The East Carolinian, July 5, 1984

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.58 No.T q
Serving the East Carolina
campus community since 1925
Thursday July 5, 1984
In Beaufort
Circulation 5,000
C Ralph Kinsey Re-Elected
Chairman of ECU Board

Newi Editor
Officers for 1984-85 were
22? fJ meetin? of the ECU
weekend in BeaUf?rt ,ast
C. Ralph Kinsey of Charlotte
was re-elected chairman of the
was're" ilMaynard of Ralei?h
the General Assembly to restore
the school's 1984-85 opera ma
budget. The school w?T J?J
resoneancefdeavicneUC,ear ic
estabifsh56 Sti11 bein? mad to
S at3 i"sch?larship pro-
gram at ECU said a reDort
Presented by the Development
Included in the activity fee paid
b students each semester is the
opportune for free use ofS ?
tCL Counseling Center. This is
an opportunity to take advantage
ot in the next two weeks as the
relevant to all students ? a nro-
gram on selecting a major and one
on studying for final exams
? tWO ession workshop on
ction of a major or career area
Th ?ttered w?ncsday arid
Thursday, July ? Md ,f?
VVrihr PAm- m R?0m 2 of
be SvLn "? ParticiPants will
S3 a fcareer "Merest inven-
tor) and information about dif-
ferent career areas.
fer3e're, tring to make a dif-
ference for students
Dr. Roy" F,7odV o Ssboro ?2?
secretary murrreesooro Committee.
Applications for the 1984-85 "wOI,Cerned-
academic year are "well-ahead 5 k C Ve pro"
tions than were reSSi P? 1 bUllt the Br0fy
jJtaStrysi sBa?ddin8he
? per?nt Transfer and readmission Th. . How?11
,h. , applications have also increatlS . em "PPermost in the
a mrnrkSh0P de,erminati?n of test situation addition, more udents have !m ? "?uhou
a major conststent with their in- I s"uat,on'some of it negative Paid their enrollment f? meeting was their imoendin.
'erests. When this hannenf Z 2! s.??. of K positive Bail The Medical A?S IT ??? ,he ??3SS
reported that $600,000 wZ ve" 3S? the DUnivers?y
.o -he ECU Schoo, of Medicin'eTy lZZt????J
Two Workshops Offered
JENDRASIAK the workshop is 4?, ,
QtPr?0rr!0 a Presentation by Dr
Stanley Riggs Qf the ECU Depart
mem of Geologyspills to combat"
seasickness were distributed. Most
din rh SteeS-and gliests a"en-
mng the meeting took one ?
some took two.
Riggs explained that, despite
he strong winds and large waves
this was to be a "norm ? ? '
Hav" o7 It n?rmal working
pay at sea. He added that "feel
queasy is part of being
Immediately following the
S118' ,the trustees a?d a
rZ ? ?f guests board? the
Cape Hatteras for a four-hour
orientation tour.
Once the vessel was underway
the guests were given tours and
demonstrations of some of the
sophisticated equipment used for
research at sea. One piece of
equipment provides "pictures" of
Despite a few casualties from
and the boxed lunches, the trip
was a success. AJ1 the participants
returned with suntans andTnw
appreciation for research, at sea.
thetd'ttir'?ork " ?? ? uscdT
easier. They want to learn T I studem"
enjoy studying S?tney For example, he said "manv
Among the factors to be con- PUt themselves under an
sidered m making a career did fh JL-a?0unl ?f stres because
?on. Deters said, are indTvidua I Y "? they have t0 get every
systems and demands made bv ZTl nght" ?ne focu of the
parents. When a student selects a Z 'ksh?P Wl11 be on hanging pre
major in which he ?!??- test attitudes. K P
sCpJ-nt.ested, students will also discuss test
The workshop will be offered ?treparatlon and test-taking
a fa, the fall, but Deters JaidU T' The ?oa, Ball said if
be?8 0ered this summer to ? $tTess ,evd do?n and the
theirfcrUJemS Wh? wajlt S7?i e P?sitive-
tneir GPA s and who have been d ?
dissatisfied with the college ex don " wil1 receive han-
penence until now g ex" d,?"ts' a diagnostic test of study
2 f" Wednesday, July 8 from Borh ?nd techn"?ues. ' Penn S
tripled inktanXSSJK ltacultycomm. SSfilJ?' -?tors in
ls " -Hvict-iaiion for research, a
J. William Byrd, a veteran of 22 lv h. l
SwSSSE St aarSS?
Sciences at Appalachian ?s2J uCred on P,asma, fluid and r11 -C- Science Teaching
University in Boone ' maDthernatical physics! 5?urfce Cooperative, organiza
With a Ph.D in physics from JtfJ1 a former President of SVi ECV FacuJty Forum
Penn State, Byrd bE a 2 the N-C- Academy of Science fv tseaTuch " Creative Activi-
beween np'rf H a woshop on test urth lTmmm are free and Professor at age 27 and was an presidentLof Sigma Xi, and Phi and ?S? SUmmer ins,itutes
irking just for the paycheck !Td SS T ,mProvement willfbe S r nf?ion can be ob- Pointed chairman -XnaT Kappa Phi- a member Qf a SLTSSS for P?tential
getting satisfaction from th t?redi The workshop will relate rJm d , froin the Counseling ment's first - in 1965 UndKL" number of scientif,c and research ffhers of P.hysi? and directing a
work said Dr. Steven DeTers0 ?f?" t0 PotogSj JS? W dership, the depem 0etieS'He former cnal? 0 f m?dern
the Counseling Center. gS01 according to Dr. Will ?r by calhn? 757-6661. tripled in size in number o fLZ ?f?l W? faculty committee ZTnr JSi P y$KS lnstru?ors in
said that for manv SL IreCt?r ?f the CounseHng -Weh and maJors and quadrupled n the university Patent comrn JUd?UTO
Cemer- to rL ?Pe We get some Pple research activity quaarupled ,n tee, a member of the educational ?.Sj? aPP?intnient at Ap-
- -antage of the pro- 4 fPB SBlEs
b-r.ajKKs ttn?'i?f Kutet:
s-dentsanTmmXte'pavoTro, Chr- . nSdm8
P. on of There is stress involved in any
T, . ? mvevedinany m ? "? sSS? "ZZlgSSSETZ? ? headThe l"
grr-pio. attrSSSSS a2SSMrtea m-??m? ??wuMiea
?9Am? fn exchan?e studies pro-
d n? S. f?StCr WOrld u?derstan-
ding will be established at ECU
through an endowment by a
Greenville businessman, his fami
t officials announced recently
Dr. John M. Howell, ECU
chancellor, said that Thornas W
Kivers, a local professional'
engineer and his wife, ? ??
zabel Bethea Rivers, estab ished
the fund through gifts to the ECU
Foundation, Inc. The RWers
tody has been closely associated
with the university and its
development for nearly 70 year
Howell said. ??"??
"It is their firm belief that ex
posure to and understanding of
other cultures is education in its
'trhaetSrhSrSeMaild the recognition
that the world is our campus' will
foster friendship and enlighten-
ment among the students, univer-
sity communities and nations of
the world the endowment agree-
ment said. K
The program will be known as
the Thomas W. Rivers Foreign
Exchange Endowment Fund
which will be administered by the
tCU Foundation,
jardswill be made from ear
Editorials 4
Classifieds 5
Sports 7
?The ECU Summer Theatre
?s presenting Annie from July
f:7- For a review of Annie see
Features, page 5.
nings of the endowment to full-
time students at ECU or rtf
oiher Co?ege or Srshy ?n Z
Ife foreian?adH '? "???
M, f 8 Mchane program.
!?.m 7f for tuition, books
.Ttd r8 fd ,raPor.a?o?
10 and from the US and f,J
travel in foreign countries
9n7e" a retired naval officer
and veteran of World War I and
Korea, travels widely and said Ws
own "wanderlust" from m ?ri?
age convinced him of the nd for
more foreign exchange.
We in this country need verv
much to learn about fife mforS
their ,?d t0 know m?re .55
their culture and customs "
jn at the ignorance" of U S
citizens abroad.
Their behavior and attitude
American ? Rivers said g
The goal of this program will
be to educate students of ?S
university, and of other univer
sities here and abroad, by SSL
them first-hand experiences 3
other cultures heaid th
vid?ethnfld0eu l ???? Pro-
vides that, "Above all, Foreian
gethporograni ??hars 5
possess those qualities of in
qmsitive, ambitious and unbiased
as students ambassadors "
r n5 d Ws wifc, who died
June 0 shared his desire to prS
e,rha?UdCntS !5 greater foreign
exchange opportunities.
Mrs Rivers frequently traveled
abroad with her husband, having
visited Europe the Mediterranean
and Central America on several
wn3h ??. a vcry Pati?nt,
wonderful lady and a great supl
port for me he said.
