Fountainhead, July 12, 1978

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Serving the campus com-
munity for ever 50 years
With a circulation of 4,500,
this issue is 12 paget.
East Carolina University
iim, Nortn UaVdina
Crayfish p.3
NEH grantsp.3
Jerzy Kosinskip.6
Southern Miss, reportp.10
Summer session
Class cancellation policy
News Editor
Consider this: you are all h
to graduate after second session
of summer school. All you need is
that one certain psychology, math
or English course to complete
your degree. You show up for the
first day of class only to learn that
the course you need is being
cancelled due to lack of anroll-
ment. It is university poli?y, you
later learn, that summer school
courses with less than ten stud-
ents enrolled are cancelled.
Cancelling classes during
summer session is not frequent,
according to Dr. Susan McDaniel,
assistant vice-chancellor fa aca-
demic affairs and director of
summer school. "It's (cancella-
tion) not something we like to
do McDaniel told FOUNTAIN
HEAD but to serve the needa of
the largest number of students we
sometimes have to let the smaller
groups go
Dr. McDaniel explained that
the summer session is funded
differently from the regular
school year. First, a decision of
available funds is made, followed
by courses scheduled by depart-
ment heads, who must anticipate
demand for summer courses. Over
the long run, the projections have
been quite accurate, according to
McDaniel, but she added that "as
we get larger and larger, we seem
to be knowing less and less about
what students are going to do"
concerning summer school enrol-
While faculty members do not
face salary cuts for courses which
do not "make" (meet minimal
numbers for enrollment), there is
no compensation to a professor
who has a course cancelled due to
lack of enrollment. Dr. McDaniel
noted that it, is understood that
summer employment is contin-
gent upon numbers of students
Summer school class cancelat-
ion usually affects graduate stud-
ents more than undergraduates,
according to McDaniel. The grad-
aute student population is sign-
ificantly smaller, and thus their
enrollment in courses is more
likely to hover around the magic
number of ten students, minimal
enrollment for a summer school
The policy requiring a min
-imum of ten students per course
in summer school is not a new
policy at ECU, McDaniel said,
adding that the policy has been in
force since she first came to ECU
in 1967.
DR. SUSAN McDANIEL, ECU vioe-chanceUtr
Student Union: identity crisis
To Intercessor:
I have neard something rec-
ently about a self-help program
on campus. It is related to
financial aid in any way? Where
do I go to apply for a job under
this program? On only needy
people work under the self-help
The self-help program is not
the latest in pop psychology.
According to Karen A.
Barbee of the Financial Aid
office, self-help i- a program
whereby studert seek part-time
employment within the univer-
sity. Self-help is not administered
through financial aid, nor is
employment under self-help bas-
ed on the financial need of the
There is no program for
self-hp per se at ECU, rather,
students who are interested In
part-time employment must seek
out available positions in the
various departments of the univer-
sity. Once a job possibility has
been located, the student then
applies for the job, funds for
which must come from the budget
of the department which hires the
Assistant News Editor
Help! The audent Union is
experiencing an identity crisis!
The Student Union's functions
are being confused with those of
the Student Government Asso-
ciation (SGA) and MendenhaJI
Student Center (MSC), according
to Mike Mass, Student Union
president. He stated that darif
cation of the role of the Student
Union will resolve the issue.
The confusion stems from the
fact that the audent Union and
the SGA offices are both housed
in MendenhaJI audent Center.
While the audent Union's ident-
ity problem also stems from this
commonality, student ignorance
of audent Union functions is a
contributing factor to the prob-
Morse confirmed that the
audent Union, the largest and
chief programmer of the univer-
sity, is a service organization
staffed by student volunteers who
plan, select, and present a variety
of social and cultural events
"The Union provides a
balanced program of events so
that all segments of the student
population have an opportunity to
participate in our programs he
The 11 oommittiees compris-
ing the audent Union are: Major
Attractions, Lecture, Theatre
Arts, Coffeehouse, Special
Attractions, Minority Arts, Art
Exhibition, Artist's Series,
Entertainer, Travel, and Films.
Although some of these
committees' activities take place
in MSC, the two organizations are
separate entities.
Morse commented that "we
offer something for everyone.
We are not out to make money,
but merely to meet costs He
added thai the Major Attractions
Committee is the only committee
of the 11 which strives to have
See UNION, p. 3
Four history faculty promoted
ECU News Bureau
Four faculty members of the
ECU DePaf1-
ment of History have received
promotions in rank effective
August 28.
Associate professors loren
Champion and Charles Cutlop
were promoted to the rank of
professor, and assistant profes-
sors John Connor Atkeaon and
Donald Lennon were promoted to
associate professor.
A native of Indianapolis, Ind
Dr Champion holds degrees from
Indiana University and hat done
additional study at the Ludwig-
Maximilian University of Munich
in Germany.
Before joining the ECU faculty
in 1964, he taught at Indiana and
Northern Illinois Universities.
During his years here, Champion
has. erved as director of graduate
studies in European history and
as faculty member for the ECU
European 8udy Program in
Bonn, West Germany.
He is the author of a book-
length study of the late 19th
century German military estab-
Dr. Cullop, a native of
Marion, Va is an alumnus of
Emory and Henry College with
advanced degrees from the Univ-
ersity of Virginia. He has also
studied at Harvard University.
Before joining the ECU 'ac-
uity in 1968, he was a faculty
member and administrator at
Davis and Elklns College in West
Cutlop has been a fellow of the
American Council of Education, a
program sponsored by the Ford
Foundation, and is the author of a
book, "Confederate Propaganda
in Europe" published by the
University of Miami Press, and
several articles in professional
Atkeaon, a member of the
Ea& Carolina faculty sines 1961,
Is a native of Norfolk, Va.
His undergraduate study was
done at the College of William
and Mary and Randolph Macon
College, and he holds the MA
degree from the University of
Richmond. He is s doctoral
candidate at Vanderbilt Univer-
Atkeaon's research interests
have bean public health history
and medical laws, and several of
his reviews nave appeared in
historical animals
Lennon, a native of BrunswM
County, is an East Carolina
alumnus. He has also studied at
N.C aate University, American
Unweratty and UNC-Wilminoton.
See PROMOiivho, p. 2)

