The East Carolinian, June 25, 1986

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?i? iEaHt (Earcrliman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.60 SoMT(,j
Wednesday, June 25, 1986
Greenville, N.C.
10 Panes
Circulation 5.000
Student Governments
Oppose Tuition Hikes
SGA President
Jl HUMIHT-TlnHHCirainnn
SGA President Steve Cunanan went to Raleigh last week to lobbv against a proposed tuition hike.
For more details ee the related story on page 1.
President 9s Request Rejected
dent Reagan asked Monday to
address the House on the eve o
its vote on his request for aid to
Nicaraguan contras, but House
Speaker Thomas P. "Tip"
O'Neill Jr. turned him dour
saying it would be unprecedented
for the president to lobbv one
c chamber on a pei
O'Neill. D-Mass -aid he had
ottered Reagan, a Republican,
the traditional forum or a joint
session of the House and Senate
or an opportunity to appear
before the House "to participate
in open dialogue" with the
White House spokesman
Lawrence M. Speakes said
Reagan was "deeply disap-
pointed" that he would not be ac-
corded :he opportunity to make a
final appeal for his S100 million
aid package, scheduled fot a
House vote Wednesday.
The ISbacked contras are
lighting to overthrow the San-
dinista goernment in Nicaragua.
Speakes said White House
chief of staff Donald T. Regan
had called O'Neill Monda after-
noon to ask if Reagan might
deliver a speech to the chamber
today before leaving for a
political fund-raiser in Las Vegas
and a week's vacation at his
California ranch.
The White House proposal,
which Speakes said Reagan ap-
proved during a lunch with his
staff, caught the speaker's office
off guard and sent aides scrambl-
ing to put together a statement
explaining O'Neill's action, seek-
See REAGAN'S Page 5
News Kditor
The University of North
Carolina Association of Student
Governments kicked off their
lobbying campaign last Wendes-
day against Governor Martin's
proposal tuition increases
Governor Martin proposes to
increase in-state tuition 3.2 per-
cent and hike out-of-state tuition
12.3 percent.
The UNCASG wants both in-
state and out-of-state tui'ion to
remain at 1985-86 levels.
Steve Cunanan, SGA president
who represented ECU in the UN-
CASG, said Martin wants to take
the revenue earned in the tuition
hike and put it in the General
L NCASG's position, accor-
ding to Cunanan, is to place any
revenues from any increases back
into the University system.
"If Martin does that (put
revenues in the General Fund)
Cunanan said, "we will never see
that money again
Cunanan reiterated, "If there
has to be an increase, the leas-
Martin could do is give the
money back to the schools
The UNCASG passed a resolu-
tion outlining their reasons for
opposing Martin's tuition in-
The resolution said that
because the Gramm-Rudman
Hollings Acl will reduce financial
aid to student- h 16.5 mil
dollars, the UNCASG claims the
cost of a public post secondary
educaton is past the ability of a
working class family to pay.
In addition, the UNCASG
maintains the cost of non-tuition
expenses like housing, books,
and food has increased faster
than inflation.
"We (the student body
presidents) don't think the
lawmakers understand what goes
into an education today
Cunanan said. "They don't
realize that just this year rent has
increased 33 percent
In their lobbying effort, the
UNCASG met with It. Governor
Bob Jordan and House Speaker
Liston Ramses and about 100
state legislators
Cunanan said, "They sym-
pathized with us about the in-
state tuition, but they were not
too positive about the out-of-
state increase
Cunanan said this dicotomv is
unfortunate bu: to be expected.
He said out-of-state and interna-
tional students add much to ;
lege life and to lose some because
they are unable to afford tuition
would be regretable.
While in Raleigh, the IV
C SG members also lobbied tor
increased funding for removal oi
barriers to handicapped students
on UNC campuses and increased
funding for new facilities and
Other major construction pro-
Governor Martin want-
reduce funding of handicapped
S2 million
from the $4.3 million proposed
by the UNC Board oi Governors.
Martin also want- to redu
UNC Board ol Goveri
posal of $147,792,101
new facilities and
construct! i 130 mil
The UNC AS 1 i
Martin pr ??
for teachers and state
Cunanan said in a I
the I'M SG
Washingti n D (
against Gramm-R - I
believed thi
CASG should be
The L N( SG
merit read-
representing ti
protecting the
Cunanan said
or an stu let I ; .
wherever the .
ercent ol
? cull becau
"If tuition
said. "It will
(studeni s) don'
political cl
Cunanan said l
fort in Rale
up by numer .
ther lobbying ses
SGA Cabinet Positions Reactivated
Staff Writer
Beginning next -emester, the
SGA will be re-activating it's
cabinet positions for the first
time in about four years, accor-
ding to SGA president Steve
Cunanan believes this move
w ill make good his campaign pro-
mise to get more people involved
in student government, as well as
help the SGA executive council
make "better decisions, based on
fact, not on their own beliefs
"The purpose of this re-
activated body will be to advise
both the SGA senate and the ex-
ecutive council on issues said
Cunanan. who adds the legwork
done by the cabinet members will
help in a more qualitative deci-
sion making process.
The cabinet itself will consist
of six cabinet members, each con-
centrating on a specific area of
interest. Those areas consist of:
Academic Affairs, Community
Affairs, Minority Affairs, Inter-
nal Affairs, Consumer Affairs,
and Publicity. Cunanan said the
cabinet is basically designed on
the framework of the previous
cabinet system, but with a few
Heading the new cabinet wiil
be the SGA vice-president,
whereas under the old system, it
was headed by the president.
Cunanan believes the old system
was basically a good system, but
with the increased red tape and
"political appointments the
system had to be discontinued.
Under the new cabinet system,
Cunanan wishes to incorporate
the SGA into more aspects of stu-
Math, Science Careers
Minorities Encouraged
Assistant News Editor
A program designed to en-
courage interest in Science and
Math careers among women and
minorities began Sunday here at
ECU. Mary Ann Rose initiated
the first Science Track Enhance-
ment Program (STEP). Rose is
the assistant to the Chancellor for
special projects.
Twenty-five ninth graders were
selected for the program which
continues until July 3rd.
The students were selected
from RECAST, a community-
based group which focuses on en-
couraging minority youths to
pursue careers in science and
math. Advisors from the
On The Inside

Inferiors revolt in order that
they may be equals, and equals
that they may be superior.
Such is the state of mind which
creates revolutions.
RECAST club in Greenville were
asked to reccommend applicants
for the program.
Students participating in the
program will be placed under the
guidance of an ECU faculty or
staff member with whom they
will assist with various science
and math projects.
Six to seven hours of the stu-
dent's day will be spent with
faculty projects. In return, they
will receive a small stipend for
their efforts.
ECU's faculty and staff will
act as "mentors" for the selected
students. "A caring and inspiring
individual can often make the
difference between pursuing or
abandoning a career choice
said Rose.
"When mentors adopt
students for the two week period,
we believe that there is greater
likelihood of their pursuing
science and mathematics
careers she added.
According to Christine Fitch,
director of STEP and grants of-
ficer for the ECU School of
Education, "One thing that's dif-
ferent about this program is that
we're not looking for gifted and
talented students; we're looking
for the average student who has
"STEP will introduce students
to science careers, the world of
work, and aim at raising their
aspirations for college by ex-
posure to a university setting
she said.
Fitch explained that selected
students will experience the prac-
tical side of the jobs and learn
that jobs are not just glamour.
"They'll be exposed to the nuts
and bolts of the field of science
Students participating in the
program enjoy the challenge of
working with special projects as
well as the atmosphere of ECU's
Evenings are set aside for
seminars including topics such as
career choices, job expectations,
job performance and behavior,
and money management.
According to Fitch the
seminars will be lightly struc-
tured, yet educational. The
students wiil get a chance to share
their reactions with the other par-
ticipants since everybody will be
working in a different area.
The program is offered
through funding from ECU and
outside donations. There is no
cost for the students to attend the
"Our intentions are to con-
tinue and expand the program
added Fitch.
dent life, which includes both the
campus and the community
"It will allow for more student
input, where before we just
couldn't get somebody to these
functions where the students
could voice themselves said
"The cabinet will have no
powers outside of its advisory
and fact finding functions said
Cunanan, "but will hopefully
make more information available
to the senate, enabling them to
make better decisions
The SGA has already received
about 30 applications for the
cabinet positions, and Cunanan
hopes to work from a field of
about 60 applicants. The deadline
for filing an application will be
September 15, 1986, and ap-
plicants will then be interviewed
and selected.
Student Transit
Holds Blood Drive
Newi Editor
The SGA Transit will sponsor
and American Red Cross Blood-
mobile next Tuesday, July 1 at the
Mendenhall Student Cetner from
Deborah Eaves, Blood Services
consultant for the Tidewater
Region said next week begins the
critical period for blood collec-
"Blood collections are usually
low in July said Eaves,
"because most people are away
on vacation She also said de-
mand will be high, especially with
the upcoming July 4th weekend.
"We need a lot of blood and a
good collection she said.
Eaves said that O negative
blood is currently in short supply
and urged individuals wh
negative to donate "We
need it -he -aid.
Next Tuesdav dri
ECU's campus is the I
large drives to be held ii
ville. The second drive
will be for the genet
Wahl-Coats Auditor.
Eaves said the Vs
drive's goal is 2 ? a bile
ECU's goal is i ?
"There are very few res!
tions on donors said i
But individuals must be between
17 and 65 years old, ?
least 1 10 pounds, and
Eaves said it is
donate, "because then
substitute for human blo
can't be manufactured.
Truck Explodes
C. Herber Forbes and a salesman survived a close call yesterday. Forbes and the salesman were work-
ing in the van at the time of the explosion but escaped unharmed. The cause of the explosion is still

- ??.? ? ? ?"?f,

JUNE 25, 1986
japn's interested s ng the
eetet product Ladle
? . ? ? ? ? b, ushering
B I2? ticket rhetign-up yiwi
? room no
? '?'? ? ? IsBu .img ushei
requirements are posted ?n
A Water melon Feas' .s oe-nsj m ?? lored t?
'ne Student Union He. ? eat ? ? rtec o
' nijrsda june j?ih atp m or the I
Man ice cote delicious watei ?
served tree to ail ECU Vude. ?? I
?At rAhfl fl hr?fc a
I 'ie Student .1 transit win w
sponsof mga Bloixl D' , Mat July 1
'?86atMendenhai tCentet rhe hours
ire 10 am until 4pn Please give the oi" i?
fe donate mood1'
Boy Scout Leader Enters
Guilty Plea To Sex Charges
DAI J li.U m 7? ?9
. ? ??
a ire
? ?? ??'
i s Rea ?
? ? ????of Hand.tapeo
??? ? es. J12 Wl ? ilg EC .
N 17(34 "? oneV V ? ' JV
Manager Ordered
To Repay Money
? t?"4B 19, 1
12:31 a.m
lo e i i1 ROUSC ol K: II
A ,ivissueca State c itation for d driver and a at ion
10 5
VPeepii I im was reported

