The East Carolinian, January 10, 1985

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

?he SaHt (Earolmtan
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.59 No.30
Thursday January , 1985
Greenville, N.C.
12 Pages
Circulation 12,000
Lack of Student Involvement
Prompts Manager's Leaving
The White House
When it comes time for ou to pay that traffic ticket, remember that the Traffic Office has moved to
10th St. Rumor has it that the real reason the office moved was so the officers could make a direct shot to
the local doughnut shop while the coffee is still hot.
N?j Editor
Chrystal Fray, general
manager of The Ebony Herald,
resigned her position Monday,
citing lack of student interest and
participation in the paper as two
of the reasons for her resigna-
"I'm resigning due to lack of
staff participation and the dif-
ficulty of running a paper
without a full permanent staff
she said.
Fray has held the position of
general manager since the beginn-
ing of fall semester, following the
resignation of Rubin Ingram.
During her tenure, Fray said,
there have been many staff tur-
"Before Christmas I had three
staff members left ? myself, the
business manager and the news
director she said. Because of
the lack of a full staff, Fray said
she had to neglect her academics.
Fray said she feels there is not
enough student interest in The
Ebony Herald to justify further
publication of the paper. "There
is not enough happening on cam-
pus to necessitate it she said. "I
could see a need for it if the
students worked and contributed
ideas, but they don't
Furthermore, Fray said, she
does not feel the paper is read by
the students. "It will take two
weeks for all the papers to get
picked up and more non-
minorities read it than
minorities The Ebony Herald
has a circulation of 2,500 and
Fray said there are enough
minority students so papers
should not be left on the stands.
"I feel the paper is looked at
and judged, but not read she
don't feel like it's
to have a separate
said. "I
Since the paper is circulated
monthly, it is difficult to cover
news events and "we have to milk
out stories for campus Fray
said. "Sometimes I felt things
didn't need to get written
"Almost every past editor has
resigned for the same reason I
have Fray said. "Three people
can't put out a newspaper
Rudolph Alexander, associate
dean and director of University
Unions, said the matter would be
discussed by the Media Board
next week.
'There is a frequent turnover
at the paper and if it is ever to be
as successful as the board and the
minority students would like it to
be, there's got to be more stabili-
ty he said.
New Classroom Building Progresses According To Schedule
Vvuuai Nrwi Kdiior
A new $14.6 million general
classroom building to be located
at ECU is now in the final plann-
ing stages. Funds for the building
were appropriated by the N.C.
General Assembly two years ago
The architects, Little and
Associates, will be meeting with
University officials today to
discuss final details, according to
Charles Blake, assistant to the
chancellor. "We have not
solicited any bids yet he said,
'so there are no immediate plans
to begin construction Con-
struction of the building should
begin between middle or late 1985
and completed sometime in '86 or
'8 he said.
The 163,000 square foot
general classroom building was
the result of increased growth at
ECU. "This will be the first
general classroom building since
1970 Blake said, "and the ex-
pansion of the General College
has deemed it necessary to have
academic space available to fit
this need. Since the 1970s, there
has been an approximate increase
of 5,000 students enrolling at
Blake said when new buildings
are constructed, "the first five
years the facility is in use it is
super-adequate. After ten years,
the building begins to lose effi-
ciency and another building is
necessary. That's what has hap-
pened to Brewster. Space has
become limited and students and
faculty are cramped together.
"The faculty has been magnifi-
cent in adjusting to the space
shortage. Many faculty members
are sharing offices that were
originally designed for one per-
son he said. The new building
will be composed of 60
classrooms and 180 faculty of-
fices, "about the size of two
high-rise dorms put together, ex-
cept it would have only three
levels Blake added. "Many
departments have had to re-
locate their offices in another
building. The quality of academic
achievements has not been af-
fected yet, but if the lack of space
continues, it would have a major
impact on the qualit of educa-
tion at ECU.
"The importance of this
building cannot be emphasized
enough Blake said "Over the
past 30 years. ECU has gone
from having 28 buildings to hav-
ing 80 buildings now. This new
classroom building shouid satisfy
general classroom use until the
year 2000 Blake noted that
many additions will probably oc-
cur before that time. "Around
S25 million will be spent in order
to accommodate growing needs
Companies Recruiting This Month
of ECU.
"Right now there is a need for
the addition of a Health, Physical
Education, Recreation and Safe-
ty building at ECU This new
proposal would cost around $8
million and would satisfy the
need for this expanding field.
"This university has the second
largest sports medicine depart-
ment in the south and is regarded
as having the most highly
respected sports medicine depart-
ment in the nation Blake con-
tinued. "The demand is tremen-
dous for this occupation,
especially with a new requirement
this year by the Department of
Public Education that requires all
high schools to offer some type
of sports medicine training to its
students Blake said.
Other additions ECU is hoping
to get, Blake said, will be in the
School of Medicine. Bio-
technology facilities are needed
as well as a birthing center. "Of
course, a lot of the money will be
spent in renovating buildings
such as Graham and biology
buildings. Also, there are a lot of
old buildings on campus that
need repairing; it's inevitable
Long-range plans, or what
Blake calls "dream items" are
very important to ECU's growth,
"but nothing that can't be done
right away he said. John
Howell, chancellor of ECU, is
very much interested in the the
public service role ECU serves the
community, Blake said, and he
would like to see a co-location of
the Coastal Marine Resources
Center, BB&T Leadership
Development Center, School of
Technology Center for Applied
Technology, Regional Develop-
ment Institute and Rural Educa-
tion Institute. "By doing so he
says, "the public will have easy
access to these institutes
Plans for additional parking at
ECU are also being considered,
though expense seems to be a ma-
jor factor in preventing addi-
tional space. "Parking is never
adequate he said. "With
10,000 automobiles on campus,
there is hardly enough space to
put all of them. However, ECU
has one alternative many schools
do not have access to; that is an
excellent SGA Transit system
Blake called it one of the best and
most cost-efficient systems in the
state, earning more than 80,000
students a year. "This eliminates
the need for automobiles on cam-
pus and thereby provides
everybody a service by holding
down traffic congestion Blake
"ECU has plans for many addi-
tions we hope to see come true
one day he added.
Career Office Urges Registration
I t (liter
"Now is the time for al! 1985
spring and summer graduates to
register with the Career Planning
and Placement Center said
director Furney James.
"Valuable opportunities may
pass the senior who does not
register with us in time James
said. "Before they know it, the
semester is almost over and they
will have missed opportunities to
be interviewed by recruiting
employers Students who wish
to be interviewed in January need
to apply at the Career Planning
and Placement Office by Friday,
Jan. 11 at 2 p.m.
James emphasized that
students must come in person to
register because no telephone
calls will be accepted. The stu-
dent is also limited to two inter-
views this month. "However, the
student may return the following
Monday to see if there are any
openings left on the sign up
sheet James said. Companies
come to campus to interview for
jobs, but only those who are
registered are permitted to inter-
"By starting early, the student
will make a better impression on
the interviewer and as an added
bonus the student will avoid the
long lines in the spring
Some of the companies coming
to ECU in January include: Burl-
ington Industries, Wednesday,
Jan. 16; U.S. Air Force Officer
Training Programs, Thursday,
Jan. 17 and the Central In-
telligence Agency, Wednesday,
Jan. 23. Various banks and in-
surance companies will be visiting
ECU as well as schools along the
eastern seaboard.
Resume workshops will also be
held this month with the dates
and times listed in the An-
nouncements section of The East
Carolinian. For more informa-
tion contact the Career Planning
and Placement Center, located in
Bloxton House, between
Mendenhall Student Center and
Greene dorm.
U.S. Star Wars Discussed In Geneva Talks
GENEVA, Switzerland (UPI)
? Despite intense Soviet
pressure, the United States refus-
ed to renounce President
Reagan's "Star Wars" anti-
missile plan in talks on resuming
arms negotiations, U.S. delegates
to the meetings said.
Kenneth Adelman, director of
the U.S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency, said U.S.
research on the Strategic Defense
Initiative, or "Star Wars' con-
cept, was a major sticking point
in the two days of talks between
Secretary of State George Shult
and Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei Gromyko.
"They want us to renounce the
research (but) we did not want it
to be negotiated away
Adelman said.
The United States plans to
spend $26 billion over the next
five years researching anti-missile
After more than 14 hours of
talks over two days in Geneva,
the superpowers agreed to open a
new set of arms control talks. But
Adelman said it was uncertain
until near the end that a joint
agreement would be reached.
"We kept caucusing he said.
Other American officials also
made it clear that research into
the program would go ahead
despite earlier Soviet statements
that it would seriously hinder or
even prevent discussions.
Shultz said the program would
not be a "bargaining clip" and
U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Ar-
thur Hartman said defensive
weapons were an important part
of the equation for stability.
While the White House
withheld formal comment until
Wednesday, when President
Reagan will meet with Shultz and
later hold a formal news con-
ference, one administration of-
ficial said the outcome "was ex-
actly what he wanted: a resump-
tion of negotiations
National Security Adviser
Robert McFarlane said Shultz
and Gromyko did not concern
themselves with details during the
meeting, leaving them to be
worked out at the negotiating
The Soviets are insisting the
talks are "completely new" and
have nothing to do with the
negotiations they walked out of
late in 1983, but U.S. officials
clearly see them as old talkv with
a new title plus discussions on
space weapons.
Life 9s A Beech
JON JORDAN - ECU Photo tab
Current Minority Enrollment At ECU Stable
What a way to start off the new year. First it's 8:00 classes every-
day, now this. Wonder what'il happen next? It'll probably snow.
While a decline in black enroll-
ment has slowed integration of
many mostly white campuses in
the 16-campus University of
North Carolina system, minority
enrollment at ECU has risen since
1980 and remained relatively
stable during the past two years.
A 1981 government-initiated
consent degree set a 10.6 percent
minority enrollment goal for
1986 at 11 of the predominantly
white institutions in the UNC
system. ECU's goal is 13 percent
for 1986, according to Charles
Seeley, director of admissions.
Currently, minority enrollment
stands at 10.9 percent ? 1,467
students. In the fall of 1980, that
figure was 10.1 percent or 1,329
minority students. Angelo Volpe,
vice chancellor for Academic Af-
fairs said the percentage of
minority students at ECU is
among the highest in the UNC
In addition to increasing black
enrollment at predominantly
white institutions, the consent
decree set a goal of 15 percent
white enrollment at predominant-
ly black campuses, a goal that has
been exceeded.
Announcements2 fairs Cliff Moore was incor-
Editorials4 rectly identified. We regret the
Entertainment7 error.
Sports10 ?The SGA Transit evening
route will begin at 5:50 p.m.
?In the Jan. 8 issue of The not 5:30 p.m. Further infor-
East Carolinian, Vice mation can be obtained from
Chancellor for Business Af- the transit office.

