The East Carolinian, April 19, 1988

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

'Pup. It's the end of the semester, and time to
1 training our new leaders. We'll wind down the I hursdav.
I he had news is EU won't be at the mall tor
Barefoot. I he good news is the Waiters is in Bob
Marie) and the) will be. See page 8.
I he Pirates took three from Kit hmond over the
weekend. See page 11.
atfje i?ast Carolinian
mununhl ? n
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Ireem illc 'i
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Eakin is inaugurated as ninth chancellor
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this is most especiallv true aboul
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ur. Kicnard K. iakm, left was formally sworn in Friday as the ninth chancellor of ECU. Fakin has hold Health board in Bowline '? ?
h,19S7j hetookthcreigns'of the university from the retiring chancelloi Dr.
Ntu Fhotolab) See C H Wi. I
SGA calls for explanation of tenure decision
.1 HAMr ; i
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n'e asbestos.

Officials say asbestos no danger
? ? ? isiness
issure u
? sit s v ? mcern tor your
the n is re
w as, in fact
the a
c nt
. ldale-
rt rkers filli d
. mnaires designed to deter-
? anvt ne, is .it risk of
: d to dan -
ens amounts of asbestos.
I afeteria Bi
n as the hi ns
. he
Hast (. arolinian, Ehe Buccaneer,
c Rebel and)t c u
?h and Safety,
let ' - ducted before con
u tii n began indicated that
re was no asbestos in the ceil-
ing, according to ames Riggs o;
the (krcupational 1 Icalth and
s ha e similar
i nd vct
?s to make
; harm ai
The medical problems
exposure usually can
? be detected until several
; tfter the exposure, accord-
i a physician speaking at the
Thursday meeting.
Dr. Yash Kataria, vice-chair-
man of the ECU School of Medi-
cine and head of the Pulmonary
Sex tion, told the workers from
the Old Cafeteria Building that
otter looking over the building,
he thought the nsk of exposure
was slight
However, if during the con-
struction, "you saw a cloud of
dust right in front of your face,
that is a significant exposure
Kataria said.
Kataria said there are three
major wavs hat being exposed
to asbestos can harm a person,
lung fibrosis (scaring of the
lungs), lung cancer and meso-
thclioma of the pleura (a tumor
in the membrane lining the
Symptoms of lung fibrosis
appear 5-10 years after a person
has been contaminated. Lung
cancer and mesothclioma symp-
toms appear 15-20 and and 30-35
years after exposure respec-
tively, he said.
Asbestos exposure can also
result in cancer of the larynx,
cancer of the stomach and meso-
thclioma of the peritonium (a
tumor in the lining of the stom-
ach). Kataria said
re are i
leral it rocjuii

h ,is that in the I nth
nod in an
. I
;s said.
In an
long as it t disturbed
ing does con-
tain asbestos Riggs said that fur-
ls ol the air and ol dust in
tite huildin, ill-d no .1 ibestos
contamination. "(ontinued occu
pancy (of the building) poses no
health risk Riggs said.
But .it this ; ii ' 111 the meeting,
some students spoke up One
student wanted to knew v hcther
or not he had been exposed to
asbestos and whether the build-
ing is reall) so
Bell re- ponded by sa ing that
the area is not contaminated and
that there is a "small possibility of
risk (of exposure to asbestos)
Is asked
fetvof a e t The
East v ft is er
close to the o
. said.
tt to be up there,
East m and; ns,
complained that dust frequently
fall tt mthcceiling when it rail
Riggs said he was willii g to test
the dust in any plat es that the
students wei rned about
? . rsitv polio
? ?' ? r pe 1
rds n
? ? dential in efforts to protect
parties involved.
sp - privileges on the SG
I he hag
:pokon to Carter on the reasons
aid Carter I d ham
- ?
On i ridav
ther l ?
durinc the
instructs Bell
added that the questionnaires
would help determine each
person's risk of exposure.
ECU has never had an asbestos
in idenl as serums as the one .it
the Old South Building, Bell said
in an intet iew befi r ? Ihc n
ducted fur-
v arious areas iv lud-
fl and in Expressit 1
Ehe results ol those tests were not
available at press lime.
1 he results of the question-
naires should be evaluated within
two weeks, Bt li said. The univer
sit) will use the results to deter
mine if anv of the people who
worked in the building during the
heating system renovation need
to be monitored or receive medi
cal examinations
Dr Yash Kataria, head of the
Pulmonary Section of the ECU
Medical School, also spoke at me
rhursday meeting kataria ex
plained the health problems asso-
ciated with asbestos (see related
stor page 1).
Workers in the building first
learned about the asbestos from
letters senl bv Riggs office two
weeks ago The letters, sent In
certified mail, stated, "You have
been identified as possibly being
exposed to asbestos fibers while
See WORK1 RS, page 5
r ol
: that v
oks and ar
is Ayy ,tu
dents who take his cow:
1 hiring the meeting, Pien e
he advocates student input on the
faculty tenure process. Students
should have some sa) so in ten-
ure rierce said.
In other business, the S A
gave their approval to a newlv
created fine arts funding board
The creation of the board came
from a need tor increased atten
tion to be made to art programs in
allocation of student funding
The board will consist of 12
voting members and five non
voting members from the respec-
tive art programs which involve
the Visual Arts Forum, Musical
Organization Marching Pirates
the Playhouse and Gray Art (,al
Appropriation chairman Glen
Perry said the board will alleviate
pressures the appropriation
committee has had to assume in
the past ears in ha ing to set
aside funding tor the various stu-
dent groups and the art groups
P rry said the board will be able to
post 5 to 1
with I
ties, would clear up s
discrepencies the
has run into this eat
pur n - ?
proposes to re
susp I "
: v ;a d
SUSj 1
tor U 11
ments Tie I
sions as follow s; for 01
one year ii
the right to petiti n foi
lance after one sem
indefinite per
petition the i ?
readmission aftei
lo ?
reads dismissal from th
sit) tor a period ol two
the introduction ol a m w rn
expulsion from the I
Williamson said it the
implemented, the new gu
will clear up som
standing that the 1 loner
has encountered this
rules in efforts to 1
out and evening il
But som? membe s ?- ?
were not read) to cx ept the e
pansion in penalities D
debate. David rambling said I
See PENAI n page ?

APRIL 19, 1088
Amnesty group works to help prisoners
Yang Hong-Gwan, a philoso-
phy student at Dongguk Univer-
sity in Seoul, South Korea, is in jail
for listening to the North Korean
radio and writing circulars about
what he heard. A group of ECU
students and other Greenville
residents are writing letters to try
to get him freed.
The Greenville group is a
member of Amnesty Interna-
tional, and Thursday they will be
running a table for Barefoot on the
Mall to try to bring their work to
the attention oi ECU students.
Amnesty organizes persistent let-
ter-writing campaigns in an effort
to get governments all over the
world to give their own citizens
fair and prompt trials and in the
meantime to refrain from tortur-
ing them. For this work Amnesty
International was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1977.
Amnesty is determinedly non-
partisan, insisting that compas-
sion for human suffering is taught
by the world's great moral and
religious systems and is not a
matter oi "right" or "left Last
year the Greenville group wrote
letters to try to free Dirk Bau-
mann, who had been jailed by the
East German government for at-
tempting to emigrate to the West
and then publicizing his own case
(he has since been freed and has
About 60 governments world-
wide still torture their citizens.
Sometimes prisoners are kept in
unsanitary conditions, beaten,
Starved, and denied medical at-
tention even when verv ill. Some-
times even children are tortured.
Amnesty's research arm, cen-
tered in London, collects and veri-
fies reports of such ill treatment.
Many of the prisoners Amnesty
tries to free are in jail for merely
speaking their minds. Amnesty
calls them "prisoners of con-
science For Amnesty to work on
behalf of a prisoner, he or she
must have been detained without
prospect of fair or prompt trial
and must never have advocated
violence Once Amnesty is certain
these conditions have been met, a
prisoner is given out for "adop-
tion" by a group such as the one in
Greenville. The members learn
everything they can about the
prisoner's case and condition.
Then letter-writing begins. But
the officials of the government
that recieves the letters seldom
answer. The group may write
blindly, sometimes for years.
Only much later, if the prisoner is
freed, do group members perhaps
learn that the prisoner had been
ready to die. Then he or she got a
letter saying, "Don't be discour-
aged. We know you are alive
The prisoner decided to live.
Amnesty also runs an Urgent
Action Network which writes and
sends telegrams in emergency
cases, for example when a pris-
oner is in danger of being exe-
Thursday the members of the
Greenville group will be at their
table on the Mall collecting signa-
tures in support of Yang Hong-
Gwan, who faces up to seven
years in prison. Students will be
asked to sign petitions to be pre-
sented to the United Nations in
support of Amnesty's "Human
Rights Now" campaign, which
marks the 40th anniversary of the
adoption of the Universal Decla-
ration of Human Rights by the
UN General Assembly. More in-
formation on the work of Am-
nesty, the Urgent Action Net-
work, and the local group will be
available at the table, or by tele
phone from Lysa Hieber at 752-
Michel Oren is a professor of art
history. He has been a member of
Amnety International for eight years.
Pain and burning are signs of herpes
My boyfriend just informed mv
he has herpes, what is it and how
can I protect myself?
Herpes is a common viral infec-
tion that causes painful cold sores
and genital sores. 1 lerpesSimplex
Type 1, (cold sores), and Herpes
Simplex 2, (genital sores) are very
similar. Both types of Herpes
Simplex can infect the mouth or
genital area. While the virvis is
active, it is transmitted bv skin to
skin contact whether the sores are
present or not. The methods of
transmission are:
1. By sexual intercourse if one oi
the people is infected with the
2. By partners kissing and other
sexual activities
After you have been exposed to
the virus it may take 2 to 20 days
for the symptoms to appear.
Symptoms include:
? Painful blisters on the genital
? Burining sensation when
blisters open and new tissue
Painful intercourse
? Frequent urination
? Flu-like symptoms, (fever,
headaches, muscleaches)
However, the blisters do heal
and do not leave any scars. When
symptoms appear avoid direct
contact with that area. If you
touch the infected area with your
hands, wash them as soon as pos-
sible with soap and warm water to
prevent the virus trom spreading 1. Apply a wet dressing of cool
to other parts of your body. water to the affected area
Many people classify genital 2. Take aspirin or Tylenol
herpes as being one of the most 3. Urinate while taking a bath to
devastating diseases in the world decrease the burning sensation
and think of it as being a '
Health Column
Sharon McDonald
4. Wear loose underwear and
keep the infected area clean
The best way to avoid being
infected with herpes is to practice
safer sex. To practice safer sex
limit the number of partners you
have, use a condom, and a void the
threatening" disease. The most useofalcoholanddrugs.Ifyoudo
devastating effect it has on people not practice safer sex and you
is the psychological effect. There think you may be infected with
is no known cure for herpes, but it the virus see your health care
can be treated with Zoviraw. provider as soon as possible. For
There are also other methods more information about herpes
available that can ease the pain and safer sex visit the Studenl
such as: Health Service or call 757-6841.
Project to make ECU beautiful
Read the East
SHje East (Earolfofan
Serving the Exist Carolina canpus community since 1925.
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Anne Leigh Mallory James Russo
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ECU unveiled a report Sunday
calling for immediate and long-
range campus projects to estab-
lish ECU's campus as "one of the
most beautiful in North Carolina
and the country" in the future.
A campus beautification
committee presented the report,
"Planning for an Academic Envi-
Tor?rr?cm TCTwaru utc Tear Z007'7"
to Dr. Richard R. Eakin, the
University's chancellor, who re-
ceived it "enthusiastically and
said some of its recommendations
already are being implemented.
"This is indeed a present said
Eakin who was inaugurated as
ECU's ninth chief executive offi-
cer in ceremonies Fridav. The 18-
member committee which Eakin
appointed last fall "has done an
exceptional job he said.
Composed of univeristy,
alumni and community rcprcscn-
tatives, the committee was
chaired by John S. Bell, assistant
vice chancellor for business and
included the chancellor's wife,
Mrs. Jo Ann Eakin.
"Be assured that 1 will accept
it Eakin said on receiving the
document. As we implement it
over the next few weeks, months
and years we will make our cam-
pus more beautiful than it alreadv
The report calls for a campus
master plan centralizing aca-
demic functions, improving traf-
fic flow and parking, preserving
and enhancing green space and
natural areas, landscaping, up-
grading of existing campus
boundaries and promoting a uni-
fied visual image of the Univer-
It looks 20 years into the future,
into the 21st century, when ECU
? already the third largest uni-
versity in the state ? anticipates
an enrollment of more than 20,000
"Now is the time to
seriously reflect on our present
needs and identify opportunities
that can be seized upon through
the adherence of a rational proc-
ess the committee said.
"Only through this visionary
approach will the university be
able to attain an acceptable blend
of academia, heritage, beauty and
efficiency it said.
It said that implementing many
of its recommendations "could
help re-establish this campus as
one of the most beautiful in North
Carolina and the country Eakin,
who became ECU chancellor in
March, 1987, has made campus
beautification a high priority and
the committee report expressed
Eakin's views that a more beauti-
ful campus would:
"Help recruit and retain stu-
dents, faculty and staff; improve
esprit de corps for the university
community and potentially gen-
erate greater support from
alumni and the community and
the region.
"Perhaps, most importantly, a
more attractive campus would
provide an enriched educational
experience for all those who be-
come part of the university com-
munitv it said.
The committee urged that
SHiail, deliberate and on-going
steps of action and commitment
will be made immediately and not
lost at the expense of awaiting the
implementation of a fully com-
prehensive master plan
Specifically, it said the Wright
Circle area has many possibilities
for immediate improvements and
"much could be accomplished
without a huge investment of
At the same time, it said physi-
cal planning must be a continuing
process based on well-defined
policies and goals, supported by
all components of the Univensty
and supported by adequate fund-
Urging a "pragmatic ap-
proach it said adequate funding
should be encouraged for person-
nel, equipment, maintenance of
buildings and streets and
grounds requirement.
The report, details recommen-
dations for implemcntafi0tn
The report contains specihe
recommendations on vegetative
cover, trees, plantings and shrub-
bery, walkways and paths, utility
service structures and mobile of-
fice units, outdoor artworks and
memorial structures, fences,
benches, lighting, lawn furniture
and gardens, litter, buildings and
creating a standing committee on
campus beautification and ap-
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At Mendenhall By April 21.
RaHtering place
(CPS) -Though American sh
dent reaction to Presided
Reagan's deployment of
troops to Honduras last mo'nl
was slow, it did finally inch j
way across a handful ofcamj
even as the soldiers were brougj
back home.
Students at the universities
Alabama, Oklahoma. Ar I
and Washington and at Ir j
University, among others eve
tually rallied against and
some cases for - the troop "dj
ploymcnt j
Some veteran activists had j
tributed the even slower lnitif
response to the military action
Dr. Elmer Meyer (center) acc
Board, at Sunday's Media Bo;
for the board. (Ellen Murphl
Tax da
April 13. 1988 Tax
inarid ??tyleid
? wercaifeaEiTv rushing to mai
? their tax forms, ECU st
faculty, and alumni gathered i
side oi the Second Street I
Office and the GreenvilleO
the Internal Revenue Servic
arouse awareness of how
their tax money goes into mili
The demonstrators ir
held placards, distributed 1
lets, and held informal conv
tions with patrons entering
two governmental agencies
ing the lunch time h.
wanted people to real
much of their tax money i J
spent on the military said 3
political science major,
Elizabeth Davis. -There anj
manv more positive thing
our tax dollars could be used
The demonstrators distribj
a leaflet comparing the total
centage oi income tax d
contributed bv Greenville
dents to military related spent
in comparison with the total
centage of tax dollars invest
such human service-
Green ville Police Park-
Penalty b
Continued from page 1
proposal did not allow tor en
compassion on the part otj
dents wishing to reenter the
versify after being found gui
SGA law.
"Everyone should have
right to redeem themseli
J. Conner Atkeson, assj
professor of history- and v
of 27 years on the facultv
elected chair of the ECU t
Wednesday for 1988-89.
The Faculty Senate re-el
Atkeson for a second onj
term in balloting in which!
Douglas McMillan, profe
English, was the other noi
Atkeson was re-elected by
of 27-18.
The faculty vice chair, J
Jones, assistant professor
lish and assistant dean
General College, was re-
by a vote of 32-13 over Dr
Duckett of the School of M
Dr. James Jovcc, profes
physics, was re-elected sc
by defeating Dr. Patricia Tc
the School of Education,

