The East Carolinian, November 22, 1988

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'?'0????? ?????????????????????????? ? 4
FishboTtf rips the Attic in a Friday night performance.
Also "Moon lor the Misbegotten' gets two thumbs
Up lor a play with intensity, see page 8,
The Pirates and Art Baker close the season on a win-
ning note as they defeat Cincinnati 49-14. Swimmer
Meredith Bridgers qualifies for NCAA championship
meetsee page 10;
She iEaat Carolinian
Vol.63 No. 37
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Tuesday November 22,1988
Greenville, NC
12 Pages
Circulation 12,000
A question of pluses and minuses
Grade policy change possible
Newt Editor
A new grading policy for
undergraduate study, which uses
pluses () and minuses (-) may be more than 4.0. The point was also
raised that if a student recieved
before the panel. Two questions
that were repeatedly asked were
whether or not to have A's and
Ds and if the grade of A could
be achieved, would the value be
instituted at ECU as early as next
The svstem, still in the fact
finder stages, would be used to
make the grading system more
"We want the grades re-
straight A's would the overall be
higher than 4.0.
Erwin Hester from the Eng-
lish Department said the grading
systems at Applachain State Uni-
versity and the University of
corded more accurately to reflect North Carolina at Chapel Hill
could be used as models for refer-
The Registrar Gilbert Moore
said North Carolina State Univer-
sity and the University of South
Carolina adopted the policies and
the overall grade point averages
at each school dropped consid-
the caliber of work the student
does said Dr. Ronald Hoag of
the English Department.
The new policy has been
endorsed by the following de-
partments: English, sociology
and anthropology, music, home
economics, health sciences, for-
eign languagues, speech, lan-
guage and auditory pathology
'The grades at State dropped
The panel, made up of profes- to tne point where thev (the uni-
sors from several departments, versitv) dropped the whole policy
held an open meeting Thursday and wcnt back to the original
to discuss the pro's and con's of policv. At USC thev had the same
possibly implementing the new problem so they' dropped the
system. minus (-) and began using the
Because the idea is still under pius () 0nlv Moore said,
scrutiny, the committee has not He added ECU is reviewing
decided the value of a plus () or thc policies of the University of
minus (-). A suggestion was to Virginia, USC, UNC-CH and
have a B- valued at 3.0, a regular B Dukc and considering their for-
worth 3.25 and a B at 35TflP mat. b
ter- In opposition to the proposal,
Several questions from stu- Leona Holder, an honor student,
dents and faculty were brought the now svstCm
adopted, the committee should
look at the individual grading
scales of the teachers, "I feel
implementing a new grading
would make honor students hesi-
tant and maybe even deter stu-
dents from taking honors classes
because an A- is not the same
thing as an A which is not the
same thing as an A
She also made the point that
grades of non-honors students,
who were marginal, would suffer
because of the minus system.
"The fairness issue is the most
important thing at stake here
said Dr. Gay Wilentz an English
professor. "It's only fair, you re-
cieve the grade you earn
Dr. Tinsley Yarbrough, a po-
litical science professor, said with
the new grading system, ECU's
credibility as an academic institu-
tion would be raised and the de-
greediploma would be worth
"This move to a new grading
system would benefit you (the
student) in that your work will be
more precisely evaluated
Yarbrough said.
Hoag also added with the
new system the degree will be
worth more in the long run be-
cause ECU will havea system that
fights grade inflation.
The Faculty Senate will have
the final vote on the issue.
A costly session for the SGA,
appropriations exceed $3,000
Greeks. All proceeds will go to the printing and binding and adVer-
StaH Writer
In its weekly session Mon-
day, the SGA appropriated a total
of $3,508 to these campus organi-
zations: Alpha Phi Omega, Mi-
nority Student Organization
(MSO), Pi Omega Phi and the
ECU Flag Football Team.
The meeting began with an
appropriation to the Alpha Phi
Omega fraternity
Lung Association. Expected reve-
nues for these two drives are
$10,000-40,000 for the run and ap-
proximately $300-400 for the chal-
In affirmative debate on the
issue, Chairperson of the Appro-
priations Susan Cooperman said,
'They arc a highly respected
TheMSOwasalotted$840. A
portion would go to the guest
speakers and the remaining
amout to be used for operating
The MSO debate opened
with Ms. Cooperman saying,
MSO members feel that they are
group that raises a lot of money an umbrella organization for all
for worthy causes. They are hav-
ing two d rives this spring and we
This is a service fraternity shou,d support them
with 40 active members and 19
pledges. They are members of a
national organization that consist
of 350 chartered schools. It is the
nation's largest campus organiza-
The primary function of the
organization is to raise money for
worthy causes. This spring's fund
raising drives include a 24 hour
The $1000 appropriation was
passed by a unanamious vote.
In old business, the legisla-
ture made contributions to the
MSO, the ECU Pi Omega Phi club
and the ECU Flag Football team.
minorities. They have raised
some money and we feel that $840
should be enough
A legislator asked that the bill
be postponed until next week, but
the request failed. The bill passed
by unanamious decision.
The next order of business
was an appropriation to the Pi
run for cancer and a challenge money was to go towards miscel
between young children and laneous items i.e office supplies,
The MSO originally asked for Omega Phi organization, a stu
$14,000. The bulk of the request, jent business group that com-
$8,600, was to go towards guest petes nationally for recognition of
speakers. The other portion of the tne business department.
See MONEY, page 2
Two students enjoy the Indian summer Greenville continues to experience (Photo by Mark
Love, ECU Photolab).
Sisters Kelly Martin, Meagan Keane and Kay Harris get a bird's-eye view from the top of the
A D Pi house Thursday night (Photo by Mark Love, ECU Photolab).
Med school nationally ranked
by Journal of Family Medicine
ECU News Bureau
East Carolina University
School of Medicine ranked fourth
nationally in the percentage of its
medical students who chose fam-
ily medicine as a specialty, ac-
cording to a survey of residency
choices for the Class of 1987.
The study, carried in the Sep-
temberOctober issue of the Jour-
nal of Familv Medicine, examined
the medical specialty choices of
15,872 physicians who entered
their first year of residency train-
ing in the 1987-88 academic year.
Most of the physicians graduated
from medical schools in the
spring of 1987. Nationally, about
12 percent of the graduates chose
to specialize in family medicine.
At ECU, 21 of 67 graduates, or 31
percent, opted for family medi-
That figure positioned ECU
behind only three of the other 125
medical schools in the country.
Oral Roberts University placed
43.5 percent of its graduates in
family medicine programs;
Southern Illinois University, 433
percent; and Wright State Univer-
sity in Dayton, Ohio, 33 percent.
Dr. Rafael C. Sanchez, vice
chairman of the ECU Department
of Family Medicine, described
ECU's performance as "a notable
"It SpeatSWen on behalf of
our school fulfilling its mission
for the training of family doctors
said Sanchez.
As a rule, about 25 percent of
ECU medical graduates go on to
residencies in family medicine
each year - double the national
None of the top four schools
produced as many family doctors
as the University of Minnesota,
which sent 68 graduates into
family medicine. But they repre-
sented only about 25 percent of
the school's 266-member class.
Hardline taken by Atwater
President-elect George Bush
chose Lee Atwater to pilot the
Republican Party into the 1990s, it
was a warning and an opportu-
nity for the Democrats.
Atwater is the nation's lead-
ing practitioner of the "politics
ain't bcanbag" school of cam-
paigning, the man who made
rapist Willie Horton a household
name and turned the Pledge of
Allegiance into an attack on Mi-
chael Dukakis.
There was nothing pretty or
ennobling about the strategy
Atwater pursued as manager of
thc Bush presidential campaign.
But it worked and his candi-
date carried 40 states and will
become the 41st president of the
United States on Jan. 20.
Dukakis and his handlers
consistently underestimated
Atwater and his tactics.
In the euphoric spring and
summer days when the Massa-
chusetts governor had double-
digit leads in every poll, Demo-
crats generally shrugged off the
attacks on the Massachusetts
prison furlough program and the
questions raised about Dukakis'
veto of legislation to require pub-
lic school teachers to lead the
Pledge of Allegiance.
They were wrong. Atwater
had a far better understanding of
Dukakis' vulnerabilities than did
the Democrats.
From the initial reaction of
Democratic state party leaders,
they don't intend to make the
mistake of underestimating the
young political tactician from
South Carolina.
"We're ready to take on Lee
Atwater and those who create a
pit bull style of politics said Rick
Wiener, chairman of the Michi-
gan Democratic Party.
"I don't intend to get out-
muscled said Bob blagle, the
Texas Democratic Party Chair-
man. "1 don't intend to let them
okav that kind of game with us
and win it
The Democrats were sending
a clear message: We can get just as
tough and negative as Atwater.
They also were jumping at an
opportunity to make Atwater
himself a political issue.
Democratic Party chairman
Paul G. Kirk Jr. was asked if he
looked forward to working with
Atwater, the way he had often
cooperated with current GOP
chairman Frank Fahrenkopf.
"I want to be fair to Lee Atwa-
ter, if that's not being too naive
he said. "I don't want Lee Atwa-
ter setting the tone for politics in
the 1980s and 1990s - at least from
what I've seen in the most recent
Democrats look ahead to '92
PHOENIX (AP)? After their
first post-election meeting, the
Democrats are determined to
avoid wholeshale revisions of
their rules but are ready to con-
sider major changes in the presi-
dential primary and caucus calen-
The 1992 presidential cam-
paign may see a drastically al-
tered Super Tuesday and find
Iowa and New Hampshire de-
prived of their first-in-the-nation
"Everybody thinks the thing
ought to be shortened said
Texas Democratic Party chairman
Bob Staple, echoing a sentiment
expressed by several of his col-
"I'm going to tell you.
Everybody's tired of rules
changes said Slaple. "And I
think the average Democrat
thinks we're absolutely insane if
we get into another big battle
about rules.
"They want us to worry about
how we're going to win elec-
tions SamGoddard, the Arizona
Chairman, speaking for the West-
ern states said. "We are concerned
in our region about the timing and
sequence of the presidential pri-
maries and caucuses
One idea that got a lot of fa-
vorable attention at the meeting of
the Association of State Demo-
cratic Chairs was to hold a lottery
to determine which states would
lead off the process.
While not endorsing the pro-
posal, national party chairman
Paul G. Kirk Jr. called it an idea
worth considering.

Drug tests will be on the increase
federal employee drug-testing
program instituted by President
Reagan will quadruple in size
next vear unless stopped in its
tracks by legal challenges.
An estimated 50,000employ-
ees were tested this vear, mainly
law enforcement officers, trans-
portation inspectors and civilians
working for the military.
But the program is expected
to test some 21X1000 members of
the 3.1 million federal work force
in 1 S, according to the National
Institute of Drug Abuse.
About 150,000 to 170,000 of
those will be tested at random and
come from a pool of some 500,000
workers in postions deemed sen-
sitive by their agency chiefs.
The remainder will be tested
after accidents or when supervi-
sors believe there is reasonable
suspicion of drug use.
Those figures do not include
infold numbers of federal job
applicants who will be tested if
applying for sensitive positions,
nor do they reflect the Transporta-
tion Department's far-reaching
requirement to test nearly four
million private sector transporta-
tion workers from truckers to air-
line pilots. That program would
begin late next year for businesses
employing more than 50 workers.
Those with fewer than 50 would
have two years to get ready for
Most suits against testing,
many filed bv unions, are in fed-
eral district or appeals courts.
Only two have been argued be-
fore the Supreme Court, but nei-
ther involves the random testing
that has been challenged as an
intrusive, uncontitutional search.
all of the her one (the 42 largest)
agencies, the largest chunk of the
work force, will have their pro-
grams up and running said Dr.
Michael Walsh, director of the
National Institute of Drug
Abuse's Office of Workplace Ini-
tiatives. The office coordinates
and approves federal testing
The testing program has its
orgin in a Sept. 15,1986, presiden-
tial order directing that federal
workplaces be drug-free. Besides
testing, other components in
dude training supervisors to rec-
ognize symptonms of drug abuse
among employees, and counsel-
ing programs at federal agencies.
The counseling is mandatory
for those who test positive. Work-
ers can also make voluntary use of
the programs, as can members of
their families.
Once entering the counseling
program after a positive test, most
workers will suffer no discipli-
nary action if follow-up tests
show they refrained from drug
'The purpose is to get a per-
son back on the job Walsh said,
but he cautioned that workers can
be disciplined at the discretion of
their agencies for continued drug
In the most sensitive law en-
forcement and national security
jobs, worker can be fired the first
time drug abuse is discovered,
Walsh said.
The pr ogra m ha s held u p wel 1
so far in court decisions.
One suit challenged Reagan's
1986 executive order as unconsti-
tutional, but a Iouisiana judge
dismissed the action.
"By the first of the year most A federal judge in the District
Money is the issue
on SGA calendar
Continued from page 1
Dillon Kalkhurst said. "This
s ?i business organization that is
nrrenth competing against
'fe&Z4 State tor national honors.
rhey have already beaten State,
NC and I Kike and I feel that this
would bring some prestige to our
school. 1 hope that we pass the leg-
The amount of $1,028 was
alotted and will be used for the
group's trip to the national com-
petition against Arizona State.
The last order of old business
was a request of $640 for the F.CU
flag football team. This passed bv
a voice vote.
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10th Street Ext. to Riverbluff Rd.
of Columbia held the random
portion of the Army's civilian
testing program unconstitu-
tional. But the U.S. Court of Ap-
peals in Washington invalidated
the decision pending appeal, and
the Army continued testing.
The Transportation
Department's internal testing
program was upheld by a federal
judge in Washington, including
after-accident testing challenged
by air traffic controllers.
In a California case, however,
a federal ujdge stopped the Bu-
reau of Prisons from testing any-
oneexcept applicants for employ-
justice Department employ-
ees in Washington sued their own
agency to stop random testing,
and won an injuction in district
court. Arguments are set for Dec.
15 before the U.S. Court of Ap-
There has been no decision in
a suit challenging testing in the
Veterans Administration.
The Customs Service requires
tests for anyone applying for a
promotion or transfer to a job
nvolving drug enforcement.
That program was upheld by the
5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Random testing is "obviously
a violation of individual privacy
and the Constitution, because of
its provisoions against unreason-
able search and seizure
2616 E. 10th St.
Greenville. N
10 a.m4 p.m.
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ministrj kruptcy ti
tee-says ho never expected
Bakker to succeed in buying U
the ministry, hut ma, he wan
to gjve Bakker an opportunity
"stow his ft hathetH
was The Char ??, v C
smw newspaper, dtodl
"v1 "ki m outhH
for the paper several hid
ther little-known gr
never materialized, incl
he said, thai "wasn
paper it was wrm
called Bakker th. ?
purchase the minisl
said he never b
"I wan : Mim
opportunity to hang run
how hisl
he truly wa
Bakki r
couldn ? ,
posed over - i
Also, Thoi
mer FBI agent
to investigate all bid
newspaper that inl
several PTL bids has ;rnt
r to the FBI and.
Since Ma) a vari
have attempted to pur
! ; hundred i
oped property, satellite t J
net work and Heritaj
park of tin-Fort M
But sine April, Be;
v tour bidders have ha
financial r.
