Fountainhead, November 17, 1977

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Serving the campus com-
munity fa over 50 years.
With a circulation of 8,500,
this issue is 20 pages.
Vol. 53 No. 23
East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
17 November 1977
"Dining Outp. 3
SU tripsp. 5
Abortionp. 9
lntramuralsp. 15
Staff Writer
The departmental users have
progressed faster than ECU's
Computing Center, according to
William Little, operations
manager for the center.
The Burroughs 5500 (B5500)
computer is not capable of
handling the various terminal
needs of the users, said Little. He
cited the chemistry, physics, and
sociology departments as
Dr. Robert Morrison of the
ECU chemistry department said
the computer is too small in terms
of memory capacity and disc
storage space, and too slow for
some of that department's appli-
The big research jobs have
programs that require a oomputer
with a fairly large capacity.
Morrison said the B5500 is
simply not designed to handle the
terminals needed in the chemistry
According to Little, the B5500
was a great machine in its day,
but it has now outlived the
center's needs.
The Burroughs machine was
purchased in 1972 at a cost of
$10,000 per month, including
maintenance, according to
Richard Lennon, director of the
center. He said the machine
would cost more at today's
inflated costs.
The lack of disc storage
prevents the machine from using
its full capacity, aooording to
Lennon. Overloading the data to
disc storage slows the machine
The machine has a character
processing capacity of 256,000
characters per second, said Little.
"We need (a capacity of) over
a million characters he said.
The N.C. General Assembly
did not approve an increase
requested in the 1977-79 budget
to upgrade the oomputer system
here, aooording to Lennon. This
budget is reviewed on a biennial
"We have been unable to add
to the oomputer because of a lack
of funds Lennon said.
Lennon said there are two
methods by which to purchase a
computer if an adequate budget is
available-competitive bidding
and sole source procurement.
Competitive bidding occurs
when more than one vendor
competes in terms of prioe and
quality. Sole souroe procurement
is when one buys from a vendor
but does not receive bids from
The estimates cost for a
machine capable of meeting the
needs of the center and its users
today is $1 million, aooording to
Robert Bolonde, assistant
director of the center.
THIS IS HOW the ECU Computing Center looked
before the Burroughs 5500 computer was
installed. IBM computers are no longer used in this
facility. The computing center is located in Austin
He said the machine alone
would oost $900,000. With tapes,
disc, and communication lines,
the figure goes higher.
The inability to efficiently use
terminals for oomputer base is a
problem for the physics depart-
ment, according to Dr. James
Both physics and chemistry
departments have their own mini-
computers, but both are unable to
oonnect them with the center's
oomputer for research and ed-
ucational purposes
"We'd like to be able to use
the resources of the main oomp-
uter to analyze data rather than
use the mini-oomputer independ-
ently said Joyoe.
Students need to sit at
terminals and perform calcula-
tions related to the chemistry lab,
said Morrison.
"We have people,who are
keenly interested in doing
oomputer instructions he said.
This involves a student user
who sits at the terminal and
interacts with the main oomputer
by asking questions and receiving
answers from the machine.
"We teach all freshman
physics majors a simple language
called Basics which is designed to
be used over interactive
terminals Joyoe said.
Instead, the students are
required to submit their programs
on cards which are less satisfact-
ory than using terminals, he said.
The students could more
readily see their errors and more
Evangelist preaches to ECU students near CU
Staff Writer
Evangelist George "Jed"
Smock gave a sermon in the street
between the ECU Student Supply
Store and Rawl building last
The sermon began at 12 noon
and lasted about three hours.
During that time, Smock
condemned drugs and fornication
which he said exists at ECU. He
especially condemned the frater-
nities and sororities here.
"The fraternities and sorori-
ties are teaching their members
to become sex-maniacs and
drunkards he said.
He also condemned all
religions except Christianity.
"Buddah was nothing but a
pot-bellied thief and a liar
Smock said he turned on,
tuned in, dropped out and
became a hippie while in San
Francisco, California.
He said he went to North
Africa later, began hitchhiking
down the coast to Southern
Morocco, and joined a band of
hippes living on the beach.
"I worshipped the sun, chant-
ed, studied the Hindu philospohy,
walked naked, and adopted the
ways of the heathen he said.
But, Smock said that God
spoke to him. As a result, he
decided to change his ways and
return to his home Indiana.
Many students asked Smock
questions. Other students, often
angered at what he said, either
left a questioned Smock's right
to oondemn what he did.
He mentioned there were
many students in the crowd who
were Christiana
Some students merely watch-
ed and listened.
Despite Smock's being warn-
ed by a university policeman that
he wasn't allowed to preach
i without a permit, he was not
"There exists a regulation
which prevents people from
speaking as this man did, unless
they're sponsored by a campus
organization and receive a permit
beforehand said Joe Calder,
director of seor'ty here.
" But the man did not create a
disturbance, was not a threat and
many of the students seemed to
enjoy his sermon; therefore, the
man was not arrested said
Senate adopts resolutions
FORMER SUN-WORSHIPER condemned drugs and fornication in
sermon last week. Photo by Stuart Morgan
Staff Writer
The Faculty Senate adopted
several resolutions, including
some degree requirement
changes- during Tuesday's
The degree requirement
changes involve the following
majors: the BS degree for Indust-
rial Technology, the BS degree
fa the Technical Institute Trans-
fer Program, the BS degree in
Industrial and Technical Educa-
tion major, the BS degree in
Industrial and Technical Educa-
tion minor, the BS degree in the
Certification Program for Occupa-
tional Exploration (Industrial
Occupations Laboratory), and the
BS degree in the Technical
Education major.
Also adopted by the Seriate
were the by-laws tor the Commit-
tee on General College. These
by-laws recognize the criteria fa
the selection of General Educa-
tion courses.
Dr. James Joyce of the
Univasity Computer committee
repated ai progress made by the
committee in the upgrade of the
University Computer system,
which should inaease efficiency.
Paul Topper of the Student
See SENATE p. 5

EmmW ' WimSi-M liKSPS
Page 2 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 November 1977
Bong show Ugly
Frisbee golf Grenadier
Prizes! Money! Cope by rm.
234 Mendenhall and sign your life
away. ECU Student Union Coffee-
house Committee will hold its
First Annual"BONG SHOW"
Anyone can participate. No
special talent, just guts and grits
might qualify you as a prize
winner. Nov. 18, Fri. 7-11 p.m.
Public invited, only .50. All
refreshments free!
Alpha Beta
Buc pictures of the Alpha Beta
Alpha honor fraternity will be
taken Tues Nov. 22, at 4 p.m.
PROMPTLY! All members should
meet in the LIBS Student lounge.
Be on time!
Students who are majoring in
programs at the Schools of Allied
Health and Social Professions,
Medicine, Nursing, and related
areas are invited to apply for
part-time employment as peer
couselorstutors in the sciences,
mathematics, and other courses.
Call 757-6122 or visit the Center
fa Student Opportunities, 208
Ragsdale Hall for applications
during Monday through Friday
between 8 and 5. Deadline is Nov.
23 Pay for student services is
King Youth
There will be a meeting of the
King Youth Fellowship Tues
Nov. 22, Flanagen. There will be
a fellowship and discussion on the
"Spiritual Way to Pray Follow-
ing the meeting, refreshments
will be served. Bring your Bibles
and get involved!
Start preparation for final
examinations now. Minority
and a educationally disadvant-
aged (regardlessof race) students
in the prehealth professions pro-
grams (General College and
College of Arts and Sciences),
Allied Health, Medicine, and
Nursing are invited to register fa-
free tutaial sefvioes in areas of
academic weakness anda read-
ing and study skills deficiencies.
Applications fa partiapatiai can
be obtained from the Center fa
Student Oppatunities, rm 208,
Ragsdale Hall, 757-6122.
First annual East Carolina
Ugly oontest to be held at Chapter
X on Nov. 22 from 7 until.
Sponsaed by the East Carolina
Laaosse team. Happy hour prices
25 in advance .50 at the doa.
The Forever Generation
invites you to jan us this Friday
night. We'll be having a relevant
Bible study, plus warm Christmas
fellowship and good singing. So,
plan on being there! Tnat's
Friday at 730 p.m. in Brewster
The Women's Residence oouncil
office, located on the first floa of
Greene Dam, is open fa your
oonvience. The office supplies the
use of a mimeograph machine, a
penny a page a free if you're
providing paper; you may also
check out sport equipment; tennis
rackets and balls, frisbees, volley-
balls and more. Office hours are
Mon. thru Thurs. from 6 p.m. to 8
p.m. Stop by, even if you have
questions about dam life, new
ideas a complaints.
The Hebel deadline fa litera-
ture is Dec. 16. All poetry, fiction,
essays and plays MUST be
received by the deadline to be
oonsidered fa publication in the
All artwak fa the magazine
must appear in the Third Annual
Rebel Art Show in the Menden-
hall Gallery Jan. 29-Feb. 5.
Artwak can be entered in the
show by registering each piece at
the Rebel office or at the
Mendenhall Information Desk.
All artwak MUST be registered
by 4 p.m. Jan. 18 a it will nrt be
included in the show. Fa further
details, contact the Rebel office at
The Law School Admission
Test will be offered at ECU Sat
Dec. 3, 1977. Application blanks
are to be completed and mailed to
Educational Testing Service, Box
966-R, Prinoeton, N.J. 08540.
Applications are available at the
Testing Center, Room-105,
Speight Building, ECU.
Bible study Crafts
Cone join us fa fun, fellow-
ship, and Bible study. Hear talks
on the basics of the Christain life
plus the reliability of the Script-
ures. Meetings are from 7-9 p.m.
Thurs. in Brewster D-202.
The Pitt County Epilepsy
Association will hold its
tonight at 7:30 in Flanagan 303.
Our special guest speaker will be
Dr. J. Gregg Hardy, a local
neurologist. Anyone with a
personal o professional interest
in the subject is oodially invited
to attend. Fa mae infamatiai
call 756-3642 a 756-7231.
Car wash
Alpha Delta Pi is having a car
wash Sat Nov. 19, from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. It's at Pitt Plaza Gulf,
and only $1.50 per car. Everyone
oome on out and get your car
cleaned up!
Ploymaphics- Selected hand-
oafted images by Ed Barnette.
On display in Joyner Library Nov.
Bridge club
The Bridge Club meets each
Thursday evening at 7 30 p.m. in
Mendenhall Student Center. All
persons interested in playing
bridge are invited to attend.
Table tennis
The Table Tennis Qub meets
each Thursday at 8 p.m. in the
Mendenhall Student Center Table
Tennis Rooms. All persons inter-
ested in playing table tennis are
invited to attend.
An exhibition of woks by
Mendenhall Student Center
Crafts Center members is oi
display in the lower cases of
Mendenhall. The majority of
these items were made by new
members who have begun in
aafts fa the first time this
semester. The show will be on
display until Sun Nov. 20.
Bake sale
Caramel Apple Guma Clement
Dam is staging a caramel apple
magic-show - with your help.
Watch them disappear. Assoted
baked goodies will also be on
hand. The sale will be from 10
a.m. to 7 p.m. Thurs Nov. 17 at
Are you getting tired of the
same old spats year to year? If so
the ECU Intramural Department
has got something fa you! Have
you ever wondered what it would
be like to oombine sevaal spots
into one? Well, the Intramural
Department has done it, the name
of the game is European Team
Handball. It combines the games
of Soocer, volleyball, loe Hockey,
Handball, and Basketball into one
sport. The Intramural Depart-
ment invites you out to watch this
entertaining and educational
game. Check by the Intramural
Office in 204 Memoial Gym, fa
more information and game
The Baptist Student Union is
having a square danoe Sat Nov.
19 at 8 p.m. The caller will be
Nelson Jarvis. No previous exper-
ience is needed in the dance.
Admission is free, and everyone
is weloome.
Frisbee golf is an exciting,
challenging new game that is fast
gaining popularity over the entire
oountry. We are very fotunate
here in the southeast to have one
of the most beautiful frisbee golf
ooursesever developed, oomplete
with the newest inventioi in
frisbee golf, the disc pole hole.
This 18-hde oourse is located in
the heart of southern sunshine,
on 1-10 between Pensacola,
Floida and Mobile, Alabama at
the Styx River Koa.
NO only will you have the
opportunity to play this fine
oourse and do a bit of camping at
this award winning Koa, but you
will also have a chance to win
some money anda prizes. This
Christmas classic carries a purse
of $1,000 fa men, wanen, junias
and senios.
Take a break and do some-
thing different this Christmas.
Enter the Styx River Koa, Frisbee
South Christmas Classic. To send
in your entry fee ($10 pro, $5 am)
o to get mae info write a call
Frisbee South, 617 Cleermont
Dr S.E Huntsville, Alabama
35801, (205) 534-2733. To be held
Dec. 17 and 18.
Flu vaccine
The Student Health Service is
giving flu vaccine to full-time
students during the months of
October and November. It is
strongly recommended that stu-
dents with asthma, diabetes,
chronic bronchitis, emphysema,
heart disease, and paralytics
receive the vaccine at an early
date. The vaccine will be given
Monday through Friday from 8
a.m. to4 p.m. and the charge will
be $1.50.
Drop by room 238 Mendenhall
Thursday evening to hear mae
about a spiritual solution to the
world's economic problems.
Sponsaed by the ECU Bahai
Association. All are weloome.
Ski club
There will be a mandatoy
meeting of the ECU Ski pub Nov.
17 at 4 p.m. in the bottom of
Memoial Gym. Everyone who
has no paid dues, please bring it
to the meeting.
The second meeting of the
new Fencing Qub will be Men
Nov. 21 in the baloony of Minges.
All students interested in learn-
ing and enjoying the art and spot
of fencing are invited to oome.
Anyone needing a ride please
contact Bev. a Blake at 758-4357.
We'll begin fencing at 7 p.m.
Cone when you can.
Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi Alpha will be
holding a meeting in the base-
ment of Ayoock at 730 Nov. 17 fa
all interested males in becoming a
part of this group.
Treat yourself to inflation
fighting super entertainment. Be-
cause the band, pipes, and
dancers of the Grenadier and
Soots Guards provide a spectacu-
lar show fa the whde family,
children and students will be
admitted at the doa fa $2.50
instead of the regular price of $4,
which is the cost fa adults.
Mendenhall Student Center
wants this to be a family outing,
so bring all the kids to Minges
Coliseum Sun Nov. 20,1977, fa
the 3 p.m. perfamanoe. Have a
great time and save money.
Brent Funderburk will present
his MEA Thesis Exhibition
Thurs Nov. 17 through Wed
Nove. 23 in Mendenhall Gallery.
The show "Afterglow" is a
journey into a very special
rainbow. Reception with refresh-
ments and oosmosity Sat Nov.
19 at 3:30 p.m. in the Gallery.
Caterpillars are welcome too.
The International Language
Organization is sponsoing an
audio-visual presentation of the
Nathern Andersai Mai Nov.
21 at 7:15 in Brewster D-103.
Everyone is oodially invited.
"The Hiding Plaoe" will be
shown at 630 p.m. and 9 p.m. at
the Baptist Student Union, 511 E.
10th St. Dec. 5. Tickets are $1 in
advance and $1.25 at the doa.
Call 752-4646 to get advance
Pi Sigma
Pi Sigma Alpha, thethonaary
Political Science Society, will hold
a dinner meeting Thurs Nov. 17,
beginning at 6 p.m. at Parkers
B-B-Q Restaurant located on
South Memoial Drive.
The guest speaker fa the
evening will be Mr. Charles
Gaskins, Chairpersoi of the Pitt
County Board of Commissioners.
Following dinner, Mr.
Gaskins will address the group
concerning such topics as his
job's responsibilities and the
relationship between the Pitt
County Board of Commissioners
and the Greenville City Council.
A questionanswer session
with an open discussion period
will fOlow Mr. Gaskins present-
ation. All members are strongly
advised to attend. Guests are
weloome! Dinner will be served
family style at a oost of $3.75 per
It is recommended that all
members who have no paid
chapter and nat tonal dues to do so
at this meeting.
National dues will rise, effect-
ive Dec. 1, 1977, and in oder to
avod paying escalated fees, it is
necessary to pay all dues to the
Nov. 17 meeting.
Fo further infamatiai, call
Lynne Yow at 758-1346 a Jim
Teal at 756-0916