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JAM AR 10. 1985
"? promo tmtmmtttt Hi n "v Bacom
? p?rt of CADP Th? Hr?1 meeting X m? nw
?e?f win o??in ?t 4p m on Ttturv Jan 10, In
6 -win H?ll room JU AM Interwted perioni
picas attend
Check if oof The Navigator investigative
Bibi Study ana Fellowship Brewster O
?ring room 20J every Tue? 7 30pm begin
nlng Jan ?fh
Only 15 Featuring Heads Up Wed Jan 9 and
Thurs Jan 10 from ? p m tolpm in room
205 of ttve Allied Health Building Sponsored
0 trte East Carolina Student Committee Oc
cupationM Therapy Association All pro
ceeds go to the United Cerebral Palsy
Models needed
Trve school of art is offering positions as
models tor protralt and 'gure drawing
classes if interested apply a? the school of
art office Jentuns Fine Arts Center or call
7SJ 6563 For information regarding model
requirements see Mr Crawley office 1340 or
Mr Cordlev office 130?
international Student Association will be
meeting for a get together Set Jan 13th a?
5 SO p m In ttve International House Come
and Join urn
College Republicans
College Republicans Beginning tonigr"
neet every Thurs at? m the Mendenhali Cot
'eehouse We have many fun and interesting
activities planned so come on by
nappy new year and welcome sack' We will
nave our t.rjt general meeting o trie sonng
semester on Wed Jan 16 at 5 p m m the
MenoenheH Multipurpose 'oom We will
discuss activities ana cans for this
semester inductions have oeen rescheduled
and the date will be announced at this
meeting See you there
Div. of Cont. Education
Continuing education non credit covses
Ballroom Dancing. Pr Feb 8 Apr 13 7 8
p m 10 sessions Middle Eastern Danong
Sat Feb ? Apr 37 13 30 1 30 p m v ses
sions Beginning Piano Mon Febl 11 Apr
It 6 ??' 30 pm 10 sessions Call 757 6143 or
com to Er-win Hall
ECU FrisbeeClub
h ECU fr.sbee club and the ultimate
rates' will be traveling to Wilmington on
Sun to play the Gale Force Anyone in
teresteo n throwing trisbe ana learning
new If sbee skills ano games hi invited Bot
ton of college run drive Tues and Thurs at 3
Watch tor the Natural L gh' spring ultima
ultimate tournament and the N C State
"eej'yle chamip.onship this spring at
ECU Not oblong
A meeting this Thurs jen 10th at 7 30 We
lav a lot to tmish up See your smiling faces
Aerobic Exercise
Register tor Intramural aerobic and physical
fitness Masses Jan 7 II In room 204 memorial
gym Come by between the hours of 8 30 4 For
additional Information call 757 6387
IRS Sport Club Council There will be an In
tramural sport council meeting Jan 23 af 4
pm in Brewster B 103 ATTENDI
Registration for 5 player Intramural basket
ball win be held Jan u ana 15 Play begins
Jan 2! Get your team together and enter I
Participate rather then spectate through In
Basketball Officials
Earn extra money and gain experience by
officiating intramural basketball The first
clinic will be held Jan 14 at 6 p m In
Memorial Gym room 102 No experience Is
necessary or required Gel involved thru in
The Student Athletic Board is looking for
breakdancmg groups to perform during half
time of pirate basketball games If in
teresteo contact Pam Holt at 757 6417 Come
on and Break for the Purple and Gold! 11
Student Athletic Board
There will be a student athletic board
meetmgon Mon Jan 14 at 4 In the multl
purpose room of Mendenhali S'udenf Center
We are extending an invitation to all transfer
and other rtev. students to meet with us to see
wha' the Student Athletic Board is all about
You never can ten You might want to be
part of Our fun I
?t University, Felowship will have un
crogramed worship on Sun . Jan 13th at 6 30
o m in Mendenhali room 313 an informal
bible study will follow visitors are welcom
ed For more Into can p j k linger 75a. 3411
Interviewing Workshops
The Career Planning and Placement Service
In the Bioxfon house is offering these one
hour sessions to aid you in developing better
interviewing skills tor use in your job search
A film ano discussion of how to interview on
ana off campus will be shared These ses
sions win be held If! the Career Planning
room at 3 p m on Jan 33 and 29 and
Feb 7,11, ana 19 On jan 28 an evening ses
sion will be held at 7 p m Seniors are
especially encouraged to attend one of these
Seniors Grail Students
The Career Planning and Placement Service
will meet with those interested in learning
more abut this service This general session
will encourage those graduating in this
IN4 185 academic year to pick up registra
'ion packets ana return them Registration,
credentials, and interview procedures will
be explained The session arill oe held In
Mendenhali 221 a' 4 p m on Jan 16 1985
East Carolina University's
Student Union
is taking applications for
Student Union President
Student Union Vice President
for the 1985 - 1986 Term
Any full time student can apply.
Applications available at Mendenhali
Student Center's Information Desk.
Deadline: January 18, 1985
???f?((??mmMm?wMmzmmEBzz ?'???.??i?M.??.?tMMmm.
The'Best'Rent?. Prices in
2905 E.lOth St.
Hours M-F 10-6
Closed Wednesdays
Sat. 9-5
TELERENT also rents
Home Stereos
Color Consoles
New Policy
All announcements and classified ads must be
turned in at the East Carolinian office by
12:00 noon on the day before publication.
Only in the case of the death of the President
of the United States of America will an
exception be made. Your cooperation will be
greatly appreciated
Honors Seminars
All faculty members (and honors students)
are reminded that the deadline for submit
ting proposals tor honors seminars for fall
semester I9?5 Is Mon , Jan u Proposals
should be made on a form similar to that us
eo for course proposals, stating oblectlves.
tents, and requirements Interdisciplinary
topics are encouraged Honors students have
requested a seminar in the 1960's If any
faculty are interested In teaching such a
seminar, contact David Sanders. 217
Regsdele (6373)
Application for Student
Committee Chairperson
The Student Homecoming committee is
responsible for planning, promoting, and
presenting the annual homecoming ac
tlvitles This festival of events Is one of the
largest programs happening at the Unlversi
ty each year Among the responsibilities
parade arranging half time activities at the
?oofball game securing judges for the floats
and house and residence hall decorations,
and presenting entertainment
The Student Homecoming Committee
chairperson is the individual who has overall
responsibil ty for homecoming Students In
terested in being considered tor the position
of Student Homecoming Committee
Chairperson may pick up application forms
at either VSC information desk or the
Taylor Slaughter Alumni Center The
deadline for applying for this position Is Jan
ECU Biology Club
AM Biology Ciuo members and prospects
Pleasemark your calender for Mon , Jan
14th Please note ?hat our meetings have
oeen changed to Mon nights so as to
facilitate larger attendance and fewer con
filets with other campus organuations The
meeting will be held in room BN IOT in the
Biology building at 7 p m Our featured
speaker will be a representative of the Lions
Club who will give a presentation on how to
become an organ donor Members 'irst of
the semester attendance is a must
Cross over into a new sound The confem
porary gospel show airs now from 6 12 Sun
mornings We play Christian contemporary
music that covers a wide range of styles,
from the au sound of Keith Thomas to the
solid rock of Petra So listen and find your
style of music with a message' Crossover
Sun on your compus album station, WZMB
Motel Management
interested in learning motel management
with a major chain? Position available In
Greensboro for Spring. 1915 Contact
Cooperative Education 313 Rawl bldg tor
more Information
Cooperative Education
Remember the deadline' tor application Is
Feb 1 I9S5 11 you are Interested, please con
tact the Coop office as soon as possible
Business, music theatre arts, engllsh and
writing, art and home economics majors are
encouraged to apply Salary is $125 per week
free housing 150 paid toward transportation
Camp Day
Do vchj like to work with children? Enjoy the
outdoors Then this opportunity may be tor
i)1 Representa'l ves from camps
throughout the eas' will be on campus Jan
22. 195 to interview students tor summer
positions Counselors instructors, life
guards and more positions available See
the Co op office 113 Rawi Bldg to sign up for
an interview and tor more information
N.C. Student Legislature
The N C Studen' Legislature will have a
very important planning meeting Mon Jan
14 at 7 in the Mendenhali Coffeehouse We
will discuss the Jan 25 27 IC. spring pro
lects. and session in March All members
please attend or call James Caidweil a'
752 5662
Resume Workshops
The Carver Planning and Placement Service
In the Bioxton House It otter mg one hour ses
starts to help you prepare your own resume
Few , graduates get lobs without some
preparation Many employers request a
resume showing your education and ex
penence Sessions to help will be held In the
Career Planning room at 3 p m on Jan 21
and 31 An evening session will be held at 7
p m on Jan 30
Beta Kappa Alpha
There will be a chapter meeting on Thurs
Jan 10 A speaker from Merrill Lynch win
attend to talk 00 being a stockbroker Let's
nave a large turn out All new members are
Free Faculty A Staff Aerobics
Classes are held every Mon Wed Frl at 12
noonln Memorial Gym 10 No experience Is
necessary Now's the time to start on the'
new year's resolution to g?t In shape and
have a good time See you there
Also ball room dance classes are offered at
12 noon on Tues and Thurs In Memorial
Gym )M Get a partner and come on down
for some fun No experience Is necessary
and It's frt
Spring Break at Snowshoe
It's snowing right now in West Virginia The
slopes will be In great shape for our annual
spring trip to snowshoe W V Sign up with
Mrs Jo Saunders to reserve your space
Price varies according- to your ski package
Transportation available on first come first
serve basis Phone 757 6000 or go by Mrs
Saundrs office at 3 p m any day for more in
Sigma Phi Epsilon
The brothers and Golden Hearts of Sigma
Phi Epsilon would like to extend a cordial to)
vltatlon to anyone interested m attending our
rush parties on Jan 21 23 We ere located a'
505 E 5th St across from the Jenins An
Building Please feel free to drop by the
house any time beforehand and mee us
because we 't looking forward 'o meeting -
of you
N.C Student Legislature
The N C Student Legislature is begmnng a
membership drive tor students interested ki
N C issues We have students m a wide
variety of maiors Oier 45 percent of our
legislation is passed in some form by me
N C general assembly which has gran'eo
us a HO.OOO grant this veer We meet Mon a'
7 in the mendenhali coffeehouse or '?
James a' 752 5662
Just like ECU OoAwood Homes hos been
o part of the growth of Greenville and eastern
North Carolina for years Quality and service
the hallmark of 'wo great" institutions 1 Both
helping friends to a better hfe
IP ;
756 5434
yi C in you picture yourself
swinging down ,i clitP Or
shooting the rapids1 Or
crossing a river using only
a rope and your own two
You'll have a chance
to do all this ,md more in
Adventure training like
this helps you develop
many or the qualities you'll
need as an Army officer
Qualities like self-
confidence Stamina And
the ability to perform
under pressure
If you'd like to find out
more, make a date to see
Master Sergeant Terry
Boyles in room 324
Erwin Hall or
Call 757-6967.
?. ?? ? "?? ?
,( S;a-c college and
university grads paid an aerage
of six percent more m tuition and
tees this year, a two percent di
from last year s increase, an
American Association ol
Colleges and Universities survey
has found.
lieges and states are trying
to hold costs d ?vi tit ? dnd
fees are not increasinj
Mary Margaret Walker,
AASf spokeswoman ex-
Macho Ner
" PS) - October 25, one y
after Amer
Grenada, and stu 1
University a
.ampus are celel
Flags are ?
scooped d
rescue a mi
midst ol audience
cheering rowd
chant of "Momn -
don't be comn
and fold pajamm
Not a
Liberation Day
Madison stud-
Nerds for Re i
group which clain
the true spirit Reaga
The Nei Is
late September at a pi
rally organized b
College Republican
the tar the- tl
find, they bore sigr
"Kill the Poor"
Ronnie Bo- -
crudely lettered
Ronald Reagar.
president any ma
hope for
"Faced with tr .
munist influence on o u ?
life (women who won't at
ladies, jokes
shirts, socially unacceptab
Library Staff
Holds Variety
M?rr ?nirr
Joyner Library held its annu
variety show in Fletcher M .
Hall on Dec. 1, a ?
purpose oi
money for the P
Children's Fund. I ow
originated in 1983 who
used it as ts pi
money for :he fund rh?
show was a success ra - ng $5
This year show ra sed -?
through ticket sa es na-
tions. The money n used
to buy C.k
foster children
The library si i ed
the entire pr gran " recru
acts and some si
created theii
show Prizes
were donated b
New Years Spe
1 Month me
3 Month mei
Call ne h
5 Aerob
Bring in this ad and add
VlSHlk C


JANUARY 27, 1985
Sigma Phi Epsllon
riM B'ofr?'? ?"3 Goioen Hearty ot Sigma
on Ep?nor oouia HM o e?tend a coraiai In
. ?b'ct' ftp ayona ntttta " attending our
- iar'?? on j?r 2' 23 A ar located at
yjj ? $tr S' a ro? trom ttva Janhlnt A,rt
? g ? a?? ?' 're to Oroo By 1?
x? . - ae?-enano jno meet us
lacawMM ? oo? 'ooafO 'o meeting at.
N C Student Legislature
I N SfWdW t v itucaj J Degnnng a
vwntM ?' I ?w ?tyoent r?ereVeo in
s ss-n Ae -a.e jtuoenf n a ?ide
I ? ?3 Decent o? our
?v i ?' .a?o n ?m( torn t? rh
N )n.ri MMtnti ? vtMcfi ? jranted
ial Oegra - ? ?? a m1 vion at
ItW ? - ? ?eehoue or call