N.C. may lose
$100 million if
buyout happens
a buyout group borrows en
money to buy RIR Bab
the new owner could havl
enough deductions to free it ii
federal and state corporate"
me taxes officials sav
That could mean the i
more than $100 million a
state taxes, but state ofl
there is little they can do abo
"it it happens we 1! just ha:
to live with it said Williai
Baker assistant dire ? -
corporate tax di
partment of Rever
corporation has tv
can raise additional manc It cai
ssue more stock or it cai
debt through bonds
and bonds are not treated eq
tor tax purposes
A corporation pays
holders in dividends. It pays
bondholders in inter
ments. At the er,d ol th
corporation can deduct
est payments form its fed i
come tax. It cannot dedu I
dend payments Tin -
purposes, debt is better thai
And in a leveragi
debt is king
For example assume th
Ross ohnson, Kholberg Kravi;
Roberts i Co or someone
borrows 521 billion to buy K
Nabisco The company ahead
has about $5 billion in debt S
new company would owe $
RJR Nabisco makes al
$2.6 billion a year in profits1
taxes and interest All of that
protu could he deducted as inter
est payment on the $26 b
worth of bonds
So the new company shot
no profit and no profit means no I
federal income tax For as long as I
it takes the new compam to pa
off its debt, the deductions will
And. under North Carolina
Law. if the federal government is
due no income tax torm RIR Na
bisco, the state is also due none
"It's a subsidy, vou might
sav said Baker.
The state cannot legally sa
how much RJR Nabisco pays in
state taxes each year. But it is
known that the company is one of
the five largest corporate taxpay-
ers in North Carolina. And a for
mer RJR Nabisco executive told
The Winston-Salem Journal the
company's state income tax bill
has been well more above $100
million in recent years.
The state could change the tax
code to eliminate the "subsidy" in
future years

t ??
?S4 75
4 55
S4 50
4 50
S4 4
54 43
54 40
54 40
54 55
54 55
$4 20
a ay
coiate or
Ring Donuts
$10.00 worth of
elected grocery,
aids, general
NOVEMBER 22, 1988 3
B akker had a chance to buy PTL
PTL ministry's bankruptcy trus-
tee says he never expected Jim
Bakker to succeed in buying back
the ministry, but that he wanted
to give Bakker an opportunity to
" show his followers what he truly
was The Charlotte (N.C.) Ob-
server newspaper reported today.
M.C "Red" Benton outlined
for the paper several bids from
other little-known groups that
never materialized, including one
he said, that "wasn't worth the
paper it was written on
And although he at one point
called Bakker the top contender to
purchase the ministry, Benton
said he never believed in Bakker's
"1 wanted to give him an
opportunity to hang himself and
to show his followers really what
he truly was Benton said.
Bakker's bid fell apart when
he couldn't prove that his sup-
posed overseas backers existed.
Also, Thomas Brereton ,a for-
mer FBI agent hired in September
to investigate all bids, told the
newspaper that information on
several PTL bids has been turned
over to the FBI and other law en-
forcement agencies. The
newspaper's story did not elabo-
Since May a variety of suitors
have attempted to purchase the
1,700 hundred acres of undevel-
oped property, satellite television
networkand Heritage USA theme
park of the Fort Mill-based minis-
But since April, Benton said,
onlv four bidders have had the
financial resources required:
Charlotte businessman George
Shinn; a group of Washington and
New York investors called Capi-
tal Management Associates; real
estate executive Peter Thomas of
Vancouver; and Toronto investor
Stephen Mernick.
Only Thomas, who bid $70
million in cash, and Mernick, who
offered a financed bid of $115
million, remain in the picture, al-
though U.S. Bankruptcy judge
Rufus Reynolds rejected the
terms of both men's offers during
an auction last week. Reynolds
has set another auction for Dec.
12. Proceeds will go to satisfy the
ministry's debts, which could
exceed $130 million.
In the past three weeks,
groups called Holy Celebration,
Rhapsody of Freedom, Juris
Christian Association, Lcxalt Uni-
versity and BLW Enterprises have
said they are readv to pay more
than $100 million for PTL.
But none could show Benton
on Thursday the $1 million in fi-
nancing. Reynolds last week said
any newcomers in the bidding
must prove they have.
One unsuccessful bidder was
Jerry Sinclair, with a gTOup called
Restored Partners and a former
guest on Bakker's old "PTL Club"
TV show.
"He showed us a loan he
professed to be $150 million
Benton said, "but it turned out to
be only that he had made applica-
tion for a loan from some financial
institution, and the application
hadn't even been considered
Restored Partners was
Sinclair's second attempt at PTL
bidding. In September, he was a
key player in Bakker's much-pub-
licized $77 million bid. The
money supposedly was to come
from unidentified overseas inves-
Bakker's attorney, Jim Toms
of Hendersonville, said Sinclair
told Bakker a man named Louis
Pihakis of Pensacola, Ha could
arrange such a loan.
Then Charlotte television sta-
tion WBTV reported that Pihakis
had served three prison terms on
various fraud charges. Pihakis's
specialty: collecting fees for ar-
ranging large loans that never
Here is a summary from Ben-
ton of some other bids:
- American Mortgage and
Guaranty Co. of Brecksville,
Ohio. In June, it offered $170 mil-
lion and promised to deposit $500
million more in New York banks.
Benton said: "I think they
thought they had some overseas
money lined up, but they never
did produce anything
- B.B. Graham, Dale Ritter and
others from Oklahoma, who of-
fered $150 million. "Thcv were
chasing money in Sweden and
Japan Benton said, "and every
time they'd call me, they had
signed more papers and were on
the verge of getting it
- Gavin Morehu, a New Zeal-
ander who promised $200 mil-
lion. "I never could take him seri-
ously Benton said. "The first
time I talked to him, he suppos-
edly contacted me from his jet air
plane He said he was going to
fly into Charlotte. But, lo and
behold, he came driving in, say-
ing the airplane needed repairs
- Juris Christian Association,
which offered $114 million. Listed
as its "managing trustee" is Ever-
ett Thorin, who at the time of the
bid was awaiting sentencing on
an unrelated forgery charge. He's
now in the Union County, Ore
Lexail University, whose
$114 million bid was identical to
Juris Christian's. The bidders also
used the same Columbia lawyer,
William Edwards. He has refused
to comment on any connection
between the two bids. A Lexalt
spokesman, the Rev. Edward
Brown of Atlanta, said lcxalt is
not a university but a group a
group of ministers who are teach-
- Holy Celebration, which
offered $115 million. It claimed to
be backed by a wealthy family
trust operated by a woman
named Sandi Kalez of Seattle.
"She presented documents to us
that weren't worth the paper they
were written on Benton said.
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N.C. may lose
$100 million if
buyout happens
a buyout group borrows enough
money to buy RJR Babisco Inc
the new owner could havtr ?"?
enough deductions to free it from ?
federal and state corporate?1
come taxes, officials say.
That could mean the loss of
more than $100 million a year in
state taxes, but state officals say
there is little they can do about the
'if it happens, we'll just have
to live with it said William H.
Baker, assistant director of the
corporate tax division of the N.C.
Department of Revenue.
A corporation has two ways it
can raise additional maney. It can
lbsue more stock or it can go into
debt through bonds. But stocks
and bonds are not treated equally
for tax purposes.
A corporation pays its share-
holders in dividends. It pays its
bondholders in interest pay-
ments. At the end of the year, a
corporation can deduct its inter-
est payments form its federal in-
come tax. It cannot deduct divi-
dend payments. Thus, for tax
purposes, debt is better than eq-
And in a leveraged buyout,
debt is king.
For example, assume that F.
Ross Johnson, Kholberg Kravis
Roberts & Co. or someone else
borrows $21 billion to buy RJR
Nabisco. The company already
has about $5 billion in debt. So the
new company would owe $26
RJR Nabisco makes about
$2.6 billion a year in profits before
taxes and interest. All of that
profit could be deducted as inter-
est payment on the $26 billion
worth of bonds.
So the new company shows
no profit, and no profit means no
federal income tax. For as long as
it takes the new company to pay
off its debt, the deductions will
And, under North Carolina
Law, if the federal government is
due no income tax form RJR Na-
bisco, the state is also due none.
"It's a subsidy, you might
say said Baker.
The state cannot legally say
how much RJR Nabisco pays in
state taxes each year. But it is
known that the company is one of
the five largest corporate taxpay-
ers in North Carolina. And a for-
mer RJR Nabisco executive told
The Winston-Salem Journal the
company's state income tax bill
has been well more above $100
million in recent years.
The state could change the tax
code to eliminate the "subsidy" in
future years.
Read The East

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JAMES F.J. MCKEE, Dir?rafW?rft?f
)oe Harris. Nra.erf.tar
Tim Hampton, mmihi
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Debbie Stevens, &???
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TOM FURR, Grmkhm Maiugrr
Susan Howell, ????. m.?
John W. Medlin, a D??0r
Mac Clark, .????? m
November 22.1988
Page 4
Plus-minus system likely to do more harm than good
As part of its continuing effort to
raise ECU's academic standards and
get the college treated more seri-
ously, the Credits Committee is con-
sidering the inclusion of plusses and
minuses as modifications to the
grades on student grading reports.
Predictably, many students are
against the proposed system. Most
of the plan's critics charge that it will
tend to bring down their grade-
point averages.
This is indeed possible, and in
fact it seems to have happened at
other colleges where such plans
were introduced. At NC State, for
example, the overall grade-point
averages dropped so significantly
that State decided to scrap the pro-
Another school, the University
of South Carolina, experienced a
similar problem and changed the
system to allow the recording of
plusses but not of minuses. Given
that the purpose of the system is to
provide a clearer picture of an
individual's performance, record-
ing the plusses but not the minuses
seems only slightly more sensible
than recording a batter's hits but not
his strikeouts.
It is certainly true that recording
plusses and minuses would give a
clearer picture than not recording
them. But if thafs the point, why not
simply record a student's percent-
age score in each class? After all, that
would be better than bothenv with
the plus and minus nonsense, and it
would be more accurate too.
The plus-minus system really
seems to be a solution looking for a
problem. The accuracy and fairness
of the current grading system is al-
ready questionable, as grades reflect
how well a student performed in
class as opposed to how much the
student learned. Recording pluses
and minuses will probably exacer-
bate this unfairness more often than
relieve it.
The bottom line: o cne has
claimed that the plan is yet in its final
form. It will not be instituted tomor-
row. Regardless, the plus-minus
system, if it is ever introduced, will
likely do more harm than good. Un-
less someone comes up with a bril-
liant modification that would re-
solve its problems, let the plan drop.
Stupeht A Ski MS BY UjITH th? &RAoe op &-
PLO declares liberty
To the editor:
Early last Tuesday an historic
decision was made. The Palestine
Liberation Organization declared
independence in the occupied terri-
tories: the West Bank and the Gaza
strip. The P.L.O. also condemned
and renounced all forms of terrorism
and recognized the right of the state
of Israel to exist.
Certainly, these are major and
truly significant concessions made
by the Palestinian people. However,
this does not solve the Palestinian
problem, yet. So much depends on
the reaction of the world community
and especially Israel.
Ironically, these concessions
come at a time when the Israeli far
conservative and fundarndntalist
movements are on the nse. Hope-
fully, this will not prevent peace from
occurring in the most troubled and
holy parts of this world. Clearly, this
is the most progressive and hopeful
initiative to solving one of the most
brutal and demoralizing conflicts
this generation has seen.
It is also clear that any successful
initiative of such significance must
have the backing of the United States.
Hence, a conscious and decisive ef-
fort has to be undertaken in this coun-
try to ensure the legalization of
peace; legalize peace. Let us not for-
get the ill fortune of the Palestinian
people, and all people of the Middle
Let all people, of all denomina-
tions, of all nationalities, of all politi-
cal persuasions join in the search for
creative, innovative, realistic, and
peaceful solutions and implementa-
tions, thereof, to the Middle East
tragedy. Let us join together in this
effort. In the Palestinian people's
declaration for peaceful self-determi-
nation we have a start!
Anwar El-Jawhari
Graduate student
Terms defined
To the editor:
In the past there has been a grow-
ing confusion over the terms conser-
vative and liberal. To defend the true
meaning and spirit of both of these
terms, they need to be clarified and
evaluated objectively, and in rela-
tionship to American politics.
As I watched the election cover-
age I saw much use of the terms
"conservative" and "liberal with-
out much regard as to what these two
labels were being used to imply. It
was clear from the campaigns that we
must all identify with being liberal or?
conservative, as if these terms
formed some polarity around our
country's politics. But what is "con-
servative" and "liberal and can
they even be compared to each other?
Conservative. This term is a rela-
tive index to the present. In politics it
refers to the idea that the way of life of
the past is adequate and that the
policies of the past can be used to
handle the problems of the present
and future.
An example of conservative
thinking in internal affairs would be
that of moral preservation (i.e. the
country would be better off with
tighter regulatory control in pornog-
raphy, drugs, and other things which
deviate with the moral norms of the
past). The term conservative, in
summation implies acceptance of the
past as an ideal, through continu-
Conservative is also a global
term. It can be used to describe an
entire group of otherwise unrelated
policies, such as foreign affairs poli-
cies regarding the Soviet Union as
necessarily evil and an internal pol-
icy banning pornography on moral
grounds. But it is important to re-
member that the term conservative is
relative, not fixed. What may seem
like drastic change today could easily
be conservative tomorrow.
Liberal. Somehow this term has
been linked to releasing murderers
from prison, abolishing prayer in
school, and communism. ! would
venture to say this isa result of adver-
tising campaigns by the Republican
party. In uth "liberal is a term
which :mp'ies a series of policies in-
trodu-? by the Democratic party
intended to give underprivileged
people 2 fair chance at success, at the
expense of tl -genera!
An example of this would be job
assistance funded by income taxes.
Liberal is not a global word like con-
servative. Liberal' cannot be appliei
to a broad gTOup of policies advocat-
ing change, where conservative
could be applied to a group of poli-
cies advocating continuation.
Liberal is not a term used to de-
scribe change as a whole, but merely
one facet of a possible course of
change. Liberal is very specific and
assumes that all people are basicallv
the same and that the underprivi
leged are so because of their environ-
ment, that if they were given a chance
they could improve their situation
Liberal proposes to give them this
chance in a variety of welfare and job
training programs, as well as bv in
creasing the general availability of
From this I hope it is apparent
why comparing the terms liberal and
conservative is impossible, and that
it is possible to advocate change and
not be a liberal, or to be neither con-
servative or liberal.
Brett Crosslev
Election results show campaign competence
The New Republic
How close does an election have to be before the
loser and his "philosophy" can no longer legiti-
mately be accused of being "outside the main-
stream?" You wouldn't know from the mythology
that surrounds the elections of 1980 and 1984 that
more than two out of five voters chose the Democrat
in each case.
In fact, you would think from all the talk of
Ronald Reagan's "49 state" victory four years ago
that anyone who supported Walter Mondale be-
longs in a museum. The Electoral College system
may or may not performa useful function by turning
close outcomes into definitive results. But it clearly
performs a disservice to honest political discourse
by enlarging the winner's claim to manifest destiny.
