The East Carolinian, April 21, 1988

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

That's right The end of the semester and the end of
the regular issues of The East Carolinian. We will
print a special, limited edition Monday, so look for
It's a dynamo, and the Bonehead gets killed. See
page 12.
The golfers won the CAA, See page 16.
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 62 No. 54
Thursday, April 21,1988
Greenville, NC
18 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Former student speaks out
on drugs' uses and abuses
began while he was a sophomore caine I wouldn't leave the
at ECU. While living in Aycock house I would have friends
Residence Hall, he saw his hall- over to watch a game on T.V as
mates smoking marijuana, soon as the game was over I'd say
Weaver decided he wanted to join 'Get the hell out of my house I
in on "all the fun His casual in- got to be alone with my lady
troduction to pot eventually led to cocaine
a career as a dealer, and his arrest On the night of April 9, 1986,
in 1986.
By the time of his arrest on April
9, 1986, Weaver was doing 3
Weaver sold 1.5 oz. of cocaine to a
friend who then went and sold it
to an undercover police officer
grams of cocaine a day at a cost of Thirty minutes after that sale, six
$100 a gram. He weighed 100 lbs
On the weekend Weaver esti
mated his intake to be between 5
7 grams
Staff WriH
Like many ECU graduates who
have come back to ECU to talk to
students. Andv Weaver told an
audience in Hendrix Theater
where his life has led him and
how he got there. Weaver is serv-
ing a seven-year prison sentence
for possesion of drugs.
ECU graduate Andy Weaver,
speaking to a crowd ot about 100,
is currently serving his second
vear oi a seven-year sentence for
possession with intent to sell. He
was speaking as part of his partici-
pation in the N.C. Dept. of
Correction's Think Smart Pro-
The Think Smart Program, or- qualude to help him sleep
ganized in 1983, gets inmates
from minimum security units to
address various school and com-
munity groups about the reality
of prison life and the events that
led to imprisonment.
Weaver's drug involvement
Weaver talks about drugs Sund Ll "TZZ
Christ Weaver's parents put up
and how they affected him bond nSfofht'S
your friends?
Greenville Police officers and an
SBI agent were at Weavers' apart-
ment. Weaver, who said he was
too "drugged up" to even realize
what was going on, agreed to let
them search his apartment.
They found his 2 ounce stash. It
was enough to charge him with
would get up at 8 a.m. and start possession with intent to sell, a
the cycle again. charge with a maximum penalty
Weaver recalled, "I would lay of 15 years,
in my apartment with my heart Weaver was brought to the Pitt
beating so fast I thought it would Co. Jail where he spent the night,
jump from my chest It (cocaine) It was during his short prison stay
was mv god. If I didn't have eo- in the basement of the Pitt Co.
Weaver would use cocaine
throughout the day until 3 a.m.
when he would take a valium or
These students have their attention focused on a speaker at the sexual assault awareness day activities
April 14. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab)
Workshop makes students aware
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
EC: How did you initially
become involved v ith drugs at
AW: I was living in Aycock
dorm. Everybody along the hall
was smoking pot. It was some-
thing that Sophomore year. I
thought they're having all the
EC: With the amount of drugs
you were using, were you at all
AW: I was paranoid. When I
really got paranoid I had towels
dropped over my windows. If I
was watching T.V. I got up every
30 minutes to look out the win-
dow. When I went to sleep at
night I saw people walking
around the room that weren't
room building.
The day-long event was spon-
Weaver then went to a sored by the Equal Rights
tion program in Virginia where Orangization of Students in Con
the trial and become familiar with
the setting.
"We explain in general terms
sault Awareness Day April 14th the functions of all thc peoplc in
workshop conducted in the room. This helps alleviate a lot
general class- Df fear and anxiety
Brown also explained thc North
Students observed Sexual As-
with a
front of the i
AW: I thought they were trying "he found things about drugs I junction with Greenville NOW
to hurt me or trying to get my never knew before and included a variety of pro-
drugs. I thought they were asking Weaver spent the nine months grams, and workshops,
strange questions. prior to his trial working in con- EROS member Karen Brown
EC: When you were arrested struction. He had lost his job as a called the event "a big success"
you were doing $300 worth of
cocaine a day. You said you were
down to 100 lbs. Did no one con-
front you about your problem?
AW: I'd had friends tell me. My
brother Mike Weaver ? he
played football here, was at thc
the point of telling me
Carolina crime victims compen-
sation program, which pays
damages up to $20,000 to the vic-
tim. The only requirements to
define date rape as deviant and let
people know that it's wrong
Wilson also said that women
need to change their attitudes
about rape. "Some women feel the
same as men about rape he said.
"They feel that there are certain
circumstances where rape is
Wilson ended his discussion by
briefly touching on sexual harass-
receive this compensation are: 1) ment on campus. He said that this
the crime happened in N.C. ;2) it is not uncommon to undergradu-
was reported within 72 hours;3) ates across the country and that
there was a loss of at least $100
supervisor at the Daily Reflector, and said the goal of the day was to (usuany emergency room costs).
He had also lost his drug habit. On raise public awareness. "We want q jen Wilson of the ECU
to notify women, that they need to Department of Sociology spoke
on the underlying reasons tor
EC: Did
you begin to mistrust
Jan. 20, 1987 Weaver was sen-
tenced to seven years in prison.
Weaver is to be up for his sec-
ond parole hearing on May 20th
(he was turned down for parole in
November). If he is granted pa-
EC: Was there anything in par- role, Weaver will still face 1000
ticular about being at ECU that hours of community work and
contributed to your drug prob- involuntary random drug testing.
lem? Weaver is philosophical about
AW: Living in the dorms ? his prison term. "I spent five years know that we're not going to put
seeing everyone smoking. It was in prison already, I was a prisoner up with this Brown explained
? you smoke pot? Great! Great! to drugs I believe if I hadn't
been arrested when I was, in six
month's time I would have heeled
over and died
See WEAVER, page 2
do something if they're assaulted.
Only if it's reported can some-
thing be done
Speakers included Angela
Brown of the victims advocate
program of the Greenville
sheriff's department.
"We need to keep awareness
up Brown said. "Guys need to
the advocate program's mock
trial, which allows victims to go
into a superior courtroom before
anyone experiencing sexual har-
assment at ECU should cantact
Dr. Mary Ann Rose of the Depart-
ment of Student Life.
Workshops in self defense were
rape in our society and ways that conducted by Dale Land, an in-
it can be stopped. structor at the Bill McDonald
'People need to re-learn their School of Karate, and visiting art-
behavior he said, "It hasn't been
that long that people don't ap-
prove of this. Many men feel they
can discipline their wives
Wilson cited group pressure by
peers to have sex and violent
childhood experiences as contrib-
uting factors to sexual assualt.
"We need to talk about these
factors Wilson said, "We need to
Murphy takes charge as SGA leaders change at banquet
Assistant Ncm Editor
Wednesday marked the chang-
ing of the guard for the SGA ex-
ecutive branch. In is President
Larry Murphy, out is Scott Tho- the SGA has done this year. He
"If one word could sum up the
whole year it would be 'fast
Thomas said in his Mendenhall
Thomas is satisfied with what
As Thomas emptied his desk in
the SGA offices Tuesday, he re-
flected on his adminstration.
said the SGA secretary has been plishments of the SGA are its
over-loaded with typing this year addressing the issues of the stu-
as a result of the SGA's paper dent recreation center and the
work. parking problem.
According to Thomas, the SGA While campaigning for presi- ing Thomas' labors came to frui-
has accomplished much more this dent in 1987, Thomas stressea the uon wnen the board agreed to
year than any other year, an ac- recreation center as part of his pUrsue the construction of the
complishment he attributes to the platform. As president, he facility. Presently, the board is
caliber of individuals in the SGA. pushed the necessary legislation determining how large the center
through the SGA which resulted should u and how to finance the
in a resolution of support for the COmplex.
Among the his proudest accom-
center being sent to the chancel-
In last month's trustees meet-
The planned addition of 949
ist Sam Scott, who practices
Chuan Fa Martial Arts.
"You must make a mental deci-
sion beforehand about what to do
in a life-threatening situation
Scott said. "You don't have the
luxury of wondering what the
rapist will do, you must assume
that your life is in danger With
the aid of EROS member Kit
Kemberly, Scott demonstrated
several defense moves, including
skin scrapes, blows to the nose
and ears which can cause death or
deafness, and counter joint kicks
which can break the attacker's leg.
Scott also showed that a victim
whose arms have been grabbed
from the front can turn her arms
up and out from each other and
the attacker will be unable to hold
on. Also very important is getting
enough room. "You must get
parking spaces in several areas h?cal ro to move. False one
Board selects new media heads, chairperson
The award-winning Rebel
magazine will be led by Joe
Campbell next year. Campbell
near campus ranks second on
Thomas's list of proud achieve-
ments. While he sat on the
trustee's finance committee, he
was able to assist the chancellor
on a plan designed to solve the
short-term parking problem.
The ECU Media Board com- Reggie Dillahunt was selected several years,
pleted the selecting the heads of as the general manager of Expres- Michael Daughtery was se-
all but one of the campus media sions on April 11. He is the man- lected as editor for the 1988-89
aging editor for the magazine. Buccaneer. Daughtery has been will replace Tim Throneburg, over a parking deck, Thomas said
offices Monday, setting the slate Dillahunt will replace Gloria who has led the Rebel for the last the cost of the expansion will be a
of media heads for the 1988-89 Chance, who is graduating after on staff tor two years and wilt two years. minimum to students. Construc-
side and then move the other
A 'Take Back the Night" march
had been scheduled for that eve-
ning. However because the group
did not secure a permit to demon-
strate, the event did not take
school year.
having been with Expressions for replace Kim Kayes.
By opting for the surface spaces lace g, EROS members agTee
that the day s activities were a
"We had a real good turnout
Then, on Monday, the Media tion on the new spaces will begin andwegot many naYnes of people
Board named Keth Powe as gen
eral manager of WZMB. Powe
was director of the soul show this
year. He will replace Stacey Hick-
And, after a second round of
interviews and questions, the
board selected Clay Deanhardt as
the general manager of The East
Carolinian. Deanhardt, the man
this summer.
Of his successor, Thomas said
he thinks Murphy will carry on
some of the ideas which have been
started this year.
First on Murphy's agenda as the
new SGA president, he is working
toward the reopening of the work
petition pre-registration program
which the ECU administration
aging editor this year, will replace closed last summer. Murphy said
Dan Maurer. ?& stert on project this
summer in efforts to sway the
The board, which is slated to adrninstraoon on the need for
chose a head for the Photolab reinstating the program.
Monday, then chose Jill Opdyke
as Media Board chairperson for Second are his plans is to begin
the next year. Opdyke is the day planning for an SGA brochure to
student representative and has inform students on the various
been on the board since January, service the SGA has to offer.
who would like to start an advi-
sory council on campus Kim-
berly said. One issue which Kim-
berly would like to see addressed
is the reinstatement of the SGA
student escort program. Pirate
Walk. Captain Keith Knox of ECU
Public Safety has developed a
plan that uses auxilarly officers in
training people to man the Pirate
Walk. The idea has yet to be ap-
proved by the administration.
"It's not that they don't care
Kimberly said, "If s just not top
priority to the administration
"No one wants to talk about
sexual assault but is does happen.
Women and the men who care
about them need to do something
about it"
? ?wtaift?
- - - -


APRIL 21,1988
Anti CIA students arrested
FIZZThe newest gathering place in town.
vSS S?5! l,V"t 1,areWoscd to the policies of 1986-87acedemicyear,eon.inuos
aua cLpus letJ gg?SJ ESHELSS STASfeyfiSs
?jtotoP??? PaS" Chf8cs levicd wh? they "I have the phone number (of
1 ? ?- tried to disrupt an October, 1987,
I ney II listen' he said, "they CIA recruiting visit
really will Some 35 University of Califor-
btudents at the universities of nia at Santa Barbara students
Dayton, V ermont, Southern Cali- moreover, will go on trial. April
fornia. Washington, Minnesota, 19 for temporarily occupying?
Louisiana and trashing?UCSB Chancellor
Arthur Hulnick, the Central Intel-
ligence Agency's chief college
Similar leaflets were handed
out 2 nights later, when former
CIA agent and now critic John
Stockwell spoke on campus, but
no arrests were made.
Andy Smith of the Texas Union
Board, however, said the people
the recruiter) Mclnnis told the
Daily Texan, the campus paper,
"and I'll give it to them. I don't
want to be in the recruitment loop
at all K
&J3F.jsrc ? EB? ?s?
Stockwell's speech "have been rallied and conducted sit-ins to
informed they are in violation" oi halt CIA recruiting on their cam-
school prohibitions against such puses during this school year
handouts inside the lecture hall. The fallout from the protests
Our (recruiting) visits have which have increased in size fre-
stirred protests among students quencv, and militancy since the
vember to protest the hiring of
CIA agent George A. Chritton, Jr.
as a political science teacher.
To settle the dispute, UCSB
eventually agreed to appoint
Chritton only as a visiting profes-
Weaver discusses drugs, religion
Continued from page 1
EC: Would you have become
involved in drugs without having
had exposure in college?
AW I think so. I had lost mv
family and my background in
Christianity. I lost all the ideals I
had been brought up with.
EC: Is it easy being such a
committed Christian in prison?
AW: No. A prison is a hard
place to be a Christian The atti-
tude is there he goes again
reading his Bible.
EC: Do vou thake any abuse
trouble. It's easier to let 'em.
EC: You stated that drugs were
a crutch for you. Is prison itself a
crutch for some individuals?
AW: I think so. You hear them
say the first thing I'm goin' to do
when I get out is find a needle and
some coke
and yet you managed to graduate
with a 2.8 average in computer
science. As you must know a 2.8 is
nothing to sneeze at without in-
volvement with drugs. How did
you maintain your grades?
AW: Well I'll tell you I never
studied in high school and I made
' A's. When I came to ECU I had to
Thursday, April 21st (Tonight)
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EC: If prison isn't the way to
deal with the drug problem what study a little but picked most of
,S" . it up in class. I was cruising. I
AW: The rehab program I went crammed for exams like no one
to was very effective and very should have to cram. I put the
expensive: $10,000 The Daily re- drugs away for one night. But
fleeter tired me when I was ar- after, I picked them right back up
rested but they kept me on the EC: Do vou ever wonder what
rom your cellmates foryour par- payroll. People don't know this: vou might have done without the
hcipabon m the Think Smart Pro- Blue Cross & Blue Shield paid for drugs?
SO percent of the program. AW It's always in the back of
m -S pnS?n lead tG drug my mind- l ProbablY could have
AW: Some are envious. They
think, there he goes again trving problems?
to make points. I don't get "any-
thing for this When I was first
asked, I felt that it was mv Chris-
tian dutv.
EC: You mentioned vou were
considering going into' counsel
AW: I've seen people, maybe
one or two, who have built up
their drug problems. I've seen
guys who haven't run up, say take
me back and shoot me up.
EC: Do you think stricter en
graduated with a 3.5.
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mg. WThat type oi work are vou forcement is keeping drucs from
interested in?
AW: Maybe an ARC center.
Speaking to groups like this. I
don't want to work in law en-
forcement. I don't feel that the
way to handle drug problems is to
put people awav.
coming in the country would cut-
back on the drug problem?
AW: I don't think so. I think
drugs are going to get into the
country some way. You've got to
stop the user to stop the dealer.
EC: With the large amounts of
EC: Is there a drug problem in dru you were dealing with did
Pn"S -vou ever nm into anv shadv,
AV: Drugs are evervwhere. I dangerous individuals7"
was taking a welding program AW: I didn't. There was one
and the guys drank everyday, encounter I had. This guv from
smoked pot everyday and vou Wilmington. 1 owed him some
know when they came back to money. He put a bullet through
pnson they smellcd like pot and mv seat. I guess he was shadv I
alcohol. The guards let it pass, paid him the next day
Some are friends with the prison- EC: You were heavily involved
rs. They don't want to them in in drugs while vou were at ECU
We're Going Places.
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ATLANTA (AP)?Harass,
by white college students
cold shoulders from white p
sors are among the probler
prted by black students wi
tend predominantly J
"They just don't want us tl
Michelle Dye said of her
peers at Abraham Baldwin
cultural College in Tifton.
"I've been fighting since
first quarter she said, red
how she was shot in the leg J
BBgun while walking bv a r
dorm on the south Georgia
pus. 'It's pathetic to go thr
that dine of stuff while y
trving to get an education
At Louisiana State Universi
New Orleans, a white fratej
displayed a rebel Hag last
during the Martin Luther K11
Day parade on campus acq
ing to LSUNO student FredJ
In an crra when a college ed
tion often means blacks at
predominantly white
tions, such racial incidents an
unusual, according to more
300 students and faculty froil
states who participated in a CJ
gia State University seminal
cusing on issues' confronl
those students. The semi
ended Saturday.
More than a dozen of the trl
tionally black colleges hi
(CPS) -About 20,000 srud
on more than 20 still-unnarl
campuses will be tested for A
(acquired immune deficiei
syndrome) during the next
months, the Centers tor Disei
Control (CDC) in Atlanta
nounced last week.
The students, however, ;
not even know their .
been tested.
Under the plan, the car I
will forward to the CDC the
or-so blood samples they t
from students as a matter!
course during a school year.
The CDC, adds Universi!
Virgmia hmmith jgrvice Dire
Dr. Richard?. Keeling, will tl
test the samples for the pn I
oi the H.I.V. antibody, indicaQ
whether the student the Al
The virus systematically
stroys victims' immune sys j
rendering the vicitims vuneraj
to infections and illnesses I
typically prove fatal withii
years oi diagnosis.
Students will not be inform?
the test results.
The results, Keeling -who a
heads the AIDS tsak force oi
American College Health Ai
ciation?explained, would p
duce "the first actual data alxl
the frequence of H.I.V. infect!
among students, who are increl
inglv considered a high-rf
Keeling siid the CDC wo
release the names oi the schol
participating in the study, hopi
to preserve students' privacy
Colleges, University oi Maj
land Health Center Director
Margaret Bridwell said in ea
March, typically aren't very
at preserving it.
Public law, she said, deman
thet Maryland's health clinic p
sonnel record all the medical pi
cedures they perform, includil
blood tests.
She suggested that stude
worried about confidentiality
their AIDS tests at county facj
ties instead.
In February, U.S. Surgeon G
eral C. Everett Koop told a Lc
don AIDS conference he want
to test all the students on a chos
campus for the disease to see h
on the right md
earning a BSNI
Clifton, NJ 0701

