The East Carolinian, November 9, 1989

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?he iEaat (Earaltman
Serving the 'East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 63 No. 102
Thursday November 9 1989
Greenville, NC
Circulation 12,000
12 Pages
Jenkins wins in landslide election
Suit Writer
The voters of Greenville de-
cided it was time tor a change in
their mayoral leadershipon lues
day,however, there v ereonly two
changes in the make-up of the City
Nancy lenkins triumphed
over her one-term incumbent Ed
Carter bv more than 1 ,700 votes
According to the unofficial elec-
tion tally by The Daily Reflector,
lenkins won with 5,305 votes to
Carter's 3,601 votes Fhe official
election results will be released bv
the PittCounty Heard of Elections
later this week
Although the voters opted tor
a new mayor, they chose to re-
eled tour of the si former City
Council members rhe two coun-
cil members who did not run for
re-election were Jenkins and Mill
1 ladden Blanche Forbes won the
District 5 seat vacated by lenkins
by a narrow margin. oterselected
Torn ohnson r. over two other
candidate- to fill the District4 seat
left vacant by 1 ladden.
"1 think it was a fine grass-
root: campaign. Many people
worked quietly and consciously
on my campaign lenkins said. "I
had lots of great campaign work-
ers for which 1 am thankful
Former Mayor Ed Carter was
unable to be reached for comment.
lenkins said that she is look-
ing forward to doing great things
in Greenville. "I will forcibly
suggest to the City Council that
the new noise ordinance be re-
evaluated She said that she
would also suggest that the noise
ordinance committee be enlarged
to include more representatives
from the university and the com-
According to Jenkins, there
should not be any problems be-
tween her and the City Council. "I
respect them and will give them
an equal voice in all matters
Theat-large City Council seat
was filled by incumbent Lorraine
Shinn with a 2,113 vote victory
over her opponent Chuck Autry.
District 1 council member Mildred
Council will also return to her seat
with a 987 vote victory over her
opponent Daniel T. Brew.
Another returning member to
theCityCouncil is RufusHuggins
as District 2 representative. Hug-
gins was victorious with 641 votes
over his opponent. Inez Fridlev
will also be returning to the coun-
cil from District 3. Fridlev ran
unopposed in this election.
Heterosexual AIDS victim speaks at ECU
Xatt Writer
1 ie'sne erused IVdrugs, he's
not a homosexual, and he's not a
hemophiliac, yet, 16 months ago,
he was diagnosed ashaving AIDS.
Garland 1 ancaster,a28 year-
old( ireenvilleresident, v ill speak
at 7:30 p.m. Monday night at
Mendenhall Student Center on the
realities of contracting and living
with AIDS. Lancaster's presenta-
tion i ne of the events dur-
ing All S Awareness Week Nov.
12 18a! ECL
After learning to accept the
disease through the help o his
religion Lancaster opted to lead
the fullest life he could. He still
k rks full time, and he remains
at ti e v ith barefoot water skiing
lessons, scuba diving and riding
I is motorcvcle.
et. a majority of Lancaster's
is spent educating others es-
pecially the young, that evervone
is vulnerable to AIDS, not just the
people with high risk factors.
From Wesleyan College in
Rocky Mount, N.C to Appala-
chian State University in Boone,
N.C Lancaster candidly speaks
to others on safe sex. He also
spreads the message that regard-
less of the group a person is asso-
ciate with, AIDS is a result of
one's actions.
"If you think you're safe from
AIDS because you're heterosex-
ual and have never used IV drugs,
think again Lancaster says.
"That's what 1, and even my doc-
tors at first, thought about me
From the point Lancaster first
became sick, five months passed
before he was diagnosed with
AIDS. "1 looked so unlikely to be a
candidate Lancaster explained.
Lancaster also helps others
cope with the disease. "You know
See AIDS VICTIM, page 2
Mayor-elect Nancy Jenkins shows a winning smile after votes
were counted from Tuesday's elections. (Photp by Angela
Pridgen ? ECU Photo Lab)
Faculty Senate reviews education policies
AIDS victim, Garland Lancaster, is a featured speaker for AIDS
Awarenness Week. (Photo by J.D. Whitmire ? ECU Photo Lab)
Camp Lejeune marine
is charged with rape
Staff Writer
Lance Corporal Michael A.
Cardinale, 24, of Camp Lejeune
was arrested Sunday morning and
charged with first degree rape of
an ECU student.
According to Detective G.W.
Williams of the Greenville Police
Department, Cardinale was
charged with first degree rape of a
19-year-old ECU sophomore and
was incarcerated in the Pitt County
Jail. He was held under $20,000
At the defendant's first ar-
raignment on Monday the judge
refused to lower his bond. Later
Monday afternoon the Marine
Corps sent officials to Pitt County
Jail and arranged to have him
transferred to be placed in cus-
tody at Camp Lejeune, according
to Williams.
TheGreenville Police Depart-
ment was contacted by the victim
shortly after 2 a.m. on Nov. 5. "She
called us from the Flardee's on
Cotanche Street. This is where
Cardinaleabducted her Williams
According to Williams, the
victim h ftadowntownbararound
1 a m. She then began walking
home on Cotanche Street. When
the student reached the area
around Hardee's she was ap-
proached bvCardinale. Cardinale
then grabbed the victim's arm
saying abusive comments to her
and took her to a house on 909
Forbes Street.
I ardinale raped the student
at a residence on Forbes Street
where he was staying for the
weekend After theattac ker raped
and physically abused his victim,
he remained calm and seemed to
be in a state of shock, the victim
told Williams. The victim then
fled from her attacker and con-
tacted the police.
According to Williams, when
the police reached the victim she
took them to the crime scene on
Forbes Street. The police secured
the house upon arrival. The police
then went inside the home where
they found a group of Marines.
The victim immediately pointed
out her attacker. Cardinale was
then arrested
The police are still contem-
plating further charges, accord-
ing to Williams.
stiff Writer
In the Tuesday afternoon
meeting of the Faculty Senate,
committee members of the Strate-
gic Planning Advisory Group
reported the 14-month progress
of the committee which will pro-
vide ECU with a university-wide
process for planning and decision
Education Policies and Plan-
ning Committee members Sue
Hodges and Bob Schellenberger
discussed the planning process to
the senate through a presentation,
followed bv a discussion.
Hodges first reviewed the past
14 months' work by providing
updates on early stages of plan-
ning. Through many reports and
analyses, thecommittees wereable
to begin working on strategic plan-
ning for ECU, Hodges said.
Schellenberger discussed the
draft planning document, "Strate-
gies for Distinction which lists
ten strategic goals for ECU to be
accomplished over a four year
span. The goals include enhanc-
ing FCU's elements of distinction,
expanding research activities and
doctoral programs, becoming
pluralistic in ethnicitv, gender and
culture, developing a master plan
for campus facilities, enrolling
academically proficient and tal-
ented students, and managing the
university strategically.
The Advisory Group sug-
gested that these goals provide
strategic directions and, taken
together "will ensure a truly dis-
tinctive public university The
groupalso stated in the report that
they wanted the faculty to be more
capable of expanded research ac-
tivities and doctoral-level instruc-
Believing the university can
attract "better students only
through effective promotion" of
ECU, the Advisory Group advised
in the document that the univer-
sity commit itself to high quality
undergraduate education that is
"distinctive in nature
The group recommended in
the rough report that ECU become
a "doctorate-granting, culturally
pluralistic, service-oriented insti-
tution offeringanch undergradu-
ate education
The final report will be widelv
distributed upon completion in
July after the Chancellor Richard
Eakin has approved it.
Student Health Center announces
events for AIDS Awareness Week
Stiff Writer
ECU and the Student Health
Services will recognize AIDS
Awareness Week Nov. 12-18 by
sponsoring informational events
throughout the week including
displays on campus as well as
public presentations.
AlDS Awareness Week aims
to "make students more aware of
the AIDS virus, its modes of trans-
mission and to educate students
that the risk of contracting the
AIDS virus is based on risk fac-
tors, not risk groups said
Suzanne Kellerman, ECU health
"Many feel that becausesthey
are not homosexual and do not
use IV drugs that they cannot
contract the AIDS virus Keller-
man explained. "Individuals need
to be educated about the AIDS
virus so they can protect them-
The AIDS Expo '89 on Mon-
day will kick off the activities at
the Student Store area. Videos,
informational pamphlets and
question and answer sessions will
be offered from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday evening at Hendrix
Theater, Garland Landcaster,a 28-
year-old Greenville resident who
has AIDS, will discuss life with
AIDS and the effects it has had on
his life. Admission is free, though
free passes can be picked up in
advance at Mendenhall Student
From4 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Tues-
day, AIDS educator Father Joseph
Jones will share his experiences
caring and working with AIDS
patients at Sing Sing Correctional
Facility and other individuals with
the disease. Admission is free in
Room 244 of Mendenhall.
"Sexy and Safer will be the
topic for Suzi Landolphi at 8 p.m.
on Tuesday. The Bostonian AIDS
educator and member of the AIDS
Action Committee will address
accepting and negotiating the use
of condoms for safer sex practices
to prevent AIDS and other sexu-
ally transmitted diseases. There
will be no charge for the Student
Union Forum Committee spon-
sored presentation.
The AIDS Expo '89 will be
held again on Wednesday at
Mendenhall. Wednesday evening
at 7 p.m. in Tyler Residence Hall
Lobby, a video presentation,
"AIDS: A Decision for Life will
be held. The film addresses the
myths and facts about the AIDS
virus, how it is transmitted and
implications for college students.
"AIDS in the Workplace will
conclude the week's events on
Friday. Dr. Harry Adams of the
ECU School of Medicine will speak
in General Classroom Building,
Room1028, from 1:30 p.m. to 3
The ECU AIDS Education
Committee, a 12 member group of
faculty, staff and students,
planned the activities for AIDS
Awareness. Throughout colleges
and universities around the coun-
try, similar events are being held
to educate young adults on the
realities of AIDS, Kellerman said.
ECU hosts Suzuki workshop
Stiff Writer
ECU will host the Southern
Regional Suzuki Conference on
Nov. 11 as a part of a worldwide
celebration honoring noted Japa-
nese music teacher Shinichi
Suzuki. The conference is one of
13 such events being held that day
across the U.S. and Canada.
The Sou them Regional Suzuki
Conference is sponsored by the
ECU School of Music and the N.C.
Teachers' Association. ECU hosts
the annual North Carolina Suzuki
Institute each summer. Directors
are Robert Hause of the ECU
School of Music and Joanne Bath,
a violin teacher in Greenville.
"The celebration is an initia-
tive of the Suzuki Association of
the Americas and recognizes the
tremendous contribution which
Dr. Suzuki has made in the educa-
tion of children around the world
Bath said.
The Suzuki approach to mu-
sic education emphasizes learn-
ing for very young children and
presentsextensiveear training and
technique development before the
introduction of reading music
notation. The pieces used at each
level are standard throughout the
Suzuki programs of study.
Generally studentsbegin with
rhythmic variations on the tune,
See SUZUKI, page 2
The Resolution of College of
Arts and Sciences was discussed,
yet further consideration will be
made in the December meeting
The resolution proposes to have
"fair and accurate assessments of
administration performance The
current purposes of administra-
tion evaluation are unclear, the
restitution states, and the outcome
may not be1 fully accurate
In other business, the senate
adopted the revisions in curricu-
lum. Revisions are to be made in
the new handbook tor the follow-
ing degrees: minors in gerontol-
ogy, social welfare and African
studies; bachelor of arts and bache-
lor of science degrees in econom-
ics and in English, bachelor oi
science in social work and crimi-
nal justice; and bachelor of music
with elective studies in Business.
The Faculty Senate also ap-
proved the Fall 1989 Graduation
List, as well as heard an update of
the Racial Harassment Policy from
Faculty Affairs Chairman Paul
Tschetter. The committee,
Tschetter said, has not finished
deliberations on the lengthv pol-
Chancellor F.akin announced
that in addition to the $500,000
from the Board of Governors for
more lighting on campus, over
$78,000 from local funds ha vebeen
The "riot" Where
does Eakin stand?
State and Nation5
What a solar flair
can do
Registration is never
Seafood goes mad
in Kemple Boy
Volleyball team loses
season finale

AIDS: the myths and the facts
AIDS is a disease caused by a
vims that can destroy the body's
ability to fight off illness. The A IDS
virus by itself usuallv does not
kill, but it makes the body unable
to tight other diseases These dis-
eases can kill you.
The virus that causes A11 S
and AIDS related complex iscalled
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency
Virus). HIV is a retrovirus that
must live and reproduce inside
human cells. Itisextremelv fragile
and doesnot survive long outside
of the body.
There are certain ways that
you can become infected with the
AIDS virus It is present in certain
body fluids and is transmitted
through blood, semen ,nd vagi-
nal secretions.
Thereare three mam ways that
the AlPS virus is spread You can
become infected by having sex
with someone who is infec ted with
the AIDS virus, rhis includes both
AIDS victim
who I'm counseling?" Lancaster
rhetoncalKaskixi. "It'snotlV drug
users and it's net homosexuals
because they're educated. I've
counseled six girls in the last two
weeks trom the ages of 18 to 2o
with full-blown AlPS.
Though not hH) percent posi-
tive, Lancaster believes he con-
tracted the disease- from a young
woman whom he dated when he
was 22. The woman was once an
IV drug user and is now H1Y
positive (Human Immunodefi-
ciency Virus-Positive). "I've con
tacted every girl I've dated from
the time 1 got sick to high school.
and at this point, she s the most
likely candidate Lancaster said.
In Monday night's presenta-
tion, Lancaster will urge the audi-
ence to use condoms and be re
sponsible in sexual practices If
you're going to do grown up
things, take the time and bo re-
sponsible about it
"Thev did a study last year
across the campuses of the I nited
States ? just the colleges ihev
tested a random sample o! kids
and one of every 1,01KJ was p si
Continued from page 1
"Twinkle. Twinkle. Little Star
and progress through set volumes
of pieces of increasing difficulty
until thev master concertos b
Bach and Moart
Dr. Suzuki developed his tech-
nique in his native fapan during
the late 1940s. The technique v as
introduced into tin- IS about 20
years later.
According to Dorothy oncs
president of the Suzuki Associa-
tion of the Americas, the world-
wide celebration was set up in
various areas in order to involve
more participants than a large
program held in one location.