Rivers' father, the late Henry
L. Rivers, founded the partner-
ship which is now the firm, Rivers
His children all attended ECU an!i
sons Thomas W. and Henry jr
were on the school's first and se'
cond football teams. As a profes
?on?I engineer, Thoma W
Kivers association with East
Carolina has continued almos?
continuously with projects ito?v
mg land acquisition, site planning
and professional engineering anrf
construction. g and
"I've always been the restle?
at age 17 to join the merchant
marine as an ordinary seamT
His first voyage took him through
in San Francisco during the fim
general strike at the docks cafiS
by Harry Bridges and the
longshoreman's union i? ,?
"By the grace of God, I didn't
remain a merchant maZl
seaman he says. He rSSSSS
home and received a bachelor
degree at N.C. State in 1938
As a boy, Rivers and a youna
friend, Howard Sumrell, w3
paddle log rafts on the Tar Wver
as far as Washington, N C ?n
miles downstream. "Even'thn 1
was hoping to sail away an"if
the world Rivers says Sec
wUCiT?,n? thc navy in World
War II and was attached to the
Third Marine Division as a con
struction engineer, fiBht?n
through the Padfic to'Okinawa8
hUTKS Marine than I was
Navy Rivers recalls AT. J-T
m thc Na a cap.
caUed back to active duty nj&S
fd for a number of "fj
assignments One such Sr
ment involved ?? ?
feasibility of the Navy undertak-
ing projects such as roads, bridges
andI water systems on the Navajo
Indian reservation in Arizona and
New Mexico. Rivers was officer in
charge of 30 naval officers who
made up the research team
selected by the Navy
In the 1970s Rivers enrolled in
!nH "k SCh001 at East Carolina
and became an ECU exchange
student at the National University
h u redia' Costa Rica. Since then
nas returned many times to
Costa Rica and to Belize.
Through offices of the U S
Peace Corps at ECU, he became a
member of the Peace CorpHnd
served in Thailand and BeSe
a member of the fh'k-
Force, he has visited ?
S'and, Austria
Earlier this spring he spent one
month in Belize. Lalt siinWr hi
spent six weeks in NeSSid!
Australia and Tahiti
"ft is a good feeling to go into a
therwho haVe e
tnere who knows you call your
namem friendship Rivers S
trikntad?Utl0n t0 the initial con-
tnbutions establishing the Rhen
Endowment, Rivers said he
benefactors encourage the active
graSfr ?f contribut?ons and
chfif f?m other individuals
ttns Tdd ?rganizations, instiri
tions and universities and grarts
from state and federal agendS

JULY 5, 1984
awtreht?hUfl?h ,many PeoPle ?
aware that industries and govern-
Uttinrh?r and P,an f?r th
sort of f0rm0frepOrts'this
son of activity is often not
associated with universities
Each year ECU uses a program the Z Y 5??? which is sent ?o
of reports to evaluate its effort cl T!Tty of North Carolina
and to plan for the future Th SK. Aduministration to be in
?af 3S" -Cuded in the reports. he
tJnn C8e ?f,ArtS and Scie?es. and goi rn S are fufure ??
Upon completion, the reports din ?o,Sv?mmon goals, accor
? sent to Chancellor John Sf? ?S to ?c"
newer, more soph.sticated equip.
;it- participate in more research ,h;
I scholarly activity and To p o each LZT ' thC S'UdcntS in
not- ? each department are also listed on
flip n-nnrt.
Howell, who then compiles
University Report which is sent to
e "innovative,
' aching,
"Of course, student achieve-
ment is what we're ultimately
king about Volpe said
saenries?ofP,an f?r the future- ?s
nunalC R?eporrS " the An'
According to ECU Vice
c3 Vo,Pe. each unit at ECU
compiles its own report. This
'he reports.
Highlights of the year are in-
cluded in the report to the UNC
general administration. Volpe
said that he would include among
r fr?m the shool or depart- and beTter
pIi.h-h ? "Y3ll??"n to pe in-
Renort tHn T Resident's
Report on all 16 schools in the
UNC system.
"The reports provide a good
cross-section of what is goinf on
m the mdividual units' Jjfi
m very pleased. Each
- .a.Kinx about Volpe said ;ai(i C Z , irauon- Volpe Howell J
CrWW.? 1 ? said fhat would include among August 3
the highlights the research done
by geologist Dr. S.anley Ri "e
the Summer Theatre program and'
the work done with the Monitor
The reports will be senr ,n
Howell July 15 and to UNr 1?
August 31. b
- . .? "?? icpori. j his coin ??i?? ?"j, vuipe
report is then consolidated into a vtir" f m verv Phased. Each
Sttff Writer 0a
tremely low, with very few ,
cidents reported
June 28. 12:40 p g Ffa ,
I tler of the Chemistry Depart- of Whichard R -w
ment reported a black and white four checks stonf reP?r,ld tJOn of camDUS curfew pc
television set was stolen from 319 Whichard Th. l. fr?m 106 Z5 P. - Set ifa
? ? Payabto Eo" made ' the ow'Li u e ?
Hast CaroHna E????
A sfudy is being conducted at the ECU Soeech
-Hear Cin, to determine ZJ
Jn0 'mpa,red '?-?" may have ,n
scr.onating words in ,ore,gn ianguages Hear
pa.edvo.nteers, to 28 years ra9r;r
rasKs. No foreign languaoe
bacKgroond is necessary PleaSe contact 7s
Meta Downe, Department ? Speech Lang"Z
and Aud.tory pathoiogy, 757 6961. ext. 270
want to see Broadway musicals for free' Usher
e East caroiina summer Theatre. Sign up n
me Mess,c, Art Center, room ? This is
nhavesomefun and save money atthPe
Opportunity to desion Ioh E R
sop for constructionZnTLZlTjV "
'?le. Housing available ?,J! Emerald
Co-op office03,3 RawTefdg a' C?act
Retail grocery and fast food positions available
at Nags Head. Kill Devil Hills and Myrtle Beach
Some with accomodation assistance Contact Co-
op office, 313 Rawl Bldg.
Positions available in Emerald Isle to assist in
Orowmg and planting flowers and shrubs fo" and Fu time, housing available at nominal
cost contact Co op office. 313 Rawl Bldg.
Audit under supervision of senior accountant
aud-f,ng courses required Position availab e in
acco,nfinQ fjrm 10cated jn Voreneaavcab,eJ
tact Coop Office 313 Rawl Bldg
ever'y TJuaePs,davSpUden, Un!?n dUtCh di?
BrJn. V Even,na at 5:38. Join us at the
BSU Center on 511 East Tenth Street every week
Programs follow y weeK
Managan Building. payable to EO'
June 29. 11:45 a.m. ? Tamara June 30 5-in n m
D. Williams was issued a citation Hasseli of316 GzZtB T"1
for displaying an expired license Hall and Dina Dare of iS?S?
?ate. 1:50p.m. - Eu.ene Owens wood Drive gjggg-
Coastal and Marine Resour
house had two unlocked and m?
windows. fn
Campus groups get half off when they
Advertisa with The East Carolinian
Need A Ride?
Use the Classifieds
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- (W ,5 71 J
?s-and haters-of coi
'ffcens have lew than a i
feelings mpoe"
ir to enter the C ollar?
f??r Competition being r
ten Collard Festival c is Juiv 20
Poems of all types are welcome
;r ?ee) or the children- cue
Albright and Luke Wlusnam
-at.ons. bur don't expect
f??vce, p?lso?1 happin?
family health or ethica
ip,et m order to achieve them
icw survey of just-gradual
udents has found.
The survey of 2,000 -s
ponsored by the Collq e-
nem Council, also found that
nost students are willing to v.ork
achieve their amh
Jne of 10 students would wiU-
?ngi penc more than one night a
month awaj from home ft? he
sake or their jobs. Somt
cent o the students were
to sta3 away trom home mor
and onuff '
? rt ?
c;ren iUj.
Do Vickcas, "
Steve Hi
ORJqiFV4l Bel
t J ???? Beer
$119 Highballs rSmUerIBecr
SI 49 Sours g?l !t,c , & Glass wine
SI 99 Marg , Mai Tat 555 ??ttlc beer
52.49 03. drinks
s ,cc cream Drinks
5 PM ? 9 PM
A variety of Fillets,
including Lousiana-
Style Fish FilIeLs. Hush
Puppies, French Fries,
a choice of Hot Vegetables
and our own Pimous Seafood

grits the research done
g" r. Stanlev Rjggs
! heat re program and
newith the Monitor
s wll be sent t0
il) 15 and to UNC by
fe? policv.
s8 Jackson
U Institute for
Manae Resources
unlocked and open
Need A Ride?
ke the Classifieds
! low
-rno oat uzl
ApUcd. by
COard JLoI!r? Shou'd Express Feelings Soon
Lover. , u teach Enclish ar Pri T the children's poems are decided!v ? C v?
