The East Carolinian, February 2, 1984

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Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.58 No
Thursday, February 2,1984
Greenville, N.C.
12 Pages,
Circulation 10,000
WZMB Celebrates
Second Anniversary
WZMB Assistant Manager Jim Ensor and Manager Greg Watkins hard at work.
NCSL Delegation Sponsors Conference
Staff Writer
Political fever and furor came
to ECU this past weekend as
delegates from the N.C. Student
Legislature held their statewide
monthly meeting in conjunction
with the gubernatorial candidates'
forum on Friday. More than 100
siudenu from 13 s.ute schools
were represented during the two-
day conference sponsored by the
ECU delegation.
During the conference,
delegates learned how the
legislative process used in govern-
ment works by voicing their opi-
nions through resolutions on
topics concerning state-related
issues. Among issues discussed
were the adoption of new renewal
policies for obtaining N.C.
driver's licenses and using a six-
man jury for certain court cases.
The NCSL delegates were also
informed on how to become more
professional in their careers. In a
talk Saturday morning, Dr. Ed-
ward W. Wheatley of the ECU
School of Business stressed the
importance on how to look, act
and think professionally. Accor-
ding to Wheatley, the professional
knows to have high regard for
privacy and confidentiality,
values his time, distinguishes bet-
ween professional and personal
relationships and has a great deal
of respect for his community and
the world around him.
Kirk Shelley, SGA Speaker of
the Legislature and Delegation
Chairman of the ECU NCSL, said
the weekend was a total success.
"It was outstanding, really. We
put a lot of work into this, and I
think we did a good job, especial-
ly with the candidates' forum. 1
got a lot of good comments on
that, and I was really pleased
SGA President Paul Naso
agreed. "I thought the forum on
Friday was very good and that the
conference was, too NCSL
Governor Mark Lewis, a senior
from UNC-Charlotte, said the
ECU delegation did an outstan-
ding job. "Kirk and the ECU
delegation really went to a lot of
trouble to set up the meeting and
the forum, but they really made it
worth the effort. The forum was a
big sucess, and the conference was
well done, too. The ECU delega-
tion deserves the credit for doing a
great job
The North Carolina Student
Legislature, which had its beginn-
ings in 1937, is a non-profit, non-
partisan organization representing
the opinions of undergraduate
students of 31 technical schools,
colleges, and universities across
the state. Among its alumni have
been Governor James B. Hunt
Jr Charlotte Mayor Eddie
Know, and former U.S. Senator
Robert Morgan.
The North Carolina Student
Legislature, which had its beginn-
ings in 1937, is a non-profit, non-
partisan organization representing
the opinions of undergraduate
students of 31 technical schools,
colleges, and universities across
the state.
( O-New, Mltor
ECU'S radio station, WZMB, is
celebrating it's second anniversary
today, and according to WZMB
Manager Greg Watkins, "It's
come a long way
Assistant Manager Jim Ensor
said that WZMB's first-year mot-
to, "an alternative concept to
radio does not hold true today.
"The big thing that we're striving
for now is simply to serve the
students Ensor said. He added
that students pay for and support
the station, therefore they should
be the first priority. "We're a
campus station and we've quit try-
ing to be anything else Ensor
Much of WZMB's success, En-
sor said, results from "better
management He added, "We're
a lot more organized and we've
simply had time to get things go-
ing�to experiment and train a
good staff
Watkins said that WZMB is
already treated as a station that's
been around a lot longer than it
has. "All of the feedback we've
had has been extremely positive in
terms of the changes we've made
during the last semester and a
half Watkins said.
Media Board Chairman Mark
Niewald agreed. "1 feel that in
just the last year they've come a
long way with a newer, more up-
to-date selection of music "I
think they've done a good job
Watkins said the management
wants to make WZMB the best
student-owned radio station in the
country. "We want to provide the
students with a radio station that
they'd want to listen to Watkins
WZMB has a number of music
programs, including rock, jazz,
soul, classical, new wave, and
contemporary gospel. Contem-
porary gospel music was added
this year.
Because many students and
Greenville residents have com-
plained that the signal either
doesn't reach them or is fuzzy
when it does, Ensor said they arc
trying to expand the listening
radius. "We want to increase our
power to eliminate that he said.
WZMB applied to the Federal
Communications Commission a
year ago requesting a power in-
crease, however, no reply has
been received yet. The station now
covers a six mile radius from Tyler
Residence Hall. " What we would
like to do Ensor said, "is to be
able to cover Greenville extremely
well and cover all of Pitt
Ensor said the station is trying
to rebuild its news department.
"We're reallv working hard on
that Ensor said. WZMB will be
doing local and campus reporting.
Niewald said he would like to see
more local coverage.
The station also plans to get
more involved with the campus
and businesses through promo-
tions. "That's a way to get
publicity and a way to make some
money Ensor said.
Presently, WZMB is operating
on a budget of about $30,000 �
money which comes directly from
student fees.
Money which the station earns
comes in the form of grants. En-
sor said the station usually ar-
ranges something with, for exam-
ple, the Attic, whereby the Attic
brings in a band and WZMB pro-
motes it. "The Attic was behind
us when we first got going En-
sor said. "They gave us some
good contacts and a lot of
Ensor said he wants to en-
courage students to stop by the
station (second floor of Old
Joyner Library) any time. "It is
their radio station and we're in-
terested in hearing what
everybody has to say about it
Ensor said.
Besides Watkins and Ensor, the
executive staff includes the
following: Warren Baker, pro-
gram director; Susan Duncan,
business manager; Michael But-
zgy, news director; Thomas Corn-
ier, production manager; Macon
Dail, chief engineer, and Karen
Dunlap, traffic control.
ECU Gets $158,250 Contract
From ECU News Bureau
East Carolina University has
been awarded a $158,250 contract
by the U.S. Department of Educa-
tion, Office of Vocational and
Adult Education, to develop na-
tional qualitative standards for
business education programs ;at
the secondary, postsecondary and
adult levels. The contract calls for
developing program standards of
excellence which are common to
business education programs, and
instructional standards of ex-
cellence common to the manage-
ment of information processing
"e project will be directed by
Dr. C.C. Calhoun, dean of the
School of Technology.
The 18-month contract is an in-
dication of the Office of Voca-
tional and Adult Education's
commitment to excellence in
education identified as being of
utmost importance by Terrel Bell,
Secretary of Education, Calhoun
"In discussing the goals and
performance priorities of the
Department, Secretary Bell
recently stated: "The promotion
of more effective learning and th
enhancement of excellence must
be the highest priority of the en-
tire Department of Education
during fiscal year 1983
In September, 1982, a commit-
tee of national leaders in business
education was named by Dr.
Robert M. Worthington, Assis-
tant Secretary for Vocational and
Adult Education, to assist the
U.S. Department of education in
the development of recommended
criteria for excellence in business
The Business Education Ad-
visory Committee urged the
Department of Education to em-
phasize business education as a
national priority in achieving ex-
cellence in education, on the con-
tention that our nation must have
a productive society to
surviveEducation for and about
business is a major link between
people and productivity
Calhoun said.
The comittee report said,
"Americans need to understand
the rights and responsibilities of
labor and management in main-
taining a climate of cooperation
and incentives for high produc-
tivity. A healthy economy rests on
a populace educated to produce.
� The East Carolinian Is
presenting today a special
feature on the Student
Government Association. See
News, page 6.
In contributing to the economic
growth and development of our
nation, a strong business educa-
tion program will help to resolve
societal problems such as infla-
tion, unemployment, conssumer
illiteracy and deficit spending by
individuals and by government.
"Ours is a society of business
enterprise. The business environ-
ment is undergoing major
transformation. As a result of
technological advances, change is
accelerating. Therefore, tangible
support must be given in order for
free enterprise to develop and
grow at a healthy rate. Business
education is a broad, comprehen-
sive discipline with appeal to and
value for all youth and adults. It
has the potential to make a signifi-
cant contribution in the effort to
improve the quality of business,
the quality of education, and the
quality of life
National and local advisory
groups will be involved in all
phases of the 18-month project
which was awarded to ECU
through a nationwide competi-
tion, Calhoun said.
HeyLook what I just found down here.
Construction Aids Handicapped;
Wheelchair Ramps Being Installed
Posters Misleading
Sfytt r
Staff Wrtter
Printing on some yearbook
posters is misleading and may be
part of the cause for the slow tur-
nout for photograph sessions this
week, according to Anthony Mar-
tin, associate editor of the Buc-
caneer. Some of the posters adver-
tise senior protraits, but "we want
it known that it is for everybody
Martin said Monday.
The photo session is scheduled
earlier in the semester this year
than in previous years, which may
also be adding to the problem. A
sheet is being painted for display
on the university mall to help clear
up the misunderstanding.
Eight ECU students had pic-
tures taken Monday, while only
six were taken on Tuesday and six
on Wednesday.
Next year's yearbook will in-
clude only pictures taken by the
Buccaneer. Photographs will be
taken until Feb. 17 from 9 a.m. to
12 noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in
the Buccaneer office.
Ricky Creech, like most
students, crosses campus every
day to make it to class. But unlike
most students, Ricky has to battle
early morning traffic in a
wheelchair along the side of Fifth
"I was concerned with Ricky's
own personal safety said C.C.
Rowe, coordinator of Han-
dicaped Student Services. "So I
notified the director of Grenville
Public Works, Mayo Allen
In a joint project with ECU and
the city of Greenville, wheelchair
ramps are being constructed on
seven corners of Fifth Street.
Greenville Public Works sup-
plies the labor, and ECU provides
the cement. "We were not able to
do this sooner because of the lack
of finances said Allen. With
the two organizations working
together, ramps will be installed
throughout the entire Greenville
A ramp must be installed cor-
rectly or it could create damage to
wheelchairs and the occupants.
For every inch in height of a curb,
the ramp must extend one foot. A
six inch curb must render a six
foot long ramp. "Some ramps
were too steep, and we had to
build them again said Allen.
"I'd rather not have a ramp, then
one that is dangerous he added.
The next project for the
ECU�Greenville Public Works
team will be to pave the path from
Memorial Gym to Umstead dorm
along 10th Street.
In order to begin the consruc-
tion, an encroachment easement
permit must be obtained from the
state. Because 10th Street is an ex-
tension off the 264 Bypass, the
permit will allow the commission
to place a sidewalk along a state
highway. This sidewalk will also
provide handicap ramps.