Parents and teachers who are
interested in the Suzuki approac h
to music education are invited to
attend the conference Topics will
include philosophy ol the Suzuki
method, the parents' role, aspects
of music technique, learning aids
and Suzuki music education for
pre-schwl children. "We will be
joining together as representatives
of our region to highlight the
Suzuki method, to increase under
standing of the philosophy and to
share ideas with one another said
Sessions will also be held tor
violinists, cellists and pianists. The
conference will be held in ECU's
Fletcher Music Center Suzanne
Schreck of Norfolk, Va . recog
nized specialist in the teaching of
the Suzuki method, will be speak-
ing at the conference. Other teach-
ers who will appear on the pro-
gram are Nan Freeman and
Melissa Hendncks of Hickory;
Melinda Atchlev of Raleigh,
Joanne Riesz ot Wilmington;
Pamela Kelly of Dunn; and Jane
Rose, Wendy Bissinger, Rohm
Stroud, Pam Clark and Joanne
Bath of Greenville.
The conference will also in-
clude performances bv fou r grad u -
ates of the Suzuki program
violinist Edith Gettes and cellist
GretchenGettesof Chapel Hill and
violinist Amy Schwartz and pian-
ist Elise Fleming of Greenville
There will be a registration fee
of $15 per person. Reservations
should be mailed to Pamela Kellv,
1008 W. Broad St Dunn, N.C.
28334. Mrs. Kelly has information
on motel lodgings in the Green-
ville area.
homosexual and heterosexual
a ti itv. sharing of eont uninated
needles and syringes by use of IV
drugs and steroid in je tions spread
the AIDS virus The AlPS virus
can be transmitted trom an in
footed mother to her baby before
or during birth.
The AlPS virus is not trans
mitted through casual contact.
virus than risk groups It is not
who vou are and what type of
group you are in it is your behav-
ior that matters. All individuals
need to be educated about the
? irusand should know how
to protect themselves.
Man) ; . pie who are 1IIV
infected shi w nosymptomsof the
: i ;and arenotcurrentlyill.You
To Your Health
By Suzanne Kellerman
Student Health Center
Infected individuals present no
danger to those they come in t is contact with AlPS cann
transmuted by coughing or sneez
ing,swimmingpools, u nil i i
Of mosquito bites "i ou can't ;el
AIDS by donating bl od
it is ery impoi tanl ti n il
that risk "behav iors
relevant to contracting the AIDS
an't tell by looking at someone it
the) are infi i ted.
Indh need to take pre
? rotecl themselves. The
intra tine All )S can be
hoices about
tohavesex iiv
( ontinued from page 1
live with the AIDS'
did thistest i
1 of 400 was p ?
the test aeaii
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Proper u??;i i ? n
duces tli'1)1transmit!
HIV bu! it has n11proven
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Mendenhall bank turns full service
sMMant mvi Iditor
A private, full service bank
will replace the student bank in
Mendenhall in time for the spring
The New Fast Bank, sched
uled to open on campus in mid
December, will operate from9a.m.
to 6 p.m. weekdays and from 4:00
am tii noon on Saturdays, with
students working as tellers. The
bank will also install a third teller
machine in Mendenhall, accord-
ing to ferry Powell, president of
the Greenville branch.
In addition to the services a
full service bank provides, which
includes loans, safety deposit
boxes, and lntrest-earnmg check-
ing and savings accounts, Powell
said the bank will offer a student
account With ECU identification,
students will be able to receive
features like discount movie tick-
ets and a key locator service. Hie
account will otter an accidental
death insurance policy, although
the amount of the policy hasn't
been established.
Students will also receive the
option of a Visa or Master Card
with the account.
"What we are trying to do is is
to help students establish credit
Powell said. Powell, himself an
ECU alumnus, previously worked
for a local branch of BB&T.
Theonginal student bank was
originally set up by the university.
Students were able to pay utility
bills and cash personal checks,
either of their own or their imme-
diate family. The bank also of-
fered money orders and a place to
store their savings.
New East Bank opened its first
Greenville office Saturday and,
according to Powell, is designed
to serve most of eastern North
Carolina. Currently, thereareeight
independently owned and oper-
ated banks, with a branch in Fav-
etteville opening later in the
Campus Police arrest
peeping torn near Cotten
A black male was arrested tor
peeping and possession ot a
weapon on campus Saturday night
following a report of a suspicious
subject outside ot Cotten Resi-
dence Hall.
Die report was of a person in
the courtyard ot Cotten 1 fall, near
the window of a room, occupied
by a female said Chief lohnnv
Rose ot ECU Public Safety.
1 any Darnell t lark, 30, resides
at the Greenville Shelter on Man-
hattan Street. 1 le was spotted b a
resident of Cotten Hall Accord-
ing to Rose when three police
fficers arrived, Clark was still
"Clark ran across the area
towards I Icmingand arv is halls,
and was apprehended near the
Mamie Jenkins Building Rose
A N i utter knife was found
in Clark's possession. Clark was
charged with peeping and resist-
ing arrest
Clark was taken to the Pitt
County ail, ,no held on a $3 0(1
secured bond. A court date has
been set tor Pec. 4.
I ho Honors Program is ottering courses like"Gctting Over the Fear of
Shakespeare "World Film "Eyes on the Prize: The Siory of the Civil
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Holocaust "Hollywood's Japan" and many others. A 3.4 GPA or special
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Dr. David Sanders. 1002 General Classroom Building. 757-6373
Majors discuss OT
program at mixer
peiial to The I am (. anjlinian
The Department ot Occupa
tiona! Therapy sponsored a pre
occupational therapy mixer last
Thursday night at 7 p.m.
The mixer took place in the
great roomot Mendenhall Student
Center The purpose of the mixer
was to give pre-occupational ther-
apy students a chance to talk to
occupational therapy majors and
members ot the faculty.
Susan R Hnskill, senior occu-
pational therapy major, introduced
the three speakers. Tammy D.
f3ailey, ninior Carol A lust, assis-
tant professor m the OT depart-
ment; and Katrina E Harns. sen
Bailey gave her definiton ot
OT based on her observations and
her clinical work. She said that
OTs are "special people" and are
"verycreative Bailey told future
OT majors to take at least one
computer class ox have a general
knowledge of the keyboard.
Lust talked about the bask
Students display
art in jewelry show
Special to The Laat Carolinian
Two ECU metal design ma-
jors are displaying their distinc-
tive styles and talents bv exhibit-
ing jewelry, clothing, and other
items crafted and designed by
lanice Eagle and Alice 7m-
cone, seniors who are graduating
in December, plan to pursue ca-
reers as jewelry designers. They
are exhibiting jewelry made ol
precious metals and adorned with
gemstones such as the opal, on x
and jade. Each piece is designed
with the artist personality and taste
in mind.
Both Eagle and Zincone use a
variety of metal and stones in their
creations, but as any artist, they
have their favorites. Eagle is espe-
cially fond of the gemstone hema-
tile, while Zincone, who said she
loves the color purple, frequently
uses the purple stone amethyst.
They are advocates of unique-
ness and rarity. Both agreed that
they craft each piece to reflect the
personality of the person who will
wear it.
Their creations do not stop at
jewelry. Eagle, whose minor is
textile design, has on display a
garment which she wove bv hand
Exhibitedarealsofunctional items
such as clock and mirrors
After graduation they plan to
start pursuing their careers Eagle
said she wants to move to VVm-
ston-Salem and start asan appren-
tice. Zincone, who is a native of
Greenville, plans to stay in the area.
She said that Greenville is a grow-
ing community bringing in the
types of people who appreciate
her art.
the University Frame Shop Gal-
lery Nov. 4-11. An reception will
be held Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.
requirements tor OT. The mini
mum grade point average is 2.5
and the meanV A has been 3 I.
1 ust also related the outside
requirements to observe an OT
and 30hoursol volunteer v orkor
work experience in a health care
giving profession ! hese are toN'
completed before applying in
January of the sophomore year.
Harris talked about the dif-
ference between the program of
Ol and the field ot Ol she then
compared being a competent l 1
with preparing to drive a var
Registered OTs are "highly
respected members ot the' medi-
cal profession according to
1 larns.
Closing her sped h 1 (arris
Stated that as an Cl there are
"array ot potential experiences"
awaiting the individual.
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Wed I lam lam
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Fri 11 am - 1 am
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Sire East (Uarultman
i rv t?M ?i
?i -??r?- dMNm?tly imt !??
CAKOl lt CUSICK, ?(??Afar
Mlc'l IAEL M,K11, s, i?
Sc on Maxwell, &? u.
Carrie Armstrong, itnt?m?t w
Stei'i ianie Singleton, o u?
Susan Kresswu?
David Herrinc r?.M?r
Stephanie Folsom, M??r rj?OT
James F.J. McKee, omumofUomiimj
Novembei J, 1989
Art Nixon,cim
Stuart Rosner, ??,m,
Pamela Cope, w r?ii supwroor
Matthew RiCHTERmyM
Tracy Weed, Pmim mm
JEFFTaRKER, Staff to
Beth Lupton, wr.
Page 4
Administration is quiet
Are they afraid of exceeding 70 decibels?
At nightime several television
stations run a promotional commer-
cial that welcomes prospective col-
lege students to East Carolina Uni-
versity, "where dreamers dream
and one can build a "better and
brighter tomorrow At the same
time, the newscasts and surround-
ing newspaper run a promo that
tells this audience what they can
really find at ECU: general paranoia
and law-enforced harassment from
the City of Greenville.
This doesn't entail all of Green-
ville, however, just the City Council
and certain concerned groups who
have ill dispositions towards the
University. In tact, most oi the com-
munity seems to be fond of us ?
notice upon entering the city limits
how many businesses fly purple
and gold flags Md display signs
welcoming ECU students and as-
serting that this is "PirateCountry
It is very unlikely that future
scholars are going to see any oi this
favorable attitude, though, with
television stations throughout the
state painting a portrait ol unrest
between the school and commu-
nity? and one that isn't necessarily
very accurate. Evidently the citizen's
of Greenville were not whole-heart-
edly nehind'T'd Carter and his ideas,
as evidenced by the fact that he isn't
Mayor anymore.
But the problem between the
School and the City still exists, and a
vicious circle has been started. The
City Council, in its zeal to "crack
down on crime appears to have as-
sociated the terms "crime" and
"student body" as synonymous
concepts. This mindset has obvi-
ously disturbed students to the
point where they feel they must
demonstrate against an unfair atti-
tude. This action is then percieved
by the City as reactionary, and the
next probable step more "cracking
Meanwhile, as this negative
wheel keeps turning, and future
students keep turning their plans for
the future away from ECU, the
Administration remains incredibly
silent. Where is the Chancellor and
Administration who not so long ago
touted themselves as friends of the
students? Where are the people that
were concerned when we seemed
beset by rapists now that we're
being violated another way? Where
is the voice of authority and support
that we need to make the City treat
us like citizens?
A large part oi this University
feels strongly that the noise ordi-
nance is unfair to us and the rest of
the community. But before the City
Council will listen to us, our own
Administration needs to, and they
need to throw their support behind
us. Social commentators have often
stated that the colleges of today are
afraid to make stands and stand up
for things they believe in, and our
students have now broken that
trend in this area. If we are willing to
make a stand, Chancellor Eakin, will
you do the same?
Why the reformist attitude?
Once again, students of East Carolina
were subjected to the relentless whining of
the Reformist Partv in last Thursday's edi-
tion of The East Carolinian. This all started
with student interest and involvement in
the tirst election. It was an excellent turn-
out! There were multiple violations of the
election rules and it was disqualified. There
was an outrage from a new alliance called
the Reformists. Thev had legitimate argu-
ments which even further validated the
need for a second election. Rather than
continuing to get involved and find solu-
tions to the problems, approximately 35
people withdrew from the election. Stu-
dents held a protest, but only to attack ?
not find answers And then tomes the offi-
cial "party
Campus Spectrum
Martin R. Helms Jr.
The students entered the legislature
Monday night prepared to show their inde-
pendence and strength. These students,
leaders of the Reformists, are actively in-
volved on campus Yet when asked the
purposes of the organization, Ms. Andrews
snapped, "There are copies, you can read
it Many legislators were shocked at the
attitude toward the legislature, even to the
point where supporters of the Constitution
began to doubt. Answers to questions were
curt, and it was obvious that Ms. Andrews
had little interest in taking the time to tell us
about her organization, other than to point
out that they felt the Reformist Party was
more competent than the legislature.
1 received a copy of the Constitution
from a Rules and Judiciary committee
member, and read through it. 1 was shocked
to find the leaders of this group carrying al-
most total authority over the structure,
when they advocate student participation.
For example, the by-laws could be changed
at any time without notice or vote of the
members. The three or four officers would
make the decisions. There were many con-
flicting statements as well. The document
could be interpreted to allow the officers to
make all decisions concerning financial
matters, again without discussing it with
the body. Anyone can be a member of the
party, but in order to have a vote they must
pay dues. What will this votecount for if the
officers are making the decisions?
The discrepancies continue, but I think
the point has been made. It wasn't exactly a
"fine toothed comb but rather an attempt
to protect the interests of students. The
organization would have had help and
support to work our problems and recog-
nize the constitution if it hadn't been for the
attitude. The representatives demanded
approval of the constitution, turned their
nose up at questions from the body, stating
that if they were interested, they could read
it in the Constitution, and suggested in a
speech that they felt superior to the actions
and organization of the Legislature. Ms.
Andrews made attacks concerning the Judi-
ciary branch's knowledge of the Student
Government Association Documents. I
hope she will at least read the document
herself to understand our three-branch
government system, and to realize that the
Legislative branch has nothing to do with
the Judicial Branch and its proceedings.
Further, if the Student Government Asso-
ciation Documents do not require any
"watchdog" or baby-sitter for the legisla-
ture, then I don't think we need one now.
It's time for these student leaders of the
Reformist Party to focus their talents on the
improvement of our campus. Steve Som-
mers, for example, initiated theinterest con-
cerning Publicized Teacher Evaluations.
Last year, in the legislature, he voiced stu-
dent opinions which benefited the legisla-
ture, when within the rules. The Reformists
should focus on reforming by involvement,
rather than attacking, sneering, and quit-
ting. Complaints of having the gallery
cleared were made by the reformists, yet
they never left, and it was not directed to
throw them out. The representatives from
the gallery heckled legislators as they tried
to debate. It is unfortunate that they could
not recognize the same decorum our body
I wish the best of luck to the Reformist
Party. They have a lot of Reforming to do in
their party before it can benefit the Univer-
sity. Perhaps a compromise can be reached.
Our representatives can work with them,
and their representatives can work with us.
