The East Carolinian, March 22, 1988

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

After Wednesday's vote, The East Carolinian will
bring you the winners and extensive coverage of the
election results.
Chippy talks about Omaha the cat. See page 8.
Pirates falter over the weekend while beginning CAA
baseball play. See page 10.
Sfoe iEaat (toiiltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925.
Vol. b2 No. 45
Tuesday, March 22,1988
Greenville, NC
12 Tagcs
Circulation 12,000
Candidates debate student issues at forum
stiff Wnlcr
r?e tour presidential candi-
dates and the three vice presiden-
tial candidates tor the SGA ad-
dressed issues and answered
questions Monday at the annual
forum sponsored bv The Fast
Carolinian and the Media Board.
Among the major issues ad-
dressed bv candidates running
tor both the vice presidency as
well as the presidency were those
dealing with race relations on
campus, pirate walk, campus
lighting and the parking policy on
campus among other issues de-
pending on the candidates plat-
SGA president Scott Thomas
introduced each candidate before
they gave their three minute plat-
form Then the question answer
period began. A few students in
the crowd questioned beforehand
were either uncertain or had
changed their minds completely
as to whom they were endorsing
by the end of the debate despite
who their friends were
Among the vice presidential
candidates, Kelly Jones began
with offering her experience and
concern with safety on campus by
stressing the importance of an
expanded lighting system on
campus. Carol Shore discussed
various ways of improving the
security on campus Steve Som-
mers took a stance on his commit-
ment to race relations and im-
proving the student voice on
campus. He voiced his grievances
to manv current administration
problems and offered solutions
through communication and in-
creased participation oi the stu-
dent body as a whole.
Michael Bartlett opened the
presidential platforms bv stating
his concern for pirate walk and
the importance oi the student
voice in the decisions oi the ad-
ministration, "It's time for stu-
dents to stand up and sav what
they want" said Bartlett.
1 arr Murphy said he had vi-
sions oi better public relations
between the SGA and the stu-
dents by letting the students
know exactly what the SGA has to
offer. Murphy also expressed the
desire to aiding and improving
the image of ECU by promoting a
more positive view oi the Univer-
sity and stressing the improve-
ments being made all the time
Amar Singh included in his
platform his desire for more con-
crete issues to be addressed in the
SGA and his desire to reinstate the
drunk bus system and Pirate
Greg Thompson voiced dissal
isfaction with the few in the SGA
making decisions for the many in
the student body. Thompson
proposed to focus the role of the
SGA by making it responsible to
every student. Thompson ended
his proposal with the question
"What has your SGA done for you
The dust began to clear on many
overlapping issues as the candi-
dates began to answer questions
and ask clarification questions on
Specific platform issues.
On the subject oi racial rela-
tions, all candidates expressed a
common concern for improving
relations between the blacks and
whites on campus, Both Bartlett
and Sommer stressed the impor-
tance oi bringing all students to-
gether on common grounds and
improving relations through
communication, "lenorance is
the stem of all prejudice" said
Sommers as he ottered alterna-
tives to the divisions in the stu
dent body.
rhe heat oi the debate was
sparked by tensions between vice
presidential candidates Sommers
and Jones on questions of legisla-
tion passed in regards to the l.e-
donia S. Wright building during
Jones' term as chair of the Student
Welfare Committee.
The tensions on the on the presi -
dential side were most evident
between Murphy and Bartlett as
Bartlett questioned Murphy's
role in the fallen Pirate Walk pro
gram and Murphy rebutted with
the lack of student body participa-
tidh in the service and questioned
Bartlett's attendance in previous
SGA meetings and his priorities.
The attendance issue also arose
for candidate Greg Thompson
when record oi his past absences
at Student Union Board oi Direc-
tor meetings was revealed.
In the course of the debate,
Bartlett proposed the possibility
oi greeks helping out in Pirate
Walk, and a weekly published
report to the student body of the
activities within the SGA
president's office letting the stu-
dents know what is going on.
Thompson proposed making
the Pirate Walk a work-study job.
"This way we a re killing two birds
with one stone. We are providing
jobs as well as providing security
Weathering the cold
The SGA candidates braved the cold and tough questioning Monday at a candidate forum held Monday
sponsored by The Last Carolinian and the Media Board. (Jon Jordan ? Photolab)
Condom legislation passes through
Assistant Newt Kdilor
Students may soon be able to
buy condoms from vending ma-
chines in ECU resident halls.
After a hour of debate Mon-
day, the SGA passed pro?con-
dom legislation which supports
the chancellor's AIDS Education
Subcommittee report calling for
installing condom vending ma-
chines in dormitories.
In addition to installing ma-
chines in dorms, the subcommit-
tee report also recommends, "util-
izing vending machines such as
Mendenhall Student Center, Belk
Building, and Medical Student
Lounges The report also sug-
gests providing a "Condom
Sense" brochure at vending sites.
The report also recommends
establishing a program which sots
up speakers on AIDS to address
various campus groups such as
fraternities and residence halls.
Condoms should be available
over the counter at the Student
Supply Store, says the report. The
report also supports teaching
AIDS education in Health 1000
classes and freshmen orienta-
Speaker of the legislature,
Bennett Eckert, who authored the
legislation said after the meeting
that the passage of the bill shows
that, "saving lives comes before
being concerned about a bad
During debate on the bill,
several legislators argued that
passage of the condom bill would
tarnish the image of ECU. Alan
Manning said condom vending
machines in the residence halls
would not help to alter ECU's
partv reputation.
But Glen Perry said, "We will
not be viewed as a party school
because we have condom ma-
chines in dorms Perry said that
if he were the parent of a child
living in a resident hall with con-
doms machines, he would be re-
lieved to know that the school was
making an attempt to stop a
deadlv disease.
Manning also disagreed with
the bill because Student Health
Services would have no control
over monitoring the quality of the
sexual disease-preventive device.
Instead of health services selling
condoms, Thrope Vending Com-
pany, the major supplier to vend-
ing machines on campus, would
have the responsibility of main-
taining condoms in the machines,
Manning said.
Manning did support the
subcommittee's call for stressing
education on AIDS and condom
use. Agreeing with Manning,
David Sides said, "The education
element of the report is great, but
I don't think wearecombating the
issue by making it (condoms)
more convenient
Legislator Bob Eimers said
that most sex relations occur
unexpected and do not allow for
the persons involved to think
ahead about obtaining preventive
devices. By creating easy excess to
condoms, students would have
the choice to using the devise or
not, Eimers said.
"Human nature will over
take rationale at 2 a.m. in the
morning Eimers said.
Another of Manning's argu-
ments held that the SGA should
not pass the legislation because
Chancellor Eakin didn't approve
the subcommittee's proposal to
install the vending machines in
resident halls. Eakin approved of
nine of the 10 recommendations
made by the AIDS subcommittee,
with the exception being the
fourth recommendation calling
for installing the machines.
In rebuttal to Manning's ar-
gument, Richard Patch said, "I
don't think just because the chan-
cellor doesn't agree with it (the
fourth recommendation) that we
should vote this down
In supporting the bill, Eckert
said the pro-condom legislation is
a good idea because, "it gives the
students easy excess to the pre-
ventive measures But Sides dis-
agreed with Eckert's statement
by saying, "Why can't people go a
mile off campus to buy condoms.
Does having them in the bath-
rooms assure that they will be
used? Sides said.
Tim Mills discussed other
methods to preventing AIDS,
"Abstinence from sex isn't a logi-
cal preventive measure to AIDS
Mills also argued against other
legislatures who said that parents
would not send they children to
ECU because the dorms have
condom dispensers.
"If a mother is so concerned
about her daughter going to a
school with machines, then send
the daughter to Liberty Univer-
sity or Oral Roberts Mills said.
Also arguing for the bill,
Eimers said "AIDS is a killer,
condoms prevent AIDS Eimers
also said, "It is time to sav the hell
with image
After debate, three legisla-
tors who disapproved of the con-
dom bill, Phillip Winter, David
Sides and Larry Hudson, walked
out of the legislature before the
bill was to be voted on. The bill
passed by the necessary majority.
Also in the SGA Monday,
ECU graduate and former US
Senator, Robert B. Morgan spoke
on his political career which he
said started at the East Carolina
student government. On nerve
damage which has impeded half
of his mouth, Morgan said jok-
ingly, "Now that I'm not in poli-
tics, I don't have to talk out of both
sides of my mouth
During notices and an-
nouncements, legislator Claire
Pertalion announced that she and
members of Students for Eco-
nomic Democracy are holding a
three day fast for peace in the
Nicaraguan-Hondarus confron-
on campus he said. Singh of-
fered more advertising to the stu-
drnt body about the availability
ol the Pirate Walk service.
Singh said he planned to
change the fact that the new park-
ing fees charged to students today
will only benefit students a few
years down the road. Singh said
he would work on striking down
this pre-financed parking pro-
Murphy wants to reinstate tlv.
work-petition for students who
work and need precedence when
they register in order to work
while going to school. Murphy
also proposed ideasabout putting
money into recreational facilitu s
on campus to give students their
tuition's worth while at ECU.
Among the Vice-Presidential
candidates Sommers proposed a
teacher evaluation system for
students. Hie evaluation proce-
dure would be run by the SGA
with the consideration oi faculty
rights. Sommers also wants I
establish an area or wall for stu
dent self-expression and the voic -
ingof any type of grievances the1
Sommers plan for limiting the
access and authority of both pub
lie safety and the RA's in the
dorms was met by Kelly Jones
concern for the importance oi the
rules in the dorms and the need
tor RA's to adhere to the require-
ments of their jobs.
Jones pledged to continue her
work on the campus lighting proj-
ect and said that she would be in
charge of Pirate Walk working
closely withCpt. Knox of Campus
Crime Prevention.
Shore plans to introduce a big-
ger role of the office oi vice presi-
dent and work on campus beauti-
fication. Shore also thinks the Pi-
rate Walk program can remain
volunteer if enough time and ef-
fort is put into it.
Students were given a chance to
ask the candidates questions fol-
lowing the formal debate. Most oi
the questions focused on the
credibility oi the candidates and
their past performances, but some
questions were more direct.
On the issue of the drug policy,
Sommers and Jones clashed once
again. Jones voicing strong sup-
port for the policy and Sommers a
more liberal stance on the free-
dom oi the student. "We should
be the institution that teaches us
to be better people and educate us
in various areas of education, v e
should not have so manv restric-
tions we are adults and should be
treated as such he said.
Sommers was met bv some
student opposition on his stance
and reiterated his position oi free-
dom of choice by saying "I am not
one to tell vou what is right and
what is wrong and you arc not one
to tell me. If 1 were to sav that 1
thought watching more than twe
hours oi TV a day was wrong
that's my opinion oi right and
wrong ? but I would not trv and
pass legislation on it
On the issue of installing con-
dom machines in dorms, the can-
didates were split half and half
On The Inside:
Wednesday is the date of elections for the 1988-89 SGA officers. The East Carolinian makes its annual candidate
endorsement on page 4. Candidate platforms begin on page 2. Remember tomorrow to exercise your right to vote, and
take your student ID and activity card to the polling place closest to you.

MARCH 22, 1988
Presidential Candidates
If elected SGA president, I will
help the school excel and progress
the future 1 can accomplish
this by promoting communica-
cooperation and change, but
I must have the full cooperation
"udents of East Carolina
Text ? nave lines of commu-
nication open that are not being
used. If elected, I will work more
closely with the city council,
trustees, faculty senate
t'idem legislature. The
major job of the president is to tent, and proven leader who will
which approves constitutions for
student organizations. Thus, al-
lowing me to be familiar with
almost every group on campus.
This year I was elected as a Day
Representative and currently
chair the Screens and Appoint-
ments Committee. This
committee's purpose is to fill va-
cancies whenever they arise in the
legislature. While being the chair-
man I tried and fulfilled my goal
of getting a more diversified
group of people and a better over-
all representation of the student
body This has demonstrated to
me the importance of getting the
entire student body involved and
well represented on Student Gov-
If elected I will insist that everv
group is treated and represented
equally, along with being given
fair consideration in East
Carolina's Student Government. I
can not emphasize enough that
East Carolina's facultv and ad-
ministration are here for the stu-
dents, the students will be the
main priority in my administra-
An effective student govern-
ment depends on a SGA president
who is willing to go the extra mile
in representing them. The stu-
dents need a dependable, persis-
reflects the positive image that we that get funds, but rather the
as a university are striving to- group which has the best presen-
wards. tation. This is unfair. I will work to
My name is Gregory Th- explain SGA procedures to
ompson. I am the candidate for groups thereby enabling them to
SGA president who is serious have an equal chance to get their
about student involvement in our share of student fees,
university. Throughout the lead- I want to give to all students the
ership positions I have held on opportunity to have an impact on
campus, I have always sought to our university. Most of all, I want
make decisions based on the a student government which is
student opinions to be heard, but
in order for this to happen, I need
your support. I am respectfully
asking you, as a concerned and
dedicated ECU student, to vote
for me. I think that you will agree
that a vote for me is a vote for a
better East Carolina.
wishes and desires of my fellow
students. I will bring to SGA an
administration which is open to
all students and respects their
responsive to the needs of my fel-
low students.
I am committed to making the
opinions of students the most
important part of my campaign
as a mediator between the
school and the students bv work-
. Aith the committees.
I feel that the president should
be held accountable for his ac-
tions I will achieve this by sub-
mitting a weekly article to The
t Carolinian. Through this, I
can keep the students of ECU
abreast of current and upcoming
eve ?
Furthermore, I feel that many of
work extremelv hard for their
rights. I feel I have shown this in
my college life. This year while
serving on SGA, Screens Chair-
man, and a full-time student I also
held down two part-time jobs. My
past two summers I have worked
in a sales internship program in
which I worked 80-85 hours a
week for fourteen weeks in Lou-
isiana and Kentucky. This taught
Personal Information - I am
currently Junior Class President. I
was raised in Smithfield, N.C
where my father is a surgeon. My
family is originally from the
Punjab of Northern India. I am the
onlv candidate who if elected
would like to take the $200.00 sal-
ary per month, $2,400 dollar an-
nual and give it to a University
cause. I feel that the honor of serv-
ing is a privilege we need not be
paid for. I want the SGA to ad-
dress issues that are important to
ECU students and not debate
national issues. I feel that America
is a countrv where one individual
can make a difference for the bet-
ter. I want to make a difference at
If we as a student body can
achieve these five attainable
goals, then we will have achieved
a successful year in student gov-
1. There will be an increase
For too long, SGA has been in- and administration. My name is
fluenced by a minority of the stu- Greg Thompson. I want to make
dent body. This minority has been SGA the most effective way for
able to control what services we
get from our SGA fees. I point to
the decision to cancel Pirate Walk
as an example of the kind of con-
trol that this minority hason SGA.
As a member of the student body,
I feel that programs such as Pirate
Walk serve to benefit all students.
I want to know that my student
fees arc being spent on programs
that benefit me.
As president of the student
body, I promise to make SGA
more open to all students and to
publicize events and expendi-
tures. I want to know that the
administration is aware of mv
concerns, and as SGA President, I
will actively seek representation
of the entire student body of all
administrative boards which
supports the system of student
representation on various
committees. It is, however, our
fault if we allow the students we
choose to put on those commit-
tees to ignore our opinions.
My administration will work to
see that all student organizations
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me the importance of hard work
the organizations on campus are and commitment to something to pay for spaces that will not be
t being utilized. I fed that only vou believe in. Thus, I will bring completed for another year or
through unity- can we overcome these characteristics to student two. This increase is especially
the manv problems on campus. government. This experience has not fair for those students who
Campus lighting is a major is- also helped me in my communi- will not be at ECU when the new
sue and through communication cation skills and professional spaces arc completed. As SGA
and cooperation with area busi- abilities, which are two essential president I would like to lobby help them and their members,
nesses this problem can be re- techniques for a SGA president. with the board of trustees to have Former SGA members have
red As your SGA president, I will this increase delayed and not told me that sometimes it is not
' ampus beautification is also a put great emphasis on our public have the new spaces prefinanccd the group that is most deserving
relevant issue, it is not essential to
n parking stickers to $50.00 a year are treated fairlv. Through my
work of SGA Appropriations
Committee, I have had the oppor-
tunity to work with manv student
organizations. As President, I will
use my experience to help groups
better understand how SGA can
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have large sums of money to
achieve this reality.
As president 1 plan to use
c Jreenville's many resources that
lie within the citv limits.
relations. I feel that East Carolina
has many advantages over other
universities and we need to ex-
pose them. I feel that East Caro-
lina produces a better, well-
rounded, individual upon gradu-
I realize that opportunity does atmg. This must also be exposed.
I would do so in many ways. One
such way would be the UNC-
ASG. This is the statewide organi-
zation which encompasses stu-
dent governments of the sixteen
UNC system campuses, of which
ECU is a part. I would be an in-
strumental voice in this group.
not look for you, you must look
for it. 1 feel that I must work to
notify the current administration
of the student bodies opinions. I
am looking for opportunity but I
need your support.
My main reason for being presi-
dent of the SGA is that my first
and foremost goal is to serve the
students 1 will be dedicated to the
job because ECU needs and de-
serves a president who knows
that the root of this administra-
tion are the ECU students.
I'm Michael Bartlctt ? East
Carolina SGA presidential candi-
by the students.
2. I feel that the Tirate Walk
program should be reinstated. As
SGA president I would person-
ally manage this program until it
is operating in an efficient man-
3. 1 would like to see the
"drunk bus" which operated a
route from the downtown area to
the dorms and nearby apartments
to be reinstated. I will lobby with
the administration to bring the
drunk bus back for the safety of
the students as well as the general
representing the students of East public.