Anytime the Greenville Public
Works Commission renovates, ac-
comodations for the handicapped
are included. "Someday, maybe
not in my time, all intersections
will have wheelchair ramps
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FEBRUARY 2. 1984
The East Carolinian
Sernnt the campus community
timer 192
Published every Tuesday and
Thursday during me academic
year and every Wednesday dur
ing me summer
The East Carolinian is frte of
ficlai newtpaper of East
Carolina University owned
operated and published for and
by rhe students of East Carolina
Subscripttea Rate MS yearly
The Cast Carolinian offices
�re located In the Old South
tulMlne on the campus of ECU
Oreei�vHi� N C
POSTMASTER Send address
changes to The East Carolinian
Old Soum Building ECU Green
vme NC VVU
Telephone M7-SJ4 �J7 �ja�
Sexual FuWIImajnl Making j' good
tor yOvi and your partner when' Feb
11 " Speight 17� at 7 30pm Or Kno
�rom me sociology dept win be the
Sues' speaker Ps Chi hopes to see
�ov mere
The deadline for applications for
membership In Psi Chi is March 2
nave you applied to me National
Honor Soc eN In PsychologyIf you
? "ave 8 hours in psychology by me
oae of me spring semester and you
art a sophomore and have a II a
,unior ano have � J'or� senior ana
have) �;i men what are vou waiting
Dv Chr members don't forget
about the Preve" anc Wray Scholar
shtpl avaiabie to you mrough Psi
- Ick up vour application in the
3� "n library Speight 202
Tie ss'ers of Eta Mu Chapter
Sigma Gamma Rho Sororify I IK In
, � a'i nterested ladies to attend
-� formal rush on Feb � a' 7 30
" me Coffeehouse Be someone
spet al ge' .nvolved with S G Rho
as-et of Rovai blue and gold
T� n�x1 General Meeting of Gam
ma Beta P" I be held in Jenkins
Ar' m on Thursday
�' � 1 a 00 p hi AH members
B'ease e"enc and ,rv to remember
Kal membership fees are due
"Founders Day" Is right around
the corner Brothers Feb 11 Is the
day the Pi Kapps get down and party
Dinner for the Brothers Is from a 30
1 00 p m cocktails follow from e 30
9 30 p m and then the party really
gets cranking at 9 30 p.m Grab your
date before its to late
The "Pi Kappa Ptii weekly film
review starts mis Friday after Hap
py Hour at the house You should be
there by 7 X p m to get a full view
The Student union Special Events
Committee will meet on Tuesday
February 7. 1M, at 5 15PM In room
212 of Mendenhall Student Center All
members and interested persons are
urged to attend
There will be a meeting to plan tor
the Spnng Banquet and for Protes
sional Social Work Month, Monday
Feb � at 4 30 p m Pictures will be
made following the meeting for me
Students wishing to apply for posi
tions as SGA legislators apply at the
SGA Office, second floor of
Mendenhall Positions available for
day representatives. Scott dorm
representative Fleming dorm, and
graduate vie president Deadline is
February 13
Nominations will be accepted for
'he intramural Miller High Life
Player of the Month, through
February 9 So if you know an in
tramural participant who exhibits
sportsmanship ability, versillty and
knowledge of spor' rules, come by the
intramural office and nominate them
tor Player of the Month
For all interested members there
will be a Panel Discussion on the Job
Market in Recreation it will be held
or Tues Feb 7 at 7 30 p m in the
Mult! Purpose Room a' Mendenhall
Be part of the organization mat co
sponsored the Gubernatorial Can
didates Forum There is still more
fun left for the rest of the semester
Come to room 212 Mendenhall Mon
day at 7 Mprn
Fresh Home
Cooked Fries
Subs 99C
Best Meal Plan
in Town
$24.00 A Week
Blue Moon Cafe
205 E. 5th St. .
(Across from Apple Records)
Camp SiAFAmm
COUNSELORS at Camp Sea (.oil (boys) aad Camp
Seafarer (flrla). Serrtag at � camp counselor it a
caatValt� and rewardiag opportunity to work with
yoaag people, agea 7-16. Sea Gall and Seafarer are
health and character developaseat camp located oa the
eoaat of North Carolina aad feature sailing, motor
, pi many usual camping ac-
a wide variety of major tporta.
QaaMflcarJoM include � genuine Interest la young peo-
ple, ahttty to 'attract la oae phase of the camps' pro-
grams, aad esieleat references For farther Informa-
tion, ami application, please write a brief resume of
la areatj) skilled to Don Cheek,
r. Camp Sea Gull Seafarer, P.O. Box 10976,
I, North Carolina 27605
The Society of United Liberal
Students will have a meeting Thurs
day, February 2 at 7 00 p.m. Tha
meeting will be held in Mendenhall in
room 221 All Interested students are
invited to attend this meeting
The Career Planning and Place
menf Service In the Bloxton House Is
offering these one hour sessions to aid
you in developing better interviewing
skills tor use In your ob search A
film and discussion of how to inter
view mrough this service will be
shared Each session will be held in
the Career Planning Room at 3 p.m
Come on any of the following dates
February 2,8,13, or 21
inter Varsity Is a Christian
Fellowship that meets on Wednesday
nights at 6 30 p m In Jenkins
Auditorium Come and join us tor a
time of tun, fellowship, and praising
the Lord!
The members of me sign language
club are scheduled to get their pic
tures taken for the yearbook Thurs
day. February 2 at 6 00 p.m In
Mendenhall Room 244 immediately
following we are going to the Golden
Corral, on 264 By Pass for a silent
meal See ya their
The Student union Maior Attrac
tions Committee will meet on
Wednesday. February 8 1984, at 8 15
P M in Room 212 of Mendenhall Stu
dent Center All members and in
terested persons are urged to attend
The East Carolina Racquetban
Club will have a meeting Tues , Feb
7 at 6 p.m In Memorial Gym room
102A We will discuss about new of
fleers election and up coming events
(Clinics, club tournament, state tour
nament, etcAll members or anyone
interested all welcome Call Wayne
754-9175 or Raymond 757-0208 for
more info
The Student Council For Excep
tional Children is having a business
meeting Monday. February 4 at 4 00
p m in Speight 129 Please join us!
All interested students mark your
calendar for Camp Day on Tuesday
Jan 31 Visit Mendenhall Student
Center, room 244. from 11 am to 3 pm
and take a look at a large selection of
camps providing opportunities tor
summer jobs Many different job
classifications to choose from The
following camps will be represented
NC 4 H Camps in various locations.
Camp Thurrwjerbird a� Lake Wylie
(Near Charlotte N C Camp
Mardee in Blounts Creek. N C . Camp
Cheerio in Roaring Gap. N C
O'Berry Center In Golosboro N C .
Friendly Day Camp in Raleigh, N C
Camp Graham in Henderson, N C
Camp Rockmonf an Camp Hollymonf
in Black Mountain, N C , Camp
Dogwood in Snerrllls Ford, NC, YM
CA Camp Hanes in King. N.C , Camp
Albemarle in Newport, N.C , Camp
Rockflsh In Raleigtv N.C . Camp
Seagull and Camp Seafarer in
Arapahoe N C . Camp Don Lee and
Camp Chestnut Ridge in Raleigh
Tonight our meeting will be held at
the Hardy residence, 1721 Circle
Drive Maps art available at the In
formation desk at Mendenhall
Following our meeting we will have a
social to celebrate Ronald Reagan's
decision to continue as President For
more Information call 758 0941 or
752 4418
All students who plan to declare
physical education as a maior should
report to Mlnges Coliseum at 1:00
p.m. Wednesday, February 8 for a
motor and physical fitness test.
Satisfactory performance on this test
Is required as a prerequlslt for of
ficlai admittance to the physical
education maor program More
detailed Information Is available by
calling 757 4441 Or 4442
The Student Dietetic Association
will be meeting tor the first time mis
year on Tuesday, February 7 at 5:30
p.m. The meeting will be held in the
dining hall, room 121 Everyone Is in
vited to participate In the fun and
help start the new year off rlghti
Leave your mark on ECU
Become a charter member of ECU'S
newest fraternity Theta Chi Here's
an opportunity to build a fraternity
that YOU will be proud of me rest of
your life Come to our organizational
meeting on Wednesday, Feb 8 at 7; 30
p.m in Brewster D 102 and learn
more about Theta Chi Go Greek and
do It your way! 1!
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service in the Bloxton House is
offering one hour sessions to help you
prepare your own resume Few
graduates get jobs without some
preparation Many employers re
quest a resume showing your educa
tion and experience Sessions to help
will be held In me Career Planning
Room at 3 p.m Come on any of the
following dates February 1,9,14, or
It's summer camp employment
time Are you interested Summer
Camp representatives will be in
Mendenhall Student Center, from
11 00 am to 3 00 pm Tuesday
January 31. to interview students in
terested m summer employment
Jobs available include but are not
limited to Counselors. Lifeguards
Cooks and dietitians. Nurses, Arts
and crafts directors. Waterfront
Assistants. Sailing and canoeing
directors Recreation Counselors,
Persons skilled in swimming, ritlery,
nature lore horseback riding, sports
and other areas
These positions will provide
valuable work experience and salary
Some iobs will involve working with
handicapped campers
job information is available In the
Cooperative Education Office, 313
Rawi Bidg
Summer Camp Employment Day is
sponsored by the following offices
Career Planning and Placement
Cooperative Education, Counseling
Center, Handicapped Student Ser
vices Program for Hearing Imparted
Students, and Parks, Recreation, and
Contact the Cooperative Education
Office, 313 Rawt Btdg Telephone
757 4979 or 757 4375 immediately to
arrange interviews
The ECU Adult Education Assocla
tlon announces Its 19S4 membership
drive. The association Is interested In
practitioners, students, and those
who are Interested In or otherwise In
volved with teaching or training
adults The purpose of the organlza
tlon Is to keep up with current trends
In the field, provide a social setting
whereby members may meet and
discuss ideas and Issues, and to aug
ment professionalism by increasing
communication, scholastic achieve
ment, and research in the field.
Membership dues are only 15.00 per
year. Those Interested may write the
ECUAEA, Office of Adult Education.
School of Education, East Carolina
'�versify, Greenville, N.C. 27S34
Feb 14 Dance Factory, Short Novel
Masterpieces, and Conversational
German. Feb 21 Camera and
Guitar Contact Continuing Educa
tlon, Erwin Hall
The international Students
Association will be meeting on Satur
day, February 4 at 4 00 pm at
Mendenhall Student Center Room
221 All members and new interested
students are welcome!
If you didn't find what you were
looking tor at Fraternity Rush, or if
you mink fraternity life is not for you.
come visit Theta Chi Theta Chi is the
newest fraternity on campus, so now
is the perfect time to oln and make
this brotherhood all the YOU want it
to be There will be an organizational
meeting for all interested men on
Wednesday, February 8 at 7 X p m
in Brewster D 102
There's no time like me present to
participate In some of the best
Ultimate Frlsbee playing on Campus,
so put on your Ultimate playing attire
every Tuesday, Thursday and Sun
day and BE at the bottom of the hill at
3 00 pm Get involved in the Frlsbee
Club now The high flying Plastic
feeling is coming on strong to a
superlative Spring semester Impor
tant The next Frisbee Club meeting
will be Monday. Feb 4. Mendenhall
Rm 248. membership tees ($101 are
due in order to get our New Jersey's
for the Hot Spring Semester Club
members are urged to attend the
meeting Same as It ever Was
The ECU Law Society will hold its
first meeting of the semester on
Thursday, February 2 at 7 30 pm In
Mendenhall Rm 212 Faculty advisor
Dr David Stevens will speak at me
meeting Also, plans will be made for
upcoming trips Members and others
who are Interested are invited to at
N.C Parks and Recreation offers
employment opportunities for
seasonal employees for the period of
approximately June 1 mrough Labor
Day. Applicants must agree to report
back to duty for the Labor Day
weekend to be considered This Is a
condition of employment A variety of
positions are available Application
deadline Is March 15, 1984 Apply at
the Coop office, 313 Rawl Building
The East Carolina Gay Community
will have a wine and cheese social
February 4 at 730 p.m The social
will be held at the Catholic Newman
Center, 953 E 10th st (at the bottom
of College Hill). Bring your favorite
wine or cheese and come socialize!
All interested persons are cordially
Invited to attend
There will be a membership drive
social for the ECU Computer Science
Club at Pizza inn on Greenville
Boulevard on Thursday, February 2
from 5 8 pm Membership cost is
(3 00 and all are welcome
The Counseling Center is offering a
mini series on "How to do well on
standardized tests such as GRE,
MCAT. LSAT" on Thursday.
February 2 from 3 5 pm in X5 Wright
Annex No advance registration is
needed For more information call
757 4441
The outdoor recreation center is
sponsoring horseback riding trips to
Jarman's stables each Tuesday after
noon Transportation and an uninter
rupted hour of horseback riding are
provided for 85 00 Advanced
registration Is available by calling
the outdoor recreation center
(757 4911) Mondays and Fridays from
lpm to 5 p m , Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 2pm 3 30 p m Get
together with a few friends, make it
available for the whole hail or come
by yourself and meet some new
The NC Institute of Government
Summer Internrogram provides 24
Internships in government for
outstanding students from a variety
of academic backgrounds Students
must have completed their
sophomore year to be eligible Ap
plication deadline is February 7 Con
tact the Coop office. 313 Rawi
Building to apply
Don't miss this chance to
wants a mature, self motivated per
son who knows how to opera'e an IBM
38 on Jhe 3rd shift (night) Make an
appointment now m Rawl J13 to apply
for this job
The Student union and 'be Art E�
hlblflon Committee invites all ECU
Students to enter the 1984 Illumine
Art Competition Works will be ac
cepted from 12 4 p m on Triday.
February 3. 1984 in Room 244 of
Mendenhall Student Center The en
tries are $2 00 per piece with a limit of
three entries per artist Awards con
slst of Best in Show 8300 00. First
Place 8200 00. Second Place 8150 00
Third Place $100 00 and Honorable
Mentions $25 00 lllumina Come ex
perlence it
SGA Representatives are needed
for Flemming and Scott Dorms a day
representative ana a graduate vice
president Pick up an application at
the SGA office in Mendenhall
Deadline for applications will be
February 4 Get involved1 !
