The East Carolinian, July 25, 1984

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Neighborhood Organization
Protests Planned Parking Lot
The parking is badly needed,
Moore said. Many people have
suggested ECU build a parking
garage but Moore said this is not
t??' dting COsts of at least
M.000 per parking space as a
reason. "They (parking garages)
are nice if you can afford them "
Moore said. "But I don't think
This vacant lot
permit it. Local
could be
l?Z? T J d'V ?' Greenvi,k ?- '? ?? ordinances
are protesting the proposed lot.
New? Editor
ECU officials recently began
taking steps for what looked like a
solution to the lack of campus
parking. They bought a house on
Fifth Street, tore it down and
planned to make a parking lot out
turned into a dispu e otef2LS ?? Stud?ls Can afford to W
ordinances. Z?nmg $3? a month for Parking
According to C n a u lhe meantime- members of
ECU vice chancello7forhMl ' ?' Tr River Neighborhood
affairs the J SugTX SftT ST " ?e
house located next to the rvoort ' Tne association
ment of Public Safev onS rfePr.esents approximately 180
Street. Thev are now t yine to bnv T u ?? k Chargin that the
a service station located next ? I 7 V1?,a1te ZOnin? ordinances
aShSasax toThhee aDsTation is - ?b?
tion have not yet acreed tn cln" Jhe Pu3rk,ng garage acquisition
aithough an ofSffSL ESS ?f " for
r, . h an offer hal been mad parking tot ,and as for a ? jot will ?
SSS ra Resume Serving Alcohol During SuTi
? Z??S?. ??? campus parties he said. -k ?. '?
John Anema, a spokesman for
the organization, was quoted in
the Mews and Observer as saying
"One of the goals of the associa-
tion is to protect the family quali-
fy of the neighborhood. A park-
ing lot doesn't fit inio that
The zoning regulations along
H'th Street permi! residential
dwellings, churches and schools.
City officials claim a parking lot is
not a permitted use for the land
and the city will have to amend
the zoning ordinance or approve
the lot through its Board of Ad-
According to City Manager
Uati Meeks, city officials are in
the process of investigating the
legality of the school's actions in
order ro plan further action
Until the city decides what to
do the lot will remain as it is as
will the lack of parking spaces
Following the passage o the
Safe Roads Act ia fall, ECU
fraternities decided to initiate dry
rush during the spring rush
period. FraterniMe will resume
serving alcoholic beverages during
this fall's rush.
Several reasons were cited sup-
porting the initiation of dry rush.
The fraternities were attempting
to avoid problems caused by the
necessity of checking identifica-
tion of all rushees. They were also
concentrating on eliminating
students who attended rush par-
ties only because of the alcohol.
The fraternities did well and
had a "good rush said Inter-
Fraternity Council President
Glenn Conway. However, he ad-
ded, "the fraternities that did best
were the ones that held big all-
campus parties before rush
Conway said that although the
parties were not officially rush
parties, they served the same pur-
pose. "In order to have a totally
dry rush, we'd have to ban all all-
campus parties he said.
When all-campus parties are
held, there is no structure, Con-
way said, causing a greater risk
than with a structured wet rush.
In addition, Conway said some
fraternities did not fare as well
with the dry rush.
A set of guidelines has been
drawn up to assist in regulating
this year's rush. "If these are
followed, there will be no pro-
blem Conway said.
Associate Dean of Orientation
and Judiciary James Mallory also
said if organizations follow the
guidelines, they should not have
Jt.U unless il is d?ne
with the cooperation of
everybody, is a farce he said.
Mallory said he felt that if alcohol
was restricted for only three days
it was a useless effort.
"You can only have dry rush if
somebody passes a rule stating
that you don't serve alcoholic
beverages to non-greeks "
Mallory said. This, he said, would
place further emphasize qualitv
instead of quantity among
Mallory said he hopes the
fraternities "are familiar with the
inherent dangers. I'd hate to see a
big lawsuit ? it doesn't take but
one slip and then you have all
kinds of repercussions
With dry rush, Mallory said
costs are lower, and "you're sell-
ing a fraternity on its virtues, not
by having a keg of beer
Both Mallory and Conway said
passage of the 21-year-old drink-
ing age will make the question
academic. "It will be a reality
soon said Conway. "Why not
give them a chance to use the beer
as a tool now?"
SGA President John Rainev
said he supports a dry rush. Drv
rush, he said, "brings out people
interested in the fraternity system
not just m the party aspect of it "
"We should give it one more
try, Ramey said. "It will really
be bad when something bad hap-
pens he added.
. flUU1iiua- mis, nesaid, would Both Mallorv 9nH ? dU wnen s?methin
7TT Y?r 14. m m Conway said pens he added
??SIiCLMembers To R?ive Seven Percent Raises
News rdilor
ECU faculty members will
receive a 7 percent across the
board raise this fall and manv will
receive an additional 3 percent
merit-based raise.
The salary increases were deter-
mined by the UNC Board of
Governors and apply to all faculty
members in the UNC astern. The
decision was made to allocate
$37.8 million appropriated bv the
General Assembly to increase
Most non-teaching employees
will receive a 10 percent across-
the-board raise. The additional 3
Percent allocated to teaching
faculty will be distributed at the
discretion of individual
During 1983, there were no
laculty raises due to a salary
freeze within the UNC system. In
fiscal 1984, 5 percent raises were
According to ECU Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Angelo Volpe, it will be
September before most faculty
members see the effects of the
salary increases. They will be
retroactive to July 1, however
Currently, individual departments
are in the process of recommen-
ding raises. These increases must
be approved by the UNC General
Administration before being
made effective.
Volpe said the additional 3 per-
cent will be awarded based on in-
dividual merit, recent promotions
and years of service, as well as
other criteria. In addition, it will
be used to make adjustments in
the existing salary structure.
While it is possible for the raises
to range from 7 percent to 13 per-
cent, Volpe said he did not think
the range would be that great
here He said he feels most of the
faculty here do their jobs, thus
warranting merit raises
Funds for salary adjustments
will also be taken from monies
available from vacant positions
According to a recent studv
published in The Chronicle of
Higher Education, the salaries at
22 rank in aPProximatelv the
50th percentile nationwide. Based
on a nine-month salary and ex-
cluding fringe benefits, the
average salary for a full professor
is $33,300; for an associate pro-
fessor, $27,300; an assistant pro-
fessor averages $22,100 and an in-
structor $19,500.
Faculty salaries at N.C State
and UNC-Chapel Hill nink in ap-
proximately the 60th percentile.
Instructors' salaries it all three
institutions are ranked in higher
percentiles than those of pro-
fessors. Volpe attributes this to
the fact that the instructors' star-
ting salaries are "so low that they
try to increase them as much as
(CPS) ? a fundamentalist
Christian group has claimed its
first victory in a war against the
rock music played on and around
the Louisiana State University
JS LSUustudenIS- least ac-
cording to those trying to organize moral corruption
resistance to the neu restrictions
on what the can see and hear "are
taking it all without much of a
"I find a startling lack of con-
cern among students, ' complains
David Madden, LSU's writer in
residence and a teacher of creative
writing and fict.on at the universi-
?. Tthere S a fits-style apathy
1 don t quite understand "
Madden has been trying to
organize a formal effort to foil the
efforts of Rev David Diamond
whose group, called The Word
Fellowship, ran a phone blitz that
convinced city officials to cancel
an early June concert by heavy mond asks rhetorically ?'Wh?
me al rocker Ozzy Osbourn. Vm sure Van HeHoesnW
v 1 K Protesting the illicit the KY Jelly to brush hhTeeth
mond declares. "They (musicia) ?nt moun,V? ?? to on Z
are .nfluenemg our youth i?,o but .ha, he may,ry,o"???
in the las, several months, ManZw aabama'if 52
Baton Rouge Mayor Pat Screen lifestyles or ?,? -fi ? m
has concelled a Judas Priest coT is sinful- ? S?"s
cert. District Attorney Ossie Such ami rock anrt ?n
Brown personally prohibited city preaching became a fixture on
theaters from showing Life ? campuses arouTd the nafion 2
Am. the Monty Python spoof of fall, .983, when midwe?"e "
bible stones. evanoHkr nor, d "llo.wesiern
And Diamond had had his STSS mution
way, city officials would have worth of records poLTS
stopped a June 14th Van Halen other rock and rol contraband
concert at the LSU Assembly in campus demonstrations
"nr" , L Georgia evangelist Billy Adams
Do you know that Van claimed to have destroyed
Halen s contract called for a suite $200,000 worth of albums during
h? com r?-rrA ?
for 10 people, all kinds of alcohol,
and a tube of KY Jelly?" Dia-
he same period.
See GROUP, Page 2
, see bKuur, v
Decisions Not Based On Money
Happiness Is y????"?
W,? If, . ho. -?, d.y, you've ,?, . t ?d mom ? m m
(CPS) ? Studems rarely decide
because they re offered "ment
scholarships the new wave
recruitment tool many school,
hope will help them draw ton
caliber students, a University of
Michigan researcher contends
Private liberal arts colleges that
use the no-need scholarships ?
which are not based on the stu
dent's financial need ? to attract
students probably are wasting
their money, Henry Freeman a
doctoral education student, found
in a study of scholarships m 44:
dependent colleges in eight
mid western states.
"For the kid who doesn't need
the money ? and that's the kid
who usually applies to a private
school ? I found that the amount
of the scholarship did not make
the difference" when deciding
which college to attend, Freeman
As competition among colleges
'or bright students increases,
many colleges have begun to offer
no need scholarships" to
academically-talented students to
convince them to enroll at their
eJHf ?!ucatl'?n officials, for
2; ln part credit cash
ina fL SI?m studcnts for P'ac-
jn? three local universities -
?exas, Texas A and M, and Rice
? among the top ten recruiters of
National Merit Scholars during
the 1983-84 academic year.
But there is no research telling
why National Merit Scholars
choose certain schools over
others, said Nancy Giles of the
National Merit Scholarship Corp.
in Evanston, II.
Nevertheless, almost 75 percent
of the nation's colleges now offer
some form of financial aid based
on students' grades, the College
Scholarship Service found in an
April, 1984 survey.
"Forty-one percent of the col-
leges said they offer the merit
On The Inside
SEE?2 ?ketb?ll son and Sue
IJJJ85 season. See Sports, page 7.
FreewheeIer?' 'Should Vanessa Williams
have been asked to resign as
?The ECU Summer Theatre Mlw America? See Editorials,
production of The 1940$ pftge 4
Radio Hour and the snecial
sound effects used to product Sp?rt? SUt.or ???' M?s
?re reviewed in Features, w KT ? i"1 " of
5. w theinner workings of the world
of sports on page 7.
The Freewheeler, a production
of Journalism 3200, is
appearing in today's East
Carolinian. It is dedicated to
presenting impressions of the
summer life at ECU and the
summer activities enjoyed by
students. For articles on
frisbees, the beach, local
restaurants, tennis and curitg
the blues, see pages 9 and 10.

f? at? at nominal cost contact Co op of
Auc.t under suoervision of senior accountant
auditing course, required Position available in firm located In Morehead City Con
tact Co-op Office 313 Raw: Bldg
Retail grocery and fast food positions available
at Nags Mead. KM Devil Hills and Myrtle Beach
Some witn accomodafion assistance. Contact Co
op office 3,3 Rawl Bldg
The Baptist Student Union has dutch dinners
every Tuesday at 530 Join us at the
BSU Center on 51! East Tenth Street every week
Programs fc ow
Positions available with maor defense contrac
tor located In Washington. DC for Spring and
Summer, 19i5 Opportunity for state of the art ex
perlence Deadline to apply: October, 194. Con
tact Cooperative Education Office. 313 Rawl Bldg
Opportunity to design and construct a wood
shop for construction firm located at Emerald
isle. Housing available at nominal cost Contact
Co-op office. 313 Rawl Bldg
Maior national and North Carolina corporation
has recently begin an Internship program for
lunior level students maoring in computer
science For further information contact Co-op of ?
fee. 313 Rawl Bldg
Fundamentalist Group
Protests 'Illicit Sex,
Alcohol, Vile Living'
The Department of Intramural Recreational
Services is offering PHYSICAL FITNESS
CLASSES between the second session and fall
semester break Registration begins July 30 and
ends August 3. Classes will meet Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 5:15 to: 15. Classes begin August
7 and ends August 30 The fee Is U 00 for faculty,
staff, and students Come by Room 204 Memorial
Gym to register Call 757 6387 for information
Applications are requested from those persons
who are Interested In becoming PERSONAL
CARE ATTENDANTS to wheelchair students tor
Fall Semester, 194. We are particularly in
terested In anyone who has a background of
assisting Individuals with their activities of dally
For further details contact: Office of Handicap
ped Student Services, 212 Whichard Building.
East Carolina University, Phone 757 6799
Opportunity for good pay and experience with
direct marketing department of maior leisure
time corporation located In Raleigh. Salary plus
mileage and travel benefits Apply Co op office.
