The East Carolinian, January 31, 1984

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Vm m
Vol.511 No Vt
1 uesdav, J?nuar 31 . lvH4
ireenvillr, (
111 Page
' In illation H ? -
Education, Employment Topics Of Forum
H .11 NMH-K Jt MKMAk
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Bi . .mi stood fas)-
with appointed ; miss ihe e now.
Tl1-The state of
the belie 1 in the people t; j i
Ml the candidates pl .6-
the national average,
"1 SI.
If you wa;K. ?
1 K nox? ' and hv the time,
lid Gil i

M ?or t

Hunt Hosts Forum
For Student Leaders
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H ? and
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- I hnn Herald
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Hunt said
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Jesse Helms. De ng i peal
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Hunt a
? the Senate i
I ive leading N . . gubernatorial candidates attended a public forum at
Ml bndav from left to right is former state Rep lorn (.ilmore.
former Charlotte Ma or l-ddie kno. It Gov. limmv dreen. In-
surance Commissioner John Ingram and I v Re
Former Kl Chancellor I eo Jenkins cancelled
Outstanding Students Honored At Ceremony
ECU Ambassadors Induct New Members
Bv M)KI M KM ! I ()
Kitti is gu
of 1
Seeh a '

gan i a l
foil ?? .
Kirn be:
Swayne B ? fl ?. -
bet C
Sc . Mika
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lef f M
ar a Ai
ers. I iskac, Ma
Rand, Glen Katl
ton, Susan I
Anne Waddell. Jaiana V
? end
Wilson, N (
Johnson Candidate For Board Position
Greenville I
? ? the Gree
I her
held admins
itions a: I N(
ipel Hill and ("lemson l
ation in the I ?
lit 1 i Ida
ritinues to
fan ? farm in Wayne
int. said that if elected, "1
experience in farming
: education to promote ettei.
?? and efficient government
s responsive to the needs of
itiens of Pitt Count)
" omprehensive planning and
i with town an
. ?ernments as well as olunl
igei ? ?? isential t continued
and orderly economic
th in our he said
Active in civi affairs, Johnson
a member of the I oca! on
ns t ommittee of the Pitt-
Greenville Chamber oi om-
the Mental Health
ation and the (ireenville
- Club.
Fohnson has also held
. leadership positions in
state, district and national
associations including that oi
president oi the N Association
foi Health, Physical Education,
and Recreation in I44-75
At ECU, fie was elected cl
man oi the faculty for three
secutive years, 1979-82 He
presided over n
acuity Se -sented
faculty i pus
committee? md fi versity
functions. He currently serves as
the I ducational
Planning and Policies c ommittee
: as a membei oi the University
P inning Commission and Facul-
' ? Senate.
Active m local school
Johnson has served as president
oi the Agnes Fullilove School
PTA, as a membei oi the Green-
ville Middle School PI
Committee on Guidance and
Health and as a member oi the
Executive Committee of ;he
flmhurst PT- serving as chair-
man oi the Ways and Means and
Physical I itnessommittees
Announcements 2
Fntertainment 6
Sports 8
Classifieds ,0
In the Jan. 26 issue of The
FjLstarolinian, V.( .
gubernatorial candidate Tom
(,ilmore was incorrectly
identified. Vf regret the
Budget Requests Due By Feb. 29
rv Sf?, tlbl:
( ampus organizations receiving
SdA funding during the past five
years must submit budget requests
for fall semester between I eh
13 29.
"We develop an annual ap-
propriations budget so that cam
pus organizations will know mi
mediately when the get back how
much monev they'll have to
spend said Jim Ensor, co-
chairman of the S(iA Appropria-
tions (ommittee.
Ensor said by turning in budget
requests early, two things will be
accomplished "A problem in the
past is when organizations were
goirig to do something in the fall,
during the first couple weeks of
school, and they didn't have the
money to do it because the legisla-
tion wasn't in session 1 nsor
said He said this would eliminate
that problem
Ensor also said it gives the
legislature an idea ol exactly how
much money the SGA will have to
appropriate. "We really want to
urge everybody who wants money
from the SGA next year to please
go ahead and submit a budget
1 nsor said
lohnnv Rainev. co chairman of
the SGA Appropriations Commit-
tee, said they will be working on
the budgets before and after Spr-
ing Break "It's a more efficient
wav of appropriating student
funds Rainev said
In comparatiel mild winter in recent days, it seems more enjovable
t sit in an open window than look out a closed one.

