The East Carolinian, February 20, 1986

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?he Saat darnlintan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
0I.66 o!3 -o Thursday, February 20. 1986
Greenville, ,N.C
12 Panes
Circulation 12.(MM)
Famed AuthorUrges
Preservation Of Roots
7YVr Beach
I U ?' Jini.n
lyler Beach opened tor a new season this week. But do not gel loo comfortable
Eastern North Carolina is famous for changing every five minutes.
the weather in
SMtOf V?f( Wrllrf
Alex Haley, author o Roots
and the Autobiography oj
Malcolm X, told a capacity
crowd in Hendrix Theater Tues
day night that people need to
earn to live better with one
Haley was the featured speaker
at the fifth annual ECU Lecture-
Seminar Series.
His comments during the lec-
ture dealt primarily with the
background oi his best-seller,
Roots, and the sigmfigance oi the
family in the United States
"We're sharing one planet -
that's all we've got. Unless we
learn how to share it better, we
will always have an undue
amount oi problems he said
Throughout the lecture, Hale
said his childhood in Henninu.
ECU Degree, Proven With Success
ws the high quality ol
E( I degree according to
ngelu Volpe, Vice t hancellor
foi cademic Affairs.
"The presence of the Medical
s. ' . ll I
enhanced the o eral
? .
i v e ! i: the
g moi
taiity ?? the I nivei sit and
ade Greenville the new cei
? ' ea " care I he interaction
ECU's n ediv a hool
have been
the school said

ver satisfied with the quality
a '
a :
favi ?
m, Apr

' With 17 percent ol students
tiled being from out of state,
quality oi oui programs is ob-
Lanier, Vice vious. For example, the Schools
Institutional Ad- 0f Art and Musi are well known
on the Eastern Seaboard
compare Students from all across
: a) United Slates are enrolled in
? ' rt and Music Programs Volpe
l ; Limes .
rding to Furnej "We've had an outstanding
r ol Placemeni School oi Business thai
graduated many ambitious
'v' ?? he students who now have success
n?ols stories said .lames. "Ron
Dowdy, an E( I graduate in the
60's, now owns a line o gift
shops and recently challenged all
new and increased donations pv
1I graduates up to $100,000.
I he owners of Pantry stores,
Eugene Home and Samuel Wor-
now are 60's graduates o the
I C I business school.
"The School ol Education lias
mam superintendents in the
?tate. some of the top jobs in
education are held by ECU
graduates said James
"The graduates are indicative
o the quality o' the school. We
are chosen by how well our
students have done said Volpe.
P u 1 i 1 e r P r i e Winner,
1 awerence Atkinson IV is a jour-
nalism major from EC! .
Graduate, John Beard, news
anchor for KNBC in California
won an Emmy Award for hosting
an hour long documentary for
children on traffic, fire, and
swimming safety.
Graduate Bill Lindsey was
named as a '85 Vw York limes
man o the year as a bright young
leader o' America. Lindsey was
chosen by Esquire as one o the
top young leaders under 40 vears
"Employers say 1(1
graduates feel they have
something to prove and work
harder. A number of graduates
in the workplace challenge other
institutions graduates said
L anier.
Companies like IBM, Bur-
roughs. Top hospitals, and Zerox
have interviewed upcoming
graduates for 20 years at ECU as
well as students graduating from
Davidson, UNC, and Duke
said James.
"Most students regard their
degree as an achievement not a
guarantee o success. An ECU
degree gives the student an op-
portunity to pursue their goals
said I.anier.
Civil Unrest Might Cause Martial Law
MANII A. Philippines tl PI)
Spain and West Germai vailed
mbassadors from Manila
lay and president Ferdinand
Man he might impose
ma; tw to deal with an op-
position campaign ol civil unrest.
In other international reaction
the widely discredited Feb.
election, a Marcos
spokesman said Soviet Am-
bassador Vadim I Shabalin has
"informally congratulated" the
iident, who will encourage the
expansion of trade with the
Soviet Union.
New Zealand Prime Minister
David Lange, however, said in a
etter released by his embassy that
he will not congratulate Marcos
on his re-election because ol
"serious doubts about the
credibility" of the voting.
Foreign Ministry sources con-
firmed that they had recieved no
other letters ol congratulations
for Marcos from foreign heads ol
Western diplomats confirmed
reports that the ambassadors o
West Germany and Spain had
been called home for consulta-
tions and said the moves could
have a "snowball effect
Opposition leader Coraon
Aguino and vice presidential run-
ning mate Salvador Laurel who
are seeking to make Marcos and
international outcast, took their
campaign of non-violent protest
to i rally near the huge I S.
Clark Air Base
They ruled out any com-
promise with Marcos and
predicted he would be toppled
within three months.
Aguino said that in her meeting
Monday with U.S. special envoy
Philip Habib "I told him if 1 have
to cooperate with Marcos, never
mind, don't visit me
In a seperate meeting Monday
with Marcos, Habib told the
president he risks the loss o' U.S.
military and economic aid unless
he makes democratic reforms and
shares power with his opposition.
The Washington Post reported
citing administration officials.
I he officials did not elaborate
on what steps Marcos might take
to accomplish this. However,
Aguino advise; and former Sen.
Ernesto .Maceda said Habib was
told that the opposition's de-
mand for Marcos to give up his
office is not up for negotiation.
"It's also non-negotiable on
the part of Marcos until all the
people are at his doorstep and
when he looks behind and half
his military is goneMaceda
Habib met for 70 minutes to-
day with Defense Minister Juan
Ponce Emrile but no details of
the meeting were released.
Aguino told a crowd o about
7,000 people in the town o
Angeles, 60 miles north o
Manila, that she will never agree
to a new election and will meet
with Japanese and West Euro-
pean diplomats Thursday to seek
recognition for her own govern-
Tenn. sparked his interest in
geneology, and formed the origin
of Roots. He also cited the days
after his grandfather's death as
the basis of his bes! seller.
A fter m gi andi at her' s
death, my grandmother in
her six sisters (from throughout
the United Slates) to spend
summer with hei. All the si ?
would sit on the front porch dur-
ing tlie eailv evening hours and
talk about when they were little
girls m Alamance County, North
Carolina, I'hey would tell stones
they heard of when then parents
ha been slaves.
"When I'm praised so much
tor Roots. I like to think that was
the summer when Roots was i
ly born he added.
ILiicv described his
careei aboard a asi t luard ship
during the late 144(n
" )n board ship, I
age i 'i being the m si pi
ter w liter S ulors'
number one pi i is meel
girls, some to
come to ask I
love letters to girls I
- a great deal
penning love letters, Haley
some ol the sailors be. pay
him foi his ser ices, " I hey
volunteered . lollai
per letter a me the
idea thai tl ei e migl be
something foi me . writing
Haley said fl - .nigh
eight years his stories
rejet I 1 I ron
selling a short story tin $100.
ftei retiring from the c oast
Guard, he said he "gambled
full-time career" as a freelai
w riter.
"I had a hard time foi about a
year. I worked at Reader's Digest
tor a while, then made a hie ju
to a magazine called Plaho
he added.
While at the magazine. 11
invented the "Playboy
"The most exhilerating one
was with the merican Na
George Rockwell. I did others
with Cassius Clay (Muhammad
Ah) and Johnny Caison. then I
interviewed Malcolm X
After his interview with
Malcolm X, the black leader ask-
ed Haley to write his
Haley began the actual work
on Roots after finding his great-
grandfather's name in the Ar-
chives of the United States in
w ashington, D.
"I was drawn into the building
by accident, 1 guess it was
because I've always liked old
things. looked up the 1H70 cen-
sus record tor Alamance County
and there on one of the
rofilmed pages was my great-
grandfather's name. I; hit me in
e like a fist coming up
from out of the pages he said.
For the next nine vears, Haley
researched his family's origins
and wrote for three vears about
ii begining in frica to the
days of slavery in the United
Concerning historical ! I
Ha lev said he urged ail
Americans to preserve their
e and remember I
ancestors, "I urge all o yo
through your attics and preserve
ings you find there ? old
ten things.
" I here is i 2 we can do
? ? honor ourselves than to
our lives possible through their
vears o suffering
Haley is currently working on a
novel to be entitled. Henning
that describes the experiences of a
child growing up in a small
southern town during the 1920s
md 1930s.
former speakers oi the
lecture-Series have included
Dean Rusk. Ralph Nader, Frank
Mankiewicz and Juan it a M.
Tutors Help ECU
si?n Wnlrr
Have you ever been in a
"slump" during one of your
classes? Well, you are not alone.
"Many students have difficulty
in at least one class during col-
lege comments Patricia
Everett, a Psychology major.
Due to this simple observation by
students and faculty, ECU offers
a tutorial service tor its students.
Students who wish to become
See TUTORS Page 6.
Debate Aroused Awareness
The Schlafly-W eddington
Debate Monday night was not a
On The Inside
4 life spent in making
mistakes is not only more
honorable but more useful
than a life spent in doing
?Bernard Shan
quiet one due to several topics
that spurred response from most
of the 627 people attending.
Freshman Allen Manning,
mediator of the debate, remark-
ed, "I think it went great. The
electricity coming from the au-
dience was outstanding
Rounds of applause,
deragatory remarks, and ques-
tions came at different and
sometimes unexpected, intervals
of the debate. Some of the topics
included abortion, comparable
worth and women in the
The debators, Phyllis Schlafly
and Sarah Weddington each had
a chance to express her opinions
on the issues and questions from
the audience.
James Caldwell, a Junior ma-
joring in Political Science, com-
mented "1 think it was quite a
honor for ECU to have two of
the most prominent figures
representing two different views
of women's rights in society
Sponsored by the Student
Union Forum, the debate at-
tracted not only students and
faculty, but also members of the
Kenneth Hammond, Program
Director of University Unions,
said "The debate materialized as
anticipated, the spontaneity cer-
tainly added a lot. The student
and community response was ex-
cellent, "I'd like to see another
event of this nature very soon
Visiting Author
Alex Haley, author of Roots and Malcolm A, was welcomed to ECU Tuesday night by an over-
whelming crowd. See related article on Page 1.

