The East Carolinian, October 4, 1984

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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.59 No. 13
Thursday October 4,1984
Greenville, N.C.
24 Pages
Circulation 20,000
Students Don't Want Pee Dee
N?wt Editor
In addition to selecting class
officers and day and dorm
legislators in yesterday's SGA
elections, ECU students had a
chance to voice opinions on state
and national elections and on one
campus issue, the name for the
Pirate mascot.
Students were overwhelmingly
opposed to the name Pee Dee for
the mascot, with 82 percent of
those voting saying they did not
like it. ECU Chancellor John
Howell said he was unsure of the
effect this would have on any
decision he would make to
recommend a name change.
"1 think I'll sleep on it
Howell said. "I'm not in as big of
a hurry to make a decision as
everyone else is. I've found that
the less important a decision is,
the more of a hurry people are in
to have it made
Howell added that he felt the
matter would require some
"deliberation saying that he
did not want to recommend a
The old Pirate struts his stuff at the State game. Students Wednes-
day voted to oust the name of Pee Dee for the new mascot.
Safe Seat Belt Use
Promoted By Groups
Nfws Editor
A petition aimed at persuading
the television and motion picture
industries to demonstrate proper
seat belt usage for the benefit of
young children will be initiated at
ECU within two weeks.
According to Sherrie Peterson,
student coordinator for the pro-
gram, 'he petition will appeal
especially to television programs
portraying hazardous driving.
"We want to advocate that they
(the industries) demonstrate ap-
propriate seat belt usage thus ser-
ving as a proper role model for
The project has already been
initiated in approximately 1,000
communities nationally, Peterson
said. It is being supervised na-
tionally by Scott Geller of Viginia
Polytechnic Institute and locally
by John Cope of the Department
of Psychology and the ECU
Chapter of Psi Chi, the national
honor society in psychology.
Peterson said an effort was
made by both the U.S. govern-
ment and the auto industry to in-
itiate a change but the response
was that this "would weaken the
macho image of male TV stars,
jeopardizing the ratings
"This is irresponsible public
broadcasting and we want to stop
it Peterson said, adding that
car accidents are the number one
killer of children under the age of
Peterson said she feels that
television is important in pro-
moting child safety because
"children spend more time wat-
ching TV than reading books and
listening to music In addition,
she said "TV is a major socializ-
ing factor for children, many of
whom begin watching when they
are 2 or 3
Having a television or movie
character don a seat belt prior to
participation in a chase scene
would help teach children the im-
portance of this habit, Peterson
said. "After this, parents can
reinforce the seat belt habit by
letting children imitate their pro-
per behavior
Petitions will be distributed on
the ECU campus through student
organizations and will also be
distributed to the Chamber of
Commerce, the state Highway
Patrol and other community
Freshman president
Lisa Carroll
name change only to have the
issue come up again in the near
"I think this vote shows in-
terest among the student body on
the issue said SGA President
John Rainey. "It is something
which we should take as evidence
that the student body is interested
in changing the name
Rainey said the question was
included on the ballot so the SGA
could have "something on paper
to show how students felt about
the ECU mascot
The issue of changing the name
has received a great deal of
publicity, with stories on several
local television stations. In addi-
tion, the Raleigh News and
Observer carried a story about
the name change on its front
page, as did the Daily Reflector.
The story was also picked up by
United Press International.
The name of the mascot was
chosen in a contest sponsored by
the ECU Department of Athletics
to provide publicity for its pro-
SGA Election Results
Freshman vice president
David Lewis
Junior president
Kirk Shellev
Senior president
Melinda Davis
Slay Cotten
Cathy Callo Jennifer Brewer
Graduate president
Lisa Roberts
Dorm Legislators
Junior vice president
Fran Dickens
Graduate vice president
Theresa Brilev
Kevin McKechnie
Sharon Camp
Norwood Teague
Brian Wessler
Coralie Patterson
Staci Falkowitz
Melinda Davis
Cindy Stone
Shelly Adams
Day Legislators
Stuart Teeter Scott Griggs
Larry Hobbs Robert Carroll
Dennis Kilcoyne Richard Wynne
John Robbins David Garwood
Carl Kratz Fran Dickens
Grant Smith Lisa Roberts
Hunter Hadley Dwayne Wiseman
Cheryl Minck
Gary Barlow
David Goldman
John Chenault
Duncan Arp
Lynn Batts
Kathy Flowers Barry Carter John Agnew Steve Cunanan Billy Seal
Preference Poll
Walter Mondale 296
Ronald Reagan 877
Jim Hunt 526
Jesse Helms 559
Rufus Edmisten 500
Jim Martin 556
Raised Drinking Age Hurts Area Clubs
De Borchgrave To Speak
Acclaimed journalist Arnaud
de Borchgrave, once described as
"one of America's great foreign
correspondents will be visiting
ECU on Tuesday, Oct. 9. His ad-
dress, open to the public, will be
at 3:30 p.m. in Room 244 of
Mendenhall Student Center.
De Borchgrave will appear as a
guest of the College Republicans
and Students for Helms. He will
discuss the upcoming elections,
his experiences in journalism and
Soviet media disinformation, his
field of expertise.
As Newsweek 's Chief Foreign
Correspondent, de Borchgrave
covered most of the world's ma-
jor events after joining the
magazine staff in 1950. In a re-
cent article, Esquire magazine
said that in 33 years, de Bor-
chgrave covered 17 wars and
more than 90 countries and
"traded gossip with Anwar
Sadat, sipped tea with Pham Van
Dong in Hanoi and was a
houseguest of King Hussein. In a
job that requires bluff and
bravado, he had outrun the best
of them
De Borchgrave resigned from
Newsweek in 1980 after co-
authoring The Spike with Robert
Moss. The book, which dealt
with Soviet KGB operations in
the Western media, was an inter-
national bestseller. His most re-
cent book, Monimbo, is a novel
about Cuban-sponsored ter-
rorism, the Cuban drug connec-
tion in the U.S and the DGI, the
Cuban secret service which
operates the Spanish language
branch of the KGB.
Aniitaai Ncwi hdltor
One year after the Safe Roads
Act went into effect in North
Carolina, many Greenville
nightclubs are experiencing some
economic problems.
Tom Haines, owner of the At-
tic and the vice-president of the
Greenville Nightclub Associa-
tion, said the biggest effect of the
law was the loss of 18-year-old
college students as customers.
"We lost those people as well as
the out-of-towners. So the law is
not affecting the nightclubs
only he said. He said the peo-
ple coming to Greenville
nightclubs from out of town are
not going to risk driving being
stopped for drinking.
The Elbo Room, which admits
18-year-old college students, has
not experienced a decline in at-
tendance since the l?w went in ef-
fect last October according to
Kirby Bryson, owner of the Elbo
who said business has been better
than usual, "but I still feel the
law has not helped the problem
of drunk drivers. People are
more careful about their drinking
and they are choosing alternative
methods of transportation
Bryson said many students are
calling cabs and utilizing SGA
buses to take them home safely.
"I think it is good the SGA offers
this service he said, "and I am
glad other public transportation
is available to students
Haines said people are not go-
ing to give up their social life
because of the law, and therefore
have become more responsible
drinkers. "When the law first
went into effect he saidwe
saw a definite decline in the
amount of alcohol consumed,
but it is leveling off now
Many clubs are having to cut
corners to compensate for the
lack of business, Haines said. "A
lot of places have had to lay off
bartenders simply because there
was no business for them. We
cut our insurance to compensate
for the loss and of course that
caused a lot of problems he
Haines said he felt a lot of the
drinking law has been political.
"A lot of politicians were
obligated to their constituents
and therefore had to vote for the
law. If the younger people had
voiced their opposition of the bill
from the beginning, politicians
would have had no other choice
but to vote against it
In an informal poll conducted
by Haines, 100 18-year-old
students were asked if they had
stopped drinking since the law
was passed, "and all 100 of
them said no he said. "The
law has made criminals out of the
18-year-olds Haines added.
W. C. King, owner of the King
and Queen North said he thinks
more people are conscious of the
law and are buying fewer drinks.
"About 20 percent of our
business is from ECU students
and they are consuming about 25
to 30 percent less alcohol as a
result of the Safe Roads Act he
Local businesses are also feel-
ing the effect of the law, Haines
said. "Many business such as
restuarants and convenience
stores have felt the impact of the
law. Let's face it, people are not
going to come here if they can't
drink Haines said because
Greenville is a college town and
the nightclubs want to continue
operating, many places will have
to go private to accomodate the
liquor laws. "I believe more
places will go private if they con-
tinue to see a decline in
clientele Haines said.
Congress is currently propos-
ing a new bill which would make
it mandatory for states to raise
their drinking age to 21. "A lot
of states do not like this for the
reason that if they don't raise the
drinking age, federal highway
funds will not be given to them.
States do not like to be told what
to do Haines said. He also said
the only state to show opposition
to a nationwide drinking law is
Louisana. Haines said he doesn't
think North Carolina will follow
this trend because of the large
number of highways in the state.
"I feel the only advantage to
such a bill is that it would
eliminate the blood border
states he said.
FBI Agent Arrested For Conspiracy
(UPI) ? An FBI
counterintelligence agent has
been arrested and accused of con-
spiracy to pass American secrets
to the Soviets, the first FBI
special agent to be arrested on es-
pionage charges, the agency an-
nounced today.
Special FBI agent Richard W.
Miller, 47, a 20-year veteran of
the agency, was taken into
custody in Los Angeles shortly
before midnight Tuesday. Two
Soviet emigres, who came to tne
United States in 1973, also were
arrested in the Miller case.
If convicted, Miller could be
imprisoned for life.
Officials said Miller is the first
special FBI agent to be arrested
on spy charges.