APRIL 19. 19SH
v from I ? Hieber at 752-
?: is a professor of art
been a member of
national 'freight years.
. since 1925.
: Advertising
imcs Russo
lam Blankenship
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4 15
4 05
3 95
J 75
I each
5? each
"5" -0557
do for you:
11 service!
is ad)
? A ?
0 p.m.
gathering place
Troops return, colleges deploy
(CrS)?Though American stu-
dent reaction to President
Reagan's deployment of 3,200
troops to Honduras last month
was slow, it did finally inch its
way across a handful of campuses
even as the soldiers were brought
back home.
Students at the universities of
Alabama, Oklahoma, Arizona
and Washington and at Indiana
University, among others, even-
tually rallied against? and in
some cases for ? the troop "de-
Some veteran activists had at-
tributed the even slower initial
response to the military action?
which President Reagan said was
necessary because the Nicara-
guan army, chasing rebel sol-
diers, had crossed the Honduran
border?to spring break's luring
of students off campus.
Kim Paulus of the National
Student Action Center in Wash-
ington, D.C predicted in mid-
March students would protest in
greater numbers when they re-
Two weeks after the troops
were pulled out of Honduras and
a week after Nicaragua and the
rebels signed a truce agreement,
Paulus said she was right.
Much of the student opposition
to the military action, she said,
was channeled through off-cam-
pus groups and expressed in off-
campus demonstrations.
"Students she said, "are link-
ing up with community efforts
organized by churches and Cen-
tral American solidarity groups.
That's a sign of maturity and
In Minneapolis, for example,
University of Minnesota students
joined 5 community protests dur-
ing the last 2 weeks of March.
Hundreds of protesters blocked
traffic March 17at a busy Minnea-
polis intersection in an action that
was described as peaceful.
Dr. Elmer Meyer (center) accepts an award of appreciation from Chris Holland, chair of the ECU Media
Board, at Sunday's Media Board banquet. Meyer, who will retire in A ugust, is the administrative advisor
for the board. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab)
Tax day in Greenville
April 15, 1988 Tax day in reation, and Fire and Rescue de-
(?rutglfe and wleidcrtfs
oly rushing to mail in
W their tax forms, ECU students,
faculty, and alumni gathered out-
side of the Second Street Post
Office and the Greenville Office of
the Internal Revenue Service to
arouse awareness of how much of
their tax money goes into military
The demonstrators involved
held placards, distributed leaf-
lets, and held informal conversa-
tions with patrons entering the
two governmental agencies dur-
ing the lunch time hour. "We
wanted people to realize how
much of their tax money is being
spent on the military said ECU
political science major, Mary
Elizabeth Davis. "There are so
many more positive things that
our tax dollars could be used for
The demonstrators distributed
a leaflet comparing the total per-
centage of income tax dollars
contributed by Greenville resi-
dents to military related spending
in comparison with the total per-
centage of tax dollars invested in
such human services as
Greenville Police, Parks and Rec-
The leaflet, which was prepared
by retired ECU math professor,
Dr. Carroll A. Webber, noted that
Greenville's total income tax con-
tribution for military related
spending was $58,111,240, while
the total budgets of the Greenville
Police, Fire and Rescue, and Parks
and Recreation total only
"This leaflet illustrates graphi-
cally how our city is loosing
money which could be used for
municipal purposes, rather than
military said Dr. Webber in an
interview following the demon-
stration. "We in Greenville could
be directing our dollars for local
purposes rather than military
The demonstrators distributed
another leaflet which was pre-
pared by the War Resisters
League, a New York City based
pacifists' organization. The leaflet
included a picture of a pie chart
showing the five major divisions
of federal income tax revenues.
According to the chart, 37 percent
of the federal income tax budget is
devoted to, "current military
spending while 22 percent is
allotted for past military expendi-
tures (veterans benefits and inter-
est on the national debt). The
other three categories were 21
percent for Human Resources; 10
percent for Physical Resources,
and 10 percent for General Gov-
ernment expenditures.
Edith Webber, a retired instruc-
tor in the ECU Department of
English said that the purpose of
the demonstration was to raise
public awareness. The Webbers
helped found the Greenville
Peace Committee, which has been
in existence since the late 60's.
"We're making progress said
Mrs. Webber "we've got a presi-
dential candidate who dares to
advocate the peace movement.
People do not understand the
situation (that there are worse
things in the world than commu-
nism) in the world today
Davis, also a member in S.E.D
is upset by people who think that
pacifists are unpatriotic, "I con-
sider myself patriotic because I'm
participating in the democratic
process in an effort to effect
But following demonstrations
turned ugly. Windows were bro-
ken and, at 1 protest, 46 people
were arrested during a clash be-
tween police and about 900 pro-
testers outside a federal court
"The police were fairly brutal
said University of Minnesota
Professor Erwin Marquit.
Now that the troops are home
and the truce is signed, opponents
of the administration's Central
American policies are left to
worry that the U.S. might invade
Panama to help oust General
Manuel Noriega from power.
Noriega, indicated on drug
smuggling charges, thus far has
resisted enormous U.S. pressure
to resign.
Noriega accuses the Reagan
administration of pressuring him
because he wouldn't participate
in a planned invasion of Nicara-
gua, and because U.S. conserva-
tives want control of the Panama
Canal returned to the United
States. The canal is operated
jointly by the United States and
Panama, but will be turned over
to Panama by 1999.
Trying to increase the pressure,
the administration sent 1,300
troops to the U.S. base in Panama
last week.
Paulus, among others, is con-
cerned the administration will
resort to sending more American
troops to the country to push
Noriega from power.
She expects anti-war protests
on campuses if it does.
Moreover, reports that the
United States is shifting its Cen-
tral American military base from
Panama to Honduras because of
the instability in Panama, she
added, "won't be ignored
Students may take up the issue
later this month, when a national
day of protest against the Reagan
administration's Central Ameri-
can policies is held April 22-24 at
campuses nationwide.
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Penalty bill sent back to committee
Continued from page 1
proposal did not allow for enough
compassion on the part of stu-
dents wishing to reenter the Uni-
versity after being found guilty of
SGA law.
"Everyone should have the
right to redeem themselves'
New faculty
J. Conner Atkeson, associate
professor of history and veteran
of 27 years on the faculty, was re-
elected chair of the ECU faculty
Wednesday for 1988-89.
The Faculty Senate re-elected
Atkeson for a second one-year
term in balloting in which Dr. J.
Douglas McMillan, professor of
English, was the other nominee.
Atkeson was re-elected by a vote
of 27-18.
The faculty vice chair, Jo Ann
Jones, assistant professor of Eng-
lish and assistant dean of the
General College, was re-elected
by a vote of 32-13 over Dr. Charles
Duckett of the School of Medicine.
Dr. James Joyce, professor of
physics, was re-elected secretary
by defeating Dr. Patricia Terrell of
the School of Education, 36-9.
Tambling said.
Arguing on other aspects of the
bill Michael Bartlett said that the
bill would make the penalities too
vague. Bartlett also was against
the judicary measure because "it
is too nit picking
Returning to the floor in de-
fense of the bill, Williamson said
in no way was the bill intended to
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impose harsher penalities. "We
have made provisions for stu-
dents to come back to school. It's
not going to make things any
harder for anyone nor easier for
us Williamson said.
After debate, the judicary pen-
alty bill was sent back to commit-
tee for fine tuning.
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Daniel Maurer, g?? m
Clay Deanhardt, m?,&?
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TIM Cl 1ANDLER, Sp, Etor
Jen in Carter, r?h,? e?
Michelle England, om.
Debbie Stevens, .w
Jeff Parker.s bmm
TOM FlJRR, Circulation Manager
MIKE UPCHURCI I, Production Manager
MAC CLARK, Business Manager
April 19, 1988
Page 4
Students should be on
tenure committees
The SGA resolution passed Mon- class. A professor can be published
day calling for the History Depart- in every book in the world but it
ment to explain why it denied ten- doesn't'help if the professor can't
ure to Dr. John Marshall Carter is impart his or her knowledge to the
admirable for two reasons. students.
First, with the exception of the There is bound to be faculty and
widely unpopular plan to pave the administrative hesitations about a
bottom of College Hill Drive, it proposal like this. There shouldn't
marks the first time this year the be. Students to be placed on the
SGA has picked up a student cause committees should be carefully
and done something positive about chosen upperclassmen within the
it. A number of students have mar- department. The student vote
shalled to support Carter, and it is would only be one among many so
good to see the SGA noticing such the argument of a personality con-
c?rtS' A1 n ? . . , . flict preventing a granting of tenure
Secondly this resolution brings to is easily dismissed
the forefront oi student attention a The student voice should -e an
valid question. Why isn't there stu- important one in making tenure
dent representation on the commit- decisions. While we recognize the
tees that grant or deny tenure? After importance ot such decisions to the
all, who is affected most by thedeci- professional community, we feel it is
sion (next to the professor in- important that the student voice be
volved)? The students. heard in such matters. It is, after all
As students we have the opportu- the students who must face the ten-
nity to see the teacher in the atmos- ured teacher,
phere he or she is hired to perform in
? the classroom. That puts us in a Unfortunately Monday was the
position that the faculty members of last SGA meeting of the year How-
tenure committees normally cannot ever, the SGA should make It a top
shfre priority to pass a bill calling for stu-
As students we are the best judges dent representation on tenure
of whether or not a professor is get- committees when the legislative
ting his or her message across to the session convenes again in the fall
Spier wasn't interviewed
Better representation
needed in VC search
To the editor:
In light of the election committee's
rhoice for final candidates for Vice-
Chanccllor of Student Life, I feel
compelled to write this letter in sup-
port of Dr. Ronald Spier who was not
chosen as one of the four finalists.
To overlook Dr. Spier as vice-chan-
cellor indicates poor judgement and
signifies a break-down in the contin-
ued growth of ECU. If ECU is to
continue progressing and growing at
it's present rate we must not deny
qualified candidates from within the
University opportunities for ad-
Dr. Spier's resume does not lack the
qualifications needed to fulfill this
position. I can't ever exemplify tue
impressiveness of his resume. Not
only does Dr. Spier oversee the activi-
ties of the greek system, sororities,
handicapped services, judicial sys-
tem, but he has made the new Student
Orientation Program and Parents
Weekend Programs a big success. He
has made student life brighter and
?"thorTulfilling Jt ECU.
Ilhe Vice-Chancollor for Student
Life will have a direct impact on the
students, therefore why aren't there
more students deciding who should
be vice-chancellor?
Presently, Scott Thomas, SGA
president, is the only student on the
committee. I hope to see changes of
the selection process in the future. If
the administration must continue to
control the selection process, I hope
they find in their hearts to be objective
and not allow personal biases to influ-
ence a decision-making process
which affects the virtue of the Univer-
It would not be a hard transition for
Dr. Spier to move from assistant vice-
chancellor to vice-chancellor. He is
already aware of policies and proce-
dures here, as opposed to an outsider.
He has established himself among
students. He understands the defi-
ciencies of an expanding university
and has many ideas to decrease in-
We commend the university for only student on the committee to
allowing the students a chance to find a new vice chancellor He is the
interview the candidates to replace elected representative ofThesH din! ' " many ideas to decrease in-
ci??- xf?,?. .?. ? u ii r , V . icpeitiuduve or tne Student adequacies that surface in the growth
Elmer Meyer as vice chancellor for body, but there should be more stu- and development of a large univer-
Student Life and encourage stu- dent representation on this commit-1 sily
dents to take part in this important tee.
decision making process. Why is there no student minority
This position, soon to be vacated representation? or Greek represen-
by the retiring Meyer, is the most tation? or SRA representation?
important to the student body since These are all important university
the vice chancellor for student life groups who are well represented in
works so closely with students other university policy decisions
through the SGA, the Media Board We have to wonder why they were
and other campus groups. Students left off of this committee
should recognize this and take ad- We can only hope that the admini-
vantage of the opportunity pre- stration simply made an oversight
sented to them to make recommen- in the appointment of this commit-
dations for the next vice chancellor, tee. While it is too late this time we
However, since this position is so believe a wider variety of students
vitally important to the students, should be allowed to sit on such
why is there only one student on the committees when the decisions di-
sech committee to fill it? rectly affect the students, as these
SGA President Scott Thomas is the do.
There was a mistake in the selection
process and I sincerely hope that it
will be corrected.
Patrick Smith
Civilian responsibility
To the editor:
Imagine this: my perfect world. A
world in which there is no hunger, or
poverty, or war. There would be no
fear of contracting AIDS, because
AIDS would not exist. There would
be no need for an arms control agree-
ment, because nuclear arms would
not exist. Everyone, no matter what
their background, would get along.
Jesse Helms' career would be placed
in jeopardy as word broke of his scan-
dalous affair with Jana Fonda; and
former President Richard Nixon,
along with senators Gary Hart and
Edward Kenndy, would become
equal partners in the lawfirm of
Trick'em, Dick'em, and Dunk'em.
And, of course, I would be king. But
enough for my daydream.
We live in the real world. It is a
world of hunger, poverty, disease,
and of war. It is a world in which our
country finds it necessary to maintain
a standing army, and in which many
people question the moral legitimacy
behind this purpose. There is nothing
abnormal with raising questions or
doubts about our armed forces; in-
deed it is nothing more than a repre-
sentation of the dash between Ameri-
can idealism and the reality of the
purpose of our armed forces. This
nation has committed itself to such
goals as the preservation of life, lib-
erty, and the pursuit of happiness.
When our armed forces are employed
to protect America's interests the re-
sult is a depravation of life, liberty,
and property; not to mention happi-
ness. Therefore, many people, with
the best intentions, question the va-
lidity behind using our armed forces
to achieve a national objective.
There are also some people who
attack the armed forces for being
what it is. The army becomes an easy
target, a scapegoat, when problems
surrounding U.S. armed intervention
arise. This is wrong. Now, please
understand that I am not advocating
that the military establishment
should be held above reproach, for it
is not and should not be; but to blame
the army for the wars it fights is to
miss the point. In attacking the execu-
tors of American foreign policy rather
than the makers of such policies, these
people are attacking one of the basic
tenets of American Democracy: civil-
ian control of the military. To suggest
that soldiers should not obey their
orders but "follow thedictatesof their
conscience" is to advocate the de-
struction of the one ideal that has kept
this country safe from the spectre of a
military dictatorship.
The army does not decide which
wars it will fight, our civilian leader-
ship does. The U.S. military establish-
ment exists today because of our
shortcommings in our ability to get
along with our enemies. Those who
would rather run around vandalizing
ROTC signs and search for an easy
scapegoat in the omnipotent "mili-
tary-industrial complex" are living in
a fantasy land. The American army is
a peoples army. We elect its com-
mander-in-chief; and through our
demonstration of or lack of support,
we will decide the duration and the
nature of any future conflict. It is your
army. It is up to you to take a healthy
interest in what your army is up to
when it is shipped off to battle. It is up
to you to let your elected representa-
tive know how you feel about the use
of the army to solve foreign "prob-
lems whether for or against. The
ROTC "killers" are your men, and
you are ultimately responsible for
their actions; for as a 1971 Newsweek
article put it: The officers tend to get
sardonic when civilians forget where
the larger responsibility for the war
lies. "1 don't choose the wars I fight
in says crew-cut Lt. Col. Wallen M.
Summers, 38, a social-science instruc-
tor at West Point. When people ask
me why I went to Vietnam I say, 'I
thought you knew. You sent me "
Bryan Hoskins
Political Science
Letter inane
To the editor:
Matthew Clarke's letter of 33088
concerning the media and the Demo-
cratic party has to be the most inane
and asinine collection of lies and
misrepresentation you have ever had
the pleasure to publish.
I'm sure that dictators and Commu-
nists around the world applaud Mr.
Clarke's wishes to put a stranglehold
on the media. The Sandinistas and the
Kremlin have certainly done so. I'm
sure our Mr. Clarke would rather
read Pravda, which almost never dis-
agrees with authorities, rather than,
say, The New York Times, or The
Washington Post, heaven forbid that
another Watergate should ever be
exposed! Control of information and
"media bashing" are the tools of des-
pots, not a democracy.
Clarke goes on to write about the
Democrats. I could almost see the
spittle flying off his lips as he reeled
off a list of supposed democratic
crimes. Are all college republicans
this bad?
He blames the Demos for WWII.
What did you want us to do, hev Sit
around with our thumbs up our rear
ends after the Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor? And in the Korean and Viet-
nam wars, we were fighting Commu-
nists. Or doesn't Clarke believe in
fighting Communists? I lost anv con-
fidence in CR's in general after ho
blamed the Democrats for 'giving
South Vietnam to the communists
and bringing on genocide for three
million Cambodians Jesus Chi
You know. Hitler used the big lie
At least Clarke isn't running a coun-
As for CR's in general, stay away
from me, and stay away from
Lawrence S. Graham
Graduate S"hoo
Bigoted print
To the editor:
lam writing to express my concern
with a bigoted epithet that app
too often in the pages of The East
Carolinian, namelyart i.
intolerant phrase appeared twice in
?fvu (April 14) about stuen
apathy by staff writer Jim Layton
Unarguably many oi the creates!
achievements in the arts have been
the work of homosexuals, just as
homosexual men and women have
?f foutanding contributions to
every held, be it science, athletic.
government, or journalism.
I hat said, just as in the general
??? 'uhc s?1 orientation oi
arbsts is both varied, and largely pri-
1 rL?WOuld ?? pa.r anv
J ,Cld,?f human endeavor with a
similarly derogatory term.
about Tat artist n Shahn wrote
about the rejection of "so-called de-
form k ' h? d?rCC ?' n??-
torrruty present - and tolerated - in a
symptom of its state of health "
when W? 3r? aPPro?hmg the day
" cr?! WOTd is a part of our
tag is an obsolete slur.
Kevin McCloskey
Visiting Lecturer
School of Art
Down t
(CPS)?In what had become s
national debate about the futun
of liberal arts in ! s
Stanford University's fa
voted March 31 to replace a V
era culture course requirem
branded a- racist
students with another
branded as trendy and shall
some conservative schol
includes the stud nan
minority wril i
At the same tin-
era! arts course became i
issue at the Univi
At Minnc
allegedly not all, .
a Marxism dass I
people in the Sovi
Stahn era.
The controvert.
however, has been
scope, drawing in st
campuses around t:
and even, at one :
ration Sec William J. B
At issue was a 2
posal to change Si
tional freshman "great
course?which examined m
European philosophi
helped spawn 'western
tion"?to one that includ I
European philosophies
"We're fighting against
white male establishment I
been here tor yeai i David
Brown, a member oi Stud
United for Democratic Educat i
Critics like Brown a i
the old course's emphasis on thej
likes of Homer, Plato, an
Shakespeare, was racist b
Use of dm,
(CPS?A drug used to tre
high blood pressure has
cally increased Scholastic
tude Test (SAT) so i
dents who suffer from -
anxiety, a prehminarv stud.
Hie test, however, will not he
students who suffer fron norm
prc-test jitters, Dr. Hams Y.
the study's author, said last wee
Faigel, who heads the Brad.
University health service -
had given propranolol. a
disease drug, to 23 high s
students during a 2-year p
The students were chosen, I
said, because Q tests and
academic evaluations si
thev had not done well as
should have on the SAT.
When the students re
test after taking propraiK
Chancellor E
Continued from page 1
and was chairman oi the Board
of Directors and vice president
for Administration and Finano
of the National Hemop
Foundation. He also has been a
active layman in the Presl
rian Church.
Memberships in profess
organizations include
Mathematics Assocati n
America; he is a member ol
Mortarboard and Omicron Delt.
Workers ext
carpet from
Continued from page 1
working in the Old Cafetei
Building during the months
November, 1387, thru Marc
On April 7 the university had i
the carpet removed from The FaI
Carolinian, Expressions anj
other locations in the buildinf
Bell said that this was intended i
a safety precaution. The carr.
will not be tested for asbesto
Riggs said.
The university plans to hoi
another meeting for thos
eople who worked in the Olj
For the Finest
Coverage of
Pirate Athletics
Trie E?st
? "
-???? i? m i ?' ?. 1p