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 July 1978
The department of Health,
Physical Education & Recreation
will start a basic Scuba dass on
July 11, 1978
Peace Corps
The Campus Peace Corps
representatives will be in their
office thioughout the Summer.
If you are interested in finding
out more about Peace Corps or
Vista experiences, the represent-
atives would be happy to see you.
Call or visit Flanagan Science
Building 425; 752-6586.
The Law School Admission
Test, required of candidates for
admission to most American law
schools, will be given at ECU Oct.
14, 1978; Dec. 2, 1978; Feb. 3,
1979; April 21, 1979 and June 23,
Further information about the
test registration materials are
available from the ECU Testing
Center, 105 Speight Building, or
directly from Law School Admis-
sion Services, Box 944, Princeton,
N.J. 08541.
This summer, candidates for
the master's degree in Counselor
Education are conducting a sup-
ervised counseling service in
room 130 Speight building.
This is the final phase in
earning the degree. These coun-
selors in training are present from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Friday to help deal with
their concerns through counsel-
ing, administration and interpre-
tation of aptitude and interest
inventories, and information
Grades, academic decisions,
and personal matters are some of
the sources of concern for many
students who come into the
counseling laboratory.
A 9QUIRREL SURVEYS the ever-decreasing refuge available on the
ECU campus Photo by Peggy Durham
Planning another
exciting year.
A Student Union Committee.
continued from p. 1
He is the author of several
articles and archives publications
and was co-editor of "The
Wilmington Town Book, 1743-
1778 Before coming to ECU. he
taught in New Bern schools and
worked with the N.C. Dept. of
Archives and History.
Since joining the ECU faculty.
1967, Lennon has been director of
the East Carolina University
Manuscript Collection, a reposi-
tory of records for historical
research which has been mantain-
ed by the ECU history depart-
ment and the Joyner Library.
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Target: cure for epilepsy
Crayfish subjects of nerve impulse research
ECU Medical Writer
physiologist is studying the giant
nerve of the crayfish in a project
which may provide insight into
several neural problems including
Dr. Edward M. Lieberman, as
associate professor in the ECU
School of Medicine, is studying
the n movement of sodium and
potassium in nerve membranes
under a two-year, $74,879 re-
search grant from the National
Science Foundation, Division of
Behavorial and Nural Sciences.
Acevez, and
Williams get
NEH grants
ECU News Bureau
Three faculty members of the
East Carolina University Depart-
ment of Foreign Languages and
Literatures have received grants
from the National Endowment for
the Humanities to partiapate in
summer seminars.
They are Dr. Michael
Bassman, Prof. Luis Aoevez and
Dr. Thomas Williams.
Bassman will participate in a
summer seminar on Latin paleo-
graphy at the University of
California at Los Angeles, under
sponsorship of the UCLA Center
fa Renaissance and Medieval
Studies and the ECU Research
A specialist in French and
Latin language and literature, Dr.
Bassman is now researching
different versions of the life of 9.
Acevez will be one of 12
persons participating in a seminar
on modern Latin American exper-
imental literary forms at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-
His individual research will
concern the writing techniques of
Garcia Marquez, whose recent
novels in translation have been
acclaimed by literary critics.
Dr Williams will be among
12 participants in a seminar on
literary and philosophic move-
ment in French literature at
UNC-Chapel Hill. His topic will
? ? 1 yle and thought of Andre
of the surrealis-
tic school of writing
Williams is the autha of
"Ma ;?; of
Mysticism. -Med by tN
the NEH seminar
ge of the
"The ability of cells to send
nerve impulses to tho brain
deponds on the movement of
sodium and potassium in and out
of the brain cell says
Lieberman "Sodium hasa higher
concentration outside the cell,
potassium on the inside.
"During a nerve impulse,
sodium enters the cell and
potassium leaves the cell, and
this movement occurs in a
delicate balance. The proper ratio
of these elements must be
maintained by metabolism if the
nerve cells are to perfam proper -
continued from p. 1
Onoe hired, the student then
sets his a her own hours which
are coadinated with the employ
er. Barbee naed that any
student currently under a finan-
cial aid program must naify
financial aid if the student seeks
work under the self-help pro-
gram. Financial aid must approve
all such applications.
you have a problem or
question concerning programs or
politics at ECU, contact
INTECESSOR, we may be able to
help Write out your problems
and send it to INTERCESSOR
South, ECU, or call 757-6366.
Please sign your name and
address or telephone number in
case we need to contact you for
continued from p. 1
some overhead in ader to meet
ever-rising oosts fa the next
When asked what can be cone
to clarify the role of the Student
Union, Mase replies, "better
publicity tsthekey Getting mae
posters out and mentioning the
phrase a Student Union produc-
tion' at the beginning and ending
of a radio commeraal' are two
ways of improving publicity.
We also plan to use a
trailer' with films to identify
them as productions of the Union
rather than MSC
Mase made clear that every
full-time student is a member of
the Student Union by virtue of the
activity fee ho a she pays each
BSta He also encouraged
involvement in the Student Union
mlng a- warding
A special brochure on Student
Union activities is availabln to all
n at the
hall Student Center.
To learn how sodium and
potassium balanoe is maintained,
Lieberman inserts electrodes into
the giant nerve of the crayfish and
takes samples of the cell intena
The electrical activity of the nerve
cell is then studied and the
composition of the sample is
"Nerve impulses are generat-
ed in the same way fa all animals
-fron crayfish to man - and the
crayfish is one of only a few
animals with nerves large enough
to permit the use of internal
sampling equipment says
Lieberman, who has been con-
ducting research on nerve impul-
ses since 1966.
"By using crayfish as a model
to study the movement of sodium
and potassium, it may be possible
to learn how the transpat is
actually accomplished
Scientists now think that
groups of cells responsible fa
epileptic seizures may suffer from
faulty transpat systems that do
nox maintain the proper balanoe
of the two elements.
Siezures are triggered by a
small group of cells which are
hypersensitive to brain activity.
These cells sometimes become so
sensitive to namal aain activity
that they send off massive
electrical impulses in the area and
cause an epileptic seizure.
Altered transpat systems are
also linked to certain muscle
diseases such as myaonia.
"Scientists know so little
about the nervous system that if s
like having 10 pieces of a 1,000
piece puzzle says Lieberman.
the autha of numerous research
papers dealing with his work in
nerve physiology. "And with that
limited knowledge it's difficult to
see what the whole picture is all
"However, by understanding
the transport system in nerve
membranes, it may be possible to
fill in some gaps and derive
methods fa dealing with many
neural problems
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Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 July 1978
Pesticide purge
Roaches and other pests have long been a
problem in the dormitories, especially since the
Housing Office authorized dorm cooking some years
back. Several spraying efforts have been launched to
no apparent avail; the creatures continue to infest the
dorms in ever greater numbers.
Students have made several attempts in the past
to get the university to increase their extermination
efforts, but usually have no more success than the
pesticide purges against the insects. The
university's argument, that they can do little to
combat the roaches unless students improve their
housekeeping and sanitation habits, although
circular, has some merit to it.
Usually, there are two or three Oscar Madisons
on a hall whoseoverflowing garbage cans and week
old dirty dishes act as a magnet for the neighborhood
roaches. Asa result, everybody gets to share in the
fun of chasing bugs in the night.
Probably the most effective solution to the
problem would be to ban cooking in the dorm rooms,
but this is an unsatisfactory solution. University
spraying efforts must oontinue, but the only practical
method at present is for the residents of each room to
fight them as best they know how through cleanliness
and poison.
Incoming freshmen should receive some instruc-
tion either during orientation or as part of a freshman
brochure on how to oontroi and eventually eliminate a
roach population which might be sharing the same
Roaches will remain one of Greenville's perennial
problems like parking and the monthly monsoons.
However, at least for the forseeable future, the guys
in Scott will still be able to watch the beasts get high
on Black Flag and the ladies in Fletcher won't have to
cancel their Tuesday night roach races. And finally,
after all the poison and spraying attacks have ended,
chances are the roach will still rise victorious, having
adapted itself to an insecticide laden environment.
So it goes.
Serving the East Carolina community tor over titty yemra.
"Wflthtt to mo to dock whether we should have
government without newspapers or newspapers
wWnou government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thames Jefferson
EditorDoug White
Production ManagerLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
MewsEditor jjm Bern
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
?rts EditorChrJs Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD Is the Mutant nemepepm of East Carolina
Untvaratty aponaarad by the Madta Board of ECU and la
dUributad aooh Tueaday and Thursday, weekly during ths
Mailing addraas:OW South BuUdhtg, OrssnvHts, N.C 27834.
EdHoria! offtcaa: 757-6386, 757-6367, 757-6308
Subaoriptiana: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually
Student laments cancellation of grad courses
Dickens wrote The Old
Curiosity Shop' somewhere in
the 19th Century, yet it remains
gratifying when one realizes that
at least titles remain oonsstently
cyclical. At ECU one may find a
truer such shop' in a fold of
Brewster; one finds decisions
whimsically made: they gather
I ike odds and ends and clutter the
lives of student like glass herons
on coffee tables. One decision of
dubious merit was made at the
beginning of the second summer
session. All classes of less than
ten bodies exist no more; know-
ledge only exists in groups of
The only classes significantly
affected by this example of
company policy are graduate
classes, for there are not enough
of us to warrant attention.
5000 level classes make, 6000
level courses are in Dante s 7th
level, along with the suicides.
Another, you say, atuaiton of
necessity? No money, no honey,
as they say to sailors in port?
Perhaps the university has an
obligation to its various depart-
ments to allow only those courses
which generate interest. Under-
standable. But who determines
the acceptable level of interest9
In this case I smell a decision by
committee, an arrangement of
one shielded by others. This is not
a complaint, sense asks only that
one remember an avant-garde
Darwin's definition of a camel: a
horse constructed by committee
D. Staley
Reader disagrees with HERALD editorial
I am writing to express my
oonoern in relation to the issue
pertaining to the editorial
May I begin by stating that I am
a white student at ECU and have
been affiliated with the school for
three years.
I feel that
FOUNTAINHEAD has inflicted
great injustice upon the EBONY
HERALD staff, who have worked
hard for the benefit of not only the
black students of ECU but for
every student interested, includ-
ing the white population.
For me, it is a sad revelation
to realize that there are students
who refuse to recognize and
appreciate the extended oonoern
and effort of people such as the
EBONY HERALD staff whose
goals have been to broaden and
diversify human in interests on
our campus. I feel there is a
certain need fa the EBONY
HERALD, as there is a need for
FOUNTAINHEAD, to eliminate
isolation and to promote con-
sciousness among the ethnic
groups or i campus
It is truly a misfortune that the
interests and activities of the
students have been dichotomized
only to encourage isolation. To
eliminate the EBONY HERALD
publication would only serve as a
catalyst to further destroy exist-
ing unity of the student body.
I think it would be worthwhile
to consider the social factors
involved before la! eling the
For those who desire to limit
their interests to their immediate
activities and interactions, it is
probable that the EBONY
HERALD is a "waste
Fa those of us who are
interested in the activities and
functions of various groups and
aganizations on campus, the
EBONY HERALD is a necessity
of which we should not be
Dabney Glick
Forum policy
All Forum letters must be
typed or neatly printed and
oontain the author's name, sign-
ature, and their address or phone
number. If a letter does not meet
these spedtications, it will not be
The Editor reserves the right
to edit letters tor taste, brevity,
and libelous or obscene state-

Patience, television, and the All-Star Game
I'm not at all sure that what I
want to talk about will interest
anyone, but here goes. The date
is July 11 and the event is the
All-Star baseball game. I realize
that many people are not interest-
ed in baseball: it's too slow the
players act as if they have to fill
up two and a half hours of
network time.
O.K. If you feel that way,
then stop reading; there's little I
could do to interest you. But if
you can watch a baseball game
with a degree of sustained
interest; if you can, in all honesty,
say "wait a minute" to your
spouse when your team is behind
7-0 in the last of the eighth - well,
hang in there. This might be for
Tonight the National League
beat the American League 7 to 3
in the 1978 Baseball All-Star
Game. But what is beyond the
game this year, and what is
behind the concept of baseball, is
the basic premise of the game.
Patience of the batters,
patienoe of the pitchers, the
fielders, the fans - this patienoe
typifies the game of baseball.
Patienoe is not a visible
commodity today, but it is still
a consideration
Patience is passe today. It is
quite easy to drive to the
cleaners, the green grocer, the
bank, the drive-in snack bar, and
then home - all without leaving
your car. In light of such a mobile
culture, it's no mystery why
baseball has lost its appeal fa
many Americans. It takes too
Today's society is ravaged by
time segments. Everything is
split, divided or bisected into
segments which conveniently fit
into segments designed to fit
other segments. In short, we
have TV Mentality. TV Mentality
is an insidious disease which
affects the central nervous sys-
tem, most alarmingly that seg-
ment which deals with reality.
TV addicts tend to view life in
periods of 30, 60, a 90 minute
segments. Look at what the
Waltonscan do in one hour. Can
you do that? Can anyone you
know do that?
How is it that all the really
important world and national
news fits naturally into a 30
minute segment (including the
prescribed commercial minutes)
each evening? That is a stupid
comment, right? I ask you only to
consider the number of people for
whom reality is portrayed on a
television screen.
But television is not the sole
souroe of the "want it now"
group; it is but an indication of
the society which it portrays. We
hurry at everything - sex, eating,
leisure activities, drinking, work-
ing - you name it. Perhaps it
would not be such a bad idea to
let it drift fa awhile; it might do
Farren defends his Nantucket review
some good.
I suggest baseball
Baseball is baing; it is slow
But a defender might just as well
say that baseball is deliberative,
like Fischer-Spassky. It all
depends upon how you look at it.
I prefer to see baseball as a
lazy afternoon (a rare oommodity
these days) watching a contest
which ultimately pits man against
man. whether it be pitcher-batter,
batter-fielder, a-fielder-fielder.
It takes time fa all of this to
happen. O.K. - perhaps we need
to take a little time.
Perhaps we need to take a
little time. Watch a baseball
game - try to empathize with
those guys out thae, try to sense
the tenser and life which the
players must feel - and you may
discover that in seeming relaxtion
comes awareness, it sal I a matter
of perception.
By the way, the National
League beat the American
League tonight, 7-3 in the 1978
All-Star Baseball Game. Despite
the scae, it was a pretty 9??
Dear Ms. Page:
In response to your reoent
letter to FOUNTAINHEAD con-
deming the job I did in reviewing
the Nantucket album, let me first
say that I sincerely appreciate
your letter and the time you put
into it; fa if nahing else, at least
my article angered you enough to
retaliate. However, I must admit
that I find your reasons fa the
criticism a bit perplexing.
You wrrte of Nantucket's
overwhelming popularity and in-
aeasing recad sales, but what in
reality does that have to do with
what is actually on the album? If
Nantucket were to sell 5 million
oopies tomarow and become
number one in the nationwide
charts, it would still na change
my opinion of the album.
Being a fan of Nantucket's
type of music, you more than
anyone, should know that popula-
rity does na necessarily go hand
in hand with quality; if so, Shaun
Cassidy and Kiss would be
among this country s most ac-
complished musicians.
As far as the group's hard
work and the dues they have paid
who in rock music hasn't paid
dues? To take these things into
account would be to lose any
objectivity that a reviewer might
You are taally carect when
you say that my exposure was
limited to the album itself, but my
intention was to review the
album, na the group's histay a
individual personalities. It seems
to me that you have let your
loyalty and friendship affect your
As fa Tanmy Reid's "no-
fnlls" lyrics (I guess that's one
way of putting it), lines like "girl
you blew a good thing when you
jived me" are certainly na going
to change the wald, but I'm na
sure that even they should be
considered (as you put it) a
"natural approach to, relation-
ships with women
Howeva, all ihe things that
you have to say in your letter, I
think the thing that confused me
most was your labeling of my
review as "wimpy
In my opinion, you could have
called my review wimpy if I had
been afraid to take a stand, a
been inoonsistant in my views.
On the oontrary, my review, I
feel, was extremely straightfa-
ward and a definite stand was
As I see it, my jobasaaiticis
togiveatnaough, intelligent and
well thought out opinion, so that
one, :hrough agreeing and dis-
agreeing can better express and
feel, their own opinion, and in the
end gain a better and more
oomplete understanding and ap-
preciation of the music
Consequently, while I wish
Namucket the best of luck, I had
to write what I truly felt.
I hopy that what I have said
has made sense, and that you will
feel free to oomment on future
Chris Farren
805 Dickinson Ave.
Greenville, N.C 752-5186
Ivy s" "usws ysastf
(EX PI RES SEPT I, 1978)
MAI IDC ?U ' GD iZe?
HOURS -TMO?- SAT 2.100