There are still some spaces
available 'or the spring break rip to
West va Contace Jo Saunaers a'
757 4000 Memorial Gym 205 tor ntor
mation on the coiieg-a'e sx seryices
Approximately 115 iobs are
available in this program Pj, ?
$3 73hr for full time positions
Beginning June 1 August 10. '984
Students must have finished ,rie r
sophomore year and have a 2 5 GPA
Graduate students are also eligible to
apply Application deadline is
February 7 interested stude's
should contact the Coop office 33
Rawi Bldg H interested De'a s
about this program wtll be presented
at our regular Coop seminars
scheduled for January 11 from 12
noon to 1 PM ana Janua'r 12 ?'0m 4 5
PM .n 306 Rawl Bidg
We nave received me Feoerai Sum
mer job Booklet in our if you
are interested please come to me Co
op office. 313 Rawi B'dg as soor as
possible Many of the deadlines are -
the ver near future Students wtfft
less man a 3 5 GPA nave only -
slim chance of being chosen �
will be happy to help you compie'e
and man the required forms
upper classmer nte'ested n EC J
Athletics ma, earn extra mooe.
tutoring athletes Areas needed in
POLS. ElTh SPED ChEM a. Aii.eo
HLTH Profess.ors tor rtir, ceil
757 6282 during the day
Strike II up imU'�i Co Ke
Bowimg Registration will be heic
sbruary 6 a"d Teams cons'S' of 3
men and 7 women Piay will be he d
a Menaenna Student Center Fk
more information contact 'he
tramural office a' 757 &JJ7
The Reggie Swinson Serv ce Awa
,s a 'ecogn Won aard for an ouTs'a'
dng Residence L e S'uoent staH
Tfror if you would ' ks
nomma'e a -if' StaH member se
our Hal) Director or a copy o . ns
Spaces ?or a w nation forrr-
Mominat ors arill be accep'e
Fridat February M, !9ft4 For more
information concerning HMS aware
see Hall Director
II yCHj nave at eas' to �ears of coi
lege kefl you can speno v� eeks a'
our Army ROTC Basic Came �-
Summer and ear appro a'e �
S60C Anc if you qua't. (Oucjf't-
the ROTC 7 year program Hi s 'a
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can also compete �or a I
Dased or ,or pertor� r a' e a'
cac There, arill be an
session or- Fee ; from i - me
Menaenna- Student Center cof
�eehouse For more ntormat on cor
tacfCPT Hatdur L va� a' '5' 696'
' ov a'e nteresfec . ��
lacrosse oc o the bottom -
-evca. and Thursdays �
p.m to 5 p m a� a ready - ���
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n vs and Apr p ease come Out
now For more -itcw � Z" i
� �� a 4999
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capital and lower case letters
Return to the Media Board
secretary by 3 pm the day
before publication
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(CPS) What began as a
"mysterious omission"
in the brochures describ-
ing the University of
Virginia's student heaJth
insurance has turned into
a campus-wide fray over
funding student abor-
A number of students
now want to make in-
surance coverage for
abortions an option at
Virginia, although efforts
to "split" insurance have
failed at other campuses
A group of University
of California students,
for example, lost an
withhold the
their student
that went tol
tion counsehi
U.S. Supreme,
ed against the
And thouj
common for
have separai
costs for pr
surance, it i
cording to
Dunkle of I
ed sepa-
All personsinterested
may do soin 228 Nlej
through5 p.m Nl
The Rebel
Is Ready
MiC � nit
The 1984 Rebel, the
ECU literary magazine.
has been prepared
publication as of
deadline Tuesday after-
noon. Editor Ellen
Moore said. "It's going
to be wonderful There
are wonderful illustra-
tions, very professional
This year's Rebel a
sists of seven pi
pieces, twenty-six poem.
and numerous art works
Moore said eighteen new
art works armed last
Moore said pieces were
submitted not just by
ECU students. "One
story came from a guy in
Louisville, Kentucky who
studied under a professor
now working at ECU
she said.
Rebel staff members
worked continuously J
throughout the weekend,
and finished the final J
copy at 7 a.m. Tuesday. ,
Adding to the success of
this year's Rebel was the
hiring of a new art direc-
tor, senior art student
Dwight Touchberry, who
put in several hours com-
pleting the issue.
Printed copies of 1984
edition, published
through Josten
Publishing Company, is
expected to arrive at
ECU by the second or
third week in March.

c .mi 'fi t-eoeral Sum
v � office If you
� pieaM come to tt co-
. 3'3 a� Bog as soon as
� �� - the aeadines are in
hjr� Students with
�p4 lave only a
� M ig vnosen we
te "e;p you complete
-v red '�mi
�e-esfeo n ECU
t) ea f�� money
J � A-eas -eeOeJ IN
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For into call
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�1M For more
� 1 aware
"v�e �ears of col
� ipe t x MeeKs a'
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ipproa mately
a"1 enter
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I O � -ear YOU
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� -nation
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na1 on con
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"i oortom of college
-V3a�s r0m 3
Mt � -eacv have
i State ana Duke
IM come out
' :
at wmrtyw
'Omission' Causes Uproar Over A bortion
(CPS) What began as a
mysterious omission"
in the brochures describ-
ing the University of
Virginia's student health
insurance has turned into
a campus-wide fray over
funding student abor-
A number of students
now want to make in-
surance coverage for
abortions an option at
Virginia, although efforts
to "split" insurance have
failed at other campuses.
A group of University
of California students,
for example, lost an
eight-year battle to
withhold the portion of
their student health fees
that went toward abor-
tion counseling when the
U.S. Supreme Court rul-
ed against them in 1983 .
And though it is very
common for colleges to
have separate coverage
costs for pregnancy in-
surance, it is illegal, ac-
cording to Margaret
Dunkle of the Equality
Center in Washington,
Students who challeng-
ed separate pregnancy
coverage at Stanford last
spring, she says, suc-
cessfully forced the
university to cover
pregnancy and pregnancy
Dunkle says all such
separate coverages are
vulnerable to student ap-
peals. "Where it has been
raised, it has generally
been fixed" because of
Title IX of the Higher
Education Amendments
of 1972.
Title IX forbids
schools receiving federal
funds to discriminate on
the basis of gender.
Anti-abortion Virginia
students, oddly enough,
are challenging the
university's coverage of
abortion on Title IX
grounds. They say it
discriminates against
men, who must pay for
coverage they'll never use
Student Council
members John Doyon
and Rory Clark introduc-
ed a measure to make
abortion coverage op-
tional "so that those not
wanting to directly sup-
port abortion don't have
to Doyon says.
So Doyon and Clark
"took some initiative" by
writing a letter.l to be in-
cluded in all insurance
mail students receive,
alerting students to the
automatic coverage.
They also asked univer-
sity lawyer George Grat-
ton, who, Doyon says,
told them Title IX
doesn't cover student in-
surance because the in-
surance is optional.
"If all students were
required to buy the
policy, then it would be
different Doyan was
Gratton wouldn't return
reporters' repeated phone
The issue of whether all
school programs are
covered under Title IX -
as opposed to just those
campus programs receiv-
ing federal funds - is, in
fact, unresolved.The
U.S. Supreme Court ex-
pects to deliver a Title IX
ruling sometime later in
For the moment,
Doyon has proposed a
plan, recommended by
the school's insurance
company, that would
make students who want
4tae Yev (so erY ' iAyfcp ft
JW FpRW! Leo de'
�rJ' P?2. tt Hfc' fcftf'Hk
Am' fHkJct H� tO�6f!
abortion coverage pay an
extra dollar for it.
Students Health Com-
mittee (SHC) Chairman
Richard Keeling,
however, says Doyon is
being unrealistic.
The cost of the abor-
tion coverage would de-
pend on how many
students uuy it. The SHC
estimates students would
end up paying about $150
extra, not $1.
In that case, Keeling
says, it would "probably
cost as much to buy the
coverage as it would be to
have an abortion
Moreover, "a lot of
women here are very con-
cerned. Eliminating this
coverage places them at
some considerable risk
Keeling observes.
Last school year, the
campus health service
referred 100-150 Virginia
women for abortions, he
About 40 percent of
the students responding
to a survey favor in-
stituting some kind of
dual insurance system.
Reeling's committee,
however, is weighing
Doyon's plan, and will
make its recommenda-
tions in the spring.
Read The
Valentines as special
as your feelings
Mate thus Valentine s Day one to be remembered with
a very special Valentine from our Ambassador collection
for Tuesday February 14 Geaming foil, shimmering
hearts, intricate lacey cut-outs and much more aSma
Valentine that will become a treasured teepsate.
� 1984 Ambassador Ca'Os a csiviS'C- o MaMar Card! Wc
Student Supply Store
All persons interested in applying for elections chairperson
may do so in 228 Mendenhall Student Center from 8 a.m.
through 5 p.m Monday through Friday.
The Rebel
Is Ready
SUff Writer
The 1984 Rebel, the
ECU literary magazine,
has been prepared for
publication as of its
deadline Tuesday after-
noon. Editor Ellen
Moore said, "It's going
to be wonderful. There
are wonderful illustra-
tions, very professional
This year's Rebel con-
sists of seven prose
pieces, twenty-six poems,
and numerous art works.
Moore said eighteen new
art works arrived last
Moore said pieces were
submitted not just by
ECU students. "One
story came from a guy in
Louisville, Kentucky who
studied under a professor
now working at ECU
she said.
Rebel staff members J
worked continuously!
throughout the weekend
and finished the final
copy at 7 a.m. Tuesday.
Adding to the success of
this year's Rebel was the
hiring of a new art direc-
tor, senior art student
Dwight Touchberry, who
put in several hours com-
pleting the issue.
Printed copies of 1984
edition, published
through Josten
Publishing Company, is
expected to arrive at
ECU by the second or
third week in March.
Wasfi Pub
"If you have to do your own Laundry, do it in style
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�Jfe lEaat (Earalittian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
C.Hunter Fisher.
Darru Brown, wa��,fcAar
Jennifer Jendrasiak. co-Ntm.�
Lizanne Jennings, ���
Gordon Ipcxk, emmmmm emt
Ed Nicki as sport, Edit
Mark Barker, onvhtwi mo
J.T. PlETRZAK, Dvwctor of Advertising
Mike McPartland, �w.�xw�,�
Tom Norton, m w�
KATHY FL'ERST, Prodttcnon Waiw�rr
Mike Mayo, r�-Aumsuper
hcbruar 2, 1983
Page 4
Welfare Committee Takes Action
The SGA Student Welfare Com-
mittee should be lauded for its latest
effort, a simple survey of student
opinion on a hodgepodge of issues
affecting the campus. The idea is
simple but much needed and well
worth the effort. There is hardly a
more direct, effective way available
to get down in black and white those
myriad complaints students often
make while over the lunch counter
or sitting around dorm rooms.
As the SGA contends is its job
(see special feature, page 6), the
committee is collecting and
tabulating valid comments to pre-
sent student opinion to the universi-
ty administration (as well as other
such campus organizations touching
students' lies as The East Caroli-
nian). The organizations and the ad-
ministration then have a tangible
base from which to work for stu-
dent welfare.
Believe it or not, many frequent
complaints among students are not
always as obvious to those who can
change it. And as students often feel
there is no medium through which
to voice their opinions, ideas or
complaints (or compliments) they
usually go unsaid, and thus not
acted upon.
The survey will hopefully become
an annual event, or better yet, be
taken each semester. Too, it could
be done on a larger scale, perhaps
over two or three days andor two
or three locations. Perhaps the
larger survey set for later this
semester will reach those students
who didn't stop by the Student Sup-
ply Store between 8:30 a.m. and
12:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The SGA, and especially the Stu-
dent Welfare Committee, only
enhances its reputation by giving
voice to those issues students most
complain about or dislike; no one
can claim the organization does
nothing but hand out money when it
reaches out to address those pro-
blems directly affecting students
and seeks to change them.
President's Clear-Cut Opinions
Define Positions Of Both Parties
If Ronald Reagan has done anything
during the last three years that everyone
in the capital agrees on, it is the act of
defining the 1984 campaign issues. He
has refused to be complacent in a city
filled with contentedness toward the
bureaucratic status quo. He has in-
vigorated both parties with a sense of
purpose and in the process his conser-
vatism has excavated a long lost goal
that once existed between the
Republicans and Democrats.
Academicicans have still yet to decide
whether Reagan and his coattail writers
from the '80 election contstitute a
reallignment of the political system.