APRIL 19, 1988 5
about the
I almost see the
ips .b he reeled
?sod democratic
oe republicans
OS tor WWII.
is to do, hey? Sit
umbs up our rear
? bombed Pearl
- -van and Viet-
rke believe in
ts? 1 lost any con-
neral after he
rats tor 'giving
ride tor three
esus Christ!
big lie, too.
nning a coun-
stay away
? from mv
Lawrence S Jraham
Bigoted print
ss my concern
that appears
of The East
art fag This
ase appeared twice in
"pout student
rjim Layton
I the greatest
arts have been
xuals, just as
men and women have
contributions to
science, athletics,
' alism.
as in the general
- xual orientation of
'd, and largely pri-
lible to pair "art"
?t would be to pair any
'human endeavor with a
?tory term.
st Hen Shahn wrote
I "so-called do-
rter's Germany and
The degree of noncon-
nt - and tolerated - in a
' looked upon as a
f its state of health
approaching the day
"art" is a part of our
y vocabulary and the word
an obsolete slur.
Kevin McCloskey
Visiting Lecturer
School of Art
Down trend for arts
(CPS)?In what had become a
national debate about the future
of liberal arts in U.S. colleges,
Stanford University's faculty
voted March 31 to replace a West-
ern culture course requirement-
branded as racist by some black
students?with another one?
branded as trendy and shallow by
some conservative scholars?that
includes the studv of women and
minority writers.
At the same time, another lib-
eral arts course became a political
issue at the University of Minne-
At Minnesota, leftists students
petitioned against a professor for
allegedly not allowing students in
a Marxism class to discuss the
murders and deaths of millions of
people in the Soviet Union during
Stalin era.
The controversy at Stanford,
however, has been national in
scope, drawing in scholars from
campuses around the country
and even, at one point, U.S. Edu-
cation Sec. William J. Bennett.
At issue was a 2-ycar-old pro-
posal to change Stanford's tradi-
tional freshman "great books"
course4?which examined mostly
European philosophies that
helped spawn "western civiliza-
tion"?to one that included non-
European philosophies.
"We're fighting against the
white male establishment that's
been here for years said David
Brown, a member of Students
United for Democratic Education.
Critics like Brown contented
the old course's emphasis on the
likes of Homer, Plato, and
Shakespeare, was racist because it
ignored cultural contributions
from non-European intellectuals.
"We feel philosophically that
the vote in favor of this was a vote
in favor of moving forward
Black student Union Chairman
Bill King said. "They voted for
movig towards ethnic studies, not
teaching freshman lies.
U.S. Secretary of Education
William Bennett?who is sched-
uled to speak at Stanford April
18?charged earlier this year that
Stanford was bowing to "curricu-
lum by intimidation' and that
higher education in general was
losing credibility because courses
on Western classics are not em-
Other conservative scholars,
appearing on network talk shows
and writing for newspapers like
The New York Times and The
Wall Street Journcl, argued that,
while there have been many great
non-Western thinkers, they did
not have much to do with creating
the Western culture that, after all,
the Stanford course was sup-
posed to examine.
The new course, called "Cul-
ture, Ideas, and Values will
debut in fall, 1989.
The liberal arts program at
Minnesota arose when students
wanted to discuss atrocities
committed in the Soviet Union
during the reign of Josef Stalin
from 1925 through 1953.
Some students in the Marxium
course, an interdisciplinary class
taught by several professors, say
Erwin Marquit has used his lec-
tures as a forum to promote his
own personal views, and stifled
student efforts to discuss the
Marquit filed a student conduct
code warning against one outspo-
ken critic, sophomore and Young
Socialist Scott Solomon, for
speaking out of turn and disrupt-
ing the class.
The Young Socialists, a student
group with ties to the Socialist
Workers Party, last week distrib-
uted requesting the warning be
removed from Solomon's record
and protesting the suppression of
The petition was signed by 10,
including 3 Young Socialists, of
the 35 students enrolled in the
Millions of Soviets died during
the 1920s and '30s during political
purges that followed the Russian
Revolution and forced farm col-
"Marquit doesn't want to have
any kind of discussion regarding
what happened in the '20s and
'30s with Stalin. He wanted to
completely cover that up Solo-
mon alleged.
"I think that there wasn't a lot of
open discussion said Lisa Tap-
penheir, a classmate of Solomon's
who did not sign the petition.
"Solomon's questions were legiti-
mate. The way he voiced them
may have been disrespectful, but I
think he should have been
anqwered honestly by Prof. Mar-
Marquit told the College Press
Service he couldn't comment on
Solomon's charges because "it's a
disciplinary matter but said his
course is "quite open. Students
can express their point of view,
and are not graded according to
that view. There is ample time for
Use of drug increases SAT scores
Stacey Hickman accept the award for best committee member Saturday at the Student Union Banquet.
ahomaWalterrPhZab) inS,a"ed " ' ? "P" L? Ki?h
engage in war
(CPS)?A running war between
2 fraternities has convinced Indi-
ana University to cancel all dorm
social events for the rest of the
school year.
IU Dean of Students Michael
Gordon last week said scuffles
and rumors of planned future
fights between members of
Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi
Phi at some scheduled mixers and
dances led him to distribute a
memo to dorm advisers saying
that "all activites are to be
cancelled in order to preserve the
safety of others
Gordon earlier had banned all
dorm activites the weekend of
March 9 in the wake of a March 6
brawl, and amid rumors that "a
truckload" of fraternity brothers
from Chicago would soon come
to the Bloomington campus
(CPS)?A drug used to treat
high blood pressure has dramati-
cally increased Scholastic Apti-
tude Test (SAT) scores for stu-
dents who suffer from severe
anxiety, a preliminary study says.
The test, however, will not help
students who suffer fron normal
prc-test jitters, Dr. Harris Faigel,
the study's author, said last week.
Faigel, who heads the Bradeis
University health service, said he
had given propranolol, a heart
disease drug, to 25 high school
students during a 2-year period.
The students were chosen, he
said, because IQ tests and other
academic evaluations suggested
they had not done well as they
should have on the SAT.
When the students re-took the
test after taking propranolol, their
scores improved by a mean of 50
points on the verbal half of the test
and 70 points on the mathemati-
cal section.
Each section of the multiple-
choice SAT is scored on a scale of
200 to 800.
The students who responded
best to the drug improved their
scores by 120 points, Faigel said,
"I was flabbergasted by the re-
Students who retake the test
without sspecial preparations
usually increase their verbal
scores by 18 points and their
mathematical scores by 20 points,
reported Robert Cameron, direc-
tor of research and development
for the College Board, the firm
that sponsors the test.
The students Faigell studied
took the SAT in their junior year of
high school and repeated it in
their senoir vear.
"These findings have to be takes
with a great deal of caution
Faigel said. Only a few students
were tested, he stressed, and they
demonstrated a high level of fear
and anxiety upon taking the test.
"Their parents and teachers had
convinced them that if they didn't
do well on the SATs they'd never
get into college Faigcl said,
"They approached the SATs with
a tremendous amount of anxiety
and fear.
"I am concerned he said,
"about giving this to people at an
impressionable age, particularly
teenagers, who might become
convinced that pills can solve
their problems
Chancellor Eakin's accomplishments
Continued from page 1
and was chairman of the Board
of Directors and vice president
for Administration and Finance
of the National Hemophilia
Foundation. He also has been as
active layman in the Presbyte-
rian Church.
Memberships in professional
organizations include the
Mathematics Assocation of
America; he is a member of the
Mortarboard and Omicron Delta
Kappa leadership honoraries.
Chancellor Eakin was awarded a
master's degree in mathematics
from Washington State Univer-
sity in 1962, and a doctorate in
mathematics with a minor in
economics from Washington
State Univeristy in 1964. His
graudate education was sup-
ported through National Science
Foundation and National De-
fense Education Act fcllowhsips.
Chancellor Eakin is married to
the former Jo Ann McGeehan.
They have two children. Mat-
thew isa junior at BowlingGreen
State University and Maridy is a
freshman at ECU.
Matthew Eakin said of his fa-
ther, "I am proud of him, this is
just a tremendous accomplish-
ment in some ways I did ex-
pect him to get to this position
because he's such a great guy
and everything. This is just in-
Workers extract asbestos covered
carpet from Old Cafeteria Building
Continued from page 1
working in the Old Cafeteria
Building during the months of
November, 1987, thru March,
On April 7 the university had all
the carpet removed from The East
Carolinian, Expressions and
other locations in the building.
Bell said that this was intended as
a safety precaution. The carpet
will not be tested for asbestos,
Riggs said.
The university plans to hold
another meeting for those
people who worked in the Oh
mi ?
For trie Finest
Coverage of
Pirate AtWetics
South Building during the reno- about having been exposed to
vations but missed the first
meeting. Anyone concerned
asbestos in The Old South build-
ing can attend this meeting from
4 pjn. to 6 p.m April 26 in
Mendenhall Student Center,
room 244.
tie ?'??'
RIO $700 LONDON $500
PARIS $538 TOKYO $739
youth and budgat
Cafl us tar FREE Student
Inf! Studsnt IQ youth
woifc A study
ATLANTA, QA. 30303
- 404-STM?7t 1
This coupon must be presented
with shirt order.
Get a competitive edge in today s tough job market by
having a clean professional-looking resume by AccuCopy
Our resume packages let you choose between photo-
typesetting, laser printing, or basic typewriter originals
In addition, we offer the widest range of paper and
envelope choices in the area.
24-hour service available
open early, open late
open six days a week
Next to Chicos in the Georgetown Shops
Student Union
I Coming Attractions f if 1
Wednesday, April 20
8:00 p.m. Hendriz
Thursday, April 21 - Sunday, April 2
? 8:00 p.m. Hendrix
Thursday, April 21
12:00 Noon - 6:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. - Film - Wizard of Oz
Join the Fun!
Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23
11:00 p.m. Hendrix
For more information, contact the Student Union,
Room 234 Mendenhall Student Center.)
n?HN,ni' mw?vi w?.
gathering place
"nfomt? m in?