Lovers-and haters-of col-
?W g,eens have less than a month
o expreSS then feelings ,n poetJy
Pol ' am t0 emer the Co?ar.1
EP ComP?ition being held in
tL'Tnof,the fenth ann
d,Hl L0,lard FeStival C??'
deadline is July 20.
Poems of all types are welcome
neithn the adult category ($len-
ry fee) or the children's category
(no entrj fee). Judges are Alex
Albright and Luke Whisnant
hP'rT themsves, who
teach English at ECU
Since the mid-May announce-
ment of the contest, some 120
poems have been received,
Albnght said. "We've had poems
"? from Tennessee, South
Carolina and Ceorgia, lots of en-
tries from Virginia and
throughout North Carolina, but
none from the town of Ayden so
Whisnant, noting that the
poets ages range from 90 to eight
years, observed that while most of
Expectations Are High
the children's poems are decidedlv
"anti-collards older poet
contestants generally write of
their great liking ? or even love
? for collards.
"We've had rhyming collard
recipes, narratives about waking
up at night with a craving for col-
lards, and even collard folklore
We have learned that a good
headache cure is a fresh collard
leaf applied to the forehead " he
For some contestants, eating
collards is a matter of regional
I ? 8.umark of identificat?on as
ilk ? uherner' Wh?snant and
eV ni??! h,aV. "?tiCed this tendc"
fLnT am?ng ma,e Pro-
whose f dOCt?rS and l?y?
whoSe poems were typed on their
office letterhead stationery. Near-
LJL P?ems are ?ther
'engthy, and a good number are
enuttod "An Ode to CoUard
Elected entries in the collard
in7; Leaves of Greens: The
Collard Poems scheduled for
distribution during the festival
( PS) ? Most collegians have
exceedingly high" career expec-
ons, but don't expect "to
sacrifice personal happiness
Family, health or ethical prin-
ciples" in order to achieve them a
new survey of just-graduated
students has found.
The survey of 2,000 students,
sponsored by the College Place-
ment council, also found that
nost students are willing to work
ig hours to achieve their ambi-
Nme of 10 students would will-
ingly pemi more than one night a
month awaj from home for the
-ake or their jobs. Some 34 per-
cent ol the students were willing
to staj away from home more
than five nights a month.
"To some extent, they may be
setting themselves up for a fall "
says Dr. David Hopkins, 'a
University of Denver business
professor and a co-author of the
He notes many students want it
all ? job satisfaction, frequent
feedback from their bosses "a
rich personal life" although
combining such qualities in real
life is extremely difficult.
'The student and employer will
have to modify their perceptions
of what they expect from each
other advises Linda Pengilly of
the CPC. "It's going to be a two-
way stretch
Advertise With The
Sept. 3-9. The contest anthologies
will be sold for a dollar per copy,
or $1.50 if ordered by mail from
the judges, in care of the ECU
English department.
Along with contest poems, the
book will feature a poem by
Greensboro poet Fred Chappell
the contest's guest celebrity poet'
who's contributing a piece about a
collard-shaped lapel pin worn by
jazz musician Thelonius Monk a
collard-lover and former resident
of Rocky Mount.
"Cash prizes will be awarded
East Carol
all winners in both categories "
said Albright, who admits that he
personally loathes the taste of col-
"In the adult category first
prize is $25 and a plateful of col-
lards Second prize is $15 and two
platefuls of collards.
"Third prize is $10 and all the
collards you can eat
Contest entries mav be mailed
to "Collard Poetry Contest "
Department of English, ECU
Greenville, N.C. 27834
Send your message I
?n the Classifieds I
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us A all 3 liq. drinks
?x Cream Drinks
5 PM ? 9 PM
A variety of Fillets,
including Lousiana-
Style Fish Fillets, Hush
Puppies, French Fries,
a choice of Hot Vegetables
and our own Famous Seafood Chowder.
12 ct.
tHh AJI-Vo?-Ca-B?
ice cream
Ask about our
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Randy Mews. v h in? ' IETRZAK- tva
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Linda V.zena. rtctMKtan
JULY 5. 1984
Page 4
H. Edward Knox is behaving
like a baby. First, he refused to ask
his supporters to back the
Democratic candidate for gover-
nor, Rufus Edmisten, and now he
pas stood aside while his wife and
brother endorse the re-election bid
of Sen. Jesse Helms, the
Republican candidate. Knox's ac-
tions demonstrate that his commit-
ment to the Democratic Party in
the state is low. His refusal to do
what was right may cost him in the
long run.
The former Charlotte mayor's
al to act for the common
good smacks of sour grapes
Politics is rough-and-tumble, and
you don't have the armor when
you go into the arena, you
shouldn t play the game in the first
lace. Knox obviously is still fum-
ing from his loss in the hotly-
contested Democratic primary run-
off in which hard political blows
were landed by Edmisten. But we
all know that's the game. Knox
forgot this rule.
Actions Harmful For Party
?lfty i$ somethin8 Politicians
must do - especially in a party
s'eemf "hi he Wt- ?
S ,s an8er ?v losing has
,h er lnt0 another campaign
hat the Democrats need desperate-
iy to win.
Via his wife, Frances, and his
brother, Charles, Knox has let it
be known that his differences with
Oov. Hunt are too extensive to
be repaired in the sake of party
unity. Helms has scored an incredi-
ble amount of political points.
Democrats around the state may
think twice when they see a
relatively moderate former
mayor's kin come out in support
or arch-conservative Jesse Helms
Democrats are of course playing
the endorsement down, but they
know it will hurt.
THi i
His intransigence could even-
tually hurt the Democrats in the
vntle u true, Parly man wouId not
Repitbllcan? but apparently
Knox is showing his true stripes
belong on an elephant. Unity is a
quality parties must possess, lest
find the strain of an election
year too difficult and end up losing
more than the race. We'll know the
extent of his actions in November
la"e UnfortunateIy ft wiI1 be too
The Charlotte mayor was a good
candidate and would have made a
great governor with the grasp he
had on the issues. But he lost. No
one hkes to lose, but doing it
th? , 1S nC?X cuttin8 his own
It Si ?T 11,ttIe revenge? We wish
t didn t happen, but now that
these turn of events have taken
Place, we must urge voters to
rfmember what Helms and Hunt
stand for. You must also keep in
?t ph ? difference between
h? n Edmisten and James Mar-
tin. Both the Republicans are con-
servative and both the Democrats
moderates. Don't let sour grapes
spoil who you should vote for
even if you supported Knox in the
Primary. Show you're a better
Democrat than the mayor from
There is no excuse for what
Knox, his wife and brother have
done. At the least everyone should
have kept quiet, but it's too late
now. H. Edward you've sure made
a blunder.
EnlhshEnl flghtenm? w?rds ? the
down " vTtge " "?ur comPuter is
voT? ,?U hear !t more and more as
bySsinges?sabOUt t0 COnduct ur
The other day I was at the airport at-
SffiS 3 ticket t0 WasWngton
c?'t tn Cndam said' "rm sorry, I
sell you a ticket. Our computer is
"So if your computer is down iust
wnte me out a ticket J
"I can't write you out a ticket The
S2?E th6,01?nCwed toislue
cointer ?hC P,a"e- ' l0?ked down ?
counter and every passenger agent was
just standing there drinking coffee ?id
staring into a blank screen d
??? d? ?H you De?P,e do?"
tion ,kVC the COmPuter the informa-
nt. y?Ur trip' and then il tells us
whether you can fly with us or not
with li" " 8?eS d?Wn' you 8? down
'That's very good, sir. I haven't
heard it put that way before "
A "HS?tlon wiI1 the computer be
down?" I wanted to know.
I have no idea. Sometimes it's down
Computer Is Do
for 10 minutes, sometimes for two
w?tU? e,re is no way we can find out
without asking the computer, and since
it sdown, it won't answer us "
'Don't you have a backup computer
wnen the main computer goes down?
1 doubt it. Do you know what one of
these things costs?"
Art Buchwald
"Let's forget the computer Wh,
ate? tyh0eyr?aneS? They're Sti11 flying'
"I couldn't tell without asking the
computer, and as I told you "
iustoTh5 dOWn' Maybe l cO"Jd
just go to the gate and ask the pilot if
??I r8,H?.Washingt0n l susted
you to " kn?W Wh3t gate send
"HI try them all I said.
