The East Carolinian, June 28, 1984

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Serving the East Carolina rnP ?
Win" campus community
Thursday June 28,1984
since 1925
8 Pages
Circulation 5,000
State Legislature's
Approval Expected
For Building, NMR
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
"?IL JOHNSON - ECU Photo Lob
&U? Jd' " ?riat"io? ??
M?u?iaf Editor
The supplementary budget ex-
pected to pass Wednesday was
held up when differing versions
nf fKaPVed by the two h?uses
?i thke NC. General Assembly.
The hold-up over a controversial
House amendment on abandoned
nazardous waste dumps kept ECU
from officially getting $14 6
million for the construction of a
new general classroom building
rhAS?,St?,t. t0 the Chancellor
Charles Blake said Monday that
J7 million was expected to be ap-
proved for ECU for capital im-
provement items. In addition to
tne building, monies should be
made available for completing the
renovation of Wright Auditorium
and the purchasing of a nuclear
magnetic resonance instrument
for the medical school.
Blake said there was a consen-
sus on the budget from both the
House and Senate committees.
fcCU s money is not expected to
be affected by the current impass.
The delay m approval because of
tne House amendment would
either mean a compromise or sen-
ding the bill to a conference com-
mittee. Either way the budget dif-
ficulties are expected to be resolv-
ed by Friday.
ECU got a good portion of the
capital improvement funds for the
16 UNC-system schools. The
General Assembly likes to spend
it s excess funds on one-shot
items, Blake said, especially if the
project has already been approved
once. The building, which spurred
some controversy when the plans
were first announced, should be
under construction within the next
six months.
The Wright Auditorium project
calls for $1.8 million to upgrade
the seating and sound system to
create a top-flight concert hall
Blake said Chancellor John
Howell was pleased with the
General Assembly's actions.
The new budget, when approv-
ed, would also give ;U1 ECU and
other state employees an across
the board 10 percent pay raise
Blake said the raises are ex-
pected to help in recruiting and re-
taining superior facuky members
Academia is very competitive in
North Carolina, and with the
raises and other changes, ECU
should get its share of good
All the new expected monies
should make ECU s expected
share of the pie more than $25
- ?v giuup 01 iresnmen-to-be escan- un ?jh s, . "?' ??" !??????? unemauon session. - , ? V1 "? ?ie ouaget dif- choro r .u ? "
-y uoe P Wnen will it ever end? un Acuities are expected to be resolv ?"? the p,e more than $2-
STfeJpproves ??king Age Increase;Bill Sent To House
Spurred by pleas to savLhunL "Si " ?? provision, the ?? ? Wf, XV AMUM&V
Spurred by pleas to save hundreds
of young lives per year, the Senate
icaerai Tiigtway construction
funds for states that do not enact
a 21 -year-old drinking age within
two years.
The measure was adopted
despite the protests of conser-
vatives, who said it would curb
states' rights and discriminate
against young drivers But
backers argued it would stem
highway deaths, especially those
of young people who drive over
blood borders" to neighboring
states to drink.
The drinking age provision
would cut federal highwav con-
?0r"ct,?" .f"nds 5 Percent in fiscal
18 . which begins Oct. 1, 1986
and 10 percent in fiscal 1988 for
states that do not raise the'r drink-
ing ages to 21. It wasanamend-
Fall Semester
ment to a child safety bill.
Offered by Sen. Frank R.
Lautenberg, D-N.J it would also
add 5 iercem to hiahway safety
grants for states imposing man-
datory jail terms and license
revocation for drunk driving of-
The House adopted a drinking
age amendment to a different bill
June 7 ? and not including the
mandatory sentencing provisions
? so another House vote will be
needed. President Reagan endors-
ed the drinking age proposal June
The chief sponsor of the House
bill, Rep. James J. Howard
D-N.J said, "The chances are
very good that we will have a
21-year-old minimum drinking
age pass the House again before
the July 4 break which begins
Before adopting the Lautenberg
provision, the Senate defeated
65-32, a rival approach offered by
conservative members to add 5
percent to a state's highway safetv
money for enacting a 21-year-old
drinking age law, 5 percent more
tor mandatory sentencing and 1
percent more for every 1 percent
decrease in alcohol-related deaths
Twenty-three states have
21-yMT-oM drinking laws, in-
cluding four that approved them
this year. In North Carolina, the
minimum age for buying beer and
wine is 19 and for liquor is 21.
Lautenberg said his approach is
the most effective way to end a
"crazy quilt of drinking ages in
neighboring states
'There is no way to address the
needless tragedy of young people
driving into neighboring states
without a uniform drinking age "
Lautenberg said. "It's time to use
the stick ? sparingly but effec-
The National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration estimates
that 1,250 lives a year would be
saved by a higher drinking age,
Lautenberg said. Half the
nation s teenage highway deaths
are caused by drunk driving, he
said, and although teenagers ac-
count for only 10 percent of
dnvers, they are involved in 21
percent of alcohol-related
highway deaths.
The Lautenberg proposal also
had support from law enforce-
ment and insurance groups,
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
the American Medical Associa-
tion, and the National PTA The
Presidential Commission on
Drunk Driving recommended
such an approach in a report last
December. But opponents, who
favored the incentive approach,
said the Lautenberg proposal
tramples on states' rights by forc-
ing a federal law on them.
"What shall be next?" asked
Sen. Gordon Humphrey, R-N H
who offered the incentive amend-
ment with Sen. Steve Symms,
R-Idaho. -Shall we force states
through coercion to mandate use
of seat belts?"
"Where do we stop enlarging
the power of the federal govern-
ment and protect the sovereignty
of the states?" Humphrey asked.
The U.S. Student Association
which argued in concession hear-
ings against a higher drinking age
endorsed the Symms proposal
Monday. Lautenberg said the stu-
dent group's support is evidence
the Symms measure would not
Since, if the bill is passed, states
will have a choice in whether they
raise their drinking age, it is possi-
ble that some would not. Dr
NighlDe8e Programs To Be Offered
ln?l aVaable to eve?g students. .
Thomas Eamon, an associate pro-
fessor in the ECU Department of
Political Science, does not think
this will happen. "I suspect, given
states' hunger for money, most
states would go along with it he
In addition, Eamon said he
beheves a majority of a state's
citizens would favor the bill
Between that and a cut in
money, most states would go
along with it he said.
Eamon said there arc good and
bad points to the proposed in-
crease. An argument of those who
favor the bill is that "although it
would be difficult to enforce, it
would cut down on drinking and
driving" he said. On the other
hand he said, if the law is not en-
and if there is a law that people
don t respect, it will break down
respect for law in general
Undergraduate degree
5" " 10 subject areas will be
offered at night by East Carolina
2S!K be?innin8 with the
1V84 fall semester.
ECU officials said the evening
degree programs will be made
available through the University
College, Division of Continuing
Education. Academic advising
the Counseling Center and other
ottices of student services will be
s7uafi, aVai'able t0 eVenin
With the evening degree pro-
grams, ECU joins many other in-
stitutions across the country
which make education programs
available to "non-traditional"
students, persons who because of
family or job responsibilities, can-
not be regular, full-time or day
students, officials said. Evening
degree programs are designed to
draw less distinction among full-
time, part-time and adult
"This will draw less distinction
and remove some of the tradi-
tional, and somewhat artificial
limits as to when in a person's life
he or she may be a college
student said Dr. Angelo A
volpe, vice chancellor for
academic affairs.
ECU officials said the rapid
growth of eastern North Carolina
has resulted in greater demand for
additional educational oppor-
(CPS) ? Most college students
now oppose legalizing marijuana,
a new survey of student attitudes
has found.
Two out of every three college
students oppose the legalization
of marijuana, Newsweek On
Campus discovered in a survey of
some 500 students nationwide.
In a comparable college survey
ttkenm 1975, 52 percent of the
American college student body
favored legalizing use of the drug.
Now, 52 percent of 1984's
students have used marijuana. In
??t e numbcr as 64 percent,
'nat information is com-
parable with our field studies and
mgh schooi surveys which indicate
drug use is declining in the
younger population says Edgar
Adams with the National Institute
on Drug Abuse in Washington,
Students are using far fewer
drugs than their counterparts of
the late sixties and early seventies
Adam says primarily because of
the health hazards associated with
frequent use.
"The perceived harmfulness of
marijuana is increasing. Sixty-
three percent of the high school
student surveyed last year said
there was great risk in smoking
marijuana regularly, compared to
only 35 percent who felt that wav
m 1978 he notes. y
Although the generation that
made drugs popular during the
sixties and seventies will continue
to show higher levels of drug use
for some time, Adams says, to-
day's students use illegal
substances in a more restrained
less frequent way, even though
many of them may have grown up
seeing their parents use drugs.
tunities for personal and profes-
sional development.
The degree programs to be of-
fered by the College of Arts and
Sciences and The School of
Technology include subject areas
of Anthropology, Business
Education and Administrative
Services, Driver and Traffic Safe-
ty, Economics, English (concen-
tration in writing), Geography,
History, Industrial Technology
Psychology and Sociology
Overall, marijuana use reached
its high point in 1979, Adams
says, when 39 percent of the
Americans in the 13-to-25 age
poup reported they were current-
ly using marijuana.
By 1982, the 1?. year for which
statistics are available, that figure
had dropped to 27 percent
Over half of the students who
use pot or other drugs do so for
jrf ?" Campus survey
shows. Thirty-two percent of the
respondents use chugs to relax
percent "to be sociable
College may even cause
students to use fewer drugs ?
cording to the study.
Eighty percent of the students
?y they started using druS
before entering cuegTover 60
percent of the students says they
use fewer drugs than before com-
ing to campus.
Yet, excluding alcohol and
cigarettes, marijuana is still the
drug of choice on campus, follow-
ed by cocaine, barbiturates, am-
phetamines, LSD, PCP and
Cocaine's rise in popularity
may simply mean more people
have tried the drug, not necessari-
ly that more people are using it
regularly, Adams says.
