The East Carolinian, March 30, 1989

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Clearly Labeled Satire9
Open the mike, do the unusual,
students model wrist clocks.
Flip to page 7.
Lady Pirates split, Baseball rocks
record to 16-2, pitcher Jenkins
slated King of mound.
Catch the action on page 11.
?he i?ast Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. b3 No. hi
rhursday March 30,1989
C.reenville, 'C
12 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Lassiter, Roakes set for S(iA
run-offs, Vanderburg wins
SGA presidential candidates
Valeria Lassiterand PrippRoakt -
are sot tor the April 5 run . N
elections after Wednesday, -??
wore tallied. Approximate!) I I ?
percent of ECU students vot d ii
the elections.
Jennifer Vanderburg w n th
office of vice-president i
race over Susan Coopennar
Madden becomes the new treas
In Wednesday's election,
Roakes took 43 percent 41
votes) of the votes and .
followed with 33.3 peri i I
votes) in the race I i " ?'?'??
president. C and idate Kelh
camein third with i per ? i t
Roakes won the maj it
the votes at the Student Store pel I
Of the 625 votes cast at is .
which received the hea iest turn
out, Roakes took 329 lea inj .
siter with 200 and ones w
Roakesalsohad thehight si - un
ber of votes at the p lls cat J
Cotton Residence Hall
Croatan and Mendenhall.
Lassiter won the poll lo e
at the oottom ot Collect i UU v? ith
lrl votes. Roakes had 9
and Jones finished v ith I
Jones had a high of 11
attheboxneartheGraham. R -
finished with lOOand ! assit i
The race for vice pi id nl
was a close one. Vanderl ok
52.3 percent (848 votes ftl
and Susan Cooperm
with 47.7 percent (772 I
Vanderburg took the n .
uv of votesat the boxes at (
the Croatan, Mendenhall ai
Student Store. Coopcrman v.
the votes at the bottom of
Hill and at Graham.
Vanderburg won an
welming majority at the
cated at the Student St r I : I
mtl - ' ? ? ' "
pu I read
to r 1 k 'a dei
Ra .? nl race for
SGA I r hi pj onent
. nwastheclear
winner with 59.3 percent of the
votes. Madden won the majority
t votes at every ballot box on
. ampus.
1 he office of secretary will be
filled by Rhonda Wooten, a write-
in candidate. Although she has no
experience in the SGA, Wooten
has served as secretary of Wes2Fel
and the Wesley Foundation of
(. In cn ille.
Wooten was the only write-in
candidate, cnd she won the elec-
tion with 1 3 otes.
? run off election between
Roakes and 1 assiter will be held
next Wednesday. The ballot boxes
will be opened from 9 a.m. until 5
p m
Roakes said he plans to stay
with the same campaign strate-
gies foi the run-off. "1 think my
strategies have worked well
Roak ssaid. "I'm going to go back
around and try to reach some of
th; groups . didn t get to the tirst
1 a ? itt i aid she will continue
stress her concern for giving all
stud nts an equal opportunity to
di . I feel that 33.3 percent
- is that we do have a
great I . rt out there, bum
a c have a tight ahead of
us 1 assiter said.
iter said she is proud of
the number o( voters who turned
out in the election, and she urges
everyone to cast a vote next YVed-
"After a very respectable
campaign, 1 would like to thank
everybK dv w ho voted Jonessaid.
"1 would like to sav that I fullv
endorse Tripp Roakes as a candi-
date tor S ,A
1pnt "
ast, she u
sec lilt riONS, page 5
40 70
Jim Layton
Ra Madden
23 oo'?;
Kellv .Jones
ripp Roakes
33 30
Vice President
Mark Love places his ballot at the Cotton Hall polling center
in Wednesday's SGA elections. (Photolab)
Parking lot purchase
expands ECU campus
News Edhor
Tlans are under way to con-
vert a parking lot at the corner of
Fifth Street and Reade Circle into
an entrance for ECU after the City
of Greenville sold the lot to the
university Wednesday.
"It's a terrific day for the uni-
versity' Chancellor Richard Eakin
said during a meeting with Green-
ville Mayor Ed Carter to officially
change ownership of the plot of
Eakin said thelot will be trans-
formed into "a visual entry for the
university" to include attractive
landscaping, walk ways and a sign
welcoming individuals to the
ECU "got a good deal" with
theacquistionof the 9,518 square
feet area bordering downtown and
Fletcher Residences Hall said
Eakin. The lot carried a price tag of
$28,550, according to Greenville
Parking Authority Chairman John
Shannonhouse said the trans-
fer of property was originally
considered in 1979 but not seri-
ously considered until 1987 after
the election of Carter to the
mayor's office.
In a letter to Mayor Carter
dated May 12, 1988, Shannon-
house said "the Parking Author-
ity favorably recommends the sale
of the 25 space lot and "values a
good relationship and a spirit of
cooperation between itself and
Formerly the location of the
city swimming pool, the parking
lot area is a "splendid location"
for an attractive entrance to be
compared to entery ways of other
university campuses, according to
"This is representative of a
fanastic spirit ot cooperation be-
tween the city and the university
Eakin said
Before making the transaction
officialMa vor Carter jokingly told
Eakin "I think it's a good place for
you to put a parking dock, what
do you think Chancellor
Susan Cooperman
enniter anderburg
Faculty passes grading system
Staff Wntr
The ECU Faculty Senate over-
whelmingly passed a resolution
Tuesday which will give teachers
the option to change their current
grading system. Under the new
system, which begi ns in the Fall of
1990, teachers will be able to give
students a plus or minus to the
final letter grades, raising or low-
ering their Grade Point Average
Under the current system,
students are given a grade of A, B,
( 1) or 1 An "1" represents a
studc nt's failure to complete a
subject, reflecting the lackof quan-
tity, not quality, of a subject. Also,
theGPA equivalent is a 4.0 for an
A, 3.0 for a B, 2.0 for a C, 1.0 for
a D, and no points given for an F.
Grade points for a course are
computed by multiplying the
number of semester - hour credits
by the point value of of the course
The new plan will allow teach-
ers to givegradesof A B, BC,
and so on. The plus or minus will
show up on student's report cards
and the grade of A will not be
If the grade is modified by a
plus, then the point value is in-
creased by 0.3. If modified by a
minus, the point value is decreased
by 0.3. Thus a B would be indi-
cated as a 3.3, and a B-as a 2.7. The ?.?r?- .M. ?
concern that this new system will Chancellor Eakin receives documents from Mayor Ed Carter and Parking Authority Chairman John
See GRADING, page 5 Shannonhouse which officially give the ownership of the parking lot at 5th Street and Reade Circle
to ECU. (Photo by Tony Rumble?ECU News Bureau).