17 Haumvbm 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Pag 3
Monitor raising operations halt for consideration
Staff Writer
Operations for the recovery of
the Union Civil War irondad ship
Monitor, have been haJted for the
winter months while researchers
consider various methods of
raising the vessel.
According to Dr. William Still,
ECU history professor, three
methods of recovery are being
examined by the Monitor Founda-
tion's Board of Trustees.
ROTC holds 'Dining
Out' Friday at MSC
Staff Writer
The ECU ROTC program will
have its annual "Dining Out
this Friday at the Mendenhall
Student Center.
The event is formal in which
ROTC cadets will attend.
After dinner the junior cadets
will perform a skit according to
cadet spokesman Barry Lee.
The dining out is one of the
yearly activities of the ROTC.
These activities included a blood
drive, military ball, basketball
tournament and Christmas time
shows for underprivileged child-
The ROTC program itself
consists of 92 men and 23 women
cadets. Education is highly stres-
sed in the program by Col. Carl
Tadlock, a P.A.S. professor of
Aerospace Studies.
The majority of the cadets
hold at least a 3.0 average over
the required 2.0. Leadership in
the ROTC is taught by classroom
means, but mostly learned
through experience, according to
There are many advantages in
ROTO A special program in
which the student may sign up for
one semester on a trial basis, and
there are no obligations such as
cutting hair.
Junior and senior cadets earn
$100 per month, tax free, plus
some travel benefits. Also, cadets
have a chance at two, three and
four year scholarships.
Any freshman a sophomore
students can join the ROTC at
anytime. By signing up in the
Wright Annex building, they are
inducted into the two year jGMC
program fa freshmen and sop-
homores. Juniors and seniors
joining the second two year
program, the POC, are accepted
based on their AFOQT and SAT
scores along with a meeting in
front of an officer's board.
The first method involves use
of the Glomar Explorer, owned by
a Howard Hughes corporation.
The Glomar Explorer is an
ocean-going research vessel
which would utilize large scoops
to bring up the Monitor along
with everything under and around
The second method of recov-
ery would be to inject liquid
oxygen into the ship and bring it
up as a block of ice.
Disassembling the ship under
water and then bringing it up in
pieces is the third method under
After the Union ironclad has
been brought to the surface, it
will be disassembled and chemi-
cally treated in order to be
preserved before being reassem-
Presently, work has been
halted fa the winter months due
to the rough seas off Cape
Hatter as.
Still has been waking ai the
project fa three years as the
histaical expert on the founda-
tion's Board of Trustees and at
the recovery site off Cape Hatter-
Still said the actual raising of
the vessel is still about five years
away and will oost approximately
$15 million.
The Monita Research and
Recovery Foundation is a public-
ly-funded project under the con-
trol of the federal Department of
Once the ship is raised, Still
anticipates that the Department
of Commerce will step in to
determine where the Monitor will
be displayed.
Nafolk is the leading site at
the monent, he said.
When expeditioiary wak re-
sumes next spring, Still said that
oae samples of the Monitor's
wood will be taken to determine
the condition of the vessel.
Video-tapes taken underwater
have shown the ship to be in good
shape, accading to Still.
Once the ship is preserved
and reassembled, it will be set up
at a museum, possibly under-
water, at one of the sites under
consideration. 9ttll said he feels
that the Monitor has "enamous
potential" as a national tourist
attraction because of its histaical
Preservation of the ship is
necessary because the wood will
begin to rot when taken out of
water. Wak ai the ship aice its
raised will take place ai an
underwater barge.
Continued from p. 1
quickly correct them a terminals,
he said.
When submitting cards to the
computer, the estimated turn-
around time is one to two hours,
said Joyce. This refers to the time
the computer takes to process the
information and provide an
Generally, a student could get
a program waking mae quickly
by terminals, aocading to Joyoe.
Both Joyce and Marisoi said
they hoped these problems would
be solved when the center gets a
new computer.
Dr. Marisoi has been ooila-
baating with a friend in Geagia
during the summers to program
the jobs the campus computer
cannot handle.
"We are pleased as faculty
members with the way we've
been waking with the directa
and the administration towards
improvements in computer ser-
vices, Joyce said. "We're finally
making progress
Joyce said a good interactive
computer system will open up
many possibilities in other areas
such as journalism and English.
The center is connected to
Triangle Park and this allows the
center to provide services through
terminals fa academic users.
Turn-around time is fifteen
minutes fa the TUCC terminal.
This has enabled the center to
handle some of its problems
relating to terminal services, said
You too
could become
a collector's item
appointment NOW at:
Buccaneer Office, 2nd floor of Publications Center.
Pictures will
be taken
Nov. 7th
- 18th.