Page 6 FOUNT AINHEAD 12 July 1978
Blind Date transcends
its violence and sex
News f- dita
Briny the name Jerzy
Kosinski during a discussion of
smporary lit instant-
dsturn; it will
. ?
inski, a Polish immigrant
and winner of the National Book
Award Steps, gained fame in
1965 with the publication of The
'ted Bird, a World War II
? odessey of a small child
?h strongly paralleled
-inski s own experiences as a
-gee in war-ravaged Poland It
was m The Painted Bird that
ki first rvealed his unique
' to fiction which was
her exposed in Steps (1968),
Being There (1971), The Devil
Tree (1973). and Cockpit (1975)
With th on of Being
- w- ,ih
with random existence.
Kosinski steadfastly refusesto
rw the reader tooozily slip into
an anticipated order or pace of
in It is difficult to read
Kosinski - not because of lang-
uage or concepts, but because of
his style. Kosinski justly ranks
with his countryman Joseph
Conrad in unexcelled achieve-
: in writing in English, the
adopted tongue of both of these
There is, in all of Kosinski s
work, an intensity which demands
to be shared by the reader There
is power in Blind Date: the
igonist faces the moments of
his existence with an intensity
which one is tempted to call tola
The language is direct almost to
the point of being blunt. this fits
naturally with the distance
vels bears
of Kosinski
uno ot" struct
'loments rat-
'han seq lopment
'tant if st, battling
against the
State s construction of personal
liberty, and ps the most
famous (or infamous) of
Kosinski's hallmarks- the brutal-
ink depiction of violence and
sex in his characters' lives.
Blind Date, Kosinski's latest
novel, may, in the above sense,
be considered a typical
Kosinski novel. And yet it is
dangerous ?o label any of
Kosinski s work as "typical
even for him. For Kosinski, as for
each of of his protagonists, life is
not a well though-out plot, a neat
chain of casuality
Life is spontaneous in its
unfolding, or perhaps explosion.
As the French biologist Jacques
Mon mentions to George Levater,
the protagonist of Blind Date,
concerning Levanter's friend.
your friend Romarkin doesn't
dare to admit that blind chance
and nothing else is responsible
for each random event of his life
Instead, he is searching for a
religion that, like Marxism, will
assure him that man's destiny is
spelled out in the central plot ot
Meanwhile believing m the
in orderly, pn
mini ? cheme, Romarkin
1 iqonists poss
i are loners; they h
ficulty feeling (in the personal
- leeply about other pe
Not dwelling in the past, nor
linking witt sed logic one
event with another. Levanter
seems cold and distant. Shortly
after he has plunged a sword up
the rectum of a foreign agent,
Levanter returns to his
apartment: But what had taken
place there had already receded
into a remote corner ot his
memory It was nothing but an
ojd Polaroid snapshop, no nega-
tive, photographer jnknown,
camera thrown away.
Kosniski's protagonists seem
brutal and uncaring; yet to the
reader of the traditional novel,
they must seem that way Not
piling memory upon memory and
dwelling on happier times,
Kosinski's characters are very
much alive and aware of,the'now'
that eternal present which de-
mands an acute awareness of
one's surroundings as well as of
The k.ey to Blind Date, as well
astothe rest of Kosinski's canon,
is the willing suspension of
disbelief required of one to enter
Kosinski's world of incidents.
This world is different fror that
normally peroeived by soa
and ? iion is different fr
ually een in trie novel
? i
ieorg ? tei ell
JERZY KOSINSKI IS currently enoymg a literary vogue. He is the author of Blind
Jerzy Kosinski talks about Blind
Date and The Painted Bird
The following interview with
author Jerzy Kosinski is the first
of two installments Read the
conclusion of the interview in the
TRENDS Section of the July 19
CPS - The eyes, which used
to terrorize the Gypsies, haven t
lost their ability to stun.
About ten feet from where he
sits is rack of objects called Hit
Harold' Harold is a tiny, inflat-
able everyman, whose instruct
ions suggest that he be placed at
a convenient spot on your desk
and beaten whenever life threat-
ens to overwhelm.
A kid. after five minutes of
pretending to shuffle through a
pile Ot birthday cards, walks over
and lays a paperback in front of
irobably one of
etl ible books I've
ions of an acquired langauge
Kosinski fled Poland when he
was 24 Since then he ,
published five novel st re-
cently B
T' atmosphere A the large
department - Sear I y bores
s there behind a table
overflowing with copies of his
book, waiting for something to
engage him. surprise him, prefer-
ring a life where "a predictable
environment becomes tense
CPS: At the end of Blind Date.
your protagonist, George
Levanter, is told that his entire
life has been a blind date Could
Jerzy Kosinski be told the same
JK Most of my generation 'did
in any notion '
tiny He saw it discredit? i
etray i nany thin
i tl A to all of u
and this should be, ideally, every
moment Hence I consider myself
on a blind date from the time I
was six years old And certainly
by the time I was 12. I was
convinced that the only form life
takes, the only meaningful form
is the blind date.
CPS Blind Date appears almost
to be a roman a def. Jacqu
Monod, Henry Kissinger, Charles
Lindbergh all appear.
JK They are in the book not
because I have known thern, but
above all their presence in this
novel is because they can illus-
trate the ideas of this novel I
want to say that the philosophy of
George Levanter is something
which has a presence outsit)'
i evantei it is a sdenl
pfiii' isophy

Sombrero Fallout
Hind Date
dealiy, every
lsider myself
n the tin
ind ertainly
i was
nly ocni life
nngful form.
jears almost
ef. Jaoqi
ger, Charles
e book not
n them, but
jnoe in this
y can illus-
iis novel I
hilosophy of
ice outside
a scientific
Brautigan'slatest: 'ambitious
By Jf f f HOI t INS
Assistant "rends Edito
In In latest book, Sombrero
f allout I Brautigan
j ambitious but not r
suooessful Still. Sombrero
Fallout marks a broadenii
; lutiga e which we are
W.ttermelon Sugar, Trout
' r Jung In America and his of
previous un novels were bril-
allieson H (he
? litionaj novel What n i)
novels different from quasi av
lard failures is the profound
i I his books having found
their form solely in their sub
In Sombrero Fallout our at ten
tioi first aught by the novi
on posed in
two complete . i and
tt least in thi -
- - and trie
the story th
plots have al i
thing todo with eaii other. but
. 3. be set as two pa
rhe mam charade-
a ed by name t .
rred ti
rist" ha
. ?
n ting her. him wanting to
? ' amburgei bul stop;
himself becau i
hamburgers the previous
other such mundane goings
' that somehow add up to a
penetrating psychological por
of the wr
The other half of Rot A deals
with the young Japanese beauty.
Yukiko, dreaming. Brautigan is
his most lyrical in these passages.
He describes Yukiko's flowing,
fragrant onyx hair as sleeping
along with her. dreaming its own
dream Indeed, Brautigan uses
Yukiko's rich black hair as her
dommat image, to the point that
he crams her deep, lovely,
shimmering, veluptuous hair
down our throats.
At one point the writer finds
one of her hairs in the sink and is
transfixed by it. He drops it, and
'Brautigan s man is sophisticated and
neanderthal, rather a fool, but a
beautiful and hauntingly tragic one. '
I" '? a i I md a
from the floor
But the n ag?
the rrn
cribes the girl by rm u
"? earns of light
m Jap,n of sweet moi
? O ?xJy
Yukikoandher black purring
well The cat ? gourously
fen ?? ? wit fight,
Still, fa
ingenuity with which Brautigan
? -
?tie too g
to I ?
te to the
i mtallant
hile Plot B is an
. h man-
out. come! fi n J ? B
A so mysteriously
' . 'the
ground in a small American town
The mayor of the town,
mayor's assistant, and a man
without a job are gathered around
the sombrero trying to deduce
from whence it came and what
they are going to do with it For
reason, the sombrero is -24
degrees cold.
These three men, each, for
different reasons, jealous of each
other. begin to have an argument
about the sombrero which ulti-
mately results m the President of
the United States having to call in
troups to quell the violence that
has been started by the small
town Rot B is silly and in being
that it emphasizes its point about
the foolishness of and trivial
motivation for many of history
Ton! i c and Thurs.
3I3BO ROttftT
IVi. V Sai. 4'ustf oiucr
prccia i ion 51-1 1
Sim. rallies iic
The two pints, ir ? and
contradistinction a
mat ? ularly the American
??? On one side of the main
' ? ei i line yet
: on the
??' we see his sens
gether the two plot
with an image of American
in who does not search out his
motivations but rather acts fra
nal and ph
? This Amer
humorist . writing a story that
- intends to publish and is
tally masturbating about a
womat who no longer loves or
eds him
Sombrero Fallout is an ingen-
ious idea in terms of novelistic
form and is original and oddly
con. in its content and
me. Theme9 Applying that
word to a Brautigan novel-like
g is like talking about time-
? ? an internal
- intil a bettei j I a
und fa "
? which a B'
'XI us tl
ist suffice
Brautigan s then,
tal mar rsly manifesting
himself m this pet
Brautigan s man is soph
ated and neanderthal, rather a
fool, but a beautiful and haunt-
inqly trag me
terms of novehstic form ancl is original ana odefy convincing
content ana theme Theme Applying that wora to a Braut
novel-like thing is like talking about time- ???
internal-combustion engine vocabui Br
? ? a ? ? , ,
Be Somebody
Pan tana Bob's
3? -XZL
Good Stuff at Stuffy's
Free Large Drink
With The Purchase Of Anyone Of
Stuf fy's Famous Subs
?hWithl )n)