JANUARY 31, 1984
Remember sisters there will be a
meeting on Tuesday January 3) 1984
m Mendenhall room 212 from
? 30 4 X See ya there sisters
The Student union Travel Commit
'ee will meet on Tuesday. January 31
i??4 a' 4 00 p m in Room 233 of
Mendenhall Student Center All
embers and interested students are
urged ?o aftena
There are sMl some spaces
available tor the spring Break trip to
West va Contact jo Saunders a'
'51 6000 Memorial Gym X5 tor infor
"nation on tftt collegiate ski prices
The Counseling Center is ottering a
mmi series on how to do well on
s'andardueo 'es's such as GRE
MCAT LSAT on Thursday
February 2 trom 3 5 pm in 305 Wright
Annex No advance registration is
reeaed For more information call
H3 w?i
There will oe a membership drive
social tor the ECU Computer Science
Club at Pma inn on Greenville
Boulevard on Thursday February 2
? rom 5 8 pm Me nbership cost is
13 00 and all are welcome
Ge' a hands ON eperience
Physical Therapy Massages will be
given on wed Feb 1, 1984 from
a 30 9 30 at Allied Health Buidlmg
First Floor $1 00 for a 10 minute
Welcome to the 24 new associate
members of Phi Tau Fun, exciting
and regarding times He ahead of you
We could not have recruited a better
bunch of guys Hang Tough' The
brothers and III sisters of Phi Kappa
.Tau See everyone at the house Frl
day, Feb 3 at 4 00
It you have at least two years of col
lege left you can spend si? weeks at
our Army ROTC Basic Camp this
summer and earn approximately
U00 And if you qualify, you can enter
'he ROTC 2 year program this fall
and receive up to $1000 a year. You
can also compete for a scholarship
based on your performance while at
camp There will be an information
session on Feb 2 from 4 6 in the
Mendenhall Student Center Cof
feehouse For more information con
tact CPT Heldur Liivak at 757 967
The Omicron Chapter of Phi Beta
Lambda will hold its next meeting on
Wednesday February 1 at 4 p m in
Rawl 341 Dr Furney James of the
Career Planning and Placement Of
fice will be the gues' speaker The
las' day to pay dues for membership
will be February 1, 1984
N C Parks and Recreation offers
employment opportunities for
seasonal employees for the period of
approximately June 1 through Labor
Day Applicants must agree to report
back to duty for the Labor Day
weekend to be considered This is a
condition of employment A variety of
positions are available Application
deadline is March 15. 1984 Apply at
'he Co op office, 313 Rawl Building
The S'uaenf union Art Exhibition
Comrrvttee will mee' on Tuesday
.anuary 31, 1984. a' 4 30 p m in
Room 238 of Menaenhali Student
Center All member! and interested
s'udenfs are urged 'o attend
The ECU Counseling Center is of
?ering a free four session workshop on
?Tiefhods C coping with stress Relax
s'on training and other methods of
owenng s'ress will be discussed and
orac'iceo The primary focus will be
r" coping with s'ress tha' interferes
with test taking but s'ress en
countered In other areas of college
nfe will also be covered Sessions will
r-e from 3 4 pm on Wednesday and
Thursdav February 1 and 2 Monday
aid Tuesda February 6 and 7 in
Room 308 Wright Annex For further
? nforma'ion can the Counseling
Cen?er a' 757 661 or s'op by Room 307
A r git Annex
Take 'he first letter of each word
above CAD EEEGADS It's
CADS- CADS Is an organization for
sn,one wanting to learn more about
The world of computers its the
users" club tor the uninhibited its
an idea whose time has come and we
want YOU to be a part of it Members
enioy discounts on computer supplies
and other :nefits Uncle Bob wants
YOU to s ? - on 'he nex' meeting ?
Feb 1st : 00 p m . Raw) 130 See a
demons'ra on of computer graphics
and a speaxer
The East Carolina Gay Comiunity
will have a wine and cheese social
February 6 at 7 30 p m The social
will be held a' The Catholic Newman
Center, 953 E 10th St (a'the bottom
of College Hill) Bring your favorite
wine or cheese and come socialize!
All interested persons art cordially
invited to attend
The Student union Coffeehouse
Committee will meet on Tuesday.
January 31, 1984, a' 6 30 p m in the
Coffeehouse located in Mendenhall
Student Center AH members and in
'eres'ed students are urged to attend
The ECU Law Society will hold its
first meeting of the semester on
Thursday. February 2 at 7 30 pm in
Mendenhall Rm 212 Faculty advisor
Dr David Stevens will speak a' 'he
mee'ing Also, plans will be made tor
upcoming 'rips Members and others
who are interested are invited 'o a'
Applications are needed from those
persons who are interested in becom
ing Personal Care Attendants to
wheelchair students We are par
tlcularly interested in anyone who
has a background of assisting in
dividual! with their activities of daily
11 v ing
For further details, contact Office
of Handicapped Student Services, 212
Whichard Building. Phone 757 6799
The ECU Adult Education Assocla
'ion announces its 1984 membership
drive. The association is Interested In
practitioners, students, and those
who art interested In or otherwise In
volved with teaching or training
adults The purpose of the organiza
tlon Is to keep up with current trends
in the field, provide a social setting
whereby members may meet and
discuss ideas and issues, and to aug
ment professionalism by increasing
communication, scholastic achieve
ment, and research in the field
Membership dues are only $5 00 per
year Those Interested may write the
ECUAEA, Office of Adult Education,
School of Education, East Carolina
1versify, Greenville, N C 27834
There will be a ACS meeting on
Wednesday, Feb 1, 1984 at 7 30 in the
conference room in Flanagan. Plans
will be made concerning the CRC sale
and the trip to the nuclear reactor All
interested people are invited to at
'end See you there
The East Carolina Racquetball
Club will have a meeting Tues , Jan
31st, Memorial Gym room 105B at
6 00 p m We will discuss about new
officers election and upcoming
events (Free clinic, Club tourna
ment, state tournament, etc) Old
members, new members, or anyone
who is interested, you are welcome to
come Any info call Raymond
757)208 Let's play a game together
The Reggie Swinson Service Award
is a recognition award for an outstan-
ding Residence Life Student Staff
member if you would like to
nominate a student staff member see
our Hall Director or a copy of "Living
Spaces" for a nomination form
Nominations will be accepted until
Friday. February 10, 1984 For more
information concerning this award,
see your Hall Director
There will be a meeting of the
Women's Rugby Team at 5 30 Thurs
day, Feb 2 In Rm 102 Memorial
Gym important business will be
discussed All members please at
tend. Practice will begin at 4 00 at the
Allied Health field Everyone is
welcome! No EXPERIENCE
Approximately us jobs art
available In this program Pay is
$3 73hr. for full time positions
Beginning June 1 August 10, 1984
Students must have finished their
sophomore year and have a 2.5 GPA
Graduate students art also eligible to
apply Application deadline is
February 7 Interested students
should contact the Coop office, 313
Rawl Bldg, if Interested Details
about this program will be presented
at our regular Coop seminars
scheduled for January II from 12
noon to 1 PM and January 12 from 4 5
PM in 306 Rawl Bldg
Take a break from all of your
straining studies and come out to
Papa Katz tonight for the Pi Kapp
Happy Hour Meet your friends at
PK's and unwine with our happy hour
Good luck to both the Pi Kapp "A"
and "B" basketball teams Let's pull
together and win the cup for the third
straight year and retire the damn
There will be a meeting of the Com
puter Science Club on Wednesday.
February 1st a'4 00 pm in Austin 13J
All are welcome!
There will be a membership drive
social at Pliza Inn on Greenville
Boulevard on Thursday, Feb 2nd
from 5 8 pm Membership cost is
$3 00
The outdoor recreation center is
sponsoring horseback riding trips to
Jarman's stables each Tuesday after
noon Transportation and an uninter
rupted hour of horseback riding are
provided tor $5 00 Advanced
registration is available by calling
the outdoor recreation center
(757 6911) Mondays and Fridays from
1 pm to 5 pm Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 2 p m 3X p m Get
together with a few friends, make it
available for the whole hall or come
by yourself and meet some new
All Interested students mark your
calendar for Csmp Day on Tuesday,
Jan. 31 Visit Mendenhall Student
Center, room 244, from 11 am to 3 pm
and take a look at a large selection of
camps providing opportunities tor
summer iobs Many different job
classifications to choose from: The
following camps will be represented
NC 4 H Camps in various locations.
Camp Thurnderbird at Lake Wylie
(Near Charlotte, N C ), Camp
Hardee in Blounts Creek, NC, Camp
Cheerio in Roaring Gap. N C .
O'Berry Center In Goidsboro. N C ,
Friendly Day Camp in Raleigh, N C ,
Camp Graham In Henderson, N C ,
Camp Rockmont an Camp Hollymont
In Black Mountain. N.C Camp
Dogwood In Sherrllls Ford, NC. YM
CA Camp Harm In King, N.C Camp
Albemarle In Newport. N C , Camp
Rockfish in Raleigh, N C , Camp
Seagull and Camp Seafarer in
Arapahoe, N C , Camp Don Lee and
Camp Chestnut Ridge in Raleigh.
SGA Representatives art needed
tor Flemming and Scott Dorms, a day
representative and a graduate vice
president Pick up an application a?
the SGA office in Mendenhall
Deadline for applications will be
February 6 Get involved
HYPNOSIS! Don't miss Dr
Daughertys exciting talk on Feb 1 in
Speight 129 at 7 30 Remember, it
could be you tha' he hypnotizes
Psi Chi Rush Have you picked up
your application in the Psi Chi library
yet? Do you qualify? You do if you
will have completed 8 hours in
psychology by the close of the spring
semester You do if you are a
sophomore and have a 2 7 or a iunior
and have a 2 7 or a senior and have a
2 9 The deadline for the acceptance
of applications is Mar 2. so pick up
yours now
Psi Chi members ? The Prevette
and Wray Scholarships are now
available. Preference Is given to
psychology majors and graduate
students In psychology. You must be
continuing at ECU for at leas' the
following semester, and have been an
active member in Psi Chi in addi
tlon, you must demonstrate financial
need So apply for these scholarships
: m CAreAUlJFIIo
? ?
: : Sutsse Mocha
? ?
? ?
? ?
7b enter, print the number of the country next to
the can of General Foods" International Coffees
whose flavor was inspired by that country.
Malt this entire ad lo: G.FI.C. Taste of Europe Sweepstakes
Department 123. P.O Box 8888. Westport. CT 06887-8886
OtyState Zip-
Heres a test you can actually relax for. First,
pour yourself a relaxing cup of General Foods'
International Coffees. Then match the six rich
coffee flavors above with the five countries of
Europe that inspired them. And if
your answers are right, you could be
$5,000 richer. Plus one winner from
your school will receive a $10 gift
certificate to the college bookstore.
General Foods International Coffees Sweepstakes Official Rules
1. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY 2. To enter complete this ad or a 3" x 5" plain piece of paper with your hand printed name, address zip code and the name ot your colleee
When using the ad as entry hand print the answers to the six questions in the spaces provided, when using a 3" x 5" entry, hand print the six General Foods International
Cotfees flavors in a list on a separate 3" x 5" plain piece of paper and next to each indicate the European country that inspired it by hand printing th? numbe- of that
country's map Mail this entire completed ad or other entry to GFIC Taste of Europe Sweepstakes. Department 123. P.O. Box UK Westport CT 06887 8886 Each
entry must include either one proof-of-purchase of General Foods International Cotfees (the cup with letters GFIC" cut from the plastic lid) or the words General Foods
international Coffees Come In 6 Flavors hand-printed on a separate 3" x 5" plain piece ot paper 3. Enter as often as you like, but each entry must be mailed separately
Entries must be received by Marcli 17.1984. Not responsible for illegible damaged, lost late or misdirected entries, mechanically reproduced entnes not accepted 4 One
Gfand Prize of $5,000 and 177 Second Prizes consisting of a $10 gift certificate to each of the 177 participating college bookstores will be awarded Winners will be
determined by random drawing on or about March 23. 1984 from among all correct entnes received by Promotional Marketing Corporation, an independent ludana
organization whose decisions are final Odds of winning will be determined by the number of correct entries received There is a limit of one prize per person andone
Second Prize per college Prizes may not be substituted, transferred or exchanged Winners will be notified by mail provided they are available at the address shown on the
entry or have furnished a proper forwarding address to sweepstakes headquarters (PMC 65 Jesup Road. Westport, CT 06880). 5. Sweepstakes is open to registered
college students 18 years of age or older at participating colleges m the US. except employees and thar families of General Foods Corporation, their affiliates subsidianes
advertising and production agencies and Promotional Marketing Corporation Void wherever prohibited or restricted by law All Federal State and local laws and
-egulations apply Taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners Winners may be required to sign an Affidavit of Eligibility and Publicity Release 6 To obtain the name of
the Grand Prize winner, send a stamped self addressed envelope to GFIC Winner List, P 0 Box 2925. Saugatuck Station. Westport. CT 06880 by March 17,1984.
'? General Foods Corporation 1984
Don't miss this chance to
wants a mature, self motivated per
son who knows how to operate an IBM
38 on the 3rd shift (night) Make an
appointment now in Rawl 313 to apply
for this ot
We have received the Federal Sum
tier job Booklet In our office If you
are Interested, please come to the Co
op office, 313 Rawl Bldg as soon as
possible Many of the deadlines are In
the very near future Students with
less than a 35 GPA have only a
"slim" chance of being chosen we
will be happy to help you complete
and mail the required forms.
Attention students, are you
dissatisfied with a particular aspect
of East Carolina? if you have a
specific problem with university life
such as It's functions, services, or ac
tivities please come by the Student
Supply Store Wednesday, Feb 1 to fill
out a student interest survey Identi
fylng your problems will enable the
Student Welfare Committee to better
serve you
Lefs gel back to the Bible! Coed
Group Bible Discussions, Mendenhall
212, Tuesday 7 X pm Everyone
Come to Jenkins Auditorium
Wednesday, February 1 at 30 for a
BEACH PARTY with a tWist (Wear
your favorite beach attire)
The international Students
Association will be meeting on Satur
day. February 4 at 6 00 pm at
Mendenhall Student Center Room
221 All members and new interested
students are welcome!
Dive the Bahamas and the Xuma
Islands seven days on the 5' dive
boat "Bottom Time" Includes 3
meals, lodging and diving Fly from
Ft. Lauderdale to Nassau For
registration and Information call Ray
Schart, Director of Aquatics at
757 4441 or 754 9139 Total cost UaO 00
Includes a 1100 00 non refundable
The NC Institute of Government
Summer Inttrnfrogram provides 24
internships in government for
outstanding students trom a variety
of academic backgrounds Students
must have completed their
sophomore year to be eligible Ap
plication deadline Is February 7 Con
tact the Coop office, 313 Rawl
Building to apply
Feb 14 Dance Factory. Short Novel
Masterpieces, and Conversational
German, Feb 21 Camera and
Guitar Contact Continuing Educa
tlon, Erwln Hall.
Hello CSCl malors and minors A
great part time ob Is available for
someone who has had previous
programming Make appointment
now In Rawl 313 for Interview with
Co-op coordinator about a job
Registration for intramural
Racketbaii Doubles will be held
January X ana 31 in Memorial Gym
room 204 Competition Is set to swing
Into action on February 6 So grab a
partmer and come on over to
Memorial Gym and register for the
Strike it up with intramural Co Rec
Bowling Registration will be held
February 6 and 7 Teams consist of 2
men and 2 women Play will be held
at Mendenhall Student Center For
more information, contact the in
tramural office at 757 637
Tired of the same oie routine7
Don't bei Come on out to the field ai
the bottom of the Hill every Tuesday
Thursday and Sunday at 3 00 pm for
the best High Flying experience on
campus The Ultimate irates of fht
ECU Frisbee Club cordially welcome
all Interested persons to come on
down and whip that disc around Ge?
into the Plastic Feeling now. so that
the Irates can experience superior
results in Gainesville. Fia at the
Frostbreaker on March 10 Next dub
meeting is Feb A m Mendenhall 24a a
8 pm Play Ultimate for the FUN of it
The Red Cross will offer an advanc
ed Lifesaving class beginning
January 26 The class hi mee'
Tuesdays and Thurdays from 7 00
pm 8 30pm m Memorial Pool Can
757 0270 or visit the local Red Cross
office to register or for further mfor
Any women interested In playing
Lacrosse here is your chance An
organiiational meeting will be held
Wednesday. February l at 7 00 I pm
in room 105 B Memorial Gym if you
are interested, but can no' make the
meeting, call Cory a' 758 8V85
WZMB. in cooperation with the in
tranatlonal Students Organnation
will feature a program y con'em
porary West African Jazz. Tuesday
evening at 7 00 Jan 31 on 91 3 fm
The show will feature as gues' D j
n?man Dua, a native of Nigeria
The Student union and 'he Ar' Ex
hlbifion Committee nvitn an ECU
Students to enter 'he 194 Hiumma
Art Competition Works will t? ac
cepted from 12 6 p m on r-naa?
February 3. 1984 ,n Room 244 of
Mendenhall Student Center The en
fries are $2 00 per piece a i.mitof
three entries per artist Awards con
sis' of Bes' m Show S300 00 F r?
Place S200 00. Second Place $'50 00
Third Place J100 00 and Honorable
Mentions $25 00 ilium,na Comeei
perience it
intramural Arm Wrestling j g
begins on Monday Jan x 3i Co
sponsered by Bucfwese' ?? . ?,
will be held in the lobby of Memor a
Gym T shirts win be given ?o ta n
participant Sign up by wa ??? ?
classification Remember 'evs?
fion tor Arm yVreVhng n oe j?-
Alpha Phi Omega will hoic ' sc-
ing rush on Tesoa ,ar II ?
Wednesday Fee ' n'he Menoenr
Student Center s Coffeehouse n
7 ?8 ? both nights A' hit -?
students are welcome Api-e Pn
Omega is a national CO ED se c
fraternity Please come D? ac ee-
'he brothers
upper oassmer nteres'ec
A'hie'ics may ear" e?"a
'u'ormg a'hie'es Areas neeflec s
HLTH Professions For -?-
757 6282 durmg the aar
If you are eres'e: n p ?? - ,
lacrosse go 'o 'he bottom y - ege
hill Tuesdays ?nc jrsca.s ?-
p m to 5 C m Ae tjlr?d.
games schedu'eo arttti S'a'e fl-
ip Marcn ana Apr p.ease on -
now For more ntora c" :a
tomas'C a' '5: k
$75 00 B' re 'or he Bes
'ree set' jrt Bill B -e Bi-
Biue Soarxs ?Ved F?b ' '9&? a- ?
Attic 8pm until 1 p ? f .
available in 'he Art Bo -
10 4 Ja 3Ch jnc 3's' S
19 aom ?ec
Tht ??S 2epae s S
a super- sec oe' oc 'or rec real
free us of tne as : ? ?
Tjesaa? arc sca? - ? ??
r:49p.ffl ? X c - -he a'rs
aa aoie 'or ?se o 'he ?as ?
as supe'v s on ac director -
apparatus An ECU 0 sreq
?dm ss on
You may use the form at right
or use a separate sheet of j
paper if you need more lines
There are 33 units per line
Each letter, punctuation mark i
ana work space counts as one i
unit Capitalize and hyphenate i
words properly Leave space i
Clt Stale
No. Lines-
. r0?W
,m yy pm ?? I.
.No laaeruoas.
at end of line if word doesn't fit
No ads will be accepted over ?
the phone We reserve the right ?
to reject any ad All ads most
t? prepaid. Enclose 75 cents
per line or fraction of a line
Please print legibly1 Use i
capital and low er case letters
Return to the Media Board
secretary by 3 p.m the day
before publication
E.C.U. Circle K Club
Time: 7:00p.m.
Place: Mendenhall - Room 221
Date: Jan 31st
What is Circle K?
Circle K is the world's largest co-ed collegiate ser-
vice organization. It is a member of the K family, which
also includes such organizations as the Kiwanis Club,
Key Club and Kiwanettes. Together, these organizations
attempt to assist the underprivileged, handicapped, and
elderly in our community and all over the world.
Circle K is sharing!
Circle K is caring!
Circle K is having fun!
Come out and meet the coed service organization that builds leaders.
Up-coming Events:
Ski Trip to Boone
Nomination for Officers
Social with Key Clubers & Kiwanettes from local high school
Induction Banquet
District Convention in March
Come to the meeting for more details on trips, socials and projects.
Telephone: 758-8811 Joyce Langwell
Maff Vkn,
,f vou're fed up
campus parking faci.
bank operations o:
anything else, plan tc
nte down your grip-
'he Student SuppK Store
on ttednesdav The
dent Welfare Comm
Meyer Tall
On Plan
Increase Fi
B 01 ll) HOST
crcas? for 1984-S I
order of bus
SGA me
chancellor of stuck
ed the need for 1 .1
Meyer sa.j
Summer School
-1 - - - .
For the firsi
ECU's College of
and St
summer school pi i
in cooperatior ?
Uniers or" Fen
Debate Ma
Continued I-ri
Green ?a
hae a
establishment I a p
jects on a case
Questions hae been :
noting record with regar
Medicine Knox clarified
medical chooi proposal
General Assembly, adequai
ed. Creation of a ne meJ
ding, he said, was ru j
medical schools.
"I've never i ted for a
didn't hae fimding a:
that a substa
came at a time when j
Advisory Budge: Con
"i think ?
function Kr.
for the east
More than 200 -
in attendance ere Wall
Chancellor John H
Janice Buck.
The student
former pre rlcni
ton CTNea
member Sylvia Be. a
General Rick Brown; Da
of The East Carolin
Tie excitiig Pilot
? allpoint. It's got everjj
tfciag goiag for it. Si
wriliag. Specially aesigi
rifefciag for roatiaul wi
fort. Stainless steel poiat.
carfcttfe ball. Perfectly
choice of wedi?? or fii
Aid best of allyoa'l
throw rtotrt-
Jut slip ia a 3fc refill
jptw're reaiy to write
meat (tee year ?M set

