The East Carolinian, March 14, 1989

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Crime Report2
Bad Bob and the Rocking Horses
play the New Deli.
Rock to page 8
Blue Edwards named CAA player of
the year. Pirate baseball team now 9-1
Catch the action on page 10.
She SaHt (Haroltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 63 No. ?b
Tuesday March 14,1989
Greenville, NC
12 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Spring break layover in beautiful Greensboro N.C. Approximately 75 ECU students spent 13 hours in
the Greensboro airport Wednesday after returning from sunshine. (Photo by Gretchen Journigan)
Physics has high drop rate
- - - - Nbii Editor
According to Dr. Byron Coul-
ter, Physics 1250 had a drop rate of,
40 percent last year, which con-
trasted with the phvsics depart-
ment's average overall drop rate
of 20 percent.
"We (physics dept.) felt that
this was high so we decided to
conduct a survey to find out why,
stated Coulter. "Approximately
160 forms were sent out and we
had a 25 percent return rate. Many
spent a lot of time answering
questions and offered helpful
comments and ideas"
According to Coulter, one of
that the courses are hard. "Many
do not really understand simple
procedures in College Algebra
he noted, "especially word prob-
lems, which we have many of in
physics. This is a problem with
phvsics departments all over the
Students in some cases
couldn't understand their profes-
sor. "Thisbuildingisan acoustical
disaster Coulter pointed out,
"which affects communication. It
was not well-designed.
"We plan to install micro-
phones and speakers in the larger
classrooms. We are also in the
planning stage of installing acous-
tical tiles toeradicate sound rever-
"Just the fact that we're talk-
ing about it makes professors more
aware of the difficulties you
can't fix something until you know
it's broken. This semester already
the rate has decreased by halt.
According to The Jobs Rated
Almanac, physics is rated as the
third best profession in the U.S
behind actuary and hospital
administration, baed on six crite-
ria: salary, stress, work environ-
ment outlook, job security, and
physical demands.
ECU has one of the best phvs-
ics departments in the state in both
academics and research, accord-
ing to Dr. Carl G. Adler, chairman
of ECU'S physics dept and has
plans tor continued upgrading
and expansion in both areas. Since
his arrival 24 years ago the depart-
ment has grown from five faculty
and one staff to 15 faculty and
eight staff.
Beginning in the fall of '89 the
physics department will offer a
masters degree in medical phys-
ics jointly with the departments o!
radiation and oncology in the
School oi Medicine. ECU has also
developed a proposal for a request
to plan a doctoral degree in mod i
cal physics, which will also be
planned jointly with the School ot
Around 1970 the physics
department acquired a 5 million
electron-volt particle accelerator,
the second largest in the state, at a
cost of approximately $500,000. In
two upcoming experiments the
accelerator will be used to investi-
gate the structure of molecules by
bombarding them with protons,
and to determine the effect x-rav
energies have on molecular struc-
Other areas of research within
the department of physics (to be
discussed in subsequent stories)
include a study oi the electrical
behavior of the human stomach,
studies of the surface of the sun,
measurements of electrical prop-
erties of cellular membranes, and
applying NMR (Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance) microscopy to the
study of cells and related diseases.
Also, Dr. Adler is working with
formulas to illustrate his theoreti-
cal studies into Einstein's Theory
of General Relativity.
According to Adler, there are
several competing solutions to the
problem of motion in a uniform
gravitational field which are dif-
ferent, but each appears to be valid.
"I'm studying how there can be
different solutions, yet all appear
correct he said, "the answer is
not only can gravity curve space-
time, but it can strain (stretch) it
It is widely accepted that
there is no force' of gravity
continued Adler. "The earth does
not attract the moon, but warps
space-time around itself and the
moon is travelling in a straight
line through space-time
Yet, despite such exciting and
rewarding works, the physics
department has seen an increase
in the drop rate in some of its
undergraduate courses "I'm cer-
tain of one thing Adler con-
cluded, "you do not have to be
intelligent to be successful in
physics - you have to be deter-
mined and work hard
Writing program to aid students
Staff Writer
The Faculty Senate Ad I loc
Committee on Writing Across the
Curriculum has proposed a pilot
study to increase students' writ-
ing ability in departments other
than English. The study is the last
phase of research in a program
which, if implemented, will en-
able students to become more
proficient writers, readers, and
The Writing Across the Cur-
riculum program has been in the
planning stages tor the past three
years. A 1987 position paper pre-
sented to the Faculty Senate
showed that 40 percent of fresh-
men entering ECU between 1983
and 1986 were not able to follow
minimal writing competencies.
Based on placement essays, the
report stated that these students
could not avoid major errors in
grammar and punctuation, nor
limit a sentence toa workable size.
Furthermore, it revealed that the
same students could not stav on a
chosen topic tor the length of a
paper or follow a recognizable
pattern oi organization.
Asa result, the lack ot writing
skills is as apparent in the job
market as in the classroom. A
survey oi two local companies re-
vealed that 82 percent vi their
employees had not received train-
ing in writing since freshmen
composition. At the same time, 89
percent of those surveyed gave
some indication that writing is a
major part vi their job, with 23
percent of their total time desig-
nated to composing documents
and 17 percent to reading the docu-
ments of others.
"Because of the observations
of faculty members and the expe-
riences of graduates, we know
there isa need for the university to
do something about writing
skills said Dr. Patrick Bizzaro,
one of the founders of the Writing
Across the Curriculum program.
"Weareattempting to put together
a program to create a situation
optional for teachers. If they par-
ticipate in the classroom, it will be
both for the purposes of learning
and incentives for continuing in
the writing program as well as an
ongoing evaluation
The Writing Across the Cur-
riculum Ad Hoc Committee was
established through a resolution
of the Faculty Senate in April 1987.
The committee was charged with
collecting information on the
importance of writing, the use or
writing programs at schools at
ECU, and the interests of ECL
faculty and students concerning
writing skills. They were then
asked to follow up with recom-
mendations concerning how the
program will be implemented.
The research from an April
1988 report found that, out ot 1201
faculty questioned, 224 replied
that they were willing to address
the problem directly but were hesi-
tant because oi the time and effort
required. One hundred fort) oi
the 826 students surveyed replied
that they see a need to write, yet
are uncertain about how to rem-
edy their problems. The surve
indicated a dissatisfaction in the
level oi high school and college
writing as the'advanced through
the school system, yet at the same
time grow less concerned about
their writing deficiencies. Nearly
20 percent oi the students had not
been asked to write in most or all
oi their classes.
Bizzaro explained that in
addition to better equipping stu-
dents to deal with the literacy of a
subject, most theorists agree that
improving writing skills may im-
prove students' general learning
abilities. He went on to say that
this has also been evident in writ-
ing programs at other schools.
"One of the first studies was
done at George Mason University
in a Psychology class Bizarre
said. "(1 lie group tested) showed
improved learning and recall. We
found out that the program not
only helped teachers if they rear-
ranged their time to do things
differently, but students became
better learners as well as writers
Earlier this month, a teacher's
workshop in Writing Across the
Curriculum was held to help in-
terested faculty develop propos-
als for writing programs m their
classes. Those with the most fea-
sible programs will be awarded a
SI,000 grant through the Depart-
ment of Academic Affairs. The se-
lection of participants ill be made
b) four faculty members who were
appointed by Dr. V illiam Blood-
worth, Vice Chancellor tor Aca-
demic Affairs.
'We e found � ul there
more interest in this than e
pected, Bizzaro said. 'Twenty-
four teachers expressed an inter-
est and out of these, tour are ex-
pected to win the grant
After the pilot study is com-
pleted, the program w ill be ready
for full implementation, which
Bizzaro expects will be in 1 12 to
two years.
"Weneed to do something for
the students Bizzaro said. "Our
job is to find out the best way to
serve them
If Magnolia trees could see, this tree would be watching as maintenance workers carry away several
of its broken limbs. Workers continued last week to clean up the after effects of the recent ice storm.
(Photo by Thomas Walters�Photolab)
Speaker discourages blind consent
SGA debates appropriation
Staff Writer
ECU's largest collection of drug paraphernalia belongs to Campus Security. Several paraphernalia
arrests were made in recent weeks. For more information read the Crime Report on pace 2 (Photo by
J.D. Whitmire�Photolab)
The Student Government
Association debated an appropria-
tion decision and heard a report
from a student government con-
ference in Monday's 5p.m. meet-
After an hour oi debate, the
legislature appropriated $554 to
Phi Beta Lambda, a business,
vocational and technical educa-
tion organization. The funds will
be used to send six members to a
conference in Charlotte April 7-9.
Debate on the issue came
when the appropriations commit-
tee announced they had amended
funds from $1,348 to $554. Ac-
cording to Speaker of the Legisla- According to Appropriations
ture Marty Helms, the bill had not Chairman Susan Coopcrman, the
been introduced to the legislature appropriation was handled cor-
According to Helms, every bill
proposed to the SGA must go
through three phases. "There is a
reading of new business, a read-
ing done by the committee and a
reading for the vote Helms said.
rcctly. Cooperman said funds
requested for registration, trans-
portation and hotel accommoda-
tions were reviewed and amended
by the committee.
"A representative from the
group came and explained the
To avoid the three phases for purpose of requested funds to the
this bill, the SGA suspended the committee Cooperman said,
rules. Helms said suspension of "We voted on it and it came out
the rules should only be done in 10-0 in favor of giving them the
extreme cases. total we came up with. We did i1
According to Helms, thedeci- as we would do any other appro-
sion to approve the appropriation priation
was made prematurely. He moved Cooperman said the suspen-
to refer the issue to a formal com- sion of rules was valid because it
mittee before voting on the issue. See SGA, page 3

MARCH 14 1989
Aycock resident found asleep on the
second floor hallway of Fletcher
Crime Report is taken from
ECl Campus Security logs Mili-
tary time i used
" March 2
1:00 Garrett resident given
citation for underage consump-
tion of alcohol.
130Garrett and Clement resi-
dents given citations tor simple
possession o! drugs and drug
paraphernalia in Garrett.
130 Harrassing phone calls
2:04 Sean Padrick Hayes Ol
271 Aycock was arrested tor pub
lie intoxication and disruptive
3:43 1 umberton woman is-
sued summons tor worthless
4:35 Avcock resident found
asleep on the second floor hall-
way of Fletcher.
930 Reported breaking and
entering and larceny of stale
owned vehicle.
9 30 Reported breaking and
t ntering and larceny of jewelry
from Greene dorm room.
12:13 Head resident of I'm-
stead reported possible drug io-
22:30 Pa mage to vehicle by
pellet shot from air gun.
20:40 Vehicle damaged by
sharp object.
23.43 University window
screens reported to have been
ripped by several unidentified
23:50 Scott Kirkpatrick
Blackford of 203 Aycock was ar-
rest for possession of Schedule 1
drugs, Schedule 4 drugs, drug
paraphernalia and alcohol viola-
March 3
1:15 Wrightsville Beach resi-
dent transported to Pitt County
fail for 24 hour custod) until he
sobered up.
150 Avcock rcsidi nt aGreen-
ville man and a VVinterville man
were given campus citations for
possession of altered driver's li-
censes and possession of drug
2:30 Aycock resident reported
larceny ol car tires.
4:30 Spencer Sullivan White
of 213 Aycock was arrested for
possession of Schedule b Drugs.
8:20 Display glass of vending
machine in the basement of Belk
F.V. room was broken.
9:23 Greene resident reported
her hall mate had damaged hei
microwave cart.
March 2
8:30 ECU Maintenance re-
ported larceny ol hand mike from
state owned vehicle.
15:30 Clement resident
needed entrj to dorm.
March S
19:00 Tvler resident needed
entry to dorm.
23:33 Suspicious females
tr ing to gam entry to Fleming re-
March 9
Nothing reported
March 11
Nothing reported
March 12
13:33 Possible drug trafr'ick
ing on second floor ol C larrettdonn
reported by resident
20:26 Damage and larcem to
coin operated snack machine in
Fletcher Canteen reported.
23:07 Garret resident issued
campus citation for beint
unescorted in Cotten 1 lall.
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the Army Reserve or National Guard.
So what if there are
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Just Do It!
then write about it
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16:02 White resident issued
summons tor worthless checks
19 K) Hit and run to vehick
reported al Allied Health Build-
19 4; Art facult) membei a
tivated alarm on second floor ol
Jenkins Art Building.
19 "s Greenville woman re
ported someone assaulted her on
5th Street.
