincott
Staff Writer
When the United AirlinesDC-
10, Flight 232 took on July 19,1989
passengers and crew did not real-
ize they were about to be in the
tenth worst U.S. air crash in his-
Flight 232crashed at theSioux
City airport, missing the runway
and breaking apart, scattering
carrying passengers in all direc-
tions The deaths of over I60on-
board the DC-10 wen- a bitter
reminder oi the airline accidents
that took the lives of many more
over the course of the year.
. ti leedv v averted
when I S Air f light 5050 skidded
off a runway and into New York's
last River and 61 c4 the63 passen-
gersand crew sur ived.The flight
was headed for Charlotte, N.C.
but never made it. La Guardia
Airport's new landing lights kept
the plane from sinking, saving the
lives ot the passengers
Fourteen of the 108 passen-
gers and crew oi Delta Right 1141
at the Dallas airport last August
were killed as the Boeing 727 rolled
on the runway and burst into
Besides plane crashes, terror-
ist bombings claimed the lives of
many. The bombing of Pan Am
Right 103 from London killed 32
students from Syracuse Univer-
However, not all of the airline
tragedies were aboard large pas-
senger planes. Seven people were
killed over Allentown, Pennsyl
volved in fatal accidents once
every 2 million flights. In 1989
deaths caused by airline accidents
through July totaled 129. These
figures were compared to one
death in 1986 on carrier flights
vania when two light planes col- and passenger flights with more
tided and hurled debris on a high- than 30 seats, according to the
way and shopping center.
A suspicious crash of Thomas
Root left investigators confused
as to what caused the plane to
plunge into the Atlantic. Roots s
trip from Washington DC. to
Rocky Mount, N.C. turned into a
disaster leaving him with a gun
shot wound.
According to Federal Safety
records, passenger jets are in-
National Transportation Safety
Overall, it isn't planes that
cause the airline accidents, but
human error According to Inter-
continental Aviation Safety con-
sul tan man error accounts for
t7 percent of fatal accidents. Struc-
ture failure only accounts for three
percent of fatalities.
Continued from page 19
Ethics in politics became a
prominent issue in 1989. The Sen-
ate rejected Sen. lohn Tower's
nomination in March 1989 tor
secretary oi defense because oi his
alleged drinking problem. I louse
Speaker lim Wright resigned after
being charged by the House Eth-
ics Committee with violating
louse ethics rules in May 1q?u.
Another political scandal
uiKoverWTnMW'tWk pKtCc in
Housingand Urban Development.
lack Kemp, Secretary oi HUD,
estimated that $2 billion had been
lost because of mismanagement
and fraud under the former HUD
secretary. Samuel Pierce.
The Supreme Court made
? Burning the American flag
was a constitutional right of ex-
pression. This ruling angered
people around the country and
caused President Bush to support
a constitutional amendment bar-
ring degradation of the flag.
? It upheld a Missouri law
that greatly restricts a woman's
right to have an abortion. In Web
sterv. ReproductiveHadth Sen-ices,
the Court gave the states the nght
to restrict the availability of pub-
licly funded abortions.
To wrap up the decade, on
Dec. 20. 1989, the U.S. invaded
Panama in an attempt to oust
Panamanian dictator Gen. Man-
uel A. Noriega, who fled to the
Vatican embassv for protection.
The invasion was the largest U.S.
military airlift since Vietnam and
led to Noriega's surrender
Continued from page 20
When kail Mom,
she either wants
to talk art or football.
Usually football?
cans to take part to help those in
need. In 1986, approximately 60
comedians joined together in an
effort to utilize the forces of laugh-
ter to aid the nation's homeless.
Another effort made bv co-
medians was "Comic Relief
which aired March 29 on HBO.
Robin Williams, Billy Crystal and
Whoopi Goldberg co-hosted the
program to demonstrate their
concern for the nation's homeless.
Two months later on May 26
the public joined in "Hands Across
America Through city streets,
across bridges, through deserts
and mountain passages, the line
of Americans holding hands in an
effort to help the homeless ex-
tended 4,150 miles.
The links of the man-made
chain included the rich, the poor,
the homeless, movie stars and
public officials. Over 60 million
participated, with each person
donating ten dollars.
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22 The East Carolinian, January 9,1990
Research improves medical treatment
By Katherine Anderson
Staff Writer
Researchers made strides in
the prevention and treatment of
sometimes deadly diseases dur-
ing the 1980s.
In 1985, an important link
between a cancer gene and a natu-
ral substance within the body was
discovered. This link is critical
because cancer is known to be a
process in which cell growth gets
out of control and cannot be
Scientists from the University
Oi Maryland, the University of
Rochester, and the National Insti
tute of 1 lealth reported the devel
opment of a new vaccine, given by
nose drops, that promises longer
and better immunity to influenza.
At Merck, Sharp & Dohme
Research l.abs of West point, Pa
under the direction of Dr. Edward
M.Scolnick, the first experimental
vaccine for humans utilized gene-
sphciftg to give healthy adults
immunity to hepatitis B virus. The
virus has been a m,ior cause of
liver disease throughout the
Also in 1985, a five-and-a-half
pound infant girl was the world's
first baby produced from a froen
embrvo. The birth, in Australia,
resulted after an ovum from the
mother was fertilized in a labora-
tory with the husband's sperm.
I he embryo was then frozen,
reportedly for two months before
being implanted in the woman's
uterus where it developed nor-
in ll87, under thedirectionof
Dr. lgnacio Madrao Navarro, of
1 a Kaa Medical Center in Mexico
City,a radical new surgical proce-
dure was developed to treat se-
ere cases of Parkinson's disease.
The procedure involves an implant successful transplant of an entire
of part of the patient's adrenal human knee was performed to
tissue into the brain.
Parkinson's disease, a pro-
gressive neurological disorder, is
characterized by loss of muscle
control, often accompanied by
tremors, slurred speech, extreme
fatigue and the inability to per-
form ordinary tasks. Doctors have
suggested that tissue implants in
the brain could have applications
in treating other disorders affect-
ing the central nervous system.
In 1988, a clinical trial of TH A
(tetrahydroaminocrydine) was
shown to reduce memory loss in
victims of Alzheimer's disease.
Approximately three million
Americans suffer from
Alzhcimcr'sdisease,a progressive
mental deterioration for which
there is no cure.
1Q89 was a tremendous year
for science and medicine. The first
save the leg of a 32-year-old
woman at the Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania.
Surgconsin Paris transplanted
parts of the same liver to two dif-
ferent patients. Because the liver
is the only organ in the body that
can regenerate itself it grows natu-
rally along with the body after
being reduced in size.
Doctors for the first time used
blood vessels which rarely de
vclop the fatty deposits that make
surgery necessary in the first place
Doctors previously used sections
of a leg vein to bypass blocked
coronary arteries.
While the eighties were filled
with research and enlightenment
for the entire medical field, the
decade ahead offers even more
bright hopes for disease control
and prevention in the world
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Apartheid persists in South Africa despite reforms
By Elizabeth Moore
Staff Writer
In South Africa blacks were
able to move more freely going
from atv to citv looking for work.
Children of blacks legally resid-
ing m an urban areas woe able lo
live m the same area instead of in
t rural tribal rcser e l'hesecondi
tions werecased as a result of new
governmental statutes and poh-
icsenforced bytheSouth African
governmenl in 1980.
Although some social condi-
tions unproved, severe economic
losses occurred in the black-occu-
pied Ciskei and Kwaulu areas as
,i result of the serums drought in
1980 which caused crop failure
and cattle losses. Despite the
losses, C iskeians voted on Dec. 4
lo become the fourth of 10 tribal
areas or "homelands" to gain
The legal status of blacks did
not improve in 1981. Under South
truan law, blackscould notown
iand outside ol 10 tribal "home
lanlU , which together made up
ny 15 percent of the country's
tital area
' On lulv 30, 1982 Prime Minis-
? JPteterWiHem Botha announced
? ic details of a plan by which the
tjfuntrv's white -minority govern-
ment would share political power
with South Afrieansof mixed race,
called Colored, and thoseof Asian
A hO-member Presidential
Council issued a report on May
1 2, 19H2 advocating the exclusion
of Macks from the natk?nal gov
eminent. The reform proposal
insured that whites could not DC
outvoted in Parliament The Con-
servative Partv was formed bv
right wing members who opposed
the reform proposal
On May 5,1983 South Africa's
new constitution was formally
introduced m parliament. It pro-
vided for a new Colored I louse of
Representatives with 85 members,
and an Asian House with 45
The white minority govern
ment won significant concessions
in 1984 from two of its black-ruled
neighbors. On Feb. 16, 1984,
Angola agreed to prevent
Namibain nationalist guerrillas
who had been fighting South Afri-
can rule m Namibia from main
? tairung mill tatv bases in southern
Aogaijk .
An estimated 80 blacks were
killed from earlv September to
October of 1984, and more than
400 were injured in conflicts with
government security forces in
black residential townships near
Johannesburg. On Oct. 23, about
7,000 soldiers conducted raids in
three townships, searching for
weapons and arresting suspected
The widening protests were
directed against a wide variety of
black grievances,overpriced ram-
shackle housing, inadequate
schooling, low wages and high
prices charged bv white retailers.