Miller was assigned to Los
Angeles where he worked on
"counterintelligence matters
the FBI said.
The agency said an investiga-
tion "disclosed evidence that
Miller had conspired with the
Soviets to pass classified FBI
documents dealing with positive
intelligence tasking to the govern-
ment of the Soviet Union
"Positive intelligence tasking"
deals with the assigning of U.S.
counterintelligence agents,
sources said.
"He was fired before he was
arrested an FBI source said.
The source said Miller's "objec-
tive was money" but declined to
The source said the FBI was
still trying to assess the degree of
intelligence damage and it was
not clear what classified informa-
tion may have been transmitted
to the Soviet Union.
Also arrested were Nikolay
Ogorodnikov, 51, ? and
Swetlana Ogorodnikov, 34, both
of Los Angeles. They faced the
See AGENT, Page 3
Special Pre-Registration Issue

Due to limited space, The East
Carolinian requests that orgranizations
submit only important announcements
about up coming events that students
need to know about in advance. Please
submit such messages as "thank you"
and "congratulation" notes to the Per-
sonals section of the classifieds in The
East Carolinian
The deadline for announcements is 3
p.m. Monday for the Tuesday paper
and 3 p.m. Wednesday for the Thursday
They must be typed on an announce-
ment form to be accepted. These forms
can be picked up at our office.
There will be an organizational meeting of Rho
Epsilon Real Estate Fraternity ot Mon . Oct 8,
n Rawl 103 at 3 00 A guest speaker on appraisal
will be present All new members are welcome
All interested students should try to make this
meeting Elections may be held We need new
members so be there'
Friends University Fellowship (Quakers) will
hold Meeting for Worship on Sun Oct 7. at 11 00
a m at the home ot Richard and Vary Miller,
1801 C Cedar Lane in Greenville Brown bag
lunch and informal discussion on the topic ot
George Fox and the Early Quakers will follow
Meeting for Worship Call the Millers (758 6879)
tor directions and further information
On Tues Oct 9 at 7 00 in Room 212
Mendenhali we will have another meditation in
struction session Everyone is welcome Bring
your favorite cushion or use a provided one
The O T Club wilt be having a meeting Tues
Oct 9 at 5 S We II be in Room 203 Allied Health
Building New officers will be elected and the up
coming O T Campus Mixer will be discussed
We encourage all members and anyone m
te'ested in O T to attend
We never wash a car before its time its
time Phi Sigma Pi will sponsor a car wash on
Sat Oct 6, from 10 a m until 3 p m at the Tex
aco at the corner of Uth and Charles Advance
tickets are SI 50 and on Sat . tickets will be $2 00
See any brother for advance tickets
if you're interested in leadership friendship
and service then you should attend Rush on Oct
9 10 and 11 Alpha Phi Omega. National Coed
Service Pra'ernity. is looking for people who are
interested in serving the campus, community
and the nation Rush dates are Oct 9, 7 9 p m m
Mendenhali Coffeehouse Oct 10, 7 until at 65
Carriage house and Oct 11. 79 pm in 248
Mendenhali Come and torn a co ed fraternity
All brothers and interested persons are urged
to come and ioin APO in service Meetings are
Thursdays at 5 p m m 212 Mendenhali Also. Fall
tees are due Thurs . Oct 4 And don't forget APO
Rush on Oct 9, 10. and 11 See you there1
The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority is sponsoring a
skating party at Sportsworld The skating party
will be held Oct 11 from 7 00 9 30 p m Admis
sion is SI 50 ano t.ckets can be bought from any
sorority member If interested, call 752 8561 or
758 9920
The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority win be having a car
ash m the parking lot of Hardee's, Sat Oct 6
from 8am to 2 p m Cars 12 50 and trucks
S3 00
Our membership drive was a great success1
We'll have a great bunch of new members at the
next meeting, Oct 10 at 5 p m in the Mendenhali
Multipurpose Room Be sure to be present at this
,ery important meeting and piease wear your
nametag for the new members We'll have
numerous sign up sheets for Homecoming and
other events' See you there!
The American Society for Personnel Ad
-Ministration will hold an organizational meeting
Tues , Oct 9 at 3 30 m Rawl 102 We would like
your ideas on tor the coming year New
members are welcome! Refreshments will be
Join in on the Spirit of ECU homecoming Be a
down m the 1984 homecoming parade in
teresteo persons should contact Betsy Peters at
355 6205 by Oct 11,1984 Participants must pro
vide their own costumes We will provide
balloons to pass out on parade route
All members and guests planning on attending
the show are to meet at 7 30 p m in the lobby
beforhano Darryl's and fun times will be
waiting for us afterwards Any questions call
Michael at 757 1613
There will be a CADP meeting Oct 4, Irwm
Hall, 2nd floor conference room All interested
please attend
The Allied Health Professions Admission Test
will be offered at East Carolina University on
Saturday, November 17, 1984 Application blanks
are to be completed and mailed to The
Psychological Corp , 7500 Old Oak Blvd .
Cleveland Ohio 44130 to arrive by October 20,
1984 Applications may be obtained from the
ECU Testing Center. Room 105. Speight
NT E ?Area
The National Teacher Examinations ?
Specialty Areas will be offered at East
Carolina University on Saturday, November 10.
1984 Application blanks are to be completed and
mailed to the Educational Testing Service, Box
911 R, Princeton NJ 08541 to arrive by October 8,
1984 Applications may be obtained from the
ECU Testing Center, Room 105. Speight
This Way Up in downtown Greenville presents
the Christian "Rock of IVANHOE in concert
free of charge Saturday. Oct 6 Doors open at
8 00 pm and the concert begins at 8 35
ECU Accounting Society will hold its second
general meeting on Oct 8, 1984 at 4 00 p m The
meeting will be held in Rawl 130 and all in
teresteo persons are invited to attend The guest
speaker will be Dan Slagle from Ernst 8.Whm
ney Mr Slagle will speak on the topic of "Inter
view Skills" All members should note that this
meeting will be the final day for payment of
Phi Kappa Tau happy hour at Grumpy's
Thursday, October 4 at 9 00 p m until?? Come
party with the best
Sunday Mass is celebraed at 11 30 a m m the
Biology lecture hall (rm 103' and at 9 00 p m at
the Newman Center, 95- E 10th St For intorma
tion call Fr Terry 752 4216
The Student Union Coffeehouse Committee
and West Area Campus present the Amateurs
Band tree on Friday October 5. 1984 at 8 00 p m
until 10 p m on the Mendenhali patio Free
refreshments will be served All are welcomed
Bmgo Ice Cream party will be held Tuesday.
October 9 in White Dorm at 7 00 p m Admissior
is 25 cents All are welcome
All students with a 3 4 average or better
qualify to take courses m the Honors Program
spring semester tor Genera' Educaction credit
or free elective Offerings include seminars in
the humanities and social sciences and sections
of basic courses in ?nim ENOL, MLTH. MIST.
LIBS. PHIL. SOCI European Studies, and Lit of
the Holocaust See newpaper or Dr David
Sanders 212 Ragsdale, for schedule
Currently there are graduate and
undergraduate co op positions available for spr
ing at International Trade Administration in
various areas of the U S Requirements maiors
in economics, international traderelations,
marketing, business andor finance, public ad
ministration, computer science, and industrial
policy analysis Undergraduates must have a
minimum overall GPA of 2 5 and a 2 9 GPA Ml
maior course work Deadline is October 15
Salary ranges from $12,000 t0 117.000 See your
coop office in Ri.wl 313 ASAP These positions
need to be filled quickly
Circle K is a co ed service organization open to
all interested students We meet every Tuesday
night at 7 p m in 221 Mendenhali We're looking
forward to seeing you!
The Beta Mu Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau will
hold its monthly meeting today at 5 p.m at the
Western Steer on 10th Street Dr Jerry V Tester
from the Center for Applied Technology will be
the guest speaker Members and guests are urg
ed to attend
The ECU Sign Language Club will be having a
Silent Dinner tonight, Thurs , Oct 4 It will be
held at the Tree House at 5 p m All new students
are encouraged to attend Come on out and join
us in a night of sign
Dr William Cromer in Christian Education at
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will
be the speaker at PAUSE at the Baptist Student
Union, 511 E Tenth St Thursday, October 4 at 7
p m Following the meeting he will be free to talk
with those interested in seminary.
General College students should contact their
advisors prior to Oct 1 to schedule an appoint
ment for preregistration for the Spring
WBMTEtobrm carat
fiKOMUL, ?.C. 27134
Music courses for non music maiors and
general college students The School of Music en
courages students to consider enrolling in the
following music courses designed for non music
majors during the spring term MUSC 1208, 1218
Non Music Major Group Piano I and II. MUSC
1215 Group Voice II (section 003 for
non majors). MUSC 2208 Music Appreciation,
MUSC 2218 Orchestral Music. MUSC 2238 Con
temporary Music, MUSC 2258 History of Jazz
Music, MUSC 3018 Introduction to Basic Music
Skills. MUSC 3028 Music Education in Elemen
tary Grades. MUSC 3038 Music Education in In
termediate Grades. MUSC 3048 Music for Ex
ceptional Children Performance organizations
are open to all students, but an audition is re
quired prior to registration in any performance
group unless the student has the consent of the
instructor No other school ot music course offer
ings may be taken without permission of instruc
tor and authorization from the Dean's office
A trip to the STATE FAIR is planned for Fr, ,
Oct 19, leaving allpm Transportation will be
provided free Cost will be admission plus food
and spending money Call 752 7240 Mon Fri
before 2 30 to reserve your space All
Presbyterian students are invited to meet the
new Campus Minis.jr. Michelle "Mike" Bur
Cher, at a fellowsh p meeting of song and
refreshments on Tues , Oct. 9. at 7 30 p m in the
Methodist Student Center
The East Carolina athletic department is
organizing a dance team "The Pure Gold
Dancers to perform at Pirate home basketball
games Those interested should attend an
organizational meeting on October 10. m room
142 of Minges Coliseum at 7 00 p m Only ECU
students are eligible for the group
Lefs try this again! Student North Carolina
Association Educators Organizational Meeting.