Carolina to the best of my ability. 4. I would like the SGA to pro-
Another way is to develop better vide four social programs such as
relations with the Greenville City the "Barefoot on the Mall pref-
C until, which I would be a part crably twice a semester,
of. I will also have my cabinet 5. I feel that it is the rcspon-
members play a more active role sibilityof the SGA to represent the
in public relations inside and out- student body in a positive manner
side of campus. The current SGA in the community. I feel that the
president, Scott Thomas has don? SGA should sponsor activities
an excellent job at this and I will helping local charities such as the
continue and expand on his ac- Salvation Army, and the United
complishments. Way especially during the holi-
Two other issues that are of day seasons of Christmas and
importance is student awareness Easter.
The students of East Carolina
University will be making a criti-
cal decision on Wednesday,
March 23. You will have the op-
portunity to vote for the person
who you believe will lead your
student government and best
of SGA and the student recreation
center. A solution to the student
awareness problem is to develop
a Student Government Brochure
that will explain all services of the
SGA; legal, transit, rentals, and
loans. This would be given to all
students at the beginning of the
Fall '88 semester. The recreation
center is another issue that will be
placed into action. I have worked
with Scott Thomas on the initial
plans for this new facility, and
will work with Chancellor Eakin
and the Board of Trustees to see
this project become a reality.
Space limitations prevent me
from mentioning other issues
here, but there are many others
that we will address together in
the future.
Anyone who tells you that they
have an easy solution for every-
thing is not being honest with
themselves but most importantly
you. Therefore I am not going to
say I have all of the answers to all
Finally: I would like the SGA to
publish in The East Carolinian the
manner in which student funds
were spent. (Preferably at the end
of each semester).
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It's your chance to find out about
C?R??k ?
represent you as your next SGA of ? problems. However, I will
president. I hope you will have promise to work to the best of my
made a choice by the end of this abi,X to conquer the present
, ttor problems, and any future prob-
My name is Larry Murphy and lems that arise. East Carolina has a
I am a junior majoring in English, tradition of a strong student gov-
am your candidate for SGA eminent. Help continue that tra-
president. My involvement in dition by electing a president who
Student Government began my J?" experience and ability to
sophomore year when elected le?d st Carolina University to
Sophomore Class president. This "?? "V futVre' V y?u
allowed me to experience the for y?ur nmf and consideration
executive branch of Student Gov- on this very important vote. I re-
ernment. I also served on the spectfuHy askfor your vote sup-
Rules and Judiciary Committee, port on Wednesday.
In the last few years, we have
become aware of ECU'S reputa-
tion as a growing university. The
football victory over NC State and
their subsequent refusal to play us
in our stadium demonstrate the
fact that we are growing and
being taken seriously by other
older universities.
As an ECU student, I am proud
of the gains our school has made
in the past few years in all aspects.
I want a student government that
Sorority 1988 Fall Rush Interest Meeting
Dress: Casual
Thursday, March 24, 1988
Wright Auditorium
7:00 p.m.
For More Information: 757-6823
Y ' r? JONES
- to run.
r pos
it somes
- -
s a
Sena - I -
fessors will und.
anjj 1-?js students -
teubctorc th - 1,
f monitoring this situation u
f pate also working on
I liglg a project I
5GA this semester
? done extensive studying
5 present conditions
worked closely with
i Keith Knox of campus C i
6 vention. This is rita backgi
S information to p sses
: vice president, I ?
r char 'irate W k
? safety on cam:
concern to me
? Too. I plan to greatly mj
: communication between
: dents at large and the S
? committee this year a v i -
: expressed her concern a
: degree of communicatioi
? tween the two
S myself to try to fix tb
? indeed Student V ?lfai
: believe introducing a
monthly rep
J president, who serves as
dent of the Legislature to ti
I dents would enhance
? cation; this report would
? in more detail than The
? linian can be expected
? about week I SGA mee
I what the group is doing and
I the various committees ai
: rently working on.
i 1 want to be an active vicej
: dent. 1 desire to make the
i productive a 1 can make
i cause the ice presklei
1 oneot public relation will
j for matters of concern to ytj
? students and work to solvi
problems I can Since 1 nowl
I on various campus commit
can be a valuable liason bej
? the students md the admi
tion. I plan to stand up tor sj
; parking on the Parking ant
fie Committee. On the Si
: Supply Store Advisor) B
! will voice the students ecu
j As a member of the lomt
I Board, I see the need tor I
. very aware of enmes on cj
j and their punishments; i
I junction with Pot-lie Sa
would like to compile a
' that is separae from thi
? Handbook on solely cm
; punishmcntssotltatyouci
nitely be more aware of tr
ent conditions.
A good vice president
desire, dedication and dij
? all of which 1 possess. 1
desire to be an active, fui
part of the SGA; I am full
cation to you, the student
can see through my exper
? m
'? ? ?' ?"

MARCH 22, 1W?
student opinions to be heard, but
n order tor this to happen, I need
yova support 1 am respectfully
tsking you, as a concerned and
dedicated ECU student, to vote
for me. I think that you will agree
hat a vote for me is a vote for a
ctter East Carolina.
community since 1925.
tor of Advertising
James Russo
Adam Blankenship
c each
5.5c each
; each
00 p.m.

Ith The Finals On
'eceive Round-Trip
o Sunny Pensacola,
at the Gorgeous
dations provided.
ut about
est Meeting
re Information: 757-6823
Vice President
I wish to represent you through
attacking those issues which are
most important to you; and I have
the discipline not to give up or
quit until the job is done, not just
done but done well.
Please support me on Wednes-
day. I am your candidate for SGA
vice president. Thank you.
I am Kelly Jones, and I am run-
ning tor trie office of SGA vice
! president. I chose to run, very
simply, because I enjoy working
with people, and more impor-
tantly, I enjoy working for people.
! am indeed a people person.
Presently, I am serving as Stu-
dent Welfare Committee chair.
This position is the perfect start-
ing point for an SGA vice presi-
dent; no other position could give
a person more experience. That is
a claim no other candidate can
make. Serving as Student Welfare
chair has offered me the opportu-
nity to learn what makes the stu-
dents tick ? what problems you
have, what improvements you
wish to see, etc. I have had to go
out and speak to you, the stu-
dents, to gain your views and
ideas in order that I might enact
j legislation to assist you. There-
tore, 1 indeed understand the stu-
dents' needs, not just some special
groups' needsbut theneedsof the
students as a whole.
As a vice president, I would
continue much of the work I have
begun as Student Welfare chair
this year. I introduced a "Testing
before the Official Drop Date"
resolution, which the Faculty
Senate just endorsed, so that pro-
fessors will understand the need
?XgH ftffif j SSP students ? ?& to
'oe tested oefore this date. As vice
monitoring this situation. I antici-
? pate also working on campus
I lighting, a project 1 initiated for
I the SGA this semester. I have
done extensive studying on the
S present conditions and have
8 worked closely with Captain
i Keith Knox of campus Crime Pre-
ss vention. This is vital background
information to possess since, as
vice president, I would be in
charge of Pirate Walk. Upgrading
safety on campus is indeed a big
concern to me.
Too, I plan to greatly improve
communication between the stu-
dents at large and the SGA. In
committee this year, a visitor once
expressed her concern about the
degree of communication be-
tween the two groups. I vowed to
j myself to try to fix the problem ?
? indeed Student Welfare action. I
? believe introducing a form of
I monthly report from the vice
? president, who serves as presi-
l dent of the Legislature, to the sru-
? dents would enhance communi-
1 cation; this report would explain,
in more detail than The East Caro-
linian can be expected to report,
about weekly SGA meetings,
what the group is doing and what
the various committees are cur-
rently working on.
I want to be an active vice presi-
dent. I desire to make the job as
productive as 1 can make it. Be-
l cause the vice president's job is
; one of public relation, I will search
j for matters of concern to you, the
? students, and work to solve what
j problems I can. Since I now serve
? on various campus committees, 1
I can be a valuable liason between
f the students and the administra-
1 tion. I plan to stand up for student
I parking on the Parking and Traf-
fic Committee. On the Student
Supply Store Advisory Board, I
' will voice the students' concerns.
! As a member of the Joint Judicial
? Board, I see the need for you to be
; very aware of crimes on campus
and their punishments; in con-
i junction with Public Safety, I
would like to compile a booklet
that is separate from the SGA
: Handbook on solely crimes and
: punishments so that you can defi-
j nitely be more aware of the pres-
: ent conditions.
A good vice president needs
desire, dedication and discipline
?all of which I possess. I have the
desire to be an active, functioning
part of the SGA; I am full of dedi-
cation to you, the students, as you
can see through my experience ?
The student body of East Caro-
lina University will be making an
important decision on Wednes-
day, March 23. The decision you
will be making is the person you
will elect as your next SGA vice
My name is Carol Shore and I
am the candidate for the office of
SGA vice president. Hopefully
many of you are familiar with me,
for I have served this past term as
your SGA secretary. It is in this
capacity that I have become a ware
of the responsibilities and duties
that encompass the office of the
vice president. Of the candidates
that are seeking the office of vice
president, I feel that I as the most
I have represented Fletcher
Dorm in the SGA serving on the
Appropriations Committee for
two consecutive terms. I have
worked closely with Pirate Walk
as an operator. I know this organi-
zation and its needs.
1 have a'ssisteel cmr currenf SGA
vice president, Ross Renfrow, in
developing alternate plans of
operation for the Pirate Walk
Organization since the vice presi-
dent chairs the governing board
of Pirate Walk.
I feel that with the help from the
other members of the governing
board we can review Pirate Walk
and ensure that it becomes bigger
and better than ever ensuring that
it provides safety on our campus.
Another area of concern I in-
tend to focus upon is to elevate the
efforts of the Campus Beautifica-
tion Project. By far, ECU is the
fastest growing institution in the
southeastern part of the United
States. In some aspects I feel that
ECU has outgrown itself, not only
in access to the university facili-
ties, but more importantly we
have outgrown our environment.
Our Campus Beautification
Committee has done a commend-
able job in starting the rebeautifi-
cation effort. When elected I will
join in the effort and further the
attempt to bring beauty to our
Other than the specific areas I
have mentioned, I believe the of-
fice of vice president should be
maximized to its fullest potential.
In achieving the highest attain-
able potential, I will work dili-
gently with the president and
serve him in my fullest capacity. I
will serve on newly created comit-
tees such as the Spirit Committee
which seeks to heighten student
involvement in athletic events.
However, most of all, I believe the
position of vice president should
be one that evokes the phrase
"student interest-not special in-
Again, my name is Carol Shore
and I would appreciate the oppor-
tunity to serve as your next SGA
vice president.
Enjoy a rights.
Dear Fellow University Stu-
When I say University Stu-
dents, there is more to those two
words than pcopb who attend
classes. We have responsibilities.
As college students, we are the
world's future. But more impor-
tantly, we are the present.
College students are adults and
should be perceived as such. In
the past three years, I've seen
many examples of students not
being treated like adults.
From the administration want-
ing to pave the bottom of College
Hill, to paving over the street in
front of the Student Store, an
important voice was never con-
sidered. Ours. We students were
told what was going to take place
and we were not allowed any say
in the matter.
It's time to change the way stu-
dents are perceived and more
importantly, how they perceive
themselves. This means responsi-
bilities on behalf of the students as
well as the administration. As
students, if we want others to take
us seriously, then we have to take
ourselves seriously.
I would like to see that steps are
taken to implement an SGA run
teacher evaluation system. Stu-
dents surveying students about
teacher performance and publish-
ing those results for the students.
Of course, my plan will have
safety nets to prevent abuse of
faculty rights.
There are some social problems
that need to be constructively
dealt with. It is 1988 and preju-
dices remain on our campus- be-
tween blacks and non-blacks,
Greeks and non-Greeks. I feel the
stem of ail prejudices is ignorance.
If people don't know each other,
they will have misconceptions.
Diverse organizations on this
campus need to come together
and get to know each others con-
cerns. I have workable ideas to
break down barriers, such as es-
tablishing a diversified based
council of leaders that encom-
passes the entire campus.
We have a parking problem. I
have devised what I call the
H.O.P. Plan. H.O.P. stands for
High Occupancy Parking. Sim-
ply, it is a plan that would make
the on-campus parking lots for
those commuters that carpool.
Even if every commuter picked-
up only one friend on the way to
school, our "problem" would
practically be eliminated. This is
the essence of my H.O.P. Plan.
Again, students taking the re-
sponsibility to deal with prob-
The most important part of my
plan is it doesn't call for any raises
in fees. That's something I'm
committed to -? keeping fees
down. Going to college already is
expensive enough. So often we
seem to think that if we throw
money at a problem, it will go
away. I disagree. My parking plan
is one example.
Certainly all students are for
Pirate Walk and well lit areas to
walk. These topics are important,
but they are only a beginning. In
addition to these, I will work for
quality progress and implement-
ing ideas that truly have the stu-
dents in mind. So, if you want a
real student voice, remember the
candidate with substance. Steve
Sommers for vice president.
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March 22,1988
Page 4
He stands out among the candidates
After a series of one on one inter- In meetings with the editorial
views with each of the candidates board, Murphy discussed making T(p ONUY VnRO(M3 VOTE
and after viewing Monday's candi- better use of the SGA cabinet, some-
date forum, The East Carolinian is thing that no president has been able
endorsing Larry Murphy for the to do so far. His ideas about adding
office of SGA president. a public relations council and hav-
Throughout the interviews and ing minority students chose their
the debate, Murphy has proven own cabinet representative are
himself to be the most level-headed good.
candidate. He has addressed all the Murphy had success with Pirate
issues head on, rather than sidestep- Walk during his brief tenure as its
ping attacks, and he has sound ideas director, and he left it in good condi-
for the SGA's future. tion. He cannot be held responsible
for its collapse, but he is the candi-
Murphy is a candidate who seems date best suited to bring about its
to have the interests of the students resurrection.
out and go vom i
nt&- eAsr ceoifAHAM
Students voice support for candidates
in mind, and it doesn't appear he
will back down from the admini-
stration like some past presidents.
However, Murphy is also the candi-
While his parking proposal (a
shuttle bus system) is not that
strong, Murphy is better on the issue
of work petitions. He recognizes the
date best suited to negotiate with need to reinstate the petition pro-
administrators as adults. His leader- gram, while also preserving special
ship training and communication registration for athletes, handi-
skills make him the candidate that capped students and other student
can associate with the administra- groups. Murphy has voiced a
tors without losing sight of the stu- commitment to push the work peti-
dent cause. tion issue with administration, and
Students at ECU have long ig- we believe him.
nored their relationship to the rest of Murphy's past experience in the
Greenville, and Murphy has recog- SGA and other student groups give
nized this as a problem. He has said him a plus no other candidate has. A
he will work with Mayor Ed Carter two-year veteran of the legislature,
to incorporate students into the he is' chair of the Screenings and
Greenville mainstream, an admi- Appointments Committee. He has
rable goal. also demonstrated his leadership
A strong theme throughout abilities as president of the Tau
Mutphyfc campaign has been publi- Kappa Epsilon fraternity. Hie kniftvi
cizmg the work of the-SGA and the legislature and the legiskrtor
providing better communication well, and he can work with them in
between that bodv and the students, the coming year.
This will also work well in relations Larry Murphy is a cool-headed
with the city. Murphy has recog- candidate with student interests as
nized the need for more students to his main priority. Of the four candi-
become involved in the SGA, but he dates for the office of president, he is
also sees that the first step is making without a doubt the best suited for
them more aware. the job.
Bucking for Bartlett
To the editor:
This week at ECU, students will
have a chance to make their voice
heard. This chance will come Wed-
nesday during SGA officer elections. I
feel that Michael Bartlett is the best
candidate for the office of SGA presi-
dent. Having known Mike for several
years and having served with him as
SGA legislators this past year I would
like to tell some things about him.
First and foremost is you will always
know where Mike stands. Mike may
not alwaysbe on the side of the major-
ity but he will leave no doubts as to
where he stands. He will not be forced
to "go along with the crowd" if he
does not believe "the crowd" is right.
As part of his platform Mike proposes
to improve communication between
ECU students and the SGA. He pro-
poses taking student opinion polls on
issues of campus concern. He would
like for students to be certain that
their voice is being heard. Mike is a
strong advocate of student rights. He
fefls mere are some issues in which
rndettt concerns have been voiced
but no action taken. He would like the
opportunity to insure that issues
which concern students are acted
upon and not just pushed aside.