One goal that manv protesters had
in common was the release of
Nelson Mandela, the leader of the
banned African National Con-
gress, who had been in prison since
19h2 for plotting sabotage against
the government.
As a result of the protests the
government declared a state of
emergency in three major areas,
the eastern part of Cape Province,
black townships cast of Johan-
nesburg, and Johannesburg
itself.The emergency conditions
allowed police to impose curfews,
detain people without trial, and
search homes and other buildings
without warrants.
The move by many nations to
economically isolate the South Af-
rican government gained momen-
tum. As 1986 ended economic
sanctions (penalties) had been
voted on by the Organization of
Continued from page 19
African Unity, the Common-
wealth, theEuropean Community,
the United States and other coun-
T'retora acknowledged its
support for the rebel movement in
Angola. South Africa had been
giving Angola military support
since the Angolan civil warm 1975.
Over the coarse of 1988, the
South African government was
able to maintain some aspects of
stability bv continuing the exist-
ing state of emergency tor another
year, bv banning or curtailing a
number of black political and la-
bor organizations and bv stifling
press freedoms.
President Botha announced
new constitutional plans which he
stated would enable black South
Africans to participate more di
rectly in political affairs.
After three months of U.S.
mediated tasks, South Africa,
Cuba and Angola agreed to cease
fire in the Angolan civil war, and
South Africa began withdrawing
its troops.
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ECU Charge
of the now right's censorship
(forts included "secular human
i? values clarification" and
situation ethics
The groups' main complaints
ere undermining(traditional
I uruh . atheistic and agnostic
?. irvvs.anh traditionalanti-estab-
ishment lews, negative or possi-
rjfstic views and moral relativism
Situation ethics according toa
r&ort in the Sept 7. 1984 issue of
aristianity I'odav.
Public schools were affected
tie most by courtroom decisions
fople for the American VVav
iO( umented 153 incidents ol at
Kks on textbooks in the I986-8?
school year alone. Trials in Hawk- Cdn people have a right to buy all
ins County, Tennessee and M(v books and magazines judged to
bile. Alabama were among the be legal.
more popular court,ims result- Facing pressure from both
ing m the banning of textbooks sidesof the political spectrum, the
from the classrooms, including federal government in 1986 com-
missioned Attorney General
Edmund Mecse to head a com-
mission on pornography. His fi-
nal report asserted a relationship
between pornography and sexu-
ally motivated crimes. Among
other things, the f indingsamended
title 18 of the U.S. code to pro-
scribe what had been defined as
obscene cable and and television
Random House s "Freedom and
Crisis" (Second Edition, 1974,
l'7H), a historv text, and the biol-
ogv text 'life and Health" (third
Despite the pressure from the
extremes, the majority of Ameri-
cans were Opposed to censorship
during the 1980S. A 1986 survey
bvPenn & Schoen Associates, New
York, showed that H4 percent of
those polled believed that Ameri-
On lime 11, 1987, after three
tys ol protest in Panama, a 10-
I y state of urgency was issued
itfcr three days of anti-govern-
ment protests C ol. Roberto Her-
ri fa, termer second -in command
? f the Panamanian Defense Forces,
.tjrted protests after he made
i ibsations against General Man
nd Noriega. His main accusation
wf) about Noriega rigging the
PB4 elections, live opposition
pajjies organized a patriotic junta
tit national resistance in hopes to
ou$t Noriega
v Hrtna
Revolution became the story
ol 1989 when countries such as
China decided to fight for democ-
racy no matter what the costs. The
recent turmoil in China began on
April 15 after the death of former
communist partv leader Hu Yao-
bang.On April 17, marches led by
500 students into Tiananmen
Square began in honor of Hu
Police tried to remove stu-
dents from the square on April 19.
. From April 21 -22,approximately
100,000 students and supporters
marched into Tiananmen to stage
a pro-democracy rally.
By June 4, unrest had esca-
lated and at midnight in Beijing,
tanks, armored personnel carriers
and thousands of combat troops
Continued from page 19
forced their way into the square
and released fire on the demon-
East Germany
In East Germany, from Sep-
tember 11-14, over 13,000 East
Germans fled to West Germany
by way of Austria.
On Nov. 9, restrictions on
travel and emigration were loos-
ened. As of Nov. 15, almost three
million East Germans had trav-
eled to West Germany. On Dec. 3,
the Socialist Unity Communist
Party resigned due to public
knowledge of party and govern-
ment corruption. East Germans
could travel to West Germany with
no restrictions as of Dec. 5.
Continued from page 20
istsV scorn in the '90s. "Furisdead"
bifcme the motto of protesters
: Another concern to area envi-
ronmentalists is the issue of off-
shore oil drilling. The '80s were
pllgued with oil spills, the worst
occurring in 1989 off the coast of
Approximately 11 million
gaBonsofcrudeoil spilled into the
waters of Prince William Sound
when the Exxon Valdez strayed
off course and struck a reef. More
than 1,(XH) miles of coastline be-
came contaminated and thou-
sandsof animalsdied asa result of
the disaster.
The disaster came close to
home when Mobil Oil officials
announced plans to drill for oil
and. natural gas off the North
Carolina Outer Banks. Public out-
cry forced officials to delay the
final decision on Mobil's fate until
February 1990.
The '90s are beginning on a
positive environmental note.
President Bush proclaimed April
22 as Earth Day. The president
said he supported nationwide ac-
tivities that are designed to pro-
mote environmental awareness.
WeCcome "Bacl
"ECU Students

The East Carolinian, January 9, 1990 23
Movies focus on
stars and sequels
Games captivate
American minds
By Doug Morris
Stalf Writer
! he 1980s were full of changes
in the movie industry This has
been ? lucrative time tor film
makers. In 1989, the industry made
ipproximatcl) five billion dollars,
the Urgesi Mim in movie making
llh' were going for thedol-
! ii liit at the vime time they were
ul to make .i good product said
lohn l'ims manager of Buccaneer
N levies m .reenville. Film mak-
i. their audiences what they
v anted and the response trans
law d mto money
Along with the mega hits such
I Raiders of the lost
ik Platuon the "Star Wars"
movi -and Batman there were
mam films that did not make the
huge sums of money but were still
exceptional "Chariots of lire
Breaking Aw ty " "Raging Bull"
and Blue Velvet" all received
nvognition to; their artistic con-
II i roblcm i. film makers
are out to make money, and to do
that in the '80s, in many cases, did
not mean offering intelligent ma-
terial. The "RamboFriday the
13th" craehad thedisturbingside
effect of making good films seem
too sedate.
Starting in 1983, the movie
industry began producing a great
number of films directed at their
younger teen audiences. Films
such as 'War Games " The Out-
siders "Pee Wee's Big Adven-
ture "Coonios1 he Breakfast
Club and "Weird Science" were
directed toward younger audi-
ences. The introduction of the TCi-
13rating" m 1986and the aging of
the audience has reduced the
number of these movies.
The '80s may be known best
tor the sequel craze. Films like
"Friday the 13th "Halloween
"A Nightmare on Elm Street
"Indiana iones "laws
"Rambo RockyThe Karate
kid "Poltergeist "Superman
"Star Trek" and, of course. Back
to the Future were not simply
See Movies, page 24
By Rob Williams
Staff Writer
Archaeologists often unearth
artifacts which lend an under-
standing to how ancient and for-
gotten peoples made use of their
spare time. This, in turn, provides
us with an account of the level of
man'screativenessor imaginative-
ness during a particular era.
Should future archaeologists
stumble upon the means or forms
of entertainment that tickled the
fancies of Americans during the
1980s, they may very well find
confusion in the appearance of
trivia games and games of logics,
amidst joy sticks and computer
entertainment systems. These
describe the games of the '80s;
highly specialized computer ad-
venture games and adventures of
the imagination, interwoven with
simple games of trivia and pic-
ture-word association brought to
life by pencil and paper.
Hungarian professor Erno
Rubik christened the games of the
'80s with his small invention that
may have been a toy rather than a
game, but nevertheless, occupied
the minds of millions of Ameri-
cans. This emerged as the Rubik's
Cube, a color-coded, hand-held
object that outrightly irritated
whomever dared to twist and turn
its everchanging structure. The
intention of the device was not to
further complicate one's daily
problems but to provide the idle
mind with mental activity.
Soon, Americans demanded
a solution to the Rubik'sCube and
books with cube-solving tech-
niques were printed to alleviate
the distraught Rubik's Cube
player. Subsequently, Rubik's
Cubes were seen everywhere and
any where anyone had a chance to
tangle with the tantalizing toy.
See Games, page 24
Tom Hanks was one of the most productive movie actors of the decade
starring in such block busterr as Bachelor Party Nothing in Com-
mon The Money Pit "Punch I ine" and Turner and Hooch "
MTV changes music communication
By Suzan Lawler
SUff Writer
In 1981, MTV was born. We
, ould w atch our favorite and our
-a kited ideos repeated 24
in ,i Jay
M i V hasevolved through the
iirs and it now presents a wide
,inet t music videos and di-
? , I ?, ramming Some popu-
! i programs are "MTV
h I u men tar) "120 Minutes
Voi MTV Raps! and the "MTV
Mthough M IV has million of
faithful iewers it also receives its
hare of riticism Someoverheard
omplaints include luhe Brown's
, ice too shrill), Adam Curry s
h.m (too scary)and RemoteGon-
tioi Uoo stupid).