March 5
2:31 Michael Wayne Heath
was arrested tor first decree tres
passing on faculty drive.
17:30 Two unauthorized
skateboarders reported in tennis
courts north of T) ler.
March 6
11:151 arcenyofN CRreported
from vehicle parked in HCL Ru-
diationOncology patient parking
15:10 Scott resident reported
the breaking and entering of his
dorm room and the larceny ol
Contact: Cpt. Steve L. Jones
(Erwin Hall) 737-6967
The East Carolinian
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In a March 2 article about!
the PALS
program, the phone num-
ber was onitted by a lax
out mistake.
Persons interested in the
PALS, a program designed
to help troubled youth,
may contact Sharon
Lermer, director of PALS,
at 757-6164.
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MARCH 14, 1989 3
SGA Speaker Helms says legislature
'ready to blindly accept' funding bill
Continued from page 1
w as necessary to make a decision
immediately. This will allow I'lu
Beta Lambda to meet their dead-
line tor payment of registration
tees tor the conference
Helms said he was also con
corned because the rule oi previ-
ous question was abused while
debating the issue. With two
thuds consent, this rule automati-
cally ends debate on an issue.
Today it was used because
people were ready to blindly ac-
cept what the appropriations
(bmmittce had done without au-
thorization ot the SGA Helm:?
said. The rule ot previous cjues
tion can be effective alter positive
and negative debate has contin-
ued tor stmo time, but in this case
it was ued before positive debate
reached it time limit.
In other business, Tripp
Koakes and Kelly Jones reported
on the Conference of Student
Government AssociationsinTea
February 25-2S. Jones said the
conference discussed issues that
are oi current concern to ECU'S
legislative body.
According to (ones, raising
tension in the SGA lowers trust in
the student body. The conference
discussed ways to gain the confi-
dence of the students. "Ideally the
SC1A should inspire the student
body to work and put good repre-
sentatives in office Jones said.
A transfer of funds was ap-
proved for Phi Alpha Theta. Ac-
cording to Cooperman, the his-
tory honors society will use the
funds to host a regional meeting
in April.
The SGA approved constitu-
tions for two campus organiza-
tions. The Ska teandFreestvleCIub
is an organization promoting
skateboarding. The second
constitution recognized was for
the Sociological Society.
The Screening and Appoint-
mentsCommitteeappointed Phil-
lip Winters and Ray Madden as
new SGA legislators.
According to Legislator Bob
Landry, a resolution concerning
financial aid was made in Febru-
ary and was never announced. The
resolution says "the SGA opposes
any bill which would require serv-
ice for the government in order to
receive financial assistance for a
college education
Ski resorts suffer mild winter
AsHEXlLLEvAD � In strut marL For others, it has been among The Maggie Valley res
cling through a wet. warm ki
Season, North Carolina ski resorts
hae proved that they can loo!
Mother Nature,but they can't beat
In a winter oddh absent ot
major snowfalls, several moun-
tain ope managed to break e en
or top last year's record atten-
dance Credit the region's ever-
growing skiing population and the
advancing technology on the
dopes said romGid ley, manage!
ot Ski x law kMiest
Attendance at the banner Elk
roert is 10 percent ahead ot last
vear. a record season tor most
North Carolina slopes More than
35,000 people have kico!
Siawknet this season, Gidlev
said, lured by reran ationsand new
snow machines capable oi turn-
ing water to crystals at higher
temperatures above the freezing
"Wewatch the W eatherChan-
nel verv regularly he said.
Though springlike weather settled
into western North Carolina for
the weekend, Gidlev is keeping a
close eve on approaching arctic
air due here from Canada this
Such i the hleot ski operators
in the southern Appalachians.
where the now-lucrative business
would not be possible without the
cold steel snow guns and snaking
lines oi water hoses. W hen clouds
teased ski resorts with the prom-
ise oi snow this winter and none
came the resorts made their own.
When stretches oi warm
weather silenced the snow guns,
resort operators waited and
prayed. The unseasonable lulls
closed Hawksnest only twice in
Februarv since the resort opened
before Christmas, Gidley said.
the worst ski seasons on record.
Attendance at Cataloochce Ski
Area is off by 60 percent, from
3o.OOO last year to 12,700 this sea-
sort, the
first to open in North Carolina in
1961, closed for the season March
5. Only a major snow fall will jump-
start the chair lift, spokesman
Tammv Brown said.
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March 14.1989
Page 4
The fire which gutted Clement
dorm on Feb. 25 caused more prob-
lems than a mere need for renova-
tion of Clement's sixth floor. It
caused ongoing frustration which
may have resulted in even more
hassles had it not been for the coop-
eration and support among resi-
dence advisors in Clement and other
west area campus dorms, the Salva-
tion Army and area businesses.
Students living in Clement were
not allowed to move back to their
rooms for two days after the fire.
Those living on the sixth floor could
not return until after Spring Break.
The RA staff in Clement coordinated
the initial emergency procedures
and received help from the staffs of
White, Fletcher and Greene Hall.
The four staffs assisted in counsel-
ing residents of Clement and an-
swering parents' questions, as well
as relocating the students. The Sal-
vation Army donated blankets and
local food stores donated food.
Without the residence advisors'
ability to work together and the
generosity of local businesses, this
situation would have been more
serious in that there would have
been added aggravation to an al-
ready stressful incident.
Another account of the White incident
To the editor:
The phrase "Sticks and stones
may break my bones, but words will
never hurt me" is as much a false-
hood today as it was when it was first
construed. The press and media cov-
erage evoked by the events which
occurred on April 3, 1988 (which
seems like yesterday to me) is neces-
sary to hopefully right a wrong that
the administration of this university
seems unwilling to admit, much less
Thee seems to be so many ques-
tions concerning that day. Was
Teddy Matthew White a victim of "a
gross miscarriage oi justice as was
previously stated? More impor-
tantly, what exactly happened on the
evening of April 3, 1988? As an eye-
witness to the events in question, I
would like to shed some light on
these inquisitions.
I was there that night when
Teddy was working on his car, as was
Mark Sylve and Trina Hedgcpeth.
We were all witnesses to the insults
thai provocatcd the violence that fol-
lowed. "Nigger, bitches, monkey,
and stupid" are some of the epitaphs
which were hurled at us from a win-
dow of Garrett dormitory. The racial
slurs came from several white "gen-
tlemen" who obviously had nothing
better to do than become inebriated
on the campus of ECU (which is
against school policy) and shout such
insulting remarks in their drunkard
stupor. I am sure that these com-
ments were the cause of the confron-
tation which followed. If these inso-
lent, degrading statements were
never made, Teddy White would still
be a student here at ECU.
True, I know that ! am not a
nigger, I am not a bitch, 1 am not a
monkey, and 1 am not stupid. But,
one can not expect me, or any other
Black person, to be able to shrug-off
such insults with the wink of an eye
These insults cut much deeper than
that and I think the perpetrators of
these insults yrc fully a ware of their
impact. 1 am m sure why the white
gentlemen in Garrett dormitory were
not disciplined for their actions, even
after I signed a statement confirming
their offenses. Or did I touch on the
reason in the previous sentence? I am
not fully knowledgeable of the Uni-
versity's judicial process, but I would
like to pursue these matters further to
ensure that justice is carried out.
In closing, 1 will make a state-
ment in defense of Mr. Schatzman. If
it wasn't for him, who would care
about the fate of Teddy White and
others who might find themselves in
similar situations? Who would open
the eyes of students and the admini-
stration to let them realize that they
walk in the midst of racism every-
day? Who would tell the Black stu-
dents of this campus that they should
not accept racism as a way of life?
Furthermore, the administration of
this University, with its "We went
straight by the book" attitude, is
confirming that they are insensitive
to verbal harassment and the needs
of Black students. I am not attempt-
ing to excuse the actions of Teddy
White, but I ask that you please at-
tempt to understand why those inci-
dences did arise. I also would like to
see that the precipita torsof the events
on April 3,1988 be punished for their
actions (more than a slap on the wrist
and a mild scolding). African-Ameri-
can students on this campus will
remain to be called niggers, bitches,
and monkies as long as people are
allowed to do so without repercus-
sions. Please do something about
these kind of offenders before a situ-
ation really gets out of hand. It may
be next week, next year, or five years
from now, but if things remain status
quo, it is inevitable.
LaTara Bullock
General College
Wake up
To the editor:
I am one of the few people who
saw that contraversial piece of art-
work that appeared on the mall. I feel
that the only reason that the piece is
contraversial is that the American
society becomes blind to whatever it
doesn't want to sec. Unfortunately,
ignoring the problem doesn't make it
go away. Anyone who felt this sculp-
ture to be offensive and repugnant
either didn't look at it closely enough
to see its anti-racist symbolism, or is
afraid to admit to the fact that the art
work depicted reality, however
harsh that may have been.
The artists, Victoria Higgins and
Marc Sylvester, have said that the
police who dismantled the sculpture
actually smashed the face of the Black
figure. Of course, this may have been
accidental, but many feel it was not.
Without wanting to, the dismantlers
confirmed and emphasized what the
artists were trying to say. Lets all
wake up and face reality instead of
living in an imaginary land where
nothing unpleasant ever happens.
Bonnie Ward
General College
Live in reality
To the editor:
There are two issues I want to
address in this letter, both of which
have arisen from the removal of the
artwork from the mall two weeks
First is racism. A blind man
could tell you that there is significant
racismatECU, in the South,and most
places in the world; and anyone with
a heart can tell you, it's bad. It also
seems quite obvious that addressing
racism directly, symbolically or any
other way, is the first step to eliminat-
ing it.
The second issue 1 wish to ad-
dress is censorship. When public
safety removed the artwork because
it addressed racism in a dramatic
way, it wasa direct and conscious ex
ercise of censorship.
Moreover, ECU is public prop-
erty, the artists received the proper
permission and did not violate any
local, state, or national obscenity
laws. Clearly, the actions taken by
Public Safety and excused by Chan-
cellor Eakin were not only offensive
to the values of expression this coun-
try was founded upon, but in fact
against the law.
Dr. Eakin spent the entire day in
press conferences smoothing over
the incident. He said universities like
ECU need to protect the sensitivities
of the community and the art was
"judged" insensitive. In all fairness,
this is a very sensitive topic, but so
was integration and civil rights just
ten year ago. Dr. Eakin's "sensitiv-
ity" is cheap and whimsical.
These charges I am making
against Chancellor Eakin and Public
Safety are 1) running away from ra
cism, and 2) the illegal exercise ot
censorship. I (and so should the com
munity) consider these serious
charges. I believe Dr. Eakin should
publicly apologize for his actions and
the actions taken on behalf of his ad-
Steve Sommers
Quick reaction
To the editor:
I had followed, in a vague sort of
way, the Teddy White case in The
East Carolinian. I was annoyed at
Schatzman's apparent exaggeration
of the situation and his exacerbation
of the racial tensions already stirred
up by the case. It seemed that it was
alwaysa reflexive, knee-jerk reaction
to assume that every negative inci-
dent between white and black per-
sons had to have a racial overtone
and that the black person was always
being stepped upon.
More recently, a friend of mine
and I talked a while one afternoon
about something that had upset her
greatly. She had seen on the campus
Mall a scene including a black man-
nequin hanging from a tree and two
white mannequins sitting nearby in
eyewitness says
lounge chairs. 1 was astounded. My
first reaction was to find out if it was
still in place; I was going to tear it
down. She told me the display was
surrounded by barbed wiroI replied
that that didn't matter. She then told
me it had already been dismantled
after outcries from offended stu-
dents, so I relaxed, though I was still
irritated by the whole thing.
After she left however, I started
to think. What if the display had been
meant as a stinging satire of local
racial feeling? What if someone were
trying to shock us into seeing an evil
most of us deny exists? What if the
persons who had assembled the dis-
play were black? (I knew nothing at
the time of who was responsible.)
This last thought struck me; I had
automatically assumed that since
people found the scene racially offen-
sive, whoever created it must have
intended to disparage black people.
If the arranger had been black, how-
ever, the scene's intent and therefore
its meaning would have been com-
pletely the opposite.