m m "
? r f

j AMI -XKOMM-xn FEBRl ARV 20. 1986
rue accounting so .?'? will now . ,
on tuevuv March 4th a? 4 00 p ?
Mendenhali R?w ;44 Our speaker will o?.
Mr Mark Hoda wittl r?A ana a prP4en,a
'ion on Management Accounting New
memhers are euone-
ng tueak March 14 986 D ve Pen
" ' ' ? oa Keys ,?, Largo
la The ?.cwias most popua' -eel
? ve 0d,s afK) mgnti a two 'an ooa' dive
? (tghl d ve m ludes tanks an
backpacks and"s Alto snorke ??
. edging ai Howai l
reakfasl daily, swimn . - ?? ,
bay snorkel r?g C osl SMS. I
matnv call Ray Scharl ? ? ,
' ' ??1 . . ?al,
reg ???? ? ? I - sec i-
? ? en e 1000 arereminded
v lav Ma 3 Sec
" ons . .33 4' 1 PCJ- iti ii ? 1,0
Be a'1 the PEP! -? ? ??
AMV Pr?t - ' . ? ,A- ?
A ' ' ? - ?? U rop walk
? ? it I ungei Sondav F ??? ? ?
?"?- ' ? Backets v.
' ? ? ?'? ' ? ngned up
g ?s 3 00 and I
' ' Bai ? ? ,1 - ?? , .
Students tor Economic Democracy will
hold a meeting Sunday February 23 to
discuss upcoming conferences, the Reagan
tuts in student aid and voter registration lor
the May pr,manes Rick Brown will also
present a paper on the History of the Pro
gressive Movement m North Carolina The
meeting will be held at Mendenhali Student
Center m Room 248 at 5 30
We the ECU Gospel Choir cordially invite
you to celebrate our third anniversary We
will perform as will other choirs from
kjnd the state Admission is tree, so come
ina ioin us .n a spiritual celebration Sun
?a rtruary 23 198 at 3 00 p m at Hen
dnx Theater .n the Mendenhali Student
There win Oe a meeting of the College
Weoubicans on Tuesday February 25 in 221
There will be a Psi Ch. meeting on Tues
.ia? February 25, at 5 30. .n the Ps Ch,
L 'b'ai y Ail members are urged to attend so
we can discuss our spring plans
There oe a meeting of the Black
Graduate Support Group Sunday at 8 lSprr
rt Menoenriall An .nteres'ed persons are in
? eo V a'tenc For more information can
Dwcit" at ?52 926?
'? i'ass offered by the ECU
- Center you .an identify
? ? si-ess make positive changes
? ??- your response to stressful situa
ons learn te relax mprove self confidence
Tuesday Feoruar, 25 Thursday February
Tuesday Marcn 4 Thursday March 6
' 8 ' atte rj a Our meetings1 li A
neel gs ?? m 3 4p n 305 Ar 9, .
The Empoloyment Security Commission
will have representatives m the Lobby of the
ECU Student Supply Store to recruit
students lor part time iobs as fasttood
workers, cashiers, and sales clerks on
Thurs Feb 27 from 9a m lp m
A general business meeting will be held
Thurs Feb 20 at 7 00 p m in Mendenhali
J44 AH new members and perspective
members are invited to attend
The Accounting Society is offering tree tax
services for federal returns at the Student
Booth m Mendenhali from 4 6pm on
Wednesdays and Thursdays Federal forms
and instructions are available upon request
Accounting Society members are en
couraged to sign up for our tree tutorng and
'ax programs Sign up sheets are
posted on the accounting society bulletin
board 3rd Moor Rawi This s excellent
review lor the May CPA Let s get ready1
An people nterested in partpat,ng me
ECU women s indoor soccer tournament
please contact i,sa Grosshandier at 758 8325
The tournament will be held Feb 28 and
March 1 g, 2 There will be a minimal fee
A.r Force ROTC rs looking tor students seek
? ng education, opportunities, ana ex
per.ence A.r Force ROTC otters scholar
sh,ps lor tuition books and $100 per month
The Air Force Off,Cers Qualifying vv
AFOQT ,s offered on 27 Februar, T-urs
trom 1 00 6 00 Th.s .s necessar, n order to
be cons,derea tor scholarships tor the fan
semester of 1986 Alt interested students are
urged to vis.t Maior Patton a' A r Force
ROTC or 'he second floor o A- jht Annex or
call 7S7 6598 for tu'her information
The newly formed Coral Reef Dive Club is
"olding a meeting Feb 24 from 7 9pm in
room 248 Mendenhali Memberships and a
Spring Break tr,p t0 the fabulous Florida
Keys will be discussed All interested non
divers included are welcome Join the tiub
'hats going somewhere The Coral Reef
Dive Club
There will be a meeting of the ECU Black
Alumn, Association on Monday, March 3,
l?W The meeting will be held at Mendenhali
Student Center, room 248 at 6 00pm
ATTENTION: 1985-84
Our shipment of Announcements nave ar
rived They may be picked up at your conve
n.ence Announcements located at the
Jewelry Counter ,n the Student Stores,
Wnght Building The price of the an
nouncements is ?2 for a package of five an
There will be a party at the international
house on Friday the 21st from 9 00p m ah
are welcome
?nose interested The Coral Reef D .f
Club s holding a meeting Feb 24 Won.
Irom 79 pm ,n Mendenhali Room 248
Memberships, along with the SPRING
BREAK TRiP to the Fabulous FLORIDA
KEYS will be discussed Non divers are
welcome, join the club that's gomg
somewhere The Coral Reef Club
Positions avaabie tor industrial Hygene
maior with Duke Power Compan, beginning
summer 1986 Sophmore on.or status . ?
GPA and willingness to work 'mw
terms ' Saar,81 per houi ?
? Identic credit available Contacl
Cooperative Educa'ion 313 Raw
Positions available 'or summer in NC State
Parks For more information contact
Cooperative Education 313 Rawi
ECU Gospel Choir will be holding it s an
niversary service on me 23rd of Feoruar f at
3pm The location will be Hendrix Theatre in
Mendenhali Student Center Admission s
tree to an public
Several maior employers .
INOT maiors for Coop position bag 1
summer 1985 11 you are a sopnmore
with a 2 5 GPA COnt? I ? t
Paw to learn more at than -
Llllllllll li.l I . ililllll ? I 1 I
215 E 4th Street
Tax Money Allowed For Private Schools
A blind theology studeni can use
state money tor tuition without
violating the U.S Constitution,
the U.S. Supreme Court has rul-
Secretary of Education
William Bennett claims the deci-
sion furthers his plans to allow
parents to use public money to
send children to religious or other
private schools
Civil rights watchdogs, on the
other hand, say the court worded
its decision in a way that will
leave intact the effective separa-
tion of church and state.
In question was whether the
Washington Department ol Ser
vices for the Blind could did
1 arr Witters, who wanted to use
assistance money to attend a
theology school.
Washington's vocational pro-
gram for the blind awards money
directly to students, who are tree
to choose their courses. Since the
state didn't require Witters to use
the money tor religious instruc-
tion, his choice wasn't "a state
endorsement ol religion the
court ruled.
In praising the decision. Ben-
nett said the ruling supported his
proposal to create edcation
vouchers, which students can use
to attend any school.
Now, the government awards
money directly to schools, which
use it to educate whomever shows
up tor classes. Under the
voucher system - which critics
say would get the government in-
to the business of supporting
church schools students who
didn't want to go to public
schools could '?pay" tor private
instruction by using "vouchers
Though the court decided state
aid to Witters wasn't a "direct
subsidy" to a religious school, it
sent the case back to the
Washington Supreme Court to
decide it" it is an excessive
government entanglement with
The American Civil LIverties
I mon, though unhappy about
the decision, downplayed its
"Though we'd like to see that
federal funds aren't used tor
religious education, period, this
ruling will have only limited ef-
fects says AC I U spokesman
Charles Sims.
"The decision was meant to
apply to a higher education situa-
tion in which funds were intended
to reach broadly and weren't
specified for religious education.
So the court only created a small
situation in which government
money can be used (for religious
"It's not a situation that can
allow the general rule (pro-
hibiting government support ot
The ACLU may or may not in-
volve itself when the Witters' case
returns to the state supreme
court, Sims savs.
Other colleges have been busv
grappling with religious issues in
recent weeks, too.
Texas state schools now are
awaiting a state attorney
general's ruling whether it can of-
fer students bible courses taught
by teachers who are paid bv
private church groups, rim bv
the universities.
And last week, the University
of Southern California decided to
delete an allusion to Jesus Christ
from its diplomas.
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Where are you yoin
Im-ia Worrell
Kthel Fordham
Abdullah Rahman
"Probably goin?
Jerse . ?
Survey Sa
te lee tua
' up, ' sa)s a
? v i ?
females c
tuals" outnun
a inu .
think they :
' e e :
maior research ii
plains Hera
who condu
h colleague
to til! out a quv
course plans and the
about what they ai.
Depending on theii a
students were classified as
"striven"1 t ? "ui .
Whil? c ureerist" mei
gnore lil
tellectua ten i
ntial number o!
tereM in careei
"1 air. not vurpr
Stan I " vj B .
Hetnck. dean oi Academic v
fairs a; Hood eg
"1 would expeel more women
to hae humanistic values and
be more likel to seek knowle
for knowledge's sake she mw
Hetnck herself recently finish-
ed a study of how Hood's
predominantly female student
body changed its political and
social views after going through
four years of the school's liberal
arts curriculum.
Hetnck found seniors were
considerably less materialists
than they had been as freshmen,
that the were more concerned
about community welfare and
developing a genera! philosophy
of life.
She found out by administer
ing to Hood students the same
survey given by the American
Council on Education to some
200,000 freshmen nationwide
On a national scale, the ACE
survey? created by UCLA and
released in January? found
beginning college freshmen are
more materialistic than their

H BR1 AKV 20. 1SK6
. recruiting
ins beginning
, more iunior
I, s. ex p. 3 31
J.student ID.
am sub
i c
your color.
manning Beds
Tanning System
Open 8:30 a.m. lo 9:00 p.m
Campus Voice
Where are you going for Spring Break?
Reserve Officers
Provide Safety
Teresa Worrell
Special Education
"I'm going to Virginia Beach
for half of the week, then I'm
coming back to Greenville for a
tew days, then I'm going home
( hris Gre)
"I'm going to New Haven,
Connecticut to see m brother at
Vale ?"
? ?-mm
F.thel Fordham
Special Education
"I'm not doing anything Not
opening a book, nothing
Patt Derin
us?: W handismii
?'Hopefully I'm j Mex-
ico, to Padre Island
Abdullah Rahman
Music Education
"Probably going to New
Jersev for a little while
Richard ecellio
Pri ted
"1 going to 1)a Bead
Spring Break
ECU New Bureau
It's late at night. A person is in
the freshman parking lot van-
dalizing an automobile. As if by
magic, an officer of the East
Carolina University Public Safety
department arrives to investigate.
That "magic" is often per-
formed by a member of the ECU
Department of Public Safety
Reserve Unit. These student
reserve unit members ? male and
female ? are extensions of the
eyes and ears of sworn police of-
Two-way radios are carried in-
stead of weapons and their
powers of arrest are those of or-
dmarv citizens.
The program which began in
1M80 with five volunteers is now a
force of 21 paid workers. Accor-
ding to Kathleen Monahan,
reserve unit coordinator, most
applicants learn of the program
by word-of-mouth. "The ap-
plicants don't have to be in the
field of corrections or social
work Monahan said.
"We have an English major,
an industrial technology major
and a graduate student in the pro-
gram now. but most of our ap-
plicants are corrections majors. It
gives them a starting place on
their career, and also, if they find
that law enforcement is not exact-
lv what they want to do, it gives
them a chance to see that and go
on to another field she said.
Marcus Jeannette. a senior
from Richmond, VA, has been a
reservist for three-and-a-half
years. Although he is graduating
with a degree in environmental
health, Jeannette hopes to work
for the State Bureau of Investiga-
Jeannette, vvho has the rank of
sergeant ? the highest in the unit
said that he never suspected
campus police were as active
in campus life as they are. "1
never knew there were so many
officers involved. There are
undercover officers doing
Survey Says Women Smarter
PALO -1 TO. (A. (CPS)-
Are women on campus more "in-
tellectual "than men
"Vup says a random sample
of Stanford students.
According to the suivev,
females classified as "intellec-
tuals" outnumber males classed
as intellectuals by a two-to-one
"It's obviously not a represen-
tative sample. However, I don't
think they (Stanford students) are
different than students at other
major research institutions ex-
plains Herant Katchadounan,
who conducted the study along
with colleague John Boli.
Stanford students were asked
to fill out a questionnaire on their
course plans and their attitudes
about what they are studying.
Depending on their answers,
students were classified as "in-
tellectual "careens
"strivers" or "unconnected
While "careerist" men tended
to ignore liberal arts courses, "in-
tellectual" women often took a
substantial number of liberal arts
courses, and maintained an in-
terest in careers.
"1 am not surprised by the
Stanford findings says Barbara
Hetrick, dean of Academic Af-
fairs at Hood College in
"I would expect more women
to have humanistic values and to
be more likely to seek knowledge
for knowledge's sake she says.
Hetrick herself recently finish-
ed a sudy of how Hood's
predominantly female student
body changed its political and
social views after going through
four years of the school's liberal
arts curriculum.
Hetrick found seniors were
considerably less materialistic
than they had been as freshmen,
that they were more concerned
about community welfare and
developing a general philosophy
of life.
She found out by administer-
ing to Hood students the same
survey given by the American
Council on Education to some
200,000 freshmen nationwide.
On a national scale, the ACE
survey? created by UCLA and
released in January? found
beginning college freshmen are
more materialistic than their
The Stanford survev defined
"striver" .i - ited
toward c?. and uai
pursuits rheytend - from
lower econon
than other students.
" L neon nee I ed
generally con ther fi m very
high or low s k ial - atu Ian ilies
"Intellectuals" tlh come
from f am ilies o
socioeconomic status, and their
fathers often advanced degrees.
"Careerists" are fi m a wide
arrav of backgrounds, bui often
have parents who emphasize
careet success.
While Stanford students
changed categories throughout
the four-year period they were
observed, radical changes were
rare, Katchadourian explains.
While a "stnver" might
become an "intellectual or a
"careerist" could become a
"stnver rarely would an "in-
tellectual" become a "careerist"
ol vice versa.
Moreover, it was uncommon
tor "strivers" to become "un-
connected Katchadourian says.
While Hood students changed
their attitudes, Hetrick speculates
they might be predisposed toward
more humanistic values than
students at large state univer-
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surveillance, detectives and other
officers constantly observing the
students, and at night they watch
for people who might be breaking
into cars he said.
According to Monahan, Jean-
nette has aided the ECU police in
many arrests ? some of them
major ? such as strong-arm rob-
beries and helping catch people
who were breaking into cars.
"He has more court experience
than any of the others she said.
Reserve officer graduate stu-
dent Janet Fasig of Spartanburg,
SC, plans to teach English at the
college level. Through her police
work during the past three years,
her view of police officers has
changed. "1 have always had
respect for them, but 1 appreciate
them more as people, rather than
just someone out there with a
badge and a gun she explained.
University Police Chief Francis
Fddings said, "I think it's a very
good program. .we give
students an opportunity to get a
lot of OJT (on-the-job training)
which helps them to decide if they
really want to go into law en-
Volunteer work ? up to 40
hours ? must be completed
before a student is hired as a
reserve officer. That work in-
cludes walking with an officer on
patrol during the second and
third shifts and turning in a
report of his activities during that
time. By doing that, the student
learns what to look for and what
dangers might be present on dif-
ferent sections of the campus.
He must also learn radio pro-
cedures, techniques used in
surveillance work and the correct
way of writing parking tickets.
While the students are doing
their volunteer work, Monahan
interviews them and the officers
they are working with. When she
determines that they are suffi-
ciently prepared, she issues