TV shows
come & go
in the '80s
Parents criticized the sex and
violence in the music videos. Manv
women wereoutraged at the por-
trayal of women as mindless sex
objects. Other media criticized
M TV's blatant selt promotion.
Even with all the criticism,
MTV has undeniably helped
launch their careers. The channel
allowed performers to reach their
target markets! 12-34-year-olds) 24
hours a dayMTV is the largest
radio station in America stated
CBS Records Vice President Frank
M. Dileo.
Some musicians were hesitant
to join tre video revolution. In a
1983 lime interview, Billy )oel
said, The musician in me really
resents having to interpret my
music in to something visual,
but. video is a torm of communi-
cation. Whv not usievery mean of
communication available?"
Some performers communi-
cated better than others Who can
mention music videos without
mentioning Michael ackson? I lis
videos Beat It, Bad. Billie lean and
Smooth Criminal were innovative
and elaborate rhrillcr remains the
top selling album in history and
his corpse cluttered video defi-
nitely had bomethmg tv.dp with
that success
Michael ackson remains a
permanent fixture on MTV. We
watched in amazement as his
dances and his face changed
through the years, 1 le wasa gentle
man (even a Pepsi had too much
fizz tor him) who captured the
world's and an extraterrestrial's
lackson's success was due
mainly to hisextraordin?-ry talent.
I lis videos helped showcase that
talent He gained millions of fans
and millions of dollars, thanks to
the 24-hour music channel. And
you can bet that his sequined glove
is often flipping the channel to
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By Debfl Blake
si ill V liter
I Ik p.isi decade ol the '80s
i,l. ,l television with popular
programs thai have come and
one I'eleviston has shown at-
i grab viewers and come
up with new ideas In program-
I hese attempts have resulted
m failures and successes. In the
rtOs we have had such programs
is Pallas "Dynasty "The
osby show "Miami Vice
MiMMUighring" and "Magnum.
i'l ' mi ot them succeeded at
c pi iwt however, not all of
m sun ived the tests ot time
tnd i itings.
II Jet ade began with "Dal
I is, a prime rime soap with a star
tudded cast of characters, domi-
nating the tube As the '80s pro-
resscdirt WS4 Hie Cosby Show"
niked number three in its debut
, . n The next four seasons it
tvigned as the number one show
today, ' Koseanne" is a tough
i ompctitor for that position.
Ihioiighout the years soaps
have been popular, but few
Meved the success of "Cosby
'atlas. Knot's landing" and
Law " have remained in top-
notch spots, while "Dynasty"and
i hC Otbj s" foided.
Hill Street Blues' brought
, md realism to theenmc scene
id prosenuo US with a winning
,1 m 1(X1 It survived for six
"Moonlighting" and "Miami
ue" dazrted audiences with
nu,iv and fashion.
See TV, page 24
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24 The East Carolinian, January 9, 1990
Musicians fight against
world social problems
By Suzan Lawler
Staff Writer
"The trond of activism is a
natural thing after lOto l5yearsof
being m a coma'said Steve Van
Zandt in an Oct. '85 rime maga-
zine interview. I le commented on
the surge oi music causes in the
'80's. Little Steven Van Zandt
wrote and reproduced the anti.i
partheid song, "SunCity
Artists United Against Apart
heid released the Sun City album
in 1985 to promote political aware-
ness and to discourage perform
crs from playing in South Africa.
Many talented perforrnerscontrib-
uted, including Miles Davis, Pete
Townsend. Herbie Hancock and
Peter Gabriel.
The 1988 "Human Rights
Now concert was another musi-
cal solidarity against apartheid.
Amnesty International sponsored
the event to make people awareof
human rights abuse in South Af-
rica International stars Tracy
Chapman. Stmg, Peter Gabriel,
Youssoou Pour and Bruce
Springsteen donated their talents
for A.l. Springsteen said, "Am-
nesty International speaks
through that sense of communit)
in a voice that calls for the decency
anddignitv leer woman man
and Juki to simply bo respe tod
Musicians around the world
frequently joined voices to help
charities and to promote activism.
The efforts were, as Joan Baez put
itsome kind of phenomenon
1 he music causes were especially
effective because music is, alter
all. the universal language. The
trond started in 1985 with Hob
Getdofs Hand Aid. The hottest
British performers sang "DoThey
Know It's Christmas? to aid
famine victims in Africa.
America soon followed suit
with'VVe Are The World " bv USA
tor Africa. I larrv Holafonte was a
kev organizer; Michael Jackson
and 1 lonel Richie co-wrote the
song, lortv-five musicians, includ-
ing Stevie Wonder and Hruce
Springsteen, shared their voices.
Band AidLive Aid together
raisedover$80 million for famine
victims. The lulv 13, 1985 concert
began in London's VVemblv Sta-
dium am ended . 16 hours later,
in Philadelphia's U'k stadium. The
world's largest concert was
beamed by satellite to 160 nations
and approximately 1.5 billion
Other musicians contributed
to the famine relief cause in 1985.
A group of 60 Latin artists called
I fermanos recorded a song to help
the hungry in Africa and Latin
America. Motel musicians formed
I lear'N Aid and cut a single, K
cause as Ronnie lames Pio said,
"Life is more than partying your
brains out On the other end o(
the musical spectrum, Christian
Artists United to Save the Earth
recorded "Do Something Now
Inthe fall of '8?, Willie Nelson,
with the help oi ohn Cougar
Mellencamp and Neil Young,
organized Farm Aid. The 14 5 hour
marathon concert in Champaign,
III. raised money to help strug-
gling American farmers. Nelson,
himself a failed former pig farmer,
stimulated public and legislative
support for the farmers.
Cru sad mgwasd of mi telv cool
in the '80s and musicians helped a
varity of causes. DionneA: Friends
raised 1.4 million for Aidsrcscarch
m 1986 with the song'That's What
Friends Are For Hill Graham
organized a Crack-1 town concert
m '86 tt promote an anticrack
campaign in New York schools.
Terence Front I.)'Arbv. U2,and
I NXSalI supported environmental
preservation and (.reenpeace. The
Now kids on the Block recently
presented Boston Against Drugs
with a $25,000 check. These
groups, along with many others,
tried togivc something back to the
Hopefully, the music causes
ot the st's will continue into the
l?0s i, harity and social awareness
should not be considered fads,
thev should in wavsof life.
Continued from page 23
Rubikmania was born not to die
out until the middle of the decade.
After the birth oi Rubikmania
came another sort ol mania. Not
with small objects that twist in
your hand but with books and
dice and wizards and daggers, but
a game that allowed its players to
feel and to think and to act like its
characters. (twasagameofimagi-
natwrtndagameofcufprnae. In
fact, Pungeons and Pragorrs was
a game that allowed its players to
live the lives of its characters, and
tor a certain few, to experience the
fate ot its characters.
Shortly after Dungeons and
Dragons won considerable fame,
it became linked to se oral deaths
Some people, who became too
involved with the game's rote-
playing, committed suicide. And
the game was dubbed a danger-
ous obsession rather than an ex-
traordinary adventure of castles
and dragons.
The chaotic scenarios associ-
ated with Pungeons and Dragons
seemed to bring an end to the
imaginative game and quite con
trastingly Americans turned their
interest toward a now ,o simple
game oi trivia, known as frivial
lust as Trivial Pursuit left its
mark in the '80s, so did another
form of entertainment. It became
more of a preoccupation shortly
after its origin, and some would
siyrespecially mothers, that it has
grown into one big, bad habi t. The
obsession refered to is Nintendo.
a video player's escape into the
world of computer graphics.
To credit video arcade games
and Atari electronic systems of
the late '70s and early '80s for its
evolution would be to do this
remarkable computer entertain
ment system a terrible injustice,
for its advancements exceed far
above those of its predecessors.
Nintendo offers everything
from compu tor sports to computer
adventure games cnd has
spawned a video craze that is sure
to stav with us for years to come.
Obsession with this computer
entertainment system is so wide-
spread that many people consider
it an addiction ol sort. Addiction
or not. it remains to be one of the
most popular games ot the dec-
As the pattern of the '80s had
it, a simple game oi logic seemed
ti capture the attention of Ameri-
cans once again and return us to
the basics after games of imagina-
tion and computer technology.
This game not only returned us to
order but served as the last real
popular pasttime of the '80s.
It was a game centered on the
ability of communication and
conveyance between two or more
people through drawings and
word clues. This game, Piction-
arv, sparked a flame for similar
games, including a TV game show
hosted by Hurt Reynolds. Ameri-
cans soon found utility in a piece
of paper and a pencil, the only
items needed to play the game.
Like other games of the '80s, it has
carried its popularity into the '90s
and into a new decade of games.
Continued from page 23
wondering what Maddie and
David were going to do next, while
I ubbsandrocketl presented the
times with now trends in stylo.
"Wheel Of Fortune" was one
game show that made a lasting
impact Iho syndicated version
began in 1983; however, the net-
work show Started back in 1975.
Tabloid TV became an over-
night success presenting gossip
and celebrities to n interested
audience. "A Current Affair
"InsideFdition" and "Hard Copv"
are just a few oi the decade's crit-
ics. It thev miss any controversial
topic, Geraldo will cover it.