APRIL 19, 1988
sales & heavy lifting required. Must be
neat and outgoing Apply in person at
The Youth Shop, Carolina East
Convenience Center
tunitv to earn $400.(X) a week, it you arc
(1) able to work away from home (2) work
long hours (3) independent This is your
invitation to an interview conducted at
Brcwster H 205 .it 4 and 7 p.m.
EMPLOYMENT and available to begin
working now1 Are you enthusiastic,
dependable, and excited about winking
in a fashion environment? Brody's has
part time openings tor individuals able
to wlrk flexible hours. Apply at Brod) -
Carolina Fast Mall, Monday thru
Wednesday, - 1 p.m.
phono, make copies and files, run
errands Working hours 8 a m 1 or 2 p m.
ig hours v' a m 1 or 2 p m
Cily work when ECU is m session
Contact Carl S. Berwick at 355 T7.
WANTED Models for Leisure Curl
Perm & style. Hair must be either virgin
or previously curled. Relaxed hair not
suitable. Perms and styles to be done by
outstanding stylists during State
Beauticians Show at the Greenville
Sheraton. Models needed for following
dates: April 24, 25, 2b, & 27. If interested,
call Allan's Beauty Supply, 1-800-682-
M EDED for 9 weeks, une 16-August 17
19 yrs or older. Call Camp Morehoad.
Morchead City, N.C 919 726 3960 days
or 919 726 5321nights
DANTS M EDED tor summer work in
Atlantic Beach area. May l5th-Labor
Day $3.75 Commissions. Sond resume
to Beach Bums Beach Service, P.O. Box
1432 Atlantic Beach, C 28512 919 2; '
summer work or now! I ake front lodging
provided Send resume to: Baldwin Sign
Co Box 363 1 ake Wacamaw, c 2S4 30
interested in those with Human Service
background wishing to gain valuable
experience in the field No monetan
compensation, however, room, utilities
and phone provided Call Mary Smith.
REAL Cnsis Ctr. 758-I1E1 IV
HELP WANTED: Part time interior
(S?lJ?ll RHMn ? WMtcl rvTTTTre? tr- Tc"s? prior.
.1010 East 10th St Greenville, N.C.
CAMPS - (Mass) Mah-Kee Nac tor Boys
Panbee for Girls Counselor positions tor
Program Specialists: All Team Sports,
especially Baseball, Basketball, Field
1 lockev, Soccer, and Volleyball; 2? Tennis
openings; also, Archery, Riflery and
Biking; other openings include
Performing Arts, Fine Arts, loarKxk,
Photography, Video, Oxikmg, Sewing,
Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes, and Camp
Craft; All Waterfront activities
(Swimming, Skiing, Small Craft) Inquire
Action Camping (Boysl 190 Linden Ave,
Glen Ridge, NJ 07028; (Girls) 44 Center
Grove Road, H 21 Randolph, N) 07869
Phone (Boys) 201 42 8522; (Girls) 201-
BARM AIDS WANTED Must be 21 yrs of
age No exp. Will tram Call 758 0038 ask
for jack or Ray
OH HEAVENS, oh gracious, here's a
golden nugget cause I know, you dug it.
Flan the party now Contact the
TRASHMAN Mi service. Do a desk top
jib. Oldies, Beach, the lop 40, etc. . . dial
7"2 3587. We own platters that matter.
offered Call Susan at 758 8241 75$ 4S8
VIDEO DATING the Wave of the Future.
Meet your mate on a video tape Call for
details. Promotions Unlimited Video
Hating Service. 75b Mh3.
1 OP QUALITY TYPING SI .50 per page
Resume $13.00 call oy at 758 7423, call
from t p m.
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services. We also sell
software and computer diskettes. 24 hours
in and out Guaranteed typing on paper up
to 20 hand written pages. SDF Professional
Computer Services, 10b Fast 3th Street
(beside Cubbie's) Greenville, N.C. 752-
FOR SALE ECU Wiling Professor
returning home selling 1980 Buick Regal,
rood shape. Almost new furniture & T.V.
Reasonable! Call 756 1238.
Frozen Yogurt & Sorbet Greenville's
absolute best' 1 lot wattle cones, Shakes
Banana Splits and Blend ins 321 F. 10tr
Mroot, Greenville, N C
EOR SALE: kidder Red line Trick Ski
never used, great price' Call 75b fXXR
For sale: Pioneer VSX 2(XX) 50 watt
receiver remote still got some warranty.
Call 7"t- 0009
1 OR SALE Is It True You Can Buy Jeeps
tor $44 through the U.S. government7
Gel the facts today! Call 1 512-742 1142
I'xt 5271 A
FOR SALE: variety of cassettes at
S2, receivers $35. Must hear - will deal -
dospor.ito and broke Call Shannon M
FOR SAI I 10 speed Shogun good
condition Cheap and negotiable. Call
Marcia after 8 00 p m 355-3616.
EOR SAI 1 Assorted furnishings
including coffee table, hook shelves,
chairs, all at inexpensive student prices.
Graduating in May Must sell soon. Call
758 4771, ask tor Dan.
FOR SALE: Rust colored sofa: $100.00
Great Cond Call Catherine: 830-1483.
SHIRTS FOR SALE $8 - $12. Designs
that are in tie dyes done with special T-
shirt fabric paints so they last longer.
Ask for Paul or leave a message 752-
0607. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
FOR SALE: 4.5 cu. refrigerator. Prici
negotiable. Call 752-8738.
FOR SALE: 2 stained wood cabinet;
with brick in lay and 2 shelves. Can be
used as TV stand, night stand or a
storage cabinets in dorm rooms oi
apartments. Excellent condition. Good
price Call 752-8738.
SALE n unit, 2nd floor, fully furnished.
lz market value $43,730 00. Make me
an offer. 9IP 787-1378.
FOR SALE: 1982 Pontiac phoenix, two
tone, live door, AC, bucket scats, rear
window defroster, 125,000 miles, good
condition. Call 738 4779, ask for Dan.
FASTFUN. . . FOOD. . . Pizza's,
sandwiches, subs, salads, lasagne,
spaghetti, and . . . beer. Fast Free
Delivery. Call Famous Pizza. 757-1278
or 757-0731.
ROOM FOR RENT: Furnished
bedroom, semi-private bath, separate
entrance, near university, available in
May. I leaf, AC & utilities furnished.
Must be serious student or professional.
Call 756-5409 after 6 p.m. or all day
Saturday and Sunday.
2nd SS to share a house on Meade St. 1 2
rent, 12 utilities, washer, dryer, central
air. Call Jennifer at 752-4140 - leave a
apartment 1 mile from campus. Need
roommate to fill extra bedroom May -
July. SI42.50 12 utilities & 12 phone.
Call Tonya 758-6342 or 757-6611 ext. 210
(leave message).
ROOMMATE NEEDED for summer &
possibly fall. Ringgold Towers, private
furnished br, all major appliances incl.
microwave. Water and cable incl. in
S200mo. rent. Call Spencer ?1-9924543
8 5 or collect after 5 @ 929-0756. -
bedroom house located four blocks from
campus. Male preferred $165 a month.
Call 758-1274 after 5:30 p.m.
LIBRARY: One room of two bedroom
apartment available to sublease May-
Aug. Fully furnished and air
conditioned. Very convenient (4 minute
walk to library). $145 per month plus
phone, cable and utilities. 757-0412
HERITAGE VILLAGE, two 2-bedioom
units for rent. Ceiling fans, private
backyard, storage, reasonable rates. Call
758-1177 or 355-6756.
the summer. Room available in May. 1 3
rent and 1 3 utilities. Nonsmoker. Call
Wendv at 752-1321.
Available May 14th to share 3 bedroom
apt. at Wilson Acres Private bedroom, 1
3 rent and utilities, furnished except for
bedroom. Non-smoker. Call 752-5630.
FOR RENT: Efficiency apt. in Ringgold
Towers; May 5 to July 31; Rent $250 per
month. Fully furnished, Air Cond. Call
mobile home. Furnished and near
campus. Available for rent in August.
Please call 752-1079.
ROOMMATE NEEDED for June & July.
1 mile from campus. Own furnished
room. $100.00 per month, 12 utilities,
non-smoker. Call 757-3262.
NEEDED: A female (non-smoker) to
share apt. at Wilson Acres with 3 other
girls. For May, June, July or either for 1st
or 2nd s.s. Private room, $120 a month
14 utility. Call 752-9077.
live in Morchead this summer. Call Sonja
(Carolina student) at 395-1330.
FOR RENT: $60.00week per person,
beach house in Myrtle Beach. Ocean
view, 100 yards to beach, near Pavillion.
Phone 1-803-626-9197.
now offering short-term leases for
summer. Furnished units available.
Located at the heart of ECU on the corner
of 5th ft Reade St. Contact Remco East at
758-6061 for details. Only TWO LEFT
A Beautiful Place to Live
?All New 2 Bedroom
?And Ready To Rent
2899 E. 5th Street
? Located Near BCU
? Arroaa From Highway Patrol Station
Limited Offer - ?27S a ajaaiult
Contact I. T. or Tommy Williams
756-7815 or 830-1937
Offier open - Apt. 8.12 - 5 JO p.m.
Clean and quiet one bedroom furnished
.? pjrt ments, energy efficient free water and
sewer, optional washers, dryers, cable TV
Couples or singles only. $195 a month, 6 month
lease. MOBILE HOME RENTALS - couples or
sing'us. Apartment and mobile homes in Azalea
Gardens near Brook Valley Country Club.
Contact J.T. or Tommy Williams
Greenville Condo
Ringgold Towers
1 bd. fully furnished
$32,000Owner will
consider 2nd mortgage
or trade equity for
other property.
Phone Frank Stone
at Southern Shores
RINGGOLD TOWERS: Apts. for rent.
Furnished. Contact I lollie Simonowich at
share nice 3 bedroom apartment. S120.0C
plus 13 utilities. Private bedroom
Available May 1st. Call 752-3678.
FOR RENT: Looking for roommate for
Fall Semester 1988. Two bedroom
Townhouse near campus. Rent is $160 a
month utilities. Call 752-7359 ask for
bdrm. townhousc at Sheraton Village
beginning in August. Female, non-
smoker, serious student preferred.
Fireplace, ACccntral heat, dishwasher,
washerdryer & free cable w hookup in
bedroom. If interested, call 756-2760
leave name & number M-F 8:30-5:30.
near campus for non-smoking female in
exchange for assisting with household
chores. 757-1798.
low rent - 1 block from campus. Male or
female. Call 758-6415 Heidi or Denise
ROOMMATES needed to share
Wildwood Villas townhouse during
summer school. Call Julie 752-4781.
mate for the summer, two bedrooms, one
and one half baths, livingroom, kitchen,
dinette, cement patio great for barbecues,
fridge, dishwasher, central air, quiet
neighborhood, five minutes from
campus. 107-E Cedar Court. $160 per
month plus utilities. Call 758-4779, ask for
Dan or Warren.
SPRING SPECIAL - Fairlane Farms
Apts. - 2br2 bath apt. - 894 sq. ft. 1 month
free rent with 12 month lease - $95.00
security deposit - 355-2198.
would like to congratulate the Lambda
Chi's and the AZDs for being the winner
of the River Raft Race.
the Phi Kappa Tau House Friday, at 7:00
for Spring Fling '88
the best. Don't miss SMOKIN' DAVE
Thursday, and welcome back the down
home blues of the BLUES DEFENDERS
Friday. Jam to ROCK FOR DEMO-
CRACY Saturday and don't dare miss the
USUALS Monday the 25th.
Designed especially for an EGO!
SPRING FLING - yes. Spring Fling is this
Friday at the Phi Tau House. The Party
starts at 3:00 p.m. Buy your ticket in front
of the Student Store today! Don't MISS IT!
T-BONE Bnng old "Mickey" and get
ready to slam, Luau '88 is this weekend
by damned, this is my last so I want it to
be great, with you as'a date it should be
first rate. C-ya' Saturday - Pam.
AIR FORCE ROTC Congratulations for
keeping your detachment open Jeffrey
The 1988-1989 Performing Arts Series is
sponsoring the following events: The
Ohio Ballet, Wynton Marsalis, The Acting
Company, The Atlanta Symphony, PI II-
LADANCO, The N.Y. Gilbert and Sulli-
van Players in Pirates of Penzance, The
Polish National Radio Orchestra, CABA-
RET, The ECUNC Symphonies in con-
KAREN SI IAW, and Nadja Salerno Son-
nenberg. For a brochure detailing the
events contact the Central Ticket Office in
Mendenhall, 757-6611, ext. 266. Office
hours are 11 00 a.m6:00 p.m Monday-
Wanted: Social Work Criminal Justice
majors and intended majors, to atto !
meetings. 1 leld the 2nd and 4th Monday
each month, at 400 p.m in Allied I lealth
bldg room 110.
Practice will be held Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday from 3:30 until, at the
bottom of College Hill. All interested
players should attend. Those who have
received forms need to have them com-
pleted and ready to turn in
Want to backpack the Appalachain
Trail? Planning a trip in May Call I high at
If you are work-study eligible you may
be interested in a job off-campus this
semester or in the summer or fall of 1988.
Please contact the Cooperative Education
office, 2028 General classroom Building,
for further information.
Life planning workshop: This work-
shop is intended to provide assistance to
students unsure of the direction they wish
their lives to take. The Life Planning
Workshop will meet April II, 13,15, and 18
in 329 Wright Building. Please contact the
Counseling Center in 316 Wright Build-
ing, or call 757-6661.
Worship God and celebrate Commun-
ion this Wednesday night at 5:00 p.m. at
the Methodist Student Center. Also avail-
able: all-you-can-eat meal which is $2.00
at the door, $1.50 in advance. Call 758-2030
for reservations. Sponsored by Presbyte-
rian and Methodist Campus Ministries.
The newly reestablished University
Folk and Country Dance Club will hold
weekly dance sessions every Tuesday
night in April, begining April 5th and
continuing through April 2bth, 7:30-9:3C
p.m. at the Lcdonia Wright Afro-Ameri-
can Cultural Center. Traditional dances ol
New England will be taught. All sessions
are open to the public and you do not need
to bring a partner. Fees for dance series
instruction are S12.00 public, $10.00 stu-
dents, S8.00 UFCDC members. Call 758-
4889 for more information.
There will be practice every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30 on In-
tramural Fields 5 and 6 behind Minges
Colliseum and on Sunday at 2:00. New-
players welcome.
Prime Time, sponsored by Campus
Crusade for Christ, meets every Thursday
at 7:30 p.m. in Brcwster C-103. Everyone is
Friday nights arc ALIVE more than
o erfcefore! Join us at Jenkins Auditc mm
(Art Building) at 8:00 p.m. Every FRDAY
NIGHT for Christian Fellowship and
Bible teaching where JESUS IS LORD!
The 1988 N89 Chamber music Series
attractions include: Bus well- Par nas-Lu-
yiM Trio, National Gallery of Art Vocal
Ensemble, Tokyo String Quartet, and
OREGON. For a brochure detailing the
events, contact the Central Ticket Office,
Mendenhall Student Center, 757-6611, ext.
266. Office hours are 11:00 a.m6:00 p.m
Monday-Friday. This series is co-spon-
sored by the Department of University
Unions and the School of Music.
There will be meetings every Thursday
at 6:00 in the culture center. Everybody
The ECU College Republicans will
meet every Tuesday night in room 221
Mendenhall at 7 p.m. Call 758-5775 or 752-
Students for Economic Democracy will
meet every Sunday from 7:00 p.m. in
Mendenhall 8-D. For more information,
call 758-9760 or 746-6049.
A Bible study for those who are serious
about studying the Bible. Weekly meet-
ings (tentatively Tues. afternoon) will be
scheduled to accomodate those who are
interested. Kerygma is an interdenomina-
tional program sponsored by Presbyte-
rian Campus Ministry. For more infor.
Call Mike at 752-7240.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes will
meet every Tuesday at 9:30 at the Pirate
Club. Coaches, athletes, and others are
welcome to attend.
Looking for an easy, guaranteed fun-
draiser? The Dept. of Univeristy Unions
needs ushers for its 1988-89 programs.
Please contact Lynn Jobes, 757-6611, for
more information.
The Accounting Society Spring blow-
out - Pig picking party will be on Friday,
April 22nd from 4 p.m til 10 p.m. $2 for
members and $3 for non-members. Sign
up on April 11th thru the 15th in the
General Classroom building, room 3209
from 9 a.m. til 1p.m.
We will hold our monthly meeting on
April 18th at 4 p.m. in MSC Room 244.
Debra Bryant will speak on opening your
own CP.A. office. Elections take place so
please attend.
E.S.F. meets Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at
St Pauls Episcopal Church on 4th Street.
In the E.S.F. there is no pressure to per-
form. Call Allen Manning for more infor-
mation at 758-1440.
Sponsored by Campus Crusade for
Christ meets Thursday, 7:30 p.m
Brewster C-103. Please come and join us
for Biblical teaching, fun, and fellowship.
Bring your friends! We look forward to
meeting you. This Sunday night at 8:30
p.m. in Mendenhall we will be showing
the most watched film in America,
"Jesus Come out and watch it with us
and bring a friend! Meet at the
information desk.
All organizations interested in having a
booth at Barefoot, contact Kay at 757-6611,
ext 210. Barefoot is April 21,1988,12 Noon
to 6 p.m.
The Sculpture Group of ECU presents a
student exhibition of current work on the
former location of Blount's department
store on the corner of 4th and Evans St.
downtown. March 29-April 19.
Auditions for flag and rifle positions on
the 1988 Colorguard will be held Sat,
April 16, Sat April 23, and Sat May 21
from 12:00-4:30. Select one date to attend.
Any questions! Call Tracey 758-1217.
Wes2fel is a Christian fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
jointly by the Presbyterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries. Come to the
Medthodist Student Center (501 E 5th,
across from Garrett dorm) this
Wednesday night at 5 pm for a delicious,
all-you-can-eat home cooked meal with a
short program afterwards. This week,
volleyball on the mall. The meal is $2 at the
door, $1.50 if you sign up in advance. Call
758-2030 for reservations.
Alpha Phi Alpha will have an informal
interest meeting at the culture center at
8:06 pm April 17,1988.
The American merketing Association
will host its first ever banquet tonight at
6:00 pm at the Rotary Club. The Rotary
Club is behind campus on 3rd and Rotary
Street. It's $5 for members and guest.
Notifications of new members along with
rewards will take place. Drop $$ off in
marketing office. Semi-formal dress
required-See you there!
A lecture by Joan Bokaer, Director,
Citizens Network Center for Religion,
Ethics and Social Policy Cornell
University on Tuesday, April 26th 1988 at
7:30 pm at the Brody Medical Sciences
Bldg. (ECU School of Medicine Campus)
Sponsored by the Eastern NC Chapter of
Physicians for Social Responsibility.
The Bullseye Dart dub will be having
an organizational meeting Thursday,
April 21 at 7:00 pm in Memorial Gym
Room 105-C Anyone interested in
playing DARTS should attend. For more
info contact Chris Wand???-r at 758-8633.
THE 1 ICE CREAM is only 172 steps
from Mendenhall HANK'S Just a quick
walk for your favorite Ice Cream, Frozen
Yogurt or Sorbet 321 E. 10th Street 758-
TKE'S: I will miss sitting on the porch
watching hackv sack and watching you
boyz down many 6-packs I will
remember watching stair surfing on
ironing boards, chapter room beg
and hot dog wars, one thing 1 must ?)
it's never been a bore listening t
guys on how you'll next score, so here's to
Jim Jones, the late nights and Felix's moo
- one thing I must say this, I will dearly
miss all of you' Love to da' BOYZ Pam
"Megmoma "
AOPi's Need I say more ! will miss
you all dearly - thank vou all d
thank you for EVERYTHING' Ah
Feclin' Kinda' Mellow Pam P
WHY BAKE? Hank's Cake Deliaous
cream or frozen yogurt cakes Call or stop
by today' 321 E. 10th Street 758 ??!
Perfect for any occasion
LOST: 4 12 month old female
blackwhite, blue eyes, red coilai
seen at Hardee's Grcenspnnp
area. Reward, call 758-6309
together for the Mai Ti Toast, we rv
will be the most Come on down to the Sie
Ep yard and let's party hard' Love
the Greek Man of the Year award We
love you' The Chi Omegas
TO ALL GREEKS: Greek Week was
blast and wc wish it could last N
get ready for exams then conoi
JAM1 Love, the Chi Omegas
have been great, and the scar,
did date From the Camper to
the Swamp woman was surelv a thriller
From Bcv to the Nose, thev were-
light on their toes: Don't forget Diane
Platts, thunder thighs aren't where it -?
Homecoming didn't have a Miller time
but Jim Beam made you feel fine The 1st
goes on and so does life, one dav socr
you'll find a wife Thanks for the pood
times, fraternally, and sincerely
Love Muscle Russell
ERIC, I hope you enjoyed Friday night as
much as I did. Dinner was a lot ol
hope that we can do it again soon
wan t to thank you for every thing Vou are
terrific. Love Beth.
$1.50 Happy Hour
every night in April
10 p.m. - til?
Drink Specials:
Tequila Shots. HnSalla. Whiaary Rk
Screwdnv?, Bullfrog and rr.paea
110 E. 4th St 752-5855
Outside Deck Open for I9M
FREE TACO BAR Tuesdays ?-
Mendenhall Student Center will agair
provide free coffee and study areas foi
students during the upcoming exam
period. Free coffeee and study areas foi
students during the upcoming exam
period. Free coffee will be available in tht
Student Center Lobby from 7:30 pm unti
11:00 pm on April 26, 27, and 28, and or
May 1,2, and 3. The coffee is being serve
through the courtesty of Conteer
Services, Inc. Meeting rooms are als
available for group study. Student;
wishing to reserve a room may do so b
contacting the Central Reservations
Office at 757-6611, ext. 230, between th
hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday
through Friday.
An environmental celebration "All
Species Day" on Sat. April 23rd from 10:00
am -3:00 pm ar River Park North in
Greenvile, NC This is sponsored by Tar
River Foundations Streamwatch.
Featured activities will be a parade of the
animals, skits, folk music, craft and food
sales all day. Public is invited to come as
your favorite animal or species. Free
admission. For more info call 355-6516.
The Greenville Choral Society will
present its Spring COncert on Sunday,
April 24, at 4:00 p.m. in Memorial Baptist
Church. It will feature Solemn Vespers by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Singing the
solo portions will be soprano Patricia
Hiss, alto Carol Metzger, tenor Stephen
W. Vaughn and bass William McConnell.
all members of the Choral Society.
The program will also include Festival
Te Deum by Benjamin Britten with
soprano Ann Maines as soloist, and Song
of Democracy, a poem by Walt Whitman
set to musk by the AMerican composer
Howard Hanson. Organist-pianist Mark
Gansor will be the accompanist.
Tickets are $3.50 and may be secured
from any Choral Society member or at the
Applications are needed from those
persons who are interested in becoming
students in wheelchairs. We are
particularly interested in anyone who has
a background of assisting individuals
with their activities of daily living. For
further details, contact: Office of
Handicapped Student Services, 212
Whichard Building, East Carolina
University, Phone 919-757-6799.
Hillcl barbeque, Sundav Apnl 24:h
from 12-2 pm at Elm Street Par S
tennis and volleyball will be available
Plenty of hotdogs, hamburger ari
drinks will be provided, but please bring
your favorite sneaks or sidedi'sh Call 756
4930 for more information or rides
From the Heart Auction Tues, April
19th, 7.00 p.m. at the Attic Auctioned mil
be a wide variety of merchandise, services
and trips. A Hilton Head Island get-awav
antiques, home decor items, dinners p"
certificates, retail items, appliances, serv-
ices?deaning, decorating and repairs
All bids are tax deductable For more info
call Carol Brown at 752-9989 Sponsored
by American Heart Assoc
The Equal Rights Organization of Stn-
dents, meets weekly, alternating between
Tuesday and Wednesday meetings Meet
mg dates for April are the 5th. 13th. 19th
and 27th. If you're interested in learning
more aobut feminism or women's issues.
please attend these meetings, in Brewster
8-101 Call 752014 for more information
1 ne American Marketing Association
will be hosting its first ever banquet on the
19th of April. Tune and place will be
Posted shortly. Dinner along with a spe-
cial quest speaker will be provided The
cost will be $3.00 per person or $5 00 for
members and a guest. Money for the
banquet can be turned into Dr Dudley's
office in advance.
Dr Melton McLaurin of UNC
Wilmington will be speaking on "Slaven
?a a moral deksnma: the case of Cdia, ?
wave, on Wednesday April 20 at 3:00 p.m
r t.0103 This is the final Richard
CToddPHl Alpha Theta lecture of the
attend Cdemk: Y" & ? mvited to
A?n.iJ9LPEN r-rais
heidS"afac ? St Girl, will be
for t? SLP- 23?1 ?"d Sun. April 24
MtflfS Mchin8 Must
i( l boost their pr
and shrinking enrollment-
era! small Midwest colled
recent weeks have ad
unusual strategy: thi i
' Ifo rtball tear
I alifornia junior I
w ? announced it m.J
ourt t . '
ranked I 1
Officials at
church-affiliated Illinois J
that enrolls ahou- ??
announced in earl)
field a I
ft will be the first ?
ball gai:
til. chu
arts colleges in th
A: 11
' n squad
well on the fi( I
and ace rd to
Sitting in the sun, talking al
- aji mi ?'?? ?' ?

