The East Carolinian, May 23, 1984

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Bhz i?ust (Eatalimun
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.58 Nov$9 ?.ji
Tuesday, May 23, 1984
Greenville, N.C.
8 Pages
Circulation 5,000
New Therapy Center
Will Begin Operating
By End Of Summer
I roa Maff Report!
Modern technology is once
again coming to Eastern North
Carolina via the ECU School of
Medicine. A $5.2 million Radia-
tion Therapy Center is now near-
ing completion and is scheduled to
open later this summer.
The center will serve Eastern
North Carolina from the Virginia
border and on down the coast to
Jacksonville, reaching as far west
as Wilson, according to Dr.
Spencer Raab, chief of oncology
and hematology at the medical
There are currently other radia-
tion therapy centers located in
Nevs Bern, Kinston and
Goldsboro, but "they are not as
extensive said Dr. Gordon Jen-
drasiak. a medical biophysicist at
the school.
Radiation therapy is used to
prevent the spread of cancer,
decrease the rate of cancer growth
and or cure cancer.
To this end, the center will have
two treatment rooms and two
separate therapy machines. The
smaller machine is a high-energy
X-ray generator operating at six
million volts, while the larger
machine operates at 20 million
volts. The cost of the machines
was approximately $1.5 million.
"The smaller machine will be
the workhorse Jendrasiak said.
"It will probably get close to 80
percent of the patients He add-
ed that the larger machine also has
an electron beam which can be us-
ed for cancers close to the surface.
The higher energy machine pro-
duces more penetrating radiation,
which is particularly useful with a
heavier patient.
Both machines are electrically-
run linear accelerators, "basically
big X-ray machines, run with
microwaves Jendrasiak said.
Also located in the center is a
$350,000 simulator which is used
for precise location of the tumor
prior to initiation of treatment.
Because of the large amounts of
radiation generated, the building
itself is specially constructed, with
New Radiation Therapy Center
Shown above is the new Radiation Therapy Center located on the campus of the ECU
School of Medicine. On the right is one of two new cancer therapy machines to be used
at the center. The center was built at a cost of $5.2 million and will serve all of Eastern
North Carolina.
walls between two and six teet
thick and lead shields in the treat-
ment room doors. Part of the
building will also be used for the
Department of Radiation On-
cology, which provides
chemotherapy. That section will
begin operating next week, while
the rest of the center is scheduled
to begin operations by the end of
the summer.
"There is a terribly big need"
for the center, Raab said. Patients
undergoing therapy are currently
being sent to Kinston, New Bern,
Raleigh or Norfolk. Since therapy
is generally performed five days a
week, this is "very expensive for
some of the patients he said.
Most patients residing between
treatment center locations would
prefer to come to Greenville,
Raab said, because it is often
easier than traveling to a larger ci-
Raab estimates the patient load
to start out at approximated ;
patients a day with an increase to
50 within the next two years. Jen-
drasiak said the center is capable
of handling at least 80 patients per
Committee Taking Action;
Romantics May Perform Here
Staff Writer
The ECU Major Attractions
Committee is hoping to compen-
sate for a concert-less spring
semester by booking The Roman-
tics to perform at ECU this sum-
mer, according to Mike
McPartland, the committee chair-
man, although an exact date has
not been set, nor has the band
made a definite performance com-
If the band agrees to perform, it
will be a triumph over ECU's
failure to have a concert last spr-
ing for financial reasons. One
reason for the great anticipation is
that the group, which used to be a
small-time band, has recently
turned out some hit singles,
McPartland said.
ECU usually has a major con-
cert every semester, and
McPartland is taking measures in
an attempt to avoid last spring's
failure. One is the additions of a
five-page rider to the contract,
and McPartland said, "We will
sign the contract if both the band
and committee agree to all of the
terms The provisions mainly
concern the reduction of un-
necessary expenses such as cater-
ing and limousine service, and the
tickets may sell for prices as low
as five dollars if all works out as
planned. Such reductions may im-
prove the chances for a greater
student turnout.
However, in the summer there
are fewer students to draw from
so the concert may be held at
Wright Auditorium which has an
ECU Study Shows
University Generates
Millions In Revenue
even lower capacity than Minges
and which is air-conditioned.
"Only ticket sales (along with
loans) finance these concerts
said McPartland, adding that the
Major Attractions Committee is
different from all the other stu-
dent union committees in that it is
the only one not financed through
student funds.
Two methods of student transportation ? the easy, and the economical.
ECT News Bureau
More than $200 million in year-
ly income is generated in Pitt
County by East Carolina Univer-
sity, according to researchers in
the ECU School of Business.
This estimated total is based on
statistical calculations of spending
by ECU faculty and staff
employees, students and visitors,
along with university purchases in
the local area. Data used included
enrollment and employment
figures and surveys of a random
sample of students and
The study was a project of the
ECU Bureau of Business
Research; Dr. Donald Guy of the
Department of Finance directed
the study.
"For purposes of this study,
ECU was treated as a
multiproduct firm whose impact
was measured thorough economic
base analysis said Guy. "Our
focus was income generated from
outside the region
Individuals' expenditures in-
cluded funds spent locally for
rent, property taxes, utilities,
food, clothing, major purchases
(automobiles, appliances, fur-
niture) and such intangibles as in-
surance and local banking.
Spending by ECU's 2,340
employees was calculated at near-
ly $25 million yearly. Spending by
students who come to ECU from
outside Pitt County exceeded that
figure slightly.
Some $3.7 million in visitor ex-
penditures was added to student
and facultystaff spending, and
university purchases were
estimated to total about
$12,500,000 per year.
The resulting total, $67,293,827
was multiplied three times, the
conservative estimate of how
often a dollar changes hands
before it is spent outside Pitt
County, explained Dr. Guy. In
studies of this type, an "economic
base multiplier" as low as 1.2 or
as high as seven is selected, depen-
ding upon a communr.v 's
economic structure and size.
One major economic factor ?
construction of new buildings on
campus ? was not considered in
the ECU study, he said, since
these expenditures vary widely
from year to year and must be
identified by which firms (local or
outside) receive building contracts
and who is hired to work on the
"Even when construction
workers come from outside Pitt
County for work on campus, they
still spend some money locally on
such things as meals or gasoline
Guy noted. "Omitting these ex-
penditures has the effect of
understating the impact of the
university on the local economv
Construction expenditures.
when they occur, are of con-
siderable size, he pointed out,
noting as examples two recent
projects ? the $3 million renov a-
tion of Messick Theatre Arts
Center and completion of the
$27.1 million Brody Medical
Sciences Building.
"The estimated dollar value of
income generated by ECU in Pitt
County ? $201,881,481 per year
? was the result of considering
strictly measurable quantities
said Dr. Guy.
"However, there are other ways
in which a university campus has
economic impact upon its region,
such as helping to lure major in-
dustries from urban areas
ECU and similar campuses in-
crease an area's attractiveness by-
making available a supply of
highly trained personnel, cultural
amenities and high-quality
medical care, he said.
"East Carolina University may
raise the potential for future
development not only in Pitt
County but over a much wider
area of eastern North Carolina
Freshman Aid Program Planned For Fall Semester
Plans for the initiation of a new
freshman aid progam at ECU are
now being finalized and the pro-
gram will be introduced at this
summer's freshman orientation
sessions, SGA President John
Rainey said.
The program will be coor-
dinated by 1983-84 Freshman
Class President Staci Falkowitz,
who designed the program.
Former SGA President Paul Naso
also helped with the program
planning last spring.
The program is similar to one
currently used by Texas A&M
University and is designed to serve
as a "stepping stone" for incom-
ing freshmen, and a "way for
future student leaders to develop
their potential according to a
pamphlet put out by,the SGA.
The pamphlet will be distributed
during orientation, Rainey said.
Students who want to par-
ticipate in the program will be re-
quired to fill out an application
and will then be interviewed by a
The students chosen will have
several responsibilities. They will
be required to put in two hours of
work in the SGA office each
week. In addition, they will be re-
quired to serve as a page at two
legislative meetings each month.
They will be allowed to serve on
one standing committee and will
be given an equal voice and vote
as committee members.
A monthly aide meeting will
also be held. The purpose of this
meeting will be to focus on one
specific aspect of leadership and
to exchange ideas and informa-
tion with other aides.
On The Inside
? Campos administrators
capitate tie academics,
Editorials, page 4
? Can't figure oat last week's
crossword pnizle? The
are on page 2.

Students Sue Schools, Higher Costs Result
(CPS) ? After a December,
1980 night basketball game, a
non-student named Kermit Smith
jumped three North Carolina
Wesleyan College cheerleaders as
thev were leaving the gym parking
Smith forced them into his car
at knife point, and drove them to
a nearby quarry.
There, he raped and then
murdered 20-year-old Whelette
Venita Collins. When he turned to
free and attack the other two
women, however, he was over-
powered by them. They fled to
Smith was later caught and con-
victed. He's now in prison, on
death row.
North Carolina Wesleyan,
however, is still on trial.
The two survivors of the
nightmare sued for a second time
last December, almost three years
to the day after the tragedy,
claiming the college negligently
contributed to the crime by not
Attention ISA members! We will have a party
on Friday. May 25th at me International House
beginning a' 8 00 p m Come and join us
Also, we are going to King's Dominion on Satur
day June 2nd Anyone interested call Wail at
752 9608 or drop by the international house and
sign your name by May 27th The cost is 19 75 and
this includes all noes and shows excluding food
The money musdf be turned in by May 27fh
A two part mini series offered at NO COST by
the University Counseling Center Studying
S-narter Tuesday, May 29, 1984 and Test Taking
Successfully Tuesday, Junes, 1984 Both Sessions
will be from 1-3 pm and will be conducted in 305
Wright Annex (7576661) NO ADVANCE
providing adequate security or
lighting in the gym parking lot.
Students, in fact, are taking
their colleges to court in increas-
ing numbers recently, observers
say, charging them with
negligence in mishaps ranging
from minor cuts to rape and
It's all leading to higher educa-
tion costs, strict new rules for
students, defensive administrators
and even a sense of lost collegiali-
ty, they say.
But the cases continue anyway.
A court recently made Ohio
University pay damages to a stu-
dent who, while trying to open a
jammed dorm window, shattered
the glass and cut himself.
In mid-January, a student
paralyzed in a University of
Denver fraternity house tram-
poline accident took his university
to court, claiming DU was respon-
sible for the accident.