Surely, though, Michael Dukakis' very respect-
able 46 percent to 54 percent finish against George
Bush, combined with Democratic successes in Con-
gress, ought to spare us a lot of heavy theorizing
abou t the deeper meaning of his defeat. A loss of this
modest dimension is not the work of grand historical
forces. Destiny doesn't speak in such a demure
A "philosophy" that attracts 23 voters out of 50
may still be a minority taste, but it is more "main-
stream" than the best-selling breakfast cereal or the
year's biggest hit movie. President-elect Bush ought
to keep in mind that almost half his constituents ?
as he himself chose to characterize their vote ?
apparently love the thought of murderers frolicking
in the streets, oppose the Pledge of Allegiance (
the flag itself), want a weak America, and are dying
to pay more taxes. Read their lips.
It is a convention of political commentary that
matters such as the slope of a man's shoulders or the
slickness of his commercials that are of vital impor-
tance up to the moment of the election and irrelevant
immediately afterward. Once the result is known,
the campaign with its uncertainties and its emphasis
on minor matters fades away and inevitability
stakes its retrospective claim. But this is one cam-
paign that did matter, with a final result well within
what might be called the margin of affectability.
Dukakis was right after all. In the end, the elec-
tion was not about idealogy, it was about compe-
tence: If Bush hadn't run a more skilled campaign, he
wouldn't have won.
In the last days before the election, conservatives
began an effort to rewrite history about the nature of
that skilled campaign. The effort took the form of
what lawyers call arguing in the alternative. Bush
apologists say: (a) he didn't fight dirty; (b) American
politics has always been dirty; (c) the Democrats
started it last year.
It's true that liberals ran a cheap campaign last
year against Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork.
But that campaign was, in turn, modeled on tech-
niques developed by conservatives. The origin of
1980s-style slimeball politics was the National Con-
servative Political Action Committee effort that dis-
lodged six liberal senators in 1980.
Like many, I feel I've shouted myself hoarse on
the ridiculous subjects of prison furloughs and the
flag. The successful recipe was to find an obscure
matter, subtly misrepresent it, then declare that the
resulting "issue" actually touches on larger ques-
tions of "values Well, it doesn't. Soon we'll look
back and wonder how on earth we could have
squandered our valuable public disclosure on mat-
ters so irrelevant to our national well-being.
This is not to excuse Dukakis. If Bush's victory
was within his margin of demagoguery, Dukakis'
defeat was within his margin of ineptitude. But
Dukakis was trapped, not so much by George Bush
as by Ronald Reagan. On the most important genu-
ine issues, Reagan has trained the American voters
to be hypocrites. It would take an extraordinary
politician, which Dukakis isn't, to succeed in break-
ing the ground rules Reagan has set. Mondale tried
to break them and failed. Dukakis adhered to them
and almost succeeded.
The obvious example is the deficit. Dukakis diet
his best to persuade voters that our prosperity is
based on a shaky foundation of foreign borrowing.
And ihe voters are persuadable on this point. But
ui; kr the Reagan Rules?which Dukakis obeyed ?
you're not allowed to propose any serious solution,
either raising taxes or cutting expenditures. That
robbed Dukakis of his best issue.
On foreign oolicy, too, Reagan has taught
Americans to believe that "strength" and "tough-
ness" can be had at vv:ually no cost 'n money or int
blood. That mkes it impossible to argue in anyi
particular case (the defense buildup, the contrast
Star Wars) either that the cost must be paid or that '
not worth paying.
When Bush denounced the 'liberal Democratic
grain embargo" that followed the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan, Dukakis couldn't defend even this tinj
sacrifice for a "tough" foreign policy. Under th
Reagan Rules, he had to say lamel v ihat he oppos
the grain embargo as well.
Winning an election under the Reagan Ruk
using the Bush Tactics, is one thing. Governing afU
such a victory is another. Reagan faced a cowe
opposition; Bush faces one that is feisty and resent-
nil. Reagan got the voters addicted to hypocrisy!
Bu?h must try to cure them And he won't havJ
Wulie Horton to kick around anymore. 9

mer Rep. Richardson P
directed the last signifi
ernment inquiry into tj
says he thinks two men I
at President John F. K
Dallas, and he savs it
too late to identity
"I think there wen
men Preyer said in an
published Sunday in tl
boro News & Record
that made me a believj
acoustic study It's hk
pnnt: If you van du
you've got your man
A presidential coj
several congressii
a multitude of mdep
searchers all have I I
the public's cur. I
killed the president.
Conspiracy theoj
implicated everyone
Castro to the KGB tcj
while manv recent
documentaries and bo
fiction and nonfi ?
that Lee Harvey OsJ
alone, a stance taken ri
ren Commission in the
assassination investigi
in 1964.
The House Select
on Assassination, fornj
conducted the last
government inqi
Kennedy's death,
agreed with the Warre
sion findings in 9t
shots fired by Let Han
from the sixth floor o
Book Dep ? wc
killed the president
past Dealy Plaza in D
But the commits
cided that a second
probably tired at Ke:
dci making his dead
of a probabk . . ra
Based largely o
Running a 1
Wc have added irregu
Hwy. 64 Ea j
Bethel and Tarhj
Cone toe N
5X7 CO
wm i each pa:
I v i Nim : M vpirtmr-
I ag? Foe Student Al

NOVEMBER 22,1988 5
OF B -
T?e B
B ?
ma) eem
1 ly could easily
this term has
. murderers
'i prayer in
m I would
sa result of adver-
the Republican
eral is a term
? policies in-
Derru cratic party
ess at the
public. r
1f this would be )ob
imc taxes.
? rd like con-
i applied
- up of poll-
term used to de-
ri whole, but merely
t a possible course of
r specific and
ire basically
id t! underprivi-
.en a chance
their situation.
?i ??? them this
3? welfare and job
rgrams is b in-
rii tbility of
is I hop ? is apparent
s liberal and
l( and that
ite change and
ral, or to be neither con-
Brett Crossley
le is the deficit. Dukakis diet
lters that our prosperity is
ition of foreign borrowing,
luadable on this point. But
which Dukakis obeyed ?
lopose any serious solution,
putting expenditures. That
?st issue.
too, Reagan has taught
Lat "strength" and "tough
pally no cost -n money or irr
ipcss.bic to argue in any
?nse ruildup, the contrast
cost must be paid or that it's
iced the "liberal Democratic
owed the Soviet invasion o
Mildn't defend even this tiny
foreign pc!cy. Under the
say lame! iiat he opposed
under the Reagan Rules,
; one thing ?. overningafte
sr Reagan faced a cowi
ne that is feisty and resent-
?rs addicted to hypocrisy
Ithem And he won't hav
und anymore.
Two shots may have hit Kennedy
mer Rep. Richardson Preyer, who
directed the last significant gov-
ernment inquiry into the matter,
says he thinks two men fired shots
at President John F. Kennedy in
Dallas, and he says it may not be
too late to identify the second
"1 think there were two gun-
men' Preyer said in an interview
published Sunday in the Greens-
boro News & Record. 'The thing
that made me a believer was the
acoustic study. It's like a finger-
print: If you can duplicate it,
you've got your man
A presidential commission,
several congressional panels and
a multitude of independent re-
searchers all have failed to satisfy
the public's curiosity about who
killed the president.
Conspiracy theories have
implicated everyone for Fidel
Castro to the KGB to the mob,
while many recent televsion
documentaries and books? both
fiction and nonfiction? argue
that Lee Harvey Oswald acted
alone, a stance taken by the War-
ren Commission in the first offical
assassination investigation back
in 1964.
The House Select Committee
on Assassination, formed in 1976,
conducted the last significant
government inquiry into
Kennedy's death. The panel
agreed with the Warren Commis-
sion findings in 1964 that two
shots fired by Lee Harvey Oswald
from the sixth floor of the Texas
Book Depository wounded and
killed the president as he rode
past Dealy Plaza in Dallas.
But the committee also de-
cided that a second gunman
probably fired at Kennedy that
day, making his death the result
of a probable conspiracy.
Based largely on acoustic
studies of police radio transmis-
sions at the time of the shooting
and some corroborating witness
testimony, the committee also
decided that a total of four shots
were fired, three by Oswald and a
fourth fired fromthe area of the
"grassy knoll" overlooking the
president's route.
The House Select
Committee's final report vindi-
cated earlier critics of the Warren
Commission who tried to show
that Oswald did not act alone. The
report concluded there probably
was a conspiracy to kill the presi-
But the committee couldn't
determine the nature, scope and
breadth of the conspiracy. And so
it fueled new flames.
During the past 25 years,
hundreds of books and articles
have been written about the con-
spiracy to kill Kennedy.
The conspriacy theorists pro-
pose numerous scenarios on the
conspirators: The Mafia, the CIA,
the CIA acting with anti-Castro
Cubans and mobsters. Castro,
two gunmen, three gunmen.
Oswald and a second assassin on
the "grassy knoll
Preyer, a Democrat who left
Congress in 1980 and teaches at
the University of North Carolina
at Greesboro, said the committee
was able to tie a Mafia figure with
links to Cuba to both Oswald and
Jack Ruby, who shot Oswald two
days after his arrest.
The committee also found
other evidence linking Oswald to
organized crime and to the anti-
Castro Cuban movement, al-
though such evidence did not fig-
ure significantly in the
committtee's final report.
Author David Scheim in his
1988 book "Contract on America:
The Mafia Murder of President
John F. Kennedy" uses such evi-
dence to build an even stronger
case for Oswald's ties to both
This month, Oswald's widow
told the Ladies Home Journal that
her husband was not acting alone
when he killed the president.
Marina Oswald Porter said she
now believes her husband "was
caught between two powers?
organized crime and the govern-
ment Oswald himself told Dal-
las police that he was just a patsy
or fall guy for others.
Later, Ruby would beg Chief
Justice Earl Warren to bring him
to Washington because he
couldn't tell all he knew about the
Furthermore, he says, there is still
no adequate explanation about
why a door was left unlocked
leading to the basement of the
Dallas police station, which Ruby
entered in order to get into posi
tion to shoot Oswald.
Consequently, Preyer be-
lieves there's much more to the
Mafia links with Oswald and
Ruby than the committee might
have considered.
Preyer also belie es it mav be
possible to find out wl io may have
acted with Oswald.
Preyer says new, hard evi-
dence could justify a new con J
gressional investigation. Such a
East Carolina Coins & Pawn
Kennedy murder while remain- probe could rely on an emerging
ing in Dallas, Warren refused. anaytica! tool called prosopogra-
Preyer says that was a "bad Phy or collective biography,
mistake Through use of computers, the
Preyer also finds Ruby's data could be scanned for specific
killing of Oswald inexplicable correlations between individuals
unless it was tied to the Mafia, involved in various assassination
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smoker. Call 830-3819 Ask for Rob. Mike,
Phil or Dork.
FOR RENT: Need 1 non-smoking female
to rent furnished trailer in real nice trailer
park. $150.00month 23 utilities. Call
brick house, near Washington, N.C.
Washerdryer, AC. $165.00 12 utili-
ties. Call 946-4378.
MATE WANTED: To share 2 bdrm 1 1
2 bath mobile home. Fully furnished,
washdryer. $120.00mo 12 util.
Leave message at 830-6908. Upperclass-
man preferred.
for rent & 14 utilities. Kingston Place.
Available December Call 830-6897 ask for
male, upperclass or grad preferred. Non-
smoker, furnished, $110mo. & 12 uhl.
1319 E 10th St. Ask for Kvlc, 830-3871.
bedrooms. Bus service. For more info, call
HUGE 1 BEDROOM: Oi 5 bedroom
house. $120 month. Close to campus. Call
Luke or Christine 830-9315.
room apartment in Tar River Estates.
Washer, dryer hook up, cable TV $370.00
a month. Avbl. Spring Semester. Call 752-
WANTED: Roommate for one bedroom
of a three bedroom duplex. Rent $106.00
month plus 13 utilities and cable 12
mile from campus. Call 830-3904.
ABLE: 5 month lease left. (Jan. - May),
option to renew. For info. 752-7620.
FOR RENT: Room in 3 bd. house on
Meade Street 3 blocks from campus. 1 3
FOR SALE: Refrigerator with cabinet -
$65.00. Call 756-1415.
FOR SALE: 1979 Toyota Corolla. 1 owner.
Good Condition. Call 757-1053.
MOVING SALE: Bernoulli Box 10 10
Megabyte Storage; 13 Chevette AMFM;
'84 Sentra AC, AMFM Cassette; New
Sharp Stereo, etc. Must sell. Call 355-7187
after 5 p.m.
FOR SALE: 20 in. 14 Kt. gold solid rope
chain. Brand new, never worn. Great
Christmas present for that someone spe-
cial at a great price. Call 830 8880 - ask for
FOR SALE: Hewlett Packard HP-12c. Ex-
cellent Condition with instruction man
ual. Accounting majors. . . this is for you.
$50. Call 752-8234.
gressive Solutions, Inc offers high-qual-
ity, inexpensive word processing and
other services for the student. Our high
speed laser printing systems yield the
highest possible quality in the shortest
length of time. Rates start at $2.00 per
page, and include paper and computer-
ized spelling check. We also of fer resume'
production, and other business and pro-
fessional services. Call 757-3111 M-F for
more details!
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services. We also sell
software and computer diskettes. 24
hours in and out. Guaranteed typing on
paper up to 20 hand written pages. SDF
Professional Computer Services, 106 East
5th Street (beside Cubbies) Greenville,
NC. 752-3694.
PARTY: If you're having a party and need
a D.J. for the best music available for par-
ties dance, top 40 ft beach. Call 355-2781,
ask for Morgan.
Desktop Publishing or Word Processing
Rush wbs accepted. Call 752-1933.
Recreation and Parks Department is re-
cruiting for part-time youth basketball
coaches for the winter program Appli
cants must possess some knowledge of
basketball skills and have the ability and
patience to work with youth. Applicants
must be able to coach young people, ages
9-18, in basketball fundamentals. Hours
are from 3 p.m. - 7 p.m Monday thru
Friday, and some night and weekend
coaching. The program will extend from
December 1 to mid-February. Salary rate
is $3.55 to $4.35 per hour. Applications
will be accepted starring October 20.
Contact Ben James at 830-4543.
ESCORT: Energetic person, (MF), to
take sign-ups for our FLORIDA tours. We
furnish all materials for a successful pro-
motion. Good PAY and FUN. Call CAM-
PUS MARKETING at 1 -800-777-2270.
RESORT HOTELS: Cruiselines, Airlines
ft Amusement Parks, NOW accepting ap-
plications for summer jobs, internships
and career positions. For more informa-
tion and an application, write National
Collegiate Recreation Service, PO Box
8074; Hilton Head, S C. 29938
For information about being a Campus
Travel Rep call: 800-826-9100. Ask for
Steve or Janet.
ernment jobs in your area and overseas.
Many immediate openings without wait-
ing list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. Phone call
refundable. 602-838-8885 Ext. J-5285.
HELP WANTED: Professor Ocools is
hiring for wait staff. Come by and apply in
person (No phone calls) on Monday and
Tuesday 2-4 p.m.
