The East Carolinian, January 17, 1984

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?he lEast Carolinian
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
Vol.58 NoT ?
Tuesday, January 17, 1984
Greenville, N.C.
10 Pages
Circulation jO.iMMi
Faculty Exchange Program Started
s,?, fdiioi
East , arolina
as iken the initiative
important legisla-
pieased the have
d - sion to move
said William v. Friday,
of the 16-campus UN
? e Council on
cher Ed approved a
ange program
tween ECl and the public
Is Charles R. Coble, acting
dean of the School of Education,
said that ECU is the first NC in-
stitution to implement such an
"innovative program The 1983
Genera Assembly "encouraged"
the UNC system, private colleges
and the State Board of Education
to improve the quality of public
school teaching.
"The teacher education faculty
at ECU has shown some genuine
leadership and has become the
pacesetter for what other univer-
sities will likely implement as
well Coble said.
Wende Allen, a member of the
Ad Hoc Committee which
prepared the ECU plan, said that
teacher education faculty
members in a number of
disciplines will be encouraged, on
a voluntary basis, to go into the
public schools on an "exchange"
Allen said that the public school
teachers are excited about having
professors come into their
classrooms. "It will be a good
learning experience for them
Allen said.
Several options will be available
to both university and public
school personnel. For example,
options ECU faculty include unit
teaching, single class teaching,
team teaching, small group work
and teacher assistant or substitute
For public school personnel,
options include methods and
laboratory instruction, short and
special presentations and seminar
and team teaching.
According to the Teacher Ex-
change Handbook, "The intent of
all experiences is to provide par-
ticipants with renewed and
revitalized professional skills and
attitudes; thus the types of ex-
periences selected for participa-
tion must vary according to the in-
dividual needs, skills and focus of
each participant.
Coble said that within five years
all appropriate faculty members
will have had the opportunity to
"1 feel very proud of the faculty
for taking the initiative on an
issue that was controversial Co-
ble said. "It would have been a lot
easier to sit back and wait for
others to take the first step
William C. Friday
Increased Budgets
Expected For Most
Student Groups
st, Legislate! Kirk Shelley presents pian for Gubernatorial Day funding See story below
t Involvement, Survey Discussed
? run
A A-de variety of business was
icted by the SGA las- night,
uding the resignation oi Chris
Townsend SGA speaker. Town-
send relinquished his position, ef-
in. 16. "It was my
serve as speaker this
and 1 thank the manv
ients tor their support" he
?wnsend will join a local
m shortly and he ited his
? a rl tatus a 'he reason
signing. A new speaker will
ser at next week's meeting
In other business, four new
? ares were intorduced bv
eening Committee I he
- dorm representatives are:
Teresa Byrne, treshman. White
Dorm; Nelson Harte, sophmore,
Aycock; Patty Howard,
freshman. Cotton; and Jeff
O'Neill, freshman, Belk.
Two suggestion boxes are at the
SGA office in Mendenhall. One is
for student input concerning
changing ECU'S student election
Suggestions concerning an up-
coming student survey can also be
left at the office. The suvey is a
joint project of Havva J.
Altuner's marketing class and the
SGA Student Welfare Committee.
Topics already considered for in-
clusion are: P1RG funding
system, extended library services,
upperclass dorms, textbook rental
system, campus banking hours,
Dec. graduation and a Labor Day
The controversial Public In-
terest Research Group (PIRG), a
Ralph Nadar organization, has
had some difficulties at ECU.
PIRG members are pushing for a
"negative check-off" system to
fund the group. All students
would contribute to PIRG but
those who wished not to support
PIRG could receive a refund later
by "checking off" a box while
paying tuition and fees. The
survey will seek student response
to the funding system.
Students who wish to add other
topics to the survey may do so by
dropping off their ideas at the
SGA office. Both suggestion
boxes will remain there for a cou-
ple weeks.
Paul Naso, SGA president, ask-
ed the representatives to get in-
volved and involve the rest of the
student body. "We need people to
contribute' we can mae ECU a
better place if we get people work-
ing on problems facing all of us
Naso said.
Funding for the upcoming
gubernatorial forum to be held on
campus Jan. 27 was approved by
voice vote. The money, $1293,
was appropriated to pay for food
(approximately $600), video tap-
ing the event (approximately
$500) and gas ($50) for a donated
limousine to shuttle guests to and
from the airport.
surf wriur
Although the finai budget pro-
posals are not in from all the stu-
dent funded services on campus,
Vice-Chancellor for Student I ife,
Dr. Elmer E. Meyer Jr. expects to
see increased budgets from nearly,
all the organizations for the first
time in three years. So far the onlv
services to make specific requests
for more money have been the
Media Board, asking for $2.25 in
crease per student, and
Mendenhall. seeking a $2 to $5
fee increases per student. Meyei
expects the other services to need
increases of about the same
amount although Student Health
Services and Student Housing
may require more.
Because of reserve funds in
many of the divisions, Meyer said
that he could make only rough
estimates as to how much more, if
any, some would need. Student
Housing could request up to a $25
increase, he said. Factors such as
a large money reserve and the pro-
posed installation of air condi-
tioning in Cotton and Fleming
dormitories targeted, to begin in
the summer of 1984, have not yet
been figured. If the reserve money
is tapped this year, fees may not
increase at all, but this would
definitely result in an increase the
following year of up to $50,
Meyer said.
Student Health also has reserve
Six Gubernatorial Candidates
To Visit ECU Campus Next Week
M?uft? tdilor
? -he eight major N.C. can-
? r governor are schedul-
pear at EC IPs Guber-
Da next week, and
state dignitaries ire also
ely set to be present, a stu-
immittee said last week.
Gubernatorial Day com-
haired by Kirk Shelley,
lent of the ECU chapter of
Student Legislature, has
ation from Democratic
didates Eddie Knox, John In-
i im, limmy Green, John
Imore and Leo Jenkins as well
i Republican U.S. Rep. James
Martin Democrats Rufus Ed-
misten and D.M. Faircloth will
not attend as initially expected
due to scheduling conflicts.
The event, designed as a chance
tor students and area citizens to
meet the candidates for governor,
will be held in Jenkins
Auditorium in the Jenkins Fine
Arts Center on Friday, Jan. 27. A
press conference is scheduled
from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m and a
forum, in which six student
panelists will question the can-
didates, is scheduled from 2 p.m.
to 4 p.m. A reception to informal-
ly meet the candidates will follow
in Mendenhall Student Center.
"I think it's pretty precedent-
setting Shelley said. He said
that except for a forum at UNC-
Chapel Hill held only for
Democratic candidates, no com-
parable event is planned, and this
is probably the only chance
Eastern North Carolina will have
to see all the candidates together.
The panelists for the forum will
be selected this week, according to
Shelley, and will represent
students from several campus
groups, including the SGA, NCSL
and the Student Residence
Association. All students are urg-
ed to submit questions to be asked
at the forum (see form, page 5).
SGA President Paul Naso
stressed the purpose of the event
to the SGA Legislature Monday
night. "The reason for (the
forum) was to get students involv-
ed. It's basically for the
students he said. "The basic
idea of the forum for candidates
? (one of which is) going to be
your next governor ? I think
that's immpressive
"It's going to bring a lot of at-
tention to East Carolina said
Mark Palmer, a member of the
organizing committee. "I think
Kirk Shelley
it's going to be a positive thing"
for the unversity. Palmer has
coordinated much of the media
and publicity arrangements for
the event.
The NCSL is planning a voter
registration drive on campus for
Pitt County residents the week of
the gubernatorial forum, Shelley
said. He said registrars would pro-
bably be at ECU on Thursday and
Friday, the day of the event.
King's Birthday Celebrated By Students
People across the nation, in-
cluding many ECU students,
assembled last weekend to honor
the late Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. The ECU Chapter of the Na-
tional Association of Advance-
ment for Colored People held its
third annual Martin Luther King
Jr. Celebration last Friday night.
King was praised for his non-
violent work in the civil rights
movement of hte 1950s and 60s.
Karen McGill, president of the
NAACP, led the ceremony. "The
King celebration is something we
should all remember and take part
in McGill said.
Guest speaker for the evening,
Diane Small, NAACP field direc-
tor in Greensboro, NC, was
unable to attend the function
because of the foul weather;
however, several members of the
black ECU fraternities and
sororities contributed to the pro-
gram. The ECU Gospel Choir
also entertained the audience with
two selections.
Wendell Robinson, a member
of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity
funds to : nsider in the deter-
mination ol whether to increase
fees this car or not, although
these reserves are significantly
lower than housing's. Meyer
estimates Student Health to need
an increase of anywhere from $10
to $40
The Student Government
Association and the intramuraJs
department should receive a $2 to
Sf increase, according to Meyer,
while he ates no increase
foi S?.i- Transit. He declined to
make any speculations whether
Vlhleti - vill request any in-
creases although he said they
? aid most likely be in the same
range as SGA and Intramurals.
The last time ECU students ex-
perienced a fee increase was the
fal Of 1982 when the SGA Transit
budget was increased by two
Sieve: hopes to have all the
budgets ready by January 30 when
he will meet with the SGA to con-
firm any student fee increases for
the net semester. From there the
total budget will go to Chancellor
How ell for approval.
Finally the proposal goes to the
Piesident of the INC svstem and
then on to the Board of Govet-
nors for final approval. Although
Howell reports to ECU's Board of
Trustees w a eases have been
requested they do not determine
whether to send it on to the Presi-
dent or not.
Night Transit Service
Seeks Operating Funds
said, "Doctor Martin Luther King
made one of the most supreme
sacrifices in the advancement for
black people, or people in
general Robinson said King
tryed to uplift everyone, not just
the black people. "We all need to
really take this into
consideration Robinson said.
See KING, Page 5
C o-Nrwt fAHot
The SGA Night Transit bus
operation which began Oct. 1 is
currently at a standstill due to lack
of funds. In order to continue the
service this semester, funding is
being sought from the Greenville
Nightclub Association.
The transit operation began on
a trial basis and, according to
SGA Transit Manager Bill
Hilliard, "It's turned out real
well Initial funding came from
the Refrigerator Rental Fund
which had a surplus. However,
the entire surplus was used last
semester and Hilliard said the
transit budget does not have the
extra money to continue the night
transit service.
Because student response has
been favorable, averaging 250
riders a night, the SGA wants to
continue operating the busses this
semester. With a request for
Financial support, three proposals
were given to the Greenville
Nightclub Association. One calls
for continuing the service as it is
currently structured at a cost of
approximately $9,000 per
The second would eliminate
Thursday night operations and
would cut costs to $6,000 a
semester. The Final option would
allow for only one bus running on
Friday and Saturday nights, car-
rying a tab of $4,500.
"We're trving to help them
however we can said Kirbv
Bryson, president of the Green-
vilie Nightclub Association and
general manager of The Elbo.
Members of the GNA are going to
companies that do business with
students in order to solicit adver-
tisements for display on the
busses. Bryson said he thinks the
transit service is a good idea and
the GNA wants to help keep it in
"We're giving a lot of business
to the nightclubs and 1 feel they
need to contribute because of it
said 1 indsey Williams.
On The Inside
Entertainment 6
? ECU athlete Leorna
"Sam" Jones will try out for
the U.S. 1984 Olympic team
? and has a good shot at mak-
ing it. See Sports, page 8.

JANUARY 17, 1984
The East Carolinian
Serving the campus community
since inS
Published every Tuesday
and Thursday during the
academic year and every
Wednesday during the sum
The Eas' Carolinian is the
official newspaper of East
Carolina University, owned
operated, and published for
and by the student of East
Carolina University
Subscription Rate: $70 yearly
The East Carolinian offices
are located in the Old South
Building on the campus of
ECU Greenville, N.C
dress changes to The East
Carolinian, Old South
Building ECU Greenville.