Thurs . Oct 4, 3 30 p m , Speight 104 All
students interested in membership are invited to
attend Those planning to student teach this year
are encouraged to be present Applications and
additional information will be available at this
time A membership drive is being held the week
of Sept 24 28 in the Speight Bldg Look for the
membership desk
There is a short but important meeting this
Thursday night at 8 00 m 221 Mendenhali concer
ning T shirt orders and theHatteras trip Fall
Break Your dues must be paid by Thursday it
you plan to make the trip Due to bad weather the
trials were postponed last Saturday They will be
rescheduled at the meeting this Thursday Some
killer surf slides of Mexico will also be shown a'
the meeting We welcome girls ano all new
Writing contest deadline is Oct 29. but we'll
take entries as soon as we can get them you can
win big bucks J100 00 for first place, $75 00 for
second, and ISO 00 tor third in both the poetry and
the prose contests This is open to ECU students
only Bring your entries to the REBEL or Media
Board offices on the second floor of the Publica
tions Bldg Include your name, address and
phone number Art contest will be m early Nov
Co op students who have GPA 3 0. Cobol, Ac
counting or Finance Business Minor The
Weyerhaenser applications have arrived Pick
ykours up in Rawl 313 Deadline by October 15,
CLASSIFIED ADS Rotes: 25 words or le$i Student$2 00 Norvstudenrs3 00 Eoch oddltlonal word05 All boldface typ1.00 Boxed borderf,lpt.) '00 DEADLINES: Turn In od? to Tlie Ecrit Cotollnlan by 3 p.m one bu?lne$$ day before publication. No od$ will be accepted over the phone All ods mujt be pre paid. Please notify The East OoUnlan Immeodlately If your ad Is Incorrect. We will rot be responsible for Incorrect Ods after the first day of publication. I? mrrr tot rff f to rvjrrt tor ? for IIM, otitroitf or brd tai'tNome-Address: City State: Phone: Student ID. number: Amount:
NurPher words: Bold?o-e (ye?) (no) Bo?ed (yes) (no) Dates) od Is to oppeor
Non student

Do you often wonder if you're the only one in
this wrld feeling a certain way? Do you ever feel
like tossing your books aside and iust talking'
Well then, make an Encounter with Christ
weekend Oct 25 28 Meet students from various
campuses withmg N C It's a terrific opportunity
to relax and devote a long weekend to you! For
more info call Fr Terry at the Newman Center
at 752 4216
The College Republicans will meet Thurs ,
Oct 4, at 7 p m im the Mendenhali Coffeehouse
We will discuss the canvass, the convention, and
Fritz busters Please turn out and contribute to
our success
Any organization interested m being in the 1984
homecoming parade or having an entree in the
parade should contact Betsy Peters at 355 6205
before Oct 12, 1984
Needed immediately, interested students and
service organization to help blow up balloons
before the homecoming parade on Oct 20. 1984
interested persons should contact Betsy Peters
at 355 6205 before Oct 11, 1984
Registration for intramural Punt Pass and
Kick competition will be held Oct 8 18 To
register come Dr Room 204 Memorial Gym or for
more information, call 757 6387
Register for intramural Racquetbail Oct 8 11
m Room 204 Memorial Gym A singles tourna
ment will be set up according to the amount of
Aycock Dorm College Hill Campus in conjunc
tion with Kitty Hawk Kites is sponsoring a hang
gliding clinic at 2 30 p m on October 6, 1984, m
the basement of Aycock Dorm The clime will
consist of films, lecture, demonstrations and a
question answer period A semuiator will be set
up in the south courtyard of Aycock between
Aycock and Scott dorms A free beginning hang
gliding lesson will be awarded to some lucky per
son attending the clinic The Department of
Intram jral Recreational Services will be put
ting together a trip to the Outer Banks. Kitty
Hawk Kites as a follow up to this activity
East Carolina Coins & Pawn
Corner 10th & Dickenson Ave.
We Buy Gold & Silver
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' 'Consider us your cars'
Ja Home Away From Home " vV
Cog gins Car Care
320 West Greenville Blvd
Any persons interested in snowskiing Dec X
through Jan 4 at Snowshoe. W V should call Jo
Saunders at 757 6000 to get your name on the list
for the trip Beginners to hotdogger are
welcome Ske instruction is available for all
levels of ability Price depends on ski package
Space for housing on slopes and transportation is
limited You are invited to come by Memorial
Gym 108 on Oct 30 at 4 00 p m to register, see
the slides and talk skiing! A 15 00 deposit at this
time will reserve your space
Students may still sign up for tin beginning
Karat course Ju?t coma to me dance room In
Memorial and talk to m instructor Tha claaa
schedule are Tim woman' at 730. Tuea ,
man's at ? 30. Wad. man's at 7 30. wed.
women's at I 30 Por any further questions call
7S8 037O
Register for intramural Team Bowling Oct t
and 1 m koom 204 Memorial Gym unt.i 5 p m on
the 9th For more information, come by the m
tramurai Dept or can 757 637
The King Youth Fellowship sponsored By the
Pentecostal Holiness Church will nave a
meeting to discuss this semester Bible study
plans The meeting will be m 242 Mendenhali at 7
p m For more information contact Jackie a?
752 8666
Registration for intramural Soccer will be
held Oct 8 and 9 m Room 204 Memorial Gym
For more information, contact the intramural
Dept or call 757 637
Thanksgiving vacation Dive Coiumei v?i
ico ? days. 7 mgnti on me beautiful Vuca-a-
Penmnsuia Drift diving on the Paiarvcar -ee
will be one o me most exiting experiences From
Raieign. price including air fare, meals foog ig
ana diving M20 00 special price tor nor c ve's
1720 00 Air travel provided by Mexicans ?
Eastern For registrations ana trner "?orj
tion, can Ray Scharf, Dir ot Acquat.cs T 444
Believe it you count Your vote ? rhc
difference Come reges'er so ou -a- . - ?? -
tooer 6 19?4 -fhomes Forman Parx $? Street
10 00 a m 6 p m Music for your entoymeni
Free fsh sandwehes arsa sodas for ,o?j' refresr
The regularly scheduled meeting for ??m
Chapter ot NAACP will be heio on Monoa.
'ooer 8 a' 5 30. n the CoHeehouse on the jronc
floor of Mendenha'i S'uden' Center Son- i ?
topics to be discussed are the Conference -
Cnanotte A Spec.a' Seres o Sea-
sored bv the Minor.t? Arts Corrrr- ????.
var.ous committee reports A r'es-z z'
sons are encouraged 'o attend
Attention if ?ou can heip ?- ?-? ??.
registration raii, nns Sauraa? ?? mt Tt - -
Foreman Pa'k on the corne- of Memw ?) r
ano 5th sheets between io 1- and ? t
piease come on out if you ca" -e z and ieec
'ransoor'afion cars w H be p.ex - .c peog ? tt
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Maft Vtrurf
Imagine yourself standing in
the Mendenhali Student Center
Parking lot at 3 a.m. on a rain.
cold, Saturday morning V ? .
am 1 there? What is going to hap-
pen to me1 h it really worth
rmng about? M questions
were answered ver quick!) av I
followed the ECU Arms ROTC
to the Recondo Course at Fl
N.C. State
(CPS) ? Thanks to student
protest and a new student concern
advisors committee, it's "till
rock 'n roll" at North Carolina
State University after all.
A three-week-old campus ban
on "heav metai" music wa-
lifted last week when the
ministration approved a Col-
iseum Concert Advisory Com-
mittee to screen rock musk ac
reports committee member
The ban followed a ar. Ha
concert where the .
predominantly no-
crowd left the univei
Reynolds Coliseum strewi
trash. Bender explains.
"The Saturda concert mea
there was no clean-up urn V
day he says. "The administra-
tion decided 'We don't wa
mess anymore and reasoi
that heavy metal band ?
drawing a young, r
Agent Arrested
For Conspiracy
Continued From Page l
same charges as Miller.
The three were arrested a
homes in Los Angeles, - urct
FBI Director William Websie:
said Milter v?a dismissed from
the FBr on Tuesday after he wa
charged with conspiring with
Soviet-born U.S. residents
pass secret FBI document
Soviet Union.
"This is a mo! serious
involving a special agent alleg
to have committed such
against the United States1
Webster said.
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OCTOBER 4, 1984
ROTC Adventure: For Die-Hards Only
SUff Wrtler
Imagine yourself standing in
the Mendenhall Student Center
Parking lot at 3 a.m. on a rainy,
cold, Saturday morning. Why
am I there? What is going to hap-
pen to me? Is it really worth
writing about? My questions
were answered ery quickly as l
followed the ECU Army ROTC
to the Recondo Course at Ft.
A short briefing by Cadet
Capt. Hester and Cadet SFC
Grey told me quickly that this
was not going to be my day. The
veterans of this treatment were
easily spotted, because they ran
to the bus when instructed.
Physical discoort is sure to
come to any soldier not following
orders issued by his commanding
The 7:30 arrival at Ft. Bragg
brought us all to attention. We
were then instructed to begin
chanting, "ECU, ECU, we're the
best; We're the best of all the
rest; Looking good, standing tall;
We're the ones with the yellow
balls After chanting this
several times at the top of our
lungs, we held up a yellow tennis
ball, compliments of the ROTC
The first event involved cross-
ing a fast flowing river using two
methods. The first involved us-
ing an existing bridge measuring
six inches wide and hanging 35
feet in the air. I didn't have any
problems until the second
method came up.