Adams believes cocaine is too
expensive for students to use
Indeed, the Newsweek On
Campus survey found that sixty-
eight percent of the students
surveyed say they don't spend any
money to get their drugs.
Twelve percent of the students
have worried about being too
dependent on narcotics.
- . "???- JOHNSON ?
Things Mom Never Told You
rvthin vnn aim . .

lbu!ePvei,tion Prgrams Not Working Well
drinking abuse orevenrinn 1 uB ?ne. however? Questions cd that student nrohlm HHn? Cf
(CPS) ? Most of the student
dnnking abuse prevention pro-
grams on the nation's campuses
aren't working well, a University
of Pittsburgh psychology pro-
fessor contends.
A thorough review of the pro-
grams presents "no evidence that
anything that has been done
works in changing attitudes,
knowledge or behavior asserts
Howard Blane. a professor of
education and psychology at Pitt.
Blane's criticism of" existing
campus programs caused a major
stir at the recent convention of the
American College Health
Association in Atlanta, if only
because so many campuses have
begun abuse prevention programs
in recent years.
Almost 80 percent of the na-
tion's colleges now have some
kind of program, a Radford
University survey recently found.
That represents an increase of
some 300 colleges betweo 1978
and 1982.
Blane, however, questions
whether the programs are doing
any good. He says they are often
directed at the wrong people,
"For every 100 youngsters in
college, 70 to 80 percent drink in
ways that are not hazardous, he
says. "You want to focus on the
other 20 to 30 percent. But all col-
lege programs focus on the stu-
dent body as a whole. Yet most
students, rightly, don't see
themselves as problem drinkers
Problem drinkers often don't
see themselves as problem
drinkers, either, and aren't likely-
to benefit from programs that
say, 'Call the counseling center '
Research shows that students with
substance abuse disorders don't
use counseling centers very
much Blane adds.
As proof, he points to a
federally-funded program at the
University of Massachusetts-
After five years, research show-
ed that student problem drinkers
got drunk an average of four
times a month instead of five
Blane is "focusing on just one
part of our evaluation counters
Dr. David Kraft, head of UMass's
health services and of the campus
alcohol abuse prevention pro-
He argues the program helped
make other, more subtle changes
in student drinking habits.
"Individual reported drinking
behavior didn't decrease he
concedes, "but in the dorms,
there were changes
The kinds of refreshments serv-
ed at dorm parties changed,
students confronted drinking
students more frequently over
disruptive behavior, and traffic at
the counseling center increased,
he points out.
"Blane is right in criticising this
(educational) approach if it stops
there says Dr. Peter Claydon,
Gay Students Want Married
director of Cal-Santa Barbara's
AicoM and Drug Awareness
An awareness, educational pro-
kfoUSi: if vou ?ve students
rr K.?n;hcy would mae
responsible (drinking) decisions
22??S ?? "But therc
some students for whom this
doesn't work
Blane's convention attack on
campus prevention programs was
BACCHUS, one of the biggest of
the awareness programs.
BACCHUS, which stands for
Boost Alcohol Consciousness
SST the Hea,th of Univer-
sity students, is now on some 153
campuses, reports Gerrardo Gon-
zales, assistant dean of student
services at the University of
Florida and BACCHUS's na-
tional coordinator.
Gonzales says BACCHUS's
(CPS) ? Gay students at
University of California at Sai
Barbara have lost the first roui
in what promises to be an ongoi
battle to get the campus to It
them rent rooms in the campus'
family housing complex.
Despite appeals to the U C
System's general counsel, two
Santa Barbara students, Veronica
Padilla and Laurie Smedlev, a les-
bian couple, are leaving campus
this spring defeated in what they
see as the first of a series of tests
of the University of California's
new non-discrimnation policy giv-
ing them the same right as amar-
ned, heterosexual couple to live in
married housing.
The system's non-
discnmination policy, which the
regents passed unanimously last
June, specifically forbids any of
the nine U.C. campuses to
discriminate on the basis of a per-
son's sexual orientation.
Because gay couples legally can-
not marry in California, Padilla
and Smedley claim "denying
(married) housing discriminates
against us on the basis of sexual
School officials disagree.
"I'm not aware of any other
U.C. campus that has family
housing not administered the way
we do Housing Director Everett
Kirkehe told the student paper last
Kirkelie, who would not res-
pond ro repeated phone calls from
College Press Service, contended
the non-discrimination policy
does not require the school to pro-
vide same-sex housing.
Under current policy, students
must be married or have legal
custody of a child to live in family
"(Padilla and Smedley) ar not
being discriminated against
adds Ernest Zomalt, assistant
chancellor of student and com-
munity affairs. "They are just not
eligible for housing according to
the specifications of the policy
Ultimately, however, "all such
matters on a campus level if
unresolved, will go to the presi-
dent of the system and then to the
board of regents if necessary
says Lilia Villaneuva, a U.C.
system spokeswoman.
Copenhaver says gay students
in the system intend to keep trying
to force the board to enforce the
non-discrimination policy in all
"Starting over the summer and
over next year (compliance with
the policy) will be one of the big-
gest issues we'll be pushing he
'Wnen you take into account
ROTC, which bars homosexuals
frm enlisting in their campus-
based military training program,
campus placement center
employers who discriminate on
the basis of sexual orientation,
and many others, the university is
going to be pushed to make a lot
of changes he says.
ADDcations are requestea from mose person,
?are terwtw ,n becoming pTrsSSJ
'ai?ESeAmlNDrTS ?"? ?
'erwtefl m anyone wno has a backoroona of
??.n. ??. witn tneir activXa "
oeeI Student Serv.ces. 212 Whicharc Building
tasf Carolina University, Phone 757 6799
A study is being conducted at the ECU Speech
and Hearing Clime to determine the difficulty
fearing impaired students may nave in
discriminating words in foreign ianguages Hear
ng imDaired volunteers 18 to 28 years of age are
Tf for 8 simP'e faring test and word
discrimination tasks No foreign language
background ,s necessary Please contact Mrs
Met, Down. DeMnmen, ? SpeeefLanfloaBe
and Auditory pathology, 757 6961, ext 270.
Want to see Broadway musicals for free' Usher
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Retail grocery and fast food positions available
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Some with accomodation assistance. Contact C
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Audit under supervision of senior accountant-
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tact Co op Office 313 Rawl Bldg
The Baptist Student Union has dutch dinners
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A variety of Fillets,
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7V2 0Z.
rapid growth over the last two
years is "evidence" that campus
attitudes are changing.
He readily agrees awareness of
abuse problems probably isn't
enough to change behavior.
"There are a number of op-
tions, but they must be tied
together into a comprehensive
program" if they're to change stu-
dent behavior, he says. "Tighten-
ing policies won't do it alone.
Awareness measures won't do it
alone. Balance is needed. Pro-
grams are beginning to evolve in
this direction
At UMass, for example,
tougher rules now hold students
responsible for their drunk
behavior, Kraft says.
"Drinking is no longer con
sidered a mitigating
circumstance he says. "It's no
longer If you were drunk you
won't be held accountable The
student has to take responsibility
for the consequences of his drink-
"There's a lot of effort, much
wasted Claydon says. "Blane's
plea is to harness energy, use more
refined ways" to moderate cam-
pus drinking.
"I suggest that programs
should look at the students who
have problems, and put them in a
high-intensity program, rather
than focus on the entire student
body Blane says. "The entire
student body is not at risk
Advertise With
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Ladies Light
Happy Hour til 11:00
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Regular Concert Doors Open at 8:30
items ana Pr ces
Effective Tnrj sat
June 50 198a
Copyrlgnt 1984
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m Wishbone
Pried Chicken
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(CPS) ? It appears tc be q
season on colleges that wanl
adopt new names to help rec
students and faculty member
Last week, a Louis
legislative committee approve
bill that will keep the Umve
of Southwestern Louisiana t
changing its name to the Univ
tv of Louisiana.
And on June 12 North Dai
voters will go to the polls to de
if Minot State College can ch
us name to Dakota North we;
In Louisiana, the state Boar
Trustees abruptly voted in e
May to change the name of I
to the University of Louis 1a
order to help recruit better fa
The change was a big hn
campus administrators, whe
Purses S
t?ff Writer
Two purse thefts and vai
to a window and doer contnbu
to campus crime last week.
Reported crimes for I
June 21, 8p.m. Sgt m
reported a license plate n
from a state vehicle parke
side Minges Coliseum
June 22, 2.20 a.m. - jCS(
Russell Davenport of
J. Barry DuVall has joined
ECU faculty as professor
chairperson of the departmer
Industrial and Technical Edu
tion in the School of TechnobJ
DuVall comes to ECU frd
Central Michigan Univers
where he has been professor
chatr of the department of
dustrial Education a!
Herpes Ep
(CPS) ? The campus her
epidemic has subsided, but
news is mitigated bv "alarmj
increases in eating disord
"?-?1tt and -??lrj m
to reports given at the" re-
American College Hea,
Association (ACHA) annual c
vention in Atlanta, Ga.
"The full area of sexual
transmitted diseases is one
which colleges have b?en tan
with a big brush Clif fo
Reifler, a physician at the Urm
sity of Rochester, told the Geon
State University student paper 1;
But in fact, Reiner says, "the
has actually been a decrease
The Eas
Need A Ride?
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g Well
'Drinking is no longer con-
jtred a mitigating
himsfancc he says. "It's no
jger 'If you were drunk you
Vt be held accountable The
lent has to take responsibility
the consequences of his drink-
'There's a lot of effort, much
5;ed Clay don says. "Blane's
a is to harness energy, use more
fried ways" to moderate cam-
suggest that programs
kid look at the students who
k problems, and put them in a
Ih-intensity program, rather
focus on the entire student
Blane says. "The entire
lent body is not at risk
In Concert
Concert at 5:00
Open at 8:30
Coovignt 1984
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??on ca t0 Deaifr
Irs everyday
vd - Greenville
L Wishbone
ried Chicken
adop, new ?SS o help r?ruh u'8 remOVing ,he "S" frora
?? dFf ST ST" C- and?