"2 -tops
-a quick
ng you
- sw 11
ing on
?-Cg toss list s.n V'OU

?s a
T I wBISTRO 1 . Hour ?i April - til?
-sdays 9-7

f L
be a
? 756
s April
. ? away
' tvi
mating between
gs Meet-
th, 13th, 19th
rested in learning
? n's ssues,
. ? ssodatkxi
n the
i e will be
g with a spe
ided. The
? I QO for
and a guest Money for the
-ed into Dr Dudley s
Melton McLaunn of UNC -
iington will be speaking on "Slavery
?lolemma the case of Celia, a
? ednesday Apnl 20 at 3:00 p.m.
?wsterC-103 This is the final Richard
HI Alpha Theta lecture of the
idemic vear All are invited to
Auditions for the Golden Girls will be
eld on Sat Apnl 23rd and Sun April 24
3f the 1988 Marching Pirates. Must at
?nd both davs For more information call
eresa at 752-4369
Football to help enrollment
ATKIL 19, 1988
S) o boost their profiles
Hi shrinking enrollments, sev-
small Midwest colleges in
nt weeks have adopted an
unusual strategy they vedecided
I football teams
v alifornia junior college,
moreover announced it may go
court to keep its nationally-
otball squad for the
c reasons.
Ii? ials at rrinit) College, a
hurch affiliated Illinois school
hat enrolls about 600 students,
announced in early March they
' eld a football team in 1989.
be the first time Innity
i team in its 91 year his
init spokesman
Moi i 11 bt to u in
its a- much as to v in toot-
ha e to do what we can to
?Nnv(- with the other
i hurch-affiliated, liberal
n the area Moeller
lined. We're all competing
hrinking pool o students
ther Illinois school.
tailed a team
s without a
?n squad, rhe team did
e field itw first season
?rding to school afficials,
helped attract dozens ol new stu
dents by giving the school a larger
public profile.
Greenville's success, said Mo
cller, encouraged iYinity, which
suffered through financial hard
times in recent years but has since
"1 think people will see it as
another sign that Trinity is
healthy and doing well alter a
period of some trouble he said.
A 1984 University of Kentucky
study indicated a strong correla-
tion between winning, sports pro
grams and athletic donations, but
no significant relation between
sports and academic gilts.
And when Wichita State Uni-
versity dropped its dept-ridden
football program in 1988, applica
lions, enrollment and donations
actually increased.
Still, Robert Hartsook, Wichita
State's vice president tor devel-
opment and alumni affairs,
yearns for the visibility a good
football team can bring to a
"Right now I miss not being
able to have a chance at good isi
bilityinthefall he said. "I'd like
to have had Sunday headlines
that said 'Wichita State Wins' this
In California, Taft College may
go to court to keep such headlines,
and its football team, alive.
The school which easily wonn
its conference championship last
year and finished the season
ranked third in the nation among
junior colleges was left out
when the Coast Valley Confer-
ence reorganized earlier this year.
Conference officials sav they
assumed the state Commision on
Athletics would place Taft in a
more competitive league.
But the state didn't, forcing Taft
officials to scramble to schedule
games for the 1988 season. "It's
difficult' said spokesman Dennis
McCall, "sincemost schoold have
already schedualed their sea-
1 he school is exploring the fea-
sibility of joining other confer-
ences, McCall said, but may sue
the Commision on Athletics to
place it in a conference if Taft can
not arrange games on its own. If
the football program dies, said
Taft President DavisCothrun, the
entire colleger would sutler.
"It is quite vital that we not lose
the 40 or so students that we
would lose with the end of the
football program. We would lose
more than just students
There was a jam on the mighty Tar River Friday when these participants in the annual Phi Kappa
Raft Race got tangled up ontheir way to glorv and fame at the finish line. The raft race was part of the
wrap-up weekend of Creek Week. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab)
ng in the sun, talking aboutgetting a tan. Both weredone at the HealthFair Thursday. (Ellen Murphv
? Photo lab) '
The physical education motor and
physical fitness competency tost is s
uled lor Tuesday Apnl 26 at Mil
scum at 3 00 p m A passing score on this
tost is required of all students prior to
declaring physical education as a n
Any student with .i medical condition that
would contraindicate participation
should contact Mike McCammon or
Mitch Craib at 757 64 -7
Greenville Gaj Community is
formed List fall to meet the needs of the
gaj and lesibian ommunit .
(ireenville Th meets ev ?
week at different locations in Greei
For more u ; lease cal
' at 752
A final meeting will be held in ?
3009 to present membership certil
and to i le t 88-89 fficers All i
are ur 11 ittend; April 20 at A
i i met ? ? ? ? the semester will
taki place in Mendenhall 288 or
ruesda) .it 8:00 Those wanting critical
u k areasked tobring6 or 8
' " N'oi - will be
led upon at the mo
for the club
Id Saturday
tor Bar. All i are i
? ni Chaj I r

? -
oi Sat Api
. ?
)rcss v.


some type of I I
is in ere j . ?
to t. For
? ? .
jrnaPit t like I
lN : ' rs row Covert, Pa"
Ion, Kim J kson, Steve King, Trac)
Lyle,Mar Mobley, Carole Sawyer Sh
Beth Wasson, Rick Williams
an i I hrista Zammit Welcome!
The Foreign and D
tea her a
' ' ' " ; v a
s both at home ai
1968, our oi
ntries and in a I fl
s ft
P ?? when there
rs than l ? ? .
. . ?
: rganizatioi . may write
ment Ageno
rs. Box 5:
? 72 3
? ' ntramura
? ? Sat 5p.m. in M 102. For
757 6387
Js and rcgi nals i
us Practit e I"uesda fTiurs ?'?
'? 5? VVc'v ?.
SPONSORED BY: Student Services, Residence
Life and Housing, and Clement Hall

ECU gets excited about
"Barefoot on the Mall"
APRIL 19, 1988 Page 8
Late Night with David Letter-
man. 1 haven't, but he's been on
those shows recently.
Staff Writer
The Greeks believed in modera-
tion. The Romans didn't. This
week we become Romans.
For on Thursday there will be win be doing His Two Fisted Art
an extravaganza of the largest Attack. Maybe you've seen Jody
kind. You who have never experi- Gutierrez on the Tonight Show or
enced Barefoot On The Mall, you
are in for a sweet treat. It's a crazy
carnival full of crazy kids doing
crazy things.
From high noon until about
10:30 at night, there will be
lunacy. And this vear should be
the loonv-tuniest ever.
From Bad Bob and dos zany
Rockin' Horses' "get down and
boogie" rhvthm and rockin'
blues, to the Original Drifters'
"Under the Boardwalk" beach
music mayhem, to the legendary
Wailcrs' "why are my eyes so
red?" reccae, the entire dav
just need to pick-up your free tick- So, grab your closest Union
ets to play at The Student Union member and give him or her a big
table. kiss, they deserve it. But, the big-
Nationally recognized come- gest pat on the back would of
dian Jody Gutierrez will be lead- course be coming out and having
ing the laughter and Denny Dent a good time.
The schedule goes as follows. It
starts at 12 noon with Bad Bob and
the Rockin' Horses; continues on
at 1 p.m. with The Drifters; on
further still at 2:45 with Denny (or
is that Danny?) Dent and His Two
I'm really interested in this Dent Fisted Art Attack; then to bring
fellow. There has been some con- the afternoon to an exhilarating
fusion over what in fact his name climax at 4:15 will be The Waiters,
really is. The Barefoot On The And that's just the afternoon. At 8
Mall posters have him as Danny p.m. (or whenever it gets dark,
(not Denny) Dent. You see, he'san probably 8:30), the movie "The
artist, and everybody knows how
artists like to do strange things.
It just makes me wonder who's
really behind the name screw-up.
Anyway, he does this really neat
performance art stuff to old rock-
packed full of good thump strum posedly real psychedelic, dude,
and doo-doo wop. It seems to be
musical flavor for every tastebud.
But if you think Barefoot On
The Mall is just music, you'll be in
for a big big surprise. There will be
so many things going on, vour
head won't stop spinning.
Last year, about fifteen student
organizations did stuff and this
year there is going to be over
thirty stuff-doing organizations.
Last year, only WZMB had a
dunking booth. Yes, again this
year you have a chance to get back
at that special D for whatever
But moreover, this year (pause)
a faculty flunking booth, er, I
mean dunking booth. I don't have
the schedule oi teachers to sit on
the plank, but rumors have it only
teachers that needlessly fail stu-
dents plan to participate.
So work on your pitching arm.
The Student Union is also pres-
ently trying to locate a third dunk-
Wizard of Oz
In the past if you were cool
about it you could even drink. (I
the article in hopes that nobody at
n-roll like Jimi Hendrix. It's sup- Public Safety would read this far).
The Student Union would like to
As you can tell, The Student remind all participating organiza-
tion has worked very hard for tions that this year you will have
Barefoot On The Mall this year, to provide your own tables.
The Wailers will be coming to ECU Thursday to perform at "Barefoot on the Mall It's too bad EU
couldn't come, but these guys are supposed to be hot. Be sure to catch them on the mall and judge
for yourself. See ya there.
Wailers play "Mall" instead of EU
Staff Writer
Newscaster caught off guard
becomes instant sportscaster
So what if EU's new single "Da
Butt" is number two on the soul
charts and they are about to em-
bark on a monster tour with Salt 'n
Special to The Eaat Carolinian
Former baseball player and
current sprotscaster Tim Mc-
Carver does a deodorant com-
mercial in which he states the
three nevers of broadcasting.
According to Mr. McCarver, the
nevers are: "Never wear vou best
oration, never yell it's outta here,
before if s outta here, and never
let them sec you sweat
I'm sorry Tim, but that's incor-
ing booth. See what I mean - rect. I, being a newscaster myself,
extravagance, extravagance. discovered the three real nevers of
The list of going-ons, games, broadcasting one night while
freebies and miscellaneous weird working at WXMB.
things roll a mile long. There's Never do anybody else's work.
sports jacket to a locker room cele- would not have been good for my
career because I could have joined
Jimmy "The Greek" on the broad-
casting unemployment line.
Never let them hear or see how
Student Union's annual Barefoot
On The Mall. However, there is
something entirely new to be ex-
cited about.
Yes, the rumors are true. The
who might have been tuned in at Wailcrs will be taking EU's head-
that time. Consequently, I left lining spot. This is The Wailers,
simple words like "not" out of formally with Bob Marley. Obvi-
stories, therefore changing their ously, Bob Marley and Peter Tosh
entire meaning. won't be here, but the rest are
Had he been listening, Evan originals. These men are the Gods
Mecham would have been quite of Reggae,
shocked at hearing he would re-
sign as Arizona's governor. He
might have even sued. A libel suit
Let me deliver the bad news. EU
will not play Thursday for the pCpa
Yeah, The Student Union s Spe-
cial Concert Committee's first
choice would have had every butt
from College Hill to Clement
Dorm hypnotized in rhythmic
ecstasy; but look at their replace-
ment! The Wailcrs! I can't believe
It'll be reggae heaven. The re-
maining five Wailers and all of
ECU will be getting barefoot. Not
since I've been at ECU has there
been a band of this caliber. Cer-
tainly, this Barefoot On The Mail
will go down in history as the best
one ever.
Between The Original Drifters,
Bad Bob and the Rockin' Horses,
and now The Wailers, this is a
tremendous line-up. The past two
years we have had cover bands
doing Barefoot. Finally, original
talent. Legendary talent.
We may be able to get Bad Bob
to sit-in with The Wailcrs. It could
be Bad Bob and the Wailers. What
do you think? Jah, you're right
It's a stupid idea.
"Self-Aid" helps jobless
Staff Writer
gonna be shooting galleries, coin
tossing, huge turtles, Lester the
court jester, birthday chronicle
computer, an African queen co-
bra, show-off those mighty
I was scheduled to do the 7:55
news report one Monday night.
After I do the news, someone does
a sports report.
On this particular night, the
muscles by hitting the pad with a sportscaster never showed up, so
big mallot and ring the bell game
There is even going to be an alliga-
tor on a leash. And things on this
very incomplete list are all free!
The Student Union will be giv-
ing away free movie posters, full-
sized Frisbees, specially custom-
ized buttons and other stuff as
I hastily threw together a sports
report. No problem, right?
Wrong! Because I was spending
nervous or panicked you really
This rule came about because
the DJ decided to put me on the air
ahead two minutes ahead of
schedule. Two minutes doesn't
sound like a lot, but it is an eter-
nity to a broadcaster who has
nothing to say.
Because of the DJ's faux pas, I
had to suddenly stretch five min-
utes of news and sports into seven
minutes. I tried to slow down, but
when I glanced up at the clock
"SELF-AID ?1988, MCA
RECORDS ? If you remember
Live Aid, Band Aid, Farm Aid and
every other "aid" concert given
these last few years, you may not
want to hear about another chari-
table concert for quite sometime.
Self-Aid is different. The other
a unique sense of caring not found
in other "aid" concerts.
"Self-Aid the album, was re-
corded on May 17th, 1986 and has
only recently come to American
Attractions do an outstanding,
bluesy version almost worth the
cost oi the album.
"Dirtv Old Town by the
music stores. Thirty Irish Bands Pogucs is a neat little ditty. Sung
played on that day for a fourteen as a traditional Irish Folk song, a
hour concert. The album attempts few listenings may lead you to
to capture the best performances whistle this song repeatedly.
of the day. "The reason we're here today is
U2, one of the decade's premier because oi the problems of unenv
aid concerts were light in politics, bands, opens the album with an ployment in this country, but
heavy on entertainment. Most of impassioned, political "Maggie's that's not the only problem we've
the audience cared less about the
cause than the bands performing.
When you listen to "Self-Aid"
you get the feeling the bands and
so much time on sports I failed to during my last story, I still had tne aud'cnce- are definitely con-
practice reading my own AP
newswire stories.
Air time came, and I had
absolutely no idea what I was
about a minute and a half of air
time to fill.
I decided to read a couple of
ccmed about the cause. In this
case, the cause is extremely high
unemployment in Ireland.
The lyrics of the songs and the
well. All the games are free. You sayingto the two or three listeners See BROADCASTER page 9 audience responses demonstrate Although the song has been cov
Demi inspires more tears magic and love
chael Biehn, who starred in "The You constantly find yourself ductions were clear, though mys
Fan" and "Lords of Discipline asking, "What has this got to do
and then later, took the lead in the with the overall plot?" It's not
big hit, 'Terminator until minutes before the movie
His role as "Butman the nasty ends that the purpose is revealed.
Night and "Wisdom,
Playing opposite Moore is Mi- plot.
name a few. She also carried a role
By CAROL WETHERINGTON in the serial soap, "General Hospi-
AMistant Feature Editor tai? for q years and won a
No movie like this has won any Theatre World award for her
serious awards since "Agnes of stage debut in "The Early Girl
God but let's keep our fingers "The Seventh Sign written by policeman in three episodes of So, among all of this peace and
crossed for "The Seventh Sign W.W. Wicket and George Kaplan, "Hill Street Blues" gave him rec- complimenting we know some
Demi Moore has proven herself was directed by Carl Shultz. This ognition as a serial actor. Biehn dweeb must come along and
once again. Already acclaimed as is an American film debut for this does not carry an extremely louse things up. And boy does he!
a wonderfully talented actress, fine director, whom is known best strong character in "The Seventh David Banner, who is portrayed
starring in "St. Elmos Fire for "Careful, He Might Hear Sign eventhough his role as the by Jurgen Prochnow, is a messen-
'Blame It On Rio "About Last You attorney husband is vital to the ger sent to earth to open the seven
seals spoke of in the Bible.
Prochnow has been active in the
theater and broke into film acting
in Germany's "The Brutalization
of Franz Glum Prochnow has
done important work with
Wolfgang Peterson, both in
America and in Europe.
He made his American debut
in "Love is Forever" and took a
place in the all-star cast "Dune
Prochnow calls "The Seventh
Sign" one of the best movies he
has ever starred in, even though
he spends most of his time in the
pouring rain.
Ifs hard to tell right of f if David
is the good guy or the bad guy,
and even after you .find out his
role, you still don't know which
label to give him.
This is to unleash on society the
catastrophes that are to signify the
apocalypse: deserts freeze over,
waters turn to blood, the sea dies,
and the moon turns to blood. Hail
falls from the sky for only seconds
on a clear day. An innocent mar-
tyr dies for God.
The movie opens with the mes-
senger breaking these seals, and
we watch as spooky warnings are
unveiled throughout the first 50
minutes of the movie. Theintro-
Farm As usual, when live, U2, got here is the introduction to a
improvises the lyrics of this Bob strongly political song, The Is-
Dylan song to increase the emo- land by Paul Brady,
tional level. "Ihey're showing pictures on
In Tua Nua follows with a rous- the television of women and chil-
ing version of "Seven Into The dren dying in the streetare we
Sea still lying in our own placestill
One of the best songs on the trying to reach the future through
album is "Many Rivers to Cross the paststill trying to carve to-
morrow from a tombstone and
"cause up here we sacrifice our
children to feed the worn out
dreams of yesterdayand teach
them dying will lead us into
glory The name, "The Island is
fullv from the ch?urs which is about
understand all the implications tak,n8 a lovcr to an island to 8
and symbols, but when under-
standing came, it was usually fol-
lowed by a gasp.
The movie was overflowing
with symbols. Singing sparrows,
the use of various forms of hands,
and the breaking of a seal during
a Catholic death prayer are just
three that help form an aura of
authenticity and stress the impor-
tance of each one. The deaths of
the singing sparrows mark a defi-
nite turning point in the movie,
while a poignant scene at the end,
between Moore and baby, gives
the hand symbolism meaning in a
way that is sheer genius.
At different points in the movie
you find yourself actually trem-
bling; spooked and enthralled
away from the harsh realities of
life in Ireland.
The Chieftains perform a tradi-
tional Irish jigfolkish-type song
using mandolins and other native
Chris DeBcrg also appears with
an acousticaudience sing-along
version of "Don't Pay The Ferry-
Fans of Cactus World News will
find a live version of "The Bridge"
to add to their collections.
The Boomtown Rats perform
"Joey's On The Street Again The
song is long, maybe too long. The
lyrics, like those on the rest of the
album remain true to the cause.
"All I want is the right to live,
Mr.would you give me back the
with the mystery unfolding be- J?b I lost" The arrangement and
fore you. It's funny to find your- the use of the sax mak? this song
self sitting on the very edge of the "ke early Bruce Spring-
seat, anxious to see what would stcn material,
happen next while the guy next to Theme From Harry's Game" is
you has stopped eating his noisy Performed by Clannad. The lyrics
M&Ms because he is so caught up were hard to understand, but the
in the plot. feeling came through.
Carl Shultz has used shocking iheFountamheadsing "Feel It
actions and ideas in a way that N?w' an upbeat, dancable song,
makes you cover your eyes, gasp Another of the brighter spots on
as scenes change, shiver as back- a,&um IS Van Morrison's
ground music builds. He has
craftily blended human emotion
with supernatural prophecy to
produce a chilling piece that oth-
TTiMoore stressing out in The Seventh Sign Plagued by the threat of the apocalypse, Moore
Toavid, The Messenger, unlock the secret to saving the world from destruction while at the sai
rime saving Moore's unborn child. Great movie. Don't miss it
"Here Comes The Knight Mr.
Morrison proves he can still per-
form well live. Quality endures
The album ends with a passion-
ate plea by Christy MoorePaul
ers have attempted but never Doran, on "Make It Work ? "I'm
quite achieved. not stupidI'm not lazyI don't
Shultz' direction of the end want something for ixthineb
scenes leave you wiping tears as it's all I can get and "oh this
the signs are fulfilled and heart
See DEMI page 9
misserythis human wastage
See SELF-AID page 9
Along with the introduction foi
yew ergonomical-designed cam
pas that in most cases can be heldl
nd operated with one had; thej
?turn of half-frame pictures I
ie explosion in zoom lenses
oint-and-shoot cameras a'
vith an explosion m prices r
gjause of the dollar's devaluation
S. Another interesting developmer
j obvious at the recent Photo Mar
fleering Association show m Ch:
"?ago was the number of nev
cen tur
(AP) ? Dutch miller Hendril va
Houwclingen has a gr
?gainst a new hotel here
On Beijing's Forbiddi
claiming it's an eyesore h
his 17th-century windm
Sandwiched betw
way and a railroad n
quintcsscntially Dutch
township, the Oriental
Hotel boasts 143 bedi
restaurants ? one of I
The Windmill - an :
Oriental garden decorat
cluster of Chinese pa.
The controversy ovc r
moth building is a metaj
the debate here between an
Features I .
Saturday night's Beaux A:
Ball was a "blaring - .
cording to Visual Arts pre
Connie Jones. An unpreced
nine-tenths oi the part)
came in a plethora ot c
This year's Ball was held in
Grey Art Gallery, inside
School of Art. Jones said this w
a "big, big plus" after holding tl
bash at various locations over tl
11 years of the Ball's history.
She indicated that ha
party so close to home pn
accounted for the extraord n ;
and festive turnout. Also, the
cation helped orient the
towards students again.
The Amatucrs, a noted lo
band, jammed hard and lo
Even lead singer Shep's brokj
Continued from page S
Other AP wire stories that I
happend to have with me. Onj
again, being umprepared ai
rather nervous about reading
ries I knew nothing ah
sounded like a blundering d
Stumbling through the stones ai
mispronouncing words. Thcj
two to three listeners must hal
been really surprised to hear tn
"Self-Aid" d
ttitude tow
Continued from page S
this erosion of dignity has gc
The lyrics represent the feeli
lof most of the Irish unemplo
iThe chorus extols the val
Ipeople have and the jobs t
:ould be nng.
Alvin 'Ron the albu
executive pr?. Aicer, probably
hard time selecting the song
! included on this album. Hi
'emi scores
'The Seventl
Continued from page 8
reak and misery touch your vj
ml. Moore's pain at the poss
s of her child pulls at the he
ings of even the toughest he
i death of Jimmy, a young
rho is the product of inc
the viewer feel an inte
rse. These feelings are
i achieve in their true forms
raltz does it.
"The Seventh Sign" is a
ly of the most discrimij
vie-goets attention. The
?mi ?WHWi

