The East Carolinian, December 5, 1989

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Slje iEaHt (Carolinian
rnnicnt holds last fall nice!
lature proposes investigate
n o! SETA oman

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protesting 1 Li i Ms

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Qftft i?uBt (Eamltman
Scrxnng the 'Last Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 63 No. 107
Tuesday, Decmeber 5 1989
Greenville, NC
Circulation 12,000
24 Pages
Student government holds last fall meeting
Legislature proposes investigation of SETA organization
Stf( kVntti
constitution of the ECU
l he
Students for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals was struck trom the
FalK onstitutions Amendment by
the Student Government Associa-
tion in Monday afternoon's meet-
ing. h bod) .ilst passed the
motion that an investigation of
theorganization'srecent action be
sallegedly involved
inthi an instructional vide-
otap ? m the ECU School of
Medicine Legisl ttor Marty Helms
moved that ECU Attorney Gen-
eral Briai us review the is-
ne whether or not
; n meets the criteria
for fu fn m the SGA.
ECU School of Medicine Fac-
ulty Member Richard H.RasOct
31 letter to the editor of The last
Carolinian said the "illegally ob-
tained" videotape, "designed to
reduce the number ot animals
needed to teach physiology was
"re-edited" for public presenta-
Some members of the SGA
speculated that the videotape was
stolen bv SETA and shown at a
SETA meeting. If Attorney Gen-
eral Stevens links the theft and
presentation incidents to SETA,
the group will not be SGA funded,
since the SGA cannot fund politi-
cal or social action groups. The in-
vestigation will begin next semes-
Before the vote was made for
an investigation, Helms reminded
the body that the speculation of
SETA's action was only hearsay.
The constitution of the Gradu-
ate Business Association was also
denied approval in the Fall Con-
stitutions Amendment. After
changes are made to the
constitution, the group can re-
submit the constitution. Fall Con-
stitutions which did pass include
Phi Beta Lambda, Panhellenic
Council, Kitty Hawk Squandron-
Arnold Air Society, East Carolina
Friends, Apostolic Campus Min-
istry, The East Carolina Poetry
Forum and the Hispanic-Spanish
After two amendments were
revised, the resolution to improve
relations between East Carolina
students and the Greenville Police
Department was passed by accli-
mation. The resolution will create
a task force of Greenville police
officials and ECU student leaders
who will make recommendations
for better relations.
Legislator Chris Stewart, co-
author of the bill, said the resolu-
tion "will ease tension and help
things run smoothly
The resolution will be sent to
Greenville Mayor-elect Nancy
Jenkins, Greenville Police Chief
lerrv Tesmond, ECU Chancellor
Dr. Richard Eakin, ECU Vice
Chancellor for Student Life Dr.
Alfred Matthews, ECU News
Bureau Director William Shires
and The East Carolinian Manag-
ing Editor Stephanie Folsom.
The $2,276 appropriation for
the Model U.N.Conference passed
by consent after the body deb ited
whether or not the SGA should
fund one or two delegations of the
mock debaters to attend a national
conference at Princeton Univer-
sity. After Legislator Pat King
proposed an amendment to the
amendment that the group raise
half of the housing costs through
fund raisers, the amendment was
The floor was yeilded to the
president of the Model UN,
Stephen Reynolds, in order tor him
to describe the organization and
answer questions about the up-
coming March conference. The
group, open to all ECU students,
is designed to go to the confer-
ences and mock debates, Reynolds
said. Similar to the actual United
Nations, the debaters are faced
with making d cisions f ? rid
Christmas is just around the corner
EC L student Linda Pendleton hangs an ornament on the tree at Monday's Student Union Christmas party at Mendenhall Student
Center (Photo bv Angela Pridgen ? ECU Photo Lab).
Chancellor's Forum discusses environmental
enhancement ideas in two-day seminar
ECU News Biiruu
"Economic and Environ-
mental Enhancement: The Deli-
it Balance" is the topic of ECU'S
second annual Chancellor's Forum
set tor Jan. 3-4,1991).
The kevnote speaker is Dr.
John D. Costlow, professor of
zoology and director emeritus of
the Duke University Marine Labo-
Vice chancellor
Springer speaks
at graduation
Dr Marlene Springer, vice
chancellor tor academic affairs,
will be the speaker for fall com-
mencement at ECU Dec. 9.
Springer, the first woman vice
chancellor in ECU history, was
selected in a national search and
joined the ECU administration last
summer She a former associate
vice chancellor for academic af-
fairs and graduate studies at the
University of Missouri-Kansas
Approximately l,750students
who completed degree require-
ments during last summer or in
the fall semester will graduate at
the commencement. The tradi-
tional academic ceremonies will
be held in Minges Coliseum be-
ginning at 10 a.m.
ratory, Beaufort. Costlow has been
a resident scientist with the U.S.
Office of Naval Research in Lon-
don and chairman of the US. dele-
gation of the International Asso-
ciation of Boilogical Oceanogra-
An address will be presented
by Dr. Bruce W. Karrh, E. 1. du
Pontde Nimours vice president of
health, safety and environmental
affairs, Wilmington, Del. Karrh, a
physician, is noted nationally as a
leader in the field of preventive
Costlow and Karrh will speak
at the opening general session,
scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. Jan. 3
with a welcome by ECU Chancel-
lor Richard Eaki n. The session will
be held in Hcndrix Theatre in
ECU's Mendenhall Student Cen-
Theeventsonjan.4 will begin
at 9 a.m. in Hendrix Theatre with
a "synthesizer's address" pre-
Jimes Williams and Chip Hassenflaw paint the street in front of the Student Store. Groups which
purchased the $30 blocks last spring can now begin their artwork (Photo by Garrett Killian).
Twenty members of the or-
ganization, making up two debat-
ing delegations, and two advisors
will attend the conference March
1 he body also passed by con-
sent the constitution of the Stu-
dent Music Educators' National
Conference. Since a quorum was
not present at the voting, the
constitution will not be made offi-
cial until thominutesareapproved
bv a quorum of the bodv at the
next S iA meeting, which will be
next semester.
The question (if whether a
quorum was present was not
challenged until this constitution
came up. Speaker of the House
S ?? ' r ict 2
Animal rights group
sponsors demonstration
protesting fur garments
sented bv Dr. Michael K. Orbach,
professor of anthropology at ECU.
Following the address will be
brief presentationsby leaders from
the fields of science, business,
government and education. Pan-
elists include Stanley Riggs, pro-
fessor of geology at ECU; Kenneth
M. Kirkman, attorney and coun-
sel for the Economics Alliance of
N.C William W. Cobey Jr secre-
tary of the N.C. Department of
See Forum, page 3
Bv Mjff Vntr
On Tuesday, Dec. 5, a "Fur is
Dead" demonstration will be held
in front of Pitt Plaza. From 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m animal rights activists
and members of Students for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals
(SETA) will protest the unfair treat-
ment and killing of fur bearing
Craig Spitz, president of
SETA, said thatdemonstrators will
be holding signs in front of the
plaza during rush hour traffic. "We
want people to realize that unsen-
sitivitv is not fashionable
Fur farmers have already
slipped into their biggest reces-
sion since 1954. Other segments of
the industry have watched fur
sales fall. Spitz said he hopes that,
as consciousness rises, the pur-
chases of fur will cease entirely.
"The wearing of fur garments is
already considered a 'taboo' in
many European countries Spitz
Janet Hudson, vice-president
of SETA said, "People don't think
about the fact that animals do have
to be killed to make fur coats. It's
unnecessary Hudson also said
that most oi people are not aware
of the intense pain and suffering
that the "defenseless creatures
must experience in order to pro
vide the vain with fur coats
Many of the fur bearing ani-
Speaker suggests
rain forest studies
to save wildlife
and environment
Staff WriWr
A guest speaker from Conser-
vation International gave a public
presentation on the protection of
environmental ecosystems last
Thursday evening in the General
Class:oom Building.
Tim Werner, a research asso-
ciate from Conservation Interna-
tional, conducted a presentation
entitled "Approaches to the Chal-
lenge of Conserving Global Bio-
logical Diversity
Werner worked with the
National Audubon Society with
its concerns of protecting life on
earth. He is the program coordi-
nator for Conservation Interna-
tional working with the Oceania
project covering the western Pa-
cific island regions.
Werner began the presenta-
tion with a strong opening opin-
ion explaining, "1 talk tonight as a
spokesman for the millions of liv-
ing species with whom we share
our planet Wemer said he be-
lieves that a healthy environment
for humans is dependent upon
See Rain Forests, page 2
mals whose lives are taken for fur
garments in the United States arc
caught in traps. Among these is
the steel-jaw leghold. Because of
their extreme cruelty these traps
have been banned in more than 70
countries, according to Spitz.
An animal caught in one of
these traps can suffer for hours or
days before the hunter returns to
club it, drown it or stomp it to
death, Spitz said Many of these
trapped animalsattempt to escape
bv wringing or chewing off their
limbs, which may cause infection
or blood poisoning.
According to SETA "ranched
furbearers suffer from crowding
and confinement which induces
an array ot contagious diseases, as
well as self-mutilation and even
cannibalism. The open sheds in
which the animals are raised are
not usually heated or cooled
The killing methods of the fur
farms are not much kinder that of
trapping, Spitz said. Thev include
poisoning with strychnine or hot,
unfiltered automobile or lawn-
mower exhaust, neck-snapping,
gassing, decompression and anal
electrocution. Such cruelties will
continue to exist as long as con-
sumers are demanding fur, accord-
ing to SETA.
Those attending the demon-
stratum are encouraged to bring
signs and banners. Literature will
be provided for all interested
Another rape is a
reminder to take safety
State and Naiton5
President Bush hails
Eastern Europe's
"peaceful revolution"
German exchange
student voices opinion
on political issues
Life in Hell?M??14
Pirates topple Francis
Marion 60-46 last night

Rain forests
Continued from page 1
the same factors that sustain other
Onlv 1 4 million species are
ibed but there .ire believed
to be between five and 30 million
that have not yet been discovered
. ' 4 million species, most
reside in tl c tropical ram forests
i ne halt to two thirds of the
ilth of living spe ies is
ied w ithin this Home one
that makes up onl b percent of
- land surfa e A i
? nei if humans realh
i v i the global bio
; f i us i n the
ton sts
? ? eshmatesshow that
? rain forest are being

? ? ?
? n million a n s an
? ? esizeofNorthC
? ,k h eai
- redid that w
- ? i
at the young, future caretakers of
the planet, alert and inform people
of the importance of their wild-
A recent editorial in the 'cono
mist pointed ouf that the environ
ment in the next 4(1 years will
become what defense has been in
the past 40 years the number
one global issue.
The principal for Conserva-
tion International is the preserva-
tion of our planets wildlife. To do
this they combine an integrated
approach to conservation through
ponsors Red
for ECU

? ? -
the sj irth
? ?
? ? Zau
; ? ? ? I
Ira; il is the ?i
. r tern I bio-
ntains m re tl
three and a halt times the amount
of ram forests than any other
country Alone, it accounts tor 30
percent of all ram forests on earth
and contains more species than
any other i ounry
A ording to Werner, studies
of diet, behavior and re adapt
tion will teach man how to sue
ceed in reintroducing species and
how to structure reserves. Involv
ing the local people is another
important strategy in the trial of
conservation VVernersaid. Tub
lie education, especially directed
M.A.D.D. s
Ribbon day
Mother s Against 1 Yunk Prn
ing is asking students to tie one
on Wednesday in support of the
Red Ribbon Campaign
? m wants all
studentsand t ireenv ille residents
? ? ribl theii cars in
rdei ike peopleawareof the
langei l drinking anil driving.
MA pes the event will
ide for a sal I lida seas n
? ?? ?
Student ?tor?
Last bloodmobile of 1989
will be held Wednesday
Bloodmobile Donors must be 17 years of
will be at 1I Wednesday from ag' "r 0,der wclSn at least n0
noon until 6 p.m. in Mendenhall pounds and be in good health.
I , ??? ns over 65 must have their
- drive is sp i rs permission.
E( I K, -red 1 acuity and the K,r more information or to
ECUlub and is the last bio I schedule an appointment, call the
bile visit scheduled durmg Pitt County Chapter of the Amen-
iqc , can Red Cross at 72-4222.
research and the involvement of
the public In 1987 Conservation
International pioneered the first
ever "Debt tor -Nature" swap
where the organization buys pooi
debt from a country that cannot
repay its loans They essentially
forgive these loans with a high
aspe t of conservation in return
Werner's presentation was
sponsored by the i ffice of Inter
national Studies, the 1 atin Amen
tan Area Studiesommittee and
the ECU Chapter of Sigma Xi.
and in Mendenhall Student Cen-
On Wednesday night, the
organization will sponsor a candle
light vigil at 7 p.m. at arvis
Memorial United Methodist
Church next to , itv 1 lall. Refresh
ments will be provided.
1 he "tie one on ' day is co
sponsored by BA( (. tils. Office
of Substance Abuse Prevention
nd Education, Delta eta soror
ind 5igma Sigma Sigma ror-
migrant families w ho live in this house in rural Greenville are among the estimated
el through North Carolina each year (Photo by Lori Martin).

warm holiday wishes
1 a k

tl ? i -
: ? alol the i all( i
endment waspa
? i luorum, with only 2
embers present. Aquorum
? " was previously made
: . ? ? hallenged until after
Iment wa ed.
President IrippRoakes
proposal fora "book
la . to take' pla e next
ugh, Roakes said the
- i led refinii
I Party Pr sident
? ws urged all legisla-
; with the i aimed food
r i thes and canned food
I ireenville residents
? - ? gjSfc
Cards and Gifts
Recycled Paper Products. Inc.
? ???
We're scooping stories.
We're muckraking. We're
deep in controversy,
We're attending sports
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Ever think of
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The East
The ECU Photo
Lab will be
interviews on
Nov. 6
at Mendenhall
Room 242 from
5:15 until 6:15
Anyone interested
should attend or
call J.D. Whitmire
at 757-6994
A spectacular epic of the French Revolution
McOinnis Theatre H:15 p.m.
General Public $tt.()0 ECU Students SUKI
CALL 757-6829
Wz ?ast Carolinian
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Carolina East Mall 756-1311 Now East Bank 8211085
Carolina Mini Storage 355 5193 Optical Palace
Carolina Pregnancy Center 757-0003 Pantry 752
CharleyOs 355-5000 Rio 355 5
Chicos 757-1666 Sharky's 757-38
Cliff's Seatood 752-3172 Sports Fan Attic 75- '?
Council Travel 1-286-4664 Stadium Cleaners 758 2' I
Dapper Dans 752-1750 Student Stores 757-6731
Eagle Cab 752 3687 Swiss Colony 756 5650
Fabricate Too 756 1058 Tau Kappa Epsilon 757 0232
Flannigan's757-3023 Tom Togs 830-0174
HairByRycke752-6060 Triangle Women's Health 800 433 2930
Hillcrest Lanes756-2020 UBE 758 2616
Wesfel 752-7240

Rain forests
Continued from page 1
the same factors that sustain other
Only 1.4 million species are
described but there are believed
to be between five and 30 million
that have not yet been discovered.
Of these 1.4 million species, most
reside in the tropical rain forests.
One half to two thirds of the
worlds wealth of living species is
contained within this biome, one
that makes up only 6 percent of
the earths land surface. Accord-
ing to Werner, if humans really
want to preserve the global bio-
diversity, they must focus on the
tropical rain forests.
Recent estimates show that 50-
100 acres of rain forest are being
destroyed every minute. Every
day at least 75,000 acres are lost.
Twenty-seven million acres, an
area about the size of North Caro-
lina, are lost each year. Long term
estimates predict that within the
next twenty years, 90 percent of
all forests will be destroyed and a
25 percent loss of life on earth
will result. Werner said, "We are
faced with the largest extinction
spasm that has occurred since the
disappearance of the dinosaur.
This time the culprit is not mete-
ors, itij r.
Several countries stand out
among the rest as being ot very
special importance in the global
picture. These are what
Conservation's President Dr. Mit-
ermver has termed the
"M.y,adiversity Countries
These countries, currently 13
of them, account for at least 60
percent and perhaps 80 percent or
more of all the species on earth.
Some of these countries include
Indonesia, Australia, Zaire, Mex-
ico, Columbia and Brazil.
In fact, Brazil is the worlds
richest country in terms of its bio-
diversity. It contains more than
three and a half times the amount
of rain forests than any other
country. Alone, it accounts for 30
percent of all rain forests on earth
and contains more species than
any other county.
According to Werner, studies
of diet, behavior and re-adapta-
tion will teach man how to suc-
ceed in reintroducing species and
how to structure reserves. Involv-
ing the local people is another
important strategy in the trial of
conservation, Werner said. "Pub-
lic education, especially directed
at the young, future caretakers of
the planet, alert and inform people
of the importance of their wild-
A recent editorial in the Econo-
mist pointed out that the environ-
ment in the next 40 years will
become what defense has been in
the past 40 years ? the number
one global issue.
The principal for Conserva-
tion International is the preserva-
tion of our planets wildlife. To do
this they combine an integrated
a pproach to conserva tion through
research and the involvement of
the public. In 1987 Conservation
International pioneered the first
ever "Debt-for-Nature" swap
where the organization buys poor
debt from a country that cannot
repay its loans. They essentially
forgive these loans with a high
aspect of conservation in return.
Werner's presentation was
sponsored by the Office of Inter-
national Studies, the Latin Ameri-
can Area Studies Committee and
the ECU Chapter of Sigma Xi.
A spectacular epic of the French Revolution
M.A.D.D. sponsors Red
Ribbon day for ECU
Mother's Against Drunk Driv-
ing is asking students to "tie one
on Wednesday in support of the
Red Ribbon Campaign.
The organiztion wants all
students and Greenville residents
to tie a red ribbon to their cars in
order to make people a ware of the
dangers of drinking and driving.
M.A.D.D. hopes the event will
provide for a safe holiday season.
Ribbons will be available be-
tween Wednesday 10 a.m. and 2
p.m. in front of the Student Store
and in Mendenhall Student Cen-
On Wednesday night, the
organization will sponsor a candle
light vigil at 7 p.m. at Jarvis
Memorial United Methodist
Church next to City Hall. Refresh-
ments will be provided.
The "tie one on" day is co-
sponsored by BACCHUS, Office
of Substance Abuse Prevention
and Education, Delta Zeta soror-
ity and Sigma Sigma Sigma soror-
Last bloodmobile of 1989
will be held Wednesday
The Red Cross Bloodmobile
will be at ECU Wednesday from
noon until 6 p.m. in Mendenhall
Student Center.
The blood drive is sponsored
bv ECU Retired Faculty and the
ECU Club and is the last blood-
mobile visit scheduled during
Donors must be 17 years of
age or older, weigh at least 110
pounds and be in good health.
Persons over 65 must have their
doctor's permission.
For more information or to
schedule an appointment, call the
Pitt County Chapter of the Ameri-
can Red Cross at 7524222.
The four migrant families who live in this house in rural Greenville are among the estimated
40,000 workers who travel through North Carolina each year (Photo by Lori Martin).
Continued from page 1
Bob Landry asked that roll call be
retaken and charged absent
members with half absenses.
The approval of the Fall Con-
stitutions Amendment was passed
without a quorum, with only 29
SGA members present. A quorum
count of 35 was previously made
and was not challenged until after
the amendment was passed.
SGA President Tripp Roakes
made a basic proposal for a "book
trade day" to take place next
semester, though, Roakes said the
proposal needed refining.
Reformist Party President
Robin Andrews urged all legisla-
tors to help with the canned food
drive for clothes and canned food
for needy Greenville residents.
warm hdiday wishes
HPP. Inc
We're scooping stories.
We're muckraking. iVe're
deep in controversy,
We're attending shorts
events. We're flunking
tests and missing classes.
And why do we do these
things? To bring you, the
student, the most up-to-
date news, features and
sports at ECU. But no
matter what we're doing,
we're always listening to
Cards and Gifts
Recycled Paper Products, Inc.
Available at
- Limit One Per Item - ,
i1.00 off any calendar i
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void 12-24-89 J
Ever think of
using your
skills at
The East
The ECU Photo
Lab will be
interviews on
Nov. 6
at Mendenhall
Room 242 from
5:15 until 6:15
Anyone interested
December 6, 7, 8 and 9
MeGinnis Theatre 8:15 p.m.
General Publie $6.00 ECU Students $3.00
CALL 757-6829
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James F.J. McKce
Advertising Representatives
Phillip V. Cope
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Business Hours:
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1)1I MIU R 5,1989
Scientist tours ECU's medical facilities
l l News Bureau
A scientist who directs a
human chromosome program re-
lated to genetic disease research
vmII visit the molecular biolog)
biotechnology research and tr.nn
ing program at ECU Dec. 4-5.
Pr rhomas Moser of the bio
technology division ol MOCO
rechnolcg) Co Naperville, 111.
will tour thr biotechnology re
search and training facilities in the
Department ol Biology and
School ot Medicine, confer with
faculty, administrators and stu-
dents and conduct a seminar.
Moser also is scheduled to
address an invited group of civic
and business leaders at a lunch-
eon "uesday
rhe AMOCO rechnologyCo
scientist is ECU'S participant tor
1989 in the Visiting Industrial
Sv ientist atN.C Universities pro-
gram sponsored b) the N C Bio-
technology Center "he goal ot
this program is to enhance inter
action among North Carolina
communities and universities
with biotechnology companies,
irding to Dr Wendall E. Al
Continued from page 1
len, professor and university co-
ordinator for molecular biology
Through this program, uni-
versity researchers, molecular
biology students and community
leaders have the opportunity to
meet with corporate research lead-
ers and business managers of lead
ing U.S. biotechnology research
companies, Allen said.
Moser recently directed re-
search and development of an
automated cytogenetic analyzer,
a researchclinical instrument
which can automatically scan
chromosome-sand identity abnor-
mal genes.
"It will aid in ancer and pre
natal diagnosis and contribute to
basi( research on the causes and
cures of genetic disease said Dr.
( leffrev 'smith, an assistant pro-
fessor ol microbiology immunol-
ogy in the ECl School t Medi-
Moser will describe this re
search and development project
at a noon seminar Monday in
Room 2N 86, Brodj Medical Sci-
enc Bldg iI School ol Medi-
nt ! lealthand Natural
Resources I R executive
director ot the Neuse Riv er Coun-
immy K len
izabeth Cit State Univer
sit chancellor; and William R.
Mangun, professor oi political
; ! akinw illclosethe
ses- remarks at 11 a m
speakers and panelists
ses luring the two day to
free and open to the pub
;ides the open sessions, the
It adt rs
e ve-
? reenville
I andCaro-
tv for business
nt education and com-
diSCUSS issues
The staff of
The Kast
Would like
to wish
everyone a
happy holiday!
and form partnerships to enrich
cultural and economic opportu
nities tor eastern North Carolina
I he focus ol this year's fo-
rum said forum director Bertie
earing is that business, govern-
ment and education interests
have an opportunity to enhain e
economic growth in ecologically
sustainable wa s
! his year leaders
will hear nationally recognized
speakers discuss the interplay
between the economy and the
v. she ?? iese ideas,
ncepts and an be
adapted as models tor eastern
North c arolina
1 eanngsaid that following the
lanuarv forum, ECL s resources
will be ex tended to assist
nity leaders who w ish t
ideas and strategies developed
during the forum for solutions to
iblems in their respective ar-
1 he inaugural forum, held in
lanuarv of this year, focused on
the interaction between education
and economic development. More
than 30 local projects invoh
business and education across
eastern North Carolina have re
ived outreach services from
thcr information about the
E( I Chancellor's Forum is avail-
able from 1 r Bertie I earing, ci
phoru 6651 r 6041.
Have you seen this mai
invites you to a FREE
followed by a worship:
Scripture lessons and carols
5:15 pin Wl DS Dec. 6
Mclhixii .1 Stud ? : iiu i
501 !? 5th St .
At ross iron 11 orm
rcshucnan v Moll ' ' minis M
521 CoUnche St
Make Your Christmas
Shopping Easier With
Chico 's Gift Certificates

White male Approximately 28 years old
Six feet tall 200 pounds Blond or light brown hail
Suspect in the attempted rape of an I I I student in Kings Row
Apartments. Seen in others areas.
Suspect operating an older model bron n or rust in color
with a hatchback and gold stripe ' w n the side.
Any info? Contact Detective John Nichols, (.reenville Police
Department, 830-4353.
Celebrate Your Christmas Parties In
Our Fiesta Room.
Accomodations To 60.
visit your local 'Pantry
store today
to register to win fabulous
prizes in the Pantry's 12-
davs of Christmas contest
sec Pantry's lull pace ad in this paper lor further details
Sign up at an of the 4 Greenville locations
. 316E. 10th St. ? 2195 S. -vans St.
501 S. Memorial Dr.
4000 Memorial Dr.
-bprlton ?( idti 0H? m?
n 24 hrs. ? 1 ow Suitcase Beer Prices ? Gas ? Snacks ? Soli Drinks ?
The Navy is accepting applications now for its Nuclear
Eneineering Program. If you quality, you could earn as much
as $33,000 before graduation.
? Be at least a junior engineering, chemistry, science or
math major at a 4 - year college or university.
? Have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
? Have completed a mathematics sequence through
integral calculus.
? Have completed one year of calculus based physics.
? Meet the Navy's physical standards.
Be no more than 2612 years old at the time of
Be a United States citizen.
CALL COLLECT (919) 831-4161.
tt 4 rz swT?irT?n You are Tomorrow.
NAVY OFFICERYouaretheNavy.
December 6
December 7 - Sunday.
December 10
The Good Mother
Wednesday. December 13th
Movies Screen Spin in Hendrix Theatre
FREE Admission to ECU Students with Valid ECU 11)
What's Up??
Call Program Hotline for
Up - to - date Information
on Campus Events

