The East Carolinian, April 7, 1988

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

H ??
The Sigma Sigma Sigma house is being designated a
historical landmark, Jeanie Wheby will have the
story and the history.
The Bonehead bids Greenville goodbye. See page ?
Tie Pirates beat Liberty, See page 14.
?he lEaat Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. 62 No. 50
Thursday, April 7,1988
Greenville, NC
16 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Murphy, Jones win SGA run off elections
Assistant Newt Editor
A grasp of spring air finally has
been taken as the SGA election are
over. Larry Murphy was an-
nounced the winner of the presi-
dential race by claiming 68 per-
cent of the vote and Kelly Jones
became the vice president elect
after compiling 55 percent of elec-
A total of 1199 students voted in
the run off elections.
Murphy defeated opponent
Greg Thompson by a margin of
420 votes. Murphy won all four
polling centers, with decisive vic-
tories at the Student Store and the
Jones defeated opponent Steve
Sommers by winning three out of
the four polling places. Jones won
by al35 vote margin with good
standings at the bottom of College
Hill Drive and the Croatan.
After the final vote count,
Murphy thanked all of his sup-
porters and said that he is looking
forward to, "serving the students
to the best of my abilities, and
most of all 1 hope 1 represent the
students the way they want to be
Murphy said that he wants be
known as, "an SGA president
who will stand up for the stu-
dents' rights
The first priority of the Murphy
term is reactivating the worker
petition preregistration program
which was removed last summci
by the university administratior
after allegations that the prograrr
was being abused by students
who were lieing about their work
Murphy said he will be working
with the ECU adminstration this security and students so that Thompson plans to be in-
summcr in attempts to get the crimes, and rapes in particular, volved with the SGA in the up-
work petition preregistration re- could be publicized. Through coming year and hopes that he
publicizing such crimes, Jones will be able develop support for
said students would rally to find his campaign ideas. "I hope that
instated so that the program can
be used for fall course registra-
Second on Murphy's agenda
will be to begin planning for an
SGA brochure to be distributed to
all students by the fall semester in
efforts to inform people of the
various services that the SGA of-
fers. Earlier in his campaign,
Murphv said the brochure would
be helpful because he did not
think students realize all the serv-
ices, such as loans and rentals,
that the SGA offers.
Murphy said he believes Som-
mers would be his choice for the
SGA speaker of the house in the
fall semester's assembly. Murphy
said he would be able to work
effectively with Sommers as the
Vice president elect Kelly Jones
said after the vote count she had
expected a close fight for the vice
president position between her
and Sommers. Jones said she was
pleased with the voter turnout for
the run offs.
High on Jones' list of priorities
is the reinstatement of the escort
service Pirate Walk, which she
said is much needed in the light of
rumors that several rapes and
attempted rapes have occurred
this semester. Jones said that she
has already begun to work with
Captain Keith Knox, the head of
the criminal division of campus Polls are poorly manned
security, on ideas to restart Pirate
"This is a sad day for progress at
Sommers said that a closed poll
at the Belk Allied Health Building
and the partial closing of the
methods of preventing the acts. ideas on my platform will be in- Mendenhall poll hurt his election
In a phone interview Wednes- corporated with some of his
day night after the ballot count, (Murphy's) endeavors Th-
Thompson said he commended ompsonsaid.
Murphy on a fair campaign. "I Sommers, who earlier Wcdnes-
think he (Murphy) is capable of day was upset because a polling
doing the job and I look forward center at Mendenhall Student
to working with him Thompson Center remained closed for an
said. hour, said after the elections.
chances. Of the two polls, Som-
mers said, "It is a shame because I
was kicking butt at those places
In critizing the student voter
turnout for the first and run off
elections, Sommers said, "Stu-
See CAMPAIGNS, page 2
Jones also said she would at-
tempt to clear the channels of
communication between campus
Pretty says fraternity not
involved in Garrett assault
Managing Editor
sponsible for Sunday's assault on
several students in Garrett Resi-
The president of the Eta Psi dence Hall.
chapter of the Kappa Alpha Psi "This whole incident was
fraternity said Wednesday that blown up into a fraternity thing
his fratemitv was in no wav re- William Pretty said in a phone
interview. "Kappa Alpha Psi as a
fraternity does not condone vio-
Pretty went on to say he
thought the press had blown the
incident out of proportion. "My
concern and the problem I'm
Porcelli proposes election changes
B TIM HAMPTON The rccluiremcnt should be a ett said the MendenhalTattendant
' A?i.unt New. Editor pressure that would be applied to left the poll after no one came to
With the close of Wednesday's make these groups fullfill their relieve the pollster. The attendant
SGA run off elections, a former duty Porcelli said of his pro- took the ballot box with him whei.
election chairman said he be- posed plans,
lieved the elections can be im- Porcelli's second recommen-
proved by requiring SGA funded dation calls for the SGA to pay
groups to attend poll sights. individuals to sit at the polls and
The Elections Committee to "scrap the group poll tenders
chairman gathers attendants
from social groups such as frater-
nities to man the polls.
"I feel strongly about this
said Tony Porcelli. Porcelli, who
held the position for the first
all together He said this pro-
posal would be used only if atten-
dants could not be assembled
from SGA funded groups.
By having SGA funded
groups required to attend the
polls or by having the alternative
of paying attendants, Porcelli said
that the plan would eliminate al-
White was arrested shortly after
midnight Monday and charged
with three counts of simple as-
sault and one count of injury to
personal property. He was re-
leased on a $900 unsecured bond.
His first court date is set for April
ECU Public Safety Chief Johnny
Rose said Tuesday the police
could not confirm if any more
fraternity members were in-
volved in the fracas, saying that
kind of information would not be
included in official police reports.
The name of the second student
assaulted was also released Tues-
day. Mike Jensen of Maryland
suffered a broken nose as a result
of the assault. After leaving cam-
pus for home Monday, Jensen has
reportedly returned to ECU.
"The whole thing is centered
around individuals that were
there and not the fraternit)
Pretty said. "If s not Kappa Alpha
Pretty declined to comment
further on the issue or directly on
the assault saying that since his
Laura Sherrill won Best Overall Interpreter and Matt Hermes won fraternity had no part in the as-
Best Overall Speaker in this year's Speaker's Festival held Tuesday sault, he felt he had no reason to
and Wednesday. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab) comment on it.
spring elections, says that the re-
having a hard time dealing with sponsibility of manning the elec-
now is that Kappa Alpha Psi was tion polls should be given to
brought into a matter that was campus gToups who are granted legations surrounding unat-
involving a member. One stu- funding from the SGA. tended polls. Vice presidential
dent. An individual he said. Porcelli said in a recommen- candidate Steve Sommers said he
That one person, the only stu- dation to the student legislature was upset that a polling center at
dent arrested so far in what police that the $GA should require Mendenhall was left unattended
groups to attend polls for a hour and a half in
because, "In the past, not all or- Wednesday's elections,
ganizations have been responsive Concerning the unattended
sitting at a poll according to the Mendenhall poll, Elections
recommendation. Committee Chairman Paul Puck-
officials are calling a continuing
investigation, is Teddy Matthew
White, 20, of Monroe.
he left.
Puckett said the ballots in the
Mendenhall box matched with
the number of recorded identifi-
cation numbers. For that reason,
Puckett said the box was valid in
the ballot counting.
The polling center at the Allied
Health Building was not open all
day Wednesday because Puckett
said he couldn't find anyone to
man the position. In attempts to
find an attendant for the position,
Puckett said he contacted 20 to 25
places to no avail.
Agreeing with Porcelli, Puck-
ett said he thought the proposed
plans are good recommendations
and he said he hopes the student
government will support the
"Overall, the election ran
See TWO, page 2
Members of the SGA Elections Committee counted ballots last night to determine
year's SGA contests. (Ellen Murphy ? Photolab)

APRIL 7,1988
Maryland considers bill to deny aid to some
(CPS) ? State legislators in
Maryland are considering a bill
that would deny financial aid to
voug men who fail to register for
the draft, while Arizona
lawmakers are debating a similar
bill that would withhold
admission to colleges as well as
student grants and loans.
A young man who refuses to
register his name and address
with the Selective Service Svstem
"reneges on his responsibility as a
citizen' argued State Sen.
Raymond Beck, who introduced
the Maryland bill.
About 23 percent of the nation's
18-to 20 year olds have not
registered for the draft, Brig. Gen.
Phillip Sherman, the Maryland
Selective Service System director,
said during a hearing on the bill.
About 3 percent of those betwoon
the ages of 20 to 25 also have failed
to register.
Phillips, who urged passage of
the bill, said such measures
convey "a message to today's men
that the benefits of citizenship
don't come without
"It's difficult to get an 18-year-
old's attention Sherman said.
"When he sits down to fill out a
financial aid application, you
have to get his attention
Sigma Xi makes awards
Awards to a high school science
teacher and to a professor and
student at East Carolina
U niversity were given by the ECU
chapter of Sigma Xi, the Scientific
Research Society, at a banquet
The Sigma Xi Award for
Outstanding Dedication to
Teaching of Science or
Mathematics went to Leslie G.
Rrinson of Greenville. Brinsonisa
biology teacher at J.H. Rose High
Dr. Mark M. Brinson, ECU
professor of biology, won the
Helms Award for faculty research
and Eric R. Powers of Matthews,
N.C a graduate student in
geology, received the Helms
Research Award for graduate
The Helms Awards are given
annually by Sigma Xi to faculty
and students for research
achievement. The awards are
named in honor of three former
faculty members: the late Mary
Caughey Helms and Christine
Helms of the Department of
Biology and R. Marshall Helms of
the Department of Physics.
The award to Brinson
recognizes his research on the
"Nutrient Assimilative Capacity
of an Alluvial Floodplain
Swamp The research study was
published in the Journal of
Applied Ecology.
Powers studied the "Diatom
Biostratigraphy and
Paleoccology of the Miocene
Pungo River Formation, Onslow
Bay, North Carolina Continental
Shelf His study has been
accepted for special publication
about the sea bottom sediments
on the N.C. Continental Shelf.
Powers is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred E. Powers of Matthews,
Congress overrides bill veto
Congress overrode President
Reagan's veto March 22 of a bill
that promises to make it harder
tor colleges to discriminate
against people because of their
gender, race, age or physical dis-
The new law ? called the Civil
Rights Restoration Act of 1988 ?
will empower Washington to cut
off federal funds to campuses that
President Reagan, in vetoing
the bill in mid-March, argued the
law would give the federal gov-
ernment too much power to
meddle in private affairs.
But last week, when the veto
went back to Congress for ap-
proval, the Senate voted 73-24 and
the House voted 292-133 to over-
ride the veto.
'Women, minorities, the dis-
abled and the elderly once again
have laws that will open thedoors
to equal opportunity exulted
Marei Grecnberger of the Na-
tiona Women's Law Center after
the vc te.
The new law "restores" the
scope of an older policy?Title IX
of the Education Amendments of
1972 ? that also let the govern-
ment punish discriminating col-
leges by cutting off their funds.
Fear of such penalties
prompted scores of colleges to
funnel more resources into
women's sports, recruiting more
female faculty members and
other affirmative action pro-
Officails at Hillsdalc college in
Michigan and Grove City College
in Pennsylvania, however, ar-
gued Title IX amounted to a fed-
eral license to intrude in their af-
In lawsuits, they contended
only the specific program that got
federal funds ? not the whole
college ? should be subject to
Title IX penalties. In 1984, the U.S.
Dept. of Education ? which had
the power to investigate and sue
colleges under Title IX ?- has
dropped investigations into 63
cases of alleged discrimination
against campus women,
Grcenberger's group contended
in a study.
Cases of women alleging sexual
harassment, bias aginst their pro-
motions and other forms of dis-
crimination at Mississippi,
Campaigns over at last
Continued from page 1
dent apathy has made the SGA
not representative of the students.
There is a real need for students to
look for what's going on, only 8
percent seem to care
Sommers also critized his op-
ponent Jones for what he called
negative advertisement she made
m a letter to the editor ?n The East
Both Sommers and Jones have
made several personal attacks on
each other in their respective
campaigns. During his campaign,
Sommer said that Jones was pri-
marily campaigning on SGA ex-
perience and "her love for
people In response to Sommers
broad-based campaign, Jones
said after the initial elections that
Sommers "should run for con-
gress instead of the SGA
In an unusual happening, the
two candidates agreed on some-
thing. "Yes, I did run a negative
advertisement on Steve because
he has been misinforming the
students. He is just a lot of talk, so
I campaigned on that. It was as
negative campaigning as it was
informative Jones said after the
final count of the ballots.
Sommers conceded Wednes-
day night by saying, "She will
work hard at the job, I just hope
she keeps the students in mind
In a closing comment, Jones
said she would like to thank all of
her supporters and John Eagan,
the public defender, in particular.
Wednesday's results complete
the 1988-1989 SGA executive
council which includes, Murphy,
Jones, Tripp Roakes as treasurer
and Colleen McDonald as secre-
tary. Both Roakes and McDonald
ran unopposed and thus won by
SGA President Scott Thomas
said he was sure Murphy and
Jones could do the job they were
elected to do. "I feel confident that
they (Murphy-Jones) will build
on the accomplishments of this
year and continue to carry on a
strong student government at
Continued from page 1
smooth as silk Puckett said.
On the number of polling
places, both Porcelli and Puckett
said they thought the five to six
polls were sufficient for student
access. Both said they feel the
polling centers are placed in vis-
ible areas where there is a high
density of student traffic.
Puckett said in the future a
polling center should be set up in
front of the new building because
of the great number of students
converging around that area.
porcelli said that if his plans
are implemented that the elec-
rions system would still not be
Invincible to flaws. "Anyone can
Krcak a lock, but a lock will keep a
honest person from breaking in
he said.
Porcelli said his plans would
allow for a smoother process in
balloting. Since the controversy
over last spring's executive elec-
tions which stemmed from poll
sitters allegedly influencing voter
decisions, Porcelli said there have
been few problems in the last five
After the final tally of the bal-
lots Wednesday, SGA President
Scott Thomas said that the elec-
tions committee should be com-
mended on a job well done. "The
committee completed a lot of
planning and follow through to
see that problems in the past
didn't reoccur Thomas said.
DeKalb Community and Los
Angeles Southwest colleges,
Penn State, South Dakota State,
Idaho State, Auburn, Ball State
and Gonzaga universities, and
the universities of Vermont and
Alabama, among others were
dropped by the Education Dept.
after the Supreme Court decision.
After 4 years of debate, last
week's congressional vote effec-
tively overturned the court's rul-
Two chairmen agree
changes need to be made
Thirteen states ? including
Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
North Dakota, Ohio and Maine ?
already deny college admission
or financial aid to
In 1983, Congress approved
federal legislation that requires
students to register with the
Selective Service in order to
qualify for federal student aid.
Critics of such measures say
they wrongly force colleges to
help recruit for the military.
"What it does is it puts the
uiniversities in a position where
they would be policing people
said Barbara Wissman, a
spokeswoman for the ARizona
Board of Regents.
"It would be an administrative
nightmare for the university
added University of Arizona
administrator J. Gregory Fahey.
"Both at the state and federal
levels, it's inappropriate to use
financial aid to do something
other than help people get an
education said Gillam Kerley of
the commitee Against
Registration and the Draft
Kerley said measures that link
registration to financial aid
Kappa ball
The Eta Psi chapter of the Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. will
sponsor its first scholarship ball
Saturday. Awards will be given to
outstanding student applicants,
and special tribute will be paid to
several Greenville businesses.
Tickets for the event are $7 for
couples and $4 for singles. For
ticket information, see any mem-
ber of the fraternity or pick them
up at the Kappa Alpha Psi table in
front of the bookstore.
The ball will be held at the Hil-
ton Inn in Greenville.
discriminate1 against the poor and
middle-class students who
depend on financial assistance,
while "men with affluetn parents
are let off the hook
"If we were to deny admissions
to students who do not register
with the Selective Service ? to
male students ? I'm afraid that is
being discriminatroy
University of Arizona Vice
President for Student Affairs
Dudley B. Woodsd said during a
legislatvie hearing.
Denying aid and admission to
those who don't register unfairly
focuses on a small group of
lawbreakers, Charles B. Morton, a
Maryland law student, told state
"There is no more reason to
deny someone financial aid for
violating draft registration than
any other crime. It is an
enforcement provision bearing
no relation to the offense
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Students voted at polls like trl
electing Larry Murphv and k
Walters ?Photolab) '
After a coi
men for ti
(CPS) ? Despite the opposite
of many students arid
alumni, a udge last week
moved the last big obstac j
Massachusetts women's collegj
plan to start admitting men n
Agroupof 9 alumni, whr I
to represnt hundreds of Wheat!
College grads around the coi
try, failed last week to stop
school from going coed whe
county judge said Wheaton'sc
k :TV
(CPS) ? Minority studenl
anger and frustrations - - whiJ
have erupted as sit-ins demol
strations, occupations of prof
dents' offices, lawsuits and ra.i
on dozensof campuses this schc
vear ? surfaced again last wej
in protests at North Carolina St J
and the universities of MassachJ
setts and California-Berkeles
At Berkeley, police arrested
law students March 23 tor
lzing a class boycott and refusij
to budge from law school Def
Jesse Choper's office.
The students had oecupk
office after Choper said he had I
author to call an open facul
meeting to discuss the sehoa
failure to grant tenure to sign
cant numbers oi women
minority law professors
Across the country. C St
University students marched
campus plaza to present a petil
asking officials to recruit m
minority students and hire ni
Top eleven s
The "top eleven" seniors in
East Carolina University Col
of Arts and Sciences w
recognized by the Pitt Coi
Association of Phi Beta k
alumni Tuesday, April 5
campus ceremony held
VanLandingham Room of
Home Economics Building
The honorees ha ve achieve
highest academic grade
averages in discipll
recognized by Phi Beta kc
honor society. Each
presented an engraved Jeffcj
cup, and checks were giv
Ruth Anne Uebelhoer Rieg
Hampton, Va. and Chartrj
Heam of Kinston, who ha
highest academic avcr
among the honorees.
Hosts for the ceremony
Chancellor and Mrs. Richai
Eakin. Each honoree
introduced bv Dr. Caroline Al
The. .
5th St. Entrance
Now Open
- UHfajl

