Fountainhead, December 6, 1977

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the campus com-
munity for over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 20 pages.
Candidatespgs. 3& 5
Plant infestationp. 6
Skinp. 9
Pirates defeat Appap. 18
Vol. 53 No. 26
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
6 December 1977
would benefit Student Union, SGA
Maxon: FM broadcasting
would prove beneficial
Staff Writer
Since ECU is constantly grow-
ing, an FM educational broadcast
station would be highly beneficial
to the campus, according to
Robert Maxon, general manager
of WECU.
Maxon said the campus
should have a media to broadcast
information about the campus
and campus activities.
"It (FM) would benefit the
Student Union and the SGA to
disseminate their news said
FM would also provide a good
educational broadcast outlet for a
cultural program, according to
Maxon. He said this would be
alternative broadcasting to the
area's commercial stations.
Despite a recent decrease in
WECU's budget, efforts are still
being made to go to FM.
Maxon said they are in the
process of finding ways to raise
funds and getting the figures on
exactly how much everything will
The estimated cost for a 10
watts FM educational station is
$17,000, according to Maxon.
He said the equipment inclu-
ding transmitter tower and labor
cost is $12,000. The remaining
$5,000 is for engineer's fee and
lawyer's fee.
These figures do not include
buying new equipment for the
radio station itself. Maxon said
they will probably have to use the
equipment they have now.
To get an educational license,
the school must have guaranteed
funding for three years.
The usual period of waiting is
two months to a year after
applying fa the license, acoord-
ing to Maxon.
After getting an FM license
and setting up to broadcast,
operating costs would be less,
taking into account that WECU
would not pay salaries for air
shifts, according to Maxon.
"audent interest would in-
crease with an FM license and
there wouldn't be any problem
getting students to work said
With FM broadcasting the
students would be getting expo-
sure to the mass media and that
would be beneficial to them, said
ROB MAXON, WECU Genera Manager. Photo by Brian Stctter
To become effective January 1,1978
Law to require special license for motorcyclists
Staff Writer
A new state law requiring a
special license to operate motor-
cycles in North Carolina will go
into effect Jan. 1, 1978.
At the present time, if one has
a regular driver's lioense he is
automatically allowed to drive a
On Jan. 1, this law will
students may pick
up class schedules
Saff Writer
Approximately 10,000 out of
12,000 students preregistered fa
Spring Semester and are now
eligible to pick up their class
schedules Dec. 8 through Jan. 6.
The new registration plan for
the semester system has worked
very well, according to Julian
Vainright, business manager.
"We are tickled with the way
it has turned out said
"We want to emphasize two
things said Vainright. "We
want to emphasize that all
students pay their fees before
Christmas, and that ail financial
aid studentsoome by and endorse
their checks between Dec. 8 and
It is very important that
financial aid students endorse
their checks between Dec. 8 and
15, said Robert Boudreaux, fin-
ancial aid officer.
'The financial aid students
can still use their checks to pay
their fees after Dec. 15, but they
cannot pick up their refund
checks on schedule unless they
pay before Dec. 15 said
Financial aid students who
pay before Dec. 15 may pick up
their refund checks Jan. 10, said
The U.S. Office of Education
will not permit financial aid
students to receive refund checks
until registration day, said
Refund checks are used fa
books, food, and supplies, accad-
ing to Boudreaux.
"About 30 per cent of the
students get some type of fin-
ancial assistance said
Boudreaux said he is pleased
with the number of students who
have preregistwed.
"The cashia's office is in the
best shape it has ever been In
several years said Vainright.
After this date, a motacyclist
will be required to obtain a
special license a encasement
that states he is qualified to
operate a motacyde, accading
to J.S. Woodley, Assistant
Supervisa of District A Drivers'
Aocading to Woodley, a new
driver will then be required to
take two sets of tests. He must
first take the regular written and
road tests.
Then, if he wishes to operate a
motacyde, he must pass special
written and road tests designed
solely fa rrotacyde drivas.
Drivers who operate their
motacydes now with a regular
driver's license will not be
affeded by the change, until they
go to renew their licenses at the
usual time, accading to
"When a driver renews his
license, he will no be required to
take the motacyde tests if he has
already been operating a mota-
cyde fa two years befae the
law said Woodley.
However, he will need a
signed and ntfaized affidavit
stating that he has been operating
a motacyde fa two years befae
the date of the renewal.
Woodley said thae is "no
charge' fa this lioense at the
renewal time.
Handbooks on motorcycle
safety may be picked up at the
license examiner's office on
Tenth Street.
Woodley also said the N.C.
law still requires that all mota-
cydists wear helmets and burn
their headlights at ail times.
Campus police will, begin to
stridly enface laws regarding
the registration and parking of
maacydesai campus beginning
in January.
Joseph H. Calder, direda of
security, said all unregistaed
motacydes will be impounded.
I have a spedal trailer which
will permit me to impound two a
three motacydes at a time
accading to Calder.
A $15 towing fee must be paid
befae a motorcycle can be
redaimed, accacing to Calder.
Calder also said the mota-
cydes parked on the grass and
otha illegal areae will be towed.
" We have na been towing the
motorcycles behind Graham
Bldg. which are parked on the
grass because of the oonstrudion
in the area Calder said.
"But when the students
return after Christmas, these
laws will be stridly enfaced
Marching Pirates to receive $7,706
Legislature overrides
President Sessoms' veto
Staff Writer
The SGA Legislature last night
overrode President Neil Sessoms'
veto of the Marching Pirates bill.
Sessoms vetoed the bill last week,
which was fa $7,706.
SGA Treasurer Craig Hales
endased the overriding of the
veto in view of the fad that the
SGA General Fund contains
approximately $22,000, roughly
$13,000 of which is antidpated
Summer School revenue.
Hales said the SGA could
appropriate the Marching Pirates
the $7,706, leaving "a oornforta-
ble margin" fa future appropria-
tions this year.
The bill received the neces-
sary two-thirds majaity vote to
override the veto.
A resolution was proposed to
consider the addition of two new
parking levels on the
ECU campus. Funding fa these
parking levels would come
through an inaease in both
student and faculty parking deceJ
tees, which Secretary of audent
Welfare Ed Beane said were
considerably lees than parking
decal fees at other UNC schools.
A resolution was passed
honoing Dr. Wellington B. Gray,
who died last week of a heart
attack. Dr. Gray was the Dean of
the School of Art and had been
with the School since 1966.
Trippy Homes was appointed
by the Screenings and Appoint-
ments Committee to fill the Day
Legistato poaKion vacated by
Randy Bailey.

Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
Auditions Positions Lambda Chi
Reduced fee for Hawaii trip.
Two places available at a reduc-
tion of $50 per place. Were $489
each, now $439. Contact Central
Ticket Office at Mendenhall
Student Center immediately.
Anyone who inter-
ested in going on the Hawaii trip
please contact Kirk Edgerton at
752-1897 between 6 and 8 p.m
Toy Drive
Psi Chi and the ChildFamily
Association are co-sponsoring a
Christmas toy and book drive for
the less fortunate children in the
Greenville area. The toys should
be functional and the books
should be in good condition.
Please wrap all donations and
mark with appropriate sexage. A
large receiving box for donations
is located in the Psychology
departmental office and the Child
Development and Family Rela-
tions office (Home-Economics
building) till Dec. 16. Your
donation will be very much
Volunteers needed. Come
Thurs Dec. 8 to the Yokefellow
Christmas Party at Maury Cor-
rectional Camp. Rides are avail-
able and everyone is welcome.
We also need any baked goods or
a large quantity of gifts (pens,
pencils, etc.) for the men. Make
Christmas a happy one for some
lonely folks. For more informa-
tion, contact Father Charles
Mulholland. Newman Chaplin at
758-1504 or oome to St. Gabriel's
Church, 1120 W. 5th St. at 6:30
p.m. Thurs.
Here's your chance to get into
some early Christmas celebrating
(before finals) and to experience
the true meaning of Christmas
plus a lot of fun.
The SCEC is hosting the choir
from Caswell Center. Everyone is
invited to oome and share in the
food, fun, and song.
The performance by the choir,
which is becoming an annual
event at ECU, always holds
something special for everyone
involved. So, oome on out for an
unforgetable evening. , See you
The fall induction of new
members into the Gamma
Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma
will be held at 4 p.m Wed Dec;
7 in Mendenhall Center, room
Student and faculty members
of Beta Gamma Sigma and
pareTits, spouses, and friends of
members to be inducted are
invited to attend. Light refresh-
ments will be served after the
induction ceremony.
The SGA has two openings for
dorm legislators. One seat is open
in Fletcher and one in Belk.
Applications are being taken in
the SGA office on the second floor
of Mendenhall. Screenings will be
held Wed Dec. 7 at 4 p.m.
AHP Test
The Allied Health Professions
Admission Test will be offered at
ECU Sat Jan. 21, 1978. Applic-
ation blanks are to be oompleted
and mailed to the Psychological
Corporation, P.O. Box 3540,
Grand Central Station New Yak,
New York 10017 to arrive by Dec.
24, 1977. Applications may be
obtained from the Testing Center,
Room-105, Speight BIdg ECU.
The Graduate Record Exam-
ination will be offered at ECU
Sat Jan. 14, 1978. Application
blanks are to be oompleted and
mailed to Educational Testing
Service, Box 966-R, Princeton,
N.J. 08540 to arrive by Dec. 13,
1977. Applications may be ob-
tained from the Testing Center,
Room 105, Speight BIdgECU.
Frank and Mike, two of a kind,
demonstrate their talent by ap-
pearing Dec. 8 and 9 at ECU's
Coffeehouse. Shows begin at 9
p.m. and 10 p.m. Public invited,
only .50. Free refreshments
Frank and Mike will perform
classic, now, original and a great
variety of Seals & Croft.
The rehearsal for SOUlS
fashion show Tues. will be in the
Biology Auditorium, rm. 102,
from 6 to 8. For additional
information contact A rah
Venable, 302 Clement Hall, 758-
King Youth
The King Youth Fellowship
will have a Christmas dinner
Tues Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. at
Parkers BBQ Resturant. This will
be a Dutch dinner and all those
interested in the KYF are invited
to attend.
The Graduate Management
Admissions Test will be offered at
ECU Sat Jan. 28, 1978. Applica-
tion blanks are to be completed
and mailed to Educational Test-
ing Services, Box 966-R, Prince-
ton, N.J. 08540 to arrive by
January 6, 1978. Applications are
also available at the Testing
Center, Speight BIdg Room-105,
Auditions for the third produc-
tion in the current season of the
East Carolina Playhouse, Peter
NichoTs The National Health, will
be held on Dec. 8 and Dec. 12
from 730 to 10:00 p.m. in the
Drama Department's Studio
Under the direction of Edgar
R. Loessin, the play which -is
being dedicated to ECU'S new
Medical School is part satire and
part life study of illness and the
hospital routine. One critic has
said it "leaves the audience half
in tears and half slain with
The large cast involves 16 men
and seven women. Loessin is
urging both students and non-
students to attend the auditions,
especially since there are several
excellent roles for mature males.
Scripts for the play are on reserve
in Joyner Library for study prior
to auditioning. The play will run
Feburary 25 through March 1 in
the Studio Theatre.
The SociologyAnthropology
club will sponsor a lecture Wed.
night. Speaking will be Bill
Brooks on his life in the French
Foreign Legion. Afterwards, a
Christmas Party will be held in
the same room. All members are
urged to attend this meeting.
The meeting will be held in
Brewster D-302 at 7:30 p.m.
Again, all members, faculty and
interested persons are urged to
attend. Refreshments will be
served at the party.
The Rebel literature deadline
has been changed to 5 p.m.
Thurs Dec. 15. All poetry,
fiction, essays, and plays must be
received by this deadline to be
considered for publication in the
magazine. Manuscripts may be
mailed to The Rebel, Mendenhall
ECU, Greenville, N.C. 27834, or
brought by the office in the
publications center.
Artwork for the Third Annual
Rebel Art Show can be entered by
registering each piece at The
Rebel office or at the Mendenhall
Information Desk. All artwork
must be registered by 4 p.m. Jan.
18 or it cannot be included in the
show. For further details, call The
Rebel office at 757-6502.
The Quilting Club will meet at
7:30 this Wed. evening, Dec. 7 in
Brewster B-205. Come with ideas
for more trips
REAL Crisis Center is begin-
ning a course in crisis counseling
this week. This is the course
required for all REAL volunteer
counselors but it is open to
anyone wanting to take it. Con-
tinuing education credit is award-
ed through Pitt Tech. Come learn
how to be of REAL help to people
in need. For further information,
call Mark Larew at REAL 758-
There will be positions avail-
able on the student residence hall
staff for Spring Semester. These
are for hall advisors, assistant
residence advisors, and residence
Any students who wishes to
apply fa any of these positions,
a fa FALL SEMESTER 1978,
should oomplete an application as
soon as possible. These can be
obtained from your Residence
Hall Administrata a the Office
of the Associate Dean of Student
Affairs, 214 Whichard Building.
Requirements are full time enrol-
lment, interest in and time fa the
wak, and a minimum of a 2.5
quality point average at the time
you begin wak.
You may apply fa wak in any
female a ooed residence hall on
campus. Applications fa Spring
Semester should be completed
and submitted by Dec. 9
The Nath Carolina Student
Legislature will meet Wed Dec.
7 at 5 p.m. in room 221
Mendenhall. This will be the last
meeting before Christmas.
Psi Chi
The December 6 meeting of
Psi Chi which was to be held at 7
p.m. has been canceled due to
upcoming exams and busy sched-
Tues Dec. 6 at 5:30 p.m
Christmas Dinner and Christmas
music by BSU choir. At Baptist
Student Union, 511 E. 10th St.
(Dinner $1.50).
An AED Pledge Meeting fa
prospective members will be held
Thurs Dec. 8, at 6 p.m. in room
307 of the Chemistry BIdg. All
Pre-med students interested are
urged to attend.
Ski Trip
Attention: Christmas Ski
Group. All persons going to
Beech Mountain must meet
Thurs Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. fa final
arrangements in room 105,
Memaial Gym.
Phi Beta
There will be a Phi Beta
Lambda meeting Wed Dec. 7 at
4 p.m. All tickets must be at this
meeting. We are encouraging all
members to attend.
The new Fencing Club meets
every Monday evening at 7 p.m.
in the balcony of Minges. Anyone
who would like to learn or
participate in this "Classy" spat
is welcome. If a ride, a further
infamation is needed please call
Bev. a Blake at 758-4357.
The Lambda Chi Alpha frater-
nity will dribble a basketball
between Greenville and Raleigh
Dec. 16 and 17 the date of the
ECU-N.C. State basketball game.
The "dribble on" is the support
of the rejuvenated Pirate basket-
ball program. A washtub will be
pulled along to accept contribu-
tions to the ECU basketball
program. Fa further infamatiai,
contact Bruce Whitten a Bob
Clark at the Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity house.
Everyone is invited to attend a
three-night teaching seminar
Dec. 7,8,9 at 7:30 p.m. in the
American Legion building here in
Greenville. The Rev. Rodney
Lloyd will be teaching the Wad
of God each night. He is a
graduate from Rhema Bible
College and is a pasta in Johnson
City, Term. He also has a radio
program on a local station WBZQ
which can be heard at 7.15 a.m.
Start preparation for final
examinations now. Minority
and a educationally disadvant-
aged (regardlessof race) students
in the prehealth professions pro-
grams (General College and
College of Arts and Sciences).
Allied Health, Medicine, and
Nursing are invited to register for
free tutaial services in areas of
academic weakness anda read-
ing and study skills deficiencies.
Applications fa partiapatiai can
be obtained from the Center fa
Student Oppatunities, rm 208,
Ragsdale Hall, 757-6122.
Food Drive
Get into the Christmas spirit
and help a needy family. Bring
canned a nai-perishable food
items to either the lobby of
Mendenhall a a girl's dam
lobby. Spaisaed by the Salvation
The Faever Generatiai will
now be meeting on Monday
nights, if you've been wanting to
oome to an FG meeting, but are
away on weekends, now's your
chance. Our new meeting time is
9 p.m. and our new place is
Brewster C-304. So, fa a good
time of Christian fellowship and
Bible study, why na plan on
being there?
Santa Claus
Santa Claus will be at
Mendenhall Snack Bar Wed. from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everyone is
invited to oome see Santa. Free
Dr. Pepper patches will be given
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club will meet Dec.
12 in the basement of the First
Presbyterian Church at 8 p.m.

N.C. Congressional Club honors Senator Helms
Advertising Manager
Last Thursday night
thousands of North Carolinians
gathered at the Soott Pavillion on
the N.C. state fairgrounds to
honor U.S. Senator Jesse Helms
at a dinner sponsored by the N.C.
Conaressional Club, a bi-oartisan
conservative organization.
Many prominent North
Carolinians were present, among
them former N.C. State football
coach Lou Holtz.
I came here to tell you I have
the greatest respect for Senator
Helms said Holtz.
Holtz expressed his dissatis-
faction with the federal govern-
ment on several issues, one being
prayer in the public schools.
"I can't understand why the
Senate starts out with a prayer
but my children can't pray in
school said Holtz.
Holtz said he believes in a
strong national defense, free
enterprise, and honesty in gov-
CIRCLE K CLUB rockathon was held on Evans
Street Mall from 2 p.m. Fri Dec. 2 to 7p.m. Sat
Dec. 3; $365.61 was raised and donated to the
University United Fund Drive Chairperson Paul
Breitman. (Left to right) Beth Goelz, Glenn Brock,
Paul Breitman, Mike Bumgarner, Gregg Boykin
(vicepresident of club) and Debbie Ooodson. Photo
by Pete Podeszwa
A recent editonaJ in the
Raleigh News and Observer crit-
icized Holtz for this support of
Helms. Responding to the editor-
ial Holtz brought a oopy of the
N&O to the podium and ripped it
to shreds to show his dissatisfac-
tion with the newspaper.
Senator Helms followed Holtz
to the podium amidst much
applause and a standing ovation.
"The best thing I can tell you
about the Senate is that if snot in
session, so your liberties are safe
fa the time being he said.
Helms expressed dissatisfac-
tion with the federal govern-
ment's spending policies.
"You'd better put your hand
on your wallet when the Senate
starts talking about reforming
something said Helms.
Helms was also critical of the
national media.
"The media worships at the
shrine of those who vote for
massive federal spending, said
Helms said he supports a
strong national defense second to
"Strength istheonly thing the
oommunist tyrants understand
he said.
Helms commented on the
Panama Canal Treaty and expres-
sed his opposition to it.
"I'm not going to give away
the Panama Canal to a tin-horn
Marxist dictator said Helms.
"We bought it, we paid for it, and
we're gang to keep it
Helms said that weltare pay-
ments should be limited to those
who are physically unable to
"If we get the loafers off of
welfare then we can help the truly
needy said Helms. "It's time
we started thinking about the
Helms also said he opposes
foroed busing.
"I'm against the foroed bus-
ing of innocent children just to
satisfy the whim of some federal
bureaucrat said Helms. "I'm a
North Carolinian who was tapped
to go to Washington to represent
some principles
Support The People Who Support You
OVERTOILS: Gave To The ECU Foundation
Gave $5,000 To Ficklen Stadium
ECU DOLLAR .00 i Are Members Of Pirate Club
Supports ECU Athletics
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On $20.00 Food Order
ID No.
Limit One Per Customer
Offers Expires Dec. 16
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50 Discount On $10.00 Food Order
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� Fresh Lean Ground Beef Patties
� Pepsi-Colas 16 oz. Cartons of 8
99 Plus Bottle Deposit
T-Bone and Sirloin Steaks
� Oven Gold Bread 3 Long Loaves

I i
Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
Thanks for the help
By Spring Semester part of the visitation policy
for ECU dormitories will be changed thanks to
several concerned university administrators. These
administrators derserve the student body's thanks
for working so hard to keep students from drawing
criminal records fa merely violating visitation hours.
The present policy states that men and women
found in each other's dorms during non-visitation
hours will be charged with "trespassing The
resident of the room in which the "trespasser" is
found will be charged with "aiding and abetting
These are criminal charges for which students are
arrested by the Greenville city police, taken to jail,
placed under bond and brought before court.
The injustice in these policies lies in the fact that
visitation policy for a university is a university
problem and should be dealt with by the university.
There is no reason why off-campus sources stiould be
dragged into it and why students should have to carry
a criminal record with them for the rest of their lives
just because thev were caught in a dorm after
visitation hours, if the person being visited doesn't
mind the "violator" being there.
Carolyn Fulghum, Dean of Women and one of the
administrators involved in changing this policy,
recently said she, too, feels such violations should be
handled by the university, not the Greenville pdioe.
She also said that her main concern lies in unescorted
men in the women's dorms, not those men who are
invited into a woman's room during non-visitation
James Mallory, Dean of Men, agrees with
Fulghum. He said he has been hoping this arrest
system would be changed and anticipates that it will
Dr. David Stevens, the university attorney, is
spearheading the policy change, accompanied by Dr.
Jjuiico lucker, Dean of Student Affairs, Joseph
Calder, head of Campus Security, C.C. Row,
assistant to the Dean of Men and Dean Fulghum.
Mcourumy to Stevens, he and the others are
working with the district attorney's office in order to
find a reasonable compromise which will result in a
change of policy. He said they will decide which
specific cases should be handled by the university
and which should be handled by the d.a's office.
Again, the ECU administration deserves much
thanks for showing such concern in the welfare of the
student body.
See FOUNTAINHEAD Thursday for the new
visitation policy.
Serving the East Carolina community tor war tUty ears.
Senior Editor .Kjm J. Devins
Production ManagerLeigh Coakley
Advertising ManagerRo sn,
�"� EditorCindy Broome
Trends EditorDavid W. Trevino
X)rts EtarChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD is the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association of
ECU and is distributed each Wednesday during the summer,
and twice weekly during the school year.
Mailing address: Old South Building, Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Editorial offices: 757-6366, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually.
ECU graduation fee a bargain
Having heard much grief
concerning the ten dollar grad-
uation fee, I took it upon myself to
research this. After talking with
ECU'S business manager, Mr.
Julian Vainright, I am convinced
that this fee is a bargain when it is
compared with the cost of grad-
uation at other schools.
Most schools have what Mr.
Vainright called a hidden fee. A
hidden fee is exactly what the
A tribute to Dr. Gray
As a former student of ECU, I
would like to express my deepest
sympathies to Mrs. Wellington
Gray, the Art Dept Dr. Leo
Jenkins, the students, and art
patrons, not only of Eastern North
Carolina, but of the state, nation,
and world for the loss of Dr.
Wellington B. Gray.
It is indeed a great sorrow to
hear of the death of such a great
artist. This will affect the art of
Eastern North Carolina as well as
that of the world.
I hope we can all recover in his
memory and continue to create
great things - be they in his
manner, his intellect, his speech,
his art, and most important, his
Thank you for allowing me to
pay tribute to such a great
With his hopes for the future
I sign myself-Benevolently
Illiterate campus police?
Just a word of caution - it
appears that we have some
illiterate campus police. One
night a few weeks ago I received a
parking ticket fa using my Day
student sticker in an area marked
"Staff Only, 8-8 I thought the
sign said "8-5" but I paid the
ticket anyway. Today I noticed
that I was indeed correct - but it's
now too late. No record is kept of
the tickets so there is no chance
for a refund.
Please note that I have made
no overt reference to "dishon-
esty" or "maliciousness Just
remember that these guys have
been giving out tickets so long
that it has become a habit that's
too hard to break. At any rate -
check your ticket before you pay
because the cashier at the traffic
office has informed me that there
have been a whole lot of
complaints along the same line.
term implies. Each semester
when students pay their fees, a
portion of the graduation fee is
hidden in with the oost of tuition.
Students who go to schools who
use a hidden fee end up paying
some of their fees for graduation
whether or not they graduate
from that school. UNC-Chapel
Hill has a hidden fee to oover
graduation expenses and each
student who graduates after
going there four years ends up
paying about $40.00 for grad-
The graduation fee has been
ten dollars at ECU at least for the
past 24 years. These fees are used
to purchase caps and gowns,
diplomas, and flowers. Other
expenses include bringing in
dignitaries to speak and to pay
for the labor involved in setting
up and running the ceremonies.
The labor includes parking
attendants, police used for traffic
control, people to set-up the band
shell, chairs, and people to set-up
and run the sound system. The
graduation band isalsc oaid. The
1977 graduation cerenx lies cost
I hope this letter hasanswered
some of the questions concerning
the graduation fee. Incidently,
graduating seniors who haven't
paid the graduation fee or haven't
completed their senior summary
sheets need to do so in order to
graduate. The deadline to do this
is near.
Mark A. Snyder
President, Senior Class

