The East Carolinian, March 20, 1984

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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.58 NoT $o
Tuesday, March 20,1984
Greenville, N.C.
12 Pages
Circulation 10,000
PIRG Referendum Rejected
Monday By SGA Legislature
These 16 Occupational Therapy seniors will
move out into their specified fields. See related story below.
Mua?)at EAior
The battle over adding a
referendum concerning an ECU
Public Interest Research Group to
the SGA election ballot apparent-
ly ended Monday when Speaker
of the Legislature
Kirk Shelley rul-
ed that the SGA
did not have the
power to initiate
a student referen-
dum. However,
PIRG organizers
and the SGA at-
torney general
are contesting
Shelley's inter-
pretation of the
SGA Constitu-
tion, saying only the attorney
general is allowed to rule on con-
stitutional questions.
Shelley ended the battle over
the PIRG question almost before
it began, saying that according to
Article 7 of the Constitution, only
a student petition can call for a
public referendum and the SGA
Legislature does not have the
power to do so.
The article states in pan, "The
student body shall have the power
to initiate any act within the
power of the Legislature Shelley
also said that nowhere in the Con-
stitution is the legislature given ex-
press permission to call for a
Rules and Judiciary Chairman
Mike Dixon called for query and
point-of-information several
times to challenge Shelley's rul-
ing, but Shelley eventually cut off
discussion and moved to other
business. The PIRG bill had pass-
ed both Dixon's committee, where
Shelley voted against it, and the
Student Welfare Committee.
After an 8-minute debate, the
legislature overwhelmingly voted
not to overturn Shelley's ruling.
Later, they voted down a suspen-
sion of the rules that would have
permitted Dixon to offer an new
bill for an informal survey on
PIRG along with the SGA ballot.
PIRG supporters, however,
contacted Student Attorney
General Harry Dest, asking him
to look into the matter. "He
doesn't have the authority to in-
terpret the Constitution Dest
said of Shelley in an interview
Monday night. "That's one of the
duties of the attorney general
Dest cited the attorney general's
job description on page 37 of the
See HEATED, Page 3
Voter Registration, PIRG, Rules Discussed
UNCASG Debates Issues
N?wi Much
Voter registration, PIRG and
new rules were among the topics
discussed at a meeting of the
University of North Carolina
Association of Student Govern-
ments held last weekend at ECU.
Attendance at the meeting was
"adequate according to SGA
President Paul Naso. Represen-
tatives from a number of schools
The main issue discussed was
voter registration. A letter was
sent to Governor Hum by ihe UN-
CASG asking him to declare a
week devoted to student voter
registration statewide. Hunt
responded by declaring the last
week in March Student Voter
Registration Week. "If student
governments are going to get in-
volved in any issue, it's going to
be voter registration said Ken
Cagle, UNCASG president and
SGA president at UNC-Asheville.
Students are planning voter
registration drives on campuses
throughout the UNC system. In
addition, the UNCASG is attemp-
ting to get presidential candidates
such as Gary Hart and Jesse
Jackson to speak at its next
meeting to be held April 6 in
Chapel Hill.
Another item on the agenda
was a statewide coalition for stu-
dent &overnxnenis. This would in-
volve interested students in order
to increase the student voice. One
purpose of this coalition would be
to further student voter registra-
tion. It would be non-partisan and
not limited to members of student
governments. "You don't have to
Mankiewicz Speaks At Seminar
be partisan to vote Naso said.
Public Interest Research
Groups were also discussed a
great deal during the weekend.
ECU student Jay Stone did a
presentation on PIRGs for the
group. Many of the UNCASG
participants supported the idea of
PIRG, but, according to Naso,
none supported the negative
check-off system, the funding
method proposed by PIRG.
The UNCASG has recently in-
stituted new bylaws creating a
legislative assembly. The 16 SGA
presidents will constitute the
board of directors, while two
students from each school will
constitute the legislature. Each of
the students will have one vote on
issues discussed by the UNCASG.
Another feature of the weekend
was a lecture by Dr. Ed Wheatley,
Sixteen O. T. Graduates
?? To Begin Fieldwork
chairman of the ECU Department
of Marketing, on "Being a Pro-
The next UNCASG meeting
will be for the purpose of orienta-
tion of the new SGA presidents
and for strengthening of this
year's operations. "We've grown
in numbers and we've grown in
strength this year Cagle said.
SUff Writer
Saturday afternoon the Depart-
ment of Occupational Therapy
held a ceremony to acknowledge
the graduation of its 16 seniors.
These graduates will now apply
their skills in hospitals and clinics
in various places around the na-
tion for nine months of fieldwork.
Due to increasing support for
rehabilitation centers, the number
of occupational therapv graduates
falls short of the number of jobs,
said guest speaker Rand
Strickland, M.Ed O.T.R.
Strickland also said the growing
demand for occupational
therapists is related to an increas-
ing number of older adults.
Occupational therapy students
are required to take heavy science
courses such as gross anatomy
See SIXTEEN, Page 3
New Program Designed
To Involve Freshmen
Media Expert Featured In Spring Seminar
M?n?glDi t dliur
Television has affected
American life so much that it has
altered our perceptions and expec-
tations of reality, changed our
lifestyles and trivialized the
American political process, said
political and media expert Frank
Mankiewicz Monday night at
ECU's Wright Auditorium.
Mankiewicz, the featured
speaker of the three-day, ECU
Spring Lecture-Seminar Series,
said television doesn't give com-
prehensive coverage to daily
events but instead shows "all the
lews that happened in front of the
cameras He added that televi
sion concentrates on vivid, con-
troversial, active news events to
the neglect of subjects requiring
more dialogue or explanation.
He said political candidates
realize television news wants only
short, vivid segments, thus they
avoid long discussions of topics
and concentrate on short phrases
such as "Where's the beeP a
question used by presidential can-
didate Walter Mondale in
challenging fellow candidate Gary
Television has trivialized our
political discussion (and) brought
it to everyone at the same time
Mankiewicz said. "It has na-
tionalized our politics but it has
trivialized it
Mankiewicz said "We've
known since about 1976 that cam-
paigns have been run entirely for
television As a result, can-
didates avoid detailed discussion
of issues and "have to say
something that sounds safe
Mankiewicz stressed the inac-
curacy of television when it por-
trays such things as the criminal
justice system and medical care,
saying it "creates a sense of
disparity, unease and anxiety" in
the American public.
Mankiewicz said most TV
police shows portray justice as
complete when a suspect is hand-
cuffed, and the programs ignore
the judicial process. "In real life
that (the arrest) is just the beginn-
ing he said. "Most criminals are
never convicted at all As a
result, he said, people are
frustrated when they see the real
judicial process let some suspects
go free.
"People who watch a lot of
television believe there's about ten
times more crimes than there real-
ly are Mankiewicz said.
On medical care, Mankiewicz
See TV'S, Page 6
Newt Editor
One major problem which has
been encountered by members of
the SGA is a lack of personnel.
"The SGA lacks manpower
said outgoing President Pa-jl
A new Freshman Aid Program
has been designed as a method to
alleviate that problem. The pro-
gram will give freshmen an oppor-
tunity to get involved in student
government by serving as aids to
student legislators.
"A lot of freshmen don't know
anything about student govern-
ment or are scared to run for a
position said Freshmen Class
President Staci Falkowitz, who
was appointed coordinator of the
program by Naso. Brian Wessler
will serve as co-coordinator.
Students will be recruited dur-
ing freshman orientation.
Falkowitz said she feels it is easier
to get students involved before
they get immersed in campus ac-
Approximately 15 students will
be chosen by the coordinators and
the SGA Screenings and Appoint-
ments Committee. After thev are
selected, they will attend a
meeting explaining the re-
quirements for the job.
All aids will be required to
spend two hours a week in the
SGA offices, performing services
such as answering telephones and
stuffing envelopes. In addition,
they will serve as pages for at least
two SGA meetings every month.
While serving as pages, they will
not have a voice in proceedings
They will, however, have a voice
as members of a standing commit-
Four Present Platforms
For SOULS Members
Staff Wriur
The platforms of candidates for
SGA president and treasurer were
the major topic at a Society of
United Liberal Students meeting
March 15.
Presidential candidates Mark
Niewald, John Rainey, and Greg
Shelnutt along with Georgia
Mooring, candidate of SGA
Treasurer, were each given a
(.nance to speak to SOULS
members at the meeting.
Niewald said he felt student
groups are the backbone of a
university. "An individual grows
when they are involved in student
groups he said. Niewald said if
elected, he would try to hold mon-
thly meetings on leadership roles
for all student organizations.
These meetings, Niewald said,
would give students a chance to
solve problems at roundtable-like
discussions. "The SGA should be
a resource for students and they
should be able to call the SGA
with their problems Niewald
Rainey said he supported all
campus organizations and that
"student government is a center
for people to come together "It
distresses me when money is ap-
propriated to groups without
communication or exchange of
ideas between student organiza-
tions Rainey added. He said
that if elected, he would like to
have the SGA budget printed in
the East Carolinian.
The last presidential candidate
to speak was Shelnutt. He said he
felt the SGA was a forum for stu-
dent ideas, and would like to see
more freshman get involved.
"Everyone that can put an idea in
the SGA should participate
Shelnutt said. If elected, he said
he would like to have suggestion
boxes and phone lines to the SGA
available for the students.
Shelnutt also said he supported a
National Public Radio Station at
ECU and would work to make it a
Mooring cited the importance
of the office in appropiating
funds and expressed her hope that
all students would participate in
Wednesday's elections.
SGA Executive Candidates
SGA presidential candidates are: from upper left, Jay Brigel, Mark
Niewald, John Rainey and Greg Shelnutt. Bottom row, left to
right, vice presidential candidate Mike McPartiand. secretarial l
dWate Jay Johnson, and Calvin Lane and Georgia Mooring, both
running for treasurer.
- .
1 J?
I If