NC 27834
Telephone ?57?34 4347
Get ready tor dinner Psi Chlers
Monday January 23 at 4 00 p m. in
'he Psi Chi library This will be a
overeo dish meeting, so dust off
those cookbooks! Call Trina at
758 8552 or Cathy at 758 22V3 Tell
?hem what you plan on concocting
This is a very important business
meeting so all members are en
couragec to attend Get ready to be
hypnotized by our own Dr Daugher
ty He gives an interesting talk on this
phenomenon So plan on attending
Feb 1 in Speight IN. at 7 30
Did you miss tall rush of Psi Chi?
Do you want another chance? Well,
here it is You must be in the top '? of
your class and have completed 8
hours m Psychology by the close of
he semester Please pick up appiica
tions in the Psi Chi library in Sp 202
The Prevett and Wray Scholarships
are now available tor members of Psi
Chi who will be continuing at ECU tor
at least the following semester
Dreference goes to Psych majors or
graduate students in Psych You
must be an active member, and
demonstrate financial need
So you want to party and watch the
Super Bow! game at the same time!
if so come to the Attic and get off!
This great festivity is presented by
the Attic and Pi Kappa Phi Fraterni
hj Doors open at 2 00 with the pre
game show at 2 30 and the game star
ting at 4 30 There will be over $300 00
worth of prizes (everyone wins),
'here are also Happy Hour specials,
? ree popcorn and the game on the
jia 7 foot screen Come on out and
watch the Super Bowl in a different
Applications for Honor Board will
be 'aken m Mendenhall 228 thru Fri
day, Jan 20
Limited offer ? access of CADS,
the "user's" Computer Club You can
oln the elite ? the people who believe
in the future of computer technology,
and want to stake a claim In It. Learn
how you can Improve your produc
tlvlty, your employment oppor
tunlfies, your Income, and your sex
life Learn how computers do It
You'll save time on your homework
and find out about something tun and
useful, too We need you and your
ideas Next meeting ? Monday, Jan.
73, 2 PM, Computer Lab, Rawl Bldg
For more Info, see Dave, Bob, Keith,
or Rick In 135 Rawl
The Student Union Art Exhibition
Committee will meet on Tuesday,
January 17, 194, at 4:00 P.M. In
Room 738 of Mendenhall Student
Center All members and Interested
students are urged to attend.
The Omlcron Chapter of Phi Beta
Lambda will hold its first meeting on
Wednesday, January II, at 4 p.m. in
Rawl 341. Membership is open to
Business, Business Education and Of
flee Administration majors.
The Student Union Major Attrec
tions Committee will meet on
Wednesday, January 18, 1984, at 500
P M. In Room 742 of Mendenhall Stu
dent Center. All members and In
terested students are urged to attend
The PI Kapp Brothers would like to
welcome the little sisters back for me
spring semester We are looking for
ward to working and being with you
girls for another semester We know
we can always depend on you We
also want to remind everyone of the
PI Kapp Happy Hour at Papa Keti
tonight Take a break from studies
and come out.
Rush begins January 73 and last
through out the week Everyone Is
welcomed and urged to come out and
meet the PI Kapps.
lISilHS 520W Qre"v:n?Bivd
naNZa ?vstix0
groenvillt, n.e.
10 off on any meal
not on special.
Bring A Friend
We Sell Bargains
Check With Us Before
You Buy Anything
VW Kit SALES CO lm'li
400 EVANS, "on the corner
Downtown Greenville
The Law School Admissions Test
(LSAT) will be offered t East
Carolina University on Saturday,
March 3, 1984. Application blanks are
to be completed and mailed to
LSATLSDAS, Box 7000 R, Newton.
PA 18940 Registration deadline Is
Feb 7, 1984 Registrations postmark
ed after this date must be eccom
panied by a SIS, non-refundable, late
registration fee
The Brothers of the kappa Alpha
Order, Home of the Southern
Gentlemen, extend an Invitation to all
men who are interested in rushing
this semester to come by our House
and meet the brothers We also ask
those men who are Interested to come
to our Super Bowl party on Sunday
The Student union Special Events
Committee will meet on Thursday,
January 19, 194, at 5:15 p.M. In
Room 243 of Mendenhall Student
Center. All members and Interested
students are urged to attend.
To: All Backpackers, campers. Rock
Climbers, Sailors, canoers, Rapellors
and outdoor enthusiasts. The Outdoor
Recreation Center In 113 Memorial
Gym Is now providing a sell and swap
board This Is an excellent opportunl
ty for you to buy more equipment. To
find out more stop by 113 or call John
Sauage at 757-4911 between 1 5 on
Mon. & Fri Tues. 4. Thur 2 4.
There will be a mandatory fours
training session January 18 at 5:00
Our Inductions will be held January
24 from 4:459:00. All Ambassadors
should attend There will be an Indue
tlon rehearsal for all new Am
bassadors at 5:00 January 23 If you
cannot attend the rehearsal contact
Teresa (757 4072) All meetings will
be held In the Mendenhall Multlpur
pose Room. Also, don't forget our
next general meeting is January 25 at
500 In the Multipurpose Room.
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service In the Bloxton House is
ottering these one hour sessions to aid
you In developing better interviewing
skills tor use In your iob search A
film and discussion of how to Inter
view through this service will be
shared. Each session will be held In
the Career Planning Room at 3 p m
Come on any of the following dates
January 17, 23, or 31
The Career Planning and Place
ment Service in the Bloxton House Is
offering one hour sessions to help you
prepare your own resume. Few
graduates get jobs without some
preparation Many employers re-
quest resume showing your educa
tlon and experience Sessions to help
will be held in the Career Planning
Room at 3 p.m. Come on any of the
following dates: January 14, 24, or 30
The American College Testing
(ACT) will be offered at East
Carolina University on Saturday,
March 31. 194. Application blanks
are to be completed and mailed to
ACT Registration, P.O. Box 414, Iowa
City, Iowa 52240. Applications must
be postmarked no later than March 2,
19(4. Applications may be obtained
from the ECU Testing Center,
Speight building, room 105.
There will be a meeting of the 4-H
Club Thursday, Jan 12th at 6 00 In
Mendenhall Student Center Old and
new members welcome. Inqui
The School of Home Economics Is
Initiating a weekly seminar on
Wednesdays, 4:00-5:00 p.m Room
248 Home Economics Building. We in
vlte you to attend and participate
The Series will be kicked off by Dr
Carolyn Lackey, North Carolina
State University. She will discuss
research on Pica Behavior of Preg
nant Women Dr Lackey prepared
this material for a National Academy
of Sciences committee on Alternative
Dietary Practices and Nutritional
Abuses In Pregnancy. Join us
January 18.
Got a little "ham" In you? Ever
wondered what If would be like to be
on stage? Well, here's your chance!
The Ayden Theatre Workshop is
holding open auditions for "A Night of
One Acts" on Sunday, January 22 at 3
PM and Monday, January 23 at 7 30
PM at the Ayden Griffon auditorium
on hwy 11 south of Greenville Actors
and actresses of varied ages are
needed ? no dancing or singing re
quired So give In to the urge! Join the
growing family of ATW workshop
members and be a part of the excite
ment called theatre! Call 744 4787 A
member of the Pitt Greenville Arts
The Accounting Society will meet
Monday, January 73 at 400 p m. in
Room 244 Mendenhall Mr Earl Deal
from the Internal Revenue Service
will discuss career opportunities with
the IRS. Mr. Gorman Ledberter from
ECU will discuss this years
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
(VITA) Program Refreshments
following All members and prospec
five members are urged to attend
The Dental Aptitude Test will be of
fered at East Carolina University on
Saturday, April 14, 1964 Application
blanks are to be mailed in time to be
received by the Division of Educa
tlonal Measurements, American Den
tal Association. 211 East Chicago
Ave Chicago, Illinois 40011, by
March 19, 1984. Applications may be
obtained from the ECU Testing
Center, Speight Building, room 105
On January 27, 1984 ECU Willis
Building there will be a Nutrition
Seminar sponsored by the Depart
ment of Food Nutrition and institu
tion Management The Registration
fee: $10 (free to studentsfaculty on a
space available basis ? tun
chtransportatlon not Included) Con
tact the Division of Continuing
Education, Erwln Hall, Telephone
757 4143
Outdoor Recreation is sponsoring a
backpacking workshop on Wedrves
day Jan 25, at 7 00 8 00 p.m. The
meeting will be in Memorial Gym
Room 107 The topic will be "How to
pack a pack" and will cover selecting
a pack, equipment needed, weight
distribution and much more Both
cold and warm weather camping will
be covered This presentation is ex
cellent for beginning and in
termediate campers For further in
formation call John Sauage at
757 4911 Mon A, Fri 15. Tues &
Thurs 2 4
The Graduate Management Admis
sion Test (GMAT) will be offered at
East Carolina University on Satur
day, March 17, 1984 Application
blanks are to be completed and mall
ed to GMAT, Educational Testing
Service, Box 944 R, Princeton, N 1
08540 Applications must be
postmarked no later than February
13, 1984 Applications may be obtain
ed from the ECU Testing Center,
Room 105, Speight Building, Green
ville, N C 27834
Weekend clinic hours for the Stu
dent Health Service have been chang
ed to 3 105 30 pm on Saturdays and
Sunda' A physician will be
available during those times Nursing
staff will be available during other
weekend hours and will have a physi
cian on call tor emergencies There
will be no Saturday morning clinics
?It Greenville Blvd.
7S4-3023 ? 24HRS.
24 hour Towing Service
U-Haul Rentals
Sid Wintergreen Package:
3 days unlimited siding$91 per person
Including lodging
Cruise - Spring Break:
March 5 -5-day cruise $399 per person
included all tips, port tax and meals
We're saving a place for you - call us:
319 Cotanche St.
Greenville, N. C. 27834
4wQy Phone 757-0534,
The East Carolina Playhouse

Studio Theatre of
the Messick Theatre Arts Center
January 25-28, 8:15 p.m.
Tickets: $2.00 ? Call: 757-6390
There will be an AKD meeting
Thurs , Jan. l?th at IJOO noon in
BD 303 The agenda will include
discussion of Ideas for spring ac
tlvltles, so be sure to bring sugges
tions to the meeting
The Lambda Mu Chapter of Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority, inc. announces Its
January 2J, 19t4 at 7:00 p.m me
event will be held in Mendenhall Cof
feehouse. All interested young ladles
are urged to attend
Ifs summer camp employment
time. Are you interested Summer
Camp representatives will be in
Mendenhall Student Center, from
II 00 am to 3:00 pm Tuesday,
January 31, to interview students In
terested in summer employment
Jobs available include, but are not
limited to: Counselors. Lifeguards,
Cooks and dietitians. Nurses, Arts
and crafts directors, Waterfront
Assistants, Sailing and canoeing
directors. Recreation Counselors.
Persons skilled in swimming, rlflery.
nature lore, horseback riding, sports,
and other areas
These positions will provide
valuable work experience and salary
Some jobs will involve working with
handicapped campers.