And on June 12, North Dako.a Buf ?,$1
voters will goto .he polls Io decide also fauffi was
f Minot State College can change Louisiana Star I iniv ?.
S53T Dako,a North? 7- ?S
t In Louisiana, the state Board of K"&?3
Trustees abruptly voted in early JamesWharZ Ch????'
May to change the name of USL Wharton sav .h. ?ki-
to the University of Louisiana in miaak, Z Univershv if i?U'd
order to help recruit better faculty liana for ,J??S22 L
members ' . a ,or a comprehensive umvei-
The change was a big hit with could? 5n? h?f L,SU: and
campus admi?is,ratorsgwho im lobby ?t!KV?o?
Opting For Name
JUNE 2. 1984
"The University of Louisiana
has no ambitions to be a com-
prehensive university says Mike
Maher, the school's news direc-
tor. The name change will just
"make the school competitive in
computer science and other
technological fields
Moreover, "professors want to
go to big-name schools. The old
name sounds like a small school
from a small part of the state
Professors don't apply here
because they assume that a school
with a name like that would not be
a research institution Maher ex-
"I can't envision LSU being
threatened by this name Ray
Authement, president of either
USL or UL, told a state Senate
The committee, however
adopted a measure scuttling the
name change for moment.
"The name change puts one
university ahead of the others at
the disadvantage of the others
and that is wrong explains Sen!
Cliff Newman, sponsor of the bill
opposing the name change.
The bill must be approved by
the entire legislature, but
observers expect a compromise
will emerge before then.
Under the proposed com-
promise, the University of Loui-
siana would get most of what it
wants, but the eight other cam-
puses in the state system would
also have to change their names.
The University of Southeastern
Louisiana, for example, would be
re-named the University of Loui-
siana at Hammond. Grambling
siana ai Hammond. Gram
Purses Stolen, Auditorium Vandalized
would change to the University of
Louisiana at Grambling. Nor-
thwestern State to UL at Nat-
Folks at the old Southeastern
Louisiana campus remain op-
timistic they can keep their new
name, despite the prospect of hav-
ing to share it with eight other
Some suggest the school may
end up in court if the legislature
aoesn t compromise on the issue
Meanwhile, in North Dakota
Minot State College officials are
similarly hopeful they can change
their name.
The feeling is very positive "
reE?Tu Hardy Leberg, the
school s alumni affairs director
'We're getting positive vibes
The school plans to launch a
media campaign this week, com-
plete with mass mailings, a phone
bank, student writing letters to
voters, and campus officials
speaking to service clubs around
the state.
Minot wants to change its name
to Dakota Northwestern to
"reflect what we already are; a
full-fledged university. It's fair
for western North Dakota to have
a university. There are two on the
eastern border of the state
The legislature agreed last year,
but a petition drive led by
businessmen in the eastern part of
the state gathered enough
signatures to force Minot State to
ask the voters for permission to
change the name.
Petition sponsors argued the
state is too small to support three
large universities.
Staff Writer
Two purse thefts and vandalism
to a window and door contributed
to campus crime last week.
Reported crimes for June 21-26
June 21, 8 p.m. ? Sgt. Lawler
reported a license plate missing
trom a state vehicle parked out-
side Minges Coliseum.
June 22, 2:20 a.m. ? Joseph
Russell Davenport of 404
the window in room 141
Biltmore St. was arrested for DWI
on Campus Drive. 12:30 p m ?
An official from the Student Sup- broken
Evans IH of 7un?k Da- ' June 24 Jana John?n of the
was s 1Kb? rook.Qrcle School of Art reported the door to
- t-shirts without Jenkins Auditorium and the
orientation students were found
drinking beer in room 312 of
Aycock Residence Hall.
authorization. 11.30 a.m.
Yvette Ellis reported her purse
stolen from the Personnel Office.
June 23 ? Steven Strickland,
first floor residence advisor of
Garrett Residence Hall reported
? auditorium had been vandalized.
June26, 12:40a.m. -Cynthia
Lynne Harris of Wilson Acres was
arrested for not carrying her
5:15 p.m Sgt. Lawler reported Mfchad SSZ J?. m'
an accident west of Avcock v i 5 MaxweI1 Rodric
Residence Hall involving LMS banned fr0m
bicyclist and a pedestrian. ll:30 sir T n '??' Caro1
- Cpl. Watson reported two iJZVSTZSi

Trade With
The Classifieds
T - 9 " "ai3U" Icponea two dent reported her purse
Industrial Technology chair Selected
J-Ban-y.DuVail has Joined the Technology and nrofeor rtf ?r.? .
J. Barry DuVall has joined the
ECU faculty as professor and
chairperson of the department of
Industrial and Technical Educa-
tion in the School of Technology
DuVall comes to ECU from
Central Michigan University
where he has been professor and
chair of the department of In-
dustrial Education and
Technology and professor of
honors. A native of Richmond,
Indiana, he holds the PhD in in-
dustrial technology from the
University of Maryland and has
BS and MS degrees in technology
from Indiana State University.
At Central Michigan, where he
joined the faculty in 1978, he has
served as vice chair of the council
of chairpersons and as a member
of the university honors faculty
for six years. Previous faculty ex-
perience has been at West Virginia
University and Iowa State Univer-
sity and he also was an instructor
in industrial education at
Maryland. He has nine years ad-
ministrative experience and 16
years teaching experience.
He is the author of more tnan
50 articles and presentations in-
cluding a text, teacher's hand-
book and activity concepts
Elmer Erber (Technology has
been acting chair of Industrial and
Technical Education for some
Sazs ???sntia? I
?- ??-?" ?" w me council years teaching experience. time
?f ps Epidemic Subsides; Depression Increases
eride?- hlL -ases on college campuses, vention did Z - " W8
Offering "A Totally New Concept" with:
Lash & Brow Tinting I
Sculnturfrl Moilc
Indoor Suntans
(CPS) ? The campus herpes
epidemic has subsided, but that
news is mitigated by "alarming"
increases in eating disorders,
tepresslMk. anil ?Jrinr accordnx,
to reports given at the recent
American College
transmits diseases on col 2e ,h?P ?may haVe aba,ed amon8
campuses in no? h gh as in It emin'8'03"0 suicide'
H.hougn ,he for ?rr.aetera?rarfrrOCte,ed
Rdne"s dal?" "i, S ? T8 ??"?S
possible there could be a dec eae H ' V-udeiU health Pro"
whicn colleges-ha-vVbiarred Wffii-?5?S "
w?h a big brush Clifford PaXcker ' PhyS1C'a" There,s ?" question that
Kemer, a physician at the Univer- On the orhr h?nA eatln8 disorders ? such as suicide
sny ofRochester, told the Georgia "more students could'simpfv be h3 "erv0sa and bulimi- - taSSJSj
State Un.vers.ty student paper last going of f campus for nerpTtreat- bKO? S,Uden' heal,h le?e ?"d?'s
issues Dilley says.
Anorexia victims, of course,
slowly starve themselves to death
in obsessive attempts to lose
weight, while bulimia sufferers
gorge themselves with food and
Association (AChX annJaf co KoLHF EKE suicide 55S?F
vention in Atlanta, Ga. ?L? Sl?sUcs. supporting and eatina disorder, Jf?? ?J?.TCe the.mselves to vomit.
"The full area of sexually
transmitted diseases is one in
However, "suicide is our big-
gest and most threatening con-
cern among college students, ac-
cording University of Washington
physician Gordon Bergy
Suicide is still the second
eading cause of death among col-
Tan (
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Serving the East Carotin campus community since 1925
C. Hunter Fisher, .??,?
GREO RlDEOUT. ???, fittor
Jennifer Jendrasiak, ?. ?, j.T. Pietrzak. ?? ?m?
Randy Mews, & Anthony Martin, ???? Manattr
Tina Maroschak, w ?? Dalene Sippel. ? a,
Bill Austin, cm. ?, LlNDA Vizena, a ??ic?
June 28, 1984
Page 4
Let's Not Go Diplomating Again
At one point last year we said
Jesse Jackson would take votes
from Walter Mondale and make
the nomination process a tougher
fight. Well, that happened, but
what we didn't see was the
theatrics and vigor Jackson would
bring to the bland Democratic
nomination process. Yet, now it
seems he's gone a bit too far.
We applaud him for being the
first black to seriously attempt a
run for the presidency, although
his stand on the issues was a bit
murky and naive. But, as far as his
going places, such as Syria and
now Cuba ? well, that's a bit
much, even for a politician.
Jackson thinks he's helping, but
be better think again. A private
citizen has no right to be preten-
ding to conduct official business
with other heads of state. His
grandstanding seems to be part
politics and part ego, but it's most-
ly bad for the United States. Any
contact with other nations that has
anything to do with relations bet-
ween the two countries should be
conducted by an official represen-
tative of our country, not by so-
meone who wants his name in the
A second point is he should
especially not be galloping off to
countries that the United States
does not even recognize
diplomatically. Cuba and its com-
munist government are using
Jackson for publicity in the United
States. What they want portrayed
is "hey, look we are really nice
guys we know better ? but does
Why? Why does he do such
things? We believe it's an exten-
sion of his ego and his little
knowledge of world affairs. Does
he really believe in the fairy tale
world he yearns for if all his posi-
tions on the issues come to pass.
Or is it just a way to say, "I'm for
anything that isn't mainstream
Or is it a way to be a part of history
and massage his ego.
We wish Jackson would stick to
his campaign and keep his nose out
of world affairs. If and when the
voters elect him president, then he
can go to Cuba or wherever ? but
take a seat for now Jesse.