MS � '�.
Page 4 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 November 1977
Invasion of privacy
A nation-wide boycott is underway against
"Coors" beer because the Adolf Coors brewery in
Golden Colo, requires its job applicants to take a
polygraph (lie detector) test before they will be
considered for employment. The boycott began with
the employees' strike in April and has since been
gaining momentum steadily.
For the sake of this country's citizens' right to
privacy and personal dignity, such demeaning
practices must be stopped, not only in the "Coors"
company, but in all companies and areas of
employment which require such tests.
During these tests, questions are asked such as
"Do you smoke marijuana?" and "Are you or have
you ever been a member of the Communist Party
Some even ask questions pertaining to the applicants
sexual practices.
Coors is not the only company, by any means,
which uses this humiliating tactic to pry into its
employees' private lives. Several convenience food
chains and discount show stores also require their
employees to take a polygraph test. One shoe store
even makes its employees take the test repeatedly
throughout his or her employment.
These companies, along with "Coors are not
only invading the privacy of their employees, but
they are, in a sense, also denying them the protection
of the Fifth Amendment. A person applying for a job
does not know what the employer might do with the
information he receives from the polygraph. And
when the applicant is strapped to the lie detector
machine and asked something like, "Do you smoke
marijuana? he is trapped.
The private lives of employees, or potential
employees, are supposed to be protected by the
Constitutional right to privacy for non-public
persons. What a man or woman does on his or her
own time, away from the job, is not supposed to be
any of the employers' business. The employers
should be concerned with the employee's perfor-
mance on the job only.
One argument in favor of polygraph testing is that
it tests the applicant's honesty. This may be so, but
at the same time it is requiring a man or woman to
devulge his or her private affairs, affairs that are
none of the employers' business.
The companies which use these tests on job
applicants or regular employees should not only have
their products boycotted, but they should be left cold
without employees as well.
Serving the East Carolina community tor over fifty years.
Senior Editor KimJ. Devins
Production ManagerLeigh Coakley
Advertising Manager .Robert 9waim
News EditorCindy Broome
Trends EditorDavid W. Trevino
)orts WHorChris Hdloman
FOUNTAINHEAD i� the student newspaper of East Carolina
University sponsored by the Student Government Association of
ECU and is distributed each Wednesday during the summer,
and twice weekly during the school year.
Mailing address Old South Building, Greenville, N.C. 27834.
Editorial offices: 57-638B, 757-6367, 757-6309.
Subscriptions: $10.00 annually
Reader defends European press
I wish to comment on the
article of November 10 oonoern-
ing the "French Press in Perspec
-tive After reading the article I
had to ask myself if, perhaps,
Professor Baker had not been
misquoted. I have said that the
American press is "uniquely
objective" and must have caused
the raising of more than one
eyebrow. There are few news-
papers in France that are as
partisan as the Republican-orien-
ted Chicago Tribune, and, great
though it is considered to be, the
New York Times has clearly been
most supportive of the Democra-
tic party.
Lack of gasoline not
as bad as lack of air
One of the major problems
that America is faced with
nowadays is the energy problem.
A lot has been said about the
problem, but not a whole lot has
been done about the problem. I
feel that the lack of gasoline is not
as serious as the car ben monoxide
Forum policy
Forum letters
should be typed or
printed, signed and
include the writer's
address or telephone
number. Letters are
subject to editing for
taste and brevity and
may be sent to FOUN-
TAINHEAD or left at
the Information Desk
in Men den hall Stu-
dent Center.
and other harmful gases that are
put into the atmosphere bv the
oombustion engine. These are
poisonous gases and I haven't
heard or seen much being done
about this problem. Women and
men must have clean air in order
to survive fa any length of time.
Right now the car companies are
trying to escape the Environmental
Protection Agency's deadlines for
auto emission standards. We are
wasting fuel and a more precious
resource, air.
If one plans well enough, I
know they can find many ways to
conserve. We know the problem
and it is up to us to act on it. This
problem can not continuously be
avoided. So I urge everyone to
seek ways to conserve, because
God gave us a mind to figure out
problems as well as react to them.
A concerned conserver,
T. Alex Cuningham
I also find it superficial and
dangerous to judge anything by
its cover or, as in this case, its
topography and make-up.
Content is certainly the most
important facet of a newspaper,
and many Americans would agree
that there are dailies in this
oountry that are well presented
but which say little. Europeans
would argue, and rightly so, that
to characterize most European
newspapers in a negative fashion
is unjust and incorrect, as is
evidenced by a reading of such
papers as the London Times, the
Corriere delta Sera, the
Frankfurter Allgememe and Le
Monde, just to mention an
obvious few.
In regard to Le Monde, I also
find it misleading to mention it in
an article that uses such words as
hodgepodge" and "circus" to
describe French newspapers.
Although the article does not
accuse Le Monde of such
inadequacies, one gets the
impression that this great news-
paper is just the best of a bad lot.
Besides smacking of a oertain
chauvinism and provincialism,
the fact of the matter is that many
experts consider it to be "one of
the top quality newspapers of the
world as is clearly stated on
page 93 in A Survey ol the
World's Journal ism, which can be
found in the reference room of
Joyner Library.
Stuart Aronson
Division of Continuing Education

17 Hwmritm 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD
English prof publishes essays on Vonnegut
Staff Writer
Dr. Donald Lawler, ECU
English professor, recently pub-
lished a collection of essays about
famed science fiction novelist
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr which is now
available in the ECU Student
Supply Store.
"Vonnegut in America" has
been published by Seymour-Delta
Press and is co-edited by Lawler
and Jerome Klinkowitz, an
English professor at Northern
Iowa University.
The book grew out of a series
of discussions at a San Francisco
seminar that Lawler chaired in
"Critics weren't taking
Vonnegut seriously Lawler said
when asked about his motives.
"They failed to understand
him, and so tended to dismiss his
writings as trivia
The book includes basic in-
formation on Vonnegut, an exten-
sive bibliography, and a collection
of photographs of Vonnegut from
his childhood to the present.
Lawler has written three of the
essays in "Vonnegut in
America one entitled
"Vonnegut in Academia and
another is a critical essay on
Vonnegut's "The Sirens of
Lawler said he believes
Vonnegut will be remembered as
the Mark Twain of the 1960'sand
70's, and he compared the
similarities between the two.
' Both are midwesterners, and
approach the contemporary world
with the disenchantment of
modern man Lawler said.
Vonnegut has written an
introduction to one of Twain's
books and recently has deliber-
ately adapted his own personal
appearance to that of Twain's.
Lawler said he hopes that
Vonnegut in America will raise
the level of academic criticism
concerning Vonnegut.
The new publication is avail-
able locally in the Student Supply
Store, the University Book
Exchange, and the Book Barn
The oost is $8 85 for the hard-
back, and $3.95 fa paperback.
Student Union plans four trips
WARM DAYS FOR snoozing will soon be over as winter
East Carolina Playhouse presents
the East Carolina Dance Theatre in
at 8:15 p. m. at Studio theatre.
Students free, Public M.50
Tickets available at
McGinnis Auditorium ticket office.
Meet The Challenge Of Air Force Nursing
And Here Are The Facts:
-Opportunity fa a challenging job
with excellent starting salary of
over $11,700
-Special promotion and travel
-Full scholarships available that
pay full tuition, books and ali fees
plus $100 a month tax-free
-Financial assistance of $2000.000
while at ECU for non-scholarship
cadets in last two years of
-AFROTC credit courses taken in
conjunction with nursing curricu-
For Further Information Contact:
Captain Ashley H. Lane
ECU, Wright Annex, 206
Phone: 757-6597
Staff Writer
The Student Union Travel
Committee has planned four trips
this year for students, faculty,
staff, and alumni.
The seven member staff be-
gins planning for these trips each
"The budget appropriated by
theS.U. fa the Travel Committee
this year was $77,000 said Bill
Martin, chairperson of the Travel
"Actually, oily $1,300 was
received because the trips gener-
ate about $76,000 in revenue
This amount is the largest on
the Student Union's budget, but
the committee has the smallest
subsidy of any group fa stamps,
telephaie bills, aientatiai meet-
ings fa the trips and other
expenses, aocording to Martin.
The student staff submits and
discusses ideas fa the trips.
Inquiries are sent to several
places, such as the New Yak
Travel Bureau for the N.Y.
Thanksgiving trip.
After evaluating the rates of
hotels and bus companies, deci-
sions are made and contracts are
signed including the amount of
spaces wanted.
Publicity is worked on
throughout the summer. This
year ECU'S radio station was
used extensively fa the first
time, said Martin.
Each staff member researches
See UNION p. 7
Continued from p. 1
Reauitment Committee related
plans to begin annual ECU DAY
next fall. One Saturday will be set
aside to have prospective
students come to the campus.
The prospective students will
be able to talk to advisas fran
each department, including the
General College, and they will
also be able to attend the hane
toot ball game that will fall oi the
scheduled date fa a reduced
admission price.
Topper said this event has
been held by NC State with great
success, and that Chapel Hill will
also begin a similar event next
The Senate was reminded that
nominations fa Chanoella will
be accepted until December first.
The rumor that the figure of
nominees fa the Chancellaship
is over 1000 is untrue.
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17 November 1977
reek forum
Delta Sigma Phi is in the
middle of winter rush. With help
from the Little Sisters and the
Alpha Omicron Pi sorority, the
Monday night party was a
suooess. The parties Wednesday
and Thursday will be just as
successful. Rush Director, Larry
Romich has worked hard in
organizing rush.
Delta Sigma Phi is having the
National Convention in Orlando,
No Appointment Necessary
$r AC includes plain studs
y QIC includes birthstones
Belhaven Greenville
Colonial Heights
Florida November 23 through 26.
Four brothers are flying down to
the convention. The former Chap-
ter Supervisor, Edward Allen
James, will be sworn in as the
new Executive Director of Delta
Sigma Phi. He replaces the
retiring Pete Wacker.
On Sunday, November 13, six
girls were initiated into the Little
Sister program. They were Deb-
bie Stauffor, Vicky Gallian, Laurie
Nicholson, Delia Brown. Bebe
Jones, and Les Martin. This
increases the size of the little
Sisters to eleven.
Several brothers went to visit
the Delta Sigma Phi chapter at
Old Dominion University Satur-
day. The brothers went with the
ODU chapter to the Oyster Bowl
This week, the Phi Kappa
Tau's have been kept busy with
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several projects. The spaghetti
dinner held last Tuesday was a
great success and the brothers
would like to thank everyone that
came by to enjoy the dinner. The
preceding week, the brothers
were busy entertaining their
National Chapter Consultant, who
visited the ECU campus fa four
With the help of Gene Cassel-
la, manager of the Mendenhall
Snack Bar, the brothers are now
enjoying home cooked meals four
nights a week. This is the first
real meal plan that the brothers of
Phi Kappa Tau have had in quite
a long time.
The work Cassella has done is
deeply appreciated. This week
the Phi Tau Hand Ball team
moved into second place in the
campus division and first place in
the fraternity division of the
Intramural Sports Activity.
Future events at th? Phi Tau
house will include a Christmas
Party and Tree Decoration set for
Dec. 10. Also, the Phi Tau
Associate Members and the sis-
tersof the Alpha Delta Pi sorority
will be collecting food and other
canned goods for needy families
in the Greenville area, in hopes of
giving some of them a happier
Thanksgiving this year.
The Kappa Sigma fraternity
is out fa an even better year than
they had last year. And with just
two and a half months into the
1978 school year, they have
accomplished a great deal. The
newly elected officers fa the
second semester are Eric Laster-
president, Bob Averett-vioe pres-
ident, Lee Huggins- treasurer,
Roy Turner-seaetary.
The Kappa Sig'sare involved
in various aganizatiois oi cam-
pus. Ren Marisoi and John
Epperson are members of the
SGA; Lee Huggins is a member of
the NCSL, and Ron Stumpo is on
ECU'S Varsity Basketball Team.
The Kappa Sig's have participa-
ted in all intramural sports;
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dominating in most with 27-5
overall record fa the year.
The Kappa Sgma Fraternity
has also expanded this year. The
Alpha laa Pledge Class was
initiated Oct. 25,1977 adding four
new brothers. The Alpha Kappa
Pledge Class was inducted on
Sept. 15, 1977, adding 11 new
members. The Kappa Sig's Little
Sister Enrollment has now in-
creased to faty-seven.
Tau Kappa Epsiloi will be
having a disoo party at their
house Sat Nov. 19.
They are waking ai a money-
making project selling firewood
through the months of December
and January. Mae infamatiai
will be available by contacting the
TKE House at 752-1451 or
The annual Pledge-Brother
Football game will be held
Sunday at 2 p.m. on the field at
the bottom of the hill. Spectatas
are welcone to attend.
The Alpha Delta Pi's are
having a car wash Sat Nov. 19,
at Pitt Plaza Gulf, from 10 a.m. to
3 p.m. They urge everyone to
oome out and suppat them. The
price is only $1.50 per car.
A pledge class of 19 exists this
year. They recently had success-
ful fund raising projects at the
Jolly Roger and a bake sale at the
Recently the Alpha Delta Pi's
held a closed weekend and had a
big house and yard clean-up.
Some weeks ago the Tri
Sigma's took first place at Lamb-
da Chi Field Day fa the third
consecutive time, retiring the
trophy. A Philanthropic Project
was held by the pledges to help
the underpriviledged, by having a
Halloween Party fa the first
grade at Faulkner Elementary
The Chi Omega's would like to
congratulate their five new sis- -
ters: Suzanne Disher, Stephanie
Honeycutt, Melinda Meek, Janet
Nethercutt, and Pam Pinkston,
who were initiated Thurs Nov.
The Chi Omega's newest
endeava is the expansiai of their
back parking lot. This will be an
added convenience to all active
members as well as all visitas.
The Chi Omega's have also
redecorated their back porch into
a spacious study area in prepara-
tion fa the upcoming exams.
Alpha Xi Delta would like to
extend a belated congratulations
to Jandyl Masters, 1977 ECU
Homecoming Queen and Winner
of the Francis Blaker Award.
Jandyl has been an active mem-
ber of Alpha Xi fa five years and
has proved to be an asset to the
Gamma Phi Chapter.
Being the winner of the Blaker
Award means that she was
chosen as most outstanding plege
trainer over all chaptas in the
nation. We are proud to claim her
as a sister.
Alpha Xi was recently hostess
to a National Alpha Xi Delta field
ouunsela. Her visit was infama-
tive as well as a learning
experience to all involved. Patty
DeAngelo was highly impressed
with the functions and aganiza-
tioi of the chapter.
Newly elected pledge trainer
Laura Namandy had the oppa-
tunity to visit the National
Headquarters Oct. 7. She flew to
Indianapolis and together with
other pledge trainers compiled a
training handbook fa all chap-
Laura now holds a seat in the
National Pledge Fraternity Edu-
cation Committee as a result of
her trip.
The Alpha Xi's are now busy
with Winter Rush and Thanks-
giving. On November 17, they are
having the Thanksgiving dinner
with our local alumni.
See GREEKS, p. 6)
and here are some facts that should interest you:
�Coursesopentocollegemenand women.
'Four hours academic credit per semester.
No service obligation now.
�Full scholarships available that pay tuition, all fees, plus
$100 a month tax-free allowance.
An Air Face officer commission when you reoeive your
Oppatunity fa a challenging job with excellent starting
salary of $11,700.
Talk with our Air Face ROTC representative.
Contact: Captain Ashley Lane
ECU Wright Annex 206
Phone: 757-6597
Air Force ROTC
to a GreatWay
of Life