APRIL 21.1988
coring place in town.
April 21st (Tonight)
K?.i-1 ties
p m - until?
day, April 23rd
a April 24th
Keg Pa
p m ? un til
jppv Hour Every
ighl In April
w ? ? ?
6 5
m? 0z
nb c? mW ? ?? a ?wo" ;??o" ? ?? at
lie Blvd. - Greenville
Racial harrassment
ATLANTA (AP)?Harassment closed in the last two decades, and
ty white college students and still others are being merged with
cold shoulders from white profes- white institutions.
sors are among the problems re- Statistics from, the Southern
prted by black students who at- Regional Education Board show
predominantly white that more than 66 percent of the
nations 1.08 million black college
students now attend predomi-
nantly white institutions.
At the seminar, some black stu-
dents complained that white fac-
ulty members didn't devote
first quarter she said, recalling enough time to them.
how she was shot in the leg with a "It's sad when vou see the pro-
BB gun while walking by a men's fessor has time to talk with white
dorm on the south Georgia cam- students after class, but when a
pus. it s pathetic to go through black approaches that same pro- have an equal share of the re-
hat dine of stuff while you're fessor, then all of a sudden he has wards"
"They just don't want us there
Michelle Dye said of her white
peers at Abraham Baldwin Agri-
cultural College in Tifton.
I've been fighting since my
are tenured state-supported institutions to
Some black faculty at White integrate fully or lose federal
institutions say black students funding. For some traditionally
need advice on how to cope with black state colleges, integration
rectal stress. will be accomplished by merging
'I talk toa lot of black students with predominantly white state
said black staff member Dr. Cleon schools.
Arrington, associate vice presi-
dent of research at GSU, "and I try Because of Bennett's order the
to get across to them that there is state Board of Regents are consid-
racism, and it's not going to go ering two mergers in Georgia:
away, not in their lifetime. But predominantly black Albany
what they can do to cope with it is State College in Albany, and tra-
to stnbe for excellence, not medi- ditionally black Savannah State
ocnty. Only by being better than College in Savanah. The regents
their white counterparts will they are expected to make a decision in
ouon' ttMtott "Some white students feel that cte teK
At Louisiana State University ol hurts said Kevin Brown, a sen- positive advances in reace rela- National AciaUo,for he
New Orleans, a white fraternity ,or at Georgia Southwestern Col- tions are gradually coming about. AdvananiemoTedeoofe
displayed a rebel flag last year lege in Americas. "For the most part, mygenera- some bsmdente feaTtWa
during the Martin Luther King Jr. AlmostalUh.Hpnk.wli Kn.uwu aJ! theyare
Day parade on campus, accord-
ing U LSUNO student Frederick
In an erra when a college educa-
tion often means blacks attend
predominantly white institu-
tions, such racial incidents are not
? . ? . , , . . r?? "v &-??-??- ?wik uuu:k siuacnis rear tne
Almost all students agreed that tion is less bigoted than genera- losing part of their heritace
what they needed most was more
black faculty members.
"We have no minority faculty at
all, even cooks said Vicki Green
of Wells College, near Ithaca, N.Y.
"it would be nice to have a black
faculty member to talk to about
unusual according to more than problems unique to us as blacks
300 students and faculty from 14 Even at schools where there are
states who participated in a Geor- black faculty, students say there steps to eliminating racism on
gia State University seminar to- are too few campuses is for the administra-
tes confronting At the Univewrsity of North tion to take an official stand
Carolina at Greensboro, said stu-
dent Madeline Shaw, "there are
only 10black faculty membersout
of 500, and out of the 10, onlv two
tions past said white senior "It's just another way whites are
Doug Tudor, student president at trying to take away some of our
Old Dominion, "but it's hard for black culture said Todd Dunn, a
some white students to overcome senior at Georgia Southwestern
racist attitudes if they were raised Dunn and some fellow black
in a bigoted manner students at Georgia Southwestern
Ms. Shaw said negative racial recently organized the Concerned
attitudes can not be corrected by Students Association, following
an incident two weeks ago when
those students
ended Saturdav.
More than a dozen of the tradi-
tionally- black colleges have
against racist behavior of any
U. S. Secretary of Education
William Bennett recently ordered
Students to be tested for AIDS
(CFS)?About 20,000 students far it has spread among voung the Americans most likely to en-
on more than 20 still-unnamed gage in risky behavior, Keeling
campuses will be tested for AIDS people. explained.
white English Professor Alan
Towery was accused by a black
female student of calling her a
"black bitch
In the days atter the incident,
100 members of the association
occupied the campus administra-
tion building, last Wednesday,
the students held a protest at a
weekly assembly meeting on
campus. Dunn said, because
Towery was suspended with pay
rather than fired.
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?acquired immune deficiency
syndrome) during the next 12
months, the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) in Atlanta an-
nounced last week.
The students, however, may
not even know their blood has
been tested.
Under the plan, the campuses
will forward to the CDC the 1,000-
or-so blood samples they take
from students as a matter of
course during a school year.
The CDC, adds University of
Virginia V?yVv service Director
Dr. Richard P. Keeling, will than
test the samples for the presence
of the H.l.Y. antibody, indicating
whether the student has the AIDS
The virus systematically de-
stroys victims' immune systems,
rendering the vicitims vunerable
to infections and illnesses that
typically prove fatal within 2
years of diagnosis.
Students will not be informed of
the test results.
The results, Keeling?who also
heads the AIDS tsak force of the
American College Health Asso-
ciation?explained, would pro-
duce "the first actual data about
the frequency of H.I.V. infection
among students, who are increas-
ingly considered a high-risk
Keeling said the CDC won't
release the names of the schools
perticipating in the study, hoping
to preserve students' privacy.
Colleges, University of Mary-
land Health Center Director Dr.
Margaret Bridwell said in early
March, typically aren't very good
at preserving it.
Tublic law, she said, demands
thet Maryland's health clinic per-
sonnel record all the medical pro-
cedures they perform, including
blood tests.
She suggested that students
worried about confidentiality get
their AIDS tests at county facili-
ties instead.
In February, U.S. Surgeon Gen-
eral C. Everett Koop told a Lon-
don AIDS conference he wanted
to test all the students on a chosen
campus for the disease to see how
Since the disease often is trans-
mitted through sexual contact The plan to gather blood
and collegians tend to have mul- samples from the 20 campuses, he
tiple sexual partners, Koop con- added, is a "refinement" of
sidered students might be among Koop's original proposal.
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aUjE East (Earolttitan
Daniel Maurer, a m?
Clay Deanhardt, m??,??.
James F.J. McKee, Dotctoro.iAxrtw
Tim Chandler, Sfwrtef.a,
Jot in Carter, f?.?
Michelle England, &?,??,
Debbie Stevens, s?t?
TOM FURR,C.rc?i?mM?iMf?r
MIKE UPCHURCH, Product Ato?,?r
John W. Medlin, nwiw
Mac Clark, !???? M?Mjrr
April 21. 1QJW
Page 4
It has become customary for the ing general manager. Dan has held
managing editor of The East Caro- this paper together this year
linian, at the end of his tenure, to through shear force of will and ul-
write a good-bye column lamenting cers. He has put up with a rowdy
the loss of friends, bemoaning the staff, criminal intentions and a
ending of an era and generally heavy dose of smart-ass jokes, but he
trying to make him or her self look has been the best general manager in
better than he or she really is. memory. Why? It's either because
It's called a -30- column because he's from New Jersey and he has
that is the journalistic symbol for the nothing better to do or because he
end of a story. If this were a televi- cares. I'll let him decide which,
sion show instead, it would proba- Dan gave me my start on this
bly be called a wrap. This is mine. I newspaper in November of 1986 as
hope you like it. his editorial assistant. I may never
However, this -30- is going to be a forgive him for that. It was that job
little different. Instead oi telling you which led to my becoming features
how wonderful my staff is (and they editor and then managing editor. As
are) I want to tell you what we tried the managing editor I have had to fill
to do for you this year. in as news editor, features editor
When I started this job in May of and production manager. This job
1987 I had some concrete goals I requires a jack of all trades and a fool
wanted to achieve. I wanted to fi- to pull it oil.
nally develop a pool of consistent Another element of the -30- col-
staff writers that would grow with umn is the good-bye to the graduat-
the paper. I wanted to improve the ing staff section, this is to let you
quality of the stories on the news know who will and will not be back
page and make this a real newspa- next year. Fortunately, there aren't
per, complete with investigative many people graduating this
stories and the latest in important semester.
campus events. I also wanted to The first graduate is Dan. I've al-
have at least three pages of staff ready had my say about him. In five
written news consistently. years he will either be dead of a
The newspaper didn't quite reach heartattack or rich enough to by me
all the heights I had hoped it would, ten times over. We'll see.
We occasionally have more than one Tim Chandler, the sports editor,
page of staff news, but not consis- will graduate this summer. Tim is
gently. While we investigated and simply the best. It will be hard to
broke many big stories, others gotby replace Tim since no one else quite
us because of lack of manwoman knows sports the way he does. He
power. was two for three in his pre-season
We began covering the movings of hoops pick of the number one team
more campus groups, but once (he missed this year ? too bad,
again have been limited by staff size Purdue), and that's hard to beat. Tim
in getting some of the news out. The will win the Pulitzer for sports re-
design of the newspaper has gotten porting one day if he can keep from
better this year, but we still have a driving in coaches' yards,
long way to go. Another Tim, Hampton that is,
I also wanted to experiment with will also be leaving. Hampton is the
The East Carolinian. This is, after all, SGA reporter and assistant news
a college newspaper. It is a place editor. He's grown up a lot since he's
people come to learn, to work and to been here. He'll also win a Pulitzer
experiment, so experiment we did. one day, if he can stay out of jail.
And thus was born the Bonehead. That's it for the editorial depart-
Like most creations of mortal man, ment. We will lose four advertising
the Bonehead eventually went a representatives, and they will be
little haywire, and we have had to sorely missed,
tone him down some. But it was an Maria Bell is taking a vacation
attempt to bring something fresh to before going to work. I wish I was
this campus; something different going with her. Now Jeff Parker is
from the regular hum-drum fea- going to have to find a new model,
tures of normal newspapers. I do not Shari Clemens is also escaping the
regret the attempt. clutches of the university. I'm not
In many ways I fell far short of my sure what she's doing next, but I'm
goals with this newspaper, but I do sure she'll be smiling when she does
not think I failed. Sometimes I see it.
farther than I can really walk, and I James Russo is the third ad rep
think that is what happened here at taking the graduation walk. He is
The East Carolinian. I got hit by a Mr. Gentleman. James will be wildly
hard dose of reality, late nights and successful in the real world,
little food, and it brought me back to The last graduating senior is the
earth with a vengance. one who has been an ad rep for the
Everyone on the staff here, how- longest. Anne-Leigh Mallory will be
ever, has done a wonderful job this taking the walk with Russo and the
year. The editorial and production gang into the real-world job market,
staffs have worked their collective Anne-Leigh and I have had our dif-
tails off in an attempt to make this ferences, but she's a damn tough
the best East Carolinian ever, and business lady. She'll be rich and
they may have pulled it off. famous one day, too, if no one kills
her first.
By the same token, the business Me? I'm here for another year. I got
department has risen from adver- lucky enough to get Dan's job for the
sity to become productive and vi- next year, so here you will find me,
able. We couldn't produce the news- playing with my fingers in despair,
paper without them. The advertis- That's why this -30- is a little differ-
ing staff is possibly the worlds best. ent. It is also a -0 a beginning.
For the first time in recent memory Hopefully next year we can take
the editorial and advertising staffs The East Carolinian to further
have gotten along together well heights in journalism and produc-
here, a sign that the paper and its tion. Look for more graphics, better
employees are maturing. writers and tighter news coverage.
Then, of course, there is the genral We will be lean, mean, and hope-
manager. Dan Maurer. Better fully out there defending the stu-
known as Capt. Mallard, or the bor- dent interest.
Have a great
Athletic dept. has problems
To the editor:
As a concerned ECU student
athlete I would like to address a grow-
ing problem on our campus, the ath-
letic program. When I was recruited I
was under the impression that ECU
had a future of becoming a power-
house in North Carolina sports and
eventually the nation, when in reality
we are only an athletic powerhouse in
Pitt County. In my opinion we have
an extremely poor reputation as a
NCAA Division I competitor. The
administration needs to take a closer
look at their goals and what measures
to take to tum this less than excellent
program around. The scheduling for
our football team is only one example
o poor administration. The athletes
themselves aren't to blame, most are
exceptional, but playing many top 20
teams every week would take its toll
on the best of teams. The administra-
tion may try to rebut this argument by
saying that we get national publicity
out of the scheduling, but when you
become everyones homecoming . . .
well let's just leave it at that. Another
example of poor administration is the
financial discrimination that most
teams suffer. Other than 3 major
sports there seems to be little or no
budget for the rest. Solid athletics are
built on many sports, not just a few.
Prime examples of well-rounded ath-
letics arc UNC and NCSU. Personally
I can't think of a weak program at
cither university, can you? I would
like to see our school recognized as a
serious competitor, not just an over-
rated high school superpower!
When Chancellor Eakin came to
ECU, he stressed the importance of
ECU emerging as a North Carolina
athletic force but we are "overshad-
owed" by ACC programs. "Over-
shadowing" can only be eliminated if
we develop our own program that
would first of all be competitive, and
secondly play them. I guess my real
gripe has stemmed from the recent
resignation of possibly the best soccer
coach ECU has ever encountered. For
the 3 years I have played here we have
never had a full-time coach, now how
many other Div. I schools have this
problem? One reason he may have
left is the lack of salary. To be honest
a full-time job at McDonald's pays
better and has better chances for
advancement; I think that says it all.
Just a small note for your informan-
tion: the soccer team isn't allowed any
full scholarships, they have less than 6
partial scholarships for out-of-state
athletes, and can only offer a $75 per
semester book scholarship to in-state
athletes (approx. 2 books and a nice
Bic pen). Even with lack of funding a
few players have done extremely
well; in the past 2 years we've had 2
All- Conference players, l player
ranked in the nation for most points in
a season, 2 All-Tourn. players, and a
freshman that took player of the week
honors in the CAA. These accom-
plishmentsare very respectable when
you consider that the CAA is recog-
nized as the 2nd toughest, behind the
ACC, in the nation for soccer. Other
studentathletes who I have spoken
with feel that they, too, are getting the
short end of the stick. I'm speaking
about soccer because its the only one
I have had experience with. What I'm
trying to emphasize is that a strong
athletic program is based on track,
golf, swimming, soccer, baseball,
basketball, football, Softball, tennis,
and volleyball, not just 2 of the 10. If
our sports improve so will student
pride towards the university, creat-
ing more support tor all athletics, i
urge the students to get involved and
pressure the administration to pro-
duce some results. Also, I urge the
athletes to express their concern and
talk to their parents; after all, mam 0
them donate money to the Pirate
Club. I'm sure that our new at:
director, Mr. Hart, will do a much
better job than our previous D. In
Conclusion, without student and ath-
letic support, sports here will con-
tinue to be less than satisfactory.
Robert G. Larrtson, lr.
ECU Soccer Player
Occupational Therapy j
Pulling for the Celtics
To the editor:
Here's a little poem about the Bos-
ton Celtics:
Yes folks, it's playoff time for the
And the boys from Boston are going
all the way.
The Boston Celtics include Ainge,
Johnson, McHalc, Parish and Bird
And thechanccof beating them will
be unheard.
Forget "Magic" Johnson, Worthy,
Jordan, and Dominique
The Celts are champion bound,
with a little help from the Boston
Garden Mystique.
With Ainge and Bird hitting 3-
pointers all day
what can you say?
The Lakers will step down and the
Pistons will lose again
Yes folks, The Green Irish Team
from Boston will win.
Frank Reyes
Why the Bonehead was bad
l received a visit last week from an adult affiliated with ECU
complaining about Chippy Bonehead. It was not the first
complaint I have received about Chip, but it may have been
the most revealing.
This person, someone for whom I have great respect, told
me a large group of people on campus were up in arms
because of some recent articles published in The East Carolin-
ian. The articles in question, the person said, were homopho-
bic, sexist and sometimes racist. This person said they were
seen as ignorant, sophomoric and possibly even dangerous.
Believe it or not, that came as a bit of a surprise to me. I was
surprised that people actually considered the articles seri-
ously and didn't take them as they were meant: as satiric,
albeit sometimes badly written, slices reflecting the true igno-
rance of some groups.
When I first allowed Chip to begin his biting column, it was
intended that his be the only writing of that nature in the
newspaper. His writing was offensive, blatently so, and pat-
ently exxagerated. The point of the articles was to make
people realize how absurd racist, sexist and other stereotypes
I realize that what started out as an experiment using one
person eventually went awry. Other staff writers started
writing like the Bonehead, with less control of their intent or
effect. For that I claim full responsibility, and, in fact, sent the
word down some time ago to make it stop. I am still working
on clearing out the remnants of the "pseudo-Boneheads" as I
feel they really have no place here.
Still, I have no regrets for allowing Chip to print his col-
umns. In fact, I have defended him several times to editorial
boards, staff members and students. I do apologize if his
efforts were misunderstood. The fault for the misunderstand-
ing could lie within the writing, but I think it l ies more with me
and the fact that this has never been explained.
Some students, of course, did appreciate "Pickin the bones"
for what it was intended to be. As managing editor I tried
throughout the semester to gauge student opinion and per-
ceptions on the Bonehead. The students I spoke to were often
representative of and for large groups of the student body.
These students felt Chip's column were not dangerous.
From the editor's desk
Clay Deanhardt
They realized what the intent of the column was, and they
were often sympathetic to his work.
Going on those interviews, I decided to let the column stay.
We continued to print it, despite occasional protests by a
single person. Then, last week I found out a large number of
people are upset. Again, we apologize if you misunderstood.
I had hoped that the Bonehead's last column would explain
things and make some people understand what we were
doing. Apparently it didn't, so here is my latest attempt.
We have retired the Bonehead for the rest of the semester,
and possibly for the rest of time. He was a little too strong, a
little too wordy, but a whole lot of fun. The dance was great,
maybe next time someone will applaud.
(CIS) Verne Lyon is not sur
prised by the news that the FB
spied on college groups critical 0
the Reagan administration's Cen
tral American policy.
It's old hat to lyon, who savs h
was a campus spook for the gov
eminent during the Vietnam Wa
era. "On campus, l was their eye
and ears as far as Vietnam pro
tests go
During his senior year at low.
State University, I von recall
spying for the Cen tral Intelligent c
Agency (CIA) on groups as di
verse as Students for a Demo
cratic Society and the Young Re
"Nobody suspected me
being a QA spy) except the FB
spook I von, a formerCIA age
now touring and lecturing oi
campuses nationwide, crackec
during a recent interview. ' Av
a while, we even began to alte
nate attending meetings, and thei
share our findings
As it turns out, even thei
longer suspects Lyon of K
spy for the CIA
Normally we don't confirm t
deny employment, but state
ments by Mr. Lyon arc
cientlyoutol the ordinary that w
want to set the record stra
said CIA spokeswomai
Basso. He was not employed i
any capacity by the QA
The CIA is lying, rep
McGehee, yet anothei
agent who now publicl)
cnx ? to Verne sstoi
don t like to admit any I
McGehee, who with ol r foi
mer agents founded the
tion tor Responsible Dissen
IARDIS to speak out aga
covert actions, said hi up ha
checked out I yon s story as i
does the cl f others wl
asserted they were form -
ARDIS does it to w .
paranoids and crazies and eve
current spies trying to infiltrat
the group, McGehee added.
I von s claims that he spied o
his fellow collegians in the I96T
moreover, seem eerily akin
more recent revelations of IS
campus spying.
Much of it came to light in am
arv. when theCenter tor Constiti
tional Rights released hundred
of Federal Bureau of lnvestigatio
(FBI) documents that reveal th
FBI has monitored groups an
individuals critical of the Reaga
administration's Central Amen
can policy.
The FBI probe, conducted a.
lively between I98l and 19&
focused on several campus Cei
tral American groups at Florid
State Wichita State, Yandcrbt
and the universities ot Oklahoma
Pennsylvania and Kansas, amon
"It doesn't surprise me sat
Lyon. i OU can be sure the (Cl
is doing the same thing
Lyon contends the QA and F
"have never trusted the citizens t.
this country They think dissent
In 1? "there was a mood i
Washington that student proles
against the Vietnam War were n
organized by students but t
foreign governments 1 von r
membered. Like the 1980s rj
probe, the government thorn;
Vietnam protesters were recei
ing funding and directions tro
outside provocateurs.
According to 1 yon. Preside
Johnson authorized the CIA
gather information about camp
dissenters, although the agency
charter prohibits it from open
ing in the United States.
"The CIA had to be slick" to j
around that prohibition, sa
Lyon, and recruited campus spi
through its "good ol' boy m
work The agency contacted U
ultv members and students it h,
worked with in the past, or m
known to be svmpathetic to t
government's desire to qu
campus dissent, and asked tht
to recommend students to wc
as agency "assets
Whai A Surpm&n
Thanks to The East Carolinia
Staff for making my Birthday
was cute and the
cake was delicious.
To all of the staff
that will be graduating,
1 will miss you
Good Luck in all of your
future endeavors.
? ? ,m ,mr ammtmH?vm ?l,7?,r?y

APRIL 21, 1988
r the Celtics
is bad
? his
itor's desk
Clay Deanhardt
'umn was, and thev
d ti lot the ii - siv
il protests by a
it a large number of
e it you misunderstood.
-t column would explain
lerstand what we were
-o is my latest attempt.
id tor the rest of the semester,
e w as a little too strong, a
le 1 n. The dance was great.
Campus spook tells of CIA
(( PS) Verne Lyon is not sur-
prised b the news that the FBI
spied on college groups critical of
the Reagan administration's Cen-
tral American policy
H sold hat to 1 von, whosavshe
v .is a campus spook tor the gov-
ei nment during the Vietnam War
era n campus, 1 was their eyes
and cars as tar as Vietnam pro-
less go
' hiring his senior year at Iowa
I nix ersity, I yon recalls
; for the Central Intelligence
Agencv (CIA) on groups as di-
verse as Students tor a Demo-
cratic Societv and the Younc Re
Nobod) suspected me (ol
ng a CIA spy) except the FBI
spook 1 yon a former CIA agent
vv touring and lecturing on
' ISCS nationwide cracked
ng a recent interview. "After
a while we even began to alter-
te attending meetings, and then
? findings
As it turns out eventheCIAno
ispects 1 yon ol being a
? the Cl
ormall) we don t confirm or
n employment, but state-
b Mr. Lyon are suffi
it ol the ordinary that we
set the record straight
: I spokeswoman Sharon
Basso i le was not employed in
?acity by the CIA
i I is King, replied Ralph
yet another former CIA
- now publicly criticizes
res "to avoid giving anv
t to erne's story. They
to admit any of us have
w ho with other for-
nts founded the Associa-
for Responsible Dissent
S to speak out against Cl A
?ns said his group has
-? : out 1 von's story as it
claims I thers who've
ass : ted they wore termer spies.
es it to weed out
es and even
trying to infiltrate
v. (lehce added.
that he spied on
- in the 1?
: akin to
nt revelations of 1980s
me to light in Janu
hen the Center for Constitu-
- released hundreds
ederal Bureau of Investigation
documents that reveal the
red groups and
ritical of the Reagan
- Central Ameri-
Bl probe, conducted ac-
tween 1981 and 1985
I on several campus Cen-
Vmerican groups at Florida
Wichita State, Vanderbilt
rtiversities of Oklahoma,
mia and Kansas, among
loesn't surprise me said
n V ou can be sure the (CIA)
the same thing
on tends the CIA and FBI
tve never trusted the citizens of
try. They think dissent is
In 1965, "there was a mood in
gton that student protests
c Vietnam War were not
rganized by students, but by
n governments Lyon re-
n bered. lake the 1980s FBI
the government thought
? am protesters were receiv-
? inding and directions from
le provocateurs.
ording to Lyon, President
?n authorized the CIA to
r information about campus
sentcrs, although the agency's
trter prohibits it from operat-
in the United States
rhc CIA had to be slick" to get
around that prohibition, said
and recruited campus spies
igh its "good ol' boy net-
k I he agency contacted fac-
ulty members and students it had
rked with in the past, or were
known to be sympathetic to the
vernment's desire to quell
impus dissent, and asked them
recommend students to work
is agency "assets
1 don't know how 1 was cho-
sen said Lyon.
The agents who rccruitea mm,
however, knew a lot about Lyon's
personal life. " The first time they
offered me the job 1 scud no. But
the second time they made a
much better offer
They ottered him $300 a month
and a draft deferment, as well asa
job with the agency when he
That was a lot ol money then,
too much to turn down. Up until
then I'd earned money by tending
bar and mowing grass. And what
thev asked me to do was not dis-
tasteful. I wasn't sure it the war
was immoral. 1 believed in my
The draft determent was cspe
ciallyattractive. I wasn't sure the
best way to serve my country was
by stopping a bullet in a rice
paddy said Lyon, who could
have been dratted after he gradu-
ated from Iowa State
"1 became disillusioned almost
from the day 1 started in school
1 yon added. 1 le attended politi-
cal meetings on campus, taking
notes on what was said and who
attended. To ingratiate himself
with his subjects he volunteered
tor various jobs the Iowa State
anti war movement needed done.
And when nobody was around,
he'd photocopy membership
lists. His meeting notes and the
membership lists "everything I
could get" were then passed on
to the CIA.
Although the work he (.lid lor
the CIA wasn't illegal, it was
"outrageous and immoral Lyon
said of the nationwide campus
spying effort, which ultimately
grew to 30,000 files on activists
until it was terminated in 1973.
After graduation, Lyon worked
for the CIA in Mexico, the Carib-
bean and in Cuba. 1 le left the
agency in 1973. "Working for the
CIA is like a bad marriage you
can't get out of he said.
In Cuba, Lyon sabotaged ma-
chinery, burned crops, "anything
we could to disrupt the Cuban
economy The CIA hoped to fuel
Cuban domestic discontent by
ravaging its economy. But the
Cuban government was wise to
him. 1 le was soon arrested.
Do you need money?
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Thanks to The East Carolinian
Staff tor making my Birthday
a special one The Tenquin
was cute and the
cake was delicious.
1 o all of the staff
that will be graduating
1 will miss vou
GoHi Luck in all of your
future endeavors.
iDad was right.
?)u get what
you pay for
1re people choose AT&T
ver any uher K ng distance
service. Because with AT&T, it
costs less than you think to get
the sen ice vou expect, like
clearer connections. 24-hour
AT&T c perat r assistance,
instant credit on wrong num-
bers. And the assurance that we
can put virtually everyone oi
your calls through the rirst time.
That's the genius of the AT&T
Worldwide Intelligent Network.
So when it's time to make
a choice, remember, it pays to
choose AT&T
If you'd like to know more
about our products or services,
like the AT&T Card, call us at
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The right choice.

