Fountainhead, June 7, 1978

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 4,500
this issue is 16 pages.
Vol. No 53, No. S
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
June 7, 1978
Family Practice, p.3
Steeplejacks, p.6
John Hartford, p.8
Alston All America p.13
Mrs. Jenkins ill
News Editor
Mrs. Lillian Jacobsen Jenkins,
the wife of ECU Chancellor Leo
Jenkins, was admitted to Pitt
Memorial Hospital on May 31
with chronic hepatitis and re-
mains in poor oondition.
According to Dr. Edwin W.
Monroe, vice-chancellor for health
affairs, Mrs. Jenkins' condition
has become somewhat worse
since her admission to the
hospital last Wednesday. "The
doctors are very concerned
Rick Gilstrap, associate
director of Pitt Memorial Hospi-
tal, stated Monday that Mrs.
Jenkins' condition was listed as
"poor When asked to elabor-
ate, Gilstrap added that ?poor
oondition means basically that the
patient is "real sick
Tuesday afternoon, Monroe
stated that the medical bulletin on
Mrs. Jenkinb oondition was
essentially unchanged? she is still
seriously ill.
Mrs. Jenkins, who has been in
deteriorating health fa several
months, came to Greenville in
1947 with her husband, who had
accepted the position of dean of
instruction at East Carolina
Teacher's College, later ECU.
A native of Lavallette,
N.J Mrs. Jenkins, who will be
63 on July 27, was a schoolteacher
in Raritan, N.J. prior to her
marriage to Jenkins in 1941. In
her 18 years as "first lady" of
ECU, Mrs. Jenkins has been
hostess for some 5,000 recept-
ions, dinners, and other social
functions connected with the
HERALD editor named
JERRY SIMMONS EBONY HERA LD editor. "hoto by Brian Stotler
Dear Editor,
A oouple of days ago I was a
full-time student enrolled in
courses here at ECU but I was
forced to withdraw from the
summer program because of
impending employment conflicts.
I was under the impression
that I would receive a refund of
my tuition fees, if not a full
refund, then at least a partial one.
. The registrar told me that a
new cutoff date, May 25, had
been decided on and that no
refunds of any kind oould be
granted after this date.
If the above is true, then why
weren't we informed of the new
date? When was the date decided
on? Just how tentative are these
"dates?" How many other stu-
dents have been duped and is
there any possibility, of even the
remotest nature, of getting a
Signed Z. T.
Editor's note: The above letter
was received too late for INTER-
CESSOR to contact the registrar
or Dean Mallory's office. The
next INTERCESSOR will report
fully on the issue raised by Z. T.
Also, future letters to INTER-
CESSOR must be signed by the
student and include the student's
ID number.
News Editor
The Media Board has approv-
ed Jerry Simmons as the 1979-80
Simmons, 21, a junior from
Fayetteville majoring in biology
and pre-med, was editor of the
EBONY HERALD last spring
Simmons was the only candid-
ate who filled an application for
the position of editor.
I applied because I know that
the EBONY HERALD doesn't
have to in the position that it's
in said Simmons.
Simmoms cited apathy and
misconceptions as major reasons
for the position of the paper.
"There is a big apathy and
misconception problem here on
campus. Blacks on campus don't
seem to really have the time and
there are very few black journal-
ism students he said.
"The misconception problem
is that people feel that the
EBONY HERALD is here just for
the black people, but it's suppose
to be that. Its supposed tobe an
informative publication tor the
whole campus, not just for the
blacks or minorities Simmons
Media Board approves budget, photographer
Staff Reporter
At the Tues June 6
meeting, the Media Board tenta-
tively approved the 1978-79 bud-
get of the EBONY HERALD.
The $5,270.00 nine-issue
EBONY HERALD budget includ-
ed raises fa the edita, news
edita, and features edita.
Although most of the staff will
be returning in the fall, inaeas-
ing the staff size is a present
effat. "We are also hoping to
buy anaha typewriter said
Jerry Simmons, edita of the
Pete Podeszwa was approved
head phaographa of the Pbrto
His duties will include heading
the staff of phrtographers and
giving assignments requested by
university publications.
The total fa the proposed
Media Board budget fa 1978-79
thus far is $88,194.92.
Robat Swaim, WECU
Business Managa, requested a
transfa of $75.00 from loop
charges to office supplies "to
start a filing system Doug
asked fa a $1,104.75 transfer
fron printing to telephone. Bah
transfers in the budget were
The next meeting of the
Media Board will be Tuesday,
June 13 at 3 p.m.
Simmons said that thae was a
definite need fa a good papa on
campus, as thae was fa most
campuses in the state.
"Quite frankly he said, "if I
didn't read FOUNTAINHEAD, I
wouldn't know vay much about
the overall picture of the camo-
us. "By the same token it would
be a shame to say that you
graduated from a univasity and
have such a narrow image of
trvngs that the publications con-
fine themselves to Simmons
"What I mean is, thae is a la
of shadowing left out of the
ovaall picture that I feel the
college student has a right to at
least know a little about. That's
what I'm going to try my best to
do to get the papa up he said.
Simmons said that biases and
predjudioes and the misconcept-
ions had held the papa back.
T m not going to allow those
biases and prejudices and mis-
conceptions to stand in the way
because it has held the papa
back too long and besides that,
has allowed it to stagnate he
"I'm going to get the job done
and I m going to do it to the best
of my abilities, 9mmonssaid.
Simmons said that a pria
problan of the papa was not
having a centralized place to work
but that the EBONY HERALD
was recently given an office in the
publications building.
Simmons also discussed the
upcoming year and goals of the
"Myp.iaitiesaretoget a
solid staff built and a solid
publishing foundation set up he
"We're going to try our best
to improve the range of the papa
and get more intaest in, a
ratha, more quality and quantity
fa each issue, and more divasity
fa the papa Simmons said.
Simmons said that he wanted
to get more minaities involved
and was trying to plan ways to
ovacome the apathy and misco-
nception problems.
"I really don't know how I'm
going to do it, but I realize I have
to do it he said. Tve been
racking my aain to find the best
ways to achieve that.
He explained that the
HERALD had na had a staff pa
se befae and that it needed one
vay badly.
"The campus itself and the
way things are hae aids the
problem of apathyit s hard
encHjgh to get out of hae with just
your majaitself and when you try
to have extra-curricular activities,
it's an extreme burden, he said.
"I -undastand how that is
because I try to spread myself too
thin Simmons said with feeling.
"Jary Smmons has ga this
bad thing in him said Simmons
of himself, "to actually care fa
otha people when they don't care
that much
"It'll be the downfall of him,
but he s one of those people that
neva learn
Center holds
open house
Staff Repata
The Eastan Carolina Family
Practice Coita celeaated its
opening Sunday, June 4th, with
an Open House and ribbon
cutting by Dr. Leo Jenkins.
The opening of the oenta is
the final implementation of the
main purpose of ECU'S School of
Medicine: to train family physic-
The new Family Practice
Centa, opaated by the Depart-
ment of Family Medicine of the
ECU School of Medicine, opened
in Decemba 1977 and is already
attracting patients from a 50-mile
radius of Greenville. Its two
full-time and fioe part-time fao-
See OPcN HOUSE, p. 3J

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD June 7 1978
The following changes have
been made in the 13 miles
marathon sponsored by the
Washington Jaycees' fa June 11,
in Washington, N.C.
The race is still scheduled for
Sun June 11, at 5:30 p.m. and
will run for 10,000 meters (6.2
miles). The starting point will be
Havens Gardens and a fee of $3
will be charged each contestant.
This gives each runner a number-
ed souvenir bib to wear during
the race.
Three trophies will be given to
the first, second and third place
runner in each age bracket.
The age brackets are 25 and
under, 26 to 35, and 36 and over.
For more information write:
Mayhew Cox, P.O. Box 521,
Washington, N.C.27889.
The National Teachers Exam-
inations (NTE) will be given at
ECU July 15.
Scores from the examinations
are used by states fa certification
of teachers, by school systems fa
selection and identification of
leadership qualities, and by col-
leges as part of their graduation
Further infamatioi and regis-
tratioi fams are available fron
the ECU Testing Center, 105
Speight Bldg a directly from
the Educational Testing Service,
Box 911, Princeton, NJ 08541.
The deadline fa regular regis-
tratioi is June 22. On-the-spot
registration isna permitted.
A basic scuba certification
course will be offered beginning
in July to ECU students.
The course will be offered July
through Aug. 1 from 7 to 10 p.m
and will be taught at Mmges
Coliseum, Room 145.
Fee is $45 per person with a
maximum of 20 students to be
Each student must have his
own flippers, mask and snakel.
The remainder of the equipment,
including the air may be
obtained from the instructa fa
$32.50 fa the course duration.
Instructa will be Robert
Eastep, who is recognized as one
of the outstanding scuba instruct-
as in the Southeast. He has
taught the Los Angeles County
Certification Program fa several
Fa mae infamatioi contact:
Non-Credit Programs, Division of
Continuing Education, ECU,
Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Registration must be received
no later than July 5. -
REAL will start anaher
course in aisis intervention
beginning June 12 at 6 p.m.