50'S -60'S
in. 10th
f AHmsom
' Try
It, ECU!
ILL 11:30!
brinks after 1130
9 to US!
tyVan for a
4 m ttm
Graduates Paid More Tuition
(CPS) - state college and
universny grads paid an average
fwrCem m?re in tuition a"d
fmmyear' a tWO Percent d?p
from last year's increase, an
American Association of State
Colleges and Universities survey
has found.
,? uC,Calle8CS and states are trying
to hold costs down so tuition and
tees are not increasing as fast
A4acrnMar8arel Walker.
AASCUs spokeswoman ex-
Macho N
(CPS) ? October 25, one year
after American troops invaded
Grenada, and students on the
University of Wisconsin-Madison
campus are celebrating.
Flags are flying, students in
military uniform have just
swooped down from the stage to
rescue a medical student from the
midst of the audience, and the
cheering crowd erupts into a
chant of "Mommies, mommies,
don't be commies; stay at home
and fold pajammies
Not a run-of-the-mill Student
Liberation Day. this com-
memoration was brought to
Madison students by the Macho
Nerds for Reagan, a satirical
group which claims to represent
the true spirit of Reaganism.
The Nerds first appeared in
late September at a pro-Reagan
rally organized by Madison's
College Republicans. Dressed in
the tackiest clothes they could
tind, they bore signs proclaiming
"Kill the Poor" and "Bomb
Ronnie Bomb and distributed
crudely lettered leaflets praising
Ronald Reagan as "the best
president any macho nerd could
hope for
"Faced with the growing com-
munist influence on our way of
life (women who won't act like
ladies, jokes about alligator
shirts, socially unacceptable and
Library Staff
Holds Variety
staff ?niw
Joyner Library held its annual
variety show in Fletcher Music
Hall on Dec. 1, at 8 p.m. The
purpose of the show was to raise
money for the Pitt County Foster
Children's Fund. The show
originated in 1983 when the staff
used it as its project to raise
money for the fund. The first
show was a success, raising $560.
This year's show raised S660
through ticket sales and dona-
tions. The money was then used
to buy Christmas presents for
foster children.
The library staff coordinated
the entire program They recruited
acts and some staff members
created their own acts for the
show. Prizes and refreshments
vvere donated by local merchants.
But a Stanford University ex-
pert predicts students' costs will
start rising rapidly again soon.
Last year, students at AASCU-
member schools paid $3,090 in
tuition and fees. This fall, costs
crept to $3,290.
Non-resident students paid an
average $4,522 last year, com-
pared to $4,852 in 1984-85.
In-state graduate fees rose
from $946 to $1,032, not in-
cluding room and board. Non-
resident costs climbed from
$2,037 to $2,260.
The group notes the rate of in-
crease is lower for member
schools than for other public in-
The survey credits the
economic recovery and higher
state education allocations for
slowing tuition increases.
Overall college costs, however,
are increasing, Walker says,
because room and board is going
up faster than it has been.
The AASCU is "making no
predictions Walker cautions,
hut we're hoping the decrease
WH continue
Not likely, asserts William F.
Massey, Stanford's vice president
of business and finance.
In a speech last week at a con-
ference of higher education
business officers and managers at
the University of Arizona,
Massey said he expects long-term
college costs to rise two to four
percent over inflation rates as
college enrollments decline.
dangerous-looking hairstyles), we
have united to offer Madisonians
a clear choice the leaflet said.
Only a handful of Nerds was at
that first rally, but organizer
Chip Young, whose adopted
Nerd name is Biff Haywood III,
knew it would grow. "So many
people broke into hysterics when
they saw our signs, we knew we
had something really hot
So the Nerds reappeared at
Student Liberation Day, the big-
gest event on the campus
Reaganites calendar.
"I don't know much about
remodeling a kitchen, but having
? celebration of the liberation of
Grenada was especially impor-
tant because it helped us forget
being blown up three times in
Lebanon Young explains.
An informant within the Col-
lege Republicans helped the
Macho Nerds schedule their com-
memoration to coincide with the
"official" rally.
The Nerds received a rousing
response from spectators as they
arrived at the rally site carrying
signs proclaiming "Bomb the
Hospital to Save the Medics" and
"Red Dawn Babies
And what began as an oppor-
tunity for an American medical
student to express his gratitude
for the invasion quickly-
degenerated into "blind patriotic
chanting ritual groundkissing,
and jingoistic theater.
"We're patriots and we're for
a strong America. We're for m-
vading a small country every year
on the anniversary of Grenada,
starting with New Zealand
Young says.
New Zealand's newly-elected
socialist government "threatens
New Zealand itself, Australia,
and the whole region to the
south the platform states.
"The penguins are helpless
without us
"We believe in rights for
ladies, especially unborn ladies
Young adds. So the Macho
Nerds, a strictly male organiza-
tion, thoughtfully have establish-
ed a ladies' auxiliary, the Girl
Geeks for the Gipper. Young
calls them "our go-go girls
Members are called "ladies"
or "girls never "women
"We don't like the word
says Bridgette Sheridan, whose
nom d' geek is Gidget Clairol.
The Geeks take care of the
group's charity work, leaving
politics to the men. "Men just
seem to know more about issues
like abortion then ladies
Sheridan says.
The Girl Geeks are raising
funds to provide horseback
riding lessons for inner city youth
at the Reagan ranch in Califor-
nia, she says. "All they have to
do is get there, and we'll provide
free horseback riding lessons and
cookies and punch. We're also
going with Nancy Reagan to
Ethiopia to teach the children
table manners
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January 10, 1985
Page 4
Students Badly Baffled
Some more sad news for the
state's educators: Nine out of Ten
UNC-system freshmen are
geography flunkies, according to
the results of a test administered
last September. One student even
thought the population of the
United States was 236 billion ?
billionl How can this happen in a
state that is supposed to be im-
proving its educational system?
Well, it's not just us. It's the
whole darn country. "Only in this
country is the subject matter
(geography) either non-existent or
sparsely provided in our grade
schools. Elsewhere it thrives says
Dr. Richard J. Kopec, chairman of
the UNC-Chapel Hill geography
department. "Truly these are
depressing statistics
Right, Dr. Kopec, but what are
ne to do about it? How can we ex-
pect to compete as a world power,
a dominating force on the globe, if
most of the people in this country
don't even know what our two
largest states are? We must teach
our students enough geography to
be competitive with pupils from
other nations. The answer, as
Kopec says, is through education.
But not just in the grade school. A
world geography course must be
required in high school, just like
history or English.
But it should not stop there.
Once a student reaches college
(presumably being able to pass the
test that ECU freshmen just
failed), he must take a geography
course ? required just like English
1100 or library science. Knowing
about the world we live in is, in our
eyes, just as important ? even
more so ? than passing a swimm-
ing test in physical education,
which is required.
High school must stop being
easy in North Carolina. Improve-
ment overall would lift us out of
geographical ignorance. If you
don't think our schools are easy,
ask the student from Maryland
next to you what courses he had in
high school and compare. Also,
don't be surprised if he did a little
better on the geography test than
you did.
We are a university which prides
itself on training teachers.
Teachers teach. Students aren't
learning capitals and countries. So
our job is to teach the teachers who
can teach the state's students. A
mandatory geography course for
all students and more study in
geography for elementary educa-
tion majors is needed. Then maybe
the next time the test is given
students won't believe that the
Soviet Union separates Nicaragua
from Panama.
The Herald
The Ebony Herald was provided
for minority students because peo-
ple felt there was a need for such a
paper. Unfortunately, the same
students who expressed a desire for
it failed to support it, and, as a
result, yet another staff resignation
vas prompted.
Many campus organizations suf-
fer from the same problems; they
are created because of student in-
terest and stagnate because of a
lack of support. What happened to
all the students who in December
1983 so vocally demanded that
they have a minority press on cam-
pus? Wrhere is the indignation that
resulted from The East Carolinian
editorial in the same month? Both
gone, it seems.
About $15,000 in student fees is
spent annually on The Ebony
Herald, an amount not well-spent
judging from the lack of student
support and journalistic quality.
We do need an alternative
newspaper. Maybe not a minority
newspaper, but one that inches out
onto the cutting edge of journalism
to give all students the thrill of be-
ing on the cliff. But we need a driv-
ing force to man the presses, and,
sadly, there has not been one.
What we want to say is this:
either someone come in and do the
job and rally support around, or
the Media Board should close the
paper down. The choice is really
up to the students. Past editors
have constantly cried out for sup-
port. So far, these have been
screams in the wilderness. What
As Chrystal Fray said, it's a
shame that students aren't par-
ticipating in the paper ? they are
being given a good opportunity to
gain experience.
What many students don't seem
to realize is the things they take for
granted don't come into existence
on their own. It's easy to pick up
The Ebony Herald every month,
read it, criticize it, praise it or
discard it, but if someone weren't
there doing the work, there
wouldn't be a paper.
It all has to do with a sense of
responsibility. If you want to enjoy
things, sometimes you're responsi-
ble for making them work.
when does life begin f
bomk; am asortow cum
Looking Leftward
Liberal's World Unreal
I've often sought friendship with
people on the left. Folks like Patrick
O'Neill, Jay Stone and Carrol and
Edith Wehber of the Greenville Peace
Committee are fun to argue with. Such
debates sharpens one's mind.
In a recent debate, my opponent was
from the Middle East, so naturally we
began talking about Israel. After 15
minutes of agreeing with each other
(which is unusual), I decided to change
the subject. I didn't want to bring up
the Palestinian question because each
time we have argued it we have stormed
away exasperated at each other's "ig-
norance So 1 mentioned Central
America, and it didn't take him long to
say something wrong.
The Right Word
Dennis Kilcoyne
"The United States forced Cuba into
the Soviet orbit he said. If he was
following the standard liberal line, he
meant that Castro had to go to the
Soviets for assistance because the
United States wouldn't help him.
Because that argument is naive and
devoid of substantiating evidence, I
knew my friend needed some facts. So I
listed a few.
As I spoke, an observer standing
nearby chuckled from time to time. It
was obvious that he was a liberal who
found my assertions amusingly incor-
rect. I ignored him at first and con-
tinued with the argument.
"Shortly after Castro took power I
said, "he came to the United States and
proclaimed, 'I have always been a
Marxist-Leninist and will be a Marxist-
Leninist forever He said that on the
CBS program "Face The Nation
The chuckler's devastating intellec-
tual response: he giggled.
"Some people say we pushed the
Sandinistas into the Soviet orbit
because we weren't nice to them I
said. "But they despised us even while,
from 1979 to late 1981, we gave them
more aid than we gave Somoza (their
predecessor) in 30 years More
I continued speaking to my friend.
"Before Castro took power, Cuba had
one of the highest standards of living in
all Latin America I pointed out.
The chuckler's response: "Heh-heh!
What books have you been reading?"
"The UN. Demographic Yearbook
for one I replied. His response, a real
first-class confrontation of what I had
just told him, was to giggle some more.
I should have asked him the same ques-
tion, but I did notice he was reading
The News and Observer known in
Republican circles as The Views and
The conversation progressed in this
oft-interrupted pattern until my friend
repeated his original assertion about
Castro being pushed into the Soviet or-
bit by American stinginess. "He's
right the chuckler announced. "I was
"So?" I retorted. "There are lots of
others who were there, and they
disagree with you Including all the
Cuban refugees in southern Florida. He
then went on about my "intolerant at-
titude I told him I didn't understand
what he meant, and he walked off.
All of this left-wing foolishness
you've just read is grounded in a
worldview searching for a world. It says
that communists are reformers at heart
who are merely a little rough in their
tactics. It says we make indigenous
communists, like Castro and the San-
dinistas, worse and more powerful by
not competing with the Soviets to
finance them. It says that communist
atrocities can be blamed on some past
act in American foreign policy (exam-
ple: Democrat Congressman Ted Weiss
said the United States was partly to
blame for the Soviets' shooting down of
the Korean Air Liner, in which 269 peo-
ple were killed, because our defense
budgets frightened the poor Soviets.
Another far-left Congressman, Tom
Downey, assigned blame to the United
States for the recent communist
genocide in Cambodia.) It says a lot of
ridiculous things.
People like the chuckler subscribe to
this worldview and have dominated
campus politics for the past 20 years.
Whenever a conservative student tried
to voice his opinion, he was ridiculed
and intimidated. Those days are fading
fast, however. The leftwing dream is
being eroded by the assaults of reality,
both in national politics and on the
And thank God. This worldview has
been disastrous for many nations.
Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, Angola, Ethiopia and other
nations (what a tragic litany!) have
fallen to anti-American totalitarian
regimes because of the hand nnk .
and sobbing of leftists in Am-
government who cannot bear to a
stop Marxist-Leninist seizures of
power. Take Walter Mondale, for in-
stance, who was recently crowned I
the International Bachelor Womei
Organization one of the world's top ten
nerds. His ignorance shined when, a-
the Soviet invasion of Afghani
said, "It concerns me. It baffles me
why the Soviets have behaved the wa
they have, fabe we made some
mistakes with them Once age
knee-jerk reaction is that someh
United States is at fault. But if he knew
anything about Marxism-Leninism jt.j
the Soviet doctrine, he would not have
been baffled at all. Because he didn't
he was confused ? and he wanted to be
A remark by Winston Churchill sums
up the leftist outlook: "decided only to
be undecided, resolved to be irresolute,
adamant for drift, solid fc: fluidity,
powerful to be impok-
Shifts In Pols Winds
Must Build New Boat
Like all politicians, even President
Reagan is about to shift in the wind. It
is inevitable; unfortunately, it is a sign
of our times. During the Nov. 7 debate,
he pledged not to reduce Social Security
benefits saying, "A president should
never say never, but I am going to
violate that rule and say never. I will
never stand for a reduction in Social
Security benefits to people who are now
getting them Well, he shouldn't have
said never. Here we go again.
Politicians promise so much these
days that people have begun to take it
for granted that once in office the per-
son won't do what he said he would.
Politicos know this so they usually just
promise, promise, promise until their
heart and everyone else's heart is con-
tent. Americans thirst for slick lines and
good news. They are like spoiled brats
who would rather have cherry suckers
when everyone knows spinach,
although less tasty, is better. No one
will think twice when Reagan asks Con-
gress to ax pan of the Social Security
money tree. We've already had that
sucker on the campaign trail; now we'll
balk a little and eat what is good for us.
Americans need to start realizing that
government by the people does not
mean government by school teachers
for school teachers, government by
homebuilders for homebuilders or
government by farmers for farmers; it
means government by citizens for our
country. The deficit problems, among
others, must be addressed seriously.
Everyone must be willing to suffer a lit-
tle so the country can heal. Are we to
cheat our posterity for our own pro-
The leaders we have elected must not
listen to our self-centered bickering;
they must appeal to our sense of what is
right, what is just. Our representatives,
senators and president mustn't cater to
their constituents. These men and
women are not our slaves; they are our
conscience. Each one is to guide us and
act on our behalf in a way which he
thinks is right. The time has come for
both sides to stop playing "the game
The issues now are just too important.
An appeal must be made to what this
essay is about: The idea that man is
basically good; that man knows of right
and wrong and will demur for the bet-
terment of the whole, for his countrv
Political man must be basically good
for the democratic state to survive. The
art of governing must be invested with
honorable men who have the foresigh'
to act on behalf of the country, not this
group or that person
A government that leads does no-
have to play the promise game that is
unfolding like a bad plot in the White
House. Reagan is doing a good scene ?
if he makes it ? in an otherwise bad
movie. Why do we force our politicians
to give such strong support to an issue
when we know and they know the
words will be soon broken and forgot-
ten? Can we not accept that to lead our
country he must cut Social Security
Good leadership for the good of the
country is badly needed. The deficit
problem illuminates the need to be
decisive and honest on the part of the
voter and the office seeker. Time has
come for us once again to ask not what
our country can do for us, but what we
can do for our country.
fc) 1985 Greg j P?oijr?? inc
"Campus Forum"
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes let-
ters expressing all points of view.
Mail or drop them by our office in
the Publications Building, across
from the entrance of Joyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all
letters must include the name, major
and classification, address, phone
number and signature of the
authorfs). Letters are limited to two
typewritten pages, double-spaced or
neatly printed. All letters are subject
to editing for brevity, obscenity and
libel, and no personal attacks will be
permitted. Students, faculty and
staff writing letters for this page are
reminded that they are limited to one
every five issues.
State Ra
(LPI) ? a marijuana law
reform group reports North
Carolina is the nation's fifth
largest producer of the illegal
eed, even though authorities
said Thursdav search-and-
destroy missions eradicated S83.5
million worth last vear.
"You can grow marijuana in
an countv in this state from the
mountains to the coast and we
hae to look from the spring to
the first frost said Cuyler Win-
dham, State Bureau of Investiga
tion assistant director in charge
of drugs
"I chi
job, but
made n
to conti
the Rc:j
report ec
vear, m
(CPS) ? When 19-ear-old
William Green enrolled at the
University of Texas last year, he
majored in computer programm-
ing "because 1 enjov work .
with computers, the job market
looked good, and there were op-
portunities for making a
good saJar ?
Since then, the number of
students entering the comp .
science curriculum has been ?
an "explosion Green
"Classrooms are overcrowded,
you can hardl get time on
computer system, and just
semester I had to take a higher
level course than 1 wai
because everything else uas .
or not offered
And now his job hope may be
fading, too. The erv
"explosion" of computer pro-
gramming majors
hampering Green' educati
also threaten1; to glut the job
market when he graduate
ing his one-time ticket to job
security into a one-wa pass to
the unemployment office.
It's happening on campuses
Coupled with a new interest in
computer courses even among
non-technical majors, understaf-
fed, underfunded, and undere-
quipped computer science depart-
ments are being pushed to the
limits to accommodate the
mushrooming demand for
Indiana University students,
for instance, can't even get basic
computer literacy course
because the already-strained
computer science departmer
can't afford to fund them.
T e x d
of "
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JANUARY 10, 1985
Vn ei can totalitarian
beca the hand-uringing
- in American
mnot bear to act to
euures of
Mondalc, for in-
recen?l crowned by-
Bachelor Women's
'he world's top ten
'?ce shined when, after
" Afghanistan, he
It baffles me
behaved the way
made some
' Once again, the
that somehow the
- fault But if he knew
it Marxism-Leninism and
ne, he would not have
Because he didn't,
I - and he wanted to be
nston Churchill sums
k: "decided only to
? ed to be irresolute,
olid for fluidity, all
s Winds
Nlew Boat
demur for the bet-
he whole, for his country.
tust be basically good
ate to survive. The
ng must be invested with
Jonorab ?: men who have the foresight
I the country, not this
I on.
a: leads does not
e promise game that is
? ke a bad plot in the White
ase Reagar, is doing a good scene ?
:e it ? in an otherwise bad
e Wh do we force our politicians
I ? -trong support to an issue
know and thev know the
? ii be soon broken and forgot-
e Can we not accept that to lead our
)untry he must cut Social Security?
Good leadership for the good of the
toun badly needed. The deficit
roblem illuminates the need to be
iecisive and honest on the part of the
i and the office seeker. Time has
pome for us once again to ask not what
ur countrv can do for us, but what we
zx do for our country.
? Mum, nc
Campus Forum"
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes let-
ters expressing all points of view.
Mail or drop them by our office in
the Publications Building, across
from the entrance of Joyner Library.
For purposes of verification, all
letters must include the name, major
and classification, address, phone
number and signature of the
author(s). Letters are limited to two
typewritten pages, double-spaced or
neatly printed. All letters are subject
to editing for brevity, obscenity and
libel, and no personal attacks will be
I permitted. Students, faculty and
staff writing letters for this page are
reminded that they are limited to one
i every five issues.
(UPI) a marijuana law
reform group reports North
Carolina is the nation's fifth
largest producer of the illegal
weed, even though authorities
said Thursday scarch-and-
destroy missions eradicated $83.5
million worth last year.
"You can grow marijuana in
any county in this state from the
mountains to the coast and we
have to look from the spring to
the first frost said Cuyler Win-
dham, State Bureau of Investiga-
tion assistant director in charge
of drugs.
"I think we are doing a good
job, but I'm sure there's a lot of
major growers we don't get
Windham said. "Plans are being
made now to have another year
to continue the eradication pro-
The National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws
reported North Carolina pot
growers raked in $650 million last
year, more than all but four other
states ? California, $2.5 billion;
Hawaii, $1 billion; Oregon, $850
million; and Kentucky, $800
Windham said federal, state
and local authorities destroyed
100,540 plants in 69 different
counties in the state. He said 132
people were arrested for tending
733 different plots.
U.S. Drug Enforcement Agen-
cy officials said each plant is
worth $100,000 on the street, or
$100-$400 a pound. But nearly
4,000 of the plants seized in
North Carolina were potent
sinsemilla plants, worth
The DEA reports 12 other
states destroyed more cultivated
marijuana last year than North
Carolina and 14 others destroyed
more sinsemilla plants. Ten states
got more of the $3.3 million in
federal funds to stamp out mari-
juana last year than North
Carolina's $70,000.
"We destroyed more in 1982
than 1983 or last year, but there
are different trends Windham
said. "People used to go out and
Plant in right large fields. Now
they're growing smaller patches,
a lot of it inside under growing
lights. We even found quite a few
under lights in a tunnel in
Computer Careers Limited
(CPS) ? When 19-year-old
William Green enrolled at the
University of Texas last year, he
majored in computer programm-
ing "because I enjoy working
with computers, the job market
looked good, and there were op-
portunities for making a very-
good salary
Since then, the number of
students entering the computer
science curriculum has been like
an "explosion Green says.
"Classrooms are overcrowded,
you can hardly get time on the
computer system, and just this
semester I had to take a higher
level course than I wanted
because everything else was full
or not offered
And now his job hopes may be
fading, too. The very
"explosion" of computer pro-
gramming majors which is
hampering Green's education
also threatens to glut the job
market when he graduates, turn-
ing his one-time ticket to job
security into a one-way pass to
the unemployment office.
It's happening on campuses
Coupled with a new interest in
computer courses even among
non-technical majors, understaf-
fed, underfunded, and undere-
quipped computer science depart-
ments are being pushed to the
limits to accommodate the
mushrooming demand for
Indiana University students,
for instance, can't even get basic
computer literacy courses
because the already-strained
computer science department
can't afford to fund them.
Texas A&M's computer
science enrollment has doubled in
the last three years, but because
of funding problems and an ex-
odus of potential instructors into
high-paying private jobs, no new
comp sci professors have been
added since 1980.
The University of Illinois-
Urbana next fall will begin
limiting the number of computer
science majors it admits because
officials can't keep up with the
"hordes" of students demanding
the major, says comp sci depart-
ment head Edward Ernst.
The Massachusetts Institute of
Technology - which already bans
computer science transfers from
other schools - also just voted to
limit comp sci enrollment next
year, as has the Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute in New
York. Comp sci majors, along
with the electrical engineers,
make up one-third of all majors
at both schools.
Green's UT-Austin is adding
15 new computer science pro-
fessors in the next three years so
it can tap deeper into the comp
sci market. The additional facul-
ty should allow the school to ad-
mit 500 more computer science
students by 1987.
"The number of computer
science students has simply in-
creased much faster than our
ability to serve them explains
Nell Dale, associate chair of UT's
computer science department.
"Right now, the jobs are there
and the recruiting is very
intense she says. "But if you're
talking about all the job openings
for programmers and other
specialists continuing indefinite-
ly, they probably won't. Until
then, we have to respond to the
Between 1977 and 1982 alone,
the number of computer science
graduates tripled from just under
7,000 to a whopping 20,267 a
year, according to the National
Center for Education Statistics.
This spring, an estimated
30,000 more comp sci majors will
invade the job market, comman-
ding an average $25,000 yearly
salary from hungry employers
waiting to hire them.
"Computer science is one of
the two hottest degrees (along
with electrical engineering) in the
country in terms of demand
notes Victor Lindquist, place-
ment director at Northeastern
University and director of the
school's annual Endicott Report
on the job market for college
"The demand right now he
adds, "seems almost insatiable
But the comp sci bubble may
.Adults $2oo
756-3307 ? Greenville Square Shopping Center
Beverly Hills Cop-R
Flamingo Kid-PG-13
Ends Today Starts Frid i :(X-3:15-5:15-7:15-9:15
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Starts at 11:30pm .?
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"Specializing In Chinese Gourmet Cuisine"
Luncheon Specials of the Day $2.75
Sunday Buffet $3 95
(all you can eat)
Shrimp and scallops
with Chinese vegtables
Beef with Cauliflower
and broccoli
( Specials come with: hot and sour soup, chicken corn soup, or
house special soup, steamed or fried rice, hot tea and fried
100 E. 10th St.
MonThurs. 11:30-9:30
FRI. 11:30-10:30
SAT. 5:00-10:30
SUN. 12:00-9:30
be on the verge of bursting.
"In the short run, there is still
a very strong demand for people
in the computer science area. But
in the longer term, there will be
very little demand for them
warns Henry Levin, an expert on
education and technology at
Of the 28 million new job
openings in the next decade, the
U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics
projects that only about 1.5
million will be in high technology
And among those, Levin says,
most will be blue collar and
management-level positions that
won't require any kind of
specialized degree.
In the future, supercomputers
will do much of the computer
designing and programming.
Levin explains. And other
technological advances, generic
software development, and cut-
backs in military and corporate
research will further lower the de-
mand for computer experts.
Watauga County
"There's no doubt that the
business of growing marijuana is
a big business. A lot of people are
sophisticated in their farming of
it ? you have to know what
you're doing to grow sinsemilla
marijuana Windham said.
"But I think we're doing some
good now because the price of
marijuana on the street right now
is probably higher than ever
before in North Carolina he
said. "Hopefully, when the price
goes up, you put it out of some
people's hands, particularly
young people
DEA and SBI agents say their
main efforts are aimed at large
growers, but SBI acting director
Harold Elliott says they won't
give up on "the battle against the
growing of any marijuana
"We're not going to ignore any
of it. If we have information that
there are just a few plants there,
we're going to destroy it, not just
ignore it Elliott said.
"It certainly is a time consum-
ing operation, but 1 think the
time and effort put into it is
justified because of the impor-
tance of the problem he said.
DEA officials say agents "are
not after users at all ? that's not
our job. We're after the organiz-
ed elements out there
"In the meanwhile, in order to
get at the big guy, you have to
kind of work your wav to in from
the bottom DEA spokesman
Con Doughertv said.
The Jack and Ruth Eckerd Foundation has
immediate and future openings for full time
year-round camp Counselor Teachers,
responsible for progresswelfare of 10
problem youths in live-in wilderness
educational system. Starting salary
$10,400year plus room and board. Excellent
benefits, training, advancement. Call Clarie or
David at 704-371-8355 or send resume to Jack
& Ruth Eckerd Foundation, Regional
Recruiting Office, P.O. Box 31122, Charlotte,
NC 28231. Equal Opportunity Employer.
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-?(? ?: im ?x c?
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items and Prices
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jan 12 1985
32 Oz
18 Oz