MARCH 30,1989
Nude guy runs in Power Plant
March 20
0015 George Samuel Mazza
of 432 Aycock dorm was arrested
for possession of controlled sub-
stance and drug paraphernalia.
700 Margaret Mills McColl of
290 Jones was arrested for dam-
age to personal property.
1105 Employee reported lar-
ceny of cassette tapes from her
1200 Controlled substance
violation at Brody.
1515 Damage to water pipe
south west of Flanagan.
1300 Larceny of book bag from
main office hallway of art build-
1545 Larceny of fire extin-
guishers reported
1512 Breaking and entering
and a larceny reported at Belk.
1832 Cameron Case Maxwell
of Kinston was arrested for sec-
ond degree trespassing.
1735 Garrett resident reported
that a blue Volvo had hit him while
he wason hisbike north of Austin.
March 21
1105 Report of a dog in Gen-
eral Classroom Building.
1430 Hood of car scratched
north of Joyner Library.
New Revelation
1700 Bike stolen from rack at
1000 Terry Dean Brummell of
Bethel was arrested nt Brody
Building for sale and delivery of
schedule 6 drugs.
1355 Larceny of spare tire from
vehicle parked south of Belk.
1904 Belk resident served a
criminal summons for worthless
March 23
125 Three people were given
campus citations for underage
consumption of alcohol and after
hour visitation violations.
1550 Three residents of Clem-
ent reported that they had been
verbally threatened.
March 24
0008 Scott resident banned
from Jones dorm.
1140 James Arthur Crandol of
Ayden was arrested for posses-
sion of schedule 6 drugs.
1910 Report of a dog in the art
0320 Scott resident reported
persons unknown had set items
on fire in his room.
March 25
410 Unescorted male reported
in shower on seventh floor of
1450 Larceny of watch and
hand bag in Jenkins reported.
2149 Aycock resident reported
being followed by unknown per-
2217 Scott resident reported
fight between roommate and
another persons.
2355 Damage to snack ma-
chine in basement of Fletcher.
March 26
0203 Water leaking from sec-
ond floor in mechanical room of
0045 Empolyees reported a
white male was naked in the Power
Plant building.
1835 Juvenile had fallen from
March 4
0020 William Darnell Mike of
176 Jones was arrested for being
drunk and disorderly and for
damage to real property.
0110 Michael Angel Meza of
Camp Legeuene was arrested for
DWI, careless and reckless driv-
ing and for one street violations.
0757 Breaking and entering of
car parked at Third Street and
Reade parking lot. Larceny of ste-
reo from said vehicle.
2041 Car reported to be miss-
ing from parking lot east of Scott
dorm. Resident of Scott was found
in possession of the vehicle north
east of Old Cafetria building. No
charges were passed.
March 22
315 Wilson man banned from
campus for obstruction and delay
of law enforcement officer east of
1710 Subjects reported to be
distributing flyers in Tyler.
1903 Oven fire reported in
The East Carolinian
J. Keith Pearce
Adam Blankenship
james F.J. McKee, Director of Advertising
Advertising Representatives
Scott Makey
Phillip V. Cope
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Sun bathing linked to cancer
Now that warm weather has
finally arrived many of you are
probably thinkingaboutgetunga
tan. Here are a few facts you should
Tanning is the body's re-
sponse that occurs when skin is
exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
How much you tan depends on
your own skin's natural ability to
tan (i.e. dark skin tans easily; light
skin tends to burn.)
The tanning process begins
with changes occurring beneath
the skin. When the skin is overex-
posed, UV rays damage the outer
laver which releases substances
into the inner layer causing blood
vessels to enlarge. A largQ
? causes simbOrnHvifth de?trty
cells resulting in blisters. This
damage leads to wrinkled, leath-
ery skin and a greater chance of
skin cancer.
Wellness Week
to kick off
next Monday
Staff Writtr
Chancellor Richard R. Eakin
will lead interested students in a
walk around campus Monday at
12:10 p.m beginning in front of
Memorial Gym. The 1.5 mile walk
is the kick-off event in a series of
activities for Wellness Week.
Occurring from April 3-6,
Wellness Week's objective is to
give people an awareness of
health. Wellness Improvement for
State Employees (WISE), the Stu-
dent Health and Wellness Com-
mittee, and the Department of
Housing have planned different
activities to involve staff, faculty
and students.
According to Mary Elesha
Adams, Monday's walk around
campus is open for participation
to all students. The traditional
Health Fair will be held from 11
a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Memorial Gym.
Twenty-five on-campus and
off-campus groups will have vari-
ous displays to help individuals
learn abut their own health. Pro-
mo tinggood health, thesedisplays
include free yogurt, blood pres-
sure screenings, circuit training,
cholesterol tests and an introduc-
tion, by the Intramural Depart-
ment, of a new class?belly-bust-
Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m
Harriet Elder will speak on the
importance of humor and laugh-
ter In health in Jenkins Audito-
rium. To conclude Wellness Week,
a kite flying contest will be held on
College Hill Thursday.
IGtty Hawks Kites will help
with the contest and provide free
give-aways. Some of the catego-
ries are stunt flyine, quickest in
flight and highest altitude.
Wellness is the total concept
of health including the physical,
emotional, occupational, spiritual,
intellectual and environmental
aspects. This week is to promote
the positive side of health.
Health Column
Lynne Dixon
The sun can affect you:
1. When you workplay
outdoors - many ou tdoor surfaces
reflect and intensify the sun's rays.
2. When you sit under a
hat or umbrella - sand and water
reflect over one half the sun's rays.
Sitting in the shade does not guar-
antee safety.
3. When you wear light
clothing - sun rays can penetrate
material especially if it's wet.
4. when youare in the water
wAMfleets tun's rays, increas-
ing exposure.
5. even when your skin is
already dark - dark skin has more
natural protection but is still sen-
sitive to sunburn and skin cancer.
Protect YQVrSvlf - Use Sun-
Choose a sunscreen for your
skin type. If you burn easily choose
a higner SPF. Achieve your tan
slowly without burning. Try to
avoid midday tanning from 10:00
AM to 2:00 PM when the sun is the
most intense. Use a sunscreen and
don't stay in the sun for more than
an hour. Your body takes in all the
sun it's going to for the day within
the first hour. After that, you're
wasting your time.
Note: Often sunburn doesn't
show up until after you've gotten
out of the sun. Also, it is possible
to get tanned and burnt on a cloudy
If you would like a sunning
fact sheet and a free bottle of sun-
screen, come to the Health Re-
sources Room at the Student
Health Service.
grand opening
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MARCH 30,1989 3
Zealanders take cup to court
Zealand has won in court what it
didn't win on the high seas ?
sailing's coveted America's Cup.
But the San Diego Yacht Club
hasn't decided whether it will
relinquish the sport's oldest tro-
phy without an appeal.
"This is not a hollow victory
when you see the issues that were
at stake Michael Fay, leader of
the New Zealand sailing syndi-
cate, said Tuesday after a New
York judge ruled that San Diego's
defense of the Cup was illegal.
"The real winner is the Cup and
its traditions Fay said from New
Kiwi joy contrasted with
shock and bitterness in San Diego.
"There is a feeling that we' ve been
had yacht club attorney Mark
Smith said.
A decision on whether to
appeal will be made in the next
few days, after attomevs brief the
boards of the vacht club and its
event organizer, the America's
Cup Organizing Committee, said
club Commodore Pat Goddard.
The 138-year-old silver cup will
remain in San Diego until the
decision is made, said Goddard.
Skipper Dennis Conner had
sailed the twin-hulled Stars and
Stripes to an easy sweep of the
Mercury Bay Boating Club's
single-hulled New Zealand last
September. Conner's 60-foot cata-
maran was lighter, faster and more
maneuverable than its 133-foot
But in the first disqualifica-
tion in the event's history, New
York state judge Carmen Ciparick
called the best-of-three series a
"gross mismatch" and said San
Diego had "paid lip service to the
Cup as a competitive event
The judge said the 102-year-
old Deed of Gift that governs the
race does not specify a boat size or
number of hulls. But, she said,
"the conclusion is inescapable"
that George Schuyler, who estab-
lished the race, "contemplated the
defending vessel to relate in some
way to the specifications of the
Ciparick said she had no al-
ternative but to award the Cup to
New Zealand, although she ac-
knowledged it was a "drastic
remedy" because of the trophy's
economic significance and pres-
tige. Studies indicated San Diego
stood to gain up to $1.2 billion
from its planned international
regatta to defend the Cup in 1991
or 1992.
Fav, a merchant banker who
has financed New Zealand's sail-
ing and legal battles the last three
years, said Mercury Bay would be
host of the next Cup defense at
Auckland, New Zealand, in April
1991, barring an appeal or other
delays. Conner, who learned of
the ruling while on a business trip
inAustralia, said he will wait for
the yacht club's decision about an
appeal before deciding whether
to skipper a boat in the next
America's Cup.
"I'm disappointed, naturally,
because we worked hard to win
it he said. The Cup was first won
in 1851 by the yacht America in a
race against several boats of the
Royal Yacht Club in England.
In 1857, the America syndi-
cate deeded the Cup to the New
York Yacht Club with a trust docu-
ment establishing the competition
and its terms. The deed was re-
vised in 1882 and again in 1887.
The New York group kept the
Cup for 131 years before losing
under Conner's command to the
Royal Perth Yacht Club of Austra-
lia in 1983 at Newport, R.I. The
San Diego club, led by Conner,
won the Cup in 1987 in Australia.
The Mercury Bay group, led
by Fay, asked the court in July
1987, for the right to challenge San
Diego in a boat larger than the 12-
meter yachts that had been used
in Cup contests since 1956. The
judge agreed in November 1987,
and Conner decided to use a cata-
maran in his defense.
She refused Fay's request that
Conner be found in contempt for
using such a vessel. Goddard
contended the judge's ruling was
"a complete reversal of her previ-
ous decisions" on which the club
based its catamaran defense.
County Supervisor Brian Bil-
bray, head of San Diego Amer-
ica's Cup Task Force, also attacked
the ruling. "Michael Fay has al-
ways used the judges because he
couldn't win on the water Bil-
bray said. "Sailors in the water,
not attorneys in court, should
decide where the Cup goes
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Researchers get into residues
tn is your
DURHAM (AD ? Scientists
at the Research Triangle Institute
are developing a simpler and faster
test to detect pesticide residues, a
move that could help government
regulators in assuring that the
country's food supply is safe.
The test uses monoclonal anti-
bodies and should make it pos-
sible to screen more crops for
pesticide residue in the field rather
than at a laboratory. Conceivably,
the test could be used for on-site
inspection of produce by super-
market owners or for home in-
spection by concerned consum-
Standard pesticide residue
tests used by government regula-
tors are often time-consuming and
must be done in the laboratory by
experts. The monoclonal antibody
test could be taken out of the lab
and into the fields, allowing gov-
ernment inspectors to test more
food at a lower cost, said Dr. Carol
Whisnant, an immunologist at the
Research Triangle Institute and co-
chairman of the research.
The antibody test being de-
veloped by the non-profit insti-
tute in the Research Triangle Park
is based on enzyme immunoassay
technology. The technology has
been widely used to develop clini-
cal antibody tests for the detection
of natural substances or drugs in
humans, but has only recently
been applied in the field of agri-
The pesticide residue test
works in much the same way as a
pregnancy test. In a pregnancy
test an antibody binds to a
hormone found in the urine, caus-
ing a biochemical reaction that
indicates if a woman is pregnant.
Likewise, certain antibodies de-
rived from mouse cells are sensi-
tive to pesticide residues and bind
to them.
A chemical reaction occurs
that can be measured to deter-
mine if pesticide residue is pres-
ent. The Food and Drug Admini-
stration, which is sponsoring the
institute's research on pesticide
residue tests, is interested in a
faster method of spot-checking
foods, said Dr. Marion Clower.
He is acting chief of the Pesti-
cides and Industrial Chemicals
branch of the FDA and project
director of the research at the
Research Triangle Institute. The
antibody test is not expected to
replace more sophisticated labo-
ratory testing but will provide a
faster screening method, he said.
A drawback is that the test
does not indicate the amount of
pesticide residue in food, which is
needed to determine if levels ex-
ceed those set by the Environ-
mental Protection Agency, Clower
said. The test will only determine
if a chemical residue is present.
Clower said most of the food
tested by the FDA does not have
any detectable levels of pesticide
residue. The antibody test may be
the only test needed for a majority
of the foods sampled, he said.
Scientists are also concerned
about the problem of false nega-
tives in the antibody test. "The
experience with immunoassays
(for detecting pesticide residue) is
not nearly that great and since this
is a test that has biological origins
there are a number of biological
components that could be in-
volved in the reaction and inter-
fere with the test Clower said.
Several biotechnology compa-
nies have developed antibody tests
for screening pesticide residue, but
state and federal pesticide regula-
tors remain skeptical about the
products. "There are a lot of ifs in
this simplified testing right now
and it's hard to get information
from the manufacturer said Joel
Padmore, assistant director of the
state Department of Agriculture's
Food and Drug Protection Divi-
The division is studying one
of the antibody test kits for pesti-
cide residue, but has not had the
product long enough to determine
if it works as claimed, he said. The
state would be able to test a larger
percentage of North Carolina's
crops with a faster and simpler
pesticide residue test, said Robert
Ccrdon, director of the state's
Food and Drug Protection Divi-
The state does not keep track
of the percentage of North Caro-
lina's foods that are tested, but
Gordon said the state's 20 inspec-
tors take samples from crops tor
testing thoughout the growing
seasons. Gordon said he believes
thefruitsand vegetables grown in
the state are safe.
North Carolina spent SI.3
million on pesticide residue test-
ing on foods last year and con-
ducted 335,000 analyses on food
and drugs at the laboratory in
Raleigh. The state tests about 195
pesticides used on crops in North
Carolina, agriculture officials said.
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1.5 mile Walk with
Chancellor Eakin
Meet at 12:10pm
Memorial Gymnasium
front steps - wear
mfortable shoes ana
no-restrictive clothjng
tin Date: April,
A Week of Wellness Events for Faculty, Staff and Students
Health Fair
11:00am- 5:30pm
Memorial Gymnasium
exhibits, demonstrations,
food, cholesterol
screening $3 call
757-6387, Glaucoma
Screening $2
Quickest In Flight
Highest Altitude? Kite Flying Contest 3:00-5:p0p?
Let Laughter
Be a Part of Your
7:30pm Jenkins
Speaker: Harriet
Elder, Founder of
Stunt Flying
College Hill
Prizes and Demonstrate
by Kitty Hawk Kites
Sponsored by:
The Wellness Improvement for State Employees Committee
The Student Health and Wellness Committee
The Department of Housing
contact: Mary Elesha -Adams (737-6794) Kathy Hill
(757S387) or Janet Johnson (757-61001

(Hire ?a0t (Earoltman
Srm? m tm Cm
Tim Hampton, n? e
Chris SiECAL,sp,?r
Chip Carter, f? m
Susan Howell,
Dean Waters, o??
Pete fernald, cmi m
Stephanie Folsom, m?h "?
James F.J. McKee, mm
Brad Bannister, c ri?r
Jeff Parker, &- m.
TOM FURR, CirnltfioMMyr
Debbie Stevens, &???
Stephanie Emory,u t? s,?
Stephanie Singleton, a
Mac Clark, m
March 30,1989
Page 4
ECU purchases parking lot for 5th street entry
The university purchased a
parking lot adjacent to Fletcher
dorm from the city Wednesday. This
lot will be turned into a 5th street
visual entrance to campus. This is
one of the best accomplishments on
the university's part towards both
the campus beaurification and im-
age enhancement goals.
This plot of land being sold to
ECU is the result of the university
and the city working together. It is a
positive move towards improving
community and campus relations to
an even more comfortable relation-
The landscaping of this lot will
add something different to the looks
of East Carolina and will give the
university something new to be
proud of. The two larger campuses
in North Carolina, N. C State and
UNC, already have such entrances.
Since ECU is the third largest in the
state and in the same league as these
schools, visual improvements are
important if this university is to be
looked at and respected as such.
The turn-out
Eleven percent is still not up to par
A mere 11 percent of the students
at ECU turned out to vote Tuesday.
That was enough to narrow the
choices down for a run-off, but it
was not enough to show real sup-
port for candidates who are con-
cerned about taking the Student
Government Association in a new
and better direction.
Next Wednesday, there will be a
second chance for those who didn't
make it to the polls. Valeria Lassiter
and Tripp Roakes had the majority
of votes for president and will need
that same 11 percent plus extra en-
couragement from voters in the run-
off elect,v .
The mecL:al students are the
only ones with a valid reason for not
voting. Compared to the six ballot
boxes on campus, there were none
placed at either the Allied Health
Building or the ECU Medical
School. Last year there was a box at
Allied Health, but it's been a few
years since there was one at the
Medical School. Perhaps more vol-
unteers can be found to sit at boxes at
those two important areas next
Wednesday. The run-off will be a
close one and every vote will be
important in deciding the outcome.
Eleven percent! Thafs compa-
rable to the percent that did not vote
in the Russian elections. It's easy to
complain about leadership and rep-
resentation, but yet if s harder to
take the time to vote. Or so thafs
how the unwritten argument goes.
Take the time to vote in the run-
off elections.
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters expressing all points of view. Mail
or drop them by our office in the Publications Building, across from the
entrance to Joyner Library. For purposes of verification, all letters must
include the name, major, classification, address, phone number and the
signature of the author(s). Letters are limited to 300 words or less, double-
spaced, typed or neatly printed. All letters are subject to editing for brevity,
obscenity and libel, and no personal attacks will be permitted.
Smile for Photo Extravaganza
To the editor:
The staff of the ECU Photolab and
the 1989 Buccaneer would like for
you to take part in East Carolina's
First Annual Photo Extravaganza!
This fast-paced, fun-filled event will
take place on Tuesday, April 4. The
resulting photos will be put to use in
various campus publications. There
are three great ways to become in-
1. Submit any color or black
and white prints that are taken on
April 4 to the Buccaneer office lo-
cated in the Publications building.
Prints should include full name and
phone number on the back.
2. Call either 752-9668 or 757-
6994 with your ideas and sugges-
tions for events that are going on that
day, which are campus or organiza-
tion related. . .
3. Smile and herveyour photo
taken. Photographers will be every-
where so cooperate with them to
make this a fun event for all.
Thomas Walters
Head Photographer
ECU Photolab
Insulted again
To the editor:
Once again, the East Carolinian
has succeeded in insulting the intelli-
gence of its readership with its bla-
tant sexism. We are referring to the
cartoon in the March 16 edition
which showed a nude woman in a
field of shamrocks. The undersigned
would like to go on record in protest
against this portrayal of women as
mere sexual objects and to urge the
staff of the newspaper to attend the
showing of the film "Still Killing Us
Softly" on Wednesday, April 5, at 7
pm in the Joyner Library. This film
shows how women are treated by the
media at large and how this image
keeps women from attaining an
equal footing in American society.
Once you become aware of your re-
sponsibility as journalists, we are
sure that you will cease this attack on
the female half of our population.
Angie Hughes
Mary Beth Carson
Jammie L. Price
Lana C. Hollev
Ed Glazier
Patricia Grand
James Simms
Christa Reiser
Women's roles
To the editor.
Here we go again. The Pirate
"Welcome Back" cartoon last fall
which created so much controversy
obviously did not teach anybody a
lesson. Once more, The East Carolin-
ian staff has seen fit to further de-
grade the value and the humanity of
women on campus.
The "Happy St. Patrick's Day"
cartoon (March 16 edition) was not
directed at the majority of students at
ECU?i.e women who constitute 56
percent of the campus' total popula-
tion. (It should be noted that all 56
percent pay student fees which help
support The East Carolinian.)
Why do we find the cartoon so
offensive? It serves to objectify
women which, in turn, perpetuates
our culturally-diminished status.
Why is a woman's nude, passive
body paired with a holiday? Is she to
be plucked like a mere shamrock and
worn as a symbol or ornamentation?
What outrage men would feel if a
similar cartoon were to depict a nude
man lying on his back with an occa-
sional, strategically-placed sham-
rock! A man in such a passive state
would be viewed as an anomoly, not
as a representation of the whole male
population. Contrastly, the passivity
shown in the cartoon is meant to
depict the "natural" state of women.
If this shameless policy of undis-
guised sexism continues, all students
should encourage advertisers to ref-
use payment on ads appearing in
issues with material that serves to
degrade any group or individual. We
would also urge these advertisers to
discontinue their support of The East
Carolinian so as to not themselves be
connected with these sexist policies.
Bad portrayal
To the editor:
Historically, women have been
depicted in literature and in the
media as symbols of purity and deca-
dence, spiritual refinement and
moral abasement. They have been
shown to be mere objects of sexual
desire and witches capable of chang-
ing the forces of the universe. None of
these portrayals is accurate, of
course, for none show women to be
aggregate human beings capable of
thought and emotion. But it is just
this type of distorted imagery that is
being perpetuated by cartoons such
as the one which appeared in you
March 16 edition. (The drawing
showed a naked woman whose bodv
was concealed only partiallv bv
I can only guess that your reader-
ship has fallen of late, and you felt the
need to do somethingovtrft$etjBPs.fL
solicit reader respotxse ? fot w&v
you have not so soon forgotten the
lessons learned last fall in the infa-
mous "Welcome Back, Pirates" inci-
dent! Could it be that sensitization
needs to be renewed periodically? If
so, I suggest that the entire staff of
The East Carolinian ? along with
students concerned about the image
of women on campus ? attend "Still
Killing Us Softly" on Wednesday.
April 5. This 30 minute film, to be
shown at 7 pm in Joyner Library
illustrates the treatment of women by
the media and how this degradation
keeps women from attaining equal
status in our society, the film is co-
sponsored by the Greenville Chapter
of NOW and the Women's Studie
Alliance, a campus-based student or-
ganization. After viewing this en-
lightening work, I am confident that
you will no longer feel the need to
objectify and degrade your mothers
sisters, and your friends.
Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs
Women's Studies Alliance
The Women's Studies Alliance
Brenda Pearsall Cayton
Sharon Ange
Tanker disaster motivates look at alternative energy sources
Ten million gallons. Ten million gallons.
Thafs the amount of oil that an Exxon
tanker, the Exxon Valdez, spilled off the
coast of Alaska Friday. The spill may ruin
the supply of fish available to several Alas-
kan fishing villages, and it threatens miles
of coastline which have never before been
exposed to such contaminants. It is causing
horrible damage to marine life in the area of
the spill, and the problem will get worse
before it gets better.
The event is even more tragic given that
stupidity and carelessness were its main
causes. The Exxon Valdez ran aground on a
well-known reef. The tanker probably
would have avoided grounding altogether
had it not been under the control of the
ship's third mate, who was not certified to
pilot it in those waters.
Even at that the spill might not have
occurred, or might at least have been less
severe, had the ship been equipped with a
protective second null. The second hull is
not a required feature on tankers, but it is
commonly in use. The Exxon Valdez should
have had one, or it should have been as-
signed to a different route and a safer tanker
should have taken its place.
This incident is a good reminder of why
we need to develop alternate sources of
power. A somewhat better power source
than oil and coal is nudear power. To fore-
stall the moat obvious objection: yes, nu-
clear power produces waste too. Last week,
though, scientists produced the first con-
trolled nuclear fusion reaction.
All man-made nuclear reactors in exis-
tence use nuclear fission. Fusion is better
ifs harder to pull off, but it produces more
energy and lew waste. Plus, a fusion reac-
tion does not pose the danger of meltdown
that a fission reaction poses; the process
generally shuts itself down if something
goes wrong.
Fossil fuel-burning plants, though they
also release radiation into the environment
merely redistribute radiation that was al-
ready present in the environment; they do
not, like nuclear power, add to the net bal-
ance of potentially dangerous radiation.
Too, construction of a nuclear reactor can
cost millions or even billions of dollars, and
a reactor is so contaminated as to be almost
useless within thirty years. Despite its other
advantages, a fusion reactor would con-
taminate itself faster and so would require
shutdown sooner. Hence, nuclear fusion is
not as cost-effective a method of energy
production as it seems at first glance.
Whafs left? Well, does anybody re-
member solar power? One of the more tell-
ing actions taken by the Reagan administra-
tion was the removal of a solar panel that
the Carter administration had had in-
stalled. Reagan also practically removed
solar power from the national agenda.
Granted, the technology which enables
us to generate solar power needs improve-
ment. For example, solar power generation
on a large scale requires large amounts of
land. But spending the same amount of
money on solar power that has been spent
on nuclear power would certainly yield
improvements. Its worth a try.
Not all the benefits are environmental.
President Bush would benefit politically by
implementing a new national energy policy
that encouraged the development of solar
energy. One advantage for him and the
country is that broader use of solar power
would lessen America's dependence on
OPEC nations for energy.
A more important immediate plus for
the administration, though, is that it would
finally stand a chance of being perceived as
active. The administration has been drift-
ing, directionless, hard pressed to refute
claims that, for all his campaign talk, Bush
cannot even manage to "keep on track" and
"stay the course
So wouldn't it be great for everyone
involved if Bush helped the nation harness
all that energy contained in a thousand
points of light?
I !?!?