Job information Is available In the
Cooperative Education Office, 313
Rawl Bldg
Summer Camp Employment Day is
sponsored by the following offices:
Career Planning and Placement,
Cooperative Education, Counseling
Center, Handicapped Student Ser
vices, Program for Hearing imparied
Students, and Parks, Recreation, and
Contact the Cooperative Education
Office, 313 Rawl Bldg Telephone
757 697V or 757 4375 immediately to
arrange interviews
Register lanuary 17 for the Spring
ski trip to Snowshoe. W v The trip is
sponsored by the Physical Education
Department of ECU The meeting
will be held in Memorial Gym, room
lOt at 4.00 pm A sfide presentation
will be shown Get your group
together and make plans for fun on
the snow
Allied Health Student Organization
meeting is Wednesday, Jan 18 at 5 00
In Belk 204 All Interested students
please attend This is an organization
for students currently in or interested
In an Allied Health profession
Welcome Back! Our first genera-
meeting will be held on Thursday
January 19, 19S4 at 7 00 p m in
Jenkins Art Auditorium Please at
tend Plans will be made tor Spring
semester 19?4
Do you want to help make the world
around you a more interesting place
for everyone Are you tired of iust go
ing to classes and then going home
Well you can make a difference The
Student union Coffeehouse Commit
tee located in Mendenhall Student
Center Is taking applications tor
membership This committee is sole
ly in charge of booking and prootng
local and national entertainment in
the Coffeehouse Application win oe
available at the Student union Office
(Room 234 Mendenhall i from
January 16 20 Take an active role in
the world around and get involved'
Sisters and Pledges of Alpha
Omicron Pi would like your presence
at our Pizza Rush Party on January
24 from 6 7pm at 805 Johnston St
For a ride and more information can
All people interested in mrorking ?or
the CROP Walk which will be March
25, please attend the 7 JO p m
meetings Thursday nights at the
Newman Mouse 9S3 E '0th stree'
Appiications are needed from those
persons who are interested in becom
?ng Personal Care Attendants to
wheelchair students We are par
ficularly interested n anyone who
has a background of assisting -
dividuais with their activities of ca ,
For further details, contact Office
of Handicapped Student Services. 212
Whichard Building, Phone 757 6799
There will Oe a meeting ?or an wftc
are interested In piay-ng (.across
this The meeting will be NaM
January 17 at 7 30 pm n the Base
ment of Memorial Gym There w oe
a sign posted on the aoor whe'e "
meeting is being heto if you can no'
attend this meeting please call Boc
Fox at Sports Club information or
Chris Tomaski at 752 4999 Please ?
to come to the meeting
Special arrangement have oee-
made by the Health Center to prov oe
an ex'ra doctor tor student teac
physicals on January 17, 24 ana 3'
These extra times are the only f mes
remaining for semester 5
dent teachers Appointments car be
made by calling Mrs Margaret D .
on at 757 6317 Fan semester shoe
teachers arM not oe accepted during
these times
There w.ii oe a meeting of the Cam-
pus Alocoho1 ana Drug Program . s-
19. af 3 00 H Room 205 Er-w.n Hall A:
? nterestec people are invited to a'
The ECU Frlsbee Club Is reving Zs
for Spring Semester M Anyone in
terested In any aspect of disc sports is
encouraged to attend meetings Mon
day nights 800 Mendenhall 247 We
play ultimate on Tuesday, Thursdays
and Sundays at 3.00 Bottom of Col
lege Hill Be there or be oblong!
The National Teacher Examine
tions ? Core Battery will be offered
at East Carolina University on Satur
day, March 24, 1984 Application
blanks are to be completed and mail
ed to the Educational Testing Ser
vice. Box 911 R, Princeton, NJ 08541
to arrive by February 20, 1984 Ap
plications may be obtained from the
ECU Testing Center, Room 105,
Speight Building
i zi may use the form at right
or use a separate sheet of paper if you need more lines ritw?!?- in Floe
There are 33 units per line, i Each letter, punctuation mark i 0
and work space counts as one j
unit Capitalize and hyphenate words properly Leave space at end of line if word doesn't fit. No ads will be accepted over i the phone We reserve the right i to reject any ad All ads must j be prepaid. Enclose 75 cents j per line or fraction of a line ? Please print legibly! Use i capital and lower case letters Return to the Media Board secretary by 3 p m the day before publication i'?1 '? ii?? -



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Student Opinion
Did Jesl
Policies, Si
Sexual Hai
Illegal, U
Sexual harrassment
solicited, unwelcomec e
duct of a sexual oat j i
The definition does n
pliments welcomed b ?
which are freely entered
East Carolina Lr. ? ???
viding and promoting
employees realize their
workplace aiid studer ;
rung process According
and of both employees
by this policy ECU. as
mative Action efforts, ei
?It is illegal and ag?
Carolina Universit
harass another empioyee
ed sexual advances or r
other verbal or physical
a condition of an empt
ment or, (b) making subi
such conduct the ba
affecting the employee
tirrudating, hostile or ofj
ment by such condu.
?it is against the p
University for any emplt
dent by (a)makmg onwd
requests for sexua 1
physical conduct of a sa
studetn's grade, progrt
(b) creating an intimicU
learning environment b
Sexual harassment si
a form of discrimination!
by Section "03 of Title
and North Carolina Gel
case of employees and
.Amendment Act of 19"
.Any student of ECU
ual harassment should f
ed in the Student
Documents. Section XII
spective employees who
follow the procedure ov
mative Action Plan. Sec
This policy is herby
firmative Action Plan.
A copy of the Affirmatn
at Joyner Library, Helt!
fice of Equal Opportune
and the Personnel Dc?i
The following paid
Business M
News Din
Traffic Dn
(2)two moi
Apply in p
to General
Greg WatkJ
MWF 2-5
?k-?? - jm i

JANUARY 17, 1984
I ? ? ? n working tor
? - t March
"?" "? p m
?Ml at tn
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td of Oz


??ftjgry' ?-?l1
Did Jesse Improve Chances? Cerebral Palsy Telethon A Success
Do you think Jesse Jackson's chances
are improved for a spot on the
Democratic ticket after his Syrian mis-
sion? Do you expect him to be
nominated for either president or vice
Brenda Douglas, Computer Science,
Sophomore ? "Not really. I think it
was a good idea for him to go to Syria,
but on the other hand it could have
been dangerous for the United States.
Donna Davis, Occupational
Therapy, Freshman ? "No, not really.
I don't think it helped his chances any
because it was too heroic. He did it just
to help his campaign
Anna Harris, General College,
Freshman ? "He may be nominated,
and if he is nominated he would have a
good chance of winning
Norman Mills, Genera! College,
Freshman ? "I think his chances are
improved, but I don't think his chances
are that good for becoming president or
vice president. I would support Jesse
Jackson. I don't know if he had the
right to go over there, but it helped him
Out a lOt. N1L JOMN$ON ecu rHa?a Lafc
eight more than last year he said, ad-
ding that the required donation for this
Approximately $75,000 has been category was increased to $800 from
raised by the annual cerebral palsy $500, making the task more difficult.
"Weekend with the stars" telethon. ECU students were represented at
The telethon began Saturday night at the telethon by SGA President Paul
11:30 and ended Sunday at 5 p.m. It Naso, fraternity and sorority members
the Greenvillw Moose
broadcast by W1TN,
was held in
Lodge, and
Channel 9.
According to Nita Rasberry,
telethon coordinator, seventy five per-
cent of the money raised goes to the
Greenville center which services six
counties in addition to the Greenville
Connally Branch, VIP chairman for
the telethon, solicited individuals and
businesses to give $800 or more to the
telethon. "We had 26 VIPs this year,
and other students. Naso took a turn
manning the telephones. "Our strength
is in numbers he said "We had a lot
of student response Naso said one
student from Scott dorm donated ap-
proximately $75. "We were there to
promote student response he added.
Celebrities Stephen Yates and Kim
Morgan-Greene of As The World
Turns appeared. Also present were
Greenville mayor Janice Buck and
Gladys Howell, wife of ECU
Chancellor John Howell. Mark
Palmer, an ECU student, was in-
strumental in providing transportation
for Yates and Morgan-Greene.
"We were very pleased and thank all
the staff, fraternities, sororities,
celebrities, and university people who
pitched in and helped us said
Rasberry said donations are still be-
ing accepted and requested. The last
two hours of the telethon were not
aired and Rasberry said these were the
two most important hours. Checks can
be sent to Telethon, PO Box 3271, or
donations can be made by calling the
telethon office at 756-5390.
"It (the telethon) was a lot of fun
and we felt it was a privilege to help the
cerebral palsy organization Naso
Buy, Sell and Trade with
East Carolinian Classifieds
The best way to reach the campus community
Statutes Call
Sexual Harrassment
Illegal, Unwelcome
Sexual harrassment is defined as deliberate, un-
solicited, unwelcomed verbal andor physical con-
duct of a sexual nature or with sexual implications.
The definition does not include personal com-
pliments welcomed by the recipient or relationships
which are freely entered into by both parties.
East Carolina University is committed to pro-
viding and promoting an atmosphere in which
employees realize their maximum potential in the
workplace and student can engage fully in the lear-
ning process. Accordingly, sexual harassment by
and of both employees and students is prohibited
by this policy ECU, as part of continuing Affir-
mative Action efforts, endorses the following:
?It is illegal and against the policies of East
Carolina University for any employee to sexually
harass another employee by (a) making unwelcom-
ed sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
a condition of an employee's continued employ-
ment or, (b) making submissions to or rejections of
such conduct the basis for employment desicsions
affecting the employee or, (c) creating an in-
timidating, hostile or offensive working environ-
ment by such conduct.
?it is against the policies of East Carolina
University for any employee to sexual harass a stu-
dent by (a)making unwelcomed sexual advances or
requests for sexual favors or other verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature a condition of a
studetn's grade, progress, or recommendation or,
(b) creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive
learning environment by such conduct.
Sexual harassment shall hereinafter be deemed
a form of discrimination based on sex as prohibited
by Section 703 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act,
and North Carolina General Statue 126-16 (in the
case of employees) and Title IX of the Education
Amendment Act of 1972 (in the case of students).
Any student of ECU who has a complaint of sex-
ual harassment should follow the procedure outlin-
ed in the Student Government Association
Documents, Section XIII. Current, former or pro-
spective employees who have a complaint should
follow the procedure outlined in the ECU Affir-
mative Action Plan, Section VI, Subsection J and
This policy is herby made a part of the ECU Af-
firmative Action Plan, Section VI, Subsection M.
A copy of the Affirmative Action Plan is available
at Joyner Library, Helth Science Library, the Of-
fice of Equal Opportunity Programs (104 Spilman)
and the Personnel Department.
The following paid position are open:
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.???? ??.?.

Uttie iEaat (Earnltman
Serving the East Carolina campus community since 1925
C.Hunter Fisher, c?a?a?f
Darryl Brown, ????? Editor
J.T. PlETRZAK, Dirrcto, of Advtrtuint
Jennifer Jendrasiajc. co-new ? Mark Barker, c?? m-
Tina Maroschak. co &?? Mike McPartland, bus,? .?
Lizanne Jennings. ? ar Tom Norton, o?,? ?????,
Gordon Ipock, mwmm Kathy Fuerst, prod, m,
Ed Nicklas ?? g Mike Mayo, r. sw?n
January 17, 1983
Page 4
Sports Fans
ECU Loyalty Is Lacking
There is a major paradox on cam-
pus involving identity, a paradox
that is undermining the well-being
of a talent-laden sports program.
The paradox is that East Carolina
University is inflicted with a pro-
Atlantic Coast Conference mentali-
Granted, many of the students
have grown up in North Carolina
and have obtained a "closeness" to
an ACC club. But, one would think
that such an attitude would change
once the student has established him
or herself as "part" of an institu-
For example, the lack of en-
thusiasm for ECU sports can be
shown from the attendance at the
football games this season. Our club
had perhaps one of the most ex-
citing teams in the country with
such expressionistic players as
Henry Williams. But how do the
students react to such excitement?