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Grapefruit . b


Theft In Jones Cafeteria
Police Continue Search
Detectives from the Depart-
ment of Public Safety are in-
vestigating the larceny of a bank
bag containing approximately
$2,600 in cash and an undisclosed
amount of checks from Jones
Cafeteria. The theft is believed to
have occurred on Saturday, Jan.
5 between the hours of 6 p.m.
and 6:30 p.m.
During that time, the bag was
inadvertantly left at a table in the
dining hall. Witnesses state that
approximately 12 to 20 people
were present in the cafeteria.
Campus investigators are attemp-
ting to identify persons present
during that period in hopes of
locating witnesses.
Investigators are also attemp-
ting to locate the money bag
which may have been discarded
by the suspect. The bag is a red
BB&T bank bag and may contain
approximately 50 checks payable
to Servomation. Anyone locating
the bag or the checks is requested
not to touch the articles and to
notify the Department of Public
Safety immediately at 757-6150.
A reward is being offered for
information leading to the arrest
and conviction of the suspect.
In other crime news, campus
police reported only one arrest
over the Christmas holidays as
Samuel Simms, 30, of Greenville
was arrested for trespassing after
being forbidden on Dec. 25. The
crime log for Dec. 31 through
Jan. 8 follows.
Dec. 31, 6 a.m. ? Corporal
Burrus reported the front door of
the Ragsdale building had been
broken out.
Jan. 2, 9:10p.m. ? A break-
in and larceny of record albums
was reported on the first floor of
Garrett dorm.
Jan. 4, 1:30p.m. ?Abreak-in
and larceny of money was
reported on the first floor of Gar-
rett dorm.
Jan. 6, 1:15 a.m. ? A car was
stolen from north of Greene
New Emergency Services Offered
At Student Health Service
Emergency medical services
have been expanded this year by
the opening of a new emergency
room at the Student Health
Center. Emergency cases seen at
the Student Health Center in-
clude, but are not limited to, the
treatment of: burns, dislocated
joints, trauma, acute asthma at-
tacks, drug overdoses and reac-
tions, chest pains and lacerations.
The SHC has purchased equip-
ment to provide advanced life
support. A code blue (crash) cart
contains medications and sup-
plies used to treat emergencies. In
addition, a LIFEPAK is also
available; the LIFEPAK is used
to run an EKG (a test that tells
how much the heart is working)
and also to provide electrical
stimulation to the heart in the
event of a cardiac or respiratory
arrest. M.A.S.T. (military an-
tishock trousers) are available for
the treatment of shock. In this
procedure, the trousers are plac-
ed on the individual's legs and
trunk and filled with air. This
process helps to keep the blood
pressure at a stable level. Other
equipment includes oxygen, a
suction machine and a special
emergency stretcher.
(CPS) ? Poor pay and shrink-
ing enrollment are driving PhDs
away from college teaching
careers and into more lucrative
fields, a current study shows, and
the trend could mean there'll be
fewer talented professors in
classes in the next decade.
In a survey of 38 colleges,
Howard R. Bowen and Jack
Schuster, education professors at
California's Claremont Graduate
School, found the deteriorating
academic climate is persuading
top professors and graduate
students to abandon higher
education careers.
The result, they say, may be a
shortage of good college
"The nagging worries and
decreased job security facing pro-
fessors today arc persuading the
brightest PhD recipients to seek
employment in other fields
Bowen told participants at the re-
cent joint convention of the
American Council on Education
and the National Association of
State universities and Land Grant
Colleges in Denver.
While current faculties are
"the best equipped for the job
we've ever had Bowen notes,
"the flight of current people in
higher education and of young
people choosing careers will
mean more education openings
than can be filled
There will be as many as
500,000 college teaching posi-
tions open in the next 25 years,
Bowen says. "And the numbers
could be even greater in the next
15 years if conditions in higher
education continue to
"The academic community
must begin now to compete he
adds. "Recruitment of new facul-
ty is the most important task in
higher education
To entice top quality PhDs into
higher education, colleges need to
offer competitive salaries, incen-
tives and working conditions,
Bowen said in a recent telephone
But slipping enrollment could
wreck those offers.
"Faculty salaries are controll-
ed by political and economic fac-
tors he says. "Private schools
depend on enrollment. So do
public schools, but they need
their legislature to offset losses
"Most colleges are happy with
the professor supply and with

1 Peking Palace
Greenville Square Shopping Center
Featuring the Largest Variety of Chinese Dishes in Greenville
Chicken Chow Mein Beef with Green Pepper
Pa Pao Chicken Chicken Cantonese

? Mixed Beverages
?Sunday Buffet with
Different Menus From
12:00 to 4:00
?Specializing in
Friday and Saturday 11:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.M Peking and SzeChuan FOOd
Sunday: 12 Noon to 10:00 P.M.
Hours: Monday thru Thursday
11:30 A.M. to 10:00 P.M
Riverside Oyster Bar
yster Bar upens
5:00 P.M. Daily
(Large & Salty)
Steamed Oystersp?c$8.50
Oysters on the half shellDoien$3.50
Half Peck
The Student Health staff is cer-
tified in CPR (cardiopulmonary
resuscitation). Also, special
education programs have been
held to teach the staff about the
use of equipment and treatment
of specific emergency situations.
Emergency services at the btu-
dent Health Service are not
designed to take the place of the
emergency department at Pitt
County Memorial Hospital, but
to provide the necessary help and
equipment needed to stabilize the
person within the first few critical
minutes after injury or illness.
n The Shell One Kound
Ba?d Potato & Saiad
Select 4 Iterm Of Your Choice
? Shrimp
? Flounder
? Trout
? Crab Cakes
? Dev.led Crabs
? Cams
? Steamed Shrimp
? Steamed
Cab Legs
? Shnmp Creole
? Oysters
? Scallops
? Camsn
? Barbeque
? Fried Chicken
Soft Shell
2 Large Caos
Cho.ce Of 2 egetafes
-k" 2 Vegs
College Teaching Loses Job Appeal
? Fried Chicken
? Fried Shrimp
?Crab Cakes
? Clam Strips
(Available Any Time)
? Fried Oysters
? Trout
? Flounder
? Shrimp Creole
? Deviled Crab
? Barbeque
? Catfish
new recruits Schuster adds.
"But the bubble is about to
burst. The application pool is
thin below the top
In addition, new surveys in-
dicate fewer students are choos-
ing college teaching careers.
In 1966, Schuster told the
Denver convention, 1.8 percent
of college grads considered
teaching at the college level. By
1979, only 0.2 percent wanted to
Since then the numbers have
stabilized, he says, but the
number of top students planning
to teach continues to slip.
In the '50s, one in five college
faculty members were Phi Beta
Kappa. By 1969, only eight per-
cent held the honor.
Schuster therefore concludes
that while the vacant teaching
positions won't go unfilled, the
quality of applicants will go
"The losses are real Schuster
maintains, "and higher educa-
tion today can't compete suc-
cessfully for the best graduates
who now have other options
"If we're correct Schuster
concludes, "in 10 years we'll
have a serious problem
?& Now Bay Scallops
Your Choice Of As Many As 5 Items
699 ? With Aiaskan Crab Lt?g;
Mon Tues. & Wed.
'Any Time)
Popcorn Shrimp
& Trout
All you Can Eat
Steamed Seafood Feast
Alaskan Crab Legs
Steamed Shrimp
Sauteed Crab Meat
Baked Potato & Salad
Thursday Only l
Hickory Smoked F
Texas Style u
j Barbeque Beef i s?ved
OQQ " 11 00-2:00 PM
Vegetable Plate:
Choice of four vegetables
5 Oz.
Rib Eye
Meats and Seafood
Deviled Crabs
Crab Cakes
Clam Strips
Fried Chicken
BBQ Chicken
Country Style Steak
Veal Cutlets
Hamburger Steak
Barbeque Dinner
(6 Oz.)
With 2 Vegetables
1 Meat
& 2 Veg.
include tax
St beverage
Boiled Potatoes
Potato Salad
French Fries
Black-eyed Peas
Mashed Potatoes
String Beans
Apple Sauce
Brunswick Stew
Crab Legs
With 2 Veg?tabWj
Seafood Feast
Includes Crab Legs 6 Oz.)
Sauteed Crab Meat 2 Oz.)
& Steamed Shrimp
SEAFOOD DELIGHT: Choose (torn: Cho.ce of three seafoods. Shnmp
Oysters. Clam Strips. Trout. Flounder. Crabcakes. Deviled Crabs & Bay Seal
lops $39
rw inniiMu
The first thing I thought about
when I saw the invitation in the
mailbox was they found out
about the banner Somebody
found out about that banner for
the bus. Word must have gotten
out. I could be finished
About this time last year, six
gubernatorial candidates were
coming to ECU to debate in a
student forum Around 11
o'clock the night before, a friend
of mine called me in distress She
had agreed to paint two 40-foot
banners to go on the side of a
campaign bus for one of the can-
didates the next day. Desperate,
she called me to help her finish
them, and said she would split the
money with me. I agreed, on the
condition that she not tell a soul I
helped her. The banner was for
the lone Republican candidate,
Jim Martin.
I thought the episode had slip-
ped by unnoticed, my reputation
in tact. I worked all spring and
summer for Gary Hart. Jim Hunt
and (in one of my more embar-
rassing errors of judgement) thai
duplicitous sore loser, Eddie
Knox. One by one, each lost. But
I thought my progressive creden-
tials were still in order. Then that
damned invitation came. An in-
vitation to the inauguration of
Govelect Jim Martin. Whether
by ironic computer error, divine
intervention or (worst of all) in
recognition of a job well-done, I
was on Jim Martin's guest list.
There was no getting around it;
this wasn't addressed to "occu-
pant My name was clearly
printed, the address correct and,
on a beige, engraved invitation,
the Committee on Inaugural
Ceremonies was requesting the
honor of my presence.
I called friends who had sup-
ported various progressive
Democrats last year, figuring
maybe Martin was conciliating to
the opposition since Democrats
outnumber Republicans three-to-
one in this state. No dice.
Nobody else got one. I knew peo-
ple would start to get suspicious
about why I was so tight with Jim
Martin. I started thinking of ex-
:r -W-
George kubanda
cuse I
a thu
want it
to be
the wi
" ? I
D- j
That 1
the fo
ing lctl
sat J
this ci
ting o
To McG
"Funny, compelling, brilliant, tragedy
remarkable" ? all of these ad- One
jectives have been used to tion a
describe Oh, Mr. Faulkner, Do force. .
You Write? a play based on the winning
life of Nobel Prize-winning says thl
author William Faulkner and wf
Southern Living magazine called gives
the presentation a living man i
tribute to the high comedy theatre.
essence of the man South
John Maxwell presents a por- applauc
trait of William Faulkner, the man w
writer, the story-teller, and the literan
man. From his study in Oxford, The Sol
Miss, we see and hear Faulkner Ongi
tell the famous stories that have Stage
heen associated with his life ? and dirj
his experience working in the post this pi
office; his legendary exploits in one
Hollywood; and his sense of remark
? r ? ? ??Wi
i '