Even if the pilot was going to
LT0 C?Uldn,t take you ifyou
didn't have a ticket y
vo4yMd0n,t ' give you the money and
show thl, TT6 a,receipt and ? "ould
showthat to the pilot as proof that I
4,We wouldn't know what to charge
you. The computer is the on v one who
keeps track of air fares because thev
change every hour -
How about my credit car P"
That s even worse. When nnr
"Is Ihsre any other airline flyia. to
nothtng them0mem'Ird'nno,
l? just can't tell me "
By this time there were qu te a feu
People standing in lines. The u0rd soon
spread to other travelers that SiC com
wnat this meant, but some people went
! some People started to fv ?
still other, kicked their luggage
A man in a red blazer cane out
Please don't get excited. Wichita has
been notified "?" nas
asked'1'5 Wichita got to do Wft it?" I
mHSH ?here our main -mputer
went down. But as soon as it get; over its
Si, L g,?,ng to bu' evervene who
missed his plane a free drink
l?4, Lo, A?fte nM Mudicu
On The High Seas
Beach, Trustees Loads Of Fun
"When in the Course o
becomes necessary for one m
political bands which haxe a
one another
"We hold these truths to i
all men are created equal, tha
tin, Creat0r mih
that among these are Life I
suit of Happiness"
Independence Dav, ur,d'
patriotic day of the American'
signing of the Declaration of
?e birthday of our nation
Declaration of the thme-n
America drafted under
Area Act
Yesterday started out borir
didn t even get out of bed until
imw kU,P SOOner' esPec
208th birthday, but ImstdidT-
I walked to McDonalds for lu"
myself boy. only in. men,
to be. Heck, todav we'll barbie
pop; then we'll go atch the'fi
And dov did I eat. I must h
burgers at the boss' pla:e I y
them. e also had to drink a
course, it was all in honor of th
of the ol constitution Heck I
would have had a little ale for n
my shoes.
Vveii, jt gol to be about g 4;
all the others at the partv weren
go. He was mingling and ?hat-
what I mean. So 1 grabbed tne
brought along and got the he?
And, shoot, we just about madi
First of all we drove back to rm
ed behind Fifth Street; shu if m
we woulc have been caught in nai
fie jam. We walked the rest of
pa.r.k- How a?out all those peep,
vvhen we got there 1 was cu
then I noticed all the kids ? h
was past their bed time ? but I
same. We found a place to sit i
off of Fourth Street, and we r
back in the weeds and get bit. Th
in full force by then, and sou-
Boy, the guy beside us was sim
loved every firework thev put Ur
?t was to impress his girlfriend s
Working for a newspaper is all rioht
sometimes. Every once a Wh leng
appreciation of all the long horned
way" t 3 If- g?,d eomTy
way. So it was this weekend.
sun ?rStiI!i rcmember the waves and
sun. Three days at the beach - heck
trL f' S Weekend was a little dif-
Sd bS"f T fun tanning on the
sand. But, since I was there as a guest of
he uiuversity and the Board of Treef
in? 3E m2re Pressing thingsTdo'
52 c. thKOU8h -1 enJ?yed the rays and
w! f' t??? acquainted with The
w? 7uth&t make our ??1 turn
was the best part of the trip.
Most students either don't care or
Campus Forum
Trustee? is" 2?' Wh? the Board of
would tfA?5 Reporter
and development of the school a
whole, with their forrnal ntt Litlil
meeting rooms, they can be a St ? 8
timidating. But, this Weekend ai !n"
pVoachable wy appeared more ap-
proacnable letting me find out abom
their commitment to ECU
We were there to show off nr c,
Riggs' research to the Boid L Z
trustees, administrators and those of n!
crying .l-Jtt tr35
Dramarnine had taken affect 8 he
"ernhough ?hcyys.rvc ? iSlS
Wave Change Bemoaned
I am sitting here bleary-eyed after
WeTnif UPUumil 'a'm- on a
Wednesday night to listen to
mn8 SlrCat new wave show, Per-
manent Wave. Recently it was
changed fromaTuesday aid Th
day time slot of io.n ?m A
Wednesday from ilia" ' "
forefntTthe ??
and T?g?ZEj2S2S
today. It kicks new li! iif.? .
?Jard rock-n'rolI ttemL U'
music Why was tSSSJwZ
moved to such a late rim- 5 ?
cut froo, C JotreTh
n JiBB.Oooch
Greenville, N.C.
Forum Rules
tJ?l 9rolln? welcomes let-
ters expressing all points of vie"
Mail or drop them by our officei
and classification, address, phone
number and signature of th
authorfs). Utters are limited to ?Z
typewritten pages, double-spaced or
neatly printed. All letters aresubJeZ
to editing for brevity, obscenity olid
noei, and no personal attacks will be
permitted Students, faculty ant
staff writing letters for this page are
reminded that thej are Hm7e7?o
one every five issues.
board They wear T-shirts and shorts,
drink beer and like to have fun Thev
augh at stupid jokes - and tell them
Sidr What l ,iked most is that thev
aiked to you. Most seemed genuinely
fAu in what l had to sav about
cu; i suppose because they liked get-
ting a student's view. Admittedly, the
conversations were not in-depth, but the
malitTe? free"flowin?. not stilted by for-
fJ!u ra,rtrustees asked me of mv plans
1?Lm uUtUre' tellin8 me how thev
started what they are now doing and of-
fering a little advice. I related to them
more now than when I had talked to
becLeatfh?Jficial meetings, n aybe
?2S! l5ey were wearing purple
T-shirts and felt more at ease
tnaJy Walked around the ship t-vmg
SJRUS ?f " ,cgs' l "oticed bow
found l? tKh otherJ "stening in, I
Drevlnhre SCh001 t0 the most
prevalent topic after the boat ride i:self.
s??L USSed thc coming football
cSsTroomUmnr theatrc Md me new
W bl!ildmg' teiling each other
Torh.maHe ECU that much beter.
admtSaTon ZtSSl ?"
3 myselfT !OU,d kn?w about th's- l
remember anJ toTin? 3T
thdr job thC COnccrn they P into
idyuT'andlT 25 may "? seem a li tic
this And li?L ,now !t s not all like
powerl hW uItcrior motives ?.nd
Z " SZ nJayJUrk ? any c?r-
Z bmi7?ly' tavc no way of ?
K kn?w wh? I saw, and I liked
i ;sX to K,tativC ?f thc stude"?,
hou! 3 aftCT about three
left theS StiS S,dckick I
th? iuuvSmehow- we felt Mtt
op.e who'maj CC,STd? ' n?W
fc not jusT fj -J
have to nraic- v T?' ,ow? ? we evcT
so with a iSJf damn thcm? we can d o
eando'bad all student
hd to wrte thb ' thM'S why '
What do you get when vou
combine a talented cast, s? d'arl-
Sfn ! ?8frls; a SUperb Prod-
2vo SJff,cand a dog named San-
dy? The East Carolina Summer
Theatre s production of the
Broadway musical Annie.
This heart-warming perfor-
mance, which began on Mondav
and will run through Saturday
(July 7), not only makes vou
augh and smile, it makes you feel
hke getting up on stage and sinc-
mg with the cast.
Obviously music plavs an im-
portant role in the play. But in
A Review
this case, something extra is pre-
sent ? young children. Who
could resist six charming young
ladies singing their hearts out?
The star of the show, Annie
(Melissa Barfield), also
demonstrates what hard work and
a lot of talent can do, with
sprigs like "Maybe "I Think
1 m Gonna Like It Here and the
inspiring piece "Tomorrow
The first scene begins in
December of 1933 at The New
York Municipal Orphanage. An-
nie and her six orphan roommates
- Kate (Susan Bramley), Duffy
(Many Brannon), Tessie (Cheryl
J-ynn Buck), Pepper (Courtney
?ansey), July (Julie Garrison),
and Mollie (Emmye Chesson
raft) amuse the audience with
weir rendition of "It's the Hard-
Knock Life The beaming
beauties seem to give it all they've
ot! At this point the mean,
drunken ole Miss Hannigan
(Janice Schreiber) appears at 4
a-m.and orders the young ladies
? scrub the floor. Miss Hannigan
nates all cute little girls ?
especially Annie.
Alnie manages to run away for
huc, thanks to Bundles Mc-
J-loikey (Gary Lamb), the laun-
y man. And it is here that
Mo"ie captures the lime-light.
1 mm

th? only one ho
ares because they
redii card
r When our com-
1 not.fv the credit
;tne fare to your
her airlme flying to
fen hours'?"
?e said, pointing
IT' knows "
?? -IT' don't know
he vaid defensively
? were quite a few
nes. The word soon
"ers that thecom-
tod knew exactly
ome people went
started to cry, and
r luggage.