I realized then that my reaction
to hearing of the scene was that same
knee-jerk reaction with which I had
associated Schatzman and his ilk. In
that same moment I also saw that
racism itself, in all its forms, is essen-
tially that reflexive, instinctive, knee-
jerk reaction devoid of the rational
thought we in the western world
hold in such high esteem. How can it
be that we college students, ostensi-
bly the bright hopes for our country's
future and the minds that may some-
day solve our greatest challenges, be
such pawns to reflex, such mari-
onettes to initial appearances? How
can we have become, in a country
which prizes freedom, such abject
slaves to fear and instinct? I, who had
imagined myself largely free from
prejudice, have been humbled by the
revelation. The figures in the scene
that caused so much furor that morn-
ing meant nothing by themselves;
they were simply wire and plaster.
The intent behind their construction
was sole proprietor of their meaning,
and yet most, including myself, con-
demned the scene before that intent
was known, or ignored the intent
Make no mistake. If the figures
had been erected solely to disparage
the black man or to advance the su-
premacist viewpoint the figures
should rightly have been removed.
If, however, the scene was, as the
artists who constructed it contend,
and attempt to shock us into facing
the racial tensions that exist on cam-
pus, then the scene should definitely
have been allowed to remain. A dis-
tasteful scene, true, but distasteful in
the same way that many strong
medicines are distasteful; perhaps in
this sense the scene could effect the
beginnings of some kind of cure for
the peculiar ill it targets.
words do hurt
Ultimately, I do not begrudge
Schatzman his view of the world He
speaks of a war, and I think I begin to
see his viewpoint. America has al-
fi ways been a factional nation, com-
pringas it does so many different
groups. Although the United States
has matured beyond the point where
a black man can be lynched without
fear of reprisals, we arc not nearly
matureenough. Wecan hold forums,
pass laws, march in the streets, and
write thousands of letters to thou-
sands of editors; yet none ot these
things will help us conquer racism
and usher in true freedom until cver
one of us � every one � can reach in-
side ourselves to find those chains of
preconceptions, those shackles ot
reflexive thought, those bonds of ir-
rationality, and break them utterly
Only then can we have constructed a
nation that will value solely what a
person is and does rather than judge
him by color alone.
Lawrence S. Graham
Graduate Student
To the editor:
My name is Susan Cooperman
and I am the chairperson of the SGA
Appropriations committee. This let-
ter is addressing all student groups
who may receive funding from the
ECU Student Government Associa-
tion. The time has come to begin the
Annual Appropriation process for
the 1989-1990 fiscal year. I have sent
letters to all groups who have been
funded in the past five years, in the
hopes that these groups would begin
preparing their budget requests.
Due to the yearly change of officers
in student organizations, many of
these leaders aren't completely
aware of the procedures involved in
the appropriation process. For that
reason, I urge all organization lead-
ers, if they have not already turned in
their budget requests, to contact me
in order to find out the needed infor-
mation. The deadline for turning in
budget requests for Spring consid-
eration is set for Monday, March
20th at 5 pm. All such requests may
be turned in at the SGA office (MSC
222). If you have ANY questions, feel
free to call me.
Thank you for your cooperation
and involvement.
Susan Cooperman
SGA Appropriations


McGuire Nuclear Station releases
radioactive steam from faulty tube
RALEIGH (AP) � A problem
at McGuire Nuclear Station last
week has little bearing on the
qualifications of a company that
helped build the plant as a poten-
tial builder and operator of a
nuclear-waste disposal site in
North Carolina, a state official
Certainly it's germane, be-
cause its the same company, but 1
don t know that the question has
been raised, said Tennev Deane
lr executive director of the N.C
Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Management Authority.
it's related, but it s a very,
very distant family member
Deane told the Winston-Salem
Westinghouse Electric Corp
helped build the McGuire Plant,
where a ruptured tube released
radioactive steam last week. The
cempanv is one of two bidders to
clear waste, and that the in .dents - Nov. 13, 1987: a federal haz-
did not pose imminent harm to ardous-waste violation at JtsTur-
anvone Dinc Components plant in Win-
' R. Scott Pollock, the deputy ston-Salem.
project manager for Westinghouse n while
in the low-lev el project, defended
his company's record.
"1 don't know how it com-
pares in terms et carelessness or
the low-level
radioactive waste landfill that
i hem Nuclear Systems operates
in Barnwell. S.C has been cited
several times since 1983 tor hap-
hazard waste management, rec-
ick ot attention to detail, but the ords show
actual fees assessed are ver
certainlv compared to other
companies. Pollock said
going to have thai because it s a
high-visibility field,but our man
agemenl is totally committed to
quality improvement
Pollock said that the com-
-Shipments to the landfill were
suspended bv the Nuclear Keeu-
latorvCommission tor five months
alter a tire started at the landfill
from improperlv packaged ivasti
August 19, lws i
rhe S.C Deportment ol
f lealth .nui Em irnnmental � i n
pany's nuclear fuels plant in Co- trol fined the companv 51,0
disposal site tor up to
12 00C
cubic feet oi low-level nuclear
waste from across the Southeast.
A spokesman for Westing-
house said last week that only once
before has a power plant in which
it built the nuclear steam system
sufU red a leaking or ruptured tube
that released radioactive steam
as happen d Iuesday at the Duke
Power Co. s McGuire plant on
Lake Norman.
But records Westinghouse has
tiled with Deane's oftice show a
broad range of citations and envi-
ronmental violations ranging from
its uranium mining operations in
Wyoming to its nudear fuels plant
in South Carolina.
At least S4 incidents of alleged
violations of federal and state
regulations, including several in
North Carolina, are listed in
Wc stinghouse s application file foi
the proposed low-level radioac-
tive waste site that is supposed to
be selected Nov. 15, 1990.
And the Radioactive Waste
lumbia, S.C. was awarded the
Malcolm Baldridge Award by
President Reagan tor attention to
detail and quality.
Put Westinghouse has accu-
mulated assorted violations at
someot the plants it operates in 1 ?
cities in North Carolina:
- July 26, lws4 a federal haz-
ardous-waste violation at its
Power Generation Services plant
in Charlotte.
- August 13, 1987: state haz-
ardous-wasteviolationsatits Elec-
trical Components Division in
- Sept. 3,1987: a Mate hazard-
ous-waste violation at its Meas-
urements and Control Division in
earlier thatyearror improper snip-
ping and liquid contaminated
waste and another S 1 ttr
uid waste the nel year.
- On March In, l9cio, tlu
agency fined C hem-Nuclear s s-
tems 55,000 and suspended it-
transport license after an inspe
tor found 57 �teel druninoi waii
on a trailer with broken Hi rnii
i he condition ol the trans
port trailer also presented a ha
ard to thebunal Uu ilit opcrati
Deane, speaking in an earlier
interview about the two a mp.i
nies - - one ot which is to be so
lee ted by June 1 said that nei
thcr has demonstrated an una
eptable en ironmental
ndtablea coaliti m ! 1 state
� v n mcit .t.roups, com-
ned to the autl arc that Westingh(ority in Janu use is too new
to 1he busi"iCss odisposing o
nuclear waste to hiive a track r c
ordand tha1 newand risk' yen
. .Uit �v stottrbattV s � �
sa nk er iip challc ngeu
: the project,
m icl 5) -terns Inc sa -
ithat its� tl nl�npan has
iss d alnost $
pci �� imentalregulations.
hatcompanyx sponded that
(Self Service 8 12 x 11 white bond)
Fast Copies For Fast Times
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San Salvador
military kills
ten civilians
dor AP - Its attempt to blame
ftist rebels a failure, the military
is now admitting that its trooi
massacred 10 peasants-
March for
Women's Equality
Women's Lives
i n be
.s n
oldiers will
stand trial in the case.
U.S. Ambassador William
Walker hailed Sunday s an-
nouncement asabreakthrough for
human rights in this country
where right-wing death squads
have f( r so long slaughtered with
"The high command of the
trn d forcesisadmitting that their
earer versions (of the massacre)
nave not held up under examina-
tion and were wrong, scurrilous
alker said Sunday.
But he added that it is too
early to tell if the development
signals an end to the military s
traditional immunity from prose-
cution in human rights cases.
The military initially blamed
the Sept 21 slayines on the guer-
rillas but reversed itself Sunday
alter months of investigation by
iirnalists and civilian authori-
ties and pressure from the L mted
In a statement, the military
admitted that soldiers massacred
the 10 peasants in the tiny hamlet
an Francisco. It called the slav-
es "a grave violation ot normal
operating procedures" and said a
maior, a second lieutenant wo
Staff sergeants, a corporal and four
sition of Civilian judicial author
No Salvadoran military offi-
cer has ever been indicted or tried
fo, a human rights abuse despite
the torture and murder ot thou
civil war. The Salvadoran rmh-
menunnght-wing death squad
� ��!�
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7 TA 1 At Al PHA: Would like to . '
evervonc a heart ' welcome ba i (ron
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the scmesti i'
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geous break. Can't wait until Greek Week'
Get ready for the challenge' - The sisters
and pledges of AOPi
SAE: Thursday night started the brcaV
little did we know what was .it stake
Alex's historv test and the American flag
waving, it didn't matter it vva tl
we were craving The music was diff
dancing a blast. We hope this get togethei
won't be the last! Love I
pledges of AOI'i
AOPI'S: I u.iii is in a month! an you
handle it
i i eii - worei�!
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w s( ime lai i
ots I he pai t as the I
great' 1 el - do it again s
wait! Eli Alpha sii;s
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(.Kl f ks reek Week is neai t vo r I
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(Rules Guidelines for events are due?)
foi Greek Week tickets due!
PI K VPPS 1 � ilfwav) ml ishei D
little sisters have been great. The pledges
are starting to understand. The brother
hood is awesome! The work that has beep.
done to the house is now paving off. The
warm weather is near and the lake is
waiting and clear. Just remember, an in
congrouvious situation is not eircumsecu
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CREEKS: Tlio brothers
hope everyone had a safe ant
Spring Break Welcome back!
CREEK WEEK: Is only 26 days away
got psyched. April 9-16.
ALPHA PHI: Would like to welo une back
everyone trom SPRING BREAK and wish
them a I lappv St. Patty's Day! �Love, the
Alpha Hit's
llv Child Association will be having a
mooting today (March 14) at t 00 p m in
room 143, I lome Economics Building 1 he
guest speaker will be Brenda i arnest who
worksat tho Pitt Community College Pre-
school Lab All new members or friends
are welcome.
Apply in Person
The East Carolinian
2nd Floor
Publications Building
No Phone Calls Please
?Experience Preferred
-� k�i
Itli Li
Christian Fellowship will be held every
Thurs at 6 p.m. in the Culture Center
Some lg missing
found and we wa:
enkins Art Audit
rght at 7
� j lift " We've
Drown vour sorrows bv signing up for
this years intramural swim moot This will
bo the only swim moot until 1990! Don't
miss regsraron mooting March. 1 t at 00
p.m. in CCB 1026 Your spring tan si
. k creat'
If you are chalh ng jdcveryda) witl prob-
lems that you find hard to overcome, join
us tor the uncompromised word of Cod
Every Fn night a: 7 in the enkins Art
CCF would like to invite you to our bible
study every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Ra wl 130.
Bring vour Bible and a friend as we studv
the book of Hebrews. Call Jim at 752-7199
if you need a ride or further mfo.
Gallery Security Postion, must be quali-
fied for university work studv program
Hours:Mon. 2 p m. to5pm Sat. 10a.m. to
5 p m. and additional hours during the
week (10 to 15 hours per week). If inter-
ested, please call Connie � 757-6665 or
Lou Anne 757-6336
Tutors needed for all business classes
Contact Lisa at Academic Counseling,
Dept of Athletics � 757-6282 or 757-1677.
"Flight 730 the weekly get-together of
the Navigators, continues its streak of
good Bible study every Thur, 7:30-9 in
Biology 103 The non-stop, no-frills meet
ing is designed to help you develop a
closer walk with God In flight refresh-
ments served No ticket required, just
reserve your time
A pre-scason softball tournament spon-
sored by CO Tankard Co (Miller Lite)
will hold its registration March 14 at 5 00
pm. in BIO 103. T-shirts, trophies and
more will be awarded to participants
Don't miss the big event!
A 24-hour Run Against Cancer will be
sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega the -ed
National Fratermtv, ard the American
Cancer Society on April 14th & 15th at tl i
LCI track. Contestants arc not required :
logor walk the entire 24 hours, but instead
will be taking turns with nine other tear
members for 12 hour periods Find .�
about entering a team or donating
moneymaterials For more into . call
Rose Richards (752-2574) of the America!
Cancer Soc , Bryan 1 iaskms (756 rx- ol
Alpha Phi Omega or David Overton (83
6785) of Alpha Phi Omega
General College students should contact
their advisers the week of March 21) 24 to
make arrangements for academic advis-
ing for summer terms and fall semester,
1989. Early registration will begin March
27 and end March 31.
