Fountainhead, April 4, 1978

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Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,ouu,
this issue is 12 pages.
"v m? n,?iii? Nr?th Carolina 4 April 1978
Mid-East peacep. 3
Geologyp. 5
Mangionep. 8
losesp. 10
Voi. No. 53, HO.M East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
SGA off
take oath of office
Assistant News Editor
Newly elected officers of the
Student Government Association
(SGA) were sworn into office by
Kieran Shanahan, attorney
general, at Monday's legislature
Sworn in during the ceremony
were Tommy Joe Payne, SGA
president; David Cartwright,
vice-president; Zack Smith, trea-
surer; and Lynn Bell, secretary.
In his first address before the
legislature as president, Payne
spoke on his efforts to seek
student support and ideas fa
changing the existing visitation
Payne said that he will ask
dorms to hold hall meetings for
suggestions and ideas to see if a
better solution was available.
Payne also reoommended
publishing a four-page leaflet
before summer freshmen orienta-
tion to explain the purposes of the
SGA to all inooming freshmen.
Former SGA president Neil
Sessoms said in his farewell
speech before the legislature that
overall, the SGA had been a very
good experience fa him.
"A la of people accuse the
SGA of being egaistical, but I
think that the legislatas had the
students in mind said Sessans.
Ron Lewis, Chairperson of the
Elections Committee, reported on
theresultsof last week'selections
and the passage of the constitu-
tional amendment.
Lewis said that no famal
charges a complaints had been
made concerning the elections.
Lewis reoommended that the
legislature not push a constitu-
tional amendment through so
late as the recent one was.
He also reoommended that
next year's committee oonsider
rules fa off-campus campaign-
During the legislature's busi-
ness meeting, the Law Society
was appropriated $350 fa 12 to 14
members to go to Washington,
DC- w
The Law Society plans to meet
with North Carolina Senatas
Jesse Helms and Robert Magan
Outstanding women
students awarded
Assistant NewsEdita
Outstanding women students
from each department on campus
were recognized last Wednesday
at Women's Awareness Night
a program presented in Menden-
hall Student Center.
The program was sponsaed
by the Wanen's Reisdence
Pamela Holt, Residence Hall
Administrata and Panhellenic
Advisa, received the ECU Out-
standing Woman of the Year
award fa 1978.
Guest speaka was Lillian
Woo, from Raleigh, who spoke on
the program's theme, "Do you
know where you're going to?"
Woo was the first woman
candidate fo N.C. State Audita ,
and isfounda and directa of the
Consumer center in Raleigh.
Woo served on the N.C.
Legislative Service Committee
Conmission, served as president
and treasurer on the Executive
Council, and was a member of the
jimmy Carter steering commit-
Woo spoke on women's chan-
ging role in society.
"Fa all who believe that
women are delicate and placed on
a pedestal, autal reality lets us
know that it just isn't so she
"We women have rxrt taken
our full role. W now acknowledge
our goals, and those goals are out
thae fa the reaching and
attaining Woo said.
Woo said North Carolina has
not yet elected a woman fa
state wide office.
"I feel in the near future we
will elect a woman fa state wide
offioe she said.
"We have created, a betta
environment fa wanen candi-
dates offaing public services.
"They are much mae dedi-
cated and hard-waking than their
See WOO, p. 3
sSaEXECUTIVEOFFICERS for 1978-79 were
sworn in by Attorney General Kieran Shanahan at
the legislature meeting Monday. (L-R) Zack Smith,
treasurer; Lynn Bell, secretary; David Cartwright,
vice-president; Tommy Joe Payne, president. Photo
by Kirk Kingsbury
ttributes his victory
rsonalized campaign
NCSL meets April 5
Staff Writa
The Nath Carolina Student
Legislature (NCSL) will oonvene
in the Old Capital Building on
April 5 at 1230 p.m.
This is the first time since
1961 that the NCSL will meet in
the Old Capital Building.
The request to open the
forty-fii at Annual Legislative Ses
siai was granted by the Legisla-
tive Service Commission.
Also, the NCSL will hold the
closing ceremonies in the Old
Capital building on Sun April 9
at 10 a.m.
Doug Marlet, a cartoonist fa
the Chariate Observa, will be
guest speaker fa the banquet on
Sat April 8 at 7 p.m.
The ECU delegatioi will
attend with about 18 active
Faty percent of all the
student's past legislation has
become state law.
The Fatieth Annual Legisla-
tive Session, 1977, produced
legislation that is presently befae
the Genaal Assembly.
Such as; Unifam Child Cus-
tody Act of N.C, Migrant Sea-
sonal Workers, and the Executive
Refam Act which went befae the
Genaal Assembly during the fall
Advertising Manger
Student Government Associa-
tion (SGA) President-elect
Tommy Joe Payne said Monday
that he attributes his victay in
last Wednesday's SGA election to
his "pasonalized campaign
"From the first day of the
campaign I visited all but three
dorms said Payne.
"I went doa todoa to explain
some of my programs that I plan
to wak on
Payne said that visiting the
students in the dams made them
feel I ike the offioe of the president
can be accessible.
"The main issues I talked
about were campus security,
dam contracts and a three year
textbook adoption program said
Accading to Payne he re-
ceived a good response in the
Payne received 44.1 pacent of
the vrte cast in the presidential
race, the nearest runna-up was
10 pacent behind.
"I was suppated by a cross-
section of all studenta I did not
have the backing of any particular
school a department said
Payne. "I didn't try to appease
any special intaest groups
Payne said that one of his first
actions as president wi" to to
appant his cabinet.
Accading to Payne, he will
scon begin wak on a new
visitation policy.
" I am sending a letta to evay
hall advisa to request that they
get some ideas from the students
on how to improve visitation
policy. We will be in contact with
sevaal rtha schools in the UNC
system and probably the Univa-
sity of Virginia said Payne.
Payne said that he is planning
an SGA infamatioi sheet fa
freshmen. The pamphlet would
explain what SGA is all about and
how they can get involved in
"These will be distributed this
sumrrer during freshman aienta-
tioi Payne said.
Aooading to Payne, he is
already laying the groundwak fa
his three year textbook adoption
"We will be waking with Mr.
May at the Student Supply Stae
on this program said Payne.
Payne said that he plans fa
the Secretary of Acadmic Affairs
tofam an aganizatiai fa hawr
fratanities, something similar to
the Inta-Fratanity Council.
Monitor raising 'feasible
but finances are crucial
Staff Writa
The raising of the Civil War
ship Monita is feasible accading
to Gaadn Watts of the N.C.
Division of Archives and Histay.
Structural integrity studies of
the remains of the vessel located
off Cape Hattaas will detamine
whetha raising the Mrjnita is a
possibility, Watts said.
Watts said that "state-of-the-
art" technology would be requir-
ed to aing the remains up in the
near future.
Methods of raising the ship
include lifting the ship up with a
pallor, of the sea bed whae it
rests, or disassembling the ship
on the sea flea and ainging the
remains up piece by piece.
A masta plan fa collecting
infamatia on the feasibility of
raising the Monita will be made
this summa, aooading to Watts.
Watts said that previous "
tempts to raise aha sunken
ships have been failures.