Fa those who are unfamiliar
with the course, REAL teaches
the dynamics of crisis interven-
tion, concentrating effats in
many different problem areas,
such as drugs, suiade, rape,
alcohol, etc and teaching shat
term counseling skills.
REAL will be offering a shat
course this summer lasting only
five weeks instead of the usual 12
week session.
All those interested in taking
the course are invited to call
REAL to receive further informa-
Would you like to know the
difference between knowing who
Jesus is and really knowing him
with a personal relationship?
Well, the folks at Full Gospel
Student Fellowship are getting
together again this summer every
Thursday evening at 7:30 in
Biology N106.
Operation Inform, Waking
with the Liaary Community" is
the title of a one-day wakshop to
be offered here by the ECU
Department of Liaary Science
Alumni Assoaatioi and Lenor
Community College June 20.
The program will begin at 9
a.m. in Lenor's Student Union
building. Opening the event will
be Dr. Jesse McDaniel, president
of Lenoir Community Cdlege,
who will welcome wakshop parti-
cipants and guests, and Dr. Gene
Lanier, chairperson of the ECU
Department of Library Saence,
who will introduce the panel
Partiapants in the program
may receive one-half ECU credit.
A small registration fee will be
charged persons desiring aedit.
Further infamatioi and pre-
registratioi materials are avail-
able fron Millie Matthis. Learn-
ing Resources Center, Lenor
Community College, Box 188,
Kinstm 28501, o fron the
Department of Library Saence,
FCII Grppnville 27834.
f-UH MtNi : umpieteiy turnisn-
ed effiaency apt. with AC.
Utilities included. Available July
1. Also 2 bedrooms in private
home available oi 14th St.
FOR SALE: Magnavo 8-track
AMFM stereo. A steal at $80.
Come by 309-B Scott Dam. "
bdrm. furnished house close to
campus. Private bdrm. Rent is
37.50 per month. Call 758-3841
nights o see David in Ceramics
Studio. ALSO: need ride to
Charlotte this Fri. Can leave
FOR SALE: '66 Chevy station-
wagoi. PS, PB, AC, good tires,
AMFM cassette, airsjocks, 396
with 4 barrel great fa beach
trips, only $500. Call 752-6806.
Looking fo a responsible girl who
is willing to share expenses with 3
other girls fo the summer. If
interested please call 752-0760.
FOR RENT: Private room with
ACfo male. Call 752-4006 1 p.m.
til 10 p.m.
FOR SALE 71 Datsun 240Z with
excellent inteno. Brand new
gglTiL Can 752-0026 after 5 p.m.
room in 3-bdrm. house 2 blocks
from art bldg. $58 month plus
utilities. Available immediately,
Call Maggie at 758-2940 o
LOST: Green nOebook that's my
journal. Very valuable to me.
Michele 758-8724. Also I want a
house in country. Will pay
WATERBED: king sized, heater
shelved headboard, and 6-drawer
pedestal. 752-1478.
Texas Instruments
Student Supply Store
Wright Building
Texas Instruments
Your Calculator Headquarters
SBde Rule Functions
I A brief summary y
of the SR-40'8 features
, and capabilities. S
?JPl Cocrad lo H dgaa (rounoad lot tor aaplay on)
Raaprocai ?dn tha diapiar r?ua Mo 1
Conalanl ttoroa a numba, and fta aaaooalad
aggraaon lor r
" 'Chanoawgn
I numancal anpraaatona tor oonact
???MCII InMrprMMon TIM SH-40
prondaa 16 aau o parettnaaaa ?Wi uo to tour
and Roots
7 j 8qw fool
mi Natural (baaa a)
. '?? i Common (oaaa K
Trio. Functions
o?q Oagraa. Radwi Gran Satacu tha un tor angular
maaaurarnart Can oa cnangad ?nanavar daarraO
.V Srna ol ?? dttplarad angu
? ? Coama ol ma ovpkjyad angia
Mowory Functions
We have a full line of Texas instalments calculators
and accessories.
Student Supply Store
?aa1 &? data to mamory
?C r irtianoai tia ouman ol ?. mamory -? as
Mon-Fri 8:30-500
WANT TO SELL: G.E. Refig. 21
cu. ft. in good cond. $130. Call
Laurie at 752-7308.
NEEDED: Female needs an inex-
pensive plaoe to live. Immediately
FOR SALE: Sunfish sailboat and
trailer in excellent cond. Blue and
white. Call 752-2109 ask for
FOR RENT: Two rooms with air
conditioning across from campus.
FOR SALE: 69 Dodge Coronet
with slant six engine standard
shift, anc good tires. How about
it. O.K.? 758-7434.
!15 REWARD: for info leading to
rental of house in Greenville or
country. Call 758-1008 after 5:30
Any student interested in doing
volunteer work for Senator Jesse
Helms re-election should attend
the organizational meeting on
Wed. June 14 at 7:00 pjn. on
the 2nd floor of the Minges
Building (above the First State
Bank on the Evans St Mall
downtown, across from Big
Refreshments will be served.

Family Practice Center opens
Eastern N.G reaches health care goal
Gtaff Reporter
Eastern Area Health Educat-
ion Center, Inc. (EAHEC) Re-
gional Offices and Eastern Carol-
ina Family Practice Center
(ECFPC) celebrated their opening
on Sunday, June 4 at an Open
House from 2 t 5 p.m.
Some fifty Greenville citizens
attended the ribbon cutting,
including ECU Chancellor Leo
Jenkins; Dr. James G. Jones,
chairman of Family Medicine at
the ECU Med School and Director
of ECFPC; Dr. F.M. Simmons
Patterson, executive director of
EAHEC; Dr. Edwin Monroe,
vice-chancellor for Health Affairs.
ECU, and president of EAHEC;
and Dr William E. Laupus. dean
of he ECU Med School.
Each person attending the
Open House received a map of
the EAHECECFPC facility
which adjoins the new Pitt County
Memorial Hospital.
ECFPC staff members briefed
the guests on the tour of
Dentistry, Radiology, Medical
Records. Patient Education, Cen-
tial Laboratory. Library rooms
and the Medical Social Worker,
ECFPC and EAHEC Business
and Administrative offioes.
One of the main points of
interest in each room was the
modern equipment used to accel-
erate such processes as labora-
tory tests and x-rays.
Although EAHEC funded
ECFPC, which is managed by the
ECU Med School, the two are
separate operations.
EAHEC, organized in Sept-
ember 1974, is the largest of the
nine centers in North Carolina.
Since then, North Carolina
AH EC's have become a national
model with the goal to improve
quality and distribution of health
care manpower.
To accomplish this goal,
EAHEC has a two-part program:
clinical education and continuing
education. According to Joel
Vicars, EAHEC Deputy Director,
clinical education is the liason fo
the student and school in the
23-oounty region of EAHEC.
Improving the student rotat-
ion sites is a main factor in this
liason as quality of rotation sites
is stressed.
AHEC is one of the reasons
students are not asafnad to go to
Continued from p. 1
ulty physicians plus seven resi-
dents are presently seeing 200
patients a week, a figure that will
grow to 1,000 when all of the
faculty is completed.
When the N.C. General As-
sembly approved ECU as the site
for a four-year medical school in
1975, special emphasis was plac-
ed on the education of family
practitioners. The legislation
stressed the need for medical
students to oonsider rural areas in
eastern N.C. for their practices,
especially for family practices.
There is a limited supply of
family practitioners in eastern
N.C, according to Dr. James G.
Jones, director of the Family
Practice Center and chairman of
the Department of Family Med-
icine, ECU Shoo! of Medicine.
"Especially in eastern N.C,
there is a crisis in manpower
where medicine is concerned.
Most of the practicing physicians
in this area are old and will soon
retire said Jones.
The ECU School of Medicine
hopes to ease this shortage by
locating their students as resi-
dents in eastern N.C. Jones states
that statistics show most physic-
ians locate their practices within
100 miles of where they received
their medical residency training.
The ECU medical students are
in "pre-clinical" training and do
not work with patients; but with
the patient's oonsent, they may
observe physicians in patient care
practice on closed-circuit TV
Local physicians play a big
part at the Family Practice
Center. Practioners from group i
practices spend one day a week
there either teaching or acting as
preceptors for medical residents,
and worked physicians refer
patients to the center.
Dr. Jones says there will be no
"scientific disease research at
the Famny Practice Center. The
family practitioners at the center
concentrate on ordinary people
with common, everyday illnesses,
Jones says. This is where family
medicine and the Family Practice
Center will make its mark.
Salad Bar Special
at the Tree House
AD You Can Eat
Wed. From 6:00 - 8:00
rural areas Vicars commented.
The rotation usually lasts a
month, during which time AHEC
provides housing for students.
AHEC also partially reimburses
hospitals for students wages
during rotations because of the
excellent training. After the rotat-
ion, the student returns to the
central point - EAHEC.
