The East Carolinian, April 5, 1984

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Serving the East Carolina campus
community since 1925
Vol.58 No. 5A
Greenville, N.C.
Thursday, April 5, 194
10 Pages
Circulation 10,000
Hunt Advocates Increase In
Defense Budget, Arms Talks
LESLIE TODD ? ECU N?wt luniu
f LKILIf TODD - ECU Nnri lurti
Go J.mes H??, conduct .? impromptu discussion ?!?, ECU slud.uls following Tuesd.ys spMcll
PIRG Organizers Petition For
Initiation Of Referendum
The United States should in-
crease defense spending, devote
more resources to conventional
forces and go ahead with plans for
the MX missile, B-l and Stealth
bombers and the Trident sub-
marine, Gov. James B. Hunt Jr.
said in his first major speech on
national defense Tuesday night at
Speaking to a full house in
Mendenhall Student Center's
Hendrix Theatre, Hunt outlined a
conservative policy for defense
and stressed that arms reduction
talks with the Soviet Union are "a
vital part of our comprehensive
national security policy
Hunt is trying to unseat incum-
bent Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C.
"I believe we must increase
defense spending Hunt said "I
support substantial real increases
in our country's defense budget
Hunt said increases of 5 to 7 per-
cent in defense spending after in-
flation would "give strategists the
growth to develop and deploy
needed new weapons
Hunt called for upgrading in
almost every area of defense. He
supports an increase in the
number of ships in the Navy, the
creation of new Army light infan-
try divisions and more commit-
ment to conventional troop
"Readiness of conventional
troops is not what it should be "
Hunt said. "This imbalance
should be corrected quickly
Hunt claimed his greatest dif-
ference from Helms came in his
commitment to arms control
"The most important issue facing
our world is the need for
serious, sustained negotiations
that reduce the threat of nuclear
war he said. "Arms negotia-
tions are not a sign off weakness.
They are a sign of strength
Hunt differed sharply with
some members of the Democratic
Party, including presidential can-
didates Walter Mondale and Sen.
Gary Han. Hunt said he does not
support the nuclear freeze because
"I think there is a better way a
fair, realistic, long-term nuclear
arms control treaty
In a press conference before the
speech, Hunt took a lard line on
relations with the Scviet Union.
Asked if the Soviets -vere friends
of the U.S. and coulc be trusted
Hunt said, "absolu ely not. 1
See HUNT. Page 5
ECU students may soon be
given a chance to vote on whether
or not they want a Public Interest
Research Group on the ECU cam-
Since the SGA Legislature
decided three weeks ago that it
could not call for a student
referendum, members of the
ECU-PIRG organizing committee
decided to take action and are cur-
rently circulating a petition asking
for a referendum to be held.
According to Speaker of the
Legislature Kirk Shelley's inter-
pretation of the SGA Constitu-
tion, only the student body, with
signatures of 10 percent of the
students on a petition, can call for
a referendum.
According to Student PIRG
organizer Jay Stone, Vice
Chancellor for Student Life Elmer
Meyer said the signatures of 1,350
students, or approximately 10 per-
cent of the student body, are
needed in order for the referen-
dum to be held.
The signatures will have to be
collected by tomorrow. Stone said
he currently has between 1,100
and 1,200 signatures and is op-
timistic that he will collect the
rest. In fact, he said, he is aiming
for 1,600 signatures.
The petition states the goals of
High School Students Visit Campus
PIRG, which is a non-partisan,
non-profit, student funded and
directed group. One of its primary
goals is research and public educa-
tion on environmental and con-
sumer issues. In addition, the peti-
tion states that, if a PIRG is
established on the ECU campus, it
will be funded with a $3 per
semester, waivable fee. Students
choose whether to pay the fee on
their tuition bill.
According to Assistant Student
Attorney General Rick Brown
once the signatures have been ob-
tained, the Student Attorney
General will make sure that it is in
order before presenting it to the
Red Cross Blood Drive
Scheduled During April
SGA president. The issue must
then be voted on within 11 to 16
"This is the most important
issue that any student at ECU can
ever be expected to vote on
Stone said.
The referendum, which is non-
binding, is only to survev student
support for PIRG and does not
mean the organization will be set
up on campus.
Staff ?m?r
A blood drive conducted by the
Red Cross will be held on campus
April 10 and 11 in room 244 of
Mendenhall Student Center.
Army ROTC cadet Donald
Fontenot, coordinator of the
blood drive, said 250 pints are ex-
pected to be donated the first day
and approximately- 300 pints the
This year the Army ROTC has
given students added incentive to
donate, Fontenot said. A keg of
beer is being given by the Intra-
Fraternity Council to the fraterni-
ty whose members donate the
most blood. Prizes to other
organizations with large dona-
tions are being sponsored by local
"We're trying to ask the stu-
dent body at ECU to come out
and be supportive Fontenot
According to Fontenot, this is
the first drive conducted by .Army
ROTC, but turnout is expected to
be good due to the laige number
of promotional efforts thev have
been involved with.
"The tornado disaster which
just happened is added
incentive Fonterot said,
"because the injured are in
need Fontenot said since the
disaster happened so close to
ECU, students should be better
able to understand the need for
donations of blood.
S,CJL2!?S Weekend To Begin Saturday
By ELaA?? BIR? said Dr. David Sanders, chairman nrn?ram ?? 2L . .
Talented high school juniors
from all over North Carolina will
participate in ECU's Scholars
Weekend, which will be held April
Scholars Weekend is a universi-
ty invitation to 100 superior high
school juniors across the state
which allows them to visit campus
and meet faculty and students,
said Dr. David Sanders, chairman
of the Scholars Weekend Com-
mittee and professor of English.
According to Sanders, the
visiting juniors have been recom-
mended by their high school prin-
cipal or guidance counselor, and
have Scholastic Achievement Test
scores of 1200 or above.
Sanders said that, of the 100
students who attend Scholars
Weekend, approximately 25 or 30
will enter ECU under the honors
program upon graduation from Mendenhall
high school.
"Coming to ECU during
Scholars weekend is a good first
step in receiving scholarships
said Saunders. Half of the alumni
scholarships offered last year
went to these students, said
Scholars Weekend will begin
Saturday night with a debate bet-
ween visiting students followed by
a dance, both to be held at
Official activities will begin
Sunday morning. Events Sunday
will center on discussions between
students, parents, and faculty
concerning academics, scholar-
ships, financial aid and campus
life. The students will stay in the
campus residence halls during
their visit.
On Monday, Sanders said,
students will be touring campus
and visiting classes.
Economy Unites Schools, Businesses
(CPS) ? In mid-February,
General Motors proudly announc-
ed plans to build a new plant right
next to the University of
Four days later, GM announced
with yet more fanfare it was awar-
ding a $156,000 grant to two
Alabama professors to develop a
new computer system for the
It was only the most recent new
marriage between private
businesses and colleges, both large
and small.
"Arrangements" between
businesses and campuses, which
historically have viewed each
other suspiciously in the best of
times and actively disdained each
other the rest of the time, are now
being announced almost weekly.
It's happening so often now
that few people outside the cam-
puses involved even notice, says
Edward Leare of the American
Scoiety for Engineering Edcua-
And while some academics may
"still feel they're dirtying their
hands" by working so closely with
industry, "they better get used to
it, because we like the money
says John Enyart, a chemistry
professor at Pitt and co-author of
a study of how colleges lure high-
tech companies to locate next to
Money is the most obvious
reason so many schools are get-
ting into the act.
With public tax support of col-
leges growing more slowly than in
the past, with the number of
tuition-paying students beginning
to dwindle, and with the growing
difficulty of scaring up more
money to pay talented teachers
enough to stay on campus,
schools began turning to private
corporations for mney help about
two years ago.
Alabama, Michigan, Wiscon-
sin, Penn State, Carnegie-Mellon,
Washington, Denver, Oklahome,
North Carolina and Texas
schools, among may others, set
out either singly or in groups to
become the next "Silicon Valley"
of wherever they happen to be.
In the "Silicon Valley" in nor-
thern California, of course, the
computer industry grew up and
around Stanford, San Jose State
and Bekeley, to the great profit of
all concerned.
The companies get relatively
cheap research and development
help for their products, and a
ready pool of talented researchers
and tax deductions for the money
they give colleges.
The schools gain grants, added (
prestige, more money for their ?
professors and graduate
Just me and my shadow
Voting Difficult In Pitt County
Students Seek Registration Policy Changes
B, JENNIFER JENDRASIAK Pit?Countyis?heu?of. "me ctang" H. c.ed the chain? ? , ' 6
Student apathy has always been
a fact of life. Many students don't
exercise their right to vote, but
often it is not because they don't
want to. Voter registration regula-
tions in Pitt County make it dif-
ficult for many ECU students to
register in the area. Some ECU
students are working to try and
change these regulations.
According to Jimmie Hackett,
president of the Society Of United
Liberal Students, the difference in
Pitt County is the use of a "means changed. He called the chairman
test to determine residency, of the State Board of Elections in
Students are asked whether or not order to inform him of the situa-
they pay county taxes, the name tion in Greenville. Hackett said
of the county where they received the chairman sent a letter to the
their drivers' license and other Pitt County Board of Elections
questions - questions which if clarifying what is legal and not
answerednegatively will make the legal in keeping students from
student ineligible to register to registering to vote.
Students, Hackett said, "are
Dennis Kilcoyne also said he
thinks something needs to be done
about the current situation. "I
like the idea of getting involved
with other students to register
students to vote he said. "It
been passed if students were able
to vote on the issue. If the action
taken with the board is not suffi-
cient, Hackett said he plans to
start lobbying and circulating
i ?!?j ? wuwuis w voic ne said, "it
In addition, SOULS is planning hampers our activities not to be
oter re?raUon drives in the able to register students to vote
vote locally, making it necessary Students, Hackett said "are HI1 . 0ur. mor t"?81 ?" KUcoyne said the College
for them to return to their being taken advantage ofbv the !?I,L registration will be for Republicans would like to help
hometown to register, which community because they arcI not !JESZSLz2mperomt chngc registration in
students fmd an inconve- registered to vote. He cited the ?J - mmontlcs m f communi- handled in this county and then
recently enacted noise ordinance ZJZEl" to VOtC & ho,ding votcr registration
which he said would noTnavl "coSeae Re?uhv.? k. dnm ?D
ouege Republican member Sec VOTING, Page 5
The Inside
Hackett is working to get this
Announcements 2
Editorials " 4
Style g
Sports i
Classifieds7.7 9
Find oat how vou can
return all those overdue
library books ? without pay-
lag a fine. Sec FINES, page 5.
? ECU plays N.C. Stale hi
y-eha today at 7 p.m. at
Harrington Held
ilrH ' ' ' "
v - - .

1APRIL 5, 1984
The East Carolinian
Serving the campus communm
since MQJ.
Published every Tuesday and
Thursday during the academic
year and every Wednesday dur
'no me summer
The East Carolinian is the ot
f'clal newspaper ot East
Carolina University, owned
operated, and publish tor ana
by the student of East Carolina
Subscription Rate: ?0 yearly
The East Carolinian office
? re located in the Old South
Building on the campus of ECU.
Greenville N.C.
POSTMASTER Send address
changes to The East Carolinian
Old South Building ECU Green
vllle. NC 77834
Telephone: 737344, J47. ?30?
There will be a meeting of students
wanting to work for Gov Jim Hunt's
campaign for the u S Senate on
Thursday ?f 5 p m jn Men0ennall
Student center Ask at the inform a
?lon desk for the room number Come
o help elect effective leadership ,n
the Senate
Yes! That's right LOGOS, a coo
temporary rock, Christian band from
Raleigh wants to rock this campus
Saturday night. 7 30 9 30 at the Bap
tist Student Union located on 10th St
near Wendy's EVERYONE
welcome! See you there
The Brothers ot the Kappa Alpha
Pli Fraternity inc would like to e?
tenc to everyone a cordial invitation
to attend their Sem, Formal Kappa
Koronation Bali to be held Sat April
7, at the Ramada Inn from 9pm to 2
a m Admission will be S 00 single
and M 00 couple Tickets may ne pur
chased from any brother ot Kappa
Alpha Psi or any Kappa Sweetheart
We look forward to seeing you ere!
For all interested students - There
will be a bus running from the dorms
to the PHI TAU house for SPRING
FLING ?4 We encourage you to fake
advantage of this bus. which will run
from 3 30 7 00. In order to avoid a
DWi ID s will be checked!
The intramural track meet will be
held Wednesday, April II beginning
at 3 00 p m on the Bunting field.
Registration deadline is April 5 with a
mandatory captains meeting Thurs ,
April 5 at 7 00 p t on BC 103
All students Interested In olning
the campus organization to elect
Rutus Edmisfen as Governor in 1984
please contact Betty Casey or Macon
Move (ECU coordinators at 752 0312
Don t forget the meeting Mon night
concerning the Myrtle Beach trip.
Congratulations AZD's on a great
show' Pi Kapps, we're ready Sun
There will be a Lacrosse match this
weekend at State. The match will be
at 12:00 on Saturday, April 7. It will
be as exciting as our last two matches
were. Lacrosse players there will be
practice T, TH, and Frl. at 3:00 Also
If you have not payed dues, you must
pay by Friday or you can't play
The Campus Alcohol and Drug Pro-
gram will sponsor a speaker. Miss
Maggie French, April 9th at 800 P.M.
In the Multipurpose room of
Mendenhall Student Center She will
speak on the Issues of drug and
alcohol abuse. Admission Is free and
everyone Is invited
The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity Inc. will be sponsoring a
Jr Miss Phi Beta Sigma Pageant on
April 27, 1984 at the Ramada inn
Anyone who would like to share in
this event with a talent that you would
like to perform on this date are asked
to contact Richard Dawkins at
758 9405 or any brother of the fraternl
fy as soon as possible
. ?ver'ck oroanliatlon of Com
? AWtctkMW ,? Dclton
oay. April 5th. 4 p.m. In Raw) 130 if,
ongoing pro(cf for slM-tt n
ment. Nomination, tor officer, will
s?m.?UrMd' ?'?C0O? tor "?
2eT2L2 upcoro,n? The time to
y Membership 1. op? to all
student, with ,n interest in com
Purer or who would like to learn
(graduate or undergraduate). Do It
tor your future. See you Thursday the
Don t miss out on the final meeting
ot the semester on Monday. April 9th,
at 7 00. in BN 102 Elections will be
held and plans will befinallred for the
last special project of the semester
There will also be a brief report on
the CANCAS trip. Once again, all
members and interested persons are
urged to attend
Work for a new generation of
leadership and come to the meeting
ot students supporting Democratic
Sen Gary Hart for president
Meetings are held every Thursday
night in Mendenhall Student Center
at 7 30 p m Ask at the information
desk tor the room number
Players needed. Must be strong,
coordinated, dedicated, and have
leather balls Learn the game in the 2
home matches remaining. Practice is
Tues Wed and Thurs at 4:00 p.m.