' Hall.
Earl 1 ittle ol Green-
asai rested ' secretly.
a room occupied b a
ipassing. I he at n the fe
ji lHa 1
w'c Be amp I e-breaking
-1 N? i !
Hi. Mit( Rodne ? enile, all tteville were arrested :an p .
:c ipam
le b i
1 Sreported , ? froi
'rts nortl ?? I v Ser
i bu
former credit union manager for
the North Carolina AI L-CIO
who pleaded guilts to taking
$24,030 from the credil union
must repa the money, along with
a $10,000 fine.
George Potter, $9, ol Raleigh
admitted depositing the credit
union funds mto his personal
bank account, but pleaded no
test to ls other , Mon
da) in Wake County
c un I be .Marges in
ing credil union funds
from the stau
ing them for profit
Judge Henr Hij
ter guilt) ol all 20 ol and
ordered Pottei to re
ding company, that
the ere
Pottei embezzled H
hours ol commu
union funds was dis me
i 984 and re(
mei l 1 CIO i
i Briti had
the cred t
the used cars Briti
dorm resident
ir en of money
Get the
word oiK
in the
ta The East Cmrollnii
.Adults S2-00
. 756-3307 ? Greenville Square Shopping Center
ly Little Pony
Held Over for 4th Week
1:00, 3:00, 5:00 ? (,
Raw Deal
Held Over for 4th W eek
7:00, 9:00 ? R
2nd Smash Week
2:00, 4:30. 7:00, 9:15 ? P(,
3:00, 5:10, 7:20, 9:30 PG
DATr: Thursday June 26
TIME: 9:00-2:00
PLACE: Student Store u
$20.00 Deposit fj
. . a tradition of excellence
$29,935 from tl union
l'1' t ei 's attorney C olon
illougl h h argued thai the
fine was "too much of a burden"
and noted that Pottei had been
"diligently" paying the bonding
company foi two years Pottei
testified tahl he owed the com-
pany about Si 1.000.
Assistant Districi Attorney
Deboral Shandies recommended
a rr iry sentence tor Pol
tei because ii was "not necessari
- appropriate t pui someone
? ike thai in jail. I rough: it was
more importai nun to pay
back everything
Give a hoot.
Don't pollute.
Wake forest Seminary graduate,
who served as a Boy Scout leader
and summer camp chaplain, has
pleaded guilty to taking indecent
liberties with a minor and runn-
ing a computer pornography net-
Arthur James Manchester, 33,
was sentenced to five years ol
supervised probation and fined
$1,000 after pleading guilty Mon-
day to tour ol 13 obscenity and
se ffense charges. Nine charges
? missed as pan ol a plea
Wake County Superior Couri
Ii Igi Robert 1 armer also
ordei I Manchestei to gei
psychiatric treatment, perform
l hours of community service
and - ly away from boys under
? less accompanied by his
wife oi (wo othei adults.
Farmer told Manchester, a sell
employed compute: consultant,
he musl forfeil all the computer
equi seized by law ofl
in his Wake Foresl home in
"My sailing is somewhere, and
1 n still searching to find where
God will hae me serve said
who led a Bov Seoul
20 in western Guilford
' m 1975 to 1978
Ma a aplain in
1984 ? he Scouts' (amp Durani
and its program director last
year. Scout officials had said they
received no complaints against
Manchester who was arrested
when authorities were tipped that
he was distributing obscene
stones about teenage boys
through a computer program
called "Gay leen Conference
In addition to pleading guilty
to one count of possession of
obscenity, disseminating obsceni-
ty and disseminating obscenity to
a minor, Manchester also admit-
ted to having "phone sex" with a
i v .ear old Raleign boy.
Wake County Sheriff's
vestigator R.M. Step
testified that there had been "ni
sexual touching ? physical con
tact" between Manchestei
?hose with whom he was ac
iking indecent liberties
Stephenson estimated
tewer than 10 people took ;
the "day feen Conference'
had been se' up in Decen
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eacn Kroger sa? on e?cept
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Go Krogering
BOO Greenville Blvd Greenville
Who is
Bnan Ytaidron
Semor. Marketing
ns, because she
' '? . T
a rea . ? r ??

Rrenda Resell
Junior. S If?
"Jill Abbott from the Young
and the Restless because she gets
a?-a with too much stuff. She's
too greed "
Police Capti
? An armed robber he
hostages for 13 hours in a
urious Rodeo Dne jewelrj
in a tense drama that ended
the deaths of three captives
the arrest of the suspe:
One of the victims was kilic
a parking lot Monday night a
gunman tried to sneak out of the
plush Van Cleef & Arpels of
California store under a blanket
with three hostages. Police
the other two were "apparently
killed execution style" in
store during the standoff.
Apparently the only demand
by the suspect, identified a
Steven Livaditis, 22. wa I
meeting with a television repore-
and TV so he could w
The drama, played out again
the pastel walls of one -if the
most expensive stores in
world, came to an end at 10:30
p.m. Monda when police spot-
ted the suspect trying to escape
with the hi stages.
"There he is. he got a gun
an officer yelled.
Police, who had just spokei
the gunman and told rep-
they were prepared to
night rather than storm
building and endanger
hostages, said tbev were caug
by surprise
"Sevral people came out
the back of the building) through
a door covered with a blanker
tied together and attemp'ed to
make their wa to a parking lot
Beverly Hills Police Lt. Bill Hunt
said. "There was no indication at
all they were coming out.
"Sheriffs deputies confronted
A police sniper fired one si
Hunt said, a scream was heard
and SWAT teams lobbed tear gas
and concussion grenade
iV,h?S wO?i-CwOTHfs 2'00 DEFERENT iTEmS
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JUNE 25, 1986
der Enters
Sex Charges
Ka 'ign do
j Sheriffs In
R M Stephenson
ad been "no
rtysical con
? ?. Manchester and
om he was accused
estimated thai
iple took part in
ference" thai
s Homemade Ice Cream
50 OFF
y Blend-in or Sundae
This Style Frame With Single Vision Rx Lenses tor only
All Other Frames o60?o OFFip
? s es30 OFF
jClBflSmmons ?o's Park 446
0 p? nMot fti 9 o m. til 5:30 p.m.
2 79c
$0 Potato Chips
or Dorito's
12 Pc
Fried Chicken
items and Writes
(ewecrive thru Sat
r 28 1986
irOQf Sa?On
noo Soia To rwawn
Campus Voice
Who is your favorite TV character to hate?
U.SItaly To Fight Terrorism
Brian Waldron
Senior, Marketing
"Joan Collins, because she
portrays a b?h on TV, and she's
a real backstabber
James Rechner
Senior, Industrial Technology
"Mrs. Keaton from Family-
Ties, because she thinks she's
right every damn time, she's so
damn righteous
Kim Pierce
Junior, Art
"Abby Ewing from Knots
Landing because she is so good at
being bad
Brenda Revell
Junior, SLAP
"Jill Abbott from the Young
and the Restless because she gets
away with too much stuff. She's
too greedy
Herbert Grady
Senior, Political Science
"Arnold Jackson from Dif-
ferent Strokes. I just do, there's
no special reason
Felisa Lozart
Sophomore, Physical Therapy
"Jill Abbott because she is so
evil and deceitful. She is a sly
ROME (UPI) ? Attorney
General Edwin Meese and In-
terior Minister Oscar Luigi
Scalfaro signed an agreement to-
day for Italy and the United
States to join forces in the fight
against international terrorism.
Meese said the accord provides
for "policy, procedure and doc-
trinal exchanges" of information
and intelligence and will make ex-
tradition easier between the two
countries in terrorist cases.
But, he said, it does not pro-
vide for any form of joint in-
The agreement comes eight
months after U.S. Italian rela-
tions were strained when Italy
freed Mohammed Abu Abbas,
who is on trial for masterminding
the hijacking of the Achille
Lauro cruise ship.
The signing came at the end of
a two-day meeting of the Joint
Italian-American Working
Group to Combat Narcotics
Trafficking and Organized
Crime, which now will cover ter-
rorism as well.
FBI Director William Webster,
who accompanied Meese to the
meeting, will head a subgroup on
terrorism jointly with Antonio
Lattarulo, Scalfaro's chief of
Meese told a news conference
in the Viminale Palace, which
houses the Interior Ministry, that
there is a clear link between nar-
cotics trafficking and terrorism.
"We have found instances
where terrorists have used nar-
cotics as a means of financing
their efforts and instances where
narcotics traffickers have used
terrorist tactics to protect their
activities from government in-
tervention The attorney
general said.
In answer to a question, both
Scalfaro and Meese said there is
concrete proof that Syria is in-
volved in international terrorism
but declined to give any details.
"Without doubt, magistrates
have taken concrete evidence that
one of the sources of terrorism is
also Syria Scalfaro said. He
said that at a meeting of Euro-
pean community interior
ministers in the Hague Britain
"indicated Syria is a definite
source of terrorism and the data
was confirmed on my last trip to
Meese said the United States
has the same information.
The Italian-U.S. Committee
for the Fight Against Drugs and
Organized Crime meets twice a
year to review progress under a
1983 agreement calling for closer
exchanges of information and
greater flexibility in extradition.
Police Capture Armed Bandit
? An armed robber held five
hostages for 13 hours in a lux-
urious Rodeo Drive jewelry store
in a tense drama that ended with
the deaths of three captives and
the arrest of the suspect.
One of the victims was killed in
a parking lot Monday night as the
gunman tried to sneak out of the
plush Van Cleef & Arpels of
California store under a blanket
with three hostages. Police said
the other two were "apparently
killed execution style" in the
store during the standoff.
Apparently the only demand
by the suspect, identified as
Steven Livaditis, 22, was for a
meeting with a television reporter
and TV so he could watch
The drama, played out against
the pastel walls of one of the
most expensive stores in the
world, came to an end at 10:30
p.m. Monday when police spot-
ted the suspect trying to escape
with the hostages.
"There he is, he's got a gun
an officer yelled.
Police, who had just spoken to
the gunman and told reporters
they were prepared to wait all
night rather than storm the
building and endanger the
hostages, said they were caught
by surprise.
"Sevral people came out (of
the back of the building) through
a door covered with a blanket
tied together and attempted to
make their way to a parking lot
Beverly Hills Police Lt. Bill Hunt
said. "There was no indication at
all they were coming out.
"Sheriff's deputies confronted
A police sniper fired one shot,
Hunt said, a scream was heard
and SWAT teams lobbed tear gas
and concussion grenades.
Livaditis was taken away in an
ambulance, as were the three
hostages he had tied to him
beneath the dark blanket.
One of the three was pro-
nounced dead on arrival at a
nearby hospital of a gunshot
wound. Two more hostages were
found dead in the building, ap-
parently slain "execution style
during the daylong seigc, Hunt
The robber, who identified
himself as "John" in a telephone
conversation with United Press
International about 4 hours into
the standoff, claimed he had
stabbed a store security guard to
death because the man disobeyed
his orders "to keep his mouth
I trowtari W?lcom? ?
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"He was talking back to me
I murdered him. 1 stabbed him
the gunman said.
Asked if he regretted killing the
guard, he said, "Absolutely not.
I do not regret it. It was the ap-
propriate thing to do at the time.
He failed to obey my orders
The gunman's only demand
was that a television crev. be sent
into the store so "I can watch
myself on TV Police refused
the request and the tense drama
dragged on into the night.
He said he did not fear a police
See ROBBER Page 5.
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?t?e East (Earolfnian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925