APRIL 21,1988
i!os & heavy lifting required. Must be
neat and outgoing. Apply in person at
The Vm'h Shop, Carolina East Conven-
ience Con tor
nity to earn S4iX' 00 a week, it vou are: (1)
able to work away from home (2) work
long hours (3) independent. This is your
invitation to an interview conducted at:
Brewstcr B 205 at 4 and 7 p.m.
MINI and available to begin working
now" Are you enthusiastic, dependable,
and excited about working in a fashion
environment Brody's has part-time
openings for individuals able to wlrk
flexible hour Apply at Brody's, Carolina
East Mall. Monday thru Wednesday, 2-4
p m
ISC, MESSENGER, answer phone,
ike copies and files, run errands Work-
. hours 8 a ml or 2 p.m. Only work
when ECU is in session Contact Carl S.
Borwick at 355-57!
WIID M oriels tor Leisure Curl Perm
style must he either virgin or
previously curled. Relaxed hair not suit
e. Perms and stIes to be done by out-
standing -t h-ts during State Beauticians
w at the GreenvSle Sheraton. Models
needed tor following dates April 24, 25,
26 & 2" It interested call Allan's Beauty
Ph. 1-800-682-27W.
N EDED tor 9 weeks, June lt-August 17.
W rs or older Call Camp Morehead,
Morchcad Qtj NC. 919-726-3960days
mt 919 726 5321 nights
DANTS M EDED tor summer work in
tlantic Beach area May 15th-Labor
Da) ; 75 - Commissions Send resume
Beach Bums Beach Service, VO Box
tic Beach, N.C 28512.919-247-
: work or now! Lake front lodging
ided Send resume to: Baldwin Sign
Co Box 363 I ake Wacamaw, N C 28450
rested in those with ! luman Service
background wishing to gain valuable
experience in the held No monetary
compensation, however, room, utilities
and phone provided. Call Marv Smith,
REAL Ciua C?758-11ELP.
HELP WANTED: Part time interior de-
n student - send resume to: Designer,
Fa-t 10th St Greenville, N.C.
CAMPS (Mass) Mah Kec-N'ac for Bo-s
nbee for Girls. Counselor positions for
Program Specialists: All Team Sports,
especially Baseball, Basketball, Field
fce) Soccer, and Volleyball; 25 Tennis
openings also Archery, Riflery and Bik-
other openings indude Performing
ts Fine Arts, Yearbook, Photography,
Video, Cooking, Sewing, Rollerskating,
Rocketry, Ropes, and Camp Craft; All Wa-
terfront activities (Swimming, Skiing,
Small CraftV Inquire Action Camping
(Boys) 190 Linden Ave, Glen Ridge, NJ
07028; (Girls) 44 Center Grove Road, H-21,
Randolph, NJ 07869. Phone (Bovs) 201-
429-8522; (Girls) 201-328 2727.
BE ON T.V Many needed for commer-
cials Casting info' (1) 805-687-6000 Ext.
WANTED: Waiters, waitress's at
Greenville Country Club. Tues-Fri 2-4
p.m. 756-1237.
dav Inn Reservation Center has immediate
openings for Temporary Call Service Sales
Agents Perfect for college students. Must
be available to work days, evenings, and
weekends. We offer the following: com-
plete paid training program, benefit pack-
age available and attractive base wage,
plus incentive wage plan. If you have good
interactive telephone skills, and can type
30 wpm. please apply in person to: Holi-
day Inn Reservation Center, 1705 Cvy-
Macedoma Road, Raleigh, NC 2760 .r call
(919) 851-2990 for an appointment. ?ve are
an Affirmative Action Employer.
tion Point Ministries hiring high adven-
ture Wilderness Coordinators, Day Camp,
Special Needs, Hearing Impairment,
Medical Needs, and Appalachian Home
Repair Coordinators. Non-profit organ
mbr. of A.CACCI, Write: P.O. Box 50,
Ozone, TN 37842 (615) 484-8483.
HELP WANTED: Field Scouts summer
work in Lenotr, Jones, Craven, Pitt, Greene
counties to monitor crops. Maturity. Con-
scientiousness. Good physical condition
essential. Must have own transportation.
Good plav plus mileage. Send resume to
MCS, P.O. Box 179, Griffon, NC 28530 or
call 524-5207 9-1 p.m. M-F.
SUMMER JOBS: $1400mo salary!
Spend your summer in Va. Beach. Turn
your summer into a rewarding experience!
16 Carribean Trips Scholarship Program.
Va. Beach: 499-4123, 340-5338 Richmond:
BARMAIDS WANTED: Must be 21 yrs. of
age. No exp. Will train. Call 758-0058 ask
for lack or Ray.
OH HEAVENS, oh gracious, here's a
golden nugget 'cause 1 know, you dug it.
Plan the party now. Contact the
TRASHMAN DJ service Do a desk-top
jib. Oldies, Beach, the Top 40, etc . dial
752-3587. We own platters that matter.
ICES offered Call Susan at 758-8241
VIDEO DATING the Wave of the Fu-
ture. Meet your mate on a video tape.
Call for details. Promotions Unlimited
Video Dating Service. 756-6163.
page. Resume $15.00 - call Joy at 758-
7423, call from 6-9 p.m.
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services. We also sell
software and computer diskettes. 24
hours in and out. Guaranteed typing on
paper up to 20 hand written pages. SDF
Professional Computer Services, 106
East 5th Street (beside Cubbie's)
Greenville, N.C. 752-3694.
J.W. Gartt and
Associates Stockbroker
Trainee Position
National full service
firm is preparing to add
to sales force in
Tidewater area.
Training positions
possible for qualified
applicants with sales
experience or college
degree. Salary.
Call Ms. Lee 340-4401!
FOR SALE: ECU Visiting Professor re-
turning home selling 180 Buick Regal,
good shape Almost new furniture &
TV. Reasonable! Call 756-1238
Frozen Yogurt it Sorbet Greenville's
absolute best' Hot waffle cones. Shakes.
Banana Splits and Blend ins 321 E 10th
Street, Greenville, N.C
FOR SALE Is It True You Can Buv Jeeps
for $44 through the U.S. government'
Get the facts today! Call 1 312 742-1142
Ext. 5271 A
FOR SALE Great variety of cassettes at
$2, receivers $35. Must hear - will deal -
desperate and broke. Call Shannon at
FOR SALE: Assorted furnishings in-
cluding coffee table, book shelves,
chairs, all at inexpensive student prices.
Graduating in May. Must sell soon. Call
758-4779, ask for Dan.
SHIRTS FOR SALE $8 - $12. Designs
that are in tie dyes done with special T-
shirt fabric paints so they last longer.
Ask for Paul or leave a message 752-
0607. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cu. refrigerator. Price
negotiable. Call 752-8738.
FOR SALE: 2 stained wood cabinets with
brick in-lay and 2 shelves. Can be used as
TV stand, night stand or as storage cabi-
nets in dorm rooms or apartments. Excel-
lent condition. Good price. Call 752-8738.
SALE - B unit 2nd floor, fully furnished.
Tax market-value $43,730.00. Make me an
offer. 919-787-1378.
FOR SALE: 1982 Pontiac phoenix, two
tone, five door, AC, bucket scats, rear
window defroster, 125,000 miles, good
condition. Call 758-4779, ask for Dan.
FOR SALE: 2 month old 1 4 carat dia-
mond pendant necklace with 14 carat
gold chain, 14 carat gold chain with heart
shaped charm: 3 diamonds inside, and 1
4 carat diamond solitaire ring (engage-
ment ring). Call for prices. Low prices.
FOR SALE: Peugeot 12 speed bicycle.
Excellent condition 2 years old. Good
components. Call 752-4260, ask for Jack.
FOR SALE: Can you buy Jeeps, Cars, 4 x
4's Seized in drug raids for under
$10000? Call for facts today. 602-837-
3401. Ext. 711.
RED HOT bargains! Drug dealers' cars,
boats, planes repo'd. Surplus. Your area.
Buyers Guide. (1) 805-687-6000, Ext. S-
ROOM FOR RENT: Furnished bed-
room, semi-private bath, separate en-
trance, near university, available in May.
Heat, AC ft utilities furnished. Must be
serious student or professional. Call 756-
5409 after 6 p.m. or all day Saturday and
FOR RENT: Looking for roommate for
Fall Semester 1988. Two bedroom
Townhouse near campus. Rent is $160 a
month utilities. Call 752-7359 ask for
bdrm. townhouse at Sheraton Village
beginning in August. Female, non-
smoker, serious student preferred. Fire-
place, ACcentral heat, dishwasher,
washerdryer ft free cable w hookup in
bedroom. If interested, call 756-2760
leave name ft number M-F 8:30-5:30.
near campus for non-smoking female in
exchange for assisting with household
chores. 757-1798.
low rent -1 block from campus. Male or
female Call 758-6415 Heidi or Demise.
Available May 14th to share 3 bedroom
apt. at Wilson Acres. Private bedroom, 1
3 rent and utiUties. furnished except for
bedroom. Non-smoker. Call 752-5630.
FOR RENT: Efficiency apt in Ringgold
Towers; May 5 to July 31; Rent $250 per
month. Fullv furnished. Air Cond. Call
mobile home. Furnished and near cam-
pus. Available for rent in August. Please
call 752-1079.
ROOMMATE NEEDED for June ft July.
1 mile from campus. Own furnished
room. $100 00 per month, 12 utiUties,
non-smoker. Call 757-3262.
NEEDED: A female (non-smoker) to
share apt. at Wilson Acres with 3 other
girls. For Mav, June, July or either for 1st
or 2nd s.s. Private room, $120 a month
l4utiUty- Call 752-9077.
live in Morehead this summer. Call Sonja
(Carolina student) at 395-1330.
FOR RENT: $60.00weck per person,
beach house in Myrtle Beach. Ocean
view, 100 yards to beach, near Pavillion.
Phone 1-803-626-9197.
RINGGOLD TOWERS: Apts. for rent
Furnished. Contact I lollie Simonowich at
share nice 3 bedroom apartment. $120.00
plus 13 utilities. Private bedroom.
Available May 1st. Call 752-3678.
2nd SS to share a house on Meade St. 1 2
rent, 12 utilities, washer, dryer, central
air. CaU Jennifer at 752 4140 - leave a
ROOMMATE NEEDED for summer ft
possibly fall. Ringgold Towers, private
furnished br, all major appliances incl.
microwave. Water and cable incl. in
S200mo. rent. CaU Spencer ? 1 9Q2 4543
8-5 or collect after 5 @ 929-0756.
bedroom house located four blocks from
campus Male preferred $165 a month
Call 758-1274 after 5:30 p.m.
L1BRARV One room of two bedroom
apartment available to sublease May-
Aug. Fully furnished and air condi-
tioned. Very convenient (4 minute walk
to library). $145 per month plus phone,
cable and utiUties. 757-0412.
HERITAGE VILLAGE, two 2-bedroom
units for rent. CeiUng fans, private back-
yard, storage, reasonable rates. Call 758-
1177 or 355-6756.
mate for the summer, two bedrooms, one
and one half baths, Uvingroom, kitchen,
dinette, cement patio great for barbecues,
fridge, dishwasher, central air, quiet
neighborhood, five minutes from cam-
pus. 107-E Cedar Court. $160 per month
plus utilities. Call 758-4779, ask for Dan or
Apts. - 2br2 bath apt. - 894 sq. ft. 1 month
free rent with 12 month lease - $95.00 se-
curity deposit - 355-2198.
ROOMMATE WANTED: $150 mo. plus
1 3 utilities. Located 2 blocks from cam-
pus. Call 758-7784 leave message.
ROOMMATES needed to share
townhouse in Wildwood ViUas for sum-
mer school. $130 per month for own
room, $100 if share a room. CaU Julie 752-
share large two-bedroom duplex on Juni-
per Ct. $135 a month plus utilities. Avail-
able May 7, call 355-5846.
Trailer 3 miles from school. Larger room
$100; smaller room $100; 13 utiUties;
first come basis. Call Janet 355-7753.
furnished 3 bedroom house, 4 blocks
from campus for Fall semester. Share of
expenses (utilities, phone, etc.) A nine
month lease with a one month deposit is
required. We are looking for 2 respon-
sible students. Call Don Edmonson at
REMAX Properties 355-5444756-7583.
FOR RENT: Quiet responsible non-
smoking female looking for someone to
share 2-bedroom apartment 2 blocks
from campus $167.50mo. 12 utilities.
758-2974. Keep trying.
ROOMMATE NEEDED: Clean, mature
person needed to share 2 bedroom fur-
nished apt. at Langston Park for the
summer. CaU Chuck 757-0660.
ROOM TO RENT: Female nonsmoker in
Tar River. $125 mo.14 utiUties May-
Aug. Furnished. CaU Trish 752-3708
3p.m. -11 p.m. or before 10:45 a.m.
A Beautiful Place to Live
?All New 2 Bedroom
?And Ready To Rent
2899 E. 5th Street
?Located Near BCU
?Acrot Fran Highway Patio! Stattoti
Unatad Ofcr - $775 a month
Contact J. T. or Tommy William
756-7115 or ?MW?
Offlct open - Apt.?, 12 - 530 p.m.
daaa and quiet one bedroom funUahcd
?part me Ma, i
rvm, optional waahera. dryer, cable TV.
Courtis or riafics on!). $195 month, 6 month I
lea. MOKT.1 HOME RENTALS - eoupfca a
?ingba. Apartment and mobile homaatnAu
Cardan near Brook Valley Country CluL.
J.T or Tomm "
Greenville Condo
Ringgold Towers
1 bd. fully furnished
$32,000Owner will
consider 2nd mortgage
or trade equity for
other property.
Phone Frank Stone
at Southern Shores
Townhouse For Rent;
Best Deal In Town
?by owner
?accommodates 4 students
?2 levels
?2 12 baths
? pool it clubhouse
?excellent condition
?SI 50 per person
?owner will pay all utilities
except phone it cable
?1 year lease
rhone 703-S60-877 if interested.
FOR RENT 3 bedroom house for rent,
price neg Refrig included. 3 mo. lease
Deposit required. Call 355-5388 day or
752-7001 after 6 00
THE 1 ICE CREAM is only 172 steps
from MendenhaU I lANK'S" just a quick
walk for vour favorite Ice Cream, Frozen
Yogurt or Sorbet 321 E 10th Street 758-
PHI KAPPA TAU - thanks for the Softball
game on Sunday! Let's do it again soon.
Love, the Sigmas.
tions We love you! Your little sisters,
Kelly and Liz.
J MY J: You mean an awful lot to'me, the
saddest thing thats true, no one will ever
fill your place. Not even someone new.
The time has come to say goodbye, of
course its not for good. Keep me close to
your heart, and remember us, as you
should. I fear this summer coming near,
for 1 will be so far away just remember: I
love you and I'll think of you everyday.
tions on receiving the Best Chapter
Award it to the Lambda Chis for winning
the AZD All Sing ? The PIKAs.
ALPHA PHIS - Thanks for the cookout.
Wes had a good time! ?The Pikas.
PIKES Congratulations on receiving the
highest GPA Award for Spring 87, win-
ning the Sig Ep Baby Buggy Contest,
placing first at the Intramural Track Meet
and winning Field Day at the Pi Kappa
Phi house. The tradition continues - The
PIKA - is proud to announce its officers
for 1988-89: Pres. - Matt Hermes, V. Pres.
- Todd Hodges, Secretary - David Wood,
Treasurer - Tim Sheehy and Sargeant at
Arms - Don Shephard. Congratulations
Guys - The Brothers.
THE MOODY DUDES invite you and
yours to a night of dancing, swinging and
arboreal brachiation tonight at Susie's
TO THE ADPI's: How much you mean
to me, my friend, I guess you'll never
know - How many times your smile
brought cheer when 1 was feeling low. I
hope our bonds will always be as strong
as today - Even when we graduate and go
our separate ways, just try to keep one
thought in mind together or apart You'll
always be right here, my friend, right
here. . . in my heart. Love always,
AOPI's ft THEIR DATES: Forget about
stressing for exams, now it's time to put
on your jams. Luau is coming on Satur-
day night. Get ready because well be
doing it right Don't forget to dress
Hawaiian, on that night we'll be stylin'
and profilin
AOPI's - I'm really going to miss you next
year! Have a great summer! Love, Anne
SIG EPS ? Conratulations on having an
outstanding semester. Also, if you are
going to be in summer school, contact
Upchurch about buying a pool.
WHY BAKE? Hank's Cake. Delicious ice
cream or frozen yogurt cakes. Call or stop
by today! 321E. 10th Street 758-0000. Per-
fect for any occasion.
LOST: 4 12 month old female Husky
blackwhite, blue eyes, red collar. Last
seen at Hardee's - Greensprings park
area. Reward, call 758-6309.
TEE! For the 1988-89 school year apply at
Whichard 204, MendenhaU Student
Center Information Desk, SGA Office,
and Residence Hall Director's offices.
HIG: Yo Mr. Prey. How bout stopping
by before you graduate!?! You've done a
super job as Phi Tau President and we re
gonna miss you. Good luck. Love, the hi
KAREN HEIM: Well big sis - Does May
7th mean anything? How 'bout Raleigh?
JobOr are we all still clueless? Who
cares anyway. . I'm gonna miss you and
all our Radical times downtown and at
socials. Good luck! You've been the best
big sis and friend. Love, YLS Amanda
TERS: Good luck on finals. Lets end the
semester with a killer Spring Fling Friday
and an awesome Luau Saturday. Get
psyched for the Keg Race tonight against
your lil' sisters and pledges. Love, you Id'
JAMES RUSSO: Well bigbro, May 7th is
almost here and 1 know I don't have to
teoo you how much you've come to mean
to me over the years. Thanks for all your
support - especially with Phi Tau Little
Sisters. Good luck always and I'm going
to miss you. I LOVE YOU JAMES. YLS,
JAMES RUSSO: Graduation is just
around the corner. Congratulations, you
made the most college, Phi Kappa Tau,
etc Vou have been the best roommate a
guy could ask for, and you will be missed.
Co far. Brian Morris.
JAMES RUSSO: Congratulations on
your graduation You will be missed by
many here. Friends for life. R. Michael
the best. Don't miss SMOKIN' DAVE
Thursday, and welcome back the down
home blues of the BLUES DEFENDERS
Friday. Jam to ROCK FOR DEMOC-
RACY Saturday and don't dare miss the
USUALS Monday the 25th.
BEST OF LUCK to the graduating sen
iors: Maria Bell, Shari Clemens, Ginny
MacGrath, Anglea Scenna, Caroline
Stoval, Julie Moser, Kathy Rattary. We
are looking forward to Burns! Love your
Chi Omega Sisters.
luck on exams and have an awesome
summer. We're getting excited about the
fall semester - lets plan on it being one of
the best! We love you guys! Your little
SUZIE KOCHAN - Good luck on your
Finals. How 'bout Chico's one afternoon,
after you sell your books. Get psyched for
a great semester this coming fall. It's
gonna be the best. Thanks for everything
Love ya - A.J.
JIMMY - AjfiAj?NOdlfA ttdrnl
dropping your paints at parties to Valen-
tine surprises for all of us. To just being
you and always cracking jokes at our
meetings. You've been the best lil' sister
chairman. Thanks for all your support.
Love - the Lil' Sisters of Phi Tau.
CAR W ASH:This Friday and Saturday at
Hardees - sponsored by the Phi Kappa
Tau Lil' Sisters. 10:00 - 4:00.
JUUE HOFER. I can't wait for this sum-
mer. Wilson Acres won't be the same.
You've been a great lil' sister. Love -
Amanda YDS.
Sign up for the biggest Bikini Contest at
ECU. Sign up at Student Store or call
752-5S43 ask for Mark.
RICH ft ROD: State was a blast, Chapel
1 Idl was lame, did we not create the ulti-
mate quarters game There was that nasty
song we could only sing, Rich how was
that all alore under the bed fling Satur-
day night was wild, what can we say,
think they'll give Jerry an increase in R A
pay The weekend come back again but
least we showed them how to party
Love, Kim it Ginny.
won't be the same without you two, but
good luck out there in the REAL world
Remember you always have a place on
Holly Street to visit
THANKS: 1 appreciate the support of
you, the students of ECU, during the past
year. I have enjoyed serving as YOUR
SGA. PRESIDENT. Hope vour future
will be filled with much SUCCESS! Scott
Thomas, SGA President '87 ?-
HIGG - You Animal' We're finally
graduating. You did a "SUPER" pb this
semester as president The fraternity will
miss your fat and drunk ass vcrv much
Good luck in LIFE I hope you will gofar
row; Friday, April 22, at the Phi Tau
1 louse. Xeuon will be starting up at 300.
So get your ticket today or tomon
front of the Student Store
to thank all of you for everything the
parties, the "fun and games' t!
friendships, and of course, all the memo-
ries. Best of Luck to all in the i rraw
years, I know vou will all striw to Betht
Best! Your Chaplin. PR
started at noon By the poobide a
and then all too soon Those Phi
there were wild an crazy guys, n
stayed sober and no one stayed drv nthe
water we went, two and three tin
the sun went down and it was I
dine. Sarah's new pb deserved a few
toasts and Heathers award is notl
boast. We danced and sang a-
played on and the parties were .
lasted all night long but now we verecu-
perated and there's nothing to feat be-
cause Alpha Phi formal comes
a year
FOUND A Siberian Huskey CaQaxi
identify - 738-0815 Ask for David
Key Largo, Fla.
2 Persons $369
4 Persons $309
May 8-13
For More Information ft
Registration Call The
Rum Runner
Dive Shop
OK CHICKS, One more week
Core Zeta-ing " Can y:w mak
you bet.tefr' Because after fht1 ?tv rot
iattll WraatC trf enter thl lAr
after Friday night vou will be ifcJt ?pb?
with the Big Dogs. 1 lev always ranonbei
vou girls are TI IE CREATES! Zeta Love
the Cat Daddy
addition, Moe, Ms.? Miss Miss. BtgD,Lil
Wiehe, and T squad (The Big Dogs) Zeta
Love the Cat Daddv
McHugh, Pam McKanlev. Alicia Thomas,
Deena Niewiadomski, Lisa Wiehe, and
Tessa Thomas. Love the Sisters or Zeta
Tau Alpha.
KRISTY WRIGLEY: You did a great tob
organizing the American Cancer Society
Crusade. Thanks for spending the tin
Love, the Sigmas.
KAPPA SIGMAS - Funkv Nassau wj
great - lets keep a great tradition' Love,
the Sigmas.
BAHAMA MAMA: Don't forget the
biggest party at ECU, Monday, April
25th at the Kappa Sig House. Giving
away all expense paid trip for 2 to Nasau.
The Ethics will supply the jam. Tickets
are $3.00 in advance, $4.00 at the door.
Girls don't forget to sign up for the
Bikini Contest.
the Death Batch party (TKE, AZD, KO,
and Sig Ep) are still available (Approx. 5).
LAMBDA CHI ALPHA thanks for res-
cuing us out of Tar River on Friday' Lo5
Jessica, Amy, Kristy, kelly Greer and the
Applications are now being accepted
for study abroad placements under the
International Student Exchange Program
(ISEP). ISEP is a worldwide network of
colleges and universities that provides
exchanges of students on a one-for-one,
fully reciprocal basis. The cost of an ISEP-
sponsored study abroad experience is,
except for travel costs, the same as that of
attending ECU. If you have completed at
least one year of college-level work, have
a GPA of at least 2.5, and yearn to experi-
ence other people and other places, con-
tact IMMEDIATELY Dr. R.J. Hursey, Jr
ISEP Coordinator, Austin 222,757-6418 or
756-0682. A limited number of summer
Intensive language programs are avail-
Auditions for flag and rifle positions on
the 1988 Colorguard will be held Sat,
April 16, Sat April 23, and Sat May 21
from 12:00-4:30. Select one date to attend.
Any questions! Call Tracey 758-1217.
Looking for an easy, guaranteed fun-
draiser? The Dept of Univeristy Unions
needs ushers for its 1988-89 programs.
Please contact Lynn Jobes, 757-6611, for
more information.
All organizations interested in having a
booth at Barefoot, contact Kay at 757-6611,
ext 210. Barefoot Is April 21,1988,12 Noon
to 6 p.m.
The Accounting Society Spring blovj
out - Pig picking party will be on Fridai
April 22nd from 4 p.m til 10 p.m.w
members and $3 for non-members Sif
up on April 11th thru the 15th in tr
General Classroom building, room 32C
from 9 a.m. til 1p.m.
ES.F. meets Wednesday at 530 pm. j
St. Pauls Episcopal Church on 4th St
In the ES.F. there is no pressure to
form. Call Allen Manning for more infd
mation at 758-1440.
Sponsored by Campus Crusade
Christ meets Thursday, 7:30 pi
Brewster C-103. Please come and joinj
for Biblical teaching, fun, and fello
Bring your friends! We look forward
meeting you. This Sunday night at
p.m. in MendenhaU we will be sho
the most watched film in AmerU
"Jesus Come out and watch it with
and bring a friend! Meet at tl
information desk.
The American Marketing Associat
will be hosting its first ever banquet on i
19th of April. Time and place will
posted shortly. Dinner along with a
cial quest speaker will be provided,
cost will be $3.00 per person or $5.00 fc
members and a guest. Money for
banquet can be turned into Dr. Dudley's
office in advance.
The Equal Rights Organization of Stu
dents, meets weekly, alternating between
Tuesday and Wednesday meetings Meet-
ing dates for April are the 5th, 5th, 19th
and 27th If you're interested in learning
more aobut feminism or women's issues,
please attend these meetings, in Brewster
B-101 Call 752 8014 for more information
Auditions for the Golden Cirls will be
held on Sat April 23rd and Sun April 24
for the 1988 Marching Piiates Must at-
tend both davs For more information call
reresa at 752-4369
The physical education motor and
physical fitness competency test is sched
tiled for Tuesday April 26 at Minges Coli-
seum at 3 00 p m A passing score on this
test is required of all students prior to
declaring physical education as a r
An v student with a medical condition that
would contraindicate participation
should contact Mike McCammon or
Mitch Craih at 757-6497
Applications are needed from ?
persons who are interested in becoi
students in wheelchans We are
particularly interested in anyone who has
a background of aiis.sting individuals
with their activities of daily living For
further details, contact Office of
ffandicapped Student Services, 212
Whichard Building, East Carolina
University, Phone 919-757-6799
Hillel barbecue, Sunday April 24th
rrom 12-2 pm at Elm Street Park. Softball
tennis and volleyball will be available
Plenty of hotdogs, hamburgers and
drinks will be provided, but please bring
your favorite sneaks or sidedish Call 75v
430 for more information or ndes.
Applications are now being accepted
for students wighing to serve on
University Committees for the kl988-89
school vear Applaicahons are available at
the following locatins: Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Student Life, 204 Whichard
Building; Mendenhail Student Center
and Residence Hall Directors' offices
Direct vour questions to: the Office of the
Vice Chancellor for Student Life (757-
For Your Summe)
300 Fan
Discount To
The Centj
MonTues, & Wed.
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
For an appointment 01
mation, call 24-Hour
111 East Third Street - The Lee Bu
Greenville. N. C.
Free Pregnancy Test-
Confidcntial Counseling
Benetton give(
with ECU
20 qffy
Open MonSat. 10-6
' ? r iw w ? i? mmma