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Tom 1 i vfNDiR ?&??,
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t:ebruan 20. 1986
Page 4
SGA Elections
?? Changes May Discriminate
A bill proposing rule changes for
student government elections is
slated to come up for consideration
in the student legislature next Mon-
day night. The bill will reportedly
contain several suggested rule
changes, but perhaps the most im-
portant one will urge the legislature
to adopt a majority electoral system
to replace the plurality system
which now exists.
The plurality system currently in
existence operates on the principle
that the top vote- getter in an elec-
tion with more than two people
running will win the election. The
majority system proposes thai if
more than two people are running
and the top vote getter does not get
a majority of the student vote, or
over 50 percent of the votes cast,
then there will be a run-off between
the two top vote-getters.
On the surface of it certainly
there would seem to be nothing ob-
jectionable about the switch from a
plurality to a majority system. But
upon looking into the proposed
switch a few of the majority
system's defects spring quickly to
First, though it is alledged that a
majority system is more democratic
because only a candidate with a ma-
jority of the vote is declared the
winner through that system, the
plurality system provides that in a
close contest there will be a run-off
also. Under the plurality system, if
the second place candidate is within
three percent of the total votes cast
of the first place candidate, then
there will be a run-off. That means,
for example, that if 3.000 votes are
cast in an election and the second
place candidate is within 90 votes of
the first place candidate there will
be a run-off.
Second, though this might not be
the most important consideration,
holding run-off elections in the fall
and the spring would cost students
an extra SI,000 or more. If a run-
off is only held in the spring it will
cost more than $500. Needless to
say that these are funds that student
organizations could put to use br-
inging speakers to campus and pro-
viding other needed services.
Third, holding run-off elections
is expensive for the candidates in-
volved. Though ECU limits can-
didates for SGA president to expen-
ditures of $200 and candidates for
class officers to Si00 a run-off
could double the expense. How
many students can afford to spend
S400 to get elected SGA president?
More to the point, is it fair that the
student who can best afford to
spend the required sum of money
should win? It seems to me that
such an arrangement might
eliminate potential candidates who
could be more qualified for the job.
The last objection which can be
raised to the proposal now allegedly
under consideration is the same one
raised by many civil rights leaders
law s were
course, be
student is
against dual primary systems
employed in some parts of the
south. (The dual primary system
operates much the same way that
the majority system would work ?
if more than two candidates are
running there would be a run-off
between the top two vote-getters
unless the top vote-getter receives a
majority of the votes cast.) The
proposal could be designed in such
a way that it will discriminate
against black and other minority
This is true because, though
black candidates have often receiv-
ed the most votes out of a field of
three or more candidates, in the
run-off primary civil rights leaders
have shown that white voters have
frequently joined together to defeat
the black candidate. That the dou-
ble primary is a racially motivated
system is something that civil rights
leaders have been arguing for some
time based in part upon the time
period in which it was first im-
plemented, the same time that
many other Jim Crow
The objection will, ot
raised that if a black
qualified for office he will get white
support. The sad fact is, however.
that in this part of the country that
has not proven to be the case.
Whites generally are reluctant to ac-
cept black leadership. They are
more critical and suspicious of
black candidates than they are of
white ones and that translates into
lower white support for black can-
didates at the polls. Now, is it fair
for blacks to see their political am-
bitions thwarted by racism time and
time again, even to see the electoral
system changed so that it even
works against their democratic
Now, is it fair for blacks to see
their political ambitions thwarted
by racism time and time again, even
to see the electoral system changed
so that it also works against their
democratic aspirations? Most peo-
ple would answer no to this, but
they would also have a difficult
time accepting the dual primary
logic put forth above.
It is as if, they might argue, that
we must make the system less
democratic so that blacks might
have a chance to win. But that is
not the case. The fact is that a
system in which 49 percent of the
voters and many times more poten-
tial voters are unrepresented is not
democratic to begin with. More to
the point, a system which makes
people feel that it is biased against
them discourages participation.
With the new system, therefore,
we might be more certain of a ma-
jority, but we might also constrict
the pool of potential voters and
candidates thereby making the
system less democratic in the long
run. That would be a mistake.
Campus Forum
Disabled Students Denied Van
Affiliates ot' Fasi Carolina Univer-
sity ? 1 wish io convey to you a pro-
blem that either directly or indirectly
affects us all. This problem pertains
to the policy of disabled student
As I formerly noted, this probiem
affects each of us. "How?" you may
inquire. Well, in respect to the fact
that we are all citizens of America, a
country that maintains a constitution
which states that All men are
created equal and they are endowed
bv their Creator with certain in-
alienable rights, and among these are
lite, liberty, and the pursuit of hap-
piness we are obliged not to
deprive any citizen ot' any ot' these in-
alienable rights. Thus, allow me to
share with you some characteristics of
the disabled student's transport
system and various problems that
disregard some ot' our constitutional
Primarily, "The van service for
disabled students is onlv obligated to
carry out activities that the student
transit system performs for able
bodied students which is a point
that was brought to my attention by
Mr. C.C. Rowe, Director of Disabled
Student Services. However, a' Mr.
Rowe further emphasized to me in a
recent discussion. "The handicapped
students receive more services than
what is required, in that there are
times allocated tor free travel i.e.
travel to grocery stores, shopping
centers, doctor's offices, etc This
free travel is scheduled weekly on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday bet-
ween the hours of 2 P.M. ? 5 P.M
Indeed, at first glance you may
perceive no problem in this pro-
cedure. However, if you pause briefly
and review the free times listed above.
you will notice that there are no
transportation services provided on
weekends ? the times in which many
of us possess our most free time. In
addition to this issue being my main
concern, in that I am one of the
disabled students affected, there are
other disabled students who maintain
this position as well. After becoming
increasingly frustrated in trying to
disperse my time into three hours, 2
P.M. ? 5 P.M which happens to
coincide with several oi my classes. I
consulted Mr. Rowe, who referred
me to Dr. Ann Rose, Assistant to the
chancellor Director of Affirmative
Action. Dr. Rose met with me Thurs-
day, January 31. and later informed
me thai she would be meeting with
the university attorney to discuss the
issue. Today, Februarv 11. twelve
davs after conferring with Dr. Rose.
Mr. Rowe relayed to me the outcome
ot the discussion ? the van transport
policy stands as is.
Affiliates, how can this be? Can
there be true equality for all it disabl-
ed students are deprived ot the access
to a van which sets idle in front of
Slay Dormitory weekend after
weekend? I think not' As the situa-
tion now stands, disabled students
must rely on a few good friends who
are willing to carry them, and a
wheelchair in most instances, in a
passenger car rather than having ac-
cess to the presently idle van. Does
this particular policy conform to our
right to happiness9 Upon evaluating
the policy rather objectively. 1 feel
that the question of happiness for the
student is null and void.
It any of sou concerned American
citizens feel that my position main-
tains a justifiable argument for allow -
ing the van to operate on weekends
please join me in my efforts to
acheive the level of equality and hap-
piness that we all. as American
citizens are entitled to.
Geoffrey Kenan
Sophomore, Business
Scholarship Stinks
I'm a future North Carolina school
teacher and I feel that the idea of
"the best and brightest" slinks. If
you look at this proposal, vou will see
that $20,000 (4 X 5,000) ol the N
Carolina tax paver's money
toward a program thai
guarentees a teacher tor five t
Moreover, if you multiply 500
(that's how many scholarships ???
given per year) $5,000 you come I
figure of $2,500,000 for I
per vear.
lusi thmk what could be d
that $2,500,000 a vear it it wi -
back into teacher's salaries at
school systems. 1 believe thai
make the field more ai
salaries and benefits, pe
-tart looking into tea.
fession. lor e
the taculty lounge and ever,
the teachers in there stated that,
onlv wav to get more people .
teaching profession is to make
salaries more attractive And also, it
you increase "tie salaries ol teachers
now, then vou will probablv keep
more people in teachii
The main reason io go into teadier
education is thai, the professioi
not looked upon a- ,t prestigious job
bv mam people. Back in the '60s and
earlier, teachers were held in I
regard, however, in today's societv
people usually judge the quality
job, not by its standards, bul bv how
much it will pav So. if you increase
the salaries ot teachers and future
ones, then I thmk that you will see
more and more individuals going
teacher education programs. Bv the
way, remember that you could not
read this letter without having had the
benefit of a teacher.
Chris TomaMv
Senior, Historv Education
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letter.
expressing all points ot view.
drop them by our office in the Put
turns Building, across from the i ?
trance of Joyner Library.
Black Universities Vital. Necessary
Albright, president of an historically-
black college in Charlotte, N.C makes
a case for the continuation of black col-
leges in America that is a commentary
on the social life and educational
priorities at our nation's universities,
and on the temper of our society as well.
Albright is a black scholar who took
his graduate degree from predominantly
white universities, so he knows first-
hand ac well as second the tensions and
mixed emotions of blacks on white cam-
puses. He remembers black
undergraduates who "found it terribly
difficult because they were fighting for
acceptance, they were fighting social
pressures, they were, quite frankly, fear-
ful for the small number of black
students. Also, knowing that people
thought they were there because of some
special program, not because of intellec-
tual abilities, it reallv creates a terrible
One purpose of black colleges is to
ease that burden. Most schools are at
least on their way to full integration, and
racial tensions flare with less hostility
and frequency these days. But while
classes, dorms and cafeterir.s may be
racially mixed, many social aspects of
college life are not. Seen many in-
tegrated fraternities lately? Social life is
a large part of what makes a culture, and
the cultural lives of black and white
Americans, for a few good reasons and
some bad, are still very different.
There's a difference in ignoring race and
accepting it. Too often the majority
assumes integration means letting
minorities join the club as it is rather
than mixing, altering and enriching
social life. An inflexible social at-
mosphere can feel like a hostile one.
Albright has written that "It is no
secret that black institutions have been
pioneers in developmental education
and have done a far better job than most
of their white counterparts in recogniz-
ing the value-added approach to educa-
tion. And as the plethora of laments
over public education attests, it is not
only black students who have some cat-
ching up to do. But so far, white colleges
seem uninterested.
Few predominantly white colleges are
going out of their way to recruit low-
income, educationally disadvantaged
minorities, finding most of their black
students instead in the ranks of the slow-
ly growing black middle class. That way
there is less need for remedial education
in the student body, though the need
goes unmet in the larger community,
save when it is served by black colleges.
But even if white colleges made more
diligent efforts to recruit and educate
blacks and create a more supportive in-
stitution, there would still be justifica-
tion for black colleges. Albright makes
the case that blacks should have the
choice of attending a predominantly
black college just as whites have the de
facto option of a largely white one. But,
you say, a black college is a less realistic
environment, because those black
graduates still must live in a
predominantly white society. Yes, but
the alumni of women's colleges face a
world half-filled with men. .
graduates of rehgious institutions musl
survive in a secular nation. Those groups
seem to be doing quite well.
Black college graduates are douw fine
also. Albnght felt decidedlv more secure
in a majonty-white graduate program
alter his undergraduate vears In a
historically black college. And he has ,
ong list of others who did the same He
Whs to tell the story of Tommy
Johnson, who apphed to the college over
wh,ch Albnght presides with a total SAT
score of 430 and a C-average from a
small Mississippi high school. Hesitantlv
adrn.tted, he graduated four vears later
with honors. He then took his medical
degree from the University of Penn-
"While many people would argue
Tommy Johnson ,s the exception 1
'r y?comc exam?ne our records
vou I rind (here are thousands of Tom
my Johnsons who come to our institu-
tion, and frankly would not have been
admlt,ed to other institutions Albnght
says. We need more schools that will
ake that kind of chance, and then take
he care to produce tnat kind of
Omyi Brown ,s a former Managin
Editor of the East Carolinian who now
works at the Youth Pohcy Institute and
as an mtern at the Washington Post Mr
Brown specializes m public poHcyau-
anTh? reiT l? edicTon
book related to that topic.
Little Relief ij
Bases Take P
Bv JIM U lSsl UN
l M
' ? a
M all Street Journa
down the White
expans oi -
I rationale
v ei ica, a
calls tor support
jola. But .is we hast s
repeatedlv . the s .
cause i ' W or Id ?.
the opposite: American p.
the cause of many revolutii i
the So icts foi aid. If there is a so
world system" it is not because of
tractiveness ot Soviet societv
World revolutionaries, but bej
American policy makers cann j
the idea of genuine national sover
in the colonial hinterland.
All ot th's has been demonst
most clearlv in recent weeks u
Reagan administration's atJitudes
actions regarding the Philippines
1965 Marcos has ruled that countr
an iron fist, while holding the
hand out. In that time he haj
cumulated vast holdings and the P
pines have suffered the destruci