Any student interested in serving as a
University Marshal for the 1989-90 School
"tear may apply in room 214, Whichard
Bldg To be eligible a student must have a
3.0 academic average Deadline for appli
cations is March 14
ECU Ski Club will be holding its weekly
meetings on Tuesday's at 9.30 p m in
room 212 MSC For info, call Tommy
Lewis at 830-0137.
PLEASE NOTE that the April 8 admini-
stration of the Graduate Record Examina-
tion will be the last time the General and
Subjects examinations will be given until
October. The General portion only will be
give at the June 3 administration.
BACCl IL'S (Boost Alcohol Consciousness
O ncerning the H aTthof University Stu
dents) is back! BACCHUS i� a peer group
whos members are concerned with the
promotion of responsibl decisions about
drinking. We will meel each Wed at I
pm in 2018 GCB Our N: offi . il me : i
will be March 1st and the next I
will be March 15 Call 7 6793 for m r
There will be a supp rt gr up ft t adult
children ol alcoholics starting Feb 28 al
4 15 p m m rm 2 (Counseling - enter
Library, Wright Annex) Plansare ti meet
everv Tues at that time .nd location iex
ccpl Spring Break tl i i gh Api I 17 Foi
more info . call 1 a id Susina - 6973 oi
Rev Dan Earnhardt " 2 M)
Flections for the office ol President, Vice
President, Treasurer and Sccrctar) will bo
held March 16at 5 p m in Speight 129. All
potential candidates should plan to at
tend For more information regarding
properdi dui forfiline pleast tact
uartct m
r �
�� k�INTER! �N
GMa 161
. aie now on sale a i lai ava � at tl
( rural ftcl t Offto MS I
are Mon Fri 11 am b pm
mbor is 757-6611 ext � � -
n . � � i i � � �
phonv will foi ' '
; p.m. in Wi
: i lantst, K an � an
�: : diar i I mv rsity Scl I I ' '
Pacult ' he program I i tl � �:
performance is I I I �
OVERTURI ' � ��� ignor, � CI l
Mim r for Pi mdOrcl � �
b Gnog KarenSha v. Piai NT! RM -
SJON rm PI AN! rSby I
: : ti n of th � � rt ��- ' '� '�
� . � bort 1 lausc and tho I
� � I d h � l rdt Zimmei
nun Tickets are I sale at I
Ticket Office, MSC "v 66 Ext :�
with the TCL
" � i. . !ahi I
istsand Cor. esl
zer Pri,
RCKP.( Kli
M I t
rial . Iroi s
� HI S1 (. M A I' 1
ri -
The new 1989 Medical College Admission
Test iMCAT) applications have arrived
in the Testing Center, Speight Bldg n � n
105 The next test date is April 29 ppli
S ason tick ts tor tl
Arts Series at II art' no
outstanding season
sung in English DREAM � and
much more, Patrons are cautioned that
cations must be
marked no later tl
nplcted a
March 31
Beginning windsurfers or other adven
turers are encouraged to register tor a
Windsurfing Clinic to be held March 15
and 16from 7:30-9 UOp m You will beable
to manipulate the sail in a controlled cm i-
ronment while learning the basics ol
windsurfing Stop bv 204 Memorial Gym
for additional info orcall757 6387 Regis
(ration is currently going on.
The Tokyo String Quartet will perform on
March 16th at 8:00 p m in Wright Audito-
rium Tins event is co sponsored by the
School of Music and the Dept of Univer
sitv Unions. The scheduled program tor
this performance is Quartet in C Minor,
Op. IS, No. 4 bv Beethoven, Quartet No. 3
initial season ticket sales arc bri
though individual event ticket- ill go -
sale 3 weeks prior to each event, it is
highly possible that the scries will sol
in season sells. Don't miss out on the best
Performing Arts Series, order your ti - ts
today. Tickets are on sale at th� G Ira
Ticket Office, MSC, 757-661 I, Exl
Hie Honors Program the Science and
Math Il. Center and International Stud
ies will sponsor "A Day in the Life of a
Park Ranger March 28 (co spx ns :
the ECU Geology Dcpl I K. Rod Cran
son�Science Dept, Lansing Community
College, Lansing, Mi Science Educator
Summer Interpreter t�.r the National Park
Service, and author of "Crater Lake -
Gem of the Cascade- The Geologic Stoi y
of Crater Lake National Park " 730 p m .
room 1026 GCB "The National Parks of
New Zealanei and Costa Rica" will be
presented on April 4th (co sponsored
March 15at4
for Certifical
ECU SET A ' ' 14 i
: � 1012. It Will
will elect i rs ai d d
to start workii - n Al -
the cruelt) involv ed in



here will be 2 : . .
� Mai � � ' � �
stud ntsMUST atl 11
: �1 Congress frica
p in 1 ilm Life oi ni M
2 3 00 p.m.� Pi
in Ap irthi id! itl V: ica by Emmai
i )bie hina; 3 ; I rose ntation
on "Women in the Anti� I M
ment and the Afi n Nal
by Rev Motialepula habaku Audien �
participation Refreshments will be
served Admission is tree and open I
m nixOi ini lie itki.s
Ex pi
issue A: �

MYRTLE BEACH SC (AP) assault and battery with intent to
� A North Carolina woman kill as well as three counts of as-
rcmains hospitalized today with a sault with a deadly weapon and
bullet wound to her elbow, and malicious injury to property,
two North Carolina Marines have Horry County and Myrtle Beach
been accused ol tirmgat motorists police said,
in passing cars Amy Thompson, 20, of
Pfc Kenneth Mark Notaro,21, Whiteville, N.C was in stable
condition at Grand Strand Gen-
food restaurant when they
stopped next to a dirty, brown
Chevrolet Camaro with Califor-
nia tagsata stoplight. Thompson's
friend, Lana Bryson of Spar-
tanburg, said the Camaro passed
them at the light and began weav-
ing and stopping.
She said she told her husband,
"The glass just wont all over
our heads she said. "1 saw him
(the shooter). I can't believe 1
raised mv head to look up but he
was hanging partially out oi the
door and firing a shot II we had
had a slower car, I don't know if
we would have made it
spree at Beach
they thought the were on the were arrested. The shot that hit
and Lance Col. Damon Lopez, 22,
both of CampLejeunc.N.C, were eral Hospital. She and three friends Jeff, she thought they were drunk
being held in the Myrtle Beach had met along the Grand Strand and told him to speed upand pass.
jail, said Lt. Phillip Thompson of Saturday to visit numerous area Then they heard what sounded
he Horrv Countv Police Depart- nightclubs. like a car backfiring and glass ing, shook his head and said, they
schaSh They had just eaten at a fast- began flying. vvere from Cahforma so mavbe
Jeff Bryson, looki ng at the new
Nissan Maxima he had beendriv-
treewav" The Nissan, which he
had borrowed trom the Spar
tanburg auto dealership where he
works, had two bullet holes in the
trunk, another hole in the driver's
door, a shattered rear window.
damaged windshield and ripped
Lopez and Notaro had a .43-
caliber automatic pistol, which
was not militarv issue, when thev
Ms. Thompson tore a hole through
the metal trunk lid, passing
through the cloth seat before it hit
the back of her elbow
Moments later, the Brysons
noticed a sign saying "Grand
Strand General Hospital" and
turned in so Ms. Thompson could
be treated. Bryson alerted Myrtle
Beach and Horrv Countv police
from the hospital.


� r � � �
MARCH 14, 1989 7
Shuttle Discovery launches again
'back in the business of space'
(AP) � Five astronauts boarded
Discovery Monday, ready to de-
liver a $100 million satel 1 i te to orbi t
on the delayed tari of an ambi-
tious 1989 launch schedule aimed
.it putting America back in the
business ol space
Besides the satellite, which
will complete a vital communica-
tions network, the shuttle is carry-
rig tour crippled white rat and
32 chicken eggs among the scien-
tific experiments to be studied
during the five-day mission. The
launch team pumped 528.000 gal-
lons of liquid hydrogen and liq-
tid oxygen into the craft's huge
fuel tank early today and NASA
reported the countdown was pro-
grcssing smoothly as the clock
eked toward the scheduled 8:07
a.m. EST liftoff.
The weather forecast - clear
skiesand mild temperatures-was
favorable tor launch. Only the
possibility of strong high-altitude
winds Rave any concern, and
'ASA officials said wind condi-
tions at midnight were accept-
Commander Michael L. Coat
and his crew were awakened at
3 16 a.m. and. surprisingly,
owed up tor breakfast wearing
business suits and ties. Fine china
and candles adorned the table tor
he steak and eggs feast.
Wearing the suits instead of
t normal casual wear apparently
was a tongue-in-cheek response
to word th.ii NASA was trvmg to
curb astronauts penchant tor tun.
Officials reportedly wereannoyed
b a tele ised show two missions
o w hen the en vv floated through
: . shuttle ;abm. wearing colorful
. . aiian iurts
Follow ingbreakfast, theCoat
crew donned flight suits, rode a
. v an to launch pad 39Band
began boarding the SI.5 billion
spaceship cabin about 5:30 a.m.
ing with the 43-year-old Naw
car arc Air Force Col. John E.
Blaha, 46, the pilot; Marine Cols
mes : Buchli,43, and Robert c
Springer 4 and Dr. James M
Bagian,36,a physician. Coats and
the Magellan probe te Venus in
April, secret Defense 1 Vpat tment
pay loads in ul and ugusi the
Calilei mission to Jupiter in CVhi
ber. a communications satellite in
n ember ,nd the 1 kibble Spa i
relescopein December Six hours
atter liftoff, Springer and fJagian
were to deploy the 2 5-ton track
ing and Data Relay Satellite.
It then is to be carried b i.s
own rocket to a 22VO-mile-high
orbit to join two older satellites
and complete an orbiting network
essential tor communicating
future space -buttles and with
science and military satellites.
W iththe new satelliteefXT.itienal
NASA will shut six ground ta
tions at i monthh - m� ��i -
mill �
v. v at- ; i i . .
v. halleneer tuiu t� I
ignis m i isv, �. (. r
eptembci and tlantis
were important to
show that w e could tl I
shuttle agau al tei tin cat
phe " 1 he next st�: Co its - i J
"is to prove we can do it on ,
regular basis 1 hat we're back ii
the business ol space to sho
we're a spaci ' ii il
I he mission is tilled with so
entitle experiments The rats, with
chips of bone cut from their legs,
are to be studied te determine hew
well broken bones heal in the
weightlessness of space.
Tieanimals will becompared
with a ground control group ot
tour rats. Researchers believe
healing will be slower in space
because astronauts have suffered
loss ol calcium during flights.
1 he issue is an important step
toward learning how well a bro-
ken human bone mignt mend
during long flights aboard a spaa
station or on a trip to Mars. Also
aboard is a special 70 mm 1M.W
camera to photograph deteriorat-
ing areas of the Faith
"They're trying to produce a
movie that shows the Earth as a
very fragile thing in the universe
and that maybe everybody on
Earth ought to pay a little atten-
tion to not destro) ing it Biaha
said hi a recent interview. 1 he
astronauts also will conduct ex-
peri ments to determine the effects
of weightlessness on plant cell
division, the growth of protein
crystals and the development ol
chicken embryos.
-� flights
. hscoven s launch is the 28th
� r. , � �
� sinci the Challenge; pl
- -ki. i d se en astronauts
28 . 986 rhi Natu nal
ind Space dmmistra-
- plans call tor seven shuttk
ts this year, but the agency
is had troublekeepingitsshuttk
� �
e fault or
gine parts Shuttle chief kieh
NASA scontinued recoverv trom
the Challenger accident and thv
agency s move toward sate, rou-
once-a month shtitth
ches b !vJ.
Following the flight, the 1989
shuttle schedule lists the launch ol
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MARCH 14. 1989 I"ACL S
Bad Bob and the Rocking Horses play Deli
B I 1 I llK.HMlTH
1 he first thing 1 noticed about
Bad Bob and the Rocking Horses
was the guitar pla ing of the the
three-member band's leader. And
considering the volume and qual-
New Deli, that is pretty impres-
sive. "Bad Bob" Tunneil and his
band played for the poor souls
who were in Greenville for the
first night oi Spring Break, and it
was a good show.