17 November 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD
THIS SI UUtNl SttMS to be contemplating the gazebo as a quiet
place to study.
Continued from p. 5
different areas for information
concerning restaurants, mu-
seums, stores, and events occurr-
ing during the visit.
These trips began four years
Florida and New York were
the only ones the first two years.
The Bahamas was added the third
year and Hawaii has been sche-
duled this year.
"We are for the entertain-
ment of the students said
Martin. Participation is never
The New York trip is 95 per
cent students and 5 per cent
faculty and staff. The Hawaii trip
is three-fourths students and
one-fourth faculty.
Asa part of the SU, the Travel
Committee's trips are approved
by the University.
After each trip, the evaluation
meeting is scheduled fa opinions
and suggestions.
Fa interested students, ap-
plications fa the Travel Comrnit-
tee are accepted each spring.
A week in Florida costs $105
and six days in the Bahamas is
N. Cs No. 3 Night Club
Thurs. "Dreamer
Sun. "TBA
$100 Footsball Tourn.
Friday Night
REBEL to publish art works
Staff Writer
The Rebel, ECU'S award
winning literary and art maga-
zine, is currently accepting shat
staies, poems, essays, photo-
graphs, and art.
Luke Whisnant, edita, said
the most impatant quality fa
material submitted is that it be
well written.
This year's deadline fa writ-
ten wak is Dec. 16.
Phaographs and art wak to
be published in The Rebel will be
selected from a show in Menden-
hall Student Centa. Registration
deadline fa the show is Jan. 18,
and the show begins Jan. 29.
Students, faculty, and alumni
may submit their contributions to
The Rebel office in the Public-
ations Center, a they may mail
them to The Rebel, Mendenhall
Student Center.
Whisnant anticipates this
year's Rebel to be a "more
communicative" magazine than
past editions, with "less obscure
poetry, mae prose, and more
ease in reading
The Rebel is free to students
and faculty and is funded by the
Allison Thompson, associate
edita, is in charge of poetry. Kay
Parks, art edita, will handle the
art and layout of the magazine.
Continued from p. 7
Kappa Alpha recently enjoyed
their annual "Campaign" at the
beautiful southern plantation
home of Ovid Pierce in Enfield,
N.C. "Doc as he is known to
the KA's, is Kappa Alpha's
advisa (and has been fa the past
19 years), and is the famer
autha-in-residence here at ECU.
The events fa the day included a
tackle football game between the
brothers and pleges and a few
war games.
Kappa Alpha is also very
proud of 11 beautiful girls who
were recently inducted into the
Kappa Alpha Little Sister Pro-
gram. The names of the girls are
Sue Hdlingswath, Joy Price, BB
Ingram, Tami Whiteside, Marty
East, Joni Stauffer, Sandy Lewis,
Robin Parker, Caren Bills, Joanie
Wheeler, and Allison Doa.
In Intramurals, Kappa Alpha
finished second in the fraternity
league volleyball in an exciting
playoff series. The KA's are also
continuing to do very well in
soccer and team handball, and
everyone is looking faward to
anaher highly successful year in
In ader to bring spirit to the
upcoming basketball games, the
Lambda Chi Alpha's will sit as a
large group directly behind the
opposing team at each game. A
block of seats has been obtained
by distributing over 2,500 basket-
ball brochures to local merchants
containing a summary of the team
and a 1977-1978 schedule.
In cooperation with Ken
Smith, the promotion ocadinata
fa the Athletic Department, the
Lambda Chi's will be at each
hone game urging the team at,
and encouraging students to
suppat this years ECU basketball
team, which promises to be the
best ever!
Plans are being made by the
associate members fa the spa-
ghetti dinner November 21 at the
Lambda Chi house. This is a
project being oonducted entirely
by the fall associate members in
ader to raise money fa house
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17Novmbf1977 FOUNTAINHEAD ftm 9
The medical aspects reviewed
Chairman, Dept. of Obstetrics &
ECU School of Medicine
The North Carolina Legisla-
ture passed a permissive abortion
law in 1967 allowing women to
seek abortion and eliminating
many restrictions relating to
medical and social indications.
The legality of privacy of decision
without any constraint between
patient and physician subseq-
uently became a reality with a
Supreme Court decision.
The North Carolina Law stip-
ulated that abortion may be
performed for risk of threat to the
life of the mother, a grave risk of
birth of an impaired infant and for
rape a incest. No attempt was
made by that law to define risk to
health or birth of an impaired
infant, subjects of widely differ-
ing interpretations by both
physicians and patients
The later declaration by the
U.S. Supreme Court that decision
regarding abortion was not
subject to state or federal law
literally made abortion on
demand a reality, although most
states by this time had already
revised and made much less
restrictive their laws regarding
abortion. The Supreme Court
decision also prompted revision of
other state laws.
Almost all state laws stipulate
that abortions must be carried out
in an accredited facility and by
a licensed physician. State laws
relating to consent to abortion by
minors (under 18) without
parental concurrence have also
been the subject of considerable
disagreement and interpretation
but most physicians and institu-
tions adhere to a policy of
parental consent since the legality
of the right of self-determination
in this matter for minors has not
been decided in the courts.
At the present time in North
Carolina, abortion is a private
matter between patient and
physician although physicians
may refuse to perform abortions if
they object on moral or ethical
Apparently some public con fusion
has arisen recently over
Congressional and HEW direct-
ives that Medicaid funds could
not be used to pay for abortions.
This position has apparently
provoked some belief that the
laws regarding abortion have
changed. Simply stated, they
have not, but Medicaid funds may
not be used to pay for the
procedure except in extenuating
circumstances. The net effect of
this ruling is the denial of public
funds. All patients may continue
to seek and obtain abortions but
indigent patients can no longer
have these medical expenses
covered by Medicaid funds.
Therapeutic abortion is the
f-ETUS SHOWING NORMAL development at 40-days.
terminology applied generally to
abortions in which a physician
surgically removes the pregnancy
from the uterus a uses drugs and.
instruments which provoke
Spontaneous abortion refers,
to a loss of pregnancy prior to the
20th week due to natural caused
or acts of God. A surgice
procedure to ascertain that all of
the pregnancy has passed from
the uterus is frequently approp-
riate but should not be confusec'
with operations designed specific
ally to terminate a pregnancy.
Because of an earlier criminal
connotation to the word abortion,
miscarriage, which is equivalent
to spontaneous abortion, has
been considered a more polite
and socially acceptable term.
The use of the term thera-
peutic in reference to induced
abortions implies that the pro-
cedure is therapy and its goal is
therefore beneficial to the person
seeking the abortion, although
pro-life proponents would argue
that many are done fa conven-
ience and therefore could hardly
be considered therapeutic in the
full sense.
Almost all medically induced
abortions in this oountry take
place prior to the 20th week of
pregnancy. ' "D&C" operation
which requires no incision may ue
carried out up to the 12th week of
pregnancy. Pregnancies between
the 16th and 20th week usually
are terminated by the injection of
solutions, which provoke labor,
into the fluid surrounding the
fetus. Because of the technical
difficulty of either procedure
most pregnancies are not term-
inated between the 12th and 16th
As a general rule, the greater
the weeks of gestation at which
one seeks an abortion, the higher
the complication rate associated
with the procedure. Maternal
deaths are extremely uncommon
prior to eight weeks whereas
pregnancy termination at 12-20
weeks, even with well-qualified
physicians in accredited hospitals
equals or exceeds the maternal
mortality associated with normal
Morbidity, or illness and
complications, similarly increases
parallel to the weeks of
pregnancy, so that a very strong
argument can be made for very
early termination if one seeks an
That the procedure has been
well accepted by at least a portion
of the female population is
attested by the fact that in this
country approximately one-fourth
of all pregnancies end by abor-
tion. Some European countries
have experienced a rate of
abortion of one-third of all
pregnancies for many years, a
figure it appears that this oountry
will achieve very soon.
While there is little hard
scientific data to prove it, there is
much evidence that infant
morbidity and mortality in term
Hnoto oy Liarrai ix rume
births is diminished by a liberal
abortion policy, since at least a
part of the abortions are per fam-
ed in women who would have a
dim prospect of delivering a
namal healthy infant.
Whether the end justifies the
mean is outside the realm of this
treatise. One effect which has at
the least received suppat fran
the medical profession is the
virtual total elimination of
abatioi by untrained persoinel
in places ranging from motel
rooms to hase stables.
One result of these clandestine
intrusions has been the develop-
ment of severe infection in the
pelvic agans in some cases.
Some pregnant wonen falling
victim to these infections die as a
result and some of the ahers
suffer serious impairment to both
health and subsequent fertility.
The advent of legalized aoation
has largely eliminated this
medical and personal calamity.
No physician in his right mind,
whatever his attitude toward
abatioi, can be anything but
grateful fa the loss from his
practice of these unfortunate
Pro-abatiaiists contend that
abatioi, like alcohol, cannot be
dispelled by a prohibition and
while no one knows the number of
illegal abotiois perfomed prio
to legalization of the procedure,
there is ample scientific and ,
epidemiologic evidence that out-
lawing the act simply takes it out
of the hospital and into darkened
They further contend that
abortion is simply a medical
procedure like appendectomy and
is not a matter to be legislated, a
position which was upheld by the
Supreme Court. They conseq-
uently oontend that since it is
simply a medical matter, that
even though much of the popula-
tion opposes abortion, legislative
mandates on the issue represent
the despOism of the majaity.
Equally as loud voices are
heard from right-to-life groups
who contend that abortion is
murder. These groups both offer
and provoke arguments regarding
the time of attainment of life by
the fetus and moe ethereal, the
definition of life itself. Since a
fertilized ovum is living, in the
biological sense, almost any
definition of life may be invoked
and like beauty, its specifications
lie largely in the eyes of the
Fetal heart tones can now be
detected at between eight and
twelve weeks of pregnancy, and
the fetus acquires a humanoid
appearance in all of its features
long befoe 20 weeks. With the
present state of our technology,
fetus at this early age has
virtually no chance of survival no
of developing, therefoe, a mean-
ingful existence as a human
being. The halls of justice have
apparently used these premises
as a basis fa the interpretatiai
that abatioi at this stage is a
medical procedure and is no the
taking of life.
Thoe are some incontrovert-
ible facts about abatioi: it is
safer when perfomed, early in
pregnancy, it is safer when
perfomed by a physician in an
appropriate medical facility, that
some wonen will seek abatioi
whether legal or illegal and
whether safe o not, that what-
ever the future legislative oourse
this nation follows, abatioi will
be viewed as immaal ,by sane,
and their wishes will appear to be
an enaoachment on privacy and
personal rights by ahers.
The time of attainment of life
by the fetus continues to provoke
disagreement but it is unlikely
that theologians and ethibsts will
arrive at a definition acceptable to
all, particularly as technological
advances permit the survival of
smaller and smaller fetuses. At
the prsent, election of abortion
by personal decision remains the
law of the land but no one is able
to predict its future.