MARCH 20, 1984
The East Carolinian
Serving th campus community
since ?.
Published every Tuesday and
Thursday during the academic
year ana every Wednesday dur
ing the summer
The East Carolinian is the of
flcial newspaper of East Carolina
university, owned, operated ana
published tor and by the students
of East Carolina University
Unless otherwise noted, unslgn
ed editorials on the opinion page
are the newspaper s opinion,
generally written by fhe manag
ng editor
Subscription Rate ?30 yearly
The Eas' Carolinian offices are
located in the Publications
building on the campus of ECU,
Greenville N.C
POSTMASTER Sena address
changes t0 The East Carolinian.
2na Floor Publications building,
ECU. Greenville N C 37834
Telephone 757 6366. 6367. 6309
Sisters don't forget me meeting to-
day at 430 pm In room 212 of
Mendenhall Please remember to br
ing your money for Regional. We
will be discussing our beach trip so
please plan to attend See ye' there
Advanced NAUl Scuba April 10, In
'eractmg with Others April 11. Basic
Sailing April 12 Latin American
Dance Apni M. Continental Dance
April 20 Contact Division of Continu
?rig Education. Erwin Hall
East Carolina's Phi Sigma Pi Na
tional Honor Fraternity Bud Light
and Rock 93 invite YOU to oin us on
the courts for the March 31 and April
?seum! Pre registration deadline for
nterested participants is Wednes
day March 21st with schedules set by
Craa. March 23rd For more infor
mafion call the toll free
i SO0 662 9712 See you "in courT'l
Sign up Monday, March 26 or Toes
a- March 27 tor the Co Rec Tug Of
A'er competition Teams consist of 3
men ana 3 women not exceeding a
total team weight of 1000 pounds
Sign up in Memorial Gym -oom 204
The English Department invites
applications for the Russell M
Christman Memorial Scholarship
awarded annually to a junior English
malor for exceptional academic
achievement outstanding potential
n the field of English, and significant
'hvolvement in extracurricular ac
fivlties The amount of the award is
1500 00 Applicants should complete
the Student Scholarship Form
available from the Student Finan
cial Aid Office) and send it, together
with a brief letter describing their
academic achievements extracur
ocular activities, ano plan? tor fur
'her study or career goals to Russell
M Christman Memorial Scholarship
Committee Co The Department of
English The deadline for appitca
'ions is April 13 19?4 For further in
formafon contact Erwin Hester, 101
English Department Annex
Students who wish to return to the
same rooms they presently occupy
must reserve such rooms on Mon
aay, March 19 - 8.x am to 12 X
pm ana 1 30 p m to 4:00 p.m. and
Tuesday, March 20 - 1,30 a m to
12 30p m
Students who wish to return to the
same building in which they present
ly reside but different rooms will be
permitted to reserve rooms on Tues
day. March - 1 30 p m to 400 p.m.
All other students will be permitted
'o reserve rooms on a first come,
first serve basis on Wednesday.
March 21, Thursday, March 22 and
Friday, March 23- 8:30 am to 12 30
p m. and 1 X p m to 4 00 p m
Join us tonight at the Baptist Stu-
dent Center tor diner and fellowship
at 5:30 We promise a home cooked
meal and a lot of fun.
Tonight at the Elbol Sign up at the
table In front of the Student Store, or
by calling the Elbo First place prize:
weekend tor two at the Atlantic
Beach Ramada inn No entry tee
prlies for all entering All proceeds
go to the Heart Fund
The Student Union Special Concerts
Committee will meet on Tuesday,
March 20, 1984. at 500 p.m In room
247 of Mendenhall Student Center. All
members and Interested persons are
urged to attend
The Student Union Art Exhibition
Committee will meet on Tuesday,
March 20, 1984, at 4:30 p.m. In room
238 of Mendenhall Student Center. All
members and Interested persons are
urged to attend
Student wanted to work at a day
care center with handicapped
children for the summer. One posi-
tion in Rocky Mount and one position
in Tarboro Minimum wage Student
must qualify for financial aid by com
pieting confidential statement In the
financial aid office. See Co-op Rawl
310 for additional Information.
The PI Kapp Pledges are having
their Gong show this Wed night
(March 21) at the house starting at
8 00. There will be a party after
wards Also everyone Is invited to
come to 200 West this Thurs. night for
the Pi Kapp Happy Hour Brothers,
remember that Friday Is Jersey Day,
put on your letters and let everyone
know tha' you are proud to be a PI
Kapp There will be a party by the
lake this Friday before Happy Hour
Come and enjoy our beautiful lake
There will be a Car wash this Satur
day at the Shell on 10th Street starting
at 10 00 amp u.S.H week is the
week of March 26 to March 31 Help
support this causem
If you like to see Talent and have
alot of fun at the same time, be sure
to come to the Talent Show sponsored
by the Sweethearts of the Kappa
Alpha Psi Fraternity, inc on Wed
March 28 from 7 to 9 p.m at
Mendenhall in room 244. Tickets are
$1 00 and may be bought from any
you there!
Residence hall room deposits for
Summer School 1984 w be accepted
in the Cashier's Office, Room 105,
Spllman Building, beginning April 3.
Room assignments will be made In
the respective residence hall offices
on April 5 and April 6 Thereafter,
they will be made in the Office of
Housing Operations, Room 201,
Whlchard Building. The rent for a
term of summer school Is $120 (Jarvls
Hall ? SlaO) for a semi private room
and S180 (Jarvls Hall ? 1210) for a
private room.
Students who wish to reserve rooms
they presently occupy, provided such
rooms are to be In use this summer,
are to make reservations on Thurs
day, April 5. All other students may
reserve rooms on a first-come, first-
serve basis on Friday, April 6.
Residence hall to be used for
women are Greene, Slay (first floor
for mobility Impaired students) and
Jarvls Men will be housed In Garrett,
Slay (first floor tor mobility Impaired
students) and Jarvls Halls.
Application are now being ec
cepfed for m? position of the 1984 stu
dent Homecoming Committee
Chairperson Applications can be
picked up either at the Mendenhall
Student Center Information center or
the Alumni Center. The deadline for
applying for this position Is Friday
April 13, lf?4. T'
Ar. Tom Pauling of North state
Savings and Loan will speak at the
next meeting of Beta Kappa Alpha,
Banking t, Finance Fraternity on
Thursday, March 22, 1984 at 5,30 In
Rawl room 103. W will make final
plan and get a "heedcount" for me
Annual BKA Banquet, tentatively set
for Thur?day, April 19 at the Sheraton
The Student union Coffeehouse
Committee will meet on Tuesday,
March 20, 1984, at 00 p.m. In room
248 of Mendenhall Student Center, all
members and Interested person are
urged to attend.
A meeting of the American with
Hart committee will meet on Thurs
day, March 22, at 730 p.m. In
Mendenhall room 244. Call 752 4935
for more Information. Get Involved
and support a new generation of
The Student union Film Commit
tee will meet on Wednesday, March
21, 1984, at 5:15 p.m. In room 242 Of
Mendenhall Student Center, ah
member and Interested persons arm
urged to attend.
If you did not see the ECU UNC
Lacrosse match last weekend, you
mls?ed a great match. There will be
another Lacrosse match this
weekend In Durham against Duke's
Lacrosse club. The match will tart
at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, March 24 on
the fields beside the football stadium.
This match should be even more ex
citing than last weekend's match.
The ECU Homecoming Steering
Committee is running a contest. If
you name the theme of the 1984
Homecoming, you will win a prize of
$25 00 Entry forms can be picked up
at either the Mendenhall Student
Center information Center or the
Alumni Center All Homecoming
theme suggestions will become the
property of the Homecoming Steering
Committee, and they reserve the
right to reect any or all entries. En
tries must be turned in to the Student
Union Office, Room 234 Mendenhall,
by 5:00 p.m Friday, April 13, 1984
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service In the Bloxton House Is
offering one hour sessions to help you
prepare your own resume. Few
graduates get obs without some
preparation. Many employer re
quest a resume showing your educa
tlon and experience Sessions to help
will be held In the Career Planning
Room at 3 p.m Come on any of the
following dates: March 20 and 28
Deadline for Psi Chi Scholarships is
April 2, 1984.The Initiation for all new
members in Psi Chi will be held on
March 20 at 7 pm In Rm
244 Mendenhall. All member art
urged to attend Elections for officers
for Psi Chi 84 85 will be held following
Initiation Refreshments will be serv
Sigma Phi Epsllon and Alpha
Omlcron PI will sponsor the First An
OFF AUCTION Sunday. April l,t, at
2 p.m. Pre-Greek Week cup will be
on sale. Come start off Greek Week
the right way. party with the REAL
The Outdoor Rec Center is offering
a Whitewater rafting trip to Hot Spr
ings, NC on April 68 Registration
deadline is March 26 For more info
call 757 4911 or come by Memorial
Gym room 113.
The Omlcron Chapter of Phi Beta
Lambda will hold It next meeting on
Wednesday, March 21, at 4 p.m In
Rawl 341
The Department of Speech
Language 8 Auditory Pathology will
be providing a make up of speech and
hearing screening for the studnets
who missed It In January
The screening will be held on Tues
day, March 27 and Wednesday,
March 28 from 5:00700 p.m In the
SLAP Department which Is located In
a trailer adjacent to Belk Building on
Charles Street
No appointment is needed
Attention guys and gals I The inter
national Student Association Is hav
Ing a carwash on Saturday, March
24th from 10-2 p.m behind
McDonald's on 10th St We also have
a meeting at 6 00 In Mendenhall Stu
dent Center followed by a party at
Val's place Come and support your
local ISA Organization!
Don't forget that a Varden's Studio
Photographer will be In me BUC
CANEER office until Friday, March
23, 1984 to make portraits for those
who have not had their pictures made
yet. These picture will be in the 194
BUCCANEER and will appear mere
only if you have your picture made
batore Friday. Photo are made bet
ween the hours of 9:00 and 1200 and
100 to 5:00 dally In ma BUCCANEER
office, 2nd floor of the Publication
Building behind the Library. Come
and sign up for a time outside the of
The seventh meeting for tha 1983 84
Sport club Council will be held
Wednesday, March 21, 1984 at 400
p.m. in Room 105B of Memorial Gym
naslum Representatives of active
sport clubs are required to attend and
must submit 1984 85 Budget Requests
and request for Equipment Pur
chases Persons or groups interested
in the sport club program art invited
to attend the meeting. Sport club
Council Meeting, Weds , March 21,
1984, 4:00 p.m Rm 105B, Mem
There will be a talent show at Im
manual Baptist church on Friday,
March 23, atp.m The show is spon
sored by the Baptist Student Union
and all proceeds will be used for stu
dent summer missions. We Invite you
to participate or usf come and
watch. Refreshments will be served.
For more info call 752 4646
All National Direct Student Loan
Borrowers art reminded of the exit
Interview requirement upon gradua
tlon or those otherwise not returning
to ECU Fall Semester, 1984. as
undergraduate or graduate students.
The Interview Is necessary to Inform
NDSL Recipients of the repayment
schedule, provisions for loan
cancellation, and other pertinent In
formaion. You are requested to
report to the Multl-Purpose Room of
the Mendenhall Student Center at
5;30 p.m. on either April 3, April 9, or
April 11, 1984

Keep Georgia On Your Mindlj
SG A Treasurer March 21 st I:
Mark Niewald
SG A President
March 21 st
i.i.a ilillllTHIIirtT'l
Your Adult Entertainment Center
Greenville's First and Still No. 1
LADES Lock-out
Cooperative Education I a pro
gram which help students gain
valuable experience related to their
career goal through alternating
periods of academic study with
periods of off campus employment
The Co op Office, located In 313 Rawl,
currently has ob openings for sum
mer and fall '84 interested student
should stop by today to get more in
formation, to complete the necessary
forms, and to sign up for Interviews.
This Is ifl Dean D.H Hayek,
Associate Dean for Student Affairs at
the East Carolina School of Medicine
will speak at the March 2?th Biology
Club meeting. His presentation will
mark the last of me three part pro
gresslve Medical School entrance
series for Health Professions Month
So If you've missed parts l and 2,
don't make the mistake of missing
part 3 There will be a brief social
beginning at 7 pm In BN 102 followed
by Dean Hayek I
Wladlmir Kochanskl, the "People's
Pianist will be performing in
Wright auditorium Monday evening
March 26th at 8 pm Kochanskl com
bines solid musicianship with subtle
showmanship which always results In
tremendous popular response. He
breaks with tradition by speaking to
the audience during the concert. His
programming, too, is unconventional,
embracing the wide range of periods
from Baroque to modern, and of
styles from classical to popular and
folk Tickets are on sale at the Cen
tral Ticket Office at 83 tor students
and $4 for the public If available,
tickets will also be sold at the door
Delta Sigma Theta and Omega Psi
Phi present a semi-formal ball at the
Sheraton Inn, March 24, from 9 p.m.
to 1 am Advanced tickets are 14.00
for a couple and 84.00 for singles For
further Information contact Ms.
Arnetta Taylor at 753-0333. We look
forward to seeing you at this event
All Occupational Therapy students
and Interested persons are aked to
attend the ECSCOTA meeting on
March 27 at 5:30 In room 203 Allied
Health Building
Program rescheduled: Nevin
Snyder, former U.S. Army chaplain
in Vietnam will speak at PAUSE mis
Thursday, March 22, at 7 p.m. at the
Baptist Studnet Union All are
There will be a NAACP meeting on
Thursday. March 22, 1984 at A 00
p.m. In room 240
There will be an important meeting
on Wed . March 21 at 5 30 In room 212
Mendenhall We will be discussing
me induction of new members, end
we will alto be appointing a commit
tee to nominate officer for next year
All members are requested to attend
If you can't attend, please contact
Connie at 757 1442 Hope to see you
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service In the Bloxton House is
offering one hour sessions to help you
Prepare your own resume Few
graduates get obs without some
Preparation Many employer re
quest a resume showing your educa
tlon and experience Sessions to help
will be held in the Career Planning
Room at 3 pm Come on any of the
following dates: March 20 and 28
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service In the Bloxton House I
offering these one hour sessions to aid
you In developing better interviewing
skills tor use in your job search A
film and discussion of how to Inter
view tnrough this service will be
shared. Each session will be held in
the Career Planning Room at 3 pm
Come on any of the following dates
March 21 and 27
Sigma Theta Tau, the National
honor society of nursing, will have a
called business meeting on Monday.
March 19 at 7 pm in the School of
Nursing, rm 203 All members are
urged to attend
The department of intramural Rec
Services is looking for interested
students to assume me role of Ad
vlsory Council Repre?entatives A
representative from each partlcipa
tlon division is needed (President.
Fraternity, Sorority. Residence
men, women, co-ed independents
and Clubs) Applications deadline is
April 2. and they may be picked up M
Memorial Gym room 204
The American Society for Person
net Administration will hold a
meeting on Wed , March 21 at 3 pm in
Rawl Building Rm 20 All member
are encouraged to pick up their
membership cards Old business will
be discussed and election of new of
ficer will also be mentioned if you
are an upcoming junior or senior,
why nnt consider being part of
ASPA's executive office its a great
experience I
The SRA Maro- Gras Party PK
tyres art back I Come checx mem ou'
ana place an order stop o, 'he SB a
office m Mendenhall Office hours for
pho'os will be on Monday from
and 5 8pm and on Tuesday ano 'riur,
day from 12 5 Mope 'o see ?ov, mere
cause an of me pictures art orf
Student Teaching pn?s.cais for f s
Semester 1984 student Njiclili.
shouid be scheduled at the Shjv-
Health Center during March ' vc.
1.1984 Physical examinations ? -?
given on Monday Tuesde. anc
Wednesday mornings from 7 45 a -
10 50 am during mis per.00 Ca v
Margaret Dixon a' the Studen' h(? ?-
Center (7574317) to make you' ac
pointment No physical exam,n- ,
will be scheduled for Fan Semse-
1984 student teachers a?te- v.
1.1984 We urge you to maxe you' ac
pointment immediately
The ECU Chapter NAACP 1984 85
election will be held April 12, 1984 at
400 p.m. room to be announced. Ap-
plication may be picked up March
M April s, 1984 at Mendenhall' Infor
matlon deck, 250 Jarvl Dorm or 502
Greene Dorm Return application to
250 Jarvl Dorm by April 5, 1984. 5 09
Be a part of ECU' awardwlnnlng
squadi 1st mandantory meeting
March 24th at 5 30 at Mlnges Col
?stum. Don't ml?? out on your chance
to get Involved with Pirate Athletic!
Wednesday night will be tha second
week In the exposition of II Timothy.
The speaker will talk on "Endurance
as a Christian" The meeting will be
held at 4:W In Jenkins Auditorium
Everyone I Invited to attend.
Phi Mu Alpha
$ 1.00 Donation
Rock & Roll Show
Naatalgic Rock
9 piece Brass section
Wed. March 21 st
,V ?fctoVeV.VeVeV.l?Ve
? ? 4t ?Bx??? ,48Jt?VBam . ? ? V ?
John Rainey
for SG A President
Thurs. WZMB
Ladies Lite Nite
? 50 for Girls
till 1 1:00
?65H.H.til 11:00
Carolina Game
on 7ft. TV in Phoenix Room
At 11:30
i ?
Stop by and see the many BEAUTIFUL
No Purchase Necessary To Enter!
"Great time to buy your ECU class ring"
Date: Mi-ch 21,21t 23 Ti me: 9:00?m until 4:00pm
Place: sTUDBfrsuppLY Deposit; JBOjX)
??'?- Ckiuiw, ComaZ
Continued Irom Page I
duties of the m
general include
ability to) rule on con-
stitutional questions
Shelle tried I . nsult
with Dest on the mc
before the M
meeting, but n
to meet with mm She
did . insult
Associate Dca-
( a-Neae tans
"The reaction M
night as unbelievab
said Film (
Chairperson Da
when di
it at ECL "s
prev jew .
Apr- i
people stood to
view the A Lad
he s?
? V,
Fee To Gr
CPS ? -v .
cuts forced him tc I
student gr .
a University o: Ge
math pre
to dramatize the cam
:e cutbacks by c:
ing students S10 a pie.
have their papers gr
"last fall the I
ty of Georgia's state fun-
ding v. iv cut b : -
million as par . state-
wide bjdge: ;
explains UGA
Larr Dr
"In o'der to meet
S2.b million
decrease the u:
made various cutbat
including ehrr.
some teaching a
and grading assis
positions Dencn av
Bui Maih
Ted Shnfrfn dicfnT ? .
the loss of his
assistant as game. .
ministrators bad
Shifrin kept h
assistant, and
charging student J
grading fee to pa
assistant's salary.
But university ad-
ministrators quid
squelched the new prac-
tice and made Shifrin re-
fund the voluntary :ee to
Continued From Page 1
and phvsic .
along with course
volving muscle tasks such
as ceramics and
These helps them learn
which muscles are used
for each task
When the graduates
leave for their Rektwork,
they may work in the
areas of rehabilitation,
pediatrics or mental
health. Occupational
therapv work may range
from working with
premature patients tc
working with the elderlv
Bill Brock, a Greenville
businessman, was the
winner of the Biology
Club's Valentine's Raf-
fle. Brock was awarded a
check in the amount of
$40 for a dinner for two
at the Ring and Queen
North, however, he
donated the check to the
Biology Club.
The donation will be
used to purchase a wall
clock for the main lobby
of the Biology Building
and will be placed in one
of the glass cases located
" B :