The band, which is based in
Greenville, consists of Tunnel 1
iryof the sound coming out of the dead vocals and guitar), "Mr J
Ravurn (bass) and "Shakin Bob
Aiken (drums). They arc strictly a
blues band.
"We consider ourselves just a
raw-edged blues band for danc-
ing says Bad Bob. Ravurn adds,
"And we don't practice
If they don't, it certainly
doesn't show in their performance.
The band is simple but effective.
The beat is hard, the bass is strong,
and the guitar is outstanding. Bad
Bob adds his smooth voice to tic
together a very enjoyable sound.
They play tunes from such
blues greats as "Muddy Waters,
Freddie King, Buddy Guy, all
those old guvs says Tunnel! that is so evident onstage comes
"Also Stcvie Ray Vaughn and from the fact that Tunneil and
Little Richard Ravurn grew up together. "Bob is
mv twin brother" says Ravurn.
The band works together with
a great deal of confidence and
humor. At one point early in the
show, Bad Bob himself ventured
onto the dance floor as he played
his guitar. Part of the familiarity-
Bad Bob and the Rocking
Horses is a show 1 highly recom-
mend. Since the band is local and
has a small Greenville following,
expect to see more of them.
Provocative art projects to be
exhibited at Jenkins Auditorium
ECU News Bureau
Models of public art projects
by internationally known artist
Vito Acconoi will be exhibited at
Gray Art Gallery from March 20,
through April 7.
Acconci will discuss his work
during a 7:30 p.m. slide lecture on
March 20, in Jenkins Auditorium.
A reception will follow.
"For almost two decades, Vito
Acconci has shocked, entertained
and angered audiences said
Perry Nesbitt, gallery director.
"His message is provocative,
undercutting social and artistic
conventions. His work is interdis-
ciplinary; it does not fit into estab-
lished categories, and this may
produce a sense of insecurity or
anxiety in his audience
While on campus, Acconci
will provide individual student
critiques and will attend seminars
and classes. His visit is funded in
part bv a grant from the National
Endowment for the Art- in Wash-
ington, DC, a federal ancv, in
collaboration with Western Caro-
lina University in Cullowhec.
The lecture and reception are
free and open to the public. The
gallery is open Monday through
Saturday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m
closing on Thursday eveningsat 8
For more information, call
Tibetan art at Gray
Thismodt lot ito Acconci's proposal forme Ronald McDonald house is one of the man y models
of ids w ork on display in Gray Art Gallery beginning March 20.
Yerkes center draws fire
inl � a wooded corner of Emory
I sity's suburban campus
t! . . - Rej nal Primate Rc-
tongexuded an
aii : .
. � ;ate
Proi � �. � i se h.
find iv down a winding
tw� road bel ind Emory
dom ottti the
wcvd � �� - id
i � �
.v. ati
scientists have labored quietly to
find, through study and experi-
mentation with monkeys and
apes, answers to health problems
that plague humans.
But now there's an us-against-
them feeling at Yerkes. The re:
searchers' pride in tlu?ir accom-
plishments is tempered bv frus-
tration, anger and even fear. A
growing band of crusaders would
like nothing more than to shut the
center down.
"I wasn't hired to do this, you
know grumbles Dr. Frederick A.
King Jr having to explain to yet
another reporter the Steps i erkes
takes to conduct its research as
humanely as possible.
King, an outepokenad voca te
oi animai research a net the direc-
tor of Yerkes for a decade, has
been the target of death threats.
His center, an arm of Emory- Uni-
See ACTIVISTS, page 9
ECU News Bureau
The "Art of Tibet over 50
objects from the Rose Art Mu-
seum's collection at Brandeis
University in Waltham, Mass
opens at ECU'S Gray Art Gallery
on March 20, and will remain on
view through April 7.
John Brzostoski, exhibit cura-
tor, will present a 7:30 p.m lecture
on March 30, in Jenkins Audito-
rium. A reception will follow in
Gray Art Gallery.
The "Art of Tibet" collection
was originally housed at the Riv-
erside Museum in New York and
contains obiects which, according
to Brzostoski, are "magical, nysti-
time pragmatic
The objects are all religious,
Reluctant hero aids homeless
based on the precepts of Bud-
dhism. They include thangkas
(rolled paintings which are often
found at the entrance to Buddhist
temples), sculptures of Buddha
and other gods and goddesses,
ceremonial objects such as prayer
flags, a water vase, silver bell,
copper trumpet, handheld prayer
wheel, and amulet box as well as
wood block prints and photo-
graphs of Tibet.
Brzostski is director of the
Center for Oriental Studies in New
York City and teaches at Cooper
Union, the New School for Social
Research in New York and tlw-
Buddhist Lamaist Monasterv &F
He has traveled extensively
in Asia and has contributed to "Art
News "Arts Magazine" and
"Craft 1 lorizons" and is editor
the "Free Center Review
He received his MFA from
Syracuse University and is a prac-
ticing artist.
funded by a grant from the North
( arolina Arts Council and the
National Endowment for the Arts
in Washington, D.C, a federal
agency. Additional support was
provided by the ECU School ol
Art and Office of Academic Af-
fairs, mk the Art Enthusiasts ol
The exhibit, lecture and re-
ception ur.e.Jr.v and.pejvto.jhe
illcry hoursare lOa.m until
5p.m. Monda) through Saturday ,
closing at 8 p.m. on Thursday.
For more information, call
(919) 757-6336
Mitch Snyder remembers cruis-
ing up the Bow err in New York as
a boy, car windows tightly closed
per his father's instructions "to
k p out the bums
Robert Snyder abandoned the
family when his son was 9. Hurt
and angry, Mitch vowed never to
d � to his kids what hi father had
done to him. A year or so later, his
teacher asked hup. in front ol this
Flatbush classmates why his toes
I 1t A out the ends of his shoes.
At that moment, Mitch Snyder
dr ined hisfuture: "I vowed to be
another Imelda Marcos, i decided
then and there 1 would push real
hard not to have holes in my shoes
ever again
America's most influential
champion oi the homeless has a
past rife with cosmic irony.
5i cteen y� ars after his tather
walked out, Snyder quit a lucra-
tive job as a Madison Avenue
headhunter and lett his won wife
and two sons to subsist on welfare
and food stamps. Twenty years
later, he has just the one pair of
boots. Like the jeans he wears and
the food he eats when he's not on
one of his well-publicized hunger
strikes, the tan boots are dona-
So too are the cars he occa-
sionally drives through neighbor-
hoods most people avoid. The men
and women he finds there, sleep-
ing on heating grates and harvest -
ing meals out of trash cans, often
greet him by name.
Mitch Snyder never did learn
to roll up his windows.
For the past 15 years, he has
dedicated himself to "liberating
people who are destitute To that
end, no one has garnered more
newsprint, forced more hands, or
coaxed more cash. But anyone
tempted to pin any medals on him
should take heed: Snyder is a re-
luctant hero.
"I was called by some force
outside myself saysSnyuer, who
has since been forgiven by his
family. "I'm convinced that if 1
had a choice, I wouldn't be doing
It's hard to argue. All told, he
has spent two of his 45 years tast-
ing, and another year sleeping on
Now, he is imbued with new
optimism. After 15 years of chip-
ping away at the national indiffer-
ence to the homeless, Snyder and
others at the forefront ot the
struggle may finally be gaining
ground. Recent polls indicate a
greater desire to help others. A
new president has arrived. A new
decade is coming.
"I honestly behee George
Bush is a nicer person says
Snyder. "1 believe Ronald Reagan
was nice personally, but his poli-
tics were mean-spirited He was
an almost impossible adversan
Not only was he made of Teflon,
but he was made of magic and
charisma. Bush doesn't havi thai
magic, and he has less power to
oppose changes
Snvder's convinced things are
changing. "Listen to the music ot
Tracy Chapman, of U2. They are
harbingers of a shift in mood.
There's a 30-year cycle: the '30s,
the '60s, the '90s. We've just come
through the 'Me Decade I think
people have gotten sick of living
only for themselves
These days,Snyder makes his
home in the 1,400-bed shelter on
Second Street, once a University
of the District of Columbia build-
See HOMELESS, page 9
"bodhisatta Avalokitesvara an 18th century Tibetan pai
one of the many Tibetan religious artifacts to be displ
Gray Art Gallery beginning March 20.
nting is
aved in
Farewell dance concert at
McGinnis for choreographer
The East Carolina Playhouse will present a dance theater production Wednesday through
Saturday in McGinnis Theater. One of the pieces is choreographed by Mavis Ray, who is retiring
at the end of the semester.
East Carolina Playhouse Press Release
The East Carolina Playhouse
will present an evening of dance
featuring the East Carolina Dance
Theater Wednesday, at 8:15 p.m.
and will have additional perform-
ances on Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, in McGinnis Theatre.
This year's concert will fea-
ture five works choreographed by
the Dance Faculty of the Depart-
ment of Theatre Arts. Along with
the works of Patricia Pertalion and
Patricia Weeks, the final choreo-
graphed dance piece by Broad-
way veteran Mavis Ray, who will
be retiring at the end of this school
term, will be featured. And area
residents will have an opportu-
nity to see the work of new faculty
member, Alan Arnett.
Choreographer Mavis Ray-
will explore the world of dance
from 1840 to the present in her
dance piece entitled, "The De-
cline Her work, which she says
is aimed to amuse as well as enter-
tain, will include a little bit of it all
from the waltz and polka to the
twist and rock.
Since most area residents
associate Ms. Ray and her work
with the musicals of the East Caro-
lina Summer Theater, it seems only
fitting that this farewell gala
should have such a musical flair.
Choreographer Patricia
Weeks has created a piece that
combines a Far Eastern feeling
with the fut tic sounds of Tan-
gerine Dream. The dancers in
"Radiant Energies" find the source
of their energy from within and
share its joy and strength with
each other.
The Dance Theatre takes a
somewhat whimsical look at make
believe, antic play and childhood
games with "Interplay Chore-
ographer Pertalion hasdivided her
work into four sections, using giant
trash containers as props in one
"Octapod choreographed by
Weeks, will feature Ms. Weeksand
Arnett, from the ECU Dance Fac-
ulty, Terri Leggctte Winchell, a
dance instructor at D.H. Conlcy
High School, and Goldsboro's
Patti Kilpatrick, who was a mem-
See DANCE, page 9

MARCH 14, W9 3L
Animal rights activists threaten center
Continued from page 8 the use of animals m saentl�c group in Defense of Animals said
versity and one of seven regional research, the second such protest the protest marked the beginning
primate research centers spon- ina month. Three of those arrested of the two-year campaign against
sored by the National Institutcsof lowered themselves on ropes centers like Yerkcs.
Health, has been the site of nu- down the frontof a six-story build- Elsewhere in the nation, build-
merous protests by animal rights ing and unfurled a huge banner ings have been burned and ani-
activists. reading "Save the Yerkes mal rights activists have been ar-
Last December, 12 people Chimps The other nine tried to rested with bombs. Yerkes stat-
were arrested on the Emory cam- block the university's main gate. fers say they sometimes wonder
pus in a demonstration against Members of the California based about their personal safety.
But hischief worry, King says,
is that the animal rights move-
ment could diminish the effective-
ness of the center, a place where
new techniques tor treating Park
inson'sdisease were found, where
ape communication studies led u
new ways of teaching retarded
Homeless man fasts to help fix shelter
Continued from page 8
ing that the Reagan admimstra
tion agreed to renovate only aftei
Snyder embarked on ti S cta
hunger strike thai melted away mi
pounds in 1CS4
The shelter also is home to
ether members ot theCommu nit
for Creative Nan-Violence, a for-
mer anti-war group turned advo-
cates for the homeless There is no
payroll; everyone volunteers.
Commitment runs high, but
this is hardly Utopia. Next to shar-
ing living space with one's com-
patriots, Snyder says, starvation
is easy
But like most CCNV acts �
erecting "Rcaganville a tent city
across from the White House, or
releasing a hundred cockroaches
in the state dining room � its
communal lifestyle is fraught with
individualism is pathologi-
cal Snyder says. "Our scparate-
ness is what's killing us. Ignorance
and fear are products of distance.
That's what enables us to spend a
tnlliondollarsayearon arms while
people sleep in the street.
"The issue is how to reduce
that distance. Once humanity is
seen and felt, the ability to do
damage is reduced
The nation's apathv toward
the homeless stems largely from
fear, Snyder thinks. "They're a
reflection of us. We're all vulner-
able. We have to keep the messen-
ger at bay
That isn't to say Americans
arc unchari table, he says, but given
a choice, most people are more apt
to help victims of earthquakes in
other countries than victims of
federal housing policies in their
Natural disasters, Snyder
savs, "do not call into question
our values and our lifestyle.