Finanoes are aucial to the
actual raising of the ship. Costs
oould run upwards of $20,000,000
said Watts.
Aooading to Watts, the
"most effective way of intapret-
ing the site" oould be studying
the ship in great detail, then
making a reconstruction of the

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 4 April 1978
Phi Sigma Pi Bowling
Photo Jobs Film
There will be several positions
open fa the 1978-79 school year
as campus photographer. Any
interested ECU student may
come by the FOUNTAINHEAD
offioe between 9 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. weekdays to obtain an
application fa saeening.
Be prepared to list previous
wak experience and photogra-
phic knowledge. Also, small
portfolio, (preferably black and
white, although cola will be
accepted), must be submitted.
The portfolio is not necessary
until after the applicant has been
contacted fa an interview.
Leadership Training Class
sponsaed by Campus Crusade
fa Christ, meets ai Thursdays at
7 p.m. in Brewster C-103.
After a time of fellowship,
there is an oppatunity to learn
mae about how to love God and
love others.
The four classes offered are
Christain life, dynamics of discip-
leship, dynamics of ministry, and
life of Christ which is open to
those interested in investigating
the person of Jesus Christ.
Elections fa S.O.U.L.S. offic-
ers fa the 78-79 term will be held
this caning Wed April 5, fran 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. at the AACC.
Please come out and suppat
thiseffat. I.D. and activity card
will be required.
Our weekly S.O.U.L.S. meet-
ing will be oi Thurs April 6 at 7
Please be prompt.
All people who are interested
in faming a Raquetball Spats
Club are urged to attend the
meeting Wed April 5, at 7 p.m.
at 104 Memaial Gym to discuss
Sports Club Council guidelines,
elect officials, and aher impa-
tant matters concerning the
Raquetball Spats Club.
There will also be a meeting
Thurs 7 p.m 104 Memaial
Gym. April 6.
Anyaganizatioi that does not
have a picture and an inomatioi
sheet into the BUCCANEER
office by Tues April 11, will not
appear in the 1977-78
BUCCANEER. If you have had
your picture made, please come
to the BUCCANEER offioe any
Tuesday a Thursday afternoon
and identify the members in your
picture. We must have this
infamation fa the yearbook, too.
Come see the beginnings of
new wald ader based complete-
ly oi spiritual principles.
A film (set in Nicar,agua and
several rural Latin American
countries) will be shown in room
242 of Mendenhall at 4 p.m.
Wednesday. Everyone weloome!
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Alpha Theta, international
histay hana society, will be
meeting Mon April 10, at 7:30
p.m. in the Richard Todd Room.
Election of new officers and
constitution revision will be mat-
ters of business. All members
please attend. Refreshments will
be served.
The Senia Class of 1978 is
awarding $250 scholarships to ten
students at ECU who will be
enrolled as a full-time student
Fall Semester 1978, and who has
excelled academically and has
provided outstanding service to
the University.
If you feel that you qualify fa
aie of these scholarships, drop by
the SGA Office between 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m Monday thru Friday
and fill out an application. The
deadline fa applications is Fri-
day, April 7. Again: befae you
can be considered fa aie of these
scholarships, you must:
1. Be presently enrolled at
Be a full-time student at
ECU fall semester 1978.
3. Have excelled academically
at ECU.
4. Have provided outstanding
service to ECU.
This weekend, the Student
Union Coffeehouse Committee
will p-esent what is probably our
finest act of the year: Sally
Spring, Thursday and Friday
night, at 9 and 10 p.m in room
15, Mendenhall.
A native of Gddsbao, she
now lives in Winston-Salem. She
has appeared in the Coffeehouse
fa the past two years to
enthralled audiences.
Copies of her latest album
BIRO will be available.
Sally writes and sings some of
the most tender and introspective
songs you're likely to hear on this
a any other campus.
Don't miss this exceptional
Fa the token sum of fifty
cents, you can enjoy the inimit-
able Sally Spring, plus all the
snacks you want a need
Phi Sigma Pi wilj -hold a
business meeting, Wed April 5
at 6 p.m. in Austin 132.
Mandatay meeting fa all
NCSL members. Tues April 4 at
4 p.m. in MSC by Information
The importance of this meet-
ing is final preparation fa the
41st Annual Legislative Sessioi.
Matters that will be discussed
are: Bills, Transportation arran-
gements, and Parlimaentary Re-
view amoig a few.
Please be pranpt - much to
Fa further information call
Joe Tanahey, 758-7968 o Marc
Adler 758-9523.
Who's the ECU "Pinball
Mendenhall would like to
know. So, to find out who's
campus champ, a Spring Pinball
Tournament sponsaed by Men-
denhall will be held Moiday
through Thursday, from 9 a.m.
until 11 p.m April 3 through
April 20.
The amusement games area
located on the ground floa of
Mendenhall, is the site of the
three-week event.
There are 13 chances to win
with the Grand Prize going to the
person who accumulates the most
high scores fa the tournament.
The first place winner will
choose from prizes woth $25
each - a Happy Stoe gift
certificate, dinner fa two at the
King & Queen, a billiards cue
stick with case, a a Brody's gift
certificate, plus the ECU Pinball
Championship Trophy.
Fa secaid prize, T-shirts will
be awarded to the twelve indiv-
idual winners.
If you're into pinball, get on
over to Mendenhall fa the Spring
Pinball Tournament.
You may be the ECU Pinball
Tournament rules are avail-
able at the billiards center in
Mendenhall Student Center.
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Eta Sigma will meet
Wed April 5, at, at 7 p.m. in
room 221 Mendenhall.
Elections will be held and
plans fa the car wash will be
finalized. All members are urged
to attend.
The Outing Club will meet on
Thursday evenings at 7 30 p.m. in
the basement of Memaial Gym.
We have some exciting trips
planned so any interested student
is invited to attend.
Every Friday from 2 p.m. until
5 p.m. is Happy Hour at the
Bowling Center in Mendenhall.
Prices are one-third off so come
over and take advantage of the
great savings.
Attention PRC majos a
potential majos!
There will be a PRC society
meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in room
221 Mendenhall.
A film may also be shown if
available from the Australian
Information Servioe.
Furthermoe, APril
Nominations will be accepted fo
next year's PRC officers and
elections will be held on April 12
and 13.
Also, on Wed April 5,
Special Olympics are going to be
held. Fo further information
oontact Ted Waters 752-1026.
Fit, April 7, the N.C. Reaeat
-ion and Parks Society begins 8:30
a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. A
variety of speakers will be there.
ATTENTION: Second Semester
Undergraduate caps and
gowns are on Oder.
Delivery date fo caps and
gowns is April 4, 5, and 6 at the
Student Supply Stae.
Graduate caps and gowns will
be delivered April 4, 5, 6 at the
Student Supply Stoe.
These Keepsake gowns are
your to keep providing the $10
graduation fee has been paid.
Fo those receiving the
Masters Degree the $10 fee pays
fo your cap and gown, but there
is an extra fee of $7.95 fo your
hood. Any questions pertaining to
caps and gowns should be
referred to the Students Supply
Stoe, Wright Building.
Full Gospel Student Feilow-
ship will meet Thursday night.
Dr. Art Hansen from N.C.