A court last fall held Notre
Dame liable for injuries suffered
by a student who got drunk at the
football stadium and fell over a
The "creeping legalism as
some administrators call it, has
affected all kinds of schools.
Seventy-two percent of the
schools belonging to the Christian
College Coalition, for example,
have been sued by their students
"One would have thought that
the Christian mission of these col-
leges and the Christian com-
mitments of their constituencies
would have mitigated the litigious
approach to resolving differences,
complaints and wrongs reflects
Dr. W. Richard Stephens of
Greenville College. Stephens over-
saw a study of suits against coali-
tion colleges.
"Ohio State reports OSU
presidential assistant Larry
Thompson, "has had three suits
in the last month
"Universities says Sheldon
Steinbach, lawyer for the
American Council on Education,
"are increasingly being held liable
for the well-being of their
The suits, he speculates, are "a
part of modern society. We're an
increasingly litigious society
"Society is changing adds
Amos Link, attorney for the
murdered North Carolina
Wesleyan cheerleader's family.
"These atrocities may have
always been occuring, but people
may not have been as conscious of
their rights, and have not been do-
ing anything about it
Moreover, "the campuses are
becoming as bad as the streets
"We have more attorneys than
any other country in the world,
and they have to find something
to do explains University of
Denver Dean of Students Bob
"Unless laws are changed to
not let lawyers handle the cases on
a contingency basis, there will be
no relief contends Charles
Young's in
"Lawyers file
expecting to
Grier, Brigham
surance overseer.
$4 million suits,
receive half of it
Colleges don't always lose the
cases, of course.
Hammond says a 1979
Delaware Valley College case
established that schools must
make students aware of potential
physical hazards and must apply
"minimum standards of care" in
maintaining their campuses.
But colleges are otherwise not
responsible for the actions ot
third parties, he says.
And a 1979 study of how public
institutions' ? including some
colleges ? negligence trials ended
found the institutions won 54 per
cent, says Jeanie Squaric of Jury
Vrdict Research in Solon, Ohio.
"These suits need to be handl-
ed, even if ruled in your favor
Thompson says. "Lawyers don't
come for free. No question it has
to increase the cost of education.
The rash of lawsuits has other
effects The University of Ken
tucky's student government, fa,
instance, recently backed off fun.
ding an escort service for tear of a
negligence suit if it was unabie to
protect a student from an attack
Notre Dame banned alcohol
trom campus recently in pan
because it feared being liable for
drinking-related accidents at the
'?You might try I j Kwaj
from activities like sororities anc
fraternities suggests Denver at-
torney Victor Quinn The lease
are long-term, but when the) rta
out, the universit) could tell then
'We don't ant vou pro.
perty That's that We a
regulate them, and t?
any damn thing thev please "
"It sets up a more . ? auvt
environment, a en.
vironroent OSU's rhon
observes. "In the pa
in good taste to sue titu-
tion. There isn't thai
Evangelists Disrupting Campus Life
(CPS) ? University of Virginia
administrators, hoping to tone
down the disruptions caused by
traveling evrngelists who preach
in the middle of campus, are mak-
ing changes to try to keep the
noise down.
Under a new interpretation of
an old rule, adopted by the
University Scheduling Commit-
tee, on-campus preachers and
other speakers can carry on now
only on a certain part of The
Lawn, the large park-like area in
the middle of the campus.
In 1981, the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled Princeton, a private
university, had the right to keep
certain non-university people off
its campus. But Virginia, of
Swimming Pool
MEMORIAL. MWF 7 a.m. 8 a.m M F 11.30 a.m. 1 p.m.
MINGES: MF 4 p.m7 p.m Sat.Sun. 1 p.m5 p.m.
Weight Room:
MEMORIAL: M Th. 8 am. -8 p.m Fri. 8 a.m5 p.m Sat.Sun. 1 p.m. ?
MINGES: M-Th 3 p.m. 7 p.m Fri Sat Sun. Closed.
MEMORIAL Gym Free Play
M-Th. 11 a.m8 p.m Fri. 11 a.m5 p.m Sat Sun. 1 p.m4 p.m.
MINGES (MG 115) Equipment Check-Out:
M-Th 11 a.m8 p.m Fri. 11 a.m. 5 p.m Sat Sun. 1 p.m4 p.m.
Racquetball Reservations:
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VU OF ?? ??S CO ,?? Af
400 EVANS, "on the corner'
Downtown Greenville
course, is a public school.
At least some of the people af-
fected by the new rule, however,
don't seem to mind it.
"I don't believe in absolute free
speech says Mark Beliles, direc-
tor of Maranatha Ministries in
In late February, a student
preacher associated with the
Maranatha group refused to com-
ply with a professor's request to
lower his voice because he was
disturbing people in the surroun-
ding classrooms and offices.
Though the new segregation
rule was a reaction "to the overall
situation according to Pro-
fessor Charles Tolbert of the
University Scheduling Commit-
tee, the Maranatha confrontation
was "the precipitating incident
"A number of professors near
that spot were disturbed in their
offices Beliles points out.
"They couldn't concentrate,
couldn't counsel with students, or
do research. We understand. We
didn't want that to happen
Beliles says his group is happy
to comply with the new
But many of the best-known
and most disruptive of the travel-
ing evangelists ? preachers like
Brother Jed Smock often try to
make their points by provoking
students with accusations of being
"sluts" and "devils" ? are not
associated with any campus
"Traveling preachers are usual
ly either self-sustaining or they
take love offerings at the time
they speak reports Warren
Dean, a University of Southern
Mississippi administrator and
spokesman for the Association
for the Coordination of Universi-
ty Religious Affairs. "A religious
group or student government can
bring the preacher in under a con-
tract arrangement, but the con-
tract arrangement is rare
If a student group sponsors a
speaker who sermonizes on the
wrong part of campus, the group
itself m a be subject to
disciplinar action.
Tolbert disagree- the regulation
may limit preachers' rights to free
speech, pointing out the
evangelists arc tree to speak
cKewhere on the campus
"The universit) wants us
grounds open he saw -This
adds life, flavor, activity to the
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I ????
?i ? ??? ???,
(CPS) ? Despite woi
crunched summer
schedules, being thro
their dorms or apart!
the noise and mconvenl
great deal of on-campus
tion projects, college si
Los Angeies appan
greeting one of the lar
sions on college life
cocted ? the Summed
Games ? stoicalh.
"UCLA con
old Colleen Kenb.
junior, in a typ
"has done the best the
Students have long
ried they'd be victims
huge infusion of vi
The mam reason ss
of the games and mi
housing will be in the
area of town, near
of Southern Calif
Over Hi
(CPS) ? Over hall
time college
some form of fii
year, according to one
sweeping studies
impact of aid program
Nationally 51 peroj
students surveved
colleges and universiti
either federal, state,
financial assistance "
their college costs, a
by the American c
Education shov.
"I think a lot ol ;
prised that o er
students received - I
aid comments Charf
son, one of the ACE
who compiled the repo
Nearly 42 percent
time undergrade il
public colleges receive
65 percent of the
private colleges got ass I
Part of the re
greater use of aid amc
school students wa n
creased amount oj
campus-based aid
Anderson says.
But the increase: - i
ding private institutioi
double the expense of
public school ? was
sible for students a- I
being awarded ?
amounts, he explains
.Among less-costh
? where annual studc
are less that $3000 ?
of the students drev. - i
financial aid, compj
Is Underi
A Meltd
(CPS) ?Last V
Cal-San Diego. Oh
Iowa State. ker
quehanna University,
Wesleyan, among
others, stages large'
demonstrations in
bilateral freeze on ih(
of nuclear weaponry
Four hundred caml
in the playing of "Fij
game meant to shcu
of a nuclear exchange
United States and
According to on
"more than 50"
faculty groups passec
favoring a freeze.
But this spnng.
freeze movement mai
Though there are
related events takm
American campi
organizers stress they
ed strategies, some
organizers say they't
hard time motivating
faculty members this
"In a way, it is ab
the trendy thing to
with says Bobbi
associate chaplain
University in Atlanta
"Last year was al
year recalls Dail Mu
student and freeze ac
University of Aiab
year has probably
slowest year. I'm no
that's so
"Students just
terested in clothes
they'll be doing in
years assert
president of
Nuclear Free Zone at

? e l niversity of Ken-
student government, for
ecently backed off fun-
orl service for fear of a
suit it it was unable to
indent from an attack.
me banned alcohol
ecently in part
ired being liable for
ed accidents at the
to get away
k . es like sororities and
gg sts Denver at-
Quinn. "The leases
H when they run
) could tell them
you on our pro-
al We won't
they can do
e combative
collegiate en-
- Thompson
ast, it was not
vour institu-
that closeness
oup sponsors a
sermonizes on the
? campus, the group
Kv. subject to
-agrees ihe regulation
ichers' rights to free
;n ting out the
e free to speak
the campus.
-ersuv wants its
he says. "This
or. activity to the
! tentative Enjoy
? sandwich, made
? ugh the world
ion thave u teat it.
od at Subway.
: m itioe
V MhSl
ith ll ou Can-Eal
ViUd Bar s ?.
205 (rivcavWe Br?d.
MAY 23, 1984
Students Preparing For Olympic Onslaught
(CPS) ? Despite worries about
crunched summer school
schedules, being thrown out of
their dorms or apartments, and
the noise and inconvenience of a
great deal of on-campus construc-
tion projects, college students in
Los Angeles apparently are
greeting one of the largest intru-
sions on college life ever con-
cocted ? the Summer Olympic
Games ? stoically.
"UCLA concedes 20-year-
old Colleen Kenby, a UCLA
junior, in a typical assessment,
"has done the best they could
Students have long been wor-
ried they'd be victimized by the
huge infusion of visitors to the
The main reason is that many
of the games and much of the
housing will be in the Civic Center
area of town, near the University
of Southern California, and in
West wood, home of UCLA.
Pepperdine, which is on the
beach in Malibu, Loyola-
Marymount, Cal State-Los
Angeles, and Cal State-
Dominguez Hills will also play
major roles in the games, hosting
events and housing up to 10,000
All the activities ? which are
expected to bring an estimated
200,000 people a day to Southern
California and clog freeways ?
take place July 28th through
August 12th, at time when many
of the students at the campuses in-
volved ordinarily would be going
to summer school or living in their
apartments, holding their leases
until the regular school year.