pslatvie hearing.
Vnying aid and admission to
Lose who don't register unfairly
uses on a small group of
w breakers, Charles B. Morton, a
ryland law student, told state
There is no more reason to
eny someone financial aid for
iolating draft registration than
nv other crime. It is an
iforcement provision bearing
relation to the offense
s community since 1925.
'ctor of Advertising
James Russo
Adam Blankenship
4 15
. 4 05
3 95
) B5
$90 00
155 ?
6c each
5.5 each
5 each
Blvd. - Greenville
APRIL 7,1968
Campuses quiet on Honduras
Students voted at polls
electing Larry Murphy
Walters ?Photolab)
(CPS) ? American campuses,
long a center of opposition to
J President Reagan's Central
American policies, have been
j mostly quiet in reaction to the
president's deployment of troops
to Honduras.
The activists blame bad
networking and even spring
break for the silence.
"It's a bad time said Rose
Hayslett of the University of Iowa
Central American Solidarity
Committee. "A lot of students are
out of town on spring break
Opposition to the Reagan
administration's Central America
policy has rocked campuses
practically since the president
was first selected in 1980, and
?have gained momentum in recent
Although students at a handful
of schools have protested since
March 16, when 3,200 U.S.
soldiers were sent to Honduras
after Nicaraguan troops allegedly
entered that country chasing
rebel forces, most college Central
American groups have been
like this one across the campus Wednesday, conspicuous by their absence,
and Kelly Jones to SGA positions. (Thomas "If anything, students are
getting involved in community
efforts rather than on campus
said Hugh Byrne, the politcal
director of the Committee on
Solidarity with the People of El
Salvador. "Community groups
are better prepared to respond to
these escalations he said.
"Student groups are less plugged
into the national organizations
calling for actions
Byrne nevertheless was
puzzled by the lack of response on
"You would think it would
have hit students harder Byrne
said of the deployment of troops.
"If there's a major escalation of
hostilities ? or a major war ?
they're the one's who will have to
fight it
Still, students did participate
in protests held in San Francisco,
Boston, Minneapolis,
Washington DC. and other cities,
Byrne reported. But he wonders
why there hasn't been more
campus protests "given the
amount of attention the issue has
received on other campuses
"There's been a lot of apathy" at
the University of Minnesota,
campus College Republican
Chairman Tom Trecker said.
"Among students, most are not
informed and apathetic. This is a
fairly liberal campus, but the
activists are either on the far left or
are conservatives. The students in
between never get involved
Campuses, of course, have not
been entirely quiet. About 200
people rallied at Maine's Bates
College, while students at
Rutgers University and the
universities of California-
Berkeley and Colorado also
demonstrated against the
At the University of Iowa,
activists celebrating a Central
Intelligence Agency decision not
to recruit at the school this spring
used the event to protest the troop
Haysett figured crowd sizes
will increase if the president
keeps troops in Honduras beyond
his 10-day commitment, if only
because spring break will be over.
For Your Summer Storage Needs
Economy Mini-Storage
300 Farmer's St.
Greenville, NC 27834
Discount To All Students
After a court battle, women's college will admit
men for the first time in 154-year history
(CPS) ? Despite the opposition
of many students and some
alumni, a judge last week re-
moved the last big obstacle to a
Massachusetts women's college's
plan to start admitting men next
A group of 9 alumni, who claim
to represnt hundreds of Wheaton
College grads around the coun-
try, failed last week to stop the
school from going coed when a
county judge said Wheaton's offi-
cials could use money raised in a
recent fundraising campaign to
help bring men to campus.
"It's important to keep
women's colleges alive said
alumnus Nancy McCann, one of
those opposing Wheaton's plan to
admit men for the first time in its
154-year history.
"There should be options.
Women's colleges afford women
the chance to take a real leader-
ship while they're trying out their
wings before they go out into the
real world
Facing waning interest, falling
enrollments and mounting diffi-
culties in getting enough money
to stay alive, several women's
colleges have gone coed in recent
Pennsylvania's Seton Hill col-
lege, Virginia's Marymount
Univeristy, Goucher College in
Maryland and Vassar College, for
example, have all begun admit-
Minority students-protest, boycott
5 ?i.t$Wf jg. ytSi
(CPS) ? Minority student's
anger and frustrations ? which
have erupted as sit-ins, demon-
strations, occupations of presi-
dents' offices, lawsuits and rallies
on dozens of campuses this school
year ? surfaced again last week
in protests at North Carolina State
and the universities of Massachu-
setts and California-Berkeley.
At Berkeley, police arrested 28
law students March 23 for organ-
izing a class boycott and refusing
to budge from law school Dean
Jesse Choper's office.
The students had occupied the
office after Choper said he had no
author to call an open faculty
meeting to discuss the school's
failure to grant tenure to signifi-
cant numbers of women and
minority law professors.
Across the country, N.C. State
University students marched to a
campus plaza to present a petition
asking officials to recruit more
minority students and hire more
minority faculty members.
On the same day ? March 17 ?
about 100 University of Massa-
chusetts-Amherst students dem-
onstrated against what they
claimed was UMass administra-
tors' "slow response" to minority
students' issues.
In early March, of course, 120
students occupied a UMass build-
ing for a week in a dramatic re-
sponse to four white students'
unprovoked attack on two black
students. The episode sparked a
similar sit-in at nearby Hamp-
shire College.
While UMass officials have
kicked the four white students off
campus and begun several dis-
cussion groups, the ralliers
wanted to keep up the pressure.
We're not going to have peace
until we have justice swore
Graduate Student Senate Presi-
dent Jonathan Frank at the rally.
Nevertheless, students and offi-
cals at other campuses continued
dialogue that seems to have risen
from the angry confrontations
that have occured everywhere
from Tompkins-Cortland Com-
munity College in New York to
UCLA this school year.
On March 22, for example,
Governors State University in Illi-
nois and the Johnson Foundation
in Racine, Wisconsin, cohosted a
nationwide video conference
that, the sponsors claimed, linked
people from 175 campuses to-
gether to discuss what to do about
college racism.
A few days earlier, Nebraska
State Sen. Ernie Chambers told a
University of Nebraska forum on
college racism he agreed the
school isolated black students
and made them feel lonely and
Chambers said he would take
the complaints he ehard back to
the legislature, hoping to imple-
ment some solutions for all the
state's colleges.
Top eleven seniors recognized at ceremony
ting men, often over the objec-
tions of their alumni and stu-
Other women's schools like
Barnard, Bryn Mawr and Welle-
sley have established closer tics to
nearby coed colleges.
Wheaton's trustees aproved
plans to admit men in May, 1987,
sparking sit-ins and angry letters
form alumni.
McCann and 8 other grads did
more, suing the trustees for alleg-
edly misrepresenting their plans
during a fundraising campaign
from 1983 to 1985 to celebrate
Wheaton's 150 anniversary.
They tV argued Wheaton
shouldn't be able to use the $26
"rfcHk?lfraisecI orr recruiting
"The theme of the drive was
preparing women for the 21st
century said alumnus Mary
Ann Marsh, one of the women
who brought the suit. "We had no
idea they planned to make the
school co-ed
But Judge Ernest Rotenberg of
Bristol County Probate Court last
week ruled the school had the
right to use all but the $120,000
donated by the 9 women for co-
educational purposes.
A hearing will be hald May 9 to
determine the fate of the funds the
9 alumni donated to the school.
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?ast Carolinian
The "top eleven" seniors in ihe
East Carolina University College
of Arts and Sciences were
recognized by the Pitt County
Association of Phi Beta Kappa
alumni Tuesday, April 5, in a
campus ceremony held in the
VanLandingham Room of the
Home Economics Building.
The honorees have achieved the
highest academic grade point
averages in disciplines
recognized by Phi Beta Kappa
honor society. Each was
presented an engraved Jefferson
cup, and checks were given to
Ruth Anne Uebelh jr Riegel of
Hampton, Va. and Chartra Lee
Hearn of Kinston, who had the
highest academic averages
among the honorees.
Hosts for the ceremony were
Chancellor and Mrs. Richard R.
Eakin. Each honoree was
introduced by Dr. Caroline Avers.
chairman of the ECU chemistrv
department and president of the
local Phi Beta Kappa alumni
chapter. Other guests were
friends and relatives of the
Other "top eleven" honorees
were Glenda Kennedy of
Richlands, Lisa Hammontree of
Jacksonville, Mary Katherine
White of Washington, Todd
Lawrence McLawhorn and
William Mitten of Winterville,
Lewis Roberson of Greenville,
David Green of Raleigh, Mark
Goodin of Troutman and J.
Timothy Meigs of Cullowhee.
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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
UANlhL MAUKfcK, GmiIMmp,
Clay Deanhardt, ? uu
James F.J. McKee, dm
TlM Cl 1ANDLER, Sports Etor
Joi in Carter, f?? &
Mia ielle England, & m
Debbie Stevens, .w
Jeff Parker,s?,t m
TOM Fl)RR,Cmulm Manager
Mike Upchurch, p, m
John W. Medlin, An rwa,
Mac Clark. ??
April 7, 1988
Page 4
ITie winners
Faced with a tough year
The final election results are in at
last, and we have a new set of execu-
tive officers for the 1988-89 school
Larry Murphy and Kelly Jones will
do good jobs as president and vice
president. They both are experi-
enced legislators and should be ef-
fective and strong in dealing with
the administration.
They will be faced with some
tough challenges. If we have learned
one thing during the course of the
campaign, it is that Pirate Walk
needs to be reactivated. That will be
one of Jones's responsibilities, and
she is going to have to dedicate
many hours to revitalizing the once
proud program.
Murphy will be faced with the
Pirate Walk question also, but he
faces a tougher challenge in being
the students' voice to the admini-
stration. Too often this year admin-
istrative acts have gone unchal-
lenged and it seems the SGA has
bent to the will of the administration
without considering the ramifica-
tions for the average student.
Murphy will have to right this
wrong if he is to be a successful
Murphy will be taking over the job
after a year in which the university
h suffered through much bad
publicity. The actions of a few stu-
dents in several isolated incidents
has translated into a bad name for
the entire university, and Murphy
will be charged with helping to put
our name back into good graces.
Other issues the SGA will have to
face in the upcoming school year
includes the parking problem,
working with early pre-registration
for specific student groups, campus
safety and improving weakening
racial relations on campus. These
issues must be met head on, and
Murphy cannot flinch from attack-
ing each with energy.
The outlook for the year, however,
is good. The SGA has a rather auspi-
cious beginning already. All the
candidates apparently ran a clean
campaign, a rare feat in ECU poli-
tics. There were also few glitches in
the election system, and both Tony
Porcelli and Paul Puckett need to be
commended for their fine work in
that area.
Greg Thompson and Steve Som-
mers can leave the campaign with
their heads held high. Both ran fine
campaigns and brought important
issues to the attention of the student
body. We look forward to seeing
them in the legislature next year,
working to insure the rights of stu-
Was tenure wrongly denied?
According to Webster's Dictionary, the
word 'testify' means "to make a statement
based on personal knowledge or belief
This word is particularly important be-
cause life requires that we testify to many
things. There are family relations and citi-
zenship status that cannot be escaped.
There are also identification marks by birth
and accident that continuously impart
some testimony about us. Even as students
here at ECU, every now and then, we find
the need to ring our testimonies loud and
clear in hopes of being heard.
Testifying gives us the opportunity to let
others know how we feel. This is important
because it allows them to be as sensitive to
issues of concern as we are. I call your
attention to a letter that was written to the
editor last week. A letter by Tim Morris
entitled "Prof. Wrongly Denied Tenure
It was a letter about a history professor,
Dr. John Marshall Carter, who is currently
being denied tenure here at ECU. Tenure is
"the right of a teacher, after a probationary
experience, to hold his position for as long a
time as he renders efficient service.
I t
doubt left a lasting impression on Mr.
Morris, as well as other students who've
had him and surely that merits some credi-
It is often said that college students re-
gard school chiefly as a social activity; that
they immerge themselves in parrying and
then forget the real reason they're in school
- to get an education. Well, I don't know
about the rest of the world, but I do know
that here at ECU, there are productive stu-
dents who do want a quality education. We
want that education to come from profes-
sional and quality instructors, like Dr. Car-
It is often contended that no teacher loses
his job unless he is hopelessly inefficient.
This is true in most cases, however there are
teachers whose political or social activities
are so unpopular that problems seem to
develop, as they have in this case. They
develop because "capricious action by indi-
viduals or pressures from elements in the
community sometimes seek to have per-
fectly good instructors dismissed from
teaching" and this is wrong. Teachers
According to the letter and Dr. Carter, it is
documented fact that he has "consistently
received higher student evaluations than
both the university's and history
department's average
I don't know what that suggests to you,
but it should at least imply that Dr. Carter is
an exceptional professor. He should not be
denied tenure.
I found this aggressive letter to the editor
to be both open and critical, yet retentively
tactful and to the point - no punches were
seemingly held back. Dr. Carter found it to
be "right on the money
As I read the letter I continuously con-
cluded that Dr. Carter was one of those
professors who found joy in teaching oth-
ers. I was right. Yesterday I talked to Dr.
Carter. Never have I been so impressed in
so little of time. We talked about him,
students, and of course the reasons why he
is being denied tenure. Dr. Carter says there
is none: "a small number of professors are
responsible for trying to remove me from
students who feel perfectly good with me.
I like students and I want to serve them by
helping them understand the past I have
a love for the subject of history and I like to
generate enthusiasm when I teach it. I don't
groan on for fifty minutes or so, but I try to
make learning exciting try to educate the
whole person why don't they want me
to continue doing it? I don't understand
should be protected from such unjust dis-
missals, and I can't think of a more appro-
priate place to begin, than with Dr. Carter.
Poor teachers beget poor teachers, and
professors who do not engage in research
and writing projects beget students who
have little or no interest in scholarly pur-
suits. Likewise, good teachers demand of
themselves the production of ideas, con-
cepts, and research. Dr. Carter brings with
him these positive influences and surely his
services are welcomed here at ECU.
Teaching is a complex art, if only because
there is no teaching unless those being
taught actually learn. Students learn in
many ways: it depends on who they are,
what they are studying, and who is teach-
ing them. We learn by doing, by observing,
and by connecting with the minds and with
the spirits of our professors.
Dr. Carter, I was impressed simply talk-
ing to you. I could easily detect those
elements of professionalism, concern, and
love for what you do. I commend you, I
respect you, and I hope that your efforts of
making learning enjoyable, while insuring
quality education, far outweighs any
trumped-up technicalities pending against
you I bid you Godspeed.
Dr. Carter has edited many publications
and written chapters in others. He has no

Kappas respond to article
To the editor:
This letter is in response to your
article that was written about Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity. I was very
appalled and surprised at your
attempt to replicate the National
Enquirer in Tuesday, April 5th's
edition of The East Carolinian. As
vice-president of Kappa Alpha Psi, I
can assure the campus
administration, your staff, and the
student body of ECU that your irticle
was a bias account of fabricated lies
and I challenge you to present proof
that your allegations were true.
You turned an unfortunate incident
that was between a few students into
an alleged group assault on a student
by members of my fraternity. After
reading your article, I felt compelled
to talk to you. Our conversation
showed me that you chose to believe
these so-called eye-witnessed
accounts as if they could be
unmistakeably correct.
I am not convinced that you tried to
contact our president or for that
matter any member of Kappa Alpha
Psi. Your article scars the
respectability and objectivity I am
sure The East Carolinian worked
hard to establish.
Mr. Deanhardt, in your attempt to
point out your personal beliefs of
strained campus racial relations, you
have used my fraternity as a
scapegoat. You implied that the
incident was ratially motivated even
though your heresay evidence does
not support your fabrication.
Furthermore, when all is said and
done, and the proper legal actions are
completed, you will see the error of
your hastily written "yellow
journalism Unfortunately, you
cannot begin to feel the disgust and
pain your article has caused us. I hope
you will be man enough to give my
fraternity the front-page apology we
deserve, and maybe in the future you
will print positive articles more
indicative of our true purpose:
James Clinkscale
Vice-Polemarch, Eta Psi Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Yellow journalism
To the editor:
This letter is in reference to the
headline story in your April 5 th edi-
tion of The East Carolinian. As a
member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fra-
ternity, Inc I was very disappointed
in your ability as an editor, a writer,
and a student at ECU. Through the
use of bias and highly-exaggerated
information and a ridiculously over-
dramatized literary style, you por-
trayed an isolated confrontation be-
tween individuals as an example of
racial unrest on our campus. Further-
more, any slightly knowledgeable
reporter knows that it is never appro-
priate to print an article without con-
clusive evidence, a police report, or
contacting both parties involved,
unless, of course, you are pur-
posefully trying to convey a distorted
ind misleading story. Not only was
the article a collection of fabricated
ies, the headline itself was a misrep-
resentation of what really occurred. I
do feel compelled to pose one ques-
tion to you Mr. Editor: Were you
rying to promote animosity between
lacks and whites at ECU? This is
definitely what your article had the
potential of doing and I hope that in
the future as editor, you are more
considerate and responsible to the
sensitivity and possible repercus-
sions of your writings. On an ending
note, I find it very interesting that you
could not find the time to print our
article on our upcoming scholarship
ball, but, as soon as some bad public-
ity presents itself, it makes the front
page as the main headline. Thank you
for your time.
Paul E. Foxworth
Campus rapes?
To the editor:
It has come to our attention that
there have been some rapes on our
campus. As a group we cannot
understand why they have not been
publicized by the police or The East
Carolinian. We feel that by
publicizing rapes it would make
people more careful while on the
campus. We are not requesting names
or details of the victim, just an
announcement that the rape has
We feel that it is the responsibility
of The East Carolinian reporters to
also work at this, considering they are
training to be journalists. Is it too
much to ask that The East Carolinian
address the violence that is
committed against students on the
We as a group challenge the East
Carolina Police and The East
Carolinian to educate the students as
to what is happening on this campus.
Equal Rights Organization
for Students
ROTC defense
To the editor:
I am very disturbed by recent letters
and articles in The East Carolinian
condemning the U.S. military,
particularly the ROTC. I am, of
course, referring to Steve Sommer's
Mar. 1 and Tonya Batizy's Mar. 17
letters, and the Mar. 1 article entitled
"Speaker Says Avoid Military
First, I would like to commend
Danial A. Dant, Brendan Kelsh, and
Gary P. Sanderson for their excellent
letters written in response to Steve
Sommer's disturbing anti-military
letter. Keep on speaking out in favor
of true peace, democracry, and
freedom, friends - the majority of the
American people and all of the ECU
College Republicans fully support
Instead of responding further to
Sommers (the above three have
already done a great job), I would like
to reply to Batizy's letter.
Batizy condemns armed forces
"because of moral reasons I ask her
and all who share her views: since
when is it immoral to defend and
promote liberty, justice, freedom,
democracy, and peace throughout
the world? Since when is it immoral to
combat murderous, brutal,
repressive, oppressive, aggressive,
expansionist, revolutionary, fascist
communist regimes by aiding those
who fight such tyranny and by
defending our own country
Batizy lived in communist
Hungary for a while, says she "would
not want to reside in a communist
country and yet she then turns right
around and condemns the very
armed forces that have kept the U.S.
from becoming a communist
country?! What kind of logic is that?
"We learn from early childhood to.
. . compromise Batizy says.
"Without a compromise, known in
more adult terms as a treaty, the earth
would be a battleground and not the
life sheltering resource that it was
meant to be I wonder if Ms. Batizy
realizes that the Soviets have broken
every single one of the 66 treaties
they've signed with other countnes,
or that they've violated agreements
with the U.S. alone 175 specific times
since World World 11?
Signing treaties with tyrants,
dictators, Communists and other
murderous liars like Hitler,
Brezhnev, Stalin, Gorbachev,
Krushchev, etc. is suicide. Trusting in
treaties signed by double-crossing,
power-hungry dictators is utterly,
insanely absurd and seismically
dangerous. The historical record is
very clear in backing up this truth.
Batizy: "I do not see the point in
killing, when there are peaceful
alternatives By "peaceful
alternatives Batizy means treaties
(see discussion above). Nuts.
Communists and other fascist
monsters like Quadaffi do not
respond to anything but military
force. According to Lenin himself,
those of us in the West who believe
that Communists can be dealt with in
a non-military manner are useful
I am sick and tired ol heaifn?
"peaceniks blasting President
Reagan for bombing Libya in
retaliation for Quadafh's terrorist
attacks on innocent people. 1 ask you:
how else would we have stopped his
killing and maiming of innocents? By
going up to him and saying, "Look,
Mr. Quadaffi, military and armed
forces are immoral. Instead of giving
you what you deserve, can we instead
be friends? Pretty please stop the
killing, O.K.?" Double nuts!
Dropping an atom bomb on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a last
resort to end World War II. "Peace
niks condemn the act as "immoral I
ask them: how else would we have
stopped the war? We repeatedly
demanded that the Japanese
surrender or else, and they ignored
our warnings. Which is worse:
putting a quick end to a war that
claimed millions of lives by killing a
hundred thousand, or letting the war
kill millions of more innocent people
while we sat around on our self-
righteous, anti-military "peacenik
butts and let them die without doing
anything? I oppose the use of military
force if it can be avoided. But, since
our world is imperfect and contains
those who would use "peacenik
naivete to gain world domination, it
often cannot be avoided, a truth
Batizy and Sommers have yet to
John Godkin
Political Science
(CPS)? Some students at B'w
Hills State College in Speamj
S.D may not get to graduate
rime because Black Hills is try
to save money by ottering a U
than-full summer school
ule this vear.
And University ol Anzt
students may not get to study
time. Campus libraries are I
earlier on weeknights and w
The reason is the same a
South Dakota: the state isn't
ing the campus as much m
it did last year, and college i
cials are trying to tind a ,
Two- and 4-year
many states, in fact, are swea
they'll have to cut ba ?
services, freeze faculty saU
and ? in 1 case ? ever
beauty queen to cope if: 1
funding in bills now I
weighed in state legislatul
This one speaks for itself. S
Lexington, VA. (CFS?
Massachussetts Gov. Mid
Dukakis was nominated a?
Democratic presiden
candidate, and Tennesse
Albert Gore will be his rum
The Democratic nati
convention won't be held
July, of course, but if hi
repeats itself, Dukakis
nod. Dukakis, aft r all
nominated as the preside!
candidate at the Washing-
Lee University Mock Demov
Convention March 25 and
The student-run convei
has a knack for picking win
Since its inception in
"delegates" have corr
predicted the eventual no:
for the party that's out
White House 13 out ol IS ti
That run includes selecting
the last 9 candidates since 1
Convention treasurer
Watkins, a Washington an
senior, attnbu tes the comer
success to its "emphasis on
political research
"It's one oi the greatest po
research efforts in the courj
he said. "It gets people mtei
in the political process, and
them appreciate the pr. -
more tolerant oi the cons
"We talk to grassroots
organizers at county and
levels to formulate a weH-thj
platform said Watkins
More than 80 percei
Washington and Lee's t
body participates in
convention, and student;
other Virginia colleges am
schools participate as well.
j Call the North Ca;
I more information
home. Wb wrote th
we'll send it to yo