"The Pukes of Hazzard"and
"1ASH" and were favorites
m the first half of the decade, while
"family Ties "AM" and "A Dif-
ferent World" wore winners as
the decade ended.
The past ten years have shown
how television has winners and
The TV trends of the decade
leave us with an image of game
shows, talk shows, cops and rob-
bers programsand situation come-
dies. Many of the styles of televi-
sion programming are traditional.
Thev began before the '80s and
will continue for decades to come.
fowever, there is a portion of
risk takers, programs that dared
to be different, who succeeded for
a while no became part of our
????L-T ilHiBi-ismimmh?? ????
"GHOSTBUSTE RSII" was one of the characteristic sequels ot the 1980s Like many movies that succeeded
in their debut films often disappointed audiences with second and third tries
Continued from page 23
. ;? ?v,r. '?ni sequel thine has, to an extent, burnt
more money, but sure money to SJ of ?2 out ?id Sims. If th.s ,s the
the movie makers Sequels seem The low income of some of i -
to have become the rule rather these may mean there w.ll be less case, perhaps the Ws
than the exception for any high- sequels m the '90s. think the somethmg new to offer m f.lms.
U, U
ZJ 7,

o Q
c o

The East Carolinian, January 9,1990 25
Sports plagued
by drug abuse
By I is Spiridopouloa
and )lv Reichelt I Writers
Nothing m today's society is
i v! u i as it appears to be. No!
in sports.
With all the glory, the records
the points scored and all the
ncs played, sports has a major
tblcm problem that is con
itiously ruining teams players'
irtvrs and athletes lues lliat
il lem, "i i ourse, is drugs.
h ugsha ebecomeoneol the
si controversial issue in sports
?lieut ihe'siK.ind hundreds
; piayers have suffered from
( lune 1 1986 22 year-old
?i Bias v ,im hosen by the Boston
i liies as the second pick in the
draft Onthevergeofaprom-
igNB arcei Bias signed with
then v orld ? hampionsas well
an endorsement contract tor
ebok hi h would have kept
n m tail) secure for the rest
? his life
i he new k inked v eltu flew
ii k to Washington D.C the fol
ing day. As Bias returned to
Maryland campus where he
I pro' en himsell as one of for-
r rerrapincoachl ettvl rieseH's
? outstanding players, he and
cral other teammates cele
rated his drafting to Boston as
. sat around their dorm room
Around 2:3Qa.rr? Bias left the
m and was reported to be at a
, with known cocaine dealer
termer Maryland student
? in I nbble I le returned to the
n around 6 W am and sut
el a hearl attack and a seizure.
i animate letrv I ong gave him
itt ? ? mouth, resust nation
play in the NBA. Bias had been
dratted bv the team that he ad-
mired in his childhood, but all of
that came crashing to a halt
Cocaine was linked to bias's
death immediately, even though
he was known as a non drug user.
Many thoughTithad to have been
a one time accident, but specula
hon still remained on whether or
not bias was a regular drug-user
It was later discovered that crack,
a purer and more potent form ot
cocaine, was the cause ol bias's
death. No one knows for sure
whether bias had taken drugs
before or it all the pressure had
come so last and furious that he
was unable to handle the situation.
He was described bv the
Washington bullets' Mark Alane
as being "the perfect athlete
while lim Valvano, head coach ot
N.C. State, described Biasas being
"almost the perfect basketball
In the lune 30, 1986 issue ot
Sports Illustrated, noted medical
experts were quoted as saying thai
'it does not takea massive amount
ot cocaine to contribute to death.
1 he impurities in cocaine sold on
the street can make it lethal, and
some people may have a particu-
larly low tolerance to the drug
hollowing Bias's death, con
troversv surrounded Maryland
sports, several players quit and
Driesel! later resigned
1 he world of professional
sports is not the onlv realm ai
fected by drug abuse. International
and Olympic competitions have
aKo been plagued. Steroids, CO-
caine, and horomonal stimulants
have prompted drug testing at all
levels ot competiton.
Rose banned from
baseball for life
By Joey Jenkins
Assistant Sports Rdilor
When Pete Rose surpassed Ty
Cobb's mark to become baseball's
all-time leading hitter, he joined
the ranks of a chosen few.
In I 89, Rose added his name
to a much more exclusive club, a
club that has made baseball in-
famy. The only membership re-
quirement banishment for life
from the game
At an August press confer-
ence, baseball commissioner A.
BartlettCaamatti charged that Rose
had "engaged in a variety of acts
which had stained the game and
he must now live with the conse-
quences of those acts as quoted
in theScpt.4,1989 edition of Sports
Illustrated. Giamatti's announce-
ment of Rose's lifetime ban from
the game came down like a guillo-
tine, in effect severing "Charlie
Hustle's" 27-year major league
The decision followed months
of arguing beginning in April
between Giamatti and Rose's
had regularly placed bets on Ma-
jor League teams -even his own
Cincinnati Reds.
Evidence of misconduct by
Rose began to surfaceearly in 1989
and was eventually compiled into
a 225-page report submitted by
baseball's special counsel John
See Rose, page 28
Edwards signs with Utah
iheodore"Blue'Ldwards.the6 b guard from Walstonburq N C that
practically rewrote the ECU record books in basketball was taken as
the 21 st pick in the 1989 NBA draft by the Utah Jazz In his two years
at ECU. Edwards averaged20 7 ppg and 6 1 rebounds, andcaptured
the CAA Player ot the Year honors (the only ECU player ever to
receive the award) his senior year I le finished the 1988-89 season
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c anadiarl spnfltw Hrrr
anddbas wa4)b3bed MJTlttnd v Yohnsonwasr?bhounced thefa?
esl man in the world after beating
Carl Lewis in the 100 meter dash
in the ll,SS Olvmpics. He had
broken the world's record and won
a gold medal tor the Canadians.
Unfortunately, Johnson's
Memorial I lospital Doctors pro-
im iJ Bias dead .it 8:50 a.m.
lust 40 hours earlier, the
ng superstar was in the prime
nl his life I le was an All Amen
ind was an ideal andidate to
glory quickly turned intodisgracc
as he tested positive for steroid
?use and was sent home, lohnson
was stripped ot his gold medal,
wiped from all the record books
u. iscurrently banned rrominter-
national competition for two years.
A total of ten Olympic athletes
lost medals in the 1988 Seoul
Olympics because of illegal drug
use, and medical experts estimate
that at least half ot the9,000 par
tTpa'nts us?ki steroids sometime
during their trailing. pc?
Early in the 1989 NFL season,
Washington Redskins' Dexter
Manley became the third player to
he banned for life from the league.
As the Redskins' tire-power on
defense, Manlev had already
tested positive twice foi illicit drug
use He claimed that everything
was okay and that he was being
treated for his drug habit.
On top of the drug abuse,
Manlev puhlicallvannounced that
he was illiterate, but he had plans
to deal with both his problems
Even though he learned to read,
his drug usage continued And
because of it. Manly was banned
from playing football in the NFL.
He is eligible to have another
hearing in one vear
Another football player, New
York liants'linebacker Lawrence
laylor,also had about withdrugs.
I fowever, the outcome uis dif-
ferent for Taylor. 1 le was treated
See Drugs, page 27
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Americans paced professional
tennis with a unique style
McEnroe noted for his fiery attitude
B) Dave Mc reary and F-ric Stillson
SUfi Writers
I he 1980s Inducted main brighl new stars Into
professional tennis firmament, but the decade
o ushered out several legends that will long be
Almost everyone has heard of Bjorn Borg. Borg
lyed perhaps the most outstanding professional
tennis match ot all time, the 1980 Wimbledon final.
Outlasting an tip-and coming lohn McEnroe 1-
6 J, 6-7 (16-18), 8-6, Borg put himself en route
l seemingly insurmountable tive straight Wim-
ledon titles. He retired several years later, but his
irk on the men's tennis record books makes him
? ol the best to ever plav the game
With the '80s in full swing, what used to be
?nsidered a gentleman's game soon became a sport
d with tiery fist clenching, racket throwingantics
ind squabbles with officials.
At the forefront of these shenanigans was the
isty limmv Connors. Connors displayed an In-
tense, gutsv Style of play never seen before his era.
en at age 36, he is still a true competitor on the
, n's tour and until 1989 he was a mainstay in the
Anrld'stop 10.
I tot-tempered American,John McEnroe, attained
.tin the-world status in the early '80s. The south-
; aW master of the serve and volley used a unique
h ml of power and finesse to capture several U.S.
;en and Wimbledon titles. Well known for his
itent confrontations with linesmen and chair
umpires, McEnroe gained public favor with his in-
spiring plav and he consistently represented the
i mted States In Davis Cup competition.
But, undoubtedly the most dominant performer
in the Iatel980i was Czechoslavakian-bom Ivan
l.endl. l.endl ruled the U.S. and French Opens by
using aggressive groundstrokes and a blazing serve
to foolish off his opponents.
Becker dove into the scene m 1985 at age 17 and
urpassed all of his more experienced opponents to
become the youngest male ever to win Wimbledon.