Tom Luvender, owni amm
Daniel Maurer, mm ??
Mike Ludwick, ??&??
Scott Cooper, ??" ???
John Shannon, mmm
DeChanile Johnson, vrvr.7.v
Steve Folmar. ???? o dvrrfumr
Anthony Martin, ?u?ra c? ???'
MEG NEEDHAM, trakttm Manaflf
Shannon Short, p ?????,
June 25. 1986
Page 4
Tuition Hike
Students Take Another Beating
Here we go again. Not a year
goes by without some one, in this
case Governor Jim Martin, propos-
ing a tuition increase for the UNC
Last year, regardless of the fact
that out-of-state tuition for UNC
students was above the regional
average, the state legislature decid-
ed to raise tuition for out-of-state
students about 9 percent. This year
Martin proposes to increase in-state
tuition 3.2 percent and out-of-state
tuition an incredible 12.3 percent.
Think about it. That would in-
crease out-of-state tuition a total of
21.3 percent in only two years. If
this keeps up, we could see a signifi-
cant decline in out-of-state enroll-
ment in the future.
Granted, the increase isn't great
enough (about $200 per semester)
to initiate a mass exodus of out-of-
state students from the UNC
system, but if this becomes a trend,
it will make out-of-state students
think twice about coming to North
Carolina in the first place.
If these types of tuition increases
do have an effect on out-of-state
enrollment, it will be very unfor-
tunate. The blend of in-state and
out-of-state students has become a
very important part of our college
experience. It offers an education
that can't be found in any text
What makes this tuition hike
especially intolerable is what they
plan to do with the money. Martin
proposes to take the revenue col-
lected from the increases and place
it in a General Fund. The state
legislature then decides where the
money will be spent. Put simply,
students will be expected to pay
more, but the odds are great that
they won't see a cent of it.
It sounds wonderful, doesn't it
? Only if your name is Jim Martin.
Apparently, the man has forgotten
what it's like to be a student work-
ing his way through college.
Compounding the problem is the
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act,
which will reduce the amount of
financial aid available to students.
It's bad enough some students are
forced to find new resources to pay
for college; now Martin wants to up
the bill.
Naturally, this ill-conceived pro-
posal was designed to help the state
of North Carolina. How it's sup-
posed to accomplish that we don't
know. What it really does is hurt
the students. It seems we're getting
the short end of the stick once
If there must be a tuition increase
we should raise in-statf and out-of-
state equally. It's only fair. Sure,
North Carolina residents pay state
tax. It's also true that many out-of-
state students tend to settle in North
Carolina after graduation. Also,
while they are here, if only tem-
porarily, they help fuel the state's
As for this General Fund
nonsense, it seems only right that if
there is to be an increase the money
it generates should go directly back
to the UNC system and ultimately
the students.
Governor Martin's proposed tui-
tion increase will hurt students
more than it will help. Perhaps if
the Governor dusted off his college
year book and looked back on the
good old days, he'd remember what
it was like to be a student and
Reviewine The ABM Treaty
Where All The Trouble Started
ovftugflMcm? M'0'fwirjtauC4AArtr,
(EDITOR'S.OTt: The following is
the first of a three part series reviewing
the ABM Treaty j
The Soviet Union was suddenlv
speaking, in Geneva, about how maybe
we ought to just renew the ABM treatv
for maybe 10, 15, 20 soars. Defense
Secretary Caspar Weinberger's reac-
On The Right
tion was: No; this is an ambush. Bui
other voices have been heard, urging us
to go ahead, and perhaps to use the
forward momentum to a all those new
missile systems.
The president, meanwhile, had of
course announced that he would no
longer feel bound by the terms o'
SALT II, and the reaction to this was
as expected from the disarmament lob-
by. But the feeling is tha' the events o(
1972 (SALT I and ABM) and 1979
(SALT II) are in flux. It is time to
review the ABM treaty, because the
context of what happened bears
critically on good judgment in the davs
During the period between the
Soviets' first atomic bomb (1949) and
1972, the United States was concerned
with protecting itself from a nucleat
enemy fusillade. The system went
under the name of Safeguard, and con-
templated complex radat stations,
fighter planes and missiles. (iraduallv.
this evolved into what was called an
anti-ballistic missile program.
But by 1972, several factors came
together to persuade the Nixon ad-
ministration to move in a different
direction. One of these was the huge
expense of developing the Safeguard
program, given the technology of the
The second factor was the Vietnam
War: Congress was being fractious
with respect to anything that had to do
with the military. Yet another was the
spirit of detente. Mr. Nixon had just
opened the door to China, and now he
was traveling to Moscow to sign a trea-
ts designed to cut drastically the inven-
tory ol nuclear weapons ? indeed, one
sometimes toilets that SAI I s'ands
foi eath tha- Strategic rms
LimitationI reaty ).
rhere as a rosy glow in
Washington-Moscow, and there were
those who believed that true strategic
disarmament was finally under was
Accordingly, Mr. Nixon signed not
only SAI I I. which spoke of limits in
the numbei of launchers, but also the
?BM treaty, (as modified in
W4i limited to a single site the use of
no more than 100 interceptor missiles.
What then happened, over the ncxl
dozci was that the Soviet Union
spend prodigious sums of
money to reduce its exposure to
nucleat weapons vei 50perceni ol its
expenses gk weapons (which
are huge) was spent on what one might
call defense-oriented activity
Ovci the vears, the Soviet Union has
deployed 12,tKK) surtace-to-air missile
(SAM) launchers at over 1,200 sites. It
has in place 10,000 ail defense radars
and more than 1,200 interceptor ail
craft dedicated ro the strategic air
defense mission.
Greatei Moscow is heavily defended
by anti-ballistic missiles, civil defense is
in high gear, command headquarters
are deeply protected. rheSoviel Union
has become a mighty defensive
Meanwhile, the United States more
or less gae up any thought ol defense.
Civil defense died completely We
allowed, through obsolescence and at-
trition, the irtuai dissipation our
strategic air defense svstem, to quote
one Defense Department official. No
ef ort was made to harden our ICBMs
or leadership facilities. We have no
SAMs, 118 strategic air defense warn-
ing radars, and a mere 300 aircraft
assigned to defensive purposes.
What had begun as a common com
mitmenl to mutual assured vulnerabili-
ty had evolved into a Soviet Union not
by any means vet impregnable, but
headed in that direction at great speed,
while in the United States we were lying
on the beach, naked as a newh
babe, who, however, held in his hand
tearful lightning rod in case he un-
then, in Julv of 1983, our
revealed what was happening a'
Krasnovarsk, in Siberia. There
Sovi? m has built a phased arraj
radar facility, 4"0 miles ft
nearest border but oriented towai
border 2,500 miles away The nal ire I
the facility being built there a- t
usiv ? irrefutably ? desig'
to warn against an impending attack,
but to intercept attackers bv g . d .
missiles to bring them down.
A vet ' i idea, except tl
in Jear and explicit viola: oi
ABM treaty, which limited rada
stallations of that character
periphery use ? i.e pure
purpose of detecting ii
nuclear traffic
krasnovarsk was spotted by as
tour months after Mr. Rean an-
nounced his Strategic Defense In-
itiative Some seek to insinuate
Krasnoyarsk was a response ' Ml
Reagan's announcement that we would
seek a space shield. But that does
wash. Krasnoyarsk, like all the 01 !
projects aimed at defense, had begu.
vears earlier. We had spotted a project
well along toward completion.
What to do about the ABM treaty0
(Please stay tuned.)
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes
letters expressing all points of
view Mail or drop them by our of-
fice in the Publications Building,
across from the entrance of Joyner
Fot purposes oj verification, all
letters must include the name, ma-
jor and classification, address,
phone number and signature of the
author(s). Letters are limited to
two typewritten pages, double-
spaced or neatly printed.
Israeli Betrayal Of America Shakes Relations
The Ne" Republic
Prime Minister Shimon Peres is probably right in
charging that some highly placed individuals in the
U.S. government (and in the media, too, by the
way) want to use the espionage of Jonathan Jay
Pollard to "foul the atmosphere" of unprecedented
cooperation that now exists between Israel and
There are always such people, including many
who are usually indifferent to security breaches.
What animates them on this occasion is not hard to
figure out. But it would be dangerously self-
deluding for Peres to think that only malice
motivates the skepticism that has greeted his
government's denials that there is more to Israeli
spying against the U.S. than this one unauthorized
The Israelis insist that Pollard's activities were a
unique and "rogue" operation, unacceptable to the
authorities. What makes this hard to believe is the
way two of the four Israelis implicated in the
Pollard case were treated when they returned to
Colonel Aviam Sella, a rising star of the air force,
has been promoted to brigadier general and ap-
pointed commander of a major air base.
Rafael Eitan, a veteran of Israel's highly touted
secret service, has been appointed chairman of
Israel Chemicals, a lucrative position at the head of
one of the country's most important state enter-
This is hardly punishment, especially for
something as serious as violating the implicit terms
of trust that should govern the relations between
Israel and its only reliable benefactor and supporter
among the nations of the world.
The United States deserves more from its ally
than the disrespect for our sensibilities and our in-
terests expressed in the Israeli government's unwill-
ingness to make people pay for their misdeeds.
There are always extenuating personal cir-
cumstances. Eitan is one of the unsung heroes of
Israel's long netherworld war against its
ungentlemanly enemies; he was among those who
apprehended Eichmann. Such a career, the Israelis
will say, should not be undone by one overzealous
act ? if it was just one overzealous act.
Sella is a brilliant military officer in a country in-
ordinately dependent, alas, on its brilliant officers.
The cost of retiring him would be enormous. Maybe
these considerations explain the almost indiscer-
nibly slight rebuke administered to the two of-
But the suspicion lingers that there were other
factors, including the possibility that the com-
promised principals held the government hostage to
their knowledge of other acts of espionage against
the United States.
This conjecture is no mean-spirited fantasy. Only
last month, in the case of two Palestinian terrorists
who died after being captured during the hijacking
of a bus, the Peres Cabinet was inhibited by just
this sort of blackmail from allowing its attorney
general to pursue acts of perjury allegedly commit-
ted by another security agency.
Such damage-control ? rather, such blackmail
? is especially effective if higher-ups were actually
what we used to call "witty" ? that is, if they ac-
tually knew of the operations about whose very ex-
istence they now feign surprise.
There is, then, something a bit too worldly-wise,
too smart-alecky and wanton, in Jerusalem's of-
ficial reactions to these two cases, and also in the
case of still another Israeli general implicated in an
illegal scheme to funnel American weapons to Iran.
Such callousness about law and lawlessness,
trustworthiness and treachery, may be endemic
even to democracies habituated to living under
siege. But that should comfort neither Israel nor its
The Pollard case was not even admirable in a
technical sense. The spy was a loose-lipped braggart
who would be trusted only by people who think
themselves too smart or too favored by fate to be
found out.
It is particularly disheartening that the erosion of
official ethics in Israel should come on the Labor
Party's watch, although Labor is hardly a free
agent in the present power-sharing arrangement.
The imminent return of Yitzhak Shamir of the con-
servative Likud Party to the prime ministry augurs
even worse for these standards.
Shamir and some of his Likud colleagues are men
without the scruples demanded of democratic
leadership. Many of them are thugs. This, they may
think, prepares them well for living in the Arab
Middle East. But it does not equip them for the
deeper kind of alliance with the United States, to
which Israelis aspire and which, at their best, they
richly deserve.
Even in imperfect circumstances, lsiael is a
valuable strategic asset of the United States. Both
its state of military preparedness and its proven
political commitments make Israel in any im-
aginable contingency a more certain ally than any
NATO country ? even Margaret Thatcher's United
Kingdom. Moreover, the valuable information we
get from Israeli intelligence is not rivaled by the
fruits of any other intelligence-sharing relationship.
V hat the Israelis apparently were after in the
Pollard case was not material on our arms or arms
control positions vis-a-vis Russia or China. Thev
were after information we possessed that might be
critically relevant to Israel's security, such as the
quantity and quality of Soviet weapons deployed in
the Arab confrontation states.
But much of this we provide anyway, and
everybody knows it. Still, one reason that neither
the State Department nor the Pentagon was eager to
see a Pollard trial was their reluctance to
demonstrate in open court just how much of what
we know about the Arabs is also now known by the
Of course, we also probably spy on the Israelis.
This raises the question as to why they're not entid-
ed to do in the U.S. what we presumably do in
Israel. The answer is that the relationship is in no
way symmetrical.
Our ties to Israel are based on conviction and
preference. Israel's ties to us are based on necessity
? rooted philosophical and political affinities not-
withstanding, in their objective, desperate needs.
The U.S. has been more than understanding and
more than supportive of these needs and of Israel's
own definition of them. This American support
creates certain prerogatives for the U.S. It also
creates certain obligations for Israel, and one of
these is that it behave with scrupulous honor and
honesty to its friend.
!? . - -
Continued l-rom Pa- 1
ing to empL:
to accommodate the p
without yielding pol
O'Neill was attending a
tournament here, and reo
ed a message that the pressd
chief of staff wa
him. O'Neill sp ?
Mathews said the spe-
ed the call from his cat te ?
then called his ow
out a statement explaining
tion as he headed for the air:
to fly to a V
political event.
"Having the pre
before only one House
for a legislative
be unprecedented O'Ni
in a wril
his office
disclosure of the proposal.
only justific I
unorthodox procedure ?
if the president would use
casion to participate
few sug
W hat is stress and depression and
what can be done to avoid them?
Stress is youi t
to any demand. A certain amount
of stress may be helpful for ex-
ample, by helping you get a paper
written on time or bv doing
in a competition, buf
stress can make you quite at
fortable and can evi
your life.
Signs of stress in
especially headache-
and backaches.
The HealthOlumn B
Mary Llesha Adams
stomach diarrhea, chest pail
grouchiness, eating and drinking
too much or too little, inability to
sit still or concentrate, insomnia.
and having vague fears about
known or unknown eve-
Sleep at least 6-8 hours a nig
because sleep helps the body
restore itself. Exercise su
swimming, running, and aei
helps reduce tension and
creases mental alertness .
diet influences youi reacti
stress; caffeine for examp e
creases feelings of anxiety, a
cut down on sugar, salt, ale
junk food, and caffeine.
Spend time alone each dav
give yoruself a chance to unwind
and focus on yourself. I se v
friends as sounding boat d
ing daily experiences with :hem
can be relaxing and helpful at
same time. Consider tal
courses in time management or
stress reduction All of us
benefit from these programs.
since they can nelp us put our
busy lives back into perspective
Depression is a mood distur-
bance, such as feelings
sadness, disappointment
loneliness. Those feelings are pre-
sent and mav cause the depressed
person to withdraw from people
and activities, and develop
physical discomfort such as
aches, pains, fatigue, poor diges-
From The Exotic
. DO v
? 1R h
? K.
To Th
521 Cotanche Street