Mexico or the Bahamas, call CAMPUS
TOURS, INC. at 305-772-8687.
HELP WANTED: The Waffle House is
now taking applications for all positions,
full and part-time, also management. No
experience necessary, will train Benefits
include pd. vacation after 6 months, cook
incentive bonuses, and medical and den
tal insurance available. Must be depend-
able, honest, and enjoy working with the
public. Apply in person only! 306
Greenville Blvd , M-F, 11 a.m2 p.m.
GRAHAME: Sunday was a yr. since our
first date. That unforgettable day we met
.mil started our friendship. Thank you for
all the great times and the strength to pull
us through the rough ones I thank God
everyday for bringing us together and
tilling our lives with love. I look forward
to many more wonderful years with you,
each dav getting to know you even better
and growing to love you even more
Thank You for coming into my life
CHI-O SISTERS: For all your support
and encouragement - thanks! You're the
greatest - to say the least. White Carnation
I was a blast. Always remember - we love
you guys! ?The Pledges of Chi O.
Ringgold who drives the black Scirocco.
?Definitely Intrigued.
ABLE: Every Tuesday and Thursday at
7:30 p.m. at 2007 Tiffany Dr. in Heritage
Village. Call 355-5164 for details. Hot
Bible! Great Fellowship!
AOPI'S: Congratulations to all the new
officers! Be prepared for an ultimate year
in AOPi
AOPI'S: I lave a relaxing break and a great
PI KAPPA ALPHA: We all had a great
time at the social. Thanks for an awesome
time. ?Love, The Alpha Phi's.
THETA CHI: Hey guys, we'll hiau with
vou anytime! Thanks for a great social ?
I ove, The Alpha Phi's.
ALPHA PHI PLEDGES: Thanks for the
surprise social - everyone did a great job.
You all are an awesome bunch. We love
ya! ?The Sisters.
ALPHA DELTA PI: Wishes everyone a
Happy Thanksgiving!
GREEK GOD. : Alpha Xi Delta would
like to thank all of those who participated
in the Greek God Contest. Congratula-
tions to 2nd runner up John Jordan, 1st
runner up Nevin Burnell and the 1988
Greek God Jeff Emerson.
Delta would like to wish everyone a
1 lappv Thanksgiving Please drive safely.
KA'S: Thanks for a great social We need
to get together again real soon. ?Love,
the AZD's.
KIDNAP VICTIMS: Thanks to all who
participated in the President Kidnapping
tor the American Lung Association. ?
Love, the AZD's.
PI KAPPA ALPHA: Would like to wish
everyone a safe and Happv Thanksgiv-
little sisters. You did a great job. - -Love,
The Brothers.
NOV 29TH & 30TH THE PIKE'S: Go to
Duke Stay tuned for more info
JULIE &. MARY:Chico's was a great idea!
Let's do it again soon! Chadderladder
ALL PHI TAUS: Have a great and safe
Thanksgiving holiday.
SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA: It was a show-
down at the Ho-Down. Upside down in
the chair, hay was thrown everywhere.
The night was a blast and it won't be the
last! Let's do it again soon ?The Phi
PHI TAU: Had a great time at the
Hoedown. It had been too long but the
wait was well worth it ?The Sigmas.
JEFF EMERSON: Congratulations on
winning the AZD Greek God Contest. We
love you. ?The Sigmas.
ONE: Hope you all have a great break. ?
The Sigmas.
GRAPHIC DESIGN: Nov. 28th - Dec
2nd, 1988. Kate Lewis Gallery, Whichard
THE ALPHA PHI'S: Would like to wish
everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
NEED CASH? Have baseball cards? Call
Earlvis, the mad baseball buyer. I pay
damn good money for cards of any year,
any shape, and any condition. If you need
party money, Big E is the one to call. 757-
6366, leave a message
Buy, sell or say hello via The
East Carolinian Classified
Deadlines for Tuesday's
paper is Friday at 4p.m. and
Thursday's paper is Mon-
day at 4p.m.
Your Best Look
Specializing In: MANICURES:
French Manicures?Nail Tips
Overlays Wrapping Acrylics
WrappingFace ft Body Waxing
Facials Deep Pore Cleansing
Acne TreatmentsMuscle Tone
TreatmentsComplete Line Of
Therapeutic Skin Care Products For
Men &Women
355-2969 - For Appointment
314 Plaza Dr Greenville
"Personal and Confidential Care"
FREE Pregnancy
M-F 8:30-4 p.m.
Sat. 10-1 p.m.
Triangle Women's
Health Center
Call for appointment Mori thru S?L Low
Coat Termination to 20 week of pregnancy
PRINCESS: I Love You' We will make it
through our problems. You are the best
anyone could ever want! ?All my Love, J.
a trio! You three are unequalled. Let's
Party again soon! ?The Daddy.
A Beautiful Place to Live
? All New 2 Bedroom
? And Ready To Rent ?
2899 K. 5?hS?rwt
? Ijxjted Near BCU
? Actors From ! iighwjy I'atro! Station
I imrtni offer $27S a month
Contact T. or Tommy William
TSA-7IS or MO-137
Office open-Apt. 8,12-530 p.m
Clean and quiet one bedroom furnished
apartments, energy efficient, free water and
sewer, optional washers, dryers, cable TV
Couples or singles only $205 a month, 6 month
lease. MOBILE HOME RENTALS-couple or
singles Apartment and mobile home in Azalea
Garden near Brook Valley Country Club.
Contact J.T. or Tommy William
? asrcOTS $? ????
7 58-122(00 ?
Christian Fellowship will be held every
Thurs. at 6.00 in the Culture Center. You
are invited to join us.
If you have been awarded college work
study for Fall Semester andor Spring
Semester, you are encouraged to contact
the Co-op office about off-campus place-
ments. Call 757-6979 or come by the GCB,
room 2028.
Something missing in your life? We've
found it and we want to share it with you.
Jenkins Art Auditorium. EVERY Fri.
night at 7.00.
If you are challenged everyday with prob-
lems that you find hard to overcome, join
us for the uncompromised word of God.
Every Fri. night at 7:00 in the Jenkins Art
Cooperative Ed, a free service offered by
the University, is designed to help you
find career-related work experience be-
fore you graduate. We would like to
extend an invitation to all students to at-
tend a Co-op Information Seminar in the
GCB (see schedule below for Nov. semi-
nars) The only bonuses we can offer you
for taking time from your busy schedule
are: ?extra cash to help cover the cost of
college expenses or perhaps to increase
your "fun" budget, 'opportunities to test
a career choice if you have made one or to
explore career options if undecided about
a future career, and a highly "market-
able" degree, which includes a valuable
career-related experience, when you
graduate. Co-op Seminars?Fall, 1988:
Mon Nov. 28, 4 p.m rm. 2006; Thurs
Dec. 1,1 p.m rm. 2010; and Mon Dec. 5,
4 p.m , rm. 2006.
Let the Student Union Travel Committee
take you to a new and exciting place for
Spring Break '89. Shop in the world's
marketplace, plan on eating 5-6 times a
day, dip in the pool, play shuf fleboard, get
a tan, just relax cruise the Bahamas for
5 days4 nights OR if cruising the ocean
blue is not for you, then come with us for
7 days and nights in Cancun, Mexico.
While in Cancun, stay in a hotel that is on
one of Cancun's finest beaches Just relax
and enjoy the sun and beach on this gor-
geous island of paradise. Check out our
affordable prices at Central Ticket Office
at Mendenhall (757-6611).
Stress Mgmt. For Finals: Do you become
increasingly "jittery" as finals approach,
have trouble concentrating while study-
ing, avoid studying or feel like studying
won't help your test performance because
you'll go blank anyway? You're not alone
and there is hope! This workshop will
include relaxation training, getting "psy-
ched up" in a positive way for finals and
strategies of preparation and test taking to
reduce stress. Nov. 30, Dec. 2 and 5, 329
Wright Bldg 3-4 p.m. It is important to
attend all three meetings. We will be prac-
ticing and building relaxation skills.
Group photographs will not be taken after
Dec. 5. If your org. has not had their pic-
ture taken by Dec. 5, they will not appear
in the 1989 BUCCANEER. Call 757-6501
and leave date St time for the photo to be
taken. Please give two days notice for the
There will be another session for students
to have their class pictures taken for the
1989 Buccaneer. If you were turned away,
or did not get the chance to have them
taken last time, you may have them taken
Jan. 23-27, 1989. Come by the Buccaneer
office ft sign up on the sheet posted on the
door. We are located on the 2nd floor of
the Publications Bldg. in front of Joyner
All Past Key Club Members and anyone
else interested are invited to attend the
Circle-K organizational meeting on Nov.
30 at 700 p.m. in room 212 of Mendenhall.
Officers will be elected and the upcoming
ski trip will be discussed. If you were in
Key Club, Keywanettes, Beta Club, Inter-
act, YOU, or Junior Civitans - then this is
the college organization for you. Call 756-
9783 for more info.
Amnesty International usually meets
every 4th Wed. at 8 p.m. at St. Paul's
Episcopal Church, 401 E. 4th St in the
upper floor - enter from the 4th St. en-
trance. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday,
the next meeting will be on Nov. 30.
The School of Education is sponsoring a
workstudy trip to Puebla, Mexico dur-
ing spring break (March 4-12, 1989).
Opportunities are available to observe ed.
in Mexico, teach, and travel. All ed. majors
are invited to participate. Applications
are in the Dean's office, Speight Bldg For
more info contact Marianne Exum at 757-
6271. Application deadline ? Dec. 12.
Get your group photo taken for the Bucca-
neer today. Call 757-6501 tosetupanappt.
The last day to get a picture taken is Dec.
West Area Residence Council Christmas
Dance Dec. 5th 8:00-12:00 midnight at the
Moose Lodge. Tickets on sale Nov. 14th,
15th, 21st ft 22nd in front of Student Store.
$2 w SRA card, $4 wo SRA card. All
campus is welcome.
ECU Joyner Library operating hours dur-
ing the Thanksgiving Holiday season will
be as follows: Wed 1123 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m
Thurs. St Fri 1124 or 1125 - CLOSED;
Sat 1126 - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Normal fall
semester operating hours will resume on
Nov. 27.
Come and enjoy an evening of great enter-
tainment while supporting your favorite
entry in our STAR SEARCH competition.
The excitement begins at 730 p.m. Nov. 22
in room 244 Mendenhall. Admission is $1
at the door.
There will be a meeting on Nov. 28th at
2:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the
Todd Room located in the Brewster Bldg.
Please try to attend this meeting.
Applications are now being accepted for
lifeguard positions with Intramural-Rec-
reational Services during Spring 1989.
Must have current CPR and Advanced
Lifesaving Certification. Average 6-10
hours per week and must be able to work
occasional weekends. Stop by 204 Memo-
rial Gym to complete an application.
Applications are now being accepted for
facility attendant positions with Intramu-
ral-Recreational Services during Spring
1989. Weight training and public relations
experience helpful. Average 6-10 hours
per week and must be able to work occa-
sional weekends. Stop by 204 Memorial
Gym to complete an application.
The National Gamma Beta Phi Honor
Society will hold their last meeting of the
fall semester Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. in Jenkins
Aud. A pizza social will be held after-
wards. Please intend to turn in point
There will be a meeting for all members on
Nov. 28th at 3 p.m. (or when you can
conveniently come) in Mendenhall. We
will be decorating for the Tree Trimming
Party. Please come and help! Thanks.
Tickets for the New York trip over
Thanksgiving are still on sale at the Cen-
tral Ticket Office in Mendenhall. Rush
over and get a ticket for this exciting trip
before the tickets run out. (Only a limited
number left).
"Expressions" would like to thank every-
one that submitted poetry or short stories
for the Dec. issue. Since production has
already begun, we are no longer accepting
entries. The Dec. issue will feature three
sections entitled "Voices "On Campus
and "The Arts So look for it soon.
The Student Union Travel Committee has
scheduled a meeting today at 4:30 p.m.
Please plan to attend! (Group photos for
the yearbook will be taken at 5:00 p.m. at
this meeting). Thanks!
CCF would like to invite you to attend our
Bible Studies every Tues. night at 7:0C
p.m. in Rawl 130. Bring a friend. For more
info call Jim at 752-7199.
Amncstv International will meet Wed
Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. at Saint Paul's Episcopal
Church, 401 E. 4th St. on the upper floor.
Students Welcome
Phi Eta Sigma s last meeting will be on
Nov. 29th. 7.30 p.m. at Western Sizzlen.
All members are invited to attend. Any-
one needing transporation can c na,
Wendy or Dawn.
The ECU student chapter of the Associ-
ated General Ccntractors will hold its 2nd
Annual Contractors Banquet Nov. 30th,
6:30 p.m at the Comfort Inn. This years
speaker will be "Roddy" Jones, Exec. VP
of Davidson & Jones Construction Co.
Other area contractors will also be in at-
tendance. This is an excellent opportunity
to make contacts in the Construction In-
dustry. $10.00 for AGC members, $15.00
for non-members (includes AGC mem-
bership). Pay bv Nov. 28 at CMGT office,
Rawl 325.
This is a unique opportunity to examine a
state institution for persons with mental
retardation. Project InsideOut is an in-
tensive 3 12 day live-in experience de-
signed to expose persons in the held to the
entirety of the facility. It provides an in-
valuable learning experience for students.
This year's project will be held Feb. 1-4,
1989. If you have any questions, please
contact 559-5100.
Interested in exploring new places? Na-
tional Student Exchange provides an ex-
citing opportunity for ECU students to
attend one of over 80 colleges or universi-
ties across the U.S. Live in another part of
the country and experience college life in
a different setting for a semester or a year.
ECU students pay the same tuition and
fees as at ECU, and avoid the red tape
normally associated with transferring to
another institution. For more info, and
applications, contact Stephanie Evancho
or Dr. Maurice Simon, 1002 GCB or call
The Graduate Mgmt. Admission Test
(GMAT) will be offered at ECU on Jan. 28,
1989. Application blanks are to be com-
pleted and mailed to GMAT, Educational
Testing Service, Box 966-R, Princeton, N.J.
08540. Applications must be postmarked
no later than Dec. 26, 1988 Applications
mav be obtained from the ECU Testing
Center, Room-105, Speight Bldg.
The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will be
offered at ECU on Feb. 4, 1989 Applica-
tion blanks are to be completed and
mailed to GRE, Educational Testing Serv-
ice, Box 955, Princeton, N J. 08540. Appli-
cations must be postmarked no later than
Dec. 27, 1988. Applications may be ob-
tained from the ECU Testing Center,
Room-105, Speight Bldg.
There will be an organizational meeting
for anyone interested in joining the outing
club. It will consist of backpacking, camp-
ing, white water rafting, etc. The meeting
is on Nov. 22 at 530 in rm. 105 Memorial
Gym. Any questions, call Meghan 752-
9363 or Robin 758-2051.
The Greenville Choral Society will pres-
ent "A Christmas Celebration" with the
Tar River Orchestra and Chorus on Dec
10 at 8:00 p.m. in Wright Auditorium. Dr
Rhonda Fleming, director of the
Greenville Choral Society has announced
that this concert will be one that the en tin
family will enjoy featuring approximate!)