The Schools of Medicine,
Nursing, Home Economics, and
Allied Health Professions of East
Carolina, Dentistry, Pharmacy,
and Public Health of UNC-Chapel
Hill, Duke University Medical
Center and Bowman Gray School
of Medicineoomprise the EAHEC
The involvement of physic-
ians, dentists, nurses, physical
therapists, and other heath-
oriented personnel in the contin-
uing education phase of EAHEC
residency program in dentistry.
has grown from last year's 14,000 '
to this year s 17,000. Thisphase
is the opportunity for health care
will also house the two-year
Photo by Jeannie Williams
professionals to keep abreast of
new developments in their parti-
cular fields
Wiener King
Try Our World Famous
Foot Long Hot Dog
BIG FRANK, mustard, onions, chili
WIENER KING SPECIAL, cheese, mustard, onions, slaw, chili
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KRAUT DOG, mustard, onions, chili, sauerkraut
SLAW DOG, mustard, onions, cole slaw
CHILI DOG, mustard, onions, chili
14 lb. pattie on toasted bun,
cheese 10? txtra, fixed to order
V4 lb. pattie on toasted bun,
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All you can eat
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Cooked fresh to taste better
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Sunday Thursday
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Offer Expire June 30, 1978
Wiener King

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD June 7 1978
The Media Board successfully wasted over $5,000
Tuesday when it tentatively approved the budget for
For the past three years, the HERALD has
disgraced its readers and the ECU campus with its
shoddy appearance and elementary content. Aside
from the abysmal quality of the paper, it is inherently
racist by its almost total devotion to blacks on
campus. It is not a minority newspaper as claimed;
its name states the paper's focus quite plainly.
Just as FOUNTAINHEAD is not devoted entirely
to the activities of the white students, neither should
the EBONY HERALD devote its pages entirely to the
The idea of a newspaper concentrating solely on
black students is just as bigoted as a nawspaper
which covers only the activities of white students. If
one minority deserves its own newspaper, then every
minority deserves its own. By rights, there should be
a separate newspaper for foreign, Jewish, gay, and
left handed students. Each is a minority.
Almost every story printed in the EBONY
HERALD had been covered by FOUNTAINHEAD
when it was newsworthy, not when it was two months
Aocording to the department of Institutional
Research, 11,968 students were enrolled during fall
semester. Of that number, 879, roughly 14 percent,
were black.
Presumably, one of the reasons for having a
minority newspaper was to cover stories not reported
in FOUNTAINHEAD. In practice, however, the
EBONY HERALD merely duplicates the efforts of
FOUNTAINHEAD has been charged in the past
with not hiring any black writers. The fact of the
matter is virtually no blacks, or any other minorities,
apply. FOUNTAINHEAD discriminates only on the
basis of ability.
This division and duplication of efforts between
counterproductive to the goal of both papers: to
oover the campus and community as fully as possible.
If the EBONY HERALD were terminated, the
present staff would be welcomed at FOUNTAIN-
HEAD. This paper has never had a surplus of
Serving the East Carolina community for arm fifty years.
"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have
a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thomas Jeff arson
EditorDoug White
Managing EditorLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
News Editors?an2le Williams
Jim Barnes
Trends EditorSteve Bachner
Sports EditorChris Hdlorrtan
FOUNTAINHEAD la the student newspaper of Eait Carolina
University aponaorad by the Maola Board of ECU and is
dMributad aaoh Tusaday anu Thursday, waatdy during the
Matting addraas: OW South BuHdng, OraamHIe, N.C. 278M
Editorial orttoaa: 757-6366, 757-4367, 757-6309.
$10 annually, alumni 66 annually
Sune attacks Trends 'editorial'
I write with referenoe to the
article "Summer School Students
are 'shortchanged by David
Although the "article"
appeared in the Trends section of
the paper, it was anything but a
feature or news story.
I do not claim to have a broad
knowledge of journalism, since
my background in it is limited to
high school journalism classes;
however, without question,
Latham's article was an editorial.
It is my understanding that
editorials should be placed on
editorial pages a at least labeled
as editorials.
Latham not only editorialized,
but was grossly inaccurate. This
fact made this alleged article not
just bad, but poor.
By spreading his inaccuracies
in editorial form, he has deceived
students to thinking they have
been "shortchanged when in
fact, they have not been.
Latham begins his editorial by
announcing that summer school
students are not equal. He states
"surely it doesn't take 10,000 of
us to have services
To some degree, it does take
that many of us to have equal
services. If Latham had checked
with Mendenhall officials, as he
did not, he would have found that
the Student Center is hardly used
when it is open during the
The university decided to
close Mendenhall at 5 p.m. on
weekdays and on weekends be-
cause of lack of use.
I was told when I inquired,
that it would be opened, if
students showed the interest.
Unfortunately, students do not
show the interest.
Perhaps Latham is suggesting
we pay n ore student fees to keep
Mendenhall open on weekends
for his private use.
If Latham had further re-
searched his editorial, he would
have found that Mendenhall and
films are related about as much as
Mendenhall and Athletics. The
fact of the matter is that they are
not related at all.
The films which sometimes
are shown in Mendenhall are
presented by the Student Union,
(a student funded and student
operated organization). The
? Student Union has offices in
Mendenhall, but there is where
the similarity ends.
Besides being inaccurate,
Latham infers that there are
droves of students, just waiting to
use the many facilities he men-
tioned. The facts show to the
Registration is lower than in
many past summer sessions.
Attendance for the free films is
also at a low point.
Yet Latham suggests that
Mendenhall should be open as
should many other buildings.
The answer is an economic one.
If there are few students to use
the faalities, and the few choose
not to use them, then close them
or limit their hours.
'Chauvinist' doctor outrages student
Well, well. I'm glad to know
we have defenders of truth and
right on the East Carolina
The infirmary doctor, whose
name, I am told, is Dr. McLean,
"won't prescribe narcotics for
dysmenorrhea In other words,
the man won't prescribe Empirin
3 for cramps.
Okay, let's get some back-
ground here. Last summer I went
to the infirmary to get a pain killer
for my cramps.
I had used Empirin 3 previ-
ously, and it had helped
immensely. Empirin 3 has 30
milligrams of codeine. Also,
having previously used Midol ar d
Darvon, with barely diminished
pain as the result, I told the
doctor that I needed something
strong. "This is the best thing
I've found in 25 years . . he
Unfortunately, I didn't look up
the medication in the Physician's
Dest Reference until after I took
the stuff and suffered through a
gruesome siege of cramps. One
of the main ingredients was
meprobamate, a tranquilizer.
Ho, ho, ho Having research-
SeeCRAMPS,p. 5

SBI should test pot for paraquat
I just wanted to get a few
words in before everyone tires of
the Paraquat controversy. We
have all been aware for some
time of the dangers of Paraquat-
oontaminated marijuana, b i not,
unfortunately enough, as la i as
the government has been.
There will be arguments rang-
ing over the propriety, moral or
otherwise, of the government's
failureto alert the American public
totheexistenoeof Paraquat weed
in the U.S. market. What con-
cerns me is the direction of some
of these arguments and what
appears to be a gross oversight on
the part of the North Carolina
State Bureau of Investigation
It is understood that the
moderate, steady ingestion of
Paraquat marijuana may, in a
matter of months, lead to per-
manent lung damage in the user.
There will be those among us
who take the attitude that "They
had it coming. That'll teach 'em
to fool around with drugs
Perhaps so; one must, however,
pity the individual who expresses
such a viewpoint. Such a person
places his a her personal moral-
izing against the health and
safety of the millions of Ameri-
cans who are regular users of
And just who oomprises these
millions? Anyone who supposes
that all pot smokers are long
haired "hippies' who look bad
and smell worse probably also
believes that frog handling causes
warts. In both cases the evidence
is to the contrary.
It is clear that marijuana users
are to be found in every social,
economic and education level one
cares to name. What should
concern us most, however, is the
child or teen-
age user of pot contaminated with
Like it a not people are going
to smoke marijuana. And, unfort-
unately, many of the users of the
continued from p. 4
ed the psychological abstracts (of
research studies) on the subject
of dysmenorrhea, I am aware that
cramps are widely considered to
be the province of neurotics.
OK, so I'm neurotic and so are
all my friends and relations. In
my life I've known two whole1
women who didn't suffer it, and
both of them subsequently qot the
IUD and now do. I'd like to see
some statistics on this!
Now for my opinion on the
subject. Dr. McLean is a male
He is in no danger of ever
suffering thiscondition. It is very
easy for men to ridicule women
about "female complaints
Aren t we a sad group of
hypochondriacs, though?
Someday we'll have more
women doctors, glory hallelujah,
and a lot of this discriminatory
nonsense will go out the window.
One final thing off my chest. I
strongly resent the implication,
implicit in the line about not
prescribing narcotics, that I may
be a filthy drug-abuser. Noti ing
definite, of course, but if I am
going to take it once a month as a
pain killer, as I claim, then the 30
milligrams of codeine per pill is
certainly no addiction threat.
And the only reasons I can
think of why he refuses to
prescribe it are either because he
doesn't believe that cramps are
seriously painful, or he's afraid
that the drug will be abused.
Now. I'll have to pay $10. the
minimum charge for an office
visit, to get my gynecologist to
re-prescribe this for me.
Why am I being charged for
infirmary service?
Eleanor Webber
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contaminated drug supply will be
the youth of America, youngsters
who face a life of pulmonary
debilitation for the smoking of
contaminated pot.
This brings us around to the
role of our SBI in dealing with this
situation. In a FOUNTAINHEAD
article on Paraquat (May 24,
1978), the SBI told a reporter that
it s lab did not test confiscated
marijuana for the presence of
Here, then, is the issue. Does
the North Carolina public have a
right to know if the SBI has
confiscated any marijuana fa the
traces of Paraquat?