b December 1977 FOUKTAINHEAD Page 5
Senatorial candidate Hodges to speak here today
Staff Writer
United States Senate Candi-
date Luther Hodges Jr. will
attend an informal reception at
530 this afternoon in Greenville's
Ramada Inn. The reception will
be open to the public and all
interested persons are urged to
Hodges is scheduled to appear
on the ECU campus Jan. 16 to
meet with students and speak to
various student organizations.
Hodges will spend the entire day
in Greenville as part of his
campaign fa office.
Hodges, 40, was born in
Leaksville (now Eden), North
Carolina on November 19.
His father, the late Luther H.
Hodges, was governor here from
1953 to 1960, and Secretary of
Commeroe during the Kennedy
A graduate of UNC at Chapel
Hill, Hodges was a regional
finalist for a Rhodes Scholarship.
After college, he went on
active duty as a lieutenant in the
U.S Naval Reserve.
Hodges then joined the faculty
of the UNC School of Business
Administration. One year later,
he began his career with North
Carolina National Bank.
He became a chairman of
the board of the bank in 1974, at
the age of 37. NCNB is the largest
financial institution in the South-
Scholarship to be
awarded to eligible
junior English major
Staff Writer
The Russell Christman
Memorial Scholarship will be
awarded to an eligible junior
English major next semester by
the English Department at ECU.
Applicatior and reccomend-
ationsfor the j nolarship are now
being receive by the English
Department, xxxding to Dr.
Erwin Hester, chairperson of the
The scholarship was establish-
ed in memory of Russell
Christman, an instructor at ECU
who died in a single-car accident
two years ago
The fund was established
almost immediately after the
death of Christman in 1976,
according to Dr. Hester.
"The scholarship is derived
mainly from funds of friends,
family, and faculty at ECU Dr.
Hester said.
Other criteria for selecting the
recipient are academic achieve-
ment, potential in the field of
English, and involvement in
extracurricular activities.
A committee of Dr. Erwin
Hester, Dr. David Sanders, and
Larry O'Keefe will make the
The scholarship is for one
academic year and is for an
undetermined amount of money.
The interest on the scholarship
fund provides the money for the
N. Cs No. 3 Night Club
voted Atlanta's
No. 1 Band
didate fa the U.S. Senate.
Wed. & Thurs.
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'Jlllllk BUC office
A photographer will be here
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through Friday, February 24th
from 9:00-5:00 in the BUC office.
It doesn't cost you a cent to have
your picture taken
There will be no wait if you'll
Cafl Now! Don't delay.
Group pictures will also be taken
at the same time. If your group
doesn't receive an information
sheet by January 15th call the
BUC office.

Page 6 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
ECU students investigate serious plant infestation
Staff Writer
Five ECU students are
currently investigating a serious
plant infestation in eastern N.C.
waters, according to Dr. Graham
Davis, ECU biology professor.
Davis, local director of the
project, said the students are
investigating an infestation of
coastal waters by eurasjan water
The project's study area is
Currituok Sound.
"Milfoil is a nuisance in a
number of ways Davis said.
"The plant's tough stems foul �
boat propellers making areas of
heavy infestation unsuitable for
fishing or waterskiing
"Storms break the weeds up
and huge mats of milfoil wash up
on beaches. These mats decay
and spoil swimming and access to
Art & Camera Shop
12 Exp. Color Film
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"People in other states have
been drowned, apparently when
they got tangled up in the
plants he said.
Eurasian watermilfoil, native
to Europe and Asia, was released
in this country in the 1880's. It
spread south from New Jersey to
the Potomac in 1933 and upper
Chesapeake Bay in the early
Small patches of the weed
were first noticed in Currituck
Sound In 1964. Today 60 per cent
of the Sound's 100,000 acres is
Previous studies have shown
that milfoil can be controlled bythe
herbicide 2,4D.
Funded under a five part N.C.
Sea Grant, the ECU team is
helping to find alternatives to the
use of chemicals.
Donald Gray, graduate
student explained the project.
"If we can prove milfoil to be
useful in some way, then we can
control it economically by mech-
anical mowing and harvesting
he said.
"That way the control method
would pay for itself Carey said.
Other teams funded by the
grant are investigating the effect
of milfoil on fish and insects, the
impact of the weed on local
economics and its potential as a
livestock feed or fertilizer.
The work of the ECU group is
laying the foundation for all of
these areas, accordina to Davis.
"In a sense we're involved in
everything said Davis. "We
want to find out how much milfoil
there is in the sound, how fast it
grows back after cutting, and
what the nutritional value is
Other students involved be-
sides Carey are Ron Garner, a
graduate student, Ray Jones,
Kathy Crew, and Kirk Sydor.
Commissioners vote not to
approve proposed ordinance
20 Exp. Color Film
Developed and Printed
� Kodacoior
� Fugi
(Foreign Film
Not Included
Ektachrome or Kodachrome Processing
8 Movie
20 Exp.
126 or
Staff Writer
The Pitt County Board of
Commissioners last week voted
not to approve a proposed solid
waste ordinance that would have
granted exclusive franchises to
area haulers.
According to Larry Hurlocker,
county planner, there was no
argument in favor of the proposed
ordinance which was voted down
unaminously Monday, Nov. 28.
Hurlocker said the County
Commissioners have decided to
go with a system of solid waste
disposal that involves the placing
of 40 cubic-yard metal containers
throughout the county.
The Commissioners directed
me to go ahead with the implem-
entation of the metal container
system" said Hurlocker.
The proposed ordinance which
was voted down would have
divided the county into 10 sub-
divisions with each being served
by an independent hauler.
The proposed ordinance met
heavy opposition when it was
presented to the public during an
open hearing November 15.
Most of the opposition came
from residents of subdivisions
who are content with the services
they are now receiving.
Of ambulatory pediatric medicine
Dillard new assoc. director
Dr. Robert P. Dillard has been
appointed associate director of
Ambulatory Pediatric Medicine in
the ECU School of Medicine,
according to Dr. Jon B.
Tingelstad, chairman of Pedia-
Dr. Dillard will assist in the
development of the pediatric
ambulatory care program and will
also teach pediatrics to residents
and medical students. His
primary interests are nutrition,
growth and development, and
endocrine disorders.
Dr. Dillard, 36, currently in
private practice in Tampa, Fla
will assume his position with the
School of Medicine December 1.
Dr. Dillard received his under-
graduate degree from Trans-
ylavania University. Lexington,
Ky and his MD fom the
Western Sizzlin
Steak House
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University of Kentucky College of
Dr. Dillard received his under-
graduate degree from Trans-
ylvania Univensty, Lexington,
Ky and his MD from the
University of Kentucky College of
He took his residency in
pediatrics at the University of
Oklahoma Medical Center in
Oklahoma City. Following a two-
year tour of duty in the Navy, he
established his practice in
Dr. Dillard is an associate
clinical professor of pediatrics at
the University of South Florida
College of Medicine and a
diplomat of the American Board
of Pediatrics.
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111 WM�hSt
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Whiteware-Ready To Paint
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Open Evenings

