The East Carolinian, November 30, 1989

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?he iEaat (Eamltntan
Sinking the 'Last Carolina campus community since 1925.
nl. M o. 10h
Thursday November 30, lw
Greenville, N(
Circulation 12,000
20 Pages
Students appear in court
Judge delays decisions
for 'riot' defendants
H sH WO tU t Kl 1
1 ? arrested on
11 1 : ? 41 v er F s
led ? ourt on
VVedi?it their
? onh 4
? ? ? irt source
? v ises w ere
? ' lussellDuke
?. ts made bv
.itham to
lontl ubpe 1 han-
,? ? - ' . the trials
At 'nisi m
?? ? did
is a It , ' v
? Chi?
. ? tender thes
? ? . 'he mo
? con-
tit?a ijig5
v ert the press into King an .dw
cate tor the state A forced sur-
render of the "out tapes would
be an unconstitutional infringe-
ment ol the 1 irst Amendment
rights ol Freedom of the Press,
the defense attorne said
In addition to his argument,
C heatham said that the state must
prove that the information gath
ered bv WNC1 1A was unavail-
able to them. Poli e had a total ol
75 people at the enme scene, and
two v idoo cameras were there
taping I his fad proves that the
information WNCT-TV has was
available to the city, according to
c heatham
rhese tapes are e idence of
(.rimes or lack ol crimes that oc-
curred this 11 lalloween) evening
Warren said in response to
v heatham s arguments. Accord-
I A arren, the out tapes
could usl as easily clear some
is they could show that some
i nvolved
v im n questioned the fac t
that a 1 irst Amendment right
kvould be violated bv surrender-
trie tapes. In fact, Warren said,
V '( i iA s subsequent actions
.?ed their right of pnviledge
V cording to Warren, WNCT-TV
ved these tapes to Captain
Nichols ol the Greenville Police
? artment, therefore waiving
nghl I priviledge
.At i ording to the assistant
t attorney, the submission
of these tapes would in no wa
restrict WNCT-TV from gather-
ii g information in the future She
? state chose to take the
see COURT, page 2
al Madden works on a scale model tor the building signs which
will be on display at Mendenhall Student Center on Monday
(Photo by Garrett Killian - ECU Photo Lab).
AI celebrates
Declaration o(
Human Rights
rs l HI r
Local Ami ? ten
(AD members ???
formation an :
tures i m petitii ins
East Carolina pus
tivities,beinghel : I
world, are design Iti
rate the anniversan fth
ol the Internatii nal I ?? irat
Human Rights
LocaK irouj -
bo in front of thi tudi I ? ?
from 10 an
question; ib
and to explain the petit
AI,a world I .? hi s
organization ??? ?-
tree pris(mers I nscienci
have neithi i r advocated
violent e, tor tar mpt
tor all pi ei ind
abolish ti n tureand e
large pei ntagi
five membership isE tudenl
faculty and statt
A spe ial f ?
drive will be thi
recent i vents in
hundreds (it unarn
were k ? ' ? '? - -
While mui h f the rid
I of 1
This I CTJ student. Mike Strupe, studies tor his statistics class while waiting for a his case to be
heard in Pitt County C ourt Wednesday. Strupe, along with CU other students were arrested on
Halloween night for failure to disperse (Photo b .D. Whitmire ? LCL Photo Lab).
tion on the ui
diminished, AI is
arrests continue in I
are taking pla e and
See AMMsn page !
Art students propose new ideas for simis
Special to The I a t -v ,
Many conversations on the
campus are dominated bv the
students negative opinions,it the
new building signs here .it Fast
i arolma University. To change
this, two classes in E( I s Depart
ment of Communk ation Arts are
developing 21 new signs which
will be on displav Monda ir
Mendenhall rhese should pro
vide more optH mis tor our ad mini
stration to review , ac( ordii
v raig Malmrose, aommunica
tion Arts professor
The two typography classes
are under the diret tion of proles
sors Malmrose and 1 ona! Si-vanr.
The students are v or king steadih
to finish thedraw ingsand models
tor the Monda re Tie stu
dent-designers are encoura
their peers to review their work ?
and submit comments about the
designs to aid in their develop-
New experimental signs are
now in front of approximately five
buildings on campus, but
Malmrose believes the students
are not nt with these hoices
Main ol the students do not like
the choices, such as the "tomb-
? in front ot Flanagan.
Malmrose said he wants to
ea anj Signage on campus
is not the erv best possible. It
thousandsand hundreds of thou-
sands ol dollars are sjx'nt on the
building then the sign in front of
the building should be represen-
. e, and not . ardb ai
The signs that are replace
"? : r thi i ild "mobile home
ones .ire only here tor a short pe
ni slot time, rhesesignsarestri tly
temporary, which explains the
simple construction and the dil
ferences in all of them. The pres-
ent prototypes will be removed
when the final decision is made as
to which design w ill be used.
The 21 students who are de-
signing the alternath es .ire using
some traditional elements in their
work, such as the arches that
appear frequently in the
university's an hitet ture Some of
the new designs also utilize mod-
ernistic features that will update
the atmosphere ot the school
Malmrosesaid he believes that
organic tones such as shades of
beige, brown and off-whites are
thi- K'st colors tti use on the signs
as accents to the buildings. He
said he would like to see a serif
script used for the lettering, w hie h
is verv traditional. Malmrose said
he dislikes the present layout of
the signs. "The type has to have
hierarchy, the letter spacing on
the signs on campus is horrible
Each student who submitted
an idea tor new designs is respon-
sible tora seriesol sketchesand an
actual model for Monday's stu-
dent review. The only guidelines
tor the sign are size and the inclu-
sion of the building's name. Items
such as the new university logo
Md color are optional.
Iim Lanier, vice chancellor ol
Institutional Advancement, said
he ?i knowledges Monday's show-
ing and believes a university rep-
resentative, such as the university
architect, will be present to study
the exhibits. E L s plan is a grad-
ual one according to Lanier, "we
simply will replace the older signs
first, then over pei d
we will repla e
Eath displav has i
average ot HI hours ? .
thecreatoreac h w ? ? - - . -
weeks have
Malmrose is rj
to view the modi -
and submit their nmm
Main ii s, vNa- a m? mbei
the Campus Beautiti H
mittee, which disbai ded pnl
1988 after submittn re) rl
"Planning f r an Acad n
ronment to the universib
ministration 1 he report w is
compiled bv the group to point
out changes that sJ uld be madi
on campus
Malmrose tea. ? ? ni
cation Arts classes at East I
lina such as t. omn n
Survey Pvpographv and raj I
Design I He begar his v rl
ECl in 1985, the sam ?. ? n
graduated from Rochestei
tute of Technology in New ork
Health students volunteer for community services
s. v? v (tun in
! mmated lit I ? ? issesare
, . 11? ivoluntei ? ?? or time
? ??? ?? ? ' no hangefora
I points added to their
eend I ,l ? semester
? i r ise funded bv
?; i fed vernmenl t ipromote
volu ?? ? ? m.
response from Kith the
and the community has
beei erwhi n inglly positive
said Judy tJ Baker, a health educa-
tion insti i ti r iti the I Vpartment
' Health, Physical Education,
- reationand Safety (HPERS)
? ? t.i no idea when we
tarted th pi gram it would turn
into s metl rtg like this she said
'?'?? ? ning last spring, stu
dents taking Health is a Modern
Society 'Health 1000), a required
course, were told thev could get
two evtr.i credit points bv volun-
?ig ti ir at least five hours of
work with inv (if 2h community
agent ies A total of 24 students
signed up
When their working hours
were tallied the total came to 4,0
hours more than 16 hours per
"The objective is to instill in
them the importance of commu-
nity service and hope that it will
be erne a part of their lives said
Baker So far, she said, the project
seems to Ix working.
I he student volunteers do an
assortment of jobs for such or-
ganizations as the American Red
C ross,ouncil on the Aging, the
BoysC lub, and a program for ter-
minally ill children called the
Dream Factory, for the KedC ross
the students can donate blood or
help with registration during
blood drives
They help package food and
deliver meals, produce newslet-
ters and give musical programs
tor the elderly. At the Boyslub
thrv serve .is tutors, teach arts and
crafts and work in the game rooms.
In the Shelter tor Battered
Women, students help care for
children while mothers attend
support groups
Iist spring when the Dream
Factory needed volunteers to help
with a television tund raiser thev
called FC U. The students re-
sponded and the agency got all of
the volunteers it needed for the
"The biggest thing thev are
doing right now is providing a
service to the community Baker
said. She said many of the volun-
teers have been deeply affected by
their experiences. She said stu-
dents often get attached to the
programs with which thev are
working and continue to volun-
"Not only do the students get
rewarded for serving but they teel
more isitive aKuit themselves
Baker said. She slid the students
are also learning about career
options they've never thought
about before.
I he project is supported bv a
federal ACTION grant from the
federal Domestic Volunteer
Agency The program was started
to encourage volunteerism Pre-
cise records are kept and in most
cases the students are required to
follow guidelines and attend ori-
entation classes
Baker said she hopes the pro-
gram can become a permanent part
of the curriculum and she said a
proposal has been written to seek
funding trom private sources
when the federal grant ends.
I he project is set up as a vol-
unteer ettort and most but not all
of the 57 sections of the Health
KM) courses taught at ECU are
participating Baker said partici-
pation is up to the students and to
the instnu tors ot the coui se
She said research isbeingdone
ti i see ho w many students do more
than the five hours required for
the extra credit and how many
continue to volunteer later as a
result (it the program.
"We hope to catch the stu-
dents early in their college experi-
ence hoping that this will con-
tinue Baker said.
so far, the response both stu-
dents and from the agencies has
been gocxJ The agencies are be-
ginning to call and ask tor volun-
teers tor specific projectsand their
reactions to the students'help have
been extremely positive, accord-
ing to Baker.
As for the students, their feel-
ings towards the program have
been positive as well One fresh-
man who worked with displaced
families said the experience has
changed her life. "It can make a
small difference in the life of one
child It was well worth it she
First Amendment v. the
City of Greenville
State and Nation8
Debate over united
Germany continues
ECU student tells about
his business success
El Espectro is back, the
brain-apes attack
Pirates win first
basketball game of the

?lj? iEaat (Kartflttttan
Serving the 'East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 63 No. 106
Thursday November 30,1989
Greenville, NC
Circulation 12,000
20 Pages
Students appear in court
Judge delays decisions
for 'riot' defendants
Staff Wnlet
All 134 students arrested on
Halloween at the Tar River Es-
tates "riot" attended court on
Wednesday only to find that their
cases were to be delayed.
Of the 134 students, only 54
requested to have their cases con-
tinued, according to a court source.
The other 80 students' cases were
delayed by Judge W. Russell Duke
Jr. after a motion was made by
Attorney James T. Cheatham to
restrict the use of unedited or "out"
tapes that werelisted on the subpe-
ona issued to WNCT-TV (Chan-
nel 9) by the state of North Caro-
According to Duke, the trials
were delayed because neither
Betsy Warren, assistant district
attorney, nor Cheatham, WNCT-
TV'sattorney, could present briefs
in support of their argument. Both
attorneys were given until Dec. 5
to present their arguments to the
Although WNCT-TV asked
that their unedited tapes not be
used in the courtroom, thev did
offer the tapes that had already
been broadcast. Cheatham con-
tended that the subpeonad "out"
tapes, which ha ve not been shown
to the public, "are the same as a
reporter's notes and that WNCT-
TV "has the priviledge not to pro-
duce the tapes
According to Cheatham, re-
quiring WNCT-TV to tender these
tapes would be forcing the me-
dium to be "an investigative arm
?e which would "con-
vert the press into being an advo-
cate for the state A forced sur-
render of the "out" tapes "would
be an unconstitutional infringe-
ment of the First Amendment
rights of Freedom of the Press
the defense attorney said.
In addition to his argument,
Cheatham said that the state must
prove that the information gath-
ered by WNCT-TV was unavail-
able to them. Police had a total of
75 people at the crime scene, and
two video cameras were there
taping. This fact proves that the
information WNCT-TV has was
available to the city, according to
"These tapes are evidence of
crimes or lack of crimes that oc-
curred this (Halloween) evening
Warren said in response to
Cheatham's arguments. Accord-
ing to Warren, the "out" tapes
"could just as easily clear some-
one as they could show that some-
one is involved
Warren questioned the fact
that a First Amendment right
would be violated by surrender-
ing the tapes. In fact, Warren said,
WNCT-TV's "subsequent actions
waived their right of priviledge
According to Warren, WNCT-TV
showed these tapes to Captain
Nichols of the Greenville Police
Department, therefore waiving
their right of priviledge.
According to the assistant
district attorney, the submission
of these tapes would in no way
restrict WNCT-TV from gather-
ing information in the future. She
said, "The state chose to take the
See COURT, page 2
Val Madden works on a scale model for the building signs which
will be on display at Mendenhall Student Center on Monday
(Photo by Garrett Killian ? ECU Photo Lab).
This ECU student, Mike Strupe, studies for his statistics class while waiting for a his case to be
heard in Pitt County Court Wednesday. Strupe, along with 133 other students were arrested on
Halloween night for failure to disperse (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab).
AI celebrates
Declaration of
Human Rights
Spatial to Tha tax Caml i.i.n
Local Amnesty International
(AI) members will be sharing in-
formation and collecting signa-
tures on petitions Friday on the
East Carolina campus. Such ac-
tivities, being held throughout the
world, are designed to commemo-
rate the anniversary of the signing
of the International Declaration of
Human Rights.
LocalGroup402 members will
be in front of the Student Stores
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to answer
questions about the work of AI
and to explain the petitions.
AI,a world widehuman rights
organization, works impartially to
free prisoners of conscience who
have neither used nor advocated
violence, for fair and prompt trials
for all political prisoners, and to
abolish torture and executions. A
large percentage of the local ac-
tive membership is ECU students,
faculty and staff.
A special focus of the petition
drive will be the protesting of
recent events in China in which
hundreds of unarmed civilians,
many of whom were students,
were killed by government troops.
While much of the world atten-
tion on the June 3 killings has
diminished, AI is concerned that
arrests continue, summary trials
are taking place and judicial exe-
See AMNESTY, page 2
Art students propose new ideas for signs
Special la The East Carolinian
Many conversations on the
campus are dominated by the
students' negative opinions of the
new building signs here at East
Carolina University. To change
this, two classes in ECU'S Depart-
ment of Communication Arts are
developing 21 new signs which
will be on display Monday in
Mendenhall. These should pro-
vide more options for our admini-
stration to review, according to
Craig Malmrose, a Communica-
tion Arts professor.
The two typography classes
are under the direction of profes-
sors Malmrose and Donal Sexaur.
The students are working stead ily
to finish the drawings and models
for the Monday review. The stu-
dent-designers are encouraging
their peers to review their works
and submit comments about the
designs to aid in their develop-
New experimental signs are
no w in front of approximately five
buildings on campus, but
Malmrose believes the students
are not content with these choices.
Many of the students do not like
the choices, such as the "tomb-
stone" in front of Flanagan.
Malmrose said he wants to
see a change. "Signage on campus
is not the very best possible. If
thousands and hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars are spent on the
building, then the sign in front of
the building should be represen-
tative, and not cardboard
The signs that are replace-
ments for the old "mobile home"
ones are only here for a short pe-
riod of time. These signs are strictly
temporary, which explains the
simple construction and the dif-
ferences in all of them. The pres-
ent prototypes will be removed
when the final decision is made as
to which design will be used.
The 21 students who are de-
signing the alternatives are using
some traditional elements in their
work, such as the arches that
appear frequently in the
university's architecture. Some of
the new designs also utilize mod-
ernistic features that will update
the atmosphere of the school.
Malmrose said he believesthat
organic tones such as shades of
beige, brown and off-whites are
the best colors to use on the signs
as accents to the buildings. He
said he would like to see a serif
script used for the lettering, which
is very traditional. Malmrose said
he dislikes the present layout of
the signs. "The type has to have
hierarchy, the letter spacing on
the signs on campus is horrible
Each student who submitted
an idea for new designs is respon-
sible for a series of sketches and an
actual model for Monday's stu-
dent review. The only guidelines
for the sign are size and the inclu-
sion of the building's name. Items
such as the new university logo
and color are optional.
Jim Lanier, vice chancellor of
Institutional Advancement, said
heackno wledges Monday's show-
ing and believes a university rep-
resentative, such as the university
architect, will be present to study
the exhibits. ECU's plan is a grad-
ual one according to Lanier, "we
simply will replace the older signs
first, then, over a period of time,
we will replace them all
Each display has required an
average of 30 hours of work from
the creator each week, and several
weeks have been utilized.
Malmrose is urging the students
to view the models on Monday,
and submit their comments.
Malmrose was a member of
the Campus Beautification Com-
mittee, which disbanded in April
1988 after submitting its report
"Planning for an Academic Envi-
ronment" to the university ad-
ministration. The report was
compiled by the group to point
out changes that should be made
on campus.
Malmrose teaches Communi-
cation Arts classes at East Caro-
lina such as Communication Arts
Survey,Typography, and Graphic
Design I. He began his work at
ECU in 1985, the same year he
graduated from Rochester Insti-
tute of Technology in New York.
Health students volunteer for community services
K( l News Bureau
The students in the freshman-
dominated Health lOOOclassesare
being urged to volunteer their time
to worthy cau ses in exchange for a
couple of points added to their
grades at the end of the semester.
It's an unusual exercise funded by
the federal government to promote
"The response from both the
students and the community has
been overwhelminglly positive
said Judy B. Baker, a health educa-
tion instructor in the Department
of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation and Safety (HPERS).
"We had no idea when we
started the program it would turn
into something like this she said.
Beginning last spring, stu-
dents taking Health is a Modern
Society (Health 1000), a required
course, were told they could get
two extra credit points by volun-
teering for at least five hours of
work with one of 26 community
agencies. A total of 249 students
signed up.
When their working hours
were tallied the total came to 4,096
hours ? more than 16 hours per
"The objective is to instill in
them the importance of commu-
nity service and hope that it will
become a part of their lives said
Baker. So far, she said, the project
seems to be working.
The student volunteers do an
assortment of jobs for such or-
ganizations as the American Red
Cross, Council on the Aging, the
Boys Club, and a program for ter-
minally ill children called the
Dream Factory. For the Red Cross
the students can donate blood or
help with registration during
blood drives.
They help package food and
deliver meais, produce newslet-
ters and give musical programs
for the elderly. At the Boys Club
they serve as tutors, teach arts and
crafts and workin the game rooms.
In the Shelter for Battered
Women, students help care for
children while mothers attend
support groups.
Last spring when the Dream
Factory needed volunteers to help
with a television fund raiser they
called ECU. The students re-
sponded and the agency got all of
the volunteers it needed for the
"The biggest thing they are
doing right now is providing a
service to the community Baker
said. She said many of the volun-
teers have been deeply affected by
their experiences. She said stu-
dents often get attached to the
programs with which they are
working and continue to volun-
"Not only do the students get
rewarded for serving but they feel
more positive about themselves
Baker said. She said the students
are also learning about career
options they've never thought
about before.
The project is supported by a
federal ACTION grant from the
Federal Domestic Volunteer
Agency. The program was started
to encourage volunteerism. Pre-
cise records are kept and in most
cases the students are required to
follow guidelines and attend ori-
entation classes.
Baker said she hopes the pro-
gram can become a permanent part
of the curriculum and she said a
proposal has been written to seek
funding from private sources
when the federal grant ends.
The project is set up as a vol-
unteer effort and most but not all
of the 57 sections of the Health
1000 courses taught at ECU are
participating. Baker said partici-
pation is up to the students and to
the instructors of the course.
She said research is being done
to see how many students do more
than the five hours required for
the extra credit and how many
continue to volunteer later as a
result of the program.
"We hope to catch the stu-
dents early in their college experi-
ence hoping that this will con-
tinue Baker said.
So far, the response both stu-
dents and from the agencies has
been good. The agencies are be-
ginning to call and ask for volun-
teers for specific projectsand their
reactions to the students' help have
been extremely positive, accord-
ing to Baker.
As for the students, their feel-
ings towards the program have
been positive as well. One fresh-
man who worked with displaced
families said the experience has
changed her life. "It can make a
small difference in the life of one
child. It was well worth it she
First Amendment v. the
City of Greenville
State and Nation&
Debate over united
Germany continues
ECU student tells about

NOVl-MBt'K 30, 1989
Biological researcher discusses diversity
Campus groups sponsor conservationalist speaker
suit Wnlfi
A gUCSi s)klT Will dlvuss
the protection of ecosystems to
night at 7 V p.m in the General
i tassroom Building Room 1031
rim Werner .i research ,iss(
date tor Conservation Interna-
tional, w ill give a publi presenta
tion entitled Approaches to the
Challenge ot Conserving Global
Biological Diversity
Werner recently studied in
Brazil to determine the minimum
size necessary tor ecosystems to
sur ive. I le is the program coor-
dinator tor Conservation Interna-
tional working with the Oceania
project which covers the western
Pa ific island regions
Conservation International
combines an integrated approach
to conservation, not only through
research, hot also through the
involvement ot the public in their
projects from farmers to congress
men lbe focus is on involving a
broad understanding and team
approach to today's ecological
problems In 1987 the organiza-
tion pioneered the first over "dept-
tor nature" swap.
Although their headquarters
is in Washington, D.C their ma
jor projects exist in Latin America
and various third world countries
Among those countries involved
are Mexico, Bolivia, osta Rica and
Panama I'hev are presently initi-
ating a major proje t in New
rhe presentation issponsored
by the Latin Ameruan Area Stud
iesc ommittee, the ffi eof lnti-r
national Studies, and the E U
Chapter of Sigma i A brief infor-
mation reception will follow the
Scholar .speaks on African women
Women's Studies brings feminist speaker to ECU
African feminist critk Mo Lira
Ogundipe Leslie will speak on
Afri an W omen W ritei s and
Global Feminism Monda at $
imii in the Generallassroom
Building RtKm 1031 on the EC L
magna i urn laudegraduate
of the L niversit of 1 ondon,
Ogundipe I eslie is the founding
chatrofthel n partmentaf
Ogun State I niversit in Ago
wove Nigeria where she is a
professor She was active in the
Nigerian go ernment as executive
director ol national social mobili-
zation, especially dealing with
women's issues. Ogundipe-1 eslie
has played a leading rolcin global
research and action on women and
wasamong a delegation of women
who presented proposals from
women's perspectives to Soviet
President Mikhail I lorbachev and
termer I S. President Ronald
? s, holar in women's studies
and women in development,
( ;undipe I eslie is also a poet
w rw 'si' book, Sew the I - and
( Hher Poems, was published in
Among her publications are
Not Spinned in the Axisof Male
ness: I he Woman in Nigeria" in
Robin Morgan'sStsferhwdis Uobal
11984), Studying the African
Rural Woman "hrough Imagina-
tive Writing in U, mt n and Rural
i h velopmenl in Africa (1 986 i,
"Violenceand the 1 iterary Imagi
nation in Africa: AStudvof Select
texts" to appear in a similarly
titled volume and numerous ar
tides on p-litus and vulture, in
in? ' '
I be 134 students who were arrested at lar River Estates on Halloween night appeared in Pitt
t ounry t ourt Wednesday. In addition to the defendants, the courtroom was filled with lawyers
IC I administrators and curious students (Photo bv I.D. Whitmire ECU Photo Lab).
Continued from page 1
least intru .e method to acquire
fhesi tapes We could have ob-
: : search warrant to get
Atter hearing the arguments
presented to him, lodge Duke
decided that theinformation was
insufficient for him to render a
decision District Attorney rho
( ontinued from page 1
itioi have in reased.
: , nnj ng pressure on the
(. hinese government, through
petitionsand otherways, AI hopes
? monstrate to the authorities
that international concern and
. riticism ontinues and cannot he
stopped bv suppression of infor-
mation. AI has tr manv years
raised serious human rights con-
cerns with the Chinese authori-
ties, including prisoners of con
science, unfair trials of political
prisoners, torture and ill-treat
ment extra indicia I executionsand
the use of the death penalty.
In addition to information
about China, materials and peti-
tions will be available concerning
the Kh al group's adopted "Pi X
In Al, each local organization
adopts a specific "prisoner of
cons ience" who has Kvn jailed
solely fur their beliefs, rate or
ethnu origin
Information will be provided
about Group 402 s prisoner of
cons ien e, a young Yugoslavian
man currently in prison tor the
iKui iolentexen iseof his right to
freedom of expression and ass
nation List year 150 of the pris-
onersofcons ience adopted by Al
groups in the USA were released
To learn more about AI or
hi ome a member, contact mem
bors at the petition table or call 1
800-55 AMNESTY.
mas Haigwood then requested
that the judge delav the cases that
were being tried, because the
W NCT- IV tapes were needed to
Thecourtroomemptied when student,said. "They(thestate)had
the judge delayed all the Hallow- no evidence, but still kept us in
een "riot" cases. I he faces of the here tor six hours This just made
students showed disapointmenl thecity look ignorant he added.
as they shuttled oul ot the court-
It was just a waste of time
rhe city obviously knows thev
messed up frev Burlev, an E( I
The article entitled "Former
professor passes away" which
ared in the November 2Hedi
of I he (astarolinian was
?i by (iretchen joumigan
Cash in
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Student Stores Wright Building
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November 38 Thru December I1)
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randyQui nfsMnd o?dcn?,k lowly Cotpmtxn llulTv' . . ngsued mfauit ,A
Huffjrl ?? I?t,?i rrguirre.i t,ktm?rt f Ewtpat Smn Vsf) Snn .
rr,?irir) tr?.lrn?,k of Nanfc koohl m Chiltp. Carpmtkxm
addition, she has written several
pieces on literary figures like h-
inua A hebe and VVole Sovinka
A reception in the English
. "epartment 1 a ult ;e tor
Ogundipe 1 eshe will follow her
presentation E( I organizal
whi( hareco sponsoringtheevent
in lude Afric an Studies, Minontv
Student Affairs, the Women's
Studies Program ? '? en'sStud
ies Alliance and the English De
-3Hf)e (Kast Carolinian
Director of Advertising James KJ. McKee
Advertising Representatives
Phillip V. (ope Gu I. Harvev Kelle) O'Connor Stephanie R. Kmor Patrick Williams Adam r. Blankenship
per column inch
National Rate$5.75 Open Rate$4.95
Local Open Rate$4.75 Mulk & Frequent v (Contract Discounts Available
II Business Hours:
Mondav - Fridaj 10:00 -5:00 pm Phone: 757-6366
RtE $549.95 Now $449.95 Installed
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3112 S. Memorial I)r
'Buyer's (juicCr,
1-26' I
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Above Par
Batter's Box
Carolina Pregnancy Center
Council Travel
Eagle Cab
The Estate Shop (Com & Ring Man)
George's Gulf
Gorgon's Golf & Ski
Heroe's Are Here Too757-0948
'BM 830-3507
Instant Replay 355-5050
Little Caesars757-1212 or 756-7256
Malpass Muffler .758-7676
Marsh's Surf Shop 355-6080
Merle Norman756-8404
Optical Palace756-4204
Pantry 752-7671
Parker's 756-2388
P'zza Hut756-9533
Raleigh Woman's Health 832-0535
Scissors Smith 758-7570
Sports Fan Attic756-7487
Student Stores757-6731
Tnangle Women's Health1-800-433-2930

Biological researcher discusses diversity
Campus groups sponsor conservationalist speaker
Strff Writer
A guest speaker will discuss
the protection of ecosystems to-
night at 7:30 p.m. in the General
Classroom Building Room 1031.
Tim Werner, a research asso-
ciate for Conservation Interna-
tional, will give a public presenta-
tion entitled "Approaches to the
Challenge of Conserving Global
Biological Diversity
Werner recently studied in
Brazil to determine the minimum
size necessary for ecosystems to
survive. He is the program coor-
dinator for Conservation Interna-
tional working with the Oceania
project which covers the western
Pacific island regions.
Conservation International
combines an integrated approach
to conservation, not only through
research, but also through the
involvement of the public in their
projects from farmers to congress-
men. The focus is on involving a
broad understanding and team
approach to today's ecological
problems. In 1987 the organiza-
tion pioneered the first ever "dept-
for-nature" swap.
Although their headquarters
is in Washington, D.C their ma-
jor projects exist in Latin America
and various third world countries.
Among these countries involved
are Mexico, Bolivia, Costa Rica and
Panama. They are presently initi-
ating a major project in New
The presentation is sponsored
by the Latin American Area Stud-
ies Committee, the Office of Inter-
national Studies, and the ECU
Chapter of Sigma Xi. A brief infor-
mation reception will follow the
Scholar speaks on African women
Women's Studies brings feminist speaker to ECU
African feminist critic Molara
Ogundipc-Leslie will speak on
"African Women Writers and
Global Feminism" Monday at 8
p.m. in the General Classroom
Building Room 1031 on the ECU
A magna cum laude graduate
of the University of London,
Ogundipe-Leslie is the founding
chair of the Engl ish Department at
Ogun State University in Ago-
Iwoye, Nigeria, where she is a
professor. She was active in the
director of national social mobili-
zation, especially dealing with
women's issues. Ogundipe-Leslie
has played a leading role in global
research and action on women a nd
was among a delegation of women
who presented proposals from
women's perspectives to Soviet
President Mikhail Gorbachev and
former U.S. President Ronald
A scholar in women's studies
and women in development,
Ogundipe-Leslie is also a poet
whose book, Sew the Old Days and
Other Poems, was published in
Among her publications are
"Not Spinned on the Axisof Male-
ness: The Woman in Nigeria" in
Robin Morgan's Sisterhood is Global
(1984), "Studying the African
Rural Woman Through Imagina-
tive Writing" in Women and Rural
Development in Africa (1986),
"Violence and the Literary Imagi-
nation in Africa: A Study of Select
Texts" to appear in a similarly
titled volume and numerous ar-
ticles on politics and culture. In
Tbe 134 students who were arrested at Tar River Estates on Halloween night appeared in Pitt
County Court Wednesday. In addition to the defendants, the courtroom was filled with lawyers
ECU administrators and curious students (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab).
Continued from page 1
least intrusive method to acquire
these tapes. We could have ob-
tained a search warrant to get
After hearing the arguments
presented to him, Judge Duke
decided that the information was
insufficient for him to render a
decision. District Attorney Tho-
Continued from page 1
cutions have increased.
By bringing pressure on the
Chinese government, through
peti tions and other ways, Al hopes
to demonstrate to the authorities
that international concern and
criticism continues and cannot be
stopped by suppression of infor-
mation. AI has for many years
raised serious human rights con-
cerns with the Chinese authori-
ties, including prisoners of con-
science, unfair trials of political
prisoners, torture and ill-treat-
ment, extra judicial executionsand
the use of the death penalty.
In addition to information
about China, materials and peti-
tions will be available concerning
the local group's adopted "POC"
In AI, each local organization
adopts a specific "prisoner of
conscience" who has been jailed
solely for their beliefs, race or
ethnic origin.
Information will be provided
about Group 402's prisoner of
conscience, a young Yugoslavian
man currently in prison for the
non-violent exercise of his right to
freedom of expression and asso-
ciation. Last year 150 of the pris-
oners of conscience adopted by Al
groups in the USA were released.
To learn more about AI or
become a member, contact mem-
bers at the petition table or call 1-
The article entitled "Former
professor passes away" which
appeared in the November 28 edi-
tion of The East Carolinian was
written by Gretchen Joumigan.
mas Haigwood then requested
that the judge delay the cases that
were being tried, because the
WNCT-TV tapes were needed to
The courtroom emptied when
the judge delayed all the Halow-
een "riot" cases. The faces of the
students showed disapointment
as they shuffled out of the court-
"It was just a waste of time.
The city obviously knows they
messed up Trey Burley, an ECU
student, said. "They (the state) had
no evidence, but still kept us in
here for six hours. This just made
the city look ignorant he added.
Cash in
your books
and play
Get a gamecard for
each book you sell.
You could win a
new car!
240,000 prizes in all!
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Student Stores Wright Building
East Carolina University
November 30 Thru December 19
8:30am ? 5:00pm
TaB?inli?M4MaaifcafT?dyGrPMfa. H.(fy? ? . rngM Capon. B?jdf ?? ? ciBmtp. SamtL V?,
i niMHi 11i 1 i?k of Nor A?fc? PMip. OMpcwtfan
addition, she has written several
pieces on literary figures like Ch-
inua Achebe and Wole Soyinka.
A reception in the English
Department Faculty Lounge for
Ogundipe-Leslie will follow her
presentation. ECU organizations
which are co-sponsoring thcevent
include African Studies, Minority
Student Affairs, the Women's
Studies Program, Women's Stud-
ies Alliance and the English De-
W&z (Bast Carolinian
Director of Advertising
James FJ. McKee
Advertising Representatives
Phillip V. Cope
Kelley O'Connor
Patrick Williams
Guy J. Harvey
Stephanie R. Emory
Adam T. Blankenship
per column inch
National Rate$5.75
Open Rate$4.95
Local Open Rate$4.75
Bulk & Frequency Contract
Discounts Available
Business Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00 - 5:00 pm
95 Now $449.95 Installed
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3112 S. Memorial Dr.