They sell out the student section a
few times the entire season.
The attendance at the basketball
games has been an atrocious exam-
ple of this paradox. The men's
team, although struggling with a
poor record, is blessed with talent
that could produce greatness in a
few years. They are going through
rough times and need support, but
the gathering at their games would
barely make up UNC's cheerleading
squad and ram.
What might be the most confus-
ing aspect is the atendance at the
women's games. What ever happen-
ed to those diehards who would
come to heckle the opposing coach
and cheer for the Lady Pirates
regardless of sleet, rain, snow or
gloom of night? The attendance at
last Sunday's contest against con-
ference opponent George Mason
had to have been a depressing note
for all those interested in ECU's
sports program. Certainly, the 7-6
Lady Pirates deserve better.
Maybe the attendance will in-
crease at ECU sports events as the
year progresses. But why is it not
beginning now? If studies are an ex-
cuse, isn't the beginning of the
semester usually less intense?
It could be that the students do
have time, but are spending it glued
to their TV's watching Carolina or
State. Well, as our football program
conveyed, you may be missing out.
Individual Value Lessens
The recent media coverage of
James W. Hutchins death sentence
and subsequent stay of execution
has once again brought the con-
troversy surrounding capital
punishment into the forefront. An
execution is a big step for North
Carolina, which has not performed
one since 1961.
Since the execution of Gary
Gilmore, the frequency of capital
punishment implementation has
been increasing ? a sign of the
times. The crime rate is high, the
prisons are full, but is capital
punishment the answer?
The use of capital punishment is a
last ditch effort to provide an effec-
tive deterrent against crime. The
prison system seems not an effective
deterrent; many hard-core criminals
are freed on parole after only a
short time in prison, a relatively
small price to pay for crimes they
have committed. In addition, the
burden on taxpayers is large. It
costs a lot to keep prisons running
and money is needed for newer and
larger facilities.
Capital punishment may be seen
as a temporary solution to the pro-
blems of overcrowding and possibly
as a deterrent. Unfortunately it is
not a solution that is likely to
change the current situation ? it is
only a palliative measure.
The real problem demonstrated
by the necessity of increased use of
capital punishment is a lack of
respect. Death is something which
we all have to respect to a certain
degree, and capital punishment is
being instituted as a type of threat
attempting to bring about respect
for the legal system and the humani-
ty in general.
Let's face it, people really are not
regarded as a valuable commodity.
The world is too large and in-
dividual worlds too small. The
development of a respect for human
life is a must in order to change the
current crime situation. Taking lives
won't develop that respect ? it
demonstrates a lack of it.
But Isn't That One Of Theirs?
"Hello. Operator, I'm having trou-
ble with my telephone
"Just a minute I'll turn you over to
our repair department
"Repair department. What can 1 do
for you?"
"My phone is broken. Can vou send
someone over to fix it?"
"Is it our phone or one of theirs?"
"What do you mean, 'one of
"Did you buy it from us or
somebody else?"
"I bought it from an electronics
"Did you notice where it was
"I think it said Japan on the box. At
least the instructions that came with it
were in Japanese
"It sounds like one or theirs. We
don't fix any phones except our own
"What do I do?"
"Call the store and find out where
they service them
"Hello, is this Crazy Charlie's? I
bought a phone from you last week and
it doesn't work. Can you send someone
over to service it?"
"Are you off your rocker, lady? We
don't make house calls
"Well, can I bring it in to you?"
"You can if you want to, but we have
to send it to San Juan, Puerto Rico, to
check it out
"Isn't there any place in the city that
can repair the phone?"
"There isn't any place in the city that
can even read the instructions
"But you gave me a 90-day warranty
with the phone
"Of course we did. We never sell a
phone without a warranty. Did you
read it?"
"How could I read it? It's in
"Well, it says the warranty is good
for 90 days except for parts, labor and
it going on the blink
"That's not much of a warranty
"Why don't you call Tokyo and tell
"Is there anybody you know who can
fix my phone?"
"There's a Toyota salesman in
Baltimore who moonlights fixing
phones that are imported from Japan.
His address is 109 Maple Drive. His
name is Mr. Ikki
"Thank you
"Mr. Ikki, I was told you could fix
my phone. I drove all the way from
Washington. Can you help me?"
"What is wrong with it?"
"I can't get a dial tone to call out.
And it doesn't ring when someone is
trying to call in
'Then you must have bought it at
Crazy Charlie's
"How did you know?"
"All their phones do that. Madam.
just by looking at it I can tell you have a
very sick telephone
"I wouldn't be here if 1 didn't. I
thought the Japanese made very good
electronic equipment
"They do, but your phone wasn't
made in Japan. It was made in Taiwan
and stamped Japan. The Taiwanese are
notorious for stamping anything they
want to on their goods
"But can you fix it?"
"I would have to replace the ear and
mouthpiece, the dial tone, and put in a
new bell
"How much would that cost?"
"One hundred and forty dollarn"
"But I only paid $79 for the phone "
"Crazy Charlie gives good prices
when it comes to telephones
"I'd just as soon buy a nev.
"That's what I was going to
"Who do I buy it from?"
"I would suggest your local
telephone company
"If I buy one from them, how much
will they charge me to install and service
"Probably $140
Campus Forum
Duties Of Honor Board Explained
And in today's action, both the Red Sox- Yankees game
and the ecosystem of the industrial Northeast were
canceled on account of rain
It has been brought to the attention
of this Honor Board that many
students here at the university are unin-
formed of the function of this
organization. Let me begin by explain-
ing the obligations that the Honor
Board has towards the students and to
the university.
The primary function of the Honor
Board is to protect the integrity of
students and the academic community
as a whole. Our purpose is to see that
the established rules and regulations
are carried out in a fair manner. These
rules and regulations are set up to pro-
tect infringement of one student's
rights by another, as well offenses
against the university.
The Honor Board deals with misde-
meanors and violations of the Univer-
sity Code of Conduct. These offenses
are those occuring while on university
porperty. DWI and felonies are refer-
red to the local authorities. The Stu-
dent Handbook provides information
on what behavior is considered accep-
table and unacceptable. This hand-
book also provides a listing of offenses
and a list of maximum allowable
penalties if a student is found guilty of
any of these offenses. Please take the
time to read this handbook, as it is the
responsibility of the student to read
this. If you have not received a student
handbook, go by the Office of Orienta-
tion and Judiciary in Whichard
Building for a copy.
One case that is constantly coming
before the Honor Board is that of book
stealing. This action will not be
tolerated, as it not only deprives the
victum of the money invested, but
valuable study time as well. The Stu-
dent Supply Store and the University
Book Exchange have instituted a
system to recover books that have been
lost or stolen and sold, providing the
book(s) have identifiable
characteristics. Check with either
organization if book(s) come up miss-
Another frequent violation against
the university is that of vandalism.
This can range from removing a stop
sign to setting off a fire alarm. Any
cases of vandalism will be dealt with in
the strictest manner, especially fire
alarm related incidents. Any student
found guilty of setting off a fire alarm
intentionally or removing or discharg-
ing a fire extinguisher will be subject to
the penalties listed in the student hand-
This letter is intended to be educa-
tional and to possibly serve as a
deterant for future actions.
T.S. Buonocore
ECU Honor Board
(Editor's note: Honor Board action,
cases and dispositions will be published
weekly in The East Carolinian,
hopefully to provide students with a
knowledge of what offenses are occur-
ing within the university and how the
Honor Board is dealing with these of-
Mag Misconstrued
To Gordon Ipock:
Not having seen Uncommon Valor
yet, I cannot doubt that your review of
the movie is a fair and accurate one,
but I question your reference to Guns
and Ammo magazine in the Jan. 10 ar-
I am not deeply offended mind you,
but I do wonder if you think that all of
us who read an occasional issue of
Guns and Ammo are inherently violent
I am sure that you mean no inten-
tional harm to the magazine or to it's
readers, but I am equally confident
that you have never looked past its
If you'd take the time to glance
through sometime, you would see that
the magazine is an authoratative, fac-
tual, and interesting publication.
I feel like you have the impression
that all gun magazines are red, white
and blue, anti-commie, anti-gook,
anti-everybody else, go-kill-the-enemy
magazines. This is simply not the case,
and Guns and Ammo doesn't belong to
such a group.
This gun "y" is for hunters and
for recreational and competative
shooters and is not written to appeal to
the hot blooded, bigotted, "we've got
to survive the commie hoard'
that you think it is.
You can pick one at the grocery store
for $1.75, or borrow one of mine if you
are interested.
Dean T. Harrell
Senior, Spanish
Poet's Perception
Our young men are being killed again
In a world of a million enemies
With a couple of friends
When will we find our way?
To learn lessons never learned
How to teach us
Again and again
In the old traditional way
The youngest ones are made to pay
With their lives and hearts
Still longing
For the living
Now nothing
Only sorrow for mothers, fathers,
wives, and friends
Wrestle reasons yet no amends
Will stop this kind of pain
Do you really have a reason why?
We all should cry
For the end
Our young men are being killed again
W.W. Lotowycz
Greenville, 1984
Forum Rules
The East Carolinian welcomes letters
expressing all points of view. Mail or
drop them by our office in the Old
South Building, across from Joyner
For purposes of verification, all let-
ters must include the name, major and
classification, address, phone number
and signature of the authorfs). Letters
are limited to two typewritten pages,
double-spaced or neatly printed. All
letters are subject to editing for brevi-
ty, obscenity and libel, and no personal
attacks will be permitted.
Groups Hon
For Efforts Ii
Coatfaved Froa Page 1 m
Alpha Kappa Alpha role
Sorority member Connie cami
Shelton said, "King djcaj
worked for justice, play
freedom and equality. He citizl
also worked toward uru- "It
fying the members of the man
black race in America Unit
Shelton said that to
although there's been mucl
some progress in fulfill- to
ing King's dream, "a lack abihl
of unity among blacks Stl
still exists "In merri
rememberance of Dr. Sigr
King, let us learn to or k sevei
together Shelton said. alur
Randell Berry, a A
member of Alpha Phi soroi
Alpha, said that King was Simi
one of the most influen- Ami
tial human being of this for tl
century. "Black America madi
in 1984 is still facing the tion
same challenge that it fac- you
ed in 1784 and 1884. The said
challenge is racism will
Berry said. Berry describ- Bej
ed racism as a "disease com
that must be diagnosed, hean
treated and cured "To Sir
treat racism we must in-
volve ourselves both on
politically and socially in phis
life Berry said. Presj
Zeta Phi Beta member, a bi
Latonya Temple, urged that
students to get involved Kin
1 All ECU students are
questions they would li
N.C. candidates for go
appear at ECU on Jan
ECU students will selec:
i to the candidates. Send
gested topics and que
possible to The East Ci
i floor of the Publication
j from the entrance of Joj
m r.
?,r? Pi
Class Rings D
Gold & Silv
T.Vs, stereo's,
i, bicycles, watcher
portable AM-FM, cms
fmraitwe, chtaa A
rOlH& Rl
? ? - - . mmm .??? ? ? ??
-k. r 0E V
?f 4-Jf
"i i?flr '111 tffr

led again
W. Lot
urccnville, I
h eicomes letter 5
view. Mail or
f:ce in the old
from Jovner
tication, all let-
ime, major and
phone number
tthorfsj. Letters
'written pages,
fly printed. All
liting for brevi-
and no personal
Groups Honor King
For Efforts In Justice
on tin tied From Page 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority member Connie
Shelton said, "King
worked for justice,
freedom and equality. He
also worked toward uni-
fying the members of the
black race in America
Shelton said that
although there's been
some progress in fulfill-
ing King's dream, "a lack
of unity among blacks
still exists "In
rememberance of Dr.