APRIL 21, 1988
v v HlklM v ONTEST:
: (tgestBikini Contest at
lent More or call
?t chapel
tethe uiti-
as that nasty
? - g "v?" how was
- sJtur-
ec in K A
? ?- again but
? t pjrtv
vHIKIM rhings
Iwo but
' ? world
?ve a place on
s pport of
u future
S Vvtt
rov m
St I
' r.kil t.
' p meek cm
m gjrss -

w recn
V he and
Nassau was
on! Love,
IAMA MAMA Pont forget the
party at ECl Monday, April
Kappa - c House. Giving
ns? paid trip tor 2 toNasau.
v the jam. Tickets
in advance, 54 00 at the door.
. t to sign up for the
on test
W1RIHHI A! r ?? res
lay! Love
Krist ? t and th
Society Spring blow
: irty will be on Friday
I pm hi 10 pm S2 fof
S3 for non-membor- Sigf
? thru the !5th in thi
? m building, ro. m ?20f
. m
F meets Wednesday at 530 pan. h
St Pauls Episcopal Church on 4th Strem
F S F there is no pv I pe -
Call Allen Mannil nfa -
? at 758 14
iv e
naored by t rusade
t meets - 7 30 p. no ,
?-tor C 103 Please come and join
trficalteadh and fellowshi .
; your friends' Ve took forward
ttutday night at BH )
p m in McndenhalJ we v.ill be showir j
? watched film in Americ
fesui " Come out and watch it with
and bring a friend! Meet at the
information desk.
i Us
The American Marketing Association
will be hosting its first ever banquet on the
19th of April Time and place will be
posted shortly Dinner along with a spe-
cial quest speaker will be provided. The
cost will be S3 00 per person or $5 00 for
members and a guest Money for the
banquet can be turned into Dr. Dudley's
office in advance
The Equal Rights Organization of Stu-
dents, meets weekly, alternating between
? uesday and Wednesday meetings Meet-
ing dates tor April are the 5th, Sth, Wth
and Z7th !t you're interested in learning
more aobut feminism or women's issues,
please attend these meetings in Brewster
B Ml Call 752 SOU tor more information
Auditions tor the Golden Girls will be
Sold on Sat April Z.Vd and Sun April 24
lor the 10vs8 Marching Pirate dust at-
tend both davs For more information call
Teresa at 752 4V0
The physical education motor and
physical fitness competency test is sched-
uled tor Tuesday April 26 at Minges Coli-
seum at " 00 p m A passing score on this
test is required of all students prior to
declaring physical education as a major
Any student with a medical condition that
would contraindicate participation
should contact Mike McCammon or
Mitch Craib at 757 M?"
Applications are needed from those
persons who are interested in becoming
students in wheelchahs We are
particularly interested in anyone who has
a background of assisting individuals
with their activities of daily living For
further details contact Office of
Handicapped Student Services, 212
chard Building. East Carolina
University, Phone 919-757-6799
HUlel barbeque, Sunday April 24th
from 12 2 pm at Dm Street Tark Softball,
tennis and volleyball will be available
lenty of hotdogs, hamburgers and
drinks will be provided but please bring
our fa orite sneaks or sidedish. Call 756
I JO for more information or rides.
Applications are now being accepted
tor students wighing to serve on
liversity Committees for the kl98B-89
school year Applications are available at
following locatins: Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Student Life, 204 Whichard
Building Mendenhall Student Center;
I Residence Hall Directors' offices.
Direct your questions to: the Office oi the
Vice Chancellor tor Student Life (757-
- Ill
Wes2fel is a Christian fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
jointly by the Presbyterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries Come to the
Medthodist Student Center (501 E 5th,
across from Carrett dorm) this
Wednesday night at 5 pm for a delicious,
all you can eat home cooked meal with a
short program afterwards This week,
volleyball on the mall The meal is S2 at the
door, $1 50 if you sign up in advance Call
758-2090 for reservations
A lecture bv loan Bokaer, Director.
Citizens Network Center for Religion,
Ethics and Social Policy Cornell
University on Tuesday April 2bth 1988 at
730 pm at the Brody Medical Sciences
Bldg (ECU School of Medicine Campus)
Sponsored by the Eastern NC Chapter ot
Physicians tor Social Responsibility
The Bullseye Dart Club will be having
an organizational meeting Thursday,
April 21 at 7 00 pm in Memorial Gym
Room 105-C Anyone interested in
Playing DARTS should attend. Eor more
info contact Chris Wandseher at 758 8633.
Mendenhall Student Center will again
provide free coffee and study areas for
students during the upcoming exam
period. Eree coffeee and study areas for
students during the upcoming exam
period Free coffee will be available in the
Student Center Lobby from 7 30 pm until
11:00 pm on April 2o 27, and 28, and on
May 1 2 and 3 The cortoc is being served
through the courtestv of Con teen
Services, Inc. Meeting rooms are also
available for group study Students
wishing to reserve a room may do so by
contacting the Central Reservations
Office at 757-6611. ext. 230, between the
hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday
through Frida)
Phi Sigma Pi would like to congratulate
its newest brothers: Drew Covert, Pat
1 lamilton. Kim Jackson Steve King, Tracv
Lvle, Marv Moblev, Carole Sawyer, Shell)
TerLinden, Beth Wasson, Rick Williams
and Christa Zammit Welcome'
Yo! Sectionals and regionals are upon
us. Practice Tuesday, Wed , Thurs Want
to go to Nationals' We've got two
tournaments to prove it Yo!
For Your Suinmer Storage Needs
Economy Mini-Storage
300 Farmer's St.
Greenville, NC 2783-4
Discount To All Students
The Center Is Open
Mon Tues, & Wed. Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
9 a.m. - 2 p.m. & by appointment
For an appointment or more Infor-
mation, call 24-Hour Helpline,
1 1 1 East Third Street - The Lee Building
Greenville. N. C.
Free Pregnancy Test-
Confidential Counseling

o o
T o
(Oadd Jwc
Benetton giveou a Study Break!
Come in
ril 25 thru May 7
with ECU Student ID.
and receive
20 off your purchase.
Open MonSat. 10-6 Arlington Blvd.
An environmental celebration "All
Species Day" on Sat April 23rd from 10:00
am KX) pm ar River Park North in
Creonvile, NC. Tins is sponsored by Tar
River Foundations Streamwatch.
Featured activities will be a parade of the
animals, skits, tolk music, craft and food
sales all day Public is invited to come as
your favorite animal or species. Free
admission For more info call 355-6516.
The Greenville Choral Society will
present its Spring COncert on Sunday,
April 24, at 4 (XI p m in Memorial Baptist
Church. It will feature Solemn Vespers by
Wolfgang Amadous Mozart, Singing the
solo portions will be soprano Patricia
1 Iiss, alto Carol Metzger, tenor Stephen
W. Vaughn and bass William McConncll,
all members of the Choral Society.
Iho program will also include Festival
Te Deum by Benjamin Britten with
soprano Ann Maines as soloist, and Song
oi Democracy, a poem by Walt Whitman
set to music by the AMcrican composer
I toward 1 lanson. (.ganist-pianist Mark
Gansor will be the accompanist.
rickets are $3.50 and may be secured
from any Choral Society member or at the
The ECU Black Alumni Chapter
cordially invites you and your friends to
the Purple and Gold Dance (Minority
Scholarship Fundraiser) on Sat April 23,
1988 at the Mendenhall Student Center-
Multi Purpose Room rom 9:00 pm to 1:00
am Dress will be casual purple and gold.
Admission S3.50. Come join fellow
students alumni and friends in an evening
of fun.
All announcements currently
running in the East Carolinian
will not run after April 21,1988.
If you wish to run announce-
ments in the summer editions of
The East Carolinian, you must
submit the announcement to The
East Carolinian.
At Kinko's we offer the highest qualm copies at a ven km
price Our other services include binding, collating and a
self-serve workspace stocked with all the things you need
to put together that project or proposal Trv Kinko's F?r
great copies And great deals
Open early. Open late.
Open weekends.
321 E. 10th Street (919) 752 0875
Monday - Friday 7:00am - 10:00pm Saturday 9:O0am
i M li
A flB
KIM. Ol HI 1 !(?
April 22, 1988
2-7 p.m.
$3 in advance; $4 at door
Buses from College Hill
B.Y.O.BNo Bottles
Sfa S6fowtiiue
Sandwiches & Salads
? O
Hair by Rycke & Co.
???? jj
Famous Pizza
Spa Health Clubs
- ?, ?.? . ? pgQga

TtU PiraU Prss Stit
a Laboratory Production o? Journalism 5200
Vol.5 No.1
April 21,1988
Mendenhall Expansion Set
for December Completion
B David Herring
As early as ll72. when
Mendenhall Student Center was
opened, there were already tentative
plans foe its expansion, according
10 S. Rudolph Alexander, assistant
vice-chancellor for student life and
director of university unions and
student activities.
There aren't adequate dining
facilities for students living on
campus he said. Meeting rooms
are needed and can't be gotten
without having to book weeks
ahead oi tune We also need more
office space and student activities
1 he board of governors and ad-
ministrators have been fearful that
cooking in dorms will cause a fire.
I hero are also potential sanitation
problems such as pest infestation,
that could arise from food storage in
the dorms, or sewage pipes becom-
ing clogged due to garbage and
grease disposal. It is hoped that the
additional dining facilities will
alleviate these haards.
According to Alexander the
expansion will cost S3.6 million
and will be completed during the
first week in December 1988, 380
days after breaking ground.
Four years ago Alexander started
discussions with the Student
Union, SGA, and the vice-chancel-
lor for student life to determine
what their needs would be and how
best to accomodate them. He also
invited representatives from faculty,
staff, and the student population to
attend three different meetings and
express their needs for the facility
and the finances involved.
The proposals for Mendenhall's
expansion were then sent to former
Chancellor John M. Howell, who
modified them somewhat and sent
them to the board of governors for
the University of North Carolina
for approval.
Because the State does not fund
non-academic projects, the board of
governors is financing the
construction by selling tax-free
Student Union Revenue Bonds, ac-
cording to Cliff Moore, chancellor
for business affairs. The bonds and
their interest will be paid by the
$20 increase in student activity fees
for the 1987 fall semester and
receipts from the Mendenhall food
According to Alexander the new
addition to Mendenhall will also
contain three floors which will
consist of: Ground floor-WZMB
radio station, media photo lab, a
party room for student organiza-
tions and cold storage for the food
services; Main floor-a cafeteria that
will hold more than 400 persons,
some storage rooms, offices for
food service employees, and the
snack bar will be remodelled to
become a fast-food service; Top
floor-student offices and a great
room for banquets, dances and large
"The completion of these facili-
ties will greatly enhance the ability
of Mendenhall Student Center to
serve the university Alexander
observed. "An important need is
being met to have a quality food
service and place to meet on
Construction workers are building the new edition to Mendenhall Student Center, which is set to be
completed by December.
Successful ECU Grads Make Impact
On Greenville Advertising Market
Literacy Volunteers Enrich
The Lives Of Non-Readers
li David Herring
One out
County will
this storv
of five adults in Pitt
have difficulty reading
due to functional
according to Phyllis
Makuck, board member for Literacy
Volunteers of America-Pitt County
? A functional illiterate, also
referred to as a non-reader, is defined
is an adult who reads below the
ixih-grate Vj6L ?, k
I VA is a national non-profit
organization funded mostly by
grants from the United Way and
Proctor .v Gamble. Their purpose
v to provide a one-on-one tutorial
workshop for adult non-readers.
Illiteracy has existed for a long
time but didn't receive much public
attention until it became an
economic problem said Jill
Camnitz, president of LVA. "Thirty
percent of our semi-skilled workers
and 10 percent of our professional
managers are non-readers. It affects
the county's, as well as North
Carolina's, ability to attract
industry if our workforce is illit-
erate. Non-readers are less flexible,
Icsn promotable, less irainable, less
efficient, and tend to make more
I VA-Pitt County was begun in
the fall of 1985 to try and fill any
gaps left by the Adult Basic
Education (ABE) program at Pitt
Community College. LVA's
service is free of charge for students
and tutors are recruited on a
volunteer basis, so they receive no
salary. Vet. according to Makuck,
recruiting volunteer tutors is easier
than recruiting students.
We know functional non-readers
are out there, but we're not reaching
them, she said. "We know we can
get teachers if we can get the
students. There is no more
satisfying experience than teaching
an adult. There are smiles and great
feelings. I feel I'm really doing
something worthwhile
The only requirements placed on
the tutors, many of which are stu-
dents or employees at East Carolina
read. The tutors are required to pay
for any supplies they might require,
but LVA provides access to their
library free of charge.
According to Makuck, LVA uses
an eclectic approach to leaching by
catering to each individual student's
needs and personal goals. From
these the teachers design lesson
plans, the length of which depend
upon the student's previous
schooling and learning speed.
Progress is slow, but an at-
mosphere of friendship and
fellow ship is created in which both
student and teacher leam and grow.
Eventually the student learns to
One tutor, concerning her
student, said, "We go at her pace
and read only things she's interested
in. We use a lot of available
material from the library. She
brings in books from home or we
read the drivers manual
In this case, when the student
began, she was reading at the
second grade level. One of her
main goals was to pass the drivers
test and obtain her license. Her
husband had recently passed away
and, because she was a non-reader,
he handled all their bills and family
"Before I started I couldn't fill out
money orders or read my mail she
said. Now she is reading bills for
neighbors and notices at work for
fellow employees.
"It has given me confidence in
myself she said. "I always wanted
to learn to read better. This is a
good program because I am taught
on my own time. Sometimes my
grandchildren help me study and
read and when 1 don't know a word,
they tell me
"Its fun for me because we work
together easily said her tutor. "It's
a joy to see how easily she learns
and learn what she has to teach.
One method I use in her lessons is
the 'experience story' method. She
tells me about her family, work or
what she's doing and I take
dictation. Then she reads the words
enough to function in
environment, or up to a
where ABE can take over, and to
work out a cooperative arrangement
with industries in the area to tutor
their non-reader employees. Ul-
timately, they hope to promote
literacy and increase public
awareness of the causes and effects
of illiteracy.
However, as LVA grows so does
their need fdr ftmding and office
space. Their biggest restraint is lack
of funding and support from the
community. Still a young program,
LVA has around 50 tutors and has
taught 45 students.
"Forty-five doesn't sound like
many, but it's not a numbers
program Camnitz asserted. "At
least we enrich some lives and that
makes us feel better
Rcpnmod wkh pomiMian from The ub RtJUcior)
By Jeanette Hererra
Four years ago, two Fast Car-
olina University students had no
idea just how successful their busi-
ness venture would be. Today,
Mark Rosenberg, president of East
Coast Creative Designs, Inc. and
Scott Smith vice president and an
director say they can see their com-
pany's work "just about anywhere
you look in Greenville
The company, whose roots were
an actual advertising marketing
class project, began with a Smith-
Corona typewriter, a modest
drafting table, and a bankroll of $50
said Rosenberg. Today, the
company has billings now
approaching the one million dollar
mark reported Rosenberg.
The project created by Rosenberg
and Smith, was sold to the Shera-
ton of Greenville for a small fee.
This modest beginning was the
stepping stone for what is now one
of Greenville's leading advertising
The company's growth and suc-
cess can be seen just by looking at
the walls of their office, covered
with advertising awards and exam-
ples of their work. However, this
for Greenville
comfortable work setting is far
from the duplex they worked out of
lor six months or the 900 square
foot office on Arlington Boulevard
where they shared space with an-
other firm but sexm outgrew.
The staff of six, which includes
Rosenberg and Smith, both equal
partners, a media director, traffic
manager, receptionist, and assistant
ait director, has as much work as
they can handle according to
Rosenberg, who foresees increasing
his staff to eight members by 1989.
The company, which produces a
full range of advertising from
brochures to logos and full
advertising multimedia campaigns,
relics on its "gexxl, solid reputation
for producing quality creative
work said Rosenborg.
Representing local identities such
as Pitt County Memorial Hospital,
Overton's, Anne's Temporaries, Inc.
Pitt County Development Com-
mission and the Hilton to name a
few, is very important to the com-
pany, said Rosenberg who also
named several accounts out of state
including accounts in Utah, Cali-
fornia and Maryland. He said,
"Greenville's our home. The fact is
By Patrick O'Neil
The downtown area of Greenville,
once thought dead, is being resur-
rected with the revitalization efforts
of the Ever Green Corporation and
the city of Greenville.
With the establishment of the
Ever Green Corporation, a non-
profit organization whose purpose
is to stimulate business in the
downtown area, private investors
have been able to obtain low inter-
est loans to help renovate buildings
for use.
"The loan pool started out with
about $1.5 million in 1984, to help
private businesses. We also had
about 50 parcels of property to give
out and now we're down to about
five. So major efforts on behalf of
the organization are under way
said Greenville City Planner,
Bobby Roberson.
"This project is somewhat of a
continuation of the old Urban Re-
Revitalization efforts are under way for the downtown area.
for Ever Green Corporation of "Many of the businesses that left
available one to two hours per
week, and that they know how to
she said them.
Two of the goals of LVA are to
educate their students to read well
Universitv are that they attend an aic?on- 'ne" -V ? wom newal programs back in the 1960s
university, are mai mcy ducnu an ana kTOWS what they are because k.mM
18 hour training seminar, be mkmmmiAAmmmn m L ?L ?
With the Urban Renewal pro-
gram, there were large amounts of
money available to be given to
projects that would pay the entire
cost of them, said Roberson
The downtown area began to lose
its businesses for several reasons
including the development of malls
and small shopping centers and
zoning on the outer edges of town
which pulled people away from the
downtown area. "You can't zone in
a fringe area and not expect to lose
business from downtown Rober-
son said.
The future looks bright for
Greenville, said that if progress
continues, downtown Greenville
could grow into a major regional
office center within the next ten
years, also bringing businesses
back to the area.
"For us to get a lot of stores
downtown, we have to get the peo-
ple there he said.
Steelman said there will be an
failed to use the resource that they
had he said.
Roberson expressed similar
views We need to cater to students
with stores like UBE (University
Book Exchange), simply because
they (the students) are the buying
In direct response to the needs of
students based on surveys, a drug
increase in specialty shops, small store might be opening in the near
restaurants and entertainment in the
if it weren't for ECU, we wouldn't
be here
Getting business hasn't posed a
problem in the company's short
but successful history. Although,
Rosenberg recalled a time when
they were first starting out, fresh
continued on page 2
Dyslexic Student
Improves Abilities
Through Awareness
By Allvson Matheny
Iditor's .ote: Because of the nature
of this story, the student featured asked
that his real name not be used. He is
referred to ottOusstory as Joe
Jew is a jvnioB at SGUuf.Whmrhe
was in elementary school; Joe hatl
problems keeping up with the other
students in his classes. He had
trouble remembering what was said
to him if it was spoken in a lecture
and he had difficulty processing
what he was reading at the same
speed as other students.
The frustration led him to push
his books onto the floor, or to
doodle in his notebooks when he
was supposed to be doing an as-
signment. Joe was falling behind
in his school work, and his teachers
told his parents that he had a
behavior problem and suggested
that they take take him out of high
school and enter him in a technical
school to learn a trade.
But Joe finished school and dis-
regarded his counselor's advice to go
into the military. He worked for
awhile and, realizing he would need
a college degree, enrolled at ECU.
After several months, Joe overheard
a conversation between two stu-
dents about learning disabilities,
and he realized that he may have the
same problem.
He tested positive for dyslexia
and several other complex learning
disabilities, and it was the first time
in his life that he was able to con-
vince people that he wasn't stupid.
According to C.C. Rowe,
coordinator of East Carolina's De-
partment of Handicapped Student
Services, there are 60 students re-
ceiving services for learning
disabilities this year, and probably
more who do not know they have
learning disabilities. Some are em-
barrassed that they are not able to
perform effectively at the college
level, so they don't come in for
help because they don't want to be
labeled as handicapped, Rowe said.
"A learning disability is simply a
discrepancy between one's ability
and one's performance Rowe said.
"It's a brain dysfunction that in-
volves how the brain receives and
uses information.
Some students like Joe, had not
area as more work is done.
Progress is slow now, he said,
but feasible.
Other plans include creating
residential dwellings such as effi-
ciency apartments above retail
businesses. "It's an old concept
future. However, the only action in
the area involved the moving of the heard about the problem until they
bringing businesses back to the Roberson said, "but hopefully it
A literacy volunteer provides a one-on-onc tutorial workshop for an adult
area. Some of the renovation plans
include creating office condomini-
ums from complexes such as the
Hendrix Building. The building
houses several offices joined by a
common stairwell. Plans are being
drawn for more projects of this
Jack Steelman, executive director
will cater to the students who wish
to live off campus and close to
Much of the plans also revolve
around what the university wants to
Pitt County tax offices downtown.
"The County bought the entire city
block across from the courthouse.
This will bring about 200 more
people into the business district
daily Roberson said.
One can see measurable progress
just by looking at some of the
buildings that have been renovated.
"As long as we can continue to
move housing into the area like
we've done (Pirate's Landing and
do and how it grows. The students Ringgold Towers) we'll do okay
and faculty and their families Roberson said We've got a pretty
represent millions of dollars of good feel of what's going on now
disposable income, Steelman said.
started at ECU, and Rowe said other
ECU students may have learning
disabilities without knowing it.
Learning problems can be dealt
with through counseling. "It's
nothing to be embarrassed about.
It's a medical problem, and C.C.
Rowe can really help you leam to
deal with it Joe commented.
Students who think they might
have learning disabilities can be
tested on campus free of charge.
Persons interested should contact
the office of Handicapped Student
Services at 757-6799.
2 Features and Oi
U Pxrat
A Journalism i
Photography at
FrontPage: Jeanette H
Michelle S
Editorial Page: Ketltc
EntertainmentLeisure Page-
Sports Recreation Page:
This paper is an annual laborat
Views presented are those of t
reflect the views of The Joum
English, or East Carolina Univj
He-Man, G
Open Seasc.
By Mary Beth Murphy
Saturday morning tele
needs a senous face lift
We, the future move
shakers of America, need a I
from the stress and pressur,
our education involves. Alii
programs like "thirtysomeihinL:
and L.A. Law" are extreme!
entertaining to us, we period
need to slip out of reality and in:
the magical world
I know that most c
students can sympathize wit
dilemma. Anyone who grevk
with Fred and Wilma Yah:
Dabba Do), Bugs and Da:
("Wabbit season! Duck season!
Popeye and Olive Oil 'Ug
gug-gug-gug" the Road Ru
("Beep Beep) and Wile E. C
("Super Genius) can undcrstanc
the trauma that I have
subjected to.
The young people of the B
just don't know what thc arj
missing. The cartoons that the
are forced to sit through are si
mindless, so unoriginal, and
na?ttsnainmg, thai I ieei sorry u
?poorlittle Susie and Bobby wl
actually believe these programs m
If you thumb through thl
Saturday morning section of the Tf
Guide, you can see that thl
majority of the programs broadcas
can be seen elsewhere. You wi
find those same inane characters o(
prime time TV-such as "The Mr
Show or in the movies?such
"Teen Wolf, and most especially
on the shelves of toy stores acrosi
America, such as "Jem Thl
Smurfs "Pound Puppies m
Little Pony and "Care Bears t
name a few.
Remakes are also constant
being attempted. Producers ar
trying to recapture the success th
the original programs had uitl
"The New Popeye and
Flintstone Kids Nice try.
But my biggest "beer is ov
the flood of high-tech cartoo
which have invaded Saturdal
morning and weekday afternooj
television. As soon as 1 hear tt
first few words of that dreadej
introduction to "He-Man "By I
power of Greyskull , 1 dive
the remote control and frantic a ill
press the channel changer. 1 ha
recurring nightmares aboil
"Transformers "Gohots anl
"Thundercats" reeking havoc 0
Greenville streets. As long as thes
programs continue, we air not safd
Something simply must be done
; ?. 4
-C -T - tf
?ini?i???? mii ??