Available at l.B.L A

i tieia a'
l am for
ece on
aj ?"
"e or
lino Get
M a'
? :?s a'
intramural Arm Wrestling jign up
oeg.ns on Monday Jan 30 31 Cty
sponsereo ov Budweiscr this activity
iii be neia n me lobby ot Memorial
Gym T shirts win be g.ven to each
participant Sign up by weight
classification Remember registra
tion for Arm Wrestling wiM be Jan
Aipha Phi Omega will hold its spr
rg rush on Tuesday Jan 31 and
Aednesoa? Pebin the Mendenhall
Studanl Center s Cotteehouse at
308 X both nights All full time
students are welcome Alpha Phi
Omega s a national CO ED service
"aternity Please come by and meet
NM brothers
, of ataman erested m ECU
Athtetics -ai n"i entra money
?; attl ? Areas needed IN
M.S E'h SPED CMEVa. Allied
? P-wessons For into call
UtJ A, - "g the aa
"ferested In playing
c 'he bottom ot college
M a
ss gc
?soa.s anc Thursdays from 3
J p Af already have
;aei siecued with State and Duke
n March and April Please come out
0.e formation can Chris
- ai m ???
l X pi :e for the best costume
? M be ? B 8 ue Band and
1 .f Sw? am Feb l. 19?4 at the
; 8 c m MM i p m Tickets
?? ? flr e - ?he Art Building Lobby
-4 Jan ??? ?na 3l$t No one under
- adm ted
-e ?S oepartment ,j sponsoring
a supev ser per oo for recreational
hh?a . se 04 'e 3vmnastics room on
"v-?. ac t'saay nights from
; W -? ? "e area will be
a.a atie for use ot ne mats as well
sv super o" aic a rection on some
D s required tor
. Ptuwie.
?-f ? '

L?- ?i
U f. j1? .?
LL.l I!
1 ? 1
I I I IL 1. .ijLiit? .?,
llegiate ser-
imily, which
anis Club,
apped, and
ircleK is caring!
builds leaders.
al high school
and projects.
Student Input Solicited Through Survey
?y GLENNMAUGHAN of the SGA will solicit chairman. "The commit- individual comments on hour, " ?h. T.
Staff Writar
you're fed up with
campus parking facilities,
Dank operations or
anything else, plan to
write down your gripes at
the Student Supply Store
on Wednesday. The Stu
of the SGA will solicit chairman. "The commit
student input through a tee strives for greater stu
survey to be conducted dent input in order to im-
a.m. to 3:30
from 8:30
"We think we know
what students want but
we're seeking to serve
them better through the
results of the survey "
prove ECU he added.
The survey will consist
of eight topics. Students
will be asked to check the
five they consider to be
individual comments
life at ECU.
Katherine Cannon,
SWC member said the
survey's results could
lead to the resolution of
some problems. "We're
going to find out what
hours she said.
The topics for the
survey are: the need for
an upper classcoed
dorm, extension of
library hours, implemen-
tatin of a textbook rental
system, a need for
. immj. me .am- icauus ui me SUTVcy,
acnt Welfare Committee said David Brown, SWC
l;un,I?0StfPrCSSig- Pr?" necds to done: right December or fillVradua- beingwritten bv Dr" "Sav"
blems. In addition, now, I'd like the library tion ceremonies, aLabor 2?,
Day holiday, improve- class and the SWC.
ment of banking hours "We hope to fight stu-
and services, parking dent apathy by doing the
facilities, bus schedules survey said Mike
and dining facilities. McPartiand, an SWC
This survey is con- member. "This will
nected with a larger one bridge the gap between
to be distributed later this students and the SGA "
semester. That survey
spaces are provided for to extend its weekend
Meyer Talks
On Plan To
Increase Fees
Staff Writer
Tentatively proposed fee in-
creases for 1984-85 were the main
order of business at Monday's
SGA meeting. During the
meeting, Elmer Meyer, vice
chancellor of student life, explain-
ed the need for fee increases.
Meyer said total fees would go
up $41, a 13.8 percent jump over
this year's fees. Increases are bas-
ed on criteria such as inflation and
salary increases. Most fees cover
operation costs and salary in-
he added.
Results from the survey
will be announced next
There has also been a proposal
to raise dorm rent 2.3 percent.
This increase would bring room
rent to $890 per year.
Meyer added tuition is not ex-
There is a proposed fee increase pected to go up next year
of $15 for the athletics program.
The additional money would
cover salary increases and a possi-
ble additional fifth home football
game. Meyer added athletic fees
have not been raised since 1981.
Other possible fee increases in-
clude an additional $2 to be
allocated to the Media Board. The
money has been requested for a
stipend for WZMB radio an-
nouncers. Presently, the an-
nouncers work on a volunteer
In other business, the Screening
Committee announced the need
for four day representatives, three
dorm representatives and one
graduate vice president.
Gordon Ogilvie and Sandra
Peterson were approved as Honor
Council members.
Any student interested in apply-
ing for a position should pick up
an application at the SGA office
in Mendenhall.
Summer School Program
Large Contribution Given By
Occupational Therapy Group
Staff Writer
ECU's Department of
Occupational Therapy
has only 34 students in its
junior and senior classes
but that didn't prevent
them from raising a con-
siderable amount of
money for last month's
United Cerebral Palsy
When the figures came
in the O.Ts had been
Courses To Be Offered In Italy
Staff Writer
For the first time,
ECU's College of Arts
and Sciences will offer a
summer school program
in cooperation with the
University of Ferrara,
"We are starting a tour
program with trie hopes
of expanding in the
future said Eugene E.
Ryan; professor of
philosophy and acting
dean of the College of
Candidates Discuss,
Debate Major Issues
Continued From Page 1
Green said immediate environmental concerns
have already been addressed, and he favored
establishment of a peat task force to study peat pro-
jects on a case-by-case basis.
Questions have been raised concerning Knox's
voting record with regard to the ECU School of
Medicine. Knox clarified this, stating that when the
medical school proposal first came before the
General Assembly, adequate funding was not includ-
ed. Creation of a new medical school without fun-
ding, he said, was not in the best interests of existing
medical schools.
"I've never voted for a proposal in my life that
didn't have funding attached to it he said, adding
that a substantial part of the money for the school
came at a time when he was chairman of the state's
Advisory Budget Commission.
"I think it (the med school) serves a vital
function Knox said. "It represents a strong victory
for the eastern part of the state
More than 200 students attended the forum. Also
in attendance were Walter B. Jones, Jr ECU
Chancellor John Howell and Greenville Mayor
Janice Buck.
The student panel consisted of Dennis Kilcoyne,
former president of the College Republicans; Brax-
ton O'Neal, an NCSL member; Honor Board
member Sylvia Bittle; assistant student Attorney
General Rick Brown; Darryl Brown, managing editor
of The East Carolinian; and Herb Grady from Army
Arts and Sciences. "I feel
this is a good program
Ryan said.
The two courses of-
fered will be ASAB 2100
Arts and
taught by Ryan. Assistant
Director Lauditi, director
of the music library, will
instruct the other course,
ASAB 2200 Arts and
Sciences AbroadFine
Arts. Each course will be
worth three General
Education credit hours.
The courses will be
taught by Ryan, Laudati
and faculty members
from the University of
Ferrara and other univer-
This summer school
program offers several
opportunities to students
who enroll. "ECU
students will get a chance
to meet the people of Fer-
rara Laudati said,
"which is not a tourist ci-
Ryan said that Ferrara
was chosen because of the
charm, beauty and loca-
tion of the city. "It will
offer students the chance
to travel the surrounding
areas such as
Florence and
Ryan said.
Laudati said students
from this area have a
wonderful opportunity to
go to Ferrara. "It is also
a good time of the sum-
mer to be there Laudati
For additional infor-
mation, contact Dr.
Eugene Ryan in Brewster
A-102 or Geraldine
Laudati, Music Library.
March 2 is the deadline
for applications, inter-
views and a $100 deposit.
We Can Help
? Students helping Stndeau
MI-SOS trvmSMg.
Tie exciting Pilot
nail point It's got every-
thing goiag for it Smoother
writ inf. Specialty fesignen finger
rinWng far contianal writing
fort Stainless steel point Tnngsten
carMnc tail. Perfectly balanced. A
of ????? or fine
Ann tast of allyoo'll actor
Jnot slip i? a lie refill ano
? to OnfUo ojfnftn So
Anartle rt U.B.E. a ItminU ??? Stow
Class getting you down?
Lunch Buffet:
AI the pita.
Spaghetti Dinner
Dinner Buffet:
AM the plan.
spaghetti art talsd
Moa a Taa. 3 to Spa
The best ptaaa in town. ?jt
AM The Spaghetti
Greek Night
(wtta fraicraity or
sorority shlrto)
Happy Hov prim
Free pitcher of;
Comer of Catuache m 16th
Phone: 7SS-6121
able to
raise a total of the group collected funds
for the annual several ways. On Jan. 10
telethon which seeks and 11 they sponsored a
funds to combat the
severe muscular disease.
"We were very happy
to contribute our time to
the most worthy of
causes said Yvonne
Sibbett, a senior in O.T.
who sat on the telethons
V.I.P. Board as an O.T.
According to Sibbett.
hair cutting clinic with
the cooperation of Green-
ville's California Con-
cept. California Concept
donated the cost of the
haircuts to the East
Carolina Student Oc-
cupational Therapy Club
to use for the fund drive.
The O.Ts also held a
raffle offering several
prizes and collected
pledges is the Greenville
Community to raise addi-
tional funds for the
5 other O.T. students
also volunteered to
answer telephones during
the telethon.