v "(4 W?rji Gras Party pic
n at oacn Come crtecs. them out
?man xa' Stop by tn? sra
H p - M'V?nhaii Oft ice Nflajri tor
l s W Monday from 1012
? scrn ana on Tuesday and Thor?
Iran 12 5 Mope to see you there
. w ? 7t Bn D'c'ures are great
?.?achinflphyjicatsfor Fall
v '?i4 student teachers
M vNKJuiett at the Student
e? tn Cantor during March 14 May
??? physical eaminations will be
,e- an Monaa Tuesday and
????? mornings from 7 45 am to
' K a? aung this oer.od Call Ms
? tl D.xon a me Student Health
'57-4317! to make your ap
UiiMnl Vo onrsicai examinations
e3uied for Fan Semester,
. woe ?eachers after May
? .? rge you 'o make your ap
T -eaia'ely
Rock & Roll Show
Nastalgic Rock
e Brass section
Wed. March21tt
I ? ? ?
?v ? ? ? 7a ?
K) for Girls
bll 11:00
5H.H.tiI 11:00
loenix Room

ss ring
-t ?? .4
MARCH 20, 194
Continued From Page i judiciary James Mallory
and with SGA advisor
duties of the attorney
general include (the
ability to) rule on con-
stitutional questions
Shelley tried to consult
with Dest on the matter
before the Monday
meeting, but was unable
to meet with him. Shelley
did consult with
Associate Dean of
Rudolph Alexander, and
he said both upheld his
"I couldn't let
something that was un-
constitutional get
through (the
legislature) Shelley
said. "I had no choice. It
wasn't like I tried to
railroad it. I was ques-
tioned by the legislature
and upheld by the
legislature he said.
But Dest insisted in a
telephone interview, "It
today on tne issue.
Shelley still contended
late Monday night, "His
(Dtst's) power to inter-
pret the Constitution only
!???, u0l?co1nst?tu1t,ona. deals with the judiciary" Dtao.
&?? &&m ra - -
the legislature has the PIRG organizer Jay
power to decide what is Stone said "It's totally
constitutional and what is up to Harry Stone said,
not Shelley said. "It's "I'm encouraged that he
not mandatory (for the wants to pursue it.
Income Tax Assistance
Program To Be Offered
pret it. What he did was
Dest said he would
consult University At-
torney David B. Stevens
'Police Academy' Enormous Success
Co-Nnra Editor
"The reaction Monday
night was unbelievable
said Film Committee
Chairperson David Cobb
when describing the tur-
nout at ECU'S first sneak
preview. "Police
Approximately 1200
people stood in line to
view the A Ladd Com-
pany (Warner Bros)
Release ? 400 of which
had to be turned away.
"We hated turning away
people but because of
their fantastic reaction
and the way the audience
behaved we'll probably
be getting more sneak
previews Cobb said.
Cobb talked with
Warner Bros, yesterday
afternoon about a possi-
ble contract for an addi-
tional sneak preview in
April. "We've already from the company.
Ga. The committee gets house with the exception
about 14 films per year of a few of the older
By DALE SWANSON gram, students, as well as
anyone else, may bring
Once again, it is that their income tax forms by
time of year to labor the VITA booth in
through the confusing Mendenhall to have them
maze of filling out your checked for errors and
income tax returns, additional deductions
Luckily, ECU students The booth, open from
have the Accounting 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on
Society to come to their Mondays, is being
? operated by Accounting
Beginning last Mon- Society members who
day, (March 12) and con- have completed either the
tinuing every Monday Individual Income Tax or
through the tax season, the Corporate Income
the Accounting Society is Tax course at ECU. Ac-
running a Volunteer In- cording to member Tim
come Tax Assistance Pro- Whisenant, the VITA
been offered all kinds of
movies, "Cobb said.
ECU was one of a
select few to get a sneak
preview. Cobb attributed
this to the school's con-
nection with
Southeastern Film
Distributor Jemi Nichols
of Films Inc. in Atlanta,
Before the movie, 150
T-shirts and 300 police
whistles were given away,
all compliments of
Warner Bros.
According to Cobb,
approximately 4800
students attend the
movies each weekend,
and all are attract a full
flicks. "We'd like to
thank the people on cam-
pus for their turn-out and
good behavior Cobb
Professor Charging
Fee To Grade Papers
CPS ? After budget
cuts forced him to fire his
student grading assistant,
a University of Georgia
math professor decided
to dramatize the campus-
wide cutbacks by charg-
"He was trying to
make a point about the
effects of the budget cut-
backs Dendy says.
"But he did it in a totally
inappropriate manner
and was told such by the
800-621 -5745
IN ILLINOIS CALL 312-922-0300
407 S. Doartoom, Chicago. IL 60605
ing students $10 a piece to dean of the college
have their papers graded
"Last fall the Universi-
ty of Georgia's state fun-
ding was cut by $2.6
million as part of a state-
wide budget cutback
explains UGA spokesman
Larry Dendy.
"In order to meet that
$2.6 million funding
decrease the university
made various cutbacks,
including eliminating
some teaching assistant
and grading assistant
positions Dendy says.
But Math Professor
Ted Shirfrin didn't take
the loss of his grading
assistant as gamely as ad-
ministrators had hoped.
Shifrin kept his grading
assistant, and started
charging students a $10
grading fee to pay the
assistant's salary.
But university ad-
ministrators quickly
squelched the new prac-
tice and made Shifrin re-
fund the voluntary fee to
Continued From Page 1
and physiology,
along with courses in-
volving muscle tasks such
as ceramics and weaving.
These helps them learn
which muscles are used
for each task.
When the graduates
leave for their field work,
they may work in the
areas of rehabilitation,
pediatrics or mental
health. Occupational
therapy work may range
from working with
premature patients to
working with the elderly.
Bill Brock, a Greenville
businessman, was the
winner of the Biology
Club's Valentine's Raf-
fle. Brock was awarded a
check in the amount of
$40 for a dinner for two
at the King and Queen
North, however, he
donated the check to the
Biology Club.
The donation will be
used to purchase a wall
clock for the main lobby
of the Biology Building
and will be placed in one
of the glass cases located
Several students did
refuse to pay the grading
fee, he says, and all have
their money back.
Shifrin prefers not to
discuss the incident with
Custom crafting
Jewlery Repair
fair prices
guaranteed work
Bring This Ad for
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14K Chain Repairs
by Les Jewlery
120 E. 5th Street
758-2127 10-5 TuesSat.
Society of United Liberal Students I
is now accepting submissions for
contestants in its annual;
Miss S.O.U.L.S. Pagent
Deadline for submissions will be
March 22, 1984.
Please return submissions to room 239
Mendenhall Student Center.
lt . SlBSI
Mob Sal 10a B ?p n
8.98 Li?. Sale Price 5.99
Album it CftMettes
New release by:
April Wine
Judas Priest
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China Crisis
Culture Club
Thomas Dolby
TDK SA90 Sale
Reg. 4.99-On Sale-
3.99; 2 for 6.99!
Program here is part of a
nationwide program set
up by the IRS. Although
the only people who took
advantage of the service
last year, when it was first
introduced to ECU, were
students, "the program
was originally set-up by
the IRS for low income
people and the elderly
who generally cannot get
this kind of service
Whisenant said.
Last year the program
received a lot of interest.
Phi Sigma Pi &
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SGA President
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Prices per person include:
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You may purchase any one or all of the tickets.
For more information contact Mendenha,i Student q
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m ?-? ????
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?lje ?aat ffiarolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
C. Hunter Fisher, ght
Darryl Brown, ?.???,?,
Jennifer Jendrasiak. ,?.?,?, J T Pietrzak ?
w J- ? ? rICIRZAK, Director qAthtrttant
TINA MAROSCHAK. c ?, mike McPartland. ?.
Mark Barker. cw?, a Mike Mayo rtJW
March 20. 1983
Page 4
SGA Elections
One of Pascal's pensees says that
nothing is real to people until it
becomes personal. Well, students
must take the SGA executive of-
ficer elections tomorrow personally
and realize that they will make a
major difference in campus life.
There are four candidates for
president, and each is distinct
enough to offer a clear choice to
voters. They will define many of
their ideas today in a 2:30 public
forum on the mall, and then it will
be up to the students tomorrow.
Student apathy pops up even
before the election in that neither
the vice presidency more the posi-
tion of secretary is contested. There
is a two-way race for treasurer,
however; again giving students a
clear choice.
These officers will help deter-
mine how your student fees are
spent, what type of campus life you
may have, and how much involve-
ment the university will take in out-
side affairs. It is important that
students vote tomorrow.
SGA Candidate Platforms
Georgia Mooring
SGA Treasurer
My name is Georgia Mooring and I am
running for the office of SGA treasurer. I
am currently a junior, pursuing a BS
degree in accounting. My extracurricular
activities include Phi Sigma Pi National
Honor Fraternity, Accounting Society,
and the ECU Law Society, in which I
serve as Secretary-Treasurer.
The office of SGA treasurer is one of
vast importance to ECU students. As
students, we all contribute to the total
SGA budget through our student activity
fee. I feel that the responsible administra-
tion of this money ? your money ? re-
quires a great deal of knowledge and
responsibility. My background in accoun-
ting gives me the skills necessary to effec-
tively perform the duties of SGA
treasurer. Becky Talley, current SGA
treasurer, has been over the specific pro-
cedures involved in the office with me and
I feel comfortable with them and am con-
fident that I can handle the job.
Because the office of SGA treasurer is a
service oriented one. I feel it is of the ut-
most importance for the treasurer to be
available to all who benefit from having
access to hisher assistance. One of the
major obstacles that SGA funded
organizations encounter is that they are
often unaware of the appropriate pro-
cedure to use when requesting funds. If
elected, I would like to improve the com-
munications between the treasurer and the
many organizations that utilize SGA
funds so that they know exactly what they
must do to have their alloted money at the
time that it is needed. I am willing to
make myself available to all organizations
and give them any assistance that they
need in planning various activities around
their budget. This combination of com-
munication and availability should reduce
much of the "red-tape" that plagues the
process and make it more expedient for
groups to have access to their money
when they need it.
I would also like to work closely with
the Appropriations Committee by pro-
viding them with periodic information
concerning the budget and assist them in
any other capacity that I may.
Finally, I wish to stress once again that
I have a sincere desire to serve the student
body and the organizations on our cam-
pus. I wiU listen to all suggestions as to
now I might better accomodate ECU. I
would appreciate your support on election
chairperson to the entertainment commit-
tee for college hill. By having held these
positions I feel that I have had direct con-
tact with many students and therefore
know the needs of them as individuals.
These positions have also given me the op-
portunity to work under a budget and
have taught me how to make the most out
of all of our dollars.
My platform is one of simplicity:
"More Student Imput I would like the
SGA to be a walking, talking referendum
where the needs of all students may be
heard. I feel as though all organizations
on this campus should be heard equally. I
support representation in the legislature
from all the special interest groups, i.e.
residence halls, IFC, Panhallenic, day
students, SOULS and the fine arts.
I am running on the same ticket with a
presidential candidate. We see eye to eye
on many issues and I feel that if we are
elected together, you the students will see
an effective government, and one where
accomplishments are many. SGA election
rules prohibit me from using his name,
but just remember that it is similar to
Lets' join together for an effective
government, and one that we all unders-
tand. Politics doesn't have to be so com-
plicated, let's prove it together; vote Jay
Johnson for treasurer on Wednesday the
Jay Johnson
SGA Treasurer
As all of you know the SGA elections
are tomorrow and I sincerely hope that
each of you will head to the polls to make
sure that your vote counts. My name is
Jay Johnson and I am seeking election to
the position of SGA treasurer. I am a
marketing major from Charlotte, and I
am currently in my fourth year here at
East Carolina.
The SGA is a very important organiza-
tion to the welfare of this university. It
serves as the main link between the
students and the administration. I would
have never run for this position without
the confidence that I am qualified and
able to handle the responsibilities that an
office such as this requires. In my stay
here I have held various important posi-
tions on this campus. I served on the ex-
ecutive council as treasurer of the house
council in Jones Residence Hall. Last year
I was a resident advisor in Scott Hall. I
am currently the programming assistant
in Scott Hall, a College Hill representative
to the Student Resident Association and
Mike McPartland
SGA Vice President
Hello, my name is Mike McPartland.
I'm a junior marketing major and I'm
running for the position of SGA vice
president. I have served on the SGA for
two terms as a day representative and
presently serve on the Student Welfare
Committee. Also I am active with the Stu-
dent Union as member of the Major Art-
tractions Committee. Since I am running
unopposed I would like to take this op-
portunity to inform the Student Body of
my plans for the coming year.
Throughout the years here at ECU I
have worked with and been exposed to
many groups and organizations on cam-
pus. Through my experience I have learn-
ed the importance of student input in
decision making. As vice president of the
SGA, I plan to see that student organiza-
tions are better represented in the
legislature and further open the lines of
communication between the SGA and
various organizations in order to inform
them of what student government is and
what SGA can do for them.
I am in favor of the major organiza-
tions which presently receive funding
from SGA. These organizations include
the art school, music school, business
school, SOULS, IFC and Panhellenic to
name a few. All of these organizations are
an important part of East Carolina and
enhance student life, yet as vice president
of the SGA I will work to see some of the
smaller organizations, minority groups,
and sports clubs use the SGA not only to
their advantage but to the advantage of
the whole student body.
I will also work to better inform cam-
pus organizations, but the student body as
a whole, by use of the campus radio sta-
tions and newspaper.
I support both the Night Transit System
and the Pirate Walk Program. As vice
president I will work to see these two pro-
grams continued and expanded if
In closing I would like to say that the
SGA can not know what is best for the
students of ECU with out student input.
As vice president I will strive to increase
input by various groups and organizations
so the legislature can represent the student
body as a whole.
. - ?-??
mm i mam ?r
A Letter From The President
Fellow Students:
As the year slowly comes to a close,
we are once again faced with the SGA
elections. This past year has been a good
one. I have been blessed with an active
young legislature and a dedicated staff.
Together we have strengthened our posi-
tion in the community as well as with the
student body itself. There is more stu-
dent involvement in the SGA than ever
before; the services we provide have
been expanded to meet new demands
and our legislature has delved into issues
directly affecting each and every one of
us. The SGA has done what it is suppos-
ed to do ? represent student concerns
and work to improve the conditions of
student life on this campus. However,
the SGA is in a transitional process and
still weak in some aspects. It was our
goal this year to take the first step; com-
bat apathy within the organization and
respond more directly to the students'
needs. We have accomplished that first
step, but more steps need to be taken in
order to continue this development.
-Campus Forum
Student government was created
because students demanded a voice at
the institutions where they lived and
studied. However, we must not mislead
ourselves by thinking the battle is over.
The struggle for an effective student
voice continues year after year. The in-
fluence of the student perspective
reflects the strength of the SGA and in-
evitably those who lead it. Thus, if the
SGA is weak and apathetic, the student
voice presented to the administration
trustees by the president is not respected
and virtually ignored. Yet if the SGA is
strong and dedicated to the cause our
voice will be heard and our ideas con-
sidered. At this point in time I feel we
can classify SGA as being in the "in bet-
ween" stage. We have begun our climb,
but have not yet reached the top. We
must understand our situation, the pro-
blems we face and the gains we have
made, before we can realistically set
goals or make promises for the future.
Among candidates who have filed for
offices, there are four for the position of
president. Each has impressed me by his
genuine concern for student needs and
has gained my respect through participa-
tion in the tension-filled ordeal of the
campaign process. One of these four will
succeed me as the representative for our
concerns. This is a very influential and
responsible position and we must make
our decision carefully.
I encourage you to read their plat-
forms, hear what they have to sav, ask
questions and draw your own conclu-
An organization is only as strong as
the people who lead it. The upcoming
election is your chance to decide who
will lead the organzation that represents
us all. Exercise your right and vole.
Paui Naso
SGA President
Endorsements From Students, Staff
: Students of Fast Carolina- fb?k. ?.J n ? . ? ??
To the Students of East Carolina.
On Wednesday, March 21, 1984, you
will be selecting a new S.G. A. president
to serve you during the 1984-85 school
year. I feel that there is no candidate
more qualified to hold this position
than John Rainey.
I have been associated with John now
for two years in student government.
He has shown himself to be a dedicated
worker, a sound thinker, and a man of
high ideals. In addition to these fine at-
tributes which make him an excellent
candidate, John has had several ex-
periences which will aid him in serving
you. In the student government John
Rainey has served as chairman of the
two most significant committes in the
legislature: the Appropriations commit-
tee and the Rules and Judiciary com-
mittee. He has also participated in the
University of North Carolina Associa-
tion of Student Governments. During
the summer of 1983 John served as an
intern in Washington, D.C. under Con-
gressman Tim Valentine. All of these
experiences have served to make John
Rainey aware of what leadership is all
No other candidate possesses such a
combination of leadership, experience
and dedication as John does. I,
therefore, wholeheartedly urge you to
support John Rainey for president of
the S.G.A.
J. Christopher Townsend
Former Speaker of the Legislature
Carolina and all students. The student
body deserves such a person as its next
SGA president. I strongly encourage
each and every student to vote for Mark
Niewald as your next SGA President.
Charles D. Shavitz
Assistant Director
ECU Pirate Club
? ? ?
As a recent graduate of East Carolina
University, I am greatly concerned
about the future leadership of our Stu-
dent Government Association. One
candidate for president, Mark Niewald,
possesses superior qualifications
necessary to lead the SGA in the coming
year. Mark has proven to be a tireless
worker for the benefit of all students, as
attested to by his work as former vice
president and current president of the
Student Residence Association; his con-
tributions as chairman of the Media
Board, the very successful Guber-
natorial Forum, allowing students the
opportunity to meet their next gover-
nor. Mark Niewald also serves on the
governing board of Pirate Walk, and he
recently proposed a "quiet dorm" to
give students a more convenient area
for comfortable study. He has also
?greed to serve as chairman of the
Pirate Club's 1984 Student Membership
?nJirhich Provid? vital service to
the ECU Educational Foundation, Inc.
As you cna tee, Mark is a tireless
worker for the betterment of East
To start, I would like to encourage
everyone to vote in tomorrow's SGA
elections. This is one way to have your
say in the Student Government Associa-
tion ? to say that you want your SGA
executives to be the voice of the
I would like to point out that ECU
has an opportunity to elect a president
and treasurer that actually will be the
voice of the student body and not some
special interest.
I am, of course, talking about Jay
Bngel (president) and Jay Johnson
(treasurer). These students are not two-
faced politicians. They are honest,
straightforward students who can be in-
fluential and effective voices for the
student body.
I myself have known them for six
years now and have seen how they ? rk
for the students. They both are 1 -d
workers and have the personal quabues
to get the job done as our student
leaders. They have both been resident
advisors, which has helped them a great
deal in seeing the needs of the students.
They are also excellent students in class
as well, making them well-rounded.
Again, thank you for this opportuni-
ty to express the students' views.
? ?
Chuck Wingo
I would like to take this opportunity
to publicly express my support for
Georgia Mooring for the office of
treasurer. Having served as treasurer
for the past two years and knowing
what the job entails, I fed that Georgia
can effectively operate student govern-
ment's funds.
Ifeel that as an accounting student,
Georgia possesses the technical skills
necessary to carry out the job. I have
Jko worked with Georgia in Phi Sigma
Pi, and I know she possesses the per-
sonality to work with people. These two
skills, technical and people skills, are
essential in the performance of the
treasurer's duties.
I urge all students to exercise their
nght to vote Wednesday, in order that
responsible people are elected to the ex-
ecutive offices of student government. I
feel that Georgia is responsible and
capable of the position of treasurer.
Vote Georgia Mooring on Wednes-
Becky Talley
Treasurer, SGA
Accounting Major
Freedom Threatened
I am an ECU student and today find
myself almost ashamed of that fact. I
have just come from a soap-box forum
which was halted in mid-speech by cam-
pus security. Reason given ? no per-
mission for speeches especially from
a non-student (meaning Patrick
O'Neill, I assume). Mr. O'Neill's liberal
ideas attracted much criticism and
heckling. And though his views are
somewhat idealistic, I listened to them.
On the other hand, Gordon Ipock drew
much praise for his "Pro-America, pro-
nuclear arms build-up" speeches. I per-
sonally do not agree with his point of
view, but I listened to him, and I learn-
ed a few things. Shouldn't we have this
same unobstructed chance to listen to
opposing views?
For this preservation of this
American way, Mr. Ipock and obvious-
ly many others in the crowd today ad-
vocate the build-up of our nuclear
weaponry. Therefore, nuclear war if
necessary. Today has proved to me that
we do not need to worry about the
soviet Union destroying our American
SSSt The staaH-mindedness of some
ECU students (with a little help from
campus security) is accomplishing the
job quite well. "
The same crowd who had cheer-d
Mr. Ipock's cry for a strong America
cheered as Mr. O'Neill's freedom of
speech was taken from him. As triis
SSfif?v,b?kcred back ?? rth
with Mr. O'Neill, I heard a voice from
the rear yelling "Hit him! Hit him Is
this the way modern college students
reach to people with different view-
pomts? Is it any wonder that our world
don? bFink ?f mamde nic-
dilA if" forum ?? f?rably
JfP?. ?t seems that UNC-Chapd
Hill students carry out theirs withno
y1-? from Chapd Hill but have
?2? cFitiad of UNC-CH's
fooending attitudes toward other
hoob. Today I find ?Z?Z
attitude is justified in ECU, cas7
r?2 tUSLOUr ? of?cn
tobe taken from us, what do w?have
Dalbanile Johnson
QcneralCoaete j
?,? .
Greg Shelnutt
SGA President
The SGA has been viewed by a
merely an administrative bod'th.i
nothing more than appropriate stu
fees. I disagree with such a na7
definition of student governme'
running for the SGA president
made my issues far ranging perl
seeming to go beyond the power j
ability of a college campus. Howev)
think that issues such as voter regi
tion. Public Interest Research Grd
campus food, student housing and
tionaJ Public Radio stations need
topics provoking both though- an
tion within student governmer
campus community.
I believe it is the responsible.t
stuuents of East Carolina I
along with the institutions that
them such as the SGA. to take 1
on issues and to have their
B the voicing of opinion
statements, resolutions and call- 1
dent action, the SGA. along -
backing and action of thc studer I
an have a significant effe- )
campus, our community and. in
with the student governments of
campuses, our state and, hopefulh
That is where I believe that p n
terest Research Groups, provi
they have the involvement of the
community, can help to affect s
change both on and off campus,
individual. 1 support the estabi i
of a PIRG on the campus
Carolina University, but, as a ca:
I am more concerned with East (
University Students becoming in -
about the potentials of coQet I
formed, and researched studer.
for constructive change A P1R
vvork to help to achieve such changs
SGA should work to inform stui
about such potentials, and alk) -
decide for themselves about
I hope the effect of a heigh
dent consciousness and a greate
phasis on both collective and incLvj
student action will help to imprevi
quality of student leadership
Carolina University Students
realize that a college campus is a
collection of individuals, stui
have a:

ce and the gains we have
ere we can realistically set
ie promises for the future.
indidates who have filed for
Jre are four for the position of
h has impressed me by his
lr em for student needs'and
r j respect through participa-
tension-filled ordeal of the
process One of these four will
as the representative for our
is is a very influential and
position and we must make
lr carefully.
Jage you to read their plat-
ir what they have to say, ask
: .iraw your own conclu-
sion is only as strong as
he lead it. The upcoming
i chance to decide who
K organzation that represents
Jcise your nght and vote.
Paul Naso
SGA President
: Staff
ieorgia is responsible and
e position of treasurer.
rgia Mooring on Wednes-
Becky Talley
Treasurer, SGA
Accounting Major
om Threatened
CL student and today find
st ashamed of that fact. I
me from a soap-box forum
mitd in mid-speech by cam-
Reason given ? no per-
peeches especially from
ent (meaning Patrick
Isume). Mr. O'Neill's liberal
ted much criticism and
d though his views are
ealistic, I listened to them.
hand, Gordon Ipock drew
for his "Pro-America, pro-
fs build-up" speeches. I per-
not agree with his point of
listened to him, and I leani-
ngs. Shouldn't we have this
tructed chance to listen to
preservation of this
ay, Mr. Ipock and obvious-
lers in the crowd today ad-
build-up of our nuclear
Therefore, nuclear war if
"oday has proved to me that
need to worry about the
n destroying our American
small-mindedness of some
ts (with a little help from
?nty) is accomplishing the
crowd who had cheered
cry for a strong America
I Mr O'Neill's freedom of
taken from him. As this
I bickered back and forth
JNeill, I heard a voice from
frig "Hit him! Hit him Is
ly modern college students
?eople with different view-
any wonder that our world
ink of man-made destruc-
Jour forum was forcibly
It seems that UNC-Chapel
t carry out theirs with no
ity interruptions. Why not
from Chapd Hill but have
very critical of UNC-CH's
ng attitudes toward other
lay I find that maybe this
justified in ECU's case
Bow our freedom of speech
j from us, what do we have
Dalhanile Johnson
General College
Greg Shelnutt
SGA President
The SGA has been viewed by many as
merely an administrative body that does
nothing more than appropriate student
tees. I disagree with such a narrow
definition of student government. In
running for the SGA presidency, I have
made my issues far ranging, perhaps
seeming to go beyond the power and
ability of a college campus. However, I
think that issues such as voter registra-
tion, Public Interest Research Groups,
campus food, student housing and Na-
tional Public Radio stations need to be
topics provoking both thought and ac-
tion within student government and the
campus community.
I believe it is the responsiblilit, of the
students of East Carolina University,
along with the institutions that govern
them such as the SGA, to take a stand
on issues and to have their opinions
By the voicing of opinions through
statements, resolutions and calls for stu-
dent action, the SGA, along with the
backing and action of the student body,
can have a significant effect upon our
campus, our community and, in concert
with the student governments of other
campuses, our state and, hopefully, our
That is where I believe that Public In-
terest Research Groups, provided that
they have the involvement of the campus
community, can help to affect student
change both on and off campus. As an
individual, I support the establishment
of a PIRG on the campus of East
Carolina University, but, as a candidate,
1 am more concerned with East Carolina
University Students becoming informed
about the potentials of collective, in-
formed, and researched student action
for constructive change. A PIRG can
work to help to achieve such change; the
SGA should work to inform students
about such potentials, and allow them to
decide for themselves about such
I hope the effect of a heightened stu-
dent consciousness and a greater em-
phasis on both collective and individual
student action will help to improve the
quality of student leadership at East
Carolina University. Students must
realize that a college campus is a large
collection of individuals, student
Running For The SGA Presidency
BinIIft organizations and their governing , . .
organizations and their governing
bodies. I would like to increase com-
munication between student
organizations, student government and
students to allow for a greater influx of
ideas and creative energy. Specifically, I
would try to accomplish this by setting
up a network of suggestion boxes, phone
lines and regularly publishing the Stu-
dent Government Association's agenda,
activities and new legislation in the stu-
dent paper.
In this fashion I believe students can
be encouraged to become more involved
in student government, for it is crucial
that we, as students, realize that we have
the power to effect change both on and
off campus. We can begin nationally by
registering to vote, and locally by voting
on this campus, Wednesday, March 21.
Thank you very much for your time and
Jay Brigel
SGA President
Hello, my name is Jay Brigel. I am a
junior majoring in business. I am asking
for your support in being elected the
next president of the SGA.
I am presently an R.A. in Garrett Hall
on West Campus. I was an exectuive
member of Scott Hall House Council on
the "Hill" during my sophomore year.
The "people" skills I have developed
during my R.A. experience will be an in-
valuable asset for the position I seek.
Furthermore, the closeness and access
which I have to the students, living on
campus as I do, is another positive
aspect of my qualifications. In other
words, all SGA decisions will effect me
directly since I live "on" campus. I am
offering an enthusiastic and effective
personality to work on your behalf with
the adniinistration. I feel I have the drive
and technique necessary to affect
positive change on your behalf.
The position of president of the SGA
is that of an ECU representative to out-
side concerns and that of an ad-
ministrator in formal government pro-
cedure. But the number one priority of
the president is to be an influential and
effective voice of the student popula-
tion. Again, with your support I will be
that productive and effective link bet-
ween you and the administration.
To further increase my influence and
efficiency for you, I am running with
Jay Johnson as my treasurer and runn-
ing mate. These are the "purse string"
positions and the ones most critical to
The SGA needs more student input. I
encourage the organizations on campus
such as the residence halls, IFC
Panhellenic, SOULS, music and fine
arts departments to name a few, to push
candidates for next year's SGA elections
to insure "equal" representation for all.
You must involve yourselves in order to
benefit from SGA legislation.
So, with your help and participation,
we can move together into next year with
an effective and influential government
which will most benefit you.
Again, I would appreciate your sup-
port in tomorrow's elections.
Mark Niewald
SGA President
Dear Fellow Students:
Hello, my name is Mark Niewald and
I am running for the office of President
of SGA. I am currently President of
SRA and Chairman of the Media Board.
During my two years of involvement in
student government, I have seen many
student proposals have tried to make
student life better. In the fall of 1982 I
was on the committee that began Pirate
Walk. I feel this was a good proposal
that as you know is now a student ser-
vice. A more up-to-date proposal that I
proposed is the quiet dorm. I proposed
the quiet dorm because I felt there was a
need for a place on campus where
students, who could not deal with the
noise in a residence hall, could live in an
area where all the individuals are con-
sciously concerned about keeping the
noise down. I made this proposal in
February and am proud to have seen it
passed by the university committee to be
implemented by the fall of 1985.
I do not want to go into my past any
longer because it is not as important to
you what I did in the past but what I car
do in the future. Since I have been in
volved in student government I have
learned the steps that must be taken in
order ?? accomplish any proposal at
I feel I know how to get things dont
for you and below is what I hope to ac-
complish in 1984-85. During this year I
feel Paul Naso has done a tremendous
job. He has brought respect to the SGA
and has tried to combat apathy and to
bring student groups closer. I believe the
reason apathy is high at ECU is because
the student leaders in the past did not get
information to students. If I am elected
SGA president I will make two pro-
mises. Number one, I will try to make
SGA a resource center. You should be
able to call SGA with a question about
financial aid or any student service, and
we should be able to answer your ques-
tion or tell you who to contact.
Student organizations are the
backbone of the student body. My se-
cond promise is to bring all student
groups and the SGA closer. I will hold
monthly, well-publicized "Presidents
meetings open to any campus
organization's president so we can sit
down and discuss problems and try to
come up with solutions. I feel this will
help bring student groups closer.
During my tenure as Media Board
chairman I have gained a lot of impor-
tant experience involving among other
things, finances. The Media Board has a
budget of $215,000. I have been a wat-
chdog over this budget, trying to keep
costs down and control of wasteful spen-
ding by the media. I feel I have done a
very good job. I have saved you lots of
your money. I will take this idea to the
office of SGA president because I feel
the money the SGA allocates should be
based on need and not on who the group
knows on the various committees. If I
am elected, I will lower my salary to
$100 a month which will save you the
student body, $900 a year. I feel the ex-
perience I gain will make up the cut in
salary. I am a public administrator ma-
jor in political science so the experience
is what I want.
I hope each of you will get out and ex-
ercise your right to vote on Wednesday,
March 21. If you have any questions,
please stop by my office on the second
floor at Mendenhall Student Center, my
room, 322 Garrett, or call me at
758-9632. Please get involved
John Rainey
SGA President
My name is Johnny Rainey and I am a
candidate for SGA president. I am a
junior from Enfield, North Carolina
and I am majoring in political science.
As for my qualifications for this of-
fice, I have served two terms in the SGA
Legislature and I feel that this ex-
perience is vital for our next SG presi-
dent. During my sophomore year, I
represented Scott Dorm and served'as
chairman of the Rules and Judiciary
Committee. This year, I am a day stu-
dent representative and am serving as
chairman of the Appropriations Com-
I feel that certain goals must be set for
next year in the student government.
They are:
The most important goal is to get
more students involved in student
government and inform them on what
student government does for them. We
can attain this goal by setting up addi-
tional committees for students to work
on next year. This would provide an ex-
cellent opportunity for many students to
get involved in student government. We
must go the extra mile to cement a bond
between the students and their voice ?
the SGA.
As chairman of the Appropriations
Committee, I have seen many organiza-
tions on campus who receive their funds
and do not return until the next fiscal
year. I propose a conference where all
organizations can come together to show
how they are using student funds and sit
down to exchange ideas and problems.
The student government would be more
informed as would the students of this
A goal we must reach is getting the
student information center. I have been
working with the task force attempting
to computerize the SGA. With this com-
puterization and information center in
place, the SGA can reach out farther to
inform the students about the activities
on campus.
Like many students at ECU, I am
working to help put myself through
school. I am concerned about the high
cost of textbooks and I feel the SGA
must study this problem. While there is
more talk of a book rental system, I feel
we should look at a Book Exchange Pro-
gram. The University of Kentucky uses
this program effectively and I strongly
feel that our student government should
look at it.
I feel the goals I have mentioned are
attainable, and they are the backbone of
my campaign for this office. I will not
make any promises other than ? lot of
hard work and integrity.
I would appreciate your support on
Wednesday, March 21.
SGA Candidates Forum
Candidates running for Student Government Association
executive offices will speak and be interviewed in the university
Mall today at 2:30 p.m. A panel of students will
interview the presidential candidates, and the audience will
have an opportunity to ask questions. Free soft drinks
will be served. Come and find out more about the SGA
Sponsored by The East Carolinian
with assistance from the SGA.
: !
, A ? .
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?- ?-?!?????
.jBS"1 ;