AIDS awareness is encouraged
To the editor:
AIDS is a serious problem for
the university community. It is
not limited to those with a par-
ticular sexual orientation, but
rather touches the lives of each of
We must take steps to fight it
on every front:
We must prevent its oc
We must have compassion for
those whom it strikes.
We must contribute to educa-
tional efforts for both children and
With great concern I urge you
to participate in AIDS Awareness
Week, November 12-18. Facultv,
staff, and student members oi the
AIDS Education Committee have
prepared programs to help us all
do what we can in this battle. Get
involved. Participate in the peer
education program available to
you as students. Learn everything
you can about AIDS.
Please help us fight this battle!
Richard R. Eakin
TRNA doesn't
hate students
To the editor:
As a longtime member ot the
Tar River NcighborhcHKi A
tion, identified in your (At
editorial as a "pressure group 1
want your student readers to know
that those of us who live in the
area between the campus and the
riverare not spiteful old curmudg-
eons who hate ECU students.
Virtually all of us consider our-
selves loyal friends and support-
ers of this institution. We, more
than any other population group
in Greenville, spend much of our
lives in close contact with students,
but this relationship has not al-
ways been pleasant!
We have to endure manv irri-
tations and inconveniences im-
posed on us by students. Students
use our streets as an al 1-day (even
all-week) parking lot, drop litter
on our sidewalks, even steal our
plants and porch furniture! How-
ever, excessive noise is the worst
hardship of our proximity to
The new limits on noise are
not unduly restrictive. If common
courtesy and common sense are
used it really isn't hard to keep the
noise level of one's activities un-
der 70 decibels. If you, my student
neighbor, want to have a loud
party or beat your drums or listen
toa record or scream at your room-
mate or engage in fisticuffs at 2
a.m. ? that's just fine. However,
your right to make noise stops at
my property line. If I can hear
your noise inside my house ?
even with the windows closed,
you're being too loud!
You students should indeed
take an interest in City Council
proceedings and municipal elec-
tions. After all, it won't be long
before you, too, find yourself going
to work, raising kids, paying off
your mortgage, keeping up your
property, and all that other
middle-class business. If you
happen to be dwelling in a
college-dominated neighborhood
(like ours), your attitude toward
"suppressive" noise ordinances
will undergo a radical change.
Franceine Rees
116 S. Harding St.
TRNA member
Football spirit
To the editor:
ECU students,
I want to take this opportu-
nity to thank you for your support
of Pirate football this fall. Your
spirit, enthusiasm, and attendance
mean a great deal to our football
We have an opportunity to set
a new record in average atten-
dance at Pirate football games this
weekend. I hope each of vou are
making plans to pick up your free
ticket and bring a guest to the
gameSaturdav. Your enthusiastic
support will make the difference,
not only in reaching the attendance
record but, most importantly, to
our team as they battle for a key
victory against Temple.
It has been said before and it
will be slid again, the ECU stu-
dent support of our athletic pro-
gram is second to none. We take
great pride in our students and we
thank vou for vour support. We
are glad to have vou with us each
and every Saturdav in Ficklen
Have a great time Saturdav
and show Temple what the "Spirit
of the East" is all about!
Lee Workman
Assistant Athletic Director
Distorted view
To the editor
Fter reading Thursday's
? I've concluded that some
crs : the Reformist Partv
i distorted view of what their
rights really are
1 he right to participate in an
1 t. I sanctioned political group
has not been denied to anvone.
The SGA's Constitution savs,
"Each student has the right to form,
join, and participate in any group
forany legal purpose" (Act. Ill Sec.
IE). This group has formed, met,
rallied, written, and spoken. That
is participation. Rejection of their
proposed constitution has obvi-
ously not hindered them from
exercising these rights.
The legislaturedoes acknowl-
edge opposing viewpoints. The
body is made up of represcnta
tives elected bv their fellow stu-
dents to argue different positions.
Opposing viewpointsare the heart
of the legislative process. Legisla-
tors argue and then approve the
views of the majority. If students
feel they aren't being properly
represented, it is up to them to
elect someone else.
All students are the "watch-
dogs" of the SGA. Anyone can
watch the proceedings and, if
recognized, speak from the gal-
lery. Reformists have been watch-
ing and that's great!
However, thev have no right
to videotape the meeting if the
legislature objects. This would be
a distraction and might hinder the
legislative process. Furthermore,
the legislature has even- right to
hold a closed meeting. City Coun-
cils often meet in executive ses-
The Reformist Party members
are supposedly a minority. They
should do their best to reform the
SGA by supporting candidates
who share their views. Their de-
gree of representation will depend
on voter response. If rejected by
the voters, they should not try to
prevent the legislature from oper-
ating smoothly. Reformists should
try to work with the body, not
against it.
Greg Harmon
NOW march
To the editor:
On November 12th, the Na-
tional Organization of Women
(NOW) is marching in Washing
ton, DC, to "mobilize for
women's lives" This pro-choice
movement for women's reprodu(
tive freedoms plans to show the
President, Congress, Supreme
Court, and the nation women
in America have no intention . t
surrendering their freedoms
When the (.reenville N( )W leaves
Mendenhall Student (enter at r
am, November 12,1 will be with
I want to be one more voice
raised against the tyranny Mid
moral judgement being forced on
me as a woman. A pa tin is :
most damning force against free
dom, and I refuse to sit back and
allow others to make decisions
about me and tor me. Living in tl
South, I often encounter thes
judgmental rights For the s
my sistrr. my cousins, and m
future daughters, I must tight to
keep women's rights, from abor-
tion rights to voting rights to equal
pay and equal opportunity.
My rights and opportunities
are unquestionably limited he
cause I am a woman. 1 am tired
being spoken to condescending
by men, tired (it being paid k
and given fewer VBgt??p-n:
opportunities beClffsW am a '
woman. 1 can handle the physical
and mental stress ot high-pro-
sure jobs, and 1 insist on being
taken seriously. I am sickened In
the fact that government feels it
needs to decide what is right
wrong for me as a woman. 1 am
going to Washington to express
my rage at being soci illy, economi-
cally, and now legally trapped by
my status as a woman.
1 want in the fcllow-
ship of thousands of other women
who understand nu struggles.
These will be people who know
what being afraid to go for a walk
because a rapist might he lurking
in the shadows. They will have
h?ard themselves called "babe
"sugar" and "honey" bv men who
can't see beyond their breasts to
understand their mind. Thev, too,
will havecringed inside from (okes
about women being too "emo-
tional" to lead thiscountrv. Theso
A'omen will understand how hard
it is to be a strong woman in a male
dominated society.
Men, I believe, can never trulv
understand abortion, or even
pregnancy; they can't understand
the feelingof creating life weighed
against the desire for a lite of one's
own. No woman wants to have an
abortion; no woman wants to lose
her child, vet what woman wants
tobringa child into a life oi shame
or poverty? No man, no legisla
turccan understand the agony that
accompanies this decision; hence
they have no right to intervene. 1
am going to Washington to pro-
test the restriction off reedoms that
areonly applicable to,onlv under-
stood by, women
As I reflect on my college ca
reer, I find I have made too few
stances in my life. 1 have naively
believed that mv government
would never take a freedom away
from me. Now, however, I am
frightened bv the political para-
noia and moral arbitration that is
sweeping this country. My body
and my future are rny responsibil-
ity, and only I should choose what
is right for me and mv future.
When I march in Washington on
November 12, I will be carrying
inside me not a child, but a belter
in my right to freedom and my
hopes for my own future.
Mary Parrish
English Writing

State and Nation
NOVEMBER 9, 1989

Scientists predict effects of sun's peak cycle
B?OT? . NASA ordered astronauts timing rength of the distur- can eject part of its own mass, bast a cower Hhp ??? ? ?v? u
l.annrtt ?-v? Sfrvur
most powerful storms are hurtling
across space and disrupting eve-
ryday lifein waysearthlings never
have experienced.
When waves or powerful
radiation and particles began
pounding the Earth's protective
magnetic field earlier this year,
here is what happened:
A worried pilot radioed that
his precision navigation system
showed him 17 miles from where
he knew he was on a runwa
A normally docile satellite
tried to veer oft course 137 times
m one Jaw
NASA ordered astronaut
on the space shuttle Atlantis t.
turn its well-insulated belly to-
ward the sun tii shield the craft
from the potential!) destructive
sun storms.
Six million Canadians
endured an overnight blackout.
Hie northern lights aston
ished Southerners bv appearing
in tin- night skv as tar south as
This vear the sun's evele et
explosive activity reaches a peak
unmatched in 30 vears The most
powerful explosions, solar flares,
shower the Earth with disruptive
r.n s and partu les
! Vborah ! luber, a rcsearchei
at the National Solar Observator)
in White Sands. N M . savs the
timing and stn ngth of the distur
bance cam ot be at i urateh tore
i i-t
"It's hard to sa she said.
I he sun can do vv hate er it
Despite the unearthly effects
on electronics solar events do not
threaten human lives
n dangeron Earth
?a s i , ! Withbn ?.? ol the 1 Car
vard Smithsonian Center for
dgi Mass
"It von had people on the moon
' ? wMild have i problem be
re not n tected bv the
I artti - magnetic field Some of
lu ? verv
heall - . n that can
1 '?: in , il .( Hare, the sun
The sun's parts
Corona: Outer
sj atmosphere reaches
i temperatures of up to
4 million degrees
? ahrenheil
Solar wind: E lectrons and
protons thai flow past the
t arth at 200 to 400 mile
second producing aurora
flares. Hi
Core: Hydrogen is fused
into helium at 27 million
degrees Fahrenheit.
Chromosphere: This
is the coolest part of
the sun at 8.000
degrees Fahrenheit
Photosphere: Visible
light begins to escape
at this point The
temperature averages
10.000 degrees
Sunspots: About 12.000
legrees Fahi ? I .
illy occur in groups
formt ? ? ng
Mine! rhey
can last from a lew days
? ?veral montns
? ?-
A provocative, zany celebration off safer sex
?? '?? ? y. :
November 14th
Hendrix Theatre
Sponsored by:
Student Union
Forum Committee
Hot Sexy and Safer, Inc. is Dedicated to AIDS
and Safer Sex education and awareness.
an eject part of its own mass,
i ausingsuper-energized particles
and radiation to flash across space.
Hitting Earth's magnetic field,
they flatten it like a finger press-
ing against a balloon. Most of the
energy flows around the field,
although some travels toward the
Earth, creating spectacular light
shows called aurora borealis.
" rheeffectsfollow (magnetic)
tuld lines down toa circle around
the poles said Gary 1 leckman of
the 'solar Environmental Labora-
tory run by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
it Boulder,olo.
"They're typically red and
green or white. There may be a
glow all the way across the sky or
they may take the form of curtains
r waves or curlicue Christmas
candy Hie aurora itself doesn't
hurt anything. It's just pretty to
look at
(. Kher elements of solar
storms" can reach ground level
and play havoc with long, metal
objcH ts such as railroads, pipelines
and power lines.
"Moving i magnetic field
past a power line causes an extra
current to flow, besides what the
power company put there Heck-
man said. "Transformersoverheat.
It can cook them, or they explode.
Now the power companies have
protective relays so when thev
sense these currents, thev shut
On March 13 the phenome-
non raced domino-stvle across
Quebec's power grid, cutting off
power to millions for nine hours.
"During a large solar flare, if
you're running a ham radio ?
shortwave equipment ? on the
side of Earth facing the sun, all the
shortwave bands will be wiped
out anywhere from minutes to
hours depending on the magni-
tude of the flare said Norman
Cohen, an astrogeophysical fore-
caster for the National Institute
for Standards and Technology in
Often, solar flaresare followed
bv large magnetic storms that can
disrupt orbiting satellites.
"During a magnetic storm,
currents are set up that flow
through the upper reaches of the
atmosphere Cohen said. "That
heats the atmosphere and causes
it to expand, which has the effect
of causing increased drag on the
Thecurrent solar evele is much
stronger than predicted, and is
dragging down NASA's 40-foot-
long, 11-ton Long Duration Expo-
sure Facility, which was placed in
orhit in 184 NASA's answer
Send up space shuttle Columbia
in December to retrieve it
The March storm even made
itself felt deep inside Cheyenne
Mountain at the North American
Aerospace Defense Command in
Colorado Springs, Colo. NOR AD.
responsible for keeping precis
track of 7,000 objects in orbit,
suddenly lost sight of about 1,250
of them.
"It did cause us some prob-
lems said Army Capt Tom Ni-
emann. He said that almost all
data was recaptured within 72 or
4h hours, and that trackers antici-
pated last month's storm so no
serious disruption occurred.
ep,njf JtnV (Js. TODA1
IpT1 ColUgr lnftrmtt' S,fu (4
Congress raises ceiling
I hr SS04 ;rd Prca
c ongress' passage of a bill raising
the national debt ceiling to $3.1
trillion avertsa government finan-
cial crisis, allowing the Treasure
to quickly replenish its empty
i otters and avoid default
The action sets the the stage
tor pressurized confrontations
between the IVmocratic-con-
trolled Congress and President
Bush on a range of issues ? such
as how to stem the tide of red ink
that'sled tothenation'shugedebt
"It provides momentum
said House Budget Committee
Chairman Leon Panetta, D-Calif.
Lawmakers will focus on wrap-
ping up some long-contentious
issues before "there really is a
chance to conclude the Congress
before Thanksgiving he said.
I he Senate, bv voice vote, and
then the house bv 269-99, sent the
debt bill to President Bush Tues-
day night. He was expected to
sign it into law Wednesday, in-
creasing the borrowing limit bv
$300 billion to finance government
operations well into 1991.
Despite such highly touted
efforts as the Craham-Rudman
law, government spending con-
tinues tooutpace revenue, recently
at a rate of $150 billion a year. As
a result, the government has been
forced to borrow more and more
See DLBT, page 7
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State and Nation
Scientists predict effects of sun's peak cycle
Ciannrtt News Service
The bizarre effects of the sun's
most powerful storms are hurtling
across space and disrupting eve-
ryday life in ways earthlings never
have experienced.
When waves of powerful
radiation and particles began
pounding the Earth's protective
magnetic field earlier this year,
here is what happened:
A worried pilot radioed that
his precision navigation system
showed him 17 miles from where
he knew he was - on a runway.
A normally docile satellite
tned to veer off course 137 times
in one da v.
? NASA ordered astronauts
on the space shuttle Atlantis to
turn its well-insulated bellv to-
ward the sun to shield the craft
from the potentially destructive
sun storms.