There is currently no index
available to indicate the amounts
of Paraquat found in marijuana
which finds its way into the U.S.
from Mexioo. Doubtless such an
index, however limited in scope,
is badly needed.
The SBI, while it seizes only
minimal amounts of pot reaching
the state, is in the best position to
test fa the toxicant in pot. Its
seizures are random, and any
testing fa Paraquat would at
least give the public some small
indication of the presence of the
contaminated drug in the state.
If the SBI lab were to routinely
test fa Paraquat and then make
public the findings, it would have
two immediate beneficial effects.
First, it would alert the public to
the danger of the drug and keep
the warning alive in the minds of
pa smokers. Secondly, the an-
nounced presence of Paraquat-
pot in Nath Carolina might curb
the use of pot among the young,
whose infamatioi oonoerning the
danger is most likely to be
It is quite possibly na in best
judgement fa people to smoke
marijuana until the present aisis
is resolved. Yet fa those who
xitinue to gamble that their pa
ill na contain Paraquat does
le State na owe some indicat-
n, however innaocurate a part-
ial, of the amounts of Paraquat
being found in marijuana confisc-
ated in Nath Carolina?
The decision may na be an
easy one, but reduced to terms of
the value of human health and life
itself, perhaps we should put the
welfare of all citizens, pot
smokers a na, befae any
maalizing as to the relative merit
a justice of oonsequenoes result-
ing from an action of an indivi-
dual, whetha it isa misdemeana
a merely distasteful.
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6 FOUNTAINHEAD Jura 7 1978
Father-son steeplejacks
STEEPLEJACK J. L. button hangs in were.
Photo by Jeannie Williams
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Both available in yellow or white finish,
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illustration enlarged
The family that hangs together. . .
News Editor
Vernon Morris and his dad
were on campus Monday, literal-
ly. Or, to be more specific, they
were on Greene dorm.
YOU see, Vernon Maris and
his son (middle names are
different) are steeplejacks those
adventurous folks who hang from
buildings, washing windows and
generally doing things which may
only be done by hanging on the
side of a building.
Vernon Morris Sr. has been a
steeplejack for some 43 years and
his father taught him the profes-
sion. So it was natural for
Vernon's son Vernon to pick up
the family talent when he was 16
years old.
High Court ruling
Heights do not bother the
steeplejacks, Maris said. How-
, ever he added, "you don't
faget where you are a you're
liable to make a mistake
The most challenging job in
recent memay fa Maris & Sai
occurred last winter during the
high winds in New Bern. "The
wind had blown some large
copper plates loose from the
steeple of this church in New
Bern he said, "and we had to
go up there and secure them in
the high winds, in the dark
Maris recalled that that job
resulted in publicity and instant
fame in the New Bern area
Although most steeplejacking as-
signments are not as dangerous
as the steeple in New Bern, there
is inherent to the job a danger
which most people would not
consider inconsequential
The basic equipment fa a
steeplejack is a board sling device
attached to what looks like a large
grappling hook. The hook is
placed over the roof of a building
and the steeplejack is then
lowered down to wherever the
wak is needed. There is no safety
device aside from the vigilance of
co-wakers and the hook itself.
Mans and his father, along
with J.L. Suttof were on the
campus Monday to patch some
cauik-wak between the windows
of Greene Dam.
Injuries? Na a problem, ac-
oading to the younger Mans.
You dai t have mina accidents
in this business he observed
cooly. "you just get killed
Little to return to N.C.
News Edita
The U S Supreme Court
Monday effectively ended Joan
Little's attempts to escape extrad-
ition to Nath Carolina, where she
is scheduled to finish a prison
term fa breaking, entering and
William Kunstler, Little's at-
taney, had petitioied Supreme
Court Justice Thurgcod Marshall
fa a delay of extradition pending
federal appeal.
Mr. Justice Marshall deferred
the request to the full court,
which denied, the request fa
delay without comment.
Kunstler'snext step will be made
in Nath Carolina, where he plans
to file suit and "attack all the
,hings done to her a threatened
to to be done to her denial of
parole, denials of rights and
privileges, brutalizations, depriv-
ations - everything we've alleged
up here (New Yak)
Little, acquitted in the ice-pick
slaying of Beaufat County jailer,
Clarence Allegcod in 1975. es-
caped from a Nath Carolina
prison and fled to New Yak
where her case has become a
causecelebre for civil rights and
feminist aganizatiois.
After her arrest following a
high-speed auto chase in New
Yak City, Little, mainly through
her attaneys Kunstler and Jerry
Paul, has repeatedly voiced con-
cern fa her persaial safety if she
was faced to return to Nath
Carolina to complete her mini-
mum 7 year sentence.
Nath Carolina officials i epea-
tedly have denied the existence of
any threat to Little, and now plan
fa her return to the state wihtin a
few days.
Noting that "the principle
concern is to get her (Little) back
into a namal routine William
T. Noblitt. infamatioi and com-
municatiois co-adinata fa the
N.C. Department of Carections.
stated that the famahties of
Little's return to Nath Carolina
would take several days.
In the suit to be filed in
Raleigh, Kunslter is expected to
make public the name of the
"highly placed prison source"
who is to substantiate the legiti-
macy of the threats to Little's life
upon her return to the N.C.
tliL ??? J J Sb JJi!) 0
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Warehouse, Mall, 8 p.m.
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Pages FQUNTAINHEAD June 7 1978
Captivated audience
Hartford's Roxy concert 'polished and refreshing
Staff Writer
Country-folk musician, John
Hartford performed hi? own
brand of homespun melodies this
past Tuesday and Wednesday
nights at the Roxy Theatre here in
Most widely recognized for his
appearances on the Glen Camp-
bell show and for writing "Gentle
on My Mind Hartford is also no
stranger to the studio, with
several albums to his credit, so
evening not soon forgotten.
Stone faced and silent, he
grabbed his fiddle and plunged
into a rousing country tune, all
the while keeping time in a
syncopated kind of tap dance with
his elednc shoes.
The nearly ten minute fiddle
jam was interspersed with mono-
tone like lines about "greezy
flour or something like that.
If ever there was a modern
day Vaudeville, this ad and this
night would epitomize it, for
Hartford fused aspects of danc-
the scene was set for his
Greenville shows.
After hearing of his unenthus-
iastic perfromance to a half filled
ho"se Tuesday, I approached the
Roxy Wednesday night with
mixed ideas of what to exped.
ever, once I turned off
street on to Elizabeth, I
realized that this night would be
The street was filled with
pickups and economy imports
white people, coolers in hand and
pockets filled, swarmed around
the entrance to the Roxy, Green-
ville sown folk arts center.
Certainly something must be
said for the good-time feeling of
the crowd.for the place was alive,
filled, and ready for some good
After inspired performances
by two of Greenville's top female
acts. Frankie Martin and Maria
Dawkins, Hartford took the stage.
From that point on, one could
sense that this would be an
mg. singing, playing and humor
together, and the audience re-
ceived it all with open arms.
Finishing this opening song
to a thunderous response, (more
yells than dapping), Hartford
moved to the banjo.
This time he utilized both his
feet and his mouth for percussion
on a kind of stepped up banjo-
blues number.
It was during this tune that
Haifad first acknowledged the
crowd with the words, "let me
hear you dap to which the
audience immediately responded.
At this point, Hartford's crazy
one-man-band act had the crowd
totally captivated; however, one
could not be sure whether it was
because of amazement or pure
From there the show took on a
more serious tone as Hartford
segued into the dassic "Gentle
on My Mind showing a truly
different more sensitive side and
proving his ability to any skeptics
as a serious songwriter.
Whether played on a banjo or
a jewsharp, one must acknow-
ledge the greatness of this song,
both musically and lyrically.
From here, Hartford moved
steadily through his 90 minute
show with a very casual yet
solemn attitude, and all the while
the crowd stayed with him;
through the dimax of the call'n
respond "We Both Still Love The
Mississippi River to the night's
low spot, "Hey Babe You Wanna
In a show that contained such
favorites as "Going Off To Work
In Tall Buildings" and another
song which utilized chord names
for its entire lyrics, somehow this
light hearted performace contain-
ed just enough sincerity to
showcase Hart fad's professiona-
However, while Hartford's
expertise on his instruments
cannot be questioned, his song
selection can.
As the first part of the show
was thoroughly refreshing and
enjoyable, after an hour, his
novelty oriented ad began to get
a little too novelty oriented.
Where the tongue-in-cheek
lyrics, call'n-response, and tap
dancing ideas were used effed-
ively through the initial sedions,
by the end they were steadily
losing their punch.
Still, Hartford ended with
a foot stomping fiddle tune, and
once again the crowd rallied with
tremendous partidpation, while
dancers swung frantically in
Exiting with several deep
bows, the crowd brought him
back to the tune of "Orange
HA R TFOHU FLA YS THE baniowithabandor!SIKypnot,
fiddle. He also creates a unique sound with his six string guitar
Hartford's fame skyrocketed with Glenn Campbell's recording of
'Gentle on my Mind which won three Grammies and was for two
years the most recorded song in the world After the success of this
song, Hartford began to reevaluate his own musical development and
ultimately concluded that performing solo would be challenging
Photo by Pete Podeszwa
Hart fad's perfamance had
been totally at a musical level, fa
he said nothing, and the aowd
had accpeted it as just that.