JUNE 25, 1986
eo& ?
rouble Started
a newborn
is hand a
isc he was
11 satellites
tppening at
There the
es from its
ed toward a
I he nature of
was oh
designed not
iding attack,
- b guiding
that it was
ation of the
. : -adar in-
z i r ac t e i Iv i
irclj tor the
ming enenn
ted b us only
Reagan an-
Defense In
?sinuate that
hal we would
But that does not
? all the other
??, had begun
ted a project
?HM treaty'1
frorum Rules
? welcomes
? . all points of
? ?? by our of-
Publications Building,
? loyner
? . erifu ation, all
he name, ma-
. m, address.
. ' . tun -t ihe
are limned u
-?'?s. double-
? ed.
5 Relations
Margaret rhatcher's United
the valuable information we
e is not rivaled by the
ntelligence-sharing relationship.
apparently were after in the
material on our arms or arms
Russia or China. They
we p assessed that might be
i Israel's security, such as the
net weapons deployed in
IIion states.
this we provide anyway, and
still, one reason that neither
enl nor the Pentagon was eager to
rial was their reluctance to
urt just how much of what
?rabs is also now known by the
e. we also probably spy on the Israelis.
luestion as to why they're not entitl-
5 what we presumably do in
I he answer is that the relationship is in no
ties to Israel are based on conviction and
preference. Israel's ties to us are based on necessity
ed philosophical and political affinities not-
withstanding, in their objective, desperate needs.
The U.S. has been more than understanding and
re than supportive of these needs and of Israel's
own definition of them. This American support
creates certain prerogatives for the U.S. It also
creates certain obligations for Israel, and one of
K is that it behave with scrupulous honor and
honesty to its friend.
Reagan's Request For Address Denied
Continued From Page 1.
ing to emphasize his willingness
to accommodate the president
without yielding political advan-
O'Neill was attending a charity
golf tournament here, and receiv-
ed a message that the president's
chief of staff was trying to reach
him. O'Neill spokesman Chris
Mathews said the speaker return-
ed the call from his car telephone,
then called his own staif to work
out a statement explaining his ac-
tion as he headed for the airport
to fly to a Monday evening
political event.
"Having the president appear
before only one House to lobbv
for a legislative proposal would
be unprecedented O'Neill said
in a written statement issued by
his office following Speakes'
disclosure oi the proposal. "The
only justification for such an
"orthodox procedure would be
if the president would use the oc-
casion to participate in open
dialogue with members of the
body. A formal address should
properly be made before a joint
O'Neill said he offered an op-
portunity for Reagan to appear
before a joint session today,
"just as I have done upon every
such presidential request
"My offer for a joint session
remains open he said. "On
Wednesday, the House votes on
contra aid for the third time this
year. If the House passes contra
aid in any form, the Senate will
have to act on the matter. Since
future congressional action must
occui in both houses, 1 believe
that the proper forum for an ad-
dress is the traditional joint ses-
Asked why Reagan would not
accept O'Neill's offer to have the
president appeal before both
houses of Congress at the same
time, Speakes said: "The Senate
is occupied with the tax bill. The
House o Representatives is
working on it (the contra aid
plan), and that's who we want to
speak to
He said Reagan would send his
speech to Capitol Hill today in
the form of a written message.
"The president is deeply disap-
pointed Speakes said, adding
that he "would have sought to
outline the historical trends in
our hemisphere today, which are
directed toward democratization
and he would have discussed the
exceptions to this trend by such
countries as Nicaragua. His pur-
pose was to also outline what
type of negotiated settlement the
United States can support in Cen-
tral America "
White House and congres-
sional aides agreed Monday that
Reagan still lacks the votes to get
the aid program approved.
Speakes called it "ver close"
but acknowledged, "We're not
there yet
Two well informed congres-
sional aides, who aked not to be
identified, predicted the House
would approve an alternative
proposal by Rep. Dave McCur-
dy, D-Okla, to give $30 million in
so-called humanitarian aid now
and require a second vote after
Oct. 1 on Reagan's request for
$70 million in military aid. The
administration opposes any re-
quirement for a second vote,
which McCurdy says would allow
more time for peace talks in the
Presidential addresses to a
single house of the Congress are
extremely rare. Of seven cases
cited by the White House, six
were before the Senate, and halt
those involved treaties, which on-
ly the Senate acts upon.
A survey of presidential ap-
pearances before Congress by
Congressional Quarterly shows
George Washington delivered his
Second Inaugural before the
Senate only. Woodrow Wilson
made his World War I "Peace
Without Victory" address to the
Senate, asked that body to ratify
the Women'sSuffrage Amend-
ment and appealed to the Senate
for ratification of the Versailles
Treaty. Harry S. Truman ad-
dressed the Senate upon submis-
sion of the United Nations
Charter. Richard Nixon made
separate addresses to the House
and Senate on the Vietnam war in
O'Neill's rejection is the latest
in a series of frustrations Reagan
has been dealt on the contra aid
issue. Reagan accused O'Neill of
unfair treatment when the
speaker refused in the spring to
permit a single up-or-down vote
on the aid issue, tying it instead
to a supplemental appropriations
measure that Reagan had promis-
ed to veto.
The administration fought for
another chance, and finally suc-
ceeded in getting a vote scheduled
for Wednesdav.
Robber Apprehended
What is stress and depression and
what can be done to aoid them?
Stress is youi bodv's response
to any demand. A certain amount
ol stress may be helpful, tor ev
ample, bv helping sou get a papet
written on time Ol b doing well
in a competition, but too much
stress can make vou quite uncom-
fortable and can even shorten
vour life.
Signs of stress include aches,
especially headaches, neckaches,
and backaches, "nervous
The Health t olumn By:
Mary Klesha Adams
stomach diarrhea, chest pains,
grouchiness, eating and drinking
too much or too little, inability to
sit still or concentrate, insomnia,
and having vague fears about
known or unknown events.
Sleep at least 6-8 hours a night,
because sleep helps the body to
restore itself. Exercise such as
swimming, running, and aerobics
helps reduce tension and in-
creases mental alertness. Even
diet influences vour reaction to
stress; caffeine for example, in-
creases feelings of anxiety, and
cut down on sugar, salt, alcohol,
junk food, and caffeine
Spend time alone each dav to
give yoruself a chance to unwind
and focus on yourself. Use your
friends as sounding boards; shar-
ing daily experiences with them
can be relaxing and helpful at the
same time. Consider taking
courses in time management or
stress reduction. All of us can
benefit from these programs.
since they can help us put our
busy lives back into perspective.
Depression is a mood distur-
bance, such as feelings of
sadness, disappointment or
loneliness. Those feelings are pre-
sent and may cause the depressed
person to withdraw from people
and activities, and develop
physical discomfort such as
aches, pains, fatigue, poor diges-
tion, weight Foss or gain, and
sleep disturbances. The person
also loses the ability to enjoy life.
Depression can occur as the
result ol a loss ? death of a loved
one, the loss ol a relationship, or
the loss of an object or dream ol
a major emotional meaning.
Depression ma also occui
without a recognizalble cause.
Some feelings ol depression are
'?normal" or common ? there is
no need to feel weak or ashamed
Moss depressed people do run at-
tempt suicide, however, all talk
ol suicide should be taken
seriously Help should be obtain-
ed immediately
I vou or someone vou know is
feeling down and blue, here are a
few suggestions:
? see a physician for a complete
? talk things over with an
understanding friend
? examine your feelings to figure
out what's troubling you and
what you can do
? take a break for a favorite ac
tivitv . Have some fun!
? get some exercise
? avoid extra stress
? DO NOT ignore him her
? DO NOT try to "cheer up" the
? DO NOT criticize or shame,
since feelings of depression can't
be helped
? DO NOT sympathize and claim
to feel the same way
? TRY NOT to get angry with the
depressed person
? Recommend that he talk with a
close friend, campus minister.
Counseling Center or Student
Health Service Staff.
Continued From Pajje3.
"I have no fear of death he
said. "It's just the type of person
I am. It's me. I don't care about
"I'm going to reach the point
soon where I'm going to have to
execute someone else it my
demands are not met
He ended the conversation by
saving, "Have a nice day
A woman hostage who iden-
tified herself as Ann Heilpenn,
40, a saleswoman, told LPI the
captives had been tied up. She
sobbed "it's hopeless" and
pleaded that the gunman's de-
mand to appear on television be
granted She was later killed.
Store employee Hugh Skinner,
who was killed in the escape at-
tempt, told UP1 in the same con-
versation that it "was very im-
portant" that the man appear on
The bodies of Heilperin and
Bill Smith, the security guard
who the suspect claimed to have
stabbed, were found lying face
down next to each other with
their hands tied behind them in-
side the store. Police said Smith
had been stabbed and Heilperin
had been shot.
for all of life's special moments
Central Book and News
Greenville Squore Shopping Center
Open 7 doys a Week
Balloons For A11 Occasions
The East Carolina
Presents Four Great American Comedies
With These Shining Stars
C In
??o x
costs us
each year.
y e
uly 7 12, 8:15 pm
uly 9, 2:15 pm
uly 14-19, 8:15 pm
uly 16 and 19. 2:15 pm
McGinnis Theatre
5th and Eastern Streets
Greenville, NC 27834 4353
Evenings $12. Matinees $10
Mon. $30, Tues. Sat. $36
uly 2 1 26, 8:15 pm
uly 2 3 and 26, 2:15 pm
uly 28 August 2, 8:15 pm
uly 30. 2.15 pm
East Carolina
Summer Theatre
Greenville. NC 27834 4353
m it ?
- ?
" ' tiSm