VP Line
Brains Waste Money
Back when I was a magazine editor, I
tried unsucessfully to persuade a promi-
nent writer to conduct an experiment and
write an article about it: How many times
over the course of six months could he get
a West German foundation to fly him to
Europe for a conference?
The Germans, understandably eager to
reassure and characteristically literal-
minded, have a wild passion for financing
conferences, institues, exchanges,
fellowships, toga parties, whatever,
dedicated to freedom, democracy, inter-
national understanding, Atlantic unity
and suchlike values. Much of the money,
about $150 million a year, is funneled by
the government itself through founda-
tions run by the major political parties,
and thence out into the ether.
In a speech to the British Parliament
two years ago, President Reagan praised
the West German world. Who is going to
argue with that?
Congress obUgingly created the Na-
tional Endowment for Democracy, an
"independent" organization (exempt, for
example, from the Freedom of Informa-
tion Act) to receive government money
and pass it on to private groups. Two
months ago, the Endowment started dol-
ing out its first $18 million: large chunks
to subsidiaries of the AFL-CIO, the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the Democratic
and Republican parties, and smaller bits
to other groups.
All was going swimmingly, with $31
million in prospect for next year, when
the House of Representatives on May 31
unexpectedly cut that down to $0. The
cause seems to have been a newspaper
report that the AFL-CIO had spent
$20,000 of endowment money in support
of the victorious candidate in the May 6
presidential election in Panama.
"It would be embarrassing to the
United States' if this came out, said a
(temporarily) secret cable from our am-
bassador there. Endowment officials have
launched an urgent campaign around
Washington to get their money back.
One document they're distributing lists
some of the endowment's proposed good
works. A Washington foundation would
get $50,000 to conduct a "comprehensive
study" of the readership of American
books in the Third World, and produce
"a comprehensive package for action
The "Committee for a Community of
Democracies" would get $73,000 to
finance a "preliminary meeting" to "con-
sider proposals and make recommenda-
tions" for "establishment of an Interna-
tional Institute" to promote democracy.
This is not to be confused with another
"Institute for Democracy to be
established with $249,000 a year to "con-
duct seminars" in Washington and (I love
this) to distribute articles by "100 leading
European intellectuals" to "1,000 in-
fluential media representatives No
grants to the media representatives to read
these articles.
The world needs more human rftuts
and more peace. The world does nu eed
a Center for Human Rights and Peace
Look up "Center" in the D.C. phone
book if you don't believe me. A Free
Afghanistan University will not produce a
free Afghanistan. And giving money to
the Andrei Sakharov Institute of
Washington, D.C, is not the same thing
as giving money to Andrei Sakharov.
What we have here is a pork barrel for
intellectuals. Money for study grants, for
travel, for conferences and especially for
layers of administration ? as the govern-
ment gives money to the endowment,
which gives it to a foundation, which
gives it to an institute to fund a fellowship
program. Jobs for the boys, as Mayor
Daley used to say.
The fact that most of its money will be
squandered is only one flaw in the endow-
ment. The other flaw is conceptual. It's
the money that's not squandered. Pro-
moting American values in the world is a
perfectly legitimate function of govern-
ment, but we already have several govern-
ment agencies doing that, such as the
USIA. More power to them. The
hypocritical, squeamish and ultimately
futile idea behind the endowment is that
the U.S. government can finance certain
activities and yet somehow not be
associated with them. The Panama
episode shows that this won't work. Nor
should it.
In using government funds to meddle in
a foreign election, the AFL-CIO was not
exceeding its mandate. It was doing exact-
ly what endowment grantees are supposed
to do. Whether Reagan is aware of it or
not, the West German program he ad-
mires so much, the one the endowment is
modeled on, is itself modeled on the ef-
forts of the Socialist International to en-
courage mutual support among social
democratic parties around the world. The
inherent assumption is that class interests
cross national boundaries.
As a journalist, I anticipate an unen-
ding bounty of embarrassing revelations
if the endowment is revived. As a tax-
payer, though, I wonder by what logic I
am obligated to help fund the business
establishment's choice in foreign elec-
tions. And if this is our new theory of
democracy, shouldn't we repeal our own
law against political contributions from
foreigners so that other governments can
finance candidates in American elections?
Or is the theory actually that we can do
unto other people's elections, but they
can't do unto ours?
An operation that is not accountable to
the democratic process here and contemp-
tuous of the democratic process abroad is
no way to promote democracy. This is not
naive fastidiousness. It's practical sense.
Of course there are foreign elections
where democratic forces are contending
against undemocratic elements which
hope to make this election the last. If the
anti-democrats are getting help from out-
side, a good case can be made that the
democrats ? all the democrats ? should
get help too.
I was walking down the street minding
my own business when I passed the
"Mondale for President" headquarters
building. There was a long line out
front, and I asked a man what was going
"The candidate is interviewing people
to be his vice president he replied.
"What did he do ? put an ad in the
paper?" I asked.
"Not exactly. But he put out word to
all the leaders of the unions, women and
minority groups that he'd talk to anyone
who wanted the job. I heard about it
from my cousin who works with
'Hispanic Joggers for Mondale "
"I didn't know Mondale had time to
see everyone who wanted to be vice
"He has nothing else to do until the
July convention. By interviewing vice
presidential candidates he can keep his
name in the paper. You want to get in
"It looks awfully long
"That's what I thought, but it moves
pretty fast. Every once in a while a
volunteer brings out coffee and
doughnuts so it isn't as bad as vou
I had nothing to do for the afternoon
so I went to the end of the line. There
was a woman senior citizen in front of
Family Fun?
"You going to go for it?" I asked her
"Why not?" she said. "He's going to
need a woman on the ticket, and he also
needs the senior citizen vote. I could be a
"Do you think you're up to being vice
president of the United States?"
Art Buchwald
"As far as I can tell, a vice president's
main function is to go to funerals, and I
go to a lot of funerals
"I understand the vice president also
serves on the National Security
"I thought it was the Social Security
Council she said. "That was one of
the reasons I came down for the job
"Not to worry I assured her. "You
have to go along with the president on
national security anyway, so you just
agree with everything he says
"I hear the job pays pretty good
"You don't get what you would as
vice president of General Motors, but
you won't starve to death
"Well, that's better than being
Social Security
Two hours later I was escorted into
the candidate's office. He was surround-
ed by advisers.
He shook my hand and told me to
take a seat. "What can vou add to mv
ticket?" he asked. ' y
"Well, sir, the way I see it the only
way you can beat Reagan is if you have
the media behind you. If you make a
newspaperman your running mate, I can
deliver CBS, ABC, NBC - and George
Mondale seemed interested. "Are you
"I have the Eastern Establishment
media m my pocket I told him.
"We've been dying to have one of our
own in the White House for years
"Well, it's something to think about.
I'm very impressed with your qualifica-
tions. Leave your name with my
secretary and we'll get back to you
"Thank you, sir I said and left.
I met the little old lady out on the
sidewalk. "How did you do?"
She said, "He was very impressed
with my qualifications and told me he'd
get back to me. Do you think he means
"I'm sure he does. But I wouldn't give
up your Social Security check until you
see what happens in San Francisco
?)1M. to. AafttaiTTa?S?a?cate
'Hey, Let's Go To The Movies'
An abundance of new movies is one of
summer's gifts to America. Each year,
enough cinema is produced to keep even
the most rabid of moviegoers happy,
and even I never get a chance to see theni
But, what I'm here to talk about is the
movie experience. For instance, take the
average American family getting ready
tosctout on a Saturday to catch a flick.
"Come on junior, your father, sister
and I are ready to go. Shut the TV off
and get in the car
"Aw, Mom Junior moaned, "can't
I finish watching 'The Incredible
HulkScoobie Doo Comedy Massacre
show I never see the end. You guys
always want to take us to some dumb
movie on account of this family stuff
"It's fun to go to the movies Mom
said cheerily. "Just the four of us over
to the new Cinema 24. Gee, junior, I bet
some nice movie like Bambi or
something is playing with that many
places to show them
"Mom, have you been forgetting to
take your medication lately. Geez ?
Bambi ? what kind of pervert do you
think I am
Six-year-old Molly and Mr. Smith
were waiting impatiently in the car.
Finally, Junior and Mom came out of
the house and got in the family's station
wagon, a wood-paneled suburban job.
"All right everyone Dad said in a
fatherly tone, "fasten your seat belts.
It's time to roll
"I want to see Body Heat. I hear it's
a, like, bitchin' movie. I mean like soo
cool Molly screamed.
"We'll decide when we get there. Now
be quiet and
"Yeah, shut up Molly Junior yell-
ed. "I want to see Star Trek IV ? Cap-
tain Kirk Saves The World And Opens A
Bakery On Akair VI
"Now, now, children. We're going to
see a nice movie. Now behave so your
father can concentrate on his driving.
You know how he gets nervous on the
expressway ever since he flipped the
wagon on our way home from
Scarf ace"
Junior and Molly weren't listening.
They were getting tired of this Saturday
afternoon going to the movie stuff. Both
had put on Walkmans and were break
dancin' in the back of the car when the
car suddenly stopped abruptly, throwing
the kids into the front seat.
"Well, honey, kids, we're here
"Like wow Molly said. "This new
Cinema 24 is like, you know, like sooo
coool. Like, look at all the bitchin'
movies we can choose from. Ooh
"Oh, Molly dear, I wish you'd stop
talking like that Mom said absent-
mindedly. "Ever since we went to see
Valley Girls Invade Iowa you haven't
been the same.
"Mom, look what's playing ? Sex
Kittens Of New York In 3-D ? let's see
that Junior screamed.
"No Dad said, although thinking
that's exactly what he'd like to see.
"we're either going to see Ghostbusters
or Mr. Rogers Explains Oral Hygiene.
Which one will it be gang?"
"God, Mom, he's the one that's nuts,
not you Junior said. "What's this Mr.