His ad was polished and
shing.andlel sjust h.pethe
ontinue to bring us
ts, and that
futun noes will oontinu
be so di ei.
Blossom Special putting every-
one present on their feet.
A second encae was in ader,
and the grateful aowd was
rewarded with another rousing
fiddle tune.
At the end the tl
filled with smiles and the air with
good vibes.
has given him the fre dom to take time off for his
other love- river boat! . He spends every moment he
can aboard the graor ul beauties just as he did in his
youth He spent ountless hours memorizing the
minute details of jur greatest river, the Mississippi,
a basic requirement for becoming a licensed
nverboat pilot This love of life on the river was
beautifully expressed in his music. When Hartford
sang "Skippm in the Mississippi Dew and "Julia
Belle Swaim the words and music were true and
tender expressions. Photo by Pete Podeszwa
If ever there was a modern
day for Vaudeville, this act
would epitomize it, for
Hartford fused aspects of
dancing, singing, playing
and humor together, and
the audience received it
all with open arms

The album features his acoustic guitar
June 7 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Paged
Magic in Your Eyes is Earl Klugh's latest LP
Assistant Trends Editor
Earl Klugh plays the guitar in
iat is a bright oonooction
and disco. On his
im, Magic In Your Eyes,
plays the acoustic guitar
isively, and is accompanied
by electric bass, drums, and
'ic piano with brief prances
the synthesizer.
Klugh plays the guitar ex-
sively. One of the songs on
the album is the old favorite,
Cast Your Fate to the Wind
and he succeeds in interpreting
this jazz standard in a new and
interesting way.
He makes the song effective
igain. This song, in its stirring
optimism, is indicative of the
tig of the whole album.
Klugh's is a happy, contemporary
, ic.
Another familiar song on the
album is "Good Time Charlie's
Got the Blues
Because of the rhythm and
Klugh's insouciant interpreta-
tion, mis generally melancholy
song has a twinkle we rarely see
"Mayaguez" is a strident
-American melody and
Klugh plays it con brio. "Cry a
e While Alicia" are
other songs on the album which
Klugh invests with his own
"LodeStar" has a synthesizer
beginning which is almost too
reminiscent of the beginning of
Steppenwdf's'Born to be Wild
"Magic in Your Eyes the
title cut, is a formulaic disco
number and il is surprising that
Klugh would choose the song in
which he is least himself and most
like everybody Hse for the title
Klugh is an impeccable studio
musician who plays with wit and
with rich interpretations that
bring out the dramatic possibili-
ties of his songs.
He is accompanied by Gregory
Philhnganes, who plays electric
piano, and who also does some of
the most interesting musical
things on the album.
Unfortunately though, the
bass and percussion are mixed
much too loudly and are down-
right distracting from the per-
formances of Klugh and
Even after this reviewer
turned the tone knob to nearly
maximum treble, the electric basc
and drums obscured some of
Klugh sguitar work on the lower
strings. The bad mixing is an
unfortunate blunder on an other-
wise soundly put-together
product album.
Magic in Your Eyes makes up
in performance what it lacks in
musical innovation.
The music on the album is
finely done popular jazz and
disco. It is music a la Mann and
Hancock with the added flavor
and character of the guitar.
Album courtesy of Record Bar
EARL KLUGH PLA YS the guitar in a style that is a bright concoction of up-beat azz
Nova attempts to mix
and rock on Wings
Religion and rock have never
ed particularly well, especial
ly a relatively obscure religion
nat of Guru Sri Chinmoy.
Nevertheless, he has inspired
som besl musicians in the
or, more precisely, fusion
genre, notably Mahavishnu John
McLaughlin and Narada Michael
Under Waiden's tutelage, -
(Elio D'Anna, sax and
. Corrado Rustia, guitars;
Renato Rosset, keyboards; Barry
Johnson, bass; and Ric Parnell,
percussion), has glorified it's
pi ritual leader without compro-
mising it's originality. In the
process, they succeeded in re-
cording one of the best rockjazz
hybrids in recent years, Wings of
Nova's music is based primar-
ily around Rustid's guitars and
D Anna's woodwinds. The result
is an invigorating sound, accent-
uated by a forceful rhythm
The album opens with "You
? Are Light, "a bright song with i
several clever changes, climaxing
in a fiercely percussive guitar
solo, then mellowing out to the
original melody.
"Marshall Dillon an instru-
mental piece, displays Johnson's
skills as a bassist. The flute solo is
reminiscent of the old "Mission:
Impossible theme song.
"Blue Lake" is one of the
band's odes to how great it is to
know Him and to follow His
guidance. The music is solemn, at
times more like an Indian chant
than a song. The slow, sensual
rhythm serves as a perfect
counterpoint to the eerie sax line.
The lyrics aren't nearly as
pretentious as one would expect
from the subject matter, but they
still must be taken with a grain of
Side one ends with "Beauty
Dream-Beauty Flame a seem-
ingly endless acoustic number.
This band is best when it's fast.
They seem to lose control of their
ideas and flounder in lush washes
of sound whenever they unplug
their instruments and slow their
music to a plodding fourfour
The band regains its stride on
side two with "Golden Sky Boat
another one of their "gee, like
sure was a drag until I heard
about the guru songs. The
breakneck pace of this tune
compensates for the simplistic
philosophisizing of the lyrics.
Devotion is one thing, but blind
of Love
obedience is a little much.
Ric Parnell demonstrates his
impressive abilities as a percus-
sionist here, with an impeccable
drum solo towards the end.
A bizarre chord change by
Rustia violently shifts gears
towards the end of the song, with
the chord pattern repeated under
See NOVA, p.
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Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD Juno 7 1978
Th?a'Cola van is a new mobOe sculpture
News Editor
You' re driving along the high-
way on a summer day when you
catch a red light and pull up at the
intersection, waiting impatiently
for the light to change.
Then you see it.
Arms, legs, heads and torsos
clinging precariously to the sides
of a 78 Ford Van as though
emerging from its mass. A red
and white ?Coca-Cola" logo
wraps itself around the figures,
distorting the images. One of the
figures lies spread eagle on the
roof, gazing at the sky.
As the van turns, laughing
faces emerge from the closed
back doors.
The traffic that had come to a
standstill now begins to move
again, drivers shaking their heads
in amazement.
What drivers have .seen and
what thousands will be seeing
this summer is a fiberglass
sculptural piece of figures attach-
ed to a 1978 Ford van.
The sculptural piece was
conceived by Rich Griendling,
currently an artist-in-residence in
Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
Griendling has held a variety
of positions including artist-in-the
-schools, graphic designer for
education television and a
publishing studio, and freelanc-
ing in the fields of painting,
drawing and sculpture.
Griendling graduated from
ECU in Greenville, N.C. in 1972
THIS1978 FORD van is a fiberglass sculptural p,ece conceiv!, currently an artist-s-revdence SZSS2SJK
with a B.F.A. in commercial art
and minor in painting and crafts.
His work has earned him
several awards, including gold
medals for magazine oovers from
the Philadelphia Art Directors
"The idea for the van was
conceived in December of 1976
and began taking shape in
September of last year Griendl-
ing said.
"It came from my previous
work, which was dealing with
three-dimensional canvases that
used a Coca-Cola logo. Being in a
two-dimensional space, I used the
logo to define the three-dimens-
The Coca-Coa Company in Elizabethtown funded the protect.
Art & Camera Shop
ional space
"The defining aspect comes
by the logo distorting on the
figures so that this d?nrtina on
the figures is what shows the-
three- dimensional space coming
forward he explained.
Griendling made an 18-page
presentation of his art work and
his plans fa the van and
presented it to the president of
the Elizabethtown Coca-Cola bot-
tling company.
"I sent it to Mr. William
Schmidt, the president of the
local company, because he had
earlier bought a painting in one of
my shows Griendling said.
I thought it would be a good
idea sinoe he knew something
about my work as opposed to just
.sending it jiway to the Coke
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Notice is hereby given that
on Wed May 24, 1978, East
Carolina University tendered an
application to the Federal Com-
munications Commission in
Washington D.C requesting a
construction permit for a new
Educational FM Broadcasting
Station in Greenville, North Car
olina to operate on FM Channel
217D, 91.3 M Hz, with a transmit-
ter power output of 10 watts and
an effective radiated power of
18.78 watts from an antenna
radiation center 134 feet above
average terrain. The proposed
studios and transmitter will be
located on the campus of East
Carolina University in Greenville.
The proposed antenna support
structure will extend a total of 139
feet above ground level. A copy of
the above referenced application
which contains a complete listing
of the applicants, officers, and
governing board is on file for
public inspection during normal
business hours at the offices of
WECU, and Tommy Joe Payne,
President of The ECU Student
Government Association at Men-
denhall Student Center. May 24
26,29,31, 1978.
The Coca-Cola company in
Elizabethtown decided to fund
the project with supplies includ-
ing the van and all the fiberglass.