Page 10 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 November 1977
When someone drinks too
much and then drives, it's the silence
that kills. Your silence.
It kills your friends, your
relatives, and people you don't even
know. But they're all people you
could save.
If you knew what to say,
maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe
fewer people would die.
What you should say is, "I'll
drive you home Or, "Let me call a
cab Or, "Sleep on my couch
Don't hesitate because your
friend may have been drinking only
beer. Beer and wine can be just as
intoxicating as mixed drinks.
And don't think that black
coffee will make him sober. Black
coffee never made anyone sober.
Maybe it would keep him awake
long enough to have an accident.
But that's about all.
The best way to prevent a
drunk from becoming a dead drunk
is to stop him from driving.
Speak up. Don't let silence be
the last sound he hears.
BOX 2345
I don't want to remain silent.
Tell me what else I can do.
lv name is
Cit Starr ,
.AIIONAI llli.MU :i'l I It
M1IIMH Mli i'

17 November 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 11
Editors Note: Journalism 2000
students participated in a class
project recently.
ECU journalism program
Freshmen study Journalism
Staff Writer
Many freshmen who come to
ECU want to pursue the field of
journalism. This is a field that is
very exciting and interesting, but
is one of the lowest paying jobs.
As the freshman works toward his
goal and finally becomes a
senior, he does two important
things: (1) applies fa graduation,
and (2) goes to the Placement
Office to talk to Fruney K. James,
director of the Placement Office,
to fill out an application for a job.
A Journalism 2000 student
talked to James about the job
opportunities available in the
field of journalism. James said
there are four different areas
open to applicants applying for
jobs in journalism.
One is being hired at a local or
daily newspaper firm. These
people who are hired to work as a
newspaper reporter do things
such as write news copies, and
take pictures. They enjoy this
type of work if they have always
enjoyed writing, and taking pic-
tures, says James.
The second job opening avail-
able is working for a radio station.
These people write newscopies
for radio announcers.
The third job opening is
working fa a television station.
These people do the same type of
wak as the people who work at
the radio station. The last job
oppatunity to be hired in is
different firms such as Carolina
Power and Light, Dupont,Accoun-
ting Firms, and Nath Carolina
Education Magazine
These firms want editas to
write about different develop-
ments taking place within the
James said that now there is a
newspaper Fund Reporting In-
ternship Program from Princeton,
New Jersey that is available fa
journalism minas to participate
in. The Newspaper Fund offers
scholarships grants and assis-
tance in finding summer news-
paper employment.
This employment consumes in
entire summer. The Newspaper
Fund urges applicants to this
program to have their reporting
and witing observed during the
fall months by a local professional
newspaper edita.
The editas should write the
Fund a recommendation about
the applicant. The applicant's last
recommendations should come
from a faculty member who is
familiar with his ability.
IRA BAKER, COORDINATOR of journalism program.
Journalists may pursue careers in science, trade
Staff Writer
Journalism is reliable,
entertaining, providing opinion,
and servicing the econony.
A journalist today may pursue
not only the traditioial opportuni-
ties in newspaper, book, and
magazine publishing, but he may
also use his writing skills to locate
him a job in science, trade,
sports, and many other areas.
Book, magazine, and news-
paper publishing are most com-
ma! to journalistic pursuits. All
three are skilled trades, and
experience is helpful in obtaining
the limited job openings. The
business side of publishing in-
cludes opportunities in sales,
circulation, promotion, adverti-
sing sales, market research, and
The writing portion includes
jobs fa publishers, editas, re-
paters, faeign carespaidents,
and columnists, to name a few. To
prepare fa a job in publishing, a
student should get a general arts
degree with an emphasis in
English and writing.
Agriculture communications,
the combinatioi ot agricultural
knowledge and skill writing,
includes interviews with farmers,
scientists, and industrialists;
reports oi new developments,
ideas, and trends; and attending
conventiois and legislative ses-
siois. Advancements may lead to
editas. advertising managers,
and public relations directas.
Technical writers in chemistry
and physical metallurgy are em-
ployed by technology journals
science magazines, science de-
partments of magazines and
newspapers, and as educatas
and administratas.
Positions available toelectron-
ics technical writer-editas are fa
technicians who compile, write,
and edit technical infamation,
and prepare repats and propo-
sals of a technical nature.
Baste rules exist for good interview
Staff Writer
One of the most impatant
aspects of the journalist's job is
that of the interview procedure.
The journalist must follow some
basic rules in ader to perfam a
successful interview.
Preparation fa an interview
should begin as scon as the
journalist decides to ask fa it.
While asking fa the inter-
view, the journalist must be
candid with the source, explain-
ing that there are a lot of things
he (the journalist), does not know
about the subject of the interview,
even though he has done some
serious thinking about it, and that
he will do mae thinking and
research befae the interview.
Before the interview, the
journalist must find out every-
thing that he can about the
source, his aganization, etc. He
must check background
materials, read things the source
has written, and talk with assoc-
iates and acquaintances concern-
ing things of common interest.
While doing his homewak,
the journalist should prepare a
list of questions that he hopes to
ask and which will enable him to
reoeive the infamation he needs.
At the top of the list comes the
most important and comprehen-
sive questions.
The interviewer, usually
chooses the source's office a
home which serve to make the
source feel mae secure.
Throughout the interview, the
journalist uses language close to
that in which he expects to write
his story. English which is
conversational and informal, al-
though standard. The source is
also enoouraged to use language
in simple terms which the
average reader can understand.
After the interview, the jour-
nalist's job is not complete. He
must review the conversation arvi
naes and then write a rougi. �,
of the stay as soon as possible.
ECU Journalism major
possible in near future
COPV IS EDITED by the appropriate desk editors and sent to the composing room to be set into type.
Staff Writer
Fa the journalism student
who wants a maja in this field
but finds he can only attain a
mina at ECU, there is hope.
Accading to Ira Baker, head of
the ECU Journalism department,
a maja in journalism at ECU is a
definite possibility in the near
However, he went on to
question whether there la a real
need fa it. This is due to the fact
that the majaity of ECU journal-
ism students who have attained
minas have been successfully
It is suggested that those
interested in minaing in journal-
ism maja in a liberal arts field.
Those who would like to learn
mae about the field of journalism
should start with the Journalism
2000 course, an introduction to
mass media.
Journalism 2100, the study of
basic reporting, should be taken
after journalism 2000. After these
two courses, the student has a
frer hand in choosing his cour-

Page 12 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 November 1977
Bill Robinson elected president of state SMENC
ECU sophomore Bill Robinson
was recently elected to the
position of state President of
SMENC. Trie SMENC is the
studeT tjSon -oT the Music
Educ�0ional Conference.
fttfclnson is a clarinet major
waking toward a double degree
in Music Education and Music
Theory. He is an active member
of the ECU chapter of the MENC
which, with 106 mewbers, is
ranked tweltr. in the nation.
Ttob In son's participation in
thelccal MENC chapter includes
the responsibility of being Co-
chairman of the Junior High
Choral Festival to be held at ECU.
He performs with both the
Symphonic Wind Ensemble and
the Marching Pirates.
The Hampton, Va. student is a
'member of the Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center Artist Series Com-
mittee. He is also active in the
Zeta Psi chapter of Phi Mu Alpha,
the professional fraternity for
men in the field of music.
Robinson was elected North
Carolina President at the MENC
Conference in Winston-Salem,
November 6-8. Representatives of
the almost 700 student members
from the various North Carolina
schools voted following speeches
by the candidates. Robinson's
speech included ideas for build-
ing up the student MENC pro-
gram in North Carolina.
Robinson's basic goal is to
encourage interaction among the
music education majors of the
state. His specific plans include a
quarterly state-wide newsletter
for keeping in touch with musical
events, and a state delegate
conference at which two repre-
sentatives from each North Caro-
lina SMENC chapter would meet
to share experiences and consider
new ideas.
Another emphasis is provid-
ing learning experiences for
MENC students. Fa example,
Robinson hopes to divide the
state into several regions and
provide regional wakshops. He
also plans to expand student
involvement at the MENC Con-
vention. "Separate activities and
clinics should be planned fa
students so we can learn some-
thing Students need practical
information ai topics such as
maintaining discipline and re-
hearsal techniques.
Organ recital Sunday
Trends Staff Repat
On this Sunday, November 20,
an agan recital will be presented
by the aganist of Jarvis Memor-
ial United Methodist Church,
Mickey Thomas Terry in the
Sanctuary at 8:15 p.m.
The famat of the program
will consist of French and German
agan music of the 17th through
20th centuries representing the
liturgical seasons of Advent,
Christmastide, and Epiphany.
Perfamed will be waks by such
composers as Dupre, Dandrieu,
Wida, Durufle, Guilmant, and
Terry, an 1977 graduate of
ECU, is the famer student of Dr.
David L. Foster and Dr. E. Robert
After the recital, a reception
will be given in the parla of the
church. Admission is free of
charge; the public is cadially
invited to attend.
Robinson also suggests a state
research project to be sponsaed
by the SMENC. A fam would be
sent to all first year teachers to
identify what they should have
been taught and weren't, and
how they dealt with the lack in
their actual teaching situations.
A reference book of the results
would be sent to all SMENC
students to provide suggestions
on how to wak out problems, and
to teachers to guide them in what
to emphasize in their education
This project, like the other
ideas, will take time and energy
to carry out, but Robinson is
optimistic that his plans will
succeed. "I want the North
Carolina students to really make a
name fa themselves, to really get
rolling. If they'll cooperate, it'll
Robinson will take office in
May of 1978.
THE COLUMBIA ARTISTS Festivals presents the Regimental Band
of Her Majesty's Grenadier Guards and the pipes, drums, and
dancers of Her Majesty's Scots Guards. The program is part of the
Mendenhall Student Center Programming series. ECU students are
admitted for $1.50, non-ECU students for $2.50, ECU faculty and
staff for $3.00, groups of 20 or more for $3.00 each, and the public
for $4.00.
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with this coupon, you can gat a
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and to top it off, a FREE dessert
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Jazz, recitals on Music School agenda
P�0 13
Trends Staff
The ECU Jazz Ensemble will
present their annual fall oonoert
on Sunday, November 29 at 8:00
p.m. The program includes jazz
arrangements made famous by
the following performing artists:
Count BasieThe Kid from Red
Band "Fun Time Stan
KentonA Little Anything Still
There Don EllisThe Blues
Les HooperSkin Tone and
Johnny Richards' "Recuerdo"
from Cuban Fire Suite.
Soloists for Sunday evening's
oonoert i include Butch Holland-
Andy Gilbert trombone, Mike
Wrobel Walt Cooper and Steve
Byers-trumpet, Harvey Stokes-
and Tony Bauman
saxophone, Duke Ladd-piano,
and Eddie Aston-drums. Mr
George Broussard of the ECU
School of Music directs the jazz
This twenty-two member per-
formance group offers solo and
ensemble opportunities to its
members in the gendre of Big
Band Jazz. The Ensemble per-
forms published arrangements,
special arrangements (often by
students), and original arrange-
ments from Count Basie, Stan
Kenton, and Woody Herman
Pianist Jessica Ruthanne
Scarangella and clarinetist
By Doug White
You scare me
with your stiff lethal smile
like a melted candle
I have to look twice
every time you pass
fa fear of missing
your darker half
Doug White is
from New Bern.
a History maior
Dflbavri) Gtwnvltlr
f olonUI Rfiehtk
ECU JAZZ ENSEMBLE will play Basie, Kenton repertoire on Sunday, November 29, 8.W.
Michael Grant Waddell will per- Debussy. Pianist Geonge Stone
form a joint senior recital on will accompany Mr. Waddell.
Thursday, November 17 at 8:15 Mike is a candidate for a
p.m. Miss Scarangell, a native of
Norfolk, Va is a candidate fa a
Bachelor's Degree in Music
Education and a member of the
following aganizatiois: Pi Kappa
Lambda Honor Fraternity
(Music), Society of Collegiate
Journalists, the ECU Concert
ioir, and the ECU Symphony
Miss Scarangella will perfam
works by Scarlatti, Chopin,
Schubert, Debussy, Ravel, and
Poulenc. Jessica is a student of
Mrs. Eleana Toll.
Mike Waddell, a native of
Denver, Nath Carolina, is the
solo clarinetist for the ECU
Symphonic Wind Ensemble and
the ECU Symphony Orchestra.
His recital program includes
works by Meyberbeer,
Sutermeister, Starer, and
Bachelor's Degree in Music
Education and a student of Mr.
Herbert Carter.
Barbara Lynn Hicks, a native
of Hamlet, N.C will give a voice
recital on Monday, November 21,
at 7:30 p.m. Miss Hicks is a
candidate for a Bachelor's
Degree in Vocal Perfamance and
Pedagogy and a student of Mrs.
Gladys White.
The program consists of waks
by Carissimi, Meyerbeer, Pold-
owski, Ferrari, Bizet, Rossin
and Roe. Miss Hicks will be
accompanied by pianists Ben
Leaptrott and assisted by Jim
Kittrell-cello, Michael Waddell-
darinetist, and Kevin Hopkins-
string bass.
All oonoertstake place in A.J.
Fletcher Recital Hall and are open
to the public. Admission is free.
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After college, what will I do?
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But a two-year Air Force ROTC scholarship can help provide the answers.
Successful completion of the program gets you an Air Force commission along
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It'sa great way to serve your country and a great way to help pay fa your college education.
Captain Ashley Lane
ECU Wright Annex Room 206
Phone: (919) 757-6597