? ft f f?f? ? ?M'H ?
r Bar
I tMl
Soft Shell :j
Crabs rA
s5" 1
Crab Legs
d Shrimp
Crab Meat
S Salad
Rib Eye 1
i ?
Boiled Potatoes
Potato Salad
French Fries
Black eved Peas
Mashed Potatoes
String Beans
Apple Sauce
Brunsuick Stew
afood Feast
liudes Crab Legs 6 Oz
Jteed Crab Meat 2
& Steamed Shrimp
c Crafc
JANUARY 10. 1985 pagc 7
Democrat Infiltrates Martin's Inauguration
The first thing 1 thought about
hen 1 saw the invitation in the
mailbox was they found out
about the banner. Somebody
tound out about that banner for
:he bus. Word must have gotten
oat. I could be finished.
About this time last vear, six
jtubernatorial candidates were
coming to ECU to debate in a
student forum. Around 11
o'clock the night before, a friend
of mine called me in distress. She
had agreed to paint two 40-foot
banners to go on the side of a
campaign bus for one of the can-
didates the next day. Desperate,
?he called me to help her finish
them, and said she would split the
money with me. 1 agreed, on the
condition that she not tell a soul I
helped her. The banner was for
the lone Republican candidate,
Jim Martin.
1 thought the episode had slip-
ped by unnoticed, my reputation
in tact. 1 worked all spring and
summer for Gary Hart, Jim Hunt
and (in one of my more embar-
rassing errors of judgement) that
duplicitous sore loser, Eddie
Knox. One by one, each lost. But
I thought my progressive creden-
tials were still in order. Then that
damned invitation came. An in-
vitation to the inauguration of
Govelect Jim Martin. Whether
by ironic computer error, divine
intervention or (worst of all) in
recognition of a job well-done, I
was on Jim Martin's guest list.
There was no getting around it;
this wasn't addressed to "occu-
pant My name was clearly
printed, the address correct and,
on a beige, engraved invitation,
the Committee on Inaugural
Ceremonies was requesting the
honor of my presence.
I called friends who had sup-
ported various progressive
Democrats last year, figuring
maybe Martin was .onciliating to
the opposition since Democrats
outnumber Republicans three-to-
one in this state. No dice.
Nobody else got one. I knew peo-
ple would start to get suspicious
about why I was so tight with Jim
Martin. I started thinking of ex-
How do you like your
job Gov. Martin?
cuses for the bus banner.
Everybody has skeletons in the
closet, I thought. Look, it was
late; a friend needed help. She
was paying 20 bucks, man. Back
then, who figured the guy would
This wasn't any "Com-
memorative Invitation" either,
like Reagan is sending out. The
kind where you are cordially in-
vited, but really you can't get into
a thing at the inauguration. No,
Jim Martin was serious. He was
wanting to know how many
guests I would bring, and
whether I would attend the civic
center celebration Saturday
I figured I would make a joke
of it. I'll take them up on it ? in-
filtrate the enemy camp so to
speak ? and keep an eye on the
opposition. Besides, there's got
to be some free food. I mailed the
thing back saying I would attend
the whole deal.
On Saturday the ceremony
went okay. Luckily they didn't
treat me too well; they threw me
in with a big crowd, so I didn't
exactly look like one of the inner
circle. It turns out that this thing
has ranks of guests ?
Distinguished Guests, Honored
Guests, Special Guests, all
printed on color-coded lapel rib-
bons. I didn't get any of those. I
think I was a Negligible Guest.
That means I didn't get to sit in
the folding chairs up front, but I
didn't have to stand in the park-
ing lot with the peasants, either. I
sat on some white bleachers, at
least until I ot bored.
As a matter of fact, I could see
this class distinction as I drove to
the Cap.tol. A few folks were get-
ting out of black limos and being
escorted to the viewing stands
(Distinguished). Others were
The bulk of the crowd which
wasn't pigeon-holed into a guest
category milled around in the
empty parking lot roped off for
spectators. That meant about
5,000 people chuckled every time
some speaker said, "you may
now be seated Since wherever
It beats heavy lifting.
Gov. Jim
pulling up in Park Avenues and
BMWs and parking right next to
the viewing stands (Honored).
Then there was a reserved park-
ing lot about a block away for the
Impalas and Grenadas and cars
like that (Special). I saw all this as
I drove down to park my
Chevette at the Winn Dixie.
The ceremony was held at the
State Archives Building, next
door to the Governor's Mansion.
In fact, that's the only way I
could have found it in Raleigh's
maze of one way streets. Now
I've lived in the capital city for
years, and I have only been inside
two government buildings: The
Governor's Mansion once and
the Wake County Courthouse
twice. Both were invitations I
couldn't refuse.
Anyway, the day was freezing
but finally sunny, in contrast to
three days of rain just before.
The wind was blowing enough to
flutter the hundreds of American
and state flags as well as assorted
red and blue ones hanging from
every pillar, streetlight and
telephone poll in a six-block area.
At the top of the Archives
Building's steps was the podium
for all the action, surrounded by
VIP chairs. In addition to the in-
coming and outgoing state of-
ficials, this group included above
even the ranks of Distinguished
Guest ? the likes of Bob and
Elizabeth Dole (the Senate. Ma-
jority Leader and the Secretary of
Transportation), Sens. Helms
and East, and the N.C. Supreme
Court justices.
To their right was the North
Carolina Symphony, dressed in
formal tuxedos or long, black
dresses. On stage left, there was
no mistaking the ECU band.
Amid the red and blue and the
dark tones of official costume,
the Pirate ensemble was in full
garish regalia ? jackets of cau-
tion light yellow and Prince pur-
ple. They wouldn't be overlook-
ed. Their rendition of the Na-
tional Anthem was great, but
why, for North Carolina's in-
auguration, they played the title
song to "Oklahoma" is beyond
two or more North Carolina
politicians gather there shall be
barbecue, some vendor was sell-
ing the stuff out of the back of a
truck. It was clearly a Martin
crowd, cheering wildly for their
man, while giving polite applause
to the Council of State and
outgoing Gov. Jim Hunt.
I had about had enough of
those bleachers before they were
half way through swearing in the
commissioners, so I wondered
over to the media section and us-
ed my out-of-date press pass to
get a camera's eye view of the
scene. The press is always a lot of
fun, since they act like they've
seen this all before while
everyone is trying to take these
boring formalities seriously. One
writer was predicting a coup by
Jim Hunt to retain power right
up until Martin was sworn in.
Anyway, I sat out of the rest of
the proceedings there, watching
the crowd turn white when the
National Guard shot off cannons
behind them without warning to
salute Martin's rise to power.
After a few speeches and
orators and cheers the whole
thing was over, except for a lot of
people standing around saying
how they had always liked Martin
and supported him and how they
always knew he'd win with or
without Reagan and how this was
a new era for the state and how
besides, ha ha, you can't get
elected governor in this state
anyway unless your name is Jim.
I had to skip the inaugural
parade, mainly because it was
cold and I was hungry and they
were sitting the negligible guests
on steel bleachers again along
Jones Street. But I had told the
inaugural committee I would at-
tend the celebration later, so I
figured they were expecting me.
Those things always have some
free food anyway. All those new
breed Republicans were even
happier that evening, what with
music playing and drink flowing
and food abounding. The new
governor made a surprisingly
brief appearance, staying just
long enough to set up the ritual
receiving line.
The receiving line is one of the
most useless and psychologically
soothing traditions in American
politics, but I lined up in this cat-
tle call just to see if Jim the Ill's
technique was as polished as Jim
the IPs. I had seen Hunt work
this thing masterfully on
numerous occassions, calling
each person by his or her first
name. He was so good I never
once was able to catch him glanc-
ing at the name tag. Martin was
pretty good, too. He laughed
when, for the 100th time, some
guy in front of me made a joke
about another Jim governor, and
he had a quick response when a
friend of mine asked him how he
liked his new job. "It beats heavy
lifting he said. You could oc-
cassionally spot his glance at the
name tags but his technique was
good, no doubt about it. He
acted like he knew everyone per-
sonally. I was hoping some idiot
hadn't filled him in on the bus
banner, so he'd go yelling, "Dar-
ryi, hey thanks for the banner!
That really did it for us, put us
over the top He didn't, of
course. When I got to him, I was
determined not to make another
Jim joke so, when the new gover-
nor yelled my name and shook
my hand and said how glad he
was to see me, I put on my best
Will Rogers' expression and shot,
"Sorry, I didn't catch your last
name I think he liked that.
Czech Student Recalls Red Rule
George Kubanda
Sttff Wilier
The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are
Coming! ? The 1966 movie detailing the
misadventures of a band of bumbling Soviet
sailors who accidentally ran their submarine
aground near a New England town was funny
Two years later, the Soviets invaded
Czechoslovakia for real, but it wasn't funny
"We couldn't believe it said ECU student
George Kubanda, a native of that country who
was 16 and living there at the time. "Ever since
World War II the Russians told us they were our
friends said the 6'4" Slovak. "They told us the
United States was our enemy and wanted to attack
us and how they (the Soviets) were a peace-loving
people only interested in saving us from the
The former resident of Trebisov, which is
located m the Slovak section of Czechoslovakia
about 50 miles from the U.S.S.R. and ten miles
from Hungary, remembers the shock of seeing
Warsaw Pact troops in the streets of his
"My aunt woke me up in the early morning and
told me we'd been invaded he said. "All those
years the Soviets had convinced us they just
wanted to 'protect usthen they were the ones
who attacked us. We never dreamed it was possi-
It's not surprising that the people believed the
Soviets in view of their history. After the Czechs
and Slovaks united in the 9th Century under the
Great Moravian Empire, they were split apart by
attacking Germans and Magyars (Hungarians) in
A thousand years later, a reunification took
place in 1918 as a result of World War I, but in
1938 the Germans once again split Czechoslovakia
apart. German Chancellor Adolph Hitler had over
250,000 inhabitants murdered, including the com-
plete elimination of two towns in response to the
assassination of the infamously ruthless German
Reinhard Heydrich in 1942.
When Soviet tanks arrived in 1944, the Czechs
and Slovaks cheered. "My parents thought we
would become a democracy, so they were very op-
timistic about Czechoslovakia's future Kuban-
da said. "Since part of the agreements between the
Soviet Union and the U.S. on post-war ar-
rangements called for 'democratic' elections they
assumed everyone would have a voice in the new-
It turned out to be a false hope. By 1947 the
threat of a Communist take-over orchestrated by
the Soviets caused an internal crisis. When 12 non-
Communists resigned government posts to pro-
test, the result was a Communist-led state loyal
only to Moscow.
For the next 40 years, Czechoslovkia meekly
followed the Soviet line, with their internal and ex-
ternal policies either directly or indirectly controll-
ed by the U.S.S.R.
"Our leaders were nothing but collaborators
prior to 1968 Kubanda believes. "They did only
what the Russians told them to. They just lied to
us. People were so apathetic that as long as thev
weren't directly affected by the actions of the
government, they didn't care .and if they were af-
fected ? they were too afraid to speak about it to
i nyone for fear they would be reported to the
"Parents were even afraid to talk in front of
See LOSS, Page 8.
Faulkner Play Coming
To McGinnis Theatre
"Funny, compelling, brilliant,
remarkable" ? all of these ad-
jectives have been used to
describe Oh, Mr. Faulkner, Do
You Write? a play based on the
life of Nobel Prize-winning
author William Faulkner.
Southern Living magazine called
the presentation a living
tribute to the high comedy
essence of the man
John Maxwell presents a por-
trait of William Faulkner, the
writer, the story-teller, and the
man. From his study in Oxford,
Miss, we see and hear Faulkner
tell the famous stories that have
been associated with his life ?
his experience working in the post
office; his legendary exploits in
Hollywood; and his sense of
tragedy, along with a lot more.
One critic called the produc-
tion a a brilliant tour-de-
force and Pulitzer Prize-
winning author Eudora Welty
says that his warm, serious
and well-rounded performance
gives us William Faulkner the
man in a rewarding evening of
theatre Audiences all over the
South have laughed, cried, and
applauded this portrayal of the
man who produced such noted
literary works as Sanctuary and
The Sound and the Fury.
Originally produced by New
Stage Theatre in Jackson, Miss,
and directed by William Partlan,
this production, dubbed as
one and one-half hours of
remarkable theatre" will be per-
formed at McGinnis Theatre on
Thursday, Jan. 17 at 8:15 p.m.
Tickets for the show are
available at the Central Ticket
Office, Mendenhall Student
Center, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m
Monday through Friday. Ticket
prices are $5 for ECU students
and a guest, $7 for youth (ages 14
and under), $10 for ECU faculty
and staff, and $10 for the public.
All tickets will be $10 at the door.
Group rates are also available.
For more information, please call
the Central Ticket Office at
"57-6611, ext. 266. This program
is made possible in part by a
grant from the National Endow-
ment for the Arts through the
Southern Arts Federation.
Oh, Mr. Faulkner, Do You Write?" will be presented next Thursday, JM. n at 8:15 p.m.

