The East Carolinian, March 19, 1985

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SHte ?aHt (Earnlmtan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.59 No.47
Tuesday, March 19, 1985
Greenville, N.C.
12 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Appropriations For Greeks Debated
V? t-ditor
SGA funding, particularly to
Greek organizations, became the
:i of debate at a forum held
SGA candidates at the Kappa
V pha house Monday night.
twelve SGA candidates
k it the forum, sponsored b
is Greek organizations,
g heir qualifications and
aering audience questions.
The subject of funding was
addressed as the three can-
didates foi the office of treasurer
poke. The question of assessing
nouni of funding allocated
an organization sas dealt
i . e Candidate Dwayne
- a a member of the SGA
itions committee, said
'?.?els "money is currently
?cated by need and everybody
" He added that the
ition of need is based on
BrasM eld feels
the SGA "should Ie ini i con-
sidei ai ? that's 1the stu-
' dy as a ?'le and how
enlighten the rest of us
However, he sa;d, organizations
lave the responsibility to inform
SGA of their needs.
( andidate Grant Smith said
ganizations should be funded
on the basis of past funding pat-
Funding was much more hotly
debated as the vice-presidential
candidates spoke to the group.
Chris Tomasic said he feels the
Schools of Art and Music do not
receive enough funding and need
to be helped because "they are
ambassadors of ECU He cited
an appropriation of SI325 to the
Inter Fraternity Council to aid
with Spring Rush and said he felt
funds should also have been
allocated to black fraternities,
which are not governed by the
IFC He proposed adding Si to
tuition each semester to aid with
funding of various programs.
Brian 1 assiter said "he sup-
ports the present funding
system adding that "par-
ticipants m organizations cannot
expect to be funded for
everything He said he feels
decisions about funding should
be made based on how the effect
the entire student body.
1 ee 1 ane said he feels
"everyone has gotten a fair shake
in this year's appropriations
In response to questions con-
cerning the candidates' support
of bills such as the one ap-
propriating funds for Spring
Rush, Lane said he felt the bill
was fair "because IFC hasn't
received anv monev for five
years Lassiter added that he
feels "the Greek svstem is impor-
The presidential candidates
presented their platforms,
discussing such issues as parking,
a book exchange program,
teacher evaluation and student
Following the candidates'
presentations, the audience again
brought up the question of ap-
propriations for Greek organiza-
"It's time the Greeks got their
fair share, I'm glad they're using
it and are actively involved said
Kirk Shelley. "Everyone pays
student fees, so they should have
a right to them said David
Brown. "Greeks should be fund-
ed because they are a part of the
Mike McPartland said he felt
the Greeks deserved funding
because they present a good im-
age of ECU and are "recognized
with respect
All three presidential can-
didates said that, if defeated,
they intend to stay involved with
the SGA. "It's a terrible thing to
waste experience Shelley said.
McPartland said he would like
"to work and help while
Brown said he would stay involv-
ed "and try to bring out facts and
present things as they should be
Candidates for the position of SGA vice president (from left) Chris Tomasic. Bnan I assiter and Lee I ane
spoke to a forum Monday night at the Kappa Alpha house. There are 12 candidates running for four SGA
executive positions. Elections will be held tomorrow.
Active roles on Board of
Trustees' committees will be pur-
sued by all three if elected. All are
interested in working on the Stu-
dent Life Committee.
Both Brown and McPartland
have plans for dealing with
apathy in student government.
McPartland said he believes
students are getting involved for
the wrong reasons, while Brown
said he believes apathy is often
the "result of poor leadership
Shelley, on the other hand,
said he feels this year's SGA has
done a good job, and "outstan-
ding committee work He said
he feels decisions are better made
in small groups and this accounts
for the seeming apathy ot the
Candidates for the position of
SGA Secretary Maryvonne
Draper. Ann Scarborough and
I isa Carroll also presented their
platforms to the group.
All SGA candidates will speak
again today at a forum to be held
at 12:?0 p.m. on the mall. Oppor-
tunities will be provided for
students to question the can-
didates on the issues.
Student Legislators Approve
Transfer Of Funds To Groups
Foodland Burns
The Foodland supermarket building at 1414 Charles Blvd. was destroyed in a fire Sunday. Investigators
said the fire apparently started from the heating system in the rear of the building and spread between the
roof and ceiling. Replacement value ot the building was estimated at $136,000. Two ECU students, Erick
Ojakaan and John Hamilton Neubeck, both of Scott dorm, were arrested and charged with looting follow-
ing the blaze.
uistint Nf?i Mltor
The Minority Student
Organization received approval
from the SGA Monday for a
transfer of funds to attend a con-
vention in Atlanta.
MSO President Jimmie
Hackett said $180 was needed to
help with traveling costs. The
theme of the convention will be
"Blacks on White Campuses
Hackett said.
The student legislators passed
the bill by consent.
Scott Parker, general manager
of the ECU playhouse, asked the
SGA for a transfer of funds of
$3,097 to help pay for rental of
costumes and set designs tor the
upcoming production of Hamlet.
He said it would be to the
playhouse's advantage to rent
these items, instead of construc-
ting them here on campus. The
shipping and cleaning costs are
not known, Parker said, but he
added that he didn't think they
would exceed more than $3,000.
The legislators passed the pro-
posal by consent.
The appropriations committee
Assistant Ntin Kditw
The Student Residence
Association recently gave support
to the Department of Residence
Life proposal that would allow
the svstem of Residence Councils
to remain as it stands. However,
the fate of the Council still re-
mains in the hands of the Depart-
ment of Residence Life.
Mike Kleinert, president of
College Hill, was a major sup-
porter in keeping the Areas in-
tact. He said area council
members, especially those from
( ollege Hill, are more involved in
SRA. "If it weren't for represen-
tatives from College Hill voting
at the SRA meeting, there
wouldn't have been a vote
Central Campus President
Elizabeth Page said other N.C.
college campuses do not have
Area Councils and ECU should
do away with them. "It makes
the campus more divided she
said, "and it's hard to get per-
sonal with the residents
Currently, each Area
Residence Council consists of 15
members, many of whom had to
be "begged" into taking these
positions, Page said. However,
Kleinert said College Hill has not
had any problems in finding
students to fulfill this obligation
and added that upcoming posi-
tions for next year have already
been filed.
"It's very important that we
keep the councils Kleinert said.
"The extra people help bring
strength to SRA and provide each
area with more personal things
than if another organization
delegated the money he said.
President of West Campus
Elizabeth Tyson said she would
also like to see the areas remain.
"There is a lot of work that is
done by Area presidents and their
staff. If it were done away with,
the burden would fall on so-
meone else. Also you can't satisfy
everybody, so the Area Councils
have done a good job in making
each dorm more well-rounded
Associate Dean and Director
of Residence Life Carolyn
Fulghum said there was not
enough interest in the areas to
warrant their existence.
However, she went on to say that
the number one interest in such a
large organization is the residence
hall itself "and the area councils
do an excellent job in pulling
together all the houses into one
She said each area has its own
individual strengths and
weaknesses, so it would not be
fair to say one area would benefit
from the council and another
would not.
Page added that another
benefit of eliminating the areas
would be that it would bring
more money to other areas as
well as making SRA a stronger
organization. If a dorm student
has bought an SRA card, three
dollars go to the residence hall,
two dollars to area councils and
one dollar to SRA. "If Central
and West campus had $10,000, a
lot of improvements could be
made she said.
Fulghum said the recommen-
dation by SRA would be con-
sidered in the reorganization of
Residence Life, approximately
one or one and one half years
from now.
SRA President Debbie Gem-
bicki said it is to the student's ad-
vantage in keeping the Area
Councils. "Things will get done
for the residents, she said, "and
we can be assured that in the
future, say Five or ten years or
now, the councils will recognize
their needs, instead of a larger
organization deciding if a plann-
ed event is worth giving monev
Adding that while it is true that
some of the area positions are
harder to fill than others, Gem-
How ell: 'No Comment'
told legislators that a request for
funds by ECU Cheerleaders had
been turned down.
The cheerleaders recently at-
tended a meeting and asked the
SGA for S298. However, the Ap-
propriations Committee said the
SGA does not allow funding for
food or boarding. A voice vote
was taken and the legislators
denied funds for the
Cheerleaders' expenses. The ex-
pense would be picked up by the
Athletic Department, the com-
mittee reported to the legislators.
bicki said it remains the choice of
the dorm student to become more
active in residence activities.
She said filing dates for any
position will be through March
21. Once a candidate has filed, he
will be required to go to an elec-
tions rules meeting on March 21
at 4 p.m. in room 221
Mendenhall. SRA elections are
planned for March 27.
The SRA also passed a bill that
would make it mandatory for all
areas to sponsor some type of
function each semester, Gem-
bicki said. Money raised or spent
would be divided according to the
number SRA members. "This
will prevent any one area
dominating another she said,
"while at the same time unifying
the campus
Poetry Forum
Fred Chapped will visit ECU March 21 and 22 as part of a poetry
forum. He will hold a workshop on March 22.
Newt Editor
ECU Chancellor John Howell
had no comment Monday in
response to a $1 million lawsuit
Filed by former ECU head foot-
ball coach Ed Emory.
Howell was quoted in a state-
ment released by the ECU Sports
Information Office as saying the
school's administration had "no
comment on Emory's action
other than to say it will defend
itself vigorously and the nature of
the defense will become apparent
when papers are filed
The lawsuit names ECU,
Howell and Director of Athletics
Ken Karr as respondents. The
three are required to file an
answer with the court within 30
days. All legal defense is being
handled by the state attorney
general's office.
Following the filing of the
answers, procedures will con-
tinue, but Howell said he has no
idea of when this will happen.
"Legal procedures are slow he
Emory was fired in December
with three years remaining on his
contract. In the suit, he asks for
at least $482,500 in wages and
benefits, $200,000 for emotional
distress and mental anguish and
at least $500,000 in punitive
Prior to the filing of the suit,
ECU officials made an offer to
settle out of court, but it was
"hardly an offer according to
Emory's attorney, Marvin
On The Inside
Announcements2 The second lecture in the
Editorials4 Great Decisions Series will be
Style8 held tonight. Dr. James
Classifieds9 Leutze will speak on the
Sports11 "Future of the Atlantic
Alliance: Unity in Diversity?"
?All platforms submitted by at 8 p.m. in Brewster C-103.
SGA candidates are printed in All interested persons are in-
today's paper. Educate vited to attend,
yourself on the issues.
?Saturday's Kinks concert is
?The East Carolinian will reviewed by Entertainment
sponsor a forum for all SGA Editor Dan Maurer. See Style,
candidates today at 12:30 p.m. page 8.
on the mall. All students are
invited to attend and to ask The ECU baseball team
questions of the SGA can- defeated the Maryland Ter-
didates. Free Pepsi will be rapins Monday. Sec Sports,
available. page 11.
? ? C
IB l?j?i ??iiapi?i m