Rogers shit. I'm staying in the lobby and
playing video games if we see that
"Like, uh, me, too Pops
"Okay gang. We'll see Ghostbusters,
but Junior take off those sunglasses
before we go in ? and the Michael
Jackson glove
Dad paid the $25 for the four of them
to see the latest comedy smash, and the
family, after buying four tubs of pop-
corn and six drinks, went in and took
their seats.
"I want to sit up front Junior said.
"Like the front is soo bitchin So do
"No Mom said, as she found a seat
in the back and darted her eyes around
to see if any Gremlins wen; there to at-
tack her. "We have to sit in the back in
case the film breaks and we need to go to
the bathroom for some lemonade
Dad just rolled his eyes and thought,
"Thank God, I'm getting some on the
side from my secretary or I'd ao
"Okay kids he said at last, "let's go
ahead and humor ? I mesa ? be nice
for Mom and sit back here
"Ah, Dad Molly and Junior
screamed. "Do we have to
They did. During the movie, mom
kept hiding her head and looking for
free-floating vapors, but, finally, it was
"That stunk "That was great
"That was bitchin "I hope the mar-
shmallow man doesn't come after us
"Wdl gang Dad said its he took a
long draw on his pipe. (What's in the
pipe with this group of people we can
only guess.) "It's fun to go on a family
outing to the movies. Boy, isn't America
great. Can't wait till next week
The core of the
The mt
. Oii
On Monday, July 2. the
haired orphan with the fJu,
red dress and lovable mutt nj
Sandy will come to Greenvi
the East Carolina Su;
Theatre production of
blockbuster Broadway m
for the entire family,
Scheduled for a six night run
2-7), the overture will begij
8:15 p.m. in McGinnis Th
corner of Fifth and Ea
Jam-packed with tunes sue
"Tomorrow "Easy Str
and "You're Never Fully Dri
' ??
Annie and Sandy nose for
a quick snapshot.
History Of
Skynyrd Bai
Lynyrd Skynyrd forme
Jacksonville, Florida during
and named themselves for a
school gym teacher who w
quite hip to long hair.
members playing on their
release in 1973 included: R
Van Zant, vocals; Gary
Higton, guitar; Allen
guitar; Bob Burns, drums;
Powell, keyboards, and
Wilkeson, bass.
, While playing at an Atlant
JMied Funocchio's, they
heard by long-time musicia
Cooper (who founded Bi
Sweat & Tears) and signed t
??w Sound of the South labe
Produced their debut album
Sac ROCBJN. Page 6

mm a
is later I was escorted into
office. He was surround-
my hand and told me to
hat can you add to my
he way I see it the only
beat Reagan is if you have
vh:nd you. If you make a
ia" ?ur inning mate, I can
ABC. NBC - and George
eemed interested. "Are you
the Eastern Establishment
my pocket i Iold him
en dying to have one of our
white House for vears "
I s something to think about
ppressed with your qualifica-
v? your name with my
W we 11 get back to you
J u. sir I said and"left
NJntle old lady out on the
THow did you do?"
I. "He was very impressed
la.canons and told me he'd
me. Do you think he means
he does. But I wouldn't give
al Security check until you
look at all the bitchin'
i- -hoose from. Ooh
1 V dear, I wish you'd stop
I that Mom said absent-
I tver since we went to see
Invade Iowa you haven't
ok what's playing ? Sex
fe" York In 3-D - let's see
pr screamed.
ad said, although thinking
l what he'd like to see
?r going to see Ghostbusters
irs Explains Oral Hygiene.
nil it be gang?"
m, he's the one that's nuts
Nor said. "What's this Mr
? m staying in the lobby and
1 games if we see that
-me, too Pops
Pg. We'll see Ghostbusters,
Jtake off those sunglasses
o in - and the Michael
p $25 for the four of them
lest comedy smash, and the
buying four tubs of pop-
drinks, went in and took
I sit up front Junior said
pom is soo bitchin So do
said, as she found a seat
id darted her eyes around
lOremlins were there to at-
have to sit in the back in
breaks and we need to go to
I for some lemonade "
plied his eyes and thought,
?? ? m getting some on the
secretary or I'd go
ECU's Medical School
Our Pride And Joy
IT core of the School of Medicine rtm!? " . m
I i ?"? ? " Medlcn. Sdenc BolldnT
n? -M Pngnaa taph? mmdM Md 9ilJ
PomcoieTHaoVS JTSl
College to Greenville
ChL?Wfarthe80'0 "P
port their university.
xa- d? thc existence of ECU'
Medical School. U s
The only medical school in
Xta ?Vu Caro,ina th? ?" "
one in the University of North
Carolina system outside of Chapel
MB. the ECU Med School is a
mschoo, charloTwodd
iJ??1 k Dv orowbeatintt the
CSS t? daWlUlg rUrai ren
needed AS?nS? desately
th? AJtnouh most experts
uoway related, a vote against the
" Kh"l looked liil a vote
against preventive health care for
Members of ECU's first cla? nf
years ago, are just now finishing
ST N 3t h?tPitaJs ac?
Sve ther,h?SeT the ?? tht
gave them their education
bummer Theatre To Perform
On-Monday, Juiy 2, & ? VllUlIIl
But no one can deny that with
or without them, the medTci
school already has caused?
"inWtK in the regn-
m 175, there were 75 phvsi-
Wmiani Pi" Coum dS,
William Laupus saki. "There an.
now 250 to 260 doctors in t"e
SSg 10? ???. in the
,?5Cu tile medical school was
wtabhshed, Laupus said, infant
?Siy in Castern No?h
Carolina were among the highest
? the country. Cancer, heart
disease and diabetes rates ??
weU above state and national
ZTTgely because
tive health care was neither
available nor sought.
"Those rates were comDletelv
But the medical school changed
that. Through its cooperative
association with Pitt County
shoTt H?Tita' the medi
school brought the expertise
c?eSun7t f? bCgin m inSve
care unit for premature babies
cTeltedn neWb?rns- ft -S
created programs to identify
women whose pregnancies would
be high-risk and get them special
HnrT 3lHCare t0 prevem comK
tions and premature births
It brought cancer treatment to
??, Sl?u f0r the flrst te. Pa-
tients who used to travel to
Chapel Hill or Durham for treat
?S can ?et it close to home. The
third and final phase of the cance?
center will open at the hosS
this summer.
Also this summer, open heart
SJ2 J?"rbe availabk inTe"
East for the first time, through the
hospital and medical school Cor
onary catheterization, used to
ortZC and trMt mm9 heart
problems, came to the region
through the school. &
The school also is making conti-
nuing education more available to
doctors who serve the region
helping them abreast of health
care developments It also con-
ducts programs on importance of
regular medical car
Although these specialties and
services have been a boon to the
region the school's primary
responsibility is to provide e
region s residents with personal
Physicians. Primary healthcare -
including family medicine practi-
tioners, gynecologists, obstetri-
cians and pediatriciais - was tne
batte cry of those who fought for
the school. It remains so today
It would just boggle your
mind the percentage of people we
tike to have a personal
Physician said Jam? "ones
r-amily Medicine. The department
2y ?? ?flW bymeSS
school faculty, that offers the
drorrfce35 a nei?hood
n "eU over 50 percent of the
people we see are in that
ZX?nes said "
ment climes before, but never to
someplace where they could
always see the doctor. When we
first opened our doom, we lerl
See Medical, Page 6.
lai"onda. July 2, the curly
haired orphan with the flaming
SffiS T6 ? GreenviIle jn
Theatre nrnHr?na Summer
ineatre production of the
blockbuster Broadway mus cal
11 i , entlre far?Jiy.
2Sc7hedforasix night run (July
III' n ? ?VeUre ! be?in at
81' P.m. in McGinnis Theatre
corner of Fifth nJt p631'
Streets. Md Eastern
-d "You're'NevefFully
Without a Smile K
ed on the famrus ???
character LitUe Orphan Annfe"
The show opens with ll-yold
YL f?Und,in? in a N?w
miss Hannigan (Janice
Schreiber), who hates al? Jh!
cheon, Warbucks (ck McCut-
cheon) who yearns to adopt her
but nobly joins in search for her
real parents. The search becomes
ndDRd'aTfe l? lines of young ladies
Goverment traipse up FVfth SShT815" than fiv'
Avenue and down gg g weight of
umr ewe' ayre' womankind
rea'che?1 Hous.e the show age from 1ZT ,h ? ,
reaches a glonous climax on rhnr ? 2 The 8'rls of the
Christmas morning. maX 0n S?Luvs ?re six (Susan Bramley!
-tumes, a STpAft ? fe. JuharS'
one of musical VafS 22
Oin' 171 luommates-in-misery at the
New York Municipal Orphanaae u
"Anita ?? r Vu ? 31C s caned
Anita, in their review of the
Broadway opening, Newsday
said, iwisajoy, a delight a
bonanza and ; boon to 2
woitiSeCagUe " fire and
a Grammy, five Outer CrScs SSa V for Tuesda;
Circle and seven Drama Dei avShu? (JuIy -7), are
Awards. It has generated a nSjor SteGtaH " pur "aied a?
motion picture starring Carol thmnlh cL Theatre, Monday
Burnett and Albert Finney, a r?sh fS'JP ? ?4
of dolls, a series of books and W-?9a " by ??
li? ran four years on Broad-
3V fOmaA or-
Pict? 9s New Release
Lacks Original Lyrics
"he said at last, "let's go
T,?KAmean be nice
sit back here
?" Molly and Junior
o we have to
During the movie, mom
er head and looking for
apors, but, finally, it was
That was great "
chin Ihopethemar-
' doesn't come after us
Dad said as he took a
his pipe. (What's in the
group of people we can
t s fun to go on a family
ovres. Boy, isn't America
it till next week
Aiurie and Sandy nose for
a quick snapshot.