Above Par355-6742
Carolina Pregnancy Center757-0003
Council Travel1-286-4664
Eagle Cab752-3687
The Estate Shop (Coin & Ring Man)752-3866
George's Gulf752-2135
Gorgon's Golf & Ski756-1003
Heroe's Are Here Too757-0948
Instant Replay355-5050
Little Caesars757-1212 or 756-7256
Malpass Muffler758-7676
Marsh's Surf Shop355-6080
Merle Norman756-8404
Optical Palace756-4204
Pizza Hut756-9533
Raleigh Woman's Hearth832-0535
Scissors Smith758-7570
Sports Fan Attic756-7487
Student Stores757-6731
Triangle Women's Health1-000-433-2930
UBE 758-2616

NOVEMBER 30,1989
Ecstasy is a designer drug that can kill j
I've heard of a drug called
ecstasy. What is it?
MDMA (N-Methy-3, 4 meth-
ylenedtoxy amphetamine) or blot-
ter known as "Ecstasv" is a mem-
ber ot a family of semi-synthetic
chemicals known as hallucino-
genic amphetamines.
Ecstasy was originally tested,
and legally shelved as an appetite
suppressant in 114. It broke into
the streets in the late 1960's. In
1985 up to 30,000 doses ot ecstasv
were sold on the street per month
In July, 1985 atter research studies
indicated that MDMA causes
neurological and brain damage.
the US Drug Enforcement Admini-
stration banned the legal use of the
Today, MPMA is listed as a
Schedule ! controlled substance.
This means that, like heroin, it is
not recognized as having any le-
gitimate use's and is illegal under
all circumstances.
On the street, MDMA is sold
in a powder or capsule form and
can be inhaled, injected or swal-
lowed Effects oi the drug begin
within 30 minutes and may last 4-
6 hours.
Many early reportsof the drug
were enthusiastic and claimed
euphoric like "ecstatic" feelings
in its users. More recent informa-
tion has concentrated on the many
negative effects of this drug. In
addition,drugsother than MDMA
can develop quickly and an over-
dose can occur)
2. possible liver damage
3. amphetamine psychosis
4. intensified heart problems
5. severe, lingering effects on
brain cells
h. increased relaxation
7. exhaustion
It is very difficult to detect the
drug's long lasting ettects on the
To Your Health
By Suzanne Kellerman
Student Health Center
are being increasingly sold as ec-
stasv. including such substances
as animal tranquilizersmixed with
caffeine, ISD and worse It seems
that anv substance labeled "ec-
stasy" will sell.
Some ot the ettects of MOM A
1 tolerance and overdose (it
is an amphetamine thus tolerance
According to one study the
drug may attack areas in the brain
that manufacture the neurotrans-
mitter serontonin. Lingering ef-
fects on brain cells are still uncer-
These are some of the reasons
that MDMA is considered to be
among the "hardest" of the so-
called "soft" drugs. MDMA pro-
duces severe physical and psy-
chological burnout, even at mod-
erate doses. MDMA obviously is
quite a dangerous drug with seri-
ous known and unknown side
For more information on
M DM A or other "designer drugs"
contact the Student r lealth Center
(757-6794) or the Office of Sub-
stance Abuse, 303 Erwin (757-
b793). For those who have ques-
tions but wish to remain anony-
mous, letters should be sent to
ECU Health Educator, Student
Health Center, or Office of Sub-
stance Abuse, 303 Erwin Build-
ing. State the drug(s) of concern
and indicate where the informa-
tion can be sent.
"To Your 1 lealth" is a weekly
health education and information
column. Please direct any ques-
tions, comments or suggestions to
Abortions from ! 3 to 18 weeks at addtional cost. Pregnancy
Test, Birth Control, and Problem Pregnancy Counseling, For
further information, call 783-0444 (toll free number:
1 -800-532-5384) between 9 am and 5 pm weekdays
General anesthesia available.
Low Cost Abortions Up to 12th Week ofPregnancy
DINNFRS INCLUDE Brunswick St?w Cole Slaw
Boiled Potatoes or French Fries and Corn Sticks
PLATES INCLUDE Cole Slaw and Corn Sticks
Honor society receives recognition at convention
peitai to I"h la?t i
I en members of the Lambda
chapter of ECU attended the 1989
State Convention in Shelby, N.C.
Those attending included Tim
Thomburg.chapter president and
NeC student member; Suzanne
Sla k, c hapter ice president; Pi
etra P Gagnon, chapter roll sec-
retary; Stacy Fruitt, chapter histo-
rian; Sherry Campbell; Shanron
lohnson; Sherry Nicholson;
Annette Tender; Plane Quigley
and Carolyn Yantorn.
Studies indicate drinking
water is contaminated
Stall Hnlrr
Earlier this year, ECU marine
geologist Stan Riggs and cowork-
ers studying the Pamlico River
Estuary reported five "hotspots
well-defined ones where concen-
trations ot toxic heavy metals run
up to 25 times higher than the rest
of th. estuaro. "E xperts trom the
Environmental Protection Agency
were sent out to assess the situ-
ation, but concluded there was no
hazard A month later, however,
the EPA was forced to retract their
statement and even conceded that
some nearby towns' drinking
water supplies were in danger ot
One of these "hotspots lo-
cated off Texasgulf Co a larger
fertilizer plant, showed extremely
high concentrations of the heavy
metal, cadmium. Cadmium occurs
naturally in phosphate ore, which
Texasgulf mines from land along
the river. Since cadmium also
occurs in phosphate-based fertil-
izers, agricultural runoff may also
release small amounts of the metal
into the system.
Other "hotspots" were linked
with large mannas on the river
copper-based paint is used on boat
hulls to discourage barnacle
growth ? and to phosphate-based
fertilizer runt iff trom farms. A fifth
hotspot, showing high levels of
manv toxic metals, was thought to
be linked with an old pesticide
Heavy metals are ot critical
interest for several reasons. Natu-
rally present in our environment,
mam of these elements are essen-
tial to health in minor concentra-
tions but are often highly toxic
when present in excess. For ex-
ample, the body requires trace
amountsot zinc.copper, and chro-
mium. At slightly higher concen-
trations, however, these same ele-
ments can be deadly.
1 leavv metals are also unques-
tionably the most persistent of
pollutants on Earth, savs Dr. lames
B. Robertson, a certified toxkrolo-
gist of the HCU Department of
Environmental Health. "Unlike
better known environmental pol-
lutants such as PPT, TCBs, di-
oxin, mirex, and plastics, heavy
metals have no possibility of
breaking down. They are never
biodegradable says Robertson.
"Indeed, some estuarine organ-
isms can metabolize heavy met-
als, such as mercury, into more
toxic forms. This is what happened
in Minimata Bav, Japan, when UVi
people became deformed and
deranged from eating mercury-
tainted seafood
Given their inexorable persis-
tence, it comes as no surprise that
heavy metals plagued humankind
in previous eras. Some historians
believe the fall of the Roman
empire was due, in part, to the
ruling class's predilection tor
drinking wine from lead goblets.
Lewis Carroll's Mad Hatter was
See HEAVY METAL, page 5
Special congratulations go to
Sherry Campbell for receiving the
tour-vear school schi ilarship a nd
to Suzanne Slack for earning the
Distinguished Service Award this
The scrapbook submitted bv
ECU took first place for the N.C.
four-year division. Tim Thomburg
won a sweeping victory in the
womanless beauty contest under
the guise1 of "Sofonda Peters
Eietra Gagnon was elected N.C.
chapter vice president.
During the review of chapter
activities, it was noted that ECU
had been very busy. The chapter
donated to Hugo victims in Char-
lotte and Charleston, gave to AIDS
educational research, conducted
two bake sales n order to raise1
funds and attended the phones in
the Homework Hotline program
of Pitt County
Also, members volunteered to
further the goals of ECU'S alumni
teletund, with proceeds going
towards academic scholarships.
Tor the outstanding work done
with the telefund in the previous
year, the 1 ambda chapter received
an award from the Alumni Assv
lambda memborsalso helped
work at Hood drives, had a canned
i(XK drive for Greenville's Shelter
Home and donated tood to a local
day care center. Additionally,
members have given their time to
help out ECU Friends, an organi-
zation modeled after Big Brothers
and Big Sisters. In the forefront of
the fundraisers was a Giveaway
which earned the chapter about
Finally, future plans tor the
honor society include a spring
induction of approximately 300
new members and attendance o
the national convention in Dallas,
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Ecstasy is a designer drug that can kill
I've heard of a drug called
ecstasy. What is it?
MDMA (N-Methy-3, 4 meth-
ylenedioxy amphetamine) or bet-
ter known as "Ecstasy" is a mem-
ber of a family of semi-synthetic
chemicals known as hallucino-
genic amphetamines.
Ecstasy was originally tested,
and legally shelved as an appetite
suppressant in 1914. It broke into
the streets in the late 1960's. In
1985 up to 30,000 doses of ecstasy
were sold on the street per month.
In Julv, 1985 after research studies
indicated that MDMA causes
neurological and brain damage,
the US Drug Enforcement Admini-
stration banned the legal use of the
Today, MDMA is listed as a
Schedule I controlled substance.
This means that, like heroin, it is
not recognized as having any le-
gitimate uses and is illegal under
all circumstances.
On the street, MDMA is sold
in a powder or capsule form and
can be inhaled, injected or swal-
lowed. Effects of the drug begin
within 30 minutes and may last 4-
6 hours.
Many early reports of thedrug
were enthusiastic and claimed
euphoric like "ecstatic" feelings
in its users. More recent informa-
tion has concentrated on the many
negative effects of this drug. In
addition,drugsother than MDMA
can develop quickly and an over-
dose can occur)
2. possible liver damage
3. amphetamine psychosis
4. intensified heart problems
5. severe, lingering effects on
brain cells
6. increased relaxation
7. exhaustion
It is very difficult to detect the
drug's long lasting effects on the
ToYour Health
By Suzanne kellennan
Student Health Center
are being increasingly sold as ec-
stasy, including such substances
asanimal tranquilizersmixed with
caffeine, LSD and worse. It seems
that any substance labeled "ec-
stasy" will sell.
Some of the effects of MDM A
1. tolerance and overdose (it
is an amphetamine thus tolerance
According to one study the
drug may attack areas in the brain
that manufacture the ncurotrans-
mitter serontonin. Lingering ef-
fects on brain cells are still uncer-
These are some of the reasons
that MDMA is considered to be
among the "hardest" of the so-
called "soft" drugs. MDMA pro-
duces severe physical and psy-
chological burnout, even at mod-
erate doses. MDMA obviously is
quite a dangerous drug with seri-
ous known and unknown side
For more information on
MDMA or other "designer drugs"
contact the Student Health Center
(757-6794) or the Office of Sub-
stance Abuse, 303 Erwin (757-
6793). For those who have ques-
tions but wish to remain anony-
mous, letters should be sent to
ECU Health Educator, Student
Health Center, or Office of Sub-
stance Abuse, 303 Erwin Build-
ing. State the drug(s) of concern
and indicate where the informa-
tion can be sent.
'To Your Health" is a weekly
health education and information
column. Please direct any ques-
tions, comments or suggestions to
Abortions from ! 3 to 18 weeks at addtional cost. Pregnancy
Test, Birth Control, and Problem Pregnancy Counseling, For
further information, call 783-0444 (toll free number:
1-800-532-5384) between 9 am and 5 pm weekdays.
General anesthesia available.
Low Cost Abortions Up to 12th Week oPPregnancy
' DINNERS INCLUDE Brunswick Stew. Cole Slaw
Boiled Potatoes or French Fries and Corn Sticks
J PLATES INCLUDE Cole Slaw and Corn Sticks
Honor society receives recognition at convention
SpacUl to The ta?t Carolinian
Ten members oi the Lambda
chapter of ECU attended the 1989
State Convention in Shelby, N.C
Those attending included Tim
Thomburg,chapter president and
NeC student member; Suzanne
Slack, chapter vice president; Di-
etra D. Gagnon, chapter roll sec-
retary; Stacy Truitt, chapter histo-
rian; Sherry Campbell; Sharron
Johnson; Sherry Nicholson;
Annette Pender; Diane Quigley
and Carolyn Yantorn.
Studies indicate drinking
water is contaminated
Staff Writer
Earlier this year, ECU marine
geologist Stan Riggs and cowork-
ers studying the Pamlico River
Estuary reported five "hotspots
well-defined zones where concen-
trations of toxic heavy metals run
up to 25 times higher than the rest
of the e&tuarv. "Experts" from the
EnvironmatfPrdiBWollAnc mertfsrcan tte deadly.
Heavy metals are of critical
interest for several reasons. Natu-
rally present in our environment,
manv of these elements are essen-
tial to health in minor concentra-
tions but are often highly toxic
when present in excess. For ex-
ample, the body requires trace
amountsofzinc,coppcr,and chro-
mium. At slightly higher concen-
trations, however, these same ele-
Special congratulations go to
Sherry Campbell for receiving the
four-year school scholarship and
to Suzanne Slack for earning the
Distinguished Service Award this
The scrapbook submitted by
ECU took first place for the N.C.
four-year division. TimThomburg
won a sweeping victory in the
womanless beauty contest under
the guise of "Sofonda Peters
Dietra Gagnon was elected N.C.
chapter vice president.
During the review of chapter
activities, it was noted that ECU
had been very busy. The chapter
donated to Hugo victims in Char-
lotte and Charleston, gave to AIDS
educational research, conducted
two bake sales in order to raise
funds and attended the phones in
the Homework Hotline program
of Pitt County.
Also, members volunteered to
further the goals of ECU's alumni
telefund, with proceeds going
towards academic scholarships.
For the outstanding work done
with the telefund in the previous
year, the Lambda chapter received
an award from the Alumni Asso-
Lambda members also helped
work at blood drives, had a canned
food drive for Greenville's Shelter
Home and donated food to a local
day care center. Additionally,
members have given their time to
help out ECU Friends, an organi-
zation modeled after Big Brothers
and Big Sisters. In the forefront of
the fundraisers was a Giveaway
which earned the chapter about
Finally, future plans for the
honor society include a spring
induction of approximately 300
new members and attendance of
the national convention in Dallas,
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were sent out to assess the situ
ation, but concluded there was no
hazard. A month later, however,
the EPA was forced to retract their
statement and even conceded that
some nearby towns' drinking
water supplies were in danger of
One of these "hotspots lo-
cated off Texasgulf Co a larger
fertilizer plant, showed extremely
high concentrations of the heavy
metal, cadmium. Cadmiumoccurs
naturally in phosphate ore, which
Texasgulf mines from land along
the river. Since cadmium also
occurs in phosphate-based fertil-
izers, agricultural runoff may also
release small amounts of the metal
into the system.
Other "hotspots" were linked
with large marinas on the river ?
copper-based paint is used on boat
hulls to discourage barnacle
growth ? and to phosphate-based
fertilizer runoff from farms. A fifth
hotspot, showing high levels of
many toxic metals, was thought to
be linked with an old pesticide
Heavy metalsarealsounques-
tionably the most persistent of
pollutantson Earth, says Dr. James
B. Robertson, a certified toxicolo-
gist of the ECU Department of
Environmental Health. "Unlike
better known environmental pol-
lutants such as DDT, PCBs, di-
oxin, mirex, and plastics, heavy
metals have no possibility of
breaking down. They are never
biodegradable says Robertson.
"Indeed, some estuarine organ-
isms can metabolize heavy met-
als, such as mercury, into more
toxic forms. This is what happened
in Minimata Bay, Japan, when 106
people became deformed and
deranged from eating mercury-
tainted seafood
Given their inexorable persis-
tence, it comes as no surprise that
heavy metals plagued humankind
in previous eras. Some historians
believe the fall of the Roman
empire was due, in part, to the
ruling class's predilection for
drinking wine from lead goblets.
Lewis Carroll's Mad Hatter was
See HEAVY METAL, page 5
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$cott Maxwell, m? e?
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Beth Lupton,
November 30, 1
Page 4
We're on our own
Picture this:
You're 35 years old, on your way to
work and you get arrested. You are a victim
of blatant discrimination, so you approach
the company you're representing to ask for
legal assistance. You're denied. Not onlv
are you denved that counsel, but you're told
that you really weren't a representative of
the company that particular dav and subse-
quently will receive no support.
Hoes this seem far-fetched? It is. You
would have to be in your earlv twenties and
a college student for the storv-linc to fall
into place.
Thomas Walters, the general manager
of The Buccaneer and a free-lance photo
journalist, is just one of the many persons
arrested at Tar River Apartments on Hal-
loween. He and manv others were arrested
that night for failing to disperse from a
partv they never attended. Cuffs wore
slapped on Walters' wrists and his rights
were denied, as captured bv local newsta-
The Buccaneer, The East Carolinian,
and The Daily Reflector all partook of the
pictures Walters later took at the police
station downtown. By then his camera was
returned to him. The Media Board came out
in support of him but the administration,
par for the course, washed their hands of
the matter
Walters is a typical student who was
doing his job. Other journalists and camera-
men were not arrested. If thev had looked
like "just another college student" then
perhaps they would have been.
What will bo the next discrimination for
our age group? The Greenville police were
college student hungry on Halloween.
Thev made it clear that we're looked at as
college students first ? a group they've
stereotyped with a negative image ? and
rights such as the first Amendment, arc of
no concern when dealing with us.
Students must continue to fight the
attitude the city displayed of "putting those
college students down Whether you were
delivering a piza or being the designated
driver, you would have been arrested if you
were so much as across the street from Tar
River Apartments on Halloween.
To drill or not to drill is the question
By Nathaniel Mead
Uitonil Columnist
When was the last time vou
took a good long walk on the
beach For me, it was just recently,
over Thanksgiving break. Chi Sat-
urday- the water looked especially
fresh. At sunset 1 spotted an un-
dulating line of low-flving peli-
cans nearly skimmed the shim-
mering white crescent of a perfect
wave. The pristine Carolina coast
has so much magic, even during
the colder seasons.
That magic could be lost,
however, if we allow Mobil todrill
for natural gas and oil 45 miles
offshore. Sadly, it seems the oil
spill that blackened the Alaskan
coast aroused onlv passing na-
tional concern over offshore oil
operations. Here in North Caro-
lina, public scrutiny of Mobil Oil
Corps plan to search for natural
gas off the Outer Banks has been
weak indeed. The last public hear-
ing I attended, I counted onlv four
college age people.
Mobil and federal officials
have continually described the
drilling as "low-risk They say
such exploratory drilling seldom
causes oil spills. They say the tinv
compu ter moni tors along the forty
five mile pipeline will detect all
leaks if they occur. And even if a
spill does occur, the experts say it
can lie contained by modern tech-
nology. That's the same line they
fed the Alaskans before the Exxon
Valdez permanently tainted the
magnificent Alaskan coastline.
The slew of oily accidents
occurring this year ?five spills in
themonthof Junealone!? clearly
shows the need for more exten-
sive environmental studies before
any drilling isdone near the Outer
Banks. One of the difficult ques-
tions, as yet unanswered, is how
we are to assess risk in an area that
regularly experiences some of the
most turbulent offshore weather
in the world.
Perhaps a more crucial ques-
tion is, what will happen if Mobil
finds oil? Of course, they will
push to drill, and they will pro-
vide plenty of glossy incentives
for that to occur. For example,
coastal residents will receive tax
breaks and job opportunities.
Unfortunately, the super-rich
oil industry has tremendous
power in Congress. George Bush,
himself once a Texas oilman, is a
leading scion of the Rockefeller oil
monopoly. Rest assured: If oil is
discovered, then federal approval
is a given. It's not for nothing that
Bush waited two long weeks be-
fore even commenting on the
Alaskan oil disaster.
Moreover, there is no future
in fossil fuels. The once enormous
reserves of this nonrenewable
resource are rapidly dwindling.
and the pollution thev cause is no
longer acceptable. Despite this
reality, the ReaganBush team
slashed funding for conservation
bv 70,research and development
of renewable energy sources bv
83randautoefficiency standards
rolled back from 27.5 to 26 miles
per gallon. I et's not give them anv
more incentive for such foolhardv
policies Given our present air
pollution situation, promotion of
solar energy and other renewable
energy technologies is our global
TheOuterBanksisabad place
to drill for more than merely aes-
thetic reasons. It also encloses the
second largest estuarv after Che-
sapeake Bay and the most pro-
ductive estuarv for its size. Of
course, in the event of a large spill,
most of the seabirds and marine
mammals which now grace our
coasts and estuaries will die and
will never be adequately replaced.
How high a price are we willing to
pay? Are we willing to lose our
fishing and tourist industries if an
accident occurs?
Recently I received a mam-
moth Environmental Report (ER)
?1,500 pages ? from the Depart-
ment of the Interior's Minerals
Management Service (MMS),
which monitors offshore oil de-
velopment, on proposed drilling
off the Outer Banks. "This Envi-
ronmental Report is the most
comprehensive analysis ever con-
ducted on a proposed exploration
well in the history of the OCS
program says MMS Deputy
Director Ed Cassidy. "Consider-
able credit is due to MMS's
environmental and technical ex-
perts who have worked practi-
cally around-the-clock to make
this draft ER available on sched-
The report was visually im-
pressive, but who would read such
a voluminous and highly techni-
cal document? Of course, the re-
port could not begin to answer the
most crucial question of whether
or not a spill will enrcur with such
operation. Risk is a most dubious
concept when it comes to environ-
mental catastrophes on the scale
of the oil-slimed beaches of Prince
William Sound and the Gulf of
Alaska. Just take a look on the
mapand imagine the sameamount
of coastline affected on our Outer
Banks. Goodbye beaches, goodbye
estuary, goodbye East Carolina.
Speaking of Alaska, it's inter-
esting to note parallels between
Alaska and North Carolina. Nine
of every ten Alaskans supported
the Alaska stateofficials' effortsin
Congress to open the coastal plain
of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge to oil and gas exploration.
Ostensibly, the people were poor
and wanted an economic boost.
(All residents now qualify for an
annual oil dividend.) The oil com-
panies' main selling point wasalso
quite enticing and vaguely famil-
iar "Trust us ? we've got the
ability and the record to protect
the environment and give you
more jobs Sadly, many North
Carolinians are buying the same
Finally, any further oil devel-
opment will promote the green-
house effect, which threatens to
alter global climate patterns in
potentially catastrophic ways.
Indeed, if ice caps melt and ocean
levels rise as predicted to occur
with global warming, we will not
have any Outer Banks at all! And
as most kidscan tell you, the major
cause of the greenhouse effect is
the burning of oil and other fossil
fuels. Let's begin weaning our-
selves instead of reinforcing our
selfish gluttony.
MMS has scheduled four
public hearings to gather com-
ments on the draft ER. The closest
one to Greenville will be at the
Beaufort Community College in
Washington (about 22 miles bi-
cycle ride) on December 6. Each
hearing will have two sessions,
the first beginning at 3 p.m to 6
p.m. and the second from 7 p.m. to
10 p.m. Oral presentations may be
supplemented by written com-
ments, though such presentations
must be limited to 10 minutes.
Anyone who values the white
sands and awesome surf of North
Carolina beaches should attend
the MMS hearing. Anyone who
cares about our own future, not to
mention our children's, should
attend. Anyone who thinks off-
shore oil drilling is a good thing,
don't bother coming ? you are
already well represented by oil
officials on the MMS staff, in
Congress, and by the President
Incidentally, President Bush
says we need to drill offshore
because we need the oil. But we
need the coastal wildlife too, and
our beloved estuary?both parts
of the great ecological chain that
makes our planet habitable, and
both irreplaceable. Oil that re-
mains in the ground, however,
can be replaced (by solar, wind
power, etc.) if there's the human
will to do so?that is, if wo uV
people are willing.
The long-term, global view
sees the oil issue as fundamen-
tally an issue of survival. Mature
human beings are concerned not
only with today, but also with
tomorrow and the future of hu-
manity decades from now. It's
time to grow up and take stock of
our future. Even if you don't plant
to speak out, please make your
presence felt in Washington, N.C
on December 6.
Anyone with questions about
the MMS report can call Tom Perlic
of the Sierra Club at 946-9306, in
What is there to be afraid of ?
To the editor.
Most people are afraid of
snakesand manvcouldn t be paid
to even touch one. Yet, most snakes
aren't poisonous, and theories that
are take fewer lives than do bees
and wasps and other stingers.
And, most people don't even
venture to the edge of a cliff
Scared1 lu A sensible
On the other hand, most
people are terrified bv AIDS. A
massive medical effort is being
made against it. But this always
deadly disease could be stopped
by just avoiding homosexual prac-
tices, promiscuous sex. and shar-
ing drug needles.
And, drugs? Whv use anv il-
legal drugs1 Thev destroy,
whether smoked, sniffed, or in-
jected. Onlv stupid people ruin
But what about cigarettes?
They contribute to more fatal
cancer, heart and c irculatory, and
other disease's than anything else
common and totally unnecessary
use today.
And what about liquor? It
causes illness, deprives families,
destroys homes, puts drunk driv-
ers on the roads, and kills inno-
cent people.
Most people would rather tal k
about snakes and cliffs and AIDs
? even, thing is just plain "med-
dling" (especially when those
involved are college students).
Hal Snvder
Graduate Assistant
Department of English
Free choice or
birth control?
To the editor:
In their attempt to seize the
moral high ground in the abortion
debate, pro-abortionists insists on
theprochoice" label. They claim
they are protecting the principles
of individual liberty ? "We must
be able to make free choices in our
lives with minimal government
intrusion" ? rather than advocat-
ing abortion per so as a form of
birth control.
But pro-abortion groups are
hypocritical and inconsistent
when applying the principle of
choice to other policy areas.
For example, the National
Education Association's official
position on abortion is pro-
choice Yet this is the same or-
ganization which adamantly
opposes the idea oi giving low-
income parents a choice as to
where they send their children to
school ? perhaps by supplying
them with education vouchers.
Those who claim that we
should have the "freedom to
choose" to take a way the constitu-
tionally-protected right to life of
an innocent unborn child are NOT
prochoice neither where abor-
tion is concerned, nor in a host of
other areas.
To be philosophically consis-
tent, those who call themselves
prochoice" should agree that:
An American should have
the right to own a gun.
An individual should have
the right to join a union, but should
never be required to join a union
to work.
A worker and an employer
should be permitted to freely en-
ter into a contract for work at any
level of pay, without the shackles
of a government minimum wage.
An employer should be per-
mitted to hire anv worker regard-
less of their race or sex. Quotas,
affirmativeaction and comparable
worth are NOT pro-choice.
'Taxpayers should not be
forced to fund an activity that
they might find morally offensive,
such as abortion
lustin Sturz
English Major
The time isn't
yet upon us
To the editor:
An interesting right-wing
group has sett led in Montana next
to Yellowstone Park. Their leader,
a woman named "Prophet (or
"Profit") has raked in enough
dough so that thev are now en-
sconced on 33 thousand acres of
prime land on which thev are fran-
tically build inghumongous bomb
shelters in preparation for the
impeding economic collapse and
nuclear doomsday predicted by
Prophet to occur in 1990 "accord-
ing to the Book of Revelation
My opinion is thev are "jump-
ing the gun" just a little, for the
time is not quite vet. The Nuke
War is ahead vet bv eight to twelve
years, so relax Credit debt will
much sooner bring the economic
collapse of capitalism like the
house of cards that it is. We are
looking down the pike only two,
maybe three years to the CWD
(Coming World Expression). Bv
1992 it's all going precipitously
down the tubes.
Like the quintessential bov
scout with his waterproof con-
tainer of matches and compass,
we need to BE PREPARED. Those
who are well prepared have a
chance to survive. In that respect,
the Prophet and her followers are
on the right track. You can bet the
super rich bankers will survive
come economic collapseor nuclear
war. Our government is prepar-
ing to survive although it cares
very little how many civilians die
in either the CWD or the Thirty
Minute War.
Man dreams of having a time
machine to go "back to the future"
and return. Most of those who
survive the CWD to witness the
Thirty Minute War on H-Day will
die of radiation sickness like rats
in a sewer.
Recently, an anonymous in-
dividual told me: "You have the
most valuable asset of all, TIME
No boss, no company, no time
clock owns your time. Millions of
people have money and wish they
had time. You cannot truthfully
say. Time is Money There is no
comparison. Of those two, TIME
is most unequivocally valuable
As the hands on our watches
spin ever faster, we search for a
bridge between TIME, SPACE and
MIND. Our days remaining ap-
pear numbered. Rule number one:
Buy nothing on credit. Secondly,
pay out or phase out all existing
credit. If you are in a bind, default
and face the consequences. If the
creditor class were to drown in its
own tears, our country, our pride
in ourselves is not lost. The world
will be a better place for it, once all
is said and done!
While our minds with dope
we deaden,
Shall we stand at Armaged
If in dope we hope, we si
With our country and all
Think about it anyway Ha
a good one!
Goodbye ECU I love you
Richard ?
- nior
i ieography
"Fur is Dead"
To the editor
ECU Students for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (SF1 A) will
be sponsoring a "ELK IS DE '
demonstration on Tuesday, l
comber 5 from 3 r p.m. on the
sidewalk of CreenvilfeBouievard
near the entrance to The PI ia
The purpose of the demonstra tioi
is to inform the Greenville. H('l
community that a great deal of
suffering goes into each and ever
fur coat.
The main ingredient in every
fur coat is suffering For each coat
up to 40 animals must be killed
These animals are either rand
raised or trapped. If ranch rais d
the animals are likely crowd
into small cages that have win
mesh floors which deform
irritate the animals' feet. In addi
tion, fur ranches don't fall under
the Humane Slaughter Act, and as
a result, the animals are usii
electrocuted, gassed, suffocated
or strangled, whichever is most
economical and makes for the best
pelt. If trapped, the animals ofl
must wait in agonv for se i
hours or even days to be kil
Many chew their paws vt! t . -
cape. The traps are indiscriminate,
catching mother animals (wl
babies will then starve), pets, and
endangered species Over 1
the animals caught are non-target
animals whose furs aren't valu
A secondary purpose ot tru
event is to inform people thai
public sentiment is rapidlv rum
ing against fur and that soon tin
wearing of furs will likely be ta
boo as is now the case in mam
European countries, and therefore.
the purchasing of a fur now is a
bad investment.
Please join us in speaking out
for the voiceless. For a nde to the
event, meet at Mendenhall near
the automated teller at 2:3(1 If vou
can bring your sign, please do. It
not, ECU SETA will have some
Denisc Fossett
Vice President
The letters printed in The
CampusForum" will contain cur-
rent topics of concern to the
campus, community or nation.
The letters are restricted only
with regard to rules of grammar
and decency. Send letters to:
Campus ForumSpectrum
The East Carolinian
East Carolina University
Old South Building
Greenville, NC 27834