?Wi ???? w

MARCH 30,1989 5
lower students' GPAs has gener-
ated some concern among student
But G.W. kalmus, Chairman
of the Credits Committe and a
leading proponent of the plan, says
According to Paul Puckett,
chairman of the Election Commit-
tee, approximately 1,696 students
voted. "Voter turn out was the
best we've had in a long time
Puckett said. He said no com-
plaints have been filed concern-
ing the election.
Puckett will need volunteers
to tend the polls during next
Wednesday's run-off election.
Anv group or organization will-
ing to help should call Millie
Murphy at the SGA office (757-
Nll). '
that students are already aware of
the fraction of the grade, despite
the fact that the current GPA sys-
tem is not essentially a system
that recognizes letter grades as
fractional numbers.
"The object is not to see how
we can lower the students' GPA
Kalmus said, "But how we can
better evaluate those students
Kalmus commented that, as
a teacher, he would be more will-
ing under the new system to give
a borderline student a higher
"If 1 had a chance to give you
a B I'd give it. Otherwise I'd proba
bly give you a C
Responding to the concern
that the lower grade points will
keep some students from gradu-
ating, Kalmus said that the resolu-
tion will have little impact on the
status of graduating seniors. He
added that since the new grading
system is optional, students will
have the choice between a teacher
who uses the new grading system
or one who doesn't.
"It's a more accurate reflec-
tion of what the grades actually
are Kalmus said. "I think many
of the professors would take this
option if offered
Reggae and Progressive Music
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Doors OPEN at 5:30
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Underage Welcome
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Cheerleading, Mikeman
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For more information call
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These salaried positions offer
an excellent opportunity to
gain experience and leader-
ship abilities that will benefit
you throughout your life. At
the same time, these positions
will enable you to make valu-
able contributions to East
Carolina University For addi-
tional information and appli-
cations, contact the Associate
Dean of Student's Office in 209
Thursday, March 30th