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 July 1978
Convoy: 4epic tripe'
Trends Editor
Sam Peckinpah's heavy-hand-
ed direction is just the touch
needed to bring the hodgepodge
of stars, extras, mammoth 18
wheel mechanical monsters and
old film genres together to form
some semblance of order and
eventually the film Convoy.
But where do I go from there?
The lead in Convoy requires
macho appeal. Enter Kris
Kristofferson. Sex and Snob-
bery? Ali MacGraw. A spirited
heavy? Ernest Borgnine. The
casting is par excellent .
But let me point out one thing.
Nobody is going to win an
academy award by doing a
Peckinpah film. The director is
far more interested in his action
sequences and message-filled
material than in tour-de-force
fodder fa any one player.
There's a message for us in
this movie . Well Convoy's big
message is what finally brings the
entire 18 wheeled mess to a
grinding halt.
Convoy is tightly based on
C.W. McCalfs ballad about a
major (50 trucks or more) convoy
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We have in ilock
jSamvoo Window
fjth ?r Coianche.
that keeps on truckin' despite the
unvelievable odds stacked against
From this premise, Peckinpah
elicits a protest march composed
of an innumerable assemblage of
trucks replete with operators from
every imaginable walk of life.
Just about every trucker has a
legitimate beef. One driver is
discontent with our boys in
Washington; another disgruntled
about the 55 m.p.h. speed limit,
and some are just along for the
The protagonists,
Kristofferson and his little
troupe, are on the lam . . . from
the law, from themselves, and , of
oourse, from society.
Tripe cm an epic scale!
Fortunately, the banality of the
material is surpassed by
Peckinpah's ingenious allusions
to one of the cinema's foregone
genres, the western.
Peckinpah is obsessed with
the lifestyle of the old west and its
eye-fa-an-?ye oode of ethics. He
aptly depicts this violent exist-
ence, as he does in many of his
films, in what is probably his best
work, The Wild Bunch.
Peckinpah fulfills the promise of a
Ride in the High Country in what
may be classified as one of the
most important records of the
mood of our times and one of the
most important American films of
the era.
752-4854 530 Cotanche St.
In his attempt to repeat the
feat under a different guise,
Peckinpah has managed to mus-
ter some fine moments for us to
revel in.
Audiences have, it seems,
always been reassured by some
elements of continuity between a
specific film by a director and that
director's ensuing efforts.
Hence, and this is especially true
for Peckinpah, stars are almost by
definition players who never vary
from film to film and for a star to
play a part that fell outside his
customary range was always
considered a risky undertaking.
In the same way, if the film
itself can be made to fit into a
certain category, so that the
audience knows what to expect in
general terms but it is intrigued
as to how the well-known ingredi-
ents will be served up this time,
then a certain level of success can
almost be guaranteed.
Audiences like to know what is
in store for them and a successful
film is one which can be clearly
and accurately labelled.
To an even greater degree,
Convoy is like the contemporary
Peckinpah westerns of the direct-
or's earlier days. It is a story of
adventurous open-air life that can
take you out of your everyday life,
away from the monotony of your
job or textbook.
It is a dear and gripping
development that moves to a
satisfying climax when every-
thing is settled in a blaze of guns.
But the automatic response
evoked by Peckinpah, resulting
from a certain sameness not only
inherent in his films but in the
"western" style itself, is so
W star in Peckinpah's "Convoy
strong in Convoy that it drowns
his message.
But fa the filmmaker who
wants to talk directly to his
audience about moral values, or
about themes such as male
friendship a patriotism, the
western can offer unequalled
Westerns tend to be about a
certain period of American his-
tory and to show the building-up
of an organization united in a
common good cause, but the best
of them have an attraction that is
international. The topicality of
Peckinpah's guise is the main
reason fa loss of that feeling of
universality and in a sense what
we are left with is a poa man's
There is no doubt that
Peckinpah has a nice sense of
time and place; that his locations
and groupings, as well as the
faces and peripheral activities
that fill a given sha have the
right look and feel about them.
But he is much less sure about
the staging of the main action in a
scene, except where seedy de-
bauchery a sudden flare-ups of
violence are concerned. The
dialogue rides high in Convoy as
well as wide - from the awful to
the quite acceptable. But even
the hip CB slang employed
inevitably leads us to believe that
Peckinpah is playing cowboys and
Indians again.
Peckinaph is half Indian, and
that may have induced our guilt
feelings to turn him into a prodigy
befae his time; it may also give
him a keener understanding of his
subject matter.
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Kosinski's new book is powerful in content
continued from p.6
for Levanter is one incident after
another, each lived by the sensit-
ive reader as well as by Levanter
In a much-publicized section
of the novel, Levanter is to meet
his Polish friend Woytek at a
mutual friend's house in Los
Angeles. Levanter, by the mis-
chance of a baggage foul-up, has
to stay over in New York fa the
night. It's just as well; that night
Woytek, along with Sharon Tate
and others, is murdered by the
Manson gang. Blind chanoe,
then, saved Levanter's life. It was
another incident.
Kosinski imagines the Tate
murders from the standpoint of
the victims and particularly of his
friend, Woytek. Here, the novel-
ist is powerful in his style. His
descriptions derive their powerful
effect from the brutality inherent
to the crime and Levanter's (and
Kosinski's) willingness to exper-
ience each moment in full, not
turning aside, not trying to
remember or forget - just exper-
Thus Levanter imagines his
strong friend Woytek amazed,
disgusted and finally senseless as
the latter is beaten and stabbed
repeatedly by the "Crabs of
Sunset a name Woytek had for
the hippies of L.A.
To attempt to feel to the
utmost 3cene8of horror as well as
mose of physical love may seem
to some to be perverse, mentally
unhealthy. But fa the Kosinski
protagonist, such is the stuff of
iife. To apprehend life in all of its
possibilities at any given moment
is to live; the aha is self-styled
Thae is a scene in Blind Date
whae Levanta meets a defamed
girl, little more than the stump of
a taso and a head. Yet he is
intrigued by this wonan, who
seems open and free of the
psychological scars one might
namal'y expect to find with such
defamity. He watches ha being
varried into the room; he aosses
to meet ha.
Afta the oonvasatiai,
Levanta oansidas the woman
and decides that, as he was
imagining himself ha leva, ha
fascinatiai was that she had
incorporated her dfeformity into
the totality of her life. She was a
woman, and her view of herself in
the world was that of woman. Her
view was as mysterious and
exciting to him as that of any
woman he had ever desired. He
wanted to become an object of her
emotion and her passions, to
enter her world and be given her
knowledge of it.
Levanta, at the end of Blind
Date, has a measure of suooess
with ana ha individual. Me?ing
Pauline, a wonan pianist first
encountaed earlia in the novel,
the two go to Levanta's apart-
ment where, during the subseq-
uent love-making he appears to
exhibit a feeling of care about his
partna. The closed wald opatsa
aack furtha as Levanta allows
just a bit of involvemoit with
Interview reveals Kosinski
continued from p.6
nostalgia fa the atmosphae of
Eastan Europe, whae writing is
a more engaged' act.
JK: That is why Qeage Levanta
is an investigata, a Tarden of
Cockpit and agent. Roles which
Amaicans paceive as more
dramatic. But that is the oily
nostalgia thae is, aha than
clearly I neva wanted to seva my
roots. Eastan Europe is Swiftian.
It is like Gulliver's land, in fact, in
which oie small man owe
CPS: Is socialism Swiftian?
JK : In the last 3 years, I've come
to see socialist societies, so-called
totalitarian societies, as an op-
pression by the party simply in
the absence of oonputas. The
idealogy becomes an eva present
ajmputa. Acrudecomputa. It is
actually a leveling device which
IBM can pafam much betta. A
man in a taalitarian state is
helpless. He a she feels that the
taal apparatus of society is so
much more powaful, eventful, so
much more equipped to deal with
the destiny of the whole tribe.
This oaresponds, I tihink, to
the helplessness felt by a man
a woman trapped in their four
wheel vehicle on a highway called
freeway. It'sna freeanymae. It
takes half of your life unda the
guise of rendaing you free a
advent ureous I think the popular
culture is the idealogy of the
oomputa, which creates the
archetypal figures of heroes like
Dais Day a Rock Hudson. While
Marxism may be a a ude aomput-
a, the oomputa state can do all
this 'eveling not through the party
seartary, but through a oomput-
a card popping out and saying
you are above avaage, below
average, you have to move here ot
thae. It discredits the oommon
man a woman by rendaing than
completely 'uneventful' and pas-
CPS: You onoe tolCTour class at
Yale that, "I'm rot hae to save
you, I'm na a missionary, I'm
only trying to save myself from
what has happened to you Do
you still teach?
JK: I'm on leave smce 1973 and I
haven't gone back to teaching.
CPS: Do you want to?
JK: Part of me wants to and part
says no. It is too protective an
environment. It sheltas too
'A man in a
totalitarian state is
helpless the
total apparatus of
society is so much
CPS: What is the disease the
Amaican student is suffaing
JK: Two things. One is that they
consciously embrace notions of
destiny inhaited from the culture
and their parents. That is how it
manifests itself. It manifests itself
in the inability to grasp oneself as
a truly dramatic protagonist in
one's own life, in the dramatic
units of this life as it oomes by
and the univaaity should certain-
ly be a dramatic incident in the
course of one's life. If you
combine these two rations, you
get a oondition of passivity, partly
unaware, because thae is na
that much one oould a should do.
That I find too traumatizing to
CPS: What you just said sounds
like mid-twentiah century exist-
JK: Hae I would kindly, no
unkindly, disagree. I think this
philosophy is the vay opposite of
existentialism. In fact my philoso-
phy, Geage Levanta's philoso-
phy, and that of my aha
charactas stresses the moment to
be extended, to be lived, daiming
that that moment contains all
principle ingredients to one's
oonnection to life. In essence it is
the vay opposite to existential-
CPS: But in practice this idea of
grasping each moment and push-
ing it to its fullest is precisely how
Camus defined existentialism as a
JK: All right.
CPS: Could you charactaize the
Kosinski public?
JK: Atrue Kosinski reada oould
have written all my novels and
when some of these reactors
reviewed them, they reviewed
them exactly on mental tarns I'd
set fa myself. So the sense of
recognition and the sense of
identity is staggaing and absol-
utely blissful.
CPS: You enjoy meeting people?
JK: That is all I enjoy. I have no
conflict rnaaphysically with my
fellow humans, while I have a la
of advasary reactions to our
ana ha
Ya, as if to deny this "pla"
developmait, Kosinski snatches
Levanta up and places him back
at the ski resort whae Levanta
had earlia met Pauline. As the
novel ends, Levanta, attempting
to ski a large run alone at night,
faltas, and a chill sets In. As
frostbite slowly threatens
Levanta, he flashes back to
warma scenes - a beach, a boy
playing in the wata.
Blind Date is a powaful
novel, powaful in style as well as
in content. From its pages
emages a philosophy of life
which transcends the stack of the
violence and sex which are its
vehicle. Kosinski is a saious
novelist, portraying life as he
senses it to be, and his wak
should be taken seriously
Fa those wishing light fiction
fa the pool a bed-side, Blind
Date should be put aside. Fa the
reada who desires involvement,
sorrwtimes at a frightening level,
then Kosinski, and Blind Date,
need to be investigated.
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Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 July 1978
USM seeks revert
ainst Pirates
? si
The one wil
eavy under
He USM squad But once
a was apparent
it the Golden Eagles were ill
handle the Pirates
ECU went on to ro
es 48-f
?vith a 2-9 record.

I juartei
1 fa his
ft Hammond
1) 195 started nine gan-
I connected on 25 of 58
4M yards while his
up Dame McDaniel hit :8 of
73 passes for 473 yar
John Ca ? b, 1) 185
will return to split endaftei
leading the t- fall with 19
'or 295 . : The
flanker will be Chuck Brown, (6,
'0. He h for
? this
? ?
' ' i will take
ne of those
this year
the people in Hatties-
. Mississippi, havi
CXten that 48-0 rout And to
' to the Pirates troubles is the
?l they must face the
In their new 33,000
? ?
But what about the Golden
f the USM fan,
ad -
posr n will bi
t -
hnsa 2) 235
On defense only two starters
r"turn to the front wall and this
has to cause coach Collins some
concern H di ?s, however, have
some capable replacement
The returnees are tackle J. J.
Stewart (6. 4) 260 and senior n ,
guard Thad Dillard (6, 1) 240.
? . Warren (6. I) 250 is
er tackle
?W" ?3w
ECU HALFBACK WILLIE Hawkins heads down field tor more yardage against Southern Mississippi
IN 1976 ECU BLASTED Southern Missippi 48-0 in Hattiesburq thii vear wnere i defeated the
the Pirates home operm Thi Pirates return to Golden Eag
?. ,???
?'?'? KBfMleK

Simply Sports
12 Juty 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
H Sam Rogers
Taylor leads Eagle defense
OLIVER MACK, ECU'S record co
waking as an instruda at Lefty Dria
University ol Mai fland rhe New fort
onstderation for Playboy Magazim ?'? Ai erica hid will
probal ? i ometime in I . , .
th in the nation in scoring witl
ECU single game ? with 4 poii
Carolina Aikei
NEXT SEASON, Mack will be the naticx
scorei behind tal irry Bii ?
game I Mac n I
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ABC schedule announced


WILLi- K. now
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rial recognitia
A partial 197 . ?
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v Summer
FREE Trip for Two to
ICiis?Ii ia riUiis.
CllOiee Wed. July 12
limr. - SiiK:r iirii
IVi.&Sat. - Arrogance
Sim. - Sliol
- ?


Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 12 July 1978
Compton busy lecturing on national tour
Assistant Spats Editor
Rod Compton's travel ittenary
this summer resembles a sche-
dule more appropriate fa a
faeign ambassada
Compton, the Pirate s Spats
Mediane Directa. has journeyed
from oie end of theoountry to the
dimmer speaking at
inventions and conferences.
During the month of June
Comptoi visited the Medical
College of Geagia in Augusta fa
t vvockshop befoe flying to
Las Vegas, Nevada, with his
assistants, Jim Keating and Liz
White, fa the National Athletic
iiner Assoaatioi conventioi
Following the NATA convent-
ion, it was on to another wakshop
at Madison University in Harris-
burg. Va.
And this week, Comptoi is oi
the road again lecturing at East
Texas State University in Com-
merce, Texas.
Basically our wakshops are
fa fjoaches and student
trainers said Compton, now in
his eighth season at ECU. "We
want to educate both the coaches
and the student trainers on
injuries as well as the treatment
and prevention of them. When a
high school program has no
student trainer we want the
coaches to have enough practical
knowledge to take care of prob-
s when they happen.
We're aiming fa all the high
school programs to eventually
have at least one certified trainer
at each school
Canptoi waks closely with
representatives from Kramer Pro-
ducts while lecturing at each
wakshop. Kramer is recognized
as one of the nation's top athletic
supply companies which special-
izes in tape, ointments and
liniments fa the prevention of
A base wakshop will last
fa five days which involves some
very intense training explained
Canpton. "Although there is a
lot of lecturing, we 'jet aside a lot
of time fa "situation labs
where coaches and trainers get a
1008 S. Evans St
Phone 758-4056
By Appointment Only
Melvin H. Boyd
Franklin C Tripp
chance to disgnose the injury and
decide what to do in a given
After the East Texas State
University wakshop, Comptoi
will spend two days in Dallas,
Texas with Gil Brandt, the
directo of Player Personnel fo
the Dallas Cowboys, discussing
player conditioiing and the pre-
vention of heat stress.
Compton will then return to
Greensbooto speak at a four day
wokshop fo the N.C. Coaches
Association. He will finish just in
timetoreturn toGreenville where
the Pirates repot fo pre-season
practice August 11
"I've been extremely proud of
the progress we've made since I
came in 1970 noted Compton.
The use of a van with a potable
training room fa ai the field
emergencies was an idea started
here at ECU and it's being used
all over the country. Next year
we've got almost 40 students who
will be in our spots medicine
curriculum. We like to think we
have oie of the finest spots
mediane programs in the
Yet, Comptoi is not one to
rest on his past achievements. He
is currently waking with Spats
Mediane Attaney Larry Graham
oi a licensing law fo Certified
Trainers in N.C. He has also
Welcome Dr. Brewer!
Overton's extends a warm welcome to ECU's new Qiancellor,
Dr. Thomas Brewer and has family.
? i !
Located 2 blocks from LCU at the corner of 3rd & Jarvis.
We have everyday low prices that are more than competitive with any other store,
large or small. A free cart service is available to push your groceries home.
We as accept Master Charge and Visa,
rhehomeof Greenville's best meats.
begun wok oi a Spots Mediane
Foundation which will provide
scholarships fa students interes-
ted in pursuing a career in spats
"We want to continue to grow
and develop more every year,
said Compton. "We've made
tremendous progress during the
past eight years and we've gotten
a la of students interested in our
program "
SPORTS MEDICINE DIRECTOR Rod Compton lectures at the Pirates
co Mediane Workshop held in May
Car Care Service
I Poll Front W?M?. Impoct Lining ?nd Drurm
J. Chock Gtmw Soor. Wnoel Cyllndw tor Lfc?o
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R?B Prlc?.J0 - WltnCort Strvkt Only U.JO
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Tyson recruitment
NCAA probes basketball
aaff Reporter
Mississippi head basketball
coach Bob Weitiich said Saturday
he would neither oonfirm nor
deny whether the Rebels were
responsible fa leveling charges
against the ECU baskatball pro-
gram which has resulted in an
investigation by the NCAA.
The alleged violations are
believed to have occured in the
recruiting of Al Tyson, a prep
standout from nearby D.H.
Conley High School who has
signed a grant-in-aid with the
Pirates next season
"I'mnot going to deny it, but
I can't elaborate when there's an
investigation going on said
Weitiich. "It's common know-
ledge we were recruiting Tyson as
were a lot of other people. It's
also common knowledge that
most of us had a hard time doing
Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation o' 4,500,
this issue is 8 pages.
so. There were a lot of difficult-
Tyson, a 6-10 center, was
highly recruited last season by
many schools and was the object
of a bitter struggle between
Mississippi and ECU.
NCAA investigator Tommy
Yeagers spent five days in
Greenville last week but would
not oomment on the reason for his
visit a whether the NCAA would
take any disciplinary action agai-
nst the Pirate basketball prog-
Yeagers quest ;oned Tyson's
high school coach Shelly March
last Wednesday and was also
believed to have questioned
Gillman and Dillon concerning
the reauiting of Tyson.
"He wanted to know about
Al's economic status during the
past year said Marsh. "He
asked about Al's spending
money, housing, clothes and his
grades. He certainly knew what
he was talking about and was very
familiar with the Greenville area.
"I don't know if he has
oontacted any of Al's teammates
but I wouldn't be surprised if he
hasn't contacted them by now
Although Marsh said he had
no idea which school may have
complained to the NCAA, he
believed it could have been
"Al had given ECU a verbal
committment before he visited
Old Miss explained Marsh.
"But when he visited Ole Miss
things were completely different
down there than what he had
anticipated. Al probably gave Ole
Miss a verbal committment dur-
ing his visit and Eddie Oran felt
he was going to come to school
"But apparently Al changed
his mind when he came back and I
think that really upset Eddie.
He couldn't figure out why Al
changed his mind
Ole M iss assistant Eddie Oran
he wasn't aware of any recruting
violation by ECU a Mississippi
and also added he had no
problems with the ECU coaching
"We lose a lot of players
every year just like a lot of other
schooisdo said Oran. I really
iidn't know if Al was coming to
Mississippi. You'd have to ask Al
about that
Marsh said Oran came to
Greenville in April to sign Tyson
on the national signing date, but
was unable to find him.
Eddie came to Greenville on
the national signing date said
Marsh, "but I got the impresskxi
h nouldn't find Al anywhere. He
wasn't in school a at home and
Eddie wasn't able to locate him
anywhere. Al did miss school
several days around the signing
date, although I don't know
exactly how many
When asked if he oontacted
Tyson during that time, Oran had
no comment and refused to
Vd.j4Ho.ftf &3 East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
19 July 1978
answer any more questions. Oran
said any other information would
have to oome from his head coach
Bob Weitiich.
Gillman would not comment
on any questioning concerning
the NCAA investigation and said
any additional information would
have to oome from ECU
chancellor Dr. Thomas Brewer or
athletic director Bill Cain.
Band camp, p. 3
Kenny Loggins, p. 5
SW Louisiana preview, . . p. 7
McGinnisprepares to
undergo renovation
Photo by John H.
DR. BREWER MEETS with the Media Board am WECU
Dr. Brewer, Media Board meet
News Editor
In a meeting Tuesday with
Media Board members and the
general manager of WECU-FM,
ECU chancellor Thomas E.
Brewer stressed the responsibilit-
ies and obligations of operating a
50,000 watt radio station, and
suggested that a full-time profes-
sional broadcaster be hired to
co-ordinate station management.
Noting that the proposed
frequency for WECU-FM is the
sole remaining frequency band of
50,000 watts in the eastern North
Carolina area. Brewer expressed
reservations about "a station
which had as Its call letters
WECU over which the university
has no control Under the
current constitution of the Media
Board, student media are to be
student controlled, as they are
financed by student fees.
Brewer stated that he had
called the meeting because, upon
reviewing the WECU issue after
assuming the chancellor's office,
he had some questions he wanted
to discuss, chief among them
station control, financing of a
50,000 watt station, and the
responsibilities of such an opera-
Much of the meeting concern-
ed questions Brewer asked of
John Jeter, general manager of
the radio station. Fa over a year,
Jeter has been waking toward
the realization of an FM station
fa the ECU sh dents and the
surrounding communities. Cur-
rently, an application fa an FCC
license is being routinely proces-
sed in Washington, D.C.
Brewer's recommendation of
a full-time professional staff
member fa the station came as
the chancellor told the arouo of
his apprehensions concerning a
student-run station which has a
50,000 watt broadcast power.
50.000 watts is a powerful signal
which would effectively reach
beyond Greenville, perhaps as far
as Raleigh.
Brewer felt that the responsib-
ilities inherent to such a station
might better be co-adinated by a
professional. "Were not talking
about the students '(listening)' ,
Brewer continued. "With a
50,000 watt station, we're talking
about the entire area of eastern
North Carolina
Elabaating at the public
respajsJbi.ity of WECU-FM,
Brewer added, "I do not agree
that it is the role (of the station) to
program just what the people
want to hear. The station should
also expose the audience to what
they ought to hear, as well as act
See WECU, p.3
News Editor
After the usual years of
planning, proposals, and red tape
that inevitably accompany any
kind of construction a renovat-
ion, the Drama Department of
East Carolina University has
finally received the green light fa
a lo?g-planned renovatton of
McGinnis Auditorium. That
light is in the fam of a $1.9
million appropriation made by the
state legislature in June, culmina-
ting several previous requests fa
The $1.9 miMton is part of a
total package plan of $2.7 million,
with the remaining amount to be
requested next year. Awarding to
Preston Sak, General Manager of
the ECU Piayhouae, construction
will probably begin either in the
faM a next spring. The uncertain-
ty of exact dates is due to changes
wh??:h must yet be made in the
architectuaJ design.
"These plans are eight years
old Sak explained. "They're
going to have to go back to the
drawing board fa a few days at
least and make sure that every-
thing they've got in there meets
the new code specifications and
so forth
The primary changes which
will be wrought by the impending
renovations are enlargement of
the stage, revamping of the
lighting system, raking of the
seating area and improved acces-
ibility of the auditaium to
wheelchair patients
Expansion of the stage will
oome first. "The stage is going to
be about twice as deep as it is
now Sisk said "It'sgoingtobe
made taller than it is now. The
rule of thumb is that the gridiron
above the stage floa ought to be
ten and a naif times as high as the
proscenium arch. This one is only
about one and five eighths as
high, which means that if you fly
a big piece of scenery, the bottom
of H is either going to show a
you're going to have to hang
something black in front of it so
tow that it blackens cut the
The cost of this portion of the
project, which will induce knock-
ing out the back wall of McGinnis
will be conpounded by the
necessity of raising the roof.
which, as Ssk points out, is a very
expansive project.
"But it's a necessary project
to make the theatre wak he
aded emphatically. "That's one
of the most important things -
raising the gridiron and getting
our flying facilities waking so we
can get scenery up and down and
out of sight, and all the scenery
wo need on the stage at one
As an illustration of what kind
of problems the present setup