None of that is possible this
USC is converting some of its
dorms into the main Olympic
Village, housing up to some 700
Summer school, which normal-
ly runs into early August, will
start earlier (May 9th) and end
earlier (July 25th) than usual,
reports Duena Hickling, USC s
executive Olympics administrator.
plan carefully says Felicia
Sison, student Olympics coor-
dinator at UCLA. "Students have
anticipated the housing
"Nobody lives there per-
manently anyway adds Manuel
With athletes moving into the dorms and off-
campus rents jacked up beyond student budgets
in order to profiteer from the visitors, students
would have no place to go.
UCLA is also starting its sum- Torres, a member of UCLA's stu-
mer sessions a week earlier than dent government,
usual, and cutting them short in USC's Hickling says any stu-
Pepperdine is changing the for-
mat of its summer sessions to ac-
commodate the games, says Dean
John S. Wilson.
Most student worries, however,
dent who need dorm rooms but
can't get them during the games
will be moved "just across the
street" to off-cam pus housing.
In anticipation of the problem,
the L.A. City Council passed a
impose "monopoly-level" rents.
Generally, "the only way a
landlord can evict you is if you
break the lease he says.
Some landlords consequently'
are watching students closely for
anything resembling lease-
breaking behavior.
"You have this feeling you've
got to be on your best behavior
explains Nancy Cutler, a 22-year-
old UCLA senior.
In the Westwood area around
UCLA, one-bedroom apartments
currently rent for about $700 a
month. Some press reports say the
asking price for the summer is up
to $800-$900 a week.
At the 1982 World's Fair, held
next to the University of Ten-
nessee, Knoxville city ordinances
against rent gouging during the
fair didn't prevent landlords from
evicting about a score of students,
UT officials report.
Yet, aside from a USC grad stu-
dent, Southern California schools
have received few complaints
from students claiming they were
being evicted in order to vacate
apartments for higher-paying
Olympic visitors.
Some students, of course, are
not even bothering to try to go to
school during the Olympics.
"A lot of people plan to get out
of the area says Gigi Fairchild.
USC's student liaison to the
Olympic committee.
And some students are not
above profiteering themselves.
UCLA student organizations.
Cutler says, ar making "a lot of
money" by temporarily renting
out their offices on the Westwood
campus to visiting press and other
Over Half Of Students
Receive Financial Aid
have concerned where they'd live law making it difficult to evict any
(CPS) ? Over half of all full-
time college students received
some form of financial aid last
year, according to one of the most
sweeping studies to-date on the
impact of aid programs.
Nationally, 51 percent of the
students surveyed at over 2800
colleges and universities received
either federal, state, or private
financial assistance to help with
their college costs, a new survey
by the American Council on
Education shows.
"I think a lot of people are sur-
prised that over half of all
students received some form of
aid comments Charles Ander-
son, one of the ACE researchers
who compiled the report.
Nearly 42 percent of the full-
time undergrads at four-year
public colleges received aid, while
65 percent of the students at
private colleges got assistance.
Part of the reason for the
greater use of aid among private
school students was due to the in-
creased amount of private,
campus-based aid available,
Anderson says.
But the increased cost of atten-
ding private institutions ? nearly
double the expense of attending a
public school ? was also respon-
sible for students at those schools
being awarded larger aid
amounts, he explains.
Among less-costly institutions
? where annual student expenses
are less that $3000 ? 46 percent
of the students drew some form of
financial aid, compared with
Is Undergoing
A Meltdown
(CPS) ? Last April, students at
Cal-San Diego, Oregon, Texas,
Iowa State, Kentucky, Sus-
quehanna University, Florida and
Wesleyan, among scores of
others, stages large rallies and
demonstrations in favor of a
bilateral freeze on the production
of nuclear weaponry.
Four hundred campuses joined
in the playing of "Firebreaks a
game meant to show the dynamics
of a nuclear exchange between the
United States and the Soviet
According to one estimate,
"more than 50" campus-based
faculty groups passed resolutions
favoring a freeze.
But this spring, the campus
freeze movement may be melting
Though there are many freeze-
related events taking place on
American campuses and
organizers stress they have chang-
ed strategies, some campus-based
organizers say they're having a
hard time motivating students and
faculty members this vear.
"In a way, it is absolutely not
the trendy thing to get involved
with says Bobbi Patterson,
associate chaplain at Emory
University in Atlanta.
"Last year was a real busy
year recalls Dail Mullins, a grad
student and freeze activist at the
University of Alabama. "This
year has probably been our
slowest year. I'm not sure why
that's so
"Students just seem more in-
terested in clothes than in what
they'll be doing in the next five
years asserts Lance Bocarsly,
president of Students for a
Nuclear Free Zone at UCLA.
nearly 60 percent at more expen-
sive schools.
Of the $7.7 billion in student
aid distributed last year, 54 per-
cent went to students at public
campuses, the study shows.
Federal programs accounted
for over half of all the aid money
Seventy-eight percent of all the
dependent students who received
aid came from families with in-
comes below $30,000.
And confirming some financial
aid experts' worst fears, the study
found that many of the colleges
which experienced enrollment
declines in 1982-83 attributed the
dropoff to reported cutbacks and
confusion over the amount of
financial aid available.
"In 1982-83 there were at-
tempts and a lot of talk about
drastic cuts in the federal financial
aid program Anderson notes.
Although many of the cuts did
not occur, "there was a great deal
of uncertainty among students
over whether there was enough
Consequently, of the one-
fourth of the schools which
reported enrollment declines last
year, nearly one third say that
reduced student aid was a factor.
during those summer sessions.
With athletes moving into the
dorms and off-campus rents jack-
ed up beyond student budgets in
order to profiteer from the
visitors, students would have no
place to go.
"Everyone's been cautious to
Angeleno from any housing dur-
ing the Olympics period.
But Damon Martin, UCLA's
assistant housing director, warns
students "have to be aware of the
law" in order to be protected by
it, and to avoid being evicted by
off-campus landlords trying to
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C. Hunter Fisher, g?? ??,
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Bill Austin, circulation Manage, Mike Mayo, ?wrW,?, mumm
May 23. 1984
Page 4
Negative Ads
Smear Campaigns Are Bad Politics
Rufus Edmisten is doing the
citizens of North Carolina as good a
service now as he could ever do for
them if elected governor.
By refusing to engage in negative
campaigning and chiding his oppo-
nent, Eddie Knox, for what he sees
as negative attacks, Edmisten is
making an issue out of an almost
lost etiquette in North Carolina
politics. The campaign strategy
must be to make Edmisten seem too
kind-hearted, compassionate and
fair an individual to engage in such
base political slandering and mudsl-
inging. Probably too he really
believes negative campaigning is
wrong and it harms politics as much
as it insults and annoys citizens.
The interesting thing is, Knox has
hardly run a negative campaign on
the style North Carolinians are ac-
customed to. He has done little
more than promise to break up Ed-
misten's "good oV boy" political
system, attack Edmisten on his per-
sonal tax record and question
whether Edmisten is fighting utility
rate hikes. Perhaps the most poten-
tially harsh accusation is that Ed-
misten supporters tried to in-
timidate Knox's black campaign
workers. But the charges are not the
primary punch of Knox's campaign
? like Edmisten, Knox concen-
trates on touting his own record and
making promises and plans.
But Edmisten has denounced
even small attempts at negative
campaigning in the gubernatorial
race and has used virtually no per-
sonal attacks on his opponents. To
be sure, none of the gubernatorial
candidates engaged in mudslinging
to a significant degree, but Ed-
misten makes a constant effort to
play by some unspoken gentleman's
rules, and he chides his opponent if
he does not do the same.
Edmisten's hope is, of course,
that voters will see what a nice, fair
gentleman he is and that negative
campaigning is a dirty, mean or
desperate ? not qualities one wants
in an elected official. Hopefully,
N.C. voters will learn that lesson. If
they do reward the virtuous cam-
paigner and reject those using
negative advertising, the real loser
won't be Eddie Knox ? who has
run a by and large positive cam-
paign ? but Sen. Jesse Helms, who
invented and perfected slanderous,
negative, campaign advertising.
Sardonic Surveillance
Helms' Congressional Club and
re-election committee have made a
science out of negative campaign
tactics, advertising focused on
degrading the opponent rather than
promoting their own candidate. It's
hard to see what purpose is served
when the Helms for Senate Com-
mittee puts on the cover of one of its
many anti-Hunt pamphlets a quote
from a News and Observer story,
"(Mondale's) outline of his cam-
paign platform sounded like the
campaign theme of Gov. James B.
Hunt" and deletes the middle
phrase, "except for international
issues Why does the pamphlet not
include the points of the platform as
in the story, such as concern for the
elderly, civil rights, rural America
and reducing interest rates? Such
slanted ads attacking opponents on-
ly debase politics and distort real
issues; they rely on name-calling
and innuendo instead of issues and
facts. They also reveal something
about how supporters view their
candidate: perhaps they feel he
can't win by running only on his
own record, so the opponent must
be distorted some before their can-
didate stands a chance.
Helms' campaign deserves an
award for sheer gall and nerve in at-
tacking Hunt for holding a fun-
draiser in New York when Helm's
campaign has raised 70 percent of
its funds from outside North
Carolina. Such an ad can only be ef-
fective if it relys on people's ig-
norance about the sources of
Helm's funds; Helms obviously
isn't opposed to out-of-state con-
tributions, or he wouldn't get the
majority of his funds from such
Let's hope that 1984 is the year
N.C. voters will demonstrate that
they insist on ethical, tasteful cam-
paign behavior from their elected
officials, and they will not stand for
slanderous, negative campaigning.
One wonders how Edmisten's (or
others') noble and upright posture
would hold up under Helm's
vitriolic, name-calling ads. Hunt,
who has largely avoided negative
campaigning so far, hasn't faired
well as a result in the polls. Ed-
misten has taken the right step in
admonishing negative advertising;
let's hope voters endorse and
reward this posture among all politi-
North Carolina has a special brand of
politics, so it probably time it adopted a
special set of rules.
The only elected office for which
there is now a campaign spending limit is
the presidency ? if a candidate wants
federal matching funds, he cannot spend
more than $20.2 million this year to win
election to the Oval Office. The Federal
Elections Commission thinks that
roughly a dime for each citizen is all a
candidate needs to spend to get his
message out and let the voters decide.
Anything more, one might assume, just
gives an unfair advantage to wealthy
campaigns, or permits an unnecessary
media barrage.
In North Carolina, the State Board of
Elections makes no such rules for N.C.
political campaigns, and until now there
wasn't really a need for it. But things a
getting a little ridiculous.