At the same time, the Harding
County school district in Kent-
ucky heard about it and approach-
ed Griendling with a proposal.
"They thought it would be
good if they would fund it as far
as providing a salary and a studio
for me and in turn I would work
with 8 to 10 students every day as
apprentices Griendling explain-
ed. "The whole idea was to show
the student how a professional
works in the art field, how they
make a living at it he said.
"I've worked with these students
sinoe, and they've been a really
good group he said, smiling.
The project began in October
of last year with the expected date
of completion to be around June
10, according to Griendling.
"It will be approximately 8
months, and that's working 8 to
10 hours a day myself and the
students working a total of 5
hours a day Griendling said.
"I think it's somewhere a-
round 5,000 hours, which is a hell
of alot of work he said grinning.
Griendling discussed the fu-
ture plans fa the van once it is
-fox hlcnLcA ox that
rejJ&ml at fJL (jzacfi
$2.98 ami $6.08
"Coke actually owns the van. I
have total use of it for just over
two years. At the end of that
period it will be turned over to the
Elizabethtown bottling company
unless something happens be-
tween now and the two years he
Griendling discussed his plans
for the van this summer.
"This summer my wife and I
will do some traveling, to Georgia
and then back up to North
Carolina and then New Jersey
then back to Kentucky. Then
we're going to head out for
California and be out there
around the end of July or early
"The whole idea of the thing
was to have fun. I was enjoying
what I was doing and the idea of
the van was to have a contmuat-
,on of that fun and not worry
aoout it being wrecked or about
exhibiting ,t. just by driving it
ound ?'? be exhibiting it he
0 funnVhe 'dea that the people
always had to come to the work
and gallery, the museum or
atever. At least this is one
chance where ,t can actually come
,0 ,hem' ' Greindling explained.
"As far as getting wrecked,
t s always possible. It's some-
,ng you just don't worryabout I
i, if you want to be realistic
You just don't worry. If (, gets
Pamaged, which it probably will
some sense, you just hope it's
e minor damage and that it
be repaired he said
"Fiberglass repairs fairly
b it's not like metal. It cracks
ten you hit it, but I'm not
-rned about it Griendling
aid. a
"I think it's interesting for
ne thing that 90 percent of
ale we drive by see it .It's very
ious. They stand there and
(are You think of driving around
nd the actual millions of people
hat you will exhibit this work to,
See TRAVELING, p. ij)

June 7 1978 FOUNTAINHSAP Page 11
Traveling piece of art will be seen by 'millions'
continued from p. 10
and you're talking about thous-
ands Griendling said excitedly.
"In this type of exhibiting,
you'll be hitting millions directly
and it'll be that many million
more that will be told about it
Greindling desribed some of
the reactions he had gotten
through very limited driving of he
"When we oome to a traffic
light, nobody wants to go. I'm not
sure they want to see us pass so
they can see the rest of it if
they're just sitting there, looking.
Usually it all comes to a big
stop he laughed.
"The same thing happens
when we drive down the road. We
hear a lot of people screeching to
a halt or speeding up to catch up
with us
Griendling discussed the ac-
tual building of the van.
"To me the use of the van is
basically an armature. Like a clay
sculpture you have a steel cord
inside to support the weight of the
"The van is something to
work on, I really don't think of it
so much as a van. I try to stay
away from that. I really don't
associate with the van although it
is a van Griendling added.
? When we began, we strip-
ped the paint off the van so that
the adhered to the actual metal
and not the paint. If we adhered it
to the paint, the paint oould pop
off and the figures would too he
"So we took the paint off and
then the plaster cast of the
students, who are the actual
models of the figures on the van.
We use the material that they use
on broken arms and legs. We
actually put this gauze on their
clothing and their face and make
casts or shells of hollow casts.
Then we figure how they'll work
on the contours of the van. We
have 18 figures on the van.
"Next we fiberglass the van,
which requires a lot of work with
hands and brushes. It also takes a
lot of sanding to get it smooth
Griendling described the in-
terior of the van and how it would
be done.
"It'sgoing to be dean in the
respect that it's by no means
going to be the typical gaudy
interior that's popular with vans
today he said.
"It will be basically a kind of
warm feeling with mostly wood
tones in it. It will have blacks,
greys and whites, in that vein of
"There will be cabinet space,
a bed that lowers from the ceiling,
a flourescent lighting system, a
4-speaker stereo system, a refrig-
erator, TV and a CB radio.
Anything we use in it will be of
real quality, and everything will
be insulated he said.
The paint job is what's going
to tell it all. When you paint
something like that, you see all
your mistakes Griendling add-
"The paint will bring out all
the mistakes, which will be a
frightening experience to see
"I'm really looking forward to
it (the trip this summer). We're
going to see what publicity we can
pick up from it. It should be
interesting Griendling said.
"The local bottling company
has been so supportive of the
project. Coca-Cola in the main
headquarters in Atlarta has not
been exposed to it to any real
extent he said.
Nova utilizes a wide
variety of musical
talent and imagination
continued from p. 9
the howling sax. The effect is
unnerving at first, but electrifying
in the end.
Loveliness About You" -
comes perilously dose to falling
into the same mire as "Beauty
Dream-Beauty Flame but is
saved by a pleasant chorus and an
awesome, grinding guitar finale.
The album's zenith is "Inner
Star a funky song charadenzed
by Barry Johnson's soulful tenor.
Whereas each band member's
performance had been merely
superlative throughout the rest of
the album, their performance is
positively inspiring here. Espec-
ially noteworthy is Ric Parnell's
incredible drum solo at the end
Narada Michael Walden has
found an able disciple to his
' hands and feet" style of drum-
This would have been a
perfed place to end the album on
a high note. Instead, the slothful
"Last Silence" crawls relentless-
ly towards the end. It is a poor
imitation of a poor Weather
Report song.
Nova's musicianship is re-
markable. The four band mem-
bers play 19 instruments through-
out the course of the album, and,
more importantly, they play those
19 instruments extremely well.
Their compositions are fresh and
original, and their use of wood-
winds in conjundion with the
eledric guitar is innovative.
Corrado Rustia and Barry
Johnson are fine vocalists, and
Narada Michael Walden is to be
complemented for not fordng
himself too heavily upon the
band. His produdion is crisp and
well-defined, but never flashy.
He avoids the studio gimmickery
so many new producers fall back
on as a crutch fa poa musidan-
With continued good advice
from Walden, plus a publidty
push by Arista, the band's
recading label Nova could very
well fill the void left by the
dissolution of the Mahavishnu
Orchestra. If only they would
learn to axitrot their self-indul-
gences on the slow songs.
pretensions the effect is unnerving at first
Art students eligible for Camp
4 SAXB- j ?
Staff Writer
The ECU School of Art has
been invited to partidpate in the
Yale Norfolk Summer Fellowship
beginning next fall.
Junia painting majas will
become elligible fa selediai,
said Dr. Tran Gadley, ading
dean of the School of Art.
fJor"aleV SIB" that students
will be recommended by the
faculty. One student from ECU
will ultimately be reoominended.
The student that will submit
portfdios and compete with stud-
ents from other invited schools.
Dr. Gadley was unsure just
which schools are participating
with ECU but said it is probably a
"very elite group Dr. Gadley
said that it is a "prestigious
fellowship, which pays everything
- housing and supplies
The student who wins the
Fellowship spends a summer in
studio at Yale. At the end of the
summer the students returns to
his school fa his senia year to
share his experiences. The invita-
tion added Gadley came about
largely by the recommendation of
last years' visiting artist Joan
Rubin. Joan Rubin, a previous
Yale Nafdk Summer Fellow, is
presently in New. Yak.
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Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD June 7 1978
Mendenhall Free Flick next week is Thieves
This week's Student Union
Free Flick is the contemporary
romantic comedy, Theives, star-
ring Mario Thomas and Charles
Grodin. The film will be shown
Tuesday , June 13, at 9 p.m.
on the Mall.
The rain site will be Wright
Based on a play by Herb
Gardner, Theives is a film about a
oouple who grew up together in
June 7
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New York's Lower East Side, got
married, and became successful
school teachers only to see the
city life wreck their marriage -
It is a bittersweet oomedy set
against the background of high-
rise life, urban decay, and the
deteriorating school systems in
which the couple work.
Nonetheless, it is a film filled
with the essence of the archetypal
New Yorker who is bound by the
film's message, time is the
greatest thief of all.
Charles Grodin, American's
fastest rising dramatic comedian,
bursts with vitality and optimism
as Martin Cramer, principal of an
exclusive private school.
John McMartin, as a publish-
er with designs on Mrs. Cramer
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(played by Mario Thomas with
her characteristic spunkiness"),
brings an air of amusing inno-
cence to the story.
A bizarre cast of supporting
players make the film a fascinat-
ing mosaic, a oomedy which
depends as much on the incident-
al character as the star.
Next week's film is the
espionage thriller Black Sunday,
starring Robert Shaw, Bruoe
Dern, and, fresh from her role in
Marathon Man, Marthe Keller.
for class
Violinist Rodney Schmidt of
Greenville, North Carolina, has
been selected from an internat-
ional field of applicants to per-
form for Henryk Szeryng in Ann
Arbor this summer.