APRIL 7, 1988
fcl- K
I lit
r u 1

: lit with in
fi :r
a in
? you:
' a
? a ry
rt, it
. r to
College cut backs cause many headaches
(CPS)? Some students at Black
Hills State College in Spearfish,
S.D may not get to graduate on
rime because Black 1 Itlls is trying
to save money bv ottering a less-
than full summer school sched-
ule this year.
And L'niversitv of Arizona
students may not get to study on
time Campushbrariesareclosing
earlier on weeknights and week-
The reason is the same as in
South Dakota: the state isn't giv-
ing the campus as much money as
it did last year, and college offi-
cials are trying to find ways to cut
Two- and 4-year colleges in
main states, in tact, are swearing
they'll have tocu t back on student
services freeze faculty salaries
and in 1 case even fire a
beauty queen to cope with lower
funding in bills now being
weighed in state legislatures
around the country.
Students in Illinois, Maryland
and Kentucky, for example, are
conducting aggressive lobbving
campaigns to convince their state
lawmakers to appropriate more
money for higher education, and
thus avoid the steep tuition in-
creases, class cuts and student
service decreases they've been
warned are coming.
The state legislatures ? most of
which will be passing their annual
or biennual higher ed appropria-
tion bills in April provide pub-
lic colleges with the bulk of the
money they have to spend this
Various observers note some
states are having tremble coming
up with cash to give to colleges.
"Oklahoma, Texas and Louisi-
ana are having devastatingly dif-
ficult times reports Jerry Rosch-
walb of the National Association
of State Colleges and Land-Crant
Universities, a Washington, D.C
coalition that lobbies on pulic col-
lege issues.
Alaska, North Dakota, South
Dakota and West Virginia also cut
the amount oi money they're giv-
ing to their state campuses.
They "cut back on everything,
spending less on higher educa-
tion than they did the year be-
fore said Brenda Erickson of the
National Conference on State
Legislatures (NCSL), which
tracks the activities of state gov-
Erickson calculated that, na-
tionwide, state funding on higher
education increased a relatively
paltry 7.4 percent since the 1986-
87 fiscal year.
Illinois State University, which
monitors state higher ed funding
in 2-year periods, figured the
appropriations are up 11 percent,
the smallest increase since the
recession year oi 1982-83.
This one speaks for itself. Spring. (Thomas Walters ? Photolab)
Dukakis,Gore win mockconvention
Lexington, VA. (CTS) ?
Massachussetts Gov. Michael
Dukakis was nominated as the
Democratic presidential
candidate, and Tennesse Sen.
Albert Gore will be his running
The Democratic national
convention won't be held until
July, of course, but if history
of delegates are assigned regions gives him the real nomination in
of the nation to research to
determine which candidate
appeals to voters there.
Jesse Jackson, said Watkins, ran
a strong second at the convention,
but most felt he was not electable
and won't be nominated by the
Democrats in July. He will be,
Watkins predicted, "a
July. "Dukakis is truly a national
candidate said Watkins.
Gwen Pruyne, who edits ISU's
"Grapevine which monitors the
funding, added "the (funding)
trend is always up but that
"each year a different state or
group of states does well
This year northeastern states,
which in the early 80s were slash-
ing their public college budgets,
are doing well. 'The oil states
Pruyne reported, "are strug-
gling" now.
When a state's economy is
overly dependent on 1 product or
crop, Roschwalb pointed out, its
health can evaporate "overnight"
asbusinesses totter and pay less in
taxes to their state governments
which, in turn, have less money to
give to their various departments,
including higher education.
The impact on students can be
At the universities of Utah and
Texas, for example, libraries are
scrimping by cancelling subscrip-
tions to newspapers and scholarly
Black Hill State students, cam-
pus finance officer Shirley Sipe
said, will have to pay higher fees
next school year to pay for things
the state used to provide for them.
Galvinized by the prospect of
paying higher tuitions for fewer
services, frozen faculty salaries
and a cutback in the number of
course sections offered next year,
2 vvavesof Kentucky studentsand
faculty members ? 1 numbering
7,000 people, the second number-
ing 3,000 ? marched on the state
capitol earlier in March to call for
a bigger state college budget.
Michigan State University
managed to save $1.3 million by
halting campus equipment pur-
chases for the next school year,
refusing to hire more staff or fac-
ulty members and putting the
necessities it has to buy on install-
ment plans.
But MSU still may have to close
its Humanities school, and stu-
dents will pay more in tuition next
Governors State Universitv in
Illinois said it will have to raise
tuition a whopping 20 percent to
raise money to compensate for
state funding cuts.
Despite the hike, Governors
State will offer 10 percent fewer
course sections next year to save
The unkindest cut of all may
have been made at Wyoming's
Casper College, where the stu-
dent government, needing to save
$4,000, voted to drop its Miss
Casper College beauty contest.
Even where things a re good, the
schools don't enjoy lavish budg-
In "miraculous" Massachu-
setts, critics charge prosperity is
reaching campuses slowly.
Fitchburg State College, for
example, "may have to trim the
budget a little said Mike
Shanley, public relations director.
State funding there has risen
dramatically in terms of scholar-
ships - "500 percent in the last 5
years Shanley said

' rj ltt ? ?
9L ?;
" ,
Army ROTC Camp Challenge. It's exciting
and it may be your last opportunity to grad-
uate with an Army Officer's commission
Capt. Steve L. Jones
(Erwin Hall) 757-6967
repeats itself, Dukakis will get the powerbroker for the poor and
nod. Dukakis, after all was disadvantaged and will have a
nominated as the presidential significant influence on the
candidate at the Washington and party's platform, however.
Lee L'niversitv Mock Democratic "Despite his success, in most
Convention March 25 and 26. states Jackson is only receiving 10
Letters Read By:
1(1111 lk'IVlU-T
Klk'fi BurMwi
jtph Ciua-
Wilicin D.iUk
Knlvn lK-Nno
The student-run convention
has a knack for picking winners.
Since its inception in 1908,
"delegates" have correctly
predicted the eventual nominee
for the party that's out of the
White House 13 out of 18 times.
That run includes selecting 8 of
the last 9 candidates since 1948.
Convention treasurer Brad
percent of the white vote said
Watkins. "You need more to be
elected president. The Democrats
have not performed well in the
last 2 elections, so they'll do
everything they can this time to
have an attractive candidate
Although Dukakis did not run
especially impressively in the
South, said Watkins, naming
Ki-in Dillon
KoIkii Doik. Ir
John Heard
Fred llir
van Penn
Watkins, a Washington and Lee Gore as his running mate "will
senior, attributes theconvention's help
success to its "emphasis on solid Missouri Congressman
political research Richard Gephardt, Watkins said,
"It's one of the greatest political "should seriously consider
research efforts in the country dropping out" of the race because
he said. "It gets people interested of financial problems and a
in the political process, and helps perception among local and
them appreciate the pros and be county officials that he "flip-
more tolerant of the cons flops" on issues.
"We talk to grassroots party Gephardt and Illinois Sen. Paul
organizers at county and local Simon each received a handful of
levels to formulate a well-thought delegates at the mock convention,
platform said Watkins. but threw their support to
More than 80 percent of Dukakis.
Washington and Lee's student Dukakis, said Watkins, runs
body participates in the very close to Vice President
convention, and students from George Bush, the likely
other Virginia colleges and high Republican candidate, in national
schools participate as well. Blocks polls, which may be the factor that
Ka kolvrlMin
lllllls. r
Martin sIkvii
Inn li.u
North Carolina!
is variety
Call the North Carolina Travel & Tourism Office for
more information on a thousand things to do here a
home. We wrote the book on Variety Vacations ? and
we'll send it to you for free!
? 1988 NC. Travd?r Tourism
1 ao Well
Rohm Wi
Music By.
Ilk- Hand
un i oukt
i i uinir m v
-lhi- 1
( rivttnivv t
The Music
Their Ears.
The Pain
Their Eyes.
The War
Their Words.
Vietnam Like It's Never Been Told Before.
Home Box Office presents Dear America a co-production of The Couture Company and The Vietnam Veteran Ensemble Theatre Company
Based on the book "Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam' edited by Bernard Sdelman for The New York Vietnam eterans Memorial Commissioc)
Screenplay by Richard Dewhurst & Bill Onuturie Produced hv Bill Coutune and Thomas Bird Directed by Bill Coulurie
BrourJrt to u courtesy of
The right choice.
Original Musk B:
8:00 PM
ONKHBO Ali?"Brtvwt
sponsored bv
Seating is on a first come, first admitted basts
Please arrive earl to ensure a seat