313 Rawl Bldg
Positions available in Emerald isle to assist In
growing and planting flowers and shrubs for land
scaping. Full time, housing available at nominal
cost Contact Co op office, 313 Rawl Bldg
Attention Students! I There will be openings for
the University Honor Board for the Fall semester
This Is an opportunity to get Involved in your Stu
dent Government. For more Information call
752-5895 and ask for Scott or Steve
A study is being conducted at the ECU Speech
and Hearing Clinic to determine the difficulty
hearing impaired students may have In
discriminating words In foreign languages Hear
ing impaired volunteers 18 to 28 years of age are
needed for a simple hearing test and word
discrimination tasks No foreign language
background is necessary Please contact Mrs.
Meta Downes, Department of Speech Language
and Auditory pathology. 757 6941, ext. 270
What will you be doing In the summer of 1985?
Now is not too soon to begin planning for career
experience with major corporations and govern
ment agencies Opportunities for variety of ma
lors In locations nationwide. Contact Co-op office
313 Rawl
Use the
pf The East Carolinian if your
Campus group or organization
Jpiai a meeting or project of in-
terest to ECU students.
And don't forget
The Classifieds
At just 75 cents per line,
classified ads in The Ea
Carolinian are the best way in
town to advertise to the camp.
Continued From Page 1
exercising our right to freedom of
speech denies his members in-
sulted patrons of The Industry.
'We ministered to them
reading from the bible he
recalls. "But most of them 'would
spit on us. and the boys would
their britches down and the
girls would pull their dresses up.
Since then, fundamentalist
preachers have held fiery anti-
rock and roll protests and bon-
fires at Minnesota, Maryland,
Washington, the State Universit
of New York at Albany
Arizona State
Looking for a place to live this fall ?
At Tlie Campus -East Carolina Una-
2t?S"5K W"T6D to II II
grass ?r5? s2sk
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'52 4890
TO BUY: Douoie mattress
LOST: or arnfm, faMfc haJf-Sibenan Husky puppv
On blue eve v.3 one brown eye. Lasi seen near campus
via ueanna red collar. If found or mow ir. mforrtu.
on. call 5MI316
TOR $AL6 L,rg? Dorm Reff r,gerato7 and double
1 fpjaw forsaie Can 758-3480
QUALITY TYPING - IBM Typewr,r. ,5 vears
exter,ence Full time typing for faculty and
students. 754 3660
?yedv 758-5488 758-8241
ail typing
ABE YOU TIREO of massive amounts of PJ"
?tven join the l Hate Pj ciubl! Elections for
Pres .dent jn me fall. Second Floor Jarvis
Student reaction frequently has
been negative. At Albany, for ex-
ample, the student government
threatened to sue for the "decep-
tive advertising" of Pastor David
Stachleben's lecture, billed as
"Rock Music: An Inside Look
The December, 1983 lecture in
fact was a tirade about the devil in
It's been different at LSU.
"I'm really upset at govern-
ment officials who seem to forget
there is a First Amendment that
gives citizens a right to choose
what they will see says Madden,
who has organized a group called
Citizens Opposed to Censorship.
"And it's also appalling that
the 1400 citizens of Baton Rouge
who already bought Ozzy
Osbourne tickets docilly took
them back for refunds without a
peep of protest he adds.
"This is by and large a very
conservative student body ex-
plains LSU Student President
Christian Creed. "Most students
aren't concerned about such
things (like concert and movie
bans). Apparently, they think it
doesn't affect them
But Bill Davis, a LSU jour-
nalism grad student, believes
many students are in fact upset,
judging by the flurry of anger
when The Word picketed The In-
dustry, a near-campus rock club
last fall.
"They'd get in people's faces
and read the bible real loud, and
they'd yell through the doors
says Davis, who used to play at
the club, which has since folded.
"They would call people sinners
and fornicators, and they'd call
the girls whores
Student Condos
ECU students will have a special place to hve this fell ?
campus ,n their own private seel T?
carpeted airondicion?f condo'm n2MffsSSS 1??
three side hv Fn ? r. u"lts- surrounded on
ciassrol" lHS T? ? C ?
Greenville ,s one bhxkawaPUS d?rm,t?)r'? Downtown
Completely furnished, each unit will h. i4; a
either by students and their parentT r h md,Vidcall ? d
students There w.ii be ,n Zl Y mvesturs renting to
personnel on cLv IhT ThesTST"
occupied for the f.rst t.mfaiUester
Recent changes in tax laws make owrwrh.? t
property advantageous for both in ?? P th'S r; ?
students Prices begm at S27 onn irn,esrurs and Pents ot
available. Wed K?howtewRT?ScSS0
provide a special place for Frfr T KmSSoid Towers can
or rental ItniS ' Sfei' ??????
Ringgold Towers. 1-800-672 8 "9 G koo W0"
SC. VA MD X'V ni tv n,o-V- 1-800??-4-l 135 .C.A
other ftates ' '9I9) 355"2698 Collect) from
105 Commerce Street
P.O. Drawer 568
Greenville, NC 27854
(919) 355-2698
far M ,k. ?OVTlttO ITfM PdlCV
rlE?i??ZS2l 2 ! COmoarabl Item When avaiuoif
iSmfSmtSm"1 v on vn0or couoon ?" B ?
. Morty, Mike & James
Fosh,oo Cuts For Both Men & Women 919) 752 . 1836
?DKEN- By Appointment
301 Evans St
2nd Floor Mmge Bldg
"?"????, N C 27834
Kim Shirley
Parttime Salesperson! Brody's For Men has
an opening for a parttime menswear salesperson
Experience in mens retail is preferred
Apply at Brody's For Men - Pitt Plaza
Including Skates
items and Prices
Effective Thru Sat
July 28 1984
Cocviont 1984
Kroger Saw on
Ouantirv fights tiervefl
None Sotd To Oea ers
600 Greenville Blvd. Greenville
3 Lbs.
? ? ? . Or More Lb
Pan Pizza
WITH ANY $10.00
r mm savi
Ea so?
Deluxe On Ea. variety
Pan Piizza$425
12 o.
Limit 3 Fryers Please
- - - . . jmmt.
,u(C?V Th recenl dtcisi
the U.S. Supreme Cod
uphold the controversiaJ Soh
Amendment will mean few, i
changes for campus aid of
aid experts around the co
"Most schools have
established a routine proces
complying with the j
observes Dallas Martin dir
of the National Assoc'iatio
student Financial Aid Advi
President Reagan sign-
Solomon Amendment ?
requires ail eligible males to i
they've registered for the
before they can receive fe
financial aid ? into law in
But soon after the Sola
Amendment ? named ft
sponsor Rep. Gerald Solo
(R-NY) ? became law, the
nesota Public Interest Re
Group sued to overturn lav
behalf of six unnamed Minn
college students.
Continued From Page
awaxds to help recruit studl
and 59 percent said they use
need aid to reward excel'ei
recalled the CSS's Hal Hi
botham. "But I don't know ,
got a completely candid resp
Even state governments are
ting up money to draw studer
local colleges.
This year, 24 states
distribute Sill million in noJ
aid, according to the Natj
Association of State Schoiaj
and Grant Programs.
Freeman concluded thev
Three reports of breaking
entering, four thefts and thro
rests dominated crime-relatec
cidents on campus last week.
All breaking and entering
cidents involved venc-
machines. The theft list includl
pager, money and a venf
machine. i
Crimes and incidents repol
Btft iEaB
Dae to Begin:
C omplimentary
Amount Paid $
Students wanting t
The East Carolini;
above and drop it
fices on the secondl
building, across fn
Library. Rates are $
six months.
Will train
Apply to S
Ruben Ingn
office or see
Media Board
from Joyner
- sfr

Use the
isi Carolinian if our
p or organizationf
of in-1
ECI mts
nd don't forget
The Classifieds
jsi 75 cents per line,
is ' ed ad in The Fa
besi nay in
I- to th campus
ail ?
ed and
? x v
? " -v - -

- ?
nil be
? -can

vd - Creenville
3 Lbs
Or More Lb.
Pan Pizza
On Ea variety
$4'5 j
RECULAk or licht
Aid Decision Will
JffvT he reccnt decision fey
the U.S. Supreme Court to
uphold the controversial Solomon
Amendment will mean few, if anv
changes for campus aid offices
aid experts around the country
report. y
"Most schools have already
established a routine process for
complying with the law M
ofbTSMD,aIIaS,Martin' direct'?r
S i National Association of
Student Financial Aid Advisors
President Reagan signed the
bolomon Amendment ? which
requires all eligible males to swear
they ve registered for the draft
before they can receive federal
financial aid ? into law in 1982
But soon after the Solomon
Amendment ? named for bill
rS??MS?r ?' ?tnM tomon
k-ny) ? became law, the Min-
nesota Public Interest Research
Group sued to overturn law on
behalf of six unnamed Minnesota
college students.
Among other things, M-PIRG
officials argued the law
discriminates against male
students, places an unfair burden
on low-income students, and
violates students' Fifth Amend-
ment rights against self-
While the case made its way to
the Supreme Court, campus of-
fices began requiring students to
sign a "statement of compliance"
form certifying they'd registered
tor the draft or were exempt from
the requirement.
"The decision will have no real
effect, other than taking away
some of the controversy surroun-
ding the law says spokesman
Duncan Helmrich. "We're just
glad to hear that it is finalized
"All it does is make it clear that
the requirement is legal says
Samuel McCracken, a spokesman
tor Boston University, which filed
a "friend of the court" brief in
the M-PRIG case last year sup-
porting the amendment.
"We fee! that if you don't want
to support your country and
register for the draft, then you
shouldn't expect your country to
support your education he says
Other aid officials, though
aren't as happy with the decision
"We've been enforcing the law
all along notes Iowa State's aid
chief Jerry Sullivan. "So it won't
mean a lot of extra work for us,
just a lot of unnecessary work
Worse than the extra work in-
volved with the amendment, he
adds, is the idea that it is "unfair"
and has nothing to do with finan-
cial aid.
"It's overkill he argues, "
and it affects a group of people
from low income families while
those students who are wealthy
can simply not apply for aid
And now that the law is offical-
ly constitutional, students and aid
officals can anticipate some
changes that could make the pro-
cess even more complicated next
Beginning in the 1985-86 school
year, students will be required to
bring a "letter of acknowledge-
ment from the Selective Service
to verify they have actually
registered. Currently, students
simply sign the statement of com-
pliance when they apply for aid.
That could really magnify the
administrative burden even
533: HS!ys Dona,d Ro"th,
Yale s aid director. "It's just one
more piece of paperwork to track
And while it may not sound like
much, it adds up
"There could also be delays and
added expenses" if the additional
letter of acknowledgement" is
?Tred IT year' Iowa state's
Sulhvanadds. "Most 18-year-olds
aren t Tfiat well organized, and
arge numbers of them are going
to lose those letters
Aid officials are now mounting
r - ??? i"?- u oniciais are n
Competition For Students Increases
Continued From P?a. i be wastine their mnr i . r-?
Continued From Page l
awards to help recruit students,
and 59 percent said they used no-
need aid to reward excellence "
recalled the CSS's Hal Higgin-
botham. "But I don't know if we
got a completely candid response
Even state governments are put-
ting up money to draw students to
local colleges.
This year, 24 states will
distribute $111 million in no-need
aid, according to the National
Association of State Scholarship
and Grant Programs.
Freeman concluded they may
be wasting their money when try-
ing to lure students to private col-
"Its not cost effective he
found. "According to our data
nine of the ten students the schooi
gives the no-need scholarship to
would have come there anyway
So it spent $20,000 on ten no-need
scholarships in order to get one
extra student
"Psychological incentives" are
much more effective recruiting
tools, he argues.
?ml S,Ch?Lols send the kid a
11000 scholarship with a form let-
!?r Freeman Pointed out
while others give the kid the
$1000 by having him come to
campus with his parents and going
to a reception at the president's
house. It's perceived more as an
honor, and it's more likely to con-
vince a kid to enroll than a form
Freeman's study did not ad-
dress the other major issue in
merit scholarships: .that money
given to students who don't really
need it means less money for
students who need it .
The CSS's study of merit
scholarships, however, estimated
that only three percent of the na-
tion's aid money went to no-need
Use the
bf The East Carolinian if your
jcampus group or organization
(has a meeting or project of in-
terest to ECU students.
And don't forget
The Classifieds
At just 75 cents per line,
classified ads in The East
Carolinian are the best way in
town to advertise to the campus
an effort to keep the current com-
pliance requirements, NAFSAA's
Martin says.
Besides eliminating the "letter
of acknowledgement" require-
ment, he says, "we'd like schools
to have the option of not requir-
ing a student to fill out the form
year after year, and the ability to
exempt certain groups of students
? such as women ? from having
to file the compliance form
While no one is sure how many
students have refused to sign the
compliance forms, over 16 people
nave been indicted on charges of
failing to register for the draft
says Selective Service
spokeswoman Joan Lamb.
Of those, eight have received
sentences ranging from two years
in jail to simple probation, she
Officials have no way to tell if
the Solomon Amendment has
caused more young men to
register for the draft, "bui we did
see a big jump in the number of
registrants the iast two weeks of
August and first week of
September last year Lamb adds.
That coincides with when a lot
of campus aid offices were requir-
ing students to sign the com-
pliance forms
Ninety-eight percent of all eligi-
ble males are now registered for
the draft, Lamb says, making a
total of over 12.4 million
registrants to date.