Homelessness does. The obvious
answer, especially in cities teem-
ing with street people, is to render
the homeless invisible
Snyder walked away from
middle-class America in 1 9, a t'ter
waking up one night "literally in a
cold sweat A high school drop-
out who sold washing machines
before talking his way into a high-
paying job as an executive re-
cruiter, Snyder got married and
had two children before he real-
ized he wasn't cut out to be a
familv man.
He set out to find himself and
wound up in federal prison on an
auto-theft charge. While serving
time at Danbury, Conn he got to
know Daniel and Patrick Bern-
gan, in prison for destroying draft
records. Snyder joined the two
priests' anti-war group, made up
of prisoners who refused to go to
He also studied the Bible and
non-violent protest, and read a
book a day for 2 12 years. After
his release in 1972, Snyder joined
an anti-war group in New York,
then moved to Washington a year
later to join CCNV.
In time, he says, "Homeless-
ness became thedomestic counter-
part to what was happening in
Southeast Asia. In 1975, the war
Dance quartet
performs I
jazz ballet
Continued from page 8
ber of Easy Moving Company of j
The quartet begins with a!
mesmerizing, underwater feeling, J
expands to a playful interaction,
and then returns to the calm con-
nectedness of the beginning.
The Dance Theatre will close
with the first major dance piece!
choreographed by Arnett. "Beauty j
and the Beast" isajazzballctaboutl
the transforming power of love.
The action between the two cen-
tral characters takes place in an
enchanted grotto amongst a clan
of supernatural creatures.
For further information, call
had ended. In the house 1 was
living in, we were dealing with
evictions of families. We opened
up our living room to people
Snyder's adversaries have
found the hunger strikes particu-
larly antagonizing, such as his 1978
fast in an attempt to force a wealth)
Catholic church in Washington to
contribute to the CCNV shelter
"It was like having j gun
pointed at my head, recalls the
Rev. James English.
English refused, and eventu-
ally, close to death, Snyder aban
doned the fast. "1 don't do these
things to get people upset, but 1
have no qualms about upsetting
people Snyder says. "When
people begin to feel, they begin to
Within the homeless move-
ment, where nothing remotely
approaching consensus has
emerged, Snyder is not without
ritics. Detractors have portrayed
him as self-serving and publicity
hungry. Some call him "Holly-
wood Mitch
The$5million it took to reno-
vate the Washington shelter upset
some advocates, including Chris
Sprowal, a former hospital work-
ers union organizer. "1 low many
houses could you build for that
kind of money? How many people
could vou put to work with that
kind of money?"
Snyder acknowledges that
overnight shelter is temporary
"The long-term is adequate
housing. The real solution is a
society that's not built on never-
ending consumption. But no more
shelters is a barbaric thought
The Hollywood reference
sprung froma made-tor TV nun ie
that glossed over Snyder's aban
donment of his familv and zeroed
in on his good deeds "1 hat Martin
Sheen, who played Mitch, called
him "a saint" didn't help
Snyder steadfastly refuses to
watch the film and squirms when
asked about it.
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MARCH 14, 1989 PAGE 10
Lose in second round of CAA's
ECUfalls to Patriots
Atti ' an opening round win
against American, the Pirates were
flying high and looking tor an-
other upset But as is the case with
most "Cinderella" teams, there
fairy tale ended a little early. ECU
held a comfortable lead tor most
ot the second halt, but the Patriots
pro ed to be too much late in the
game and came back to win t5-rV
As has been the story all .sea-
son, senior blue Edwards did most
ot the damage tor the Pirates.
However, it was not one ot his
better games. Edwards shot 11-32
�the floor but did manage to
score 34 points. The total ties the
tournament record tor most points
in a game.
East Carolina would control
the opening tip, but il would be all
George Mason after that. The Pa-
ts would rattle off the first five
points to jump out to a quick 5-0
Edwards would score on a
dri ing la) up to put ECL' on the
board after a 2:44 second dry spell,
rhe bucket cut the lead to 5-2. The
Patriots would continue to pull
away and stretched their lead to
mx. Following a Robert Dykes
ramp shot, Mason was up 10-4.
i hen the Pirates would mount
a runoftheirown. Edwards would
hit two jumpers and make a pass
in the lane to ay Scherer to help
: v U to a 10-4 run. The spurt tied
the score at 12 with 12:08 left in the
first hall
teams traded baskets until
Stanle) Love hit a jumper to give
the Pirates their first lead. With
17 left in the halt. ECL' would
have its nrt lead 16-15. They
�-uld continue to add to as they
ran off a 10-4 run to put them up
22 -1�.
The two teams would volley
back and forth the rest of the halt
with neither team going up by
more than four points. And with
1:03 left in the first halt. Edwards
would hit a turnaround jump shot
to knot the game at 26. The score
would remain tied as the teams
entered the locker room tor inter-
S kept the Pirates in
the game by scoring lb points in
the firs! halt. Ik also grabbed six
rebounds in the halt to lead all
players in that area. The Pirates
limited tl Patriots to onh 40.7
e nt shooting from the field in
the halt.
t Carolina began the sec-
ond all rith possession of the
ball and would take lull advan-
tage ot it rhe Pirates would go on
9-2 run in the first 5:45 of the
second halt. The run allowed ECU
to open a seven point lead, 37-30.
George Mason would fight
back and cut the lead to two. But
behind the strong play of Edwards,
ECU would open its lead back to
eight After two oi Edwards' free
throws, the Pirates held a 49-41
lead with 5:22 remaining in the
From that point on it was all
George Mason. The Pa tnots would
get clutch shooting from freshman
Mike Hargett and would hit their
tree throws down the stretch to
push them into the tournament
With 2.02 left in the contest.
Hargett would can a long three-
point jumpshot to tie the game at
54. Mason would get 11-12 free
throws to salt away the win.
Over the last five minutes
fatigue and tools caught up with
the Pirates. After a hard fought
win against American and a physi-
cal game in the first half, the Pi-
rates tired and the Patriots took
full advantage. Mason outscored
ECU 24 over the last five min-
utesand the Pirates were also hurt
by Reed Lose and Stanley Line
fouling out.
1 lead Coach 1 ike Steele made
no excuses following the loss and
ga e George Mason a lot of credit.
i hey put a lot oi defensive pres
sure on our guards and forced us
to turn the ball over. You have to
giv e them credit, they hit their free
throws down the stretch Steele
Edwards led ECU in scoring
and rebounding. He finished the
game with 34 points and eight
rebounds. The 34 points was the
most by n ECL' player in a post-
season game. Edwardsdid not get
the support from his teammates
as he did in the game against
American. No other ECU player
reached double figures Freshmen
Jay Scherer added seven points
and three rebounds, while the hero
of the American game, Stanley
Love, chipped in with six points.
(he Patriots were paced by
four players in double figures.
Center Robert Dykes led the wa
with 16 points and nine rebounds.
Freshman Mike Hargett added 14
points and lasl years player of the
year Kenny Zanders also chipped
in with 14. Stew Smith rounded
out the double figure scorers bv
scoring 12 points.
Even with the losi ECL
moved to 13-14 for the Reason.
This marked the first winning
season tor the Pirates since 1982
83. It was also Mike Steele's first
winning mark as the Pirate men-
tor. Steele improved on his, first
season mark of 8-20.
Edwards named
CAA player of year
At. Sports Editor
Friday night, March 3, the
Colonial Athletic Association
Tournament got underway at
Hampton, VA. But it wasn't with
a game or practice. It was with the
CAA tip-off banquet.
It was an evening of fun and
entertainment. It was also a time
for the stars to shine, as the league
presented its post-season honors
and awards. And what a night it
would be for two of East Caro-
lina's seniors.
Chris Berman from ESPN
started the evening rolling follow-
ing dinner. The "master of the
nickname" tried his hand at nam-
ing a few of ECU'S players. He
orcd three times as player of the
week, led the league in sconng,
waseighthm rebounding, third in
field goal percentage, fourth in
steals and seventh in assists. He
averaged 263 points and 68 re-
bounds per game and ranked in
the top 10 in eight individual sta-
tistical categories.
As he received the award,
Edwards shared his feelings with
those at the banquet. He thanked
his teammates and Pirate fans, but
saved the best for last. Edwards
dedicated the award to "his best
friend and a man I love like a
brother" head coach Mike Steele
Edwards also led the ballot-
ing for first team CAA. He was
joined there by seniors Kenny
Sanders of George Mason, and
Mike Winochi of Richmond, jun
came up with these: Blue "Moon" jors Ron Draper of American and
In an earlier game, Blue Edwards, CAA player of the year, drives
past UNC-VV's Major Wiggins for the layup. In tournament
action, LC-V faced George Mason, who ECU had lost to in the
second round, in the finals (Photo by Mark Barber).
Edwards, Gus "Blueberry" Hill,
Reed "My Lips" Lose, Stanley
"Gonna Have to Face It You're
Addicted to" Love and Jeff "Fresh
Water" Perlich.
Then league commissioner
Tom Yeager announced what the
crowd was waiting for�the
:AA's 1989 Player-of-the-Ycar.
knd as the suspense grew, the
Jilm projector started to show the
lighlights of the player of the year,
Blue Edwards.
Edwards, who had been hon-
Kcn Atkinson ot Richmond
rounded out the top five.
Also honored at the banquet
was Pirate senior point guard Jeff
Kelly. Kelly was first named to the
All-Defensive team. Next in line
tor Kelly was being named to the
All-Academic team.
In all, it was a fine perform-
ance for the Pirates, but the real
challengestarted Saturday, March
4. East Carolina had to square off
against the 3rd ranked Eagles of
Softballers win Georgia State tournament
for a third straight year over Spring Break
Sports Writer
While most students were
enjo) ing Spring Break in the sunn v
Florida Kevs or swinging on the
slopes of the snowy mountains,
the Lady Pirate softball team was
on the road swinging their bats.
The Pirates remained victori-
ous for the third straight vear in
the Georgia State tournament.
Tennessee Tech was the first
oi the challengers to face the Lady
Pirates. Tennessee Tech jumped
out in front in the first inning with
a 3-0 lead and held it until the filth
inning when Kathy Schrage
started a rally to bring the score to
3-3. The Tirates battled nine in-
nings until Tracy Keeand JenSagle
started another rally to bring the
score to 9-3. Leading hitters were
Sagle, 2-3, and Wendy Tonker 2-4
with two RBl's.The wining pitcher
was Tracye Larkin recording five
In the second game of the
Lander College 14-0. l!ie winning
pitcher was Renee Meyers who
hurled a one-hitter. Leading hit-
ters were Tonker 4-4 with" four
RBI's, Mickey Ford 2-4 with 3 RBI's
and Kee and Schrage both 2-4.
The Pirates pocketed the tour-
nament when the final game
with Temple. Lavein was the los-
ing pitcher of the first game hold-
ing Temple to three hits. Theonly
run was scored in the third inning
when Temple hit an in the park
home-run. East Carolina lost 1-0.
Sagle was the winning pitcher
in the second game of the match-
against Georgia State was called UP wim Owls, thrawing a six
for rain in the fifth inning. The fitter. East Carolina started a rally
Pirates were leading 1-0. The East
Carolina pitcher was Sagle who
vvasalsoa leading hitter going 1-2.
Other leading hitters included
Chris Byrnl with a double, Ford 1 -
2 and Kee 1-1. The game did not
count because five innings were
not completed.
The Lady Pirates next headed
to Tallahasee Florida with a 2-0
record. Eastern Michigan was the
next opponent; defeating the Pi-
rates 5-3. Both teams had seven
hits, while ECU suffered four er-
rors and Eastern Michigan only
recorded one. Meyers was the
losing pitcher bringing her record
; 1-1
Following the first loss, the
in the seventh inning when Tonker
singled, KimCorwin walked, and
Barb Shuller had a single which
drove in two runs to win the game.
The Lady Pirates next faced
nationally ranked Florida State in
a double-header losing both games
Meyers dropped her record
to 1-2 thaw ing a six-hitter. Florida
State scored four runs in the first
inning off oi two hits and three
errors by East Carolina. The lead-
ing hitter for the Pirates was Byrnl
who went 1-3.