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January 31, 1983
Page 4
News Coverage
Television Not Doing The Job
The news coverage of Friday's
Gubernatorial Day pointed out an
interesting contrast in printed and
television news services. Anyone
who watched the local evening news
in Greenville saw the area television
stations do fairly nice little profiles
of the event at ECU, with a few
seconds of each candidate spouting
a phrase or two, followed by a
group shot of the politicians on
stage and a scan of the audience
listening attentively. One station
even showed a clip of the SGA
president's opening remarks, and
another filmed a candidate saying
how important students are in an
election year. All the while a
reporter commented on the day's
major topics, who put on the event
and how many people attended the
gathering at ECU.
In contrast, a story carried by the
print news service United Press In-
ternational began, "Insurance
Commissioner John Ingram split
sharply Friday with four other
gubernatorial candidates over his
call for an elected state Utilities
Commission The story went on to
present quotes by Ingram and his
opponents on the issue, and outlin-
ed their stances on other major
topics discussed at the forum, giving
a little more attention to education,
which dominated the conference.
The location and audience size were
mentioned in the second paragraph.
From TV one learned that the
event took place and several politi-
cians were delighted to be there.
Newspapers focused on what hap-
pened at the event, on the important
topics discussed there. TV gave
smiling and attentive faces; print
summarized each candidate's stance
on important issues ? information
one can use differentiate between
candidates and pick one to vote for.
The newspaper article really
didn't take much longer to read
than the TV story did to watch, but
the coverage of the event, the man-
ner in which it was presented by the
two media, are worlds apart. (In
fact, the TV stations couldn 7 report
on the agrument between Ingram
and the others, because they left as
soon as they had film of all the can-
didates, before the confrontation
even took place.)
Sadly, as more people watch news
and less people read it, our populace
will inevitably be less capable of
voting intelligently and of
understanding actions and issues
confronting our leaders and society.
Political Parties
Polarize Platforms
For 1984 Face-Off
"Why bother to vote. Democrat ?
RepublicanThere's no real
In past elections that's pretty-well been
true. Take the CarterFord race of '76: not
a dime's worth of difference. And Hum-
phreyNixon? That was back when
Democrats believed in fighting wars like
Vietnam, while Republican Nixon actually
abandoned the place to the commies. Nix-
on proved amazingly liberal at home and
abroad, enacting wage and price controls
(hardly a conservative thing to do), open-
ing dialogue with the Red Chinese and
enacting SALT I.
What about Nixon and McGovern, you
say? Granted, there was some difference
'between them, but certainly nothing like
the gulf that separates this year's proabable
opponents. Reagan is far to the right of
Nixon, and Walter Mondale is (yes, it is
possible) even more liberal than
McGovern. While he was in Congress,
liber sA w?tch groups rated Mondale the
most liberal member of the Senate, con-
sistently more liberal than the South
Dakota senator.
The extreme difference between Reagan
and Mondale carries over 10 .heir respec-
tive parties as well. In the past few years,
the Democratic Party has grown pro-
gressively more liberal, and the Republican
party progressively more conservative. The
far right of the Republican Party swept to
prominence in the 1980 election, and in the
wake of their harsh defeat in that same
year, the ultra-liberal wing (Mondale and
Kennedy) have solidified their control over
the Democrats. And so the two parties
march further and further apart, one under
the banner of laissez-faire capitalism and
the other looking more and more like
Eouropean-style Social Democrats.
But strip away the names Democrat and
Republican, liberal and conservative, and
even socialist and capitalist, and you see
something even more basic and elemental
that is begining to separate the two parties.
The notion of religion shaping today's
politics seems absurd unless you consider
the looney bin that is Iran: jihad, holy war
and all that jazz. No, there's nothing in the
U.S. comparable to the Islamic Revolution
that has seized that country and threatens
to sweep across the rest of the Middle East,
but religious and philisophical beliefs are
having a strong effect on both the
Democrat and Republican parties.
Though not the Ayatollah Khomeni
some call him, the Rev. Jerry Falwell along
with other fundamentalist Christian leaders
and the millions of Americans they repre-
sent had a strong hand in bringing Ronald
Reagan and the right wing of the
Republican Party to power in the 1980 elec-
tion. Reagan still counts on fundamentalist
Christians as a bedrock of support. For ex-
ample, it's hard to listen to FalweU's "Old
Time Gospel Hour" without hearing him
praise Reagan from the pulpit at least half
a dozen times during the course of a broad-
cast. Reagan rewards this support by sup-
porting moral issues like reviving school
prayer and opposing abortion and
homosexual rightsthe Equal Rights Am-
But besides President Reagan, most
other staunch conservatives share similar
beliefs on moral issues, and many are close-
ly connected and supported by fundamen-
talists. Led by North Carolina's Senator
Jesse Helms, with rare exception, the new
right in the U.S. Senate supports school
prayer and tuition tax credits for private
schools, opposes abortion, ERA and
homosexual rights, and is firmly commit-
ted to containing the spread of "Godless
communism Like Reagan, many of the
new-right congressmen recieved strong
political and financial support from Chris-
tian fundamentalists during recent elec-
tions. The Rev. Falwell recently traveled to
North Carolina to register Christian voters
for Helms in his upcoming race against
Democrat Jim Hunt. The religious in-
fluence on the conservative wing of the
Republican Party is strong and obvious.
In contrast to Christian fundamentalism,
the Democratic Party is slowly but surely
shaping its political principals after those
of humanists. Yes, I know the jokes like,
"secular humanism gonna get your boy
but humanism does actually exist on a level
beyond some paranoia in the collective
brain of the Moral Majority. There is a na-
tional Humanist organization as well as an
international one. The national organiza-
tion (the American Humanist Association)
puts out a regular magazine, the Humanist.
You can read it in Joyner Library.
In it, intellectuals write of the humanist
cause, and each issue usually contains at
least one attack on the fundamentalist
But what is humanism, you ask? It is a
philosophy to live by, and in that respect
qualifies as a pseudo-religion on the same
level that communism does. One phase of
humanism is called religious humanism.
Humanism and communism are similar in
A Few Things You Won't Hear
From N.C. Politicians This Year
If Art Buchwald covered North
Carolina politics, he would have had a
heyday Friday at ECU's Gubernatorial
Forum, which hosted five of the leading
candidates for governor. But, lacking
Art's insight down east, I'll take the
liberty to point out a few lines you pro-
bably won't hear from Jimmy Green,
Tom Gilmore, Jim Martin, John In-
gram, Eddie Knox or, for that matter,
any other candidate for anything in the
state this year.
John Ingram: "If there is a need for
teacher salary increases in North
Carolina, and I'm not saying there is
Tom Gilmore: "1 think a candidate
should be able to spend every penny of
campaign funds he can get. If he can't
raise money for himself, he doesn't
need to be doing it for the state as
Jimmy Green: "I've been a lifetime
supporter of the American Cancer
Jim Martin: "I've had it up to my
keester with waste in higher education
"Campus Forum ?
today. Our office has reports of one
college student in Boone who got finan-
cial aid checks from three different pro-
grams. And as for professors, I just
wish got their paycheck and three
months off every summer
Eddie Knox: "I think teacher salaries
are high enough right where they are. In
fact, if elected, my office will consider
another one-year pay freeze
Former Commerce Secretary Lauch
Faircloth: "I'm just not sure we'd be
able to bring all that much industry to
North Carolina. And besides, who
wants to work in a factory all day
Attorney General Rufus Edmisten:
"You know, if Virginia really needs
that water from Lake Gaston, I think
they should have it. People in Norfolk
have to drink too
Jimmy Green: "I think North
Carolina has the finest team of under-
cover investigators in the nation. The
real problem is in our courtrooms,
which are letting too many criminals off
scot-free and making a mockery of
justice in this state
John Ingram: "I can't morally sup-
port the tobacco industry after seeing
the latest statistics from the American
Cancer Society. You know, 95 percent
of those who smoke cigarettes are
dangerously in risk of
Tom Gilmore: "I just cannot support
the tobacco allotment and price support
programs. If the industry can't make it
in the free market, it deserves to die
Jim Martin: "The "voodoo"
economic policies of Ronald Reagan.
just like his entire presidency, have been
a resounding failure
Eddie Knox: "You know, bemg from
an urban area and mayor of the a:e's
largest city, I don't really knou that
much about tobacco
Edmisten: "I think we need to ex-
pand the appeals process for death
Penalty cases. We've got to double
check and be sure everv avenue has
been explored. After all, those guvs
deserve a fair break
Anybody: "If elected, I will work
closely with our congressional delega-
tion to push for tougher warning labels
on cigarette packages that tell the truth
about the harmful effects of that pro-
Quiet Dorm Is An Unappreciated Good Cause
I appreciate and applaud your Jan.
26 editorial "Quiet Dorms: SRA
Should Approve Plan As a general
college advisor and a classroom
teacher, the noisy dorm complaint is
not an uncommon one. Granted, a
noisy dorm has been a long standing
excuse for procrastination and ir-
responsible study practices. In addi-
tion, what is distracting noise for one
may be ideal background noise for
another. Be that as it may, it does seem
reasonable to devote some concerted
effort and concentrated attention to
such a projectprogram. Establishing
this may not be easy or exciting; it
sounds rather mundane and tradi-
tional. It doesn't appear to be subject
matter that would make for exciting
and glamorous reading in the Annual
Report at the end of the year. Neither
may it be the kind of project that
would earn fame for some Student Life
professional or state or national
recognition for the Student Life Divi-
sion. It might, however, be a beneficial
service for those students wanting this
type of living arrangement on this cam-
pus. It does seem like a reasonable and
harmless enough student request and
concern so the special effort ought to
be made to provide this service.
Patricia Dunn
Associate Professor
Health Education
Mick Makes Me Sick
With each new issue of The East
Carolinian, I debate picking one up. I
wonder if I should let myself be
assaulted by the unbelieveable attitudes
of one man ? Mick LaSalle.
The unbelievability is precisely the
problem ? is this character serious
about what he writes, or is the whole
thing simply a farce? Certainly inten-
ding to give LaSalle no credit, I prefer
to believe it's all a farce. The realiza-
tion that there are cretins who actually
accept his opinions, much less agree
with him, is a realization I shudder to
Farce or no, the printing of LaSalle's
articles is a discredit to the university.
Such nauseating drivel produced by
this guy is shown in a manner reflecting
the entire school. I could squelch my
own disgust, I suppose, as easily as not
reading the paper; however, there are
events nice to keep up with.
Earlier issues have made me snicker
? it isn't the achievement of humor in
his pieces that amuses me, it's the
wonderment at what motivates this guy
to pick up a pen at all that provides
great hilarity. His later pieces, though,
are beyond childish, they're insulting.
In particular, LaSalle's greivous
generalizing about women and what's
"best for them" is too much. His exact
point isn't worthy of regurgitation
I only hope that LaSalle can curb his
testosterone long enough to attempt a
bit of journalism.
Barbara Dobyns
their basic philosophy. Both deny the
existence of God. The relationship is
something like this: humanism is the
genus, and communism is the species.
The basic beliefs of humanism are as
? God is irrelevant;
? Human reason is supreme;
? Progress is inevitable;
? Science is the guide to progress;
? Man is completely autonomous,
responding only to his own reasoning
and beliefs;
? Sin is not a factor in existence.
Humanists believe the following things:
1. Do not believe in the existence of
2. Deny the Bible is the word of God.
3. Do not believe in a life after death, no
heaven, no hell.
4. Believe in evolution.
5. Every human being on earth should
have complete sexual freedom (age or
sexual preference is irrelevant).
6. Everyone, regardless of age, has the
right to determine his own goals and
future and values.
7. The right of abortion.
8. One world government.
If you hold many of these same
beliefs, it's because humanism is the
predominant philosphy taught in public
(government) schools. Most textbooks
are written by humanists, and it's im-
possible to get a public education
without getting a good dose of humanist
philosophy in the process.
But what does all this have to do with
the Democratic Party, you ask?
Walter Mondale is an avowed
humanist. His brother, Lester Mondale,
is one of the original draftsmen and
signers of Humanist Manifesto I, a 1933
document closely resembling Marx's
Communist Manifesto. He also is a
regular contributor to the Humanist
magazine and signed Humanist
Mafifesto II, a 1973 update that is a call
for one-world government.
One need only look at the the planks
in the platform of the Democratic party
to see humanist beliefs. The Democratic
leadership is pro-abortion. They also op-
pose laws that would compel a physician
to inform a minor's parents before she
has an abortion. Among the coalition of
special interest minorities that form the
Democratic Party is The National
Association of Gay and Lesbian
Democratic Clubs. The Democratic Par-
ty now stands firmly committed to
homosexual rights as a matter of prin-
cipal. The Democratic Party opposes
school prayer and opposes tuition tax
credits for private (Christian) schools.
The leaders of the Democratic Party
generally take a soft stand against com-
munism. Whether its pushing for a
nuclear freeze or condemning the
Reagan action in Grenada or Central
America, they prefer the non-
confrontational-appeasemant approach
of dealing with world communism.
Groups that believe in humanist ideals
support Democratic candidates. For ex-
ample, out-of-state homosexual rights
organizations are already contributing
to Jim Hunt's campaign fund in an ef-
fort to axe Jesse Helms (whom they
despise) from the Senate.
On issue after issue, if one looks deep-
ly enough, one can see the basic
philosophies of Christian fundamen-
talism and humanism at war, wrestling
for the future of this country. By
whatever name ? Republican or
Democrat, right or left, conservative or
liberal, capitalist or socialist, fundamen-
talist or humanist ? the lines appear to
be distinctly drawn. Unlike the past, to-
day there is a profound difference in
America's two political parties, certainly
enough to bother voting for.
Crime Rai
Slightly B
Thefts A
ECU Department
Public Safety reportj
show that crime w;
slightly above averagi
this past week It as thi
exception rather than thl
rule. Francis EddmgJ
assistant director fof
Police Services, sai
Jan. 24, 10:15 am
report of 10-speed
stolen from bike rac
behind Aycock dorm
6:30 p.m. Kennetl
Brack and John Wenhei
were apprehended I
possession of stolen pr
Jan. 25, 12:12 p.m
report of an atten I
breaking and entenr.
a file cabinet at the Alhec
Health building j
p.m. - larceny of a a:
from a room in Be.i
dorm; Andrew Van
dall, a fugitive froi
Alabama was arretec
breaking and entering
a motor ehicle a:
Jan. 26, 12:33 i
male student was ap
prehended for unnatin,
in public north of Fie:
cher dorm; 7:37 p m.
report of a bike stole:
from rack behind Seoul
dorm 5:35 p.m - repofl
of vandalism :o a
Kent's car west of Greenl
dorm; 6:15 p.m. - reportj
of male student's carl
broken into and lateen;
10:04 p.m. - a female :
White dorm reported
receiving harassing rhone
calls; 10:50 p.m
female student in
dorm reported a I I
stolen from rack north c
Jan. 27, 12:36 am
female student reporte
being sexually assuHecJ
still being investigated
2:20 a.m. - report of t
broken out of fire ei
tinguisher on fourth floo
of Aycock; 10:30 a.m.
female student in cJementj
dorm reported her door
being set on fire; 1052f
am - Mr. Stox of the
maintenance department
reported a battery stolen
from a maintenance trac
tor; 12:05 p.m. - report of
larceny of money and
other items from a purse
in Wright auditorium.
9:30 p.m. - report of van
dalism in room 467
Jones, closet door taker.
and thrown through a
Class Rings
Gold & Ml
T.V's, stereo's,
ovem, bicycles, wttel
portable AM-FM.
good furniture, china AI
400 EVANS,