Mazer carne out
: excited. Wichita has
KOI to do with it?" I
main computer
ioon as it gets over its
iy everyone who
e drink
Tmn VMlr(r
tecomes neeessa(jwoL0?Jtlman events-
political bands which ?lPle to dissolve
one another ? have conted them with
all men arlVZl &? ??
by their Creator wUhL tht? are dowed
that among thZeZe LL?Z?
suit of Happiness " lberty and the Pur-
signing of the SdSSfSE5 Celebra,es th
?a as swass oi
Area Activities
Maaap Mor
didr:itnVt,aorrof?borin?i ?
have got up sooner ?? SS " am' ' sh??id
208th birthdPav bun iuT5S? ?Ur na,ion's
1 walked to McDonaidffor? !VVnme-As
mvsdf -bov onVvT, 'Unch- ' ,hou8nt to
to be. Heck today we H h k whaI a Pla
pop: then we "ch'E?1'
?hem. We also ??UkfZ? ?
course , W1, in hoothsVne
?ouhde IKES. ?& ISS2
my shoes f?r me lf they were in
what 1 mean So rJSj t you know
P?rk. Ho about an thte p W,y t0 ,he
When ?e got there I was cussin' a Km. u .
then I noticed all the kids - ??k , ,Su?V
was past their bed time h?r it, A ?ughl "
same. We found a p7ace to si fa ?PPed JUSUhe
off of Fourth Strew ?J he grass right
0 wor
Tho Jeff ? -rift MllCH
,n ??? po.ut,?1 evolution and listed the ri? this day forward - aa ?"
mother country, Great Britain " ' the,r
Although Independence Day has u
celebrated on July 4th for 208 years thetiJ
ignedf inPlndenCe WaS S;
ignea until August. Julv 4 marir? ?iw, . e
didS T4 the at?o" to bep2S
did not declare the date a legal public hoVday un
unitid" r-JSr &r& prdeii:of ?
celebrated forever ?1 rLS ? Sh,0U,d be
with mmn V' ought t0 be so emnized
wun pomp and parade with chr?,c ea
sports, guns rjelk hnnfir ?WS' games-
SS onf eno ? ??S ttSS
this day forward Adams said.
dhdSniyerSaryiSh?nHr,1.eriCa'S 0I" ?
a world's fiSS3,?S2?42.Wd
"ulpted the S.atu"ofaL7bSteT"arholdi
whtch symbolizes freedom ngh' hand'
in??? reSien' Archibald'M. WiUard was work
kn8owrasP"TT!Called :Yank? DcidlZw
Sfafher .S76")- which ows a
to hnCT;hafor,u0wnib0ymarChin?
K new are Lrfe, Liberty and the Pursuit of HWtaw.? M,h certoin alienable Rights,
aTdaatT tTT The ??
think , hey sathe&ewlT ahe park- ' d?
all that run?Tnghaero'urn7anal 0,i8h; ? Wi,n
Parents are C? ' 'maglne ,heir
sorryofTh,on.?;i:h(eoffreaJ7Se,hen!r,VtS "
-S of " Greenville, they were
Mos. of the Pyrotechs Werrn?ngbuV,aS??,Ver-
few were spectacular. I hope they v k y a
K gt's' - K haye ?&S
the top 10 of all countries a COUntry in
Of Fun
T-shirts and shorts,
have fun. They
? and tell them
?;ked most is that they
-eemed genuinely
ad to say about
ecause they liked get-
? Admittedly, the
IKH :n-depth, but the
owmg, not stilted bv for-
Annie' Sparkles
asked me of my plans
telling me how they
are now doing and of-
?ce. I related to them
en I had talked to
meetings, maybe
ere wearing purple
I more at ease.
ed around the ship trying
sea legs, I noticed how
other; listening in, I
to be the most
c arrer the boat ride itself.
the upcoming football
er theatre and the new
ldjng. telling each other
e ECU that much better.
one conversation on the
with both people saving
lob Dr. Howell had done.
?ould know about this, I
nese people are trying to
J? at CLT one we can
M take in. And,
? aces were sunburned, I
'e c?ncern they put into
'his may all seem a Httle
inherent cynicism forces
1 know it's not all like
fl ulterior motives and
M lurk behind any cor-
P" ave no way of know-
f what I saw, and I liked
mtative of the students,
"e to tell everyone about
ended after about three
J5 eaft' sayin? goodbye
ids. My sidekick and I
Somehow, we felt like
fas closer to us; now the
ke the decisions were
names. So, if we ever
damn them, we can do
lore feeling.
s to bad all students
I guess that's why I
What do you get when you
?f?v atf"ted cast, six dffi
ng little girls, a superb produc
non staff, and a dogamedl'
TheareEaSt ?? Summ?
I heatre s production of the
Broadway musical Annie.
This heart-warming perfor-
mance which began on Monday
and wilJ run through Saturday
(July 7) not only makes you
augh and smile, it makes you feel
ike getting up on stage and sing-
mg with the cast.
Obviously music plays an im-
jortant role in the play. But in
his case, something extra is pre
ent. ? young children. Who
could resist six charming young
iadies singing their hearts out
The star of the show, Annie
(Melissa Barfield), also
demonstrates what hard work and
a lot of natural talent can do with
songs Like "Maybe "I Think
m Gonna Like It Here and the
mspiring piece "Tomorrow
The first scene begins in
December of 1933 at The New
rork Municipal Orphanage. An-
nie and her six orphan roommates
- Kate (Susan Bramley), Duffy
(Marty Brannon), Tessie (Cheryl
Lynn Buck), Pepper (Courtney
Dansey), July (Julie Garrison),
and Mollie (Emmye Chesson
u amusc toe audience with
heir rendition of "It's the Hard-
?nock Life The beaming
?eauties seem to give it all they've
8ot! At this point the mean,
arunken ole Miss Hannigan
(Janice Schreiber) appears at 4
a-m.and orders the young ladies
? scrub the floor. Miss Hannigan
hates all cute little girls ?
especially Annie.
Annie manages to run away for
a while, thanks to Bundles Mc-
toskey (Gary Lamb), the laun-
J man. And it is here that
Mollie captures the Lime-light.
During the girls' recap of "It's the
Hard-Knock Life Mollie eaves
toe audience in stitches with her
apSaurdyed0f MiSS Sh
applauded several other times in
ttnl f?r hCT ,0Vab,e ???-
nt UWque actin? abi?ty
Back to Annie - while wander-
SSS ?" Annie ???? up
erne hr ?2 Fine toe
hS?h? Pouch with the big
bright eyes. The two take an im
mediate liking to eachS
remain buddies to the end
th. J0ng and dance ePisode bv
Robert C?rS AJ.gS
Designer; Keith Lewis, Costiune
Effh?ner;rary Weathersbee
D?ZT?K nard
Larby (Technical Director)
should also be applauded for a
job well done.
Annie's life changes when she
meets Oliver Warbucks J? Mc?
Cutcheon), the billionaire X
longs to adopt her but nobly
agrees to help her find her real
parents. Warbucks, WarbudS
secretary, Grace (Tracy
SonnH .PrCSident Rooevelt
(John Kuhn), and half the U S
SST2 Hjourn up Fi
Avenue and down Broadwav tn
the White House until thplay
climaxes on Christmas morrin?
AJls weD that ends well, howevw'
Jj one delightful surprise att?e
watm?nHan fOUr y!ars on ad-
way and earned numerous
ESS; II SpUrred a ?-Jor mo!
tion p,cture starring Carol Burnett
and Albert Finney, and a
multitude of dolls and books
All involved with the Summer
Theatre's production of Annie
should be commended. If this
play is any indication of what's
coming up, we're in for an enter-
taming, fun-filled summer
?KTlCk?e for ? Wednesday
through Saturday (July 4-7) pro-
ductions may be purchased at
McGinms Theatre 10 a.m. until 4
7576390may rCSerVed by CaUing
fifty iteTtnSlrcs' thc
union of the fifty stati hfJSfi rePresent the
of State said jfc? ?Jl f &?
courage. W&e fL2Lin,m and
remSri SSSS tf? ?
for independence and juVtice Th?L f?Ught
SSi &kVint
occo?n8fo?tewSVb!w;Th ?i,Uly is -
two kind- m u .Flreworks are basically of
brilliam 'colons S "? explode
fireworks, whfcfa dS" and flames' and
loud noise. Rrework, ?? m?Te than make
cording Higj0
Chairman of the iSlSi q Information
Blindness "LaS v?r ety tc Prevent
?J?m?Z72 T
ages of 5 and 24 year7old ?? Ween the
mixtures such asTodnvmg'roS'S S2 32
deuces, and 2). naute uTgsrwtcehtSgaedrr,
?SycXr ,riance -
because they coA S onoTfh m?St tatriguin8
ranged so that when lit fk ?? ' " ?? ar-
traiF or flag "thcy outune a reoie. Por-
useTvylrf S?t0 l0?k "? shotUd be
Fighting Fire With Fire
BvJ T Dirrn
'Chicago' Is On The Way
"MOVe OVIT KU?r Vl. .