Scientist tours ECU's medical facilities
ECU News Bureau
A scientist who directs a
human chromosome program re-
lated to genetic disease research
will visit the molecular biology
biotechnology research and train-
ing program at ECU Dec. 4-5.
Dr. Thomas Moser of the bio-
technology division of AMOCO
Technology Co Naperville, 111
will tour the biotechnology re-
search and training facilities in the
ECU Department of Biology and
School of Medicine, confer with
faculty, administrators and stu-
dents and conduct a seminar.
Moser also is scheduled to
address an invited group of civic
and business leaders at a lunch-
eon Tuesday.
The AMOCO Technology Co.
scientist is ECU'S participant for
1989 in the Visiting Industrial
Scientist at N.C Universities pro-
gram sponsored by the N.C. Bio-
technology Center. The goal of
this program is to enhance inter-
action among North Carolina
communities and universities
with biotechnology companies,
according to Dr. Wendall E. Al-
Continued from page 1
len, professor and university co-
ordinator for molecular biology
Through this program, uni-
versity researchers, molecular
biology students and community
leaders have the opportunity to
meet with corporate research lead-
ers a nd bu si ness ma nagers of lead -
ing U.S. biotechnology research
companies, Allen said.
Moser recently directed re-
search and development of an
automated cytogenetic analyzer,
a researchclinical instrument
which can automatically scan
chromosomes and identify abnor-
mal genes.
"It will aid in cancer and pre-
natal diagnosis and contribute to
basic research on the causes and
cures of genetic disease said Dr.
C. Jeffrey Smith, an assistant pro-
fessorof microbiology immunol-
ogy in the ECU School of Medi-
Moser will describe this re-
search and development project
at a noon seminar Monday in
Room 2N-86, Brody Medical Sci-
ences Bldg ECU School of Medi-
Environment, Health and Natural
Resources; J. Roy Fogle, executive
director of the Neuse River Coun-
cil of Governments; Jimmy R. Jen-
kins, Elizabeth City State Univer-
sity chancellor; and William R.
Mangun, professor of political
science at ECU.
Chancellor Eakin will close the
session with remarks at 11 a.m.
All speakers' and panelists'
sessions during the two-day fo-
rum are free and open to the pub-
Besides the open sessions, the
forum will include a "leaders'
symposium" to be held the eve-
ning oi Jan. 3 at the Greenville
The ECU Chancellor's Forum
is co-sponsored bv ECU and Caro-
lina Telephone and Telegraph
Company. iLs purpose is to pro-
vide an opportunity for business,
government, education and com-
munity leaders to discuss issues
The staff of
The East
Would like
to wish
everyone a
happy holiday!
and form partnerships to enrich
cultural and economic opportu-
nities for eastern North Carolina
The focus of this year's fo-
rum, said forum director Bertie
Fearing, is that business, govern-
ment and education interests
"have an opportunity to enhance
economic growth in ecologically
sustainable ways
"This year regional leaders
will hear nationally recognized
speakers discuss the interplay
between the economy and the
ecology she said. "These ideas,
concepts and strategies can be
adapted as models for eastern
North Carolina
Fearing said that following the
January forum, ECU's resources
will be extended to assist commu-
nity leaders who wish to adapt
ideas and strategies developed
during the forum for solutions to
problems in their respective ar-
The inaugural forum, held in
January of this year, focused on
the interactionbetween education
and economic development. More
than 30 local projects involving
business and education across
eastern North Carolina have re-
ceived outreach services from
Further information about the
ECU Chancellor's Forum is avail-
able from Dr. Bertie Fearing, tele-
phone (919) 757-6650 or 757-6041.
Have you seen this man?
invites you to a FREE
followed by a worship:
Scripture lessons and carols
5:15 pm WEDS. Dec. 6
Methodist Student Cotter
(752 - 7240)
501 E. 5th Si
Across from Garrctt Dorm
Sponsored bu
Presbyterian & Methodist Campus Ministry
Mexican Restaurant
521 CoUnche St
Make Your Christmas
Shopping Easier With
Chico 's Gift Certificates
White male Approximately 28 years old
Six feet tall 200 pounds Blond or light brown hair
Suspect in the attempted rape of art ECU student in Kings Row
Apartments. Seen in others areas.
Suspect operating an older model vehicle, brown or rust in color
with a hatchback and gold stripe down the side.
Any info? Contact Detective John Nichols, Greenville Police
Department, 830-4353.
Celebrate Your Christmas Parties In
Our Fiesta Room,
Accomodations To 60.
visit your local Pantry
store today
to register to win fabuloi
prizes in the Pantry's 12-
days of Christmas conte,
see Pantry's full page ad in this p
f??n M??MIDtlf MM
Sign up at any of the 4 Greenville loc
? 316 E. 10th St. .2195 S.Evans St.
? 501 S. Memorial Dr.
4000 Memorial Dr.
Open 24 hrs. ? Low Suitcase Beer Prices ? Gas ? Snacks ? Soft Drinks ?
The Navy is accepting applications now for its Nuclear
Engineering Program. If you qualify, you could earn as much
as $33,000 before graduation.
? Be at least a junior engineering, chemistry, science or
math major at a 4 - year college or university.
Have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Have completed a mathematics sequence through
integral calculus.
Have completed one year of calculus based physics.
Meet the Navy's physical standards.
Be no more than 2612 years old at the time of
Be a United States citizen.
CALL COLLECT (919) 831-4161.
You are Tomorrow.
December 6
December 7 - Sunday,
December 10
The Good Mother
Wednesday, December 13th
Movies Screen 8pm in Hendrix Theatre
FREE Admission to ECU Students with Valid ECU ID

What's Up??
You are the Navy.
Call Program Hotline for
Up - to - date Information
on Campus Events

Oil?? East (Karnlfntan
??-??-?. Mica ? ?
David Herring, cwm?
JAMES F.J. Mt'KEE, Chreclaf of AJnrrtmvg
Lorn Martin, h mot
Caroline Cusick, re
Michael Martin, s, t,
Scott Maxwell, s.? u,
Carrie Armstrong, it?m,i mm
Stephanie Singleton, o mm
Susan Kress, o um
Art NiMW.rMp
Pamela Cope, u r? $??????
M ATTl IIVV RlCl H ER, cc?iuiu,? sMtr
TkAO EED,J oductian Mmtfa
Jeff Parker, sugtbuMm
Beth Lupton. v.n,
December 5, 1W
l'jjie 4
Another rape disturbs area women
Remember safety precautions
Women living off campus in
apartments were given a reason to
be extra cautious this year when
they found out there were more
rapes this summer than there were
the entire previous year.
But now the semester is winding
down, Christmas is in sight, and
thoughts are probably more at ease.
Being raped may be the last fear a
girl has when she has a week of
exams and research papers the next
Unfortunately that relaxed atti-
tude must be interrupted to again
remind the women ? and men ? at
ECU to take extra precautions.
Another woman was abducted from
her apartment and raped recently.
Although the details are still
sketchy, we know the victim was
taken from Kings Row Apartments
after midnight, with her eyes cov-
ered by her captor's ski mask, into a
secluded area where he repeatedly
raped and beat her.
This same man is also connected
with many obscene phone calls re-
ported by young women in area
apartment complexes. Women have
also reported a man fitting the
criminal's description approaching
them at or near local apartment
complexes in the Kings Row area.
This man is intruding on the
lives of local women not only by
bodily assault, but by making them
feel afraid whether it be by phone,
lurking around their apartment, or
approaching them in person. This
same man may also be connected
with an incident where a man pulled
a gun on a young woman in thesame
It is appropriate for men and
women living in off-campus apart-
ment complexes to be alarmed by
this repetition of events. Being terri-
fied, however, will only make day-
to-day life a chore. Instead, just
don't forget to contact the police
immediately if you receive obscene
phone calls or notice a man fitting
the description o( the assailant lurk-
ing around your apartment complex
(there is a composite in today's issue
of The East Carolinian). When
you're in your home, make sure all
your doors and windows are secure.
And if you're going to be alone for
days at a time or here for the Christ-
mas holidays, let your neighbors or
friends know something about your
Men also need to share in pre-
cautions by not forgetting to take the
extra time to see their female friends
in safely to their apartments. He has
approached women late at night
and during the day. Since this man is
thought to be violent in nature, it is
important for everyone, men and
women, to be careful.
Spectrum Rules
In addition to 'The Campus Forum" section of the newspaper, The
East Carolinian features 'The Campus Spectrum This is an opinion
column by guest writers from the student body and faculty. The columns
printed in "The Campus Spectrum" will contain current topics of concern
to the campus, community or nation. The columns are restricted only with
regard to rules of grammar and decency. Persons submitting columns
must be willing to accept byline credit for their efforts, as no entries from
ghost writers will be published.
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view.
Mail or drop them by our office in the Publications Building, across from
the entrance to Joyner Library. For purposes of verification, all letters must
include the name, major, classification, address, phone number and the
signature of the author(s). Letters are limited to 300 words or less, double-
spaced, typed or neatly printed.
lend or drop your forums and spectrums by: Campus ForumSpectrum
The East Carolinian
East Carolina University
Old South Building
Greenville, NC 27834
woft9ocii(min-)rTGCfwttOKe xu.
Another look at the O.T. mixer
To the editor:
In reference to an article
printed in the Nov. 9,1989edition
of the East Carolinian, "Majors
discuss O.T. program at Mixer I
was left high and dry. While the
basic facts printed in the article
were accurate, it failed to give a
clear picture of occupational ther-
apy as a profession. The speech
presented by Katrina 1 larnsat the
mixer was moving and gave a
good description i it the process of
becoming an occupational thera-
pist, would like to share the high-
lights of this speech with your
readers, especially t hose interested
in pursuing O.T. as a career.
Harris began with a descrip-
tion of how she viewed O.T. as a
pre O.T. student. She stated that
at first, all she had vas a literal
definition of O.T "therapy by
means of mental or physical activ-
ity (specifically prescribed crea-
tive activity) carried out under
supervision for its effect in pro-
moting recovery or rehabilitation
following disease or injury. Har-
ris went on to sav that after litera-
ture, she arrived at her perception
of the practice of illness or injury
to maintain or develop daily liv-
ing skills through the development
of social, emotional, and physio-
logical aspects
Harris continued that this
perception has been greatly re-
fined since she has been in the
O.T. program. She described that
in the junior year, O.T. students
arc introduced to the components
of O.T.? social, cognitive,
psychological, sensory and neu-
romuscular,and are given intense
instruction in Gross Anatomy,
Human Physiology, Ncu-
roanatomv, Medical Science,
I luman Development,and Abnor-
mal Psychiatry. These, said Har-
ris, gave her the basis and under-
standing of what is normal and
abnormal. In the senior vear, in-
struction in theory is the primary
emphasis, and stresses that it is
the integration of the theory and
the knowledge base that allows
the senior student to prepare to
enter the work force as a practic-
ing O.T. Harris compared K i
ing a competent therapist to b
coming a competent driver SI
discussed the eligibility, willing
ness, and dedication to learned
possession of knowledge, testing
and being on the one's own in
volved in making one a comp
tent therapist or driver.
In closing Harriscommei
that becoming an O.T. ran exp. s
one to an array of potential lit'
enhancing experience A
occupational therapist, lam
she will be a respected and finan-
cially stable memlvr of society, ? ?
highly educated member of tin
medical community,
well rounded and holisrk p. r
Most of all, she will be an I
whose wealth of know Ij
allow her to enhance others lives
just as she has enhanced hers b
becoming ,n O.T.
Sut R ?
Which way goes the global thermostat?
By Nathaniel Mead
?f'tnrial Columnist
Blustery eold weather swept
the Carolinas this past Monday.
The weather came as part of a
larger front that triggered snow
storms and set record lows in states
across the nation The incident
came as no surprise to meteorolo-
gists who have been following the
past five or six winters, every one
of which has seen plenty of cold
weather records broken.
Let's take a few examples. In
January of 1986, all of Europe,
Scandinavia and the western
Soviet Union experienced thecold-
est weather in recorded history.
In the United States, on October 5,
1987, winter weather dumped up
to 20 inchesof snow and set 38 low
temperature records from Ala-
bama to Vermont. Barely one
month later, on November 12,
Washington, D.C. received 12
inches of snow, the heaviest No-
vember snowfall since World War
II. On Christmas day, 1987, a
sudden cold spell in Los Angeles
tied a 106-year-old record.
The total snowfall for 1987 was
a staggering 42 inches, the most
since 1966 and one of the few times
in the century that the annual
accumulation surpassed 40 inches.
On January 8,1988, the New York
Times reported, "Snowand strong
winds idled much of the South
yesterday In north Georgia,
some snow plows gave up trying
to clear mountain roads of up to 11
inches of snow At the River-
banks Zoo in Columbia, S C, the
polar bears were kept in their
heated dens for safety
Since most of us daybv-day
folks pay more attention to next
Sunday than last New Year's.
Monday's sudden chill came as a
real shocker. It just didn't seem to
mesh with what the big guys are
saying about global warming.
When, afterall, is the greenhouse
effect going to push the polar ice
caps into the ocean and swamp
the Outer Banks? When is the Earth
going to start showing signs of an
endless summer?
Though the mass media would
have you regard global warming
as gospel, some prominent scien-
tists now view such projections as
based on rather slipshod climate
research ? that is, on computer
models which fail to take into
account the essential climate-al-
tering roles of oceans and clouds.
Some of these scientistsare so bold
as to suggest a diametrically op-
posite scenario?that the green-
house effect could promote a
global cooling a very Big Chill if
you will.
Some of the fuel for the cool-
ing perspective comes, again, from
recent observationsof the weather
itself. In 1977, Miami saw its first
snowfall in recorded history. In
1979 snow fell for the first time in
the Sahara Desert. Since 1980, fruit
and nut growers of Florida and
California have repeatedly been
plagued with ruinous early frosts
and shorter growing seasons. The
frequency of these frosts over the
past four decades is three times
greater than during the first half
of the century 'Meanwhile, the
nation's "hardiness zones" (gen-
eral boundaries for temperate-
zone agricultural productivity)
have been moved steadily south-
ward over the the past decade.
How could some scientists say
the planet is getting warmer while
others vehemently predict a colder
world? The problem, in part,
centers on a crucial flaw in meth-
odology. "Warming" proponents
rely on thermometers which tell
them the world isgetting warmer.
"Cooling" proponents use ther-
mometers which tell them the
world has been getting colder.
Whence the disparity and which
view is more accurate?
Most reports of nation wide warm-
ing trends are derived from read-
ings at urban weather stations.
Compared to small towns or rural
areas, cities tend to generate far
more heat?from furnaces, air-
conditioning plants, buildingsand
black-top pavement on sunny
days, and waste heat from auto-
mobiles and industrial processes.
In addition, urban areas usually
lack the cooling benefits of tree-
shade and moisture released from
fields and forests.
Due to the "urban heat-island ef-
fect says Fred B. Wood, Senior
Associate of the Congressional
Office for Technology Assessment
(OTA), thermometers in or near
cities are as much as 18o F (10? C)
warmer than those in the sur-
rounding countryside, depending
on population size. The larger
and more populated the city, the
warmer the locality. Since almost
all cities are growing in popula-
tion, the appearance of a global
warming trend could in fact mean
only that most thermometers are
in cities?and that cities are grow-
When Wood went to investigate
this potential confounding factor,
he discovered that all reports of
nationwide warming thus far took
the bulk of their data from urban
weather stations. Wood believes
that the urban heat island effect
presents a serious flaw in the
greenhouse theory's design.
If the unban heat island effect dis-
torts any reading of the global
thermostat, what do rural ther-
mometerstcll us7 Ken
professorof z ?l gv rd n
mental sciences at I
of Californui h: . ' tlvu th
pattern revealed by a large Si I
mm! nrnflinf titinnrut il Iisl
bv the National Weather &
is a significiai I
North America since 1941
In a letter to Tlu- New I i ?
("Cooler Reality Contra
Greenhouse Theory" 811 '88
of "global warmin
out "a mind !? gg g J
ancy" between the Times are
and rhenewsabout climate trend -
that same day. which showi
"unusually cool ten .
distributed throughout theglobe
Greenhouse-warming proponents
are quick to discount short u rn
changes in Ok1 wcath r as e
amples of natural variation in cli
mate Afterall it was a similar!
of cold winters in the early '70s
which evoked a flurry of d
warnings of an imminent la Agt
and prompted the gloom and
doom 1974 report by the i A
how American agm ulture u i
be affected
Unfortunate!) the rur i
weather stations, as a more or
tivc measure ot long term dim
trends, suggest a more omii
picture But why would the Earth
be getting cooler- One possibility
is that the greenhouse effect may
be increasing the rate et ocean
evaporation, which in turn may
be producing more clouds that
reflect sunlight (and potential
heat) away from the plain t In
deed, a growing Kxiv of resean h
indicates that global cloud cover
has increased significantly in re-
cent decades.
Perhaps by focusing on the
mechanism of the greenhouse
effect and attempting to match
theory with urban thermometer
readings, our "experts" are only
looking at the sweaty brow ot the
climate elephant and a much
cooler elephant at that Bv the
way, if the Earth does get cooler
instead of warmer climate mod
els predict that global climate
patterns will become yet more
erratic, bringing more extreme
conditions such as drought, flox1
ing, blizzards, and hurricanes
In short, while a "cooling may
sound good, the final outcome
may tum out far worse than any
global-warming forecast. It is by
no meansa better alternative One
way or another, the greenhouse
effect needs to be dealt with, as
Earth's climate system can only
adjust so much before it is forced
into an entirely new equilibrium.
Perhaps the real Big Chill has yet
to come.

State and Nation
Bush speaks with NATO following Malta talks
The AMociatcd Proa
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -
President Bush Monday hailed the
"peaceful revolution" sweeping
Communist Eastern Europe and
said the United States and its
European allies would work to-
gether to see that "individual free-
dom everywhere replace coercion
and tyranny
At the same time. Bush told a
news conference after meeting
with NATO leaders tha t the United
States would keep its troops in
Europe as long as leaders there
Bush made his comments one
day after wrapping up a two-day
summit with Soviet leader Mikhail
S. Gorbachev that both said her-
alded a new era in East-West rela-
tions. Bush's meeting with NATO
leaders was private, but Dutch
Foreign Minister Hans van den
Broek told reporters the super-
power leaders had agreed to aim
for an East-West summit in Vi-
enna next summer to sign a land-
mark treaty reducing conventional
forces in Europe.
Bush and the allied leaders
met as Gorbachev was convening
a meeting of a radically reordered
Warsaw Tact in Moscow.
Bush said that while "all was
not sweetness and light" at the
Malta summit, he believes Gor-
bachev is sincere about nurring
reform in Eastern Europe a: d the
In bilirons of dollars
Police keep drug profits
RALEIGH (AP) - A recently
passed federal law restoring shar-
ingof assets from drug busts could
have a positive impact on North
Carolina's public school systems,
says Attorney General Lacy
"The restoration of federal
sharing is a victory for education,
as well as law enforcement
Thornburg said in a prepared
statement. "With seized assets,
supplementing local law enforce-
ment agencies, law enforcement
will have more resources avail-
able to undertake more criminal
investigations. The result will be
even more criminal fines and for-
feitures going to the public
On Wednesday, President
Bush signed a measure that al-
lows federal law-entorcement
agencies to continue to "adopt"
property and cash seizures made
by local police and sheriff's de-
partments. Under the law, the local
Soviet Union The president re-
newed his longstanding support
for Gorbachev's policy of per-
es troika.
Asked what had emerged at
the summit, he said "1 think he
took my measure and 1 took his
and 1 think we both feel more
comfortable about our common
He said Gorbachev was "de-
termined and unemotional " in
their private talks. The Soviet
leader "seemed very much in
control" and "very confident in
discussing without notes a wide
array of subjects with me Bush
was flying home after his news
The 16 NATO and seven
Warsaw Pact nations are negotiat-
agencies are al lowed to keep much
o( the seized property.
"With drug enforcement re-
sources being so limited, it isgrati-
fying to see that the criminals, and
not the taxpayers, will be picking
up the cost sot drii? enforcement
Thornburg said.
Without federal adoption of
local drug seizures, the proceeds
from local drug seizures in North
Carolina are required to go to local
school systems. In manv cases,
local police ask federal authorities
to adopt their seizures so that law
enforcement, and not the schools,
get the money.
That's the way it has worked
for several years, but a law that
technically took effect Oct. 1 would
have stopped many such adop-
tions by making it illegal for fed-
eral agencies to adopt seizures in
North Carolina and other states
that have other provisions for
property seized by local police.
See DRUGS, page 7
ing in Vienna on cuts in conven-
tional forces in Europe. Van den
Broek quoted Bush as saying he
hoped an accord could be reached
about mid-1990.
"Let's get it done the presi-
dent said. He said he wanted the
accord "in the bag" before mov-
ing on to more complicated mat-
The conventional arms talks
are designed to reduce U.S. troops
in Europe by 30,000 and Soviet
troops by 325,000 to a level of abou t
275,000 on each side. The negotia-
tions also are attempting to con-
trol tanks and other weapons.
"The importance of this is that
it indicates both (Bush and Gor-
bachev) want to make an effort to
reach such an agreement next
year Van den Broek said.
"In that context, the term mid-
1990 was mentioned. Without a
doubt, that should be regarded as
positive he said.
Conventional forcesaside, the
superpowers are negotiating a
treaty to cut long-range nuclear
weapons by up to 50 percent, and
a separate agreement on banning
chemical weapons.
Bush said his view of Gor-
bachev had changed significantly
over the past year. He said the
Soviet leader's response to tur-
moil in Eastern Europe "practi-
cally mandates" a fresh perspec-
tive of the Kremlin leader.
The president began his news
conference with a statement that
said a "peaceful revolution" was
taking place in Eastern Europe,
where five hardline communist
regimes have fallen in recent
weeks and somecountrieshave
experienced more than one change
in government.
He said the task tor Western
nations is to consolidate the fruits
of this peaceful revolution and
provide the architecture for the
continued peaceful changes and
end the division of Europe and
Germanv and create a "Europe
wholeand free At thesametime,
he said the Western alliance "must
remain strong and said the
United States "will maintain sig-
nificant military forces in Europe
as long as our allies desire our
presence "
German Communist party resigns
The Atkociated Ppbm
public resentment against the rul-
ing Communists reaching a fever
pitch, the party's entire leadership
resigned in disgrace and asked a
committee of 25 reformers to sal-
vage what they can.
Just two months ago, the
party's hierarchy enforced iron-
fisted rule. Now, the former rul-
ing elite has its back against the
wall as demands grow for punish-
ment of those who lived in style
while East Germany sunk into
Arrests and expulsions from
the party have humbled top offi-
cials, but the most dramatic and
potentially dangerous step was the
mass resignation Sunday of party
leader Egon Krcnz, the 10-man
Politburo and 163-member Cen-
tral Committee. Erich Honecker,
Krenz's predecessor as party
leader, and 11 other members of
the hard-line old guard were ex-
pelled from the party, three for-
mer Politburo members were ar-
rested and the country's chief of
trade with the West fled.
Authorities are investigating
a negations of massive corruption,
A spokesman for the new party
committee, Gregor Gysi, said its
immediate task would be to in-
vestigate corruption among the
discredited Communist elite.
"We want to form a modern
socialist party guided by the rank
and file. We want to save this
country. We want to save social-
ism said Gysi, a prominent East
Berlin lawyer.
The committee, given the
manda te of trying to sa ve the party,
will effectively rule as the party
prepares for a special congress on
Dec. 15 when it is expected to
choose new leaders. The party that
has ruled East Germany for all its
40 years has already abolished its
guaranteed monopoly on power
and promised free elections for as
early as next year.
It was not clear who will now
try to fill the leadership vacuum.
The popular opposition, still in its
infancy, remains poorlv organized
while the Communist Party has a
broad power base from which
leaders with grass-roots support
could emerge. Among the reform-
ers named to the new 25-membcr
party committee are Dresden
Mayor Wolfgang Berghofer and
the country's former spy chief,
Markus Wolf.
Huge demonstrations contin-
ued despite the party leaders'
resignation. Several hundred
thousand people joined hands to
form "human chains" in sections
across the country Sunday despite
freezing temperatures.
They held up signs calling for
the removal of the "Central Com-
mittee mafia" and imprisonment
forex-party "criminals Ata rally
attended by an estimated 10,000
people in East Berlin, speaker af
ter speaker grabbed the micro-
phone to denounce the Commu-
Many questions remained
unanswered Sunday night, not the
least of which is how the Soviet
Union will react it the country
plunges further toward instabil-
ity. There are nearl) 400,000 So-
viet troops in East (Germany, v hich
still remains vital to Warsaw Pact
military strategy despite improve-
ments in East-West ties.
The new party committee will
rule until a new leadership is
chosen bv the congress. Premier
Hans Modrow remains in charge
of the government, although e en
that is officially under Commu-
nist domination.
Schabowski said the 12 for-
mer leadersexpelled Sunday were
suspected of "serious violations
of party statutes Alexander
Schalck-Golodkowski, a state sec-
retary in the foreign trade minis-
try suspected of embezzlement
and illegal arms si its, was ousted
from his pb and the partv alter it
became known that ht had fled
the country
Teachers criticize testing system
Standardized testsincreasinglyare
coming under fire from teachers,
researchers and others who be-
lieve South Carolina has attached
too many incentives and placed
too much emphasis on the exams.
Standardized tests help gauge
the reform movement. But they
also play a role in determining
which students are promoted to
the next grade, which teachers get
bonuses, which schools receive
awards or are deemed impaired
and need state intervention, and
which textbooks can be used in
"Testing is getti ng way out of
hand, and we're placing too much
emphasis on standardized tests
and not enough on instruction
said Sheila Gallagher, president
of the South Carolina Education
"The purpose of education is
not to see how well you can per-
form on a test. It's to develop as a
person and move ahead in the
Many researchers, however,
believe the abundanceoftestsuscd
in South Carolina and the "high-
stakes" atmosphere surrounding
them have forced school curricula
into a secondary role.
A 1988 study by the National
Center for Fair and Open Testing
(FairTest), a Cambridge, Mass
bascd test reform advocacy group,
showed that South Carolina re-
quires almost twice as many tests
as the national average.
FairTest said the state man-
dated 74 tests for each student
enrolled in kindergarten through
the 12th grade in 1986-87, com-
pared with 44 tests per student
Although teachers have ques-
tioned why the state needs two
basic skills tests ? the national
Comprehensive Test of BasicSkills
and the state Basic Skills Assess-
ment Program ? state Superin-
tendent of Education Charlie Wil-
liams defended the dual testing
program. Williams said the BSAP
measures how well students are
grasping the learning objectives
developed by the state, while the
CTBS compares South Carolina
students with a national sample.
"I don't think an extra day or
two of teaching would benefit the
children as much as those addi-
tional tests help us determine
where we need to improve he
But tying test scores to school
and teacher incentives has trans-
formed tests from a way to moni-
tor student progress into the
method of choice to accomplish
reform, said Lorrie Shepard, a
professor of education at the Uni-
versity of Colorado who has stud-
ied standardized testing pro-
grams. Ms. Shepard said standard-
ized tests are more prevalent in
Southern states that began school
reform movements in the 1980s.
The FairTest survey shows that
Georgia, North Carolina and other
nearby states require more tests
than South Carolina.
"The policymakers who de-
veloped some reform agendas
tried to make something happen
by means of test scores she said.
"I'm concerned that we're placing
so much emphasis on scores that
thev're going up without the cor-
responding improvement in ac-
tual achievement
Some teachers said they felt
pressure to ensure their students
performed well on standardized
tests, and that burden also
weighed heavily on students. But
pressure on themselves and it
shouldn't be blamed on the sys-
"Most of the things based on
the test are rewards and incen-
tives that should reflect good in-
struction, so no one should feel
pressured unless they haven't
taught or learned what's ex-
pected he said.
Still, intense classroom pres-
sure to succeed on tests indicates
that the state's basic skills testing
program might be causing more
problems than it is solving, said
Mary j. Willis, Go Carroll
"We probablv need to rethink
how the state is built (in standard-
ized tests she said. "We needed
to have those measurements in
place to begin moving forward,
but I really do think we have prob-
lems when we rely that hea ily on
test scores
Ms. Willis said the Education
Improvement Act included pro-
visions to gauge shcxl perform-
ance on factors other than tests,
including parental involvement
and student attitudes. She also said
other states have abandoned tests
in some instances in i.w or of ana-
lyzing a portfolio of student as-
signments from an entire year.
Williams said such measures
are not reliable enough, expensive
to develop and time-consuming
to assess.
"Our accountability system
has received glowing praise from
around the country, and we have
shown marked improvement in
the past five years in part because
of (testing) Williams said.
"1 don't care how much people
complain. Unless they show me
something that could do a better
job than the one we ve been doing,
I'm not going to scrap what we
Fuel leaks contaminate Greensboro water table
ords show North Carolina has
investigated at least six leaks at a
Greensboro petroleum tank farm
where a potentially massive pool
of gasoline and diesel fuel has
formed underground.
Groundwater was contami-
nated at four of those company
facilities, and at two, petroleum
products were floating beneath the
surface, according to the N.C.
Division of Environmental Man-
agement In at least five of those
six cases action has been taken to
clean up the contamination; in
several, the cleanup has been
completed, according to files from
the division's Winston-Salem of-
The sixth leak was reported
this week: Property owners near
the a Ryder Truck Rental facility
have noticed a petroleum prod-
uct, perhaps gasoline, puddling
on their lawns, according to a
handwritten note dated Monday.
The files do not indicate if follow-
up action has been taken. Efforts
to reach the Ryder facility man-
ager were unsuccessful.
Other oil-company leaks the
state has investigated have in-
cluded Gulf Oil Corp Exxon
Corp Shell Oil Co Astroline
Corp. and GNC Energy Corp
according to the files. At the Gulf
facility, more than seven inches of
petroleum was discovered float-
ing on the water table in a test well
in June 1987. As recently as Sep-
tember 1988, more than five inches
of the contamination was meas-
ured in the well.
During 1987, a small amount
of petroleum was floating in a well
at the Shell facility, but that was
removed and did not reappear,
according to the state files. In
addition, the files show, contami-
nation from leaks at the Exxon
and Astroline complexes reached
the groundwater.
Meanwhile, state Sen. Bob
Shaw, R-Guilford, urged officials
on Friday to shut down tiie tank
farm unless the oil companies
immediately start to clean up the
"It is a problem created by the
people on the property said
Shaw, ranking Republican on the
Senate Environment Committee.
"It is a problem they should have
been working on. They should
solve it. They should pay for it
The presence of some petro-
leum compounds in the soil in
other parts of the tank farm comes
as no surprise to some state and
local officials, because the facility
has been operating for almost 50
State and local officials hope
this week to persuade oil compa-
nies operating there to help with a
comprehensive survey of the en-
tire area to present a clearer pic-
ture of the extent of contamina-
tion. At least 93 drinking wells
surrounding the tank farm are
being tested for possible water
contamination, Larry Leach, the
Guilford County environmental
health director, said Friday
Dr. Joseph Holliday, the
Guilford Health Department di-
rector, formed the group after the
Greensboro News & Record asked
about a contaminated pool that
apparently stretches under U.S.
421 and may be five feet deep in
With 14oil companiesand two
pipeline companies at the tank
farm, the source of the contamina-
tion might be hard to pinpoint,
said Larry Coble, the state's re-
gional director of environmental