2 Features and Opinions
April 21,1988
i T

e Impact
? ? asn I posed a
? ston lthough,
d a time when
ut, tresh
I on page 2
s I

es Abilities
oiiiili Awareness
?- . ure
? .?

i ? ? uon )?'
with she other
He h.
A-hat said
? i) in a lecture
I ! processing
a at the same
. m.v
I him to push
e floor, or to
notebooks when he
I to he doing :n as
was tailing behind
?rk. and his teachers
irents that he had a
. m and suggested
e take take him out of high
and enter him in a technical
learn a trade.
But Joe finished school and dis-
bar ded his counselor's advice to go
:he military. He worked for
awhile and. realizing he would need
a college degree, enrolled at ECU.
Alter several months. Joe overheard
nversation between two stu-
dents about learning disabilities,
and he realized that he may have the
same problem.
He tested positive for dyslexia
and several other complex learning
inabilities, and it was the first time
in his life that he was able to con-
ince people that he wasn't stupid.
According to C.C. Rowe.
coordinator of East Carolina's De-
partment of Handicapped Student
5 r ices, there are 60 students re-
ceiving services for learning
disabilities this year, and probably
more who do not know they have
earning disabilities. Some are em-
barrassed that they are not able to
perform effectively at the college
evel. so they don't come in for
help because they don't want to be
Libeled as handicapped, Rowe said.
A learning disability is simply a
discrepancy between one's ability
and one's performance Rowe said,
Its a brain dysfunction that in-
volves how the brain receives and
ises information.
Some students like Joe, had not
heard about the problem until they
started at ECU, and Rowe said other
ECU students may have learning
ii sabililies without knowing it.
Learning problems can be dealt
with through counseling. "It's
nothing to be embarrassed about,
t's a medical problem, and C.C.
Rowe can really help you learn to
deal w ith it Joe commented.
Students who think they might
have learning disabilities can be
tested on campus free of charge.
Persons interested should contact
the office of Handicapped Student
Services at 757-6799.
April 21, 1988
TlU Pirat? Prss Slut
A Journalism Laboratory Publication
David Herring
Assignment Editor:
Allyson Matheny
Photography and Graphics Editor:
Laurie Beasley
Faculty Advisor:
Jeanne Scafella
Page Editors
FrontPage: Jeanette Hererra, Mary Beth Murphy,
Michelle Sheeran, Adrianne Smoak
Editorial Page: Kellie York, Pam Dickerson,
Janet Hudson, Patrick O'Neil
EntertainmentLeisure Page: Laura Salazar, Chris Brincefield,
Anne Hargett, Karen McLamb
Sports Recreation Page: Leesa Clark, Kathy Rattary,
Ed Gallagher, Dena Boyette
This paper is an annual laboratory production of Journalism 3200.
Views presented are those of the individual writer and, in no way
reflect the views of The Journalism Program, The Department of
English, or East Carolina University.
He-Man, Gobots Declare
Open Season On Wabbit
By Mary Beth Murphy
Saturday morning television
needs a serious face lift.
We, the future movers and
shakers of America, need a break
from the stress and pressure that
our education involves. Although
programs like "thirtysomething"
and "L.A. Law" are extremely
entertaining to us, we periodically
need to slip out of reality and into
the magical world of
I know that most, college
students can sympathize with my
dilemma. Anyone who grew up
with Fred and Wilma ("Yabba
Dabba Do), Bugs and Daffy
("Wabbit season! Duck season),
Popeye and Olive Oil ("Ug-gug-
gug-gug-gug"), the Road Runner
("Beep Beep) and Wile E. Coyote
("Super Genius) can understand
the trauma that I have been
aibjected to.
The young people of the '80s
fust don't know what they are
jnissing. The cartoons that they
Are forced to sit through are so
mindless, so unoriginal, and so
memetaumg, than L teel sorry for
poor little Susie and Bobby who
actually believe these programs arc
If you thumb through the
Saturday morning section of the TV
Guide, you can see that the
majority of the programs broadcast
can be seen elsewhere. You will
find those same inane characters on
prime time TV-such as 'The Mr. T
Show or in the moviessuch as
"Teen Wolf, and most especially,
on the shelves of toy stores across
America, such as "Jem "The
Smurfs "Pound Puppies "My
Little Pony and "Care Bears" to
name a few.
Remakes are also constantly
being attempted. Producers are
trying to recapture the success that
the original programs had with
"The New Popeye and "The
Flintstone Kids Nice try.
But my biggest "beef is over
the flood of high-tech cartoons
which have invaded Saturday
morning and weekday afternoon
television. As soon as I hear the
first few words of that dreaded
introduction to "He-Man "By the
power of Greyskuil I dive for
the remote control and frantically
press the channel changer. I have
recurring nightmares about
"Transformers "Gobots and
Thundercats" reeking havoc on
Greenville streets. As long as these
programs continue, we arc not safe!
Something simply must be done
I don't believe that cartoons arc
for the sole enjoyment of children.
How many of you still get excited
when "Bugs Bunny" is on? Or
"The Flintstones"?or "The
These are classic cartoons!
Nothing produced in the past five
years has had the popularity, the
cull following, or the impact that
these classic programs hadand still
As a child, 1 never realized how
intelligent and philosophical
cartoons could be. But now, as a
mature, young woman, I sec that
"Bugs" and "The Flintstones" were
not made for children alone.
Much of the dialogue must have
flown far over my head. But I
never realized it, because they never
condescended. That is exactly what
makes those classic cartoons so
incredibly outstanding.
A child of any age would love
watching those programs, and
would stay glued to the TV for the
durationa major feat for any
normal attention spanless ten-year-
But a babysitter, parent or
grandparent would also become
deeply involved in the humorous
story line.
The hilarious caricatures of
famous people, like the ones in the
"Bugs wins an Oscar" episode arc
also very entertaining to adults.
Those old cartoons have taught
me so much about people, life and
the world we live in, and have
entertained me to NO end!
"The Flintstones" has taught us
about how friendships and family
relationships work.
"Bugs Bunny and Friends" has
taught us to stand up for ourselves
and to fight for what we believe in.
(i.e. When Bugs flatly refuses to
lose his home to a construction
site, he ends up saving his rabbit
hole, amidst the cement and brick.)
"Popeye" has taught us to
stand up for and to protect the one's
we love. (i.e. Popeye and his
spinach have come to the aid of
Olive Oil and Sweet Pea on
countless occasions.)
"The Road Runner" has taught
us not to trust just anyone and to
be aware of the guile and trickery
of others, (i.e. The Road Runner
never gets taken in by the evil
attempts of his life long foe, the
It truly makes me sad to know
that this era is gone forever, and all
I can say is Thank God for
rerunsand if the
"Transformers" is a sign of the
times, then I'd rather be in Bedrock!
Candidate Profile: Facts To Consider
By Kellie York
As everyone knows, the 1988
Presidential Election is approaching
rapidly. What everyone does not
know or even wants to know, is
who are the candidates running for
the Democratic and Republican
This article, written with the help
of certain political science
professors and political science
students, is a BRIEF synopsis of
each candidate.
From the beginning of this mad
race for CEO (Chief Executive
Officer), there have been many
candidate walk-ons and many
candidate walk-offs. I can't promise
you that when you read this the
same people will still be in the
race. So if one or two of the
candidates has taken his hat out of
the ring-disregard his paragraph and
go on to the next.
The two Republicans clamoring
for the nomination are George Bush
and Pat Robertson.
George Bush; is a Texas
native and current Vice President.
Bush has held two terms in
Congress, and was once the
Republican Party National
Chairman. He was an American
Ambassador to the United Nations,
and under the NixonFord
Administration Bush was the
Director of the CIA.
Bush's campaign is mainly a
continuation of Reagan's.
Education takes a strong stand-
America needs more money for
schooling, but where the money
would come from is not clear.
Bush stands behind the increase in
government spending, particularly
defense spending. In Illinois Bush
brought up the problem of
government ethics (i.e. the Meese
problem). The federal deficit is
another main concern of Bush, but
as to what and where exactly it
should be cut is unanswered. One
Bush solution is to cut non-
discretionary program spending.
Bush supports the SDI (Strategic
Defense Initiative-Star Wars), aid to
the Contras and involvement in the
Persian Gulf.
Pat Robertson; is a
television evangelist, and heads up
the large CBN Corporation.
Robertson has a very broad base
but not a solid one. He stresses the
restoration of family unity, morals
and values. He quotes himself as
the "conservative alternative Of
the conservatives he is the farthest-
right. Robertson has no foreign or
domestic policy experience, just
religious. Robertson supports aid
to education, Contra-aid, involve-
ment in the Persian Gulf and the
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
And those are your two choices
for the Republican Party. Now on
the Democratic Party candidates.
Michael Dukakis; is the
current governor of Massachusetts.
He has held the office before.
Dukakis takes the stand of 'I
balanced a budget, have you?' His
leadership theme is backed up with
his actual running of a state
government, state administration,
and making state policy. Dukakis
wants to fight the deficit with a cut
in government defense spending.
He wants an economic revival and
is for fair foreign trade. Dukakis
supports education aid, and is
against Persian Gulf involvement,
Contra-aid, and SDI.
Albert Gore; is a Senator
from Tennessee, and was once a
Gore depicts himself as the
younger new style democrat who is
innovative and can lead the country.
His is the most moderate style of
the democrats, and is seen in
conservative's eyes as "a sheep in
wolves clothing the reason being-
Gore talks conservative but his
voting record is liberal. His
knowledge on the defense is an
added strength. He is pro-strong
military, and Persian Gulf
involvement yet is against Contra-
aid, and SDI.
Jesse Jackson; is Baptist
minister and a Civil Rights
Jackson has a very broad base
(like Robertson) but not a solid
one. His theme is that our strength
lies in the youth of America.
Jackson is for aid to edcation, in-
creased job opportunities, and
restoration of the family and its so-
cial values. He wants a drug-free
America. He is against aid to the
Contras, United States military
involvement in the Persian Gulf
and SDI.
Paul Simon; is a congressman
from Illinois. He was once in the
state legislature.
Simon is the most liberal of the
democrats and sees himself as a
New Deal Liberal Simon feels
there is a mal-distribution of
income, and the government should
get more involved in the economy
it makes. He wants to cut defense
spending and give aid to education.
Simon centers on America's
internal domestic problems. Simon
is anti-Persian Gulf, Contra aid and
Co-op Experience Gives Grads An Edge
By Kathy Rattary
You arc fresh out of school and
at your first job interview.
Looking at the resume you just
submitted to him, the interviewer
says, "Hmm, I see that you don't
have any experience Your face
loses all expression because you
know what is coming next. He
says to you, "I'm sorry, but we are
looking for someone with
experience After thanking him
for his time, you leave. Disgusted,
you think, "How can I get
experience when no one will hire
me without it?"
Recently, educational institutions
have realized that students benefit
when theory taught in the
classroom is combined with on-the-
job experience. Educators realize
that some things that need to be
taught cannot be simulated in the
classroom. For these reasons,
programs have been set up where
the counselors of a university or
college help students find jobs
related to their studies or career
objectives. These programs are set
up by a school's cooperative
education department.
East Carolina University's Co-op
program was started in 1974 by Dr.
Betsy Harper. "The program had a
slow start, but now is growing
rapidly and gaining a lot of
recognition said Harper. After
being turned down for its own
federal grant, ECU received a joint
grant with Beaufort Community
College. The first grant was for
$30,000. In 1986, ECU qualified
for a $600,000 grant, which is to
be received over a three-year period.
This is the largest federal grant
ECU has received, according to
CcpexatwAiMMPaUPncirksi in
semesters, parallel, and summer
A student who works with the
alternating method works full-time
during alternating semesters. He
may be placed in jobs throughout
the United States. At least two
work terms are required with this
method. If an assignment requires
the student to be out of school and
not registered for credit, he is
responsible for completing and
submitting a readmissions form to
the Registrar's Office before he
The parallel method works best
for students who do not want to
take time off from school but still
want to get experience, said
McLaughlin. This method allows a
student to remain in school while
getting experience.
The third method lets the student
receive experience while working
during the summer months. Most
summer programs are designed to
attract potential employees after
graduation; however, a student is
not obligated to return to that
The Co-op program is trying to
attract advanced students who have
knowledge of their field and who
have maintained a grade point
average of 3.0. However, Co-op
does not want to discourage other
students from applying for jobs.
At ECU, sophomores are able to
apply to the program. Students
with a 2.0 GPA are also eligible to
The program is here to provide
students a direction, said
McLaughlin. Through these
programs students learn their
strengths and weaknesses in their
field, she added. Some students
realize that they are not suited for a
particular career and choose to
pursue another, said McLaughlin.
However, 40 percent of Co-op
students continue working for their
Hazing Changes
Fraternity Ideals
By Karen McLamb
The grandfathers of today's
fraternity pledges may remember
the silly pranks they played as
initiates to college social clubs.
The older generations proudly speak
of swallowing goldfish, sitting
barebottom on blocks of ice, and
scrubbing floors with toothbrushes.
This horseplay is called hazing.
Webster's dictionary defines
hazing as "harassment by force to
do unnecessary work; to initiate or
discipline by means of practical
jokes, often in the nature of
humiliating or painful ordeals
Originally, hazing tested the
endurance of pledges, proved their
loyalty and allegiance to the
organization, and symbolized
Yet, while professing goodwill,
sound conduct, and dignity,
fraternities have created for
themselves a frightening reputation.
The performance of dangerous
hazing activities have caused 39
deaths and hundreds of injuries
nationally since 1978. Another
Florida man died from alcohol
poisioning after drinking a bottle of
rum. Pledges at Syracuse
University were doused with oven
cleaner, and 20 University of Texas
underclassmen were pelted with raw
eggs for 72 hours. Fraternity
hazings are so common and so
severe that 22 states have outlawed
initiation rites. Some have even
suspended Greek chapters.
Webster was right. No other
words describe these activities as
accurately as "humiliating" and
"painful .except perhaps "sad
Todays fraternity brothers may
feel emotional ties to their
organizations; however, it's
doubtful that some of them know
the meaning of the pride their
grandfathers felt or the dignity that
fraternities historically and
traditionally shared.
To The Editor:
Condoms at ECU?
To The Editor
In regard to an article in The
East Carolinian concerning the
proposed installation of condom
vending machines, I would like to
make a few points. First, this is an
issue that deals with saving lives,
not an issue of image. Sex is every
bit as prevelant on the campuses of
UNC and Duke as it is on this
campus. Condom vending
machines will not label us a party
school. If anything, it should label
ECU intelligent and concerned for
the health of its students.
It is my understanding that
during the debate on this bill, the
statement was made that, "Human
nature will over take rationale at 2
a.m It is agreed that many sexual
relations do occur unexpectedly, but
many encounters are actually
planned. After all, these are the
80's, not the 50's. Granted, some
gentlemen are still among us, but
there are also men among us who
do not understand the word "no" or
who will take advantage of a
vulnerable young girl's feelings for
him. This is the man who
purchases the condom at 2 p.min
preparation for his 2 a.mover take
of rationale (So maybe he's a jerk,
but by wearing a condom he has
possibly saved two lives.)
As for comment concerning the
student going a mile off compus
to buy condoms. Does having
them in the bathrooms assure that
they will be used?" No. But if
they are not there, they won't be
used either. At least by having
them available students would have
a choice. As stated before, these are
the 80's; the chances of a student
walking down the hall to purchase a
condom are much greater then odds
of a student walking that mile.
Not only do condoms help
prevent the spread of the killing-
disease AIDS, but they can also
reduce the risk of pregnancy. Thus,
condoms can help control unwanted
births andor abortions.
It's time ECU opened its eyes
to the dangers of the world. Our
school and our students are not
protected by a magical see-through
bubble. I am terribly disappointed
in the administration who opposed
this bill. I would like to be able to
say that I am proud to be a part of a
school that is realistically advanced
enough to want to prevent
unnecessary death. Unfortunately
this is a claim I cannot make. 1 do,
however, encourage the
administration to re-evaluate the
importance of this proposal and to
those people who are opposed to it,
I say this: if the installation of
these condom vending machines
would subsequently save only one
life, then wouldn't it be worth the
effort to bring them to our campus?
Anne J. Hargett
Mass Communications
employer after graduation. Another
40 percent find employment directly
related to their co-op assignments.
To register for the program,
students must follow a certain
procedure. First, a cooperative
education application must be
completed and turned in to the
office. This form authorizes Co-op
counselors to release information to
prospective employers.
Second, applicants must attend a
Co-op information seminar. This
is to orientate the student into the
The third step is to make an
appointment with a Co-op
counselor to determine the type of
skills the applicants have and to
find a job that will best suit each
A student is responsible for
registering to receive academic
credit if he is eligible.
After the job is completed, a job
evaluation form must be completed
by the employer and it is the
student's responsibility to return the
form to the Co-op office.
After working with a cooperative
education program, a student can
claim experience, may possibly
receive a higher starting salary, and
may be able to move faster up the
career ladder than those who never
participated in this type of program,
said McLaughlin. "Gaining the
experience is almost as important
as the formal education she added.
I Ad Agency
continued from page 1
out of college, with no credit
background or experience in the
field. "The banks wouldn't touch
us. Now it's a different story
Rosenberg attributes the com-
pany's success not only to their
creativity and high quality work but
to excellent customer service which
he defined as "going out of your
way to make sure that customer is
totally satisfied. " According to
Smith, it means, "sitting down and
really getting to know them
In order to give that type of
service, Rosenberg said, "It takes
long hours of discussion with the
client to find out just what they
want. Sometimes it means going to
meet them wherever they are or
meeting on Saturdays and Sundays.
But we do our homework before we
do anything
Among skills Rosenberg said
were in demand in the advertising
field were copy writing skills. "A
strong understanding of marketing
and what sells a product is impor-
tant he said. He added mechanical
artists to the demand group also.
Rosenberg and Smith have high
expectations for their company and
long term goals to strive for, but
they only see success ahead. "We
never look back. We've made some
mistakes but I don't consider them
bad because you learn from your
mistakes. We're growing right with
This is the first labora-
tory publication pro-
duced entirely in the
new Macintosh com-
puter lab.
? -S MtijiidfriiiiMiti A at m .??
?. VT-