Some say '82's election was evidence
against it, but, any casuaJ follower of
the political scene knows the president's
policies have drawn a dividing line that
has politicians and all Americans toeing
it. If you belive in tax cuts, carriers,
supply side and God in the classroom,
chances are that Ronnie will get your
knod. If getting out of El Salvador,
talking with Yuri's boys and mending
the safety nets are your bags, then your
likely to pick one the of the Democratic
Not since Franklin Roosevelt has one
man had so much impact on the coun-
try's politics. Reagan has changed the
way pam labels are perceived. And
perception, as a wise man once said, are
the true realities of life.
Democrats, especially the eight men
wanting Ronnie's job, are proclaiming
America is in a sad state. "We are
heading for economic destruction
they say. "We live in an uncaring and
militaristic nation Yet, Republicans,
looking at the same America are saying
that we can now stand tall. "America is
back" they shout, though obviously not
loud enough for everyone to hear.
How can two sides look at the same
situation and see things so differently?
Well, that's politics. True partisian,
red-white-and-blue, baby-kissing,
handshaking, American politics. This is
what President Reagan has done. He
has confronted America with his dream
for it, and in the process has uncovered
the Democratic counter dream.
So, as the election train leaves the sta-
tion, most Americans now know more
clearly who they are and what they
stand for. The polarized American elec-
torate is not a sleepy one, as in years
past. No, it is an aware, galvanized
force eager to support one of the men
seeking the Oval Office.
Democrats now support one of eight,
but no matter if their man loses the
nomination or not, they will still be
steadfastly against the president and
Republicans. They will support their
man, who most certainly will be former
Vice President Walter Mondale.
The teams will be "the Reagans" and
the "Anyone but Reagans Thus is
how the president has split Americans
back into a viable, two-party
Mr. Mondale will say less to defense
and more to social programs. Mr.
Reagan will say "No way, Walter
And .Americans will cheer both, and in
the end the system will work and we will
have chosen our country's course. The
election will be simple and, because of
this, very important. Americans will
choose the future, for better or worse,
for right or wrong.
We have been impowered to govern
ourselves for more than 200 years. It is
an awsome responsibility; one we and
our leaders axe obligated to take
seriously. Mr. Reagan has pointed us in
a bold, new direction. He has shown us
his way and structured the moments of
the last three years. He is to be com-
mended for defining our choices,
whether we choose him again or not.
Life In N.C. Misperceived From Klan Shooting Incident
The guy beside me tossed out the usual
opening remark between strangers on a ski
lift: "So where you from?"
"Home of the ECU Pirates
"Only top-20 football team in the coun-
try that isn't going to a bowl
"It's a town in North Carolina
"Oh We studied about that place in
school. That's where the Ku Klux Klan
goes around gunning down black people in
the street, and then they let'em go scot-
free. They showed us a film on that
Whether it's football or shoot-outs in the
street, the national media has no qualms
about distorting the truth concerning this
state, and neither do bleeding-heart liberal
teachers in Colorado � or anyplace else.
I set the guy straight on the facts that his
teacher failed to tell him. Of the five men
killed on Nov. 3, 1979 in Greensboro N.C,
only one was black � four were white all
were members of the Communist Workers
Party, a small band of Maoists who believ-
ed in using armed force to bring about the
violent overthrow of the U.S. government
and usher in the new socialsit order. In
previous months the group had tried with
no success to organize socialist labor
unions in area textile mills. Out of frustra-
tion, the radical white intellectuals decided
to use Greensboro's black community to
further their cause. They reasoned that
poor blacks, having a natural fear and
hatred for the Klan, would be sympathetic
to their communist cause if the blacks saw
them in a confrontation with the white
The Maoists organized a "Death to the
Klan" rally and staged it in the middle of a
low-income black neighborhood. They had
bought ads in the local press stating: "The
KKK is one of the most treacherous scum
elements produced by capitalism. We
challenge you to attend our rally in
Rednecks will be rednecks, and the Klan
with a few Nazis as sidekicks came rolling
predictably into said neighborhood. Both
sides were armed with firearms. The white
communists had organized locals within
the neighborhood into a protest group.
Taunts and insults were exchanged, and
members of the crowd began pelting the
Klan cars with rocks and sticks. A shot was
fired. The Klan bailed out of their cars and
began pulling firearms out of their trunks.
After an 88-second gun battle, it was ap-
parent � five to zip � that working-class
rednecks are much better with guns than
white communists with advanced university
It didn't matter that none of the
Klansmen, Nazis or cummunists were from
Greensboro, that they had just found it a
convenient place for a shoot-out. It didn't
matter that it wasn't a blackwhite con-
frontation, but a Klan commie
rumble.(The Klan, although still racist,
lists communists far above blacks on its
enemies list.) The national media predic-
tably labeled the shooting a racial conflict.
Mewsweek headline ran, "The Old South
and Time dug into Greensboro's racial pro-
blems of two decades ago looking for con-
nections. Civil rights groups called the inci-
dent a major setback for blacks. Bleeding
hearts across the nation were shocked that
communists could be gunned down by
fascists in the street.
When the facts came out at the trial, the
Klansmen and Nazis were found not guilty,
essentially on the grounds that they acted in
It is also worth noting that the com-
munists were not pacifists, but advocated
violence. One said after' le incident, "Talk
is only a guide to action. There has to be
some bloodshed And they had no qualms
about using the black neighborhood �
with callous indifference to the safety of
men, women and children � for a stage in
their showdown with the Klan. They cared
not that innocent people might be killed or
wounded; they thought only of publicizing
their own cause.
These facts were ignored by bleeding
hearts in Colorado and elsewhere who
sucked up on the slanted reports of the na-
tional media. The communists, who were
responsible for creating the entire tragedy,
gained public sympathy. Public outrage
swelled against the Klan, and now the
federal government has stepped in to
change the verdict of this state's courts.
Bruce E. Koenig, a magnetic tape
specialist and the prosecution's key
witness, was the expert witness for the
defense in the previous trial. Now the
recordings sound differently to Koenig.
He says his theories have changed since
the first trial. And Mark Sherer, one of
the Klansmen involved in the shoot-out,
was the prosecution's star witness, crucial
to their case. He was set to testify against
his comrades but has suddenly backed
down from the plea-bargain deal offered
him. Basically, he is reneging on the
testimony he gave to a grand jury and
special prosecutor this summer. The pro-
Campus Forum
secution has threatened him with five
99-year terms in prison if he doesn't stick
to their deal.
But the present charges are what seem
most absurd. It's obvious the Klansmen
blew away the commies, and then they
beat the murder charges because the state
couldn't prove definitively that they
weren't acting in self-defense. Now the
federal courts are trying to say they
violated the commies' civil rights. How?
The commies threw a party; the Klan were
the guests of honor, and they went. The
rally would have been a flop without
If anyone should have been charged
with conspiracy to deprive civil rights, it
should have been communist survivors.
They conspired and planned the "Death
to the Klan Rally and in so doing, they
used, manipulated and injured the black
community of Greensboro and once again
cast the tainted suspicion of communist
association on the black cause for social
justice. Likewise, the communists used
and duped the Klan. The only justice was
that the Klan killed five of the com-
munists in the process.
Gubernatorial Day Called A 'Success'
The recent gubernatorial forum neld
on the campus of East Carolina
University was an unqualified success.
I heartily applaud the ECU delegation
to the North Carolina Student
Legislature for organizing and spon-
soring a truly first-class event. In addi-
tion to being professionally conducted,
the forum addressed the critical issues
which voters would consider when
selecting our next governor.
May I also suggest that we in Green-
ville remember those candidates who
thought it important to participate in
our forum when we cast votes in the
upcoming primaries and general elec-
tion. Tom Gilmore, Eddie Knox, Jim-
my Green, John Ingram and Jim Mar-
tin thought it worthwhile to come to
our campus and provide us, as voters
and citizens of North Carolina, an op-
portunity to see and hear them discuss
the future of our great state. Whether
or not we agree with their respective
positions on the issues, we must tip our
hats to all of the candidates for bring-
ing their campaigns to the people of
eastern North Carolina.
The successful sponsorship of this
event is an excellent example of East
Carolina University asserting itself as a
leader among the universities of this
state. Furthermore, the standing room
only crowd is intensely interested in the
critical issues of our time. I hope the
editors of The East Carolinian will take
note of Friday's tournout and cease ac-
cusing ECU students of being
"apathetic" and of having "misplaced
values (Jan. 26 editorial page of The
East Carolinian) Rock music is most
certainly not our main interest. When a
worthwhile event comes to our campus
it receives our support. My only hope is
that our student leaders will continue
to be bold enough and outstanding
enough to sponsor such meaningful
Robert E. Martin
Graduate Student
Public Administration
Yes On U.N.I.T.E.D.
Mr. Ipock's article on the black con-
servatives was refreshing. How great to
hear a different black perspective!
ECU should be very proud of its
U.N.I.T.E.D. members and realize
that North Carolina needs thousands
more men and women like the Simp-
sons, who �are committed to working
within the system to obtain their goals
instead of whining about being under-
Wouldn't other states be awe-struck
by the changes that U.N.I.T.E.D.
could effect in employment programs
and other much-needed benefits for
blacks? Using that intelligent, conser-
vative approach, they could free
themselves from dependence on the
altruism of liberal leaders, or rather,
on the professed altruism of those
It's a shame that Jesse Jackson will
get most of the black vote. He's a great
example of the adage "a mind is a ter-
rible thing to waste
Kim Albm
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old
South Building, across from Joyner
For purposes of verification, all let-
ters must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and signature of the authorfsj. Letters
are limited to two typewritten pages,
double-spaced or neatly printed. All
letters are subject to editing for brevi-
ty, obscenity and libel, and no personal
attacks will be permitted. Students,
faculty and staff writing letters for this
page are reminded that they are limited
to one every five issues.
Student Opin
Experfattce preferred bt
The Efts CafafesUaa, on
Joyner Library. MetMtayi
Puzzle A
B A 5
pTc-4 c
pi pi
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I e Reagan-v" and
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Aork and we will
country's course. The
imple and, because of
mam. Americans will
for better or worse,
.vered 10 go ern
2 � ears It is
nsib: ne w,e and
gated to take
rag I pointed us in
He has shown us
j the moments of
r He is to be com-
ng our choices,
lose him again or not.
uid have been charged
to deprive civil rights, it
In communist survivors,
md planned the "Death
' and in so doing, they
;d and injured the black
reensboro and once again
suspicion of communist
le black cause for social
the communists used
Ian The only justice was
i five of the com-
hat intelligent, conser-
they could free
dependence on the
Jral leaders, or rather,
rd altruism of those
hat Jesse Jackson will
lack vote He's a great
idage "a mind is a ter-
Kim Albin
m Rules
!inian welcomes letters
vints of view. Mail or
cur office in the Old
across from Joyner
of verification, all let-
lie the name, major and
fddress, phone number
the author(s). Letters
fwo typewritten pages,
)r neatly printed. All
:t to editing for brevi-
libel, and no personal
permitted. Students,
writing letters for this
fed that they are limited
Student Opinion
Would You Vote For Reagan?
President Reagan announced his bid
for re-election on the Republician
ticket Sunday. Students were asked
how they viewed Reagan's past 4 years
as president. They were also asked who
they would vote for in the upcoming
presidential election.
Molly HarreU, Library Science,
Sophomore "I'm going to vote for
Reagan because of his Defense Pro-
gram. He has helped reduce inflation.
He is also a strong man. I will go home
and vote for Reagan
Belinda Williams, General College,
Freshman � "I like his economic
policies because the economy and
employment is up, but 1 don't like his
foriegn policies. The Marines should
come out of Lebanon. They don't
serve any purpose there. I disagree so
strongly with his foreign policies. I
wouldn't vote for him again. I'm
afraid we would get into a war
Jeff Gould, Senior, Industrial
Technology "Yes, I'm glad he an-
nounced he was going to run for re-
election. He did what he said he was
going to do. Our economy is in better
shape. 1 would vote for him again.
Reagan is an optimistic person. Before
you can have good things you have to
be optimistic about it
Mike Hamer, Grad English "I
think it's okay that he is running again.