MARCH 30,1989
NEED TO SUBLEASE? Law students
interested in subleasing furnished apart-
ments for summer (May ? August). Want
to make arrangements as soon as possible
Call Bert Speicher at 355-3030
FOR RENT: 1 Bdr. Apt fullv furn. Bunk
beds, 1 person $200.00; 2 people $290 plus
uul. Walking distance to campus. Call
ROOM FOR RENT: 2 bdroom house non-
smoker $150 mnth, plus utilities. Close to
campus. Call Luke after 3 pm at 758-7952.
WANTED: To rent 2 or 3 Bdr. house or
dublex. Near campus preferred Must al-
low pets. Needed bv Mav 1 Will take over
lease. Call 752-3860.
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2 12 bath
townhouse at Twin Oaks. Family man
aged ? $525 month Fireplace, Appli-
ances, Patio, Pool, "rear's lease required.
Opens August 15, in time for Fall semes-
ter. Call 752-2851
sessions to share 13 rent and utilities. 2
bedroom apartment, fullv furnished. Call
Scott at 752-8308 or Brian at 830-6863.
CAN YOU BUY: Jeeps, Cars, 4 X 4'sseized
in drug raids for under S100.00? Call for
facts todav. 602-837-3401. Ext. 711.
and Charlotte shows. Great seats. 1-490-
6805 anytime. Best offer.
used Al Merrick Design 6'4" Channel Is-
lands Thruster, includes board bag Must
sell, $175.00. Call 355-3364.
FOR SALE: 10 band stereo frequence
equalizer with IM expander spectrum
analyzer. Like new $85. Call 752-3432 ask
for Dave.
From $100. Fords. Mercedes. Corvettes.
Chews. Surplus. Buyers Guide (1) 805-
687-6000 Ext. S?1166.
The League of Women Voters of Green-
?aUe-Pitt County is sponsoring a public in-
formational meeting about present and
future solid waste mgmt. in Pitt County.
The meeting will take place on March 21 at
7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church
in Greenville.
1987 & 1988 Buccaneers along with the
1988 New Student Reviews can be picked
up in the hallway of the Publications Bldg.
anytime during the day.
Campus Christian Fellowship would like
to invite you to our Bible study every
Tues. at 7 pm. in Rawl 130. Bring your
Bible and a friend as we study the book of
Hebrews. Call Jim at 752-7199 if you need
a ncte or further info.
If your life has been affected, past or pres-
ent, by having been raised in a home or
environment where alcoholic and other
dysfunctional behaviors were present,
Here's Something You Should Know.
Each Tues. at 430, in rm. 312 of the Coun-
seling Center, there is a discussion and
learning group meeting for those with
common concerns. Newcomers are en-
couraged to come at 4:15. Call 757-6793 for
additional info.
Our next meeting is April 3 at 7:00 in GCB
1019. We will discuss plans for our trip to
Campbell Law School on April 7. Please
The 1989 Greenville-Pitt Co. Special
Olympics Spnng Games will be held on
April 14 at E.B. Aycock Jr. High School in
Greenville (rain date: April 21). Volun-
teers are needed to help serve as buddies
chaperones for the Special Olympians
Volunteers must be able to work all day-
from 9 a m2 p.m. An orientation meeting
will be held on Apnl 11 in Old Jovner
Library, rm. 221 from 5-5:45 p.m. Free
lunches and volunteer t-shirts will be
provided the dag of the games to all vol
unteers who have attended the orienta-
tion session. For more info contact Spe
cial Olympics office: 830-4551
Come join the Down East Balloon Sober)
on Apnl 15 from 4-7 p.m. at Vernon Park
Mall (Kinston) for hot air balloon rides
and help us raise funds for Children's
Hospital of Eastern N.C (weather permit
ting?rain date: Apnl 29, 4-7 pmWatch
the Children's Miracle Network Telethon
on WITN-7, June 3-4
The ECU Biology Club will be sponsoring
a plant sale April 6-7 The sale will take
place in the Biology Greenhouse, room
BS-111 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m
Guide (Rev. 1989). Sent $19.95 for the step-
by-step guide. IvySoft International, PO
Box 241090, Memphis TN 38125-1090.
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services. We also sell
software and computer diskettes. 24
hours in and out. Guaranteed typing on
paper up to 20 hand written pages. We
repair computers and pnnters also. Low-
est hourly rate in town. SDF Professional
Computer Services, 106 East 5th Street
Reside Cubbies) Greenville, NC 752-
NEED A D.J Hire the ELBO DJ Call
early and book for your formal or party
758-1700, ask for Dillon or leave a mes-
mes, Laser Printing. Rush jobs and reser-
vations accepted. Call 752-1933 before 5
Interested in those with human service
background wishing to gain valuable
experience in the field. No monetary
compensation, however room, utilities
and phone provided. Mary Smith REAL
Crisis Center 75S-HELP.
DENTS: Who enjoy cooking . . we have
openings for cook's helpers and kitchen
aids at childrens summer camp in the cool
mountains of North Carolina. Experience
not necessary, we will train. You receive
room, meals, laundry, plus 5900.00-
$1000.00 salary and travel expenses. Non-
smoking students wnte for App.bro-
chure: Camp Pine wood 20205-1 N.E. 3
Court, Miami, FL 33179.
)obs - your area. Many immediate open-
ings without waiting list or test. $17,840 -
$69,485. Call 1-602-838-8885, Ext. R5285.
INSTRUCTORS: (Male and Female) for
western North Carolina 8 week children's
summer camp. Over 30 activities includ-
ing Water Ski, Tennis, Heated swimming
pool, Go-Karts, Hiking, ArtRoom,
meals, salary and travel Experience not
necessary. Non-smoking students write
for applicationbrochure: Camp Pine-
wood, 20205-1 N.E. 3 Ct. Miami, Florida
WANTED: Part-time childrenyouth di-
rector. Twelve month employment with
additional hours. During summer. Please
write for application. Winterville Baptist
Church. P.O. Box 434, Winterville, N.C.
dants, Travel Agents, Mechanics, Cus-
tomer Service. Listings. Salaries to S105K.
Entry level positions. Call (1) 805-687-
6000 Ext. A 1166.
& Women ? Goneralists & Specialists
Two overnight 8 week camps in New
York's Adirondack Mountains haw
openings for tennis, waterfront (WSI
ALS, sailing, skiing, small crafts), all team
sports, gymnastics, artscratts, pioneer-
ing, music, photography, drama, dance,
and nurses who love fun and children
HELP WANTED: Full or part-time desk
clerk and relief audit positions available at
the Ramada Inn. Some experience i- i re
fened. Apply in person at the front desk
M ? F 1 p.m. to 5 pm No phone call
ambitious, mature student to managi on
campus promotions tor top national
companies this school ear Fle? ible hours
with earning potential up to S25O0all I
800-932-0538. Fxt. 27.
Cruiseships. $10,000-$105,000yr! Now
hiring1 Listings! (1) 805-687-6000 Ext OJ
frogram for the mentally handicapped
nd at risk children Eveyone is welcome
to attend.
PI KAPPA ALPHA: Looking forward to
finishing a great year! Thanks for every-
thing! Love! Your little sisters
PI KAPPS: Words don't have definitions,
people do and the members of Pi Kappa
Phi are the ones who make the definitions
forget to enter AZD all sing ? you won't
want to miss it! Call the house and enter
your organization ? 758-5677!
TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH: All sing ? don't
miss it.
some break ? AZD.
HEY DELTA ZETAS: Are you getting
excited? Well, you'd better be' cause we
only have about a week left until Formal'
HOLLY CONDREY: Thanks for all the
hours you put in! You're a great president
and a great sister too! We love vou! Delta
PARTY ON THE HILL: This Saturday
from 2-6 at the HILL JAM on Tyler Beach
Live music from Victim, The Vacationing
Firemen, and Nouveaux Campaign. Plus
lots of food, fun, and sun. Don't miss out!
SAE HAPPY HOUR: Honestly, said the
boy who cried wolf. There will be a happy
hour Friday at Grog's. Doors open at 5 30.
See ya there Word.
SAE: Formal this weekend, guys. Get
ready to scarf some hotel towels. Oh, and
Greg, don't forget to bring your date. By
the way Chuck, you haven't been lavoli-
ered yet, have you?! Have a blast, guys
is gonna be rockin This is it for vail big
boy?e's Enjoy. ?From Poindexter, Reb,
Bulldog, Beaker, Squirrel, I iomcr, Sheets,
Slopes, Flounder, Elvis, all the normal
guys wout nicknames, and the pledges
Sig Tau house is no longer blue! It looks
great guys.
BE HERE IS FLORIDA: and that requires
wntten permission. Pi Kappa Alpha
Happy Hour(s) Thursday night at the
Fizz 9 pm until. We know your not study
end The formal ? Mrytle Beach Lord
willin' and the keg don't spill. P-l-K-A
Leave early to catch the Friday rays
AOPI'S: 23 days till another Luau ? be
lieves it? Who.
ALPHA SIGS: Be ready to start the week
end tonight! Another get together with
you guys can only be a blast' Love the
Sisters and pledges of AOII.
Family Child Association will be lu i? a
meeting on April 4th at 6 p.m in room 143
Home Economics Building The guest
speaker is Lynn Powell from the Dr.
mental Day Program Tins is a sr
Diamonds - Jewelry - TV's -
VCR's - Watches - Guns -
Musical Instruments
'Strictly Confidential Transactions'
480 N. Greene Street
Greenville, NC 27834
"Personal and Confidential Care"
FREE Pregnancy
M-F 8:30-4 p.m.
Sat. 10-1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
Call for appointment Mon. thru Sat Low
Cost TrmlnaUon to 20 wrcks of prrgnara-y
?js- KfsromrAsr r.ui s
Registration April 3rd-6th
& 10th-13th
Student Stores
Bottom of Hill
10am - 3 pm
The performance of the Ja Ensemble
Oregon will conclude the 1988-89 Cham
bar Music Series. This performance nil be
held in Hendnv Theatre on April 5 at B
p.m. Tickets are on sale now at the Central
Ticket Office. MSC 1 lours are 11 am 6
p.m. M-F. Telephone: 757-6611, ext. 266.
Don't miss this exciting evening of im
provisational jaz This event is co-spun
sored bv the School of Music and the DepJ
of University Unions.
The Acting Co will present Shakespeare's
Love's Labour's Lost on April 10th at 8
p.m. in Wright Aud. Founded by the late
John 1 louseman, The Acting Co. is one of
the leading regional theatrical companies
in America. This delightful evening of
comic fun is part of the 1988-89 Perform
ing Arts Scries. Tickets are now on sale at
the Central Ticket Office in MSC (757-
6611, ext. 266).
UF information:
Residence hall room payments for Sum
mer School 19S9 will bo accepted in the
Cashier's office, room 105, Spilman Build-
ing, beginning April 5,1989. Room assign-
ments will be made in teh respective resi-
dence hall offices on April 5 201 Wichard
Building. The rent for a term of sumcr
school is S225 (Gotten, Fleming and Jarvis
Halls ? S280) for a semi-private room adn
$335 (Cotton, Fleming and Jarvis Halls ?
5370) for a private room. Residence hall to
be used for summer school are Fletcher
and Jarvis (co-ed), Cotten (women) and
Fleming (men). Fleming Hall will house
men during the summer, but it will revert
back to a women's residence hall Fall
Semester 1989.
Hill Jam will be Sat. April 1, from 2-6 pm
on Tyler Beach. Featuring live entertain-
ment from Victim, the Vacationing Fire-
men, and Nouveaux Campaign. Don't
miss great music, food, and lots of fun in
the sun! Sponsored by College Hill Area
Residence Council.
The resurrected putt-putt golf league will
hold a registration meeting April 4 at 5:00
pm in B10 N102. All ECU faculty, staff,
and students are welcome.
Babe Ruth's and other should find them-
selves with bat in hand April 5 from 4-6
pm on the women's varsity Softball field.
The annual Home Run Derby provides
great awards for winners. Bring your ECU
ID. as the registration begins.
Looking for fun, fellowship, and hearing
Cod's word? Your are welcome to "Prime
Time" at Rawl, Rm. 130 ? every Thurs. at
7:30 pm. Looking forward to seeing you
there! Refreshments served.
The HPERS department announces the
Childrens's learn to Swim Program for
faculty and staff, starting April 10th. For
more information call Melrose Moore 757-
6441 or 6442
World Renown Violinist Nadja Salerno-
Sonnenberg will perform in Wright Audi-
torium at 8pm on Apnl 20th. 1 ler appear
ance will conclude the 1988-89 Perform-
ing Arts Series at East Carolina Univer-
sity. Her scheduled prgram will include:
SONATA No. 2 in A Major, Op. 12, No. 2
by Beethoven, SONATA No. 2 ink D
Major, Op. 94a by Prokofiev, Intermis-
sion, SONATA No. 3 in D Minor, Op. 108
by Brahms. Ms. Salerno Sonnenberg will
be acompanied by Sandra Rivers on the
piano. Tickets for this event are now on
sale, they can be purchased through the
Central Ticket Office at Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center by calling 757-6611, ext.266.
Office hours are 11 am-6 pm, Monday
through Friday.
The Pre-professional 1 lealth allicance will
hold a meeting at 6:30 pm in 247 Menden-
hall Student Center all members are en-
couraged to attend.
We have a meeting Thurs. at 8 p.m. in Rm.
142 Minges. Important info to be dis-
cussed. All PE majors or inteded majors
are welcome to attend.
The Lambda-Eta chapter of Phi Alpha
Theta International Honor Society in His-
tory will be hosting a Regional Conference
April 1 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the New
CCB. Registration will be at 9 am. in room
3007. Eleven student papers will be pre-
sented and the Keynote speaker is De.
William N. Still. Faculty, Phi Alpha Theta
members, History majors and other inter-
ested persons are urged to attend, the reg-
istrabon fee is $5.00.
Fly high with wellness at the Health Fair
on April 4 from 11 ? 5:50 p.m. at Memo-
rial Gym. You can see a lot of health ori-
ented displays and participate as well.
You are invited to "fly high with well-
ness" from April 3 ? 6. Walk with the
Chancellor on April 3 at 12:10p.m. ? meet
at Memorial Gym. Come to the Health
Fair (11 ? 5:30 p.m.) also at Memorial on
April 4. Hear Harriet FJder speak on
Laughter at 7:30 p.m. in Jenkins Audito-
rium on April 5. Go fly a kite on April 6
from 3 ? 5 p.m. on College Hill. Prizes
will be given for quickest in flight, highest
in altitude, and stunt flying.
The key to living a healthy life may be
your cholesterol number. Cholesterol
screening will be available at the Health
Fair April 4 at Memorial Gym. The cost is
$3.00 and the screening will be from 11
a.m. to p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Iyou
would like to schedule an appointment
for cholesterol screening call IRS 757-
6387, For best test results don't eat or drink
anything after 6 p.m. the night before.
Attention skiers: How would you like to
spend next year skiing at Jackson Hole,
1 leavenly Valley, or Snowbird while at
tending school at a nearby college and pa
FCU tuition? You can do it at one i t S3 uni
versifies through the National Student L
change! Contact Stephanie at 757-6764
A free mini class offered by the Cast Caro
lina University Counseling Center tor
students: You can ? identify sources of
stress, make positive changes, manage
your response to stressful situation, learn
to relax, improve self confidence April 3,
5,7, and 10 in 329 Wright Building from 3-
4 p.m. No advance registration is re-
quired. Call or stop by the Counseling
Center for further information (316
Wright Building; 757-6661).
Pure Gold Dancer tryouts will be held
from 6-8 on April 11 and April 12 at the
strength complex. Those trying out must
be present both days.
The Student Council for Exceptional Chi!
dren is proud to present Ms. Wheelchair
NC 1989 on April 13 at 8 pm in the Nurs-
ing Bldg. Auditorium. She will be discuss-
ing current legislation on the rights of dis
abled persons as well as stories fo her ex-
periences. Everyone is welcome to attend
April 2nd at 8 pm at the Cultural Center,
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will be having
their annual Delta Tea. We are asking that
all interested persons attend.
On March 30th from 8 am-12 noon in front
of the student bookstore. Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority will be sponsoring a bake
sale. The items for purchase include cakes,
cookies, brownies, etc.
Massage Clinic ? April 6 This is the last
one ths year 6-9 pm at the Bclk building
Rates: $lminute in advance; $1 25min
ute at the door We can massage your
back, feet, arms or legs Don't miss it'
During the week of April 3-7, a survey of
student opinion of instruction will be
conducted at ECU. Ouestionaires will be
distributed in every class with enrollment
greater than five. All students will have
the opportunity to express opinions on
the teaching effectiveness of their instruc-
tors in those classes The survey will be
conducted during class unie. and will take
aDrjmjdgaeto 15 mmutes to complete
OtiiotiK Mrth3?iiofrto-afanarv and no
identities are requested Instructors have
been requested to leave the classroom
while the questionaires are being com-
pleted. The teaching effectivelness ques-
rionnarie was created by the Faculty Sen
ate Committee for Teaching Effectiveness
and the Office of Planning and Institu
tional Research The results of the survey,
along with other information and factors,
are used for administrative evaluation of
the instructor by the supervising adminis-
trator within the department of division.
The Overseas Development Network will
be meeting on April 4, at 5:15 pm in room
247 MSC. All members must attend be-
cause we will be discussing the yard sale
Anyone interested in the problems of
Third World countries please attend! For
more info, contact Tonya Batizv (home)
830-8888 (work) 757-6611 ext. 210.
All students are encouraged to hear Phil
Hanson, Personnel Staffing Specialist,
with the U.S. Office of Personnel Manage-
ment discuss careers with the federal
government and the federal employment
process, including cooperative education,
summer jobs, volunteer opportunities
and permanent careers. The session will
be held on April 11, from 2-4 pm in room
2019 GCB.
Do you hold a grudge?! Get rid of it at the
expense of intramural recreational serv-
ices. The registration deadline fo: Chal-
lenge week is April 10, from 11 am to 6 pm
in MG 104-A. Intramurals provides the
playing site, equipment adn officials You
provide the players and pick the sport
The Departments of Residence Fducation
and Housing sponsor yearly service
awards for students serving as 1 lead Resi-
dents and Resident Advisers in ECU resi-
dence halls. Any resident may nominate a
student staff member they feel has done
an outstanding job this year. Nomination
forms are available in each residence hall
office and the deadline to submit nomina-
tions is April 10. Completed nominations
can be turned into each residence hall
office, and selection will be made bv a
committee of professional and student
Student faculty and staff are invited to
attend 11 e final performance of a five-day
"Characterization Workshop" to be pre-
sented April 3-7 by acclaimed opera direc-
tor Talmage Fauntleroy. The performace
of opera scenes will begin at 4 pm, April 7,
in Fletcher Recital Hall followed at 5 by an
Open House for Mr. Fauntleroy in foom
105 of the School of Music. A resident of
Florence, Italy, he is Artistic director of
Studio Lirico and director of Opera Stud-
ies at the Conservatory "Pietro Mascagni"
in Livomo. He is a 1975 graduate of the
ECU School of Music, lbs visit is spon-
sored by.the Offices of the Chan a
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
and Equal Opportunities Programs a?
part of the Minority Presence Initiative
which bnngs minority scholars to cam-
Caswell Center needs your comments'
ACDD, the Accreditation council for
Services for Developmentallv Disabled
Persons, will be holding a public forurr
Apnl 4, at 7:30 pm in the Caswell Center
Chapel. Former residents; current resi
dents, their parents and guardians; as well
as other interested people served bv
Caswell or who do business with the
Center are asked to attend the forum and
offer comments.
The staff of the 1989 Buccaneer is looking
for your photographs to go in the bok U
vou have taken pictures of your fnends,
Fall Break, Spring Break, Campus Activi-
ties or anything dealing with East Caro-
lina University, send them into the Bucca-
neer Office to be used in the 1989 Bucca
neer. We need negatives, along with a
photo and if your photo is chosen we will
give you the phot credit in the book. Deal-
me for submission is April 10, so send
them in soon We are located on the sec-
ond floor of the publications building in
front of Jovner Library Bring photo-
graphs in and slide under door if no one is
here Remember: it's not vour yearbook
until you're in it.
All volunteers should plan to attend their
final group meetings of the semester
Group meetings will be held in Menden
hall on Apnl 4 and 5, depending on the
group. Please call you group leader or any
office if vou cannot attend
Babe Ruth's and others should find them-
selves Kith bat in hand April 5 from 4-6
pm on the women's varsity softball field
The annual Home Run Derby provides
great awards for winners Bring our ECU
ID. as the registration ticket.
The National Parks of New Zealand and
Costa Rica" Apnl 4 (co-sponsored with
the ECU English Dept.) Robert and Patn
cia Cahn ? Environmental Journalists
and Consultants, Leesburg, VA Pulitzer
Prize 1969 and 1988 recipient of the Mar-
pry Stoneman Douglas Award 730 pm
Room 1031, GCB
Christian Fellowship will be held every
Thurs at 6 p.m. in the Culture Center.
Something missing in your life? We've
found it and we want to share it wi A you.
Jenkins Art Auditorium EVERY Fri
night at 7:00.