April 21, 1988
Leisure and entertainment 3
Jim Swinson: ECU'S Up - And -Coming Performer
n Sv ming at Susie's Treehouse in Greenville
i Hi - ???
Kellie's Kitchen Comer
By kellit
active chcts
v ;u- ihai all
rales right up
R . . Reagan, Noodles
- n, and the very populai
I hnlcttc. loda s delicacy is
. ni Evangelist.
eel all ilie needed
i tarnished
m, Jimmy . or any
ill do)
zc fry ing utensil nor this
ss w ill do nicely they
evangelists very fast)
pc eggplants
1 If. grease i for best create.
n ! iehi side of 1 amnn s
with an adultress, prostitute oi
monetary scandal)
- now turn heat 10 high and throw
evangelist into press
- fry evangelist until you (the
public) become bored w ith his pleas
for forgiveness
Remove evangelist from press
and place on large platter. Suit! a
red cooked apple in his mouth, and
By Anne llargett
This unseasonably warm
February afternoon finds 23-year-old
Jim Swinson sitting atop an old
woodhox on his front porch.
Wearing gray jams and a white
sailor-cut shirt, Jim strums his
guitar and sings as the first
lawnmower of the season provides
his backup.
Jim is happy; he's doing what
comes naturally?performing, if
only for one person.
Turning his head as he finishes a
song, the sunlight reflects off his
earring, a long curved sword.
"Courage he says, gently touch-
ing the blade. Looking at the tree-
lined street, focusing on who
knows what. Jim continues. "Wade
gave it to mo Wade, a diver in
Florida, is a great friend of Jim's
who took Jim on his first diving
expedition one night. Thus Jim
was presented the sword for
Wade also played an important
role in Jim's decision to be a song-
writer musician. He told Jim that
until he made others happy, he
couldn't be happy. Jim put some
thought into his friend's advice and
is now making a name for himself
in the Greenville area, as well as
other places along the East Coast.
He began performing publicly at
age ll, and in the past four years he
feels he has made tremendous
progress. "I've got a feel for the
crowd. I've learned to know what
they're expecting Jim says his
goal is to touch someone through
his music each time he plays. He
some way. For example, he has beneficial. It helps him perform
place eggplant all around body, kes to act as a reflection. "I lik
Sen e w ith blood red w me
pani ake
brush ol
floui tor best
left side ol
. e .it
so into press
slit; s in I ammy floui and
c in press Lrvci
shako upTVaWehst foreTeraibly
people to look in my mirror and see
themselves If only one person is
affected. Jim has accomplished his
When asked how he went about
writing a song. Swinson replied,
"It's a mood type thing. It comes
and goes. Open-mindedncss is the
key If Jim is open-minded, he
freethinks and can thus frecwrite.
Sometimes it takes a while for him
to write a song, sometimes it's a
Another key Jim says, "is
yourself? and
sn scrvines.
Very often Jim's ideas come
when he's tired. Also, they fre-
Book Buyback Bonanza
1. Free
Campus Trial Packs
when you sell your textbooks
(includes shampoo, mini candy bars, etc.)
Hurry, only 3000 to give away!
Save Money
$1.00 Off
Sportswear Token:
Save your money on our huge
selection of T-shirts, Tanktops,
shorts, and sweats.
Top Dollar
Now is the best time to
sell your textbooks as fall
and summer lists have
4 Clearance
Big selection of
sweatshirts and hooded sweatshirts
for only $5.00 each!
Cash for your textbooks
at UBE?NOW is
the best time to sell!
written songs for his girlfriend Al
lison, and one in particular for her
brother, telling him lo relax and
enjoy life. "Try to recall when
you're in a squall, a little water
won't make you melt Entitled,
"Your Sister and Me Jim sings,
"It's time to start caring, we're all-
time sharing, remember it's all just
for fun, and your sister and mc.
we'll be down by the sea, turning
two into one
He's also written songs for his
friend Wade and even one about
Jimmy Buffett, whose music has
influenced Jim tremendously.
Among his own originals, Swinson
performs songs by artists such as
Buffett, James Taylor and Jim
When he plays, Jim likes to im-
merse himself in his music. It is
so difficult to jump from the mood
of one song to the mood of the
other, that Jim will take himself
hack to the time w hen he wrote the
Basically, Jim's music is laid
back and easy going, whether
serious or humorous, he prefers to
play his originals as opposed to
other artists' work.
Performing in Darryl's Restau-
rant in Greenville one evening, Jim
begins playing a song. "All right
says a member of the audience.
'Dust In The Wind 1 love
Kansas But as Jim breaks into
Dust On My Van a smile crosses
the face of the young Kansas fan.
"Hey he says to his friend, "this
guy's OK At the end of the song,
after ordering a beer for Jim and a
Long Island Iced Tea for himself, he
calls out to Swinson, Til be down
to sing a couple with you before
long With a sincere smile, Jim
tells him, "Hey man, that would be
great! Whenever you're ready
His blue eyes flashing with a
certain mischicvousncss, Jim turns
to his audience. "Hi! Welcome to
the Palomino Club! I'm Neil
Diamond and I'll be here the rest o'
the night He continues this joke,
changing the names throughout the
This is the same type of humor
you can expect if you go to sec Jim
perform with the Moody Dudes, a
four-man rock-and-roll band with
Jitn plays bass and sings.
PtnyhTg with the-DtHias-iy
solo better. He is exposed to two
different crowds, and when
performing in front of either he
remembers to play for the people,
not to them.
This is where hi friends come
in. Not only do they provide a lot
of motivation, but they are great
sources of feedback and support for
Jim. They tell him about the areas
of his music in which he needs to
An ECU English major, as well
as songwritermusician, Jim has
very little spare time, hut when he
does, he and Allison make and sell
hammocks. He also writes poctr
and enjoys spending lime at the
beach. As one of his songs saw "1
finally know where I belong cause
there's no place I'd rather be than
Bcautort-bN-thc Sea'
Having kicked oil a second
summer for his Seven Songs and a
Hangover1 lour at Captain loin
down m Key West. Florida, Jim
sas he plans to play at various
locations m Eastern North Carolina
as well as the Island Republic
(Virginia Beach) He will also be
performing with ihc Moody Dudes
in the Greenville area this summci
So il yOU want io kick hack and
relax some night and hear one i :
Greenville's up and coming
musicians, make it a point io check
out Jim Swinson. 1 ook into his
mirror and SCC what he has lo offer
As one o! his songs 1 hope
you enjoy youi life, cause I ra en
joying mme. I hope these wo
reach each and ever) one of you and
that you lease here with a smile
Designer Says Environment Has
Effects on Mood and Study Habits
By Allyson Matheny
"Making your living
environment as spacious, cheer)
and welcoming as possible can
have a great effect on your mood
and study habits said interior
designer Michele Arrowood of
Design Perspectives m Greenville.
To make the most of the rooms
we live in al school, Arrowood
suggested choosing pale, warm
colors like peaches, roses and soli
yellows. "These colors make a
room seem more spacious and
open, while cool blues and greens
make a room appear cold
Arrowood said.
The designer suggesied using one
basic color to "wrap" the room?on
the walls and floor-to make a
room look larger. Two times ol
the same color, with the lighter
shade on the carpet, makes an ideal
start to decorating.
To sol ten a room's hard edges,
the designer suggested getting a
puffy, quilted comforter and throw
pillows to place around the room.
The fullness ot the comforter and
pillows softens the look ol the
angles of the furniture and walls
and makes the room look more
The throw pillows should also
accentuate the primary colors in the
the color spectrum for the pillows
For example. it the walls and
carpet arc done m the pea h
family, pillows could he done in a
Another way to liven up j
living environment is putting up
posiers with light, bright colors on
the walls; cohns like those used in
the pillows, Arrowood said She
added that posters, pillows and
comforters can he foun I at JC
Penney's, Seats and Rosos ir very
low prices
Arrowood suggested the foil
decorating tips:
lor iiuls A light peach paint
toi the walls, and a darkci peat h or
shrimp for the carpet, remnai
iluow -rug Shades i! turquois
other sv-lt blues, soft su
yellow s, and whiie
For guys: A soft, light
paint, w ith cobalt blue on the flow
and shades ot blues and reds m the
pillows and posiois to punctuate
the gray.
Some colors to avoid arc hrown,
w hich Arrowood , .illed
depressing, and darl s on
the walls, which look dramatic hut
lend lo close in spat c
iih these leas in mind, do .i
little shopping over the summer
i iroiuucnv. ?
For a limited time
only The Spa will be
offering Student
Memberships to
the 1 Health
Facility in Green- -
ville, for just If
Hurry, this special
will run out
before you know it.
P Green
best health club value.
SOUTH I'AKK sihI'pin(;cknu:k
4 Sports and Rao
How Does Yoi
By Kathy Rattan
With ihc summer months almost
here, those of us who are third
about the sun, beach and fun arc
also thinking about swimsuits and
how we are ever going to tu into
ihose tmy things! One solution is
to jom a titness center Health
clubs arc a big investment
ficieni lime should he put into
choosing a club that is suitable tor
you persona needs Provided be
low is a list ot items thai should K
considered before ehoos ng i
When looking into a titness .
the most important thine
for is a qualified mstructoi Good
clubs will let you come m I
trial visit Ihis is youi ,
evaluate the rs
sirucKx sh
? motivate sou wiih person; .
original routines and g ? as.
? look at the s.
self) as she teaches sos
sure that ll
? start ? k s ? v
minute warm up .
stretches, light
steps, ease into
which lasts for
mmutcs. then -
cool down I
1'his regimen sh I als
muscle toning excrv .scs
? have the ability I
loudly AnA clear!) .
eas io follow d
? and most ot' be cei
Art Baker Speak
B Pena Boy cite
ECU head footba '?
Baker is no newcomei
having coached :
ell aware of th
the sport, he com:
is a very fickle business
Baker signed his com
tor four ears at EC!
football season will be I -
He does not know if
continue alter thai i -
one year to the next, Ik
added thai he has enjoyed
our football team 1 re
It was difficult
vich I

Open Until 2
April 26
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t ? nmmmmmmmmmmmm

z and entertainment 3
kicked off a second
Songs and a
u at Captain Tony's
West, Florida, jim
plaj at various
North Carolina
Island Republic
He will also be
e Moody Dudes
this summer.
kick back and
and hear one of
and coming
v it a point lo check
I iHk into his
ui he has to offer.
says, "I hope
cause I'm en-
these words
t en one of you and
. ith a snule
)nment Has
dy Habits
the pillows.
i walls and
e peach color
J be done in a
iven up your
is putting up
? ght colors on
? those used in
kxI said. She
v pillows and
be found at JC
scs for very
the following
: l peach paint
rkcr peach or
t, remnant or
?I turquoise or
soft sunny
' pillows and
V soft, lighl gray
on the floor
and reds in the
to punctuate
I arc brown,
od called
? colors on
amatic but
se in ?
as in mind, do a
? the summer
.nextaa :