6 December 1977 FOUNTAINHEAP Page 7
Dr. Wiggers named consultant to Med School
ECU Medical Writer
When Dr. Harold C. Wiggers
came to Greenville to have
Thanksgiving dinner with his
daughter's family in 1974, he was
dean of the Albany Medical
When he returned to New
York, he had another title to add
to his long list of academic
distinctions - consultant to the
ECU School of Medicine, a
position that two months later
turned into an offer to serve as
acting dean for ECU'S new
four-year medical program.
Dr. Wiggers ended his two-
and-a-half-year affiliation with
the school this fall. It was an
association that saw him first as a
consultant, then as acting dean
and finally as a senior consultant
to the present dean, Dr. William
E. Laupus.
The distinguished medical ad-
mmistrator first became interest-
ed in the budding ECU School of
Medicine through his daughter,
Mrs. Janet Woodworth, wife of
Greenville physician, Dr. Al
It was during a memorable
Thanksgiving vacation with them
three years ago that Dr. Wiggers
was introduced to Dr. Edwin W.
Monroe, Vice-Chancellor for
Health Affairs at ECU. Monroe
asked Wiggers to serve as a
consultant for the school.
In January Dr. Monroe
amended the request on behalf of
the university and invited Dr.
Wiggers to be acting dean.
In that role Wiggers assisted
in recruiting Dr. Laupus as the
permanent dean for the School of
Medicine. He also had a strong
Unionism too
for KTVT
(LNS)-Apparently unionism
is still too controversial an issue
for television station KTVT in
Fort Worth, Texas.
The station-a subsidary of the
Oklahoma City's Publishing
Company, which in turn owns
Oklahoma City's arch-conserva-
tive Daily Oklahoman-recenUy
refused to sell 30 seconds of air
time to the AFL-C10 fa a Labor,
Day spot detailing the achieve-
ments of working people.
Thirty-two Texas stations did
run the ad-but KTVT sales
staffer, told the agency that his
firm's legal department would not
approve the broadcasting of a
spot that opened.
"Fa over half a century,
union laba has been making life
easier fa people in Texas
"It seems that AT&T can
assert on television that its
system is the solution noted a
repater fa the Texas Observer
an alternative newspaper in
Austin, "And Pepsioo that it's
product tastes like love but
KTVT was na about to let the
AFL-CIO make such a controver-
sial statement unless it could be
suppated by facts
role in the selection of the
school's department chairmen,
always key positions in a growing
medical school.
He assisted greatly in initiat-
ing the affiliationbetween the Pitt
County Memaial Hospital and
the School of Medicine. He also
accelerated preliminary activities
fa the accreditation which was
granted the school last April.
When Dr. Laupus assumed
leadership in July, 1975, Wiggers
became his senia consultant. He
ooadinated the Center fa hduca-
tional Development and Evalua-
tion and the Center fa Student
Oppatunities, suppat units fa
disadvantaged medical school
"My experience here has
been wonderful says Wiggers.
"I often thought it would be a
privilege to be dean of a new
medical school, an exciting ad-
venture with fascinating and
far-reaching possibilities
"ECU offered an ideal situa-
tion fa building a program which
will have a profound influence not
only on the quality and diversity
of available medical services, but
also on the economy and life style
of the people in Pitt County and
Eastern Carolina
Dr. Wiggers, a physiologist,
has been "a PhD in a wald of
MD's" and thinks of himself
primarily as a medical educata.
He was dean of Albany
Medical College fa 21 years and
served as the chairman of the
school's Department of Physio-
logy and Pharmacology fa eight
years. He also taught at Case
Western Reserve University, the
University of Illinois and
Columbia University.
"Nowa part of me will always
be at ECU, and I look faward to
seeing the school develop into a
medical center providing
primary, secondary and tertiary
When Dr. Wiggers and his
wife, Virginia, retire to Flaida.
he plansto write his philosophy of
medical education.
Dr. Wiggers has enjoyed
living in Greenville.
"Thefriendly and progressive
tone of the city influences my
decision to join the medical school
team, and I found it an easy city
to sell to visiting profesaas when
I was recruiting prospective
faculty members
Dr. Wiggers isn't pleased,
however, with the timing of his
move from Greenville because he
will miss the Pirate basketball
But he has already planned a
month-long visit in Greenville
next fall to catch some Pirate
football action.
little (jimtmi'isgftfnimjfunices
During the Christmas Season, we'd like to give you two big beautiful
Roast Beef Sandwiches for a dollar. Slow cooked, sliced thin, piled high and
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Hm FOUWTAiNHEAD 6 December 1977
Four examinations to be offered every month
Dental auxiliary exams to be held at Speight
ECU announced last week that
four new examinations in the field
of dental auxiliary education will
be administered as part of the
College-Level Examination Pro-
gram (CLEP) during the third
week of every month at the ECU
Testing Center, Speight Building,
room 105.
The 45-minute examinations
in oral radiography-head, neck,
and oral anatomy - tooth morpho-
logy and function, and dental
materials are the newest series of
examination in CLEP. the nation-
al program sponsored by the
College Entrance Examination
People who have learned
on their own-on the job. through
military training, in non-credit
courses, at home�may take CLEP
examinations in 47 professional
and college subjects and 5 CLEP
General Examinations in the
basic liberal arts.
ECU isone of more than 1,800
colleges and universities that
accept CLEP credit today. The
cost to the student is $20 for one
exam, $30 for two, and $40 fa
three or more.
The new dental examinations
like the other CLEP examinations
can help students advance more
rapidly through a dental auxiliary
curriculum and become certified
or licensed m the dental field
without duplication of training.
Jane, for example, has worked as
a dental assistant for several
years, but plans to go back to
school to learn new knowledge
and skills to advance further in
her profession.
Rather than repeat courses in
subjects that she already knows a
great deal about from years of
experience in the dental office,
Jane can demonstrate her know-
ledge on the CLEP examinations
and move on to new and advanced
The test will be valuable to
people who have acquired skills
and knowledge in dental labor-
atory technology and dental
hygiene, as well as in dental
The new tests were developed
under the joint auspices of the
American Dental Association's
Council on Dental Education, the
College Entrance Examination
Board, and the Educational Test-
ing Service with funds from the
W.K. Kellogg Foundation of
Battle Creek, Michigan.
'Karen Silkwood Day' sees
activists protesting findings
(LNS)-November 1ji narked
the third year since the death of
Karen Silkwood, a worker at an
Oklahoma plutomium factory who
was killed in a suspicious car
accident after she had investi-
gated the plant's safety condi-
At a "Karen Silkwood Day"
rally in New York City, 40
activists gathered to protest what
they considered to be inconclu-
sive findings of a Congressional
investigation of Silkwood's death.
Speakers discussed the dan-
gers posed by safety violations in
the plant's production of radio-
active materials.
Before her death, Silkwood, a
union organizer, had charged that
the Kerr-McGee plutonium pro-
cessing plant she worked at in
Crescent, Oklahoma had strayed
so far from federal regulations on
plant safety that it posed a danger
to its workers and the public.
" TJ






5 IS

Mi CC�
u. UJX








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low. To do this you must fill in the correct miss-
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Blue Ribbon
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Plutonium, a deadly radio-
active material, is known to cause
cancer, even in minute amounts.
On the evening of the fatal car
accident, Slkwood was driving to
meet New York Times reporter
David Burnham and a representa-
tive of the Oil, Chemical and
Atomic Workers International
(OCAW), bringing with her docu-
ments on the lax safety precau-
tions for handling plutonium at
The documents, which a co-
worker saw Silkwood take with
her, disappeared in the crash and
have never been recovered.
Kerr-McGee officials were the
first to arrive on the scene after
the accident.
The Oklahoma Highway Pa-
trol called the crash "an acci-
dent stating that Silkwood had
"fallen asleep at the wheel
However, an investigation
conducted by OCAW disputed
police officials' claim. OCAW's
investigation concluded that ano-
ther car deliberately faced her
off the road.
Recently, Silkwood's allega-
tions were confirmed by two
former department heads at
Kerr-McGee. In the October 20
issue of Rotting Stone, Jim Smith
and Jerry Cooper described the
company's "devil may care"
attitude toward nuclear safety,
before and after the death of
"We were told to operate or
else Smith declared. "We
didn't have a choioe
Cooper had worked with the
company for eleven years before
he was transferred to the pluto-
nium plant-a month after Silk-
wood's death-m an attempt to
improve safety conditions.
He said that he was surprised
by Kerr McGee's lack of commit-
ment to specialized handling of
the radioactive substance.
"They thought of plutonium
as if it were no different than oil
The whole place was one big
leak Smith added. "Every time
you turned around there was
another leak
Smith and Cooper also spoke
about the plant's haphazard
handling outside the plant, when
disposing of left-over liquid plu-
They had a hell of a
problem Cooper said, referring
to the transporting of the liquid.
"It 5ometimes leaked out of
the barrels before the truck pulled
out of the plant
Truck drivers dumping the
Plutonium sometimes had to race
the entire 300 miles to the
delivery site in Kentucky before
holes in the barrels started to

Multi-media effects have little relevance
6 December 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 9
The Skin of Our Teeth proves mediocre
Trends Staff
Thornton Wilder's play, The
Skin of Our Teeth, supposedly
t races the journey of the Antrobus
family throughout history. An
interesting thought, unfortun-
ately, Wilder'sideaof tracing the
family consists of naming
members of the family Cain and
A be I (deceased), and including
walk on characters such as tM
judge Moses, and a blind poet,
Homer. A Pulitzer prize winning
play, The Skin of Our Teeth is
unfortunately dates in the sense
that what was once novelty is no
longer, making the play a poor
choice for production.
The multi-media effect failed
to make any great addition to the
play itself. The opening film
sequences did acquaint the aud-
ience with the main characters,
but the feather-duster scene,
which began the play proper,
provided the same information.
There was little interdependence
between the film sequences and
the script and stage movements,
which tended to make the film
sequences appear : superfluous
rather than serviceable- The
insertion of slides and dialogue
concerning Greenville was equal-
ly unnecessary.
Another failing of the film
sequences concerned their
manner of projection. Two of the
screens were blocked by railing
from the set, forcing the audience
to view the film through the set.
This obstruction was totally un-
necessary as the film was small
enough in size to be raised a few
inches and still be visible from the
audience. Also, the three project-
ors were not synchronized. When
sildes were used, the changes
occured arbitrarily instead of in a
particular order. At one point the
slides seemed to be fading out
one by one, but the final slide
remained. The effect created was
very erratic and haphazard.
Two completely detailed sets
were used in the play, which
required a good twenty minutes
to be switched. The time involved
seems unnecessary. Aside from
greatly lengthening the play, the
scene changes revealed all areas
of the stage including barren
used as a final effect on the
boardwalk set was oommendable.
The weather light on stage,
however, was another situation.
Only one light worked where four
were needed.
Ella Gerber's attempt to up-
date Wilder's play by the use of
major role of mind and audienoe
confidante. A tremendous
amount of work is apparent in
Holmes' performance. An actress
with great promise, her character
work is almost undone by her
conaous efforts to emote.
Gladys, played by Holly
Playhouse production of Thorton
walls and fly ropes. While
Edward Harnes' sets were work-
able and pleasing once in place, it
seems that the long set changes
could have been avoided with the
sets which could move more easily
within the space McGinnis has to
offer. It isoften necessary to work
most efficiently with what is
available than to attempt a goal
without the basic elements need-
The electricians seemed to
have problems themselves. The
basic lighting for the sets was
sufficient, although a special flair
Wilder's "The
Skin of Our Teeth" will start tonight at 8:15 in
McGinnis Auditorium. Photo by Brian Stotler
multi-media effects failed to make
the desired results because of
weak connections between the
film sequences and the play itself.
Gerber's direction of movement,
however, was beautiful. The
animal movements were delight-
ful. The illusion of their existence
was enhanced by the costumes of
Maria Jurlanis, which were creat-
ive, diverse, and serviceable
throughout the play. Gerber's
direction of movement and action
concerning the children was also
ingenious when put to use. A few
problems in direction appeared in
movements which blocked the
speaker and with a scene which
took place behind furniture,
blocking the actors from the
audience's view.
Sabrina, played by Shauna
Holmes, carried the play in the
Jereme, was a delightful child in
thought, action, and movement.
Her transition from a girl in
crinolines to a woman with a baby
was remarkably well done.
The parents of the Ant robus
family, Maggie, portrayed by
Hazel Stapelton, and George,
John Ribbons, were well-versed
in their respective roles of
motherhood and progressive pro-
Gary Carter portrayed Henry,
whose perpetual scowl must have
been as tiring physically as it was
mentally. He seemed unable to
maintain a believable character-
ization throughout.
The third act suffered from
botched lines in almost every
corner. The fact that the program
listed neither seperate acts nor
intermissions, made it a toss-up
among audienoe members as to
whether they should leave or stay
after the end of the world scene in
act two. Most made the decision
to stay when the stage-crew
began moving sets again, indica-
ting there was more to come. The
general manager of the theatre,
whose name was also absent from
the program, could have con-
sidered the audienoe when com-
piling the program fa their use.
A valiant effort was made by
the cast and crew of The Skin of
Our Teeth to produce a pleasng
production. However, the fact
that multi media effects failed
due to weak connections with the
script; that brilliant sets were
troubled by lengthy changes, and
that problems with lines and
continuity hampered the actors
and actresses, resulted in a
mediocre production.
As one audience member
remarked, "It was cute Exact-
ly, and it should have been good.
ELLA GERBER'S DIRECTION of the animal movements was
designed by Maria Jurlanis.
simplified by the delightful costumes
Photo by Brian Stotler
HOLLY JEREMES PORTRAYAL of the transition of Gladys
Antrobus from child to mother was "remarkably well done
Photo by Brian Stotler