A bigger challenge this time,
we had to construct a single rope
bridge between two trees. One
was to cross the river by sliding
across the top of the rope. I only
made it half way before I met the
river. Twenty push-ups for me
N. C. State Bans Rock-N-Roll Concerts
(CPS) ? Thanks to student
protest and a new student concert
advisory committee, it's "still
rock 'n roll" at North Carolina
State University after all.
A three-week-old campus ban
on "heavy metal" music was
lifted last week when the ad-
ministration approved a Col-
iseum Concert Advisory Com
mittee to screen rock music acts,
reports committee member Jeff
The ban followed a Van Halen
concert where the young,
predominantly non-campus
crowd left the university's
Reynolds Coliseum strewn with
trash, Bender explains.
"The Saturday concert meant
there was no clean-up until Mon-
day he says. "The administra-
tion decided 'We don't want this
mess anymore and reasoned
that heavy metal bands were
drawing a young, non-student
crowd that left a big mess
Students immediately labeled
the ban "ridiculous" and
"discriminatory" and complain-
ed they'd be forced to go off-
campus for rock concerts.
"The biggest contention was
with the unclear terms of the
ban Bender stresses. "There
were no set guidelines about what
music was banned
Indeed, Athletic Director
Willis Casey originally said he'd
ban rock music while allowing
the Coliseum to host acts like Bil-
ly Joel, who Casey apparently
didn't see as a rock 'n roll musi-
The adverse student reaction
led to meetings between student
leaders and university ad-
ministrators, who proposed the
student-run advisory committee
to help make rock bookings.
Committee members include
the student center president, the
director of student union ac-
tivities, the assistant dean of
students and Bender, who is
editor of the campus newspaper.
"The committee wil help
screen talent that appears at the
Coliseum explains Richard
Farrell, Coliseum business
manager. "They'll determine if
students want a particular artist
on campus
Coliseum officials will sign
"family type" acts, he stresses,
and will consult the students only
for rock concerts.
"It will be interesting to see on
what criteria they judge these
groups he adds.
Bender claims the committee is
a better solution than dealing
with the administration's
"paranoia of any type of music
that appeals to a younger
"They're not interested in
entertainment that draws a
15-year-old crowd he points
out. "I understand that. After
all, this is a university
Agent Arrested Wednesday
For Conspiracy With Soviets
Continued From Page 1
same charge a. Miller.
The three were arrested at their
homes in Los Angeles, sources
FBI Director William Webster
said Miller was dismissed from
the FBI on Tuesday after he was
charged with conspiring with two
Soviet-born U.S. residents to
pass secret FBI documents to the
Soviet Union.
"This is a most serious matter,
involving a special agent alleged
to have committed such a crime
against the United States
Webster said.
"I: is an aberration on the pro-
ud record of patriotic and
dedicated serice of thousands of
special agents throughout our
Webster said Miller "was
dismissed from the FBI yesterdav
for violation of general standards
of conduct expected of FBI
agnets as well as specific viola-
tions of FBI rules and regula-
The three were charged with
"conspiracy to provide national
defense informatin to a foreign
government the FBI said, and
faced the prospect of life im-
prisonment it convicted.
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and a new army rule: one does
not curse rope bridges.
Upon jogging another half
mile to the next instruction site, a
new event was waiting for us,
rappelling. Instead of bridges, we
were now going to jump off the
side of a steep hill. This could
have been worse, because had it
not been raining, we would have
had the chance to jump off a 60
foot tower.
After the "Belly Buster"
course, and the "Dirty Name"
course, we encountered the most
dramatic event of the day, "The
Slide for Life Upon climbing a
80 foot tower, we slid down a
wire at a thirty degree angle
reaching reported speeds of 50
mph. I emerged out of the water
confused and disoriented and the
cadets helped me by yelling at me
to swim to shore.
After eating my field rations
and catching up on some push-
ups, I realized if there is a hard
way of doing something, the Ar-
my will do it. So, In retrospect, 1
was able to answer my first two
questions. The third, however,
was a little more difficult to
answer. I came home, bruised,
beaten, and torn, but that was
only the physical aspect of it.
When it got down to it, my mind
was tested and m confidence
was strenghtened And yes. if
given the opportunity. 1 would go
through the entire course
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October 4, 1984
Pee Dee
Students Want Name Changed
Well, the students have spoken.
In the SGA Elections Wednesday,
students, the heart and soul of this
university, overwhelmingly decid-
ed that the name Pee Dee has to
go. With more than 82 percent of
the students who voted saying
"no" to the name, we are telling
the administration and athletic
department to give us the chance to
name our mascot something else.
The ball is in your court, Dr.
How ell. And there is only one shot
to take. It's an easy one. Tell the
students that you work for that
they can now begin the process of
naming the school mascot. There
should be no delay in this matter.
On your orders, the athletic
department and the Student
Government Association can get
together and plan a way for the
students to name the Pirate.
The East Carolinian offers its
services. We can reach the students
the best and facilitate a quick and
easy re-naming of the mascot.
We know you will do the right
thing, Dr. Howell. We trust that
when confronted with the facts, as
you have been over the last several
weeks, you will realize that your
students were slighted and that
they deserve a fair chance. The
athletic department, as you know,
named our mascot ? we, the
students, had nothing to do with it.
We helped pick the symbol. About
half of us agree that it is better
than the old Pirate. Although he's
a cartoonish-type character, he
grows on you. The name, though,
is stagnant and unwanted, as
evidenced by the lopsided choice to
dump it.
We know you realize you should
have done this several weeks ago
when it was first brought to your
attention. But everyone makes
mistakes, Dr. Howell ? even
chancellors of universities. But the
votes have been counted, and as
you said in the Raleigh News And
Observer, "I don't feel strongly
about it one way or the other
Well, Dr. Howell, now you know
the students do.
You are, in a sense, their ser-
vant. You are there to help each of
us get a top-flight education.
Through this petitioning of our
grievance, we are putting our
understanding of American
government to use. We feel strong-
ly enough to let you know we care.
We see an injustice done to us and
ask that you, as our chancellor, see
that the wrong done to us is
We, the students, expect that to-
day you will order the name of Pee
Dee stricken from our university.
The faculty doesn't like, it the
alumni doesn't like it and the
students have mandated that it be
changed. See the error of your ad-
ministration's ways, Dr. Howell.
Let your students name our
Page 4
Campus Forum
Helms Not Standing Tall
With the dust about to settle on
the Pee Dee issue, we would like to
address some of the statements
made during the last couple of
First of all, this is important.
Some members of the administra-
tion repeatedly said they did not
want to discuss the issue because
they felt it was not a pressing mat-
ter. If this is so, we would like to
know why these people constantly
defended their inactions and refus-
ed to let the students change the
name when clearly everyone was
against the old one.
Secondly, we would like to say
we hold nothing against people
who are doing their jobs. We
realize there are differing points of
view on this issue, but we believe
that everyone involved knew that
what we ? the students ? were
doing was right. Also, we applaud
efforts by the university to make
ECU a part of North Carolina's
life. We just think the picture
presented should be accurate on
this matter.
Lastly, we know that in com-
parison to other events happening
in the world, this is not as impor-
tant. But that is not the point. Do
not say we shouldn't pursue a con-
cern of the students just because
it's an election year or we face the
threat of nuclear war. Of course
those things are more important.
But don't invoke them when they
aren't germane to the topic.
The East Carolinian will con-
tinue to discuss these and other im-
portant things now that this is
about to be settled.
After reading the letter from the
chairman of the ECU College
Republicans in which he portrays
Jesse Helms as a man standing tall, 1
thought it would be appropriate to
tell you the things our radical senator
is standing tall for.
He stood tall for Roberto
D'Aubuisson and his right-wing
death squads in El Salvador, going
against our country's foreign policy.
He stood tall against our grand-
parents by opposing President
Reagan's bipartisan plan to save
Social Security. He stood tall against
the North Carolina tobacco farmers
when he went back to the Senate floor
and changed his vote to be in favor of
a federal tobacco tax. Finally, he has
stood tall against us as college
students by voting against student
loans. And on Sept. 18, 1983 Sen.
Helms said of public education, "I
ain't got no dog in that fight
Who has Sen. Helms been standing
tall for? Surely not the people of
North Carolina. It should come as no
surprise when Sen. Helms refused to
talk about his record on the issues in
this campaign. The truth is, he's
voted against us and our interests
time and time again. 1 am sure that
Sen. Helms as well as College
Republicans chairman Kilcoyne is
scared to death that we are going to
find out.
David Brooks
Junior, Pols
Pirate Talks
Like soldiers, old pirates don't die
? they just fade away. We created
the Pirate of years' past to counter
student apathy and to show life at
game, school and community func-
tions. (In fact, there was a female
pirate initially ? you were great,
Kim!) The Pirate encouraged the
boastful, boisterous, memorable ac-
tivity referred to as spirit and having
a good time living life to its fullest.
Everyone just called him "The
Pirate" as he yelled with and at the
players, the coaches, officials and
fans; the name wasn't important ?
he was a spirit.

He went everywhere the action was
and expressed what every die-hard
Pirate fan wanted to say to that ref
that missed that pass interference that
cost us a key touchdown, or you
would find him running hell-bent
with fury down the sidelines because
he promised a player he would meet
him in the end zone and celebrate. At
game's end, he was hoarse, tired and
either experienced the thrill of victory
or the agony of defeat.
Now ECU has a new Pirate named
"Pee Dee Pee Dee is an image. He
is a symbol of the school and will
adorn all that is sanctioned by the
universitv. Pee Dee is also a verv hot
suit (160'degrees ? N. C. State 1982)
and quite uncomfortable to be a spirit
in. Mike Amans is our current Pirate,
and he does a terrific job in that suit
? you can bet it is tough if not
somewhat dangerous.