i't Hear
his Year
bacco industry after seeing
sties from 'he American
etj You knou. 95 percent
?? ho smoke cigarette are
re "1 jusl cannot support
I Mment and price support
? the industry can't make it
I deseres to die
v The ' 'voodoo"
of Ronald Reagan,
s entire presidency, hae been
I iox: 'You know, being from
i ea and mayor of the slate's
ion'i really know that
Lmisten "I think we need to ex-
na the appeals process for death
tnahv cases V?ce gcv to double
avenue has
ftei all, those guvs
ser e
:ted, 1 will work
J ' congressional delega-
te n to push .ner naming labels
m cigarette packages that tell the truth
Ibout the harmful effects of that pro-
Let "
Good Cause
rarce or no, the printing of LaSalle's
tides is a discredii to the university.
:h nauseating drivel produced by
guy is shown in a manner reflecting
entire school. I could squelch my
n disgust, I suppose, as easily as not
Lding the paper; however, there are
tis nice to keep up with.
:arlier issues have made me snicker
li isn't the achievement of humor in
pieces that amuses me, it's the
fnderment at what motivates this guy
pick up a pen at all that provides
pt hilarity. His later pieces, though,
beyond childish, they're insulting.
particular, LaSalle's greivous
leralizmg about women and what's
rst for them" is too much. His exact
lint isn't worthy of regurgitation.
II only hope that LaSalle can curb his
)tosterone long enough to attempt a
of journalism.
Barbara Dobyns
al. The Democratic Party opposes
lool prayer and opposes tuition tax
lits for private (Christian) schools.
le leaders of the Democratic Party
lerally take a soft stand against com-
inism. Whether its pushing for a
kclear freeze or condemning the
agan action in Grenada or Central
lenca, they prefer the non-
nfrontational-appeasemant approach
dealing with world communism.
JGroups that believe in humanist ideals
pport Democratic candidates. For ex-
iple, out-of-state homosexual rights
Igamzations are already contributing
Jim Hunt's campaign fund in an ef-
n to axe Jesse Helms (whom they
spise) from the Senate.
On issue after issue, if one looks deep-
enough, one can see the basic
lilosophies of Christian fundamen-
lsm and humanism at war, wrestling
? the future of this country. By
latever name ? Republican or
rmocrat, right or left, conservative or
rrai. capitalist or socialist, fundamen-
lst or humanist ? the lines appear to
distinctly drawn. Unlike the past, to-
ly there is a profound difference in
lerica's two political parties, certainly
jo ugh to bother voting for.
Crime Rate Increases
Slightly Because Of
Thefts And Larcenies
ECU Department of
Public Safety reports
show that crime was
slightly above average
this past week. It was the
exception rather than the
rule. Francis Eddings,
assistant director for
Police Services, said
Jan. 24, 10:15 a.m. -
report of 10-spced bike
stolen from bike rack
behind Aycock dorm;
6:30 p.m. - Kenneth
Brack and John Wenhen
were apprehended for
possession of stolen pro-
Jan. 25, 12:12 p.m. -
report of an attempted
breaking and entering of
a file cabinet at the Allied
Health building; 2:30
p.m. - larceny of a watch
from a room in Belk
dorm; Andrew Van Tyn-
dall, a fugitive from
Alabama was arrested for
breaking and entering of
a motor vehicle and
Jan. 26, 12:35 a.m. - a
male student was ap-
prehended for urinating
in public north of Flet-
cher dorm; 7:37 p.m. -
report of a bike stolen
from rack behind Scott
dorm. 5:35 p.m. - report
of vandalism to a stu-
dent's car west of Green
dorm; 6:15 p.m. - report
of male student's car
broken into and larceny.
10:04 p.m. - a female in
White dorm reported
receiving harassing phone
calls; 10:50 p.m. - a
female student in Slay
dorm reported a bike
stolen from rack north of
Jan. 27, 12:36 a.m. -
female student reported
being sexually assulted,
still being investigated;
2:20 a.m. - report of glass
broken out of fire- ex-
tinguisher on fourth floor
of Aycock; 10:30 a.m. -
female student in clement
dorm reported her door
being set on fire; 10:52
am - Mr. Stox of the
maintenance department
reported a battery stolen
from a maintenance trac-
tor; 12:05 p.m. - report of
larceny of money and
other items from a purse
in Wright auditorium;
9:30 p.m. - report of van-
dalism in room 467
Jones, closet door taken
and thrown through a
window; 10:32 p.m. -
Samuel Tripp Hassel and
Richard J. Chenery of
Garrett dorms were ap-
prehended for being in-
toxicated and using pro-
fane language on a CB -
PA system in an
Jan. 28, 1:10 a.m. - Ja-
que LeMonye Robinson,
a non-student, was ar-
rested for allowing a per-
son intoxicated to operate
his vehicle; 1:10 a.m. -
Ralph Boyd Carter, a
non-student, was arrested
for DWI;1:20 a.m. -
report of tampering with
fire extinguisher on se-
cond floor of Jarvis
dorm; 1:25 a.m. - report
of breaking and entering
of a vending machine in
the Umstead canteen;
3:28 a.m. - second report
of vandalism to 467 Jones
dorm; 5:30 a.m. - Joel
Kent Cutchins of 129
Jones dorm was arrested
for DWI;
10:15 p.m. - report
of breaking and entering
of a vending machine
Belk dorm.
Jan. 29, 1:30 a.m. -
Palmier Anthony Grossi
of 205-A Scott, Shahab
Faravar of 412-A Scott,
and Robert Joseph Eve
were arrested for com-
mon law robbery of a
Domino's Pizza delivery
man in Scott dorm; 2:45
a.m. - Camera Todd
Daniels and Duane J.
Cudworth, non-students
were apprehended for
tampering with bikes near
Cotten dorlm and banned
from the university cam-
pus; 3:17 a.m. - John
Douglas Hicks of
Raleigh, and David Lynn
Strickland, non-students,
were found sleeping in an
unoccupied room in Tyler
dorm; 3:27 a.m. - James
Theadore Goddar. a non-
student, was banned
from the university cam-
pus for being intoxicated
and disruptive; 12:50
p.m. - a female student
reported the larcency of a
bike from Jarvis dorm;
4:50 p.m. - report of van-
dalism to a vending
machine in the canteen of
Scott dorm. 5:30 p.m. -
report of damage to fire
alarm system on first
floor of Jarvis dorm;
10:25 p.m. - report of
damage to fire fighting
equipment on first floor
of Jones dorm; 7:00 p.m.
- report of vandalism to a
storm door on a modular
unit at Allied Health.
Class Rings Diamond Rings
Gold & Silver Jewerly
T.Vs, stereo's, cameras, video, microwave
ovens, bicycles, watcher
portable AM-FM, cassette, walkmans, heaters,
good furniture, chiaa A crystal, typewriters, etc.
400 EVANS, "on the corner
Downtown Greenville
1 Viper
4 Once more
9 Deposit
12 Sign of
13 Sew lightly
14 Devoured
15 Figures of
17 Avoided
19 Speck
20 Inclination
21 Kind of cloth
23 Chaldean city
24 Parts in play
27 Beverage
28 Unlock
30 Depression
31 Note of scale
32 Pledge
34 Preposition
35 Play leading
37 Not one
38 Pronoun
39 Weird
41 Note of scale
42 Additional
43 Transactions
45 Man's
46 Smart:
48 Colonize
51 King Arthur's
52 Muse of
54 Organ of
55 Still
56 Style of
57 Grain
1 In music, high
2 Weight of
3 Small dog
4 Encourage
5 Aeriform fluid
6 Conjunction
7 Roman road
8 At no time
9 Oar
10 Southwest-
ern Indian
11 Spread for
16 Vessel
18 Positive pole
20 Earthquakes
21 Imitation
22 Raise the
spirit of
23 Preposition
25 Go in
26 Retail estab-
28 Conjunction
29 Baseball
32 Lifts with
33 Compass
36 Enthusiastic
38 More torrid
40 Mollifies
42 Small rug
44 Old musical
45 Gaseous
46 Arid
47 Fish eggs
48 Music as
49 Beat down
50 Before
53 Paid notice
JANUARY 31, 1984
(g&urWk tre?dfi
Mi e. ? st.
LP A Cassette Sales-
Hacy Lawto
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39? 41

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If you are energetic, outgoing, ambitious, and
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Many permanent positions are available nation-
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This is a rare and unique ground-floor opportuni-
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To apply, send a self-addressed, stamped
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Adm $1.50 18yrs. $1.00
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JANUARY 31, 19S4 P?e6
Black Arts Festival This Week
Lewis, Jazz A t Hendrix
While it's cold outside February 1, it will surely
be "hot" in Hendrix Theatre at 8 p.m. as the East
Carolina University Minority Arts Committee
presents Jenifer Lewis in "From Billie to Lena with
Jenny" for the 1984 Black Arts Festival.
Jenifer Lewis recently appeared in Bette Mid-
dled s "De Tour '83" and has returned to New
York City and "Hot her outstanding one-
woman show In a review of her nightclub act, the
Jenifer Lewis
New York Times wrote that "She already has the
aura, and the confidence and the projection of a
star. She is the very essence of show business ? a
singer with a dazzling voice, a high-kicking dancer,
a lusty comedienne, a coiled spring of energy
Prior to working with Bette Midler, Miss Lewis
appeared on Broadway as Diana Ross and Donna
Summer in Rock n' Roll: The First 5,000 Years,
and her other appearances include roles in Eubie,
Comin' I ptown, and Baggy Pants and Company.
Off Broadway, she appeared in both El Bravo! at
the Entermedia Theatre, and Sister Aimee on
Theatre Row, while last season she performed the
title role in Mahalia (based on the life of Mahalia
Jackson) to outstanding notice on its pre-
Broadwav tryout at the Hartman Theatre. For her
performance as Nell in Ain't Misbehavin, produc-
ed by the Pennsylvania Stage Company, Miss
1 euis again received critical acclaim for her stellar
renditions of Honeysuckle Rose and Cash for Your
Miss Lewis created roles in Once in a lifetime,
Tom Jones and A Midsummer Sight s Dream at
the Loretto-Hilton Repertory Theatre. She is a
graduate of Webster College where she was the
recipient of the Irene Ryan Award for excellence in
Tickets are available from the Central Ticket Of-
fice. Mendenhall Student Center, East Carolina
University (757-661 l.ext.266). The ticket office is
open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ticket
prices are $1 for ECU students, $2 for ECU faculty
and staff, and $3 for the public and at the door.