The Great American BeHy Dance
Feminist Great Earth Mother worshipped
Assistant Trends Editor
"To be primitive in this society
you have to be awfully sophisti-
This book could only have
been written in America. Dorissa
Femfunelli, slightly overweight
divoroee, decides while she is on
the brink of suicide that she will
give her life new direction b
enrolling in a belly dancing
course. She does, and finds
through belly dancing a commun-
ion with the Great Earth Mother
and a subsequent earthly spirit-
uality that she in her narrow
bourgeois life had never known
before. Sound zany? It is.
Dorissa regards belly dancing
as an ancient female sacrament.
Originally belly dancing was a
fertility right, a noble expression
and mine of the act of giving
birth. Indeed, it was a form of
worship for the Great Earth
Mother herself when the matriar-
chies ruled the world. Dorissa
wants to lift belly dancing from
it's devoluted position as burles-
que, blue-cafe entertainment and
make it symbolize the new
woman: free from sexual repres-
sion and masculine domination.
Ms. Gioseffi takes her charac-
ter, Dorissa, through nearly the
entire gamut of yesterday's
avant-garde idealisms. The book
is saved, though, by its humorous
attitude toward everything it
treats. For instance, after aban-
doning her teaching position at a
Catholic elementary school and
devoting her life to belly dancing,
Dorissa decides that she will try
to make money by dancing in
front of women's groups and
other groups who would be
receptive to her message. She
applies at a talent agency and
meets Pat Campley, who is
nothing less than a lesbianic
transvestite; male by gender,
woman by nature, and lesbian by
sexual persuasion. How terribly
kinky. As one can tell, Ms.
Gioseffi leaves her pastels in the
Already bored with her new
lover, Noah, who is too much the
phlegmatic academe to contain
the desires of the belly dancing
veluptuary, Dorissa responds to
an advertisement for "Narcissa
Tittle's Body-consciousness-
DANIELA GIOSEFFI, herself a belly dancer, is author of
"The Great American Belly Dance
expanding Workshop This
Workshop consists of about
twelve naked women reclining on
bean-bag chairs with vibrators in
hand, all trying to masturbate
simultaneously. A woman next to
her begins to giggle and whisper-
ing they confess to each other that
"automaticauto-eroticism" is too
redundant for their taste. They
leave the workshop and Delila
Dandi, the woman with Dorissa,
eventually becomes Dorissa's les-
bian lover and business manager.
Delila introduces Dorissa to
the ecstasies of the clitoral
orgasm. Delila argues that most
women have been "clitorectc-
mized" by the understandably
male preccupation with penis-
vaginal gratification. Dorissa ex-
plains to her indulgent lover,
Noah, that she is made to feel
more nearly ultimately a woman
by having sex with another
In addition to her bisexual
affairs, Dorissa carries on a
platonic relationship with her
Avocado Tree. She dances fa it,
waters it, and when she is happy
the Tree "smiles deeply in its
Dorissa, Delila and Pat Camp-
ley decide that they could get
needed media exposure for Doris-
sa by having her belly dance at
the great Woodstock Rock Festi-
val. She has her body painted in
an ancient floral design by the
Sino-American body painter with
the subtle name of Chin Lo
Slung, and it is at Woodstock that
she meets a sound technician
named Stanislaus. He is a bril-
liant technical innovator who is
subsequently hired by Femfunelli
Inc. (which is the name of her
enterprise now that she is acquir-
ing acclaim) to give Dorissa and
oompany rub-downs in his aura-
increasing pyramidal energizer.
Stanislaus invents an electron-
ic system by which Dorissa
(through a mechanism inserted
into her womb) can transmit
electrical impulses to her Avoca-
do Tree while she danoes, and the
Tree can transmit to her vibra-
tions from the Great Earth
Mother to Dorissa. Consequently
she can be in True Communion
with the Earth Mother while she
belly dances. Stanislaus also
constructs a tap-in to the national
emergency radio transmitter in
the Pentagon and through this
sends Dorissa's literal spiritual
orgasmic ecstasies throughout
the entire United States. Or, as
Ms. Gioseffi describes the hap-
pening, "Radiant Earth felt like
an amoeba having a cosmic
orgasm in the water of her own
Ms. Gioseffi's prose is pur-
plish to indigo but such blaringly
overstated style enhances the
humor found in the story and
characters. The book is most
winning when it is most .facetious.
The search for the attainment
of "total womanhood" is a theme
that has been beaten to a pulp by
the pummeling of many feminist
novelsand poetry. This genre has
developed ooncomitantly with the
developing awareness of women
toward their new potential in a
still man-dominated world. But
this book survives because the
lightest material doesn't need
much to float.
Dorissa's Great Earth Mother
quasi-religion never even ap-
proaches (nor was it meant to)
becoming a viable alternate belief
to run one's life by. But in the
fundamental human values it
holds; namely love and emotional
freedom, the Earth Mother Cult is
an affirmation of what is unselfish
in life as opposed to the increas-
ing me-firstnessof modern sensi-
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Motes on Love and Courage
6 DtOBfflbf 1877 FOUKTAJNHEAD Pag 11
Latest from Prather's 'cotton candy' diary
Trends Editor
Hugh Prather is an author
whose previous books, Notes To
Myself and Touched The Earth,
The Earth Touches Me, have sold
a million and half copies as
paperback originals and hundreds
of thousands more in mass
market reprinted editions. Like
his previous financial successes
Notes On Love and Courage is an
excerpt from Prather's diary.
It comes from a time when
Prather discovered for certain
that he was going to die. Notes
On Love and Courage is Prather's
summoning up of strength to
carry on in the face of his own
mortality. It is Prather's personal
renewal of the spirit. Beyond the
psychiatric value to its author
who finds himself at one with the
beauty of the sunset at the end of
160 pages of anecdotes, questions
left unanswered, one-liners, re-
flections and fifty simple, little
black and white drawings by
Gene Smith, Notes On Love And
Courage is no more than so much
fluffy cotton candy, appealing
without substance.
Prather offers up generaliza-
tions, cliches and half baked
insights in such number that the
occasional entry in which he
actually gives up something dose
to heart and is moving with his
sincerity of emotion is swallowed
in a morass of mediocrity. Notes
LEA VES A TOP A grating evoke thought from the "deep" ones here on campus.
' Ipryland 78, with 13 fully staged musical productions feai tring ovet 350 singers, dancers. and other
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On Love and Courage says so
many different things about so
many different topics that any-
one, no matter what his system of
values, can find something in it
with which he agrees.
In achieving this universal
appeal Prather's book disregards
any idea of continuity or develop-
ment of oonoeps. Solitary state-
ments of cosmic truth like,
"There is a time to let things
happen and a time to make things
happen are scattered through-
out, unadorned by explanation
and unattached with the sur-
rounding text.
The feelings and ideas Prather
attempts to evoke are often so
ill-developed asto render much of
Notes On Love and Courage no
more than a mundane list of
human emotion. In explaining
this book Prather responds with a
list of things that "it's about" ; a
second look at life, love, friend-
ship, sexual relationships,
courage to take a stand, oourage
in the face of old age and death,
marriage, relationships with
strangers, oourage to change,
love of self and love of God. Even
with fifty dull drawings of leaves
it still only adds up to an
elaborate record of some indul-
gent personal graffitti.

12 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
NORMAN KELLER IS an East Carolina faculty
member whose work was recently exhibited at the
Including ECU faculty
G. Walker Gallery Invitational.
Area artists in SC exhibit
Eleven Greenville area artists,
including several faculty mem-
bers of the East Carolina Univer-
sity School of Art. were represen-
ted in the recent G. Walker
Gallery Invitational: Multiples
exhibition in Columbia. S.C.
Local artists whose work ap-
peared in the show were Annette
Williams Brooks, Fred Brooks,
Ray Elmore. Marilyn Gordley,
Tran Gordley, Art Haney, Gail
Haney, Paul Hartley, Norman
Keller. Elizabeth Ross and Henry
The show ran from Nov. 2 to
Dec. 5 in the South Carolina
gallery, and is to be exhibited at
the Harold Decker Gallery in
Virginia Beach, Va. during the
next several weeks.
Fifty southeastern artists are
represented in the show, which
includes art in several two- and
three-dimensional media.
Among the exhibiting artists
are several former ECU art
students: Walter Commander,
Gene Ayscue, Rock Kershaw, Jan
Welborn and Charlotte Belote.
The Qaebo would like to wish you a merry
Christmas and invite you to enter our world of
truly unique and personal gifts for this Christ-
mas season.
fifth andCotanche
'Orphic Voice'
Poet Elizabeth Sewell, author
of "The Orphic Voice" and
"Signs and Cities will be
featured in a reading of her
poetry Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m.
at the East Carolina University
Methodist Student Center.
The Sewell reading is spon-
sored by the Campus Ministers
Association. Following the read-
ing will be a discussion period
and a reception at which refresh-
ments will be served.
Elizabeth Sewell has most
recently been the Rosepthal Pro-
fessor of Humanities in the
UNC-Greensboro Religious Stu-
dies Department. Her previous
teaching experience includes
positions at Vassar College, Hun-
ter College of the City University
of New York, Ohio State Univer-
sity, Prinoeton University, UNC-
Charlotte and Bennett College.
She was born in India of
British parents and was a civil
servant with the British Ministry
of Education during World War
II. She graduated with first class
honors in modern languages from
Cambridge University and later
received MA and PhD degrees
from Cambridge. St. Peter's
College in New Jersey and
Fordham University have award-
ed her honorary doctorates.
In addition to her volumes of
poetry, Ms. Sewell is noted for
her literary criticism and for three
novels, which include "The Div-
iding of Time "The Singular
Hope" and "Now Bless Thyself
TRAN GORDLEY IS a local artist whose work was featured at the G.
Walker Gallery Invitational.
is a good time to sell
your texts for
University Book
in Greenville