Another issue which concerns Mike is
ECU's image in the public eye. Mike
would like to promote ECU positive
aspects and downplay the "party
school and second rate institution"
image we seem to be stuck with. If
elected, Mike will not be a president
for special interests. He will be a
president for all students. He will be a
president for progress. For your best
interests and the best interests of
ECU, vote Mike Bartlett for SGA
New ideas signal student involvement
The best person for the job of vice sides of each issue and he can also
president next year is Steve Som- deal effectively with the administra-
mers. tion to answer the needs of the stu-
Sommers will bring an energy to dent.
the job seen in few vice presidents in An idea unique in this election to
the past. He is full of enthusiasm and Sommers' campaign is that of the
vigor, and his excitement is infec- SGA sponsored teacher-evaluation
tious. As vice president he will be form. This form would allow stu-
able to get legislators involved and dents a broader scope to grade their
excited and maybe bring new legis- teachers and make recommenda-1 ideas. On a personal level real stu-
lators to the SGA. tions for improving the quality of
Energy, however, is useless if it teaching at the university. Who is
has no outlet. Sommers should not better the students to decide how a
have that problem. He has ex- teacher is performing in the class-
pressed many ideas directly con- room?
cerning the students which should The proposal is sound because
be pushed in next year's SGA. Sommers recognizes the rights of
Sommers has the most sound the teachers as well. His evaluation
parking proposal of all the candi- forms would not be used in deciding
dates. He has said he favors H.O.P. tenure cases, only to aid the student
(High Occupancy Parking) spaces, in getting the best education pos-
These spaces, the ones closest to sible at the university,
campus, would be reserved for stu- At Monday's debate Sommers is
dents carpooling with three or more one of the few candidates that di-
students to the car. This way more rectly addressed the race issue,
students could make better use of speaking of prejudice as the result of
available space. ignorance. His ideas to use the SGA
He has also suggested reworking to break down ignorance and racial
some campus lots to zone them for barriers is commendable and maybe
compact cars only. That way more even feasible. His additional call for
spots can be created in a given space, other campus prejudices (such as
Both of these proposals are well- non-greeks versus greeks) to end is
thought ideas for a short-term, cost- also admirable.
effective solution to the parking Although he has been in the legis-
probiem. lature for only a semester, Sommers
In addition, Sommers is a strong has been one of its loudest voices.
advocate for student rights. He be- His work with a range of campus
lieves that the administration has groups including Student Union,
created rules which are a detriment Students for Economic Democracy
to the daily lives of students, and in and the N.C. Student Legislature
many cases he is right. However, far give him a broad base of experience
from being a hard-line hothead, necessary to do the best job as stu-
Sommers has the ability to see two dent body vice president.
Lee Toler
Political Science
Swinging for Steve
To the editor:
Steve Sommers' campaign slogan,
"A Real Student Voice is very in-
dicative of his personality, ability and
el real stu-
dent voice" refers to Steve's own
voice. Through his extensive campus
involvement he has developed a sin-
cere interest in making educated
stands on campus issues, and he
works for what he feels strongly
about. When Steve is elected, I feel the
"real student voice" will represent
the students of East Carolina. His
tremendous leadership ability will
help ECU students and administra-
tion resolve those problems always
left lingering unchanged after each
term. He has definite, practical ideas
about finally solving some of these
Steve's ideas about the parking
problem are to either start a carpool
parking or priority parking. Steve is
aware that only raising parking fees
will not solve the problem. He feels
the problem will not go away just by
throwing money at it.
The new drug policy is one which
Steve does not support. He fees it is
not the university's responsiblity to
have to enforce state and federal laws.
It overtaxes ECU's limited personnel,
and does not solve anything. It does
not provide for rehabilitation, yet it
severely punishes students and limits
their rights.
Steve also has some new ideas. He
feels an expression board (a place for
students to draw, paint, or write with-
out restriction) would eliminate the
vandalism our campus has recently
incurred. Another ingenious idea is
the soapbox forum. It is another
means of free expression, which Steve
strongly supports.
Steve feels there needs to be more
student interaction, cxpccially
among groups which do not tradi-
tionally do so, such as greeks and
nongreeks, minorities and non-mi-
norites. He stresses the importance of
student involvement and activities.
I've seen Steve at work, trying to
improve things for students, and I
support that. As a political science
major, Steve has the knowledge about
effective governing, and his involve-
ment with the SGA and other groups
has given him the practical experi-
ence needed. He's hard-working and
intelligent, and he has the leadership
abilities ECU needs. I hope you'll vote
for Steve on Wednesday. I plan to!
Mary Elizabeth Davis
Political Science
Murphy is the man
li'JV b i I
To the editor:
In my involvement with this uni-
versity I have had many difficult
problems and challanges to deal with,
but through the channels of student
government 1 have learned how to
deal with them. Experience was the
key, both in leadership and in prob-
lem solving. Any one can sit in an
office and do the required work but it
takes this experience to make a job
rewarding. VVe need a student gov-
ernment president who takes actions
on issues pertinent to the student
body. One who represents the uni ver-
sty as a whole and one who is visible
to all. Larry Murphy is this type of
person, he is an outgoing individiual
and a proven leader. Larry's involve-
ment in student government has been
well received and his ability to work
with the university and the commu-
nity is very valuable. Larry has the
intentions and the ability to work for
and with the student body. I know
that Larry will do a fine job as student
government president in whatever he
Christopher C. Holland
Double Major Psych.Comm.
Student Body Treasurer
Media Board Chairman
Thompson endorsed
To the editor:
Throughout my years at ECU, I
have held various student leadership
positions. My experience has in-
cluded positions in the SGA legisla-
ture, the University Media Board, and
the SGA Executive Branch. I have had
the opportunity to work with many
outstanding ECU leaders and I feel
that I know what qualities are impor-
tant for an SGA officer to possess.
When choosing someone to sup-
port for SGA president, I enthusiasti-
cally endorse Gregory Thompson. In
the years that I have known Greg, he
has always strived to make decisions
based on what students want and
need. At times this has caused dis-
agreements between he and myself;
however, it also indicates that he has
never allowed anyone to intimidate
him into making decisions that are
not in the best interest of all students.
As students, we can always use a
leader who is unashamed to stand up
for our needs and desires.
I admire Greg's dedication, hon-
esty and sincerity. The experience he
has demonstrates his ability and will-
ingness to work for what will best
serve us and our school.

As anyone who knows me is al-
ready awareof, I don't make it a habit
to tell anyone what to do. 1 encourage
everyone to demonstrate concern for
the leadership that will represent us
next year and vote for the candidateof
their choice. The candidate that I
support is Gregory Thompson. His
leadership and experience are, in my
opinion, the ideal qualities for the
next SGA President to possess.
Sven VanBaars
Graduate Student
Public Admin.
Jones endorsed
To the editor:
1 am writing this letter to endorse a
candidate - Kelly Jones for SGA vice-
president. She served as Jarvis' Hall
representative this year, and since I
am president oi Jarvis Hall, I felt
strongly about supporting Kelly.
Kelly has done an excellent job as
our representative She has, gone
above and beyond the cal oi dvrty to
work for the residents of our hall as
well as the rest of the student body.
Since she is presently serving as chair
of the Student Welfare Committee,
she is constantly striving to better life
for us, the students at ECU.
I feel there is no better candidate for
the job than Kelly. She is prepared to
serve and is obviously willing to
serve; that is the kind of person we
need in an executive oiiicQ. 1 admire
such dedication and find this dedica-
tion a strong point in Kelly's person-
ality. This dedication runs over into
every part of-Kelly's life This is evi-
dent since she has, thus far, main-
tained a 4.0 average and still finds
time for SGA and numerous other
organizations. Kelly docs not do a
slack job either; once she takes on a
task, she does it well.
Please join me in supporting the
best candidate for vice-president, and
vote Kelly Jones on Wednesday.
Chris Mansfield
Hall President
Shore endorsement
To the Editor:
My name is Amanda Weather-
spoon and I am serving as Chi Omega
president for 1988. One of my sisters,
Carol Shore is running for the vice-
presidency of SGA, and I would like
to tell you a little about her.
Not only is Carol responsible, en-
thusiastic and knowledgeable as an
individual, but also applies these
outstanding qualities to our organi-
zation. This semester she is sewing as
our corresponding secretary in which
she displays excellent leadership
abilities that she would also apply to
the vice-presidency if elected to the
Carol never ceases to rise to any
occasion placed before her. She gets
things done, things even beyond her
responsibilities. She takes initiative
on her own - only to benefit others
and goes out of her way to make
things run smoothly.
Our Student Government Associa-
tion needs a person like Carol in an
executive position. I know that with
Carol as our university's SGA vice-
president, the student body would
definitely see results.
So get out there Wednesday and
vote for the best candidate for vice-
president. Vote Shore, the one who
really cares about people.
?.nda Weatherspoon
Sophomore I
Council for Grei
To the editor:
As a member of the studei
body, I feel the best person for tl
job of SGA President is a youn
man by the name of Gregoi
Thompson. As president
Fletcher Hall, I have been give
many opportunities to work wit
Greg and have enjoyed ever
minute of it. He is the type
person who will help in any w,
that he can and who sticks to
Greg Thompson has the expe
ence to fill the shoes of the pro:
dential position. Along with all
his leadership expeneno
abilities, he has one special qu
lty that makes a big difference.
will come to people and al
"What do you want to see don-
and " 1 low would you like to se
come about? He will want stl
dent involvement and comrri
ment. It is his hope to make si
dents aware of the importance
SGA and what part it takesin thj
Greg Thompson is the per
who can and will get thing
1 le is a person who will find d
what we as students want d
and how we want our
He is also aware thr.
experience of the many dilemn
facing East Carolina; such as
loss of the Pirate Walk, parkii
campus beautification and
lack of awareness among the
dent bodv on a whole.
I feel that if the student bd
wants things doAe that are lmd
tant to them next year that tl
should choose Greg Thomp
for the job of SGA president
won't let vou down.
Beverlv Ovei
House Council
for Amar
To the editor:
It is my sincere pleasunj
chairman of the East Care
College Republicans to annoj
my support of Amar Sins
Smkhiield f?r Student
rJreident. Singh is the
His platform includes rej
tion. Reduction in the numbj
irrelevant discussions held ii
Student Government debj
legislators should concentral
concrete issues, not problems
ing the global economy;
many ego-boosters in the 9
says Singh.
Reduction in the amoui
wasteful giveaways to stuj
groups who are undesen
waste has reached run away
portions. Put student mc
where it belongs; not in the h
of those wishing to exploit
SGA, our only student right
Singh also favors the creatij
a student task force assign
study the problems facing
Carolina. Too little parking: "
dent Singh will be sure to in
an all-encompassing student
force to aid in the solving o
Singh, above all, is a
Helms conservative, dedicafj
using the same style and gn
our illustrious senator us
Washington. A true fiscal Rej
lican, Amar Singh can makl
difference for representing
students at East Carolina.
Matthew C
Jones Endorsei
To the editor:
I am writing this letter n
port of Kelly Jones, a candk
the SGA vice-president,
known Kellv for two years!
feel that she is the best qul
for this job.
Kelly has participated
Marching Pirates since sj
tered as a freshman her1
shows dedication to a cai
believes in since she is a
junior. This same dedicahj
been applied to SGA; she ba
a freshman and is still a
involved. In Marching
Kelly served her first year
assistant section leader. I
she learned as she follow!
became head section leat1
following season. Only gc
lowers are made leaders
band, as it is said that one r
a good follower before r
?? -????? i?i ????
mi m?'t? mtammmBHtu

MARCH 22.1988
knows me is al-
n tmakeitahabit
.?t to do. I encourage
trat concern for
that will represent us
the candidate of
candidate that I
?ry Thompson. His
tperience are, in mv
al qualities tor the
lent to possess.
Sven VanBaars
Graduate Student
Public Admin.
'ter to endorse a
lly lone- for SG A vicc-
sen ed as Jarvis' Hall
this year, and since I
arvis Hall, I felt
supporting Kelly.
done an excellent job as
aive She has gone
nd the call oi dary to
lents of our hall as
the student bodv.
sently serving as chair
el fare Committee,
triving to better life
ts at ECU.
better candidate for
She is prepared to
bviously willing to
- the Wind of person we
itive off ice. I admire
n and find this dedica-
? t in Kelly's person-
tion runs over into
life This is evi-
she has. thus far, main-
? ige and still finds
and numerous other
Kelly does not do a
x she takes on a
me in supporting the
- vice-president,and
nes n Wednesday-
Chris Mansfield
Hall President
ore endorsement
Edit r
s Amanda Weather-
ing as Chi Omega
ne oi my sisters,
is running for the vice-
.A, and I would like
ttle about her.
arol responsible, en-
- nowledgeable as an
but also applies these
ng qualities to our organi-
mester she is serving as
sponding secretary in which
'lent leadership
she would also applv to
idencv if elected to the
ol never ceases to rise to anv
ion placed before her. She gets
ne, things even beyond her
-abilities. She takes initiative
!T own - only to benefit others
- out of her way to make
p run smoothly.
Student Government Associa-
eeds a person like Carol in an
fjnve position. I know that with
as our university's SGA vice-
Ident, the student body would
itely see results.
get out there Wednesday and
tor the best candidate for vice-
lent. Vote Shore, the one who
:ares about people.
Amanda Weatherspoon
SGA Candidate Endorsements
Council for Greg
To the editor:
As a member of the student
body, 1 feel the best person for the
job of SGA President is a young
man by the name of Gregory
Thompson. As president of
Fletcher Hall, I have been given
many opportunities to work with
a good leader. Kelly indeed was a dates have yet to address. The first
good leader because she remem- would be the apointments and
bered back to her days of follow- numerous committes that the
ing and thereby gained the re- executive branch of government
spect of her section; however, appoints and directs. The second
Kelly knew when to remember is their knowledge about the Stu-
that she was a leader and main- dent Goverment's executive and
tained responsibility over and judicial branches. The last point of
Greg and have enjoyed every control in her section to get the job concern is the failure of some of
minute of it. He is the type of done well. the candidates of notifying the
person who will help in any way What better way to learn the students about the services of
that he can and who sticks to his concerns of the students than to SGA.
promises. mingle with a great diversifica- It is also alarming that some of
Greg Thompson has the experi- tion of them? Marching Pirates is the candidates are speaking on
ence to fill the shoes of the presi- just that ? a diversification of issues that they have little, if any,
dential position. Along with all of students, and because Kelly has control over and are not concen-
ts leadership experience and spent so much time with this trating on the issues that they can
group, she knows and under- make a difference on. It is vitally
stands many of their concerns, important that a Student Govern-
Not only does Kelly know their ment president realize what he is
concerns but she will voice them, talking about and delegates his
Whenever a problem erupted time efficiently, paying attention
within or without her section, to the problems that he has the
Kelly voiced it and stuck with it most influence on.
until the problem was solved. I am writing this primarily be-
dents aware of the importance of That is what a good leader is ? cause I have been active with the
SGA and what part it takesin their one who will voice problems and Student Government for the past
lives. stay with them, when the going four years and, as a senior, I recog-
Greg Thompson is the person gets rough, until they are solved, nize tha fact that a candidate
who can and will get things done. That is what we need in a vice- needs certain qualities that arc
1 le is a person who will find out president. Kelly is who we need necessary to be an effective SGA rTwnrk?? fr?7?
what we as students want done for vice-president. Please support President.
abilities, he has one special qual-
ity that makes a big difference. He
will come to people and ask
'What do you want to see done?"
and "I low would you like to see it
come about? He will want stu-
dent involvement and commit-
ment. It is his hope to make stu-
and I have concluded that it is
quite difficult to get people inter-
ested and dedicated to a cause. It
is my contention that Michael
Bartlett is the "ordinary" person
with the determination and en-
thusiasm needed to spark interest
among students, faculty and
administration on the ECU cam-
In his presidential campaign,
Bartlett is stressing the impor-
tance of improvements in com-
munication throughout the cam-
pus?communication between
students, as well as better com-
munication between students
and faculty and administration.
He wants to be accessible to stu-
dents at all times instead of being
one of those leaders who never
seems to be available when
needed. It is time that we have a
leader who will support the stu-
dents 100 rather than catering
solely to the administration. Dr.
William Menninger once wrote,
"Good leadership implies consid-
eration of those who follow. It
Bring in this ad for a 15 discount
on a purchase of $10 or more
with valid E.C.U. I.D.
55 Gallon Aquarium Sale!
S " " CThis month only)
Weekly Fish Specials
Our Marine Room has all the fish and marine
life you'll need for a perfect Saltwater tank.
511 Evans Street
Greenville. NC 27834 Phone: 756-9222
and how
He is also aware through his
experience of the many dilemmas
facing East Carolina; such as the
loss of the Pirate Walk, parking,
campus beautification and the
lack oi awareness among the stu-
dent body on a whole.
I feel that if the student body
wants things done that are impor-
tant to them next vear that thev
we want our money her on Wednesday, March 23.
Todd Brewer
Choice is important
To the editor:
As a member of the judicial
should choose Greg Thompson branch of government, past treas-
that works both ways ? from the
bottom up as well as from the top
down Each student at ECU is
equally important and thus de-
serves and should demand an
equal opportunity to be heard. By
voting Michael Bartlett for SGA
president on Wednesday, we can
be assured that each student will
have that chance to be heard.
Please join me in voting for Mi-
chael Bartlett for SGA president.
for the job of SGA president,
won't let you down.
Beverly Overton
Fletcher Hall
urer of the executive branch and
past Welfare Committee chair on
the legislative branch, I realize the
importance of having a Student
Government president who is
exceedingly reliable. The SGA
House Council pres. president is the chief representa-
Poniihlip'inc five of the student bodv internally
lepiIUllCaiI and externally. He sits on the
for AlTlBr Board of Trustees and the
Greenville City Council. His at-
To the editor: tendance is mandatory, to enable
It is my sincere pleasure as to represent the students of East
chairman oi the East Carolina Carolina properly. With the
College Republicans to announce Board of Trustees meeting only
my support of Amar Singh of seven times a year and the
Nina Fields
Pres. of Alpha Phi Sigma
and BACCHUS organ.
Snulhfield for Student Body
president. Singh is the clear
His platform includes reduc-
tion. Reduction in the number of
irrelevant discussions held in the
Student Government debates:
legislators should concentrate on
Greenville City Council meeting
only once a month, it is imperative
that the president attend every
A presidential candidate has
shown, in his past performance,
that he cannot meet those require-
ments of attendance. The past
concrete issues, not problems fac- Minority Student Organization
ing the global economy; "too
many ego-boosters in the SGA"
says Singh.