King, let us learn to work
together Shelton said.
Randell Berry, a
member of Alpha Phi
Alpha, said that King was
one of the most influen-
tial human being of this
century. "Black America
in 1984 is still facing the
same challenge that it fac-
ed in 1784 and 1884. The
challenge is racism
Berry said. Berry describ-
ed racism as a "disease
that must be diagnosed,
treated and cured "To
treat racism we must in-
volve ourselves both
politically and socially in
life Berry said.
Zeta Phi Beta member,
Latonya Temple, urged
students to get involved
in campus activites. "The
role you play here on
campus is highly in-
dicative of the role you'll
play as a tax-paying
citizen Temple said.
"It is only by our in-
itiative that blacks in the
United States will be able
to achieve equally as
much as whites according
to his or her own
ability Temple said.
Steven Cherry, a
member of the Phi Beta
Sigma, gave tribute to
several famous black
A Sigma Gamma Phi
sorority member, Tinger
Simmons, said, "Black
America, we salute you
for the progress you have
made; for the determina-
tion and the foundations
you have laid Simmons
said the memory of King
will be cherished forever.
"Because of his ac-
complishments, our
hearts, today, do sing
Simmons concluded.
King was assassinated
on April 4, 1968 in Mem-
phis, Tenn. Last year
President Reagan signed
a bill, effective in 1986,
that creates a national
King holiday.
All ECU students are urged to submit
questions they would like asked to the
N.C. candidates for governor when they
appear at ECU on Jan. 27. A panel of
ECU students will select questions to ask
to the candidates. Send letters with sug-
gested topics and questions as soon as
possible to The East Carolinian, second
floor of the Publications building, across
from the entrance of Joyner Library.
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JANUARY 17. 1984
Page 6
tjunuiam Editor
Take your pick. You can boogie to the heavy drum
beat and guitar, or you can float with the keyboard
synthesizer. It all depends on how you want to
dance or, you can stand in the corner and listen to
the lyrics. That pretty well sums up the distinctly
New-Music sound of the X-RAVES.
The three-member band played the Attic this past
Friday night to a predominantly college crowd ? a
dancing college crowd.
"We try and keep it all real danceable says
guitarist Wade Mathias. "But we also try and write
songs with meaningful lyrics, something that will
make people think while they're listening
Mathias' hair is closely cropped, and he wears
pleated slacks, something of a Men-At-Work look.
Drummer Bill Bradshaw also sports short-hair, a
distinguishing trademark for the latest era of rock
"It (hair) don't matter to me says Bradshaw,
wiping the sweat from his forehead as the band
relaxes offstage during a break between sets. "I'm
not trying to look a special way Bradshaw also has
a short, thick beard that reminds one of Ringo Starr.
Bradshaw works his electronic drums with the same
efficiency that a marathoner runs: There's no wasted
motion, no histrionics. He sits erect as his feet and
arms move percussively; yet, his expression is almost
serene, his head hardly moving, like the eye in the
center of a storm.
Mathias, in contrast, is much more dramatic. As
he strikes the first chords of "Guns of Braxton he
stretches up onto his toes and arches backwards like a
tautly drawn bow.
Mac Quayle on synthesizer is the youngest looking
member of the band. He's a punk in a headband.
He's short, intense and quick. He pumps his legs to
the beat. Beads of sweat slide down his face as he
sings. They catch the colored stage lights like tiny
prisms. He's a kamikazi keyboard player shooting
sparks into the crowd.
All three band members are from coastal Virginia.
They've been together four years playing the club cir-
cuits of the East Coast. Almost half their repertoire
consists of original songs. The rest is mostly non-hits
from bands like The Clash and The Talking Heads.
"The people who want to hear radio hits don't come
to hear us says Mathias. "But the people who do
come adds Bradshaw, "are pretty open to our kind
of music
The band slashed its way through three slick sets.
No two songs sounded exactly alike. The X-RAVES
utilized the entire spectrum of rock. Some songs
echoed back to straight 70s power rock, and others
had a taste of 50s boogie blended in. But despite the
influence, everything was wrapped in a New Music
sound. The steady drumbeat ? heavy, tribal, so
African in style ? was ever present insuring
everything was danceable. And the synthesizer
coated all songs with a New Music gravy. It was a
tight, polished sound as easily ingested as Oreoes and
milk. And the ECU crowd ate it up.
Even the few out-of-town, hard-rock die hards en-
joyed the show. Although he didn't seem about to
dance, Larry Cook from Washington gave credit
where credit was due.
"Now myself, man, I'm into rock he explained.
"And they're different, man. But for what they are,
man, they're damned good
ECU Students like New Music. The X-RAVES found the Attic crowd to be enthusiastic and friendly.
Charlotte Symphony
7f Sounded Good To Me'
So, the Charlotte Symphony
Orchestra played Thursday night
and you missed it. Can you
remember what you did Thursday
night? If you can't, then you
should've been at Wright
Auditorium with me.

The Charlotte Symphony brought out the musician in Mick LaSalle. A man of many talents, Mick displays
his aggressive style of French horn blowing. Whew! Could make a guy thirsty.
The place was far from packed.
Aside from some kids and the
handful of women gathered
around me, I was the youngest
guy in the place. Big deal. The or-
chestra played stuff by Mozart,
Ravel, and Rimsky-Korsakov,
and it was good.
You've all heard of Mozart. He
was the composer that from the
age of five or so was playing and
writing music. The guy was such a
musical prodigy that he was prac-
tically a freak of nature ? the
kind of genius that comes along
once every couple of centuries.
Sort of like me when it comes to
Anyway, Mozart grew up to be
a small, wimpy-looking guy with a
big nose and no chin. He married
a broad named Constanze who
looked like this girl back in High
School we used to call "The Mar-
tian The Mozarts never had a
pot to piss in. But 200 year; iater.
none of this stuff matters. The
fact is, Mozart was a guy who
wrote some of the greatest music
in the history of this planet.
The Charlotte Symphony Or-
chestra played Mozart's 35th
Symphony, called "Hatfner
and some of it you probably
would have recognized. That's
how it works with a lot of these
classical pieces: You think you've
never heard it, but half the time it
turns out that somehow you have.
When you're listening to
Mozart's music, what you're
listening to is how one guy tried to
pay the rent 200 years ago.
Mozart went through life with one
foot in the poorhouse and the
other on a banana peel. Yet the
"Haffner" symphony sounded
good-humored and cheerful to
Even so, Ravel's piano Concer-
to in G Major, second on the pro-
gram, was more up my alley. I like
jazz. And Cynthia Lawing, the
soloist, was a pleasure to watch.
Unlike some pianists who play
like they're right on the edge of
losing a wrestling match, Cynthia
knows the gentle touch. She seem-
ed to just flow with the piano, like
some kind of angel.
There's this story I read one
time about George Gershwin in
Paris going to see Ravel in 1928.
Gershwin, the younger composer,
asked Ravel if he would take him
Weekly Ratings: 'Gorky Park New Film To See
The Ratings:
? Awful. Don't bother to see this
even if someone gives you a free
pass. A total waste of time.
? ? Poor. Save your money and
catch this at Hendrix next
semester, or watch it when it hits
? ? A Decent film. If you have
an interest in either the actors or
the topic, go see it.
? A very good film well
worth the price of admission.
Anyone should enjoy this.
? ? ? Great stuff. A poten-
tial classic. Deserves an Oscar.
Forgei tommorrow's exam.
Forget everything. Go see it!
Buccaneer Movies
Terms of Endearment, rated PG
Comedy-drama starring Shirley
Maclaine as an eccentric, egocen-
tric mother, Dcbra Winger as her
well-adjusted daughter and Jack
Nicholson as their neighbor, an
astronaut John Glenn could never
be. Chronicles the lives and times
of a peculiar but initmate mother-
daughter relationship, revealing a
mother who needs and learns
from her daughter as much as the
daughter from her. They come of
age together and define
themselves and their relationship
before the film's end. The movie
somehow rushes through their
lives while dragging in places at
the same time, but examines some
interesting human relationships,
i problems and faults In a well-
made two hours. Guaranteed tear-
Uncommon Valor rated R
With financial backing from a
Texas oil baron (Robert Stack), a
retired Marine colonel (Gene
Hackman) rectruits and organizes
a group of Vietnam vets and then
leads them back into the jungles
of Southeast Asia to rescue
American POWs that are still be-
ing held there years after the war
has ended. The film's military-
style violence and ballsy macho
humor should appeal to readers of
Soldier of Fortune and Guns and
Ammo magazines. A Vietnam
version of The Dirty Dozen
without the big names or high
quality of acting. A catharsis for
those who still chafe over the loss
of Nam.
The Man Who Loved Women,
rated R.
If this picture is mildly enter-
taining it's only because it has
Burt Reynolds and a couple of
pretty girls. Overall it's a disap-
pointing picture: not funny, not
dramatic, not intelligent.
Reynolds plays a famous
sculptor who goes to a lady shrink
(Julie Andrews) to talk about his
problem: Every woman he meets
falls in love with him. Reynolds
spends most of the movie whining
on a couch and trying to look up
Julie Andrews' skirt. Give me a
break. The picture is long on
psychological explanation and
short on action. When they film
my life story I hope they do a bet-
ter job.
Plaza Cinema
Sudden Impact rated R
Clint Eastwood and perennial
leading lady Sondra Locke star in
this action-filled drama about per-
sonal revenge and American
justice. Ten years after a group of
thugs rape and brutalize her and
her sister, artist Jennifer Spencer
(Locke) buys a .38 caliber
Magnum pistol and one-by-one
kills the men, and one lesbian,
who raped her. A slug in the groin
followed by another in the
forehead is her trademark. Harry
Callighan (Eastwood) is sent to
solve the murders and ultimately
must save Spencer and himself
from the final psychopath. With
viens popping out on his
forehead, a bitter Harry must bat-
tle a soft, bureaucratic justice
system as well as thugs. The
former is intent on putting him
out to pasture and the latter wants
to put him six feet under. Clint
Eastwood at his best.
D.C. Cab rated R
Take a bunch of lunkhead com-
ics off their stand-up club stages,
deck 'em out in colorful
Son tatter, put 'em in a fleet of
ramshackle clunkers and let 'em
loose on the streets of Washington
D.C. Throw in Mr. T, that
lovable Mohawked TV barbarian,
sing-shouting his lines from the
steps of the Lincoln Memorial and
a beat-heavy Giorgio Moroder
score. And voila you have the
moving force of D.C. Cab. The
plot isn't half as funny as the cast
of crazed misfits: an idealistic kid
hitchhikes up North to work for
his late father's old Vietnam bud-
dy, learns the streets while study-
ing for his hack license and then
saves the cab company's neck by
mobilizing the cabbies into a pro-
ud, respectable team capable of
beating the cops to rescue a pair
of kidnapped kids. Silly fun, lots
of chase scenes, vulgar jokes from
Gary Busey and even a dose of
moral from the "A-Team" set.
Hot Dog rated R
Patrick Houser, an attempt at a
Jan Michael Vincent look alike,
plays Harken Banks, an ail-
American boy who disapproves of
drugs and drives an old pickup
truck. On his way to Squaw
Valley to compete in a World Cup
snow-skiing competition, Banks
picks up a big-breasted, long-
legged, 18-year-old blond nym-
phet named Sunny; she's the stuff
adolescent wet dreams are made
of. They check into the Fantasy
Inn in Tahoe City and the fun
begins. Sex, booze and snow ski-
ing are the themes of this Beach
Blanket Bingo remake. A bunch
of alcoholic ski bums, the Rat
Pack, befriend Banks (the Kid),
and he leads them against the
villainous Austrian champ and his
flunkies. Only a slope-headed
adolescent could enjoy this. Other
than a few nice tit shots, Hot Dog
has nothing to offer.