"Move over New York hen.
cmes -Chicagol" That's'wt
OBS said of the Broadway spec-
tacular 'Chicago when it open
to rave reviews in 1975
Now, the East Carolina Sum-
mer Theatre will breath new We
into this "musical vaudville" for
a six-night run, July 9-14 (Mon
day through Saturday), at g 15"
P.m. in McGinnis Theatre
vnl S???! of the late
n' thc days of shimmying
flappers, gangsters, bootleg boo
and flaming youth, is t2 fcS
Point of this razzle-da
musical. It was the gin agC th!
jazz age, . m toe
murders and Roxie Hart sawTall
ner faithless lover, is tnrownin
a shek lawyer who trieT to
capitalize on the publicity for the
sake of acquital, a stage caW
fame and fortune - atoostE?
story was made ?? JJJ
blockbuster caUed arfr J
L??1 " 0scar for the
2fRT f,Im " M En?iy S
au in the same year!) fa th-
triumph a, MyuS her
"?sons ago. Her sidekickVy.u7
temper will be Barbara - ?
fVdma). ? ?j?
Flynn), will co-star as the fW
talkmg lawyer who help?rett
girls get away with murder
Tickets are still available for all
pwfonnances, Monda
Saturday (July 9-14), and may be
purchased at McGinnis Theatre
George and Tommy were the
first to the tree-fort that morning
George would have been alone if
only he could lift the box thMeen
cond in command. They had to
th?PbihceW t0y hidden ? one of
the big boxes - the ones tha
George's mom would always br-
ing home from grocery shopping
at the Grand Union, so that he
Z front of the stanSand
hMdcr J?? m the b pStsS
that they had a box. The fort wS
na trcck?n the public side of Thl
stream that was the property ?
of:f summer bungalow colony
i-et me see itf" t?,
?demanded. Tommy
be r tV5 gCt il up flrst- It'U
better that way George told
r1; - U ?? first and guide it
uth. trtSi Geor8e went first
handle -f- hdd thc box
foDowU ? hf ladder' T?tntny
and th,KnC ?S on ? ladder
hke ? h??er "ndwnerth the box
uke he had a waiter's tray When
he box was safely on the floof
tnc one-room fort Tnmm?
couldn't wait to untiehlTri
h8 Ky had knotted ound
the box, but cut it with his ch
?oot knife instead. cZge nS?
ed the crate, containing the club's
similar magazmes, from the floor
flJustKIo?k at it George said
telescope from the box.
"I want to look through it
Tommy said.
rurhi 51? wc have il set up
nght. It'll be better that way
L? s see the tripod George told
SLi0?6 Mked word,
gg? technical. His
lather had told him, "It is not a
stand. It is a tripod
asked0" W?rk right?" Tommy
"Yea, boy! I can see clear
across the lake to Martha's house,
it s too strong to look at Ben's
mom s bunalow though George
Let5 use! I wanna see'
Let me see, George Geo?e
ana sat on the couch with riDnerf
uphold. .Wh0 ?pped
Tommy cried ??i ,
MarthJs dofhke i dgt
X Wa
fln?en,Chnton stuck his head in
said, "Sees what?" Henr?
was the older boy the gang hSed
"lost (he thinks he's uSff ?52
hL,n the fort? out George
Tce- Get out of here, Henry
.This is our fort. You can't come
"Shut up punk or I'll beat you
hke a drum Henry said He
Pushed George aside and went m
Tommy stood in front of
deS. " What?" Henry6
?J'iSlynt you go ba and
see how to play baseball Tom
my said. m"
huhM? td' Another Punk.
mm 1 u teLL ya, wise ass. Cauv
It s my father's. And you bt
ter leave it alone GeorgfsT
Its my fathers. And you oet
ter leave it alone Henr ?
agerated George's ? ? x"
"I w iTV younger voice.
tLSJZ" ma?azines are his
too What, ;e yous gonna do with
V? here? There's ?2?
m the way ,bovedumb punks-
Robert Ucked a leg of u
tnpod. It tumbled backward 1
ding on the eyepiece?Th7?l fc
broke off. George and S
stood like statues sta0"
useless object. "I bet vof?! the
wouldn't be too iinpr?
knew how you cJSg
smoke cigarettes and look aiS!
magazines and pl.y ?
We don't Tommy said
You do now " w.?? ?:
reached in nTrkyJt,dHe
out a p?:k oTfuSk1 SS1
-th these ra?&ft

A Different Way
Continued From Page 5.
long fuse and tossed the pack near
Tommy's feet. "Happy Fourth
he said and climbed out. George
and Tommy turned their backs to
the noise. When the little explo-
sions were oxer both boys sat on
:he floor.
Tommy asked, "Are you going
to tell your Dad?"
1 can't. I didn't tell him that I
was taking it. It's been sitting in
the basement forever. Mavbe he
got about it George said.
"Well we can't let Henry get
awaj with it. If we don't do
nothm he'll bully us forever.
We'll never be able to call this
place "our's" or do anything here
Ehout the big butthole bothering
If we don't tell, he'll think
a tred of him Tommv
Before George was able to sue-
st a method of retaliation, a fit
firecracker came flying in the fort.
The noise brought both bovs to
ir feet. "I'll kill him Georee
"Did I scare you? I hope ous
jumped clear to the ceiling it
was only Ben speaking. I heard
you guys start celebratin' early.
Look here what my uncle gave me
before he left Ben said. He
showed the boys a paper shopping
bag full of all kinds of fireworks.
"1 got some cherry-bombs and he
even left me three M-80s that have
a special fuse that lets you blow
'em up in water Ben told them.
"I'd like to stuff the whole bag
down Henry Clinton's throat and
light him on fire Tommy said.
Ben asked, "What did Butthole
do today?"
"Broke our telescope Tom-
my said. He picked up the broken
eyepiece and handed it to Ben.
Ben said, "And I didn't even
get to see once
"1 did. And you could see
forever throught it. Now it's not
worth a dud Tommy said.
"Are you guys about sick up to
here of Henry the hole?" George
asked. He raised his hand and
stood on tip toes.
"To here Tommy said. He
raised his hand and pounced up
and down; he was shorter than
"All the way to here Ben
said. He jumped on the couch and
raised his hand.
"To here, to here They all
chanted and jumped and laughed
until their young lungs made them
take time out.
"I got a plan George said.
The American Legion Hall was
where most of the town's big
events took place. That's where
the parade ended that day and an
incredible clambake was held
That evening people packed the
field out back of the Hall
overlooking the calm lake. They
brought lawn chairs and coolers
and sparklers. They were there to
witness the magnificent display of
fireworks only Independence Day
could bring. Henry Clinton was
close by.
Henry Clinton was just up the
SS aui e rope-swing where the
older kids traditionally hung out
George knew he would be there
waiting hke everyone else for that
great ?boom that signaled to
the people that the fireworks were
about to begin. It was twilight,
eorge also knew that Henry's
suped up Pinto would be parked
alone on the side of the road right
near the path leading to the rope-
swing. George hid on the side of
the car next to the woods and took
on the gas cap.
"Go get 'em fellas George
said. Ben and Tommy went
through the path to where the
older kids were. Henry was there
drinking a beer and acting tough
jnfront of his peers. When he saw
the youngsters he said, "If it isn't
the punks. What do you want
TAn said, "I don't want you.
mrS f?r sure- But VOW" fat
mother just came by and saw your
car. She wants you home with the
car now, she said. She said if you
weren't home in five minutes that
she was gonna come get you I
don't know what you did, Henry
Clinton, but she's highly pissed
Ha.ha Tommy said. "Good
tor ya Ben and Tommy walked
along the waters edge toward the
Legion field. Henry threw his beer
can at them. It didn't come close.
fJir " he said' "Be righ back,
roiks. Let me go see what the old
hfy f. ??b,em is' Save me some
beer He trotted off through the
W?t Sa Pe?rge saw him coming
out and layed low. Henry jumped
in his car and cranked it. When
George heard Henry put the
transmission in first, he dropped a

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Person under 19 required to wear a wrist band while on the
lit M-80 in the tank. Hear) p
out with a squeal leaving rubber
behind. Before he was abh
shift to second gear, there w
great "boom George had
jumped into the woods and was,
on the ground, but he couldn't
resist looking at the red glare the
exploding car made in the
The people out back of the
American Legion began to cheer
? not knowing. Ben and Tommy
jumped up and down and cheered
? knowing. George came out of
the woods near the water and I
comrades greeted him like a he
The fort was theirs now.
1000 I
Reggie Bramvi said playing net
him to rush for a 1000 yards this
Former Pi
Loses Scot
By TOM Bk??