The Mini-series Solution
Ideas Fall Into The Hands Of Hollywood
Some consider Hollywood the
land of illusion, a dreamer's
paradise. As for myself, I see lit-
tle more than constant disillu-
sionment. The film industry has
made it a practice to spend
millions of dollars every year in
securing the rights to some of the
literary world's greatest offer-
ings, yet they consistantly fail to
do these works justice. I'm
speaking of course about the film
adaptations of classic or bestsell-
mg novels that grace the silver
In 1984 we saw many such pro-
ductions fall fiat on their fat
budgets. Frank Herbert probably
bit his lip after seeing the final cut
of his science fiction epic Dune.
The award winning novel spawn-
ed a $40 million movie that left
audiences dazed and confused.
Then there is Charles Bernard
Nordhoff and James Norman
Hall's classic novel Mutiny On
The Bounty which Hollywood
turned into The Bounty, starring
Mel Gibson and Anthony
Perkins. The picture lacked the
novel's depth and emotion and
succeeded only in putting the au
dience to sleep.
Hollywood loves to exploit
such accomplished works because
they have proven bankable. In
Hollywood money is the bottom
line. If something even smells
profitable, someone will un-
doubtedly grab it. Such was the
case with The Talisman. Written
by two masters of the macabre,
Stephen King and Peter Straub,
the film rights to this horrorfan-
tasy novel were bought before it
even hit the bookstores. It was
Steven Spielberg and Universal
Pictures who secured the rights,
and even though Spielberg has an
impressive track record, I still
have my doubts.
Filmmakers claim the problem
lies in transfering ideas from one
medium to another. I, on the
other hand, feel the problem lies
with the greed of studio ex-
ecutives. Granted, they shell out
millions to make the movie, but if
they don't think the picture will
turn a buck they either pull the
plug or incorporate some
changes. The most common
change made when transfering
mediums is length. There is an
unwritten law in Hollywood that
no film should run more than two
or two and one half hours. It just
isn't rr imercially viable. In
most vases this restriction spells
certain death for the production.
When it comes to adaptations I
have but one suggestion to make
It's not new or revolutionary, but
it seems the only practical solu-
tion. Make a mini-series So
many wonderful literary works
can be presented in their entirety
in this format. Suic, there won't
be a big screen or doulby sound,
but I'd rather watch a well writ-
ten and produced film than one
that attempts to cover up its flaw
with special effects and stereo
sound. Mini-series have been pro
ven successful in the case of V,
George H ashington. The Thorn-
birds, and the monumental
Novels, bestselling, classic, Of
otherwise, were not ment to be
sliced and diced for the screen
You can't put A late Of Two
Cities through la Machine and
expect it to retain its classic
Atlanta Becomes New State
(UPI) ? An elementary
geography test was flunked by
nine out of 10 college students in
the state ? including one who
thought the "state of Atlanta"
borders North Carolina.
"Truly these are depressing
statistics. This is ignorance said
the professor who wrote the test,
Dr. Richard J. Kopec, chairman
of the geography department at
the University of North Carolina.
Of the 1,875 students at eight
of North Carolina's largest
universities who took the test last
September, 97 percent of the
freshmen and 93 percent of the
upperclassmen failed. The test
results were released Monday.
The students showed less
knowledge of both world and na-
tional geography than pupils who
took and failed a similar exam 34
years ago. Kopec said.
"If they flunked it, then our
students really bombed out
Kopec said. "Our exam was
reasonable in what we expect
people to know about their world
and their country and their peo-
ple. This is a real
Estimates of North Carolina's
population ranged from 25,000
to 250 million and estimates of
the U.S. population went as high
as 236 billion. Only three of every
100 students could name all the
states touching the Atlantic
Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico.
"Fewer than half of the 1,875
students knew that Alaska and
Texas are our two largest states
and only about one in five knew
that Rhode Island and Deleware
are the smallest Kopec said.
Among the countries believed
by some students to separate
Nicaragua from Panama were the
Soviet Union and Cuba. One stu-
dent placed the Amazon in Egypt
and another thought Africa is the
only "country" in the Americas
larger than the United states.
"And I didn't even have time
to go through all the exams
myself and pick out all the weird
and strange answers Kopec
said. "Keep in mind that these
are people who chose to write
something. On many questions,
people could not even give an
educated guess
Kopec said the test results sug-
gest today's students know less
geography than their parents did
at the same age. He patterened
much of the test after a New
York Times exam taken by 4,752
students in 42 colleges in 1950.
The newspaper described those
results as "appalling
Loss Of Freedom A Big Letdown
C ontinued From Page 7.
their children because they might inform the
government or accidentally tell someone. My dad
said this is why 1 didn't know more about what
was going on before the Russians came Kuban-
da said.
The invasion had occurred because the growing
liberalization in Czechoslovak society under .Alex-
ander Dubcek's guidance was perceived as a threat
to the hardline Eastern Bloc countries' leadership.
Prior to the invasion, most of the Communist
Bloc media had organized pressure against
Dubeck's government by fabricating various
reports such as American tanks being in Prague,
the capitol city, while failing to mention they were
only props for a movie.
In August 1968, the East German Neues
Deutschland declared that "socialist interna-
tionalism entailed a readiness to enlist help from
fraternal countries The next day 500,000
soldiers from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, East
Germany, Poland and Hungary occupied
Czechoslovakia ? without an invitation.
"They told us they had come to 'protect us
from ourselves Kubanda said, who had studied
Russian as a second language and used it to talk to
some of the Russians. "The soldiers really were
confused because they'd been told there was a lot
of fighting, but just about the only shooting was
at the radio station in Prague. Sometimes kids
would throw rocks and stuff from buildings at the
Russians. The Russians would spray the whole
building with machine guns ? sometimes they
killed somebodysometimes they didn't
Intensive international pressure, including some
from moderate Communist groups and nations,
forced the Soviets to reinstall Dubcek and remove
most of their troops eventually, but Dubcek was
soon replaced by a more compliant ruler and the
reforms eliminated.
"It was a letdown after such freedom Kuban-
da felt. "Americans just don't realize what they
have. You can be arrested just for disagreeing with
the government in Czechoslovakia now. My father
had returned to Czechoslovakia before the inva-
sion, but when it got oppressive again, he returned
to the United States and saved enough money to
bring the family over
"I really came because my father was here,
because 1 was too young to understand what was
going on. But I'm glad I'm here. I hope all
Americans work to keep things the way they are
Kubanda said.
The powerfully-built Slovak is now working as
a laboratory technologist in the Neonatal Cliic at
Pitt Memorial Hospital towards a degree in com-
puter science so he can take advantage of what he
sees as the "freedom to succeed" the U.S. offers
compared to the no-incentive atmosphere of the
Soviet-bloc countries.
"When I think about how it is in
Czechoslovakia Kubanda said, "I'm glad to be
an American
WesXsLc&n WcudnLtb io-i22.m.
Wo-tgrCLUtiU 1.99,7LULL WinJet $.99.
Ca,dLe,? Wigtt 6-12pm.
f? CcLlfHLtlon fate S?oi The C&dL(-b
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Root Beer Floats
5-2 p.m.
Attention Fraternities I We" y?? btten ?? g?
and Sororities f Pitchers $2.99
V Pecker Heads $3.99
"I kept roughly one-quarter of
the exam identical to the one
given in 1950. Of the 27 answers,
in only three instances did
today's North Carolina students
do better than the 1950
students Kopec said.
Kopec blames the student's ig-
norance on a lack of emphasis on
geography in elementary and
high schools. Two-thirds of the
students tested said they never
had a course in geography.
Also, only one student in 10
had visited as many as 25 states
and almost half had never visited
a foreign country.
"This exam was given, not ex-
pressly to embarrass North
Carolinians or to indict our
educational systems, but to link
our state with the nationwide
deficiency in geographic
training Kopec said.
"Only in this country is the
subject matter either non-existent
or sparsely provided in our grade
schools. Elsewhere it thrives he
said. "For a country expected to
provide world leadershipwe are
amazingly uninformed about
The test was given at Ap-
palachian State University, East
Carolina University, Pembroke
State University, Western
Carolina University and the
University of North Carolina
branches of Charlotte, Chapel
Hill, Greensboro, and Wilm-
& r & & bus scheduleCHANGF ftft&ft
The Following Gold Route now combine. Purple at 5:50 p.m. and runs on an hourly schedule. The last bus leaves Mendenhall at 8:30 p.m.
MendeahaJ10 till hour
10th and College HID5 till hour
College Hill4 till hour
Mingeson the hour
Allied Health Greenville Square3 after hour
5 after hour
The Plaza6 after hour
Farm Fresh Kroger11 after hour 13 after hour
Hargett Drags17 after hour
Cannon Court24 after hour
Easthrook25 after hour
River Bluff29 after hour
King's Row26 till hour
Village Green24 till hoar
Memorial Gym22 till honr
Mendenhall10 till hour
The East Carolina University Unions
Theatre Arts Committee presents
John Maxwell in
the critically acclaimed play about
America's Pulitzer Prize-winning
Thursday, January 17, 1985 8:15 p.m.
McGinnis Theatre ECU Campus
Tickets available Monday-Friday
11:00am-6:00pm from the Central Ticket Office
Telephone 757-6611, x266
ECU Students and Guest: $5.00
Youth (age 14 and Under): $7.00
All Others and at the Door: $10.00
This program is made possible in part from a grant
and the National Endowment for the Arts through the
Southern Arts Federation, of which the North Carolina
Arts Council is a member.
On Tuesdav Jan 1? Th
needs 758 5483 or 758 824i
FOR SALE Washer and Dry
Compact Vergooccor- I
for student $300 Can 756 7149
SAVE MONEY Spec a o'fer
ECU staff fact ty & si k l En
cyclopedia Bntannica program
avaiiaoie -th specai financing F
free presentation cs oor oca Rep Gary Jones 758 -
after 5
aavancec-eveis Styles Rod" -azz
Jazz roc? fusion, foil ountr
Contact Paui Wilson a
B M BerMee College o
ty 3 oearooms. din ng room
Evans St $240 758 5299
FOR SALE; 5-NYO car Stereo a ttl
Dolby AMSS, reverse ff re
louaness meta s'acc. 'aaer
Also SANYO 7 Dac B Q ttl .
amp control $110 752 0796
guitar FOR sale Fendes
Mustang Two pckups frem
blue with mirrored pickguarc case
ana strap deluded Ca ! 752 0998 as
for Robert
FOR SALE: Telecaster guitar, :
.with Dimarzio and Se. rr our Z uncan
Humbuckers anc a scee'e- 3'ass
Bridge. Ask ng S25C or oes :?-
Call 758 9628 asK for Dave
FORSALE1982 Siver BA.
turn A'agon34 mies oer.
32.000milesStereo cassee?
$6 89CCall 756 7768
INGSTEENtickets Ca
758 8975
TYPING: A il OO yours I
reasonaoie rates Ca- Jar
756 4664 evenings or 752 6106 ca.s
FOR SALE S .er v ,a'a ?az rtg
B.Ke m M condition. cr g SjQ5 Bes
offer 758 6278 afte- 6
FOR SALE: Black white TV Anc a"
atari vaeo game a tti t cartr cges
A stereo turntable
sale (best offer ca Jeff al 7SB "
FOR SALE Ce'e . ng room
with s'eeper sofa. Gooc core I
Best offer Will consider sepa-a nq
Contact Stephanie or D- p
Evancho 757 6249 S6 7846
WAPIT: ooge Ski Hoste e?pe-
sive hospitality for outaoor ace-
turers $15 per person nc .
oreakfas' 'owes nensand I
privileges 5 mm. to Bee
Sugar 704 898 9899
HAPPY HOUR Be'a The'a P anc
Alpha Xi Delta Happy Hocr Oic
Towne Irw . 4 00
meeting TON 'GHT
?I0 GrwwBr Wv4
24 hour ToiOg Scrvic
3 SI
Oil Change Specie
with this coupor
Up to 5 qu

V i

thai attempts to cover up its flaws
with special effects and stereo
sound Mini ?enes have been pro
en successful in the case of .
etrie M ashinton. The Thorn-
s.s. and the monumental
Novels, bestselling, classic, or
se, were no: ment to be
d i ed foi the screen.
v can'I put -1 Tale OJ Two
( in i h I a Machine and
retain its classic
it n-? combiner Purplr at 5:5? p.m.
ledule I he lat bt leases
rtail at 8:30 p m
10 till hour
5 till hour
4 till hour
on the hour
3 after hour
5 after hour
6 after hour
11 after hour
13 after hour
17 after hour
24 after hour
25 after hour
29 after hour
26 till hour
24 Mil hour
22 till hour
10 till hour
ersity Unions
Itee presents
HI in
d play about
985 8:15 p.m.
V Campus
Itral Ticket Office
I X266
St: $5.00
ler): $7.00
loor: $10.00
rt from a grant
j-ts through the
le North Carolina
The Vienna Choir Boys
The Vienna Choir Boys, con-
ducted by Albert Mulleder, will
be appearing at Wright
Auditorium on Tuesday, Jan. 15
at 8 p.m. The show will include
selections by Joseph Hayden,
Johann Strauss and Johannes
Brahms. Tickets are available at
the central ticket office in
Mendenhall from 11 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday through Friday.
On Tuesday Jan. 15 The Vienna Choir Boys will be performing in Wright Auditorium at 8 p.m.
needs; 758 5488 or 758 8241
FOR SALE: Washer and Dryer
Compact Very good condition Ideal
for student $300. Call 756 7149
SAVE MONEY: Special offer for
ECU staff faculty & students. En
cyclopedia Britannica program now
available with special financing. For
free presentation call your local
Britannica Rep Gary Jones 758 4155
af?er 5.
GUITAR LESSONS: Beginning to
advanced levels Styles Rock, Jazz,
Jazz rock fusion, folk, and country.
Contact Paul Wilson at 752 9711
B M Berkiee College of Music
HOUSE FOR RENT: Near Universi
ty. 3 bedrooms, dining room. 1217
Evans St S240 758 5299
FOR SALE: SANYO car stereo with
Dolby, AMSS, reverse, ff rewind,
loudness, metal, standby, fader.
Also SANYO 7 band B.Q with pre
amp control. $110. 752 0796
Mustang Two pickups, tremolo,
blue with mirrored pickguard, case
ana strap included Call 752 0998, ask
for Robert
FOR SALE. Teiecaster guitar, built
, v?ith D.marzio and Seymour Duncan
HumbucKers and a schecter Brass
Bridge. Asking $250 or best offer
Call 758 9628. ask for Dave.
FORSALE:1982 Silver BWQuan
turnWagon34 miles pergallon
32,000miles.Stereo cassetteAsking
$6,890Call 756 7768
INGSTEENtickets CallJohn,
758 8975.
RENT: Two bedroom Apt. for rent.
Ringgold Towers Call 752 8945 or
757 3021.
JACK: Give "Jack" the computer
answering machine a call. 758 3087.
DON'T BE SCARED leave Jack a
message and save 50? when you
have your laundry cleaned.
DRY SERVICE: Your own personal
laundry service. Professional, full
service laundering including free
pick up and delivery.
HELP WANTED: Time Out is now
hiring cashiers, cooks, biscuit-
makers and general help. All ap
plicants must be hardworking and
honest. Apply at the Creamery's old
location accross from the Crow's
Nest 758 2098
change for membership at local
health club. Must be available bet
ween 8 10 am. at least 2 days Mon
Sat. Call 758 5056 between 911 pm
rent, 2 utilities. Call 355 6933 after 5
pm M,W, F.
TWO FEMALES: Needed for 7 day
Bahamas cruise in May. $525
752 3334 or 758 2807,
mate needed for 5th St. Apt. 120 per
month. 120 deposit, ' 2 util. Call bet
ween 3 and 5. 758 9527 or 757 0080
Ask for Pam,
ROOMMATE: Needed to split ex
penses in 2 bedroom apartment one
block from campus Call Michael at
758 3720,
Call 752 7212 or
PART TIME HELP: Wanted at Sub
way Sandwich Shop. Apply in person
2 pm- 5 pm, M-F.
tains Quarters Apt. 21, $230 plus
deposit. Call Donna at 758 5901
split expenses I block from campus.
Call 758 3720
Rent $115 a month utilities included.
Great location & great roommates
Call 758 6224.
JAIM: Roy Orbison's singin' for the
LONELY: Emotionally, physically
or intellectually, is there anybody
out there for you, just you. Coming
soon answers to these and more, in-
teresting questions. For information
call 752 9667.
F.P.(): The weekend is coming
and I can't wait. Our perfervid ap
petites to satiate. Bilabial, quad,
whatever it be. Let them occur ex
ponentially! While weekdays will be
for scholarly gain. There will always
be time to make it rain Have you
checked the forecast lately?
BACK! The Sig Eps are alive in
85 Our meeting is Thurs. Jan 10th
at 7:30. See everyone there
Dude! If bodov us would quit pass
ing out maybe we would find life a
Mil-bit more interesting. Your
Passout Queen, S.L.B.
RG.C. SNU MAN: Yo Dude! Hope
your birthday is the greatest! Last
Saturday night was fantastic let's
do it again soon! The R.As Room
BETA PHIs: The time to think is
upon you. Remember that if you
keep your nose to the grindstone you
will go a long way. Don't forget that
if you stay as one you too can
become a part of the best. Stick
together Raise hell, sportfk,
and don't give a fk.
Featuring The Outrageously Crazy
Daddy Cool
" Playing all your favorite Shag Tunes'
Happy Hour from 8 OO 9:30
with SO? draft J2.00 pitchers & 2 for 1 Highballs
Cam out & Shag the night mw' at Greenvtlie s
Hot Hits Nightspot. Beau s of course'
Phone 756 6401
Located in the Carolina East Centre
B?.u i ? a pr.v.l, , )aa I mrmhrr, .?J .hr? ??(, All ABt P-rm.ti MrmoetUup, .v?, .? , ?,
Guets are welcome
Welcome Back ECU
FRIDAY, JAN 11th, 3-6:30
$1.00 Admission $2.00 Pitchers
TYPING: Will do yours for
reasonable rates Call Janice at
756 4664, evenings or 752 6106, days.
FOR SALE: Silver Miyata Racing
B:Ke mint condition, orig. $495 Best
Offer 758 6278 after 6.
FOR SALE: Black white TV And an
atar video game with 6 cartridges.
A stereo turntable combination for
sale (best offer) Call Jeff at 758 7281
FOR SALE: Complete living room
with sleeper sofa. Good condition.
Best offer Will consider separating.
Contact Stephanie or Philip
Evancho- 757 6249, 756 7846
wAPIT: Lodge Ski Hostel: inexpen
sive hospitality for outdoor adven
"urers. $15 per person includes
oreakf ast, towels, linens and kitchen
privileges 5 min. to Beech and
Sugar 704 898 9899.
HAPPY HOUR: Beta Theta Pi and
Alpha Xi Delta Happy HourOld
Towne InnFriday4:00.
GOLDEN HEARTS: Remember the
meeting TONIGHT
General Manager
Needed For
Ebony Herald
Inrerestea persons
may apply at the Media
Board Office - Located
in the Publications
Phone: 757 - 6009 filing Dates: 1-10-85 thru 1-18-85
?I0 GfeeamQr BUd
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Up to 5 quarts of oil and a FRAM filter
Offer good until Jan 31st
2616 E.TENTH ST. 758 7676
The East Carolina University Department of University Unions
Artist Series Committee
The Internationally Renowned
Tuesday, January 15, 1985 8:00 p.m.
Wright Auditorium ECU Campus Greenville
Tickets Available Monday ? Friday,
11:00 a.m. ? 6:00 p.m from the Central Ticket Office
Telephone 757-6611, ext. 266
ECU Students and Guests: $5.00
Youth (Age 14 and Under): $5.00
All Others and at the Door: $10.00