oontinued from , 1
poses, ask ated a dilemna faced
by the Drama department last
winter during the production of
"The Skin of Our Teeth Be-
cause there was so much scenery
on the stage for that play, it was
necessary to cut the corners off on
of the set s to enable the complica-
ted shift from one oomplete set to
another. "Consequently, one
night the scene shift took twenty
When this stage expansion is
oomplete, MoGinnis Auditorium
will actually be about six feet
shorter than it is now, and the
dressing rooms which are now
located begind the stage will be
directly beneath it.
Another important problem
which will be solved by such a
major alteration is lighting. The
antiquated lighting system, which
is presently located "on a pinrail
twenty feet off the floor in the
stage right wing will be replac-
ed by a new modern system and
will be moved to the production
booth above the lobby. This new
system will probably require
rewiring of the auditorium.
The audience area will not see
any expansion either, although
significant changes in arrange-
ment will be made. An orchestra
pit will be added, and the slope of
the seats will be noticeably
increased fa better audience
observation, particularly the last
rows. This change, Sisk believes,
will make the theatrical product-
ions not only different in nature
but more exciting as well.
"What happens is that in the
auditorium as you've got it now,
everybody is looking straight on
or up at the action. That means
they see the action essentially in
two dimensions - it's flat. What
you really see is height and
width. But when you raise the
audience above the action - and
two thrids of the audience or so
will be up above the action when
this goes - then you've got the
audience looking, and they see
height, they see width, but they
also see the floor. The floor has
some depth, and you can perceive
movement patterns on the floor.
And it calls for a whole different
kind of directing, a different kind
of design, and it's really more
interesting, in my opinion
The only probem with this
design - and it is a problem which
has not yet been ironed out - is
how to make the back seating
area available to wheelchairs. The
? ?????
present plans call fa stairs
leading up to the rows, as well as
other designs will have to be
revamped, since federal law now
requries that buildings be totally
accessible to the handicapped
Present speculation for increased
accesibility includes some plans
to put an elevator in the lobby.
Etecause the status of con-
struction progress is unknown at
this time, it is impossible to
predict what impact will be felt
on the fall theatrical season.
Consequently, no plans have
yet been made for upcoming
programs. When work is actually
begun on MoGinnis, all the shows
will have to be moved to the
Studio Theatre, which seats only
a hundred people, as opposed to
the 690 seats available in
MoGinnis. Such a move will pose
two main problems, according to
Sisk, it will reduce the number of
people who are available to attend
the performances, and it will cut
the revenue which the theatre
takes in. In addition, it will
severely limit the scope of the
productions themselves, a factor
which will not necessarily be
negative since it will help to
reduce operating costs some-
One solution to the problem of
the cutback in seating in the
Studio Theatre isto increase a run
from the usual four or five nights
to ten to twelve nights. This
increase could prove difficult,
Sisk explained, because of the
great strain it would inevitably
place upon the people involved in
each production.
"That's one of the perennial
problems in an education situat-
ion - how long can you run a play
without diminishing returns?"
But despite all the barriers
that remain to be faced and
overcome, all the inevitable com-
plications and holdups, the end
product will, ask believes, be
well worth the trouble.
"I think that we'll have a
theatre we can hold our head up
about and bo proud of he stated
with certainty. " There's no doubt
about that. I don't think we're
going to have any major prob-
1008 S. Evans St.
Phone 758-4056
By Appointment Only
Melvin H. Boyd
Franklin G Tripp
Art & Camera Shop
12 Exp. Color Film
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Annual Band Camp pi
RwTFRRF PIRKFV take nrivatp Ipq?yic r ;? ?? JL -M.
19 July 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Pagf ?
Assistant News Editor
The sound of music how
sweet it is!
The annual ECU School of
Music summer band camp is
here! Herbert Carter, director
of Summer Band Camps for the
past 25 years, is proud to
announoe that again this year
there are two band camps lasting
from July 2 - 14 and July 16 - 28.
Anyone from age 12 through
high school w:th at least one
year's experience m ahomown
or school band and a recomn ?nd-
ation from his or her director can
attend either of the two-week
camps. A fee of $150 pays for
room, board, tuition, recreation,
and insurance. A fun-filled cal-
ender of educational opportunit-
ies ranging from rehearsals and
ensembles to recitals and theory
sessions awaits the young music-
ians attending the camps, accord-
ing to Carter. Students can also
take private lessons or join the
jam -ession.
Carter, the camp staff,
and students would like to invite
the public to attend their oonoert
Sunday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m.
outside in front of the Music
Building recital hall. "The prog-
ram will oonsist of show tunes and
light marches - something every-
one will enjoy Carter comment-
ed. This camp's final concert will
be on Friday, July 28 at 2 p.m.
in Wright Auditorium.
David J. Jones, Assistant
Dean of Men and Counselor of the
camp, stated that approximately
three hundred students from the
Eastern United States, mostly
from North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Virginia, are at-
tending the second camp. "We
divide them into four different
bands - blue, red, green, and
purple - ranging from the oldest
and most experienced to the
youngest and least experienced
Jones added. He also said,
continued from p. 1
as a reoruting tool fa the
AccorrJing to Jeter, the pro-
posed programming consists of
classic album rock, progressive
jazz, progressive country, and
classical music. Public service
announcements and educational
programs will also be offered by
the station, Jeter said.
The public image of ECU
which would be reflected in the
station's broadcasting was also a
oonoern of Brewer's. Noting
previous problems at other
schools involving student-run
media, the chancellor said, "I've
seen this happen with a school
paper. I've seen a student paper
come out and advise students not
to nttend that school
oeter responded that, aocord-
mg to FCC regulations, any
editorial expression over an ed-
ucational fm station is strictly
prohibited Citing Ms authority
and advisor in the matter as Mr.
Ed Perry of Educational FM
Associates of Massachusetts,
Jeter said that "you cannot
editorialize or take a stand on any
issue whatsoever" on the air.
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"Quite a few students and aiumni
from ECU School of Music are
connected with the camp
The camp ha oeen in exist-
ence for 25 years, but
last year expanJed to two camps,
according to Carter. "Some
schools have 20 to 24
people attending tne camp
Those go back home and tell their
friends what a good time they
had, so that each year the number
of attendants increases, Jones
Directors of the four bands are
Herbert Carter, ECU School
of Music (blue); Ray Haney
from Elizabethtown, (red),
Ed Jones from Woodbridge,
VA (green); Dr. George Knight,
ECU School of Music (purple).
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Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 19 July 1978
Gillman should resign
ECU head basketball ooach Larry Gillman
recently spoke to an ECU journalism class and said
'before I came here, people didn't know ECU had a
basketball program. At least everyone knows we
have a program now
Yes, everyone has been made well aware of the
fact that ECU has a basketball program. But what
reptuation does that program have? Gillman has
done little so far during his stay at ECU but generate
negative publicity about himself and the basketball
Gillman made front page news throughout the
state when Mount Vernon (NY) High School ooach
Vincent Olsen wrote a letter to several North Carolina
sports editors demanding a public apology from
Gillman because he allegedly contrived portions of
his resume, claiming to have been an assistant
coach on Olsen's staff. Olsen denied that Gillman
had ever served on his staff.
Later, following weeks of public pressure for his
removal or resignation, Gillman claimed he had been
offered a position with the National Basketball
Association franchise the Chicago Bulls for a
reported $32,000 a year. A spokesman for the Bulls
said they had never heard of Larry Gillman and had
no such opening on their team.
Reports from within the ECU Athletic Depart-
ment indicate that Gillman does not mix particularly
well with the rest of the department, either. The
former head of the Sports Information office had a
running feud with Gillman and the two men were,
according to sources within the department, no
longer on speaking terms after December. Former
ECU assistant basketball coacn Billy Lee resigned
after just one season at ECU under Larry Gillman.
ECU star basketball player Jim Ramsey recently
announced his plans to transfer to Stetson University
next year.
And, finally, Pirate basketball is being investigat-
ed by the NCAA for possible recruiting violations .
Some of these arguments may simply be
coincedence, others are probably true. Whatever the
case, it is dear that Gillman has lost the support of
his co-workers, his fans, and his team. It would be in
the best interests of Gillman's personal reputation
and that of Pirate basketball for him to step down
before further damaging an already tainted image.
Swing the East Carotins community for over titty years.
"Wmm ithrt torn to aecfcfe whether we stoufrf hare
a gwmrnimnt without oswspepers or newspapers
without ammnmmnt, I should not hesruta a morrmnt to
prmor tho lottor
Thomas Jefferson
EditorDoug White
Production ManagerLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. 9waim
News Editorsjtm Barnes
Karen C. Blansfietd
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
Shorts EditorChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student nawsjmmi of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU and is
distributed each Tuesday and Thursday, weekly during the
Mailing address: Old South Building. Greenville, N.C 27834.
Editorial offices 757-6385, 757-6387, 757-6308.
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $8 annually
Brer Gillman - Briar Patch or Tar Pit ?
Former editor defends HERALD editorial
Gerald Barnes
Sheila Mendoza
Dabney Glick:
Perhaps you should reread
Mr. White's editorial entitled
because apparently each of you
missed the point.
In the first place, Ms.
Mendoza, where did you learn
your journalism? Certainly not
under Larry O'Keefeor Ira Baker
in the journalism program. I
question your ability as a newspa-
perwoman if you do not know
what an editorial is.
Editorials are opinions,
supposedly the opinion of the
newspaper in which it is printed.
Ms. Mendoza, most opinions, if
not all, are biased, so yes,
editorials are biased. Surely the
EBONY HERALD has a diction-
ary Perhaps you should learn the
meanings of words before you use
Mr. Barnes, you claimed that
you feel as if you had been
"attacked by a dose of good oie
southern racism I reread Mr.
White's editorial twice and no-
where did I see any "southern
Since you are concerned with
racism, Mr. Barnes, don't you
realize that the mere existence of
the EBONY HERALD is racist?
The editorial was not racist; you
only believe that it is because you
interpret it in a different light.
Mr Barnes, the point of the
editorial is that it duplicates
efforts mart by FOUNTAIN ??
HEAD. No, not every story that
appears in the EBONY HERALD
is printed in FOUNTAINHEAD,
but the latter doesn't think that
fashion shows, fa example, are
newsworthy - unless it's being
held to raise money fa a wathy
When you read the editaial,
you must have blocked the fourth
graph from your mind. The first
sentence states. "The idea of a
newspaper concentrating solely
on black students is just as
bigoted as a newspaper which
covers only the activities of white
Would you like to know one
reason which probably
contributes to the fact that there
is not as much news of the
minaities on campus as you
would like to see in FOUNTAIN-
HEAD? There are no minaity
students employed at FOUN-
TAINHEAD. Which, I might
add, is not the newspaper's fault.
During the two-and-a-half
years I waked at FOUNTAIN-
HEAD, I recall only five black
students who waked ai the
paper. Bill Keyes waked fa a
time as assistant spats edita,
Joyce Evans has written fa
FOUNTAINHEAD, but was also
busy with the EBONY HERALD
and WECU radio; Ken Campbell
was assistant news edita, but
resigned to become edita of the
Woodard waked as assistant
news edita, but resigned due to
an increased wak lead in the
English graduate program. Arah
Venabie began writing fa
FOUNTAINHEAD last spring and
I hope that she will oontinue to do
so when she returns this fall.
Mr. Barnes, you wrote "the
claim that the HERALD repro-
duces FOUNTAINHEAD is a lie.
Proper analysis of the HERALD
would reveal this
I could na find a copy of the
HERALD to analyze it (I don't
remember the last time it was
printed), but I do remember the
front page of an issue during SGA
elections about a year ago.
FOUNTAINHEAD had interview-
ed presidential candidates Neil
Sessoms, Tim Sullivan, and Scott
Bright, and what did I see in the
HERALD? The very same.
Certainly you cannot say that this
was not a duplication of FOUN-
And Mr. Glick, I understand
your comments on social factas,
but tell me, what newspaper is
printed twice a year? Most
newspapers are dailies, biweek-
lies, a weeklies. Twice a year?
That's na a newspaper, it's a
The HERALD staff has
apparently not been trained to
make up newspaper pages. The
appearance of a newspaper is
very impatant, and headlines,
outlines, copy, photos, and white
space must be used effectively.
If the HERALD will begin
printing newswathy articles, not
duplicate the effats made by
others, and straighten up the
overall appearance of its pages,
maybe then it will contribute
something to the student body,
and na just to one group of
Cindy Broome