Try a few comparisons. The top three
Democratic candidates for governor
spent a combined total of $4.8 million in
1983 and '84 up to the primary election.
Sen. Jesse Helms spent 6.3 million in the
same period. One guy, and he didn't
even have any competition in the
primary to speak of. So, to reach the
same number of voters in the same state
at the same time, Helms spent three
times as much as gubernatorial can-
didate D.M. Faircloth ($2.07 million),
and more than four times as much as the
top two candidates, Rufus Edmisten and
Eddie Knox (about $1.22 million and
$1.49 million respectively).
Helms' challenger, Gov. James B.
Hunt Jr would look like a lavish
spender by comparison too, if it weren't
for Helms. With campaign expenditures
of about $3.2 million through the
primary (and no significant in-party
competition), Hunt doubled Knox and
Edmisten's totals and spent about half
as much again as Faircloth.
Why the big difference? I guess there
is an argument that the Senate seat is
more important than the governor's of-
fice, so it's got a larger price tag. But
that's a hard case to prove, and I doubt
many would agree a senator directly af-
fects his constituents' daily lives much
more than the governor. The basic logic
is this: they're pitching to the same au-
dience, so why the extravagent sums?
Remember, Edmisten and Knox won
with those comparitively low expen-
ditures, they didn't get blown away.
Each senatorial camp will have its
own excuse for the multi-millions.
Hunt's people will say they have to
spend all that money because Helms is
doing it; after all, Helms' 1978 re-
election campaign was the single most
expensive non-presidential campaign in
U.S. history. And Helms is going to
argue that the media in North Carolina
is so pro-Hunt that it takes more money
than has ever been spent before just to
correct the injustice.
At the risk of sounding partisan
(which has never stopped me before),
the vicious circle seems to start with
Helms. He does hold the national record
for a Senate campaign, and he's about
to set a new one. Hunt is spending
roughly half as much as Helms, and is
losing ground in the polls as a result. So,
there seems only one thing to do: N.C.
campaign spending limits.
If a president can be elected on less
than a dime per citizen, then a N.C.
senator ought not need a dollar per
citizen just to make it to the May-
primary, as did Helms, or 50 cents a
head, as did Hunt. If a dime per person
is good enough for the White House,
and 20 cents per tarheel will win the
gubernatorial primary, then about a
quarter per citizen seems a reasonable
limit for a senate race. In North
Carolina, that's less than S2 million.
Hunt's already a million over; Helms
has already tripled it. And there's still
six months to go before November.
All right, let's allow them another $2
million to get to November After all
the gubernatorial candidate's will dou-
ble their expenditures by then too So
what if we elect the president for
than a dime, this is home; these guys are
from the neighborhood. So $4 mi
for the Senate race, per candidate. I
That's still about 66 cents a citizen -
that ought to be plenty. But Heirr.
already $2 million over that figure, and
it's just May; Hunt is less than a mil n
under it.
Of course, state spending limits wiD
never happen. The Federal Elect:
Commission can enforce them because
they offer matching funds to tnj can-
didate who follows the rules, raises a
certain amount per state, and stays
under the limit. But Norr Carofma of-
fers no such matching funds, and state
campaign limits are almost unheard of.
not to mention politically infeasible But
it sure would make the campaign season
a lot easier to endure if we could cut the
TV, radio and newspaper aj h about
half and stick to just a few bumper
stickers and televised debates.
Oh, but the fight we'll see. And what
the heck, it's only money.
Capitalistic Academics; Or, Marketing The Humanities
The University of Texas at Austin recently raised
$32 million for 32 endowed professorships. That
public college also owns parts of several oil wells,
which bring several million dollars to the university
each year. In an effort to find a similar home-grown
endowment source, ECU administrators last week
had a meeting of the minds to look for the pot at the
end of the Down East rainbow. The following is a
partial transcript of the meeting, brought to you
Watergate-style from the dark reaches of the
chancellor's office:
Well gents, what have you
Chancellor Ho well:
Assistant to the Chancellor Dick Blake: Looks to
me tike we've got several options. There's a peat min-
inf operation going up near the coast that the govern-
ment's sunk millions into already. Supposed to be the-
energy wave of the future. Turns peat swamps into
methanoi gas. If we could get a piece of that action,
who knows where it might lead.
Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Volpe:
Good, Blake, except they cancelled that project when
they realized it was destroying the environment and
wasting millions. Government pulled out and took its
Blake: Damn, I knew we should have taken out
some investment insurance on that thing. We could
be raking it in now.
Howeli: Next idea.
Vice Chancellor for Student Life Elmer Meyer:
Well, when I was at Cornell
Howeli: Hold it, Elmer, another Cornell story?
Why do you always have to bring Yankees into stuff
like this?
Blake: I know this bookie who could give us real
good odds on a Sherron-Harris nuclear plant shut-
down. They've already cancelled three of those
babies and it's just a matter of time before the last
one goes. If we just pick a date when they'll nix that
last one, and I'll call a couple of buddies at CP&L
heck, we can make a pretty penny on that one.
Howeli: Let's think on that one a while, Dick.
Blake: Do you know how 9-2 odds pays off?
Howeli: Can it, Colonel. Next.
Volpe: You know, it seems to me we can get some
of the academic departments in on this and just direct
some of their research projects in a direction that's a
little more financially practical.
Howeli: Such as?
Volpe: Well, take that archeological excavation of
the Monitor in the coast. If we get the divers to bring
up a few artifacts and trinkets, we can set up a little
gift shop on coast and sell the things for a pretty pen-
ny. You have any idea how much a rich housewife
from Poughkeepsie would give for that anchor? It's
just rusting away in a science lab when it could be
pulling in the big bucks.
Howeli: I think Angelo's on to something here
Volpe: We'd just have to get us good gimmick like
say, "Monitor Memorabalia: Trinkets to Treasure
from the Civil War. Brought to you from the sea's
depths by the ECU underwater archeology team
Meyer: You know, we tried something similar in
Ithaca once. Cornell started to
Howeli: Elmer, I warned you.
Volpe: I was figuring maybe tying in the an-
throplogy teams that are digging up those Indian
sites. If we could get a few arrowheads and clay pots
from those sites, do you know how much we could
bring in at say, $3 an arrowhead? There must be
millions of those things out there.
Blake: I bet I could work out a little marketing
scheme with Stuckey's or somebody. You know,
"free authentic Indian arrowhead with every box
Stuckey's peanut brittle or ten gallons of gas" ?
something like that, with the university taking, say,
30 percent of the gross.
Howeli: I bet we could have more endowed chairs
than Chapel Hill can shake a stick at!
Volpe: If we can get the geology department to
stop fooling around with sedimentary deposits and
get into some marketable rocks ? quartz, fool's
gold, stuff like that ? we would have a whole sale
business going second to none before you know it!
Blake: Maybe we could get those cartography
students in geography to stop wasting ink on city
planning maps and get into something more prac-
tical. For instance, if they whipped up some treasure
maps tracing routes all over Down East, and we
planted some of those shiny rocks and arrow heads
and stuff at the end of each one, we'd be raking in
the bucks hand over fist by selling those suckers as
the family dream vacation.
Howeli: I like it, I tike it!
Meyer: Don't you think
Howeli: One more word about Cornell and you're
back in the Whichard building.
Meyer: I was just going to say I think we should
remember academics have to come first, and some
valuable research might be lost if put our best
students and teachers to marketing off their most
valuable artifacts and skills.
Blake: What better lesson could they get out of col-
lege? They're learning a marketable skill they can use
out in the real world. We're doing them a service,
showing them how to make a living with these skills
that are going nowhere fast Do have any idea how
many archeaologists work for IBM? Not many And
if a geologist doesn't work for Texaco, he's out of a
job. We're doing these kids a favor
Volpe: Dick's right. The English department's
already got the nght idea. They're playing down the
Shakespeare and stuff and touting this new grad pro-
gram in technical writing. Why sit around reading a
bunch of Medieval books that sound tike the Bible
when we could teach those kids to write computer in-
structions, car repair manuals, business letters Do
something useful.
Howeli: I think we're on to something here. This
S2TJ2S Lwh?C S? evolution in higher educa-
tion We U be rolling in the green, and I'm not talk-
ing about tobacco, either. Plus we'll be preparing the
kids for the real world. After all, that's what we're
here for. Give me a little ingenuity over some fancy
oil wells any day.
Blake: So the Sherron-Harris deal is out?
Howeli: Just for the moment, Dkk. Let's give this
thing a try first. Would you tell my secretary to come
in here? I want a letter going out to all department
heads today. There are going to be a few changes
"I was bus-
tured maiden ?.
showed up. 1
terror glared d
smoldering red ee
smoke drifted out fro
fangs larger than
dragon blocked the
the cae Flying
magic spells, m
elves, treasure
reality? Tom M
the 1980 Dung ?
Fantasy Adventure
Rulebook wrote
Lead figures andl
above when desa - .
about D & D. a far
ing game that has capti
tention of childi
When I i
last week I was o i
the mirage of fa
equipment that was ;
shelves an d as;
magazine racks anc
ing far from an a
player, much less eve
was extremeh curious
made these games -
Manager Ron Stose
the various games ?
and introduced r
players from the (
die'School ? Rolf Si
Kenneth Tursar
was a little b
intelligence these two
'Two Out
staff ?nw
Friday. Stay gth :hJ
Opry House presented
roll revival with Bill Ha
ets, The Box Tops
Orlons. With o
hits between them.
contributed significant
history of rock musk
fifties and sixties
Bill Ha!e & the I I
the rock & roll revc I
E. Youtl
The Eastern Youth
directed by Lon Uoyt
form a spring conceq
evening. May 28. a I
A. J. Fletcher Recital
ECU campus. The cooi
open to the public, freel
on a first-come, first-s
ii ? ?? fn? m

HOLP if m
A Dime?
tie race. In North
than $2 million.
a million over; Helms
' And there's still
i "core November.
them another $2
November. After all,
u Jidate's will dou-
M by then too. So
-dent for less
c; these guvs are
?? So S4 million
per candidate, tops.
cents a citizen ?
n?ty. But Helms is
over that figure, and
ks than a million
riding limits will
Federal Elections
?rce them because
? nds to any can-
e rules, raises a
tate, and stays
North Carolina of-
i funds, and state
almost unheard of,
:alrj infeasible. But
ic campaign season
we could cut the
paper ads by about
a few bumper
?ed debates.