e Mall It's too bad 1 I
and judge
ead of EU

? ? Mall
il Drifters ?ckin' I lorses
is is a

by tl
id you to
I. v.
? here Wl. is
I ? ? unem-
? in tl. mtry, but
I roblcm we've
: iction t
" g, " tlic ls-
? dy.
pictures on
men and chil-
li the si we
.vn placestill
roach the future through
? still trying to carve
:rom a tombstone and
ip here we sacrifice our
d the worn out
terdaj and teach
will lead us into
he name, "The Island, is
the chours which is about
r to an island to ,
m the harsh realities
in Ireland.
The Chieftains perform a tradi-
tl Irish jigfolkish-type song
? mandolins and other native
Chris DoRcrg also appears with
.hence sing-along
? Don't Pay The Ferry-
I Cactus World News will
find a live version of "The Bridge"
:o add to their collections.
The Boomtown Rats perform
'sOn The Street Again The
is long, maybe too long. The
, like those on the rest of the
alburn remain true to the cause.
"All I want is the right to live,
Mr.would you give me back the
b I lost The arrangement and
he use of the sax make this song
iound like early Bruce Spring-
n material.
"Theme From Harry's Game" is
x rformed by Clannad. The lyrics
.vere hard to understand, but the
? eling came through.
The Fountainhead sing "Feel It
Mow an upbeat, dancablo song.
Another of the brighter spots on
the album is Van Morrison's
Here Comes The Knight Mr.
Morrison proves he can still pcr-
orm well live. Quality endures.
The album ends with a passion-
ate plea by Christy MoorePaul
Doran, on "Make It Work "I'm
not stupidI'm not lazyI don't
tvant something for nothingbut
it's all I can get and "oh this
misserythis human wastage
See SELF-AID page 9
APRJL19, 1988
Introducing lithium batteries for cameras
Along with the introduction for cameras now using consumer
new crgonomical-dcsigned cam- changeable lithium batteries.
eras that in most cases can be held This new type of long-lasting,
and operated with one had; the high energy battery first ap-
return of half-frame pictures, and pcared in cameras some years
the explosion in zoom lenses on ago. When the batteics needed
point-and-shoot cameras along changing, you had to send the
with an explosion in prices be- camera back to the manufacturer
alkaline batteries to the new ones.
Most alkaline batteries, like the
conventional A A or AAA used in
many cameras, are 1.5 volts.
Lithium batteries pack higher
voltage ranging grom 3 volts to 9
volts. Trying to substitute cir-
desinged for a 1.5 volt alkaline energy extremes. They also have tics called "low rate" or "high
battery. exceptional capacity retention on rate
Why the switch to lithiums? As long-term storage. With them, Low-rate lithium batteries can
these new point-and-shoot, do you'll sec such things as as faster be used for memory retention and
every thing cameras take on more flash-recycling time, faster wind- low-power electronic devices
functions (autofocus, autowind, ing or rewinding, and a much
auto rewind, auto zoom, etc.), longer-lasting battery.
cause of the dollar's devaluation.
Another interesting development
obvious at the recent Photo Mar-
keting Association show in Chi-
cago was the number of new
cuitry in your camera if it is not they need more power. Lithiums There is a whole family of lith-
to get the job done. Now you will designed to take that much volt- fill the bill. iumbatteries,allof whichuselith-
be able to buy replacement batter- ngC. They have twice the voltage of ium as the anode or source of elec-
ies at your local camera store. But not to fear. The new lithi- an alkaline battery, several times trie current, but variations in the
No, in most cases you won't be urns arc designed so that in most the energy density, more power design of the battery produce dif-
able to switch from your present cases they will not fit into a slot capability and a high tolerance of ferent performance characteris-
such as garage door openers or
smoke alarms, while the high rate
lithiums are used in cameras,
high-performance flashlights and
two-wav radios.
New motel in Beijing's V,
century style constructed
BREUKELEN, Netherlands
AP) ? Dutch miller 1 lendril van
louwelingen has a grudge
igainst a new hotel here modeled
n Beijing's Forbidden City,
claiming it's an eyesore that robs
his 17th-century windmill of its
Sandwiched between a high-
vvay and a railroad mear this
quintessentially Dutch rural
township, the Oriental Palace
Hotel boasts 143 bedrooms, four
restaurants ? one of them named
The Windmill" ? and a lavish
Oriental garden decorated with a
cluster of Chinese pavilions.
The controversy- over the behc-
tural conservationists and au-
thorities who are struggling
against adverse economic cur-
rents and the unemployment that
goes with them.
The massive four-story facade
of the Oriental Palace is a wood,
metal and concrete replica of the
travelers who daily pass nearby. gen, a 54-year-old railroad techni-
But the recently opened Oricn- cian, complained that the Oriental
tal Palace hovers over the back
Palace "doesn't leave us any wind
from that corner at all
The Kortrijk, now dwarfed by
the hotel, is one of the 978 wooden
windmills for which this nation is
famous. It was used to drain a
moth building is a metaphor for cuttings, drawing instant atten-
the debate here between archi tec- tion from the tens of thousands of
yard of the Kortrijk Windmill,
which since 1696 has been a land-
mark in this community of 8,500,
20 miles south of Amsterdam.
The anomaly between the two
exterior of the 18th-century pal- buildings has not been lost on Van nearby" plot'of "recTaimed "land
ace where China's emperors lived Houwelingen, the Kontrijic's vol- untn elcctric pumps took over in
until 1924. The last emperor, Pu unteer miller. 95
Yi, abdicated in 1912 but occupied "It just doesn't fil in the Dutch
the Beijing palace for 12 more landscape Van Houwelingen
years. told The Associated Press.
The hotel's pagoda shaped roof, "Would I put up a Windmill in the
supported by a colonnade in red middle of some square in Te-
sted, is richly ornamented with king?"
Although the windmill
operates only once a week as a
tourist attraction. Van Houwelin-
dragon heads and other wood
eaux Arts Ball "blaring"
icaturcs 1 ditor
Saturday night's Beaux Arts
Ball was a "blaring success ac-
cording to Visual Arts president
Connie Jones. An unprecedented
lune-tcnths of the partvgoers
tamo in a plethora of costumes.
This year's Ball was held in the
fprev Art Gallery, inside the
chool of Art. Jones said this was
"big, big plus" after holding the
sh at various locations over the
11 vears of the Ball's history.
She indicated that having the
iarty so close to home probably
accounted for the extraordinary
and festive turnout. Also, the lo-
cation helped orient the party
towards students again.
The Amatucrs, a noted local
band, jammed hard and long.
Even lead singer Shop's broken
leg didn't prevent him from join-
ing in on the dancing.
The band originally planned to
quit playing around 1 p.m. or 1:30,
but continued rocking for the
hundred or so particrs still cele-
brating at 2 p.m. Jones said they
finally had to tell people the party
was over.
Instead of including some of
their more top 40 and pop grooves
during the Ball, the Amatuers
stuck to a strictly reggae playlist.
Tons of boss door prizes were
given out. Hula Hoops, records
and a silver necklace for her skat-
ing waitrcssoutfit and third prize,
a dinner for two at the Sheraton
Flotel, went to David Rawlins'
monster from the "Alien" movies.
Jones said the actual work on
the Ball began in January after the
return from Christmas Break.
They searched all over Greenville
for a place to hold the event and
auditioned five bands to find the
right one.
She was enthusiastic about
The wiindmill's owner, the
Utrecht Windmill Foundation,
has twice tried to appeal the
hotel's construction plans
through Breukelen's town hall.
In the latest of the protests, the
foundation sought a ban against a
planned 26-foot-high ornamental
gate, also in Oriental style, to be
built only 33 feet away from the
Both appeals have failed, how-
ever, with local authorities here
keen on the 160 jobs the hotel will
ultimately bring.
"Of course it's very different, a
little weird said town hall
spokesman Peiter Knakkanbos of
the $15.7 million building put up
by Hong Kong businessman Dave
"It's not in Dutch style but we
want it very badly Knakkcnbos
told the AP, noting that the town's
unemployment rate now stands
at 4.6 percent. However, that's
well below he national figure of
and even a six pack of bubbles making the affair the success it
were donated by the various
A costume contest was held,
with the first prize, a waterbed
from Russ Upholstery and Water-
beds going to Jonathan Grauel's
"White on White" costume.
Jennifer Page took second place
mentioning several of the people J5017
Room prices at the Chinese ex-
travaganza, whose interior is
decorated in European style,
who she felt were invaluable in
was. They include Eric Johnson,
David Rawlins, Matt Savino and
the East Carolinian's very own
Steve Rcid.
Jones felt that the band was
"awesome the participants
great and the Ball "absolutely
blew our minds" with its success.
Broadcaster is stumped
Continued from page 8 "two Isracli shoulders killed an-
other Palestinian
other AP wire stories that I just Ncvcr y anything to the DJ
happend to have with mc. Once uncss absolutely, positively sure
that the microphone is off.
again, being umprepared and
rather nervous about reading sto-
ries I knew nothing about, I
snindcd like a blundering idiot,
stumbling through the stories and
mispronouncing words. Those
two to three listeners must have
At the end of the newscast, the
reallv dedicated listcrners, who
for some reason (probably a
drunken stupor in which they
couldn't find the stereo) didn't
playing nearby during the WZMB
Entertainment File.
On this night, I chose to talk
about a movie called "Maurice
As I said on the air that night, the
movie "traces the sexual awaken-
ing of a young man torn between
his longings and the confines of
Edwardian England What the
means I'll never know.
After I read this, a commercial
change the station, get to hear
been really surprised to hear that about upcoming movies or bands was run, and I began to say, "God,
I just had to say that because it is
the most ridiculous?"
I was cu t off by the DJ who said,
"I left your mike on
My words had been sent over
the air, and I'm sure those listen-
ers not in comatose state got a
good laugh out of it.
Well Mr. McCarver, there you
have my three nevers of broad-
casting. I think yours are not quite
up to par as mine are. So, next
"Self-Aid" displays sincere
attitude towards helping Irish
unemployment problem
Continued from page 8
this erosion of dignity has got to
The lyrics represent the feelings
of most of the Irish unemployed.
The chorus extols the value
would have been somewhat eas-
ier if the album would have been
a two or three record set. The
music is just enough to whet an week, I'll be starring in my own
and the deodorant commercial
interest in Irish bands
cause of the concert.
Although "Self-Aid" 1
a live
people have and the jobs they aibUm, the sound qualtity is re-
could be Mng. spectable.
Alvin N Tory, the album's If you would like a live sample
executive pr, 'ucer, probably had of some of Irelands most popular
a hard time selecting the songs to bands, this album would be a
be included on this album. His job good place to start.
Demi scores big again in
"The Seventh Sign"
Continued from page 8
break and misery touch your very ous overtones and use of actual
soul. Moore's pain at the possible Bib,ical data' influd?nS "J?
loss of her child pulls at the heart- excerpts from the New Testa-
strings of even the toughest heart, ment, make the movie realistic
The death of Jimmy, a young boy while the concept of angels on
who is the product of incest, earth and evil wanderers add an
makes the viewer feel an intense essence of phenomena to the plot,
remorse. These feelings are hard "The Seventh Sign" is a movie
to achieve in their true forms, but you don't want to miss. It is truly
may not say anything about
sweat, but will present the three
real nevers of broadcasting.
SmmaflH Ibnnft
Moons? Ad III
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Shultz does it.
"The Seventh Sign" is a movie
worthy of the most discriminate
movie-goer's attention. "
a fine blending of great directing,
creative acting and brilliant cast-
ing. Tri Star Productions reallv
scored with this one.
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range from $146 for a plain double
to $675 for the bridal suits.
Rather than an eyesore, the
Oriental Palace's management
considers the building part of a
reciprocal cultural process.
"Wherever in the world the
Dutch ended up in the past, there
are traditional Dutch gables
said hotel spokewoman Agnes
Benjamin. The hotel's outlandish
appearance in the Dutch country-
side, she said "is the same thing
the other way around
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APRIL 19, 1988
Love, Inc. offers new outlook
HOLLAND, Mich. (AP) ? One
year ago Diana Huckaba was in
almost constant pain ? physical
and mental.
A spinal detect resulting from
childhood scoliosisand worsened
by a later auto accident kept the
Allcndale woman in bed all day,
"thinking nobody cared A
single mother, she scraped by on
Social Security disability checks.
Then her furnace broke.
"I had no money and didn't
know where to turn says Huck-
aba, 37. "But as it turned out, that
furnace breaking was the turning
point in mv life
When Huckaba called the heat-
ing company, she ended up
speaking to the local program
director of LOVE INC. Before she
knew it, she had a new furnace.
Soon after, she had a new outlook
on life.
In cases like these, LOVE INC.
provides the missing link, says
Virgil Gulker, founder of the na-
tionwide church services net-
Gulker began the first LOVE
INC. program in this southwest
Michigan city in 1981 while work-
ing for a church-sponsored cum-
munity agency.
He was frustrated that the vast
resources of area churches,
mainly their volunteers, were not
being tapped to help meet the
community's needs.
Gulker saw the waste created
by agencies and private organiza-
tions that duplicated services
because they lacked a clear idea of
what others did.
He was frustrated by the "holi-
day food basket syndrome the
tendency of churches to provide
groceries at Thanksgiving or a
coat at Christmas, while ignoring
deep-seated problems faced daily
by members of the community.
Guided by the belief that a
church's resources, if organized
effectively, could meet almost
every need of a community,
Gulker set out to create LOVf.
INC local clearinghouses that
would keep inventories of serv-
ices provided in a community and
link those in need with the agency
or group most able to help. Where
a need cound't be met by an exist-
ing group, LOVE INC. would tap
the resources of the church.
Since its inception, LOVE INC.
has expanded to 50 local pro-
grams in 14 states, linking 1,300
ECU alumni
churches of 50 denominations
and meeting about 12,000 indi-
vidual needs each month, Gulker
What sets LOVE INC. apart
from other church-sponsored
organizations is that it is strictly a
clearinghouse and referral serv-
ice. Its volunteers do not provide
direct assistance. That's left to the
agencies or churches to which the
person in need is referred.
If a person has a need that a
government or private agency is
not equipped to meet, or if the
person does not meet specific eli-
gibility requirements, a partici-
pating neighborhood church is
called upon to help.
One of LOVE INCs most im-
? with the help of a c-ch
portant responsibilities, Gulker skills ?with the help
says, is to ensure that community volunteer.
services provided are not dupli- Other self-help conditions m-
cated. elude academic or vacational
"In one community, clothing training, personal counseling, or
was provided so readily and help with parenting, shopping or
without a governing policy, that cooking ? all of which are pro-
some families stopped doing their vided by church volunteers,
laundry he says. "When their In Huckaba's case, LOVE INC.
clothes would get dirty, they'd referred her to a
throw them out and get more
To end the chronic dependent's
cycle, LOVE INC. encourages
churches to attach "self-help"
conditions to assistance so the
individual can become self-suf-
For example, a person who
continually askes a church to help
meet rent payments would be
required to improve budgeting
government program, which pro-
vided a new furnace.
Now, on the days when she is
feeling healthy enough, she
works as a volunteer at the local
LOVE INC. office.
"Since getting involved in the
program, the entire community
Las reached out to embrace me
says Huckaba, who remarried in
Don's finest Microwave Salisbury Steak
BBQ Sauce recipe lets you do it in 10 min
to perform
Tianist Linda Green is one of the three visiting alumni. They will
be performing in the Alumni Weekend Concert.
School of Music Press Release
Linda Green is one of three ECU
music alumni who have been se-
lected as performers for this
year's Alumni Concert, the clos-
ing event of ECU's annual
Alumni Weekend.
The recital is open to the public
free of charge and will be fol-
lowed by a reception for those in
attendance. It begins at 7:30 p.m.
in the A.J. Fletcher Recital Hall of
the ECU School of Music, Satur-
Green, a soprano, and a 1972
master's graduate of the ECU
School of Music, will share the
program with violinist Marilyn
Gibson, a 1973 bachelor of music
graduate, and organist Michael
Regan, bachelor of music 1981,
master of music 1984. Accompa-
nying Green and Gibson on piano
is John B. O'Brien of the ECU
keyboard faculty.
Don Schlundt, an Indianapolis
barbecue veteran, is justly proud
of this sauce. He shared his recipe
and added some hints for using it.
"Let the meat cook about three-
quarters of the way through with-
out sauce he says.
"Then baste the meat a few
times. For the first basting, dilute
the sauce with a little water so the
meat won't burn. Just before serv-
ing, brush the sauce on full
strength Don heats the extra
sauce to pass.
12 cup packed brown sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon chili powder
One 8-ounce can tomato sauce
1 2 cup water
1 2 cup vinegar
1 2 cup ketchup
12 cup dark com syrup
1 4 cup orange liqueur
In a medium saucepan combine
brown sugar, cornstarch and chili
powder. Stir in tomato sauce,
water, vinegar, ketchup and corn
syrup. Bring mixture to boiling;
reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered,
30 minutes. Stir in liqueur. Sim-
mer, uncovered, 5 minutes more.
I'm always delighted to find a In a small mixing bowl combine
microwave version of a best-liked egg, crumbs, Worcestershire
recipe. Salisbury steak is one of sauce and dash pepper. Add boef;
my husband's favorites that I sel-
dom have time to make the con-
ventional way. With this recipe I
can have it on the table in 10 min-
1 beaten egg
3 tablespoons fine dry bread
112 teaspoons Worcestershire
Dash pepper
12 pound lean ground beef
12 of a small onion, sliced and
separated into rings
2 tablespoons thinly sliced cel-
12 of a 0.75-ounce envelope
mix well. Shape into two 1 2 inch
thick patties. Place in a micro-
wave-safe 10 - by - 6 - by - 2 inch
baking dish. Cover loosely with
wax paper. Cook on 100 percent
power (high) for 2 minutes, giv-
ing dish a half-turn once.
Turn patties over. Cook, cov-
ered, on high 1 to 2 minutes more
or until done. Remove patties,
reserving drippings in dish. Keep
patties warm.
Skim fat from drippings. Add
onion, celery, gravy mix and dash
pepper to drippings. Stir in water.
Cook, uncovered, on high 3 to 4
minutes or until thickened and
bubbly, stirring every minute.
Flaming Carrot ? says Watch out for the
Pirate Comix
av?.v- The cutting edge of humor'
Most every Thursday in the
East Carolinian. Solid.
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The largest group of
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Sports t i
last Carolina manul
rd straight win over I
detic Assoi ati
hunond Sunday th ? -
jiuther strengthen its
Ird place in the -
Igue stand ing1
ihePirates, who saw r-rur
d disappear when th 3 -
ttled back from an - I
eighth inning - ?
igles and walk
llf of the ninth fran I
"Ve have realh be
xl baseball for tl
ks ECU hea 1
erton said
hat it takes I
jminate the nej
out and mai
hen we i
IThe win pus!
lark to 26-11 I
ivethcm a s 6
ie Spiders d
retail and 4-1 Oi
The Pirates
the victory .
Fterhecame in dui
ining and put ad
Ipiders' rally.
ie bottom oi the
titehie opened up
jnd moved I
Itolcn base. Stev(
.?as 3-4 for tK
ECU Iratl
Eight men s
women's team- gal
Ultimate Frisb
ral fields besid
is the ECU Irat -
XI Saturday an I
md 10th. An enthus
jt o wn Tfo"w C! Ttr "
:T?$nc Irate; t 5-0 j
heir second toumam
mship in two vs. ?. ks
The women s
welcome new add
iax format. A
tompetiton pn
East Carolina - a
raveled south to the
h'ilmington this w?
:ame away with I
Ihip in the UNC-V
The Lady Pirates r
cord in games played on Fr. j
id Saturday to captur
ie quintet of weekend
ished the Pirates mai -
m the season. ECU was
bion Wednesday night
id against George Mason
idy Patriots.
t V vw
Grab Bags
only 99
Drinks 15$
Wednesday, April 20,1988
8:30 a.m. 'til 4:00 p.m.
Reduced tradebooks
30 off retail price
Student Stores
Owned and Operated by East Carolina University
KM .
ift- V
? I
ie Pirate golf team rallied froi
Pplay Monday afternoon tocla
impioitship for the second
te-from-behind victory wilj
Wtr ywwt?w?,????n
" ? mw-H ?wmnwim??i
1 jll?lliM?ll?-lllfll