Co Rec volleyball
is spiking in your repetoire? If so, register
for intramural co rec volleyball March 18 19
3 guys and 3 gals are needed to play For
more info call 757 6387 or come by room 204
Memorial Gym
Co Rec Racquetball
Registration for intramural co rec raquef
ball begins March 18 20 Play will start
March 25 For more information come by
room 204 Memorial Gym or call 757 4387 Sw
mg into spring with the IRS
Early Childhood
The next meeting of the Early Childhood
Club will be held Tues March 26, in Speight
129 at 5 p m All Early Childhood Education
majors welcome New officers presiding get
?nvolved now!
AMA Elections
Anyone interested m running tor an AMA
position for next year, turn your name 111 the
folder outside room 227 m Raw!
ECU Marshalls
Applications for Marshalls now being ac
cepted in room 228 Mendenhall Student
Center Must be a junior at the end of Spring
1985 semester with a 3 0 GPA Last day to file
is March 28, 1985
Sociology, Anthropology
And Economics
On Thurs March 21, Bill Lindsey will make
a presentation on Alternatives to America's
Slums Currently the Director of Ft lauder
dale's Housing Authority, Bill is an MA
graduate m Sociology from ECU He has
been called the "Slumbuster by Time and
Reader s Digest magazines His unique
Oasis" technique has captured the nation's
attention because of its low cost and high
benefit ration, and its creative combination
of private capital and federal grants.
Concert information, sift give aways, new
music all on WZMB's crossover Contem
porary Christian music with a message,
every Sunday morning from 612 On your
campus radio station 91 3 FM
ECU Frisbee
The ECU Frisbee Club meets at 3 Tues and
Thurs at the bottom of the hill Business
meeting Tues at 9 in Mendenhall The Irates
did a fine job in Florida This weekend we
,ravei to Richmond for Sauc tournament
Watch for the Natural Light Spring ultimax
V March 30 & 31 Fish and Bisions get
Pirate Walk
Ladies there is a service on campus that is
here for your use. and it's called Pirate
Walk You have no need now to be scared to
walk at night, because we'll escort you and
we want too Please call 757 6616 Thank
They're Fast Now
Te lady Pirate Softball team continues their
2nd season in fast pitch play Today they'll
'ake on rhe Univ of Conn at 1 ano George
Mason Univ at 3 Grab a buddy and hurry
aown the field (next to Charles Blvd and
Deside Harrington Field) for a fun filled
afternoon! Coupon rosters will be provided
Okay it's time to come out swinging The IRS
'acquetbali singles tournament is almost
here Entry dates are March 18 20 and play
begins March 25 Don't miss the action
Phi UpsilonOmicron
Next meeting Tues , March 19 at 5 in the
Vaniandingham room Covered dish dinner
with district Counselor, Dr. Jenkins, on
Thurs , March 21 at 5 We need your support
at both meetings!
Kappa Sigma
Bahama mama is coming soon
Inter Varsity
Christian Fellowship
Some people want to have more out of life
are you looking for a better way? Join us for
fun, faith, and friendship and s what it's all
about! We're Inter Varsity Christian
Fellowship bring a friend and join us this
Wed at 7 p m. in the Jenkins Art Building
auditorium won't you?
ECU Newman Center
Time is running out to make an encounter of
the best kind The ECU Newman Center is
sponsoring an Encounter with-Christ at
Smithfield from March 28 31 This weekend
will be full of opportunities to meet people
from around the state, have a little fun, and
maybe even explore ourselves a little. Don't
miss the experience for details, contact
Father Terry Collins at the Newman Center,
752 4216
ECU Newman Comm
The ECU Newman Community invites you to
join us this Wed. for worship service, our
group meeting, and dinner This is yhour
chance to relay, meet your neighbors, and
find new opportunities, it all takes place
Wed at 5 p m at the ECU Newman Center.
Honors Program
if you have a 3 4 gpa and you want to learn
how to listen to music intelligently, or how to
understand your psychological makeup, or
how environmental policies try to deal with
energy resource, or what the 60's were like,
or how the various academic disciplines
have their own unique views of the world, or
if you just want to be in a special section of a
regular freshman level General College
course, you want to take Honors courses. See
Dr David Sanders, 212 Ragsdale. 757 6373
ECU Marauders
There will be a marauder meeting at 8 on
Wed , March 20th at Joyner Library room
205 All members need to attend Upcoming
events will be discussed
Phi Eta Sigma
will be having a meeting on Tues , March 19,
at 5 15 The place will be Mendenhall in
room 212 All members are encouraged to at
Speech, Language
and Hearing Symposium
will be held in the Blue Aud of Brody Medical
Sciences Bulldlng(ECU)on March 21 22
Registration is Thurs March 21 from
12:30 100 p m. The speakers are Fred Bess,
Ph.D. of Vanderbilt University and Jean Ann
Golden, PhD of ECU.
Larry Linville
better known as "Frank Burns" of MASH,
will be at ECU on Tues , April 16, 1985, at 6
P m in Hendrix Theatre Tickets for
students will be $2, faculty and staff 14, and
$6 for the general public
4-H Collegiate Club
The ECU 4 H Collegiate Club will have a
meeting, Thurs March 21 at 5 p m. in
Mendenhall All members and interested
persons please attend
Attention all campus and greek organiza
fions, dorms, clubs, etc Now is the time to
start thinking about who you will nominate
to represent you in the AOPi Mr ECU man
contest to be held at TW's March 28 Entry
fee is $3 and sign up will be outside the Stu
dent store soon I
New Student
Orientation '85
Five week position in residence as Orienta
tion Assistant for East Carolina's Summer
Orientation Program for new freshmen and
transfers Dates: June 12 July 11 Re
quirements to apply: satisfactory comple
tion of at least 24 credit hours, student must
not be on academic or disciplinary proba
tion, must be available to live on campus
June 12 July 11, must be planning to return
to ECU in the Fall, must be planning to at
tend summer school $800 Stipend room and
board during orientation dates Application
available now in Office of the Assoscate
Dean of Students room 210 Whichard
Building Completed application (applica
tion plus three references) due by March 22
in the Office of the Associate Dean of
Students room 210 Whichard Building
Omega Psi Phi
and Delta Sigma Theta will have their
Omega Delta Ball on March 23 It will be a
tropical evening of enchantment Tickets are
on sale now
Omega Psi Phi will also have a jam at the
Unlimited Touch on Thurs , March 21 There
will be a 9 11 happy hour and all proceeds
will go to the Heart Fund Association Rides
will be provided between 9 10 30 a MSC
Omega Psi Phi will also nave a party Fri at
the Culture Center March 23 from 10 2 All
proceeds will go to trie heart Fund Associa
ECU Surf Team
Female Athletes
if you are a female and are athletic, this is
for you Dr Robert Heckel from the Univ. of
South Carolina will discuss the female
athlete and her role His discussion will take
place tonight. March lgthe 7:30 p.m. in
Spalght Bulldlnq room Tf. Don ml?? iti
Sponsored by Psi Chi Honor Society
Student Dietetic Assoc
March is National Nutrition month! in
recognition of this the Student Dietetic
Association will be giving dietary analysis in
front of the Student Store March 201 21. Just
tell us what you eat during an average day
and we will plug the information Into the
computer and in return you will be informed
on what nutrients you maybe lacking as well
as what foods you can find them in, also If
you're getting too much of some nutrlent(s)
you will also be informed. The computer
printout is yours to keep! Cost only .50
will be sponsoring a Happy Hour from 3 6 30
this Fri at the Treehouse Restaurant Two
surfing movies (Endless Summer and The
Performers) will be shown along with vdeos
of the ECU team See you there!
Pre Professional Health Alliance will nave a
meeting Thurs, March 21, in room 221
Mendenhall Student Center Our guest
speaker will be Ms Benson from Co
operative Education She will speak abou'
careers in health related fields The meeting
will begin at 5 30 p.m. All members and in
terested guests are encouraged to attend
and Old Towne Inn are having a crazy shorts
happy hour Fri the 22 from 4 7 p m Admis
slon is a $1 with shorts and a $1 50 without
shorts. Come and party with the funniest
At The Campus ?East Carolina University
student condos at ECU campus carpeted & air conditioned
sale and rental units kitchen appliances furnished
on-slte management laundry facilities
night security personnel resident parking stickers
fully furnished and accessorized
GREENVILLE fsl C 27835
919 756-8410
Media Board
now accepting applications for General
Manager for the 1985-86 academic year
for the following: The East Carolinian,
WZMB-FM, Buccaneer, Rebel, Photo
Lab and Expressions Magazine
(formerly The Ebony Herald). Please
apply at the Media Board office, 2nd
floor, Publications Bldg. Phone
757-6009. Applications accepted
through 3-22-85.
ECU Biology Club
will have its next meeting on Mon . March
25 This meeting will be in the Helms reading
room at 7 p m Our Scheduled speaker will
be Ms Betty Fhnchum from Elon College
She will be speaking on Cytofechnology and
the training and careers avilavle in this
field The final plans for the Collegiate
Academy of Science trip to Guilford College
in Greensboro will also be finalized All
members planning to go on the trip should
attend All tickets for the Belk Tyler spen
ding spree must be turned in at this meeting,
also All interested persons cordially invited
ECU Forensic
There will be a meeting Wed , March 20 in
room 211 of the Theatre Arts Center at 7 p m
Plans to discuss the results of the Ship
penslurg tournament and the upcoming
Richmond tournament All those still in
terested In debate, public speaking and oral
interpretation are welcome, please come
prepared with a speech or reading
NAACP Elections
Elections for 85 84 NAACP offices will be
held Mon March 25, at the 5 30 meeting in
the Coffeehouse if you are interested in run
nmg for an office, the nominating committee
will be meeting with prospective candidates
Wed , March 20. m Mendenhall rm 243, bet
ween 7 8 30 Persons missing this meeting
who are still interested m running for an of
fice should schedule to meet with Wilma
752 9201 on Thurs To vote in this election,
you must join by noon March 25th
Residence Hall
Students enrolled Spring Semester 1965 who
plan to return to ECU Fan Semester I9?5 and
who wish to be guaranteed residence hail
housing will be required to reserve rooms
during the week of March II 22 Prior to
reserving a room, a student must make an
advance room payment of $40 These
payments, which must be accompamed by
housing applications contracts will be ac
cepted in the Cashier's Office room 105,
Spilman Building, beginning March 14
Students now living in residence halls should
obtain housing applications from the
residence hall office Students residing oft
campus should obtain applications from the
office of Housing Operations, room 201
Whichard Building Applications will be
available beginning Marcn 12
Grateful Dead Tickets
still available at Apple Records, but going
fast Get there the risk free hassiefree fun
way Price includes round trip by bus
Summer School I9S5
Room Reservation
Residence hau room depos ts tor Sum?'
School I9t5 will be accepted n the cast, e-
office room 105 Spilman Building oeg ?
April 1 Room assignments wn be ade -
the respective residence nan offices on Ac
3 and April 4 Thereafter they "b? m?je
m me Office of Housing Operations
201. Whichard Bunding The rent for a larm
of summer school is $125 F lam ng ano . ??
vis hails SI501 for a sem pr ?ate room a- -
SIM ano jarv.s Holts S ?
private room
Students who wish to 'eserve roo-s H
presently occupy p'ov oea sue- roon
to be muse this surrme' are to ma?e '??
vafions on Wed . Apr.i 3 am othe' !
may reserve rooms on a first coe
serve basis on Thurs Apr ?
Jarvis. F lemmg and first floor o' t)
mobility mpaireo sutoets witt serve as
ed residence hails while Greene mj m
house women students ano FSetChef Ha
men sfuoents F emng will se'we as a
nan durmg Summer ?t?J? revorl
to an an wome" s ha ? ? ar 985 tt
Coping With Stress
A free mini class offered by the ECU
Counseling Center for Students You can
identify sources of stress, make positive
changes manage your response to stressful
situations, learn to relax improve self con
fidence Wed. Thrus, Mon Tues, March
27 28 April 1 2 3 4 p m 305 Wright Annex
(attend all four meetings) No advance
registration is required Call or stop by the
Counseling Center for further information
1307 Wright Annex 757 6661)
Co Rec volleyball registration begins Mon
March 18 19 All those interested should
come by room 204 Menorial Gym or call
757 6387 Spike it up wth the IRS
Need some extra dough? How about call
ing the shots at the co rec matches The of
f icals clinic begins March 18 at 6 p m m MG
102 For more info call Willie Ehlirg at
7 57 6387
Cheerleader Tryouts
Anyone, guys and girls, interested m being
involved in athletics, traveling and meeting
people, plan t0 attend the first meetng for
"arsity squao cheerleader tryouts on Thurs .
firtarch 21 1985 at 5 30 in the lobby of Mmges
Coliseum if you want to be a part of an
award winning squad makes plans to tryout
out for ECU Cheerlead'ng1 See you there1
Have a Pepsi
and hear the
Candidates Forum
Sponsored By:
The East Carolinian
The Student Government
Mike McPartland
SGA President
:AWW?: rm
PLACE: Student Supply Store
Lowest Gold Prices in 8 Years
ECU Chancellor Jol
was an n$ ?
ficials f ron. i
recent mee- . M.j
discussion cente-
governance of mti
athletics and proposal
sidered at the me
tional Col
Association thi
Howell said
portance of the n
passage of a
board ;
Division l-A
Two EC I ai
fessors are accep
from studer a
summer in P
and Jame S
students fron ;
project fund .
Department c: ?'
Space .1 a
travelers who would
the British Isle- I
receive three .
lege credit
Division of C
The July 10-22
round-trip a1
York, all
England. Ireland. Sc
Wale ?!1 -?
ners. k i -
sigh: Nee:ng tours A
Machams as
environmental de
School of Art, the u
1st $100 00 Cash P lus
S: X jift oeri ?
2n?i $75 00 Cosh Wus
Rc-c i "ee a t
3rd $50.00 Cosh Pl?
Chinatown E?. ?
Entries . ?-
Pin Co? H?on f u?e
cast car