Ae'll see. And what
ng to say I think we should
a?e to come first, and some
light be lost if put our best
marketing off their most
i tills
m could they get out of col-
r maricetable skill they can use
Ve're doing them a service,
lake a living with these skills
fast Do have any idea how
Jrk for IBM? Not many. And
ork for Texaco, he's out of a
kids a favor.
The English department's
i. They're playing down the
d touting this new grad pro-
ie Why sit around reading a
s that sound like the Bible
We kids to write computer in-
lanuals, business letters. EH)
on to something here. This
revolution in higher educa-
te green, and I'm not taik-
:r Plus we'll be preparing the
After all, that's what we're
le ingenuity over some fane?
Harris deal is out?
moment, Dick. Let's give this
you tell my secretary to come
going out to all department
going to be a few changes
MAY 23, 1984 Page 5
Fantasy Games Attract tourist
Dungeons & Dragons Extends Beyond
Fcatam tditor
i was busy rescuing the cap-
mred maiden when the dragon
showed up. Fifty feet of scaled
terror glared down at us with
'denng red eyes. Tendrils of
smoke drifted out from between
fangs larger than daggers. The
dragon blocked the only exit from
the cave Flying carpets, thieves,
magic spells, monsters, pitfalls,
elves, treasure . . . fantasy or
reality? Tom Moldvay, editor of
:he 1980 Dungeons & Dragons
fantasy Adventure Game Basic
Rulebook wrote the statement
exhibited when attempting to ex-
plain the basics to the various war
and adventure games. Obviously
the games are ones of intelligence.
According to Moldvay, in D & D,
"individuals play the role of
characters in a fantasy world
where magic is real and heroes
venture out on dangerous quests
in search of fame and fortune.
Characters gain experience by
overcoming perils and recovering
treasures. As characters gain ex-
perience, they grow in power and
Twenty-year-old D & D expert
Eric Scott said that the purpose of
Lead figure and the players handbook used with D& D.
above when describing his feelings
about D & D, a fantasy roleplay-
:ng game that has captured the at-
tention of children and adults
When I walked in Hungate's
last week I was overwhelmed by
the mirage of fantasy games and
equipment that was piled on the
helves and assembled in
magazine racks and counters. Be-
ing far from an avid fantasy game
player, much less even a beginner 1
was extremely curious about what
made these games so popular.
Manager Ron Moye displayed
the various g?mes and equipment
and introduced me to two young
players from the Greenville Mid-
ile School ? Rolf Sundwall and
Kenneth Tursam. I must admit I
uas a little bit intimidated by the
intelligence these two young men
the game is not really to win or
lose but rather to extend your im-
agination and "daydream a little
bit He explained that the game
is expecially good for actors,
because during the game players
form and keep in a character
throughout the entire
"adventure" or until the player
"dies It is possible, he said, to
become very attached to the par-
ticular character. "My characters
have things about me in them
Both Moye, Scott, Sundwall,
and Tursam agreed that although
the games have received some
negative criticism, they are actual-
ly very educational. "They open
minds to the fact that there is a
relationship between good and
evil Move said. Most games can
be played by children as young as
ten years of age.
Scott and Moye said the
greatest educational benefits pro-
bably occur in reading. Before
playing any of the games the basic
rulebooks must be thoroughly
read and comprehended. "If you
want to know all the little tricks
you have to keep reading Scott
said. Players are also exposed to
percentages, simple algebra, and
popular writers. "You're always
learning. That's what makes it in-
teresting Scott said. "It also
gets people together
Moye explained that there were
several types of games. For in-
stance, there are adventure games,
family games, history games, fan-
tasy games, and war games. Ex-
amples of these are "Top Secret
'?Espionage "James Bond
007 "Ironclads "Trivial Pur-
suit "Blitzkreig" "Tunnels &
Trolls "Boot Hill and "Ace
of Aces Each game has three
levels ? basic, expert and advanc-
ed ? and most of the games use
six dice (one 4-sided, one 6-sided,
one 8-sided, one 10-sided, one
12-sided, and one 20-sided). The
objective of many of the games is
to stay alive and be as prosperous
as possible.
Perhaps the best description of
what the games do was written by
Moldvay. "A good D & D cam-
paign is similar to the creation of
a fantasy novel, written by the
DM (Dungeon Master) and the
players Throughout the game
the Dungeon Master ? the referee
who creates the dungeon, pro-
vides the setting for the game, and
handles all monsters encountered
? "writes his or her novel" by
directing the players through the
In terms of difficulty, D & D is
in the middle of the road, whereas
a game such as "Tunnels &
Trolls" ranks in the easy category
and "Runquest" in the difficult
Although the overall price of
the games may run a bit steep for
some, it is obvious that this sort of
entertainment will be around for
quite a while. Besides hundreds of
games, there are now tour-
naments, conferences, magazines,
and microgames.
Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
This player is obviously either listening attentively to the Dungeon Master or engrossed in his character
Bill Haley's Comets, Box Tops, Orlons Rock & Roll
Staff Writer
Friday, May 18th the Carolina
Opry House presented a rock &
roll revival with Bill Haley's Com-
ets, The Box Tops, and The
Orlons. With over 25 top forty
hits between them, the groups
contributed significantly to the
history of rock music during the
fifties and sixties.
Bill Haley & the Comets started
the rock & roll revolution in 1952
with the song "Rock-a-Beatin'
Boogie" from which the phrase
"Rock, Rock, Rock everybody,
roll, roll, roll everybody" was
adopted by top-rated disc jockey
Alan Freed as the name for this
new sound. The Comets then put
the first rock & roll record on the
charts with "Crazy Man Crazy"
in 1953. Their next release
"Shake, Rattle & Roll" was their
major breakthrough, going to
12th in the U.S. and 4th in
England in 1955. The follow-up
"Dim Dim the Lights" went one
notch higher in the U.S. Later in
1955 "Rock Around the Clock"
was rescued from its initial status
as a 1954 flop and was used as the
theme song for the teen rebellion
movie Blackboard Jungle. It has
gone on to become one of the all-
time best selling singles with over
25 million sales and countless re-
releases, hitting 39th in the U.S.
as late as 1974.
A series of hits continued
through the fifties with "Razzle
Dazzle" and "See You Later
Alligator The Comets had even
greater success in England with
top ten releases "Rip It Up
"Rockin' Through The Rye
"Don't Knock the Rock and
"Rock-a-Beatin' Boogie plus
most of the U.S. top forty hits
succeeding there also. Times had
changed by the sixties and The
Comets' success was limited to re-
E. Youth Orchestra Scheduled To Perform
The Eastern Youth Orchestra,
directed by Lori Lloyd, will per-
form a spring concert Monday
evening, May 28, at 8 p.m. in the
A. J. Fletcher Recital Hall on the
ECU campus. The concert will be
open to the public, free of charge,
on a first-come, first-seated basis.
The Orchestra, comprised of
twenty-four auditioned string
players, will perform a program
consisting of arrangements of
"Air" from Bach's The Peasant
Cantata and "Ceremonial
March" by Mozart; "Short Over-
ture for Strings" by Berger; and
Nelhybel's "Surprise
Variations The Orchestra is
sponsored by grants from the
Eastern Carolina Orchestra and
Chamber Music Association and
the A. J. Fletcher Foundation.
Also performing is the Eastern
Honors Quartet, coached by
Members of the Eastern Youth Orchestra follow the lead of Leonid Zllper
Leonid Zilper of the North
Carolina Symphony. The
Quartet, comprised of Andrea
Bath, Mary Paul Castellow, Jen-
nifer Lucht, and Amy Moore, will
perform the variations of the
Beethoven Quartet in A Major,
Op. 18, No. 5. The Quartet is
sponsored by the Eastern
Carolina Orchestra and Chamber
Music Association.
Members of the Orchestra are
selected each year from Greenville
and surrounding communities
through auditions. The group
rehearses on Monday evenings.
Members are from the upper
elementary grades through high
school. This year they represent
the following schools: E. B.
Aycock Junior High, Wahl-
Coatcs Elementary, South Green-
ville Elementary, Farmville Mid-
dle, St. Peter's, and Martin Mid-
dle Schools.
Members of the Orchestra are:
Traci Capeletti, Annmarie Carter,
Mary Paul Castellow, Lydia
Coulter, Stewart Coulter, Andrea
Craft, Margaret Ann Creech,
Benjamin Davis, Kathryn Ellen,
Taylor Evans, Kendra Harris,
Josh Hickman, Dawn Ingram,
Craig Kirkland, John Lindsay,
Jennifer Lucht, Julie Mayberry,
Debbie Morrison, Katie Raab,
Rachel Raab, John Rose, Scott
Thomas, Kathryn Taft, and Sarah
releases. Original saxaphonist
Rudy Pompelli died February' 5,
1976 and Bill Haley died Februarv
9, 1981.
The Box Tops were one of the
premier acts of 1967-69 with their
first single "The Letter" going to
No. 1 worldwide in 1967. This
success was never equalled, but six
more top forty singles lasted
through 1969 ? "Neon
Rainbow "Cry Like A Baby
"Choo Choo Train "I Met Her
In Church "Sweet Cream
Ladies and their last top forty
hit, "Soul Deep Lead singer
Alex Chilton left in 1970 to form
Big Star, which succumbed to
commercial failure after several
albums. Since then variousperson-
nel have toured as The Box Tops.
The Orlons were an early sixties
girl-group with five top forty hits
including "Wah Watusi "Don't
Hang Up "South Street "Not
Me and "Cross Fire
The crowd enthusiastically
greeted the Orlons as they started
the performance. Even though
there were no original members
performing, they put on a
fabulous show for the initially
small but continuously growing
audience. They worked hard to
get the crowd into the act and the
audience participation really
enhanced their stage perfor-
mance. At first the reaction was
muted, but after yours truely
"volunteered" to join their act as
the "Bill" to be fought over by
the three female vocalists, the in-
terest really picked up.
The Orlons did a superb job
covering other artists' hits such as
"What A Feelin "The Boy
From New York City and
"Heatwave They also played
"Don't Hang Up "South
Street and ended up with a
number of persons from the au-
dience on stage dancing to the
"Wah Watusi Some of the most
entertainment came from the con-
stant attempts of one participant
to flee from the scene, only to be
restrained by The Orlons. It
would really be nice, howeer, if
this group performed their own
songs without using the facade of
a name none were originally con-
nected with.