with the help ot a cPrch
renditions in-
t vacational
personal counseling, or
parenting shopping or
o( which are pro-
. lunteers.
c 1 OYE INC.
to a little-known
am, which pro-
davs when she is
. er ugh, she
.vr at the local
Ivcd tn the
re community
ce me
narried in
isburx Steak
tlo it in 10 min
per Add beet;
2 inch
2 inch
a glV-
k cov-
2 ? - 's more
gS. Add
i mix and dash
h 3 to 4
kened and
rv minute.
?r the


cr assortment of
)r children and
ilts-Sl.98and up
APRIL 19, 1988 Page 11
irates sweep trio of games from Richmond
Sport I1itur
East Carolina manufactured its
ird straight win over Colonial
thletic Assocation foe
ichmond Sunday with a 9-8 win
Hither strengthen its lock on
rd place in the regular season
ue standings.
Pirates, who saw a four-run
appear when the Spiders
I 1k k from an 8-4 deficit in
h inning, reeled off three
os and walk in the bottom
c ninth frame to pull out
have really been playing
iseball for the past two
ECU head coach Gary
said. 'We know now
es to win. We can
negative things and
manufacture runs
il them
pushed the Pirates
i 11 for the year and
8 6CAA mark, while
dipped to 18-24
10 in the conference.
- used tour pitchers
r with sophomore
kins getting the win
in during the eighth
I nt a damper on the
ime tied heading into
m of the ninth. David
encd up with a single
ived to second with a
Steve C.odin, who
? the day, then singled
to put men at first and third.
Calvin Brown, who finished wth
three RBl's for the day, was then
issued a walk to load the bases.
Richmond chose to remove CP.
Richardson, who had pitched the
entire game at that point and
bring in reliever, Chris Wagner.
Wagner's first pitch was greeted
by a Jay McGraw game-wining
RBI single to leftfield.
"After they tied the game in the
eighth, we knew what it would
take to win it Over ton said.
"And the gins went out there and
did it
The Spiders got the early lead in
the contest when their designated
hitter Steve Burton pelted a John
White pitch over the right field
fence for a 1-0 lead in the second
inning. The Spiders tacked an
another run in the inning when
Daniel Paul scored following a
Ritchie error at shortstop.
The Pirates closed to within 2-1
in the bottom half of the second.
McGraw led oii the inning with a
single to center. After he stole
second, John Thomas ripped a
single to score the run.
The Pirates managed to move in
front of the Spiders in the third
frame with a pair of runs for a 3-2
lead. Freshman Kevin Riggs
opened the inning with an infield
single, followed by a base on balls
to catcher Chris Cauble.
Brown then ripped an RBI hit to
center to score the two.
Richmond managed to get even
in the top half of the fourth frame
when Robert Rcid delivered a
run-scoring single to score Brian
The Pirates took the lead back in
the bottom half of the inning
when Adams was walked,
advanced to third on a pair of
fielder's choices before scoring
following a Greg Harding error at
first base.
Both teams added runs in the
fifth with the Pirates' score
coming courtesy of a pair of
singles by Ritchie and Godin and
a sacifice fly by Brown.
ECU moved out to a 6-4 lead in
the sixth inning. Adams and John
Thomas opened the inning with
singles and Adams scored
courtesy of a Riggs' RBI.
The Pirates seemingly put the
game out of reach in the seventh
inning with a pair of runs to move
out to an 8-4 lead. Godin reached
on an error to start things off for
the Pirates and Brown then
singled to center and stole second
to put the duo in scoring postion.
Adams racked up the runs for the
The Pirate baseball team sewed up third place in the C AA baseball regular season race this weekend with a three-
game sweep over Richmond. The Pirates will be battling North Carolina Thursday at home. (File Photo)
Pirates in the inning with an RBI
single to left.
That's when the bottom nearly
fell out for the Pirates.
In the top half of the eighth, Jeff
I lines opened the four-run Spider
inning with a single to right. His
hit was followed by Ritchie error
that put runners at first and third.
Following a strikeout, Harding
ripped a single to left to bring
home the first run of the inning.
Burton added another RBI single
and pinch-hitter Pete Engels
closed out the inning with a single
to center, which scored a pair of
Spider runners.
The stage was then set for the
Pirates ninth inning heroics.
The victory Sunday and the
three-game weekend sweep by
the Pirates over Richmond has
Overton feeling confident about
the remainder of the season for
the Pirates.
"Generally the team that enters
the (CAA) tournament playing
hot is the team that wins
Overton said. "If we continue to
get better game by game as we
have the past two weeks, then I
think we will be ready when the
tourament rolls around
The Pirates will be back in
action Tuesday night with a game
on the road at Old Dominion.
ECU will be back at Harrington
Field on Thursday at 4 p.m.
hosting North Carolina.
ECU Irates come out on top of eight-team Ultimax battle
Stafi V nter
n s teams and two
ams gathered to play
: risbee on the intramu-
ide Ficklen Stadium.
Irates hosted Ultimax
lay and Sunday, April
An enthusiastic home-
. a Termed ouTTrnftm-
rates to a 5-0 record and
nd tournament champi-
two week
men's division was a
w addition to the Ulti-
spirit of fun and
prevailed as ECU'S
Chicken Feet took the field
against Wilmington's T.O.F.U. in
i best two-out-of-threc match. In
the first game, a two-hour mara-
thon, T.O.F.U. came out strong,
winning 11-6. The second game
saw the Chicken Feet toughen up,
but come up short again, this time
9-6. In their first competition the
"TCV wtffflcrt made3 Tine show-
ing, and a promise of good things
to come.
The eight-team men's division
was the largest yet at an ECU tour-
nament. The competitors in-
cluded the Irates, N.C. State,
Puke, UVA, VA Tech, William
and Mary, I.C.E. (Washington,
D.C.) and the X-rates, an Irate
reunion team.
ECU'S first game on Saturday
paired them with William and
Mary. With no substitutes, the
William and Mary seven was no
match for the fully-staffed home
team, as the Irates rolled, 15-3.
The Irates' second game pitted
them against the X-rates. i-festive
atmosphere prevailed as the X-
ratcs made a good showing, but
fell to the Irates, 15-5.
ECU'S last game on Saturday
put them on the line opposite
I.C.E. The D.C. team came out
tough, matching the Irates goal
for goal, 4-4. The ECU defense
came to life, as the Irates took the
lead at halftimc, 8-4. In the second
half, the Irates outscorcd I.C.E. 7-
1, to win a 15-5 romp.
Sunday brought beautiful
weather for the semi-finals as the
Irates played a combination
UVA-Charlotfe team. The ECU
squad jumped to an eay lead, 7-
2, beforp the UVA team sparked to
life, scoring three straight to cut
the lead to 7-5. The Irates finished
the half up 8-5. The second half
was lopsided as the ECU 'Trig-
gers" cruised to a 15-6 victory.
Softballers claim UNC-W title
Meanwhile, the other scmi-ti-
nal match proved to be a much
tighter affair, as I.C.E. paired up
with LOLA, a Wilminton-Ralcigh
combo. LOLA overcame a five-
point deficit at 12-7, to tie 14-14.
The two teams traded points to
remain tied at 15, when
LOLA took control, scoring the
last two ponts to win 17-15, and
move on to the finals against the
The Irates jumped ahead 4-0, as
the final looked to be a runaway.
LOLA regrouped to trade goals
for the rest of the half, which
ended 9-5. The Irates started out
in control of the second half, push-
ing the lead to 12-6. The two teams
exchanged points to 14-8, when
near-disaster struck. The Irates
saw their lead dwindle as LOLA
scored five straight to bring the
score to 14-13. The Irates dodged
the bullet, putting in three
unanswered points to win the
game, and tournament, 17-13.
The Ultimax win brings the
Irates' record to 30-3 since Octo-
ber. The team is preparing for the
Collegiate National Series, which
begins with Sectionals, April 23,
24 in Raleigh, N.C, and moves to
Regionals at Lehigh, PA. April 30
arolina's Softball team
outh to the Port City of
this weekend and
: with the champion-
the l NC-Wilmington
ady Pirates posted a 5-0
1 in games played on Friday
iturday to capture the title.
lintet oi weekend victories
; he Pirates mark to 24-7-1
season. ECU was back in
Wednesday night on the
linst George Mason's
The tournament championship
marked the second one captured
by the Pirates this season as they
claimed top honors earlier this
season in the Georgia State Tour-
In the title game, ECU disposed
of Coastal Carolina College by a
10-1 count. In that contest, the
Pirates banged out a dozen hits,
while pitcher Jennifer Sagl went
the distance on the mound giving
up only four hits.
An earlier game on Saturday
saw the Pirates pull a shutout over
UNC-Wilmington, 9-0. Shortstop
Jeannic Murray was 2-4 at the
plate for the game with a round-
tripper and a pair of RBl's.
In action during Friday's open-
ing slate of tourney games, ECU
also blanked UNC-Charlotte in a
tight 3-0 contest. That victory
marked the Pirates' head coach
Sue Manahan's 200th career
coaching victory.
Also on Friday, the Pirates de-
feated the Lady 49ers by a 3-1
score. Lynda Barrett connected at
the plate for a 3-3 performance in
the game with a triple included.
In their opening game, the Pi-
rates rolled to a 9-1 rout over
Coastal Carolina.
The Lady Pirate Softball team rolled through five games this weekend and claimed the title in the UNO
Wilmington Invitational Softball Tournament. (File Photo)
McNeill's pace tracksters once again
CAA champs
ae Pirate golf team rallied from 19 strokes down on the final nine holes
Jplay Monday afternoon to claim the Colonial Athletic Association Golf
hampionship for the second straight year. Full details of the Pirates
bme-from-behind victory will be given in Thursday's edition. (File
ECU'S Eugene and Lee McNeill
captured two first-place finishes
and helped the Pirates' 4 x 100
meter relay team to a second place
finish at the Dogwood Relays,
held Saturday in Knoxville, Tn.
Lee McNeill ran a 10.37 in the
invitational 100 meters, beating
out Lester Benjen, who ran a 10.60.
Eugene McNeill, continue an
indoor season rivalary with West
Virginia's Benny Cureton as th
pair ran in the invitational 200-
meter dash.
McNeill captured the victory in
the race, running a 20.20 and
Cureton running a 21.52.
Both McNeills faced more than
just talented runners in their
events as they ran against strong
ECU's 4 x 100-meter relay team
missed a first place finish by
three-hundreths of a second.
ECU finished in 40.48 seconds
behind Eastern Michigan, who
finished in 40.45 seconds.
The Pirates' lead off runner, Ike
Robinson fell coming out of the
blocks but the McNiells, who
made up the second and third legs
of the team, got ECU back in the
Junior Robinson finished the
race for the Pirates, just short of
the win.
Eastern Michigan also took first
place in the 4 x 200-mctcr relay.
ECU came in fourth race, running
a 1:25.21.
Seton Hall and Michigan
finished in second and third place
ahead of the ECU team which
consisted of Ike Robinson, Lee
McNeill, Junior Robinson and
Phil Estcs.
The Pirates will be back in
action this weekend as they travel
to Harrisburg, Va for the James
Madison Invitational. The Lady
Pirates will take the weekend off,
while preparing for the Penn
Relays, April 27-30.
Lady netters wind up season
with dissappointing tourney
ECU's women's tennis team
finished their season last
weekend as they competed in the
Colonial Athletic Association
Conference tournament.
The Lady Pirates finished in
seventh place in the tourament,
with one singles player finishing
in fourth palce in the conference
and doubles pair finishing fifth in
the conference.
Number five seed, Joey Millard
defeated UNC-Wilmington's
Tricia Farrell, 7-5, 6-1, as she
finished fifth in the conference.
Jill Hobson, the Lady Pirate's
number four seed, defeated UNC-
Wilmington's Wendy Todd, 7-6,
7-5, and finished sixth in the
conference for the year.
Susan Mattocks and Holly
Murray won their consolation
match in number one doubles and
finished out the season in fifth
Mattocks, playing in number
one singles was defeated by
American University's Diedre
Boros, 6-0,6-2.
Murray also took an on
American player in the number
two seed match. Lisa MacKey, of
American, defeated Murray 6-1,
In other doubles action, senior
Karla Hoyle and Millard finished
out their season in a rematch with
UNC-Wilmington's Melissa
Tynissmaa and Wendy Todd.
The teams met in ECU'S spring
opener at Wilmington with the
Seahawks winning in three sets,
Last weekend the Seahawks
captured another victory over the
Pirates in a 6-0,6-1 win.
The Lady Pirates finished the
year at 11 -7, a 5-2 fall record and a
6-5 spring record.
? i?iftfi m