Mk( H 19, 1985
s Chancellor Discusses Ideas
n Reservation
nsion ot Carnation Company
8 Years
Debate Continues Among Academics
HAROI D.KUM-li tksv.i?h tuu k?. i .u? L,
B HAROLD JOYNER ??, 1-dlnir
ECU Chancellor John Hovvell
was among other university of-
ficials from across the nation at a
recent meeting in Miami where
discussion centered around the
governance of intercollegiate
athletics and proposals to be con-
sidered at the meeting of the Na-
tional t ollegiate Athletic
Association this summer.
Howell said the primary im-
portance of the meeting was the
passage of a resolution to give a
board oi presidents control over
Division 1 A institutions. "Even
though this board may have the
power to set rules Howell said,
"the NCAA will still have com-
plete authority to veto votes by
the board
Currently, each of the four
divisions oi the NCAA has 11
members and Howell said a pro-
posal was made for the group
to act as a governing body.
Proposals which would make
freshmen ineligible to participate
in "those varsity sports which
create substantial threats to suc-
cessful academic adjustment,
such as football and basketball"
were also made.
"ECU cannot afford to in-
crease its scholarship in order
that a freshman not participate in
a game Howell said in response
to the proposal that would
theoretically give freshmen the
opportunity to devote full atten-
tion to academics instead of
athletics. "We don't have that
many freshmen playing
anyway he said, "so I don't
think it makes any difference
Howell said he would like to
see universities devise some for-
mula considering SAT scores and
a student's high school record in-
stead of a basic minimum SAT
score in determining eligibility.
'Many colleges are beinu
discriminated against through the
minimum SAT seine he said,
"and it just makes more sense to
modify the rule, thereby keeping
admission smdards at a respec-
table level Howell said when
ECU is considering admissions ot
new students, past high school
record and test scores are looked
at together.
"The minimum SAT rule and
the freshman meligibiltv rule are
both worthwhile things to deal
with Howell said, "but 1 don't
think it will solve all the problems
between academics and inter-
collegiate sports
Learn and Earn While In Panama
stiff Wnirr
Two ECl anthropology pro-
tessors are accepting applications
from students willing to work this
summer in Panama. John Bon
and James Sabella will select 10
students from ECL' and UNC-
Wilnnngton to participate in a
project funded by the U.S.
Department oi Agriculture.
In addition to providing the
students with air fare and a mon-
thly wage of $500-550. the pro-
ject will also provide an-
thropological field training and
an opportunity to learn about
Panamanian culture. As many as
siv college credits may be earned.
The purpose of the project is to
determine the effects of the first
road connecting the Province of
Boeas del Toro to the rest of
The project, beginning in mid-
May and ending in mid-August,
is open to all ECU students in
good standing, but special con-
sideration will be given to those
with a strong background in An-
thropology or other related
"Interested students should be
aware that this is not a holiday
vacation said Bort, "but a
bonafide opportunity to obtain
precious field training and a uni-
que cultural view of the world
Bort added that knowledge of
Spanish is not a pre-requisite,
although "it is definitely an
Applications must be received
by March 31. F:or further infor-
mation, contact Bort or Sabella.
Vacation Offered To British Isles
Space is still available tor
travelers who would like to visit
the British Isles this summer and
?ive three semester hours oi
graduate or undergraduate col-
lege credit throught the ECU
Division of Continuing Educa-
The July 10-25 tour includes
round-trip airfare from New
York, all transportation within
England. Ireland, Scotland and
Wales. aJl breakfasts, some din-
ners, louging ind partial costs oi
sightseeing tours According to
tour ord or Mindy
Machan.v. assistant -irofessor oi
environmental design in the ECU
School oi Art, the trip is designed
to allow plenty of free time for
shopping and sightseeing.
Tour organizer, Passages, Inc
guarantees that the current trip
price oi $1895 will remain in ef-
fect for anyone who registers
with full payment by the end oi
March. Eor others, a budget pay-
610 Greennlk BHd
?4 hour Towing Service
I -Haul Rentals
ment plan can be used to pay in-
stallments. Persons enrolling for
credit will be required to com-
plete a project such as a sket-
chbook, a series oi photographs
or a study oi architechtural
features visited.
Flower Shop
Corner Evan &. UTii St.
The tour is open to adolescents
12-16 years if accompanied by an
adult. Teenagers at least 16 years
old may travel unaccompanied.
l'urther information about the
tour is available from "Great Bri-
tain Passages Erwin Hall.
Send J2 for catalog
0 over 16.000 topics to
assist vour research el
torts For info can toll
free 1-800-621 5745 un II
linois can 312 922-0300)
James Braswell
SGA Treasurer
11th Annual
Heart Fund Bikini
VJ' x r Tues. March 19, 1985 8:30-1:00 AM
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3rd $50.00 Cash Plus 1 month at Aerobic Workshop ? Dinner for two at
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Entries can sign up at the Student Supply Store Fri. - Man. or come by The Elbo.
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Gold & Silver Jeweriy
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bicycles, watches, binoculars, waJkmans portable
AM-FM, cassette, heaters, good furniture, china &
crystal, typewriters, etc.
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Downtown Greenville
Wottorn Stoor
Villa Roma
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Romada Inn
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Adm. $1.50 lKvrvSl.OO
Coffee Breaks
east Carolina dining services
We Have Now
Extended Our
Business Hours
Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday
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Free Delivery
Call 752-2183
Happy Hour 3- 7
60 oz. Draft $1.75
for SGA President
'SGA Vice President
'Media Board Chairman
'Major Concerts
Committee Chairman
Experience The Office Needs!
David Brown
A A A A ,
SGA President
for SGA Secretary
SGA Day Rep
Experienced in
3.2 GPA
The BEST of the BEACH
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Wednesday, March 20th
Doors Open at 5:00 ? $1.00 off all mixed beverages;
50C off all beer, plus free hot hors d'oeuv res 'til 8:00.
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Leave the DRIVING TO US!
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?he Cast (Earnlintan
Serving the East Caroline campus community since 1925
Tom Norton, ammenammw
Greg Rideout. ??? ??
Jennifer Jendrasiak. mm u?o, Tom Luvender. unao, ofAdni,ni
Scott Cooper, cspons mam Anthony Martin. ??.?,? ???,??
Tina Maroschak. John Peterson, cmo.
Bill Mitchell. a?.? ????, Bill Dawson, prod-a,? Magr,
Doris Rankins. srcrrw Rick Mccormac. co-spon, ?
Daniel Maurer. ???????, ?, DeChanile Johnson. Ad Mi.
March 19. 1985
Page 4
SGA Elections
Vote, Vote, Vote, Vote, VOTE
Scattered about this page, the
next one and the one after that are
reams of words about the 12 can-
didates running for SGA executive
offices. Some are well-known,
others aren't; some have lots of
qualifications, others show only a
few. But each one demands your
attention. Each one has bravely
gone out into the political cold to
seek your vote, and you, as a con-
cerned student, must give the time
necessary to study the candidates
thoughtfully and make a decision.
And then you should vote.
Yes, you must vote. All 13,000
of you. It's possible. Usually, only
about 2,000 of you vote, but you
must prevent this from happening
this time. Your vote does count.
The people asking for your votes
are seeking to make very important
decisions on your behalf. They are
going to sit on committees, go to
meetings, meet with administrative
officials and spend your money.
Each student should fight his way
to the polling booth and eagerly
cast a ballot for the people who
you want to lead you. Do so on
Wednesday, March 20.
The most important office, of
course, is SGA president. The per-
son you pick to fill this post will be
your number-one representative.
There are three excellent can-
didates for president. The East
Carolinian used to choose sides.
This is no longer policy, and will
never again be policy. We wish on-
ly to present all the candidates to
you and have you decide. We feel
each of the men seeking the posi-
tion ? David Brown, Mike
McPartland and Kirk Shelley ?
have already shown their concern
for the students of ECU. Each has
many accomplishments to point to
during their stay here. Either one
will do a fine job.
So, come on out to the forum to-
day at 12:30, grab a free pepsi and
listen to the candidates speak. You
will have the opportunity to ask
questions and see for yourself
where each candidate stands.
We look forward to reporting
the winner to you on March 21.
But, even more than that, we want
to be able to say there was a stunn-
ing turnout and everybody voted.
So, go vote, DARN IT, on
Wednesday, March 20.
Campus Forum
Presidential Seal
After careful and thoughtful considera-
tion about the candidates for SGA presi-
dent, I feel that there is one who stands
out as the most qualified candidate for the
position I presently hold. This person has
a wealth of qualifications that will enable
him to move this organization forward
during the upcoming year. This candidate
has served as SGA vice-president and has
worked with me in every aspect of the
SGA. He is knowledgeable about the of-
fice and its responsibility to the students
of this university. Most importantly, he is
concerned with involving more freshmen
students in student government and he
impressed me last summer during our in-
teractions with summer orientation
As chairman of the campus Media
Board and chairman of the Student Union
Major Concerts Attractions Committee,
this candidate will bring to this office ex-
periences from nearly every area of
university life. He has a deep and sincere
interest in SGA and has proven this dur-
ing his years of working in the SGA
Legislature and Executive Council. This
year he was selected by the Executive
Council to represent ECU at the national
conference on student governments at
Texas A&M University.
I sincerely feel that Mike McPartland
will do an excellent job as SGA President
next year, and I am proud to support his
candidacy. We have worked hard this past
year to move this organization forward
and I am grateful to the student body for
the opportunity to have served as your
SGA President. I have attempted to
discharge my duties to the best of my
ability and I appreciate the suonort that
has been given to me over the past year.
I encourage everyone to attend The
East CarolinianSGAPepsi Forum Tues-
day afternoon at 12:30 p.m. on the mall
to hear all the candidates running for ex-
ecutive offices. This will be your oppor-
tunity to judge for yourself who will best
represent you next year as the leaders of
your SGA.
SGA President
Vote David
Tomorrow each student at this universi-
ty will be asked to make a decision. Will
you choose stagnation or progression?
Who will you vote for?
I have been at ECU for four years and
have been involved in the Student Union,
SGA, the Greek system and many other
facets of student life. This year I see a
camfldft for SGA president that I am
finally impressed with. He does not
espouse the same rhetorical platform
topics that I have heard over and over
again for the past several years. He is a
candidate who, since his first year, has
worked for the students of this university.
He began in his freshman year as a
member of the honor council. His
sophomore year he was elected Aycock
Dorm representative and received best
legislator and most oustanding committee
member. During his third year, he was
elected junior class president and served
on the Executive Council. (There is
another candidate that has Executive
Council experience!) Not only has he held
position of recognition as mentioned, but
also positions with little recognition. He
has served on the dining facilities commit-
tee and was chair of the Student Welfare
Committee. All of these committee posi-
tions are positions related to student im-
provement in and around campus.
Presently, in his fourth year of dorm
life, David Brown is a resident advisor
and also director of Pirate Walk. These
same people who are running against
David have chose him to direct Pirate
Walk, because he had a reputation of get-
ting a job done and getting it done right.
The other candidates are worried. Why
else would the three Greek candidates
band together to try to obtain the Greek
vote? I urge each and every one of you to
get out and vote.
David Brown is my candidate for SGA
president because he honestly and ge-
nuinely cares.
Chris Tomasic is running for SGA vice-
president. The co-ticket they are running
on is one of integrity. A vote for these two
candidates is a vote for improvement in
student leadership.
Chris Tomasic, SGA vice-president, a
man who will attend city council
Howard Lipman
Pres ECU Ambassadors
Sr Pols
Vote Kirk
Kirk Shelley is saving the students of
ECU $5,000 a year. Kirk worked with
Dean Speier and the judicial branch of
SGA to pressure people who have not
paid back their $25 SGA student loans.
Before Kirk went to work on this problem
more than 100 people each semester
defaulted on their SGA loans, costing us
students $2,300 a semester. Now fewer
than 10 people a year manage to slip out of
ECU with student funds.
If Kirk can solve this problem, battling
the bureaucracy, to get those who try to
rip off their fellow students, think what
he can do as SGA president. Vote Kirk
Shelley tomorrow.
P.J. Conrad
Soph, Home Ec.
SGA Candidates7 Platforms
Vice President
Lee Lane
Fellow students,
My name is Lee Lane and I am runn-
ing for the office of Vice President of
the S.G.A. This year I am Secretary of
the S.G.A. and I hold a position on
such cabinets as: Executive Council of
the S.G.A Pirate Walk Governing
Board and the Human Relations Com-
mittee of the Greenville City Council.
Through the experience I have gained
from these and other committees this
year, I feel that I am well qualified for
the position of Vice President.
The most important task that the
Vice President must perform, I feel, is
to act as a liason between the students
of E.C.U. and the rest of the Greenville
community. He must represent the
students on the Greenville City Council
and the E.C.U. Athletics Committee. I
feel that I can perform this task of
liason effectively because of my work
this year with the Human Relations
Committee and the S.G.A. The Vice
President is also the chairman of the
Pirate Walk Governing Board, a transi-
tion that I could easily make since I
already hold a position on this Commit-
As for the issues that I would like to
confront and hopefully solve next year,
there are several. First, I would like to
address the issue of student apathy. The
Executive Council of the S.G.A. has ex-
pressly tried to attack the situation of
apathy on this campus through using
both the written and verbal media here
at E.C.U. I would like to see this con-
tinue and possibly supplement this with
a Legislative newsletter that would be
sent to all S.G.A. recognized organiza-
tions on campus which would keep
them up to date with happenings within
the S.G.A.
Secondly, I would like to address the
issue of appropriations to the S.G.A.
recognized groups on campus. I think
that the S.G.A. has handed this money
out on a very fair and impartial basis
this year. However, I would like to in-
itiate more meetings to inform these
groups on how to handle their requests
for money from the Legislature in a
more effective manner.
This year in my position as Secretary
of the S.G.A. I feel that I have remain-
ed accessible to any student who has
needed to see me and I would like to re-
main in a position in the coming year to
further represent the needs of the
students of E.C.U. Your support on
March 20 would be greatly appreciated.
Bryan Lassiter
With so many qualified candidates
running for office, students have a
tough decision to make. I feel I am at
least as qualified if not more so than
any of my opponents. What sets me
apart is enthusiasm and dedication.
I am presently active as resident of
Aycock Residence Hall, representative
to SRA, SGA and ARC. I am also a
member of Special Events committee of
the Student Union, involved with Inter-
national Language Organization and a
representative of North Carolina Stu-
dent Legislature. This semester alone, I
have traveled to Hickory, Charlotte,
and Raleigh, NC representing the stu-
dent body here at East Carolina.
My campaign staff and I have work-
ed around the clock on ways to let the
student body know the pressing issues
and importance of this election. I
Editor's Note: Each candidate's platform is being run as he or she
turned it in. There has been no editing. All spelling, grammar. stle
and punctuation are original.
believe this begins to show the great ed a lot about Student Government,
deal of pride and hard work I want to Working on the Executive Council this
give for the student body here at ECU! year has given me the opportunity to
Some of the issues I feel are impor- learn about the appropriation process
tant in this election are: and policy making process as well as the
Book Exchange ? I feel that the job of taking minutes,
students are being ripped-off by tex- Dedication is also an important part
tbook stores in this area! Student of this job. The Secretary is responsible
Government has devised a great plan by for taking the minutes, therefore, she
which students can sell books directly to must attend all meetings. This year 1
other students, cutting out the middle
man getting rich off student's needs.
Traffic ? I feel that a better system
of dealing with illegally parked cars can
be implemented. Instead of towing
these cars and having outside businesses
get student's hard-earned money, we
could easily use a wheel-lock system
similar to the one in Washington, D.C.
This would again cut out the middle
man and keep the money in our own
university system which could be used
even to reduce university student fees!
City Council ? I look forward to
working with City Council representing
the student body as a very important
and needed part of Greenville's
economy. My predicessors have taken
the attitude that City Council will not
listen and does not care for the ECU
students. 1 have experience working
with city councils and I say that when I
use the experience 1 have and speak
have proven that I am a dedicated per-
son through my excellent attendance
As a freshman I am very enthusiastic
and excited about East Carolina. I love
my school and am proud to say I am an
E.C.U. Pirate. I think enthusiasm is the
most important quality that an ex-
ecutive leader should have. If you are
not excited about your school how you
can expect to get others fired up. f am
willing to work hard for you ? the stu-
dent body. If I am elected on Wednes-
day, March 20 I promise to work hard
for vour welfare!
Maryvonne Draper
My name is Maryvonne Draper and I
am running for the office of SGA
with a united voice of 14,000 people, Secretary. I am currently a sophomore
"Everyone WILL Listen
Organizations ? I also know the
needs of special interest organizations.
Having marched with the Marching
Pirates for two years and having room-
ed with an Art major, I feel for these
people when equipment and funding is
seeking a B.S. degree in English with
emphasis on teaching and writing. My
grade point average presently stands at
I feel that I have the experience for
the office for several reasons. Currently
I am a Day Representative for the SGA
so badly needed for every day events and I am up on all of their latest issues.
The committee on which I serve is the
screenings committee which entails in-
terviewing candidates for the position
of Day Representative. I was also an ac-
tive member of the SGA of my high
school in Virginia.
I enjoy dealing in correspondence
and I feel as if I am very competent in
this area. Most of my time is spent
writing because of my major and I am
very comfortable with correspondence.
Another reason I feel competent for
the job is because I have filled the role
of secretary several times before. In
high school I was elected secretary of
my sophomore class and in college I
served as a secretary for the Junior
Panhellenic. Secretary of my pledge
class was another job that I held. Also
this semester, I have written for a na-
and none is give.
In short, it's time to have a SGA that
will Fairly represent All of East
Carolina's student's needs!
Chris Tomasic
I have a large platform, but with the
limited space given to me, I have picked
three of the most important issues in my
campaign. First, I feel that the SGA
should try to meet more of the needs of
the schools of Music, Art and Drama. I
have a couple of ideas that could help
and take some of the pressure off the
students of the three schools.
Second, I feel there's a need for SGA
to have more of an interest in our
minority groups and the handicapped tional magazine entitled The Triangle.
students. I feel it is the responsibility of
SGA to make sure that their needs are
met too. Finally, 1 feel there's a pro-
blem in how the SGA salaries have been
set up. The Director of Pirate Walk
now receives $150 a semester, and he
puts 20 to 25 hours a week in the job,
where as the Refrigerator manager
receives $200 a month. Now it is hard
for me to see how the SGA could put
more importance on a refrigerator than
the safety of its students at night.
Now you know where I stand and I
hope that you'll take the time to vote
Wednesday. This election is not for me,
If elected, I will do my best in recor-
ding the minutes of the meetings as well
as doing a fine job in all cor-
respondence. I am willing to work and
serve you the students, and I would ap-
preciate your vote March the 20th.
Ann Scarborough
I'm Ann Scarborough, a senior from
Hookerton, North Carolina majoring
but for you. It's up to you and you can in Math and Science Education I have
make a difference been involved in the SGA through the
student housing committee and the
SRA as an intramural representative.
I've also had secretarial experience by
Lisa Carroll volunteering my time and effort to the
Kinston Jaycees.
SGA Secretary is a position which re- tSfi l "& f?r the posi-
quires experience, dedication, and will- ?of "S? bccausc of my ?-
ingness to work hard. I feel that I can "? Md f ?)8nfs to work. I have
fullfill these requirements and would spcnt ' F1 dcaluof tune thinking of
appreciate the chance to do so. ways imp'ovc Jty of student
Through the experience I gained as Ufc at East Carohna University.
Freshman Class President I have learn- Saa, SECRETARY, P.5
My name is David
am concerned aboul
students of East C aroli)
ty. As a result of m
experience I would tiki
S.G.A. president for
reasons. First, the stu
university, e s p c
students living of
be represented here.
Greenville. There
issues like parkin.
zoning laws, city hoi
tion laws, and nois
that directly affect o
student popular
Council of Greenvil
vides for and v. a:
on these issue
elected S.G.A. pn
Brown will attend
meetings and e
hollor about the needl
campus students. Plea)
that my opponent M
has not attended on
meeting since taki
sent another studc
in his place. I will
Another concern
campus students
university residence
university admir
many decisions i
mitory life here at Ea4
have been a dorm
years in addition
Residence Ad -or
Dorm. I know ?- i
are in our dorms an
students become di;
Hello, my nan j
McPartland and 1 arr)
for S.G.A. P-
Junior Marketing
RaYeigh, M.C.
I ha? worked hii
for three years and
serving as Vice Pre;
S.G.A. and Chair
Media Board. I am
with the Student Uni
the Chairman of the
certs Committee I
Refrigerator Rental
am Chairman o the
Governing Board. I
closely with the S.G.i
ministration here at
wish to continue
students of this campi
Student apathy is a tj
each year in the S.G.
feel that the apathy dl
among the students bf
S.G.A. itself. Thro)
year the Legislature h;
propriations by con
even questioning whaj
are to be used for.
apathy needs to
Fellow Students,
My name is Kirk Srj
Political Science man
average. We have thej
to improve the qualitj
here at ECU. Coopel
municating. and puttif
into action is what
should be about. Thj
areas that I am el
terested in changing
Parking, Text Book
forming the students
their input.
Every year ECU
population increases
new drivers who neel
park. It now takes 3f
to get a parking spac
ing to keep getting lot
alleviate this problej
three-fold plan: l)Wi
N.C. General Asserri
explain the need for
parking garage on caj
the long term solutioi
time ? 2)Work with tl
City Council to turn tf
rounding the universi
lanes. That way the
park on both sides
doubling the numl
3)Use existing I
available, to create
-mm&mat - - I
m w?M?MMMl?p ?? mmmm
n?- m.i wi'twiii mwii.t immm ?ww?i i
? mm turn?'mm m.m