300 performers. A pre-concert progran
beginning at 730 p.m. will feature tht
Suzuki Violins of Eastern N.C and the
Greenville Suzuki Assoc Joanne Bath, co-
ordinator. The Tar River Orchestra and
Chorus, Heman Murno, will be appear
ing with the Greenville Sodety. tickets
are available from Cha-Rich Music Co.
and Piano and Organ Distributors of
Greenville. Group rates are available. For
?nfo call Stephen Vaughn, 752-6154. This
program is sponsored in part by Carolina
Telephone and Greenville Cable TV.
Private and semi-private Applications
now being accepted for Spring semester.
Male or female. Cost of room for one
semester is (double room) $520.00. Spon-
sored by Wesley FoundationMethodist
Student Center.
( NE W YORK (AP- The slug
fest bidding for giant RJR Nabisoc
Inc. has gone into extra inningsi
with enriched offers from twi
: existing bidders, a separate pro
posal from a new suitor and indii
cations that the multibillion-dol
lar free-for-all may get eve
A special committtee of Ri
Nabisco's board of directors an
nounced the new proposals lal
Sunday and said it was extendinj
the dealine for receiving furtht
offers to buy the food and tobaccj
Not only did the buyout plai
disclosed Sundav t.ip all pr.
bids, which already were in j
unprecedented $20 billion i
but also the committee ind j
every bidder could submit
vised offers, signaling that
hefty bids it had gptt . :j
might not be good enough.
The committee which
overseeing the auction
also has told its own ad
continue exploring "all forms
restuctunng" that could pro
an alternative to the cui
while no assurai
given that anv transa I j
occur, the Special Commit
expressed its belief that that pi
ess which it is overseeinj j
benefit all shareholders
Charles Hupel, RiR Nal
chairman and the hea i
member special comm.
Jostling for approval ?
these proposals:
A$100ashareca?h ai
rities offer valued at al
billion form a group k
Nabisco senior manage n
the investment firms She
Lehman Huttonlnc an -
Brothers Inc. That group j
last month touched ofl the I
battle with a proposed take
MIAMI (Al Tr : i
storm Keith nudged M I
Yucatan Peninsula and b I
Cuba with its 65 mph wind I
I today on a curving track that fj
casters effected ouid hit
ida late in the week.
The late-season Canbl
depression grew into the
tropical storm of the s
Mexico Sunday mom .
forecasters expected it
? hurricane strength as
into the Gulf oi Mexico
At 5 a.m. EST. Keith
tered near latitude 21 4 nortl
gitude 87.0 west, or just nor
Cancun, heading notthwesi
Read The East Carolinian Classified Page

NOVEMBER 22,1988 7
IIL CASH? Have baseball cards? Call
- the mad baseball buyer. I pay
lit good monev tor cards of any year,
shape and any condition If you need
monev Big E is the one to call. 757-
leave 3 message
, sell or say hello via The
i 7 Carolinian Classified
leadlines for Tuesday's
kt is Friday at 4p.m. and
jiuirsday's paper is Mon-
day at 4p.m.
d and Confidential Care'
FREE Pregnancy
M-F 8:30-4 p.m.
Sat. 10-1 p.m.
riangle Women's
Health Center
i . ntmcnt Mon thru SaL Low
aOon 'o 20 vrelu of pregnancy
-a cas' mm -
be offered at ECU on Jan. 28,
W ttan blar.ks are to be com-
.ind mailed to GM AT Educational
ngService Bnx6-R Princeton, N.J.
I Applications must be postmarked
: than Dec. 26. 1988 Applications
?i:ned from the ECU Testing
atei Room-105, Speight Bldg.
rad -i? Record Exam (GRE) will be
fered at ECU on Feb. 4, 1989 Apphca-
ion biank? are to be completed and
ailed to GRE, Educational Testing Serv-
er Bo -ceton, N.J 08540. Appli-
postmarked no later than
ec 27, 198 Applications mav be ob-
ained from the ECU Testing Center,
Speight Bldg.
1 ere will be an organizational meeting
lor anyone interested in joining the outing
tub It will consist of backpacking camp-
er g, white water rafting etc The meeting
Is on Sov 22 at 530 in rm. 105 Memorial
n Anv questions, call Meghan 752-
Robin 758-2051.
ne Greenville Choral Society Kill pres-
ent "A Christmas Celebration" with the
Tar River Orchestra and Chorus on Dec
at i '10 p m in Wright Auditorium Dr
londa Fleming, director of the
reenvilk Choral Society has announced
that this concert will be one that the entire
tamilv will enjoy featuring approximate!)
loo performers A pre-concert prograrr
beginning at 730 p.m. will feature tht
uuki Violins of Eastern N.C and the
ircen ville Suzuki Assoc, Joanne Bath, co-
ordinator The Tar River Orchestra and
Zhorus, Hernan Mumo, will be appear-
ing with the Greenville Society. Tickets
available from Cha-Rich Music Co
knd riano and Organ Distributors of
jreenville. Group rates are available For
nfo, call Stephen Vaughn, 752-6154. This
jrogram is sponsored in part by Carolina
?lephone and Greenville Cable TV.
'nvate and semi-private. Applications
law being accepted for Spring semester
Vale or female. Cost of room for one
semester is (double room) $520.00. Spon-
?red bv Wesley Foundation Methodist
tudent Center
RJR buyout getting chaotic
NEW YORK (AP? The slug-
fest bidding for giant RJR Nabisco
Inc. has gone into extra innings,
with enriched offers from two
existing bidders, a separate pro-
posal from a new suitor and indi-
cations that the multibillion-dol-
lar free-for-all may get even
A special committtee of RJR
Nabisco's board of directors an-
nounced the new proposals late
Sunday and said it was extending
the dealine for receiving further
offers to buy the food and tobacco
Not only did the buyout plans firm First Boston Corp. and a
disclosed Sunday top all previous partnership that includes
bids, which already were in the Chicago's rritzker family and
unprecedented $20 billion range,
but also the committee indicated
everv bidder could submit re-
vised offers, signaling that the
hefty bids it had gotten so far
might not be good enough.
The committee?which is
overseeing the auction oi RJR?
also has told its own advisers to
continue exploring "all forms of
restucturing" that could provide
an alternative to the current pro-
while no assurance can be
previously offered $92 a share, or ranging from Jose Cuervo tequila preferred stock and securities the
about $20.7billion, for RJR's 225.3 and Salem cigarettes to Life Sav- firm valued at $94 a share, includ-
million common shares outstand- ers candy and Milk Bone dog ing convertible debentures that,
ing. snacks. assuming full conversion into
A$94asharecashandsecuri- Any of the latest proposals stock, would amount to about 25
ties offer, with an indicated value easily would be the biggest U.S. percent of the post-buyout
of about $21.2 billion by a group merger ever, topping the record company's outstanding shares,
led by buyout specialist Kohlberg $13.4 billion acquistion of Gulf Oil The Kohlberg and manage-
Kravis Roberts & Co which pre- Corp. by what is now Chevron ment group's offers are for a lev-
viously offered $90 a share, or Corp in 1984. eraged buyout, in which most of
It was not immediately clear the money fo the pruchase of RJR
whether the bidders were ready Nabisco would be borrowed and
to escalate the already tense take- later repaid with the company's
over fight. cash flow or the sale of its assests.
A kohlberg Kravis spokes- The First Boston group's pre-
person in New York stated its liminary proposal includes the
group "must carefully consider installment sale by Dec. 31 of
our alternatives in light of new RJR's food businesses?whichac-
information we will be receiving counted for aobut 60 percent of
before reaching any judgment on net sales last year, or $15.8 bil-
what further steps, if any, we lion?followed by the acquisition
might take ncxt year of the tobacco
v F. Ross Johnson, RJR's chief operations
executive and the leader of the
management group, issued a
statement saying he believed his
group had submitted a "a win-
ning bid but gave no indication
about $20.3 billion.
A preliminary cash and secu-
rities proposal to sell RR's food
businesses and later acquire its
tobacco business sparately, form
a group led bv the investment
Denver billionaire Philip An-
schutz. First Boston indicated it
valued the total consideration at
from $105 to $118 a share.
All three proposals would
include a majority equity stake in
the post-buyout companv for
current RJR shareholders.
"Due to the varying potential
values and nature of the consid-
eration offered in the two bid sand
the proposal, and the varying
terms, conditions and contingen-
cies associated with each, the
The plan anticipates a pur-
chase of the RJR tobacco business
for $15.75 billion plus the stock
warrants, and the sale of the food
businesses for a $13 billion install-
November 22, 1988
Ramada Inn Greenville
6:30 P.M. I
'ineCash Bar Hors d'oeuvr
V7:30 P.M.
whether its proposal was subject ment note plus the right to 80
given that any transaction will Special Committee determined
occur, the Special Committee
expressed its belief that that proc-
ess which it is overseeing will
benefit all shareholders stated
Charles Hupel, RJR Nabisco's
chairman and the head of the five-
member special committee.
Jostling for approval now are
these proposals:
A $100 a share cash and secu-
rities offer valued at about $22.5
billion form a group led by RJR
Nabisco senior management and
the investment firms Sherson
Lehman Hutton Inc. and Salomon
Brothers Inc. That group, which
last month touched off the buyout
battle with a proposed takeover.
not to make any recommendation
at this time" llugel stated.
The committee will accept
bids throgh 5 p.m. EST Tuesdav,
Nov. 29. The panel intiiallv cut off
the bidding at 5 p.m. last Friday,
and its armv oi high-powered
financial and legal advisers had
worked through the weekend to
anlvze the various proposals.
RJR Nabisco stock finished at
$84 a share in heavy trading Fri-
dav, after a week of rummor-
dnven battering that saw the
stock close as low as$82.75 a share
on the New York Stock Exchange.
Atlanta-based RR makes
hundreds of consumer items
to revision.
There was no comment Sun-
da v from the First Boston-led
The management group of-
fered $100 a share in cash for 175
million of the company's 225.3
million outstanding common
shares. The group said it would
acquire the remaining shares for
percent of the total net proceeds
from the sale of food businesses
that exceeded the amount of the
Proceeds for the sale of the
food operations, which analysts
have estimated could total $12.5
billion to $155 billion, would go
to shareholders. First Boston indi-
cated the total consideration
S MUX) in advanti
I2 IHI at door
Formal Wear Compliments OI
$56 cash, plus securities and com- could range form $98 to $110 cash
mon stock in the surviving com-
pany that it said would bring the
total consideration to $100 a
share. The common stock would
equal about 15 percent of the sur-
viving company's outstanding
The new Kohlberg Dravis
proposal would pay $94 cash a
share for about 178 million RJR
Nabisco shares. The remaining
stock would be exchanged for
a share, plus securities and stock
warrants firm valued at from $7 to
$8 a share. The warrants would
entitle RJR shareholders to ac-
quire up to 20 percent of the to-
bacco business.
Ladies may raise contributrions toward their bids
ahead of this event. Contact 355-6393 for details.
Advance Tickets ($10.00) may be picked up from the
Ramada Inn, Steinbeck's, or call 355-6393. Tickets will
be sold at the desk on event night for $12.00 donation.
Mexico, Cuba feel Keith's wrath
"The strongest part of the
storm is going to affect the west-
ern tip of Cuba said National
Hurricane Center Jim Lushine,
4"But the northeast Yucatan Pcnin-
MIAM1 (AP)? Tropical
storm Keith nudged Mexico's
Yucatan Peninsula and buffeted
Cuba with its 65 mph winds early
I today on a curving track that fore-
casters exjpgsted would hit Flr- sufcr"wiH also feel strong winds,
ida late in the week. ' Tieavy rains and'high surf
The late-season Caribbean The government of Mexico
depression gTew into the 11th issued a tropical storm warning
tropical storm of the season off and a hurricane watch for the
Mexico Sunday morning, and northern Yucatan Peninsula, and
forecasters expected it to reach storm conditions were expected
hurricane strength as it headed to spread over western Cuba to-
into the Gulf of Mexico. day. Up to 10 inches of rain was
At 5 a.m. EST, Keith was cen- forecast for islands off the Hon-
tered near latitude 21.4 north, lon-
gitude 87.0 west, or just north of
Cancun, heading northwest at 12
Cancun were evacuated Sunday
afternoon, Mexico's Excelsior
news service said. It was un-
known how many left their
homes for public shelters.
However, many homes badly
damaged during Hurricane Gi-
lbert in September were still
unoccupied. Excelsior said flood
waters were 3-feet deep in some
For much of Sunday, forecast-
ers worried that Keith could race
to southwest Florida with winds
of 75 to 80 mph bv Tuesday morn-
duran coast Sundav. . . x .z? ' "
ing, but Keith lingered off
People living in low-lying Cozumcl as its steering currents
areas of the Mexican resort of weakened.
a u c c i
m- sz.
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NOVEMBER 22, 1988 Page 8
Fishbone, an industrial punk band,
does the Fat Albert, kills Freddy
Staff Fi?hboncr
A couple outside the Attic
asked if we knew anything about
the band playing tonight. We said
sure, "It's Fishbone, a fast and
furious industrial punk band
rhey said, 'Do they do cov-
ers? We told them no, and they
left to seek more acceptable ways
to spend Friday night. We went in
and watched Fishbone do TWO
covers, their version oi Curtis
Mayficld's "Freddy's Dead" and
the theme from 'Fat Albert and
the Cosby Kids Na,na,na, gonna
have a good Mme, hey, hey, hey.
1 lev. now could 1 have known
they'd do "Fat Albert"? Fishbone
is known for oii the wall stuff, but
the only thing that could have
surprised me more would have
been a cover of "The jeffersons"
theme song.
1 wasn't surprised by the rest
of the show. Flaying to an almost
packed house, Fishbone alter-
nately rocked and stunned the
audience. From the speed metal
"Subliminal Facism" to the acous-
tic finale "Change the "coalition
against tradition" (as their press
release names them), proved their
reputation as the hottest live act
around to be justified.
Starting out with a couple of
fast-paced tracks from their new
Lp, "Truth and Soul they sent
the crowd into a pogoing, slam-
ming jumble. A few brave souls
continued to perform stage dives
throughout the show, even after
bouncers escorted unruly partiers
to the cold outdoors.
But since one of the Fishbon-
ers kept diving too, it was hard to
condemn those enthusiastic di-
vers caught up in the party mood.
Fishbone kept the crowd dancing
the entire night. Even those near
the bar were inspired to a few
knee swivels.
After a slower number and
then the now infamous "Fat Al-
bert" interlude, the band and the
crowd began shaking the floor-
boards with "Freddy's Dead
"Bonin' in the Boneyard (a
Bonehead favorite) and their 1985
hit, "Party at Ground Zero
The party was red hot, they
sang, and after a brief encore, five
of the bones left the stage. Guitar-
ist Kendall Ray Jones cooled
down the crowd with "Change
Tracy Chapman seems to
have put a copyright on acoustic
ballads lately, but I'm all for more
songs like "Change" from Fish-
bone, as long as it doesn't keep
them from cranking out their
party jams.