Bomb Threat, DWI's Top Reported Crimes
Campus crime was
once again near normal
levels during the past
week. There were several
unusual crimes in addi-
- tion to crimes of larceny,
vandalism and DWI,
however. There was a
bomb threat in Tyler Hall
and several summons
were served for worthless
checks. There were also
reports of mail stolen in
Jarvis dorm. Crimes for
the week of March 12
thru 18 were:
March 12, 9:45 a.m. -
A report of the larceny of
$15 from the Media
Board Office; 12:45 p.m.
- Stuart Edwin Kocha of
Palm Beach Gardens,
Fla was served a sum-
mons for an unregistered
vehicle; 4:15 p.m. - A
report of the larceny of a
taillight lens from a vehi-
cle parked south of the
library on 9th St A
report of the larceny of
three rings from a room
in White Hall; 5:50 p.m
The padlock on Student
Gate number 5 at Ficklen
Stadium was reported
broken; 9 p.m. - A report
of suspicious activity by
three white males south
of Aycock Hall parking
area; 11:50 p.m. - Jerome
Gorham Falkland was
banned from campus for
reckless driving east of
Cotten Hall.
March 13, 12:54 a.m. -
A report of a disturbance
between Donald E.
Dollar, a non-student of
Vero Beach, Fla and
James A. Campbel of 435
Aycock Hall. Dollar was
banned from campus;
1:50 p.m. - A female stu-
dent reported the larceny
of mail from her box in
Jarvis Hall; 2 p.m. - A
female student reported
mail removed from her
box in Jarvis Hall
without her permission;
5:30 p.m. - Keith A
Vandergrift of 436 Jones
Hall was reported im-
peding traffic and strik-
ing a police vehicle north
of Greene Hall
March 14, 12:22 am-A
call in reference to a
bomb in Tyler Hall from
an anonymous person;
2:45 a.m. - A report of a
suspicious white male at-
tempting to climb over
the fence behind the
power plant on E. 14th
St; 12:45 p.m. - A female
student reported receiv-
ing harassing phone calls;
2 p.m. - Janice Valentino
Faulk of 1029 Green Hall
was served a warrant for
her arrest for false
pretense; 3:38 p.m. - A
report of the breaking
and entering and larceny
of the pastry machine in
Jarvis Hall; 4:15 p.m. -A
report of vandalism to
pay phone southwest of
Scott Hall; 7:50 p.m. - A
report of vandalism to a
smokedector in a
residence hall; 8 p.m. - A
female student report
receiving a threatening
phone call; 11 p.m. - A
report of the larceny of a
wallet from a room in
Clement Hall.
- Eddyce
Yvette Foskey of 517
TV's Influence On Society
Topic Of Spring Lecture
Continued From Page 1
said people
used to TV shows por-
traying a doctor with only
one patient at a time, un-
concerned about in-
surance policies and cur-
ing both physical and
emotional problems are
left frustrated with actual
medical care. He claimed
malpractice suits in the
United States increased
because people didn't get
the care they had come to
expect from television
Mankiewicz will be
participating in seminars
all day today in
Mendenhall, room 244.
He will hold a rap session
with students at 11 a.m.
tomorrow in Mendenhall
and will present another
lecture Wednesday night
at 8 p.m. in Wright
Auditorium. In addition,
he will apar on the CBS
news tonight, analyzing
the Illinois primary.
Greene Hall was served a
summons for a worthless
check; 6:40 p.m. - Judy
Lynn Martin of 411-B
Belk Hall was served a
summons for a worthless
check; 7 p.m. - Kathleen
Ann Carrigan of 232
Jones Hall was served a
summons for a worthless
check; 8:30 p.m. - Teresa
Marie Piver of 112 Flem-
ing Hall was served a
summons for a worthless
check; 10 p.m. - Peter G.
Mclntyre and Mark
Steven Berendsen both of
230 Aycock Hall were
found in possession of a
controlled substance;
10:55 p.m. - Steven
Douglas Powers of Tar-
boro, NC was arrested
for DWI east of White
Hall; 11:40 p.m. - A
report of suspicious ac-
tivity in the area of 7th
March 16, 10:30 p.m. -
A report of the larceny of
a paii of jeans from the
laundry of their floor of
White Hall; 11:44 p.m. -
A report of vandalism to
a bicycle chained to Scott
Hall; 11:50 p.m. - A
white male student was
transported to Pitt Coun-
ty Memorial Hospital
Emergency Room for a
drug overdose; 11:56
p.m. - A report that
unknown person(s) com-
mitted a maliciously
mischievous act against
the door of 134 Jarvis
March 17, 4 a.m. -
Jesse Ray Hardy of
Greenville was banned
from campus for
suspicious activity in the
5th and Reade St. lot;
7:15 p.m. - A female stu-
dent was assaulted by an
unidentified black male
in the parking area north
of Tyler HaU; 10:07 p.m.
- The locking mechanism
on door number 9 in
Ragsdale was reported
malfunctioning; 11:08
p.m The locking
mechanism on door
number 5 in the Music
Recital Hall was reported
malfunctioning; 1109
p.m Kelli Tarr of 508
Fletcher Hall and
William Barnhill of 311
Aycock were involved in
a verbal disturbance at
the blue light phone north
of Fletcher Hall;
March 18, 12:50 a.m. -
A report of vandalism to
the door of 329 Unstead
Hall by person(s)
unknown; 1:55 a.m. - A
report of damage to state
property when pcrson(s)
unknown threw an object
and tore a window
Buy, Sell And
Trade With
The Classifieds
Pirates Landing
Prototuonally Managed I,
? PT east.
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a i i s. i a i
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All new, fully carpeted private rooms,
available immeliately. Refrigerator, bed,
and desk furnished. Sun deck, Gazebo,
laundry facilities, and kitchen area in-
cluded. Night RemcoEait
With The
East Carolinian
Interested in becoming a
Come meet the members on
March 20th 7-9:00 at Scales Field House
For more info, call 758-2856
John Rainey
for SGA President
2 Locations
2903 E. 10th St.
500 W.Greenville Blvd.
Mon. & Tues.
12 Chopped
Sirloin &
Salad Bar
Wed. & Thurs.
?&3 Beef Tips
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flr1 8oz. Sirloin
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Free with meal.
Expires March 30th
At Must Accompany O'Omi
30 to 60 off ALL
Eyeglass Frames
30 O off BAUSCH & LOMB
Mark Niewald
SGA President
March 21 st

Sti ro food
,S.SfS'SSSffS " sffS4
O and
All Dining Customers Admitted Free.
College I.DFree Admission
Til 7:30
Happy Hour 6-8
E. 5th SI.
E. 5th Si
for campus or
? ?L? YClU CAN EAT He,P Yourself From Our Hot Fish
Buffet To All The FISH FILLETS You Can Eat
? Fillets Breaded n Seasoned From 4 Different ReciDes
Help Yourself to 1 or all 4.
with our 50-item Soup n Salad Bar. $5.49

Seat Seepard as test pilot Chock Y
in The Right Stuff.
Weekend Films At
Play On
By Suf f Reports
The bomb ? before and after
? is the theme of Herndm
Theatre's scheduled films for
weekend. War Games, this weeks
feature film, and .4 Boy and His
Dog, Friday and Saturday's rrud
night movie, both are science
tion films centered around the
possibility of thermo-nuclear wa:
and what life on planet earth
would be like afterwards. This is
here-and-now science fiction, not
a Buck Rogers vision of the dis-
tant future.
Last summer's Movie with a
Message comes to town this
weekend as John Badharr's
WarGames plays in Hendrix
Theatre. Half fun adventure com-
edy, half ominous warning about
nuclear war, WarGames is a well
made film with even better a.
? 1983 Tony award winner M:
thew Broderick and teenage
charmer Ally Sheedy.
The film focuses on Brodenck.
a high school underachiever who's
a whizz at computers. With
girlfriend Sheedy, they use his
bedroom VDT to change their
grades in the school computer
then move on to bigger things ?
playing war games, but with the
LaSalle Presents:
Garbo In
First Of
I figure it's time you mugs goi
some culture. So I'm bringm
Greta Garbo to ECU.
It's all part of rav new series.
MU LaSalle Presents Great
Broads of the 20s and 30s. The
first film, CamWe (1936), will be
shown at 8:30 p.m. in room 221 at
Mendenhall Student Center.
Everybody's invited and all films
in the series are free.
The first time I saw Greta Gar
bo was six years ago at this Jersey I
motd called The Greenland. Mel
and my girl took a room, and I
flicked on the set just to make
sure the TV was color like the gu
at the desk said. Next thing l
know, the most beautiful womar
I had ever seen was on the screen
I mean, the lady glowed.
Greta Garbo was born
Stockholm in 1905. In her
she became the protegee of the
great Swedish director Maurit
Stiller. She made a of couple of
movies in Europe before she wa
imported by Louis B. Mayer u
??. ?

malfunctioning; 11:09
p.m Kelli Tarr of 508
Fletcher Hall and
William Barnhill of 311
ycock were involved in
a verbal disturbance at
the blue light phone north
of Fletcher Hall;
March 18, 12:50 a.m. -
A report of vandalism to
I the door of 329 Unstead
Halt by person(s)
unknown, 1:55 a.m. - A
report of damage to state
propert) when person(s)
unknown threw an object
and tore a window
rpeted private rooms,
ely. Refrigerator, bed.
Sun deck. Gazebo,
and kitchen area in-
Remco East