Open Mike at Deli
H Si I VI B K. K
V.J.I v .
I bar.

tavern alter having soon the
act work for other (lubs Over the
? the act came and went, but
ulantv held it to stay in 1987
tot thea ts range from iO
minutes to one hour, Mel )adesaid,
and members van from one to
Many hands include lyrics
trom songs done by Mich greats as
lxb P Ian and 1 ed Zcpplin. Oth
ers mav unhide members trom
rent hands organizing a jam
w hit h Mel )ade says is the
? musu
Oi -i night, these bands
v an ha e from 100 to 130 people as
i . .iino. Exposure, such as
nt tor an amateur
le said she has seen
many excellent performances on
many different occasions. E xperi-
enced artists, such as I.W.
Rayburn, one time Amateur
member and Landy Spam ol the
Rhythm Persuaders, have en-
graced the crowd in the past, with
their electrifying musi
McDade also said even their
chief cook Steve Alexander, has
Wednesday nights off, just so he
can participate in the event Mam
locals often perform regularly,
returning to a receptive audience.
These performers can .ud up to
an enjoyable night with, "onh
good music as said by Kathy
1 lilly, a loyal local patron.
In search of the unusual
; Wa : aiU be
Fuji 135mm dis
er a
Some (if the ditti r i I i
that Walters hopes to ii
elude Chancellor liakin
S lA nd SRA pr sid( nts
Fulghum for housing, !
tor athletics, and Rud Ipl
ander tor the new coi trucl
Mendenhall. All of tl
will receive a cam ra ???. I
of c olor film, and after I
devcli pcd, the i mera
thi n avvav
I sable camt i i
p ii ular with tourists and us
cost ab tut $9 95 s a
dered the Fujis fromW
for only $4 eacl I tl
also agreed to help wil
le el 'ping thi
See SAY, page 8
Many amateur groups perform every Wednesday at the Ne Deli's
enthusiastic crowds. (Photo by Mark Love, I U Photo
'Watchers' for youth
By CHIP SWARTloesn tiu id : ? ?

Movie criti ? Id be :
quired to . thenO .
embarking on th r i . ;? ??.
movie. The reasc?n isl it,ii reaf thenal i
. . 11 beil ' 1i n t. ed si
on narrow p rtionspra '
can moit l
i ? ? " ' targeted
bv H 1 ' ilhget i
? profit- ? : '
? : ;
S M RT, p ag w
Don Shepheri
Jackie Hunniford
i ?. v i an e r a
I ex Luthor
New Deli:
Booker Hand
Mind Over Mattel
(through Sutuiav I
I I Ida)
I he v oods
Mew Deli:
I he Distant ??
I he Boneshakers
New Deli:
Southern Culture on the Skids
See COMING, pay,? 8
ECU students model new watches
Suft VSritrr
ll I
in. Sand rhe Atlantic Ocean
break. Thousands of
dies roaming aimlessly
gh I aytona Beach. Watch-
ishions, Ines perfect hunt-
nd f ?r human billboards
. ertise their new neon cob
ersized watches.
"Watchout is watching your
bodies read a banner trailing be
hind a small airplane, during the
month ol March Watchout Fash-
ions, Inc along with lb11 FM
radio in I )aytona conducted their
first "Watchout Body Watch" con-
Spotters scoured up and down
the beach, handing out stickers
and looking for physically fit phy-
siques. "The emphasis ot this con- pool deck ol the (
test, was wholesomeness, and ob- and the winners v
viously physical fitness Carole by crowd reactii i Ve felt
Edgar, press agent tor Watchout all our contestants ???
i ashions, Inc said ugh Ms. 1
One male and one female were OnFrida Mai
chosen each day as daily winners
and on tour consecutive Fridays
the daily winners were invited t
participate in a weekly contest
fhese contests were held on tlu
dents, 1 ton S
niford and 1 on v ai
the new oversized watches in a
weekly contest. 1 our w (mn n
two men entered this partu

n t rv
? d
a s herd,
?iors Vstants re-
1? afv?
Pickiri the Bones
Bonehead goes on beachin' odyssey
muses, oj the odyssey of
head to Myrtle bench.
Hying money, the shik
? . ts, the drunken leech
I, ll u . idesses, what sort
? ed then lips' bam
? . much money thtv
ercrov ded taverns and

tr m Book I ol
The My till ad
In Bonehomer
1 came back from Myrtle
Beach with several things. Sec-
ond degree burns, five to six
pounds ol beer gut, three new
nicknames and a clinically
proventheory theproblemsand
( on flu ts involved in a road trip
increase exponentially with the
number ol people.
Nine people took three cars
from The Emerald City to The
Home of Vanna White at 1:30
Friday afternoon. Two ears and
six people returned at 10:15 Sun
day night. We've vet to hear the
fate of our missing crew, but
we're watching the AP wire.
Many nicknames popped up
during our trip Cuts acquired
his name from the main stig
mata and other unexplained
gashes that kept appearing on
his bxxlv. One day we'll call him
Scabs, but for now, he's just Cuts.
Kristen became Pogo, for her
weird dance techniques; kim,
"The Goddess for her ultimate
tanned body; her sister enn
changed intoGrog's Woman; Jeff
turned into Luggage-Vomit Lad
for obvious reasons.
The Penn State people
started calling me The Chunk
ster. This would send everybody
into gales of laughter. My pal
nig i- says that this nickname
business happens to everyone
on breaks, so I'm not taking it
We made fairly good time to
the beach, considering urination
stops, hot dog breaks, driver
hangesand sacrificial offerings
to the Fun !ods 1 hconly major
event transpired on a lonely
country road outside ol
A person in the middle car, a
rude New Yorker with the pleas
ant habit oi continually grab
bmg his crotch and saying
"Fokkin' A decided to hang,
out the window of the ear We
made a quick prayer to the gods
to have another ear shear off the
top of his body, but it was not to
Instead, they sent a gust ol
wind through his pockets.Sixty-
flew through the air like
. ? ?
no a
bunch oi mi ney i
the air at 70 n ;
Bills landed on the asphalt
and in the swamps and. a sn
robin got aw ay v ith a fiver W e
stopped and manaj 11 ei
most oi it
We sped on 1 ii : '
hotel wasnotaprol
tor it was Members,t oui irt
had been w rongfulh ned
as to how much of the room the
wire to pay tor
Amid much grumbling the
totked over their share and we
trudged up to the room, thegre)
skv faces oi the gods laughing at
us, laughing at our audacity in
trying to escape fromGreem ille
That night, the majority ol
the crew wanted to go to Craz)
Zack's, a bar known tor having a
plethora ofbabesbutalsoacover
? i
. . d aht ad
1 wentv ; tes and $45
? w e were inside It took an
hourtomakeour wa totheout-
sidedei k Wc met several.
trom 1 b ii I one oi them
had heard oi me 1 lumbled by
mv ins . ?n e 1 sat qu .
and dra ?
S - il of our group got into
ts w ith a hother fterdeal-
with various E Psmotional
trips1 we quit the Zack s ss ne
in favor oi -omewhere more
soothing 1 at S
Boasting matchbooks im-
printed with the slogan, "Ibusted
m balls at FA I S w e know
we d tound a haven tor the rest
oi our trip We played pool (and
1 beat the rugby player we knew
See BONEHEAD, page 8

MARCH 30,1989 PAGE 7
Open Mike at Deli
Staff Wrfcat
Amateur bands, soloists, or
anyone willing to try, can test their
abilities on Open Mike Night,
every Wednesday, at the New
Deli. The newest taleits present a
variety of music from rhythm and
blues to classical rock and roll.
Participants sign up by Wednes-
day afternoon, and show at vari-
ous times throughout the night.
Barbara McDade, fifth year
manager of the New Deli, said
Open Mike Night has been a part
of their restaurant and tavern, for
about three strong years. David
Mercer, once night manager, in-
corporated the idea, to liven up
the tavern, after having seen the
act work for other clubs. Over the
years, the act came and went, but
popularity held it to stay in 1987.
Most of the acts range from 30
minutes to one hour, McDade said,
and members vary from one to
four. Many bands include lyrics
from songs done by such greats as
Bob Dylan and Led Zepplin. Oth-
ers may include members from
different bands organizing a jam
session, which McDade says is the
best music.
On a good night, these bands
can have from 100 to 150 people as
an audience. Exposure, such as
this is excellent for an amateur
McDade said she has seen
many excellent performances on
many different occasions. Experi-
enced artists, such as J.W.
Rayburn, one time Amateur
member and Landy Spain of the
Rhythm Persuaders, have en-
graced the crowd in the past, with
their electrifying music.
McDade also said even their
chief cook Steve Alexander, has
Wednesday nights off, just so he
can participate in the event. Many
locals often perform regularly,
returning to a receptive audience.
These performers can add up to
an enjoyable night with, "only
good music as said by Kathy
Hilly, a loyal local patron.
In search of the unusual
Staff Writer
"We are looking for the un-
usual, the interesting, and the
spontaneous said Thomas Wal-
ters, head photographer at the
is exactly what it sounds like. We
want to depict a day in the life on
the campus of East Carolina
Early Tuesday morning, pho-
tographers will be snapping pic-
tures all over the Greenville area.
"24 Hours at ECU" will begin at
approximately 3a.m. and continue
until the following Wednesday
morning at 3.
Walters got the idea of pre-
senting a photo collection of cam-
pus life in the 1989 issue of the
Buccaneer from similar books
about the lifestyles of different
countries. These books contain
dozens of photos that depict the
life and atmosphere of places like
Russia, Japan, and the United
On April 4, Walters will be
handing out 25 Fuji 135mm dis-
posable cameral to various uni-
versity department heads. The
idea is to illustrate in the yearbook
different aspects of campus life,
from the residence halls to sports
activities. The photos will cover a
ten-page spread in the Buccaneer.
"We want the entire campus
involved, but we don't have much
time. Our deadline for the year-
book is April 20, and we have to
have everything ready by then
said Walters.
Some of the different people
that Walters hopes to involve in-
clude Chancellor Eakin, the new
SGA and SRA presidents. Dean
Fulghum for housing, Dave Hart
for athletics, and Rudolph Alex-
ander for the new construction of
Mendenhall. All of these people
will receive a camera with one roll
of color film, and after the film is
developed, the camera will be
thrown away.
Disposable cameras are very
popular with tourists and usually
cost about $9.95 each. Walters or-
dered the Fujis from Wolf Camera
for only $4 each, and they have
also agreed to help with the costs
of developing the film.
See SAY, page 8
Many amateur groups perform every Wednesday at the New Deli's Open Mike Night to
enthusiastic crowds. (Photo by Mark Love, ECU Photolab)
'Watchers' for youth
Staff Writer
Movie critics should be re-
quired to give their age before
embarking on their review of a
movie. The reason is that, increas-
ingly, movies are being focused
on narrow portions of the Ameri-
can movie-going population. The
group most frequently targeted
by Hollywood has been, logically,
that portion that is most profit-
able: movie patrons in their mid-
to-late teens (15-21). If the reviewer
doesn't identify with this particu-
lar group he or she is often ex-
cluded from the experience.
"Watchers" has been given
early release in GA, NC, SC, and
VA as a trial indicator for the rest
of the nation. Most theater owners
in the designated states dislike this
practice because the films are run
without the major ad campaigns
which normally accompany big-
budget releases. Consequently,
these potential box-office hits of-
ten play to miniscule numbers.
Such is the fate of "Watchers
"Watchers" the movie is
loosely based on "Watchers" the
book, a best-seller by Dean R.
Koontz. The book is a super sci-
ence fiction thriller and one of only
two paperbacks I have ever com-
pleted outside school. Corey Haim
plays the lead character, Travis
Cornell. On sneaking home from
a late-night rendezvous with this
girlfriend (played by Lala Zappa)
Travis comes across a golden re-
triever who befriends voung
See SMART, page 8
Don Shepherd
Jackie Hunniford
Tony Carrera
Rat's Child
Lex Luthor
' New Deli:
Booker Band
Mind Over Matter
(through Sunday)
The Woods
New Deli:
The Distance
The Boneshakers
New Deli:
Southern Culture on the Skids
See COMING, par9
ECU students model new watches
Staff Writer
Sun. Sand. The AtlanticOcean
Spring break. Thousands of
young bodies roaming aimlessly
through Daytona Beach. Watch-
out Fashions, Incs perfect hunt-
ing ground for human billboards
to advertise their new neon col-
ored, oversized watches.
"Watchout is watching your
bodies read a banner trailing be-
hind a small airplane, during the
month of March. Watchout Fash-
ions, Inc along with I100-FM
radio in Daytona conducted their
first "Watchout Body Watch" con-
Spotters scoured up and down
the beach, handing out stickers
and looking for physically fit phy-
siques. "The emphasis of this con-
test, was wholesomeness, and ob-
viously physical fitness Carole
Edgar, press agent for Watchout
Fashions, Inc said.
One male and one female were
chosen each day as daily winners,
and on four consecutive Fridays,
the daily winners were invited to
participate in a weekly contest.
These contests were held on the
pool deck of the Carnival Hotel
and the winners were determined
by crowd reaction. "We felt as if
all our contestants were winners
though Ms. Edgar said.
On Friday, March 10, ECU stu-
dents, Don Shepherd, Jackie Hun-
nif ord and Tony Carrera, sported
the new oversized watches in a
weekly contest. Four women and
two men entered this particular
contest. "It was really hard to have
to get up in front of all those
people Ms. Hunniford, a body
contest rookie, said.
Ms. Hunniford isa sophomore
at ECU; Carrera and Shepherd,
are seniors. All contestants re-
ceived a Watchout watch, T-shirt,
and various other Watchout para-
Pirkiri the Bones
Bonehead goes on beachin' odyssey
Staff Chwikater
Sing, muses, of the odyssey of
the Bonehead to Myrtle beach,
of the flying money, the shak-
ing breasts, the drunken leech.
Tell us, o goddesses, what sort
of things escaped their lips' barri-
and how much money they
spent in overcrowded taverns and
? from Book I of
by Bonehomer
I came back from Myrtle
Beach with several things. Sec-
ond-degree bums, five to six
pounds of beer gut, three new
nicknames and a clinically
proven theory: the proWemsand
conflicts involved in a toad trip
increase exponentially with the
number of people.
Nine people took three cars
from The Emerald City to The
Home of Vanna White at 1:30
Friday afternoon. Two cars and
six people returned at 10:15Sun-
day night. We've yet to hear the
fate of our missing crew, but
we're watching the AP wire.
Many nicknames popped up
during our trip. Cuts acquired
his name from the many stig-
mata and other unexplained
gashes that kept appearing on
his body. One day well call him
Kristen became Pogo, for her
weird dance techniques; Kim,
The Goddess for her ultimate
tanned body; her sister Jenn
changed into Grog's Woman; Jeff
turned into Luggage-Vomit Lad
for obvious reasons.
The Penn State people
started calling me The Chunk-
ster.This would send everybody
into gales of laughter. My pal
Big E says that this nickname
business happens to everyone
on breaks, so I'm not taking it
We made fairly good time to
the beach, considering urination
stops, hot dog breaks, driver
changes and sacrificial offerings
to the Fun Gods. The only major
event transpired on a lonely
country road outside of
A person in the middle car, a
rude New Yorker with the pleas-
ant habit of continually grab-
bing his crotch and saying
Tfckkin' A decided to hang
out the window of the car. We
made a quick prayer to the gods
to have another car shear off the
top of his body, but it was not to
Instead, they sent a gust of
wind through his pockets.Sixty-
five u "las whistled out and
flew through the air like like a
bunch of money flying through
the air at 70 mph.
Bills landed on the asphalt
and in the swamps, and a small
robin got away with a fiver. We
stopped and managed to recover
most of it.
We sped on. Finding the
hotel was not a problem. Paying
for it was. Members of our party
had been wrongfully informed .
as to how much of the room they
were to pay for.
Amid much grumbling, they
forked over their share and we
trudged up to the room, the grey
sky faces of the gods laughing at
us, laughing at our audacity in
trying to escape from Greenville.
That night, the majority of
the crew wanted to go to Crazy
Zack's, a bar known for having a
plethora of babesbut also a cover
charge unheard of by mere mor-
tals. Assured by The Goddess
that she knew the bouncers, we
forged ahead.
Twenty minutes and $45
later, we were inside. It took an
hour to make our way to the out-
side deck. We met several people
from ECU, but not one of them
had heard of me. Humbled by
my insignificance, I sat quietly
and drank.
Several of our group got into
fights witheachother. After deal-
ing with various ETs (emotional
trips), we quit the Zack's scene
in favor of somewhere more
soothing: Far s.
Boasting matchbooks im-
printed with the slogan busted
my balls at FATS we knew
we'd found a haven for the rest
of our trip. We played pool (and
I beat the rugby player we knew
See BONEHEAD, page 8