State will be the special guest at
our Student Fellowship.
Anyone who hasn't heard
Artie talk about the exciting life in
the Lad won't want to miss it!
Room 221 Mendenhall at 7:30
Lost ft found
The campus Lost and Found
Department is located at the
Information Desk in Mendenhall.
We have books, rings, glass-
es, coats, watches, umbrellas.
If you have lost an item,
please oome by the Infamation
Desk and see if we have it.
Any unclaimed articles will be
sold at bargain prioes at ECU'a
Flea M-ket, sponsaed by Men-
denhall, April 5, on the Mall.
There will be a League of
Scholars meeting Tues April 4 at
7 p.m.
It will be in Mendenhall
Multi-Purpose Room.
All eligible members please
come to this meeting.
The Student Nurses Associa-
tion will hold its monthly meeting
Wed April 5 at 7 p.m. in
Nursing 101.
The speaker will be Dr.
Bryson Trexler from the depart-
ment of Geology.
The topic will be "The Geo-
logical Environment and How It
Relates to Health
Please come. You do not have
to be a member to enjoy the
Arrangements have been
made fo a special administration
of the NTE on May 13, fa
individuals who have NTE prob-
lems which need to be corected
prio to the regualr NTE test date
in July.
The following are examples of
individuals who should take the
exams on May 13.
1. Individuals who are em-
ployed but paid less than full
salary becuase of the absense of
o inadequate NTE 9ooes.
2. Individuals with permits
expiring June 30, who wish to
establish their status fo employ-
ment fo the 1978-79 school year.
3. Individuals who are non-
standard becuase of NTE regula-
tions who wish to re-establish
their certificate.
4. Individuals who wish to
improve their scoes fo improved
employment oppotunities.
5. Individuals who need either
the weighted common exam o a
teaching area to combine with an
existing soae. (Noe: ALL exam-
inations will be available at each
test center.)
The exams will be offered at
four testing center: Ashville City
Sctnools, High Pont City Schools,
Fayetteville City Schools, East
Carolina University.
Registration will be through
the State Department of Public
Instruction only.
Registration forms must be
secured from the Certification
Offioe by and a fo individuals.
The forms must be completed
and returned to the Certification
Offioe by April 24.
The registration fee includes a
special $5 charge fo everyone
plus a $26 fo the common
examination and one area exam
a $13 fo the common exam only
o an area exam only.
Payment must be made by
check o money ader payable to
National Teachers Examinations.
Dona send cash.
Each individual will receive
notification of registration from
the Testing Department which
will serve asthe admissions ticket
to the exam center on May 13.

4 April 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 3
Artist George McClancy lectures to students
Staff Writer
"Art has a life of its own
said George McClancy as he
spoke to a group of art students
on Tues. March 28, in Jenkins
McClancy's informal lecture
covered the process of making
art, its realities and the education
of an artist.
M Clancy, a former North
Carolinian, is a New Yak artist
with both post graduate degrees
in art history and philosophy.
He has taught in both fields
and in studio arts.
He is coordinator for one of
the most innovative programs in
creative arts today, the Empire
State College, a branch of New
York State University.
The Empire State Program
offers art students of both gra-
duate and undergraduate levels
the opportunities to study paint-
ing, sculpture, graphics, photo-
graphy, and arts management.
The program includes weekly
critiques with other new York
artists and internships with them
during their semester.
The program is offered to all
serious art students.
McClancy became interested
in the education of an artist in
1954 while studying with Ken
Noland in Washington.
He proceeded to complete a
masters degree in art history and
then returned to college to
complete a study in philosophy.
McClancy then taught studio
'Great Decisions '78'
Middle East peace
Staff Writer
The prospect fa peace in the
Middle East remains intact,
accading to Dr. Hisham Barakat,
a professa with the ECU School
of Medicine.
Dr. Barakat advanced this
opinion during a lecture entitled
"The Changing Middle East
which is one in a series called
"Great Decisions 78
The lecture series is sponsa-
ed by the National Endowment
fa the Humanities, and hosted oi
campus by the ECU Division of
Continuing Education.
Dr. Barakat said that the oae
of the conflict in the Middle East
involves the controversy concern-
ing the rights of the Palestinians
to land presently occupied by the
He said that the UN resolution
of 1947 allowed oontrol of Pales-
tine by a minaity owning one
third of the land and comprising
only seven per cent of the
The Israeli land conquest
during the war of 1948 produced
an excess of Israeli-occupied
land, and drove most Palestinians
out of the area to seek refuge
from further Israeli advances.
The Palestinians remain refu-
gees today.
Israel widened its baders
further in the wars of 1956, 1967
and the October war of 1973, until
it occupied the land on the West
Bank of the Jadan River, the
Golan Heights, the Sinai region,
and the Gaza strip, none of which
were intended as part of the
Israeli state mandated by the UN.
Dr. Barakat said that the
Palestinian problem had lost
priaity by the mid-sixties. He
said that the Palestinian repatria-
tiai oonoerns which were quite
radical at first have been sub-
dued, and that the general
concern of the Palestinians is fa a
peaceful settlement to their prob-
art and art histay at Yak College
in Queens where he realized how
unfamilar students were with the
real art wald.
McClancy began his talk by
saying that experience is the only
way to learn to love art.
He believes that art is an
innate human capacity and is
capable of being developed in
every discipline.
How one conceives of himself
and his capabilities is the key.
One must believe in his own
The development of an artist's
potentials is most critical at the
beginning, said McClancy.
Production of wak in large
amounts faoes practice in
development of talents. The
He also said that a maja
motivation fa a settlement cones
fron the economic advantages
available to all of the oountries in
the area.
He said that since Israel is a
potential industrial center, and
the Arabs own most all of the
land, manpower, and natural
resources, that economic consi-
deratiois stroigly favo settle-
Dr. Barakat was ban in
Palestine in 1923,and settled in
Lebanoi after the war of 1948.
He attended the University of
Geirut, and holds his doctaate
from the University of Massachu-
Continued from p. 1)
male opponents
Woo feels that women have a
greater sense of justice and a
greater sensitivity toother human
"Our greatest challenge is to
convince ourselves that we can go
beyond the traditional role of
Dr. Susan McDaniel, asso-
ciate vice-chancel la fa academic
affairs, awarded the certificates
in academic areas.
Dean Carolyn Fulghum, asso-
ciate dean of student affairs,
awarded certificates in other
areas, including athletics, mar-
shals, residence halls, service and
social sooities, and Who's Who
in American Universities and
Ask one
of our
about the
new summer cuts
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Phone Quotes 814 536 1611
function of a teacher should be to
oonfront the student with con-
crete experience.
McClancy emphasized New
Yak City as being the cento fa
abstract Twentieth century art.
He stressed the impotance of
just being in the city to be in
touch with the art wold.
He also warned young artists
of the pitfalls one must confront
in the city.
McClancy answoed student's
questiais oaioerning how one
becomes accepted in the art wold
and discussed Oiefly his own
Customer Appreciation
20c for your favorite golden BEvERage
Now using Hot boxes in delivery cars
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Nothing beats a Pizza from CHANELO'S
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This is their 1st appearance in over 1 year.
Dont miss 'em.