After the Attic show, most of
Fishbone gravitated to a party on
Jarvis Street, where they pro-
ceeded to take off X's "Los Ange-
See PARKER, page 9
Fishbone, one of the hottest college bands in the country, brought their act to the Attic Friday night
At least one bum in the crowd was heard to have said: "Those guys are kind of pretentious
Warning Moon' not light entertainment
Vsunt Feature! 1 liitor
'Warning: not for anyone
expecting light-hearted enter-
This label should have been
placed on the advertising posters
for "A Moon for the Misbegot-
ten the ECU Theatre
Department's latest venture.
defense, and that every laugh is
rooted in pain.
"Moon" quickly attains and
then sustains great emotional
depth. For these reasons it is in
volving, engrossing and emotion-
ally exhausting. In sum, it de-
mands more attention than one
would normally pay to an eve-
ning of television.
With that one caveat, "A
Moon for the Misbegotten' is well
two find it difficult to express play. to say she didn't. easily lapse into an exercise in
their love for each other ? josie, Catherine Edwards, the fe- Josie's father Phil Hogan is milking a scene. Happily, both the
because she hides behind walls of male lead, is almost constantly portrayed by David Blanchard. actors and the director, Cedric
sarcasm and lies; Tyrone, because onstage. Josie Hogan is a huge, Blanchard's character is fifty-five, Winchell. avoided this trap,
he cannot love himself. complex, demanding role, no a fact which Blanchard occasion- These scenes, arguably the most
Chris Chappell is the male doubt made even more difficult ally seemed to overlook. For most important in the play, were the
lead, Jim Tyrone. Based on his by the short time in which this of the play, however, Blanchard production's strength rather than
performance in Act 1, it seemed as play was produced. On her the retained a solid grasp of a com- a weakness.
The play is long ? about
three hours long. Throughout, all worth missing out on an evening
the characters, like real people, of television. Tape "War and Re-
operate on several levels simulta- membrance see "Moon
if he would be the weakest link in play depends,
the chain. Unfortunately, Edwards is
As it turned out, however, not as proficient as her fellow
Chappell was not the weakest thespians at coping with unex-
link but the strongest. Following pected occurrences. At several
an uninspiring start, he warmed points during the play she
neousiy. Thev lay plans within
plans and make biting comments
disguised as jokes. Even in the
plav's humorous moments one is
reminded that the characters use
humor both as a weapon and as a
"A Moon for the Misbegot-
ten" centers on Jim Tyrone and
Josie Hogan, two inhabitants of
1930's Connecticut. Despite
Josie's father's conniving at-
tempts to play matchmaker, the
to his task and turned in an out-
standing performance. Tyrone's
confession scene, in which he ex-
poses all the dark things that
haunt him about himself, was the
stumbled over her lines. In addi-
tion, on opening night she went a
bit further than she was supposed
plex and scheming character.
Stuart Maxwell, as the pre-
tentious oil baron Harder, and
Paul Lombardi, as the incon-
grously pious Mike Hogan,
round out the cast and the per-
formance. Each does a good job
with a small part.
In the third and fourth acts,
there are scenes between Ed-
wards and Blanchard and be-
to in throwing her father around
the stage. It is especially critical
most deeply moving single for her, as the major character, to tvveen Edwards and Chappell
moment in an already intense be able to cover well, and it's sad which, if handled poorly, can
Tonight's performance is the
last of the run, so go ahead and get
your tickets fn m McGinnis Thea-
ter (737-6390) You won't be
in fact, as 1 was leaving the
theater, I heard an gentleman
nearby say: "All I wanna know is,
how can f get tickets for the next
one?" I can't think oi a better
Sixteen-year-old girl finds Richard "The King" Petty's Winston Cup championship ring
A 16-year-old Burke County girl
who found a Winston Cup cham-
pionship ring on the railroad
tracks says she didn't know what
to think when she saw "Richard
Petty" engraved into it, but she
knew what to do ? turn it over.
"When I looked at his name, I
didn't know what to think said
Teena Martin, who lives at
Southmountain Inc. a children's
home near Morganton.
"But when I saw NASCAR,
Inc. on it I said, 'Hev, this belongs
to him She turned the ring over
to officials at Southmountain,
who placed a telephone call to
Petty Enterprises.
"We thought there might not
be many honest people left out
there, but I guess we were
wrong Petty Enterprises
spokeswoman Martha Bon-
kemeyer said Tuesday.
The 1967 ring, which had a 1-
carat diamond, slipped from
Petty's finger Oct. 24 as he rode on
Gov. Jim Martin's whistlestop
campaign train. He said he fig-
ured someone would find it, but
he never thought he'd get it back.
"I thought probably some of
those railroad bovs on one of
those pedal cars would eventu-
ally find it Petty said. "But I
didn't expect anybody would re-
turn it. 1 guess it was just one of
those fate deals.
"Three or four of us were
standing on the back of the train
and were just looking at the leaves
or something Petty said Mon-
day as he recalled the incident. "1
just slung my hand out for some
reason and felt it slide off. I saw it
bouncing along the track and roll
up against a crosstie. But I didn't
sav anything about it to anybody
"The train wasgoing about 50
miles per hour and I didn t want
to disrupt anvthing said Petty
who has won seven champion-
ship rings in 30 years. "I usually
don't wear that one.
"It's the only silver one I have
and 1 put it on that day because 1
thought it went with what 1 had
on better. It's alwavs been a little
loose on my finger
Lucille Clifton to visit ECU
fc'CX' News Bureau
Noted black poet Lucille
Clifton will visit ECU Dec. 5 to
read from her works in a public
reading set for 8 p.m. in the Gen-
eral Classroom building Am-
phitheatre (GCB 1031).
Ms. Clifton will also visit
poetry classes and conduct an
informal poetry workshop. The
reading and workshop are open
to all interested persons. Those
who wish to participate in the
workshop should telephone the
ECU Department of English (757-
6380) for time and location.
Clifton is the author of sev-
eral poetry collections, including
'Two-Headed Woman" (Univer-
sity of Massachusetts Press)
which was nominated for a Pulit-
zer Prize. In addition, she has
written widely for children and is
the author of adult fiction pub-
lished in "Redbook" and "Atlan-
tic Her poetry has appeared in
more than two dozen antholo-
Reviews and discussions of
her work have been published in
numerous newspapers and jour-
nals as well as in such books as
"Black Women Writers" and A
Gift of Tongues
She was George Washington
University's poet in residence
and has taught at Goucher Col-
lege American Univeristy and
the University oi California -
Santa Cruz. Clifton has presented
poetry readings and workshops
at more that 7? campuses and
poetry festivals. During the Car-
ter Administration, she was one
of 21 poets Invited to read at a
White House silute to American
Her ECU visit is sponsored by
the ECU Poetry Forum.
'The Land Before Time' suffers
Poet Lucille Clifton, author of 'Good Woman: Poems and a
Memoir will speak December 5,8 p.m. in the New Building
Raffles can be decided by
placement of cow pies
Can a raffle be decided by the
seemingly random deposit of a
heifer's "cow pie" on a marked
football field?
When asked for an opinion,
state Attorney General Mary Sue
Terry decided to take the bull by
the horns. The cow can't pick the
winner directly, she said.
Terry was asked whether the
Franklin County Band Boosters,
which is authorized to conduct
bingo games and rattles under
Virginia law, could sell 5,000 tick-
ets to numbered squares on a
field, with the person holding the
number of the square where the
heifer deposits a "cow pie" win-
ning the prize.
The attorney general con-
cluded recently that allowing the
heifer to choose the winning
square did not fit the law's re-
quirement for a random drawing.
Staff Writer
Remember the good old
days? When no one knew who
George Lucas and Steven
Speilberg were?
Well, I do. And it doesn't
matter. There was just as much
schlock then as there is now. Only,
in the old days, there were more
than just those two churning it
The latest film to suffer what I
like to think of as the L-S AIDS
virusa highly contagious dis-
ease in which filmmakers try to
outdo each other by seeing who
can make the cutest film since
"E.T) is "The Land Before
An animated dinosaur
movie, I pondered, would be a
great thing. Never mind that di-
nosaurs are as hot as Care Bears?
once were, dinosaurs are still hip.
After all, Gertie the apatosaurus
(once erroneuosly known as a
brontosaurus) was the first ani-
mated movie character.
Yes, 1 thought, dinosaurs are
still hip, and there is nothing that
George or Steve can do to them
that will change my mind. Wrong.
After two hours of animated
morality and tastefully hid vio-
lence, "The Land Before Time"
proved to be everything violence-
phobic parents could hope for,
and nothing kids will clamor for
in the video store three months
from now.
Littlefoot, an apatosaurus or
"long-neck searches for the
Great Valley and along the way
meets four friends who find that
cooperation is the key to survival.
It's always a bad sign when you
can sum up a plot so easily.
Implied morals are thrown
into the story every minute and a
half. Listen to your parents. The
hard road is the right one. It's
wrong to dislike someone be-
cause they are different. Practice
makes perfect. Blah, blah, blah
Throwing these platitudes
into movies aimed at children is
not only sneaky, but useless. Just
once I'd like to see a movie tell
kids that sometimes, no matter
how hard you listen to your par-
ents and how hard you work,
you're still gonna get screwed ?
just like in real life.
The two dinosaur fights in the
movie (and what else did we go to
see it for? Dinosaurs weren't, as a
rule, the most polite inhabitants
this planet's ever hosted) were
almost totally done off-screen.
Sure, there were a couple of
good tail-whackings, and a good
cliff dive, but the rest of it was
done in the shadows or during an
earthquake that shook the camera
lens so much, you couldn't tell
what was happening.
And the cliff dive didn't even
kill the "sharp tooth He woke up
15 minutes later, whereas the
movie never did make clear what
exactly killed Littlefoot's mom.
But she died bloodlessly!
I wish people producing
movies, TV shows and books for
children would wake up. Kids are
not that stupid. They know that if
they get in a fight, somebody is
going to walk (or crawl) away
The animation, when it
wasn't being obscured by earth-
quakes and wavy lines intended
to be water currents, was great.
Shots of Littlefoot's mom craning
her head up and down showed
the amount of work that went into
the film.
But if you feel cheated at the
end. as I ittlefoot rermnesces over
his journey, and a good minute of
footage seen not 50 minutes ago
flashes across the screen, don t
blame animator Don Bluth. The
sequence is forced and I wouldn't
be surprised if it was added on
later as filler.
Any redeeming qualities?
Yes. A cartoon short called "fam-
ily dog" shown before the main
feature. I didn't catch the credits,
but the adventures of this un-
named dog were hilarious.
Drawn in a style similar to the
"Steve and Zola shorts seen on
MTV, this was the best cartoon to
come out since "Jac Mac and Rad
Boy Go Annie Potts, oi "Design-
ing Women" fame, has a great
second career going for her as a
voice-over for cartoons like this.
The five minutes of family
dog" is worth the admission
price. Hollywood should take
But The Land Before Time"
is guilty of the same thing 99 of
Saturday morning and weekday
afternoon cartoons are ? pander-
chael Gross, who stars as id
father Steven Keaton on NBCJ
"Family Ties turns killer in h
next big role.
"In the Line of Duty: The Fl
Murders an NBC movie whir,
will be televised next Sundaj
tells the story of William R Man
and Michael Lee Platt, wl
teamed up to terronze Miai
with a series of murders and bar
robberies before they were kilk
in a shoot-out with federal agent
Gross plays Matix and Dai
Soul portrays Platt. Ronny G
Bruce Greenwood and Do
Shcehs are FBI agents
Matix and Platt were kill
on Friday, April 11, 1986, in tl
most violent shoot-out in the
tory of the FBI. Two FBI ager
were also killed and five wc
"Every person in the sho
out either went to the morgueol
hospital Gross says. "Mv ch
acter is dead, so you ha
vent things
" vVhy did these two guv
up against five ? ars of FBI age
They were completely !
rounded and decided I
out. 1 don't think the movie trief
explain it
Gross says he accepted
roe only after determining -j
the movie did not glorify w
"1 wanted the role n I
because Bill Matix was so dit I
ent from Steven Keaton. b
cause he was so differei .
who 1 am in real life savs Gro
a longtime supporter oi gun cd
trol. He had never fired a a
Pooch picks
Sometimes all you need to picj
winner is dogged dcterminatil
Just ask Lex, a prognosticar
pooch with a passion for snitt
out the right answers
Lex recently won
newspaper's contest for pickj
winners oi high school and
lege football games He tc
home $300 and two Orange B
tickets for correctly picking
out pi 239games m The Sarsl
Post contest.
That was until the new spa J
found out Lex was a Labra(
Parker sp
Continued from page S
les the greatest album
made, and put in tape after ta
Public Enemy.
They freely distributee
strange brew of Chihuahua
and liquor and talked about
ord companv hassles. One pal
Fun Aft
Steve Haj
Drink Sp
Hot B I
M I 17

NOVEMBER 22.1988 9
,? i
ttic Friday night.
. tious
cerase in
? both the
r Cedric
his trap.
the most
were the
ither than
is the
? get
;ns Ihea-
l be
aving the
? I' w is,
a better
ship ring
t want
- i Petty,
a) because !
it ' had
? ' i
risty and
ilil rma -
- presented
? I workshops
? " puses and
" " g the Car-
1 was me
read at a
m rican
isored b
itedal the
?: minuti :
lutes ago
re n. don't
on The
iided on
. i'ities?
ailed "fam-
re the main
h the credit1-
of this un-
hi la nous.
similar to the
its ie n on
t -t cartoon to
i Mac and Rad
Its oJ "Design-
? has a great
ng tor her as a
' artoons like this.
nutes of ' family
tl the admission
.uld take
I Before Time"
ing99 of
e nd weekday
Steven Keaton turns killer
chael Gross, who stars as ideal
father Steven Keaton on NBC's
Family Ties turns killer in his
next big role.
"In the Line of Duty: The FBI
Murders an NBC movie which
will be televised next Sunday,
tells the story of William R. Matix
and Michael Lee Platt, who
teamed up to terrorize Miami
with a series of murders and bank
robberies before they were killed
in a shoot-out with federal agents.
Gross plays Matix and David
Soul portrays Platt. Ronny Cox,
Bruce Greenwood and Doug
Sheehs are FBI agents.
Matix and Platt were killed
on Friday, April 11, 1986, in the
most violent shoot-out in the his-
tory of the FBI. Two FBI agents
were also killed and five were
"Every person in the shoot-
out either went to the morgue or a
hospital Gross says. "My char-
acter is dead, so you have to in-
vent things.
Why did these two guvs go
up against five cars of FBI agents.
They were completely sur-
rounded and decided to shoot it
out. 1 don't think the movie tries to
explain it
Gross says he accepted the
roe only after determining that
the movie did not glorify vio-
"I wanted the role not only
because Bill Matix was so differ-
ent from Steven Keaton, b e-
cause he was so differeiu trom
who I am in real life says Gross,
a longtime supporter of gun con-
trol. He had never fired a gun
until he took shooting lessons to
prepare for the role.
"Bill Matix was a bom-again
Christian. The most chilling thing
I've ever heard is a tape of this
man getting up before a church
congregation and telling how
God helped him get through the
death of his first wife. And he was
suspected of killing her.