I With such a high sign-up rate
?notes Sullivan, "the real tragedy
is that this country can't afford a
few conscientious objectors.
You d think we'd have learned
something from Vietnam
"It's a terrible, terrible policy "
fCarla Kjellberg, one of the
M-PIRG attorneys that argued
the Supreme Court case, "to take
men of conscience and punish
The East Carolinian classifieds
The campus community's No. 1 marketplace
?Tired of paying High
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Vending Machine, Pager, Money Stolen r? f??d
BERNKTROBEKTS fWD??IM. reported the parking to, on Col- ,?,? ,? . . . A Warmed nv,r K
Three reports of breaking and
entering, four thefts and three ar-
rests dominated crime-related in-
cidents on campus last week.
All breaking and entering in-
cidents involved vending
machines. The theft list included a
pager, money and a vending
Crimes and incidents reported
to the ECU Department of Public
Safety for July 17-23 include:
July 17, 4 p.m. ? Edna Allen
reported a pager stolen from the
Personnel Office at the ECU
School of Medicine. 8:40 p m ?
Stephen B. Parish of 143 Jarvis
Residence Hall reported the at-
tempted larceny of the residence
decal on his car while it was park-
ed east of the Theatre Arts
July 18, 5 a.m. - Cpl. Burrus
reported the parking lot on Col-
lege Hill Drive was flooded
July 19, 1:20p.m. - A vending
machine was reported stolen from
the canteen of Fletcher Residence
Hall. 1:30 p.m. ? Rose Mary
Smith, resident director of Cle-
ment Residence Hall reported
money stolen from her office
desk. p.m. - Ptl. Murphy
reported food stolen from a ven-
ding machine in the basement of
Mendenhall Student Center
July 20, 12:15 p.m. - John
Charles Kuwalik of 132 Garrett
Residence Hall was issued a war-
rant for damage to property and
intimidation of a witness.
July 22, 5 a.m.? Mack Vernon
Jones, Jr of Belvidere was ar-
rested for DWI west of
Mendenhall Student Center. 3 28
pm. ? Professor Spickerman of
the math department reported two
suspicious males on the second
floor of the Austin Buildii
?f?e iEaat (Karnlutian
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Students wanting to have their parents receive
rne East Carolinian can fill out the form
above and drop it by The East Carolinian of-
fices on the second floor of the Publications
building, across from the entrance of Joyner
Library. Rates are $30 for one year and $20 for
six months.
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Will train to perform certain
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Apply to S
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office or see Kay Galloway Smith,
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Publications Building across
from Joyner Library.
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McGinnis Theatre
For reservations call 757 6390
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C Hunter Fisher, owWfl
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Bill Austin ? ualene Sippel, v, ,???,?
AUSTIN, a?w ? L
? ? IZ.CINA, Attvertmng Technician
July 25, 1984
Page 4
Miss America
Guccione Exploiting Miss Williams
The Mi?? AmpriVo D?? ?
The Miss America Pageant is as
American as apple pie and
baseball. Some say it is sexist, but
it isn't. In fact, the beauty part of
the program accounts for less in
the overall scoring than the parts
for brains and talent. We all adore
the holder of the title, for she
represents the best of our nation's
young women. But, this year
something has gone amiss.
Vanessa Williams, the 57th Miss
America, has relinquished her
crown after sexually explicit pic-
tures of her appeared in Penthouse
magazine. We do not condone
what she has done. We could even
defend her if the pictures were
more the type printed in Playboy
but they aren't. The spread is more
consistent with those of Hustler.
She, though, is not the problem
Bob Guccione, the publisher of
Penthouse, is. He says he is only
trying to shatter the myth of the
"vestal virgin" that the pageant er-
roneously portrays. He isn't; he's
exploiting Miss Williams plain and
Mr. Guccione, in order to shat-
ter this myth had to raise his cover
price from three to four dollars.
We assume it is expensive to shat-
ter myths. But, Guccione is not
chopping down only a myth, he is
breaking a heart. He cares nothing
tor Miss Williams. He cares only
for her selling power. In our socie-
ty he is free to print what he wants
and that is good. But the abuse of
that freedom only wrongs all of
America in the long run. For what
he is doing, we will label him scuz-
Tom Chiapel, the man who took
the pictures is also among the men
m that category. He, trying to
make a fast buck, allegedly broke a
promise to Miss Williams that the
pictures were not to be published
and were for private use only. The
pageant was only slightly wronged
by what Miss Williams did, but
what Mr. Guccione and Mr.
Chiapel did to her was definitely
All legal questions about the
release of the pix aside, we hope
these men fed good about what
they have done. They have com-
mitted greed, and in the process
with a little help from Miss
Williams, they have scarred
The president and his chief political
advisers were watching the Democratic
National Convention last Thursday in
the upstairs sitting room of the White
After seeing the reception Geraldine
?S? ?ot' one of the aides said,
Well, are you now convinced Mr
President, that we still have a gender
The president said, "I've done more
for women than any president
Dresses' For
Art Buchwald
Good Afternoon. We at The
East Carolinian hope all students
have a slam-bang time until school
starts again in August. Look for us
on Tuesdays and Thursdays begin-
ning August 23. Go Pirates
Also, remember to get involved
in campus activities when the fall
rolls around. ECU needs every stu-
dent s help for it to grow into a
great institution.
swnothirf, cause lie part of a
"You mean dump George Bush as mv
running mate?"
"Not necessarily. Can we get him over
The president picked up the phone
and said to the operator, "Is Vice Presi-
dent Bush in town? B-U-S-H ? as in
burning. Good, ask him to come over "
The president hung up.
"I appointed the first woman to the
Supreme Court. The women didn't hold
a 20-mmute demonstration in Moscone
Hall when I did that Reagan said.
The problem with having a woman
Supreme Court justice is you can't hold
up her arm like Mondale's doing and
say, 'How do like my running mate?' "
Vice President Bush came into the
room dressed in tennis whites.
"Sorry about the way I'm dressed, sir
But you told me you didn't want to see
me until next Tuesday
"It's all right, George. I'm glad to see
you any time
Bush looked around at the grim faces
on the president's staff. "Oh no, don't
tell me I have to go to another state
"It's nothing like that, George the
president said. "Have you been wat-
ching the Democratic National Conven-
"On and off. They're in a mess,
aren't they?"
"Yesu ar?d no the president said.
The boys are very concerned about
Geraldine Ferraro on Mondale's ticket.
It could upset our entire campaign
strategy v B
"Don't worry about that, sir. I can
handle Rep. Ferraro. Hey, I heard a very
funny joke about Geraldine and Fritz
"Cool it, George. We can't tell any
Ferraro-Fritz jokes in the White House.
wonderful job on you. There isn't a
If justone leaks out to the prewe'r?
"Well, what do you want me to do?"
Mike Deavej cleared his throat.
George, would you have any objection
to showing up at the Republican Con-
vention in drag?"
saidY?MVre0ti? bCukiddin8!M Bush
said Mr President, they are kidding
aren't they?"
The president said, "The boys think it
might help us with the women voters "
Deaver said, "We have the guy from
Hollywood who did Dustin Hoffman's
nake up in Tootsie, and he'll do a
Campus Forum
woman in America who will recognize
"I won't do it George said. "I don't
care how many votes it brings to the par-
ty. Besides, I have nothing to wear "
Jim Baker said, "Just try on one of
Nancy Reagan's Adolfo suit; If jt
doesn't look good on vOU, we'll be the
first to tell you nc
"How long do I have to go in drae'
George said as he slipped on a skirt
him??y?ntl1 uN?vember Deader told
him. m After that, you'll be your own
lc, 1984 Los A ngeies Times SvndKate
ECU Beauty Declining
I am writing as a citizen of Green-
ville and as an alumna and employee of
ECU to express my deep concern for
the University's lack of interest in
preserving the historic beauty of
Greenville and the campus. Our past
as expressed through architecture and
nature, brings us to where we are and
enhances our present and future. More
effort needs to be directed towards
blending past, present and future here
in the physical environment. I abhor
the loss of Eleanor Coleman's house
across Fifth Street from the main en-
trance to the campus. The residential
aspect of Fifth Street needs to be
preserved. This house could have been
used for much needed office space in-
?r? i?r thcr P Parking
ot One day ECU must face the fact
that parking decks are the answer to
the chrome parking problem, not the
ugly spread of never-ending asphalt
lots The citizens of Greenville need to
make their outrage known publicly
not just privately. Solutions to ECU's
need for expansion can be found if
University officials and Greenville
citizens will work together on them.
The much-needed classroom
building has been funded by the
legislature and plans still call for its
constriction in the middle of the Sallie
Joyner Davis Arboretum, obliterating
another natural refuge. This building
could easily be built on the site of one
of the many sprawling asphalt parking
lots located near the center of the cam-
pus. A parking deck would free up
much of the space now occupied bv
these parking lots. Also from the pic-
ture published in the East Carolinian it
is obvious that little thought has been
put into blending the architecture of
the new and old buildings.
I am happy to discover that money is
being provided to repair the roof of the
old cafeteria on the main uriMrrtRr
campus. It is one of the original
buildings. However, I am sorry to find
out that the contract calls for discar-
ding the roof tiles after removing hem
to complete roof repairs. This seems to
u ??Jtrend in camPus repairs on the old
buildings. There is too much emphasis
on short-term, inexpensive repairs as
opposed to considering the long-erm
costs of constantly repeating the
repairs. Can the extra expense of put-
ting the tile back on the roof ? tiles
that have lasted 75 years - compare to
the cost of the frequent replacement of
shingles that will be faced in the
ECU is taking a step in the right
direction by repairing the old cafeteria
but at the same time she is movim? in
the wrong direction by discarding the
roof tiles destroying the Arbor urn
and demolishing the Coleman house
The University needs to expand md
to solve its parking problems. Let m all
work together to provide solutions t hat
have a minimal negative impact on the
beauty and heritage of Greenville.
Martha Elmore
Library Staff, ECU
- " -?"v- ?"? jukcs in me wnite House. i k?- yarning aecK would free up i . ??
Equality And Freedom Square Off In American Politics
ByDARRYLBROWN welfare and the Great Soci?v nla? ?? ,
forces from the Declaration of Independence 12
push for the Equal Rights Amendn2Tu??
ideals are somewhat at odds with each other It tinS
almost incompatible when trying to embody them in
pjssszjs.separate" ?f
In a broad sense, one could generalize that the 19th
SfST? ?"C enibradnS "berty, while the 20 cl
mgs to equality. The 19th century, remember save
us decisions such as the Dred Scott caTXh
perpetuated the notion that blacks are pVoS
rather than citizens. Women could not vote d
there was virtually no social justice legislation ??
ending of slavery was a gesture of UbS?y 0u? there
was no move to help blacks attain equality J Mer
ton England, who has studied the democratic fafth"
put forth ,n 19th century schoolbooks no es ma
"equality received much less emphasis tha freedom
in school texts; and much more than liberty UmSl
negative value Rarely does one find in e
schoolbooks of pre-Civil War America an ardent
SeXmentty " fon f?r ?"??
The present century brought an important shift in
priorities, stressing equality in the major legislation
of the age Early in the century women fought for
suffrage; the 1950s and '60s brought major civil
rights legislation to facilitate equality for black
citizens. Politicians and the public struggled
throughout the 1970s with the Equal Rights Amend-
ment. And importantly, the socio-economic legisla-
tion of the last 50 years - from social security to
TpfreT E? 9thC GrCat 2 Plan was ??? i-
?mibny a Perceived necessity for social and
economic equality. ??m ???
There is a shift in the last few years, however coin
ciding with the conservative shift and the eTeSioTof
elen ft ???? l? the emPhasis ?" Sm
even at the price of equality The Emial Bi???
ZpX whTStedte 19th cen
tury (though in a different form) is rea"
fluence, and with it the guiding idea of fSXm ?
the most guarded right, not eqalit? 6?m "
Freedom and liberty are the words Reaaan and
conservatives stress in their verbal in ?
democracy and America. On the Fourth of Jdy a?
feod? ? ?"??! Post columnist Dkvfd
SnrH Jagan 8J thrcc sPccch?5 that used the
words freedom and liberty 44 times; he used theword
equably only once, in quoting Jefferson that "III
men are created equal In fact, Broder notes
Reagan had not publicly used the word equality since
!&?- the symbolized "freedom
While conservative Republicans wave the lone ban-
H ? ire0m' Pro?ressive Democrats tend to stress
more the idealistic concept of equality for all citizens.
TrfLK P ?"P?F?iNe for the Civil Rights
Act and the social legislation of the last half-century
designed to bring more equity to American life. New
ISSlrl C??0' keynote address last
week at the Democratic Convention made an impor-
tant point of his and his party's dedication to the
Equal Rights Amendment ? a governmental com-
mandment, according to Cuomo, demanding "thou
shalt not sin against equality The Democratic plat-
form supports ERA; the Republican platform ap-
parently will not this year, as it did not in 1980
Conservative political thought proclaims one part
?4.Jnc1?eclarat,on of Independence - the libertyin
life, liberty and pursuit of happiness progressive
thought proclaims another assumption from the
same document ? "all men are created equal " A
guidepost for running government as Democrats see
itw to achieve this equality in the social and
economic spheres where the government has in-
fluence; a keystone for the Republican government is
Sf?ndividuaI "berty first, then work for
SSedom " " " n? dtizCn has to " a
clarififif8 "? two motivating forces
Ernnhf.i ?C aCtIOnf. aild PMosophies of each party.