4 Sports and Recreation
How Does Your Fitness Center Shape Up?
April 21, 198
IU Kathy Rattary
With the summer months almost
here, those of us who are thinking
about the sun, beach and fun are
also thinking about swimsuits and
ho we are ever going to fit into
those tiny things! One solution is
to join a fitness center. Health
clubs are a big investment and suf-
ficient time should be put into
choosing a club that is suitable for
your personal needs. Provided be-
low is a list of items that should be
isidered before choosing a club.
When looking into a fitness club,
the most important thing to look
for is a qualified instructor. Good
clubs will let you come in for a free
trial visit. This is your chance to
evaluate the instructors. The in-
structor should:
motivate you with personality,
original routines and good music;
look at the students (not hcr-
self) as she teaches so she can make
- re that they are exercising cor-
start routines with a 5 to 10
minute warm-up consisting of
stretches, light marches or side
steps, ease into aerobic exercise
v hich lasts for a period of 20 to 25
mutes, then end with a gradual
cool down for 7 to 10 minutes,
rhis regimen should also include
iscle toning exercises.
have the ability to speak
Midi) and clearly enough to give
?asy to follow directions;
and most of all, be certified to
Certification should be empha-
sized because a qualified instructor
can reduce the risk of injury while
maximizing the benefits of your
workout. There are several agencies
that certify instructors. Among the
top three are Aerobics and Fitness
Association of America (AFAA),
Institute for Aerobic Research
(IAR), International Dance and Ex-
ercise Association (IDEA).
Each program requires instructors to
take a written and practical exam
after completing courses which fo-
cus on teaching skills, physiology
and safety. Those who become
certified, are required to take
continuing courses to remain certi-
fied. Don't be afraid to inquire
about an instructor's qualifications;
what you don't know could hurt
The second important factor in
considering your choice is the floor
you work out on. The ideal floor
must provide a combination of
shock absorption and stability. The
American College of
Sportsmedicine conducted a study
on the relationship between the
floor and the amount of injury a
person experiences. The study
found that the floor with the lowest
injury count is a concrete floor
which has been heavily padded
(preferably with polyurethane) and
covered with carpet. This type of
floor has 36 percent injury fre-
quency. The wood-over-air space
floor has the second lowest injury
frequency with 38 percent. The
type of floor that should be avoided
is a concrete floor just covered with
carpet. This type of floor has the
highest injury frequency of 50 per-
Since the average daily traffic of a
club can reach up to 500 or more
members, cleanliness is also an
important factor to consider.
Showers, saunas and whirlpools
should be cleaned daily and disin-
fected at least once every week.
Also, all equipment should be
cleaned daily.
Adequate space and supply of
equipment is another important
factor in choosing a club. A mem-
ber should have enough room to
complete each class without having
to adjust his or her body after each
exercise because of lack of room.
Inadequate space can cause injuries
and discourage you from returning
to the club. There should be
enough mirror space so everyone in
the class can see themselves work-
out and check their form. With
some exercises, if the form is
wrong, then the exercise will be
Once you have checked off all
these items on the checklist, the
club should be worth your invest-
ment. Don't be afraid to ask ques-
tions and inquire about the instruc-
tors' qualifications, most club em-
ployees will be happy to give you
the information. In the long-run,
time spent searching for the right
club will compensate for the
money, time and energy you could
waste if you commit yourself to an
inadequate club.
The Irates Are Playing Ultimate Frisbee
By Janet Hudson
The ECU frisbee team is number
one in North Carolina, Virginia,
Maryland and D.C.
The Irates won the Mid-Atlantic
Sectionals in Baltimore April 25-
26, 1987 led by Rick Sandman, the
team's most valuable player. The
club has toured extensively, playing
recently at UNC Wilmington, West
Palm Beach, the University of
Florida, Raleigh, and the National
Collegiate Snorts Festival at Day-
tona Beach. Their Spring Break
win in Daytona sends them to the
Thanksgiving Daytona competi-
tion, broadcast on ESPN. They
were invited to play at ECU's Pur-
ple and Gold game again this year
but couldn't because they were al-
ready scheduled for an N.C. State
The team is ranked somewhere in
the top eight of 20 in the quarter
finals. Team President, Wobble-
head Welch said they're mostly
popular at ECU although they're
known regionally as a team that's
tough to beat. He said the team
used to be lousy. It's still a young
team but getting stronger.
According to Eric Shearer, the
object of Ultimate Frisbee, the
Irates' specialty, is to score points
by passing the frisbee to a team-
mate in the end zone. The playing
field is similar to a football field-it
is 70 yards by 40 yards and has 25
yard end zones. The sport is non-
contact and self-officiated. The
"spirit of the game" holds prece-
dence, Shearer added.
ECU hosts the inter-collegiate
Ultimax Tournament once each
semester. Eight teams come to
compete in Ultimate Frisbee for
two days. The Irates won the Ul-
timax two consecutive semesters,
placed second in spring '87, then
won in the fall of '87.
Of the 17 club members, about
14 of the best players travel and all
the members practice three days a
week at the bottom of College Hill.
Members say they love to travel
and they love to play. Bob DcMan
said the sport is tough and requires
more stamina than any sport he's
ever played.
The Department of Intramurals
awards the team funds each year and
the team has to generate an equal
amount of funding on their own.
They were given approximately
$790 in 1987 which they promptly
met with a fundraiser at the Attic
headlining the Amateurs along with
Flipside and Lost Together. This
year Intra-Rec awarded them 51400,
which they hope to double with
another Attic fundraiser, T-shirt and
frisbee sales.
The ECU Frisbee Club was
started seven years ago by Michael
Cotter. Carl Hartsfield of the
Physics Shop serves as the team's
advisor and they're directed by Pat
Cox. The team's name comes from
ECU Pirates without the "P
"Like on the bridge tressel said
Some of this year's best Irates are
Lewis Hoffman, John Brady, Ted
Broach, Bruce Buscaglia, Bob Dc-
Man, Greg Hall, Josh Jones, Matt
Moore, Kevin Rhodes, Ron Smith,
Bobby Steinberg, Lee Walston,
Richard Willis, John Welch, Gary
Hurley and Randy Allen.
When Welch was asked if he'd
play after graduation he said he
probably would. Every semester a
group of grads and people not in
school get a team together. This
semester's team is good, with lots
of "old" people, Welch said. Right
now they're shooting for the na-
tional title.
Put It On When You Take It Off
Art Baker Speaks On Football-Past, Present, Future
By Dena Boyette
ECU head football coach Art
Baker is no newcomer to football,
laving coached for thirty years.
Well aware of the ins and outs of
he sport, he commented, "Football
s a ery fickle business
Baker signed his contract to coach
for tour years at ECU and the '88
football season will be his fourth.
Joes not know if he will
continue after that. "I work from
one year to the next he said, and
added that he has eniov oaching
our football team. 1 rea y love
It was difficult for Coach Baker
to pinpoint which senior football
member of the 17 that finished their
eligibiliby this year would be
missed the most. However, Ellis
Dillahunt, Anthony Simpson and
Vinson Smith were three of those
Though 17 are leaving, ECU has
26 new football recruits that are
ready to play. Two of them, Joe
Helms and Walt Hammett, are al-
ready here and practicing. Coach
Baker said recruit Charles Freeman
will arrive in August and will make
an immediate impact.
Last season was a productive one
for the Pirates. They finished with a
5-6 record, a significant improve-
ment over the dismal three
consecutive 2-9 seasons. Baker's
greatest concern is defense, since
most of the departing players were
in that area. The nine returning
starters on offense will strengthen
the '88 team but, "We have to work
on defense and develop depth added
the coach.
The '88 football schedule will be
much the same as last year with
three changes. The Pirates open
their season at home against
Tennessee Tech, who replaced rival
N.C. State. South West Louisiana
State was picked up in place of
Georgia Southern, and Syracuse re-
placed Illinois.
By Leesa Clark
It's that time of year again,
when everyone is concerned about
their tan. Partially nude bodies can
be seen everywhere and more skin
is exposed under less clothing.
While tanning is fun and attractive,
burns can lead to skin
The Student Health Center has
prepared handouts regarding safe
tanning and staff members give
presentations to campus groups
upon request. While using com-
mon sense is one way to avoid
sunburn, here are some other ways
that are suggested by the Student
Health Center.
Prior to sunning, hot showers
and saunas should be avoided be-
cause natural body oils that absorb
ultraviolet rays may be washed
away or rubbed off in drying. This
leaves the skin less protected and
more vulnerable to the sun's harm-
ful rays.
Initial sunning times should be
no longer than 15 minutes, and that
time should be increased gradually.
The sun is most intense from 10
a.m. until 2 p.m so initial tanners
should avoid these mid-day hours in
the sun.
Also, even on a cloudy day the
sun's rays do get through and can
cause sunburn. When sunbathing
near water, a water-proof sunscreen,
most of which range from 2 SPF
(or sun protection factor) to 15
SPF, and some as high as 25 SPF.
The SPF represents multiples of
time that can be spent in the sun
without burning, (with a 2 SPF,
for example, two hours spent in the
sun won't cause any more burn than
one unprotected hour in the sun).
As a general rule, skin types that
always burn and never tan require a
8 to 15 SPF sunscreen. Those that
burn easily and tan minimally need
a 6 to 8 SPF sunscreen.
Anyone who burns moderately
but does gradually tan should
choose a 4 to 6 SPF sunscreen, and
even those who rarely burn should
be protected by a 2 SPF sunscreen.
Potential sun gods and god-
desses should also be aware that
some common drugs cause the skin
to be more sensitive to burning.
These drugs include tranquillizers,
some antibiotics, antidepressants
and antihistamines.
Tetracycline is a common antibi-
otic that endangers sunbathing, as
are oral contraceptives which con-
tain estrogen and progesterone.
Another problem for sun
bathers is the risk of skin cancer.
Fair-skinned people who burn eas-
ily andor spent a lot of childhood
and adolescence time in the sun are
at highest risk for skin cancer.
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APRIL 21, 1988 Page 12
Dynaman flies sometimes
on cable TV's Night Flight
S?ff Writer
The USA Network's scries,
' Dynaman is perhaps the ulti-
ma to cult series. It combines
elements of thesuper-hero, Kung-
fu, and lapanese monster genres,
and wraps them up in '60's pop
culture references, purposely in-
ept dubbing, obvious minatures,
sharp editing, and some pretty
impressive action scenes.
"Dynaman" is ostentatious
s hlock and a delight to anyone
who remembers racing home af-
ter school to catch the latest epi-
sode of "Batman "Speed Racer
Space Giants or any other type
ot svndicated fare on your local
L 1 IF station.
Dynaman" features the ad-
ventures of "five good-looking
panesc friends from all walks of
. hey are: Whushi, the leader
(Dyna Red); Juba, part human
part alien (Dvna Black); Franky,
the human outboard mo tor (Dyna
Blue); Cowboy, the slow thinking
weapons expert (Dyna Yellow);
and "their main squeeze Slojinn
(Dyna Pink).
Under the guidance of Doctor
Wo, who leads them from his
combination laboratorydaycare
center, they band together to
crate the giant robot battle ship,
So far, USA has run four epi-
sodes all scripted by Gideon
ower and Shari Roman who
o provide voices in the over-
dubbing process that gives "Dv-
man" that appropriate cheesy
In their attempts to protect
Dvna town, the Dvna Kids have
fought a variety of mutated crea- good advantage of the out-of-
tures. Their first and perhaps synch overdubbing process their
greatest adversary was Mr. Fabu- Japanese parody allows. You
lous, a creature bio-engineered have to watch an episode two or
from the chromosomes of a bat three times at least once to just
and a tacky Hollywood agent. listen to the rapid fire repartee
Spouting such phrases as "Hey that would upset the inner ears of
babe, let's do lunch he sprayed even Bruce Willis and Cybil Shep-
the populace with a gas to turn perd!
them into reptiles to provide the "Dynaman's" creations exhibit
extras needed for the villains pro- a genuine fondness for the subject
posed movie, The Lizard of Oz matter they spoof as evidenced by
Subsequently, the Dyna Kids the sheer amant of Kung Fu
have faced Mr. Flipper, a dolphin GodzillaRobot movies they had
with amplified intelligence. Mr. to devour to get the detil they
Flipper turns evil and makes the lovingly craft into each rnini-pop-
fish rebel by brainwashing them cult-culture masterpiece,
with '60's flower child values: "Dynaman" airs irregularly on
"Go live in the Village he chants USA's "Nightflight" on Friday
In a clever twist on 'The Frog
and the Princess our heroes
clashed with Lucky Pierre, a
suave, oversized French frog with
an equally oversized libido who
was snatching lovely Japanese
brides from the altar and seduc-
ing them with his hypnotic Paul
McCartney medley.
Their most incompetent adver-
sary so far has been Skippy, the
Wonder Squid, a moronic hum-
bler with Bullwinkle's voice
whom the Dyna Kids sadistically
enjoyed whaling the tar out of:
"Poor Skippy they chanted sar-
castically as the squid pleaded for
mercy, "he's going to die without
a friend. It's a darn shame
"Dynaman" features outra-
geous gymnastics and adroit cho-
reography in the fight scenes
which are enhanced by kaleido-
scopic editing. It almost over-
loads the retina!
Brower and Roman also take
nights. On my personal cat-head
scale, it scoops up six. Totally
boss. Word.
Send in the Clowns gets OK review
Staff Writer
The album begins promisingly
enough with "Lazy Susan" an
tarist Michael
more time
Rank has spent
copying Keith
North Carolina bands can gen- overall terrific song with a good Richards' apparal than his riffs,
erally be placed in one of three beat and fun lyrics. The band is at The band ups the tempo to an
categories: clean-cut frat boys its most coherent on this song, due uncomfortable level on "Cry
who worship James Taylor; new mostly to the drumming of Sara Wolf" and "Weathervain" both of
wave preeners who pretend Romwebber. Romwebber, aside which sound like outtakes from a
they're from Athens; and from having the best hair, brings Johnny Cash recording session,
hardcoretrash rockers trying to the most musical validity to the In fact, the whole album has an
sound like Corrosion of Confor- band via her stint in Let's Active, inauthentic country feel. Things
mity- Unfortunately "Lazy Susan" settle down a bit for "Travis" and
For Chapel Hill's Snatches of represents both the best and the "Time Done Gone" which starts
Pink, however, these labels fit like vvorst of this album. None of the with a hokey harmonica bit over a
a well-shrunken cashmere other songs can top it, and therein simple two chord acoustic riff.
sweater. Judging from their aptly lies the problem; everything is Side two begins much like side good one. If you feel you must
titled "Send in The Clowns" Lp, downhill from here. one with another pretty good hcar something by them call
this band doesn't seem to know It becomes painfully apparant song starting things off. "Up on WZMB and ask them to play
which proverbial pie to stick their that lead singer Andy Mac Millan the Mountain" is slightly more something. Better yet, convince a
mentine Interestingly enough,
this is probably the heaviest, least
acoustic song on the album.
The idea does not work at all
and Michael Rank should have
his eyeliner taken away for even
thinking it would. They come
back to life, though, on "Ones
With the Black a nice li ttle rocker
which saves the album from leav-
ing you with a bad after taste.
Despite all these cutting com-
ments, "Send in The Clowns" is
not a terrible album, it's just not a
tingcrs in.
simply cannot sing and that gui-
ECU teacher's novel hits stores
convincing than the rest of the
album in its mournful moaning
but the band slips back into medi-
ocrity for "Rodeo Clown" and
"Thing of the Past
However, the hokiness is taken
just a bit too far with the album's
friend to buy the album and then
tape "Lazy Susan" and "Upon the
Don't be in any hurry, though,
to buy this record. "Send in The
Clowns" seems to be destined to
be a cutout and will probably
Managing Idilor
L professor Bill 1 lallberg's
first novel, "The Rub of the
(Ireen lias 36 chapters.
Normally the number of chap-
ters a book has is not important,
but tin
rule. Hanoerg
If. It is divided into two distinct
parts, which occur in alternating
chapters throughout the book.
Each part is told through 18 chap-
ters, and 18 holes equals one
round oi golf. Get it?
That bit of technique trickery is
t one of the many things that
are working about this book.
1 lallberg has written a fine first
novel, turning the golf game into a
metaphor for life.
The book is written as the first
person account of one Teddy
Kendall, small-town midwestcrn
boy and golfer extraordinaire.
Each odd chapter is the story of
Kendall's growing love for the
golf game and his rise to the pro-
fessional level. It traces Kendall's
life from the time his mother dies
when he is a child to a day when
he uses his car to assault his best
friend and golfing partner.
The even chapters are the story
of the two years Kendall must
tery oi using physical details to
reveal morcabout a situation than
the story really tells. In an early
scene in "The Rub of the
Green" Kendall is walking to the
hospital with his father to see his
where Hallberg gives us intro-
spection on Kendall's part. This is
because the physical details of
Kendall's actions often tell a bet-
ter story than the introspective
technique would.
Hallberg uses the golf meta-
spend in jail because of the as- dying mother. Through Kendall's
ise is an exception to the sault. In jail he is given the task of blurred eyes we see the walk. We phor veryeffectively. As a young
rebuilding a two-hole golf course find out the number of telephone man, Kendall uses golf as a way to
for the prison he is incarcerated in. poles between his house and the escape the reality of his mother's
He must accomplish this task hospital, and we see the falling death. He takes up golfing as a
with little money and the help of leaves of autumn. release, and in one scene even
three very different inmates. One These details, and others like swings his clubs, grazing the
is a fat religious freak, one a small them throughout the book, give cement floor of his garage,
mentally-unbalanced man the reader a glimmer into the anger at the death.
mind of Teddy Kendall. There are
relatively few sections of the story
last three songs which include a haunt the shelves of Quicksilver
souped-up version of "Cle- Records for years to come
Honor Role plays power pop
on new Lp "The Pretty Song
Suff Writer
named Drago and the third
large, hot-headed black man.
The way the book is organized,
chapter 35 tells how Kendall ends
up in jail. It is really the prelude to
chapter two, but Hallberg's use of
this interesting structure is a fasci-
nating play with the reader, and it
keeps either side of the story from
becoming too oppressive or bor-
Through his work on short sto-
ries and his teaching at ECU,
Hallberg has developed a mas-
Parker kills
the Bonehea
By JEFFThe Reptile' PARKER
Suff Hcrpotolo&irt
Okay, so I
paid by members
. But that wasn't
Now listen to a story 'bout a man of these g?
who s dead the only reason. I admit, I wanted
a writer by the name of Chippy Fun-N-Games all to myselfl The
Bonehead Comix Page should be mine, all
cause rojj
one day he made a big mistake jj j thought, hey, why stop
he put trust tn a guy called trre? If 1 kill Oury, I could take
Snake- his humor-offendo column, and
All , u A. . . tJ ? Just as famous! I could write
At long last the truth can be told fcy photo cunes and silly
of the deathof the Bonehead. Yes, headlines. The choice was easy.
it was I who planned the entire And now, the plan. Ah-inwah-
episode tortured his very mind ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa!(Insidious
and soul, and administered the eva-villain laugh, for you peons
coupd grace. It wasn't hard, ac- who don't know.)
rually. Who else did he trust so First, I stole his girl. That was
completely that he would drop easy, I used my winning smile
his guard around? andsangPaiUN&aitneylyrksto
You may wonder why I killed her. She was mine,
the Bonehead more man how I Then, while Chipper was all
&d it. Lots o reasons. He was the shook up and bereaved, I apolo-
most hunted person on campus; gized. "Sorry, boner, I
more groups wanted him dead waftedTet me make it up to you.
than the math department can LefsdoBoj
count The Art-Weenies(we don't Bojangles. That was the end for
use that old term that implies the poor, unsuspecting sap took
homosexuality anymore), the the foolish piece of osseous mate-
Theater-Weenies, and the infa- rial bought him food, and he bit
mousFatGirfsWhoWriteBad s BONEY, pa? 13
Mounds of melted cheese
stacks of pepperonigobs of to-
mato sauce pieces of spicy sau-
sage slices of jalapeno peppers
Does this conjure up the
thought of pizza? Well, if you are
a typical ECU student, it should.
On March 3, Scott Dorm held its
first pizza-taste-off contest. With
roughly 125 participants,
See HALLBERG, page 14
wins it
Pizza Wagon.
Other participants in the pizza-
exactly right
The lyrics definitely sit in the
emotional right side of the brain,
and this is so because the lyrics
make so much sense. When you
hear and understand that line,
your body goes flush and it's all
The lyrics are certainly poetic
There are few records that force
you to stop and listen like Honor
Role's The Pretty Song. SPIN
magazine once wrote, "Picking
up a space somewhere between
apres-punk aggravation and
broody power pop, Honor Role and can stand on their own, but,
offers a rigorous discourse on the so does their music. The songs
art of thinking -Go Places" and especially
This album has no gadgets or "Shuffle" will keep your knees
taste-off included Frank's Pizza, gimmicks, just great music, great knocking with the beat
the Galley and Pizza Inn. In addi- ideas and great expressions. a gets a little jazzy and a little
tion, Scott Hall received the most Lyricist Bob Schick looks funky then rifles back into hard-
outstanding House Council pro- around and sings about what he edged fuzz box rock Then other
gram of the year award. SRA rep- sees and how it affects him psy- songs like "Six" and "Present
resentatives from each residence chologically and emotionally. On Conditions" keep things slow
the song "Clockwork Schick strong and patient
gives the listener this account. This is the kind of record I feel a
"Every night at six fifteen I turn on responsibility to turn my friends
my T.V. Every night I see the on to. Have you ever discovered a
??UiM- on,y probwe'experienced tttjttSL&Z S-
hall voted and the winner was
announced at the SRA banquet
last Wednesday night.
According to Pam Riggs, Resi-
dent Director of Scott Hall, "The
and received almost 45 of the
votes. Second place went to Little
Caeser's, third place was Four
Star pizza, and there was a tie for
fourth place between PTA and
was that we had to turn away
about 50 people Riggs said that
everything else went smoothly
and the Coke, "was really good to
grown quite accustomed to And you feel like if everbodv
The songson this record are the did understand, the world would
kind that will send chills down really be a better place Well
your spine You'll catch a line or Honor Role is like one of those"
phrase and think "yeah, that's concepts.
Honor Role is into Democracy Rock
Staff Writer
From the same people who
brought you Politicus (the politi-
cal art show), "Soap Box Forum
an various political speakers from
throughout the world, now
brings you Rock for Democracy, a
benefit concert for Students for
Economic Democracy.
Honor Role and Rosebud from
Richmond Virginia, and East
Carolina Univerisrs own Stark
Naked and the Car Thieves will
make up the big three band line-
up. The show will be held Satur-
day night at the New Deli. Judg-
ing from the excitement of those
involved, the benefit promises to
be quite a festival.
About the headlining band,
SED member Blair Riddick
said'Honor Role is one of the
most hair-raising bands I've ever n"001 tr?e Student Government ing. "Peace needs to be taken sen
seen. It's good to know they aren't Association, Rock for Democracy ously, and only through ed
politically impotent Rosebud, a has become the financial back- tion and cooperation ran "
Adding to that Maria !
cooperation can
band with cool t-shirts, has been bone for the group. "It seems that
called "gripping and powerful" everyday when I read the news-
by this publication. paper, I see the need for groups
About Rosebud, Riddick said, like SED to continue. Rock tor
"The guitar playing will leave Democracy is good in the sense
everybody mesmerized Stark good bands play and everbody
Naked and The Car Thieves who has a lot of fun and if s good in the
can boast to be Greenville's only sense that we need to leam about
existing punk band will kick-start the world around us says Rid-
the night t ten o'clock. dick.
About the actual event, SED
member George Doles com- cJj!lchae McCreery, another what we're working for
mented, "In the past, we've tried SEDmember said that the group's
tomakeRockforDemocracyboth concerns are not about "raising '?e wou'd especially like to
a musical thing and a political hell" but rather about forwarding &ank the New Deli for being
thing, but everybody is always an attitude that says "we need to supportive and working with us
having too good of a time to talk ,eam to able to make our own the benefit, said Doles. "Last
politics decisions and then teach that skill Y was bl& tmi "i8 year we
to others want to see a full house. So every.
Since political biased orgainiza- He went further to say mat SED body make a point to come on
tions do not receive any funding is aboui educ? ting and cooperat- down
said, "SED is about human rights
of all people no matter what their
race, gender religion or sexual
onentauon. We don't want to rule
the world, we just want equalitv
and justice in it. Remember when
your mother said that life isn't
fair? Well, is should be and that's
? t
Staff Writer
The East Carolina Playr
held their annual dance perfq
ance this past Friday, Satun
Monday and Tuesday VVh
went on Tuesday, it was my
real experience with th
Theatre here at ECU. What I
tring to say is that I'm not a
good judge in that 1 have notl
really to compare it to.
As the saving goes,
know much about art, but I k
what I like And 1 like the
Carolina Dance Theatre Rii
performance consisted oi
fcrent presentations, some b
than others.
Mavis Ray choreograpl
Of the shorter pieces. The J
Tas De Deux was really
Standing. There was a scrim
wore a design of what 1
a huge Rorschsach Ink
and this scrim hung m fr
two dancers
The other piece Mavis I
reographed I didn't like as m
It was called "Les Optimist
Lcs Pessimistes" and it was
you would imagine a dance j
that was called "Les Optr
Les Pessimistes
The center character in this
again was Ralph Ba
sides to him? a front and a I
and there was a face on both
One side was optimistic ant
Boney dead
Continued from page 121
into his biscuit lusti!
crunched, moreso than a
biscuit should.
"Hev, what's this, Jeff?"
I laughed as color fled fn
"Man, this-chokc-ain't fui
uk-help "
I poured a cup of beer left
from the All-Party, No-S
weekend down his throat to
systern.msidehisbisciiit wa
single of .Tiffany.
"Ak-ak ut
The bonemeiser finally k
over and hit the floor. I laud
laugh that chilled the spine
dining customers, got a re!
tea, and started for the
pushed the door open, th
body rolled over and the bluj
gasped out one last word.
??i y ifc, ? an wtmaBmm
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it life isn't
1 be and that s
B WOUI . t0
e New De foi :ng
rking with us
netit said Dok s ast
g but this year we
v a tul 1 house. So every-
point to come
APRIL 21, 19K8
Dance theater proiluctUmRACkWdW$HOi$
contains outstanding work
Mti Writei
I'ho East Carolina Playhouse
d Iheir annual dance perform
e this past 1 ridaj, Saturda
nda and luesdaj When 1
ton ! uesday, it was m tirst
experience with the Dance
re here at ECU. What I'm
to s.n is that I in not a very
udge in that 1 have nothing
to compare it to
s the saying goes, 1 don't
much about art but 1 know
it 1 like And 1 hke the East
i Dance Theatre. This past
manceconsisted oi to edit
nt presentations some better
Max is Rav choreographed two
shoi tor pieces 1 'he first one
V i Yu v as really out
: ng There was a scrim that
sign ot nh, ooked like
. e Rorschsach Ink blot rest
- scrim hung in front ol the
other piece Ma is Ray cho
;raphed 1 didn t likeasmuch.
? as called I es Optimistes ft
?ssimistes" and it was just as
ou w ould imagine a dance piece
? was called "I es Optimistes Et
Pessimist s
enter character in thisone
n was Ralph bass, had two
s to him a front and a back
and there was a iacc on both side.
One side was optimistic And the
Bonev dead
Continued from page 12
into his biscuit lustily. It
crunched, moreso than a bacon
biscuit should.
' 1 ley, what s this off?
1 laughed as color fled from his
"Man, this choke-ain't funny-
r i i up ol beer left o cr
from ? Ml-Partj No Sleep
w. ' ish
- tlv 4eadl$ biscu
' ' ;aiiHvasa"45
- -
bonemeiser finally keeled
? md hit the floor. 1 laughed a
i that chilled the spines ot the
g customers, got a refill ol
i, and started for the door. As 1
ished the door open, the limp
dy rolled over and the blue face
;pcd out one last word
When you graduate you
may no longer be
covered by your parents
health Insurance
1-6 Months
Coverage Very
Reasonable Rates
l Indcrwritten by
Golden Rule Insurance
A" Rated (Excellent)
other side, oi course, was pessi
mistic It wascutetorashort while
and that's about it.
I he first piece, which was re-
ally five short pieces wrapped
together, really started the whole
shew oft with a bang. It wa called
Names to mention for fine per-
formances are Brenna Alonso,
Nina Blanton, Shasta E. Bridges
and Calvin Napoleon Cherry. The
timing and synchronicity was
right on time. It was a color spec
fade that teased the senses and
the imagination.
Hie most intense piece ot the
night was Patricia Pertalion's
"Ozone 1 ayer At the beginning,
all I could think about was how
much 1 didn't like the costumes.
They were just these blah working
men jump-suits ami then I real
ized that that was the idea. By the
end oi the performance, the suits
were stripped oft ami then they
were all dressed in just color, ft
was phenomenal.
( herall, I'm very impressed bv
the ECU talent, from the dancing
to the production, to the costum-
ing. 1 only wish I started going to
the dance concerts earlier.
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APRIL 21, 1988
Bad date caused by lack of money, ID
pcnil to The t Carolinian
1 had made plans to carry out
this fine looking female and show
hor a good time, out on the town,
but my plans were brought to a
screeching halt whenlopencd my
wallet to find in it- contents only
the smell ot old leather.
What was 1 going to do? The
tier machine would only give
. a receipt for a withdrawal
stating 1 la ! la! Ihadtodo
?ecause this girl was
the bright light
It w as a desperate last
her to the
1 : -hall 1 lendrix
itch a mo ic. It would
? than bor-
I it would euaran-
I cruised into the
? inished ex-
as and how
a movie over get-
? hor down-
had made it this tar.
ml to face another
- ing date.
Hallberg Writes
Continued from page 12
1 hor. at tor he is thrown in jail,
takes on the revitaliza-
i ourse as another
m ? escaping reality. The
course becomes Kendall's
and as he rebuilds the course
is own life and pla-
ivn mind.
? wing thing about
vk is that there roal! is no
? Kendall changes
ry, but it is a
n I he incidents
? - c boon the cli-
- assau his
tve the reader
I ilfillment.
gs that work
? . work well. The
book will soon be available in the
Student Store, and it should be a
treat for those in the university
Tiose that
? ? d his trade-
- that don't know
I have the pleas-
to be surprised.
My damn student l.D. card was
expired! being the protagonist
that 1 am, 1 forgot to put that little
orange sticker on the card to make
it up to date. 1 wasn't going to
sweat it out. vet, because 1 always
heard that the R.O.T.C. monitors
never look closely at them.
What a relief - we breezed by
them in an ultra flash. All the
tension 1 had created made me
second guess the desire for this
date, but one quick glance at her
long, tanning, slim legs instantly
wiped out all signs of doubt.
We sat in our seats with 15
minutes still remaining before the
scheduled curtain time. I could
feel that this would bean interest-
ing short period of time, due to the
unique people known to attend
the movies at 1 lendrix My date
and 1 decided to observe and trip
on the surroundings.
There he is! MR. AMERICA.
This guv thinks he is the Incred-
ible HULK. While he is strutting
down the aisle, 1 should jump up
and straighten out his ego prob-
lem. This guv is at least 40 percent
body fat.
But, before 1 open my mouth,
that moans that 60 percent may be
muscle: 1 thmk I'll stay seated and
let him keep his ego problem.
Hey now, there they are. The
group that Chippy Bonehead isn't
too fond oi. The Fat Girls! -Wait a
minute. Didn't 1 read where a
group of fat girls beat the shit out
of Ole bonehead or something? I
lust want to make it clear that I
think fat girls are nice.
Well, that's two more situations
1 have barely escaped.
The crowd is getting thicker
now. Some guy wearing a white
shirt with three greek letters on it
is giving the high live to a cluster
of boys wearing identical shirts. 1
see this type group together all the
time. 1 wonder if it's a University
rule or something that these
people always stay in groups?
Where are all these old folks
coming from in here?
I bet these damn freshman are
entertaining mom and pop for the
nicht. trving to convince them
that they don't stay at Jack and
Jill's dorm room.
Is that a five year old boy in here
or did he just stunt his growth as a
kid by smoking too many
Marlboro Lights? 1 bet his l.D. has
expired, also.
Oh, boy. Opposites really do
attract. This guy looks like King of
the hard-core heavy metal scone,
while his unseperatable lever
looks like she has just left her high
school prom. Who knows, maybe
Cinderella was kinky?
Clapping starts as the lights
dim. Oh, no - Yo Bros' I lore comes
Joe. I wish this guy beside me had
of used Joo's Coast.
This date was turning out to be
a blast after all. I still think 1 pre-
ferred cash in my wallet, so I could
have had a different unique time.
1 might as well sit ba k and try
to enjoy throe studs that an
tinuously wiping the butt ot
baby that apparently eats nothing
but BRAN!
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it it
e ml
so I'll tj
Wh I
Hell tf
And now, the grand finale! Wilj
this last paper of the semester w
llso bid a cheese fondue I
longest running comic strip
:ast Carolinian history Walkii
e Plank.
illan Guy was first hired marj
100ns ago in 1983 to toon W
irst Walkin' for the paper. It w
rude then, but evolved to a levl
hat even impressed B.C. ca
jonist Johnny Hart,
kllan also first fiUed the presti
us position of Staff Illustrat
iter followed by such greats
.telton Brvant and me).
ther comics like Man-O-Sti
id Tooth soon followed, ai
le comic grew until it encoi
issed the whole page. It is rt

. starts as the lights
? Hcrecomes
me had
tg out to be
think 1 pre-
sol could
- ind try
? c con
: o
sh Pork
APRIL 21,1988 15
I t
Since February 1988 Comics not worth failing an exam over
Walkin' the Plank One Last Time
Ml jggLd
NorwWftu mm
meY w yow
'??-?? a ? ? sieve.
? ? ?:?A v v45 4 6
- '? ??-? ??? ? : fj??tz
2x SAM, VJU .ffyV:
To zc
? "? T2 r ??
?? ?'???.?? ???e?- jt. r
'I touched my own breast -Jennifer Pearson
By A. GUY Orpheus: Nightstalker
AVPI AM 3AYM' fflA-r s
PisMMCsr, Atiptfpsmpi
AVP WtrtS" J
TM ftllUG- A lAvUSvrTAWVSr
? urm
- ??. - ?
- ?'? ? - :
1 "
A. ? V . MH - ? s
??'?? ??? c-
KfM?AMHA ? v
y ar wMtf few7'
yfe as sfipp
PiMimA stys ou)
'Vi? flJ(i?fi ('Mi.T&)
Mitt 10. ' Mft
Yi efiM.&m-Mve. tup-
ItfMfr aatrf-ji &e(, SvstH, Ouuai,
Yv? fc? 'i ffrr ?r i? "Sav?
1H? fretr S4(P CW S&U&z
ttrsabfY&mFmr aif.
$t&, &v,riPP-Ttfy,rrt'j.u
iff nit, CAtCreMaAj.fifry
l ????? 1 .Ji 5 4i fxvfi'Sl SSW&.AUTA flAtP
; ? ??' ? ? - & s sfrp0YG?fM? msrAfdtJtofPEa&?.f4pS0Av
-? wc ' ? ?? 4
? rs - ?- sjrof 4s J?u- As MY f&tQ?.Cs. r&H?C?.
? - . ?, ? . ??? -? ;4 ? y -v ?? .v-?s tftfcV, i:(isr-fitiiJ
. ? y - . ??. Mp&trMb &
YJpiyStc&oay. A
Campus Comics
SO I'U"BH.60(N6
By BARBOUR Award Winning Cartoonist
But w hearts
I D?7
Ice Cream
O 11:00 P.M.