If you're Interested, come on out, but
please, no geeks. Match this
weekend. March 7, at 2:00 p.m
against Appalachian St.
Bahama Mama Party coming
soon April 19th at the Kappa
Sigma House The party starts at 430
so get your tickets early. See any
brother or little sister for tickets
Sigma Theta Tau, the National
Honor Society of Nursing, will hold Its
Induction of new members on Satur
day April 7. 1984, at v,n am In the
Jenkins Art Building Auditorium Dr
Elolse Lewis, Dean of the School of
Nursing. UNC Greensboro, will
speak on the "Quest for Excellence "
All new Inductees, family, friends,
and member, are Invited to attend
ut3CU Club RCQ?tball Team
will host an all campus racquetball
tournament next fall, complete with
tournament shirts for all players,
tournament party, and great prizes
More info will be available on Mon
day, April 9, at 5:00 p.m. in room 102
Memorial Gym. Anyone who is in
terested should come by and give us
your summer address so we can mall
you an entry form In August We will
also vote on the nominations for next
years officers and discuss clinic and
travel plans.
Ledonia S Wright Memorial
Scholarship ? Criteria: Afro-
American student enrolled full time;
At least 2.S overall GPA, At least 32
semester hours to be completed by
the end of Spring semester Amount?.
Date of Award: Two(2) two hundred
(8200) scholarships to be awarded for
the 1984 85 academic year ($100 each
semester) Application Procedure:
Application forms are located In the
Financial Aid Office, Complete and
return to: Dr. Dennis Chestnut,
Psychology Department, Speight 109.
Application Deadline: Wednesday
April 11, 1984
Recipients to be announced April 13.
Looking for some music that'll give
your ears a treat? Listen to WZMB,
we've got the sounds that can't be
beat. On every Sunday morlnlng from
6 am to 10 am The Contemporary
Gospel Show Is coming out the cam-
pus airwaves at 91.3 FM. We've got
some great groups like: The Im
perials, Glad, Amy Grant, David
Meece and much, much more. So
tune on every Sunday morning for
some rock founded on "The Rock
There will not be a club meeting
Mon, April 9th due to Fantasy
rehearsals. Also, for those who are
going on the Silent Retreat, we will be
meeting at 500 on Friday, at 113 9th
St Please be there on time because
we would like to leave no later than
530 See ya there!
.v2? liT? ' "? UP With
Th. ??, Club ? oH-fng
crew Club" membership, for
?reduetlno seniors Thl, consists of a
Purple and gold report, decels. priori
ty on season football and basketball
tickets and much more and this is
completely free. Contact the Pirate
Club office at 757170, or Mark
Nlewald at 757 4009 or stop by our
booth at the Student Supply April 12 8.
13, or Barefoot on the Mall April 19.
We will meet Thursday, April 5th,
In Mendenhall room 247, at 415
Please note this time change and be
on time We will have elections and
finalize plans for the upcoming fund
raising protect, information will also
be provided regarding the next piann
ed service protect. Don't forget to
please be on timed I
Brothers, Pledges, and Little
Sisters, the annual Champagne
Breakfast will beAaturday. April 7 at
I 30 A.M. af the" Ramada Inn
Parent's Oay Is April 14. The Bahama
Mama Beach Party win be April 19
We need your support Congraduia
tions to the AZO's on a lob well done
Inter Varsity will only meet a few
more times this semester Don't you
want to be a part of them? Next
week's meeting will be a time for peo
pie to share with the group the talents
that God has given them So start
practicing everybody! We're looking
forward to a great time together
All Naitonal Direct Student Loan
Borrowers are reminded ot the exit
interview requirement upon gradua
tion or those otherwise not returning
to ECU Fall Semester 1984 as
undergraduate or graduate students
The interview is necessary to inform
NDSL recipients of the repayment
schedule provisions tor loan
cancellation, ano other pertinent in
formation You are requested to
report to 'he Multi Purpose Room of
the Mendenhall Student Center at
5 3C pm on either April 3 April 9 or
April 11 1984
Applications are now being ac
cepfed for the Davio B ana vvfia H
Stevens Scholarship for
undergraduates enrolled in the Divi
Sion of Socal Work The S500 00
Scholarship will be awaroeo for the
fall semester ot 1984 The recipient
win be selected on the basis of
academic excellence financial neeo
0000 citizenship, and dedication to
the Social Work ano or Criminal
Justice professions Applications are
available from ano should be return
ed to The Division of Social Work
Room 314 Allied Health ; Carol Belk)
Building Deadline April 20, 1984
For more information call 575 6961
ext 219
Starting a resume now may be a big
help when you look for a summer ob
or as you take stock ot your education
or past work experience if you have
worked on a farm or had a paper
route then you have had some ex
perience Your part time work can
have a lot to do with the job or career
in which you begin after graduation
Dr John s Chllders, Director.
ECU Testing Center, announces a
special administration of the Na
fionai Teacher Examinations ? Core
Battery no 3 (Professional
Knowledge; ana the Specialty Area
Examinations to be held at East
Carolina University, on Saturday.
May 5 1984 Persons interested in
registering for this special ad
ministration are urged to contact the
ECU Testing Center, Speight
Building room 105 Greenville, N. C ,
Telephone (919) 7576811. no later
than Apr.l 15, 1984
Now is the time for a new genera
tion ot leadership if you are fed up
with the politics of nostalgia and look
mg for new solutions to the nation's
problems join Students With Hart. We
are the vanguard of a new
democracy We will be meeting at
Mendenhall Ask receptionist for
room number every Thursday at
p m For more information call
752 4935 or 757 356
Closing date Is April 15th ? There
will be a mandatory meeting for all
persons associated with Pirate Walk
and those interested on April 11th. All
escorts please return their lackets at
this time. Ron Langley and the Stu
dent Government appreciate
everyones cooperation throughout
the year Thank you
The Law School Admission Test
1 LSAT) will be offered at East
Carolina University on Monday, June
18. 1984 Application blanks are to be
completed and mailed to
LSATLSDAS, Box 2000 R, Newtown,
PA 18940 Registration deadline Is
May 17, 1984 Registrations
postmarked after this date must be
accompanied by a 815, non
refundable, late registration fee.
Come foln the Sign Language Club
for an evening of mime, sign, and
?ong The club will be performing
popular movie and broadway themes
and current popular songs Sign
language skills are not necessary to
appreciate the performance. Enoy
the Fantasy, Tuesday, April 10 at 7 ?
p.m. In Wright Auditorium Admls
slon Is free to everyone
Author and veteran backpacker
Allen DeHart will be the Sierra club
guest speaker at its April 9th
meeting. Along with a slide presents
tion Mr. DeHart will discuss the pro
grass of the Mountain to-Sea Trail, a
20-mlle wide corridor spanning North
Carolina and connecting maior
population centers with outlying
natural resources. He will also
discuss the NC Trails Association
Mr. DeHart Is the author of North
Carolina Hiking Trails as well as
guide books to hiking trails in
Virginia and Sokuth Carolina.
The Sierra Club meets at me First
Presbyterian Church on 14th and Elm
Streets in Greenville at 8 pm. Non
members are welcome to attend
Coming Friday
with Central Park
The Graduate Management Admls
sion Test (GMAT) will be offered at
East Carolina University on Safur
day, June 16, 1984 Application blanks
are to be completed and mailed to
GMAT, Educational Testing Service,
Box 966 R, Princeton, N.J. 08540. Ap
plications must be postmarked no
later than May 14, 1984. Applications
may be obtained from the ECU
Testing Center, Room 105, Speight
Building, Greenville, N. C. 27834.
Therj will be an information and
sign up sheet for all members of SAM
who are Interested In going on the
beach trip Saturday, AprM 7. There
will also be a sign up sheet tor anyone
Interested in running for offices on
Dr Ecksteins door room 209 Rawl un
til April 12.
The Graduate Record Examination
will be offered at East Carolina
University on Saturday, June 9, 1984
(General Exam only). Application
blanks are to be completed and mall
ed to Educational Testing Service,
Box 966 R, Princeton, N J. 08540 Ap
plications must be postmarked no
later than May 4, 1984 Applications
may be obtained from the ECU
Testing Center, Room 105, Speight
Play Ultimate Frlsbee and get
Horizontal. Ultimate Irates play
every Tuas Thurs. and Sun. bottom
of Hill at 3:30 pm important: irates
will be playing In Raleigh, April 14
and 151 Be there or be oblong.
Applications ara now being ac
cepted for the 1984 Student
Homecoming Committee Chalrper
??v Applications can be picked up af
?Ither the Mendenhall Information
Desk or the Alumni Center The
deadline for applying for this position
Is Friday, April is.
Brother remember ROSE BALL
is next weekend. Everyone grab your
date and be ready to throw down at
Nags Head! Also PI Kapp Field Day
is this Sunday Thanks goes out to all
of the little sisters tor working so
hard af making P.u.S.H. a great sue
cess. We couldn't have done it without
you. Everyone come out and help sup
port both the Softball and Handball
teems. Everyone listen out for our Alt
campus party on Reading Day. This
will be a maior party
Sunday, April 8th 11:30 A.M
Marauders are holding a Smile run at
Aycock High School. Later that day
at 300 P.M. a Rapelling Activity Is
scheduled at the Greenville Fire
Tower located off of 264 Business
(West) on corner of Skinner and Myr
tie Streets. Come on and "Hang
Around" with us
Join Spike Herward this Thursday
evening from 10-12 PM for Perma
nent Wave. Hear new releases as well
as traditional new wave music on the
new music show Permanent Wave.
This weeks featured artist Adam
Applications are now being ac
cepted for the RAY JONES
time students at East Carolina
University, sophomore or above, who
meet the following criteria Must be a
resident of Pitt County. Demonstrate
financial need. Demonstrate an in
terest In the field of alcoholism, and
Agree to a concentration (6 s h
minimum) in alcohol andor
alcoholism related coursework dur
ing the term of the scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded tor
a period of one academic year
1984-85, and shall be for in state tui
tion and fees
Application are available (and
should be returned to) AlcoholDrug
Education Committee, Room 304. Er
win Hall Deadline April 20, 1984
For more information, call 757 6649
The West Area Residence Cou'K
is presenting a Spring Fashion ex
travaganza on April 5th at 7 p m m
Garrett Dorm Fashions win be pro
vlded by area stores So lump Ma
Spring with Wine. Roses and Dreams
Tonight, at 5 X in Room n
Mendenhall the CR's will mee'
Nominations for Club Officers win d
taken from me members Elections
will be held next week All CR s
should attend For Goo and Count
Re-istration for the inframura
home run derby will end April 12 witti
the event being held that same oay or
the Women's varsity softbaii Held
Sign up through April 12 for this slug
ging activity
The ECU Chapter NAACP 1984 t:
elections will be helc April 13 1944 ??
6 00 p m room to be announced Ap
plications may be picked up Marc"
22 April 5. 1984 at Mendenhall s infor
maflon desk, 250 Jarvis Dorm or sw
Greene Dorm Return application tc
250 Jarvis Dorm by April 5, 1944 5 x
p m
There will be a meeting of stuoerr,
wanting to work for Gov j,m H - 1
campaign for the L S Senate on
Thursday at 5 p m ,n Menoenhan
Student Center Ask t the ,ntorms
tion desk tor the room number Com-
Jo help elect effect.v leaders-
the Senate
There will be a meeting of me
SOULS organization on Thurs , April
5, 1984 In room 221 Mendenhall af 700
p.m. Attendance is very important
Monday at 4 00 in the Coffee house
of Mendenhall, the Accxintmg soce
ty will elect officers for ne.t year t
members are urged to jtteno
Walking alone at right?
Call Pirate Walk
SUB ni-4
FOR ONLY $2.19
V I f iV A MC A I
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Greenville. NC 27834
Combination Special
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and Deviled Crab
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Tickets available at both
Record Bars, Apple Records and
King and Queen North
Call for information
East Carolina University's
Student Union
Needs Chairpersons For The
Following Committees
? Forum.Committee - Selects and promotes lectures, symposiums, or other related pro-
grams that will mterest the student body and University community.
? Public Relations & Publicity Committee - Will package publicity and coordinate total
promotion of the Union.
? Recreation Committee - Plans and promotes the following activities:
? ACU-I Tournaments (i.e. bowling, billiards)
? Clubs (Table Tennis, Chess, Backgammon)
? Special Recreation Activities (Ice CreamBingo, Watermelons, etc.)
? College bowl
Production Committee - Responsible for programs -Dinner Theatre, Madrigal Dinner
Student Center decorahons, receptions, and other programs - not contracted out.
Travel Committee - Plans and promotes the following types of trips: weekend excur-
aom, tnos scheduled during the holidays and during the break and also sponsors the
I ravel Adventure Film Series.
Applications for committee chairpersons are available at Mendenhall Student Center's
Wormabon Desk, or the Student Union Office (Room 234 -Mendenhall Student
Lenter). hor more information contact the Student Union Office at 757-6611 ext
?? 4
? . ?
" ' .
Trend St J
General IN
Continued From Page 1
assistants, better job pro-
spects for their students
and other benefits.
Companies pa
anywhere from $5,000 to
Si00,000 a year under the
"industrial affilitation
programs Envart
found in his study
The "normal fee
companies pay fc the
right to ask campus peo-
ple to work on projects
and for some access to
college faciln
$25,000, he found.
Moreover, mos: cor-
poral.ons ante up one-
time gifts to engineering
or chemistry department
"that are substantia
higher than SI00,000
he adds.
"This isn't a phase
Enyart insists. "Industry-
university research pro-
grams are lere to stay,
and everyone's going to
have to get asec
There's no choice at
some schools. "We've
now got over 40 com-
panies involved here
reports Dr. Ge.
Ansell, engineering dean
at Rensselaer Polyi
Institute in Troy. NY
one of the most ex-
perienced camp
business col.aborau-
All, of coarse, pay RPI
well for its research -er
vices. "There's a t .
trend for companie-
relocate (rear univer-
sities) Ansel sta
"We encourage it he-
Others encourage
too, and un versities now
openly compete with each
other to get companies to
relocate nex' to them
Ansell says the Univer-
sity of Michigan, which
launched an experve
advertising tw
years ago protraving
itself as a high-tecu '
ing library now g e
RPI a run for its mor.ev
in cutting deals with
robotics companies.