Bonehead goes on odyssey to beach
Continued from page 7
only as "Cuts" twice) and poured
many alcoholic libations down
our throats in honor of the gods.
We danced to Hank Williams
Jr. songs and went home, con-
tented, drunk and racing to find
sleeping space.
Saturday dawned blue and
clear. We journeyed to the Budfcst
and began laying out near a stage.
Cool, we figured. Maybe later
there'll be a band.
And, oh, yes. There was a
band. A religious band We spenl
the rest of the afternoon hearing
religiously-inspired versions of
pop crap like "That's What Friends
are For and smash hits like
"Search Your Soul and "Jesus
Wants YOU to Quit Partyin' So
Hard and Fray a Lot
The band gave up when the
peep show started. A bunch ot
drunk females, encouraged by
their even more drunk bo friends
began lifting up their bikini tops
and shaking their pendulous
More and more girl began
disrobing, and two guvs climbed
to the top of the hotel and mooned
the masses. The masses responded
by pelting them with beer cans.
Eventually, the nakedness
ceased,and it was time to go home.
We showered, dressed and a te tree
appetizers in the hotel lounge 1
tried to get my favorite gal Slack
to go adventuring with us. but her
FMSing roommates wouldn't let
So we made our way into the
night. Instead of trying anywhere
else, we went straight to Fat's. The
Bobster kept whining about going
toexpensivedancebars to pick up
wimmen, but we told him to keep
his hormones in check.
We played pool. We made the
mistake of turning on the over-
head light. Fats himself came over
and glared at us until we turned it
oil. Sheepishly, we went back to
plaving pool.
Then luggage-Vomit Lad
came over and turned on the light
again. Fats stalked over to inform
us that if we wanted to stay here,
that light was not to go on again
We glared at L-V Lad and he hid
in the bathroom for an hour.
When he came out, we for-
gave him and bought him some
shots. We tried lots of different
ones Tequila, Blow Jobs, Brains,
and Fireballs. It was the Fireballs
that caused Luggage-Vomit Lad
his later problems.
He was out of it by the time
we busted our last balls at Fat's.
We got him to the car. We lost the
spare tire going over a curb and a
cop looked at us funny, but we
made it to the hotel. We opened
the back door for L-V I ad.
He sat up and puked. It hit in
between his sneakers, and splat-
tered the pavement. He contin-
ued for five minutes. We went in-
side the hotel and searched for
more alcohol.
We hooked up with some
friendly but slightly inbred red-
neck girls. They gave us great
quantities of beer. Even though L-
V Lad was wasted, he insisted on
going with us to their room.
As we entered into the Sin-
ner-For-The-Night stage of the
party, L-V began to turn char-
treuse. Then aqua. Then grass-col-
ored. Then that famous shade of
this-is-really-it, nothing's-going-
to-stop-me-now, I'm-puking-and-
I'm-puking-right-now green.
But he didn't move. He sat
there on the bed, his face color
shifting up and down the spec-
trum, and didn't move. Finally, he
let loose all over the girls' lug-
We w ere i n vi ted to leave, more
politely than you might imagine.
We put L-V Lad out on the roof
ledge under our window and bade
him good night
We awoke to his streams of
terror. He was clawing at the ledge,
trying to hang on. We let him in
and headed for the beach. As we
opened thedoor, theRickster came
in. We hadn't seen him since Fri-
day, and he told us he'd been
playing golf for 60 hours straight.
He collapsed on the bed, and we
laying out for two days in a
row turned our skins an attractive
shade of neon red. Some of u s took
frequent walks in the shade of the
pier. I saw Slack briefly, but her
Smart dog saved by pal
Continued from page 7
Corey. Due to feats of super-ca-
nine intelligence it soon becomes
evident that "Fur-face" is more
than just another dog.
We learn Fur-face was part oi
an experiment conducted in a top-
secret defense laboratory. The goal
was to create the perfect killing
machinealong with a highly intel-
ligent and lovable agent to direct
the lethal monster. That agen t, the
tracks the dog and arrives at the
camp, destroying the enemy and
thereby making it possible to tight
a war without human participa-
However, the experiment
develops an unexpected side ef-
fect: the monster hates the dog
because ot all the positive atten-
tion the retriever attracts in the
lab. When an explosion rocks the
lab. allowing both to escape, the
chase begins; the retriever seek-
golden retriever, seeks out and ingrefuge from relentless pursuit
penetrates an enemy's camp dur- arui tho creature tracking the dog
ing wartime. The monster then and venting its hostility on any-
one who gets in its w ay.
Say 'cheese
-?-? j ? Along with the photogra-
Continued from page 7 , . K b
r ? phers, Walters is inviting the me-
"We are hoping to make it d, a ;pate in -24 Hours at
more interesting and a lot of fun ECL "Wewantamed.aextrava-
by including the people who are ganza. Vm hoping that if a lot of
involved with campus lifeand also people become involved we can
withthe yearbook" said Walters. make lWs an annua, fa
Along with the department ECU . WaUers m??
heads, bulletins are being sent out
this week to the Photography De-
partment, the Science Department,
and the Fine Arts Department. The
ECU Photolab is hoping to involve
all photographers, amateurs as
well as professionals. Any sub-
mission of a black and white or
color photograph that illustrates
campus life will be accepted.
The Photolab staff will be com-
pleting the bulk of the work as far
as developing the negatives and
sorting through the pictures in or-
der to pick the best ones for the
yearbook. The Photolab covers as-
signments from The East Carolin-
ian, the Rebel, Expressions, the
Buccaneer, and various other pub-
lications. The staff consistsof Mark
Love, Jody Whitmire, Gretchen
Joumigan, and Angela Pridgen.
"We want to cover the differ-
ent aspects of living at ECU and in
Greenville. We want to cover class-
room situations, residence halls,
sports, and any new activities that
are taking place this Spring in
Greenville Walters commented.
Continued from page 7
New Deli:
$2 Bush pitchers
The Mood
To the movie'l,credit there isa
goodly amount of killing, but
there's not enough blood and gore
to make it the R-rated thriller it
contends to be. It's safe to say the
initial storyline has been turned
insideout to cash inon Mr. Haim's
popularity as a member of the
younger version of the Brat Pack.
Final verdict: This isa good movie
for the average mall-rat who's just
bought the new Poison CD with a
$20 bill, gotten $5 back in change,
and has two hours to kill before
Mom picks him up in the family
Actually it could have been
worse. I mean Corey Feldman
could have co-starred, right?
roomma tes grabbed her by the hai r
and dragged her to a mall of end-
less $1.99 stores.
I acquired a new nickname,
Bird-Chase Boy, from my new
habit of trying to capture those
ubiquitous sea gulls. Around six,
we folded up the blankets. Red,
crusty, buzzing slightly and hesi-
tant to leave, we piled into the
The sun set as we sped forth
into the wilds of South Carolina.
We lost one car when we turned
off at Wilmington, and we hope
our pals Bobster, Rickster, the
Goddess and the Guy Whose
Name We Kept Forgetting, are
enjoying good health and fun
under the protection of the gods.
We made it back to The Emer-
ald City around ten. We unloaded
thePogomobileand theRugbymo-
bile and went inside. Electing to
go to Grog's and show off our
burns and trade beach stories wi th
our ECU brethren, the group
headed downtown.
We drank dollar imports un-
til they bounced us out. As I ped-
aled home, I reflected upon the
fond memories this trip had
brought me and resolved to write
about it in this week's column,
thereby immortalizing someof my
companions, embarrassingothers,
and making me a lot of money.
'Til next time, may the hang-
overs begentle, thebuzzes intense,
and use that Sol area ine?. And
don't forget to vote for Valeria in
next Wednesday's run-off SGA
Who will admit to liking
the new Madonna song?
Find out in next week's
Pickin' the gones ?
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Any advice for bystanders
who may be accosted by a photog-
raphernext week? "Yeah, if you're
getting your picture taken, please,
cooperate and SMILE
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t? in rAQTr'Aoni imi anj
MARCH 30. 1989 1
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Harris and Gurganus
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f?'? '? MfOVf uS.u lr?f TutAfKi P t.$
COVTAC7 i U vk Ufa r&u ' '
I ndercover Cats
By Parker The Law
- ? s
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wax "?; ?C5l ro at.vpew wt uatrj
,qS T 7RJCD70 ttBLtttO-iTSta
A PlitC?l5T
g& aftg.
! 'TtZliKA HC
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? ?
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?aijf?f 'RrccRSPiRi"
C.anibda Gambda c
Bv Elliott
RE. Cf00?7
(??A) JEAAJ6 g Qat KAVjtyWQ
iUy ooes it
Good evening and welcome this week to Chris' Corner, a new feature that
will be bouncing on and off of the page. Chris is our photo-guy, or known also
as The Darkroom Man From Hell. In a good sense. Since he has to look at all
the comics at least three times to get them shot right (Jus' kiddin'), we figured
he was best suited to do a report and review of each one. Also, this may help
some of you newcomers to the page. Take it away, Cameraman.
Wins funniest strip of the week. You can see
what it is for yourself, a hilarious step into
some other strips. (Hditor's note: I think it
ranks up with the famous VValkin' the Plank
beer commercial) Consistently good and on
time; we're uoing to miss this one.
This latest one does a take-off of the
Japanese cartoons. Since most of the ones made
fun of aren't dubbed in English, you probably
haven't seen them, and may not get the jokes.
So? Like the little Buddhist dude.
Gambda Gambda Hey!?
Rik (now Elliott) is movin' on up the comics
ladder with this new strip, the adventures of
two frat guys and a cat. Hey, a bit narcisstic, a
good name- it'll soon make everyone forget
Inside Joke.
Another fine strip gracing the page. Used to
be all horror, now ifs funny, and entertaining.
It may look intimidating, but you can follow
the plot, trust me. I liked when reality warped.
The Law?
Feminism strikes a big blow this week, right
in The Law's face. I can understand Ms.
America? if someone fell on me from a twenty
story building and made a crack about my
breasts, I'd get ill too. Good strip; still waiting
for The One to return, Steve. Hint hint.
The Avatar?
Lookin' good. Creative, artistic, maybe a
little too deep at times. Definitely a strip you
should cut out and save to read all at once. This
week, that precomous Alexi Questor finishes
telling how he became The Nebulae Spectre.
Nix' Fix-
Well . . . the first few strips gave some
chuckles, but lately, . . I've seen funnier
funerals. An obvious joke, no art. And who is
that guy? Bush? None of us could agree on it.
Can't win 'em all.
f . ' " ? ? -
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The Avatar
lajtwka Quaouec- wjw-i
UAP?D or AlSXI auesTon f
fEA THE $AME PESTnue 770V,
ryeA secwty system
By Harris and Haselrig
Vbuuw TAiUW amp AWA&MTH, t??
TOS?M r1r? FIT
ljii? morals'
nia n m
?L- I
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? ?&:&

Well, I'm outta here. I'll be back sooner or later
with more enlightening reviews of your
favorite comics. And if you didn't agree with
some of them, just remember?I'm a Photo Guy
for Pete's sake.
Crack Cartoonist Paul Friedrich
is having a Senior Show. For those of you who still don't know what that
means, it's a showing for some of Paul's masterpieces. Art, that is. It's running
all week until April 1st, when there will be a chic reception. We're probably
never going to see The Fried Guy after graduation, so go see it. It's hip, it's the
sht. Hubie and Uncle Lou will be there too.