Reduction in the amount of
wasteful giveaways to student
groups who are undeserving:
waste has reached run away pro-
portions. Put student money
president Greg Thompson was on
the Student Union Board of Direc-
tors, which oversees Student
Union activities. He was absent
six of the possible eight meetings.
He was also the MSO representa- campus. Michael Bartlett wants to
rive to the Media Board. His atten- see to it that each student has an
dance at this committee was also equal opportunity to be heard,
where it belongs; not in the hands unsatisfactory. He missed eleven John Seaman Garns, a famous
of those wishing to exploit the of the possible eighteen meetings, author, once stated'Real leaders
SGA, our only student rights or- This is a crucial statistic to take are ordinary people with
ganization. into consideration when electing extraordinary determinations
Singh also favors the creation of a Student Government president. In my four years of college, I have
a student task force assigned to There are three notable areas been involved in various organi-
study the problems facing East which some of the other candi- zations both on and off campus,
Carolina. Too little parking! Presi-
dent Singh will be sure to include
an all-encompassing student task
force to aid in the solving of our
Singh, above all, is a Jesse
Helms conservative, dedicated to
using the same style and grace as
our illustrious senator uses in
Washington. A true fiscal Repub-
lican, Amar Singh can make the
difference for representing all
students at East Carolina.
John Eagan
Public Defender
for Mike
To the editor:
The election for SGA president
is quickly approaching ECU stu-
dents, and many students proba-
bly have not yet decided on the
best person for the job. 1 would
like to first stress the importance
of voting. Without casting a vote,
you cannot contribute to the deci- UniOIl for MlirphV
sion of who will represent the
student body's voice. Every stu- To the editor:
dent at ECU should want this As the Student Union presi-
university to be the best school dent, I work closely with the SGA
possible, and the first step to- and represent the students on
wards achieving this goal is good
leadershiip for the student body. I
feel that we at ECU are in desper-
ate need of student leaders who
are in office for the purpose of
making the entire student body's
desires, goals and grievances
known. By going to the polls
Wednesday and casting a vote for
Michael Bartlett, you will be play-
ing a part in electing the kind of
leader we at ECU need to repre-
sent the entire student body.
East Carolina is a large univer-
sity that has students enrolled
from various backgrounds and
facets of life, thus it is extremely
important that we have student
leaders who do not cater to any
one specific group of people of
various university committees.
This has allowed me to take notice
of certain individuals who seem
to exhibit dedication and strong
I am currently Junior Class President. I was
raised in Smithfield, N.C. where my father is a
Surgeon. My family is originally from the
Punjab province of Northern India. I am the
only candidate who if elected would like to
take the $200.00 dollar salary per month, $2,400
dollar annual, and give it to a University cause.
I feel that the honor of serving is a priviledge
we need not be paid for. I want the SGA to
address issues that are important to ECU
students and not debate national issues. I feel
that America is a country where one individual
can make a difference for the better.
I want to make a difference at ECU.

Student Union
Coming Attractions
Thursday, March 24
8:00 p.m. Hendrix
Travel Adventure Film
Matthew Clarke
Jones Endorsement
To the editor:
I am writing this letter in sup-
port of Kelly Jones, a candidate for
the SGA vice-president. I have
known Kelly for two years, and I
feH that she is the best qualified
for this job.
Kelly has participated in the
Marching Pirates since she en-
tered as a freshman here; this
shows dedication to a cause she
believes in since she is a now a
junior. This same dedication has
been applied to SGA; she began as
a freshman and is still actively
involved. In Marching Band,
Kelly served her first year as as an
assistant section leader. Because
she learned as she followed, she
became head section leader the
following season. Only good fol-
lowers are made leaders in the
band, as it is said that one must be
a good follower before becoming
Friday, March 25
8:00 p.m. Underground
RICK ELLIOTT - comedian
PATRICK BOYD - magician
Friday, March 25 - Sunday, March 27
8:00 p.m Hendrix Theatre
Friday, March 25 - Saturday, March 26
11:00 p.m Hendrix Theatre
Late Show
For more irtformation, contact the Student Union,
Room 234 MendenhaU Student Center.)
11:30 AM. - 12:45 P.M.
12:45 P.M. - 1:45 P.M.
1:45 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.
m ???. oir ?n??vi ?r?.

gathering place
?m- -

MARCH 22,1988
BRODVS Entry level office position for
light secretarial and data entry. Must be
proficient with personal computer. Flex-
ible scheduling, approximately 15 hours
per week. Apply in person, Brady's,
Carolina East Mall, M-W, 2-4 p.m.
BENETTON: Part time self-help
wanted. Apply in person between hours
of 10-12 or 3-6 p.m. 638-B E. Arlington
Blvd , Greenville, N.C, 27858. 355-7473.
MAKE $1,000 in one week! Student or-
ganization needed for marketing project
right on campus. Must be motivated and
organized. Call Ralf at 757-3825.
Coastal restaurant needs summer cooks,
bartenders and waits. Above averaga pay
and excellent benefits. Full time sched-
ules available in April, week-end sched-
ules available now. Contact Papagayo in
Atlantic Beach, 919-247-7876, between 2-8
p m , Wednesday-Sunday Ask for Mary
or Kevin.
viewing tor waitstaff positions. Wednes-
day the 23rd and Thursday the 24th be-
tween 2 and 4 p.m. only Professor
0Cools Restaurant located at 605-A
Greenville Blvd. in the Farm Fresh Center
behind Ace Cleaners. No phone calls
DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Responsibili-
ties include directing adult and children
choirs, hand bell choir, and organist for
worship services. Send resume to Good
Shepherd Lutheran Church, 811 E. Mul-
berry- St, Goldsboro, N.C, 27530. 1-735-
WANTED: Coach for a summer swim
team, late May until August 7. Must have
experience or have been a member of a
swim team. Applicant could attend sum-
mer school from 11-3 p.m if desired. For
more information, contact Bill Howerin
at 823-5111, or mail resume to: Tarboro
Swim Club, P.O. Box 1301, Tarboro, N.C,
immediately. Must be dependable, out-
going and able to move furniture. 20
hours weekly consisting of evenings and
week-ends. Applv in person at Gadleria,
HELP WANTED: Part-time interior de-
sign student-send resume to: Designer,
3010 East 10th Street, Greenville, N.C
HELP WANTED: Waiters and wait-
resses for restaurant near Atlantic Beach.
Applv at 218 Front St Beaufort, N.C
PARTY ANIMALS Balloons delivered
in costume Gorilla-grams, Gator-
grams, Penguin too! Male Strippers!
Birthdays, ect 830-1823.
type and send your "personalized" cover
letters and resumes for you so you'll have
time to study for finals. Call 758-8395
experience, work is done on a computer
with a letter quality printer. Low, low
rates! Will correct spelling. Call 756-8934
between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Ask for Ginger.
Call 758-8241758-5488.
CARS WAXED-student washes, pol
ishes and waxes cars. Good job, good
price-$25.00. Call 752-2839.
the music to move the crowd (onto the
dancefloor, not out the door!) The right
songs, the right timing the right mix. For
a good time, call 752-4916, Bob.
Letter Qualitylaser printing. Rush jobs
accepted. Designer Type, 752-1933.
ARE YOU ready for a complete make-
over? New York trained hair stylist will
design a hair cut and style to compliment
your facial features. Joanne's Profes-
sional Image. 756-1945. Call between 3:00-
8:00 p.m. Students-half price!
idea and want it on a T-shirt? I lot colors
and artwork reproduced with Airbrush
Artwork! T-shirts, sweatshirts, banners.
Handpainted one of a kind art work
(won't wash out). Professional!v air-
brushing 1980-1988, recently came up
from Daytona, Fla. Paul Hill, 752-0607.
COPYING SERVICES: We offer typing
and photocopying services, we also sell
software and computer diskettes. 24
hours in and out. Guaranteed typing on
paper up to 20 hand written pages. SDF
Professional Computer services, 106 East
5th Street (beside Cubbies) Greenville,
N.C. 752-3694.
WHY WAIT until Friday when there's
everyday at Famous Pizza Stop by for
pitchers' $1.99 and 52.99.
FOR SALE ? Entertainment center wall
unit, $60.00. No assembly required. Also
Aqua blue carpet wpadding 12' X 14
$50 Call Travis or Dianna at 757-3343.
FOR SALE ? Lotus 1-2-3, only b.349.00;
Twin of Lotus, $119.95; dBase" III PLus,
S499.00; Wordperfect 5.0, $449.00; Micro-
soft Word 4.0 S299.00. Call Imex Interna
tional today at 758-8395.
YUM YUM YUM - Ice Cream, yogurt,
cakes, banana splits, sundaes, plus lots
more at Hank's Homemade Ice Cream,
321 E. 10th Street, 758-0000.
THINK SPRING! Try our Berry-BeiTy,
Peanut Butter or Chocolate yogurt, plus
lots more new exciting flavors. Only 99
Scalories per serving at Hank's 1 lome-
made Ice Cream, 321 E. 10th Street. 758-
BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! Buy a 10 inch
1 topping for $8.00, get one free. Buy a 16
inch, 1 topping for $10.50, get one free. Call
for fast, free delivery. 757-0731 or 757-
1278. Famous Pizza.
FOR SALE: Davbed, white with brass
accents. S70.00. Call Pam at 830-1215.
IS IT TRUE you can buy Jeeps for $44
through the U.S. government? Get the
facts today! Call 1-312-742-1142 ext. 5271
COUCH for sale at $25.00 and a recliner
for sale at $15.00. CaU 752-0661 and ask for
FREE FREE FREE! Subs delivered free.
Order and 8 or 12 inch sub and receive a 16
oz. drink free. Call famous Pizza at 757-
0731 or 757-1278. Delivery only.
FOR SALE. Easter Mini Lop Rabbit.
gTeat pet, litter box trained, $30.00 in-
cludes cage, food and bedidng. Call Mac
at 758-8371.
ON A TIGHT BUDGET? Come join vour
friends at Famous Pizza for a Meal Deal.
Hamburgers and sandwiches served
with fries and a drink only $2.49. Not
valid on delivery.
SALT WATER aquarium for sale-30 gal-
lons-includes all neccessarv equipment
(filter, coral, hood, lights, heater . . . )
$200.00 Call 758-8010.
RINGGOLD TOWERS Condo for sale
B-unit, 2nd floor, fully furnished Tax
market value $43,730.00. Make me an
offer. 787-1378.
LARGE, dorm-sized Sears refrigerator
with freezer; excellent condition, $100.00.
Call 752-2474 after 5:30 p.m.
high prices for vour formal wear, try
Trolls Tux and Tees for vour formal
needs. Traditional and designer models.
Special Fraternity rates. Call 757-1007 or
ONE OR TWO female roommates
needed for summer or fall or both! Tar
River Estates If interested, call 732-2124.
ROOMMATE WANTED for summer. 1
3 rent, 13 utilities. Close to campus.
Furnished bed rot in. Please call 752-5630,
before 1A , .m.
RINGGOLD TOWERS: Aprs, for rent.
Furnished. Contact 1 lollie Simonowich at
A Beautiful Place to Live
?All New 2 Bedroom
?And Ready To Rent
2899 E. 5th Street
? Located Near ECU
? Across 1-rom Highway Patrol Station
Limited Offer - S275 a month
Contact J. T. or Tommy Williams
756-7815 or 830-1937
Office open - Apt. 8,12 - 5 JO p.m.
Clean and quirt one bedroom furnished
apartments, energy efficient, free water and
sewer, optional washers, dryers, cable TV.
Couples or singles only. $195 a month, 6 month
lease. MOBILE HOME RENTALS - couples or
singles. Apartment and mobile homes in Azalea
Gardens near Brook Valley Count ry Club.
Contact J.T. or Tommy Williams
Available May 8th to share 3 bedroom
Apartment at Wilson Acres. Private bed-
room, 13 rent and utlities, furnished
except for bedroom. Non-smoker. Call
Dawn or Corey at 758-7368 or leave mes-
to share t wo bedroom to wnhouse in quiet
area. Will have own room. Rent is
$125.00 13 utilities. Call 355-4647.
NEED A NEW HOME? Share 2 bed2
bath, $145.00 plus utlities, 10 minute
commute. Call Michael at 756-2491.
N EEDED: Roommate to share 2 bedroom
apartment from April to August. Rent is
SI85.00 plus utilities. Doctor's Park
Apartments. Jenny, 830-1428.
HEY GREEKS and other organizations:
need a fundraiser idea? Why not have a
carwash at Famous Pizza. Corner of 10th
and evans. Call between 2 and 4.757-1278.
GOOD LUCK KELLY in the elections on
Wednesday Love, the Sisters and
pledges of ZETA.
KLM: Can we talk or what! I'm always
here for you! No pressure! I love you!
HEY GOOD LOOKIN" Yes you! Vote
Kelly Jones, SGA Vice President on
ELIZABETH: I lave you got your keys?
Daytona was great, Orlando was wild!
XIC! We look so good! Fudge Oreo Cook-
ies, riches rock and roll, Fri. night at 701,
huddle, perm-a-grin, I had the best time
fo my entire life! Look out Pennsicola-
Lyn. PS 1 ley Billy!
WINDS THROUGH the Palm trees
softly did blow, as the Cancun Crew flew
to Mexico. Coronas and Dos Equis, Te-
quila left and right, Fryin all day and
partying all night. Our Mexican ro-
mances, our boat trips in the sun, Mon-
tezumas Revenge struck us one by one.
But that did not stop us, not us ADTT's
cause the next day we were out with
brand new Sig Ep guys. One was out with
"Pokey she had her Spanish fling, one
found a man who did not seem to see her
ring, we could go on forever, so much has
not been said, we'd talk about the air-
ports, but we'll stop while we're ahead
Jalepenos we love you, 1 lard Rock you
too, adios Cancun, we'll surely miss you!
Love, the Cancun Crew.
great break in Big D. Sorry about the
apple, but in a few we'll have a dream!
Love ya, J My J.
LOOKING for Spring Break photos for
the 1988 Buccaneer. Drop them by the
Buccaneer office today. This is your
chance to submit pictures of you and your
LOST: Pair of prescription glasses be-
tween Rawl and Tar River. If found,
please call Lou. 752-5115.
MR. BUBBLE, I'm glad we spent spring
break together. I had a great time. 1 hope
vou did too. 1 love vou. Sleepy Bear.
ure the beauty that shows all aound us
and try to add some of our own, enjoy the
sisterhood that you can give us, yet value
our moments alone If we honor your
opinions that differ from our own, yet
stand up for what we believe, admire the
accomplishments you have made, and
take pride in what we can achieve If we
love those around us and love ourselves
too, if our spirit is eager and free. . Then
we will finally know what it means to live
life to it's fullest and be the best ADTT's
we can be! Love in Adpi, The Alpha Mu's.
LAST CHANCE to see yourself in the
1988 Buccaneer Yearbook Portraits being
taken in the Student Store snack Bar.
March 21-25 from 9-12 and 1-5. Free Free
Body Treasurer. Vote Tripp Roakes Stu-
dent Body Treasurer. Vote Tripp Roakes
Student Body Treasurer.
sombreros-hope you've recovered from
the happy hours and the many cervazas!
Anyone for la Bamba or Twist and Shout?
Shake it up Kelly! Chad, how about a
"Black Magic Woman"? Rich-5000 pe
sos? Gary-always Aeromexico-Lvn,
nothing I can say, finally Kevin-I love
you! Thanks everyone for the greatest
break-you guys are the best! Beth.
FAST . FUN . FOOD: Pizza's, sand-
wiches, subs, salads, lasagne, spaghetti,
and . . . beer. Fast, free delivery. Call
Famous Pizza. 757-1278 or 757-0731.
HEY YOU! Only 3 more days of rest so
you'd better sleep while vou can! I can't
wait for this weekend! But. absolutely
no shots! Well . . . maybe we can talk
about it!
ALPHA RHO MUS PSI is having a car
wash Saturday, March 26. at the 1 lard
on Cotanche Street.
TO DAVE FEAST: Only two days left to
324, and Charleston. SC is the place
we'll be. I can't wait! 1 LOVE YOU, Mich
die. P.S. Don't forget W.C.
NEW DELI'S the jamming place Boogie
down Friday with the Lemon Sisters and
Rutabaga Brothers and don't miss the hot
tunes of Bad Bob and the Rocking I lorses
Saturday. Open nuke Tuesdays jam,
come play.
KELLY JONES-the right choice for SGA
Vice President. Vote Wednesday.
VOTE Tripp Roakes for SGA Treasurer
Don't forget to bring your ECU ID.
PRESDIENT! Vote March 23. don't for-
get your lDf!
We are so proud of all of you! You did a
fantastic job! We love you! Love, the L-
ters and pledges of Delta Zeta
SGA Vice President
Be Sure Vote Shore!
St. Patricks Day 1988-the day the Sig Eps
and the Alpha Phis partied, got wild,
funnelled the lime stuff, destroyed the
dance floor, hopped, skipped, and went
naked. St. Patty's Day will never by the
same-hope you guys had as much fun as
we did! Love, the Alpha Phi's.
CAROL SHORE - Good luck with the
elections. We know you'd be the best
SGA Vice President ever Love, the Sis
ters and Pledges of Chi Omega
VOTE: Kelly Jones for SGA Vice Pros,
dent. Bring your ID on Wednesday.