The North Carolina
Research Triangle, a
hign-tech industrial park
from which private firms
can call on the research
facilities of Duke, North
Carolina and other area
campuses, is now "one of
the best Silicon
When locking for a
new home, "we con-
sidered San Diego, Atlan-
ta, Austin and the North
Ca-olina Research
Triangle, among others in
21 states before work-
ing out ar elaborate
Gov. Hunt
Several ECL' students
protested against Gov.
Jim Hunt during his
Monday lecture in
Mendenhall Student
Center. Many of the pro-
testers were members of
Students for America and
the ECU College
Tim Whisenant, the
group leader, said the
group was
"demonstrating n
response to Hunt's ap-
pearance in what we con-
sider a political speech
The group was pro-
testing many of Hunts
policies. Rose Marie
Flythe, one of the pro-
testers, identified what
she considered to be one
of the problems ? the
tobacco program. "If
Hunt is elected, we will
lose our tobacco program
since Helms is presently a
key member of that com-
mittee she said.
Whisenant added,
"We respect his right to
come here and it is good
that he has indicated he
will take a stand

1 ?? Wes? ArM Residence Council
. ee"f?ofl a Spring Fashion ?.
la ssania on April sth at 7 p m In
la HI Ocrm Fashions will te pro-
fit Dv area stores So jump into
?aj? mwtna Roses ana Oreajm
a' 5 30 m Room 2jj
HM CRi will meet
d a ons ?or Ciub Officers will be
l?- Iron) "e memoers Elections
rv htM next week All CRs
?rtaou kv c-oa ana Country
i? B'Sfration or me intramural
r Derby will rna AprH lj with
, em e ng rK, fr,a, sarne da
? ?? sottbaii tieia
tfOHApi 12for this slug
JCV NAACP '94 15
? re Via Apr.iu. in
'oom c ;? anncKnceo Ap
mat D? Packed up March
U a' Menctenhall's infor
Hi 250 Jarvis Dorm or SOJ
- Return application to
- :? Apr;I 5 ,9,4. s fjn
? ? g of students
?? Jbn Hunt's
L S Senate on
n venoenhall
' ?? 'he mtorrtij
uber Come
?" eaaership ,n
I M? i-4 x he Coffee house
fltftna ma Accounting Socie
"s'or next year All
? " rseo ?o attend
'vr ?
Trend Started By
General Motors
Continued From Page 1
assistants, better job pro-
spects for their students
and other benefits.
Companies pay
anywhere from $5,000 to
$100,000 a year under the
"industrial affilitation
programs Enyart
found in his study.
The "normal" fee
companies pay for the
right to ask campus peo-
ple to work on projects
and for some access to
college facilities in
$25,000, he found.
Moreover, most cor-
porations ante up one-
time gifts to engineering
or chemistry departments
"that are substantially
higher than $100,000
he adds.
"This isn't a phase
Enyart insists. "Industry-
university research pro-
grams are here to stay,
and everyone's going to
have to get used to
There's no choice at
some schools. "We've
now got over 40 com-
panies involved here
reports Dr. George
Ansell, engineering dean
at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute in Troy, N.Y
one of the most ex-
perienced campus
business collaborators.
All, of course, pay RPI
well for its research ser-
vices. "There's a big
trend for companies to
relocate (near univer-
sities) Ansell states.
"We encourage it here
Others encourage it,
too, and universities now
openly compete with each
other to get companies to
relocate next to them.
Ansell says the Univer-
sity of Michigan, which
launched an expensive
adverusing campaign two
years ago protraying
itself as a high-tech "liv-
ing library now gives
RPI a run for its money
in cutting deals with
robotics companies.
The North Carolina
Research Triangle, a
high-tech industrial park
from which private firms
can call on the research
facilities of Duke, North
Carolina and other area
campuses, is now "one of
the best Silicon Valley
competitors Leare
When looking for a
new home, "we con-
sidered San Diego, Atlan-
ta, Austin and the North
Carolina Research
Triangle, among others in
.27 states before work-
ing out an elaborate
Gov. Hunt
Staff Writer
Several ECU students '
protested against Gov.
Jim Hunt during his
Monday lecture in
Mendenhall Student
Center. Many of the pro-
testers were members of
Students for America and
the ECU College
Tim Whisenant, the
group leader, said the
group was
"demonstrating in
response to Hunt's ap-
pearance in what we con-
sider a political speech
The group was pro-
testing many of Hunt's
policies. Rose Marie
Flythe, one of the pro-
testers, identified what
she considered to be one
of the problems ? the
tobacco program. "If
Hunt is elected, we will
lose our tobacco program
since Helms is presently a
key member of that com-
mittee she said.
Whisenant added,
"We respect his right to
come here and it is good .
that he has indicated he
will take a stand
agreement with the
University of Texas,
recalls BUI Stotesbery of
Microelectronics and
Computer Technologies.
Under the arrange-
ment, Texas and Texas
A&M will lend research
labs to the company,
lease a building to it in
1985, be paid for its staf-
fers' time and work, and
even get to use some com-
pany technicians as ad-
junct instructors.
To compete with the
thriving high tech-college
research arrangements in
Massachusetts, the city of
New Haven is building a
$10 million "high
techpark" next to Yale.
Though many of the
high tech dreams launch-
ed almost simultaneously
by New Haven, Penn-
sylvania and literally hun-
dreds of other schools ac-
tually may be coming true
now, some obstacles re-
One is the attitude of
some faculty members
who remain more in-
terested in pursuing
"pure science" than in
finding practical applica-
tions for research.
"Universities have
traditionally had an anti-
industry image Enyart
says. Professors "don't
want to work towards
patentable projects,
which is what industries
In general, "we're be-
ing forced to redirect our
research into becoming
more profitable he
says. "Engineering
departments are going to
have to be willing to use
their tools to test
The other obstacle is
money. University of
Arizona administrators
two weeks ago warned
state Democrats they'd be
unable to compete for
high tech research with
other colleges unless it
got an immediate 12 per-
cent funding hike.
Funding cut have forc-
ed Oklahoma State and
Oklahoma engineering
departments to delay
making the reforms
necessary to compete
with other states and
schools for the lucrative
new business, OSU of-
ficials told an engineering
trade group in mid-
And the legislature's
one-year funding of New
Mexico's planned $20
million high tech park has
hindered company
recruitment there.
1 Greek letter
4 Protective
8 Unexplored
11 Sly look
12 Competent
13 Greek letter
14 King of
15 Hit lightly
17 Great regard
19 Scottish cap
21 High
23 Drinks slowly
24 Strike
26 Shade tree
28 Saucy
31 Footlike part
33 Organ of
35 Spanish for
36 Pronoun
38 Clothing
41 Hebrew letter
42 Informed:
44 Affirmative
45 Seed
47 City in Russia
49 Marry
51 Forest
54 Sesame
56 Obstruct
58 Attempt
59 Entrance
62 Inlet
64 Preposition
65 Native metal
66 Possessive
68 Liberate
70 Pigeon pea
71 Epic poetry
72 Hindu
1 Royal
2 Pronoun
3 Choose
4 Shade tree
5 River in
6 Beverage
7 Girls
8 More
9 Southwest-
ern Indian
10 Obstruct
11 Vessels
16 Cooled lava
18 Gratuity
20 Chart
22 Gratified
25 Edible seed
27 Deface
29 Tear
30 Pedal digit
32 Secret agent
34 Corded cloth
36 Pronoun
37 Without end
Chemistry Student Killed
In Automobile Crash
39 Church
40 Base
43 Sea bird
46 Speck
48 Illuminated
50 Challenges
52 Bay window
53 Unit of force
55 Crippled
57 Note of scale
59 Seed
60 Anglo-Saxon
61 Brim
63 Rear of ship
67 Negative
6t Sun god
192P II1 I 122 ?23? ?
Staff WiMv
An ECU student retur-
ning to school from a
weekend at home in
Charlotte was killed early
this week when the car in
which he was riding ran
off the road near Pitt-
James Hegge Wilberg,
a passenger in the rear
seat, was trapped in the
car after it struck a tree.
He sustained several in-
ternal injuries but re-
mained conscious until he
was rescued. Wilberg
died at N.C. Memorial
Hospital in Chapel Hill.
Shirley Marie Palmer,
a student in Raleigh, was
driving the car at a high
speed while attempting to
pass another car on U.S.
64 about a mile outside of
Pittsboro. Palmer lost
control of the car and
skidded off the left side
of the road. The car
struck a tree and threw
both ECU student Jeffrey
Motsinger, the owner of
the car, and Palmer from
the car.
Motsinger broke both
legs and received other in-
juries. He is out of inten-
sive care and should
begin rehabilitation soon.
Palmer sustained a
chipped vertabrae.
Wilberg, of 216
Hodgson Rd. in
Charlotte, N.C, was a
sophomore chemistry
major at ECU Funeral
services are expected to
be held later this week.
Motsinger, of 830 Lin-
da Lane in Charlotte, is
also a sophomore.
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April 5. 1983
Priorities Need Re-Evaluation
ECU probably doesn't deserve to
have a Pulitzer Prize winner.
Oh, the university is quite capable
academically of fostering such
talent, but its record of respect for
such accomplishments is rather
lackluster. The facts: ECU has in its
76-year history graduated exactly
one student who has gone on to win
a Pulitzer Prize ? 1974 English
graduate Rick Atkinson, who won
the 1982 prize for national reporting
in journalism. But even though
Atkinson's prize was announced in
the early spring of that year, the
Alumni Association was somehow
not able that fall to consider him
worthy for an outstanding alumni
award, several of which are
presented each October at
Atkinson was finally awarded the
honor a year later, in October of
1983. But the question is, why the
delay? The answer is fairly simple:
he didn't donate much to ECU
through the Alumni Association.
Those who did won outstanding
alumni awards that year ? though
with career accomplishments most
would consider less outstanding
than a Pulitzer won eight years after
completion of undergraduate
And what about Atkinson as a
commencement speaker, or as the
recepient of ECU's new honorary
doctorate? The second item may be
up for debate, though Atkinson,
who already has an M.A. from the
University of Chicago, would seem
to many a prime candidate for the
honor. (The honorary degrees have
so far been given only to former
chancellor Leo Jenkins and former
U.S. Sen. Robert Morgan.)
It can hardly be argued, however,
that Atkinson would be an excellent
choice as commencement speaker.
This university, like many others, is
fond of inviting distinguished alum-
ni to give the graduation keynote
when they cannot wrangle a big
name. Duke University, for in-
stance, just a couple of years ago
had alumnus and author William
(Sophie's Choice) Styron speak.
ECU's speaker for this year is
N.C. appellate court Judge Gerald
Arnold. Arnold is a 1963 East
Carolina graduate and a lawyer who
served four years in the N.C.
House. He received a 1981 Outstan-
ding Alumni award and, to quote
Chancellor John Howell, "has been
a very strong and enthusiatic sup-
porter of this university" ? read
financial contributor.
Arnold may well be an outstan-
ding lawyer and judge and excellent
speaker. But the point is that the
priorities of Alumni Association,
who name outstanding alumni, and'
the Commencement Committee,
who line up each year's speaker, are
misplaced. Is the alumni award for
the biggest financial contributors of
the year, and is the commencement
speaker's position a gift for similar
Fundamentalist Vocal Prayer Call
Contradicts Christ, Common Sense
Atkinson was not even pursued
this year or last as a possible com-
mencement speaker, and though he
was nominated by an ECU faculty
member for outstanding alumni the
same year he won the Pulitzer, the
honor was a year late in coming.
The outstanding alumni awards
have the image of being for those
who make exceptional ac-
complishments in their careers and
communities. The commencement
speaker should be that plus
something more. ? Few alumni can
claim a career as notable as Atkin-
son's: for a journalist, there aren't
many who can do more before the
age of 35 than win a Pulitzer and
work for The Washington Post.
One would think he would have
something to say as which is as
valuable as words of wisdom from
any ECU graduate.
In short, if the Alumni Associa-
tion and the university want to
honor financial contributors, they
should award something each year
called the Outstanding Donor
Award or the Alumni Fund Prize. If
they truly want to honor ECU's
outstanding graduates, they should
re-evaluate their criteria and judge
candidates by their qualifications
and accomplishments instead of
their tax-deductible donations.
pressure tactics.
Of course Grant knows this. He con-
.mm T. m D tends that forcing a child of some
JT h .fravest. th0? shalt not minority religion - attention Catholics.
you will be a minority religion in this
regime ? to sit through some other
centuries during which followers of
Jesus and, later, opponents of the Pope
were persecuted minorities.
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, floor
manager for Reagan's vocal prayer
amendment, also makes the argument
that the real issue is not prayer but rever-
sing government prejudice against
religion. In this belief Hatch too seems
to have lost historical perspective.
be as the hypocrites are: for they love to
pray standing in the synagogues and in
the corners of the streets, that they may
be seen of men. Verily I say unto you,
They have their reward. When thou
prayest, enter into thy closet, and when
thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy
Father which is in secret; and thy Father
which seeth in secret shall reward thee
Those words from Matthew 6 are
Jesus Christ's first reference to the
nature of prayer. They are also one of
his last. After speaking them, Christ said
precious little else on the subject, ap-
parently thinking ? wrongly from the
looks of the school-prayer movement ?
that he had made his point.
Those Christian fundamentalists who
call for vocal prayer in schools seem to
have forgotten that Christian theology
frowns on public prayer in general, and
specifically bans prayer spoken for the
purpose of impressing others ? which,
in the real world, would be the case with
many of the prayers recited by young
school children with their teachers look-
ing on.
All Christian sects have prayer rituals
within the church itself ? the closet, so
to speak ? but the theological justifica-
tion for public prayer elsewhere is thin.
Throughout both Testaments of the Bi-
ble, when there is praying to be done,
the righteous have withdrawn to do it.
Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist and
Jesus all sought solitude for their
prayers. Throughout the New Testa-
ment, the apostles are seldom depicted
as participating in vocal praayer. In one
rare instance, Acts 20:36, Paul leads a
group of elders in a plea to heaven so
moving that when he concludes, "they
all wept sore
MalcombMuggeridge wrote in Try to conceive of telling the martvrs
Jesus: The Man Who Lives of Christian love - John S
everything in Christianity that matters Thomas Becket, Dietrich Bonhoffer ?
is from individual to individual; collec- that their faith now stands helnles
Uvities belong to the Devil (who isa before the horrible specter of aS
demagogue and sloganeer restriction on what a small percentage of
n , . tiie population may do dunna a few
But a recurring feature of social hours of the dav iLxbvZ !
movements is how quickly they dispense a Bap ist the rebelr?
w? the objectives they claim to upFold. denomination, the A5Sm?f we're
The Rev Robert Grant, chairman of among the most cruelly pe7secmed Jariv
SXJ Zy?Z thf V"1?0 testants. Their SSEtfJSS
lobby for the vocal prayer amendment, ture from Catholicism waVoppositionTo
SSirsS Xro?pws "T" 5fam baptism -thc ESS uCi
SSSVh ? P0?tt W ? H0t S?. SIOn was meaningless unless a chUdwas
much the issue of prayer at all but of old enough to comprehend the act nrf
winning a victory for religion to mitigate consciously desire it
the secular trends in politics and the law.
But in this case a victory for religion The same, I would think, applies to
Z??f ? ! ?5Z" ODly f0f fr atboci W- JoscPh Smith foundS of
Thr?r?iftanUSm Particular- Hatch's own Mormon denomination
ly if the certified prayers are approved was lynched by a mob; his followers
5LSTS ?? ft001 bcrto Which WCTC Pushcd bv tototauS and pS
would be the ideal targets for far-right judice from New York to Illinois to a
salt-crusted desert. Try telling Joseph
Smith that government neutrality to
religion now represents a grievoas hard-
If the Christian faith ? and reheinn
nf SS" S EFTr "WOUld tCfCh t0leranCC m general has become so weak it Sn
of other children's point of view not surmount such a negligible barrier?
This convoluted v,ew is easy for a lack of organized praver m school that
Protestant to hold, his sect currently be- is a far more damning ndictment than
ing on top. But again, it neatly forgets anything the most c.??cil church hatmg
the history of the faith itself - the many leftist could devise. In, fact, for ill the,?
?Campus Forum
rhetoric about wanting the state to get its
hands off God, the vocal-prater ad-
vocates actually desire the reverse. The
want government to impose Crod on
their children ? to do for them the job
that parents and pastors and truih itself
are supposed to perform.
Silent prayer would seem to be the
resolution, softening the silly side of
ultra-legal separation of church and
state (the anti-creche lawsuits, etc.)
without imperiling freedom of teligion
or mocking the promise of religion bv
making it an empty ritual. Anvone who
has watched the ritual prayer thai opens
each day of Congress can attest to how
readily the latter can be accomplished.
It's difficult to picture a ceremonv more
satirical of faith than those monotone
cliches mumbled to a nearly vacant
chamber. Oddly, Hatch himself says he
prefers silent prayer: "I believe that a
silent prayer amendment would be far
more poignant
What happened to this course ? far
more sensible both politicalK and
theologically? Reagan insisted on a
vocal-prayer bill; Majority Leader
Howard Baker tried to keep silent prayer
off the floor to prevent it from emerging
as a compromise acceptable to both
sides Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn
the leading opponent of the prayer
amendment, joined in Baker's strategy
Both Baker and Weicker feared silent
prayer because they feared it would win.
weicher did not want any prayer bili
and Baker, acting for Reagan, wanted
either total victory or (more likelv) total
defeat Total defeat would hand the
Republicans a convenient voting iist of
Democratic senators who could be
described in five-second compaign
senders as "against prayer It would
also hand Reagan another isste on
2?campaign in his favorite role,
Tm. innocent bystander not
heads' VCfy ovemm?nt he
Would silent prayer in the sctiools
have any actual value? Not to the
demagogues and sloganeers, but pet haps
to human souls. Silent, heartfelt paver
is part of the search for what we riight
btCy- Hollow recitations of
committee-written prayers, designed to
appease interest groups and be seen of
men, is not. The fact that Christ fell this
way ought to count for something
Personal Attack For A Personal Attack
Of Charles Shavitz's gross stupidity
there is no doubt, assuming he did, in
fact, contrive the logic he attempted in
his letter of last Thursday. He might
ponder, were he able: If Patrick
O'Neill were totally useless, he would
Cholly so blindly hate? But, as is often
the case with lower order primates, an
absence of an outlet for anger can
often be confusing, and, obviously,
Mr. Shavitz has had all the confusion
he can adequately handle.
Though I am sorry that Charles
Shavitz can no doubt truthfully pro-
claim he is an American (he would easi-
ly be much more comfortable living in
his choice of dicatorships), I cannot
quarrel with his right to such garbled
thoughts. But when he assumes the role
of God in determining the worth of any
human, he's gone too far, as have you,
the editors, in allowing such
vituperative and personal attacks to be
included on these pages.
Alex Albright
English faculty
Forum Rules
For purposes of verification, all Li-
ters must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and Signature of the authorfsj. Letters
are limited to two typewritten pagts
double-spaced or neatly printed. All
letters are subject to editing for bre.i-
,???libei' andnoPersonal
attacks will be permitted. Students,
faculty and staff writing letters for this
page are reminded that they are limin-d
to one every five issues.
. l-??-i? fVr.
???"???mil i a mm'
( ontinued from Page 1
t believe then. 1
con't trust them.
Hunt called his ap-
proach "hard-headed ?
and said I proposer
because the Russians are
our friends, because
they're not
Hunt also took a
Tong stand against
waste in defense contra
11th Special OI
handicapped yo. .
and adults are t
attend the I
Greenville, Put Cou
Specia. O
Games this Frid
Coordinator I
estimated that
volunteers -
the event, ma
ElU students. Gr
volunteers include
Ed Emory and th
bail team. Coach R
Fines Pardt
All Overdue
During Libr
Co-Nr?, i4Hor
overdue h
Joyner, Music
Health Sciences I
without penaltt
the week of pril 3 ,
ECU is sp
1 Welc o m e
Forgiveness Wecl
conjunction with Ka
tional Libra- W
"Overdue bocK
back during th
be welcomed .
Central America ?
particularly .
and El Salvador,
discussed a: s;me lei
at a special
meeting Tuesdav
the ECU New
Center. Two Maryki
Sisters were on hand
give first-hand accou
of working wi:h the peo-
ple of the region w hi!e be-
ing subject to er host c
governments and sur-
Sisters Patricia M.
ray, originally ft
Brooklyn, N.V
Julie Miller, of Savan-
nah, Ga . told of :
stay with the peopic
Nicaragua from 1975 un-
til earlier this er
During their stay, ac-
cording to Sister Julie,
they found problems :n
dealing with serious il-
lness and malnutrition, il-
literacy, harassment of
the villagers, the Samoza
government, and the
government which threw
Samoza out of power.
Sister Patricia ado.
"Even though the L S is
using somewhat biased
propaganda, most people
in the region do not hate
the American people, just
the way the government
or big business acts.
Nicaragua had Cuban ad-
visors, but they all pulled
out when the U.S. invad-
ed Grenada. In fact, they
offered to pull out all
their advisors if the other
Central .America coun-
tries would do the same
Sister Julie agreed by
saving, "The U.S. policy,
in itself, stands alone in
its position on Central
America, and therefore,
there must be more con-
siderate peace agreements
Sister Patricia further
added, "As long as the
U.S. puts the pressure on,
Nicaragua will tighten

r Call
Try telling Joseph
iment neutrality to
aits a grievous hard-
pan faith ? and religion
is become so weak it can-
Ricfa a negligible barrier as
ped prayer in school, that
rung indictment than
osi cynical church-hating
rise. In. fact, for all their
I anting the state to get its
the vocal-prayer ad-
desire the reverse. They
ail to impose God on
to do for them the job
id pastors and truth itself
would seem to be the
ftening the silly side of
Uration of church and
-creche lawsuits, etc.)
ling freedom of religion
ie promise of religion by
mpt ritual. Anyone who
K ritual prayer that opens
mgress can attest to how
per can be accomplished.
picture a ceremony more
ith than those monotone
led to a nearly vacant
1. Hatch himself says he
IF raver "I believe that a
mendment would be far
tned to this course ? far
le both politically and
Reagan insisted on a
bill; Majority Leader
tried to keep s'lent prayer
prevent it from emerging
Imise acceptable to both
owell Weicker, R-Conn
)pponent of the prayer
Joined in Baker's strategy.
id Weicker feared silent
they feared it would win.
not want any prayer bill
cting for Reagan, wanted
(Mor or (more likely) total
defeat would hand the
convenient voting list of
senators who could be
five-second compaign
igainst prayer It would
leagan another issue on
paign in his favorite role,
innocent bystander not
fr the very government he
it prayer in the schools
tual value? Not to the
id sloganeers, but perhaps
Is. Silent, heartfelt wer
I search for what we might
I )llow recitations of
n prayers, designed to
st groups and be seen of
fie fact that Christ felt this
count for something.
im Rules
of verification, all let-
Vde the name, major and
address, phone number
of the author(s). Letters
two typewritten pages,
or neatly printed. All
feet to editing for brevi-
1 libel, and no personal
permitted. Students,
writing letters for this
fded that they are limited
ive issues.
Gov. Hunt Delivers Speech
IH? f S1 i k n (MAN
Continued From Page 1
don't believe them, I
don't trust them
Hunt called his ap-
proach "hard-headed"
and said "I propose it not
because the Russians are
our friends, because
they're not
Hunt also took a
strong stand against
waste in defense contracts
and military procurement
to prevent cost overruns.
"I'll fight for the reforms
we need to run our
military as efficiently as
the best-run business
he said.
Campaign officials for
Helms claimed Hunt's
proposals would still
leave America open to at-
tack, United Press Inter
11th Special Olympics Games Set
national reported. "I
think the difference (bet-
ween Hunt and Helms) is
that Senator Helms does
not see the U.S. going to
the Soviets, crawling over
there and asking them to
accept a treaty from a
position of inferiority
said Helms' campaign
press secretary Claude
Allen, according to UPl.
Voting Difficult For Students
rn.ii it? . done about the muni "Th- ? ,
Students Assist With Events
Continued From Page 1
planning voter registra-
tion drives in the com-
munity. "Our major
thrust for voter registra-
tion will be for the com-
munity because 60 per-
cent of the minorities in
this community aren't
registered to vote
Hackett said.
College Republican
member Dennis Kilcoyne
also said he thinks
something needs to be
Approximately 500
handicapped youngsters
and adults are expected to
attend the 11th annual
Greenville, Pitt County-
Special Olympic Spring
Games this Friday.
Coordinator Bill Twine
estimated that 300-500
volunteers will assist with
the event, many being
ECU students. Group
volunteers include Coach
Ed Emory and the foot-
ball team. Coach Rick
Kobe and the swim team,
the West Area Residence
Council, the Parks,
Recreation and Conser-
vation Club, the Student
Athletic Board, Circle K,
and Gamma Sigma Sigma
sorority. Students in the
physical education classes
will also take an active
The games will be held
from 9 a.m. to approx-
imately 2 p.m. at the bun-
ting field (near the ECU
baseball field).
Twine said a volunteer
table will be set up on the
field for persons in-
terested in helping. "If
people want to volunteer
they certainly can he
Events for the day in-
clude the softball throw,
fnsbee throw, 25, 50,
100, 200, and 400 meter
runs, standing broad
jump, and wheelchair
races. Activities such as
the 15 foot crawl, 10 yard
walk (with assistance),
object swat, and toss will
be held for severly han-
dicapped persons.
The special Olympics
games are sponsored each
year by the Greenville
Recreation and Parks
Department, Pitt County
Schools and the ECU
Physical Education
faux eomx
6tfaNED 0YOoK.
too YK OLO
TWt rerre'
done about the current
situation. "I hke the idea
of getting involved with
other students to register
students to vote he
said. "It hampers our ac-
tivities not to be able to
register students to vote
here Kilcoyne said the
College Republicans
would like to help change
the way registration in
handled in this county
and then begin holding
voter registration drives
on campus.
"The main purpose of
our drives would be to
help Republicans get
elected Kilcoyne said.
"I would be happy to
assist any other student
leader in pressuring the
state or county ?
registration can't be done
efficiently with the pre-
sent situation
Political science junior
Jay Stone recently attend-
ed a national student con-
ference on voter registra-
tion held at Harvard
MW)t Ffpn
the. f?e?-
ANtf 60& -
Lniversitv md vaid he is
'?very encouraged"
what he sets as a "mi
bipartisan effort' to
register students to ote
Stone cited the situa-
tion at UNC-Chapel Hill
as an example of how
voter registration at E I
could work. Students are
only required to be coun-
ty residents for 30 days
and registrars come on
campus regularly to
register students.
fort 0:fc. ,b i
oty, r f
j((jura'5 oWTCMEb
nir?R FtsAO
(fn 12 so ? I ft
By April 9
IrJKAMf AT flu
- ?
Fines Pardoned For
All Overdue Books
During Library Week
????' :? ? SSSsSsS;
Media Board Is N
Co-Nrw? FJtlor
Students can return
overdue books to the
Joyner, Music and
Health Sciences Libraries
without penalty during
the week of April 8-14.
ECU is sponsoring
"Welcome and
Forgiveness Week" in
conjunction with Na-
tional Library Week.
"Overdue books brought
back during this week will
be welcomed and fines
Central America ?
particularly Nicaragua
and El Salvador, was
discussed at some length
at a special dinner
meeting Tuesday night at
the ECU Newman
Center. Two Maryknoll
Sisters were on hand to
give first-hand accounts
of working with the peo-
ple of the region while be-
ing subject to very hostile
governments and sur-
Sisters Patricia Mur-
ray, originally from
Brooklyn, N.Y and
Julie Miller, of Savan-
nah, Ga told of their
stay with the people of
Nicaragua from 1975 un-
til earlier this vear
During their stay, ac-
cording to Sister Julie,
they found problems in
dealing with serious il-
lness and malnutrition, il-
literacy, harassment of
the villagers, the Samoza
government, and the
government which threw
Samoza out of power.
Sister Patricia added,
"Even though the U.S. is
using somewhat biased
propaganda, most people
in the region do not hate
the American people, just
the way the government
or big business acts.
Nicaragua had Cuban ad-
visors, but they all pulled
out when the U.S. invad-
ed Grenada. In fact, they
offered to pull out all
their advisors if the other
Central America coun-
tries would do the same
Sister Julie agreed by
saying, "The U.S. policy,
in itself, stands alone in
its position on Central
America, and therefore,
there must be more con-
siderate peace agreements
Sister Patricia further
added, "As long as the
U.S. puts the pressure on,
Nicaragua will tighten
will be forgiven said
Marilyn E. Miller,
associate director of
Joyner Library.