Sr CVen ovcr Ubcrtv' Democrats
see the saenfice of some rights or privileges as a fair
3? poor ? S? subjtantial social programs to aid
r?hf?? cIdcr,y and educated - those who
oAeJwTse haVC m& Chancc at Prosperity
towSJ22 support affirmative action programs
WSmKK f ?PP?rtun?y J employment,
and th; w ?ws such M tne Civil Rights Act
federal Bn?lng Rights Act worth the efforVof toe
sjsasr"1 aDd its jurisdiction
individual on money hYha? eS 2 iTJ0 to?
to aid others in need Tie ? going
government is -fljyn"
the money he earns. AffiniiativeTtkmKmS.rff
freedom of an individual to iSXiS"8 fi?
on his merits, say conSylSnln
or past injustice are not enough t0amStft,0n
tion of this liberty. warrant the usurp-
The generalizations are riddled with excerption, of
course. Many Republicans have votS fo ?social
justice legislation, and many state Democrat
legislatures turned down the ERA Neirh?- i
would ever admit it is not SofaJtoiS?
But if forced to make a choice between frL !i
liberty (and the type of legisnXy wkTo'or
oppose expresses a de facto choice) the spli? s cleLriv
with progressives opting for equality, conserve v?
for liberty. And the two ideals do SOm?iZcrvat,ves
conflict; all men are not, of course c2 T
but they can be treated equaUyenTahman
beings in a society, and all men are createdd?erC ?
equal rights and treatment, whichTthl rSlm of
government. How far one is willing to ?? f f- m .
this.equality, and how much frtoJf"hfor
society can or should be sacriffbr it thT cii
ference of opimon. The country has hari !L .?
50 years of legislation driven bvLulirv m,0re luhan
h a major shift in November ttSSS? unlh
ed for an era with priorWToiTt?seem,s1hcad-
Whether personal liberti? Zrt? ,k f nai hbcny'
century's laws, and iEEr equaimo by
wiU be maintained and impVotS wltl?ng ?tlans
legislation inspired preSSy to cwJteT11
these are questions still open for dS ?S Cnd'
will be debated by Democrats and rS ki A"d th
parties motivated by different dau
The East Carolina Sue
John Kuan portray
ECU News Bureau
A slamming door, the creak
a footstep on the stairwa.
t those special sound effects' I
kept old time radio listeners
the edge of their seats are bei
recreated this week in the ii
Carolina Summer Theatre oi
duction of The 1940S Ral
To revive the glorv days
radio ? a stage performance"
designer Michael Franklin-Whi
and the theatre production cr?
have fashioned an elaborate rac
sound room with flashing sigi
meters, dials, and a complete
of sound effects insrrumen
drawn straight from the pase
radio history.
Canvas cloth stretched over
revolving drum reproduces ti
whisper of a gentle breeze or tl
roar of a winter storm Ti
crunch of footsteps in the snow
made by squeezing a box of con
starch next to the microphone 11
the listener's imagination u
rumble of wooden pegs on
tabletop becomes the footfalls t
an advancing army.
"It's tough to guess what som
of the things, like the cornstarcrJ
Darryl Brown, a 1984 ??. .
former East CarolmtoTstrtfT' & ECU md
graduate student in American iZT?' " now a
of William and MaryTP m " Coll
Elton John
-? - ?

a who will recognize
d "i don't
brings to the par-
nothing to wear
Jusl try on one of
dolfo suits. If it
you, we'll be the
in drag?"
n a skirt.
Deaver told
e your own
occupied by
Also from the pic-
East Carolinian it
thought has been
he architecture of
b lidings.
ver that money is
ied to repair the roof of the
on the main university
one of the original
?er, I am sorry to find
calls for discar-
er removing them
-epairs. This seems to
campus repairs on the old
re is too much emphasis
Irm. inexpensive repairs as
sidering the long-term
onstantly repeating the
r. the extra expense of put-
back on the roof ? tiles
listed 5 years ? compare to
-equent replacement of
Sat will be faced in the
"g a step in the right
-pairing the old cafeteria.
me she is moving in
direction by discarding the
destroying the Arboretum
- e Coleman house.
needs to expand and
parking problems. Let us all
er to provide solutions that
limal negative impact on the
Heritage of Greenville.
Martha Elmore
Library Staff. ECU
riddled with exceptions, of
a.ns have oted for social
many state Democratic
the ERA. Neither party
lot strongly for both ideals,
choice between freedom and
J legislation the work for or
tcto choice) the split is clearly
I for equality, conservatives
I ideals do sometimes come in
?t, of course, created equal,
IquaJly as citizens and human
Tall raen are created deserving
tent, which is the realm of
e is willing to go to firht for
luch freedom ? if any ? in a
- sacrificed for it, is the dif-
country has had more than
iven by equality; unless there
nber, the nation seems head-
lonties on personal liberty,
ties were threatened by this
f her equality among citizens
proved without continuous
;sely to achieve that end,
open for debate. And they
xrats and Republicans, two
Ifrerent clauses in the same
fdence to achieve a better
W graduate of ECU and
staff member, is now a
?rican Studies at the College
Hoppin' To
JULY 25, 1984 Page 5
The East Carolina Summer
Theatre really outdid itself this
time! From the first moment the
show is "on the air the en-
John Kuhn portrays the sexy JotaciET
4 TtCnergy of the cast of
The 1940s Radio Hour explodes
as they hop to the finger-
S?52S? foot-tapping sounds of
the 1940's. Besides a spectacular
cast Producer Edgar R. Loessin
combines special sound effects
with musical excellence to yield
the Summer Theatre's most peppy
Play yet.
The 1940s Radio Hour, written
by Walton Jones, originally began
in 1972 as a one-man radio
drama. From there it turned into a
Cabaret production and finally hit
New York in October of 1979.
The setting and sound effects
which play a major role in The
1940s Radio Hour, make the play
both believable and amusing. Us-
ing everything from cornstarch to
coconut halves to a toilet plunger
the cast of WOV (V for Victory)
of New York recreates an old-time
radio program for its "home
listeners" and live audience. In
this case the theatre audience acts
as the "studio audience The au-
dience is even instructed when to
clap by two illuminated "Ap-
plause" signs extended from the
ceiling on either side of the stage.
Now Summer Theatre veterans
Don Biehn and John Kuhn close
the 1984 season as Clifton A. Fed-
dington, the somewhat-hyper sta-
tion producer and announcer and
Johnny Cantone, the cocky,
womanizing station star.
Other familiar faces include
Barbara Gulan as the cute little
Connie Miller, Michael Krohn as
the abashed Neal Tilden, Jeanne
Resua as the sexy Ginger Brooks,
Gary Lamb as the unshaven assis-
tant Lou Cohn, Tremaine Wad-
dell as the soul-singing Geneva
tre! LBrown. Jane Barrett
Underhill as the aloof Ann Col-
lier, and John Vaughan as the
clean-cut B.J. Gibson.
The remaining cast members
also contribute to the show's
humor. Jeff Loeffelholz geniusly
portrays Wally Ferguson, the ner-
dy station gopher who finally f
SjgJsgg SSSS S&Sgg
Bailey the -fXt'7 Gun) 'dn"re? ?' ?? V.?ghM) ?
man David Hecker, SivsT '? P"?0 Pies contribu"
visiting serviceman !? ' en0??ly to the broadcast and
? regu.arCeB7fnB?kder?'Bruc" ??"???"?, the pro-
appearance as Zoo, ??S?! ?VCr again don "w the op-
WPSvsanorcheSs,rZa0d?,0oUrb'eman- SSS" !??&? T
Set in the earlv d() nr thfl esrre s "naI offering may be
the show indudyefsSu?nIhhtr Pu-h !0
C ??" and TL'SSK N?W s?ms ,h PPt0Pria?e
You Geneva mmafne W T '? ?? individuals
deH, aiso does S ?? ? "& t3 "ISTM
he sings "At Last
Barry Shank, Scene Designe
Robert C. Alpers, Technical
Director F. Leonard Darby
Costume Designer Keith Lewi.
Lighting Designer Gar.
Weathersbee, General Manager
Scott J. Parker, Production Stage
Manager Donna Lynn Coope
the Technical Staff, the A
ministrative Staff and the per-
formers, we thank you for
another season well done. From
fl?? u t? The 1940 ,
Radio Hour, the East Carolina
bummer Theatre demonstrated
just what top quality entertain.
ment is.
ECU News Bureau
A slamming door, the creak of
a footstep on the stairway ?
i those special sound effects that
kept old time radio listeners on
the edge of their seats are being
recreated this week in the East
Carolina Summer Theatre pro-
duction of The 1940s Radio
To revive the glory days of
radio in a stage performance, set
designer Michael Franklin-White
and the theatre production crew
have fashioned an elaborate radio
sound room with flashing signs
meters, dials, and a complete set
of sound effects instruments
drawn straight from the pages of
radio history.
Canvas cloth stretched over a
revolving drum reproduces the
whisper of a gentle breeze or the
roar of a winter storm. The
crunch of footsteps in the snow is
made by squeezing a box of corn-
starch next to the microphone. In
the listener's imagination, the
rumble of wooden pegs on a
tabletop becomes the footfalls of
an advancing army.
"It's tough to guess what some
of the things, like the cornstarch,
Effects Uniquely
are supposed to do until you hear
them said Spence Ball, a pro-
perties carpenter who built the
larger devices. "Other things are
Pretty straightforward
For example, a pitcher and
glass placed on the table are put
mto action when a radio character
Pours a drink. A pair of old
wingtips, worn on the hands, is
used for footsteps. Fabric is
swished across a curtain rod
before a window is opened. A
bicycle horn sounds just like, well
a bicycle horn.
Some effects must be done in
minature. Coconut halves beaten
together make the clopping of
horses hooves. A pair of small
metal wheels cranked across
broken bncks replicates the sound
of carnage wheels on a cob-
blestone street. A three-foot tall
door is slammed shut to signal a
character's exit from the room
One sound that has no
substitute is the ringing crash of
breaking glass. Designed to safely
shatter a two-foot square of win-
dow glass, the sound booth's glass
smasher is a knee-high box
covered with metal screening and
topped with a hinged lid. When
Properties Carpenter Spence Ball is disolavinir ?nm? ?r u L,$UK T?w. ???
to The 1940's Radio Hour. P some of the more unusual devices that add to the
the rowdy cowpoke gets tossed
through the barroom window, the
sound man simply swings the lid
shut. A protruding bolt cracks the
glass and wire mesh surrounding
the box contains the flying shards
Metal bars mounted across
themterior of the box draw out
the tinkling of the glass as it falls.
Ball said that all of the devices
used in the producrion were pur-
chased locally or constructed in
the theatre's workshops. Descrip-
tions, line drawings, or
photographs of the more unusual
pieces were inck.ded in the
package of construction
blueprints for the stage set.
"The final appearance of mam
pieces on a set is often left to the
imagination of the people who .are
doing the work for that particular
production said set designer
Franklin-White. "In this case I
had already done one of the three
original productiens of The
1940s Radio Hour at the Arena
Stage in Washington, D.C so I
was able to furnish a lot of detail-
ed information on the sound
booth devices for the summer
theatre crew to work from
Elton John Changes Image For The Better
Elton John
In the mid-1970's, Elton John
was a superstar in every sense of
the word. He had the teenage
market cornered with his glitter-
rock image, and his quality
material appealed to an older au-
dience as well. I still feel good all
over when I hear "Rocket Man"
or "Bennie and the Jets' on the
radio, and it's hard to hold back
the tears on the sad songs like
"Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest
Word Elton John was an artist
who used the power of emotion to
its fullest extent.
In 1984, Elton's image isn't
what it used to be ? the glitter
and makeup are gone, and the
pretentious concept albums are a
thing of the past. And you know
what? I'm tickled pink, because
this fate has brought Elton back
down to earth and to his roots.
These days, he concentrates more
on the music than the image, and
it has resulted in his finest album
since the classic Goodbye Yellow
Brick Road.
The title of the new LP, Break-
ing Hearts, says it all. The ten new
songs tie in to run the gamut of
emotions from rejection to reflec-
tion. "Restless" starts us off, ap-
propriately enough, with the in-
secure feeling of "looking for
something that just ain't there
This paves the way for "Slow
Down Georgie with a guy warn-
ing his best friend about the girl
he's falling for: "Well it ain't my
job to rain on your parade But if
the chips were down, you'd do the
same for me It's always been that
way She's got you paralyzed with
a pack of lies About honour and
the single girl And if you buy
that line you must be out of your
mind You must be living in
another world These lines can
be taken two ways ? is the friend
telling the truth about the girl in
question, or is this merely his ploy
to win her for himself? I'm glad
we never find out. It just makes
the song that much more compell-
"Who Wears These Shoes?"
takes the love triangle one step
further, centering on the feelings
of the jilted party: "There's a
light on in your window There's
a shadow on the street Two
silhouettes tell me it's over The
shadow knows that shadow's
me. As our despondent friend
tries to find out who's taken his
Place Dee Murray's throbbing
bass line pullsyou into the song
wnhthe intensity of a pounding
In the title track, Elton reflects
on the trials and tribulations of
unrequited love: "They used to
say that boys are tough as nails
In every way he keeps his heart as
guarded as a jail Now things
have changed, I fed so old Oke
any girl xuld drag my heart
across the coals With hs sparse-
arrangement and tender vocals,
this is one of the most beautifui
Pieces Elton John has ever record-
Jtn P"6 Winds down with
4Li'l Fngcrator a rocke7
fSSSL ,?hf "Crocoe
kock. After this nnveup fades
out you wonder where tf?
rendezvous will take you next
"Passengers" is a schmaltzy
ST aboutKthe complacency 7t
hfe on earth: "The spirit's free
but you always find Passangers
stand and wait in hue, 522
m the front and someone behind
mity is reinforced SZ?g
?? NEW, Page ?.