Area educators study business skills
Twenty Pitt County teachers
have become students during the
past six weeks in classes taught by
area industrialists.
In a unique partnership be
tween business and education, the
teachers were picked to partici-
pate in the first Pitt County Teacher
Executive Institute. For the past
six weeks these teachers have
spent one day a week in a different
industrial or business plant learn-
ing from business executives the
leadership skills taught to their
Heavy Metal
caricatured after the 19th century
hat-makers who used mercury in
the production of hat felt. In
modern times, the old-people's
disease, Alzheimer's disease, has
been associated with high levels
of aluminum in the brain.
With industry unconsciona-
bly spewing effluents of all kinds
into the environment, our mod-
em food and water supply have
become increasingly contami-
nated with heavy metals. Herbi-
cides and fungicides, designed to
kill, tend to contain substantial
amounts of arsenic and mercury
and trace amounts of these sub
stances will gradually accumulate
in our fatty body tissues.
As documented in Michael
Weiner's Maximum Immunity
(Houghton-Mifflin Co Boston.
186), slightly elevated exposures
to cadmium, mercury, and lead
will supress manv key aspects of
immune function and increase
one's susceptibility to infection.
Even very low, theoretically safe
levels of these metals may incur
cumulative damage on the nen
ous system, particular lv in grow
ing children. Various free radicals
(highly unstable and reactive
molecules which cause tissue
degeneration) are formed in the
presence of common heavy met-
Some of the earliest reports ot
cadmium toxicity involved factory-
workers exposed to cadmium
oxide who then developed em-
physema and, in some cases, fatal
pneumonia. Besides phosphate-
based fertilizers, which readily
pass cadmium from soil to plants
to animal, the metal can co me fro in
cigarette smoke, elcctroplatine
industry emissions, cadmium-
plated trays and wise). ind sM!
water that remains in contact with
galvanized or black polyethylene
In an August 15, 1987 article
"High-Cadmium Diet: Recipe tor
Stress? Science News reported on
studies showing that cadmium
increased anxiety and decreased
stress-coping ability in rats. Cad-
mium also threatens our vitality
by lowering unavailability of zinc,
which isessential to strong immu -
Increasing concentrations of
mercury are being detected in
many freshwater fish and shell
fish. Perhaps more within the
realm of control, mercury exists in
the silver amalgams used widely
by dentists. Recent research indi
cates that mercury may leach from
silver fillings into the bloodstream
to cause immune suppression and
other toxic effects. As reported in
the May 1984 journal of Prosthetic
Dentistry,a dentist removed amal-
gam fillings from three patients
and observed a proportionate
increasein key immunecellscalled
T cells. When the amalgam was
restored, the T cell levels dropped
again, suggesting that amalgam
fillings seriously depress this vita)
cell population. Alloys of nickel.
which is also used in dental work,
may have a similar effect on
immune function.
Two other heavy metals of
major concern are lead and alumi-
num. Aluminum, the most abun-
dant mineral in the soil, is increas-
ingly released into the food chain
by acid rain. It also presents a
problem for those using alumi-
num cookware ? particularly
Aluminum has been linked with
neurological disorders, reduced
bone density, and poor absorp-
tion of minerals selenium and
Lead, another common bypro-
duct of arid rain, has recently been
linked with a high incidence of
learning disabilities in urban chil-
dren. City people tend to have a
lead level five-hundred times
greater than our ancestors had,
probably due to automobile ex-
haust and other air pollution, lead-
containing paints, and the pres-
ence of lead in the typical Ameri-
can diet and public water supply.
According to George James in
Nutrition and Killer Diseases.
Also included in the course
was a tour of the six plants in
order that teachers may share with
their students and fellow teachers
information about available re-
sources in Pitt County. The six
companies Burroughs
WellcomeCoCanlina Telephone
and Telegraph Co Pitt County
Memorial Hospital, Procter and
Gamble Paper Products Co
Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. and
Yale Materials and Handling
Corporation ? also planned a
(Noyes Publications, Park Ridge,
N 1982) lead toxicity is associ-
ated with brain damage, neuritis
and kidney c nicer.
Heavy Metal Solutions
Of the many dimensions to
the heavy metal problem, some
are obviousK less amenable to
change than others Operators of
pulp mills and municipal treat-
ment plan's discharge millions of
gallons of metal contaminated
water per day. In order to dis-
harge v aste water at legal levels,
these plants simply dilute the
discharge, adding more water so
the concentration ot metals re-
mains low. But this still allows
them to release large volumes of
hea v metals into the rivers.lere
government should require
nu re stringent monitoring meas-
ures or work to establish safei
discharge strategies.
heavy metal pollution must be
dealt with at its source. Rather
than usecopper-based paint, boat-
owners ? ould allow the bamac les
to grow, scraping them off pen-
odically by hand. Rather than use
the problem of
dinner honoring the participants
and their spouses as a concluding
The Teacher Executive Insti-
tute was planned by the Pitt
County Educational Foundation.
During the early spring, the N.C.
Center for the Advancement of
Teaching will host a weekend re-
treat at Quail Roost near Chapel
Hill for the participants to reflect
upon what they have learned. The
Institute has attracted attention
from across the state as a first of its
kind for teachers.
Continued from page 3
chemicals, farmers could switch
to organic methods. The more
formidable hurdle will be to reori-
ent big businesses such as Tex-
asgulf and Weyerhauser, both of
whom provide thousands of jobs
and whose prime concern is short-
term profit. Here the major ob-
stacle is the mighty dollar. As
heavy metals poison the human
body, so does greed poison hu-
man reason. Government will
have to intervene, though admit-
tedly this may mean waiting an-
other four years.
The second solution to the
heavy-metal problem is to mini-
mize human exposure. This can
take various forms. If you eat fish,
for example, the best choice is
white-meat, saltwater fish, since
that variety will contain little if
any mercury.
Other solutions, such as acti-
vated carbon waterfilters, are
based on commonsense?as long
as you're still healthy enough to
clearly consider them and take
firm action. But don't wait to
become a Mad Hatter. Prevention
is always best!
There's a PS2 that's
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Proprinter III wCable (42GH003) $399
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Starl i.iit the new year right. Check out all these special savings
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Must be neat Call 830-1302 anytime
ROOM FOR RENT: Riltmorestreet. $125
a month- male or female Call Luke at 752-
4464 Leave a message
2899 E. 5th Street
(A?k u iS?it oui e.i?l rate to Livuigr Icoct. ami
dscj-tunts for Decrmhrr rrnuU)
? 1 ?.aUui Near ECU
? Near Major Shopping Centers
? ECU Bus Service
? Onsite Laundry
Ccnua J T Wiliumi n T.mim WUlura
756-7815 or 758-7436
O RAN ?NT QUIT on Mm fumuhod ?puniau onrrxv
rfTlcwni. ftm wtW nd trn apiuna: ??is Aiytn. ?hk :
v 122. ? moift A month ItaM
MOMLI HOME RKVT411 p?tm?,? nM, ho?, ?
Al? KRlcu near Brook Vilify I ounlr (TiA
. Conua J T Waiiami or Tarnnr WiHi??
1 S?115
FEMAIF ROOMMAlb: Responsible &
considerate $135 per month13 utili-
ties Private bedroom & bath Available
now s,l s.s.s)
ROOMS FOR RENT Walk to school
Utilities furnished $137.50, month. 757-
$150 month phis 1 2 utilities Non
smoker and no pets i ocated doae to
campus ott IQth street Apartment is
completely furnished except for bedroom,
"seeking tun and energetic individual
Please call 758 0676 after 10pm
plus utilities convenient to ECU campus
Student Stores
Wright Building
Call 752.959 ask for Kerry.
semester cheap rent 1 3 utilities. Lo-
cated next to campus behind Chico's -
Brand New Apts. Call Liz - 758-3094.
dition, 4 miles east of Greenville, Near
Simpson. Call 758-3579.
ROOMMATE WANTED: 12 block from
campus on BiltmoreSt, $112 50 month ?
112 utilities Call 75H-2393.
month share utilities Private home close
to campus. 931 8312
FOR RENT: Immediately, nice one bed-
room apt, Fairlane Farms, $365, call 757-
share apt at Tar river. Will have own
bednxim. Rest fullv furnished. If inter-
ested call 931-7399
share 2 bedroom apartment. Close to
campus $131.66 month 13 utilities
7 52 8324
FOR RENT: Nearcampusupstairs,2room
apartment Private en trance. $250 month,
utilities included No pets. Call 752-1043.
ROOMATE NEEDED: (Male) 14 utili
ties Fullv furnished close to campus 738-
99c' Imports
99c Hi Balls
99 Memberships
George's Guif Station
I 27(ME. lOihSt j
j Oil, Filter, Lube
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j Only $14.95 j
Oilh this coupon)
(foreign & dicsel slightly higher) I
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(with this coupon)
r -1
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Tire Rotation
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Used Tire Special $5 & Up
I or any of your Auto Service Needs
Gulf, B.P. & All Major Credit
Cards Exccptcd
Gulf Oil &
Atlas Products
3 BEDROOM: 1 bath apartment, 4 blocks
from ECU. Available January 1,1990. Call
TANDY COMPUTER: Monitor, Printer,
and internal disk drive Price neg Call
after 5 00 at 758-5227.
FURNITURE: Couch, 2 chairs, 2end tables
Ac coffee table. Full size, hard wood. Per-
fect condition. Call after 5 00 at 355-8092
andor leave message
AUTOS: Is it true vou can buv )eeps for
$44 through the U.S. GovernmentBet the
facts today! Call 1-312-742-1142 Ext. 5271
VEHICLES: Can vou buy Jeeps, Cars, 4 x
4's. Seized in drug raids for under SI 00.00?
cal for facts today. 805-644-9533. Dept.
FOR SALE: Handcrafted Jewelrv, ear-
rings, 1 lairclips, anklets, and more Over
150 items to choose from can custom
make sorority colors Christmas is just
around the corner' Call today! sandv931-
7839 leave message
Cancun, Bahamas, etc. At the guaranteed
lowest prices! Early bird special and
chances for a free trip! Call Michelle at 758-
3154 for information
SCUBA EQUIPMENT: Top of the line
diving gear from wetsuits to computers all
brand new and going fast Call Adam at
738-5962 for more into pist in time tor x
BY OWNER: Belvedere Subdivision, 302
Belvedere Dr Attractive, brick home, 1
bedrooms, 112 baths, well - landscaped,
with nice private backyard and storage
building in established, desirable neigh-
borhood $79,300 Call after 6pm and
weekends, 756-1892
ATTENTION: Government seized ve
hides from SI 00 Fords, Mercedes, Cor
vettes, Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide. 1
602-838-8883 Ext A 5285
ATTENTION: Government homes from
SI (u-repair). Delinquent tax property
Repossessions Call 1-602-8384885 Ext
GH - 5285
PRESENT? Norwegian imported book bag
for sale should be the answer for more
info, call Benedurte on phone 757-3861
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30-4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
C?J1 for jppointmrm Mon thru St
' ow Co Termination to 20 wcrkj of Pregnancy
white, hip length, rabbit fur coat SI HO
Brand new. Call evenings 355-3094.
chair Navv blue and tan, fair condition
Must sell immediately Call 758-4924
light, heater, pump and everything else
needed are included Call Chris at 757-
RADAR DETECTOR: Bel Vector micro
eve Works like a charm Call Chris at 757
TYPING SERVICF Papers, resumes,
thesis, etc. that need to be typed, please call
756 8934 between 5:30pm 930pm. 17yrs
typing experience. Typing is done on
computer with letter quality printer
Designer type. 752 1931 We take reserva-
tions for typing reports
ING SERVICES: We otter typing and
photocopying services. We also soil soft-
ware and computers 24 hrs in it out
guarantee typing on paper up to 20 hand
written pages SDF Professional comput-
ers. 106 E 5th St (beside Cubbies) Green-
ville, N.C 752 3694
GET ABOARD: Pirate rid 3 routes on
the hour around campus Call757 4724for
more details
special someone today!all Datetime at
(405) 366 6335
TYPIST: With state of the art W rd
processing equipment jJ Laser printer
Will meet your typing needs Call eve
nings 756 1837
NEED A PICK-UP: for a small or medium
iojd7 Moving lix'allv? Will haul furniture,
household items, brush piles, rmscall
Vernon after 5pm at 757 0462
TVT1NG: Papers, resumes theses, etc
Call Beckv between hours 8 30 am ipm
only Will not be at this n after 5pm 758
oin, Bahamas, Bermuda, etc. At the guar
antoed lowest prices! discounts available
for fraternities, sororities and organized
groups Save Money' Reserve before Dec
15. Call Julie at 931 8525 or Chern at 931-
jobs- your area Many immediate open-
ings without waiting list or test $1734
$69,485. Call 1-602-838 8885 Ext R5285
1 loney Baked 1 lam Co is in search of sea
sonal help to fill our sales counter and
production positions. We have stores lo-
cated in the following markets: Raleigh,
Durham, Greensboro, Winston Salem,
Wilmington,Charlotte, and Atlanta Please
check the white pages or information for
the store nearest your home.
GOVERNMENT JOBS: S16.040-S59,230
yr. Now hiring. Call 1-805-687-6000 Ext
R - 1166 for current federal list.
Positions Open at
mz (Bast Carol in tan:
Assistant Credit Manager Advertising Representative
Managering Editior
Layout Artist
Staff Illustrator
Staff Writers
Apply Today
Please bring resume'
Greenville Recreation and Parks Depart
ment is recruiting for 12 to 16 part-time
youth basketball coaches for the winter
youth basketball program applicantsmusi
possess some knowledge of basketball
skills and have ability and patience to work
with youths Applicants must be able t.
coach voung people, ages 9 18, in basket
ball fundamentals Hoursare from 3 pm to
7 pm with some night and weekend coach
ing This program will run from Noverr
ber27 to mid Fohruar. Salary rate starts
at S 3 H5 per hr for more informant -
please call Ben James at 130-4543 or 830
MODFLS: Needed part time for linger,
and exercise production Send photo ana
resume to Models, CO DR. P.O. Box
17, drawer 1446, Greenville, N C. 27834
dants, travel agents, mechanics, customer
service Listings Salaries to SI 05K Entry
level positions Call (1) 805-687-6000 Ext
No experience all ages, kids, teens
voung adults, families, mature people
animals, etc Call now' Charm Studios - 1
ATTENTION: earn money readingbook.s'
S32.000 vt income potential Details
602-838-8885 Ex( Bk5285
Needed for morning, afternoon and wex ?
end work Average -if 25 hrs per wa ?
Apply in person Greenville Athletic Club
140Oakmont Pr
WANTED: full and part - time help Ab
minimum wage to start Must have ?
driver's licence Apply in person at Adam's
Auto Wash Mon - Wed 8- 6pm Corner
of Red Banks Rd and Greenville Bivd S
PART - TIME HELP Video tape editors
Proficient with 34" video Flexible hrs
News-oriented work ('all Chris McDaniel.
News Director W!T - TV, 946-3131
W1TN is an Equal Opportunity Employ) i
local law firm Ham 1pm . Monday
Friday Please call Car la at 355 030
Al I ORGANIZATIONS: That purchased
a block in from of the Studen t Store to paint
Logo The time to paint will be Friday Dec
1 at 2:00pm For into Call 757-4726
the Student Union' Come out to the Christ
mas Tree Trim mi ng Party on Monday Dec
4 at 7pm
DELTA 7ETA: Slopes rha' esrvo- e bad
a great Thanksgiving Break" Good luck
on finals'
RDU airport, Januaxv 4th I the dav before
classes) after 7pm I will pay $10 plus gas
. Please call Jill at 931-7642
PI KA: Congratulates Stacy 1 lail, the new
IFC treasurer
ATTN. PIKES: Get read) bo rage at Cock
tail this Friday - full throttle'
PI KA: Welcomes the 1989 fall (sapps
pledge class into the bonds of brother
hood. Congratulations Brothers'
LADIES OF AXID: Get ready to Twist The
Night Awav on Thursday' Pike is it
PEOPLE: Become involved and find out
what different organizations vou can be-
come involved in Attend the first meeting
on Dec. 4 at 4pm in Mendenhall MulrJ
purpose room
Find out what ECU has to offer vou and
what you can offer ECU Attend Freshmen
Leadership Program Tues Dec. 4 at 4pm
in the Mendenhall Multi - purpose room
cepting cash donations in the bookstore
Nov 28 - dec 9-2. Proceeds will help a
needy family for X - Mas
THETA CHI PLEDGES: soon you guvs
will have aged enough to become realiv
sharp cheese Hang in there and good luck
because it's almost over' The brothers
MEME! We love vou' We missed vou last
week! AXID
AXID: Would like to extend a special
thanks to all of our past officers You all
did an outstanding job and we are proud
of you!
PIKA: Looking forward to getting
"twisted" tonight how bout vou77 Love
AXID: Congratulations to the new-
execWe're proud of you and know you'll
do a great job and also thanks to last years
exec for all the hard work vou've done
We love you - AXID sisters and pledges
DELTA FORCE: On Nov 3 the Pike's
thought they had revenge, but little did
they know this was not the end' Tonight
they will see us at our best Until our
revenge we will not rest' May the force be
with you!
AXID OFFICERS: President Kathy
Moore, Vice - president - Missy Palmet,
Treasurer - Janna Ramey, Membership -
Shari Booth, PLedge Educator - Laura
Busch, Panhellic - Amy Antoniak, Finan-
cial Chairman - Treacy Taylor, Alumnae
Chairman - Allison Thomas, Philanthropy
- Julie Wessler, Scholarship - Tonya Hit
dreth. Recording sec - Sarah Condit, Cor
responding Sec - Kathy Mdnick, Ritual -
Lara FJlengton, Marshall - Mary Marzalack,
Chaplin - JulieSoltez, Quill - Trish Pridgen
We are proud of you!