"He was not posturing ? in
the usual sense. This was a man
who, by all accounts, said grace at
all meals in private. The fascinat-
ing thing is the way these two
guys managed to fool everyone
for a long time. Until they were
killed, no one knew the identity of
the bank robbers and they'd
never gotten so much as a speed-
ing ticket
Matix and Platt were close
friends who ran a tree-cutting
service. Gross says both had
Army commando training.
The movie was filmed partly
on location in Tampa, Fla by
director Dick Lowry. Tracy
Keenan Wynn wrote the screen-
This is the seventh and final
year of the hit NBC comedy series
"Family Ties which also stars
Meredith Baxter Birney and Mi-
chael J. Fox.
"We've all seen the end com-
ing and it's mutual with everyone
to bring it to a happy conclusion
Gross says. "I've tried to plant
some seeds in people's minds as
to what else I can do. Last year 1
played Raquel Welch's husband
in "Right To Die That was a
breakthrough movie for Raquel,
because she played a woman who
was dying, but it was important
for me, too heart attack in a three-part series
In the meantime, Gross says, of 'Family Ties' set to begin Sun-
he wants to make it a good last day, Dec. 4. While under anesthe-
season for "sweet, kind, under- sia, he recalls his college days
standing, patient Steven Keaton with Elyse and the early days of
Keaton suffers a massive their marriage.
Pooch picks football games
Sometimes all you need to pick a
winner is dogged determination,
just ask Lex, a prognosticating
pooch with a passion for sniffing
out the right answers.
Lex recently won a
newspaper's contest for picking
winners of high school and col-
lege football games. He took
home $300 and two Orange Bowl
tickets for correctly picking 202
out ji299-games mTYrteSerlisbtiiy
Post contest.
That was until the newspaper
found out Lex was a Labrador
The dog's entry was submit-
ted by his owners, Kenneth
Pinyan and his wife, Gina. When
the newspaper had trouble track-
ing down a fellow named Lex,
Pinyan called the newspaper to
tell them that the winning picker
was a pooch.
Pinyan said Lex had a system.
"I would write the names of
teams and put them in front of
Lex Pinyan said. "The one he
drifted arfirst V$? nWired 4?? (he'
Despite his nose for victory,
Lex was disqualified by Steve
Parker speaks trash
Continued from page 8
les the greatest album ever
made, and put in tape after tape of
Public Enemy.
They freely distributed a
strange brew of Chihuahua beer
and liquor and talked about rec-
ord company hassles. One party-
goer, The East Carolinian's own ace
staff illustrator Jeff Parker, was
quoted as saying, 'Those Fish-
bone guys are kind of a preten-
tious loteh?"
Be that as it may, they know
how to party. And how to rock the
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Anthony Thompson leads ECU defense
Pirates crush the Bearcats
Feature Editor
Wrapping it with stifling de-
fense and rambling running
game, the ECU football team gave
Coach Art Baker a going-away
present Saturday as the Pirates
crushed the University of Cincin-
nati 49-14 to finish the season with
a 3-8 mark.
The hard-hitting Pirate de-
fense, led by inside linebacker An-
thonv Thompson, created nine
Cincinnati turnovers and held the
Bearcats to two second half touch-
Thompson, who had seven
tackles and recovered three turn-
overs, set up two ECU touch-
downs by diving on fumbles deep
in Cincinnati terrritory.
" don't know what it is but in
the last two games, we have re-
covered a lot of turnovers. It
might be luck or it might be be-
cause we have played well. 1 don't
know, but I'll take them anyway I
can get them' Baker said.
Sparked by the takeaways,
the ECU's option offense ran flu-
idly on the rain-soggy turf of
Nippert Stadium before a wet
crowd of 2,364.
The running attack was high-
lighted by Tim James as he ran for
his first hundred-yard game in
picking up 156 yards on 29 carries.
Playing in last game as a Pirate,
James also scored two touch-
downs in the roll.
According to the Daily Re-
flector, James said, "It was fun,
mainly because we were winning.
I just love when I can get past
those linemen and linebackers
and get out with those defensive
In setting up the game's first
score, freshmen linebacker Luke
Fisher, who recovered a fumble in
the first quarter, intercepted a
Don Hoog pass at the Cincinnati
16. Reggie McKinney scored two
plays later after Tim James
thrashed to the 3 with a 13 yard
pick-up. The Imperatoextra point
failed. ECU led by six.
The ECU defense held the
Bearcats on the next series of plays
and forced the Bearcats to punt to
the ECU 35. Keyed by a 27-yard
keeper by quarterback Travis
Hunter on a third and nine play,
ECU had the ball on the Cincin-
nati 37.
Two plays later, McKinney
received the touchdown call
again as he rambled 29 yards for
the score. McKinney ran success-
fully for conversion as the Pirates
lead by 14.
During the next defense se-
ries for the Pirates, Linebacker
Anthony Thompson recovered a
Cincinnati fumble at Bearcat 31.
Quarterback Charlie Libretto,
who gave starter Travis Hunter a
breather, ran for 22 yards to the
inside the 10. After James ran to
the 1, Libretto scored the third TD
of the half for the Pirates.
As with most of the ECU
games during the 1988 campaign.
Libretto and Hunter shared the
quarterback position throughout
the game. Libretto, whose ability
to run the option had been criti-
cized, ran for 83 yards. Hunter,
who is more noted for his rushing,
passed for 81 yards and two sec-
ond half touchdowns.
In the first series of the second
Chris O'Conner attempts the layup in a game
against American University last year. The Lady
Pirates hope to improve last year's 8-20 record
(Photo by Jon D. Jordan, ECU Photo Lab).
Spirit group restarted
Last year the East Carolina
University Student Government
Association, in conjunction with
Fri. 7:30 p.m. - Men's
Basketball game vs. N.C.
Minges Coliseum
Mon. 7:30 p.m. - Men's
Basketball game vs. UNC-
Minges Coliseum
the Athletic Department, formed
SPIRIT (Student Pirates Involved
in Rallying Intercollegiate Team-
work). This support group was
formed to help create enthusiasm
on campus for ECU Athletic Pro-
grams as well as enhance student
Once again the group will
take shape around a committee of
15 to 20 student organization rep-
resentatives. The committee, at
first, will be spearheaded by the
Athletic Marketing Department
with hopes of developing student
support similar to the Student
Athletic Board at Indiana univer-
isty. This group at IU has over 600
members and is currently in-
volved in anything from promo-
tions to homecoming for each of
their 18 sports. Our first SPIRIT
meeting for the representatives
will be November 28th at 6:00 at
the Pirate Club. Anyone inter-
ested in the group may also at-
half, Thompson dove on his third
fumble recovery of the game at
the Cincinnati 20. One play later,
Tim James rolled 12 yards for the
After a Bearcat score, Hunter
commanded his troops on eight-
play, 63-yard drive in which
Travis found Reggie McKinney in
the flats for a 17-yard scoring
James' second score came
with 3:52 left in the third after the
defense led by linebacker James
Singletary, a junior from Fay-
etteville, held Cincinnati on a
fourth down and three. At the
start of the fourth quarter, ECU
led 42-7.
The 47-14 victory marks the
final game for Coach Art Baker
who resigned two weeks ago. In
his last press conference, Baker
gave his players credit.
"I'm so appreciative to this
group of players. We went
through the month of October
with more asked of us than any
other ECU team. We bounced
back from this and had two great
wins over Temple and Cincin-
nati Baker said. ,
Baker said he feels ECU has
the nucleus of a good ball club.
"I feel like we have made
great strides with our program.
We'll return 35 of the top 44 play-
ers next year. Whoever has this
team next year will have a lot of
talent to work with Baker said.
After replacing Ed Emory in
1984, Baker compiled a record of
14-32. The Pirates' best season
under Baker was 1987 as ECU
went 5-6 after defeating N.C. State
in the season opener.
Lady Pirates put
weakness behind
(SID) ? Six talented new-
come SMrc start-
ers, giving East Carolina head
coach Pat Pierson depth, balance
and a reason to be optimistic as
the Lady Pirates enter the 1988-89
Perimeter shooting ? or the
lack of it ? ultimately sent ECU to
a disappointing 8-20 record a year
ago. With the addition of five
promising freshmen and one
transfer, Pierson hopes her sec-
ond ECU team has all its weak-
nesses in check.
"During the off-season we
looked to improve on our outside
shooting, rebounding and quick-
ness said Pierson, who enters
her second year at ECU and 11th
"We were pleased with the
group we signed. All could make
an impact this year. We also re-
turn six players who will only im-
prove after a year of learning my
system under their belts
Among the returning starters
is 6-2 senior center Gretta O'Neal
Savage, who is the leading return-
ing scorer (10.7 per game) and
rebounder (5.6 rpg.) on the team.
Savage could be a candidate for
the All-Colonial Athletic Associa-
tion team.
Also back are senior wings
Chris O'Connor (7.3 ppg) and
Pam Williams (5.6 ppg), who last
year teamed to form ECU's only
three-point shot threats. At the
K)int, 5-3 junior speedster Irish
amilton (4.2 ppg 3.6 assists)
will battle newcomers to keep her
starting assignment.
Joining Savage up front will
be either 6-2 senior Rose Miller, 6-
1 Sarah Gray, who was red-
shirted last season or 6-1 Kim
DuPree, who transferred in mid-
season last year from North Caro-
lina Central and will become eli-
gible in December.
Six-foot-two Sandra Grace
gives the Lady Pirates five players
over the 6-foot mark.
The tallest of the newcomers
is 5-foot-ll Kathy Addison, a
Fayetteville Westover High prod-
uct who could help solve some of
ECU's rebounding woes this year.
"No starting job is guaran-
teed Pierson said. "That will
make pre-season practice a little
more intense this year
The most talented of the
newcomers may be 5-9 Tonya
Hargrove, who can play the big
guard or either forward position.
Hargrove was the Raleigh area 4 A
player of the year last season.
See PREVIEW, page 12
The East Carolina Pirates beat Cincinati for the second time in a row capping their season record
at 3-8 (Photo by Jon D. Jordon, ECU Photo Lab).
Bridgets qualifies for NCAA's
Men tie longest swim streak
Sports I dilur
It was an incredible weekend
for the East Carolina swimming
and diving program.
Not only have the men, who
now stand at 5-0, tied their longest
winning streak as a result of their
win over UNC-Charlotte, but
Meredith Bridgers of the
women's squad has earned a bid
in the NCAA championship meet.
The men and women com-
peted in the dual meet against
UNC-Charlotte Saturday at
Minges Aquatic Center and both
squads easily came out on top
taking top honors in nearly every
event. The men finished with a
score of 135-83 and the women,
who now stand at 4-1, won 140-95.
This makes the men unde-
feated going into the next home
meet against Richmond on Dec. 2
and a victory over the Spiders
would set a new winning streak
for the Pirates.
The excitment for the women
came from none other than Bridg-
ers who, as a result of her per-
formance in the 200-yard
breaststroke, not only set a pool
and varsity record, but qualified
her for the NCAA championship
meet to be held in March. Her time
of 2:19.04 easily cleared the
2:19.21 qualifying time and made
her the first female to make Divi-
sion 2-A cuts in the history of East
Carolina swimming.
"Meredith can give the swim
program national ranking if she
can come in the top 16 at the
NCAA'sl Head Coach Rick
Kobe said.
Kobe is optimistic about
Bridger's performance. "She
qualified very earlv. She has a
great opportunity to be all-Ameri-
Kobe is so pleased with
Bridger's performance that he
thinks "she can be in the top
eight" when she swims in the
NCAA meet.
The ECU divers fared nicely
against UNC-C as well. Sherry
Campbell earned the top honors
in both the one and three-meter
diving events while Cynthia Cor-
dova took second in both events.
Pat Smith was the one to
watch for the men as he placed
first in the one and three-meter
Raymond Kennedy gave a
fine performance in the 200-yard
breaststroke as his time of 2:14.05
was enough to earn him a first
place. Next in line wasjohn Sprin-
ger to take second in 2:17.32.
Kennedy was also awarded a
first place honor in the 200-yard
freestyle when he finished in
1:47.91. Andy Johns then fol-
lowed securing a second place
spot in 1:49.09.
The word sweep was in order
for men's 500-yard freestyle when
Andy Jeter (4:48.47), Mark Cook
(453.33) and Andy Johns (4 57.40)
all touched the wall one after the
e men had anothei sweep
in the 200-yard indi idual medley
when Todd Christensen led the
Pirate pack with his time of
2:02.83. Right behind him was
Mark O Brien taking second in
2:04.80 and rounding up third
place was Springer in a time of
The men s final sweep came
in the 400-yard medley relay.
Some highlights for the
women also include a series of
sweeps, the first one being in the
200-yard freestyle Inn Rilev was
in the spotlight in thise ent her
time ot 2.01 70 was good enough
to earn her a firs! place. Next in
line was Patty Walsh (2:02.08) and
taking third place was Robin
Wicks with her time of 2:03 9 I
The . ites dominated
the 200-yard individual medley
when Leslie fo Wilson (2:15.5),
Shelly Mica 2 17.98) and Wendy
Smith (2:20.40) took first, second
and third place honors.
It was all Chantel Morris in
the 1000-yard freest) ie She was
nearlv eight seconds ahead of the
pack in this winded event when
she touched the wall in 1050.76.
Carolvn Green could not close the
gapon Morrisandhad to settle for
second with her time of 10:58.43.
Women play in scrimmage as
result of postponed exhibition
AnisUnt Sports Editor
East Carolina basketball fans
were treated to an impromptu
scrimmage by the Lady Pirates
Thursday night.
The women performed an
unscheduled inter-squad scrim-
mage prior to the men's planned
exhibition game against Mara-
thon Oil.
Second year head coach Pat
Pierson and the Lady Pirates took
the floor at 7:30 p.m. and were
split into a Purple and a White
squad. Coach Pierson lead the
White squad and her two assis-
tants, Rosie Thompson and Burt
Jenkins, took charge of the Purple
The Purple team was lead by
the fine play of sophomore Sarah
Gray. Gray, who sat out all of last
season due to a knee injury, was
an All-CAA rookie in her fresh-
men year. She showed that
Thursday by taking charge of
play inside the paint, dazzling
fans with some strong, aggressive
moves inside and showing great
shooting touch on several spin
moves. The Purple squad was
also helped by the fine play of
seniors Pam Williams and Gretta
The White squad was helped
by fine performances from sen-
iors Chris O'Connor and Rose
Miller. O'Connor, a starter on last
years squad, showed excellent
shooting touch and played very
well on defense. Miller was strong
on the boards for the White team
and showed good skill on the
defensive end of the court.
The White team was also
aided by the fine play of two new
team members. Mona Jackson, a
former ECU Softball player, and
freshmen Tonya Hargrove
played very well in front or a large
Minges Coliseum crowd.
The scrimmage was divided
into a 20 minute half and a second
half of 10 minutes. Play remained
close for most of the first half, but
a three-point play by Bretta Sav-
age at 7:32 put the Purple team up
to stay. At halfhme the White
team was down bv nine, 28-19
The White squad mounted a
valiant try in the second half, lead
by the outside shooting of
O'Connor and the inside plav of
Miller and Hargrove. But the
Purple squad was just too much
on Thursday A basket at 824 by
Gray put the Purple up by 13, 32-
19, and they never looked back.