New LP
Continued From Page 5.
the song's singalong chorus
The bitterness of the lover who
has been used as a doormat is
echoed in the vicious lines of
Burning Buildings "Some
lovers just go hungry Others beg
for just a bite You use me under
pressure To wet your appetite "
Don't worry. There's
something here for vengeful
Romeos out there too In "Did
He Shoot Her?" our hero sings:
I ell him I'm ready any time he
chooses The pay-off for the
things he's done He ain't messin
with no two-bit bandit Armed
with a couple of guns
Before I close, i" must give
credit where credit is due. Elton
co-wrote these songs with his
long-time collaborator Bernie
Taupin, whose gift of melody is
unsurpassed. And the competent
Players are from Elton's original
band ? the aforementioned Dee
Murray on bass, Davey Johnstone
on lead guitar, and Nigel Olsson
on drums.
So, to revive the old cliche
what becomes of the broken-
hearted? That is the eternaJ ques-
tion, and while Elton John can't
Provide a solution, he can sure
help heal the wounds. The
album's brooding mood
culminates in the hit single, "Sad
Songs (Say So Much) When
they're yours, Elton, they say
more than enough.
Breaking Hearts is available at
the Record Bar in Carolina East
Mall and the Plaza.
Comic Books
Still Popular
Once comic book readers were
stereotyped as kids or juvenile
delinquents. Now there are
thousands of comic book collec-
tors and fans across the United
States, ranging from grade-
schoolers to grandfathers.
Numerous conventions for col-
lectors and dealers occur every
weekend of the year, and hun-
dreds of comic book stores in
most larger cities specialize in
items for the comic book collector
and fan.
Although comics were once
aimed specifically at a pre-teenage
market, there are now comic
books for every age group, from
grade-school favorites like
Casper and Archie, through the
more mature adventures of
Superman and Spiderman to the
adult strips found in
"undergrounds" and magazines
ike Heavy Metal and Epic
in addition to the current
periodicals, there are now more
books reprinting the classic comic
favorites of yesterday than ever
before. Collections can be found
in hardback, softback and paper-
back editions.
Comic book characters are ex-
panding into other mediums
however. Superman, The Hulk
Wonder Woman, and Spiderman
are all recent examples of just
some of the comic book heroes to
appear on television and in the
movies. In the future, watch for
movie appearances of Conan
Batman, and the Swamp Thing'
There are even novelizations of
your favorite DC or Marvel
superhero at your local paperback
The best source of comics for
Greenville area fans has, for over
three years, been the Nostalgia
Newstand located with the
Booktrader on Dickinson
Avenue. The store offers the fan
and collector thousands of current
and back issue comics, posters by
fan favorites, and comic book-
related publications. A number of
the current comics offered cannot
be obtained on the regular news
stands. Titles like The Spirit,
Moonknight, Cerebus the Aard-
vark, and Captain Victory are
among the growing number of
comic books known as "Direct
Sales Comics This means they
are sold to stores on a non-
returnable basis; therefore, most
news stands will not carry them.
The propi ietor of the Nostalgia '
Newstand and area fan collector is
Charles Lawrence. He has the
following advice to would-be col-
lectors: "You should only collect
the titles you enjoy reading.
Speculating is risky business and
even more so with recent books. If
you enjoy what you collect, then
you'll have a better understanding
of why people collect books
Even so, Charles is always on the
lookout for old comic books to
buy for his store and welcomes
visits from all fans.
JULY 25. 1984
?? Member, Satterfield, Crea.e Lyric Pin
A sterlino ?i Satterfield's Lyric Pin is am? k
A sterling silver, antique ivon
and acrylic ornament designed
"l tast Carolina Universitv
aSchn?lof An faculty is on vie" ?
a national show of American
jewelry in New York. merican
Satterfield's Lyric Pin is amoni
some 200 works bv 123 artists
ff?n 29 states selected for
ewelryUSAaMay25 Sept.
Jxhibition at the American Craft
Museum II. The shou was
organized by the museum in
cooperation with the Socieh of
Saerfield is the only North
jrolina. ariiv, represented in
how. Works lor d.splax ,
gw? a national competition
held during the winter, and ac-
cording to a museum spokesman
comprise "a collection of the bS
con rai i. . elr in the
United Slates
An active exhibitoi Satterfield
has shown his work in several ma-
oi regional and national shows
garner thi he had works n
?? in the Society oi North
American Goldsmiths annual h
MitcheU Museum,
Vernon, 111 d;id the Fashion In
'lute oi I ethnology in Neu
velr USA" is on display in
injunction with a sm of wcrk;
s from 17 foreign nations
Vou M fi.? Food tic's lo- C'fe ' ' .
Carolina Bead, and My'tle I"80'1-
5 lb. Pack Or More
Tkes; prices good thru
Saturday, July 28, t984
We reserve the right
o limit quantities.
USDA Choice Beef Round Whole
10-12 lbs. Average Sliced FREE!
iiDA Choice faihii ,?. ,
Molly Farms Grade )
?j-j. v.
Juicy I
Peaches 7
P!um$ .
Northwest 3
1.5 Liter - Paisano, Burgundy, Rhiae Vin Rose.
Chablis, Sangria, Pink Chablis, Lt. Chianti
Caffeine Free Diet Coke
Coca Cola I Carlo Rossi
1.5 Lifar burgundy Chablis, Rbice ?0
Pk? of 6 12 Or Cans
r J
W r ty
t 4
32 Ounce
m JF6
Sr Mayonnaise s
49 0a
FulStrength Detergent
State Free Lemon Fresh
Fab ?
WUBm, Grad ,?,??, I5 poulds
"111 sm more action at small-for, ,
Staff U nlr.
h 3omenms5 -vou take a
attitude rha: go: Bob C
his current post as ECt" 5
Information Director.
After several years -
reporter with the Dallas v
News and the Houston Post (
Jjenhewas offered a
assistant sportMnfc
tor, he accepted.
The job 5
penence gained du
?With staj :rere iec run!
J? ECU SID when he I
?e opening from a
"A reporter i knew d-d i
feature on the East Carolina
SVtemebeca? (?-ECl
ng back) Sam HarreiU,
he Houston Gamblers
en 7 5f0ri?8 3t thal :
nen I heard the job w
jvaiiable. I jus, deddcd
The transition was made rr
Head softball coach Sue
anahan is enthusiastic about the
wy Pirates' upcoming sea
"? the addition of some fa
bruits for '85.
"I was excited about last vea- s
?m. but we lost some of our
?er players Manahan said, "J
ed to recruit some players to'fill
? weakness
Manahan said ast year's team
a also weak on offense. "Nex:
?on we'll have a little more of-
?ve torque with experienced
Ws returning and the addi-
??1 recruits ? we should be a
J competitive team
Ljta Zmuda, a native from New
?, was one of the leading hit-
;JOn last season's team and ac-
?h? to Manahan will be a
Wble candidate for team cap-
I'a L'Sa is a stron8 offensive
1 defensne player. I can usually
ncT anywhere in the field.
to addition, the pitching staff
? be returning and we'll have
?erience behind the plate
-?st season the Lady Pirates
JJeted against Penn State,
? Carolina and Florida State
Jill once again face an ex-
ffcly dif.lcult schedule in '85.
- Recruits
dy Gathje, Woodbndge.
A strong catcher that was
amended to Manahan by the
' of one of ECU'S current
erly Williams, Richmond,
A good prospect for
?ed hitter.
the sf
is still
to Fl

Mitchell N!ueum,
the Fashion ln
technology in New
x A " is on displa) in,
1 with a show of work,
om 17 foreign nations,
r More
I ,
2 Oz. tint
JULY 25. 1984
Pagt 7
Harrison's Players Working
nd Academics
William Grady gained 15 pounds daring the off-season and as a result
mil see more action at small-forward during the '8485 campaign.
Staff Writer
After last season's disappoin-
ting 4-23 record, ECU basketball
coach Charlie Harrison is working
to get his program moving in the
right direction.
Last spring Harrison asked ris-
ing sophomores Leon Bass,
William Grady and Roy Smith to
attend both sessions of summer
school because he felt it would
benefit them both academically
and athletically.
Harrison said that none of his
players had to go to summer
school to be eligible for the up-
coming season, but felt he owed
his players the chance to graduate
with their class.
According to Harrison, two
reasons for last year's record were
immaturity and a lack of physical
strength inside. "Last year people
carried the ball inside and just
muscled it up he said, "and
then we would come down and
couldn't score on the inside and
would end up taking a bad shot
After several exchanges such as
this, the other team would usually
open up a lead and Harrison
would have to call timeout to
make an adjustment.
Another problem Harrison fac-
ed was having a team with a lack
of actual playing experience. "In
North Carolina kids just don't
play enough during the summer
Last year this caused Harrison to
devote much of time to individual
needs, and he said "even near the
end of the season we were work-
ing on individual improvement in-
stead of team play
When the Pirates open their
season Nov. 27 in Minges Col-
iseum against Central Connecticut
State last year's freshmen will not
only have a year's experience
behind them, but they will also be
stronger. Under the direction of
strength coach Mike Gentry ?
Bass, Grady and Smith have all
added weight, and according to
Harrison, "It's not just weight,
but good muscle weight
Bass, 6' 11 weighed 178
pounds last season, but now
weighs 210. Grady has added 15
pounds to his frame and Harrison
feels that he will now be able to
play small-forward against taller
opponets because of his added
strength. Smith, a 6' 7" forward,
has gained 22 pounds. Harrison
felt Smith's biggest problem last
year was weakness, but said he
was such a good athlete that he
could get by just jumping over
Another player who could help
in the coming season is Peter
Dam, a seven-foot recruk from
Holland. When asked what to ex-
pect from Dam in the coming
season, Harrison said "I sincerely
don't know ? I've only seen him
play on tape However, ECU's
third-year cocach did say Dam
was "a good defensive player who
rebounds and runs the court well
for a big man.
"He needs help offensively
Harrison continued, "but I can
teach someone offensive moves ?
what I can't teach is someone to
be seven feet tall Harrison also
said Dam is "making one hell of a
sacrifice" to leave his family and
lifestyle to play basketball for
ECU, and feels he will only get
better because he is driven to be a
better basketball player.
Harrison said ro positions are
secure for the upcoming season,
but feels through hard work dur-
ing the summer and fall months
that the Pirates will be an improv-
ed team in '8485.
According to ECU basketball coach Charlie Harrison
makes up for his weakness by "just jumping over peoph
Roy Smith
Staff Writer
"Sometimes you take a shot at
it and win That's the optimistic
attitude that got Bob Gennarelli
his current post as ECU's Sports
Information Director.
After several years as a sports
reporter with the Dallas Morning
News and the Houston Post, Gen-
narelli needed a new challenge, so
when he was offered a job at the
University of Houston as a senior
assistant sports information direc-
tor, he accepted.
The job satisfaction and ex-
perience gained during his 16
month stay there led him to apply
for ECU SID when he learned of
the opening from a friend in
"A reporter I knew did a
feature on the East Carolina foot-
ball team because (ex-ECU runn-
ing back) Sam Harrell was leading
the Houston Gamblers and the
LSFL in scoring at that time.
When I heard the job was
available, I just decided to go for
if "
The transition was made more
difficult because there was so
much information to put out all at
once. "The baseball team was in
the NCAA playoffs, coaches were
coming and going and I was trying
to get organized at the same
time Gennarelli said.
"It's very different than at
Houston he added. "At
Houston all thfc media came to
you ? here it takes a lot more ef-
fort to attract interest in the sports
"We have to make sure media
guides get to the right people and
create more interest for our
athletic program in major cities so
as to increase our marketability.
"Since the successful football
season last year there has been
about a fifty percent increase in
requests from the media for infor-
mation and a large part of our
time is involved with satisfying
their needs.
"We do this through regular
mailings around the country and
by generating favorable
publicity Gennarelli stated.
"Our job is to get recognition for
Other functions of the SID in-
clude trading information with
opposing schools on athletics and
producing the football programs.
This year the programs will have
more color and some new
"We want the programs to
reflect the growth of Pirate foot-
ball as a 'big-time' power said
Gennarelli. "Last year Ken Smith
had to do everything himself as
SID, but his promotion to the new
post of Assistant Athletic Director
of Public Relations and the addi-
tion of an assistant SID make it
possible to work on details.