Schmidt, a member of the
music faculty at ECU. is one of
only twenty violinists chosen by
autition to aprticipate in the first
masterclass given in this country
by Szeryng. who is one of the
half-dozen finest violinists in the
Schmidt will perform sonatas
by Beethoven and the unaccomp-
anied violin works of J.S. Bach
during the masterclass to be held
July 24 - August 1 on the
University of Michigan campus.
A recent feature article about
Henryk Szeryng (pronounced
Share-ing) in the New Yak Times
by Shirley Fleming, editor of
Musical America, spoke of him as
standing for a kind of patrician
musicmaking that gets to the
essence of a score without
belaboring the point
A native Pole who first came
to international prominence
through the efforts of Arthur
Rubenstem, he is an adopted
citizen of Mexico and travels on a
Mexican diplomatic passport; he
is fluent is seven languages; he is
active in UN. cultural affairs and
gives benefit concerts unstinting-
A recent week in New York
City saw him give an all Bach
recital at the Metropolitan
M useum on Sunday, speak at an 8
o'clock breakfast at the United
Nations on Monday, perform the
Sibelius Concerto with the Phil-
harmonic for a pair of concerts
beginning on Thursday, followed
by a pair of concerts with the
Chamber Music Society of Lincoln
Shirley Fleming further states
that when he remarks that "I
believe in the miracle of music,
which should bring about a drser
uinderstand g and fraternity be-
tween no is, "or say that
"music is the most universal
language bringing oomfort, joy,
peace and inspiration to man-
kind one feels that he has won
the right to make these state-
!?? ! i $p:

Alston is All America
Sports Editor
ECU'S All-American star
Calvin Alston became a two time
All-American in the NCAA track
meet in Eugene, Oregon this past
Alston placed sixth in the
200-meter dash in a time of 20;76
seconds to earn the All-American
Alston, a junior, had run in
the qualifying round earlier in the
day and had finished second to
Aubern's Harvey Glance with a
clocking of 20.70.
However an inside lane draw
prevented Alston from doing as
well as had been the case the first
I drew an inside lane and the
curves were tighter than I
thought Alston said.
"But I'm happy to make
All- american fa the second
straight year Alston who hails
from Henderson, N.C. was fifth in
the NCAA meet last year.
Alston as well as other
members of the ECU track team
Gillman names
Kunze assistant
Sports Editor
It has been announced that
Terry Kunze, an assistant basket-
ball coach at the University of
Minnesota the last three years,
has resigned his position there to
become an associate coach at
plan to remain on the west coast
to run in next weeks AAU
Championships in Los Angeles.
The only other North Carolina
athlete to receive All-American
honors in the NCAA meet was
Ralph King of UNC-Ch with a
fifth place finish in the 5,000
meter event.
The team winner in the NCAA
track meet for 1978 was Southern
California, with a team total of 59.
ECU under head coach Larry
Kunze was an assistant under
Minnesota coach Jim Dutcher
during 1975-76.
Kunze who is a native of
Duluth, Minnesota, played for the
Golden Gophers for three years in
the mid-1960's and still has a
share of one of the Big Ten single
game shooting records.
Walt Atkins new SID at ECU
Assistant Sports Editor
ECU athletic director Bill Cain
oertainly selected one of the best
sports publicists in the business
when he named Wait Atkins the
Pirates new sports information
Atkins, a 28-year-old native of
Atlanta, Ga. is a veteran of the
sports information business and
is recognized by the N.C. news
media as one of the hardest
working drum beaters around.
He served four years as a
student assistant at the Univer-
sity of Maryland before moving
on to N.C. State where he has
been for the last six years as the
assistant sports information dir-
"I believe in the promotion of
the entire athletic program
explained Atkins Monday after-
noon from his office in Minges
Coliseum. "I've done a lot of
work with the non-revenue sports
for both men and women. My
past record shows that I'm
interested in all the teams and
their participants. We want to
touch all the sports here at ECU.
Like other members of the
athletic department, Atkins came
to ECU because of its rapid
development and its move to-
wards big time college athletics.
"It's an excellent sports in-
formation position at a dynamic
and growing university noted
Atkins. "The athletic program
here has 18 men's and women's
sports. We want to reach all the
sports and let the public know
about them. I'm really looking
forward to that challenge
During his ten years at both
Maryland and N.C. State, Atkins
has worked at 16 NCAA champ-
ionship events in five different
sports and has also worked at five
bowl games. He has written and
edited dozens of press guides and
received a national award for one
of his wrestling brochures at
Maryland and two of his swim-
ming publications at N.C. State.
Atkins is also one of the
biggest promoters of the profes-
sion. One of his major goals at
ECU is to develop student
assistants who will move right
into the business fulltime after
"I want to establish a compet-
ent sports information staff much
like Rod Gompton has in the
Sports Medicine Department
said Atkins. "We wantthe type of
people working here that really
want to work and are sincerely
interested in what they're doing.
We want people that will set goals
for themselves and work hard to
achieve them
Atkins already has plans for a
sports information seminar for
high school students the morning
before the Texas-Arlington foot-
ball gamethisfall. The seminar is
designed to aid high shoool
students, promote their programs
and interest them in taking
positions as student assistants at
colleges they may attend after
Atkins also has plans for a
week long sports information
camp next summer at ECU where
high school students may oome
and receive instruction from
selected media representatives.
"I have a lot of new ideas I
hope I can use at ECU
continued Atkins. "The sports
information seminars are just a
few of them
And with the 1978 football
season right around the oorner,
Atkins has a press guide to
prepare along with promotional
work on the Pirate Radio Network
and a thousand and one other
"But you know smiled
Atkins. "The hardest thing I've
ever had to do lately is try to
remember everyone who keeps
coming in my office. I don't think
I've seen the same face twice. It's
a pretty big athletic department
By Andy Stewart
Sports programs offered
for summer school
The ECU Intramural Department is in full swing with a summer
program that should fit everyone's needs.
Such sports as tennis and raoquetball are still open for registration
for men, women and co-rec.
Also, this year there is a 30 mile jogging club and a five mile
swimming club. In both of these clubs you only have to jog 30 miles or
swim five miles in the entire semester to receive a certificate from the
Intramural department.
To join the clubs, get in touch with the intramural department and
tell them to sign you up. Then phone or tell the Intramural department
in person every time you run ana swim and they will record the
distance for you.
Another sport that has caught the interest of several ECU students
is "three on three" basketball. There are 16 teams in league play ihis
summer. The rules have been modified this year however.
The teams will make use of official NBA rules to make the games
more exciting to watch and more importantly more exciting to play.
Another sport which is ever popular on campus from spring until
fall is softball. This summer there are twelve teams involved in
intramural softball. The teams involved have proven to be surprisingly
One of the strong contenders is last summer s champs, the
Strokers. Returning for the Strokers are Sam Williams, Vann Pennell
and Mark Newton.
Other strong oontenders for the league title are Laid Back,
Summertime Blues, Lumber and Lightening and the Supersonics.
On last weeks games Summertime Blues defeated Delta Sg 13 to 2
while Sigma Phi Epsilon and Friends won a close game over Kappa Sig
Cold Beers by a nine to eight soore.
Later on rn the week Sigma Phi Epsilon and Friends were defeated
by Lumber and Lightening four to nothing and Laid Back stopped the
Nads 13 to six. Delta Sigma Phi beat Once Again by a lopsided soore of
20 toO.
In getting off to a string start the Strokers beat Dead End Kids 14 to
All softball games will be held at the fields behind Ficklin Stadium.
The games will be played between 630 and 10:00 on Monday and
Tuesday nights. Due to lack of funds for umpires, the intramural
department is asking that some of the players involved volunteer to
umpire some of the games. Those interested may sign up for times
desired in the intramural offioe.
The Swimming pool at Minges and the equipment rooms at both
Minges and Memorial will be open this summer.
The pool hours are:
Sat. Dosed
Sun 4-7 p.m.
If there is enough student interest the pool will be open on Saturday.
Memorial is not open because it is being painted at this time. It
should be open by Fall semester.
The equipment Room hours are:
Thurs. 7:45-530
Fri. 7.45 - 7:00
Sat. 12X?- 700
Sun 2:00- 7:00

IPIIffS ?'? Wjjsm
Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD June 7 1978
Sports Editor
This week due to lack of
information we will cover the
Western Carolina offensive team
and next week we will finish our
report with the Western Carolina
defense and a report on Texas
When speaking of the Cata-
mounts of WCU some people
refer to them as "one of those
pushover home openers. How-
ever nothing could be any further
from the truth as WCU posseses
the talent and ability to beat any
team on their schedule including
Last year WCU finished
the season in rush winning the
last five games. What is most
impressive about these wins are
the way in which they dominated
their opponents.
Over that stretch the Cats
averaged over forty points! per
game and many of their scores
such as 44-14 rout of ASU
sounded more like basketball
scores rather than football.
One of the big reasons that the
Cat offense found itself after a
1-4-1 start is quarterback Mike
Pusey. Pusey, a transfer, was
inserted at quarterback at mid
season and lead the Cats to that
five game win streak. Pusey
finished eighth in the nation in
total offense and his wide receiver
Wayne Toilison led the nation in
pass receiving.