The final was 34-23 in favor of the
Purple team
The Lady Pirates will start
their season Friday when they
face Stetson in the opening round
of the Appalachian State-Shera-
ton Tournament in Boone
Pirates outplay semi-pro team
AHlAm Sport Editor
After weeks of playing scrim-
mages against themselves, Pirate
coach Mike Steele and his team
were anxious to play someone
else. They got their chance on
Thursday against Marathon Oil.
Marathon Oil, a semi-profes-
sional team which tours the coun-
try playing college teams during
pre-season play, defeated the Pi-
rates 88-78, but were out played
by the Pirates in many areas.
The one statistic the pirates
fell short to Marathon Oil in was
the crucial area of shooting per-
centage. The Pirates were cold all
night from the field, shooting
only 38.6 percent for the game.
Marathon Oil shot a very respect-
able 53.3 percent. "If we had shot
45 percent, we would have beat
them Coach Mike Steele said
following the game.
"I was disappointed with the
way we played at the start of the
game Steele said. "We came out
without a lot of emotion or inten-
sity. I don't know whether it was
because of the long wait or what
Steele added.
The game was delayed over
an hour due to a problem with
Marathon Oil's team van; play
didn't start until 8:30.
"Our transition defense was
terrible at the start of the game
Steele said. "We came out the
second half with much more in-
tensity and played a much better
half of basketball. I talked to their
coach following the game and he
said we hustled more than any
team they have played, but that
See EXHIBITION, page 12
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Duke reigns over UNC
Autatant Sports Mitm
It was a day of big plays and
great performances at Wallace
Wade Stadium as Duke faced
North Carolina in the 75th anni-
versary of this ACC rhalry.
Not only were there standout
performances from players on
both teams, but as the game pro-
pressed records were broken and
players added their names to the
annals of history.
It didn't take long for the fire-
works to begin. Following the
opening kick-off, Duke mounted
an eight plav, 66-yard drive that
was capped off by an Anthony
1 Hlweg to Keith E well touchdown
pass of 18 yards. Ewell made a
v;reat effort to bet to the end zone,
breaking tackles and making a
fine move at the five vard line to
scamper in. The touchdown pass
was Dilweg's 22nd on the season,
breaking the ACC record for
touchdown passes in a single sea
s.n. 'Flie record was previously
held b Jay Venn to of Wake For-
Following a North Carolina
punt. Duke was back on the attack
?nee again Aided bv a 15-yard
face mask penalt) on the Tarheels,
Duke drove bl yards in a little
over two minutes to score again
And go up 14-0. Roger Boone was
the workhorse of the drive and
c red the touchdown on a fine 14
yard run off left tackle.
Following the kick off, the
! arheels started to mount a drive
. i their own. Quarterback Todd
Burnett hit Michael Benefieldona
12 yard shovel pass and Carolina
was on the move. But two penal-
s And a Mike Diminick ack of
Burnett caused the drive to stall
and Carolina had to punt again.
Duke took possession at their
n 35. Dilweg and the Blue
Devils mounted another drive
that rook them into Tarheel terri-
tory. Dilweg fumbled on a fourth
and one at the Tarheel 4" and
North Carolina iet overed.
.North Carolina tookovei and
?i tinted their first scoring drive
' .U?e day Kennard Martin, the
arheeTs mam offensive weapon
on the da) carried the ball five
times on the drive foi 44 j aids. It
as his four-yard burst up the
middle that put the Tarheels on
the board With 253left in the first
quarter, the Tarheels narrowed
the gap to 14-7.
Duke began another sus-
tained drive into Tarheel terri-
tory. On a third and 10, Dilweg hit
Clarkston Hines on a 21-yard pass
reception. That catch put Hines
over the 1,000-yard mark for the
season making him the only ACC
receiver to ever have back to back
1,000 yard seasons.
The drive stalled, however, at
the Carolina 30 and Doug
Peterson's 47 yard field goal at-
tempt fell short. The score re-
mained 14-7.
The Tarheels started their
next drive at their own 30 and
once again it was Kennard Martin
who led the way to paydirt. This
time Martin carried the ball three
times for 51 yards. He scored on a
16 yard carry which was set up by
a block from flanker Randy Marri-
ott. The kick made the score 14-14
with 12:28 left in the first half.
Duke came right back.
Dilweg went four for four on the
drive and hit a streaking Ewell for
a 30-yard touchdown. The six-
play, 74-yard drive took 2:05 and
put the Blue Devils on top 21-14.
After trading turnovers and a
Tarheel punt, Duke regained the
ball. After a facemask penalty on
Carolina and several terrific runs
by Boone, Dilweg again con-
nected for the score, this time to
The eight-yard touchdown
reception was Hines' 21st touch-
down catch of his career which
tieed an ACC record. With 1:26
left in the first half, Duke was up
The Tarheels tried to mount a
last minutedrive before theendof
the half. But a Burnett pass was
picked off by the strong safety,
Mike Diminick, who returned it
58 ya rd s to the Carol ina eigh t yard
Void v?h?r? prohibited, all stale and lacal l??
With just seconds left in the
first half, it looked like Duke
would tack some more onto their
lead, but on the first play from the
eight, Dilweg was intercepted in
the end zone by Bernard Tim-
The Tarheels ran out the clock
and the score at the half was Duke
28 and North Carolina 14.
North Carolina opened the
second half with the ball and they
came out fired up. An 11 play, 63
yard drive was capped by a Clint
Gwaltney 23 yard field goal. And
Carolina was within 11; 28-17.
Carolina had the ball at the
Duke 27, following another
Dilweg interception. Eight plays
later, Benefield burst up the
middle and scored. After a two-
point attempt failed, Carolina
was down 28-23.
The teams traded turnovers
and punts for the remainder of the
third quarter. At the end of three
quarters, Duke still held a 28-23
The Tarheels had the ball to
start the fourth quarter and once
again it was Kennard Martin's
show. Following a 39 yard Martin
trap play, Carolina scored on a
five-yard run by fullback James
Thompson. Once again the Tar-
heels went for two. This time
Duke was able to stop Martin and
Carolina held a one point lead
with 10 minutes remaining, 29-28.
The two teams exchanged
punts and Duke had the ball for a
fantastic finish. Duke began their
final drive from their own 24. On
a third and four, fullback John
Rymiszewski stole a Dilweg pass
away from the defender and got
the first down to keep the drive
Lady Pirates
beat Alumni
isl arolina pla ed four
- on rs in double figures as it
rolled t an 84 62 win over a team
ol former i ady Pirates at Minges
Coliseum Saturday night. The
me ?? is l?'? I J's only exhibition
ine t the season
Freshman guard Ionia Coley
I the varsity team with 17
lints. Sophomore forward
ah( iray contributed l4,Gretta
Savage 12 and Tonya Hargrove
1 .ilium Barnes, a former ECU
ayerand assistant coach, led the
imni team with 12 points.
Goldsboro High School coach
1 ran Hooks added 11, and Alma
Bethea, 10.
The alumni game was a huge
uccess, and ECU officials are al-
ready pi inning for a game next
season. Among those playing for
the alumni were Leora "Sam"
nes, who participated in the
ul (Olympic Games this sum-
mer; Rosie Thompson, ECU'S
present-day assistant coach; and a
host of former players and
u hes.
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Tim James
Anthony Thompson
Anthony Thompson,
HOMETOWN- Wilson, N.C.
ECU vs. Cincinnati-Anthony, an inside linebacker, had seven
tackles, two for losses, and he recovered three fumbles.
PERSONA 1. INFORMATION- Anthony is a junior majoring in
leisure systems studies. He is the son of Landers and Dorothy Coe
and is nicknamed "Chock
Tim James,
HOMETOWN-Hartsville, SC
ECU vs. Cincinnati-Against the Bearcats, this fullback had 156
yards for 26 carries and made two touchdowns.
PERSONAL INFORMATION-Tim is a senior majoring in commu
nications. He is the son of Marzell James and is nicknamed "TJ
CONOR ATULTIONS TO Tim James and Anthony Thompson,
On that pass Dilweg took
sixth place on the NCAA all-time
single season passing yardage
list. Dilweg came right back and
fired a strike to Boone which net-
ted 29 yards and put Duke on the
Carolina 19. Three plays later
Boone carried in from the six and
with the kick Duke was up 35-29.
A last second effort by Caro-
lina failed and Duke came out of
this thriller with a 35-29 victory.
On the day Dilweg was 29 for
49 for 362 yards. Duke tailback
Roger Boone had 157 yards on 23
The true hero of the day was
North Carolina tailback Kennard
Martin. Martin gained 2 yards
on 39 carries. This was the second
highest output by an ACC run-
ning back in history. The record is
held by another Tarheel runner,
Derrick Fenner, who gained 328
against Virginia in 1986.
Duke finished the season 7-3-
1 and 3-3-1 in the ACC. North
Carolina finished the season 1-10
and 1-6 in the ACC.
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Lady Pirate preview shows new optimism
Continued from page 10
High School, can play any num- was a member of the CAA all- this season Pierson said "We
ftlTi , ? rookie team two yearS a8?- Sav' ve a nice blend of veterans and
?Zal?VeaZl" frhlSaS?fth. newcomers,andwehavetheper-
Beefing up the? perimeter forward Alma Bethea, who in the lanes and shot nearly 49
shooting will be Mechelle Jones averaged 13.4 points and 8.7 re- percent from the field last season,
and Laura Crowder, a pair of 5-5 bounds per contest a year ago.
bookend guards from the same While Bethea's absence will ere- Hamilton and Williams over-
backcourt at Colonial Heights ate a scoring void, the frqntcourt came knee surgery to play last
(Va.) High School. Both are her- appears to be the strength of this season, and O'Connor played
aided shooters and capable of year's team,
running the fast break. DuPree led North Carolina
Toina Coley, a 5-7 wing Centjral in scoring and rebound-
player from nearby Goldsboro ing before transferring and Gray
sonnel to do the things we like to
do such as run the fast break and
play aggressive pressure defense.
"James Madison and George
Mason appear to be the teams to
well in the latter part of 1988 scor- Swi' !5,t!
ing in double figures seven out of h,gh,y ?Pt!m,f c l we will be
ECU'S last eight games. ?re. T thls "??
"We are confident going into w,thin the leaSue
Pirates play well in exhibition
Continued from page 10
we were also the smallest Steele
said afterwards.
Smaller or not, the Pirates
outrcbounded the taller Mara
game'Steele said.
The Pirates were lead by 24
points from senior Blue Edwards.
However, Edwards, along with
Gus Hill and Reed Lose, shot
then Oil players 54-41. They were poorly for the game. "Blue shot as
The two teams traded baskets
for the first seven minutes of the
game. Marathon Oil took the lead
17-14, at 13:28 on a Mark Leavy
three point shot. That was a lead
load by junior college transfer
Kevin Staples, who had a game
high total of 12 boards. "We never
had anybody get 12 rebounds in a
game last year said Steele.
"We are light years ahead of
last year at this time, but we are
still not at championship level
Steele said. "We have to learn to
play with more intensity if we are
going to be a successful team
Steele added.
Steele was glad his team had
the chance to play a squad like
Marathon Oil. 'They are more
poorly as he could and still scored
24. I think Blue and the others
were a little intimidated inside
said Steele. Steele did feel Hill did
a good job of taking the ball strong in the first half. That pulled the Pi
r ? hc f tin' iVk ' ?? lU ? ? A A -41 l. .
Edwards was 10 for 23 shoot-
ing, while Hill made only seven of
24. Lose was four of 12 and Staples
made good on five of 12. The team
as a whole shot only 34 of 88 for
the contest.
Steele said he wasexcited
with the play of his guards. "I was
lead to eight behind baskets by
Edwards and Hill, but could do
no more.
Eric Richardson lead Mara-
theywouldneversurrendertothe uIhic Er?
Pirates Leavy added 16, Kevin Sprewer
Marathon Oil stretched their j? " " Barry Mun8ar
lead to as much as 11 on another K! ,jj?j i ? n r
Leavy three pointers with 1:51 left rJ??S VZS? T,
in the first half. That nullodthP Pi- Kenn MuIPhv Iped with 13
and Kevin Staples had 10.
The Pirate fans did a good job
of filling Minges Coliseum. A
crowd of 3,800 came out to see the
Pirates last scrimmage before the
season gets underway. 'There
were times last year we didn't
have that many people at games
Steele said.
like the teams we will play later Phased with Jeff Kelly and Jimmy
this year. They are a lot better than Hinton. And I think Reed did a
the team Chechoslovakians) we S00 )ob of coming in off the
plaved in last year's exhibition bench Steele said.
rates to within three, 44-41, but
Marathon answered with two
three pointers of their own from
Eric Richardson and Todd May.
Marathon Oil took an eight point
lead Into half, 52-44.
Two quick baskets by Mara-
thon Oil at the start of the second
half stretched the lead to thirteen.
The pirates were never really able
to get close from there on out.
Marathon stretched the lead
to fifteen with 7:12 remaining on a
Barry Mungar basket. ECU cut the
The Pirates will start their
season on Nov. 28 against North
Carolina Wesleyan in Minges
Coliseum. The game will begin at
7:30 p.m.
Lady Tarheels beat N.C. State for soccer title
Shannon Higgins scored three
goals and Stacey Blazo capped the
day with a fourth as North Caro-
lina took its third straight NCAA
Division I women's soccer cham-
pionship Sunday with a 4-1
triumph over North Carolina
The contest marked the first
time that the heated rivals, just 30
miles apart, had ever battled each
other for a national champion-
The Tar Heels won their sixth
NCAA title in the last seven years
and seventh championship in the
last eight seasons, which includes
a title in the AIAW.
North Carolina has played 70
matches without a loss and, in
beating the Wolfpack in Chapel
Hill, extended its home unbeaten
record to 87-0-2 in 10 years.
'This is the best feeling I've
had at North Carolina after win-
ning a national chamoionship
said North Carolina coach Anson
Dorrance said, who also coaches
the men's soccer team.
Higgins, a midfielder who
was North Carolina's leading
scorer with 13 goals and 17assists,
put the Tar Heels on top at the
30:45 mark. Halfback Pam Kali-
nowski stole an errant Wolfpack
pass to the goalie, centered the
ball and Higgins kicked it into the
open net.
With 12 minutes gone in the
second half, Higgins scored on a
penalty kick after Loucllen Poore
was taken down in the penalty
The Wolfpack cut the deficit
to 2-1 three minutes later when
Charmaine Hooper scored on a
penalty kick past Tar Heel goalie
Merridee Proost.
Higgins retaliated for North
Carolina with 19:09 left. Kalinow-
ski passed off a restart to Higgins,
who kicked the goal from 24 yards
"For her position, she is possi-
bly the best player in the game
Dorrance said. "She is one of the
major factors as to why we did so
Blazo went in unassisted on
N.C. State goalie Lindsay Brecher
with 1:45 to play for the seal on the
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The East Carolinian, November 22, 1988
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 22, 1988
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