Along with more color the pro-
grams will include the bowl game
dates. "We warn to give an at-
mosphere of confidence Gen-
narelli said. "We want to portray
the attitude that we expect to be at
a bowl game
The addition of an assistant
SID is an example of this attitude.
The expansion in this important
support function is indicative of
growth and faith in the future.
Rob Wilson was picked to fill
this spot from a position at
Florida State University as a
graduate assistant SID. He had
played football for a year at Ole
Miss before transferring to FSU,
but decided to work in sports in-
formation there.
He handles non-revenue sports
such as soccer, track and
volleyball and also works with
women's basketball. Wilson is
one of a two-man team according
to Gennarelli and assists with
football and basketball.
"When I was first at FSU,
nobody paid much attention to us
because the team hadn't gained
any recognition Wilson said,
"but when we started winning it
really changed.
"If ECU can win again this
year against the major teams he
added, "nobody can say we just
snuck up on them ? they'll have
to believe we're for real
Wilson also oversees the stu-
dent assistant staff which present-
ly consists of Brooks Thomas, b
will increase soon. Thomas helps
with the legwork and general
Both agree that their job is
made much easier when the
Pirates win. "You can he a great
SID at a losing school, but not t.e:
noticed they echoed.
Both Bob Gennarelli and Rob
Wilson want to creae some new
traditions that go along with being
a national power. After all,
nothing succeeds like success!
Floyd Continuing As Student Coach
Women's Softball
1984-85 Recruits
Head softball coach Sue
Manahan is enthusiastic about the
Lady Pirates' upcoming season
with the addition of some faster
recruits for '85.
"I was excited about last year's
team, but we lost some of our
faster players Manahan said, "I
tried to recruit some players to Fill
that weakness
Manahan said last year's team
as also weak on offense. "Next
season we'll have a little more of-
fensive torque with experienced
Players returning and the addi-
tional recruits ? we should be a
very competitive team
Lisa Zmuda, a native from New
York, was one of the leading hit-
tos on last season's team and ac-
cording to Manahan will be a
Possible candidate for team cap-
tain. "Lisa is a strong offensive
and defensive player. I can usually
Put her anywhere in the field.
"In addition, the pitching staff
will be returning and we'll have
experience behind the plate
Last season the Lady Pirates
competed against Penn State,
South Carolina and Florida State
and will once again face an ex-
tremely difficult schedule in '85.
"84-85 Recruits
Wendy Gathje, Woodbridge,
a. A strong catcher that was
recommended to Manahan by the
father of one of ECU's current
Beverly Williams, Richmond,
va. a good prospect for
designated hitter.
Linda "Barrett, Powhatan, Va.
A versatile athlete that could play
more than one position in the
Kim Adams, Seabrook, Md.
She's one of the players that will
add speed to the line-up
Julie Farrow, Manteo, NC.
Amanda Price, Sneedsbury,
Most athletes' scholarships ex
pire when they play out their final
year of eligibility, but such is not
the case if you're a member of the
Pirate football team.
Every year several ECU seniors
still have to fill a few requirements
in order to graduate, and if they
have a good attitude and still want
to be part of the football pro-
gram, head coach Ed Emory
keeps the players on scholarship
by having them take part in the
student coaching program.
Shews9 Corner
Editor's Column
Softball Coach Sue Manahan
Manahan said that she was
pleasantly surprised with the
recruiting season and doesn't ex-
pect to sign any new players ex-
cept for walk-ons.
The team will start practice in
the spring of 1985, and Manahan
is still in the process of deciding
whether to take a "southern trip"
to Florida during spring break in
which ECU would compete
against some top-notch teams.
One player that fits in perfectly
with the program is last year's
starting center John Floyd. "I've
wanted to be a coach all my life
and I'm getting a good start by
doing this Floyd said. "My dad
coached for 18 years, and that's
all I've ever wanted to do.
"It's not like a job because I'm
still on scholarship Floyd con-
tinued, "it's just staying involved.
I think it will be a good experience
and will help me in the long run
The student coaching program
was implemented by Coach
Emory when he arrived at ECU,
and the fourth-year coach feels it
has served its purpose well. "The
program lets the kids sec the
whole picture Emory explained.
"When they were players they on-
ly looked at things from one
standpoint ? now they see things
in an entirely different perspec-
Emory also thinks the program
is a good experience for everyone
involved, and said he views it as
an internship. "We give the kids a
great deal of responsibility he
said. "They help with recruiting,
in the weight room and they also
get to work with the best coaching
staff in the country
Floyd started as a student coach
during spring practice, and said he
got some good coaching ex-
perience during that time. "It was
a lot different standing on the
sidelines, but I learned a lot of
things about being a coach that I
didn't know before
During the summer months the
football staff has been busy
preparing for the upcoming
season, and Floyd said he and the
other student coaches have been
doing "anything we can to help
Some of the things Floyd has
done while in summer school in-
clude: helping out with football
camp, recruiting junior college
players over the phone and runn-
ing a lot of errands to Raleigh.
The 6' 1 265-pound Fairmont,
N.C. native says he enjoys every
minute of what he's doing because
he knows it will help him in his
future endeavor to be a college
When the team reassembles in
preparation for their Sept. 1
season opener at Florida State,
Floyd's duties will almost ex-
clusively consist of coaching.
"We'll help the freshmen learn
the system, manage some of the
younger guys when they break in-
to scout teams and also help coach
people at the positions we played
last year
One of the players Floyd will be
helping out this fall is his expected
replacement, Tim Mitchell. Floyd
said one of the hardest things
about being a student-coach is
having authority and trying to
help people like Mitchell, who
already know as much about be-
ing a center as he does.
"If I went somewhere else it
wouldn't be that hard Floyd ex-
plained, "but I'm friends with all
the guys on the team and it's kind
of hard to separate yourself from
them. I hear a lot of things (from
the coaches) that are going on,
and everbody always wants to
know what's happening
Floyd plans on graduating at
the end of the spring semester,
and from there he plans on pursu-
ing his master's degree in sports
administration. He wants to serve
as a graduate assistant while
working towards his master's,
which he ultimately hopes will
lead him to a full-time coaching
One perspective Floyd was
never exposed to during his play,
ing days when he was named the
outstanding offensive player his
Jr. year, was playing defense -
but now Emory said lie's learning
i:hat as well. "He's been tea.
defense to some of the kid-
are here for foot t a
Emory said, "and he's been d
a good job because he's great with
Although Emory feels the ?
dent coaching program is
beneficial to all those who take
part in it, the National Collet
Athletic Association does not sup-
port the idea, and Emory feels
they are close to placing
unreasonable restrictions on the
program. According to the head
coach, "The NCAA is a policy-
making organization that doe
have the player's best interest in
It would be unfortunate if the
NCAA did away with the studen
coaching program, because accor
ding to Emory, it's people like
John Floyd that will one day
make a "darn good college foot-
ball coach
Last yew's starting center John Floyd (?0) has wanted to be a coach
chance by taking part to the ECU student coaching program.
Hfe, and now he's getting bis

XXIII Olympics
Angeles and e?t,o? whiclThe STO1?.?.?? ? ??? facilities are being used The and the Sovieu h ?
given us Disneyland, HoCood? ? Sf&ST&LStSSZZi V "??" is f?' "??? Sa'e obTnon'ThhC Af8hanistan, and 54 o.her nations
Rodeo Drive, the .ransomed Sltalrt 7.?0dES s??,IT $'?? f"?? - sSEJS ?? JO.ned the boycott
srivwawt wwysssS? ?swswtt
P'ad. ? mw ,?? P;n-reuever tablets, for U.S. television rights) and
For ,6 days, starting Saturday, ??5 ?3523??" " 3?? ?'Por?'o? Vpendtng
S01? RnanciaI.yP0 these O.yntpics !&? ?? ??
turned a net profit of $1 million.
In recent
nations will offer a spectacular
that will be seen on world-wide
When Los Angdes d&S? to
aaftat BsyraaaM
compete in 26 sports, including
two demonstration sports ?
baseball and tennis. All those
figures are records for this
quadrennial spectacular.
The logistics are staggering.
he results, start lists and other
?vfads: SS?' of these Olympics
ABC expects to spend $400
million, including production
costs, on these Olympics. It an-
ticipates advertising income of
$440 million, so all is well in the
board room.
The Soviets objected to com-
mercialization. They objected to
security arrangements. They ob-
jected to what they said was
political use of the Olympics by
dicated they wanted no part of a
huge financial deficit, the Interna-
tional Olympic Committee reluc-
tantly consented to allow these
Games to be privately financed.
The budgeted cost is $497.7
formation will be disseminated mHHoValy de.
million photocopies, because, with few exceptions, ex
But not everyone has been hap-
nv ?nth tu r ?Tt h uo- ooycou or tne ivw Moscow
wL mJ2? nt? ymPKS- u? ?ne Olympus. The Americans stayed
actT tha thaePPWthirm?re h?me that year to Protest "he
aspts than the Soviet Union, presence of Soviet troops in
almost everyone else, they ob-
jected to the smog.
In truth, the Soviets may be ab-
sent for three reasons ? a fear of
fh?letet,defeCti0!iS aPPrehens.ion were'soTiouTmonthr'ago5; despite
us-Doycovf r,98?Moscow ssXj?t?
r Vne m? for such attractions as the opening
The world's three strongest na-
tions athletically are the Soviet
Union, East Germany and the
United States, and two of the
three will be missing here. Still,
their loss is a two-bladed sword.
Now Americans will win far
more gold medals and total
medals than any other nation.
And that should create more in-
terest in an event that will blanket
186 hours of daytime and prime-
time television for more than two
Tickets for the prime events
, ? SOViet Uni?n' Prcsence of Sovi?
! ransients Plague Summer Games?
will be held for the first time in
shooting (three events) and cycl-
ing (a road race). Three women's
events (including the marathon)
have been added in track and
field, one in swimming and one in
Professional athletes will be
allowed to compete in soccer and
tennis. In addition, basketball
players who have signed pro con-
tracts can compete if they have
not accepted money or played in
pro games. Track and field
athletes remain eligible despite
hundreds of thousands of dollars
in earnings channeled through
trust funds.
Carl Lewis, one of those
trackmen, earns close to $1
million a year, and that figure will
rocket if he wins four gold
medals, as anticipated. Lewis is
success in its campaign to hide its
homeless from the view of its
Olympic guests.
City fathers have deployed a
posse of 30 police officers
mounted on horses into the
downtown area and Skid Row to
reinforce other lawmen there but
hundreds of street people still
roam central Los Angeles.
"We're trying to sanitize the
area Police Capt. Billy
Wedgeworth told the Los Angeles
Despite intensified law enforce-
ment, the usual hundreds of
homeless were lined up for Sun-
ly lunch outside the Union
Rescue Mission on Main Street.
The mission, one of the
ation's oldest shelters for
omeless men, is only one block
from City Hall, a posh shopping
enter and the New Otani Hotel,
ch already is filled with Olym-
ic guests and media represen-
tatives here to cover the games.
Many of the street people ?
alcoholics, the mentally ill and
others just down on their luck ?
sleep at the mission. Hundreds of
ECU Utraaartb
Although the summer is fading
iast and most intramural activities
have concluded, there is still
something for all you school-
bound individuals to do before
the fall semester begins. As classes
end, you may find that your bod
is in desperate need of exercise, so
let your brain rest and join in the
fun through Intramural Physical
Fitness classes. After all, the soap
operas are over at 4 o'clock and
nothing could be better for your
form than aerobic classes at 5:15.
Registration for these special se-
cond session classes begins July 30
and ends Aug. 3. Classes start
Aug. 7 and will meet until Aug.
30. Every Tuesday nd Thursday
for the low cost of $8.00,
students, faculty and staff can
vork their bodies and rest their
minds. To sign up ? come by
Room 204 Memorial Gym. These
same classes are being offered for
the fall semesters. Don't fofget to
register August 27-31. These
classes will begin September 3.
Well, summer session activities
have concluded and here are a few
of this session's intramural cham-
pions: PUTT-PUTT ? Ray Taft;
?The Bombed Skaggs. The ten-
nis tournament has not yet con-
cluded. Only two players remain
and will battle it out for the cham-
pionship this week.
Get your teams together for fall
activities and check out what the
Department of Intramural ?
Recreational Services has to offer
Call 756387.
and in city parks. " Mrnfii trn.jn.uthei,r sides before the mission took '
The Rev Murray McDoucall ISf U"?" S a fee1' md ave him a "helping hand
chaplain at the ASFST; ft ??&? Tula tSl ? '2 " ?
? whlhhVntenned PO,ice SOnaill think K 1 these iiquor
activity, whch he said means that stores around here that draw
street people can be "cited for them.
jaywalking or just about
? i
My problem is not
utl t- , 1V17 prooiem is nm
The policy abuses people who alcoholism said Cyril Lukas 32
McrlraeHdyK 3b"SLd said wh0 ,eft economical S??s2
dtvfi?addthat.Sme Pittsburgh nine nths ago !n
S2 ,? S beeve the mission sear of work. "My problem is
should move out of the central ci- unemployment
ty. - -
championship programs
basketball, boxing and gym-
Tickets remain for preliminary
competition in half of the sports
Some available events are attrac-
on the premises UVe' n?tably the US" basketball
?V&J of the ntain roles IZtV" ?
jus-ess msk Pic?? - s jg-a?s
?mg ceremonies, track and mcua . am.cipaiea. Lewis
sw?in? flnal d the only one of many potential heroes
on a U.S. team of 597 athletes its
by visitors
Social workers say stepped-up
police activity has dispersed tran-
sients, pushing some of them
south of downtown. But no one
Postions available for fall semester. Apply no later than
August 30 at the East Carolinian across from the en-
trance of Joyner Library or call 757-6366.
t i" i . jwum ui uuwiuown. out no one
Lukas slept in a cardboard box really believes all of them will be
out of sight by the time the Games
start Saturday.