APRIL 7,1988
I Feds
to xX
CAMPS-Mah Kee-Nac for BoysDanbee
for Girls. Counselor positions for Pro-
gram Specialists: All team sports, expe-
cially baseball, basketball, field hockey,
soccer, and volleyball; 25 Tennis open-
ings; also, archery, riflery and biking;
other openings include performing arts,
fine arts, yearbook, photography, video,
cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry,
ropes, and camp craft; all waterfront ac-
tivities (swimming, skiing, small craft).
Inquire Action Camping (bovs) 190 Lin-
den Ave, Glen Ridge, N.J 07028; (girls)
44 Center Grove Road, H-21, Randolph,
N.J 07869. Phone (bovs) 201-429-8522;
(girls) 201-328-2727.
1 loliday Inn Reservation Center has
immeadiate openings for Temporary
Call Service Sales Agents. Perfect for col-
lege students Must be available to work
days, evenings, and weekends. We offer
the following. Complete paid training
program, benefit package available, at-
tractive base wage, plus incentive wage
plan If you have good interactive tele-
phone skills, and can tvpe 30 wpm, please
apply in person to. 1 loliday Inn Reserva-
tion center, 1705 Carv-Macedonia Road,
Raleigh, N.C 27606 or call (919) 851-2990
for an appointment. We are an Affirma-
tive Action Employer.
Summer work or now! Lake front lodging
provided. Send resume to: Baldwin Sign
Co Box 363, Lake Wacamaw, N.C
with vaccuum sweeper. 10 p.m2:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday nights.
Must have phone and transportation
WANTED: Models for Leisure Curl perm
and style. I lair must be either virgin or
previously curled. Relaxed hair not suit-
able Perms and stylers to be done by
outstanding stylists during State Beauti-
cians Show at the Greenville Sheraton.
Models needed for following dates; April
24, 25, 26 and 27.
Interested in those with human service
background wishing to gain valuable
experience in the field. No monetary
compensation, however room, utilities
and phone provided. Call Mary Smith,
REAL Crisis Center, 758-HELP
dants needed for summer work in Atlan-
tic Beach area May 15th-Labor Dav. $3.75
plus commissions. Send resume to: Beach
Bums Beach Service, P.O. Box 1432, Atlan-
tic Beach, N.C 28512. 919-247-7750. l
HELP WANTED: Part-time interior de-
sign student-send resume to: Designer,
3010 East 10th Street, Greenville, N.C.
OVERSEAS JOBS: Also cruiseships.
$15,000-S95.40G7year. Now hiring! 320
openings! (1 805-687-6000 Ext. OJ-1166.
COMPANY seeking enthusiastic, dedi-
cated individual to work 5 evenings per
week, Monday-Friday, as customer serv-
ice representativetelemarketer. Send res-
ume to: Chemlawn, 120 E. 14th Street,
Greenville, N.C, 27858.
SOCIAL WORKER II: Halifax County
Department of Social Services. Salary
range: $16,389-$25,811. Preferred education
and experience-Master's degree from an
accredited school of social work; or combi-
nation of education and experience. Inter-
ested persons should contact local Em-
ployment Security Commission for infor-
mation on minimum education and re-
quirements and assistance in filing an
application. Closing date for accepting
applications is April 15, 1988. Halifax
County is an equal opportunity employer.
VIDEO DATING the wave of the future.
Meet your mate on a video tape. Call for
details, Promotions Unlimited Video Dat-
ing Service. 756-6163.
NEED HELP with various cleaning jobs?
Rent-A-Cadet Saturday, April 9,1988 from
800 a.m12:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m4:00
p.m. The cost is $20.00 for 12 a day and
530.00 for the entire dav. Sponsored by
ECU Army ROTC. Call 757-6967 or 757-
fr974 from 1:00 p.m4:00 p.m.
door poses only. Free proof prints (limit 2).
Enlargements available. Call Ron at 752-
TOP QUALITY TYPING-S1.50 per page.
Resume-515.00. Call Joy at 758-7413 from
6:00-9:00 p.m.
CARS WAXED-Student washes, polishes,
and waxes cars. Good job, good price,
$25.00. Call 752-2839.
Letter Qualitylaser printing. Rush jobs
accepted. Designer Type, 752-1933.
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services. We also sell
software and computer diskettes. 24 hours
in and out. Guaranteed typing on paper up
to 20 hand written pages. SDF Professional
Computer Services, 106 East 5th Street
(beside Cubbies) Greenville, N.C. 752-
FOR SALE: Pioneer Receiver VSX 2000.
Six months old, 50 wattschannel, re-
mote S250.00. Call 756-0009.
FOR SALE: Kidder Red-line Trick Ski-
never been used. S125.00. Call 756-0009.
Key Largo, Fla.
2 Persons $369
4 Persons $309
May 8-13
For More Information &
Registration Call The
Rum Runner
Dive Shop
"U Repair Also tax delinquent prop-
erty. Call 805-644-9533 Ext. 75 'or infor-
IS IT TRUE you can buy Jeeps for $44.00
through the U.S. government? Get the
facts today! Call 1-312-742-1142 Ext. 5271-
T-SHIRTS FOR SALE, $8.00-$12.00.
Designs that are dyes done with special
T-shirt fabric paints so they last longer.
Ask for Paul or leave a message at 752-
0607. Satisfaction guarnteed.
FOR SALE: Dresser, $50.00; couch,
$130.00; table, $45.00; buffethutch
$90.00. call 551-1413 from 8:00 a.m5:00
p.m 758-7923 after 5:00 p.m. All furni-
ture in good-excellent condition and
very functional.
SALE: B-Unit, 2nd floor, fully fur-
nished. Tax market-value, $43,730.00.
Make me an offer. 919-787-1378.
FOR SALE: 1982 Pontiax Phoenix, two
tone, five door, AC, bucket seats, rear
window defroster, 125,000 miles, good
condition. Call 758-4779, ask for Dan.
1983 HONDA 650 Nighthawk, less than
8000 miles, good condition. 4 valve, 6
speed, shaftdrive, $1,000.00. Call Mark
at 752-3133 after 6:00 p.m.
FOR SALE: Assorted furnishings in-
cluding coffee table, book shelves,
chairs, all at inexpensive student prices.
Graduating in May. Must sell soon, call
758-4779, ask for Dan.
FAST .FUN FOOD Pizzas, sana
wiches, subs, salads, lasagne, spaghetti,
and beer. Fast, free delivery. Call Fa-
mous Pizza. 757-1278 or 757-0731.
CAN YOU BUY Jeeps, 4 x 4's seized in
drug raids for under $100.00? Call for
facts today. 602-837-3401 Ext. 711.
PLANT SALE: ECU Biology Club.
Thursday, April 7 and Friday, April 8
from 7:30 a.mLOO p.m. at the Biology
Greenhouse, room S-ll.
FOR SALE: 1985 4-door Chevrolet Spec-
trum; 43,000 miles-great gas mileage!
Call Denise at 758-9796 for more details.
Civic Stationwagon, heater and AC
$1,250.00 or best offer. Call 752-4755 after
5:00 p.m.
FOR SALE ? Mako electric guitar, Go-
nlly 150Watt amp. $250.00. $400.00 value
Call 752-1182, ask for Wayne.
mate for the summer, two bedrooms, one
and one half baths, livingroom, kitchen,
dinette, cement patio great for barbecues,
fridge, dishwasher, central air, quiet
neighborhood, five minutes from cam-
pus. 107-E Cedar Court. $160.00 per month
plus utilities. Call 758-4779, ask for Dan or
FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share
a 2 bedroom duplex. $75.00 per month
rent plus 13 utilities. Smokers welcome.
Call 752-5279.
HOUSE FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 1 12
baths, $350.00 per month, 1 block from
campus. Available May 1st. Call 830-1215.
ROOMMATES needed to share
Wildwood Villas townhouse during
summer school. Call Julie at 752-4781.
bedroom townhouse. No deposit. $150.00
a month and 12 utilities, fireplace, dish-
washer, central heatAC, washerdryer.
Call 756-2355 ext. 278. Leave your name
and number.
apartment close to campus, only $315.00 a
month. Sublease May through August.
Call 758-9576.
Apartments. 2 bedroom2 bath apart
ment, 894 sq. feet. 1 month free rent with 12
month lease-$95.00 security deposit. Call
RINGGOLD TOWERS: Apartments for
rent. Furnished. Contact Hollie Si-
moncwich at 752-2865.
Available May 8th to share 3 bedroom
apartment at Wilson Acres. Private bed-
room, 13 rent and utilities, furnished
except for bedroom. Non-smoker. Call
Dawn or Corey at 758-7368 or leave mes-
Greenville Condo
Ringgold Towers
1 bd. fully furnished
$32,000Owner will
consider 2nd mortgage
or trade equity for
other property.
Phone Frank Stone
at Southern Shores
ROOMS FOR RENT: Fully furnished
house next to campus. $135.00 a month
available for summer school and fall. Call
soon! 757-3027.
NEEDED: "Female roommate, non-
smoker for the fall and spring semesters,
in a 3-bedroom apartment at Eastbrook.
Serious student preferred. If interested,
call Debbie at 758-1075.
FOR RENT: Apartment to sublease. May
through August. Furnished, 2 bedroom,
near campus, bus serivce. Call Alisa
weekdays after 530, weekends anytime.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment,
$320.00 per month. Sublease for May,
June, and July with an option to rent. For
more information, call 830-0256 after 4:00
A Beautiful Place to Live
?All New 2 Bedroom
?And Ready To Rent
2899 E. 5th Street
?Ixxatfd Near ECU
?Across From Highway Patrol Station
Limited Offer - $275 a month
Contact J. T. or Tommy William
756-7815 or 830-1937
Office open - Apt. 8, 12 - 530 p.m.
Clean and quiet one bedroom furnished
apartments, energy efficient, free water and
sewer, optional washers, dryers, cable TV.
Couples or singles only. $195 a month, 6 month
lease. MOBILE HOME RENTALS - couples or
singles. Apartment and mobile homes in Araloa
Gardens near Brook Valley Country Club
Contact J.T. or Tommy Williams
PI KAPPA PHI associate members the
time is near, keep working hard and as
one, do this and your time will be here.
THE MOODY DUDES will rock the
branches at Susie's Trechouse tonight
Hear the classics and swing 'til two.
SHARON KOTT-living out of the car
was fun. This past weekend was the best
we've ver had! Love, Wayne.
GREEK WEEK-Ycs, Creek Week starts
next week!
MYRTLE BEACH was the place where
the Pikes showed their face, the formal
was the reason that our weekend was so
pleasing, we all had a blast but the week
end didn't last, Stick's date was pinned
and he got thrown in, the "Pledges" were
on the loose, has anybody seen Bruce7 W e
all had a good time and Don's date was so
fine, if you didn't go, you missed out!
Because ther's only one Pika, and Pikas
party it out!
BEAUX ARTS BALL will be held April 16
in Grey Art Gallery. 900-until Open to all
ECU students, faculty and their guests.
Door prizes. Band-The Amatuers. BYOB.
Costumes not required. Cover charge.
Sponsored by the VAF.
HOPE EVERYONE had a great Easter!
Study hard-the end is near Love, the
HEY GREEKS: Bikers to your places! Get
psyched for the 3rd annual ADTTKA
Tricycle Race on Monday' Next week is
going to be great!
PI KAPPA ALPHA wishes to congratu-
late its new 111' sister pledges. The girls are
bad, and there's no doubt, when thev
finally get in, they're going to blow it out'
Good luck. We're behind you 100. The
Brothers and 111" sisters of Pi Kappa
ested in basketball and beer. Three on
Three Tourney April 8th and 9th. Get
your teams together. Sign up at Kappa
Sig house. For more information, call 752
able to make it across the border 7 Find out
who can make it to Mexico at the Alpha
Sigma Phi and Alpha Phi tequila Kill CXf.
Pepe will be in rare form!
girls-join us at the bottom of the hill to
day-Thursday, April 7th at 4:00 p.m for
some competitive fun in the sun
FANTASY presents "There's No Bum
ness Like Show Business on Saturday
April 0th at 8:00 p.m in Jenkins Audito
rium. S2.00. Fantasy is a performance
group created by and for both hearing
and deaf cultures.
GREEK WEEK SHIRTS: Call 758-1440 or
get in touch with a Theta Chi. The Rev
DAMN YANKEE-Mr Mills you bring
new life to these words A Manning.
The Creative Living Center of
Farmville, an adult day care center,
operated by the ECU School of Medicine,
and your community is offering a free foot
screening on April 12, from 11:00-1:00
p.m. Dr. Tim Seavers, podiatrist with
Greenville Podiatry Associates will be
performing this service at the Center, 417
S. Main St. (Farmville Community Cen-
ter) Farmville. Any interested adult is eli-
gible for the screening. Pre-registration is
not necessary, but if you have any ques-
tions, please call the Creative Living Cen-
ter of Farmville at 753-2322.
Registration for Intramural Golf will be
held on April 18 at 5 p.m. in MG 102. For
more info call 757-6387.
The 1988-1989 Performing Arts Series is
sponsoring the following events: The
Ohio Ballet, Wynton Marsalis, The Acting
Company, The Atlanta Symphony, PHI-
LADANCO, The NY. Gilbert and Sulli-
van Players in Pirates of Penzance, The
Polish National Radio Orchestra, CABA-
RET, The ECUNC Symphonies in con-
KAREN SHAW, and Nadja Salerno-Son-
nenberg. For a brochure detailing the
events contact the Central Ticket Office in
MendenhaU, 757-6611, ext. 266. Office
hours are 11:00 a.m6:00 p.m Monday-
Wanted: Social Work Criminal Justice
majors and intended majors, to attend
meetings. Held the 2nd and 4th Monday
each month, at 4:00 p.m in Allied Health
bldg room 110.
Practice will be held Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday from 3:30 until, at the
bottom of College Hill. All interested
players should attend. Those who have
received forms need to have them com-
pleted and ready to turn in.
Volunteers are needed to help with the
1988 Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olympics Games which will be held on
Friday April 15,1988, at E.B. Aycock Jun-
ior High School in Greenville. Volunteers
must be able to work from 9.00 a.m. to
2:00p.m. If y?" are interested, you need to
attend a volunteer training session in
Biology 103 on Tuesday, April 12 at 500
pm For more information, call Leslie
Wooles at 830-4551.
Prime Time, sponsored by Campus
Crusade for Christ, meets every Thursday
at 7:30 p.m. in Brewster C-103. Everyone is
Friday nights are ALIVE more than
ever before! Join us at Jenkins Auditorium
(Art Building) at 8:00 p.m. Every FRIDAY
NIGHT for Christian Fellowship and
Bible teaching where JESUS IS LORD!
The 1988-1989 Chamber music Series
attractions include: Buswell-Parnas-Lu-
visi Trio, National Gallery of Art Vocal
Ensemble, Tokyo String Quartet, and
OREGON. For a brochure detailing the
events, contact the Central Ticket Office,
Mendenhall Student Center, 757-6611, ext.
266. Office hours are 11:00 a.m6:00 p.m
Monday-Friday. This series is co-spon-
sored by the Department of University
Unions and the School of Music.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes will
meet every Tuesday at 9:30 at the Pirate
Club. Coaches, athletes, and others are
welcome to attend.
Greenville Gay Community is a group
formed last fall to meet the needs of the
gay and lesibian Community in
Greenville. The group meets every othber
week at different locations in Greenville.
For more information please call and ask
for Charley at 752-2675.
The ECU College Republicans will
meet every Tuesday night in room 221
Mendenhall at 7 p.m. Call 758-5775 or 752-
The Department of University Unions
presents The Empire Brass, America's
finest brass quintet, on Friday, April 8,
1988, at 8:00 p.m. in Wright Auditorium.
This group's repertoire of over 300 works
is unparalleled in diversity and quality.
SPECIAL NOTE: There will be an oppor-
tunity for you to meet The Empire Brass
following their performance at East Caro-
lina University. For further information
on the reception contact: WTEB Radio,
Craven Community College, P.O. Box
885, New Bern, N.C 28560, or call (919)
638-3434. For further ticket information
contact: The Central Ticket Office, men-
denhall Student Center, phone 757-6611,
ext 266. Office hours are Monday-Friday,
The Pamlico-Tar River Foundation will
have a meeting on campus on Tuesday,
April 12 at 7:00 in the Biology Building,
room 109-North. A slide show will be
presented and an update on current water
quality issues in the Pamlico-Tar River ba-
sin will be discussed. The slide show is
about the river, the problems the river
faces, and PTRFs role in helping to solve
some of these problems. The meeting is
open to all students and faculty, members
and non-members.
There will be practice every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday at 2:30 on In-
tramural Fields 5 and 6 behind Minges
Colliseum and on Sunday at 2:00. New
players welcome.
Fantasy presents There's No Business
Like Show Business' Saturday, April 9th,
8:00 p.m Jenkins Auditorium. Tickets are
$2.00. Fantasy is a performance group
created by and for both hearing and deaf
The third annual Life's a Health Affair,
sponsored by the Student Health Service
and the West Area Residence Council,
will be held in Mendenhall Student
Center on Tuesday, April 12 from 3-6 p.m.
Come find out how you can live a
healthier life.
A support group has been formed for
people who are caring for a parent,
spouse, or other loved one at home. The
group will meet at St. James United
Methodist Church at 2000 E 6th St. on
Tuesday April 12 from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30
p.m. Contact Freda Cross, MSW 551-4490
or Susan Redding, R.N. 757-0303
The American Marketing Association
will be hosting its first ever banquet on the
19th of April. Time and place will be
posted shortly. Dinner along with a
special quest speaker will be provided.
The cost will be $3.00 per person or $5.00
for members and a guest. Money for the
banquet can be turned into Dr. Dudley's
office in advance.
The ECU Biology Club will be
sponsoring a plant sale today and friday.
The sale will take place in the Biology
Greenhouse, room BS 111, from 7.30a.m.
to 100 p.m.
The Pre-Professional Helath Alliance
will be having a discussion on hyperten-
sion. Our featured guest speaker will be
Dr. Donald Ensley, Associate Professor,
Department of Community Health. Topic
is update on health trends: Pitt County
Hypertension project. All those interested
should attend on Monday, April U, 1988 at
5:30 p.m. in MSC, room 237.
Employment opportunities are avail-
able to students who are interested in
DANTS to students in wheelchairs. Past
experiences are desired but not required.
Applications will be taken for employ-
ment during the Summer, Fall and Spring
Semesters 1988-1989. If interested, contact
Office of Handicapped Student Services
212 Whichard Bldg 919-757-6799.
From the Heart Auction Tues April
19th, 7:00 p.m. at the Attic. Auctioned will
be a wide variety of merchandise, services
and trips. A Hilton Head Island get-away,
antiques, home decor items, dinners, gift
certificates, retail items, appliances; serv-
ices?cleaning, decorating and repairs.
All bids are tax deductable. For more info,
call Carol Brown at 752-9989. Sponsored
by American Heart Assoc.
Auditions for flag and rifle positions on
the 1988 Colorguard will be held Sat
April 16, Sat April 23, and Sat May 21
from 12:00-4:30. Select one date to attend.
Any questions! Call Tracey 758-1217.
The statement, "You are what you eat"
is really true. Come by the third annual
Life's a Health Affair on Tuesday, April 12
from 3-6 p.m. at Mendenhall. Sponsored
by the Student Health Service and the
West Area Residence Council.
The last SAM meeting of the 1987-1988
school year will be on Monday, April Uth
at 330 in the General Classroom building
in room 1032. Beryl Waters will speak
about the Co-op program. Everyone is
The Minority Student Organization
will be having a meeting on April 12 at 6:00
in MendenhaU room 238. Year-end rap up
and future plans to be discussed.
Meetings: Monday - Friday at 8.00 p m
and Saturday at noon at St. Paul's Enis
copal Church, 401 E. 4th St (these meet-
ings are open to anyone). Saturday and
Sunday at 8:00 p.m Arlington St. Baptist
Church, 1007 W. Arlington St. (these
meetings are closed?for addicts onl v or if
you think you have a problem).
Applications are now being accepted
for study abroad placements under the
nSFPKrp1 Studcnt.change Program
(ISEP). ISEP is a worldwide network of
colleges and universities that provides
exchanges of students on a one-for-one
fully reciprocal basis. The cost of an ISEP'
sponsored study abroad experience is
except for travel costs, the same as that of
least one year of college-level work, have
a GPA of at least 2.5, and yearn to expert
ence o her people and other places con-
tact IMMEDIATELY Dr. RPHur2yj"
ISEP Coordinator, Austin 222 757-6418 or
756-0682. A limited number'of summer
intense language programs are avail-
Phi Kappa Alpha and The Division of
Academic Affairs are proud to present
Ms. Helen Thomas in a lecture on Tues
April 12.191 ?t 7:30 p.m. in HencSx
Ineatre. Ms. Thomas has been a United
Press International journalist since 1943
and has covered The White House since
X? & Kenny me President in
1961. Her wealth of experience fortifies
her lecture talents and makes her a highly
sought after speaker. In addition Ms
Thomas will lead a panel discussion on
Wed April 13. at 10:00 a.m. in Menden-
haU Student Center, room 244. The panel
will consist of Ms. Thomas, faculty, and
students. Admission for both the lecture
and the panel discussion is free
The Sculpture Group of ECU presents a
student exhibition of current work on the
former location of Blount's department
store on the coiner of 4th and Evans St.
downtown. March 29-April 19.
Auditions for flag and rifle positions on
the 1988 Colorguard will be held Sat
April 16, Sat April 23, and Sat May 21
from 12.00-4:30. Select one date to attend.
Any questions! Call Tracey 758-1217.
NEW DELI COOKS with the best musj
in town. Jam to the Lombardo Guwj
Thursday and don't you dare miss FW
side on Friday Saturday welome back
Southern Culture On The Skids
Greenville style Don't forget open mik
Tuesdays and Dead Wednesdays
GET READY-Apnl 8 at Lambda Q
Alpha All campus party with FreeSpin,
Locals Only and The Usuals BYOfl Tick
ets on sale in front of Student Store week
of April 4.
SAE HAPPY HOUR at the Flbo Friday
from 4-until. S2 00 Teas-Why drive
where else7
the Sig Ep baby buggy race and the TKE
hotdog eating contest, Sunday at the Sit
Ep houseat 3.00 p.m.
ready for this weekend New IWn will
never be the same'
WHY WORRY ABOUT exams if there?
a party going on' Bahama Muma, ApnJ
23th Tickets go on sale this week in front
of the student store
Need a summer job at the beach?
Looking for excellent pay, benefits
and flexible hours7
Then apply at the Food Lia
located in Market Place .
Shores), or i; s 158 By Pass Nags
! lead), or at your placement'
Work for the mot progressiveaiK.
stable grocery chain in the United
States, Food Lion, Inc.
Positions available in all
departments with various shifts
Apply at your convenience and
secure your summer hb NOW!
Remember if you are going t0 be
where the action is in Nags I lead.
North Carolina, then you w
want to be working for the best
Equal Opportunity
FizzThe Qgwgsj
RJthering place.
Specials for Fvpry
Mon: $1 VikvjpOTs
lues: $2.00Kamikazees
Wed: $1.50 Highballs
Thurs: Today, April 7
Free Nacho Bar
9-12 a.m.
Fri: $2.00 Margaritas &
Tequila Sunn- -
Sat: $2.00 Fireballs
Outside Pa
Open For The Spring,
Registration for intramural Frisbee
Coif will be held on April 12 in MG 102 Jt
6 p.m. For more info call 757 6387
Students for Economic Democrac) wffl
meet every Sunday from 7:00 pm in
Mendenhall 8-D. For more information
call 758-9760 or 746-60R
Registration for the Intramural All
Night Softball Tourney will be held
through April 15 For more info . call 757-
Want to backpack the Appalacham
Trail? Planning a trip in Ma Call 1 high at
If you are work-srudv eligible you ma)
be interested in a job off campus thr
semester or in the summer or fall ot !a$
Please contact the Cooperative Education
office, 2028 General classroom Building
for further information.
Life planning workshop. This work-
shop b intended to provide assistance to
students unsure of the direction thev wish
heir lives to take. The Life Planning
Workshop will meet April 11,13.15, and
in 329 Wright Building. Please contact the
Counseling Center in 316 Wright Build
,r?g, or call 757-666L
li reas Management for finals Apnl E.
4 and 19 in 329 Wright Building, 34 p
" ?s important to attend all three meetings-
tionk'li'6 practicinK and building relax
pJt rW,y "ablished University
wm ndJCouny Dance Club will hold
nioK? . 9ess?ons every Tuesday ,
?8M in April, begirtf? April 5th and
can Cuih ,ldonia Wri8M Afro-Amen-
NewF1?"1 Traditionaldancesof
instrucSrl Fee? "? sen
iCPS) The
government wants agenck
guarantee student loans to re
$-50 million in cash reservt
move the agencies are rest
because thev say it c
destabilize the Guaran
Student Loan program
decrease the number ot b
willing to make loans to stud
Just oneagencv - the Kent
Higher Education A
Authority ? has retur
reserves, while the Great L
Higher Education Corp
Wisconsin has sued in fe
court accusing
Department of Ed
trying to "steal $13 i
reserve funds from the a i
The Kentucky a .
returned Si79,000
Guarantee agencies -
banks and
institutions r -
Guarantee Studc
(CPS) - The
administration roared
eight years ap,o with a
college funding idea
If the federal govei
the amount of mon
to higher educatic n
governments would tai
Now, as many state leg
are drawing up their last
budget measures oi the
era, some of the rtati
education money watchers
they aren't sure the the
While still critical of the u
the money watchers sav tru
the average, state funding
higher education has pr
stayed "about the same' dui
the era while federal suppor
especially direct grant:
colleges, libraries and student
State aid to students, at k
buys about as much college
did in 1980, estimates G'
Pruyne, managing editor of
Grapevine an Illinois J
University newsletter that ti
State higher ed appropriat
fround the country.
But students, not sta
generally have had to pay tor
"States get monev fi
legislation or from tuition
noted. "Many states hj
increased tuition
While at the era's start an
state student's tuition tvpu
might have covered 10-15 perc
of the cost of actually educat
the student, now in some stati
must cover 20-30 percent or
Tuition nationwide
American Council on Educaj
estimated in January, has go
an average oi 40 percer
beginning oi the decade.
"Many states have used I
increases or other means
force the student to bear the
of higher education a
Brenda Erickson of the Nal
Conference on State Legis
which monitors the nation's
"Manv states she repc
"are not in a position to help
colleges) as much as they c
Erickson, however,
believe the Real
administration has succeede
shifting the burden or tun.
state colleges from the tedj
? m m m