? JtrZK&Q&A&S,
enied Van
Forum Rules

. ?ns must
e groups
: ting fine
? e secure
. rars in a
And he has a
ante. He
t Tommy
college over
with a total SAT
rage trom a
years later
? his medical
ersity of Penn-
would argue
the exception, I
iur records
:sands of Tom-
?me to our institu-
tnkly would not have been
it ions Albright
We need more schools that will
e. and then take
the care to produce that kind of
Darn I Brown is a former Managing
Editor of the East Carolinian who now
rks at the Youth Policy Institute and
k as an intern at the Washington Post. Mr.
Y Brown specializes in public policy ques-
a tions as they relate to higher education
it and he is currently doing research for a
a book related to that topic.
Other Opinion
Little Relief In Sight
Farm Crisis Worsens As Banks Near
I Vs.
Foi many I S. tanners, having a
good crop in 1985 meant having a bad
yeai With world markets for
agricultural exports shrinking, the last
thing farmers needed was a bumper
halves: to send then alreadv low crop
prices even lower. Last spring an
estimated 10-15 percent of farmers were
labeled as not being creditworthy. Only
about 5 percent were actually denied spr-
ing planting loans, however. The rest
were given a little more time to get bak
E : feet, while the uiral banks, len-
?ns, and farmers waited for
improved farm economy
t eai 's end.
what they got. Alreadv
by low land values thai reduc-
ers' assets, high interest rates.
massive loans, the farm economy
as 1985 drew to a close. In the
. lartei alone, land values in some
? the farm licit dropped bv 4-6
( mmodity prices also con-
I to fall, farmers had brought in
harvests of important ex-
ike corn and soybeans,
twering 'heir world market
V the crisis in the agricultural sector
is becoming clear that
m is inadequate to pay
o itstanding loans. The in-
tl . ? d to tanners are now in
the 94 commercial banks
e first 10 months of 1985.
4 jverc banks thai leni more than 25
? theii funds to farmers.
V the massive Farm
( redii System, is also in trouble. This
svsi has supported farmers for
? s, lost money last year
el he Depression. In
? ed the federal govern-
. .
a app ng up its
new farm bill.
t the irm bill and the
? Svsi will determine the
? ? iusands ot farmers
and the financial system thai supports
them. But it's unlikely that any solution
will get at the roots of the problem: the
macroeconomic policies thai have raised
interest rates and shrunk U.S. exports.
Farmers who have expanded into the in-
ternational markets in the favorable
1970s now find themselves unable to pav
back their long- and short-term loans.
While in large part the causes of the
farm crisis can be traced to domestic
policies, both the farm Credil System
bailout and the new farm bill are being
debated in the context of the federal
budget deficit. With strong political
pressure to reduce the deficit, the
Reagan administration is more concern-
ed about the billions of dollars it is being
asked to pump into the farm economy
than about the ong term economic ei
feels o; a contraction in the agricultural
sector. As the crisis spreads to the finan-
cial sector, the pressure foi a bailout
The country's largest farm lender, the
federal Farm Credit Svsiem accounts
for about one-third ol the current S210
billion farm deb: The system miners 12
districts, each with a land, credit, and
cooperative bank that provide funds tor
crop land, short-term production ex-
penses, and longer-term capital ex
penscs, respectively. Originally funded
by the federal government, the institu-
tions derive some capital from the
tanners who cooperatively own them. It:
exchange for stocks in the banks, boi
rowers deposit about 10 percent ol ir.
loans there.
The farm Credit Svstem also obtaii
funds bv selling bonds on Wall Street it'
large institutional investors I he
securities are not actually guaranteed bv
the federal government, hut hum in-
vestors consider them to be as secure as
government bonds. Until last tall, these
bonds carried interest rates close to the
low rates tor Treasury bonds, which in-
vestors consider to he least nskv .
The farm Credil System was pro-
fitable about five years act' when the
farm economy began t? decline and
delinquent loans started to accumulate.
Since 1981, the system's earnings have
plummeted, falling from $994 million in
1982 to $440 million in 1984.
Throughout most of 1985, the Farm
Credit System tried to conceal its finan-
cial stress from its investors, and as late
as July projected year-end earnings of
more than $300 million. But in
September it reported a third-quarter
loss of $552.5 million, with anticipated
losses of $2.5 billion for the fourth
quarter when farmers' land loans came
due. It subsequently asked for a federal
bailout a $5.6 billion line of credit for
its S"4 bilion loan portfolio. In order to
placate investors, it continues to deny
severe financial difficulties, insistiong
that the real problems won't arrive for
another year or two, by which time the
government should have intervened.
Privately owned agricultural banks
arealso feeling the effects of the farm
decline. At the end of 1984 these banks
accounted for 23.5 percent of all U.S.
farm debt. They generally provide
about 40 percent tit all short-term credit,
mainly capital for spring planting. After
the 1985 crop came in, some farm
economists estimated that half of all
commercial bank farm debt would soon
be uncollectible.
Small agricultural banks felt the
squeeze first. I he number of banks
whose delinquent loans exceeded their
capital surged to 402 in September, up
from about 250 the fall before. Now
largei banks are also feeling the
pressure, although the larger they are.
the less likely they are to fail. Bank of
America, which registered a $338 million
second quartei loss, has had problems
with its SI. 1 billion agricultural port-
folio. Similarly, Iowa's largest bank
holding company, Hawkeye Bancorp of
l)es Monies, showed a six-month net
loss ol $6.5 million on its $1.9 billion of
asset s.
Hoping to stem their difficulties, this
p: iv ate bankers began to lobby
( apito) Hill to include them in any
bailout til the farm Credit System. A
number of Republican senators will be
up for reelection in 1986, and their votes
on the farm bill and Farm Credit System
bailout may prove crucial to the- reelec-
tion (and therefore to continued
Republican control of the Senate). Still,
it's not clear whether the agricultural
banks will find the salvation they're
seeking in Washington. If the Reagan
administration operates true to form, it
will let the small private banks fail, while
preventing the failure of the Farm Credit
system, which would have a far more
dramatic effect on the larger financial
system. In any case, bailing out the
banks won't help farmers much ?
they'll still have to repay their debts or
face foreclosure.
During the fall, Congress haggled
over the two proposed bandaids for the
farm economy ? the Federal Credit
System bailout, and the Senate and
House versions of the farm bill, which
expired at the end of September.
Although it has been rewritten every
four years, since the 1930's the farm bill
has consistently supported farmers with
loans and subsidies intended to stabilize
crop prices and supplement farmers' in-
Both the Senate and House voted-
through bills that aimed to stimulate
U.S. exports without increasing the
federal government's expenditures. One
way to increase exports is to lower what
are called crop loan rates. If market
prices fall too low, farmers can "lend"
their crops to the government at these set
prices, with the option of buying them
back from stockpiles if market prices
rise. Loan rates basically form the floor
for farmers' crop prices, and therebv
stabilize them. Free marketeers in Con-
gress would like to lower loan rates for
major crops in an effort to lower their
prices and make them more competitive
on the world market.
While loan rates stabilize farmer's in-
comes, another form of price supports,
target prices, protect the level tit
farmers' income. Target prices, which
are much higher than loan rates, are us-
ed to calculate subsidies to farmers: for
each crop, farmers are guaranteed at
least the target price. If market prices
drop lower than the market price,the
government essentially pays the farmers
the difference.
It's unclear whether lowering loan
rates but maintaining target prices, as
the farm bill may do, will make U.S.
crops more competitive. Farmers will
receive about the same income protec-
tion as before, and have a little better ac-
cess to export markets. But the markets
lost over the past few years won't
necessarily be easily regained. While the
United States was regarded as the
world's bread basket in the I970's other
countries such as Argentina have since
established themselves as producers of
major crops like corn.
The debate over the farm bill is largely
being shaped by the Reagan administra-
tion's approach to the federal deficit.
The cost of the agricultural subsidies will
therefore be a major factor in the farm
bill negotiations because they remain an
obvious target for the Reagan ad-
minstration, as it tries to cut expenses
while maintaining military spending.
last spring when framers and rural
connunities were the only ones obviously
threatened, the administration offered
free-market solutions, proposing belt-
tightening in place of bucks. Now that
the financial system is threatened as
well, the administration may relent, but
only a little.
It's dear that the government will
have to spend money either to support
farmers now or to bail tint the banks and
Farm Credit Svstem later With land
and commodity prices down, an J
fewbuyers tor tarms or farmland in
sight, the farm economy probably w
be revived in the near future. The ad-
ministration remains more concerned
with dismantling the expensive
agricultural support system and sustain-
ing the lending institutions than with
maintaining or increasing farm income.
What seems most likely is that the
tederal government will let the farm
economv stagger along for a while
longer before it decides to step in.
Bases Take Precedence Over Democracy
Neo-Colonialism U. S. Policy In Philippines
V In These limes went to press, the
ns were a dav off. It
at ? ? ? t Aquino would
a subs- . ority ot the vote,
a as uncertain whether Ferdinand
I Marcos would permit an honest
.turn; tor hei to be declared the
winner. Our primary concern is not the
result, but the Reagan administration's
role nt the election process m recent
"The overriding U.S. goal in the
" Jeane Kirkpatnck writes, "is
to preserve the sovereignty of the in-
dependent nations that exist there It
"would be bad for them and tor us
gues, it they were ?"incorporated
'lie 'Socialist world svstem But
gnty is not what the Reagan ad-
ministration or conservatives in general
are concerned about. Put simply, they
oniv want the Third World to remain in-
corporated into the American imperial
President Reagan may actually believe
it there would be mi "hot spots" in
the world were it not for the Soviet
l nion. That, at least, is what he told the
H all Street Journal and what he said
repeatedly until his meeting with
Mikhail C.orbachov in Geneva cooled
down the White House rhetoric. Soviet
expansionism has been the administra-
tion rationale for intervention in Central
America, and the basis of conservative
calls for support of Jonas Savimbi in
Angola. But, as we have argued
repeatedly, the Soviet Union is not the
cause of Third World revolutions. Quite
the opposite: American policy has been
the cause of many revolutions turning to
the Soviets for aid. If there is a "socialist
world system" it is not because of the at-
tractiveness of Soviet society to Third
World revolutionaries, but because
American policy makers cannot accept
the idea of genuine national sovereignty
in the colonial hinterland.
All of this has been demonstrated
most clearly in recent weeks in the
Reagan administration's attitudes and
actions regarding the Philippines. Since
1965 Marcos has ruled that country with
an iron fist, while holding the other
hand out. In that time he has ac-
cumulated vast holdings and the Philip-
pines have suffered the destruction of
their economy and almost 10 vears ol
martial law (1972 81).
This does not both, er Jeane
Kirkpatnck, who points out that
?'many, if not most, of the indeppendent
(meaning dependent on the I .S I
governments in the area" like South
Korea and Taiwan ? also "exhibit
authoritarian tendencies, have serious
internal divisions, harbor low- level in-
surgencies, suffer corruption and. in
some cases, sponsor violenceIndeed.
she argued, of 159 member states in the
United Nations, "at least 100 are pro
bably governed more poorly than the
Philippines From her point o! view,
Marcos is just one of the boys ? our
And, of course, the Reagan ad-
ministration shared this view until
recently. As George Bush told Marcos
at an official dinner in the Philippines in
1981, "We love your adherence to
democratic principles and democratic
processes. We will not leave you in
isolation But, as was the case with
true friends of earlier administrations ?
the Shah of Iran, Anastasio Somoza
Debale of Nicaragua and Ngo Dinh
Diem of Vietnam ? administration of-
ficials now fear that identification with
Marcos at a time of growing anti-
Marcos sentiment in the Philippines will
generate a dangerous level of anti-
American sentiment.
So, like his counterparts in Iran,
Nicaragua and Vietnam, Marcos is being
put "in isolation" by his former
benefactors. As the ew York Times
explained, a "consensus has developed
in the Reagan administration that the
departure of President Ferdinand E.
Marcos is critical to a non-Communist
future for the Philippines and American
interests in that country In short,
Marcos has to go.
None of this should be surprising to
observers of Democratic and Republican
administrations since the end of World
War II. It's standard operating pro-
cedure,and Reagan turns out to have no
greater loyalty to his friends who come
up short than did John F. Kennedy or
Jimmy Carter. But there two aspects of
the Philippine situation that are par-
ticularly revealing: first, the casual way
in which the administration and the
mediadiscuss our intervention in the in-
ternal affaires of the Philippines; se-
cond, the admission by administration
figures and the media that the Filipino
insurgency has uo connection with either
the Soviet I nion or China.
Or. the firs: point, the January 26
ew York Times offhandedly reported
? the administration, after consider-
ing the matter, had decided "not to
push Mr Marcos from power by covert
means, although that was considered by
some officials, or by the public attacks
on him, although officials have also
come close to this
Instead, the administration will simp-
ly "distance itself" from the Filipino
regime.This decision was not taken
because anyone in the administration,
or, indeed, in the loyal opposition in
Congress, believes the United States has
no right to set up or remove govern-
ments in the supposedly sovereign na-
tion of the Philippines, but for the more
pragmatic reason that "very soon" they
epect Marcos' health "will force him to
withdraw from the sceneIn other
words, what Kirkpatnck claims as the
"overriding U.S. goal in the Pacific"
was routinely overridden.
For their own purposes, Marcos and
his loyalists were quick to point out that
administration actions are a form of col-
onial interference. As a Marcos
newspaper in Manila put it, the "Great
White Father" is trying to undercut
Philippine sovereignty. And as Marcos
himself complained, he has been treated
more fairly and favorably in recent mon-
ths by the Soviet Union than by the
United States.
Which brings us to the myth of Soviet
intervention. There is an armed revolu-
tionary movement in the Philippines
that calls itself Communist. It is, or
was, Maoist ? which means that the
Soviet Union has not supported it, but
has gone out of its way to be friendly to
the Marcos family, especially Imelda.
China may have given some moral or
material support to the rebels in the
past, but does not do so now. So this in-
surrection is not only indigenous, but
cannot bv the wildest stretch of the im-
agination be blamed on the "Evil Em-
pire This has put a damper on ad-
ministration and media rhetoric about
the Filipino guerrillas.
Instead, the strategic importance of
the U.S. military bases in the Philippines
has come to the fore as an issue that
clearly carries greater weight than the
nation's sovereignty, much less a sincere
concern for the best interests of the
Filipino people. When Marcos appeared
strong, he was praised as a model of
democratic statesmanship. Now he is a
pariah. But Marcos has not changed,
except temporarily to be a bit more
liberal and less repressive in his
desperate effort to retain power.
This article is reprinted with permis-
sion from In These Times, a bi-weekly
based in Chicago.

FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Presence Of MIA's Proven
gressional team returning from
two das of talks with Vietnamese
officials in Hanoi has brought
back the first official evidence
that some men listed as missing in
action are alive in Southeast
The nine man delegation, led
by Rep. Gerald Solomon, R
NV. was to hold a news con-
tererence today to report on the
trip, during which Vietnamese
L)epu! Foreign Minister Hoang
Bich Son conceded, for the first
time, that some Americans may
be living in Vietnam by their own
According to the delegation,
however, the foreign minister
claimed the Vietnamese govern-
ment is not aware of any specific
cases of U.S. service men remain
ing in Indochina.
Although several American
groups have visited Vietnam.
none has come back with clear
evidence that any American1, are
However, Solomon told the
NBC "Today" program,
"There's no longer anv question
that there are live Americans in
Vietnam. The question is: Who
are they, how main of them are
there "
Solomon said thev could be
"prisoners of war American
that just stayed over after the
war, or deserters
"We've received so main live
sightings from so main different
sources that there just cannot be
anv question but what they're
there. Because of this new a!
titude of the Vietnamese govern-
ment, we reallv believe that thev
are now
"The Vietnamese government
has shifted from position of:
'There are no Americans in Viet-
nam' to a position that. ' I here
are no Americans under their
control to the final position as
of this week that, ' 1 here are no
americans under their control,
but there could be Americans
there thev are unaware ot
Solomon said the deputv
foreign minister "said to me and
to the press, openly: That there
could he Americans in the moun-
tains, in the caves, in areas
beyond then control "
"That to me, is a significant
breakthrough said Solomon,
"and 1 think that it's going to
lead tii, eventually, at least the
accountability, ot some ot those
"We've seen this position
change over the last 18 months
said Solomon, who attributed
this Hi the tact that "the country
is in economic chaos, and I think
that the Vietnamese government
i- desperate to gam recogni-
tion or normalizations,
something thai is going to lead to
theii being able to improve their
economy by acceptance by the
rest ot the tree world
" I he can't do that unless thev
account tor these POWMIAs "
Flooding,AvalanchesContinue in West
(UPI) ? The Western Dei .ge
moved into its second week today
with forecasters offering no
respite from the rain snow and
wind that triggered Hoods and
avlanches cut off entire towns
and forced thousands to flee to
high ground from California to
C olorada.
At least 5 people have been
killed in the flooding, mud slides,
avalanches and high surf spawn-
ed by a series of storms that
began Feb. 12. More than 8,000
people fled the record floods in
northern and central California.
"I don't know what I'm going
to do cued Kitty Ihacker. 55,
one of 600 people airlifted out
the hamlet ol Guerneville,
isolated by the flooding Russion
River Tuesday. "I don't have anv
insurance. I don't know how I'm
even going to start over
She fell sobbing into the amis
of National Guardsman a: a Red
Cross Shelter in Santa Rov
Refugees jammed Si. Elizabt
Catholic Church in Guerneville, a
resort town 70 miles north ot Sa
Fransico where 20 inches ot ram
have fallen.
"I: was hell cold, most ot
the people wet, the flooi con
sntly wet" aid David
Weaver, J8, carpenter, "They
ided out paper blankets and
you put them on wet t and
they turned to nu
Die nver rose nearly 17 feel
and sheriff's
deputies p : by
boai. looking : ?? o randed
"We are asking people '?
Officers Supplement Safety
Continued From Page 1.
badges and puts them on the
The normal work period is
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. During that time unit
members keep a constanct check
on the parking areas. Thev can
work evenings and at other times
as their class schedules permit.
Additional work mav come dur-
ing special events on weekends
when they direct traffic or serve
as parking lot attendants.
"Their grades .ome first; if
they've got a big test the follow-
ing day, I'd rather they stay home
and study. If their grades slip,
they're put on probation until
their grades are brought back
up Monahan said. Only
sophomores at least 18 years of
age and with a grade point
average of at least 2.5 can apply
to become reserve members. "By
the time you are a sophomore,
you know the dorms, you know
basically where all the places are
on campus, how to give direc-
tions and you have a little more
confidence in
While their activities are con-
fined to the E( I ?ampus,
members can report suspicious
persons to the Greeenville Police
Department with their radios.
Many reserve officers have bee
given letters of commendation
for their work with the city police
On two occasions, student
ficers were called upon to assist in
the training of the city r I
rookies bv posing a rowdy
troublemakers. Althougl
regular city police officers and
the magistrate were aware ol the
training exercise, the rookies
were not told until they had com-
pleted all necessary procedures
"It gives some of our reserve- a
chance to see what it's like to be
arrested, because through our
local background check, we
know that none ol them have
ever known that feeling
Monahan said.
Some of the students who have
?n in the Student Reserve
e switched careers as a resuli
? vvork with the unil 'M
lated a couple ot y
?? i
Greenville Police I) em.
Severa have gone
Federal Bureau ot Invesi .
an the civilian bra:
Nava . . ,? Sei
ices -aid Monahan.
klder, 1 Cl 's pub;
. -avs ol reserve unit,
"I think it's damn good. 1 don't
? we ever functioned
Tutorial Service $
Continued From Page .
tutors should go to the Student
Services office located in
Whichard who then refers ap-
plicants to the individual
academic department he she re-
quests. All applicants are screen-
ed to determine their ability to
help others in specific subjects.
For those who need tutoring,
the departments list available
tutors. Tutors are listed through
the departments to verify that
they are qualified to tutor in a
given area.
Some of the tutors require pay-
ment while some do not;
"basaically, the merit of pay
depends upon the tutor and the
difficulty of the subject. For ex-
ample, computer science will cost
more, than say, English" ex-
plains Lucy Wright, Assistant
Dean of Student Services.
Next week, an updated list of
academic departments with
available students will be com-
pleted. At the currect time, some
of the department include:
Biology, Chemistry, Foreign
Languages, Geography,
Geology, History, Mathematics
and Computer Science, Physics
and Political Science.
Other Services offered on a
regular basis are those of the
Math Lab, Writing Lab (both
located in Austin), and the
leading Lab (located in
Also, some peer services are of-
fered through the residence halls.
For these services contact Nancy
Smith of Residence life for fur-
ther information.
"The sources are available to
the students to take advantage"
says Elmer Meyer Dean of Stu-
dent Life. Dean Wright adds
"the growth of the tutorial pro-
gram depends upon the students.
We would like very much for this
program to expand
If you need help in a class, do
not wait until the end of the
semester. Services are available.
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white sheets oul theii windows so
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(io (ie ?. e Deukm
declared states t emergenc) in
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counties He said he expelled to
simila ns tor
town ot Monte Rio, near
(iuerneville, was also isolated so
an : pters could
find a ding one.
Na i. i al ' a .
- 17 in-
cnes ' ' ; fted the Napa
tge, m-
acks and I
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Ihe Rev. I awerence P. H is! ?: . Ii . Rector
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Marty Gartman, Directory ol amp
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PI) Disney has done n
1 t toi y of I inn Yann,
i ambodian refugee who
eked the socks off merica,
v a beauty
t dition ol the reincai -
Dis ley Sunday Movie is
ie Girl Who Spelled
(ABC, Feb. 23, 7
I nd ti ue to Disney form,
drama has all the
? ? the family. a mo -
i family struggling for
and ai taining t he
dream li is 'old
. eyes ol oung I inn
round-faced, bright-eyed
td who learned
pell freedom I he hard way
hei mothei. and five
? d sistei s were held in a
a rk camp in w ai -toi n
dia foi years, rhey
aftei a torturous, HX)
. n ?? ck, and found
refuge in Thailand. A relief agen-
cy brought them to the United
States, where they settled in
Chattanooga, lenn and excell
s soon as she entered school.
Yann became an exceptional stu-
dent, especially in spelling. Yann
was so good thai she entered
spelling bees and eventually won
the Chattanooga city finals, good
enough to win a trip to the i
tionals in Washington. No; main
girls gel phone calls from Presi-
dent Reagan wishing them luck.
I oday. 1 inn Yann is 15 yeai s
old, in the eighth grade, running
cross-country foi the track team,
living with tier family in theii
own castle and enjoying being a
teenagei in America. She even
has a Tennessee twang, with a
dash of teen-speak (lots ol you
know 's and "like, you
know's) Not a trace ol Cam
bodia, except deep in hei eyes.
In the movie, Wayne Rogers
("M.A.S.H) and Mary Kay
PlaceThe Bighilt) play George
and Prissy Thrash, the couple
who sponsored Yann's family,
and lade Chinn plays 1 inn Yann.
Chinn, a Canadian who speaks
French, English, and Chinese,
had little trouble picking up the
Cambodian dialect.
inn thought about playing
herself bui it wouldn'i have
? oi ked
?Tm a little big foi my part
she said in a telephone interview
mhattanooga "I'm older
now a I'm a lot taller. I'm not
really tall. It's jusi thai when I
came here 1 was short, because ol
malnutrition and all that. Now
I 'm 5 " and a quartei. 1 like
a nbui gers.
set H M Page 8
St. Elmo's Fire
Ron I owe, Mare Wininjjham. Kmilio Esteves, Demi Moore. Jutid Nelson. ll Mieedy and Andrew Mc-
( arthv star in the critically aclaimed motion picture 'St. Elmo's Fire plavinu rib. 20 22 in Hendriv
I heatre at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Admission is free with a valid ECU ID card.
l I'h - Geraldine Paj "Il sounds say, but
ictress evera they n n - foi what
yvorry ab ?uf 'l etl ei they did in the past, how .
?. : wii an Oscai on her they have tailed to n
for The Trip to Bountiful she
was nominated foi said. As she spoke, :ked
V td ? Award on seven ovei a nouvelle cuis
is o
. a
nd I i Sq ?? ate
itl the g nteel, Southei
iness thai is hei tra
and ol i stage.
She recalled
;? Trip to Bountiful in compt foi Best ctr n summer and
Smoke, Sweet Bird of Youth,
Interiors and foi Best Supporting
ctres? Hondo, You're a Big
ns and never
dustry rec
vas non
. ?. n Hortoi I ?te's
d ? ;r Whoop
three ? ?
v ?: Bam '
;a : . . and Meryl s"
ldusi ? litiona
Ihn ow,Peti 'n' Tiliie, and Tht
Pope oj Greenwich Ullage and
favoi aved
pointed Oscai hopefuls, in these films wei . dei mding
ally someone like Page who asarrie Watts
id a long, distinguished "From my pom; ol view, t ar-
eceived hei first rie was a lot more work nan the
1961 But no othei roles. She is a n older
one will know tl t itcome until womai d it is a very sustained
the cadem waros presenta- role i ij u n
? mined 1 asi 1 exas widow in
her 70s ? break away
fe with I ' son and his
irn l Bountiful,
rural a vhere she was
her w
impassion, .
. :e of b ? . a :at y but
slyh ful and
"I've always played old
es said, "It's my
( a ie has wondeiful
I've been observing old
Aould ? how
. hey behave ?
? 1 was a ? my Ann:
. Lu
vs ur family
?-l played lexandra del I ago
; V an ? Sweet
Hin! oj outh when 1 was in
. Ie her in her
I . audience
ei N ou don't
an eesl it Hut I
u hite Sights, one ol six films she
made in 1985. I he others were
Flanagan, in which she plays an
Irish grandmother in her late 80s,
Riders t the Sea. The Bride and
v title Girl, yet to be released
Her stage careei had been almost
as busy.
Page, who was elected to the
rheatei Hall ol lame nearly a
decade ago. is Artist m Residence
ai the Mirror Repertory Com-
pany which occupies a theater in
Saint Peter's Church in midtown
Manhattan She played there in
The Madwoman of Chaillot
before going into the current off
Broadway production ol San
Shepard's I Lie oj the Mind in
role ol a slatternly, eccentric
She was recently h ef
for hypertension, winch caused
hei to drop out ol the Shepard
play, but she has been rehears
foi a Mirroi company production
ol W. Somerset Maughan's The
Circle, scheduled to open Feb.
2o. She plays the wicked 1 ady
Kitty, as juicy a role as the com-
edy otters.
In addition she has had se
teleision projects (si I
l-mmv award foi Besl ctress 20
years ago) including an episode
? HB - "Hitchhiker" which
k hei on location to Van-
couver and Doris hase's one-
woman Mdc drama, Table t i
One " SI e also added Chaucer's
The Wife of Bath's Tale to hei
repertory I il readii
and premiered it at Manhattai
Y eat her this winter.
"I've nevei been so busy in my
. Page, with a sigh l
: a suspiciously euphoric
md. "I've never had work I
? fered such variety . which is
see PAGE, Patje 8
From The Not So flight
Pat's 'Personal9 Comments
thai a onderl . - . ' ;ca look a
whethei house dress and Red White shts
she does l .? must have 25 40-ish, smartly
to make p unds - - - ' ageni ol
a i. arrie Watts is a fluttery bui dancei Mil Bary iko in
Illumina Competition Opens
1 c
? -
I C I Student L nion
v ? Committee will pre-
annual art competition,
lumina '86 This competition
to all currently enrolled
udents and to all forms ol
jal art.
ach participant will be limned
ree entries with a S3 entry fee
entry, lor the winners, cash
zes totaling $600 will be
arded. Works are to be sub-
tted Feb.19 through 21, from 1
p.m. to 5 p.m at Mendenhall
Student Center, Room 212.
Works will be exhibited Feb.
23 through Match 2. with the
reception being Feb. 24 from 6:30
p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
I he judges for this campus
wide competition are led Potter,
director o the Southeastern
C enter tor Contemporary Art
(SECCA) and the Associate
Curator foi SECCA, Richard
Craven. Potter has established
Monty Python
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life' will be playing in Hendrix
Theatre on Feb. 21 ? 22 at 11 p.m.
himsell as one ol the southeast's
.op art jurors by judging over 2(H)
ions throughout the
southeast and nationally.
Pottei has also exhibited his
works at the Atlantic Center for
the Arts in Daytona, Florida and
the Galerie Jules La Forgue in
New Orleans, l ouisiana, to men-
tion two oi his many exhibitions
during Ins distinguished career.
I qually qualified. Craven has
had exhibitions nationw ide and is
currently in exhibition at the
Mini Museum in Charlotte entitl-
ed "Southern Comfort Discom-
fort" (20 Southern artists).
The Visual Arts Committee
also books touring exhibitions
from leading museums and
distinguished artists to enhance
ECU's fine an school. One recent
exhibit of national prominence
was the Smithsonian's colorful
"Recent American Works on
Paper" during the 1985 Fall
Semester; and in April, the Visual
Arts Committee will bring you
the dazzling photography of
Joseph Champagne. In other ex-
hibitions, the Visual Arts Com-
mittee has collaborated with the
ECU School o An to present the
watercolor paintings of Dr.
William Holley, a professor at
ECU and the graphic art of Com-
mercial Art students.
But these forms of media are
not enough for Steven Zakely,
president of the Visual Arts Com-
mittee and a second year Business
majorArt minor student. "The
name 'visual arts' implies visual
art, so we're trying to broaden
our horizon from photography,
graphics, and painting by attemp-
ting to bring a laser show to the
ECU campus this spring Zake-
ly added, "We also have
workshops, lectures, and
demonstrations that present art
majors with the business end of
sinfl Untrr
Well, once again, Valentine's Day has passed ns
by. And once again. I am reminded why 1 feel
repugnant at the very mention of the word "com-
1 have no idea how many times 1 have to sav it,
or how many times it has to be proven, but love
makes von numb from the neck
up. It's all too true. How else
could one justify drinking four-
teen beers and a pint o bour-
bon while attempting to explain
to one's dog the pros and cons
o a monogomous relationship
with a woman?
A perfect example of the
idiotic things the lovelorn will
sav can be found in "Love
I ines published last Thursday
in The East Carolinian. Folks, 1
may be a cynic, but I haven't
read such dribble since 1 glanced
at the lyrics for Air Supply's last
album. My Cod, people were drooling all over
each other. To tell you the truth, 1 got the dry-
Here now are what I consider to be prime ex-
amples of what love does to the human mind. Be
warned, it's not a pretty sight.
When 1 read the first one, 1 thought, "MB,
you're an animal Now 1 simply think MB is one
of the more creative people on campus. Her
message was this:
Todd: I 'm glad you 're my valentine! I love you.
I love you. I love you ? MB. Notice the two ex
clamation marks at the end of her message. They
kind ol goe the multi-syllabi MB the extra em
phasis she needs i ermessa oss Kind of
warms the heart, doesn't it
Here's one thai 1 still can't quite comprehend.
I he person who wrote il obviously intended to
compliment the person for whom it was written. 1
guess 'his ins; goes one step further in proving mv
theory of love-induced mind-mush. I am taking it
for granted that a male wrote this foi his girlfriend
I hope I'm not wrong.
To my hi lie sex-kiUen:
Thanks for the bestfivem onths
oj my life. I'll love viv today,
tomorrow, and forever. And
here comes the clincher ?
something 1 wouldn't have
thought of, Lux V ?-
Whoredog. Now that's affec
lion - and thev sav romance is
dead? Perish the thought .
I hrough the years. I've
mellowed (believe it or not) to
the point where I can unders-
tand people caring for other
people. So. it came as no sur-
prise to me when 1 read how Pa. Karen felt about
Shannon: Youness, meness, usness, weness.
Happy Valentine's Day. From Pa. Karen I really
feel that this can stand on its own. I mean, what
more is there to sav'1 If anyone out there can tell
me what the hell that's supposed to mean, let me
know. Dan (my blood-thirsty editor) and 1 are
completely bewildered.
The last two classifieds to be reckoned with
didn't appear in "love lines No, tliese are
See MOLLOY, Page 8
Madonna, Penn Co-star In Movie
Shanghai Surprise, an action-
packed motion picture adventure
laced with romance and humor
which will star Sean Penn and
Madonna, began principal
photography last month in
Macao and Hong Kong for
Handmade Films.
Set in the mysterious, chaotic
and often dangerous city of
Shanghai during the late 1930s,
Shanghai Surprise focuses on a
sharp-witted and fairly honorable
American fortune hunter and the
beautiful and very honorable
missionary who recruits him to
unearth a legendary cache of
stolen opium. To obtain it,
however, they must confront a
variety of unsavory adversaries
who want the opium for
themselves, and haven't a grain
of honor at all.
Penn has impressed critics and
movie-goers alike with powerful
performances in such films as
The Falcon and the Snowman,
Racing With The Moon, Bad
Boys, Taps and Fast Times at
Ridgemont High.
Madonna made the often dif-
ficult transition between the
worlds of rock music and motion
pictures look easy with her debut
in Desperately Seeking Susan last
year. Married in Malibu last
August, this talented couple will
appear together on the screen for
the first time in Shanghai Sur-
prise, a considerable coup for its
Director Jim Goddard brings a
wealth o experience to his duties
on Shanghai Surprise, and in-
cludes three hit long-form televi-
sion programs among his credits:
the 1984 mii-series, "Kennedv
and acclaimed productions of
"Nicholas Nickeiby" and "Reil-
ly: Ace of Spies
Following four weeks of loca-
tion work in Hong Kong, the pro-
duction will return to Shepperton
Studios for an additional month
of sound-stage and location work
in London.
?-Jf ?
? gf 4? ?? ? m
. v ' '