DECEMBER 5, 1989
Student Stores
Wright Building
ROOM FOR RENT: Biltmorestreet. $125
a month- male or female Call Luke at 752-
4464 Leave a message
Two location 1600 N. Green St
IO0-9579 HXW S Mcmonal Dr.
ABLAl Till l.l'l AC1
2899 E. 5th Street
(Ask uj ttvwt -?ur apciai tiit ta chanac ? tnd
d?coiinti fiT IVvr -?? id tali
? Located Near EC!
? Near Major Shopping (enters
? ECU Bus Service
? Onsite Laundry
Cmtact J T William (? T.mrm Williams
756-7815 or 758-743ft
OF-AN AMXjnfT cvk Scdmnrc liMITIiril m-rr. fru MOD
V V. i -? " 6ommm11mm
MOItll E HOMF RKYTAI S Aprmmu ? hHi Snrna r
Azaka Ovdeni near Bn Vtfq Cuury (Tub
rtM- J T Wi'liarm or I iy?ir WiBiama
Stolen: 2 book bags w3
notebooks. 2 text books,
calculator, computer disk.
Stolen Friday Dec. 1 from
Ash St. in the Tar River
Apt area. Please return,
will not charge! Really
need the notebooks!
Any information:
Please call 756-0276
We Have:
?Desks -Chairs
?Files 'Safes
?Computer 'Storage
Furniture Cabinets
We Buy. Sell, Trade, ?r Lease
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30-4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
&ro Sat
Help Wanted
Sales Representative
Position Available
-CrJC tot tarOlitliatl is offering an excellent
opportunity for an ambitious & energetic individual
looking to gain an entry level position in
Advertising Sales.
? Must have own transportation
? Must have sonic sales experience
? Must have experience with
Macintosh computers
? Must have excellent communication
Apply in Person at ?rjc uBast (Carolinian
Please brinii Resume
S150 month plus 1 2 utilities. Non
smoker and no pets Located close to
campus oft 10th street Apartment is
completely furnished except for bedroom.
Seeking fun and energetic individual.
Please call 758-0676 after U)pm.
plus utilities convenient to ECU campus
Call 752-4959 ask tor Kerry
ROOMMATE WANTED: 1 2 block from
campus on Biltmore St 5112.50 month ?
1 2 utilities Call 758-2393.
month f share utilities. Private home dose
to campus 931-8312.
FOR RENT: Immediately, nice one bed-
room apt Fairlane Farms, S365, call 757-
share apt at Tar river. Will have own
bedroom. Rest fully furnished If inter-
ested call 931-7399. '
share 2 bedroom apartment Close to
campus S131 to month13 utilities
752 B324
FOR REN T. Nearcampusupstairs,2room
apartment Private en trance. $250 month,
utilities included. Nopets Call 752 1043.
ROOMMATE Nl 1 PI O: (Male) 14utili-
ties Fullv furnished close to campus 758
BEDROOM: I bath apartment 4blocks
from I I Avai a Call
752 284 I
Kk Rt.M: One bedroom loft with fire-
place and washer dryer S290per month
with S200deposit required Available Dec
: I all 7 1-632 0637 after 6pm.
twi bedroom one bath apt S160per month
plusl 2 utilities. University Apt Call 830
take over lease for spring semester at King-
ston Place Apartments. Call Carey at 757-
LANDl COMPUTER: Monitor, Printer,
and internal disk drive. Price neg Call
after 5 00 at 758 "227.
FURNITURE: Couch, 2 chairs, 2 end tables
& coffee table Full sie, hard wood. Per-
fect condition. Call after 5 00 at 355-8092
and 'or leave message
.AUTOS: H: t iruti you, ?an buy jeeps for
.144 throvgh fceUtS Government? Net the
facts tod.n' CaU 1 312 742-1142 Fxt 5271
in Bahamas,etc At the guaranteed
lowest prices' Early bird special and
chances for a tree trip' Call Michelle a; 758
5154 tor information
?&e (East
A Veritable
Corniucopia of
SCUBA EQUIPMENT: Top of the line
diving gear from wetsuits to computers all
brand new and going fast. Call Adam at
738-5962 for more info - just in time for x-
ATTENTION: Government seized ve-
hicles from SI 00 Fords, Mercedes, Cor-
vettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide 1-
602-838-8885 Ext. A 5285.
MAS PRESENT? Norwegian imported
book bag for sale should be the answer .
for more info call Benedurte on phone
FURNITURE FOR SALE: Couch,lovescat
chair. Navv blue and tan, fair condition
Must sell immediately Call 758-4924.
light, heater, pump and everything else
needed are included Call Chris at 77-
RADAR DETECTOR: Bel Vector micro
eve. Works like a charm Call Chris at 757-
FOR SALE: Burgandywine colored car-
pet sized to lit Clement, Greene and white
dorms Curtains that match carpet in-
cluded. Good condition - used only one
semester - $40 Call B30-0265 Leave
message if no one is at home.
FOR SALE: Small round table. Used as
dining area in dorm room tor one semes-
ter Good condition Takes up a small
area Light and portable $30 Call 830
0265 Leave message if no one home
rYPING SERVICE Papers, resumes,
thesis, etc. that need to be typed, please call
756 8934 between 5 30pm ? u 30pm 17yrs.
tvpntg experience. Typing is done on
computer with letter qualify printer
Designer type, 752 19V We take reserva
tions for typing reports
ING SERVICES: We offer typing and
photocopying services We also sell soft
ware and computers 24 hrs in & out
guarantee typing on paper up to 20 hand
written pages. SDF Professional comput
ers 10b E 5th St. (beside Cubbies) Green-
ville, N C. 752-3694
GET ABOARD: Pirate ride, 3 routes on
the hour around campus. Call 757-4724 for
more details
special someone today! Call Datetime at
(405) 366-6335
TYPIST: With state of - the art word
processing equipment and Laser printer.
Will meet your typing needs Call eve-
nings. 75b - 1S37
N EED A PICK - UP: for a small or medium
load7 Moving locally? Will haul furniture,
household items, brush piles, misc. Call
Vemon after 5pm at 757-0462
TYPING: Papers, resumes the-os etc
Call Bcckv between hours 8 30 am - 5pm
only Will not be at this ? after 5pm 7s.
.run, Bahamas, Bermuda etc At the guar-
anteed lowest prices' discounts available
tor fraternities, sororities and organized
croups Save Money! Resen e before Dec
15. Call Julie at 951 -8525 or Chern at 931-
jobs- your area Many immediate open-
ings without waiting list or test $17,840 -
$69,485 CaU 1-602-838-8885. Ext R5285
Honey Baked Ham Co is in search of sea-
sonal help to fill our sales counter and
production positions. We have stores lo-
cated in the following markets: Raleigh,
Durham, Greensboro, Winston Salem,
Wilmington, Charlotte, and Atlanta Please
check the white pages or information for
the store nearest vour home
No experience all ages, kids, teens,
young adults, families, mature people,
animals, etc Call now' Charm Studios - 1-
ATTENTION: earn money reading books'
S.32,000 vr income potential Details (1)
602-838-8885 Ext. Bk52H5
PART-TIME HELP: Video tape editors
Proficient with 34" video. Flexible hrs.
News-oriented work. Call Chris McDaniel,
News Director, WITN - TV, 946-3131.
WITN is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
local law firm Sam - 1pm , Monday -
Friday. Please call Carla at 355 0300.
PERSON: Person responsible for mer-
chandising and counting Danecraft jew-
elry, for the sales rep Counts are taken
bimonthly, usually during the last week of
the month. The average time to count and
merchandise one store is 2 12 hours. This
position is ideal for someone who now has
a part time job, responsible college stu-
dent, homemaker or retired person salary
isS5hr pius$.12 per mile Contact Angela
Sawyer at 919-881 -9676
HELP WANTED: Immediate opening I
typist secretary iob. Apply at SDF com-
puters, 106 E. 5th St , Greenville Tele-
phone 752-3694
SUMMER POSITIONS: Develop people
skills and leadership abilities while gain
ing valuable life experiences as one or
more of the following cabin counselors,
program specialists (swimming, tennis,
gymnastics, archery.nflerv, sailing, skate
boarding, arts and crafts, ropes course,
etc ), nurses (RN), and more Camp Ka-
nata offers this experience with compen-
sation based on age, certifications, and
experience ranging from SI000 to S2500
plus room and board for 10 weeks. Apply
Assistant director, Camp Kanata, Rt 3,
Box 192 Wake Forest, N.C 27587. 919-556-
KDU airport, January 4ththe day before
classes) after 7pm 1 will pavSK) plus gas
Please call ill at 931-7642.
WANT TO BUY: Used (2nd hand), old
GOLFCLUBS. Putters, woods, Irons Call
Drew at 524-4588 Mornings or after 6pm
TO ANDREA SEXTON: Congratulations
on your initiation into Alpha Phi I'm
proud of you. Hove you, Chnstm
DELTA SIGS: Thanks for helping us
welcome our shinv pins into our sister
hood. Great pre - downtown too' Love-
The Alpha Phis
ALPHA PHI: Would like to congratulate
the 1989 fall pledge class and welcome
them into our sisterhood -Tamara Abbott,
Chnstv Angle, Jo Brent Austin, Shellev
Barren, Rozzie Bloom, Leigh Cox, Dawn
Davis, Leigh Dung, Kara Ginter, Karvn
I lenderswon, Lee Anne Henderson, An-
drea Jenkins. Erica Ley die, Emily Millonzi,
Claudine Micholson, Lon Gates, Pauline
Ozimina,Wendy Peacock, Angle Porter,
Martha Ross, Andrea Sexton, Beckv Smith,
Elizabeth Stevens and Kelb Weeks You all
have worked so hard and its finally paid
off! Thebestis still yet to come' Congrats'
Love - your sisters
MCCLELLAN: Keep up the good work
Don't be dismayed cuz we're behind you
one hundred percent' So well on exams
We love you' Love - The Alpha Phis
CHAS: Sorry we missed your great per
formanceonfnday Good luck after gradu
ahon and keep in torch We love you '
Your sisters of Alpha Phi
KA'S: Had a great time at the social last
Wed Can't wait to do it again next sem-
ter Love the Sigmas
soccer team - We're No 1 again' ADPi
vou plaved a great game' Can't wait til
next season! Love ya. The Sigmas
STEPHANIEQUINN: congratulations ?
winning Miss Kinston'l We are so proud
of you! Good luck in the Miss North Caro-
lina pageant next June Either .a: .
No. i with us' We love ya, The Sigmas
SIGMA 1990OETICERS: President Doth
Pived, Vice President - Chnsti Harris
Secretary - Kati Mulligan, Treasured
Cassis Lane, Rush Chairman robin Bla ?
Education- MicheleKlun, We know
do a great job'
FOLLOWING: Who are graduating tl
Saturday Leah Stephenson, k'athv N
block, Janie Barr, Leslie M Launn, K i
Bo yd, Jem Brown. Laura Dupret '?'
Jovner Good tuck in th i
come back and visit
so much' Love - the sigmas
and the ECU Foot a grea!
season' Love the D Ita Zetas
SIGMA PI: Thanks for a gr its -
really had a blast Can t wait to do it 3j
soon' Love the Delta Z. Las
Dave Crowell, Chip Bartlet, Jeff -sa
Martin McConneU, Nick stienert,
Small, BnanKirkpatnck '?-ss, nfe ar
Eddie Jernigan We knew vou could d
The brothers of Theta Chi
on being a new Alpha Sig little sister The
pledge period is finally over and theb is
vet to come Let the good times roll' 1
your big sister, Jen.
ROBIN: Happy21 stbirthday Thanks for
your patience, support and the grea:
memories I love you dearly - Ed
to thank all of vou for vour hard work over
the past year Every one did an outstand
ing job' Thank you Barbara
PHI TAU: Congrats to the 3 or,
basketball team Let's get ready for 5
- 5 next spnng It's only a matter of rime"
LADIES OF ADPI: That's all that needs I
be said" Last Thrusday's mexican fiesta
was a blast 1 lope we can do it again nee
year Have a fun and safe holiday ? ?
ers of Phi Tau'
LAT: I don't want tl wer Weboti
needed time to think Ca.l me " our baK
FREE: Grey and white kitten Needs a
home, a good natured little guv Call
3432 ar.d ask for Parker or Dave
KRISTEN: Mvbum buddy -Hope ! d
embarass you too bad You know 11
you' Have a Merry Christmas! Yoursi?
The East Carolinian will be changing its
policy concerning announcements, start-
ing in January, announcements will now
be free for only the 1st week of publication,
after that week there will be a charge of
1st 25 words for student organizations -
$2.00 and for non-student organizations
- $3.00 any additional words will be S 05s
The Reformist Party holds meetings t ery
Tuesday at 5pm in the GCB rrn 1032 All
factions of campus are welcome and on
couraged to attend
Computer science, math, chemistry, and
physics majors are needed for Co op posi-
tions in Charlottesville, Virginia Very
accessible work environment and commu-
nity.) Please contact the cooperative edu
cation office, 2028 GCB, 757-697
Performing Arts company in Virginia has
Co-op positions available in media rela-
tions, advertising, publications, technical
theatre, and education. Please contact the
Cooperative Education office, 2028 GCB,
Joyner Library is accepting monetary
donations to provide Chnstmas gifts for
the foster children of Pitt County from
Nov.27toDec 8 Your tax deductible con-
tribution can be made at Joyner Library
Administrative Dept. from 8am till 5pm
weekdays. Make your check payable to
ECU - foster children fund. Show the
children that you care this holiday season.
ECU students for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals will hosponsoringa "Furisdead"
.i-monstrationon Tuesday, Dec 5from 3-
6pm on the sidewalk of Greenville Boule-
yard near the entrance to the Plaza. The
purpose of the demonstration is to inform
: te Greenville ECU community that a
great deal of suffering goes into each and
? ery for coat and that insensitivity is not
fashionable, for a nde to the event, meet at
Mendenhall near the automatic teller. For
more information call Craig at 931 -S934or
" eniseat931 9266
Any fall graduating senior who expects to
complete 24 hrs in the honors program
with a 3.4 GPA should contact Dr. David
?sanders. 1002 GCB, 757 6373, Bv Mondav,
Dec 4, 1989
Treva Tankard, voice, senior Recital (Dec
5 7pm, Fletcher Recital Hall, free); ECU
!azz Bones and Trombone Choir, George
Broussardand Steven Fitts, Directors(Dec.
b 7pm, Fletcher Recital Hall, free); Steven
Fitts, trombone. Graduate Recital (Dec
7,7pm, Fletcher Recital Hall, fret-); Guy-
Buck, voice, senior RecitaKDec 7, 9pm,
Fletcher Recital Hall, free), Madngal din-
ners, Charles Moore, Director!)Dec. 7-9,
Mendenhall Student Center, all perform-
ances sold out); Susan Cooperman and
Jennifer Layman, Senior Voice Recital (Dec
8, 7pm, Fletcher Recital Hall, free).
On Wed , Dec. 6, between 10am and 2pm,
in front of the student store and in Men-
denhall, pick up your Red Ribbon to show
y ou support for the Red Ribbon Campaign
tor a less violent holiday season organized
by MADD. Show that you care and help
create a new meaning for "Tie one on
sponsored by MADD BACCHUS, office
of substance abuse prevention, Sigma
Sigma Sigma, and Delta Zeta For more
info call 757-0793
There will be a mandatory meeting for all
soccer players who wish to play soccer the
spnng semester The meeting will be in
Rm 1031 of GCB from 4 -5pm Thursday
Dec 7 All new plavers are welcome.
Now has positions available for managing
editor, features editor, copv editor, com-
puter lavout artist and staff writer. Appli-
cation dead line is Thursday, Dec. 7 at 5pm.
Applications are available in the office of
Media Board secretary's office located in
the Publications Building across from
Joyner Library. Interviews will be sched-
uled shortly afterwards
Thelast BACCHUS meeting for fall semes-
ter will be Tuesday, Dec. 5, 4pm in 305
Erwin I lall. Cook luck on your exams and
have a happy holiday. We'll meet again
Jan. 9 at 4pm, in 305 Erwin and decide then
about a regular spring semester meeting
time. For more info. Call 757-6793.
There will be a Christmas partv Sunday,
Dec. 10 from 2-5pm in Mendenhalls
multipurpose room for volunteers and their
kids. There will be games and goodies for
the children, so please attend!
The last meeting of Big Kids for fall semes-
ter will be Tuesday, Dec 5 at 5:30 in 210
Erwin Hall. We'll meet again Tuesdav,
Jan. 9, same time and location. We'll de-
cide then if that will continue as the meet-
ing time and location. Good luck on vour
exams! For more info call 757-6793
All members are remind of a verv impor-
tant meeting on Thursday at 5pm in the
GCB in the Honor's Lounge All honor
students are also invited to attend
The ECU office of International Studies
announces the opportunity to spend a
semester in China! The program is ad-
ministered by Wake Forest University and
is based at the Chinese Language Training
center on the campus of Beijing Foreign
Languages Normal college. Qasses will
be taught in English with a select group of
Amencan Students. Beginning and ad-
vanced courses in Chinese language as
well as Chinese culture will be offered.
Rivers Scholarships may be available for
accepted participants. The application
deadline is February 15, 1990. For more
info, contact Stephanie Evancho in GCB
1002, of Call 757-6769.
Christmas Clothing and can drive that the
reformist party will be sponsoring Thurs-
day and Fnday, Dec. 7and 8. There will be
collection boxes in locations across the
campus. Proceeds will be given to a local
chantable organization. For more infor-
mation contact Mrs. Robin Andrews,
Reformist Party President.
Come to the Methodist Student Center this
Wed.Dec. 6 at 5:15 pm for a delicious, all-
you-can-eat home cooked meal followed
by candlelight communion. This week,
the meal is free! Sponsored by Presbyte-
rian and Methodist Campus Ministries
Winterguard has a few positions remain
ing for its 1990 season The guard practices
twice weekly, and performs across the state
Come join us in a well - estabhshed col
orguard organization An initial meeting
will be held on Fndav, Dec. 10. Anyone
interested in participating with this a ward
- winning guard should contact Jod v Jones
at 752 -6912 before Sunday, Dec 16
All ECU district 97 SEANC members are
cordially invited to attend the Annual
Chnstmas social which will be held in the
Multi - purpose room, at Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center, on Tuesday, Dec 5,1989 from
12 noon until 2pm
Finance Committee members of ECU Dis-
trict 97, SEANC, will be selling "home-
made" peanut bnttle and " homemade'
Chnstmas lollipops the week on Dec 11-
15, on campus, in the lobby of the Student
Supply Store and in the main corridor
leading to the hospital, at the School of
Mediane, Brody building from 12 noon -
2pm The Peanut bnttle will be $2 bag
and the lollipops will sell for50 each s
$2 for 2 burntos, chips and tea 5 - 9pm at
Methodist Student Ctr Take it out or eat it
in. Thursday Be there'
ast Carolinian