The Box Tops were a tremen-
dous disappointment. This time
the absence of any original
members was obvious as lead
vocalist (it would be too kind to
describe him as a singer) Lenny
Longo "machoed" his way
through the hits of The Box Tops,
seemingly with visions of Wayne
Newton in Las Yegas dancing in
his head. He started rather well
with a decent version of "Bo Did-
dly and went directly downhill
from there. The musicians ap-
peared to have been recycled toy
soldiers from Gulliver's Travels in
Fortunately, for those still left
after The Box Tops' "perfor-
mance Bill Haley's Comets
quickly regained the intensity of
The Orlons and had the crowd
rockin to the beat of the
rock'a'beatin' boogie, even
though no original members were
present. At least vocalist Joe
Rand was old enough to have
known Bill Haley in 'he fifties. He
really did an excellent job of copy-
ing the vocals.
The entire band w as truely pro-
fessional and musually hot. They
caught the sound of theactual
crowd dancing throughout their
sets. They played all their major
hits and gave a good sampling of
fifties music by other artists, such
as "Rockin' Robin "Chantilly
Lace" and "At the Hop The
sax player's imitation of Little
Richard had the audience roaring
and the group did a good job of
highlighting each member for dif
ferent tunes. Of course they ended
with "Rock Around the Clock" ,
before their encore and left the j
crowd wanting more.
Anyone having the chance to
see The Orlons or Bill Haley's '
Comets should take advantage of :
it. Unless the Box Tops were total- f
ly revamped (and 1 do mean total-
ly) I wouldn't recommend seeing
them except with good ear muffs, r
aafljBairititew i?4? eafeeMfthMfla
?imai ?
? ?
m taaaain aai

MAY 23, 1984
Minorities Discuss Feelings A bout Their Race
It is strange what the color
black has upon our society. Terms
beginning with the word generally
have a negative connotation. For
example, most people do not want
to be "blackmailed" or
"blacklisted known dealings
with the "blackmarket" may
make one the "black sheep" of
the family. Being black, do I also
instill those negative feelings? My
need to answer this question was
one reason why I enrolled at East
Carolina University. Two other
ECU students shared their
thoughts about being black at a
predominantly white school.
The first person I interviewed
was Shelby, a junior from
Jacksonville, N.C. Shelby was
undecided about her major but
tends to be leaning towards a
psychology degree. She seemed
coy, and hesitated to answer ques-
tions directly.
My second interviewee,
Charlotte, resides in Mur-
freesboro, N.C. and is a junior in
the special education department.
Charlotte was more outspoken
than Shelby and seemed more
Question: Would you enroll in a
predominantly black school?
Both students said no without
the slightest hesitation, but for
different reasons.
Shelby: I've been around white
people the majority of my educa-
tion. When I go get a job they
(whites) will be there so I might as
well get used to being around
Charlotte: I wanted to get away
from my friends. After gradua-
tion I was trying to find out who I
was, and I thought I would be bet-
ter off by myself.
Both felt they stood a better
chance getting a job in their major
with a degree from a
predominantly white school than
from a black one.
Question: Why should there be
black universities If blacks don't
support them?
Shelby: Oh, I'm all for them.
My sister went to A & T Universi-
ty. There are people whose needs
are fulfilled by black universities,
but they just don't fulfill mine.
Charlotte: They are supported.
Just because I didn't go doesn't
mean that I don't think they are
important. They (black schools)
Some Easy Steps For A
Successful Clambake
Suff Writer
Face it. You won't be living at
the beach this summer (You still
have till the 28th to withdraw
from school). You'll be going to
the same hour-and-a-half classes
everyday. And you'll have to deal
with everything else typical of a
summer in Greenville, like look-
ing at people go around wearing
next to nothing; deciding what
night club ? every one from Papa
Katz to The Attic fighting for a
part of the shrunken summer
market ? has the best happy
hour; whether to eat Italian,
Chinese, Mexican, Greek, steak,
seafood, or cook-out yourself.
You can go roller-skating, play
putt-putt, ride a horse, go golfing,
play some pool, go to Minges or
Memorial Gyms and swim or
work-out, join one of Greenville's
many health clubs, go to the
Museum, play intramural sports,
catch just about any current
movie, or catch a not-so-current
movie for free at Hendrix
Theatre. Shall I continue?
Get the point? If you think
Greenville is a boring place to be
during the summer it may be that
you are just a boring person to be
with. Pick any of the suggestions
above ? by no means is it an ex-
haustive list. How about a cook-
out? Gosh darn it, why don't
Call up four or five of your
favorite bored friends and tell
them they have plans for the after-
noon and evening. Tell them that
they are going to a real New
England Clambake. As host, the
only items needed that a typical
college student might not have are
a 20-quart steamer and some
cheese cloth. You can even do the
cooking indoors, but since it's
summer, outdoors is probably the
better choice.
Pick the most responsible guest,
if there is one, and ask them to
stop at Farm Fresh on the way
over. Give them this grocery list:
3 broiler-fryer chickens, split
6 potatoes
6 medium-sized onions
48 small clams
4-6 lobsters (optional)
You already have six ears of corn,
in husks, soaked in salted water
for one hour. It might take this
person a little while in the store,
so call up the least responsible
guest (there probably is one), and
tell them to pick up two or three
cases of beer and their collection
of Jimmy Buffet albums.
After everyone has arrived,
done a few twelve-ounce curls,
and listened to side two of One
Particular Harbour, take that
specialguest over to the grill. This
is what you do:
1. Place eight cups water in bot-
tom of 20-quart steamer cover
with upper section; place generous
layer of washed seaweed on sec-
. Wrap chicken pieces in cheese
cjoth, tie corners and place on
3. Wrap unpeeled potatoes and
onions in foil and place on
4. Wrap corn in cheese cloth and
place on onions and potatoes.
5. Wrap clams in cheese cloth
(four bundles); place on corn.
6. Place lobsters on clams.
7. Top ingredients with seaweed.
Let this steam for about one-and-
a-half hours while you all are ?
come on, I don't have to tell you
When it's done, have plenty of
melted butter, cocktail sauce and
finger bowls. Remember that you
are in Greenville so put an out-
door bug candle on the picnic
When you are finished feasting
you should be in the mood. Give
Paul Gianino, Food and Beverage
Manager of The Ramada Inn, a
call and tell him how much you
loved his recipe. You might as
well invite him and Marie to cut
out of work tomorrow and come
along with everybody cutting
classes to go to the beach.
give many blacks a chance they
may not have gotten if there
weren't black schools.
Question: Have you encountered
any difficulties at ECU merely
because you were black?
Shelby: No, the problems I've
had were typical of all students. I
don't feel because I'm black I've
been treated differently.
Charlotte: Well, once I asked
these three white girls to hold the
elevator, and they let the door
close. I had to stick my foot bet-
ween the doors to catch it. When
they stepped out I pushed one of
the girls in the back. Afterwards I
felt sorry that I had done it.
Question: How would you feel if
you were the only black person in
the ciass?
Both encountered this situa-
Shelby: Generally it is no pro-
blem. I've acquired many white
friends, and one of them is
generally in the class with me. It's
important to have friends you can
rely on in case you miss class.
Charlotte: On rare occasions I
feel trapped. I guess my imagina-
tion runs wild, but usually I tend
FOR SALE 750 Honda. California frame, kerker
headers, blue and white trick paint job, must
sell, sacrifice at J1400 00 Call 7S7 24?l or 75a 3719
after 5pm Ask for Willie
A STUDYING TABLE and Chair selling forS30.
Call Sing 758-4977
to do better because I push myself
a little harder. I guess I think I'm
representing the integrity of all
blacks. Maybe I'm trying to psych
myself out, but as long as it
works, I'll keep using it.
Question: How has your interac-
tion with professors been?
Shelby: Just fine. I feel they are
professionals and they have
treated me fairly. I've been
pleasantly surprised by their man-
Charlotte: Well, I generally
don't talk much with my pro-
fessors, but they seem to be all
right. If they hate my guts on the
inside but appear to be cool on the
outside, everything is okay. Just
one thing, though. Have you ever
noticed your name is almost
always the first one they
Question: How do you feel about
the ratio of blacks to whites that
the federal government has re-
quired for schools in the UNC
school system?
Shelby: I think it is a good idea.
Since taxpayers are supporting
these universities, the admissions
should be regulated. If not, we
could get back to the times when
things were separate but sup-
posedly equal.
Charlotte: I really don't think it
will ever work. People are going
to go to the college they want. I
understand the logic, but I don't
think it's going to work the way it
was intended. Give the people
(university officials) a break. I
think they are doing a great job.
Question: How has the social life
at ECU affected you?
Shelby: I guess this is the one
area I don't enjoy about a white
school. The only thing these peo-
ple do is drink, drink, drink. I
generally stay in my room on
weekends, except occasionally I
may go to the movies if anything
good is playing.
Charlotte: I think it's great. I
don't party with crowds, so here 1
can be free. I go about my
business, and they (whites) go
about theirs. I don't have to
answer to anyone. Occasionally I
may go to a sports event, but I
seldom go to the movies at
Mendenhall. The people act so
Question: What is the one thing
you like or dislike the most about
Shelby: No one particular thing
stands out as far as "likes I
think ECU is a great school. I
would probably suggest it to my
younger friends as a great place
for an education. As far as
"dislikes" I guess I would have to
stick to the social life. I just don't
have as much fun here as I might
have somewhere else.
Charlotte: Well, probably that I
don't have any real peer pressure
here. I feel more relaxed ? I en-
joy my freedom.
RIDE NEEDED to and from New Bern for one or
both summer sessions Call 752 t7S? If Interested
WELCOME BACK Cobbish You are forgiven
estimates at the Tech Shop We repair stereo
systems, video systems and a whole lot more Call
the Tech Shop at 757 "Nineteen Eighty" We
thought you'd like to know
LAURIE lots of luck in summer school Miss you
in Raleigh.
LOST: One brown long haired kitten in Red Banks
and I4tti St area Kitten has stitches on back of
head and is in need of its medicine Please call
756 SBM after 9:00 p.m.
LOST: Golden Retriever 13 weeks old wearing
maroon bandana and a choke collar if found call
758 1065
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Make You
And Next Fafl.
"Greatest Pei
staff ?nwr
The ECU men
their best meet ?:
finishing fourth among
76 teams at the 1C 4A C
ships held in PI iadei
"It was simp
track performance we
had head coach B
proudly said 'There
1000 athletes Wee
sprint field racking
total 41 pom:
Villanoa pla
points followed I
second with 56 B
edged out ECU
with 42 poirr
Coach Carson
top three team- reee
"We really -
and Boston just beat
it he said.