History Of
Skynyrd Band
Staff Wifer
Lynyrd Skynyrd formed in
Jacksonville, Florida during 1966
and named themselves for a high
school gym teacher who wasn't
quite hip to long hair. The
members playing on their first
release in 1973 included: Ronnie
van Zant, vocals; Gary Ross-
?n?ton, guitar; Allen Collins
guitar; Bob Burns, drums; Billy
P?weU, keyboards, and Leon
wH?son, bass.
While playing at an Atlanta bar
named Funocchio's, they were
neard by long-time musician Al
cooper (who founded Blood.
2S Tcars ?? signed to his
new Sound of the South label. He
Produced their debut album Pro-
See ROCKIN Page 6.
After years of recording
obscure dance albums, the flam
bouyant Prince finally scored with
1999, one of the hottest soul
albums of 1983. Songs like-Little
Red Corvette" and "Delirious"
S?e,?nnCeua name,
and today he is probably the
closest threat to Michael
Jackson's throne Mlcriael
HS' " the anticipa-
non built around "When Doves
97: n11 admit I'm disap-
thZm general- For one
thing, lt isn't the dance album
everyone is expecting. It starts Z
famihar enough, with Prince's
narraaonVCT-syntnesizer leading
rap which keeps you snapping
your fingers. Then, out of
nowhere comes this absurd heaw-
metal guitar solo, totally destroy,
mg the song's melody. '
The next song, "Take Me With
U, is a tender love song with sur-
prisingly subdued lyrics that ac-
tually work - if for no other
reason than to prove that Prince
can write a touching song without
direct sexuaJ references. But, this
S5?!to a fluke as "Darling
Nikki finds our star up to his old
cks: "I knew a girl named
NikkiI guess u could say she was
a sex fiendI met her in a hotel
lobbymasurbating with a
magazine This is just a rewrite
of anything from his previous
25 and' amusing as it may
&?&rwears thin
The only time this record really
"WlSnrL thc hit siney
JJ ves Cry which stand
?P to anything from 1999
Pnnce's vocals are emotional the
song is well-written, and you'et
want from a Prince song? Unfor
tunately hearing this gfeat son
previously only makes the rest 0f
the album pale in comparison.
I consider most of the son?
throwaways written as filler ?S
the movie, which may be the
whole problem with this alhumo
begin with. For the soundtrack
ronunel J? " ?
ray of tunes to accompany the rZ
jure, but his own lintatfons ? a
songwriter are painfully apDJSm
m those damned ZSLSSST
colons he takes througSomtS
These songs may work well nn
film, but on record they're w
m I Would Die 4 U " PHn
TSLnT. n? a manI'm not
a manI am something that vouM
never understandTl wess he
knows what he's talkinf at,ut
after coming from a mJtt?111'
like 199Tfo a ?e?rmrP1C?
uneven qUahtyasd?f SUCh
alh?? PurpU R(dn soundtrack
album, as well as 7990.
available at the Record Bar ?
Carohna East Mall and AeWaza"

Medical III
School ?"?
Continued From Page 5
absolutely inundated. Now th,
5 hool has drawn In ?
7 ?f Physicians who serve that
demand and have taken the
pressure off us "
par? ofECU Medical &h?l was
EfT ? a, natlonw?demovement
for medical schools founded on
oaid6 ?TfhPri
dcvelU ites?, ZZ?
2 2S"1 ?hooh reS to
P, ? -et the
"Family medicine generally has
Rockin' The South
f MHIbuI ?.m.
I Ml
The original members of Lvnvr cl, ?????-???b-
CO Rosso, ???,? ?? ??? U- ?? B?,y PowdI, ???? Vm
Advertise With
The East Carolinian
ComUmmeU Fro? Pe 5
7 Strawberry Alann a
967)CenTh PcPP?n?nts "
stettL ? , r,y P0P"lnty
stemmed largely from the use of
three guitarists, which w? a
novelty at the time. The nine
nmiute "Free Bird" became
22"?mte: Tucsdy Gone?
and Gimme Three Steps" heloed
Robert n?rofS,nte TST
Whos Quadrophenia tour the
follow-up, Second Helping ' Jt
to twelfth and plating in ??
and included number eht
soon became heaKf. Uter m
the year Artimus Pyie ???
Burns and Ed Km? 'cp,acea
before NoWF Jjg?"J
mn.h and included ? ?
"Saturday Night Special a nan
dgun protest scng In 29"?6
Gimme Back My Outlets sold less
but included the mildly popular u
tie cut and "Double Trouble "
Steve Games then .omed, return-
ing the group to a three-guitar
lineup for the live One More from
the Road double aJbum in 1977
Sales went to a new high as the
record went to ninth place and
platinum status. It was recorded
at Atlanta's Fox Theatre and in-
cluded a live version of "Free
Bird" which proved its durability
by hitting the top forty again
Sfcw Survivors was the lar
album of newlv rr?. h?
released ZrT L ded matenal
released before disaster struck It
occame one of their best seller
with "What's Your Name
nth along th "I Kriow A
J2. and the '?nic "That
,nTClJ MJUSt " the ? -asgc
S 107 uSSlSS,ppi 0n October
Ws' istJrs
. Slster Cassie (a band back r
singer), and others. Funher ironv
was disDlav h? u ? , ,ron
uispjayed by the inclusion of
a survival k t" and rhe aiK
replaced. subsequently
Technology At Work
been shut out of the older schools,
which focus more on research "
.l-ha?-becn Willin8 to evo'vf
into this kind of school, there
wouW have been no need for us "
We like to think we're the
people's medical school. Our pro-
gram's designed to keep in tcSS
with the grassroots. If it ever
changes, loses touch with the peo-
down"en WC ?Ught t0 close
rltHv .J?nes said North
Carolina s taxpayers already have
fcCU Medical School.
k theydidn't8et anything else
but the tremendous improvement
in this region's health that has
happened since this school open-
ed, they got their monev's
worth "uiiey s
Re?fT,ed W"h thC ?- ?f Grboro News &
Subs No. 1 Horn & Cheese
No. 10 Turkey & Cheese
For Only $2.69
"your Favorite Beer Is Now A vailab,e
Expires Sundov July 1
1 sm? ??,? wa ?, fmmmm
Admission is Free!
Thursday Night
8:30-11:00 p.m.
ThfAcon?eTt ffl held in front of
McndenhaU Student Center.
Including Skates
Welcomes the Class of 1988 to ECU
Bringing you the best in
dance music & rock n' roll
for 15 years.
ffLoverstake your
East Carolina's Party Center
417Cotanche St.
Downtown Greenville

(AM You Can Eat) & oo
Dinner Buffet-5-?pm
Mo Wed. $3.09
(AH You Can Eat) $2.45
8 p.m. til closing
Video Games Big Screen TV
The Best Pizza In Town Cor ? Cofjn
Hort1 Phone 758-6121 ,otnSt.
Wed: OrtenlMion Pwly. $1.00 Adm. (18 ?? a ??
AU c??.55 0111:00 p.m. JKi d'$200)
TbunCoBegeNile.$1.00Adm. (1?? Adm SI am
All cm.55 . ?:?? p.m j5 f?
S?B: Um" N" m ? ??? Adm. ?.00)
.05 draft while it lasts!
Mon: Orientation Party-$1.00 Adm. (18 vrs Adm ?9 nm
AU cans.55 til 11:00 p.m. &????
The ECU football team face-
PS ?,f Jhc lou8hest schedules u
-school history this fall, and as
Jesuit, assistant coaches are work
ing ovenme to prepare for dJ
opening of fall practice
Third year Offensive Lin,
Coach John Zernhelt hopes to u?
the experience on this year's EC I
team that won him three ACC
championships while he was
player at Man land. He ha
Cotton Bowls, now he wouid
toeturn to a bowl game Jl
Zernhelt is optimistic about the
upcoming season, but said ifsao-
? t0 ?ugh t0 rePce All-
America offensive guard Tern
SSrif S 8?nna Uke a l0t Of
character to even come close to
matching Terry. He had so muc
natural talent"
L I, fCeIs that thc offensive
hne will oe stronger and deecer
overall, with good depth a: each
Position but is still uncertain
who is going to fill the vacated
,?'tC don'r expect ?? freshmen
to become staners Zernhelt ad-
ded 'but there's always a
possibility that they could see a lot
of action. You can never rule
anything out in this game
Other offensive line starters
that were lost to graduation in-
Riggan Is
Local Hero
Women's volleyball plaver
Tammy Riggan of Ehzabethtown
NC was working at the White
Lake pavilhon when someone said
does anyone know CPR"
Fortunately, Riggan had just
taicen a course on CPR at ECU
, According to voileybaJ head
coach Imogene TurnerT "Tfte
unusual thing about the incident
7? iat,CPR is n?nnallv per-
formed for about io to 15
pmutes " After that, the person
is considered unrevivable
But Riggan refused to give up
Performing CPR for 35 ?nut?
as a result, the man was revived
by Riggan and taken to the
hospital where he later mm
reported in stable condition
Lfi?" rsuffered three davs of
result of her persistence to revive
tiie man.
Governor Jim Hunt made a
S? Riggan Page g
Orioles Oi
Hey! Do you think Detroit is
going to run away with the
American League East crown?
Thmk again. The Tigers may be
out in front of second place
to by nine game but watch
behind?,??!? 5? k 12 Ses
behind: the Baltimore Orioles
ntLBlrds fe at e same pace
n? were.Ia$t y" when thev
won the division ude. Whv should
anyone thmk they won't repeat
the same feat? Well, the Birdiare
wlrh KSOUn?a? last year' d
wSn r djU?un of veteran
Wayne Gross at third base, they
2:? more stey come
peptember, the month they usual-
:itLVfidd?ut abcad of ? ?"? of
l Wbl tbout Detroit? Fans
fjjy the Tigs arc so far in front
IaFI1 ?? y mey can blow it.
AU they have to do is play .500 the
re?r of the season. But the
ading factor won't be how the
?fs play; the story will be the
Is sensational as usual August
na September. And with the ad-
aaon of Gross and their typically
?2? Pitching and superb
Jng (they lead the league in
tk?ng percentage thus far), this
should be a repeat of last.