JUNE 25. 1986
Page 6
Theatre Preview
Learned Leads The Ladies
Four-time Emmy Award win-
ner Michael Learned will star in
ladies in Retirement, the first of
four American comedies to be
produced by the East Carolina
Summer Theatre in July. Miss
Learned will lead a veteran cast
of professional actors in the pro-
duction which will run Monday
through Saturday, July 7-12, at
8:15 p.m with a special matinee
performance scheduled for
Wednesday, July 9, at 2:15 p.m
in McGinnis Theatre on the ECL
Michael 1 earned achieved na-
tional recognition for her role as
Olivia Walton (the mother) on
the CBS television series The
Hations. which enjoyed an eight-
year run. She received three Em-
my awards for her performance
in the series and earned a fourth
Emmy for her starring role in the
CBS series urse.
Prior to her success on televi-
sion, Miss Learned was an ac-
claimed classical stage actress,
playing leading roles in The Im-
portance of Being F.arnest,
Private lives, Tartuffe and
L'nder Milkwood among others.
She has also starred off-
Broadway in The Three Sisters, A
God Slept Here, in numerous
productions for the American
Conservatory Theatre in San
Francisco, and with the famed
Stratford Shakespeare Festival in
Canada. Her principal film ap-
pearances include Apocalypse
Now and Touched by Love.
After leaving The Nations,
Miss Learned returned to the
stage in a tour o Dear I iar.
followed by starring roles in
Mary Stuart. 4 Month in the
Country, loves of Anatol and
most recently, Picnic, in Los
Angeles. She has three sons and is
married to a former North
Carolinian, William Parker.
Appearing with Miss 1 earned
will be Holt Wilson, who will be
taking time off from playing the
role o Bruce Emery on Bt 's
All My Children. Mr. Wilson's
Broadway credits include the cur-
rent Neil Simon hit, Biloxi Blues.
Also featured in the cast will be
Broadway, film and television
veteran Mavis Rav. whose credits
include the movie-musical Annie
and the Broadway production of
Ballroom. Miss Ray is known by
area theatre-goers for her years as
the choreographer for the East
Carolina Summer Theatre.
Ladies in Retirement is a
comedy- suspense-thriller about a
housekeeper who murders her
employer in order to find a home
for her lovable, eccentric sisters.
Written with a good deal of
English wit and humor by Ed-
ward Percy and Reginald
Denham, the play opened in New
York in 1940 and was hailed by
t he critics as the hit of the season.
It is based on the facts of a
famous French crime of the
1880's, shoring up the bare facts
with a stagefull of unforgettable
characters and suspense and bus-
tle dresses from the 1880's. The
play is not a "who-dunnit"
because the identity of the
murderer is apparent even before
the crime is committed, but with
a delightful blend of horror and
humor it does investigate the
"why" of the crime.
Tickets for Ladies in Retire-
ment are selling very fast ? a
testament to the drawing power
of Miss Learned. According to
the theatre's General Manager
Scott Parker, "since we announc-
ed the cast of stars, we've had a
run on tickets. Season tickets
have been selling at the rate of
150 per day, and Monday even-
ings are already almost sold
Because of the popularity of
the season this year, the theatre
has added a number of matinee
performances for each of the
four plays: July 9, 16, 19, 23, 26
and 30. Tickets are still available
for most performances of Ladies
in Retirement as well as for the
following three shows: The
Foreigner (July 14-19, Deathtrap
(July 21-26) and Greater Tuna
(July 28-Aug. 2), and may be
reserved by calling in Greenville
757-6390. Tickets may also be
purchased at the McGinnis
Theatre Box Office (corner of
Fifth and Eastern Streets), Mon-
day through Friday, from 10:00
a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Michael Learned will star in the East Carolina Summer Theatre's
season premiere, 'Ladles In Retirement
New Generation Is Choosing Materialism
PEKING (I PI) ? As a
teenage Red Guard in the 1960s,
1 ui Jianguo worshipped Mao
Tse-Tung and his Utopian
philosophy. Today, the 30-year-
old universit) lecturer feels
alienated in the China of
pragmatic leader Deng Xiaoping
I iu was born in 195ft to a fami-
ly o dedicated Marxists in the
poverty-stiken mountains of
southern Guizhou Province. His
father was a soldier and his
mothei an army nurse.
As a youth. Liu reveled in tales
of Mao's exploits. Wearing his
head shaved army style, he
dreamed of the day he would
enlist and make his parents pro-
During the radical 1966-76
Cultural Revolution, Liu and
thousands of other zealous young
Red Guards stormed the nation
armed with Mao's "Red Book"
of quotations in a quixotic drive
to eradicate the federal past in
one bold sweep.
But the euphoria degenerated
into witch hunts and internecine
warfare. Thousands of innocents
were persecuted for "counter-
revolutionary" crimes. Red
Guard factions soon were at war
with each other.
The People's Liberation Army
intervened to quell the chaos
unleashed by Mao, whose
policies were discredited aftei his
Today, 1 iu speak- sol
almost dispassionatel)
revolution. "We were victimized
bv our fait! . says. "Maoism
was almost a religion fter our
faith wa ?? c ?s! our
Liu's disillusionment
characteristic ol members
China's "tost j on now
approaching middle age, whose
teenage idealism was shattered by
the failure and ultimate damna-
tion of the Cultural Revolution
by the Deng regime "The
Cultural Revolution left an in-
delible mark on my mind he
said. "I've tried to erase the im-
ages, but I can't completely
"It instilled me with a
gruesome, somber furitanism
Self-sacrifice was both an
economic and moral necessity in
Mao's decade of austerity. His
egalitarian policies snuffed out
private enterprise and caused out-
put to plummet.
"We all wore shabby clothes.
Wages were very, very low 1 iu
said. "But people seemed
satisfied, anyway Todav I sense
much more unhappiness, even
though people have televisions
and washing machines. Today all
people talk about is money
Since Mao's death in 1976,
Deng has attacked blind
adherence to Maoist doctrine,
dismantled Mao's personality
cult and adopted a pragmatic
strategy for modernizing China
with the aid of foreign ideas and
Deng's market-oriented
economic reforms have sparked a
consumer revolution, as neon
signs, fashion billboards and
millions of small private
businesses enliven streets nation-
Per capita income has risen 14
percent for the 800 million rural
residents and 7 percent for its 200
million urban dwellers since
1980. Savings deposits have
Deng's policies also have hold-
ed a new "me generation" of
Chinese youths, whose brazen
materialism and political apathy-
make them the psychological op-
posites of their slightly older
Bo Weiping is an ambitious,
23-year-old beauty salon owner
m Peking. Born into the chaos of
the Cultural Revolution, he grew
up undisciplined but largely
unscarred by the radical '60s.
After three years of "waiting
for work" following graduation
from high school. Bo now beams
over the success of his 8-month-
old hairdressing business ? one
of 11 million private shops to spr-
ing up since 1978.
He has open admiration for
Deng and utter disdain for Mao.
"Mao? Who ever liked Mao?
He didn't know how to run the
Bo said, casually of-
visitor a Marlboro
? a status svmboi in
fering a
"Deng has a good brain he
said approvingh
Like many of his friends. Bo
frequents rowdy public dancing
parties, worries about whose
designer label is on his jeans and
thrives on the Orientalized
foreign pop music, fashion and
fads emerging from Japan, Hong
Kong and Taiwan
He is unabashedly single mind-
ed in his pursuit oi wealth.
"I want to open a beautv
parlor in America. I like
Americans Americans are rich
said Bo, who earns a 360 yuan
(Si 10) monthly profit coiffing
and curling the locks of style-
conscious Peking youths.
Chinese officials and social
observers are worried over what
some call a "crisis of faith"
created by the materialism of
China's "me generation" and the
disillusinment of its "lost genera-
tion" ? which when combined
represent some 200 million peo-
ple aged 18 to 40.
Reggae Arrives Down East
Something new is in the air on
the East Coast. Something new.
indeed. And it's been a long time
coming. The Crystal Coast Reg-
gae Splash to be exact.
On Sunday, June 29, from 12
to 8 p.m international and
regionally acclaimed reggae
bands will be filling the skies over
Carolina with a fun Jamaican
beat. The concert will be held at
the Crystal Coast Amphitheatre
near Swansboro. The rain date is
July 13.
Among the performing artists
for the festival will be Ichelle
Cole and The Striker's Posse, a
band formed in 1985 consisting
of members from all over the
United States, as well as the
Caribbean. This group performs
their own music, and has the
potential to become one of the
forerunners in reggae music to-
The Awareness Art Ensemble
will be contributing to the
festival. This group consists of
six Rastafarians who purvey their
message against the rule of apar-
theid through their music ?
hence the word "Awareness
Also performing will be Green-
ville's own Amateurs, a band that
has continually entertained local
audiences with the swaying
sounds of their reggaerock.
"Shep the lead singer for the
amateurs, has played an in-
strumental role in the organiza-
tion of this event. "It's time the
people of North Carolina were
exposed to reggae he said.
"Minds have been closed too
long. It's time to hear our
message. And it's a great time
Tickets for the Crystal Coast
Reggae Splash are available at
Apple Records. The concert site
is locatedNf, miles north of
Emerald Isle Bridge on Highway
58. Camping facilities are nearby.
For more information, call
752-5713, or 393-8007.
Macchio And Morita Return
For Ultimate Confrontation
Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita star in 'Karate Kid Part II now playing In Greenville.
Hot on the heels of Poltergeist
II, The Karate Kid Part II is here
both to entertain us and to re-
mind us that for every hit movie,
a sequel awaits.
The Karate Kid Part II takes
up where the original ended ?
with Daniel (Ralph Macchio)
showering after his tournament
victory. It's a good thing, too,
because this allows for something
some of us have been waiting two
years for: a parking lot confron-
tation between Daniel's mentor
S Miyagi (Noriyuki "Pat" Morita)
and the teacher of Daniel's
tormenters. Without giving away
too much it was worth the
Soon, Miyagi receives word of
this father's poor health and goes
home to Okinawa to settle af-
fairs. Daniel, wanting to help
Miyagi through a difficult time,
accompanys him.
Miyagi's arrival in Okinawa re-
ignites an old dispute with his
formr best friend, and he soon
finds himself challenged to a
fight to the death. Daniel, mean-
while is persecuted by the most
proficient student of Miyagi's
rival, and the stage is set for an
ultimate confrontation.
Unlike many sequels, there's a
lot of good that can be said about
The Karate Kid Part II.
Just as in the original,
Noriyuki "Pat" Morita is ex-
cellent as Miyagi. In this role,
Morita is sometimes profound
and sometimes comical, jux-
taposing the traditional aspects
of Miyagi's heritage and his ex-
posure to American culture to in-
fuse Miyagi with just the right
comic touch. For his perfor-
mance in The Karate Kid, Morita
was nominated for an Academy
Award, and in this sequel, he is
equally memorable.
Ralph Macchio also has done a
good job breathing new life into
the role of Daniel, and the
chemistry between he and Morita
has lost nothing.
Another plus for this movie is
the believability of the fight
scenes. Sound effects, although
enhanced somewhat, are not
overwhelming. When people are
hurt in Karate Kid II, they cry out