According to Miller,
there are "a lot of over-
due books Students are
at a disadvantage when
the materials they need
are not available. "The
return of overdue
materials will also help
the libraries with their up-
coming automation of
circulation Miller said.
? OPEN For Summer School
Fluff & Fold ? Air Condition
Fully Attended ? Color Cable T.V.
Accepting Applications for Head
Photographer of The Photo Lab
Apply in Media Board
Office by Monday April 9th, I
For More Info. Call 757-6009
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APRILS. 1984
Page 6
'The Year Of The Moose
Bullwinkle Back In Limelight
After Skid On Drugs, Booze
There was a time that
Bullwinkle J. Moose had it all:
fame, fortune, voluptuous
escorts, and a style of humour
that mixed the best of Red Skelton
and Jack Benny. The biting sar-
casm of this antlered alternative
to Fred Flintstone was the obvious
inspiration for the 'Hawkeye'
Pierce character of "M A S H"
fame. Bullwinkle's star shone for
an entire decade, from 1959 until
1969, when a series of bizarre
events plunged him into a dark
well of poverty and despair, in-
cluding a struggle with alcohol
and drugs. Everything the furry
comic had slipped away from
him. He became a pseudo-gigolo
? escorting young starlets, help-
ing their image and propping up
his own. He became the sexual
plaything of the Hollywood temp-
tresses ? until they tired of him.
Eventually Bullwinkle vanish-
ed, not to be heard from for
almost 12 years despite the con-
tinued popularity of his show
which could still be seen in syn-
dication. He resurfaced a year ago
under the arm of his old co-star
Natasha Fataly, who found him
working in a BBQ grill in Ayden.
The grill was paying him $50
dollars a month to stick his head
through a hole in the wall in the
dining room. After getting back
on his feet, Bullwinkle launched a
successful multi-million-dollar
lawsuit against the "Moosehead"
beer company.
His triumphant return to the
public eye has prompted pro-
ducers to gamble that 1984 will be
"the year of the moose
Bullwinkle is set to star in a movie
send up of the works of
playwright Bertold Brecht, entitl-
ed "Moose Over Alabama He
also has a new TV series in the
works, called "Bullwinkle's
Bloopers and Tactical Yokes a
new TV and movie out-take show
which features a special segment
in which Bullwinkle bombs a dif-
ferent surprise celebrity each week
with raw eggs!
The East Carolinian talked with
Bullwinkle in his plush new con-
dominium overlooking the San
Fernando Valley. His brightly
lighted living room is full of
plants, and his walls are hung with
reminders of his glory days ?
stills from the old "Bullwinkle
Natasha found Bullwinkle
working in a BBQ grill in
EC: Welcome back, Bullwinkle.
We all missed you. What exactly
happened to you and your career?
BM: That's a loaded question!
EC: The fact that you can laugh
about it must be a good sign.
BM: That's exactly what my
analyst said. Actually, it wasn't
very funny at all. Television is a
dirty business. To the fans, we are
the stars to be worshipped and en-
vied. To the TV executives, we are
tools for generating revenue. If
your popularity and the profits
you bring in start to slip, you're
out of there so fast it makes your
antlers spin!
EC: Provided you have antlers, of
BM: Well I do, and they're still
The Leg
spinning! Y'know, not many peo-
ple remember this, but when we
First went on the air, back in 1959,
the original title of the show was
"Rocky and His Friends In
1962 the execs decided I had more
appeal than Rocky, God rest his
soul, and they changed it to "The
Bullwinkle Show" (Rockwell F.
Squirrel, Bullwinkle's high-flying
companion who later became an
outspoken gay-rights activist, was
killed in a hang-gliding accident in
EC: Your show stopped produc-
tion in 1969, the same year that
Dudley Do-Right got the nod for
his own show
BM: Do you notice a pattern
there? TV is like Russian roulette;
the hammer can fall any time. My
producer called me in to his office
during the summer of '68 to in-
form me that a telephone survey
revealed Dudley was the rage and
I was chopped liver. They gave me
an associate producer credit on
the "Dudley Do-Right Show
which was a crock because they
never even let me on the set.
I bided my time for a while and
Fielded a few offers, the most in-
teresting of which was a chance to
have my own Bullwinkle Burger
franchise. None of this came off,
though, because of what happen-
ed next.
EC: What happened next?
BM: You're pretty good with
those probing questions. Well,
what happened next was totally
ridiculous. At the end of 1969,
that same producer needed some
cash to Finance a trip to Europe,
so he wrote a check out to me,
signed my name to it and cashed it
himself. I got wind of it, and it
didn't seem too kosher to me, so I
Moose and Squirrel and Borris Badenov.
reported it to the president of the
network. Well, apparently, this
guy had better connections than I
did because the whole thing blew
up in my snout. I soon found
myself looking for a job, but no
one in Hollywood would hire me.
The rest, I'm sure you've read in
the National Enquirer.
EC: Let me get this straight ?
your career and your life were
ruined just Jecause you did the
honest thing in a frequently
dishonest and cutthroat business?
BM: Yowsa! That guy is vice-
president of another company
EC: All the stuff that happened to
you after that must hold some
painful memories for you; all the
questionable liasons with those
rising starlets and your
dependence on alcohol and drugs.
After a while, even the yellow
journalists couldn't keep track of
BM: My life would make excellent
fodder for one of those cruddy
TV movies that the networks are
always shoving down our throats.
All they're about is sex, deceit and
more sex. I refuse to believe the
American public really wants to
watch that crap all of the time.
I'm sure they don't! Hell, look at
all the "I Love Lucy" and "Star
Trek" fan clubs there are all over
the country! I believe that
America is tired of suffering for
the taste of the lowest common
denominator. It is longing for the
return of those kinds of shows
that are fun, thought provoking
and entertaining ? without all
that sex. My show, for example,
may have seemed silly on the sur-
face, but the way it used the
English language made kids use
their brains to see the humour in
I think the popularity of shows
like "Real People" and "That's
Incredible" back my opinions up.
And then there are all of those
special revivals of old shows like
"Gilligan's Island "Leave It To
Beaver" and "The Beverley
EC: I thought the "Beverley
Benjy Was Sick ? A Sick, Sick Kid
In one of those almost subur-
ban areas of Staten Island in New
York City there was an old trestle
where the rapid transit used to
come through. Jeff and Dave, a
couple of 15-year-old kids, were
hanging out when they saw a few
8-year-olds running from that
general direction. The kids seem-
ed too scared to stop, so Jeff
grabbed one of them and asked
the kid what was going on.
Yet even more
Sick Fickshun
by Mick LaSalle
"There's a leg under the
bridge the kid said, and broke
loose. Jeff and Dave looked at
each other and decided to go over
and take a look.
They looked around for
something, but only found the
usual: beer cans, cigarette butts,
other stuff. This was a big night
spot for the just-older-than-them-
too-young-for-the-bars crowd.
Then Jeff kicked a can, and it
rolled a few feet and hit a green
The board had splintered.
Under it was what Jeff thought
was a broken doll. He walked to
the board distracted by the sight
of the three neighborhood heart-
throbs passing over head on the
bridge above him. They wore
halter tops. He stared at them as
he lifted the green board that
revealed the amputated leg.
"Ah, no he yelled. Dave
came running over. The girls
looked down.
The leg was wet, and its foot
was swollen. A woman's shoe, a
pump, gripped the puffy foot. It
was a smooth leg, very pale, and it
went all the way up to where the
ass would have been, but wasn't.
The cut was still red, and things
hung out ? strings and gobs that
looked like chicken hearts strung
together. That was what a leg
looked like inside.
The girls looked down. "Oh
shit one of them said. "Is that a
In about a half hour a cop car
and a photographer for the Staten
Island Advance showed up. A
Good Humor man came jingling
up the street, but he got interested
in what was going on, left his
truck and mingled with the grow-
ing crowd on the bottom of the
trestle. Anybody who was
anybody was combing the area
looking for body parts.
And this is when Benjy, the
neighborhood paperboy who no
one ever saw except on collection
day, stepped out of his house.
From the top of the bridge, he
looked down at the crowd. He
looked disturbed as he usually
did. But he didn't see the leg, only
the people.
Jeff glanced up and saw the
Figure on the top. Blonde hair and
baby fat: Benjy.
"Oh (Stammer, stammer.)
"Hi Jeff. What's the trouble?"
He motioned with his hands.
"You mean you don't know?"
in the truck and started ringing
the bell. The ice cream man dash-
ed to the truck, but when he saw
three pretty 16-year-old girls, he
just nodded his head and smiled
"What'll it be, girls?"
They pointed to their orders.
He stuck his hand in the icebox.
"You ever get your face stuck
on the door?" one of the blondes
He laughed.
They talked a little while. The
ice-cream man was only in his ear-
ly 20s, so he was thinking.
Benjy came up the block with a
hero in a paper bag. He was un-
comfortable because he didn't
know whether he should say hello
to the girls or not. So he passed by
looking into the bag as if wanting
to arrange something, the hero
sticking him in the face.
girls were down there now. Things
seemed to be winding up.
A wiseguy from up the block,
Bobby Richman, came by with his
girlfriend Gail. Bobby laughed
about the leg and shocked
everybody by walking over and
picking it up with two hands.
"Put that down the cop yell-
ed. So Bobby dropped it. The leg
didn't bounce.
"I thought I'd go dancing
Bobby said for the crowd.
And the girls muttered,
"Asshole After all, what was he
planning to do? Throw the thing
at them?"
All heads were shaking in disap-
proval. But more shocked than
anybody was Benjy. The leg had
changed position. He could see
more of its guts. He wondered
how Bobby could violate the thing
like that. He wondered where
The cut was red and things
Jeff called, and pointed to the leg.
Benjy's eyes twitched. His hand
touched his mouth and he stepped
back. "Well, there goes my
lunch he muttered. But when he
started moving, he continued in
the direction of the food shop on
the bottom of the block.
The girls walked back up the
trestle to the iee-cream truck, but
the ice-cream man wasn't there.
So one of them, the brunette, got
hong oat ? stringy gobs like chicken
"You make a lot of money at
this?" the brunette asked, biting
into a chocolate whizz stick with a
cigarette in her other hand.
Benjy heard the question and
caught a glimpse of her from the
corner of his eye.
When Benjy finished lunch, he
went back outside, crossed the
street and looked down at the
scene going on by the trestle. The
hearts strung together.
Bobby found the nerve.
Benjy went down the steps of
the trestle. At the bottom he heard
the old cop say that the leg had
probably been stolen from a
The brunette turned to her two
friends. "When I find out who
put that thing here, I'm gonna
curse the pig out. It's disgusting
The old cop turned to the two
girls. They became rigid, expec-
ting some kind of questioning.
But the cop just smiled like
somebody's uncle.
"Hello, girls he said.
"Hi they said.
Benjy watched. The girls were
so pretty. All tanned. All wearing
shorts which showed off their
young, Firm legs. They were only
a year older than he was, but he
bet they went out with 20-year-old
guys. He thought to himself,
"Maybe I'll go to their houses and
sell them a subscription to the
When he turned from them, he
saw the old cop was about to put.
the leg in a plastic garbage bag.
"No Benjy shrieked and
leaped at the leg.
Taking the cop by surprise,
Benjy managed to snatch the
thing from the guy's arms. Then
he tried to make dash but didn't
get far. The two cops jumped
him. Benjy held the leg with two
arms pressed to his chest and roll-
ed around on the ground. He kiss-
ed the leg, sobbing "I love you, I
need you
Finally, the cops pried his arms
loose, grabbed the leg and left
Benjy on the ground staring out
"What's the matter with you,
Kid?" asked the old cop. He
didn't wait for an answer. He
dropped the leg into the bag and
wiped his hands.
Benjy saw the cop's red hands.
He smelled his own and felt
ashamed. There was only a trace
of the leg's smell, but it was
enough to disgust him. "Why did
I do that?" he wondered.
The cop cars left, and the crowd
began dispersing. Benjy sat up on
the ground.
The three girls passed Benjy,
looking at him strangely.
?Tm sorry, but you're a sick
bastard one of the blondes told
him. Benjy noticed she had nice
legs. He watched her and both her
friends as they walked away, wat-
ched their smooth young legs
pumping back and forth from
heel through calf, up to where
their thigh's met their cut-off
jeans. When they had disap-
peared, Benjy stood up, dusted
off his cheap pants and went
Hunt chastises,
lashes liberals.
Takes a stand
beside Helms.
Mm Editor
"Ooooch Ow Aaaah
I could see them all around me
? the trendy liberals ? wincing,
flinching, moaning, rolling their
eyeballs, grabbing their throats as
Governor Jim Hunt lashed and
chastised them.
"But what about the naclear
No nuclear freeze, state Jim
Hunt obdurately. "Effective
nuclear deterence" is the only way
to deal with the Ruskies.
"But what about cms in
defense spending?"
No cuts, declared Jim Hunt.
Five-to-seven percent sustained
growth in defense spending, hat's
the way.
"But what about social pro-
Defense of the good ol L .S of
A. is government's numerc uno
responsibility, said Jim Hunt
without batting an eyelash.
a view from the right.
"But what about the Reagan
atrocities in Genada?"
Good medicine, declared Jim
Hunt. "I favor the kind of thing
we did in Grenada
"But what about appeasing our
friends the Soviets?"
"They're not our friends says
Jim Hunt flatly. "I don't trust
'em, and I don't believe 'err
Hey trendy liberals. Do you
know when you've been insulted?
Do you know when you're being
taken for granted?
I've heard that Jesse Helms'
"Where-do-you-stand- Jim?"
advertising campaign was really
starting to get to the governor.
Maybe it was the Helms ads,
maybe it wasn't, but Jim Hunt let
everybody know exactly where he
stands on national defense and
arms control Tuesday evening in
ECU's Hendrix Theatre ? about
two millimeters to the le:t of
Senator Jesse Helms and virtually
four-square with President
Ronald Reagan. In a recent
editorial, the Raleigh New and
Observer called Reagan a "right-
wing radical Given the N&O's
definition, I guess that makes Jim
Hunt a right-wing radical too.
How about it Frank Daniels?
Does your deFiniton stick, or is
that left-wing rag you Gidl a
newspaper just the political tool
we all know it is?
In case you missed Governor
Hunt's policy statement the other
evening, I'll spell it out for you: It
looks like a photo-copy ol the
1980 Republican platform that
Ronald Reagan was elected on.