APRIL7, 1988
h best music
ombardo CUys
kvelome back
?n r?e Sk,ds I
Lambda ,
?b rick
re vlVk
It 1 I r , J
1 ndav
"s Oon'l trgPt
e and the FKF
aa attheSi
U Puts Gel
I Will
t there is
k in front
? S!
' newest
, ridce. Drink
- for Every
. the week:
. ports
. pril 7
ho Bar
;oli : at
5J D will
? p m in it
rOURNE - imural All . held
ain al 1 1 ighat
iu rnaj this . icatiofi Building,
This work
issistance t
? r they wish
?? Planning
I II, 13,15, and V
tact the
r in 316 Wright Build
r finals pnl 12,
ght Building, 3-4pan
rtant to attend all three meetings,
epracti, inland buildingrelaxa
new!) reestablished University
untrv Dance Club will hold
dance sessions everv Tuesday
m April, begining Apnl 5th and
nuing through Apnl 2Wh, 7:30-9:30
the Ledonia Wnght Afro-Ameri
ulrurai Center Traditional dances of
New England will be taught All sessions
are open to the public and vou do not need
to bring a partner Fees for dance series
instruction are S12 00 public, $10.00 stu-
dents S8 00 UPCDC members Call 758-
J tor more information.
Feds want to return student loan money
(CPS) The federal
government wants agencies that
guarantee student loans to return
$250 million in cash reserves, a
move the agencies are resisting
because they say it could
destabilize the Guaranteed
Student Loan program and
decrease the number of banks
willing to make loans to students
Just one agency?the Kentucky
Higher Education Assistance
Authority has returned back
reserves, while the Great Lakes
Higher Education Corp. of
Wisconsin has sued in federal
court accusing the U.S.
Department oi Education of
trying to "steal" $13 million in
reserve funds from the agency.
The Kentucky authority
returned $179,000.
Guarantee agencies reimburse
banks and other lending
institutions tor defaulted
Guarantee Student Loans, and are
in turn reimbursed by the U.S.
Department of Education.
A provision of the federal
government's 1CKS8 budget,
however, requires these agencies
to "spend down" and return $250
million in reserves they built up to
pay oii defaulted loans.
"It's like an insurance policy
explained Fritz Elmendorf oi the
Consumer Bankers Association,
which opposes the "spend
By law, banks can lend out onl
a portion of the money people
deposit in them, and must keep
the rest "in reserve
If they lose part of their student
loan reserves, the) won't be able
to nuke as many higher-pro!it
loans to individuals and
Elmendorf argued the banks
would rather give up the student
loan business and keep the
higher-profit loans.
But under the new law, the
guarantee agencies which also
are required to return $75 million
m cash advances must either
return the money, formulate a
plan to return the funds in the
future, or hie a formal appeal
stating that returning the funds
would cause a serious
deterioration oi the agency's
financial condition or violate
contracts with lenders.
Thirteen agencies already have
returned $19.9 million in cash
"Wo didn t expect everyone to
pay up nrht away, but we did
expect more oi the advances to be
paid hack and we're surprised
that more agencies have not made
arrangements to pay back
reserves said Victoria Tripp of
the Education Dcpt
"The impact on everv agency
would be different, of course
said Elmendorf. "But our concern
is that taking away reserves
would force some agencies into
"It will make loans harder to
find he said. "There will always
be sources for money, of course,
but students may not be able to
borrow money from the local
bank they're used to dealing
Hardest hit, Elmendorf said,
will be students at trade schools
and two-year colleges looking for
loans. "They're not as profitable
because students don't ask for as
big a loan as they do for a four-
vear institution. But the same
administrative costs are there
The Education Department
should not be surprised by the
reluctance to pay back reserves,
said Richard Johnston, vice
president of the Great Lakes
I ligher Education Corp.
The U.S. Constitution, he said,
"states that the federal
government may not take private
property without due proccssand
just compensation. The reserve
funds are the property of the
corporation. They are not federal
Great Lakes' suit asserts the
Education Dept. is breaching
contracts with the agencies by
demanding the money and has
arbitrarily set the amounts the
agencies must return. The
department has not responded to
the suit.
"Our concern is that banks
shouldn't be subject to losses as a
result of an arbitrary action by
Congress said Elmendorf.
"Banks grant loans assuming the
agencies have monev to
guarantee those loans. That
agreement has been violated
Abortions from 13 to 18 werks J1 additional oo?t Prrgnanrv
Te?, Birth Control, and Problem Pregnancy Counseling, For
further information, call 832-Q&3S (toll free number 1 -800-
532-53S4) between 9 am. and S p m. weekday General ar.e
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President Reagan's education pact hasn't worked
government to the states, and that
most states "are keeping even
their funding.
But wanting states to assume
part oi the federal role, argues
ferry Roschwalb oi the National
Association of State Colleges and
Land-Grant Universities,
myopic view" in the first place.
What happens, he asks, when a
state pays for educating people
who leave the state after
When it comes to "picking up
the tab for national medical
.arch done in the local medical
(CPS) The Reagan
administration roared into power
eight years ago with a daring
college funding idea:
If the federal government cut
the amount of money it dedicated
to higher education, state
governments would take up the
Now, as many state legislatures
are drawing up their last college
budget measures of the Reagan
era, some of the nation's
education monev watchers say
they aren't sure the theory
While still critical oi the idea,
the money watchers sav that, on
the average, state funding oi
higher education has probably
stayed "about the same" during
the era while federal support ?
especially direct grants to
colleges, libraries and students ?
State aid to students, at least,
buvs about as much college as it
did in 1980, estimates Gwen
Pruvne, managing editor of "The
Grapevine an Illinois State
University newsletter that tracks
state higher ed appropriations
?round the country.
But students, not states,
generally have had to pay for it.
"States get monev from
legislation or from tuition she
noted. "Many states have
increased tuition
While at the era's start an in-
state student's tuition typically
might have covered 10-15 percent
of the cost of actually educating
the student, now in some states it
must cover 20-30 percent of the Members of the Alpha Xi Delta sororir7d7nced and sang Tuesdly"in
their annual Greek All-Sing to raise money for various charities.
(Thomas Walters ? Photolab)
school he contended, "there's
no reason why the people of (any
one state) should be taxed to
support it
Some states, he added, have
had to increase their aid to
students even though they
already lose money.
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Tuition nationwide, the
American Council on Education
estimated in January, has gone up
an average oi 40 percent since the
beginning of the decade.
"Many states have used tuition
increases or other means that
force the student to bear the cost
of higher education added
Brenda Erickson of the National
Conference on State Legislatures,
which monitors the nation's state
"Many states she reported,
"are not in a position to help (state
colleges) as much as they'd like
Erickson, however, does
believe the Reagan
administration has succeeded in
shifting the burden of funding
state colleges from the federal
I BUY ANY CHICK-IIL-A VALUE MEAL? and get a free Chick-
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These salaried positions offer
an excellent opportunity to
gain experience and leader-
ship abilities that will benefit
you throughout your life. At
the same time, these positions
will enable you to make valu-
able contributions to East
Carolina University. For addi-
tional information and appli-
cations, contact the Associate
Dean of Student's Office in 209

APRIL 7,1988
New law not to change equality, observers say
(CPS) ? The new law to force
colleges not to discriminate
probably won't change things in
the near future for campus
women and minorities, various
observers predict.
They say it's because colleges
already try to provide equal
opportunities for people and
because they don't expect the U.S.
Dept. of Education, which is
supposed to enforce the law, will
pursue it aggressively.
Nevertheless the law is "a
positive step in ensuring in law
what already exists in practice
said Sheldon Steinbach, lawyer
for the American Council on
Education, a Washington, D.C
coalition oi college presidents
from around the country.
On March 22, Congress
overrode President Reagan's veto
to enact the Civil Rights
Restoration Act oi 1988.
The legislation cuts off federal
funds to campuses that
discriminate on the basis of
gender, race, age or physical
President Reagan had vetoed
the bill two weeks earlier, saving
it gave the federal government
too much power to meddle in
private affairs.
The law "restores" an older
policy ? Title IX oi the Education
Amendments oi 1972 ? that also
let the government punish
discriminating colleges by cutting
off their funds. That act prompted
schools, fearful oi losing federal
funding, to funnel more resources
into women's sports, recruit more
female faculty members and
institute affirmative action plans.
Officials at Pennsylvania's
Grove City College and
Michigan's Hillsdale College,
however, sued, asserting that
Title IX gave the government
license to intrude in their affairs.
In 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court
agreed, and said only specific
programs that received federal
money ? and not the entire
institution ? should be subject to
Citing the decision, the U.S.
Dept. of Education, which had the
power to investigate and sue
colleges for discriminatory
practices, dropped probes of
scores of cases of alleged
discrimination at colleges such as
South Dakota State, Idaho State,
DeKalb Community College and
the universities of Vermont,
Alabma and Mississippi.
Now that the decision is
overturned, however, some
question whether the Education
Dept. will pursue such cases
"I don't think this Department
of Education was particularly
aggressive even before the Grove
City decision said Marcia
Creenberger of the National
Women's Law Center, long a
critic of the Reagan
"But at this stage, in light of the
ringing endorsement given by
Congress, I hope the department
will take its obligations
Paul Wood of the Education
Dept. refused to comment or to
say whether the department
would become more aggressive
in investigating campus
Campaigning was the name of the game Wednesday as these two
pictures show. Steve Sommers (top) tryies to convince a student to
vote for him, while Larry Murphy passes out a campaign button.
(Thomas Walters ? Photolab)
discrimination complaints.
Ele did say the new law might
make it easier to pursue cases if
only because "we won't have to
investigate where funds were
sent meaning specific campus
Though women faculty
members nationwide still earn
only 70 percent of what their male
counterparts do, Greenberger
contended most colleges don't
need the further prod of the
federal law.
It will, she said, probably
inspire them to further review
their programs to "ensure
discriminatory practices are not
in place
Steinbach was similarly
confident campuses no longer
discriminate much, despite a
March 17 ruling forcing
California State Polytechnic
University at San Luis Obispo to
pay $20,000 in damages to a
staffer who suffered four years of
"vicious" sexual harassment.
'There arc very strong forces
entrenched on campuses that will
make sure institutions live up to
their responsibilities. The reversal
of the Grove City decision
provides them with practical
relief' said Steinbach. "But the
spirit of Title IX iscmbodied in the
way schools already operate
Grove City College, which as a
matter of principle refused to
process student aid money eve
after it won its 1984 court case
probably won't be affected much
"Grove City College-
President Charles S. MacKenz'
said in a statement afte
Congress's March 22 vote u
continue its historic comrrutnvnt
to civil rights and will continue to
reject federal dollars, and it will
continue to champum th
independence of privat
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"My eyes w -
alone - tern! h
without God ai
what a black, ?. .
was, I went i i;
it! Why can t .
"The Killing J ?
Alan Mo. -
the dark undercurn
bright, four-a
comics, "Bat:
Joke" is a (.
could hold its
Albert Cam
recounted thi
vigilante, R, -
mind after
senseless kidnaj
of a little girl.
Later R ?
position to
vvechc ?
theme al
Killing Joke
visually on the
extreme close
puddle, creal
My probl
existentialist view
short leap from it
life's "meaning
an individual
i Max
"Here I go again
with no money Man
have particd so n
Vok6tUSt Mom and Dad a
This is one of many pa
by the boss Thomas Wj
by soul
Thinking about thi -
having a hatchet a
crankshaft by some gen
polite southerners 1 dec
reconsider and be tair v
half a brain I've been give
So to be all but too
decided to write on how -
the north is so as to incite
civil war, since the south i
rise agin Hopefully this
be just as meaning!
glorious as all the other
wars this nation has fouf
As I was saying, the
obviously the more a,
culture of the two 1 an
they are called are
engaged in thought a-
one another on the street
are their thought that t
totally oblivious to the
?i? j in ij ii mmmik

ers say
student aid money even
it won its 1984 court case
n t be affected rnuchi
rove City CollCee "
? S MacKeni
a statement after
s March 22 vote, "Vvill
iue its historic commitment
-nid will continue to
ral dollars, and it will
champion the
of private
APRIL 7,1988 Page 9
Batman doesn't see life as " Killing Joke
Staff Writer
My eyes were open and I was
alone - terribly alone in a world
without God and without man -
Eli VViesel, "Night "When I saw
what a black, awful joke the world
was, I went crazy as a coot! I admit
it! Why can't you?" - The Joker
The Killing Joke
Alan Moore's latest dredge into
the dark undercurrents below the
bright, four-color surface of
comics, "Batman! The Killing
loke" is a counterpart to his
brilliant, sixth issue of
Watchmen In that story, which
could hold its own with anything
Albert Camus wrote, Moore
recounted the origin of the street
vigilante, Rorschach, who lost his
mind after investigating the
senseless kidnapping and murder
of a little girl.
Later Rorschach explains his
position to a prison doctor:
Existence is random. Has no
pattern No meaning save what
we choose to impose
Existence is random" is the
theme also explored in "The
Killing Joke It is a theme stated
visually on the first page: an
extreme close-up of rain pelting a
puddle, creating ripples of no
symmetry or design.
My problem with this
existentialist view is that there's a
short leap from it to nihilism. If
life's "meaning" is only whatever
an individual chooses to impose,
then every possible option must
be considered valid. If everything
is valid, nothing is valid and there
is no absolute truth. Does man
have resposibility to anyone or
anything beyond himself?
Moore answeres "yes He has
wisely chosen to make
Commissioner Gordon, the
Batman's police ally, the focal
point of his story. Gordon is a
flabby man who can't even paste
articles in his scrapbook without
making a mess.
Yet, he adheres to a strict code of
right and wrong, of the dignity of
human life. This code, didn't just
come with his office, it's an
extremely personal view that will
be tried to the uttermost.
The Batman's enemy, the Joker,
concocts a scheme to justify his
own criminal existence. As a
young man, he was a poor stand-
up comic who became involved
with a mob robbery to better
provide for his wife and unborn
His family is erased in a single,
freak accident, but the mob won't
let him out of the deal. The
robbery backfires and another
accident results in the Joker's
His thesis is that it takes just one
bad day to make a man give up
everything he's believed in and
crumble in despair and insanity.
The Joker cripples Gordon's
daughter, photographs her
bloddy nude body and then
kidnaps the commissioner to an
abondoned carnival. There he
takes him on a nightmare ride that
ends in a depraved slide show of
Gordon's daughter's humilation.
Gordon collapses and the Joker
gloats over the average man
whose notions of order and
sanity (snap) if too much weight is
placed upon them
He gloats without considering
the Batman: he, too, saw his entire
life collapse in random injustice as
his parents were gun-downed in
front of him. He was subjected to
as much as insanity as the Joker
but did not become insane.
We need to be reminded that
not everyone who survived Nazi
Germany gave up their "notions
of order and sanity" as Eli Wiesel;
others' faith became stronger than
The Batman, then, embodies a
positive response to apathy and
despair. When he arrives at the
carnival, he chooses to comfort
Gordon instead of pursuing the
Gordon insists that he
apprehend the criminal by the
book The commisioner rises
beyond himself and desire for
personal revenge by dedication to
something larger than himself
and so does the Batman.
He offers to rehabilitate the
Joker, but the criminal refuses. He
has become the victim of his own
nihilistic onslaughts, unable to
muster hope or faith.
The Joker's only response is to
tell a joke that becomes a
metaphor for his unyielded view human ever gets the last laugh.
of life - that life is an asylum.
Reason, responsibility and
compassion are just the illusions
of an insanity that is benign, but
no less pointless.
They share this joke, the bat and
the clown, but that's all: they
stand only inches apart yet
separated by an unbreachable
Life is the killing joke, and no gulf of personal response as the
rain drops random shapes in the
puddle at their feet.
the troublesome thing about
life is not that it is rational or
irrational but it is almost
rational - C.K. Chesterton.
This is a picture of Batman and the Joker. They fight their greatest battle in the new graphic novel, "The
Killing Joke" by Alan Moore and Brian Bollard. Illustration by Jeff Parker.
Pawn shop is good place to get quick cash
Assistant Features Editor
"Here I go again. Another week
with no money. Man, I shouldn't
have parried so much this
?WfeekearMsam atVd Dad arG ttXX
gonna send me any more money
How many times has this been
you? One too many movies, two
too many beers and bam?you're
in the hole. This must have
campus at one time or another,
and if it hasn't, you are one lucky
How many hours have you
spent dreaming about that
happened to every studenjon beautiful sound system sitting on

This is one of many pawn shops in Greenville. Students can pawn many items to get extra cash. Photo
by the boss Thomas Walters.
Northerners get slammed
by southern rebels today
display at a posh stereo store,
knowing you can't afford it until
that summer job comes through?
In Greenvile, many students
have found a convenient reprieve
from themgney bite: the local
pawn shop.
In the past, movies have
painted an ugly picture of pawn
shops. Today pawn shops are not,
and probably have never been,
the sleazy joints many people
visualize in their minds. Pawn
shops can be very helpful in
numerous situations.
For example, you really need a
new sound system for your new
apartment. It's the beginning of
fall semester and there's still
plenty of time for some hot
backyard parties.
But your clock radio will not do
the job and Mom and Dad have
said it will be Christmas before
you get that great Sony system.
Check out the local pawn shops.
The prices are reasonable and
the quality is above what you
might find in the classified ads.
Some pawn brokers are even
willing to bargain with you. Many
offer great layaway plans.
But if you're not in the buying
field, (because you're flat broke),
pawn shops are fantastic about
loaning money on personal
possessions. Remember that car
stereo you brought to college,
(who knows why), and is now
gathering dust?
Do you own more golf clubs
han you could use in a lifetime?
Villing to get rid of that pretty
diamond your ex-boyfriend gave
you two years ago?
SHOP Pawn shops are a terrific
source of fast money. Whether
you're wanting tosell or just want
to borrow a little money until that
check comes from home, pawn
shops can help you.
If you've never been to a pawn
shop, they deal mostly in the
buying and selling of used
stereos, tv's, jewelry, some guns,
musical instruments and other
miscellaneous items that are in
pretty good condition.
Not a lot of time? It only takes
about 15 or 20 minutes to get you
name, address and an agreement
on terms. No hassle.
Greenville has five pawn shops,
some closer than others, some
willing to pay more, but all
offering fast, convenient service.
Plus, Greenville pawn brokers are
happy to work with college
Ray, of Coastal Jewelry and
Pawn, told the East Carolinian
that perhaps 60 of their business
is from students. Coastal was
established mainly because of the
college population, and as you
can see, seems to be enjoying the
advantage of a smart business
Fred, of Southern Gun and
Pawn, 500 N, Greene St. quoted a
considerably sniallerjrcentage
in reference to business, but said
that they cash government checks
with a valid driver's license or
college i.d Southern is the
second oldest pawn shop in
Greenville, locally owned and
operated, and advertises ON
Mendenhall Student Center's
bowling score sheets.
Jolly's Pawn Shop has been in
the business for over eight years
but estimates that college student
business is only about 5-8 oi
their total income. Manager,
Todd Radcliffe blames this on the
location, corner of N, Greene St.
and Pactolus Hwy.
Stan Harrington, owner of East
Carolina Coins and Pawn and
Memorial Coin and Pawn,
estimates approximately 25
patronage from college students.
These stores are located at the
corner of 10th and Dickinson and
655 Memorial Dr respectively.
So, next time you find yourself
in a fix, don't sweat it. If you've
got an article that's in gr'
condition and possibly eligible for
the pawn shop, take it on down to
Ray, Todd, Fred, or Stan. They'll
be glad to help you out.
Pickin' the Bones one last time
Bonehead packs it in, G-ville fails to care
Staff Writer
Thinking about this article and
having a hatchet aimed at my
crankshaft by some gentle and
polite southerners, I decided to
reconsider and be fair with the
half a brain I've been given credit
So to be all but too fair, I have
decided to write on how superior
the north is so as to incite another
civil war, since the south is 'gon to
rise agin Hopefully this war will
be just as meaningful and
glorious as all the other sensible
wars this nation has fought.
As I was saying, the north is
obviously the more advanced
culture of the two. Yankees, as
they are called, are always
engaged in thought as they pass
one another on the street. So deep
are their thought that they are
totally oblivious to the outside
world of people passing around
So consumed by such lofty
thoughts, that they are utterly
important to Southerners.
Electricity buzzing in their heads,
you get Shockwaves of warmth as
you see these busy people
hurrying at light speed to
wherever they are going.
Southerners so consumed by
energy to say hello, that they try
and break these northern
fortresses of thought, but still they
come away with only that
electrical warmth of thought
emitted by the 'damn Yank
In the North, I have seen this
electricity in action where mobs of
people walk along crowded
streets. You feel that sense of
warmth and belonging when you
are among these people making
you want to reach out and touch
someone, and has taken
something valuable in return.
Seeing this, many Yanks stand
in awe or are unaffected by this
ritual called mugging. As much as
it is practiced, still no one can
break through that fortress of
I asked someone on a crowded
street what he was thinking of,
and he gave me a funny look.
Perhaps he was thinking of the
speed it takes to drive from New
York to the suburbs ten miles
Judging that he had that
determined look in his eye, I
assumed he was out for a land
speed record of getting home
before Letterman. Knowing he
was in a race for the gold in this
hockey match of chrome, I wished
him luck.
I, finally, wanting to know the
secrets of the universe asked
another Yank what he was
See NORTHERNERS, page 10
Staff WW??r?Ejt-ft?tiuwiEdtter
Warning: This column has
serious overtones. It will
hopefully isolate and offend
mote people in the space of 20
inches than ail my previous
columns combined. But it won't
he fanny. Kind of fitting in a
Many people these days have
said to meHey. Boner. Why is
attack all these sub group on
campus? Why do you not pick on
21 year old white males? Why
don't you use your column to help
integrate the different social
groups on this campus?"
Why must you be mean and
use tasteless words? Why don't
you be kind to fat girls? Why are
you not going to Bofangles
tonight? and many other useless
questions. Welt let me explain
First- last time I sicked the
on2t year old white fcoyMt
fried white race, are perhaps the
most boring stereotype around.
I believe I nailed it correctly
when I said we are only good as
the target audience for Spuds
McKcnzie commercials. And that
hasn't changed since last October
except that now we're good for
those raisin commercials too.
Second- Help integrate? Bah.
You isolated yourselves, joining
frats and Bad Poetry
Orginizations. I didn't tell you to
And what good would this
integration do anyway? Seeing
the art fags and Fat Girls and
Greeksand RatzisandSGAhave
picnics together does nothing for
me. Except maybe raise my school
Third- Mean? Well, since I don't
believe it's possible to be mean, I
don't think I've been mean. If
somebody's feelings get hurt I'm
not the one who raised them to be
thhvskirmed, whining; wretches.
Fourth Tasteless? Matter of
Taste is all m the mouth
masses. Worcjs,
taste like air anyway, that's wh
words are after all.
Fifth-Kind to fat girls? Bwah ha
ha ha ha. In my years on this
planet, I have yet to have been
friends with a fat girl who didn't
eventually try to jump my skinny
little bones. I'm not taking any
more chances.
Sixth-Bojangles? Well, as much
as I love it, I don't ha ve anybody to
go with anymore, not even Oil
Wednesday, the Backrub Giver,
She ran off to see "Beetlejuice
with my former friend and
partner, Jeff The Snake" Parker.
In the newspaper business ?8tt
make a lot of enemies. That! ntw
with me. People still halt me n
giving the Beastie Boys ft fee
review. People tike targets
I'm happy to give them ft tftHRl,
In the last few days irtcnijMF?ft
debated whether or not f?W
worth it. Nobody sent 8$ft?
nasty letters after the April ffe@TO
Wake U& I was respaaii&tefef
1 Mi