The image, however, is good ?
kids love it and it makes good
business sense. Pee Dee, bigger than
life, is fun and can live forever
because the person inside is
anonymous. Pee Dee is not the
"team's mascot He is too generic
to be that, generic being changeable
without noticeable change. To be the
"team's (all the team's) mascot" he
has to be one of them ? run the field,
share defeat and victory.
ECU needs both pirates ? and I
hope there is one student in this
university who will take up my call
and become the "team's mascot" ?
the old Pirate. 1 further hope there
are some die-hard boosters and ad-
ministrators who understand what
school spirit is all about and will get
the old Pirate spirit and image for the
love of sport and college life.
It has been a pleasure to be your
Pirate for the past four years ? a
wonderful experience and I thank the
many athletes and fans for the
memories we created.
Randy Scherr
The Old Pirate
Pat's Okay
Many students and members of the
faculty have been asking about the
well-being of Patrick O'Neill, a
former East Carolinian staff member
who is currently serving time for an
act of civil disobedience he performed
last Easter. I would like to report that
Pat is alive and as well as can be ex-
pected for someone who has been
transferred to several different
prisons in the last couple of months.
Unfortunately, his address book was
taken away from him at one of these
prisons; consequently, he only has
those addresses that he had memoriz-
Patrick is now in a minimum
security prison in Atlanta, Ga and
he will most likely be there
throughout the remainder of his
sentence (at least 15 months). Like
every other prisoner, he would love to
receive correspondence. His address
is: Patrick O'Neill, FPC, Box 150160,
Lakewood Station, Atlanta, Ga
30315 ? 0182.
Mike Hamer
CR's Juvenile
It is to be expected, perhaps even
typical of the College Republicans, to
respond to the ECU Young
Democrats' recent challenge to
debate with juvenile remarks about
myself and our group's motives.
Their record as hecklers both locally
and nationally is well know
What is not as well known about
the CR's is whether they can muster
the courage to defend the record of
Ronald Reagan. 1 personallv fir
difficult to believe that there is no one
in the entire (self-proclaimed) CR
membership of 80 who cannot ar-
ticulate the Republican record
position. Students deserve to ki
what Ronald Reagan na-? done I
them and what he will continue :
to them.
Today, we again publiclv cha
the CR's to a debate to be helc
time and place mutuallv agreed ?
We are asking the CR's to take
from their busy schedule of hes?
Democratic candidates to participate
in a debate of issues.
Come on guys, you aren't afraid I
debating us Democrats are yo .
Charles Sune
Chairman, CVD's
Ed Wrong?
In response to the Sept
editorial, the following shoulc be
recognized as a true account of the
facts. Due to false statements witl
the editorial, a rebuttal is necea:
The poll tenders were not in-
structed by the elections chairper-
on the correct procedure of manrling
the voting process. The polls ue'e
cancelled not because of "ignorar.e
or just plain stupidity" but became
an error was made in the campaigning
process. We feel no one is at ia-h
lacks "common sense" but do
acknowledge an unawareness of
rule regarding campaign literature
within 25 feet of the polling booth-
According to a poll tender at the
student store, common sense and tree
will tells you that anyone ma vote
for whomever they wish. Therefore,
the sheets containing Greek member-
names were thought to be legal. The
poll tenders did not hand out the
literature, so they do not feel respon-
sible for the sheets being on the
It is a small political society on
campus, and the Greeks wish to par-
ticipate. In an effort to arouse stu-
dent involvement, the Greeks will
continue to be involved in campus
politics. If the few who thrive on stu-
dent apathy would consider the
results, they would realize that any
person or organization that puts forth
the effort to be involved will result in
more student involvement instead of
standing on the wayside passively.
Katnna Hobby
Junior, English
Hey, Johnny
John East, please come home! The
College Republicans at ECU refuse to
debate! That's right, in the finest
tradition of "Silent Cal the College
Republicans want to have nothing to
say, and then request that they not be
quoted! I suppose it's much easier to
kick a candidate and tell people about
a fictitious economic recovery than to
come out and state what they believe
in a public forum.
When the Republicans took control
of the Senate and the White House in
1980, many of us Democrats were
consoled by the fact that they would
have to "put up or shut up Since
they can't seem to put up, I guess they
have decided to opt for the latter.
David Creech
Senior, Pol. Sci.
f HI I
The Kerlv Brothers returned t
Area Benefi
Mff mtf
The Epilep
America is n ai
organization which, w
filiates aero? the vorl
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overcome il N 'th Carol
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professionals, u
60.000 North Cai
fiicted with the d:so
v thei ne of I -s-
? ? ? . ? .
Last ear a mot
event came a
All aero the c.
were hooked on
just an movie, b
simple pioi
energv. In fact.
found thr
dancing sea
film, made Hash Jan.n
top films f last
sending the sc
the top of the charts
This year, another
:o do nsl
did' V d this weekend. I
a chance to see
we" I
Campus Co
Oa Friday. Oct. 5, tbe Stadeat I oion C
Collegiate Alcohol Awareaess Veek Ocj
the eveat. The show begins aj 8 p.m. and

u y
well known about
- the can muster
d the record of
sonally find it
U 'here is no one
proclaimed) CR
?I-1 cannot ar-
m record and
deserve to know
Has done to
:mue to do
i be held at a
agreed upon.
. R's to take time
lie of heckling
' afraid of
tt! are ou?
Ed Wrong?
Sept. 2
should be
unt of the
a:ements within
were not in-
ire of manning
? polls were
but because
. ar.paigning
r?e 1 at fault or
sense" but do
Ige an unawareness of the
:npaign literature
?!ling booths.
tender at the
n sense and free
ne may vote
er the wish. Therefore,
containing Greek members'
ight to be legal. The
I not hand out the
'he do not feel respon-
ded s being on the
a small political society on
and the Greeks wish to par-
ln an effort to arouse stu-
lnvoKement. the Greeks will
nue to be involved in campus
politics jf the few who thrive on stu-
len apath would consider the
Results, the would realize that any
person or organization that puts forth
he effort to be invoked will result in
lore student involvement instead of
tanding on the wayside passively.
iatnna Hobby
r. English
Hey, Johnny
John East, please come home! The
jCollege Republicans at ECU refuse to
debate! That's right, in the finest
tradition of "Silent Cal the College
Republicans want to have nothing to
Isay, and then request that they not be
jquoted! 1 suppose it's much easier to
kick a candidate and tell people about
a fictitious economic recovery than to
k me out and state what they believe
in a public forum.
When the Republicans took control
lot the Senate and the White House in
11980, many of us Democrats were
consoled by the fact that they would
II ave to "put up or shut up Since
It hey can't seem to put up, I guess they
jhave decided to opt for the latter.
David Creech
;nior, Pol. Sci.
OCTOBER 4, 1984
Page 5
New Sounds From
The Everly Bros.
The Everl Brothers returned to the
stage and produced EB '84, an album quite different from those in the past.
Staff ttrltrr
The Everly Brothers ? a group
that hasn't played together since
1973 ? returned to the stage last
September at Uondon's Royal
Albert Hall to give themselves a
boost and let people know that
the they are back in business.
People Magazine stated, "It was
as if they had never been away
After 11 years the Everlys have
put out their latest album, EB
'84. The cut definitely reflects the
magazine's statement although
critics claim it has the sound and
the lyrics of the '80s.
EB '84 captures the sounds of
the early '60s and brings to mind
artists like Bob Dylan, Joan Biaz,
and even the Beatles. They still
combine a unique blend of
rock'n'roll, country, rockabilly,
and perhaps a tinge of bluegrass
on the album, but it makes you
wonder if that's the sound people
are looking for. If the
Woodstock gathering ? the
resurgence of rock 'n' roll and
flower children ? was ever a part
of your life, then mabye EB '84
will satisfy your desire for true
rock 'n' roll. However, unless
you're an avid rock 'n' roll buff
or in our mid 30s, chances are
Woodstock is no more than a car-
toon character to you.
Nevertheless, the Everlvs have
put together a good album of ver-
satile nostalgia. The sounds of
"On the Wings of a
Nightengale written by Paul
McCartney especially for the
album, and "Danger Danger a
tune about a provocative young
girl gone wild, reflect the upbeat
sound of the smooth but quick
rock 'n' roll. From here the
move into the love ballad, "The
Story of Me
The experimenting stops and
sweet harmonies and lyrics
prevail on side two of EB '84.
The !969 classic, "Lay, Lady,
Lay sets the tone for four new
mellow pop songs. The sweetest
and most beautiful song,
"Following the Sun describes a
lonely heart "Looking for love
somewherefollowing the sun
The relaxing tones of the guitars
and the ever-so-sweet harmony
almost causes you to sink into the
sounds. And the last song on the
album, "Asleep is so smooth
that you can't help but feel your
eyelids fall.
The Everly Brothers may not
be the most contemporary rock
duo around, but if you let them,
their music can take you back,
give you a lift, and let you relax
? in harmonv.
Area Benefits From Pitt Chapter Of N.C. Epilepsy Assoc.
Nl?ff W rtltr
The Epilepsy Foundation of
America is a nationwide
organization which, with its af-
filiates across the country, works
towards preventing and controll-
ing epilepsy and helping victims
overcome it. North Carolina's
Epilepsy Association (EANC)
provides counseling, referrals to
professionals, and support to the
60,000 North Carolinians af-
flicted with the disorder.