Incinerator decision approaches
RALEIGH (AD It's time
tor legislators to decide v hether
North Carolina will join a regional
agreement that would put a chemi-
cal-waste incinerator, a landfill
and a recovery unit somewhere in
the state by December of 1991.
It was difficult to get the
agreement said Don Reason, an
aide to Gox. im Martin who
helped negotiatethedeal between
the states "Siting (the facilities) is
another problem altogether. The
not-in-my-backyard mentality
surfaces every time
Martin wants legislators to
rove an agreement in which
North Carolina would treat some
ds ot hazardous wastes, and
r other states Alabama,
Kentucky, Tennessee and South
iina would treat or dis-
pose ot other tvpes.
By entering into a regional
igreement the state would dis-
ot less waste than if it had to
die its own waste alone, state
ffk i.iissav rhat agreement is not
related to another regional agree-
nt on low-level radioactive
waste, live N C. counties
rtmond, Rowan. Union, Wake
1 Chatham are reluctant
ndidates tor that disposal facil-
l nder the hazardous-waste
? eement, North Carolina would
by December 1991:
n incinerator that could
S0,000 tons a year. That's
iit five truckloads a dav. The
inerator, which removes 99.9
percent of the toxic substances in
waste, would be the size oi a
cement-mixing truck.
A landfill the size oi three
football fields to dispose oi the ash
from the incinerator.
? A recovery unit, about the
size of a pickup truck, to treat and
recycle 15,000 tons a year of haz-
ardous solvents.
1 he landfill wouldn't be the
kind that would take untreated
hazardous waste, which can
damage water and soil if the waste
leaks. And the state wouldn't
"stabilize waste mix it with
lime or other materials to produce
a solid block that would then be
Phe three facilities could fit on
10 to 13 acres but more likely will
include a butter zone of at least
200 acres. The location for the
facilities would be chosen by the
N.C. Hazardous Waste Manage-
ment Commission, a nine-mem-
ber board named by the governor
and legislators.
"It'sa very good deal forN'orth
Carolina Beason said.
Businesspeople tend to agree.
Thev need a place to ship their
hazardous waste.
"It affects everybody, from
your corner drv cleaner to photo
finishers to garage owners and
printing plants said Susan
Valauri, state director of the Na-
tional Federation oi Independent
Cthers aren't so sure about
the agreement. State Sen. Henson
Barnes, D-Wayne, the highest-
ranking Senate Democrat, said he
expected the legislature to approve
the agreement during their spe-
cial session that begins on I'hurs-
day. But he said he didn't like the
landfill for the ashes, although he
said that would be better than a
landfill for all kinds of hazardous
"That's the sugar that makes
the medicine of having a landfill
go down easier " he said.
Some people including envi
ronmental groups, iron t con-
vinced that the statt needs an
incinerator and the accompany-
ing facilities. Thev would like the
state to first work toward getting
industry to reduce the waste it
Among these people is Patri-
cia Link of western Rowan County.
Two vears ago, "I didn't even
know whata county commissioner
was she said. Now she helps
lead a Rowan County group of
environmentalists who are fight-
ing to keep a hazardous-waste or
low-level radioactive waste facil-
ity out of their county.
North Carolina has a financial
incentive for approving the re-
gional agreement. Without the
pact, the U.S. Environmental Pro-
tection Agencv probably would
withhold about $? million dur-
ing the next two years to clean up
two hazardous waste sites in the
If thefull legislature meetsjust
Thursday and Friday, as is ex-
pected, the cost of the spinal ses-
sion will be about $35,000. "But it
won't cost as much as if we don't
come for a day or two Barnes
atieiiricm itsiitu"
Pro and College Sports
Apparel and Novelties
Carolina East Mall
State hires more workers
for highway construction
in North Carolina
The number of state highway
employees is going to increase
dramatically as North Carolina's
$.2 billion roads improvement
package begins the first step of a
13-year journey, officials say.
Highway Administrator
George Wells said the number of
workers will burgeon by 27 per-
cent, adding 2,980 positions even
as the department farms out more
road projects to private industry
Continued from page 5
School officialsinNorthCaro-
and other states supported
tment of the law, but local
law enforcement groups strongly
sed it. Police associations
?d lobbying Congress to scrap
iw before it took effect.
1 hornburg led a bipartisan,
nal effort earlier this year to
strengthen the 1988 Federal Anti-
Drug Abuse Act. The effort de-
railed the provision that severely
limited the U.S. government's
ability to share drug proceeds.
Bills to repeal the provision
were introduced by N.C. Senators
esse Helms and Terry Sanford.
The Helms bill attached to the
defense appropriations bill was
passed and signed by Bush.
The N.C. Bar Association, the
N.C. Association oi Police Attor-
neys, the N.C. Association of
Chiefs of Police and several na-
tional law enforcement organiza-
tions all passed resolutions call-
ing for repeal for the restrictions.
than ever before. But the number
of state sedimentation-control
workers in the field remains un-
changed at roughly what it was in
1985 ? and the prospect leaves
those workers bogged down.
"There's no doubt that it's
going to be overwhelming
Randy Cotten, a spokesman for
theN.C. Land Quality Section, told
The Winston-Salem Journal. 'It's
going to take everything we've
got for the next 10 to 15 years
The strain already appears
evident along the Interstate 40
Bypass projects in Forsyth and
Guilford counties, which have
been speeded up by two years to a
projected completion date of
No vember 1992. Earth movers and
bulldozers can be seen daily along
the banks of Peters Creek, sheer-
ing off the barren bluffs where up
to six lanes of bypass will run
parallel to Silas Creek Parkway ?
and directly above the stream.
See HIGHWAY, page 9
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If you happen to be off campus, for your convenience
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DECEMBER 5, 1989
Nuclear waste site operates responsibly
company selected to operate North
Carolina'slow-level nuclear waste
site has run its 18-year-old landfill
responsibly after initial criticisms
about safety, said state regulators,
company officials and environ-
Chem-Nuclear Systems Inc.
promises to make the North Caro-
lina facility a "model of excellence"
by relying on its record of waste
disposal, safety and environ-
mental monitoring at the South
Carolina site.
Despite that claim, state and
federal regulators have cited the
company for 37 violations ? some
as recent as 1981 ? at the 72-acre
Barn well landfill. Most dealt with
radiation control, properly run-
ning the disposal trenches or rec-
The harshest criticism came
in a 1973 report by David Eben-
hack, then an inspector for the
state Department of Health and
Environmental Control and now
general manager for Chem-
Nuclear's North Carolina reposi-
tory. The report faulted Chem-
Nuclear for haphazard operation,
including handling drums filled
with radioactive waste so roughlv
they broke open in the trenches.
"There seems to be a certain
lack of sincerity on the part of
Chem-Nuclear's management
Ebenhack wrote. "The violations
are few in number but impor-
tant in scope
But a DHEC official said last
week Chem-Nuclear has corrected
early flaws at the site and is a
responsible waste operator.
"To us, they have gone be-
yond regulatory requirements to
ensure health and safety and envi-
ronmental protection said Virgil
Autry, director of the agency's
division of radioactive material
licensing and compliance.
The planned Chem-Nuclear
site in North Carolina will take
low-level nuclear waste fromeight
Southeastern states, including
South Carolina, beginning in 1993.
Possible locations are in Union,
Rowan, Richmond and Wake-
Chatham counties.
According to Autry, DHEC
records and Chem-Nuclear:
? DHEC has never fined
Chem-Nuclear for violations. The
department, however, has penal-
ized out-of-state waste genera tors
which shipped sloppily packed
nuclear waste to Chem-Nuclear.
? DHEC did not win author-
ity to impose fines until 1980.
Autry said the 1981 violations ?
mostly procedural ? were not
serious enough to warrant a fine,
which could run as high as $25,000
a day per violation.
? DHEC has found no viola-
tions at the site since 1981. Autry
said the uncompleted I989inspec-
tion report will show no viola-
? No worker has ever been
exposed to too much radiation.
The highest exposure to a worker
wasl,900milliremsin 1981, about
40 percent of the federal yearly
? DHEC and Chem-Nuclear
have documented one leak in the
t9 waste trenches. Rainwater has
carried radioactive tritium lOOfeet
awav from one trench.
Opponents of the proposed
North Carolina repository point
to the 75-foot-wide tritium plume,
discovered in 1978, to back their
claim that waste sites can leak
dangerous radioactivity. But
DHEC and Chem-Nuclear both
say the public health threat is
Radioactive concentrations in
the plume exceed federal safe
drinking water standards. But
there are no drinking water wells
in the plume's downhill path, ei-
ther on the site or off-site, accord-
ing to Chem-Nuclear and DHEC.
At current ground water rates,
the tritium will take 41 years to
leave the site. DHEC believes that
by then, the tritium'sradiation will
be below federal standards, which
allow no more than a dose of 25
millirems a year to a member of
the public. Autry said the only
way to receive radiation from the
tritium was to drink tntium-con-
taminated water.
John Zawacki, Chem-Nuclear
general manager, said the tritium
plume is only as potent as the
tritium needed to light two selt-
illuminating exit lights in movie
theaters. He said Chem-Nuclear
sealed the trench in 1981, so no
more tritium has entered the
plume. "We monitor it he said.
"It's not building anymore
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission also inspects Chem-
Nuclear because the company is
licensed to dispose of "special
nuclear materials" such as ura-
nium. Spokesman Ken Clark said
last week the NRC had cited
Chem-Nuclear for five violations
in 1970,1974 and 1978. There were
no fines.
The garbage is mostly cloth-
ing, gloves, sheets of plastic and
water-purifying beads trom nu-
clear plants. It also contains mate-
rial from hospitals and research
In its early days, Chem-Nu-
clear did not have such high re
gard trom regulators and the
Barnwell County community.
Ebenhack, author of the critical
inspection report in 1973, said he
used strong words because "1
wanted to get their attention. And
I d id-
He said the four-vear-old
company was "meag rlv financed
then" and he saw a potential for
future safety problems. Ebenhack,
who joined Chem-Nuclear in 1979,
said that after the first few years,
"there was a significant shift in
(the company's) philosophy
Both DHEC and Chem-Nu-
clear were beginners then at nu-
clear waste disposal.
"It was learning bv trial and
error, just as the state was learning
by trial and error said Michael
Lowe, former director of the Pal-
metto Alliance, a now-disbanded
anti-nuclear group that monitored
the site.
"(hem-Nuclear has re-
sponded to public pressure and
cleaned up their act Lowe said.
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Navy hits a Greenpeace ship
manned by nuclear protesters
Vhr AsMKiatrrf Pre
( H i. AN AVER Al Fla.
The Na v said Monday
oi itsvcsselshad "shouldered"
i hip that mti-nuclcar protesters
u: irtg as a base to trv to halt
unching of a Trident 2 mis-
ima submerged submarine
It also reported that two high-
d rubberized ratts launched
i' protesters' ship had been
led bj smaller Naw boats
id been towed out of the
'he countdown was under
ir a launch later Monda ol
di ;it 2 from thenuclearsub
SS ennessee. The dem-
State records show that con-
truction site like five of the
six linksof 1-40 Bypass under
tru tion has been . ited
edh in inspection reports
utisfai toryerosion control.
u rt ports list such deticien
l as failure to follow an ap-
insufficient measures
sediment on site, made
tf? r zoneand unprotected
1- found in October
1 mile stretch of 1-40 By-
r Kernersville prompted
te inspector to write: "Meas-
totally inadequate for areas
rbed Potential forsevereoff-
?on I hat site was found
full compliance three weeks
lust in the past five weeks,
s of vi Nations went out on
t the projects the first
? irvl what can amount to
? nesof$500. Douglas Miller,
nal engineer tor land-
? in the state's Winston-Sa-
ffices says his staff of six,
? monitors projects in 14
tions a year.
program has evolved
onstrators said their ship, the MV
Greenpeace with 25 people
aboard, had been damaged in the
incident and was "dead in the
water after a Navy vessel poured
water down its smoke stacks into
the engine room.
The same group, Greenpeace
USA, was successful in halting a
Trident 2 launch from the Tennes-
see July 28 by dispatching the
motorized rafts, called Zodiacs,
into the launch area in the Atlantic
rMl miles oft Cape Canaveral.
"We issued repeated warn-
ings to clear the area Cmdr.
Deborah Bumette, a Navy spokes-
woman, said today. "The MV
Greenpeace acknowledged our
warnings and declared its inten-
tion to stav in the area. Two sub-
l'his program has evolved
from the days when we thought
that tossing out a few bales of hay
would solve the problem. It
d icsn't. And overall, I would sav
that we've learned a lot and the
Department f Transportation has
learned a lot he said.
Douglas Waters, the division
highway engineer tor the five-
county region based in Winston-
Salem, said 'We're making the
most intensive effort at erosion
ontrol that we've ever made,
spending hundreds of thousands
of dollars
Even so, a performance report
completed last month ranked the
division fourth from the bottom in
protect compliance among the
state's 14 highway divisions. The
division rated a 65 percent com-
pliance rate out of 100. according
to the N.C. Land Quality Section.
The top performer got an 8s
Berry G. Jenkins Jr manager
of the state highway construction
branch,said someofthenew state
highway workers on the way will
help inspect sites for erosion con-
trol He noted that, even if the
compliance rate remained the
same, the incidence of sedimenta-
tion will double as a factor of
marine support ships, Grasp and
the Kitty Wake, shouldered it out
of the safety arc
The launch safety zone is a
5,000-yard diameter circle around
the submarine.
She said the warning clearly
indicated that the MV Greenpeace
would be forcibly removed from
the launch area if it remained.
"Our ship has two holes in the
port side, isdamaged on both sides
and is taking on water said shan-
non Fagan, a Greenpeace spokes-
woman on shore who said her
reports came by radio from the
She said the Grasp used fire
hoses to pour water down the
smoke stack of the Greenpeace,
leaving it "dead in the water
Continued from page 7
tion will double as a factor of
having twice as much highway
construction under way.
"We reached the point two
years ago where we realized that
the Land Qualify Section was
being pulled UX different ways,
and so we started a self-policing
program to help with site inspec-
tions Jenkins said.
Jenkins said it erosion viola-
tionsare prevalent or flagrant, the
department can suspend a con-
tract - as was done this summer
when erosion at the Linville By-
pass threatened the trout-rich
Linville River.
Taylor & Murphv Construc-
tion Co of Asheville had its con-
tract suspended for almost three
weeks, until the problem was
corrected, said Wade Hoke, the
division engineer in North
Wilkesboro. The upshot, Jenkins
said, is that more work on roads
won't automatically mean more
impaired streams.
"We're going to expand our
inspections and engineers and be
out there Jenkins said. "If a con-
tractor isn't following the plan,
we have our ways to get his atten-
tion and we don't hesitate to use
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DECEMBER 5, 1989
Star professors make big
Gannett Newt Service
liam Glenn, an expert in high-
definition television, finds that
universities covet him like they
would a golden-armed quarter-
back or a 7-footer with a silky-
smooth jump shot.
"I'm constantly getting job
offers ? one every two months, it
seems says Glenn, one of the
superstar professors suddenly
benefiting from a brain boom on
college campuses.
Even little-known universities
seem willing to fork out up to
$150,000 to academics who will
set up nationally recognized pro-
grams. The offer that lured Glenn
away from New York Institute of
Technology came from tiny state-
run Florida Atlantic University in
Boca Raton.
They agreed to pay him
$! 14,350 to head a high-definition
TV research team. That means
Glenn will pull down three times
the average oi his FAU teaching
"It seems like a dream offer -
the warm climate, the university
was aggressive about beefing up
itselectrical engineering program,
and they had bright graduate stu-
dents to work with he says.
The demand for these profes-
sors ? who typically teach busi-
ness or science ? is growing as
the pool of academics in these
fields declines. The professors can
bring such prestige to a school
that they demand and receive
generous salaries, lighter teach-
ing loadsand state-of-the-art labo-
"What it does when you get
one of these superstars is it creates
instant success in your research
programs said Kenneth Klieuer,
dean oi the school of science at
Purdue. "You move up almost
overnight into the big leagues
"The competition for super-
stars is so fierce because schools
are trying to go after the same big
talent said Robert Rosenzweig,
president oi the Association of
American Universities, represent-
i ng about b0 eli te research-oriented
College administrators are re-
cruiting top talent by offering
"packages" that can cost a univer-
sity more than $500,000. Sometimes
a lot more. It might include a salary
of $150,000, extra travel money to
conduct research, guaranteed sum-
mer employment, plans to beef up a
science laboratory, a promise to
assign graduate assistants to help,
access to computers and secretarial
"The numbers we're talking
about nowadays would have been
unheard of only a few years ago
said Gene Hemp, interim provost at
the University of Florida, the only
Florida college in the prestigious
AAU. Last year it had to offer to
install new physics lab equipment
to keep professor Pierre Raymond
from fleeing to a higher-paving )ob
at Yale.
It costs usa good sum of money,
but you're going to have to pay to be
in the big leagues Hemp savs.
Princeton wasn't so lucky. It
lost noted economist Sanford Gross-
man to the University of
Pennsylvania's Wharton School of
Business. Grossman's reported
package: $250,000, including salary
and benefits.
Wharton is widely known for
raiding other universities. So is
Duke, which lured Henry Louis
Philippine violence continues;
reports predict up to 69 killed
The Associated Pre
MANILA, Philippines (AP)-
Refusing to end their 4-day-old-
mutiny, rebel soldiers positioned
in hotelsand high-rises fired semi-
automatic weapons and recoilless
rifles today at government troops
in the Makati financial district.
For a third day, hundreds of
Americans and other foreigners
were pinned down in homes and
hotels in the wealthy district where
forces loyal to President Corazon
Aquino had contained the muti-
neers to 22 buildings. At least 10
people were reported slain in
Makati today and 15 wounded,
including one American, by rebel
snipers and in fighting between
rebel and loyalist forces, hospital
sources said.
Government troops forced the
surrender of more than 600 rebels
on Sunday. Defense Secretary-
Fidel Ramos said the most serious
challenge to Mrs. Aquino's three-
and-a-half-year rule had been
crushed although it could take
days to complete "mopping up
Several miles away in Makati,
which insurgents seized Saturday,
rebels in one instance fired a re-
coilless rifle at troops guarding an
office building, causing extensive
damage and sending bystanders
racing for cover. Government
forces appeared reluctant to at-
tack for fear of killing foreigners.
The hospital sources identi-
fied the American wounded to-
day as Jerome Weissburg, who
they said was hit in the arm as he
watched the shooting from his
room at the Peninsula Hotel. They
had no hometown for Weissburg.
At least 6 people have
been killed and more than 5(X)
wounded since mutineers seized
several military installations and
bombed the presidential palace
Gates Jr regarded as the nation's
leading scholar of black literature,
from Cornell. He joins Duke's
English department next semes-
ter ? and so does a philosophy
professor who worked closely
with Gates at Cornell.
Duke officials would not re-
turn calls to discuss Gates' salary
package. The school has said it
intends to build a reputation as a
center for the study of race and
Not all the superstars wind
up at Ivy League-level universi-
ties. The University of South Flor-
ida in Tampa, for example, snared
Shirley and Ting Chu, an interna-
tionally known husband-wife
team of microelectronics research-
ers, from Southern Methodist
University. USF paid them a
combined annual $140,000 salary,
and put $300,IXX) into renovating
itselectronics laboratory for them.
"This team has done some of
the most avant-garde work in the
country in electronics. We went
after them and we got them says
Michael Kovac, engineering col-
legedean who recruited theChus.
But Kovac, like other admin-
istrators, frets about the loyalties
of purloined profs. What if an-
other university dangles a more
attractive package?
"Hie reality hesays, "is that
you get superstars and you have
to increase their salary every three
or four years or someone else is
going to come along with a better
Administrators at Ten pie
University, a state school in Phila-
delphia, share Kovacs w rry.
"It seemslikeeverv w . kthere
.ire faculty members who come
i n to a dea n 's office a nd ay t hey' ve
been offered $20,000 to $30,000
more than we can afford to pay
them to go somewhere else savs
Cathy Gossinger, assistant to the
president. "The situation is not
unlike thecorporate world, where
CEOs (chief executive officers) of
companies are cultivated all the
time by other firms
Indeed, education experts
See PROFESSORS, page 11
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Juvenile corrections facility employees use
restraint belts in subduing violent youths
Forty oi the Department of Youth
Services' 275 officers begin this
n eek using new restraint belts they
hope will give added protection
against violent youth in theircare.
The belts, already used in the
adult prison system can deflect
Mows, pull youths off each other
during a fight and restrain a
youth's arms and legs.
The new equipment comes as
; S officials cope with a 76 per-
cenl increase over three years in
the number of calls to police at
! T S facilities for the most serious
incidents, usually assaults. In 1988,
such calls totaled 783.
"I have often been asked if
this is a Boy Scout camp or a
prison DYSCommissioner Rich-
ard McLawhom said. "My answer
is we're a juvenile corrections fa-
cility- devoted to treating and re-
habilitating troubled youth. But
you can't treat them if vou can't
control them he said.
If the belts prove successful,
Lawhorn said he wants all correc-
tions officers trained to use them.
If not, he said, he wants the offi-
cers trained to use wrist holds.
McLawhom, who took over
Continued from page 10
the agency in August, said teach-
ers may eventually receive train-
ing in the new restraint belts.
"I don't want anybody get-
ting the idea we're letting a bunch
of Kung Fu artists loose in here,
but we have to protect ourselves
he said. "Anybody who does not
follow the strict guidelines and
uses holds that are not taught will
be brought up on child-abuse
The only DYS officers who
already know defensive maneu-
vers are the public safety officers,
who are trained at the South Caro-
lina Criminal.
DYS officials blame the vio-
lence on such things as the juve-
niles' background and overcrowd-
ing at the facility. In one maxi-
mum security dorm, two inmates
sleep in rooms designed for one;
six sleep in a room designed for
two; and cots a re stretched so close
along a wall that a child can roll
over during the night and touch
the inmate in the next bed.
"You can take the best of juve-
niles and pack them on top of each
other, and their tolerance level is
going to be low said corrections
officer Patricia Jones.
attribute the intense bidding wars
vr top-flight faculty members to a
basic business maxim: supply and
demand. An unusually high
number of senior faculty mem-
bers professors who joined
colleges during America's Sput-
nik era oi the 1950s and '60s - are
expected to retire in the next dec-
ade. There will not be enough
newly minted Ph.D.s to replace
The high pay for superstars is
seating salary inflation across the
hoard, administrators and profes-
sors sav.
"It is not uncommon for me to
fter a young physicist 1
mean someone who recently got
their Ph.D. and is good ? ami try
to put together a $200,000 pack-
age says Purdue's Klieuer.
The high salaries tor super-
stars in science and business is
creating bad feelings on campus.
Professors in the liberal arts and
other fields often draw a starting
salary oi $30,000 far less than
that offered to scientists. Admin-
istrators sav thev do not tell col-
leagues what they've offered a top-
flight professor.
"Some professors resent it, but
I think the overwhelming feeling
is one of resignation says 1 tow-
ard Ziff, a journalism professor at
the University of Massachusetts.
"It's like baseball the super-
stars make the good money, the
rest draw a decent paycheck
'? '?' is bureau chief
tor Gannett Navs Service in Tal-
? Copyright IMS Usi TODAY)
rr" ?? - muOiom Artwork
Schools paying top talent well
Top rated professors often command salaries of $100,000 when
recruited to work at the nation's top research-oriented universities. For
example, technology wizard William Glenn made $114,550 last year at
Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fla. On average, college
professors earn $39,410. Below are some well-known schools and the
average salaries of professors there: ,?
Average salary, institution
$67,700, Calif. Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
$64,500, Stanford (Calif.)
$60,000, Univ. of CalifBerkeley
$59,500, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass.
$55,500, Univ. ot Chicago
$55,300, Pnnceton, (N.J.)
$54,500, Yale. New Haven. Conn.
$54,100, Duke, Durham. N.C.
$50,800, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville
$50,600, Rutgers, New Brunswick, N.J.
Source American Association o! University Professors
Man) i-w Copeland, GNS
Attorney general challenges drilling
Attorney General Lacy Thornburg
said he will challenge in court a
plan to drill an exploratory well
off the Outer Banks if another
study on the project is not com-
pleted, and a congressman said he
would introduce federal legisla-
tion to delay the drilling.
A draft environmental report
on Mobil Oil Corps plans came
under attack Monday at the first
? ' ur public hearings on the
rt. More than 150 people at-
tended the hearing sponsored bv
federal Minerals Management
Service, the U.S. Department oi
interior agency that would
issue permits for outer continen-
helf drilling.
"Unless (the Minerals Man-
agement Service) is willing to
make a real study o( the impacts
on North Carolina, I will challenge
them in court said state Attor-
ney General Lacy Thornburg, a
IX'mocrat. "I firmly believe that 1
an succeed
U.S. Rep. Walter Jones, D-
N. announced at the hearing
that he will sponsor a bill in Con-
- to suspend Mobil's drilling
until at least October 1991.
"For over 15 months, I've
worked with the state, the Interior
Department and Mobil to try to
h an accommodation that
uld satisfy the residents of the
ngressional District Jones
said. "Clearly that hasn't hap-
pened. At this point, my opinion
is firm. We are not adequately
prepared to make such a monu-
mental decision
(ones, chairman of the U.S.
House Committee on Merchant
Marine and Fisheries, said Mobil
has failed to prove no harm will
come to the coast. He said his bill
would expand an ongoing study
ot ocean currents to cover "addi-
tional areas of environmental and
economic concern" and leave it
up to a scientific panel to decide
the merits of exploration.
ones said he has already
asked the Interior IX'partment to
halt further action on the Mobil
project and hold all least's, plans
and permits until Oct. 1,1991. But
he said the legislation, to be intro-
duced in fanuary, would mandate
the same things.
A representative of Gov. Jim
Martin's administration said
Mobil should not proceed with its
"The state believes Mobil
cannot and should not begin to
drill next year said William W.
Cobev r secretary of the North
Carolina Department of Environ-
ment, Health and Natural Re-
The report assesses ecological
and socio-economic impacts of the
Mobil project. It was submitted
Nov. 1 under an agreement
reached last Julv arming Mobil as
well as state and federal officials.
The draft document was de-
nounced by more than half of those
who spoke during the three-hour
afternoon session, the Virginian-
Tilot of Norfolk, Va. reported. In
addition to state officials, envi-
ronmentalists protested the min-
erals service report.
"The tailor-made environ-
mental report is inadequate and
hastily prepared said Nancy B.
Gray, who spoke on behalf of
LegaSea, an Outer Banks-based
environmental group formed to
oppose Mobil's project. "It is so
sloppy and so frought with errors
that there is no way to correct its
flaws It is almost laughable, if
only the consequences were not
so serious
"On one page alone I found
seven mathematical errors said
Gary Cove, an Ocracoke resident
and former college math teacher.
"That really concerns me about
the quality of the report
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German student discusses political changes
B si I VM 1 K
t the
?or ol
. api
h the
Nl ' '
i junior at
: : i.
the Berlin Wall was opened He
heard about the event on the na
tional news and immediately hs
tened to the German news on
shortwav i? radio
bin hs said he v as totalh
unprepared tor the event 1 was
stunned it s a greaf thine
r iu hs lived in est
pai iiits
A est
- . i i the
?? w hen
lermam he often hoard reports
ot Fast Germans being shot while
attempting to get over the Wall
I J.o said the deaths angered him
and he s glad it no longer will
v ontinue
Handicapped students
discuss ECU facilities
s S.T Mi
. ?
r spei ial ?
. i ?
w well
aps Who
? ?' 1 1 ' v: ? ? i irtum
. s a
tt'ered red
: all 15 of
: - but
? : ? be soi
. Lexicon
r the week
. ' en
I tantrum
idem ireful
P to
i ent
. ? lid len
:? e trim
u umbei E
' fight
tough B
shreud D
i ?'
i.ll L.i
I A hearty B
iil 1 I : i pe
i "? blue green
in ? ' faded; C
i mdul) ed; D rough
? ith B essen C imj n i tnt I)
? : I irt
10 Intact A per ma
nenl B entire C
linr ed D Navy jargon
?Compiled by Matt
ate the major problems I Igersaid
? ? example the Bn
? tourwn
? lem to me. II ?
? '
r i r whili
? .ide to g? I ba? k : thi s ime
According to Ullger somt
tl ? ntrances in Brew st? r an l ss
. . ? m? hes .vide.1 i i ;
? s? meone whose w hei L hair
is 2b inches vv ide
Shawn Kilpatrick agrees that
the buildings need im-
. i it : I ? tl - .es
in C otten Dorm, is a busi ness
education major Sh
tak a computer i lass on the se
: floor of Austin Austin dtesn'l
have an elevator It presented a
io ix' ause 1 m
Mostof kilpatm o s lassesare
ing, which she feels is the most
a cessible building because it is so
modem, rhe real problem is get
ting to that particular building
According to Kilpatnck, the
? iversit) needs ut ffs on cam
I - sidewalks '??? hich ci nnect
bui r lead 1
I "hi . : m ik iti -(s at the
end of even sidewa ? ?? n t like
having to bo particular about
? - - ! i ome down
: tl c students v
hairs to travel on i ampus
havi positive things to sa about
its students and facult.
espet lallv Mr I ,vc ??? I
? tor ol I landicap Servic es
However all ol the students
? mod to agree that the rampson
itetcnu at ed i
entran( o, and manvol
: needelev ators
ethWoi ? eshman
dis trie wheel hair
?. . . pus. Thi
. ? her am trouble,
but sho understands that those
al wheelchairs hav
iblems slu said, ! he iml
trouble I have getting into am
building is the library because ol
tho double do rs
o. id Norris, a junior study
ing historv said, "All of the build
ings .it 1 U should be a i essible
not only some
Not all of the handicapped
students on ampus are mobility
impaired c ecil Whitney, a gradu
a ting senior, isoneof tho tow blind
studentsontheE L campus. With
See HANDICAPpn page IS
ow that the Wall allows
people to leave or enter the i oun
trv some 225 000 1 asl Cen
ha o floixied into West iern
V est iermans are con? erned
about the population surge and a
few have evei I ' ? tting
legal limitson immigration I u hs
said he thinks thatastiermans
should have unlimited v
his country simplvbecause 'the
W hen the Wall a me dow n
tho i f reunification cami
U ? : erman C'hani ellor 1 lelmul
Kohl dot lared 1 have no doubt
that units will eventuallv be
a hieved hou
Fuchssaid "I'm hoping tor it, t:
but as long as the boli ng I a1 hat
?? rent militarv pa ts I di n t thii k
it will be possil
Another i urrent issue is t! . ?
whether the 1 nited States should
encourage or trv to prevent reuni
hcationn 'o'v 15 ! IMF i NN 1
ed5lK)adultsand5'l th(ught
the I nited States should trv to tun
ent our ige reuni fit at ?ill' 1 in
thought the United Stati s ? : oul i an?
to prevent it 1 ik hs .
nted, It thev I theiermans)
; ?
? ?.