HI i s i k I IM
i I UK I AfO :d. 1986
Arden Trio To Visit Feb. 25
With the cancellation ol
Rogeri Trio and the Quart
Beethoven di Roma, the Kl
( hambei Festival, co-sponsored
by the Department ol I niversitx
1 'ntons and the 1(1 School ol
Music, has scheduled a pei
mance ol the Arden I rio. 11
concert will he held in Hendri.
rheatre 1 eh. 25
The memebers ol the Arden
I no (pianist rhomas Schmidt,
violinist Suzanne Ornstein, and
cellist Cla Ruede) met as
graduate students at the Yale
School of Music in !v. and bi
ing a rich varietv ol mi
pei lence lo theii work as a trio.
Individually, they have par-
ed in nearly every facet of
as musical life, from solo
recitals and concerto appearances
azz recordings and perfor-
our nation's major
I he have also been involved
d . projects featuring
omposers ranging
Sondheim to Philip
I io is expanding the
k literature b com-
a broad spectrum of
an composers, including
Pi ize winner Charles
m u s
from Si
Their 1981 New York debut
vvas greeted with great critical ac-
claim, affirming their reputation
for virtuoso ensemble playing of
the highest order. Since that time,
they have toured to even more ac-
claim from coast-to-coast, and
have furthered their commitment
to bringing chamber music to the
broadest audience possible with
their specially designed residen-
Tickets for this performance
are available now from the Cen-
tral Ticket Office in Mendenhall,
Mon.? Fri. 11 a.m. ? 6 p.m.
Ticket prices are $2 for ECU
students and guest, $2 for Youth
(high school and under), and $4
for all others and at the door.
If you have already purchased
individual tickets to the Rogeri
Trio or to the Quartetio
Beethoven di Roma, or if you are
a 1985-1986 Chamber Festival
Series season ticket owner, you
may be admitted to the concert
with your current ticket. You will
not need to turn in your old
tickets to be able to enjoy the
wonders and delights of the
Arden Trio.
TO 12th I I h
or ihi (, i v
$195 Abon - ? ?
and I' ? '
- ? ' .

917 West Morgan St.
? -?-?-?'?
Opening Soon
Young Girl Finds Freedom
Yann thoughno 1ewa
"great eventhoUJ,hsMile
memories procucetears.s
recalls being atnmit V
and drinking midd) u
the journey
"I cued aI u as
parts. When ue esi
Cambodia ti ? i ;
any fo d
all sick W
we were gw tv
A-ere i
had off as w w "1?
and all because11' w w
in merica
don't ha e ?
family and 1
Yann net
childhood 5 i - ? s old
? -1 u ? ? ip . ditches,
lier, shaking in
pa Idies providing
Khmer Rouge
i us all.
lough food. We
? wild berries
? Disney 1 and.
; inds me ol
W e used ;
? d ol bamboo
kind of
' mei ica in ls?9
sliding at
ticing the
. sponsor
Molloy Considers Theory;
Love-Induced Idiocy
Continued from Pau??
merely si up pei
have appeared r
even silliei I
Now, the
usual drippy. sa
sickening things
?ays u hen I e's
ending that 1
Pun nku
one has eei
hal you
'he rest
itself. You :
exclamation poii
Yeah, I'll he ; S u .
the women dowi
him. Cine me a break
And now tor one o
ever ap
'he pain.
. kids V I .
kind ol thing
' ctually,
ad ill
?n heers,
I ai sounds
cle - it may
like a
? eenie.
Soccer Coaches (Indoor Soccer)
Part-time coaches, work 10-20 hours weekly
Hours Monday-Friday, 3-5:30 and a couple of
evenings, 7-9:00. Indoor soccer games at Elm
Street Gym.
Must posses skills and be able to coach
officiate youth ages 5-18, in soccer fundamentals
Contact the Greenville Recreation and Parks
Department, 752-4137, ext 262, 259 for
application information. Application deadline is
Friday, March 7. $3.46 hr.
See For Yourself
on All Frames, Sunglasses,
and Contact Lenses
New tee k two baaoc urn tin NOD kflenn bma todam
ftanacvayckysavmpol ?5I 60 tl rryuiu aiaii ,u? rhe
Eye Sdr .n lie Ptaa, jni rhe Eye (arcami a ?tc -poo nx-x
In vim.i. eye cvjimiuu.? we available at ih- Eye Care Ceaa
No appantmeni rts Qfl Un t:X4UU
I"he Mia.
(???? "VvWI
?f? CARE 0CN1CR;
For framr VUhIioii and Eye Kxaminations:
12H (.rrrnwltr Bl?d I iplun nne?i
ittonr 7S6-V-I4M
Or. Peter Hollis
house and I thought it was a cas-
tle because it was so pretty. We
stayed with them for four months
until we got our own house. My
mom found a job
"It's all over now. 1 made it to
Washington and that's all 1
wanted to do. I got to see the
president and that was great. 1
would like to go to college. I'd
like to study medicine and
become a doctor. I just like to
help people, you know. I think
that would be neat if I could do
Indeed it would be neat, and
even neater it Disney keeps bring-
ing us tales like this.
Appl for Membership Sow
$2.00 first 500appli
gel your applit ai
I equila Bai
Backstage Hair Design
Ouii ksiUt r
pl?- Records
Page Prefers More Variety
Continued From Page 7
mam beaut) ol repertorv. The
Mirror compart) is where 1 gel
m he's! roles.
"Most o us do not have the
opportunit) to explore our ver-
satility, and the whole theater
benefits from it when we do.
I here's a sort o flatness that
comes from everyone specializing
i" one kind of part. When you
pla a different par each night in
repertorv. it keeps all ol them
?Vkcd if she regretted being
absent from Broadwa since
Agnes of God in 1982, Page said
that in her opinion "Broadway is
shrinking so last you can hardl
find it
"When I look at the paper tor
Broadway listings, everything I
see is left over from last year
Page described the roles she
would particular!) relish doing in
the future as. "Everything 1
haven't tried vet As for her
next time around on the wheel of
life, she wants to be an ope: a
singer, explaining. "I'm a Puc-
cini nut
Adults S2 00
5 30
756-3307 ?Greenville Square Shopping Center
ends i mi rsda Waiting time Is over.
HH)i)IK v' u
on Kim St.
Fart II
1-3-5 Marl, 1 rui.u
" "HAMBl R(,l R I
Co Krogering and celebrate
O 5
600 Greenville Blvd. - Greenville
Sl,etti Se a 790 coca
$ k gee. Lettuce . .
B e9 mutw FRESH CL'T
1 Mixed
Bouquets .
1 fvCjm
Italian Sub
1 ? M M
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H? jjfc'i
Walkin; Mu- Plank
& - ? ?
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oce oMer rwi

I HI I AM I k .1 INIAN f I Hkl AK 20, 1VK6
by Berke Breathed
pl cwse idotwu iw
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5TDI 1
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?PLAYB0 HKV& aemy
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1 PON'
The Undercover t ats

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i"t8t DO vf JT-a7 ? -
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Walkin: Ihe Plank
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t-j? wORtD 'SFUtt Of
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ECU Student Store
Thurs. Feb. 20
TIME: 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. if
Difitiofi ol Cammtio Company
S !