Page 14 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 November 1977

The Immigrants is 'powerful cinematic'
The Immigrants, , Howard
Fast's latest novel and the first of
a trilogy tracing the lives of three
California families over the twen-
tieth century, is a powerful,
cinematic book which follows the
entertwined lives of three immig-
rant families as they grow and
prosper in America. Set in turn of
the century San Francisco the
book abounds with opulent, vivid
images of the western city and of
the California coast.
In an interview with Roy
Newqulst, Fast said that "there
are few writers in today's Ameri-
ca who write literate and intelli-
gent work that can be read for
pleasure Whether or not one
agrees with his statement, it is
inordinately clear that Fast him-
self does write fiction which both
intrigues and entertains. The
Immigrants engulf the reader like
a great epic motion picture, with
the forces of history and personal-
ity clashing and coalescing to
make for a grand, poignant family
Dan Lavette is the son of a
French-Italian fisherman. He and
his father develop a special
closeness while working together,
out on the San Francisco
One morning young Dan
up earty-to ready Ue boat fofiTte-
day's catch By,the-imer'he,
reacbesenwMie turnip
see the dtyhdrhi'rn tft-f lames.
The San Francisco Fire of 1906
was one of the worst holocausts in
HOWARD FAST, AUTHOR of "The Immigrants
the nation's history, and Dan
Lavette returns to find his home
completely gutted by flames and
his parents dead.
Perhaps it is his early exper-
iences with poverty, or the horror
of finding his parents killed in the
blaze, or perhaps merely a
tenacity in the young Lavette's
blood which induces him to take
the boat (hisonly possession now)
and-begirvto make money carry-
ing people away from the ravaged
Eventualiy 4he young man
Lavette becomes oonsumed with
the desire to live on "Nob Hill"
where the city's rich and powerful
Western Sizzlin will feature a
luncheon special on number 1.
Sat. 11.00-4.00
8 oz. of Sirloin steak with baked potato
or French fries & Texas toast.
live. Dav Lavette is a swarthily
handsome Italo-American who
commands respect. He meets
Jean Seldon, the beautiful daugh-
ter of one of the most influencial
banking magnates in San Frands-
oo and eventually marries her,
marries her money, and becomes
one of the city's most dashing
Fast's sense of place and
history is astounding. San Fran-
cisco is a city that must rise from
it's ashes, and for those with the
vision to realize it, there is much
money to be made while the city
rebuilds. Dan Lavette is constant-
ly awake to the future and to what
it will bring. When Hawaii is still
a mere string of wild Pacific
Islands Dan already has plans to
build a hotel there and connect
the islands to the mainland by his
now large fleet of passenger
ships. Indeed, the first air-travel
west of the Rockies comes about
by the enterprising Lavette.
Although Dan Lavette suc-
ceeds in finding a place on "Nob
Hill" he realizes that that is not
necessarily what he wanted. Jean
Seldon, his beautiful wife, be-
comes estranged to him as well as
to their two children. She spends
her time patronizing the arts,
while the artists spend their time
patronizing her, and Dan wants
no part of that type of society.
Eventually their marriage exists
in name only. They stop sleeping
together and inhabit the immense
"Nob Hill" house almost as if
they were strangers to one
Much of the book's interest
comes from Fast's depiction of
the families and individuals who
are swept along by Dan Lavette's
dynamism. Feng Wo is a China-
man hired from absolute poverty
to work as Lavette's accountant.
During the early part of the
century the Chinese were subjec-
ted to some of the worst racist
persecution ever in the United
States. As the various businesses
grow Feng Wo exhibits extra-
ordinary financial acumen. The
traditional Chinese is exceedingly
humble and only hesitatingly
invites Dan over to his house fa
dinner. There Dan meets Feng
Wo's daughter, May Ling, who is
an intelligent, sensitive young
woman. She eventually comes to
fill a place in his life which Jean,
his wife, used to fill. The conflict
between his real love for May
Ling and the economic necessity
of his staying married to Jean is
one of the major oonflicts of the
book. It is a conflict intensified by
the fact that Dan father's a son he
cannot claim by May Ling.
Jake Levy owned a small
chandler's shop on the Bay and
befriended Lavette while he was a
young man. They form a comple-
mentary pair; Dan having the
vision, the elan, in short, the
chutzpah necessary for great
business endeavor, while Jake
Levy provides the attention to
detail, the concern for small
matters which is also requisite for
success. The two eventually rise
to pre-imminent position toge-
ther. World War I, the completion
of the Panama Canal, and a
nation just beginning to tap
incomprehensible human and
natural resources have provided
them with the wave that they
must and do ride through the
world of big business.
Only the Great Depression
oould have stopped them. And
Dan Lavette learns a great and
central human lesson which one
must read the book to under-
stand. It is his great sense of
human desire and potential, and
of their resultant drama, that
makes Fast one of the most
exciting of America's authors
Assistant Trends Editor

17 November 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD
ECU bowl bid?
Fraternity wins volleyball
For the fourth year in a row, a fraternity team has won the
intramural men's volleyball championship. This year's all campus are the Kappa Sigmas. The Kappa Sigs defeated the Spikes
15-12, 15-4 for the all-campus title Tuesday night.
It is the first time the Kappa Sigmas have won the volleyball crown
Tau Kappa Epsilon won the title last year and Pi Kappa Phi won it two
years in a row prior to that.
This year the all-campus championship was between the four
divisional champions: Kappa Sigma from the Fraternity Division The
Spikes from the Independent Division, the Scott Pickups from the
Dorm division, and Phi Epsilon Kaooa from the Club division
The Soott Pickups beat the Scott Kids 3-14, 15-9 and 15-4 fa the
dorm title and played Kap; a Sigma in the first round of the all-campus
playoffs. Kappa Sigma, which defeated Kappa Alpha for the fraternity
title, won that all-campus match 15-5, 15-12.
The Spikes took their divisional title over the Hatchets before
advancing to the all-campus finals with a 15-11, 15-12 win over Phi
Epalon Kappa. The Phi E K'shad defeated the Spacial Specials 15-10
15-12 for the club title.
In women's playoff action the Jones Jailbirds won the dormitory
title and Kappa Delta won the sorority division. In the all-campus
championships, the final four teams will play tonight. In semifinal
matches, the Greene Machine meets Alpha Xi Delta and the ROTC
Spikes will meet Hypertension.
Sports Editor
It was announced late Monday
night that the East Carolina
football team was still under
consideration for a post season
bowl bid. The Independence Bowl
in Shreveport, Louisiana said that
it was considering three teams
East Carolina, Louisville and
As of 10.00 Wednesday night
it was not known who the bowl bid
might go to but it was believed
that East Carolina is probably the
first runner. Of course no official
word can come out until this
Saturday at 5.00 p.m but some
kind of varification is expected
The Independence Bowl is the
second newest bowl in the nation
this season. The champion of the
new Southland Conference gets
an automatic bowl bid and the
other team is picked from among
an outside opponent.
Last years bowl game proved
to be one of the most exciting
bowl attractions in the country as
McNeese State University upset
highly favored Tulsa University
of the Missouri Valley Conference
in the final seconds of play.
The bowl is played in Shreve-
port's 50,000 seat State Fair
Stadium. The date for this years
game is December 17.
This years winner of the
Southland Conference is Louis-
iana Tech which won a tight race
with Southwestern Louisiana for
the championship and the bowl
bid. Southwestern Louisiana of
course beat the Pirates in a tough
9-7 decision a few weeks ago.
Soccer is also in it s final weeks, as the playoffs for the men began
yesterday. The women's title match will be played Monday afternoon
at 4 p.m.
In the women's championship game the Fleming Foxes and Sigma
Sigma Sigma will square off. In the first round of mens play the
top-ranked Rugby Mules downed the seventh-ranked Scott Leather-
balls. The third-ranked Ayoock Kamikazes defeated the sixth-ranked
Belk Bay Bombers.
Other matches still must be played, especially in the fraternity
bracket of the playoffs. In that bracket five teams are vying for the
championships spot. The fifth-ranked Tekes must play the
ninth-ranked Kappa Alphas on Thursday at 4 p.m. fa the right to meet
the second-ranked Ph. Kappa Tau team on Sunday at 7 p.m. Kappa
Sigma, ranked eighth will meet Sigma Nu, ranked second, in the other
semifinal game at 6 p.m. on Sunday. The finals will be played on
Monday night. Phi Epsilon Kappa, the tenth-ranked team, did not
qualify fa the playoffs.
RUFFIN MCNEIL MAKES game saving play on R,ckey Adams in opening Photo by Pete Podeszwa'
game victory. The Pirates are still under consideration for a spot in the Independence Bowl.
Pirate Club aids sports
Intramural Co-Rec bowling had some huge scaes last week. The
week's leader was Sandy Lamm of the Gutter Dusters. Lamm bowled
two games over 190, bowling a 201 on Tuesday and a 191 on Thursday
to lead the Dusters to a 5-1 week that pushed their season record to
15-1, the best in League B.
The week's highest scae went to Mike Nicholson of the Kappa
Sigma Dusters. Nicholson bowled a 212 on Tuesday against the Pin
Splitters and had four strikes in a row in the game. Ron Potter of the
Lemons bowled the other 200 soae of the week, hitting the magical
mark right on the nose with a 200 game on Wednesday. He had a
three-game average of 172.
In team standings, the Gutter Dusters hold a slim lead over Rose's
Team. The Gutter Dusters have a 15-1 recad with three matches left
and Rose's team is at 14-6 with two matches left.
In the other league, S.S.S. holds an unsurrnountable lead with a
23-1 recad. The Splits are in secoid place with a 15-5 recad and oie
match left to play.
The finals in the Co-Rec two-on-two basketball tournament have
been postponed until after Thanksgiving. The postponement was
needed after Al McCrimmons broke his finger in a semifinal game. He
and his partner, Gwen Soott, will play Darius Moae and Sheila Bowe
in the finals when they are played.
An officials clinic fa all students interested in officiating intramural
games this winter will be held on November 29 and 30 at 4 p.m in
Brewster Building room B-301. Anyone who wants to officiate must
attend both meetings to become eligible.
The Intramural pant standings have been updated and Scott Dam,
the Rugby Club, the Sadaharu Ohs, and the Lambda Chi Alpha
fraternity are the divisional leaders after football and track.
Staff Writer
Funding athletic scholarshipi
has long been a maja responsi-
bility fa the Pirate Club, and it's
a job which Directa Gus Andrews
feels must progress steadily as
East Carolina continues its drive
towards maja college respecta-
The Pirate Club functions as
part of the ECU Educational
Foundation and is a separate
entity of the University itself. It is
solely responsible for raising
money fa athletic scholarships
which suppat the student-athle-
tes at East Carolina.
"Many people at East Caro-
lina and the surrounding area
seem to think the athletic depart-
ment has all the money in the
wald to spend on anything it
needs said Andrews, who is
now in his second year as directa
of the Pirate Club. "This is
simply not true. We are responsi-
ble fa raising all the rrwney fa
athletic scholarships, not the
athletic department
Befae the athletic budget is
prepared fa a fiscal year, An-
drews and Bill Cain, the ECU
athletic director determine a
financial goal fa the Pirate Club.
The club tries to meet that goal.
This year, the Pirate Club will
try to meet a $275,000 goal by the
end of the 1977-78 fiscal year to
finance athletic scholarships.
If the Pirate Club falls shat,
the maiey to finance the remain-
ing scholarships is drawn from
the total operating budget of the
athletic department, accading to
Andrews. On the other hand, if
the money raised surpasses the
goal, it is put back into the
athletic department's budget fa
other uses.
"East Carolina is a young
school and is just beginning to
develop an athletic tradition
said Andrews. "When you're
winning, it creates enthusiasm
among everyone and your mem-
bership will expand. Consequent-
ly, mae maiey canes back into
the program
In 1975, the NCAA imposed a
strict limit on the number of
scholarships which each spat
may have each season.
The NCAA currently allows 30
scholarshipsa year in football, 15
in basketball, 13 in baseball, 14 in
track and aoss oountry, 11 each
in wrestling and swimming, and
five apiece in golf and tennis.
"We're waking towards a
goal which will give us the limit in
each spat said Cain. "In ader
to accomplish that goal, we would
have to raise around $500,000.
That would give use the maxi-
mum number of scholarships we
would need in every sport
A full in-state scholarship at
East Carolina costs approximately
$2,100 while a full out-of-state
athletic scholarship costs around
$3,000, accading to Cain.
Athletic scholarships are just
like wak scholarships explain-
ed Cain. "Athletes wak hard
practicing all year and they have
to maintain their grades just like
the rest of the students on
campus. In one fam a the other,
all the athletes on campus wak
fa their scholarships
Cain also explained that the
athletic department receives
some scholarship funding
through the Basic Educational
Opportunity Grant Program
(BEOG) fa which all students on
campus, including athletes are
eligible. These grants which are
funded through the federal gov-
ernment are awarded on the basis
of need and are partially deter-
mined by such family's income.
"The BEOG probably saves
the athletic department about
$35,000 to $40,000 a year said
Cain. "Mae and mae of the
athletes recruited by ECU find
out that they qualify fa the
See PIRA TE CLUB, p. 18