Pitching and fielding. That's
nat wins ballgames. The Birds
h ijUSt i?? dcP m competent
juners: Scott McGregor, Mike
an, Storm Davis and Mike
roit, although leading the
in earned run average,
11 have the proven late
Pitchers. Of tlie Tigs staff,
Jack Morris and Dan Petry
TOwown consistency over a full
?n. At the pace Morris is go-
now, and excluding injuries
"? had a sore arm recently), v

e South
urdaj Night Special a han-
i protest song. in io
ime Hack My Bullets sold less
included the mildlv popular ti-
nt and "Double Trouble "
? Games then joined, return-
he group to a three-guitar
' the live One More From
d double album in 1977
h went to a new high as the
?ent to ninth place and
I Ii was recorded
v Theatre and in-
version of "Free
its durability
rort) again.
s the last
led material
uck. It
Name" at
Know a
m was go-
kynyrd's jet
? hack-up
Further iron)
inclusion of
J the album
? j
? ibseque
E?tant Coaches Anticinatino rTi
a?5 ssffiaw &Mt? ?"uipuiinz rail
The ECU football team faces
one of the toughest schedules in
school history this fall, and i a
result, assistant coaches are work
mg overtime to prepare for the
opening of fall practice
Third year Offensive Line
Coach John Zernhelt hopes to use
the experience on this year's ECU
team that won him three ACC
championships while he was a
Player at Maryland. He had I
taste of the Liberty. Gator and
cotton Bowls, now he would Se
return to a bowl game as a
Zernhelt is optimistic about the
upcoming season, but said it's no
m to be tough to replace All
America offensive guard Terry
iJe that. It s gonna take a lot of
character to even come close to
matching Terry. He had so much
natural talent"
Coach "Z as his players refer
o him -feels that the offens ve
une will be stronger and deeper
overall, with good depth at each
Position but is still uncertain
who is going to fill the vacated
positions. diea
We don't expect any freshmen
to become starters Zernhelt ad-
ded 'but there's always a
possibility that they could see a lot
of action. You can never rule
anything out in this game "
Other offensive line starters
that were lost to graduation in-
I Riggan Is f
Local Hero
Women's volleyball player
Tammy Riggan of Elizabethtown
iS WaS ,WOrking at the White
Lake pavilhon when someone said
does anyone know CPR?"
Fortunately, Rjggan had just
taken a course on CPR at ECU
ccSBU voygW j d
was that CPR is normally per-
formed for about 10 to 15
minutes After that, the person
is considered unrevivable
But R.ggan refused
Performing CPR for 35 minutes'
As a result, the man was revived
b Rjggan and taken to the
hospital where he later was
reported in stable condition
a,rhmfan Uffeed three days of
asthma after the incident as a
th7ma?nf ??
Governor Jim Hunt made a
Jolfn i?ln F1?yd at cener and
Robert?5011 at ri?ht tackle.
Robertson was drafted by the
dev n?h,Phia, Eagles in S
eleventh round and Flovd ha
an?2d a two-year starter
and n d the most valuable of-
?K PTr his junior year- He
coaching and is delighted to have
a chance to gain valuable ex-
wtrilenhe ln hJS futUre Pression
whiles works toward graduation
It fefs good to be on the
SSSlfhS F1?ydau8hed; and
although ,t seems it will be tough
for him to adjust to his new role
as an advisor, he seems determin-
ed to use the same devotion in his
coaching career as it took him to
become an outstanding player.
Rex Kipps, the defensive line
coach, came to the Pirates from a
coaching position at Clemson
V??yu He Plaved at Ferrum
ifRkhSS?and the University
Commenting on the incoming
freshmen, Kipps said "they need
to become bigger and gain
strength. We're going to be the
youngest on defense in a long
!?J Jt0n Guy at defensive
back and Walter Bryant at defen-
sive tackle are two of the
newcomers most likely to see ac-
tion this year.
"The first game tells a lot "
Kipps added, "you just don't
know how each individual will
come along. We'll just have to
wait to see how fast they mature"
Linwood Ferguson is also in his
first year with the Pirates A
former Greenville resident, he
Played at Chowan, then East
Carolina, before becoming the
new secondary coach.
Ferguson is really enthusiastic
about his new position, but is con-
cerned about how to replace free
safety Clint Harris who was
drafted by the New York Giants
"He's such a great athlete it's
tough for anyone who has to
follow in his tracks ? the Giants
got a real fine player.
"Clint's spot will probably be
taken by Vernard Wynn, a red-
shirt junior from Monroe "
Ferguson continued. "He hurt his
ankle two years ago and received
the most courageous award for his
comeback efforts - he runs the
forty-yard dash in 4.3 seconds "
Ferguson also feels that Keith
frord, a South Carolina native
who transferred from Sacramento
Junior College, will challenge
Wynn at free safety.
Describing the strong safety
situation, Ferguson said "there's
going to be a three-way battle We
had so many players hurt for spr-
ing practice that a lot of back-uo
Players got enough experience to
challenge for positions they
wouldn't otherwise have had a
shot at Keith Brown's absence
has really opened a hole

Defensive Back Coach Linwood Funjeson callow ,h " ?& " - v'r ' 555Bm?
See Riggan Page 8
roJreLMartin' a red'shirt se"ior
from West Columbus High
School Randy Bost, a senior
from Kannapolis and sophomore
Gary London, a part-time starter
hkely candidates for the open
position as Ferguson sees it
"At cornerback we should have
Jpg00d J.M rguson said.
Kevm Walker, a red-shirt junior
trom Greensboro Smith and
Calvin Adams, from Southwest
Guilford who's a junior in
eligibility, are leading for the star-
ting role Walk-on Tim Pittman
anally Caparas are dose
Although the Pirate? suffered
heavy Josses due to graduation,
it s obvious from the assistant
coaches that the Pirate; are op-
timistic about thier chances for
a successful season this fall
fv A??? Ulf "own
i V Options Abound
The Supreme Court todav ml ??u
erf that ??u. iuudy rui- tailing outnnr anri ki?
? ? SSSStS5"
. "remneiH ?? miDivine? won'm?"
2fei?! Comeback Trail
going to run awav SSTIk" . 25 to 30 games. B?r .u .
Hey! Do you think Detroit is
going to run away with he
African League East crown?
ol I? The, Tigers may be
out in front of second place
forr?,r by nlne games- but watch
or the team that is 12 ?am?
behind, the Baltimore Orioles
The Birds are at the same pace
won the division title. Why should
anyone think they won'f repeat
he same feat? Well, the Birdsare
just as sound as last year and
with the addition of' veten"
Wayne Gross at third base, they
will be even more steady come
September, the month they usual
he could win 25 to 30 games
even ,f Petry pulls out 20 vie TV' S?Und m?re like a bunch
ffwisa? ?r,n than basebal,
Wilcox (lifetime pitc0eror h L?S? Can - talk
Juan Berenguer (second yea pS ZT" dout Dave Stieb
berwith little experience) P "dffth stru?ng Jim Clancy, the
staff is having a way-above-
average-year. Luis Leal will have
to keep up his blistering pace
aespite his past average perfor-
mance. Who else is left? Doyle
Alexander is too old and the rest
are Cy Awful candidates. The
Baltimore's Tippy Martinez nor
Detroit's troika.
?Mi!wlaukee: Ah, here's a team
Buzz McCallahan
The Supreme Court today rul-
ed hat powerhouse college foot-
nail teams can ignore the NCAA
and cut their own deals with
television networks to broadcast
A,T.he National Collegiate
?Si1?0?ti0n "gwd that
s m.d- 0 to continue
"s jmlhon dollar arrang-
ment: with television networkffo
broadest Saturday afternoo
The justices disagreed
ruling hat the package is anti-
competitive because it reduces the
number of games available to TV
viewers nationwide.
FrT?YU-ing Paves the way for
K.n q Stant Athletic Director
onrLn? f t0 C?nsider his many
ftKJh ?i ?r 8etting the Pirate
98 rtCam ?n te,evisi?n in
184 I ve spent the last three
months talking with networks
independent operators and area
stations who might be intersted in
P?duc'n8 J Package for us this
tall, Smith said.
The court's action keept in ef-
fect a stay issued last Julv bv
justice Byron White, one-time
AH-America halfback, that
S?i?he N,CAA t0 COntinue i"s
normal broadcasting schedule
Jon Png. r the COUrt' Justi?
John Paul Stevens held that the
NCAAs role should be to
preserve "the student-athlete in
higher educationa tradition
mat might otherwise die "
But, the NCAA rules, "by cur-
tailing output and blunting the
ability of member institutions to
S; consumer preference.
the NCAA has restricted rather
than enhanced the place of inter-
collegiate athletics in the nation's
tire, he concluded
In dissent, Justice Byron
White, who granted the original
stay keepmg the schedule in ef-
in'?Trgthatlhecoim erred
?u, .treatlng intercollegiate
athletics under the NCAA's col
trol as a purely commercial ven-
ture, or even primarily, jn the
prusuit of profits "
Justice William Rehnauisr
joined him in dissent ennqu,st
The NCAA's contracts with
tne networks involve $74 3
million in payments in 1983, and
affect audiences of up to 22 5
million for each game broadcast
The television contracts were
challenged by the University of
Oklahoma and University of
Georgia, which want to make
their own deals.
J?? rules restrict them to
six appearences every two years
tacn broadcast can net a schooi
UP to $600,000, plus the atten-
aent national publicity
The athletic association, com-
posed of 785 member coUeaes
and 100 athletic conferences ha
contracts with ABC and CBS ?
auT? aftern??n 8ames eacb
tall. A seperate arrangement with
Turner Broadcasting System
?Mow. the showing of 19 etn
Oklahoma and Georgia, tradi-
tionally big football draws, com-
plained the arrangement was a
monopoly because it limited their
national TV appearences.