I el lowing several inauspicious performances in other
tournaments, Becker returned to championship form
with I .S. Open and Wimbledon victories in 1989 and
he closed in, and captured the number one ranking in
the world.
On the women's side tt the net. the decade's
early donunance belonged to (hrislvert-l.loyd. Her
consistent gameplav and mental endurance helped
her capture more than her share of U.S. Open and
Wimbledon titles. Evert retired gracefully in 1W)
claiming more victories than anv other woman who's
ever played the game
Martina Navratilova reigned as the world's
number one women's player for over half the dec-
ade, stockpiling more trophies and winnings than
anv other player. Shedominated Evert and everyone
else during the '80s, and her supremacy seemed
imfu-nshable until a young West German named
Stem Graf evolved into the rankings in 1987.
Graf began winning, making swift work of almost
all of her opponents in the major tournaments In
1488, with a championship win at the U.S. Open,
(iraf achieved the Grand Slam of tennis winning
all four major tournaments (Wimbledon, US. Open,
French Open and the Australia Open) in one year.
Graf has lost only five matches since winning the
Grand Slam, and she still resides as the world's top
ranked player.
Other than Navratilova, only one player on the
horizon seems up to the challenge of Graf. Cabnella
Sabatini holds the most impressive head-to-head
record with Graf, next to Navratilova, and she seems
most confident when she faces the West German.
Only time will tell if Graf versusSabatini will become
the next true rivalry in women's tennis.
So with the 1980s gone and the 1990s already
here, the world of tennis continues to spin. Teen
terrors like Andre Agassi and Michael Chang could
rekindle the fire for the United States in the racket
sport, but West Germany's royal pair of Becker and
Graf continue to rule and seem unwilling to be
Whatever the case, though, the net that separates
one player from another will continue to widen,
bringing a new wealth of talent to a new decade.
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2b The East Carolinian, January 9,1990
CU baseball has continuously been a strong point of the university's athletic program During the 80s.
the Pirates have compiled a 213 134-1 mark, including two CAA titles ('87 & 89). two ECAC titles ('82 &
84). and three NCAA bids ('80, '87, and '89) (Photo courtesy ot Sports Information)
'Air' Jordan flies through the
'80s with the greatest of ease
United States boycotts 1980
Olympic games in Moscow
By (Catherine Anderson
Staff Writer
As anger mounted against the
Soviet Union tor invading Af-
ghanistan, the cry grew louder,
Bo) cott next summers Olympics
or move them out ot Moscow
In early lanuarypi 1980, the
i. artcr Administration tirst began
wrestling with the question ot
i 'nther its reprisal ot the Soy lets
should, for the tirst time, include
the OK mpic (iames as a target
Mam supporters ol the
Games argued that a boycott tor
any political reason was inappro-
priate and wrong. And Don Miller,
executive director ot the U.S.
Olympic Committee, said, It the
Olympic Games are to survive
they must be apolitical and re-
main in the private sector
That sentiment about the
Olympics had not alwavs been
true In 1936, Hitler turned the
Berlin Games into a showcase of
Vii propaganda. World War 1
and II snuffed out the 1916, 1940,
and ll?44 Olympiads rhel972
Munich Games were shattered bv
an Arab terrorist attack on the
Israeli team that left eleven Israeli
athletes dead
Past Games have also been
boycotted. lor example, Spain,
Switzerland, and the Netherlands
withdrew from the Melbourne
Olympics as a protest against the
Soviet invasion of Hungary
The Garter Administration
was aware of the fact that any
major boycott or relocation ot the
1980 Summer Games would
deeply embarrass and disappoint
the Kremlin, which had tried ever
since the early 1960s, to be named
as host.
Nn let leaders, notoriously.
insecure about their country's
position in the world, viewed the
Moscow(lames as a way to greatly
increase their nation's prestige,
possibly even as a way to legiti-
mize their system. The loss of the
(lames would have been a heavy
blow to Moscow.
Bv lanuarv 21, 1980, Saudi
Arabia had already withdrawn
from the event and had called on
other Islamic nations to olo the
same. In London, a member of
Parliament tried to organize a
worldwide pullout.
On April 12, 1980, Vice Presi-
dent Walter Mondale addressed
the U.S.O.C House of Delegates
in Colorado Springs with an offi-
cial call for a U.S. Olympic boy-
In his address, Mondale
stated, 'A heavy burden lies on
your shoulders. We recognize tho
enormous price we are asking our
athletes to pay. But on behalf ot
the President of the United States,
I assure you that our nation will
dii everything in its power to in-
sure the success ot the 1984 I os
Angcles( .ami's, to help the(Hym-
picCommittee restore its finances;
to prov ideeven greater assistance
to the development ol amateur
sport; and, above all, to recognize
the true heroism ol our athletes
who do not go to Moscow
Later that day, April 12. 1980,
bv a vote ot 1,604 to 797, the U.S.
OlvmpicC bmmittee agreed not to
send a U.S. team to the 1980Olym-
pic Games in Moscow
Although most agreed that
participating in the C lames would
have legitimized a propaganda
charade, as well .is helped divert
the reality ot So let attention from
the reality oi Soviet aggression,
for U.S. Ol vmpians. bitterness was
rhe400 American athletes that
were kept out ol the 1980 Summer
See Boycott, page 28
By Chip Rutan
Staff Writer
See Michael run. See Michael jump See Michael
dunk. See Michael change the world basketball.
Michael Jordan, the former North Carolina stand-
out, was picked third overall in the 14Sr NBA draft
by the Chicago Bulls and instantly made an impact
not only for the Bulls, but also the entire NBA.
Dubbed "Air" ordan tor his graceful moves on
the court and powerful dunks, the young superstar
has become the idol of many aspiring basketball
Jordan's story began in Wilmington, orth
Carolina on on December 17, 1963. Michael lottery
fordan was born to parents Dolores and lames Jor-
dan, and trom that day on, both of his parents in-
stilled in him a work ethic a will to strive for
excellence in his chosen field with a sense of priori
Jordan said in an intervieyv yvith oe McCollum
that he feels that these things have contributed most
to his character and success. 1 ledid not come from a
tamilvot athletes, nor washea "natural" in any sense
of the word.
At age 13, his father built him his first basketball
court in the backyard. But, as his father said, "As a
youngster, Michael yvasnot a born basketball player
I ie set goals and worked hard to achieve them I lis
leaping just didn't happen, but he worked at it
Filtering high school, fordan's small size hin-
dered him from playing basketball, so he pursued
other sports In his sophomore year, he made the
basketball team, but was cut soon alter By the end
of his sophomore year Jordan had participated in
football, track and baseball and was beginning to
think perhaps baseball was "the right place" tor his
However, a growth spurt between his sopho-
more and junior year shitted things for lordan. After
attending the I lveMarbasketball campin Pittsburgh
during the summer, suddenly . Michael became one
of the most highly touted high school players in
America. Bv the beginning of his senior year, Jordan
had already accepted to plav at UNO Chapel Hill
under Coach Dean Smith
Making the starting lineup for Smith his fresh
man year, Jordan placed erratically, averaging 1" 5
points and tour rehuinds a game. He was touted bv
sportscasters tor his ability to come through bril-
liantly in clutch situations
In the 1982 A national championship game
against (,ergrto n, the freshman hit a fifteen and
one half foot ump shot in the yvaning moments that
laterproved to be the most noteworthy clutch moment
of his college career l"he shot helped give the Tar-
heels a one point vi torv and Dean Smith his only
national title in ?4 years at UNC.
In 14, lordan lead the U.S. Olympic team.
coached bv Indiana's Bobby Knight, to a Gold medal
After his very impressive performance in the( lames,
Jordan opted to skip his senior year at Northaro-
lina and enter the work! of the NBA.
With fordan on the team, Chicago ticket sales
soared for the Bulls, rising K7" tor Chicago stadium
Even road attendance increased as Jordan electrified
crowds with hisdazzling moves to the basket and his
spectacular, sometimes seemingly imp)ssible,dunks.
1 lis vertical leap, assessed at 40 to 47 inches,
made his hang time seem endless as he took the NBA
Slam Dunk challenge his third year in tho pr is
Jordan's athletic abilities make him the one i: tl
toughest men to beat in the NBA today reams
See Jordan, page 28
Soviets toppled in Olympic hockey
By Kristen Halberg
Staff Writer
A decade ot sports milestones
could not have been featured with-
out the monumental victory of the
1980 l.S. hockey team in theOrym-
pic Games at Lake Placid, New
York The American dream team
Stunned the world as they cap-
tured an impossible win, and left a
once invincible Soviet team ina we.
The game symbolized much
more than a simple sporting match
between two teams. It was the
good against the bad, amateurs
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against (he pros, the weak Irving
to claim y i ti rv over the strong
But. the close 4-3 victory did
not guarantee the United Mates
gold medal rhree days later they
would have to battle Finland to
linch their golden dreams.