Jim Hunt supports building the
MX missile as well as the propos-
ed midgetman missile; he supports
building the B-l bomber, the
Stealth bomber. Trident sub-
marines and missiles, modernizing
old B-52s to carry cruise missiles,
deploying Pershing II and
nuclear-armed cruise missiles in
Europe, increasing virtual all
phases of conventional defenses
including a 650-ship Navy. He's
for everything the Democratic
party has fought tooth and nail to
deny President Reagan. Both dur-
ing his address and during a
preceding press conference, Hunt
dropped the name of Georgia
Senator Sam Nunn as a likely role
model for himself. Nunn is one of
the most conservative Democrats
in Congress.
No way the Helms camp will be
able to call Jim Hunt a wimp on
The question is: Is this
Jim Hunt really stands ?
shoulder-to-shoulder with Ronald
Reagan, John East and Jesse
Helms. If elected, will he go to
Washington and battle the radical
left-wing elements like Ted Ken-
nedy, Howard Metzenbaum,
Gary Hart and Walter Mondale
who control the Democratic Par-
ty? Or will he fall in line when the
radical party bosses crack the
whip; will he knuckle under and
renege on the conservative stand
he took at ECU Tuesday evening?
For example. Hart, Mondale and
See HUNT, Pate 7
1Tf P
Jim Hunt, and roar
Continued From Page 6
Jackson ail support a
nuclear freeze. Jim Hunt
does not. I asked
governor, if either of
these Democrats is
elected, would he 5uppon
the ne Democ:
president's efforts tc a
plement such a freeze
Essentially Hunt said
would not. I askec. given
his no-nonsense beliefs.
would he support Presi-
dent Reagan in the
November election or one
of the Democrats. Hunt
essentially took no stand
on the presidential race a
this time
Jim Hunt apparently
knows what I've been
saving all along The
radical left does indeed
control the Democratic
Party, and Han. Mon-
dale and Jackson are can-
didates of the radical left.
There's no way Hunt
wants to link himself to
any of these men in the
November electiors The
less he has to say m sup-
port of his own party's
presidential candidate,
the better.
But I'm not stup.d. and
neither are you. Perhaps
Jim Hunt is playing
shrewd politics ? attack-
ing Helms' strengths. B
attempting to appear just
as conservative as Helms,
perhaps Hunt hopes to
siphon off Helms support
among the state's conser-
vative Democrats ?
Democratic support that
Helms must have to be re-
elected. Why should con-
servative Democrats vote
for a Republican when an
equally conservative
Democrat is available'1
Hunt can take for
granted support f: -
moderate and liberal
Democrats. Who else is
there for them to vote
for? Such a move would
enable Hunt to appeal to
the entire political spec-
trum of voters.
Helms would have
port only from
minority of loyalist
Republicans. Then
the election when
1 Vc
had won Helms' Senate
seat, Hun: could sudden-
ly become a liberal .
Not so says Jim Hunt.
The governor says he
meant what he said and
?-e. u -
In a.
in -
the q
has cbi
him a
ed. M
is grc
in all
Universa' mjsic trat
defies conventional
i?mii rm t?
?? m$miK0mnmp40i0i ?' -
?i ,i? ? To. ??X?? ? ? aij

'unt chastises,
ishes liberals.
akes a stand
'side Helms.
I toooch Ow.? Aaaah1
n ah
d ee them all around me
he trendy liberals ? wincing,
fling, moaning, rolling their
alls, grabbing their throats as
Jim Hunt lashed and
ised them.
?it what about the nuclear
nuclear freeze, states Jim
obdurately. "Effective
Bear deference' is the onlv way
eal with the Ruskies.
what about cuts
? .pending'1"
?' cuts, declared Jim Hunt.
-even percent sustained
defense spending, that's
v a
Put uhat about social pro-
e'ense of the good 6T V.S of
government's numero uno
msibility, said Jim Hunt
kout batting an evelash.
? ?a view from the right.
Jut what about the Reagan
:ities in Genada?"
od medicine, declared J:m
It "I favor the kind of thing
id in Grenada
Jut uhat about appeasing our
fds the Soviets?"
Tiej 're not our friends savs
Hunt flatly. "I don't trust
and I don't believe "em
trendy liberals. Do you
when you've been insulted?
ou know when you're being
" for granted?
fc heard that Jesse Helms'
lere-do-you-stand- Jim?"
Irtising campaign was really
jing to get to the governor,
fbe it was the Helms ads,
bt .t wasn't, but Jim Hunt let
-?oody know exactly where he
is on national defense and
control Tuesday evening in
s Hendrix Theatre ? about
. millimeters to the left of
?tor Jesse Helms and virtually
-square with President
laid Reagan. In a recent
nal. the Raleigh News and
rver called Reagan a "right-
radical Given the N&O's
Htion, 1 guess that makes Jim
I a right-wing radical too.
about it Frank Daniels?
your definiton stick, or is
left-wing rag you call a
spaper just the political tool
II know it is?
case you missed Governor
It's policy statement the other
king, I'll spell it out for you: It
i like a photo-copy of the
Republican platform that
ald Reagan was elected on.
Hunt supports building the
I missile as well as the propos-
lidgetman missile; he supports
ling the B-l bomber, the
ttth bomber, Trident sub-
Ines and missiles, modernizing
-52s to carry cruise missiles,
loying Pershing II and
ear-armed cruise missiles in
pe, increasing virtually all
?s of conventional defenses
jiding a 650-ship Navy. He's
everything the Democratic
has fought tooth and nail to
President Reagan. Both dur-
Ihis address and during a
eding press conference, Hunt
ped the name of Georgia
tor Sam Nunn as a likely role
Tl for himself. Nunn is one of
lost conservative Democrats
way the Helms camp will be
I to call Jim Hunt a wimp on
He question is: Is this where
Hunt really stands ?
llder-to-shoulder with Ronald
fan, John East and Jesse
is. If elected, will he go to
ungton and battle the radical
ving elements like Ted Ken-
Howard Metzenbaum
Hart and Walter MondaJe
control the Democratic Par-
Ir will he fall in line when the
party bosses crack the
will he knuckle under and
e on the conservative stand
ok at ECU Tuesday evening?
bxample, Hart, Mondale and
See HUNT, Page 7
Bull winkle Is Back!
Jim Hunt, and yours truely, discuss the commie threat of nuclearblackST
Hunt Takes His
Continued From Page 6
Hillbillies" revival was
horrible! Most of the
original characters were
BM: I agree. It was a
shame. That's why I
vetoed the idea of bring-
ing back the "Bullwinkle
SHow it wouldn't have
been the same without
Rocky or Boris (Boris
Badenov, Bullwinkle's
foil on the old show, was
deported after he was
caught trying to smuggle
computer micro-chips to
the Soviet Union).
EC: Do your current
plans extend beyond the
movie and the TV show?
BM: Yes. As a matter of
fact, they're going to let
me guest-host the Johnny
Carson show for a week
But I'll tell you
something: I'd much
rather be on the David
Letterman show. Do
y'know why? Because
he's not afraid to take
chances. He tries a lot of
outlandish stunts every
week, and if only one of
them works, it's all been
worth it. I've been told
that he considers me to be
one of hi- role models.
That's very flattering!
EC: Don't you think that
you may be too old to be
making a comeback?
BM: I haven't aged any
more than Bugs Bunny
EC: Bullwinkle, thank
you very much for talking
to The East Carolinian,
but before I go, could
you do something for
your fans that will be
reading this?
BM: You mean?
EC: For old time's sake9
BM: Well OK!
(Bullwinkle ceremonious-
ly removes a shiny black
top-hat from a cabinet
and lays it on the coffee
table). Watch me pull a
rabbit out of my hat!
EC: That old trick never
BM: Nothin' up my
sleeve. Incidentally, I was
wearing magic gloves
when Michael Jackson
was singing in his diapers
(ROAR) Whoops! I
guess I don't know mv
own strength. There must
be a rabbit in there,
Keep trying,
Bullwinkle. Maybe vou
will find that rabbit one
' N H,s MOT,ON P, cVTE,VhV '
Continued From Page 6
Jackson all support a
nuclear freeze. Jim Hunt
does not. I asked the
governor, if either of
these Democrats is
elected, would he support
the new Democratic
president's efforts to im-
plement such a freeze.
Essentially Hunt said he
would not. I asked, given
his no-nonsense beliefs,
would he support Presi-
dent Reagan in the
November election or one
of the Democrats. Hunt
essentially took no stand
on the presidential race at
this time.
Jim Hunt apparently
knows what I've been
saying all along. The
radical left does indeed
control the Democratic
Party, and Hart, Mon-
dale and Jackson are can-
didates of the radical left.
There's no way Hunt
wants to link himself to
any of these men in the
November elections. The
less he has to say in sup-
port of his own party's
presidential candidate,
the better.
But I'm not stupid, and
neither are you. Perhaps
Jim Hunt is playing
shrewd politics ? attack-
ing Helms' strengths. By
attempting to appear just
as conservative as Helms,
perhaps Hunt hopes to
siphon off Helms support
among the state's conser-
vative Democrats ?
Democratic support that
Helms must have to be re-
elected. Why should con-
servative Democrats vote
for a Republican when an
equally conservative
Democrat is available?
Hunt can take for
granted support from
moderate and liberal
Democrats. Who else is
there for them to vote
for? Such a move would
enable Hunt to appeal to
the entire political spec-
trum of voters, and
Helms would have sup-
port only from the
minority of loyalist N.C.
Republicans. Then after
the election when Hunt
had won Helms' Senate
seat, Hunt could sudden-
ly become a liberal.
Not so says Jim Hunt.
The governor says he
meant what he said and
said what he meant. After
his address, I asked Hunt
if, confronted with the
political realities of
Washington, wouldn't he
undoubtedly have to
soften his defense policy.
"I've never gone back
on my word on anv stand
J've taken said'Hunt.
"And you can quote me
on that
Well I'm not going to
call the governor a liar. I
can only take the man at
his word. O.K. Jim Hunt,
I believe you. You
weren't playing politics
here at ECU. What you
outlined are your genuine
beliefs. Like me and
Jesse, you're a staunch
anti-communist. You see
a clear and dangerous
Soviet threat to American
security. The trendy
liberals may snicker,
laugh at your delusions of
commie paranoia, but
you're not about to
swallow their garbage on
unilateral freezes or
disarmament ? all in the
name of increasing social
In all seriousness, I was
impressed with Jim
Hunt's courageous stand
on the issues. The man
has done his homework,
and he knows a lot more
(details) than he covered
in his brief address. But
the question remains:
who should we vote for?
Ironically, Hunt has
been influenced by the
conservative populist
ideas that Jesse Helms
has championed since the
first day he went to the
Senate in 1972. Then,
Helms' was a lone conser-
vative voice. He fought
many battles single-
handedly, suffering cons-
tant abuse from the
liberal press who labeled
him a right-wing reac-
tionary. But America has
heard Jesse Helms'
patriotic message of com-
mon sense and respond-
ed. Many more strong
conservatives have been
elected. As President
Reagan told Helms,
"Jesse, the cavalry has
arrived The conser-
vative populist movement
is growing stronger, and
in all likelihood, a third
party will emerge by
1988. No man has done
more to advance conser-
vatism, to stand firm for
individual liberty than
North Carolina's
courageous Senator Jesse
Although its national
leadership is rotten to the
core, perhaps Jim Hunt
can somehow wrest the
Democratic party from
the grip of the radical
left, restore respectability
and credibility to that
once noble party. But
even if this is Hunt's
goal, we cannot reward
our valiant Senator
Helms by voting him out
greatest Congressman
elected to Washington
since Democrat Sam
Rayburn left the House.
Returned to the Senate
for a third term, Helms
would gain even more
seniority and effec-
tiveness. Hunt would be a
freshman senator in the
minority party with only
a fraction of the power
that Helms now has.
Also, Hunt would find it
exceedingly difficult to
work with the
Democratic leadership in
the Senate since his con-
servative beliefs are
Hunt can run as Helms'
vice president if Jesse
decides to head the new
conservative party's
presidential ticket. I
know it sounds absurd,
but by his own words Jim
Hunt has more in com-
mon with Jesse Helms
than Gary Hart does with
Walter Mondale. I'm
confused too and hap-
py. But all my trendy
liberal friends are confus-
ed and well, they feel
like idiots campaigning
for a man who's betrayed
them for Helmsian con-
Ich Aaaah
of office. Although the direct'opposed" to Ted
liberal media, such as the Kennedy's and the rest of
News and Observer,
would like to convince
North Carolina voters
that Helms is an ineffec-
tive "embarrassment" in
the Senate, the Daniels
family knows as well as I
do that Jesse Helms is a
hero for millions of
Americans from coast-to-
coast, perhaps the
the radical left.
Yes, North Carolinians
are fortunate to have two
stalwart conservatives
like Helms and Hunt run-
ning for the same Senate
seat. But clearly, the lion-
hearted Helms, the
guiding spirit of conser-
vatism, must be re-
elected. Perhaps in 1988
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AI'KIl 5, l? PMf
Flips, Dashes
Henry's Joy
While spring football is in high gear kick-returner Hph. w? LV ,co WM? ??
K ' Klck returner Henry Williams is reved up' on the track.
SUN Writer
The ECU men's track team has
improved greatly since the beginn-
ing of the 1984 track season, and a
large part of its success can be at-
?nUted t0 suPerstar Henry
"Henry is possibly the best
track and fielder we've ever had "
said Pirate head coach Bill Car-
son. "He is the team leader and
has a great charisma about him
Williams not only excels on the
track, but is considered one of the
top football players in the NCAA
Last year he led the nation in
kickoff return yardage with an
average of 31.4.
"I believe I'll have the best year
of my life said Williams in
reference to the 1984 football
season. "Were going to have a
good team and are looking for a
bowl bid
William's confidence is due in
part to a new rule that the NCAA
adopted that will place the ball on
the 30-yard line after a touchback
on the kickoff.
Last year opposing teams
typically kicked the ball into the
endzone or not to Williams at all
because of his lightning speed
This year Williams feels that the
other teams will rather kick the
ball to him than automatically
give up 30 yards.
W.ith nis amazing speed,
Williams has set many records
throughout his career.
At Rosafort High Williams set
records in the 100-meter and long
jump events.
Later at Mississippi State
Junior College he was the most
valuable player in track and held a
state record in the 220-meter dash.
With the record in hand,
Williams went to the Nationals
and placed third in the 220-meters
with a time of 20.8 seconds.
Currently, Williams' favorite
event is the 200-meter dash, which
he notably won in the Brave's In-
vitational at Pembroke Universi-
"Hopefully I'll qualifv for the
Nationals in the 200-meters said
Williams. "But right now I'm
concentrating on the 4x100 relav
for the next meet
"I think we can qualifv for the
Nationals with the relav team due
mostly to Henry Carson added.