MARCH 30,1989
Quote o' the Week:
"Those people in neon bathing
suits should raise their hands
and say "Hey, man! I'm an idiot!
?Britton Byrd
NMI ii?? . . .11. j 111 I I'M - ' I
Dukes quote o'the week:
"Friends, that's like havin' a mouth
full of wisdom teeth
?Waylon Jennings
Grog's quote o' the week:
I have so many last names,
I forgot the real one
?Michelle England
Stfie IBoss Carolinian
Satirizing the East Carolina campus community since 1988
Vol. b9 No. 69
April Fool's Edition
The Emerald City
SAG election
results are in
Staff Writer
Anol urth of the SAG president Wavin O'Toole
(Publicity photo)
With Wednesday's SAG elec-
tions over, SAG faces a strange
situation a tour-way tie for
president o the honorable and
illustrious position oi the chief
The fifth SAG candidate, the
ECU Pirate mascot Petey, was un-
fortunately eliminated after he got
stuck in a small door frame in the
basement of the Old Cafeteria
Here is the run down of the
elections results:
Amar Guttenberg 25 per-
Murphy Larry Hannah 23
Micah Hanks - 25 percent
WavinOToole 25 percent.
If you feel like you just wasted
the last 5 seconds of your life by
straining your eyes to read the
results, look to our easy-to-read-
Although these candidates
look very similar to their famous
cousins, they are really typical
ECU students who eat three
hotdogs for a dollar and drink
from the mighty Tar.
SAG presidential platforms:
Build a subway from the top
of the hill to downtown Green-
ville. (Micah Hanks)
Give every student a bag of
bird dropping when crossing 10th
Street so that drivers would be-
ware. (Murphy Larry Hannah)
"Start a Drunk Bus which trav-
els to Black Jack. (Amar Gutten-
Supply purple and gold
condoms at the Student Health
Center. (Wavin O'Toole)
Last but least, the final portion of the SGA president: Amar
Guttenberg (Publicity photo)
Chancellor buys a
new parking lot
VSWt federation HQ
The Emerald City Council
ti via v sold ECU a plot of land des-
ignated Kir a parking lot. The total
t of the land was $24, which is,
ironically, the same price the early
pilgrim settlers paid the Indians
for the island oi Manhattan.
The university hopes to de-
velop the land and turn it into a
parking deck, complete with a
small sh( pping center on the 23rd
floor. Greenville Mayor Phineas
Glutenas joked, "1 hope you'renot
planning on turning it into one of
America's largest urban areas,
complete with a high crime rate
and many tourist attractions,
Chancellor Koch Hurtin re-
sponded in a humorous manner,
11 couldn't be any worse than the
sideshow you're running here,
Mayor Gluttonass? uh,
Glutenas, punched Hurtin on the
shoulder in a comradely fashion
and said, Course, it wouldn't be
a circus if you could control those
delinquents on your campus,
would it, Krotch?"
The chancellor got the mayor
in a fnendiv headlock and replied,
"If you'd let them have a tattoo
parlor, later bar hours and other
such adolescent diversions instead
of spending money trying to can-
cel festi valslike Halloween, maybe
they wouldn't feel the need to be
The mayor managed to break
free, but not before receiving a
few noogics on the head. He deftly
wrist-burned ECU's highest offi-
cialand said, "If your campusrent-
a-cops didn't give out parking
tickets 24 hours a day, maybe those
poor kids wouldn't be so frus-
trated that they'd need such es-
capist diversions
Hurtin climbed the brick wall
and flung himself at the elected
representativeof the Emerald City.
Catching him in the sleeper hold,
he applied pressure ashe shouted,
"They went to the Greenville Po-
lice Academy, why didn't you
teach them better?"
With an elbow to the Purple
Pirate's stomach, the Emerald
Avenger broke free. He swung
Hurtin into the wall, and as Hurtin
bounced back into the ring, the
Avenger slammed his elbow into
the Pirate's chest.
From there, it was an almost -
pin, but the Purple Pirate kicked
free and hoisted the Emerald
Avenger high in the air. He body-
slammed him, and the Avenger
was counted out. And so, wres-
tling fans, the new heavyweight
champion of Pitt County the
Purple Pirate of ECU.
One-fourth of the new SAG president: Micah Hanks (Publicity
SAG Election Results
? Guttenberg
E2 Hannah
H Hanks
E3 O'Toole
? Petey
McKay quote o' the
'I pass him by, scowl-
ing, and spit on his
? McKay Sundwall
1 Page
Circulation 12
A disgruntled SAG candidate expresses dissatisfaction
with the electoral process.
A third portion of the SGA presidency: Murphy Larry Hannah
(Publicity photo)
Awards recalled
Staff Writer
Thousands of Academy
Awards, commonly known as
"Oscars are to be recalled no
later than Aprill5. General Monu-
ments, which manufactures the
gold-plated statuettes, said
Wednesday that there is a faulty
valve in the part of the models that
controls the esteem factor of the
award. The so-called "esteem
valve" can release unexpectedly
under certain conditions, inflat-
ing a star's ego to almost the size
of Bryant Gumbel's.
If not repaired, the faulty
valves can lead to egomania, nar-
cissism, and, in extreme cases, a
feeling that the award actually
means something.
Fortunately, the problem can
easily be corrected. Lamar
Lamejoke, of Lamar's Li'l Body
Shoppe.urgesall Academy Award
winners to bring their Oscars in
for repairs immediately.
"We can fix em while you
wait explains the 25-year-old
mechanichairdresser. And if
you like, we can style them, perm
them you name it
Song quote o' the
"When you're done
foolln' around with two
or three. Well, come on
home and fool around
with me"
? Patsy Cline
Remote Control quote
o' the week:
"You mean, they think
it's funny that I sing
off- key?"
Homeric quote o' the
"What sort of thing is
this that has escaped
your lips' barrier?"