Larkin also dropped her rec-
ord to 1-2 holding Florida State to
eight hits. Florida State scored two
runs in the first inning on a walk
sixth inning was packed with tour
singles and three runs to finish the
After a short stay in Green-
ville, the Pirates were back on the
road, this time to Chapel Hill.
The Pirates not only faced the
Tar Heels but also Boston College.
� The'PiratcSoftballcrsjumped
(31R m front of Boston College in
the first three innings bringing the
score to 4-0. In the first inning,
Leslie Cramer got on base with a
walk. Ford bunted her aroundand
Tonker drove her in.
In the second inning Kee got
on base with a walk, Debbie At-
kinson bunted and got on by an
error. Kee scored with Schragl's
RBI; and Laura Crowder scored
on a passed ball.
Tonker scored theonly run in
the third inning off oi four hits bv
ECU. Donna Weller scored the
only other run in the seventh. The
winning pitcher was Sagle who
held Boston College to fire hits,
while ECU had 10. Her record
tournament, the Pirates stomped Lady Pirates split a double-header and an m-thc-park home-run. The
Pirate baseball, at 9-1, continues nearly flawless season
I he explosive East Carolina
baseball team swept its fourth
double-header oi the season against
Connecticut over spring break and
sts a nearly flawless record oi
9-1 as they travel to Raleigh .C
tociav to take on long-time rival
St. Augustine's was the first
ball club to fall victim to the Pi-
rates as the Falcons lost both games
in the double-header on March 3.
This gave ECU their second
double-header sweep of the four
they would earn before the close
of spring break.
The first game was a shut out
as the Pirates racked up 11 points
over the Falcons. In the second
game, ECU held St. Augustine's
to three as the Pirates prevailed 8-
The third double-header vic-
tory was won March 5 on home
turf against the Stags of Fairfield.
The Pirates went on a major scor-
ing stint accumulating 26 points
in the two games of the double-
In the first game, ECU easily
won 14-4 while the second game
the Pirates prevailed 12-5.
East Carolina faced Fairfield
again the next day but the Stags
were simply no match for the Pi-
rates. ECU again defeated Fair-
field 10-5.
ECU'S only loss over the break
came from South Carolina's ball
club. On March 7 the Pirates trav-
eled to Columbia S.C. only to be
defeated by the Gamecocks 4-7.
ECU then returned home and
on March 12they swept their
fourth doubleheader in their final
game over the break 8-0 and 7-2
against the Huskies of Connecti-
The Pirates begin their regu-
lar season play Saturday when
they travel to Harrisonburg, Va
to take on the Dukes of Jamc
Madison in a three-game series
The Pirates will play a double
header on Saturday and a singU
game Sunday.
ECU leads the series with the
Dukes 17-6 although JMU won
both meetings in Greenville last
Pirates fall to No. 1 JMU
Ladies fall in CAA semi-finals
Sports Writer
In earlier Lady
In tournament
MM l , , �����, �i. , T
Pirate basketball action, Sarah Gray prepares to pass the ball to teammate Gretta Savage,
action, Gray had 11 points in their loss against JMU in the semi-finals (Photo by ECU
East Carolina's women's bas-
ketball team ended its season by
advancing to the semi-finals of the
Colonial Athletic Association
tournament and then falling to No.
1 seeded James Madison Univer-
sity during the weekend of March
9-11 in Williamsburg, VA.
The Lady Pirates, who re-
corded their first winning season
under second-year head coach Pat
Pierson, finished at 15-13 overall
and 8-6 in the CAA.
In the opening round of the
tournament, ECU, seeded fourth,
me h-seeded American Uni-
ver ity.
The Lady Eagles jumped out
to an 8-4 lead over ECU before the
Lady Pirates took control of the
game until the final buzzer.
East Carolina's Pam Williams
scored 11 points in the first half to
pace the Lady Pirates to a 35-23
halftime lead over American.
East Carolina came out in the
second half not letting up in their
quest for the conference title.
The Lady Pirates led by as
many as 31 points with 5:20 re-
maining in the game. The lead
gave ECU rookies the chance for
tournament action.
ECU went on to defeat the
Lady Eagles 77-50 and advance to
the semi-finals.
Pam Williams continued to
lead ECU in the second half as she
finished as the game's high scorer
with 18 points.
Irish Hamilton tossed in 10
points in the winning effort while
Sarah Cray and Cretta savage each
added nine. Gray pulled down 10
rebounds to lead the Lady Pirates
on the boards.
In scmi-nnal action, ECU did
not fare as well against No. 1
seeded James Madison losing 71-
East Carolina led early in the
first half against the Lady Dukes
behind the scoring of Gretta Sav-
age. Savage had 13 points in the
first half a JMU never led by more
than eight.
Sarah Gray scored seven of
the nine first halt points in the last
three minutes to keep the halftime
score within the Pirate's reach, 38-
J 1 �
James Madison entered the
second half ready to pull away

KTH 14.1989 11
Pirates plagued by bad weather
Men's tennis split over break

Sport Writer
pleted two matches over the break tormanoe. rhe iratos also ac-
The Pirates played William and ceptcd deteat ai hoi to, . bv the
Marv, March 5, and the Univer- University ol Richmond In this
Everyone has been feeling the
touch of being snowbound bv old
man winter and East Carolina's
men's tennis team is no exception.
-o far, the Pirates have been able
to compete in onlv four out of nine
matches. In a sport where compe-
tition and practice is crucial to the
growthof the individual player as
m il as the team, the men are fac-
ing a tough start.
Although the Pirates have
seen minimum plaving time,
Coach Bill Moore is optimistic for
his team. Moore believes the
double teams arc going to be a key
Motor in the men's matches. The
teams consist of : Andre Moreau
and Bobbv McPhcrson. John
Hudson and John Melhorn, and
lohn McLamb and David Shell.
One of the team's greatest
strengths is its enthusiasm
Moore said. "The guys are fight-
ers and well-conditioned which
will help them cio well in the con-
rhe men's tennis team com-
Ladies lose
to Richmond
Sports Writer
sitv of Richmond, March 12.
Although the men were upset
bv William' and Marv bv 5-4 on
their home court, coach Bill Moore
said, "It wasan exciting last match
and close game
The game came down to the
last doubles match, with John
Melhorn putting in a strong per
game Mcoii' said, 'There were
good matches with the doubles
team coming around and bring-
ing in points
rhe EC I' m 'n an f 1 into the
season. With tin weather causing
some hinderanee to many ol thi
games, the Pirates have a rcmat h
against Old 1 Jominion in Norfolk
a on ednesda
Greenville Buyers Market
Memorial Drive
Tut Spring
In 'yourStep
. ,dv Pirates tennis team
a tough opening match Sun-
dav acainst the University of
Although the women were
rated 9-0 bv second ranked
rid assistant coach Lynn
rski said, "1 was expect
pposition but the games
a re quite competitive. Most oi
girls played well, with good
Starting the season 0-1, the
mer face their next three games
. I day they play Old Do-
. n University in Norfolk, a.
Lack of matches and practice
aused discouragement tor
s women's tennis team.E en
- shoveling the snow from thef
irts and letting them dry f
game, the Lady Pirates were
t n unable to complete the match!
due to darkness. Although their"
season has been slow to start
Assistant Coach Lynn Gorski said
The team will be improving witl
the upcoming matches
Unfortunately, the women!
DSt their first game Sunday td
hmond. Although defeated,
Corski said, "The team has mu('
more potential than they showed
Gorski is confident the team
will excel and be more prepared
by conference time, if the weathei
. is out and they are able U:
practice more consistently.
ECU track
opens season
(SID) The East Carolina
lien's outdoor track team opened
their 1989 season March 11 at the
( -Wilmington Invitational
i Pirates were led bv three first!
lace finishes and two second!
aces I
Eugene McNeill, ranked tenth
� the U.S. in the 200-meter last
,ir, won that event in a time of
21 42 McNeill's time in the 100-
rneter was 10.43. Udon Check had
ECU'S other first place finish,
breaking the tape in the 400-meter
intermediate Hurdles at 53.64
Brian Williams finished fourth to
the Pi rates in the 400 with a time o
The Pi rates got a second place
hmsh out of Williams in the 1 IO-
meter high hurdles Williams fin-
ished at 14.83. ECU was also sec-
ond in the 4 x 100 relay, finishinj
at 41.05
Other Pirates ran well accord-
ing to coach Bill Carson. Kelvin
Wrighton and Ike Robinson
wound up fourth and fifth respec-
tively in the 100-meter dash and
Teddy Vernon was fifth in the 200-
meter dash.
The Pirates will travel to the
Peach State and run in the Georgu
Relays in Athens March !7and1H
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MARCH 14. 1989 11
Pirates plagued by bad weather
Men's tennis split over break
Sporti Writer
Everyone has been feeling the
touch of being snowbound by old
man winter and East Carolina's
men's tennis team is no exception.
So far, the Pirates have been able
to compete in only four ou t o f ni ne
matches. In a sport where compe-
tition and practice is crucial to the
growth of the individual player as
well as the team, the men are fac-
ing a tough start.
Although the Pirates have
seen minimum playing time,
Coach Bill Moore is optimistic for
his team. Moore believes the
double teams are going to be a key
factor in the men's matches. The
teams consist of : Andre Morcau
and Bobby McPhcrson, John
Hudson and John Mclhorn, and
John McLamb and David Shell.
"One of the team's greatest
strengths is its enthusiasm
Moore said. "The guys are fight-
ers and well-conditioned which
will help them cio well in the con-
The men's tennis team com-
Ladies lose
to Richmond
pleted two matches over the break.
The Pirates played William and
Mary, March 5, and the Univer-
sity of Richmond, March 12.
Although the men were upset
by William and Mary by 5-4 on
their home court, coach Bill Moore
said, "It was an exciting last ma tch
and close game
The game came down to the
last doubles match, with John
Melhorn putting in a strong per
formance. The Pirates also ac-
cepted defeat at home, 7-2 by the
University of Richmond. In this
game Moore said, "There were
good matches with the doubles
team coming around and bring-
ing in points
The ECU men are 0-4 into the
season. With the weather causing
some hinderance to many of the
games, the Pirates have a rematch
against Old Dominion in Norfolk,
Va. on Wednesday
Sport Writer
The Lady Pirates tennis team
had a tough opening match Sun-
day against the University ofI
Although the women wcrc
defeated 9-0 by second ranked I
Richmond, assistant coach Lynn
Gorski said, "I was expecting
tough opposition but the games
were quite competitive. Most of
the girls played well, with good
Starting the season 0-1, the
women face their next three games
away. Today they play Old Do-
minion University in Norfolk, Va.l
Lack of matches and practice!
has caused discouragement forj
ECU'swomen's tennis toatm.Evenl
after shoveling the snow from thcl
courts and letting them dry forl
one game, the Lady Pirates werej
then unable to complete the matchj
due to darkness. Although their?
season has been slow to start
Assistant Coach Lynn Gorski said
"The team will be improving with
the upcoming matches I
Unfortunately, the women!
lost their first game Sunday tcl
Richmond. Although defeated;
Gorski said, "The team has much
more po tential than they showed
Gorski is confident the tcan
will excel and be more preparcc
by conference time, if the weather
holds out and they are able t(
practice more consistently.
ECU track
opens season
(51D) � The East Carolina!
men's outdoor track team opencdl
their 1989 season March 11 at thel
UNC-Wilmington Invitational
The Pirates were led by three first!
place finishes and two secondj
Eugene McNeill, ranked tentl
in the U.S. in the 200-meter last
year, won that event in a time of
21.42. McNeill's time in the 100-
meter was 10.43. Udon Cheek had!
ECU'S other first place finish
breaking the tape in the 400-meter
Intermediate Hurdles at 53.64.
Brian Williams finished fourth for
the Pirates in the 400 withatimeof
54.34. .
The Pirates got a second place!
finish out of Williams in the 110-1
meter high hurdles. Williams fin-1
ished at 14.83. ECU was also scc-
ond in the 4 x 100 relay, finishing
at 41.05. .
Other Pirates ran well accord-l
ing to coach Bill Carson. Kelvin
Wrighton and Ike Robinson
wound up fourth and fifth respec
tively in the 100-meter dash and
Teddy Vernon was fifth in the 20�
meter dash. .
The Pirates will travel to thej
Peach State and run in theGeorgiaj
Relays in Athens March 17andl8
Right After Spring Break comes the:
14th Annual
Ringgirl Competition
March 14th
1st Place $100
2nd Place $75
3rd Place $50
Plus all three places receive
$40 each
toward purchase of a bathing suit.