much as people in actual fights
do. Also, director John G.
Avildscn resisted the urge to
make the movie one long fight
scene and instead, with writer
Robert Mark Kamen, has made a
movie about honor and courage.
Despite its favorable points.
The Karate Kid Part II does have
a few problems. Throughout the
movie, actors who obviously
speak English quite well attempt
to deliver lines with the same
characteristic broken English that
Miyagi speaks. Although Morita
pulls off these lines quite well,
several of the other actors do not,
and they sound affected.
Another slight drawback to the
film is its length. Although the
climax requires some setting up,
the movie sometimes drifts
dangerously near overkill.
Ponderous would be too strong a
word, but it can surely be said
that a judicious cut here and
there wouldn't hurt a bit.
That said, however, Tht
Karate Kid Part II is ultimately
an enjoyable film. The
photography is often beautiful,
and the treatment of Okinawan
tradition is interesting without
being ethnocentric. And the final
showdown between Daniel and
his antagonist easily justifies a m-
f JUMn
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I'ndercover Cats
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f ?Q MN
Jl St 2!
hM Carolina summer Theatre's
irns a 360 yuan
profit coifflng
irling I ks of styk-
:ials and social
are worried over what
call a "crisis of faith"
materialism of
me generation and the
of its "lost genera-
- which when combined
me 200 million peo-
s Down East
with the swaying
. . ? their reggae rock.
the lead si igei I
cuts, has played a m-
ital role in the organiza-
? 'his eve: e the
na were
regga said.
Min : have beet: closed too
car our
tl Coast
. .able at
Records cert site
?d? miles north of
Bridge on Highway
'?.ties are nearby.
n, call
- -
Morita Return
? .al fights
John G.
isen resisted the urge to
ng fight
id, with writer
Mark Kamen, has made a
md courage.
De rable points.
The Karate Kid Pan If does have
problems Throughout the
? i obviously
speaf I - h quite well attempt
deliver lines with the same
characteristic broken English that
M.vagi speaks. Although Morita
pulls off these lines quite well,
several of the other actors do not.
and they sound affected
Another slight drawback to the
film is its length. Although the
climax requires some setting up,
the movie sometimes drifts
dangerously near overkill.
Ponderous would be too strong a
word, but it can surely be said
that a judicious cut hee and
there wouldn't hurt a bit.
That said, however, The
Karate Kid Part II is ultimately
an enjoyable film. The
photography is often beautiful,
and the treatment of Okinawan
tradition is interesting without
being ethnocentric. And the final
showdown between Daniel and
his antagonist easily justifies a m
and his ex-
rate Kid. Monta
in Academy
sequel, he is
as done a
thing new life into
)aniel. and the
ecn he and Morita
his movie is
t the fight
s. although
lew hat, are not
When people are
h'id II, y out
" s' . .? ? 5
? Mktat ,v
? ?.
whc m ? ? ? ??
six . v
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aerkeBreathed Batman's Back In New Act
Krt ? ' . .
.??-? t ?.
r ml neal iv
i ? ;? -

M fi.NPI

Lmt Vfriler
You're browsing through The
Booktrader and Nostalgia Newss-
tand on Dickenson Avenue when
someone comes up to the cashier
and asks, "is the new Dark
Knight in?" The lady behind the
register looks around the store
then back at her customer as if
waiting for a password. "Yes
she says quietly, and with a touch
of the clandestine reaches into a
shelf under the register and pro-
duces a comic book.
In a building inundated with
comic books, what's so special
about this one? Die hard comic
fans will sum it up in two words:
Frank Miller.
Frank Miller, thought by many
to be simply the best writerartist
in comics today, has written and
pencilled Batman: The Dark
Knight, a four-issue limited series
which tells of the exploits of a
fifty-year-old crusader in a
Gotham City that would eat Clint
? poffh
( 1
k, - "
i, ?
? tidercover Cats
?'? l?fes
Tl1 z

JM 9
- , - -1.?? ? ,
? . AH 04?t
rUu taiss ??? ? ? ?
? ? ??
? ?

Eastwood for breakfast.
People who know Batman only
through the old TV show will be
surprised by Miller's Dark
Knight. While the TV series was
campy and often ludicrous, Bat-
man: The Dark Knight is nothing
if not serious. Miller's Batman of
the future is somber, obsessive,
and sometimes downright mean.
Instead of kooky old villians like
the Penguin, he now fights
abominable young murderers
with razor-sharp batterangs and a
high-tech tank-like vehicle that
Robin once called the Batmobile
Robin, by the way, is long dead
in this future story, and the new
Robin is a girl.
Anyone who has ever flipped
through a traditional comic will
immediately see what separates
Miller's work from what the
medium has historically produc-
ed. Comic books for the mosl
part have traditionally been a
series of pictures with blocks ol
obscenely expositive writing al
tached to ea Millei
awa from this kind
writing and uses his artv
stroytelling device Die
tual writing that do ap
mercilessly clean and bei
You don't havi
comic books 1 Bat
man: I he Dark Knight
simply have
beautiful a;
novative use I
Dark Knight dot
ol a tradin-
either. Rather " ?
four-color pages pi
pulp, it is .
ked artwork fron
Dark Knight
collector's item
number ol ea
and the) sell I
different to read
up a haik
Knight series
Famed Writer Borges Dies At 86
GENEVA! UP!)? Jorge Luis
Borges, Argentina's blind and
frail giant of Literature, died
Saturday in Geneva, Swiss of-
ficials said. He was 86.
Robert Vieu.x, Geneva Pro-
tocol Chief, said Borges died at
his home Saturday morning. He
refused 10 give any details or
reveal the cause of death.
In Buenos Aires, Osvaldo Luis
idaurre, Borges' lawyer, said
the famed critic, novelist and
short story writer died after a
prolonged illness, but did not
specify the ailment.
Borges. who had lived in
Geneva the past three months,
entered a Swiss hospital earlier
this year for what was described
as a check-up. sources said. They
said tiie author had obtained per-
mission to reside in Geneva.
He was a small man. stooped,
frail, white-haired and blind.
His soft smile and sightless
gaze masked the intricate mind of
an author whose short stories are
filled with riddles and
metaphysical humor.
He was philosophical about his
"Blindness is no handicap for
a writer of fantasy Borges said
in New Orleans where he received
an honorarv doctorate of human
letters from lulane I Iniversil -
Jan. 27, 1982.
"It leaves the mind free and
unhampered to explore the dep-
ths and heights o human im-
agination he said.
His thoughts ran to death
fluenced by the loss late in his life
of his 98-year-old mother,
Leonor Accvedo de Borges.
He also wa disturbed bv
Argentina's ill-fated invasion ol
the Falkland Islands
"I feel verv sad ah
whole thing, very discourag
Borges said in an interview oi
8?rd birthday in 1982. "S
then. I have had this sense ol
nightmare lurking over me. 1 im-
agine most people in H .
Aires arc as an
discouraged a I am
Despite his age and blindness
Borges never led a life oi seclu-
In 1981 he was on the road
constantly, traveling thr
Europe, the United Sta
South America. In lamb:
Mass where he once .i- a
visiting professor, Borges receiv-
ed an honorary degree from Har-
vard L'mversitv. On his 81 si
thday he said he would hop on a
plane to Tahiti or China on a
ment's notice if he suddenlv
foun I
Prize tor lite!
wax a fi
Bo- gi
? i ?
the Vibel Pi
or quirk
26. 1986,
bad .
a m i
H; a
scapes m
His best - ?
"The Aleph" (1949
Your Complete 8
Testing 7
2616 Eost 10th Street ? Greenville, NC 27834
V. .
? - -?