Sam Harrell is a prime example
of what dedication to a goal
do as he rose from a seldom
sophomore at ECU to ;
star with the Houston Ga
of the United F
Harrell (pronounced Hu
came to ECU in 1976,
see action until his s
season. From a modes; beg
of 50 yards rushing in N
slowly worked his ww
ting position as a sen
He wound up his last
just short of 600 ya-
averaging an impressive
per run. Consicering the n idtiple
back offense used by the Pirates
at that time, with Tony Coll
(now with the New Engla
Patriots) and powerful Theodc
Sutton. along with Eddie Hi
(who also went to the pros), it wa
an impressive showing for Har-
Conidering -
teammates were m
the Minnesota
chance and made Harn
their p wasreall)
when the; drafted me I
j unexpected, but t rea
because I had worked towa
goal for so long. Ir was the b i
thrill of mj life"
The time sper.
iidn't work out like it seema
yould at first. After sufferinj
lip-pointer in 1980. he sta
vith the team three years
thought t j get mj chance U
start, but I on! ed in
tegular season game in three
years Harrell said. "You ca
Show what you can do if you Oi

Former ECU baseball coaJ

I . ing iii.
Bet is able to
v r
ed j
i ,
ftifL '
i P
o EC I
Branch Will Get His Chance In '84
1000 In '84?
Reggie Branch said playing behind Earnest Bvner iaM year has inspired
him to rush for a 1000 yards this fall.
Aaktaat Sporti !4J?or
After playing under fullback
sensation Earnest Byner who was
recently drafted by the Cleveland
Browns, senior Reggie Branch is
looking forward to filling the first
string fullback position for the
Pirate football team this fall.
"This fall I should have it all
together with two years of ex-
perience under Earnest Branch
said. "I've got the opportunity
and I might as well make the best
of it. My running, blocking and
thinking on the field are all going
to be together
Watching Byner play gave
Branch the incentive to be top-
notch in carrying out the
fullback's duties. "I learned a lot
from Ernest ? he had heart. He'd
go out there and really get into the
game blocking and running
Branch said. "For every play he
would be at 100 percent. He went
in to the game and wouldn't want
to come out ? that's what I like
in a person
Although he averages about
five yards per carry, Branch's
specialty is blocking. "When I go
into the game it is mostly for
blocking in passing situations.
That requires strength and a lot of
quick thinking
In his first playing season after
being red shirted, Branch said that
his blocking wasn't really that
good. But, he said that "it came
on a whole lot in the 1983 season
with experience and playing time.
Branch was red shirted in 1981
after transferring from West
Virginia State Junior College. Un-
fortunately, he broke an ankle
before the season and never
played a game for the junior col-
lege team.
Former Pirate Running Back
Loses Scoring Title To Injury
Staff riir
Sam Harrell is a prime example
of whal dedication to a goal can
do as he rose from a seldom-used
sophomore at ECU to become a
r with the Houston Gamblers
of the United States Football
Harrell (pronounced Huh-rell),
came to ECU in 1976, but didn't
see action until his sophomore
season. From a modest beginning
of 50 yards rushing in 1977, he
worked his way to a star-
ting position as a senior.
He wound up his last season
just .short of 600 yards, while
averaging an impressive 7.4 yardi
per run. Considering the multiple-
ba?k offense used by the Pirates
at that time, with Tony Collins
(now with the New England
Patriots) and powerful Theodore
Sutton, along with Eddie Hicks
(who also went to the pros) it was
an impressive showing for Har-
Considering who Harrc:
teammates were in the back fit.
the Minnesota Vikings took a
chance and made Harrell one of
their picks. "I was really surprised
a hen they drafted me. It was so
unexpected, but it really felt good
because I had worked toward that
goal for so long. It was the biggest
thrill of my life
The time spent with Minnesota
didn't work out like it seemed i:
ould at first. After suffering a
hip-pointer in 1980, he stayed
ith the team three years, "i
thought I'd get my chance to
start, but I only played in one
regular season game in three
years Harrell said. "You can't
show what you can do if you only
play in pre-season ? I don't think
I got a fair trial
A large part of the problem was
the presence of ex-North Carolina
State's superb running back Ted
Brown. With him on the same
team, there wasn't much need to
use other backs.
"I knew I was going to play
somewheie and had the capabili-
ty, it was just a matter of getting a
chance to show it. At Minnesota,
I wasn't in the picture at all
"I was really happy that
Houston wanted me Harrell
continued. "Since I got here I've
had the chance to show what I can
do because I've been getting the
ball a lot more
Haireiis potential quickly
came out as he led the USFL in
points scored with 14 touchdowns
through the early part of the
season A leg injury put him out
of action for almost the rest of the
regular season, but he did add two
more touchdowns to his total at
the end of the season.
"My knee is feeling good and
I'm very close to being at 100 per-
' he said. "It feels great to
e playing again. When you can't
play, you don't know where vou
Now that he's firmly situated in
Houston, Harrell said there's a
big differnce between the USFL
and NFL. "In our league we run a
ide-open offense and use more
imagination. At Houston, we use
a lot of passing and screen plays
and run the two-minute offense
all the time. In the NFL they just
try to run over you ? they're real-
ly traditional
Harrell was also quick to point
out that the gap in talent between
the two teams is starting to nar-
row. "With the ex-NFL players
now in the USFL and the players
we're getting out of college, we
could give them a good game. A
little more time and we'll be
Although Harrell seems to have
a lengthy career ahead of him in
the USFL, he realizes football
won't always be there for him.
"I'm looking for business oppor-
tunities for the future. Right now,
I have a lot of speaking
engagements and public relations
work. At Minnesota nobody knew
me, but since I've had the chance
to prove myself, a lot of people
know me now
Harrell also said a lot of people
know who ECU is. "Everybody
says how good the team is and
how tough they are. I'm still do-
ing things to show how glad I am
to be from East Carolina ? It's a
good school
"One thing I've learned is the
most important thing an athlete
can do is to finish school Har-
rell added. "You should set that
as your main goal, because you
can't play football forever, no
matter how good you are ?
you've got to have something to
build on
"The interest the coaches at
ECU showed in the players'
education really impressed me.
They didn't just forget the
academics. The program really
took care of the players with
tutoring and other things
I broke my ankle two weeks
before the season started
Branch said. "I was in the number
two tailback position. The
number one guy got hurt so they
called me in. The first run I did
pretty good, but on the second
play I was dragging one guy and
two others hit me at an angle
breaking my ankle
Branch had planned to transfer
to New Mexico State, but due to
his family and uncle A.C. Collins'
influence he decided to come to
ECU. "I was getting ready to go
out to New Mexico, but my family
and A.C. said I ought to make the
best of it ? go to ECU
Commenting on ECU's loca-
tion and atmosphere, Branch said
"it's not that far from home and
I've enjoyed it here a lot. The peo-
ple are friendly, there are nice sur-
roundings and no big cities
Originally from Sanford,
Florida, where he was born and
raised, Branch participated in
four sports at Seminole High
School: football, track, wrestling
and weightlifting.
"I was in four sports at one
time. I went to the Florida state
meet in wrestling three times and
to the regionals in track two
times Branch said.
In his senior year, Branch
received the most improved back
and acheivement awards in foot-
ball. In addition, he received the
most improved track runner as
When first coming to ECU
Branch was a tailback. "When I
got here I played tailback, but the
coaches needed a fullback. I said
you can put me anywhere you
want as long as I perform and do
well at it he said. "I feel that
anywhere I go or anything I do, if
I want to play, I'll have to work
As a result of his hard work,
Branch received the Rick
Bankston Memorial Award for
outstanding scout team play in
1981. The award is given to the
best all-around player who works
hard in any position. "I played
tight end, fullback, tailback
receiver ? anything they needed
me to do
This fall looks to be tough for
the Pirates, but Branch is confi-
dent and has set some goals he
hopes to accomplish by the end of
the season. "I've got a goal to set
in rushing. I'd like to rush for a
1000 yards. By playing behind
Byner and watching him get seven
or eight hundred yards a season, I
know I can do it he said.
"I've got goals like running and
blocking well, and just being
healthy. I'm concentrating on the
fall and not even thinking about
professional football ? that's
behind me right now
Branch feels the key to his suc-
cess is leadership. "You got to
have leadership to be a leader.
You can never be better than what
you are, but you always have
places to improve yourself
In academics, Branch is very
proud of himself. "I got a 3.5 to
3.7 first session and I should pull
between a 3.0 and 4.0 for second
session. Academically I'm doing
Branch majors in correction
and intends to pursue a career in
that field. "I want to be a
counselor. I can really work well
with kids. I'm going to get my
degree and then worry about the
"I'm getting some of my col-
lege work done plus I can work
out better than I can at home.
Here I'm motivated by the other
players and I motivate them too
Branch said.
Commenting on Florida State,
the Pirates first game of the 1984
season, Branch said "we don't
have that much time. I hope the
guys at home are working hard
because we're working really hard
here in Greenville. All we got to
do is get out there and be ready
for them and perform.