I heard something encouraging in the
news that perhaps this will be an elec-
tion where people will talk about the
issues. No, I would not vote for
Reagan because I feel that during his
administration the poor have become
poorer. Some good Social work pro-
grams have fallen by the wayside. The
United States' image has deteriorated
dramatically. People think of us as be-
ing capitalistic ogres
Honor Board Action
Steeling or attempting Guilty
to steel; book selling;
Vandalism; steeling Guilty, both charges
or attempting to steal;
Vandalism; stealing Guilty, both charges
or attempting to steal;
Restitution: $12.50
Fine: $30
Restitution: $205
Probation: one year
Written reprimand
Fine: $50
Voluntary work: 60
Restitution: $205
Probation: one year
Written reprimand
Fine: $50
Voluntary work: 60
Anti-Discrimination Rules Enforced
Eight Sororities Sign Oath
Ark. (CPS) � Eight
University of Arkansas
sororities finally have
signed a pledge to abide
by the school's anti-
discrimination rules, but
not before they were
threatened with losing all
their on-campus
privileges if they persisted
in not signing the pledge.
The sororities � Alpha
Delta Pi, Chi Omega,
Delta Delta Delta, Delta
Gamma, Kappa Alpha
Theta, Phi Mu, Pi Beta
Phi, and Zeta Tau Alpha
� refused to sign Arkan-
sas' affirmative action
pledge on the advice of
their national chapters.
"It really was a na-
tional issue, not a local
one said Arkansas Vice
Chancellor Lyle Gohn.
"I imagine that some
lawyer somewhere took a
look at it (the policy
statement, which all cam-
pus organizations are re-
quired to sign), and got
excited speculates Barb
Taylor, UA's director of
human relations.
"We're open to
anybody as long as they
meet our qualifications
explains Jimna Bar net t.
Alpha Delta Pi's presi-
Asked if the house had
any minority members,
Barnett says, "Sure,
we've had a few Mexican
girls, or whatever you call
News Writers
Ejtpertettce preferred bet not required. Inquire at
Tat East Caro&aias, oa tbe second floor of tee
PubBcatioas boOdiitg, across from tae eotraaee of
Jovner library. Mondays and Wednesdays are
Middendorf Chosen To Speak
Puzzle Answer
"Risk in Central
America and the Carib-
bean: The Threat and
Possible Solutions will
be the title of a lecture to
be Feb. 21 during the Phi
Kappa Phi Symposium.
The lecturer will be the
Hon. William Midden-
dorf, the United States
ambassador to the
Organization of
American States.
Middendorfs primary
responsibility as am-
bassador is to maintain
diplomatic relations with
Central American and
Caribbean countries.
Prior to serving as an am-
bassador, Middendorf
was Secretary of the Navy
during the Ford Ad-
Middendorf has receiv-
ed many awards in-
cluding the highest
decoration from Egyp-
tian President Anwar
Sadat for his work with
the Suez Canal. One of
his most recent duties was
treasurer of the
Republican National
Committee during the
Reagan campaign.
"His specific contribu-
tion to the symposium
would be to point out
risks, threats and possible
danger spots that could
materialize in Central and
South America said
Dr. F.L. Broadhurst, a
professor in the School of
Technology and chair-
man of the symposium.
The symposium will be
held at ECU during the
week of Feb. 20. The
symposium theme is
"Peace and War 1984:
Power and Moral
Responsibility. More
than a dozen faculty
members are scheduled to
present papers on the
The problem, she says,
was that the university
"wouldn't define affir-
mative action The
vagueness of the policy
made sororities fear they
were obligating
themselves to establishing
racial quotas.
Taylor adds the na-
tional chapters � none of
them would respond to
reporters' questions �
worried the affirmative
action policy would in-
hibit the house members'
freedom of association.
Failing to sign the
policy, however, did in-
hibit the houses'
Under school rules,
groups that don't sign the
affirmative action pledge
cannot be in university
publications, use UA's
name, participate in stu-
dent government, or en-
�1� Greenville SUd
754-3013 � 24 MRS.
joy any of the pcrogatives
student group recognition
The eight sororities in
all on the campus. Three
are all-black, nine all-
white, universitv
spokesman Dave Edmark
In general, minority
student participation in
Arkansas' greek system is
minimal, observes Greek
Life Coordinator Ralph
Johnson. "One black
woman did participate in
rush he recalls, "but
dropped out of her own
Voluntary segregation
has been but one obstacle
to racial harmony among
greek houses nationwide
24 hour Towing Service
I Haul Ren tab
A S P I A G A 1 Nl 1 PUT
L E 01 1 B AST El 1 A T E T R 0 P ESBE V A D E D
1 D O t � REN D F E L THU R I R OLE?
L aHh R O M 1 S E 1 T O
S T A RHJ"n 6" N THpT E R
E E R 1 EpTR eYm OR1 I d e Am s 1 In a tI
' Y E ts EDA Nj r Y E
IBM Awards UNC
Grant For Computers
� The IBM Corp. has
given the University of
North Carolina at Chapel
Hill a grant worth about
$750,000 to develop com-
puter aided study guides
for introductory courses.
The grant will provide
undergraduate courses.
Dr. William Graves,
associate dean for general
education says this grant
represents a first step in
bringing computing into
the university's cur-
riculum in a broad way.
the university's College The computers will be us-
of Arts and Sciences with ed to develop course
53 IBM personal com- materials in departments
puters and money to including math, foreign
develop the instructional languages, political
materials for sciences and English.
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ECU Student Government
ritfhl is (he 1983-84
S ! egislature, ith 20
'evidence hail repret'n-
- 5 mem hers
iting iiff-i'ttmpus
iCs and (he fie class
dents, seated in the
on and Co Che
- the m . Ex-
ouncil and class
ts from the left
Sec re t ar j Sa r a h
I reasurer Beck
ice President
Williams and
Paul Vaso.
hehind them,
left, are
inn President
� a I k o w i t z, 1
omore lass Presi-
Rob Poole, Junior
President David
senior lass
The East Carolinian, in cooperation with the Student Government
Association, is presenting today a special feature on the SGA to
p students learn more about the diverse organization that spends
eir student fees, represents them to the administration, enforces
i . ersity Honor Code and helps run the campus. Below is an
outline of the SGA and its operations; to the right is a letter from
SGA President Paul Naso.
How Student Government
Works For Students, Campus
i the legislature include the
n of SGA funds, the approving
z committee appointments
president, the enacting of laws
elections and the im-
emoval from office any
ial. The legislature also
appointments to the judiciary
itive Council, approves bi-
ns and or by-laws of
gnized by the SGA
:es all law s necessar)
all powers,
al system is comprised of
Board, the Academic Honor
Honor Board, the Residence
1 boards, and the SRA Appeal
B ird is the supreme judicial
charged with interpreting the
and all laws passed under its
It also has the power to affirm,
- violations of student's rights, or
iwer board any case, providing
appeal has been made. The
- B ard also has original jurisdiction
I a non-disciplinary nature
or would be harmed by an
is organization, and has the power
grievances that are so brought
Academic Honor Board has original
sdiction in all cases of academic
mesty, including cheating, plagiarism,
ation and any attempts at such.
I he Honor Board has original jurisdic-
?n in all cases of lying, cheating, stealing
id all other v iolations of the Code of Con-
t and other disciplinary offenses.
he Residence Hall Council boards have
inal jurisdiction in all cases of violations
he Residence Hall Rules and Regulations
occurring around or in the residence halls.
rhese boards also have original jurisdiction
over the violations of rules and regulations
that may be passed by the House Councils.
It can refer any violation to the Htmor
Board for proper disposition.
The SRA Appeal Board has appellate
jurisdiction over all appeals from violations
of Residence Hall rules and House Council
Board action.
The student Attorney General oversees
the judicial system. His duties include ap-
pointing and training his staff, issuing opi-
nions dealing with Constitutional pro-
cedures which stand unless questioned
before the Review Board, and reviewing
each case and determining which board
should hear it.
The Student Government Association is
comprised of three branches � the ex-
ecutive, the legislative and the judicial.
The Executive branch is composed of the
president, the vice president, the treasurer,
and the secretary. The Executive Council is
made up of the executive officers and the
five class presidents. In addition to this, the
president may appoint cabinet members to
advise him on specific topics.
The president serves as the chief represen-
tative of the student body. Some of the
duties of the president are to make recom-
mendations to the legislature, to enforce ad-
ministration of laws enacted by the
legislature, call and preside at all student
body meetings, serve as an ex-officio
member of all executive committees, call
emergency sessions of the legislature and ap-
point the chairmen of all executive commit-
The vice president performs the duties of
the president in case of absence or incapaci-
ty. He succeeds the president if the office
becomes vacant and performs any other
duties incident to his office.
The treasurer's duties include respon-
sibility for all financial transactions of the
SGA, signing all requisitions and budget
revision forms and advising the legislature
on financial matters. The treasurer also
keeps a record of all appropriation acts
passed by the legislature.
The duties of the secretary are to keep
minutes of all legislative sessions and
preserve them in permanent form, handle all
official correspondence of the legislature
under the direction of the speaker of the
house and make copies of the minutes
available to all legislators and executive of-
The Executive Council is responsible for
coordinating the actions of its members, hir-
ing and discharging full time employees of
the SGA, and appointing (with the approval
of the legislature) all student members of all
judicial boards except Residence Hall coun-
The duties of the class presidents are to
serve as members of the Executive Council
and ex-officio members of the legislature,
and any other duties that may be delegated
by the legislature.
The class vice presidents assume the duties
of the president in case of their absence or
incapacity and succeed the president if the
office becomes vacant.
The senior class also has a secretary-
treasurer. He handles all secretarial and
financial affairs of the senior class.
The legislative branch of the SGA is com-
prised of 25 dorm representatives, along
with the five class presidents.
A Letter From The President
Fellow Students,
With the information before you, I hope you gain a better understan-
ding of what the Student Government Association is ail about. As you can
see we provide many services such as the transit system, refrigerator ren-
tals, loans and legal service. This year we are attempting to expand on that
However, our predominant role is that of a representative body for all
students. The vagueness of that last statement leads one to disregard any
further interest into the subject. 'Representative body, OK big deal
you may say. Well it is a big deal when you are dealing with 13,500
students and a growing university. Our responsibility is to speak for stu-
dent concerns to the administration.
Many people have this concept of an adverse relationship with the ad-
ministration. The fact of the matter is the administration is trying to
do the same thing we are trying to do � enhance student life, make condi-
tions on this campus better for all of us. The reason for student represen-
tation is because, in some cases, we know better than the administration
what is best for us. This is not to criticize but merely state the fact that the
student perspective is needed.
In the same sense, given the diversity of our student today, you know
better than we at SGA what is best for you and your constituents.
Therefore, relate these concerns to us. We have legislators which represent
every area of campus as well as off campus. If you see a problem or if you
have an idea bring it to them rather than complaining to yourself or others
on how bad conditions are here. I cannot promise that your every problem
will be resolved but I can say that we will try. Remember that you are all
members of the SGA and therefore, have a voice in what is going on
around you. Take advantage of the opportunity and get involved.
Paul Naso
SGA President
. i
Use 'Righ
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book . . .
Mot of I
B 1 1 r
Hick. Rocl
� rbid
It was
Tb� Carolina East Mall, is et anuthrr tp:

Groundhog's Day An International Festivity
tn a better understan-
aii about. As you can
;tem, refrigerator ren-
ting to expand on that
tentative body for all
one to disregard any
ody, OK big deal'
e dealing with 13,500
tity is to speak for stu-
lationship with the ad-
tinistration is trying to
(dent life, make condi-
? for student represen-
an the administration
state the fact that the
idem today, you know
ind your constituents,
Aators which represent
see a problem or if you
g to yourself or others
at your every problem
tember that you are all
:e in what is going on
nd get involved.
Staff MrliOT
Once again the day has come when folks across
the country breathlessly await the groundhog's ver-
dict on the weather for the next six weeks. Throngs
of ECU students are undoubtedly clustering around
the choice groundhog burrows of Pitt Co. in anx-
ious anticipation of the forecast.
If the omnipotent creature emerges to a sunny
day and is frightened back into his underground
home, then we are burdened with six more weeks of
cold winter weather. If the groundhog sees no
shadow because it is overcast then get ready for spr-
The current tradition of using an animal to
predict the weather was brought to the United
States by immigrants from Great Britain and Ger-
many, where a badger was the official weather
forecaster. The holiday is most fervently observed
in the Punxsutawney area of Pennsylvania which
was primarily settled by German immigrants.