Attorneys who represent tran-
sients say the street people have
felt threatened by rumors that
massive arrests are planned to
clear the area. They say they are
prepared to seek court injunctions
against the police if such raids oc-
McDougall, citing the first
book of Corinthians in the Bible,
figures there were street people
around when the Greeks started
the Olympics. The poor, he
believes, will always be around.
"These people are not looking
for trouble he said. "They're
looking for food and a place to
Two all-female sports have
been added ? synchronized
swimming (two events) and
rhythmic gymnastics (one event).
Olympic women's competition
largest ever.
The United States has potential
gold medalists in archery,
baseball, basketball, boxing, cycl-
ing, diving, equestrian events,
gymnastics, rowing, shooting
swimming, synchronized swimm-
ing, tennis, track and field,
volleyball, water polo, wrestling
and yachting. It has good chances
for medals in every other sport ex-
cept rhythmic gymnastics, soccer
and team handball.
In short, these Olympics are a
potential tnumpn tor tne United
States ? artistically, athletically
and financially.
cWkckatid's Qmck
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H1'Phone 758-4121
7:30 Papa Katz Chicken Picken
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VOL. 2. Nt I
?lM r
Meianie Phillips demontra
Try Bo
SUf J Editor
Are you tired of fei
frisbees? Bored with hacke
Not too fond of flying
Boomerang flying can be a
alternative for those lazy su
afternoons in Greenville.
The boomerang is proba
descendant of the non-reti
killer stick found in Australi
man other parts of the
Returning boomerangs
more than 10,000 years eld
been found in an Aust
swamp. The aborigine
Australia used the retu
boomerang for sport, cere
and for utilitarian purposesl
as knocking water birds out
Just exactly how and
'rang returns is a quesii
aerodynamisists. All you n
know is that if thrown w
adequate spin, the 'rang w
forward and fly m an oblo
back to the launching spot
getting a 'rang back to you
as easy as it looks or soun
Tennis (
Are you a participant
observer? Do you tackle a d
cheer on the sidelines? Let)
it, most Americans!
You do not have to
cheerleader, standing oi
sidelines drinking a beer a:i
watching. You can actively e
in sports and enjoy it. And
people could and should us
form of exercise.
Well, here's the solut:o.r
tennis. Tennis is a sport for
who like to receive rewarc
their actions. Tennis proj
with the player. You can set
for yourself and achieve a
the key words are practic
Beginners who devote all
allotted time to pract
Start Editor
The population ot Greenvii
hodgepodge of different ci
and personalites, each uniqj
individual. Greenvj
restaurants are also ui
representing a wide ran
cultures and countries.
The most popular foreigij
seems to be Chinese, witl
restaurants in Greenville.
The Golden Drago
Highway 11 at Carolina Eas
venient Center has been I
since 1973. It has a casual
atmosphere and specials
Cantonese cooking, with I
Lobster Cantonese and
The recently opened
Fountain has a slightly moj
mal atmosphere, and emp
their Hunan Shrimp. Pol)
cocktails and dinners
ivailable. The Hawaii Foi
ited at 2217 Memorial
The Peking Palace, also ;j
ly restaurant, has been opesf
1979 and is in the Gre
juare Shopping Center

held for the first time in
Bg (three events) and cycl-
road race). Three women's
(including the marathon)
-?en added in track and
me in swimming and one in
nal athletes will be
to compete in soccer and
In addition, basketball signed pro con-
-ompete if they have
epted money or played in
Track and field
nain eligible despite
thousands of dollars
channeled through
Lewis, one of those
earns close to SI
ir, and that figure will
wins four gold
pated. Lewis is
potential heroes
? 597 athletes, its
- ates ha potential
tedalists in archery,
iketball, boxing, cyd-
sq testrian events,
cs, rowing, shooting,
hronized swimm-
rack and field,
I, water polo, wrestling
- It has good chances
n ever other sport ex-
gymnastics, soccer
e Olympics are a
he United
cally, athletically
na University
"w y
I '
?n Stage
' Heorr Around" H
VOL. 2, NO. 1
JULY, 1984
Melanie Phillips demonstrates the fine art of boomerang throwing
Frisbee Won't C
Try Boomerangs for Sport
Suff Editor
Are you tired of fetching
frisbees? Bored with hackeysack?
Not too fond of flying kites?
Boomerang flying can be a great
alternative for those lazy summer
afternoons in Greenville.
The boomerang is probably a
descendant of the non-returning
killer stick found in Australia and
many other parts of the world.
Returning boomerangs dating
more than 10,000 years old have
been found in an Australian
swamp. The aborigines of
Australia used the returning
boomerang for sport, ceremony
and for utilitarian purposes such
as knocking water birds out of the
Just exactly how and why a
'rang returns is a question for
aerodynamisists. All you need to
know is that if thrown with an
adequate spin, the 'rang will sail
forward and fly in an oblong path
back to the launching spot. But
getting a 'rang back to you is not
as easy as it looks or sounds.
'Rangs come in right-handed
and left-handed models. Believe it
or not, it is virtually impossible
for a lefty to toss a right-handed
'rang and vice versa. The best
'rangs are made of strong
plywood, fine tuned for flight by
sanding and varnishing. Not only-
are 'rangs made in the classic two-
arm shape, but ihey can have
three, four, or six arms or be
fashioned in the shape of almost
all the letters of the alphabet. Rus-
ty Harding, of Vero Beach, Fla
makes 'rangs in the shape of a
To throw a 'rang you need to
choose a softball-sized grassy field
with no obstacles. A calm day is
best, with little to no wind. Hold
the flat side of the 'rang toward
your palm, away from you, and
the curved side toward you. It
should be held with the thumb
and the first and second fingers
about two inches from the tip.
Throw it vertically (never
sideways, like a frisbee) straight in
front of you, as you would a soft-
ball. With enough snap action in
Tennis Offers Many Rewards
Are you a participant or an
observer? Do you tackle a sport or
cheer on the sidelines? Let's face
it, most Americans
You do not have to be a
cheerleader, standing on the
sidelines drinking a beer and just
matching. You can actively engage
in sports and enjoy it. And most
people could and should use some
form of exercise.
Well, here's the solution. It's
ennis. Tennis is a sport for those
who like to receive rewards for
heir actions. Tennis progresses
ith the player. You can set a goal
for yourself and achieve it. But
the key words are practice and
Beginners who devote all their
allotted time to practicing
forehands, backhands, serves and
volleys will not be beginners for
very long.
Choose a racket that feels good
and you like.
Choose light, loose clothes to
wear while practicing and playing.
Take little hops and jumps after
every shot and keep your heels off
the ground. A player can get a
much quicker start if he or she is
not flatfooted, so lightly move
and bounce in place.
Balance is important. Keep the
head and upper body aligned with
the feet. Do not lean the head and
upper body over the feet.
Drill to improve the footwork.
Skipping rope is a definite aid to
better mobility. Other on-court
drills that stimulate play are
beneficial. And sprints are not a
bad idea. Sprint from baseline to
baseline until you have gone
around the court three or four
Move into position immediately
after you hit a shot. Do not wait
until the shot bounces on the
other side of the net. One shot
should flow into another so don't
start, stop, and start again. Keep
Work on quickness. With some
hard work the beginner can get
Stay alert at all times.
Playing someone better than
yourself is the basic key to im-
So stop cheering and observing
sports. Put on your shorts, grab a
racket and get on the court. It's
game time!
Local Restaurants Reflect
Diverse Cultures, Cuisines
Staff Editor
The population of Greenville is a
hodgepodge of different cultures
and personalites, each unique and
individual. Greenville's
restaurants are also unique,
representing a wide range of
cultures and countries.
The most popular foreign food
seems to be Chinese, with four
restaurants in Greenville.
The Golden Dragon on
Highway 11 at Carolina East Con-
venient Center has been open
since 1973. It has a casual family
atmosphere and specializes in
Cantonese cooking, with their
Lobster Cantonese and Steak
The recently opened Hawaii
Fountain has a slightly more for-
mal atmosphere, and emphasizes
their Hunan Shrimp. Polynesian
cocktails and dinners are also
available. The Hawaii Fountain is
located at 2217 Memorial Drive.
The Peking Palace, also a fami-
ly restaurant, has been open since
1979 and is in the Greenville
Square Shopping Center on the
Highway 264 bypass. They allow
reservations for large parties and
recommend their Peking Duck.
They have other Peking,
Szechuan, and American cuisine,
however, as well as Polynesian
mixed beverages.
Szechuan Garden, since 1981,
specializes in the Szechuan style,
with their Szechuan Beef and
Kang Pao Chicken, but also has
other styles available. Szechuan
Garden is at 100 E. Tenth St.
In the way of French cuisine,
Greenville boasts Sweet
Caroline's at 740 E. Greenville
Blvd whose menu reflects a
French Continental style usually
seen in New Orleans. Sweet
Caroline's has an intimate at-
mosphere and serves such dishes
as Coq au Vin and Beef
Bordelaise, as well as old favorites
such as Escargot.
Greek food has been a steady
attraction in Greenville with the
Marathon, which has a casual,
college student atmosphere. They
serve Souvlakia, Gyros, and Athe-
nian Style Chicken as well as
American sandwiches. The
Marathon is at 560 Evans St.
The Villa Roma at 2713 E. 10th
St. with its Italian menu serves a
"true" pizza, and one of their
most popular items, the pizza sub.
The Villa Roma has an intimate
atmosphere also suited to
families, and any style of dress is
welcome, from casual to dressy.
Finally, Mexican food has
always been a favorite of college
students. Taco Bell at 319 E.
Greenville Blvd. has a fast-food
style, with many items a cross bet-
ween American and Mexican
foods: Taco Salad and the Nacho
Bell Grande are two examples.
Chico's has a more strictly
Mexican menu with their items
such as the Chimichanga, and a
casual family atmosphere.
Chico's has been open since 1983
and is located on 521 Cotanche St.
in the Georgetown Shops.
Although Greenville will always
have room for hamburgers and
french fries, these foreign spices
add variety to life.
Beach Beckons Academic Burnouts
the wrist, the launch should cause
the 'rang to fly out and back
toward you.
There are many variations on
flying, like into the wind, with
your back to the wind, etc but
the best method for beginners is to
launch the 'rang about 45? away
from the wind. If you become
good enough to actually get the
'rang to come back to you, catch
it horizontally. In other words,
sandwich it between your palms.
Catching it with one hand, or by
the tips can be damaging to
fingers. The 'rang can be thrown
with the free end pointing forward
(Australian style) or with the free
end pointing backward (.American
Boomerang throwers, however
little known, have accomplished
some amazing feats. Ben
Loveland, of Victoria, Australia,
became Australia's 1982 national
junior champion in accuracy. He
was 2 years, 5 months old at the
time. Barney Ruhe of New Your
City, launched a boomerang and
on its return permitted it to slice
Continued on page 2
Photo-An Editor
For those of us lucky enough to
be in summer school, Friday
seems to be the perfect chance to
hop into the car and head out for
the beaches.
"If we leave at 8 a.m we should
make it by 10 seems to be one of
the popular phrases of those burn-
ed out by summer school.
With Atlantic Beach right
around the corner, summer school
students are tempted to load up
the cooler and hit the road.
Walking down the oceanside
you can see plenty of familiar
faces.Friends rub on suntan oil
and turn up their huggers.That
ever popular ECU logo can be
seen on many shirts proving that
we are well represented at the
coast in the summer.
But summer terms only have five
weeks of classes and our teachers
continue to hit us with Friday's
pop test, which always counts
against us. With no make up date,
are students still willing to gamble
Friday's Roadtrip against
Friday's pop test?
Kevin Jarrett, a
senior in Phy-
sical Education
saysgood phy-
sical health is
important for
good mental
health, so going
to the beach is a
After all,
don't count as much
Allison Van
Strien, a sopho-
more in Cloth-
ing and Tex-
tiles says,
"Hey. it's sum-
mer. What's a
Kevin Jerrett
great idea.
pop tests
Van Strien
pop test or two compared to a
good time? Everyone needs to get
away, so why not go to the
Tiger, Joyce, and Jay, all sum-
mer school students, think a road-
trip to the beach is a good way to
relax even though you take the
chance of missing a pop quiz.
Sandy Davis, a junior in Educa-
tion, saysT usually leave for "he
beach right after class on Fridays.
But sometimes I risk it and go on
Thursday night, praying that we
don't have a pop test
So next time you decide to leave
early for the beach and skip Fri-
day's eight o'clock class, don't be
surprised if you reurn and find
out you missed Friday's pop quiz.