Six million Canadians
endured an overnight blackout.
- The northern lights aston-
ished Southerners bv appearing
in the night skv as tar south as
This year the sun's cycle oi
explosive activity reaches a peak
unmatched in 30 vears. The most
powerful explosions, solar flares,
shower the Earth with disruptive
ravs and particles.
Deborah Huhor, a researcher
at the National Solar Observatory
in White Sands, .M savs the
timing and strength of the distur-
bances cannot be accurately fore-
"It's hard to say she said.
"The sun can di whatever it
Despite the unearthly effects
on electronics solar eventsdo not
threaten human lives
"There's no danger on Earth
says G.L. Withbroe of the Har-
vard Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass
"II you had people on the moon
they would have a problem be-
cause they're not protected by the
Earth's magnetic field Some oi
these big flares an pro.line very
health) dosesof radiation that can
be lethal in some cases
During a solar flare, the sun
The sun's parts
Corona: Outer
atmosphere reaches
temperatures of up to
4 million degrees
Solar wind: Electrons and
protons that flow past the
Earth at 200 to 400 miles per
second, producing auroras
Chromosphere: This
is the coolest part of
' the sun at 8.000
j degrees Fahrenheit.
Core: Hydrogen is fused
into helium at 27 million
degrees Fahrenheit.
Photosphere: Visible
light begins to escape
at this point The
temperature averages
10.000 degrees

1 Solar flares: Huge bursts 1 o' energy released near I sunspots, they eject - radiation and charged II particles femperatures J: can reach 20.000 degrees j u Fahrenheit ? i 1 p 1
9 : Sunspots: About 12.000 ? degrees Fahrenheit, they 1 ? usually occur m groups 1 : formed by twisting f : magnetic-field lines They 1 ' can last from a few days mt to several month? ?
? ? Kay. Ga etl ??.s Scvce
November 14th
Hendrix Theatre
Sponsored by:
Student Union
Forum Committee
Hot, Sexy and Safer, Inc. is Dedicated to AIDS
and Safer Sex education and awareness.
can eject part of its own mass,
causing super-energized particles
and radiation to flash across space.
Hitting Earth's magnetic field,
they flatten it like a finger press-
ing against a balloon. Most of the
energy flows around the field,
although some travels toward the
Farth, creating spectacular light
shows called aurora borealis.
"Theeffects follow (magnetic)
field lines down to a circle around
the poles said Gary Heckman of
the Solar Environmental Labora-
tory run by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
at Boulder, Colo.
"They're typically red and
green or white. There mav be a
glow all the way across the sky or
they may take the form of curtains
or waves or curlicue Christmas
candy. The aurora itself doesn't
hurt anything. It's just pretty to
look at
Other elements of solar
"storms" can reach ground level
and play havoc with long, metal
objects such as railroads, pipelines
and power lines.
"Moving a magnetic field
past a power line causes an extra
current to flow, besides what the
power company put there Heck-
mansaid. "Transformers overheat.
It can cook them, or they explode.
Now the power companies have
protective relays so when they
sense these currents, they shut
On March 13 the phenome-
non raced domino-style across
Quebec's power grid, cutting off
power to millions for nine hours.
"During a large solar flare, if
you're running a ham radio ?
shortwave equipment ? on the
side of Earth facing the sun, all the
shortwave bands will be wiped
out anywhere from minutes to
hours depending on the magni-
tude of the flare said Norman
Cohen, an astrogeophysical fore-
caster for the National Institute
for Standards and Technology in
Often, solar flaresare followed
by large magnetic storms that can
disrupt orbiting satellites.
"During a magnetic storm,
currents are set up that flow
through the upper reaches of the
atmosphere Cohen said. "That
heats the atmosphere and causes
it to expand, which has the effect
of causing increased drag on the
Thecurrent solar evele is much
stronger than predicted, and is
dragging down NASA's 40-foot-
long, 11-ton Long Duration Expo-
sure Facility, which was placed in
orbit in 1984. NASA's answer:
Send up space shuttle Columbia
in December to retrieve it.
The March storm even made
itself felt deep inside Cheyenne
Mountain at the North American
Aerospace Defense Command in
Colorado Springs, Colo. NOR A D,
responsible for keeping precise
track of 7,000 objects in orbit,
suddenly lost sight of about 1,250
of them.
"It did cause us some prob-
lems said Army Capt. Tom Ni-
emann. He said that almost all
data was recaptured within 71 or
96 hours, and that trackers antici-
pated last month's storm so no
serious disruption occurred.
CCofyngkt !?(?. USA RXM ?
Af7?l ColUgt Information NrlBMt
Congress raises ceiling
The AsMxiatrd Pre
Congress' passage of a bill raising
the national debt ceiling to $3.1
trillionavertsa government finan-
cial crisis, allowing the Treasury
to quickly replenish its empty
coffers and avoid default.
The action sets the the stage
for pressurized confrontations
between the Democratic-con-
trolled Congress and President
Bush on a range of issues ? such
as how to stem the tide of red ink
that'sled to the nation's hugedebt
"It provides momentum
said House Budget Committee
Chairman Leon Panetta, D-Calif.
Lawmakers will focus on wrap-
ping up some long-contentious
issues before "there reallv is a
chance to conclude the Congress
before Thanksgiving he said.
The Senate, by voice vote, and
then the house, bv 269-99, sent the
debt bill to President Bush Tues-
day night. He was expec' xi to
sign it into law Wednesday, in-
creasing the borrowing limit bv
$300 bill ion to finance government
operations well into 1991.
Despite such highly touted
efforts as the Graham-Rudman
law, government spending con-
tinues to outpace revenue, recently
at a rate of $150 billion a year. As
a result, the government has been
forced to borrow more and more
See DEBT, page 7
ith Macintosh
uneven do this:
NeiiP Open Close36N mo

Saue r t
Saue fls
Macintosh'computers have always
been easy to use. But they've never been
this easy to own.
Presenting The Macintosh Sale.
through January 31. you can save
hundreds of dollars on a variety
of Apple" Macintosh computers and
So now there's no reason to settle
for an ordinary PC. With The
Student Stores
Wright Building
Macintosh Sale, you can wind up with
much more of a computer.
Without spending a lot more money.
The Macintosh Sale
Now through January 31.
C W.iff.GmpHier hi Weir, Vr1"? li?'J'im?ip??'w?"?W'Ci"iim(T hi

NOVEMBER 9, 1989
Must be neat Call 830-1302 anytime.
ROOM FOR RENT: Biltmorestreet. $125
a month- male or female Call Luke at 752-
4464. Leave a message.
FEMALE ROOMMATE: Responsible &
considerate $135 per month 13 utili-
ties. Private bedroom & bath Available
now 830-8880
ROOM FOR RENT: In young couple's
home Private bathroom kitchen privi-
leges. $200 14 utilities Prefer graduate
studen t or voung professional - nonsmoker
Call 355-5078.
ROOM FOR RENT: Walking distance
trom campus. $135 month. Call Carolyn
?it 757-302,7
Take The Challenge With the
Mogul Masters
ECLrB Department of Intramural
Recreational Serv-icen Come Join ECU"?
Hottest New Club Meeting on Wednesday,
Nov 15th 102 Memorial Gym or
call 931-8710
semester private bedroom 12 utilities
plus$155rent Will have apt to yourself on
weekends. Call after 300 on weekdays
FEMALE ROOMMATE: Needed toshare
two bedroom at Tar River If interested call
Ivey at 931-7399
ROOMS FOR RENT: Walk to school
Utilities furnished. $137 50month 757-
house Private room Washer and Drver
available Need mature person Available
on January 1st Call ASAP 758-0897
month plus 1 2 utilities. Nonsmoker and
no pets. Located close to campus off 10th
street Apartment is completely furnished
except for bedroom. Seeking fun and
energetic individual Please call 758-0676
after 10pm
A.K.C. REGISTERED: Golden Retnever
puppies. 4-males left 8- weeks old. Call
2899 E. 5th Street
sk us ? oux apecial riici to change kaats, and
discount for November reouli)
? Located Near ECU
? Near Major Shopping Centers
? ECU Bus Service
? Onsite Laundry
Contact I T Williama or Tommy Wuliaim
756-7815 or 758-7436
' 1 K?N nth; tin cot Mnn fimj
emuan fn? MM ??j im ocuaal warbar. drjoa.
V 1225 ? nxnt. 6 mania baa
?"?? Ganlu aaar 8root Valla, CoaKr; OJ
CoaualT WtnunatTi
V 'M-7I1S
"Ptnonal and Confldentlai rare"
Free Pregnancy
M-F 8:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10 - 1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
Call for appointment Mon thru Sat
Low Coat Tmunition to 20 wnki of Pregnancy
Doors open at 8:00pm
Tickets: $7 Members
$9 Guests
No Advance Tickets
757-6432 or come by 201 Memorial Gym.
Ask for Judy Baker.
TANDY COMPUTER: Monitor. Printer,
and internal disk df ive. Price neg. Call
after 500at 758-5227
FISH TANK: Salt Water, deluxe model,
50 gallon with all accessories. Already
established. S240. Call 758 5962- leave
FURNITURE: Couch, 2chairs, 2end tables
it coffee table. Full size, hard wood. Per-
fect condition. Call after 500 at 355-8092
andor leave message
BRAND NEW: Light blue 12x8 12'
wear dated carpet. Never used. Wrong
color for owner's home CaM Cheryl at 551
2900 before 5 00 or 355-2539 after 5:30 to
come bv and look Best offer
COUCH AND CHAIR: $50 or best offer
Must sell' Call 752-9245 Day or night
ATTENTION: Government seized ve-
hicles from SI 00 Fords, Mercedes, Cor-
vettes, Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide 1 -
602-838-8885 Ext A5285
AUTOS: Is it true you can buv jeeps for
I S44 through the US Government7 Bet the
facts today! Call 1-312-742-1142 Ext. 5271
I 1981 NISSAN 200SX: 5-speed, stcreocas-
sette, air, sunroof, excellent condition
$1400 call 752-6855 and leave message
VEHICLES: Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, 4 x
4's. Seized in drug raids for under $100 00?
I cal for facts today 805-644-9533 Dept.
ONETICKET: To see the Rolling Stones at
Clemson U The Sunday after Thanksgiv-
ing, Nov 26 for S60 If interested. Call 931-
SURFBOARD: 6 6 Town and Country
ultralightseries Flawless condition S250.
Also two Pro - Light travel boardbags
Both tit up to a 6'6 board. SI 00 a piece Call
Jay at 752-7043
WET SUIT: Fathom, 14 inch, Farmer
John size L - 7 Excellent condition. Origi-
nal owner Call Bob at 752-4916.
FOR SALE: Two leather skirts one beige,
one black, size 12 Length and inch pass
knee straight cut. Never worn, given as a
gift Each - S75 Call 931 9l after 5 30 to
see skirt or for more info
FOR SALE: Voikl Weltcup skies Ess Vaiz
proline bindings, high density core: Also
Schwin high Sierra 18 spd mountain bike,
Shimano decore SIS equipped Call for
prices 931-8710.
TYPING SERVICE Papers, resumes,
thesis, etc that need to be typed, please call
756-8934between 5:30pm -9 30pm 17yrs
typing experience. Typing is done on
computer with letter quality printer
Designer type, 752-1933. We take reserva-
tions for typing reports.
ING SERVICES: We offer typing and
photocopying services. We also sell soft-
ware and computers 24 hrs. in At out
guarantee typing on paper up to 20 hand
written pages SDF Professional comput-
ers. 106 E. 2nd St. (beside Cubbies) Green-
ville, N.C 752-3694
GET ABOARD: Pirate ride, 3 routes on
the hour around campus. Call 757-4724 for
more details.
DAYTIME: The Hilton is seeking full
part time employees in the food dept. All
positions available. Minimum $4 per hour.
Excellent benefits. Please call or come bv
the Hilton in Greenville. 355-5000 ask for
INTERIOR DESIGNER: Apply in person
at Larry's carpet land 3010 E 10th St.
jobs- your area. Many immediate open-
ings without waiting list or test. 517,840 -
.569,485. Call 1-602-838-8885 Ext. R5285
Honey Baked Ham Co is in search of sea
sonal help to fill our sales counter and
production positions We have stores lo-
cated in the following markets Raleigh,
Durham, Greensboro, Winston Salem,
Wilmington, Charlotte, and Atlanta Please
check the white pages or information for
the store nearest your home.
EARN $2,000 - $4,000: searching for
employment that permits working your
own hrs , but still challenging enough for
your entrepreneurial skills' Management
programs for Fortune 500 companies Call
1-800-932-0528 Ideal for grad. students.
secretarial work, phone and handle UPS
shipping & receiving. OfficeislOmilesout
of town Must have own transportation
Flexible hrs 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm Monday
- Friday Send resume to: Beaver Dam, Rt
4 Box 97-M, Greenville N.C. 27834
COVERNMENTJOBS: $16,040- S59,230
yr Now hiring Call 1-805-687-6000 Ext.
R - 1166 for current federal list
PORTUNITIES: Now available for col-
lege student & graduates with resort ho-
tels, cruiselines,airlines, amusement parks
and camps. For more information and an
application : Write National Collegiate
Recreation Service, P O. Box 8074, Hilton
HeadS.C. 29938.
Greenville Recreation and Parks Depart-
ment is recruiting for 12 to 16 part-time
vouth basketball coaches for the winter
youth basketball progjam applicants must
possess some knowledge of basketball
skills and have ability and patience to work
with youths Applicants must be able to
coach young people, ages 9 18, in basket-
ball fundamentals. 1 loursare from 3 pm to
7 pm with some night and weekend coach-
ing. This program will run from Novem-
ber 27. to mid February Salary rate starts
at S 3.85 per hr for more information,
please call Ben James at 830-4543 or 830-
The Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department will be holding their first
organizational league on Thursday, No-
vember 2, 1989 at 7:30 pm at the Elm St
Gym All interested officials should at-
tend this meeting. For more information,
please call Duane Grooms at 830 4550 or
BRODY'S : Now's the time to earn some
extra spending money for the holidays.
Brodv's for men is accepting applications
for part-time sales asso. Apply Brody s,
The Plaza M-W, 1 -4 pm or call for a more
convenient interview appt
BRODY'S: Christmas will be here before
yotjjcnow it . You can start preparing for
all those Christmas bills by applying for a
part-time position in sales or customer
service with Brodv's. Enjoy a merchandise
discount even Santa's elves would enjoy
apply with Brodv's , The plaza, M-W i-
4pm or call for a rore convenient inter-
view appt
TRAVEL FREE: Earn cash Mogul Ski k
Sun Tours. Is hiring campus marketing
representatives for spring break. Jamaica,
Bahamas, Barbados At Cancun. thoseinter-
ested should be motivated outgoing and
organized. Call Mathew Evnon at 1-800-
YOUTH SHOP: Part time sales Ac stock
boy needed Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, also every other Saturday For the
Youth Shop Boutique, Arlington Village.