MARCH 19, 1985
dng run as he or she
klling. grammar, style
Student Government.
? I ' e Council this
i me the opportunity to
le appropriation process
cess as eii as the
mportant part
therefore, she
gs This year I
dedicated per-
Carolina. I love
to sa 1 am an
? enthusiasm is the
quality that an ex-
iild have. If you are
ut your school how you
get others fired up. 1 am
k bard for you ? the stu-
? am elected on W'ednes-
I promise to work hard
mne Draper
Maryvonne Draper and I
the office of SGA
m currently a sophomore
degree in English with
caching and writing. My
erage presently stands at
ll nave the experience for
several reasons. Currently
;presentative for the SGA
hi all of their latest issues.
pe on which I serve is the
imittee which entails in-
ldidates for the position
tentative. 1 was also an ac-
of the SGA of my high
paling in correspondence
am very competent in
)st of my time is spent
se of my major and I am
ible with correspondence,
son I feel competent for
tuse I have filled the role
several times before. In
a as elected secretary of
re class and in college I
secretary for the Junior
Secretary of my pledge
her job that I held. Also
1 have written for a na-
le entitled The Triangle.
will do my best in recor-
ds of the meetings as well
fine job in all cor-
am willing to work and
students, and 1 would ap-
vote March the 20th.
arborough, a senior from
Jorth Carolina majoring
Science Education. I have
in the SGA through the
mg committee and the
itramural representative,
secretarial experience by
iy time and effort to the
im qualified for the posi-
:retary because of mv ex-
Jnllingncss to work. I have
Ideal of time thinking of
fve the quality of student
rolina University.
SGA President
David Brown
Editor's Mote: Each candidate's plat-
form is being run as he or she turned
it in. There has been no editing. All
spelling, grammar, style and punctua-
tion are original.
My name is David Brown and I
am concerned about you, the
students of East Carolina Universi-
ty. As a result of my concern and
experience I would like to be your
S.G.A. president for the following
reasons. First, the students of this
university, especially those
students living off campus need to
be represented here, in the City of
Greenville. There is a number of
issues like parking on city streets,
zoning laws, city housing inspec-
tion laws, and noise ordinances
that directly affect over half of our
student population. The City
Council of Greenville both pro-
vides for and wants student input
on these issues affecting us. If
elected S.G.A. president, I David
Brown will attend city council
meetings and express, or even
hollor about the needs of our off
campus students. Please take note
that my opponent Mr. McPartland
has not attended one city council
meeting since taking office or even
sent another student representative
in his place. I will attend these
Another concern deals with on
campus students living in the
university residence halls. The
university administration makes
many decisions concerning dor-
mitory life here at East Carolina. I
have been a dorm resident for four
years in addition to serving as a
Residence Advisor in Umstead
Dorm. I know what the problems
are in our dorms and why many
students become discouraged with
dorm life and move off campus.
There are problems with inade-
quate laundry facilities and
washers and dryers that seldom
work. There is a lack of study and
meeting rooms within the in-
dividual dorms, and many of these
areas are sparsely furnished and
have poor lighting. I want to work
with the various university depart-
ments and student groups in cor-
recting these problems.
As S.G.A. president I want to
help the student legislature iron-
out some of the irregular and
vague funding standards that now
exist in the S.G.A. The performing
and fine arts need adequate funds
to attend their yearly tours. These
groups provide a valuable, and
often hidden service to this univer-
sity. Minority, and both the social
and honor Greek organizations
need greater contact with incoming
new students. I want to have an
organizational field day held dur-
ing every freshmen orientation to
allow new students to meet and ac-
quire information about not only
Greek and minority organizations
but about ALL campus groups, in-
cluding our religious organiza-
As an environmental health ma-
jor and Allied Health student I
know the frustration of having to
use the Allied Health reserve
readings room. The room, which is
actually a trailer, has limited shelf
space and poor lighting. We need
to improve this and other areas of
our campus. I want to organize
Mike McPartland
Hello, my name is Mike
McPartland and I am a candidate
for S.G.A. President. I am a
Junior Marketing major from
Raleigh, N.C
1 have worked with the S.G.A.
for three years and I am currently
serving as Vice President of the
S.G.A. and Chairman of the
Media Board. I am also involved
with the Student Union and 1 am
the Chairman of the Major Con-
certs Committee. I serve on the
Refrigerator Rental Board and 1
am Chairman of the Pirate Walk
Governing Board. I have worked
closely with the S.G.A. and Ad-
ministration here at E.C.U. and
wish to continue serving the
students of this campus as S.G.A.
Student apathy is a topic we hear
each year in the S.G.A. elections. I
feel that the apathy does not exist
among the students but within the
S.G.A. itself. Throughout this
year the Legislature has passed ap-
propriations by consent without
even questioning what these funds
are to be used for. This S.G.A.
apathy needs to stop. I propose
that the Day and Dorm Represen-
tatives should be required to give a
short listing of their qualifications.
I feel that this will deter students
who are getting involved for all the
wrong reasons and will give the
S.G.A. a higher quality
Another topic that I would like
to address is the present Book Ex-
change program. The idea of a
book exchange program is a great
one and a real cost saver for the
students, yet the present system
needs restructuring. If a student
publishes a book for sale he may
receive numerous calls for that
book when all he needs is one. I
would like to computerize the
Book Exchange program so
students can call the S.G.A. to see
if a book is available, if so he
would be informed as to who to
contact so that he may purchase
the book he needs. By having the
S.G.A. directly involved as a
liason between buyer and seller the
exchange process will run
smoothly and much more efficient-
Responsibility of the S.G.A.
Kirk Shelley
Fellow Students,
My name is Kirk Shelley. I am a
Political Science major with a 3.0
average. We have the opportunity
to improve the quality of your life
here at ECU. Cooperating, com-
municating, and putting your ideas
into action is what YOUR SGA
should be about. There are three
areas that I am especially in-
terested in changing here at ECU:
Parking, Text Book Prices, and in-
forming the students and getting
their input.
Every year ECUs commuter
population increases by 100-300
new drivers who need a place to
park. It now takes 30-50 minutes
to get a parking space, and its go-
ing to keep getting longer. To help
alleviate this problem I have a
three-fold plan: l)Work with the
N.C. General Assembly now, to
explain the need for a multi-level
parking garage on campus. This is
the long term solution, in the mean
time ? 2)Work with the Greenville
City Council to turn the streets sur-
rounding the university into 1-way
lanes. That way the students can
park on both sides of the street,
doubling the number of spaces.
3)Use existing funds, now
available, to create more parking
spaces on campus. There is plenty
to be done, but the effort will be
well worth it.
Your average student is spen-
ding close to $200 a year for text
books and getting back only half.
This year in the legislature I tried
an idea I had heard about at a na-
tional conference, a Book Ex-
change. Those that learned about
the book exchange this year receiv-
ed an opportunity to sell their
books for more than the half price
offered by the bookstore, and
those that bought their books by
phone were able to get them at a
lower price. I started the program
in the legislature and I want to ex-
pand it fully under the executive
branch so all the students have an
opportunity to keep more of their
hard earned money.
How does it work? Instead of
selling your books to the student
store, you fill out a card naming
the book, instructer, your name
and phone number, and the price
you want to sell it for. Give the
SGA the card and in the first issue
of the paper at the beginning of the
new semester your ad will be listed,
and you can now shop for your
books at home, by phone.
To inform the students about
student groups to help me lobby
the administration for improving
problem areas on our campus. Our
freshman aid program needs to be
given greater emphasis in the
S.G.A. by increasing student par-
ticipation. This can be accomplish-
ed by envolving not only freshmen
students but any student who
wants to be involved in student
government regardless of their
background or qualifications.
Students, I'm not the type of
person who simply thinks up ideas
for our campus and then expects
others to do the work for me, but I
roll up my sleeves and accomplish
the work at hand. My qualifica-
tions are as follows: member of
both the university Honor Board
and Review Board freshman year,
Aycock Dorm representative
sophomore year, Junior class
president and a member of the
S.G.A. executive council,
chairperson of the S.G.A. Student
Welfare Committee three
semesters, voted best legislator and
committee person by the
legislature, Residence Advisor,
current Director of Pirate Walk,
member of Gamma Beta Phi
Honor Society, served two years as
a University Marshal, member of
the University Libraries Commit-
tee, and hard worker. Make a
reality of your student ideas by
voting David Brown for S.G.A.
president. Thank You.
does not stop with approving con-
stitutions and appropriating funds,
we are also involved with academic
affairs. It is hard enough to do well
in college level classes and yet in
some instances the problems are
compounded when you cannot
understand your teacher. If elected
I would like to implement a
student-teacher evaluation form
which would consist of questions
concerning such topics as teacher
audibility and communication
skills. By working closely with the
Faculty Senate I wish to make a
fair evaluation which would be
satisfactory to both the students
and faculty. These evaluations
would be made public so that the
students can be better informed
when choosing instructors for their
The topics that I have mentioned
above are reasonable and at-
tainable, and with my experience
on the S.G.A. I can put these ideas
to work for you. I would ap-
preciate your support on March 20
for S.G.A. President.
SGA activities, job openings,
financial situation and events of
student interest, I propose a bi-
monthly newsletter. It would be
sent to all campus organizations
and dorms. I also propose to im-
prove relations with campus
organizations by meeting regularly
with SRA, IFC, MSO, Panhellenic
and other campus leaders to insure
that SGA is meeting their needs.
Tomorrow is election day and as
always you have a major choice on
your hands. I've spent three years
in Student Government and have
enjoyed the privilege of serving
you. As Speaker of the Legislature
and Junior Class President I've
been on the Executive Council and
learned about this University, and
what is possible. I've seen three
SGA Presidents, and have come to
the conclusion that if you don't
enter the office with a plan, your
not going to leave with one. Think
over your choice carefully and
decide which one is going to get the
most done for you. I stand on
ideas for improving student life,
and the experience to make them
James Braswell
Hello, my name is James Braswell
and I am running for the office of SGA
Treasurer. I am a computer science ma-
jor in my third year at ECU. The office
of treasurer is a very important one, for
it is responsible for the money of the
students on this campus ? that is the
money out of the pocket's of you and
The SGA is now in the process of
converting over to a computerized in-
formation system, and I feel that my
computer skills would make this transi-
tion much more efficient. It would cer-
tainly be a waste to see this valuable
system not utilized to its fullest poten-
tial. This computer system will be an
especially powerful tool for the office
of treasurer, for all groups recognized
by the SGA will have their budgets on
file. This file will allow one to see tran-
saction to transaction where every pen-
ny goes. Through better organization
and accuracy, and less "RED-TAPE
we will be in a position to better serve
you the student.
Often organizations are simply
unaware of what is available to them or
how to obtain funding. The quality of
our campus organizations which reflect
upon this university is dependent on
proper funding. Surely we all desire for
this university to be the very best it can
be ? a school from which each of us
can graduate with pride. It is time for a
change in attitude, a time when we as
students really do become involved.
That is why I am running for
Treasurer. My door will be open to you
any time ? whether it be to answer
questions, to help with club financing
or simply to receive some constructive
criticism. I would appreciate your sup-
port on March 20.
Grant Smith
My name is Grant Smith and I am
running for the office of SGA
Treasurer. I am currently a junior, pur-
suing a music education degree. I am a
member of Phi Mu Alpha, professional
music fraternity. I feel that the office of
SGA Treasurer is important in that it is
my responsibility to make sure all the
financial transactions and appropria-
tions go through the system smoothly
and efficiently. I must assist the Ap-
propriations Committee in any way-
possible as well. My background ex-
perience includes SCA class represen-
tative in high school, Vice President
and Treasurer of my church youth
group, and I currently serve on the SGA
Legislature. Georgia Mooring, current
SGA Treasurer, has discussed with me
the specific duties and responsibilities
of the position. I feel that I am quite
capable of this position and the best
candidate for the job to serve you the
One problem that needs to be ad-
dressed is the appropriate procedure to
use when requesting funds from the
SGA. A possible solution would be to
send out a form letter to each of the
organizations hat reqieye funding
stating the proper procedures to follow,
so that the money is available when it is
needed. It is also very important for the
Treasurer to be available to assist the
various groups concerning the planning
of their budgets. 1 plan to make myself
available to give any assistance
My next concern is student involve-
ment. Many students today just sit back
and get angry with the results of the
Legislature. The SGA can't do their job
effectively until the student body
becomes more involved. We need your
input because the Legislature is there
for you. Your student fees make up the
budget we work with the entire school
year. You as students should be con-
cerned with where your money goes. A
possible solution might be for the ex-
ecutive council to hold a forum once a
month for those students interested
enough to attend to air complaints
about the system, introduce new ideas,
recieve explanations of past decisions,
and any other items pertinent to the
Finally, I would like to express the
importance of the upcoming election. I
really feel that I am the best candidate
for the position of SGA Treasurer
because I wafu to serve the student
body ind.put to us all the suggestions
that would better ECU as a whole.
Thank you and I would greatly ap-
preciate your support on election day.
Dwayne Wiseman
During the last two semesters I have
been working in S.G.A. legislature and
serving on the appropriations commit-
tee. While serving on the appropriation
committee I have helped allocate stu-
dent fees to alot of organizations on
If elected as S.G.A. Treasurer I
would like to put the new computer
purchased by S.G.A. to use by keeping
permanent records of all weekly and an-
nual appropriation on file. This would
allow S.G.A. to have a copy that would
be easily accessible, and it could also
provide each organization with a hard
copy for their records. This would
benefit each organization that comes to
S.G.A. for money and benefit S.G.A.
as well.
I would like the opportunity to use
my experience that I have learned serv-
ing in S.G.A. during the past two
semesters toward the position of
S.G.A. Treasurer. I feel that if I get the
chance to use my experience, major and
what I learned at the S.G.A. National
Leadership Conference that I attended
in February that I can do the best job
for the student body.
Com From P.4
One such ideal is my plan to notify all
special interest groups of times and
dates when funds concerning their
organization is to be voted upon in the
legislature. Thus giving these groups the
opportunity to be present at the
As secretary I would do my best to in-
form interested high school students of
all the services that ECU has to offer. I
would also do my best to keep day
students informed of campus activities.
I feel that SGA cannot operate
without teamwork. The SGA is a team
of student leaders working together for
the welfare of students. The officers of
the SGA and legislature do and should
have a good voice. I feel that I have that
voice and I could utilize it to the benefit
of all students on this campus.
With these ideas I hope to make a
stronger student government and I
would appreciate your support on
March 20.
SGA Candidate
Where: Central Campus Mall
When: 12:30 p.m.
Free Pepsi
Sponsored By The SGA
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MARCH 19, 1985
Campus Forum
Here's The Scoop About SGA
You've all heard the opinions
of the other candidates' friends;
however, now you will know the
opinion of someone who has had
the experience of working direct-
ly with a candidate. Serving three
years on the SGA as a class of-
ficer and being chairman of the
Appropriations Committee has
enabled me to work with Mike
McPartland in many situations.
(Appropriations is the committee
in charge of allocating student
funds to student organizations.)
Mike is a man who works well
with students and can see situa-
tions through other's, as well as
his own, eyes. While serving as
SGA vice-president, Mike has
gained direct experience not only
with the SGA executive council
but also with the administration
and student organizations. Also
as a student leader he has served
on the Media Board and was
elected Media Board chairman.
Mike is a member of the Student
Union Program Board and serves
as chairman of the major con-
certs committee. An example of
what this position involves in-
cludes bringing major groups to
the university, such as the Kinks
concert this past Saturday night.
Mike's platform reflects
creative ideas which I think can
be readily accomplished to im-
prove the quality of student life
at ECU. Read his platform, stop
by the open forum today and see
why Mike McPartland is the best
candidate for the office of SGA
Lisa Roberts
App. Chairman
No Mike
Question: If a candidate for
SGA president presently serves as
vice president, Media Board
chairman, and chairman of the
Major Attractions Committee
(like Mike McPartland), he is ob-
viously qualified, right?
Wrong Mike plays up the fact
that he holds these positions, but
what has he done with them?
As SGA vice president, Mike is
supposed to attend meetings of
the Greenville City Council to
represent views of the students.
But according to city clerk Lois
Worthington and Councilman
Stewart Shinn, Mike hasn't been
seen at a council meeting since
August. He failed his respon-
As Media Board chairman,
Mike has his own spoils system.
Take a look at the advertising
section employees of The East
Carolinian: they are all buddies
of his from Phi Kappa Tau
fraternity. On top of that, Mike
missed about half of the Media
Board meetings before he became
chairman. He failed his respon-
And finally, it's worth men-
tioning that, as chairman of the
Major Attractions Committee,
Mike botched opportunities for
some fantastic concerts, in-
cluding one with Heart and Eddie
Money. What a great one that
would have been!
I hope the concerned students
who want their SGA president to
serve them well and competently
will consider these facts before
casting their votes.
Cynthia Mills
Sr. Pols
Experience Counts
When deciding which can-
didate to vote for, you want to
know their qualifications. Topp-
ing the list of qualifications
should be experience in student
government. Among the can-
didates for SGA secretary, Lisa
Carroll stands out from the rest
when it comes to experience. Lisa
has served on the SGA
Legislature for a full year, longer
than her opposing candidates.
She has also served on the SGA
Executive Council for a full year,
which has given her experience of
the inner workings of our SGA.
In February, Lisa represented
ECU at the National Convention
of Student Governments in Texas
where she gained even more ex-
perience about student govern-
ment. Lisa's trip to Texas also
gave her the motivation and en-
thusiasm needed to work for you,
the students she represents. Since
experience and enthusiasm are
top qualifications for SGA can-
didates, then Lisa Carroll is the
only candidate for SGA
David Goldman
Day Rep.
Soph Business
Bryan's It
With SGA elections coining up
this week, it is time to pick a can-
didate that you believe in for each
office. Many qualified candidates
are running for office, so that
does not make your task of
choosing one any easier. Per-
sonally, I have not as yet made all
of my selections, but I have
chosen my candidate for vice
president ? Bryan Lassiter.
Although I am a friend of
Bryan's, my choice was not made
soley on that fact. I met Bryan
this summer while working for a
common employer. Bryan's will-
ingness to work hard while keep-
ing a pleasant attitude made him
everyone's favorite very quickly.
No matter how many hours he
had already worked, he always
seemed fresh and cheerful,
especially to customers. Bryan
also showed his diplomatic
abilities in situations involving
employee disputes, such as
schedules for work.
Bryan Lassiter, aside from be-
ing a good worker, is a fine
representative of students, and he
has more than enough experience
to handle the job of vice presi-
dent. Bryan has addressed many
problems dealing with student
welfare by being involoved with
the following organizations:
SRA, Area Residence Council,
SGA and the North Carolina Stu-
dent Legislature. He is also
presently serving as the president
of Aycock dormitory.
Bryan Lassiter is definitely the
right man for the job of SGA vice
president. Through his past ex-
perience in various organizations,
he has become sensitive to the
needs of the student. Lassiter has
the determination and the strong
character with which to best serve
the students of ECU, so vote
Bryan La.siter for SGA vice
James R. Rose
Soph Acct.
Lee For Veep
I would like to take this oppor-
tunity to endorse Lee Lane for
the office of vice president of the
SGA. I have worked with Lee this
year in the SGA Legislature and
after reviewing the credentials of
the other candidates I feel that
Lee is the most qualified for this
Experience is a vital necessity
to the proper functioning of the
SGA. This experience can be seen
in Lee's involvement this year in
the SGA. He is currently the
secretary of the SGA and serves
on other committees such as the
Student Opportunities
We are looking for girls interested in be-
ing counselors ? activity instructors in a
private girls camp located in Henderson-
ville, N.C. Instructors needed especially in
Swimming (WSI), Horseback riding, Ten-
nis, Backpacking, Archery, Canoeing,
Gymnastics, Crafts, also, Basketball, Com-
puters, Soccer, Cheerleading, Drama,
Nature study, Field Hockey. If your school
offers a Summer Internship program we
will be glad to help. Inquiries ? Morgan
Haynes, P.O. Box 400 C, Tryon, NC,
Executive Council of the SGA
and the Pirate Walk Governing
Board. But his involvement is not
limited to only the SGA. He is
also involved with trying to im-
prove relations between the
students of ECU and the Green-
ville community, this can be best
seen in Lee's membership on the
Human Relations Committee of
the City Council.
I believe that Lee is sincerely
committed to the bettering of the
ECU campus and its students and
serving them in the most
beneficial way. After reviewing
his credentials, I feel confident
that you will also see Lee Lane as
the most qualified and deserving
candidate for the office of vice
Stuart Teeter
Chairman, SGA
Rules and Judiciary Comm.
Alumni Support
I am submitting this letter on
behalf of a very solid candidate
for vice-president of the SGA.
Bryan Lassiter is a candidate
whom the people can depend on.
As an alumni of ECU and a
former roommate of Bryan's, I
feel he is a very responsible per-
son with a strong desire to suc-
ceed in his personal goals and
help others to reach their own
goals. Bryan and I were in many
organizations together and in
each and every one, he excelled to
accomplish the goals that were
As an alumni I feel it is my du-
ty to insure that the most capable
candidate be brought to the at-
tention of the student body and
continue to have a strong SGA at
Jeff G. Speas
Pay Attention
After reading the article on stu-
dent candidates for the SGA Ex-
ecutive Elections, I cannot help
but wonder where the best
students are when it comes to
committing oneself as a can-
didate for a highly motivated
position in the SGA. There are
only two candidates with a 3.0
gpa or higher. Being a student at
ECU for three years, I know that
it does not consume much time to
achieve a gpa of 2.5. (For in-
stance, I believe I read that the
sorority organization had the
highest GPA on campus with an
average of 2.5 ? even though
much of their time is spent at
happy hour, collecting toilet
paper and other such activities.)
We actually have a candidate for
president with a 2.4 gpa! If this
guy doesn't have the time to
spend academically, then how is
he going to serve us as president
of the SGA? I must add here that
I'm not a book-nose-non-
alcoholic-law-abiding student. ,
greatly enjoy partying and having
a good time (but not collecting
toilet paper). How ironic it is that
my gpa is higher than all but one
of the candidates (and we tied)
even though my first semester
here I did all but study and still
came out with a 2.3.
I am not writing this on behalf
of promoting anyone's cam-
paign. However, I am writing this
to encourage that you pay special
attention to the candidates' gpa
as a characterization of his true
attitude and concern towards
Lisa Sink
Jr Art
Kirk's Plans
Listen up all commuter
students! Kirk Shelley, candidate
for SGA president, has plans to
alleviate your suffering.
DEncourage university ad-
ministration to use available
funds to pave more lots on and
around campus.
2)One-way many streets
around the university to double
the available parking space. Kirk
has already spoken with Green-
ville Police Chief Ted Holmes,
Campus Police Chief Joe Calder.
and university officials about tur-
ning streets such as Meade,
Maple. library etc. into one-way
zones so students could park on
both sides. AH city and universitv
officials he has spoken with
received the idea enthusiastically
3)Begin the campaign for a
multi-level parking garage after
these first two steps have been ac
complished. Some people think
this is a pie-in-the-sky idea, but it
can be done! With careful
political pressure and sound
leadership, SGA leaders at N.C
State persuaded the General
Assembly to appropriate funds
for a parking garage.
With Kirk's fine performance
and leadership in the North
Carolina Student Legislature
which works closely with the
General Assembly, we can and
will get our parking garage; but
only if you make him our presi-
Bryan A. King
Marketing, Jr.
Watch Out!
Two of the candidates for SGA
president have been prancing
around campus promising moun-
tains of money to various student
groups. These promises are
highly misleading.
Neither I nor any of my friends
can recall any SGA president who
exerted any influence on the
Legislature's appropriations, and
there is no reason to expect this
will change. Granting funds to
student organizations is the do-
main of the Legislature, and any
candidate who tells you otherwise
is leading you astrav.
Hunter Hadle
SGA App. Committee
Soph ART
If you re a musician who's serious
about performing, you should take a
serious kxtk at the Armv
Army bands offer you an average
ot 40 performances a month In every-
thing from concerts to parades
Army bands also otter you a
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The Army has bands performing
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And Armv bands offer you the
chance to plav with jxkI musicians. )ust
to qualify, you have to be able to siht-
read music you ve never seen before and
demonstrate several other musical skills
-now, imme-
Its a genuine, right-
diate opportunity
Compare it to your civilian otters
Then write: Armv Opportunities. P.O.
Box 7715, Clifton, NJ 07015
A wide range of fashion jewelry will be available
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1985, from 10 a.m6 p.m. All items 30 to 50 off
usual retail price. From $3 to $40. Checks accepted.
SGA President
SGA Vice President
We'll make a reality of your ideas. Thank You.
Bill Lindse. the ren
Lauderdale, Fla
will visit EC U March
What's a slum b j
It's a dedica'd indivl
spends his life revitalii
slum areas. A
transforms gher
safe, livable neig
Lindsey, director
Lauderdale Ho .
and an ECU grac
the title.
In fact, the title
invented to describe hu
Another title .
ed is ?
Outstanding Alu:
award will be pi
Alpha Kappa Delta
quet Mara. 21
the honored gues
along with new ?
In on,
tion, the stated nc?
and Science Edu.
ECU is reporting a "n
interest among teact
public school systems
Improving the q
number of s
teachers is a pnma- J
statewide Mat - j
tion network estab
General Assemblv
framework of the I
North Carolina system J
The network c
such centers set u
service and continuing
for math and sc
working in close
with the pur
"We see th:
venture between
teachers, local sen
the university and iiu :
Floyd Mattheis, d
ECU center.
City May
SMI ? nitt
The ECU Student Cc
Exceptional Children
sponsoring a variet)
in an effort to make
aware of Exceptional C
"The week of March
proclaimed Excel
Children's Week foi I
year by Greenville May
Buck said Stephanij
coordinator for the een
ding to Hoyt, a special e
major, "the SCEC
Gov. Martin to proclan
17-23 as Exceptional Cj
Week throughout the s(
Hoyt said the purpo
week is "to make the pu
aware of all types of exJ
children The term exel
she said, applies to an
from the norm, includinl
retardation, cerebral pali
ness and deafness, as
Members of the SCEd
to Chocowinity on MarJ
an appearance on a TV
addition, students will al
Carolina Today. anol
will be featured on bol
and television giving infej
on events during the w
The SCEC will be sen
pies and certificates of
tion to all special educ
Pitt County. They will I
conjunction with the An
of Retarded Citizens, co
the Caswell Spirit Singer;
Penske Art Collection w
display. Both events will
Willis Building March 2
to 8:30 p.m. The concerl
hibit are free and opet
m4i et? ? '?. ?wuwff?i
4 I'flWIMWv,
em-mmmm ?w?E ? f.??,i ?.? t tmi i-mtrlmitfl