PIKAS: Thanks for the St. Patricks Day
party. The music was great' We all had a
wonderful time Love, the Chi Omegas
BEST BOD ON CAMPUS: If you've got
it and you wanna flaunt if for a chance t
win a big daddy cash prize among other
gifts, then enter Pika's Best Bod contest
held at the New Deli on Monday the:
Call 758-5012 for details and we'll see ya
night at the Elbo room Pi Kappa Phi will
be sponsoring its annual Best Tan (
test. Cash prizes Come on out and cheer
your favorite tan on
Only 3 more davs til! thegiggin starts
ready to get down wich yo bad sef
Jones, SGA Vice Presdient on Wednes
ALPHA PHI? The St Patty's day part
was awesome. Some hopped, some
skipped, some got naked. We had a
blast 1 lop tin sooi
Ep. 1 lev Michel
YUM - YUM - YUM! It's that tin
year again ? the Delta Zeta ail you
eat Spaghetti Dinner is Wednesday,
March 23,19S8 Tickets arc $3.00 (conta ?
any DZ). See ya at the DZ house Wednes
day night 5-7 p.m
LARRY MURPHY for SGA President
Bring student ID.
SIG EP ? don't forget the mone)
f rmal pictures is due Fn.
Body Treasurer. Be sure to bring vour
SAE I lappv I lour at the Elbo, Fridays
from 4-until S2.00 ice teas Why drive
anywhere else?
Wednesday, March 23
for SGA President
Bring Student ID
part workshop offered to students at no
cost by the University Counseling Center.
March 24, 31, and April 7. All three ses-
sions will be conducted from 3-4 p.m. in
312 Wright Building. Assertiveness Train-
ing can sharpen your interpersonal skills
and help you target personal goals. The
workshop will focus on helping members
distinguish between their assertive, ag-
gressive and nonassertive behaviors. Par-
ticipants can learn how to express them-
selves directly and openly, and respond to
interpersonal situations in a manner
which neither compromises individual
beliefs nor offends others. Please call the
Counseling Center (757-6661) for registra-
Exceptional Children's Week-March
21-25. Meeting on Thursday March 24 at 5
p.m. Sp. 103. kids on the Block presenta-
tion. All Welcome to attend!
There will be a bagel and lox brunch,
Sunday Feb. 27th from 1:00-3:45 p.m. at
Temple Bayt Shalon (1420 E. 14th St). We
will show a comedy movie (T.B.A.) dur-
ing the brunch. If you need a ride, meet
outside the front entrance to Mendenhall
between 1230-12:45. Call Mike at 756-
4930 if you need more information.
There will be a meeting of the ECU
Sailing Club on Wednesday, March 23 at
5:00 Rm 145 in Minges to discuss the
weekend trip to Camp Don Lee. Everyone
is welcome If you connot attend the
meeting please call Sandy at 355-5895.
Volunteers are needed to help with the
1988 Greenville-Pitt County Special
Olympics Games which will be held on
Friday April 15,1988, at E.B. Aycock Jun-
ior High School in Greenville. Volunteers
must be able to work from 9:00 a.m. to
2:00p.m. If you are interested, you need to
attend a volunteer training session in
Biology 103 on Tuesday, April 12 at 5:00
pm. For more information, call Leslie
Wooles at 8304551.
Applications are not being accepted in
room 214 Whichard Building. You must
havea3.0andbe a junior at (he end of the
1988 spring sememater. Last day to apply
is March 23.
Any student who graduates from East
Carolina with 24 s.h. in Honors courses
(including lower-level HSEMs, Honors
sections, upper-level Directed Readings,
Senior Honors Seminars, Special Topics
Seminars, and undergraduate thesis
courses) with a 3.4 average qualifies as a
Graduate of the Honors Program and
should have this designation stamped on
his or her official transcript. If you expect
to graduate spring or summer 1988,
please drop by and leave a sheet with
name, Social Security number, address,
phone number, major, gpa and list of
Honors courses semester by semester.
Graduate schools, professional schools,
and employers like to see the stamp. If you
have questions call Dr. David Sanders
Dr. Hal J. Daniel III of the ECU Dept. of
Speech, Language and Auditory Pathol-
ogy and Dept. of Anthropology will pres-
ent a talk "Middle Ear Variation and
Paleo-Sensor Ecology" Tuesday march 22
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 301, Graham Build-
ing. Dr. Daniel will be presenting a work-
ing hypothesis and is interested in input
and response on this research. Public
Cordially Invited!
Students holding North Carolina Real
Estate Sales license are neede for positions
with major resort developer located in NC
mountains, for more information contact
Cooperative Education, 2nd floor. New
Classroom Building.
A program for students, faculty, and
staff will be offered on Monday, March 21,
1988 from 3 - 4 p.m. at the Student Health
Services, Room 116. The program will
teach techniques for stopping smoking
and is presented by the Student Health
Promotion Assistant, Kevin Hagen. For
registration or more information, contact
Barbara Pennell at 757-6841.
The accouting society will hold its
monthly meetin on Monday, March 21 at
4 pjn. in the Mendenhall Multipurpose
room. Donna Cannon from Weyerhauser
will speak on cost accounting. Nomina-
tions for new officers will take place. If
you are interested in becoming an officer,
leave your name, phone number, and of-
fice desired in the accoutin department
Making a Major Decision Group: This
program is designed to aid students in
choosing an academic major in a small
group format. Each participant will also
receive individual aid from the group
leader if desired. Group participants will
increase self knowledge of their interests,
values and abilities; learn how these relate
to majors and career areas at ECU; and
narrow their options through a systematic
career decision making process. The Ma-
jor Decision Group will meet: March 21,
23, 25 in 329 Wright Building, from 4-5
p.m.(attend all three meetings). Although
advance registration is not required, we
would appreciate advance notification of
interest to insure that we have adequate
materials on hand. Please contact the
Counseling Center in 316 Wright Building
(757-6661) for further information or to let
us know you plan to attend.
General College students should con-
tact their advisers the week of March 21-25
to make arrangements for academic ad-
vising for first and second summer ses-
sions and fall semester, 1988. Early regis-
tration will begin March 28 and end April
Members and falculty be sure to be
shopping at Food Lion today and tomor-
row. All receits from the 21st, 22nd, and
23rd, are being used for our fundraiser.
Hang on to your receits to be turned in at
Thursday's meeting (24th). The meeting
will be in Rm. 130 Rawl at 3:30 p.m. Elec-
tions will also be held.
Psi Chi is hosting a general meeting on
March 23rd at 300 p.m. in Speight 203.
There will be a meeting held on March
23 at 3:15 in 3007 GCB. Mandatory atten-
dance for all members to discuss by-laws.
Gospel Choir will be having a Fashion
Show, today, at 730 p.m. in Hendrix
Theatre. Admission is $1.00 at the door.
All are cordially invited to attend.
Amnesty International meets every
fourth Wednesday, St. Pauls Epicopai
Church, 3rd St. Greenville. Next meeting
March 23.
Alpha Rho Mu Psi is having a car wash
Sat. march 26 at the I lardee's on Contan-
che Street.
All Illumina entrants please pick up
your art at Mendenhall as soon as pos-
The Student Union Productions
Committee will have a meeting on Tues-
day March 29th at 4:15. All members are to
Wes2fel is a Christian fellowship which
welcomes all students, and is sponsored
jointly by the Presbyterian and Methodist
Campus Ministries. Come to the Method-
ist Students Center(501 E 5th, across from
Garrett dorm) this Wednesday night at 5
pm and every Wednesday night for a de-
licious, all-you-can-eat home cooked
meal with a short program afterwards.
This week, "YOU can help fight world
hunger The meal is $2 at the door, $1.50
if you sign up in advance. Call 758-2030
for reservations.
The ECU undergraduate Economics
society will be presenting a speaker from
Wachovia bank on Wed. March 23rd at
7:00 pm in Brewster B 203. Mr. Mitch Bar-
nes, The Eastern Region Personnel Man-
ager for Wachovia will speak on the topics
of handling self on an interview, and on
job opportunities at Wachovia. All inter-
ested persons are invited to attend.
Student internships interested in
spending a summer (or longer) in remote
parts of the world? The Overseas Devel-
opment Network is seeking several con-
cerned, committed students and recent
graduates who are interested in develop-
ment. Internships are available in India,
Bangladesh, Latin America, the Philippi-
nes, and the Appalachian Mountains.
Financial assistance is available. Contact
Marianne Exum for more information at
home 752-2389 or work 757-6271. Appli-
cation deadline is March 15,1988.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes will
meet every Tuesday at 9:30 at the Pirate
Club. Coaches, athletes, and others are
welcome to attend.
All General College students who have
indicated a desire to major in Speech-
Language and Auditory Pathology and
have R. Muzzarelli as their advisor are to
meet on Wednesday, March 23 at 5:00
p.m. in Brewster D101. Advising for early
registration will take place at that time.
Others interested in SLAP should contact
the department-757-6961.
Ms. Melissa 1 laid, a visiting artist, will
conduct a multi-media workshop with
clay, paper, and slumped glass on March
14-18 in Jenkins Art Building. Ms. Haid will
present a slide lecture on March 16 at 7:30
in J-1327 of recent work. A work by Ms.
Haid will be completed during the work-
shop and will be donated to the perma-
nent collection in Mendenhall Student
Center or Kate Lewis Gallery. The work-
shop is sponsored by the Ceramics Guild,
The Visual Art Forum, and The SGA. The
public is invited to attend. Workhop
hours will be from 8:00-12:00 noon the 14-
18 in J-143.
Greenville Gay Community is a group
formed last fall to meet the needs of the
gay and lesibian Community in
Greenville. The group meets every othber
week at different locations in Greenville.
For more information please call and ask
for Charley at 752-2675.
Do you know what makes a good
teacher? The answer to this question and
many more will be answered at our
version of the "Donahue" show on March
at 4:00 in Speight 129. Have you questions
ready for our distinguished guests. The
information they share with us will be
important for our future.
The National Gamma Beta Phi Honor
Society will hold a meeting Mach 22 at 7:00
p.m. in Jenkins Auditorium. Attendance
is required.
There will be interviews for summer
internships at 7:00 on Thursday March 17
in Mendenhall, Rm. 247. All majors wel-
Biology dub meeting 3-21 -88 in BN-109
5-5-3 nizza break, 530 begin regular
There will be an informal discuaaion
with Professor Ronald Robinson of Balliol
College, Oxford Mon march 21st at 1:00
p.m. in theTodd Room. Refreshments will
be served Also, nominations for 1?S
989 chapter officers will bve held Wed
March 23rd at 3:00 pm. in the Todd Room
All members urged to attend this ven
important meeting.
The Department of University Unions
and The School of Music present The
American Chamber Players on Wednes
day, March 23rd, at 8:00 p.m. in 1 lendm
Theatre. This ensemble consists entire!
of srtists who have already performed
together with great distinction as mem
bers of the library of Congress' Summer
Chamber Festival. For ticket information
contact: The Central Ticket Office, Men
denhall Student Center, phon 757-6611
ext. 266. Office hours are Mondav through
Friday, 11:00 a.m6:00 p.m.
The Department of University Unions-
presents The Empire Brass, America's
finest brass quintet, on Friday, April 8
1988, at 8:00 p.m. in Wright Auditorium
This group's repertoire of over 300 works
is unparalleled in diversity and quality
SPECIAL NOTE: There will be an oppor-
tunity for you to meet The Empire Brass
following their performance at East Caro-
lina University. For further information
on the reception contact: WTEB Radio,
Craven Community College, P.O. Box
885, New Bern, N.C. 28560, or call (919)
638-3434. For further ticket information
contact: The Central Ticket Office, men
denhall Student Center, phone 757-6611,
ext. 266. Office hours are Monday-Friday
11:00 a.m6:00pm.
Tuesday meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Men
denhall. Your girl scout cookies are in. For
further information call Nancv Ludwie at
758-6701 after 5 p.m.
The following Personal Development
Courses will be held: Money Matters
(starts March 15); Guitar (starts March 15);
Scuba (starts March 15); Drawing with
Colored Pencils (starts March 17); Begin-
ning Calligraphy (starts May 19). Contact
Continuing Education, Erwin Hall for
more information.
Kirsh for Larry
Continued from page 5
leadership abilities. Among th
people, most certainly, is Lai
Murphy. Larry has made an il
prcssion on me as well as mal
members of ECU's Student Li
Staff. He possesses those qualil
this university needs for effecti
leadership. Dedicated, aware aj
insightful, he will be able to reed
nize student's needs and repj
sent ECU in a positive light to
Board of Trustees and the C
Council. Larry's involvement
student activities has progress
from Sophomore Class prcsid
to SGA legislator for two yec
He has been a member of
Rules and judiciary Commit
and is currently the chairman!
the Screenings and Appoi!
ments Committee. He will a
tinue to strive for a new stud
recreation facility and is a
committed to the Chancello
campus beautification effoi
Larry's experience is extensive
is by far the most qualified can
date. Larry is a mainstream si
dent leader who can representj
of ECU's interests. Look at
issues, take note of experiend
hope you will all join me
Wednesday when I vote for La
Laureen Kirj
Student Union PresidJ
Sommers suppori
To the editor:
This is a letter of support
SGA vice-president candid.
Steve Sommers. I have knoj
Steve for three years and in tj
time I have recognized his un
ing interest for the students
ECU. He is consistently u
date on the issues that affect
students, the teachers and
My name is Tripp Roakesl
lunior majoring in Commcrj
Recreation with a minor in Bv
ness and I am a candidate for
For the past year J have
involved in different aspects
Student Government. I preset
serve as a Day Representative
Greenville Buyer's
Memorial Drive
Open M
- ??-i ,4t. mf ???! i
, t?- ??? ? - g jf ?? 1 iSfcr- T ? "

? 98 the dav the Sig Eps
' L'hj Phis partied got wild,
10 lime -tutt destroyed the
pped skipped and wont
?? . s D i will never bv the
td a much tun as
Vlpha Phi -
' OKI - (lood luck vsith tho
be the tvst
denl the n
? - ea
GA ice IVm
? - Day
ad a
? 1 ROD "l S:lfyou vegot
: for a chance to
the 28th
see ya
? - icsdaj
'hi will
d cheer
- ,rts Gei
IAL: Vote Kelly
lay part
had a
s m Sig
time ot
. ou can
on tact
- ?'? i dnov
MARCH 23RD vote
?'? - drive
Wednesday. March 23
for SGA President
Bring Student ID
. rmal discuaaion
ibinson of Balliol
irch 2 1st at 1:00
. freshmen ts will
ns for 1?S8-
id Wed
n theTodd Room
attend this very
rsity Unions
? ' resent The
on Wednes-
? I pan. in i Iendri
have already p -
as mem-
Ticket OH Men
? Center, pil 6611,
Jav through
p m
ent of University Unions
re Brass, America's
quintet on Friday, April 8,
- in Wright Auditorium,
rtoire of over 300 works
ed in diversity and quality.
TTE: There will be an oppor
r vou to meet The Empire Brass
? u performance at East Caro-
For further information
? contact: WTEB Radio,
? College, P.Q Box
m Bern, N C 28560, or call (919)
J434. For further ticket information
contact The Central Ticket (Office, men
lenhall Student Center, phone 737-6611,
Office hours are Monday-Friday,
I 0 a m -6:00 p m
Tuesday meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Men
denhafl. Your girl scout cookies are in. For
"formation call Nancv Ludwig at
after 5pm
The following Personal Development
Courses will be held: Money Matters
starts March 15), Guitar (starts March 15);
Scuba (starts March 15); Drawing with
Colored Pencils (starts March 17); Begin-
ning Calligraphy starts May 19). Contact
Continuing Education, Erwin Hall for
more information.
Kirsh for Larry
Continued from page 5
leadership abilities. Among these
people, most certainly, is Larry
Murphy. Larry has made an im-
pression on me as well as many
members of ECU's Student Life
Staff. He possesses those qualities
this university needs for effective
leadership. Dedicated, aware and
insightful, he will be able to recog-
nize student's needs and repre-
sent ECU in a positive light to the
Board of Trustees and the City
Council. Larry's involvement in
student activities has progressed
from Sophomore Class president
to SGA legislator for two years.
He has been a member of the
Rules and Judiciary Committee
and is currently the chairman of
the Screenings and Appoint-
ments Committee. He will con-
tinue to strive for a new student
recreation facility and is also
committed to the Chancellor's
campus beautification efforts.
Larry's experience is extensive, he
is by tar the most qualified candi-
date. Larry is a mainstream stu-
dent leader who can represent all
oi ECU's interests. Look at the
issues, take note of experience. I
hope you will all join me on
Wednesday when I vote for Larry
Laureen Kirsch
Student Union President
Sommers supporter
To the editor:
This is a letter of support for
SGA vice-president candidate
Steve Sommers. 1 h; 1 nown
Steve for three years and i this
time I have recognized his undy-
ing interest for the students of
ECU. He is consistently up-to-
date on the issues that affect the
students, the teachers and the
Recently I have joined the SGA.
Steve is an active member in this
organization who regularly
speaks up either for or against
bills as he sees fit for the students.
His arguments call for more free-
dom and rights for ECU and
causes the SGA member to start
thinking about their actions. I
joined SGA because of Steve's
interest and have seen him in ac-
In the past he has supported
such organizations as the Gospel
Choir to Surf Club and Honor
Societies. He has spoken up for
the updating of campus lighting
and against the paving of the bot-
tom of the hill. His leadership
abilities are undeniable with his
ability to speak out. Besides all of
this information, Steve is person-
able and easily approachable.
In closing I would ask you be be
sure to bring your ID card to
campus Wednesday and use
your right to vote for Steve Som-
mers, vice-president candidate.
Claire Pertalion
Political Science
SGA-Day Rep.