Apply in person.
LOOKING : For a fraternity, soronty or
student organization that would like to
make $500- S1,000 for a one week on -
campus marketing project. Must be or-
ganized and hardworking. Call Jenny or
$2500 and FREE tnp selling Bahamas,
Mexico, Jamaica, spring break tnps. Spring
Break Travel 1-800-638-6786.
MODELS: Needed part-time for lingerie
and exercise production. Send photo and
resume to Models, CO DR, P O Box
1967, drawer 1446, Greenville, N C 27834
NEEDED CARPENTER: To work 30 hrs.
a week. Must have basic knowledge. $5
nr Also need laborer to do variety of
work, $4 hr 758 0897
HELP WANTED: Dependable cab co
drivers needed, afternoons, evenings and
weekends. Full and part- time apply in
person, 200 W 4th St 757-0288
$59,230 yr Now hiring. Call (1) 805- 687-
6000 Ext. R 1166 for current federal list
dants, travel agents, mechanics, customer
service. Listings. Salaries to SI05K Entry
level positions Call (1) 805-687-6000 Ext
No experience all ages, kids, teens,
young adults, families, mature people,
animals, etc Call now1 Charm Studios- 1-
800-837 1700
positions available for a computer layout
artist and an assistant graphic design art-
ist. Contact us at the office located in the
Publications Bldg across from Jovner Li-
brary or call at 757 6927 or 757-6009.
R.D.U. airport after 7pm Thursday, Dec.
4th (the day before school). I will pay for
gas S10 Please call Jill at 931-7642 s
GAY WHITE MALE: Seeking other gay
male students for friendship, companion-
ship, and to try and form a gav male stu-
dent support group (which can be either
formal or very informal). When vou write
please indicate how to get in touch with
you either by phoneor by mail As there is
a lot of "homophcHa" here at ECU all
replies will be kept ntider.tial ? indicate
how discreet you need for me to be in
contacting you as 1 respec; vour right to
privacy If interested please wnte to
Frank P.O Box 4091, Greenville, N.C
LOST: Gray tabbv cat in Wilson Acres, Oct
29 Has white stomach and four white
paws, buslw tail Indoor cat and very
healthv looking Reward offered Call
DATES: The fun starts tomorrow night so
be prepared! This weekend is going to be
out of hand!
KAPPA SIGS: It s about tome we had a
social together' we had a killer time even
though everyone got soaked with beer'
don't worry- we'll get vail back when you
least expect if Love, The Sigmas
GOOD LUCK PIRATES: Beat the Temple
Owls this Saturday! Love, The Sigmas
ported the Sigma Jump - A - Thon on
Wednesday Our philanthrophv greatly
appreciates it!
cocktail Friday night was awesome was it
not? We have to admit we looked damn
good and felt that way too But how can
you put electricity into words' You can't
Just picture everyone looking like stunned
fish the next day. That face says it all.
AOPI'S: champagne brunch this Satur-
day. It's time again for us to party No
holes, barred, wide open, in your face, up,
down, all around, shakedown, outta town,
land of OZ bound, too tall, free for all,
make the call, cause it's gonna be a ball!
Theta Chi.
THETA CHI: Was that someones's cam-
era flash going off or a near death experi-
ence? chuck, sorry vou left us so early
Finkshirt Paul, thank vour date for the
stuff in the U-8 Porter was a stiff - leg
Room 209 the party of the hour, too sweet
to be sour Thanks John, this is great!
Martin, you don't look go good Tony,
Tony, that buzz can't be phony' Nice tie
Pureza. Clayton Williams, the man. The
machine and Gary Mac, no matter what
anybody says, you look damn good in a
suit! Do you think they'll let us come back?
ZETA TAU ALPHA'S: Get ready for a
groovy time with your dates at Crown
Ball Remember-always expect the unex-
The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test will
be administered on Nov 9 and 30 in rm.
308 of Wright Annex Testing will begin at
1 00 both dates. Successful testing can lead
toa challenging job as an Air Force Officer,
pilot, navigator, engineer, computer
scientist, manager and a variety of others.
Call 757-6597 or stop by room 306 of Wright
Annex to sign up for the test and discuss
your options.
Join us for a great time of Christian teach-
ings, fun, food, and wonderful fellowship.
Every Wed night at 700p.m. in Rawl 130.
Everyone is welcome.
Jugglers, Mimes, magjeiansand other Eliza-
bethan characters, the Student Union
would like to talk to you about performing
in the Madrigal Dinners. Call 757-4711 and
ask for Ron Maxwell.
ECU Sophomores interested in a career in
government service at the federal, state, or
local level are invited to apply for a 190
Harry S. Truman Scholarship. In April 1990,
the Foundation will award 92 scholarships
nationally The DEADLINE for all 1990
Alpha officers Jem Hednck president,
Carobne McClelland - VPI, Sara Home
VPII, Susan Barnard - Secretary, Kim Moss
- Treasurer, Kellie Houchen Historian,
Sarah Lamer - Rituals,Kim Heinly -
panhellenic representative, Elizabeth Ger
ard - membership chairman Good Luck
you guys! I'm sure you'll do a great job
ZETA'S : Officer retreat was a blast' You
guys are some cool freaks' Thanks Eliza-
beth for letting us use the river house
you all have learned alot about each other
and alpha Phi during Lock - Out You'll
never forget that night for the rest or your
lives The sisters had loads of fun (and we
know you all did too)' We love each and
everyone of you' Love, The Sisters
CHI-O'S: We enjoyed being your secret
sorontv we're you surprised Love,
The Alpha Phis '
GREEKS: We can't wait for the all Greek
Tailgate on Sunday We'll see you all
there! Love, The Alpha Phis
PHI TAUS: We're ready for the graffiti
social tomorrow' (lot ready to party' We
can't wait' Love, The Alpha Phis
PHI TAU'S: Prepare yourselves for a
Thursday night blast the barrels will be
tappin and flowin fast The music will be
pumped up so save a dance for me You
know we can jam just wait and see The
pool and the toose will be hot, ya'U know
that's Bess' favoritespot so listen up Bros
, don't be late cause were ready to party
and it's gonna be great Love vou guys'
Phi Tau sweethearts
Thanks so much for the best birthday sur
prise I've ever had" A special thanks to
Dennis for even remembering' LoveCandi
ALPHA PHI: Thursday night was a blast
and too bad its m the past Saturday night
was a lot of fun and those who wren't
kidnapped were none We love vou sisters
Beta Ups
SIC EP: The benches were knockin and
the music was rockin Thanks tor the fun
at thesisters party Love Alpha Phi pledges
YO TEX: I'm so stoned you made it to the
vul' So, shall we bet the usual on the game'
Ma' Ha'can t wait to hold va Loveya "D"
The OX and BOX social was incredible
Everyone had a blast Lets party again
soon We sure know how to party together
don't we? Love the brothers and pledges
of Kappa Sigma
ATTENTION ECU: Come to the "Last
Bash" sponsored be Kappa sigma featur-
ing the "Highlanders' th?s Saturday the
11th form 7-11 pm at the Kappa sigma
House located at 700 E 10th St next to
Darryls BYOB Noglass containers please
Buy your tickets in front of the student
store for S3 in advance Tickets will not be
sold at the door This is ECUs last all
campus party so let's make the best
tail was wild and full of fun, we started at
seven and were dead by one, we scratched
the records of B-52, slamming and jam-
ming - yes all of you The meatballs were
warm, the photographer out of sight, we
made that trainstation ours for the night
Thanx to all, buses and dates, cocktail '89
was definitely great. Love AZDs
final home game, the guys are hot its
Temple's shame, so Greeks get readv for
one good game. As for the team - we're
behind you all the way We'll tailgate first
and then go cheer - for ECU's best game of
the year! Love the AZDs
a time remembered in glass, toeveryones
kindness and extremely high class! Let's
do it again' Next weekend' How bout it'
Huh' Raise dues P.J?
THETA CHI: With New Bern the site it
was sage to yell, everyone drinking and
awesome cocktail. We all got crazy.we
tried to dance, but Peautz felt guilty with
Porter in a trance The seniors thought
hard as memories cane back Workman's
dewand Palermo's Jack' and after the meal
and a very nice night, we drank some
more, this time for spite As our final
words, words to all, a fine farewell the the
89' fall Roll Chi'
applications is DEC. 1, 1989 ECU can
nominate 3 students for the 1990 competi-
tion. The scholarship award covers eli-
gibleexpenses up to $7,000 per year for the
jr sr. and two years of graduate study. To
be eligible, a student must be a full-time
sophomore working toward or planning
to pursue a baccalaureate degree, have a b
average or equivalent, stand in the upper
4th of the class, and be a US. citizen or U.S.
national heading toward a career in gov-
ernment. Interested students should sub-
mit a letter of interest to Dr. Maurice Si-
mon, Truman Scholarship Faculty Rep,
1002 GCB by Nov. 3.
Do you ever practice at the music bldg. late
at night? Do you walk home or to your car
after night classes? If you do. then you
should attend the FREE seLf-def ensedasses,
sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota. Rick Clark
of Washington will be teaching the self-
defense techniques for females and males
on the following Tuesdays: Oct. 17, 24,
Nov. 7and 14 Classes will be held on those
dates at 7:00 p.m. in the lobby of Fletcher
Music Bldg. Please wear comfortable
Junior Boice Recital by Bridgette Cooper
and Loretta Moore (Oct. 26, 7:00 p.m
Fletcher Recital Hall, free); NEXUS per-
cussion quintet on Chamber Music Series
(Oct. 31, 8 00 pm HendnxMendenhall
Student Center, 757-4788 for ticket infor-
mation); Percussion Ensemble, Mark Ford,
Director (Nov. 1,8:15 p.m Fletcher Recitai
Hall, free), "A German Requiem" by Johan-
nes Brahms featuring combined ECU cho-
ruses with orchestra, Rhonda Fleming,
conductor, with soloists Antonia Dalapas
and Jay Pierson (Nov. 4, 8:15 p.m Wright
Auditorium, no admission charge but
seating in reserved section is available by
call School of Music 757-6331).
The ODN will be having a very important
mee'mg Thursday, Nov. 9 in room 1025
GCB at 530pm The organization urges all
members to attend because very impor-
tant business will be discussed such as
fundraising efforts We also encourage
anyone interested in helping those unfor-
tunate people living in Central America
Henry Doskey, pianist. Faculty Recital
(Nov 7, 8:15 pm, Fletcher Recital Hall,
free); ECU Jazz Band, Michael Hart,
Direetor(Nov.8, 8:15pm, Fletcher Recital
Hall, free), Cindy Stachowski, flute, gradu-
ate recital (Nov9,7:00pm, Fletcher Recital
Hall, free); Linda Twine, voice, senior
recital (Nov 9, 9:00pm, Fletcher Recital
Hall, free); d'Andrea Foreman, clarinet,
and Kathleen Reed, saxophone, senior
recitaKNov 10, 700pm, Fletcher Recital
Hall, free)
PT Club is having a Massage Clinic on
Thursday, Nov. 9 form 5:30 - 9:30 pm.
Tickets can be purchased from PT students
and cost is SI lOmin. in advance; $1.50
10 mm at the door. 30 min. max.
person We're located in the Belk Bldg, 1st
floor. Last one this semester!
The ECU Lacrosse team is looking for any
interested staff or faculty member to coach
in the spring 1990 season If interested
please contact John or Kelly at 757-1537
Baptist Seminary Day will be held at the
Baptist Student Union, 511 East St next to
Wendy's on Friday, Nov. 10. Representa-
tives from Southern, Southeastern, South-
western, and Midwestern are available for
individual conferences and questions from
10am until noon At 12 noon there will be
a free lunch and each representative will
speak. They will need to leave at 1pm.
General college students should contact
their advisers the week of Nov 6-10 to
make arrangements for academic advising
for spring semester, 1990 Early registra-
tion will begin Nov. 13 - 17.
As a part of Im - Rec Services fall fitness
series, a beginning weight training discus-
sion will be held Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 12-
1 pm in Memorial Gym Jay Omar , ECU
strength and conditioning coach will dis-
cuss proper lifting techniques to help pre-
vent injuries and get the most out of your
workout. Please register by Monday, Nov
13 in 204 Memorial Gym. All faculty, staff,
and students welcome
A 2 mile Turkey trot will be held Nov 14 at
4pm at Bunting Track Register Nov 13 at
5pminBiol03. Winnersinmen's, women's
and co-rec team divisions will receive
Thanksgiving Turkeys and Pumpkin Pies
sponsored by ECU Dining Services For
additional info, call Mary at 757-6387 or
stop by 207 Memorial Gym. Event spon-
sored by Intramural- Rec. Services.
Here s your chance to redeem you or your
teams loss in flag football, tennis, racquet-
ball, bowling soccer, badminton, beach
volleyball and the list goes on and on
Intramural participants can challenge the
team or individual of their choice during
the week of Nov 13-17. Im - Rec Services
provides equipment, facility and officials
You provide the spirit of revenge" For
additional info call 757-6387 or stop by 104
Memorial Gym.
Last available apartment Sheraton
oceanfront 5 - star luxury apartment. 8
days and 7 nights (March 4-11) Sleeps 10
comfortably: $200 per person 3 full baths
Jacuzzi Completely furnished kitchen with
microwave Contact 355-6500
Sophmores will meet on Monday, Nov 13
from 5-6pm. attendance is required
Now has positions available for a com-
puter layout artist and an assistant graphic
design artist, for further details please
visit the office located in the Publications
Bldg. across from Joyner Library or call at
757-6927 or 757-6009

? FBER 9, iK4
German Politburo resigns jointly
The AMociatcd Preu
Germany's ruling Politburo re-
signed Wednesday at the urging
of new Communist leader Egon
Krenz to take responsibility for
conditions that prompted massive
street protests and the exodus of
tens of thousands.
Theofficialnewsagencv ADN
announced the resignation in a
brief dispatch. Eight seats on the
21 -seat body had already been
vacated in the month since the
unrest exploded as the country
marked its 40th anniversary.