The East Carolinian wnll be changing its
policy concerning announcements start
ing in January, announcements will now
be free tor onl v the 1st week of publication,
atter that week there will be a charge of .
1st 23 words for student organizations -
s; (V and for non- student organizations
S 00 anv additional words will be S.OS.s
The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test will
be .administered on Nov 9 and 30 in rm.
508 of Wnght Annex Testing will begin at
? both dates Successful testing can lead
to a challenging )ob as an Air Force Officer.
pilot, navigator, engineer, computer
?Tcntist, manager and a variety of others
c all757-6597orstopb) room3(Vot Wnght
nnex to sign up tor the test and discuss
.uir options
testers Mimes, magicians and other Elia-
bethart characters, the Student Union
would like to talk to you about performing
the Madrigal Dinners Call 737 471 land
.1-1. tor Ron Maxwell.
Fhe ECU Lacrosse team is looking tor anv
terested staft or tacultv member to coach
? the spring 1J0 season If interested
I , i contact John or Kelly at 737-1537
I ast available apartment Sheraton
oceanfronl 5 - star luxury apartment 8
days and 7 nights (March 4-11). Sleeps 10
comfortably: $200 per person 3 full baths
acuzzi Completely furnished kitchen with
rowave Contact J55-6500.
formist Party holds meetings every
esday at 5pm in the C.CH, rm 1032 All
factions of campus are welcome and en
?iced to attend
mputer science, math, chemistry, and
. sics maiors are raveled tor C iv op ji
rions in Charlottesville, Virginia (Very
accessible work environmentandcommu
mtv i Please contact the cooperati e edu-
m office 2028 GCB, 757-6979
Performing Arts companv in Virginia has
op positions available in media rela
tions advertising, publication technical
theatre, and education. Please contact the
Cooperative Education office, 2028 GCB,
We will meet Thrus. Nov. 30 in rm 305
loyner Librarv
Ev?Y T?- tJVm ln 210 Erwui Hall,
Big Kids meet to discuss common con
cems . It your lite ha been affected past or
present bv having been raised in a home or
environment where alcoholic or other
dysfunctional behaviors were present, this
group may be for you. For more infoCall
77 673, Office of Substance Abuse Pre-
vention Education.
"Deck the Halls" with ECU's Symphonic
Wind Ensemble, the combined ECU choirs,
brass choir, and St Nicholas in wright
Auditonum at 7.30pm on Monday, Dec. 4.
The program offers a collage of sounds
and sights, with music ranging from
"Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" to
Dello Joio's "Variations on a Medieval
Tune " St Paul's Episcopal Church choir
will be featured, singing "Silent Night as
it was heard the first time, and the audi-
ence will be invited to join in the singing of
familiar carols. This old-fashioned cele-
bration of the holidays is sponsored by the
Fnends of the ECU School of Music and is
a wonderful time for the en tire community
to begin a festive season. The program
length is planned to allow children, of all
ages, to be home at a reasonable hour. The
1 lolidav Concert is free and open to the
During the week of Nov. 27 - Dec. 1, a
survey of student opinion of instruction
will be conducted at ECU. Questionnaires
will be distributed in every class with
opportunity to express opinions on the
teaching effectiveness of their instructors
in those classes
lnvi tes you and your family to the lighting
and dedication ceremony of the Lights of
Love tree at Pitt County Memorial Hospi-
tal on Dec 1 at 7pm Lights may be pur-
chased in memory or honor of a friend or
loved one for S3 Their name will be place
in a Book of I lonor which will bedisplayed
ar round at the hospital Your tax de-
ductible monies will go for community
health education protects Call 75r7129
for further into
It you are interested in alcohol awareness
ami concerned about helping prevent al-
cohol abuse on campus,
B A . i til's (Boost Alcohol Consoouv
ness on i rning the 1 lealth of University
Students I is the student organisation for
you EveryTues at4pmin210ErwinHall.
For more info contact the Office of Sub-
stance Abuse Prevention and Education,
757-6793,303 Erwin Hall
Come to the "European Night an eve-
ning organized by the International stu-
dent Asso under the theme"Chnstmas in
Europe It will be held in Mendenhallon
Dec 2 Tickets will be on sale at the door
for S2 50
Pnmetime. CCC weekly meeting, is at
7 JOpm Thur. in Brewster C- 103. Join us
for tun fellowship and biblical input that's
relevant to the college campus. Everyone
Amnesty Int'l will be sponsoring a petition
sign in front of the Student Store on Dec. 1
from 10am - 3pm. The petition will be for
political prisoners in China. Please come
out and sign . Make the difference. Let
your voice be their voice because their
voice has been taken away.
"Fiesta" The Spanish club will be having a
Christmas party Mon. Dec. 4 at 4pm 3rd
floor GCB. foreign language department
lounge. There will be food, refreshments
and songs.
Attention Gamma Beta Phi members:
There will be a meeting on Thrus. Nov. 30
at 7pm. This is the last meeting of the
semester and point cards are due. Be sure
to ask how the convention went.
Joyner Library is accepting monetary
donations to provide Christmas gifts for
the foster children of Pitt County from
Nov. 27 to Dec. 8. Your tax deductible
contribution can be made at Joyner Li-
brary Administrative Dept. from 8am till
5pm weekdays. Make your check payable
to ECU - foster children fund. Show the
children that you care this holiday season.
Concert Band Concert (Nov. 29, 8:15pm,
Wright Auditorium, free); Jazz Ensemble
concert (Nov. 30,8:15 pmWright Audito-
rium, free); Chris Holliday, percussion,
and Mary Jay, voice. Senior Recital (Dec 1
, 7pm, Fletcher Recital Hall, Free); Charles
Hildebrandt and Carol Metzger, Voice,
Senior RecitaKDec.l, 9pm, Fletcher Recital
Hall, free); ECU Symphony Orchestra with
North Carolina Dance Theater, ECU Per-
forming Arts Series(Dec. 3 3pm, Wnght
Auditorium, Call 757-4788 for ticket info);
Fletcher Recital Hall, free); ECU Wind
Ensemble Holiday Concert(Dec 4, 730
Wnght Auditorium, free).
The NPC need your help. They will be
accepting cash donations in the bookstore
Tues-Friday 9-2. The proceeds will help a
needy family for X - mas.
ECU Students for the Ethical Treat ment of
Animals will hold a meeting today at 5pm
in 201 Flanagan to plan for our upcoming
furdemonstration. Allmembersandinter-
ested individuals are strongly urged to
attend, for more information call Craig at
931 - 8954.
Freshmen meet the different campus lead-
ers and find out how you can become
involved at ECU first meeting is Dec. 4 at
4pm in Mendenhall Multi - purpose room.
A general meetingfor all Teaching Fellows
will be held on Dec. 4 from 5 to 6 pm in
Speight 129. The Adopt-a-street program
will be discussed and advision board rep
resentahves will be selected The street
clean uphasbeen preliminarily set for Dec.
9 All fellows are asked to attend.
"Pur is dead" Demo. ECU students for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals will be spon-
soring a "Fur Is dead" demonstration on
Tuesday, Dec. 5 from 3 -6pm on the side-
walk of Greenville Boulevard near the
entrance to the Plaza The purpose of the
demonstration is to inform theGreenville
ECU community that a great deal of suffer-
ing goes into each and every for coat and
that insensitivity is not fashionable for a
ride to the event, meet at Mendenhall near
the automatic teller. For more information
call Craig at 931 - 8954 or Denise at 931-
Donna Bollinger will be speaking on the
Haitian - Hispanic Community at our
meeting on Nov. 30 at 5:30pm in 6cb 1025.
she was the N A representative to the
world Council of Churches, she has also
served on the Global commitee in South
America, the Carribean, Europe and the
Middle East. We incite all interested per
sons to attend this meeting We feel it will
be very interesting informative and bene-
ficial to those or you who attend
The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test will
be administered on Saturday, Dec.2 in room
308 of Wright Annex. Testing will begin at
Sam. Successful testing can lead to a chal-
lenging job as an Air Force Officer in posi-
tions such as pilot navigator, engineer,
computer scientist, manager and a variety
of others. Call 757-6597 or stop by room
306 of Wnght Annex to sign up for the test
and discuss your options.
PhiUO Home Economics Honor Society
will have a fall initiation on Monday, Dec.
4, along with a regular monthly meeting.
Meeting at 5pm, initiate new members at
6pm. Refreshments follow.
Interested in new places? NSE has the
thing for you! Spend a challenging semes-
ter or year at one of over 87 colleges and
universities in the US, while paying ECU
tuition Don't miss this opportunity to
challenge your skills in a new college set-
ting. For more info, contact Stephanie
Evancho m GCB 1002 or 757-6769.
Donate blood on Dec 6 between 12pm -
6pm at Mendenhall Student center. Do-
nors must be 17 years of age, weigh at least
llOlbs. and be in good health.
The dub is planning a trip to the Princeton
Model UN in early March, and any student
who is interested in international relations
and the UN can contact Dr Spalding at
Advertise Today!
3TJk ?ast Carolina
5:00 P.M.
Got a
You're probably wondering what a dog like me can tell
a person like you about preventing crime against you,
your family, and your company.
The name's McGruff, the Crime Dog, and it's my job to
teach folks of all ages how to prevent crime. You'll be
seeing a lot of me in the future. Ill be giving you tips
and ideas on how to discourage burglars, thwart con
artists, avoid potentially dangerous situations, teach
safety rules to children, get together with neighbors to
make communities safe, and protect your company's
physical and information assets.
You see, crime prevention is not a job reserved only
for the security department or the police. It's your job,
too. In fact, it's everyone's job.
So watch for my crime prevention information, and
take it home to share with family and neighbors.
Remember, by working together we can
m ;n
"jf-?3;i?-???? -S -
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tt ?-???-?-
???' i-Ji?. .
Get a grip on your homework.
H imework hah a nasty wa i i piling up. doesn'i it?
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State and Nation
Czech parliament considers multi-party system
The An4iitil Fe??
PRAGUE, C ze ikia
(AP) ? The country six leaguered
rulers, trving to placai th em
boldened masses ledged t(
up the Communist Part) s claim
to total power and bring non
Communist into the government
this week.
New party l ad Karel
banek, however, said theom
munists must remain a pn s
in the workplace, and he reje ted
demands that the party dissolve
its paramilitary police foi i which
has boon used tosr
In a meeting w tion
leaders Tuesday tl it I ed 11
straight days of huge protests
demanding democracy, Commu-
nist authorities promised to part
with some power and end their
constitutionally mandated politi-
cal supremacy.
"The future of the party re-
quires giving up the monopoly of
power Urbanek told 3,500Com-
munist Party activists in Prague
on Tuesday night, according to
the state news agency CPK.
The partv chief, named Fri-
day in a shakeup of the ruling
Politburo, also said that many
other opposition demands are
acceptable to the Communists,
though he was not specific. Differ-
ences exist, he added, but "we shall
have to get used to making poli-
tics not only with those who agree
with you
Parliament planned to meet
Wednesday to consider the con-
stitutional change and other op-
position demands. Opposition
leaders continued to push for free
elections, free speech and other
rights including the freedom to
form independent labor unions.
Communist Premier Ladislav
Adamec promised the opposition
during Tuesday's talks that he
would name bv Sunday a new
coalitiongovernment that includes
non-Communists, a concession to
demands for an end to one-party
The agreement was reached
during a meeting with Adamec
and a delegation from th? opposi-
tion coalition Civic Forum The
dissident delegation was led by
playwright Vaclav Havel,
Czechoslovakia's most prominent
opposition activist.
The streets were quiet on
Tuesday, as Civi Forum had
requested to show that it did not
want to disrupt the e onomy v n
Monday, millions of people joined
a two-hour general strike tailed
bv the opposition to demand an
end to 40 years of authoritarian
rule. Civic Forum said strike
committees would remain in plai e
in case the Communists do not
heed the popular will
Adamec's pledge to ask Presi-
dent Gustav Husak to approve a
new coalition was announced by
Marian Calfa, minister without
portfolio, after Tuesday's two-
hour talks. Hours after Calfa
spoke, Urbanek lent his support
to the constitutional changes but
rejec ted other demands outright.
He said it was "totally unacc-
eptable' to disband the People's
Militia, the party's paramilitary
force and to remove the partv from
workplaces. Hut Urbanekalsocriti-
i ized his predecessor, Milos Jakes,
saying his hard line policies had
made it easy for the opposition to
gain momentum. Jakes on Tues-
day resigned his last top post as
chairman of the National Defense
Council, which gave himessenhal
command of the armed forces.
Many of those ousted in the
government shakeup that began
Fndav were associated with the
decision to crush the reforms ol
liberals in the Communist gov-
ernment in ls6H. Soviet-led tanks
moved in and a new orthodox
government that included lakes
and 1 lusak was installed.
Alois lndra, who like Jakes
1 lusak and two other hard-liners
associated with the crackdown lost
his Politburo seat Fndav also re-
signed Tuesday as the president
of the Federal Assembly, or par
Berlin's leaders debate over a united Germany
Thr lUaoi V
munist Part) - : .
strongly rejt ti
Helmut Kohl s i all tor a
ally united Germany, but wel-
comed the West (lerman leader's
proposal for cl ser operation.
In a rare moment oi agree
ment with the t mbattledommu-
nist leadership somt pr minent
East Gernv dis " said
they opposed reunification. After
Kohl made his proposal on Tues-
day, Krenz said a united Germany
could conjure fears ol a N'a
Germanv. "and I ki
the worki who would like such a
Main Europeans worry that
with its economic and political
ight, a reunited Germany of 80
million people would dominate
the continent. Germany was di-
vided into twostatesafterthcNazi
defeat in World War II.
The prospect of reunification
set med distant less than a month
ago, but sweeping changes in East
i Germany have revived the idea.
With Fast Germans, disillusioned
with Communist rule, fleeing in
droves and taking to the streets by
the hundreds of thousands, the
partv leadershipousted hard-liner
Frich Honecker last month and
launched a radical program of
reforms with the promise of free
The opening of the country's
borders on Nov. 4 gave Hast Ger-
mans unrestricted freedom to
travel to West Germany for the
first time since the Berlin Wall was
built in 1961. Millions of East
Germans have since visited West
Germany. At demonstrations in
recent weeks, some have called
for reunification ? an idea consis-
tently rejected by the country's
leaders. Krenz emphasized the
need for two "sovereign, inde-
pendent German states
"A unitv of Germany isn't on
the agenda he told West
Germany's ARD television net-
work. However he did not rule
out the concept ol a
tion, or partnership, - tween the
two Germain s, that Kohl pro-
moted. Krenz said talk t su h an
arrangement "requires mere
Fast German government
spokesman Wolfgang Meyer said
Kohl's proposal for eventual reu
nification went "beyond realities
and could easily lead t irritation
bv not observing the sover-
eignty and independence ol I
two German states
In a statement carried by the
official newsagency -D, Meyer
said relations between the two
German states must ho based on
"mutual respect ot sovereignty
and territorial integntv " Hut
Meyer said Kohl's proposals for
cooperation with East Germany
contained "interesting starting
ts for negotiations "
A group of leading East Ger-
man intellectuals also rejected
reunification and expressed tear
of their country "being pocketed"
V est Germanv. They said East
c Germany should remain a sepa-
rate socialist state.
"We are people who sav that
we want to keep the GDR (East
(lermany I as an alternative to the
capitalist Federal Republic (West
rmanv) said the statement
signed by, among others, promi-
nent authors Stefan Hevm and
Chnsta Wolf. In his speech to
Parliament, Kohl sought to allay
tears about a reunited German)
saving, 'The Germans . will be a
dividend for a Europe that is
coming together, and never
a threat 1 le did not offer a time-
table and made it clear it could
take years to form a federation.
Kohl said German reunifica-
tion can only occur as the overall
East-West division of Europe is
overcome. He proposed creation
of toint governmental and parlia-
mentary committees whose pur
pose would be "permanent con-
sultation" between the two Ger-
manvs on economic, environ-
mental, cultural, and scientific
Eastern winds of change

0i ging Oow
IC a
Popu al
Lease' "
S It A ?
?- A ? ?
r ??
? e u ???
'round e"talk! .?. i ??
Co mm
? ? ?
Be' r Poland
E Germany Warsaw
? Prag s
? Bjdaoes!

A "
Ma) ??? "
? da. ??
?. - - .
than a wee-
? ?
ur ?:?? ??? '
. .
whese rt
rstfom s ? -? -?
crusher ? ? I a
Population: 23 7 million
Laadar: B'anco Mikuiic. since
May 1985
Opposition groups have caneo
. ?. , tor a multiparty democracy ac
line tu ? Warsaw Pad country tor amnesty tor political
o CoTmumsl Paty prisoners The ethnically
I - the "Socialist Party " The diverse nalion has been a
.??. "i condemned the cradle tor a host c' small
I the past nationalist movements

Le.tdp' M ? s Nemalh smce
Population: t 5 million lEsloniai.
2 63 million (Larva) 3 25 tin Son
Leaden: Vamo Va ;as (Estonian
AnatO'tS Gorbunovs (Latvia).
Aig -das Brazausaas (Lithuania;
The Bate slates annexed by :e
Soviet Union ater World Wa- II.
nave nearly secedea. energized
by a rebnh ot tnei' "ationai s!
Population: 287 miHic
Leader: M unan Gorbachev,
smce March 1985
Te nation has moved 'rom
gndiocK to "glasnost and
"pe'est'OiHa but Gctacev
approaches a ' ttH year in power
fyng to caim growing internal
discontent He anc P'esOe
Bush meet Dec 2-3 to' a summit
oh ;he coast C Malta, and
changes in Eastern EOpe nxeiy
will oommate the talks
Population: 23 2 million
Leader: Ncoiae Ceajsescu
smce March 1965
Ceausescu. the East Bloc's
iongest 'eignmg leader was
reappomted Communist Party chie
tor live years in a lavish show ot
support tor his reiection ot change
sweeping the region Ceausescu
told delegates he would "continue
to be a soldier lighting tor socialism
and Romania"
Population: 9 million
Leader: Petar Miadenov. s.nce
Nov 10
Thought deat to Gorbachev's
appeals tor change. Bulgaria's
Communist Party chief. Todor
ZhivKov. stepped down n tavor ot
Miadenov. who promised change
However, this yea' alone. Bu'gana
has driven out about 350.000 TurKS
under threat ot a harsh assimiiator-
Student conies home to trial
College honor board finds witness
to Beijing massacre guilty of lying
Wake Forest University honor
court has found a student who
smuggled out television tapes oi
Square guilty oi lying in order to
go near the square
Timothy W. Bell, a business
major, was found guilb oi lying
bvtheschool'sl lonorCounx after
a hearing Tuesday night.
Stephen Ewing and ohn H.
Litcher, two professors w ho led a
group of 2S students to C hina last
spring, say Bell lied in telling them
that he would not go to the square
when he left the group's hotel on
the outskirts of Beijing. Bell, who
savs he will appeal the verdict,
was put on probation until the
end of the current term and was
ordered to write letters of apology
to each oi the students and profes-
sors on the trip.
"The basic charge is that we
gave instructions to members oi
the group that they should not be
going anywhere neartht square
Ewing said. "It turned out later
that this one student did. This
student also told us that where he
was going would not bv near the
square. The charge is that he told
us one thing, then did something
Bell 22, watched the struggle
the night of une 3 from a foreign
correspondent's hotel room about
three blocks trom the square. Be-
fore the students left Beijing, an
NBCNewscrevs gave Bell tapes to
take to Hong Kong. Those tapes
wen seen on a une 4 special re-
port on the Beiimg massacre. NBC
officials later told him that 20
million to 30 million people saw
that broadcast. Bell said.
When the rest ot the group
flew back to the United States on
une S. Bell staved in Hong Kong
and worked with 'BC .)?- a pro-
duction assistant for most of the
summer. David Stradlev, one of
two students who defended Bell
at the hearing, said Bell received a
letter in late lulv asking him to
report to the university immedi-
ately after he returned to the
United States. The letter said noth-
ing about an Honor Council
charge, he said.
Stradlev said Bell contends
that he did not lie.
"I think what we have here is
a disagreement about what c cacti v
was said Stradlev said Monday
"He (Bell) did not go to the square
on the night of unt 3. He was
near it, within a halt-mile or so.
With ail the shoo ting that occurred
that night, it would not have been
smart to go to the square
Bell declined to comment on
the case1 prior to the hearing, sav-
ing that faculty members have
advised him not to discuss it. Ml
was supposed to graduate in
August, but because he did not
find out about the charge until
Aug. 14, he could not meet the
Aug. 15 deadline tor having an
HonorCouncilheanngand inves-
tigation, Stradlev said
Stradley said that the hearing
which was open to the public at
Bell's request, was the first open
hearing in at least 20 years.
"Tim thought the matter
would be best aired in a public
forum Stradlev said.
Economic opportunities increase through decade
Th Asimh .teii Ptcm
Putsimplv.the 1980schanged
the financial lives of Americans
Many financial products ommon-
place as the decade ends either
didn't exist or were mere seed
lings 10 years ago.
? CDsand savings. A decade
ago, you could n't walk intoa bank,
plunk down $1,000 and buj a
certificate of deposit paying eight
percent or better Savers were
stuck with passbook savings ac-
counts, which weren't allowed to
pay more than 5 1 -2 percent
In December 1982, bank de
regulation wasslammed into high
gear. Banks could pay a floating
rate on a new type ot m. count
the money market account. Ten
months later, they became free to
set rates on CDs and sell them in
denominations small enough to
accommodate more individuals
Today, savers have Slh tril-
lion in money market accounts
only $405 billion in the old-fash-
ioned passbook and statement
savings accounts.
Money funds. Money funds
were invented in the 1970s, but we
learned to use them in the 1980s.
At year's end 1979, there were only
2.3 million money fund accounts
with total assets of $45.2 billion.
Today, there are 20 million ac-
counts with total assets of $434
- IRAs. It wasn't until 1982
that Congress made IRAs avail-
able to all wage earners. The 1986
tax law restricted who can deduct
IRA contributions, but most wage
earners still qualify, and all IRA
holders benefit from tax-deferred
compounding. Total assets in
IRAs: $414 billion.
?401(k)s. A1978 law allowed
401(k) retirement savings plans,
but by 1982, only two percent of
major companies offered them.
The plans let employees invest
pretax dollars, have a sa) as to
where their monev is invested and
take the money with them when
they leave an employer. Today
about 95 percent of major employ-
ers offer 401 (k)s, covering about
30 million workers, or about 25
percent ot the work force. Total
assets in 401(k)s: $456 billion.
? Home-equity credit lines.
The 1986 tax law began phasing
out deductions tor consumer loan
interest but not mortgage interest,
lapping the equity in your home
has become a common way to
borrow. About five million home-
owners have home equity credit
lines and owe more than $80 bil-
lion on them.
ARMs. High mortgage
rates put homeownership out of
reach tor millions of would-be
Duyersm the late Is its and eari
1980s. So lenders invented adjust
able rate mortgages, which have
lower first-year interest rates be-
cause the borrower takes on part
of the risk that rates could rise
Congress gave the nod to ARMsat
the beginning of the decade and
today as many as 30 percent of all
outstanding mortgagesare ARMs
CCofyngkt 1??. IBM TtIMr
.Applf CalUgt lntrrmmtun Vffuw
Court considers consent issue
Gannett News Scnrlc
Should minors seeking abor-
tions be required to notify their
That is the issue the Supreme
Court considers in cases from
Minnesota and Ohio.
Pro-life advocates favor pa-
rental involvement. They want
more states to adopt laws that
would require consent or at least
notification before a minor could
have an abortion.
Pro-choice advocates dis-
agree. They see parental involve-
ment as another obstacle to re-
strict abortion procedures.
Eleven states now require
parental notification; another 20
require parental consent. Most
laws either are not enforced or
have been ignored by courts. Lis-
tening to the arguments will be
Heather Pearson, 18.
"Maybe people will see me
and think, 'Oh God, it does hap-
pen to normal people says Pear-
son, taking two days off trom
managing a paper goods store
Four years ago, when she was
about to enter ninth grade in sub-
urban Minneapolis, Pearson
learned she waspregnant. Sheand
her boyfriend both were 14. She
confided to her mother and they
discussed options, includingabor-
Having decided on an abor-
tion, Pearson's mother called a
clinic and learned the law required
both biological parents of a minor
be notified. One problem:
Heather's father had not played a
part in her life in 11 years.
That was in 1985, and little
did they know they were on the
cutting edge of the new abortion
battle ? laws requiring notifica-
tion or consent of parents.
Heather's parents divorced when
she was 5. Still, the law was firm
? either notifv a man who had
not been in her life in 11 vears or
trot off to court, tor a judge's per-
"So off to court I went said
Heather, who eventually got a
judge's permission to have the
abortion at a Minneapolis clinic.
Some abortion opponents,
such as American Life League's
Judie Brown, see the Ohio and
See ABORTION, page 9

Pentagon finds other ways to cut budget
1 h? uadated Pn,
something important everybody
is missing in this talk of $180 bil-
lion in Pentagon cuts ? those bil-
lions are trimmed from inflated
budget projections, not from the
The Pentagon still plans to pop
a nearly $300 billion budget on
c ongress next year, which means
the Defense Department loses its
boost tor inflation, plus maybe a
couple of billion dollars
This is Cheney getting out in
? i the traffic "said Cordon
Adams of the Defense- Budget
Project, a private research group,
oi Defense Secretary Dick Cheney.
"I le is rushing to the front of the
parade and saying, Let me lead
the build-down "
There are some pre-summit
advantages to this posturing.
"Gorbachev will say, 'I tore
down the Berlin Wall and Bush
can say back, '1 cut the defense
budget " said Larry Korb, a De-
fense Department official under
President Reagan.
Cheney knows there are far
more radical proposals awaiting
him. For example, former defense
budget adviser William Kaufman
is publishing a paper calling for
reducing the defense budget by
$145 billion over 10 years.
Kaufman suggests real cuts
that would bnng the Pentagon's
current $300 billion budget down
have missiles
(.annrtt New Service
S A N SALV A DOR ?Guerril-
as here may already have anti-
:t missiles of the type that El
rulvadoi government officials
i Nicaragua is supplying to
mo ement.
retired couple who say the
laid hostage bv rebels in
ome during an urban offen-
i) the guerrillas holding
: two missik-s.
v. kept two of those (anti-
ift) missile things up in mv
m said Esperanza Ben-
Bendak and her husband,
lid in a storage room for
irs kvhileguerrillastookover
: nise. l"he rebels used the
a nmker in the guerrilla
sive to capture the city. The
tks' house was extensively
?a so simply as "regu
es not as significant as
r isc which gave
es more leeway to restrict
ers say the cases may
? tighter restriction.
retain Morethan
million teen agers in the
? i States get pregnant every
r S me have taken a chance by
using contraceptives; in
- case, a condom failed.
" ,l ?se pregnancies, some
? -nt will choose abortion,
! enter for Population
One in four teen-age
drops out of high school,
one in 50 finishes college And in
' 's. families begun with teen
rl hsc istthe federal government
billion in welfare payments.
"The Minnesota law did not
promote family integrity savs
Janet IVnshwf of the American
C ivil Liberties Union. "It tore
'lies apart and traumatized
? rs
d ocatesof notification laws
say they promote communication
within families on an issue where
parental guidance is needed,
id Wilkinson, who got an
abortion four years ago at 17, says
nation should be required.
Says Wilkinson, now an abor-
tion foe who "sidewalk counsels"
woi "M n heading into Cincinnati-
an i linics: "I think it's really
i that you can't have a tooth
p led without parental notifica
ti i he' you can have a living
human being forcibly extracted
Wilkinson's mother, who
kn v ibout her situation, helped
het u to a point withdrawing
$ 50ft m( indv'ssavingsaccount
shelled and burned, but they es-
caped unharmed.
The Salvadoran military last
weekend displayed 25 hand-held
anti-aircraft weapons it said came
from a light plane that crashed
while carrying arms from Nicara-
gua to the rebels.
The rebels, who have been
trying to overthrow the Salva-
doran government tor 10 years,
have never used such sophisti-
cated weapons.
Salvadoran President Alfredo
Cristiani suspended diplomatic
and commercial relations with
Nicaragua after the missile-laden
plane wasdiscovered.Heaccused
Nicaragua of escalating the level
of warfare in El Salvador by intro-
ducing the weapons to the civil
Cfoptngfef !?? UM T(XM
Continued from page 8
mothers drops
to pay for the procedure. After the
abortion. "I just wanted mvdad
Cindv Wilkinson savs. Ironically,
he still does not know what she
Paula Wendt, director of the
Meadowbrook Women's Clinic in
a Minneapolis suburb, also will be
in Washington for the Supreme
Court arguments.
"I think there are a lot of adults
who truly do have the best inter-
est of the minors at heart she
savs. "I'vebeen here 17 years and
we always encourage our minors
to have adults involved, but we
feel it should be a voluntary thing
?CrTTynjrdf 1W, UM TODAY!
pph Colltgl Informmtw Srtuork
Are you interested
in photography?
If so, the ECU Photo
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meeting on Wednes
day, Nov. 6. Find out
how you can work
for the student me-
dia publications. The
meeting will be held
from 5:15 to 6:15 in
room 242 Menden-
W Knti
ltei the ir Force
immediately after gradua-
tion ? without waiting for the
results of your State Boards. You
i an earn great benefits as an Air
(i rce nurse officer And if selected
during your senior year, you may
qualify for a five-month internship
at a major Air Force medical facili-
ty To apply, you'll need an overall
' 50GPA. Get a head start in the
Air Force Call
to $160 billion.
Pentagon bean counters, to
claim their $180 billion in savings,
shaved pretend dollars off their
old five-year budget projection,
which called for the defense
budget to rise from $300 billion to
$349 billion by 1994. But there was
"no way in hell" the Pentagon was
ever going to win $349 billion in
1994, said Korb.
There is another thing to
remember about all those propos-
als being floated to save billions,
such asclosing 15 Air Force Bases,
mothballing two aircraft carriers
and eliminating three Army divi-
sions: These are trial balloons.
Each service is floating un-
popular proposals in the hope of
distracting Congress from what
really matters to the services ?
new weapons coming on line.
Suggesting the closure of 15 bases,
just after the bitter fight to close a
handful of bases, might make
Congress more likelv to approve
the programs the Air Force really
wants, such as modernizing mis-
sile forces with the Rail Garrison
MX, a new fighter and a faster
pace of purchasing its new air-t(-
air missile, the AMRAAM.
"The Air Force is saying, 'Hev,
we're willing to play this game
But the Air Force knows fully well
that's not likelv to happen said
defense budget analyst Tom Long-
streth from the Federation of
American Scientists, referring to
the base closures.
It takes more than five years
to win back any savings from clos-
ing a base and, "I'm sure Cheney
is not that interested in savings in
the year 2010 said Korb
The Navy mav be offering up
some old aircraft carriers, but only
to protect its new aircraft carriers
and its new Seawolf attack sub-
marine. Mixed with all the Nutt-
ing and skirmishing, the services
are offering some meat for the
The Navy, for example, is
likely to offer some surface ships
for mothballing,especially the four
World War Hera battleships.
Refurbishing the battleships cost
$435 million apiece;operatingeach
battleship costs $35 million per
ship every year, and manning each
battleship requires l,r00 sailors
The Air Force's otter to slue
into tactical air wings, especially
another conventionally armed B-
52 wing, is probably sincere Thai
would give the Air force the
opportunity to close the bases
supporting the air wings. There
areonly three Air Force bases with
conventionally armed B-52s, and
one of them, Guam's Andersen's
See DEFENSE, page 11
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Pole Beans
lb. 79c
lb 39c