Shore's side
To the editor:
The students of East Carolina
need a vice-president that is ac-
tive, one that is interested not only
in what takes place in the SGA,
but also in the student body. We
need someone that will listen,
with an open mind, to what we
have to say; we need a voice. Carol
Shore is this type of person.
Carol has been very active in the
SGA for the past three years. She
has acted as a legislator for two
years and is presently serving as
SGA secretary. She has been fair
and reasonable whil maintain-
ing a serious attitude toward the
positions she has had and pres-
ently holds.
Carol plans to increase the ac-
tivities of the office of vice-presi-
dent starring first with the re-ac-
tiviation of Pirate Walk. She plans
to make the vice-presidency more
responsive to the student body
and aide the president in any way
she can to promote the student
I, along with many other mem-
bers of the SGA, think Carol is not
only qualified for the position of
vice-president, but is the best
choice. She will continue to serve
the student body well, so join me
and vote for Carol Shore, the next
SGA vice-president.
Dave Side
SGA Legislator
Sommers for VP
To the editor:
I would highly recommend
Steve Sommers for SGA vice-
president. He has over three years
experience in the political life of
East Carolina University. He
worked on my campaign for the
SGA vice-presidency.
Mr. Sommers is an SGA Day
representative - Student Welfare,
Student Union - Special Concert
Committee member - Chair -
Major Concerts, president of SED
(Students For Economic Democ-
racy), and a staff writer for the
East Carolinian.
Steve Sommers would make an
excellent SGA vice-president and
would have a lot of good and
unique ideas.
Anthony Jackson
Treasurer, Secretary
My name is Tripp Roakes, a
(unior majoring in Commercial
Recreation with a minor in Busi-
ness and I am a candidate for the
r the past year I have been
involved in different aspects of
Student Government. I presently
serve as a Day Representative on
the SGA Legislature.
I have also attended meetings of
the University of North Carolina
Association of Student Govern-
ments with President Scott Tho-
As treasurer I look forward to a
close working relationship with
all SGA funded groups. I would
like to help groups understand all
the rules and limitaions that go
along with being funded.
While involved in the Legisla-
ture I have realized that the office
of Treasurer is invaluable and
requires positive, concerned lead-
ership. I hope to provide that
Perhaps my greatest contribu-
tion to East Carolina has been by
serving on the Student Welfare
Committee. I played a major role
in passing a bill that calls for in-
creased lighting on campus. This
would provide for more safety as
well as add to the beauty of the
Honesty, integrity, and dedica-
tion to the students are intangible
My name is Colleen McDonald.
I am a CommunicationsBroad-
casting major and am running for
the office of SGA secretary. This
past year, I have served as Fresh-
man Class President, Jones dorm
representative, on the Student
Welfare Committee and on Jones
House Council. From being in-
volved in these activities, I feel
that I have the experience re-
quired to fulfill this position. I am
aware of the many responsibili-
ties it entails and confident that I
can undertake them. I would
greatly appreciate your vote on
requirements for the SGA treas-
urer. Realizing these require-
ments I will expand the funding
process for smaller and tradition-
ally non-funded process for
smaller and traditionally non-
funded groups, insuring total
student involvement.
I would appreciate your sup-
port on Wednesday and for the
next year as I feel I can complete
the duties of SGA treasurer at a
very high level.
Leader in quality programs for
Youth at Risk seeks Coun-
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Excellent salary and benefits.
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ume to:
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Greenville Buyer's Market
Memorial Drive
X)pen MonSat. 10-9
Sunday 1-6
MARCH 22,1968
A series of frank discussions on
sexually transmitted diseases
Where: Student Health Service, Room 116
When: March 22nd, 29th - 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Register by calling 757-6841 (ask for Barbara Pennell) 8 3 p m
115 Red Banks
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10 Discount
For All ECU Students With I.D.
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Heres what the J-Team can do for you:
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For A Better East Carolina University
Vice President
:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:???: '?:?:
our I.D. To Vote
A A mm mjW ? AWAM 0 M.M mMtB e&r
Larry Murphy for SGA President! Vote Wednesdaj
? .? .i'i?
m ?? ? -??
" AHT-r-i fcw'n 7t

MARCH 22, 1988 Page 8
Omaha the Cat Dancer
stars in first graphic novel
Staff Poet
of the Year.
Reed Waller, Omaha's creator,
used to draw and write the
Hidden deep within the comic stories. In the early eighties, Kate
racks, beyond the endless mut ant Worley took over the writing.
titles, and near the ruins of the
underground comix scene can
be found "Omaha the Cat
Omaha has been around in
various comix since 1976. Omaha
1 came out over a year ago, and
her erratic and erotic schedule has
lust realistically.
And with that as the raisoh
d'etre for "Omaha's" existence,
the comic and the novel succeed
amazingly. The anthromorphic
animals in the series come across
as genuine characters.
Unfortunately, the explicit sex
makes this a comic for older kids
In a more enlightened society,
Omaha and her friends would
make excellent role models for
from being a talented exotic
dancer, is also Pet Magazine's Pet
This is Omaha, the Cat Dancer and her boyfriend Chuck. They finally appear in their first graphic novel,
called appropriately enough, "Omaha the Cat Dancer It has lots of sex and yet is pretty damn socially
relevant too. So, go out, buy it and enjoy some real boss vicarious sex. (Illustration by Staff Illustrator
left Hair Stand Up Lad" Parker.)
Casual Gods go Underground
Worlcy's dialogue is
undeniably funnier and more
realistic, and it stands out due to
the book's chronological ordering
of the stories.
There's something weird about
Waller's caricatures. Omaha and
her boyfriend Chuck arc just kids and pre-teens,
gotten her up to eight (issues, you typical cartoon felines, but the Omaha's job as an exotic dancer
naughty kids) as of February. supporting cast's snouts and naturally forces her to think
This month, she joins the ranks beaks give off a more distinct honestly about her sex life,
of legitamacy with her first human impression. Maybe the Joanne's prostitution does
graphic novel. Reprinting all her rendering of Chuck and Omaha same for
various appearances before she like this is some kind of
acquired her own magazine, the statement or something,
novel also includes some Whatever. The drawing is
unpublished background stories smooth and uncluttered. The
and a centerfold. layouts are an average nine
In fact, all the more sexuallv
oriented characters are more
honest like that. Worley
continually has them try to loosen
up the more repressed animals,
Yes, a centerfold. Omaha, aside panels a page. But this book isn't but without getting preachy or
- ? ? . . mi 1?v 1 1 1 ? ? 1 t ? I
- D1988 ? Fans oi
?nes and other svnth
p musicians should give a
warm reception to this new re-
-o by Underworld. Under-
- composed of former
rsof Freuer.
The members oi Freuer de-
d to split up and persue solo
careers. Atter several members of
band tried the life of a solo
artist, they decided to reform as
Underworld. This British pop
band makes heavy use of the syn-
fhisizer and basic but effective,
iss drum techno-rhvthms to
compose dancable music.
loosing sleep about it?see ya
later see ya later
On Trav" the music is slower
than most of the songs on the
album, but complements the lyr-
ics well. "Pray for meas you
would a child in a land of oppres-
sionmillions crv around the
world but 1 cry in vour back gar-
den prav for meI'll pray for
youIt's no revolutionbut it's
somethingsomething we can
do Lvrics to think about.
bilities to basic human dignity
and preservation of life.
Some of the songs of note on the
album are: "Rev it Up "Man
With a Gun "Song of Angels
"Are You Running "We're
Always Talking and "Bobby
You've probably already heard
"Rev It Up" by now. The song,
which makes you want to move,
is getting well deserved play on
album oriented rock stations.
'Song of Angels" deals with the
are adult sounding pop. Al-
though talent is obvious, Ham-
son never takes too many big
chances. The music is main-
stream, well played, well pro-
duced (by Harrison), and at times
complex with intelligent lyrics. If
you arc a fan of Peter Gabriel or
the Talking Heads, the album
should appeal to you.
Both of the albums are available
at East Coast Music and Video.
'The Dark Knight the emphasis trite,
is on content not form. Of course, there is a darker side
And there's the emphasis on to Omaha's world and it too
sex. Yes, kids, sex as it is in the real closely resembles our own
world. There are people who have Religious fanatics and right-wing
sex for recreational and political moralists attack Omaha-
purposes. lifestyle, while at the same time
Only I guess we're talking employing Joanne's services,
about animals here. The animals Overall, the plot of the novel
in Omaha's world do not have to and the continuing series is
deal with racial tension. Birds, simple. Boy cat meets girl cat and
cats and buffalo all have sex with they fight all odds. It's a love
one another without any qualms.
And threesomes, gay sex and
just about every other kind of sex
you can imagine are portrayed
graphically AND with dignity.
Waller and Worley state in the
comic's letter column how they
try to show all forms of love and
But it's a funny one, a sexy one
and one that shouldn't end for a
long time. Like Joanne says,
"Honey, you just gotta keep
dancing most of these guys are
lonely slobs, and what they need
is some beautv in their lives
"The God Song" is mostlv up- fact we could all die any day. "I
beat fast British dance club music feel the time is comingwhen we
with a driving beat and decent, all are angelsanytimewhen the
funky bass lines by bassist Baz light is trueand nothingnoth-
Allen. The lyrics continue to show ing will be here thena time when
a theme of social consiousness nothing will beneW?"
present throghout most of the "Are You Running" contains a
album. "I hear political rcsolu- chours that sticks in your head
tionscast the vote - launch an- due to the arraingement. Harrison
lead" singer Karl Hyde sounds other scapegoatinto thebossom sings the first line, backup singer
t times like Howard Jones, but of the promised landstand and Arlene Holmes, repeats his
uses enough oi his personal fight, kill for what's right (oh no) words, and then they both harmo-
phrasings to distinguish himself, justify another execution nize on a third line. The method is
"Underneath The Radar" is a
good album that should appeal to proves to be very effective in mak-
fans who like British synthpop ing the song addictive. The lyrics
music and thought provoking allude to someone who left their
Jcrrv Harrisons solo album,
"Frantic" hailed as thriller in
Hitchcock's vein of horror
M. MM M,MM Jm K-r . . Hi collar. It's cart c
Staff Writer
It's how the actual territory is
filled out that makes the
difference. Polanski touches on
some landmarks that evoke some
presence of Hitchcock in the
character of Michelle
(Emmanuelle Seigner), a
k Smith uses his keyboards in
an effective manner to create a
background oi blended synthe-
or which accents the overall
musicianship in the songs.
Listen to "Glory! Glory "Call
Me Number 1 "Under The Ra-
dar, 'Travand "The God
Thesi songs stand out on "Ca sual Gods is an intellegent
the album. mid-tempo album. Harrison
"Glory: Glory contains an
memorable, catchy chours, and is
a funky, laid back song.
"Call Me Number 1" is a dance-
able British pop song and war-
past love to marry someone else
for money, and then having to
return to their old lover for affec-
"Were Always Talking" is
about loving someone for the way
Roman Polanski's "Frantic" is
commonly being hailed as a
thriller in the Hitchcock mold.
Indeed, Polanski has imitated the
classic Hitchcock formula of the charming, streetwise vixen, and
ordinary guy caught in the some black humor (as when
middle of a terrifying situation, Walker and Michelle manipulate
but he has misplaced the essence the corpse of a cab driver in a
that Hichcock injected into such Trojan Horse maneuver). But, he
films as "Vertigo" that made each only evokes a fleeting sense of
production exceed repetitious dejavu: Hitchcock did it all better,
Frantic" begins as Dr. Walker
(Harrison Ford) and his wife
plays guitar and sings for the they are and not for superficial (Bclly Buckley) arrive in Paris for
lll-iIJ? A rnaenne "vnil want tn koPD VOlir iTUm, Alorwmr rro
Assistant Features Editor
Talking Heads. reasons, "you want to keep your
Listening to this album will looksyou want to keep your
give you an idea of his influence moneyit can all slip away some-
on the bands' sound. The well thing comes up right behind you
rants the biggest comparison to arra nged music is accompianied it can take it take it awayinspite
Howard Jones. It's scary. bv thoughtfully penned lyrics. If of your looksinspite of your
"Underneath The Radar" has a you check ouUhe album notice moneyit can slip away
driving beat and is about living the cover. On the cover is a picture "Bobby" is a song with lyrics
with the constant threat of nuclear of thousands of men reduced to asking someone named Bobby
war. "Unknownunseenwe live basicallv mindless work animals not to do "it Harrison uses a
underneath the radarno sign-on bv who Harrision refers to as digital sampling machine to make
screen we dance underneath the "Casual Gods Seeming to imply the vocals part of the rhythm, and
radar between the walls - well the Casual Gods are people in
hey we're just too small to make charge of the workers, who don't is also intertwined with sparse
a fuss about itdid something care about the people they con- synthesizer parts.
fall? well heywhat is the point in trol, or understand their responsi- Most of the songson thisalbum
"Off limits" has boring plot
where the baa guy ing out
his confession.
You're still thinking about
something that happened
minutes before while this guy is
spitting out words that make
absolutely no sense. To top that
off, the directors are jumping you
back and forth between scenes
showing where and how the bad
guy is uncovered. This jumping
back and forth causes a good bit of
confusion for the viewer, who is
suppossed to be surprised at who
the villian really is.
One point that the viewer
might not realize at first is the
setting. Set in Siagon during the
Vietnam War, this movie uses
clips of battle and Vietnamese
police interaction in American
military to stress the seriousness
of the situation.
This movie was a movie for
guys;bored guys;bored guys on a
rainy night. If you're into movies
a convention. They discover one
of their suitcases is not theirs at all.
As Walker takes a shower, his
wife receives a call and leaves the
room. She doesn't return. In his
efforts to find her, Walker
discovers that the mysterious
suitcase, seemingly full of
random, typical objects, contains
something that someone is ready
to kill for.
Sounds very Hitchockesquc so
far,doesn't it? But,a plot ismerely
one element of a movie, the
I'm not discounting Polanski's
own considerable abilities. He's
an incredible visual craftsman.
For example, as Buckley talks
over the phone to the man who
will subsequently kidnap her, the
camera takes the viewpoint from
the stall where Ford is showering. J"?y Stewart and Cary Grant)
? brough to their roles. Perhaps this
his collar. It's part of his unilorm,
but he is also "unlocking"
Walker's understanding.
Unfortunately, as he did with
"Tess Polanski substitutes flash
for substance, there is no
culminant effect of symbolism
here and hence no resonance.
When Hitchcock ends "Vertigo"
with Jimmy Stewart standing
atop a high tower there is a
catharsis. When Ford calls
Buckley "baby" in the back seat of
a car at theend of "Frantic" it's just
an empty tag.
Part of this failure can be
attributed to the actors. Ford is a
good actor, but in toning Walked s
character down to a "normal
guy he sacrifices the presence
Hitchcock's "normal guys"
Other examples of visual cues:
Walker's discovering a murdered
many by his pet's litter box: the
cat's indifference to his master's
fate reflects the authorities
indifference to the fate of
Walker's wife; the hotel clerk who
translates an important tape
message is wearing a key pin on
is because Ford's character has no
one to bounce off of: Buckley's out
of two-thirds of the movie and
he's allowed no spark-flying
relationship with Seigner and her
incredibly long legs.
Sorry, Roman. All form minus
substance equals only two and a
half cat heads.
Okay. Are you ready for
this? Today's movie has a fairly
original, fantastic plot; not too
boring, not too glitzy, not
overdone. Too bad this great plot
was stuck ruined by the overall
sloppiness of the movie. We can
all blame this flop on the
"Off Limits" stars two
greats, Willem DeFoe and
Gregory Hines. You'd think
terrific actors like this could pull
off a semi-action movie. Wrong.
The directors of this movie really
goofed. DeFoe and Hines were
great; good strong acting
prevailed throughout the movie,
but the poor directing was
One thing I noticed straight
off was the speed, or lack of it. For
a movie to succeed in carrying
such a strong theme, it must not
lose the viewer after only 20
minutes! "Off Limits" took so
long to get going that I wondered
if it was going to be another "Gone
With The Wind DeFoe and
Hines were ready?language
flying, guns drawn and in hot
ACTION! DeFoe and Hines were
so out of place?the
cinematography and stunt
execution lacked the thrill and
drive needed to catch the
audience and keep them
interested in what's coming next.
DeFoe, with his brutal
good looks, was a strong asset to
the overall production. His stern
glare and tendency towards quick
responses would have been great
in a faster movie.
Hines took a more smart-
ass approach. Also displaying a
cutting stare, Hines used quick
sarcasm and hearty threats to
build the image of a highly
frustrated CID officer, in almost
the same way he used intense
emotion and determination in
"White Nights
The plot was to portray the
officers in an ordeal that was off
limits and over their heads, which
it succeeded in doing. It's a pity
that the plot was ill-defined. It
was read the plot up to the end,
rainy nigni. u you re uuu muviw ???? sw mmmm ? ?
about conflict in the internal These are some of the lovely contestants who participated in the Elbo's bikini contest last we
affairs of government agencies, no idea who won, but none of them look like they belong to the infamous ECU Association of Fat Ci T
you might feel better about who Write Bad Poetry. Speaking of poetry, the EC's Features page is happy to present the First F h
spendingyourmoneyona Sidney Poetry Forum, which you can see on the very next page. In any event, this photo was taken M, k!po,S
Sheldon novel. Ever read Hardv A11ie0od " ?? by ECU
"Windmills of the Gods"? Photolab s Hardy Alligood.