'? ? ii-
l this
su n
. ?
ut will
I . ? .
I in h
, r
. find it
? or
? t. tho
IV i i 1
? ? ?
re e in
For 2fl
J.ii k Lemmon and red I )ansi m st u as father and son in the newly rele
relationships, recieves great reviews.
ad " ! h ? at exp
of family
Father-son relationships make a difference
Dad" explores family relationships
I ?? ??
. ? ? : t rea kni iwmg
another, red is
togetl ' no is tiio fathei
? in
? ?
lathi r, Jake
wife, : " ? " :
DukaV iffei rtattackand
tm 11
to take care of his fat
John has not seen hisfamilv in
two years and ho realizes every
thing has changed. ! Io sees how
lost Ins father is when his rn " i
is not there to d everythinj
She did everything from I
his toast to putting twth
on his toothbrush. In one
scene, lake is s helpless that he
i. an not find his pajamas and asks
where the are
Bette returns from " i
hospital lake is diagnosed with
cancer. John takes time off from
work to be with his father and
when ake goes into a coma, ohn
moves into the hospital room. 1 le
? ?
with 1 p.
i oma
HesIbei makes
. I ??
rhenin ?
1 ' 1- ? thi
Futui. ?
. . .

? but
? ' tiVs
?s the
is and
. nshp is
doe ? na
l. His,
taki ?
. d sv
m tear;
Attic combines music and comedv
By ROD mi I I'S
A double dise ol entertain-
ment 1 ndav night at the Attu
featured the rink and roll of Iho
I sualsand the( omedyZone.
I he return of the I suals v as
the mam attraction ibis band
ri- reates a '60s sound of classic
ro k and roll and presents some
I riginal songs of its own. Origi-
nally from ! ireem ille, the I suals
received a warm response from
the audience.
Led by singer and guitar
player Sam Madison, the group
mivos rock favorites, like David
Bowie's "ZiggvStardust with its
own music, "heir tirst album.
"Nothing to ear . Bw ife Itself "
features a variety of music It
contains a reggae style in the song
Abusing You" and an upbeat
rln thm in 1 lighSchool" that was
crv popular at the Attu gather-
( antanst Pat Picki'ns,n works
the entin and II d
Zeppi lii riti
! imes, ! imes in in
I )a s Di ? ? . tt Stuttsand
bassist I r.n i Cain complel
band Si nntains a frantic
pa? i ai d is a vital member that
- , Cain
know n as Manute plav - frcm
start to finish.
v )ther crcat oid i issu s that
w ere la ? d were amt s I
"Walk Awa Rolling Si
faiTitos, and two sped uj
Band plays fusion jazz at the Fizz
St.fl Wnttr
Webster's dictionary defines
jazz as syn opated, rythmic mod
em musii rhis does not help
much whon trying to define the
type of musu that a band plays
However, when describing the
musu of the band Spiral, one word
comes to mmd ("i'
In an attempt to define what
kind of (,? Spiral plays, Russell
Sledge, bass player, said, "We play
musu Hopefully, good musu
Mombors of their audiences say
there is no "hopefully" about it. It
is good music
Russell said that many times
they arc lassified as fusion y.
w hu h is ague, bc ause its range
is s i wide I usion is a mix of rock
(increased volume and a heavier
back beat) and jazz (a various
repertoire of tunes).
With Sledge on bass, Rodney
I loward in i harge of drums and
percussion, Landv Spain on gui
tar and Will Bridgeson sivt ph me,
the room almost scorns to smoke.
These mombors aro not all origi
nal members of the band which
was formed in October of 1988
But as some of thorn leave, others
are added to ensure their unique
music will continue for a longtime
to come.
With the addition of 1 andv
Spain, the music of Spiral changed
shghtlv Spain adds a bit of New
( Cleans blues y7? to the songs
Future plans for the group
include trying to get a demo tape
that includes their original music
1 nfortunately, there has not been
much time for composing, and still
lack enough new tunes he plan
to stay together until graduation,
but thi have no specific plans
attor that 'Right now . we re just
taking it one da at a time said
I he Pat Mathem and Kenn
( , rj pe musu thatSpiral pla m ,n
Ix hoard at anous t lubs and ri's
taurants m( ireenville Inev have
played atharlie O's at the Hil-
ton, Margau s the Deli,
O'Rockefeller's Wrong Way
Corrigan's and at the Fizz, where
thev plav regularly
ind rfunkel's
and the oldie Cal I i
m In mixing this with
their other album.
'Who kept thi Attic
? n their feet
now live in
is this fall.
d a lot in the
soutl ? ibama and
! i nnesset i ? 'urn to the
-t New "i oar s
itea party to
l ?
the i v enmg thi'
c omed k v enter stage It
havl twi s and featured the
rated an tics of Mark Cline With
a vulgar show Cline had 'he
crowd laughing rhe first guest
Alpine Hob was more laid back
than Cline but impressive
I he( omedv one isa regular
eont at the Attic on Wednesdays
and Fridays In the past it has
featured comedians who have
performed on Hl0 Showtimeand
lohnnv Carson It is quite a dravs
mg card tor the Attu creating a
variety Of entertainment that
comes to the I !recn ille auw
w ing music and comedy on
the same night is new to the Attic
V ith the good turnout this could
become a regular feature in up
con ? . nonths

German student discusses political changes
Suit Wntir
A photocopied picture of the
Berlin Wall is taped on the door of
Room 171 in ones Hall. The capi-
talized caption underneath the
picture reads, "NO MORE
Markus Fuchs, a junior at
ECU, put up the picture. Fuchs is
trom West Germany. His parents
currently live in Altlussheim, West
Fuchs. like people all over the
world, rejoiced on Nov. 9 when
the Berlin Wall was opened. He
heard about the event on the na-
tional news and immediately lis-
tened to the German news on
shortwave radio.
Fuchs said he was totally
unprepared for the event. "I was
stunned. It's a great thing
While Fuchs lived in West
Germany, he often heard reports
of East Germans being shot while
attempting to get over the Wall.
He said the deaths angered him,
and he's glad it no longer will
Now that the Wall allows
people to leave or enter the coun-
try, some 225,000 East Germans
have flooded into West Germany.
West Germans are concerned
about the population surge and a
few have even suggested setting
legal limitson immigration. Fuchs
said he thinks that East Germans
should have unlimited access to
his country, simplv because "thev
are Germans
When the Wall came down,
the issue of reunification came up.
West German Chancellor Helmut
Kohl declared, "I have no doubt
that unitv will eventually be
Fuchs said, "I'm hoping for it,
but as long as they belong to dif-
ferent military pacts, I don't think
it will be possible
Another current issue is
whether the United States should
encourage or trv to prevent reuni-
fication. On Nov. 15, TIMECNN
polled SOOadultsand 55 thought
the United States should try to
encourage reunification and 14
thought the United States should
try to prevent it. Fuchs com-
mented, "If they (the Germans)
move towards it, the United States
should encourage it. Of course,
they should let the Germans do
whatever they want
"I don't think (reunification)
would be any better or worse, just
the fact that all the Germans are
together again ? that would be
Fuchs plans to visit East Ger-
many this summer, but will re-
turn to ECU to complete school.
Fuchs originally came to ECU as
an exchange student. "I liked it so
much I came back he said.
During his freshman year, he
attended the American University
in London. He is an Anthropol-
ogy major specializing in Archae-
ology. After graduation, he hopes
to work in the United States.
When Fuchs returns to Ger-
many this summer, he may find it
to be very different. Whether or
not the Germanics reunite, the
world hopes East Germany will
succeed in its struggle for democ-
racy. For now, we can rejoice in
the opening of the Wall. For 28
years it suppressed freedom
Handicapped students
discuss ECU facilities
Special ro Thr Ljjt Carolinian
Pont let the word fool vou.
Mthough handicapped" is de-
1 as "being physically dis-
i d it is not intended to imply
lesser intellect or the inability to
perform everyday tasks. Just ask
one of the handicapped students
who attends Hast Carolina.
There are more than 25 of these
students, and thev are a vital part
of the University system. While
thev do not want pity or special
treatment, thev would like people
to understand and respect some
of the limitations that come with
ph sical impairment. How well
their days go often depend not
only on the students on campus,
but also on how easily they can ac-
tually move around campus to
ao mplish their activities.
Fast Carolina has boasted to
university which is suitable
i. jnts who are deaf, blind or
?mined to wheelchairs. Is this
university equipped to deal with
those kinds of handicaps? Who
better to ask than the handicapped
students themselves? It's their turn
to talk.
Nathan Ullger, who uses a
wheelchair to get around campus,
is an Occupational Therapy major
who says that he chose ECU be-
cause it was one of the 15 acces-
sible schools to handicaps in North
Carolina which offered hisdesired
major. Ullger has toured all 15 of
these schools and says, "ECUisan
adequate school for handieaps,but
there definitely needs to be some
i mprovements
, K Lexicon
For the week
of 12489
1 Fervent: A. diseased;
B second wind; C. en-
thusiastic; D. tantrum
2. Prudent: A. careful
B reluctant; C. keep to
oneself; D. intelligent
3 Dormant: A hidden
B. sleeping; C inactive;
D. decorative trim
4 Cumbersome: A
African cucumber; B.
oppressive; C. un-
wieldy; D. cloak
5 Scuttle: A fight;
B skip fast; C elevate;
D Sink
6 Canny: A. tough; B.
wize acre; C shreud; D.
7. Robust A hearty; B.
large; C powerfully
built; D. ripe
8. Jaded: A blue green
in color; B faded; C.
over indulged; D rough
9. Integral: A. combi-
nation with; B essen-
tial; C important; D.
group effort
10 Intact: A. perma-
nent; B entire; C.
linked; D. Navy jargon
?Compiled by Matt
The buildings on campus cre-
ate the major problems. Ulgcr said:
"Take for example the Brewster
Building, there are four wings with
only 'wo elevators, which pres-
ents a problem to me. The only
way I can enter the A wing is to go
all the way around to the front of
the building. And if I want to go
on the second or third floor while
I'm in another wing, I have to take
the elevator again and then travel
outside to get back to the same
According to Ullger, some of
the entrances in Brewster are less
than 23 inches wide. This is a prob-
lem to someone whose wheelchair
is 26 inches wide.
Shawn Kilpatrick agrees that
some of the buildings need im-
provement. Kilpatrick, who lives
in Cotten Dorm, is a business
education major. She once had to
take a computer class on the sec-
ond floor of Austin. Austin doesn't
have an elevator. "It presented a
real problem for me because I'm
in a wheelchair
Most of Kilpatnck'sclassesare
in the General Classroom Build-
ing, which she feels is the most
accessible building because it is so
Jack Lemmon and Ted Danson star as father and son in the newly released movie, "Dad
relationships, recieves great reviews.
The movie, that explores the intricacies of family
accessible building because it is so i .i i ,? i ? i i ? re
modem The real prowem is get rather-son relationships make a diiierence
ting to that particular building.
According to Kilpatrick, the amw . . g ?. 1 i 1 ?
"Dad" explores family relationships
University needs cutoffs on cam
pus sidewalks which connect
buildings or lead to the road.
"They should make cutoffs at the
end of every sidewalk. I don't like
having to be particular about
which sidewalks I come down
All of the students who use
wheelchairs to travel on campus
have positive things to say about
ECU, its students and faculty,
especially Mr. C. C. Rowe, who is
director of Handicap Services.
However, all of the students
seemed to agree that the ramps on
campus are too steep, the new
cafeteria at Mendenhall needs a
front ramp entrance, and many of
the older buildings need elevators
and modifications.
Elizabeth Worden, a freshman
majoring in fashion and merchan-
dising, uses an electric wheelchair
to travel around campus. The
ramps don't give her any trouble,
but she understands that those
who use normal wheelchairs have
problems. She said, "The only
trouble I have getting into any
building is the library because of
the double doors
David Norris, a junior study-
ing history said, "All of the build-
ings at ECU should be accessible,
not only some
Not all of the handicapped
students on campus are mobility
impaired. Cecil Whitney, a gradu-
ating senior, isoneof the few blind
studentson the ECU campus. With
See HANDICAP pn page 15
Special ro The Eat Carolinian
Two men from the same fam-
ily, yet not really knowing one
another, rediscover a relationship
together. One is the father, the
other, his son. They not only learn
about each other, but about them-
selves. "Dad" presents us with a
situation that can be precious
when dealing with family.
Jack Lemmon portrays the
father, Jake Tremont. Ted Danson
plays his son, John. When Jake's
wife, Bette (played by Olympia
Dukakis) suffersa heart attack and
is hospitalized, John comes home
to take care of his father.
John has not seen his family in
two years and he realizes every-
thing has changed. He sees how
lost his father is when his mother
is not there to do everything for
She did everything from but-
tering his toast to putting tooth-
paste on his toothbrush. In one
scene, Jake is so helpless that he
cannot find his pajamas and asks
John where they are.
Once Bette returns from the
hospital Jake is diagnosed with
cancer. John takes rime off from
work to be with his father and
when Jake goes into a coma, John
moves into the hospital room. He
talks to his father and reads to him
with hopes he will come out of the
From the director of "Family
Ties" Gary David Goldberg makes
"Dad" his first major film project.
The movie is produced by the same
people who bring us "Back to the
Future part 2 Steven Spielberg,
Frank Marshall and Kathleen Ken-
"Dad" is not just another
movie about family relationships.
It is a movie that deals with aging,
death, love and friendship. It is a
deep, emotional movie that will
cause people to think about life.
The movie has light moments that
take the audience from tears to
The acting is superb and
Lemmon brings his character to
life, making everyone fall in love
with him.
The ending is no surprise, but
"Dad" is a movie that achieves
what it sets out to. It makes the
viewer realize how important each
member of a familv is and how
much a good relationship is
The movie has tender mo-
ments that capture hearts and
cause one to cry.
Overall, "Dad" is a grade A
movie that everyone should see
with tissues in hand.
Attic combines music and comedy
Special to The East Carolinian
A double dose of entertain-
ment Friday night at the Attic
featured the rock and roll of The
Usuals and the Comedy Zone.
The return of the Usuals was
the main attraction. This band
recreates a '60s sound of classic
rock and roll and presents some
original songs of its own. Origi-
nally from Greenville, the Usuals
received a warm response from
the audience.
Led by singer and guitar
player Sam Madison, the group
mixes rock favorites, like David
Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust with its
own music. Their first album,
"Nothing to FearBut Life Itself'
features a variety of music. It
contains a reggae style in the song
"Abusing You" and an upbeat
rhythm in "High School" that was
very popular at the Attic gather-
Guitarist Pat Dickenson works
the entire show and sings old Led
Zeppelin favorites like "Good
Times, Bad Times" and "Dancin
Days Drummer Scott Stutts and
bassist Traci Cain complete the
band. Stutts maintains a frantic
pace and is a vital member that
keeps the band in unison. Cain,
known as "Manute plays from
start to finish.
Other great old classics that
were plaved were James Gang's
"Walk Away Rolling Stones
favorites, and two sped up ver-
Band plays fusion jazz at the Fizz
Staff Writer
Webster's dictionary defines
jazz as syncopated, rythmic mod-
ern music. This does not help
much when trying to define the
type of music that a band plays.
However, when describing the
music of the band Spiral, one word
comes to mindHOT!
In an attempt to define what
kind of jazz Spiral plays, Russell
Sledge, bass player, said, "We play
music. Hopefully, good music
Members of their audiences say
there is no "hopefully" about it. It
is good music.
Russell said that many times
they are classified as fusion jazz,
which is vague, because its range
is so wide. Fusion is a mix of rock
(increased volume and a heavier
back beat) and jazz (a various
repertoire of tunes).
With Sledge on bass, Rodney
Howard in charge of drums and
percussion, Landy Spain on gui-
tar and Will Bridgeson saxophone,
the room almost seems to smoke.
These members are not all origi-
nal members of the band which
was formed in October of 1988.
But as some of them leave, others
are added to ensure their unique
music will continue fora long time
to come.
With the addition of Landy
Spain, the music of Spiral changed
slightly. Spain adds a bit of New
Orleans blues jazz to the songs.
Future plans for the group
include trying to get a demo tape
that includes their original music.
Unfortunately, there has not been
much time for composing, and still
lack enough new tunes. They plan
to stay together until graduation,
but they have no specific plans
after that. "Right now, we're just
taking it one day at a time said
The Pat Mathcny and Kennv
G. type music that Spiral playscan
be heard at various clubs and res-
taurants in Greenville. They have
played at Charlie O's at the Hil-
ton, Margaux's, the Deli,
O'Rockefeller's, Wrong Way
Corrigan's, and at the Fizz, where
they play regularly.
sions of Simon and Garfunkel's
"Cecilia" and the oldie "Califor-
nia Dreamin In mixing this with
cuts from their other album,
"White Album it kept the Attic
faithful crowd on their feet.
The Usuals, who now live in
Raleigh, have been busy this fall.
They have traveled a lot in the
south, going to Alabama and
Tennessee. They will return to the
Attic to entertain on New Year's
Eve and will bring quitea party to
Earlier in the evening the
Comedy Zone took center stage. It
had two comics and featured the
X-rated anricsof Mark Cline. With
a vulgar show, Cline had the
crowd laughing. The first guest
Alpine Bob was more laid-back
than Cline but impressive.
The Comedy Zone is a regular
event at the Attic on Wednesdays
and Fridays. In the past it has
featured comedians who have
performed on HBO, Showtime and
johnny Carson. It is quite a draw-
ing card for the Attic, creating a
variety of entertainment that
comes to the Greenville area.
Having music and comedy on
the same night is new to the Attic.
With the good turnout, this could
become a regular feature in up-
coming months.

DECEMBER 5. 1989
Christmas trees bring hazards into homes
The AMOcfatcd Praia
It may be an unpleasant sub-
ject, but let's face it ? bugs get
into Christmas trees. Remember,
the trees grow outdoors, so you
shouldn't be surprised if insects
arrive at your home along with
the holiday decorations.
An Agricultural Extension
entomologist reminds us that in-
sects found on the trees arc quite
specific to various species, so it's
unlikely that they would get into
house plants or otherwise do
damage in the home.
The insect most likely to be
found travelingindoorsonChrist-
mas trees, says the entomologist,
is the white-pine aphid. The white
pine is a very popular Christmas
tree. The aphids come indoors as
eggs on the tree's needles and may
hatch as the tree becomes warm.
These tiny insects don't live long
in the warm, dry atmosphere of
the home, and those that do sur-
vive are likely to depart with the
tree after the holidays.
Jumping plantlice, which
spend the winter as adults, are
slightly larger relatives of the pine
.iphid. They live on blackberries
in summer, .uckm pla: i ju jes.
When the weather gets cold, they
move into pines and will do some
flying in the living room.
According to the entomolo-
gist, jumping plantlice are about
one-eighth of an inch long and tan
in color, and have two light stripes
on their wings.
Other pests that might hitch-
hike into your home on a Christ-
mas tree are several types of
sawflies, lacewings and spiders.
Sawflies generally prefer the
types of pines not usually used as
Christmas trees, but they might
lay eggs on white or Scotch pines.
When they hatch, the caterpillar-
like larvae feed on the tree's
needles. Like aphids, they don't
thrive in warm, drv houses, so
they probably would not last long
enough to cause much damage.
"If you just can't stand the
thought of having bugs in your
house, an insect spray that con-
tains pyrethrum would take care
of most of the things that might
come in on your trees the expert
advises. "These insects probably
won't survive long in the house,
however; they won't do any
damage and they'll leave when
the tree does. It's certainly noth-
ing to get excited about
Christmas Tree Safety Tips
Here's some advice from the
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission on how to minimize
the risk of fire from your Christ-
mas tree:
? A dry tree is a fire hazard.
Before buying a tree, strike the
butt sharply against the ground.
A shower of needles means the
tree has dried out.
? Before placing the tree in
water, make a fresh cut at the trunk
to expose new wood for better
water absorption.
? Keep the tree stand's water
He iv
reservoir full. A fresh tree can
drink several gallons of water
during its first few days indoors.
? Never place a tree near a
fireplace, radiator or other heat
source. Keep the room cool to
minimize drying.
? Check each set of lights,
new and old, for broken or cracked
sockets, frayed or bare wires, and
loose connections. Discard dam-
aged lights or repair them before
? Wt 99
OF THE 1990s
? Never use lighted candles
on or near a tree or other ever-
? Don't burn Christmas trees
in a fireplace; the sparks they
throw are a fire hazard.
Preserving Holiday Greens
There isa non-toxic, non-flam-
mable, biodegradable spray to
help preserve evergreen trees and
otherChristmas decorations. Safer
claims that its ForEverGreen issafe
to use around children, pets and
holiday lights. ItextendstheliN . -
holiday foliage by helping retard
water loss.
When sprayed onto a plant, it
forms an invisible protective coat
ing over the surface of the needles
or leaves. It protects Christmas
trees and wreaths from indoor
dryness, and outdoor plants In ?m
the cold.
(Safer is located at 184 Wells
Ave Newton, MA 02159.)
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dinner series
Healthy eating prolongs life
i Ml I A' 'CAR'
IU M K1 Ma? I N


: ? ?