The resignation, which had
been expected, came a day after
the 44-member Cabinet resigned
en masse. Krenz now faces the
task of filling the Politburo with
people who will attempt to meet
some demands of pro-democracy
activists while also heeding his
repeated admonition that the
Communist Party will remain
firmly in control.
In West Germany, Chancellor
Helmut Kohl called on East
Germany's Communist Party to
surrender its monopoly on power,
approve free elections and clear
the wav for economic reforms.
'With thiscondition, I am also
ready to discuss a new dimension
in our economic aid Kohl told a
session of Parliament.
The federal Government in
Bonn has several times offered East
Germany substantial new finan-
cial support if wide-ranging re-
forms are embraced. ADN said
Krenz "suggested" the Politburo
resign "so that the responsibility
for the current situation can be
made clear
The report said nothing about
anv change in the status of Krenz,
who is both Communist Party
chief and the nation's President.
Krenz had announced earlier that
five members of the Politburo
would leave their posts during a
Central Committee session that
began Wednesday. Two other
Politburo members resigned when
Krenz replaced hard-line leader
Erich Honecker on Oct. 18.
The turmoil in the leadership
comes as East Germany loses thou-
sands of voung workers a dav to
the West and hundreds of thou
sands of citizens take to the streets
almost daily to demand free elec-
tions and an end to Communist
rule. On Tuesday, more than
100,000 people rallied in at least
four East German cities after the
Cabinet resigned, demanding the
right to choose their own govern-
The exodus to the West con-
tinued Wednesday. Border offi-
cials in West Germany said the
number of refugees reaching
Faculty members evaluate
students, university system
Gannett New Service
College faculty members are
reeling better about their profes-
sion, but they sav they're still frus-
trated bv autocratic administra-
tors and stodents who increasingly
lack basic skills, a new study
"Faculty have always been
less than fully satisfied about the
academic seriousness of their stu-
dents says Dr. Ernest Bover,
president of the Carnegie Foun-
dation for the Advancement of
Teaching. But he adds the survey
shows that "public education,
despite six years of reform, is still
producing inadequately prepared
The 5,450 faculty members
surveyed see trends both good and
bad in areas of:
Student abili ties 75 percent
av students are seriously under-
prepared in basic skills; ts percent
sav their institutions spend too
much time teaching things stu-
dents should have learned in high
school. Seventy percent say stu-
dents are more grade-conscious
than ever; 43 percent thatsrudents
are more willing to cheat to get
good grades.
Administration most fac-
ulty members sav the reward sys-
tem is heavily weighted toward
published research, not effective
teaching. Ninety percent rate their
institutions "very good" or "fairly
good but 69 percent feel their
administration is "autocratic
Teaching ? two-thirds say
thisisa good time for young people
to begin an academic career, and
about half believe job prospects
have improved in the past five
Bover says the lesson is that
colleges had better find ways to
help elementary and secondary-
schools educate students, "be-
cause vou can't build excellence
on a weak foundation
CCoryngt IW li.s.A TODAY
Appll ColUgt Information Sefuark
Bavaria by way vize hoslova
kia since Saturday, when tree exit
through that country was first
permitted, had reached more than
State television saidommu
nist leaders would discuss an
"action program" of political and
economic reforms, plans to set up
a constitutional court to protect
citizens' rights, and a law that
would set up a civilian service as
.in alternative for those dr iftedb)
the military.
On Tuesday, 5,000 East IV-r-
liners marched past the party
building to demand free elections
shouting, "Egon we are the com
peti tors and "We are the people.
The few police outside the piirtv
building did not intervene
ADN said 50,000 people ral
lied Tuesday in Wismar, on the
Baltic coast, demanding free elec-
tions and the end of the Commu-
nist Party's monopoly on power.
Between 35,000 and 40,000 people
also rallied in Nordhausen, near
Erfurt, and another 20,000 dem-
onstrated in Meiningen, it said.
The 44-member Cabinet nor-
mally is chosen by the Commu-
nist-dominated Parliament. The
Cabinet, led by 75-year-old Pre-
mier Willi Stoph, resigned jointly
Tuesday The bod v has 1 i ttle p nver
and implements policy made by
the Politburo.
Abortions from 13 to 18 weeks at additional cost. Pregnancy
Test, Birth Control, and Problem Pregnancy Counseling, For
further information, all 1X1 0444 (toll tree number:
1-800-532-5384) between 9 am and 5 pro weekdays.
General anesthesia available
Low Cost Abortions I p to 12th Week of Pregnancy
Continued from page 5
money. The. new statutory debt
ceiling, an increase from the $2.8
trillion already borrowed, is more
than three times what it was at the
beginning of the 1980s.
The Treasury has said that
unless they were allowed to issue
new debt, the government would
have been unable to pay its debts
on Thursday. It would have been
the first-ever default by the U.S.
government, a calamity for the
world financial markets and
America's prestige.
The debt bill was passed fol-
lowing days of complex negotia-
tions between the two parties on
Capitol Hill and the president's
representatives. As a result of the
talks, divisive issues such as Bush's
capital gains tax cut and a move to
repeal the Medicare catastrophic
illness law were kept off the debt
bill rather than risk default.
The debt bill did carry one
legislative sweetener repeal of a
provision in the the 1986 income
tax law known as section 89. The
provision prohibited employer-
financed health insurance pians
from discriminating against
lower-paid workers. Businesses
said it was an onerous burden,
and its repeal was widely sup-
ported in both parties.
As part of the deal allowing
the debt bill to speed through
Tuesday night, the House was
expected to pass for a second time
a measure to repeal the cata-
strophic illness law. The repeal
was attached earlier this year in
the House to a deficit-reduction
bill that is still pending. The Sen-
ate countered with a plan to scale
back, but not completely repeal
the catastrophic law.
The White House and Con-
gressional leaders have now
agreed to consider catastrophic
separately from the deficit bill. The
decision to consider the law under
those terms was made easier be-
cause its repeal would increase
the deficit, at least in the short
Bush last week agreed to drop
his push for a capital gains tax cut
this year. He changed his focus to
pressuring Congress to pass a
strong deficit-reduction bill. Un-
der the Graham-Rudman law,
annual government spending in
fiscal 1991 will automatically cut
$161 billion beginning Oct. 1 If a
deficit reduction bill is passed and
signed by the president, those cuts
would be at least partially re-
in m x - ii 11-
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Aibs Cheese I hoiec Combo features twoof oui delicious roast bcel
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Monday, Nov. 13th 7:00pm
Garland Lancastcr.Jr. will describe what it is like to have
AIDS and its effect on lus life. Hendnx Theatre. No charge.
? anna for Hie AIPS Paijynt
Tuesday, Nov. 14ih 4:()0pm 5:00pm
AIDS educator. Father Joseph Jones, will discuss compas
sionate care for individuals with AIDS and their families and
discuss his work with AIDS patients at Sing Sing Correctional
Facility. Mendenhall, Rm 2-14 No charge.
?Sew and Safer
Tuesday, Nov. 14ih 8:00pm
Sui L.andolphi, an AIDS educator and member of the AIDS
Action Committee addresses the issue of accepting and nego
liating the use of condoms and other Safer Sex practices
through cdtK j: ion and audience particip ition. Sponson
the Student I nion Forum Commille II rn Theatre No
?AIDS in 1 he Workplace
Friday, Nov. 17th 1:30pm 3:00pm
Presented by Dt. Ham Adams. Rom 1028 General Classroom
M. . ith - ? . . 00pm
Videos, informational pamphlets, ami question and answer ses
sums will bo offered. Student Stoics Area
?AIDS Fpo '89
Wednesday, Nov. 15ih 1:30pm 5:00pm
nal pamphlets, and question and answci ses
It's not whether you
win or lose, but where you
stay after the game.
J Nouveau Campaign
I Jazz - Rock Fusion
Date: Sun Nov. 12, 1989
Place: Social room of Mendenhall
Time: 8:00 pm
Free Admission and RefreshmentsCabaret Seating
Sponsored by the Student Union Coffeehouse

semester s
registration begins
By ! I LI
Special ?
"Everythn ?
closed. 1 just k
The) re
It's registi
East Carolina I
people start to i
English dep
a.m a se n I
and the firsl
forward past
blue ch lirs a
front oi the
Every '
rushes u
asks. "Where
so's office?
Theline d
Some peopl
dingy, gre fl
ing, leaning a .
are reading
schedules v
A guj
do turn- t( '
and ak
taking? ' It c
beautiful relatioi
"Why an I
"What :
"They're so
Time pass
anger is in tl
people trying I
anyone else in
Faces are
stares, and the i
ing keep sw i I
the other. !h.
sigh echoes thn
Finally a
office clutch
piece of
she's througl
schedule for
I p ii ?-
It's 12
? ill
;f. ? Uf 3
ttfts. f 1 V1
jl. u& HflBfc.
. . JJSBlfo

Marion P, Sykes, non-traditional students coordinator, helps Carolyn McLamb with pre-registratior
scheduling. (Photo by Garrett Killian ? E l Photolab)
Paris Red rocks with metal flair
; . h also featured rodd
Chen on rhythm guitar and Ja
Kavanagh on vocals and bass,
luge following in the
l Apex i: area.
rj Kavanagh left the band soon
? after and left Jordan, Cherry and
? Britt to ?? in h for a new vocalist
. tat ime,
. ent t ? see a Stryper concei I
tnd I h ught about becoming
( hnstians. In 1985, Blitzkrieg
became a Christian band and
,rjsj changed their moniker to Majest) .
Rose came along to manage
thi n " found b ind. Mangum
was soon recruited as the lead
? singer bassist And thus, the
Majesty line up was complete.
In the summer of 1988, Maj-
se joined the band
as bass player and Mangum
switched to rhythm guitar. 'The
band spent a lot of time rehearsing
and working on a demo that would
bereli ? I in the future.
h a 1 i rayerand a six-
i Majesty was
n I lowever, after all
the misfortunes the band went
through, there was more to come.
Majesty went through a
number o( drummers after Bntt
the band I inally, after a three-
thli avt of absence, Britt filled
in as drummer for the Majesty
show in Garner, that was the first
show with the current (Pans Red)
line up.
"We went down there and it
was like we were a brand new
band Rose said. "We hit it off
Bntt stayed on with the band
and Majesty's career took off like
pure magic. During the time of
Majesty, a six-song demo was re-
leased and entitled "Rockin' The
Hell Out Of You which spawned
the killer tune "Rock the Hell Out
of You
As the year progressed, Maj-
See PARIS RED on page 9
Service men
honored by
Veteran's Day
Service men will be remem-
bered by the people of Jackson-
ville this Veterans Dav
On October 23 198b, the
people of Jackson vi lie ded icatcd a
memorial to the 271 service men
who died in Lebanon and Gre-
nada on October 2"?. 1983. The
Beirut Memorial sitson4 l2acres
of land, donated by the Marine
Corps, off N.C. highwav 24.
The memorial commemorates
the 241 Marines who were bombed
in their barracks in Beirut, Leba-
non, and the 30 other service men
killed in an invasion two da vs later
in Grenada.
Nick Kainz, a Marine sta-
tioned at Camp Lejeune said, "Just
because they are dead does not
mean they are forgotten
Kainz also said that service
men killed in 1983 died believing
that this country is worth fighting
for. 'Therefore on Veteran's Dav
we should remember them and
others like them that died fighting
for our country
The memorial was designed
by two students from North Caro-
lina State University.
The marker is a granite wall
engraved with the soldier's names.
The wall is separated bv a lone
soldier, the separation represents
the bombing of the barracks in
Beirut. The words "They came in
peace" are written on the outside
wall of the memorial. These words
first appeared on the bombed
headquarter barracks in Beirut.
i v
Carmen" opens Friday
cot ev?.
she walks : .
"I bins
time in there
; m
?! 4 ? i
i i n
1. B
3. B. I
4. E
5 B I
7. B
8. !
9. B in
10. B iu
Among the may famous anas
ra and the ion
i armen firstperfi rm d
( pera-( omique in Tans in
? isgenerallya know
d to be the French composer's
and has become one
most popular operas of the
.?i stage rhe four-act opera was
b i ied on a novel by Prosper Meri-
n ng the famous me
sopranos who have sung the title
rol in Britain and the U. S. are
r ildim 1 arrar, Mary Garden,
Ponselle, Rise Stevens and
lc) Verrett.
rhe San Francisco Opera tour
ing company, known as the West-
em Opera Theatre, has performed
across the nation and abroad for
more than 2V years tor audiences
totaling over two million. In 1987,
u in came the tirst American opera
company to perform in the
pie's Republic of China.
rhe touring company is based
at the San Francisco Opera Center
and travels several months each
yi ar in productions nl operas se-
lected foi ir wide popular
apj ? uring reductions
?? aturc the best or the San Fran-
enter'syoung singer-
artists wl m destined for
mpany's Carmen "
production was created bv arti-
? th San '? rancisco Opera,
with scenery by ay Kotcher and
wigs ?nd makeup hi' Paul Alba.
Fhedire torisHansNicuwenhuis,
who has dii 1 stage produc-
es for the Netherlands Opera,
the Holland Festival, l'Opera de
Nice and the Canadian Opera
Comj. . id Hall is conduc-
Admission to the ECU per-
formance t " armen' is bv Per-
forming Arts Series season ticket
or by single ticket. Single tickets
arc$ 15 ? 'a h for the general public,
512 tor! CU faculty and staff and
$8 tor students and youth.
Ti, i ets r ivailable from the
ECl i itral Ticket Office in
Mendenhall Student Center, tele-
phone (919) "7-4788. Telephone
or mail orders may be charged to
major credit cards.
Carmen and her gipsy friends entertain the soldiers with a lively
dance. Carmen will be performed by a touring ensemble from the
San Francisco Opera Company in Wright Auditorium on Nov. 10
at 8 p.m. (Photo by Larry Merkle ? ECU News Bureau)
Mr. Potato
Bon h
Uncle Gr
When Harr
nenx di .
Bad Boh
Rocking H
Comedy Zo
The Bogev M
When Harry V
The Amateur
Phil & the Blanks
When Harry Met Sally
Pickin' the bones
Top 13
r the week of
ember 6,
! Pr
5 Wbnderstuff
" Seconds
11 Fathom Five
8 Slack
.? ummer
) Voodoo Gearshift
11 I ? agsters
:? e kilbey
an McCulloch
To smoke or not to smoke ? that is the question
Ma?rpr of the Chun Cang
Anvone who'spartiod with mo
knows, the Bonehead chains. He,
like many others of his genera-
tion, is genetically engineered to
have a beer in one hand and a
smoke in the other.