Plitt Theatres
Gorky Park rated R
Lee Marvin and William Hurt
star in this Moscow murder story.
Marvin is a cunning American en-
trepreneur with powerful KGB
and Communist Party friends.
Hurt is a Soviet police detective.
When three faceless corpses are
discovered buried in the snow of
Gorky Park, Hurt follows a dead-
ly trail that leads to a showdown
with Marvin. Newcomer Joanna
Pacula debuts dramatically as the
ethereal Irina, a beauty who uses
Marvin, loves Hurt and longs for
freedom in the West.
The acting is superb, and the
enthralling, complex plot ? the
kind they rarely put into movies
anymore ? should delight in-
telligent moviegoers. Watching
Gorky Park is the perfect way to
spend a wintery afternoon. Cut
class and catch the matinee with
someone special.
G.I. Vi
Scarace rated R
Al Pacino plays an often uncon-
vincing Cuban political refugee
rising and falling through the
Miami drug underworld in Brain
DePalma's remake of the 1932
film directed by Howard Hawks.
Pacino's performance as Tony
Montana, the gangster who's as
overprotctive of his kid sister as
he is of his wife and his empire, is
much like the film itself ? flashy,
harsh, oversimplified and uneven.
Director DePalma got the film's
much publicized X rating reduced
on as a student. Ravel answered,
" can teach you to compose
second-rate Ravei. Only you can
compose first rate Gershwin
I remembered that story Thurs-
day, about a minute into Ravel's
concerto The woodwinds in-
troduced this bluesy theme, and I
turned to the woman next to me.
"No way was this written before
1925 I said.
The woman checked her pro-
gram and looked up. "How did
you know that0" she asked.
1 said, "Because Gershwin
wrote his piano 'Concerto in F' in
1925 and this sounds just like it
Ravel's concerto is first-rate
Rael. But the influence of the
sexy, romantic, sophisticated.
wiseguy style found in Gershwin's
symphonic jazz compositions
can't be missed.
"This music makes me horny
the woman whispered to me later.
But that figures: Women like jazz
After intermission, the or-
chestra played
"Scheherazade I amused myself
by checking out the pretty blond
violinist and watching this woman
in the back play the tympany.
"Scheherazade" ran a good 45
minutes, was repetitious and.
after the Ravel thing, a letdown.
Before Thursday, 1 had never
been to a classical music concert.
And it was a welcome change of
pace from going to rock concerts
which often glamorize self-
destructiveness, either with
Satanic stage shows or lame heads
trying to hand you drugs the
whole time.
Somehow, when you hear
music written by geniuses being
played by people who've mastered
their respective instruments, it
confirms for you what you
already know, that life is worth
living and things are worth doing.
Mick LaSalle wouldn't steer
you wrong. Next time something
like this is in town, check it out.
to an R by removing the visual in
an early scene in which a drug
dealer uses an electric chainsaw to
get tough with one of Montana's
pals, but there's plenty of blood
and guts left in for fans of movie
violence. Doused in machine-gun
fire, billows of blood and what
the Goldsboro News-Argus tact-
fully calls "the F word Scarace
is still enthralling on a gut-level ?
if you've got those kind of guts.
Two of a Kind, rated PG
A romantic comedy starring
John Travolta and Olivia Newton
John as a down-on-his-luck inven
tor and a down-on-her-luck ac
tress, respectively. The couple
goes through the requisite ecccn
trie meeting (he robs her at a
bank), period of mutual disdain,
then well, you can fiqure it out
The film has a Heavan Can Wait
twist with the fate of mankind
resting on this nouvelle Adam and
Eve, guided by some good-
hearted, bungling angels wh
have a week to prove mankind'
goodness in Travolta an
Newton-John. Not a really ft
performance in the film, but en
joyable if you take your 13-year-
old sister. D.B.
See WEEKLY, p. 7
husband-wife team
the Shroud of Turin, the
reputed burial cloth of
Jesus Christ, fa
so many peop ney
decided to write a novel
about how it af
believer- and unblie
Virginia and Ge .
Bortm. who live in Be
iy Hills. California, sj
hundreds of hours doing
historical resea
writing Image of a
(Delacorte, S16 9!
Bortins combine
first names to forrr
pen name G. Bo-
interest m
among the
that we tl
Ad have -
( unt from .

i e .
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make I
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83. 5 g. a
track 60s
w el.
The Hi hill
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Most delivei
true quality
delivery cos
all that! We
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?I? m ;tiS0mHltt ?-

i ?
?? La
in-id I
me. before
1 F in
ke u
ntluence of the
I Gershwin's
me later.
ike jazz
the or-
' I amused myself
? mpany.
a good 4
. i letdown.
had never
tnge of
I ? ncerts
lame heads
. drugs the
- mastered
rnents, it
what you
- is worth
5 are worth doing.
ouldn't steer
me something
heck it out.
ng the visual in
e in which a drug
electric chainsaw to
ne of Montana's
ty of blood
ins of movie
blood and what
rgus tact-
j Scar face
i on a gut-level ?
I' ? kind of guts.
d, rated PG
med starring
and Olivia Newton
n-on-his-luck inven-
IcAn-on-her-luck ac-
tively The couple
the requisite eccen
the robs her at a
of mutual disdain,
u can fiqure it out.
i Heavan Can Wait
K fate of mankind
Its nouvelle Adam and
by some good
pigling angels who
to prove mankind's
in Travolta and
Not a really fine
in the film, but en
u take your 13-year-
EEKLY. p. 7
New Novel Probes Past Of Christ's Shroud
vli NTA (UPI) ? A
md wife team says
Shroud of Turin, the
ed burial cloth of
chnst, fascinates
man) people that they
led to write a novel
how it affects
believers and unblievers.
Virginia and George
. who live in Bever-
v California, spent
is of hours doing
al reearch before
v Image of a Man
te, $16.95). The
combined their
names to form the
ne G. Bortin.
Mich a' intense
-rest in the shroud
ng the reading public
we thought a novel
have ide public
? peal aid Mrs. Bortin
an interview in Atlan-
" 1 he public has just
taken the subject so much
to heart. Believers and
non-believers alike all
seem to want to know
what the shroud is
Mrs. Bortin did much
of her research at the
graduate library at the
University of California
at Berkley near their
home. She wanted the
historical figures in the
novel like the Disciple
Peter, the Emporer Con-
stantine and even Jesus
himself to be as true to
life as she could make
"Writing about Jesus
was an extremely emo-
tional and spiritual ex-
perience for me she
said. "1 wanted to make
those scenes in which He
appeared the most effec-
tive ones in the novel. It
was such a challenge to
portray Jesus as He must
have been in life, so lov-
ing, strong and compas-
"I found the tears star-
ting to flow during the
times when I was writing
the scenes containing
Although several
theories have been ad-
vanced, scientists are baf-
fled by how the image got
onto the cloth. After hun-
dreds of tests conducted
in 1978, an international
team of scientists con-
cluded that the image was
not painted on the cloth.
Bortin said he began
work on the novel with a
sense of skepticism about
the authenticity of the
shroud. "I thought, 'Oh,
just another one of those
relics that aren't what
they claim to be he
"But after reading
what has been written
about the shroud over the
years, I have come
around to the view that it
is exactly what it is sup-
posed to be ? the shroud
of Christ
Mrs. Bortin said she
had accepted the view
that the shroud is authen-
tic for some time before
starting to write Image of
a Man.
The novel begins in
modern times then jumps
to Jerusalem in 30 A.D
the year scholars have set
for Jesus' crucifixion and
resurrection. A young
woman named Marianne
weaves a shroud which
will wrap the body of
The shroud then begins
its journey through
history to Rome, Con-
stantinople, Venice and
eventually Turin, where it
is the center of a modern
day drama involving a
cast of characters that in-
clude some of the scien-
tists studying the shroud
and a skeptical American
magazine writer named
Molly Madrigal.
The authors succeed in
sustaining interest
throughout the novel, a
difficult task when one
considers its scope and
the number of characters
that weave in and out of
There are several effec-
tive scenes, none more
touching than the ones in-
volving Peter and the ear-
ly Christians, confused
and clinging together in
hope after the death and

Including Skates
Weekly Ratings
i ont. from p. 6
Hihill rated R
college friends
a classmates
to catch up on
others' lives and
,ner their lost
. and '60s idealism.
I: Return of the
aucus Seven)
done extremely
excellent cast,
g Kevin Kline,
(.lose. William
Mar Kay Place
Meg Tilly, pull
emotions out
dual characters
ake this one of the
pieces of ensemble
come out of
Superb editing, a
integrated sound-
? '60s hits and a
iced script make
Hinhill must view-
Funn and touching,
him works even if
your memories of the '60s
aren't first-hand
C.E. ? ? ? ? Vi
Park Theatre
A woman and her
young son are trapped in-
side a Pinto by a rabid
dog and must endure
three sweltering days of
torment. Adapted from
the Stephen King
novel Cuo, the film
focuses on their torment
by the ravenous dog. A
blood-and-guts horror
film in the tradition of
The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre, Cujo is a
viscious shocker
guaranteed to scare the
bejesus out of most
Not viewed; no rating.
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I HI k ASl i Kvl IMN
JANUARY 17. 1984 Page I
Former Great Shoots For Olympics
I eora "Sam" Jones was play-
ing intramural softball last spring
when the extraordinary news ar-
Di Wayne Edwards, director
intramurals at ECU and a
member oi the United States
Olympic Committee, walked up
to Jones on the intramural field
and presented her with a proposi-
: she couldn't refuse. "He ask-
ed me if 1 wanted to be in the the
Olympics Jones says. "1 tripped
out; I thought he was joking '
Edwards asked Jones if she was
interested trying out for the team
handball South squad, which
competes against North, East and
YA est teams in the National Sports
Festival. The winner in the
Fesl a uhich would take place
in July, would be chosen as the
national representative. Coin-
lently, the tryouts were being
held at ECl
But Jones wasn't quite sure
about the sport. After all. she wa
a basketball player, and a darn
good one. Perhaps one the best
multiple-threat players ever to
compete at ECU, during her
tenure that ended in 1982.
A a basketball player, Jones
uas well-rounded and team-
oriented. She could score if she
wanted to, averaging 16 points a
came n her career, but her main
rtes were dishing off and steal-
b In her senior year, she led the
un in assists, steals and free
throw percentage. Her free throw
;entage (.787) and teals (75)
at year are the best ever in a
i t season at FCl
mething else was on Sam
Jones" mind in addition to never
aying the sport before.
Academics. Jones' goal, from da
one. is to obtain a college degree.
- -mething her mother wants.
is something she wants.
Nevertheless, the competitive
I not let her pass up this
rice in a lifetime opportunity.
She would give it a shot.
Never having played the sport,
?e tried out and made the South
Impressed with her ahiiitv tin-
South coach go! together with 1
wards, and the two decided that
Jones' had talent farther reacl
than the National Sports Festival
Thev felt she had the adroitness to
compete in Europe with the l S.
"It was like a dream she
"1 skipped college and went to the
The experience in Europe, says
Jones, was both educational and
joyful. She still can't believeit.
"In one year, I have seen eight
countries she says.
She was particularly impress
with Stockholm and it- tradition
"1 liked the people she says.
"The people were very, ?
friendly and everyone
I'nghsh. Also. the hav a kinj
queen and castles.
tones also liked the fact
products are cheapei and tl
American money is accepted.