les Ml cit and university
he has spoken with
i ihe idea enthusiastically.
the campaign for a
el parking garage after
a o steps have been ac-
Some people think
n-the-skv idea, but it
Dne! With careful
p: and sound
S leaders at N.C.
ded the General
appropriate funds
K k - fine performance
p in the North
I egislature,
- with the
- we can and
- g garage; but
im our presi-
Brvan A. King
Marketing, Jr.
Vatch Out!
sing moun-
irious student
raises are
' :n friends
G X lent who
ice on the
ns, and
expect this
g funds to
- the do-
ind urn
Hunter Hadley
- ph ART
ank You.
Slum Buster' Plans Improvement
ECU News Bureau
Bill Lindsey, the renowned Ft.
lauderdale, Fla slum buster,
will visit ECU March 21-23.
What's a slum buster?
It's a dedicated individual who
spends his life revitalizing urban
slum areas. A slum buster
transforms ghettos into clean,
sate, livable neighborhoods. Bill
Lindsey, director of the Ft.
Lauderdale Housing Authority
and an ECU graduate, has earned
the title.
In fact, the title was probably
invented to describe him.
Another title Lindsey has earn-
ed is recipient of ECU's 1985
Outstanding Alumni Award. The
award will be presented at the
Alpha Kappa Delta spring ban-
quet March 22. Lindsey will be
the honored guest at the banquet,
along with new members of the
honor society in sociology.
On March 21, Lindsey will
speak at a public lecture in the
multi-purpose room of
Mendenhall Student Center at
7:30 p.m. On Friday he will meet
university faculty and students in
a series of campus appearances
prior to the honor society ban-
Three alumni are honored an-
nually by the ECU Alumni
Association for contributions in
their fields, politics and civic and
community affairs. Lindsey,
whose story has been featured in
such magazines as TIME and the
Reader's Digest, is being
recognized for the impact of his
work on slum areas in Ft.
"Lindsey is being commended
for uncommon dedication and
service to his community, state
and nation said Donald Y.
Leggett, director of alumni rela-
"We traditionally give the
Outstanding Alumni Awards at
Homecoming and will recognize
Mr. Lindsey again this fall.
However because we were for-
tunate enough to have him on
campus at this time, we wanted to
go ahead and present the award
in conjunction with his visit
Leggett said.
Lindsey was graduated with a
degree in chemistry in 1968 and
then completed a master's degree
in sociology in 1971.
John Maiolo, professor and
chair of the department of
Sociology, Anthropology and
Economics, said "we're very pro-
ud of Bill Lindsey for his ac-
complishments as an alumnus,
and also for the recognition his
work is bringing to sociologists in
"There are thousands of
sociologists working in similar
situations, to improve the quality
of life for everyone Maiolo
Maiolo added, "In so many of
our contemporary problems we
blame technology or industry or
the government, but always the
trouble boils down to people pro-
blems. Lindsey has found a
method that works and we're
eager to have him share it with
Lindsey's energy, courage and
tenacity are channeled according
to a formula that gets results. He
calls is the "oasis theory and
he's busy sharing the theory with
other cities and groups across the
Central to the theory is the no-
tion of creating an oasis in a
desert of blight. Lindsey and his
staff work with tenants to clean
up their homes and
neighborhoods. Instead of tear-
ing down old buildings, they
repair them. Lindsey demands
cooperation with city services
such as police and sanitation. He
strives to eliminate criminals to
make the neighborhood a safe
place to live. Once an oasis is
started and residents learn to take
care of their own neighborhoods,
positive reverberations spread,
the oasis grows and the slum is
In 1983, Lindsey's office
received a special grant from the
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development to prepare a
handbook on transferring the
Oasis Technique to other cities.
Summer Math, Science Center Improves Education
ECU News Bureau
In only its first year of opera-
tion, the state's new Mathematics
and Science Education Center at
ECU is reporting a "high level of
interest" among teachers in the
public school systems.
Improving the quality and
number of science and math
teachers is a primary goal of the
statewide MathScience Educa-
tion network established by the
General Assembly within the
framework of the University of
North Carolina system.
The network consists of 10
such centers set up to provide in-
service and continuing education
for math and science teachers,
working in close cooperation
with the public schools.
"We see this as a cooperative
venture between individual
teachers, local school systems,
the university and industry says
Floyd Mattheis, director of the
ECU center.
City Mayor
Staff Writer
The ECU Student Council for
Exceptional Children will be
sponsoring a variety of activities
in an effort to make the public
aware of Exceptional Children's
"The week of March 17-23 was
proclaimed Exceptional
Children's Week for the second
year by Greenville Mayor Janice
Buck said Stephanie Hoyt,
coordinator for the event. Accor-
ding to Hoyt, a special education
major, "the SCEC has asked
Gov. Martin to proclaim March
17-23 as Exceptional Children's
Week throughout the state
Hoyt said the purpose of the
week is "to make the public more
aware of all types of exceptional
children The term exceptional,
she said, applies to any deviation
from the norm, including mental
retardation, cerebral palsy, blind-
ness and deafness, as well as
Members of the SCEC traveled
to Chocowinity on March 18 for
an appearance on a TV show. In
addition, students will appear on
Carolina Today. Various spots
will be featured on both radio
and television giving information
on events during the week.
The SCEC will be sending ap-
ples and certificates of apprecia-
tion to all special educators in
Pitt County. They will also, in
conjunction with the Association
of Retarded Citizens, co-sponsor
the Caswell Spirit Singers and the
Penske Art Collection will be on
display. Both events will be at the
Willis Building March 21 from 7
to 8:30 p.m. The concert and ex-
hibit are free and open to the
"We are working with in-
dividual teachers to find out what
is needed and to determine the
best way or ways to make it
available Mattheis said.
"We're already seeing results in
working with teachers.
"We are seeing a high level of
interest among the teachers he
said. "Of course, measuring stu-
dent performance is still
somewhere down the road
Basic goals of the
MathematicsScience Education
network are to increase the quali-
ty and supply of math and science
teachers in the public schools, to
strengthen instruction in the mid-
dle grades and high school
science and math, to sponsor
basic research and development
in math and science education
and to increase effective use of
relevant educational technology.
Katharine Hodgin, associate
director of the ECU center,
reported "an unusually high
response" of more than 760
Honors Program3.4 gpa
Anthropology 1000 ? MedievalRenaissance 2000 ? Economics
2113 ? English 1250 ? Health 1000
Seminar: Listening to Music Intelligently (Fine Arts credit)
Seminar: Psychology (Soc. Sc. credit)
Seminar: Energy & Environment soc sc credit)
Seminar: The 60's (Hums, or Fine Arts credit)
Seminar: Ways Of Knowing (Hums, or Fine Arts credit)
See Dr. David Sanders, 212 Ragsdale (6373)
History 1550 ? History 1552 ? Library Science 1000 ?
Philosophy 1 lOO ? Political Science 1010 ? Sociology 2110
Honors Program3.4 gpa
replies from math teachers in 31
school systems to questionnaires
about individual educational
needs and about improvements
that are needed in classroom
teaching strategies.
A similar survey of science
teachers was conducted for the
MSEN centers by Wende Allen,
science coordinator for the N.C.
Department of Public Instruc-
tion's regional office in
Of the 760 replies from math
D'ArLYWbVR 140.00paii
WIAU $60.00pair
TINTED $70.00Pa
(blue aqua.
V. green, brown)
I hejAovt- prices do not irti hide tees tor professional mt ivi-i
Prokssiondl fees dtpt-nd on lens lypt and your previous SOM
i?-ns experience
Call for more information ? 756-9404.
rs Hollis '? Scibal
Tipton Annex ?2ft (ireenvifl riivd
teachers, Hodgin said about 35
percent indicated interest in a
master's degree program and an
additional 15 percent wanted a
sixth-year program.
"We'll also be involved with
research and in curriculum
development studies Mattheis
said. The ECU Center begar a
research project last fall in which
a series of four tests was ad-
ministered to some 4,000 junior
high school students to study
reasoning and process skills.
This Space
Could Be
For You