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Fri. 3-7 End of Week Party

Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 4 April 1978
Politics vs. The Presi
Politics and the press. Probably never have any
two things been pitted against each other with such
intensity as these.
Politicians endeavor to manipulate the press in
ways which will benefit them personally and
politically. When a story which portrays a politician
in a bad light is printed, the politician and his cohorts
cry "foul The press is then labeled "biased
"unobjective and is called names which are
Student politicians seem to think that they have
the power to oversee the operations of their campus
publications. The recent controversy at N.C. State
University proves this point only too well.
Two N.C. State students, both of them campus
politicians, were arrested on a charge of scalping
tickets to the Atlantic Coast Conference basketball
One politician is a member of the Student Senate
and the other is a member of the Judicial Review
Board. The Technician, N.C. State's campus
newspaper, printed news stories and editorials
concerning the arrests. The students were arrested
by Raleigh City Police.
Former Technician editor Lynne Griffin in an
editorial accused the two students of setting a " poor
example" as student leaders. Griffin called for the
removal of the students from their student
responsibility positions.
The Student Senate then began impeachment
proceedings against Editor Griffin, charging her with
"malfeasance in office which included libel,
undocumented allegations, undue harassment and
attacks on personal integrity.
The Student Senate had absolutely no authority to
begin impeachment proceedings. All N.C. State
publications are overseen by the Publications
Authority, which has the power to hire and fire
editors. The campus media is in no way connected to
the student government at N.C. State.
Why, then, did six student senators think that
they had the right to impeach Griffin? Certainly U.S.
Senators would not take it upon themselves to begin
impeachment proceedings against Katharine Gra-
ham, Washington Post publisher, for printing stories
about Washington politicians which do not portray
them favorably.
This country's forefathers created the Bill of
Rights and the First Amendment to protect
publications from government control. If student
politicians don't want their shady dealings printed in
the newspaper, then they should straighten out their
sense of morals before even considering running for
an office.
It's about time to
improve intersection
Students and staff members have complained
loudly about the dangerous intersection of Tenth
Street and College Hill Drive. Many people have
hoped that an overpass could be constructed.
However, an overpass would run into a lot of
money, approximately $200,000 or more, and there is
no guarantee that the students would use it.
A Tenth Street Intersection Task Force, compos-
ed of Tommy Joe Payne, David Cartwright, and Jerry
Cox was set up last month to study alternate ideas to
an overpass.
The Task Force met with N.C. Department of
Transportation officials last month to discuss various
plans to the intersection problem.
A task force to study alternate ideas to the
overpass is long overdue. Perhaps something will be
done scon to alleviate the danger that thousands of
students face daily.
z rooRF WORTHS 1 -r-
7ose fBooKSr.
o o

the April tpiot
Jazz has no bright future in Greenville
Dave Thompson should
have researched his "Jazz has a
bright future in Greenville' a
little more thoroughly. The Line
which has sponsored some excel-
lent jazz is scheduled to close at
the end of the semester due to
lack of support. It will be
absorbed by The Attic to produce
the kind of sound that ECU
students like.
Chuck Mangione and May-
Why does ECU
store heat?
Why is ECU Cafeteria
empty and warm while Jenkins
Fine Arts Center with its over-
crowded studio spaces forced to
shut down at 6 p.m. Fridays,
Saturdays and Sundays becuase
of the energy crunch?
On Friday night, March 17 (a
rather chilly evening) I walked
through East Cafeteria on my way
across campus and was surprised
to find it a balmy 70 degrees at
1:30 a.m.
Why is this building with its
huge empty spaces heated while
students are prevented from
working in others under the
pretense of saving energy?
Storing heat in East Cafeteria
doesn't seem to be a very
satisfactory method of energy
Perhaps this edifice could be
more efficiently used as a reposit-
ory for University red tape.
Jan Welborn
Graduate Student
nard Ferguson both attracted
large crowds, but then both were
enjoying the exposure of a tune in
the Top 40. The attendance two
months earlier at the Thad
Jones-Mel Lewis concert was
dismal. Where were all your jazz
lovers? They are among the best
in big band jazz.
As for Rampal, his program
was classical, not jazz or even
'Classical jazz" (sic). He has
recorded one jazz album but his
skills and his repertoire are
I don't think that you can get
the students to support musicians
with whom they are not familiar.
Top 40 has a bright future in
Greenville but sadly jazz does
Doug Williams
Short n sweet
What is your most disappoint-
ing radio station? WRQR.
David Latham
Serving the East Carolina community for over fifty years.
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have
a government without newspapers or newspapers
without government, I should not hesitate a moment to
prefer the latter
Thomas Jefferson
Cindy Broome
Managing EditorLeigh rjoakley
Advertising ManagerRobert M. Swaim
EditorsDoug White
Stuart Morgan
TrendsEditorSteve Bachner
SportsEditorChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Media Board of ECU and is
distributed each Tuesday and Thursday, weekly during the
summer. m
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C. 27834
Editorial offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309
Subscriptions: $10 annually, alumni $6 annually

Predicted top profession of 1980's
4 April 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 5
Energy crisis spurs interest in Geology field
Staff Writer
According to a November,
1977, issue of Money magazine,
one of the top professions of the
1980's will be geology.
The estimated percentage
growth rate for the geology field
is a significant 38 per cent for the
time period of 1976-1985; that
percentage is the largest growth
rate of the top ten professions.
The reasons for this increased
interest in geology are many, but
the main issue is the energy
dilemma, according to Dr.
Michael O'Connor, head of the
ECU Geology department.
The search for petroleum and
other energy forms has forced
industries to seek out qualified
geologists to aid them. O'Connor
cited an inaeasing interest over
the past several years in the
department here.
The number of jobs is grow-
ing and the importance of the
positions is increased by the need
for the development of new
resources and energy sources, he
The three main job areas for
graduates of the geology depart-
ment are in energy, natural
resources, and environment.
According to O'Connor, the
deaease in energy and the
deaease in natural resources has
affected the geology field in that
all industries are being forced to
realize their limitations and set
reasonable alternatives.
"The environmental aspect of
the field encompasses almost all
portionsof our life; any oonstruct-
ion job or development requires
environmental impaa statements
and restrictions O'Connor said.
Continued from p. 1
and with Supreme Court Justice,
William Renquist.
Senator Morgan will give a
Law Day address at ECU on April
Mark Snyder announced that
the Senior Class of 1978 is
awarding $260 scholarships to ten
students at ECU next fall.
Students may apply at the
SGA office between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. and fill out an application.
The deadline for applications is
Fri April 7.
The student must be presently
enrolled at ECU be a full-time
student at ECU fall semester
1978, and have excelled aca-
demically and provided outstan-
ding service to ECU.
A resolution was passed to
thank the Parks and Reaeation
Club fa tending the polls in last
week's elections.
In other business, the consti-
tutions fa the International Lan-
guage. Club, the ECU Team
Handball Club and the Student
Advisay Council for Intercolle-
giate Athletics were all approved
by the legislature.
Teachers are also needed to
prepare the future geologists, but
field jobs are mae profitable,
with double a triple salaries as
compared to teaching positions.
At ECU, the geology depart-
ment is growing.