It barrels down to The Big
Choice: the GPA or the suntan.
It's just a matter of priorities.
Tiger, Joyce,
The Freewheeler likes to think of
students moving forward in a free
and easy manner wth the gears
engagedsimllar to the
mechanisms which permit
"freewheeling" in automobiles
and bicycles. It reflects the summer
life at ECU ana the often
overlooked activities which make
leisure time most enjoyable.
Cure for Summer School Blues
Lies Just Around the Corner
Aafeameiit Editor
It was 7 a.m. when my alarm
clock buzzed. I lay in bed for a
couple of seconds and suddenly
jumped out and lumpishiy walked,
to the bathroom. I felt as if I were
still asleep until the warm sensa-
tion of a shower made me explore
the possibility that maybe the day
wouldn't be so bad after all.
Finally, I was dressed and all set
for my first day in summer
school. I asked myself why out of
all my college years had I waited
until my last one to attend sum-
mer school? Well, the answer was
easy. I knew that I usually spent
most of my summer vacations
working and saving money for the
following school year. I've always
liked to have a little reassurance in
my purse; besides I had to look
out for my educational and per-
sonal expenses. I don't like to hit
the folks on a regular basis even
though they say I do.
What the heck, my 8 a.m. class
was finally over I couldn't believe
I had survived a hour and a half,
of Developmental Psychology. I
immediately rushed over to the
Croatan and grabbed myself some
hot tea. I always needed caffeine
in my system when I had to face
the people in the music building
because they are so energetic dur-
ing the morning hours. I had
work-study there. My supervisor
told me to bring my books along
with me because I could study if
there wasn't anything to do.
You're right. Very seldom did she
run out of things for me to do.
Time really flies when you're
busy, I thought.
Finally, it was the last class of
the school day and I was relieved,
along with all my other classmates
who were being dragged through
the mud of Spanish II's boot
camp. We had a hard core drill in-
structor who flagged everyone at a
reasonable time so they could
drop the course without a grade
penalty. I thought that was very
considerate of him even though
very few, if any of us, were there
by choice. We had been drafted
by University policy to have a
foreign language. I realized that
Spanish could help me but I only
needed to know a few terms and
expressions. Shucks, I could sur-
vive in any Spanish speaking
country with the basic words; you
know, words that would mean
thank-you, money, help and send
First session had come to an
end and I didn't have a chance to
go to the Elbo but once.
Second session started off
slower than a turtle race and who
was it that said "Greenville has it
all?" Maybe it's me suffering
from summer school blues. This is
the first time I've ever gotten it
but the symptoms are pretty ob-
Do you feel bunrnd out, ripped
apart or do you just feel sick from
being in Greenville all summer?
Well, these are sure symptoms of
what I call summer school blues.
However, there is a solution for
such a problem. No, its not R-O-
L-A-I-D-S. Gee I wrote the solu-
tion down in Spanish and I've
forgotten what it was but if you
don't feel well after a good night's
sleep and the problem still
prevails, just take two aspirin and
call me July 27.
A diplomat would have quite a difficult time trying to decide; Chinese, Greek, Italian, French.

Assignment Editor
Photo-Art Editor
Faculty Advisor
A Lab Publication of JOUR 3200
Staff Editors
Susan Austin
Angela Garris
Deanya Lattimore-Cobb
Melanic Phillips
Rcnatc Thompson
Ernest Roberts
Sharon Cousar
Ron Carrea
Dr. Jeanne Scafella
Surfing Widow Craves
Splendor in the Waves
No Time to Lose:
Time to Go Fishing
Staff Editor
Like many summer school
students who work, there is
always somewhere to be in the
next 15 minutes. No time to lose-
no time to lose. So when I found
my afternoon free 1 was confused
and disoriented. Then from
out of my subconscious came the
of the trunk up into the branches
that were just out of reach. I
estimated the distance. It wasn't
far but my jeans were too tight for
climbing. I stood thinking, gazing
past the apple tree. In the distance
1 saw bright colors flashing. It was
the pond and there were the fish-
flying fish, sparkling in the sun
escaping down in through the
dea of fishmg-no time to lose. I trees. I collected my things and
took down an antique cane pole hurried to the banks of the pond.
mv great-eranHfathpr ua ??? i ii .i . . h "vi.
my great-grandfather had
me on his death bed. The pole was
in excellent condition. It didn't
seem it had aged at all. I gathered
the rest of my equipment which
consisted of a spool of string, a
couple of hooks, and a basket.
when I came to the edge of the for fishing.
Luckily there were crickets hop-
ping about near by-no time to
lose. I tied one to a hook and
dropped it in the water. Time
passed and passed. I was due to be
at work very soon and could waste
no more time. It wasn't my day
woods I hesitated to assure i
directions. The heat and sun rays
were squeezing the breath from
my lungs. I quickly reorganized
the basket and pole to fit one
hand so I could have one hand
free to protect my face from tree
limbs and small riving insects.
I finally entered the forest. It
was immediately cool and
pleasantly moist. That was a
blessing since'I had at least a mile
to go before I reached the secret
The trip took very little time
and when I was almost there I
spotted an apple tree heavy with
ripe apples. They looked
delightful and I thought I might
like one. I stared from the bottom
Later I learned that flying fish
of that sort will eat only during
early morning and late afternoon.
I was still teased by the fish as
they glided across the pond. They
were so unconcerned with me I
might walk out into the water a
few feet and catch them in my
hands. However after some con-
sideration I decided against it
because there might be snakes
hiding just out of sight.
There was no more time to lose.
I packed my things and made my
way back. It had betn a wonder-
ful day. Nothing lost and nothing
gained but I felt less tension.
Work would be more pleasant and
my mind a little clearer and ready
to start studying for finals.
an apple off his head. Peter Ruhf
of Bart, Pa holds the world's
long distance record of 125 yards
outward with an accurate return.
'Rang throwing takes a lot of
practice and it can be addictive.
Unlike a frisbee, you can toss
alone and not have to run so far to
Southern Pawn Shop, Inc.
409-B Evan St.
contd. from page 1
retrieve it
It is an ancient sport
somewnat eccentric and silly , but'
it is good exercise and it is lots of
For more information on 'rangs
and 'rang throwing, contact Mike
Storm of Get Back
Boomerangs, Rt. 2, Box 220
Boydton, VA 23917
?Mr Matt
Living in eastern North
Carolina definitely has its advan-
tages. Unless you crave cold
mountain glens and back wood
. hollows, your car probably points
its bumper toward the beach
whenever it knows that you have a
couple of free days. All that sun
and fun is a perfect diversion
from summer school and tedious
jobs. However, the beach can
create grave problems for females
like me-the surfing widow.
Since my hometown is a mere
three miles from the ocean, I've
spent months of lying alone in the
sand wishing Honeypie was
lounging around with me. In-
stead, he is paddling around "out
there" waiting for a wave. I have
endured the "let's check out the
waves before I take you home"
torture on many weekend nights.
I've watched him pout when the
wind shifted, made the waves
choppy, and rendered them
unrideable. I finally got curious. I
hitched up my bathing suit, bor-
rowed one of Sweetykin's old
surfboards and decided that my
days of lazing around the sand
were over.
It looks easy. You wade out in
the breakers about waist deep, lie
on the board, and paddle out
beyond the breaking waves. Then
you turn around and ride them
back again, only this time stan-
ding up. What I didn't realize is
that a surfboard can float a ton of
lead bricks. Each time a wave at-
tacked I would go under but the
board wouldn't. And North
Carolina ordinances make it
worse; every surfer must be at-
tached to his board by an ankle
I struggled and paddled and
toppled off the board again and
again, while Babycakes was
casually floating in the swells
beyond me. The waves washed
over me and I would go under
furiously, ducking under .ci
waves, just as my darling had
shown me. Suddenly I was there-
beyond the breakers. But two feet,
over my head a swell was topping!
off, grinning white foam at its vic-
tim. I let the board go and dived
under the monster Again I was
dragged under, then dragged up,
then dragged under again. I,
screamed at bumpkins that I wasj
drowning. But he was serenely!
bobbing afloat his board, waiting
for the next ride. I reached down,
ripped the leash from my ankle,
and rode into shore without the
board. I met it in the surf, kicked l ?? r?r? ?
it for good measure, and settled OR HERB WATCHING?
down on my blanket. Meanwhile, During a recent walk through the o.rrin u . ,
Honeypie surfed oblivious of my f? and Mfc, PouTlfSE Renate found D??
trials and I realized that basking M
in the sun is not so boring after
Guest DJs
Spin Tunes
Staff E4itor
How many times have you
listened to the radio and said to
yourselfI could do a better
job?" Well now's your
chanceevery Friday night from
8 p.m. to 11 p.m. WZMB offers
"Radio Free Greenville a show
designed to give the average
listener a chance to do hisher
own radio show.
Those interested can contact
WZMB by mail briefly stating
why they are interested or simply
go by the studio in person, located
on the second floor of Old Joyner
Library. If accepted, the "guest"
DJ has the freedom to play
whatever he wants to play, and
can take requests. The format is
Any Greenville resident is eligi-
Then I would pop up dnJyio be 25 T?l thl few rfQuirements is
jerked under again by that urn heAhe be at ,east 17 ears
Staff Editor
Herbs are plants that create
magic. After a long, dark winter
the first sign of spring is when I
notice my beautiful herbs coming
to life in my little garden.
I rush outside in a burst of
furious energy, preparing the bed
for the summer sun. I pull out
weeds, divide the herbs to give
them room to grow, and as the
leaves bruise to my touch, I get a
heady whiff of these most elegant
of earth bound creatures.
Then comes my most favorite
summer pastime next to oggling
near-naked, summer browned
men: watching my herbs grow in
my lovingly tended garden.
What could be more satisfying
than stroking a beautiful god con-
basically rock or new wave. Staff demned to creep over the ground
member Jim Hickman assists all as an herb? Summertime pulses
8UCi!t ' and 1S ,n the studio throu?n my herbs. They turn a
i them in case any problems luscious color under the sun giv-
In the Eye of the Beholder:
Men and Herbs Create Magic
bilical cord around my my ankle
attached to the board that was
swiftly going toward shore.
After two attempts and a quick
rest on the sun-warmed sand, I
went out for a final try. I paddled
Each guest DJ receives a free
WZMB t-shirt and certificate. Jim
says so far "Radio Free Green-
ville" is a success, so much in
fact, that slots are filled up until
the Fall.
? e
mg off an oily, dark green sheen.
Their leaves, like silky skin are
warm to the touch by the summer
sun. And herbs, if stroked proper-
ly, give off an individual aroma,
the signature of the plant.
Like an ardent lover looking for
blossoms, gently coaxing out
pollen and nector in a lazy dance
under the hypnotic heat of the
sun. Without this sensual ritual
life could not go on. Who could
speak against it?
In the sticky summer evening a
storm rolls in with flash and
thunder, washing away the day's
dust and heat. Once again the her-
bal leaves sparkle a rich, vibrani
green, rain drops clinging to each
trembling leaf.
Each herb tucks h its blossomv
head as night creep in and wa
for the silent Harvest moon to fill
its little horizon. A gentle breeze,
perhaps from as far awav as the
ocean tugs seeds to fall to the
moist, brown earth.
There they will & away from
all human eyes thoujhout autumn
underneath pungent, decaving
leaves, locked in through the snow
falls of winter, until the earlv
summer sun stirs the little plants
to life.
I do appreciate herbs so much.
Those delectable plants bring cut
the very best in me. I must close
this silly article. The sun is shin-
ing, beckoning me to go outdoors
and pursue my favorite pastime:
a mate, in a thrust of energy the 7 fUrSUe ?J ,avcr,te Pasti?-
herbs bloom. Its sweet renuJS 11 !5 my beauUfl1 men ? 1
2 Location
2903 El 0th St.
500 W. GrMflvifU Blvd
herbs bloom. Its sweet request will
not be denied. Honey bees and
Humming birds flock to the
say men? I meant herbs. I have to
watch my herbs.
lOrl S. M?Kltlfv l1? l i
ami o nil as
Mon. - Sat.
Lunch Special
11am - 3pm
Salad & Fruit Bar
without Meal-$1.99
Baked Potato, Salad & Fruit Bar
Now Featuring "Fix It Yourself" Potato Bar
Free with meal
Wed. & Thur.
Dinner Specials
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Served with King Idaho
Baked Potato & Texas Toast
Greenville's Newest and Finest Student-Oriented
Condominium Village!
Coptoin's Quarters ore con-
veniently located within
walking distance of the
university, seven restau-
rants, two cleaners, one
grocery store, and the
downtown shopping area
No need to fight the
Parking hassle because
"vxe than adequate pork
ing is furnished on site
for our residents
All twenty-seven units
ore one bedroom with
a spacious living-
kitchen oreo that is
fully corpeted and
furnished with Seors
refrigerators, ranges,
and dishwashers. Cen-
tral heating and air
conditioning is by
efficient electrical
neat pumps and oil
units ore prewired for
telephones and cable TV.
For Complete Information On Rental or Purchase Arrangements
Call or Stop By Our Sales and Rental Office Right Away!
2820 East Tenth Street
Greenville, N.C.
T?toptton? 757-1971

The East Carolinian, July 25, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 25, 1984
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