East Car
Poetry Reading
The ECU Poetry Forum is please
to present William Matthew
author of "Forseeable Futures i
a poetry reading tonight al 8 p n
in Jenkins Auditorium It s fro
and the public is invited.
To help celebrate the occasion, vm
at the East Carolinian I
Features Pav wanted to shai
some of our poems with you, tl
reader We hope you, like it
response is good, and you, tl
reader, send us some poems, v
might do it again next month.
The Proof
Unbelieving John looked to thj
and asked "do You exist"
and if so, why.
The Voice rede lightning d
to Earth
into the World it had gi
pulled young John up by hj
and made him do a tribal dai
"You doubt me, its plain to
, I'm not in your reality.
To life's great problems
seek deep answers
But they are fleeting thii
Like Solid Cold Dana
You see crime, war .
and false disciples of me
in various and sundi
Don't heed the words
latest sage
Look instead to the wonder
the age.
There are diamonds squi j
from lumps of coal,
Bojangles, comics, and r
FMCassette players born
Clint Eastwood movies a
California girls with Monj
Sandy beaches and-well, e
can't rhyme that.
You get the idea
Tears poured from John's ei
and soaked his sleeve
And looking to the voice
" Behove!
Instead of preaching with a
You gave me words I c
You didn't give me a boo
: study,
r Rather, vou treated me hkj
? buddy.
You do exist: And contrai
r rumor,
6; You have what they
p admit
An incredible sense oi hum)
fe -Rac
Sleep crusted eyes on
rwrinkled satin case
? Turn to open at the first sli
j. Pasted tongue on the rooj
(bad taste
j. Twists to form the first wo
A weird bed, a strange t
.with bad breath
The clothes are strawn op
The memiors are faint,
fej are the said words
A captivate slave or a bi
laster or
Was S and M king
Attempts to move
rendered futile
Tain is the com
Through the kitchen v
lands on the tile eaj
m-&iummm??"? ?"
? ?
?.t??? ? ??' i. mn ,i.?-vir ? ?? p ?

with thai as the ratsofi
Omaha s" existence.
ic and the novel succeed
y The anthromorphic
the series come across
the explicit se
r elder kids
itened society,
friends would
nt role models tor
as an exotic daneei
her to think
about her ex life.
n does the
the mere sexually
ters are more
that Werle
them trv to loosen
scd animals,
preachy or
a darker side
- world and it too
resemble our own.
- and right-wing
tack Omaha s
e at the same time
anne s services.
i plot of the novel
; nt ?" uing series is
rl cat and
Is It's a love
e. a sexv one
ildn't end tor a
kc oanne says
: just gotta keep
g ? st f these guys are
md what they need
n their lives
riller in
Is collar. It's part or his uniform
? he is ah "unlocking
- - - understanding.
inatcly, as he did with
ss P lanski substitutes flash
- - there is no
? effect of symbolism
md hence no resonance.
Hitchcock ends "Vertif
jimmy Stewart standing
i high tower there is a
:nar A'hen Ford calls
n the back seat of
end of "Frantic" it's just
'art ot this failure can be
Inbuted to the actors. Ford is a
jod actor, but in toning Walker's
iracter down to a "normal
he sacrifices the presence
itchcock's "normal guys"
mmy Stewart and Cary Grant)
(ough to their roles. Perhaps this
t Ford's character has no
-?ounce off of: Buckley'sout
thirds of the movie and
allowed no spark-Hying
lationship with Seigner and her
diblv long legs.
Sorry, Roman. All form minus
instance equals only two and a
lalf cat heads.
ikini contest last week. We have
us ECU Association of Fat Girls
py to present the First Features
us photo was taken by the ECU
MARCH 22,1988
East Carolinian Poetry Forum Page
Poetry Reading
The ECU Poetry Forum is pleased
to present William Matthews
a u thor of "Forseeable Futures " in
a poetry reading tonight at 8 p.m
in Jenkins Auditorium. It's free,
and the public is invited.
To help celebrate the occasion, we
at the East Carolinian Boss
Features Page wanted to share
some of our poems with you, the
reader. We hope you, like it. If
response is good, and you, the
reader, send us some poems, we
might do it again next month. NO
rpurnev Rqp
Editor's note: This poem needs
a beat box to be fully
The NCAA tourney has got
My, have you seen how those
guys can play.
Temple is there and, of course,
But, what's this, there's
Richmond too.
The Proof
The Spiders next task is to stop
the Owls,
But Chancy and Tarrant are by
Unbelieving John looked to the no way Pals-
and asked "do You exist" . Purduc must ncxt facc Kansas
and if so, why. State L J u c ?
The Voice rode lightning down A wm there and the fellas might
to Earth
into the World it had given
pulled voung John up by his against tough Vandy,
rnts The Commodores are there
Kansas has a task coming
Layout Blues
Sitting in a room that's cold?
We can't find a thing we need,
knifes, scissors, nothing
The music isn't loud enough
and most of the time the people
are too loud.
We cut and cut until it seems
like it won't end.
every Monday we cut, every
Wednesday we cut.
Why?? For 75 bucks? Is it
worth it, the time, the agony, the
I guess so I do it
People say they seek it, yet
many have died for less.
and made him do a tribal dance.
You doubt me, its plain to see
I'm not in your reality.
To life's great problems you
seek deep answers
But they are fleeting things,
Like Solid Gold Dancers.
You see crime, war and
and false disciples of me
in various and sundry
Don't heed the words of the
latest sage
Look instead to the wonders of
the age.
There are diamonds squeezed
from lumps of coal,
Bojanglcs, comics, and rock n'
FMCassette players born into
Clint Eastwood movies and
California girls with Mondo
Sandy beaches and-well, even I
can't rhyme that.
You get the idea
Tears poured from John's eyes
and soaked his sleeve
And looking to the voice he
screamed, , ,
"I Believe!
Instead of preaching with a firm
You gave me words I could
You didn't give me a book to
Rather, vou treated me like a
You do exist! And contrary to
You have what they won't
An incredible sense of humor
-Racer X
after winning a dandy.
Suprising Rhode Island will
battle with Duke,
If they win, watch as Ferry will
The Sooners will battle the
Cardinals of Crum,
That's a tough one Denny, now
don't be dumb.
Kentucky's next game will be
with Villanova,
If Rollie wins that one you can
yell Jehovah.
Now let's don't forget about
Dean and the Heels,
against Loyola they made all
the steals.
Next on the agenda is Michigan,
I don't know, but I think the
Heels can.
And finally of course there's
Iowa's Hawkeyes,
But Arizona will stomp them, I
won't tell no lies.
Purdue is still my pick, though
haven't you heard,
AJic?that's the ftoop sc'bop from
here. Word
eyes on a
Sleep crusted
wrinkled satin case
Turn to open at the first slice of
Pasted tongue on the roof of
bad taste
Twists to form the first word
A weird bed, a strange figure
with bad breath
The clothes are strawn on the
The memiors are faint, faint
are the said words
A captivate slave or a brutal
.master or
Was S and M king
Attempts to move are
Rendered futile
Pain is the common
Through the kitchen vomit
lands on the tile -earl vis
as the night overcame
the crawling figure
beat down by hate
he struggled to overcome -
but the blood ebbed
from his body
and trickled in weblike patterns
over his flesh
into the ground
from whence he came
so shall he return
another victim
of repression.
One drop of water
clung to the faucet
overhanging the half-filled
One drop of water
with its own sparkle
and clearness,
though mostly just the same,
was somehow different?
somehow special.
it stretched and lost its grip.
Brad Bannister
Vice President
Be Sure
Vote Shore!
When a glimpse of it is caught may
I'm a one man thinktank
Chew on that, but don't
it gets tough
and tasteless
the more you chew.
Maybe it was
meant for stew,
not to ve half-
baked like it is
Steak meat must be lean.
Chew the fat, it won't
hurt you if you just don't
swallow okay?
all of it.
I'm a one man thinktank.
A good wine they say helps
the digestion of fatty foods
so take a drink; this time you
Spring Break!
?One Hour Photos
For Quality, Convenience, and Personal Service
The Plazp
(next to A- oelle's)
from behind a cloud,
eyes start to sting.
People hide behind a hand-
made mask of their choice,
And depart in separate
At night it rolls beneath closed
doors like a lost fog.
The old man curses it,
The young man ignores it.
The child dances in it.
Yet there are those who remain
protected by the shadows,
Shadows of heroes long gone.
They follow those in the
Whose skin is like leather.
You will know them when you
see them;
They are the soldiers on the
front line,
The one who carry no guns.
The ones with scars who know
that no enemy lies ahead.
They are the ones with blood
shot eyes,
Whose hearts beat louder than
They are the ones who walk
with the wind,
They are the ones who dance at
night. -Toni Page
A Good Sex Poem
Now, stop, so I can turn around,
and tie your feet onto the
Your legs are spread, your
mouth does gape,
like the folds of Bela Lugosi's
I saw you in the market square,
Tasting all the unclean air.
The way your chapped lips did
Broke my heart;
I am a sucker.
- the bonehead's
swallow better?
thafs good. -Don Rutledge
Sexual Geographic
Wind runs fingers through our
Falling, we grab what will bend
and what will try.
Glaciers move inches by eons,
nails dig and teeth grind
archeologist marvels at his find.
Eyes search, probe, and connect
Silken sheets gather togther
under sweaty palms.
Limbs writhe and entwine as
jungle vines
The fault moves and begets
Cro-magnon man stands erect.
Koala chews eucalyptus
giggles escape saliva
waves erode cliff walls,
tasting salt the professor
dusts off the artifact with a gust of
The elephant trumpets, the
Lioness roars
Jungle becomes the last stand for
Tyranny and Darwin crumble to
the sands
and the professors pour White
"Obviously a religious icon they
But gravity returns to the World
and physics apply once more.
Koala loses balance and falls
Lava leaves the fault to meet the
and become land.
Silken sheets are set free
Hearts slow and become distant
Limbs untwine, icon crumbles,
Aging excavators curse
-Racer X
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MARCH 22, 1988 Page 10
Seahawks grab two out of three from
One of the oldest baseball
rivalries in the state was renewed
over the weekend when East
Carolina and UNC-Wilmington
collided in a kev three-game
miscures to be found.
"For some of our guys,
Saturday was their best day of the
season so far UNCW coach
Bobbv Guthrie said. "I've been at UNC-Wilmington's saving that our tough schedule
new-look Brooks' Field. may pay off later on, and I think
East Carolina, slumping the experience helped Saturdav "
recently at the plate, topped the Brooks Field and the Port City
Seahawks Sundav to has always been a tough
prevent a three-game sweep.
L NCW came from behind in both
Barnes Saturday to take a pair oi
one-run victories. 3-2 an 6-5.
The Pirates, 14-6overall, batted
just .221 (17 for 77) over the
weekend but did demonstrate
some power with three home runs
and five doubles. UNCW
inproved to5-16overalland2-1 in
league play as the weekend
marked the opening oi the
Colonial Athletic Association
regular season.
East Carolina will play a pair of
night games this week?
Wedesday (7 p.nO vs. Campbell
and Thursdav (8 p.m.) vs.
Cleveland State Both games will
atmosphere for Pirate baseball
teams. ECU, it seems, is a primary
target for the Seahawks.
As one UNCW fan said
Saturday afternoon, "I'd cheer for
the Russians before I'd cheer for
East Carolina. We'd rather beat
them than anvone
Here is a recap of the weekend's
UNC-Wilmington 3 Faft
Carolina 2
After four scoreless innings,
East Carolina made the first move
in the fifth inning when John
Adams hit his first home run of
the year?a solo shot with two
outs?to give the visiting Pirtates
beat r larrmgton field. The Pirates a 1-0 advantage
will resume Colonial play UNCW rallied in the sixth,
Saturday with a big three-game chasing ECU started Scott Stevens
series with lames Madison, the
early-season pick to win the C A A.
UNCW, which built a stadium
complex this year to compliment
Brooks Field, played near-
flawless baseball Saturdav to pick
up the two wins. Prior to
Saturday, the Seahawks had
struggled?expecially on
defense?against tough
competition. Against ECU,
however, there were no defensive
with three earned runs. The big
blow oi the inning was an Al
Frank Catucci single that scored
two with the bases loaded.
ECU pulled to within 3-2 with
two outs in the seventh when
fresheman Steve Godin smacked
his second homer of the vear.
Adams, however, who plaved
perhaps his best baseball of the
season, grounded out to end the
For Stevens, ECU's hard-luck
pitcher, thelossdropped him to 2-
3. Two of the losses, however,
were complete games, including
an 11-inning defeat to VCU.
UNC-Wilmington 6 East
Carolina 5
UNCW took advantage of three
key Pirate errors to take an carlv
lead, then held off a late ECU rally
to sweep the nightcap, 6-5.
ECU led 1-0 early when Steve
Godin scored on a John Adams
double, the first of four extra base
hits he earned over the weekend.
The 'Hawks rallied for three runs
in the third? only one of the runs
were earned?of ECU sophomore
hurler Brian Berckman.
Berckman committed a costly
error in the frame that led to two
of UNCW's runs.
Trailing 5-1, the Pirates scored
three runs in the sixth when
Calvin Brown and Adams both
doubled, and ECU was within 5-4.
UNCW added some security in
the sixth with another unearned
run off of ECU reliever Gary
Smith to take a 6-4 advantage.
ECU senior Jay McGraw belted
a two-run homer?his fourth of
the year?to once again bring the
visitors to within one, but the rally
fell short.
East Carolina 7UNC-
Wilmington 4
An important win for East
Carolina. Three losses to its rival
could have had a negative impact
on such a young ECU team, while
leaving Wilmington with a 1-2 scored four runs in the fourth,
record is exactly what last year's including two on Al Frank
Colonial champions managed.
eight walks issued by UNCW
started Bryant Balentine, while
Brown hit a run-scoring double
and Adams ripped a bases loaded
double that scored two.
ECU led 5-0 before UNCW
Catucci's first home run of the
Gary Smith promptly relieved
ECU starter Jake Jacobs (Smith's
third relief appearance of the
All four of ECU's regular
starters?Smith, Stevens, Jacobs
and Berckman all boast ERA's
under 4.00.
ECU's senes with James
Madison will begin with
??"? IVIIVI UL'LVUIllllll Vl HIV- ? ? -
year) and shut out their hosts the Saturday double-header at 1 p.m
remainder of the way. Smith The third game of the series i
improved his personal record to slated for Sundav at 1 p.m.

An unidentified Pirate baseball player slides in safe at third during a recent EC! game at Harrington Field. The
Pirates will return to action on Wednesday of this week. (Photo by Hardy Allegood ? ECU Photo Labi
Sumpthin Special takes title in preseason Softball tourney
Sumpthin Special was happen- rallv. Rr?mii-rcrnC?cftuii i?? ?? ;? ?i r r vl? ?n. r? , ? , . ?
Sumpthin Special was happen-
; this weekend during the 1988
Pre-Season Softball Tournament
- literally.
Sumpthin Special held off a
furious rally by the Ex-Termina-
tors in the late innings of the
championship game to post an 11 -
8 victory.
The winners took a 4-1 lead af-
ter four innings oi play and built
the lead to 9-3after five and a half
frames. TheEx-Termina tors, trail-
ing 11-3 in the top of the seventh
inning, however, put together a
With one out, the team con-
nected for five straight hits before
Sumpthin Special could struggle
to record the second out of the
inning. The Ex-Terminators then
scored five runs and left the bases
full when Sumpthin Special fi-
nally managed to get out of the
Whitmore scored three times
for Sumpthin Special, while Char-
les Griffin, Ryan Watts and Mal-
colm Thclpshad two runseach for
the Ex-Terminators.
Regular season Softball play got
underway Monday night. Ima
Reck says Sumpthin Special and
the Flunkies are the men's and
women's teams to watch, respec-
p.m. in Memorial Gym, Room
102. No experience is necessary.
For more information, call Marv
at 757-6387.
The Home Run Derby will be call the Outdoor Recreation Cen-
held on Wednesday, March 30 ter.
Co-Rec volleyball registration
Tighten up those tennis shoes
and stretch those hamstrings
The annual I.R.S. Track Meetjs
will be held on" Wednesday, "jdst atOund the corner. Registry-
March 23 at 6 p.m. in Memorial tion is set for March 30 at 6 p.m. in
Gym, Room 102. jam Squad is the Biology, Room 102. Pi Kappa
defending champion. Alpha and Alpha Phi are the de-
?????????? fending champions.
Co-Rec volleyball officials will ??????????
meet Thursday, March 24 at 8 Attention all sluggers
from 3:30 p.m6 p.m. at the ECU's
women's Softball field. Registra-
tion will be on-site.
Outdoor recreation is ap-
proach ihgfifs busiest time, of the
Registration is underway for an
April 9 kayaking expedition on
the Tar River. Clinics arc set for
April 4 and April 7 at Memorial
Gym pool. For more information,
Registration is open through
April 5 for a white water rafting
trip. The cost has been set at 547.
which includes transportation,
camping fee, food and the river
trfp. Slop bv Memorial Gviv.
Room m'tbVmore mWiTOHtifY:
Coming up in this Thursday's
edition of The East Carolinian is
an exclusive look at the ECU la-
crosse team. Don't miss it
Lady Pirates roll to 11-3-1
after successful weekend
The Lady Pirate Softball team finds itself with a close play at the plate durin
P.rates will battle Louisburg College at Varsity Field today. (Photo by Hardy Allegood - ECU Photo Lab)
Spiders stun Indiana, Georgia
Tech to keep alive in NCAA's
East Carolina University upped
its softball record to 11-3-1 fpr the
year by sweeping a trio of
weekend contests and gainig a tie
in another game.