APRIL 19,1988
hopes ft
sports trivia nuts, here's a tough
one: Who won the 1987 Team
Tennis title?
In case it slipped your mind, it's
the Charlotte Heat, which won
the title in its first seasion in the
only co-ed professional team
sport in the country.
Heat owner Bob Benson ac-
knowledges the eight-team
league suffers from an identity
"1 think (Commissioner) Billie
Jean King needs to spend more
time promoting the league he
said in an interview Wednesday
after announcing the Heat's new
lineup for the 1988 season, which
gets under way July 6 against the
San Antonio Racquets.
"It's a young league with some
strong owners said Benson.
"Who knows if it'll make it?"
The league gained two new
teams this season - the Portland
Panthers and Fresno Sun-Nuts.
The other franchises are in Los
Angeles, Sacramento, New Jersey
and Florida.
Benson says more expansion is
critical for the league to succeed.
"If we cold get 20 teams, the
prize pool would increase to $1
million he said. This year, 32
players will compete for $400,000
in prize money in a 59-match sea-
son that falls between Wimbledon
and the U.S. Open.
In its maiden season, the Char-
lotte franchise set season and
single-match attendance records
The Heat averages 3,350 fans over
nine home ma tchcrs. The champi-
onship game against San Antonio
was a sellout at the 5,000-seat
Olde Providence Racquet Club.
It was the year of the Reinachs.
The two sisters from South Africa,
Monica and Elna Reinach, were
the league's top women's doubles
team throughout the season.
Elna Reinach also won the most
individual awards of any player
Big man ready
for college ball
Ribert Jones is about to enter the
college football world of offensive
linemen, a world of obscurity in
which players are seldom no-
ticed, seldom publicized and
never get the game ball.
But Jones might change all that.
Stories already are being written
about him, and he's only 17, still in
high school.
What makes him noticeable is
his height and his weight. Jones is
7" feet tall and weighs 348 pounds.
That kind of size helped make
him a northern section all-state
player as a lineman on both of-
fense and defense while playing
for Division I state champion
Essex junction. Last season was
his first full saeson on offense.
Neighboring New Hampshire
will be next to get a look at him
when -he.enrolIs in the fall at the
.Unuwsitv of New Hampshire.
UNH Coach Bill Bowes saud
Jones is the biggest player he's
seen play football in 22 years, and
that certainly had something to
do with the Division I Yankee
Conference school offering a
scholarship when no one else did.
Indiana took a look at him, and
so did Syracuse, Penn State,
Maine and Northeastern, but it
never went any farther, Jones
"People hear 350, 6-11 (Jones
says 7-0) and they think 'no move-
ment, no quickness Bowes said.
"But he has some quickness
Watching Jones on film, Bowes
saw him "take a blocker and
throw him off like nothing, and
then run to the sideline and make
the tackle. If he can move his feet
a little, they're not going to go
through him
"He's a project, but let's be
frank. If he were a totally accom-
plished player now, we
wounldn't be getting him
Bowes said.
"But i f we're going to take a risk,
we may as well do it with a guy
that big who shows some evi-
time, there's no reason why he
can't do it 50 times (a game)
Bowes said.
Bowes acknowledegcs Jones
isn't quick enough for defense; he
plans to put Jones on the offensive
line only, although the idea of a 7-
footcr with arms raised rushing
the quarterback is tempting.
Bowes wants Jones to get down
to about 310, and then plans to
build him back up to 320 or so,
with muscle. It might take two
years. Jones will sit out as a re-
dshirt his freshamn year and
Bows hopes he'll be able to play
by his third year in school.
Jones is hoping to make 310 by
December, and have enough
muscle by his sophomore year to
play for the Wildcats.
The project already has begun.
He weighed 375 at the start of last
summer, but now is working out
almost daily. He's cutting out the
whole large pizzas and the entire
pans of lasagne.
in the league. So it was fitting that
the siblings were on center court
in the championship game
against San Antonio with the
Heat behind 20-19.
The Reinachs won six straight
points to capture the title, 25-20.
But there have been some major
lineup changes since last August.
The 1988 edition of the Heat will
feature two new men - North
Carolina native Tim Wilkison and
Eddie Edwards, another South
African who currently teams with
Elna Reinach in the mixed
doubles tour.
Edwards, a three-time All-
America at Pepperdine, replaced
Mike DePalmer, who had initially
committed to play for the Heat
this year but has since decided to
concentrate on the men's tour.
DePalmer posted the best
men's singles' record in 1987 with
a .589 winning percentage. His
departure means coach Karl
Coombes won't have to make a
choice between him and Wilkison
about who would play men's
"Mike's decision had nothing to
do with the Charlotte Heat
Coombes said. "In order to be a
little more successful on the cir-
cuit, he knew he had to play more
(tour events). He wanted to play
several tournaments in the month
we play. It was a scheduling con-
flict Wilkison was named as the
replacement to the retired John
"If Mike had been upset about
Tim, he could have gone to an-
other team Coombes said.
"There are plenty of teams that
would want him
Benson said the 30-year-old
Edwards was picked because of
his strength in mixed doubles and
"You need a good team player
who can blend in he said.
"That's why top singles players
like John McEnroe cant't play this
Benson believes the 1988 squad
is superior to last year's because
Wilkison and Edwards should
win more men's doubles matches
than Sadri and DcPalmerdid in
1987. Last year's men's doubles
team won slightly more (.507)
than they lost.
"I hope to win in the 60 percent
range this year the owner said.
"I think we'll win about 65 per-
cent of our mixed doubles be-
cause Elna and Eddie already
play together
The 28-year-old Wilkison
should fare well in singles, Ben-
son predicted. So should Elna
Reinach, 19, who was named the
league's most valuable women's
player and women's rookie of the
year in 1987.
"I'll predict a 11-3 or 12-2 fin-
ish said Benson. "I really think
this team is better than last year
Another question mark is 20-
year-old Monica Reinach's ailing
right knee, which was operated
on four months ago for ligament
"It's the most serious of knee
injuries but she's been recuperat-
ing for months and she's already
jogging and playing tennis said
Benson. "We expect her back
If she's not ready for the season
- which runs from July 6 to Aug. 7
- her spot will be taken by Louise
Allen, a Winston-Salem resident.
Benson's looking for big things
from his revised lineup.
"I think we can (repeat) he
said. "I know that puts a lot of
pressure on the kids, but they can
handle it
Join Tim Chandler
and the sports
department each
week in
The Ea-st Carolinian
Tim best in sports reporting
The East Carolinian
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University ot Kcntuc t)
gating a published rep
package sent K at?
to the father ot a I os Vi
school basketball staj
tallv opened, reve
The Duly News
in a copyright
editions, said it
nackeage and it
Employees ot i rk
The player Chris k
Fairfax High Sd
tter of mtent
basketball scl
ftucky, which was i
last month by the N
?nor violations alter i
ivestigation ot ch -
stantial payments ?
Mills, his father
officials denied kr
I money, the news
But univerish
fcj Roselle i?k
Statement Wednesd
"There is
story in the
about possible rx
NCAA rules in
program. We fi rsl '?- i
matter on last Fridav
result of a teleph. ?
reporter from i
"He gave us
Braves ar
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Don't Miss This! It's The Event Of The Tear!
(AP)?After being - ?
.losing 10 straigl I
lanta Braves are read) I -
Zanc Smith p ?
; ?ter and Da ma so Gar
Lfor-37 slump v. tl -
home run as Atla rtta
ord losing streak .
itory over Los Ang
Stadium on Sunday.
A The Braves lost 7-41
les on Saturday to set
vord with 10 staig
'start of the seas
Vleague record is 13 b) '?'
-Non in 1904 and
v. The Baltimore Orioles
awav that mark
is killing
(AP)?Losing 12 in a i
thing, Orioles Manager
Robinson says. Winning n
something else.
Baltimore moved
loss of the major league recoi
season-opening failures S
bowing 4-1 to the Qevelar d
The Indians, meanwhi
won five in a row and are or
their best start since 1966.
"A loss is a loss'said R
who took over as manager i I
fired Cal Ripken last week. ' B J
what makes it doubly touch ij
that we've not won a game. It
not just a 12- or 13- game streal
It's that we're 0-and-whatever
When Atlanta beat Los Angela
3-1 Sunday, the Orioles becamj
the only team in the major leagu
without a victory this season
Elsewhere, Boston beat Tex:
15-2, Milwaukee defeated Nej
York6-3, Detroit beat Kansas Cil
8-6, Toronto defeated Minn I
2-0, Chicago beat Oakland 7-6 art
Don't be
? amnw
-?T??i?mwi i?wi?k?

APRIL 19,1988
e sports
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11 semester.
summer special
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Iv presents
n 'til 6 p.m.
ippearances on
Wildcats may be in for trouble
jl nivcrsity of Kentucky is invest-
igating a published report that a
package sent by an assistant coach
jto the father of a Los Angeles high
?school basketball star acciden-
tally opened, revealing $1,000 in
n will merge
s, Arcade Games,
;nt Of The Year!
I he Daily News of Los Angeles,
a copyright story in today's
mis. said it learned of the
keage and it contents from
jpmployees of a delivery service.
player, Chris Mills of
rfax High School, signed the
? of intent Nov. 11 to accept a
basketball scholarship to Ken-
v which was reprimanded
month by the NCAA for mi-
iolations after a lengthy in-
;ation of charges that sub-
il payments were made to
j Mills, his father and univerist
ials denied knowledge of the
icy, the newspaper reported.
it univeristy President David
selle issued the following
?ent Wednesday night:
ft to is going to be a morning
?t in the L.A. Daily News
? possible new violations of
rules in our basketball
ram. We first heard about the
r on last Friday evening as a
oi a telephone inquiry by a
rter from the newspaper.
i gave us onlv enough infor-
mation to indicate the possibility
of a serious rule infraction. We
immediately began an investiga-
tion and in very short order in-
formed the NCAA enforcement
"Within a day, we confirmed
enough of the information given
to us by the reporter to be seri-
ously concerned. At that point, we
requested the NCAA staff to join
us in further investigation It is
our intention to find out what
happened, to report everything
we find to the NCAA, to take full
responsibility for whatever is
proved to have occurred
A shipment record obtained by
the newspaper showed the pack-
age was sent March 30 via Emery
Worldwide air freight, from Ken-
tucky assistant basketball coach
Dwane Casey to Mills' father,
Casey, interviewed in Pitts-
burgh at a national high school
all-star game last Friday, denied
he put money in the package.
"We don't recruit that way " he
said. "But I have never, ev r put
any money in a package. That
accusation is ridiculous
Said head coach Eddie Sutton:
"I can promise you it didn't occur.
1 feel very confident in my assis-
tant coaches. I don't believe it
NCAA officials said serious
penalties could be imposed if the
allegation is substantiated.
"It's called improper induce-
ment David Berst, NCAA direc-
tor of enforcement, said in a tele-
phone interview from NCAA
headquarters in Mission, Kan.
On March 4, the NCAA said it
failed to uncover any proof of
wrongdoing after investigating
charges that Kentucky had vio-
lated several NCAA rules, includ-
ing cash payments to players.
The 6-foot-7 Mills, who
averaged 28.3 points per game as
a senior, was intensely recruited
by some of the nation's power-
house programs.
In a series of interviews during
the last week, employees of Em-
ery told the newspaper they no-
ticed cash when a package broke
open during handling March 31 at
their Los Angeles shipment cen-
Casey said the package he sent
contained Claud Mills' video tape
of his son playing basketball.
Schools routinely obtain vide-
otapes to review athletes' prog-
ress and determine whether to
recruit them.
Eric Osborn, the Emery em-
ployee who found the opened
package when it arrived, said he
looked inside and saw money
stickng out of a vidcocassctte box.
His supervisor, Paul Perry, said
he called over several employees
as witnesses and counted out the
$1,000 in $50 bills and had the
package sealed for delivery.
Perry said he counted the
money in front of other employ-
ees because it is against company
policy to accept currency, pre-
cious stones or guns for shipment.
"I am just the one who hap-
pened to see it because it popped
open Perry said.
Claud Mills, who said he was
interviewed by the NCAA, ac-
knowledged that he received a
video tape from Casey. He said he
talked by telephone March 31
with a man who identified him-
self as an Emery employee and
was told there was a package
containing $1,000 addressed to
Claud Mills said Chris Mills
signed for the package and that
when he got home he found the
videotape, but no cash.
"I didn't receive no money from
Dwane Casey Claud Mills said.
"Nobody from Kentucky gave me
no money. They sent me a tape,
but I don't know nothing about no
Chris Mills said after the all-star
game in Pittsburgh that he knew
nothing about any money from
the university.
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Braves are now ready to roll to wins
After being rocked by
1 straight games, the At-
Braves are ready to roll.
nuth pitched a four-hit-
d I amaso Garcia broke a 1-
lump with his first XL
run as Atlanta ended a rec-
cing streak with a 3-1 vic-
ver Los Angeles at Dodger
im on Sundav.
raves lost 7 to 1 .os Ange-
- n Saturday to ser an NL rec-
vith 10 staight losses at the
the season. The major
ue record is 13 bv Washing-
n 1904 and Detroit in 1920.
Baltimore Orioles are one
. that mark.
"If anything, it's a big relief
Smi th said. "The pressure is off us
now, and we can go about our
business and play ball like we're
capable of
At the monent, the Braves are
playing .091 ball.
Smith, 1-2, stuck out five and
walked one. The only run off the
left-hander came in the third in-
ning, when Rick Dempsey
walked and later scored from sec-
ond on a single by Steve Sax.
"The guv who had the most
pressure on him was Zane
Smith Atlanta's ever-ebullient
Manasger Chuck Tanner said.
"He can pitch with any pitcher in
is killing the O's
any league
Smith was well aware of the
situation and how much the
Braves needed him to pitch wel.
"At that point, 1 was basically
trying to go after each hitter and
get them out one by one Smith
said. "Once I got the lead, I felt I
counldn't let the team down. So I
just tried top keep my concentra-
tion and get each hitter one at and
go from there
Elsewhere in the NL Sunday it
was Montreal 5, Philadelphia 2;
New York 3, St. Louis 2; Tittsburg
12, Chicago 7; Houston 5, Cincin-
nati 3 and San Francisco 9, San
Diego 4.
Garcia, who missed the entire
19B7 season with torn ligaments
in his left knee, hit a two-run
homer off Don Sutton, 0-2, with
one out in the sixth to put the
Braves ahead. The homer scored
Albert Hall, who had singled.
The Braves made it 3-1 in the
eighth when Hall walked and
scored on Dion James' triple.
Tanner was in a jovial mood
after seeing his team win for the
first time in 12 regular-season.
The music was blaring in the club-
house, the food tasted better and
the phone was ringing off the
hook in his office. Tanner thiught
it was someone offering con-
"AI canceled the workout to-
morrow because we're going so
good the Braves' skipper joked.
"Hopefully, this is the start of
something good for us
-Losing 12 in a row is one
Orioles Manager Frank
n says. Winning none is
thing else.
more moved within one
- i the major league record for
opening failures Sunday,
g 4-1 to the Cleveland Indi-
Indians, meanwhile, have
five in a row and are off to
irbest start since 1966.
A loss is a loss said Robinson,
? k over as manager for the
I Cal Ripken last week. "But
it makes it doubly tough is
? we've not won a game. It's
I just a 12- or 13- game streak.
it we're 0-and-whatever.
When Atlanta beat Los Angeles
3-1 Sunday, the Orioles became
only team in the major leagues
hout a victory this season.
Elsewhere, Boston beat Texas
15-2, Milwaukee defeated New
i kf-3, Detroit beat Kansas City
Toronto defeated Minnesota
Chicago beat Oakland 7-6 and
California defeated Seattle 7-4.
Indians 4, Orioles 1
With another loss, Baltimore
would tie the major league record
of 13 to start a saeson by the 1904
Senators and 1920 Tigers. The
start already is the worst in the
Orioles history, and the losing
streak is only two short of the
franchise record of 14.
Mel Hall and Brook Jacoby had
three hits apiece for the Indians,
and John Ferral allowed four hits
in 81 -3 inningsbefore getting one-
hit relief help from Dan
The Orioles have scored just 17
runs in their 12 games. Baltimore
hitters arc hitless in their last 27at-
bats with runners in scoring posi-
tion, and this was the sixth game
they've had five hits in his last 30
"There's no way we realistically
expected to be 11-2 Indians out-
fielder Joe Carter said. "Nobody
would have expected this
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The East Carolinian, April 19, 1988
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 19, 1988
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