Another one of EANC s func-
tions is to educate the public on
what to do if someone is having
an epileptic seizure. EANC sug-
gests you keep the person calm,
help him or her lie down, remove
glasses or false teeth, clear the
area of any sharp or dangerous
objects, and loosen tight
Do not try to hold the person
down or force anything between
his or her teeth. After the seizure,
the person should be turned on
his or her side to allow saliva to
drain out of the mouth; the per-
son should also be allowed to
sleep. A doctor need only be call-
ed if: 1). it is the person's first
seizure, 2). the person has one
seizure after another without
waking up, 3). the person is not
breathing normally after the
seizure, or 4). the person is in-
Epilepsy is a common
neurological disorder which tends
to be very misunderstood. It is
not a disease, but actually a
symptom of a brain disorder.
Head injuries suffered in auto ac-
cidents are major causes of
epilepsy, along wit brain
damage at birth, chemical im-
balances, poor nutrition, infec-
tions, and high fevers.
The seizures associated with
epilepsy can be of many different
types, ranging from mild to
severe. A generalized Tonic-
Clonic seizure (Grand Mai) is the
most recognizable. In this type,
the person loses consciousness,
becomes very rigid, and the ex-
tremities may begin to jerk.
An absence seizure, or Petit
Mai, is most common in children.
Often mistaken for day dreaming
(whereby the person stares for
brief periods, usually less than
ten seconds), this type is easily
controlled with medication.
A Complex Partial is the most
common type of seizure. It in-
volves a "clouding of con-
sciousness" which may last
minutes or hours. The person
may make automatic movements
during this time, and when these
actions become prolonged or
complicated, the person could be
mistaken for having a psychiatric
Facial and partial motor and
sensor seizures involve a jerking
motion (motor) and a sensation
(sensory) in a certain part of the
Epilepsy can be treated suc-
cessfully with drugs, surgery, and
special diets.
For additional intormauon
about epilepsy, contact the
Greenville chapter of the Epilep-
sy Association of North Carolina
at Pitt County Memorial
Hospital. Funding for the
organization comes directly from
the Pitt Countv United Way.
'Footloose' Playing This Weekend
Miff Wnirr
Last year a motion picture
event came about like no other.
All across the country, people
were hooked on a movie ? not
just any movie, but one with a
simple plot (if any) and a lot of
energy. In fact, that energy,
found through the music and
dancing scattered throughout the
film, made Elashdance one of the
top films of last year, as well as
sending the soundtrack album to
the top of the charts.
This year, another film sought
to do just the same thing ? and
did! And this weekend, ECU has
a chance to see it freeand catch
the feeling of going Eootloose.
As the story goes, Kevin Bacon
plays a city youth who moves to a
small Texas town with his family.
But, as it turns out, he finds he's
not exactly popular with the local
folks in more ways than one. In
fact, he later finds out exactly
why from some of his
schoolmates. It seems that the
townsfolk aren't particularly
fond of his loud music and danc-
ing. Some years back, a couple of
youths, including the son of the
very influential town preacher,
were killed in a car crash after a
very wild party. After that, the
town decided (with a lot of sup-
port from the preacher himself)
to dispose of all alcohol and any
display of (gasp!) dancing, party-
ing, and rock 'n' roll music.
It's a bad situation our hero
faces. But can he go ahead and
show the people he's not wrong?
He's certainly going to try, and it
looks like he's at least got one
person on his side. Oddly
enough, it happens to be the
preacher's own daughter (played
by Lori Singer, recently from the
Fame television series), and she
thinks he's not such a bad guy.
But, can our hero hold on to her?
Of course, Kevin's got one
more thing on his side ? he's got
the music, and a lot of good
material throughout the film.
Much like Elashdance, the music
and dancing make this a high-
energy hit film. It also doesn't
hurt to have songs featuring ar-
tists like Sammy Hager, Bonnie
Tyler, Denice Williams, and Ken-
ny Loggins. Little wonder the
Eootloose soundtrack also
became a big hit.
Yet, unlike Elashdance,
Eootloose has a soul and deter-
mination all its own. Here, the
music and magic all come
together behind a story of a per-
son fighting for what he feels is
But anyway ? why not just
find out for yourself? This
weekend is your only chance to
see it all. So, come down to Hen-
drix Theatre and cut loose!
Gallagher Changes
Show Until Dec. 5
Due to other obligations,
Gallagher, one of America's
most unique comedians, has
postponed his ECU performance
from tonight to Dec. 5.
Mendenhall Assistant Program
Director Jon Curtis explained
i hat Gallagher cannot attend
because he is in the process of
making advertisements for a new
television special that he just
All those holding tickets for
the performance may either be
refunded at the Central Ticket
Office or hold them until the
Dec. 5th performance.
Gallagher, known as the
master of comedy and Wizard of
Odd, is the one and only inventor
of the Sledge-O-Matic which will
be performed at ECU in Dec. For
two hours or more, this mustach-
ed funny man immerses his au-
diences in his off-beat brand of
honest observations. He calls his
comedy satire because all my
comedy is truth, and truth is fun-
ny. I vent frustration in society
Don't miss a show that will un-
doubtedly be unique.
Campus Concerts: The Amateurs, 'New Music' Show Scheduled
On Friday Oct 5 the Student Union Committee and West Area Campus will kick off National
Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (Oct. 8-14) with the rock band The Amateurs. V.ZMB will assist in
the event The show begins at 8 p.m. and lasts until 10 p.m. and refreshments will be provided.
Works by Composers Jack Lennon and Ed Cionek will make up tonight's 8:15 "New Musk
The show, which will be held in Fletcher Recital HaU, combines musk students, graduates, and facultv
mnmkorc intn a mnciral unomkln that norfnrmc ISLooklo ? o.l? ! -
members into a musical ensemble that performs likeabk yet serious musk.

V 1

OCTOBER 4, 1984

HANGINGS. Very reasonable Call
756 9273 after 5
spaniel puppies Call 752 1973
FOR SALE: Sears Silvertone Stereo
with BSR mini changer, $35 AM FM
radio from Toyota truck with 2
Sparkomatic flush mount speakers,
$35 Call 758 1598 after 6 p.m.
Responsible party to assume small
monthly payments on spinet'console
piano Can be seen locally Write
(include phone number) Credit
Manager, P O Box 521,
Beckemeyer, IL 62219
FOR SALE: 1975 Datsun B210, very
good condition. Runs great, under
20 000 miles. $1,59500 or best offer.
Ask for Jeff. Ph 758 7640
Jast Wfek MAti-O-STiCK
- Pur ihe eviL gfMNV
rfcCM rt('uTiZtP f3V lHfc
i iT op NL'w YORK.
? Bv iukpKi sty The
new condition $400.00. Call
Sheldon 752 5125.
Playhouse Alters Show Dates
Oct. 4th-Oct. 30th
Pantana Bob's

Regular Membership
Vi Price
Private Club for Members & Guest.
Newly rebuilt engine, paint, radial
tires, sunroof Excellent condition.
Must Sell, moving $2000.00 758 6091
FOR SALE: 2 5 cubic foot dorm size
refrigerator with small freezer. In
excellent condition. $50 Call Vickie
M at 752 0525
The East Carolina Youth
Playhouse has announced a
change in production dates for its
upcoming children's show, Ozma
of Oz: A Tale of Time. Orginally
scheduled for a 9:15 a.m. perfor-
mance on Monday, Nov. 12, Oz-
ma of Oz is now set for a 9:15
a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 13.
Doug Ray, Director of the
Youth Playhouse explained:
"When we set production dates
last spring, we didn't realize that
Monday, Nov. 12, was a Teacher
Work Day for the public schools,
and of course, the children won't
be in school that day. So, all
we've done is shift that Monday
morning performance to Tuesday-
morning at 9:15. "All other per-
formances will remain as
originally scheduled: Tuesdav,
Nov. 13 at 7:15 p.m Wednesday
and Thursday Nov. 14 and at
9:15 a.m
All performances will take
place in McGinnis Theatre. For
further information call
soiutely "no charge" for repair
estimates at the Tech Shop Call
57 "nineteen eighty" We thought
-ou'd like to know
EED IT TYPED? Theses, disser
il ons research papers, resumes,
etc Word Processor Call Betty
aws at 752 1454.
Need a ride for fall break to Northern
A abama, Tennessee, or Northern
Georgia, or anywhere near Jenny
758 8016
v.ICHIGAN or a few hours near
ANYTIME Will pay 23 gas plus
-ceded refreshments Kathy 758 8016
ODD, it has been 3 years could we
"ake a movie now, please? I think it's
? e! Hey, roomies! Jennifer
TANA Yes, inoeedy, "The World Is
Yours I can line this way! Just
remember, "You don't draw from
your own supply And I'll
remember, "You never fucked
anyone over who didn't have it com
ing Yours for as long as ever lasts.
JEFF Have a fun 21st Birthday! Love
always ? Martha
CRABBY! Sorry you don't feel so
jood Get well soon and keep your
' - nts up, keep breaking those rules
and lighten up! Love C.B
LYNN: Don't hold back. Let's rage
?onight at Grumpy's.
Grumpys tonight 900 until Be there
ormk heavilyi
ROOM FOR RENT: 2 blocks from
campus, kitchen ana bathroom
priviledges Utilities divided among
renters Call 758 3545 after 8 pm
FOR Thurs. night please call
752 I960
PLAZA has a parttime opening for a
salesperson Experience in selling
men's fashions is preferred. Must be
able to work mornings, evenings and
en Sat. Apply Phyllis Daniels,
BRODY'S for Men M-F 2 5 p.m.
TION seeks computer student for
PART TIME work on Data Base
Reply COMPUTER, Box 8008,
Greenville, NC 27834.
MANAGER Volunteer work for this
oasketball season. Contact Diana at
757 6384
MENTS Female roommate needed
$95mo, Va utilities, furnished
washerdryer Stop by or call
752 1343 anytime.