The East Carolina University Unions' Minority
Committee will present the Preservation Hall Jazz
Band, Febrary 2, 1984, at 8 p.m. in Hendrix
Theatre on the East Carolina University campus in
Greenville. This performance is part of the 1984
Black Arts Festival.
The best traditions are those you can enjoy ?
and few are more enjoyable than traditional New
Orleans jazz as played by the artists who created
this great sound. These are the musicians who got
this driving, yet gentle sound from streets, from the
saloons, from the river boats, and from the hearts
of people who laughed and danced and cried. Now
in their 60's and 70's and 80's, the band members
still play with the spirit and joy that is symbolic of
New Orleans jazz.
Preservation Hall Jazz Band
Preservation Hall in New Orleans originally was
a place where the musicians could get together to
play mostly for their own pleasure. Now people
from all over the world pack the benches each night
to hear jazz as it was created. Preservation Hall
jazz is not Dixieland, not fun "straw-hat" music,
nor is it written music. It is music that comes from
the very souls of the men who created a musical
tradition in their own lifetimes. Young and old au-
diences alike are excited by the universal appeal of
this irresistable music.
Tickets for this memorable concert arc available
from the Central Ticket Office, Mendenhall Stu-
dent Center, East Carolina University
(757-661 l.ext.266). The ticket office is open
Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ticket prices are
$2 for ECU students, $4 for ECU faculty and staff,
and $6 for the public. All tickets sold at the door
will be $6.
Lenon's Latest Album Out
Yoko Ono 9s Songs Horrendous
When somebody you like dies,
everybody wants to be the first kid
on the block to let you know
about it. The phone rings, and
some creep on the other end says,
"Hev! Ya hear about Natalie
I was in New York City when
John Lennon got murdered. First
I heard he was shot; then I heard
he was shot in the chest; then I
heard he was shot four times. It
wasn't hard to figure out what
was next. My girl reached over me
and took the phone off the hook.
I walked inside and turned on the
set. If I had been a little less sick,
I'd've put my fist through a wall.
There were few people I ad-
mired more than John Lennon.
Sure his politics were silly. Sure
the 60s make me puke. But Len-
non was his own man He was
honest ? and just by being honest
managed to shock people. He had
a sense of humor, and some real
insight into male-female "rela-
tionships I'll admit it: I saw a
lot of myself in the guy.
I was never one of those geeks
sitting around saying, "Hey,
man, like, like, The Beatles, man,
like if they would just come
together man For me, The
Beatles were only of interest
because it was Lennon's old band.
The night he got killed I knew I
wouldn't sleep. So when I saw all
those people on TV gathered
around Lennon's building, I
thought maybe I'd drive over
there. Lennon lived on West 72nd
Street. Not far. If I floored the
heap 1 could practically set there
before I left.
My girl came in wearing my
robe and carrying a couple of
Johnny Walkers straight-up. So I
put it to her: "You wanna go?"
She handed me a glass and sat
down studying the TV. Then she
shook her head.
"No, Michael she said in
that sympathetic but straightfor-
ward tone women assume when
they figure out you're busted up
inside, and they're gonna take
charge. "That's a media event.
Half of those people just want to
be on TV. We'll stay put
? ? ?
That was three years ago. Now
a new album of unreleased music,
Milk and Honey, is out. Patterned
and packaged after Double Fan-
tasy, it mostly features love songs
written by John and Yoko to each
other. One song, Lennon's
Mojo Collins Cuts Live LP At New Deli
The Mojo Collins Band, featuring the "world's
greatest unknown blues guitarist ? Mojo Collins,
is recording a live blues album this Friday and
Saturday evening (Feb. 3-4) at the New Deli
Restaurant in downtown Greenville.
OoHins halls from North Carolina's Outer
Banks, and many of his songs are a reflection of
his love for the area. His album Diamond Shoals,
tales untold is "dedicated to the Believers and
nondeceivers, and the future of the Outer Banks
It includes song titles like, "Nags Head Lament
"Shining Star Over Jockey's Ridge 'Kitty-
Hawk Kids" and "Ocracoke
Diamond Shoals covers a limited portion of
Mojo's range of styles, which include folk, blues,
jazz, rock, country, soul and religious musical in-
Mojo's first musical training was on his father.
guitar. He has now mastered the acoustic, electric,
bass, slide and dobro guitars, and plays the piano,
organ, harmonica and percussion instruments as
well. He has spent the past 14 years as a profes-
sional musician and has written over 200 original
Mojo has staged his work in clubs and concert
halls in Los Angles, San Francisco, Reno. New
York, Atlanta and North Carolina. As a leader of
his own band, he has headlined concerts over Pink
Floyd, Alice Cooper and Creedence Cleanater
Revival. He has also appeared onstage with Jams
Joplin, Ronnie Montrose, Rick Derringer, Johnny
Winter, Edgar Winter, Muddy Waters, John
Mayall, Fleetwood Mac and the San Francisco
Symphony Orchestra.
"Grow Old With Me is
arguably the best song the guy
ever wrote.
"Grow Old With Me" is based
on a sonnet by the 19th Century
English poet Robert Browning.
Lennon addresses his song to his
wife, but the song could be sung
by anybody to anybody. Fifty
years from now there'll be couples
playing this at their weddings.
Unfortunately, Lennon never
made a studio version of the song.
What appears on the record was
Lennon's last recording, made on
a cassette recorder in his apart-
I can't recommend this album
to everybody. Had Lennon lived,
a couple of the songs here pro-
bably never would've made it out
of the studio. Certainly more than
a couple of the recordings
wouldn't have made it out in the
shape they did. And I can't put in-
to words how bad the Yoko Ono
songs are. Maybe the lady's hop-
ing a thousand years from now
somebody'U call her a genius.
Whatever her motive, we in the
20th century know better.
Still, there are some good things
on this record, things worth hear-
ing apart from the fact that Len-
non's dead, and so every recor-
ding of his is precious to his fans.
Don't buy Milk and Honey Bui
find a copy and tape the Lennon
Huey Lewis, The News
Play Green Leaf Club
Recording and MTV star Hney Lewis and the Newt are art to per-
form tonight at Greenville's Green Leaf Nightclub and Restaurant.
The band has surged to recent fame with three top-40 singles (In-
cluding "Do Yon Believe In Lover" and "Heart and Son) off
latest album. The hand abo made a recent
guests on NBC's "Saturday Night Live
In 1980 Huey Lewis first made
news when he formed the har-
drocking Bay Area group Huey
Lewis and the News. Their self-
titled debut album established
them as critics' favorites with a
witty assemblage of bluesy rock
tunes recorded over three weeks in
two or three takes. Some of them,
like "Some Of My Lies True
(Sooner or Later)" and "Who
Cares" received a great deal of
radio play.
With 1982's Picture This, Huey
and cohorts became bigger News.
The album's smoother production
made the band's street-level
humor and straightforward rock
more accessible to the masses, and
the masses responded: the album
went to no. 13 on the Billboard
chart, and the LP netted three
top-forty singles: "Do You
Believe In Love" (which went to
no. 7), "Hope You Love Me Like
You Say You Do and "Workin
For A Livin which became an
AOR staple.
It's been over a year and a half
since Picture This made Huey
Lewis and the News a household
name. And now they're back in
the News with Sports. The album
contains six originals: "The Heart
of Rock & Roll "Bad Is Bad
"I Want a New Drug "Finally
Found A Home "If This Is It
and "You Crack Me Up and
three covers, "Heart And Soul
"Walking on A Thin Line" (a
paen to Vietnam vets written by
two friends of Huey's, Andre
Pesis and Kevin Wells), and Hank
Williams, "Honky Tonk Blues "
Sports is another winning testa-
ment to that special blend of
energy and expertise, inspiration
and perspiration, humor and in-
sight, hooks and heart, that is
Huey Lewis and the News.
"We feel great about this
record, "says Huey from his
Marin County home. "We've
always been a good live band, and
now I think we're becoming a
good studio band. We worked
hard on this one ? but we also
had a lot of fun
Hard work and fun have always
been what Huey Lewis and the
News are all about. After
graduating high school, Huey
bummed around Europe for
several years with his knapsack
and harmonica. Huey recalls,
"With my long hair, the hard
seemed to fit the image. I didn't
know how to play it, but I taught
myisdf while waiting for rides
beside European highways. I'd
just imagine I was Paul Butter-
field. Alter a year of that I was
pretty good Returning home to
Marin County, Huey joined the
critics-favorite country-rock
band, Clover. They went to
England in the late 1970's, and
See HUEY, page 7
Dear Mr La Sail
Where di
latest from a 23
ble, even for . j
What luck the
fy guy. (ECU'S
him And that si
your long how
through on that
Another sterii
"ninety percent
have been gettu
The research in ,
awsome, tote
Mick, drop ?
What's be
' 'Mick the Dick
Jennifer Hayne
Computer Scien
Co-op Stud
All right, Toots:
The cK; - ? -
fall into one of
Silkwood Rill
Karen S ? i
divorcee working a:
plutomum plai
death in 1974
deliver docume
slipshod plant p-
da Civic smashed
abutment on a i
Silkwood had beer,
active in setting
tion and, in the procesj
covering evidence
materials pi j
McGee. Whethci
tion and eventual d j
ned vengence by rn j
accidents will pr
come to light.
Nichols mereiv expc
credible naivete
.mization of the worl
routjoaiiy hot-spoi dr
Meryl Streep piav sj
and magnificemlv. no
but as a yokel, a -or
norant working girl. B
rather sentiments
her into sonu g ml
end. And that's ii
Fine performar
Russel, Cher
good!) and Diana 5
men: a s
Alice Arien, mall n
must-see. No d daci .
messages here
with scary imp .
Big Chill (rated R)
Seven college friends
classmates funeral to c
each other's lives ar.c
their lost youth and '6.
C.E. ? ? :