Following the j
Penn State in
points, Ioana in
West Virginia with
Teammates C
skine Evans, N
and Henry Wiliiai j
Virginia b
relay with a time I -
Kest Virginia
jured in the relay and w;
Irate see Winfred Johi
The ECl ?
eight of its gradu
third highest lota
the National Footb
draft earlier t
Coach Ed Emor s -
about the upce j
season due to ai
recruiting year
Of the pla; J
Hamilton, a 8-4,
defensive end. was th
to go. Hamilton was
the Washington Reds
second round
"Urn ery happ
whole situation Hat
"I talked with Coach
they said they plan to
down defensue end
First-team All-Am
Long, a 6-0. 280-poui
guard, was next to gv
picked up by the
Steeiers in the foi
Although Long is
quickest players in i
his size, he was thougj
by many teams to be
Defensive back C
linebacker Jeff Pegue
;sive end Hal Stepheni
the fifth round. The
Giants got Hams, tt
selcted Pegues and S
nabbed by the Los Ar
The Rams also pick
Vann, a 6-2, 225-pour
in the tenth rounc
Ernest Byner was pic
Un the same rout
rieveland Browns.
The final Pirate I
ras 6-6. 257-
:kle John Robertso
the Philadephis
ith round.
Kevin Ingram and
tipped the draft anc
playing in the O
m,? mmmi ?? sun
- ?"

u like or dislike the most about
I ?
jphelby: No one particular thing
Is out as far as "likes 1
Ink FCT is a great school. I
luld probablv suggest it to my
Junger friends as a great place
an education. As far as
blikes" 1 guess I would have to
A to the social life. 1 just don't
c as much fun here as I might
e omewhere else.
Harlotie Well, probably that I
t hae am real peer pressure
I feel more relaxed ? I en-
iv freedom.
Our Opening
Days Ahead
pay Weekend
nd children ?ear
ti)r time
Price $24 X
thorti$6 99
9i30-3 Sat. 9:90-3
mer Schedule
ur. College Nite
:00 & 8K til 2:00am
reek Party
lies (19 & over)
Ihile it last
nation check
til 2:00am
sun-deck, gazebo,
mdry facilities on site.
Rental Rates
MAY 23. 1984
Page 7
'Greatest Performance Ever"
ECU 4th Out Of 76
Staff Writer
The ECU men's track team had
their best meet qf the season
finishing fourth among a field of
6 teams at the IC4A Champion-
ships held in Philadelphia last
'it was simply the greatest
track performance we've ever
had head coach Bill Carson
proudly said. "There were over
1000 athletes. We dominated the
sprint field racking up 37 of our
total 41 points
Villanova placed first with 73
points followed by Maryland in
second with 56. Boston University
edged out ECU for third place
with 42 points.
Coach Carson was "a little
disappointed" because only the
top three teams received trophies.
"We really wanted that trophy
and Boston just beat us out for
it he said.
Following the Pirates were
Penn State in fifth place with 40
points, Ioana in sixth with 37 and
West Virginia with 32.
Teammates Chris Brooks, Er-
skine Evans, Nathan McCorkle
and Henry Williams topped West
Virginia by winning the 4x100
relay with a time of 40.22 seconds.
West Virginia finished second in
Unfortunately, Brooks was in-
jured in the relay and was unable
to compete in the long jump and
mile relay events.
Williams continued the fast
Pirate pace by winning the
100-meter dash with a time of
10.55. In the qualifying round for
the finals, Williams ran a 10.39.
According to Carson it was "the
second fastest time ever run at
East Carolina in the 100 meters
All-America Otis Melvin ran a
10.31 in the 100 meters for the
Pirates back in the late 1970's.
After running "a great leg on
the 4x100 relay Evans went on
to place third in the 100 meters
with a time of 10.64. However,
Carson said he "honestly felt that
the electronic timer was wrong. I
had him hand timed for 10.22
seconds, which is usually not that
far off the electronic time
McCorkle also ran in the 100
meters but was disqualified for
stepping on a line placing him out
of bounds. "It looked like we
we're going to wrap up the 100
meters Carson said. "We lost
some points with Nathan's dis-
In the 200-meter dash, Williams
placed second with a time of
21.114. "Henry had run eight
races in two days while the winner
from Princeton had only run in
three said Carson. "If not for
that, he would have won the
National and Olympic qualifier
Craig White added to the Pirate
success by placing third in the 110
high hurdles with a time of 14.09.
The mile relay team consisting
of Eddie Bradley, Vincent Epps,
Phillip Estes, and Ruben Pierce
placed sixth with a time of
3:12.45. "The mile relay team still
had a fast time even though
Brooks was out with an injury
Carson said.
If not for Brooks' injury and
McCorkle's disqualification, the
Pirates would have had a good
shot at the top three. "Those two
things cost us a sure third place,
and even a possible second Car-
son said.
Coach Carson was pleased with
the "immediate news coverage"
at the meet and beleives that the
Pirates gained tremendous
respect. "There were reporters
gathering around the winners
after every event Carson said.
"Henry had six or seven
newspapermen around him after
winning the 100 meters
The ECU men's track team
concludes the 1984 season having
gained tremendous respect
throughout the East Coast.
But, All-America candidates
White and Williams, the
"dynamic duo will have a
chance to add to the Pirate's
prestige and top record later in
May at the Nationals held in
Eugene, Oregon.
After winning the 100 meters at the IC4A's in Philadelphia, Henry
Williams only has a couple of weeks to prepare for the Nationals.
Pirates Get
LSU In '85
ECU will meet Louisiana State
University on the football field in
1985, Director of Athletics Dr.
Ken Karr announced late last
The contract between the two
schools is for one game only, to be
played at LSU on December 7,
"This is just another step in the
upgrading of the football schedule
at East Carolina Karr said in
making the announcement. "We
are trying to play as many
Southeastern Conference schools
as we possibly can because of the
stature of that conference
LSU thus becomes the second
SEC school on the 1985 schedule.
It was announced just a short time
back that East Carolina and
Auburn would meet in a two-
game series in 1985 and 1986 ?
both games at Auburn.
The Pirates played their first
SEC team last year when they lost
a 24-17 decison to fifth-ranked
LSU played in the 1982 Orange
Bowl and recently named Bill
Arnsparger as its new coach. Arn-
sparger was once the head coach
of the New York Giants and most
recently was the defensive coor-
dinator of the Miami Dolphins.
The addition of LSU to the
1985 schedule means the Pirates
now will face Miami of Florida,
South Carolina, Tulsa, Temple,
Southwestern Louisiana, Auburn,
N.C. State and Southern
Mississippi in that season.
ECU To Face South
Alabama IN NCAA's
Pirate ace Winfred Johnson better have his best stuff if the Pirates plan to do well In the NCAA playoffs.
ECU will meet South Alabama
Thursday at noon in the first
round of the NCAA South I
regional baseball playoffs in
Tallahasee, Fla it was announc-
ed Monday.
South Alabama, 46-17, is seed-
ed as the top team in the region,
while the Pirates, 32-11, are seed-
ed sixth. Other teams in the region
include second seeded Florida,
followed by Stetson, Florida State
and Miami.
Florida and cross-state foe
Miami also square off on Thurs-
day, while Stetson and Florida
State meet in the nightcap.
"It's going to be one of the two
toughest regions ECU head
coach Hal Baird said. "It's a
strong field and there's no easy
Baird said the four Florida
schools alone would make it a
good field. Miami, 43-25. won the
national championship in 1982.
Freshman right hander Jim
Peterson is expected to get the
start in Thursday's contest, while
Winfred Johnson will get the call
on Friday.
"We'll go with the same guys
we used at the ECAC South Tour-
nament Baird said. "We don't
have a complete scouting report
on South Alabama at the present
time, but I'd have to say we'll pro-
bably open with Peterson
Baird said his team has been
loose in practice, but still thinks
the pressure of the tournament
might get to some of his palyers.
"We're a young team so I'm sure
we'll have our share of butterflies,
but I think we'll settle down once
the first pitch is thrown
South I Region
Tallahassee, Florida
May 24-27
South Alabama (Sun Belt Con-
ference, 46-17) vs. East Carolina
(ECAC South, 32-11).
Florida (Southeastern, 43-14)
vs. Miami (at-large, 43-25).
Stetson (at-large, 45-11) vs.
Florida State (Metro, 53-26).
NFL Picks Greenville Dry
The ECU football team lost
eight of its graduating seniors, the
third highest total in the nation, to
the National Football League's
draft earlier this month, but
Coach Ed Emory is still optimistic
about the upcoming football
season due to an excellent
recruiting year.
Of the players drafted, Steve
Hamilton, a 6-4, 253-pound
defensive end, was the first Pirate
to go. Hamilton was picked up by
the Washington Redskins in the
second round.
"I'm very happy about the
whole situation Hamilton said.
"I talked with Coach Gibbs and
they said they plan to use me at a
down defensive end
First-team All-America Terry
Long, a 6-0, 280-pound offensive
guard, was next to go as he was
picked up by the Pittsburgh
Steelers in the fourth round.
Although Long is one of the
quickest players in the nation for
his size, he was thought too short
by many teams to be given higher
Defensive back Clint Harris,
linebacker Jeff Pegues and defen-
sive end Hal Stephens all went in
the fifth round. The New York
Giants got Harris, the Redskins
selcted Pegues and Stephens was
nabbed by the Los Angeles Rams.
The Rams also picked Norwood
Vann, a 6-2, 225-pound tight end,
in the temh round. Fullback
Ernest Byner was picked up later
in the same round by the
Cleveland Browns.
The final Pirate to be drafted
was 6-6, 257-pound offensive
tackle John Robertson who went
to the Philadephia Eagles in the
eleventh round.
Kevin Ingram and Mike Grant
skipped the draft and are current-
ly playing in the Canadian and
United States Football Leagues'
respectively, but are still expected
to go high in the NFL's suplimen-
tal draft held in June.
If Ingram and Grant had
elected to wait for the draft, ECU
would have had the second
highest number of players
drafted, surpassing Illinois who
had nine.
Emory said the football pro-
gram suffered a great loss with the
departure of the 1984 senior class,
but was confident, in time, that
the incoming recruits would be
able to fill the vacated spots.
"Needs were great at quarter-
back, defensive back and defen-
sive end Emory said. "We feel
we have captured a great group in
all three areas
Emory also said last year's
recruiting campaign was more na-
tionwide in scope due to the
Pirates success during the 1983
football season. "We went right
to the wire with some of the
players and recruited them away
from other very good football
schools he said.