The 4x100 relay team consists
of Henry Williams, Nathan Mc-
Corkle, Erskine Evan, and Joe
Dingle. The times for the 4x100
relay team are getting better, as
demonstrated by the r second
place finish at the Florida relays in
"The rest of the guvs and
myself on the relay team want to
get a record and go to the Na-
tionals said Williams. "We plan
to go for it this week in Chapel
The next scheduled meet for the
Pirates is the UNC relays in
Chapel Hill this weekemi.
aoEI?r?i JT Spring pract,ce a"d only nine to
same ba nl. bHaH " Ed Emor "es the
spnng drills" S Pn?T l? the Slarl of the
f iKWeLare ?trying to find a Quarterback, depth at
FmSrv "Anid;Pfth S ?"?? ?ns,veiy'Psav
tmon And defensively, we still have big problems
with our tackles and ends Prooiems
"I am real concerned as to how far we can go in
State'rh ?. ? 8Ct ready t0 ?P? FlSridS
dvswlofrTf' bCen Very comPetil on Satur-
days wth our defense against our offense. We have
lots of growing up to do
The battle at quarterback involves four players -
Ron Jones, freshman from Portsmouth, Va, Robbie
Sarrel Sr?T " fwm California,
barrel! Speed sophomore from Sanford and Tonv
Kyser, junioi from Maryland.
"Jones and Bartlett are alternating one and two
ngh now notes Emory. "Speed was very much?
it, but he s not in contact work now due to a broken
ECU Football Lineup
im Dumas (So, McLeansvillei. tartly uet a a.
perobmSt"KySer hun t0? Wlth a boulder
The offense has looked strong in the running game
behind veteran tailbacks Tonv Baker (Jr High Polml
and Jimmy Walden (Sr, Greensboro) P?'nt)
V nile I feel good with our running game I don't
?th our passing game adds Emory "Between
game " ? ff'CU,t l? evaJuate our Passing
McwhomrsTr nT Miss hris
MCLawhorai (So, Greenville), are both running track
2,soupr ZT1StefonAdams (Sr- 55S5S
Nichols ?Sr AuS T' WhUe nanker Wcky
iNicnois (Sr, Chesapeake, Va.) is playing baseball
However, as a result of these four om ofTracUce
the coaching staff does feel that some good den h is
being developed at the receiver positions P
The offensive line has been a problem as four
possible starters are sidelined with inS- tackle
Tim Dumas (So. McLeansviUe). tackle Jeff Autrv
(So, Cov.ngton, GA), tackle Greg Sokolohorsky (h
At the same time, several other offensive lineman
tTce'Amnnh10 5 spring" PTac
Ser PA? Sh m' CCmCr Tim Mitchc11 Sr Lan-
NCJr' fua;duNorman Q"ick (Sr, Laurinburg,
tackle R.chJBrldtHen,?n ?' Athcns' GA' ??ard-
! m n hlt.Autry (So' Covington, GA), guard-
Uckle Petey Davis (Fr, Laurinburg, NC) guard Faul
StuafTwaS0! WF?V ?d S
Muart Ward (Jr, Greenville, NC)
While the offense has looked impressive at times in
scrimmages, the defense is trying to find a way to
shore up some holes from graduation losses.
tw? J h 7 Ur red SJhirt freshnn running one and
S'H6 ends right now says Emory.
Plus, our tackles are basically freshmen We are
very much still looking for starters "
(So ARaSh SP?i,habeen th Py of David Plum
tackle hk'h?' Wh?u m?Ved fr?m n?seguard to
tackle. This has been the most pleasant surprise of
spring practice.
Lwl?tt 0F1 Curt,s Sturk S?. Beaufort NO has
KflS?,ackle for us-He ? 5?ft
Chris Santa Cruz (Sr, Lillina, AL) con'inue ro
conv' scrhaguhard'whiie ?32?r?
coima, SC) has shown good signs
fPr?nebfaHkeruWa.S "Ped fo be a strong position in
NO ,nH iePth' oUt W,th Ronald Reid (Sr Farmvaie
wS miurLs'the0' (SO NCW Bern' NC) both ?
win injuries, there is now some concern
Junes k'eeninTl,0nda?ry Pla' JS huning SOme kh
pec'ed n?h? V, PlayCTJ S'de,ined- This ? also ex-
sa7eties co.WH h i depth "?? but bot strong
LondonC?So h ?Ut tHe T Spr,n?- The Gar?
London (So, Hampton, VA) and Ed Varties th
ChaLles'scV- ? 1 S
enasrleston, SC) is also out for the spring
with tie Purnlr ?" ?n "
witn the Purple-Gold scrimmage at 4 p m in Ficklen
Stadium, while the 20th-ranked P.rafes in "he fina"
Associated Press nnll of iqo-j . naJ
Sep 1 a, Florida S.L ?Pen ,he Season
ZZ ? Bas bwn mosl P'?"?nt surprise of SepTTa, Florida Slat" ' 'he Season
Peterson Proving Walk on' Not Just A Dream I Seahawks,
ByEDNICKLAS brother Brian (who had pitch- dication tha, p-? . ? I
SporU Ml lor
When Jim Peterson played
baseball his senior year for R.J
Reynolds High School in Winston
Salem, the pitching staff was
rather skimpy. To be exact, there
were only two starting pitchers on
the staff ? Peterson and another.
So when Peterson's coach asked
him to pitch on a Thursday night,
alter he had pitched a one-hitter
two Jays before against North
Forsythe, he answered, with really
no other choice, "yeah, sure
And the funny thing was, says
Peterson, he went out and threw a
no-hitter that night against
Greonsboro Smith.
Well, Peterson has brought
some of that durability to ECU,
enthusiastically accepting a star-
ting role on the staff while still pit-
ching from the bullpen occai-
sionally ? as he did in beating
Northwestern this season with two
innings of shutout relief.
A walk on, Peterson has proven
that the work ethic is still alivt
and kicking. At six-foot 175 he is
not a large athlete by any means.
But, he has combined a picures-
que pitching motion, strong curve
ball and determination to move
up that ladder of baseball success.
His 5-0 record and 2.32 ERA is
beginning to send him on his way.
When Peterson arrived at ECU
in the fall of 1982, following a
high school career that included a
8-0 record his junior year, team
MVP his last year and all-
conference both seasons, he knew
he was going to have to work his
way up. Although ECU coach Hal
Baird had recruited him through
his brother Brian (who had pitch-
ed for the Pirates), Peterson still
had to start at the first rung "I
have always known I could pitch
in college says Peterson. "Then
coach Baird gave me a chance
Peterson inched his way closer
beating the odds and making the
team as a walk on. He was used
sparingly during the fall season
and was red-shirted for spring
games, but he knew his time
would come. "I guess he (Baird)
dication that Peterson would in-
deed play those roles. "He seemed
impressed with some of the other
pitchers he says, "and said that
there were a few things I needed to
work on before I got in the star-
ting rotation
The time finally came, when
ECU played Fairfield, that Peter-
son felt he caught Baird's eye. It
was the second game of a
doubleheader, and ECU was in
the midst of a crowded schedule
Freshman pitcher Jim
Peterson throws against
North Carolina. He beat
the fourth-ranked Heels,
6-4, going the full nine inn-
felt that with the pitching staff
they had, it would be better for
me to sit cit
Baird had planned to use Peter-
son as a short reliever and spot
starter this season, and following
spring training there was everv in-
Another reliever, Chubby Butler,
started the game, and pitched
well, but the Pirates were down
4-3 in the sixth inning with run-
ners on second and third and
nobody out. Baird went to Peter-
son in the bullpen, and Jim
scooted to the mound. He struck
out the first batter, fanned the se-
cond and got the final out on a
popup and the Pirates ended up
Since that game, Peterson has
gone 5-0 and as a freshman is
already starting to make a name
for himself. His complete-game
victory last week against fourth-
ranked North Carolina displayed
his potential.
In his climb up that ladder of
baseball success, Peterson,
however, is not forgetting the peo-
ple who are helping him along.
"I'm real confident with the
defensive team we have says
Peterson, whose philosophy is
'throw strikes. "They're not go-
ing to make very many errors
The infield has been blessed
with two solid youngsters,
sophomore shortstop Greg Har-
dison and freshman second
baseman Steve Sides, who have
gotten the Pirates out of many a
jam with prolific fielding play.
Peterson says they "seldom make
Baird, who was known as a
competitor in his pitching days at
ECU in the early seventies, works
closely with the pitching staff in
spring training, says Peterson.
Baird has been able to shuffle a
staff that has reduced last year's
ERA of four runs a game to 2.82
"He works with us early in the
season says Peterson. "He gets
the pitchers in after practice and
has meetings and talks about dif-
ferent pitches and what the roles
are. He works with you pretty
BifrT1ela,ne a1 UNC, with
ECU leading 6-4, Peterson enabl-
ed runners to reach first and third
with two outs, and Baird came to
the mound. Coming to the plate
was the left-handed hitting B.J.
Surfhoff, and Baird knew the star
catcher was hitting in the .400
range. Peterson and Baird chat-
"How do you feel?" Baird ask-
Okay Peterson responded.
"Do you know who's coming
up?" Baird inquired.
"No Peterson answered
"It's the lead off hitter Baird
Peterson didn't know Surhoff s
capabilities, and Baird never let
on. The psychology worked.
Surhoff grounded out feebly to
end the game.
The win over UNC has increas-
ed Peterson's confidence in the
team. "I think we have good
potential to go to the regionals "
he says. "We can't be
lackadaisical, though. We have to
get our defense and offense coor-
dinated, and I think we will going
down the stretch
Peterson is just one in a group
of winning pitchers for ECU this
spring, which includes senior
Robby McClanahan (3-1) and
sophomore Winfred Johnson
(3-2). Peterson, however, has
been the most consistent thus far.
"Records don't say who is best "
he says modestly. "It just so hap-
pens that I have worked my way
into the starting rotation
And because he has worked his
way in, he may never hear the end
of it from his teammates. "They
say, 'you have clout now Jim' "
he laughs. You can do what you
want J
Eagles In
The ECAC South will be ex-
panding to eight school with
the beginning of the 1984-85
school year. The University of
North Carolina at Wilm.ngton
and American University will
join the six existing schools to
make eight next fall.
Current members are ECU
William and Mary, Richmond'
James Madison, the U S
Naval Academy and George
Formed originally for men's
SSSStf QCOmPtion only,
the ECAC South expanded into
various non-revenue sports for
championships in 1983-8-4 and
will expand once again next fall
for more championships.
"We are becoming a con-
ference in the true sense of the
word and not just a basketball
president of the ECAC South
and director of athletics at
James Madison "There is now
excitement to make this ft full
d?L??? J Pr?? ions
director with the intent of try- -
ing to arrange a television con- j
Jf ami we win discuss adop- i
???5! conference 3
rules and regulations
Baseball Today
ECU v. N.C. State
7p.m. Harrington Field
"?. ??.
One former Pirate L
athlete is hoping, hile a n
current Pirate athlete is sv
assured of becoming the h
first ever East Carolina P
University athlete to com-
pete in the Olympic d?
games this summer in Los
Angeles v,
Sam Jones, former fr
Lady Pirate baskr
player, is though'
set, while Chema Lar-
ranaga, current member
of the Pirate swim team,
has been named to
year's Olympics.
Jones is a 99 pe
assured member o;
United State- -
team handbal
New Pir
East Carolina
ty is being rec
more visibly tod
thanks in part to a i
look in the P rate ma
athletics, the new ma
was designec b
1. C.W Porte: 3
basketball coacn
2. Dr Keith Hudson, School
of Education, was the ECl
fessor who plaved
194M2 and 194
nis teams
3. Earl Smith, former
basketbaJ! and baseba
was a member of the ?
ball team
4. Charles Q-tr
award winning Ve
Observer feature
member of the M
5. Wright Auditorium
ed for ECU to p
before Memoriae Gym
struct ed
6. On February 21
school nickname "Piri
adoptee b the Men's v
Joe Hallow. a:
Club member ar
distributor, was a d
the 1951 varsity tennis ieam
8. J.m Johnsc-
head football coacb a: I
also sere as head tenr
9. The Preshf-
College (Marx tor s
ECU'S first opponerv -
10. Teachers was -r
used b the ECU athie
before the a; p
11. Jack Boone and Cla:
Stasavuh are tied for
football wins as ICV foe
12. ECTC played is first ii
collegiate tennis mates ap
High Point College in 1938
13. The Bohunk Trophy is the
name of the trophy that was
presented to the winning team
?4 hour Towing Serv
Ij-Haul Rentats
Reproductive hi
Sper Se-xr? r; -atr,

1st plac
All Si
? mi
Lets Jam at G

APRIL 5, 1984
safort High Williams set
lin the KXVmeter and long
at Mississippi State
C allege he uas the most
lyer in track and held a
n the 220-meter dash.
the record in hand,
s went to the Nationals
ted third in the 220-meters
s of 20 8 econds.
itly, Williams' favorite
e 200-meter dash, which
s won in the Brave's In-
ai Pembroke Universi-
p a I'll qualify for the
? n the 200-mcteTS said
"But right now I'm
E on the 4x100 relay
K1 meet
k we can qualify for the
Is with the relay team, due
Ic Henry Carson added.
J 0 relay tear onsists
i N illiams, Nathan Mc-
kine Evans and Joe
he times for the 4x100
I ire getting better, as
I by their second
e Florida relays in
of the guys and
n the relay team want to
:ord and go to the Na-
aid Williams. "We plan
it this week in Chapel
heduled meet for the
the UNC relays in
11 this weekend.
(So, Beaufort, NC) has
B He may well.find a
illina, AL) continues to
i;e Mednck Rainbow (Fr,
pod signs.
to be a strong position in
Jnald Reid (Sr, Farmville.
INew Bern, NC) both out
some concern.
is hurting some with in-
Idelined. This was also ex-
Ith area- but both strong
fire spring. They are Garv
r) and Ed V'arnes (Jr,
back Rally Caparas (Sr!
t for the spring,
spring drills on April 14
nageat 4 p.m. in Ficklen
Inked Pirates in the final
J83, will open the season
gles In
ECAC South will be ex-
hg to eight schools with
eginning of the 1984-85
l year. The University of
Carolina at Wilmington
American University will
ie six existing schools to
eight next fall,
pent members are ECU,
and Mary, Richmond
Madison, the U.S.