I I HRI Ak 20, I ?'
Finale In Minges
Pirates Devastate Blue Devils
JIM I H H.fNs lr, l,
Jack lurnbull (34 scores inside last night in ECU'S 97-68 Onset) ic
tor in the Pirate's regular-season finale in Minges Coliseum.
Sports fdll"r
In their farewell regular-season
appearance in Minges Coliseum,
the ECU basket hall team ran
away from non-conference foe
Central Connecticut 97-68 las!
Seniors Curt Vanderhorsi and
Scott Hardy definitely went out
in style as the Pirates ran up their
largest point total ol the season
Vanderhorsi led the way for
the Bucs with 19 points as a red
hot William Grady added 18.
Cirad. who connected on eight
of 10 field goals and was two of
two from the line, also grabbed a
team-high eight rebounds while
seeing just 1" minutes ol action.
Marchell Henr added 14
points to the Pirate roul while
1 eon Bass chipped in 11. Hardy
had eight along with a game-high
six assists as .lack 1 umbill added
six points Five other 1 C I
placers totalled tour points
apiece to the balanced scoring at
Although the Pirates scored
with reasonable ease, ECl coach
Charlie Harrison felt the Bucs
performed well in their set of
"Everything was coming easy
tor us on the offensive end.
When you score and score a lot,
you can do it in two ways Har-
rison said, "for the most part, we
scored well within the confines of
our offense
I he Pirates, who improved
their season mark to 12-13
overall, dominated all statistical
ECU connected on 61.4 o its
field-goal attempts, including a
62.2 mark in the second half. The
Pirate defense made the game-
even more one-sided by holding
the Blue Devils to a 41.5 percen-
tage, including a 35.3 shooting
effort in the second half.
I he Pirates never trailed in the
game and were tied at only one
point (at 2-2) With Vanderhorsi
connecting on his first tour sh
the Pirates opened an earl) 12-6
lead on a Grad lav up with 16:08
left in the first half.
Central Connecticut remained
within sinking distance.
however, the Pirates lead grew to
nine (30-21) on a pair ol let' Kel
iv tree throws. I he Blue IX'viN
then put a scare into ECU tans as
they chopped the margin to 30-27
on a Scott Boslev jumper with
35 left in the halt
This threat was tor no! as the
Bucs went on to score the next 1 1
points over a three-minute spurt,
opening a 41-27 lead on a H
layup. I he Bucs wen! on to :ake a
46-36 halt time lead.
The second halt save the Pirates
take full command ol the game
A Bass lav up three minutes into
action gave ECU a quick 54 38
lead. The Blue Devil's I v rone
Canino cut the Buc advantagi
14 (62-48) with 12:4- lay
This was the closest thai Central
Connecticut would come.
Over the next seven mmu'e- I
plav, ECU outscored the Devils
18-12 to take an 80-60 lead i
Cradv follow shot
The remaining five minute
action saw a hit of 1
from the Pirates. ira I
resulted off the break with 3 55
remaining, be followe I
a reverse dunk from lie b 1) ?
with 1.36 to play pah
layups and 4 John Y
lumper ended the scoring as
Bucs won tjv 97 68
1 ach hat li Hai
team reallv same 1
" 1 ' kid
kid- .Id Han
" 11 s the fii ' ?

" I w
? ,
foundati Ha
happy 1
could be
" T1 ? ?
M Bu

Ladies Conclude Against CAA Foes
Spn. ttritri
I he 1 .id Pirates will finish
. 1 regular season schedule with
two games in Minges Coliseum.
I he first o the two will be
George Mason
Saturdav aeai
season finale will be
1,000 points during their respec-
tive careers. A third senior.
Sylvia Bragg received one earlier
this year
Coach Manwaring said that it
was a compliment to the progi
to have three seniors plav all fout
Manwaring also stated thai
hen all three of them are play
ing well, the lean: will have a
good came. I :
in 109
games, with a record ol 66-43
those games. More n pressive
C A leader
Both games will
Monday aga
James Madisi
star; at 7:30.
Pirate defeated George
Mas n 72 M earlier this year on
? ad Yicdd coach Emily
Manwaring said that the Pirates
will need to control Veronica
Gilliard, nd ndd Williams ol
George Mas
' ! hey were the two players in
.hie figures in the firs; game
stated Manwaring
Manwaring also said that she
expect- a running game from
George Mason. "They have a
tendency to play rugged and
fast Manwaring explained.
"They create something out o
Saturday's game will have an
added feature before the game
starts. Lisa Squirewill and
Loraine Foster, each seniors on
the squad, will be presented a
basketball in honor o( scoring
I isa Squirewell
years. "They have been good
contributors to the team's suc-
cess, and they have been the three
leading scorers said Manwar-
ing. "The team's success has
revolved around their highs and
lows added Manwaring.
I oraine Foster
their record over the pasl two
years, which is currently 39-15.
On Monday night, the Pirates
will have a chance to gam revenge
tor their only loss thus fai in the
C A A James Madison, which is
ranked No 18 in this week's
Lagnaf Ninth In Nation
' imtribuiiag Unier
With 32 states and 72 teams
represented in the National Col-
legiate Flag Football Tournament
in New Orleans, La the Jarvis
LAGNAF fared quite well in the
five-day event.
LAGNAF, who won ECU's
all-campus title by defeating
previously undefeated Bombs-
quad, finished ninth in the nation
out of the 72-team field.
Before advancing to the single-
elimination tournament,
LAGNAF ran into some early
trouble. Brigham Young's
tenacious defense was too much
for LAGNAF, as they shut out
the ECU squad 20-0.
In their second outing, the
LAGNAF offense began to pro-
duce as the defense came alive as
well. The offense, led by Bill
McShea, Troy Neal, Doug
Mount and Don Terry, racked up
25 points opposed to Indiana
University's 12. The defense was
spearheaded by Kenny Farmer.
Rich Klein and Vernon Holmes.
LAGNAF's third game saw
them competing in the first-
round of the single-elimination
tounament. The ECU team was
pitted against Valdosta State
(Ga.). With a steady offensive
performance by Holmes and a
solid defense anchored by
Richard Frazier, John Faulconer,
Randy Kirkland and Farmer,
LAGNAF held on to win a 13-12
West Virginia was the next op-
ponent for the highly motivated
LAGNAF squad. During the se-
cond series of downs, and behind
by seven (7-0), captain and
quarterback Terry was lost for
the remainder of the tourney with
a sprained ankle. However,
McShea stepped in and took con-
trol of the Jarvis offense.
McShea connected with Fraier
for three touchdown passes as
LAGNAF downed the Moun-
taineers 28-14.
In the final outing and their
third contest of the day, the out-
manned LAGNAF fell to a
powerful Central Florida team
that finished the tournament in
third-place overall.
LAGNAF's ninth-place overall
finish (in the national tourna-
ment) is the highest intramural
standing in the school's history.
In the opinion of QB Terry and
his teammates, "Farmer would
have definitely made the defen-
sive Ail-American squad had we
advanced to the top eight Terry
explained. "We tared well con-
sidering thai we were not plann-
ing to organize a team in the
beginning of the tall
"It was quite an experience.
We had as much tun competing
as we did in the post-game par-
ties Faulconer said. "I am
pleased that we represented East
Carolina University in such a fine
The whole LAGNAF squad
would like to thank the
Intramural-Recreational Ser-
vices, the SGA, the central cam-
pus ARC, Faulconer's Hard-
ware, Dr. Jim Kirkland among
others for their support in mak-
ing the trip possible.
1IM I ?l T(,FS llnliiKv.ilria,
LAGNAF members: (back row L to R) Richard Frazier, Troy Neal,
Kenny Farmer and Don Terry, (front row L to R) Randy Kirkland,
Richard Kline and John Faulconer. Missing: Doug Mount, Bill
T " McShea and Vernon Holmes.
Associated Press Poll, will be in
' wn tor the season finale of b
! ? e Dukes, who triumphed in
the first m 'eting earlier this yeai
v2 55, are currently leading
CAA with a 10-0 mark and a 23 2
overall record.
Coach Manwaring said tl
lames Madison was an excel
team. "They have every aspect
they need stated Manwaring.
I hey have height, mside game.
rebounders, and shooters
Manwaring said that in the
first game. James Madison's in-
side attack hurt the Pirates. She
feels that in ordei for the Bucs to
be successful against the Dukes,
they will need to be much more
aggressive and get more rebounds
than they did in the previous
It the Pirates manage pull ofi
victories over both George
Mason and James Madison, a
com flip would be held on Tues-
day morning to decide whether
JMU or ECU would get the first-
round bye in the CAA conference
Diver Campbell Makes
Difference For Women
"SC- the besi
11 has e P:??
diving coach lohn Rose
in prod . .ami
Sports Fact
Thurs. Feb. 20, 1980
The Soviets fail to meet the
deadline set by President Jimmy
Carter for removing their troops
from Afghanistan. In retaliation
Carter announces his final, ir-
revocable decision: American
athletes will boycott the Moscow
Olympic Games.
Sherry C amphell
In just her first yeai aT ECU,
Campbell has already
name in the ranks ol the ill-time
Pirate diving greats t the CAA
conference championships alone.
she contributed M points (tv?
second-place finishes) ne
and three-meter events. In the
process, she set two ECl vai
records, while qualifying to the
NCAA (nationals qualification)
meet in Clemson, S.C. on Mai
Coach Rose was impressed bv
Campbell when she was the winn-
ing competitor at the Atlantic
Seaboard high-school champion-
ships, which were held at Minges
Natatorium last spring.
"I saw her at the Atlantic
k -v
Scott Eaj.
records in con
'S tt Eaj
k Sherrv
med wii
? expev
"I: (the sea
stated. "1 was
the beg
it (1
"1f I hit every 11
meei i, I could
( ampbell adds
?Vcording Rose, w
pbell sucl a s tccess
consistency as .
enthusiasm I
"( onsistency and
are her strong cards said Rose
See RECORD, page 11
Final Game For ECU Senior Stars
ECU's basketball game last
night against Central Connecticut
brought the curtain down on the
careers of two of the Pirate's
finest players. Pirate fans
witnessed the ending of the Scot:
Hardy-Curt Vanderhorsi Era (as
far as regular-season home games
are concerned).
Everything must come to an
end, but this is one of those en-
dings that is both sad and happy.
Yes we are sad because ECU
home careers are coming to an
end, yet we can be happy for hav-
ing the opportunity to watch
Hardy and Vanderhorst play and
for the chance to get to know
them as people too.
Hardy had mixed emotions
about his final hor game. "It
was a great feeling to win a game
big like that ? where everybody
gets to play he stated. "I only
wish my parents could have been
"It would have made things a
lot easier and more rewarding
Hardy added. "They (his
parents) had a part in this to, for
it was them who supported me
along the way. 1 wish they could
have been there to share it with
Vanderhorst also had mixed
feelings about the game. "1 feel
as though I'm going to miss
basketball. 1; has been a part of
my life now for ten years and
here it is all about to come to an
end said Vanderhorst. "I'm
going to have a big empty space
in my life, being this is my las;
game at home.
"I have memories I'll nevei
forget here at ECU and I will
never regret coming here
Vanderhorst continued. "If I
had to do it all over again, I'd
still come to ECl "
Hardy also feels he is going 10
miss basketball. "I'm reallv go-
ing to miss ? F01 t time.
t as; c arolina has started w
aillJ I'm a pa ed Hat
dy, "It's been a c; eat two yeai's
playing here
" I hey exemplified the type ol
person we want here a; 1c I
coach c harlie Harris n
"I'm happy tor those guys, I
hope this will he one posi
thing they'll remember
Wednesday night we said
good I ye to two very special peo
pie, two guvs uho will be pr
hard to replace, both on and 1 fi
the court.
Dive '
ing Breal ?'
I ?
We ? I
w ee ?
sub ?
and pai
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Sat M
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Scott Hardy, Charlie Harrison and CuVTvdeVhorVt

? -

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lived in On
a week B
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dlV i
the Vr
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Tuesday i
Ladies Ni
$1.25 highballs
2.75 pitchers
Ladies Ad
featuring: Roast Bel
macaroni & cheese I
chicken casserole
6 vegetables & roflsl
$2.99 $3.50 wSola
t ???-?
. 1

FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Dive Keys With Coral Reef
pbell Makes
tor Women
:i. pjut 11
Senior Stars
?a e
rhe newly-formed Coral Reef
Dive Club will be sponsoring its
first major diving trip during Spr-
Break 86.
rhey will be travelling to Key
West I la on t-n March 7, for a
week of some of the best diving in
continental United States.
1 he basic itinerary for the trip
s as follows. This schedule is
jecl to personal preference,
and participants are welcome to
inge the duration of their own
? ,i to suit their needs.
Sat Mar. 8 Arrive at Key
West at Boyd's Campsite. Rates
$37.50 for five days for a
k campsite. Skin diving, sun-
and recovering from trip
down will basically be all that
Sun Mar. 8 through Wed
Mar. 12 ? Charter diving will be
abvailable for those who are in-
terested, as will snorkeling.
Thur March 13 ? Head up to
Orlando area, and get hotel
rooms. Entertainment for the
night will be at Roseo Grady's.
This is a multiple-bar nightclub
extravaganza with something to
offer just about everyone.
Fri March 14, Stop at Blue
Springs State Park and dive the
spring (marked as 120').
Snorkelers are welcome. If you
have never dived in a fresh-water
Florida spring, you don't want to
miss it. Head back to NC that
This trip promises to be one of
the best this year. The
temperature in Key West right
now is 75 degrees, with 70-degree
water temperature and 60' plus
visibility. By Spring Break, con-
ditions should be even better.
Some of the dive activities will
include a night dive at Key West
(you can see the full moon from
50' below the surface), lobster
diving and Mangrove snorkeling.
This is a channel cut in a key
which provides a tidepool-like en-
vironment with myriad marine
Divers and non-divers alike are
welcome on the trip. Costs
should range from $250-$3OO
depending on your tastes. Ex-
penses include camping,
We Don
transportation, food, entertain-
ment, hotel accomodations in
Orlando and air for your tanks.
If you wish to stay in a hotel, ex-
penses will be accordingly
The dive club will be holding a
meeting from 7:00-9:00 p.m
Monday night in Mendenhall
Student Center. This meeting will
be the information session for the
trip, so all parties interested in
going to Florida should attend.
Inquire at the front desk for
room number.
Remember, both divers and
non-divers are welcome, so in-
dulge yourself! Go on down and
party with the Coral Reef Dive
Club, and do Spring Break the
way its meant to be done.
n't Want To I
It With Us! I
Shoes ? Tights
Leotards ? Warm-L'ps
And Much More
?No Creditardv pleas
Soon You 7 find Us In
Our New Location
644 Arlington Boulevard
BARRE, ltdi
422 Arlington Blvd. 756-6670
IRS Bowling; Tennis Tournaments
c ict into the groove but not in
? e gutter! That's exactly what
e Soul Rollers have done, going
the Intramural-Recreational
Services Co-Rec Bowling Tour-
ament. I oletta Lee and Marcus
McDonald (188 points) helped
ce iheir team, into first place
he week of Feb. 3.
The IRS Word
Stephanie Dew
Delta Sigma Phi "A" surely
e the Rollers a run for their
ney, as Jeri Hingl (199 points)
Prys rolled superb
games. The Soul Rollers high
score was 1247.
As of Feb. 14, the team rank-
ings going tournament play were
as follows:
1. Soul Rollers
2. Delta Sigma Phi "A"
3. Umstead Terminators
4. Fantastic Four
5. Phi Sigma Pi "A"
Women (three-way tie)
1. Ellen McDernett, Delta Sigma
Phi "A"?164
2. Cindy Cronk, Delta Sigma Phi
"B" ?164
3. Bonita Bowdy, Soul
Team High Score:
1. Soul Rollers?1152
2. Delta Sigma Phi "A'
The high scores of the
were as follows:
1. Marcus McDonald, Soul
2. Jeff Scott, Phi Sigma Pi
3. Jim Branson, Super-
so, you will be anxious to see who
this year's doubles tennis champs
will be! Many IRS participants
will be pairing off to take the
1986 title.
There will be both men's and
women's open-intermediate-
division title holders. Will Kevin
Burke and Jeff Fecho combine
racquets again to defend the
men's 1985 dazzlin' doubles duo0
Stay tuned as Sneaker Sam keeps
you updated on these and other
action-packed events.
The walls could be caving in
for racquetball opponents of the
two undefeated open-division
teams: Andy Altaian and Mike
Shytle, Dave Patton and Rick
Kobe. Both teams stand 3-0 in the
third week of competition and
will duel during the last week of
the round-robin tournament.
Roll out the red carpet for the
dynamic intermediate-division
duo, Edward Jimenez and Scott
Heald. Will they rack the brains
of Charles Musser and Burney
Payne oi Robbi Tweed and Kim
Swensoi? Exactly who wil, take
this year s championship title?
Starts Thursday, February 20th
He are closing our doors DOWNTOWN after 29 years
I with tremendous savings for you. 1
25 to 75 ?o Off
Record Diver Readies For NCAA Is
JIM 1H H.I NV It,)
rlie Harrison andurt anderhoot.
Continued from page 10
SI e's always at practice, work-
hard, never (giving) any ex-
Campbell is used to dedicating
;eli to hard work though.
Befi . ming to Charlotte, she
:d in Cincinnatti OH, where
was able to practice five days
a week But in Charlotte, there
were no facilities for diving and
?he had to
ommute two hours to
Columbia. S.C. twice each week
to practice.
So the biggest change for
Campbell when she came to ECU
was to get back on a five-day-per-
jveek practice schedule.
The FCC divers began their
training this fall by going through
same conditioning program
ised hv the swim team. But once
season starts, their practice
nsists mostly of two hours of
Jiving under the critical eye of
r coach. They perform dive
.? tei dive, while he points out ex-
actly what they do wrong, and
praises what thev do exactly
Although coach Rose admits
Campbell needs a little polishing,
he is quick to point out that she
held her own against divers from
schools like N.C. State, UNC and
the Naval Academy. And she did
so as a freshman.
Neither Campbell nor her
coach really expected the kind of
performance she has shown this
year, but like true competitors,
thev're not going to sit back and
rest now.
"I didn't expect to do this well
at the beginning of the year
Campbell said. "I just wanted to
help the team and do the best that
1 could
"I was impressed when 1 saw
her last year said Rose, "But 1
didn't really realize she would go
out and break varsity records in
her first year. Still I think that
with this year's experience behind
her, she will be an even bigger
help in competition next season
However, before next year,
Campbell has yet to compete in
the NCAA zone meet at Clem-
son. Although Rose admits
hat the competition will be
among the best in the nation, he
stresses that Campbell is deter-
mined to do her best.
"She's strongwilled, and she's
set a goal to do well at the zone
qualifier Rose declared. "But
the competition there is great,
and our zone is one of the
strongest in the country. We have
to compete against Florida,
Florida State. Auburn, Alabama.
Georgia, Tennessee, UNC and
N.C. State. And only the top five
in the go on to the na-
But who knows? Campbell has
already surprised a few people,
including herself. As the silver
medalist at the CAA champion-
ships, her contribution was in-
strumental in earning the ECU
women second place in the con-
ference. She could well go on to
be the first woman in ECU
history to qualify for the NCAA
nationals, and she has three more
years to go.
427 S. Evans St.
jHBBa ??i??s?saSti?33
1 Hillcrest Lanes 1
Memorial Drive
j BowllJneGame & Receive "j
i Another Game FREE With This
Challenge .
I il P
Tuesday is
Ladies Nite

$1.25 highballs
2.75 pitchers
Ladies Admitted Free
r f&i
A ftsl ?.? ol It
Contact Sgt. Steven White
4109 Wake Forest Road
Suite 202
Raleigh, NC 27609
Call collect:
THURS. Hot Buffet
featuring: Roast Beef
macaroni & cheese
chicken casserole
6 vegetables & rolls
$2.99 $3.50 wSalad Bar
Margarita nite
$1.50 each
$7.50 pitcher
Air Force Officer Training School
can be the start of a challenging
and rewarding career for you.
When you graduate, in 12 weeks,
you'll be a commissioned officer in
the Air Force. You'll enjoy
benefits and entitlements such as
30 days of vacation with pay each
year, medical care, and much
more. You can apply your
management skills in a
stimulating environment and have
opportunity for advancement.
Find out how you can put your col-
lege degree to work for you and
your country. AIM HIGH. See
your nearest Air Force recruiter

M BKl KN 20, NS?
GERMAN TUTOR: German native
needs work tutoring can help with
German classes. Call 752 0373
Day or night, experienced with
children Call 752 0373
RIDE NEEDED: Looking for a lift
to New Jersey foi Spring Break. Will
pay part of the gas Call 752 0796, ask
for Dan
2 bedroom apt. af Tar River
Estates For more information call
757 3760
bedroom apt in Wilson Acres. AC,
pool, tennis, sauna, laundry room,
cable $130 mo rent. $100 deposit. ' 3
utilities (water and sewer free) Call
752 2341 for more info
LOST KITTEN: Black and white, 5
month old kitten with red collar lost
in Langston Park area Please call
758 7733 if found $10 REWARD OF
LOST 2 keys on a black scuba fin
keychain Lost on campus If found
please ran ?58 7064 Reward offered
WEEKEND The Sweetheart For
mal is this Saturday so rest up and
get ready to party your face off at
the Elk's Lodge!
at The Palace Sat
night 10 until. BYOB
ATTENTION Tne New Sororit
win be sponsoring a pitcher and
draft special at the Alley on Monday.
FeD. 24, 9 until. Come on out and
meet ECU'S Newest Sorority
ATTENTION ECU: Are you ready
for a dry campus? We're not Details
to follow
SZ: That beauty of yours, that 442
may be the apple of your eye But
Dr Olds, what we've shared in 5
years, still proves you're one swell
night at the Treehouse. 8 30 11 00.
$2 50 pitchers and .50' 3 draft
Gatsby Guys" The twenties did
roar at your house last night, you
guys can really do it up right! So
much fun we did have, no reason to
pout Especially when we 000ted
"Prohibition" Out! We were all
floating, like "paper moons" You
guys are great Let's do it again
soon! Love, The Alpha Delta Pi
'Ga'sbv Gals'
STUDENTS: Do you want 2 months
free rent?; Call 752 4225 or come by
Tar River Estates Apts Office for
LAST CHANCE Cruise to Mexico
for spring break! Great deal $445, 5
nights, 6 days, tips and gratuities in
eluded Call 758 0074 or 752 3178
NOW! Only a few weeks left to
SPRING BREAK?: If interested in
riding a bus, keg and bar possible in-
cluded call 758 0074 or 752 3178
THUSIASTS: The newly formed
Coral Reef Dive Club is holding a
meeting Feb. 24 from 7 9 p.m. in
room 248 Mendenhall. Spring Break
trip and memberships will be
discussed. All those interested and
non-divers included are welcome
Join the club that's going
somewhere. The Coral Reef Dive
L.P MISSY, WILL: The countdown
has started, as the party gras calls
us to the beautiful islands of the
Bahamas. Get ready "roomies" for
the week of O.C Vintage
PI KAPPA PHI: Wishes to thank all
of our alumm who showed up to par
ty this past weekend at Founder's
Day all of the undergrads are ex
cited abut the plans of the new
house Your continued support is an
inspiration to us all and we thank
PI KAPP CAR WASH: The Brothers
of Pi Kappa Phi will be sponsoring a
car wash this Saturday at the
Firestone place on 264 by pass
beside The Plaza. Come out and get
you car sparkling clean. "We want
your business
The brothers of Pi Kappa Phi and
Sigma Phi Epsilon will be having a
joint happy hour at the Elbo this Fri
day 3:30-7:00. Come out for some fun
and good times with two of the best
fraternities on campus.
PI KAPPA PHI: The Brothers and
Litle Sister of Pi Kappa Phi are
reminded of events this week
Thursday, "A" team basketball at 8
p.m. at Minges, Friday, Happy Hour
at the Elbo. Saturday car wash at
the Plaza and party afterwards.
Monday Brotherhood at 7 p.m. in
Mendenhall 400 appointed, 500 ex
ecutive meeting
party Sunday for the Assassination
Game at the Lambda Chi Alpha
house. FromSOO-until. The cost is $3
to play and $2 iust to drink. Can sign
up at the party. Don't forget to bring
our ID5!
penence in typing resumes, theses
technical documents and term
papers We manage and merge your
names and addresses into merged
letters, labels, envelopes or rolodex
cards. Our prices are extremely
reasonable and we always offer a 15
percent discount to ECU students S
& F Professional Computer Co.
(back of Frankhns) 115 E. 5th
757 0472.
Enjoy the last phase of your coll
career employment s&F Com
puters is offering a package price to
help you send out your resumes in
eluding all of the following Li tl
duality typed resumes, Mail merged
cover letters (name ana addre
each company as inside mailing
dress on letter), Letter quali'? I
envelopes with company aaaress
and your return address
envelope, Everything folded, stuffed
and even stamped, A listing of com
panies sent to (for your follow ups)
Just bring us ?
resume and cover ettei the
businesses you with to apply to and
we'll do the rest foi
your names addi
(min 10 resun es ???? stuff
stamp) 51.90 2 pag resume pi
slightly higher ' his "?
ly expires March :s
puter Compaq ? 1st Fiftl
Greenville, N C 27834 757 47
term papers th se? . a
Spelling ana gramn 11
tions included Cind aftei
5 30 p.m.
FOR SALE: Math Statistics 3228 All
problems worked in current book
and woikbook Make an "A" Call
Bob at 752 2579 or 758 1400
FOR SALE: 81 Honda Prelude con
version convertable White over
dark blue, stereo and air 51,000
miles, $4,300 negotiable or assume
payments at $175 per month. Call
758 5111.
THE $500 A MONTH PLAN: Work at
home, receive money daily. For
complete set up rush $1 to Umversi
ty Publications P.O Box 2392,
Greenville, N C 27836 2392
ut line! style to compliment your
fac ial shape and bone structure Ab
solutely free for Is' haircut by a New
York City trained hair stylist Pro
51 on a I image Consultants
756 1945
BECKY LATHAM 752 5998 (8 am 5
pm 17 s experience in tpinq
ses, scientific reports.
muscripts, business and form let
ALTERATIONS. Thrift Shop 429
Evans St Special of this week will
be coats $2, womens jackets 50c.
ladies blouses 3 pes for $1, men's
shirts 3 pes for $1, skirts $1 or $2,
jeans $1, ladies pants $1, beautiful
suits $5 $10, ladies coats $5
FOR SALE: 2.5 Cubic
refrigerator $100 Call 756 1095
Cruise Daytona Beach with class
1975 Triumph TR 6 New top, clu' I
tires, nice sounds. Go for it! 756 7067
VICE: Word processing The
Dataworks specializes m student
document services including
reports, term papers, dissertations,
theses, resume's and more All work
is computer checked against 50,000
word electronic dictionary Rates
are as low as $1 75 per page, m
eluding paper (call for spe
rates) Call Mark at 757 3440 after 7
p m
TYPING: All your typing needs
aone by a professional secretary
Call Doris at 355 2510 after 6 p.m.
ECU Hillel Presents:
Israeli Folk Dancing
Sat. Night Feb 22nd
7:30 p.m.
Methodist Student Center
501 E. 5th St.
Rabbi Bonnie Koppell
tronic typewriter
Can Janice at 355
R . . . ?
At Discount Prices
Quality Casual Shoes $15
Ladies Dress and Casual Shoes
at discount prices
Large Selection of Name Brand
Tennis Shoes $12.88 to $29.88
752-2332 one block off Evans Street
?? ??
BfR pM

VV N 1
? viSi:S??
Friends don't let friends drive drunk.

The East Carolinian, February 20, 1986
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 20, 1986
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