Call 830-1219
for more Information
tf No matter how
bad they are,
Grandma loves
to hear the
latest jokes.99
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f f . .
MARCH 14 1
Pirates soar past Eagles in C A As
vss! 5 ports Writer
by hitting a 12-foot jumper. This run connecting on two jump shots
would be a load that the Pirates and a driving lavup with 15:07
would never lose. remaining in the game, rhe Pi
rhe Pirates would stretch theii ratesheldacomfortablc43-341ead
Postseason tournaments usu lead to 5-0before American could American fought hack and
allyhavea Cinderella teamand ever record its first score. At 17:29 made the game close. Following a
thisvear s Colonial Athletic Asso- in the first halt, the Eagles would Brock Workman la) up, the Eagles
ciation tournament would he no finally score as Ron Draper would hadcutthePiratelcadtojusteight,
different, rhis vear's underdog make a layup. The score was then 47-39. Then the two factors that
would he the Pirate's a- they 3-2. spelled the doom tor American
grounded the igh-flying thud East Carolina would stretch tookover,foulsand Blue Edwards.
ranked Eagles of American. East its lead to as many as six in the first Edwards would park the
Carolina won its first round game half. The final timebeingat7:01 in Pirates on another charge. Behind
handily, 76-58. the first halt. Edwards would eight points h Edwards, ECl
The h - ' - pla er-of- the connect on a driving layup to put went on a 10-3 run tit open up a 1 5
vear Bhu Ed ;ards ihowed e the Pirates up 21-15. point lead. The spurt put the Pi-
i rvone in Hampton he deserved The Eagles would fight hack rates up 57-42 with 6:49 remain-
th'e I n :� '� ' .ved upon him to tie theballgameat 27 following ing in the game.
Ed irds '� : points and. a turnaround jumper by Daryl American would draw to
� ibhod a nine re Holmes. But behind the strone within nine with just over five
it Uid lh
plav ot Lose and Edwards, EC L minutes to play, but fouls and the
would carry a 31-30 lead into the Pirates hot shooting would be just
C the p
Pirates lose
and ke�
icton u : thi intermission. too much for the Eagles.
ECU never trailed in the first Over the last five minutes ol
i to kt the floor halt and was lead by hose's 10 the game, four of Americans start-
1 urple amidst points. Edwards chipped in with trs and one key reserve would
m large nine, as Pirate tans smclled an foul out and the Pirates would
� ��: Pirates up�,et connect on 13-22 tree throws to ice
fans a lot to cheer n, chances of that upset the upset victory. ECU won going
ook charge from happening became greater as the away 76-58.
Piral � � I the second half with Following the win, junior
lie tip and went thesan J minance they showed Reed Lose summed up how he
irk. The Pirates tirbt half. ECU jumped out and his teammates felt about the
on a 12-4 run earlv to push their victory. "We didn't want to lose
lead to II Stanley hove led the our first game. We weren't ready
t) 20 home et hose said.
in w ould re
i on inued from page 10
� .v but the I adv Pirates.
had lose meetings with
irl : in the season, were
I tei mini n I to make it an eas
� rvl � �' id Dukes.
Vt I 22 irk IMl !� d 5A
I N . i tl I : rates began
itt! Ml lead
Savaj i I a ouick h k
� u . la . p to ut tl i M1
6:50 rem lining
I mate) up.
iccessfullv tun I
. I �
.� h �pes
mi s Madison s I aula
lei ir free throw
,c die Lad
11 : re Gretta
for a la up t � � i J
rn 1 tin game,71-
���� :
Will u mdS irah( ra I
; : : . ' points rest
ECl Softball
Conti ' om page 10
East Carolina Playhouse
e a i t
MARCH 15, 16, 17 & 18
McGinms Theatre - 8:15 p.m.
�General Public $5.00 - ECU Students' $3 CO
CALL: 757-6829

ida I tal
�: : the lai
i r k i i . .
. � �
. . . rd t a
Put your education to work�become a
Lawyer's Assistant
The Career for the 90's"
at The National Center for Paralegal Training
� Olde&t and UrgcM graduate level ABA approved
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states have hired our graduates
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Meet with our representative
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m.i Hciirarer Rd St Mlinu GA 50526
800-223-2618 mceonju call404-266-1060 send me information about a career as a la�cr s Assistant
d dress�
( u stale.Zip
( liege . Yr (.rad
Plume I)V L
Saturday, March 18, 1989
at Holidome
702 S. Memorial Drive
With SRA Card
Single $5.00
Couples $8.00
Single $8.00
Couples $12.00
Tickets available in all Residence Halls and in front of
Student Store
LIVE Entertainment
from "The Vacationing Firemen"
Ail iW, you start at the top and our nurses how much we value them. Ai
new lini al ladder keeps you there. C JW, nurses are an essential part
As a new graduate you will auto- every team and enjoy an ex, client
maticaily advance up the ladder working relationship with the med-
during your first 18 months ol em- teal staff.
ployment. Even six months you rake The advantages of working atM
another stepuptn salary and tespon- don't stop there. Wfrelocared right in
sibility. the heart ot our nation's ca
C i has excellent tuition benefits ExdtingGeoigcfirjwn(wkhitsbea it
tor employees, spouses and depen ml stores) and a variety of peiformtng
dent i hildren. The Department ot arts are right on our dborstep. We re
Nursing also offers tuition support for located at the Foggy BottomA I
BSN and MSN programs at certain metro tor eas access to the city and
surrounding suburbs.
To find out more al
graduates taking state board B�A 1 joining u at GW stop bv.
These arc just s� �me ol the
in whu h we show our
write or call Jeanne Bal
Nurse Recruiter, Local: 4-
4485 or 1-800-54 3-042 3.
Bringing the best minds to medicine
�lr- 'till! ���'
Student Union
Coming Attractions
.� � �

MARCH 14,1989
Pirates soar past Eagles in C A As
AsiL Sports Writer
Postseason tournaments usu-
ally have a "Cinderella" team and
this year's Colonial Athletic Asso-
ciation tournament would be no
different. This year's underdog make a layup. The score was then
by hitting a 12-foot jumper. This run connecting on two jump shots
would be a lead that the Pirates and a driving layup with 15:07
would never lose. remaining in the game. The Pi-
The Pirates would stretch their rates held a comfortable 43-34 lead.
lead to 5-0 before American could American fought back and
ever record its first score. At 17:29 made the game close. Following a
in the first half, the Eagles would Brock Workman layup, the Eagles
finally score as Ron Draper would had cut the Pirate lead to just eight,
47-39. Then the two factors that
East Carolina Playhouse
would be the Pirate's as they 5-2. spelled the doom for American
grounded the high-flying, third East Carolina would stretch tookover,foulsand Blue Edwards,
ranked Eagles of American. East its lead to as many as six in the first Edwards would spark the
Carolina won its first round game half. The final time being at 7:01 in Pirates on another charge. Behind
handily, 76-58. the first half. Edwards would eight points by Edwards, ECU
The 1989 CAA player-of-the- connect on a driving layup to put went on a 10-3 run to open up a 15
year, Blue Edwards, snowed ev- the Pirates up 21-15. point lead. The spurt put the Pi-
eryone in Hampton he deserved The Eagles would fight back rates up 57-42 with 6:49 remain-
the honors bestowed upon him. to tic the ballgame at 27 following ing in the game.
Edwards tallied 28 points and a turnaround jumper by Daryl American would draw to
grabbed a team-high nine re- Holmes. But behind the strong within nine with just over five
bounds. But it would be the play play of Lose and Edwards, ECU minutes to play, but fouls and the
of Stanley Love and Reed Lose would carry a 31-30 lead into the Pirates hot shooting would be just
that would ice the victory for the intermission. too much for the Eagles.
Pirates. ECU never trailed in the first Over the last five minutes of
EastCarolina took to the floor, half and was lead by Lose's 10 the game, four of Americans start-
wearing their road purple, amidst points. Edwards chipped in with crs and one key reserve would
a standing ovation from a large nine, as Pirate fans smclled an foul out and the Pirates would
Pirate crowd. And the Pirates Upset. connect on 15-22 free throws to ice
would give their fans a lot to cheer The chances of that upset the upset victory. ECU won going
about as they took charge from happening became greater as the away 76-58.
the opening tip. Pirates stated the second half with Following the win, junior
ECU won the tip and went the same dominance they showed Rood Lose summed up how he
straight to work. The Pirates m the first half. ECU jumped out and his teammates felt about the
would work the ball to Edwards on a 2i run earlv to push their victory. "We didn't want to lose
and their big gun would respond ca& to . Stanley Love led the our first game. We weren't ready
. i to go home yet Lose said.
Pirates lose
Con'inued from page 10
from ECU, but the Lady Pirates,
who had two close meetings with
JMU earlier in the season, were
determined not to make it an easy
victorv for the Lady Dukes.
At the 9:22 mark, JMU led 54-
42 as the Lady Pirates began whit-
tling away at the JMU lead.
Savage scored a quick hook
shot and a layup to cut the JMU
lead to seven with 6:50 remaining
in the semi-final match-up.
Williams successfully turned
a steal into a layup to close the
lead to 61-56 with 3:39 remaining
and keep the Lady Pirates' hopes
James Madison's Paula
Schuler sank four free throws in
the final minute to give the Lady
Dukes a 71-61 lead before Gretta
Savage went in for a layup to end
the ECU scoring a nd the game, 71 -
Savage finished with 26
points, tying her career-high while
added 13 and 11 points respec-
ECU Softball
Continued from page 10
moves to 2-0. The leading Pirate
hitters were Tonker 2-2 with one
RBI and Welter 3-4, the final score
was 5-2.
The final gameof Spring Break
was against the rival Tar Heels.
Again the Pirates jumped out in
front of their opponent by scoring
four runs in the first inning.
Crowder and Byrne both
singled. Ford got on base with a
walk to load the bases. Tonker
and Kee both singled to drive the
runs in.
The Lady Pirates had a total of
ten hits and 5 errors.
The Pirates lost to the Tar
Hcelsbya scoreof4-5. Larkin was
the losing pitcher holding the Tar
Heels to four hits. Her record falls
to 1-3. Leading hitters for the Pi-
rates were Crowder 3-4, and
Tonker 3-3 with 2 RBl's.
McGinnis Theatre
General Public: $5.00 - B
CALL: 757-
Put your education to w
Lawyer's Assiaouu
"The Career for the 90's
at The National Center for Paralegal Training
� Oldest and largest graduate level ABA-approved
program in the Southeast
� Employment assistance� over 1,000 employers in J8
states have hired our graduates
� 3 month day program with housing available
� 7 month evening program
� Diversified Curriculum�specialize in Litigation.
Corporations, or Real Estate and Probate�including
"Computers in the Practice of Law"
Meet with our representative
Monday, March 20,9:00 - 4:00
at the College Placement Office
The National Center for Paralegal Training
MM PtKturtc M NE Ailano. GA J0326
800-223-2618 In Georgia call 404-266�tt60
Please send me information about a career as a Lawyer's Assistant
Phone DAY L
Yr Grad
Saturday, March 18, 1989
at Holidome
702 S. Memorial Drive
With SRA Card
Single $5.00
Couples $8.00
Single $8.00
Couples $12.00
Tickets available in all Residence Halls and in front of
Student Store
LIVE Entertainment
from 'The Vacationing Firemen"
At GW, you start at the top and our nurses how much we value them. At
new clinical ladder keeps you there. GW, nurses are an essential part of
As a new graduate you will auto- every team and enjoy an excellent
matically advance up the ladder working relationship with the med-
during your first 18 months of em- ical staff.
ployment. Every six months you take
another stepup in salary and respon-
GW has excellent tuition benefits
The advantages of working at GW
don't stop there. Wre located right in
the heart of our nation's capital.
Exciting Georgetown (with itsbeauti-
for employees, spouses and depen- ful stores) and a variety of performing
dent children. The Department of arts are right on our doorstep. We're
Nursing also offers tuition support for located at the Foggy BottomGWU
BSN and MSN programs at certain metro for easy access to the city and
area universities and free
preparation courses for new
graduates taking state board
These are just some of the
ways in which we show our
surrounding suburbs.
lb find out more about
joining us at GW stop by,
write or call Jeanne Bahm,
Nurse Recruiter, Local: 994-
4485 or 1-800-543-0423.
Bringing the best minds to medicine
An equal opportunity employer
Student Union
� Attractions

The East Carolinian, March 14, 1989
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 14, 1989
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