However, she had a diffi
time at first because the peop
not consume the same fc kj
Americans do. "When i went
over there 1 was a meal eatei
she said. "When 1 was little, 1 liv-
ed on a farm (in Mount Oh
They eat bread, cheeses, seal
and sauerkraut. I like things
can reallv chew
The people, especially
children who followed i i
ball, served as a motivating factor
for 'ones to do better. 'They
cheer for me because I'm not a
local she says. "When little kids
come up to you betore the game.
you have to have pressure on
In Europe, according to Jones,
team handball is the second
third most popular sport i he
people -tart playing at such an
earlv age. Jones says, that
children will learn the sp
before they can fully walk.
After her interlude in I
she came back to the U.S. to par-
ticipate in the National Sp
Festival, which was held in In-
dianapolis, with 70 other girls.
Her team won the gold medal and
was in turn chosen to represent
the I S i he team was sent to
Nev Jersey to train.
1 iving in New Jersey was not
most comfortable experience
a girl from a small, North
iina town. And living in a
house with three girls to a room
and having to find a job to pay for
rent and expenses were other com-
plications that Jones' was not par-
ticularly fond of. In addition,
friendships did not develop, ac-
cording to Jones, because of the
fierce competitiveness amongst
the players.
Despite all these factors and the
fact that she was a newcomer to
the sport, Jones obtained a star-
ting position and was playing
against girls who had seven years
In August, the team, for a
week, competed in Denmark to
measure how well the they ad-
vanced from training. During the
stay, Jones was having second
thoughts about continuing. "I
thought about what 1 had to do
when 1 got back she says. "I
knew I would have to find a job
There were people on the team
working in service stations. I talk-
ed tu the coach and said no way. I
came back to school this fall
While Jones was in school, she
realized her desire to obtain this
once-in-a-lifetime chance. On
Jan. 12, she rejoined the national
team handball squad, and, last
Friday, headed to Lake Placid to
train for a national tournament in
From the tournament, a team
of 15 players will be finalized to
compete in the 1984 Summer
Olympic Games. "Anybody that
knows anything about handball
will be there she says.
If Jones does make the team,
she will be playing in a sport that
is physical in nature and combines
skills involved in almost all other
major athletics. Team Handball is
played indoors on a "field" with
netted goals, similar to indoor
soccer and hockey. The object is
to throw a ball, which is
somewhere between a volleyball
and softball in size, into the oppo-
nent's goal from beyond an arc-
shaped crease around the net.
The sport is just on the rise in
the U.S but Jones thinks it will
become more popular in years to
come. "I think that everyone that
see s it, likes it she says. "It's
all about finding how to cope with
someone hanging all over you.
You can take a shot and get hit.
? ?.? It's not like basketball. I think
Sim Jones ra perhaps the best all-around basketball PW?g ,thvtUifce jwoplein the U.S.) like
i C I setting single season records In free throw percentage, ulfff)?K? alSM
ssisis Now she's trying to be an Olympian in team handball.
There are similarities and dif-
ferences between team handball
and basketball, says Jones, but
whatever the differences are, it
seems she is adapting quite well
"It's just like basketball; you can
dribble she says. "But, there is
not soft touch. You just fire it in
"I'm a natural in that I can do
it, but not a natural in that I can
be the best at it she says modest-
"I'm not as good like in basket-
ball, they use me as a shooter. I'm
a basketball person, but I like it
When Jones dees return to
ECU, she will not let the dream
cloud reality. She plans to enroll
back in school and get a degree in
special education. "I still haven't
had my diploma yet, and it's im-
portant to me she says.
"After four years of school, no
way I'm going to quit. I feel a lot
of pride, but it takes a lot of time
and there's a lot of pressure. 1
care what people think.
"My mother tells me I've been
blessed. She said no way I should
have quit school for sports. She
said, 'Is sports going to put food
in your mouth
Nevertheless, Jones has felt like
she's made the right decision. She
comes from a large family that
has sent only two children to col-
lege, and she would be the first to
obtain a college degree. But
everyone has a dream, and that
dream, if in reach, must not slip
away. "If you have a chance to do
things, do she saysSchool is
going to be here.
Refering to her experience in
Europe, she points at her eves
with the index fingers of both
hands, and says, "I know what I
have seen with these eyes
If anyone deserves to be ECU's
first Olympian, it seems as if
Leora "Sam" Jones does. Bright-
eved, always extending a hand out
to touch the person she is talking
to, Jones is a likable person. And
the feeling is mutual. "1 like
everybody says Jones, leaning
forward in her chair, smiling per-
Indians Scalp Pirates With Superb Shooting;
64-48 Defeat Extends Losing Streak To 10 Games
"It's the same old movie said
ECU coach basketball Charlie
Harrison, referring to his team's
strong start and weak finish in
Saturday night's loss to William
and Mary.
The Indians shot a torrid 83 per
cent from the field in the first half
and 60 per cent for the game, as
they breezed to a 64-48 ECAC vic-
torv at William and Mary Hall.
"In the first half Harrison
said, "they shot very well
ECU 17th
Sforu Mtior
The ECl football team moved
up from an 18 ranking to number
17 in Sports Illustrated, final col-
lege football top 20 poll. Miami,
who the Pirates lost to by only
five points, was ranked number
one. Florida, a winner over ECU
by only seven points, was ranked
eighth. ECU was the only school
in North Carolina to be included.
In ECAC-South individual
statistics, many ECU'ers are rank-
ing high. Of Harrison's
hoopsters, Roy Smith and Derrick
Battle are second and third in
blocked shots with 1.3 per game,
and Tony Robinson is fourth in
assists, dishing of 3.5 a contest.
He is also third in steals.
Of Anduzzi's athletes, Sylvia
Bragg is third in scoring with 11.3
points a game, Anita Anderson is
second in field goal percentage,
hitting 56.1 per cent of her shots,
and Delphlne Mabry's 3.1 assists
per game ranks her third in the
ECU football All-America
Terry Long will compete in th
Walter Camp Football founda-
tion alumni benefit basketball
game on Feb. 2. Long and the rest
of the Camp All-America team
will be competing against Na-
tional Football League players.
The game is being played at
Southern Connecticut State
University and proceeds will go to
the Ronald McDonald House of
Southern New England.
"In all reality he added, "we
were still in the ballgame, but thev
got an easy layup near the end of
the first half. They are in postion
to win ballgames but thev're
The loss was the Pirates' 10th
straight, a school record, and
dropped their conference record
to 0-2 and overall to 2-10.
Wiliam and Mary, paced by
Keith Ciephcki's 16 points, raised
its record to 3-7 and its conference
mark to 1-0. Kevin Richard-on
had 14 ooints. Herb Harris 10 and
Bland 10 for the Indians.
Pirates -hot 50 per cent
m the field in the first half,
well above the team average, but
nable tii keep up with the
blistering di ;plaj.
n Bass led the Pirates with
us and seven rebounds, and
Curt Yanderhorst matched Bass'
10 points and added 3 assists.
Keith Sledge contributed 8 points,
interestingly, ECU did not at-
tempt one foul shot, as William
and Mary was called for only nine
fouls in the game. But, the In-
dians had only eight points from
the foul line, therefore excluding
freethrows as a major factor in
the outcome.
ECU came out firing from the
beginning, taking a 10-4 lead with
five minutes elapsed in the game.
The Pirates then outscored the In-
dians 6-2 in the next five minutes
to build their early lead to 12-6.
After each team exchanged
buckets, and the score 16-12
ECU, the Indians reeled off 10
straight points over a five minute
span and never trailed thereafter.
Harrison said the team plays
well initially, but has trouble
finishing. "We must take advan-
tage of opportunities and give the
other teams an easy scoring op-
portunity he said.
"When we don't do things cor-
rectly, we do them very poorly
The Pirates will finally be heading
back home when they take on
Francis Marion College this
Thursday, 7:30 pm, at Minges
ECAC-South Standings
League Overall
George Mason
James Madison
1-0 10-1
1-0 7-6
William and Mary 1 -0
East Carolina0-22-10
ECU Dumps Patriots
Delphlne Mabry puts up a shot in heavy traffic. Mabry and the
Women's basketball team defeated George Mason 68-50.
The ECU women's basketball
team exploded to a 20-2 bulge in
the first nine minutes of play
against conference foe George
Mason Sunday afternoon, and
went on to an easy 68-50 victory in
Minges Coliseum.
Head coach Cathy Andruzzi
said she wasn't satisfied with her
team's play throughout the entire
game, but quickly added, "We ex-
ecuted exactly like we wanted to in
the first 10 minutes of play
The Lady Pirates quickly
jumped to an 8-0 lead as the ECU
front court of Darlene Hedges,
Annette Phillips and Lisa
Squirewell took control of the
boards. Each of the Pirates first
four baskets were scored inside
the lane, two coming off of miss-
ed shots.
For the game, ECU outmuscled
George Mason with a 38-25 re-
bound advantage, while
Squirewell took individual honors
with a game-high 11.
Demetra Key finally broke the
ice for the Lady Patriots, narrow-
ing the score to 8-2 when she
drove the length of the court for a
layup with 15:28 remaining in the
first half.
ECU immediately went back to
work, ringing off 12 consecutive
points for their biggest lead of the
game at 20-2. Phillips contributed
six of the Pirates 12 points during
the stretch, while Sylvia Bragg
and Delphine Mabry provided the
outside punch.
Bragg was the game's leading
scorer with 20 points and also
contributed with six rebounds and
three steals. Other Pirates who
played well included Mabry, who
connected on five of eight field
goals for 12 points, and Anita
Anderson, who came off the
bench to score eight points in just
12 minutes of play.
George Mason got their second
basket of the game with only 8:35
remaining in the half, on a Bobbie
Pugh layup. The two teams ex-
changed baskets for the remainder
of the half as ECU went to the
lockerroom with a 28-13 lead.
The outset of the second half
went much the same way the first
half did. The Pirate frontline con-
tinued to dominate and was able
to put in shot after shot from the
With Andruzzi using only two
substitutes throughout the entire
game, the Pirate starting five
began to tire. With 9:13 remaining
in the game, JeAnne Daunoras
connected on a five-foot jumper
to cut the margin to 45-35.
April Maxam, ECU graduate
student and working for the
Greenville Parks and Recreation
department, performed gym-
nastics with her class during the
half time festivities.
Andruzzi called a timeout to
talk things over with her players,
and the Pirates came out a re-
juvinated group. Mabry poped
one in from the outside, and
Squirewell connected on the front
end of a one-and-one to boost the
lead back up to 13.
The closest the Patriots came
was when Pugh cut the score to
55-46 with only 2:01 remaining.
From that point on, George
Mason committed a barrage of in-
tentional fouls in a frivolous at-
tempt to save the game. The
Pirates were succesful from the
charity stripe, and in doing so.
were able to make the final
margin an 18-point massacre.
"I was pleased with the
victory Coach Andruzzi said,
"but I think we could have played
a better overall game. We lapsed
in the second half, and that let
them get back into the game
ECU moves to first place in the
ECAC-South with a 2-0 record in
conference play, and currently
stands 7-6 overall.
The Pirates next game can be
seen Wednesday at 7:30 in Minges
Coliseum against UNC-
Wilminton. Andruzzi calls the
Seahawks a veteran team, and
said her team will have to play a
hard game in order to win.
The ECl - nen
swim team cruised I
easy win
Wilmington fc
margin, while tl
fought Y
halftime deficit
The won -
Jean Kea' .
Newman, both
are freshman i
won the 100 '
the 50 free in 2'
participate :
ing 200-mr-
with Loi
Jessica Feinl .
nette Bur'
Cindv New
the 20
58 ?
m 1:01 7
relay The
ing "
and Vicli ?
b e c a u s
to coach K
ahead by
any -
wa- v
won botl ??