Nationally Ranked Duke Beats Bucs
B SCOTT cooper &
?Mane and Johnn Dawkins com-
bined for 40 points as the No. 2
ranked Duke Blue Devils coasted
to an 87-63 victory last night in a
sold out Cameron Indoor
Alarie led the Blue Devils with
22 points, while pre-season All-
America selection Dawkins con-
nected on six of eight shots from
the field and made all six of his
free throw attempts for 18 points.
Although the Blue Devils won
by a convincing margin, it looked
as if the Pirates might make a
game of it in the early going.
After a technical foul was call-
ed on the Duke bench. Pirate
guard Curt Yanderhorst had the
oppurtunity to give the Pirates a
lead but failed to convert on
either of his free throw attempts.
However, with 13:12 remaining
in the first half. I eon Bass sank a
five-foot jumper to give the
Pirates their only lead of the
game at 14-13.
From there, Duke went on a
6-0 scoring spurt that was capped
off by a slam dunk from
freshman forward Kevin
Strickland. ECT coach Charlie
Harrison was then forced to use
his first time out to settle down
the team.
The Pirates were able to regain
their composure in front of the
capacity crowd of 8,564. but a
balanced scoring attack enabled
the Blue Devils to go to the
lockerroom with a 45-35 advan-
Despite a 10 point Blue Dev il
lead, Duke coach Mike
Krzyzewski wasn't happy "1
wasn't pleased with our first
half Krzyzewski said "We
were looking for the quick steal
and the quick basket instead of
being patient
However, Jay BUas. Alarie and
Dawkins all had 10 points at the
half, while center Bilas don-
minated the inside by grabbing
five rebounds.
"They (Duke) have good size
and a lot of inside strength
ECU coach Charlie Harrison
said. "They shot really well and
played a physical game. They're
an awfully good team
Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski
also felt that his team's height ad-
vantage was a key to the Duke
win. "Our big guys really did a
good job for us Krzyzewski
said. "When our inside game gets
going, it really opens things up
for our outside people
In the second half, the Pirates
could only muster eight points in
the first 11 minutes as Duke took
What goes up
.Must come down
a 65-43 lead with 9:25 remaining
With the Blue Devils picking up
some fouls, ECU made a short
run at Duke b scoring six con-
secutive points to chop the Blue
Devil lead to 71-53 at the 5:18
mark In that run, William Grady
made a steal and showed the
Duke crowd his dunking capabili-
ty ? then gave an added gesture
which drew a roar of disap-
Herb Dixon added another
layup for the Pirates, but the
Blue Devils outscored ECU 16-10
in the remaining five minutes of
the contest to win handily, 863.
Although the Blue Devils got a
victory, they were without the
services of senior power foward
Danny Meagher. Meagher suf-
fered a back injury against
Southern California. His injurv
gave junior foward David
Henderson his first start of the
Statistically, the Blue Devils
have been holding their op-
ponents to a 42.5 field goal
shooting percentage. However.
ECU managed to convert on 2V
of 59 shots for 49.2 percent.
Vanderhorst led the Pirates
with 15 points and six rebounds.
Grady added 14 points, while
Bass tossed in 12.
Duke coach Krzyzewski was
pleased with his team's perfor-
mance, mostly with the second
half. "We played much better in
the second half Krzyzewski ex-
plained "We showed more pa-
tience and didn't make dumb
"Overall, I was pleased ECU
came in here and played hard
Krzyzewski continued. "Charlie
(Harrison) always has his team
ready to play hard. He's an ex-
cellent teacher and has a good
thing going "
ECU drops to 5-6 overall and
will face the Indians of William &
Mary in an ECAC South con-
ference dual Jan. 12 in Minges
i oliseum at 7:30 p.m.
Pompili Leads ECU To Win Over Campbell
M?ff Wilier
The ECU Lady Pirate basket-
b ill team outscored Campbell
51-31 in the second half last night
to pull out a 71-60 victory over
the visiting Camels in Minge
ECU played well on both ends
of the court in the second half,
but the offense carried them to
The 1 ady Pirates shot 52.9 per-
cent from the field and commit-
ted just four turnovers in the se-
cond half, their lowest number in
am half this season.
The first 20 minutes was not
quite so good for ECU and had
them going to the lockerroom
trailing 29-20
During the first period ECU
committed 19 turnovers, while
hitting only 31 percent of their
field goal attempts.
"In the first half we were lucky
to only be down nine points
ECU coach Emily Manwaring
said. "Our shot selection was not
good, the ball handling was really,
poor and we didn't really play as
a team
ECU led 18-17 with 4:31 re-
maining in the opening period,
when Campbell reeled off ten
straight points to take command.
The Lady Pirates trailed by 11
points earlv in the second half
when their "dynamite" one
press led to three straight Camp-
bell turnovers and ten con-
secutive ECU points.
Monique Pompili gave the
Lady Pirates their first lead of the
second half when she hit a
20-footer with 15:59 remaining to
put ECU up 34-33.
The lead changed hands three
more times until another Pompili
jumper put the Lady Pirates up
for good 42-40 with 12:24 re-
maining in the game.
ECU outscored Campbell
1 l-one in the final two minutes to
put the game on ice.
"The host thing about this
game is that it's the first time all
season we came from behind to
win Manwaring said. "This is
also the first time we played bet-
ter in the second half than the
first. We usually burn up all of
our energy in the first half and
then fall behind in the second
Another bright spot foi the
Ladv Pirates is the continued im-
provement of freshman Monique
Pompili. Pompili, who was nam-
ed ECAC South rookie of the
week for her play last week
against lona, turned in another
good performance.
Pompili. who led ECU in scor-
ing with 16 points, hit 57 shots
from the field and 2-2 from the
line, while also pulling down 11
rebounds and dishing out five
assists ? both team highs.
"Monique has really started to
come on since being inserted in
the starting lineup two games
ago Manwaring said. "She
runs the court well and is also a
good scorer
Also in double figures for ECU
were Anita Anderson who had 15
points to go with six rebounds
and Loraine Foster who finished
with 13 points.
Campbell, who had four
players in double figures, was led
bv Deborah Ivans' 17 points.
Sandy Martin finished with 13
for the Lady Camels, while Mary
Weiss and Antionette Matthews
each had ten points.
Campbell's lack of depth
played a major role in the out-
come as Weiss played the entire
40 minutes and Matthews played
39. The Lady Camels only used
seven players.
"In the second half our team's
depth paid off Manwaring
said. "Victoria Watras came off
the bench and really played well
after Sylvia Bragg fouled out
Another bright spot for the
Lady Pirates was their play in the
finai two minutes when they were
able to blow the game open.
The Lady Pirates hit 75 percent
of their freethrows in the second
half, making good on seven of
nine attempts.
After one of the misses, the
Lady Camels lost the rebound
out of bounds, and ECU got a
layup and three-point play on the
"On the out of bound- plav
they had been playing a zone, and
we had a play called. We noticed
them switch to man-to-man so we
changed plays and Lorainne
Foster got loose for a layup
Manwaring said.
"We showed a lot of com-
posure against their pressure at
the end. Lorainne Foster
demonstrated a lot of leadership
out there
Manwanng's Lady Pirates im-
prove to 4-8 on the season and
handed Campbell only its second
loss in nine outing-
"They are a really fine team
she said. "We were just really
prepared for everything they
ECT now begins ECAC South
play, with a road game against
William &. Mary on Saturday.
The Lady Pirates also will face
conference foe Richmond on
Mondav in Richmond.
Pittelli Is Valuable Swimmer For ECU
Annette Phillips takes a well deserved break in ECU's 71-60 women's
basketball victory against Campbell last night.
Gold Dancers Saturday
The Pure Gold Dancers' next
performance will be at halftime
of ECU's Saturday evening
basketball game with William &
Mary (Minges Coliseum, 7:30
The group utilizes various
moves, routines and props from
many categories of dance to
create unique modern jazz dance
Athletic Marketing Assistant
Lee Workman advises the ten-
member dance team, whose
routines are choregraphed by
Lisa Firestone.
The Pure Gold Dancers were
initiated this season for the pur-
pose of increasing student in-
volvement with the basketball
program and provide quality
entertainment at Pirate home
basketball games.
Team members, all of whom
are students at ECU, include:
Carola Adenauer, Ramona
Brady, Shasta Bridges, Laurin
Gibson, Jennifer Gilliken,
Pamela McGimpsey, Jessica
Taylor, Maria Taylor, Robin
MVP could become Pirate
swimmer Chris Pittelli's new in-
itials if present trends continue.
The ECU junior was tabbed as
the most valuable player in each
of his first two seasons for the
Purple and Gold, and his abilities
are continuing to improve accor-
ding to ECU Coach Rick Kobe.
"Chris has had tremendous
drops in times since he arrived
here said Kobe. "He's one of
those swimmers with the ability
to compete in a number of
events. All coaches wish they had
a dozen like him.
"Pittelli has been a large part
of our success over the last two
years the coach added. "At last
year's NCAA Eastern Cham-
pionships Chris was second in the
100 and 200 freestyles ? each by
just a tenth of a second
At that same meet, Pittelli was
a finalist in the 200 individual
medley and was a member of the
second-place 400 and third-place
800 freestyle relay teams. He ac-
counted for approximately 80 of
tne 644 points which gained ECU
second place in the easterns that

Chris Pittelli
The Cranbury, N.J native
came to the Pirates after four
years on the West Windsor-
Plainsboro High School team via
the recommendation of ex-Pirate
swimmer Jeff Lowe. He placed
high in the state finals in the 200
freestyle and 100 butterfly and
posted an excellent mark during
his high school days.
"I've always wanted to excel at
something the dripping wet
swimmer said during a break at
Minges Natatorium. "I've been
swimming 14 years and it gets
harder every year. My goal right
now is to make the NCAA cham-
pionships. 1 feel if 1 work hard
I've got a decent shot at it
Pittelli has plenty of time to
practice and improve his condi-
tioning. The team practices on
Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays from 6 to 7:30 a.m in
addition to afternoon and Satur-
day sessions at the pool.
"Coach Kobe push us he
said, "but it's makir.b us im-
prove. I try to schedule a break
before class in the morning so I
can rest a little. We swim about
600 laps a week, so it's not easy
The 198485 season has just
begun, but the powerful swimmer
has already shown his ability. He
has already captured first and se-
cond place showings in several
different events against tough
competition from swimming
powers Navy and N.C. State, as
well as Shippensburg, UNC-
Charlotte and Johns Hopkins.
"Chris is a super athlete
Kobe said. "He never misses
practice and he's always on time
He's a real hard worker and an
example to the team. I expect him
to continue to improve and be
competitive with evervone he
Pittelli is a business manage-
ment major with a 2.6 grade-
point average, which is above the
2.556 undergraduate average. He
has coped well with the demands
of academics as well as those of
athletic competition.
The long-time competitive
swimmer sees one major advan-
tage of the rigors of a swimming
career. "If you can take this he
said, "you can take anything
Men Tra
B Bll.l.MITCHI.I.l
N?ff nn
The ECU men's track team,
fcoming off of a very successful
?983-84 season, star's their in
'door season Jan 12 in Chapel
Veteran track coach Billar
son said that "even though
year was our best season ever,
this year will be just as good or
even better V?e have a shot at the
top ten in IC4A s -er
Collegiate Ass ? n
Amateur Athletes of Americai. a
large track conference cor.
of 115 schools from up and d i ?
the east coast
I ast year the 'earn a
in everv meet and finished tr
in the L( -V South behind
George Mason and a a-
finishing fifth am . M earn
the IC4A in Pei
Teams participate .
included Syracuse. Pittsl
staff nim
The Deparmen: of Intramural
Recreational Service would like
to welcome back all "acuity, staff
and student to an exciting
semester of spring intramurai ac-
The fun beg;r.s ith five-on-
five basketball Registration
begins Jan. 14-1 with games
starnng Jan. 21 Anvone in-
terested in earning extra monev is
urged to attend the basketbal
ficials clinic on Jan 14 ?:
in Memorial Gym room
experience is necessarv
During the third wee
month, enter the video games
tournament and conque- th ?se
strange new worlds youvt
dreamed of. The co-re
rolls into the picture -
hockey, a fast pa.r i que
activity. Registration beg 'an.
21 If you can skate w
of them, become a roller - kc
official by attending th:
held on Jan. 21 a: 6 p.m
Memorial Gym.
Spring is a time for fitne
he- -intramural department has
just what you ordered The '
session of physical fitness
aerobics classes will begin soon so
be sure to sign up nthelMol
Jan. 11. Bring a I
aerobicize togethe-
The last week
awaits you as the IRS-B . -
arm wrestling toiirnarrrer- .
underway. Weigh -
available for both me
women so the
the meek ca-
tion begins on thi 2
pumping those
And finally, take
with a partner for
doubles competi :? S gi
Jan 28-30. Play beg 4
These are just the eve I
January For a full -
spring activities includ ng recreation hourv c
204 Memorial Gym
the IRS pocket calender
Before the hohdav br .
finals of the free thros.
were held In the men
Gary Bishop took
t-shirt with a a- .
victory over Dave K
first place after the sen
sinking 45 of 50 bucket D
Keglovits seemed the eas
ner. However. Ga
stepped to the line in the 1
and sank 62 ol 73
defeat Keglov. b
In the women's divis
Gassawav came aw a
victory. Congratulation
the competitors.
Memorial Pool
M W-F'ar
M-F12 noon-1 ;
M-F; 3 14 ?? - -
Sat.1pm -5 p
Minges Pool
M W-F8pm 9:30 p.m
Sun.1 p.m -5 p
M-Th9am -S p rr.
Fridav9 a.m5:30 p.m
Sat Suii. 1 p.m5 p.m
M-F3 p.m7 p.m
M-Th10a.m -12 noon
M-Th2 p.m -6p.m
M-Th 3 p.m4.45 p.m
(4:45-10 based on availability)
Friday 3 p.m. -530 p.m
SatSun. 1 p.m5 p.m

JANUARY 10, 1985
ts Bucs
a 65-43 lead vuth 9:25 remaining.
With the Blue Devils picking up
some fouls, ECl made a short
at Duke b) scoring six con-
secutive points to chop the Blue
Devil lead to 71-53 at the 5:18
mark In that run, William Grady
made a steal and showed the
Duke crowd his dunking capabili-
tv - then gave an added gesture
which drew a roar of disap-
Hetb Dion added another
lavup foi the Pirates, but the
Blue Devils outscored ECU 16-10
in the remaining five minutes of
the contest to win handily. 863.
lthough the Blue Devils got a
victory, thev were without the
servicev of senior power toward
Dannv Meagher Meagher suf-
fered a back injurv against
Southern California His injury
gave junior toward David
Henderson his first start of the
Statistically, the Blue Devils
have been holding their op-
ponents to a 42 5 field goal
shooting percentage. However,
ECT managed to convert on 29
oi 59 shots for 49.2 percent.
Vanderhorst led the Pirates
with 15 points and six rebounds.
Grady added 14 points, while
Bass tossed in 12.
Duke coach Krzyzewski was
pleased with his team's perfor-
mance, mostlv with the second
hall "We played much better in
the second halt krwewski ex-
plained "We showed more pa-
tience and didn't make dumb
"Overall, 1 was pleased ECU
came in here and played hard
Krzyzewski continued. "Charlie
(Harrison) always has his team
read) to play hard. He's an ex-
cellent teacher and has a good
thing going
ECU drops to 5-6 overall and
will face the Indians of William &
Mary m an ECAC South con-
ference dual Jan. 12 in Minges.
eum at 7:30 p.m.