Ken Russet's
' is anything but subtle
6 Deoefnbar 1977 FOUNTAINMEAD fps
' Not even a pas de deux can last for two hours'
Trends Staff
In the Hollywood Babylon of
the '20's, an actor was looked
upon as a oommodity and he was
bought and sold as such. By
1921, Rudolph Valentino was one
of the most sellable commodities
of all time.
When the young Italian actor
came on the scene in 1918 he was
glanced over and oonsigned to the
bad-guy department, a decidely
un-American type. After a stretch
of "B"films he got his first real
break in the movie version of
Blasco Ibanez's famous antiwar
novel, "The Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse Following his
success in that film, he worked
with the brilliant Russian actress
Nazimova in "Camille and
went on to play the now legendary
character of "The Sheik
The exotic matinee, idol was
more a novelty than a genuine
sensation. His physical beauty
and grace as a dancer, he had
once been a gigolo at New York
cabarets and Maxims, were play-
ed to the hilt in all of his films.
With his olive skin and oiled hair
he quickly became the model for
the new breed of Latin lover that
was to sweep Hollywood.
By 1926, Valentino was dead
of peritonitis. His success in the
movies wasn't in keeping with his
private life off-screen. In fact, his
Hollywood image oouldn't have
been any further from the truth.
Lauded as "greatest lover
Valentino's first marriage ended
in divorce and second wife
Natasha Rambova deserted him
to make her own films. Fa poor
Valentino it was the beginning of
the end. Dead after an unhappy
five years and five months of
fame, journalist H.L. Mencken
wrote a suitable epitath: "A man
of relatively civilized feelings
thrown into a situation of intoler-
able vulgarity
Such is the case fifty-one
years later in Ken Russell's
This blasphemous rendering
of his life is enough to send poor
Rudy revolving in his grave. But
then, when has Ken Russell ever
been interested in faithful bio-
graphy. And even if he was,
would he be able to relate the
script in such a way that we
wouldn't be examining our Cokes
to make sure nobody had slipped
us a hallucinogen.
Russell made frankfurters and
sauerkraut out of the life of
composer Franz Liszt and indeed
there are times when "Valen-
tino" looks like out-takes from his
outrageous "Lisztomania And
the harsh mingling of rock stars
and real actors rang discordantly
in "Tommy
At least Russell has an
ace-in the-hole in "Valentino.
The casting of Russian dancer
Rudolph Nureyev in the part of
Valentino provides for some
brilliant footworkbeyond a
RUDOLPH NUREYEVTALENT as the "world's greatest dancer" fails to save his performance as VALENTINO.
doubt the most entertaining stuff
in the film. However, not even
Russell can make a pas de deux
last two hours. The "world's
greatest dancer" has a rough
time of it playing the "world's
greatest lover If Nureyev oould
have honed his dramatic timing
the way he did his dancing he
might have come up with some-
body. But alas, he cannot act.
He is in good company with
Michelle Phillips and Leslie
Caron. Nureyev is a foreigner
having difficulty with the English
language; Michelle Phillips is an
American having difficulty with
the English language. Leslie
Caron turns in a horribly over-
done performance. She is excus-
ed, for it is a horribly overdone
Exquisitely photographed
sequences are too often vehicles
fa Russell's blatant symbolism.
In the film's climactic boxing
spectacle, Valentino quells
rumas of his homosexuality by
clobbering Peter Vaughan ala
Rocky. The scene is a throwback
to the 1926 "puff" scandal in
which a repater fa the Chicago
Tribune called Valentino a pink
powder puff and suggested that
puff dispensers be installed in
men's rooms as part of the vogue.
Valentino challenged the reporter
to a fist fight but died befae
anything oould oome of it. Ken
Russell hastaken histay aie step
further to show us Valentino
winning a hollow victay ever the
In another scene, Alia Nazi-
mova (Leslie Caron), a flamboy-
ant publicity grabber, struts to
the dead Valentino'scoff in made-
up in passionate purple replete
with eye shadow and lipstick. On
either side of her are hand
maidens veiled also in purple.
Russell is anything but subtle.
There is a great deal of
speculation about the love-God's
true motivation in life. As the
directa sees it, Valentino would
have rather grown aanges ra a
living. This is implied throughout
the film and is most obvious in the
death scene when the camera
focuses on the aange that has
just rolled from Valentino's out-
stretched hand.
We inevitably learn less about
Valentino himself than the dis-
turbed Ken Russell. How much
more do we need to know.
Super Thurs.
'Tenth Ave
'The Platters"
This Week At The
Tues. 4th Annual X-Mas
Party With Santa,
Contests, and Prizes
Wed. Tenth Ave.
Fri Sat and Sun. Tenth Ave.
Fri. 3:30-5:00 Check It Out Sun. is Ladies Nite

14 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
OTTO HENRY OF the ECU School of Music is the winner of the
Hmda Honigman Gold Cup for original composition.
Baroque Ensemble performs
rii i .il.rx inoiri ir4nr Danio I
The eleven- member East
Carolina University Baroque En-
semble will perform in the A.J.
Fletcher Recital Hall Sunday,
Dec. 11, at 3 p.m. The concert is
free and open to the public.
Works to be included in the
program are the Sonata in B flat
fa Recorder, Oboe, Violin and
Basso Continuo by Johann Fried-
rich Fasch; the Telemann Quartet
in G fa Flute, Oboe, Violin, Cello
and Klavier; and the J.S. Bach
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4.
Featured soloists infthe Bach
concerto will be violinist Linda
Hanson and recordists John
NcLellan and Eric Haas.
The ensemble, directed by
ECU cello instructa Daniel Mel-
lado, includes advanced student
instrumentalists in the ECU
School of Music.
Other members are Marilyn
Herrmann, Larry Lyles and Blair
Nesbit, violin; Kren Coupe and
Glenn Davis, viola; Andrea
Smith, cello; Janet Reeve, bass;
and Carroll Ridenhour, harpsi-
Award for original competition
Otto Henry wins award
Dr. Otto Henry, associate
professa of ethnomu si oology and
electronic music in the East
Carolina University School of
Music, is the winner of a
statewide award for original
Henry was given the Hinda
Honigman Gold Cup after win-
ning a competition fa oomposers
sponsaed by the N.C. Federation
of Music Clubs. He famally
accepted the award at a recent
Music Day dinner in Raleigh.
The winning compositioi, an
avant-garde chaal wak entitled
"Sanctus involves the perform-
ers' own selection of pitches, with
durations cued by the conducta
The wak was commissioned
in 1973 by Mars Hill College and
published earlier this year by
Hinshaw Music, Inc. as part of
the Mars Hill College Chaal
Dr. Henry received his bache-
lor's and master's degrees fron
Boston University, and holds the
PhD degree from Tulane Univer-
Their music is saucy and enjoyable
'Nightshift' combines RErB with jazz and ballads
. . � ir-m tho c-ioii chrv-korl rorkprq linht 777 anrl ballar ds. ThftV mil
Trends Staff
It has been a while since a new
band has come down the pike to
joyfully stimulate the ears of
Greenvilles night revelers, but
this past weekend heralded the
coming of such a group. NIGHT-
SHIFT of Chapel Hill, perfamed
Friday and Saturday nights at a
By Sharon K. Joies
I lay here in this braized athlete,
The am-pro whose sets were unmatched,
The figure whose good looks were 30-love
YetI lay here,
The result of a hand,
Very steady on the grips of a Wilson racket;
Shockingly unsteady on the trigger of a gun.
My only memay is
Why, Woody, Why?
Sharon Jones is an English major from Elizabeth City.
local bistro and it was definitely a
NIGHTSHIFT is new, but the
players are familiar faces to those
who remember and enjoyed
The personel are; Ed
Ibarguen, paramount guitarist
from SOUTHWING, on lead
guitar; Tim Hildebrandt, founder
of HEARTWOOD, on guitar and
vocals; Jim Mitchel, drummer
from BRO T HOLLA sharing lead
vocals with Carter Lamon mina,
formerly of HEARTWOOD
LAGNIAPPE; Joe DeLuca, from
the performance "Diamond
Studs" and Gravy Boat on
fretless bass; and former
HEARTWOOD keyboard man Bill
There were some oomplaints
from the shell shocked rockers
that NIGHTSHIFT "wasn't loud
enough" which I can only attri-
bute to poa taste. Technically
NIGHTSHIFT'Ssound is superr-
not soft, but commanding, delib-
erate, without being brash.
Their stage show is almost
non-existent, disappointing fa
sane, since their sound is so
professional. This was due in part
to the newness of the group,
limited stage area and a serious
preoccupation with the SOUND of
the perfamance. The lack of
theatrical posturing did not
dampen the enthusiasm of the
audience who, on Saturday, call-
ed for and were given two
saucy and enjoyable, powerful
and quite danceable, combining a
tasty brand of funky R&B with
ight jazz and ballafds. They min-
gle their numerous aiginals with
(FM) canerctally popular tunes to
suit the most discerning musical
palate. A brief sampling would
be- Little Feat, War, Bonnie Rait,
O'Leans, Boz Scaggs. Stevie
Wonder and Jeff Beck (not to
mention Joan Armatrading)
Fa NIGHTSHIFT, the em-
phasis is oi precision and taste.
As bassist Joe DeLuca aptly
stated, its what you leave out
that makes a truely great band
NIGHTSHIFT definitely seems to
have the knack fa tasteful omiss-
ion. The individual musicianship
is awesome and time will tell just
how great they will be.
In the meantimethis review-
er gives them four stars and
is looking faward to their return
in early February. Don't miss
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16 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
UNCW routs Bucs
Pirates to face Maryland
First-year head basketball coach Larry Gillman must be wondering
if the sun really shines in eastern North Carolina. Hisciub saddled with
two losses In two games is bad enough, but to think of facing the
University of Maryland in Cole Field House Wednesday, and then, to
face LaSalle riege on Friday night in Charlotte in the First Union
Invitational, with UNC Charlotte a Boston College fa Saturday night,
it couldn't look much gloomier.
"It's going to be a tough week said Gillman, 'but it oouldalsobe
a very good week. I think our club feels after the horrible game last
Thursday night against UNC-Wilmington that they have a lot to prove.
Playing clubs like Maryland and LaSalle won't be easy, but then it
gives us an opportunity to bounoe back against super competition
Both Maryland and, LaSalle were unbeaten entering this week.
Maryland has no games until East Carolina, while LaSalle plays Rhode
Island on Wednesday. The Pirates faoed Alderson-Broaddus on
Monday night in Greenville.
I thought our first two games altered what we wanted to do
continued Gillman. "We hope to get back to what we want to do and
that's getting the ball out and moving it fast. We don't want to set up
that much as we've been doing.
"But if you don't get the ball off the boards, you can't run. And our
rebounding is definitely a conoern. We've given up far too many
offensive rebounds. But then I knew what would be a problem this year
because we have perimeter forwards and not big, physical forwards
While many, many Jhings can be pointed to as reasons for East
Carolina's poor start, Gillman has one major thought on the subject.
It's the lack of aggressiveness that concerns me most he said.
We're content to take ,15-20 footers on offense instead of taking it to
the basket and we're much to passive in rebounding and on defense.
That's all got to change
With four games in six days, three of those on the road, it may take
more than just aggressive play fa Gillman to see the sun again.
Spats Edita
In a game that the Pirates
never held a lead, the Seahawks
of University of Nath Carolina
Wilmington totally embarrassed
their freethrows in the half to
60 fa Wilmingtai.
In the second half the Sea-
hawks after a brief scare by the
Pirates ran off 19 straight points
to ditch the Pirate comeback.
Notes and Quaes on ECU Basketball
Many have questioned the perfamances thus far of pre-season
all-America candidate Oliver Mack. He's 10 of34 from the floa and has
not been the player expected. Coach Larry Gillman explains: "I think
Oliver istryingtofind his identity with thisteam. He could be taking 25
shots a game but that's not his personality. The type of game we're
playing is hurting his shooting. He doesn't move without the ball as
well in the type offense we played against UNC-Wilmington. But the
people will see the real Oliver Mack befae too long. When we get back
to running he'll be himself
The Pirates face a demanding week with four games in six days and
a six-day road trip. East Carolina played Alderson-Broaddus at home
on Monday, then travel to Maryland fa a Wednesday game and on to
Chariate fa the First Union Invitational oi Friday and Saturday.
Travel plans were to leave Tuesday nxxning fa College Park and not
return to Greenville until Sunday after the tournament in Charlotte. "It
will be a tough week said Gillman, " but I think the team is looking
faward to this. It will give them a chance to prove something that they
feel they must. And if we do well, it oould be a fine week
About the 4-0 Maryland Terrapins, Gillman says. "Lefty probably
nas nis finest team since the McMillen era. They have as much talent
as anyone in the country. His club is so very strong up front with the
About the 2-0 LaSalle Explaers, Gillman says, "They always have
afineteam. Coach Paul Westheaddoesagood job year in and year out
with his dubs as part of the Big Five. Michael Brooks, an all-America
candidate, will be as tough a faward as we' II face this year. He's 6-6,
Notes and Quotes on the Lady Pirates
The ECU women's basketball team starts one of its biggest weeks
of the season. Monday night, the Lady Pirates face Appalachian State
at home. Wednesday, they travel to Raleigh to face N.C. State, the
team that was ranked number one nationally in pre-season by Sports
Illustrated. Saturday, Greensbao will be the site of a matchup between
East Carolina and Western Carolina.
The Lady Pirates enter the week with a 2-0 recad. They defeated
Campbell 69-67 in the season opener, and downed Duke 80-53 this past
Saturday night.
The start of the 1977-78 season has been a lot better than the start
of the 1976-77 campaign fa Coach Catherine Baton. Last year, the
Lady Pirates dropped their first ten games.
A year ago, Appalachian downed the Lady Pirates three times, as
did N.C. State. Western Carolina beat the Lady Pirates in their only
meeting of the season, 75-70.
OLIVER MACK AGAINST UNC-W Photo by Brian Stotler)
the home team with a 92-66 rout.
The Seahawks were expected
to be rather tough after two close
losses to Wake Forest and
Geagia Tech, but the largest
aowd in Minges Coliseum in
three years expected the Pirates
to oome away with a victay.
What happened though was quite
a shock and could rank as the
most embarrassing loss in Pirate
basketball histay.
The Seahawks paced by twin
guards Billy and Bobby Martin
set a fast pace early in the game
by grabbing the lead and neva
losing it. The Pirates were able to
stay in the game in the first half
on the shooting of Herb Krusen
and the defensive play of Greg
Canelius. Krusen was the only
Pirate that seemed to have any
consistency throughout the first
half of the game except fa Oliver
Mack who put in eight points to
lead the Pirate first half effort.
At one time in the first half of
the game UNCW led as many as
twelve points but the Bucs were
able to cut the margin down to
nine by the half giving the
Seahawks a 37-28 lead.
In the first half the Pirates
were out shot in fieldgoal percen-
tage by a 51.5 to 40 margin.
The Pirates also hit only 36 of
The Pirates, on the shooting of
Herb Gray and Herb Krusen,
were able to cut an eleven point
difference down to only five. At
this point w'tn the 5B8E fans
screaming as loud as they oould it
appeared East Carolina was going
to make a comeback. It was at this
point however that the Martin
twins and Delaney Jones ran off
the nineteen points that broke the
Pirate oomeback effort.
After Wilmington grabbed the
lead it expanded to as much as 31
points as the Seahawks used their
bench to finish off the Bucs.
The final scae was UNCW 92
ECU 66.
High scaer in the game fa
the Pirates was Herb Krusen with
22 points, next came Herb Gray
with 13 and Oliver Mack with 8.
Top scaers fa Wilmingtai
were Bobby Martin who finished
with the game high 27 points. He
was followed by Denny Fields
with 19 points, Dave Wolff put in
16 and Billy Martin canned 12.
UNCW ended by hitting
55.4 of their Jxrts to East
Carolina's 43.
After his second loss of the
season, head coach Larry Gillman
was bitterly disappointed and took
the blame fa the loss on himselt.
"UNC Wilmington played an
exoellent game Gillman said.
"A la of that had to do with how
poaly we played
"I'm definitely going to see
Navell (Neve) supervisa of the
officials after the game. No
matter how good a bad they were
I doit want them back in our gym
again. Kids could have gotten
hurt out there tonight with the
way they called it. But they didn't
lose the game
"We are young and have
quality players, but tonight I was
not pleased with anyone and their
perfamance. Mack didn't look
like all High School tonight
"I think we need some team
unity. We ga our head too big
after going to Indiana and they
stepped in our gym tonight and
asked what kind of team UNC-
Wilmington was. We sat on our
laurels and ga our butts kicked
"Krusen did hit some but he
missed a lot too and he still has no
"I think we're in good oondi-
tion but we had mental lapses,
youthful mistakes. We are going
to take off tomarow. I think the
kids need to think about it. The
coaches are going to meet and
reevaluate some situations
"Mack only got the ball once
in the second half due to Moseley
and Ramsey throwing the ball all
over the gym. Mack is in the same
group with Phil Fad and Butch
Lee abilitywise, but nrt in poise
and maturity
"I take the fault. Larry
Gillman did not have them
prepared to play tonight. But they
did nahing we didn't expect
them to
"My team doesn't have the
patience and intensity to play
man fa man against that type
of motion offense. !t was na so
much our defense tonight as it
was the poa floa balance on
offense at guards. It,was ter-
While things were gloomy in
the Pirate locker room the scene
was quite different in,the Sea-
hawks dressing room. Coach Mel
Gibson was elated in his teams
perfamance and was just pleased
to finally beat East Carolina.
"I couldn't be mae pleased
with this team's perfamance
tonight. We ran our bceak well,
we played aggressively on the
defense and we finally got the
effort on the boards that we have
lacked thus far
"Honestly I expected a differ-
ent type of game. ECU surprised
us with the zone, but we have
some pretty good outside shoot-
ers and they did the job fa us
tonight. Bobby Martin, Billy
Martin, and Lonnie Payton all
handled the ball well against their
zone helping us to get the ball to
the open man
"We may have awaken a
sleeping giant tonight though. I
know ECU is a much better
balldub than this. I saw them
earlier in one of their scrimmages
and was most impressed. We did
a good job shutting off Mack and
that definitely seemed to upset
their offense. But they'll oome
back, I know