Since 1887, members of the Punxsutawney
Groundhog Club have gathered at Gobbler's Knob
early on the morning of Feb. 2 to observe the first
appearance of the groundhog. The day is celebrated
with a Groundhog Banquet and the crowning of the
Groundhog King and Queen at the Punsxutawney
Area High School Groundhog Hop.
Few people realize tht Groundhog's Day is the
current incarnation of a much older holiday. Our
earliest Western celebrations came into being in an-
cient times when the calendar was based on
agricultural cycles.
Celebrating February 2 originated in the pie
Christian days of Druids and witches. It is one of
the four cross-quarter days of the Celtic year These
were days of rejoicing, and these festivals marked
the passage of the seasons, the times to plant and
harvest, and the times of the Earth's death and
February 2 was first known as lmbolc, which
honored the pagen goddess Brigit of Ireland Brigit
evolved into St. Brigid as Christianity overshadow-
ed pagenism. The Christian Feast of St. Brigid latei
became Candlemas, the Feast of Purification of the
Virgin Mary in the 5th century AD.
A common ritual of the day was the lighting of
fires and candles to call the sun back from its v inter
retreat. In the Scottish highlands candles were bum
ed beside a bed prepared to welcome the goddess
who would bring back the spring.
Candlemas is a time to eliminate all woi
dreams and struggles. Man has traditional!) ised
this time to make a fresh start just as nature is
reborn with the coming of springtime 1 his tradi
tional Candlemas rhyme is evidence that weathei
prediction has long been associated with this da
If Candlemas day be fair and bright
Winter will have another flight
If on Candlemas day it be shower and u
Winter is gone and will not come again
-z -
. �
r -�

7 ' k
Problems With Grammar?
Use 'Right Before The At'
Staff �rlir
Way back in the third grade, we
were taught the definitions of
nouns, pronons, verbs, adjectives
and prepositions. Eerone
remembers a noun is a person,
place, thing or idea. A pronoun
simply takes the place of a noun.
A verb describes the aciton in a
sentence. An adjective describes a
noun, pronoun or verb. Finally
we were introduced to the
wonderful world of prepositions.
You remember the long list on
page 56 in the English Grammer
book. You may have had to
memorize the entire list and recite
or sing the list in front of the
whole class. The thought of stan-
ding in front of all of our
classmates made you want to pre-
tend to be sick in order to delay
that presentation for just one
more day. Man, was that list long!
A lot of kids forgot "except All
the other prepositions began with
other letters than "e" except "ex-
A preposition is a relation word
that connects a noun, pronoun, or
noun phrase to another verb or
adjective in the sentence. The
definition seems fairly easy to
remember, and usually everyone
can recognize a preposition when
the see one. But have you ever
noticed the way people misuse
prepositions in their everyday
conversation? Where are my
keys at? It's Friday, what are you
going to class for? Who did you
party with? Who do you want me
to take this message to? Do you
know where the liquor store is at?
The list goes on and on and
Remember that ol' redheaded
teacher in 4th grade that repeatly
said, "Class you never end a
sentence with a preposition
After all the brainwashing we
were exposed to during our early
childhood about rules and regula-
tions of grammar, the dangling
preposition seems to give
everyone trouble. "You are sup-
to know these rule
says freshman Eng
teachers. But, I bet they ait
of the preposition problem
What do we do about trr-
blem? We can ignore it, or we can
constantly try to correct ourselves
and others. According to several
grammatical instructors, theie
method that has proved to be sue
cessful in some cases.
The method used is entitled
"Right Before the At. I a- I
you catch yourself,
friend, using a preposition at
end of a sentence simp!) saj to
them "right before the at
This phrase serves as a rcmindei
that you have understood
everything they were trying to get
across "right before the at
Where are my books ut9 "Right
before the at Meaning, where
are my books?
Do yourself and your 4th grade
English teacher a favor; k
those prepositions at the b
ing of your sentence.
todaj Groundhog's Day. Will Greenville rid Itself of this awful winter weather?
� �v KOtaaT P. CABS
father Educates Children At Home
LUMB1A it t'l) A pentecostal evangelist said
ednesda he'll leave Tyrell County by the end of
Match iatnci than continue a court fight to educate
n at home.
Pe'e; Duro, who is raising his seven children in
i adherence to fundamentalist Biblical beliefs,
d fighl tii overturn North Carolina's mandatory
school attendance law last month when the U.S.
Supieme Court refused to review a lower court rul-
ing upholding the law.
Durc lid he could probably continue to live in
� t tor another three to ten years without
lis children to public or church school even
it authorities charging under the mandantory atten-
dance law. To do so, he would request a jury trial
and appeal if he lost.
But the outcome of a criminal trial and appeals
would be the same as that of the civil suit. Duro
predicted, and he'd rather pursue other options.
"I fed now that the Supreme Court has refused
to hear it that has ended it he said. "I think it is
time to move on
A man in a neighboring county who also educates
his children at home has offered to help Duro set up
a school for the children of both families. Duro said
his family also could move to another state or out
See DUBO, Page t
Head To The Mall For Some Socializing
Special To Tkc East Carottaiu
Your hometown � be it
Hickory, Rocky Mount, or (God
forbid) New Bern � probably
now has a lovely shopping mall.
It was probably constructed
during the seventies, quite
possibly while you were in high
school. If so, you probably spent
lots of time there: hanging out at
Orange Julius, cruising the
thoroughfare, popping quarters
into the pinball machines at the
arcade, sitting on benches around
those decorative planters that
must have some intrinsic relation-
ship with commerce.
So you are probably well ac
quainted with the societal tune
tion that a mall serves to out
culture. If you visited your
hometown over the seinesiei
break, you probably also checked
out the action at the mall, and not
just to pick up presents for long
forgotten aunts and cousins.
you see your former
homecoming queen behind the
I 1 erner's? Or your first
? Was he wearing a
suit and selling luggage
at Pent ioK about your best
friend's mom, who would have
told you that said best friend has
finally settled down and is expec-
ting a babj
� �
The Carolina East Mall, is y�t another typical mail equipped with planters, shoe stores and, of course, shoppers.
Now, you shouldn't scoff,
although scoffing, admittedly, is
what college visits to hometowns
are for. You're supposed to act
bored and disgusted and tell your
sister that you can't wait to get
back to Greenville, where the
local residents had the foresight to
construct an array of bars within
walking distance of campus. But
you can't expect your hometown
mall to be as exciting as the social
life in Greenville.
You can, however, appreciate
the delights of that mall, which is
a wonderful showcase of
American values and American
Regrettably, malls are not an
American invention. One might
say that we Americans have state-
of-the-art merchandising, and
support that statement by poin-
ting out the sheer convenience of
having six shoe stores cloistered in
the center of each American mall.
(One might neglect to add that all
of those shoe stores carry the
same basic styles of shoes and that
all of the shoes in all of the stores
are priced at $24.99 unless they
are on sale for ten dollars.) But
those crafty West Germans pro-
bably had malls long before we
had 'em, even though they had no
Sears' stores to build around.
Through the centuries,
marketplaces have been meeting
places. Socrates laid down his rap
in a town commons, seeking
wisdom from the candlestick
makers of old. And in die early
sixties. Aunt Bea met her friend
Clara at the butchershop nearly
every day � or so she told dear
Then, sometime between the
cancellation of the "Andy Grif-
fith Show" and the onslaught of
"Gimme a Break" and "Family
Ties America moved to the
suburbs by the station wagon-full,
and downtown merchants were
left two choices: they could stay
downtown, jack up their prices
and be vandalized, or they could
learn to tike big planters and
eating Chick-Fil-A sandwiches for
lunch every day. Obviously, in
most towns the merchants chose
the latter.
(Greenville, of course, is an ex-
ceptional town. Our downtown
merchants merely adopted the big
planter motif, but in a big way.)
And now real America is tit-
tered with malls. (Real America
being places where Real Men and
Real Women live, which does,
you understand, exclude New
York City and the state of
California.) We've got malls like
Crabtree Valley in Raleigh,
Southpark Mall in Charlotte, and
Carolina East Mall in that place
that someone once thought would
wind up being part of Greenville.
There's a great mall in
Milwaukee. The whole fourth
floor is dedicated to fast food
stands of every conceivable na-
tional and ethnic origin. Were one
so inclined, one could eat a Gyro
sandwich, eggdrop soup, and lox
for lunch and top it off with
Haagen-Daz ice cream. Where
else but in America?
Well, in your hometown mall
you can do all of that, except,
hopefully, ran into your college
professors. Instead, you will be
confronted frequently, perhaps
painfully, with lawniiili of your
you'd hoped yon would never aae
again, but now that you do tee
them, they look so pitifully ab-
sorbed hi their hometown
that you just have to scoff.
Okay, scoff If you like.
"� � 9 � m � ���

FEBRUARY 2, 1984
Fighting Fire With Fire
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A spine-tingling, chilling tale of hor-
ror. A down-on-his-luck teacher, strug-
gling to become a writer, takes a job as a
winter caretaker at a desolate Colorado
resort hotel which becomes isolated by a
ravaging winter snowstorm. Joined by
his wife and young, clairvoyant son,
they soon discover that the hotel is
possessed by demonic spirits. In con-
finement the already unstable man
becomes possessed, goes beserk and at-
tempts to kill both his wife and son. On-
ly the boy's clairvoyance, his shining
enables mother and son to understand
and outmaneuver the devils with the
help of an old black cook.
Attention Students:
will be published by the Student
Welfare Committee at THE
"Come bv and let vour ideas and
suggestions be known
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It is
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isn't a
on a night
do-An H

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Ties isolated by a
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A True Account Of Some Trustworthy People
SUff Writer
It is late in the evening and the
night is so cold it dips under skin
and sends a chilly draft through
sluggish veins. A wind chill factor
has brought the thermometer
down into single digits. There
isn't a body that wants to be out
on a night like this.
In a less than middle-class
neighborhood, a young man is
making a delivery for the fast-
food chain at which he is
employed when his car breaks
down. He pulls his collar up
around his face and gets out of the
car to see if he can diagnose the
problem with his Dart.
There is no one on the dark,
lonely street. The silence and the
atmosphere facilitate an un-
conscious shiver. The damage re-
maining elusive to his untrained
eyes, the driver turns from the
dead engine to look for a phone
when a truck stops behind him
and an older m?n steps out and
asks, "What's the trouble, son?"
"My car's conked out; I can't
get it started He thinks about
the two pizzas on the car seat tur-
ning cold and hard. "Think vou
could take a look at it?"
The two men walk over to the
car and the driver releases the
hood latch, the stranger, a tall
middle-aged man, touched slight-
ly with gray, looks over the
motor. His heavy coat conceals
strong, broad shoulders.
"I think I can help you out.
Your trouble is a bad thermostat.
Are you in the middle of a
"Yes, I am. This could've
waited until I was on my way back
to the store
"Well, I can help you deliver
your orders and get you back to
the store
The driver is surprised at a
stranger offering so much
generosity, especially when he
could be on his way home to a
warm fire. He also can't help feel-
ing suspicious. "Sure, I'd ap-
preciate it, but I won't put you
out of your way
"Don't worry, jump in
This could be a set-up. He
might find himself on his can on
the road with no pizzas, no money
and a busted lip. But, he ra-
tionalizes, the company's policy is
well-known: "Drivers don't carry
over $20 Hell, it's cold.
"Thanks, mister, I'll take you up
on your offer
Back at the store the driver
again thanks the stranger for his
help, and the two men part ways.
Later, the driver has become
the cook, and hearing the tinkle of
bells on the front door, looks up
to see the Samaritan enter.
The older man says hello and ex-
tends a hand holding a paper bag.
"Merry Christmas and Happy
Birthday, son. This is for you
Before the young man can say
anything, the stranger continues.
"I've brought you a thermostat
The young man looks more
puzzled. "I own an auto parts
store explains the older man.
"Now, let's go fix your car
Driving back to the scene,
neither man says much. The
young man has already thanked
the older man three times.
The young man, a product of a
faster and more violent era, asks
"Why? How did you know you
could trust me, or I, you?"
The older man smiles quietly.
"We both work where we can be
traced if it was in us to do
something criminal and they
laugh. "Seriously he continues,
"You've got to trust people.
Evidently you trust enough, or
were cold enough, to trust me.