Joined by the College Football
f.tl0n a gr0up of maJor
footbaU powers, they also argued
e plan, by offering eLal
payments for every game vis-
ed nationally and regionally
Also the NCAA's threat to expel
31 1 uhat Vi0late the riues is
an illegal boycott, they maintain-
A federal district coun agreed
holding the payment for games'
was un awfully fixed, and?
association placed unreasonable
controls on the schools
The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in Denver upheld the rul-
he TV schedule violates antitrust
games that may be shown
stakffth1 f00tbaJU is at
left -in fthe)owercourtrulin,jis
left alone, the group's fanrm
said. It could affect S
Zn(tlSSful ProfesS
Tat) has P001 d sold
TV nghts as a package to one or
more networks the iwZUZ
were told Justices
. Jhe NCAA's TV deals are
joint venture arrangemems th t
Uo?nmrhte n0t 55 comp
tion, they argued.
One point in favor of rtm,tv
' come out"ahead of t'hTresTof Winning the divisi?n could be he J?'S ? here's a team
the field. ftC rCSt of sensational relief work thus fL hv Li ??uld be in contention if it
But what about Detroit? F?n? "J"0 Lopez' Wi?ie Hernandez S! Started so terribly- The
say the Tigs are o far fn frZ "d P?Ug B? If these Sen Sf T thdr ERA "
there is no way they can blow ? Up the 8?od work the tiZ i S he ,eague and their hit-
AJ1 they have JdoiIpTy 5?Mh. onlv Th I V0 But tha"s he able" mT hTT b,Ut a ??
est of the season But he lin??? keep ? cl?se. games oumA Le Sti11 2I
deciding factor won't h?. hrL ?k l- Detr?11 has its share of good ?S' No chance here.
Tigers play; the story wU be th' fhmers but not hitting with thl JZ?u Y??k: ?" PaPer, these
Bird's sensational sS August ,OUS Set earlier this SSjLi?1 te leading
and September. And w?th the ad f'350 Ater hittin? -300 the fir for h " httin?- If jt "S
dition of Gross anS thd Mcaot m?"th?' the Ti?s have fallen Dve wfnTf;1 batting of
Sa5&s a-M SMttWA1
SSCSBK'at. ?JTe; h0 hover cGargeSteinbren-o?
hurlis sStt MPceaormPS S5 Baltimore's sensa'tio SS1
Dctroi although leading ,he t?&2?SZ2" out??a??s mTZc m Sh0uld re"
SSraSS SS2SSS: .rftr?
season pitchers. Of the Tias staff A T Yu e ?her teams in the Yes SltSSf"
only Jack Morri. .S n5f !2 AL East have a shot at the title? -JS1 BaJtlmore, behind proven
SjtSSS?3 s?SS??aS HSRaa
had a sore a? wenlIy), S.USl S. 2j ? ?JS 5V?2

? ?
Zip Landing
mtr BII?
Following yesterday's Supreme rvr - - ? "
00, ca. aagodo g oL" WU"?? - ????? -P - ??, TOW uy

Navratilova Sweats For Win
lAflti, , ?"2, 7"5 ctory over
iSnHranked.Amy HoUon n the
second round of the women's
reehnalff Jimn,y Connors;
reeling off a string of nine games
m the first and second sets and
another five in the third to wran
up the match, crushed SwS
Davtd Cupper Stefan Simonton
otLt3 2" thc Center Court.
1982 ?S chamPion 1974 and
service" f ?n his "WMe
backhnH "fn ,and trusted
two se in308 tJ;rOUgn the fi?
outer H?nly 56 minutes en
route to third round placing.
Ba" ?ther aetion, Carling
? eeded 16, dumped
rrance s Mane Christine Calleja
Anight Hones
J-l. 6-4. Bulgarian seventh seed
Manuela Maleeva beat Russian
Natalia Reva 6-2, 6-2 and No. 13
Barbara Potter swept past Grace
Kim 6-3, 6-0.
Among the men, No. 16 Tim
Mayotte upset Paraguay's Fran-
cisco Gonzalez 7-5, 7-6, 7-6 and
Rolf Gehnng of West Germany
beat Hungary's Zoltan Kuharsky
7-6, 7-5, 6-3.
Holton, aged 19 and playing
only her second senior season
cnoCa7tr V Nav'atilova to
serUth Caklng thc pion's
serve three times durin the ?
minute matrh t. u- . 65
stream ?f' fashioning a
mi??i ?f winnera from her for
mutable two-fisted backhand.
way '? LTHaSK,PUShing mc ail the
mSjL Navratilova, who ha.
Pledged not to lower her ??.S
accommodate the relative S if
competition as she aims for ?a
third consecutive win at the All
England Club. Afl
3 hhy Knight has hon-
ed he United States Olympic
nnal 12-person roster, cuttins two
guards and two forward of
ficials said today
formi3"3 University Sports In-
formation Director Kit K
tngelhoffer said Knight ?d ?
awistants cut guards Johnny
Zf Louisville and for-
Tim McCormick, of
5SSr - chuck pers?n' of
Klingerlhoffer said there was no
overriding reason for the cms ?
Hawkins and Person will be re
tainea as alternates for the team
auseCormick and SordT
Bafketbaf by- the Nati?nai
Basketball Association, may be
2E? Win a profeJ?
J? m ? P fy good li?ht tennis
said Navratilova. "She was mov-
ing well and hitting my service
really well. I wasn't expecting a ?
down affair ?lI?8 a ne
WahY.Hi,OVa- ,biddin? for a fifth
Wimbledon title and a second
Grand Slam of the major'cW
Pionships, won the first set in 23
minutes behind a model serve and
volley game.
from' hiTf ?" Under Pre?ure
m 1 mu !f fellow American who
mpic Team psr
however, and cranked uHer
Play, serving out to love with one
of her three aces in the final gane
in r' W?? beat Joh" McEnJS
m the final of the French Onen
two weeks ago to infiic? the o2
defeat on the Wimbledon ch2
Pion, looked more comfortiwe
on grass than the 115nked
lefthanded South African
The court was much drier to-
Steve Alford, of Indiana,
Patrick Ewing, of Georgetown,
Vern Fleming, of Georgia,
Michael Jordon, of North
Carolina, Joe Kleine, of Arkan-
sas Jon Koncak, of SMU, Chris
Mulhn, of St. John's, Sam
Perkins, of North Carolina, Alvin
Robertson, of Arkansas,
Wayman Tisdale, of Oklahoma,
Jeff Turner, of Vanderbuilt, and
? - m Mcc??ick. or foliosp,aXasacons,s,sof,he
Feds And NCAA t c,ass,f,eds
Leon Wood, of Fullerton State
SQu?dn81n?ffer Saidthe OIvmPie
squad, in preparation for the
13, V" L?S An?eles
late next month, will continue
Practicing in Bloomingtond and
P Hen?aSHeVfKral CXhibitiSl ?es
He said the team will travel to
Providence, R.I Thursday nfght
and to Minneapolis Sunday to
Play a collection of NBA all-sLs
day and that made it easier for me
to run and kept the -me
UndTU00 maiy
Undl said he was not worried
took a break from singles
Wednesday to open the defense of
bis doubles title with partner Peter
JSnVr0"1. hC is Seed to
meet in the finals.
"I am worried about my nexr
match and should I be Cu
enough to get through and nav
him I will have plenty of "fine to
worry about him, "LendlsaiT
have enough problems now and
don t have to create any "
Connors, seeded third said he
never looked at the draw tosee
who he would play and wouldn'
be changing his plan.
"It's no good to worry abom
who you're playing- said rZ
nors whollLManvrS
coun " aSy and go on e
DenmaThlina,basketbal, coaeh
?? So fl sports commen-
tator Howard Cosell told Con
gress Tuesday that the NCAA
mem' JhT fedCral ??v:
went, should be responsible for
cleaning up what Cosell called he
corruption that so pervades big
time college sports "
to'ied "TrltieS suPP?sed
? ' Smith sajd, and thev
She fhe3"6 H UP?n them-lves to"
solve the current problems.
ffovirnUeSUOnuWhether the federal
Sr entshouldgetim?this
of inST11 ing a number
or incidents involving coliece
athletes who were unable to read
also PrfK,dem J?hn L- To"er
also told the panel that his
organization, rather than the
federal government, should nan!
die the situation.
"I firmly believe that this is not
an issue with which the ConLe
shouid become involved W
stitutions may place a legislative
proposal before the NCAA" con
ventionif thev are unhappy about
"hoLrrpr1"8 el,gibi,i -
Toner also said it was unfair to
The first step in cleaning up the
f'Ti Cosell said, because thev
include alumni who "represent a
juvenile mbtijgg
After both Smith and Cosell
criticized Metzenbaum's no
R-Vt. said, "This is not the time
? federal attempt at regu?
But he added that "unless the
schools police themselves the
chances for federal regulation
becomes greater regulation
Cosell said sports should no
ry Thursday Night
Ladies Night
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" AH K,rrnt
Riggan Is
Continued From Page 7
special trip to Elizabethtown to
efforts" Rigga f?r her rescue
hn?i aD.dinner meeting in her
honor, Riggan received an award
of bravery and was congratulated
friends' famUy and
Riggan is a rising sophomore at
tCU and w!ll play her second year
this fan women's VOI,eyba11 team
Surprisingly, Riggan is only
seventeen years old. She skipped
her senior year in high school due
to academic excellence to come to
Riggan, a 5'4' 134-pound set-
ter for the lady pirates, will help
the team next fall to come off of
their worst season in history
The Lady Pirates competed
against top Division 1 teams last
tall, compiling their "worst
season ever of 3-23 coach
Turner said.
2 Locations
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Rubbermaid kitchen waste basket
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1 power strip mop
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2 vanity waste baskets
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4 Cannon bath towels
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The East Carolinian, June 28, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
June 28, 1984
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