B Rlill") Vward Winning 1'ailinmfel

? v ?
?' )

- ? r.

ts3ctvwsc J
MARcv( 1968 issue: of
GuST- &oT That picnT Ktev
Te. C?wo AWA FRofA (joSx
fast fame's. &0WL1U& cexge
i5 000 pjftsC wS JP Fo? 3RABS
1 VAR-Oud ?
you'D 0?TTe:R LISTeTo
MET 600D 8l?T77WeAC
Another vsisecwcK
UKt -IhKT Atio X Won'
FfNc,H THr STofty V
?a v
- "
Thi 5
0 &oiG iNTb -fe lA)T
peRFtcr game" and
TMr end, GQQP N16HT
'I'M Ti'u NoT Sttfy '
0"ft AK?Th?R STo?.y
'HOW APouT THr (v4C vrttf?C
Th? rtflLtCT- AppcARS out oP
The All Mel From Hell Edition of

I i
What it is, people. Well, as you
see, some of the comics grew so
much that the Undercover Cats
were muscled out of the picture
so I'll tell you what happened.
Phil and Dave picked up that
hammer and became Thorcat
While Batcat and The Man From
Hell bombarded Kirbactus,
Frank flew up and discovered
his weak spot Thorcat then
flung his hammer at the point,
destroying Kirbactus.
The entire gang finished by
making fun of the dead villain
just like the Dynakids do, and
then they had a massive party. So
Inside Joke (For Real)

THOl 50PDOO; OLD STORiA UV 0??rA(?M WrTH vr45? "FffGHT
And now, the grand finale! With
this last paper of the semester we sonably safe (and very mushy) to like to thank my co-partner in
also bid a cheese fondue to the say that the whole concept of this venture, Chip Carter.(Even
longest running comic strip in Pirate Comix evolved from though he's dead 'cause I killed
East Carolinian history, Walkin' Walkin' the Plank. So, goodbye, him) We have got to the point
the Plank. Allan Guy, we will miss you and where we don't violate SO many
Allan Guy was first hired many we wish you much success in copyright laws, and we don't put
moons ago in 1983 to'toon his your future. Peace. ourfaces all over the paper. Chip,
first Walkin'for the paper. It was Also, let me finish out this to you I sincerely say, "Oh yeah,
j crude then, but evolved to a level semester by emoting some more, the MONEY JAR
jthat even impressed B.C. car- Earlier this year, Fun-N-Games Now, if you don't know me,
i toonist Johnny Hart was started as a mere filler to take don't read this because if s per-
Allan also first f iHed the prestig- up space we didn't have comics sonal. Dave, thanx for being cool,
ious position of Staff Illustrator to fill. Since then many of you Woody, don't shit on the carpet
(later followed by such greats as readers have Gary, good luck buddy, Clay
IShelton Bryant and me). expressed that you enjoyed this congratulations, Earlvis, stop
)ther comics like Man-O-Stick little bottom page of madness, that Chip, glad you stayed, and
The Arm Fall Off Boy Fanboy Club
(Honorary Member)
Jeff "The Bonecrusher" Parker-
Chippy Bonehead (Deceased)
?NT Tn
id Tooth soon followed, and So, by popular demand, Fun-N- Jennifer, I'm so glad I met you I " Vice-President
e comic grew until it encom- Games wUl remain a permanent and I wish you could stay. See I
issed the whole page. It is rea- fixture on the Comics Page! I'd you all next year, kids. Word. I
What it was. I am the Bonehead,
currently deceased. But if I'm
lucky, these last few weeks will
be all a dream, or I will metamor-
phize into Dark Bonehead. Any-
way. I just wanted to say 'Bye' to
A. Guy, Generally set apart
from humanity to my partner
the Snake, 'boss' to all my loyal
lackeys, 'Why, thank you Super-
man' to Superman, T need a
backrub bad' to Girl Wednes-
day, 'periods are acceptable Eng-
lish' to Micah, Word' to Earlvis
'Shut Up to the Human Mega-
'Congrats but now what will
we dor to Clay and 'Pass Me
please' to my teachers. Til later, I
remain ?. a boss Bonehead,
r -??. m-
m 1 mum ?m?mHi? ? m 1 ? j ?ij? u ? ? ?
til?I 111 Mil
??' finr
'?"?'? ? ???' 'i$ftfjf

APRIL 21, 1988 Page 16
Golfers rallied for CAA crown
at ditor
East Carolina's golf team, play-
ing on its most difficult course
layout of the season, rallied from a
nine-stroke deficit in the final
round of the Colonial Athletic
ssociation Golf Tournament to
win the championship by 13
Richmond headed into the final
round ot play with a nine-shot
lead over the Pirates and held a
six-stroke lead with only nine
holes to plav before the Pirates
barreled back to claim the title
outseoring the Spiders by la
trokes over the final nine holes.
The championship was played
at the Cascades Golf Course in
Hot Springs, Va. The course is
? being a very intimidat-
course even in the best oi
weather. The weather for the tour-
nament, however, was bad mak-
e course conditions even
tougher for the competitors.
Frances V aughan overcame the
weather conditions on the final
day and led the young Pirate
tad to their second consecutive
victory in the CA A tourney with a
final round score of 72, which was
even par for the Cascades layout
The 2 by Vaughan marked the
lowesl round oi the tournament
and left him just shy oi claiming
Ihe individual title for the tourna-
The Pirates carded a three-day
im total of 915, while the Spi-
ders, who were 22 shots behind
the s in the final round
298 Richmond-320),
finished at 928
sM I son was third at 942,
while William Ac Mary finished
irth with a 946 score. George
Mas.mi grabbed the fifth position
with a to im score of 950 followed
bv Navv in sixth with 975. UNC-
Wilmington finished seventh at
97b, while American rounded out
the field with a team total of 1,035.
Richmond's Dave Renzulli took
home the low individual honors
tor the tournament with a 12-over
par score oi 225. That mark edged
out lames Madison's Rob
Slaviona's stroke total by only one
Vaughan finished third at 227,
while fellow teammates Tee Da-
les and Paul Garcia were fourth
and fifth respectively with scores
of 22 and 230.
Vaughan had an excellent
chance to gain the individual
championship had he been able to
birdie one oi the final three holes.
Instead, hebogied the final holeof
the tournament to fall two shots
Davies' fourth-place finish
could be viewed somewhat as a
miracle according to head coach
Hal Morrison, who said Davies'
final round 75 came after some
very difficult situation shots.
Davies reportedly got out of
some rough areas on the course
that Morrison thought were
nearly imposible to get out of and
salvage a decent score.
The Spiders jumped out to the
lead in the tournament after the
first round of play by carding a
team mark of 307, four shots bet-
ter than the Pirates'311.
Richmond extended its lead to
nine after the second trip around
the links on Sunday with a 301
score. The Pirates managed a 306
Sunday to remain within striking
The Pirates are back in action
again this week in the Chris Sch-
enkel Invitational in Statesboro,
Ga. The tournament, which fea-
tures the top teams in the eastern
part of the country, will be played
on the challenging Forest Freights
Country Club links.
The Schenkel Invitational will
be the Pirates final tournament
competition until the fall season
opens up next semester.
Hill named MVP
at hoops banquet
Gus 1 lill was the top honoree
Sunday as the East Carolina
men's basketball team wound up
the year with its annual awards
banquet. Hie banquet was held at
the 1 lilton Inn.
Hill, a sophomore, received the
award for being the team's Most
Valuable Player. Hill was also
honored with an award for being
the best free throw shooter on the
Other players honored at the
banquet were freshman Stanlev
Love, who was honored as the
outstanding rebounder and as the
newcomer oi the year. Walk-on
junior Kennv Murphy, who
earned a scholarship and starting
spot on the team befor the season
ended, was tabbed as the defen-
sive player of the year. Murphy
also received the coach's award.
Also receiveing an award was
sophomore Reed Lose. Lose was
honored as the offensive player of
the year.
Ihe Pirates compiled an 8-20
record for the season in head
coach Mike Steele's first season.
Students admittedrfire t& Purple trold game
Free for students ? FCL stu-
dents don't forget you will be able
get into the annual Purple
Cold football intrasquad game for
tree with a valid l.D. and activity
ca rd.
The game, which will bring the
Fifth Annual Croat Pirate Purple
Gold Pigskin Pi com Partv to a
close, will kickoff at 3:30 p.m. on
Cost oi the game for non-stu-
dents is $1.50 it the tickets are
Knight before the day of the game
and 52.50 on gameday.
Barbeque plates, which will be
sold behind Ficklen Stadium, will
sell for $3.50 per plate. These tick-
ets can be purchased Saturday
morning at the ticket booth beside
Scales Field 1 louse. Plates will be
served from 10:30a.m. until 3 p.m.
Brone beauties ? It is still not
to late tor ladies to enter the Frito-
Lay Suntan Bikini Contest, sched-
uled for Saturday afternoon as a
part oi the Pigskin Pigout Party.
Sports Editor
There is no entry fee to enter the
contest, but contestants are asked
to enter the event before Satur-
To enter the contest or obtain
information about it contact the
ECU Marketing Office at 757-
11:20 a.m. If there is still water left
in the tank after Bailey's splashes
then VVCTI's sports director Lee
Moore will hit the seat at 11:20
Next up for a dunk or two will
be ECU Associate Athletic Direc-
Anybodv wanting to get men's Johnson, coordinator for the Pure
basketball head coach MikeSteele Gold Dancers will wind up thelisf
all wet will get their chance after of dunkees with an appearance at
Hart steps out of the booth. Steele 2:40 p.m.
will take his turn beginning at 1:10
Next up for a dunk will be ECU
It starts off on the diamond
Shaggin' on tap ? All you
beach music fans, don't forget
that the Entertainers, who special-
ize in beach and top 40 music, will
tor Henry Van Sant. Van Sant will Sports Information secretary Tina
welcome all tossers beginning at Allen beginning at 1:40 p.m.
11:40 a.m. Brad Zaruba, W1TN Follwing Allen will be none other be putting on a concert under the
The Pigskin Pigout Party will be sportsdircctor, will takeovernext than me. I, knowing that I will not stands at Ficklen Stadium Fndav
officially kicked off this afternoon beginning at high noon. be dunked, will sit high and dry night from 9 p.m. until the mid-
at 4 p.m. when the Pirate baseball The first lady to take a dip, Lady on the scat in the booth beginning night hour
The contest will take place at 2 team plays host to the University Pirate basketball coach Pat Pier-
p.m. Any female, student or non-
student is eligible to enter.
Prizes will be awarded to the
top three tanned ladies, with the
grand prize being $300. Second
prize is worth $125, while the
third-place finisher will take
home $75.
of North Carolina at Harrington son, will challenge you to knock
Field. her in starting at 12:20 p.m fol-
The Pirates will put a 26-11 rec- lowed by Dave Hart, ECU Direc-
ord on the line against the Tar tor of Athletics at 12:40 p.m.
1 leels. ECU is currently on a roll as
it swept a three-game series from
Richmond this past weekend to
gain third place in the Colonial
Athletic Assoiation's final regular
season standings.
The Pirates finished their CAA
slate of games this season with an
8-6 mark. Ironically, the Pirates
headed to last year's CAA tourna-
ment championship as the third-
seeded team before emerging as
the tourney champion and head-
ing to the East Region of the
NCAA Tournament.
The winner of the CAA tourna-
ment is guaranteed an automatic
berth into the NCAA's East Re-
gion of the championship tourna-
The Pirates were supposed to be
back in action Tuesday on the
road at Old Dominion, however,
the game was called off due to the
soaking rains that swept the east-
ern portions of the country.
After playing North Carolina
Thursday at Harrington Field, the
Pirates and the Tar Heels will
pack up their bags and head to
Chapel Hill for a rematch on the
Heels home turf on Friday.
Give ityourbest shot?Oneof
Saturday's feature events for the
Pigskin Pigout Party will be the
annual Dunking Booth. This year
the Dunking Booth will be in
operation from 11 a.m. until 3
p.m. to give all of you hotshot
throwers a chance to show just
what you have.
The list of dunkees is now com-
plete along with the times that
they will be free bait for you to try
and knock them in for a swim.
Brian Bailey, sports director for
at 2 p.m.
Charlie Carr, Executive Direc-
tor of the Pirate Club, will take
over when I am finished begin-
ning at 2:20 p.m while Lynette
The concert is sponsored by the
Frito-Lay Company and is one of
the many free attractions offered
as a part of the Pigskin Pigout
Boston, the original location for
the team.
Claims that I love the Brewers
because my favorite beer is
Milwaukee's Best arc unfounded.
As I did with proving my alle-
spray homers to any area of the
Back then, I carried a baseball
card of Aaron at all times. I had
The day the Atlanta Braves
dogged Hank, I became a Brewers
You see when the Braves made
the worst trade of all time, and
since then have tried hard to beat
that feat, they were hexed by
yours truely, the college rover.
Basically, the Braves screwed
up many moons ago when they
traded away Hank to the Brewers.
It was 1976 and Earl vis wearing a
tattered Braves cap, watched as
Skip Carey announced the trad-
ing of a legend.
As I watched Channel 36 in
Charlotte, I listened to the painful
words of Carey, I weeped and
threw the tattered cap at the old
black and white. Fat as hell, young
Earlvis proceeded to spray the
half gallon of bubble gum favored
ice cream on the nine inch t.v.
screen in hopes that it would
bring bad fortune to the Braves.
Bingo, the curse has worked.
Every since 1976, not only do the
Braves suck, but they have no da And Lou Ge7oh yea
chance of improving. Even the he died.
team, Richmond But biack super stars have got
son with 16 homers to finish his
career with 755 and it was most
fitting he did it in clug city.
Before press time Wednesday,
the Brewers are looking to get in
the record bookb as hopefully
gions to the Redskins, I will prove they will defeat the Orioles for the
I am a true Brewers fan. O's 14 loss. It will be an Oh my
The true reason why I pay alle- look at the O's with all those Os
gions to the Crew of Brew is for this year. I guess loyal O's fan
the legend, Hank. As a young lad, Dirty Dale Sartin will be crying in
Earlvis idolized the slugger with Greensboro tonight. Come on
those powerful wrists who could Dirt, leave the losers and become
a Brewers fan.
Last Saturday on national t.v
baseball fans witnessed as the
Brewers beat those guys in the
posters of Aaron thumb tacked to ugly pin stripes, what is their
my bedroom walls. From that names ?, oh the Yankees. On Sun-
time on, my favorite number be- day, Brewer, Ted Higuera, the
came 44. best pitcher in the American
But really, why did the Braves League (you heard it here) beat
have to dog Aaron? Super star the Yanks in 8 innings of flawless
white players have never been pitching.
traded at the twilight of their ca- I heard Yankee freak Rob
reers. Stan Musial stayed with the Phelps, Johnny and Connies' boy
Cards for 21 years. The Dodgers weeping all the way from Summit
retired the Duke after many great street
years. Mickey Mantle stayed with
the Yanks until his last playing
Watch out for the Brew Crew,
with one the best young catch-
ers in tnc majors in B.J. Suroff
SK.aSK Srsrware SSSSsa?
springtrainiig.Thehund?edyear SStrS, T P?d rookie Dl I. is destine to be
cCrseLshex&theballclubtoV MJS'SiiS?S L8? h?'? ?? I
point where they will never win
WNCT-TV, will get the splashing
Jay McGraw and the Pirate baseball team hope to touch home base underway with an appearance on
regularly today against North Carolina. (Photo by Mar Startari) the hot seat from 11 a.m. until
the world series.
The last time the Braves won the
world series was 1957 when
Hammering Hank and the boys
use to play in Milwaukee. Critics
his first major.
the Braves Frank Robertson by game Monday, the youngest hit a
the Orioles. And Roberto home run for
Clemete, oh yeah, he died. But league hit.
seriously, black legends have
gotten no respect from their teams
they have labored long years for.
The first season I followed the
place. But it really didn'
because Aaron ended the 76 sea
left Milwaukee to play in Fulton . But it real,y
County, but other critics say
Braves should have never left
Earlvis prediction: the Brewers ?
will win the AL East this season.
Remember, every one laughed at
the beginning of the football sea-
son when I predicted that the
Redskins would win the Super
s pus
,P) ? As Baltimore's
funded Orioles reached for the
rd, it seemed appropriate to
imine more closely the 1901
ishington Senators, the first
jor league team to start a sea-
with 13 straight losses.
te Senators had trouble before
first pitch that season. Owner-
p and managerial difficulties
rived the team of a compli
ping training, a condition this
nip could hardly afford. Even-
illv, the club settled on catcher
llachi Kittredge to fill out the
Iv lineup card. This, appar-
lv, was not a terribl. I
kitteredge had been around. A
Beran of 13 seasons, he cam. I
Senators the year before from
ie quaintly named Boston
jjaneaters. That Washington
im finished last witha43-94 rcc-
d and manager Tom Loftus ?
invited back
The 1904 Senators opened at
itnewithaloss ;tPhiIad
a, then tied the next game
gainst the Athl
lei men tar v re
tos that awaited them.
Us ,i 12-2 loss against PI
i.i. then t!
ildcats s kv ?
.Tsitv oi Kentucky basi
$ch Eddie Sutton said he ?
reak his silence and is
icnt in support oi assistant
vane Casey, who is accused of
coding $1,000 to the father -
ffdeat recruit Chris Mills,
button said he had war- I I
sslie the statement Monday, but
louldn't reach UK President
)ajvid Roselle, on business in
exas, for his approval.
Sutton declined Monday to
Lveal the exact wording oi the
Jtatement. which he planned to
;fease today, but added, "You
brow it'sgoing to be support.
The head coach has' talked
It's a race to the :
Co-Ed R
Men -
Men's tndep
?? ??

APRIL 21,1988
3 ?&Ol J
a me
. !

? ? : in -? the
is the
n the
it herr
? ?
at Carol
. ki
e Monday, the youngi
me run tor 1
le hit.
-Ivis prediction: the Bre
will win the AL East this season.
Remember, every one laughed at
nning of the football sea-
son when I predicted thai the
Redskins would win the Super-
's pushing for record
As Baltimore's
unded Orioles reached for the
.rd it seemed appropriate to
.une more closely the 104
;ton Senators, the first
ague team to start a sea-
th 13 straight losses
he Senators had trouble before
st pitch that season. Owner-
I managerial difficulties
rived the team of a complete
training, a condition this
uld hardly afford. Even-
thc club settled on catcher
Kittredge to fill out the
up card. This, appar-
is not a terribly good
rodgc had been around. A
: 1 3 seasons, he came to
rs the year before from
uaintly named Boston
ts. That Washington
shed lat with a 43-94 rec-
nanagerToml oftuswas
ted back.
1 Senators opened at
loss against Philadel-
1 the next game
i Ubieties, 6-6. It was a
respite from the bad
waited them. There
ss against Philadel-
straight losses at
Boston, three losses at home
against New York and two more
against Boston.
By then the losing streak-in-
cluding three shutouts in four
games-had reached major league
proportions. It was clear to all ob-
servers that this was a bad base-
ball team and so it was with some
trepidation that the Senators trav-
eled to New York for a four-game
Washington lost the first three
but then ended the strin'g at 13
losses with a 9-4 victory over the
Highlanders. As you might ex-
pect the milestone victory was
accomplished with help. New
York committed eight errors.
Washington's heroes with two
hits apiece were infielders'Charlie
Moran and loe Cassidy, outfield-
ers Jack Thoney and Kip Selbach,
and catcher lew Drill, who was
playing because Kittredge had
taken the day off to concentrate on
Beating the Highlanders did
not take the heat off for the man-
ager. When the Senators dropped
their next three games at Philadel-
phia, Kittredge was told to worry
only about catching for the rest of
the season. The new skipper
would be right fielder Patsy
Donovan, an old hand at this
managing business. His creden-
tials included an eighth place fin-
ish with St. Louis in the National
League the year before, perfect for
this crew.
After the 1-16 start under
Kittredge, Washington would go
37-97 for the rest of the season for
Donovan. The combined 38-113
was good for last place in the
American League, a fat 23 12
games behind seventh-place De-
troit and 55 12 behind Boston's
Donovan needed a year off to
recuperate before returning to
manage Brooklyn in 1906.
Kittredge, however, would never
get another chance. He finished
his managing career with that 1-
16 log, an .059 percentage.
The 1904 Senators batted .227
but were worse than that in the
field, committing 314 errors. First
baseman Jake Stahl led the league
with 29 mispiays, a fear that so
impressed ownership it made
him manager of the team the next
year. Second baseman Barry
MeCorrnick and shortstop Joe
Cassidy each made 37 errors and
third baseman Hunter Hill tied
for the league lead at his position
with 25.
Buy Star Pimento
Cheese 13 oz.
Get 7 oz. Chicken
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Wildcats still denying charges
vlN'GTON. Ky.(AP)- L'ni-
ot Kentucky basketball
die Sutton said he will
- silence and isue a state-
support of assistant
w who is accused of
to the lather of
1 uit Chris Mills.
said he had wanted to
statement Monday, but
I reach L K President
vosclle on business in
for Ins approval.
declined Monday to
v xact wording of the
t. which he planned to
ise today, but added, "You
?ing to be supportive
ie head coach hasn't talked
about the allegation since the
story first broke in The Daily
News of Los Angeles last Thurs-
day. The newspaper reported that
Casey had sent the $1,000 in a
videotape via Emery Worldwide
air freight to Claud Mills, Chris'
lather. Several Emery employees
said the envelope popped open
during handling.
Casey's attorney, Joe B.
Campbell oi Bowling Green, Ky.
said Monday that the package
was unsealed and contained only
a videotape when Casey left it
with a secretary to be sent out.
Campbell said Casey told UK
investigators that when he met
with them for 2 1 2 hours on April
"Dwane's remembrance is he
did not seal the package
Campbell said. "He put it on her
desk. Now, if Dwane was going to
do something improper, he'd do
it himself
The receptionist, Larnetta
McDowell, "couldn't remember if
she scaled the package or coach
did Campbell said.
McDowell declined comment
on Monday.
"I do know it was tightly sealed
when it left the coaches' office"
and was picked up by Emery
Campbell said.
Giant 42 oz. box
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the finish tor Intramural Chancellor Cup Leaders.
ice Halls
I nce I alls
Slav 238
Tvler 44
Alpha Sigma Phi265
Beta Theta Pi 101
Delta Sigma Phi 632
Kappa Alpha266
Theta Chi380
Lambda Chi Alpha634
Pi Kappa Alpha850
Phi Kappa Tau555
Pi Kappa Phi 415
Sigma Nu54
Sigma Phi Epsilon964
Sigma Tau Gamma237
Tau Kappa Epsilon908
Zeta Beta Tau0
Kappa Sigma176
Phi Beta Sig62
Kappa Alpha Psi51
Alpha Phi313
Alpha Delta Phi139
Alpha Omicron Pi250
Alpha Xi Delta147
Chi Omega127
Delta Zeta403
Sigma Sigma Sigma174
Beta Tau Alpha91
Delta Sig Phi Sweethrts94
Alpha Sig Phi Lil Sis144
Campus Crusade177
Phi Sigma Pi54
TKE Lil Sisters117
Sig Tau Gamma Lil Sis35
Army ROTC265
Campus Crusade232
Delta Sigma Phi48
Funk Brothers77
1 Know Your Gonna Dig62
Deep Threat74
Phi Sigma Pi19
Milwaukee's Best74
Sigma Phi Epsilon288
Tau Kappa Epsilon120
Lost Boys141
On behalf of the Department of
Intramural-Recreational Services,
IMA RECK would like to congratulate
all ECU Seniors and wish them the best.
Who knows, maybe some of you will ow
up and be as famous as IMA hers- k!l!

azzzzzazgazgazsz mzmzBzzzzznznzzzzBzmzzzmniBCZBZZEnmssA
Softball registration: May 23, 4:00 p.m. MG 102
3-on-3 Basketball registration: May 25, 4:00 p.m. MG 102
Tennis Singles registration: May 25, 4:30 p.m. MG 102
Volleyball registration: June 1, 4:00 p.m. MG 102
Putt-Putt Golf registration: June 7, 4:00 p.m. MG 102
Home Run Derby registration: June 7, 5:00 p.m. Softball Field
5k WalkRun: June 13, 8:00 p.m. Bunting Track
i ma
top picks

2. L.T.M
?They know how to use the right tools and make all the right turns. This is
Oldie-Goldie, Blast From The Past Weekend! Blow it out girls!
.Lettuce, Tomato, Mayonaise? Sounds pretty good anyway. Rumor has it
L.T.M. really stands for Lady Troublemakers. Trouble is always big house
fun. One vote here.
. Ranked third for fear of the unknown. Sources say they look like they can
play ball anyway. Any clues?
?A potatoflunkee combination platter, at least according to sources. And
They are out to wrench the Toolette Sisters. Ima Reck says you better
order some extra Tonker Toys if you want to play in the Big Leagues
(P.SIma Reck is such a bad girl)
1. PERDUEWho can pull against the great american chicken feeders? Perdue, which
produces a class chicken, will also field a class team.
2.HOLIDAY INN OF SUFFOLKDefending champs of the All-Nighter. That automatically earns a little
3. AMERICA'S TEAMIma Reek's personal favorite. A combination of good ole boys with all-
american good looks and raw talent. (Did someone say raw?)
4. RENEGADESBad guys never finish last. Made their way to the top because of local
flavor. They passed the taste test. Good luck guys
Tournament Action gets under way Friday night at 7 o'clock on fields 1 & 3 behind Ficklen Stadium.
Women's finals are set for 11 a.m. Saturday. Men's finals are set at Noon
CONGRATULATIONS JOHNNY GLEE - You have been chosen as the last Equipment Giveaway recipient of the 1987-88 academic year Be sure to stop by room
204 Memorial Gymnasium to claim your reward. For all of those unfortunates whose luck ran dry, be sure and catch all the action
and fun next year as the Department of Intramural-Recreational Services offers you a year full of surprises!

- rt
? ??' -


Date: April 25, 1988
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Tickets: $3.00$4.00 at door
Tickets Sold In Front Of Student Store
Hawaiian Tropic Tan Bikini Contest
and The Ethics & The Turncoats
An All Expense Paid Trip For Two Tc
Entries For Contest Accepted Until 3:00 p.m April 25, 1988
To Enter: Phone 752-5543
. Rain Date: Reading Day, April 26
Sponsored By:
Sandwiches & Salads
flft ' Swtt &?fa
?? ?
wiwmmiiiwi m?i ii m ? wm ?wm

She lEaat (Carolinian
i . ?? ?
Special Junior,
Senior Issue

The East Carolinian, April 21, 1988
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 21, 1988
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