- ? ?? 4 ?

MON-FRI 11-3
5 oz. Sirloin
with Baked
Potato, Toast,
and Salad Bar
f4 tyteat place Co ext

JUNfr 25. IM)
Bias Death Mishandled Hardy speaks out
By Nation's Media
What happened last Tiursdaj on the University of Maryland cam-
pus was purely tragic. However, what may be even more tragic is the
way the that the media has pounced on the drug issue surrounding Len
Bias' death.
Although cocaine intoxication has been named as the cause of
death, prior to yesterday there was no proof of the cause of death ?
only speculation. Prince George Count) state attorney Arthur Mar-
shall admitted thai he didn't know what caused Bias' untimely death
and didn't know il cocaine was a contributing factor.
If this was the case, then why did the media stand so sternly to the
belief that drug use caused this death? Tins type of hypothetical jour-
nalism is usually confined to the grocery-store tabloids like The Na-
tional Enquirer.
The loss of a talent as greal as Bias is bad enough, why try to
damage the memories And the reputation of an already grieving family
and friends b printing innuendos that had no basis in fact.
Due to the circumstances surrounding the death, players and friends
are now being dragged into the affair. Marshall has said that he will
ask Maryland basketball coacl Charles "Lefty" Driesell, several
basketball plavers and other students and friends of Bias to answer
questions from a grand iur about drug sales on the school's campus.
Does it take a death of a talented athlete to get authorities concern-
ed about drug use' V e prefei to remember Bias where he was most at
home ? on the basketball court. Furthermore, to those who knew
him well, he was a respectable individual off the court as well.
A person of Bias' immense talents comes along once in a lifetime.
The sad thing is that his life was cut short and no matter what the
cause. Bias deserves more respect than to be scandalized by the
nation's media.
Tests performed before the NBA drat: (b the Celtics and Golden
State) showed no trace of any drug use. Bias was onl 22 years old and
made a fatal mistake. Rather than the media trying to harp on the
matter, it should be used to inform societ) on the hazards of drug use
rather than to ostracize a wronj
After all, we all make mistakes. Maybe we should learn from Len
Bias' apparent moment ol weakness.
JlMLEUTGENS Thr E?lt Crolm.?n
Scott Cooper (left) and Rich McCormac (right) reflect their views on
the latest sports news from around the country.
Jackson Picks Baseball
On a more positive note, Heisman trophy winner Bo Jackson turn-
ed some heads as he decided to play professional baseball instead of
pro football.
The Auburn tailback who was drafted as the top pick in the NFL by
Tampa Bay signed with the Kansas City Royals.
Jackson would have reportedly earned over one million a year with
Tampa, but 'went with his heart' in choosing to play major league
Jackson is the first top-draft since 1979 to shun the NFL when Ohio
State's Tom Cousineau jumped to the Canadian Football League.
Jackson is also the fourth consecutive Heisman winner to split from
the NFL. Mike Rozier in '83, Herschel Walker in '84 and Doug Flutie
in '85 all went to the L'SFL.
However, although Jackson was offered bundles to play pro foot-
ball, he opted to be where he felt comfortable and would be happiest.
In turn, he followed his emotions, not his wallet.
On the subject of baseball, we see quite a turn as their seems to be a
different balance of power.
In the National League West, for instance, the once hapless San
Francisco Giants are in first place while in the American League West,
perennial patsy Texas is in front of California and last year's cham-
pion K.C. Royals.
The surprisingly powerful Boston Red Sox lead the American
League East as the ever-present N.Y. Mets rule the Big Apple as weli
as all of baseball.
The key to the Mets success has been starting pitching as Ron Darl-
ing, Bob Ojeda, Sid Fernandez and Dwight Goode" all have won eight
However, that's not the surprise!
The biggest surprise is the fact that St. Louis, the defending Na-
tional League champion, is near the bottom of the division and play-
ing below .500 baseball.
To show how much the balance of power has changed, on the mdrn-
ing of Friday the 13th to make matters worse, the four last-place
managers were Sparky Anderson, Dick Williams, Pete Rose and
Whitey Herzog ? who have 18 World Series rings between them.
Former Teammate Remembers Bias
?iporti Writer
People like him don't come
along very often. He was to
Maryland fans what Michael
Jordan was to Carolina
followers, totally captivating
on the court, and charming
when off.
"I just couldn't believe it
said Scott Hardy about Len
Bias' death. "I'm still hurt, I
really am
Hardy and Bias were team-
mates in high school. They at-
tended Northwestern High
School in Hyattsville, Md
and were very good friends.
"We played together in high
school stated Hardy. "We
were close and we kept in
Bias was able to dazzle peo-
ple no matter where he went.
Everyone who knew him, or
just knew of him was caught
up in his invisible yet magical
spell. "Len could affect peo-
ple who didn't even know
him commented Hardy.
"Keith Sledge had never even
met the guy. but when he told
me about his death, he had
tears in his eyes. That was just
the affect he had on people
His sophomore season at
Maryland was the year Hardy
felt Bias came into his own.
"His sophomore year he really
showed signs of brilliance
remembers Hardy. "He show-
ed me and everybody else mat
this kid was going to be a
player. He showed the people
in this nation that Len Bias
was ready to step forward and
accept 'superstar' status.
"He did (gain 'superstar
status') because his junior year
he came back loaded with con-
fidence Hardy added, "and
his junior and senior years just
speak for themselves
Speak they do. Not only did
Bias play very well, he also
had conference player-of-the-
year honors bestowed on him
twice. For two seasons he just
seemed to dominate the
"He dominated the ACC
stated Hardy. "In fact he was
the AC C. Bias did things his
senior sear that even surprised
it. However, when they went
to college it showed who was
the better player
Another ECU basketball
player Gus Hill, who played
against Bias in high school,
seemed really impressed by
him. "I really didn't know
him too well as a person Hill
"The one time I played
against him I was a freshman
in high school. He was very
impressive as a basketball
player, and he definitely seem-
ed like a good person Hill
added. "Bias, with all that
"Everybody who knows himknows Len Bias
was a decent young man It would be a shame for
all the accomplishments he made in his life to just
be played down by the media if there was a drug
?Scott Hardy
During his senior season in
high school. Bias was over-
shadowed by some other big-
ger named players; however,
when he pulled that Maryland
jerses over his head, all those
shadows disappeared.
"His senior year he was
recruited by everybod. Vet he
still didn't get the recognition I
think he deserved com-
mented Hardy. "That year,
1982, everybody was talking
about Billy Thompson. Bias
deserved just as much respect
as Thompson but he didn't get
world of talent didn't show
off, he just played
Hardy may have been one
of Bias' hardest critics even
though it may not have seemed
that way. "People used to
always kid me that they
thought 1 gae Bias too much
credit stated Hard "Reallv
though, 1 never gave Bias
enough credit. I didn't give
him enough credit. 1 was
harder on Bias than anvbodv
else was because he was mv
friend and because we plaved
high school basketball
The implication of drugs in
relation to Bias' death -s one
subject that really is of interest
to Hardy. "Everybody who
knows him, or has ever seen
him play on television knows
Len Bias was a decent young
man commented Hardv. "If
he was involved with drugs in
any way, 1 never knew
anything about il. 1 just won't
believe it until the reports
come out and say it was the
cause of him dying ? then
that's just something I'll have
to accept. However, right
now, off rumor and hearsay, I
can't accept it.
"Bias just had too much ,
ing for him to risk it all on
drugs continued Hardy. "It
would be a shame tor all the
accomplishments that he has
made in his life to just be
played down by the media if
there was a drug
Keith Sledge also thought
highly of Bias "To me Len
Bias .v.t- one "t the greatest
player- to ever plaj in the
Mand 1 teei if he had .
ten his chance in the NBA
a -uld have bee
it, as Michael Jordan
stated Sledge. "I: may
have happened as sou
Michael's (success) did. but
I'ii; sure once given the
chance, he would have excell-
es, 1 en Bias captivate
with his playing abilitv, while
he charmed us with that
charismatic smile He wili
dcfinitelv be missed.
Will Baseballers Continue Success ?
"??!? Writer
Although Arizona won the
College World Series just a few
weeks ago. and professional
baseball is still in its early stages
of the season, ECU baseball
displayed a fine year, and one
that may be hard to repeat.
The baseball Pirates are going
to have a tough time in the '87
season maintaining the pace of
the past three years in that sport.
The torrid 106-3 mark notched
up over that period was largely
achieved due to the efforts of six
players who finished their col-
legiate careers this past 40-10
Three of those departing
seniors were the number two
through four batters this past
season and each hit for better
than a .310 average. All together,
the six collected 43 of the team's
60 homers in '86, along with over
half the doubles ECU hit.
Their efforts spurred a large
number of all-time single season
records for the Pirates, both as a
team and individually. Those in-
clude runs (361, was 331), hits
(475, 462), RBIs (314, 384),
doubles (96, 83), homers (60, 53)
and total bases (760, 710).
One team record ECU would
rather forget was a new record
for number of errors, the second
consecutive year mistakes cost
them dearly in post-season play.
The biggest loss for ECU, ob-
viously is Winfred Johnson, a
pitcherfirst basemandesignated
hitter who has led the Pirates in
many hitting statistics since his
arrival in 1983. He has set virtual-
ly every offensive individual
record for both career and single
season hitting and was recently
named first team All-America.
The most noted of Johnson's
stats is the one for homers. He set
a season record in '84 with 18,
bettered that to 22 last year, put-
ting him in first, second and
third-place all time.
The powerful Johnson had
already established a new career
mark in homeruns in '85 with 51.
His perfomrance this year raised
that record to 70, with the
time spot behind Johnson's .432
mark the same year.
Hardison's strong point was
hitting doubles, collecting 43 in
three years of play. He trails only
Johnson again, but the latter had
tour years to do it in.
Third base will be another hole
to till as Mark Cockrell will be
gone He knocked in 31 runs and
got 33 hits in '86. including five
Other losses to graduation are
leftfielder Mont Carter and utili-
ty infielder Robert Langston.
Playing in 36 games Carter got 23
hits while walking 25 times, the
only Pirate to reach base via
walks more than hits.
Langston has been a steady
defensive stalwart in the infield
during his career. Last year he
stepped in for an injured Steve
Sides to cover second iie en-
tire season. His ability th the
glove will be sorely missed next
year as E I attempts to cut
down on the large number ol er-
rors of the past two seasons.
With such talent only a recent
memory, it seems ECU will be
hard-pressed to match the 40-10
vear amassed this year. It remains
to be seen if the '8' version can
continue to dominate the con-
ference as the Pirates have in the
pas! few years
On the bright side, the perfor-
mance of freshman Jake Jacobs
on the mound proved to be a
pleasant relief this year. He
See PETERSON. Page 9
Winfred Johnson
second-place record of Butch
Davis only 26.
Other single-season marks set
by Johnson include: most hits
(1st and 3rd), total bases (1,2,3),
walks3rd), doubles, (1). RBIs
(1,2,3), batting average ? 97 AB
(1,3) and slugging percentage
Career highs by him include:
hits (234), total bases (493), runs
(148), doubles (47) and RBIs
The loss of Johnson's bat is
not the only aspect of the Pirates'
game to suffer with his depar-
ture, however. He also proved to
be a strong performer on the
mound, winding up with a career-
record 35 wins. While not often
totally over powering his op-
ponents, he usually got the job
The departure of centerfielder
Chris Bradberry (.333) and short-
stop Greg Hardison (.311) will be
hard to overcome as well.
Bradberry joined the team as a
walk-on in '84, then became a
starter part-time that same year
and went on to an excellent career
at ECU. His .405 average in '85
was good for the number two all-
ECU head coach Gary Overton hopes his 1987 squad can repeat the
success of his '86 campaign. Overton currently sports a 106-37 record.
McCullough Joins Staff
Sports Trivia
Who played in the
longest professional foot-
ball game in history?
(Hint: It was two teams
that no longer exist.)
Answer will be posted
next week.
Sports Fact
Wed. June 25,1985
?Martina Navratilova
John McCullough has been
named as an assistant to ECU
head basketball coach Charlie
McCullough served as an assis-
tant at Southern Methodist
University last season under Dave
McCullough was an all Big-
Eight selection at Oklahoma,
where he played from 1975 to
1979. He was named the Sooners'
most valuable player during his
senior season, when he also was
named to the all-regional team in
the NCAA post-season tourna-
Harrison was an assistant
coach at Oklahoma during part
of McCullough's playing career
there. The Lima, Ohio, native
was a fourth-round draft choice
by the Kansas City Kings and
played two seasons in the NBA
with the Phoenix Suns. He also
played professionally in France.
McCullough joins full-time
assistants Lee Talbot and Stan
Lewter on Harrison's staff.
HBMpHI? ???
Piratf I'm hi t lim P
12 I) fNl t H H1 ??
Chosen As
An Alternate
g ?