Researcher releases rape statistics
CPS ? Nearly one in five
women are forced to have sex or
are victims of attempted rape
while going to college in New
York, Cornell University re-
searcher Andrea Parrot found.
She released her findings ?
based on a survey of officials and
215 students at 15 New York col-
leges ? at the end of October
during an Albany conference on
Infant deaths increase
sexual assault. Survey results
involving 30 colleges and 1,100
students will be available in De-
cember, she said.
Parrot also discovered the
assailants most likely are men who
live in same-sex dormsor fraterni-
ties, and have "macho" attitudes
that devalue women.
It's tougher to classify the
victims, she said. But the more
men a woman dates ? and the
more these men drink ? the more
likely she is to be attacked, her
study suggested.
Parrot's figures are consistent
with national figures. In a 1987
survey of 6,000 students on 32
campuses, one in six female stu-
dents reported being the victim of
rape or attempted rape in the
preceding year.
Most women knew the assail-
ant. In the same study, oneof every
15 men said he had committed
rape or had attempted rape in the
same period.
"By and large, universities are
giving us a much lower report
rate Parrot said. Ignoring that
rape isa problem is "a common re-
sponse" among administrators,
she added. "Every institution has
a problem
Study shows North Carolina lacks prenatal care
Carolina's rate of infant deaths
has risen two years in a row, but
political leaders say there has been
little demand that something be
done about it.
'To be just blunt with vou, I
don't get anybody calling me and
asking me about the infant mor-
tality rate said Rep. Dave Dia-
mont, D-Surry, chairman of the
N.C. House Appropriations
Committee. "I get calls every week
from somebody complaining
about their unpaved road
In North Carolina last vear,
1,227 infants under age 1 died, or
12.6 percent of every 1,000 babies
born. It was the second consecu-
tive year the infant death rate rose.
It was the highest rate in North
Carolina since 1983, and worse
than in South Carolina (12.2 per-
cent) or Mississippi (12.3 percent),
states that for years trailed North
Carolina in most health and eco-
nomic indexes. But the dismal
indicator of health conditions
didn't spur aggressive legislative
"I don't know of any state-
wide leader who's really felt
strongly enough about it to say,
'We're on the bottom on a lot of
other things, but I'll just be dang-
blasted if we're going to be on the
bottom in infant mortality, letting
young babies die said Rep. Dan
Blue, D-Wake. Blue is former
chairman of the House Appropria-
Th AuoclaMd Praw
CHICAGO (AP) ? A 21-
month-old girl who received the
nation's first living-donor liver
transplant is recovering after a
complication, and her father hopes
to have her home for Christmas.
Alyssa Smith underwent a
second operation early Tuesday
to stop internal bleeding detected
12 hours after she received a piece
of her mother's liver.
"She's looking much better
said her father, John L. Smith.
The girl was in critical but
stable condition after the second
operation, said Dr. Christoph
Broelsch, who headed the surgi-
cal team. Doctors removed the left
lobe of 29-year-old Teresa Smith's
liver for the transplant. Mrs. Smith
was in fair condition Tuesday. She
was moved out of intensive care
See LIVER, page 11
tions subcommittee on human
The national 1988 infant mor-
tality rate was 9.9 per 1,000 live
births. North Carolina health
experts fear the state, fifth-worst
in 1987, will beat the bottom when
the 1988 rankings come out next
Results in other states show
fewer babies die when monev is
spent to give pregnant women
earlv, regular and thorough health
care. During their terms, Missis-
sippi Gov. William Winter (1980-
84) and S.C. Cov. Dick Rilev( 1979-
87) put infant mortality at the top
of their agendas.
Those governors cajoled their
legislatures into appropriating
money. In 1984, South Carolina
committed $8 million for a three-
year plan. Mississippi increased
the staffs at public health clinics so
that no pregnant woman has to
wait more than two weeks for an
appointment. (In about 25 of the
100 N.C. counties, waiting time
averages from three to eight
They also went after private
grant monev: Mississippi got $1.2
million in 1987. South Carolina
has $2.4 million this vear, North
Carolina $40,000.
As head of a Southern Gover-
nors Association task force on
infant mortality, Riley persuaded
Congress to make major changes
in Medicaid, in effect setting up a
kind of national maternity-care
insurance for the working poor.
Now the federal government will
pay 75 percent of the cost of medi-
cal care for women whose family
income is up to $18,600 a year for
a family of three ? 185 percent of
the poverty level ? if the state
pays the rest.
Mississippi and South Caro-
lina pay the maximum. The 1989
S.C. legislature voted to spend $7.6
million for the state's share. That
will cover an estimated 42 percent
of the state's pregnancies.
North Carolina hasn't done
as much. Although Secretary of
Human Resources David Flaherty
asked for $19.2 million from the
1989 N.C. General Assembly to
pav the maximum Medicaid bene-
fits, Martin didn't include money
for it in his proposed budget. In-
stead, he pushed a highway pack-
The Legislature, at the urging
of Sen. Russell Walker, D-Ran-
dolph, and Reps. Diamont and
Ann Duncan, R-Forsyth, appro-
priated $13.5 million, to raise the
Medicaid income ceiling to $15,081
for a family of three ? 130 percent
of the poverty level ? beginning
Jan. 1. But much of the
Legislature's energy went toward
approving the $9 billion, 13-year
road-improvement package.
"I think what you're seeing
said Walker, "is that the interest of
doing things for highways and
paving rural roads became
much more important, from the
top down, than protecting lives
Gov. Jim Martin said he made
infant mortality a top priority this
year, after learning in April the
North Carolina infant death rate
was continuing to nse. Although
his 1989-90 budget didn't propose
increasing Medicaid eligibility, he
said, "As soon as we learned we
had two years' increase, we agreed
to support 150 percent. "We did
the best we could last year. I'm not
saying that's as good as any other
state. It would be very easy to
sav, 'Well, the governor didn't
haveitinhisbudget Wedidn't
oppose it. We did support it
He cited several programs
begun during his administration,
including "Babv Love which he
called "perhaps the most uccess-
ful prenatal care progim we
"Babv Love begun two years
ago, is supposed to 1 ide needy
pregnant women through the
bureaucracy to get proper medi-
cal care. But because of staff short-
ages at county public health clin-
ics, only 5,000of the 18,000 women
who needed the program's serv-
ices last year got them.
A studv commission recom-
mended giving$5 million tocoun-
ties for that purpose. Martindidn't
include it in his proposed budget,
and the Legislature didn't act on
Read The East Caolinian.
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Campus street parties get "meaner
ITS College street parties
have erupted out of control on a
number of campuses in recent
weeks, causing terrible physical
muirk's in somecasesand prompt-
ing observers to wonder why such
partiers seem to have become, in
effect, meaner.
"Big parties have always been
hero said Chip Mudd, a student
leader at Purdue University,
where police were called in to
control a street party that had
inously grown to 700 drunken
revelers in early October, "but this
ii the cap might have come off
rhere's got to be a way to
he big ones from getting out
ntrol he said.
Experts blame overcrowded
-ndi turns, overzealous law
ment and, without excep-
student dnnking for the in-
ismgly violent tone of campus
I c. mid better understand the
e we had during the civil
struggle said Kalamazoo,
police chief Ed Ed wardson.
Now these peopleget intoxicated,
Kink they're absolved from
like responsible human
n gs
n Oct. 14, Ed wardson 'scol-
s tailed to control 3,000
rs gathered at a student
mplex next to Western
igan University (WML') fol-
?? ? s hool's 34 - home-
ng loss to rival Central Michi-
niversity. Ten people were
hurt by flyingbeerbottles, 10 were
arrested and property damage was
estimated at $10,000 to $14,000.
The riot was not an isolated
That same night, thousands
Of Michigan State University par-
tiers clogged the streets near an
off-campus apartment complex
after MSU's 10-7 football loss to
the University oi Michigan. The
crowd set fire to almost anything
itcould lift or push, including cars,
trashcansand mopeds. I rees were
torn up and balcony railings were
ripped from apartments.
At the very same time at Ply-
mouth State College in New
Hampshire, police arrested 135
people, mostly for violating drink-
ing laws, at parties surrounding
the school's Oct. 14 homecoming.
Two weeks earlier, police wore
called in to control the Purdue
street party, which turned rowdy
after Purdue's 42 7 loss to Notre
On two separate weekends,
University of Wisconsin at
Oshkosh students angry over
police enforcement of the
21-year-old minimum drinking
age, staged street demonstrations
that ended in mass irrests Ihev
were marching in response to a
September party that police
raided, confiscating kegs, arrest-
ing 80 students and fining the
student hosts $17,01
On Oct. 21, fust a week after
the first party explosion, East
Lansing policedonned riot gear to
break up a party of 400, arresting
11 people.
Fistfights, roaming bands of
thugs and drunken partiers
marred the Halloween "Mall
Crawl" near the University of
Colorado Oct. 28, prompting offi-
cials to cancel the 90-year-old
tradition for next Halloween.
"This is a
North-East-South-West any-
where type problem Ed wardson
Officials are stumped about
how to stop it. In frustration, both
MSU President John DiBiaggio
and WMU President Diether
Haenicke wrote open letters to
The University of California
at Santa Barbara and Colorado
State University, like many oth-
ers, banned outdoor street parties
alter students were hurt, some-
times repeatedly, during such
events in the past.
1 loping to stampout itsannu-
ally crime-ridden Halloween
street parties. Southern Illinois
University ? which used "don't
come to S1U" publicity to stage a
largely trouble free Halloween this
year will close its dorms and
force students to go home next
( tober,SIU spokesman Jack Dyer
Even officials at party meccas
iike Fort Lauderdale, PalmSprings
and Virginia Beach, Va say they
would rather forego millions of
dollars in revenues than endure
the kind of injuries, destruction
and, from time to time, even deaths
that occur when students and al-
cohol mix on their streets. Day-
tona Beach officials currently are
touring campuses, asking students
to behave better next spring.
"It doesn't mean partying will
stop said Barbara Petura, a
spokeswoman at Washington
State University, where problems
have been minimal. "It never will.
It's part of college College un-
rest is as old as colleges them-
selves, writes Michael Smith, au-
thor of "Coping With Crime on
Campus, " in which he traces
campus rioting back to the Middle
In 1807, for instance, half the
student body of Princeton Uni-
versity was suspended after riots
against the university's strict code
of conduct.
The problems these days
always seem to involve drinking.
"There is the tendency for kids
to drink earlier noted WMU
sociology Prof. Stanley Robin. "Bv
the time they get to college, drink-
ing is ingrained
Robin also blames the media
for taking "isolated" incidentsand
lumping them together to produce
"newsworthy items But he
doesn't discount the gravity of the
Take a special occasion like a
college football game, throw in
alcohol, a big crowd and unsea-
sonably warm weather ? night-
time temperatures in Kalamazoo
were in the 70s ? and something
is likely to explode. "One person
acts crazy, and then another per-
son feels it's OK to act crazy he
At Plymouth State, it could be
extrazealous law enforcement by
local police, suggested sociology
professor Joseph Long. "The law
enforcement crowd here is very
bizarreand that causes problems
University of Southern Maine
criminology professor Mitchell
Levine guessed it's a combination
of alcohol and law enforcement.
"Police on campus tend to be
trying to overly enforce the law
The big parties also could be a
result of stricter alcohol rules,
making drinking more alluring,
Purdue's Mudd speculated.
"People almost look at getting
busted in the dorms for having
alcohol as cool
Quote of the Week:
"A foolish consistency
is the hobgoblin
of little minds
Ghandi steps down as prime minister
T"h? h rd Preu
NEW DELHI, India (AP) ?
rime Minister Rajiv Gandhi re-
I Wednesday after five years
i power, clearing the way for
opposition leaders to try to form a
. . t rnment.
The opposition National
! rent's newly elected Parliament
mbers planned to meet Thurs-
?ivtupick thcraanthrvhoprw'iB-
. ace iandhi as prime minister.
iceting had been scheduled
? ?? dnesday but was postponed
rep rted disagreementsover
who should be nominated.
Gandhi and his Congress
'arty havebeen gambling that the
National Front would be ham-
strung by internal squabbling,
paving the way for Congress to
return to power.
rmer defense and finance
minister Yishwanath PratapSingh
- the best-known leader of the
National Front, the five-party alli-
ance that deprived Gandhi of a
divisive majority in the new Par-
liament in the Nov. 22-2h elec-
tions. But the mild-mannered
Singh, 58, has said he does not
want to be prime minister and is
content being the president of the
Janata Dal, or People's Party, the
major component of the National
Another prominent anata Dal
member, Chandra Shekhar, said
Tuesday he was read) to take the
prime minister's job, but some of
his National Fromcolleagues were
not enthusiastic about his candi-
"There will bo trouble in the
party if V.P. Singh is not elected
prime minister. Efforts to persuade
him to contest are continuing
said Jaipal Reddy, oneof the lanata
Dai's general secretaries.
"As of now, there is only one
candidate Reddy said. "Despite
persuasion V.P. Singh is not a
candidate and despite dissuasion
Chandra Shekhar remains one
Chandra Shekhar 62, was a
chief architect ot the 1977 lanata
Party election triumph that ousted
Continued from page 9
(iandhi's mother and predeces-
sor, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi,
from power for 29 months until
her comeback in 1980. Most Janata
Party members switched to the
lanata Dal, which was formed in
This year, Congress got more
seats than any other party but fell
tar short of the majority needed
for a government. The National
Front got the second-highest
number vet. It was able to muster
the tacit support of other opposi-
tion parties, prompting it to boast
it would be capable of forming a
With 500 of the 525 parlia-
mentary seats decided, the Con-
gress Party had 190 and its small-
party allies 17 for a total of 207.
The National Front had 130, and
its allies had 132 for a total of 262.
It takes 263 seats for a majority in
the Parliament, which is to con-
vene with 525 elected seats.
Don't miss
The East Carolinian
Every Tuesday and Thursda
Be informed about your
campus, community and state!
Air Force Base, was eliminated
this year.
Left intact were the squad-
at Maine's Loring Air Force
Base and Louisiana's Barksdale
Air Force Base. That should lead
o an interesting shooting match
in next year's budget.
I his year, Sen. Bennett
fohnston (D-La.) pulled rank on
the Sena te Appropriations defense
subcommittee to name Guam as
the loser in the B-52 game. But
next year Johnston will have to go
up against Sen. WilliamCohen (R-
Maine) who sits on the Senate
Armed Services Committee, and
Senate Democratic leader George
Mitchell of Maine.
There are only three ways to
cut the defense budget money
spent to keep forces ready to tight
quickly, monev spent to buy more
modern weapons or money spent
to keep force levels high.
If forced to take cuts. Penta-
gon officials siv they prefer hav-
ing fewer soldiers and hanging
ontoasmallerforceequipped with
modern weapons and ready to
fight on short notice Bui to win
that force, the Pentagon must make
it through a Congress worried
about its local bases and weapons
COpynyif 19S9, USA TOD A)
ArpU Colltift Information Situ r
and was expected to be released in
about a week, doctors said.
John Smith said the sudden
return to the operating room
aused some tense moments for
him and his wife.
"Itreally scared me when they
(a me up and told me the doctor of
the hospital wanted to talk to me
fe vlld.
In the Smiths' hometown of
Schertz, Texas, a suburb of San
Antonio, the girl's grandfather,
DC. Morgan, also felt apprehen-
sion as he awaited updates from
his wife, Ada, who had traveled to
( hicago.
"As you're waiting, thoughts
can go through your mind he
said. "Some thoughts are good,
some are bad
The surface of Alyssa's new
liver ? about the size of a man's
fist ? had begun to bleed, a com-
plication that occurs in about 30
percent of all liver transplants, and
she was returned to the operating
room about 4:40a.m. Tuesday, said
Dr. Peter Whitington, the
hospital's director of pediatric
transplant services. Doctors cor-
rected the problem in a few min-
utes, but kept her in surgery for
nearly five hours for observation,
Broelsch said.
Alyssa may undergo another
exploratory operation within a few
days to examine the new liver,
doctors said. But John Smith was
looking further ahead.
'The only plans we reallv have
(are) to have a Christmas at
home with our kids, get back to
our jobs and get on wit hour lives
the father said.
After the second operation,
Alyssa was awake, active and
moving around, although she
remained on sedation and a venti-
lator, Broelsch said.
"The transplant is definitely
functioning and for now things
are back on a smooth course he
said at a news conference at the
University of Chicago Medical
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NOVEMBER 30,1989
ECU student succeeds in advertising business
Staff Writer
Confidence. Persistence. Be-
lieving in yourself and what you
do. These are the qualities that
have made Mark Rosenberg, of
Rosenberg and Associates, a suc-
cessful entrepreneur.
Rosenberg, originally from
Miami, broke into the advertising
world in 19S4, then working out
of his apartment on Juniper Street.
At that time, he was attending
ECU and working on an advertis-
ing project for one of his market-
ing classes.
Until that class, and until the
Sheraton bought part of his proj-
ect, Rosenberg had no idea that
advertising would be his niche.
Even though he had no prior
experience in the field, he decided
advertising was what he wanted
to do.
Advertising is an extremely
competitive field and Rosenberg
was aware of that. He and a part-
ner started the business out of his
apartment. When asked how he
made connections and got his first
clients he replied, "We hit the
streets. My partner and 1 took our
portfolios and went around to all
the bars downtown and businesses
in Greenville, and basically sold
our services, showed them our
work and told them, This is what
we are going to do for you
Each new contract brought
new learning experiences. Being
young and inexperienced amidst
a world filled with experienced
professionals, is an intimidating
feeling. Rosenbergdid not let that
stop him. "I just wanted to do it,
and I did it. And there wasn't
anybody who could convince me
of anything different Some of
what he learned came from a visit
to a large advertising agency in
Philadelphia. He listened to eve-
rything they told him and went
from department to department,
writing down every word they
Five and a half years later,
with the help of 12 staff members,
sitting at his own desk in a big new
office building, Rosenberg has
succeeded. Organization is only
part of the key. He said that he
feels cooperation and support
ized I'm on top of things, and I
know what has to be done, and 1
do it
About all the frustrations that
came along with trying to build a
name for himself and his new
company, Rosenberg said: "It was
frustrating at first, but I have my
frustrating times now. I have my
good days and my bad days If
something goes wrong you don't
process of building a brand new
office building, he sees his com-
pany at least doubling in size in
the next five years. "I see us con-
tinuing to grow Iseeusasoneof
the top advertising agencies in the
Rosenberg and associates
handles many local accounts as
well as some outside of North
between himself and his employ- sit there and worry about it, you Carolina, including Allcrgan, a
ees has contributed largely to his
success. He also said: "You do
what you have to do in order to
get thingsdone What ever it takes
to get the job done. I am organ-
ized, but I'm not extremely organ-
learn how to deal with it in case
the same situation comes up
He has come a long way since
working out of his apartment on
juniper Street in five years. In the
The plaza expands with
shopping alternatives
Stiff Writer
For years residents of Green-
ville and of surrounding towns
have enjoyed shopping at The
Plaza, formerly Pitt Plaza. Now,
we can all enjoy "Twice the Shop-
Officially opening in 1965, the
shopping center was an open air
center. It was converted to an
enclosed mall in 1984 bv the
Raleigh based J.M. Kane and
Company real estatecompanv that
continues to manage The Plaza.
The 18-month expansion
doubled the square footage of The
Plaza bnnging it to 500,000 square
feet, thus making The Plaza one of
the largest shopping centers in the
Eastern N.C area.
Some of the new renovations
include a new food court, new
mall interiors, refinished mall
exterior, revised mall entries, park-
. -nprovements and site lm-
Answer's from
Tuesday's paper
1 Mores: B customs
2. Hodgepodge: A. medley
3. Hackneyed: C. common
4. Oblivious: B. heedless
5. Gritty: D. persistant
6. Forbearing: D. patient
7. Onerous: D. burden-
Wheedle: D. coax
Wanton: A. unre-
rreverent: A disre-
Compiled by
Matt Richter
180 Proof
Comedy Zone and
The Usuals
Mary on the Dash
The Boomers
Mary on the Dash
Moody Dudes
Blood on the Moon
provements. The Plaza now cov-
ers 45 acres.
Candace Gillis, Marketing
Director of The Plaza, said the mall
is 85 leased. Gillis is responsible
for retail promotion and market-
ing activities for The Plaza. Gillis
transferred to this mall from
Sixty stores were open for the
Oct. 27 grand re-opening, and
others will open during 199(1. With
the $34 million expansions, there
will be enough room for lOOstores.
Gillis estimates The Plaza will
generate $70 million in retail sales
for 1990, $3.5 million of this will
come from sales tax revenue.
"We currently employ 700 to
750 people and expect to see that
figure rise to 1,000. A large part of
our work force is ECU students
Gillis said.
"The University has aided T
(ThePlazahremendouslvItslike JaPtineSe SChOOlS glVC CXaiTiPleS
having 16,000 students practically ??
across the street, and they are an
incredible buying power she
said. Mall officials say the students
were their first focus point in plan-
ning the expansion.
Among the new faces at The
Plaza are jewelry stores, eateries,
novelty shops and clothing stores.
The Plaza has a whole new look
inside and out. Every thing is look-
ing new and bright marble floors,
fresh paint and decorative lights.
The sights and sounds of
Christmas will soon be ringing
through The Plaza. Santa will
make daily visits at The Plaza,
until Christmas Eve. Jingles, the
giant, talking bear, will be making
his home at The Plaza during the
Holidays. So get those lists ready!
Holiday spirit is on display at The Plaza.The recent renovations and the Christmas decorations contribute
to the festivities that accompany shoppers preparing for the holidays. (Photo by Angela Pridgen ? ECU
Embassy offers exchange program
Staff Wnlft
The Japanese Embassy is now-
accepting applications for the
japan Exchange and Teaching
Program. Now in its third vear,
the JET Program offers native
English speakers from various
countries the chance to observe
and assist in teaching English to
Japanese students while allowing
participants to absorb its culture.
Karen Eoushee, a recent ECU
graduate, currently lives in Kochi
City, where she works for the
Kochi Prefecture Board of Educa-
Conference to focus on
environmental concerns
Special totheEaaf Carolinian
Earlier this year, a small group
of ECU students attended the
National Conference for Overseas
Development in the Thrid World
at Harvard University. The con-
ference,called "Rethinking Devel-
opment focussed on the conflict
between sustainable economics
and unprincipled development,
thedominanteconomic trend since
the Industrial Revolution. Topics
ranged from reforestation in Bra-
zil to "empowerment initiatives"
for people here and abroad.
In the opening address, Pro-
fessor Mel King of MIT asked,
"How can we look to this country
to play a part in development?"
Initially he focussed on some
negative aspects of our culture?
on pollution, on the low status of
women and minorities,and on the
pervasive attitude that personal
values can only be reflected in
wealth often gained by exploiting
natural resources. As such prob-
lems persist, said King, we may
ask ourselves, "Are we in fact
On a positive note, King also
emphasized that a major reorien-
tation of global development poli-
cies may best begin with the United
States. Free speech and a free
press give us access to powerful
information that can change lives.
We can also effect change through
lobbying, boycotting, demonstra-
tions, and letters to industries and
political figure.
The most shocking presenta-
tions at this conference focussed
on the Amazon. Satellite photos
of the Amazon River basin show-
that an area the size of a football
field is deforested every five sec-
onds and an area the size of Maine
isdeforested each year. Yet eighty-
one percent of the land is owned
by an elite few. The odd mix of
economic conditions?of abject
poverty and excessive wealth
(funelled into development)?
tend to encourage unsound envi-
ronmental practices. Large for-
eign corporations often act out of
narrowly focussed economic inter-
The Brazilian Amazon is ecol-
ogically unique. It contains a vast
diversity of plant and animal life
and the largest stretch of rainforest,
which harbors some 3 million
plant species?nearly 34 of all
plant species on Earth! The Ama-
zon River Basin actually spans
several countries and is roughly
the size of Australia and is the
second longest river in the world.
The Amazon is crucial to regu-
lating carbon dioxide in the at-
mosphere and thus is essential to
the stability of the global climate
system. The "slash & burn"
method of deforestation used in
the Amazon is a major cause of the
"greenhouseeffect the phenome-
non by which the sun's energy is
trapped in Earth's atmosphere
Within our lifetimes, this problem
could threaten the survival of
many species?including our
Brazil saw the beginning of
spirallingdevelopment in theearly
1960's. Throughout the '70s and
into the '80s, the World Bank of-
fered vigorous support for mas-
See DEVELOP on page 15
Foushee said, "Kochi and
North Carolina are on the same
latitude, so the weather is similar.
The humidity of August made me
feel right at home She said that
the language and customs are
naturally different, but she has
been able to adjust because of
polite and helpful Japanese people.
Begun in 1987, the program
currently has nearly 2CHX) partici-
pants from nine countries. This
year, coordinators of the Program
expect to accept approximately 780
of these applicants from the United
There will be two areas of
employment offered: a coordina-
tor for international relations or
an assistant English teacher. As a
CIR, a candidate must already
exhibit a functional command of
the English language since his or
her primary duty will be working
with governments in enhancing
international relations.
As an AET candidate, how-
ever, applicants do not need as
strong a background in the Japa-
nese language since their primary
duty will beaiding Japanese teach-
ers with the instruction of the
English language. Ideally, this part
of the Program strives to indoctri-
nate an international perspective
in Japanese students by promot-
ing an extensive education in for-
eign languages.
Candidates must also be
thirty-five years of age and have
obtained a Bachelor's degree bv
August, 1990. In addition, AET
applicants must practice excellent
English pronunciation, rhythm,
intonation, and voice projection;
have good English writing skills;
and exhibit a genuine interest in
Japan and its people.
Formerly a junior high school
teacher, Foushee says her primary
reason for participating in the
Program is to learn more about
the Japanese educational system.
"I had heard that the svstem isone
See JAPAN on page 14
rival of Bausch & l.omb. Mark
Rosenberg is an inspiration to any
college student who i afraid of
the big bad world. "You can do
anything you want to do, y iu ust
have to go out there and do it
Special to the tut inilmiin
In August 14 outside the
small town of Bethel. V , the
world experienced whatis known
as the greatest concert of all time.
We know the concert as W
Hundreds of thousands
flocked to the small farm where it
was located. New "i ork freewa s
were closed. Concert g er s wa I ked
miles from all around to get to
Woodstock. Some of the musicians
had to be flown in on helicopters.
Heavy rainfall created a mud bath
on the hillside. The military flew
in food and flew out people trip-
ping on brown acid. The concert
was declared a disaster area
And all this has been written
about over and over during the
past several months, because this
is the 20th anniversary of Wood-
stock. But, aren't people getting
tired of this? Have we had our fill
of aging hippies telling us how-
good life was? How many more
interviews and testimonials an
we stand in the magazines and
It apparently is a status sym-
bol to be able to saw "1 was at
Most of us onlv know the
music of Woodstock. Or, if we are
lucky, we have seen the documen-
tary. The people in the movie seem
far removed from us We don't
know those people They have
nothing to do with our lives, right?
These people started a whole
generation of awareness. From
them we have environmental
awareness, racial awareness and
sexism awareness. Thev started
the movements that our genera-
tion is trying to finish
Thev are wise, thev are inter
Dr. Patrick Bizzaro teaches
several literature classes at Fast
Set WOODSTOCK on page 14
Pickiri the bones:
Bonehead pays tribute to greatness
Staff Kola Model Maatct
Every semester or so, I like to
take a column to express my
thanks to all the people who did or
said funny things, who had hu-
morous ideas that 1 stole, or I just
wanted to make famous for a day.
Well, that day is today. This
time around, I want to introduce
my reading public to the coolest
people on campus, so all the fresh-
men and other dweebs will have
some role models to look up to.
These people all contributed
in one way or another to help make
Pickin' the Bones the ideal of
humorthatitistoday. Ifyouaren't
included, you weren't really trying
to be funny. So without further
ado, The Bonehead's Pals TM Gals,
or The Top Ten of Cool at ECU.
Coming in at Number Ten are
the crew at Video Views. Missy
the Kate Bush Hater, Tonia, the
Mistressof Hate, Bonnie the Invis-
ibleClerk, "Mr. Reno" (whoisn'ta
girl, really), Leslie who doesn't
work there anymore, Cindy and
Tina have all made what could be
retail hell a little more bearable.
At Number Nine, the folks at
the writing center. Ray "WZMB's
Most Loval Listener Karen and
Ripples, The Dog From Hell, Joe,
Doug the Momentary Mongoloid,
Lisa, Barb "Didja Get Any?" and
of course, Ruth, are the most pro-
fessional tailgaters 1 know.
Slipping to Number Eight, The
East Carolinian. Sorry, but Mike
Martin, Mori Lartin, Adam "Cool
Theme Song" Cornelius, David
Mackeral, PVC and Artemecia,
and Skeeter areall a bunch a cheat-
ers at flag football, so you all lose
tern Cool Points. I'll still hang out
with you though, if there's noth-
ing on TV.
Moving up to Number Seven
on the Charts, the WZMB staff.
The Zakester, Big D, Dave Mason,
k.t. kat, Beth Ellison, Maco, Dr.
John, Lem, Zimmy, Amie, Matt
and everybody else I can't remem-
ber are the coolest deejays around,
so everybody tune in and catch
their shows.
Holding at Number Six, my
various sexual lackeys. I won't
print their names, in order to al-
low them some degree of respect,
but you'll see them occasionally
wearing their "I Slept With The
Bonehead" T-shirts, available from
At Number Five for the sec-
ond year in a row, Sweet Baby and
Stephanie. I wish we could get
together more often, but till then
I'll just use your washer and drver
Number Four ? mv favorite
editor and his main squeeze, Max
and Candy. So far, those Tarot
cards aren't coming true, and 1
think it's a good thing. Thanks for
everything this wigged-out semes-
ter of imaginary sex partners, and
remember hypothetical syllo-
gisms rule!
Steady at Number Three, The
Tobacco Industry. If it weren't for
my Merits, I would never look as
cool as I do.
Number Two, the lovely and
talented, Kris Adams. Kns is the
stress director for WZMB, and a
chainin' fool like me. Don't stress,
Kris, one day we'll get those X-
mas presents and live in D.C.
happily ever after.
But Number One on the Cool
Charts(drumroll) Slack. Don't
kill yourself yet, hon, we're al-
most outta here. I love you more
than that Diamond guy, and vou
know I'll say anything to you.
Well, worship these people as
you would me, your very own
campus God 'O Cool. Till next
time, may those hangovers be
gentle and the buzzes intense and
pray I pass that logic class or ECU
will be stuck with meanother vear.