19 July 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Kosinski: part two
KENNY LOGGINS' NIGHTWA TCH only ont ude ,s worth a listen
Loggins' Nightwatch
disappointing follow-up
Staff Writer
Over a year sinoe Kenny
Loggins was oelebrated home,
Nightwatch. his latest release had
become one of the most awaited
albums of the summer, and at last
it has arrived. But first a little
the remake of "Down In The
Boondocks" is something I will
never understand.
The rest of the side almost
sounds like an early sixties rock
group, with exception given to the
title cut which shows signs of the
Loggins of old, but is nearly
drowned by heavy handed prod-
In his first solo effort since
leaving Jim Messina, Celebrate
Me Home, Loggins had proved
beyond a doubt to any skeptics his
ability to make it as a soloist, with
a totally solid and class perform-
ance that would have to rate as
one of my five best picks of 1977.
The Loggins we saw in
Celebrate Me Home was out to
prove something, an effort he
put his entire heart and soul into
in hopes of gaining individual
His work was rewarded by an
album that was aitically acclaim-
ed and commercially received by
an extremely diverse audience.
Unfortunately for you and me
and for Loggins, once you pro-
duce quality material people tend
to expect quite a lot from then on,
and as such Nightwatch is bluntly
a poor and disappointing follow
Nothing about Nightwatch
shows as much ef fat or quality as
Celebrate Me Home, from the
produdion to the lyrics. The
songwriting is the most obvious
and immediately disappointing
Where befae Loggins seemed
just as comfatable with driving
"Lady Luck in Nightwatch he
appears to be aching to explode
into hard-oore rock n rai at any
Sde One sounds mae like Rod
Stewart then Kenny Loggins, and
Fatunately Sde Two is consi-
derably better. Opening with the
catchy "Whenever I Call You
Friend a duet with Stevie
Nicks, this song puts Loggins
back in place where he is most
oonfatable and effective.
Here Loggins most dynamic
talent is at work, namely his
vace, where the falsetto smooth-
ness of the verses is superceeded
only by the melodic intensity of
the final chaus.
The next saig, "Wait A Little
While" is probably the best cut
on the album that truly helps to
redeem faith and shows that he is
still capable of writing exception-
al tunes.
The third song oi Side Two,
"What A Fool Believes is yet
another solid tune, oowritten by
Loggins and Michael ("Taking It
To The Streets "It Keeps You
Runnin "You Belong To Me")
McDonald, one of the most
aitically overlooked talents in
music today.
The album doses with the
haunting "Angelique" which is
intriguing but again a bit over
produced, showcas ing the trem-
endous range and colas of this
perfamer's mighty voice
As I see it, if you buy this
album it will be fa oily aie
side, but then again, aie sde of
good Kenny Loggins is wath
about three a rour of anybody
In an interview with CPS
which appeared in last week s
author Jerzy Kosinski discussed
several of his most popular novels
and their relationship to western
tr adit on Below is the conclusion
of that interview
CPS; Jerzy Kosinski is
legendary fa his ability to hide
from friends, fa his taste fa
JK One doesn't exclude the
other Your ability to hide is to
remain yourself. I am created as a
self befae I am able to embrace
other Unless I can guard myself
from an act of unnecessary
incorporation with the wald
outside, I will not be able to know
exactly what it is that draws me to
other. The self has to be guarded
to maintain its integrity and I use
the wad 'integrity' quite advis-
edly. It is a psychological integr-
ity which prevents me from
turning into a missionary, a
policeman a aie of my charact-
ers. In many encounters I keep
myself, my private life, very
carefully camoflaged.
CPS It is a guardedness all your
characters share.
JK : Even Jonathan Whalen in the
Devil Tree, who tries desperately
to see himself as his own event, is
quite unable to arrive at a
definition of the self. Maybe
because he has been inoaporat-
CPS: Yet Tarden, Whalen and the
narrata of Steps don't respect
the integrity of aher people.
They manipulate them psycholog-
ically, techndogically and em-
aionally. They use recording
equipment and phaography. In
fact, many of your early books
seem to propose that love, a
affection, always results in man-
JK: Is it possible that this
situation manipulates both part-
ners equally? That they are
encounters aeated by culture?
Who is manipulating whom right
now? Lets put it in one of my
novels. Tarden is being inter-
viewed. To a degree, of course,
the interviewer defines the situa-
tion fa the interviewee, but
th loteriewop trained in the
artsof manipulation, camouflages
himself cleverly; yet he stm
respondstothe stuation impose J
now by a larger unit, society,
which aeated the whole fam of
the interview. You are no freer of
this fam than I am. This binds us
together in the act of mutual
manipulation. What is wrong of
being aware of this?
CPS: Enlarge on that. Would you
say that American culture was a
false dialogue?
JK: No, but most of the western
tradition is. And a man aware of
some of this falseness, such as
the narrata of Steps, is no freer
simply because he is aware The
naion that someoie who knows
the nature of fear is a fearless
man is simply not true. I know the
nature of fear very well and I get
frightened so easily you can't
imagine. I know the nature of
power, of bureauaacy and uni-
form very well. I have patrayed
some powerful characters, yet
when I'm coif rented by a police-
man I'm completely snaky
CPS: Most authaity figures in
your books are oompeltely dis-
JK: That is true. Tarden gets
locked in an elevata which,
despite all his talents, he can't
get out of. So in a way, the ad of
aminpulation clearly belongs to
both parties.
I wouia not see one of them, a
woman a a man, as a victim.
They are locked into a cultural
device from which at least one of
them tries to get out by either
using it a giving in to it.
CPS: In a Godard film there is a
slogan scrawled on a wall that
says, "I replace vague philoso-
phical concepts with dear
images Your early novels em-
ploy almost a phaographic tech-
nique. They are a series of
snapshots. Yet aren't images
often too dear? Can't they be
manipulated in a hundred unin-
tentional ways?
JK : To say that because I address
the reader in very plain language,
na in the available highbrow
aesthetics, to say that this leads
me to perfam in terms of the
popular culture is not true. I'm
pondering this.
CPS: Still, asnapsha is by nature
vague and this vagueness can be
exploited to give the snapsha a
hundred different intapretations.
JK : That is right. What sets this
as adversary to popular culture is
the ambiguily, the open-ended-
ness of the language - predsely
because it cant be discredited as
an explosive language, as an
exercise in linguistics, a aesthe-
tics, but in strudure. What sets it
apart is the overwhelming errv
phasson incident which of course
the popular culture doesn't even
acknowledge. It has life, a a
span of life, a when I was in
school etc. There are maal
judgements in my novels. They
are implicit, not expliat. They are
prejudged in tarns of an easy
maaility, a a ludeo-christian
CPS: You mention highbrow
asethetics. Do you feel that your
contempaaries, writers like
Pynchon a Bellow, are essential-
ly engaged in linguistic exer-
JK : I think you may have just said
it You perceive it as writing.
what Pynchon does I perceive my
own books as staytellmg. I
narrate. I think there is a
difference. This could explain
why the priests of the highbrow
literary ootene would scan Blind
Date, feeling that narrating a
staytellmg is, in fad, a device of
the popular culture. They are
confusing narrating with enter-
taining. I think they have oont-
empt fa entertaining, perhaps
justly so, the popular culture does
nothing but entertain
CPS: Your fidion is unusual in
that almost all of your prdago-
msts are businessmen, captains
of industry, with all the power
trappings that accompany that
position. On the other hand you
have a jaundiced view of oapa-
ate motives. Jonathan Whalen in
the Devil Tree murders his
JK: While now only two stock-
holders, and I don't think he
murdas them, it's the sea that
murders them.
CPS: We didn't purge them, they
purged themselves?
JK Now come on A family
reason may have sometning to do
with it. I really don t know, I'll
have to reexamme his motives.
I' m somewhat separated from Jon
Whalen, who I think of all my
charadas is the most caught.
Even his tape reoader can't save
him. He really watches his lang-
uage far mae carefully than
anyone else in my books. He
reoads himself the despair to
know what language has done to
him. He is the most desperate of
all my charaders, but are they all
really busnessmen. Of course the
boy in The Painted Bird isn't. He
is an avenga. He perceives
himself as independent and can
pass his experiences on to others
regardless of whetha they want
it a nd To a degree therefae he
isnota businessman, but he will
become one
CPS: Would you say that all of
your charaders, in ader to seize
contrd of their lives, incapaate
themselves into this dominate
ideology of competitive business?
JK: And the wad incapaation?
Already it signifies business.
Tarden is the tool of business.
Geage Levanter associates with
CPS: All of your charadas deal
with oppresive situations by
intanalizing the methods of their
antagonists and, so to speak,
beating hem at their ow game.
Isn't the game won at the cost of
their humanity?
JK: My charadas don't lose
theirs I don't think. They are
vidimized often enough to retain
it by age, chance, accident. Th?y
may have tried to incapaate
others by an ad of manipulation,
but they fail