The 1984 recruiting class con-
tains 24 high school players and
six junior college stars. The
following is a brief summary of
each recruit:
ABRAMS, Quarterback, 6-0,
185, Mobile, AL: Led senior team
to the state 4-A championship
with a perfect 14-0 recordnam-
ed all-region with 526 yards
rushing and 927 yards
passingalso led baseball team
with a .405 batting average.
BOLING, Defensive End, 6-4,
218, Asheville, NC: MVP on
defense and number one tight end
in conference on championship
team last seasonWon 10 letters
while competing in three sports in
high school.
Linebacker, 6-2, 225, Hampton,
VA: Honorable mention All-
America and listed among the best
in Blue Chip Magazinelisted
among top 10 players in Virginia
and top 125 in the countryalso
played basketball and ran track.
Defensive Tackle, 6-3, 240, Nor-
folk, VA: Listed among top 25
players in Virginiahas great
room for improvement having
played football for only two
Quarterback, 6-2, 190, Bcrgen-
field, NJ: Selected all-conference
and all-countyled team to an
8-1 record and league champion-
ship accumulated 1500 yards
total offense, 1180 of that
rushingalso a sprinter on the
track team.
Receiver, 6-3, 195, Fayetteville,
NC: Named all-state while scoring
nine touchdowns and catching the
ball for 701 yardsselected to
play in Shrine Bowl and East-
West Ail-Star game.
EASTERLING, Defensive Back,
6-3, 195, Raeford, NC: Con-
sidered one of the finest defensive
backs in North CarolinaWon
nine letters while playing basket-
ball and baseball in addition to
Receiver, 5-11, 165, Portsmouth,
VA: Named all-city and all-
district junior and senior
seasonscaught 50 passes for
over 1000 yards and 12
touchdownswon four district
titles in track as a senior.
FORD, Receiver, 6-5, 210,
Jacksonville, FL: Named all-state
and listed among the Super 24 for
North Florida and Southern
Georgiamember of district
championship teams for three
consecutive years in both football
and basketball.
Defensive End, 6-6, 205, Jackson-
ville, FL: Named all-conference,
all-city and third team
all-statealso lettered in basket-
Defensive Back, 6-1, 175, Hamp-
ton, VA: Honorable mention all-
state team won state champion-
ship in 1981holds school record
in 60-yard high hurdles, while also
competing in six other events.
JAMES, Running Back, 6-0, 215,
Hartsville, SC: Rushed for 1570
yards and was named to the
Shrine Bowl team in 1983let-
tered all four years in football.
Defensive Back, 6-3, 180, Nor-
folk, VA: Named all-Tidewater
and all-Eastern Regionbroke
state record with 27 interceptions
during careeralso lettered in
track and basketball.
SHEW, Offensive Line, 6-6, 250,
Wallace, NC: Selected for the
East-West All-Star
gamehonorable mention all-
Hal Stephens (93) and Jeff Pegues went high in the NFL draft held
earlier this month.
Eastplayed on golf team for
two years.
MOLINEAUX, Defensive
Tackle, 6-3, 225, Grafton, VA:
Played five different positions in
high school named all-district
and all-region as both tight end
and linebackersecond team all-
stateselected to play in
Virginia's East-West All-Star
ning Back, 6-1, 210, Nashville,
NC: Named All-America by
Scholastic Coach
MagazineRushed for more than
1200 yards as a junioras a
sophmore, threw for over 1000
yards while rushing for 700.
Defensive End, 6-4,210, Tarboro,
NC: Selected ail-East while play-
ing both linebacker, end and safe-
tyran four events for track
See NEW, Page t


Tigers Set Records
Detroit Tigers must be setting a
record for the number of records
they're chasing.
Detroit, off to the best start in
baseball history at 32-5, hosted
the Cincinnati Reds Monday in a
sandlot benefit exhibition game
before embarking on another
record quest.
The Tigers make the tough trip
to the West Coast to play the
teams it just hosted ? California,
Seattle and Oakland starting
tonight with the Angels.
Detroit is unbeaten in 14 road
games this season, only two off
the American League standard of
the 1912 Washington Senators.
Baseball, Lowry says, should be
put in perspective. It is not more
important than life and should
not be treated as such.
"People hang on what goes on
on the field he said. "That
downplays life a bit.
"If somebody hits a home run,
that's news he said. "But when
something happens in somebody's
life ? that's important.
"It's just a game said the
rookie who made the jump from
Double-A ball to the majors
because he hits left-handed, is a
solid catcher and because John
Wockenfuss got traded. "Don't
make it out to be more than what
it is.
"I get caught up in baseball,
too. There's a lot of other stuff
that could be a lot worse for
young people than baseball
Manager Sparky Anderson re-
joins the club today after flying to
California last Thursday to attend
to the funeral for his father, who
died an hour before he was
scheduled to undergo surgery for
removal of a lung tumor.
The club remains unfazed and
seemingly unaffected by its fast
start, which is good because other
clubs have put up some pretty
good numbers for it to shoot at.
Next in view is the 41-9 start of the
1946 Boston Red Sox.
Each of Detroit's three main
starting pitchers ? Jack Morris,
Dan Petry and Milt Wilcox ?
isn't pitching very well now and
admits it.
The whole team mouths the
"we're taking them one game at a
time" cliche ? and the players
not only act like they believe it,
but play like it.
Rookie catcher Dwight Lowry
is a good example.
He stroked his first major-
league home run Sunday in a 4-3
victory over Oakland, a bases-
empty blast in the second that
made it 3-1, and then shrugged the
whole thing off ? even saying it
didn't matter which of the two
baseballs he was presented with
was the one he hit for the home
'The only thing I was thinking
running around the bases was to
get back to the dugout as fast as I
could Lowry said. "It's just as
much for everybody else as it is
for me
New Recruits Look Promising
Continued From Page 7
SON, Running Back, 6-1, 195
Fredricksburg, VA: Named
Washington Officials Associa-
tion's outstanding high school
football player in the state of
Virginiaran in five events for
track team.
Defensive Back, 5-10, 175, Green-
ville, NC: Named all-arealet-
tered three times in trackfinish-
ed sixth in state championships
with a high jump of 6' 8
Linebacker, 6-1, 220, Hampton!
VA: Named one of the top 25'
players in his statenamed most
deserving as a seniorlettered
three times in track.
Linebacker, 6-3, 225, Charlotte!
NC: Selected school's most
oustanding defensive
linemanfinished with 46 tackles
junior seasonstrong in the
weight room.
WILLIAMS, Running Back, 6-1,
195, Kannapolis, NC: Selected to
the Shrine Bowl teamnamed all-
stateteam's most valuable
player two consecutive years.
Quarterback, 5-10, 180, Foley
AL: Led team to three regional
Intramural Basketball To Begin
TCI ??(ruarab
Hoop it up with Intramural
three-on-three basketball
The Department of Intramural-
Recreational Services is offering a
:hree-on-three basketball program
ihe first session of summer
school. Registration begins Mon-
day, May 21 and ends Wednes-
day, May 23. Come by Room 204,
Memorial Gym to register. Play
begins May 28. We challenge you
o participate.
The Summer Softball Season
starts off with a bang this week.
Two leagues have developed with
five teams each - The Pirate
Powers and The Buccaneer
Bombers. Play promises to be ex-
citing as well as fun to watch.
Come watch your friends battle it
out for the first session title.
Games are played between 5:30
and 7:30 on the Intramural fields
in front of Ficklen Stadium.
otiier ior the number one spot.
Check into the Outdoor Recrea-
tion Activities in Memorial Gym.
Backpacking, canoeing, and other
fun-filled "adventure trips" are
offered this session.
Remember those aerobic fitness
classes, self-defense and
aquaerobics you signed up for and
join the fun with Intramurals this
Racquetball and tennis singles
preliminary rounds are being held
throughout the next two weeks
with the championship tourna-
ment in June. Only the best will
win out as players challenge each
Welcome Back Students
Stores located at:
N. Green St across from King & Queen N.
Carolina East Mall, In front of Kerr Drugs
brrwrkfn' SHbeSt Hotdogs f'ammed broiled
burgers, chicken and seafood.
Come See Us
Plus our famous Salad Bar.
championshipsrushed for 1200
yards and passed for 490 yards in
senior seasonalso played
basketball and ran track.
Junior College Recruits
BARTLETT, Quarterback, 5-11,
195, Monrovia, CA: While
quarterback at Citrus Junior Col-
lege, broke Billy Kilmer's passing
records with 1,657 yards, 14
touchdowns passing and eight
rushingsecond team Juinor Col-
lege All-Americaset conference
record with 33 stolen bases in 27
games in JC baseball.
Line, 6-0, 250, Harvery, LA:
Selected Junior College All-
America named most outstan-
ding lineman in both the region
and the statehas played center
throughout his career.
Fullback, 5-11, 210, Hartsville,
SC: MVP on Northeast
Oklahoma JC teams that finished
second and fourth in the
nationrushed for over 1,500
yards in junior collegenamed
South Carolina back-of-the-year
in high school in 1982In 1981,
rushed for 2,176 yards on the
season and scored from 73 yards
out on the final play of the state
championship game to give his
team the state title.
Defensive Back, 5-11, 190, Hilton
Head, SC: Named defensive
player of the year at Sacremento
JCselected all-state and All-
America In high school, selected
school's most outstanding athlete
as he participated in both basket-
ball and baseball.
Defensive Tackle, 6-3, 275,
Grasonville, MD: Honorable
mention All-America64 tackles
final seasonwon state cham-
pionship in the indoor shot put.
WASHINGTON, Defensive End,
5-11, 225, Glennville, GA: Named
All-America and most valuable
player at Hudson Valley JC.had
nine sacks in one gamealso
named MVP of track team as he
set a school record for total points
in a season.
Former Pirate Football stars
now playing professional foot-
National Football League
A.C. Collins, New England
George Crump, New England
Tootie Robbins, St. Louis Car-
Jody Schulz, Philadelphia Eagles
Zack Valentine, Philadelphia
United States Football League
Sam Norris, Chicago Blitz
Sam Harrell, Houston Gamblers
Mike Grant, Memphis Showboats
Mike Brewington, New Orleans
Larry O'Roark, San Antonio
Willie Holley, Washington
Harold Randolph, Washington
Robbie Bartlett
Canadian Football League
Danny Kepley, Edmenton
Kevin Ingram, Edmenton
Gerry Rogers, Ottawa Rough
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The East Carolinian, May 23, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 23, 1984
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