Mordred plavs funky metal
California band
S?aH Writer
A citv best known for its dis-
coveries of underground speed
and thrash metal sensations like
Metallica, Testament and Exodus,
San Francisco has given birth to
another bunch of underground
thrashers. It's more than just
metal it's a combo of fusion, hip
hop, neo-classicism, speed, and a
fine flavor of funk that gives you
Mordred tags are vocalist
Scott Holderbv, guitarists Dannv
White and Jim Sanguinetti, bass
master Art Liboon and drummer
Gannon Hall. Mordred, a name
taken from the illegitimate son of
King Arthur, has been dubbed
everything from funkv metal to
bizarre metal.
I wouldn't call it bizarre, but
funky is a pretty accurate descrip-
tion. It's about time Northern
California unleashed an originallv
cool band, and Mordred is defi-
nitely not a band to do something
that's already been done.
Troof oi this can be heard on
the band's debut LP "Fool's
Game that came out on the Euro-
metal label Noise. The LP was
released in Europe a few months
ago, and Mordred found itself to
be the first American act signed to
this curopean label. "Fool's
Game" saw its American release
in October.
Formed in Februarv of 1986,
funk bassist Liboon is the only
original member left in the band.
Originallv building on a Sabbath-
hke, medieval, heavy metal sound,
the musical direction of the band
changed with the recruiting of
drummer Hall and guitarist White.
Influenced by such bands as
the Police, Rush and Missing Per-
sons, Hall added many new di-
mensions when he joined the band.
While Hall thrived on progressive
rock. White craved the sounds of
funk masters such as Rick James,
Cameo and Earth, Wind and Fire.
With theadditionof vocalist Hold-
erby, who is a devout follower of
English and avant rock like Pil
and David Bowie, Mordred be-
came a band that dared to com-
bine these influences to make a
completely original sound.
"We want to do something
different with the genre Hall
said. Mordred has incorporated
all their influences into the heavy
metal genre for a more interesting
and complex sound.
Hall, the principal lyricist for
the band, said that the album has
a lot of "techno metal with funk
aspects However, he admitted
that they're not limited by that
genre or concerned with doing
straight-up anything.
"1 went to GIT for a year, and
that opened me up to different
styles White said. "When I came
back here (to San Francisco) it
naturally got me into funk and
Newest member and guitarist
Sanguinetti, along with White,
went to the guitar university, GIT,
in Los Angeles. These GIT won-
der boys broadened their musical
horizons and together created a
heavy-duty, stereo, metal guitar
"Musically, we would like to
move people, to stir people physi-
cally and emotionally, when they
hear one of our songs Hall said.
"We're not an intellectual thrash
band, we re humans with human
feelings, and we're not afraid to
express them
Hall admits there is no real
message Mordred is trying to get
across, and even though his songs
are often serious, he is in it for the
fun. "We don't take ourselves too
seriously and we don't want to be
taken too seriously he said.
"Heavy metal is a very strong,
straight forward kind of music
that, until we grow out of it, we'll
keep playing Liboon said.
Hall agreed, "Yeah, metal
really drives. It probably has to do
with our age. We have a lot of
energy and we like to pound it
If you pick up a copy of "Fool's
Game" you'll get to hear that per-
cussive, rhythmic style that sets
Mordred apart from the rest of the
San Francisco underground.
The band's funk side is appar-
ent on the first videosingle
"Everydav's A Holiday The
single is filled with metal guitars,
funkv grooves, and high-tech
scratching by Aaron "D.J. Pause"
Vaughn, who is also featured in
the video.
"Sever and Splice" and "Shat-
ter" are the two heaviest songs on
the'album. "Shatter" adds a raw
touch to the funky sideof Mordred,
and has guest vocals by Chuck
Billy of Testament.
And as a joke, Mordred did a
cover of the Rick James' classic
'Super Freak Thrash fans will
get a kick out of this remake, and
mavbe one day Mordred will
decide to do their own garage days
revisited with the '70s funk clas-
Lyrically, the songs on the LP
are very deep, and often compli-
cated. But that'so.k. because these
thrash rats just wanna have fun.
Mordred is an original metal
band, and they should have no
problems casting a brain-scorch-
ing spell on the metal world.
Continued from page 13
Carolina University. He once
headed the Writing Center. He
likes to play basketball, watch
"?Football and see his son play soc-
?'crr' "
Bizzaro left Buffalo for Wood-
stock in a van full of buddies. They
brought with them a tent, and
some corn and apples. They set up
their tent five miles outside the
concert in Bethel. The long walk
back and forth to the tent pro
vided time for singing and raising
hell, as Bizzaro puts it.
"1 played a kazoo; people from
all over came up and requested
songs. It was the closest 1 ever
came to being a rock star. Most of
the poets of my generation are
failed rock stars
Bizzaro remembers wearing
cut off shorts, sandals and black-
framed glasses like the ones John
Sebastian wore in a movie.
Bizzaro's hair fell slightly below
his shoulders and he had what he
calls a fu manchu moustache. You
might be able to pick him out in
the Woodstock documentary,
Three Days of Peace and Music.
He now regrets the loss of his
Woodstock tickets. When the
concert became officially free, he
tore them up and threw them in
the air.
He said: "Drugs were every-
where, people had Ihem laying
out on tables like they were food
vendors. I say this one guy trip-
ping out on brown acid. He was
crying and pulling out his hair. At
one time, I had four pipes in my
hand. I didn't know what to do
with them all
Bizzaro said the freedom to
express oneself made the concert
famous: "No one was afraid. If
you wanted to do drugs, you did
them. If you wanted to take off
your clothes, you did. The naked
beach scene in the movie was a
shock tactic for the people who
weren't there. People who weren't
walking around naked were not
bothered by the people that were
Bizzaro agrees with all the
weather reports. "We were slid-
ing around in the mud. The rain
was cold. Most of my friends left
early, leaving two of us to carry
back pounds of wet sleeping bags
and blankets. We ditched them on
the road. Later we found out we
had thrown out two cameras full
of pictures of the concert. Mv
friends were mad but I wouldn't
have thrown awav the cameras if
I had known they were there
During the concert, Bizzaro
hitched a ride to pick up his girl-
friend in Monticello. He and a
bunch of other people climbed
aboard on an old truck loaded
down with hay. It was like their
own private hav ride. Bizzaro
eventually met up with his girl-
friend at a Lutheran church and
brought her back to the concert
with him. Today he is married to
the same woman.
According to Bizzaro, the
concert was good, but sad. "Ev-
eryone was having a good time,
but we were all conscious of the
fact that people were being killed
in Vietnam. It was never far from
your mind
Bizzaro thought the best part
of Woodstock was being unafraid
to express yourself. He pointed
out again the drugs, the naked-
ness and all the other things nor-
mally forbidden by society.
"The '60s are still a part of me.
I'm not afraid
A spectacular epic of the French Revolution
December 6, 7, 8 and 9
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General Public $6.00 ECU Students fti.OO
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Mordreu, an underground band from San Francisco plays thrashing music that combines funk with tht
metal sound. Band members are Danny White, Scott Holder, Jim Sanguinetti, Art Liboon and Gannon
Hall. Mordred can be seen performing "Everyday's a Holiday" on MTV.
Continued from page 13
of the best in the world. From my
observations, 1 will take the best
ideas from apan back to North
Carolina and share my know ledge
of Japan and it people with mv
"As 1 live in apan and com-
pare it to my home in North,m
lina, 1 realize that 1 am not only
learning more about japan, but I
am also gaining a better under-
standing of America and myself, 1
am sure 1 will leave a better per-
Applications and further in-
formation can be obtained from
the japan Center East office in
Speight 123, or by call '4247.
Applications must be postmarked
bv LXx 20.
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Continued from page 13
sive cattle raising and mineral
mining projects, amounting to vast
deforestation. Lumbering and
cattle raising were, and still are,
given tax incentives or credits.
rod ay, ca 11 le ra 1 si ng represen ts t he
single largest cause of rainforest
destruction. Much of the beef is
exported to the U.S. to be sold in
fast food chains.
Brazil's population, which is
highly urbanized, uses and owns
onlyasrnall percentage of the land.
In fact, seventy percent of the
population is landless. Manv
people are forced to move out to
the rainforest, clearing the land
tor small-scale farming based on
crop rotation and slash-and-bum
practices As the topsoil is e-
tremel) thin, a typical peasant
family's tract oi land lasts only
about three1 years.
When the landless farmer then
moves on to find new soil, corpo-
rate-owned cattle ranchers move
in to expand their already sprawl-
ing ranches. At this point, regen-
eration of the land becomes im-
possible. Even in the unlikely
event that any topsoil is left at all.
full recuperation would take at
least a century or two.
As the valuable land is lost,
the people of Latin America are
becoming increasingly impover-
ished. The poverty, however,
extends tar beyond Brazilian bor-
ders, tor this land has also been a
source of many medicines usl by
industrialized nations. More
importantly, given its essential
role in stabilizing global climate,
the Amazon's demise may be a
harbinger of global disaster.
Fortunately, some grassroot
organizations in Brazil actively
endorse long-term land valuesand
are working to fight deforestation.
Chico Mendes, a leader of the
Rubber Tappers and outspoken
proponent of rainforest preserva-
tion, gained international atten-
tion when he was mysteriouslv
murdered earlier this vear. But
his particular group had gained
enough support to pressure the
World Bank into renouncing all
plans for "environmentally un-
sound projects Another posi-
tiveoutcome was the formation of
"The Alliance of Rain Forest
Peoples an alliance between
Brazilian Indians and a small
group of Portugese, who are
conducting regular forums on
saving the rainforests
Methods of sustainable land
use are an ecological imperative.
Instead oi using forest resources
as vehicles for mining and live-
stock operations, the proposed
changes for forestry and land
regulations should remove incen-
tives for forest clearing. If lessons
from the past are heeded, future
development of the Amazon will
be dramatically different from
what it is today. On the other
hand, if the Third World contin-
ues to adopt the developmental
practicesof affluent countries, thev
will only amplify the already se-
vere environmental damage.
How can we better educate
ourselves on this global crisis? At
7:30 p.m. on Thursday evening,
November 30, Maria Teresa Ortiz
and Guillermo W. Mann will speak
in room 1031 oi ECU'S General
Classroom Building on "Conser-
vation in Latin America: Can Sus-
tainable Economies and Ecologi-
cal Integrity Coexist?" Sn. Ortiz, a
native of Boh via, helped negotiate
the first "debt-for-Nature" swap
in history and is a recipient of the
Global 500 Award for conserva-
tion achievement (1988), given by
the United Nations' Environ-
mental Program. Sr. Mann, a
native of Chile and former direc-
tor of Chile's National Park Sys-
tem, is vice president for Strategic
Planning at Conservation Inter-
national, a Washington, D.C
based organization working for
the conservation of natural habi-
tats in Mexico, Costa Rica, Bolivia
and other Latin American Coun-
The insights of Ortiz and
Mann could not be more timely,
for we can no longer deny the
pressing issues of environment,
economics, and social inequality
which affect millions of people
worldwide. It is time to rethink
our ideas on development and
progress. Though the problem is
complex, many individuals and
organizations are taking construc-
tive action and having. For more
information on how you can get
involved, please contact any of
the following on-campus groups:
The Overseas Development Net-
work, Amnesty International,
Students for a Cleaner Earth, and
Students for Environmental
Scot Slusanck, Christopher James Wright and Donn Youngstrom (left to right) will appear in the East
Carolina Playhouse's production of "Danton's Death This epic of the French Revolution will be
performed Dec. b, 7, 8 and 9 at 8:15 p.m. in the McGinnis Theatre. For tickets, call (919) 757-6829. (Photo
by Doug Ray ? ECU News Bureau)
Playhouse presents Danton's Death
French Revolution play opens
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E L News Bui
(.tvrg Buchner's "Danton's
Death" will tx1 presented by the
i ast Carolina Playhouse on De-
cember 6, 7, 8 and 9, 19,vj at 8:15
p m. in the McGinnis 1 heatre.This
spectacular epic ot the French
Revolution is being produced to
commemorate France's Bicenten-
"Danton's Iith" will be the
last East Carolina Playhouse pro-
duction directed bv retiring pro-
ducerdirector Edgar R. Loessin,
and will feature music composed
by Otto Henry, ECU School of
Music, and songs written bv Mort
Mine, ECU Department of The-
atre Arts.
1 eeling himself being crushed
under the ghastly fatalism of his-
tirv. the twenty-two vear old
Buchner wrote' Danton's Death
v hich captures the hopesand turv
and disappointment of that tre-
mendous time referred to as the
French Revolution.
The plav is involved with two
heroic figures of the revolution,
Georges Danton and Maximilien
Robespierre, who are philosophi-
cally opposed to thedirection their
country should take. The fiery
Robespierre is the essence of revo-
lutionary zeal; Danton is the
calmer advocate of bourgeois re-
form. One of the two must fall;
and in passionate times, invari-
ably the calmer individuals suc-
cumb to the hungrv mobs.
"Danton's Death" fills the theatre
with the tickle, lund, terrifying
c c lone of the Revolution.
The plav torms a staggering
spectacle, with torrential mob
scenes, drunken brawling on the
street, bellowing and gathering
frenzy at the Convention, and
surging passions at the trial. The
single-eyed fanatic, Robespierre,
embodies the basic heartlessness
of the humanitarian doctrinaire.
Love and beauty persist,
evoked bv the two women be-
loved of Danton and of Desmoul-
ins who, though not prominent in
the play, give a splendid, almost
romantic quality to the hard his-
torical realism. Tempestous pas-
sion, pathos, human integrity, and
poetic beauty surge to tragic exal-
tation in Buchner's masterpiece.
Christopher James Wright will
be playing the role of Danton. As
a professional actor, Wright has
performed in regional theatre
throughout the United States
appearing in productions of
"Crimes of the 1 leart "The Rain-
maker "Edward 11 and "Gem
ini On television he was most
recently seen as Kenyon Druhart
on "One Life to Live" and has
performed regularly on "The
Guiding Light" and "All My Chil-
dren He will be appearing in the
upcoming films, "1 mle Monsters"
and "Black Rainbow He is also
the voice in manv TV and radio
Wnght is appearing through
the courtesy of Actors' Equity
Association. Originally from
Toledo, Ohio, he now makes his
home in New York Citv with his
wife, Norren, and his son , Mat-
Donn Youngstrom will be
appearing in the role oi Robespi-
erre. Youngstrom is a new facultv
member in the Department of
Theatre Arts. He has performed
Off-Broadwav in a number of
Quality Mart
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productions including "Hamlet
and the North American Premier
of Goethe's "Faust, Part I and II
He has worked regionally as an
actor, director and fight choreog-
rapher in Los Angeles, Seattle,
Portland and the New Jersey
Shakespeare Festival.
Individual tickets will go on
sale November 29. Thev are priced
at $6.00 for the General Public,
S4.(X) for groups of ten or more,
and $3.00 for ECU students. All
tickets may be charged on VISA or
MASTERCARD bv telephoning
the box office (919) 757-6829; bv
mail order to General Manager,
Department of Theatre Arts, ECU,
Greenville, NC 27858-4353; or in
person at the McGinnis Theatre
box office. Box office hours are
Monday through Friday from 10
a.m. until 4 p.m. with extended
hours until 8:30 p.m. on perform-
ance da vs.
The IX'partment of Theatre
Arts is a division of ECU'S College
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The Law
By Reid
HAS t?t ?'M To THf TAAJfrF7 PCK-e OF TWfM
All. lit '? S'??uf4T ir.w ???? 'Mt
AT jvi HiUD
what TH6V T0-

iJNlW f ?TIN(r FHIfB DO"
Hazardous Waste
Rex, Wonder Pig
By Mason
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Faux Pas
ByChucky D.
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By Manning
is aosto 1
That Morrigan
By Angela R.
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Gambda Gambda Hev!
By Elliott

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fRKt House. e?cc?,
Tt?Nff jM flET WEEK
Adventures ni Kemple Boy
Bv Chris
6 N j puj?.&H77 Boy! weixreACH
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Whiskers 'n'Chubs
By John Shull
AY8ffSec8i??55 BRIEF.
??AUHHIU ??? PttfKbZL
ZfACKii. ' '
'??6-ir ? .
nuT?S iirt
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,?t espe. tro,
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yp ?usr'Ess, and
'l?l. TK?"
The last cartoonist meet inn of the year svHI tie held at
?:f.ifi p.m. neit fhursday at the fast Carolinianl you must
all attend or we will Cancel Christmas) tia ha hat Don't
look too shabby, 'cause we Just ml?tbt take a qroup pic-
ture. Isn't that crusty? See you alt there, pixie-butts.

I irales prepare for
tourney with a big
n. wi.
iI MHI K M), 14H4 r( .1 1
Lose hils clinch tree throws
Hoopsters squeak past
UNC-G Spartans 60-57

?? 1 tl '
A lv
"We've still ot a
loniz wa t) no
Mike Sfeele
a n
, Notre Dame set for
i)a showdown
Aspden named
to second-team
i i
? i
Spurrier meets with Florida officials
11. sTlM N
Defensive battle set for Gator Bowl
! K
? 24 passes
? ? times
? mked eighth na
i 1-A in total
Leave watch at home
Tor All American Bowl
n passing effi-
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See i uke page 19
? n ! in nol ? w he
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ettei ? Harris who in three seasons
? si ollege player to
pss foi KX ards and rush toi
us ? ? I 7 8 ards .1 pla
1 ighl this season I le ran for "lw v ards
and six tom hdovs us in 114 1 arnes
? ? Jefense
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qUi 1 kers 1 evon
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w iU ? mmis have combined
lemson s 22 quarter
bat k s.i? ks
1 know our linemen aren t
going to catch him 1 ord said ol
Harris 1 mnotsureourlineback
ers can catch him probabt) not
If wehaveanvbod) who can
do il it s probably our outside
See t. lemson, page 18

Lady Pirates prepare for
home tourney with a big
win over N.C. A&T
NOVEMBER 30,1989 PAGE 17
AnUunt Sports Editor
Looking for their second win
, il the season, the Lady Pirates hit
t he road Tuesday night to face the
pgies of North Carolina A&T
and coasted to a 76-50 basketball
ictory led by a 16-point outing
rom senior center Sarah Grav.
'We played hard and got an
virlv lead head coach Pat Pier-
.on said. "We shot well and were
ble to maintain the lead
Pierson said her team has
showed much improvement over
'heir first two games, but that it
-till has a lot of kinks left to work
nit. One wrinkle Pierson pointed
ut is the team's timing, but added
us is to be expected with the
iddirion of new players.
TheLadvPiratesopened their
season last Friday night in
Statesboro, Georgia, falling to a
itrong Ga. Southern team, 77-74.
Fonya Hargrove led the team in
scoring with 16 points and was 4
tor 9 from the charity stripe ?
giving the sophomore forward a
areer high 20 points. Hargrove
iiso lead the team in turnovers
with five. Just over a week ago,
juniorcenterforward Sarah Gray
underwent knee surgery. "You
could tell she was hurt, it showed
Pierson said about Gray's 50 per-
cent effort from the free-throw line.
"The team played great and
played hard Pierson said, but
added, "first game jitters" got the
best of the Lady Pirates. Despite
the pressure on freshman Gaynor
O'Donnell, the 56" forward had
a "great effort" with 12 assists ?
two short of an ECU game record.
"The difference came at the
line Pierson said referring to the
team's 40 percent free-throw ef-
In Saturday's win over Au-
gusta College ECU Coach Pat
Pierson was able to play all 13
players, including Sarah Gray.
Gray had started "to return to her
old self, and started to regain her
confidence Pierson said as Gray
came off the bench for a game-
high 17 points. Senior Irish Ha-
milton was the only other ECU
player in double figures with 13.
"I was happy to see almost
everyone contribute to the game
See Classic, page 19
Lose hits clutch free throws
Hoopsters squeak past
UNC-G Spartans 60-57
Stiff Writer
Gus Hill drives to the basket for a layup during the Pirates game
with N.C. Wesleyan. The team picked up their first win last night
over UNC-G 60-57. (Photo by Garrett Killian?ECU Photolab)
Head coach Mike Steele and
the ECU basketball team were on
a mission Wednesday night in
Greensboro - seek and destroy.
Perhaps "destroyed" is a hy-
perbole compared to the Pirates'
performance in last night's game,
but the ECU team went "seeking"
their first win of the season and
came away with a 60-57 victory
over the Spartans of UNC-G .
"We've still got a long way to
go said Steele in reference to the
team's performance. "We're play-
ing with a lot of young kids, but
I'm pleased with the way they
played tonight
Taking a 33-25 lead at halftime,
the Pirates allowed the Spartans
to close the gap and take control
just six minutes into the second
half, 36-35.
The game teeter-tottered back
and forth as both teams battled
for the leacL' With 2:30 left in the
game, ECU'S junior guard Jeff
Whitaker hit a 3-point shot toput
the Pirates up 52-51 - a lead that
they would never relenquish.
Colorado, Notre Dame set for
New Year's Day showdown
By The Associated Press
Colorado is No. 1 in college
foofl all for the first time in school
history. While members of the
team aid it will be fun to have
some " bragging rights they
n't consider their work done
intil an. 1.
That's when the Buffaloes,
?reviously No. 2 behind top-
inked Notre Dame, meet the
hting Irish in the Orange Bowl
or what could be the national
Colorado moved up in The
Associated Press poll on Monday
after Miami beat Notre Dame 27-
10 Saturday. The Fighting Irish,
who had been No. 1 since the first
week of the season, fell to No. 5,
while Miami rose three places to
No. 4.
Alabama, the only other ma-
pr undefeated team, moved up
two places to No. 2 while once-
beaten Michigan remained third
after beating Ohio State 28-18.
Alabama, which had the week off,
finishes its regular season Satur-
day at Auburn.
The top five teams all figure to
have a shot at the national cham-
pionship. Colorado can win it by
bearing Notre Dame in the Or-
ange Bowl, but if the Buffaloes
lose it would open the door for the
other four teams.
" It is going to be our ultimate
challenge Colorado coach Bill
McCartney said. " Anyone who
knows anvthing about Notre
Dame and its great traditions
knows that they will bounce back
from the Miami loss. You can count
on that
Colorado players expressed
reserved pleasure on Monday.
" It's really not a big deal,
because we've still got one more
to play defensive co-captain
Michael Jones said. " If we lose, it
all goes out the window
" It's a great feeling guard
Darrin Muilenburg said but we
know we have to prove it and
finish it off with one last game
" I feel the same as I did when
we were No. 9 linebacker Alfred
Williams said. " It feels good, but
As Intramural co-rec flag football winds down, other fun and physically demanding programs
are already going on. Stop by the Intramural Recreational and Sports department in Memorial
Gym and find out how to get involved. (Photo by Garrett Killian ? ECU Photolab)
Spurrier meets with Florida officials
UNC-Grecnsboro rallied sev-
eral times to close the margin to
within one, but senior guard Reed
Lose hit four free throws in the
final seventeen seconds to seal the
victory for the Pirates.
"We had chances to pull away
early Steele said. "But they
fought back
"We've still got a
long way to go.
-Mike Steele
Leading the Pirates in scoring
was freshman center IkeCopeland
with 14 points. Junior forward Tim
Brown had 12 points of his own
for the night, and Lose added
another 11 to the Pirates' total.
Last night's win moves ECU'S
record to 1-2 on the season, while
moving UNC-Greensboro to a 1-
3 record. Coach Steeleand hisband
Pirates take to the floor again on
Monday, Dec. 4 as they host
Francis Marion in Minges Coli-
seum with tip off set for 7 p.m.
Aspden named
to second-team
(SID) ? T.J. Aspden, ECU'S
senior soccer midfielder, was
named to the Colonial Athletic
Association second-team all-con-
ference squad, the league office
Aspden, who was the Pirates
leading scorer in 1989, was the
only player from ECU to gain all-
league honors.
Aspden netted five goals and
three assists for his team-high 13
points on the year. His best con-
test came against Francis Marion
on Oct. 3, when he had one goal
and two assists in a 6-4 overtime
Aspden is the second Pirate
player to be named to a C AA post-
season team in the past two yeas.
In 1988, goalkeeper Mac Kendall
was named the CAA's second
team goalie.
By The Associated Press
Lady Pirate Classic
6 p.m. Howard vs. Coastal
8 p.m. ECU vs. Fairleigh-
At Richmond, 4 p.m.
Richmond, Va.
At Richmond, 4 p.m.
Final Round of the Lady
Pirate Classic
6 p.m Consolation game
8 p.m Championship
At George Washington,
1 p.m.
Washington D.C
At George Washington,
vs. Francis Marion, 7 p.m.
DURHAM ? Duke football
coach Steve Spurrier said after a
meeting with University of Flor-
ida officials that he will not make
a decision on his coaching future
until after Duke and Horida have
played their respective postsea-
son bowl games.
Spurrier met for nearly two
hours Saturday at his home in
Durham with Florida's selection
committee: Athletic Director Bill
Arnsparger, interim Florida Presi-
dent Dr. Robert Bryan and Dr.
Nick Cassisi, a resident of
Gainesville, Fla.
"I'm definitely planning on
coaching the bowl game, just like
I said last week Spurrier said
Monday night after returning from
a news conference in Birmingham.
"That wouldn't be good for any-
body (to decide before the bowl
game). That wouldn't be good for
either side.
"It was just a general get to
know each other thing. There in
a bowl game and we're in a bowl
game. I want to coach the bowl
game no matter what happens. So
there's no need for any serious
talks at this time
Spurrier said a second meet-
ing would be held in the next two
Duke meets Texas Tech in the
All American Bowl in Birming-
ham, Ala on Dec. 28. Florida faces
Washington in the Freedom Bowl
in Anaheim, Calif on Dec. 30.
Spurrier would neither con-
firm nor deny that Florida made
him an offer during the Saturday
"You ask them all that Spur-
rier said. "We just got to know
each other a little bit and planned
on getting together again in a
couple of weeks and talk some
more and see what happens. That
was about it
Florida officials have said
Spurrier is their top choice to re-
place Galen Hall, who resigned at
midseason following admissions
of wrongdoing within the school's
football program.
Florida is reportedly set to
offer Spurrier a contract of $300,000
annually through a base salary,
television show and endorse-
ments, The Durham Morning
Herald reported Tuesday. Spur-
rier isattractive to Horida not only
because he has led Duke to a 20-
12-1 record in three seasons, but
also because he was the school's
onlv Heisman Trophy winner, a
honor he received following the
1966 season.
Duke discussed a renegotia-
tion of Spurrier's contract last
week. Spurrier had signed a four-
year contract prior to the 1989
season thatincludesabonusclause
should he stay through the 1992
season. Duke reportedly offered
Spurrier a new contract last week
with an annual base salary of
$100,000, the newspaper said.
"We just talked Amsbarger
said of Saturday's meeting with
Spurrier. "It's always good to visit
with people. We had this oppor-
tunity; we took advantage of it
When asked why Bryan and
Cassissi flew to Durham for the
meeting, Arnsbarger said: "I guess
they were available and interested.
I don't want to put words in their
Bryan could not be reached
for comment, but Linda Gray, a
spokesman for the University of
Florida said: "It was a prelimiary
discussion. He (Bryan) had not
met Steve Spurrier. This was an
opportunity for him to meet and
chat with him
Defensive battle set for Gator Bowl
Th? AMociand Pre
Leave watch at home
for All American Bowl
(AP) ? Those attending the Dec.
28 All American Bowl might be
better off leaving their watches at
home, said the coach of Texas
Tech's 25th-ranked football team,
which meets No. 20 Duke in the
13th annual game.
"Don't plan on a three-hour
ball game Spike Dykes said at a
news conference Monday. "We
may be playing five or six hours
because we're going to be throw-
ing it, too. It's going to be wild. I
think it Will be a great matchup
and I imagine there will be a lot of
points scored
"We'll do everything we can
to put on a good show here said
Steve Spurrier, the Duke coach.
"It should be a heck of a game
The bowl, Duke's first since
its 1960 team defeated Arkansas
7-6 in the Cotton Bowl, has altered
the campus attitude at Durham,
said Joe Alleva, assistant athletic
After so many years of Duke
See Duke, page 19
West Virginia's defense will line
up in the Gator Bowl against a
team unlike any it has faced this
season, according to Clemson
coach Danny Ford.
And West Virginia, Ford
added, will present theTigers with
a unique defensive problem of
their own?what to do with Ma jor
"1 think they'll like the fact
that it will be a different challenge
that they don't see a lot Ford said
Tuesday of the Tigers' option of-
fense. "They've played against a
whole lot bigger people, but I don't
know if they've played against
people who have run any better or
"I think thaf s the difference.
They'll see an option team versus
a wide-open throw, run-it-right-
at-you-type team
No. 14 Clemson (9-2) meets
the 17th-ranked Mountaineers (8-
2-1) in the Gator Bowl at Jackson-
ville, Fla on Dec. 30. Clemson lost
its grip on the Atlantic Coast
Conference championship after
midseason losses to Georgia Tech
and Duke. West Virginia was
beaten by Virginia Tech and Perm
State and tied by Pittsburgh.
Ford, speaking via a confer-
ence call from Clemson, said he
doesn't know much about the
Mountaineers except that Harris
is the quarterback.
"1 don't know exactly how
we'll play him yet Ford said. "I
think we'll have some problems
with him. I'm not sure how he
hurts you the most, running or
throwing. He's very dangerous
Harris, who in three seasons
became the first college player to
pass for 5,000 yards and rush for
2,000, averaged 7.8 yards a play
this season. He ran for 919 yards
and six touchdowns in 144 carries
and completed 131 of 224 passes
for 1,939 yards and 16 touchdowns
He was intercepted 10 times.
Harris is ranked eighth na-
tionally in Division 1-A in total
offense and ninth in passing effi-
He will be facing a defense
ranked fifth nationally in scoring
defense, sixth in total defense,
seventh against the rush and 22nd
in pass defense. This is the first
Clemson team ever to rank among
the top 25 in the four major defen-
sive categories.
Outside linebackers Levon
Kirkland, John Johnson and
Wayne Simmons have combined
for half of Oemson's 22 quarter-
back sacks.
"1 know our linemen aren't
going to catch him Ford said of
Harm. "I'm not sureour lineback-
ers can catch him, probably not.
"If we have anybody who can
do it, if s probabfy our outside
See Clemson, page 18