Academy and George
led originally for men's
pall competition only,
:AC South expanded into
Is non-revenue sports for
bionships in 1983-84 and
ipand once again next fall
pre championships.
le are becoming a con-
e in the true sense of the
and not just a basketball
? ' said Dean Ehlers,
ent of the ECAC South
lirector of athletics at
Madison "There is now
nent to make this a full
lence in all aspects. We
Tmploy a promotions
tr with the intent cf try- -
arrange a television con- -
fend we will discuss adop- ?
K additional conference
fid regulations
Baseball Today
iCV v. Ac State
i. Harrington Field
Larranaga, Jones Headed For Summer
One former Pirate
athlete is hoping, while a
current Pirate athlete is
assured of becoming the
first ever East Carolina
University athlete to com-
pete in the Olympic
games this summer in Los
Sam Jones, former
Lady Pirate basketball
player, is thought to be
set, while Chema Lar-
ranaga, current member
of the Pirate swim team,
has been named to this
year's Olympics.
Jones is a 99 percent
assured member of the
United States women's
team handball club, while
Larranaga will be a
member of the men's
swim team, representing
his home country of
Peru, South America.
"What Sam Jones has
done in the last two years
is truly remarkable said
Wayne Edwards, ECU's
Intramural Department
director and member of
the Board of Directors of
the United States Hand-
ball teams. "Sam had
never touched a handball
or been on the court until
the spring of 1982. I en-
couraged Sam to tryout
for the National Sports
Festival in May of '82 to
try and make the South
"She not only tried out
and made the South
team, but word of her
great play, athletic ability
and possible help on a
higher level, led to Sam
being invited to Lake
dream-come-true for
Sam, as she spent two
weeks in Europe, par-
ticipated in Sports
Festival III in In-
dianapolis, went back to
Europe in August of 1982
and then back to Lake
ECU Students
In Olympics
Placid in June and
became a member of the
United States National
The story goes on like a
Placid in January of
1983. Yet more travel
came afterwards to
Europe and Iceland.
Sam is due to report to
Los Angeles April 5 for
Final tryouts and exhibi-
tion games with an an-
nouncement expected the
April 9 or 10 on having
made the United States
"Whether Sam make
the United States Olym-
pic team or not, and I see
no way she cannot make
it continued Edwards.
"She will still travel to
Japan and Korea in early
summer. If she's on the
Olympic team, then it's
back to Los Angeles the
end of July for training
and the games.
"After the summer
ends, Sam plans to return
to East Carolina and
complete her degree
work. And perhaps even
more exciting, is that Sam
hopes to continue playing
and training in team
handball and try for the
Olympics of 1988 in
"We are all very proud
of Sam and what she has
done and the way she has
represented East Carolina
University. Now, we wish
her the best in hopefully
representing the entire
United States
Swimmer Chema Lar-
ranaga transferred to
East Carolina this year
from Daytona Beach
Community College
where he qualified last
year for the NCAA Na-
tional Championships
and was a finalist for
swimmer of the year.
A distance swimmer in
freestyle events, Lar-
ranaga competed in the
1982 World Games in
Guayaquil, Ecuador, and
has swam fast enough
times to qualify for his
country's Olympic team
this summer.
Olympic competition is
not really new to Lar-
ranaga, as he represented
Peru as the best long
distance swimmer in the
1980 Olympic Games in
"We are certainly very
happy and proud of
Chema said swim
coach Rick Kobe. "This
is a tremendous honor for
Chema personally but
also indicates the quality
of swimmers we have in
our program at East
Carolina University
While Final confirma-
tion must come forth for
Jones, it is almost an
assured thing that Pirate
fans will watch two of
their own in Olympic
uniforms this summer ?
one for the United States
and one for Peru.
New Pirate Mascot Licensed For Protection Of Universitv
East Carolina Universi-
ty is being recognized
more visibly today,
thanks in part to a new
look in the Pirate mascot.
Originated through
athletics, the new mascot
was designed by an art
major on campus. It has
become a more spirited
part of the program and
is now seen as a full-
bodied character at
athletic events and other
area happenings.
With this change in the
mascot look, the Univer-
sity is pleased to an-
nounce that it has in-
itiated a formalized licen-
sing program for the new
Pirate and its trademarks
and logos for other uses.
The University has en-
joyed a proud heritage as
an institution of higher
education in its academic
and athletic ac-
complishments. This
same tradition has
brought with it the
responsibility to see that
its proud heritage has
been appropriately
The East Carolina
University licensing pro-
gram is designed to pro-
tect the use of the Univer-
sity's name and insignias
and to enhance its overall
image.To accomplish
this, the University has
established formal licens-
ing procedures that will
enable the institution to
share in the benefits
derived from the com-
mercial use of both its
name and symbols.
East Carolina has re-
tained International Col-
legiate Enterprises, of
Atlanta GA, as its ex-
clusive licensing agent.
The mission of I.C.E.
is to bring standardiza-
tion and consistency to
Answers To Tuesday's Quiz
1. C.W. Porter was the first
basketball coach at ECU,
2. Dr. Keith Hudson, School
of Education, was the ECU pro-
fessor who played on the
1941-42 and 1947-48 varsity ten-
nis teams.
3. Earl Smith, former head
basketball and baseball coach,
was a member of the 1939 foot-
ball team.
4. Charles Craven, former
award winning News and
Observer feature writer, was a
member of the 1941 football
5. Wright Auditorium was us-
ed for ECU to play basketball
before Memorial Gym was con-
6. On February 26, 1934, the
school nickname "Pirates" was
adopted by the Men's Athletic
1. Joe Hallow, an active Pirate
Club member and former beer
distributor, was a member of
the 1951 varsity tennis team.
8. Jim Johnson is the only
head football coach at ECU to
also serve as head tennis coach.
9. The Presbyterian Junic
College (Marxton, NC), was
ECU's first opponent in foot-
10. Teachers was the nickname
used by the ECU athletic teams
before the adoption of
11. Jack Boone and Clarence
Stasavich are tied for the most
football wins as ECU football
12. ECTC played it's first inter-
collegiate tennis match against
High Point College in 1938.
13. The Bohunk Trophy is the
name of the trophy that was
presented to the winning team
after each ECU-Atlantic Chris-
tian College basketball game.
14. Bill Cain and Ed Emorv
were the well-known co-
captains of the 1959 ECU foot-
ball team.
15. ECU did not play a single
basketball game during the
1943-44 season because of war
16. Dr. Doug Jones is the
former Dean of the School of
Education who played on the
!942 varsity tennis team.
17. ECU recorded their first
perfect season in football in
1941 (7-0).
18. In 1938 Herbert Wilkerson
recorded the first tennis match
victory in ECU history.
19. ECU played Northeastern
University and won the Eastern
Bowl in 1963.
20. Dr. Jimmie Grimsley is the
former varsity tennis coach who
was also a former head soccer
coach at ECU.
21. ECU played Massachusetts
in the Tangerine Bowl in 1964
and won 14-13.
22. ECU has experienced one
winless tennis season during its
brief history under coach
Howard Porter in 1950.
23. ECU became a member of
the North State Basketball Con-
ference in 1947-48.
24. ECU defeated Campbell
College in 1933, 6-0, to record
its first victory ever in football.
25. Lou Collie and Toddy Fen-
nell were the first basketball
scholarship recipients at ECU in
26. E.C.T.C. became East
Carolina College in 1951.
27. ECU dedicated Memorial
Gym on January 6, 1953 while
playing UNC who won with the
aid of present ECU faculty
member.Dr. Ernie Schwarz, on
the UNC team.
28. ECU defeated Louis burg
College in 1938 to record the
first tennis team victory ever.
29. ECU played the University
of Maine in the 1965 Tangerine
Bowl and won 31-0.
30. John Christenbury has the
best win-loss percentage in ECU
football history with 12 wins, 3
losses, and a percentage of .800.
31. Chairman of the first
Athletic Council at ECU was
RC. Deal.
32. O.A. Hanker, former ECU
head football coach, has the
worst win-loss record with zero
wins and eight losses in 1939.
33. Raz Autry is the former
ECU football player who is the
current Superintendent of Hoke
County Schools.
34. Ray Pennington is the
former ECU football player
currently the Athletic Director
of Pembroke State University.
35. Charlie Bishop is the
former ECU football player
with two sons on the 1983 squad
(Gary and Chuck).
36. Ralph Kinsey is the only
ECU football player to be nam-
ed Chairman of the ECU Board
of Trustees.
37. The first touchdown in
ECU football history was
scored by Crack Rogerson of
Ayden in 1933.
38. Henry Vansant, a former
ECU football player of 1959,
later became head football
coach at Lenoir Rhyne and
Guilford College.
39. Bill Cain is the only former
ECU football player to also
serve as Athletic Director at
The licensing program the collegiate market, and
is further designed to to expand the market for
establish a cooperative officially licensed col-
relationship with legiate products,
licensees to assist in the "We felt it was
expansion of the market necessary for the protec-
for officially licensed tion and enhancement of
products of East Carolina the University's image to
University. The licensing standarize a single logo
Carolina University sym- ' University in our licens-
bols said Director of ing consortium. The suc-
Athletics Dr. Ken Karr. cess of the athletic pro-
Mr. Bill Battle, former gram, combined with the
head football coach at far-sighted objectives of
Tennessee and currently the University, make en-
Chairman of I.C.E try into an organized
said, "We are proud to licensing program a time-
have East Carolina ly event
program promotes a rela
tionship by which the
University, its licensees
and consumers will
and establish a formal
process for approval of
the varied products
marketed with East
? '? Gr?.ivill Blvd.
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Track Meet Ready For
The Intramural Track
and Field Meet is ready
for the starting line. This
one day event will be held
Wednesday April 10 at
the Bunting track. Both
individual and team com-
petition will be held.
Running events in-
clude, two mile run, 50
yard dash, 880 yard relay,
440 yard run, 100 yard
dash, 220 yard dash, one
mile run, one mile relay,
and 440 yard relay.
Field events include
shot put, softball throw,
long jump and discus.
Entry deadline is April 5
with a mandatory cap-
tains meeting to be held
Thursday, April 5 at 7
p.m. in Brewster C-103.
Hank Aaron Look Out
Tired of being a real
slugger and no one really
noticing your efforts?
Then the Intramural
Home Run Derby is ex-
actly for you.
points, lsr-200' ? 50
points, 201250' ? 75
points and 251 to over
the fence ? 100 points. A
bonus accuracy area will
be marked in the center
of the field. Any hit ball
ECU Intramurals
This slugging event
which will be held April
12 will be based on the
total points accumulated
in the following manner:
Outfield to 100' ? 10
points, 10V-150'? 25
landing in this area will
result in a bonus of 10
points. Points from the
best 8 hits will be totaled
to determine the winner.
Each paritcipant is
responsible for providing
his-her own pitcher.
Last year Jeff Andrews
accumulated 770 points
for the men's title while
Angela! Robbins col-
lected 355 for the
women's crown.
Registration will end
April 12 with the event
being held on the
Women's varsity softball
The War Is Postponed
The first annual In-
tramural Co-Rec Tug-of-
War has been postponed
due to the onset of rain.
Participants can enter the
event until April 16. The
new event date is April 18
beginning at 4 p.m. at the
Allied Health building.
Teams will consist of 3
men and 3 women not ex-
ceeding a total team
weight of 1000 pounds.
This event will be used
toward the Co-rec point
system totals.
A mandatory captains-
participants weigh-in will
be held April 17 at 7 p.m.
in Memorial Gym room
Handball Record Almost
Anthony Martin of the
Enforcers almost broke
the Intramural Handball
record for the most goals
scored in one game. But
short of time, Anthony
managed to tie the old
record at 15 goals. The
team went on to defeat
the Sigma Phi Epsilon C
team in competition last
night. Congratulations to
Anthony and try again
next game!
The Brothers of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor
Fraternity Would Like TO Thank
Northwestern Mutual Life
Coca Cola
Pantana Bob's
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Riverside Oyster Bar
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SUMMER RENT entire 4 bedroom, 1
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Style Keyboard. Also comes with
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SURFBOARD - WRV, M inches,
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apt. $270 a month plus util. S Mocks
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lots more. Call 75l-??71
FOR SALE: Sofa A Chair perfect for
student with apt. 130 ea. or both for
$50 2 End Tables $15 Call 752-411
1W4 MT. FUGI It-Speed 1 Must soil
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backer amp for sale. Perfect shape.
Call Jim 750-0244
FOR SALE: Technics SH M10 Stereo
Equalizer Still under warranty
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Video Terminal. Interfaces with most
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WHEN A FRIEND has stereo system
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technicians at me TECH SHOP don't
charge for repair estimates. Call us
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AUTO ACCIDENTS Specializing In
personal injury litigation. J. David
Ouffus, Jr Attorney, NCNB
Building, Greenville North Carolina,
Typewriter, 15 years experience. Full
time typing for faculty ? students
BABYSITTER ? For reliable, warm,
competent and experienced baby
sitters, call 750-M71.
MICK LASALLE - Is beginning a
two-part Investigative report on sex
ual harassment of students by pro-
fessors on campus. If you have Infor-
mation, call Mick at 7Sa-474, or
752-0141. All calls confidential.
PROFESSIONAL Typing Service; all
typing needs 750 54al or 750-0241
DZ BIO BROTHERS ? Thanks for
your support at All-Sing. We love you
? The Sisters and Pledges
JAY N KEN at Ji it will beam when
the kegs r dry It will end. U will be
passed n we will B trased Kevin n
Ooan 111 PS Hey Spencer got wrapped
n lets party 11
lamming Tuesday night In AZD All-
Sl?g. You Deserve the trophyl l usl
wondered how you got Michael
Jackson to Greenville for such a
thort video. And who was that
Kamlkaiie Guitar Player who dove
into the crowd? Look out guys ? It
could be time to catch some heiliir
Week ever soon anything like the four
of us raising Hell! Somehow we don't
think so. See you at Mosiers you light
weights. From your partners in
crime Ken A Jay
House 5 miles from campus 750-5411.
furnished; serious students only.
Behind Belk Dorm. tlM.M per
month. Call 750-7470.
SummerFall. River Bluff Apts
751-0144 ask for Kelly
SOVmont. Vi utilities. I mile from
campus. Call 752-4245. Bus route.
the summer per month plus
utilities. Nice Condo Coll 754-174.
summer and tall. SIM mth. li
utilities one b'ock from campus
GUITARIST NEEDED for full time
to P 40 band. Call Steve at 754-4122 for
COLLEOE STUDENT'S will find this
offer attractive $200 w.k.saies and
service. Car helpful. Call 7M-3M1
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The East Carolinian, April 5, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 05, 1984
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