V Wednesday
Jt ?????
Short-Short's Contest
with the Kappa SigsUl
,The Brand New
Ladies' ZoogyT
With the Jammer ' CLr
Daddy Cool 'I
?$? Playing all your Hot Hits!
All Girls Admitted Free From 8-10
With Free Draft & Wine Plus 2 For 1 Highballs:
Guys In At 10.00
If you would like to enter, please call 756-6401 for more information
Hey, you can t miss this, so c mon out & boogie your brains
out at Greenville s 1 Nightspot, that s Beau s of course'
Phone 756-6401 Located in the Carolina East Centre
Beau ? is a private club for members and their guests age 19 k over
Ail ABC Permits Guests are welcome
We are now taking orders tor the Beau s T Shirt Get yours toda'
Think you can impersonate Daddy Cool!?! If you can
your chance to do it is coming soon! Watch for details
- ?'?'?
SGA Secretary
SGA Housing Committee
Intramural Representative
Secretary Experience with
Kinston Jaycees
Something for Everyone
Pop, Rock, Folk,
Jazz and Classics
On Sale for Limited Time
Shop Early for Best Selection
March 18th-March 22nd
Student Supply Store
Wright Building
East Carolina University
- fcmMq -T-
? ?llii1nTi.iii? ?n ? ?Jo - m i ? - n?-

ve I tuares Later
Fans Rock To The Kink
. .
vivor Recalls 4 ?2-
?11 IJ

1 VIV hat kinds t thoughts were uimm, nind at ihe
I 1irre tales What kinds of things did nhi

HK, .
I ? Am

Many ? d (I
in An ? onh
II! Of
v ? ipa
10 r y a
Nazis said
! I I bility t I m into W all did i' I nf( ?i i una i I t h O U ? I ' ?
I1Do you hatr the Germans?
W f
lr Brarm Renik
Fan Piz