WANTED: Male and female room
mates New and completely furnish
ed condominiums. (Linens, dishes,
dishwasher, etc$150.00 per person,
per month Call Amy 757 1971.
NEEDED: Parttime Exercise In
structor. An individual with positive
enthusiastic attitude. Call Theresa
at The Body Shoppe at 758 7564 to set
up an interview.
TUTOR: I'm looking for a person
who can tutor me in conversational
Soanigh for a few hours every week.
Fee negotiable. Call David Cecelski
at 7580113 (work) or 244 0122
bedroom townhouse. Must be non
smoker, neat. Located at Twin Oaks.
Contact Susan at 752-3410.
Village Green Aprs private bdrm
13 rent ($83.50) and utilities. Call
758 9343 ask for Tracy or Chris.
Advertise With
The East Carolinian
Friendly Hair Designer 9s
10 Discount on all services
(with ad)
Lisa Wright Pat Williams
Emna Ange Van Nichols
Kit (Griffin) Brouwer
Mon Wed Fri. - 9am-5pm
Thurs - 9am-until Precision Cuts
Sat. - 9am-1 pm Perms
Appointments are helpful Sculptured nails
walk-ins welcome Tanning booth
119 West 4th St. Greenville 758-3181
Ray Ban Wayfarer Available, Normally
$42.95 Reduced to $32.95
All prescription Lenses and Frame
All other Ray Ban Sunglasses by Bausch & 1 otib
2570 F F (exp. date Dec .31,1984)
G?fctNviLi.? sro?E Oil
icons ocatoc
j id ?ortv.ew Common GOLC8BOHO
Open 9om 5 30pm MorvFr,
EWche K.rVley Dip? OptKKW
"We want to be your night spot
every nite
Doors Open: DST 9:00-2:00 a.m. Est. 8:30-1:00 a.m.
CLOSED ? Open for private dorm socials and special Mondays, i.e
first week of each semester.
CRAZY TUESDAY ? Different events each week from Bikini Contest tr
Air Band Contest to Draft Nite Each Tuesday is always different
& always fun.
?WEDNESDAY - HUMP NITE - Pree admission to ECU students ($ 1.00 18 yr. aJm
All cans 55t till i 1 00 pm 80 till closing.
COLLEGE NITE ? SI.00 admission for ECU students ($2.00
18 yr. adm). All cans 55? till 11 00 p.m 80? till closing.
End of the Week Party ? Friday Aftemoon-3:30 till 7:30 - Free
admission ;$1 OO 18 yr. adm.). All cans 55C till 5:15 p.m 80? cans
till 7 30 FRIDAY NITE ? S1.00 admission ($2.00 18 yr. adm.). Ali
cansSOt nil 11 OOp.m.
Best in Dance Music ? $1 00 admission ECU students
VS2.00 18yr. adm.).
LADIES NFTE ? For 15 years our favorite way to wrap up the weekem:
Free admission for ladies (SI OO 18 yr. adm.). & Nickel Draft while ?:
You mull be 18 to enter the club
N C Stale Iim prohibits person under l? to puichaw ak oftoU brvcraaa
Persons mtiei 1 J equtred to wear a wnatband whie oei the prtmmm
Alternative Beverage are provided
lit Wednesday at each ?
Record Bar
Em or
"We could have won the ballf 1
should have won the ballgame J
didn't East Carolina head c i
Emory said in reference to his team's
loss to North Carolina State
"When you don't stop a team
one play. ou shouldn't win I
his weeklv press conference "The
the sprint draw, and we die
don't know wh) we j:Jr
was the key to the ballgame
The Pirates ha
win the game, bj: tun
penalties ended four drive-
half, that according to Em
have resulted in field g
"Going into the fourth q i
we wouid win the ballgame
"The score was 20-14 and w
our own 48-yardhne, bu:
down. Thev didn't p
Emory said the big
ting the offensive unit at th:
season is thier inability tocoi
tant third down plavv "When a
struggling, third down is :he time
of the inexpenenvt? and tack
shows up.
"Our inabilii. I convefl
has kept us from .
you have a grea- ? ?
to be able :
A lot oi the team pi -
from the defei
are not getting ff of
real well Err. -
with five rool kles We
defensive tackle (Joe
"Our noseguard
blocks and we are noi gctl
We plaved good enougl
win the footbai! g
didn't ?e: il done
In an attempt I
secondary, Emory ha
receiver Stefon Adams t fret
move was made to accomod

Herman Troph
Spikers Fall
vt?ff ? run
The ECU volleyball re.
to 2-5 Tuesd.r- nig
University swept three s
games 15-3, 15-6 and !
the best-of-three ma
Now with a record of 12
Blue raced to a 9-0 adh
tage in the first game bt
Pirates tallied on an illegal hit b
Duke to break the scoi
drought. The ECU c
added two - dg
Ann Guida's sen a bt
Devils closed out the game a
four straight points.
ECU scored first in the second
game to lead 1-0. but the Pira
seemed stunned bv the c
opening loss as Duke scored '
in a row during the serve oi (
Geyling to lead 4-1,
After a net serve bv ECU, the
situation got even wore a the
Blue DeviK took nx straight
before a sideout, increasing tl
lead to 10-1. The Pirate
again failed to score ard three
a row went to Duke, making it
After another sidcoul and a
Devil point. East Carolina's of-
fense finally woke up a Ann
Guida opened her service wfth an
ace. which seeme?J to fire up the
Pirates as they added four more
in a five straight string, but one
more point for Duke then decid-
ed the game.
ECU stiffened as a result of
their improved play and the third
game started with a number ot
sideouts before the Blue Devils
scored, but the Pirates came right
back on an service ace by Traci
Smith to tie the score 1-1 Donna


i 4th -Oct. 30th
i Bob's

" v .o.ce
?? ? i'ORf ONLr
OCTOBER 4, 1984
Emory Looking For Second Victory
9 ArtiJSffSKF8 cornerback Kevin Walker, who will be ? -
??n?l SporU tdllor
? We could have won the ballgame, we
should have won the ballgame ? but we
didn't East Carolina head coach Ed
Emory said in reference to his team's 31-22
loss to North Carolina State last Saturday
"Yhen you don't stop a team's number
one play, you shouldn't win Emory said in
his weekly press conference. "Their plav was
the sprint draw, and we didn't stop it I
don't know why we didn't stop it, but that
was the key to the ballgame
The Pirates had many opportunities to
win the game, but turnovers and costly
penalties ended four drives in the second
half, that according to Emorv, all should
have resulted in field goals.
"Going into the fourth quarter I thought
we would win the ballgame Emorv said
'The score was 20-14 and we had the ball on
our own 48-yardline, but our offense broke
down They didn't stop us, we stopped
Emory said the biggest problem confron-
ting the offensive unit at this point in the
season is thier inability to convert the impor-
tant third down plays. "When a team's
struggling, third down is the time when a lot
ol the inexperience and lack of discipline
shows up.
"Our inability to convert these situations
has kept us from using Jeff Heath, and when
you have a great kicker like Jeff, you've got
to be able to use him
A lot of the team's problems are stemming
from the defense, especially the line. "We
are not getting off of the blocks or running
real well Emory said. "We are playing
with five rookie tackles. We lost our best
defensive tackle (Joe Grinage) at Central
"Our noseguard is not getting off the
blocks and we are not getting any pass rush.
We played good enough in the second half to
win the tootball game on defense, but we
didn't get it done
In an attempt to tighten up the defensive
secondary, Emory has moved starting wide
receiver Stefon Adams to free safety. The
move was made to accomodate the injury of
cornerback Kevin Walker, who will
replaced by starting safety Keith Ford.
It is not known if Walker, who suffered a
fractured bone in his foot, will be ready to
play against Pittsburgh this weekend.
"We didn't move an offensive starter to
defense not to play Emory commented.
"Stefon will get his initiation as a free safety
this Saturday at 12:20 in Pittsburgh
Another key injury was to starting offen-
sive guard Rich Autry, who suffered a pulled
ligament in his foot. He is doubtful for this
Saturday's game, which is likely to hinder
the Pirates already sputtering offense.
Looking ahead to the Panthers, Emory
described the contest as a game between two
struggling football programs. "We're 1-4,
and we have to go to Pittsburgh and they're
0-4. It's going to be a game between two
teams that are having a lot of problems
"I don't know why this season has bounc-
ed the has, but we've got a chance to
beat a very good football team in Pittsburgh,
and that's what will be on our minds this
The Panthers are off to their worst start
since 1972, when they went 1-10. They have
opened the season with losses to Brigham
Young, Oklahoma, Temple and last week to
West Virginia, 28-10. But their poor start
does not hide the fact that they're a good
football team.
"Pitt is the best 0-4 team in the country
Emory said. "They have some of the best
personnel in the country ? they've just had
a tough season
The Panthers are led by offensive tackle
Bill Fralic, an Ail-American and a strong
contender for the Outland Trophy, given an-
nually to the nation's best lineman.
Emory is disappointed with the way this
season has gone for his young squad, but is
far from giving up on his team. "We're im-
proving every week. In life, it's not how you
start out, its how you finish ? football is the
"We've only played five rounds of an
eleven round fight. We've been down, but
we're not out. We're going to come up sw-
inging, and we'll be looking for a knockout
against Pitt
TolVZpr?" de5Cribed "iS n'S S"Urda C?nte' h Pisbu'h " ? ?? ????? "
Panther's Fralic Shooting For Heisman
Heisman Trophy candidate Bill Fralic
Spikers Fall To Duke
st?ff Whiff
The ECU volleyball record fell
to 2-5 Tuesday night as Duke
University swept three straight
games 15-3, 15-6 and 15-9 to win
the best-of-three match.