In the last several years, a lot
of growth has resulted from the
influx of students from other
"The geology department is
the smallest science department
with the seccod largest graduate
program he said.
The biggest problem may be
the lack of educational back-
ground that prevents college
freshmen from being aware of the
geology program.
OGonna said the growth in
the geology field also results from
other changes in our life-style.
Although geologists have
been anticipating the energy
shatage fa about 20 years, the
public has refused to acknow-
ledge the problem; geologists can
only present the problem, not
solve it.
Also, the "apathy" of the
nation is beginning to fade;
people are finally awakening to
the thought that our resources
will na last faever. Here in
Nath Carolina, the problems are
basically with our phosphate
deposits and the coastlines, ao-
oading to O'Conna.
There are endless experi-
ment s to be done on the effects of
phosphate mining, shaeline ero-
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O'Connor's major oonoern is
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possibilities a Geology graduate
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The conservation and "sane"
use of our resources must be
monitored and supplimented by
the work of qualified geologists
who will be in great demand over
the next decade.
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Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 4 April 1978
Highlights from TKE's 3rd An
?? 1

4 April 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 7
d Annual Boxing Tournament
Peter E. Podeszwa

Page 8 FOUNTAINHEAD 4 April 1978
He captured a whole new set of fans but.
Mangione: 'Heplayed down to his audience'
Staff Writer
Chuck Mangione played his
way to a standing ovation at
Wright Auditorium last Wednes-
day night. The auditorium was
full of students turned on to the
new rock sound that has made
Mangione's popularity explode.
I'm tired of the old cliche
critics use on any artist who
becomes popular: "He's lost his
integrity, he'splaying down to his
audience, he's changed to suit the
crowd However, as an old
Chuck Mangione fanatic, I must
admit that was my reaction to his
ECU performance.
Sure, the audience loved it!
But I missed some of the
subtleties that made Mangione
worth listening to over and over
Mangione dhye to play a lot
of his newer music from the
Feels So Good" album, perhaps
because the restless audience
responded best to its driving
After the opening number, the
title tune of "Feels So Good the
quartet swung comfortably into
"The Day After Our First Night
They were really tight, with
rhythmic precision that took the
opening theme to an exciting
climax. That number and "Chase
the Clouds Away introduced the
audience to the red-hot, street-
wise sound of the versatile Chris
Vadala on flutes and saxes.
This was all program music
with a message, the kind of
feeling-so-good, chasing-the-
clouds-away message that has
"Soft" provided a rare and
beautiful contrast in style and
volume. The alto flute of Chris
Vadala captured the warmth of
"sips of brandy wine (and) white
coals of a fire even without the
magic of the lyrics themselves.
From then on, Chuck Man-
gione played to his often rude
In" The I Xth Commandment
the band played as one perfect
been part of the Mangione magic.
The next selection, title tune of
the not yet released film, "The
Children of Sanchez left fantasy
for a new depth of emotion.
The lyrics and Latin music
both told a tragic and anqry story.
Bassist Charles Meeks sang a
haunting vocal backed sensitively
by talented Grant Geissman on
acoustic guitar.
An explosive drum break by
James Bradley, Jr. carried the
quartet with missionary ferver to
the end.
rhythmic unit, but it was too loud
to tell much else about it. The
crowd wanted volume, and they
got it.
After intermission Mangione
returned with "Hill Where the
Lord Hides "Maui-Maui
"Hide and Seek and "Land of
Make Believe
A standing ovation brought an
encore of "Main Squeeze
Mangione captured a whole
new set of fans, but he disappoin-
ted those of us who prefer his
mellow jazz to volume and
Scheduled for Washington Cathedral
??SURE THE AUDIENCE loved it! But I missed some of the
subtleties that make Mangione worth listening to over and over
takes annual
CARLTON WLUAMSAND David Weaver per form with the ECU
' Char in a recital at the A.J. Fletcher Music Center. The
'??? annual spring tour Thursday through Sunday,
Photo by Brian Stotler
Staff Writer
The ECU Concert Choir will
take their annual spring tour
Thursday through Sunday, April
The tour includes performan-
ces at Mulberry Baptist Church,
Charlotte; Bluefield West Virgin-
ia; and Washington Cathedral,
Washington, DC.
The forty-five member perfor-
mance group is composed of men
and women students who are
voice majors in the ECU School of
Music or have studied voice
Under the direction of Mr.
Brett Watson, the choir performs
a variety of musical styles includ-
ing GregorianGhant, Renaissance
and uassicai wotks, spirituals,
pop tunes, and avant garde
The Washington Cathedral
performance is becoming a trad-
itional spring conoert; this is the
third year the choir has ended
their spring tour with a Sunday
morning performance at the
The choir sings at 1030 a.m.
as a prelude to the 11 ?? service
which usually draws a congre-
gation of nearly 1000. About half
of the people are tourists visiting
the DC area.
Singing before people from
across the nation is excellent
exposure for the choir.
Director Brett Watson feels
that the Washington performance
is a rare opportunity because the
Cathedral is one of the best
churches in the world for per-
forming sacred music, particular-
ly Renaissance selections.
The programs for Sunday
morning includes works by Bach,
Brahms, Palestina, Schutz, and
Rorem. All selections will be
performed a cappella.
Mr. Watson describes the
choir a "young, talented, and
enthusiastic" and says they are
looking forward to the tour.
year include Jarvis Methodist
Church, Emmanuel Baptist
Church, the Rotary Club, and the
ECU Christmas assembly.
The choir also performed in
Winston-Salem last November at
a joint conference of the North
Carolina Music Educators and the
American Choral Directors Assoc-
Last year the spring tour
included a few days in New York.
The choir appeared at Rockefeller
Plaza and also performed during
a Saturday afternoon mass at St.
Patrick's Cathedral on 5th Ave.
The proposed itinerary for
next year's tour includes perfor-
mances at Duke University
'The choir is a tremendous asset to ECl
culturallysinfrinfr before people who do
not know the choir and have not heard
them before is important
"Touring is fun he com-
ments, "but also hard work
Long bus rides between morning
and evening performances make
a busy schedule tiring.
Brett Watson feels that the
choir is a tremendous asset to
ECU culturally. He says that
singing before people who do not
know the choir and have not
heard them before is an important
facet of public relations for ECU.
Concert Choir performan-
ces in the Greenville area this
Chapel, Perm State University,
the Washington Cathedral, and
St. Patrick's Cathedral and Cath-
edral of St. John the Divine in
New York.
Most choir members will be
returning next year, and Watson
says that audition competition
will tv s?'M
The Conoert Choir wishes to
thank the many churches, busi
nessesand private citizens in the
Greenville area, and the ECU
SGA for their generous support
this year.

What is life?
4 April 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
I was making sawlog tops
into firewood with my brother out
in Iowa when the logger who
felled the trees came down and
asked, "Do you want some
"Does a fish favor wate-
we oountered, and thereupon
inspected the honey tree maple
he had regrettably cut down.
Hearing the bees a-buzzing
down a knothole, we cut into the
hollow and opened the tree up to
find 8 a 10 (always get them
mixed up) oombs four foot long
holding 40 pounds of light to very
dark honey and well over 1,000
It was Iowa cold out and the
bees died within minutes. We
reasoned from the start, with the
tree felled, either the oold or
honey-loving animals would do
them in - so we did the doing and
got the honey.