APRIL 7,1988
Chefs prepare gourmet food for prisoners
TULSA, Okla. (AD- Once, they
catered to the affluent, the well-
dressed, the important.
Today, they cater to the thieves,
the rapists, the con artists.
George Grigsbv and Barrv
Parker have traded the
uncertainty of candelight dinners
and crystal goblets for the
stability oi iron bars and plastic
Grigsbv is food services
supervisor for the Tulsa City
County fail system. Parker is one
of three full-time civilian cooks
and supervises the Tulsa Countv
Tail kitchen.
It is a working environment
unlike any in their past. Yet, each
is emphatic that food standards
and "customer' satisfation areas
high - mavbe more so - than at
some private enterprises whore
they have worked.
Grigsbv, b2, is a career food
services person. "When 1 was
born, my parents owned five
restaurants he said. "My
playpen was in the kitchen
He has worked in, and owned,
restaurants from coast to coast.
1 le worked at theTropicana in Las
gray world of corrections for the City Jail, and the Adult Detention
same reason: security. Center.
There are no benefits in a The menus have nothing in
restaurant Grigsby said. "Here, common with a popular-but false
they do offer all the benefits. I - perception of jail food. A recent
took a pay cut when I came here, sampling of Grigsby's menus
Vegas, Brennan'sin New Orleans, but in the six years I've been here, found the following selections:
the Sans Souci Hotel in Miami.
He quit his position as
executive chef at the Hilton Inn in
Tulsa six years ago to become an
employee oi the county.
Parker, 35, began his career as a
14-year-old in a Mexican
restaurant in New Orleans.
Twenty-one years later, his
resume reads like a Mobil Travel
Guide five-star restaurant
directory. 1 le has hung his chef's
hat in the kitchens of many fine
Tulsa restaurants.
I've gained by having the
Parker, married and the father
of two children, cited the lure of
individual benefits, and more.
"It came as a response to a
need he said. "I needed a
change. I wanted a steady income
and a place where I could work
that would challenge me
Dinner: Veal parmesan,
spaghetti, buttered carrots,
chicken fried steak, mashed
potatoes and gravy, baked fish,
buttered new potatoes, and
Salisbury steak.
"They eat pretty well around
here Parker said.
And, economically, The
average food cost per prisoner per
Now, he is in a setting where the time about what's going on.
the consumer might not always be What's going on is some 1,650
right, but he will always be back, meals a day, served through
Grigsbv and Parker, strangers Grigsby's three kitchen facilities-
until recently, entered the drab the Tulsa County Jail, the Tulsa
personally, as well as allow me to day is $1.63. The price is low
contribute. because many of the ingredients
"This does. Every day. Every are inexpensive and the jail
minute. I've got to be thinking all system saves by buying bulk
"We feed
"And, we've
better than any
statewide Grigsby
been told by
Fast Men' is fast paced novel about foot races
and acting in the old American west
McNab. Simon & Schuster. 345
Pages. $17.95.
The Way "The Fast Men" starts
off, you're bound to figure it is
going to be another tale of old
western six-gun aces.
Guess again. Before long,
author Tom McNab will have you
completelv befuddled. His new-
novel is a kind oi western set in the
ISOOs all right - but it sure isn't
about shooting.
It's about "pedestrianism
Pedestrianism? Just for fun, take a
guess as to what that means.
You'll probably be wrong - far
But stick with it. You will learn
a lot, and probably delightfully so.
The first thing will be that
pedestrianism is a 19th-centurv
terrr or plain old foot racing.
And what does this have to do
with the tumbleweed west?
Plentv. Every two-bit town had
locals who could outrun anybody
- or so local well-heeled bettors
were dead sure. Little did they
What they were up against was,
of all things, a small, traveling
theatrical group. These purveyors
heels to all challcgcrs in local
ankle events.
There are hilarious accounts of
how the locals were gulled,
though the races themselves were
honest. And deftly woven is a
stunning account of footracing
federal inmates that we feed
better than the federal
Menus are planned by Grigsby
and checked by local and state
"Once you start something, you
can't cut back Grigsby said. "If
you do that, you might create a
minor riot. You get these people
unhappy over their food and they
start throwing it at you
As Parker said of the food, "It's
kind of the one pleasure a person
can have here
There have been no complaints
for over a year. There have been,
though, compliments to the chef.
Grigsby says that it is not
uncommon for an inmate to write
abmifc'6f appreciation.
But there is no accounting for
Recently, the lunch menu
included a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich. "Then everybody
wanted them served three or four
times a week Grigsby said.
For the three square meals a
day, Grigsby has a staff of some 35
inmates working in his kitchens.
His primary cooks and bakers are
usuallw products of the state
prison system through the
Department of Corrections
community service work
He also screens inmates in the
Tulsa County Jail, primarily the
ones serving one-year sentences.
"You get somebody here who's
got 30 days, by the time you get
him trained, he's out of here
Grigsby said.
Under the direction of Gngsby
and Parker, the meals at the Tulsa
County Jail "are some good
homestyle cooking Parker said
'The people (inmates) in here
are not that much different than
the folks out there he said.
'They're part of the consuming
public when they're out there.
'Trying to draw a comparision
between eating there and eating
in here, other than being
incarcerated and not able to move
very far, it's not that much
Discount Tickets
Available at Mendenhall
Total Attraction
Hope and Glory
JOcik Theatre
'Police Academy,
Part 5
$1.50 All Times
oi the footlight arts dispensed history, classic flim-flam, old-
Shakespeare from makeshift
stages in such places as Dry
Gulch, Ariz. Some of the male
thespians demonstrated another
type oi artistry; showing their
Book on Merlin conjures up Camelot images
MERLIN. By Norma Lorre
Goodrich. Franklin Watts. 386
Cages. $24.95.
Mention Camelot, and the
word conjures up images of King
Arthur. Lancelot, the Lady oi the
Lake, and Merlin, the magician.
But Merlin was much more that a
"funny looking Father Time
figure with a pointed hat. crystal
ball, and magic wand
In her book, "Merlin
medieval scholar Norma Lorre
Goodrich describes Merlin as the
Christian phophet St. Dubricius, predicts his own violent death,
who as bishop of Caerlcon
crowned the young King Arthur.
This claim is not dismissed
lightly. Both Merlin and
Dubricius were born circa 450,
both were educated in the church,
and both wore members oi the
Brvchan tribe, one oi the three
royal houses of Wales.
Goodrich has re-translated
Merlin's Prophecy, one of the
Dark Ages' most important
writings. In the Prophecy, Merlin
which Goodrich corroborates by
linking the facts of his death, with
little-known solar eclipse. She
also sheds new light on the
identity of the Lady of the Lake
and questions whether the Lady,
a pupil of Merlin, actually
murdered him as most historians
"Merlin as with Goodrich's
previous book, "King Arthur
offers new insights into the
Arthurian storv.
Bonehead just Fing gives up
C ontinued from page 9
all those slanderous and libelous
things on the front page! Don't tell
me evervone actually- got the
Life isn't worth living anymore.
I've lost my girl, my partner and
my hate mail. I've been told to lose
the fun headlines and outlines on
the feature page.
I might as well become
Screaming Into The Night Editor.
I've given Earlvis his first
deadline, and fired the worst
writer ever. My time is over.
But don't cry for me Greenville.
Though this is the last Fickm' The
Bones before I go into seclusion to
write poems, you the reader still
have five issues to write to the
editor and tell him how much I
screwed up the Features page.
I hope I even caused some of
you to look for more fun in your
lives. But all good things must
eventually move to Richmond,
and thus I go.
But perhaps somewhere, a little
bit of osseous material is
gathering on some freshman's
cranium. Perhaps he'll hear a lot
of drivin' ncryin' and a little Mojo
Nixon, and he'll eat a really good
Perhaps he (or she, I'll not be
sexist in my final moments) will
walk up to these hallowed offices
and look Clay Deanhardt
squarely in thceyeand say want
to be the new Bonehead
And Clav, kindhearted editor
that he is, will take this person by
the arm and sayI'm sorry. We
can't get rid oi the old one. Fie still
sits at his desk, mumbling
something about theater fags. Go
home. We don't need any more
Take care, ECU. It was boss. I
leave with this one quote. It's
from Stevie, so call me an art fag.
"You can not know a dream Til
you know the nightmare
Ain't it the truth?
Northerners get slammed today
Continued from page 9
thinking. He turned to me and
asked, "You're from the South,
North Carolina I bet, aren't you?"
He asked me all sorts of odd
his own good, I began to walk
Before I was gone, he asked me
how Aunt FrickeBob's lombago
was and it was then I realized we
questions about where Ma vberry, were perhaps related. We talked
or Mount Pilot was, and if I knew and I saw how actually alike we
Andv Tavlor. Feelinc a ood old really were.
Though we may talk andact
differently, we cry the same tears,
love, kill and discriminate the
same way about birthrights.
Perhaps this is universal, or
mainly just northern.
Hopefully, this has incited
another sensible, well thought out
decisive war of understanding.
FjnkUdon't give a damn.
present the
with guest pianist PAUL TARDIF
In a cabaret performance
8:00 P.M.
ROOM 244
The Scott Sawyer Trio features guitarist Scott
Sawyer, drummer David Via, and bassist Ben
Sea well. The group performs a variety of
traditional and contemporary jazz forms
time training methods defying
belief, and much to do with
stagecraft as it developed in
Britain and the United States over
nearly 100 years. This is an
exceptional' intriguing book. Bet
on it. But be v-e-r-y careful as to
iwhom you bet upon.
Adults $250'tl1
. 756-3307 ? Greenville Square Shopping Center
Starts Friday


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Don't Leave School Without V
C M ?m?tKan txp, Tr,?l teliW
The song "Hymn for Ameria
?js aobut Hussev's reaction to tht
United States on Mission ? t
jfirst American tour in I
i Hussev says that he v.
.Angeles. "1 remember 1 was then
jr? my hotel room in Los An.
and there were the;
evangelist on. It
incongruous to me. LosAi
SO extreme - then
bewteen there. V.
a much more European (
cosmopolitan Los A
America to me
That tour marked
publicity for the band's .
offstage than on. Adams I
sent home when he smashe 1
hand through a glasi
That image is at odd
group's moody m
introspective K ri
Hussey says,
two hies or m
personalities and
touring, the pub.
partying - is much ?
open. The recor
introspective bv their i
You spend much n
record. It's very in
results - good or bad - d
who you have w
on the record
"Live shows are m .
immediate. The reactii n
there. I always feel th -
wave of affection that
from the audience, then
I'm deluding myself. But
see other shows with other
it's there and I say
right So, I try to give as
I can in each show i- r the
ECU Music
The ECU School of M
of April, the School of Mus
appearances. Most of tl
but this is not the lull sched
Student and faculty recit
welcome. Further informal
Eventsare subject to change or c
driving long distances C(
orth Carolina 27838 (Tel
P Con tern pornry Cnafftx.jr
10 Young Art
Laura Gaither
Jennifer Lucht,
Kerry Carlin, ac
First Presb) t
14 Chancellor's Ina
The Passion Ac
with ECU Cl
Wright Avid i
17 ECUSympl
featuring conc i
Robert Haus
Wright Audi: i
20 Jazz Ensemb
Wright Audit
20 String Chamber Oi
Alumni Concc i
Marilyn Gibson
Linda Green -
Michael Regain
John O'Brien, aco
Percussion Lni
Original cor
to be featun
Original composit
student and faculty memb
the ECU School ot Music w
featured on the Api
broadcast on WTEB-1
New Bern (893 MHz)
weeklv broadcast begins at I
Scheduled tor the prograi
"Alternate Loopholes" bv
Ford, performed bv the
Percussion Ensemble
Tombcau do Carole Lorn
by Otto Henry tor clarinc
tape, featuring clarin
Deborah Chodacki V ?
by Mark Taggart, perform
folo percussionist Mark For
the ECU Brass Choir -
for Brass and Percus
Michael Bell, performed n
ECU Brass Choir; and 9
from a suite by alumnus B
Barker, performed by soj
iCarla Scott, manmbist
Holliday and pianist
The April 21, broadcas
Showcase the ECU Symi
pVind Ensemble, conduct
JHarold Jones. Works tht
will perform are a Sa
arrangement of the Finail
I Tschaikovsky's Symphoml
I "Autumn Soliloquy" by I

APRIL 7,1988
I ies M?ring one-year sentences.
Yoti get somebody here who's
) days, by the time you get
lim trained, he's out of here
arigsby sa?d.
Under the direction of Grigsby
md Tarker. the meals at the Tulsa
; untv Tail "are some good
lomest) le cooking Parker said.
The people unmates) in here
re not that much different than
he folks out there he said.
re part of the consuming
s hen thev're out there.
to Jraw a comparision
eating there and eating
n here other than being
, and not able to move
it's not that much
Plu.a i'int nm
I AA N??? Tm t ? v ?
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'on tUave School Without ir
I ?-f k? (.xpm, Tr?"ji (Wttrt Stmat
ission UK, Jones tour US
The song "Hymn for America'
s aobut Husses reaction to the
Jnited States on Mission UK's
irst American tour in 1987.
Hussey says that he wrote
fHymn" in a couple of days in Los
Angeles. "I remember I was there
my hotel room in Los Angeles
ind there were these TV
fvangelist on. It seemed
congruous to me. Los Angeles is
extreme - there is no in-
?wteen there. New York is to me
I much more European city, very
Ssmopolitan. Los Angeles is
Lmerica to me
That tour marked by more
ublicity for the band's exploits
ft stage than on. Adams had to be
nt home when he smashed his
ind through a glass window,
lat image is at odds with the
roup's moody music and
trospective lyrics.
Hussey says, "Everyone has
to sides or more to their
irsonalities and when you arc
iring, the public side - the
rtying - is much more out in the
Ml. The records are more
krospecti ve by their very nature,
u spend much more time on a
Cord. It's very insular and the
bults - good or bad - depend on
o you have working with you
the record,
-ive shows are much more
mediate. The reaction is right
re. I alwavs feel there is this
ve of affection that comes up
lm the audience, then I think
I'm deluding myself. But when I
Sother shows with other bands,
Bthere and I say, "No, you're
It So, I try to give as much as
can in each show for those
people out there. There is nothing
that beats the feeling of a really
great show
"Trust says Wayne Hussey.
"If you don't trust each other, you
can forget the whole thing
That's his recipe for a successful
relationship between a band and
its record producer, a relationship
that is intergral to the recording of
any record. In the case of Mission
UK's second album, "Children
on Mercury Records, the
producer is John Paul Jones,
bassist with Led Zepplin.
"The record company sugested
we have an American producer
but we didn't want that says
Hussey, singer and guitarist of the
British group. "Then, they came
up with John Paul and we said,
'Yeah They sent him some of our
tapes, then he came to see us open
for U2 in Leeds. It was a terrible
show but when we met afterward
we hit it off. So we began working
on the album
Jones continues the story,
"They made demo tapes of four or
five songs. I wanted to hear what
sound the band was after. I think
that is essential to producing a
record. A band tends to adjust its
sound when they get into the
studio so, as a producer, you have
to know what sound they're
In addition to producing, Jones
also plays on some songs on the
What is it like to work with
someone who was part of a band
that has become a rock 'n' roll
"Well, it was amusing to have to
tell I .P. that it just wasn't cood
enough says Hussey
laughingly. "But he takes
direction well. It's a good
collaboration. The whole band
worked on the record and we are
very pleased with it
Hussey wrote the songs for the
album while staying in an inactive
monastery in Wales.
"It was in the Black Mountains
of Wales and sheep dotted the
countryside. It was beautiful and
peaceful. There arc rooms you can
rent and the chapel is still there
although the monastery is no
longer in use. I would go up on the
hills with my acoustic guitar and
think things out
Many of the songs have a
haunting quality that seems to
echo the mountains in which they
were written. Some of the titles
also reflect that origin, "Black
Mountain Mist "A Wing and a
Prayer" and "Heaven on Earth
"We would disagree on some
things Jones said. "We settled it
by going with whoever felt
strongest about that particular
piece of music. I am not infallible.
Again, trust is the most important
"There was no real contention
making this record adds
Hussey. "Sometimes as the writer
and singer I have a certain sound
in my head but I can't articulate it.
So I have to hear different things
and say 'Yeah, that's it or 'No,
that's not it Sometimes I would
scream and shout but we have a
good relationship. The thing we
would argue the most about
would be what to watch on
How did the rest of the band
members react to his outbursts?
"We all understand and share
the same view of music he says.
"So if we argue, you know why
you're arguing, you understand
the point of view. Again, trust is
essential. A band is a relationship
and you have to work at it.
Sometimes we do things on our
own or one of us would go off and
do something musically and play
it for the others. We all trust each
other musically
The band came together in 1986
when Hussey bassist Craig
Adams, guitarist Simon Hinkler
and drummer Mick Brown
decided music was the way out of
their dead end jobs. They
produced several singles on their
own before signing with
Phonogram in October 1986.
Mercury is a Phonogram label.
Their first album, "God's Own
Medicine was praised by music
critics on both sides of the
Songs on the new album
concentrate on relationships.
Lyrics convey a deep trust in the
basic goodness of people.
"I like to look for the best in
people and see positive things
says Hussey. "I think people arc
reliable. Sometimes you are
disappointed and there are
negative things but, overall,
people are dependable
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For an appointment or more infor-
mation, call 24-Hour Helpline,
111 East Third Street - The Lee Building
Greenville. N. C.
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Monday - Friday 7:00am - 10:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm
ECU Music School Calendar
The ECU School of Music is stepping out this spring. For the month
if April, the School of Music is sponsoring student, faculty and guest
ippearances. Most of the following listed events are frceJo the public
it this is not the full schedule of events planned.
Student and faculty recitals are held every night and the public is
ime. Further information is available from the School of Music.
Ivents a re subject to change or cancellation; please confirm dates before
Iffag long distances. Contact Janice Brown, School of Music, ECU,
T? Carolina 27858 (Tel. 919-757-6331).
Con temporal Jhb?,r Music, &15 . '
W Young Artists Honor Recital, 3:00
Laura Gaither, organ
Jennifer Lucht, cello with
Kerry Carlin, accompanist
First Presbyterian Church
rl4 Chancellor's Inaugural Concert, 8:00
The Passion According to St. John by J.S. Bach
with ECU Chiors and Orchestra
Wright Auditorium
17 ECU Symphony Orchestra, 3:15
featuring concerto winner Dan Davis, marimba
Robert Hause, conductor
Wright Auditorium
20 Jazz Ensemble Concert, 8:15
Wright Auditorium
20 String Chamber Orchestra Concert, 8:15
23 Alumni Concert and Reception, 7:30
Marilyn Gibson, violin
Linda Green, soprano
Michael Regan, organ with
John O'Brien, accompanist
25 Percussion Ensemble II Concert. 8:15
Cheesy House
Read the East
Features page!
It's (Come on,
you know what
I'm going to say,
don't you?)
Original compositions
to be featured on radio
Academic Calender
Term I: May 16 - June 21
Term II: June 23 - July 29
Cost: NC Resident ? Undergraduate 1-5 hours $152; 6-8 hours $215
UNC-CH offers, during two 5-12 week terms, one of the target ??' f?p? in the Untied Stales. Over 800 courses are
scheduled in 40 disciplines. A typical course load per term m two classes of three semester hours each.
For summer visiting students, oar "Open Admissions Policy" makes possible the opportunity for students from other colleges
and universities to attend UNC-CH.
This admission does not obligate the University to admit these students for the academic year.
For details, please request a catalog
Mail to:
Summer Session, CB 3340, Peabody Hall, Chapel Hill NC 27599
(AAEBO Institution)
Original compositions by
students and faculty members in
the ECU School of Music will be
featured on the April 14, ECU
broadcast on WTEB-FM Radio,
New Bern (89.3 MHz). Each
weekly broadcast begins at 8 p.m.
Scheduled for the program are
"Alternate Loopholes" by Mark
Ford, performed by the ECU
Percussion Ensemble I;
"Tombeau do Carole Lombard"
by Otto Henry for clarinet and
tape, featuring clarinetist
Deborah Chodacki; "Notturno"
by Mark Taggart, performed by
solo percussionist Mark Ford and
the ECU Brass Choir; "Symphony
for Brass and Percussion" by
Michael Bell, performed by the
ECU Brass Choir; and selections
from a suite by alumnus Barney
Barker, performed by soprano
Karla Scott, marimbist Chris
Holliday and pianist Alisa
The April 21, broadcast will
showcase the ECU Symphonic
Wind Ensemble, conducted by
Harold Jones. Works the band
will perform are a Safranek
arrangement of the Finale from
Tschaikovsky's Symphony No. 4;
"Autumn Soliloquy by James
Barnes, teaturing clarinet
Deborah Chodacki; "Nobles of
the Mystic Shrine" by John Philip
Sousa; "Reflections" by Henk
Badings and "A Gershwin
Medley" arranged by Bunton.
Winter Clearance
25-50 OFF All Clothes
April 11-23
116 E. 5th Street 919-752-1750
Art and reason
When Mark and I decided to spend
the weekend at his mother s house,
I never imagined I would be walking
into a mouse's nightmare.There were
cats everywhere.
Cat plaques, cat statues, cat clocks,
even a cat mat. I couldn't begin to dupli-
cate her collection of kitty litter ifl spent
a year at a garage sale. Conspicuously
absent, however, was a real cat. Strange,
I thought, and began to fear that a
weekend with cat woman could be a
lot less than purr-feet.
But then she came home, and
Mark introduced her. She was
dressed surprisingly well?no
leopard pants. In fact, you
could say she was the cat's meow,
but I'd rather not.
She offered me a cup of Dutch Choc-
olate Mint. Now that was something
I could relate to. Then she brought it
out in the most beautiful, distinctly
unfelinc china I'd ever seen. As we
sipped, I found out that Mrs. Campbell
has my same weakness for chocolate,
loves the theater as much as I do, but,
incredibly, never saw "Cats So Mark
and I are taking her next month.
General Foods' International Coffees
Share the feeling.
.?ijj& ?jte?4-