NOVEMBER 30,1989
Sports Briefs
Continued from page 17
NFL investigates'bounties'
National Football LeagueCommissioner PaulTagliabueconfirmed
Monday that the NFL is investigating charges of cash bounties being
offered to Philadelphia Eagles' players for knocking opposing kicker
Luis Zendejas and quarterback Troy Aikman out of action at a Thanks-
giving Day game.
Ryan denies interest in Jets
Philadelphia Eagles' coach Buddy Ryan flatly denied Monday that
he is interested in a soon-to-be-vacant coaching position with the New
York Jets- Also Monday, Eagles' owner Norman Braman said he was
considering extending Ryan's contract, which will expire after next
season. NBC-TV commentator Bobby Beathard reported Sunday tht
Ryan was interested in the jets' opening.
Manley enters abuse center
Dexter Manley, suspended Washington Redskins defensive end,
has checked into a substance-abuse treatment center in Houston, the
John Lucas New Spirit Recovery Center. Manley was banned from the
NFL Nov. 18 after drug tests indicated he had violated the league's
substance-abuse policy for a third time.
Hall of Fame ballots mailed
Joe Morgan, twice voted most valuable player, and Jim Palmer,
three-time winner of the Cy Young Award, are at the top of a list of 20
first-year candidates on the 19901 fall of Fame ballots mailed Monday
to voters in the Baseball Writers Association of America.
TAC selects interim VP
Harvey Glance was elected Monday interim vice president of The
Athletics Congress. The three-time Olympian replaces Willie Banks. In
other TAC action, shot putter Tom Huminik and 400-meter runner
Willie Caldwell were suspended for two years for steroids use and
marathoner Jeff Scuffins was suspended three months for use of a
WBL team sets precedent
World Basketball League officials said Monday that Memphis, the
newest member of the league, is believed to be the first in pro sports
with equal ownership by black and white investors. Memphis is the
league's sixth team. Steve Ehrhart, commissioner of the WBL, also said
the league wants to add two more teams in May.
Pro ball a possibility in lottery
Oregon Lottery director Jim Davcy said Tuesday he will recom-
mend the addition of professional basketball to the state's Sports
Action betting game, in spite of opposition from the NBA. Oregon's
Lottery commission is expected to go along with the recommendation.
Portland Trail Blazers games would not be included, however.
Oakland makes final offer
With the promise of a $54 million franchise fee, $54 million in
stadium improvements and a guaranteeof five yearsof sellouts, the city
of Oakland hasmadea final offer to bring back the NFL's Los Angeles
Raiders. Total valueof the deal is approximately $239 million. Raider's
managing partner Al Davis is expected to respond in two weeks.
Hanifan named interim coach
Jim Hanifan, assistant head coachoffense of the Atlanta Falcons,
was named interim coach of the team Tuesday after the surprise
resignation of veteran coach Marion Campbell. Campbell has been
under fire recently for the Falcons' 3-9 record this season.
Dorsett comments on career
Tony Dorsett, 35, said Tuesday that his career might be over after
his contract with the Denver Broncos expires in February. The NFL's
second all-time leading rusher said he doesn't expect any NFL team to
offer him a contract. He has not played this season after knee surgery
in August
Citizens march for Olympics
Several hundred people marched through the streets of Lillehanv
mcr, Norway, Tuesday evening calling for the 1994 Olympic Games to
be held as planned around the city. Although it is possiblet is unlikely
that the games at Lillehammer could be relinquished if some events
were switched to sites away from the city in order to keep down rising
costs, mayor Audun Tron said.
Japan firm asks to buy track
The owner of Calder Race Course and Victoria Co. Ltd a Japanese
sporting-goods company, filed an application with Florida state racing
officials Tuesday for a permit to buy Gulfstrcam Park. Bertram R.
Firestone's offer is believed to be the first case of foreign investment
involved m a Florida race track.
Belli argues case for Torres
Attorney Mclvin Belli will try to peiuadeCov.GeorgcDeukmejian
to free former amateur boxing standout joey Torres from prison. Belli
is representing Torres, 29, who agreed to a six-year maximum sentence
as part of a plea bargain almost 10 years ago stemming from the murder
of his manager. The term was extended to 25 years to life after what
Torres claims was a misunderstanding.
CCopyrto t9$9. UM TODAVAffh CotUgt tnformmtum Network
linebackers and secondary people.
1 hope he's not faster than every-
body we've got
Ford called Harris a "danc-
ing-type runner" capable of mak-
ing the big play and a defender
look foolish with a head fake.
"I don't think we've seen
anyone at quarterback like him
since I've been at Clemson said
Ford, who's in his 12th season. "I
don't think we've played that kind
of runner, head-thrower and big-
play maker
Harris accounted for 2,858 of
the Mountaineers' 4,764 yards, or
60 percent. The Pittsburgh native,
fifth in the last year's balloting for
the Heisman Trophy, is consid-
ered among the front-runners this
year for college football's most
prestigious award.
"Major may win ? 1 better
not call him bv his first name, I
don't know him that well Ford
said. "But Mr. Harris, believe it or
not, may walk away with the
whole deal.
W$z (Bast Carolinian!
"So we may have a chance to
play against a Heisman Trophy
winner, at least one who is in the
top five, and deservedly so
Harris likely will be keeping
an eye on his favorite target, 6-
footn6, senior wide receiver Reg-
gie Rembert.
"We're going to piggy-back
him Ford said. "We're going to
put two of our guys on top of each
other and go wherever he goes, I
Ford said the Tigers will take
some time off before heading for
Daytona, Fla on Dec. 17 to prac-
tice for the Gator Bowl. West Vir-
ginia plans to remain at Morgan-
town until Christmas Day.
Clemson is 3-2 at the Gator
Bowl since its first appearance in
1949. The Tigers beat Stanford in
the 1986 Gator Bowl 27-21 and
went on to win the last two Citrus
West Virginia's last appear-
ance in the Gator Bowl was in
1982, when the Mountaineers were
beaten 31-12 by Florida State.
The 1989-90 Bowl roll
Dec. 9
Dec. 16
Shreveporl, La .
Dec. 25
Dec. 28
Memphis, fenn
All American
Dec 28
Birmingham, Ala.
Dec 29
San Diego
John Hancock
Dec 30
El Paso. Texas
Dec. 30
Anaheim, Calrl
Dec. 30
Dec. 30
Jacksonville, Fla.
Dec 31
Tucson, Ariz.
Hall of Fame
Jan 1
Tampa. Fla
Florida Citrus
Jan. 1
Orlando. Fla
! Cotton
Jan 1
; Da. as
1 Fiesta
Jan 1
Tempe, Ajrjz
Jan. 1
Pasadena. Calrl
Jan 1
Jan. 1
New Orleans
Payoutteam Matchups
4 p.m. Bail State
Sport Ch. vs.
$150,000 Fresno Stale
8 p.m
3:30 p.m
Michigan State
6 p.m.
$1 mul,on
8 p.m
9 p.m
$1 m
12.30 p m
$1 m. on
A:r Force
Texas Tecr
Brigham Young
Penn State
Pittsburgh vs. loser
of Texas A&M
vs Arkansas
2.30 p m
8 p.m.
$1 million
8 p.m.
Washington vs
Indiana or Flor.da
West Virginia
North Carolina State
1 p.m
$900 000
1 30 p m
$1 2 n
? 30 p m
$2 4
5 p.m
$2 million
Ohio State or Illinois
SWC champ (Arkansas
or Texas A&M)
Florida State
5b million
8 p.m.
$4 million
8 30 p m
$2.75 million
Big Ten champ
probably Michigan)
vs USC
Notre Dame
SEC champ
(probably Alabama)
vs. Miami, Fla
Gannets ewx Serv-ca
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NOVEMBER 30,1989
Fearless Football Forecast
Uta. ? ftr Mi (W M. MM ta?-i of H- . ft. ? ? ? ? ? - ?? ? fc ,S"l-
Alabama vs. Miami, Fla. suprr
Colorado vs. Notre Dame tonagd
Michigan vs. L'SOrm)
I lorida St. vs. Nebraska (Fi?ta)
Arkansas vs. Tennessee ecottmo
is vs. Virginia k nn?)
ona vs. N.C. State (Copp?r)
( lemson vs. W. Virginia (Gator)
Poke vs. Texas Tech (AflAmertaiO
orgia vs. Syracusecpmcw
Who will finish 1?
Notre Dame
Florida St.
V. Virginia
Doke '
Notre Pa me
Hospitality Management
Miami, Fla.
Notre Pa me
Florida St.
C icorgia
Miami, Fla.
Miami, Fla.
Notre Dame
Flonda St.
N.C State
Notre Dame
Miami, Fla.
Notre Dame
N.C State
Notre Dame
Graduate Student
Miami, Fla.
Notre Dame
Florida St.
Miami, Fla.
Miami, Fla.
Flonda St.
W. Virginia
Congratulations Brian Bailey on
winning the Fearless Football
Forecast with a 72-24-4 record!
Other finishers:
i2) Michael Martin 71-25-4
3) Dean Bucan 70-26-4
4) Chippy Bonehead 63-33-4
5) Richard Eakin 55-31-4
6) Stephanie Folsom 47-49-4
rson said. "But we still need to
. ?n our foul shooting and
e we had 22 steals, yet
d to work on making posi-
ve things happen latter the con-
tter the team's 75-62 victory
day at Augusta College, Pi-
- said that had ECU played
ithem with the same inten-
ason opener would have
? different. "It was a nice win
Lince back with Piersonsaid.
; he Lady Pirates, 2-1 will host
the Eighth Lady PirateC lassie this
Friday and Saturday at Minges
The tournament will include
host ECU, Coastal Carolina.
Fairleigh-Dickensonand 1 loward.
The Lady Pirates match up
against Fairieigh-Dickinson in the
nightcap of Friday's double-
header. Howard and Coastal Caro-
lina open the tournament in the
first game at h p.m.
The losers of Friday night's
games square off Saturday at 6
Continued from page 17
p.m with thechampionshipgame
slated for 8 p.m.
ECU has not won itsown Lady
Pirate Classic since the 1986 sea-
On Wednesday, Dec. 6, ECU
will host 6th - ranked Lady
Wolfpack of NC State at Minges.
When ECU and State met in
Minges Coliseum back in 1981,
4,000 tans were in attendance ?
the third-largest women's basket-
ball crowd in Minges Coliseum
Continued from page 17
Come out and support
the Lady Pirates basket-
ball team as they host
the eighth annual
his weekend in Minges
Coliseum! Your support
will be greatly
-The East Carolinian
OMltlll UCI ?SU
? 1)01 UKItl HsEHU
Pro and College Sports
Apparel and Novelties
?373 Officially
J Product
Carolina East Mall
s no golden light shining on
way everything has fallen,
. a e should be in the top
It - funny how the rankings
I it 11 be fun to have some
? rights
I niversity president Gordon
a little more enthused.
A ? now have a football team
istry department can be
? he said, referring to the
rize for chemistry recently
I to CU chemist Thomas
remain (No. l)McCart-
we know that we have
otre Dame. If we do
oan lay claim to be the
rl?na1 champions. It is going to
ir ultimate challenge
Colorado, which completed
? gular season on Nov. 18,
received 53 first-place votes and
l,4o8 of a possible 1,500 points
from a nationwide panel of sports
writers and broadcasters. Miami
got three first-place votes, with
two going to Alabama and one to
Alabama received 1,351
points, while Michigan got 1,332
and Miami 1,319. Notre Dame,
whose 23-game winning streak
was snapped by Miami, received
1,231 points.
Flonda State and Nebraska,
who will meet in the Fiesta Bowl,
are No. 6 and No. 7. Although
both teams were idle, each
dropped one spot because of
Miami's move.
Rounding out the Top 10 are
Tennessee, Arkansas and Illinois.
Tennessee beat Kentucky 31-10,
Arkansas downed Texas A&M 23-
22 and Illinois routed Northwest-
ern 63-14.
Auburn is 11th, followed by
Southern California, Houston,
Clemson, Virginia, Texas A&M,
West Virginia, Penn State,
Brigham Young, Duke, Ohio State,
Michigan State, Hawaii, Pitts-
burgh and Texas Tech.
No teams moved into the Top
25 and none dropped out, al-
though there were several shifts
in the order.
Texas Tech and Pittsburgh
dropped the most, the former fall-
ing seven spots after losing to
Houston 40-24, the latter plung-
ing five places after losing to Penn
State 16-13.
The victory propelled Penn
state from No. 22 to No. 18, the
biggest jump of any team.
Continued from page 17
W. Branch
The Batters Box
Monday - Saturday 10-6 pm
Sunday 1 -6 pm
103 Trade Street, Greenville
(Behind Toyota East)
?tending a bowl game, this
ed a pleasure he said.
mally around October, we
tamhinkingabout basketball, but
rrier and his team have
i that
V;Ieva and James Jones, Tech
director, picked up 10,000
rickets each and both said
Kpected most if not all of
? be sold to their fans. Duke's
. ? office at Durham reported
500 tickets were sold Mon-
their first dav on sale.
; hike and Tech, both 8-3, have
I laved eachother. Duke has
to only six bowls. Texas
i - last postseason trip was to
86 Independence Bowl
re the Red Raiders lost to
Mississippi 20-17.
Clarkston Hines, the Duke
receiver whose 38 career touch-
down catches is an NCAA record,
said that when he and his team-
mates received their All Ameri-
can invitation Saturday, "we were
all extremely happy to be able to
come to Birmingham. I'm excited
Duke ended its season by
defeating North Carolina 41-0 to
finish 6-1 in the Atlantic Coast
Conference and share the title with
Virginia. Texas Tech went 5-3 in
the Southwest Conference to give
it at least a tie for third place.
"We have a bunch of guvs
who still believe in Santa Claus
Dykes said. "They dream and
believe things can happen. The
chemistry is nght on this team and
we had a very surprising season.
We beat Texas and Texas A&M
because we had a commitment
Spurrier said he believes that
quarterback Billy Ray, who left
Alabama to play for Duke, will be
recovered from a sprained shoul-
der in time for the bowl game.
"Billy's excited about it he said.
"We have one of the best
games in the bowl lineup said
the All American chairman. Steve
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The East
101 ways to keep
that man you'd
actually be better
off without!
42 new diet tips!
From social
reject to beauty
queen in 3 easy
The truth: what
men think about
Book extract: Men
Who Hate Women,
and the Men who
Hate the Women
Who Love to Hate
Trim those thighs
? painlessly!
The latest makeup
tips from
New fall fashions
? overalls and
plaid shirts are in
tf 4
This week's "Getting back at the man
who dumped you" section ?
explosives, and how to make them.
Breasts: are they sexy, or what?
Plus: more articles that encourage you
to feel insecure about yourself as a
person, just because you're not as
pretty as the women pictured inside!
What to do
when he admits
he slept with
someone else!
What to do
when he finds out
you slept with
someone else!
What to do
when the other
people the two of
you slept with,
sleep with each
What to be, or
what not to be!
That is the
New East
Cosmo diet!
Sex in eastern
North Carolina ?
can Jesse Helms
have it outlawed?
Plus - MORE
$ Overpriced

2 ? November 30, 1989 ? The East Cosmopolitan ? It's only a joke; please don't write or phone. Thank you.
"How to live your life in 9pvem5er
Capricorn: Hitting your boss
in the face is not a sound business
move right now. A closed mouth
gathers no foot. Don't panic.
Aquarius: Don't play with
matches. Red sky at night. sailor's
delight; red sky at morning. sailors
take warning. Matt Groening is
Pisces: Rain Man wasn't re-
ally that gooa. Buy low; sell high.
Fourscore and seven years ago.
Aries: Bank error in your favor,
collect $200. I have a dream. A
kinder, gentler nation. Abolish
Taurus: Avoid this month. Eat
right; avoid between-meai
snacks; see your dentist regularly.
Klatu verona niktow. Ich bin e:n
Berliner. "Rosebuc' was his sled.
Gemini: We didn't start the
fire; it was always burning since
the woria's been turning. Hey.
Jude. don't make it bad.
Cancer: Familiarity breeds at-
tempt. A woman without religion
is like a fish without a bicycle
Leo: The 23rd will not be your
lucky day. In fact, you don't have
a lucky day this month. Stay
Virgo: Try to avoid natural
disasters this month. Unnatural
ones, too. There is a short, fair-
haired vice president in your
immediate future
Libra: This should be a memo-
rable month, no matter how hard
you try to forget it.
Scorpio: This is a good month
for travel; Internal Revenue
agents will be showing up to audit
you around the 18th. This would
also be a good month to bribe a
high-ranking official.
Sagittarius: Don't appeal to
your man's "better nature" this
month; as it turns out, he doesn't
have one. You will spend too
much time reading East Cosmo.
BIG G'S agony column
I have a problem. I am a 22-
year old professional female. Well.
of course, I'm not a professional at
being a female Who is9 That's why
we read great magazines like The
East Cosmopolitan:
But seriously. I am a 22-year-
old working girl My life is great.
Perhaps toe great! I nave two boy-
friends. I love them both to death,
but I can't seem to decide who to
spend the rest of my professional
life with.
One of them is a dark Latin
lover who thrills me and sends my
G-spot to radiating whenever he's
around The other is a lawver who
has the most fascinating personal-
ity and I adore our after-sex con-
What should I do. Big G? So
far, I've been able to keep them
ignorant of the situation, but the
problem is this: Christmas is coming
and they both want me to attend
parties on Christmas Eve with them.
I want to do both, but I have no
clue as to how to ditch one half-
way through the night to meet the
other! And who should I go home
with? I've agonized for months over
this. Big G. HELP!
A. Your lack of decisive abili-
Jrom the editors oj cIhc
"WailStreet Journal
comes this evocative
new scent:
(scratch -n- sniff)
Available, in stores for
just $199.95oz.
ties says much about your person-
ality. You are so wishy-washy about
men, you feel the need to string
two along at the same time, a
course that will be nothing but
disastrous for you. All the same. Big
G does have some advice for you,
you bed-hopping little tramp.
Arrange a meeting between
your two lovers and explain the
situation. Remind them that you
are all mature adults and this can
be settled in an adult fashion. If
they are not amenable to a
menage a trois. sugges pistols at
ten paces.
Alternatively, you can write for
a copy of my book. The Bible.
($24.95) Fundamental Press, New
York. New York. 27990. You might
take your cue from the Samson
and Delilah story. Good luck, dear,
and write if your New Year's looks
this bad.
Q. I know it's hard to believe,
but I've never had sex. i've ago-
nizea about it, but I could never
find the right boy (or man) to do IT
with. Now I've met someone and
he's pressuring me into having inter-
course with him. He's very experi-
enced and I'm afraid to tell him
I'm a virgin. My hormones are
raging, and I want this as much as
he does, but I'm unsure how to
insure he' II be gentle with me with-
out scaring him off. Big G, what
should I do?
A. I hope you read this answer
in my monthly column before you
do anything rash. Sex is a very
personal moment for two people
and should be considered care-
fully. I suggest you send for my
book. "The Bible ($24.95) Funda-
mental Press, New York, New York
27990. before you do anything. It is
full of the advice and guidance
confused youn? people need in
today's mixed-up world.
Q. Big G. I just can't seem to
lose that last ten pounds. My boy-
friend says that if I don't drop the
flab, he'll stop having sex with me
and will humiliate me in front of his
friends I want so much to look like
the East Cosmo Girl that I know is
trapped within me, but no matter
what diet I try, nothing works Help.
A. Many peoDle go about
trying to lose weight the wrong
way There is no way except to eat
correctly ana in moderation, exer-
cise regularly, and send for my
book. "The Bible" ($24.95) Funda-
mental Press. New York. New York
27990 It's full of diet tips (like Lot's
Salt Diet) and low-ca! beverages
(calf's blood) that will lead to a
slimmer, trimmer YOU!
Got a question for tht
Who doesn't?
Write it down and send it to:
co The East Cosmopolitan
Publications Building
Try the new
All the light, fluffy
stuff you can stomach,
but still not too much
of any one thing

It's only a joke; please don't write or phone. Thank you. ? The East Cosmopolitan ? November 30, 1989 ? 3
The perils of Paulina
Judith Krampz
Paulina slipped off her heels
ana sat down on the velour sofa
with the wad of bills. Her gold Visa
was just about maxed. Her plati-
num AmEx had over fifteen
hundred dollars on it. Even her
Macy's account had a aent in it.
Life was not looking great.
Sure, she had her career. What
twenty-six-year-oid woman
wouldn't be thrilled to be in her
snoes (as tight as they seemea
sometimes), to be assistant to the
vice-president in charge of men's
scents for Oinique'5 She had her
career, a hot penthouse apart-
ment on the East Side, and a boy-
friend she was reasonably sure
ioved her. Why then, was she so
It wasn't the bills. She could
handle that. No, she felt unful-
filled. Something was missing in her
life. Dermit had repeatedly asked
her to marry him. but somehow her
intuition tola her that wasn't what
she was missing. Once he even
told her he wasn't as averse to
children as he pretended. She
massaged her aching heel, it
wasn't that, either. Children were
something she didn't need right
She tcjed back her golden
mane and lay her head upon the
back of the sofa. Kenny G's saxo-
phone wailed from the stereo. Ail
she wanted was to get away for
awhile. Maybe to the Bahamas.
She and Dermit had had so much
fun last summer. But this time she
wanted to be alone. Alone to walk
the bleached beaches, stare
poignantly out at the crystal sea,
and drink spiced rum underneath
the palm trees.
She had time off coming. She
could get it as soon as next week-
end. She stood up suddenly, her
breasts pointing defiantly ahead
of her. Yes, she thought to herself.
I can no longer deny myself. I must
leave for a while. I must get in
touch with myself as a woman and
find out what I really want. I must
redefine my career goals, my at-
tention needs ? yes, even my
sexual neeas. Though Dermit was
a more than adeguate lover,
sometimes she felt as though she
was drifting away when they were
in bed. Drifting to a shore that had
no name, but a shore that terrified
and fascinated her at the same
The plane landed on the Ber-
muda runway. Paulina stepped off
the plane with a Jight heart. She
wore sandals that let the oceanic
breezes caress each toe. All this
was hers for a week. She grabbed
her travel bag and set out for the
Dermit had been flatly against
this trip. Locked into a big merger,
he couldn't get time off from work
(as she had known he couldn't)
and he didn't understand why she
would leave without him.
"Honey, if you just wait till next
month, we can be together. We
coula finish exploring all those
waterfalls we didn't get to last
time he said. The memory of the
waterfall was a painful one for
Paulina. The touch of his wet,
deeply tanned chest against hers,
the cool water splashing between
their mouths as they kissed pas-
sionately, his hairy forearm reach-
ing slowly between her these
images and more rushed through
her head, and she remembered
why she loved him sc much. Then
she remembered all the misery she
had endured alone on those nights
when he wasn't there, when she
was alone in her office, alone
walking aown the street
last year. He had the deepest tan
she'd ever seen on a human being,
and his voice was gravelly when
he spoke. His accent was notice-
able, but she couldn't place it.
"No harm done. miss. Just glad
it was a beautiful lass like yourself
bumpin' me an' not anyone else
His perfect teeth shone like well-
polished marble, and she wanted
to kiss their whiteness. She felt
mesmerized ana had to bite her lip
to remember Dermrt's name.
"Uh thank you Are you
she didn't know what to say. She
wanted to ask if he was staying for
the whole week, if he wanted a
arink. if he liked waterfalls, but her
insides had turned to jelly and she
stammered, "okay? I didn't mean
to bump you
"S'alright. I'll play rugby again,
I think. Are you alone on this beau-
tiful isle? Lass like you must have a
husband, boyfriends at least His
almost-brown lips moveb like the
tide over the white beach of his
"Uh well, yes. He's back
home. Working. As usual The
"There was a smoldering tension
between them.
Something unconsummated
"It's only for a week. I just need
to to get some perspective. I
feel I feel burned out. Dermit-
Bear, I love you. but I'll be back
next week. And I'll have a better
tan than you she laughed.
"That's what really hurts he
laughed too, and things seemed
to be all right again. But that night,
the dread crept up on her again.
The slow, insidious snaky dread that
comes at three o' clock in the
morning when your lover is fast
asleep and you are wide awake
trying to decide if he really loves
you. or if you're just one more
The flashback enaed as
abruptly as it had begun, and
Paulina found herseff at customs.
She bent down to check her bags
and accidently elbowed the knees
of the man behind her. She stood
up guickly, apologizing.
"I'msorry. I didn't ?" she hatred
in mid-sentence. The man was
holding her elbow as she rose. His
short. c urly brown hair was streaked
with the natural gold that only surf-
ers and lifeguards get. His blue eyes
looked like the unbroken crystal of
the waters she and Dermit dove in
customs clerk motioned impa-
tiently for her bag. and the stranger
hefted it up for her and placed it
on the X-ray machine.
"A shame for him, good luck
for me. I'm Forrest Monahan. I'm
staying at the Casa Royale. Would
you like to join me for a drink to-
night?" His golden bicep moved
her packed bag with a grace she
thought impossible for humans.
"I'm staying there too. Yes. I
think I'd like that. I'd I'd like that
very much. I'm Paulina Decateur,
Mr. Monahan
She held her hand out to shake,
and he lifted it and kissed her knuck-
les. "Then let's get our luggage
and get out into that sun we came
for. shall we?"
The week flew by too guickly.
Forrest took her dancing every
night, snorkeling or sailing during
the day, and by Thursday she felt
like a teenager in love. Her nightly
phone calls to Dermit contained
happy bits of gossip about her new
friend Jaquee that she'd met and
the wonderful time she was having
with her. Paulina hated to He. but
Dermit would ne v e? understand her
friendship with a man like Forrest.
Dermit sounded cranky and tired
on the phone, worn out from the
hassles of corporate life. Paulina
reflectea that that must be how
she sounded most of the time too.
But here she sounded like
the woman she'd always dreamed
of being. Forrest brought out the
best in her. And yet he was distant
when she asked about his life. He
was reluctant to talk about it and
woulc change the subject imme-
diately. He would dash into the
surf, aanng her to follow. But he
woula listen attentively to her prob-
lems, her concerns, especially
about those problems with Dermit.
He was a true friend and yet
there was a smouldering tension
between them. Something
unconsummated. As Fnday's dawn
approached, she wondered why
he hadn't made a move on her
yet. He evinced interest, certainly
but was he being a gentleman,
or was he not enthralled by her
womanly charms. She decided to
put it to the test the next morning
with her most daring one-piece.
Lying on the beach the next
morning. she asked him if he'd seen
the local waterfalls. "Yes. I have
he replied. "And a most romantic
spot they are. Would you like to
see one?"
She nodded yes, and he gath-
erea their towels and began walk-
ing. He held out his hand and she
took it, excited and a little afraid of
what she'd initiated. They walked
back to the hotel and got his rented
Porsche. They drove off the main
road and parked the car. Holding
hands, they walked into the forest.
By sheer chance, he'd picked
the same waterfall she and Dermit
had found. She decided it was
better not to show any recogni-
tion, and she oohea and ahhed
over the sheer splendor of the
place. He suggested a swim and
they lay theirtowels upon the rocks
and dove into the clear pool of
sparkling water. Minnows fled in
fright as they frolicked in the water.
She held her breath and swam
under, between his legs. He
grabbed them and pulled her
back Hoisting her above his head,
he threw her back into the water.
When she splashed back to
him he reached for her ana pulled
her to him. They embraced and
then somehow her lips met his.
They kissed longingly, the tropical
birds squawking approval. He
broke the kiss first and stared at
her. his eyes melting her heart.
"Paulina there's something I must
continued on page 4