I've seen and heard of enough
pain in my life without con-
tributing any more. And I've seen
the attitudes of youngsters like
you, wary even of their own
shadows at times, it seems. We all
need assurance the world hasn't
gone completely to hell. Here we
are; let's get your car running
The men say good-bye. Getting
into his car, the driver, with the
edge off his cynicism says, "If
there's anything I can ever do
but his words are lost beneath the
truck engine's roar.
And this tale
Mother Goose.
ain't out of
Duro Wants Freedom
Continued From Page 7
of the country.
It may come to it that we might have to leave this
country to keep our religious freedom Duro said,
noting he has received an offer to preach in Africa.
Duro said Wednesday he had been fasting for ten
days and would continue to fast and pray until he
reached a decision on what his family will do.
"By March 1, I expect not to be in this country
he said.
Whatever Duro decides, it will not be to send his
children to a public or private school that docs not
meet my requirements, he said.
"I don't want my children in any school where I
can't determine the environment he said.
Duro has not sent his children to a formal school
since he and his family moved to Co'umbia in
January 1901. He and his wife have instead used a
Christian lesson plan. He also requires the girls in
his family to wear dresses at all times and makes his
sons keep their hair neatly trimmed. The family
does not use doctors or dentists, instead relying on
faith healing.
Duro said his children are "completely happy"
and would not be happy in a school enviornment
where they would have to deal with non-Christians.
"You couldn't pay them to socialize with non-
Christians because they just don't like that environ-
ment he said. "My 16-year-old boy would rather
stay at home and do something with his seven-year-
old brother than do something with someone of his
own age because of the difference in views
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D"ce within 3c davs
" � -
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FEBRUARY 2. 1984 P�gc 10.
Lady Pirates Lose First
Conference Game. 64-58
Lisa Squirewell poured in 18
points in ECAC women's basket-
ball action last night, but the Lady
Pirates weren't so successful, los-
ing 64-58 to William & Mary.
After jumping out to a quick
2-0 lead on a Squirewell layup, the
Pirates only managed to hold the
advantage at one other point in
the game. That came on a Sylvia
Bragg jump shot in the opening
moments of the second half, giv-
ing the Pirates a 36-34 lead.
ECU was unable to contain the
Indian's inside play, as the trio of
forwards Janet Hendrehan, Cathy
Jordan and center Betsy Becker
combined for 46 of the Tribe's 64
total points.
"We let them do what they
wanted on offense head coach
Cathy Andruzzi said. "We played
their game instead of establishing
our own
After several lead changes, the
Indian's took control for good on
a Jordan bank shot, making the
score 42-40 with 12:15 remaining.
The Pirates were unable to get
back into the game as William A
Mary began to dominate the mid-
Pirate guard Bragg scored all
but two of her 15 points in the se-
cond half, and became ECU's on-
ly hope as the Indians fell back in-
to a tightly packed 2-3 zone.
With 4:52 left in the game,
Bragg sparked a short ECU rally
by popping a short jumper. Jor-
dan was immediately called for
having her foot on the line on the
ensuing inbounds play, and then
Bragg got free for another easy
jumper, making the score 52-47.
"We let them do
what they wanted
on offense. We
played their game
instead of
establishing our
� Cathy Andruzzi
The Pirates immediately went
full court pressure, but back-to-
back baskets by Hendrehan and
Jordan quickly gave the Tribe a
56-47 advantage with 3:11 remain-
Six of the next eight points were
scored by the Pirates, as they
trimmed the score to 58-53 with
only 1:20 remaining.
After an ECU timeout, Hen-
drehan scored on the Tribe's next
possesion, making it 60-53 and
putting the game out of reach.
The loss was the Pirate's first
conference setback of the season,
dropping them to 2-1 in league
play and 8-10 overall. William &
Mary improved to 1-2 and 7-11
with the victory.
The status of starting point
guard Delphine Mabry was ques-
tionable at the outset of the game
due to a reoccuring knee problem,
but with 10 minutes left in the first
half she was inserted for the re-
mainder of the game.
Freshman Jody Rodriguez
started the game in Mabry's place
and scored a career high 10
points, eight of which came in the
first half.
Going into the game, the
Pirates were heavily favored, as
they brought an unblemished con-
ference record to face a division II
school. But the Indians were
ready from the start as they took
control of the game from the
opening tip.
Tribe center Betsy Becker
scored eight of the Indians first 10
points as her team gradually pull-
ed out to six point lead at 22-16.
The two teams traded baskets
until Rodriguez was finally able to
cut into the lead when she made
both ends of a one-and-one, nar-
rowing the score to 30-26 with
1:51 left in the half.
Mabry then stole a pass at mid-
court and drove the length, cut-
ting the lead to two points with
less then a minute remaining.
Four more baskets were exchang-
ed before intermission, giving the
Indians a two point advantage at
the break.
The Pirates' loss ended a four
game road trip in which they went
1-3. ECU's next contest will be in
Minges at 3:00 p.m Feb. 4
against East Tennessee State.
Women 's EC A C Standings
League Overall
Richmond 3-0 9-9
East Carolina 2-1 8-10
George Mason 2-3 7-9
James Madison 1-2 9-8
William and Mary 1-2 7-11
Annette Phillips scored 13 points in a losing causethe Lad
Pirates dropped an important conference game to William and
Curt Vanderhorst Anxiously Accepting Role
Seventeen points against UNC-
Wilmington. Twenty against
James Madison. Twenty-two
against Navy. In the last three
games, ECU guard Curt
Vanderhorst has come into his
Last year, Vanderhorst's game
high was only nine points, and
this season the 6-1, 180 pounder
hadn't come close to his totals
produced in the last three games.
Why the sudden increase in
hoops? "The coach has always
wanted me to shoot more
Vanderhorst says. "I just figured
I had to fullfill that role. I've got
to take that shot when I've got
Vanderhorst is evolving into the
scoring leader that ECU has been
missing all year. Johnny Edwards
played the part last year. Barry
Curt Vanderhorst
Wright and Bruce Peartrec were
predicted to lead in point totals
this season. But, Peartree has
dropped off the team and Wright
has not been producing.
Vanderhorst decided to take the
responsibility upon himself.
"No matter what, he (Har-
rison) always backs me up on the
shots I take Vanderhorst says.
"That is, whatever good shot I
"He wants me to shoot more
because right now he thinks I'm
shooting well
Vanderhorst admits to having
adjustment problems his
freshmen year. "As far as last
year, I was learning to adjust
coming from high school he
says. "To me, it was a big adjust-
"I feel like I was trying to ad-
just more than trying to score. I
was trying to be perfect at what I
In addition to producing
baskets, Vanderhorst has a desire
to fullfill other responsibilities,
such as team leadership, good
defensive play and being able to
hit the open man to create balanc-
ed scoring. "At this point I think
my role would be to keep scoring,
like I hope I always do he says.
"I'm trying to get the other fellas
to score also and trying to be more
of a team leader
But Vanderhorst doesn't want
to go overboard on the idea of
passing the ball when he has a
good shot, which is a sure sign of
a confident shooter. "I think I
give it up if 1 see the fella is open;
but most of the time I never see
them he says, jokingly.
The Pirates have a lowly 3-14
record, but Vanderhorst just ig-
nores the standings and sets his
mind on bigger and better things
� i.e. the ECAC tournament. "I
don't think the record is any in-
dication of the way we are play-
ing, because there have been seven
games or so that we have lost by
less than five or 10 points he
says. "I think we're looking for
improvement as we go along.
Towards the end of the season I
do feel we have a chance to win
the ECAC tournament because we
are definitely improving from
when we started.
"Every game people are show-
ing improvement, hitting the
boards a little harder, playing
harder defensively and going all
out. We're just realizing what it
takes to win
Vanderhorst thought the
Pirates had a reasonable chance to
win in Monday night's game
against Navy, and agreed that the
foul calling was perhaps one-sided
and that Tony Robinson's depar-
ture at a crucial point, when he
fouled out with ECU down by five
with about five minutes left in the
game, didn't help matters either.
"It seems like we always get a bad
deal on the officials, no matter
where we go he says. "When
they're shooting 43 free throws
and we're shooting 17,
something's wrong
With Scoring Surge
Syl Can Brag Again
After a disappointing strech
that saw her average less then 10
points a contest, Sylvia Bragg has
come on strong in her last two
games, knocking in 20 points
agianst Appalachian State and 18
against South Carolina.
"Syl was having problems with
her shot head Coach Cathy An-
druzzi said, "but she's come on in
the last two games
Bragg was the leading scorer
returning from last year and was
counted on at the beginning of the
season to carry a large portion of
the Pirate's scoring.
Syl, as she's called by her
friends and teammates, said she
missed a lot of shots in the early
part of the season and just kept
shooting less and less as the
season went on. "I lost all
confidence in myself and started
passing up shots even when I was
wide open
Although she knows she still
has a way to go, Bragg attributes
her recent success to the dedica-
tion she's shown in practice.
"Coach Andruzzi has been
pushing me because she knows I
can do better Bragg said. "I've
been working harder in practice,
and I'm starting to gain my con-
fidence back
Bragg is currently leading the
team with an average of 12.6
points a game and is second the
squad with 30 steals. Both of
those stats rank her in the top 10
in the ECAC-South Conference.
Even with the shooting problem
Bragg's been grappling with, An-
druzzi has nothing but praise to
offer about her star player. "Once
Syl finds her shot and becomes
completely confident in her game,
she's capable of playing the best
brand of basketball
Bragg also thinks the Lady
Pirates are capable of playing a
good brand of ball, despite the
team's 8-10 record. "We're get-
ting better each game we play
she said. "We're a young team
with a lot of freshman and
transfer students who don't know
the system (Coach Andruzzi's
style of play), but I think we'll end
up over .500 on the season
While at high school in Rich-
mond, Va Bragg was considered
one of the top high school players
in the country. She led her team to
two consecutive regional cham-
pionships, and was named to the
Street & Smith and Converse All-
America teams her senior year.
Upon graduating, Bragg was
offered over 100 scholarships
from powerehouses such as
Georgia, Penn State, New Mexico
and Florida. ECU was Bragg's
first visit � and her last. "I liked
the campus and people a lot, and
since it was close to home, I just
decided to come here
Bragg has no regrets about
coming to ECU, but the computer
science major says keeping up
with her studies as well as playing
basketball gets rather tedious at
times. "During the season all I
have time for is playing ball and
studying. You really have to slack
up on social life until the season is
over with
Perhaps Bragg's most rewar-
ding experience while enrolled at
ECU came this summer when she
was selected to participate in the
National Sport Festival Games in
Colorado Springs, Col. Bragg was
named co-captain of the East
squad and helped lead her team to
Ir. regard to Robinson's in-
fluence on the court. Vander-
rhorst says, "When Tony's in
there, he's more of a leader.
When Tony goes out. I'm the only
one in there with Leon, Gradv,
Keith. Derrick or Jack. I don't
mind taking all of the responsibili-
ty, but I feel like when we're in
there in together, we (the team)
tend to make less mistakes
When Saturday comes, and
George Mason invades Minges
Coliseum, the Pirates will be look-
ing for their first conference win.
And the fans will be looking for
Vanderhorst to continue his scor-
ing streak. "I feel that the las:
time we played George Mason �e
were a little intimidated by their
record he says. "I feel like they
(the freshman) know wha; to ex-
pect now, so it should be a special
game which we could win
Pittelli Proving
being named Most Valuable
Swimmer for East Carolina as a
freshman, Chris Pittelli is proving
that he is not one to rest on his
The Cranbury, NJ, sophomore
has not skipped a beat during his
two years on the Pirate squad.
Pittelli, who has not lost a 200
Freestyle event so far this season,
says, "I feel that I am a much bet-
ter swimmer this year than last. I
was surprised when I was named
MVP because I thought it was go-
ing to someone else. I swam con-
sistently all season. I guess that's
why I got it
He learned about East Carolina
while he was swimming for Jeff
Lowe and the Princeton (NJ)
Aquatic Association. "Coach
Lowe and Ray Scharf (former
Pirate swimming coach) were
good friends and that influenced
me to come here Chris explains.
As some freshmen do, Chris
found the adjustment to college
life and being a student-athlete
demanding. "My grades are bet-
ter this year than last. I had a
tough time adjusting and I didn't
like some of the courses I was tak-
ing Chris adds. He is leaning
toward being a business major at
the present.