Bad Bonehead.
I'm taking Health 1000 right
now My teacher likes to show us
pictures of diseased lungs. Thev
are ugly, shriveled, cankerous
things. Much like the Greenville
City Council.
She likes to say, "If you are a
smoker, that's what's happening
right this second to you. Your
lungs are turning black, and
they're going to fall out tomor-
Bleagh. But I can't stop. I am
the most amazing bit of self-repli-
cating DNA on the planet, and 1
don't have the will power to quit
forking over money to the tobacco
industry. Sad Bonehead.
So, in order to try and better
myself and help all the other nico-
tine addicts out there, I hereby
present The Bonehead's Guide to
Quitting Smoking, or, Seven Easy
Steps to total Nervous Collapse.
1) Analyze your motives. Why
do you smoke? 1 smoke because I
have a stress level of 15 on a ten-
point sc-ih?. and smoking assures
me that one day I'll be dead and I
won't have to deal with life any-
If you smoke to ooV. cool, to
impress chicks, to make people
believe you're from North Caro-
lina ox sn you can carry around
tacky lighters from Fast Fare as
conversation pieces, vou should
go .ilit .ul and keep smoking. The
sooner you keel over, that's just
more parking places tor the rest of
But if vou seriously smoke
because you have to, read on.
2) Decide if it's really worth it
toquit. I've almost given upon the
dream of a smoke-free Bonehead.
If 1 quit now, I'd pu? thousands of
R.J. Revnolds employees out of
work and I don't want that on my
On the other hand, if tobacco
production plummeted, Jesse
Helms would be out of a job
wouldn't he? Nobody would vote
for him anymore, right? There are
many variables to consider at this
3) Stop smoking. There is no
way to cut down. You can only
quit cold turkey. Usually you are
motivated to quit on a morning
like the one I had last week.
I woke up with a cold. 1 had a
dollar in change. I could either
scrounge up 25 cents from the
backseat of my car and get some
cough drops and go to class, or 1
could take the maxed-out Visa and
hit a drug store for some smokes.
After the first threebitsof lung
hacked out from my throat, I said,
do I really want to risk cancer,
emphesyma, carbon monoxide
poisoning, low fetal birth weight
and possiblerevocationof mysole
source of credit to inhale more
Or do I want to face Philoso-
phy of Science without a nic buzz?
It was an easy choice. You make
the call.
But this made me think.
Maybe cigarettes are too high on
my list of priorities. AsmypalBig
E once pointed out, "All of your
short stories start out with people
Well, I still don't think this
indicates misplaced priorities, but
when the doctor told me Friday,
quit smoking or enjoy a collapsed
lung within the next three weeks,
I began to wonder.
So I quit Fndav. I quit Satur-
day. I quit Sunday. By Monday, I
quit fooling myself and said I'd
quit by Thanksgiving.
I wrote this column to try and
help me deal with the stress of the
whole smokingnon-smoking
thing. It's not helping.
All I can think about is the
smooth caress of the quarters
plunking down into the machine.
The paper and cellophane pack
gold skateboard. Packing the to-
bacco against my knuckles.
Delicately unwinding the cel-
lophane top, ripping the alumi-
num foil off one side, shaking loose
that first beige and white ciga-
rette, the sulfureous spark of the
match, the first acrid whiffs of
burning tobacco
Oh, what the hell. We're all
gonna die someday, and odds are
I won't need lungs where I'm
going. Till next time, may the
hangovers be gentle, the buzzes
intense and remember the Stop
the Nonsense march downtown
todav at three.

Paris Red
NOVEMBER 9, 1989
Continued from page 8
est) toured across the state and
found that six other bands had
developed the name Majesty in
North Carolina. A name change
soon followed, and Paris Red was
:rn tth that namechange, there
as a change in direction for the
Pans Rod. after many bad
experiences, decided to leave the
v hristian music industry and
tackle the secular music genre.
lose admits that the audiences at
theii C hristian shows did not
natt h the message that the band
sas trying to get across.
! he members of Pans Rod are
nans and it's a positive
lessage that thov want to bring to
ie shows, not a preaching one.
1 he message we trv to get
ss is basicalh about the same
as our physical image one ol
fun Rose emphasized.
Rose said that the switch in
music industries was not a ditti
cult one- tor the band. "We're
basically the same band but )ust
hitting a now audience he said.
" "he Christian industry was not
where we needed to be, and most
Christian bands preach and we
don't. We're a rock n roll band
that cares about people
hi Ie some bands don t claim
to have a responsibility to the
audiences thev play tor. Paris Red
believes that there are certain re
sponsibih ties that all bands should
live up to.
Musically, Parr. Rod is solid
high energy rock-n-roll Combine
the rhvthm ot Ki and Ratt with
the vocals ot Stryper, 1 I and
Mass, and you get a straight-for-
ward, no-frills, rock-n-roll band.
Lyrically, Pans Red vvntes about
everything from life in North
Carolina to falling in love.
Rose stated that the band is
interested in signing with a major
label, but that right now it might
be too premature to sign with a
record company. "A band's first
album can make or break them,
and no contract is better than a
bad one right now he said.
lie continued, "lust because
you have a tape recorded, that
doesn't mean it's ready to be
signed. It takes a lot of hard work
and er tew bands are overnight
Paris Red hopes to hit theclub
uriuit vorv soon. Their set m-
I'aris Red members Dae Rose, Wynn Britt, Michael ordan ami Maurice Magnum are scheduled to
i.n at the Fizz in Greenville on December 9.
rtued from page 8
in their departments ot
or in the Whichard build-
erminals in the Registrar's
ill be open 8a.m. to 3 p.m.
rig the entire registration pe-
All university indebtedness
ist be paid prior to registration
making schedule changes. Ter-
pcr ???canm,tallowsru-
? i to adm i owses not listed'on
? rrm since thev are not permit-
give academic advice to
Read The
It's a veritable
cornucopia of
f7&vrf7f&if ?
? :n):
? ' !i) 7 15 9:20
sex, lies,
and videotape S
r. gram for 1110 1 ' Id
When classes
get tough,
the touch
turn the page
The East
Apply now for position of
Day Student Representative
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I lelp set policies for operation of
VVZMB, The Rebel, Buccaneer,
The East Carolinian, Expressions
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Apply in the media Board Office 757-6009
2nd Floor Publications Building
Filing Dates: Nov. 9, 1989 thru Nov. 27,1989
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eludes 85 percent originals and
about 15 percent covertunes. In
the past, and even now. Rose said
that it is hard convincing club
owners to takeon a band that plays
originals for more than half of the
set. Rose stated, however, that
Paris Red is convincing them by
bringing in large groups of people.
"We' re an extremely fun band
because we do a lot of off-the-wall
stuff, "he said. "We have so much
energy on stage, and our lead
singer really captures an audi-
ence Rose concluded, "If you're
looking for a quiet evening out,
you won't want to be at one of our
Currently, 12 songshave been
written for an eight to 10-song LP
that is tentatively entitled "I've
Been Loaded
In January, Paris Red will be
makig a video for "I Think I'm
Falling a sting that has been
written for the future LP. Al-
though the song is not featured on
the demo, it is included in the
Paris Red shows.
Pans Red is scheduled to play
at The Fizz in Greenville on De-
cember 9. If you like high-energy
rock-n-roll, Paris Red is the band
to see.
For more information on Paris
Red or up-and-coming shows in
the Eastern North Carolina area,
call Dave Rose at (919) 783-7997or
write Pans Red, JC Rox Produc-
tions, P.O. Box 37355, Raleigh, N.C
Beside of
Winn Dixie
Lay Away &
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Innersprlng Sets With 2 Year Warranty
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Kicreate Shopping enter
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Phone: 752-3332
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while you wait
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Carolina Pregnancy Center
111 E. 3rd Street
The Lee Building
Greenville, NC
fti-F 9 am "? 5 pm
You can save a stamp or another trip ijouniou.ii b
paying your utility bill right on campus ? atthcF.t I
STl DENT BANk located in the Mendenhall Student
Center. The Student Bank will accept uiiliu payments
during regular hours - Monday ? Thursday from 10 a.m. -
4:30p.m and Friday from 10a.m. 5 p.m.
11 you happen to be oil campus, for om convenience
you ma also pay your utility bills at the banks:
Barclays of N.C, Branch Banking & Trust Co ! irsi
Cilicns Bank & I rust Co . First Federal Sa ings Bank.
Peoples Bank lV I rusi Co Planters National Bank & I nisi
Co and Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.
II your hill is overdue, you 11 have to bruit: it to
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ll you have any questions, call Greenville I lilities at
i Utilities
Every Thursday Night
$1.00 Imports $2.00 Teas
$1.00 Cans $2.50 Pitchers
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3he Swiss Colony
Even Pirates Have to Eat!
Tailgate Specials!
Party Baskets, Meat and Cheese Trays
Great Deli Sandwiches
Students and Faculty
Show Your I.D. and this ad
and get
10 OFF
Tray order
Carolina East Mall
Phone 756-5650

Paris Red
Continued from page 8
est) toured across the state and
tound that six other bands had
developed the name Majesty in
North Carolina. A name change
sxm followed, and Paris Red was
horn. With that name change, there
was a change in direction for the
Pans Red, after many bad
experiences, decided to leave the
Christian music industry and
tackle the secular music genre.
Rose admits that the audiences at
?heir Christian shows did not
natch the message that the band
.is trying to get across.
The members of Paris Red arc
Mill Christians, and it's a positive
message that they want to bring to
the shows, not a preaching one.
Ihe message we trv to get
u ross is basically about the same
as our physical image one or
fun Rose emphasized.
Rose said that the switch in
music industries was not a diffi-
cult one for the band. "We're
basically the same band, but just
hitting a new audience he said.
"The Christian industry was not
where we needed to be, and most
Christian bands preach and we
don't. We're a rock-n-roll band
that cares about people
While some bands don't claim
to have a responsibility to the
audiences thev plav tor. Pans Red
believes that there are certain re-
sponsibilities that all bands should
live up to.
Musically, Pans Red is solid
high-energv rock-n-roll. Combine
the rhythm of Ki and K.itt with
the vocals of Stryper, TNT and
Mass, and you get a straight-for-
ward, no-frills, rock-n-roll band.
Lvncallv, Paris Red writes about
everything from life in North
Carolina to falling in love.
Rose stated that the band is
interested in signing with a major
label, but that right now it might
be too premature to sign with a
record company. "A band's first
album can make or break them,
and no contract is better than a
bad one right now he said.
He continued, "Just because
you have a tape recorded, that
doesn't mean it's ready to be
signed. It takes a lot of hard work
and very few bands are overnight
Pans Red hopes to hit the club
circuit very soon. Their set in-
cludes 85 percent originals and
about 15 percent covertunes. In
the past, and even now, Rose said
that it is hard convincing club
owners to take on a band that plays
originals for more than half of the
set. Rose stated, however, that
Paris Red is convincing them by
bringing in large groups of people.
"We're an extremely fun band
because we do a lot of off-the-wall
stuff, "he said. "We have so much
energy on stage, and our lead
singer really captures an audi-
ence Rose concluded, "If you're
looking for a quiet evening out,
you won't want to be at one of our
Currently, 12 songs have been
written for an eight to 10-song LP
that is tentatively entitled "I've
Been Loaded
In January, Paris Red will be
makig a video for "I Think I'm
Falling a song that has been
written for the future LP. Al-
though the song is not featured on
the demo, it is included in the
Paris Red shows.
Paris Red is scheduled to play
at The Fizz in Greenville on De-
cember 9. If you like high-energy
rock-n-roll, Paris Red is the band
to see.
For more in forma tion on Paris
Red or up-and-coming shows in
the Eastern North Carolina a?ea,
call DaveRoseat (919)783-7997or
write Paris Red, JC Rox Produc-
tions, P.O. Box37355, Raleigh, N.C.
Beside of
Winn Dixie
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Odd Sizes
Price Busters
Innersprlng Sets With 2 Year Warranty
Twin Set
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Twin iize -$119 95 fel
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tCing izc-S229.95 set
Your Choice
with Si SO.
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3101 K. lOUiSt.
Rivtrcate Shopping enter
.retnilk, V 27H5H
Phone: 752-3332
Mull - Sat lllam - hpm
Sun - Closed
fans Red members Dave Rose, Wynn Britt, Michael Jordan and Maurice Magnum are scheduled to
play at the Fizz in Greenville on December 9.
Continued from page 8
register in their departments of
tudy or in the VVhichard build-
ng. Terminals in the Registrar's
)ffice will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
during the entire registration pe-
r iod.
All university indebtedness
ist be paid prior to registration
r making schedule changes. Ter-
minal opvyatj$jcanrot ajtpwstu-
ntstr whi dmrses pN listedmr
? he form since they are not permit-
J to give academic advice to
Read The
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4:30 p.m and Frida) from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
If you happen to be off campus, lor your convenience
you ma also pa our utilil bills at the following banks:
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Citizens Bank &. Trust Co Rrsi Federal Savings Bank.
Peoples Bank & Trust Co Planters National Bank n: Trust
Co and Wachovia Bank &. Trust Co.
If our bill is overdue, you'll have to bring it in
Greenville Utilities main office, 200 W. Fifth Street.
1! you have any questions, call Grccm ille I tilities at
Greenville V 4 Utilities
Help set policies f(
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The East Carolinian, Expressions
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Filing Dates: Nov. 9, 1989 thru Nov. 27,1989
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rm i s ivkoi ima
Heisman race
promises to be
"photo finish'
I Mill K 1989 l'A1 II
? ! lake emotional loss
Volleyballers fall to
1 in season finale
?? ?
I ?
ii h udy Kirkpatri k huddh s wi
he Pirates ended the season with a fi . ?el
Photo b H Whitm . II
?Senior in :r missed a m el
ECU runner has banner c
IK i
hi ,?
u I ha i threi
I .
iss counti
? ? .
: Ii .
mi look Ii the court
i ason,
j la) ing their
( om
? il win over
1 '? the ollej
i i men
im if irginia
bul . ime up
' ? mg 3-1.
. .iint 15
I ' !
nrd to 16
i gi iduating
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hi r tiit
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mit' last
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- md
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? in back on
u middle oi
. Parsons
u kson
r the
; but was
I :
ide .i run
and det reas II i 1,14-12.