N.C. State
Penn State
South Carolina
First :wl
5 Drat


nembers Bias
i ????n ?
! veryboc who
? seen

w a s .1young
d 'it
i ugs in ?

wev eiirsay, 1

dy "It
? i
Success ?
i i sieve
second . en-
inly a recent
ECU will be
match the 40-10
yeai It rema
t '87 version
re lominate the c
:ai -
se PMKRsOV I'aue s?
,ar Overton hopes his 1987 squad can repeat the
fampaiKn Overton currently sports a 106-37 record
Hough Joins Staff
een the NCAA post-season tourna-
itanl to LCI
;oach C harlie
? ed as an assis-
n under Dave
al! Big-
1 ouahoma,
rom 1975 to
i the Sooners'
yer during his
sn he also was
rial team in
Harrison was an assistant
coach at Oklahoma during part
of McCullough's playing career
there. The Lima, Ohio, native
was a fourth-round draft choice
by the Kansas City Kings and
played two seasons in the NBA
with the Phoenix Suns. He also
played professionally in France.
McCullough joins full-time
assistants Lee Talbot and Stan
Lewter on Harrison's staff.
JUNE 25, 19MS
Peterson Returns For Bucs
Pirate Pilchei Jim Peterson set a school record foi hhk in a season
12-1) hist yeai and ?n named to the all-conference team.
( nntinued from page x
should be a key moundsman next
season. He notched a perfect 4-0
record and added a pair ot saves
His 2.49 IRA was second only
to another freshman, Keith
Schaffer, who also collected a
perfect 4-0 mark, while compiling
a i earn-low 1.07 IRA
With a eat ot collegiate ex-
perience behind them, they
should help make up for the loss
ol Johnson on the mound, who
as ot now is the only pitchei not
rettn ning,
1 he head honchos on t! e dia
mond foi E l should be Jim
Peterson (124) and Craig Van
Deventei (8 1). Peterson set a
new season win mark this season,
while Van Deventei showed great
improvement ovei his firsi two
Peterson ied the stafl i strike
ours, hut also gave up new careei
highs for runs and earned runs.
One reason tor this ibious
distinction is the fact that he r'
. hed a sea cord ! 2 . mplete
s and l 20.2 innings
Danuv C ulpeppei picked up
the othei win among
bill dldll'l see l
despite being the ? :ft I wo
more freshmen, I ennie Mollo
iw little a. tion as
Chosen As
An Alternate
Former Pirate Pitcher Stacy Bovette was named first alternate for an
N post-graduate scholarship.
N.C. State
Perm State
South Carolina
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Hopefully, Daniel Boone will
be able to overcome an arm in-
jury which put him out of action
almost the entire season. The ris-
ing senior six-footer posted a 5-1
mark in '85 and had been ex-
pected to be number two man on
the staff this year.
With so many positions to fill,
it will be harder than usual to
predict the line-up for next year,
but we'll give it a try
The coaches are on the
recruiting trail in Greensboro, so
the following prognostications
are straight from the mind of this
writer, using two years of cover-
ing the team as an excuse for any
foul-ups, bleeps or blunders.
I irst base is set with an ex-
perienced senior, Mike Sullivan.
He anchored that position while
lohnson was pitching and also
served as a designated hitter. His
314 average will likely make him
the clean-up hitter or the number
three man.
Sieve Sides returns ai second,
but he will need to cut down on
mistakes, having committed 25
s in '86. His 341 batting
average might move him to a
number two oi so batting spot
He tied tor second among
returners tor game-winning RBls
with tour.
At catcher, veteran Jim Riley,
another rising senior will be back
and will be expected to continue
his solid playing. Hatting .253, he
ICl junior Idward "Bern"
McCrady has recently been
selected to the NC'AS rowing
earn which will take place later
this month in Raleigh.
McCrady, who hails from
Greensboro, is a political science
majot who has been spending his
summer in Greenville while atten-
ding school. He hopes to possibiv
make the Olympic squad one
lay, but limits his hopes to the
'sheer enjoyment of the sport
played in every game in '86, but a
strong number two man will still
somewhat of a question mark.
Junior Jay McGraw will be an-
choring right field as usual, with
some stints as a relief catcher still
possible, though hopefully one of
the back-up catchers will progress
enough to not make that
His 10 homers tied for second
this year and is first among
players returning. He tied for se-
cond with Sullivan in RBls,
knocking in 36 runs this year.
David Ritchie (.277) will pro-
bably take left field. His perfor-
mance as a freshman during the
early season led to a number of
games as a starter. He will likely
continue leading off on offense
since he had a good on-base
percentage with 26 hits and 19
Centerfield will be a true
unknown, since Chris Bradberry
has played virtually every inning
theie for years.
Senior Dean Fhehalt is the only
other player currently listed as an
outfielder, so presumbablv he
will move there, although the
outfield may be juggled to put a
more seasoned player there.
F.hehalt led the team with a .412
average, but j)layed in just 15
games and batted
only 17 times
Third base and shortstop ari
real question marks, as the only
returning player who had a
batting average 4X.)) I tt a
peared in only seven games, witl
five at-bats.
It seems likely that a new
should have a good si neol
these spots, barring the possibili
ty of a current player switi
At this time the list oi reel
signed for the '87 season ha
been released, so it is i
known what new players ma-
become starters or get a
playing time.
The prospects of possiblv
ting should be a tantalizing lute
for head coach Ciaiv Ovei
who is now hard at worl
find top-notch recruits Witl
large turn-over due to gradua
continuing next year, it apt.
to be a "prune time"
Despite the loss ' tl
graduates, you can alwa;
on a good Pirate baseball
T he only losing seas. n sin i
was back in 1 EC! ha; a
ed an amazing 739 347
during that period
See you at the ball park'
Tequila Bar Weekly Specials
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I HI fcASK -Kil 1MVN
II M 23, !S86
Charlotte Seeks NBA Basketball Franchise
Businessman George Shinn, ac
companied b a North Carolina
delegation that included Gover-
noi Jim Martin and Charlotte
Mayoi Harvej Grantt, presented
H i ommissioner David Stern
tl a S100.000 check Monday,
formally applying fot a expan
"It k.c a great visit Shinn
said aftet the meeting.
Charlotte became the fourth ci-
to compete for membership in
e NBA, joining Miami. Min-
neapolis and Orange counts.
which a have ap-
N 'rn, who accepted the check
c news conference,
said he expects two more cities,
b ; ronto and eithei ram
Pa 01 i h lando, Fla . to make
i r v i s
" ' ' ? HI 355-6!
FOR SALE 198: Kno ?
?? !
? ? : town house. E ;
? ? - - ? 18549
- ??
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5 ? ? ?? ???.
FREE KIT-f. NS S wee
?'? " ?" Our
' ??rgea
? ? ? : ? r roioaex
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' ?'? ? - ?'? - ' ? ? ' a 15
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'52 3694
presentations to the league before
the NBA's Board o Governor's
meeting in October, when it will
discuss expansion.
Charlotte, with a population of
about KM),000, is the smallest ol
the cities that have applied and is
the 32nd largest television market
m the country, a factor Shinn ad-
mitted will not help his case
"It's our biggest single liabili-
ty Shinn said about TV market
size, an element used b) the NBA
in negotiating its network lelevi
sion contract. "If we could draw
three-quarters of a million people
into Charlotte next week, I'm
sure we'd be No. 1. But we're try
ing to make up for that with
other things, lease, facility, etc.
"We have over five-million
people within 100 miles of
Charlotte. And the NBA already
has the top-10 markets, which it
needs to negotiate its contract. It
will make a difference, but 1
don't think it will make a million
dollar difference "
Shinn said he was pleased with
comments b Stern and his staff.
"He made it clear that Charlotte
did have a chance, and that our
plan as a good one Shinn
Dung the presentation to
Stern, the North Carolina group
said a new 23,500- eat stadium
should be reads tor the 1VSK
season and a lease at the building
that would cost the team Si per
game If Charlotte received a
team tor the 198" season, it
would play that year in the
11,200 seat Charlotte Coliseum.
Stern would not estimate
Charlotte's chances of receiving a
new franchise, or if it would be
able to buy an existing one and
move it to North Carolina.
"Knowing this is being record-
ed and could come back to haunt
me, right now I don't see any
franchises moving Stern said.
"We don't have an NBA fran-
chise for sale
The Utah Ja San Ann
Spurs and Los Angeles Clippers
have been rumored to be con-
sidering relocation.
Stern said he has been impress-
ed with the applisa'
presented so far, but he doesn't
know how many or it the owners
will approve expansion.
"It would be nice to hae a
brand-spanking new
(23,500-seat) stadium Sterr,
said, "but nothing is assured with
NBA Hoard ol Governors '
;in said his next pr.
season-ticket sale, which he I
to launch within two w ?
" I hat's the ke he said
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The East Carolinian, June 25, 1986
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 25, 1986
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