?? tt: i ??
Namnmi ? ma1

acoustic, electric,
id plays the piano,
lion instruments as
years as a profes-
fcr over 200 OT?na
1 i d concert
1 R Se
ei P ?
pdence Clearwa
onstage uith Ja
. ernnger, Johnny
cv Waters. J
I ?ar Fi
e the lady's hop-
mi now
her a genius.
I e. we in the
lkncm better.
I ne good things
worth hear-
lr ne fact that I en-
land so every recor-
precious to his fans.
filk and Honey But
tnd tape the L ennon
A Thin Line" (a
iam vets written by
lot Huey's, Andre
Jin Wells), and Hank
lonky Tonk Blues
fther winning testa-
special blend of
cpertise, inspiration
on, humor and in-
and heart, that is
id the News
great about this
Huey from his
tv home "We've
good live band, and
we're becoming a
band We worked
lone ? but we also
land fun have always
uey Lewis and the
about. After
igh school, Huey
und Europe for
with his knapsack
lea. Huey recalls,
ng hair, the hard
the image. I didn't
play it, but I taught
waiting for rides
:an highways. I'd
11 was Paul Butter-
year of that I was
Returning home to
Huey joined the
rite country-rock
They went to
le late 1970's, and
Eh, Mick!
Dear Mr. LaSalle:
Where do you dig up you letters from? Your
latest from a 23-year-old male virgin was incredi-
ble, even for you.
What luck that "Undecided" has such a world-
ly guy, (ECUS own "Eh, Mick) to enlighten
him! And that snappy answer to "go ahead all
your long hours of hard work came shining
through on that one! Good job, Mick.
Another sterling statement pointed out that
"ninety percent of the girls cruising McDonalds
have been getting it since they were fourteen
The research involved to produce this statistic is
awsome, totally awsome. It takes a real talent.
Mick, drop your talent off at McDonalds
What's best for vou is to name your column
"Mick the Dick
Jennifer Hayne
Computer Science
Co-op Student
.All right, Toots:
The clowns who don't like Mick LaSalle usually
fall into one of three categories:
little girls
hopelessly insecure men
Which are vou?
Eh, Mick!
This is our last resort for an understanding of
men. Mick, you're a real man, tell us what the
problem is with the male population of this
It's like this; we are a minority. We want sex all
of the time. We've tried the one-night-stands and
they just don V satisfy us. The men we go out with
give it to us once and that's it ? no more. They're
all stingy bastards!
We're not skanker broads; in fact we're very at-
tractive (I blonde, I brunette), intelligent, witty
and herpes-free. Our sexual performance is unsur-
passed ? what's the deal?? Mick, we're at the
end of our ropes. Please won't you help us?
Signed: "We need more C and J
Dear Girls:
It's sad I can't be everywhere at the same time.
Sweet young things like yourselves need love.
Sure, I'll help. Contact me through The East
Carolinian or just drop by together.
Got a problem? Write:
Eh, Mick
co The East Carolinian
Publications Building, 2nd Floor
East Carolina University
Greenville, N.C. 27834
Or, drop your letters off in person, addressed to
Features Desk.
'Sheer terror
-1 forgot to
breathe for
10 minutes
at a time
Huey Lewis
Local Movies
Weekly Ratings
Silk wood (rated R)
Karen Silkwood, a young
divorcee working at an Oklahoma
plutonium plant, died a suspicious
death in 1974: on her way to
deliver documents pointing at
slipshod plant practices, her Hon-
da Civic smashed into a concrete
abutment on a lonely road.
Silkwood had been increasingly
active in setting up a union elec-
tion and, in the process, began un-
covering evidence of bad safety-
practices with radioactive
materials processed at Kerr
McGee. Whether her contamina-
tion and eventual death were plan-
ned vengence by management or
accidents will probably never
come to light; director Mike
Nichols merely exposes the in-
credible naivete and willing vic-
timization of the workers in this
vvouncaiiy hot-spot drama
Meryl Streep plays Silkwood,
and magnificently, not as heroine
but as a yokel, a somewhat ig-
norant working girl. But the film
rather sentimentally tries to turn
her into something more at the
end. And that's its only weakness.
Fine performances by Kurt
Russel, Cher (surprise! she's
good!) and Diana Scarwid supple-
ment a script by Nora Ephron and
Alice Arlen, making Silkwood a
must-see. No didactic anti-nuke
messages here, just a tragic story
with scary implications ? and no
C.E. ????
Big Chill (rated R)
Seven college friends gather at a
classmates funeral to catch up on
each other's lives and worry over
their lost youth and '60s idealism.
C.E. ? ? ? ? Vi
Terms of Endearment (rated PG)
Comedy drama starring Shirley
Maclaine as an eccentric mother,
Debra Winger as her well-
adjusted daughter and Jack
Nicholson as their neighbor.
Guaranteed tear jerker.
D.B. ? ? ? ?
Brainstorm, (rated PG)
Brainstorm is about the pro-
blems surrounding the invention
of a tape recorder that records
feelings and sensations instead of
sounds. Some lady dies of a heart-
attack while plugged into the
thing, and Christopher Walken
spends half the movie trying to
find the tape so he can play it back
and know what dying feels like.
Imagine spending two hours with
this kind of guy at a party, and
you'll know how dull Brainstorm
The movie co-stars Natalie
Wood in her last film role. I liked
the lady, but face it: she went out
on a banana peel.
M.L. ? ?
Possession (rated R)
"You don't want to review
this said the man in the ticket
"That bad, eh?"
He shook his head slowly up
and down, and a low gutteral
noise between a moan and a laugh
crawled up from deep within his
throat. "And I've got to charge
you 50 cents. It's the new rule on
I'm not stupid enough to pay 50
cents to see a movie even the
management is telling me not to
see, and you'd be even crazier to
pay two or three bucks.
Pieces, (rated R)
I finally figured out how movies
like this get made: A couple of
screenwriters who can't get laid go
to a director who can't get laid
with the story of a lunatic who
can't get laid so he kills women.
They hold big auditions with a
bunch of beautiful actresses who
can't et work. And each girl is
tested to see who looks sexiest
with tomato sauce smeared on her
Pieces is the story of a lunatic
gone berserk on a college campus.
He and his chainsaw go through
about a half-dozen women who
are all very guilty of being pretty.
You know, like that girl down the
hall? Or your girlfriend? Or your
I can talk about the horrendous
plot, soundtrack, dialogue and ac-
ting. But this movie is more than
bad ? it's evil.
Don't tell me Pieces is supposed
to be funny. I'm not laughing.
M.L.No Stars.
Sudden Impact (rated R)
Clint Eastwood returns as Dirty
Harry ? better than ever.
Gorky Park (rated R)
Lee Marvin and William hurt
star in this suspense thriller set in
Moscow. Terrific plot, good ac-
G.I. ? ? ? ? Vi
Flashdance (rated R)
The greatest nonmovie of all
Cont. from p. 6
Clover's rootsy, funky
sound fit in perfectly.
After Clover's demise,
Huey returned to the Bay
area, and once again
began assembling local
out-of-work musician
friends into a cohesive
unit. A Monday night
jam session at local club
Uncle Charlies was in-
stituted, and here the
nucleus of the News was
formed: ex-Clover
keyboardist Sean Hop-
per; guitarist Chris
Hayes; and three
members of another local
band Soundhole, Johnny
Colla (guitar and sax),
bassist Mario Cipollina
(brother of Quicksilver's
John), and drummer Bill
"We were offered
some free studio time
after the word-of-mouth
on the Monday night
jams got out, so we cut
this disco take-off on
"Exodus "Exo-disco"
Huey explains. "I sent
that to this guy I knew
from England, and the
next thing I knew, we had
a singles deal with
Phonogram. With the ad-
vance, we recorded three
tunes we had written, and
that demo attracted our
manager Bob Brown and
eventually Chrysalis
Commenting on
Sports, Huey says, "It's
like all of our records, I
hope, in the sense that it's
honest and original. It's
just us. We've always
managed to be a self-
contained outfit ? we
produce our own records,
do covers our way, help
direct our own videos
and it seems to be work-
ing, which is great
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sion on Feb. 2
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Student Center.

1 HI I Mi H i IMN
Mids Win Despite Vanderhorst's 22
ham Grady drives to the basket. Grady scored eight points in the
?ss lo ay last night 0arr p,n,r?oi phoh .
Navy's Vcrnon Butler scored 10
of his game high 28 points from
the tree throve line in the last five
minutes as the Midshipmen came
back from a two-point halftime
deficit last night to defeat the
ECU Pirates, 79-61, at Annapolis.
After a Leon Bass jump hook
brought ECU within three points,
58 53, with five minutes left in the
game, Naw outscored the Pirates
21-8 thereafter in route to its 16th
victory of the season against six
losses. The loss dropped ECU's
record to 3-14.
Perhaps the kev play of the
game occurred with just under
five minutes to pla in the game,
when Navv 's Mike Jones missed a
one and one tree throw to give the
Pirates a chance to cut the Mid-
dies' lead to three points. But,
during 1 CU's ensuing trip down
the floor, guard Tony Robinson
,i- called for a pushing off foul
on offense, his fifth of the ball
game 1 he rest was history.
Butler was helped by Klor
V hitaker's 16 points and Rob Ro-
maine's 12. as the Middies upped
their conference record to 2-3.
t url Vanderhorst pumped in a
career high 22 points and Bass ad-
ded nine for the Pirates, who now
stand 0 c in the E( AC
ML plaved an aggressive first
half, out-rebounding Naw 19-13.
The Pirates were down by as
much as 11 points but were able to
take a basket lead by halftime.
ECU's rally began with Navy
up 19-8, when the Pirates reeled
off 10 straight points behind the
shooting of Vanderhorst, Bass
and Roy Smith.
Each team exchanged buckets,
but Derrick Battle's slam dunk
with 5:14 left tied the game at
Soon thereafter, Vanderhorst's
top of the key shot and Battle's
turn around jumper gave ECU a
28-26 halftime advantage.
The Middies came out strong in
the second half, taking a 35-30
lead on a Cliff Maurer shot in the
lane With 2:03 left in the game,
they were able to open up an eight
point margin, 46-38, after Butler
connected on two free throws
But. the Pirates fought back to
a two point deficit, 44-42, and had
a chance to trim the Middie lead
to three with 6:30 left in the game.
With Navy leading 56-51,
Vanderhorst stole an inbounds
pass under the basket and was
fouled attempting to toss in a
layup. But. he missed both foul
shots and Navy rebounded
For the game. Naw attempted
an incredible 42 shots from the
foul line, while ECU tried only 19
Butler was 16-18 from the free
Naw. which leads the series
3-1, was coming ofl a 6 i
George Mason in its last game and
needed a victory badly to continue
to be a contender in the E -V
1 he Pirate- are si ? - '
their first E A win, alter p
ing a Naw squad that ha
won 22 ' ts last 24 gan
h o m e
Tonight's win by Na
perfect example
trend in the 1 I "
games plaved th
ference, i 2 been w
The Pirat(
break their cor I
when the
of George Ma
George Ma
the scorn
oi the le i
sat out the .
points "i ate
ing scorer in N ?
plaved an ex
must be r.
1 ast night's eave
ich Charlie Han
IV 27 lifetime re
16-13 in hi
E ast arolina (61)
Ban 4
22. Rohm- ? B
rnbill :
td 12-2 8
v 7 -
- . ? -
4, F
U -South Standings
f as!arolina
? ? -f
Baseball Team
leady For EC A C
n tal
' ? nil I he Pirates a
he likes oi the University of Northa i, N
. lames Madison and North Carolina Slate.
ui success will be determined bv how, our freshmen adjust to col-
ill trt
e E v
e at " W
lrnament EC1 hopes to have t nament
ear, even though the w ited Jai
i it ever since the post-season play beg i
? a 2-3-1 conference record. I ?1 the
i ec
finson will be a kev figure in the Pirates
eshman, he led the team ith averaj
Hal Baird will have a tough Job as ECU's baseball coach this year,
having to field the youngest team in his fie year tenure.
Murry New Football Coach
? K4
I oh n son al
: 7-1 re n the
her Bob Davidson, wl opic
Davidson led the team last year with a arn-
I vans and David Wells have been named
?ing season "Evans has a chance at many I
B ? rd said.
bati ng average was a disappointing .271, down
?2 However, Baird said, "We have better hitters
ear the Pirates won largely on tradition, but that
"definitely going to win a championship
GREENV 1111. N.C. tl'Pl) ?
Don Murry has been named as the
offensive coordinator for last
( arolina, football coach Ed
Emory announced Monday.
"1 teel Don Murry is one o the
best qualified teachers and
organizers for our position
Emory said. "I've tried to hire
him on three other occasions and
persistence has finally paid off the
fourth time
Murry comes to East C arolina
after one vear as offensive coor-
dinator at the L'niversitv ol
Southwestern I ouisiana. Murry,
a 40-year-old native oi Warren.
N.C, replaces Art Baker, who
has joined the Florida State
University staff.
Murry and Emory worked
together for five seasons at Clem-
son University, 1973-78 Murry
served as offensive coordinator
and Emory served as offensive
line coach and running back
USC Pecks Pirates
Bv RM Ml Wx
. -
Brat -
( ai t to
ed, the Pi
US g 30
cent, while the Pii ? 49 for 43 pe
successful on mo more attempt ? held a
slight 35-30 rebounding advanl .
I he second hall
ECU's 22 i ks only fi
The s.
opened ?
to 40-31.
The Ua
comma: ling 52-3e
"In the ' .
boat Is And k down g
Andn .
because they bega
Sylvia Bragg . -
ECU d - ? -?? t iVillia
on V ednes la ?? & a
c u r r e n 11 v 2 S
Fast Carolina (51)
Rodrigu Hedg I, M - ; 4
2-3 s - 5.14 g ; ; . V 4
South Carolina (671
McAlistei J-8 0-0 6, Soul . ? 24
2-10 1-2 5, I ynch 2 8 2 2 6, 2-4 4, Willia
ndoor Soccer A Hit
Bv H MC Ki s
sHrtj f4lto?
the goalie Play for-
en better, be the
i nless you're Mr tough
i eat live goldfish, don't
. alie. That's what 1 learn-
m watching the Budweiser
I indoor Soccer Tournament
-? Mingesoliseum last Saturdav
Indoor soccer great game to
almost like watching a
kev game that's played with a
zy puck All summer I watched
America plav "regular"
; .r soccer, and, after wat-
ig this sport, I doubt Jeff
Durgan would last a minute.
in vou imagine playing
-ball on a softball field? Ten-
on a ping pong table0 Well, if
.an picture these images, you
probablv have an idea of what m-
ir soccer is like.
Vhen I walked into Minges
Saturday, I noticed I had to sit on
the second level, because, in in-
door soccer, the entire gym is us-
ed Also, there is a no "out-of-
bounds" aspect of this sport that
makes it more interesting than
outside soccer You can bank the
ball off the walls, the ceiling, a
fan's head, the scoreboard, oi
your opponent's unmentionable
areas. What an added dimension
for the soccer fan'
While enjoying the rough plav
and the creative insults from the
fans ("Bo-o-o-ring "He faked
vou out of your jock "Quit
playing stall ball"). I noticed
The Fan
something ironically peculiar: this
bone-crunching, shin-aching sport
was being plaved with a fuzzy
ball! An oversized tennis ball, a
balled up raccoon skin' What, are
these guys afraid to get hit0 Not a
Well, as play continued, I
realized why thev played with the
fuzzy ball ECU's "A" team was
playing Pembroke State Universi-
ty, when the Pirates' Dave Pere let
off a hard pass Smack' A PSU
defenseman caught the ball
squarely in the face Ouch' Hence
the fuzzy ball
The goalie is a most interesting
speciman Obviously, he is the
biggest player on the team. And
has to be. His job: protect his do-
main. His domain: the area in
front of the net. The goalie spends
his time knocking away shots, div-
ing for loose balls and dodging
swinging legs. Don't mess with the
If you do happen to wander in-
to his territory, watch out. Case in
point: Semifinal match between
ECU "A" team and North
(arolina Wesleyan. ECU goalie
Cirant Pearson lunges for a loose
ball in front of the net ? Barn
He recieves a tred mark on his leg.
He remembers. Six minutes later,
a Wesleyan player comes into his
crease ? Thump Pearson lands a
right to the intruders' back. The
referee motions the goalie to the
penalty box. Pearson leaves with
with a minute left in the match,
grudgingly, arms in the air, hav-
ing recorded his second straight
shutout for the tournament.
But, the aggressive play wasn't
limited to the goal area. Check-
ing. Shoving. A Pfeiffer player
controlled a pass near the sideline
? Crunch Bleacher splinters in
the teeth! Ouchl What fun! I en-
joyed the game as I would a
hockey match.
Wait a minute, though. What
was great about this tournament
was that it was rough and fast-
paced ? in addition to displaying
fine soccer play. Needle-threaded
passes, blistering shots on goal,
sliding defensemen kicking the
ball away from charging for-
wards. This action was great! The
players didn't set up plays like
they do outdoors on the big field.
Heck no! They charged the goal.
Fast-break city!
Well, the championship match
finally came. The ECU "A" team
was playing Atlantic Christian
College. I thought the match was
going to be the climax of the day-
long tournament. Unfortunately,
I almost fell asleep as the Pirates
destroyed the Fighting Christians
7-2 behind the scoring of Mark
Hardy and Brian Colgan.
Throughout the tournament,
however, I was wide awake,
curious and glad I hadn't chosen
to endulge in my regular Saturday
afternoon routine And, after
viewing the sport, I have some ad-
vice for the George Plimpton pro-
teges: Don't be the goalie.
Pirate forward Alan Smith fights for the ball during the ECT In-
door Soccer Tournament played this weekend In Minges Col