My brother and I learned how
not to separate honey from oomb,
that winter bee stings have lost
their potson, that wild honey is
the nectar of the gods, and more.
Much as we agree to disagree
my brother and I now have in
oommon a certainty of bees and
Now we know each other
better. Now that we have an
understanding more in oommon
we can work together better.
I say that we, on the macro-
scene level, have been losing our
common sense at least since the
Philosopher finds true meaning of Coca-Cola
industrial age became self
That our collective human
consciousness has become more
and more polarized as we share
fewer and fewer experiences and
perspectives. But now the tide
has begun to turn. A consensus
has begun to grow again.
The industrial age started
singing its own tune, started
making the dominant, tyrannical
reality when it began to have
systematic government oontrol of
our information, our experiences;
that is, our reality makers. Mass
may have turned Life into a bowl
of oereal, Joy into a soap and
most of us into Pepsi generators,
but within the sameness of the
bars, classrooms and workplaces
a oommon sense of what's real
and right did not grow. Anybody
out there know what?
Here's some guesses: We all
know that there isno"ooca cola"
in Coca Cola. That some people
are in control in our country and it
ain't us.
Most of us feel that the reality
on television is a prefabricated
lie. Even the news is manufactur-
ed to support the status quo.
Baba Wawa and Roger Mudd
don't want to lose their jobs.
We lose our jobs and our
minds by not fitting in. But the
endemic rise in alienation moral
confusion, maladjustment and
social disintegration since the last
grisly world war shows us that the
nature of human nature can not fit
into the technocratic society. We
become unfit in our own incon-
gruous society.
In our search for a place, a
home to fit into wi turned to God,
drugs, the woods, sex, money,
ignorance, "academic sophis-
try' and more - so diverse were
our perspectives on reality.
These alternative realities
polarized by default, our collect-
ive consciousness begetting the
credibility and generation gaps.
Does this make sense.?
Now the gaps in understand
-ing have begun to close. The
ecological imperative is ooming
home and we all know it. Women
and blacks and gays and hand-
icappers and old folks are starting
to see their oommon chore.
Farmers and alternative tech-
nicians and enviromentalists are
beginning to talk turkey.
Even Jimmy Carter, as inept
andhogtiedashisorganization is,
i s responsive to this " amalgamat-
ed perspective Solidarity be-
comes more than only a word.
What turned the tide? Your
guess is better than mine because
I'm prejudiced. Being a white-
male student, I favor the educa-
tion theory. Nietzsche said
"Knowledge is action
I think he was wrong. Know-
ledge can give us confusion as
well. It's just that now it seems
that knowledge is oonvergmg to
give us a oommon sense of real
and right. The knowledge is being
Quote of the day from a book
of the century Beyond The Crisis,
edited by Norman Birnbaum:
"When we speak of crisis, we are
looking at society from the point
of views of the ruling forces;
when we speak of transformation,
we imply that we are studying the
formation of a new cultural field.
Are we not the beginning of
societies defined by their moral
codes of change rather than their
civilization or mode of product-

Crofoot is a sophomore at
Michigan State University major-
ing in agriculture communication.
Beef n Shakes Breakfast
Special Breakfast 7 am till 11 am for .99
two scrambled eggs, sausage,
hash browns, english muffin, jelly
Our quarter pound Beefburgers
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Downtown 5th St.
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Students' joint recital Thursday
Two ECU School of Music
students will present a joint
recital in percussion and oboe
Thursday, April 6, 1978, at 7:30
p.m. in the A.J. Fletcher Recital
Performers will be Larry Car-
man, senior, and Harvey Stokes,
Larry Carman, percussionist,
will perform "Aggressions" by
Serry, "Sonata for Timpani and
Piano" by Cirone, "Recital Suite
for Marimba by Watson, and
"Concerto for Percussion and
Orchestra" by Milhaud.
He will be accompanied by
Jodie McDowell and Shelia
Marsh burn.
He is a student of Mr. Harold
Jones of the School of Music
percussion faculty.
His performance is given in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music
degree in Music Therapy.
Harvey Stokes, oboist, is in
the theory-oomposition degree
program and studies oboe with
David Hawkins of the School of
Music double reeds faculty.
He will perform "Conoertino"
by Bruno Labate and "Concerto
No. 1 in B flat" by K.P.E. Bach.
Assisting him is Denise
Dupree, pianist and music
therapy major.
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WPw?f M
Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 4 April 1978
ODU and W & M hand Pirates tough losses
Sports Editor
Monte Little's Pirate baseball
team had quite a rough time this
week losing three straight games
to William & Mary and ODU.
On Friday the Indians of
William and Mary handed the
Pirates a demoralizing 7-6 loss.
The game, which went for 13
innings was the third loss in a row
for ECU.
Tom Stiller was the losing
pitcher coming out of the bullpen
in the 7th inning.
William and Mary got on the
scoreboard first with 2 runs in the
second inning.
ECU then countered three
runs in the fourth inning to take
the lead.
Pete Paradosa walked and
Rayme Styons reached on an
error with Tim Hardison pinch
running for Styons.
Paradossi moved to third on
an error and later scored on
Bobby Supel's sacrifice fly.
Hardison scored for ECU
when Max Rainer hit a triple.
Rainer scored later on Robert
Brinkley's single.
William and Mary wasted no
time however in tieing up the
score again with a run in the 5th.
In the 6th inning the Indians
scored another run by Joe Man-
The 7th inning once again saw
the Indians score a run to take a
5-3 lead.
ECU scored two runs in the
8th inning to tie the game up once
again. Rayme Styons singled and
Bobby Supel hit but both runners
gained bases on an Indian error.
Both later scored on a Max Rainer
The score remained the same
until the 13th inning.
The run was scored by Raynor
who singled home Carraway.
William & Mary didn't give
up however and add two runs of
their own to win the game 7-6.
On Saturday the Pirates saw
victory slip away from them not
once but twice and ECU dropped
two one point games to Old
Dominion 4-3 and 11-10.
Pete Conaty was hit with his
4th loss of the year in the opener
which saw the Pirates lead in the
first inning.
Eddie Gates singled and then
stole second. The stolen base by
Gates set a new ECU record of 31.
Pete Parradosi singled which
allowed Gates to score.
ODU came back with a run of
their own in the first.
the lead adding two more runs.
ECU scored two runs in the
3rd to even the game at 3 apiece.
Gates got a walk and then
Hardison bounced a ball over the
fence for a homerun.
ODU came right back in the
4th inning and sealed their 15th
win of the season.
In the second game it appear-
ed the Pirates were back to form
as Pete Parradosi hit a solo
It wasn't long though before
ODU came back and scored 6 runs
In the 2nd inning ODU took jn the bottom of the third.
Later in the fifth inning ODU
ran their lead to 9-2.
In the bottom of the 5th with
help from Best, Parradosi and
Supel, ECU rallied fa 5 runs to
tighten the game up 9-7.
ODU however scored one of
their own at the bottom of the 5th
to take the lead again.