4 ? November 30, 1989 ? The East Cosmopolitan ? It's only a joke; please don't write or phone. Thank you.
The Perils of Paulina
continued from page 3
tell you He broke off again as
she kissed him. their teeth clinking
and sliding across each other
"Not now. my love she said
"It cdn wait. I can't Surprised at
her own abandon, she kissed him
again, all thoughts of Derm it erased
as Forrest wrapped his strong arms
around her yielding body and she
gave herself to him, body and soul
Entwined in his arms that night.
underneath the moonlit sky. she
began to wonder what he'd
wanted to tell her that afternoon
They'd made love three times and
each time had been more excit-
ing and giving Than before He
made her feel like a new woman,
and she wondered if Fate hadn't
brought her back to this island
paradise for a reason. He lay tnere.
spent and sleeping on the towels.
skipped the proverbial beat Oh,
no.shethoughttoherself. No.God,
please tell me
"The Monahan Company.
We've been working on it since
before you left and last week they
started buying up their stock like
mad. They must have found out
about it. but no one at the com-
pany can figure out how Dermit
fidgeted with the window handle
of the cab and Paulina clutched
the handle of her bag. No. she
thought, no, oh no it can't be
Forrest called that night as she
stepped out of the shower. Derm
was still at the office, trying to sal-
vage what he could of the ruined
take-over attempt. "Paulina, you
must know by now She didn't
let him finish.
'Why'7" She almost screamed
She felt like she could've screamed
Not now, my love she said.
It con wait. I can't
the smooth rocks as comfortaoie
as a matTress to them. She ae-
cided rt could only have been a
confession of how he was feeling
Reassured, she fell asleep on his
strong, naked shoulder, the tropi-
cal sky the only witness to her infi-
Dermit picked her up at
LaGuardia, and she hoped her
kisses were as responsive as usual.
He didn't seem to notice a differ-
ence, but she attributed that to his
usual agitation.
"I've gotta take you straight
home. This take-over's not going
too well and I' ve gotta get back to
the office. Did you have a good
time?" he asked, lugging her
baggage to the cab.
If he only knew, she thought
Her week had been magic, and
she couldn't help but feel sorry for
him and a little ashamedthat she'd
gotten away with what she did.
Her parting with Forrest had been
sad, but he promised to look her
up in New York soon, as he had
business there in the coming
In the cab. Dermit related more
of his problems. "The Monahan
Company's got wind of the buy-
out, and no one seems to know
where the leak is. I have to get
back before the market closes ana
see what I can do" The name of
the company passed by Paulina
for a moment, then she started.
"What what was the name
of the company?" Her heart
for days. "Why? The whoie time
you knew, and you didn't tell me?"
The tears came unpidden. drop-
ping like waterfalls into a pool on
her satin bedroom sheets.
"I tried. But you didn't let me
Believe me, if there'd been any-
other way . his powerful voice
drifted off. She unwrapped her
towel and let it fall to the floor.
"No need to explain. Forrest. "
Her voice had become as hard as
her heart. The gentle summer
breeze that blew through the is-
lands had become a bitter Arctic
wind "Even I know that all's fair in
love and business. And that's all
this was to you. wasn't it? Just one
more piece of businesstotake care
He stammered. "Paul, please,
what happened was ?"
"What happened, happened
in another place. Forrest. Now I
have to find out what's going to
happen in my life. Goodbye. Mr.
Monahan. I'm sure you could use
this time better to help your busi-
ness instead of helping someone
who fell in love with you She
slammed down the receiver and
was gratified when it rang again
almost instantly. She let it ring four-
teen times and then it stopped.
She walked over to her win-
dow and stared out at the city.
Naked and vulnerable, she stood
in front of the window. There were
no tropical birds, but the moonlit
sky still smiled its approval. After all,
she thought, next year I can al-
ways go to Jamaica.
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Volume 1 No. 3
The East Carolinian
DecJan 1989-90
Larke educates audiences
Arts Council presents speaker
tnterumment tditor
Born in Winston- Salem, Paula Larke enjoys performing
and telling her stories, in which she emphasizes culture.
On an. N, the PittGreen-
ville Arts Council will lx pre-
senting Greenville with a dif-
ferent sort of entertainment
something to be enjoyed bv all
Through a variety of songs,
stones and games, Paula Larke
stresses to her Afro-American
audiences the importance of
self-esteem, cultural identity,
respect for elders, co-operative
spirit and the love of language
Sheemphasizes the importance
o( family extended as well as
nuclear and thecommunity
mono-racial as well as multi-
ra ial.
larke uses her own ex-
tended family ascore material,
sharing their accomplishments,
obstacles, heartaches and
triumphs. Throughout her
music and stones, she cele-
brates the survival of the hu-
man spint. She involves her
audience through humor, pa-
thos and gentle exhortation.
Born in Winston-Salem,
N.C Larke received her train-
ing in professional theater on
the touring and Broad way stage
with the New York
Shakespeare Festival. She has
acted, danced and sung in
Hair "Two Gentlemen oi
Vernoa and most recently,
"for colored girls who have
considered suicidewhen the
rainbow is enuf She has also
directed, produced and per-
formed her own musical acts
and cabaret readings in concert
across the United States.
At home in Winston-Salem,
Larkedirectsa program tor the
schools called OASIS (Older
Adults Sharing in School
Through this, she orchestrates
the involvement of community
retirees with the activities of
school children
Larke's music was born
from her mother's jazz records.
She was also inspired bv her
father, who was a baritone and.
at one time, sang in the White
House for Franklin D. Roosev-
She enjoys performing and
telling her stones. 'The first
dramatists ever were the story-
tellers of each culture said
Larke. "It is my ambition to
find our storytellers, allow
more folk to hear them, portray
the characters that formed our
history and preserve their sto-
ries tor posterity
Larke's performances are
directed toward A fro- Ameri-
can audiences, emphasizing
knowledge and pnde within
the culture. She wantsothers to
understand that where you
come from and where wni are
is important, and that it should
never hold you back
Larke will be appearing
an. I9at 8p.m. Tickets will be
$6 tor the general public, s tor
PittGreenville Arts Council
Members and S3 for children
12 and under. For further infor-
mation contact the PittGreen-
ville Arts Council at 757-1785
Scheduling campus events is a complicated task
Before the current Perform-
ing Arts Series season is barely
underway, next year's series is
already on one person's mind.
Mr. Rudolph Alexander, assis-
tant vice chancellor for Student
Life and director of University
Unions and Student Activities,
has the formidable job of lining
up the performances to be pre-
sented in Wright Auditorium.
Alexander said it all starts
with selecting events that will
appeal to the people of eastern
North Carolina. The events are
selected by the Performing Arts
Series Committee, which is
comprised of knowledgeable
and interested representatives
from ECU students, faculty and
staff, as well as area residents.
This committee reviews litera-
ture sent to them from many
different artists' management
companies and agencies. After
considering who is touring and
what the fees are, the commit-
tee decides what events to bring
to campus.
To keep the costs down,
Alexander works with other
regional presenters of perform-
ing arts to buy several perform-
ances of an artist or group
within a specific time frame.
This is called "block-booking
By making these arrangements,
Alexander is able to attract
groups such as large foreign
orchestras whose travel costs
are very high.
All bookings are done at
least one year in advance. After
the basic arrangements are
made, such as the date, fee and
technical requirements, a ver-
bal agreement is worked out
between the artists' represen-
tative and Alexander. This is
the time that calls for hard
negotiations with the artists'
After a verbal agreement is
reached, the artists' represen-
tative sends a formal written
contract to Akoxander, who then
reads through it very carefully,
deleting any clauses or para-
grapns that request commit-
ments that cannot be met or
conflict with university poli-
cies. Each change to the con-
tract must b? initialed and da ted
by Alexander. A cover letter
about the changes that were
made and a copy of the stan-
dard addendum on specific
requ irements for using Univer-
sity facilities are sent back with
the amended contract. The
management is required to
respond to the changes within
a specified time period. If a
response is not made, the con-
tract is considered void. Some-
timesa contract is returned with
more changes, and the process
is repeated. A great deal of
give and take is required to
reach a mutually satisfactory
Special requests are some-
times made by presenters and
or artists. Occasionally artists
maybeasked to participate in a
reception. The artists are usu-
ally moreeccentricand extrava-
gant in their requests, but Alex-
ander explained that within the
fine arts the requests are gener-
ally reasonable. He also noted
that any requests for alcoholic
beverages are deleted from the
Despite the sometimes
quirky requests, Alexander
said: "Most of the artists are
pleasantandappreciativeof the
University's hospitality. We
very seldom have a difficult
time with performers He said
that sometimes more estab-
lished artists are easier to work
with than rising stars because
new performers just gaining
success tend to have more frag-
ile egos.
Alexander has held this
job for 28 years, and takes great
pride in helping to bring the
finest artists, ensembles, thea-
ter and dance to this series.
"This is a major series said
Alexander, "the finest and most
diverse one offered by anyone
in the region. We intend to
continue offering the best, and
we appreciate the support of
the campus, city and our pa-
trons. We strive to make each
season a little better than the
Because of escalated costs
associated with presenting the
performing arts, insuring this
commitment of excellence is
becoming increasingly difficult.
At present, monev to fund the
senes comes from several dif-
ferent sources: a portion of each
student's activity fee, ticket
sales and grant monies. "In the
future adds Alexander,
"Pacesetters will become a vi-
tal source of fundsenabling the
series not only to hold its own,
but to experience growth as

Pure Gold
dazzle tans
Bv HI I H HASS1 1 1
: ? .
14 men bei i "
rules for Athletu Inter
i- Playhouse
! steps back
200 vears
m ? Id 1 ii ' ' '
? ur vears sai I that
must maintain a 2.0
: ; I : ' ?
I In- Turf (.old I )ancers spend long hours ea h v eek m v o
tans during halftime at homo football and basketball games.
Orchestra performs in Wright Auditorium
? ? .i Hell ?
evv i ork Philharmonu
? orked undi i tl ? I
? I eonard '?'? ? ? I i
i ? a -
. ? i
? in dai
I : ? : I
? ? rungs for I'
?pre-grai 1 i
enten 1 ii iund a ? ng teatun i lental musu
program u the gn . ?.?
? i ? ' ? i week
past August, t'? ? lanti ind i J ? for Flute
squad attended i danoindOrcl tra by Moart;and
"enn 1 here - i. .
? . ? theri repre ? ti
'? ? inn ersities (ohnsonsai 1????
? ? ? ? it three of the top fiveender ha 1 the 2.S mi mber
? - in the countrv ? : ? iik e its me eption in
come in fourth place in the I ig! 'I rhisi " : tra sfirst
utine( ompetitionandreturn 1 th nited 1 ites in
? ?: ici in the 1 lome Rou-ght veai n their 181 tour
tineompetition.1 he( harlottef ?1 eryerwi te
?? it then 1 nngtht? ; estra under i nndm
.? ii ? re ignition i 1: ; ? ? der, plaved
onh ,vitl ? ? n but witlwill mt si ! he te
visit i - ' ? as wilures ? ?? parent and the
:? ms prei i ?? mi i
? ?: ? nivei. : flute
Hidsti. 1 hi stufl sharp sta
wito phi . fluid lines
sean h ti r the fivi bi I dam i
ti an ?? thn ugh out the I nited
statt s ! hey an- sele( ted by
videi itape entries and then get
to make appearances on ESPN,
the able Sports Network
List year ohnson's girls
were nationally ranked, when
and ? : ?
Bender has been a guesl
conductor with such prestig-
ious orchestras as the Ameri
can Symphony and the lokyo
Philharmonk In 1970, he won
the gold medal for conducting
at the Mitropoulos Competi-
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ev p
laced twentieth out ft tion in i
See DANC LRS, page 8
New V f rk 1 his earned
him .i vears engagement as
assistant conductor with the
520 Cotanche Street, Greenville
752 0688

Pure Gold
dazzle fans
Stiff Writtr
Over one hundred attempt
it, and only 14 make it. Each
week, long hours are spent
sweating through workouts
and rehearsals ? all in an at-
tempt to be a Pure Gold Dancer.
The Pure Gold Dancers
entertain ECU tans during
halftime of home football and
basketball games. Currently
there are 14 members on the
varsity squad and 12 members
on the junior varsity squad.
NCAA rules for Athletic Inter-
Collegiate Sports are followed
bv the members.
Lynette Johnson, sponsor
of the Pure Gold Dancers for
the past four years, said that
the girls must maintain a 2.0
GPA, take a daily dance or
aerobic class on their own time
and attend official practices
"Most of the girls are dance
majors or minors and have
previous training in dance
Johnson said. "Their independ-
ent dance classes give them
Johnson's squads hold of-
ficial practices Tuesday and
Thursday evenings for two or
three hours. The rehearsals are
centered around a strength
program in which the girls lift
weights twice a week.
This past August, the var-
sity squad attended a dance
camp in Tenn. "There were
3,000 girls there representing
lOOuniversities Johnson said.
"We beat three of the top five
universities in the country to
come in fourth place in the Fight
Song Routine Competition and
sixth place in the Home Rou-
tine Competition.
games to gain recognition not
only with our fans, but with
visiting schools as well she
Each year the Universal
Cheerleading Association and
the Universal Dance Associa-
tion hold a competition to
search for the five best dance
teams through out the United
States. They are selected by
videotape entries and then get
to make appearances on ESPN,
the Cable Sports Network.
Last year Johnson's girls
were nationally ranked when
they placed twentieth out of
See DANCERS, page 8
The Pure Gold Dancers spend long hours each week in workouts and rehearsals to entertain
fans during halftime at home football and basketball games.
Orchestra performs in Wright Auditorium
Mendenhal! Relent
The appearance of the na-
tionally acclaimed Chamber
Orchestra of Cannes Provence
Cote d'Azur continues the
successful 1989-1990 ECU Per-
forming Arts Series into the new
year with a performance in
Wnght Auditorium on Satur-
day, an 27, at 8 p.m. Master
flutist Ransom Wilson will be
featured with the orchestra.
The program for the eve-
ning features incidental music
from "Larlesienne" by Bizet;
"Flute Concerto" by Rivier;
"Andante and Rondo for Flute
and Orchestra" by Mozart; and
"Symphony No. 2 in D major"
by dementi.
Conductor Phillippe
Bender has led the 28-member
ensemble since its inception in
1976. This is the orchestra's first
return to the United States in
eight years. On their 1981 tour,
The Charlotte Observer wrote,
"The orchestra, under conduc-
tor Phillippe Bender, played
with clarity and zest. The tex-
tures were transparent and the
rhythms precise (Ransom)
Wilson playing a gold flute,
showed his stuff ? sharp stac-
cato playing, long fluid lines,
rapid tonguing on arpeggios
and scales
Bender has been a guest
conductor with such prestig-
ious orchestras as the Ameri-
can Symphony and the Tokyo
Philharmonic. In 1970, he won
the gold medal for conducting
at the Mitropoulos Competi-
tion in New York. This earned
him a year's engagement as
assistant conductor with the
NewYork Philharmonic, where
he worked under the direction
of Leonard Bernstein and Pi-
erre Boulez.
Ransom Wilson, a gradu-
ate of the North Carolina School
of the Arts, is one of today's
foremost flutists. A multi-tal-
ented musician, Wilson is the
founder oi the Solisti Chamber
Orchestra, Artistic Director of
the OK Mozart Festival, Princi-
pal Guest Conductor of the Flint
Svmphonv in Michigan and
Music Director of the Tus-
caloosa Svmphonv. In addition
to his orchestra and svmphonv
activities, he has also received
threeGrammv nominations for
his work in the recording stu-
Tickets for this event will
goon sale Monday, Ian8,at the
Central Ticket Office in Men-
denhall. Prices are $15 for the
public. 512 tor ECU faculty
staff and $8 for ECU students
youth. All tickets purchased at
the door will be $15. For more
information, call (919)737-4788.
steps back
200 years
Special to The Entertainer
The Hast Carolina
house will step back 200 y
to the French Revolution
December 6,7.8 and 9, w h
presents "Danton's Death.
It i- five years after tht 11
of the Bastille, and France
not vet become Utopia. Hie
government is in dancer fi
without and within, and it is
holding on with its Reigi
Two heroic figures ol the
Maximilien Robespierre, are
the opposing forces in this
spectacular drama. Danton,
though somewhat dissollute. is
a champion of the possible
the gains that can be made
through making principle-
responsive to human needs
Robespierre is puritanical
singlominded to an extrei
allowing nothing to interfere
with his ideal of purity through
"Danton's Death
tures the tension that n
through a society wracked
fear and decadence. Join the
Playhouse in its celebration ol
France's Bicentennial.
The name has been changed
to protect the customer.
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the accent is on discount so you save money. We're a great source for
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fflffl? Calendar of Events
????- Our to M?vi ?ou
Lady Pirate Classic
Minges Coliseum
Hendnx Theatre
x Theatre
I.D. cards made,
2:30 - 3:30pm
1 ?.
I I il inners
r r" it- i ki
Hendrix Theatre
8:00 pm
Hendrix Theatre
8:00 pm
Madrigal Dinners
Mendenhall Great Room
Hendrix Theatre
I.D. cards made,
3:00pm - 6:00pm
I.D. cards made,
10:00am - 2:00pm
Hendnx Theati
8.00 i
Madrigal Dinners
Mendenhall Greal
Lady Pirate Clas
? nges C
Madrigal Dinners
I.D. cards made,
10:00am - 2:00pm
Martin Luther
King Hoilday
I.D. cards made,
3:00pm - 6:00pm
I.D. cards made,
2:30 - 3:30pm
Hendrix Theatre
I.D. cards made,
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Hendrix Theatre
Hendrix Theatre
Classes Begin
I.D. cards made,
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Residence Halls
Hendrix Theatre
Hendrix Theatre
Hendrix Theatre
Hendrix Theatre
Hendrix Theatre

Local band boasts recent recording
Staff Wnrtr
"here's a new group that
has taken Greenville bv storm.
Boasting a 12 inch single thev
recently recorded, they have
done various performances at
the Rio appeared on televi-
sion and sung for several radio
stations. Perhaps you've heard
ol them They're "Thorn, Tim
and "orrence
It all began Feb. 3 when
three ECL students, Thorn
irrish, who is a dance major,
1111 Mils, an art education
major, and Torrence Mack, a
criminal justice major, got to-
gether and entered a Starsinger
contest sponsored bv Rio! and
1 lot 104. Thev did a group
performance as "Thorn, Tim
and Torrence singing "Each
Time You Break My 1 leart" by
ickkamen. After wmningone
of the seven week semifinal
rounds, thev went on to beat 18
contestants in the finals on Feb.
3 putting them well on their
wav to a Kosmos Recording
Not long after their Starsin-
ger victory at Rio they danced
and sang their way into Audio
Arts Recording Studio. In a
matter of months. " I horn. I mi
and Torrence" had recorded
their first 12 inch single, "For-
bidden Love Their next step
was to have their song mas-
tered. The man to do thai was
Carlton Batts oi Frankford
Wayne Mastering Labs in New
York, where music from artists
Room addition follows
a sports theme
Special to The Entertainer
Rio! The Club has changed
room to its bar area that carries
a sports theme.
Following a sports theme
is an idea that has taken over
many bars and restuarants all
over the country. Similar estab-
lishments furnished with tele-
vision sets, pool tables and
sporty games can be found in
almost anv city.
Rio! management said they
added to the bar to till the need
tor more customer space. Thev
said thev also wanted to ap-
peal to more people, and the
additionofasportsroom might
draw in a group of patrons who
have never visited the club
before. The room is geared
towards those who want a place
to relax, watch a game on T.V.
and play a game of pool. And,
of course, it is also a place to
enjoy an ice cold beer.
Rio! began work on the
sports room shortly after fin-
ishing the plans in early Au-
gust. Thesports room itself took
only three weeks to complete.
Construction included the
removal of the far wall behind
the deejay booth, revealing the
expanded area and providing
an entrance to the new bar. The
new room cost approximately
$50,000 to build and the man-
agement said it has proved to
be a great success with the
customers since the grand
opening on Aug. 29.
As you descend the stairs
into the new sports room, you
are greeted with the continu-
ous sound of cracking pool
balls. It may take a moment to
adjust vour eves to the bright
lighting but the calm atmos-
phere is a pleasant escape from
the bustling crowd. The elec-
tronic beeping and music from
the video games mixes with the
dull roar of conversation, leav-
ing onlv the monotonous
pounding of the music you )ust
left behind. Surrounding you
are recreational diversionsand
televisionsdisplavmg the most
important sporting events of
the evening. It is relaxing to sit
back and take it all in for a
while before actually becom-
ing involved in the room's
The new Rio! sports nxm
consists of four pool tables,
including a challenge table set
up specifically for those play-
ers who wish to challenge oth-
ers to a game. The challenger
pays $1,50 cents more than the
cost of a regular game, and his
or her name is put on a list to
reserve the game. As long as he
or she continues to win, they
can continue to use the table
without paying for anymore
Other sporty games m-
cludefoosball,basketball shoot,
electronic dart board and video
games. A wet bar is located in
the sports room for the thirsty
sports fan. Both imported and
domestic beers are served.
Rio! features pool and
foosball tournaments every
Wednesday night in the sports
room. The prize is a $50 bar tab.
on Mondays from 7:30 p.m.
such as Vanessa Williams and
AT B. Sure has also been mas-
Since then, "Thorn, Tim
and Torrence" have continued
to perform at Rio'and also have
appeared on "Awaken" on
channel 9, and the Crime Stop-
pers Telethon on Greenville
All oi the group's music is
original most of which has
been written bv Terry
I iighsmith. Thev have a dance
track which can almost be
compared to Depeche Mode
lead vocals on all songs are
sung by Thorn, with Tim, Tor-
rence, acquetta Wilson and
Loretta Moore singing backup.
Each tune is accompanied with
heavy dance and Depech
Mode-like sound to entertain
music and dance lovers. Not
onlv do "Thorn, Tim and Tor-
rence" perform the dance, but
other ECL" dance students do
as well. Laronda Gaskins, Ter-
esa Hollowell, Tern Reed and
Robert and Dorsey McAden
perform with 'Thorn, Tim and
Torrence" to the dance routines
of their songs. I'hecover works
for the "Forbidden Love" al-
bum was also done by ECL) art
N far, "Thorn, rim and
Torrence" have found the
Greenville crowds receptive to
their new found tame, even
though their gigs are quite dif-
ferent from flu ise of the typical
Greenville area bands
The band practicesdail) to
please the crowds Each per-
formance uses heavy dance
along with synthesized music
something the audiences
seem to really enjoy.
Currently the "Forbidden
Love" single can be found at
Record Bar. East Coast Musk.
Tracks and Record Bar in Dur-
ham. For the past three weeks
"Forbidden Love" has been a
top ten seller
What are "Thorn, 1 mi and
Torrences plans tor the fu-
ture7 The group hopes to be
releasing with one of the major
recording companies such as
t apitol, M( A. Virgin or
Warner Brothers. In the years
to come, who knows? Maybe
we'll see "Thorn, I im and Tor-
rence' on MI V or follow them
as thev travel on their North
American tour
The Great Circle at Stone Hinge, thought to be an astronomical observatory, dates from
the time of Tutankhamen.
Visit Britain in a single evening
Mendenhall RetcaM
A visit to regal and charm-
ing Britain is the next stop on
the 1989-1990 ECU Travel-
Adventure Film Series. "The
Pageant of Britain" will be
presented on Jan.25, at 8 p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre. Perennial
favorite, Kenneth Richter, will
be the host for this journey.
The film covers the history
of Britain from ancient to
modern times, including all the
pictorial charm for which it is
On ancient Britain, Richter
presents prehistoric Stone-
henge, Roman Britain, the
romance of the King Arthur
legend and medieval Britain,
the Norman invasion of Wil-
liam the Conqueror and centu-
ries-old cathedrals. Tours of
Cambridge, Emmanuel College
and Woolsthorpe Manor, the
birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton,
make interesting side journeys.
Contemporary sites visited
include London's busy streets,
Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar
Square, Big Ben, the Thames
River, the Victoria and Albert
Museum, the Houses of Parlia-
ment and London at nighttime.
Scottish highlights of the
film take you to the rocky sheep
country dotted with stone farm-
houses, lovely Isle of Skve and
Loch Ness. The lively Highland
Games at Braemarand a lesson
in kilt-making are featured,
along with visits to Edinburgh
Castle and the world's first
railroad, the Stockton and
Darlington line.
A Theme Dinner featuring
foods of the regions visited in
the film will begin at 6:30 p.m.
in the Mendenhall Student
Center Multi-Purpose Room.
Tickets for the Theme Dinner
are $8.95. If you are a student
on the meal plan, you may use
one of the evening meals on
See TRAVEL, page 7

Local restaurant offers unusual entertainment
Mj!I Vntrr
1 he Final Score, one o(
Greenville's newest restau-
rants, offers ustomersan inter-
esting alternative to casual
conversation while dining
plav-by-play viewing ol sports
events on seven different tele-
vision screens.
rhis restaurant differs from
i thereateries in town bv otter-
ing an unusual entertainment
-t le. I he entire establishment
is dedicated to the world of
sports and itsheros past and
present. There is spurts para-
phernalia covering every inch
of wall space and there.ire two
satellite set-ups and three big
screen televisions hosting all
kinds of sporting events. Each
set features a different event.
! iregQuintard, manager of
The Final Score, slid the phone
does not stop ringing the da v of
a big game. "You'reentertained
while having dinner he said.
"We like to think our atmos-
phere is casual and that this is
an exciting place
Open only six months, the
turnout has exceeded the
management's expectations.
Co-owners Greg Quintard,
brother Gary Quintard and
lohn Hallow are very pleased
with the "customer mix The
Final Score is located at 21 6
East 10th St andemploysabout
70 people.
Hallow, co-owner, played
on the Pirate baseball team, and
this has been a helpful factor in
acquainting the restaurant with
athletes in the area
Famous sports figures such
as Gaylord Perry and Kenny
Smith have dined at The Final
Score while visitingC ireenvilie.
The Final Score boasts a full
bar with all ABC permits in a
separate lounge (with a TV, of
course!). "We wantour custom-
ers to enjoy themselves and
have fun said Quintard
"That'swhy we offer entertain-
ment as well as dining. After
all, where there s a game,
there's a crowd
Symphonic wind ensemble plays in holiday concert
School of Music Release
1 his year's 1 loliday Con-
cert, sponsored bv the Friends
ot the ECU School of Music,
offers a collage of sounds and
sights, with music rangingfrom
"Chestnuts Roasting on an
Open Fire" to Dello Joio's
"Variations on a Medieval
I he concert will he per-
med by the FCL Symphonic
V ind Fnsemble, the combined
E U choirs, brass choir, jazz
I. mho and St. Nicholas.
public, free of charge, and will
be finished in time to allow
children,of all ages, to be home
at a reasonable hour. It will be
performed in Wright Audito-
rium at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 4.
According to William W.
Wiednch, director of the pro-
gram and conductor ot the ECU
Symphonic Wind Fnsemble,
the program will also feature
an appearance bv the St. Paul's
Episcopal Church choir sing-
ing "Silent Night as it was
tieard the first time, and an
audience sing-along of tamil-
lar carols.
ITiisold-fashioned celebra-
The program is open to the
Chamber Music Series
continues in January
MrndcnhJll Rele?r
The second performance
on the 1989-1990 Chamber
Music Series will present The
Chicago Chamber Musicians
on Monday, an 22, at S p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre. Tickets for
this event will go on sale Mon-
day, Ian 8.
Originated in 1986 by co-
artistic directors DeborahSobo!
and Larry Combs as an alterna-
tive to other chamber music
groups, The Chicago Chamber
Musicians is a society of core
artists and guest performers.
I he core artists are Deborah
Travel from
page 6
your ali-Dine card and pay
a n additional $2. Tickets for the
tilm are $4 for the public and
ECU facultystaff. ECU stu-
dents can pick up one free film
ticket when a valid ECU l.D. is
presented at the Central Ticket
Office. Tickets for the dinner
Central Ticket Office in Men-
denhall, Monday-Friday, 11
a.m. - 6 p.m. beginning Jan. 8.
Sobol, piano; Larry C ombs,
clarinet; Gail Williams, horn;
and foseph Genualdi, violin,
rhese tour meet on a regular
basis to practice and perform,
and because they are a society,
ma v expand or contract accord-
ing to the typeofchamber musk
they want to play.
The Chicago Chamber
Musicians have enjoyed suc-
cess in their endeavors. Their
initial association with WFMT,
Chicago's tine arts radio sta-
tion, developed into a live
monthly broadcast program.
They established a series of free
monthly noontime forums at
the Chicago Public Library's
Cultural Arts Center to help
music lovers become better lis-
teners oi chamber music. In
addition to these activities, the
group has been invited to
numerous festivals, requested
for publicconcertsand received
encouragement from the pub-
lic through private donations
and foundation grants.
Tickets will go on sale
Monday, January 8, at the
Central Ticket Office (919)757-
4788. Ticket prices are $8 for
the public, $6 for ECU faculty
staff and $5 for ECU students
tion of the holidays is spon-
sored bv the Friendsof the ECU
School of Music and is a won-
derful time for the entire com-
munity to begin a festive sea-
The annual December con-
cert has become one of the most
popular programs sponsored
by the Friends of the School oi
Music. Founded in 1982 as a
support group and liaison be-
tween the ECU music school
and the community, the Friends
organization has raised over
538,000 for music student schol-
arships, with awards made to
over 30 students each vear.
Funding comes from member-
ship dues, contributions and
proceeds from the winterSchol-
arship Benefit Gala,which will
be held for members this year
on Feb. 3.
Besides the Holiday Con-
cert, the Friends' traditional
events include an autumn lawn
concert, the scholarship recipi-
ents' recital and an annual
meetingspring reception at
the ECU Chancellor's Resi-
Memberships for individu-
als or families are available for
$25 per vear. Further informa-
tion about the Friends is avail-
able from the ECU School of
Music at 757-6851.
Kill J
Cloth or paper! Whether used on this campus or not!
We buy all titiles having national Resale Value!
Turn your unwanted books into Holiday Cash!
Wright Building
Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 5:30pm
Telephone 757-6731

Mendenhall takes
you to the movies
Mendenhall Release
December 3
Rated R
The dark nights of Gotham
City turn this major urban
center into a seamy pool of
crime, corruption and malig-
nant greed. But, when the sun
goes down and the criminals
come out, millionairesocialite
Bruce Wayne heads deep be-
low the expanses of Wayne
Manor, where he sheds hi
clothes for a suit of a different
kind and emerges to fight crime
in a totally transformed iden-
tity- as Batman, a hero tor the
Nine-time Academy
A ward-nomin ee lack
Nicholson brings his killer
smile' and maniacal laugh to
his brilliant portraval of
Batman's arch-enemy, The
Joker. Michael Keaton stars in
the title roll as the Caped Cru-
December 6
Rated R
Denel Washington estab-
lished himself as a major Hol-
lywood talent with "The
Mightv Quinn a lighthearted
thriller set in the Caribbean.
Washington gives a standout
performance as the proud,
native-born, but FBI-trained,
island police chief. Robert
Townsend ("Hollywood
Shuffle "Eddie Murphy
Raw") brings his caustic hu-
mor to the roleof Washington's
illusive boyhood friend
Maubee, who is implicated in a
sordid murder.
December 7-10
Rated PG
Robin Williams makes a
dramatic departure from his
usual comedy roles in "Dead
Poets Svietv Williams stars
as a liberal teacher at an ultra-
conservative prepschwl in the
late '50's. Despite the objec-
tions of the school's stuffy
administrators, Williams at-
tempts to ignite a spark in his
studentsby resurrecting an old
social group dedicated to read-
ing poetrv aloud.
December 13
Rated R
Based cm the sensational
brst-seller by Sue Miller, this
controversial film stars Diane
Keaton in a devastating, Oscar-
caliber performance as a re-
cently divorced mother who is
completely devoted to her six-
vear-old daughter. Keaton's
life takeson new meaning when
she meets and falls in love with
a handsome sculptor. Her
idyllic existence begins to fall
apart when her e-husband
reappears. 1 le sues tor custody
of their daughter, charging
Keaton and her live-in lover
with neglect and sexual abuse.
Director Nimoy's intelligent
and sensitive film challenges
views by presenting complex
questions for which there are
no easy answers.
LJUIlCCrS continued from page 2
250 university entries. "Our
ultimate goal is to be invited to
perform for NBA teams and to
win this year's nationals
Johnson said.
LaTara Bullock was cho-
sen as varsity captain by her
peers. She also serves as
Johnson's assistant coach for
the JV squad. Bullock traveled
to Charlotte last summer where
she auditioned for the NDA.
She was one of 18 chosen to
teach dance around the coun-
Teresa Hollowell, a mem-
ber of the varsity squad, will be
ECU'S second Pure Gold
member to attend UDA audi-
tions this year in Charlotte.
Johnson, an ECU graduate
in dance, looks for "lots of
energy, dance techniques and
good performance quality" in
perspective Pure Gold Danc-
"I used to do all of the
choreography, but I like to get
input from the girls Johnson
said. "The girls are like sisters.
They have so much in common
and get along great together.
"Dancing provides self
discipline she continued.
Johnson , who cheered as a
student, has had purple and
gold ties since 1982. After
graduation, she took a job with
the Pirate Club coaching the
Pure Gold Dancers and acting
as assistant Athletic Marketing
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The East Carolinian, November 30, 1989
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 30, 1989
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