MARCH 30,1989 PACE 11
Ladv Pirates win opener
Pirates strike late, split with Seahawks
Sl?ff Writer
The Lady Pirates were on the
road Tuesday at UNC-Wilming-
ton splitting a double-header with
the Seahawks.
I he Pirates captured the first
game of the double-header by the
score of 6-2. Jenifer Sagl was the
winning pitcher for the Pirates
holding the Seahawks to four hits.
The Pirates trailed the
Seahawks by one run until the
sixth inning when Chris Byrne
walked, Leslie Cramer sacrificed
and Kathy Schrage singled to pick
up an RBI.
In the seventh inning, the Pi-
rates bats exploded after Donna
Welter walked and Laura Crow-
der sacrificed. Mickey Ford and
Wendy Tonkerboth doubled, with
Tonker picking up two RBI's.
Bvrne walked while Tonker scored
on a passed ball. Byrne added
another run to the books when
Cramer singled.
The Pirates had a total of seven
hits in the game with Tracy Lee
leading the pack going 2-3.
In the second game, the
Seahawks jumped out in front
again scoring four runs in the first
The Pirates didn't fight back
until the sixth inning when Ford
slammed a double and Tonker and
Cramer singled and picked up
The Pirates fell short three
runs losing to the Seahawks 5-2.
UNC-W had a total of eight hits,
while the Pirates had seven.
The leading hitter for ECU was
Mickey Ford who went 2-4.
The Pirates will return to ac-
tion Friday and Saturday in Char-
lottesville, Va at the University
of Virginia Tournament.
B uc s shutout Tribe, six straight
Saft Writer
last Carolina capped off a
three-game series against William
& Mary on Monday and contin-
ues their second best start in Fi-
nite history. Over the course of 18
games, boasts a 16-2 record.
The 1986 Piratebaseball team,
also coached under fifth year Head
Coach Gary Overton, had the best
King of the mound
start in ECU history as they were
17-1 at this point and went on to
finish the season with a 40-10 rec-
ord. This broke the mark for most
wins in a season at ECU.
The Buc's 4-0 win over the
Tribe Monday in Williamsburg,
Va marked their fourth straight
shutout and their sixth win in a
row of the season. They have also
won nine of the last 10 games.
Unlike some teams who win
ugly, the Pirates are playing solid
baseball. They not only lead the
Colonial Athletic Association in
both hitting (.318) and earned run
average (2.41), but they are also
nationally ranked in the Collegiate
Baseball Magazine. East Carolina
is tied for fourth in the nation with
Clemson for team ERA with a 2.49.
However, the Pirates lowered that
figure over the weekend to 2.29.
ECU pi tcher Jonathan Jenkins
also reigns as the nation's earned
run average leader. Jenkins, who
pitched 25 innings, has a mere .36
Overton, who already sur-
passed former ECU head coach
Hal Baird in total wins, looks to
reach the 150-win plateau with
just three more victories. Overton,
who is 147-57 (.721) for his career,
will reach the the 150-win level
quicker than any other coach in
ECU history and may be able to
See PIRATES, page 12
Jenifer Sagl, the winning pitcher of the first game Tuesday,
is practicing the form that keeps her winning. The Lady
Pirates take to the road this weekend to participate in a
tournament in Va. (Photo by J. D. Whitmire, ECU Photo Lab).
Mr. K, Jonathan Jenkins, makes life rough on the opposition
tm. ?- ui?. ?, lot and he brines out the best in all and nationally. In fact, ECU i
??t Sporti I ilitur
Imagine for just a second
vou are the best in the nation in a
Jonathan Jenkins
particular statistic of a sport. That
makes you feel untouchable
doesn't it? That just may be how-
junior Jonathan Jenkins feels right
now, because he is the best in the
nation in earned run average as
far as college pitchers are con-
cerned. His 0.36 ERA along with
his perfect 5-0 start has him lead-
ing the polls.
When Jenkins, nicknamed
"JJ was asked about this prestig-
ious title, he responded by saying
" It feels pretty good, but at any
time that stat (statistic) can
The 6-foot-7,195 pound hurler
is the hottest thing on the Pirates'
pitching staff right now, and he
has a perfect career mark of 10-0
while playing at East Carolina. He
has a chance to tic teammate Jake
Jacobs' school record for most
conocutiye victories in a rareer
(11) on Sunday facing conference
rival George Mason in Harring-
ton Field at 1 p.m
Although not pitching in any
of the Pirates games during the
last two weeks due an illness,
Jenkins hopes for a good, strong
come back against the Patriots.
Jenkins' pitching has already
sent 29 batters back to the dug out
with a big "K" (a baseball term
for strike-out) in the scorcbook
beside their name. In 25 innings,
hehason!ygivenupl5hitsand 11
walks. In other words, every other
inning, one batter may be lucky
enough to get hold of one of his
pitches. At a whopping 85 mph
hitters are finding it difficult to
even hit one of his pitches.
"It just depends on what is
going over the plate as to what I'll
pitch Jenkins said. "My break-
ing ball is coming around
The one thing Jenkins will not
do is take all of the credit for
himself. He relies on the defense
to back him up, and the team has
certainly come around for him.
"They have come up with
some great plays Jenkins contin-
ued, "especially the double plays
Jenkins played for Culpcpcr
County High School in Culpeper,
Va. where he received 8 letters (4
in baseball and 4 in basketball),
was nominated to the all-district
team, and compiled a 10-0 record
his senior year with a 1.86 ERA.
The junior hurler is majoring
in physical education and has
future plans of playing for the
Pittsburgh Pirates, if they draft
him. During the summer, Jenkins
played for the Madison Blue Jays
of the Valley League in Virginia, a
league designed for college sopho-
mores, juniors, and rising seniors.
While playing, it gives pro scouts
an opportunity to look at some of
the top prospective college play-
Jenkins credits the team,
Coach Gary Overton, and his
parents for his success thus far.
"When I was young, my par-
ents didn't force me to play, it was
all my decision he continued. "I
just wanted to play
As far as Coach Overton's
credit is concerned, Jenkins just
thanks him for giving him a
"Coach is an inspiration to us
all he continued. "I'm just glad
that he has believed in me and
stuck with me. He's taught me a
lot and he brings out the best in all
of us
Jenkins gives Coach Overton
and his parents a lot of credit, but
the main inspiration according to
Jenkins is his teammates.
"We' ve won here before, gone
to Regionals, and I think we have
a good chance of going again, so
long as we play good in the con-
ference he explained. "There are
a lot of us here left from my fresh-
man year, and I think that we can
do it again
In Jenkins freshman year, he
gained some valuable experience
as he was put on the mound ma -
game against Central Michigan in
the NCAA tournament. Even
though the Pirates lost that game,
they gained something more valu-
able than they would have ever
imagined, a confident pitcher.
Jenkins pitches and bats right
handed, and has played a key role
in the success of the Pirates thus
far. At 16-2, they certainly deserve
more recognition, both state-wide
and nationally. In fact, ECU is
currently tied with Clemson at
fourth place nationally for lean
earned run average at 2
Jenkins is taking one game at
a time,but he admits thatthe April
6th showdown with North Caro-
lina State (ECU'S first night game-
7p.m.) at Harrington Field prom-
ises to be a great game. 1 he Pirate -
beat the Wolfpack earlier in the
season 5-3 in ten innings in
Raleigh, and the Pack is looking
for a shot to get even.
"1 just hope that the students
will come out to more games
-Jenkins added. "It helps the team
out a whole lot when there are
fans out supporting us
Although enkins' laid-back
lifestyle won't allow him to take
any credit, his services to the team
are invaluable. Along with senior
Jake Jacobs' talents, as well as the
other Pirate hurlcrs, ECU oppo
nents will find it very difficult to
find hits or score runs as the sea-
son progresses.
McNeill and Co. sprint past competition
AM. Sport I'dilur
Friday and Saturday, March
24 and 25, the 1989 men's outdoor
track team traveled to the Sun-
shine State to compete in the Flor-
ida Relays held in Gainsville, and
came home boasting two first place
finishes in the sprint relay events.
Split into two divisions, the
open collegiate and collegiate
invitational, the Pirates partici-
pated in both and had excellent
performances. In Friday's open
colligate events, the 400 meter
relay team, consisting of Calvin
Wrighton , Eugene McNeill, Jon
Lee, and Brian Irving captured
first place with an outstanding
time of 40.86 seconds.
Brian Williams, also competed
Friday in the 110 meter high
hurdles and qualified in sixth place
with a time of 15.13 seconds.
Saturday's colligate invita-
tional events, which had over 75
Placed bets for him
Rose's friend speaks
Tee Davies, team co-captain, led the Pirates in their recent
match. Davies and team hope to improve on their 11th place
finish at Duke this weekend (Photo by Lori Martin).
ECU finds going tough
The ECU golf team returned
from the Iron Duke Intcrcolliegiate
with a disappointing 11th place
The Pirates placed 11 th out of
the 23 teams which participated in
the March 24-26 tournament. The
team shot a three-day total of 911.
ECU'S co-captain Tee Davies
was the top player for ECU with a
three-round total of 224. In the
first 18 holes, Davies shot a 74 be-
fore finishing the second club
house run with an even par of 72.
Francis Vaughn earned the
second highest score on the team
with a 227 total.
The tournament was played
in cold, wet conditions during the
first day. The second and third
days were warm and sunny, but
the course remained wet through-
out the tournament.
Northwestern won the three
day tournament with a total of
889. UNC-CH, shootingone stroke
over, placed second.
With the disappointing per-
formance in the weekend tour-
ney, the Pirate golfers are gearing
up for two remaining competi-
tions before the Colonial Athletic
Association Tournament April 14-
The team is on the road to
compete in a tournament at Fur-
man March 29-April 1.
BOSTON (AP) ? A man who
met Cincinnati Reds' manager
Pete Rose as a college baseball
player in Florida says the belea-
guered manager liked to go to the
race track and once bought a
Porsche the day after a big win at
a Las Vegas casino.
Tommy Gioiosa also said he
placed bets for Rose at race tracks
because baseball's all-time hit
leader didn't like to go to the bet-
ting windows where he would be
bothered by fans, Gioiosa said.
"Pete liked to go to the track
Gioiosa told The Boston Sunday
Globe. "He would bet $2,000 or
$4,000 or $8,000 maybe between
$4,000 and $10,000, but Pete was
good at it. I'd say overall that
Pete is ahead with his gambling
Michael Fry, a former gym
owner now in prison for cocaine
trafficking and income-tax eva-
sion, recently told Sports Illus-
trated that he heard that Gioiosa
had placed bets for Rose on bas-
ketball and football games.
Gioiosa, a college baseball
player when he met Rose in 1978,
declined comment when the Globe
asked if he ever placed bets with a
bookie for Rose.
However, in an interview with
The Standard-Times of New
Bedford published last week,
Gioiosa denied making such bets.
"I made no bets like that. We'd
go to the track together all the
time. Every night, sometimes day
and night. And sometimes I'd go
to the track for Pete.
"I've got nothing bad to say
about the guy. He bought me my
first Porsche Gioiosa said.
Gioiosa said he was sched-
uled to meet today with represen-
tatives of the commissioner's of-
fice, which is investigating allega-
tions that Rose broke baseball's
gambling rules.
"I'm still not positive if I'm
going to go Gioiosa said. "I'm
going to talk to Pete and then
take it from there
Spokesman Rich Levin said
the commissioner's office would
not comment on the investigation.
Gioiosa said he lived with
Rose for five years, until Rose and
his first wife were divorced. When
Rose remarried, Gioiosa bought a
condominium nearby and, "I'd be
over there all the time see him
See ROSE, page 12
teams competing (including sev-
eral schools from Bermuda and
the Cayman Islands), offered the
Pirates a first , third, and fifth
The 800-meter relay made up
of McNeill, Irving, Lee, and
Richard Wright rana way with first
place in a time of 1:23:96. McNeill's
19.8 seconds in the anchor leg was
fast enough to qualify him for the
NCAA's in the 200 meter event.
Placing third in the 400 meter
relay, team members James
Parker, Irving, Wrighton, and
J unior Robinson overcame several
iniuries to have a good finish
at 40.72 seconds.
Udon Cheek's 53.37 in the 400
meter intermediate hurdles was
enough to bring home a fine fifth
This coming weekend, the
Pirates will divide the team, and
one squad will travel to Tempo,
Arizona to compete in the Sun
Angel Track Classic, and the other
will compete in the Colonial Re-
lays to be held in Williamsburg,
According to coach Bill Car-
son, the team of Ike Robinson,
Brian Irving, Kelvin Wrighton,
Eugene McNeill, and Richard
Wright will attempt to bnnghome
a first in the 400 and 800-meter
relays. Carson continued by hop-
ing for times better than 40
scconds and one minute and 23
seconds respectively.
Assistant coach Lee McNeill
will take the "second team" to
Virginia to compete in the 400,
800, and 1600 meter relays, as well
as the intermediate hurdle events.
Seton Hall looks to
stop Danny Ferry
?Seton Hall coach P.J. Carlesimo
has almost 25 videotapes of Duke's
basketball team in action. That
means only that Carlesimo gets
more looks at the different prob-
lems the Blue Devils will present
the Pirates on Saturday in the
NCAA tournament semifinal
game at Seattle.
"Duke can throw different
combinations at you Carlesimo
said during an informal meeting
with reporters Monday. "They can
put in a small, auick, athletic team
or they can bulk up with a bigger
lineup. Their parts are inter-
Carlesimo said he still hasn't
decided how the Pirates, making
it to their first Final Four, will
handle Duke's Danny Ferry.
"I think there will be a lot of
switching on defense Carlesimo
said, adding that reserve center
Anthony Avent could see a lot of
action against Ferry.
"Anthony is quicker and may
be more athletic than most of our
big men and may play a lot
Carlesimo said. "We just want to
make Ferry work for his points
Ferry, a 6-foot-10 senior, aver-
aged 22.4 points per game this
season in leading Duke, 28-7, to its
third Final Four appearance in four
Ferry scored 21 points on
See NCAA, page 12

MARCH 30,1989
Tribe falls prey to hot Pirates
Continued from page 11
do it this weekend with wins
against Kent State on Thursday
and a pair of victories in the dou-
bleheader against George Mason
But the win over the Tribe
marked another milestone for the
Pirates. ECU earned its 500th vic-
tory against William & Marv since
The Bucs took an early lead
against the Tribe when they
jumped ahead 2-0 in the first in-
ning. Chris Cauble singled and
Tommy Eason walked. Calvin
Brown then knocked in his 24 th
RBI of the season when he singled
to score Cauble. Eason came home
on a John Gast grounder.
Sophomore pitcher Mike
Whitten started on the mound and
held William & Mary scoreless
after one inning, but a nagging
elbow injury forced him out of the
ball game after the first inning.
Sophomore John White relieved
Whitten and scattered three hits
over the next five and two-thirds
innings. Brien Berckman replaced
White in the seventh and struck
out three of the seven batters he
White earned the win and
moved his record to 2-0 but Berck-
man got the save.
The Pirates added insurance
runs in the fifth and ninth innings
to secure their 4-0 win over the
Tribe. David Ritchie singled in the
fifth and scored on a William &
Mary throwing error.
Ritchie then scored the final
run of the game in the ninth in-
ning when he reached first on an-
other error by the Tribe. He stole
second and third base and scored
on a Cauble single.
Rose investigation continues
Continued from page 11
everv day, have breakfast with
him, wash his car, go to the track
with him
Rose placed a large bet on the
Washington Redskins to win the
1988 Super Bowl.Gioiosa said. He
said the bet was placed in Las
Vegas, where sports gambling is
Gioiosa said Rose also liked to
play baccaratAfter one success-
ful night at the tables Gioiosa
said, "Rose bought a Porsche the
next day.
"I'm not saying he won
enough to pay cash for the
Porsche Gioiosa said. "All I
know is that he had the Porsche
the next day. Maybe he won
enough for a good down pay-
Gioiosa introducted Rose to
Paul Janszen, who according to an
unidentified Sports Illustrated
source, was involved in baseball
betting with Rose.
The SI source said Rose ex-
changed gambling-related signals
with Janszen during a Reds game
at Riverfront Stadium. Rose has
denied the charge.
Gioiosa also dismissed the
allegation, saying you couldn't bet
on a game once it started.
Janszen is serving a six-month
sentence in a Cincinnati halfway
house after pleading guilty to a
chargeof evading taxeson income
from the sale of steroids.
Pirates make first Final Four
Continued from page 11
Sunday in Duke's 85-77 victory-
over Georgetown in the NCAA
East Regional championship at
East Rutherford, N.J. The winner
of the Naismith Award as the top
college player in the country, he
also was named the outstanding
player in the regional.
Aside from the very large
difference of Ferry, Carlesimo sees
the teams as virtually equal.
'T think there are a lot of simi-
larities Carlesimo said. "Both
teams can shoot from the outside,
both are very good defensively
and are high tempo teams. Duke
is verv balanced offensively and
One example of that balance
is freshman center Christian La-
ettner, who scored a career-high
24 poi nts against Georgetown and
freshman sensation Alonzo
Mourning, while small forward
Robert Bnckey did most of the
damage in he regional semifinal
against Minnesota.
In four tournament games,
Seton Hall has allowed opponents
to hit just 36 of 110 second-half
shots, or 32.7 percent.
Seton Hall outshot and outre-
bounded each team it played in
the tournament, and handed both
Indiana and Nevada-Las Vegas
their worst NCAA losses ever.
Seton Hall beat Indiana 78-65 and
UNLV 84-61.
However, oddsmakers have
made Seton Hall the longshot
among the Final Four teams, which
also include Michigan and Illinois.
"I don't think we're a Cinder-
ella Carlesimo said. "Maybe in
the Final Four we could be. But
we're a No. 3 seed and we were
one of the better teams in the
country going into the tourna-
Carlesimo, who decided to
keep his team in California rather
than make two cross-country trips
in a less than a week, gave his
players a day off from practice on
Mondav. Half of them went to
Dis leyland, according to Seton
Hall sports information director
John Paquette, who was busy-
trying to field a flurry of tele-
phone calls from media and school
Duke has beaten Seton Hall in
three meetings, 69-62 at Raleigh,
N.C in the 1957-58 season, and
112-77 in 1960-61 and 89-61 in 1970-
71, both at New York's Madison
Souare Garden.
During this season, Seton Hall
beat four of the last five national
champions in advancing to the
national semifinals. Kansas won
the title last year, Indiana in 1987,
Villanova in 1985 and Georgetown
in 1984. The Pirates did not play
Louisville, the 1986 national cham-
Women head to run
in Colonial Relays
East Carolina's women's track
team traveled to Raleigh on March
25 to compete in the North Caro-
lina State Relays. Although the
Lady Pirates did not place first in
any events, three runners did
perform very well.
ECU placed two women in
the top ten in the 100 meter sprint.
Vanessa Smith, who has been
performing well for the Lady Pi-
rate sover recent weeks, finished
sixth in the 100 meter. Sho rruised
across the finish line in a time of
11.96 seconds. Sonya Baldwin
placed seventh in the 100 meter
with a time of 12 seconds even.
In the 10,000 meter run, Ann
Marie Welsh had a strong per-
formance as she finished eighth.
She ran the distance in a time of
Coach Wayne Miller and the
Lady Pirates will take to the road
again this weekend as they travel
to Williamsburg to compete in the
Colonial Classic.
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University Book Exchange

The East Carolinian, March 30, 1989
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 30, 1989
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