Nevertheless, the narrow es-
i ape. close calls and the ultimate
victory over the Red team was
won not from skill and profes-
sionalism, but trom emotion, a
little heart and a lot ot guts. Only
a handful ot US. Olympic players
were qualified enough to bo in
contention with the National
Hockey League. But the Sox el
team played Nl ILteams regularly,
and had no problem dominating
rhe agile Soviet team had not
lost a game in the two previous
Olympiads. United States i oach
Herb Brooks fully aware t
the improbablity ot a IS victory
over the Soviets 'Our chances are
slim to none he was quoted as
saving in News oeek
Besides, the Soviets crushed
the American team 10-3 in a pre-
Lake Placid game m Madison
See Cold, page 2" r?t
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26 The East Carolinian, January 9,1990
ECU baseball has continuously been a strong point of the university's athletic program. During the '80s,
the Pirates have compiled a 213-134-1 mark, including two CAA titles ('87 & '89), two EC AC titles ('82 &
'84), and three NCAA bids ('80, '87, and '89). (Photo courtesy of Sports Information)
United States boycotts 1980
Olympic games in Moscow
By Katherine Anderson
Staff Writer
As anger mounted against the
Soviet Union for invading Af-
ghanistan, the cry grew louder,
Boycott next summer's Olympics
or move them out of Moscow
In early January pi 1980, the
Carter Administration first began
wrestling with the question of
u bother its reprisal of the Soviets
should, tor the tirst time, include
the Olympic Games as a target.
Main supporters ot the
Games argued that a boycott for
any political reason was inappro-
priate and wrong. And Don Miller,
executive director of the U.S.
Olympic Committee, said, "If the
Olvmpic Games are to survive
thev must be apolitical and re-
main in the private sector.
That sentiment about the
Olympics had not alwavs been
true. In 193c. Hitler turned the
Berlin Games into a showcase of
Nazi propaganda World War I
and II snuffed out the llr, 1940,
and 1944 Olympiads. Thel972
Munich Games were shattered by
an Arab terrorist attack on the
Israeli team that left eleven Israeli
athletes dead.
Past Games have also been
boycotted. For example, Spain,
Switzerland, and the Netherlands
withdrew from the Melbourne
Olympics as a protest against the
Soviet invasion of Hungary.
The Carter Administration
was aware of the fact that any
major boycott or relocation of the
180 Summer Games would
deeply embarrass and disappoint
the Kremlin, which had tried ever
since the early l0s, to be named
as host.
Soviet leaders, notoriously
insecure about their country's
position in the world, viewed the
Moscow Games as a way to greatly
increase their nation's prestige,
possibly even as a way to legiti-
mize their system. The loss of the
Games would have been a heavy
blow to Moscow.
By January 21, 1980, Saudi
Arabia had already withdrawn
from the event and had called on
other Islamic nations to do the
same. In London, a member of
Parliament tried to organize a
worldwide pullout.
On April 12, lSO, Vice Presi-
dent Walter Mondale addressed
the U.S.O.C. House of Delegates
in Colorado Springs with an offi-
'Air' Jordan flies through the
'80s with the greatest of ease
cial call for a U.S. Olympic boy-
In his address, Mondale
stated, "A heavy burden lies on
your shoulders. We recognize the
enormous price we are asking our
athletes to pay. But on behalf of
the President of the United States,
I assure you that our nation will
do everything in its power to in-
sure the success of the 1984 Los
AngelesGames. to help theOlvm-
picCommittee restore its finances;
to provide even greater assistance
to the development ot amateur
sport; and, above all, to recognize
the true heroism of our athletes
who do not go to Moscow
Later that day, April 12,1980,
by a vote of 1,604 to 77, the U.S.
Olympic Committee agreed not to
send a U.S. team to the 1980Olym-
pic Games in Moscow.
Although most agreed that
participating in the Games would
have legitimized a propaganda
charade, as well as helped divert
the reality of Soviet attention from
the reality of Soviet aggression,
for U .S. Olympians, bitterness was
The400 American athletes that
werekeptoutof the 1980Summer
See Boycott, page 28
By Chip Rutan
Staff Writer
See Michael run. See Michael jump. See Michael
dunk. See Michael change the world basketball.
Michael Jordan, the former North Carolina stand-
out, was picked third overall in the 1985 NBA draft
by the Chicago Bulls and instantly made an impact
not only for the Bulls, but also the entire NBA.
Dubbed "Air" Jordan for his graceful moves on
the court and powerful dunks, the young superstar
has become the idol of many aspiring basketball
Jordan's story began in Wilmington, North
Carolina on on December 17, 13. Michael Jeffery
Jordan was born to parents Delores and James Jor-
dan, and from that day on, both of his parents in-
stilled in him a work ethic ? a will to strive for
excellence in his chosen field with a sense of priori-
Jordan said in an interview with Joe McCollum
that he feels that these things have contributed most
to his character and success. He did not come from a
family of athletes, nor was hea "natural" in any sense
of the word.
At age 13, his father built him his first basketball
court in the backyard. But, as his father said, "As a
youngster, Michael was not a born basketball player.
He set goals and worked hard to achieve them. His
leaping just didn't happen, but he worked at it
Entering high school, Jordan's small size hin-
dered him from playing basketball, so he pursued
other sports. In his sophomore year, he made the
basketball team, but was cut soon after Bv the end
of his sophomore year, lordan had participated in
football, track and baseball and was beginning to
think perhaps baseball was "the right place" tor his
However, a growth spurt between his sopho-
more and junior year shifted things for Jordan. After
attending the FiveStarbasketbalkamp in Pittsburgh
during the summer, suddenly, Michael became one
of the most highly touted high school players in
America. By the beginning of his senior year, Jordan
had already accepted to play at UNC- Chapel Hill
under Coach Dean Smith.
Making the starting lineup for Smith his fresh-
man year, Jordan played erratically, averaging 13.5
points and four rebounds a game. He was touted by
sportscasters for his ability to come through bril-
liantly in clutch situations.
In the 1982 NCAA national championship game
against Georgetown, the freshman hit a fifteen and
one half foot jump shot in the waning moments that
later proved to be the most notewort hy clu tch moment
of his college career. The shot helped give the Tar-
heels a one point victory and Dean Smith his only
national title in 24 years at UNC.
In 1984, Jordan lead the U.S. Olympic team,
coached by Indiana's Bobby Knight, toa Gold medal.
After his very impressive performance in the Games,
Jordan opted to skip his senior year at North Caro-
lina and enter the world of the NBA.
With Jordan on the team, Chicago ticket sales
soared for the Bulls, rising 87" for Chicago stadium.
Even road attendance increased as Jordan electrified
crowds with his dazzling moves to the basket and his
spectacular, sometimes seemingly impossible, dunks.
His vertical leap, assessed at 40 to 47 inches,
made his hang time seem end less as he took the NBA
Slam Dunk challenge his third year in the pros
Jordan's athletic abilities make him the one ot the
toughest men to beat in the NBA today. Teams
See Jordan, page 28
Soviets toppled in Olympic hockey
By Kristen Halberg
Staff Writer
A decade of sports milestones
could not have been featured with-
out the monumental victory of the
1980 U.S. hockey team in theOlym-
pic Games at Lake Placid, New
York. The American dream team
stunned the world as they cap-
tured an impossible win, and left a
once invincibleSoviet team in a we.
The game symbolized much
more thana simple sporting match
between two teams. It was the
good against the bad, amateurs
against the pros, the weak trving
to claim victory over the strong.
But. the close 4-3 victory did
not guarantee the United States a
gold medal. Three days later thev
would have to battle Finland to
clinch their golden dreams.
Nevertheless, the narrow es-
cape, close calls and the ultimate
victory over the Red team was
won not from skill and profes-
sionalism, but from emotion, a
little heart and a lot of guts. Only
a handful of U.S. Olympic players
were qualified enough to be in
contention with the National
Hockey League. But the Soviet
tea m played N H L tea ms regu larly,
and had no problem dominating
The agile Soviet team had not
lost a game in the two previous
Olympiads. United States Coach
Herb Brooks was fully aware ot
the improbablitv of a U.S. victory
over the Soviets "Our chances are
slim to none he was quoted as
saving in Newsweek.
Besides, the Soviets crushed
the American team 10-3 in a pre-
Lake Placid game in Madison
See GoId page 28" M
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Bird, Johnson add to list of honors
The East Carolinian, January 9, 1990
By Bob Matthews
Gannett News Service
Selecting the two finalists for
NBA Player of the Decade is a
simple task: Boston Celtics for-
ward Larry Bird and Los Angeles
Lakers guard Magic Johnson.
Choosing one over the other
is impossible. Bird and Johnson
are the Gannett Newsservice NBA
Co-Players of the Decade.
The two entered the NBA in
179-80, and Bird had a more
dramatic immediate impact. He
was selected Rookie of the Year
and made the first All-Star team.
The 1979-80 Celtics were 61-
21 and reached the Eastern Con-
ference finals after missing the
playoffs with a 29-53 record the
previous year.
Johnson also was an instant
impact plaver, but he wasn't an
AU-Star until two seasons later,
when he made the second team.
The 1 7-80 Lakers were 60-22 ami
won the championship, but they
were a decent 47-35 the year be-
fore Magic arrived.
Bird's impact on the Celtics
was obvious again last season,
when he plaved in only six games
before undergoing surgery on his
heels. After averaging61 victories
in his first nine seasons, Boston
was 42-40 last year.
Bird has been Boston's main
man from the day he arrived.
Johnson shared top billing on the
Lakers with Karcem Abdul-Jab-
bar for the first half of this decade
before emerging as the heart and
soul of the team.