Tcdison is gone this year but
his replacement is certainly of
equaJ ability. He is 5'7" Gerlad
Harp. The siminutive Harp is a
threat every time he gets the ball,
though he saw little action last
Fred Meadows is the other
new wideout and has plenty of
speed and ability
As far as the backfield is
concerned ail the fullbacks re-
turn. They are Andy Jordan and
Jeff Norman. Jordan is a 5'10"
senior and Normal is a 5'11"
senior. The fullbacks in the Cats I
formation do very little actual
running the ball. They are
primarily blockers.
The running game will be left
up to the tailbacks. Last years
WCU had one of the nations best
backs in Darrll Lipford as Lipford
gained over a thousand yards. His
backup throughout last year was
Mitchell Ray, a 5'1V senior. Ray
is quite a threat when he touches
the ball also as he averages a
whopping 6.3 yards per carry
The Cat offensive line returns
in tact this year. The line
although not very big does have
alot of speed. They pull their
guards and run a lot of sweeps.
The tackles are Chuck Dellin-
ger a 60 224 pound senior and
Joel Potts a 6'2" 237 pound
Returning at the guards are
Robbie Vannoy a 6 2" 217 pounc
senior and Linnett Price a 60
220 sophomore.
At the center position Steve
Dunn a6' 1" 209 pound senior will
be hiking the ball to Pusey once
At the tight end position
returns Gary Satyshur a 6'2"
junior who at 224 has good size
and weight fa a tight end.
The punting department is
taken care of as quarterback M ike
Pusey who averaged 40.5 yards
per punt last year is back to take
that job.
A new place kicker will have to
be found.
To return punts Gerald Harp
(22.7 yards per return) has coach
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comer of 5th and Cofanche
Bob Waters feeling quite good
about that position.
It appears that if last year is
any indication the Cats will have
an explosive exciting offensive
team and one which will certainly
test the Pirate defense. Coach
Bobby Wallace is in charge of
soouting the WCU offense and he
noted that the Cats will throw the
ball as much as 30 to 40 times a
game. The thing that can really
hurt a team against those passes
is that the majority of them were
completed last year and chances
are that the receivers are just as
capabale this year.
I would like to thank Coach
Bobby Wallace fa his help in
soouting the WCU offense.
THE LAST TIME ECU met Western CAroiina in
1976 the Pirates won a dose 24-17 decision. Here
former Pirate and now defensive end coach H76 Cary
occette ana former Pirate taoie wx jake Dove put
the pressure on m Western Carolina's Keith
Scoggms. Photo by Tirr Chalmers
WCU offensive stars
Robbie Vannoy JwM Normon Andy Jord(Jn
Stv? Dunn
Summer Intramurals
Staff Writer
The ECU Intramural Office is
offering both new as well as
traditional activities in this sum-
with former
Thur Kiufolkj
Fri,Sat, & Sum
next week
Wcfl Merging
flu I eh Truel?TlMr S
mer's activities.
Marty Martinez, director of
intramurals, says that sumemr
events include softball and bas-
eball, but even these activities
have gone through some chanaes.
Ust summer, softball was
played in the afternoon with a
competitive atmosphere.
Martinez says that this summer
he wants to rid the games of some
of the competition. A new rule
designed to cool tempers states
that the team at bat must be
pitched only three pitches per
batter by its pitcher. This rule will
also help the problem of not
having umpires to call the games.
Games will also be played only
at night to avoid the heat which
has hampered play in the past
Basketball returns with the
three-on-three type using NBA
rules. Summer activities also
include the thirty-mile run, five-
mile swim, tennis, raquetball,
and free play in the pool.
Anyone can sign up for
activities anytime during the

June 7 1978 FQUNTAiNHEAD By m
Three new football bowl
games were certified by the
NCAA Council at its recent
meeting in Kansas City,
The Garden State Bowl in East
Rutherford, New Jersey, and the
Holiday Bowl in San Diego,
California, both will be played
sometime in 1978. The Pineapple
Bowl in Honolulu, Hawaii, will be
initiated at the conclusion of the
1979 season.
In all cases, the COunal was
acting on the reoommendation of
the NCAA Extra Even's Commit-
The Garden State Bowl will be
played at the Meadowlands
Sports Complex sometime in
early December. It will be the
only bowl game in the Northeast
and is expected to attract a team
from that region as one of its
participants. The net proceeds
will be given to a scholarship fund
for New Jersey high school
The winner of the Western
Athletic Conference will be one of
the participating teams in the
Holiday Bowl, which probably
will be played between December
22 and 28. The designated charity
is the Crippled Childrens' Hos-
pital and Burn Insitute in San
Plans are for the Pineapple
Bowl to be part of a week-long
festival in Honolulu, which also
will include the Rainbow Basket-
ball Classic and the Hula Bowl as
well as competition in other
sports. Because of the magnitude
of the event, additional time will
be required for hotel and other
arrangements; therefore, the
Extra Events Committee recom-
meded the bowl game not be
played until the conclusion of the
1979 season.
The Extra Events Committee
certified 14 established bowl
games and five all-star games for
the 1978-79 academic year.
Committee chairman David H.
Strack, University of Arizona
Director of Athletics, said the 14
postseason games certified for
1977-78 produced gross receipts
of nearly $18 million, $13.8
million of whihc was returned to
the participanting teams.
Bowl Date
MEAC-CIAA Gold Bowl December 2
Independence Bowl December 16
Hall of Fame Game
Sun Bowl
Liberty Bowl
Tangerine Bowl
Fiesta Bowl
Peach Bowl
Gator Bowl
Bluebonnet Bowl
Sugar Bowl
Rose Bowl
Cotton Bowl
Orange Bowl
December 20
December 23
December 23
December 23
December 25
December 25
December 29
December 31
January 1
January 1
January 1
January 1
Local Time
1 30pm
7 pm
To be determined
To be determined
8 p m
To be determined
To be determined
To be determined
To be determined
To be determined
To be determined
To be determined
Richmond. Virginia
Shreveport Louisiana
Birmingham. Alabama
El Paso Texas
Memphis Tennessee
Orlando Florida
Tempe Arizona
Atlanta. Georgia
Jacksonville Florida
Houston Texas
New Orleans Louisiana
Pasadena California
Dallas. Texas
Miami. Florida
Blue-Gray Classic
American Bowl
East-West Shrine
Hula Bowl
Japan Bowl
December 22 or 30 To be determined
January 6 To be determined
January 6 or 14 To be determined
January 6 To be determined
January 14 To be determined
Montgomery. Alabama
Tam(, i Florida
Palo Alto California
Honolulu, Hawaii
Tokyo. Japan
Billy Lee named head coach at Pembroke State
Staff Writer
Billy Lee, an assistant coach
for two years at East Carolina,
was named Monday as the new
head coach at Pembroke State.
Lee. a 28-year-old native of
Mt. Olive, was chosen from a
field of more than 50 applicants,
according to Pembroke State
"I'm very exated about my
new job said Lee. "The people
at Pembroke are 100 percent
behind the basketball program.
They re a lot of things I want to
try here and I'm very happy I've
gotten the opportunity
Lee, who served one year
under former ECU head ooach
Dave Pat ton and one season
under Larry Gil I man replaces Joe
Gallaher, now an assistant coach
at Richmond.
Lee began his coaching career
as an assistant at Wake Forest
High School before assuming
duties as head coach at East
Montgomery High School for one
He then moved on to New
Ben High where he remained fa
three years as head coach before
ooming to ECU in 1976 as the
defensive coordinator under Dave
"I'm a defensive minded
ooach explained Lee. "I'll use
as many as five different defenses
in a game if necessary. On
offense, we'll move quickly with
the ball. I don't like anyone
standing still. We'll use offenses
somewhat similar to North
Carolina and Indiana. '
Pembroke State finished last
season with a 13-13 record, but
lost three of its five starters.
"Recruiting is my major con-
oern right now said Lee. "We
lost some good players from last
year and we've still got to try to
find some replacements although
it's still late in the recruiting
Lee said Dan K inney, a former
graduate assistant at ECU would
remain on his staff next season
Kinney recently completed his
first year at Pembroke State
Welcome back students.
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Title IX clarification made
A statement "reaffirming the
applicability to revenue-produc-
ing intercollegiate athletics of
Title IX" has been issued by the
Department of Health, Education
and Welfare.
In a memorandum to HEW
Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr
General Counsel F. Peter Libassi
said "Title XI of the Education
Amendments of 1972 prohibits
sex discrimination in any 'educat-
ion program or activity' receiving
Federal financial assistance. In
our opinion, a revenue-producing
intercollegiate program is (a) an
education program or activity
within the meaning of Title IX,
and (b) and integral part of the
general undergraduate education
program of an institution of
higher learning.
' Accordingly Libassi con-
tinued, "m our opinion, an
institution of higher education
must oomply with the prohibition
against sex discrimination impos-
ed by that title and its implement-
ing regulations in the administra-
tion of any revenue-producung
intercollegiate athletic activity if
either the athletic activity or the
general education program of
whihc the athletic activity is a part
is receiving Federal financial
Clip this ctXapon!
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Page 16 FOUNTAINHEAP June 7 1978
We have bought a large supply of
Demo & New Equipment from a Nor-
thern dealer who needed money!

Fountainhead, June 7, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 07, 1978
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