10:50 B
in 5 23 I
outswa- '
to pla
:56.5 sec
Other '
finisher (
the 100 -
Lon I
1:03 7
bac ksti '
also p li
cond place I
swam a 26 .
ed witl
very we
you car
well he
the women
record is pre-
A big
ween the EC '
W men
Wilmir gi
beaten the 1"
this time thev can
"They had
throat, bu
ed together a
You can
So, don
? ?

a id dif-
es, but
are, it
leg quite ell.
ou can
But. there is
c it in
can do
a ; can
?,c u
i to
he dream
to enroll
ee in
d t's im-
K1, no
fed a lot
? time
sure. I
me I've been
! should
- She
put food
rit like
n. She
itrul that
ren to col-
be the first to
degree But
and that
must not slip
tiance to do
)1 is
experience in
: at her ees
ngers of both
I what I
se eyes
Ires to be ECU's
-eems as if
s does. Bnght-
: ding a hand out
on she is talking
ible person. And
Litual. "1 like
s Jones, leaning
lair, smiling per-
to Standings
League Overall
1-0 10-1
1-0 ?-$
1-0 3-7
0-0 8-5
0-1 10-5
9-2 2-10
lied a timeout to
r with her players,
came out a re-
tp. Mabry poped
the outside, and
lected on the front
id-one to boost the
the Patriots came
jh cut the score to
ly 2:01 remaining.
nnt on. George
ted a barrage of in-
tn a frivolous at-
Jre the game. The
Isuccesful from the
and in doing so,
make the final
Iroint massacre.
'eased with the
ch Andruzzi said,
he could have played
11 game. We lapsed
half, and that let
into the game
to first place in the
with a 2-0 record in
May, and currently
next game can be
ly at " 30 in Minges
against UNC-
indruzzi calls the
veteran team, and
will have to play a
I order to win.
JANUARY 17, 1984
Eagle To Nationals
The ECU women's
swim team cruised to an
easy win over UNC-
Wifmington by a 72-41
margin, while the men
fought back from a
halftime deficit to win
The women were led by
Jean Keating and Cindy
Newman, both of whom
are freshman. Keating
won the 100 free in 56.2,
the 50 free in 25.7 and
participated on the winn-
ing 200-meter relay along
with Lori Livingston,
Jessica Feinberg and An-
nette Burton.
Cindy Newman won
the 200 freestyle in
1:58.9, the 100 butterfly
in 1:01.7 and was a
member of the 200 free
relay. The team of Liv-
ingston, Nancy James,
and Vicky Gorrie won,
but was disqualified
because a swimmer
jumped early. According
to coach Kobe we were
ahead by enough that we
would have won
Another key performer
was Scotia Miller, who
won both the 1000 free in
10:50.8 and the 500 free
in 5:23.2. In addition,
Miller was barely
outswam in the 100 free
to place a close second in
:56.5 seconds.
Other first place
finishers were Jessica
Feinberg with a 1:31.1 in
the 100 breaststroke, and
Lori Livingston with a
1:03.7 in the 100
backstroke. Nancy James
also picked up two se-
cond place finishes. She
swam a 26.2 in the 50 free
and 1:08 in the 100 back.
Coach Kobe was pleas-
ed with the womens' per-
formances. "We swam
very wellsometimes
you can win by a big
margin and not swim
well he said. The win is
number three in a row for
the women and there
record is presently 5-2.
A big rivalry exists bet-
ween the ECU and UNC-
W men's swim teams.
Wilmington has never
beaten the Pirates, but
this time they came close.
"They had us by the
throat, but our guys pull-
ed together and swam an
incredible meet said
Kobe. "We were down
24-19 at the half and
things didn't look good
The Pirates responded
though, and came back
with an excellent second
half. The team was led by
Chris Pitteli, Kevin
Ricaards and Scott Eagle.
Pitteli, who is
undefeated this year in
the 200 free, won the
event in 1:45.8. He also
placed second in the 100
free in :47.7, behind
teammate Stan Williams
who won in : 4 7.1
seconds. Pitteli was a
member of the winning
400 free relay, which
swam a 3:14.1. The other
participants of the relay
were Steve Hollet, Kevin
Hidalgo and David
Scott Eagle captured
the spotlight in diving,
placing first on both
boards. His point total
was 312 on the three
meter dive and 301 on the
one meter dive. With the
performance, Eagle
qualified for the NCAA
division II champion-
Kevin Richards won
the 200 individual medley
in 2:01.4 and the 200
back in 2:02.8. Stan
Williams, in addition to
winning the 100 free,
placed second in the SO
free in 21.6. Chema Lar-
ranaga placed second in
both the 1000 free and the
500 free.
The men's record also
improves to 5-2. The next
meet for the men and
women is Thursday
against UNC-Chapel
Hill, in the Minges Pool.
UNC's women's team is
currently ranked 3rd in
the nation. The men are
nationally ranked at
number 18.
This Week's ECU Sports Schedule
Wed. Jan. 18 7:30pm
Women's Basketball vs. UNC-
Wilmington (home)
Thurs. Jan. 19 6:00pm
Swimming vs. North Carolina
Men's Basketball vs. Francis
Marion (home)
Relay First
Every Thurs.
Terry Long will compete In the Walter
Football Foundation alumni benefit on Feb. 2.
Over the weekend, the
ECU men's track team
participated in the Joe
Hilton track meet in
Chapel Hill. Other teams
participating in the meet
were the University of
South Carolina, Pitt-
sburg, Duke, N.C. State
and UNC.
"Coming back from
the holidays, we did an
excellent job said assis-
tant coach Wayne Miller
of the teams first meet
since the Christmas
The Pirates had many
excellent performers, in-
cluding the mile relay
team of Willie Fuller,
Herman Morton, Rueben
Pierce and Eddie
Bradley, who won the
event with a time of
3:22.2. "We got 100 per-
cent out of all our mile
relayers said Miller.
The Pirates also swept
the 440 meter race with
Pierce capturing first
with a time of 50.54,
followed by Fuller at
51.12 and Keith Clark at
In the long jump, Chris
Brooks finished first with
a distance of 24' 2
Other top ECU finishers
were Chris McGlauhonh
at 22' 7 who finished
third and Art Monk in
fifth place with a jump of
22' 1
In the 60 yard dash, it
was Nathan McCorkle
finishing second with a
time of 6.45 seconds.
Other top Pirate finishers
were Erskine Evans in
fourth at 6.45 seconds
and Phillip Estes in fifth
at 6.53 seconds.
Craig White took third
in the 60 yard hurdles
with a 7.35 clocking. The
top two finishers in the
event were an Olympian
and the 1983 Pan-
American games winner.
Overall, Miller was im-
pressed with the team's
performance. "We did as
well as expected after the
The men's and
women's teams will both
be in action this weekend
at the Eastman Kodak In-
vitational at Johnson Ci-
ty, Tennessee.
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JANUARY 17, 1964
?? jjr

A Dale City, Va man
got so addicted to the
desire for a physical
challenge that he turned
to the triathlon ? a test
of swimming, distance
running and cycling.
But Bill Hunt, 28, who
began competing in
marathons five years ago,
views the grueling
demands of the triathlon
as a joy and a limitless
The competition was
held Oct. 22 in Kona,
The appropriately
named Ironman has the
longest course of all the
triathlons, beginning with
a 2.4 mile swim, followed
by a 112 mile bike trail
and topped off with a
marathon race of 26.2
miles ? adding up to a
total of 140.6 miles.
Hunt and other par-
ticipants encountered
some extraordinary
Natural and man-made
setbacks in the latest
Ironman with 45 mile-an-
hour head winds on the
bike trail and tacks so-
meone had placed about
midway on the bicycle
Hunt said he was stun-
ned to see many of his
competitors drop out of
the race. He did not find
out that flat tires ruined
their chances until after
he had crossed the finish
line. About 120 of the 964
participants quit in the
middle of the race.
Hunt, who had hoped
to break 11 hours, avoid-
ed a flat tire but suffered
a painful swelling of the
knees from being buffet-
ted by the strong winds as
he climbed the steep
course with his bicycle.
The trim 5-foot-9,
150-pound triathlete
finished 386th in
12:46:02, more than an
hour longer than his 1982
Ironman time of 11:43
for 150th place.
Hunt said he
sometimes laments that
he is restricted from
training the eight hours a
day he believes would be
necessary to move up to
the top-ten bracket. But
even as a family man with
a full-time job as a
department store sales
representative, he
manages to work out
three or four hours daily v
splitting his training bet-
ween the early morning
and late night hours.
Toward the end of the
training period he will
spend one day swimming
two miles, cycling 100
miles, and running 10
miles. He said he is con-
vinced anyone in "decent
physical condition" can
train for the endurance
necessary to finish the
Ironman. To support his
point, he noted that five
men older than 60 and
one 55 year-old woman
completed the last Iron-
NOROICA SKI Roots, lilt 1. A Steal
at UC X 7SMS4I Iftw 4:00.
KIM, Unloved meeting ? dancing with
you at Snowshoa. WouWJ Ilka to oat
together do It again in Oreenvllle. !?
you Ilka ma Moa call mo called
tt? ? mm attar 10 p.m. OREO
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Call 7S2-2345.
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month lacHeae all wttlltias pateae end
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Claaa to campy. Call 7Sa-7aaa.
Stratford Arms Apt. Call Karon
WANTED nonsmoking roomata Fat-
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black from campus: AC Call
Acras ?us 90 mo half utiiitias. pi.
ROOMMATE WANTED: naat, mala,
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son. Call Kyle (4-7 pm only) 7SO-47M
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smakar, serious it-odant blacks
Irom campus, prlvata raam, 'i rant
and utllitlas, rant 1 .44. deposit,
naad badroom turnltura. Call 7SO-4147
WANTED: Rasponsibla famala
roomato to shara a two badroom apt.
Rant siis ma. Tar Rlvar Estatat
Profer nansmakar. 7JA-7111
WANTED: IBM Display writar
clans. As audio techs" wa don't
charge tor repair astimatas. Call as
at ma TECH shop 7S7-ifao.
WANTED: Rasponsibla parson to
pick up children from schoolor 4
?ays a waak. Call 714-407 pttar 4 pm
at eiperienced D'O players to start a
group Call Jay at 7?-e0.
Joyner Library. Call 74-044 attar 7
WEATHER Wall fat maary tar SPR-
ING BREAK M at Daytana Baach
Round trip trans, with kegs. 7 nights
?ccam. Ocaantrant at ma Kings Inn. 3
peolsMe keg pertias. bands, cantasts
plus lots moral! All tar only SIMM.
For mara Into call Mlka at 714-7074
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Pk?. of 12 ? 12 Oz. Can Re?. & U.
Way Pay M.29
6 5 Ot. - It. CltBBk Taat
la Oil Water
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119 Sheets - 2 Ply
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Why Pay S9 aJU Ul?:
SO Lb. Baf - Beef
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12 0z. - Aeatrieai Slieet
Borden's Cheese
24 Oi. ? Caitlekerr?
Beef Stew
1 Lb. ? Nar?arlM Qaarteri
14 0?. - Aitertea Dae, Fee! ?-
Cadillac Shedds Spread
H 0z. SiatbiM
Krispy Crackers
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2? Chicken Noodle
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4Paek Aiiertea
SrToilet Tissue t?
WbyPay M.SS
? Power "
WVy Pt? 2.ll oJ
Del Monte IKS
0k MyNfM.1t tV
a ??? ?? -ma t"
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The East Carolinian, January 17, 1984
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 17, 1984
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