(n game point for E I , a ks?n
finished ofl i kill thai over-
powered a Ram pla . i i
them tin
h t
E I s tun
Rams t
the 5 i ie
b ti k and fi
' ' Intosh tlu n
; .n 11- . i n
till . :
thenquit kl I
i- ej ii Ml
an i
15 13
At tl
i 1-0
? hind.
itions in
of V( I i
their wa i
muni itn
the Rams
Weisbn : ? ?.
' n, we si
difh : t
stead . it ? m
-on d and M
up for a big
12-5 ? ? :
Pirates Sha
Kill ovei ?
were unabli I a ; ECL
back on sei md 1
ah vt
nextsei for the kill
e? i rt page 12
MA'I s mU'll.r-U
. 1
ugs I
t i ti vely i
i sl ' ? ? I
I for tl
hi ill thi
v ' ?? les Miami's Russell Maryland in the Pirates third loss of the season.
,x'u ' ' Saturday in Ficklen Stadium at 1:30 p.m. (Photo by Cliff Hollis)
An inside look
1 emple fuels:
i tome
ame (
Colors !

1988 Record: 4-7
ions' Record 0 9
lie ad Coach
areer Record?
Ottense: Mu
Temple vs East Carolina
I 'efense 35
. Affiliation: NCAA
-on 1-A
Returning Lettermen. 47
Returning Starters. 11
Series: ECU leads 5-2
Last meeting E I 3-1 - Tl 17
Nov. 5, 1988 in Philadelphia
1989 Schedule;
W. Michigan
Venn State
Virginia Tech
Boston College
@ L
37-10 J
Nov. 11
Nov. 18
JMUte'i Prediction: tCV 35 - Temple 10
Wcad Coach bill Lewis will be
? rves lor
Sab fempte
ecause oi several key inju-
i am suffered during EC U's
iss to the Miami Hurricanes.
The game will be the Pirates last
home game of the 1989 sea
Starting tailback Willie Lewis
took a blow to his left knee just
re the half in the Miami game.
Thehitcaus in, and
Lewis wi ?? : the season.
Wid" r Walter Wilson re-
injured a sh im and had
to :dv i ??? is expected
to play against remple.
Temple visits ficklen Stadium
eager for their first win of the sea-
son, and will try to avenge last year's
34-17 loss to the Pirates in Philadel-
phia. The Owls' head coach jerry
Burndt has 47 iettermen returning
from last season s 4-7 squad, 11 of
those vmv starters.
Offensively, the Owls use a
multiple scheme and have aver-
aged nine points per game. So-
phomore quarterback Anthony
Richardson will run the offense,
throwing 33 of 65 for 321 vards,
five interceptions and no touch-
downs on the season.
In the backfield, senior r.ol-
back Venires Stevenson is hav-
ing a remarkable season, rushing
for 892 yards on 173 carries for
four touchdowns. Sophomore
jamis Diamond will get the call
at fullback. He hasgood blocking
abilities, and has rushed for 48
yardson 14carriesandonetouch-
Junior split end Rich Dray-
ton leads a fast, experienced corp
of receivers. He has caught 23
passes for 289 yards. Senior fight
end Maurice Johnson and junior
flanker Kevin McCoy are also
favorites of Richardson.
1 he oi
young, bi
strength. St ioi la
nes leads the gi .
Dick Beck and gu ird
ompson add size l tu
heigh; and i
pounds - 15 pound ? . i
the Pirates' Uru
Defensive U esa J-
5schem andi irAll-
Ameru a i and : oran; o
Square He leads the team with
I00tacktes(66so isted)
and had 23 la igainsi
Georgia. Senior Manny ai md
sophomore Santo Sit , :
Square as tl ebaekers
Together they ha etall. ti tack
les and lour sacks on the season.
TheOw Is havegivenup323 points
on the year.
The Tei ondary fea
tuns senior rr?
Eraser? rn i g
nive. Grei ? a. I have
combined for 88 tackles, one
fumble recovery, and five pass
break-ups. The team has been
constantly plagued b) long pasa
plays for touchdi w n
The line is also young, dni
junior tackle Kenyatta Rush leads
the group with 40 talkies and a
sack. Their average height and
weight is 6-3 12, 242 pounds.
Junior Bob Wright handle the
placekicking duties. Wright has
hitall9PATattempts, while boot-
ing 6 of 10 field goals. His longest
being a 48-yarder. Ed Liberari av-
erages 39.1 yards per punt.
Surf club takes title
tai cd Zac s
'Ii waves
hi ad high,
it i feited, foi
i ti it am wa e riders
imong them-
m expanded
I EC I sA teams
laces in the
ial (ategories.
ok h m( the three tro-
n .it theevent, with
idinghisway to
first place, Stuart Franck taking
second unJ tht cl ipl uring the
overall team troj
In Boogev board competition,
ECU'sTuci dinthird
I in ?. am . onsisU d of Har-
rell, Chris - ? mck, Brad
Lanto Nicki Dicandia Brad Ren-
ninger lerr. Stcphenson,William
(. la) and red ?
The meet was the clubs first of
the year because ot damages b
See Surf, page 12
ricket guidelines set
for basketball season
lei i s tor Fast
students to
? r the upcoming
r ason have
pick up their
! 'ted II) and
la) before a game
. 11. at the Minges
(. oliseum ti( kel i ffi e
londa) nights,
ll be on I riday
ig Thanksgiving
tickets can be
I riday, Nov. 17.
it nts pick up their
??? lay before the game,
pi k up one extra 1
kel tin a guest with a
i II I ? n additional tickets
m. full price Alter the supply of
guest tickets are gone, all tickets
become full price. Also, students
can use an t utra student ID to get
a tree ticket for another student
the day before the game Onlj one
extra ID r pj rson is allow .
V hen .dent- pi k up their
tickets tin day ot the game, only
one ticket can be given out. Also
on the da) of the game, all remain-
ing student tickets will be avail-
able for anyone to buy, students
Student sections are colored
purple, gra) and green There are
three entrant ? for student tickets
- Minges 1 obby (purple & green)
and the south side of the coliseum
(gray). Purple and green are flooi
level seats while gray is second
level seating.
For information about the
availability ot student tickets
throughout theseason, contact the
ECU Athletic Ticket Office at 7A7-

NOVEMBER 9, 1989 12
Fearless Football Forecast
Temple jI ECU
N.C. State at Duke
Va. Kvh .it Virginia
S. Carolina at UNC
Georgia at Florida
Texas at Houston
Miami, Pittsburgh
Michigan at Illinois
Penn State at Maryland
Hoi) Cross at Lehigh
WNCT-TV Sports Director
Last Week - (7-3)
Overall - (58-19-3)
N.C. State
South Carolina
1 louston
Penn State
1 loly Cross
WZMBECU ChancellorSports EditorManaging Editor
Last Week - 18-2)Last Week - (6-4)Last Week - (8-2)Last Week - (6-4)
Overall - (50-27-3)Overall - (43-27-3)Overall - (56-21-3)Overall - (41-36-3)
DukeN.C. StateDukeN.C. State
irginiaVirginiaVirginiaVa. Tech
South CarolinaSouth CarolinaSouth CarolinaSouth Carolina
I loustonHoustonHoustonTexas
Penn StatePenn StatePenn StatePenn State
Holy c rossHoly CrossHoly CrossHoly State
EC L' Sports Information
Last Week - (8-2)
Overall - (58-19-3)
N.C. State
Va Tech
South Carolina
Penn State
Holy Cross
Sports Briefs
Continued from page 11
Minnesota player testifies
Former University of Minnesota running back Valdez Baylor (1982
to 1985) testified Monday that he had been given $10,000 by a school
administrator now standing trial on charges of Swindling nearlyl000
from the university's office of Minority and Special Student Affairs. He
said he was given the money by Luther Dar ville, former director of the
Boxer remains hospitalized
Jim McDonnell, the losing boxer inal2-round super-featherweight
world title fight Sunday remains hospitalized in London with fight-
related injuries. Champion Azumah Nelson, who knocked out McDon-
nell in the 12th round said Monday the fight should have been stopped
sooner. Hospital officials said McDonnell was in -table condition.
Cowens added to Hall of Fame
Former Boston Celtics center Dave Cowens has been added to the
list of players up for election to the Basketball 1 lall of Fame. Cowens'
name had been inadvertently omitted from the list of nominees re-
leased last week. To be elected, nominees need to win the votes of at
least 18 of the 24 members of the Honors Committee. Results of the
voting are to be released in February.
Browns fullback out of prison
Kevin Mack, fullback for the Cleveland Browns, was rel eased f n rn
prison Monday after serving one month of a six-month jail term for
using cocaine. Due to a knee injury, it is unclear when the 27-year-old
will play his next NFL game.
Manning to practice Nov. 15
Danny Manning, forward for the Los Angeles Clippers and No. 1
pick in the 1988 NBA draft, can resume practicing with the team Nov.
15. No date has been set for his return to the active roster. Manning tore
a ligament in his knee in January and had reconstructive surgery Jan.
Butkus award finalist listed
Finalists for the Butkus Award for college football's best linebacker
are Keith McCants (Alabama), Percy Snow (Michigan State), lames
Francis (Baylor), Andre Collins (Penn State) and Ron Cox (Fresno
State). The award is to be given Dec. 9.
Orlando wins 1st NBA game
The expansion Orlando Magic got its first NBA victory Monday
night by defeating the New York Knicks, defending Atlantic Division
champions 118-110. The victory before a sellout crowd of 15,077 is the
team's second game. The Magic lost its opening game Saturday night
against the New Jersey Nets.
Montana with 49ers again
With quarterback Joe Montana back on the field after two-week
injury layoff, the San Francisco 49ers defeated the New Orleans Saints
31-13 Monday in San Francisco. Montana threw for three touchdowns
and ran for another in the victory that gave the 49ers a three-game lead
in the NFC West.
Fiesta Bowl may defy ban
Officials with the Fiesta Bowl have said they may challenge the
Pacific 10 and Big Ten policy that bars their schools from playing in the
Jan Fiesta Bowl. If Michigan (ranked third) loses to Illinois (ranked 9)
Saturday, the Fiesta Bowl is ready to offer a bid to Michigan.
Arizona season tickets go high
Despite the fact that scalping tickets is illegal in Arizona except on
the day of a game at the site of the game, baseball tickets for the
University of Arizona are being scalped as high as $3,00O-$5,O0O for a
season ticket this year. The tickets, which are sold originally for $690,
Senators join mascot fight
The campaign to find a replacement for the the University of
Illinois mascot has a new supporter ? Sen. Paul Simon (D-lll.) The
mascot, Cheif llliniwek, does ritual dances at school sports events and
is considered an affront to Indians by some. Sen. Alan Dixon (D-lll.), an
Illinois alumnus, plans to fight any move to replace the mascot.
but hit it long and out ol bounds
giving VCU a 15-6 winand edging
their lead to 2-1.
"We didn't have the blocks
tonight rhafs what gets us fired
up, and we didn't have them
rate said.
The Pirates were playing to
tie up the match, and the Rams
were goingfor the wininthe fourth
game. In the beginning it looked
as though ECU would tie it up.
They jumped out toa 4-0lead and
Continued from page 11
for its basketball
Smith!eadthen itioninrush-
ing with a 161-yard-per-game
average Like Ware however, he
mav suffer because of the sins ot
his school.
A random sampling of a halt
doen I leisman voters this week
showed the closeness ot the race.
Harris received two first-place
votes, while Rice, Ware. Ismail and
1 lagan each received one.
Rosenblatt and Bob Keisserof
the Los Angeles Herald Examiner
voted lor Harris.
He's a great athlete and he
means s, much to his team
Rosenblatt said. "Without him,
West Virginia wouldn't even be
Ivan Maisel of the Dallas
Morning News is a Ware sup-
porter. "Barry Sanders showed last
year that sheer numbers can ever
come anything, and Ware luis
more of those. Notre Dame is
obviously a great team, but Rice is
the cog that keeps the machine
But BeanoCookof ESPN backs
Ismail, Rice's triple-threat team-
mate. 'He's the most exciting
player since Herschel Walker
Cook said.
"He won the Michigan game
almost single-handedly. He's
But Cook definatelv said that
he wouldn't "vote for any player
whose school is on probation
Continued from page 11
been a really strong season When
asked about his individual con-
centration while running,
Se h weitzer said he si mply focuses
on running hard and finishing. He
said lengthening strides was also
something he's working on so he
will be able to finish courses with
better times
Since he has fared so well this
season, this weekend Schweitzer
will travel to the NCAA Division
III Regional Championships in
Greenville, SC. He talked about
the magnitude of this event and
emphasized the quality of the
competitors he will face.
"The guys I will be running
against are the ones you see in
Sports Illustrated he said. "The
last two years at the regionals, I
have competed against a world
record holder, so you can tell it is
really rough
The future for Schweitzer is
full of possibilities which include
joininga local running team which
is sponsored by Ascis Tiger, trav-
eling to Australia or perhaps even
tryingacompletely different sport.
"If I don't run with the local
team next year, I will probably
switch to biking just for a change
Schweitzer said. "College is about
as far as you can go with cross
Continued from page 11 ff
Hurricane Hugo to Carolina
Beach, NC, cancelled many of the
clubs other events.
Gartman said the club looks
forward to the National Scholastic
Surfing Association events that
will be held next spring.
For more information on the
club, contact Gartman at Marsh's
Surf and Sea (355-6680).
on over and gel your game tickets
for Saturday's game with Temple
VCU called a time-out to regroup.
The time-out proved to be
valuable for the Ramsas they came
back and eventually took a 10-7
lead. At 14-9, VCU served for the
game and match and got the point
on a net violation bv the Pirates.
Pirate head coach Judy
Kirkpatncksaid, "When vou donrt
execu te against a team thafsequa!
to you in talent you can't win, and
that's what happened.
"A lot of times our offense
broke down and things that were
usually natural for us, weren't
she added.
This weekend the Pirates
travel to James Madison Univer-
sity for the CAA tournament and
will play the JM U team at 11:00on
Friday. If the Pirate team wins,
thev face American University at
6:00. Earlier in the season the Pi-
rates fell to the Eagles of Amenca-
nL'niversitv, 3-1.
The Championship game will
be plaved on Saturday at 1:30, and
first seed William and Mary is
expected U. be one of the two teams
fighting it out in the finals.
"We've reached a lot of goals
this vear, but right now the first
thing we've got to do is beat
Madison?that will be1 the key.
"We've come too far to let
tonight be a setback, so this week
it's going to take mentally intense
practices to get us 100 ready
Kirkpatrick said.
fate added, "If we play like
w played in our match with UNC-
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The East Carolinian, November 9, 1989
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 09, 1989
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