Page 16 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 November 1977
Marathon to go through campus
Special to the Fountainhead
The annual Intramural Mara-
thon will take place Monday on
the ECU campus and this year's
event will have a new twist fa
those competing.
In previous years the intra-
mural cross-country race was run
en the cross-country course, but
this year's event will be run
through campus. The men's
course will measure 2.8 miles and
the women's course will measure
1.6 miles.
"We think it will be a little
better for the students said
Intramural Director Wayne Ed-
wards. "They will be running
through campus and will have the
students on campus watching
along the route. It will add a little
excitement from past cross ooun-
try races we have had
The route will be marked off
and patrolled by the ECU campus
police, who will direct trafficaway
from the route while the race is in
process. In addition the Chief of
Campus Security, JoeCalder, will
serve as the Master of Ceremon-
ies and the starter fa the race.
"The campus police have
helped set up the course and they
have volunteered to help with the
lead vehicle and off icers posted to
direct the runners on the oarect
route added Edwards. "There
will be a maacycle leading the
field like in the Boston Mara-
Thejirst parT of the raee.lcV
the men will cover the "same"
distance fa the wanen' s race, so
the two groups will be started
from the same place at 4 p.m.
The race will start at Wright
Circle next to Cotten Dam and
the first leg will aoss around
.��. �.�� i. �.44.�'WMV.VJ�1 ��� '
Cotten in front of Spillman and
parallel Fifth Street in front of the
women's dams. At Garrett, th$
runners will go left ;th(ough'th'e.
West part of campu�-lnront-6T-
Fletcher and through the' parking
lot between White and Greene
dams. The runners'will then run
alaig Ninth Street, turn and oone
back up the road behind the
library and Mendenhall Student
Center. The racers will then come
back through the parking lot next
to White and along the road back
to the Mall. The women's race
wilt end at the finish line in front
of Flanagan Building, but the
men will continue fa another 1.2
mile through the East end of
That part of the men's race
will proceed along the road past
Campus Security and through the
parking lot in front of Memaial
Gym and Brewster Building. The
runners will turn back on the far
east end of campus and back to
the middle of campus past the
Croatan, Austin and Rawl Build-
ings and Wright Auditaium.
The final stretch of the race is
a run around the Mall, with the
men finishing up at the same
finish line fa the wanens 2.8
mile oourse that will test the
endurance and running ability of
any marathon expert.
Awards will be awarded in
front of the fountain on Wright
Circle. Trophies will be given fa
both team winners and individual
winners. The winning team wins
a trophy and each team member
will receive an individual trophy.
Men's teams will have five team
membersand women'steams will
have three members. The team
with the lowest place points
totalled from among its members
will be the winner. Individual
trophies will be awarded to the
first and second place finishers in
both the men's and women's
All cempetitas must sign up
at the registration desk at the
starting lineup pria to the race.
Surfing club meets
On Tuesday, November 15,
the Spats Club Council held their
monthly meeting. The main topic
fa discussion was the possible
admittance of a surfing club as
part of the Spats Club Program
at ECU.
The president of the club went
befae the council and stated the
club's goals, objectives and activ-
ity repats. The representatives
fa the Surfing and Outing Club
left the rcon and the council
voted in fava of itsadmission.
Now that they are officially a
club, (East Carolina Club Surfing
Association), the club plans and
hopes to have a larger active
membership. The dub however
was not just famed fa
surfers but for anyone who
wished to go with the surf team
every other weekend to the Outer
Banks here in Nath Carolina.
The Outer Banks is beautiful
and has many things to offer
regardless of the time of year. If
you have been there befae you
know of this beauty. If you have
not you almost need to go out to
the islands and capture the
feeling the club gets when they
are out there.
Transpatation will be paid fa
by the money allocated to the club
so there is no problem as far as
that goes. We would like to urge
anyone who wishes to oome to a
meeting and see what it's all
about. There will be a discussion
of the next surf competition and
plans fa the rest of the year will
be made. Fund raising ideas will
be very helpful. The meeting will
be Monday. November 21 at 7:30.
Introductory Flight
Offer Bring Coupon to:
The World of Alfa A viation
Golf Balls, all brands, Titleist, Wilson, etc
$11.75 per dozen.
Special on Mac Gregor all weather golf
grips, regularly $4.00 now $2.50 installed.
10 discount on all ski equipment and
clothing for the month of November.
We have a full line of professional ski
Additional discounts on large purchases.
ordon D. Fuh
Golf Professional
Located at Greenville Golf & Country Club
.���� �.� j rvt �

17 Nwembf 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Page 17
Pirates rewrite record book
� Baisl Cafofiha was within nine
points this year of an undefeated
season, the same number of
points away from an undefeated
mark last year. Thus, in two
seasons with 17 wins and 5 losses,
the Pirates have been hut 18
points away from that perfect
Several players broke various
school reoords during the 1977
season, or moved higher on
various top ten charts. The uriaja
reoords are:
-Terry Gallaher set a new career
pass receiving record with 1,214
yards. (Old record 1,193 by Tim
Cameron, 1970-72)
-Terry Gallaher moved to fifth in
career receptions with 54. (School
record is 79)
Willie Hawkins became the
sixth leading career rusher with
1754 yards.
-Willie Hawkins set a career
kickoff return yardage record with
1009 yards. (Old mark, 787 yards,
Kenny Strayhorn, 1972-75)
-Willie Hawkins set a career
At Minges Monday
Assistant Sports Editor
Dunk fever has struck the East
Carolina men's basketball team.
The disease was evident Tuesday
nite at Washington High School
as the Gold defeated the Purple in
another Buc exhibition game
The proverbial "stuff was
the dominant figure as Greg
Cornelius, Herb Gray, Roger
Carr, Bernard Hill, and Oliver
Mack amazed spectators with
their "above the hoop" play.
Mack led all scorers with a
meager 42 points. Cornelius
added 32, Herb Krusen 38, and
Roger Carr scored 22; 19 in the
second half.
Highly recruited High School
star Alvis Rodgers of Washington
High School looked on as the Gold
team scored 81 second half points
after leading 50-31 at the half.
Coach Gillman, looking more
and more like a college coach
jumped up and down, squirmed
in his seat, and yelled instructions
profusely at his young Pirates
adding yet another dimension to
the new edition of Pirate Basket-
The "ECU dunk show" will
come home to Minges Coliseum
on Monday night at 730 fa a
final warm up before the season
opener at Indiana. A packed
house i s expected to be on hand to
see the amazing Pirates and wish
them well with Purple Pride in
anticipation of a fine year.
Coach Gillman and the team
expressed their happiness with
the support from ECU fans at
practices and scrimmages so far
thisyear. "I hope we can keep the
string of full gymnasiums going
he smiled.
kickoff return record with 47
returns. (Old mark, 42 returns,
Kenny Strayhorn, 1972-75)
-Eddie Hicks moved to eighth in
career rushing with 1586 yards
and one year to play.
-Jimmy Southerland became the
seventh leading passer with 921
career yards.
-Willie Hawkins finished as the
ninth leading career scorer with
104 points.
-Eddie Hicks moved to tenth in
career scoring with 96 points and
a year to play.
-Jimmy Southerland had the
seventh best season ever for
passing yardage with 779 yards.
-Jimmy Southerland had the
ninth best season ever for pass
completions with 47.
-Terry Gallaher tied for the
second best season ever in
receiving yardage with 512 yards,
tied jwifh Dick Corrada, 1970.
-Terry Gallaher tied fa the fifth
best season ever in pass recep-
tions with 27, tying Stan Eure,
-Eddie Hicks set a recad fa the
laigest run and scaing run from
scrimmage with 95 yards against
Willianrfand Mary. (Old recad,
93 yards by Dave Alexander vs
Howard in 1964.)
-Gerald Hall set a recad fa the
laigest punt return and scaing
return with an 80 yarder against
Richmcnd. (Old recad, 77 yards
by Bobby Ellis vs Lenoir Rhyne in
-Junia Creech set a record fa
the laigest field goal with a 48
yarder against South Carolina.
(Old recad, 46 yards by Jim
Wcody vs Richmond, 1973)
-Jimmy Southaland set a recad
fa single game conpletioi per-
centage with 87.5 vs Appala-
chian. (Old reoad, 85.7 by Carl
Summaell vs the Citadel, 1973)
-Jimmy Southerland set a recad
fa most yards per play in a single
game with a 14.9 average against
Richmond. (Old recad, 11.3, Bill
Cline vs Lenoir Rhyne, 1964)
-Leander Green set a season
recad fa most yards per rush
with a 6.9 average (Old record,
63, Howard O Kelly, 1954)
Roy Rogers
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-Willie Hawkins set a season
recad fa most kickoff returns
with 22. (Old mark, 20, Reggie
Pinkney, 1973)
-Willie Hawkins set a season
recad fa most kickoff return
yardage with 525 yards. (Old
mark, 467, Reggie Pinkney, 1973)
-Terry Gallaha tied the career
recad fa most scaing receptions
with 11.
-Gerald Hall set a new career
recad fa punt return yardage
with 489 yards. (Old mark, 382
yards, Bobby Ellis, 1964-66.)
Pizza Mike
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Pay 18 FOUNTAINHEAD 17 Novmtof 1977
Oliver Mack: I want them all
Assistant Sports Editor
Othrer JEfadna, -soarf" cftfTBrf
every imaginable adjective by
East Carolina basketball specula-
tors. The junior college transfer
from Queens, New Yak takes it
all in stride, "I just want to play
and win he smiled.
Mack started his basketball in
Junior high school I knew I
could jump real well in the
seventh grade and by my fresh-
man year in High School,when I
made varsity, I knew it was the
thing to do Oliver started his
last three years on thffvvarsity
tearfi aj .yVi'iriam JCtfenJ&ryant
Hgh School 'ih-Otw&ia ft was
here in his juntjar .sbason that he
was'introducedte'Lrf'i'y Gillman,
then assistant � coach at the
University of San Francisco. Ever
since the relationship has grown.
"Coach Dillon and Coach Gillman
have helped me a lot, and we have
become good friends he added.
"Coach Gillman helped me select
San Jacinto to help me gain some
college experience, in basketball
and academics
As for East Carolina basket-
ball, Oliver sees a definite
difference from Junior College.
"The team here is smaller but a
lot quicker Mack has blended in
well with the system here and he
credits much of this to his fellow
players. "I really enjoy playing
with these guys he added,
Everyone looks out for everyone
else out there; there is lot's of
Oliver looks towards this
season with particular interest as
it will be his first stint at major
college ball. "We played some
preseason Ail-American.
good teams at San Jacinto, but
I'm anxiousto see how well I play
against top competition Coach
3illman had these wads to say,
'Heisapre-season All-American
and he has never had on a
unifam; that should give you an
idea how good he is he
continued, "Oliver is very dedica-
ted. He knows what he wants in
life and he's going to do what he
needs to get it
Asked if there was any team
he especially wanted to play, he
reacted "I want them all, I'm
ready to play After some
thought he added, "playing State
should be fun
As fa the opener against
Indiana Oliver is apprehensive.
From what I hear they are young
with a lot of talent, but we ate
talented too and I think we want it
Oliver is also excited with the
fact that his mother will get to see
him play mae. "Texas was too
far fa her to travel but I think she
will make it down here
Mack's only conplaint so far
is that he isn't any closer to the
beach. "I love to swim
East Carolina fans should
have no complaints as Mack has
score over 50 points in two
scrimmages and 42 in another.
Scaing like this and the smooth-
ness of the rest of tho Pirate team
should make this season one with
no complaints from anyone
except the opposition.
As Coach Gillman stated
earlier in the year, "The people at
Indiana better be ready fa Oliver
Mack We tend to believe him!
Bucs in Carolina Invitational
East .Carolina wfiStl1�gk
team wiU attempt to imflccveorf
its'disappointing forfrTrr ptaeV
finish in y'C4yitanprcT
Wrestljng classic hefdjfasfVveek?
end in Norfolk when tffeyTt�vl' to'
Chapel Hill Friday, tocompetein
the Carolina Invitational.
The Pirates finished behind
William and Mary, West Chester
State and Nath Carolina in the
team standings in the tough
Monarch tourney with the only
bright spot being Soloman
"Butch" Revils' selection as
Most Valuable Wrestler. Revils
beat four tough foes to gain the
177-pound title.
Butch did just a great job fa
us Saturday said coach Bill Hill.
"It'san hona to be wrestling in
such a good tournament as a
freshman. And he beat some
really good wrestlers.
But as far as the entire team
went Hill added, "I was
disappointed. I expected to have
four in the finals, and we only had
"ThisCarolina Invitational
will be very tough Hill contin-
ued. "Some of the same teams
that beat us this week will be
there. It will have only about
eight teams instead of 22 like the
Monarch had
The Pirates will take two
wrestlers from each weight class.
Some that will definitely go will
be Bob Passino (4th at Monarch)
at 118, Jim Matney at 126, Paul
Osman (3rd at Monarch) and Don
Foster at 134, James Kirby and
Greg Stevens at 142, Frank
Schaede (2nd at Monarch) and
Kirk Tucker at 150, Steve Goode
and Bruce Pater at 158, Vic
Nathrup (5th at Monarch) and
Bobby Williams at 167, Soloman
Revils (1st at Monarch) and Jay
Dever (3rd at Monarch) at 177,
Barry Purser (4th at Monarch)
and Ronnie Goodall (5th at
Monarch) at 190 and D.T. Joyner
at heavyweight.
Thursday Nite is
Thursday Nite
at Pantana Bob's
It's A Jungle Out Then!
Get Pantanasized
Open 4:00 Daily
Continued from p. 15
BEOG a sane scholarship which
they did not know about. This
really helps our financial situation
in the long run
Another source of income fa
mina spats at East Carolina is
the ECU Resources Scholarship
which is wath $5,000 a year.
"This scholarship helps the
mina spats athletes oi cam-
pus said Bob Boudreau, direc-
tor of financial aid at East
Carolina. "$2,000, goes to wrest-
ling scholarships, while $1,000
goes to baseball, swimming and
track. This money is usually
broken up in each spat so that
several athletes may take advan-
tage of it
"We're encouraging more
and mae athletes to go ahead
and apply fa the BEOG and other
available scholarships, because it
certainly does help the athletic
department cut back on it's over-
all expenses Boudreau added.
Nevertheless, the Pirate Club
still remains the key facta in
raising scholarship money and
must continue to grow at the
expense of a college education
continues to rise as well.
"We just want to oontinue to
encourage our alumni and other
Pirate suppaters in the area to
help our scholarship program
said Andrews. "Because the
athletes are the ones responsible
fa fielding our teams and they
hold the key to our future as ECU
continues to grow

17 Nwmber 1977 FOUNTAINHEAD Pay 19
Brinkley mixes sports and scholarship
Robert Gentry Brinkley has,
been nominated fa a Rhodes
Scholarship, according to Dr.
John D. Ebbs, campus represen-
tative for NationalInternational
Fellowships and Scholarships at
East Carolina University.
A Rhodes Scholarship pro-
vides study at Oxford University
in England fa a period of from
two to three years, and candi-
dates fa this schda-snip pro-
gram are judged accading to four
standards: (1) literary and scho-
lastic achievements; (2) fondness
fa and success in spats; (3)
truth, courage, devaion to duty,
sympathy for and prrtection of
the weak, friendliness, unselfish-
ness and fellowship; (4) maal
faoe of character and instincts to
Asa Rhodes Scholar, Brinkley
has indicated jurisprudence as his
course of study. He is a resident
of Greenville.
Brinkley is a senia accounting
maja who, during his four years
at ECU, has compiled a 4.00
grade point average. He has been
a memba of the baseball team
and during his junia and senia
years he was a starter.
He is a member of Phi Eta
Sigma (president, 1976-77) and
Phi Kappa Phi, national hona
societies, the North Carolina
Kappa Chapter of Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Beta Gamma Sigma, the
Law Society, and the Accounting
His awards include the Clif-
ford B. Scott Key Award, the
E.A. Thomas, Jr Accounting
Scholarship (1975-76, 1976-77),
the Arthur H. Carta National
Accounting Scholarship (1977-
78), and the Scholarship from
Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational
Foundation (1977-78).
Brinkley is also a nominee fa
a Marshall Scholarship (a pro-
gram which provides two years of
study at a university in England),
and a Danforth Fellowship (a
program which provides three
years of study at a university a
college in the United States).
All too often, when the party
ends, the trouble begins.
People who shouldn't be
doing anything more aetivc than
going to sleep are driving a car.
Speeding and weaving their way
to death.
Before any of your friends
drive home from your party, make
sure they aren't drunk.
Don't be fooled because they
drank only beer or wine. Beer and
wine can be just as intoxicating as
mixed drinks,
And don't kid yourself
because they may have had some
black coffee. Black coffee can't
sober them up well enough to drive.
If someone gets too drunk to
drive, drive him yourself. Or call a
cab. Or offer to let him sleep over.
Maybe your friend won't be
feeling so good on the morning after,
but you're going to feel terrific.
FOR SALE: 40-90mm zoom lens
Nikon mount - $95. Bundy
trumpet in exoellent cond. $130
Call 752-1068.
FOR SALE: Clothes that no
l0n9er fit. Win sell cheap. Cads,
leans, shirts, winter coats, some
jewelry etc. Give us a call.
f-Oh SALE Delta88 1972 Royale.
4-dr Pewter wblk top. 1 owner.
0311 756-2206.
FOR SALE: Typewriter Smith-
Corona Classic 12. Excellent
cond. Complete with carrying
case $110.00. Call Nancy 756-
Sheppardand Lab. Already have
shots. Available after Dec. 6 Call
now 758-5093.
FOR SALE: Conn trombone.
Good cond. $75. Phone 758-0445.
FOR SALE: Amplifier, Sansui
Au-5900. 45 watts per ch. HMS,
20-20,000 Hz wno rrore than 0.1
112 harmonic distation. Great
cond. i22D. Call 758-9789 M-Th
(2,00-230 & 600-6:30) p.m.
FOR SALE: New Waltham 5-
function quartz digital watch.
Regular $175, will sell fa $80 a
trade fa good used 10-speed.
Call Lou 758-2887.
YARD SALE: On LewisSt Sat
Nov. 19 from 10 til. Check us out.
FOR SALE: Cola T.V. with Early
American style console. Original
owner, we must sell immediately.
$65.00 In waking oaid. You must
see to believe. Call Dan at
FOR SALE: Ben Franklin fire-
plaoe cast-iron, blk. $150. 9' x
12" aiental rug $100.00. Call
Leoi 756-0141
FOR SALE: Weightlifting equip.
3 bars. Over 210 ils. of metal
weights. Benchpress apparatus.
All fa $65. Phaie 758-0445.
FOR SALE: Brn. and gold '76
BMW motacycle R906. 6,000
mi. Matching Luftmeister faring
excellent cond. Weekdays 758-
8412, weekends 527-4975.
tco long, too big? Call
752-8444, 752-8642.
FOR RENT: Large furnished
room in trailer 3 mi. from
campus. 62.50 plus 112 utilities.
Call Jim 752-8129 a cane by 507
Church St. evenings.
FOUND: Dam key room 51-
with maaame chain. Pick up in
NEED A RIDE: to Remulak, will
supply massive quantities of beer
and chips. Call anytime 752-6140.
LOST: 8 ft. hand. Whoever
walkodoff with it Tues. afternoon
please notify me at 758-2675. It is
very important I must have fa an
art show.

Pag 20 FOUNT AINHEAD 17 Nwembar 1977
Fellow Beer Persons, life is full of problems.
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However, some problems require more.
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That is why, in addition to the fine arts
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Post Office Box 9448
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Fountainhead, November 17, 1977
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 17, 1977
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