K. 5th Si
From Our Hot Fish
'ou Can Eat.
Different Recipes.
Jar $549
!05 GreenviUe Blvd.
MARCH 20, 194 Page 7
3V2 Hour Epic
So Much Fluff
In Right Stuff
Too much plot development,
not enough plot. No wonder
Glenn dropped out.
You would think that in a three-
and-a-half hour movie, one could
do justice to War and Peace. But,
unfortunately, the movie had
trouble getting in the best parts of
a 300-page novel.
The Right Stuff is based on
Tom Wolfe's novel of the same
name, but doesn't carry the same
breadth or impact. What was
presented in delightful detail in
Sam Shepard as test pilot Chuck Yeager limps into the
in The Right Stuff. m
Weekend Films At Hendrix
?Tier the NF-104 he was flying inalfuncuoiied at 70,000 feet and he had to eject
Play On Our Fears About 'The Bomb9
By Staff Reports rpfn?. rwQrt?? s-a ?
By Staff Reports
The bomb ? before and after
? is the theme of Herndrix
Theatre's scheduled films for this
weekend. War Games, this week's
feature film, and A Boy and His
Dog, Friday and Saturday's mid-
night movie, both are science fic-
tion films centered around the
possibility of thermo-nuclear war
and what life on planet earth
would be like afterwards. This is
here-and-now science fiction, not
a Buck Rogers vision of the dis-
tant future.
Last summer's Movie with a
Message comes to town this
weekend as John Badham's
WarGames plays in Hendrix
Theatre. Half fun adventure com-
edy, half ominous warning about
nuclear war, WarGames is a well
made film with even better actors
? 1983 Tony award winner Mat-
thew Broderick and teenage
charmer Ally Sheedy.
The film focuses on Broderick,
a high school underachiever who's
a whizz at computers. With his
girlfriend Sheedy, they use his
bedroom VDT to change their
grades in the school computer
then move on to bigger things ?
playing war games, but with the
LaSalle Presents:
Defense Department instead of a
video game company.
While trying to break into the
computer of a game company,
Broderick accidentally tps into
North American Defense Com-
mand system, setting into motion
a seemingly irreversible computer
plan to launch U.S. nuclear
The problem comes when the
Defense Department, to eliminate
A Boy And His Dog
Although A Boy and His Dog is
set in the year 2024, the miserable
life it depicts could just as easily
be a a scenario from 1987.
Whenever, it's several years after
a thermo-nulcear war has
destroyed the present civilization.
America is a vast dried-up mud
flat where armed men, alone and
in bands, roam as scavengers and
Tension runs Ugh in the NORAD control room when the countdown
for a nuclear attack cannot be thwarted in Wargames.
human error, decides to take peo-
ple "out of the loop" of nuclear
weapons launching, thus a com-
puter will automatically fire
missiles under certain commands
and conditions. Well, Broderick's
home terminal manages to set off
the system, and he's promptly ar-
rested by the FBI as a Soviet spy.
thieves preying upon weak
strangers. Survivors live in
thrown-together huts made from
scraps and debris, old tires, tin
and odd lumber. Stockpiles of
canned goods from before the
holocaust are the primary source
of food and are used as the basis
for barter, pork and beans being
more valuable than gold.
The young protagonist in this
wretched world is Vic (Don
Johnson). Blood, a talking dog
(shades of Trots and Bonnie) is his
constant companion, friend and
Vic meets sexy Quilla Jane
(Susanne Benton), a young
woman from a mysterious
underground society. They make
love, and she entices Vic to follow
her into the underground world
that she emerged from. Blood
warns Vic not to go, but Vic is rul-
ed by his glands, not his head, and
follows Jane.
The underground world is
governed by a Farmer-Brown type
dictator, Lew, played superbly by
Jason Robards. Although he at
first appears to be an easy going
bucollic, Lew proves to be an ab-
solute despot the equal of Stalin
or Hitler. There are many twists
and turns in the plot before the
film's end.
Touted as "an R rated, rather
kinky tale of survival A Boy
and His Dog is based on a novella
by Harlan Ellison. It won the
Hugo Award in 1976 for best
science fiction film of the year.
War Games shows at 7 and 9:30
p.m. this Thursday, Friday and
Saturday. A Boy and His Dog
follows at midnight on Friday and
Saturday. Admission is by student
I.D. and activity card.
Garbo In 'CamiHe'
First Of Film Series
I figure it's time you mugs got
some culture. So I'm bringing
Greta Garbo to ECU.
It's all part of my new series,
Mick LaSalle Presents Great
Broads of the 20s and 30s. The
first film, Camille (1936), will be
shown at 8:30 p.m. in room 221 at
Mendenhall Student Center.
Everybody's invited and all films
in the series are free.
The first time I saw Greta Gar-
bo was six years ago at this Jersey
motel called The Greenland. Me
and my girl took a room, and I
flicked on the set just to make
sure the TV was color like the guy
at the desk said. Next thing I
know, the most beautiful woman
I had ever seen was on the screen.
I mean, the lady glowed.
Greta Garbo was born in
Stockholm in 1905. In her teens
she became the protegee of the
great Swedish director Mauritz
Stiller. She made a of couple of
movies in Europe before she was
imported by Louis B. Mayer to
MGM in 1925.
Within a year-and-a-half she
became an international star with
the release of Flesh and the Devil
0927). Before the end of the 1920s,
she'd been called "The Face of
the Century Reviewers ever
since have been making fools of
themselves trying to explain the
indefinable quality this woman
had onscreen.
In her early films Garbo played
the sexy "vamp" who got her
jollies by making a mess out of
men's lives. But her screen
character grew. Eventually Garbo
became known for playing
women capable of great sacrifice.
While always the loose woman,
Garbo's onscreen characters were
always intelligent, strong and in-
dependent. They usually had a lot
more going for them than the
clowns they happened to be in
love with.
Camille gave Garbo the perfect
vehicle for her screen image. The
result is what one reviewer called
"the greatest performance in the
American sound film
The picture co-stars Robert
Taylor as Armand, and the in-
comparable Henry Daniell as
Baron de Varville. Bring a broad
and some popcorn to Mendenhall
next Tuesday. Camille is a great
old time movie. And it's free.
the novel was often either absent
or pedantic in the movie. Still,
with the story streamlined and the
characters combined from
Wolfe's rambling, rolling saga,
the film is an enjoyable if at times
slow and slightly confusing adap-
tion of the best seller.
The Right Stuff works best
when portraying the tight, playful
comaraderie of the seven brave
lads destined to be the Mercury
astronauts. It also succeeds in its
portrait of a befuddled, almost
impotent American space pro-
gram running frantically to catch
up with the Russians. Soviet
spaceships zip into orbit with
seemingly effortless ease, while
according to the public and
Washington, our rockets always
blow up. And so the seven brave
lads get ready, seemingly all the
braver because our rockets always
blow up. All seven are portrayed
very well in the film, though at-
tention is really given only to Alan
Shepard, Gus Grissom, Gordo
Cooper and John Glenn, the men
who must keep American from
going "to bed at night under the
light of a communist moon
The movie sputters when it tries
to encompass the entire plot of the
novel and is forced to leave out
the delicious tidbits that made
Wolfe's book such a success. We
see the beginnings of test flight
fighter jocks and watch seven, for
better or worse, become
astronauts, but a lot of detail is
neglected for the sake of breadth.
It is easy to confuse one character
with another and the connection
and competition between the old
test pilots, led by Chuck Yeager,
and the new astronauts grows fuz-
zy, partly because the test pilots
are left out of much of the
movie's second half, with only
Yeager returning for an unex-
plained crash at the end.
One area where writerdirector
Philip Kaufman shows much
adeptness is in the portrayl of the
characters' humanity. The
humiliating pre-flight medical
testing process is replicated in ex-
cruciating detail, as are the future
astronauts' reactions to the pro-
cess. It's difficult to believe that
you are a national hero when you
are running down the hall in a
hospital gown or being subjected
to a sperm motility test by a nurse
completely impervious to your
macho-male charms, thus the
astronauts can be viewed as
humans, not just superheroes in
the Buck Rogers mold.
The reactions of the astronauts'
and test pilots' wives to their
none-too-easy lives are also
presented well. Their responses
when confronted with sudden
death, constant media attention,
ticker-tape parades and hollow
victories are above all, believable.
This glimpse into the wives' emo-
tions is especially interesting
because they are seldom brought
into the picture when the heroic
feats of their husbands are beina
An aspect which becomes ap-
parent by the end of the movie is
the brotherhood, or feeling of
comradeship, these men share.
They know, as no one else does,
what they truly have in common,
what they have gone through, and
what "the right stuff really is.
They seem to maintain a realistic
view of their exploits even if no
one else does.
Vivid photography contributed
much to the enjoyment of the
movie. The scenes where the
astronauts were in orbit are
especially well done, as are some
of the earlier sequences involving
the test pilots.
The Right Stuff is an entertain-
ing and worthwhile saga of the
men who truly had "the right
stuff The problems came when
what could have been an exciting
two-hour movie was stretched in-
to three and a half hours.
However, provided you have a
long attention span, the movie is
well worth seeing and you'll cer-
tainly get your money's worth.
The Right Stuff is now showing
at Greenville's Plaza Cinema.
Famed Polish Pianist
At Wright Auditorium
Called the "People's Pianist famed Polish
pianist Wladimir Jan Kochanski will perform in
ECU's Wright Auditorium on Monday, March 26.
Kochanski is a musician with a mission. Not only is
he devoted to his art, but he uses it to serve his fellow
man, particularly those suffering in Poland.
Kochanski has established a non-profit foundation
to encourage young musicians in their careers and to
help suffering families in Poland. A highlight of his
career was playing before Pope John Paul II in 1981
at the dedication of the Polish Pilgrim's Home in
Rome. For his service to his homeland, the president
of the Polish Government-In-Exile (in London,
England) honored him with knighthood in the Order
of Polonia Restituta. It is the highest honor that can
be bestowed upon a Polish dvilhan. Today, Kochan-
ski is often referred to as "the second Paderewski "
champion of Polish people and of great musk
Kochanski's ongoing goal is to introduce classical
music to as much of the public as possible He ig-
nores convention during his concerts and often
speaks directly to his audience, giving explanations
and asides. He also performs a broad range of
classical music, from Baroque to modern, and also
includes other styles in his repertoire such as popular
and folk musk. - - ?
'?Beautiful musk he says, "was written to be en-
joyed by everyone.
Kochanski graduated from the Julhard School of
Music where be studied under the legendary teachers
Rosina Lhevinne and Eduard Steurermann
2? P???? is sponsored by
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints
Student Association. Tickets are on sale at the Cen-
tral Ticket Office, S3 for students and $4 for the
pubhc and faculty. If three or more tickets are pur-
chased by the pubbc, a special discount is made $3a
piece. This discount is being adl to
famines to attend the performance.
encourage I
4M - kMj ,
ft r - - - ?
' ' I
? ? j ?? - .

LaSalle Calls Press Conference,
Will Reveal Face, Launch Film Series
"I've had it to here
growled East Carolinian
staff writer Mick LaSalle.
He slashed a hand across
his throat emphasizing
his point. "I heard just
this weekend six guys
scored in Rafters
claiming to be Mick
LaSalle! It's getting
where all a mug has to do
to get a broad in this
town is wear a hat in
Claiming that scores of
once-desperate men are
now using his identity to
become lady killers,
LaSalle announced today
that he plans to reveal his
identity, show his face to
the public in an effort to
put an end to the wave of
sexual deceit that has
swept Greenville a
wave capped with a gray
LaSalle plans to call a
press conference for all
local media to mark this
"high-powered, bigwigg-
ed" event. The press con-
ference is tentatively
scheduled for ECU's
Mendenhall Student
Center next Tuesday,
March 27.
"I've given it lots of
thought said LaSalle,
"and it's the thing to do.
I started writing so I
could teach some of these
guys how they too could
be like Mick LaSalle.
And what do they do?"
he asked, indignation
welling in his voice. "A
lot of the bums are claim-
ing to be me, passing
themselves off as LaSalle
to impressionable
freshman at the Elbo
Room. It's got to stop
LaSalle, a living legend
in his native New York
City, left the big town to
come South in search of
solitude. "I couldn't
walk down the street he
admitted. A concerned
humanitarian, he decided
to do what he could for
Greenville's wimps, nerds
and losers. Thus began
his tenure as staff writer
at The East Carolinian,
and the rest is history.
"I've done my bit for
the men of this town
said LaSalle. "Now its
time to move on to other
things like culture
LaSalle plans to use the
press conference to
launch his film series call-
ed, "Mick LaSalle
Presents Great Broads of
the 20s and 30s
See Mick's announce-
ment in today's Enter-
tainment section.
He will also answer
questions from the media
concerning what some
have dubbed, "the
LaSalle Philosophy All
press, TV and radio
media and the public are
invited. For details call
'Go ahead punk make my day
John Rainey
for SGA President
Keep Georgia On Your Mind
SGA Treasurer March 21 st
'The Face Of The Century9
? Greta Garbo stars in Camille, the first in Mick LaSalle's new film series called
Great Broads of the 20s and 30s. LaSalle plans to announce the series and
reveal his face at upcoming press conference.
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ECU FacultyStaff 2.00
Public 4.00
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Tickets available Central Tickets Office
Mon. -Fri. 10-4

The horn section of the Phi Mu Alpj
coming Attic debut.
New Chamber
Scheduled By J
A new chamber music
series for 1984-85 as
been scheduled through a
joint arrangement by the
ECU School of Music
and Department of
University Unions.
The series, to be called
the 1984-85 Chamber
Festival, will include per-
formances by the Dorian
Wind Quintet, the An-
napolis Brass Quintet, the
Los Angeles Piano
Quartet, the Western
Wind ensemble and the
Composers String
All performances are
scheduled for 8 p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre.
The series is partially
sponsored by grants from
the National Endowment
for the Arts and the
Southern Arts Federa-
The Dorian Wind
Quintet, performing Oct.
10, is. Known in the U.S.
and abroad for its perfor-
mances of commissioned
scores and residency ac-
tivities, as well as its
numerous recordings and
sold-out concert tours.
The Annapolis Brass
Quintet, appearing Nov.
5, will showcase music
for brasses spanning 400
years. The group is
celebrating 12 years as the
nation's only full-time
performing brass ensem-
Of the Los .Angeles
Piano Quartet, scheduled
for a Jan. 28 concert, a
leading critic wrote: "The
group enlists highly ac-
complished players who
have forged an ensemble
based on like-
mindedness, on equality
of technical skills, on
disciplined reaction to in-
terpretive style "
Performing Feb. 11 is
the vocal sextet, the
Western Wind. Its unique
musical phenomenon has
rekindled a love for "a
capella" singing among
audiences in several na-
The final program of
the Chamber Festival, set
for April 20, will be
presented by the Com-
posers String Quartet,
critically praised for its
precision, musical
understanding and sen-
sitive interpretations.
Each ensemble's
members will present
masterclasses for ECU
music students during its
visit to campus.
Masterclasses, set for 10
a.m. until noon on the
mornings after concerts
in Fletcher Music Center
Recital Hall, are open to
the public without
Season tickets for the
Chamber Festival are on
sale at the Central Ticket
Office in Mendenhall
Student Center priced at
SIS for the public and S10
for ECU faculty and
staff. Discount prices of
$10 and $7.50 respective-
ly are offered to those
who also purchase season
tickets for the 1984-85
University Unions Artists