Pittelli is a very valuable asset
to the team, as Pirate head coach
Rick Kobe explains, "He's just a
great kid. He has only missed
three of 120 workouts since he has
been here. He is a very versatile
swimmer but we haven't had a
chance to use him in all of the
events that we would like to
Pittelli has already qualified for
the 100 and 200 freestyle events in
the Eastern Intercollegiate Cham
pionships, which will be held at
East Carolina March 2-4. Coach
Kobe says, "Chris could score in
any event he participates in at
Easterns. He has a very good
chance to win the 200 Free and
should make the finals of the 100
Free as well
Chris is even more valuable to
the team as a person than as a
swimmer. On a team consisting
mostly of freshmen and
sophomores, he is looked to for
leaderhsip, but tends to downplav
his role saying, "I would rather be
looked to, not for leadership, but
for friendship instead
Whether Chris Pittelli is in the
pool or out, the future looks very
bright for this East Carolina
Stace regaining her touch, Bragg ���
a Bronze medal.
Bragg scored 29 points and add-
ed IS rebounds in the games,
while shooting a fine 17-20 from
the free throw line. "Taking part
in the games was a good experince
because I got a chance to compete
against the best players in the
country Bragg said.
Although she's mainly concern-
ed with the welfare of the team,
been leading the Lady Pirate la
Bragg said there are several in-
dividual goals she'd like to
achieve before she graduates. "I
hope to break a few school
records, but most of all I'd tike to
be remembered
If Sylvia Bragg can continue to
improve and play up to her
capabilities, people will be
remembering her for a long time
to come.
Hudson Leading Tracksters
After finishing the indoor track
season as the top runner on the
ECU women's track team, Teresa
Hudson is enthusiastic about the
upcoming outdoor season.
. H�d�n competes in both the
100-meter dash and the 4 X 100
relay, and thinks that she can
qualify for the nationals in both
With the outdoor season
scheduled to begin in late March,
Hudson has plenty of time to
prepare herself for what she hopes
to be a record breaking season.
"My goal is to run an 11.7 in the
100, and that would qualify me
for the nationals.
Women track mrmi
upcoming ratdooi
Continued From Faj
have a good
coach Bill (
"She mi
player an i
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schedule wh:ch c
of running
weights, and a i
Carson, has
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'4C 10

in a losing causethe Lad
I Ference game to William and
g Role
Robinson's in-
the court, Vander-
"When Tony's in
- more of a leader.
goes out, I'm the only
ere with Leon, Grady,
Derrick or Jack. I don't
-nnd taking all of the responsibili-
bul I feel like when we're in
here in togeher, we (the team)
end to make .ess mistakes
en Saturday comes, and
rge Mason invades Minges
m, the Pirates will be look-
g foi their first conference win.
the fans will be looking for
norst to continue his scor-
j 'reak. "I feel that the last
e played George Mason we
ere a little intimidated by their
rd he says. "I feel like they
an) know what to ex-
a so it should be a special
lame which we could win
i ird being a business major at
- present.
Pittelli is a ver valuable asset
e lean as Pirate head coach
- k Kobe explains, "He's just a
He has only missed
workouts since he has
� here He is a very versatile
Timer but we haven't had a
:hance to use him in all of the
il we would like to
Pittelli has already qualified for
the 100 and 200 freestyle events in
:he Eastern Intercollegiate Cham-
pionships, which will be held at
hast Carolina March 2-A. Coach
be says, "Chris could score in
�ent he participates in at
He has a very good
:hance to win the 200 Free and
uld make the finals of the 100
Free as well
Chris is even more valuable to
the team as a person than as a
mmcr On a team consisting
mostly of freshmen and
ophomores, he is looked to for
leaderhsip, but tends to downplay'
his role saying, "I would rather be
ed to. not for leadership, but
for friendship instead
Whether Chris Pittelli is in the
xcl or out, the future looks very
ght for this East Carolina
g Tracksters
With the outdoor season
-heduled to begin in late March,
Hudson has plenty of time to
prepare herself for what she hopes
to be a record breaking seasor
'My goal is to run an 11.7 m tne
100, and that would qualify me
for the nationals.
See HUDSON. Ptgf
Former Basketballer
Dabbles In Coaching
Women track members will have a month and a half layoff to prepare for the
upcoming outdoor track season
�am , - � ���
OMra w inn
Many Pirate eager fans
are familiar with the
name Charles Green, but
most know him in the
role of a player.
However, the
Washington D.C. native
is currently a graduate
assistant coach.
Green came to ECU as
a junior college transfer.
He previously attended
Catonsville Community
College, where he was a
two-year JUCO All-
His duties as an
graduate coach at ECU
include assisting head
coach Charlie Harrison in
practice while performing
other general coaching
When asked what the
differences are between
coaching and playing,
Green replied, "Of
course I'll always like to
play, but I enjoy
coaching more as I gain
experience. The main dif-
ference in playing and
coaching is now I'm sit-
ting on the bench full
time and can't go on the
court, so I have to con-
tribute in a different
Green also has a uni-
que situation in that six
of the players are his
former teammates. "I
have a good relationship
with all the players
because I see myself as a
player-coach Green
said. "It works well with
former teammates
because we're on the
same level.
Green's friends
describe him as a quiet,
personable young man,
who is a little shy. "I will
be coaching here next
year again as graduate
assistant and after that
I'd like to keep coaching
on the collegiate level, he
Bringing with him the
inherent ability to relate
to the players, Green has
brought an added dimen-
sion to Harrison's staff.
Green's friends describe him as a quiet, personable
young man.
Hudson Highstepping
Continued From Page 10
"Teresa is going to
have a good year head
coach Bill Carson said.
"She motivates other
players and is an all-
around good athlete
Hudson is following a
tough off-season training
schedule which consists
of running and lifting
weights, and according to
Carson, has an excellent
workout style.
HOUSE FOR RENT Spacious hou�e
2 blocks from ECU. 7 Mrmt, 2 batfts
Dtp and leate required. FS1-UM.
you and mill you, Grefl
HAPPY 21 to my roommate Kara Sua
Bob ma Gatso Quaan of Jenkins,
"Dynamite comas in httla packages
but l don't mink it mallows wim
PARTY DIP: j cup manayoisa, ' j
cup tour cromm, I fsp worstarthira
sauce. 1 tsp seasoning salt. I tsp.
dillwaad. Niimtn, ttve Priastman. rh
tmin and Aman's WOMAN Signed
�� aickmin and ttte Hiiiimtn
During the indoor
season Hudson placed in
both meets the Lady
Pirates participated in.
At the North Carolina
State Invitational, Hud-
son took fourth place in
the 60-yard dash. In
ECU's other meet, Hud-
son's 7.1 would have
qualified her for the
finals, but due to a I me
mix up she was unable to
Hudson said she's been
running since the third
grade, but was encourag-
ed by a friend to run
track competetively.
At Salisbury High
School, Hudson played
basketball, softball, was
a cheerleader, and in
track was the top female
sprinter in her conference
for three consecutive
Upon graduating from
high school, Hudson said
she chose ECU because
she thought it offered her
a promising track career.
If the Pirates speedster
can continue to improve
as she has in the past,
there should be a lot of
promise for her in the up-
coming outdoor track
"Therts onk one place to do your Laundry; make it your place
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ECU vs. Georae Mason
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� VeJeJ mm S I
Join in the fun at the game this Saturday when ECU
takes on George Mason University. As a special at-
traction, there'll be a sororityfraternity shoot-out at
Plus, you can win t-shirts, a trip to Disney World
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So, don't miss the action at Minges. Be There!

Steve Karam
Scores Eight
For Raiders
Straggling Action Set
A record 74 par-
ticipants have entered the
tramuralBudweiser Arm
Wrestling Tournament.
This struggling affair is
set to muscle into action
on February 6.
All divisional weight
titles will be up for grabs
in the Mens division as no
champion has returned to
defend the titles. In
bouncing action.
Co-Reckers On A Roll
Intramural Co-Rec
Roller Hockey skated in-
to action on Monday,
January 30. In the first
night of competition, Jar-
vis Islanders led by
Theresa Reilby, defeated
the Huns 7-0.
Georgetown Guzzlers
decisively beat Slay
Raiders 10-0 as Steve
ECU Intramurals
women's action, Laura
Quisenberry is the only
returning female champ.
Three other women will
be competiting for this
divisional title. Competi-
tion in all weight divi-
sions should be an ex-
citing and muscular af-
Basketball Bounces On
After nearly two weeks
of Intramural basketball
competition, several
teams have established
their champion potential.
Some of the favorite
teams in the mens divi-
sion include, The En-
forcers, Clique and
Streak of Lightening. All
these teams are posting
winning records. The race
to the championship title
will be a close one among
these basketball en-
In women's action, the
defending champs, the
Heartbreakers, are still
the poll's picks. Several
teams are providing quite
a chase. The T.As,
Sigma Phi Epsilon Lil
Sisters and Thriller
should give the title an
awesome race. Be sure to
catch all the latest in this
Karam led all scores with
8 goals.
Some upcoming
skating action to watch
will be defending
champs, El Loco Flyers
in action tonight at 4:00
p.m. Rolla Doobie,
another favorite team, is
set for action on Wednes-
day February 8 at 5:00
p.m. So come on out to
Sportsworld and catch
some slapshooting ac-
Player Of The Month
Each month, the Miller
High Life Company and
the Department of
Services recognizes a
Player of the Month,
among hundreds of in-
tramural participants.
Nominations are ac-
cepted from all students
for the player of the
month. So if you know
an intramural participant
who exhibits sportsman-
ship, ability, versility and
knowledge of sport rules,
come by the Intramural
office and nominate them
for Player of the Month.
Nominations will be ac-
cepted through Thurs-
day, February 9.
Harvey Files
(UPI) � A driver
suspended by NASCAR
last year following his
conviction on a drug-
conspiracy charge has fil-
ed an antitrust suit
against the racing
organization to gain entry
into this month's
Daytona 500.
William "Billie"
Harvey filed the suit this
week in U.S. District
Court in Orlando.
The suit filed Monday
charges that the suspen-
sion was "arbitrary" and
said other NASCAR
drivers with arrests or
convictions have not been
Harvey, 34, of Rome,
Ga asked the court to
order NASCAR to lift the
suspension so he can
enter the Daytona 500 on
Feb. 19.
Harvey could not be
reached for comment.
NASCAR spokesman
Bob Smith said the
association would not
comment on the suit until
officials have time to
review it.
The suit stems from
Harvey's arrest in
February 1982 on federal
drug charges. Harvey and
69 others, including four
other race drivers, were
charged with par-
ticipating in a drug smug-
gling operation that im-
ported 6 million pounds
of Colombian marijuana
from 1976 to 1982.
After the arrest, the
FBI said that Harvey
managed one of the
groups that unloaded the
marijuana from boats in
South Florida. He was
convicted on Nov. 8 and
suspended indefinitely by
NASCAR on Nov. 16.
He is awaiting sentencing
later this month and is
free on bond.
His attorneys say he in-
tends to appeal the con-
v i c t i o n .
In the suit, Harvey
claims that several other
drivers, including Junior
Johnson, Kyle Petty Jr
Billy Arrington, Mike
Waltrip and Cale Yar-
borough, have prior ar-
rests or convictions but
were not suspended by
the racing organization.
Attorney James Green
of West Palm Beach, one
of Harvey's lawyers, said
those drivers were ar-
rested or convicted on
such charges as possess-
ing stolen auto parts,
driving while intoxicated,
smuggling moonshine
and larceny of a vehicle.
"I believe he was singl-
ed out said Joseph
Mincberg, another of
Harvey's attorneys.
"There seems to be no
rhyme or reason to the
most recent suspension
Mincberg said
NASCAR's theory is
"hang him now and give
him a trial later
"If NASCAR is going
to regulate itself, it's go-
ing to have to do it fairly
and not arbitrarily and
capriciously said
Green. "If this had been
moonshining, I don't
think there would have
been a suspension
The other four drivers
arrested in the drug
smuggling scheme were
Gary Balough, 34, of
Fort Lauderdale; Herbert
Martin Tillman, 52;
Bruce "Pee Wee" Grif-
fen, 43, of Miami, and
Peter Thomas Pistone, 34
of Cabarrus County.
In the suit, Harvey
charges that NASCAR is
taking away his only

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10.7$ 0i. - CtBfttel, t $�
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The East Carolinian, February 2, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
February 02, 1984
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