"Three of four guys on Florida
State went to my high school and
they'll be up for us because of
what we did last year Branch
Some of the harder teams the
Pirates will be facing this season
include Florida State and Pitt-
sburgh. "But Branch added in
reference to clubs like Southern
Mississippi, N.C. State, and
South Carolina, "the smaller
teams you don't worry about arc
the ones that beat you. We'll be
up for every game
Apparently Florida, Miami and
Florida State looked at ECU as a
little team. Suprise! "They looked
at us like you guys aren't even
known, you're no good. We
showed them what we were made
of, unfortunately we came up
short. The whole team shared the
losses Branch said.
The Pirates had a tremendous
1983 season compiling an 8-3
record, but are faced with another
tough schedule this fall. Making
his last remark and possibly
foreshadowing what is to come of
the 1984 season, Branch said " It
would be nice for me and the
other seniors to play in a bowl
Former Pirate running back Sam Harrell rose from obscurity in the NFI t? th? ir?n? i .
before a mid-season injury sidelined him. "flinty in the NFI to the USFL's leading scorer
NCAA Football
TV Or Not To Be?
Former ECU baseball coach Hal Baird
Sam Harrell is one of a growing
number of former East Carolina
players now in the pros, and it's
athletes such as he that have
helped build a football program
capable of competing favorably
with any team in the country.
Baird Named
Region Coach
Former ECU baseball coach Hal Baird,
who led the Pirates to an ECAC South
Championship and a berth in the NCAA
playoffs, has been named East Region
Coach of the Year by the NCAA.
Under Baird this season, the Pirates tied
a school record with 34 wins, while also
turning in their best ever post-season per-
formance by capturing third place in the
NCAA Southern Regionals.
Baird resigned his post at ECU in May
to become head coach at Auburn. During
his five years at the Pirate helm, Baird was
responsible for producing two nationally
ranked pitching staffs while compiling a
145-66-1 record.
Baird pitched for ECU in the early
seventies, and played seven years with the
Kansas City Royals before returning to
Greenville to coach.
Although last week's Supreme
Court ruling stripped the NCAA
of its exclusive right to televise
college football games, according
to ECU Assistant Athletic Direc-
tor Ken Smith it is still uncertain
whether the Pirates will be ap-
pearing on television this fall.
Although the Pirates would be
part of any package approved by
the committee, they would still be
able to negotioate other games on
their own.
Before the court's ruling, Smith
said he had talked with several in-
dependent operators and local sta-
tions who might be interested in
producing a package for ECU. So
even if the Pirates don't go na-
tional, it does appear that several
games will be aired loailly.
Shews' '$
ECU is a member of the College
Football Association, who recent-
ly joined forces with the Big 10
and Pacific 10 conferences to
form the Football Television
Planning Committee. That com-
mittee includes every major foot-
ball school in the country, and
Smith said ECU is waiting until
their package has been disclosed
before they take any action of
their own.
"The whole situation is ex-
tremely chaotic Smith said.
"Since the NCAA isn't involved
it's like starting from scratch all
over again
The committee met in Chicago
over the weekend, and from what
Smith understands a format is
under discussion in which viewers"
would get to see three college??- ?iiimm
football games (approximately at Although the NCAA lost its power to controTtetevUed Liu??
12, 3:30 and 7 p.m.) on Saturday games, the Pirates still might not be o. TV SktS

m l Whenever a couple of
old friends get together and
haven't seen one another for a
while, they usually have a whole
lot to talk about, right?
Of course they do, and maybe
that'll help you understand the ex-
change between San Diego's Kurt
Bevacqua and San Francisco's
Steve Nicosia when they ran into
each other again for the first time
Register For
This Session's
IRS Activities
Ell lainuaartli
If you're not careful, they just
might get you ? the IRS!
No, not the infamous money
monglers ? the Internal Revenue
Service. But, the "givers of god
times"? the Department of In-
tramural Recreational Services.
We have tax free entertainment
and exercise all for a phone call or
a visit to Memorial Gymn.
You may not be Larry Bird or
Magic Johnson, or even a close
comparison, but you still have the
chance to show your basketeball
finesse during one-one one com-
petition this session.
Come sign up to play Julv 2-5.
Games do not start until July 9 so
you still have time to tighten those
high-tops and dribble out to
Memorial Gym for practice.
Bring your trusty steed to Col-
lege Hill, pack an extra pair of
:hoes (for him) and compete in
-he Horse Shoe tournament
Thursday. July 12 at 3:00 pm.
t ou must come register Julv 9 or
10 to be in the running.
Afterwards, you can ride on out
to Jarman's Stables at 4:00 pm
and travel the "lonesome trails"
of Greenville. The cost is
S5.00 hour with transportation
provided. Advanved registration
is required.
in a while not long ago.
Bevacqua was standing by the
batting cage waiting his turn to hit
and Nicosia passed him on the
way to the Giants' dugout. The
two have known each other since
they were kids.
Without even bothering to say
hello, Nicosia casually asked the
Padres' pinch hitter and
"You playing today?"
?? Bevacqua retorted.
We re trying to win
Kurt Bevacqua is full of
onehners like that. He has been
tossing them around from the first
day he broke into the majors with
Cleveland 13 years ago. Since
then, he has traveled around quite
a bit, making stops at Kansas Ci-
ty, Milwaukee, Texas, Pittsburg
and San Diego in the big leagues
and with Portland, Ore
Spokane, Wash and Tucson'
Ariz in the minors. But he has
never permitted the continuous
pressure of earning his daily bread
change his casual.almost off-hand
approach to the game.
Bevacqua's laid-back style and
manner have become something
of a personal trademark, and in a
calling where so many of his
fellow competitors are more than
a little tense and uptight, his
modus operandi makes him all the
more unique because he can't
remember the last time he had a
regular job. Actually, he never
has had one in all his time in the
You haven't heard a whole lot
about Bevacqua this season.
That's no surpise. He's not in the
same category as Tony Gwynn,
Steve Garvey, Kevin McReynolds
or Alan Wiggins, all of whom are
largely responsible for the Padres
2 12 game lead in the National
League West.
But in his own way, Bevacqua,
the Padres' pinch hitter deluxe, is
contributing substantially toward
getting the Padres into the World
Series for the first time in their
15-year history.
Bevacqua is a baseball handy
Andy. He can do anything for
you, pinch hit, fill in at third, first
or in the outfield and probably
even pitch if he had to. Ask Dick
Williams, the Padres' manager,
what a guy like Bevacqua means
to a ballclub. You can't measure
Bevacqua's entire worth merely
by the fact he has appeared in on-
ly 20 games so far. He shows a
.316 batting average with six hits
in 19 times up and that includes a
home run, a double and five
Despite his penchant for those
one-hners, Bevacqua doesn't fan-
cy himself a stand-up comic or
witty monologist like Joe
Garagiola or Bob Uecker. Still he
always seems to come up with wry
and incisive comments on so
many unrelated subjects.
"People swear I sit down and
think up many of my remarks to,
them beforehand Bevacqua
says. "That's not true. How can I
do that when I have no idea what
they're gonna say to me?"
Bevacqua's proclivity for puns
and critticisms should not be
taken to mean he lacks any com-
petitive or business sense. He has
Last year, he was the NL's No.
1 pinch hitter among those who
had at least 20 opportunities, bat-
ting .412 with 14 hits in 34 tries,
with one homer and 16 RBI. He
drove in runs in 12 of his pinch
hitting appearances. Bevacqua
has batted .383 as a pinch hitter
his last two seasons for the
Padres, going 23-for-60.
"If you'd ask me how I
describe myself as a ballplayer
I'd say 'experienced Also for-
tunate, in a way, that I believed in
myself when other people
didn't Bevacqua says
"What I'd like to do this year is
the same thing I did last year ? be
the best pinch hitter in the league
again. Regular job? I've stopped
thinking about it. I had a
legitimate shot at a regular job
n-nh 7,exas in 1978? but blew it.
Billy Hunter was the manager and
he put me at third in the middle of
the season. I was outstanding in
the field, but I didn't hit
Bevacqua has always been good
at driving in runs. Although he hit
only .244 overall last year he
drove m 24 runs in 74 games and
the same number in 64 games the
previous season.
"I've got the attitude now that
when I go up to pinch hit, I have
the advantage over the pitcher
he says.
Bevacqua is one of ihose
ballplayers who DOES talk to
"I'm one myself he laughs.
He's referring to the partial
ownership he has in "Baseball
Gold a baseball newspaper in
San Diego.
"I might start my own
newspaper some day he says, no
longer laughing. "It's a rugged
business, but I like it. I enjoy
advertising and marketing
Bevacqua never puts any
restrictions on himself He
doesn't believe in them.
"I'm looking at the Hearst Cas-
tle in San Simeon he volunteers
the information.
"I'm thinking about buying
That makes him start laughing
"Look he says when he
finally stops, "you have to start
somewhere, don't you?"
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The East Carolinian, July 5, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 05, 1984
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