punk make m daw '
SGA President
?' v ated 1 mile past
Hastings Ford on
St. Ext.
irslaw 35 extra
Itaff 2.00
Tickets Office
TMEACTCAlffl .niaw i
tt. ?'????B air I .aaaS
Hie born section of the Phi m. ai.w . "?"
coming Attic debut " Alph mualc PW?P- out the souod during .
rehearsal for their up-
New Chamber Music Series
Scheduled By Joint Arrangement
A new chamtvr ????. 1
Phi Mu Alpha
Plays Attic
The ECU chapter of
Phi Mu Alpha, a nation-
wide professional music
fraternity, will perform
at the Attic nightclub in
Greenville on Wednes-
day evening, March 21.
The 15 piece band in-
cludes a nine-piece horn
section plus guitars,
drums, bass, piano and
two vocalists.
The band will play
nostalgic rock plus R&B
standards, music that's
sure to make you want to
Admission is only one
buck, and all proceeds
go to the ECU School of
Music scholarship fund.
So come on out to the
Attic and listen to the
Amazing Psychic Returns
To Baffle Campus Again
Gil Fi.aU
Gil Eagles' amazing
demonstration takes an
audience one step beyond
on a unique adventure in-
to the intriguing realm of
psychic phenomena. It is
a brilliantly entertaining
performance of the
mysterious and
fascinating wonders of
the sixth sense presented
with dynamic showman-
ship that will confound
and astound the keenest
Gil Eagles has baffled
countless thousands of
A new chamber music
series for 1984-85 has
been scheduled through a
joint arrangement by the
ECU School of Music
and Department of
University Unions.
The series, to be called
the 1984-85 Chamber
Festival, will include per-
formances by the Dorian
Wind Quintet, the An-
napolis Brass Quintet, the
Los Angeles Piano
Quartet, the Western
Wind ensemble and the
Composers String
All performances are
scheduled for 8 p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre.
The series is partially
sponsored by grants from
the National Endowment
for the Arts and the
Southern Arts Federa-
The Dorian Wind
Quintet, performing Oct.
10, is known in the U.S.
and abroad for its perfor-
mances of commissioned
scores and residency ac-
tivities, as well as its
numerous recordings and
sold-out concert tours.
The Annapolis Brass
Quintet, appearing Nov.
5, will showcase music
for brasses spanning 400
years. The group is
celebrating 12 years as the
nation's only full-time
performing brass ensem-
Of the Los Angeles
ttano Quartet, scheduled
for a Jan. 28 concert, a
leading critic wrote: "The
group enlists highly ac-
complished players who
have forged an ensemble
based on like-
mmdedness, on equality
of technical skills, on
disciplined reaction to in-
terpretive style "
Performing Feb. 11 is
the vocal sextet, the
western Wind. Its unique
musical phenomenon has
rekindled a love for "a
capella" singing among
audiences in several na-
The final program of
the Chamber Festival, set
for April 20, will be
presented by the Com-
posers String Quartet,
critically praised for its
Precision, musical
understanding and sen-
sitive interpretations.
Each ensemble's
members will present
masterclasses for ECU
music students during its
visit to campus.
Masterclasses, set for 10
a.m. until noon on the
mornings after concerts
m Fletcher Music Center
Recital Hall, are open to
the public without
Season tickets for the
Chamber Festival are on
sale at the Central Ticket
Office in Mendenhall
Student Center priced at
Si5 for the public and $10
for ECU faculty and
staff. Discount prices of
$10 and $7.50 respective-
ly are offered to those
who also purchase season
tickets for the 1984-85
University Unions Artists
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Greenville, nc 27834
John Rainey
for SGA President
Reproductive Health Care
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Cal. 761 v O m ey,
People on four continents
with his amazing
demonstration of E.S.P.
and hypnotism. For 20
years he has been a
serious and avid exponent
of hypo-therapy as it ap-
plies to the medical and
psychiatric professions.
In 1977 and 1980, a
packed Hendrix Theatre
viewed Eagles' incredible
Performance: an E.S.P.
show using total audience
participation. Names,
numbers and personal
questions revealed and
answered were those ac-
tually held in the minds
of the audience, all
strangers to Eagles.
Don't miss this
fascinating performance
on March 20 at 8 p.m. in
Hendrix Theatre. Tickets
are on sale at the Central
Ticket Office. They are
$2 for ECU students, $3
for faculty and staff and
$4 for the public. All
tickets are $4 at the door.
For more information
call 757-6611, ext. 266.
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MARCH 20. 1984 PMe 10
Pirates Take On North Carolina Today
Stacy Boyette and Pam Young
allowed just five hits in two
games, as the ECU women's soft-
ball team swept a doubleheader
9-1 and 5-2 from Newberry Col-
lege Sunday afternoon.
"I'm really excited to see
what's happening with our girls
Pirate coach Sue Manahan said
about her team's transition from
slow to fast-pitch softball.
ECU made the switch at the
beginning of this season to
become eligible for the NCAA
division-I championship, and cur-
rently stands at 8-4 on the season.
In the first game, Boyette was
walked and then used the oppor-
tunity to steal second. After Wen-
dy Ozment also walked, Bonnie
Smith reached first on an error by
the catcher, enabling Boyette to
score and give the Pirates a 1-0
lead after the first inning of play.
ECU extended its lead by a run
in the second when Carla Alphin
smashed a triple deep to left field,
and then scored on a hit-and-run
grounder by Boyette.
The Pirates put the game away
in the bottom of the third as they
scored six runs. Lisa Zmuda led
off with a walk, followed by a
Suzanne Martin single. Tamara
Franks then reached first base on
another error by the Newberry
catcher, scoring Zmuda.
Sandy Kee loaded the bases
after being walked, and then
Alphin was walked to force Mar-
tin in from third, giving ECU a
4-0 advantage.
With the bases still loaded,
Boyette was the next batter. She
became the first Pirate out by hit-
ting a grounder to the third
baseman, but Newberry was only
able to throw Kee out at third as
Franks scored easily.
Alphin and Boyette scored on
singles by Ozment and Smith, and
then Ozment crossed the plate the
final time in the inning when
Dawn Langley hit into a fielder's
ECU added an insurance run in
the fifth, and then Newberry
finally got on the board in the
Second-year soccer coach Rob-
bie Church has announced that he
will resign, citing a desire to con-
centrate on graduate work as his
"I'm not coming back
Church said. "I'm finishing up
my master's (degree)
Church guided the Pirates to a
3-16 record last fall after his ECU
team the previous year tied a
school record for wins with a 7-10
Church served as an assistant
coach at South Carolina before
accepting the ECU position in
1982. Prior to that, he was an
assistant coach at Spartanburg,
"They (the athletic department)
feel that it might be a good move
for me Church added.
"I feel that we have brought the
program along. I'm going to have
concentrate on another career

player David
to ECU soccer
Pere, Assistant
Athletic Director Bob Helmick
recently discussed the matter with
the team. Pere said Helmick told
the team that Church wasn't forc-
ed to resign and that there were no
hard feelings.
. MARK ?????-?CU
John Nix waits between rounds.
Landmark Season For Kobe, Swimmers
It was a record-setting year in
Pirate swimming, and that has
ECU coach Rick Kobe excited.
"We had the greatest season in
East Carolina history says
Kobe, reflecting on a season in
which the men's and women's
teams combined for a school
record 17 wins.
The men's team, which finished
with an 8-4 record, scored its
highest placement ever at the
Eastern Championships by com-
ing in second and had a team
record five first place finishes.
Stan Williams (50 and 100 yard
freestyle), Chema Larranaga
(1650 yard freestyle), Kevin
Richards (200 yard butterfly) and
Steven Hollett (100 yard butterfly)
each topped the rest of pack in
their heats.
The team also set four varsity
records and one freshman mark
during the season. The records
were broken by Richards in the
100 backstroke and 200 butterfly
in times of :53.2 and 1:52.89 and
Larranaga in the 1000 and 1650
freestyles in 9:31.50 and 15:48.07.
The freshman team of Stratten
Smith, Richard Wells, John Tor-
rence and Kevin Hildago set a
freshman record in the 800
freestyle relay with a time of
The women's team set many
team records in route to a 9-4 per-
formance, which was the most
wins ever at ECU. In qualifying
nine girls for the national meet,
they set eight varsity records and
ten freshman records.
Three freshman set varsity and
freshman records for Kobe's
team. Cindy Newman (1:00.16 in
the 100 butterfly), Caycee Poust
(1:01.53 in the 100 backstroke)
and Lori Livingston (2:14 in the
200 backstroke) left their mark.
Diver Rene Seech set three
records with 247 points for six
dives in the 1 meter board, 414.23
points for 11 dives in the 1 meter
and 402.68 points for 11 dives in
seventh, after Brown tripled and
scored on a fielder's choice by
"They were really stronger than
the score indicated Manahan
said. "In fast pitch, once you get
rattled, it's easy to score fast
Newberry got on the board first
in the second game, as Camp and
Stuck both walked and then
Camp came home on a squeeze
The Pirates knotted the game at
one in the third, after Smith walk-
ed, and then scored on a Martin
ECU added two runs in the
fourth on walks by Angie Hum-
phrey and Smith and a single by
Ozment to bolster its lead to 3-1.
Newberry closed to within one
run in the fifth inning when
Rowell was singled in from second
by Halyburton, but Pirate runs in
the bottom of the fifth and sixth
ensured victory once again.
"We had some very good
defensive plays both games, and I
hope we will continue to
improve said Manahan of her
team's play.
North Carolina will next up for
the Pirates, with a doubleheader
scheduled for 2 p.m. this after-
"We're pretty excited about
North Carolina coming in
Manahan said. "They have one of
the strongest pitchers we have
seen. It will be a tough challenge
because even though they just
made the change (to fast pitch),
the have lots of talent
Pam Young Steals
Second (Left)
Then Looks Deter-
minedTo Add
Third Base To Her
List (Right).

STAMLBY LIARY - ?( U ???? L?
Boxing Gets Hoots, Howls
John Nix showed tremendous heart in last Thurs-
day's finals of this year's TKE Boxing Tournament.
In the most memorable fight of the evening, Nix won
a technical knock out over Joe "Boss Dog" Pittman,
won a thundering ovation from the crowd of about
2,000 and also won the tournament's outstanding
boxer award.
Listed at 151 pounds, Nix gave up six pounds to his
taller opponent who also showed a clear advantage in
hand speed as well. The first round of their fight was
fast-paced. Pittman made good use of his reach and
speed advantage. In a display of superior boxing
skills, he scored from outside with a stiff jab and
with combinations to the head of Nix. Despite the
disadvantage in size and skill, Nix pressed a dogged
attack taking punishment. By the round's end, blood
leaked steadily from Nix's nose bathing his mouth
and chin in a swath of red. At the end of the first
round, Pittman indeed looked to be the "boss dog
As the bell sounded for round two, Nix vaulted
from his corner and hurled a furious barrage of pun-
ches at Pittman. The crowd thundered with applause.
Surprised and confused, Pittman back pedalled, and
By the round's end, blood leaked
steadily from Nix's nose, bathing
his mouth and chin.
the 3 meter.
Other varsity records were set
by Jessica Feinberg in the 100
breaststroke with a time of
1:08.42 and Poust, Feinberg,
Newman and Jean Keating in the
400 medley relay with a time of
The freshman crew also set
records in the 200 free relay, the
400 free relay, the 400 medley
relay and the 800 free relay.
Other individual freshman
records were set by Keating in the
50 freestyle with a time of 25.09
and Lori Miller in the 1 and 3
meter diving events.
"We had the best bunch of kids
to work with Kobe says. "They
were nice, good students and good
swimmers The team had a grade
point average of 2.6.
The men will lose only one
senior while the women should
have everyone back. In turn,
Kobe is looking for continued suc-
cess, and more records will likely
though he tried repeatedly to hold his ground and
slug it out with Nix, Nix fought with the tenacity of a
bulldog, taking punches but outscoring Pittman in
the furious exchanges. Nix's relentless pressure took
a heavy toll, and by the round's end, Pittman had
slowed noticably and was missing with his punches.
A series of weak overhand rights before the bell by
Pittman caught nothing but air. Nix had turned the
fight around.
Round three was a continuation of round two as
Nix pressed his non-stop attack. With greater
stamina and sheer heart, Nix took the fight to Pitt-
man backing him into a corner late in the round
where he unleashed a torrent of blows, scoring with
shots to the head and body as Pittman faded. With
Pittman virtually out on his feet, the referee stopped
the fight awarding Nix a TKO. Pittman slumped to
the canvas. Nix's win over a bigger, quicker oppo-
nent was an inspiring display of courage and deter-
mination that brought the cheering crowd to its feet.
If John Nix was the popular hero of the evening,
then Jim Lincoln was the villian ? at least to a vocal
minority in the crowd. Though many cheered for the
tall, angular boxer, others hooted their disdain.
Linclon is familiar to TKE Boxing fans for his battles
with Mike Greko in 1981 and '82. In their '81 fight,
Lincoln demonstrated both brains and raw punching
power, lulling Greko with a rope-a-dope tatic before
spinning off the ropes and decapitating him with a
vicious right cross. The following year Greko
somewhat avenged Lincoln's KO by staying in the
center of the ring and out-pointing Lincoln for an un-
convincing win. At any rate, Lincoln's reputation
preceded him, and as he climbed into the ring some
boxing fans shouted taunts and insults.
Lincoln was matched in Thursday's finals against
Sahratore Anello, an ECU student from South
Orange, New Jersey. Both weighed 175, but Anello
was shorter and thicker. The first round passed
uneventfully. Lincoln, confident and relaxed, stalked
Anello around the ring looking for the big punch but
not finding it. Not only did he appear calm, but Lin-
coln looked lethargic as well, his punches not as crisp
as in previous years.
Anello gained confidence in the second round and
pressed Lincoln who back pedalled to the ropes.
There he slipped or blocked most of Anello's pun-
ches and tried to counter punch. Lincoln seemed to
react to the crowd as much as to his opponent. When
part of the crowd cheered Anello as he flailed at Lin-
coln on the ropes, Lincoln literally threw Anello off
him. Then, abandoning his counter-punching style,
he backed Anello into a corner and nearly knocked
him through the ropes. Anello broke free and fled the
A determined scowl marked Lincoln's face as he
stalked Anello through the third round. He loaded
up with every punch, often lunging after his quarrv.
Anello fought back in flurries, one time charging
Lincoln and landing between the ropes. Near the end
of the round, an overhand right by Lincoln hit its
mark. Anello stumbeld backward, wilted and fell.
After a standing eight count, Lincoln crunched a
right hook into .Anello's jaw at the bell. Anello's
knees buckled, and he crumbled to the canvas giving
Lincoln his KO in the last second of the fight.
With victory in hand, Lincoln marched straight-
faced to the dressing room as some cheered and
others shouted, "You're a bum! You ain't nothing'
etc! etc
Even if the audience didn't get as involved, the rest
of the fights also provided plenty of action.
Mark Saieed, last year's 162-pound champion
successfully defended his title this year. Saiet-d show-
ed impressive quickness and hand speed, noticably
improved from his '83 championship form. Unfor-
tunately, Mark out-classed his opponent, Greg
Williams, who, by the second round, was either run-
ning or clinching but not willing to battle Saieed. The
referee stopped the fight in the second round and
awarded Saieed the victory.
In the first fight of the evening, 250-pound super
heavyweight James Ellis of Ahoskie pounded out a
decision over his 210-pound opponent Gary Moore
of Camp Lejeune.
Carlton Brewer won the heavyweight division
without a fight. His opponent, Warren Williams, was
A determined scowl marked
Lincoln's face as he stalked Anello
through the third round.
medically disqualified before entering the ring
Willie Vines battled Joe Murchison for
178-pound title. Vines was an outside sharp shooter
with straight punches. Murchison, shorter, foufiht
with a Joe-Frazier hooking style. Vines' cleaner
technique began to earn him the advantage by the
end of the second round. He scored with several
straight shots to Murchison's head just before the
bell Vines came out of his corner at the start of the
third round spitting fire and slinging leather, but the
pace slowed. Scoring sporadically, Vines went on to
win by decision.
rv??Tdo?0beS0, a novi' gave UP n Poumb to
Otis Tabor in a junior-middleweight fight. Midway
through the first round, Tabor clipped Roberson
with a stinging overhand right to the head, and it was
goodnight sweet prince Roberson was out cold
for several minutes before finally getting to his feet
and leaving the ring.
See NIX. Page 12
Squad S
The ECU baseball team ia
game winning streak, but il
Big Ten power North ?
ington Field
The Pirates, 10-3, will fi
doubleheader at 1 p.m ana a
Hal Baird, his team better be
be lights out "
Northwestern, which re
games from UNC-filming -
many tough squads the
Bajrd calls a "difficult home
In addition to the Wildcat
Ohio, ECAC South opponen
Chapel Hill over a sever.
"I feel like the k.
says. "I think thevre ?,ome
One in particular, freshn
Peterson, went the distance S
ing up only three hits and
done an outstanding job
a pleasant surprise
Although the Pirate have r.
the streak, Baird feels the
in hitting as it plays ston
have some distance to cover,
swing the bats better. We
of pitching like we will a.
In a doubleheader Saturd
ington Field, the Pirate
ECU won the first game 5
pitching of Peterson 11
Evans went four-for-foui
Winfred Johnsor. :
cond game, giving up
earned, the last six inning
Webb in the second
In the first game, the ;
first inning and Pete
the initial five inr ?
Third baseman Du
offensive attack
which were double, ai
shortstop Greg Hard
Johnson each ha
The Pirates scored three r
and two in the t
victory in the secor. : .
Connecticut drove in
row the Pirate lead to
one hit the final I n
& Co 1st
The ECU men's
team opened the
outdoor track seaso-
the Domino Pizza Sun-
shine .e!av s
Tallahassee, F!a
weekend, and
Carson called il the
opening meet foi the
Pirates in his 1" . .
Over 80 teams pa
ticipated in the mee
See WILLIAMS. Page 12
: ?FLL Onel
? 2510 E. lOthrWJ
Watch I
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come to life agaiM
taoe ball games, c
fraternity & soror
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MARCH 20, 19M