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6 December 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Pag� 17
Pirate tankers host UNC-Ch
Staff Writer
Ray Scharf could probably fill
a massive filing cabinet with a list
of accomplishments he's achieved
at East Carolina since .assuming
duties as head swimming coach
ten years ago.
However, one elusive goal for
Scharf and his Pirate swimming
teams over the past ten seasons
has been a victory over in-state
rival North Carolina. Scharf s
teams have some very dose on
many different oocassions, but
have yet to sneak away with a
treasured victory over the Tar
East Carolina will get another
chance to upset the favored Tar
Heelstonight when the two teams
square off against each other in
Minges Coliseum. The meet
starts at 730.
Last year, the Pirates dropped
a relatively cloee 65-4C decision
up in Chapel Hill, but the Heels
are a much improved team from
last season.
Frank Comfort from Johns
Hopkins College is the new head
coach at North Carolina. And like
Scharf, Comfort is recognized as
one of the top swimming coaches
in the country today. Last season,
Comfort guided Johns Hopkins to
the NCAA Division Three Swim-
ming Championship.
And just last weekend,
Comfort took his first UNC team
to a tournament and came away
with the championship trophy.
The Tar Heels nosed out an
excellent Pittsburgh team for first
place in the Penn State Relays in
University Park, Pa.
East Carolina finished in fifth
place with 192 points in the Penn
State Relays only eight points
behind Columbia with 200. Mary-
land took third place with 212
"I thought we did a very
commendable job in the Penn
Relays praised Scharf, "Our
times were much improved over
last year's performance and I
think we have made a lot of
progress during the pre-season
John McCauley, Bill Thorne,
Ted Nieman, John Tudor and Bill
Fehling captured first place in the
500 crecendo relay with a time of
14:00:91. The Pirates effort in
that event set a new ECU varsity
record and a new pool record.
East Carolina took a second in
the 2000 freestyle relay and the
400 freestyle relay. Doug
Brindley, Kevin Meisel along
with Tudor and Nieman set a new
school record in the 2000 freestyle
relay with a time of 19.1364.
McCauley, Thorne, Fehling
and Nieman were members of the
400 freestyle relay team which
took second with a time of
The Pirates also placed fifth in
the 200 medley relay, ninth in the
400 backstroke relay and 11th in
the one meter diving competition.
Nevertheless, it will probably
take a superhuman effort for the
Pirates to top North Carolina and
Scharf will be the first to admit it.
"We'll have our hands full, that's
for sure said Scharf. "But when
you look at the fact they put
probably three times as much
money into their program as we
do it's easy to see why.
Pirates win first
Assistant Sports Editor
"It was like pulling teeth
said coach Larry Gillman of his
Pirates initial victory of the
season, 102-95 over Aiderson-
Broddus College.
The big stay was the emer-
gence of Oliver Mack and a
scrappy offense which fought
back from a 52-50 halftime
Mack helped the Pirates to an
early 31-21 lead displaying some
of the quick moves and smooth
shots that make him an all-
America candidate.
However, the Battlers, once
called the only sure victory on the
Pirate schedule, gave the BUCS
all they wanted behind the
hustling play of Carl Heyward
and Gary Washington. But then,
the Pirates did some hustling too.
Led by Roger Carr and Herb
Gray, the Pirates outscored the
Battlers 11-2 with 437 remaining
in the game to take the lead 91 -82
after Carr hit on both ends of a
one and one.
Carr had 10 second half
rebounds as he spelled Greg
The Pirates moved the ball
inside well behind the passing of
Don Whitaker as the Bucs
regained what coach Gillman
described as "a mental together-
ness He added, "We were
looking for the open shot and
seeing each other better
Mack finished with a game
high 36 points while Gray added
19, Krusen 12 and Cornelius 10.
Gray had 16 rebounds while
freshman Carr pulled down 12.
The Pirates will need a lot of
this "mental togetherness" this
Wednesday night as they take on
the Terripansof the University of
Maryland in Cole Field House in
College Park Maryland.
The Terripans feature 6-8
junior center Larry Gibson who
will try to doee the lane to Mack
and the rest of the Bucs. The
Maryland record is 4-0 despite an
exhibition loss to Athletes in
Action over the weekend.
The Pirates threw a scare into
Lefty Driseil with a 80-69 loss
last year that was even doser
than the score indicated and
coach Gillman expeds much of
the same effort Wednesday night.
"I think we're ready to play
anyone who wants to play us
now he added, "We're just
looking forward to going to
Maryland and then on to Char-
lotte this weekend.
Gillman discovered some
things in last nights game that he
will count on later in the season.
One was the dutch ball handling
of Don Whitaker.
"Whitaker showed a lot of
poise and guts he continued, "I
will depend on him in tough
situations after his poise tonight;
he did a good job
So the Pirates pack this win
under their belt and head to
Maryland to invade the Terps and
hopefully to even their record at
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Page 18 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
PRESSBOX: Lady Pirates have height
Continued from page 16
One of the problems the Lady Pirates faced last year was a lack or
height on the team. The 1976-77 roster had none listed 6-0 tall a
better. The roster this year lists three girlsMaroia Girven, Lynne
Emerson and Shannon Staplesall 6-0 or taller.
Another problem the Lady Pirates seem to have solved is with
turnovers. A year ago, the ECU women's basketball team tallied 70
turnovers through two games. This year, the total has been cut nearly
in half, to 38 through two games. On the other hand, opponents
turnovers are up from 25 at this point a year ago, to 44 this year.
Catherine Bolton gives credit to her defense fa creating more
turnovers. "The girls are waking hard on defense she said. "They
do a good job of keeping pressure on the opposition, and facing the
turnovers, which result in mae easy shots on offense
East Carolina University will carry 12 wrestlers to Bethlehem, Pa
fa this weekend's quadrangular meet involving host Lehigh, Oregon
State and East Stroudsburg State.
The Pirates will take a very young team to the quad to face two of
the NCAA'stop ten teams fa last year, Lehigh and Oregon State. The
Engineers were seventh last seasoi while the Beavers were fifth.
Oregai State returns five all-Americas.
Paul Osman, the oily two-time NCAA participant on ECU'S squad,
is also the only senia. He will wrestle at 134 and is 5-1 on the season
with a third place finish at the Monarch Wrestling Classic. He was
injured pria to the Carolina Invitational and oould not wrestle.
Heavyweight D.T. Joyner is one of two junias traveling to
Bethlehem. He won the unlimited championship at Carolina with only
one day of practice, due to a late start because of football. He did not
allow a point in winning his three matches at Carolina.
James Kirby, the other junia, will wak at 142 along with freshman
Scott Eaton. Kirby is 7-3 on the season with a third place showing at
Carolina. Eaton is 4-4, but has failed to place in either of the Pirates'
early tournaments.
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Pirate Athletic Events Upcoming:
Men's Basketball: Alderson-
Broaddus Monday, Dec. 5,8:30 in
Minges Coliseum; University of
Maryland Wednesday, Dec. 7,
8:00 in College Park, Maryland;
First-Union Invitational Tourna-
ment Friday & Saturday, Dec.
9-10, 7O0 & 9:00 in Charlotte at
the Coliseumfirst round oppo-
nent is LaSalle College at 700 on
Friday. (Radio: WOOW, Green-
ville; WRMT, Rocky Mount;
WHIT, New Bern; airtime 15
minutes pria to tipoff)
Lady Pirates
Staff Writer
Opening the season with two
big wins over Campbell College
and rival Duke University, the
Lady Pirates continued their
winning ways last night defeating
Appalachian State University.
The Lady Pirate basketball
team of ooach Catherine Bolton
ran their record to 3-0 after
thrashing Duke 80-53 Saturday
night and a convincing win over
Appalachian State last night,
Appalachian has always had a
very tough girls basketball team
and the Pirates can definitely
boast of a big win.
Against the Mountaineers,
Rosie Thompson scored an incre-
dible 39 points as she continually
hit jumpers in the 15-20 foot
The Pirates were also aided by
the slick ball handling of junior
Gail Kerbaugh as she threaded
the Appalachian full court press
to feed Thompson and senia
Debbie Freeman. Freeman finish-
ed with 14 points and contributed
greatly to the rebounding game
along with Marsha Girven.
The game started off as coach
Bolton expected, dose with a lot
of running. However the Pirates
scaed 16 unanswered points to
Appalachian's 4 and the Bucs
took a 53-39 lead to the locker
room much to the dismay of
Mountaineer followers.
With the coming of the second
half the Mountaineers made an
attempt at a comeback, but were
subdued by the sure-shooting
Thompson. Appalachian came
within four at one point, but the
well conditioned Pirates out ran
and out played the Lady Moun-
taineers. The final soae was
90-75. and a big win fa ECU.
The Lady Pirates play 1
ranked N.C. State in Raleigh this
Wednesday. Hopefully the girls
can continue their success.