? .
tvd to

clear and filled with detailed in
formation on what to do to im
pr r eating habits
P.itneht Mam Americans would K
tnd even surprised at how easy it is to makt
a significant change, Welsh said
a, ut Salad dressings, for example
i the
? run
i phone
pped itu
; i 'Sing
hool and
staff and in erns
about wl
itricl I that a
mitt( ? h semester to
find problem ar
east' ? imight
be I
? i ? ivc an
: a ith tl
(. ontributean average 9 percent 01
t? ital fat in women's diets
1 he booklets, available from
the i. onsumer Informationen
tei I Vpt 70. Pueblo,olo 81009,
Preparing! oodsand Plan
nine Menus. $2 30, Item No 172-
How to cut sodium, fat and
u in baking; how various
? ing methods work, planning
menus; specifk ways to follow the
.11.1 1 4
I l( lit
old admonition toeat from all food
groups; nutritional needs at dil
iv, v harts of tats, sodium
and sugar in dozens of standard
loods; revising sample menus to
improve nutritional content.
' Making Bag 1 uni hes,
ks and Desserts, 'r.1 '??? I hem
o 173 V 1 ists calories, fat, so
dium and cholesterol tor a vanetv
indw u h ingredients roc ipes
sandwu h filling!
erts, snack suggestions
( harts the nutritional cost of lun h
ted from vending machines
tor i ood an i
' - ing Meal M i iti
'torn o. 174- rtl I the
nle m a recent sun
if i
speed and ? i? . ; reparation had
top pi ' food. Book-
let in i organize
the k it hen, qui k i ookmg moth
ods, : Li'ip -id
ing labelsat l market, unit
pri ing, selectin ' ? right fi ?ods.
i ,o ? ttei Vh. Ii I at
ingtul : Iti in No 175 V
Making . limited
offei ts. A sample
menu an g well
fr 'in it, l rom fat t fi id
Twos the week
before finals,
and all across
the vus, not
a student was
They were all
reading The

The hi oks were'
all piled on the
floor with core.
We all hope
they'll go away
no lick, they're
dill Tncrc.
Good luck with
final exams!
? o ;s '
. f v - -V . ,
. v .? .1
zhs iln th( hat
S I 1 1 Rj L1C

lt'him I lan

Iti i
) ? r?3 Wt- can help lill vour
X hnstmas List,
hatever ?u? liudjiet

ild and (Jeorgelano decorate Scott Hall in
tmas lighting ceremony on Dec. 6 at S p.m. t Photo
I l I Photolab)

ft if neb
Store That
Saves iYou 'More
H 1
All 14Kt Chains And Biracelets- Reduced Only
Bracelet .$19.95
? Bracelets33.95
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L8" Hi ? Chain . ,$34.95
: . Chain . .99.95

Students Receive an Additional
109? OFF our Sale Prices
hxpert Jewelry Repairs
Special -If You Bring This Ad
Chain Soldering From 3 99 Watch Batteries 2.50
Genuine Pearl Jewelry Re
? iter Bracelet . 15.95
? Strand . . 36.95
.dter 10 Strand ?199.00
I Nugget Ring
Id Shrimp Ring
Sale H9.95
Sale $39.95
Cloth or paper!
Whether used on this campus or not!
We buy all titles having national Resale
Turn your unwanted books into Holiday
Arlington Village
Revolvinq Charge QKK OOfl Student
90 Day Charge -&UfU Accounts
I ayaways Behind c. Heber Forb?s Welcome

dinner series
ECU News Bureau
Healthy eating prolongs life
Dl1MHHK 5. l1
I re s.?- Pin
GREENVILLE- The food and
festivities of "merne olde Eng
land" will bo ottered again next
month at East Carolina
L'niversity's perennially popular
Christmas Madrigal Dinner Series.
The I989 dinners are scheduled
tor Dec. 7-9 in the spacious new
Great Room in the east wing of
ECU'S Mendenhall Student Cen-
Each evening's dinner begins
at 7 p.m. as Lord Chamberlain
escorts ticket-holding guests to
their places at one of the long
banqueting tables in the hall.
Guests v ill bo served cups ot
hot wassail and a traditional Eng-
lish dinner featuring roast bee!
salad. egetables and dessert. Hie
courses will be brought out by
serving knaves and wenches.
1 ache venine's entertainment
u ill be presented bv costumed
singers musicians, dancers and a
magician A wassail toast, fan-
tares by herald trumpeters, a sa-
lute to roast boar's head and a
concluding Christmas carol sing-
along highlight the festivities.
Presiding over all are the 1 ord
and Lady of the Manor.
Performing and servingat the
dinners will be ECU students.
Musicians and dancers include
residents of North Carolina, Vir-
ginia, Tennessee, Texas and New
School of Music is director of the
ECU Madrigal Dinner Series
English Renaissance costumes for ,
the performers were designed and j
made bv Patricia Hiss and Tiara
Designs. Patricia Pertalion is
choreographer of thecourt dances.
Since many places for this
year's series have already been
sold, persons interested in attend-
ing one of the dinners are advised
to purchase tickets as soon as
possible. Reserved seats are $15
per person for ECU students and
youth aged 18 and under, $20 tor
general seating and $25 for pre-
mier seating (144 places near the
front of the hall).
Further information and res-
ervations are available from the
ECU Central Ticket Office, tele-
phone (919) 757-obll, ext. 266.
Mail and phone ticket orders may
be charged to major credit cards
Continued from page 13
the help of his guide dog, he finds
no difficulty getting from class to
class. Whitney said, "1 have no
complaints about ECU. The stu-
dentsand staff really work hard to
help me and all are very- friendly
? something a lot of people don't
see ery often
Another student attending
East Carolina is Patricia Davis,
who says the school has helped
her a great deal. Davis, who is
legally blind but has some side
vision, uses tape recorders in class
and broad felt tip pens to take
Davisadded, "The University
has provided me a reader and
access to the Media Center to use
a visual tape machine that I need
to read with She said the addi-
tion of more railing, like on the
side of the General Classroom
Building, would help blind stu-
Another service that ECU
provides is special facilities for
hearing impaired students. Ac-
cording to Douglas Johnson, a
drafting major who is hearing
impaired, this university has 21
interpreters to assist deaf students.
He said the University could
do more. "They really need to
install TDD's in all theoffices such
as Housing, Counselor's and the
library. The TDD is a type of
phone-typewriter that hearing
impaired students use to commu-
nicate with others via telephone.
All of the handicapped stu-
dents who were interviewed
seemed interested in expressing
their graditude to the school and
staff and in expressing concerns
about what should be improved.
Kilpatrick suggested that a com-
mittee be formed each semester to
find out the specific problem ar-
eas that individual students might
be having.
"After all she said, "we are
the ones that have to deal with the
handicap services daily
NEW YORK (AD ? Eat right.
Doing so can improve and even
prolong your lite, bv now, most
people probably know that. But
many still don't know how.
To help, the I f.S. Department
of Agriculture has launched a
campaign called "Eating Right
The Dietary Guidelines Way a
collection of tour colorful book-
lets that makes making the right
food choices easier.
"What we want consumers to
know is that thev can eat healthier
without changing all their eating
habits overnight or giving up their
favorite foods said Susan Welsh,
director of the nutrition education
division of the USDA's Human
Nutrition Information Service.
The booklets cover shopping,
quick meals, menus, making
lunches and snacks, desserts and
eating out. They're based on the
USDA's nutrition recommenda-
tions and are available from the
governrru nt'sConsumer Informa-
tion Center.
Unlike some efforts to im-
prove nutrition, this one starts
from what is known about the
way people eat. It accepts that
almost everyone snacks, but it
suggests wa) 5to make snacks part
of a hcalthv diet The books are
clear and filled with detailed in-
formation on what to do to im-
prove eating habits.
Many Americans would be
surprised at how easy it is to make
a significant change, Welsh said.
Salad dressings, for example,
contribute an average 9 percent of
total fat in women's diets.
The booklets, available from
the Consumer Information Cen-
ter, Dept. 70, Pueblo, Colo. 81009,
?"Preparing Foodsand Plan-
ning Menus $2.50, Item No. 172-
V. How to cut sodium, fat and
sugar in baking; how various
cooking methods work; planning
menus; specific ways to follow the
old admonition toeat from all food
groups; nutritional needs at dif-
ferent ages; charts of fats, sodium
and sugar in dozens of standard
foods; revising sample menus to
improve nutritional content.
?"Making Bag Lunches,
Snacks and Desserts $2.50, Item
No. 173-V. Lists calories, fat, so-
dium and cholesterol for a variety
of sandwich ingredients; recipes
tor soups, sandwich fillings and
desserts; snack suggestions.
Charts the nutritional cost of lunch
selected from vending machines.
?"Shopping for Food and
Making Meals in Minutes $3,
Item No. 174-V. A fourth of the
people in a recent survey said
speed and easy preparation had
top priority in buying food. Book-
let includes strategies to organize
the kitchen, quick-cooking meth-
ods, how to evaluate recipes, read-
ing labels at the supermarket, unit
pricing, selecting the right foods.
?"Eating Better When Eat-
ing Out $1.50, Item No. 175-V.
Making choices among limited
offerings at restaurants. A sample
menu and quiz for selecting well
from it. Choosing from fast-food
Twas the week
before finals,
and all across
the campus, not
I a student was
They were all
reading The
The books were
all piled on the
floor with care.
We all hope
they'll 20 away
I but ?
no luck, they're
rtill til orP
y .VJ So Hunk uniqu
?y ? ? ujFrom Handcrafted Jewe
It's the thought that
So Think Unique

Mon - Sat 10-6
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to musical socks-
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We can help fill your
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Arlington Village
"i im Oarifalon. Jeremy Could and Oeorge Clancy decorate Scott Hall in
preparation for a Christmas lighting ceremony on Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. (Photo
b J.I). Whitmire ? ECU Photolab)
your Diamond
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All 14Kt Chains And Bracelets - Reduced
7" Herringbone Bracelet$19.95
7" Herringbone Bracelets33.95
7" Solid Rope Bracelet s34.95
8" Herringbone Braceletsl 16.00
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18" Herringbone Chain $34.95
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18" Freshwater 10 Strand $199.00
Ladies Gold Nugget Ring
Ladies Gold Shrimp Ring
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saic $39.95
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Cloth or paper!
Whether used on this campus or not!
We buy all titles having national Resale
Turn your unwanted books into Holiday
Wright Building
Mon-Fri 8:30 am- 5:30pm
Telephone 757-6731