ECU tied the game onoe again
in the 6th inning.
Davis hit a single and moved
up on an error. Macon Moye also
singled. Then senior Robert
Brinkley scored the tie run on a
double steal.
ODU countered with an addi-
tional run to ice the game.
After the games Monte Little
was quite frustrated and just
couldn't understand the Pirates
"The ooaching staff will not
take the blame for any of these
losses Little said.
Right now, we' re not a good
baseball team and we're playing
that way. I'm not use to losing
like this. We just don't do the
things we have to do to win
"Against Southeastern Mas-
sachuetts, we got two and they
got three. We got two and UNC
got four. We got six against
William and Mary and they got
seven. Today, we get three and
they get four, then we get ten and
they get eleven
"We're making too many
mental errors Little stated.
"We're not thinking. I don't
know what the problem is. But
something is gang to have to
happen to snap us out of this
Pirates pound Virginia Weslayan 16-4 to even out the
seasonal mark at 11-11: Pirates to face UNC tomorrow
Assistant Sports Editor
East Crolina released a bar-
rage of bats against Virginia
Weslayan College and gained a
16-4 victory to salvage what was
left of a disappointing weekend.
The Bucs had lost three
straight one run games before
Sunday's game, and Pirate bat-
ters were eager to take out their
Monte Little's troops broke
open a 2-2 ballgame with three
runs in the third inning and were
never threatened again.
The game was 11 -3 going into
the ninth inning when the Pirates
hit three home runs to put nails in
the ooffin.
Mike Sage hit a solo homer,
Butch Davis hit a two-run shot,
and Boddy Supel hit his fifth of
the season to blast open the
already decided contest
Tim Hardison added a triple to
nearly add another homerun.
Every Pirate starter had at
least one hit.
Mack continues to win post season honors
Assistant Sports Editor
Oliver Mack has been named
one of the top 10 basketball
players in the country, according
to Ozark Airlines Publications.
Mack garnered the honors to
join an illustrious group and
-e the only East Carolina
receive such an
Larry Bird, Indiana State
Winford Boynes, San Francisco
Bill Cartwright, San Franasco
Phil Ford, North Carolina
David Greenwood, UCLA
Rod Griffin, Wake Forest
Butch Lee, Marquette
Oliver Mack, East Carolina
Micheal Thompson, Minnesota
Jerome Whitehead, Marquette
Mack hao also been named to
the All-Southern Independent
team selected by a panel of sports
writers and broadcasters.
He was the only unanimous
selection on a team with such
stars as Jackie Gilloon of South
Carolina and Calvin Natt of
Northeast Louisiana who led the
U.S. team to victory at the World
University games in Bulgaria last
With an average of 37.5 points
per game over the last seven
games, Mack finished fourth in
the nation 28 ppg average.
Associated Press Honorable
Mention All-America, Basketball
weekly 1st team All-America
transfer team, All Atlantic Coast
team, North Carolina Athelete of
the week (Feb. 4-11), and Most
Valuable Player in the First Union
invitational tournament are
earlier honors bestowed upon the
Queens, N.Y. native.
Oliver broke every single
season scoring record at ECU,
along with averaging 37.5
minutes playing time per game
(out of a possib'o 40). He was the
3rd leading rebounder, 2nd lead
ing assist man, and 1st in steals.
"I think he would trade it all
for a few more wins said Pirate
head coach Larry GiUrnan
With "national letter o: itent
day" being Wed April 11. Mack
will find out who will join him.

Expansion of Ficklen Stadium to
schedule for fall opening against
4 April 1978 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
The expansion of ECU'S Fiok
len Stadium is well underway
with assurance that the Pirate
football team will be opening at
home as scheduled on Sept. 2,
against Western Carolina Uni-
The expansion project will
expand Ficklen Stadium's seating
capaciy from the current 20,000 to
35,000, giving East Carolina the
fourth largest football stadium in
the state. Only Carter Stadium in
Raleigh, Wallace Wade Stadium
in Durham and Kenan Stadium in
Chapel Hill will seat more than
Ficklen Stadium.
"The construction work is a
week or two ahead in some areas
and a week a two behind in
others said Jim Lowry, director
of the physical plant at East
Carolina. "In general, however,
construction work is about on
schedule, particularly in the
major areas.
"All steel work is scheduled to
be oompleted within six weeks,
while pre-cast oonaete seats are
already being placed in one
corner of the stadium.
"There should not be any real
problem in having the construc-
tion work oompleted on sche-
The $2.7 million project is
being handled by the Parke
Construction Company of Char-
"It's really got me excited
said Pat Dye, head football coach.
"Everyday I sit here and can
watch the work outside my
window. I can't help but get
excited thinking about those
35,000 fans in the stands. That's
what it's all about fa us.
"Everywhere we go with the
Pirate Club there's enthusiastic
conversation about the stadium
expansion. Thisoouldopen upso
many doas fa us in getting
bigger name teams to come to our
place and play.
"But the first thing after the
stadium expansion is finished, is
to start filling it up with East
Carolina fans
In addition to the seating
expansion, a modern three level
media facility is being construct-
ed, along with a ohancella' s box,
an elevata to service the media
facility and additional rest roan
The media facility will be
partially completed fa 1978, but
the structure fa future comple-
tion is being built. The 1978
season will find all spatswriters,
spatscasters and others involved
with staging a game housed on
the first flea of the media facility.
The f.rst level will contain two
rows fa the waking media, dark
room facilities fa phaographers,
a food service area, rest roans,
newspaper copy filing area and
staage areas.
The second level of the media
facility will only be floaed and
waled-in, but not oompleted
The third level of the media
facility will be fa film crews fa
televisiat and coaches film. This
will be completed and operable
fa the 1978 seasai.
The chanceJIa's box will be
underneath the media facility,
complete with cushioned seats,
food service area and rest rooms.
The elevata will also service the
"It just looks great to me
said Bill Cain, directa of athle-
tics. "Noone can imagine what a
beautiful sight that is to all of us
here who have dreamed of such
fa so many years.
ECU signs Tyson
East Carolina University head
basketball coach Larry Gillman
announced last week the signing
of Al Tyson to a grant-in-aid with
the Pirates. This is the first
announced signing by the basket-
ball staff.
Tyson is a 6-11, 215 pound
center from D.H. Conley High
School, located only ten minutes
from the East Carolina campus.
While, playing fa coach
Shelly Marsh, Tyson started fa
three seasais at oenter, avera-
ging in double figures each
season. As a senia, Tysai
averaged 18.6 points per game
and 12 rebounds per game as
Conley recorded a 19-6 record.
Honas fa Tysai thus far
have included all-Eastern Caro-
lina Conference, all-America East
Region by Street and Smith,
35,000 seats is on
Western Carolina
'You know, back in 1963 we August 31, although it appears
had one side completed. Then in
1968 we put up the aher side and
it took us five years to have a
capacity aowd. Now, in 1978,
we'll have nearly double the
seating capacity of the last ten
years, but it certainly will not take
us five years to fill 35,000 seatsas
it took in 1968 to fill 20,000
The deadline fq completion is
completioi will occur earlier than
thisdate. Should the stadium not
be oompleted by August 31, a
$100,000 penalty clause is written
into the oontract
The Pirates will play the
opening game of the 1978 season
in the expanded Ficklen Stadium
against Western Carolina Uni-
Special Power Blit driver sale, over 150
to choose from, reg. $44.50 NOW $33.50
Largest selection of golf shoes in area
at sale prices, sizes 3 to 16.