eaves ECU
lie son with a
d after going
reason in Green-
t aroHu tM
?rsl 10 2-4
- Bass 3 3-5 9,
Sledge : 1-2 5,
0 2.
a (791
4 ics 4 0-3 8,
R obin yn 1 2-4
? J3-4
c Overall
0-5 3-14
ed South
? tball team
ck ef-
garne into a
the -econd half
tr re explod-
ns for 4" per-
4? percent. ECU was
hro Une, and held a
direct result of
he ball 10
until USC
Sylvia Bragg at
fieir iead back
? 4' eft, held a
ead to 53-44
been decided.
"trolling the
n i ad got the
he second half
rule Lisa
amsburg, Va
an The Pirates are
4 Bragg 8-15
I 4-4 It Ballou
! 3 0-1 6.
tW ECU la-
la Mlaget Col-
Swimmers Down UNC Charlotte
Player Of The Week
ECU Women's basketball plaer Sylvia Bragg has
been chosen as the East Carolinian's Player of the
Aeek for her performances against Appalachian
state and South Carolina in last week's play. The
sophomore guard led the Pirates in scoring in both
games, knocking in 20 points against ASl and 18
against USC.
East Carolina's men's
and women's teams both
swam to big victories at
UNC Charlotte Saturday,
with the men winning
71-14, and the women
taking a 66-26 contest.
"The wins we had to-
day assured both our
men's and women's
teams of winning
seasons Kobe said after
the meet. "That's the
first time that's ever hap-
pened here
With the wins, the men
raised their record to 7-3
while the women went to
For the women, Rene
Seech and Lori Miller
qualified for the na-
tionals in the one and
three meter diving events.
In the one meter, Miller
scored 246.0, while Seech
recorded 235.0 to beat the
qualifying mark of 231.0.
In the three-meter event,
Miller also won with a
score of 264.0, while
Seech placed second with
246.0. Both scores sur-
passed the 245.0 qualify-
ing mark.
Both relay teams won
their events, with the 400
meddley relay team of
Lori Livingston, Jessica
Feinberg, Vicki Gorrie
and Nancy James
finishing with a time of
4:11.9. In the 400
freestyle relay, the
freshman team of Jean
Keating, Cindy Newman,
Scotia Miller and Caycee
Poust won with a time of
Keating, as well as
swimming with the winn-
ing 400 meter relay team,
won the 50 meter and 100
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For more information on Energy Saving
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meter freestyle events
with times of 25.9 and
57.3, respectively.
Other winners for the
women were Miller in the
1650 freestyle with a time
of 18:22.0, Poust in the
100 backstroke at 1:04.2
and Nancy Ludwig in the
500 freestyle with a time
of 5:37.4.
The men swept nine of
11 events in cruising to
The 400 medley relay
team of Chris Pittelli,
Gregor Wray, Stephen
Hollett and Doug
McMillan won with a
time jof 3:47.0.
In the 400 freestyle
relay, the team of
Hollett, Kevin Richards,
Woody Woolard and
Chema Larranga won
with a time of 3:23.6.
ECU swept the sprint
freestyle events with Jeff
Brown taking the 50 in
22.9, Richards winning
the 100 in 49.7 and Stan
Williams winning the 200
in 1:48.6.
Other winners for the
Pirates were Kevin
Hidalgo in the 200 meter
butterfly with a time of
1:58.9, Gregor Wray in
the 200 backstroke in
2:12.7 and Pittelli in the
500 freestyle in 4:50.9.
Scott Eagle also won the
one meter diving with a
score of 324.0
"We have Duke com-
ing up on Saturday and
we're always psyched for
the ACC. This is the big-
gest meet of the year for
our girls because they will
be going for national
cuts said Kobe, referr-
ing to the team's next
meet at Duke on Satur-
day, Feb. 4, where both
teams hope to up their
records as well as qualify-
ing girls for the nationals
in March.
This swimmer b about to complete his 29th lap, bat he still has ? long way to
gOOOOOOOOOO Lew Clemmee ? ECU Me4e Lee
Alt Greenville Blvd.
754-3023 ? 24HRS
24 hour Towing Service
I -Haul Rentals
O and Wed. Feb. 1
W tl C C fl The Rhondels
All Dining costumers admitted free.
Coming Feb. 8th - The Embers
College I.D. - FREE Admission
Til 7:30
Happy Hour 6-8
Watch For Special Saturday Night Bands!
jt?P?gT?' " ?? ?'?
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ai"yBy?yT7-i. ?? v.1 ?'? vaMiiife
Including Skates
with MTV
Kroger av-
Open Mon. thru Sat. 8am to Midnight - Sun. 9 ai
ACin frosonvilltO RIvH . CZraan
Eacf o? rnajse adver
if?m? .5 rf
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600 Greenville Blvd. - Greenville
noted m this ad it A
do 'un Out o' a" item
we avail 0"er yOu yOuf
choice o? a com
DaaD'e item when
available rejecting
tne same sa?ngs o' a
ranchec? which ?ili
entitle you to du'
:nase tne advertised
'tem at the advertised
pnee mrithin 3C das
Tetiey 10o ct.
Tea box
With 30c Off
jOn Pack Coupon

ECU Tabs
Prep Stars
Two high school stan-
douts last week signed to
play with the Lady
Pirates' basketball team
next fall.
Shelly Ridgway, a 5-7
guard from Cape May
Courthouse, N.J
averaged 15.1 points and
9.1 rebounds per game
her junior year while be-
ing named to the Ail-
Cape May County team
and second team all-
South Jersey Group II.
This year, Ridgway is
averaging 17 points and
7.7 rebounds and has
scored her 1,000 career
Alma Bethea, a 6-0 for-
ward from Goldsboro,
N.C averaged 8.1 points
and 7.0 rebounds per
game her junior year
while being named all-
Mideastern Conference
and honorable mention
all-East. Last summer,
she was selected to the
B.C. All-Star top 20.
Bethea is presently
averaging 9.8 points and
6.0 rebounds for her
former state champion-
ship club.
Each of th?M advertised items is rvquirax) to bo readily available for
sal at or below the advertised price n each A4P Store, except as
specifically noted in this ad.
Has the former East Carolina qaarterback thrown on a disguise and ran for the governorship of North
Carolina? Naw, it's just candidate John Ingram spreading propaganda at last Friday's Gubernatorial
Fornm at Jenkins Auditorium. oarry ?attonon - ecu mm Lab
Clip MFG's "Cents-0ff" Coupons from your mail, newspapers
and magazines. . . then bring them to your A&P Food Store.
B?r??i-i m an Fab. 4, ??)art rtitmtm national man-
utacturar ?m um comb? wp to Ha lor I
vahw Oftar goo
rnupono onry (Fa
Cuassotar aajat pappJBj
?tan. tapao b??mm mmmmmttmrmwm.Ono c
MiJ?r??? QHw o? net apply to AAFm ?
Man Mo muo of tho coupon oaooaao Mo or tno t
or tho Mam. iMa otlar m amNad to Mia ratal arts.
Western Grain Fed Beef
( Chuck
V Roast
First Cut
Weekend Sports Schedule
Women's basketball at William & Mary
Wed. Feb. 1 7:30 pm
Men's and Women's Swimming at Duke
Sat. Feb. 4 1:00 pm
Women's Basketball vs. George Mason (Home)
Sat. Feb. 4 3:00 pm
Men's Basketball vs. George Mason (Home)
Sat. Feb. 4 7:30 pm
TWIN SCO tor sal. Phono 7Sl-470.
HOUSE FOR RENT Specious hous.
2 blocks Irom ECU; 7 bsrmi, 2 baths,
Dop and loot roqwtrod. 7S3-SXM.
?.LICK Mht) 11 tMiWiy lovo Tt.
tferoo ?trl? Juntoor Jam. Oom
Luck' Lcvt ya L, D ? R. Jan. SI.
THE MAN FROM Musflland who took
us on that non-stop laughing trip will
bo back again in Fob. to taka us onca
again to tha Mushiand. invltad quojm
trt tha Nixman, tha Priostman, tha
Aman ino Aman's WOMAN. Signod
tho Rickman and tho Motssman.
clans don't charga tor rapair
SFRINO BREAK U is right around
tha cornor. Oon't miss this yoars
BEST FARTYI Round trip trans, to
nights acconv OCEANFRONt at tha
Pooludo Bands, Contosts and moro.
For mora into, call Mlka at 7Sa-77t or
Buddy at 7Sa-oMa aftar :M.
IF YOU LOVE animals hara's your
chance VotiMtaar an hour or mora at
waahaida at a Hamana Society
??aator Ham, worst ana ptay ana ssio
rawarda ara groat. Tho klwdast way
nautor or spay. Call Bobby Parsons
TYPING SERVICES, naaf. fast,
raasonabia. Call 355 202
Attention Students:
will be published by the Student
Welfare Committee at THE
"Come by and let your ideas and
suggestions be known"
WANTED: Musicians naadad:
kayboard, guitar, drummar. horns,
ate. contomporary raligiousgospal
music tormat. Call: Llf and Paaca
Ministry, 752 744 or 754 241 Linda
uti Nonsmokor. Villaga Oraan.
752 2lt2
blacks from campus. Call Kyla aftar
pm 7SB-47M.
nica housa, walking distanca to cam-
pus. Hauta and badroem alraady fur-
nish?; Si 25 daposit roquirod. rant
S12S a month plus M utiliflas and
phono Naat, rasponsibla typos call
7S2-21V4. kaap trying.
far spring action with ha T's. Oat
your favarit group, toga or mtmtmn
parmanant-waihabla. Hand palPtad.
groat gifts Mlka 752 1717.
COUNSELORS for co-od wmmtr
camp in tha mountains of North
Carolina. Room maalt, laundry,
salary and traval allawanca. E
parianca not nocatsary, but must on
oy living and working with cMMran.
Only ctoan-cut nan-smoking collogo
stwdants naad apply. Far appiic
tlanbrochura writs: Camp
Pinawaod, 1fM Bob O Link Dr
Miami, Fl. 3M1S.
FOR SOLUTIONS to your sound
systom problems call tha TECH
SHOP at 757 if -our audio tochnl
Weds. Feb. 1
Blue Sparks
Beau Arts Ball
Than. Feb. 2ml
Brice Street
Q Fri.Feb.3rd
Brice Street for ECU MassMl
Set. Feb. 4th
Sob. Feb. 5th
Boss Foster
Farwest Ski Clothing - 4tTOff Reg. Price
? Russell National (Pro Ms.) Tights & Leotards
Russell & Bike Long-sleeve T-shirts -
Reg. $7.95 Now $6.95 - Plus
FREE E.C.U. Transfer of Your Choice.
Wilson 1280 "Official Scorer" Basketball
- motf
Includes every Converse & Nike Shoe We Sell
210 C. PWh 5k0ft
Western Grain Fed Beef.
New York S3S
Strips avg
FtjBfjjj With Quality
V large
Lettuce head
Seat Groce?
Savings save
Round Top Bread
1 lb.
Orange Juice
Pure Cane Sugar ffLarge Eggs
"?rr3ss?j ufanoi?swmcoo?)?i??Tjgf-?? - ?
BBtntj 17 j i
Eight 0'Clock cX
; Senior Citizens
??' W

The East Carolinian, January 31, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 31, 1984
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