Now with a record of 12-1, the
Blue Devils raced to a 9-0 advan-
tage in the first game before the
Pirates tallied on an illegal hit by
Duke to break the scoring
drought. The ECU offense only
added two straight points during
Ann Guida's service before the
Devils closed out the game with
four straight points.
ECU scored first in the second
game to lead 1-0, but the Pirates
seemed stunned by the quick
opening loss as Duke scored four
in a row during the serve of Cara
Geyling to lead 4-1.
After a net serve by ECU, the
situation got even worse as the
Blue Devils took six straight
before a sideout, increasing their
lead to 10-1. The Pirate offense
again failed to score and three in
a row went to Duke, making it
After another sideout and a
Devil point, East Carolina's of-
fense finally woke up as Ann
Guida opened her service with an
ace, which seemed to fire up the
Pirates as they added four more
in a five straight string, but one
more point for Duke then decid-
ed the game.
ECU stiffened as a result of
their improved play and the third
game started with a number of
sideouts before the Blue Devils
scored, but the Pirates came right
back on an service ace by Traci
Smith to tie the score 1-1. Donna
Zeconis' superb block gave the
Pirates only their second lead at
that point in the series as Duke
seemed to be rattled by the
changing momentum.
ECU added four separate
tallies to increase the lead to 6-1,
but once again the balance chang-
ed and the Pirate defense seemed
confused as Duke closed the gap
with three consecutive points,
then two more to tie the game at
ECU temporarily halted the
Blue Devil rally, scoring two dur-
ing Mary Barnham's service in-
cluding a nice kill by Traci Smith,
but the Pirates once again seemed
to get disorganized as several
balls fell untouched while players
expected others to return the ball.
ECU responded with one more
point to assume the lead for the
third time, but the balance sud-
denly and decisively switched as
Duke got the service and tied it
up. They continued to the end as
the Blue Devil's fine server Susan
Wilson got rolling, serving the
final six points consecutively to
give Duke the game and match.
"I just didn't have them men-
tally prepared said Coach Im-
ogene Turner. "We were capable
of competing with them, but our
team was awed by their record"
Ann Guida put in another
good performance, with some
good serves in particular. Traci
Smith had several excellent kills
and played strong on offense and
The Pirates travel to meet the
Tar Heels of North Carolina in
Chapel Hill tonight, then to
Wilson on Monday to play Atlan-
tic Christian at 7 p.m.
This Saturday the ECU foot-
ball team will will take to the field
with whom many consider the
greatest offensive lineman in col-
legiate football history, Pitt-
sburgh 's Bill Fralic.
PITTSBURGH ? Bill Fralic
should be painted gray. When he
is finished with football, he
souldn't retire. He should be put
in mothballs.
A few years ago, the University
of Oklahoma had a lineman
eveyone called the "U.S.S.
Vaughan He was battleship
Compared to the Univer ity of
Pittsburgh's Fralic, the U.S.S.
Vaughan was a PT Boat.
If the Titanic had been as stur-
dy as the 6-foot-5, 285-pound
Fralic, no overgrown ice cube
could have sunk it.
His name may not be
Theismann, but there is neither
rhyme nor reason why Fralic
should not win the Heisman
Trophy, which is, allegedly,
awarded to the best college foot-
ball player.
In fact, there is afoot in the
land a movement long overdue. It
is time an interior lineman ? a
center, guard or tackle ? won
the Heisman.
If Heisman voters are fair and
Fralic has the expected season, he
is as good as gold.
But that, unfortunately doesn't
mean he will win.
The last nine Heisman winners
have been running backs. A
quarierback, though not Notre
Dame's Joe Theismann, occa-
sionally interrupts the continuity.
The accomplishments of the
runners and throwers are easily
measured. Whereas who watches
linemen, except to see how dirty
and bloody they have become.
Pitt will put the lie to statistical
shortcomings this season. Direc-
tor Jim O'Brien has assigned so-
meone to record Fralic's pan-
Fralic is no short-order chef.
He's a tall-order filler and if peo-
ple can be made aware of this,
they will flock to his support.
Thus Heisman voters ? the
print and electronic media ? will
be kept appraised of the number
of opponents Fralic flattens like
Pitt's '83 highlight film should
have been sponsored by Aunt
Jemima: It's full of Fralic pan-
Interested observers need not
wait for statistics or the film to
judge how thoroughly the Pan-
thers' left tackle can dominate a
defensive lineman or line.
"All you have to do Fralic
said, "is watch the direction the
man in front of you
The odds are 100-to-l that it
will be backward.
If Jimmy the Greek decides to
set odds on Fralic's Heisman
chances, they could be higher.
"I've been told he can't win
it O'Brien said. "I know, I
couldn't get him on the cover of
Street and Smith's Yearbook.
They said they don't put linemen
on the cover
They should, because Pitt
offensive coordinator Joe Moore
is right when he says leading can-
didate quarteback Doug Flutie of
Boston College is not in Fralic's
class as a college football player.
People should realize there are a
lot ot great football players at
positions other than tailback and
The football fan has been lear-
ning to appreciate the less ob-
vious. Merlin Olson and Deacon
Jones drew attention to first the
Los Angeles Rams defensive
front four and. in turn, all defen-
sive linemen.
The recognition has spread to
defensive backs, and. of course,
receivers always have been ap-
preciated, albeit not as totallv as
those who get them the ball.
In the latest seasons, I'nivrsity
of Nebraska offensive linemen,
center Dave Remington and
guard Dean Steinkuhler. at-
tracted attention. Of course, part
of the reason is that thev were
playing on a top-ranked team and
blocking for Mike Rozier. who
won the Heisman instead of
"The time is past due for of-
fenisve linemen said Pitt runn-
ing back coach Andy L'rbamc.
who coached Fralic in high
school. "If an offensive lineman
can't win the Heisman, it should
be called a skill-position trophy
Bucs Have Varied Success In Matches
Suff Writer
Women: The Lady Pirate ten-
nis team remained undefeated
after a 9-0 victory over UNC-
Wilmington Wednesday after-
noon at Minges tennis courts.
The win upped the team's record
to 4-0 for the season.
Number two singles player
Ann Manderfield brought her
record to 7-0 with a 6-2, 6-0 win
over UNC-W"s Angie Frazier. "I
think Ann played an exceptional
game of tennis ECU's coach
Pat Sherman commented.
Sheila Feeley and Karla Hoyle
also remain undefeated with vic-
tories of 7-6, 6-2 and 6-2, 3-6,6-4
"On a whole, I was very pleas-
ed with our performance against
UNC-W Sherman said. "I did
feel that some players didn't play
as well as they could have, but
they did an excellent job of stick-
ing it out and winning their
In doubles play, The number
one team of Janet Russel and
Manderfield won their match 6-0
6-4 over UNC-W's Leann
Barkley and Frazier.
The number two team of Ty
Myers and Feeley won 6-4, 6-3,
while the third seeded team of
Susie Brown and Susan Montjoy
won 2-6, 6-3, 6-4.
"I'm very pleased with our
team's performance this season
Sherman added. "It's a big tur-
naround from last season.
Everyone has given 100 percent at
practice and in the matches ?
and it has certainly paid off
The team plays Sunday at
Davidson, a team that won the
NAIA National Division 111
Championships last year.
Next Tuesday, the team travels
to Peace College, a team that
finished sixth in the nation last
year at the junior college level.
The Pirates wrap up their fall
season Thursday, October 11, as
they visit a strong High Point
College team.
Men: The ECU men's tennis
team fell to NAIA Division III
National Champs Atlantic Chris-
tian College 7-2 Tuesday after-
Competing against a team the
caliber of ACC, the Pirates could
not afford to make any mistakes.
Unfortunately, ECU was not able
to sustain play long enough to
capture a team victory.
"I was very pleased with the
singles play Pirate Coach Pat
Sherman saidFive of the top
six singles matches split sets.
Greg Willis, Galen Treble, David
Creech and Davis Bagley played
their best tennis of the 1984
Treble (No. 3 singles) and
Bagley (No. 6 singles) both took
three-set victories. Each player
won the first set of their match by
the score of 6-2, before dropping
"hard fought" second sets. In
the third set, each player came
through to score the only match
victories of the day for ECU.
Sherman was also pleased with
the play of Greg Willis, saying
her No. 1 singles player turned in
a picture perfect first set of tennis
against ACC's Jagudish Gowdu.
However, several second and
third set errors cost Willis the
match 5-7, 6-4, 6-3. Although
Willis was unable to achieve vic-
tory, Sherman said it was the
finest match Willis has played in
his last three years at ECU.
At the end of single's play.
ACC held a slim 4-2 advantage,
but went on to sweep the doubles'
matches for the final margin of
victory. "I was very disappointed
with the play of our No. 1
doubles team of Treble and
Creech Sherman said. "They
were outplayed by ACC in all
aspects of the game.
"We have a great deal of work
to do as an entire team to im-
prove our doubles play Sher-
man continued. "We will be
working hard on this to prepare
for our next match
ECU now falls to 1-4 on the
fall season, and will be in action
again Friday at 3 p.m. when thev
host High Point College on the
Minges tennis courts.
Shews9 Corner
Editor" Column
It's almost here ? the long
awaited return of Shew's corner.
Each week for the rest of the
semester, your humble sports
editor will bring you insightful,
probing and controversial
editorials concerning ECL'
athletics and other important
events concerning the sport-
Articles to look for in the near
future include the effect Robbie
Bartlett's injury had on an un
productive ECU offensive foot-
ball unit, the controversy surroun-
ding Pee Dee the Pirate, a movie
review on The Bear and the never
ending saga of The Panel of Ex-
Look for your favorite corner-
man beginning next week and
every week thereafter.

Powers Makes Move In "Experts" Race
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The East Carolinian, October 4, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 04, 1984
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