APRIL 7, 1988
Circus showgirl likes life under the big top
MONROE, N.C. (AP) - Her life
is a three-ring circus with two
performances a day, but life
under the big top isn't exactly
what most outsiders would
imagine, says circus showgirl
Cynthia Clegg.
For one thing, the circus has
changed. Most newcomers - like
Clegg - are graduates of schools ot
the arts, aspiring actors and
"1 wanted to work with the
circus because 1 wanted to be a
part of a touring company the
one-time Monroe resident says.
"And with so few theater groups
going on tour nowadays, it's
really hard to find a traveling
Even the big top has been
replaced in most cities bv an
indoor coliseum. And rather than
focusing on the 400-pound fat
lady or the midget in a top hat,
today's circus more closely
resembles a Las Vegas show,
Clcgg says, with a central theme
elaborate costuming and
complicated dance routines.
For such dancing and
performing, her hometown
training served her well. The
daughter of Waxhaw residents
Helen and Ron Nahan, Clegg is a
graduate of Parkvvood High
School, the North Carolina School
of the Arts, and the University of
Miami, but she actually becan her
career with the training she
received from Rhonda Scherich's
Monroe dance studio.
Clegg's first professional step
was in Charlotte where she taught
for Dance One Productions. Then
in 1986, she made a move to Los
Angeles where she did some
work for Cinemax and for the
Stella Adler Theatre. When she
was ready to move on, she met the
Barnum and Bailey performance
director who persuaded her to
Acrylic art is done in reverse ,
according to Eden artist Don Hall
EDEN, N.C. (AP)- Artist Don
Hall has a different perspectiveon
life than most people. He sees the
world backwards.
As an acrylic sculptor, he has to.
Otherwise, the Eden Public
Library's artist of the month
wouldn't be able to create his
unique designs, many oi which
were recently on display in the
Fieldcrest Room and in the glass
case at the library entrance.
Hall's collection, part oi the
Friends of the Eden Library's
monthly exhibit, included wall
hangings, jewelry, curios, and
other pieces.
To create a sculpture out of
acrylic. Hall has set no easy task
for himself. He must first
visualize what picture he wants to
create and than imagine it in
reverse and three-dimensional
Like other artists who have the
advantage oi viewing their work
face to face, the acrylic sculptor
must work from the back of his
"canvas which is usually a clear
acrylic like that used to make
prescription eyeglass lenses.
Hall carves a cavity into the
back of the acrylic, producing a
cylindrical white column
showing the path of the drill
through the acrylic.
When the acrylic is deep-
carved, or intaglio, meaning the
drill almost reaches the surface,
the process leaves a snow-white
image. Hall removes the excess
material from within the acrylic,
thereby producing an etched
The self-taught artist became
intrigued with acrylic sculpture
40 years ago in England. In 1947,
following World War II, Hall was
preparing to leave his homeland
and go to Canada to join his
mother, who had migrated there.
In a Devonshire art store, while
looking for a gift to take to his
mother, he happened upon a
beautiful breast pin carved with
roses. A toolmaker by trade, Hall
spent the next three years
experimenting in order to learn
how the broach was made.
Apparently the process of
reverse carving used in acrylic
sculpture was discovered during
World War II by an unknown
member of the armed forces in the
European theater, Hall explained
While repairing the plastic
windows used on war planes, the
person figured out that designs
could be carved from the back of
the material.
With no one to guide him, Hall
was forced to develop his own
techniques, manufacture his own
dyes and even fashion his own
tools. He brought his art form
with him when he came to the
United States.
His acrylic sculpture was a
hobby for Hall, who worked as a
senior manufacturing engineer
for Westinghouse in Raleigh
before retiring in 1983. It was
Beaux Arts
Ball to shine
on April 15
Visual Ait Press Release
The Visual Arts Forum of the
School of Art is presenting the
annual Beaux Arts Ball
masquerade party on Friday,
April 15, 1988 in the Grey ARt
Gallery Jenkins Fine Arts Center.
The band is the Ametuers
(ReggaeRock) and the prize list
is incredible! Win a waterbed
from Russ Upholstry in KInston,
N.C for best costume. Tickets $4
or $5 at the door, available at
Jenkins Lobby Fri. and Mon. - Fri
there that he met Rebecca, his wife
oi 13 vears. She helps her
husband with the polishing,
coloring, and edging of the acrylic
The 64-vear-old artist's hobby
has turned into a second career.
"I like to say I practiced for 35
years and now I'm getting
serious Hall says with a smile.
Over the years, he has
expanded his canvas to include
opal and quartz.
"As far as we know, we're the
only ones in the country to do it
Hall noted, "especially with the
depth of carving and the use of
The sculptor has backgrounded
his acrylic art with fur, velvet, and
wood, His designs adorn
everything from jewelry to hot
plates to fruit bowls.
Jewelry and wall hangings
continue to be his most popular
items. Hummingbirds and eagles
appear to be favorites of his
patrons, while Oriental designs
are popular also.
For Hall, the items he most likes
to carve remain roses and orchids.
Yet two favorite pieces in the
thousands of sculptures he has
created arc works titled 'The
Emperor's Garden" and "Winged
The first is an elaborate Oriental
wall hanging of white acrylic
images on a fur background,
which took about 160 hours of
carving time to make.
His "Winged Fury" sculpture
combines two techniques, The
soaring eagle was created
through the reverse carving
method, while the base is solid
acrylic carved in the round.
audition as a dancer.
"I knew I was ready to leave
L.A Clcgg told the Enquirer-
Journal of Monroe. "But I didn't
want to just leave. I wanted to
have something that I really
wanted to go to and I wanted to
experience a touring group
And so, since last December,
she has traveled along the East
Coast with her new-found family
of 200. A train is her new home
and the distinctive aroma of lions,
elephants and tigers is never far
Her schedule normally
includes two grueling aerobic
performances daily in a new city
every week. Showgirl makeup,
heavily sequincd costumes and
scaling a 20-foot rope in rhythm
took some adjusting, she says.
Circus jargon nowcomescasily.
The stunts of the clowns with the
audience before the show actually
begins, Clegg explains, are
known as the 'clown come in and
takes place 20 minutes before
The spinning that showgirls
like her do at the top of a rope is
known as webbing, and the
white-faced, bulb-nosed
performer at the end of the rope
who decides on just how fast
she'll spin is known as her "web
And as for tricks of the trade,
she says, "I always make sure that
my web sitter and I are on friendly
terms. It's best to get along really
well with him. He could make
things difficult for you
Plenty of rehearsals and
practice are behind the actual
performances of the "greatest
show on earth Clegg says. After
the crowds have gone, she says, it
isn't unusual to see a lone
performer or even groups of them
practicing their acts.
The spectacular has to look
easy, she says. And just how
successful the circus ultimately is,
she says, depends on the feelings
that the performers can leave with
their audience.
"We don't deal with heavy
themes like nuclear war. We just
make people forget their troubles
for a little while. When I was
training for the show I would sit in
the audience and watch people
get all wrapped up in what they
were seeing.
"In Chicago I sat next to a bunch
of lawyers who, by the time the
show was over, had put their
popcorn bags on the top of their
heads and started talking about
joining the show themselves.
That's what the circus is all
WNo matter how
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alkin'The Plank The
s. 4; C
Undercover Cat;
Iilside Joke
Campus Comics
WAS- AND ?0-
The Not Ver
The Cruel
Oh great SI
lost my pax
I'm losing

ter and I are on friendly
best to get along really
him. He could make
; fol ou
hearsals and
ire behind the actual
of the greatest
Qegg savs. After
. e gone she says, it
so see a lone
n groups of them
ar has to look
ays And iust how
ie circus ultimately is,
nds on the feelings
rmei scan leave with
? deal with heavy
ar sar We just
get their troubles
When 1 was
how I would sit in
I watch people
in what thev
ia next to a bunch
the time the
tad put their
the top of their
king about
us is all
yi ?u miss
? Reach
:h someone?
? more
roducts and
222 )l 10.
ht choice.
APRIL 7.1988
Since February 1988
Comics that are too depressing to read.
INalkin' The Plank The Southern Sportsman Edition
tot iM&, $m M?ui0 fcs Ago nk am
i it wrmwi?& ft$M&. '
ft&, PfP 7&Y PtvtUrt U&5 AMP 1W
1b APAfYlo UlMP?JO OfJPetftWSS
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FM 1H? 00P tfM WQFM F&tf"
By A GUY Orpheus: Nightwalker
HUPAv : ' TVUf
hunteobi Trie ruLLj

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ItoKS I MA FM &?. 1
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WlTU.MEN P? - - .
l &U5E 10RS
mAN rut ? a h?
RANt ? -
Talk To ME. come on
STax Awake . rajaoall
;kound.keep talking.
Undercover Cats
By PARKER Overkill
? -s
?? (VMM "
1 iiwW
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R 5 i1 e
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kit CAU-f l SO? PHIS
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The Law
r06 K
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Red ?
Campus Comics.
A siD
'xf0U(Z QJR7?iZi
v-0x ue. a
Vs nr
iu6 P"i
TRAP? ?w u 5 A ? ? ' - f ; 5 J " '



l rrfi
The Not Very Much
Vfhe Cruel, Sad Edg. ot Humor
?)rr hisses shelton tou cuidnce
Oh great Sh.Uon, pta- com. back SSSSSSS5SS
? ?v ?i.rht.i.afk I illicw ttie PAGE would crumble when infedelslike you tool
NotaslSYasyoumought.huParkerTIknewmerAuc people's cartoons;
over! YES, you have sinned-being a JJZrV
Shelton! Wait don't leave me! Oh, now what? I'll try to HSS 3
thank you, Superman. If s no use. Sorry, my lackey cartoonists, I have fallen ???? J
can't even say those cool words, B? or W"?. Adios, dear reader, lef s hope next weeks page
? flM?.
NEd WEEK: Watch as Orpheus has the tar whaled out of JgfStl
Sensuous script by: Micah Hossw Harris and Arousing art by. Tom "Little Joe ourg wrp
thinking man's comic strip. have-sniff-sniff-profound sense of humor, like
WANTED: New partner-sniff-for Fun-N-Games. Must nave a?i r
Bojangles food-sniff- and-WAAAAAHHHHl-like comic books. Sob, sob.
?? ? ?
? .? ?? 'HMI
JW. "T ' ll1


APRIL 7,1988 Page W
i U?tfl gfl
Pirates' homers put out the Flames Wednesday
Sport Kditor
It was a day of sevens at
1 tarrington Field Wednesday as
East Carolina recorded a 7-3
victory over Liberty University.
The Pirates scored seven runs in
the win, while picking up seven
hits. And, the knockout runs by
the Bucs came during the seventh
The win, the Pirates sixth in a
row. pushes ECU'S season mark
to 21-9 heading into a key three-
game series with Colonial
Athletic Association ioc George
Mason this weekend on the road.
The Pirates currently stand at 4-4
in the CAA after sweeping a trio
oi games from William & Mary
this past weekend. The loss
dropped the names to 12-21 for
the year.
"It was not a very intense game
by either team today ECU head
coach Gary 0 erton said. "I think
the difference in the game was
that we came up with the timely
Chris Cauble delivered the
Pirates first timely hit oi the
windy afternoon and broke a 0-0
tie in the bottom of the third frame
when he ripped a solo home run
over the right field fence. Cauble's
lead-oft homer was his first
roundtrippcr oi the season.
The Flames battled back and
seized the lead in the fifth inning
with a pair oi runs scoring off oi
two liberty hits.
Doug Reynolds reached base
first after being struck by a John
White pitch. Mike Tarum then hit
a one-out single to left to put
runners at first and second.
Tatum's hit was the first given
up by White, who had pitched
four and one-thirds inning of
hitless ball. A wild pitch by White
then moved the runners to second
and third with only one out in the
A sacrifice fly by Mike Rivas to
center scored the first run, while
an RBI single by Jamie Mason
gave the Flames a 2-1 lead.
The Pirates managed to even
the score in the bottom oi the
inning as they stranded three
runners in the process.
Gary Smith and Kevin Riggs
each reached base courtesy of
walks and David Ritchie scored
the tying run oi the game with a
run-scoring single to left. A two-
out walk to Jay McGraw loaded
the bases for the Pirates and gave
lefthanded Calvin Brown a
golden opportunity to put the
game out oi reach, however,
Brown popped out ending the
Liberty grabbed its final lead oi
the game in the top half of the
sixth frame when Carl McKay led
off with a round tripper to right
for a 3-2 Flames lead.
The Pirates answered McKay's
run with a pair of runs in the
bottom of the inning. Steve Godin
opened the inning with a double
oii of the left field fence. John
Adams then pushed Godin home
with a ground-rule double over
the center field fence. A Riggs
single to right allowed Adams to
score, pushing the Pirates on top
for good, 4-3.
The Pirates dusted off their win
in the bottom of the seventh
inning with the three-run
barrage. After McGraw and
Brown had been issued bases on
balls, Godin towered a home run
over the left field fence and into
the trees to put the final nail in the
Flames' coffin.
Mike Whitten picked up the
win on the mound for the Pirates
to give him a 1-0 record for the
season, while Gary Smith came in
to lock up his first save of the
Toby Toburen, who pitched
five innings and gave up four runs
on four hits, suffered the loss on
the mound for Liberty.
The Pirates next action before
traveling to George Mason this
weekend will come against the
Kinston Indians tonight in
Grainger Stadium in Kinston
The Pirates will battle the
Indians in a seven-inning
exhibition contest.
Pure Gold
tryouts set
All students who wish to tryout
for the 1988-89 Pure Gold Dancers
must attend an organizational
meeting in Room A-18 of Mir
Coliseum, Wednesday, April 13
at 7 p.m.
Actual tryouts for the dance
troupe, who perform at sclei
home basketball games and other
?.???,? . , . . outside functions, will be held
l)aid Ritchie barely gets back to first on this play dunn? the Pirates' 7-3 victory over Liberty University April 14.
Wednesday at Harrington Field. The Pirates will be in action again tonight in Kinston's Grainger Stadium as For more information call 757-
they will play an exhibition game against the Indians at 7 p.m. (Photo by Jon Jordan ? ECU Photo Lab) 6491.
ie ball caromed off the gfc
ckboard as time ran out anc
ell( fittingly, into the
annv Manning. Thev were the
lands that built kar.
tational baskctr.
hampionship ,n 33 vears
Kansas beat fifth-rar ?
Oklahoma 83-79 Mondav night -
"he 50th NCAA final, and the so
ailed one-man team as
nation's No 1 team
When Manning rolled
nto the hardwood
(emper Arena, the ayhav .
?in the nanonal title m
most losses of any team ir !
istorv. And coach La"
lad turned a team in dis -
cam of champions
The game wa
;ollegiately foi "?
danning, and some wond
would be the last at Kansa
he vagabond coach E i
"I'm trying to be par'
ational champions) :
ore Brown said
bout that now
The Jayhawks tot
he game from Okia
ibout 10 minutes left s
tempo and sendee
Tubbs' run-and-gur V - -
( me with only thcr
of the season against 35
ECU tracksters bring home first-place finishes from Miami
Spurt Wntcr
Members of the ECU men's
track team traveled to Miami this
past weekend to compete in the
Miami-Gatorade Grand Prix, and
came home with two first-place
Eugene McNeill took the top
honors in the 200-meters as he ran
a time oi 21.20 and captured his
third first-place finish oi the
McNeill placed second in the
100-meter, running a 10.70.
The 400-meter relay team relay
team, making another fine
showing, placed first in their
event, running 40.35, for their
second win of the year.
In Durham on Saturdav, other
members of the track team took
part in the Duke Invitational.
Phil Estcs took third place in the
400-meters, as he ran a 48.0.
Kelwin Love, ran a 48.6 and
finished sixth in the event.
The Pirates had two fifth-place
finishes in hurdle events. Brian
Williams competing in the 110-
meter hurdles ran a 14.79 and
Udon Cheeks ran a 55.50 in the
intermediate hurdles for his fifth-
place finish.
Both the men's and women's
track team will be in action this
weekend as thev travel to Chapel
Hill for the North Carolina
Collegiate Track Championships,
Eugene McNeill will be looking
for more wins as he competes in
the 200-meters and in the 100-
mcters along with brother, Lee.
The Pirates will also be
competing in the 400-meters and
in the 400-meter relay. Pirate
Coach Bill Carson says the meet
will be a good chance for the
Pirates to run qualifying times for
the IC4A championships, to be
held in May.
The Lady Pirates will also be
looking for good things to happen
Saturdav. as their 400-meter relay
team defends their 1987 title in the
Last year, the team took first in
the event and this year with three
of last year's members returning,
expect even better results as they
work toward a NCAA qualifying
Senior Sonya Alwin also had
two third-place finishes in the
shotput and 100-meter dash last
year and hopes to improve her
finishes this year.
Running along with the 400-
meter team is sophomore Vanessa
Smith. Smith captured two first-
place finishes in the Lady Pirates
first outdoor meet of the year and
here she has every oppourtunity
of repeating her success in the 100
and 200 meters.
ECU netters lose fifth straight
Blue Devi
Duke Blue Devils re-
their campus without a
championship, but coach M
Krzyzewski savs
disappointment doesn t make I
season a loss.
The loss) does not dimir -
what this team has accomplish
To be in the na-
championship and to be Atlar
Coast Conference champions is a
tremendous accornphshmer'
"And if I ever hear a lot of stuff
about how Duke doesn't make
to the Final Four, but that the teai
has achieved as much as it car,
that'll feattyiftale me mad hi
About 1300 students
Welcomed the Blue Devils hom
ECU's women's tennis team loss of the season.
tookonthcLadyMonarchsofOld The Lady Pirates, who were
Dominion on Wednesday shut out by Old Dominion last
Afternoon and suffered it's fifth spring, took one match from the
v 5
i ?