6 December 1977 FCXJNTAINHEAD Page 19
Pirate team looks great at VMI
Special to Fountainhead Sports
The East Carolina Indoor
Track Team opened up its season
Saturday at the VMI Invitational
in Lexington, Va. This was an
early season, non-sooring meet,
although the way the running
Pirates went after each event one
would have thought it was for a
championship. Assistant Coach
Curt Fry best summed up the
teams efforts, "We were very
successful. The old and new track
men joined in for a super effort
Characterizing the meet were
the performances of certain re-
turning trackmen who in the past
have been overshadowed by their
teammates, and superb perfor-
mances of freshmen making their
place on the team.
An example of this was the
opening event, the 440 relay.
Donnie Mack, a junior from
Laurinburg, and James Rankins
of Bertie, two of ECU'S best 100
yard dash men who are usually
overshadowed by the likes of
Calvin Alston and Carter Suggs,
teamed up with freshmen Dwain
Bailey of Jacksonville and James
Fields of New Bern fa a winning
effat. Mack, the lead off runner
opened up a quick lead with a
superb start. The all important
handoff to Bailey, the second man
was near perfect with another
good hand off between Bailey and
Rankins. By the time Fields took
the baton, ECU had an easy
victay with a final docking of
44.00 seconds. This was a great
time fa the early season and tight
curves of the indcor track.
The highlight of the meet,
which ironically was the last
event, had to be the high jumping
of Curt Dowdy. Late in the
competition with only 3 men left,
Curt took oontrol hitting 6'8" on
his first try. It took the other two
lumpers (Terry from ASU and
Robinson from VMI) their 2nd try
to make 6'8 Dowdy then
applied the pressure clearing
610" with room to spare and also
getting an East Carolina School
Recad. The other two jumpers
then failed on their third attempt,
giving Dowdy the overall title.
The bar was then set at 7'10
which would qualify him fa the
nationals, but with the recad, the
win and no one to push him the
junia trackman couldn't dear it.
The East Carolina junia is a
real stay of dedication. After
taking a yard off from competition
and school, he came back with
some really big goals. Curt
commented after the meet, "I
knew I had the recad, but I
wanted T10 I feet if there had
been someone to push me I could
have gotten it. I've got the recad
now, (the old recad was 6'8"
by Al MoCrimmons) so I would
like to get T10" and place in the
Other highlights came from
Charlie Powell in the 3 mile run
and Ray McDaniels in the 1000
yard dash. Powell, a scphonae
fron. Whiteville, N.C. led the race
from the start to the 2 mile mark
where Kenyan internationalist
Hillary Tuwei of Richmond took
over the pace. Powell hung on
and finished 3rd with a fine time
of 14 min. 42 sec. in what can only
be described as a "gutty"
perfamance. McDaniels, a high-
ly sought after high school reauit
from Virginia Beach, proved his
ability by taking second in the
1000 yard dash. After leading the
first half mile of the race, he was
passed by All American Ed
Perkins of Richmond who out-
dashed him to the finish.
McDaniels commented, "I didn't
run a smart race, he just
surprised me. I was looking fa a
big upset today
Other track highlights: Donnie
Mack once again proved his
determination and speed by tak-
ing 2nd to Jesse Williams of
Richmond in the 60 yard dash.
Williams was timed in 5.9 se-
oonds which ties the wald recad
(hand timed reoads are unofti-
dal) while Mack who leaned out
teammates James Rankins and
Carter Suggs fa 2nd were all
timed in 6.2 seoonds. ECU'S All
American Calvin Alston tied fa
first with Terry Perry in the 440
yard dash with a fine time of 50.9.
Alston said, "I feel I oould have
broken 50. if I had been in Terry's
heat Ben Duckenfield placed a
dose 3rd with freshman Lamont
Byrd taking 5th. Freshman Tim
Jones of Nqfolk placed 3rd in the
880 with James McCollough and
Mel Duckenfield tieing fa 4th.
Geage Jackson placed 3rd in the
triple jump while Ray Moae took
6th in the mile run. Marvin
Rankins was his usual self taking
an easy win in the 60 yard high
hurdles. Sophomae Bobby Phil-
lips was dose in 4th.
The next meet will be the CYO
meet at the University of Mary-
land on January the 1;
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Page 20 FOUNTAINHEAD 6 December 1977
Jim Ramsey looks for comeback
Staff Writer
After three games, only one of
which was a win Jim Ramsey is
not satisfied with the teams'
"We have the talent, we have
the potential, its just a matter of
the two combinina to form a
winning combination. We've got-
ten a taste of the season, and I
think its about time we started to
play better oommented Jim.
I think we might have been a
littleover-oonfident against UNC-
Wilmington, we weren't playing
with the intensity we are capable
of, but the team is starting to jell,
we'll get our stuff together.
This is Jim's second season
playing fa the Pirates.
Last year although the team
wasn't at its best, Ramsey was
starting as a freshman, he
averaged 11.3 points per game,
the third highest average on the
team, and lead the team in
assists. An impressive set of
credentials fa a freshman, but
the honas didn't stop there. He
was named to the All-Rookie team
in the Southern Conference,
Honaable mentioi to the South-
ern Conference Tourney, and was
selected fa the secaid team
All-Southern Conference. Those
Self-discipline seems to be
Jim's best asset, aside from his
keen eye fa the basket, but he
remains on the side.
"I'm na waiting to play
because someone did something
wrong, I'm waiting to play
because I've done somethino
FOR SALE: 72 Yamaha 250mx &
trailer. $400.00. Call 757-6955 a
after 530 752-6152.
FOR SALE: 1 Sansui 5050
receiver and 1 pr. Koss K6lc
stereophones with 6 ft. extension
cad $225.00. Also 1 Saiy TC-
1865D Stereo Cassette deck with
ddby system, $150.00. All under
1 year old and in excellent cond.
Call 752-9778.
FOR SALE: New (only used 3
mos.) Kenmae (Sears) 6.0 cu. ft.
refngerata after Dec. 14. One
year warranty, can see in room
625, Tyler dam a call 736-1866
and ask fa Donna.
FOR SALE: Roger Drums full set.
Less than 1 yr. old. $1150 call
FOR SALE: Akai AA-8500 stereo
receiver, 85 watts per channel,
$200.00 a best offer. 758-8394.
FOR SALE: Sears-Pioneer Mini
8-track tape player 6 x 41� x 2
inches. Excellent cond. 4 watts at
8 ohms. 1 yr. old. and hardly
used. Bracket and owners manual
included. Cost 60.00 new will sell
fa 35.00. Call 752-0191.
FOR SALE: Lafayette Amplifier
37 watts per channel rms, $70.00
Lafayette tuner, $60.00. Garrard
42M recad changer $3500. Buy
now fa taal system $120.00 Call
752-0191 and ask fa Tan.
TIRES: 2 Goodyear bias tires,
6.00 x 15, aand new, mounted on
VW rims and balanced. $60 fa
both. ALso '68 VW fastback, less
mota, fa parts. Free, if you buy
both tires. Call Mike, 756-6674 a
campus ext. 6360.
FOR SALE: Beautiful AKC regis-
tered Irish Setter puppies, ready
to go Dec. 7-15. Call 758-7187 6-7
FOR SALE: Marantz Model 1060
console stereo amplifier, Hitachi
ST-3411 AMFM stereo cassette,
Pioneer PL12-D laboratory
series turntable (Manual), large
Advent speakers (utility cabinet),
Symphonic HS1239 8-track deck.
Prefer to sell as whole, but will
consider breaking up system.
$650 negaiable. Chip 758-1437.
FOR SALE: Sony STR tt00
AMFM stereo receiver, Garrard
770 turntable, Infinity speakers.
Used only 5 mos. Good cond.
Good price. Call 756-6092 nights.
POTTERY SALE: East of Ayden.
Christmas sale Dec. 10 and 11.
Handmade stoneware and pace-
lain, on Hwy 102. Call. 746-6919
fa info.
torrent 5
desperately fa Spring Semester.
Kings Row Apts. Split rent and
utilities 3 ways. Call 752-8444.
to share room in lovely new
apartment overlooking the river.
$67 plus utilities. Come by 40
Langston Park Apts. anytime
after 3 at the end of Meade St.
next to Tar River Apts.
House Apts. Need male to share
1 3 rent and Utilities. Call after 6
p.m. 756-9029.
r-tMALE ROOMMATE: needed
1 a 2 fa apt. at River Bluff. Pay
13 rent and utilities. Call 758-
3-4 bedroom house fa reasaiable
amount in a near Washington
The children are grown. Call
758 8203 after 530.
WANTED: Small house a apt.
fa couple. Must be able to have
pets. 758-4176.
NEEDED: A ride to Ft. Lauder-
dale South Flaida area. Will
drive and share gas expense.
Dec. 15 to 20th. Call Jeff,
ALTERATIONS: Winter things
too big, too long? Call Kathy
752-8444 a 752-8642.
LOST: A brown & black, left hand
man's glove in a around Brews-
ter, D wing, 8 a.m. on Nov. 30.
Please call 752-1871 if found.

Fountainhead, December 6, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 06, 1977
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