Nudists lobby for bathing areas
The Associated Press
(AD ? A proposal that the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority set aside
some of its land tor nude sunbath-
ing areas is getting a chilly recep-
tion from the federal utility com-
The American Sunbathing
Association of Kissimmee, Fla
which boasts about 35,000 mem-
bers nationwide, has launched an
effort to persuade Congress to
open up federal land for sunbath-
ing in the buff.
The group has hired a lobby-
ist for $65,000 and even established
a political action committee called
Nl DFrACtocarrythenudistcase
to Washington, D.C.
"We feel that federal land can
easily be divided between nude
sections and non-nude sections,
which it already is in practice in
some areas said Arne Erikson,
the group's head. "This is already
very common in Europe
gifts make
holidays special
The Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) - The gifts
one tends tii cherish most are of-
ten those that are made by hand
and reflect the tastes and interests
of the recipient ?- a needlepoint
pillow with a special phrase, a
hand-hewn treasure box, an ever-
lasting wreath themed to a spe-
cific decor, homemade jams and
jellies, cakes and cookies.
Although life's pace leaves all
too few with time to turn a prac-
ticed hand at hobbies or crafts,
there are ways to show creativity
without spending a lot of time or
For familvor friends, consider
gifts that can become heirlooms.
Gifts of brass, china, crystal, pew-
ter, silverplate or sterling?either
new or from vour collection ? can
ho appreciated for generations.
Choose from vanity items such as
perfume bottles, atomizers, pow-
der bo vesand picture frames; desk
accessories such as letter openers
and paperweights; flower vases
and candlesticks; silver flatware
parceled out piece by piece.
Start a child with a sterling
pattern and continue with indi-
vidual pieces for birthdays and
holidays. Towie is among silver-
smiths who make infant spoons
and training sets in traditional
flatware patterns.
Antiquesalso make good gifts
for family as well as friends. Spool
boxes, cameos, pens and inkwells
are among affordable choices.
Akin to these and available in all
price ranges are coyote doorstops,
contemporary quilts, one-of-a-
kind sweaters, hand-made furni-
Or commission a local artist to
do a portrait of family or a render-
ing of the family home. To intro-
duce succeeding generations to
their roots, transfer old home
moviesof grand parentsonto vide-
otape, compileaphotoalbum, start
a family tree.
Pamper a loved one. For her,
give a day of beauty or a weekend
at a spa; for him, a health club
membership or a chance to im-
prove his serve at a tennis camp,
rn'nd newly weds on a hot-air bal-
loon trip, complete with picnic.
Give the young gourmet a course
in wines taught by a prominent
oenophile. Finally, don't underes-
timate the impact on new parents
of theater or movie tickets and a
paid-for babysitter.
For truly successful gift giv-
ing, the package is as important as
what's inside and should be a re-
flection of your style. Developing
a signature look can be a fun and
time saving approach. Have your
initials printed on ribbon, designer
style, or restrict yourself to solid
glossy paper with multi-colored
ribbonsand seasonal touchessuch
as flowers, holly and autumn
leaves. Keeping a consistent look,
and a supply of wrappings on
hand, will save time in the future.
And don't forget the card. Try
to give yourself as much time to
write your thoughts as to select
your presents. Honest sentiments
from the heart are still the most
touching expressions of affection
and friendship.
One of the agencies the grou p
wants to talk to isTV A, which has
more than 400,000 acres available
for public use, including 170,000
acres at Land Between the Lakes
in Kentucky.
But David Pack, manager of
operations and maintenance tor
TVA's public lands, said the
agency isn't ready to allow nude
sunbathing on any of it.
"We view such activity as in
violation oi local ordinances and
take the proper steps to get local
authorities to correct it Pack said
Actually, said Pack, there
really aren't that many people
interested in sunbathing on TV A
"We've not had any real prob
lem with this and we ve not evei
been approached by any nudists
requesting any areas be set aside
for them said Pack.
"We enforce whatever local
v rd i na nces there may be and we' ve
had a few cases ot indecent expo-
sure But I m not aware ot any
TV A anas where there has been
any such sunbathing
But Erikson said nude sun-
bathing is legal at several state
parks in Oregon and lexas. and
the National Park Service already
allows such activity at several ot
its parks.
"We're trying to do what we
can to convince these agencies to
recognize that nude sunbathing is
neither a moral nor a social prob-
lem ?nd it can be properly man
aged ' said Fnkson.
We're not looking to disturb
am one but there area lot ot people
who want to sunbathe nude, so
why shouldn't there be some land
set aside tor that V
Representatives of the group
plan to meet with National Park
Service officials next week to ask
that beach areas be reserved for
nudesunbathers. Agency officials,
however, say they have no plans
to do so.
"Thereare no federal laws that
prohibit this activity, but we do
adhere to local ordinances viid
George Berklacy, director of pub
lie affairs tor the park service
The only exception to the
government's hands-ott policy,
Berklacy said, came in 1985 when
the park service banned nude
sunbathing at a Cape Cod beach
"for environmental purposes"
because of people trampling the
dunes trying to get a peck at the
"The naked truth is that we
don't intend to write regulations
permitting nude sunbathing
Berklacv said.
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A tombstone? No, just a vandalized sign in front of the Flanagan Building on central campus.
decide if it looks better or worse. (Photo bv Garrett Killian ? ECU Photolab)
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Bomb testing may be unnecessar
response to
MERCURY, Nev. (AP) ? For
38 years, the government has
exploded nuclear weapons at the
Nevada Test Site. Bombs have
been dropped from airplanes and
exploded atop tall towers. They've
been buried deep underground
and in tunnels. At least one was
launched withanair-to-air rocket.
tests, there's been one constant.
"They've always gone off
said Paul Brown, head of the De-
fense Systems Arms Control of-
fice at Lawrence Livermore Na-
tional Laboratory. "Sometimes the
yields haven't been what we ex-
pected, but they've always gone
Given that nearly perfect track
ons in response to a changing
world. And there's a tremendously
significant need to improve the
safety of our current weapons
That view is challenged by a
senior physicist at Lawrence Liv-
ermore, where nuclear weapons
are designed. Ray Kidder, a 30-
year veteran of nuclear weapons
research, says current weapons are
both safe and reliable and con-
tends the only reason for contin-
ued testing is to develop new
warheads, such as one under
development that would burrow
underground before exploding.
In a 1987 report to Congress,
Kidder refuted the Reagan
administration's contention it
needed to test weapons from stock-
piles to ensure they worked.
"With the exception of a few
rence forever without new test-
Nuclear weapons have a shelf
life of only about 20 years before
they start deteriorating, but Kid-
der argued in his study that scien-
tists would be able to manufac-
ture new ones based on old de-
signs without the need for new
"I think he underestimates the
difficulty of remanufacturing
these weapons Brown said.
"We've tried to remanufacture
things and there have been prob-
lems that surprised usat the time
An evolving knowledge of nuclear
science has seen testing schedules
reduced to an averageof little more
than one explosion a month in the
last decade.
Since U.S. testing began with
the detonation of the first atomic
bomb, a 15-kiloton blast in July
1945 at Alamogordo, N.M 825
U.S. nuclear weapons have been
detonated, 697 of those since test-
ing was moved to its current loca-
tion little more thananhour'sdrive
from Las Vegas.
"It's not just blowing up a
bomb in the bottom of the desert
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because of changes in materials said Nick Aquilina, who runs the
and the difficulty of following the Energy Department's nuclear test-
old designs
Older weapons are still being
tested but much of the current
program involves new ones, he
record, why does the government of thc management people in the said. "Therearenewsystemsbeing
continue spending some $500
million a year to test its nuclear
"Reliability is one reason, but
it's only one Brown said. "We
see a need to modernize our weap-
complex here, I think almost ev-
eryone agrees with that now he
said. "Almost anybody that
doesn't have an institutional rea-
son for it pretty much agrees you
can maintain a stockpile for deter-
developed at the request of the Air
Force, Army and Navy
Scientists no longer carry on
the breakneck testing schedule
that, at one point, saw an average
two detonations a week in 1962.
Survey reports Americans
feel Bush is too cautious
Thr AM'ujtcd lr9
NEW YORK (AD ? Ameri-
ca ns gi ve M ikhai 1 Gorbachev more
credit than President Bush for
lessening East-West tensions, and
nearly eight in 10 believe the So-
viet leader seeks true reform in his
country, according to a poll.
The Media General-Associ-
ated Press survey found suspi-
cions of the Soviet Union's inten-
tions fading rapidly, with a major-
ity of Americans now convinced
that the Soviets do not seek world
Bush and Gorbachev, whoare
meeting in a shipboard summit
oft Malta this weekend, won ex-
ceedingly high popularity marks,
with roughly seven in 10 respon-
dents rating each favorably.
Their summit comes at a time
of momentous change in the
communist world. While Gor-
bachev pushes reforms in the
Soviet Union, his Eastern Euro-
pean allies in recent weeks have
moved dramatically away from
political domination by their
Communist parties.
Forty percent of the 1,117
adults surveyed Nov. 17-25 in the
continental United States rated
Bush as "too cautious" in encour-
aging reform in the Eastern Bloc;
46 percent said he was doing
enough. The rest were unsure.
Moreover, 41 percent said
Gorbachev has done more than
Bush to ease tensions, compared
with 29 percent who said Bush has
done more. The others weren't
To encourage Soviet reforms,
respondents by 2-1 favored estab-
lishing normal trade relations ? a
step the Bush administration is
exploring. A less likely move, for-
eign aid, was opposed bv seven in
Goodwill toward Gorbachev
aside, the poll found lingering
doubt about Soviet reliability.
Fifty-three percent said the Sovi-
ets cannot be trusted to live up to
arms control agreements, down
from 61 percent in a poll last year
but still a majority.
Reflecting that cautious view,
52 percent opposed making sig-
nificant cuts in U.S. military spend-
ing because of lessened tensions.
The Bush administration is con-
templating large cuts in its mili-
tary budget.
Similarly, respondents split on
whether the United States should
remove all its troops from West-
ern Europe if the Soviets removed
theirs from Eastern Europe. Forty-
seven percent favored such a deal
and 42 percent were opposed, a
division within the poll's 3-point
error margin. The rest were un-
Respondents overwhelm-
ingly opposed immediate cuts in
U.S. troopsin Europeasa response
to the reforms. But among those
who were opposed, a majority
favored reductions later if reforms
While the respondents fa-
vored continued defense efforts,
just 35 percent said they believed
the Soviets seek to dominate the
world ? down from 50 percent
who held that view in a CBS News-
New York Times poll last spring.
Fifty-seven percent in the new
survey rejected the notion that the
Soviets seek world domination,
with the rest unsure.
Despite the split opinion on
Bush's encouragement of commu-
nist changes, 74 percent approved
of his overall handling of U.S
Soviet relations. Seventy percent
had a favorable opinion of Bush in
Sixty-eight percent had a fa-
vorable view of Gorbachev, virtu-
ally the same rating as Bush's and
well up from 54 percent in a Media
General-AP poll in April 1988,
before a summit between Gor-
bachev and then-President Re-
Gorbachev was more popular
than Bush ? 85 percent to 65 per-
cent ? among respondents with
postgraduate educations. Gor-
bachev also outscored Reagan
among this group in 1988.
High regard for Gorbachev
translated into a generally opti-
mistic view of his chances for
success. Among the 77 percent
who believe he wants meaningful
reform in the Soviet Union, 60
percent expected him to succeed,
15 percent said he is likely to fail
and a quarter were unsure of the
Media General Inc a com-
munications company based in
Richmond, Va publishes the
Richmond Times-Dispatch, the
Richmond News Leader, the
Tampa (Fla.) Tribune and the
operates TV stations WXFL in
Tampa, WCBD in Charleston, S.C
and WJKS in Jacksonville, Fla.
Chinese concerned about policies
Bush disappoints students
The Associated Press
BOSTON (AP) - - Chinese
students are dismayed at Presi-
dent Bush's veto of a bill to let
them remain here after their visas
expire, saying he seems to be ex-
empting China from the human
rights standards held for other
Socialist countries.
But several students ex-
pressed faith in Bush's promise
that he would help those who fear
returning to their homeland
through other means.
Pei Min Xin, a graduate stu-
dent in government at Harvard
University and a pro-democracy
leader, said Friday that Bush caved
into pressure from China, calling
the fierce Chinese government
opposition to the bill a "bluff
"People like us have come to
this country not only to study but
to learn how democracy operates.
We have found that this single
case is rather discouraging Pei
said. "When it comes down to a
choice between human rights and
geopolitical interests, the leading
democracy did not hesitate to
choose the latter
Said Brandeis University stu-
dent Shen Tong: "The basic signal
See STUDENTS on page 18
This packed earth sculpture has befuddled many a person passing by the Belk Building on the outskirts
of campus. The sculptur -vas built to illustrate the effect of erosion on the environment. (Photo by Angela
Pridgen ? ECU Photolab)
ing program. 'This is a completely
new science. It's only been since
1945 that we've been doing this
Several tests in the last few
years were "Star Warsrelated,
Brown said, and perhaps incon-
gruously, some are to see how the
nation's weapons program can
operate if there were a U.SSoviet
agreement limiting the size of
Congress last year asked fed-
eral agencies and laboratories to
study how a test ban treaty with
the Soviet Union would affect U.S.
nuclear capabilities.
Current tests are restricted to
no more than 150 kilotons, the
explosive equivalent of 150,000
tons of TNT. The limit was set in a
1974 treaty never ratified bv Con-
gress. The United States and So-
viet Union agreed to a test ban in
November 1958 that ended in
September 1961 with the Soviets'
decision to resume testing. The
United States is on record as
wanting to agree to lower limits
before it will negotiate a test ban,
Brown said.
The two nations made history
last year when nuclear scientists
from each witnessed a test at the
other's secret site. Soviet scientists
witnessed a test at the Nevada site
in August 1988; American scien-
tists went to the Soviet site at
Semipalatinsk the following
month. The tests were aimed at
finding a verification method for
future limitationson nuclear tests.
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Parents name daimhtcrs after school mascotts
? ?-??,?? y- ? ? .? i i i .i-
Auburn fans carry spirit to extreme
The Associated Press
Schoolteacher Kay White ms
strangers often mention those
"horrible" parents who live in her
"People come up to me and
say, 'Have you heard about those
people herein Vesta ia that named
their children WarEagle and Ii
ger she said. When 1 tell them
it's my children, they nearly die
with embarrassment
I he namesareon birth certifi-
tes their father, I arrv White,
carries with him to prove it.
Auburn University's athletic
teams are known as Tigers md
their battle cry is "War Eagle
"My husband and I met on a
blind Jate u hile we were going to
school at Auburn ' Mrs White
said "Needless to say, we're big
?V.iburn fans
The elder daughter is known
as Pepper, but she wishes people
would call her WarEagle, her
mother said. The youngest daugh-
ter has always gone by I igor.
"The Auburn tans think it's
pretty cool said Pepper WarE-
agle, an eighth grader.
Auburn's football team
tangles with the University of
Alabama Saturday to determine
the Southeastern Conference
Tiger, a fourth-grader, is
proud other name. "It's unusual
she said. "No one els has that
name. Everyone that hears it sav s
it's cute and unusual
"We honestly feel it's an .ul
vantage Mrs. White said. "The
children enjoy the attention. Pep-
per is convinced her name will get
her a scholarship to Auburn. Both
children have already decided
they want to be Auburn cheer-
Possible chocolate shortage
may threaten holiday sales
By JANE L. AI 11 N
The Aiftotifttrd Pre
WASHING rON(AP) With the
holidav season gearing up, a
chocolate supplier is urging the
federal government to avoid a
chocolate shortage by temporar-
ily lifting the import quota for non-
fat drv milk.
But the chocolate industry
running into opposit i from
dairv farmers win1 i
lifting the quota would cause
domestic milk prices t plun
Peter Van Leei ? ;
vear-old famil. ness in l i
City, N.J product
of dark and milk chi eacl
year,said theimport i tfoi
fatdrymilkis7 H
'That's what we us i
said Van leer, whose compam
supplies chocolate to Pepperidge
Godiva chocolate'
and Ben & erry's ice cream.
Drv milk also is used in the
production of dairv produi ts -
to me from the American g
ment is that the governrru i
holds different standard
human rights in China and other
BushonThursdav vetoed the
bill, which had been passed
out opposition in Congress. ITie
priwtenttaKiitw a s unneccsssin
in light of other administrative
The bill affects about 40,000
Chinese students and scholars in
the United States The Chinese
government has attacked th I
and has threatened to il fl
foreign exchange progr ims
the United States it it passes.
Bush said he was directii g
Attorney General Di k Thorn-
burgh to take steps to administra
tively extend visa benefits I
nese students
In a statement. Bush said tl
administrative steps will provide
"the same benefits" and ' accom
plish the laudable objcctivi
the Congress while preserving
my abilitv to manage f 'reign rela-
Chinese students are particu-
larly concerned about a Chinese
requirement that they return to
China for two years before reap
plying after their visas expire
Bush's directions to Th n burgh
include waivers of th ' r
Wu'er Kaixi, a prominent
Chinese student activist who es-
caped to this country after the
Chinese crushed demonstrations
in and around Beijing's Tian-
anmen Square, believed Push
would help students
"Of course we hoped very
. rt ams and i ottage cheese.
Van Leer ,d another major
?h olate supplier, M&M Marsof
Hackettstown, N.J have seen the
priceofnon fat drv milk skyrocket
from about K5 cents a pound to as
h as $2 50a pound in Ck tober
during a period of fall shortages
Prices have dipped closer to 52
more recently.
On No 6, New Jersey's two
L S. sen irsand nineof its I louse
led to Agri ulture
? ? n ivtoi itter to sus-
p nd th quota and keep t hoco
i " ? If this season,
he fa thel usiesl season
In " . as it orks to meet in-
I for 1 la bak-
? ith it non fat dry
availabilitv of a wide
v arii ' ? k olate based goods
consumer will be restricted
soi Wednesday, the USDA
: ro ledm detailedresponse
to tlv. ? said a spokesman for
" : Frank 1 autonbere D-N
whose office dratted the letter.
Dairy farmers oppose any
easingot restrictions, saying non-
fat drv milk supplies have loos
ened in the last few weeks so that
consumers will not facehrist-
mas without their favorite choco-
late desserts
"We have sympathy with the
chocolate industry sai i Mike
Brown, an economist with the
National Milk Pnxiucers' 1 edera-
tion "We want people who use
milk to make a li ing But wedon't
want the government to do silly
things that are going to hurt the
Van Let r I tl i Irv milk
? . is forced hi n
some of his chocolate at a loss
bc ausemuchofhis I itesells
at prices agreed upon months
before shi :
'We're hurt this season, but
we're delivering on our commit
ments said Van leer, who has
not vet tallied his loss. I haven't
had the heart to measun I
Continued from page 1"
Study early
for exams.
It's only the
end of the
not the world
: ave the bill pass, but we
? ere also glad and thankful to
President Hush that he did. in fact,
to 1 elphinese students
v u er said through a translator.
is ma have been playing
a liplomatic game supporting
the democracy movement in fact
while ostensibly following the
w ishesof theChinesegovemment,
said ? -Pfttrrk MfwWr?x - 7vwn?te
director of Harvard's Fairbank
c enter f r East Asian research and
a frequent v istor to C hma.
Maddox said Bush also may
i i that thi bill will be
overridden by Congress, which
would give "a good plug to his
Chinese friends" while letting the
bill take effect.
Pel saidhinese students are
reluctant to seek political asvlum
in this country because they even-
tually wish to return to their
Pei h ' has studied in the
United States for five vears, said
he has learned his name is on a
blacklist of pro-democracy stu-
dents. It he returned home now,
Pei said "I would face at least life
in prison or executi mrightaway
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Parents name daughters after school niascotts
Auburn fans carry spirit to
The Associated Press
Schoolteacher Kay White says
strangers often mention those
"horrible" parents who live in her
"People come up to me and
say, 'Have you heard about those
people herein Vestavia that named
their children WarEagle and Ti-
ger? she said. "When I tell them
it's my children, they nearly (Tie
with embarrassment
1 he names are on birth certifi-
cates their father, Larry White,
carries with him to prove it.
Auburn University's athletic-
teams are known as Tigers and
their battle crv is "War Eagle
"My husband and I met on a
blind date while we were going to
school at Auburn Mrs White
said "Needless to say, we're big
Auburn fans
The elder daughter is known
as Pepper, but she wishes people
would call her WarEagle, her
mother said.The youngest daugh-
ter has always gone by Tiger.
"The Auburn tans think it's
pretty cool said Pepper WarE-
agle, an eighth grader.
Auburn's football team
tangles with the University of
Alabama Saturday to determine
the Southeastern Conference
Tiger, a fourth-grader, is
proud of her name. "It's unusual
she said. "No one else- has that
name. Everyone that hears it says
it's cute and unusual
"We honestly feel it's an ad-
vantage Mrs. White said. The
children enjoy the attention. Pep-
per is convinced her name will get
her a scholarship to Auburn. Both
children have already decided
they want to be Auburn cheer-
Possible chocolate shortage
may threaten holiday sales
The AiMXiatrd rr??
holidav season gearing up, a
chocolate supplier is urging the
federal government to avoid a
chocolate shortage by temporar-
ily lifting the import quota Kir non-
fat drv milk.
But the chocolate industry is
running into opposition from
dairv farmers, who contend
lifting the quota would cause
domestic milk prices tc plun
Peter Van Leer, whose 4 l-
year-old familv business in ? rs?
City,N.Jproduces30milli i I
of dark and milk ch
year, said the import 1 i tfon
fatdrymilkis7 p
"That's what we use in a
said Van Leer, whose compam
supplies chocolate to Pepperidge
Farm cookies, Codiva chocolates
and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
Drv milk also is used in the
production of dairy products like
to me from the American .
ment is that the government sti
holds different standards about
human rights in China and other
Bush on Thursday vetoed the
bill, which had been passed with-
out opposition in Congress. The
priBrt???fliditva s unnecesssan.
in light of other administrative
The bill affects about 40,000
Chinese students and scholars in
the United States. The Chinese
government has attacked the bill
and has threatened to i it off all
foreign exchange programs with
the United States it it passes.
Bush said he was lirect
Attorney General Dick Thorn-
burgh to take steps to administra
tively extend visa benefits tohi
nese students.
In a statement, Bush said the
administrative steps will provide
"the same benefits" and "accom-
plish the laudable objectives of
the Congress while preserving
my ability to manage foreign rela-
Chinese students are particu-
larly concerned about a Chinese
requirement that they return to
China for two years before reap
plying after their visas expire
Bush's directions to Thornburgh
include waivers of the two r
Wu'er Kaixi, a prominent
Chinese student activist who es-
caped to this countrv after the
Chinese crushed demonstrations
in and around Beijing's Tian-
anmen Square, believed Push
would help students
"Of course we hoped very
reams and cottage cheese
Van Leer and another major
:ho olate supplier. M&M Mars of
Hackettstown, N have seen the
priceofnon fat dry milk skyrocket
from about N5 cents a pound to as
.i- $2 50a pound in Ck tober
dunng a period of fall shortages.
Prices have dipped closer to S2
more rei entlv.
On o 6, New Jersey's two
I S.scnatorsand nineofitsl louse
? ? appealed to Agriculture
tarv i a ton "i cutter to sus-
p? nd the quota and keep choco-
ate treats on the shelf this season.
is the busiest season
r the ite manufacturing
i lustr) as it works to meet in-
ii md 'or holidav bak-
? ;ai the lawm.ii.
? ithoul i on fat dry
milk, the availability of a wide
variety of i ?late based goods
to the consumer will be restricted
As of Wednesday, the USDA
1 no detailed response
to the letter, said a spokesman tor
Sen. Frank Lautenberc, D-N.L,
whose office drafted the letter.
Dairy farmers oppose any
easing of restrictions, saying rum-
tat drv milk supplies have loos-
ened in the last tew weeks SO that
consumers will not face Christ-
mas without their favorite choco-
late desserts.
"We have sympathy with the
chocolate industry said Mike
Brown, an economist with the
National Milk Producers' 1 edera-
tion. "We want people who use
milk tomakea living. But wedon'l
want the government to do sillv
things are going to hurl the
Van Leer said this ear's drv milk
shortage has for ed him to supply
some of his chocolate at a loss
because muc hof hischocolatc sells
at prices agreed upon months
before shipping
'We're hurt this season, but
we're delivering on our commit-
ments said Van 1 eer, who has
not vet tallied his Kiss. "I haven't
had the heart to measure it
Continued from page 1'
Study early
for exams.
Itfs only the
end of the
not the world.
e the bill pass, but we
. re also clad md thankful to
resident Hush that fact,
trv to help Chinese students
v u er said through a translator.
Bush may have been playing
a diplomatic came supporting
the democracy movement in fact
while ostensibly following the
wishes of theChmese government,
-taid- Pwfwek Madder - i sapeixn
director of Harvard's Fairbank
CenterforEast Asian researchand
a frequent vistor to China.
Maddox said Bush also may
? issumine that tht bill will bo
overridden by Congress, which
would give "a good plug to his
Chi nese friends" while letting the
bill take effect.
Pei said Chinese students are
reluctant to seek political asylum
in this country because they even-
tually wish to return to their
Pei, who has studied in the
United States for five years, said
he has learned his name is on a
blacklist of pro-democracy stu-
dents. It he returned home now.
Pei said, "I would face at least lite
in prison orexe uri m right away
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ECU stuffs
Howard, wins
Lady Pirate
icLad) Pirates clenched the
npionship game of this
ekend tl Vr i lal Lady
ivith a 87-68 vii
of 1 toward
h s good to sen good things
happen to the whole tram Coach
ratPierson said as her 1 ady Pirate
came off the weekend tour-
ney with its first Classic title since
Hie i ady Pirates ended the
first half of pi c against Howard
with a 14 point lead, and held the
Lad Bison's shooting to "U per-
?? In the second half the Lady
mtinued to pla) with the
same aceress andPierson
DECEMBI R 5,1989 PAGE 19
Win impro ves rec ord to 2-2
Pirates slide by Francis
Marion Patriots 60-46
Head basketball coach Mike Steele instructs the Pirates during a timeout last night in Minges
Coliseum. The hoopsters evened up their record to 2-2 with a 60-46 victory over Francis Marion.
(Photo by Angela Pridgen ? ECU Photolab)
A t.
game time Mechelle ones,
iv tor the
rates coming from the
? 1 I o blocks
I I .
!5 points tor the low trd
? ie Lad j su
rolling tl he did
against Coastalarolina. In that
game Abrams sunk an imprcs-
: MIlts
1 eading the Lady Pirate team
? nd s mate hes be-
; arleigh - and
Sigma Phi Epsilon co-sponsors
Special Olympics Tournament
. i.
ard w
i mvard
. 15 points
: inutes
I'he Classic weekend began
Fridav with a banquet at the Hil-
a, Farle gl ?
nee to
express their expectations for their
i tor the tournament.
ECU was
i i .or. fit . L V 't -tt
C .as Lfst o?ai, fhq cuy Qp
rates failed to make it tothecham-
ime first time
i ver r the E team lost
to UN ; ' ut de-
feated N
match 86
The tourney opened Frida)
hi with a double header
ard matching up against
iastal Carolina and Jar i
? nson takin ; n the Lad)
ioward defeated the Coastal
team in the tournament's first
35-62 (. oming into the game
with an 0-2 record, the Lady Bison
? Howard were led by Karen
Abrams who sunk 19 buckets tor I toward also dominated
istal in rebounds era
while the Chantii rom
tal only snagged 39 off the
ird iastal's . i I lolly
I r team's s
-? with 24 points.
The Lady Pirates tool I the
" in the second garni of the
See CLASSIC, page 21
? ? with
te at the Elm Street
gymnasium toda through rhurs
vie. f rthcFi urthAnnualGrecn-
villi pics
ornament.Thee enl ? spon
sored b Sigma I m and
the ? iville Re reation and
The event features 18 soccer
teams from various schools
throughout the Greenville-Pitt
' ounty area, plaving in a double-
elimination, round robin tourna-
ment three-day I y is
hi a garni I ? eon a
selecl lympi-
ans and the Sig 1 ps intramural
team ! ps won the 1989
tmural soccer hampi-
i .h . -1 er this iSi
i ? e ' - peciaf tram of Olym-
pians have played together for
several years and son the state
g Id m dal for thi ecutive
recently represent
N. ? linMei iphis, Venn.
in a regional Special Olympics
? umament, and are vying t? rone
f th on the U.S. Intcma
al (K mpic s team.
VN finitely have the larg-
est 5pe al t )lympi iccer
programin thestate saidConnie
: field, the (ireenville-Pitl
mnty Spec ial Olympics Coordi
nator. "We're really happy that
the Sig Eps are sponsoring the
tournament, and our kids are re
ally excited that the are ;oii
be pi I '
of 12 pla) r, and are
divided a( cording to age and abil
itv. The division was initiated to
pre ent a lower
fn m meeting i I r fun ti ?n-
? .
"We know lean
they come into the tournament
Sappenfield said. "We know who
. i . :an put against each other
Thirtln two ECU students
completed an eight-hour training
school in accordance with the
Special Olympics International,
and will serveasvolunteercoaehes
tor the tournament. They worked
with the kids tor over eleven
weeks, and seem to enjoy what
thev an doing.
"They've (the students) come
back every fall and said, 'I want to
coach another soccer team Sap-
penfield said. "Thev have to go
out to some of our schools, some
of which are 20 miles away, and
coach twice a week. When they
commit to be a socceT coach, it's a
major commitment
S ippenfield also said the
Greenville community offered
quite a bit of support, especially in
fundraisers. However, volunteer
Support is not quite as high be-
cause of the times that are neces-
sary for coaching. Most of the
practices take place during the
middle oi the work day, and ac-
cording to Sappenfield, "it is not
easy tor people to take time off
from work
Since the student coaches arc
volunteers, thev receive no finan-
cial compensation for their work.
Their daily and class schedules
must be free betw een 10 a.m. and
2 p.m twice a week for pra tice
Put several of the students feel the
rewards of their helpfulness out-
weighs any money that could be
"Working with these kids has
;iveni to! nfi lence said
Julie Weinstein a junior Special
? i ationmaj r 'Thi yhavegood
and bad days, and thev get frus-
trated sometimes, hut it's good to
see them work as a team.
"I never thought I could be a
coach, Weinstein continued, "but
it gi es me a a hie. high know ing
t iucht these kids some-
IRS wraps up ECU Schick Super
Hoop Tourney, looks to regional
? ?
on-3 basketball team;
the all campus championship and
a chance to de lare eligib
the regional Schuk Super Hoop
1 ournament.
In men's gold a tion, P
came through the li isersbrac ket to
take on Kappa Alpha Aclosefight
to the end. Kappa Alpha lost
battlein the final seconds maf
that jolted the Phi Tau s inl
second game for the divisional
Both squads tired from the
first game,but Phi Tau wasal
eliminate their previous foul prob-
lem and come through with a 28
24 upset victory ()marOmar,( .uv
Harvey, Bob Dudra and Shea
Lindsey made up the Phi Tau
squad. Kappa Alpha team mem
bers include iim Clark, Ed
Owens, Dwight Hall and Bob
In the men's purple division,
the Aycock Warriors battled
through the losers bracket to meet
Hard Rockers in the divisional
finals In another upset defeat,
Aycock Warriors took the first
match 30-28 lead by team mem-
bers Scott Sauls, Kevin Walker, Al
Pannell and Rich Brown. In the
subsequent chamj
1 lard Rex kers put up a ? tronger
tight to lind themselves the divi-
sional champions with a 28-24
victory. Hard Rockers include:
Bruce Morton, David McCullen,
way and Mike lone
In all campus i ti ren
ma! powerhouse 'he Fellows
faced Phi Tau "he Fellows, led by
Ron Wilson, Greg Stewart, Rich-
ard Clark, William Grady and
Steve Maxwell found themselves
in quite,i contest as Phi Tau kept
up with the all campus favorites
before bow ing down 40-32.
The purple division champi-
onship found the Hard Rockers
against Phi Kappa Alpha. William
Wiggins, ay Parns, SteveCowin,
Glenn Whitley and Phillip Beeker
ousted the Hard Rocker squad 38-
36 to win the purple all campus
Fall semester activities are
closing as intramural champions
ms? cer, volleyball and co-rec flag
football are winning crowns this
week Here is a wrap up of the
champions for fall 1989 semester.
Congratulations from the Depart-
ment of Intramural-Recreational
See IRS CHAMPIONS, page 22
Tracy Embrv, a senior thera-
peutic recreation major said, "It
gives me a y,ood feeling to work
with them. Even though thev
aren' t as intelligent as normal kids,
they deserve the same rights. It
has also taught me to spend my
time wisely
Tommy Spaulding, philan-
thropy chairman for Sigma Phi
Epsilon, felt that co-sponsoring the
Special Olympics will provide an
educational experience for the
fraternity and the students of ECU.
"We've got a couple of broth-
ers that have worked with Special
Olympicsbefore Spaulding said.
"One of our cardinal principles of
our fraternity is brotherly love,
and that's what it's all about in
fraternity. 1 can't wait for them to
come and work the three days. I
think they'll be personally re-
"I want this to be a Sig Ep
sponsored event every year
Spaulding continued. "As long as
I'm here, I'm going to make sure
that this is an annual event, that
every year we'll do the soccer
tournament from now until I
graduate, and hopefully for years
to come
The Sig Eps will get the chance
to meet many of the participants
because they are the referees for
all of the games, as well as serving
Sappenfield said that even a
child who is physically handi-
capped can play soccer because
"soccer can lend itself to any abil-
ity level The kids are continu-
ously able to pick up on soccer
because of the limited skill level.
"They can succeed and learn
to play together as a team Sap-
penfield added. "A lot of times, in
a classroom situation, these kids
aren't learning to play together as
a team.
See Sigma Phi Epsilon, page 21
The E t mi n ? 1 asketball
team came away with their sec-
ond win of the season last night as
Iged a t h K ' ?-
ion C olU gi ?
4n. The Pirates, lu v were led
by senior guardforward Reed
Lose who tallied 16 points, and
junior forward center Tim Brown
who finished with 12 points.
The Pirates started off fast with
a 14-4 run in the first five minutes
of the game. During this stretch,
ECU was led by freshmen center
Ike Copeland and guard Steve
Richardson. Richardson came off
the bench to hit two 3-pointers in
the stretch.
"All of my players made mis-
takes tonight Head coach Mike
Steele said following the game.
"We made enough mistakes in the
last five minutes to lose a half
dozen games. We just can't find
the right group that can get going
Francis Marion retaliated
when they went on a 7-2 run to
close the score to 20-IS with just
over seven minutes remaining in
the first half. The Piarates opened
their lead to nine at 31-20 with 1:05
remaining, and took a 33-25 lead
ii halftime.
beginning of the second
halt, the Pirates opened their lead
to 39-30 with 14:33 to go in the
garni . However, Francis Marion
hit two 3-pointers in a row and
found themselves back in the game
. ith just over 13 minutes
i play.
Francis Marion cut the lead to
three points with 8:41 to play.
However, in the next three and a
half minutes, the Pirates opened
the lead to 54-46 with 5:11 remain-
ing in the game.
The Pirates' defense held
Francis Marion to S-for-24 from
the field in the second half, and
didn't allow the Patriots to score
for more than seven minutes at
the end of the game. Lose sank
four free throws in the last sec-
onds to clinch the win bv a scoreof
score 60-46.
Steele was pleased with his
teams' defensive performance.
Francis Marion, going into last
nights game, was averaging over
80 points a game, and the Pirates
held them under 50.
Francis Marion was led by cen-
ter ToddFleschwhohadlOpoints,
and forward Tim Proffitt with 9
The Pirates travel to Liberty
on Thursday and Radford on
Ike Copeland drives through four Francis Marion defenders fc
two of his eighl joints in the Pirates fourth game of the season.
(Photo by Angela Pridgen ? ECU Photolab)
Driesell drops two B-average dribblers
from JMU's roster to improve grades
The Associated Press
Two ames Madison basketball
players who earn B averages in
thecla: sroom weredropped from
the team bee aus coaches thought
the seldom used juniors should
(i mcentrate on academics, Coach
Leftv Driesell said.
The second-year Dukescoach
said Friday that Alan Dorsey and
Doug Lowrey, who were dis-
missed from the team Thursday,
will keep their athletic scholar-
ships through the 1990-91 school
Published reports earlier Fri-
day indicated that the players were
being ousted to free up scholar-
ships for new recruits, but Drie-
sell said that was not the case.
"Our basketball staff thought
the two youngsters could better
utilize their time by concentrating
on academics and giving us an
opportunity to work more closely
with the 13 remaining players in
our program Driesell said in a
statement issued by the school's
sports information office.
Lowrey, Dorsey and Alex
Clevinger, another junior on schol-
arship, were left behind when the
Dukes went to Hawaii last week-
end for a tournament. Clevinger's
father told the Daily News-Rec-
ord of Hamsonburg that his son is
still on the team.
Lowrey saw 56 minutes of
plaving time as a freshman and 17
minutes last vear.
Big East-ACC Challenge finally a reality
The Associated Press
NEW YORK ? Talk to the
coaches, and nobody wanted it.
Talk to the players and fans
and thev think it's a great idea.
The Big Fast ACC Challenge
was 10 years in the making, is
contracted for the next three sea-
sons and the first one started on
Monday night.
The first time the meeting of
two of the country's top college
basketball conferences was dis
cussed was in 1979 between Dave
Gavitt of the Big East and then-
commissioner Bob James of the
Atlantic Coast Conference. It
stayed on the backburner for a
decade until Gavitt and current
ACC boss Gene Corrigan worked
burgh of the Big Fast facing No. 21
Georgia Tech, those seedings w ere
still being mentioned by the
The respective top seeds are
the Big Easfs Georgetown, ranked
third nationall v, and No. 12 North
outthedctailsandmanagedafour- Carolina. That game at the Mead
year television deal with ESPN.
The plan calls for four double-
headers in four days with the
teams meeting according to seed-
ings from a preseason coaches'
vote. Just days before the chal-
lenge gets started at the Hartford
Civic Center with No 18 Pitts-
owlands on Thursday night brings
close friends John Thompson and
Dean Smith into a rare non-NCAA
tournament meeting.
"The friendship is there and
like with a broth, i pouhavetosee
someone lose Smith said. "We
like to talk in general and discuss
basketball and that's not the same
when you're going to play each
"I still think the coaches got
together and voted us number one
just to see us play each other
Jim Valvano of North Caro-
lina State, whose 25th-ranked
Tuesday night in Greensboro,
N.C said that wasn't the case.
"Does he think wegot together
in one spot this summer Val-
vano said with a laugh when told
of Smith's comment.