ECU'S Karla Hoyle grimaces as she returns a shot during the Lady
Pirates match against Old Dominion Wednesday afternoon. The netters
los marked their fifth straight. (Photo by Jon Jordan ? ECU Photo Lab)
Lady Monarchs in the 7-1 loss.
The Lady Pirates number six
seed Kathi Messcr defeated
Jennifer Fitzgibbon after three
sets of play.
Messcr lost the first set to
Fi tzgibbon, 4-6, then came back to
take the second and third set, 6-3,
ECU's number one seed, Susan
Mattocks was defeated by ODU's
Debbie Karlen, 6-1,6-0. '
Mattocks and doubles
teammate Holly Murray also
were defeated in the number two
doubles as they faced Jane Stubic
and Pernille Buch-Pederson, 7-5,
One member of the Lady
Monarchs number three doubles
was Fitzgibbons, whose singles
match ran long in three sets, so the
teams opted not to play the third
doubles match.
ECU now 11-7 overall and 6-5
for the spring will regroup and get
ready to host Peace next Tuesday.
ODU, who recorded their best
season ever last year with 17 wins,
nine shutouts, and had a third-
place finish in the Sun Belt
Conference, improved their
record to 10-4.
The men's team will conclude
their season this weekend as they
travel to Wilmington for the
Azalea Tennis Classic.
The Pirates will face Armstrong
State, Campbell, and the The
Citadel in singles on Friday, and
will take on UNC-Wilmington in
doubles on Friday afternoon.
For Saturday, ECU will play
UNC-Wilmington in singles, in a
morning match, and finish out the
day playing doubles against
Armstrong State, Campbell and
The Citadel.
Wayne Ferguson watches as Tuny Henry sprints from the blocks. (Photo by Hardy Alligood ? ECU Photo Labi
Earlvis remembers Manning
College Rover
Watching the fleeting seconds
of NCAA national championship
basketball game Monday, a part
of me glowed as Kansas sealed the
victory for their first title.
As number 25 for the Jayhawks
converted four crucial free throws
in the closing seconds and as the
player's father-assistant coach
watched confidently from the
sidelines, I reminesccd to a musty,
sweaty gym of youth.
In that small, dirty-tiled gym at
Aycock Junior High in
Greensboro, I remember
watching the jayvces shoot on the
other end of the court during
practice as we preformed our
routine lay up drill. One of the
players on that Aycock JV
basketball team was an alkward
and boncy 6-6 center who
practiced shots from the top of the
key. It was out of the ordinary for
such a tall player to be taking
outside shots.
That year, nine years ago, I was
the back up center for the Aycock
varsity, playing behind John
Newman, who later went on to
play collegiate hoops at James
Madison University. During
several practices, the varsity team
scrimaged the jayvecs full court.
In the scrimage games, I had to
guard the skinny 6-6 jay vee center
who looked at the time like a
smaller Manute Bol. I was
impressed with the center's
ma vcring agility and his
brand new pair of size 13 Pony's.
I expected the big guy, who
towered over me (I was 6 feet), to
take the rock and go inside the
lane for easy shots. On the
contrary, the eighth-grade rail
refused to camp in the lane and
preferred to hover on the baseline
to receive the pass.
On defense, his long extended
arms looked intimidating, but
opponents could use his weight to
their own advantage by muscling
him on the post. Offensively, the
young man would only take the
open fifteen-plus jumper, to
which the jayvce coach would
blow his whistle and say, "Son, a
center is suppose to go to the
boards and not hang out on the
Regardless of what the coach
had to say, the raily center
continued to shoot his sweet
jumper to the point where he
became quite proficient at the
baseline shot. Monday's MVP
performance in the NCAA
championship is evidence that the
boney fellow from my past, who
by the way was and still is Danny
Manning, has become quite a
damn-good all around basketball
During one practice, I
remember looking curiously
towards a tall man who watched
us play from the wooden
In the lockroom I was told that
man was Danny's dad, Ed. Ed had
played pro ball in the ABA for the
Carolina Cougars. The Cougars
rotated playing home games
between Charlotte and
Greensboro in the early 70's. One
of the coaches for the Cougars was
no other than Larry Brown, the
same coach whose'Kansas team
just won the national title.
After practice, Aycock forward
and friend Brian Kemp and I set
course for the short walk home.
Behind the gym, was parked a
long 18-wheeler. Brian informed
me that the rig was Ed Manning's,
who after retiring from profession
basketball drove a truck for a
After Aycock, Danny and John
went onto Page High while Brian
and myself schooled at the cross-
town rivals, Grimsley High By
my senior year, Danny's junior
year, Page crushed every
opponent they faced enroute to
the State title and a number one
ranking in the nation.
From the stands I would marvel
at Manning's athletic display as
he ran the floor. When I say he ran
Je floor, I mean he would grab
the rebound on defense and drive
the distance for the slam
In a nostalgic mood, I reflect on
hHTL51 and think how
hard,t is to believe that Ed used to
drive a truck and that Dannyls
once a slow and clumsy
basketball player.
i The Shac
'arolina State Univers
basketball center Charlt
hackleford pleaded guilt
Speeding charge Tucsdav &
'ill lose his driver's I icerv tot I
Defense attorney Donald S
mle of Raleigh entered the
Wake County District Coui
nd told the judge I
ickleford intended to remain u
:hool for his senior season
Shackleford was arrested i
liamer shortly after rrud-
lov. 23 and charged with dnvmj
miles per hour in a 45-mr.
ne on U.S. 70.
The speed was reduced in tl
irge to 65 mph as part of a
irgain worked out w
'osecutors Tucsdav 3m
unty District Attorney
Solon WUloughbv r. ai
iistant prosecutor Carn
irroll refused Soule s request
?Be Pi
All Intci

APRIL 7,1988
? XTitle game had fitting ending
ke Whitten picked up the
he mound for the Pirates
e him a 1-0 record for the
hile Gary Smith came in
k up his first save of the
uren, who pitched
gs and gave up four runs
n four hits suffered the loss on
le mound for Liberty.
( Pirates next action before
raveling to George Mason this
end will come against the
ion Indians tonight in
nger Stadium in Kinston.
The Pirates will battle the
ins in a seven-inning
n contest.
Pure Gold
tryouts set
students who wish to tryout
. Tthe 1988-89 PureGoW Dancers
attend an organizational
g in Room A-IS of Minges
n, Wednesday, April 13
Actual tryouts for the dance
oupe, who perform at selected
basketball games and other
functions, will be held
re information call 757-
ii Miami
? :

M ??'
Hardy lligood ? ECU Photo Lab)
n was Danny'sdad, Ed. Ed had
I pro ball in the ABA for the
olina Cougars. The Cougars
Hated playing home games
en Charlotte and
ensboro in the early 70's. One
the coaches for the Cougars was
other than Larry Brown, the
me coach whose Kansas team
n the national title.
After practice, Aycock forward
id friend Brian Kemp and I set
Wse for the short walk home,
?hind the gym, was parked a
ng 18-wheeler. Brian informed
e that the rig was Ed Manning's,
ho after retiring from profession
isketball drove a truck for a
After Aycock, Dannv and John
ent onto Page High while Brian
id myself schooled at the cross-
wn rivals, Grimsley High. By
v senior year, Danny's junior
r, Page crushed every
poncnt they faced enroute to
c State title and a number one
nking m the nation.
F rom the stands I would marvel
Manning's athletic display as
ran the floor. When I say he ran
e floor, I mean he would grab
e rebound on defense and drive
e distance for the slam
In a nostalgic mood, I reflect on
rHVfntLSt and think ho
Td it is to believe that Ed used to
ive a truck and that Danny was
tce a slow and clumsy
sketball player.
yt ball caromed off the glass
ickboard as time ran out, and if
toll, fittingly, into the hands of
anny Manning. They were the
nds that built Kansas' first
lational basketball
jhampionship in 33 years.
Kansas beat fifth-rer' 1
Oklahoma was a team that
admitted it liked to beat people
bad. And this was a bad way to
end a super season.
"It'sabitter defeat Tubbssaid.
"We thought we cold win, and we
didn't. We're still proud
season. Brown had lost starters
Archie Marshall to injury and
Marvin Branch to academics, and
the Jayhawks were 12-S after 20
The responsibility fell to
four 25 seconds into the second
half, but he never got his fourth.
Oklahoma took a 65-60 lead, its
biggest of the game, on eight
straight points, capped by King's
layup with 12:13 to play. The
but its 27th victory gave the
Xdahoma 83-79 Monday night in Jayhawks their first national title
the 50th NCAA final, and the so- since 1952. That's also the last
ailed one-man team was the time a Big Eight team won the
nation's No. 1 team. championship.
When Manning rolled the ball "I just wanted to tell all the
,nto the hardwood floor at people who said it couldn't be
Ikempcr Arena, the Jayhawks had done: The national champic ?s are
Lvn the national title with the
Imost losses of any team in NCAA
Kansas, meanwhile, had lost 11, All-American, who was expected
to carry the team. He got them
into the NCAA tournament,
Manning, the 6-foot-10 two-time Jayhawks got two back on a
jumper by Piper, and Mannng
inverted a three-point play with
11:13 to play, tying the score 65-
where they advanced with
victories over Xavier, Murray
Stae, Vanderbilt and Kansas State
to win the Midwest Regional.
The Jayhawks upset No. 5 Duke
66-59 in the semifinals being
No. 1, and how do you hke us Manning's 25 points and
now?' Manning said as the advanced against Oklahoma,
news conference
Mookie Blaylock pulled
Oklahoma ahead 68-65 with a 3-
pointer with 11 minutes left, and
thaf s when Kansas finally went
into the slowdown. The Jayhawks
scored 12 of the game's next 15
points, six by Manning, to take a
history. And coach Larry Brown postgame news conference which was an eight-point favorite 77-71 lead with 3:05 to play,
had turned a team in disarray into ended. and had twice beaten Kansas After Manning made a pair of
team of champions. Manning scored 31 points, had during the Big Eight season. free throws, giving Kansas a 81 -77
18 rebounds and helped Kansas "When you have a fine lead, Ricky Grace drove the
The game was the last control not only the tempo but defensive club and a great player length of the court to pull
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icollegiately for the senior also Oklahoma's two big men,
JManning, and some wondered if Stacey King and Harvey Grant.
lit would be the last at Kansas for
the vagabond coach Brown.
I'm trying to be part of a
national championship team
here' Brown said. "1 can't talk
labout that now
King had 17 points, five below his
average, and Grant 14, seven
below his. Manning and Chris
Piper held them to four apiece in
the second half.
like Danny, you always have a
chance Brown said.
The first half ended in a 50-50
tie. Manning had 14 ponts, and
Milt Newton scored 12 of his 15
before intermission. Still, it was
Like 1 said yesterday, I knew evident that if the pace continued,
Danny Manning wanted it bad, the sooners would run Kansas
The Jayhawks took control of and he came out and proved it into submission.
the game from Oklahoma with today King said. "There were four or five up-
about 10 minutes left, slowing the Like Villanova in 1985 and and-down possessions there in
tempo and sending coach Billy North Carolina State in 1983, both the first half, an I got tired from
Tubbs' run-and-gun Sooners of which had 10 losses, Kansas that Kansas guard Kevin
home with only their fourth loss had struggled from mediocrity to Pritchard said.
of the season against 35 victories, the top during the course of the Manning picked up his third
Blue Devils proud despite loss
Oklahoma within 81-79 with
seven seconds left.
Manning was fouled by Grant
with five seconds left, and he
made both free throws to put the
Jayhawks up by four. Grace
missed a long shot off the glass as
the game ended, the rebound
falling into Manning's hands.
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from the NCAA Final Four in
Kansas City Tuesday.
Duke lost 66-59 to Kansas
Saturday. The Jayhawks went on
to defeat Oklahoma Monday for
the championship.
DURHAM N.C. (AP) ? The
Puke Blue Devils returned to
their campus without a national
championship, but coach Mike
Krzyzewski says the
diappointment doesn't make the
season a loss.
The loss) does not diminish
what this team has accomplished.
To be in the national
championship and to be Atlantic
Coast Conference champions is a Don't loss sight of that
tremendous accomplishment.
And if 1 ever hear a lot of stuff
about how Duke doesn't make it
k- the Final Four, but that the team
has achieved as much as it can,
thatfl TeatttTmae me mad
About 1,500 students and fans
welcomed the Blue Devils home
the national championship, but
once we get over tne pain, we'll
look back with pride. We
appreciate what you've done for
us Strickland said.
Danny Ferry, ACC player of the
"You can go to Chapel Hill or year, spoke on behalf of the rest of
Raleigh and hold your head up the team. We're gonna miss
very high' Krzyzewski told the these guys a whole lot But next
crowd. "Duke is the best place in year we hope to go the the Final
the United States for basketball. Four in Seattle
The Duke team is scheduled to
play in Europe this summer,
He praised seniors Billy King Krzyzewski said. In connection
with the Summer Olympics in
Seoul, the team will play squads
from Yugoslavia, Russia, Spain,
Italy and Greece.
"Kansas is also coming to
Cameron Indoor Stadium next
year he said , to a deafening
and Kevin Strickland for their
"winningest effort over four
years" - 112 victories, or an
average of 28 victories a year.
couldn't have done it
without you Strickland said to
the crowd.
"Ifs kind of painful that we lost
The Shack don't get no slack
RALEIGH (AP) ? North
Carolina State University's
basketball center Charles
jShackleford pleaded guilty to a
speeding charge Tuesday and
.will lose his driver's license for 30
Defense attorney Donald R.
mle of Raleigh entered the plea
in Wake County District Court
ind told the judge that
hackleford intended to remain in
:hool for his senior season.
Shackleford was arrested in
lamer shortly after midnight
?ov. 23 and charged with driving
JQ miles per hour in a 45-mph
pne on U.S. 70.
The speed was reduced in the
Jharge to 65 mph as part of a plea
bargain worked out with
rosecutors Tuesday. Wake
bounty District Attorney C.
"olon Willoughby Jr. and
ssistant prosecutor Carrie
.arroll refused Soule's request to
have the charge reduced further.
Judge Jerry W. Leonard
ordered that Shackleford turn in
his driver's license to the N. C.
Division of Motor Vehicles by
Wednesay nad not drive a car for
30 days. Shackleford must pay a
$25 fine and $40 court costs.
Leonard then asked Soule
whether Shackleford, who was
not in court, "was turning pro"
this year and passing up his senior
Soule said he had talked to
Shackleford at length Tuesday,
and "he told me he's planning to
go back to school Soule said he
had told Shackleford he agreed
with the decision, "even though
I'm a Carolina fan
Shackleford pleaded guilty
Dec. 14 to driving in excess of 55
mph and to driving without his
license Oct. 23. He was ordered to
pay $40 in court costs, but he
appealed the decision to Wake
County Superior Court. Soule
said Tuesday that Shackleford
would withdraw the appeal and
comply with the order sometime
before the scheduled trial date of
May 2.
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APRIL 7. 1988
What Nicklaus will take the Masters' tee ?
AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) - It will
be interesting to see who steps
forward Thursday when the
announcer on the first tee at the
Augusta National Coif Club
introduces jack Nicklaus.
It could be the real lack
Nicklaus the 48-year-old
Nicklaus said. 1 do not enjoy
playing goM like that other guv
has tor the last couple oi ears
The other Nicklaus emerged as
a result ot what he called "a
phasing back, reduction ot his
playing schedule to 10 events,
perhaps less
Leftv heads
to Madison
Leftv Driescll, who was forced to
resign as Maryland's basketball
coach in the aftermath oi the
cocaine death of Len Bias, was
named Wednesday as the new
basketball coach at lames
"I don't have anything to prove
to anybody Pnesell told a news
conference punctuated bv loud
cheers from several hundred
Tm a basketball coach. I've
won games, and I've won them
within the NCAA niles.
Athletic Director Dean Ehlers
and lames Madison President
Ronald Carrier said they believe
the veteran oi 2b basketball
seasons was their best candidate,
despite the 1986 Bias affair.
'We certainly were aware oi it
Fhlers said. "1 think even, body in
America was aware oi it. 1
personally don't think that was
the coach s responsibilitv. A
coach can only provide guidance
t ou can't be with them 24 hours a
Dnesell said he missed
coaching even though he enjoyed
doing color commentary during
televised basketball games.
"1 never really felt like I got out
of coaching he said. "When you
do color common tarv, you ha ve to
9COUt both teams
I think I've got lOor 15 years left
ach said Dnesell, 5h. lames
Madison was 10-18 last season,6-
in the Colonial Athletic
Carrier said DneseH's 5-year
contract is worth $t-5,000 a year
and the lames Madison
Foundation will pay him $10,000
a vear as an annuity toward his
retirement. He will also be able to
operate a basketball camp.
Dnesell would not comment on
reports Maryland will make up
the difference between his new
salary and the $130,iY0 a vear he
would receive in each of the seven
years remaining in his 10-vear
He acknowledged he mav have
problems recruiting as he takes
over so late in the spring, but he
will go after the best players he
can get.
"It's sort of late. The signing
date is the thirteenth, but we're
not going to give up he said.
Dnesell becomes the fifth full
time coach at the Division I school
since it began its men's basketball
program in 1969.
He won 524 games in nine years
at Davidson and 17 years at
After Bias died of a cocaine
overdose the night of his draft
selection by the Boston Celtics,
Dnesell allegedly had players and
an assistant coach remove
evidence of drug abuse from the
player's room before police began
their investigation.
A grand jury that looked into
the case did not indict him.
He succeeds John Thurston,
who resigned in the middle of last
season, when James Madison
would not renew his contract.
After Thurston resigned in
January, Driescll was asked if he
would be interested in the job, but
he did not meet in person with
James Madison officials until
early March when Carrier and
Ehlers took him on a tour of the
campus. He interviewed with
Ehlers and a search committee on
March 21.
He calls himself "a ceremonial
golfer " and chuckles at reference
tea new nickname. Olden Bear
But he bristles at suggestions he
is no longer capable ot w inning.
" hen you play goll 40 percent
ot the time and you're 48 years old
and you've got a burn hot kid:
playing UK) percent ot time,
you're not going to win much.
lliat is just being ci practical
about it
"1 love playing golf. I'm not
going to quit playing golf. I'll be
part oi the scene.
"And occasionally I'll be
competitive, like the '86 masters.
1 remembered real quick what I
needed to do when 1 got myself in
contention. I'm not going to forget
When I get io the major
championships, when I step on
m first tee, I'll be ready to give it
a run Nicklaus said.
"Hut that's not the number one
priority in my career. My interests
now lie basically with my golf
course design business. I enjoy
The major championshiips - the
Masters, U.S. and British Opens
and the PGA, the big four
tournaments around which he
has built his unmatched record -
still intrigue him.
But age and competing interests
have reduced his capacity to add
to his record collection on 18 titles
in those tour tournaments.
"That's just being realistic as
relates to my abilities, my age, my
desire to want to work at it said
Nicklaus, who has missed the cut
in two of three tounament this
year and hasn't won since his
nostalgic triumph in the 19K6
"1 like nothing better than to
walk out and win Masters or the
U.S. Open. 1 try to have my body
in shape to be able to do that. But
my body will not take abuse for
the length of time necessary for
the practice I need.
"I have to accept thai mv
preparations will not allow m.
play well all the time. But !
play well occasionally
Despite all the negatives
lack of competiton, relate ela kof
preparation, lack of victoriesover
24 months - two fa ts i an'l
ignored: this is the M . ? ? w
is lack Nicklaus.
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The East Carolinian, April 7, 1988
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 07, 1988
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