am &. Mar
p- ,?-
' the misses, the
lost the rebound
unds, and ECU got a
e-point play on the
nil of bounds play
I een playing a zone, and
.ay called. We noticed
to man-to-man so we
uiged plavs and Lorainne
ter got loose for a lavup
Mai ? e lid.
"We showed a lot of com-
posure against their pressure at
Lorainne Foster
ited a lot of leadership
Mai g's Lad) Pirates lm-
4 B mi ;he season and
bell only its second
i real ? fine team
W e were just really
everything they
? begins ECAC South
oad game against
Ml Saturday.
also will face
rence I e Richmond on
rtonda - Richmond.
begun, but the powerful swimmer
has already shown his ability. He
has already captured first and se-
cond place showings in several
different events against tough
competition from swimming
powers Navy and N.C. State, as
well as Shippensburg, UNC-
Charlotte and Johns Hopkins.
"Chris is a super athlete,
Kobe said "He never misses
practice and he's always on time.
He's a real hard worker and an
example to the team. I expect him
to continue to improve and be
:ompetitive with everyone he
Pittelli is a business manage-
ment major with a 2.6 grade-
point average, which is above the
2.556 undergraduate average. He
has coped well with the demands
of academics as well as those of
athletic competition.
The long-time competitive
swimmer sees one major advan-
tage of the rigors of a swimming
career. "If you can take this he
said, "you can take anything
suff v?nu.
The ECU men's track team,
coming off of a very successful
1983-84 season, starts their in-
door season Jan. 12 in Chapel
Veteran track coach Bill Car-
son said that "even though last
vear was our best season ever,
this year will be just as good or
even better. We have a shot at the
top ten in IC4A's (the Inter-
collegiate Association of
Amateur Athletes of America), a
large track conference consisting
of 115 schools from up and down
the east coast
Last year the team won awards
in every meet and finished third
in the ECAC South behind
George Mason and Navy, while
finishing fifth among 86 teams at
the IC4A s in Pennsylvania.
Teams participating in the meet
included Syracuse, Pittsburgh,
The Department of Intramural
Recreational Services would like
to welcome back all faculty, staff
and students to an exciting
semester of spring intramural ac-
The fun begins with five-on-
five basketball. Registration
begins Jan. 14-15 with games
starting Jan. 21. Anyone in-
terested in earning extra money is
urged to attend the basketball of-
ficials clinic on Jan. 14 at 6 p.m.
in Memorial Gym room 102. No
experience is necessary.
During the third week of the
month, enter the video games
tournament and conquer those
strange new worlds you've always
dreamed of. The co-rec program
rolls into the picture with roller
hockey, a fast pace and unique
activity. Registration begins Jan.
21. If you can skate with the best
of them, become a roller hockey
official by attending the clinic
held on Jan. 21 at 6 p.m. in
Memorial Gym.
Spring is a time for fitness and
the- intramural department has
just what you ordered. The first
session of physical fitness and
aerobics classes will begin soon so '
be sure to sign up in the IM office
Jan. 7-11. Bring a friend and
aerobicize together.
The last week of the month
awaits you as the IRS-Budweiser
arm wrestling tournament gets
underway. Weight divisions are
available for both men and
women so the strong as well as
the meek can compete. Registra-
tion begins on the 28th so start
pumping those irons now.
And finally, take to the courts
with a partner for the racquetball
doubles competition. Sign up
Jan. 28-30. Play begins Feb. 4.
These are just the events for
January. For a full schedule of
spring activities including infor-
mal recreation hours, come by
204 Memorial Gym and pick up
the IRS pocket calender.
Before the holiday break, the
finals of the free throw contest
were held. In the men's division,
Gary Bishop took home the
t-shirt with a classic comeback
victory over Dave Keglovits. In
first place after the semi-finals by
sinking 45 of 50 buckets, Dave
Keglovits seemed the easy win-
ner. However, Gary Bishop
stepped to the line in the finals
and sank 62 of 75 to narrowly
defeat Keglovits by one basket.
In the women's division, Linda
Gassaway came away with the
victory. Congratulations to all
the competitors.
George Mason, Duke and West
Virgina. Although the Pirates
had an extremely successful
season last year, 1985 looks to be
just as promising as the team
returns every member from last
year's squad.
Returning for the Pirates in-
clude hurdler Craig White who
went to the Olympic trials last
year. The 1600-meter, or quarter-
mile relay team of Erskine Evans,
Henry Williams, Nathan Mc-
Corkle and Chris Brooks are also
returning. This group never
finished less than third last year.
The quarter mile should be the
strongest event for ECU as seven
runners return.
There is also good depth in the
hurdles with Walter Southerland,
Steve Rash, freshman David
Parker and White running the
4x100 hurdle relay. James
Barietti, a transfer from Brevard,
is a strong sprinter and should
provide a good anchor in the out-
door sprint medley. Other
sprinters include freshmen Jon
Lee and Vernon McNeil.
The quarter mile spot also has
depth with Phil Estes and
freshmen Julian Anderson and
Ken Daugherty. Both were con-
sidered among the top five high
school runners in North Carolina
last year.
Another talented foursome in-
cludes White, Williams, Brooks
and Eddie Bradley in the mile
The men's track team is com-
posed of 18 athletes. That is ap-
proximately one-third the
amount of conference members
George Mason and Navy, which
eliminates the Pirates from con-
tention for the ECAC South
However, last year ECU still
finished third. The Pirates won
1984 Olympic qualifier Craig White.
Melody Furci
Introducing: Tina Sexton
Beth Perry
Lisa Bissell
Cindy Lancaster
Walk-ins welcome, but appointments preferred
Precision Haircutting 201 E. 5th St.
March 4-8$208.05 per person
4-day sail aboard the CARNIVALE
Visit the ports of Freeport and
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and set sail for the best time of your
Call for booking details and brochure-
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Phone 757-0234
Memorial Pool
M-W-F 7 a.m8 a.m.
M-F 12 noon-1:30 p.m.
M-F 3:30-6:30 p.m.
Sat 1p.m5 p.m.
Minges Pool
M-W-F 8 p.m9:30 p.m.
Sun. 1p.m5 p.m.
M-Th 9 a.m8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m5:30 p.m.
Sat Sun. 1p.m5 p.m.
M-F 3 p.m7 p.m.
M-Th 10a.m12 noon
M-Th 2 p.m6 p.m.
M-Th 3 p.m4:45 p.m.
(4:45-10 based on availability)
Friday 3 p.m5:30 p.m.
SatSun. 1p.m5 p.m.
"Spacious Affordable Luxury Apartments"
2 Bedroom Townhouse Apt. $270.00 per mo.
1 Bedroom Garden Apt. $200.00 per mo.
Rate for New Move-Ins Only
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Offer Good Thru JAN. 31. 1985
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Directions: 10th Street Extension to River Bluff Road
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Phone 758-4015
: TV included
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?ECU Bus Servic
just as many events, but the big
teams racked up on the seconds
and thirds.
"We look beyond the ECAC
to the iaA's Carson said. "At
that meet we received national at-
tention last year. It's good in that
you don't need as much depth to
do well.
Last year the ECU track team
was well known up and down the
cast coast. Carson only schedules
the top teams across the country,
and this year is no exception as
the tracksters will compete in
three championship meets.
The Pirates have been practic-
ing four days a week since the
third week of school and will con-
tinue until the end of May ? the
runners have the longest season
of any team at school.
Starting this month the team
will practice every weekday and
travel every weekend due to the
fact that there are no facilities to
host a meet. "The guys get a little
discouraged not getting to run for
their peers Carson said. "The
East Carolina population has no
idea how good they are
Carson said he would like to
sec three to four lanes put on the
existing track. "I think down the
road we will get a competition
track because everyone wants it
? but it's a big project
Coach Carson is presently
working with a $12,000 a year
scolarship budget, and did well to
sign top athletes with that. Car-
son hopes to get an increase in his
budget for the upcoming
recruiting season, but in the
meantime he's happy with the
runners he's got.
"The basketball team, the
baseball team and the swimming
teams are all good, but the men's
track team could be the best team
at East Carolina
Jan. 18-19
Feb. 2
Feb. 17
March 2-3
March 15-16
March 23
March 29-30
April 5
April 6
April 12-13
April 19-20
April 26-27
May 12
May 18-19
Men's Track Schedule
Joe Hilton Invitational
Eastman Kodak Invitational
Wannamaker Games
George Mason Invitational
Bud Light Invitational
IC4A Championships
Domino's Pizza Relays
Georgia Relays
N.C. State Relays
UNC Relays
Duke Invitational
Dogwood Relays
ECAC South Championships
Penn Relays
Cavalier Invitational
IC4A Championships
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Johnson City, Tenn.
New York, N.Y.
Fairfax, Va.
Fairfax, Va.
Annapolis, Md.
Tallahassee, Fla.
Athens, Ga.
Raleigh, N.C.
Chapel Hill, N.C.
Durham, N.C.
Knoxville, Tenn.
Fairfax, Va.
State College, Pa.
Charlottesville, Va.
Philadelphia, Pa.
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William & Mary at ECU:
Saturday, Jan. 12, Minges Col-
iseum (6,500), 7:30 p.m. Green-
ville, N.C.
William & Mary Record: 4-4
Series Record: William & Mary
leads 26-18
Probable Tribe Starters:
? 14 G Keith Cieplicke, 6-4, 175,
Sr. (15.6 ppg, 3.5 rpg).
? 44 G Scott Coval, 6-1, 170, Jr.
(6.6 ppg, 2.0 rpg).
? 45 C Herb Harris,6-7, 210, Sr.
(6.9 ppg. 4.8 rpg).
? 32 Kevin Richardson, 6-6, 200,
Sr. (11.6, 7.3)
? 52 F Matt Brooks, 6-8, 220, Sr.
(6.1 ppg, 3.3 rpg)
Game Notes: This will be the
ECAC South conference opener
for William & Mary, which has
not played since losing to Wake
Forest 64-4"? back on Jan. 2 in
Winston-Salem. NC. Guard
Keith Cieplicki is a two-time all-
ECAC South selection, an
academic All-America, has led
William & Mary in scoring the
last three seasons and owns a
career scoring average of
14.6Voted the Indians' Offen-
sive MVP for the 1983-84 season
by his teammates and
coaches Junior guard Curt
Vanderhorst was the Pirates'
leading scorer in all three losses
to the Indians' a year ago, scor-
ing 10 in 64-48 loss in
Williamsburg, VA, a career-high
29 in ECU's 67-52 loss in Minges
Coliseum and 14 in the 47-32
ECAC-South Tournament loss in
Harrisonburg, VAThat gives
Vanderhorst a 17.6 average
against the IndiansEast
Carolina has dropped seven
straight games, with its last vic-
tory being a 61-58 win during the
1981-82 seasonThe Indians,
picked among the pre-season
favorites in the ECAC-South,
returned 11 lettermen from last
season's 14-14 teamWilliam &
Mary will host the 1985 ECAC
South Post-Season Tournament
March 7-9 in Williamsburg, Va.
Radio Information:
All ECU basketball games are
aired on the Pirate Sports Net-
work. Ken Smith will handle the
play-by-play, and Dave Hart the
color. Airtime is set for 15
minutes prior to tipoff. The
games will be carried by:
WITN-FM, 93.3
WOO W- AM, 1340
WGHB-AM, 1250
TV Information:
The Charlie Harrison Show
airs each Sunday at 12:30 PM
(EST), with Lee Moore serving as
host on WCTI-TV (ABC, Chan-
nel 12).
Already Five:
East Carolina has already won
five basketball games this season.
The five victories surpass the
Pirates' entire total for the
1983-84 season, when ECU could
manage only four victories in 28
games. The Pirates have put
together two back-to-back vic-
tories, the first time that has hap-
pened since the 1982-83 season. A
year ago ECU captured its first
two games of the season, only to
win just two others over the next
26 games.
Junior guard Curt Vanderhorst
has been nothing short of excep-
tional. The 6-1,185-pound Fayet-
teville, NC, native accounted for
67 points, 24 rebounds and eight
assists in the Pirates loss to Tulsa
Dec. 28, and victories over North
Texas State Dec. 29 and Boston
University Jan. 3. That works out
to an impressive 22.3 scoring
average over those three games
while Vandergorst has improved
his team leading scoring average
to 17.6 and his team leading re-
bounding average to 6.2.
NCAA Changes Unnecessary
The NCAA's experiments with
the three-point play remind me of
the story about the bouncer. If he
didn't have a fight every two
weeks or so. he'd start one iust to
show he was needed or else he
was afraid he wouldn't have a
From The Stands
Al McGuire
The same thing, I think, ap-
plies to the NCAA rules commit-
tee. If you take their conferences
away from the palm trees and
sand, and put 'em in a tenement
in the middle of the Bronx in Ju-
ly. In a six-floor walk-up, you
wouldn't have so many un-
necessary rules changes.
The point is, the three-point
play in college should not be put
in until the next century, or
preferably on the day after hell
freezes over and Miller quits
brewing beer. There's no need for
it. Right now, college basketball
is on top of a tidal wave. The two
networks that televise it have
strong ratings. It's buried the
pros ? it's center ring.
College basketball is not
broke, so why try to fix it?
What it looks like is that we're
reaching here, like the bouncer.
Reaching for a committee to do
something just because the com-
mittee is formed.
The shot clock is another ex-
ample of the rush to experiment.
One of the reasons, I think, is
that they're trying to keep the
game open so guys won't go
hardship and turn pro. Make it
more appetizing for the aircraft
carriers to stay in the college
But with the clock, it's im-
possible to draw the big man out
away from the basket. If Ralph
Sampson knows you have to put
it up in 12 seconds, where do you
think he'll be? In your face and
Welcome to Miller time guys.
And the clock really hurts the
lesser-talented teams, cause it
forces you to play. It gives the
edge to the team with ability,
because they'll touch the ball
more times. If there was a
12-second clock in the NBA,
Kareem AMul-Jabbar would be
twice as good.
The clock really hurts the have-
nots. Say Northwestern is playing
Minnesota or Iowa. Nor-
thwestern has a better chance by
taking the air out of the ball,
milking the clock. Minnesota,
with a 7-3 guy like Randy Breuer,
they want action. And the clock
forces you to put it up. It forces
you to create more action, and so
favors the team with better
The time clock could be the
time bomb that destroys college
basketball. Somebody's got to
defuse it. It takes the strategy of
coaching and defense out of the
game, and hurts worst the col-
leges that don't have blue chip
To me, what the NCAA is do-
ing right now, is tinkering with
success. It doesn't make sense. If
your car engine runs good, do
you take out a spark plug?
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Vanderhorst earned all-
tournament honors at the First
Tulsa Classic (Tulsa, OK) over
the Christmas break while runn-
ing his double-figure scoring
streak to 14 games dating back to
ECU basketball coach Charlie Harrison.
last season, and 21 of ECU's last
26 games, also dating back to a
year ago.
Head Coach Charlie Harrison
is in his third season with the
Pirates and is 25-43. Harrison's
overall record as a head coach is
31-65 in four seasons.
Junior point guard Scott Har-
dy has been a key in the Pirates'
offensive attack. The 5-9,
170-pound Hyattsville, MD,
native who transferred to ECU
from Hagerstown Community
College this season, dished out a
career-high 10 assists in the
Pirates's 75-62 victory over
Boston University Jan. 3. Those
10 fell just three shy of ECU's
single game record of 13 shared
by Walter Moseley (1977-78 vs
Tennessee-Chattanooga) and Er-
nie Pope (1972-73 vs Appalachian
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The East Carolinian, January 10, 1985
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 10, 1985
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