1 lere are their statistical lines
tor the decade (1474-80 through
?BIRD: 717 games; 25.0 points
per game; 503 field goal percent-
age; .880 tree throw percentage;
7319 rebounds; 4Wh assists; 1,300
steals, 603 blocked shots.
?JOHNSON: 716 games; 195
points per game; .530 field goal
percentage; .834 free throw per-
centage; 5,303 rebounds; 8,025
assists; 1,464 steals; 310 blocked
Bird had an extraordinary
number of assists for a forward,
and Johnson had a huge number
of rebounds for a guard. That's a
credit to their versatility Bird
and Johnson has played forward
and center.
Bird was selected the league
Most Valuable Player three times
in the 1980s (1984,1985 and 1986).
and was only the third player to
win three consecutive MVP
awards?the first non-center, join-
ing Wilt Chamberlain and Bill
Johnson was regular-season
MVP twice (1487 and 1484)
Johnson offset Bird's 3-2 ad-
vantage for regular-season MVP
with a 3-2 edge for playoff MVP
(1980,1982andl987,to Bird's 1984
and I486).
Los Angeles Dodgers chosen
as baseball's team of the'80s
Johnson's performance in
Came 6 of the 1980 finals was
particular impressive. With Ab-
dul-abbarsidelined withan ankle
injury, the rookie shifted to the
pivot and sparked a series-clinch-
ing 123-107 victory in Philadel-
phia with 42 points, 15 rebounds
and 7 assists.
To deprive Bird or Johnson of
Player of the Decade honors would
be unconscionable. Naming them
NBA Co-Players of the Decade
isn' t the easy way out. It is the only
way out.
The other league MVPs for
the decade were Karcem Abdul-
Moses Malone (1982 and 1983),
and Michael Jordan (1488). They
all rate high on our NBA All-Star
Team of the Decade (1979-80
through 1488-89):
Center ? Moses Malone
11 louston-Philadelphia-Atlanla).
Forward ? Larry Bird (Boston).
Forward ulius Erving (Phila-
delphia). Guard Magic Johnson
(Los Angeles Lakers). Guard
Michael Jordan (Chicago), the
early favorite for Plaver of the
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By Bob Matthews
Gannett News Service
1 he 1980S were the most unpredictable decade
in baseball history.
There were powerhouse teams for one season -
for example, the 1484 Detroit Tigers, the I486 New
ork Vlets, and the 1484 Oakland Athletics but no
team came close to dominating the decade.
There were nine different World Series champi-
ons in the 1480s, and onlv five teams failed to win at
least one division title (Cincinnati, Cleveland. Pitts-
burgh, Seattle and Texas).
The Los Angeles Dodgers, the onlv club to win
two World Series in the decade (1981 and 1988), are
the Gannett News Service Baseball Team oi the
The 1988 Dodgers were particularly intriguing.
They were longshots to win their division, under-
dogs against the mighty Mets in the playoffs, and
prohibitiveunderdogsagainstOakland in the World
But Orel 1 lershiser'soverpowering pitching and
several memorable home runs, including pinch-hit-
ter Kk Gibson's dramatic blast to wm the opening
The 1981 champion Dodgers weren't as charis-
matic but definitely had more talent (Steve Garvey,
Ron Cev, Dusty Baker, Dave Lopes, Pedro Guerrero,
Fernando Valenzuela, Burt Hooton, Steve Howe).
They got into the playoffs by virtue of a split-season
format forced by a strike by the players, edged
Houston in the first round of the playoffs, outlasted
Montreal in the National League Championship
Series, and beat the New York Yankees, 4 games to 2,
in the World Series.
The Dodgers were 825-741 (.527) in the 1980s,
only the fifth-best overall record in the majors, but
good enough to earn Team of the Decade honors
when coupled with their two world championships.
The other National League world champions in
the decade were Philadelphia (1980), St. Louis (1982)
and the Mets (198b).
The American League's world champions in the
1980s were Baltimore (1983), Detroit (1984), Kansas
C ity (1985), Minnesota (1987) and Oakland 11989).
St. Louisedged neighbor KansasCity for the No.
2 spot behind the Dodgers for ream of the Decade
The Cardinals were a fourth-best 825-734 (.524)
for the 1980s, behind onlv the Dodgers in the Na-
tional League. The Cardinals won their division in
1982, 1985 and W7 won the 1982 World Series, and
lost the World Series in 1985 (a blown call in the ninth
inning of the sixth game by American league urn
pire Don Denkinger wasa factor in the seven-game
defeat) and 1487
KansasCity was 826-734 (one more victorv than
St. Louis) for the decade, and won the A.L. West in
1480, 1484 and 1485 (baseball's only repeat-division
winner for the decade until the 1988-89 A's) The
Royals beat the Cardinals in the 1985 World Series
The Tigers rank fourth for Team of the Decade.
They were 839-727 (.536) in the 1980s, behind only
the New York Yankees (854-708; .547). They had a
winning record every vear until 1989, won their
division in 1US4 (with a 35-5 start) and 1987. and won
the World Series in 1484.
The Yankees, despite having the best regular
season record in the majors by 17games, had to settle
for two division titles (1480 and 1981) and made just
one World Series appearance.
While the selection of Gannett News Service
Team of the Decade is open to challenge, the choice
for the best team for one season is less difficult: The
1989 Oakland As.
This year's As were asclose to a flawless team as
we're likelv to see in the modern era. The June trade
for Rickev Henderson and the return of injured Jose
Canseco from a wrist injury for the second half of the
season gave Oakland the most potent and versatile
lineup in the majors: center fielder Rickey Hender-
son (113 runs, 77 stolen bases), third baseman Carney
Lansford j 336), designated hitter Dave Parker (22
HR, 97 RBI), right fielder Canseco (17 HR, 57 RBI in
65 games), first baseman Mark McGwire (33 HR, 95
RBI), center fielder Dave Henderson (80RBI), catcher
Terry Steinbach, second baseman Tony Phillips.
shortstop Walt Weiss.
Oakland eliminated Toronto in five games for
the A.L. pennant, thenoutscored San Francisco 32-14
to sweep the World Series.
The unluckiest team of the 1980s was the 1981
Cincinnati Reds. They had the best overall record in
the N.L. for the strike-marred season (66-42), but
failed to qualify for playoffs.
? TyiJ 1919. USA r)DAf!Appk Crfkfl !ntrwutnm Will
Continued from page 25
for cocaine useand was suspended
for 30 days. Taylor is back and
once again playing like an All-
In lr3 Ben Plunkett, the
world-record holder in thediscus,
became the first American track
and field athlete to be banned from
amateur athletics for drug use.
Five months later, four major
league baseball players were sus-
pended. Kansas City Royals Wil-
lie Wilson, Jerry Martin and Willie
Aikens, and LA Dodgers pitcher
Steve Howe. All were suspended
five months due to cocaine-related
In 1985,20 major league base-
ball players were caught using
cocaine, including Keith Hernan-
dez, Dave Parker, and Joaquin
Andujar They weren't suspended
if they donated 10 of their sala-
ries to drug prevention programs
and donated 100 hours of their
time to community service.
In 1986 the NCAA began drug
testing before bowl games and the
NCAA basketball tournament.
Brian Bosworth of the Oklahoma
Sooners was forced to miss the
Orange Bowl because he tested
positive for steroids use and team-
ma tc Charles Thompson was la ter
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Center Kareem Abdul-Jab-
bar (Los Angeles Lakers). Forward
Charles Barktey (Philadelphia).
forward Kevin McHale (Bos-
ton). Guard Isiah rhomas
(Detroit).Guard Georget lervin
(San Antonio).
Center Akeem Olajuwon
(Houston). Forward Bernard
King (Utah-Golden State-New
York-Washington). Forward
Dominique Wilkins (Atlanta).
Guard ? Sidney Moncrief (Mil-
waukee). Guard Dennis
Centers Patrick F.wing, Artis
Gilmore, Robert Parish. Forwards
TerryCummtngs, Adrian Dantley,
Alex English, Marques ohnson,
Maurice Lucas, Karl Malone, Larry
Nance, Kiki Vandeweghe, Buck
Williams, lames Worthy. Guards
Maurice.ChccK f lydeJ3auku
Fat Lever, Walter PavK lohn
Stockton, Gus Williams.
Chicago's Michael Jordan has
plaved onlv five NBA seasons, not
quite enough to challenge Bird or
Magic for Plaver of the Decade,
but his 1987-88 season isour choice
for Best Individual Season of the
1480s. He was MVP of the regular
season and the All-Star Game,
Defensive Player of the Year and
led the league in points and steals.
He wasa first-team All-Star as the
Bulls improved from 40-42 to 50-
32 in one vear.
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28 The East Carolinian, January 9, 1990
Lakers edge Celtics again
By Bob Matthews
C.jnneft News Service
I ho Los Angeles Lakers, with
five world championships in the
1980s, aro t he (.annott News Serv-
ice NBA ream of the Decade.
Boston had I better regular
season record from 199-80
through 1988-89 (350-188 to 534-
204), but the I akers earned the
honor by irtuoof a better piavoff
record ' five titles and a 100-44 post-
season record to Boston's three
crowns and a 90-56 record).
i he I akers won the champi-
onship in 1980, 1982, bS. 1W
and 1988, when they became the
NBA's tirst successful defending
ihampions in lu years.
the Celtics won the NBA title
in 1981, 1984 and 1986.