Sports Briefs
Duran invites mother to
super middleweight bout
Lurie plans meeting on move
San Francisco (Jiante owner & ?! Lurie said Thursday he wUi bean
open negotiations with Santa Oar County in about two weeks on a
possible mo ve to thi ? ami 41) miles sou t h of San Francisco. San Francisco
voters rejected Nov. 7 his cl for tS to havea new stadium built and he has
vowed to leave Candlestick Park,
Soccer award finalist named
Finalists for the Missouri Athletic lub Collegiate Soccer Player of
the Trear arc- i ? l? i k. r Ken Snow. St. Louis midfielder Mark
Santel goalkeeper rom Meola and defend? Jeff Aeoos, both of
Virginia. The winner will be announced fan. 4.
Five teams court Yount
Robin Yount, 1989 American League Most Valuable Player, has
been contacted byatleasl five teams interested in signing the free-agent
center fielder, according to newspap r reports Thursday. His brother
and adviser Larry Vount has been contacted by the California Ancels
Los Angeles Dodgers, Chi. ago Cubs Toronto Blue (ays and Atlanta
Swiss take first in giant slalom
Swiss ski racer Urs Kaelin won the men's World Cup giant slalom
at Watervuie , alley N H. The USA was shut out of SmpoHhon
with rs-Bperje Eriksson of Sweden coming in second and Austrian
Cuemner Mader third. Kaelin won with a total time of 2 minutes 38 49
seconds for the two raves
Mayor discusses hotel problem
Sidney Bartheiviny, ma or ol New Orleans, where the 1990 Super
Bowl will be held, plans a meeting ! i .day to discuss ways to help out-
pmSfo -msalLdy
Mills takes second in Colorado
US, skater Jessica Mills, defending champ.on in the World Junior
Hgure Skating C, finished second in the compulsones
I hursday a TOlqrado Spri ngs. Teammates Kvoko Ina finishing eighth
and Tisha Walker 11 th. Finishing first was Japan's Yuka Sato
Bout had funding problems
ft uif?0"1"t0 ncwsPaP"r reports Thursday, the heawweicht title
fight between Mike lyson and Donovan ' Razor" Ruddock l?asalmct
canceled several times before its actual postponement because of
funding problems among the fight's Edmonton backers. Eventually
the Nov. IS fight was canceled when Tyson became ill.
Edberg wins Nabisco Masters
Sweden's Stefan Edberg, ranked No. 3 in the world behind Ivan
Lend! and Boris Becker, won the Nabisco Masters final Sunday at
.jPiJ.Suait ? ardjga afjer dropping the first set 6-t to the heavily
avoredBeckec Edbe ;von three ?.unsecutivcsets.7-6,6-3and6l,for
tpe match. ?
Teen upsets Evans, Mitchell
Janie Wagstaff 15 a high school student from Mission Hills, Kan
upset Olympian net Ev arts and world record holder Betsy Mitchell to
win the women's 20fmeter backstroke at the U.S. Open swimming
meet Sunday at Orlando.
Tiriac plans $10 million event
A $10 million tennis tournament is planned by tennis promoter Ion
Tiriac. Tiriac's plans would rival the So million Grand Slam Cup
proposed lor W sstr iermany next December and would include player
prize money not to exceed $4 million and the remainder of the fund
earmarked for a player pension fund and the development of West
German junior tennis.
Hoch wins most at skins
In a skins match Sunday in Wild Coast Sun. South Africa, USA
golfer Scott Hoch binned three of the final tour holes to win $350,000 of
the $400,000 purse. Hoch earned $238,000 tor a birdie putt on the par-
415th hole, his most lucrative shot of the day.
Thoma wins first jump event
Dieter Thoma, with jumps of 118 and 115 meters for 224 total
points, won the fir ey, nt Of the 1989-90 World Cup Ski Jumping
competition Sunda) ! 20-meter large hill event at Thunder Bay,
Ontario. The West German tri nmphed over an 18-nation field. Austria's
Heinz Kuttin finished second.
Ezor begins jail sentence
Blake Ezor, Michigan State football star, hasbegun serving a 10-day
jail term for driving while impaired and violating probation. He was
sentenced to the term, a ?553 I fine and a six-month license suspension
i$ a trial followmg hi? arrest .Aug. 7, leafier hehita mailbox with his
car. He recorded a blood alcohol level in violation of his probation for
a 1988 drunken driving conviction.
Stella loses to Cheval Vocant
Stella Madrid, favored to win an En'pse Award as the country's best
2-year-old filly, lessened her chances Sunday by finishing seventh in
the Hollywood Starlet at Hollywood Park. The race was won by Long
shot Cheval Volant, who beat Annual Reunion by 1 12 lengths in a
timeofl:35 35. ' 6
Glasson, Bradley win classic
In the J.C Penney Golf Classic, Bill Glasson and Pat Bradley eagled
the fourth playoff hole Sunday to beat Duffy Waldorf and Patty
Sheehan. Winners share $200,000 at the mixed team event in Largo, Fla.
Vikings beat Bears 27-16
The Minnesota Vikings defeated the Chicago Bears 27-16 Sunday
at Minneapolis. In other games: Bengals 21, Browns 0; Packers 17
Buccaneers 16; Oilers 23, Steders 16; Patriots 22, Colts 16; Rams 35
Cowboys 31; Chiefs 26, Dolphins 21; Lions 21, Saints 14; Eagles 24
Giants 17; 49ers 23, Falcons 10; Redskins 29, Cardinals 10; Jets 20,
Chargers 17; Raiders lb. Broncos 13.
GCvfttlgkt 1J?, USA TOOA Y'AffU CUg, ?bmu? Nttwrn
Gannett n Service
The East Carolinian
LAS VEGAS ? Although
Roberto Duran is "Las Manos de
Piedra" (hands of stone, in Eng-
lish), his heart is apparently made
of softer stuff.
Duran has been rarely accused
of being sentimental. But
Thursday's title fight against Sugar
Ray Leonard at the new Mirage
Hotel is special enough for Duran
that he has brought his mother to
the United States to share the
Clara Duran left her Panama
City home to visit the U.S. for the
first time and see the bout for
Leonard's World Boxing Council
super middleweight bout.
"Roberto called me from
Miami a month ago and said,
Mama, I want you to be at this
fight " she said.
The fighter made no guaran-
tee of victory to his mother.
It will be the first time that
Duran's mother has seen him fight
since he was fighting regularly in
Panama City. Duran had two 1986
fights in Panama, but hasn't fought
regularly there since 1974.
"The last one 1 went to I had to
leave because 1 had nervous at-
tacks Clara Duran said.
Roberto was one oi nine chil-
dren his mother raised and s ;
ported by taking in ironing.
"I didn't want Roberto to box
she said. "I had eight other chil-
dren, and 1 couldn't keep my eye
on him all the time. He would
sneak off
Duran called off a scheduled
workout Sunday at the Mirage.
The reason is his weight is below
the 162-pound limit for the fight,
and he wants to taperoff his work.
Leonard was scheduled to
have a day off but went into the
Mirage ballroom unannounced
and worked out in the ring with
no media or public present.
Leonard's adviser, Mike Trainer,
said the reason was work on voice
signals for the fight.
"They kind of wanted privacy
for that Trainer said.
Leonard's workouts have
been closed to the public, but
media members have been able to
watch. Leonard's only two public
workouts will be Mondav and
Tuesday at the Mirage. Leonard
closed his workouts earlier be-
cause he said he used to worry
more about entertaining fans than
preparing for fights.
The officials for the fight: refe-
ree Richard Steele of Las Vegas;
judges Jerry Roth of Las Vegas,
loe Cortez of New Jersey and Bob
Loquis of Belguim.
The officials were chosen Fri-
day by the Nevada Athletic Com-
mission. Steele refereed the Le-
onard-Thomas Heams bout last
Roth not only judged the
Leonard-Hearnsbout but was the
only judge who had Heams the
winner in the fight that ended a
draw. Roth had Hearns winning,
Alexis Arguello, who held
world titles in three weight divi-
sions, isn't sure whether Leonard
or Duran will win Thursdays fight
but said the winner will be the
fighter who best controls his
"Remember the hatred that is
involved in this fight, the anger
Arguello said. "Whoever is the
maddest won't win this fight. The
iceman will win this fight
Arguello said he never felt
hatred, anger for an opponent until
his last fight against Billy Cos-
tello. When he had those personal
feelings, Arguello said he decided
to retire.
Most trainers, matchmakers
and promoters seem to favor
Duran over Leonard, although
Leonard is a -2.10 favorite (a $2.10
wager wins $1). The latest trainer
to pick Duran is Eddie Futch, 78,
who trained Joe Frazier, Larry
Holmes and Michael Spinks.
"That should be a very close
fight Futch said. "Leonard
showed in his last fight he has
taken a step back. He has slowed
up enough for those shots to get in
In Leonard's past two fights,
Donny Lalonde and Hearns had
no trouble solving his defense,
Futch said.
"Before, he wouldn't get hit
by those shots. That reflexive ac-
tion he lost will be the difference
in this fight
Ray Arcel, 90, Duran's former
trainer, and Chris Dundee, the
veteran promoter and booking
agent who is in his 80s, both pick
Dundee, whose brother
Angelo trained Leonard, watched
a Duran workout and was spotted
by the fighter.
"Spy de Leonard, spy de Le-
onard Duran shouted and
Duran was having more of a
good time than making a serious
Leonard will become the first
fighter to earn $100 million in the
ring when he pockets more than
$15 million for the fight.
Trainer said Leonard's nnrord
will be broken but probably not in
the 38 fights it took Leonard. Pro-
moter Bob Arum said he had a
prediction of his own.
"There will be one fighter in
the 90s who makes$100 million in
one fight Arum said.
Trainer quickly responded.
"It'll ' e Ray, when he comes
out of retirement he said.
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Kobe pleased with team's performance
Swimmers take pair from Richmond, George Washington
- ?.
Sl.K Writer
The ECU Swimming an Div-
ing team spent last weekend on
t he road. The time was well spent
and the Pirates returned home
w ith a double victory.
Coach Rick Kobe looked
pleased as he statedThe week-
end was a great success now
giving us a ten meet winning
When speaking specifically
ibout Friday's meet against the
University of Richmond, Kobe
had only to sav, "It was a very
ls meet forus The Final points
iir'the men were; ECU UH UR97.
. r the women they were ECU
i R104.
While Kobe also said that the
tvrge Washington University
? on sundav was fairly easy,
it as ,i surprise to the Pirates
hat (1WU men were shaved and
tapered. Kobe said, "It'sanhonor
to have a team shave and taper
you, and to beat them any-
il at their home meet was
11) terrific
I he first place stats for ECU
vs. UR are as follows: Men's 400-
yard Medley Relay- Walters,
Kennedy, Holsten, Benkusky,
ECU, 3:37.82. Women's 400-yard
Medley Relay - Smith, Simms,
Muench, Duke, ECU, 4.11.09.
Men's 1000-yard Freestyle ?
J.D. Lewis, ECU, 9:56.94.
Women's 1000-vard Freestyle -
Shawn Morrow ECU, 11:06.42.
Men's 200-yard Freestyle -
Andy Jeter, ECU, 1:46.58.
Women's 200-vard Freestyle-
Nicole Duke, ECU, 2:00.98.
Men's 50-vard Freestyle ?
Matt Rocca, UR, 22.01. Women's
50-vard Freestyle - Betsy Beau-
sarg, UR, 25.58. Men's 200-yard
Individual Medley - Raymond
Kennedy, ECU, 1:59 Women's
200-vard Individual Medlev -
Leslie Wilson, ECU, 2:16.13.
Men's One-meter diving -
Matt Lawrence, ECU, 202.85
points. Women's one-meter Div-
ing - Heather Bell, UR, 209.35
points. Men's 200-vard Butterfly
John Slovan, UR, 1:57.36.
Women's 200-vard Butterfly-
Robin Wicks, ECU, 2:14.21.
Men's 100-vard Freestyle -
Steve Benkusky, ECU, $'(.16.
Women's 100-yard Freestyle -
Becky Mays, UR, 55.02. Men's
200-yard Backstroke - George
Walters, ECU, 1:58.36. Women's
200-yard Backstroke - Meri
Goilson, UR, 2:20.07.
Men's 500-yard Freestyle -
John Pace, UR, 5:11.25. Women's
500-yard Freestyle-Meri Goilson,
UR,5:40.30. Men's Three-meter
Diving -Exhibition by Michael
Bennett and Matt Lawrence, ECU.
Women's three-meter Diving -
Heather Bell, UR, 198.75 points.
Men's 200-yard Breastroke -
Greg Geisler, UR, 2:25.18.
Women's 200 yard Breastroke -
Jenni Muench, ECU, 2:34.57.
Men's 400-yard Freestyle Relay -
Sloyer, Dcllinger, Rocca,
O'Connor, UR, 3:17.93.Women's
400-yard Freestyle Relay - Con-
nolly, Dupont, Agnew, White,
UR, 3:54.17.
The first-place statistics for
Sundays meet against GWU are:
Men's 400-yard Medley Relay -
O'Brien, Kennedy, Martinez,
Benkusky, ECU, 3:35.86.
Women's 400-yard Medley Re-
lav - L. Smith, Simms, Wicks, Holt,
ECU, 4:12.22.
Continued from page 19
Men's 1000-yard Freestyle -
M. Herr,GWU,9:52.55. Women's
1000-yard Freestyle - C. Green,
ECU, 11:06.51. Men's 200-yard
Freestyle - A. Jeter, ECU, 1:46.25.
Women's 200-yard Freestyle - P.
Holt, ECU, 1:58.90.
Men's 50 yard Freestyle - S.
Benkusky, ECU, 22.16. Women's
50-yard Freestyle - B. Vanostrom,
GWU, 25.81. Men's 200-yard
Individual Medley - R. Kennedy,
ECU, 1:59.19. Women's 200-yard
Individual Medley - L. Wilson,
ECU, 2:15.79. Men's one-meter
diving - D. Thomas, GWU, 259.8
points. Women's one-meter Div-
ing - B. Ferraro, GWU, 48.04.
Women's 100-yard Freestyle - P.
Holt, ECU, 55.42.
Men's 200-yard Backstroke -
M. O'Brien, ECU, 1:57.37.
Women's 200-yard Backstroke -
yard Freestyle - M. Herr, GWU,
4:47.64. Women's 500-yard Frees-
tyle - L. Wilson, ECU, 5:24.18.
Men's three-meter diving -
M. Lawrence, ECU, 256.72 points.
Women's three-meter Diving - B.
Ferraro, GWU, 239.55 points.
Men's 200-yard Breastroke - R.
? header and faced oft
si 1 arleigh-Dickenson. The
team downed the Lady
hts 74-60. In the tirst half, the
: adv Tirates had trouble gaining
momentum, shooting only
from the field, and 49 from
foul line. Pierson said first-
at- home-)itters started to get
team. At the half, the "jit-
and I arleigh-Dickenson had
ECU within a six point lead,
In the second half of the game,
ad Pirates took to the floor a
nuch more determined bunch.
r sarah C.rav and forward
largrove led the ECU la-
ith 26 and 22 points respec-
tively and the team improved
their shooting from the field to 49
percent. The Lady Pirates took the
lead in rebounds as Gray and
Hargrove pulled down 19 and 17
"They relaxed, calmed down
and plaved better Pierson said
of her team's second half perform-
Saturday's consolation game
proved to be close as Farleigh-
Dickenson edged Coastal Caro-
lina 7-74. Felicia Gnffin (29) and
Rita Bernert (20) led the Lady
Knights in scoring, and Coastal's
Mary Perry (25) and Holly Bottar
(lb) led the Chanticleers' unsuc-
cessful battle for third place.
The all tournament team in-
cluded: Karen Abrams of How-
ard, Holly Bottar of Coastal Caro-
lina, Rita Bernert and Felicia Grif-
fin of Farleigh-Dickenson and
Sarah Gray of ECU. Lady Pirate
Tonya Hargrove was named the
tournament's Most Valuable
'The Lady Pirates clash this
Wednesday with the Lady
Wolfpack of NC State. Gametime
is set for 8:00 with a pre-game
program beginning at 7:45. ECU'S
college FM, WZMB follows all of
the Lady Pirate action and will
broadcast live from Mingcs Coli-
Sigma Phi Epsilon
' m the (iassroom, these kids
? going to be at the top of
their Jass. So academically, they
coing to shine. But what we
special Olympics is give them
a sport that they can shine in, any
sport that they decide to play in
Not onlv do the Olympians
playing, but their parents
enjov coming out and watching
their children participate.
"A lot of our parents have
come back and said, 'You know, I
never thought I'd see my develop-
mentally disabled kid onT.V or,
'1 never thought I'd see his picture
in the newspaper Sappenfield
said. "1 think that the Special
Continued from page 19
Olympics has shown them that
your kid can excel, can get a rib-
bon, can get a medal, and can be a
part of the mainstream
Spaulding said he encourages
people to work with the develop-
mentally disabled. "Everyone, in
their own way has a handicap he
said. "Ideas about these kids are
changing everyday
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Kennedy,ECU,2:13.77. Women's
200-yard Breastroke - s. Morrow,
ECU, 2:34.31.
Men's 400-yard Freestyle
Relay - Goth, Vallebuena, Nolan,
Herr, GWU, 3:13.56. Women
400-yard Freestyle Relay - Hawes,
Briggs,Vanostrum, Lewis, GWU,
The final points in the GWU
meet were: Men-ECU 139, GWU
102. Women - ECU 144, GWU 92.
The swimming and diving
team will spend some of their
winter break in Florida fro train-
ing. On January 3, 1990, the Pi-
rates will dual Ashland College
(fromOhio) in North Palm Beach.
AC's coach is a former assistant
coach of ECU'S Rick Kobe.
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Ware leads college Ail-American football team
Gannett ?w? Service
Notre Dame and Penn State
placed three players while Miami
and Southern California both had
two named to the WS9 Gannett
News Service All-American col-
lege football team announced
Wide receiver Raghib Ismail,
nose tackle Chris Zorich, and
safety Pat Terrell were picked from
th? Irish. Terrell is a senior, Zorich
a junior and Ismail a sophomore.
Selected from Penn State were
Blair Thomas, a running back;
Dave Szott, a guard; and Andre
Collins, a linebacker ? all seniors.
Making it for the Hurricanes
were defensive linemen Cortez
Kennedy and Greg Mark, both
USC landed linebacker Junior
Seau and safety Mark Carrier, both
juniors, on the team.
Rounding the offensive team
are quarterback Andre Ware of
Houston, running back Anthony
Thompson of Indiana, tight end
Eric Green of Liberty, wide re-
ceiver Reggie Rembert of West
Virginia, center John Flannery of
Syracuse, guard Mohammed
Elowinibi of Bngham Young, and
tackles Richmond Webb of Texas
A& M and Roman Matusz of Pitts-
burgh. . ?
Other defensive players are
linebackers Keith McCants of
Alabama, Percy Snow of Michi-
gan State, and Andre Collins of
Penn State, and cornerbacks James
Williams of Fresno State and Chris
Oldham of Oregon.
Washington State's Jason
Hanson was selected the top place-
kicker, while Colorado's Tom
Rouen was chosen as the top
Here is a look at the AU-
Amencan calibre performers at
each position, with the first named
the first-teamers;
Ware, Houston, 6-1, 210, junior;
John Friez, Idaho, 6-4, 210, senior;
Tony Rice, Notre Dame, 6-0, 190,
senior; Major Hams, West Vir-
ginia, 6-1, 220, junior; Dee Dowis,
Air Force, 5-9, 155, senior; Ty
Detmer, BVU, 5-11, 180, sopho-
Ware and Friez are record-
breaking throwers who have not
received the publicity they de-
Ware, a strong-armed passer
with good speed triggers
Houston's explosive Run-and-
Shoot offense that nobody can stop
and onlv Texas A&M could slow
Fx-San Francisco receiving
great (lene Washington savs Friez
throws the ball as well as anvone
he has seen since Jim Plunkett.
Rice is a great option quarter-
back who runs like a halfback and
is as strong, but seldom throws
and is not always accurate.
Harris has great ad-lib ability,
but holds the ball like a loaf of
bread and will fumble and force
passes into coverage. He has hurt
himself by trying to do everything
himself thisyear. However, healso
has made numerous unbelievable
plavs with his great athleticism
and running ability
Dowis has an uncanny ability
for running the football and the
option. Detmer is Bngham
Young's best quarterback since
Steve Youngand had a sensational
sophomore season. Fhs statistics
are as good as Ware's.
thony Thompson, Indiana, 5-11,
215, senior, Blair Thomas, Penn
State, 5-10, 195, senior, Kmmitt
SeeALL-AMERICAN, page 21
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Smith, Florida, 5-11, 205, junior;
lohnny Bailey, Texas A&l,5-?, 175!
senior; Mike Pringle, California-
Fullerton, 5-8,185, senior; Harold
Green, South Carolina, 6-1, 223,
senior; Darrell Thompson, Min-
nesota, 6-2, 220, senior; Aaron
Graver, Fresno, 5-11, 210, junior;
Siran Stacy, Alabama, 5-10, 190,
junior; Blaise Bryant, Iowa State,
6-1 20$, junior; Ivory Lee Brown,
Arkansas-Pine Bluff, 6-1, 210,
Anthony Thompson has been
a one-man offense. He worked out
with Walter Tayton in the past
and can run all day. He makes up
for his lack of sprinter's speed with
quickness, vision, balance and
Thomas is not all the way back
from knee surgery, but has shown
flashes of his old self late in games
and at 90 percent may be the best
back in America.
Smith has great ability to turn
nothing into four yards and four
yards into 20. He is not quick, but
is a powerful back with great in-
Bailey is a shifty, explosive
back who broke Tony Dorsett's
rushing record and dominated
Division 11 football for the past
tour years.
Pringle is a little back who
thinks he is a big back and had big-
time production this year.Green
can run inside or outside and
at bos the ball well. Fven before
quarterback Todd Ellis got hurt,
ho was carrying South Carolina's
Injuries and a sub-par offen-
sive line have kept Darrell Th-
ompson from putting up Heis-
man-tvpe numbers, but he is a big
hack with excellent speed and
good bodv lean.
Graver is a speedv junior col-
lege transfer who led Fresno State
to a spit in the California Raisin
Stacy, a strong and instinctive
runner with excellent balance and
moves, has made Alabama fans
forget Bobby Humphrey. He is
elusive and can do it all ? run,
catch the ball and return kicks.
Bryant turned the whole Iowa
State program around.
U:v io the best unknown
back in the U -S. He has great moves
and cutting ability, which helped
him average more than 8 yards
per ca rrv.
TIGHT ENDS ? Eric Green,
6-4, 270, Libertv, senior; Derek
Brown, Notre Dame, 6-6, 235,
sophomore; Jackie Harris, North-
east Louisiana, 6-3, 229, senior.
Green isa dominating blocker
and fine receiver who runs over
people after the catch. Brown is a
great young talent with size and
speed. Harris is an outstanding
receiver who often is used like a
wide receiver.
Ismail, Notre Dame, 5-10, 175,
sophomore; Reggie Rembert, West
V lrginia,6-4,205, senior; Emman-
uel Hazard, Houston, 5-9, 170
junior; Clarkston Hines, Duke, 5-
11, 170, senior; Terance Mathis,
New Mexico, 5-9,160,senior; Rich-
ard Buchanan, Northwestern, 6-0,
1 HO, junior Rob Moore, Syracuse,
6-2,200, junior; Dan Bitson, Tulsa,
6-1, 185, junior; Andre Rilev.
Washington,5-9,175,senior; Shan-
non Sharpe, Savannah State (Ga.),
6-2, 220, senior.
Nobody can change field
position than Ismail, who is the
most explosive player in the coun-
try. Nobody is faster, and he has
great moves.
Rembert has great size and
excellent but deceptive speed.
Hazard has broken practically
every major single-season receiv-
ing record in his first year in the
Continued from page 22
Run-and-Shoot. He had over 100
catches and 19 touchdowns after
nine games.
Hines caught 17 touchdown
passes, set an NCAA career rec-
ord tor touchdown catches and
had his third straight 1,000-plus
yard receiving season.
Mathis came back from a year
off due to grade problems to set
NCAA marks for career catches
and receiving yardage. He is a
great all-purpose player who is
more quick than fast.
Buchanan is an excellent
playei on a not so excellent team.
Moore is big, tast. talented and
often compared to former
Syracuse great Art Monk.
Bitson is not a burner, but he
seems to bo open all day.
Rilev i ame back from a severe
knee injury to lead the Huskies in
receiving. I le is quick and has soft
Sharpe vs hose brother, Ster-
ling, stars tor the Green Bay Pack-
ers, intends to follow in his foot-
Steps. He is a big-play man who
had more than 1,000 receiving
yards and 15 touchdowns in his
teams tirst si games before ev-
en -onestarting doubling and triple
teaming him.
( ENTERS lohn Flannery,
Syracuse, 6 2l?0. junior; Tony
Mayberry, Wake Forest, 6-4, 275,
senior; Bern Brostek, Washington,
6-2, 290, senior; Dean Caliguire,
Pittsburgh, 6-2, 270, senior.
Flannery does everything a
center should do, including mak-
ing all the kick snaps. Mayberry is
an excellent technician with good
balance. Brostek is a strong, aware
player who uses hi hands well.
Caliguire also plays both guard
spots when needed and is the
Panthers' best blocker.
GUARDS Mohammed
Elewonibi, Brigham Young, 6-4,
305, senior; Dave Szott, Perm State,
6-3, 270, senior; Enc Still, Tennes-
see, 6-3, 280, senior; Mark Tucker,
Southern California, 6-3,270, jun-
ior; Ed King, Auburn, 6-3, 280,
Elewonibi is an excellent pass
blocker, and pass is about all BYU
does. Szott is a former defensive
lineman who w as I'en n State's best
lineman, still is very steadv.
Tucker is USC's best guard since
Roy Foster. Some already have
tabbed King to be a future All-Pro.
TACKLES Richmond
Webb, Texas A&M, 6-6, 290, sen-
ior; Roman Matusz, Pittsburgh,6-
4, 280, senior; Glenn Parker, Ari-
zona, 6-5,300, senior; DougGlaser,
Nebraska, t-o, 295, senior.
No Tony Mandarichesor Paul
Grubers this year. Webb is a for-
mer guard who is quick. Matusz is
an efficient player. Parker and
Glaser are improving players who
missed some time with injuries.
Zorich, Notre Dame, 6-1, 270,
junior; Mo Gardner, Illinois, 6-2,
250,junior;Odel Haggins, Florida
State, 6-2, 260, senior.
Zorich is quick and exolosive.
Gamer is too small, but nobody
can block him. Haggins came on
attor a slow start.
DOWN EN DS - Gortez Kennedy,
Miami, Fla 6-1, 290, senior, Greg
Mark, Miami, Ha6-3,245, senior;
left Aim, Notre Dame, 6-7, 265,
senior; Marc Spindler, Pittsburgh,
6-4,285, junior; Russell Maryland,
Miami,6-2,280, junior; Eric Hayes,
6-3, 290, Florida State, senior;
Travis Davis, Michigan State, 6-2,
270, senior; Ted Washington, 6-5,
300, Louisville, junior; Oliver Bar-
nett, Kentucky, 6-3, 290, senior.
Kennedy and Maryland are
the best set o tackles in the land.
They are quick and powerful.
Mark is an under-sized over-
achiever whose forte is rushing
the passer.
Aim has a great knack for
batting down passes.
Spindler has great intensity
and never backs down.
Hayes has come on strong
since getting his weight down.
When he is in shape he is a one-
man wrecking crew.
Davis is a blue-collar type
Washington can be awesome
when he has his weight under
Barnett has been double
teamed to death this year, but still
made big plays ? except in the
season finale against Tennessee.
Seau, USC, 6-3, 245, junior; Keith
McCants, Alabama, 6-5, 225, jun-
ior; Percy Snow, Michigan State,
6-2, 240, senior; Andre Collins,
Penn State, 6-1, 226, senior; Tony
Bennett, Mississippi, 6-1, 236,
senior; James Francis, Baylor, 6-4,
250, senior; Alfred Williams,Colo-
rado, 6-6, 235, junior; Ron Cox,
Fresno, 6-1, 236, junior; Darion
Conner, Jackson State, 6-3, 250,
Seau is being compared to
Lawrence Taylor. McCants is big
and quick. Tony Mandarich calls
Snow the toughest player he ever
tried to block, and Michigan State
Coach George Perles, who coached
the great Pittsburgh Steeler de-
fenses compares him to Jack
Lambert. Joe Patcrno says Collins
could be the best linebacker he
ever coached at Penn State. Ben-
nett is fast and physical, domi-
nates some games and is ordinary
in others. Williams is the best
player Colorado has. Cox is a
devastatingblitzer. At 250 pounds,
Conner will cover wide receivers.
Williams, Fresno, 5-10, 175, sen-
ior; Chris Oldham, Oregon, 5-9,
175, senior; Todd Lyght, Notre
Dame, 6-0, 180, junior; Mickev
Washington, Texas A&M, 5-9,185,
senior; Alonzo Hampton, Pitts-
burgh, 5-11,190, senior.
Williams is a superb man-on-
man defender and kick blocker.
Oldham is not very big or super
fast, but he coversand tackles well.
Lyght is Notre Dame's best cor-
nerback since Luther Bradley.
Washington was having a great
year before he broke his scapula
against SMU. Hampton's forte is
covcrage,and heisa puntreturner.
SAFETIES ? Pat Terrell,
Notre Dame, 6-1,200, senior; Mark
Carrier, USC, 6-1,185, junior; Tripp
Wilborne, Michigan, 6-1,195, jun-
ior; Jesse Campbell, North Caro-
lina State, 6-3, 210, sophomore;
Ken Swilling, Georgia Tech, 6-2,
225, sophomore.
Terrell is a former wide re-
ceiver who keeps getting better
and better. Carrier has solid in-
stincts. Wilborne is the leader of a
fine Michigan secondary.
Campbell and Swilling, whose
brother Pat is a star linebacker
with the New Orleans Saints, are
excellent hitters.
Hanson, Washington State, 5-11,
170, sophomore; David
Browndyke, Louisiana State, 6-1,
190, senior; Chris Gardocki,
Clemson, 6-2,194, sophomore.
Hanson's great range sets him
apart from everyone else.
Browndyke is an accurate left-
footed kicker. Gardocki is the best
combination kicker (place-kicking
and punting) around.
PUNTERS ? Tom Rouen,
Colorado, 6-2, 220, sophomore;
Sean Fleming, Wyoming, 6-1,180,
RETURN MAN ? Ismail is so
much better than anyone else it is
no contest.
CCopyrigkt 1M9. USA TODAVAffU CotUgt
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the minority voice
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Managing Editor
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Belk, Brady's Sears
264 Bypass on Hwy 11, Greenville

The East Carolinian, December 5, 1989
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 05, 1989
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