The Lady Pirates took a pair of
games from North Carolina
Wesleyan College on Thursday.
The Pirates then belted Ohio
University Sunday in its first
game before settling for a tie in the
second showdown to finish the
weekend with a 3-0-1 record.
The Pirates doublcheader with
North Carolina, which was
scheduled for Saturday at Varsity
Field, was postoned due to rain
and will be rescheduled for a later
In the opening game against the
Lady Bishops of Wesleyan, the
Pirates rolled to a 10-run lead in
the first three innings of play
before claiming an 11-1 victory
under the "slaughter" rule after
the fifth inning.
In the nightcap against N.C.
Wesleyan, Renee Meyers went
the distance on the mound, giving
up just four hits, to help pace the
Pirates to a 7-1 rout.
The defense continued to shine
on Sunday as the Pirates recorded
a 4-0 shutout over Ohio in the first
game of the day. In the nightcap
against the Lady Bobcats, the
Pirates rallied from an early
deficit to tie the game at 3-3. The
game went 10 innings before
eventually being called due to
Mickey Ford was the hero of the
tie game as she smacked a two-
run triple to pull the Pirates even
at 3-3 in the contest.
The Pirates will be back in
action at Varsity Field today when
they host Louisburg College. The
Pirates will also play again on
Saturday when they travel to
Chapel' Hill to battle North
Chalk up two for the little guys.
Temple and Richmond, winners
on the court but losers over the
years in the battle for recognition,
are being noticed, Knocking off
the big guys will often do that.
For the past six weeks, Temple
has been the nation's top-ranked
basketball team. Still, Coach John
Chaney perceives a lack of respect
for his powerhouse from the
lightly regarded Atlantic 10
despite five consecutive seasons
wnth at least 25 victories.
In four of the. last five seasons,
Richmond has won more than 20
games and played in post-season
tournaments. Still, Coach Dick
Tarran concedes that television
rightfully focuses on bigger
conferences than his Colonial
Athletic Association.
It can't avoid paying attention
this week.
Temple and Richmond,
winners in Sunday's East
Regional games of the NCAA
Tournament, play each other
Thursday night in the regional
semifinal at East Rutherford, N.J.
In the other semifinal, Rhode
Island, another Atlantic 10 team,
meets Duke, the Atlantic Coast
Conference tournament
On Sunday, Temple crushed
Georgetown 74-53 while
Richmond edged Georgia Tech
59-55. Temple, 31-1, is on a 17-
game winning streak while
Richmond, 26-6, has won nine
"I just look at it as an
opportunity to show that we can
play good basketball and have a
pretty good conference said
forward Peter Woolfolk, who led
Richmond with 27 points.
The Spiders stunned defending
national champion Indiana, a
member of the prestigious Big
Ten, last Friday before beating an
ACC opponent Sunday. Temple's
lastest victim, a member of the Big
East, won the national
championship in 1984 and was
runnerup in 1985.
Georgetown Coach John
Thompson said it is Chaney's
time to enjoy success.
"This is his run Thompson
said. "In other years, it had been
my run. I wanted to beat him,
believe me, but this year it was his
Chaney has said television
exposure helps a team gain
respect and Temple hasn't gotten
much of either.
The Owls' continuing success,
however, "gives us great
visibility he said. "We're at the
point that TV sometimes comes to
It still hasn't found Richmond,
the lowest seed of the 16 teams
still in the tournament.
"The public demands top
See RICHMOND page 11
Continued from page 12
basketball and the televisu
people think top basketball is tt
Big 10, ACC and Big East, ai
I they're probably right Tarra
?said. "You're going to
f entertained more when Purdi
plays Indiana. . . than wN
fWilliam & Mary plai
Tarrant, however, is svaoni
9 his tiem in the spotlight.
"Little did 1 dream years ai
that I'd be in the Final 16 he sa
"Talk about being with the ehtj
We can get those clippings aj
put it in a scrapbook
Temple and Richmond
won SUnday by holdii
opponents to season-low poj
totals and field-goal percentagj
"Maybe we're we're a dist;
cousin to Temple in that
believe manv of the same thint
Tarrant said. "We don't go up a
down recklessly and we try
in Carol
Sports Writer
East Carolina's men's tn
team claimed two first-pU
finishes in Sunday's Carolil
Classic track meet held in Chaj
Eugene McNeill took first in
100 meter dash, running a tirm
McNeill was also a member
the 400-meter relay team t(
finished first running 41.11.
Also running with the fii
place finishers were Lee McNij
Kevin Wrighton and Anthc
ECU's second relay te
placed fourth in the 400-mej
relay, running a 42.43 aj
impressing coach Bill Carson.
"We could have easily pla
second with our second reh
said Carson after the race,
there were some lane chai
after we had set our tapes iwl
our guys set up to take the bal
and that threw us off
The second relay was mad
of David Robinson, Ike Robins
Jon Lee and George Franklin
ECU also placed in the
meters with third and fo;
place finishes by Phil
you will ti
security ni
vear old I
depone. I
office in o
Kingston Place
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MARCH 22,1988 11
H Pace 10
All tour oi E( S regular
starters Smith, Stevens, Jacobs
and Bcrckman all boast ERA's
- series with lames
?n will begin with a
urdav double-header at 1 p.m
third game of the series is
. d ter Sunday at 1 p.m.
t M I game at Harrington Field.The
v Mlt-siood ? K( I Photo Lain
i n set at $47,
transportation, camping tee, food and the river tTtr . Merni rial Gym ?' for more mfrvrrvfan'rvrv t
in exchursday's ?"oilman is - ? the ECU Ia-s it
ly Bobcats, the
illied from an early
the game at 3-3. The
innings before
? ? ' .lied due to
key Ford was the hero of the
ne as she smacked a two-
run triple to pull the Pirates even
at 3-3 in the contest.
The Pirates will be back in
on at Varsity Field today when
Lou isburg College. The
will also play again on
lay when they travel to
Chapel Hill to battle North
Richmond full of surprises
Continued from page 12
basketball and the television
people think top basketball is the
Big 10, ACC and Big East, and
they're probably right Tan-ant
said. "You're going to be
entertained more when Purdue
plays Indiana. . . than when
William & Mary plays
Tarrant, however, is svaoring
his tiem in the spotlight.
"Little did I dream years ago
that I'd be in the Final 16 he said.
"Talk about being with the elites.
We can get those clippings and
put it in a scrapbook
Temple and Richmond both
won SUnday by holding
opponents to season-low point
totals and field-goal percentages.
'Maybe we're we're a distant
cousin to Temple in that we
believe many of the same things
Tarrant said. "We don't go up and
down recklessly and we try to
take care of the ball gut it out.
That's Temple, and maybe it's
Richmond on a lesser scale
Georgetown, 20-10, made just
30.2 percent of its shots against a
team that led the nation by
holding opponents to a 39.5
percent accuracy rate.
The Hoyas trailed only 30-26 at
halftime but madejust three of its
first 15 shots in the first nine
minutes of the second half.
Meanwhile, Temple made five
oi eight in outscoring
Georgetown 15-6 to take a 45-32
lead with 11:15 left. The lead
ranged from 10 to 2 points the rest
of the way.
'The only thing we can count on
is playing consistent defense
Chaney said. "We have done that
in every game
Temple, which broke a four-
year streak of second-round
eliminations, was led by Mark
Maron and Mike Vreeswyk with
21 points each. Ramon Rivas, a
250-pound center, had 13 points
and 12 rebounds, 11 of them on
the defensive boards as he
continually kept Georgetown
from following up its misses.
Charles Smith, Mark Tillmon
and Jaren Jackson had 13 points
each for the Hoyas.
Georgia Tech, 2-10, had
averaged 82.6 points per game
before Sunday but made jsut 33.3
percent of its shots as Richmond
slowed the pace and controlled
the Yellow Jackets' inside game.
"We couldn't stop Woolfolk
Georgia Tech Coach Bobby
Cremins said. Woolfolk, at 6-foot-
5 and 230 pounds, has the build,
not to mention some of the skills,
of a young Charles Barkley, the
Philadelphia 76ers "Round
Mound of Rebound
"he has so many moves
Georgia Tech centr Tom
Hammonds said.
Tracksters do well
in Carolina Classic
Sports Writer
East Carolina's men's track
team claimed two first-place
finishes in Sunday's Carolina
Classic track meet held in Chapel
Eugene McNeill took first in the
100 meter dash, running a time of
McNeill was also a member of
the 400-meter relay team that
finished first running 41.11.
Also running with the first-
place finishers were Lee McNiell,
Kevin Wrighton and Anthony
ECU'S second relay team
placed fourth in the 400-meter
relay, running a 42.43 and
impressing coach Bill Carson.
"We could have easily placed
second with our second relay
said Carson after the race. "But
there were some lane changes
after -we had set out tapes (.wlvere
our guys set up to take the baton)
and that threw us off
The second relay was made up
of David Robinson, Ike Robinson,
Jon Lee and George Franklin.
ECU also placed in the 400
meters with third and fourth
place finishes by Phil Estes,
(4S.29) and Ken Daughtry, (48.30).
ECU's women's team also ran
well at the meet with several top-
three finishes.
The 400-meter relay team,
which is working toward a trip to
the NCAA Outdoor
Championships in June, finished
second with a time of 47.17. NC
A&T won the event in 46.33
Taking second and third place
in the 100-meter dash, Sonya
Baldwin and Vanessa Smith, ran
12.26 and 12.48 respectively.
Saundra Harrison of St.
Augustine finished first in the
100-meters (12.23).
The Lady Pirates captured a
second-place finish in the 200-
meters behind UNC's Mia
Pollard,who ran 25.57 seconds.
Both the men's and women's
relay team will be preparing this
week for next weekends trip to the
Atlantic Coast Relays, which will
also be held in Chapel Hill.
More than 90 teams will be
competing at the meet and Caoch
Carson says that his men's relay
team should be in good form and
perform well.
The women's relay team will
continue on their quest to qualify
for the NCAA's.
with dependents
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"He can get you up in the air,
and when he's up in the aid he
leans into you and draws a foul.
He took us apart
Georgia Tech was led by Dennis
Scott and Brian Oliver with 15
points each.
Richmond, which made 42.9
percent of its shots for the game,
led 29-18 at halftime as Georgia
Tech reached a season low for
points in a half.
Tech cut the deficit to 40-37 with
10:15 left and 57-55 with 32
seconds remaining. But Benjy
Taylor sank two free throws with
28 seconds to go and Georgia Tech
missed its last three field goal
"It might not have been the
most handsome game in the eyes
of American basketball junkies
Tarrant said of the slow pace and
poor shooting, "but in my eyes it
was very pretty
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MARCH 22,1988
Heels, Michigan meet hopes
North Carolina and Michigan, the
two teams that were supposed to
advance to the NCAA West
Regional basketball semifinals
out of Salt Uike Citv, more than
lived up to expectations.
Now they're headed for a
rematch Friday night in Seattle.
1 he two teams remember each
other well. They played in the
NCAA second round last year,
with the Tar 1 feels winning 109-
"I'm impressed with
Muhigan' slid North Carolina
guard Jeff Lebo. "It's the same
group we faced last year with the
addition of (Terry) Mills and
(Rumeal) Robinson, and I' sure
our beating them will be added
incentive for them
Both teams will be coming off
what may have been their best
efforts of the season in their one-
sided second-round victories
Saturdav at the University of
No. 10 Michigan, 27-7, smashed
Florida 108-85. The Wolverines
hit 65 percent of their field goals
and got a 39-point performance
from forward Glen Rice, one short
of his career high.
Loy Vaught added 22 points
and 15 rebounds, while all-
American point guard Gary
Grant had 19 pointsand 11 assists.
Vernon Maxwell, the No. 2 all-
time scorer in the Southeastern
Conference, capped his collegiate
career with a 23-point
performance for the Gators.
The seventh ranked Tar Heels,
meanwhile, scored on NCAA
tournament record 123 points in
beating 15th-ranked Loyola-
Marymount at its own game, 123-
In one of the more bizarre
statistical games in tournament
histroy, the Lions hit 32 percent of
their field goals and missed 70
shots, while North Carolina
connected 79 percent of the time
and missed just 12. In fact, Loyola
missed more shots that North
Carolina tried.
Ranzino Smith scored a career
high 27 points for North Carolina,
while Lebo and J.R.Reid added 19
Loyola, the top scoring team in
the nation at nearly 111 points per
game, had its 25-game winning
streak broken. Jeff Fryer led the
Lions with 27 points.
The Michigan players were
happy and relieved that the
Wolverines managed to get past
the second round for the first time
in four consecutive tries.
Michigan suffered second-
round losses to Villanova in 1985,
Iowa State in '86 and North
Carolina in '87.
"I think the monkey is off our
back now Mills said, "and I feel
great going to Seattle
Coach Bill Frieder said the
victory will get "some people
back in Detroit" off his case.
"Sure it's a relief because now
that ends he said. "We don't
have to hear that anymore
North Carolina, 26-6, advances
to the final round of 16 teams for
the eighth straight year.
"That's amazing in this day and
age said Tar Heel Coach Dean
Smith. "But I'm only concerned
about this year's team and taking
the next step
The Tar Heels know that
stopping Michigan's tandem of
Rice and Grant won't be easy.
"Glen Rice is a great player and
Gary Grant is one of the best
guards in the country Lebo said.
"We have to go out and execute
and only worry aobut our team
Saturday's blowouts would
indicate a close battle in Seattle.
"It was a close game last year
Reid said. "We pulled away a
little bit at the end. It's going to be
a good game between well-
matched teams
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Kansas State Wildcats are
brimming with confidence
heading into the NCAA
Tournament Midwest Regional
semifinal against No. 3 Purdue,
despite losing big to the
Boilermakers earlier this season.
Confidence in his shooting
touch allowed Will Scott to hit
seven of eight 3rpointers and
score a season-high 23 points as
20th ranked Wildcats beat DePaul
66-58 on Saturday in a second-
round game. Purdue's hot
second-half shooting produced a
100-73 rout of Memphis State,
moving the Boilermakers into
Friday's regional semifinals at
Pontiac, Mich.
Purdeu defeated kansas State
101-72 at West Lafayette, Ind in
December. That defeat dropped
the Wildcats to 3-5, but kansas
State's 1 on Kruger said he
coaches a different team now.
"Confidence, number one,
Kruger said of the changes his
team has seen since that loss. The
Wildcats also abandoned the up-
tempo, full-court presurc game
that was uncomfortable to them,
adopting instead a half-court
offense. Kansas State won 21 of its
next 24.
"I think it'sa real compliment to
the players to be able to make that
adjustment in midstream and
respond like they have' Kreger
said. "Being one of (the final) 16 is
a real nice honor. I'm awfully
proud of the players
Kansas State struggled against
DePaul's transition game in the
first half, falling behind by as
much as 28-21 after Andy Laux hit
the last of DePaul's six 3-pointcrs
in the first half.
But Scott's 3-pointer gave
Kansas State a 30-29 lead at
halftime. When he opened the
second period with two more, the
Wildcats had the lead for good.
"After 1 hit a couple, my
confidence really shot up Scott
said. Also helpful was a DePaul
defense that sollapsed around
Kansas State's star forward,
Mitch Richmond, who finished
with 19 points, four under his
average. Upon Richmond, who
finished with 19 points, four
under his average. Upon drawing
the extra defender, Richmond
simply would pass the ball back
to Scott.
"Early in the second half Will
was on a roll, so we were trying to
make him some shots
Richmond said.
"My teammates did a good job
of drawing the defense in the
kicking it ourt to me on the wings
for open shots Scott said.
DePaul, which hit only 22 of 59
shots-37 percent-was able to pull
within 59-56 on Rod Strickland's
free throw with 1:37 remaining.
Kansas State then hit seven of
eight free throws.
Strckland scored 19 points to
lead DePaul, which finished 22-8
after failing to reac the third
round for the first time in three
"When we shoot 37 percent
we're not going to beat too many
people DePaul Coach Joey
Meyer said. "Kansas State has a
good team and Purdue will have
to go out there and beat them, like
Kansas State did to us today.
Purdue played like a sleeping
giant for a half against Memphis
State and was still snoozing at the
start of the second when it lined
up at the wrong end of the court.
Memphis State's Elliot Perry took
the opening inbounds pass and
breezed to the other end of the
floor for an easy layup.
That pulled the Tigers within
38-35 but it also woke up the
Boilermakers. Two Everette
Stephens baskets, a jam by Todd
Mitchell, a 3-pointer by Troy
Lewis and a Mitchell layin
boosted Purdue to a 49-35
advantage less than three minu tes
into the half, and the rout was on.
Memphis State came no closer
than eight points.
Purdue, after shooting 39
percent in the first half, came back
to hit 22 of 32-69 percent-in the
second half. Mitchell scored 14 of
his 15 points in the second half
and Mel Mc Cants 12 of his 20.
Lewis finished with 22, pushing
his career total to 2,019.
"In the second half, we
eventually wore them down
Purdue Coach Gene Keady said.
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"Our depth got to them
Purdue, 29-3, advanced past the
second round for the first time in
six attempts under Keady.
"It's nice to get over the bump,
but we've got to keep going Lewis
said. "We're glad, but we've got to
keep the momentum going into
Pontiac and have a good week of
Dwight Boyd scored 18 points
to lead Memphis State, 29-12.
"We got caught by a good
basketball team Tigers Coach
Larry Finch said. "1 think they've
got an excellent shot of winning
the whole thing. If they play like
they did today, I'm sure of it
East Carolinian.
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The East Carolinian, March 22, 1988
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 22, 1988
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