-ud. "The haeoneof
ges hers we have
H. It .1 :ough challenge
een though they just
Lie the change (to fast pitch),
nave lots of talent
"?Lev LtARY - icu Poto Lak
did nc appear calm, but Lin-
eli, his punches not as crisp
t.dence in the second round and
k pedalled to the ropes.
? ed most of Anello's pun-
I ? Lincoln seemed to
I miun as to his opponent. When
nello as he flailed at Lin-
oln literally threw Anello off
king his counter-punching style,
3 a corner and nearly knocked
"roke free and fled the
narked Lincoln's face as he
if the third round. He loaded
j 'en lunging after his quarry.
in flurries, one time charging
between the ropes. Near the end
lerhand right by Lincoln hit its
eid backward, wilted and fell.
h count, Lincoln crunched a
e!lo's jaw at the bell. Anello's
le crumbled to the canvas giving
Je last second of the fight.
and, Lincoln marched straight-
ig room as some cheered and
re a bum! You ain't nothing!
:e didn't get as involved, the rest
nided plenty of action.
I -ear's 162-pound champion,
his title this year. Saieed show-
Iness and hand speed, noticably
83 championship form. Unfor-
V-classed his opponent, Greg
le second round, was either run-
not willing to battle Saieed. The
fight in the second round and
)f the evening, 250-pound super
lEllis of Ahoskie pounded out a
10-pound opponent Gary Moore
won the heavyweight division
pponent, Warren Williams, was
scowl marked
le as he stalked Anello
hird round.
ed before entering the ring.
kttled Joe Murchison for the
les was an outside sharp shooter
-es. Murchison, shorter, fought
hooking style. Vines' cleaner
earn him the advantage by the
round. He scored with several
lurchison's head just before the
t of his corner at the start of the
fire and slinging leather, but the
sporadically, Vines went on to
novice, gave up 12 pounds to
lior-middleweight fight. Midway
found, Tabor clipped Roberson
land right to the head, and it was
iprince Roberson was out cold
before finally getting to his feet
NIX, Page 12

SqV,t?weePs Weekend Series; Northwestern Game Tomorrow
The ECU baseball team is seeking to add to its six-
tttTlT&SZil wi"have to ?? ?&
mgtonkT Northwcst? tomorrow at Harr-
, JJ . Mr??. 10-3. will face the Wildcats in a
doubleheader at 1 p.m and according to ECUc?ch
bHe1srtttCam 55 ? ? 2 i-i?l
.ameTfromnf1 ?? t0ok thr of four
games from UNC-Wilmington, will be just one of
S ?2K Tfards ,thKc Pirates wiU facc in
Baird calls a difficult home stand "
OhiorAr lKe Wi,dcats' ECU wiU be hosting
ru ' ? ?? Somh oPPOnt Richmond and UNC
Chapel Hill over a seven-day span
savs1 SfthS dS h3Ve made strides Bair
abound Y S?me b?yS Wh? "? comin?
One in particular, freshman righthander Jim
Peterson went the distance Saturday afternoon, giv-
ing up only three hits and striking out six. "Jim has
done an outstanding job Baird says. "He has been
a pleasant surprise
Although the Pirates have pounded the ball durinc
the streak, Baird feels the team will have to improve
in hitting as it plays stonger clubs. "I think we
have some distance to cover he says. "We need to
swing the bats better. We haven't hit against the type
of pitching like we will against James Madison for
In a doubleheader Saturday afternoon at Harr-
ington Field, the Pirates swept two from Connec-
ECU won the first game 8-4 behind the three-hit
pitching of Peterson (2-0) and the second 5-4 as Todd
Evans went four-for-four and knocked in two runs
Winfred Johnson (3-0) picked up the win in the se-
cond game, giving up eight hits and three runs, two
led, the last six innings after relieving starter Tom
Webb in the second inning.
In the first game, the Pirates scored six runs in the
first inning and Peterson gave up only one hit over
the initial five innings to ensure victory.
Third baseman David Wells led the Pirates' 13-hit
offensive attack with three base knocks, two of
which were doubles, and rightfielder Mike Williams,
shortstop Greg Hardison and designated hitter
Johnson each had two.
The Pirates scored three runs in the second inning
and two in the fourth to sqeak out a narrow one-run
victory in the second game.
Connecticut drove in two runs in the fifth to nar-
row the Pirate lead to 5-4, but Johnson allowed just
one hit the final two innings.
& Co 1st
Sports WHl?r
The ECU men's track
team opened the 1984
outdoor track season in
the Domino's Pizza Sun-
shine relays in
TaJJahassee, Fla. over the
weekend, and coach Bill
Carson called it the best
opening meet for the
Pirates in his 17 years of
Over 80 teams par-
ticipated in the meet, in-
See WILLIAMS, Page 12
Double Play Attempt On A Warm, Spring Afternoon At Harrington Field
George Mmn .horUlop .void, Plr.1, M?rk Cockrell? slide In turning the double play lut Wedn?d?
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MRO,20. WK4
Nix Takes Title g?-assifieds
(. ontinued Krom Page 10
Brad Roberson. a
novice, ga e up 12
pounds to Otis Tabor in a
fight. Midway through
the first round, Tabor
clipped Roberson with a
stinging overhand right to
the head, and it was
"good-night sweet
prince " Roberson was
out cold for several
minutes before finally
getting to his feet and
leaving the ring.
Jim Ybanez and Scott
Francis battled furiously
for three rounds. Both
lightweights showed good
boxing skills, throwing
effective combinations,
slipping punches, clin-
ching at the right times
and moving about the
ring well. The fight was
fast paced, hard-fought
and very close. After a
long deliberation, the
judges awarded Ybane
the decision. A penalty
point against him for
holding may have cost
Francis the fight.
The final fight of the
evening between
165-pound 1 eon and
PO-pound Keith Yasser
was another close one.
Again, two solid boxers
battled foi ;hree rounds.
Yasser won the decision
based on a surge late in
the final round.
The real star of the
evening was ring girl
Leigh Brown. The lithe
and attractive Miss
Brown wore a black, one-
piece, French-cut bathing
suit and heels. When she
first stepped into the ring
to carry the round
placard, the crowd ? at
least the males ? er-
rupted into hysterical ap-
plause. In contrast to the
boxers, Miss Brown was a
most pleasing sight, one
of the prettiest ring girls
in the tournament's
Spring Practice Starts
DA??yl SHOWN, coneredulet.on.
on your recent acceptance to
graduate tchool at the Unlvertlty o
Chicane Wo aro (till waiting to hoar
trom Yalai ? ?h?, Tho Kit
Carolinian staff
HIY CRIAMY - Thank lor tho
Lateena dlnnor it wai excellent! I
nopo FLOSSY did you rljht tor
detaert on tho total Mli toothpick wai
aching hairy took cara ot me but
?ho noodt to loarn not to lcream Can
you Mama herT Lef? do It again loon
but without HAIRY'S tick okot - l
moan raally ? from ?ahlndTT
PKETIE ? Saturday morning wont
to party down, and all you did wat act
Ilka a clown Wo raally got a bang, to
too you couldn't hang. And all
through tho day. In tho bod you did
lay, fooling tho pain of too much
TO ALL PHI TAU Broth.r, and
Pledget Tho Little Slttert whould
like to make a toatt Here't to the Phi
Taut, thanki for the Champagne
?reakfatti We all had loft of funl It's
one more good memory to add to all
our other memorlet or tlmet thared
with you. You roally are a lefiend for
all tlmei Love Phi Tau Lll Slttert.
ftOOMMATf WANTED houte fully
furntthod Serlout tludenlt only
?ehlnd Belk Oorm IIM 717470
distribute "Student Rate' tubtcrip
tlon cardt at this campwt Good in
come, no telling involved For Infor
matlon tend a telf addretted,
ttampod envelope to: Allen l
Lowrance. Director. Ill Ole
Dr Moorotvllle, NC ism
rach ol these advertised items s requited to be 'eady available 'c
sale at beiow. the advertised price in each A&P Store ncet
spent,ta;iy noted in this ad
FOR SALE Nurting Uniformt. In
cludet lab coaft, diet s, 1. f.
H7-MJ1, 7SO-4310 after S.
OIRLS to tpoed Hat llghtt. tendert.
like new. J7J Two 11-Inch radial flret
like new tio Call 7SS-ee.i or 7J7 ajoe
VOTE MARK Nlewald SOA Pretl
dent. Experience to work for
ttudentt vote March II.
? experience, quality work, IBM
Selecfrlc Typewriter Call Lanle
Shlve 7S1-SM1.
reatonable. Call iss-ioe:
ECU head football
coach Ed Emory greeted
the Pirates o 1984 last
Thursday as spring prac-
tice officially opened.
Drills will culminate with
the playing of the Purple-
Gold Spring Game April
14 in Ficklen Stadium.
"Our 1984 team may
have more talent than
either the 1982 or 1983
teams says Emory.
"However, we are very
inexpeienced right now
and it will probably not
pc until mid-season in the
fall that we find out just
what type team we have.
We are er young in
me critical area
socially the defensive
The Pirate- concluded
? ranked 20th in the
final ssociated Press
11 and 17th in the final
orts Illustrated poll,
'owing an 8-3 season
. saw the Pirate- just
sh) ol an
unbeaten -ea-on. The
Pirates were 7 4
Emory enter- fifth
season al the helm tvith
1 Cl with ?3 lettermen
returnii . ; iding 12
"er- ? seven
two pla
shai ? back and
starters on
nd both
placekicker and punter
are back.
r? Y c ?? que I
le star;
spring practice. The
Pirates must find a
quarterback to replace
Kevin Ingram. However,
no candidate in the Pirate
camp has ever taken a
snap in varsity competi-
Da r re 11 Speed,
sophomore from San-
ford. Ron Jones, redshirt
freshman from Port-
smouth, Va. and Robbie
bartlett. junior college
transfer from Citrus in
Ausa, Cal. are the
leading candidates for the
starting quarterback posi-
The second major area
of question is the defen-
sive line, as no starter
returns at noseguard,
defensive tackle or defen-
sive end.
"If we are to be suc-
cessful this fall, one of
our quarterbacks has got
to come forward and pro-
& Co 1st
Continued From Page 11
eluding such
powerhouses as
Michigan, Ohio State,
Kansas, Florida and Pcnn
State, but Carson said his
squad was one of the top
ten teams at the meet.
1983 NCAA qualifier
Craig White placed
eighth in the 110 high
hurdles with a time of
14.27. i
Teammates Maurice
Monk, Erskine Evans,
Henry Williams and
Chris Mclawhorn came '
in first place in the 4x100
consolation heat with a ,
time of 41.6.
In the sprint medley
relay the Pirates tied I
Michigan for eighth place
Aith a time of 3:28.5.
The 4x400 relay team
consisting of Willie I
Fuller, Ruben Pierce, Ed-
die Bradley and Chris (
Brooks placed fifth with
a time of 3:9.9.
The next scheduled
meet for the Pirates will t
be the Georgia relays in
Athens, on March 23 and
24. '
duce adds Emory, forward. We have talent
' Mso, our young defen- at all the questionable
sive ends and defensive positions, but they still
tackles have got to come have to produce
John Rainey
for SGA President
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The East Carolinian, March 20, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 20, 1984
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