Titleist, Topflite, Wilsfm, Hogan and all
other golf balls, $11.50dozen.
Excellent selection of used golf clubs
at unbelievably low prices.
New arrivals, tennis shorts & shirts,
8rv warm-up suits, Etonic KM pro
fessional jogging shoes.
All tennis rackets 30-50 off
We accepted Master Charge
Gordon D. Fulp
Golf Professional
Greenville Golf & Country Club
Off of Memaial Dr.
Phone 756-0504
Open 7 days a week until dark
for sate
FOR SALE: 74 Honda 175. Runs
like a dog in heat. When you feel
this baby pulsating between your
legs you'll really stand up & take
notioe. Call Gary's at 758-4330
FOR SALE: 1 men's 10-speed
bike in excellent oond. $100. Call
FOR SALE: '69 Dodge Coronet
with slant six cylinder engine and
standard shift. Excellent econo-
my. Call 758-7434.
FOR SALE: 1 Pilot 360 4 channel
stereo receiver, rated 60 watts per
channel stereo, 30 watts at quad;
BIC 940 turntable, 1 Wallensak
top-loading cassette deck; also 1
Nikon F Body with TN meterfind-
er. Must sell. Call 7566094.
FOR SALE: 2 Jensen Model 4
stereo speakers. Excellent oond.
?no.OO. Call 752-8862 and ask
?ji Briai
FOR SALL: Panasonic top-of-the-
line stereo cassette deck. Dolby
NR, Oo2, auto-stop and auto-
release. Perfect oond. Cost $300
when new. Sell fa $200. 752-
FOR SALE: Handmade silver
jewelry for guys and girls.
Turquoise, tigereye, coral, jade,
ivory, mother of pearl, and more!
Good quality at good prices. Call
FOR SALE: 2 plant stands, 1
bookcase, 4 framed pictures, one
double bed, variety of house
plants. See at Apt. 200 George-
town Apts. 758-4395.
FOR SALE: Girls 10-speed
Peugot. Call Karen 752-8023 after
1:30 p.m.
FOR SALE: 70 Buick in very
good oond. $700.00 ALso 73
Honda 500 - four in excellent
cond. Only 7500 miles $850. Call
FOR SALE: Yamaha guitar FG75
in good oond. Price negotiable.
Call 756-0146.
FOR SALE: 7 cubic foot refriger-
ator in good oond. $35.00 Call
FOR SALE: Abraham Lawson
Robot Kits. Coming Soon
Inquire 758-7434.
torrent (ffT
, ?????????,? ? .?
TWO FEMALES: needed to
sublet for summer at Tar River
Estates in two bedroom town-
house. Call 752-3573.
MALE ROOMMATE: wanted to
share apt. for summer and or next
school year. Near campus. Seper-
ate bedrooms. $35 mo. plus
utilities. Prefer reasonably quiet
and clean person. Call 752-4043
before 9 a.m. and after 9 p.m.
FOR RENT: 2 males need room-
mates to share apt. for the
summer. New apts. in good
location near campus. Furnished,
dishwasher, and heat pumps. $78
a month plus V3 utilities. Call
758-3497 or oome by 215F Stanal
ROOM FOR RENT: across from
college. Call 758-2585.
FOR RENT: Mobile Home for
single person. $120.00 month.
Call 758-5712 after 530 p.m.
FOR RENT: New 2 bedroom
duples in quiet location. 14th St.
extended available in April $225.
FOR RENT: 3 Bdrm. duplex. Will
allow pets. Lease required. Call
and leave message 756-5346.
FOR RENT: 72 12x60 mobile
home with 2 bedrooms, air oond.
Located on large lot 15 minutes
from campus. Call 758-5920.
ponsible female to share 2
bderoom furnished duples located
outside the city limits just 3 miles
from ECU main campus. No dogs
will oonsider housebroken cat.
If interested call 752-1340 bet-
ween 5 and 11 p.m. weekdays.
males needed for this summer at
University Condominiums. Rents
$48.50 plus Va utilities. Call Tina
752-8590 after 5 p.m.
FOR RENT: One bedroom, fully
furnished apt one block from
campus (On 4th St.). Two double
beds in bedroom. Rent is 150.00
month. I want to sublease it May
1 through Aug. 31. Please call
WANTED: One responsible to
work and share expenses with 5
other girls in furnished 3 bedroom
condominium near Cherry Grove
Beach, S.C. Area fa entire
summer. Fa details call Sharon
758-9078 a Soott 758-9428.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom town-
house over the summer, furnish-
ed, nice place. Good deal. Univer-
sity Condo's, 2. Call Steve at
FOR RENT: 1 a 2 bedroom apt.
fa sublease fa summer oily.
Fully furnished dose to campus
on 9th St. $100.00 a maith plus
utilities. Private drive, backyard,
front pa oh and swing. Call
by May 1st to slare a 2 bdrm.
townhouse apt. with 2 other girls.
$58 mo. plus V3 utilities. Call Lee
at 758-9721 between 9 p.m. and 1
a.m. a Mari 758-9802.
RIDE WANTED: to vicinity of
Charleston, S.C fa the weekend
of April 7th. Will share expenses.
Call Cathy at 758-1115.
WANTED: Commercial fashion
artists fa free-lance work with ad
agency. Can possibly work
through mail and phone contact.
Call a write: Severance, Givens
and Co. 703 W. Nash St Suite
B Wilson, N.C. 27893 919-237-
NEEDED: I need a ride to
Winston-Salem Thurs April 13.
Can leave after 4 p.m, Will be
gald to help with gas. Call
HELP! need ride to Chariate and
back (if na Chariate, then any
pant between Ashville and back)
fa April 7-9. Can leave anytime.
Will be glad to pay fa gas,
expenses, etc. John Weyla 458
Ayoxk 752-8525.
theses manuscript, term papers,
etc. Reasonable rates. Call Susan
Cassidy 758-8241 after 6 p.m.
LOST: a pair of black rimmed
glasses near Speight. Please turn
in to Lost and Found dept. at
FOUND: Calculata ai SGA bus.
Identify by student ID no. and
description. Call Lynn at 758-9079
a come by 108 Tyler.

Pag 12 FOUKTAINHEAD 4 April 1978
$1 off$1 off
$1 off$1 off
$2 Off$2 Off
$2 Off$2 Off
$2 Off $2 Off
REG. 7.95
$2 Off $2 Off
$1 Off $1 Off
REG. 2.95
$1 Off $1 Off
$1 Off $1 Off
REG.7.95 &6.9S
$1 Off $1 Off
50 off 50e off
50? off 50c off
$2 Off $2 Off
$2 Off $2 Off
50e off 50e off
2.95- 5.49
50? off 50c off
75c off 75c off
75c off off
$1 Off $1 Off
REG.6.95 & 5.95
$10ff $1 Off

Fountainhead, April 4, 1978
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 04, 1978
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