MARC H 19. 1985

i hile
d a
md the yroup together.
? ranee can
n and
?event this
ANN WATERS: This gesture is our
way of letting you know how very
proud we are of ,ou. We would like
to congratulate you for becoming a
member of the Beta Nu chapter of
Sigma Theta Tau. We love you and
are very proud of you! Love,
Natalyn and Yvonne
HEY DELTA ZETA'Si: It's that
time of year?one more week and
Dream Girl will be here! The Land
mark Hotel will be within our reach,
As we we prepare to celebrate at
MYRTLE BEACH! So all of you
men, Greeks and others in cahoots,
leave your WIMPINESS at home,
and bring your bathing suits!
Etheridge who represented AZD's
as the winner of Delta Zeta's Most
Eligible Bachelor Contest.
PI KAPPS: Are you ready for a
party? Are you ready for some fun?
Well the AOPi's are comin and it's
just begun! We'll pull up a chair &
we'll chug a lug some beers, we
won't leave there till we can't see
clear We are the Alphas second
To none!
NOVICES: Thanks for the breakfast
Saturday, we had a great time!
Can't wait until the formal. Love ya-
your Little Sisters.
MELISSA C: A dance lost, a mo
ment gained. Words with an angel. A
concert of feelings lacking direction.
A night, a wish. THAFA
DAVE: We met briefly at the Elbo
last Wednesday Sorry I couldn't
make it Friday Sunday I saw you in
the library. You're still the only guy
I've ever kissed before even know
mg his name Please respond if in
terested J.L.S.
Goldman? This better not be you, for
you may go down with another
P.P.award. Sku De Du.
TO CINDY (B.V.): My baby tossed
me to the wind, And I don't know if
I'll be back again. She meant more
than words can say. And I don't
think she'll be back my way again.
My baby tossed me to the sky, And I
don't know if I can even cry. She had
seen good times and distress Now
she's gone in search of
happinesswithout me. Life must
go on I am told, Eventually I'll come
out of the cold. I'll find another love
they say, And I pray that she won't
end it againthis way. You gave
your love and smiles all to me, you
wiped my eyes so I could see again.
So I'll wish you luck throughout the
years, And I leave you now with
laughter, not tears. For two who
loved so much things will work oul
sometime I pray. Love David
TOWNE INN: Are having a crazy
shorts happy hour Friday the 22nd
from 4-7 p.m. Admission is $1 with
shorts and $1.50 without shorts.
Come party with the funniest.
BUBBA: You Lauderdale Geek,
Don't forget your curling iron this
Major Concerts Committee: The
Kinks concert was the jamminest!
After the Charlie Daniels Concert it
looked like Minges would never hear
the sound of a crowd. It certainly
wouldn't from a Basketball game!
Students of ECU be glad that some
people gave so much for such a
small amount of compensation.
FOR SALE: 1979 Toyota Corolla
yellow, AMFM Cassette, 4 speed,
low mileage. Only one owner. Gets
good gas mileage call after 530,
758 4689.
Mustang. Two pickups, tremolo,
blue with mirrored pickguard, case
and strap included. Call 752 0998, ask
for Robert.
cessor. 105 N. Elm Street. Resumes,
letters, theses, term papers, etc. Ac-
curate, dependable service. Call
Betty Laws at 752 1454.
FOR RENT. 2 bedroom house adja-
cent to university on E. 4th St.
$250mo. Available immediately.
Call 758-5299.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apt. I05C N.
Summit St. $190mo. Call 758 5299.
for SGA Secretary
?Freshman Class
?Member of Executive
Council of SGA
?Special Projects
Enthusiasm and Experience
Needed to Work for You!
Feast like a king
at Pizza Inn's
Noon and Night
All You Can Eat!
BUFFETS ? $3.19
6 00 till 8 JO PM
Weekday Noon
11:30 till 200
Thincrust Pizza
Pan Pizza ? Spaghetti
Homestyle Soup ? Salad Bar
For pizza out its Pizza Inn
?Pizza inni
Belk Dorm, Uth St. Rent $135.
Private room. Call 758 7470 after
4 30 ask for Jane.
WANTED: To share neat house 2 Vi
blocks from campus. Call 758 6708 at
night. 757 0664 daysf Ask for Kyle.
Leave a message.
Johnny Dollar's On The Beach, a
new night club opening at Atlantic
Beach, N.C needs managers, assis
tant managers, bartenders, security
personnel, door personnel, and
D.Js. Phone 919 726 1258, 85
weekdays or 919 726 8216 after 5 p.m.
weekdays and weekends.
"Remember students drinking age
in Myrtle Beach, S.C. is 20 years of
age and in Atlantic Beach, N.C. it's
only 19 years of age
SUMMER JOBS: Wanted: hard
working students willing to relocate,
full time work Great resume, $315
per week, 2.5 GPA needed. Send
name, number etc. to Summer Work
'85, Box 4052, Greenville, N.C, 27834.
WANTED: Starting in May.
3 bedroom apartment at Eastbrook.
$113 per month & '3 utilities. Call
752 2648.
Needed to sublet duplex for sum-
mer. $90 each and Vz utilities. Fur
nished. Good location. Call 752 4771.
COUNSELORS: For western N.C.
co ed 8 week summer camp. Room,
meals, laundry, salary, travel
allowance, and possible college
credit Experience not necessary,
but must enjoy working with
children. Only non smoking college
students need apply For application
and brochure write. Camp
Pinewood, 19006 Bob O Link Dr
Miami, Florida 33015.
WANTED: 30 35 women and men to
work as OPC's this summer in
Atlantic Beach N.C 8. N. Myrtle
Beach S.C. You will be working with
the largest resort company. If
you're WILLING to work, have an
outgoing personality and can have
FUN working, the money will follow.
For more info, send replies to Mike
Bartos, P.O Box 872 N. Myrtle
Beach, S.C. 29597.
NEEDED: To share a two bedroom
townhouse On ECU bus route. Call
752 1813
FOR SALE: I4K. gold, silver, and
diamond jewelry High quality
necklaces, earrings, watches and
rings. Student discounts! Send $3 for
color catalog to: Valencia, 211 A
Riverbluff Rd Greenville, N.C.
FOR SALE: Mood lipstick, changes
to match your skin tone and body
chemistry. All natural, Aloe Vera
base. Send only $3 per tube to:
Valencia, 211 A Riverbluff Rd
Greenville, N.C. 27834.
FOR SALE: Ladies Business Port
folio (bried case) "Like New"
Schlesinger Brother's Genuine
Leather Brazil Brown Price
negotiable Call 758 6055 after 5 or
757 4618 before 5 Ask for Bev
FOR SALE: 1984 Pontiac Fiero
Sport package Too small for grow
ing family. $1000 and assume loan.
Call 758 0780 after 6 p.m. for details
FOR SALE: 1973 Olds in excellent
condition. Power BR, power st ,
cruise contr air cond heat, power
ful sterial, FM AMcass player
Owner leaving the country Call
752 6231.
FOR RENT: Apt for rent at
Eastbrook 2 bedroom $275 a month.
Call William or Chip at 752 8629
TY?ING: Experienced professional
woman will provide all typing ser
vices. (IBM correcting typewriter)
Call Debbie at 756 6333 for a well
typed paper.
FOR SALE : Desk and a dresser Ex
cellent condition Ask for Beth
758 6975
BECKY LATHAM 752 5998 (8 a.m.
5 p.m.) 17 yrs experience in typing
theses, scientific reports,
manuscripts, business and form let
LOST: Gold frame, prescription
eyeglasses in Austin room 206 it
found please call 758 8477
LOST: Black,leather, wall el
Reward offered If found call S
Cooper at 757 6366
Dwayne Wiseman
SGA Treasurer
Mike McPartland
SGA President

Copyr jnt 1985
Ouant ? ? - ?
items ?
ANYWHERE 3 eastern
tinental U.S Canada, Mexico
The Bahamas or Caribbean
Old Milwaukee isbJT1'
Vz Gal
Fab Detergent
Clorox Bleach
3'4 Ltr
tacn o? trtit aavenista trmi
iS reQuirtO to D ffafli'v
avauaoie for m? m ean irogf
Sv on neept as soec ?' i ?
noteO m tnis 90 i? 00 'u"
OuJ Of an item ?e ??iii o?er you
vOur CnOiCf 0? 9 COmpjraoif
item wnen avaiiaoie rejecting
f ne um? savings Of a ramrnec.
nicn win entitle you fo Du'
cnase tne aovertsea 'tem at
tne aovertiseo orire mtwm c
OavS Oniy one venOO' COuOO
Xkoiii pe acceoteo o t
Long Stem
please see details m-store
t, k
' vr,

MARCH 19, 1985
I PON &7
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CrOOD EVEN?N&, XH?5 is JovjN
?'fH -TALK?c TO 5U.UR?TX
X'm w rrH THE BAND,
HR. f?tcH; how Exactly did
- ?c "???
WELU'OriK, HE 5EEA5 to a

If-jOvAL OfflCL
Plfc YOU,
fool "
Weeping and Gnashing of TOOTH
Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available lot
sale at or belc?v? the advertised pnce m each A4P Store e?cept as )
specifically noted m this ad J

Wf Grocetp
Savings L
Sirloin Tip Rtoas
y PMeat Specials &j FRESH GRAIN FED BEEF
RibEye Steak
Pork Chops
Fryer Leg Qtrs.
Grape Sale
Green Cabbage
w ? ??"
703 Greenville Blvd Greenville N.C.
K l v Jim
Pirau ?
P g Pa
Pirate P .
" Pic-Oi
on I
Bn s Ol 1 I
The -
ps m Bo
finals took
amateur chan
mone I
Child -v I
Thv ? si bou:
as between Johi
Charlev Pati - k
round, the tw I
the trader.
the round
Patrick then I
the fight in the
drawing blood fro
the 146-p?iind Roj
Despite the J
nose. Rogers
gressiel in the
Howeer, this was
impress the tudge
the tight b a deal
In the heavia
197-pound Warrer
198-pound Chnst
battled for the thr
opening round was
as the fighters felt
In round two, t
up as Simpson star
aggressor. Howevl
got Simpson on t
landed some convn
causing the crowd tl
involved and ext
This proved to be
in the fight, bev.
round was pretij
judges gave the
The thud bout
Mpi -
11 :mmm i" ' '
?? ?u ?l.l?l???' ? "
lf ?!