Paoe 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 19 July 1978
Jaws 2
A schlock summer sequel
that promises too much
Trends Editor
The narrative style of Univer-
sal's otherwise clubfooted sum-
mer junk-sequel, Jaws 2, is
probably the only developed
tendency in this uneven, unneces-
sarily heavy-handed, supposit-
ous horror saga.
Plot chronology is certainly
intact: the film begins tidily and
concludes tidily; everything in
between is a sham.
This sequel to Steven
Speilberg'ssuperlative 1975 thril-
ler is Hollywood's most unjustif-
ied attempt to cash in on the
A GROUP OF sailboatmg teenagers are attacked by Universal s giant
rubber shark in this summer's schlock sequel to "Jaws
805 Dickinson Ave.
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success of a forerunner to date.
Unfortunately, the banality of
most of the current "sequels,
prequelsand remakes" will have
little bearing on the box office
prosperity of this insipid genre of
Jaws 2 totally lacks any
genuinely original material of its
own and settles for a superabun-
dance of excessively gory variat-
ions on the shark attacks we
remember from its predecessor.
Even the film's best moments
(i.e. Roy Schieder'sdiscovery of a
mangled torso; a partially gnawed
killer whale happened upon by
two teenagers on the beach)
provide only schlock shocks. One
of the cinema's oldest and most
effective tricks, that of atlowing
the camera to sneak up behind
the viewer and yell "boo has
been rendered a thousand times
before and a thousand times
better in just about every other
film in this genre.
The shark attacks in Jaws 2
are completely without motivation
so that what we are subjected to,
quite unfairly I might add, is a
string of meaningless, unimagin-
atively staged Jeaths.
The multi-talented Speilberg
took Peter Benchley's prosaic
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LORRAINE GARY CAUTIONS MarcGilpm to be quiet when Roy
Scheider falls asleep from exhaustion, in a scene from ' Jaws 2
of the film. The result is that after
soap opera and crafted an enjoy-
able and exciting adventure tale
that rose far above the novel from
whence it came.
Jaws was crafted in the
Hitchcock tradition and sported
some brilliant comic relief, first
rate performances by a likeable
cast and memorable screen
Even as simply a horror tale,
and Jaws? embodies horror at its
lowest level, the sequel belongs
in the category of horror movies
in which horror is the be-all and
(alas) the end-all the only
reason fa the film's existence.
The film is a continuing
stream of poorly executed, poorly
acted, dully directed, often clum-
sily rendered and shoddily sadist-
ic sequences, and it is just this
kind of film that has given the
genre a reputation for cheap
It is a shame too, for the
original on which it was based
was a class-A motion picture in
which horror was the essential
ingredient, but not the only, or :
chief, reason for makinq it.
The revelation of the "terror
from the deep" too early in the
film is another weakness. The
shark, morecontrivedly repulsive
and a little bigger than the
original, is actually less fearsome.
It is revealed quite early on and
swims around throughout the rest
Jwly 22
a few fairly effective moments,
not much else is left and the
climax, the hokey electrocution of
the shark, is fatally weakened -
in addition to being less strongly
handled in itself.
Just as the door half-opening
onto a sinister room can be more
alarming than one which reveals
fully the terror lurking within, to
the unseen isoften more frighten-
ing than the seen.
The key to any horror story is
knowing when to stop, when to
suggest without statement. This
may be applied to any manifestat-
ion of horror.
The trouble with Jaws2 is that
it promises too much. In example
after example, tension and sus-
pense are worked up with semi-
effective minor shocks being
injected en route. But if the film is
to be finally satisfying, the
promise must be fulfilled - the
ultimate climax exceed all that
has gone on before.
This is an elementary condit-
ion that goes on ignored Hence,
the climax topples over into
absurdity. Horror dissolves into
derisive laughter.
The most frightening climax
to a period of tension may often
be a true, or apparent, anti-
climax. Why not let the shark
gobble up Roy Scheider and swim
The original Jaws gave us
everything we could have asked
for in the way of a thriller. In this
sense, the sequel is a perfect
example of not knowing when to
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19 July 1978 FOUNTAINHE
James, Gray lead 'Ragin' Cajuns' offense
Sports Editor
This is the eighth in a series of
scouting reports on ECU'S 1978
toot ball opponents. Next week we
will scout the Appalachian State
Last year one of the most
disappointing games fa the
Pirates was the 9-7 loss to
Southwestern Louisiana in
Ficklen Stadium. What made
matters worse is the fact that USL
won the game with three field
goals and not by a touchdown.
This year however things
could be different; or oould they?
The Pirates will have some
advantages over the USL team
that last year did not exist but
then again the Pirates play USL
One of the Pirates advantages
is the fact that USL lost one of the
top quarterbacks in the nation
due to the graduation of Roy
Mr Magic" Henry. Henry
made everybody's All-Amencan
team and was one of the top
passing quarterbacks in the
It is then a well known fact
that a replacement must be found
for Henry if the Ragin Cajuns are
to be an equal or better team.
The candidates for Henry's
starting job include Sophomore
Curt Caldarera, (5-10, 170), and
David Guildry (6-1, 175), and
senior Ken Matthews (6-5. 215)
who sat out the ' 77 season.
Other possibilities at the
quarterback position are JUCO
All-America Bob Gaghano, as
well as freshman Kyle
Kirkpatrick and Divid Pingston.
The receiving corp is in great
shape as all the personnel return
to that area.
The returnees are Calvin
James (6-3, 230) who caught
passes for 574 yards and six
touchdowns on 41 catches. Split
end David Gray 6-2, 180 will also
be back as well as wmgback Nat
Durrant 5-6 160.
In the backfie!d, senior full-
back Allen Stambler (5-9 200) was
granted an extra year of eligibility
by the NCAA
Last year Stambler ran for 473
yards, he is noted as a strong
runner and blocker.
At the tailback position there
are four good possibilities. They
are Harry Herbert (5-9, 180),
Booder Price (5-11, 195), Charles
Gray (5-8, 170) and Genry Lee
(5-10, 175).
Coach Tammanello is said to
have made some changes on the
offensive line because he wasn't
pleased with the play of this unit
last year.
The line will be a battle
between the old and the new. The
only starter more or less assured
of a starting nod on the offensive
line is center Roy Murry (6-2. 230)
At the guard position there is a
battle shaping up between
seniors Ron Tabor (5-11, 255) and
Lemuel Pitts (6-1, 225) and
juniors Matt Brooks (5-11. 235)
and Charles Betrand (6-4, 245).
At tackle the candidates are
Mark Domingue (6-4, 250) and
Mark David (6-3, 245).
Another problem facing coach
Tammariello besides the replac-
ement of Roy Henry is patching
up the defensive unit that was hit
hard at the line and the lineback-
ing positions.
At the flanker positions senior
Ken Chenier (6-2, 245) Junior
John Singletary (6-0, 210) and
sophomore Randy Thomas (6-2,
220) are all long on experience.
At the tackle position however
there will be some new faces. The
frontrunners fa the tackle spots
are Jeff Holm (6-4, 240), Joe
Kelly (6-4, 240) and Kfint Head
)6-3, 240).
At the noseguard will be Jeff
Tanguis(6-1, 220).
In the linebacking department
look fa senia Clarenoe Hannah
(5-10, 210) with junia Randy
Champagne (5-11, 255). Also
battling fa the staritng nod are
Tim Bretz (6-0, 210) and Dave
McRae(&0, 200).
The secondary Icoks in good
shape as three of the four starters
Among those starters return-
ing is Ron Irving (6-1, 200). Irving
hasbeen an All-Southland Con-
ference pick fa the last two
year. He intercepted six passes
in '77 one of which he returned
fa 90-yards fa a touchdown. He
also'ran back a punt return fa
95-yards fa a scae.
At the other secondary spots
will be senias Al Kennedy (5-11,
185) and Gerald Joseph (6-3,
v .
190). Sophomae Willie Allen
(6-0, 180) is the top candidate at
the other canerDack position.
There is no doubt that the loss
of Roy Henry will hurt the Ragin
Cauns this coming season Also
the defensive front looks to be a
problem if the new faces can' t get
the job done it seems this year
that USL will be a more ground
oriented team than the one last
year with Henry at the controls.
Gallaher returns for final season - again
ECU SPLIT END Terry Gallaher looks tor one of 27 grabbed two touchdown passes
passes he caught last season. Gallaher finished the
season with 51? vards in receptions and also
Photo by Keith Barnes
It will take some dang to top
the act that Terry Gallaher put on
as wide receiver fa ECU the past
three seasois. At the close of the
1977 season he was the school s
top receiver in career yardage and
touchdowns and collected the
award as the top senia.
A three-year starter . he
departed the Pirates fold with
recads in hand and left coach Pat
Dye with a problem. Who would
line up at split end when the
Pirates opened the 1978 season
Sept 2 at home against Western
Dye needn t have waned, fa
at the annual NCAA meeting in
the spring, the national aganiza-
tioi adopted a solution allowing
players who were eligible to play
their freshman year but didn t
- an extra season. It was a dream
come true fa both Dye and
"I've said all along that there
isno finer split end in the country
in a wishbone offense than Terry
Gallaher said the Pirate coach.
"I'm glad he's back again. He is
an outstanding blocker, runsgcod
patterns, and can catch the ball
anywhere it's thrown. I wouldn't
trade him fa anyone
For Gallaher. the decision
meant a second senia year and
new hopes.
After ending last season
he said. "I wanted a chance to
play one mae game. Thanks to
the new rule. I'll be able to do
mae than that. It's not everyday
that you get to live the last of your
hfeover again, so I'm grateful fa
the oppatunity
When it came time to balance
the choices and mae the decision
of whether a not to use the extra
year. Gallaher indicated there
was one prime fact a that induced
him to cone back - ECU'S
newly-expanded 35,000-seat
Ficklen Stadium
For four years, he said.
"We've all been waking hard
and hoping to get a chance to play
m the new stadium l though fa a
while like I would miss the
oppatunity, but I'm glad to have
the chance now
"That's just part of the
reason, though, he continued.
"Mae than anything else, we all
want to play in a bowl game It
has eluded us ta several years,
but I really think this team has the
best chance of any team yet. We
have a lot of talent, but we also
have a tough schedule I haven't
played on a single losing team in
all my years at ECU . and I didn't
come back to play on one this

New Ficklen pressbox nearing completion
pressbox will be completed for the Pirates' first
home game Sept. 2 against Western Carolina. Cost
of the three level structure is estimated at more than
$ 1 million. The first level will house news media
while the second level will acoomodate radio and
television crews
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Assistant Sports Editor
The old Ficklen Sadium pres-
sbox resembled nothing more
than a treehouse mounted on four
columns. Working space for
sports writers along with radio
and TV crews was extremely
cramped. Bathroom facilities
were virtually non-existent.
And since there was no
elevator to transport writers to
the pressbox, the media was
forced to carry all their equipment
to the top of the stadium.
Complaints from the media were
numerous and they were certainly
Former ECU Sports Informa-
tion Director Ken Smith said one
of the happiest days of his life was
watching construction workers
destroy the old pressbox.
And with the expansion of
Ficklen Stadium, ECU now has
one of the finest pressbox facili-
ties in the nation, according to
new Sports Information Director
Walt Atkins.
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And get three games for only $1.25.
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"I don't think there is a better
pressbox in the region and maybe
throughout the entire nation
said Atkins. "It's as good if not
better than anything I've ever
seembefore. It's certainly going to
be a pleasure working in it and I
know the media around eastern
N.C. will find it far more
comfortable than the old one
The new pressbox has three
levels and can acoomodate as
many as 210 members of the
working press. Each level has two
bathrooms, and there are also two
darkrooms which photographers
may use to develop pictures
during the game.
The first level will be used by
the working media with 92 seats
available for sportswriters. Each
seat has an electrical outlet as
well as a phone jack, according to
"We're fast approaching the
age of electronic journalism
explained Atkins Media need to
gather their information quickly
and get it out fast. Each writer
has plenty of working space to
finish his assignment quickly and
"We will also have an inside
the pressbox public address
system along with a screen
showing running statistics as the
the game progresses. All these
things help the media and make it
easier to corner a game
The seoond level of the
pressbox will consist of nine
booths which will .acoomodate
coaches along with the radio and
television media. The third level
will be used tor television crews
and coaches making their films of
the game.
TgT' T-SHlkT
Good Stuff at Stuffy s
25' OFF
The Regular Price Of Anyone of
Stuffy's Famous Subs
(Offer Good From July I -July 26th With Coupon)

Fountainhead, July 12, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 12, 1978
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