I ho only other teams to win
the championship in the 1980s
were Philadelphia in 1983 and
IVtroit in 1989. The only other
team to reach the final round was
I fouston in 1986.
the lakers made the finals
eight times, missing only in 1981
m.l 1H6
Boston reached the finals five
The one-season Team of the
Decade is a much more difficult
choice. Our pick is the b85-86
Celtics by a narrow margin over
the 19S(v87 Lakers, with the 1982-
83 Philadelphia 76ers third.
? 1985-86 Celtics: Coach K.C.
Jones might have had the strong-
est frontcourt in historv in Larry
Bird, Kevin McHale Robert Par-
ish and a healthy Bill Walton.
Other key players were Dennis
Johnson, Danny Ainge, Scott
Wedman and lerrv Sichting. The
Celtic s had a 67-15 regular season
record, including 40-1 at home
They led the NBA in field goal
percentage (.508) and free throw
percentage (7C4) and outscored
opponents bv .4 points per game.
They went 15-3 in the playoffs
with an average victory margin of
14.3 points. They went 10-0 at
Boston Garden in the postseason
to finish 50-1 overall at home. They
beat Houston 4-2 in the finals.
? 1986-87 Lakers: Coach Pat
Rilev's top players were Magic
lohnson. Kareem Abdtil-labbar.
lames Worthy, Byron Scott,
Mwhal fhompson, . Green,
Michael Cooper and Kurt Rambis.
The I akers had a 65-17 regular
season record, including a league-
best 28-13 road mark. They shot
516 from the field and had a scor-
ing differential of 9.3 points per
game They were 15-3 in the play-
offs, including a 4-2 victory over
Boston in the finals, with an aver-
age victory margin of 14.3 points.
?182-83 76ers: Coach Billy
Cunningham might have had the
all time best starting five in newly
acquired center Moses Malone,
forwards Julius Frying and Bobby
lones, and guards Maurice Cheeks
and Andrew Toney.
The bench was ordinary and
featured Cleamon Johnson, Clint
Richardson, Farl Cureton and
franklin Fdwards. The 7rSers had
a 65-17 regular season record,
including a league-best 35 6 at
home and 30-11 on the road.
I'hev led the league in re-
bounding and scoring differentia I
(7.7 points per game). They went
12-1 in the playoffs, including a
sweep over the I .akers in the fi-
nals Their only piavoff loss was
100-44 to Milwaukee in Came 4 of
the ("astern Conference finals
their margin of vutorv in the
playoffs was 7 5 points per game
i rvi(W i?j im ;mm ppU Cmtltgr Imfurmm
turn ttnnrk
Continued from page 2h
baseballs special counsel lohn
Dowd to Giamatti. According to
Sports Illustrated, the report
named nine people whocould link
Rose u ith gambling on baseball.
Rose s initial response to the
allegations was denial, but he was
eventually caught up ill a web of
contradictions and Ik's (le denied
knowing bookmaker Ron Peters,
' ! Cincinnati Reds records re
vealed that Rph had left tickets at
the gate of Riverfront Stadium tor
tv isealsodenied knowing that
his friend of several years loseph
Cambra was a bookmaker. Ac-
cording to Sports Illustrated, a
taped conversation made bv the
Massachusetts State Police be-
tween Cambra and another book-
makerdiscussinga $6,000bei Rose
had made on an I I. game contra-
di ted Rose's claim
When several betting sheets
were off red as evidence, Rose
claimed he had never seen the
forms before. Not only were his
fingerprints found on them but,
according to time magazine, a
former PB1 handwriting analyst
indicated that the writing on the
sheets belonged to Rose
Based on the findings in
Pond's report and the damaging
testimony of Ron I 'eters. C -lamatti
prepared to banish Rose from
Realizing the futility ot plav
ing dumb to the mounting evi-
dence, Rose's counsel filed with a
Cincinnati judge for a temporary
restraining order to block anv
actions bv Giamatti against Rose
The order was put in place after
the judge received a letter from
C aamatti supporting the testimony
of Peters, a letter that seemed to
echo the contentions of Rose's
lawyers-Rose's "fate was en
trusted to an unfair investigator
and a commissioner who was
biased and prejudiced accord-
ing to Newsweek,
The two sides met frequently
in July in hopes of reaching an
agreement that would resolve
Rose's lawsuit, but discrepancies
over what Rose would admit to
and the punishment he would
Continued from page 26
Spare Garden iist three davs
before the Olympic games began.
All this painted the pit lure for
oneoi the most historical moments
m sports the fall ot the mighty
eciets during battle with the
I nited states
I he Ictofy was certainly
entertaining, but was not without
its nail biting effects. The Soviets
scored the first goal and led
throughout most ot the tirst pe-
riod 2-1 until the final seconds,
w hen Mark lohnson ot the United
States slid .i shot past goal tender
Vladislav Tretvak. As the world
watched the hint of in American
v u torv stirred in the arena.
But even after that break,
America s team continued to
st niggle in t he second periixLThov
wereoutshot 12-2, and the Soviets
were able to add another power-
plav goal to the score. But even
with the immense Russian attack,
I S hustle remained strong on
the ice and bv the third period,
their hardships began to pav off.
lohnson again scored to tie
the match at three I hen two
minutes later, team captain Mike
I ruione scored the game win
ning goal for the U.S. team And.
despite charges by the Soviet team
for the remaining 1(1 minutes, the
Americans were able to keep the
4-3 score intact.
The Americans earned a deci-
sive victory over the nughtv Sovt-
ets as the nation reoiced in their
receive blocked anv headway.
According to Sports illus-
trated. Giamatti promised in a
mid-August telephone call to
Rose's lawyer Reuven Katz that
he would keep "an open mind
on anv reinstatement application
from Rose" should he be banned
from baseball The two sides
agreed and Rose became the 15th
plaver in baseball history to be
banned from the game.
If his ban is permanent as it
was for his 14 predecessors the
milestone he achieved in baseball
will always be tainted with the
fact of his gambling and hisexclu-
sion from the Hall of Fame.
As the storv unfolded, fans
got a glimpse into the life (if a man
possessed and obsessed with
gambling. Wagers of $34.(XX) on a
Super Bowl, $324,000 annually on
his own team and a $4(X),(XX) debt
from three months of betting were
reported in Newsweek.
Charles Lcerhsen of
Newsweek assessed the picture
painted of Rose in the Dowd re-
port as a man who "doesn't care
?bout the crack of the bat or the
smell of the outfield grass; all he
wants is to keep staying up late
and sweating out Smythe Divi-
sion hockey scores A tarcrv from
the Vision one would expect of a
baseball legend
As Giamatti ended the press
conference, he stated that the
matter of Rose wasclosed. "I et no
One think that it did not hurt base-
ball Sports illustrated reported,
That hurt will pass, however, as
the great glory of the game asserts
itself and a resilient institution
goes forward. Let it also be clear
that no individual is superior to
the game
Tho Ettsl Carolinian
is looking for a lew men and women
Take this simple aptitude test!
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Pirates join new conference !
The Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) was formed to replace a
rapidly expanding Eastern College Athletic Conference Southern
Division (ECAC South) With the addition of 11 new sports and two
new schools - American and UNC Wilmington between 1982 and
1985, the need for a new athletic association was evident The
conference became a reality in Richmond Va , on June 6. 1985
Continued from page 26
Olympus were given medals,
gifts, parties, admnerat the White
House, and praise from President
But for most of the athletes,
the free week in Washington in
late Inly was a poor substitute for
a trip to Moscow and a chance at
Olympic medals.
The reaction of many was
expressed in a statement by a
group of track athletes: "While
we strongly deplore overt aggres-
sive acts by one nation against
another, we question whether tho
boycott of the Olympic Games was
the best means available to assist
the cause of world peace
Amid the mourning for the
lost Olympics of 180, came a rav
i f hope for the 1 9H4 games, sched-
uled for Los Angeles. Thegovem-
ment granted the U 5. Olympic-
Committee $10 million, the first
federal funds ever received bv the
Continued from page 26
continue to plan strategy after
strategy to stop him, but nortcseem
to work. Since entering the NBA,
lordan has broken record alter
Through all his records, tame
and count less accomplishment ?as
a basketball plaver, Jordan -repu
tation is not that of a arrogant
COCkyathlete,butoneot.i friendly,
easy going and well-liked p rson
As one reporter put it "1 lecan
excite a crowd and lit! a team to
new heights, and yet people arc-
impressed with his unassuming
nature and friendlv manner
As for his plav, Jordan is sim-
ply a showman under control
Sometimes spontaneously per
forming an electrilvmg high-wire
act, while other times putting his
acrobatic assault on hold and
simply gliding in for a lavup or
pulling up for a soft jumper
Jordan's uniqueness stems from
the love of his family and how he
expresses it in his character.
One teammate said, 'Hccould
be real arrogant and let all the
press go (0 his head, but he never
does. He cares about his team-
mates as people That care is
what gives "Air" Jordan the
"charisma that transcends his
of Greenville
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The East Carolinian, January 9, 1990
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 09, 1990
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