a able i
.1 s
i-t-t ? i- ? GABY FATTEKSON ? EaiplMtoUb
Ml Jim Peterson allowed only five hits and three walks in the
Pirates' victory oer Eastern kentuck to pick up his second win off the
v tar.
Pirate Pig-Out;
Excitement Galore
( spurn l-dllor
I he weekend of the annual
Purple amd Gold spring-football
game promises to provide much
excitement, as a variety of events
hae been scheduled in addition
to the football game.
The second annual Great
Pirate Purple and Gold Pigskin
Pig-Out Parry will get underway
Friday, April 19. with the Great
Pirate Purple and Gold Pigskin
Pig-Oul iolf Classic.
Super-Bali tournament
feature ex-Baltimore Oriole
g Powell who will be the key-
aker at the golf luncheon
n Friday afternoon.
In addition to the golf tourna-
ment, there will be a tennis tour-
ment, intramural softball com-
petition, special Olympics and a
v men's softball game against
i iberty Baptist.
I nda night a mini carnival
with rides, a live country band
and a demonstration by "The
btc Workshop" will be
I ater that night, the pigs will
be cooked for the pig-
? g contest. The evening will
be highlighted by a fireworks
display in Ficklen Stadium, and
the public will be able to visit
with Miller Lite all-Stars Boog
Powell and ex-Oakland Raider
Ben Davidson.
On Saturday, the pigs will be
judged and barbecue plates will
be sold. Ben Davidson will be
available for autographs and will
also be featured in a arm-
wrestling contest.
Also on Saturday, there will be
clowns with purple and gold
balloons, a kiddie game competi-
tion for the youngsters and a
suntan-bikini contest.
There will also be a best dress-
ed purple and gold contest among
tailgaters. In addition, Pirate
football players will be available
for autographs.
The weekend will then be
highlighted Saturday afternoon
with the Purple and Gold game
begining at 3:30.
The weekend promises great
fun and much excitement. More
details about the Second Annual
Purple and Gold Pirate Pigskin
Pig-out Party and spring practice
for the Pirate gridders in upcom-
ing editions.
MAR H 19, !sm Pajc 11
Squeeze Play Successful
Pirates Slip By Maryland
Staff Wrilrr
The ECU baseball Pirates
"squeezed" their way past the
Maryland Terrapins yesterday at
Harrington Field on a dramatic
bases-loaded bunt by Robert
Langston in the bottom of the
tenth inning.
The score remained close
throughout the hard-fought
game. The Pirates broke on top
in the third, when Winfred
Johnson singled Greg Hardison
in from second, with Chris
Bradberry moving to second. A
wild pitch advanced both run-
ners, then Bradberry scored on
an infield out for a 2-0 lead.
The Terrapins rallied in the
fifth on a Mike Murphy two-run
homer to instantly tie it up. ECU
seemingly scored two runs in the
sixth on a Mark Shank single and
an error, but both runs were
disallowed when Maryland ap-
pealed at third and Mike Wells
was called out for missing the
bag, which ended the inning.
After the confusion cleared,
the score remained tied through
the top of the tenth. Mont Carter
rapped a double to right in the
eighth and moved to third on
another wild pitch, but was left
Excellent defense by the
Pirates snuffed out a Terrapin
threat in the top of the ninth.
Robert Langston snagged a
sharply hit ball, tossed it quickly
to second for the relay to first.
ECU started well in the bottom
of the ninth, but once again fail-
ed to score. Langston was hit in
the head for the second time in
the game and went to second on a
Shank sacrifice. Relief pitcher
Keith Lippy, a Kent Tekulve
throw-alike, came in and struggl-
ed to get the final two outs, which
sent the game into extra innings.
Pirate pitcher Daniel Boone
seemed to keep getting stronger
as he struck out the first two
Maryland batters in the tenth. He
appeared to notch his third con-
secutive "K but a questionable
ball four sent the runner to first.
It didn't affect Boone, since he
proceeded to end the inning b
striking out the side.
The bottom ot the frame open-
ed with an out tor the Pirates, but
a Mont Carter double got the
momentum going tor ECU. Lip-
py's almost underhanded throw-
ing style, similar to a "sub-
marine" pitch, failed him as he
walked the next two batters to
load the bases. That's when a
perfect squeeze bunt by Langston
brought Carter home tor the win-
ning score.
"It was a typical collegiate
baseball game Coach Gary
(Kerton said "Boone really pit-
ched a fine game and came on
strong at the end
The wm raises the ECU season
mark to 12-3 and Boones record
went to 2-1 in giving up only four
The ECU baseball team took
tour out of five games in the lat-
ter part of last week behind a bar-
rage of homeruns and good pit-
ching, raising their season mark
to 11-3.
On Wednesday, the Pirates
took advantage of a number
Purdue errors to score an h .
win. The Boilermakers opened
with a short-lived 10 lead in the
second, but ECU quickly tied
up in the bottom half of the in
ing when las McGraw and I
Riley singled, then Mc ii
scored on a Robert I angst
bunt single.
The Pirates added tour in the
fourth. After Mont Carter singl
ed, Mark Cockrell reached first
on an error. McGraw doub
them in, and then scored hims
when Langston doubled
Langston later scored on an er
to make it 5-1.
Purdue got another run in I
top of the seventh, but Win!
Johnson retaliated with a tv
run shot to make it 7-2. McGi
doubled again in the eighth a;
came home on a wild pitch I
the final 8-2 margin Dai
Boone evened his pitching rec
at 1-1 for the Pirates, while gi
up eight hits and four wall
ECU was propelled to a v 2
see JOHNSON'S, page 12
Lady Pirates Successful In Last Three
Co-Sports Kdltor
After a tough loss to the
University of Connecticut on
Thursday morning, the Lady
Pirate softball team chalked up
three straight victories.
Despite a fine pitching perfor-
mance from Stacey Boyette, ECU
dropped a 1-0 decision to
U-Conn. The game was a picher's
duel throughout. In the top-half
of the eighth inning, two pirate
errors gave Connecticut their
game-winning run. With the loss,
Boyette drops to 1-3 on the year.
However, ECU head coach Sue
Manahan knows Boyette is better
than her record indicates.
"Stacey's been pitching very
well Manahan said. "She's
been up against some of the
tougher pitchers ? and we
haven't been hitting well when
she's pitching
In the Pirate loss, Boyette went
1-3 at the plate. Pam Young also
was 1-3 with a triple. Wendy Oz-
ment went 1-2.
In the Lady Pirates' second
game, they shut out George
Mason 5-0 behind the strong-arm
pitching of Pam Young. ECU
started strong by scoring all five
of their runs in the first two inn-
ings of the game.
Offensively, the Pirates had a
big day as four players had at
least one hit. Sue Pierce led the
way as she went 2-2. Young and
Carla Alphin both went 1-3. 1 isa
Zmuda was also 2-3 with two
With the Lady Pirates' hitting
the ball well, coach Sue Manahan
feels that the team is starting to
come together now.
"We hit the ball really well this
past few days Manahan said.
"That (ECU's hitting) has been
? ? ?
J.B HI MBHII E4 l Pfcou l.b
Susan Martin rips a base hit to help the I ad Pirates sweep Eastern
Connecticut in fast-pitch action on Saturdav.
our weakness up until this po
"I'm prettv excited with the
team as a whole Manahan . ?
tinued. "With our entire pit
staff returning and with k
(Graves) playing a new position
(Also) Pam (Young) has .
been playing well ? she wor
hard this summer to get read) I
the season
On Saturday, the lad B
swept a double header fr
Eastern Connecticut State. 1
Pirates won the first game .
and the second 5-4.
Pam Young was credited
both of the ECU wins ? mak
her 5-0 on the year. At the plate,
Lisa Zmuda did most of the
damage. She was 4 5. ei
course of the day In the I
game she was 2-2 with a tr
and the game-winning RBI. In
the later game, Zmuda was over
better as she went 2-3 witl
RBI's including another in;
Five other Lady Bucs had a
the Pirate win.
The I adv Pirates nexl
counter will be today in Wi
ington. N.C to battle the 1 a
Seahawks o UNC-Wi
On Friday March 22 thro
March 24, the I adv Bik will ,
in sunny Lallahassee, Fla .
participate in the Florida Si
Tournament. The team will tl
return home for action March
Tenth TKE Boxing Tourney Crowd Pleaser
( o-Sporli Mllor
The tenth annual Tau Kappa
Epsilon Boxing Tournament
finals took place in Minges Col-
iseum last Thrusday, with eight
amateur champions named.
The tournament was sponsored
by Miller High Life and the
money raised went to St. Jude
Children's Research Hospital.
The first bout of the evening
was between John Rogers and
Charles Patrick. In the first
round, the two fought evenly as
they traded punches throughout
the round. The 152-pound
Patrick then took command of
the fight in the second round,
drawing blood from the nose of
the 146-pound Rogers.
Despite the blood from his
nose, Rogers came out ag-
gressively in the final round.
However, this was not enough to
impress the judges as Patrick won
the fight by a decison.
In the heavier competition,
197-pound Warren Williams and
198-pound Christopher Simpson
battled for the three rounds. The
opening round was basically slow
as the fighters felt each other out.
In round two, the pace picked
up as Simpson started out as the
aggressor. However, Williams
got Simpson on the ropes and
landed some convincing blows ?
causing the crowd to become very
involved and extremely vocal.
This proved to be the difference
in the fight, because the third
round was pretty even. The
judges gave the decison to
The third bout was perhaps the
closest fight of the night. John
Kilpatrick, weighing in at 154
pounds, battled 188-pound Rob-
bie Martin. Kilpatrick landed oc-
cassional right-hand jabs
throughout the first two rounds.
However, Martin landed with
more frequency and had
Kilpatrick on the ropes late in the
second round.
The third round was very close
as the boxer's exchanged pun-
ches. Martin must have impress-
ed the judges, as he won by a
The first knockdown came in
the fourth bout as the tourna-
ment MVP won in the second
round on an RSC (referee stops
contest). Scott Francis, 130
pounds, combined repeated body
blows to knock off 134-pound
competitor Ken Rigsbee.
After a pretty even first round,
Francis caught Rigsbee on the
ropes with heavy right hands to
the midsection, causing Rigsbee
to drop to the canvas. Francis
was later named as the tourney
The fifth fight of the night in-
volved 169-pound Thomas
Johnson and 176-pound Will
Godfrey (who was a late replace-
After a relatively slow first
round, the two exchanged pun-
ches in the second. Johnson used
his hand quickness and excellent
mobility to land punches and
keep away from Godfrey's jabs.
A taunt by Johnson arose the
crowd as the round came to a
In the third round, Johnson
landed a barrage of blows, caus-
ing Godfrey to take two standing-
eight counts. As weary as he was,
Godfrey managed to hold on and
finish the fight. Johnson won by
The super heavyweights took
to action in the sixth match as
240-pound southpaw Ed Smith
won by decision over 240-pound
Larry Suggs.
Both started early as they trad-
ed punches throughout the first
round. In round two, Suggs look-
ed as if he'd take command.
However, two big right hands by
Smith led to a standing-eight
count for Suggs late in the round.
In the third round, both boxers
were a bit tired as neither fighter
was able to put together any com-
binations. Smith went on to win
by decision.
The seventh bout may have
been the most exciting fight of
the evening. James Thompson,
175 pounds, gave up 10 pounds
when he faced 185-pound Don
From the start, both fighters
exchanged heavy blows with
Thompson doing most of the
damage. Thompson's quick left
jab landed repeatedly throughout
the bout.
Hicks proved to be a tough
customer as he absorbed many
straight left hands from Thomp-
son. Thompson effectively used
his jab yo keep the bigger Hicks
In the third round both landed
heavy blows. In the latter part of
the bout, the two were standing
toe-to-toe, exchanging punches
Saieed Makes It Four In A Row!
"I ????. Ufc
By winning this bout against Mark Sheard (left), Mark Saieed (right) has won a championship each of the
four years he has competed in the TKE Boxing Tournament.
? as the crowd came to their
feet. Thompson won by decision.
"I fought like a raging bull ?
in the image of Rocky
Marciano a tired James
Thompson said. "I'll take
anything they give me, and throw
'em back even harder. I ap-
preciated the quality of my oppo-
Thompson went on to say that
the TKE tournament is a good
one and that it is the best amateur
tournament in North Carolina.
In the final bout of the even-
ing, 155-pound Mark Saieed
defended his title by. defeating
154-pound John Sheard.
After a slow start, Saieed land-
ed a heavy right hand to Sheard's
face. This resulted in an eight
count. The two exchanged pun-
ches in the second, with Saieed
getting the better of it.
In the final round, the action
stiffied somewhat and Saieed
went on to win by decision. This
was the fourth championship vic-
tory in four years for Saieed.
The crowd was very ap-
preciative of the effort that the
boxers put out as well as the
quality of the refereeing.
?m '?"? m ??. ?'? m n ?. 'i
ttm mi?im inn ? ?-? - -

MARCH 19, 1985
Johnson's Homeruns Pace Pirate Victories
Continued from page 11
win over Eastern Kentucky
Thursday as Mark Shank broke
loose for five runs-batted-in on
two homers and a double.
Shank's homer in the first gave
the Pirates a 1-0 lead. Jay
McGraw hit one out in the second
and a Jim Riley triple was follow-
ed by a single by Greg Hardison
for a 3-0 margin.
Winfred Johnson made it 4-0
in the third with his seventh-
season homer. Robert Langston
singled in the fourth, then
Shank's second homer made i'
6-0 in a hurry.
Shank came back the next inn-
ing to double off the fence, scor-
ing Riley and Langston. Eastern
Kentucky got one run on a dou-
ble in the eighth, but the Pirates
came back with a run on a wild
pitch with the bases full for a 9-1
lead. The Colonels added a run in
the ninth for the final margin of
Jim Peterson allowed only five
hits and three walks in eight inn-
ings to make his record 2-1.
Chubby Butler finished up the
game for ECU.
On Friday, Pirate sensation
Winfred Johnson got his fourth
win against no losses in a rugged
10-7 win over the visiting Univer-
sity of Connecticut Huskies.
It wasn't Johnson's pitching
that did it though ? it was his
three homeruns. ECU picked up
runs in the first and second inn-
ing, then Johnson poled one out
of the park in the third for a 3-0
Jon Gery hit a two-run homer
for the Huskies in the fourth to
IRS Preseason
SUM Writer
A little dampness, but other-
wise ideal conditions set the stage
for a most exciting intramural
pre-season softball extravaganza
this weekend.
As teams prepared for the
regular season, the tournament
provided not only practice, but
shed a light on the regular season
top picks.
In the women's division, last
xear's pre-season champions.
The Enforcers, were defeated by
fending regular season
champs. The Eliminators. They
(the Eliminators) walked away
(Memorial Gym 115)
M-Th 9 a.m9 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m5:30 p.m.
Sat Sun. 1 p.m5 p.m.
M F 9a.m11 a.m.
1:30p.m5 p.m.
T-W-Th 2 p.m4 p.m.
with three victories and the pre-
season title.
The final match-up was bet-
ween The Eliminators and second
place finisher Slay Mamas.The
game began with a short rally by
the 'Mamas who took an early
2-0 lead. Behind the hitting
powers of Lorraine Foster and
the rest of the Eliminator staff,
Slay soon fell under the bats as
the contest ended 18-8.
In the men's finals, Spit Eire
went head-to-head against the
men from the Elbow Room.
Under cloudy skies, Spit Fire
couldn't stay awav from home
and ended the game 13 runs
Memorial Pool
M-W-F 7 a.m8 a.m.
M-F 12 noon-l:30p.m.
M-F 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Sat. 1 p.m5 p.m.
M-Th 9 a.m8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m5:30 p.m.
Sat Sun. 1 p.m5 p.m.
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James Bras well
SGA Treasurer
close the gap. In thcPirate half
of the fourth, Johnson followed
a Greg Hardison double with his
second homerun of the day, giv-
ing ECU a 5-2 lead.
ECU's Mark Cockrell homered
in the sixth, then Connecticut got
a run in the seventh for a 7-3
score. The Pirates' lead vanished
quickly in the eighth. The
Huskies pushed one run over,
then Gerry LaPenta blasted a
three run homer to tie the score at
seven apiece.
Unfortunately for Connec-
ticut, Winfred Johnson had one
more at bat. He promptly ended
the game with a three run blast in
the bottom of the ninth to save
his own pitching game 10-7.
The Pirates split a
doubleheader against the Huskies
Saturday. Connecticut grabbed a
3-0 lead in the first inning, but
once again ECU responded
quickly with four of their own in
the bottom of the frame.
Mont Carter singled, then
Mark Cockrell's double was
followed by an infield hit by Jim
Riley, scoring one run. Cockrell
came in on a fielder's choice and
Mark Shank got a hit. Greg Har-
dison's single scored Langston,
then Chris Bradberry's single
made it 4-3 Pirates.
Jay McGraw singled in the
third and scored on an out to in-
crease the ECU lead to 5-3. The
Huskies rallied with a run in the
fourth and evened it up on a Jon
Gerry homer an inning later.
After ECU's McGraw reached on
an error in the seventh, a Carter
single brought him in for the win-
ning run.
Mike Christopher ran his pit-
ching record to 4-0 for the
Pirates, giving up 10 hits and two
The Huskies finally silenced
the ECU bats in the third game of
the series to take a 6-1 victory.
Connecticut scored four times in
the first, which turned out to be
more than enough for the win.
The Huskies' John Shea threw
a three-hitter at the Pirates and
gave up only four walks. The on-
ly bright spot for ECU was two
hits by Mike Wells, including a
solo homer in the third.
The main blows for Connec-
ticut were a two-run homer by
Gerry LaPenta in the first and a
Scott Cormeir roundtripper in
the fifth.
Tom Webb took the loss in his
initial appearance for the Pirates,
but pitched well after the first in-
ning and threw a complete game.
He surrendered five hits and four
walks, but settled down after the
opening frame and gave up only
three hits and one walk in the re-
maining six innings.
The ECU season record went
to 11-3 after this hectic week of
action. The ECU-Maryland game
yesterday was the Pirates' fifth-
teenth consecutive home game
This unusual season opening
came as a result of
postponements and site switches
in three scheduled away games
ECU will attempt to play its firsi
away games in a doubleheader at
UNC-Wilmington tomorrow,
then return to Harrington Field
on Thursday to face the Tar
Heels of North Carolina at 3
ahead of their opponent, 15-2.
Regular season play begins this
week and Sneaker Sam has got
his top three squads in mind. In
the ladies division, defending
champion The Eliminators lead
the polls, followed by The En-
forcers and Slay Mamas.
The men's division may be up
for grabs this season, but Sam's
looking at either the Gambling
Bombers, Skoal Brothers or
Third Regiment to walk away
with the all-campus prize.
Team handball is once again in
the spotlight and play begins this
week. Old Heart breakers never
die, or at least that's what they're
saying in the women's league as
Ginger Rothermel takes the helm
of a familiar squad with a new
name. Look for Life's A Beach at
the top of the polls.
Garrett Eive-O looks tough in
the men's league, along with
perinnial power Third Regiment.
Sam puts Five-O in front, with
the Regiment falling in at second.
Several other squads look tough
enough to shoot their way into
this year's finals.
Registration for co-rec
volleyball closes out today. The
competition begins March 25. If
you want to call the shots, head
out to Memorial Gym, room 102,
at 6 p.m. and learn how to of-
ficiate the sport. No experience is
necessary. To register for
volleyball and co-rec raquetball.
come by room 204 Memorial
Gym or call 757-6387 by Wednes-
day March 20.
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The East Carolinian, March 19, 1985
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 19, 1985
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